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Assign Procedure


The Assign procedure does the same thing as AssignFile , but you should use AssignFile in new code. Assign is a method name that is often used in Delphi, and the two names can result in confusion. Assign is not a real procedure.

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assign file delphi

Using resource files with Delphi

Post date: Dec 10, 2009 4:01:26 PM

Create the resource file script.

What follows is a step by step instruction for creating resource files.

Resource files can contain text, html documents, sounds, images etc.

Open a simple text editor, e.g. Notepad and enter the files you want to include in your application.

Every line consist of a resource name , a resource type and the resource .

In the example below support is the resource name , HTML is the resource type and "support.html" is the resource .

support HTML "support.html"

content HTML "content.html"

help HTML "help.html"

bg JPG "bg.jpg"

back BMP "back.bmp"

forward BMP "forward.bmp"

home BMP "home.bmp"

next GIF "next.gif"

Save this file with the .rc extension, e.g. myresource.rc .

Compile the resource file.

Now compile myresource.rc with the resource compiler BRCC32.exe which you will find in your Delphi5\bin\ directory.

BRCC32.exe is a command line utility that has the .rc extension associated with it.

Double-click myresource.rc in Windows Explorer and it will be compiled to myresource.res .

Include the resource file in your project.

Enter a statement like {$R .\resources\myresource.res} in your main unit file.

This will look then something like:


{$R .\resources\myresource.res}

Assuming that you keep the resource for a project in a subdirectory called resources , (like I always do for clarity).

Loading the resource file

Next you need a procedure to load a named resource into a memorystream

procedure LoadResourceFile(aFile: string ; ms:TMemoryStream);

HResInfo: HRSRC;

HGlobal: THandle;

Buffer, GoodType : pchar;

I: integer;

Ext: string ;



if ext='HTM' then ext:='HTML';



HResInfo := FindResource(HInstance, pchar(aFile), GoodType);

HGlobal := LoadResource(HInstance, HResInfo);

if HGlobal = 0 then

raise EResNotFound.Create('Can''t load resource: '+aFile);

Buffer := LockResource(HGlobal);

ms.WriteBuffer(Buffer[0], SizeOfResource(HInstance, HResInfo));




The TmemoryStream must be created before you call the routine. If you use a lot of resources in your program you can create the variable ms in the FormCreate event and destroy it in the FormDestroy event.

aFile is the name of a resource file to be loaded, without path information.

Personally I always use the method of giving the resource name the same name as the resource file without the extension . This allows for a generic routine like above.

Using the resource file

Finally we want to use the resource file that is now in the TMemoryStream variable ms .

In Delphi many components have a LoadFromStream method that you can use to load the resource.

Suppose we want to load the resource file support.html into a Tstrings .

procedure LoadStringResource;




In the above Memo1 is a TMemo .

Alternative method

procedure LoadStringResource2;

tmpStream: TResourceStream;

tmpStream := TResourceStream.Create( HInstance, 'support', 'HTML' );

memo1.Lines.LoadFromStream( tmpStream );


Compiling resources into your application is easy. It can be used to include all the html docs and images that together make up the user interface. These could have included these files as external files, but this way I am sure that they are always there when the program needs them.

They can also be used to create custom install packages.


  • Up to Parent: System
  • 1 Properties
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  • 2.2 Code Examples


Associates the name of an external file with a file variable.

Call AssignFile to initialize a file variable in Delphi code. F is a file variable of any file type. FileName is a string-type expression or an expression of type PChar if extended syntax is enabled.

After calling AssignFile , F is associated with the external file until F is closed. All further operations on the file variable F operate on the external file named by FileName.

When the FileName parameter is empty, AssignFile associates F with the standard input or standard output file. If assigned an empty name, after a call to Reset (F), F refers to the standard input file, and after a call to Rewrite (F), F refers to the standard output file.

Do not use AssignFile on a file variable that is already open.

Note: To avoid scope conflicts, AssignFile replaces the Assign procedure that was available in early versions of the Delphi product. However, for backward compatibility, Assign is still available.
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  1. Delphi Basics : AssignFile command

    The AssignFile procedure assigns a value to FileHandle for a FileName in preparation for reading or writing to that file. Version 1. Takes a text file variable type as the handle. The file is treated as a textfile when opened. If the file name is an empty string, then file access is made to the console standard input and output streams. Version 2.

  2. System.AssignFile

    Description. Associates the name of an external file with a file variable. Call AssignFile to initialize a file variable in Delphi code. F is a file variable of any file type. FileName is a string-type expression or an expression of type PChar if extended syntax is enabled. After calling AssignFile, F is associated with the external file until ...

  3. delphi

    It has a lot of utilities for writing to files. e.g. procedure WriteAllText (const Path: string; const Contents: string); overload; static; Creates a new file, writes the specified string to the file, and then closes the file. If the target file already exists, it is overwritten. answered Oct 20, 2011 at 5:43.

  4. AssignFile Procedure

    See the example with the Array. // Keyword for the other overloaded Log procedure. F: TextFile; AssignFile(F, LogFile); // Try to append to the file, which succeeds only if the file exists. Append(F); if IOResult <> 0 then. // The file does not exist, so create it. Rewrite(F);

  5. File I/O

    The delphi help files suggest that you use the Pascal routines if you can. Use of the non-native Pascal file variable handlers such as FileOpen is discouraged. These routines map to the Windows API functions and return file handles, not normal Pascal file variables. These are low-level file access routines.

  6. Delphi source code: Writing and reading to/from a text file

    For saving one or more strings to a text file, you code the following steps: Declare a variable of the type TextFile.; Use the command AssignFile to connect the TextFile variable to a physical file on disk. "Open" the text file for writing with the command Rewrite.This means, that a new text file will be created on the disk.

  7. System.Assign

    Description. Associates the name of an external file with a file variable. Call Assign to initialize a file variable in Delphi code. F is a file variable of any file type. FileName is a string-type expression or an expression of type PChar if extended syntax is enabled. After calling Assign, F is associated with the external file until F is closed.

  8. file

    Yes. The second parameter of AssignFile has type string. The expression cFileDir + '\' + sFile has type string. FWIW, AssignFile is known as a function rather than a command. Getting on top of terminology like this will help you learn the language more effectively. answered Jun 22, 2015 at 15:05. David Heffernan.

  9. Assign Procedure

    Name Assign Procedure Syntax procedure Assign(var F: File; const FileName: string); procedure Assign(var F: TextFile; const FileName: string); Description The Assign procedure does the same thing as AssignFile, but … - Selection from Delphi in a Nutshell [Book]

  10. Delphi Basics

    Here we are getting a handle to a text file, designated by the TextFile type (binary files are of type File).We ask Delphi to assign a file handle for a file called 'Test.txt' which will be assumed to be in the current directory (as given by the GetCurrentDir routine).: Next, we must open the file using this handle.

  11. DelphiBasics

    Create the resource file script. What follows is a step by step instruction for creating resource files. Resource files can contain text, html documents, sounds, images etc. Open a simple text editor, e.g. Notepad and enter the files you want to include in your application. Every line consist of a resource name, a resource type and the resource.

  12. delphi

    Regarding your update, assign s.Size to a local variable of type Integer and then use WriteBuffer to save it. In reverse, use ReadBuffer to read into a local variable. If I were you I would write direct to the file and avoid the memory streak. Use the Position property of TStream to seek around the file.

  13. System.AssignFile

    In Delphi können Sie mit AssignFile eine Dateivariable initialisieren. F ist eine Dateivariable eines beliebigen Dateityps. FileName enthält einen Ausdruck des Typs String bzw. PChar (wenn die erweiterte Syntax aktiviert ist). Nach dem Aufruf von AssignFile ist F der externen Datei zugeordnet, bis F wieder geschlossen wird.

  14. How can we check file pointer is assigned or not in delphi?

    You can then check if it has already been assigned to a file with this: IF TTextRec(FilePtr).Handle=0 THEN BEGIN. AssignFile(FilePtr,'File1.txt'); Rewrite(FilePtr) END; When you close it, you must also add this line: CloseFile(FilePtr); TTextRec(FilePtr).Handle:=0; If your FilePtr is a FILE and not a TextFile, replace TTextRec with TFileRec ...

  15. System.AssignFile

    Description. Associates the name of an external file with a file variable. Call AssignFile to initialize a file variable in Delphi code. F is a file variable of any file type. FileName is a string-type expression or an expression of type PChar if extended syntax is enabled. After calling AssignFile, F is associated with the external file until ...

  16. Delphi

    Mastering Picture Loading in Delphi: Learn how to efficiently load and manipulate images using Delphi's powerful Image component. In this tutorial, we delve ...