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Au Pair

What does it mean to au pair abroad?

How cool would it be to have extended family overseas? If you love children and want to experience living like a local in another country, Au Pairing is a sweet option! An Au Pair (male or female) provides live-in care to the children of a welcoming host family overseas as part of a cultural exchange. You’ll receive a weekly stipend, your own room in the family’s home, and generally two to three meals a day. You may even get the chance to join the family on ski and summer vacations! Being an Au Pair abroad gives you the freedom to be more than the average tourist by immersing yourself in a completely new culture and developing valuable life skills. You’ll experience personal growth and maturity, and perhaps learn a new language all whilst having the chance to explore a new country. On your days off, you can experience world-famous festivals, iconic landmarks, breathtaking scenery, or enjoy a picnic in the park with the kids! It’s the perfect opportunity to become a cherished part of a family’s life for years to come, while also getting a genuine sense of what life is like overseas.

Au pair vs nanny

Whilst they have similar duties, Au Pairs and nannies are not the same. Au Pairs provide live-in care for the children of a host family abroad, and are considered to be a temporary family member. They are included in family activities, even when they aren’t working. A nanny is a professional caretaker employed by a family on a contract basis. They work set hours and are paid a wage. Au Pairs will typically live with their host family for up to 1-2 years, whereas a nanny can be employed for as little or as long as the family needs.

Au pair costs

One of the best parts of being an Au Pair abroad is having almost no living expenses! Accommodation is covered as you will live with a host family, plus meals will also be provided most days. That means one of the only major costs to being an Au Pair will be all the travelling you’ll do on your time off!

Highlights of becoming an au pair abroad with Global

Be matched with a host family that you have personally approved

Dedicated Trip Coordinator to guide you through the entire journey

Earn a weekly stipend to use on your fun days off

Live and eat like a local with your host family in their home

Gain a certificate of completion and add this experience to your resumé/CV

Become a cherished part of an international family’s life

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jobs abroad au pair

Spanish family in Vilafranca del Penedes, Spain, offering an Au Pair and Nanny job for 12-24 Months

**WE ARE LOOKING FOR AN AU PAIR FROM SEPTEMBER** Hello everyone¡, we are excited to enjoy the aupair experience, we are a couple (with two children) who lives in Vilafranca del Penedès near Barcelona city (50 km away). Vilafranca is a beautiful town surrounded by vineyards of a sparkling wine called cava and Catalan traditions such as ...

Nikie Family providing Au Pair and Nanny Job

Canadian family in Bouctouche, Canada, offering an Au Pair and Nanny job for 6-24 Months

Hello Aupair! We live in the most special hidden corner of Canada, in Acadia! We are in a small town by the sea with all that gift you need. The most special thing about the region is the unique French dialect, Chiac (Franglais). We are also a 30 minute drive from a larger city with several restaurants, cinemas, shopping centers and an ...

Lauren Family providing Au Pair Job

Dutch family in Goirle, Netherlands, offering an Au Pair job for 10-12 Months

Hi, we are excited about welcoming our third au pair into our family. We’ve had an amazing experience with Andrea and Rasmiyah, the 2 Spanish au pairs who have already stayed with us. In addition to the extra help with the children we also find it important for ourselves and for our children to learn about a different culture and speak English ...

michel Family providing Nanny and Caregiver for elderly Job

French family in montseret, France, offering an Nanny and Caregiver for elderly job for 12-12 Months

welcome to the domain st michel les clauses 11200 montseret. located 5km from saint andre de roquelongue village 1000 inhabitants.The nearest town is 11100 narbonne at 23 km with 55000 inhabitants. very active and alone without family with 2

Iuliana Family providing Au Pair Job

Spanish family in Cornellà del Terri, Spain, offering an Au Pair job for 10-24 Months

Dear au pair, We're a lively family of four, with a spirited 2-year-old girl and an energetic 4-year-old boy. Our passions include traveling to new destinations, enjoying diverse cuisines, and hiking in nature's beauty. We're looking for an au pair who loves adventure and fun, ready to join in our family's explorations and daily joys. As our ...

Vanessa Family providing Au Pair Job

Italian family in Alvito, Italy, offering an Au Pair job for 9-12 Months

Hello, we are a family of 4, my husband is British and I am Italian. We have recently moved to a small village in central Italy, about 1.5h from both Rome and Naples. Ours is a beautiful country house with a large garden, about 10 min walk from the centre of the village and 1 min from bus stops. We are looking for an au pair to look after our ...

Manuel Family providing Au Pair and Granny Au Pair Job

Spanish family in Xativa, Spain, offering an Au Pair and Granny Au Pair job for 1-10 Months

Our family lives in the city of Xátiva, it is a city with a great historical tradition. Its size is small, 29,000 inhabitants, but it is very well located since it has a train station and a train to the city of Valencia every half hour. We live in the historic center of the city, which means that all services can be accessed on foot. 5 minutes ...

Paulo Family providing Au Pair and Nanny Job

Portuguese family in Aveiro, Portugal, offering an Au Pair and Nanny job for 3-24 Months

We are a foreign family living in Portugal. In the city of Aveiro. Aveiro is a modern city of around 80,000 inhabitants, there is a university campus. The ocean is 5 minutes away. The big city of Porto is about 50 minutes away (train or

Olivier Family providing Au Pair Job

Belgian family in Seraing, Belgium, offering an Au Pair job for 1-3 Months

We live in a house in a city near Liège in the french-speaking part of

Dag Family providing Au Pair and Nanny Job

Norwegian family in Slemmestad, Norway, offering an Au Pair and Nanny job for 13-24 Months

Family looking for an Au Pair. Hello, the family consists of an 11 years old boy, twins (boy and girl) who turned 3 in October ´20, and mother and father. We live south of Oslo in Slemmestad which is approximately 35 minutes by car from Oslo. (40 minutes by bus). The house is located close to nature in a residential area. Walking distance to ...

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Resources updated 2/12/2024 by Transitions Abroad

Work as an au pair with children in Italy.

Au pairing (literally "living on equal terms") provides single women and sometimes men over 18 and generally under 27 the chance to study a language and culture while living as part of a family abroad. The demand for live-in childcare is enormous, especially for young women. The International Au Pair Association (IAPA) , is a good source of agency addresses. However, some member agencies operate outgoing programs only (i.e., they send their nationals abroad, primarily to learn English).

Au pairs generally work for a maximum of a certain number of agreed-upon hours a week, plus potential babysitting evenings. In exchange, they are given a separate room, all meals, and pocket money per week — the amount depending on the country. Unlike nannies and mothers, au pairs generally do not sign a contract since the arrangement is informal (though some au pair agencies may ask you to do so). Au pairs should be treated more like family members than employees. An au pair has much less responsibility for the children's welfare than a nanny, and there is usually no expectation that you take sole charge of a young child.

Holiday au pairs usually work from July to September and accompany the family on their holidays. Since the children are out of school, there may be less free time than during the academic year and often no chance to attend language classes. Otherwise, the same rules should apply as for ordinary au pairing.

A summary of job prospects and red tape is given for many of the countries of Europe below. Note that the supply of au pairs has dramatically increased in Europe with the expansion of the European Union. Consequently, check up on the latest requirements for employment and residency in each country via the au pair site and the IAPA .

Searching the Web for Au Pair Jobs in Europe

Cyberspace buzzes with an exchange of information about live-in childcare. Many online agencies provide a database of families on the one hand and people looking for live-in jobs on the other so that they can match themselves up. Prospective au pairs register their details, including age, nationality, relevant experience, and, in many cases, a photo, all uploaded onto a website, which becomes accessible to registered families. Registration is usually free or reasonably priced for the job-seeker. In contrast, the hiring families usually pay an introduction fee to the web-based agency.

Before a prospective au pair decides to look for a family on the internet, it is worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of using the web instead of a conventional agency, as described below. Making the arrangement directly with a family sight unseen without agency backup carries potential risks. No doubt, many of the matches result in successful outcomes. Typically, a family contacts a promising-looking candidate, or a job-seeker contacts a promising-sounding family; they contact each other via email and telephone and decide whether they are compatible. All should be well if each party is upfront and keeps to their part of the bargain.

Without the support of an agency, it isn't easy to carry out any effective screening of either party. If relying on the Internet, you must ascertain precisely the nature of the situation and the expectations of your new employer. Work out what you will do if the arrangement does not work out. Suppose the agency functions primarily as a database provider. In that case, it offers little or no backup, though the competition has recently made agencies or "programs" more stringent.

If either side is not committed to the arrangement they have signed up for, the other side can be badly let down and have no recourse. For example, an employer might change their mind about inviting a young girl to come and the start date. It is common for families to issue several invitations and choose the one they like to look better after arrival. In this case, an au pair could be turned away on the doorstep without fluent English or much money. Similarly, families expecting an au pair to arrive on a specific date can be disappointed.

Listed below are some primary countries, though agencies and programs are available for many other locations throughout Europe.

The tradition of au pairing is well established in Austria, and prospective au pairs are served by several agencies (see below) that are accustomed to dealing with direct applications from foreigners. Requirements are moderate, and many inexperienced 18-year-olds are placed. The agencies can take a long time to reply and may need some follow-up emails and phone calls. The norm is for the agencies to charge their au pairs a fee equivalent to a week's pocket money.

Officially, au pairs from outside Europe must obtain work and residence permits. The employing family should apply at their local employment office at least two weeks before the start date. Before the permit can be approved and issued, the authorities must see an agreement or contract (signed by the employer and the au pair) and proof that health and accident insurance coverage has been obtained by the au pair.

See More Websites for Au Pair Work in Austria

Au pairing has always been a favored way for young women to learn French and, increasingly, for young men too. The pocket money for au pairs in France is currently €80 per week, plus in some cases a contribution to language classes; in Paris families also provide a Pass Navigo (urban travel pass) which is worth more than €75.

North Americans can fix up au pair placements directly with a French agency. Still, they should bear in mind that high placement fees may have to be paid in advance and that, in some cases, little advance information about the family will be made available. Enrollment in a French language course is compulsory for non-European au pairs .

Several established agencies belong to UFAAP, the Union Francaise des Associations Au Pair, an umbrella group set up in 1999, based at present at Europair Services in Paris (listed below). Contact details for the member agencies are included on the UFAAP website.

Again, there are several placement global agencies that will place you in France to avoid some legwork and paperwork.

See More Websites for Au Pair Work in France

Americans and Canadians do not need to apply for a residence and work permit before leaving their home countries; however, it is a general requirement that au pairs prove that they have studied German.

Most families offer monthly pocket money and give their au pairs a monthly travel pass, including other benefits such as a contribution to course fees for language school and sometimes money for return travel at the end of the year. For these perks, au pairs will be expected to do hard work and probably undertake more housework than most au pairs generally do.

See More Websites for Au Pair Work in Germany

It is possible to apply independently through an Italian agency, but first, ensure you won't be liable to pay a hefty registration fee. There are many opportunities for au pairs during the summer holidays when most Italians who can afford au pairs migrate to the coast or the mountains and take their helpers with them. The weekly pocket money for au pairs is average or above for Europe, starting at with I talian au pairs receiving about €260-300 euros a month , though many families in the big cities pay more than this, not including paid vacation time.

Non-European nationals are must spend 20 hours a week learning Italian, and go through a fairly involved paperwork, and often-changing process described in this article on au-pairing in Italy .

See More Websites for Au Pair Work in Italy


The au pair system is gaining popularity in Scandinavian countries even though relatively few foreigners are keen to learn Swedish, Norwegian, or Finnish. More agencies that send Scandinavian au pairs abroad also place young foreigners (18-30 on average) as au pairs in Scandinavian homes, providing one of the few ways to afford an extended stay in this expensive region.

Denmark is another country where the general population's English level is exceptionally high. Conditions for au pairs are congenial: on top of the monthly pocket money in Danish krone, you should be given health insurance and be entitled to free language courses in Danish.

Interest in au pairing in Iceland is increasing. The private employment agency Ninukot specialized initially in agricultural and horticultural jobs throughout Iceland but has branched out to offer other jobs, including babysitting.

See More Websites for Au Pair Work in Scandinavia

The chance of arranging an au pair placement in Spain is good. Most jobs are in the cities and environs of Madrid and Barcelona. However, jobs occasionally crop up in glamorous resorts like Marbella and Tenerife. Several au pair agencies in Spain are associated with language schools.

There are also opportunities for young people to stay with Spanish families in exchange for speaking English with the children without having any domestic or childcare duties. Americans and Canadians who wish to work as au pairs should apply for a student visa before leaving home. Officially, the embassy requires both an offer of employment from the family and a letter from the school where the au pair is enrolled (or will enroll) to study Spanish for at least 15 hours a week.

See More Websites for Au Pair Work in Spain

is an agency helping you to find jobs in Europe and online, with resources about the background of every country, requirements for au pairs, and other important information such as direct au pair reports.

is an agency helping you to find jobs in over 20 European countries, with plenty of resources about the background of every country, requirements for au pairs, and other important information.

is a full-service agency that matches au pairs and families in 10 countries worldwide, even taking care of visas in many cases.

offers jobs worldwide, including in Europe, with choices in its massive database of worldwide possibilities.

is an agency that provides an excellent overview and registration with Aupair.com.

is a unique program for smart, young Americans to become au pairs in Paris and benefit from a rich international experience. Being an au pair entails living with a French family, taking a class, and experiencing . We personally match au pair candidates with welcoming French families in Paris and the Paris metropolitan region.

offers a customized curriculum and the opportunity to live everyday life with a French family that will help accelerate your language learning and allow you to immerse yourself in authentic French life and culture.

is an agency that provides an excellent overview and registration with Aupair.com.

(in German)


is an agency that provides an excellent overview and registration with Aupair.com.

emphasizes cultural exchange, with positions involving placement as an au pair and more active roles in teaching English to children and sometimes adults while living with a hospitable host family.

is the leading au pair placement service in Spain that is rigorous in providing information and checking documentation.

is an agency that provides an excellent overview and registration with Aupair.com.

Four different programs allow you to stay working as an au pair or tutor. An agency with 45 years of experience matches you with the best family match based on your detailed application. Student visa provided. Airport pickup. Accommodation. Full board. €250 placement fee. Weekly allowance.

, , , and is an agency that provides an excellent overview and registration with Aupair.com.

provides au pair opportunities in a beautiful country where nearly everyone speaks fluent English.

SUSAN GRIFFITH is author of the classic Work Your Way Around the World . See her bio to order a copy. She was also co-editor of the groundbreaking editions of Transitions Abroad's Work Abroad book.

© 1997-2024 Transitions Abroad Publishing, Inc.
  • Jun 23, 2023

9 Websites to Find an Au Pair Job Abroad

Updated: Mar 19

There are one of two ways to become an Au Pair Abroad; go with a placement agency, or find a host family on your own. If you would prefer to find a host family on your own, then you will first need to choose an Au Pair website. These platforms are free for Au Pairs and allow you to create a profile and connect with host families. Below are 10 different websites that you can use to find an Au Pair job abroad.

Au Pair

Photo Credits: Guillaume de Germain

What to Know / FAQs

How do these Au Pair websites work?

Each website generally works the same: You create your own profile, search through the profiles of families who are looking for an Au Pair, then make it known you are interested in working with them or directly message them yourself. Host families can view your profile and reach out to you as well. You will need to do all the work, including interviewing the family and finding the correct work VISA, yourself.

How much does it cost?

All of these websites offer free registration for Au Pairs. Some are completely free to use and others will require certain plans or subscriptions to access certain parts of the process, such as messaging families.

What are the requirements to use these websites?

Technically, anyone can use these website. However, to become an Au Pair you will need to make sure you meet the VISA requirements of the country you are looking to work in.

Why use these websites instead of paying a placement agency?

Everyone has their reasons for finding a host family on their own instead of going through a placement agency. Most people prefer to use these websites because it is free and they do not mind doing the work in order to find a host family. Ultimately you get to make the final decision of who you are working with and the location you will be working in.

How do I know the families on these websites are legitimate?

If the websites put the host families on their website through a vetting/verification process it will be noted below. However, you should still do your research to make sure the families are legitimate. To do so make sure their profiles provide detailed and accurate information, and have photos of them and the children. You should also interact with them multiple times over FaceTime, get a tour of the house, and see the children.

I've created a profile and found a family. What do I do next?

Once you find a family, the next step is to message them and begin getting to know them. You should then have multiple FaceTime interviews to meet the parents and children face to face. If you are unsure of what questions to ask, try some of these 101+ Questions to Ask Your Au Pair Host Family . After getting all the details and creating your Au Pair contract with your family, the next step is applying for the necessary VISA and purchasing your plane ticket to head abroad!

Websites to Find an Au Pair Job Abroad

1. Au Pair World

Au Pair World Logo

Membership fee: Free for Au Pairs.

Host family locations: Around the world.

Do they vet their host families: Yes.

Notes: I have used this website to find Au Pair jobs and highly recommend it. You can create a profile and message host families for free. Host families do have to pay a membership to create an account.

Related Posts: How to Fill Out Your Au Pair World Profile

2. Au Pair.com

Au Pair.com Logo

Membership fee: A basic plan is free for Au Pairs.

Notes: A host family must be a premium member to contact you. If you want to contact a family, you must purchase a membership. One month is $49.90 and 3 months is $89.90.

3. Find Au Pair

Find Au Pair Logo

Do they vet their host families: They check accounts before allowing families to be members.

Notes: You can send a notification that you are interested in a family, but you can not contact them, they must send you a message first.

4. Connect Au Pair

Connect Au Pair Logo

Do they vet their host families: They do screen all host family profiles.

Notes: This site free for host families too. You can also connect with agencies.

5. Great Au Pair

Great Au Pair Logo

Membership fee: Free.

Host family location(s): Around the world.

Do they vet their host families: They screen every profile.

Notes: You can send a notification that you are interested in a family but you can not contact them. They must send you a message first, unless you pay for a subscriptions, which ranges from $27-$45/month.

6. Nanny Job.uk

Nanny Job.co Logo

Membership fee: Free for Nannies/Au Pairs.

Host family locations: Mainly in the Uk and Europe.

Do they vet their host families: Unknown.

Notes: This website is reviewed positively by users and mentions that an agent works with you to find a family once registered.

7. Au Pair Butrfly

Au Pair Butrfly Logo

Membership fee: Free plan to find families yourself. It's €49 for a certified profile, and €345 for the assistance package.

Host family location(s): France, Australia, Spain, New Zealand, Ireland, Belgique, Germany, and Luxembourg.

8. New Au Pair

New AuPair.com Logo

Do they vet their host families: No, they do not scan profiles.

Notes: Families do have to be registered to see your profile.

9. Au Pair One

O Au Pair One

Do they vet their host families: No.

Notes: This website does not screen profiles or accounts.

If you are looking for an Au Pair job abroad, you can use one of these website to create a profile and find a host family on your own. Of course, make sure you do plenty of research before deciding on a host family to make sure they are the right fit for you. Good luck in your search and hopefully you find the host family that is the perfect fit for you! If you have experience using one of these website, or a specific preference, please share your thoughts in the comments below.

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Do you love being around children? Are you looking for a way to work overseas with little outgoings? Apply to work as an au pair. You can find jobs all around the world, from Europe, to North America to Oceania. This is a great way to integrate into a different country, earn money and travel and see new places.

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Featured Companies

These companies are hiring au pairs and nannies now:

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Global Work & Travel Join an international host family and care for children, with living expenses covered. Find placements in UK, Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Australia, USA, Canada, New Zealand and China.


Mômji Do you speak English, German, Spanish or Chinese? Mômji offer childcare jobs throughout France. Find part time work in cities like Paris, Lyon, Lille and 8 other French cities.

InterExchange logo

InterExchange Work as an au pair in the USA, Australia, France and New Zealand with InterExchange! Experience a new culture and create life-long memories along the way! InterExchange help you apply for your visa and find a great host family, and provide support throughout.

Institute Hemingway logo

Instituto Hemingway Instituto Hemingway offer au pair jobs in Bilbao, Spain.

Top Reasons to Au Pair

Living and working with a local family will mean that you will get to know a new foreign city very well. You will immerse yourself in local culture and local languages, while earning money and doing something you enjoy. You also get to experience a city like a local instead of like a tourist. More benefits include:

• Low cost way to live overseas as free accommodation is provided • Get paid • Make friends • Gain experience • Lots of free time to travel and explore new places

Popular Places to Work

You can find positions all around the world. Popular destinations include the UK, Ireland, Netherlands, France, Spain, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. If you are open to new cultures and experiences you can even find au pair placements in places like Asia and Latin America.

How do I get a job as an au pair? The easiest way to work as an au pair is to register with an agency complete an online application.  Usually you will need to fill in a profile providing information about yourself including your experience. This will then be processed before being adding to a database which host families can then search and recruit you. 

Do you need qualifications to be an au pair? Most companies will require some childcare experience, this can include babysitting, volunteering or working at a nursery or playschool, coaching children’s sports, working with a church group, tutoring children or any type of activity benefitting children. If you have ever been to work at a summer camp this experience also looks great to employers.

What’s the difference between an au-pair and a nanny? An au-pair will usually live with a family in one of their spare rooms and will live like one of the family. They will get accommodation and food for free and a small amount of extra money for taking care of the children. Usually you would act as kind of a ‘mother’s helper’, collecting kids from school and helping to feed, bathe and play with them. You would also sometimes have sole charge of the children. Families may also want you to give their kids basic English classes or just to speak to them in English.

For nanny jobs you will usually require some kind of childcare qualification or have worked with kids before. This is ideal if you’ve just finished a child care college or university course and want to go on to do this type of work for your career. For nanny jobs you have a lot more sole responsibility for the children and may also be required to look after babies. Nannies can live in with the family or find their own accommodation and are usually paid a bit more than au-pairs.

For both jobs you may be expected to do some light cleaning, washing, ironing etc and cooking for the kids.

Is working as an au pair hard work? Being an au-pair or nanny can be tough, but it’s also a very rewarding experience and one where you could make friends for life. The hours are long but the work is fun, you’ll be getting paid to play games, run in the park, paint and bake cookies.

At times it can be a bit lonely being an au-pair or nanny, so make sure you connect with other nannies or enrol in a language class for a few hours a week to meet other foreigners. Look on social networking sites to find other nannies in the same area. Your family may also be able to put you in touch with other families who have au-pairs. Meeting others in your situation will mean you’ll have a much more rewarding experience.

Your experience also very much depends on the family you work for. Going through an agency is a safer and better way of finding a good family, rather than looking on social networking or free classified sites, as families will usually have been vetted by the agency.

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A dream holiday job: Be a summer au pair in your favourite foreign country!

Is there a way to combine a cool adventure abroad with the perfect summer job? Yes there is! And it's easier to manage than you might think.

Three young women look into the sunset

Who hasn't dreamed of setting off for the summer to discover another country like Italy, Spain or France? Wouldn't it be great to get some international experience, to improve your foreign language skills and at the same time to do something that looks impressive on your CV? But going abroad often seems too expensive - unless you can combine it with a summer job. That would be perfect.

Some typical summer jobs:

  • Supervisor in a holiday camps
  • Service staff in cafe in cafes, bars or restaurants
  • Temporary help in the shops or supermarkets
  • Summer au pair

Do you like kids and enjoy taking care of them? Then we'd like to tell you more about the summer au pair option!

A summer job and an investment in your future!

Drawing of a globe

Experience a foreign country like the locals do  Live with a host family and get into the real life experience of being abroad.

Drawing of a CV

Improve your language skills and add something special to your resumee New life experience, new language skills - it's all there when you go abroad.

Drawing of a couch and a lamp

Your room & board is covered and you get a salary, too In return for your help with childcare, you get  pocket money plus room and board .  

Au pair together with children

What are my responsibilities as a summer au pair?

Your main task as a summer au pair is to take care of the children of your host family. A special aspect of being a summer au pair: Often families need an au pair to provide care for the children during the summer school holidays, which is also partly the family vacation time. There's a good chance therefore that you also might accompany your host family somewhere on their summer holiday trip. Mainly you would work mornings and afternoons while the host parents are at their jobs and the children would otherwise be in school.

How can I become a summer au pair?

Simply create a profile at AuPairWorld and you can start to discover currently searching families who are looking for help with childcare in the holidays.

Register as an au pair

When and where can I find a holiday job as a summer au pair?

Familes from  Spain ,  Italy  und  France  are especially interested in hiring summer au pairs.

Graphic of the summer au pair holidays

Additional information:

Host countries around the world, au pair stories & testimonials.

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Recently graduated? Stuck in a rut? Itchy feet? If any of these apply to you, you might be considering working abroad opportunities, or opportunities to travel and work abroad.

Great idea!

Overseas jobs offer a lot of benefits. International job opportunities give you work experience with the added bonus of immersing yourself in a foreign culture. Working overseas shows independence and adaptability – great skills to have on your CV. And who knows, you may even pick up a foreign language! 

The best thing about working abroad opportunities is that it doesn’t have to be in your field of work or study. You can, of course, use it as a way to dip your toe into a certain field (like teaching). But there’s no reason you can’t get involved in something totally different if it’s just for a little while.

From au pairing to teaching to volunteering to internships, there are opportunities to travel abroad and work for everyone.

Let’s look at the variety of options available to you when it comes to work and travel and overseas jobs.

1. Teach English abroad (TEFL)

Ever thought of being a teacher? Maybe TEFL is for you!

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What is TEFL?

TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. In other words, it’s teaching English to speakers of other languages (English language learners). It’s a popular choice for working abroad opportunities. There is a demand for TEFL teachers all over the world – and no two jobs are the same. 

Who can qualify?

If you can speak English at an Advanced level (CEFR C1) or higher , you’re able to teach English as a Foreign Language. Some countries require a Bachelor’s degree for a work visa or work permit, but this can usually be in any field. You don’t need to have studied English or Education. 

Some jobs don’t require a Bachelor’s degree at all. 

But the one qualification that you definitely need is a TEFL qualification . Your TEFL qualification is key to scoring you a job teaching English abroad. It should be at least 120 hours in length and from a reputable, accredited company.

The TEFL Academy offers internationally-recognised, accredited TEFL courses which are valued by employers all over the world. Check out our courses here.

How much does it pay?

TEFL rates of pay and salaries vary from job to job and country to country. 

Jobs in countries with low costs of living have lower rates of pay. In Thailand , for instance, you can expect a beginning salary to be approximately THB 30,000 ($800) whereas in South Korea you’re looking at salaries of KW 2 million – 2.5 million ($1,400 – $1,800). 

But Thailand and South Korea have vastly different costs of living. And you can’t make a direct comparison between the two without factoring that in.

What’s included?

What’s included in a TEFL teaching contract depends on the job.

Full-time jobs in certain countries, like South Korea and the UAE , include accommodation, flights and visa costs. Other jobs may contribute towards your flights and accommodation. Others might assist you in your visa application. 

Full-time jobs should include paid holiday, and preferably some contribution towards health insurance.

Where to find TEFL jobs

It’s possible to find TEFL jobs on the streets, so to speak if you’re already in the country you want to teach in. You can simply take your CV and knock on the doors of local schools and language schools.

But the more convenient way of finding teaching jobs abroad is by looking at jobs boards online. Popular jobs boards include:

  • The TEFL Academy Jobs Board
  • Go Overseas
  • Madrid Teacher
  • Dave ESL Cafe
  • ESL Employment
  • ESL Job Feed

Relevant Facebook groups and pages are another convenient way to find current teaching job listings, as are websites dedicated to teaching jobs in specific countries. For example:

  • ajarn.com (Thailand)
  • ESLrok (South Korea)
  • GajinPot (Japan)
  • TeaLit (Taiwan)

2. Become an Au Pair

Good with kids? Got the patience of a saint? You should be an au pair!

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What is an au pair?

An au pair is hired to look after a child or children . This usually involves taking children to and from school, helping with homework, and looking after the children after school and on weekends and holidays. If a child is home-schooled an au pair may be required to supervise lessons. Au pair duties can include cooking or food preparation and cleaning.

Au pairs can be hired directly through families or agencies. 

Agencies may have certain requirements for their au pairs, such as a certain level of education. Generally speaking, there are no hard and fast qualifications needed to be an au pair, but au pairs in their 20s and 30s are usually preferred.

A certain level of the local language may be required.

Au pair rates vary from country to country, as well as from family to family, depending on your role and responsibilities. 

Here are a few (weekly) salaries for popular countries to au pair in:

  • UK – $110
  • US – $200
  • Germany – $300
  • Netherlands – $300
  • Australia – $150

Au pairs can live in or live out. 

If living in, as is more common, a room in the family home is provided, as well as food and access to amenities like a washing machine.

Some au pair roles offer (or require) language lessons in the local language. Others can require travelling with the family (but we see that as a bonus!).

Where to find au pair jobs?

Postings for au pair jobs can be found online on numerous websites. 

If you are already in the country you want to work in, you can look on local directory sites like Gumtree or local Facebook pages and groups. Search “au pair job in X” to find related pages and groups. Popular countries for au pairing are England, Switzerland, Germany, France and China.

Many au pairs find work through a local agency which places them in families abroad. Online jobs boards like GoAbroad and GoOverseas also have postings for au pair positions around the world. AuPairWorld and AuPair.com are two reputable and well-known platforms for finding an au pair job.

Applying for an au pair position is slightly different to applying for a regular teaching job. While the family will want to know about your education, qualifications and experience, they are looking for someone to suit their family. If your personalities and lifestyles don’t match, you won’t be a good fit for the job. So don’t be afraid to be your true self in your interview!

3. Consider volunteering abroad

Do you have the urge to make a difference to change the world? Are you not too fussed about money? Congratulations – you sound just like a volunteer!

Some international work opportunities are not jobs at all, but volunteer positions. Volunteers can work in a field related to their chosen career or related to a cause they feel passionately about.

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What is volunteering?

Volunteers are non-paid members of staff of an organisation. Volunteers may be required to work independently or to assist permanent members of a team. Volunteers can work in a position for a couple of weeks or even months.

For the most part, there are very few requirements for volunteering positions, but for some programs, there may be a language requirement or an age limit.

Volunteer positions are not paid positions. Sometimes there is a program fee which covers your food and accommodation, whether that’s in a homestay or with other volunteers. Some programs might offer a small stipend to cover your living costs for the duration of the placement. 

But this is the beauty of volunteering. You don’t need to worry about your living costs while you are in your volunteer position.

Volunteer placements usually include food and board. 

Where to find volunteering jobs?

The first step is to choose a destination or a volunteering project you’d like to work on. Maybe you want to experience South America. So then you’ll look for opportunities in Argentina or Brazil. Maybe you have a passion for conservation. So then you’ll look for conservation-related projects, no matter where they are.

Identify the volunteer program that is perfect for you and apply online.

There are a number of websites which specialise in placing volunteers in organisations abroad, such as:

  • Volunteer World

4. Getting a Working Holiday Visa

Got the travel bug but your bank balance is an embarrassment. No worries – you can get a Working Holiday Visa.

There are a number of countries which offer Working Holiday Visas. These programs can be a way to sidestep pesky employment visa requirements.

teach english finland

What is a Working Holiday Visa?

A Working Holiday Visa is a visa option for certain countries with reciprocal relationships. Australia and the UK are popular countries to apply to for a Working Holiday Visa.

This visa allows the visa holder to live, work and holiday in a country, usually for up to 12 to 24 months. The caveat is that you cannot work full-time for the duration of the visa. Rather you work on an ad hoc basis to fund your travels.

Note : this visa might have a different name. In the UK it’s known as the Youth Mobility Scheme, but in France, it’s the Young Traveller Visa.

Working Holiday Visas are only applicable for certain nationalities to work in certain countries. For example:

  • UK-passport holders can apply for a Working Holiday Visa for Australia if they are aged between 17 and 35 years of age. This visa is valid for 3 years.
  • Japanese-passport holders can apply for the Young Traveller Visa for France. It allows 18 to 30-year olds to live and work in France for 12 months.
  • New Zealand-passport holders can apply for a Work and Travel Visa in South Africa for 12 months if they are between the ages of 18 and 30.

There are many more Working Holiday Visa options available. Do a Google search to find out which apply to your passport.

Specific jobs are not stipulated with Working Holiday Visas. This means that salaries vary depending on the job. Many Working Holiday Visa jobs are part-time or casual so are paid on an hourly or weekly basis.

Nothing. The visa grants you the right to travel to, work in, and travel around a country. It does not provide you with any form of support when it comes to finding employment or accommodation. However there are a number of agencies that assist you with the process of moving abroad, but this comes with a cost.

Where to find Working Holiday Visa jobs?

These jobs can be found online, through social media or by word of mouth. Popular websites to find jobs are: Gumtree, LinkedIn, Upwork, Seek and Indeed .

If you’re looking specifically for seasonal jobs such as working in a ski resort or on a farm, you can look for opportunities on WorkAway and Wwoof – World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms.

5. Work remotely in another country (Digital Nomad Visa)

Is a flexible working situation important for you? Do you like to be in control of your work-life balance? Becoming a digital nomad could be the solution you’re looking for.

TEFL teacher teaching English online

What is a digital nomad?

Being a digital nomad means undertaking remote work . Remote work is work which can be done online from any location – provided you have an internet connection. Digital nomad jobs typically include administration work, tech and IT jobs, teaching and tutoring online , marketing, consulting, and creative gigs like writing, photography and design.

These days many countries offer working visas specifically for digital nomads and remote workers. These Digital Nomad Visas allow a person to stay in a country and work remotely, provided they satisfy certain requirements. These requirements vary from country to country. Usuall, you need to be working for a company not based in the country of residence, and earn above a certain threshold.

Digital nomad jobs vary in pay based on the nature of the work. Many digital nomads work as freelancers and set their own rates. Consequently, they are paid on a contract or project basis.

Where to find digital nomad jobs?

There are a number of online platforms which are popular for digital nomads looking for remote working jobs. For example:

  • We Work Remotely

More and more countries are jumping on the bandwagon to offer Digital Nomad Visas to potential tourists. A handful of these countries provide the optimal conditions for a digital nomad lifestyle: good internet connectivity, low cost of living, good healthcare and good cafes!

Portugal, Spain, Georgia, Estonia, Costa Rica and Croatia are currently digital nomad hotspots (in 2024). 

In Portugal , the Temporary Stay Visa allows you to stay in Portugal for up to a year, while the Residency Visa D2, or the D7 (Passive Income Visa), allows you to stay for up to five years.


  • Evidence of monthly income of at least €700
  • Stay in the country for at least 16 months of the first two years

In Spain , the Startup Act allows digital nomads working for non-Spanish companies to live in the country without needing a working visa for up to six months. This includes self-employed freelancers with multiple clients, like online English teachers ! A degree is not necessary if you show three years’ of work experience.

  • Proof that the company you work for has been operational for a year and you’ve been working for them for at least three months
  • Proof of income of around €2,300 a month (though this is subject to change)

In Georgia, there is no specific visa for remote workers. But if you do not usually require a visa to visit Georgia then you are eligible to apply to the Remotely From Georgia programme and live in Georgia for up to a year. The visa is free and the application process is done entirely online. 

  • Proof of earnings of US$2,000 a month or $24,000 in savings
  • Health insurance valid for the year

Remote workers wanting to live in Estonia can apply for a Digital Nomad visa which allows them to live in Estonia for up to a year. The visa is available to those who are self-employed and work online, or those who are employed by a company outside Estonia and work online.

  • Proof of gross income of €4,500 for the six months prior to visa application

C osta Rica ’s digital nomad visa allows qualifying people to work in Costa Rica for up to a year. While working in Costa Rica, your income will be tax-free. The visa costs $100.

  • Proof of monthly income of US$3,000 for individuals and US$5,000 for families
  • Medical insurance for the duration of your stay

Croatia offers a temporary residence permit which allows you to live in Croatia for up to a year.

  • Proof of sufficient funds
  • Letter of accommodation
  • Health insurance

For more details on other digital visas, head to our blog to read The Digital Nomad Visa: A Ticket To Your Best Life .

6. Work in the travel/hospitality industry

Enjoy working with people? Interested in the hospitality and tourism industry? There’s no better way to get on-the-job experience than working in hospitality abroad.

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What is hospitality work?

Hospitality opportunities abroad include working in a hotel, ski resort, beach resort or restaurant. You can work as a waiter, barman, concierge, chauffeur, cleaner or any number of other positions.

Many hospitality jobs don’t require any specific qualifications. Others may require health and safety certificates or first aid certificates. For some, you might need specific training, such as when working as a chef or ski instructor.

How much do hospitality jobs pay?

Salaries vary according to the company and the country.

Jobs in the hospitality and travel industries are typically salaried positions. Housing or an accommodation allowance should be provided, medical insurance, a flight allowance or ticket, paid vacation and paid sick leave. For the most part, certain meals are included at the place of employment.

Where to find hospitality jobs?

Many hospitality jobs are found online. Popular websites to look for hospitality and travel jobs include:

Another option is to look directly on the website of the hotel group you want to apply to:

  • Four Seasons
  • Best Western

7. Study in a foreign country

Looking to further your studies while also making some money on the side? You should look into studying in a foreign country.

What do you learn on a TEFL course?

What is studying in a foreign country?

A lesser-known opportunity to organise a working opportunity abroad is to study in that country. Many countries allow registered students to work for a limited number of hours during their time of study, or full-time after graduation.

One option is to study a foreign language at a language school for a short time. Another option is to study long-term for a part-time or full-time college- or university-level qualification.

Anyone who qualifies for the specific study program they wish to apply to. These requirements can be quite strict if you’re considering a higher degree like a Master’s degree. Or they can be quite flexible if it’s a short programme like a language course.

If the program is in a non-English-speaking country, make sure the program is taught in English – or you can speak the language!

How much does it cost?

Degree programs vary in cost from country to country and based on the field and level of the degree. These programs are generally quite expensive for international students, but there are scholarships and bursaries available. 

Language courses are much cheaper options because they are much shorter. 

The cost of the Study Visa depends on your nationality and the country you are applying to.

Similar to a Working Holiday Visa, nothing extra is included in a Study Visa besides the opportunity to live, study and possibly work in the country for the specified time.

If you are able to invest in a full degree abroad, many countries make it possible to apply for a Post-Study Work Visa. This visa allows graduates to be residents in that country after graduation for a certain period of time for the purpose of employment.

Where to find out about Study Visas?

Check out university websites and higher education websites in the country of your choice. Find an appropriate program of study abroad and find out if you are eligible to apply. Bear in mind there will be specific requirements for each study program, as well as possibly hefty fees.

8. Work for a multinational company

Do you enjoy more serious work? Are you focused on your career, but like to entertain the idea of travelling? Maybe you should look for an internship.

Internships offer an opportunity to upskill yourself in your particular field before embarking on a career . It helps you gain experience without needing to get a job.


What is an internship?

Countries offer various internships in different fields. Scandinavian countries, for example, are known for human development, education and engineering. Canada is a popular destination for medical internships. South Africa attracts interns in veterinary science and animal conservation.

Internships can be for a few weeks or a few months. 

Internships generally have age restrictions, as they are aimed at people starting out in their careers. You’ll need a Bachelor’s degree related to the field of the internship.

Internships differ from volunteer positions in that they usually offer a stipend or living allowance. 

Internships can be unpaid or you can be provided with a stipend to help with living costs.

Where to find internship opportunities?

If there is a specific multinational company you are interested in working for, keep an eye on their website. Internships are often advertised there or on their company’s careers site. 

LinkedIn is another good website to find companies who are looking for interns. Don’t be shy to reach out to the relevant HR person to make your interest in internship opportunities known.

If you’re a student at a university or college, multinational companies often send representatives to campus job fairs to source applicants for internship opportunities. This is a great way to check out companies to find out which would be a good match for you.

9. Get a Skilled Work Visa in another country

Got a skill not many people have? You could be in demand in another country!

Some countries offer a Skilled Work Visa for certain occupations. 

Ireland, for example, offers a Critical Skills Employment Permit for workers who are skilled in occupations for which there is a shortage in Ireland, such as civil engineers and web development professionals.

What is a Skilled Work Visa?

A Skilled Work Visa is a long-term employment visa. It allows visa holders to reside in a country while employed. If this visa is extended it can be a path to indefinite leave to remain in the country. 

Qualifications for Skilled Work Visas vary by country. There are eligibility requirements for each different visa type. Some Skilled Work Visas only apply to certain occupations.

General universal eligibility requirements include:

  • Proof of sponsorship from a local company
  • Proof of income and/or savings
  • Medical insurance
  • Language requirements

Pay varies according to the job.

How to get a Skilled Work Visa?

Skilled Work Visas are usually applied for online through the Home Office website of the country you want to work in. There may be a local organisation to assist you through the process.

10. Family/partner connection

Was your Great Aunt Betty born in Scotland between the years 1924 and 1925? You might qualify for a visa based on your family tree!

Ancestry is another way to emigrate to another country.  Or, a relationship through marriage could be another option. 

get job as couple 2

What is a family or partner connection?

Family connections through spouses, parents or grandparents can provide a way to obtain a working visa.

For example:

  •  A South African citizen with a grandparent who was born in the UK may be eligible for an Ancestry Visa. An Ancestry Visa gives you the right to live and work freely in the UK for a number of years. This can be the first step to applying for residency in a country.
  • An Australian who is married to a US citizen can apply for a Spouse Visa (also known as a Green Card) . This allows the person to live and work freely in the US.

Alternatively, if you find yourself head over heels in love with someone from another country, you might be eligible for a Partner Visa. This allows you to stay in their country.

Qualifying for a visa through family connections depends on your nationality and the country in question. Different qualifications exist for everyone. Be sure to find out the exact requirements before you start the lengthy process of acquiring a visa this way.

Qualifying for a Partner Visa if you are not yet married can be quite tricky. If you’ve ever watched 90 Day Fiance then you know exactly what we’re talking about!

How to get a Family or Partner Visa

Once you are sure you qualify, it’s just a matter of filling out the paperwork and making sure all your documents are in order. Because this visa gives the holder a lot of rights in a country, it’s an extensive process to apply for.

So there you have it: work abroad opportunities to suit everyone! Good luck – and don’t forget to send us a postcard!

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Hands up if you’re ready to be dazzled! From a ceremony structure designed to float on water to a jaw-dropping reception room with flowers blooming from every service, we’re swooning over every bit of this wedding. If you can believe it, that’s just the beginning. Julia Kaptelova artfully shot every detail, like the ballet performance guests were treated to and snow falling from the ceiling for the first dance! Prepare to be amazed and take a visit to the full gallery .

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From About You Decor … Our design is a symbol of dawn and a distant endless horizon. Ahead is a long, happy life without any borders. An international couple, Pavel and Cherry, met in London and have been walking together for many years.

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From the Bride, Cherry… My husband and I we decided to have our summer wedding in Moscow because the city is where his roots are. As we knew we were going to have the other wedding ceremony in China, we wanted our Moscow one to be very personal and intimate. We’ve known each other since we were fourteen, together with many of our friends whom we’ve also known for a decade.

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I didn’t want to walk down the aisle twice so the plausibility of my request quickly came into discussion. The open pontoon stage was constructed in order to facilitate the bridal entrance on water, although there were concerns about safety as the last thing we wanted was probably a drowned bride before she could get on stage, picture that! I have to say on that day it wasn’t easy to get on the pontoon stage from the boat, in my long gown and high heels. Luckily my bridesmaids still noticed even though they stood the furthest from me on the stage, and helped me out without prior rehearsal. My girls could just tell whenever I needed a hand or maybe they were just so used to my clumsiness. Who knows 😂

We all love our photographer Julia! She’s so talented and her style is so unique. Our beloved host Alex is exceptional who made everyone laugh and cry. It was truly a blessing to have so many kind and beautiful souls on our big day. Thank you all!

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[iframe https://player.vimeo.com/video/384992271 600 338]

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Photography: Julia Kaptelova Photography | Wedding Planner: Caramel | Cake: Any Cake | Invitations: Inviteria | Rings: Harry Winston | Band: Menhouzen | Grooms attire: Ermenegildo Zegna | Wedding Venue: Elizaveta Panichkina | Bridesmaids’ dresses: Marchesa | Bridesmaids’ dresses: Alice McCall | Bride’s gown : Jaton Couture | Bride’s shoes: Manolo Blahnik | Decor : About you decor | Earrings: Damiani | Muah: Khvanaco Studio | Video: Artem Korchagin

More Princess-Worthy Ballgowns

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I’m still not convinced this Moscow wedding, captured to perfection by  Sonya Khegay , isn’t actually an inspiration session—it’s just  that breathtaking. From the beautiful Bride’s gorgeous lace wedding dress and flawless hair and makeup to the pretty pastel color palette and stunning ceremony and reception spaces, this wedding is almost too good to be true. Do yourself a favor and see it all in The Vault now!

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From Sonya Khegay … It was the last day of April and still very cold in the morning. The weather forecast wasn’t pleasing and no one expected that the sun would come out, but miracles happen and light rain gave way to the warm rays.

I love how all the details went together, you could feel the harmony in everything throughout the entire wedding day from the morning until the fireworks.

A gentle look of the bride, elegant but so airy and unique decor, the fresh and light atmosphere of early spring and, of course, true happiness in the eyes. My heart becomes so warm from these memories, it is always a pleasure to see the birth of a new family of two loving hearts.

Photography: Sonya Khegay | Event Design: Latte Decor | Event Planning: Ajur Wedding | Floral Design: Blush Petals | Wedding Dress: La Sposa | Stationery: Special Invite | Bride's Shoes: Gianvito Rossi | Hair + Makeup: Natalie Yastrebova | Venue: Rodniki Hotel

  • by Elizabeth Greene

You really can’t go wrong with simple: a beautiful Bride , perfectly pretty petals , loved ones all around. But add in an amazing firework show  to cap off the night and simple just became downright extraordinary. Captured by Lena Elisseva , with assistance by  Katya Butenko , this rustic Russian celebration is simply fantastic. See it all in the Vault right here !

jobs abroad au pair

From Lena Eliseeva Photo …  This cozy and warm summer wedding of gorgeous Natalia and Anton was in the middle of June. The young couple decided to organize their wedding themselves, and the day was very personal and touching. I am absolutely in love with rustic outdoor weddings, and this one is my favourite because of the free and easy atmosphere.

All the decor excluding the bride’s bouquet was made by a team of ten friends of the bride and groom. And it was charming – a light and beautiful arch, eco-style polygraphy and succulents, candy-bar with caramel apples and berries – sweet joys of summer.

At the end of ceremony the guests tossed up white handkerchiefs embroidered by Natalia’s own hands.

The most touching moment was the happy eyes of the groom’s grandmother, the most estimable person on the wedding. And the fireworks were a bright end to that beautiful day.

jobs abroad au pair

Photography: LENA ELISEEVA PHOTO | Floral Design: Katerina Kazakova | Hair And Makeup: Svetlana Fischeva | Photography - Assistance: Katya Butenko

These photos from Lena Kozhina are so stunningly beautiful – as in you can’t help but stop and stare – it’s hard to believe it’s real life. But these pics are proof of this gorgeous Bride and her handsome Groom’s celebration at Moscow’s Fox Lodge , surrounded by vibrant colors and breathtaking blooms . Oh, and the idea of prepping for your Big Day outside in the sun ? Brilliant. See more bright ideas right here !

jobs abroad au pair

From Lena Kozhina … When we met with the couple for the first time, we immediately paid attention to Dima’s behavior towards Julia. There was a feeling of tenderness and awe, and we immediately wanted to recreate this atmosphere of love, care and warmth on their Big Day.

Later, when we had chosen a green meadow and an uncovered pavilion overlooking a lake as the project site, it only highlighted a light summer mood with colorful florals and a great number of natural woods. The name of the site is Fox Lodge and peach-orange color, as one of the Bride’s favorites, set the tone for the whole design – from the invitations, in which we used images of fox cubs to elements of serving guest tables and other decorative elements with the corresponding bright accents.

Photography: Lena Kozhina | Event Planning: Ajur Wedding | Wedding Dress: Rosa Clara | Shoes: Marc Jacobs | Catering: Fox Lodge | Makeup Artist: Elena Otrembskaya | Wedding Venue: Fox Lodge | Cake and Desserts: Yumbaker | Decor: Latte Decor

From Our Partners

jobs abroad au pair

Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash

The Complete Guide to Au Pair Jobs in Europe

Working abroad as an au pair is a great way to see the world while earning a bit of cash. check out this complete guide to learn about what it's like to au pair in europe, how to find jobs, and the salary and benefits you can expect..

Andrea Ella Palmer

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A Woman in a red coat Laughing with a child in a red coat.

If you love children and have a desire to live and work abroad, becoming an au pair in Europe might just be your next big adventure.

Au pairs work as foreign nannies for children overseas, generally living with the family and helping with small tasks around the house. Au pairs are given pocket money and free time to enjoy the local area.

GO spoke with Dena S., a 24-year-old American working as an au pair in Germany to learn about her unique experience.

Why work as an au pair in Europe?

Tourists flock to Europe for its history, food, and sights to see. But why be a tourist when you can live there?

Here are some reasons for becoming an au pair in Europe:

  • Au pairing in Europe presents a world of opportunities for language learning, travel, and cultural immersion.
  • Monthly stipends in Europe tend to be generous with reasonable work schedules.
  • Cheap travel across Europe means au pairs can explore neighboring countries during holidays and time off.
  • Special au pair visas make working in Europe attainable and legal.

Let's take a closer look at the job itself to familarize yourself with typical au pair contract.

“I chose Germany because they have something called an au pair visa so it’s a really easy way for people to come to Germany as an au pair. I’ve also always been interested in living in Germany and visiting Germany and I wanted to use this as an opportunity to see more parts of the country and get to know the people better.” Dena S.

Life of an au pair in Europe

A hand reaches for a block near two children on the floor.

Your au pair experience will be unique with no defined template of how your day will look. Despite the fact that no two jobs will be the same, there are common things you can expect with an au pair contract in Europe.

Read more : A Day in the Life of an Au Pair Abroad

Duties of au pairs in Europe

The duties and hours of an au pair in Europe will vary not only by country but also by family. Your average day may not even be very consistent from day to day or week to week. Some families may want your help during the morning and afternoon, while others may only need you in the evenings.

Regardless of where you are living as an au pair, your main duties should be related to childcare . This means not only looking after the children but also preparing meals for them or tidying their things.

Some families may require more housework, like laundry or doing the dishes, more intense cleaning, or meal preparation for the entire family. This is something that should be outlined in the interview process. Don’t be afraid to say no to a family if you feel the duties they expect are above and beyond what your contract should reasonably require.

Working hours for au pairs in Europe

Being an au pair is a part-time job and in most European countries, you’ll find au pairs working anywhere from 2-6 hours a day, five or six days a week. Countries with more official au pair programs may have a limit on the number of hours you can work.

During the interview process make sure you have a very clear idea of how much and when you will be working. Inquire about the daily schedule and don’t forget to ask if you will be required to work weekends.

Accommodation for au pairs in Europe

Au pairs generally live with the family. At the very least, you should have your own furnished room. Often you will also have your own bathroom, but you might have to share -- usually with the children.

If you’re living outside of a major city, you will probably have more space than if you are in a big city like Paris or Rome. The few really lucky au pairs, like Dena, have their own apartment completely separate from their family. Don’t hold out for this though, as it is rare.

Make sure you ask about the living arrangements during the interview. Hash out all rules and expectations related to living arrangements before you arrive so there are no surprises later.

Salary and benefits for au pairs in Europe

As an au pair in Europe, you'll receive a weekly or monthly stipend, often referred to as pocket money, as well as room and board. The amount of money and other benefits will vary by country and family. However, most countries have a minimum amount of pocket money that must be given to the au pair. Be sure you're familiar with what is legally required for your country before entering into talks with families.

When negotiating your stipend, don’t forget to ask about assistance paying for language school (if required), flights, and transport passes, and discuss the amount of time you get for vacation.

Once again, these benefits will vary greatly depending on both your family and what country you live in.

My family gives me 300 euros a month. If I’m traveling though, they will add more money to that. Some people live in the same home as the family they work for but I live in a separate apartment about a ten-minute walk away from the family. I get health insurance. I work 25-30 hours a week so that’s childcare, light cooking and cleaning, standard things like that." Dena S.

Tops countries for au pairs in Europe

Woman in Brown Coat Kneeling on Brown Wooden Dock.

Europe is one of the most popular regions for au pairs due to the good working conditions, high stipends, and dedicated visas which make it easy to move abroad. We've highlighted some of the top countries to kick off your research. Pick one or do them all!

Country information provided by AuPairWorld

Au pair in Germany

  • Age requirement : between 18 to 26 years old
  • Minimum monthly stipend : 280 euros
  • Working hours : no more than 6 hours per day, no more than 30 hours a week

Oktoberfest, castles, and currywurst await you in charming Germany. Au pair hopefuls can stay a minimum of six months up to a year. Non-EU applicants will need an au pair visa to come to Germany.

Au pairs who wish to study German during their time abroad will receive a 50 euro contribution per month from the family to help cover the cost of their classes. This is on top of the minimum amount of pocket money provided.

Read more : How to Become an Au Pair in Germany: Requirements, Salary, & Benefits

Working Holidays in Berlin & Germany!

Working Holiday Support in Berlin and Germany | World Unite!


Au Pair in Germany with GeoVisions


CHI: Au Pair Abroad in Germany

Au pair in france.

  • Age requirement : between 18 and 30 years old
  • Minimum monthly stipend : 320 euros
  • Working hours : no more than 25 hours a week

What sounds better than spending your day off reading a book at a cafe beneath the Eiffel Tower or strolling through a vineyard in Bordeaux? France draws au pairs from around the world and it's clear why.

If you aren't an EU citizen, you will need to apply for a long-stay visa at your local French embassy. Au pairs must stay for a minimum of 3 months, but if you're having a great time, you're allowed to stick around for up to two years!

AuPair France

Au Pair France – Simplicity and sophistication in the heart of Europe


Cultural Immersion Au Pair in France


Au Pair in France with GeoVisions

Au pair in spain.

  • Age requirement : between 18 and 26 years old
  • Minimum monthly salary : 280 euros
  • Working hours : no official regulations although 30 hours a week is recommended

Whether you long for the mountains of northern Spain or the sparkling beaches in the south, Spain is a land of contrast with something for everyone. Madrid and Barcelona are popular destinations but head outside of the city to find ancient villages with tons of corners to explore.

Visas for au pairs in Spain are a bit tricky. For jobs under 3 months (hello, summer!), au pairs from non-EU countries can generally enter the country visa-free. If you want to stay longer, you must be enrolled in a language course for a minimum of 20 hours a week in order to be eligible for a student visa . There is no minimum or maximum length of time to work as an au pair as long as you meet the entry requirements.


Au Pair in Spain - Summer or Academic Year

Barcelona, Spain!

Become an Au Pair in Spain with API!


Au Pair in Spain – Explore Spain’s Vibrant Culture as an Au Pair!

Au pair in belgium.

  • Age requirement : between 18 and 25 years old
  • Minimum monthly salary : 450 euros
  • Working hours : no more than 4 hours a day, no more than 20 hours a week over 6 days

One of the cushiest gigs in Europe, Belgium has low working hours while providing a good stipend. Flemish-speaking in the north, French-speaking in the south, and German-speaking in the east, Belgium has a fascinating history where several cultures and languages collide.

Depending on the region where you end up working, you will need to enroll in a language course for either Dutch, French, or German. Au pairs are required to apply for a work permit in order to come work with a family in Belgium. Despite having a work permit, you're not allowed to get another paid job during your stay.

Au pair in Switzerland

  • Age requirement : between 17 and 25 year olds
  • Minimum monthly salary : between 500-700 CHF (526-736 USD)
  • Working hours : no more than 30 hours a week

Switzerland is one of the most expensive countries in Europe but working as an au pair is your ticket to avoiding the major expenses of room and board. Au pairs in Switzerland receive a high stipend compared to other countries in Europe so you may be able to save a bit, even with weekend trips for fondue!

You will be required to attend a language course while working and the language you study will depend on the region you're living in. Italian, French, German, and Romansh are official languages so if you have a target language in mind, you may want to research where it's spoken and look for families in that region.

Au pairs from outside of the EU can stay for three months without a visa. If they wish to stay longer, they will need to apply for the appropriate visa , which may be a bit more complicated.


Switzerland Au Pair Jobs


Au Pair in Switzerland with AuPairWorld

Au pair in sweden.

  • Age requirement : between 18-30 years old
  • Minimum monthly salary : 3,500 SEK (335 USD)

Scandinavian countries have a reputation for happy citizens that live healthy and balanced lives. Sweden tops the list for quality of life and is a fabulous choice for aspiring au pairs.

All au pairs are required to take Swedish classes while in the country. Non-EU citizens will also need to apply for a work permit before heading off to their au pair gigs. You can stay for a maximum of 12 months as an au pair in Sweden.


Au Pair in Sweden with Au Pair Europe


Au Pair in Sweden with AuPairWorld


Scandinavian Au-Pair Center: Swedish Au Pair Placements

Au pair in denmark.

  • Age requirement : between 17 and 30 years old
  • Minimum monthly salary : 4,550 DKK (621 USD)
  • Working hours : no more than 3 to 5 hours a day, no more than 18 to 30 hours a week

Au pairs in Denmark enjoy a sizeable stipend and the possibility of working as little as 18 hours. Danish language classes and the return flight ticket home are covered by the family so the perks in Denmark keep coming. Demark has two visa options for au pairs from non-EU countries.

Considered one of the happiest nations on Earth, Denmark prides itself on a work-life balance that puts well-being first. A country with both ample natural beauty and modern cities, spend your days off walking on the beach or enjoying the architecture of Copenhagen.


Denmark Au Pair Jobs


Au Pair Denmark


Au Pair in Denmark with AuPairWorld

How to get a job as an au pair in europe.

A Woman Throwing Her Daughter in the Air while Standing on the Beach.

Moving abroad to work as an au pair isn't as complicated as it may seem at first. Finding the perfect family takes a little time and persistence but it's worth the effort and there are plenty of resources to help you along the way. Follow these simple steps to start your new life as an au pair in Europe.

Search for families

Finding the perfect family for your au pair in Europe adventure is one of the most important parts so don't rush this step! Whether you look for a family on your own or use a program provider or agency, make sure to thoroughly do your research to find the best fit.

Find an au pair job independently

To find a family yourself, you'll need to set up a profile on an au pair website. Great Au Pair and AuPairWorld are the most common and both are free for au pairs. Remember to complete your profile in full and emphasize any sort of childcare experience you have.

Include a few clear photos of you smiling, and if you have any with children, use those. You want to present a friendly and warm image of yourself to potential families.

If you choose to find a job independently, you'll be responsible for negotiating a contract and applying for your visa. If your chosen family has had an au pair before, they will be able to help you with the process.

I used a website called AuPairWorld.com. I would describe it as kind of like a dating app but for au pairs. They match you based on the qualities that families want and the qualities that the au pairs want. Dena S.

Use an agency to find an au pair job

Agencies may charge a fee for au pairs and families to participate, though this isn't always the case. They will guide you through the process of finding a family and usually help negotiate contracts and sort out visa requirements.

The downside, though, is that your search is limited to families who have also signed up with this agency and your candidate pool may be significantly smaller.

If you're interested in signing up with an agency, Go Overseas has a list of au pair program providers and agencies (along with reviews from past au pairs) to help you find the right one for you.

Choose a family

Choosing the right family is key to a fun and successful year abroad. Rather than taking the first offer you receive, take your time to make sure all your boxes are checked. It's good to be picky during this stage!

The first thing you need to do is make a list of the things you absolutely want out of your au pair experience. These could be things like location, age of the children, time off, or salary.

Once you’ve decided on your top priorities, begin your search. If you’re with an agency this will involve telling them your preferences, and if you’re doing this alone you can use these terms to filter families on the website.

Start by contacting any families that catch your eye and meet your requirements. Don’t be afraid to ask any questions you might have about life with them. This is a time to weed out the ones who aren’t a good fit.

Read more : How to Find the Perfect Host Family as an Au Pair

When you’ve narrowed it down, schedule a video chat with the parents and kids. While there’s no surefire way to guarantee a good match from thousands of miles away, talking face-to-face can help determine if you click.

If you really like a family, don’t be afraid to tell them you want to be their au pair. They probably feel the same way and will appreciate your sincere interest.

Conversely, if it doesn’t feel like a fit, definitely don’t string them along or feel pressured to say yes. Don’t put yourself, or this family, in a situation that will make for a less than ideal year.

Secure a visa

Thanks to the popularity of au pairing in Europe, most countries have visa schemes in place. This makes moving abroad to work as an au pair so much easier.

For jobs that are 3 months or less

If you hold a passport from a non-EU country and want to stay in Europe for less than 90 days, you will not need to apply for a visa. This is ideal for summer or short-term au pairing.

Hooray! You're one step closer to moving abroad!

For jobs that are more than 3 months

Prospective au pairs from non-EU countries will need to for a visa. Depending on the country, this will be one of the following:

  • Au pair visa : Austria, Germany, Finland, Denmark
  • Student visa : Spain, Italy
  • Work permit/visa : Sweden, Belgium, Norway

You will need a valid passport to apply for a residence permit or visa.

Make sure you understand all the requirements for the country you wish to au pair in. Some countries require elementary language proficiency prior to applying for a permit or visa and some require that you register for language classes while you are working as an au pair. Depending on your destination, it may not be mandatory for families to pay for your studies so confirm that you can afford the potential fees.

Read more : Easy Visas, High Pay: The Best Countries to Au Pair Abroad

Become an au pair in Europe

An adult holds the hand of a child as they walk up a log.

Becoming an au pair in Europe is a fantastic way to live abroad while gaining skills and earning a bit of cash. Careful planning and research will help you land your dream role with a family somewhere awesome.

When asked what piece of advice she would give to anyone considering au pairing in Europe, Dena had this to say:

"Go with the flow. Don’t come with any expectations of how things should be. This is an opportunity for you to go out of your comfort zone to experience a new culture, new family, new job. [This mentality] has helped me form more of a connection with the family I’m working for. Be open-minded!"

Choose au pairing in Europe and get ready for an immersive cultural learning experience!

Dig in to your au pair research :

  • 5 Reasons You Should Au Pair Abroad
  • Nine Ways to Make the Most of Your Au Pair Experience

Keep on Reading

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How to Become a Digital Nomad in 2024

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How to Move Abroad in 2024: Live Overseas as an Expat

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What Type of Meaningful Travel is Right for You?

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Is Coliving for You? Pros and Cons of Coliving Spaces for Digital Nomads

10 Cheapest Countries to Work and Live In Abroad

Live and Work Abroad in 10 Cheap Countries for Under $1,300 a Month

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8 Best Entry-Level Jobs for Expats: Work Abroad Without Experience

jobs abroad au pair

jobs abroad au pair

By Emilia Terzon

  • ASX200: +0.1% to 7,767.50  
  • AUD: -0.3% to 66.26 US cents
  • Hang Seng: +0.1% to   17,734.91
  • Wall Street: Dow +0.1% S & P +0.1% Nasdaq +0.19%
  • Europe: Stoxx 50 -0.27% FTSE -0.5% DAX +0.3% CAC -1%
  • Gold: -0.5% to $US2326g/oz  
  • Brent crude: +1.41% to $US88.49 a barrel
  • Iron ore: -0.08% to $US106.4 a tonne
  • Bitcoin +0.22% to $US61,537  

Snapshot current at around 4:45pm AEST.

Happy EOFY!

Clint Jasper profile image

By Clint Jasper

It's the last markets blog of the financial year!

On Monday, David Chau has a ripper article wrapping up the year in markets, looking at which stocks performed best and which ones tanked - and most importantly how our superfunds performed.

Have great weekend : )

Ian Verrander's take on the Nine cuts

Hot off the digital press: friend of the blog Ian Verrander has just published an analysis on the job cuts at Nine Entertainment and other media outlets like rival Seven West.

"The recent lay-offs across the media landscape could make an already difficult situation for the RBA even harder as it comes under pressure to rein in persistent inflation with yet another hike."

Gas company moves away from urea plant to sell power instead

A Western Australian gas company has shelved its plans to build a $3 billion fertiliser plant which would have provided three quarters of Australian food growers' urea needs and will instead focus on producing electricity.

Strike Energy has gas wells and exploration interests in the northern Perth Basin and brought its maiden natural gas project, Walyering, online in September 2023.

But it was its plans to make 1.4 million tonnes of urea per annum from clean hydrogen and natural gas that attracted the interest of farmers.

They are keen on a local supply of nitrogen which is essential for crop growth and development, but is currently entirely imported.

Farmers hoped Strike's Project Haber, proposed to be located west of Three Springs, would provide a local and more affordable source of urea for their crops.

Strike Energy is the ASX200 's biggest mover today, up 10 per cent at 1430AEST.

Time for a cuppa!

  Eastern states readers are entering the final stretch of the working week (hi from the west!).

If you're reaching for that cuppa to get you through to the end of the day, here are some cool stats about the global trade in coffee   and tea   courtesy of S & P Global Market Intelligence.

In the 2023 calendar year, 8.88 million metric tonnes (mmt) of coffee was traded around the world, with Brazil, Vietnam and Columbia being the main exporters.

jobs abroad au pair

Unsurprisingly, the USA was the major importer, buying 18pc of the coffee traded, while all the European countries in the top 10 accounted for around 42 per cent of imports.

For tea, global trade volume came in at 1.89mmt, with China and Kenya being the major exporters.

The USA and Germany were the only countries in the top 10 for both coffee and tea imports.

jobs abroad au pair

By 2040, coffee and tea trade volumes   are forecast to grow to 10.73 mmt and 2.14 mmt, respectively, at compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) of 1.1pc and 0.7pc, respectively, from 2023.

More fun facts about the trade in the world's favourite comfort beverages: one kg of roasted coffee beans yields 111 cups, while one kg of tea leaves can produce up to 400 cups.

In 2023, the world traded the equivalent of 986.0 billion cups of coffee and 757.9 billion cups of tea. By 2040, the numbers are expected to increase to 1.2 trillion coffee cups and 856.2 billion tea cups.

Iron ore traders sceptical about Chinese property market

Iron ore is a major export earner for Australia, and China is the number one buyer.

So the health of the Chinese real estate market is something many economists keep a keen eye on.

CommBank has published a very interesting note, looking at a fall in iron ore spot prices yesterday despite the fact the Chinese government has lowered the down-payment requirements for first and second time homebuyers.

Despite all Tier 1 (Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou) cities looking to revive their local property sectors, it’s hard to have conviction that China’s property sector is on the path to a sustained recovery.

jobs abroad au pair

But CommBank is predicting additional policy moves from the Chinese government will boost the iron ore price over the medium term.

A weakening property sector increases the likelihood that China misses its economic growth target of "around 5%" this year. This may trigger more policy announcements later this year that boost infrastructure investment (25-30% of China's steel demand) as policymakers re-prioritise economic growth. We saw this last year when China raised the fiscal deficit ratio from 3.0% of GDP to 3.8%. This potential policy shift towards infrastructure is a key upside risk to our view that iron ore prices will average $US100-110/t (62% Fe, CFR China) in H2 2024.

Nine to axe 200 jobs

Nine Entertainment - owner of The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian Financial Review and   Nine News   has announced it'll cut up to 200 jobs across the network due to 'economic headwinds'.

The SMH has reported   that an email sent to staff this morning by Nine chief executive Mike Sneesby blamed a 'weaker advertising market' and a deal with Meta   (the owner of Facebook and Instagram ) coming to an end were the reason they had to cut jobs.

Up to 90 jobs are expected to be cut from the publishing division, and a further 38 from the news and current affairs broadcasting division.

“From our nationwide team of almost 5,000 people, around 200 jobs are expected to be affected across Nine including some vacant and casual roles not being filled,” Sneesby said in the email.

The Sydney Morning Herald   has   reported   up to 150 jobs are on the chopping block amid a restructure announced by Seven West on Tuesday that saw senior executives leave the company and a new CFO announced. However sources speaking to   Crikey   say   The Nightly   will be left untouched.

Crikey   understands every state that Seven operates in has a target of redundancies to be met, with all departments (besides   The Nightly) set to be affected.

Are you feeling *wealthier* this quarter?

I'm not :(

But friend of the blog David Taylor   has been digging into some recently released Australian Bureau of Statistics   data that reveals household wealth has risen for the sixth straight quarter.

Property owners are seeing their wealth grow by what some economists describe as a "noteworthy" amount.

Australian Bureau of Statistics data show household wealth rose for a sixth straight quarter by 2.7 per cent ($431 billion), over the March quarter 2024.

Total household wealth was $16.2 trillion in the March quarter, which was 10.2 per cent ($1.5 trillion) higher than a year ago.

Once again, if you've paid off a mortgage, and own a home, you're likely to be in the cohort that's actually   feeling wealthier, and the stats show, are spending more.

Independent economist Saul Eslake says the wealth gain from property is a symptom of Australia's love affair with the housing market.

"Australia has become a property speculators' paradise, especially since the halving of the capital gains tax rate back in 1999."

ASX posting good gains with ANZ up 3% on Suncorp news

Despite the subdued dance on Wall Street, the ASX 200 is doing nicely this morning with a gain of 0.6% to 7808 points.

ANZ is up 0.7% on the news that it set to takeover Suncorp Bank, which is lower than the broader gains of 1.2% for finance stocks.

Suncorp, meanwhile, is up 2.8%.

Meanwhile its rival IAG is roaring, with its stock up 7.8% on news of a reinsurance deal.

World Vision Australia signs enforceable undertaking over staff underpayment

You might remember a story from more than four years ago about the charity World Vision Australia self-reporting widespread staff underpayment.

At the time, it said the issue stemmed from it paying lots of its staff under the wrong AWARD.

Well, now FairWork Australia says they've paid back more than 3,000 staff $6m in wages and other entitlements like super.

It is unclear if this repayment just happened or some time ago.

World Vision Australia couldn't be contacted for comment. As part of FairWork's release, it says the charity has signed an enforceable undertaking to review its payroll processes.

Its EU notes that World Vision Australia reported the final figure of $6m to FairWork in May.

We are getting a lot of unhappy comments about ANZ/Suncorp

Surely we need a less concentrated banking sector, not more concentrated?!? - Todd
This is disappointing. Anz customer service is poor already and it's only going to get worse plus more branch closures. Phone queues with Anz are already at unacceptable levels. At a time the ACCC are recommending large suoermatkets be broken up to offer more competition with the end customer at heart, this approval is exactly the opposite. Nevermind its a sure thing they will look after the shareholders before any customer or customer service. And still the charges go up..which is strange considering most transactions are digitilised and automated. Shame on the Treasurer for allowing this. - Kevin
We have been with SGIO, Suncorp/Metway for all the time we are in Australia (43 years). Short Stints with NAB, ANZ didn't work out for us. Now back to ANZ? No, thank you. Need a bank that is not closing all its branches in regional towns. So we will change banks. What a bummer! - Ursula
I think there will be less competition in the banking market for people to choose to get loans. Now it too few to look around and get better deals who what mortgage loans. - Mike

Suncorp Bank acquisition will add to ANZ's 'medium-term cost challenges'

E & P Capital analyst Azib Khan has put out a note on the news that the treasurer has approved ANZ's takeover of Suncorp's banking arm.

They aren't expecting the takeover to greatly impact the returns of shares on ANZ stock.

"Potentially very modest (~2%) EPS accretion," they note.

"We believe the acquisition will add to ANZ’s medium-term cost challenges, and that the acquisition will not significantly shift the dial in terms of ANZ's capital allocation which sees the greatest percentage of capital being allocated to the relatively-low-ROE Institutional division."

More reaction to the ANZ takeover of Suncorp Bank

Sad for loyal Suncorp customers - Robert

Coalition's Nuclear energy plan: 'We envisage no cost blowouts'

The architect of the Coalition's plan, Shadow Energy minister Ted O'Brien is even going as far as to say their plan won't have a cost blowout.

More cashed up foreign buyers purchasing Australian homes

This story from ABC's Nassim Khadem just aired.

Finance Sector Union claims ANZ/Suncorp deal as a win

A union representing finance, insurance and other banking professionals is welcoming the treasurer's approval of ANZ takeover of Suncorp's banking arm.

The Finance Sector Union says the condition that no job losses or branches close for three years will give workers time to reskill.

“This will help reskill affected workers and maximise opportunities for redeployment or new technology jobs in the future," FSU's national president Wendy Streets says.

"The Treasurer has taken the time to genuinely consider the impact this major acquisition will have on workers with these positive conditions.

"And we’ll now be holding ANZ accountable to ensure they are upheld."

ANZ's also going to be forced to lend to Queensland

More on those conditions for the ANZ takeover of Suncorp's banking arm, as highlighted in a press release by the treasurer.

ANZ is also being told to lend $15b to Queensland's renewable energy projects and for its 2023 Olympic Games.

Plus $10b for other projects like hydrogen, $10b for small business in the state, and 3,000 homes worth of lending.

We are noting some scepticism about the Suncorp conditions

Great. Expect Suncorp job losses after three years and one day. - Josh

Treasurer says Suncorp takeover subject to 'strict conditions'

In a speech sent out to media, the federal treasurer Jim Chalmers confirms he is approving ANZ's takeover of Suncorp's banking business.

But there are "strict conditions".

"The Commonwealth's conditions prohibit regional branch closures for three years," the speech says.

"Require ANZ to make every effort to join Bank@Post, ensure no net employment losses across Australia for three years due to the transaction, and insist on proper engagement with employees and the Finance Sector Union."

We'll bring you more soon.

One more thing needs to happen to allow ANZ's Suncorp takeover

In its press release, ANZ notes that there are three major things that need to happen to pave the way for its takeover of Suncorp's banking arm.

That is: authorisation under Australia's competition laws by the ACCC, federal treasurer approval, and Queensland legislative amendments.

It notes the latter hasn't happened, but if it does, the acquisition is expected to take place at the end of July.


  1. Find Au Pair Jobs Abroad| Go Overseas

    4. Start your search. There are two main ways to get a job abroad as an au pair: agencies that match au pairs with families and au pair platforms that allow you to search for hosts through their website. Program providers or agencies work with you directly to match you with families.

  2. Au Pair Jobs Abroad

    Au Pair Jobs Abroad. The romantic fantasy of living an international life and intimately discovering the hidden treasures of a foreign city is something that many people dream of after a trip abroad, but no need to just visit. Maybe you unexpectedly fell in love with a charming city and can't help but toss and turn over it or somewhere ...

  3. GreatAuPair Best Au Pair Jobs, Childcare & Senior Care Jobs

    15 Good Reasons to Work with GreatAuPair. 1. GreatAuPair: A Global Community. Connect with candidates and jobs around the world, GreatAuPair expands your horizons, offering a diverse pool of au pairs, nannies, senior care, personal assistants, housekeepers, and employer host families. 2.

  4. Best Countries to Au Pair Abroad: Free Housing and High Pay

    Age limit: Au pairs should be between 18 and 30 years old. Typical hours: no more than 38 hours a week. Average monthly pay & benefits: Between $800 - $1,000 AUD ($550 - $688 USD) a month in addition to room and board. Australia is a mecca for young people looking for a year abroad making it a wonderful choice for an au pair looking to combine work with travel.

  5. Au Pair Jobs Abroad

    Au Pair Jobs in Spain. Planet Au Pair. Au pair agency in Valencia, Spain which placements throughout Europe and the USA. Work, Travel & Study in Spain. The Au Pair Plus Program allows summer stays from 1 to 3 months working as an au pair. $150 placement fee. $140 weekly allowance. Full Board.

  6. How to Apply to be an Au Pair & Requirements

    If you're over 18 years old, have an affinity for new languages, and love working with children, then becoming an au pair sounds like the right move for you! By using our site you agree to our use of cookies. Read our Cookie Policy for details. Choose Experience. Online Programs ...

  7. Find Au Pair Jobs

    Experience & Skills. Find Au Pair Jobs. Sign up for free to use our FastMatch database to view host family profiles living in other countries and looking for childcare. We help train, arrange travel, and connect our Au Pairs with families to help them secure culturally rich employment abroad.

  8. Au Pair or Nanny Abroad

    Au Pairs will typically live with their host family for up to 1-2 years, whereas a nanny can be employed for as little or as long as the family needs. One of the best parts of being an Au Pair abroad is having almost no living expenses! Accommodation is covered as you will live with a host family, plus meals will also be provided most days.

  9. Become an au pair in Europe

    An au pair stay makes it possible. Experience another country like a native. Live with a host family and immerse yourself in the real life of a foreign country. Make friends from around the world. Meet new people, make new friends - from your host country and from around the globe. You get room and board, plus a salary.

  10. Au Pair Summer Programs

    Depending on your duties, hours and location, some au pairs may receive $200 a month, while others will make $700. Families can also offer "extras" such as a car or holiday travel with the family to make the deal better for the au pair. However, an average "stipend" is usually around $75-$300 per week.

  11. Become an Au Pair in abroad and find a Host Family today

    Become an Au Pair and find Host Families from abroad - Contact them today for free. Order by. German family in Erdmannhausen, Germany, offering an Au Pair and Granny Au Pair job for 10-12 Months. 300 EUR per month. Jun 2024 - Aug 2024 (10-12 Months)

  12. Au Pair Jobs in Europe

    Au pairing (literally "living on equal terms") provides single women and sometimes men over 18 and generally under 27 the chance to study a language and culture while living as part of a family abroad. The demand for live-in childcare is enormous, especially for young women. The International Au Pair Association (IAPA), is a good source of ...

  13. 9 Websites to Find an Au Pair Job Abroad

    Websites to Find an Au Pair Job Abroad. 1. Au Pair World. Membership fee: Free for Au Pairs. Host family locations: Around the world. Do they vet their host families: Yes. Notes: I have used this website to find Au Pair jobs and highly recommend it. You can create a profile and message host families for free.

  14. Au Pair Jobs

    Work as an au pair in the USA, Australia, France and New Zealand with InterExchange! Experience a new culture and create life-long memories along the way! InterExchange help you apply for your visa and find a great host family, and provide support throughout. Instituto Hemingway offer au pair jobs in Bilbao, Spain.

  15. Your summer job abroad: The au pair option!

    A special aspect of being a summer au pair: Often families need an au pair to provide care for the children during the summer school holidays, which is also partly the family vacation time. There's a good chance therefore that you also might accompany your host family somewhere on their summer holiday trip. Mainly you would work mornings and ...

  16. Au Pair Jobs in Italy

    For a demi au pair, expect a minimum of 120 euros per week for 15 hours of work. For 20 hours of work, 160 euros a week. For a full au pair, expect 240 euros per week for 30 hours, and 300 euros for 40 hours. Conclusion. To truly immerse yourself in and experience one of the core values of Italian life, the family, consider becoming an au pair.

  17. 5 Job Opportunities Abroad No Experience

    Tefl.com and Upwork.com are other popular websites to look for teaching opportunities abroad. 2. Become an au pair. Another popular option for those wanting to go abroad to work for the first time is to become an au pair. What is an au pair? An au pair is someone who works for a family, looking after children. Au pairs take on a range of duties ...

  18. Work Abroading Opportunities: Jobs And Prospects

    Many au pairs find work through a local agency which places them in families abroad. Online jobs boards like GoAbroad and GoOverseas also have postings for au pair positions around the world. AuPairWorld and AuPair.com are two reputable and well-known platforms for finding an au pair job. Applying for an au pair position is slightly different ...

  19. Summer Au Pair Jobs: Part-Time Nanny, Full-Time Fun

    You probably weren't working in a bridal shop in Queens, but these summer au pair jobs will still make you the ultimate nanny. By using our site you agree to our use of cookies. Read our Cookie Policy for details. Choose Experience. Online Programs. How it Works Help Me ...

  20. State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region

    State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region Elektrostal postal code 144009. See Google profile, Hours, Phone, Website and more for this business. 2.0 Cybo Score. Review on Cybo.

  21. 8 Best Places to Au Pair in Europe

    Do you want to be an au pair in Europe? It's a great way to travel while making money! Top destinations in Europe include Germany, the UK, and more.

  22. Moscow Wedding Ideas and Inspiration

    This real wedding is pure inspiration. With each stroke of the brush, the details add to the already ideal picture: one of the most picturesque Moscow areas, the warm day in June, the tenderest and the most beautiful bridal portraits, the ceremony in the greenhouse, wallowing in flowers and sun rays….

  23. The Complete Guide to Au Pair Jobs in Europe

    Thanks to the popularity of au pairing in Europe, most countries have visa schemes in place. This makes moving abroad to work as an au pair so much easier. For jobs that are 3 months or less. If you hold a passport from a non-EU country and want to stay in Europe for less than 90 days, you will not need to apply for a visa.

  24. 5 Au Pair Jobs So You Can Explore Without Going Broke

    Au pair jobs are the answer to your wanderlust. By using our site you agree to our use of cookies. Read our Cookie Policy for details. Choose Experience. Online Programs. How it Works Help Me Sign In. For Travelers MyGoAbroad Apply for Deals Help Me Pick a Program How It Works Travel Articles Travel Resources ...

  25. 628DirtRooster

    Welcome to the 628DirtRooster website where you can find video links to Randy McCaffrey's (AKA DirtRooster) YouTube videos, community support and other resources for the Hobby Beekeepers and the official 628DirtRooster online store where you can find 628DirtRooster hats and shirts, local Mississippi honey and whole lot more!

  26. As it happened: Nine to axe 200 jobs, ASX trades higher

    Nine entertainment has announced it'll cut up to 200 jobs, after similar announcements by Seven West Media and News Corp. Catch up on the day's financial news and insights from our specialist ...

  27. 15 men brought to military enlistment office after mass brawl ...

    Local security forces brought 15 men to a military enlistment office after a mass brawl at a warehouse of the Russian Wildberries company in Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast on Feb. 8, Russian Telegram ...