How to Remove or Break Hard Drive Mirror on Windows 7/8/10 OS

If you have created a mirrored volume on Windows and do you don't want the mirror anymore, then read this tutorial to learn how to remove or break the mirror. Before removing or breaking a mirror, it is important to understand the difference between these operations.

What is the difference between the 'Break Mirror' vs the 'Remove Mirror' option? The " Break Mirror " operation, will stop the mirroring on the selected volume, without affecting the data on any disk. (Data will remain untouched on both disks).

The " Remove Mirror " operation, will stop the mirroring on the selected volume and destroys all the data on the mirror disk. (Data will remain only on one disk).

What option to choose? Break Mirror or Remove Mirror? The decision between breaking or removing mirror, must be based on your needs. For example: If you need extra space on your system then choose the "remove mirror" option, but if you want to use the disk in another computer, in order to use your current Windows configuration, then you must choose the "break mirror" option. If you don't know yet what to do, then prefer the "Break Mirror" option, which keeps all your data in both disks intact, until you decide.

In this tutorial you 'll find detailed instructions on how to break or remove hard drive mirroring on Windows.

How to Break Hard Disk Mirror on Windows 10, 8 or 7 OS.

To break disk mirroring:


3. Right click on the Volume that you want to break the mirror and select Break Mirrored Volume .

break hard drive mirror

4. At the next screen, carefully read the warning message and click Yes . *

* Caution: After breaking the mirror, you data will remain on both disks but you remains will no longer be fault tolerant.

break mirrored volume windows

How to Remove Hard Disk Mirror on Windows 10, 8 or 7 OS.

To remove disk mirroring:

3. Right click on the Volume that you want to remove its mirror and select Remove Mirror.

remove drive mirror windows

4. Carefully select from which disk you want to remove the mirror of the selected volume selected and click Remove Mirror. *

* Caution: This action will destroy all the data on the selected disk and after removal the space used for the mirror will appear as "Unallocated".

remove mirrored volume windows

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When I try to break or remove mirror on a system drive. I get the messege: The specified plex is the current system or boot plex. How do I break the mirror on a system partition?

' src=

Perform the operation by select the other disk that the one you try.

' src=

Thanks for the article! I have setup mirror on win 10 pro dell xps8500 pc after buying a second drive. The original drive is primary and is getting along in years, Question: What is the best way to replace the original drive?

' src=

Thanks for the information. Upgrading to Windows10 Pro keeps failing. I hope this clears the path for a successful upgrade. Is it possible to "re-establish" the mirror once the upgrade has been completed?

James Douglass

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Thanks for sharing this valuable content with us this work is appreciable and I have bookmarked your website.

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There are several ways to remove the hard drive mirror on Windows 10, 8 or 7, but if you read and follow the article, you will get the easiest way for it.

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diskpart remove mirror

Configuring Disk Mirroring (RAID 1) on Windows Server 2008

Creating and Managing Windows Server 2008 Striped (RAID 0) VolumesMirroring Windows Server 2008 GBT and MBR Boot and System Disks

Note that the focus of this chapter is the mirroring of data disks. For details of mirroring system disks refer to Mirroring Windows Server 2008 System Disks .

An Overview of Disk Mirroring (RAID 1) Creating a Mirrored (RAID 1) Set using Disk Management Creating a Mirrored (RAID 1) Volume from the Command Prompt Adding a Mirror to an Existing Volume Breaking and Removing Mirrored Sets Recovering a Mirrored Set

An Overview of Disk Mirroring (RAID 1)

Disk mirroring consists of two identical volumes on two different physical disk drives. Any data is written to the mirrored volume is, in fact, written to both disk drives such that if one disk drive fails the data will still be available on the other disk. Unlike striping , which increases I/O performance, mirroring will actually reduce performance for the simple reason that all data write transactions have to be performed twice - once on each drive in the mirrored set.

Creating a Mirrored (RAID 1) Set using Disk Management

Within the Disk Management tool right click on the unallocated space in the graphical view of the first disk to be used in the mirror set and select New Mirrored Volume... to invoke the New Mirrored Volume wizard. Click Next on the welcome screen to proceed to the disk selection screen. As mentioned previously, a mirrored set must be comprised of two disk drives. Initially, the wizard only lists the currently selected disk in the Selected column. In order to proceed, one more disk is required. To add a disk to the mirrored set, select a suitable disk from the available disks in the left hand column and click on Add to add it to the selected disks list:

With the necessary disks selected click Next to proceed and assign a drive letter or mount point for the volume. The Next button will then proceed to the Format Volume screen where the file system type and compression options may be selected. To view the summary screen, press the Next button. Assuming the summary is acceptable the Finish button will format the volumes and create the mirrored volume ready for use.

Creating a Mirrored (RAID 1) Volume from the Command Prompt

Adding a mirror to an existing volume, breaking and removing mirrored sets, recovering a mirrored set, navigation menu, personal tools.

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Using Diskpart to create, delete, clean or extend disk partitions

The diskpart is one of the oldest tools in the Windows operating system that handles a wide range of disk management jobs, such as assigning drive letters and deleting partitions.

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For basic disk operations on Windows systems, administrators can use diskpart , a command-line utility that remains useful for many different drive-related jobs more than 20 years after it was released.

Microsoft included the free disk management tool in Windows starting in 1999 with the Windows 2000 operating system. Diskpart scans for newly added disks, but it can also create, delete and resize drive partitions , and assign or reassign drive letters. Diskpart also works with drive volumes, virtual hard disks and removable media such as USB flash drives.

Microsoft continues to develop diskpart, and the latest version of the utility features 38 commands. To use diskpart, you list the objects, such as disks or partitions, and then select the object to change it.

diskpart commands

Using diskpart requires understanding data storage terminology

Diskpart use requires a basic understanding of Windows disk terminology . A basic disk is a storage device, such as hard drives, solid-state drives and USB flash drives, which you format with a Windows file system .

A basic disk can hold one or several partitions. A partition is a logical structure confined to a single disk.

A volume is a construct of the operating system that consists of one or more partitions that can span one or more disks.

Using diskpart

You should be careful when using diskpart because there is no undo function if you select the wrong object. Also, once a command is entered, even a destructive one, diskpart does not ask for confirmation before it runs. For example, if you perform an errant diskpart delete partition operation, you must use another utility, such as third-party disk management program, to recover the data or use a backup image to restore the drive.

Follow these tips to avoid issues when using diskpart:

  • Do not use diskpart until you back up the disk you plan to modify.
  • Exercise caution when using diskpart on systems that use dynamic disks, an older technology with advanced features that gave administrators a way to make a volume that spanned several disks.
  • Check with your hardware vendor before using diskpart.

Creating a partition using diskpart

Using diskpart to partition your disk can help increase the I/O performance of hard disks newly added to a RAID array . The documentation for many server applications, such as Exchange Server, recommends using diskpart to create the primary or extended partitions. You can use a primary partition as the system partition; you can only use an extended partition for additional logical drive assignments.

The diskpart create command makes disk partitions, volumes on a single disk or multiple disks, and virtual hard disks.

For this and all following commands, you need to open the command prompt before you run diskpart. Type cmd from the run command window from the Windows search box or the run command dialog box that you open with the Windows+R key combination.

To create a partition:

  • At a command prompt, type: diskpart
  • At the DISKPART prompt, type list disk (Note the drive number you wish to manipulate.)
  • At the DISKPART prompt, type: select disk 0 (This selects disk to edit; make sure to type in the disk number from step two.)
  • At the DISKPART prompt, type create partition primary size=10000 (The size parameter refers to the size in megabytes. In this case, 10000 equals 10 GB. Change the word primary to extended to create an extended partition. If you do not set a size, then all available space on the disk will be used for the partition.)
  • At the DISKPART prompt, type assign letter=D (Choose an unused drive letter.)
  • At the DISKPART prompt, type exit
  • From the command prompt, use the format command, or the Disk Management utility in Windows or any disk format tool to format the drive. You would typically use the NTFS file system during the initialization process.

diskpart create partition

Extending a partition using diskpart

When it comes to adding space to a partition or volume, this method is superior to configuring two disks. Dynamic disk extensions only concatenate the newly added space, meaning they merely add the disk space to the end of the original partition without restriping the data.

Concatenation isolates performance within each partition and does not offer fault tolerance when the partition is configured in a RAID array. Diskpart restripes your existing data. This is beneficial when the partition is set up in a RAID array, because the existing partition data spreads across all the drives in the array, rather than just adding new space to the end, like the Disk Management utility.

To extend a partition:

  • Verify that contiguous free space is available on the same drive and that free space is next to the partition you intend to extend with no partitions in between. Be sure you have a full backup before trying this method.
  • At a command prompt, type diskpart
  • At the DISKPART prompt, type select disk 0 (Selects the disk.)
  • At the DISKPART prompt, type select volume 0 (Selects the volume.)
  • At the DISKPART prompt, type extend (If you do not set a size, then diskpart will use all available space on the disk.)

diskpart extend partition

Deleting a partition using diskpart

The delete command in diskpart removes dynamic disks, partitions, volumes and shadow copies. When you have multiple volumes on the disk or an unwanted partition, such as a recovery partition , this command will remove them and return them to unallocated space.

To delete a partition:

  • At the DISKPART prompt, type list partition
  • At the DISKPART prompt, type select partition 4 (Selects the partition.)
  • At the DISKPART prompt, type delete partition

diskpart extend partition

Creating a volume using diskpart

When using dynamic disks in Windows, you can create four volume types with diskpart: volume mirror, RAID-5 volume , simple volume and striped volume.

To create a simple volume :

  • At the DISKPART prompt, type create volume simple size=1000 (The size is in megabytes.)

Cleaning a disk using diskpart

When you have an entire disk to wipe clean, you can use the diskpart clean command to convert all the stored data into unallocated space. This operation deletes all data on the disk by writing zeros on each disk sector. Diskpart also removes all partition and volume information from the selected drive.

To clean a disk :

  • At the DISKPART prompt, type select disk 0
  • At the DISKPART prompt, type clean all

Other ways to use diskpart

For maintenance work that requires a bootable USB flash drive, you can use diskpart to format the partition and set up the file system on the removable drive. Administrators can also use diskpart in both the Windows Preinstallation Environment and Windows Recovery Environment to correct disk problems or set up the machine for deployment.

With the diskpart /s switch, administrators can run scripts to automate tasks associated with setting up Windows machines, such as configuring the disks for multiple systems, adding a recovery partition or wiping all data from a disk to return it to a factory state.

Sample code from the Microsoft site gives examples of how to develop a text-based script file administrators can call from diskpart and run automatically. IT workers can run several diskpart scripts, but Microsoft recommends building in a delay of 15 seconds after a script runs to prevent issues.

For an in-depth tutorial on how to use diskpart for preparing a Windows 10 system for deployment, this blog post on the SearchEnterpriseDesktop site provides detailed instructions to use diskpart with a script .

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Break or remove a mirror

Break or remove a mirror

You can break or remove a mirror. It is important to understand the difference between these operations.

Breaking a mirror takes away a redundant mirror (or plex) of a volume and assigns it another drive letter. The data on the new volume is a snapshot of the original volume at the time of breaking. Breaking off a plex of the mirrored volume does not delete the information, but it does mean that the plex that is broken off will no longer mirror information from the other plex or plexes in the mirrored volume.

Removing a mirror from a volume "removes" or destroys the data from the selected mirror and leaves the other mirror or mirrors intact. After you remove a mirror, the space on the disk used by the removed mirror becomes unallocated free space.


Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows does not allow you to remove the mirror of the volume that Windows is using to boot from. Also, if you break a mirrored boot volume, you cannot boot from the portion that was broken off.

The details on breaking and removing a mirror are included in the next two sections, "Break Mirror" and "Remove Mirror."

Add a mirror to a volume Break mirror
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Diskpart Command in Windows

DiskPart is a powerful tool for disk management under Windows OS. Diskpart Command is used to manage the computer hard drive, partitions, and volumes. This Command is not only limited to Windows 10 but also available in Windows 8.1,8,7 or even in Windows 2000. The Diskpart is used from creating or deleting partitions to wiping the drive clean or fixing errors on drives.

Diskpart looks similar to the Disk Management tool, but the only difference is that diskpart is a command prompt utility which makes it more powerful and provides more functionality than the Disk Management tool.

Let us see how Diskpart can help you to manage your drives, partitions, and volumes.

Note: You should always run your computer in Administrator mode while you are making use of DiskPart.


You can run the following commands from the Diskpart command interpreter:

Open and List Drives or Partitions or Volumes:

It is important to list the drives, partitions, or volumes before we go ahead and implement DiskPart commands on them. Follow the below-mentioned steps to list the drives:

  • Type diskpart , after pressing Windows+R Keys and clicking on ok.

diskpart remove mirror

  • In the DiskPart command Window, type list disk and hit Enter

diskpart remove mirror

  • This will list all the available drives with a number specified to them starting from 0.
  • If you want to see all the volumes then type list volume and hit Enter.

diskpart remove mirror

  • This will list all the available volumes with a number specified to it starting from 0.

The above article, explains the use cases and parameters of the diskpart command on Windows.


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How can I use DiskPart to create a mirrored disk?

Picture of John Savill

March 18, 2003

A. You can use the DiskPart utility from the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit or the Win2K Professional Resource kit to either create a new mirrored disk or mirror an existing disk. (Be aware that Windows XP doesn't support mirrored disks.) To create a new mirrored disk, perform the following steps:

Download and install the DiskPart utility from the Microsoft Web site .

Go to Start, Run, then type

to start a command-line session.

to start a DiskPart session.

to list the current disks. The list will look like

to select disk 2 as the disk on which you want to create the mirror.

to create a new volume.

to add disk 3 as the new disk that will become the mirror.

To add a mirrored disk to an existing disk, perform the following steps:

to select disk 1 as the existing disk that you want to mirror.

to list the current partitions. The list will look like

to select the partition for which you want to add a mirrored disk.

to add a new disk, which will mirror the disk you selected in Step 5.

About the Author(s)

John Savill

John Savill

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Disk Mirror Failed After Clean Windows Reformat

I don't remember the specification of my late windows 11 but my HDD disk was working perfectly fine despite not having been defrag for a couple of months.

Recently I reformatted my PC with a new windows 11 and the first thing I noticed was that there was a missing disk in my explorer. Checking out my disk manager was this:

Disk Manager

I've been trying to find a solution in forums and Troubleshooting Disk Management for weeks now but to no avail. I also tried to reinstall the disk driver from the device manager, reactivated the disks and installing Seagate tools running diagnostics. I

s there perhaps something wrong with the BIOS that I'd need to flash the BIOS as well? or is the disk corrupted? it'd be best if I wouldn't need to format the disk as I have 1TB of data within them that I'd like to keep. Does anyone know how to resolve the issue? Thanks in advance.

Oh, also not sure if it's worth mentioning but before reformatting windows there was a problem with powering down my PC whether it be sleep, shut down or restart. The PC just went into BIOS plenty of times when sleeping and a couple of times when restarting and shutdown.

Hard Disk Type: Seagate BarraCuda 2TB 3.5" SATA 256MB 7200RPM Internal HDD - ST2000DM008

I have already ask this question over Microsoft forums but doesn't get any decent solutions. I'm refraining from flashing my BIOS as it's not recommended? after researching through. Having no disk label, I run HD Tune on the disk and get no errors as well as chkdsk using mountvol didn't seem to fix anything. Last resort, I'm also considering claiming warranty for the disks issue.

In addition, before writing this question, I also recently clean reformatted windows for the 3rd time and notice previous I had a burst mouse click issue although that was also a clean formatted windows but that went away with this one, I'm starting to think that my BIOS has an issue.

DavidPostill's user avatar

  • I don't think "failed" refers to the physical drive, although it could eventually be the root cause, but to the dynamic disk configuration (software/Windows RAID). I think person who closed this question doesn't really understand the issue and there's not a single mention of the need for data recovery in OP to referring to a data recovery related answer is nonsense IMO. –  Joep van Steen Commented Nov 6, 2022 at 15:13
  • @JoepvanSteen yes I believe the physical disk is fine as well using the recovery tools I could see the data are recoverable. –  ReMiKU RH Commented Nov 7, 2022 at 2:51

Change a dynamic disk back to a basic disk

Per Microsoft: Dynamic disks have been deprecated from Windows and we don't recommend using them anymore. Instead, we recommend using basic disks or using the newer Storage Spaces technology when you want to pool disks together

I assume that when you installed Windows 11, you didn't first completely format the disk or remove the volumes. Depending on the way the OS was installed (seperate volume?), simply removing the volumes will resolve the problem.

Disk utilities wouldn't care about this information and it has no bearing on the health of the drive.

Windows sees the dynamic volumes' entries but recognizes that they are in a failed state.

Blindspots's user avatar

  • Yes, I didn't format any other disk except the system disk where windows are installed on separately. I did delete any volumes or partition and freshly install the OS. I see but the documentation shown is for windows server... does it also apply for normal windows? that makes it failed to recognize the disks? –  ReMiKU RH Commented Nov 7, 2022 at 2:30
  • Do you have 1 or 2 physical disks? Can you show us all the drive entries in disk manager and the complete width? –  Blindspots Commented Nov 7, 2022 at 2:33
  • 1 In total, I have 5 internal disks in my PC: 1 NVME for the system 2 SSDs basic disks and 2 HDDs which I made dynamic disks. I would like to show you however, I'm outside working atm, so I'll edit them later when I get back –  ReMiKU RH Commented Nov 7, 2022 at 2:40
  • Np. So you still have access to the 1 tb of data on the dynamic disks? –  Blindspots Commented Nov 7, 2022 at 2:44
  • No, I don't there's no label for the disk nor does it appear on the explorer. –  ReMiKU RH Commented Nov 7, 2022 at 2:47

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how to mirror a disk in windows server 2016 core

I have a server with 2 identical hard drives. I installed windows server 2016 core on the 1 rt hard drive and now I would like to mirror (raid 1) the content of this hard drive on the hard Drive 2. How to do this from the command line ?

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zeus's user avatar

  • Diskpart....... –  joeqwerty Commented Jul 4, 2018 at 22:11
  • i know but how to do this with diskpart, just doing "add disk" and it's enaugh ? –  zeus Commented Jul 4, 2018 at 22:22
  • We don't provide step by step instructions. There is an abundance of information available on the diskpart utility. You'll need to do your own research on how to use it to achieve your goal. –  joeqwerty Commented Jul 4, 2018 at 22:28

This can be done from administrative tools --> disk management, but if you want it from command prompt, you can use diskpart.

1st step is to convert the disks to dynamic:

Then, you must select the required to be mirrored volume(s) and assign the second disk:

*Make sure the volume you select is the desired one.

Other helpful commands:

Overmind's user avatar

  • Also, you can go with Storage Spaces instead of Dynamic disk mirroring. Storage Spaces Mirroring shows better performance, but requires more CPU resources. –  Strepsils Commented Jul 6, 2018 at 12:44
  • Yes, it's certainly an option but I'd rather do further testing at this point until deciding to widely use this system. –  Overmind Commented Jul 9, 2018 at 8:43

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diskpart remove mirror


I have looked almost everywhere for the proper sequence to replace mirrored drives. The drives are getting old but still healthy we just want to replace them with new hard drives, has anyone actually done this? Only 2 drives 0 and 1. SATA drives in IBM server. Software mirroring with Windows Server Disk Management. I would appreciate the proper steps for removing, remirroring a drive, rebooting with the new drive and remirroring the other new drive. Just don’t want to harm the drives already running in case they need to be put back in the system. P.N. - on server os and recovery partition also in mirroring state.

Removing one and allowing Windows to rebuild the new should be all that is required, however you should avoid software RAID, especially windows based at all costs.

Why would you choose this option?

There is no sequence in RAID. All drives are peers, there is no concept of primary, secondary, first, master, etc. They are just “member drives” and are all equal. So just replace one at a time, any one.

Software raid was configured by ex. Engineer.

I also do not preferred software raid.

Its same as removing and reinserting drive.


Then either leave the drives as they are, if they have not failed why replace them, or take this opportunity to start over and do it right - virtualize

Yes, once you remove a drive the system will see it as having failed. Because really… if you yank a drive out it really doesn’t work so it’s legit.

Remember to verify things like your hot swap status. We know nothing of your hardware capabilities.

From one of the drive gets a smart error on segate software.

So thats why i wish to replace as it might be predicted to be fail in future.

I have search on google and found below steps.

You may refer to the steps to replace the mirrored drives.

right-click on the mirrored volume on the primary disk and select Remove Mirror.

When the dialog box pops up, select the Miss one, and then click OK to remove.

Please note: By doing this, the operation system will break the mirror between the healthy disk and the failed disk, and this would not cause data lose.

Afterwards, you will see the volume replica (which is previously a replica of the mirror volume) shows as simple volume on the healthy disk.

Then please plug a new hard drive onto the server, and then initialize the new disk and convert it into dynamic disk.

Then you can right-click on the simple volume on that healthy disk, and select Add Mirror…

When it pops up, select the new-added disk as the other part of the new mirror, Click Add Mirror.

The operation system should re-synchronize the information and re-establish the mirror volume.

You can also remove that failed disk in the Disk Management console.

Is this right or just i can shut down the server and replace the drive and restat.

Server was ibm x3200 type 7979 old one.

No raid card or inbuilt raid support in server.

This goes without saying, but if you are doing anything with replacing drives make sure you have a good functional backup first should things go south from some unseen reason.

That old thing? I don’t think it support hot swap at all.

Buy a newer server with hardware RAID is my recommendation.

Thanks all for the reply.

Issue has been resolved now.

Ref. link from spiceworks

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[Fixed!] Will Diskpart Clean Destroy Existing Data

I am downgrading a laptop from Windows 8 to Windows 7, but in order to do so, I have to use diskpart clean. The disk has several partitions, namely a system partition and a data partition. Will diskpart clean destroy the existing data in the data partition?

diskpart remove mirror

Best Answered by

Brithny · Answered on Jul 05, 2024

Will diskpart clean destroy existing data? The answer is no, diskpart clean will not destroy the existing data but remove any and all partition or volume formatting from the disk with focus. If you accidentally cleaned disk using diskpart command, don't worry! EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard can help you recover deleted data after the diskpart clean or dispart clean all command.

  Download for Win  Recovery Rate 99.7%   Download for Mac  Trustpilot Rating 4.7

DiskPart clean overwrites the partitioning information, including hidden sectors or the Protective MBR on an MBR/GPT Disk, resulting in removing all partitions or volume formatting from the disk. So, your data will be deleted after executing this command. Therefore, before carrying out the diskpart clean command, back up your important files first.

Back up your files before executing the diskpart clean command using the Windows Backup and Restore feature, an external hard drive, or a cloud device. If you already performed the command, and what to find a way to recover data back from the cleaned disk . Here are the steps you can refer to recover your disk after accidentally running the diskpart clean command without realizing the essential files included:

Step 1. Launch the EaseUS software, and choose the disk you run the diskpart command.

Step 2. Click 'Search for Lost Data' to scan all the recoverable data on the selected disk.

Step 3. Choose the data you want, double-click to preview its content, and click 'Recover' to get it back.

🔥Read More:

  • How to Recover Files from a Formatted Hard Drive (2024)
  • Top 10 Format Data Recovery Software of 2024

Use EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard to recover deleted or lost files easily and quickly.

Tutorials on how to recover lost, deleted, or formatted data from HDD, SSD, USB, SD card, or other storage media on Windows and Mac.

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create volume mirror

  • 9 contributors
Applies to: Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012

Creates a volume mirror by using the two specified dynamic disks. After the volume has been created, the focus automatically shifts to the new volume.

Parameter Description
size= Specifies the amount of disk space, in megabytes (MB), that the volume will occupy on each disk. If no size is given, the new volume takes up the remaining free space on the smallest disk and an equal amount of space on each subsequent disk.
disk= , [ ] Specifies the dynamic disks on which the mirror volume is created. You need two dynamic disks to create a mirror volume. An amount of space that is equal to the size specified with the parameter is allocated on each disk.
align= Aligns all volume extents to the closest alignment boundary. This parameter is typically used with hardware RAID logical unit number (LUN) arrays to improve performance. is the number of kilobytes (KB) from the beginning of the disk to the closest alignment boundary.
noerr For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without this parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error.

To create a mirrored volume of 1000 megabytes in size, on disks 1 and 2, type:

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Additional resources


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    diskpart remove mirror

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  16. Urgent

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    Depending on the way the OS was installed (seperate volume?), simply removing the volumes will resolve the problem. Disk utilities wouldn't care about this information and it has no bearing on the health of the drive. Windows sees the dynamic volumes' entries but recognizes that they are in a failed state. Share.

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    select disk 2. convert dynamic. Then, you must select the required to be mirrored volume (s) and assign the second disk: select disk 1. select volume 1*. add disk=2. *Make sure the volume you select is the desired one. Other helpful commands: list disk.

  21. Raid 1

    right-click on the mirrored volume on the primary disk and select Remove Mirror. When the dialog box pops up, select the Miss one, and then click OK to remove. Please note: By doing this, the operation system will break the mirror between the healthy disk and the failed disk, and this would not cause data lose.

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    DISKPART> add disk=1 Diskpart succeeded in adding a mirror to the volume. Wait for the volume synchronization to complete, and then exit Diskpart.exe. ... At the DISKPART> prompt, type Remove. Diskpart successfully removed the drive letter or mount point. Repeat steps 5b and 5c for the "S" partition.

  23. [Solved] Will Diskpart Clean Destroy Existing Data

    DiskPart clean overwrites the partitioning information, including hidden sectors or the Protective MBR on an MBR/GPT Disk, resulting in removing all partitions or volume formatting from the disk. So, your data will be deleted after executing this command. Therefore, before carrying out the diskpart clean command, back up your important files first.

  24. create volume mirror

    disk= <n>, <n> [ ,<n>,...] Specifies the dynamic disks on which the mirror volume is created. You need two dynamic disks to create a mirror volume. An amount of space that is equal to the size specified with the size parameter is allocated on each disk. Aligns all volume extents to the closest alignment boundary.