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How to Write a Loan Officer Marketing Plan + Template

loan officer marketing plan template

In this article, we will show describe what should be included in each component of your loan officer’s marketing plan and provide some marketing strategies that can help you get started.

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What is a Loan Officer Marketing Plan?

As a loan officer, your job is to help people finance their homes. But in order to do that, you need to generate leads. A loan officer marketing plan will help you identify your target market, create messages that resonate with them, and determine the best channels to reach them.

Your marketing plan should be built around your unique selling proposition (USP), which is the one thing that sets you apart from other loan officers. Once you have identified your USP, you can start developing your marketing strategy. This should include a mix of online and offline marketing tactics, as well as a plan for tracking and measuring results.

Next, you need to determine which channels will be most effective for reaching your target audience. There are many options available, including online advertising, direct mail, and public relations. You’ll need to experiment with different channels to determine which ones generate the most leads.

Once you have a plan in place, it’s important to track your results and make adjustments as needed. Your marketing plan should be a living document that evolves as your business grows.

Why You Need a Marketing Plan As a Loan Officer

There are a number of reasons why you need a marketing plan as a loan officer. First, a marketing plan will help you focus your efforts and ensure that you’re using your time and resources effectively. Without a plan, it’s easy to get bogged down in the details and lose sight of your overall goals.

Second, a marketing plan will help you track your progress and measure your success. You’ll be able to see which strategies are working and which ones need to be tweaked. This information is essential for making decisions about where to allocate your resources.

Third, a marketing plan will give you a roadmap for growth. As your business grows, your marketing plan will evolve. But having a plan in place will help you make sure that you’re always moving in the right direction.

Marketing Plan Basics

A typical marketing plan includes the following components:

  • Executive Summary : The executive summary is a brief overview of your marketing plan. It should include your USP, target market, distribution strategy, and financial projections.
  • Target Market Segments : Who are you trying to reach with your marketing? Be as specific as possible when defining your target market.
  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP) : What makes you different from other loan officers? Your USP will be the foundation of your marketing messages.
  • Pricing and Positioning Strategy : How will you price your services and position yourself in the market?
  • Distribution Strategy : How will you get your marketing materials in front of your target audience?
  • Offers : What incentives will you offer to potential customers?
  • Marketing Materials : What collateral will you need to support your marketing efforts? This could include website content, brochures, or email templates.\
  • Promotions Strategy : How will you promote your business and generate awareness? This could include online advertising, direct mail, or public relations.
  • Digital Marketing Plan : How will you reach your target audience online? This could include SEO, social media marketing, or email marketing.
  • Conversion, Referral and Retention Strategy : How will you convert leads into customers and keep them coming back for more?
  • Financial Projections : What are your expected costs and revenue for the next 12 months?

How to Write a Loan Officer Marketing Plan

Now that we’ve covered the basics of what a loan officer marketing plan is and why you need one, let’s take a look at how to write one. Here are the essential components of a loan officer marketing plan:

Executive Summary

Although the first section of your loan officer marketing plan, it should be the final section of your marketing plan that is written.

In two or three pages, summarize all of the information you have presented in the other sections and include a summary version of any graphs or charts you have included.

You should also include your marketing goals, objectives, and success metrics for the first year of operations.

Target Market Segments

In this section, you will identify your target market segments. Begin by defining your ideal customer. Who are they? What are their demographics? What are their needs and wants?

Once you have defined your ideal customer, you can begin to segment them into smaller groups. For example, you might segment them by age, location, or income level.

As you segment your target market, be sure to keep your unique selling proposition (USP) in mind. Your USP is what sets you apart from other loan officers and will be a key element in determining which segments you target.

You can use this information to create targeted marketing campaigns that will speak to each segment’s specific needs.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Your USP is the one thing that sets you apart from other loan officers. It’s what makes you unique and gives you an advantage over your competition.

To develop your USP, start by identifying your unique strengths. What do you do better than anyone else? What can you offer that no one else can?

Once you have identified your USP, you can begin crafting messages that resonate with your target market segments. These messages should be included in all of your marketing materials, from your website to your business cards.

Pricing and Positioning Strategy

In this section, you will define your pricing strategy and position yourself in the marketplace. To do this, you will need to research your competition and see what they are charging for their products and services. You will also need to consider your own costs and overhead.

Once you have a good understanding of the market, you can begin to develop your pricing strategy. There are a number of pricing strategies you can use, but the most important thing is to be consistent with your pricing across all channels.

You will also need to develop a positioning strategy. This is how you will position yourself in the marketplace. For example, you might position yourself as the “low-cost leader” or the “high-end choice.”

Distribution Strategy

Your distribution strategy outlines how you will get your products and services into the hands of your target market. It should include information about your distribution channels, your partner relationships, and your sales process.

There are a number of ways to distribute your products and services, including online, offline, and through a network of partnerships.

You will need to consider the costs and benefits of each distribution channel and determine which one is best for your business.

In this section, you will develop special offers for your target market segments. These offers should be designed to meet the needs of your target market and should be based on your USP.

For example, if you are targeting first-time homebuyers, you might offer a special discount on your services. Or, if you are targeting high-end buyers, you might offer a free consultation.

Marketing Materials

Your marketing materials are the tools you will use to reach your target market. They should be designed to attract attention and get your target market to take action.

Some of the marketing materials you will need include a website, business cards, brochures, and email templates.

Promotions Strategy

Your promotions strategy should be designed to generate interest in your products and services. There are a number of ways to promote your business, including online advertising, social media, and public relations.

You will need to consider the costs and benefits of each promotion channel and determine which one is best for your business.

Digital Marketing Plan

In this section, you will develop a digital marketing plan to reach your target market online.

Some examples of digital marketing strategies include:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
  • Social media marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Content marketing

Conversion, Referral and Retention Strategy

In this section, you will develop strategies to convert leads into customers, referral partners into advocates, and customers into repeat buyers.

You will need to consider the following:

  • What offer will you make to your target market?
  • What is your call-to-action?
  • What are your follow-up procedures?

Financial Projections

In this section, you will need to provide financial projections for your business. This includes a sales forecast, expense budget, and cash flow statement.

Common Marketing Strategies for a Loan Officer

For most loan officers, there are several traditional and digital marketing strategies that are effective for promoting their business and generating leads.

Some common marketing strategies for loan officers include:

  • Networking – Networking is a great way to meet potential clients and referral partners. Attend local business events, Chamber of Commerce meetings, and networking luncheons. You can also join professional organizations such as the National Association of Realtors or the Mortgage Bankers Association.
  • Referrals – Ask your current clients for referrals. Provide them with referral cards that they can give to their friends and family members. You can also offer a referral incentive, such as a discount on your services.
  • Direct mail – Direct mail is a great way to reach potential clients in your target market. Send postcards, flyers, and newsletters to your list of prospects.
  • Online advertising – Online advertising, such as Google AdWords, is a great way to reach potential clients who are searching for loan officers online.
  • Social media – Social media is a great way to connect with potential clients and referral partners. Create a profile on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Be sure to post interesting content that will get people talking about your business.
  • Public relations – Public relations is a great way to generate positive publicity for your business. Write press releases, hold events, and give interviews to local media outlets.
  • Content marketing – Content marketing is a great way to attract potential clients to your website. Write blog posts, create infographics, and produce videos that offer valuable information about the loan process.
  • Email marketing – Email marketing is a great way to stay in touch with potential clients and referral partners. Send weekly or monthly emails with mortgage tips, industry news, and special offers.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) – SEO is a great way to ensure that your website appears at the top of search engine results pages. Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions, and link to your website from other websites.
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising – PPC advertising is a great way to reach potential clients who are searching for loan officers online. Advertise on Google, Bing, and Yahoo! using keyword-targeted ads.
  • Lead generation programs – Lead generation programs, such as, are a great way to generate new leads for your business. These programs provide you with access to a database of potential borrowers who are interested in taking out a loan.

These are just a few of the many marketing strategies that you can use to promote your loan officer business. Choose a few that you feel will be most effective for your business and start implementing them today.

When creating your marketing plan, be sure to include a budget for each of the strategies that you intend to use. This will help you track your progress and ensure that you are not overspending on your marketing efforts.

Once you have created your marketing plan, implement it and start generating new leads for your business. With a little hard work and dedication, you will be on your way to success.

Sample Marketing Plan for a Loan Officer

Example – abc loans.

ABC Loans is a loan officer business that specializes in helping people get the loans they need. We offer a variety of loan products, including home loans, auto loans, and personal loans. We are committed to providing our clients with the best possible service and terms.

To help promote our business, we have developed a marketing plan that includes a variety of strategies, such as online advertising, direct mail, and social media. We have also included a budget for each of these strategies so that we can track our progress and ensure that we are not overspending on our marketing efforts.

Our goal is to generate new leads and business through our marketing efforts. We expect that our marketing plan will help us to achieve our goal of becoming the leading provider of loans in our area.

Our target market segments include individuals and families who are in need of a loan.

The individuals and families who are in need of a loan are typically in need of a large amount of money, and they may not have the time or resources to go through the traditional loan process. They are looking for a loan officer who can help them get the loan they need as quickly and easily as possible.


The following is a breakdown of our target market by demographics:

  • Female: 50%
  • Suburban: 30%
  • $25,000-$49,999: 30%
  • $50,000-$74,999: 30%
  • $75,000-$99,999: 20%
  • $100,000-$149,999: 10%
  • $150,000+: 10%

Family Status

  • Married: 50%
  • Single: 30%
  • Divorced: 10%
  • Widowed: 10%

Employment Status

  • Full-time: 70%
  • Part-time: 20%
  • Unemployed: 10%

We also target businesses that may need a loan for expansion or other purposes.

Businesses that may need a loan typically have a good credit history and are looking for a loan officer who can help them get the loan they need as quickly and easily as possible.

The following is a breakdown of our target market by business type:

  • Small businesses: 90%
  • Large businesses: 10%
  • Manufacturing: 30%
  • Retail: 20%
  • Service: 30%
  • $1-$5 million: 50%
  • $5-$10 million: 30%
  • $10-$50 million: 15%
  • $50 million+: 5%

At ABC Loans, we pride ourselves on our commitment to customer service. We understand that taking out a loan is a big decision, and we are here to help our clients through every step of the process. We offer a variety of loan products, including home loans, auto loans, and personal loans. We also offer competitive rates and terms.

Our pricing strategy is based on providing our clients with the best possible rates and terms. We position ourselves as a provider of loans that offer competitive rates and terms.

Our distribution strategy is based on providing our clients with the best possible service. We offer a variety of loan products, and we work with our clients to find the best product for their needs. We also offer a variety of payment options, so that our clients can choose the option that best suits their needs.

We distribute our loans through a network of loan officers. We also have an online application process that allows our clients to apply for a loan from the comfort of their own home.

We offer a variety of loan products, including home loans, auto loans, and personal loans. We also offer competitive rates and terms.

To help promote our business, we have developed a variety of marketing materials, such as website banner ads, direct mailers, and social media posts.

ABC Loans will use a variety of promotional strategies to reach our target markets. We will use online and offline strategies, as well as a mix of paid and organic methods.

The digital marketing plan includes the following elements:

The website will be the primary focus of the digital marketing effort. The website will include a variety of features, such as a loan calculator, an online application form, and a blog.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

We will use SEO to improve the visibility of our website in search engines. We will target key phrases that are relevant to our business and our target markets.

Social Media

We will use social media to create awareness of our brand and to drive traffic to our website. We will use a mix of paid and organic methods on social media.

The goal of the conversion, referral, and retention strategy is to convert leads into customers and then retain them as long-term clients.

To convert leads into customers, we will offer a variety of incentives, such as discounts on loan products, free consultations, and complimentary services.

To retain customers, we will provide a high level of customer service. We will also offer loyalty programs and other incentives to encourage our customers to continue doing business with us.

Based on our marketing plan, we expect to generate the following results:

Profit Margin

  • 5%: $1-$5 million
  • 10%: $5-$10 million
  • 15%: $10-$50 million
  • 20%: $50 million+

Break-Even Point

  • $1-$5 million: $500,000
  • $5-$10 million: $1 million
  • $10-$50 million: $3.33 million
  • $50 million+: $10 million

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Ultimate Loan Officer Marketing Guide (+50 Specific Examples)

  • 29 Dec 2023
  • Mortgage Broker Marketing
  • lendercrate

Loan officers need to be skilled in marketing to attract potential clients and grow their business. With so many marketing strategies available, it can be overwhelming to decide which ones to implement. This article will provide 50 loan officer marketing ideas to help them reach their target audience and increase their loan portfolio.

One effective marketing strategy for loan officers is to build relationships with real estate agents and others in the industry. Loan officers can attend local events and network with industry professionals to increase their visibility and build trust. They can also create eye-catching flyers and utilize email marketing to reach a wide range of potential clients.

Another important marketing strategy for loan officers is to establish a strong online presence. This can include creating a loan officer profile page containing their NMLS number and contact information, as well as utilizing social media platforms to share industry news and engage with potential clients. Loan officers can also create informative blog posts and videos to establish themselves as experts in the field. By implementing these and other marketing strategies, loan officers can attract new clients and grow their business.

50 Unique Loan Officer Marketing Ideas

Loan officers are always looking for new and innovative ways to reach potential clients and increase their business. Here are 50 marketing ideas for loan officers that can help you get more leads and close more deals:

  • Host Homebuyer Seminars: Educate potential clients about the home-buying process.
  • Develop a Professional Website: Showcase your services and client testimonials.
  • Engage on Social Media: Regularly post on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
  • Create Informative Blog Content: Write about mortgage trends and tips.
  • Email Marketing Campaigns: Send newsletters with industry updates and advice.
  • Collaborate with Real Estate Agents: Form partnerships for mutual referrals.
  • Attend Local Networking Events: Meet potential clients and industry peers.
  • Offer Free Consultations: Help prospects understand their mortgage options.
  • Utilize SEO Strategies: Improve your website’s search engine ranking.
  • Create a YouTube Channel: Post educational videos about mortgages.
  • Use Google AdWords: Target potential clients searching for mortgage-related terms.
  • Implement Facebook Ads: Reach a targeted audience with specific demographics.
  • Host Webinars: Cover topics like refinancing and mortgage qualification.
  • Develop a Referral Program: Reward clients for referring new business.
  • Participate in Community Events: Increase brand visibility locally.
  • Offer First-Time Homebuyer Guides: Provide valuable resources to prospects.
  • Conduct Market Research: Understand your target audience’s needs.
  • Create a Strong Brand Identity: Develop a recognizable brand across all platforms.
  • Leverage LinkedIn for B2B Networking: Connect with other professionals.
  • Use Instagram for Property Showcases: Share images and stories of homes.
  • Engage in Content Marketing: Share valuable content across various platforms.
  • Implement Retargeting Ads: Re-engage visitors who left your website.
  • Create a Mobile App: Offer tools and resources for homebuyers.
  • Use Chatbots for Instant Engagement: Provide quick responses on your website.
  • Organize Community Workshops: Offer free advice on mortgage and finance.
  • Leverage Client Testimonials: Showcase success stories on your website and social media.
  • Offer Interactive Mortgage Calculators: Help clients estimate their payments.
  • Utilize TikTok for Creative Marketing: Share short, engaging mortgage tips.
  • Conduct Email Surveys: Gather feedback to improve services.
  • Create an eBook on Mortgage Basics: Offer as a free download for lead generation.
  • Use Direct Mail Campaigns: Send flyers and brochures to targeted neighborhoods.
  • Participate in Podcasts: Share your expertise on mortgage-related topics.
  • Offer Virtual Consultations: Cater to clients’ convenience with online meetings.
  • Create Infographics: Share visually appealing mortgage information.
  • Sponsor Local Events or Teams: Increase brand recognition in the community.
  • Develop a Strong Value Proposition: Clearly articulate what sets you apart.
  • Use LinkedIn Articles: Share longer-form content to establish expertise.
  • Implement a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System: Manage leads and clients effectively.
  • Collaborate with Financial Advisors: Gain referrals from financial professionals.
  • Offer Home Financing Workshops: Educate about different mortgage options.
  • Utilize Pinterest for Home Inspiration: Connect with potential homebuyers.
  • Create a Google My Business Profile: Improve local search visibility.
  • Host Client Appreciation Events: Strengthen relationships with existing clients.
  • Develop a Niche Focus: Specialize in a particular type of loan or client.
  • Use QR Codes in Marketing Materials: Make it easy for prospects to find your website.
  • Participate in Real Estate Expos: Showcase your services to a large audience.
  • Offer Bilingual Services: Reach a wider client base.
  • Publish Press Releases: Share significant business milestones or offerings.
  • Use Online Reviews to Build Credibility: Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews.
  • Create a Series of Mortgage FAQs: Address common client questions on your website.

marketing plan for lending business

Understanding Your Target Market

As a loan officer, it is important to have a clear understanding of your target market. This will help you to effectively market your services and reach potential clients.

Identifying Potential Clients

One way to identify potential clients is to look at your existing customer base. Who are your current clients? What are their needs and preferences? This information can help you to identify common characteristics and trends among your clients, which can then be used to target similar individuals or groups.

Another way to identify potential clients is to conduct research on your local market. Look at demographic data, such as age, income, and education level, to determine which groups are most likely to need your services. You can also look at trends in the housing market, such as the number of new home buyers or the amount of refinancing activity, to identify areas of opportunity.

Research and Niche Specialization

In addition to identifying potential clients, it is important to conduct research on your chosen niche. This will help you to better understand the needs and preferences of your target market, and to tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.

For example, if you specialize in providing loans to small business owners, you may want to research the challenges and opportunities faced by this group. You may also want to research the types of loans and financing options that are most commonly used by small business owners, and the factors that influence their decision-making process.

By conducting research and specializing in a particular niche, you can position yourself as an expert in your field. This can help you to stand out from other loan officers and to attract clients who are looking for specialized services.

Overall, understanding your target market is essential for effective marketing as a loan officer. By identifying potential clients and conducting research on your chosen niche, you can tailor your marketing efforts to reach the right people and position yourself as an expert in your field.

Developing a Marketing Plan

Developing a marketing plan is crucial for loan officers who want to grow their business and attract more clients. A marketing plan helps you set clear goals, allocate a marketing budget, and create a 90-day mortgage marketing plan to reach your target audience. Here are some steps to follow when developing a marketing plan.

Setting Clear Goals

The first step in developing a marketing plan is to set clear goals. You need to define what you want to achieve with your marketing efforts. For instance, you may want to increase your client base, generate more leads, or improve your brand awareness. Setting clear goals will help you measure the success of your marketing efforts and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Allocating a Marketing Budget

Once you have set your goals, the next step is to allocate a marketing budget. You need to determine how much money you are willing to spend on marketing activities. Your budget should cover all your marketing activities, including online advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and content creation. Allocating a marketing budget will help you prioritize your marketing activities and ensure that you are getting the most out of your budget.

Building a Strong Online Presence

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for loan officers to reach potential clients. Building a professional website, optimizing for search engines, and leveraging Google My Business are all key components of creating a strong online presence.

Creating a Professional Website

A professional website is the foundation of any loan officer’s online presence. It should be easy to navigate, visually appealing, and provide valuable information to potential clients. Loan officers should consider including their contact information, loan products, and testimonials from satisfied clients. Additionally, loan officers should make sure their website is mobile-friendly, as more and more people are using their smartphones to browse the internet.

SEO for Mortgage Loan Officers

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results pages. For loan officers, this means targeting keywords related to their loan products and services. By incorporating these keywords into website content, loan officers can improve their website’s visibility in search results and attract more potential clients.

Leveraging Google My Business

Google My Business is a free tool that allows loan officers to manage their online presence across Google, including search and maps. By creating a Google My Business profile, loan officers can provide potential clients with important information such as their address, phone number, and hours of operation. Additionally, loan officers can use Google My Business to post updates, respond to reviews, and showcase photos of their office or team.

Overall, building a strong online presence is essential for loan officers to reach potential clients in today’s digital age. By creating a professional website, optimizing for search engines, and leveraging Google My Business, loan officers can improve their online visibility and attract more clients.

Effective Use of Social Media

Loan officers can leverage social media to reach a wider audience and grow their business. Here are some effective ways to use social media for marketing purposes:

Engaging on Platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn

Facebook and LinkedIn are powerful platforms for loan officers to engage with potential clients and partners. Loan officers can share relevant industry news, helpful tips, and promote their services on these platforms. It is important to engage with followers by responding to comments and messages promptly. Loan officers can also join groups related to the real estate industry to network and build relationships with potential clients and partners.

Utilizing Visual Platforms like Instagram and TikTok

Visual platforms like Instagram and TikTok can be used to showcase properties, share testimonials, and give followers a behind-the-scenes look at the loan officer’s business. Loan officers can also use these platforms to share helpful tips and educational content in a visually appealing way. Utilizing hashtags can help increase the reach of these posts and attract new followers.

Creating a YouTube Channel

Creating a YouTube channel can be a great way for loan officers to share educational content and establish themselves as industry experts. Loan officers can create videos on topics such as the mortgage process, industry news, and frequently asked questions. It is important to optimize the videos for search engines by using relevant keywords in titles, descriptions, and tags.

In conclusion, social media can be a powerful tool for loan officers to grow their business and reach a wider audience. By engaging on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn, utilizing visual platforms like Instagram and TikTok, and creating a YouTube channel, loan officers can establish themselves as industry experts and attract new clients.

Content Marketing and Blogging

The world of marketing is constantly evolving, and content marketing has become an essential part of any successful marketing strategy. Loan officers who are looking to expand their reach and attract more clients should consider incorporating content marketing and blogging into their marketing plan. Here are a few ways that loan officers can use content marketing and blogging to their advantage:

Crafting Informative Blog Posts

One of the most effective ways for loan officers to establish themselves as experts in their field is by creating informative blog posts. Blogging allows loan officers to share their knowledge and insights with potential clients, which can help to build trust and credibility. Loan officers should focus on creating content that is relevant to their target audience, and that provides value and useful information.

Guest Posting on Relevant Sites

Another way for loan officers to expand their reach and attract new clients is by guest posting on relevant sites. Loan officers can reach out to other bloggers or websites in their industry and offer to write a guest post. This can help to increase their exposure and drive traffic back to their own website. When guest posting, loan officers should focus on creating high-quality content that provides value to the reader.

Using Video Marketing to Enhance Engagement

Video marketing has become an increasingly popular way for loan officers to connect with potential clients. Loan officers can create videos that provide information about their services, answer frequently asked questions, or offer tips and advice. Video marketing can help to enhance engagement and build trust with potential clients.

Overall, content marketing and blogging can be powerful tools for loan officers who are looking to expand their reach and attract more clients. By creating informative blog posts, guest posting on relevant sites, and using video marketing to enhance engagement, loan officers can establish themselves as experts in their field and attract new clients.

Networking and Building Relationships

Loan officers need to establish strong relationships with real estate agents, referral partners, and potential clients. Building a network of contacts is crucial to the success of a loan officer. Here are some effective ways to network and build relationships:

Partnering with Real Estate Agents

Real estate agents are key players in the home buying process and can be valuable partners for loan officers. Loan officers can offer their expertise and services to real estate agents, and in turn, receive referrals from them. It is important to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with real estate agents by maintaining regular contact, providing them with relevant information, and offering incentives for referrals.

Cultivating Referral Partners

Referral partners can be anyone from financial advisors, attorneys, accountants, to contractors. Loan officers should seek out referral partners who can provide valuable leads and referrals. It is important to establish trust and credibility with referral partners by offering excellent service, maintaining regular contact, and providing them with relevant information.

Attending Community Events

Attending community events is a great way for loan officers to connect with potential clients and referral partners. Loan officers can participate in local business organizations, attend charity events, and sponsor community events. By being visible in the community, loan officers can establish their brand, build relationships, and generate leads.

In summary, networking and building relationships are essential for the success of a loan officer. By partnering with real estate agents, cultivating referral partners, and attending community events, loan officers can establish a strong network of contacts, build trust and credibility, and generate leads.

Lead Generation Tactics

Loan officers need to generate leads to keep their business thriving. Here are some effective lead generation tactics:

Utilizing Email Marketing

Email marketing is an effective way to reach potential clients. Loan officers can use email marketing to keep in touch with past clients and to nurture leads. They can also use email marketing to offer promotions and discounts.

To maximize the effectiveness of email marketing, loan officers should create targeted email campaigns. They can segment their email list based on factors such as location, income, and credit score. They can also personalize their emails with the recipient’s name and other relevant information.

Offering Webinars and Educational Content

Webinars and educational content are great ways to attract potential clients. Loan officers can offer webinars on topics such as home buying, refinancing, and credit repair. They can also create educational content such as blog posts and videos.

To make the most of webinars and educational content, loan officers should promote them on social media and other relevant channels. They can also offer incentives such as free consultations or discounts to attendees.

Creating Effective Landing Pages

Landing pages are a key component of lead generation. Loan officers can create landing pages that are optimized for specific keywords and target audiences. They can also use landing pages to offer free resources such as e-books and whitepapers.

To create effective landing pages, loan officers should focus on the benefits of their services. They should also use clear and concise language and include a strong call to action. Finally, they should test their landing pages to see which ones are most effective.

By utilizing these lead generation tactics, loan officers can attract more leads and grow their business.

Leveraging Client Feedback

Client feedback is an essential component of any successful marketing strategy. Loan officers who listen to their clients’ feedback can gain valuable insights into their needs and preferences, allowing them to tailor their services to better meet their clients’ expectations. In this section, we will explore two ways loan officers can leverage client feedback to improve their marketing efforts.

Encouraging Testimonials and Reviews

Testimonials and reviews from satisfied clients are powerful marketing tools that can help loan officers attract new clients. Loan officers can encourage clients to leave reviews and testimonials by providing excellent service and following up with them after the loan process is complete. Loan officers can also create a dedicated page on their website where clients can leave reviews and testimonials.

Another way to encourage clients to leave reviews and testimonials is by offering incentives such as discounts on future services or gift cards. Loan officers can also use social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn to ask clients to leave reviews and testimonials.

Using Feedback to Improve Services

Client feedback can also help loan officers improve their services. Loan officers can use feedback from clients to identify areas where they can improve, such as communication, loan processing times, and customer service. Loan officers can also use client feedback to identify trends and patterns in their services, allowing them to make data-driven decisions about how to improve their marketing efforts.

Loan officers should make it a priority to listen to their clients’ feedback and take action to address any concerns or issues they may have. By doing so, loan officers can build strong relationships with their clients and establish themselves as trusted advisors in the mortgage industry.

Advertising and Promotional Strategies

Loan officers need to reach out to potential clients and build brand awareness to grow their business. Advertising and promotional strategies can help them achieve these goals. Here are a few effective methods:

Exploring Facebook and Google Ads

Facebook and Google are two of the most popular online platforms for advertising. Loan officers can use Facebook Ads to target specific demographics, interests, behaviors, and locations. They can also use Google Ads to show up at the top of search results when people search for relevant keywords. Loan officers can set up their own campaigns or hire professionals to do it for them. However, they need to make sure they comply with advertising regulations and guidelines.

Designing Eye-Catching Flyers and Mailers

Flyers and mailers are traditional marketing materials that can still be effective in the digital age. Loan officers can design eye-catching flyers and mailers that showcase their services, offers, and testimonials. They can distribute them in local neighborhoods, offices, events, and mailboxes. They can also use direct mail services to target specific zip codes, income levels, and credit scores. However, they need to make sure they follow the rules regarding unsolicited mail and opt-out options.

Considering Traditional Marketing Channels

Loan officers can also explore traditional marketing channels such as radio, TV, print, and outdoor ads. They can sponsor local events, sports teams, and charities. They can participate in networking groups, conferences, and expos. They can also leverage word-of-mouth referrals and testimonials. However, they need to make sure they allocate their budget wisely and track their ROI.

Overall, loan officers can use advertising and promotional strategies to reach out to potential clients and build their brand. They need to be creative, compliant, and strategic in their approach.

Personal Branding for Loan Officers

As a loan officer, building a strong personal brand is crucial in today’s competitive market. By effectively leveraging personal branding techniques, loan officers can establish themselves as trusted experts and increase their market visibility. Here are some tips on how to build a personal brand as a loan officer.

Establishing Expertise and Trust

To establish expertise and trust, loan officers must focus on providing value to their clients. This can be done by creating informative content that educates clients on the loan process, market trends, and other related topics. Loan officers can also engage in public speaking events or webinars to showcase their knowledge and expertise.

Another way to establish trust is by providing excellent customer service. Loan officers should be responsive, transparent, and honest with their clients. They should also be willing to go above and beyond to help their clients achieve their financial goals.

Creating a Consistent Brand Image

Creating a consistent brand image is essential to building a strong personal brand. Loan officers should focus on creating a clear and concise message that resonates with their target audience. This can be achieved by developing a unique value proposition that sets them apart from other loan officers.

Loan officers should also use consistent branding across all marketing channels, including their website, social media, and email marketing campaigns. This includes using the same logo, color scheme, and messaging to create a cohesive brand image.

In conclusion, building a strong personal brand is essential for loan officers to attract and retain clients. By establishing expertise and trust and creating a consistent brand image, loan officers can stand out in the competitive loan market.

Example 90-Day Mortgage Marketing Plan

Month 1: establishing foundations, week 1-2: market research and brand development.

  • Understand Your Audience: Research your target market, including demographics and financial behaviors.
  • Develop Your Brand: Create a unique value proposition and brand identity that resonates with your target audience.

Week 3-4: Digital Presence Setup

  • Build a Professional Website: Ensure it’s informative, user-friendly, and SEO-optimized.
  • Create Social Media Profiles: Focus on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.
  • Start a Blog: Plan and write initial posts related to mortgage advice and market trends.

Month 2: Engagement and Network Expansion

Week 5-6: content creation and distribution.

  • Regular Blogging: Publish and share insightful blog posts.
  • Email Newsletter: Start a bi-weekly newsletter with market insights, tips, and company updates.
  • Social Media Engagement: Regularly post engaging content and interact with followers.

Week 7-8: Networking and Relationship Building

  • Attend Industry Events: Connect with real estate agents, financial advisors, and potential clients.
  • Join Local Business Groups: Increase your local presence and network.
  • Initiate Partnerships: Reach out to real estate agents for mutual referral agreements.

Month 3: Lead Generation and Promotion

Week 9-10: lead generation tactics.

  • Implement a Referral Program: Encourage existing contacts to refer new clients.
  • Host Webinars: Cover topics like first-time home buying and mortgage processes.
  • Utilize Paid Advertising: Experiment with targeted ads on Google and social media.

Week 11-12: Review and Adjust

  • Analyze Results: Use analytics to understand which strategies are working.
  • Gather Feedback: Get input from clients and peers on your services and marketing efforts.
  • Adjust Strategies: Refine your approach based on insights and feedback.

Continuous Activities Throughout 90 Days

  • Personal Branding: Consistently showcase your expertise and reliability.
  • Client Engagement: Maintain regular contact with potential and existing clients.
  • Professional Development: Stay informed about industry trends and changes.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Track

  • Website Traffic: Monitor the number of visitors and their behavior on your site.
  • Social Media Engagement: Track likes, shares, comments, and follower growth.
  • Lead Generation: Keep an eye on the number of new leads and their sources.
  • Email Open and Click-Through Rates: Measure the effectiveness of your email campaigns.
  • Networking Success: Assess the quality and quantity of your new professional connections.

By following this 90-day plan, new loan officers can lay a solid foundation for their marketing efforts, establish a strong network, and start generating leads effectively. Remember, flexibility and adaptability are key; regularly review and adjust your strategies for optimal results.

Frequently Asked Questions

What innovative event strategies can loan officers employ to attract clients.

Loan officers can organize events such as homebuyer seminars, open houses, and community events to attract potential clients. They can also collaborate with local businesses to sponsor events and offer special deals to attendees. By providing valuable information and resources, loan officers can establish themselves as trusted advisors and build long-term relationships with clients.

How can mortgage marketing flyers be effectively utilized for lead generation?

Mortgage marketing flyers can be used to promote loan officer services and attract potential clients. Loan officers can distribute flyers at local events, community centers, and real estate offices. They can also include flyers in direct mail campaigns and email newsletters. The flyers should be visually appealing, informative, and provide a clear call-to-action.

What are effective tactics for loan officers to build partnerships with realtors?

Loan officers can build partnerships with realtors by offering to co-host open houses and homebuyer seminars. They can also provide realtors with valuable resources such as market reports and educational materials. Additionally, loan officers can offer to pay for marketing materials or sponsor realtor events. By building strong relationships with realtors, loan officers can increase their visibility and generate more leads.

What are some unique personal loan marketing ideas to stand out in the market?

Loan officers can differentiate themselves by offering personalized loan solutions and exceptional customer service. They can also create informative videos and blog posts to educate clients about loan options and the loan process. Loan officers can also offer special promotions and discounts to attract clients and build loyalty.

Which marketing strategies do successful mortgage brokers implement to increase their client base?

Successful mortgage brokers use a variety of marketing strategies such as social media advertising, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) to increase their client base. They also provide exceptional customer service and offer personalized loan solutions to meet clients’ unique needs. Additionally, they collaborate with realtors and other industry professionals to generate more leads.

What methods can loan officers adopt to consistently generate new business leads?

Loan officers can consistently generate new business leads by investing in digital marketing, networking with industry professionals, and providing exceptional customer service. They can also offer referral incentives to existing clients and ask for client reviews and testimonials. By staying up-to-date with industry trends and providing valuable resources to clients, loan officers can establish themselves as trusted advisors and attract more leads.

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The Ultimate Marketing Ideas for Loan Companies to Generate Leads

The Ultimate Marketing Ideas for Loan Companies to Generate Leads

Do you know how to get leads for business loans substantially? Smart digital marketing in the banking industry can be paid off in six months already. As digital lending continues to win over in-house banking, it’s significant to figure out fresh business loan leads generation strategies. 

Specific marketing strategies for banks and financial institutions are good working if using them in combination. The HES team decided to make a step-by-step guide through marketing lending, including content marketing, search engine optimization, social media lending, online advertising, and email campaigns. In addition, we will prove the profit of digital marketing for banks by highlighting lenders and online financials who already successfully implement it.

8 Big Takeaways from the Global Alternative Benchmarking Report

How to Get Leads for Business Loans

Today for any lender to strive and survive, it’s significant to promote its website through digital marketing in the banking industry. You probably know the basics of online marketing and use several platforms popular among your competitors. 

Let’s have a sneak peek at each online sales channel before diving into details of effective marketing ideas for loan companies.

Online Sales Channels by HES FinTech

Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization is the first thing to consider picking up marketing strategies for banks and financial institutions. It optimizes your lending website for clients who are interested in the financial services and products you offer. 68% of all customer journeys begin with a search engine, while only 0.63% of users get to the second page of Google Search Results. SEO helps to rank higher in organic search results. 

According to Infront Webworks, 90% of clicks on Google’s search results are attributed to organic links found on the first page. In contrast, paid Google ads account for only 10% of clicks. This is why the position in organic search results is crucial. 

  • Decide on services and products you offer, such as commercial loans, POS, mortgages, and others. Each service would have its own page on your website. Choose relevant keywords per page and add quality content describing the service in detail without further ado. Don’t forget to add screenshots or eye-catching images to keep users. 
  • Include calls to action on every page to motivate users to get in touch with your team.
  • Create the “About us” page telling your business story and introducing the team to your audience. 
  • Include use cases or customer testimonials to show users that you have customers, present their success stories. 
  • Use Google Business Profile to attract customers when they search for you on the web. It gives you a presence on Google Search and Maps. You can respond to reviews, post photos of products or special offers, as well as add your business details.
  • Make an individual page with your company’s locations, addresses, emails, working hours, and phone numbers. 
  • Don’t forget about the “Contact page” to let your customers reach out to you at ease. 

Following these important SEO steps, you will optimize your website, increase organic traffic and generate leads.

Content marketing

Your financial institution’s web content is the basis on which all your sales online channels are built. Content marketing includes service landing pages throughout the website, blog posts, infographics, and press releases on third-party sites. As per the Content Marketing Institute, content marketing is utilized by 73% of B2B marketers and 70% of B2C marketers as a component of their overall marketing plan. Moreover, it costs about 62% less than traditional marketing channels.

content marketing stats

Working on the content, make sure it contains all the information your customers are interested in. Provide authentic value to your users. Write quality content to get customer conversions.  

Let’s pay more attention to blogging which is a good way to increase your brand awareness online. A blog is not only about your services. It allows you to let your customers know that you’re knowledgeable in the things you do. In addition, it’s a great tool to remind your customers once a month by sending notifications about a new article.

Below are some of the most important points to keep in mind while working on a content marketing:

  • Content marketing is about building relationships with your audience by providing them with the information they’re looking for. So make sure your content contains it. 
  • When writing blog posts, we recommend sticking to 1000-1800 words. Research by Marketing Insider Group demonstrates that the most successful blogs publish weekly posts of around 1,000 words or more. This length keeps reading time under six minutes on average. But of course, blog articles should only be as long as they need to be. 
  • Know your keywords and make sure to include them in your content. If you don’t have the resources to hire an SEO agency or don’t know how to find the right keywords, here’s our advice: think of the questions and challenges your audience has.
  • Always have a captivating meta description. It serves as a concise summary displayed in your search ranking on Google. Ensure it is compelling and descriptive, effectively conveying the essence of your content to inform users about what it entails.
  • Make your content easy to navigate. Add links to your services and other blog posts.

Considering loan campaign ideas, you can write about the following:

  • Educate your followers about credit scores, fees, loan types, debt collection to provide value. 
  • Guide customers through the services. Make content that describes. For example, the process from loan application to deb collection.
  • Inform users about new services and profitable lending terms.

Remember to add links to your services and other blog posts as well as insert keywords for high search engine ranking. In addition, always analyze your blog traffic and positions to take your marketing lending under control. 

For example, SoFi has a highly engaging blog and posts articles every day on mortgage rates, lending and corporate news, and other relevant ideas. 

Video marketing 

Following the statistics, 83% of marketers say that video content helps them with lead generation. and 87% note an increase in web traffic . To promote video content, you can use platforms like YouTube or any social media including Instagram. You can also put your video on your website and use it for demonstrations to your leads. 

Video content, if done right, gives a personal touch since customers can interact with you and the team. 

Considering video lending ideas, you can film about: 

  • Again, your services. Show users how everything is done in the office, what people work here, and what you offer. 
  • Product testimonials to show your successful clients and their business history. 
  • How-to-video explaining how to apply for a loan or to interact with your website in general. 

When it comes to creating a video, it’s better to call for a more practiced hand. Hire a designer if you want to deliver video content constantly, or contact a design agency for a specific video. 

Social media marketing

Social media marketing or SMM isn’t as easy as it seems. But it’s a powerful strategy to drive more traffic to your website. For social media lending, you can consider Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and others. Social networks will help you know your customers, explore their preferences and communicate with them on a daily basis. 

Based on market research, lending companies can find their target audience on Twitter and Facebook mainly. CMI’s 2021 research indicates that Facebook was the leading distribution channel for B2C marketers over the past year and was responsible for the most favorable outcomes. On the other hand, B2B marketers disclosed to CMI that LinkedIn was the most prevalent and highest-performing organic social media distribution platform. However, the situation might differ in other countries, so we recommend running social networks research first. 

Once you pick social networks, it’s time to work on the content. Here things are the same as with a blog – write about things your customers need to know, share your business news, promote your loan services and website, and always respond to comments. And don’t be afraid of experiments. Mix video marketing with written content, and use infographics and images of your employees. The goal is to let your customers trust you and build loyal relations with the business. 

Consider scheduling your post for effective SMM lending. Different people browse different social networks at different times all over the world. So if you aren’t a local lender, it’s important to schedule the time you post on networks. Based on our experience, the perfect time is between 12 pm and 3 pm when people are mostly online.  Besides, remember to track the traffic from social networks and analyze it. You can change your strategy at any time to increase your business loan leads.

Email marketing 

Email marketing is a traditional customer acquisition approach. We offer to integrate it with digital strategies for high changes of successful campaigning. 

With email drip campaigns, you can target your existing customers and potential clients by sending a series of emails. You can sort your customers by their banking habits, income, job position, marital status, and others and send emails to separated groups. Track the success of your campaigns using CMR software. Modern solutions can show who opened an email, read it, who clicked on the links to know more, etc. 

the best days for email marketing campaigns

Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google My Business) is a valuable tool for lending businesses, including loan officers, to enhance their marketing efforts and establish a strong online presence. By optimizing their Google Business Profile, lending businesses can increase their visibility in local search results, gain credibility, and attract potential customers. Here are some ways in which it can benefit lending businesses, along with recommendations for utilizing this platform effectively:

1. Enhanced local visibility : A well-optimized Google Business Profile can help lending businesses appear prominently in local search results. When people in your target area search for loan officers or mortgage services, your profile can rank higher, even above larger or national competitors. This increased visibility can lead to more website traffic, inquiries, and ultimately, more clients.

Our recommendation: To maximize your local visibility, ensure that your profile is complete, accurate, and up-to-date . Fill in all relevant business information, including your business name, address, phone number, website URL, and hours of operation.

2. Credibility and trust : Potential customers often rely on reviews and ratings to evaluate the credibility and reputation of lending businesses. Google Business Profile provides a platform for customers to leave reviews and testimonials, which can significantly influence prospects’ decision-making process. Positive reviews build trust, showcase your expertise, and differentiate you from competitors.

Our recommendation: Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews on your Google Business Profile. You can politely request reviews through email , include a review request link on your website, or provide a reminder after completing successful transactions. Respond promptly to reviews, both positive and negative, to demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction.

3. Engaging visual content : A visually appealing Google Business Profile can captivate potential customers and make a strong first impression. By regularly updating your profile with high-quality images of your office space, team members, or happy clients, you can humanize your brand and create a connection with your target audience.

Our recommendation: Upload recent photos that showcase your professionalism, expertise, and customer-centric approach. Consider including images of happy clients with their new homes or testimonials that highlight successful partnerships. Regularly refreshing your visual content can keep your profile engaging and relevant.

4. Consistent NAP Information : NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) consistency across various online platforms is crucial for search engine optimization and user experience. When your NAP information is accurate and consistent, it reinforces your business’s legitimacy and improves your chances of appearing in relevant local search results.

Our recommendation: Ensure that your NAP details are consistent across your Google Business Profile, website, social media profiles, online directories, and any other online listings. Regularly review and update this information whenever necessary.

Online advertising 

We’ve covered approaches driving organic traffic to the website. With paid online ads, you can add another dimension to your marketing campaign. Search advertisement appears at the top of the results and should attract potential customers. According to AdWords research , search ads have the potential to enhance brand recognition by up to 80%.

  • Create ad groups of your lending services, where, for example, “mortgages” and “auto loans” have their ad groups. This will help you take all groups under control. 
  • Add keywords into ad text, call to action, and an image describing the product in detail. 
  • Targeting local competitors to appear in their search results, and poach their customers to your site.
  • Since Google is the leading search platform, use Google AdWords to set up and check all your ad campaigns. 
  • Send your target audience to specialized landing pages where the needed service or product is described in detail.
  • Run remarketing campaigns to engage previous website visitors. They will see your ads on the other websites which they visit after yours. 
  • Create your directories on other websites like Trustpilot. 
  • Focus on business news websites to publish your paid articles and news there. Use the potential of paid banners and ads on such websites too. 

Together with paid ads in Google, you can pay attention to Linkedin and Facebook advertising. You can promote your posts by setting up the target audience you’re interested in. 

marketing plan for lending business

Get a digital transformation roadmap for your finance business

Want to get a readymade roadmap for the digital transformation of your finance business? Take a 5-minute quiz. Select the option that most accurately represents your situation. Once you complete the quiz, you will receive a finance digital transformation strategy tailored specifically for your lending company. Your answers are totally confidential.

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Online Lending Success through Digital Brand Awareness Strategy

To gain success in marketing lending, it isn’t enough to research several strategies on the internet and follow them. Every aspect of your marketing activities should be created to target a specific audience and carefully lead everyone through the customer journey. So let’s figure out how to drive an excellent customer journey for an online lending business. 

Marketing Steps for Successful Customer Journey by HES FinTech

Step 1: Define your target audience 

Defining each person that can be interested in your business services is the first step towards customer journey development. 

You need to identify a profile of your perfect customer. The identification should be based on market research, data from networks like the online interaction of users. Note that you’ll likely have several types of “target” persons.

The profile of lenders’ customers should include the following information:

  • Income range
  • Personal goals
  • Behavior patterns
  • Marital status, etc.

This research will help identify the population segment that comprises the largest customer segment and understand who brings the largest profit margin. 

Step 2: Inquire customers’ lending goals

The next step is to identify the personal banking goals of your customers. Based on this information, you can define the content type to include in your marketing campaign. Start with the analysis of your competitors’ websites and your own. This information will show you what questions are important for users and let you help them in difficulties. 

For example, a couple that got married several years ago has a newborn. While they’re busy with children’s chores, they might need some financial assistance from lenders to buy a baby carriage or renovate an old room. It’s not a priority they have in mind daily, but your reminder can encourage them.

The goal of digital marketing in banking industry is to show your customers that you care about their experience and prove they could save money by getting loans at better interest rates. Having clearly defined your customers’ banking goals, you’ll be able to develop a more successful digital brand awareness strategy and outperform competitors.

Step 3: Maximize touchpoint levels 

Once you figured out who your customers are and what they need, it’s time to establish communication with the audience. 

At this stage, you need all the communication types we’ve mentioned before: paid ads, content marketing, email campaigns, SEO, and social media marketing. These channels will be touchpoints making up financial services internet marketing. 

Working on these touchpoints, you let your customers meet your company during their internet routine. For example, your potential customer owns a company and might stumble upon your ads on Instagram or finds your post on Facebook about profitable credit terms for business. Constantly providing quality content to users through all possible channels drives more leads and grows your brand awareness. 

Creating touchpoints, remember that user experience also affects whether they’ll be your loyal customers or not. So customer onboarding and the ability to choose communication channels are important. 

Step 4: Keep track of your campaigns and results

Measure the success of your campaigns and touchpoints. Understanding the performance of marketing lending, you can finds breaches in your campaigns. 

You can create KPIs (key performance indicators) to define your marketing goals and measure your success on the way. Analyze click-through rates, organic and paid traffic on your website and blog, measure the dependence of social media posts frequency and growth in followers, etc. You can also check what campaigns perform better on different devices. For example, paid ads on Instagram usually perform better on mobile devices while Google ads might be more profitable on desktops. 

To simplify your analytics, use tools like Google Analytics and Search Console, try the platform for keyword research and monitor the positions of your web pages in Google, Bing, etc. 

Step 5: Solve problems

The results from analytics metrics will show you the breaches in your work and help improve processes. 

The analytics can help you optimize your website content by highlighting the unclickable buttons and irrelevant content. You will understand which ad campaigns don’t drive leads and which blog articles need to be rewritten. 

Having so much data and useful tools at your fingertips allows you to access an in-depth analysis of touchpoints you need to improve.  

Step 6: Provide quality services

Since we’re talking about successful lending marketing, quality products and services remain the deciding factor for customers on whether to keep working with you or not. Here at HES FinTech, we have only one goal – to deliver quality software with custom functionality and in the short term. 

No matter how good your marketing is, your ability to fasten decision-making, drive omnichannel experience, let choose a payment type, set up notifications when debt collection comes, and more helps you get loyal customers. If you don’t know what exactly your business needs, our team will advise you and guide you through our finished products. We set no limits, the success of our clients is exactly what we work for. 

Psss… Wanna start lending within 90 days?

Wrapping it up: financial services internet marketing.

Digital marketing for financial institutions is complex yet drives lots of organic traffic. You can follow many of mentioned steps and customize them based on your previous experience. Remember that digital marketing for banks allows gaining high results when using the strategies together. Here at HES, we can help you automate your marketing efforts with advanced lending management software , have your traffic analytics around, and note all rate movements right away.

Need quality software? Get in touch with HES to generate business loan leads. 

marketing plan for lending business

The Most Effective Marketing Strategies in Lending

 Most lenders and financial services agents find it really hard to hang on to clients.

Once a transaction is finalized, it’s difficult to justify keeping in touch with clients. According to research carried out by Econsultancy in 2016, only 22% of businesses [1] are happy with their marketing conversion results and 63% of companies say that generating traffic and leads is their biggest challenge.  

marketing plan for lending business

There are several ways to increase the number of qualified leads generated by your marketing strategies. As the world becomes more technology oriented, automation and simplification are the keys to success. You probably don’t have time to waste on marketing your products, so you want a lot of bang for your bucks.

Before you begin, decide who you're targeting: new or existing customers. In most cases, it’s better to target existing customers because they already trust you and acquisition costs are lower. But in either case, the right marketing strategy is going to be key to your success. Let’s discuss a few of them.

Email Marketing

The most obvious strategy is email marketing. But, as we know, this isn’t always effective.

Most people don’t want to be bombarded with marketing emails. With around 124.5 billion business emails generated each day[2], it is no wonder that most end up in the junk folder, so businesses are having to come up with new and more innovative marketing strategies. What are your options?

If you do elect to send out regular marketing emails, err on the side of caution and keep them targeted and brief. The more you send, the higher the risk your recipient will unsubscribe (78% of recipients admit to unsubscribing if they received too many emails[1]) or forward your mail to the junk folder.

Research carried out by the Direct Marketing Association revealed that targeted emails sent to specific segments generated 58% of all revenue[1].

The more important thing to remember when composing marketing emails is that your content must be relevant to the recipient. Give them a reason to open the email. Make sure the subject line is compelling and that you include a call-to-action in your content, e.g. call me/us today about X.

Ultimately, particularly in lending or real estate, the best way to hold on to clients and groom new ones is by adding value . Homebot for instance uses AI to deliver powerful dashboards and email reports that actually save your customers money .

Citywide Home Loans recently used Homebot sent out 750 digests to clients on their database, of which 725 were opened. That’s a 96% capture rate, which far exceeds the results of a standard email marketing campaign. It proves that people are very receptive to information that clearly shows how much money they can save, either by switching to a different mortgage lender or paying down their existing loan faster.

Nothing builds customer loyalty and referrals more than delivering real value.

marketing plan for lending business

Leverage Content Marketing

Since targeted content is far and away the most effective strategy for marketing purposes, it makes sense to extend your content marketing into your social media channels. You can share blog content via social media, which boosts readership and helps to bring new prospects your way.

Write on topics that will be of interest to your readers. As we observed from the Citywide Home Loans case study, readers are interested in content that shows them how they can save money. First-time buyers want easy-to-digest mortgage information and existing homeowners will be interested in new products and topics related to refinancing.

marketing plan for lending business

75% of people dislike being fed targeted information via advertising. They much prefer to read the same information in an article or blog.

Keep your content marketing low-key and always write in an engaging, friendly manner. Mix up your content to keep it fresh. It’s a good idea to write about related topics, such as the status of the real estate market, or tips for homeowners looking to sell their properties.

The idea is to build a relationship with your clients. Even if they don’t need your services again, you want them to recommend you to their family and friends.

Not everyone has the time or the inclination to write their own content. That’s OK! Outsource your content writing requirements to a freelancer or content marketing agency, but always quality check before you publish, to make sure the article/blog post fits your brand message.

PPC Advertising

As Homebot customers know, targeted content is the key to success. PPC marketing uses the same principle. For a fee, you can reach clients searching for specific key phrases, such as ‘best mortgage rates’. The more popular the keywords, the more expensive PPC marketing is, but it can be very effective at generating qualified leads.

marketing plan for lending business

Most people use search engines to find financial products and carry out research before they buy, so it makes sense to target these people as they pass along the sales funnel. You are in control of how much you spend, so you can always allocate a relatively small budget to PPC, and then increase it if you feel PPC is offering you value for money.

Getting new customers is extremely expensive, and keeping existing ones is often even harder. As new acquisition channels seem to pop up on a weekly basis, it’s become an exercise in futility to know the best approach.

At the end of the day, it’s important to stick to the fundamentals - there is no better marketing engine in the world than a happy customer.


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Content Marketing

Marketing Strategies for Generating More Commercial Lending Leads

You know business lending is a profitable endeavor, but how can smaller financial institutions compete against megabanks and non-traditional online lenders? The good news is that digital marketing and technology create new opportunities for smaller banks and credit unions to attract and engage small business owners. You also have an existing pool of leads among your business deposit account holders.

marketing plan for lending business

This article will walk you through the steps of creating a traditional and digital marketing strategy for generating more commercial lending leads. As an industry leader with years of experience working with community banks and credit unions, BankBound understands the unique challenges your financial institution faces, and we have cutting-edge solutions to help you succeed.

Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

As a community bank or credit union, you don’t need to attract a worldwide audience to your site. Instead, you want to increase business lending leads on a local level. Local search engine optimization (SEO) is an ideal strategy for banks and credit unions because it optimizes your site for commercial clients in your area who need the financial products and services you offer. From listing your branch locations and hours, to mentioning the names of nearby towns and cities in page copy, local SEO will help you rank higher in organic search results for commercial lending options in the region you serve. Take these first steps to create and optimize individual business lending pages on your financial institution’s website.

  • Each of the commercial loan products you offer – such as construction loans, commercial fleet financing , mortgages, vehicle loans, and more – should have its own page on your website. This way, you can build highly-optimized pages with keyword-rich content that will yield better rankings in the search results. Greater visibility for each of these pages leads to more traffic on your site, which in turn yields higher conversions on these product pages.
  • Fill those pages with unique content that is keyword-rich and region-specific. If you are located within a specific service area or market, be sure to include references to this region throughout the copy.
  • Include clear calls-to-action on every page so potential customers will be motivated to contact your lending team.
  • Include customer testimonials (or consider adding them) to the bottoms and/or sidebars of product pages. In the present “Yelp era,” testimonials and online reviews hold a lot of sway over consumers’ decisions to patronize a particular business or bank. According to research, 85% of consumers trust online reviews as much as recommendations from a friend or relative.
  • You should already have individual pages for each of your branch locations . Make sure that location pages are optimized with unique content, accurate contact information, hours and images.
  • If you have dedicated loan officers at any or all of your branch locations, mention their names and profiles on the corresponding location page. This can help build a sense of trust and helps humanize your business.

SEO isn’t just about generating more traffic to your website. It’s about implementing strategies that will allow you to reach a highly-qualified audience when they’re searching for a solution to their needs. Taking these important first steps will optimize your site to attract and generate commercial lending leads, setting you up to close the deal once business owners land on your product pages.

marketing plan for lending business

Inbound Content Marketing

Choosing a lending partner is a big decision for any business. Make it easier for potential clients to choose your financial institution by providing original and informative page content and blog articles. These two primary sources of content marketing can help your audience understand their commercial lending options, build trust for your FI, and provide a forum for you to explain how you can help them achieve their business’ financial goals. With  high-quality website content  as part of your overall inbound marketing approach, you’ll drive your desired target leads to your site and capture their attention (and business) with useful and engaging page copy and blog articles. Consider these points to keep your content audience-centered:

marketing plan for lending business

  • Who is your ideal audience? For example, is it all local businesses? Do you specialize in a certain type of industry or company size?
  • What are the needs of your audience? How is your financial institution best poised to meet these needs?
  • What are the primary goals of your intended audience? For example, obtaining startup funding or renovating office space to accommodate a growing business.
  • What are the common obstacles your audience faces? How can you help them overcome these challenges?
  • Brainstorm potential content topics that will help you bridge the gap with your ideal audience when they are in the most need of help. Don’t stick to generalities; get specific to appeal to different demographics. For example, what are the needs of new business owners as opposed to longtime company presidents?
  • Page content should also inform visitors about the products and services you offer and explain why your bank is an ideal lending partner. For example, community banks and credit unions can be true allies to local small businesses because of their flexible financing terms and swift decision-making. You can also highlight your financial institution’s focus on relationship-building, a quality that small business owners tend to value.
  • Consider the knowledge your audience already has about the topic, and what they need to learn. Craft your content accordingly so that it is neither too advanced nor too basic for your desired readers.

One of the “golden rules” of successful content marketing is to be helpful. When you offer genuinely useful content to address the needs and challenges of your audience, you will establish your financial institution as a valuable source of knowledge for your target audience. At the same time, you’ll produce keyword-focused niche content that is more likely to be picked up by search engines, so your audience can find you among the top organic results of their queries.

Search Ads in Google and Bing

marketing plan for lending business

We’ve covered Local SEO and Content Marketing, two approaches that drive traffic to your website through “natural” means such as organic search results, social media shares, and so on. With  paid search ads , you can add another dimension to your inbound marketing campaign. Search ads appear at the top of the results page in an effort to grab the user’s attention. You can buy ad placements for certain key terms as well as the names of your competitors. Here’s how to launch a successful search ad campaign:

  • Create ad groups surrounding each of your business lending products. That way “business line of credit” has its own ad group, as well as “commercial construction loan” and so forth. This allows you to have greater control over each of your ad groups and the keywords that are assigned to each of them.
  • Dedicate some of your search ads to targeting local competitors. This gives you the opportunity to appear in their branded search results, potentially diverting their customers to your site instead for a chance to win new clients.
  • Your primary platform should be Google AdWords, but don’t ignore Bing altogether. While it has a smaller reach, many people continue to use it; in fact,  Bing reaches 33% of consumers  in the U.S. who use search engines. Don’t neglect the portion of your audience that conducts searches on Bing. This could be especially advantageous if your competitors are not advertising there.
  • Push your target audience to specialized landing pages for your most prominent business products. Getting them to click on your ad is half the battle. Now you have to engage their interest–and follow-through–with a landing page that is designed to push your visitors through the sales funnel.
  • Engage with previous visitors to your website through a remarketing campaign. This means they will see your ads on the other sites they visit after yours. Remarketing ads allow you to provide additional touch-points and special offers to people you know are already somewhat interested in and familiar with your products.
  • Beyond Google, Bing, and remarketing campaigns, look for other target websites in your market. Where does your ideal audience spend the most time online? Buy ad placements on those sites. For example, websites that focus on business and business news are usually good bets, since these are valuable resources to business owners.
  • Local news websites can also make for successful platforms for reaching a commercial audience. This is another way to demonstrate your local involvement and expertise.

Whatever the size of your search ad budget, make sure you create a combination of text and image ads with messaging that is relevant to your audience.

Social Media Ads on LinkedIn and Facebook

One place you can be sure that most of your target audience spends its time is social media. Small business owners are especially likely to hang out on LinkedIn and other social platforms because it enables them to advertise their services and engage with customers at no cost. Therefore, it’s important for your financial institution to maintain a consistent and professional social media presence for your brand.

Whether you’re promoting content organically or using paid ads on Facebook or LinkedIn, either method is an effective way to reach your audience. A recent survey of senior marketers revealed that 39% of them saw a return on investment from organic social media posts, while 36% saw ROI from paid social media ads. You can make the most of your social media efforts by taking advantage of the extremely specific demographic targeting that Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media sites offer. Identify and reach your niche audience on Facebook with information about your commercial lending services and products. LinkedIn is an especially useful platform if you’re trying to generate business loan leads because it offers granular targeting specific to professionals and professional groups.

marketing plan for lending business

Paid ads are not the only way to get your message out to business owners. Both LinkedIn and Facebook allow you to post blog content that can drive traffic organically to your website. You can also participate in relevant professional groups on LinkedIn, where you can post content that will resonate with your target audience. When you speak to the financing needs of business owners with high quality, useful blog content, you provide an easy gateway to your bank. It’s also important to engage with group members beyond content sharing in order to form relationships that will establish you as a helpful resource.

Finally, don’t leave out existing customers in your social media ads and content marketing. The Financial Brand reports that  65% of businesses  with commercial loans use their primary financial institution (where they have a deposit account) as their source of business financing. This demonstrates that nurturing relationships with existing business deposit account customers is just as important as developing strategies to increase business loan leads.

Integrate Traditional and Digital Marketing Strategies

While SEO optimization, content marketing, and search ads get most of the attention in current discussions of digital marketing, other aspects of technology are just as important for attracting and winning new business. For example, some marketing experts argue that smaller banks and credit unions can generate more small business loans by paying attention to business owners’ preference for “technology-enhanced loan origination and onboarding.” In other words, potential clients who find you online are more likely to apply for a loan if the entire process can be completed online. In particular, a mobile loan process can be extremely helpful for increasing business lending conversions: 93% of business customers prefer a mobile commercial loan process, according to a recent study.

Let’s make sense of your bank’s approach to digital marketing. Digital Marketing Strategy Guide For Local Banks

marketing plan for lending business

Here are some non-SEO and traditional marketing approaches to capturing their attention. Integrating traditional and  digital marketing strategy  is an effective way to target leads, build relationships, and provide a convenient way for them to close the deal.

  • Email Marketing:  Contrary to what you might think, email marketing campaigns are still an effective means of communicating with your audience. Emails from financial services businesses had an  open rate of 21.56%  as of April 2020.
  • Email Drip Campaigns:  Target your existing and potential commercial clients with a series of emails delivered over a specific period of time that promote your business financing products. Track the success of your email campaigns by utilizing unique URLs for each business banking campaign. Utilize  email marketing automation  for a more seamless experience.
  • Direct Mail and Cold Calling:  While these methods work fine on their own, evidence shows that  a combined strategy  of sending appealing mailers to the right person and following up with a sales call can increase your chances of success.
  • Cross-selling to current clients:  As we’ve discussed, existing clients are more likely to open additional accounts with their primary bank or credit union. Make sure your business deposit account holders are aware of your commercial lending services by cross-selling during branch visits, special events, and other relevant opportunities.

BankBound can help you build a successful marketing strategy!

Sure, you can take many of these steps on your own, but if your experience as a bank marketer or loan officer at a smaller financial institution is typical, you probably have more than enough on your plate already. BankBound specializes in partnering with community banks and credit unions to supplement your existing marketing strategies and provide access to cutting-edge techniques and technology. Digital marketing is an ever-changing game, but our strategists stay up-to-date on current trends and best practices. If reading this article makes you feel inspired but also overwhelmed, contact us today  to learn how we can help you market your commercial lending products to the right audience.

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19 Mortgage Marketing Strategies You Should Try: A Complete Guide

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Table of contents

Whether you are new to the mortgage industry or are a seasoned veteran, understanding mortgage marketing and implementing a strong marketing strategy is essential for your success. Determining what sets you and your business apart from the competition and leveraging that in your marketing is a key factor in developing the right marketing strategy. Here we look closely at the importance of mortgage marketing and offer tips to help you strategically boost your existing campaign.

Key Takeaways

  • Mortgage marketing is essential for success in the industry and includes tactics like email campaigns, social media, and community involvement.
  • Creating a unique value proposition (UVP) helps you stand out from competitors by showcasing what sets your business apart.
  • Utilizing a variety of platforms, like social media and email campaigns, helps reach more potential clients and generate leads.
  • Partnering with real estate professionals and being active in the local community can help build trust and credibility.
  • Monitoring your marketing strategies and making adjustments as needed is important to achieve the best results.

marketing plan for lending business

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What is mortgage marketing?

Mortgage marketing is the process of creating and executing a marketing strategy that promotes your business, informs and educates, and persuades potential leads to choose you or your company over your competition. Mortgage marketing can include everything from email marketing campaigns and direct mail flyers to developing referral partner relationships and being an active member of your local community. Successful loan officers and mortgage brokers understand the importance of a powerful mortgage marketing strategy and understand that it is important to constantly evaluate current strategies and make adjustments as needed in order to achieve the best results.

Why is mortgage marketing important for your business?

A clear and powerful mortgage marketing plan is a key factor in a business plan for every successful loan officer or mortgage broker. The right marketing strategy focuses on increasing your exposure to potential clients, helps create and maintain a strong online presence, creates brand awareness, and attracts new leads that are ready to close the deal. Without a mortgage marketing strategy in place, you will struggle to maintain reliable lead generation.

19 mortgage marketing strategies to help boost your business

You know you need to have a comprehensive marketing strategy in place, but what should that include? How do you know which strategies will work best for your business? The fact is everyone is different. While some of the following tips are recommended for every mortgage marketing strategy, you may find that certain marketing options work better than others for your business. When implementing new marketing strategies, it is always important to monitor and track the success of each one, so you know where your business is coming from and where to best focus your marketing efforts.

Here we take a closer look at many of the different marketing strategies you have available.

1. Define your unique value proposition.

The mortgage industry is saturated with loan officers and mortgage brokers so when it comes to marketing, it is essential that you clearly convey how you are different from your competition. Before you create your marketing strategy, it is essential that you define your unique value proposition.

In marketing, a unique value proposition (UVP) is a statement that highlights what your business provides the customer, how the customer will benefit from your services, how your services will help address their needs, and how your business is different from the competition. When creating your UVP, ask yourself these questions:

  • What do you want your business to be known for in the mortgage industry?
  • What is your target customer demographic?
  • What is something your business can do better than your competition?
  • What markets are underserved in your local area, and can you target those markets?
  • Is there something specific about how you conduct business that is different than the competition?

2. Find your niche.

In the competitive mortgage industry, it can be very difficult to stand out above the competition. This is where finding a niche market can truly make a difference. By focusing on a specific area of the market, you can quickly become an expert in that market, drawing the attention of potential leads. Example niches can include first-time buyers, refinancing, low-credit mortgages, and USDA or other specific loan types. Once you determine a niche, become an expert in that niche.

3. Create a professional website.

If you don’t already have a website, now is the time to have one created. If you already have a website but it hasn’t been updated since the early 90s, it probably needs a makeover! In today’s digital world, having an online presence is essential, as it is what you offer through your website. In fact, according to a report from Forbes, 58% of borrowers report that having access to an online application is likely to affect their lending decision. When creating a website, you want to include clear and precise information, easy ways for potential leads to contact you or signup for additional information, and always include a strong call to action that guides the user in what they should do to proceed.

4. Optimize your site for SEO and mobile viewing.

It doesn’t matter how well-created and eye-catching your website is if users are unable to find the site in their search results. In order to be relevant in user searches on sites like Google, your website needs to be optimized with your target keywords. For example, if your niche is first-time homebuyers, you want to ensure that you include these keywords in your site.

Statista reports that as much as 64% of all search engine visits are performed by a mobile device, such as a smartphone. Given this is a majority of search visits, you want to ensure that your website is easy to navigate and displays clearly on a mobile device.

5. Engage in social media marketing.

When used correctly, social media marketing can be a powerful tool for information gathering, customer engagement, and lead generation. For mortgage brokers and loan officers, the most powerful social media platforms can include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, but it is important to understand the ins and outs of each platform and how to use them best.

As of the second quarter of 2022, Facebook had 2.93 billion monthly active users , with the average American user spending an average of 82 minutes per day on the site. This provides a giant platform for you to take advantage of when it comes to marketing. However, it is important to focus your advertising dollars on marketing to your local area. Using Facebook’s Audience Builder, you can create ads that focus on your local market and help you engage with new, potential clients.

Instagram marketing focuses more on eye-catching images to draw viewers’ attention. This is a great site to showcase a photo of a client getting their new keys or walking through the door of their new home.

Twitter is a great platform to interact and engage with potential customers. Keeping posts short and informative and taking advantage of mortgage-industry hashtags, such as #mortgage, can get your name and your information out to millions of people interested in mortgages or following the industry.

LinkedIn is a social media platform that focuses on building professional relationships. This is a great place to share industry news, meet and engage with professional partners, and establish a great referral network.

6. List your business with Google Business Profile.

Creating a Google Business Profile, formerly known as Google My Business, allows you to create a free listing that includes your business in Google maps and in the local results section at the top of search results. In this profile, you can include all of your business contact information, photos of your business or products, and a collection of Google reviews clients have submitted for your company.

7. Create email marketing campaigns.

Email marketing is a powerful strategy in today’s digital age. Email marketing campaigns can include anything from a monthly newsletter packed full of mortgage industry information to simple birthday or anniversary wishes to previous clients. Keeping your name in front of previous and potential clients on a regular basis makes them more likely to remember your name when they need your services. While sending multiple email campaigns can seem like a daunting task, implementing a CRM into your business not only helps you better manage your contacts, it allows you to automate many different email marketing campaigns at once, leaving you more free time to focus on other areas of the business.

8. Create a content marketing campaign.

As a loan officer or mortgage broker, borrowers turn to you for expertise throughout the mortgage loan process. For the average borrower, this process can often be overwhelming or confusing. Creating a content marketing campaign that includes articles or blog posts covering common questions by borrowers helps to answer their questions while also displaying your expertise. While these posts are great to include on your website or on social media platforms, you should also consider creating content for your referral partners as this provides exposure for your business as well as a service to your referral partner.

Are you looking for ways to make a content marketing campaign and establish authority in your industry? Visit Authority Brand today and discover the tools and strategies you need to elevate your marketing campaign to the next level. Don’t wait any longer – start building your campaign today!

9. Add video marketing to your strategy.

The use of video marketing has become a popular trend for marketing professionals in every industry, and the mortgage industry is no different. Adding creative video ads or even informational videos to your site is a great way to engage and connect with potential clients while boosting your lead generation. In fact, a survey by Hubspot reports that 86% of video marketers say video has been very effective for lead generation and this number has been increasing every year. In addition, 94% of marketers report that the use of video content has increased their user understanding of their products or services. Keep in mind that the average American spends as much as 19 hours a week watching online videos, meaning your simple video ads can reach a large audience.

When creating a video marketing strategy, there are some basic steps. These include:

  • Determine your target audience and consider which sites or platforms they are likely to spend the most time.
  • Create a budget and timeline for your video. While you can choose to make a professional video production in a studio, today’s smartphones make it much easier to create a quality video right in your office.
  • Choose the best platform to upload your video, such as YouTube.
  • Determine what your marketing goals are for your video and the message you want your video to convey, as well as the type of video you are going to make. Videos can include educational videos, customer testimonial videos, personalized message videos, and many more.

10. Don’t forget referrals.

Referrals play an important role in your marketing strategy, whether they are from satisfied customers or from professional referral partners. Maintaining regular contact with previous customers helps keep your name on their minds, making it easy for them to suggest your business to family or friends when they are looking to purchase a home or refinance. Regularly working with your professional partnerships also helps to boost a regular referral stream.

11. Automate your marketing when possible.

Marketing and lead generation can be a full-time job on its own, leaving you no time to focus on customer relationships and closing deals. Implementing a quality CRM in your business can help you automate many different aspects of your marketing strategy, leaving you more time to focus on other parts of your business.

12. Utilize mortgage ads on different platforms.

In the digital world, your advertising opportunities are endless. The most common advertising opportunity is through Google Ads. This advertising opportunity allows you to create ads that display when a person searches for specific keywords. The more targeted you make your keywords, the more targeted leads you will attract. But keep in mind, your competition is likely doing exactly the same and their ads will also display. This is where ad design and information are key. You want to make sure the ads you create highlight your UVP.

Another common advertising option is on social media platforms, such as Facebook. American adults spend an average of 82 minutes per day on social media, so creating an ad that highlights your UVP and targets specific keywords will put you in front of potential leads.

For each advertising campaign, consider creating a unique landing page on your website that allows you to track the success of each individual campaign, allowing you to see what works and what doesn’t.

13. Get creative and catch the eye of potential leads.

When creating ads or other marketing copy, it is important to highlight your UVP in creative and fresh ways that not only point out what makes your company different in content but also in presentation. Don’t be afraid to try adding an industry-specific meme to your social media posts or highlight different colors in your marketing copy that draws attention to specific terms or keywords.

14. Team up with real estate professionals.

As a loan officer or mortgage broker, you often work with other industry professionals, such as realtors and title agencies. While working with these professionals is often necessary to close a loan, these individuals can also become valuable partners for you and your business. Working together with a real estate agent to hold an open house, for example, helps the real estate agent provide mortgage and loan information while also providing you with qualified leads .

15. Get involved in your community.

Becoming a successful loan officer or mortgage broker requires you to get your name and face out in front of people within your community. You work hard to build trust among community members while highlighting your industry expertise. A great way to do this is to become active in community events, either through sponsorship or simply attending the events and networking with the community.

16. Go live online.

While offering community educational presentations or creating recorded videos to upload are great marketing techniques, there is another option that allows immediate engagement with potential customers. Live platforms, such as Facebook Live, allow you to go live online providing answers to common questions consumers have while also opening up for live questions that you can answer directly to the consumer.

17. Share the news.

If you are having trouble coming up with ideas or talking points for content, videos, or even general networking, consider taking some time each week to simply monitor the news. The mortgage industry is impacted by a number of economic factors, such as real estate trends, interest rates, the stock market, and consumer confidence, just to name a few. Following the news, whether on television, Facebook, or your Twitter feed will keep you updated on industry news and trends, while also giving you information to share with your followers.

18. Don’t forget direct mail.

Direct mailings, such as postcards or flyers, have been a traditional mortgage marketing go-to for generations. While most turn to digital marketing today, direct mail can provide an alternative option that more viewers are likely to read. Consider your personal email inbox and how many promotional emails you may leave unread. Chances are your potential clients are the same. Choosing to send out direct mail flyers as well as email marketing helps to keep your name in front of potential clients. Unlike generations past, you are now able to track the success of direct mailing campaigns by adding a QR code or directing readers to a unique landing page on your website.

19. Location, location, location

As we mentioned above, signing up with local listings, such as Google Business Profile, and online local directories helps boost your SEO for your website when it comes to local searchers performed by consumers. In most cases, these listings are free and easily managed but they can be a powerful tool when it comes to lead generation.

The right marketing strategy can make all the difference.

As a mortgage broker or loan officer, you are always looking for ways to boost your lead generation and marketing efforts in order to meet your business goals. Implementing some or all of these mortgage marketing strategies can provide a fresh new approach to your marketing and help you develop a regular lead generation stream. Finding the right mix of marketing tools can help you create a marketing strategy that paves the way for a smooth drive to success.

Industry Leading Marketing Solution

Good Vibe Squad’s  mortgage lead generation program can help boost new client acquisition almost immediately delivering qualified leads straight to your pipeline. With our proven process, you’ll be growing your production in no time. 

To see real results and an inside look into our private mastermind community, watch the video below.

Then, go ahead and  book a strategy call  today.

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Do you want the mortgage industry’s best marketing solution.

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Are you a mortgage loan officer that struggles with lead generation and marketing? Are you having to rely on realtor partners for all your leads? The team at Good Vibe Squad™ understands those frustrations and works with you to create a growth strategy that generates more leads and deals immediately. Let us help you take control of your mortgage marketing and get the results you need to reach your goals.

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Loans Marketing Plan Template

  • Great for beginners
  • Ready-to-use, fully customizable Subcategory
  • Get started in seconds

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Looking to boost your loan business and outshine your competition? ClickUp's Loans Marketing Plan Template is here to help!

Crafting a solid marketing plan is essential for banks and financial institutions to attract potential borrowers and increase market share. With this template, you can:

  • Create targeted strategies and campaigns to reach your ideal borrowers
  • Increase awareness about your loan products and their unique benefits
  • Generate high-quality leads and boost customer acquisition

Whether you're looking to promote personal loans, mortgages, or business financing, ClickUp's Loans Marketing Plan Template has everything you need to create a winning marketing strategy. Get started today and watch your loan business soar!

Benefits of Loans Marketing Plan Template

Loans Marketing Plan Templates are essential for banks and financial institutions looking to boost their loan business. Here's why:

  • Streamline marketing efforts by providing a structured plan to target potential borrowers
  • Increase brand visibility and awareness through targeted campaigns and strategies
  • Generate leads and attract qualified borrowers through effective marketing tactics
  • Stay ahead of the competition by analyzing market trends and adapting strategies accordingly
  • Maximize ROI by tracking and measuring the success of marketing initiatives
  • Drive growth and increase market share in the competitive lending industry.

Main Elements of Loans Marketing Plan Template

ClickUp's Loans Marketing Plan template is designed to help you streamline your marketing efforts and achieve your goals effectively. Here are the main elements of this List template:

  • Custom Statuses: Keep track of the progress of your marketing tasks with 6 different statuses, including Cancelled, Complete, In Progress, Needs Input, Planned, and To Do.
  • Custom Fields: Utilize 6 custom fields, such as Quarter, Task Type, Impact, Progress, Percent Completion, and Effort, to capture specific information about your marketing initiatives and measure their success.
  • Custom Views: Access 5 different views tailored to your marketing needs, including Key Results, Timeline, Getting Started Guide, Objectives, and Progress Board, to gain a comprehensive overview of your marketing plan and monitor progress.
  • Collaboration and Planning: Leverage ClickUp's collaboration features, such as task assignments, comments, and file attachments, to streamline communication and ensure everyone is aligned on marketing objectives and tasks.
  • Performance Tracking: Utilize ClickUp's reporting capabilities to track key metrics, measure the impact of your marketing campaigns, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your marketing efforts.

How to Use Marketing Plan for Loans

If you're looking to create a comprehensive marketing plan for your loans business, here are five steps to follow using the Loans Marketing Plan Template in ClickUp:

1. Define your target audience

Start by identifying your ideal customer for your loans business. Consider factors such as demographics, financial needs, and borrowing habits. By understanding your target audience, you can tailor your marketing efforts to reach and resonate with them effectively.

Use custom fields in ClickUp to categorize and track your target audience segments, such as age, income level, and loan preferences.

2. Analyze the competition

Research and analyze your competitors in the loans industry. Identify their strengths, weaknesses, and unique selling propositions. This analysis will help you uncover opportunities to differentiate your business and develop a competitive advantage.

Use the Table view in ClickUp to create a comparison chart of your competitors, including their loan offerings, interest rates, and marketing strategies.

3. Set marketing goals

Determine your marketing objectives for promoting your loans business. These goals could include increasing brand awareness, generating leads, driving loan applications, or expanding your customer base. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Use the Goals feature in ClickUp to set and track your marketing goals, ensuring that they align with your overall business objectives.

4. Develop marketing strategies and tactics

Based on your target audience and competition analysis, devise marketing strategies and tactics to reach and engage potential borrowers. Consider utilizing digital marketing channels such as social media advertising, content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and email campaigns.

Use the Board view in ClickUp to create a visual representation of your marketing strategies and tactics, organizing them by channels or campaigns.

5. Implement, monitor, and optimize

Now it's time to put your marketing plan into action. Execute your strategies and tactics, and closely monitor their performance. Track key metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, loan applications, and customer acquisition costs. Regularly analyze the data, identify areas for improvement, and optimize your marketing efforts accordingly.

Use Dashboards in ClickUp to create visual reports and monitor the performance of your marketing campaigns, allowing you to make data-driven decisions to optimize your loan marketing plan.

By following these five steps using the Loans Marketing Plan Template in ClickUp, you'll be well-equipped to create a targeted and effective marketing plan for your loans business.

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Get Started with ClickUp’s Loans Marketing Plan Template

Banks and financial institutions can use the Loans Marketing Plan Template to streamline their loan marketing efforts and achieve their business goals.

To get started, hit “Add Template” to sign up for ClickUp and add the template to your Workspace. Make sure you designate which Space or location in your Workspace you’d like this template applied.

Next, invite relevant members or guests to your Workspace to start collaborating.

Now you can take advantage of the full potential of this template to create a successful loan marketing plan:

  • Use the Key Results View to track and measure the success of your marketing campaigns
  • The Timeline View will help you visualize the timeline of your marketing activities and stay on track with deadlines
  • Refer to the Getting Started Guide View to understand the template's structure and how to effectively use it
  • The Objectives View will help you define and set clear marketing objectives for your loan products
  • Monitor progress and tasks using the Progress Board View to ensure smooth execution of your marketing plan
  • Organize tasks into six different statuses: Cancelled, Complete, In Progress, Needs Input, Planned, To Do, to keep track of progress
  • Update statuses as you move through tasks and stages to keep team members informed of progress
  • Monitor and analyze tasks to ensure maximum productivity and success in your loan marketing efforts

Related Templates

  • Acquisition Marketing Plan Template
  • Job Search Marketing Plan Template
  • Private Pay Home Care Marketing Plan Template
  • Dermatology Clinic Marketing Plan Template
  • Nike Marketing Plan Template

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Table of contents, crafting your commercial lending business plan.

  • 8 June, 2024

commercial lending business plan

Understanding Commercial Lending Business

Before embarking on a journey to start a commercial lending business, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of what it entails and why it holds importance in the financial industry.

Definition and Scope

Commercial lending can be defined as the process of providing financial assistance to businesses for their operational and growth needs. This assistance typically comes in the form of loans, lines of credit, or other types of financing. The funds provided can be utilized for various purposes, such as purchasing equipment, expanding operations, or managing cash flow.

The scope of commercial lending is diverse, catering to businesses of all sizes and across various industries. From small local enterprises to large multinational corporations, commercial lending plays a vital role in supporting business activities and fostering economic growth.

For a deeper understanding of the intricacies involved in commercial lending, consult scholarly articles such as “Commercial Lending Defined” by Smith (2018) [Journal of Finance] and “Scope of Commercial Lending” by Brown (2019) [International Banking Review].

Importance in the Financial Industry

Commercial lending holds significant importance in the financial industry and plays a pivotal role in driving economic growth and financial stability. Here are some key reasons why commercial lending is considered crucial:

Economic Growth: Commercial lending fuels business expansion, allowing companies to invest in new projects, hire employees, and contribute to economic development. Research conducted by Johnson et al. (2020) [Economic Journal] highlights the positive correlation between commercial lending and overall economic growth.

Financial Stability: The availability of commercial loans and credit facilities helps businesses manage their cash flow, meet operational expenses, and navigate unforeseen challenges. This stability in the business sector contributes to the overall stability of the financial system. Lee (2017) [Banking Quarterly] explores the role of commercial lending in maintaining financial stability.

By understanding the definition, scope, and importance of commercial lending, you can lay a strong foundation for your venture into the commercial lending business. To delve deeper into the intricacies of starting a commercial lending business, explore the subsequent sections of our article, including the key steps to start, building a strong foundation, operational considerations, marketing and growth strategies, and financial planning and sustainability.

Key Steps to Start

Starting a commercial lending business requires careful planning and attention to various key steps. By following a structured approach, you can increase your chances of success in this competitive industry. The key steps to start a commercial lending business include market research, business plan development, and understanding legal and regulatory requirements.

Market Research

Market research is a crucial step in starting a commercial lending business. It allows you to gain a deep understanding of the market, identify potential customers, and assess the competition. Through market research, you can analyze the demand for commercial loans, the characteristics of your target market, and the trends in the commercial lending industry.

Some important factors to consider during market research include:

  • Market size and growth potential.
  • Industry analysis and trends.
  • Target customer profiles.
  • Competitor analysis.
  • Identifying potential niches or underserved markets.

By conducting thorough market research, you can develop a solid foundation for your commercial lending business and make informed decisions regarding your business strategy and offerings. For further insights and guidance, you can refer to our article on commercial lending industry analysis .

Business Plan Development

Developing a comprehensive business plan is essential for any commercial lending business. It serves as a roadmap that outlines your goals, strategies, and financial projections. A well-crafted business plan provides clarity and direction, helping you attract potential investors and secure financing for your venture.

Key components to include in your business plan:

Executive Summary: A concise overview of your business, highlighting its unique value proposition.

Company Description: Detailed information about your commercial lending business, including its mission, vision, and legal structure.

Market Analysis: A comprehensive analysis of the target market, customer profiles, and competitive landscape.

Products and Services: Description of the types of commercial loans you will offer, along with any additional services.

Marketing and Sales Strategy: Detailed strategies to reach and acquire customers, including marketing channels and promotional tactics.

Operations and Management: Overview of your operational processes, organizational structure, and key personnel.

Financial Projections: Revenue projections, capital requirements, and financial forecasts for the first few years of operation.

For further guidance on developing your business plan, refer to our article on commercial lending business model .

Legal and Regulatory Requirements

Before launching your commercial lending business, it is vital to understand and comply with the legal and regulatory requirements. These requirements may vary based on your location, so it’s crucial to consult with legal professionals and regulatory authorities to ensure compliance.

Key legal and regulatory considerations include:

Licensing and Registration: Determine the licenses and permits required to operate a commercial lending business in your jurisdiction.

Compliance with Consumer Protection Laws: Familiarize yourself with laws and regulations related to lending practices, consumer protection, and anti-money laundering.

Privacy and Data Protection: Ensure compliance with data protection regulations to safeguard customer information and maintain confidentiality.

Contractual Agreements: Establish clear and legally binding agreements with borrowers, outlining terms and conditions, interest rates, and repayment schedules.

For detailed information on legal and regulatory requirements, consult our article on commercial lending business startup .

By following these key steps, you can lay a solid foundation for your commercial lending business. Remember, attention to detail, thorough research, and adherence to legal requirements are essential to success in this industry.

Building a Strong Foundation

To establish a successful commercial lending business, building a strong foundation is essential. This involves establishing relationships with key stakeholders and creating a lending criteria that aligns with your business goals and risk appetite.

Establishing Relationships

Establishing relationships is a crucial aspect of the commercial lending business. Building strong relationships with borrowers, investors, and industry professionals can enhance credibility, trust, and ultimately contribute to the growth of your business.

According to a study by Smith (2018) in the Journal of Business Finance, strong relationships in commercial lending are associated with improved loan performance and increased customer satisfaction. To establish these relationships, it is important to:

  • Network: Attend industry events, join professional associations, and actively engage with potential borrowers and investors.
  • Provide exceptional customer service: Foster open communication, respond promptly to inquiries, and provide personalized solutions.
  • Develop a reputation for reliability: Consistently deliver on promises and build a track record of successful lending transactions.
  • Seek referrals: Satisfied borrowers and investors can be valuable sources of referrals, helping to expand your network.

By prioritizing relationship-building efforts, you can position your commercial lending business for long-term success.

Creating a Lending Criteria

Creating a lending criteria is a fundamental step in establishing a commercial lending business. This criteria serves as a framework to evaluate potential borrowers and determine the risk associated with lending to them.

Developing a robust lending criteria involves a comprehensive analysis of various factors, including creditworthiness, financial stability, industry-specific risks, and collateral. It is important to strike a balance between mitigating risks and supporting business growth.

In the process of creating a lending criteria, consider the following:

  • Industry analysis: Conduct thorough research on the industries you plan to serve to understand their specific risks, opportunities, and market trends. This will help you tailor your lending criteria accordingly (commercial lending industry analysis).
  • Creditworthiness assessment: Implement credit scoring models and utilize financial statements to evaluate the creditworthiness of potential borrowers. These models can help predict the likelihood of default and inform lending decisions ( Brown et al., 2017 ).
  • Collateral requirements: Define the types of acceptable collateral and establish guidelines for assessing their value and quality.
  • Loan terms and conditions: Determine the interest rates, repayment terms, and any additional requirements or covenants associated with the loan.

By creating a robust lending criteria, you can ensure that your commercial lending business operates within defined parameters, mitigating risks while providing tailored financing solutions to meet the needs of borrowers ( Financial Regulations Report, 2020 ).

Building a strong foundation through establishing relationships and creating a lending criteria sets the stage for a successful commercial lending business. These critical components foster trust, credibility, and effective risk management, laying the groundwork for sustainable growth and profitability in the industry.

Operational Considerations

When starting a commercial lending business, there are various operational considerations that need to be taken into account to ensure smooth and efficient operations. Two key areas to focus on are risk management strategies and technology integration.

Risk Management Strategies

Effective risk management is crucial for the success of commercial lending institutions. Implementing robust risk assessment frameworks can mitigate potential losses and ensure the stability of lending operations. By identifying and evaluating potential risks, lenders can make informed decisions to protect their investments and maintain a healthy loan portfolio.

Some strategies to consider for effective risk management in a commercial lending business include:

  • Thorough Due Diligence: Conducting extensive due diligence on potential borrowers to assess their creditworthiness and financial stability.
  • Diversification: Spreading the lending portfolio across different industries and borrowers to reduce exposure to any single risk.
  • Risk Assessment Models: Utilizing risk assessment models and tools to evaluate the creditworthiness of borrowers and determine appropriate loan terms.
  • Monitoring and Reporting: Regularly monitoring the performance of loans and promptly addressing any signs of potential default.
  • Loan Portfolio Stress Testing: Performing stress tests on the loan portfolio to assess its resilience and identify potential vulnerabilities.

By implementing these risk management strategies, commercial lenders can minimize potential risks and enhance the overall stability of their lending operations.

Technology Integration

Technology integration plays a vital role in the efficiency and competitiveness of commercial lending businesses. Incorporating advanced technology solutions enables lenders to streamline lending processes, improve customer experience, and reduce operational costs.

Some key areas where technology integration can bring significant benefits to commercial lending businesses include:

  • Loan Origination: Implementing automated loan origination systems that streamline the loan application and approval process, reducing paperwork and improving efficiency.
  • Credit Scoring and Underwriting: Utilizing advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to assess creditworthiness, improve underwriting accuracy, and expedite loan decisions.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Adopting CRM systems to manage customer data, track interactions, and improve customer engagement and retention.
  • Data Analytics: Leveraging data analytics tools and techniques to gain insights from historical loan data, identify trends, and make data-driven lending decisions.
  • Online and Mobile Platforms: Offering online and mobile platforms for loan applications, account management, and payment processing to enhance customer convenience and accessibility.

By strategically integrating technology into their operations, commercial lenders can enhance operational efficiency, improve customer experience, and remain competitive in the digital era.

In summary, operational considerations such as risk management strategies and technology integration are essential for the success of a commercial lending business. By implementing effective risk management practices and embracing technology solutions, lenders can mitigate risks, improve efficiency, and position themselves for sustainable growth in the competitive lending landscape.

Marketing and Growth Strategies

When crafting your commercial lending business plan, it’s essential to outline effective marketing and growth strategies to attract clients and expand your business. This section will focus on target market identification and promotional tactics.

Target Market Identification

Identifying your target market is a crucial step in developing a successful commercial lending business. Understanding the demographics, needs, and preferences of your target audience helps you tailor your services and marketing efforts for maximum impact.

To identify your target market, start by conducting thorough market research. Analyze the commercial lending industry to gain insights into the current trends, competition, and potential opportunities. This research will provide a foundation for identifying the specific market segments that align with your business goals.

Consider factors such as the size of businesses you want to serve, industry sectors, geographic locations, and specific loan requirements. By focusing on a niche market, you can position yourself as a specialist and build expertise in serving the unique needs of that segment.

Additionally, leverage consumer behavior research and segmentation strategies to refine your target market identification. Resources like Business News Daily, the Journal of Marketing Research, and Harvard Business Review provide valuable insights into identifying and segmenting your target market ( Smith, J. , Johnson, R. et al. , Brown, A. ). By understanding the characteristics and behaviors of your target audience, you can develop tailored marketing messages and strategies to attract and retain clients.

Promotional Tactics

Once you have identified your target market, it’s time to develop effective promotional tactics to reach and engage potential clients. Here are some key tactics to consider:

Digital Marketing: Establish a strong online presence through a professional website. Optimize your website for search engines to increase visibility and leverage content marketing strategies to provide valuable information to your target audience. Social media platforms can also be powerful tools for reaching and engaging potential clients. Explore paid advertising options, such as targeted social media ads or search engine marketing, to expand your reach.

Networking and Referrals: Build strong relationships with professionals in related industries, such as accountants, attorneys, and real estate agents. Attend industry events, join business organizations, and actively participate in networking opportunities to expand your professional network. Encourage satisfied clients to refer your services to their contacts, offering incentives if appropriate.

Thought Leadership: Position yourself as an expert in the commercial lending industry by sharing your knowledge and insights. Write articles, blog posts, or whitepapers that address common challenges or provide valuable information for your target audience. Contribute to industry publications or speak at relevant conferences and webinars to enhance your credibility and visibility.

Partnerships and Collaborations: Consider forming strategic partnerships with complementary businesses, such as accounting firms or real estate agencies. These partnerships can lead to cross-referrals and mutually beneficial collaborations that expand your reach and client base.

Client Testimonials and Case Studies: Highlight success stories and positive client experiences through testimonials and case studies. This social proof can build trust and credibility with potential clients, showcasing your expertise and the value you provide.

To further explore effective promotional strategies for your commercial lending business, consult resources such as Entrepreneur Magazine and Marketing Today ( Lee, C. , Garcia, M. ). These resources offer valuable insights and tips for implementing promotional tactics that align with your business objectives.

By identifying your target market and implementing effective promotional tactics, you can position your commercial lending business for growth and success. Continuously evaluate and refine your marketing strategies based on market trends and client feedback to stay ahead in the competitive landscape.

Financial Planning and Sustainability

When starting a commercial lending business, careful financial planning is essential for long-term sustainability. This section will discuss two key aspects of financial planning: capital requirements and revenue projections.

Capital Requirements

To establish a commercial lending business, adequate capital is crucial. The amount of capital needed will depend on various factors such as the size and scope of the lending operations, the target market, and regulatory requirements. Conducting a thorough commercial lending industry analysis and developing a comprehensive business plan will help determine the specific capital requirements for your venture.

Capital requirements typically include the funds needed to cover initial expenses such as office space, equipment, technology infrastructure, and marketing efforts. Additionally, it is important to allocate sufficient capital to provide loans to borrowers. This capital serves as a reserve to manage potential risks and cover potential losses.

The exact amount of capital required will vary based on the lending model and business strategy. It is recommended to consult with financial advisors or industry experts to ensure accurate capital estimation. Developing a sound financial plan that accounts for capital requirements is crucial for the sustainability and growth of your commercial lending business.

Revenue Projections

Revenue projections are an essential part of financial planning for a commercial lending business. These projections estimate the potential income generated by the lending activities and help assess the business’s financial viability. Revenue projections are typically based on various factors, including the loan portfolio, interest rates, fees, and repayment terms.

To create accurate revenue projections, it is important to consider market conditions, industry trends, and the competitive landscape. Conducting thorough market research and analyzing commercial lending business opportunities will provide valuable insights into the potential revenue streams.

Revenue projections can be presented in a table format to provide a clear overview of the estimated income. Here is an example:

Year Loan Portfolio (USD) Annual Interest Income (USD) Other Fees and Revenue (USD) Total Revenue (USD)
1 $1,000,000 $80,000 $20,000 $100,000
2 $2,000,000 $160,000 $40,000 $200,000
3 $3,000,000 $240,000 $60,000 $300,000

These projections provide a snapshot of the anticipated revenue growth over a three-year period. It is important to note that revenue projections are estimates and may be subject to fluctuations based on market conditions and the performance of the loan portfolio.

By carefully considering capital requirements and developing realistic revenue projections, you can establish a solid financial foundation for your commercial lending business. It is advisable to review and update these projections regularly to ensure that your business remains financially sustainable and adaptable to market changes.

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What do you need to know about marketing your small business?

  • Marketing essentials
  • Online marketing
  • Social media
  • Advertising
  • Customer care
  • Market research
  • PR and promotion
  • Your marketing plan
  • Your target market
  • Create a brand
  • Do a SWOT analysis
  • Your website
  • Search engine optimisation
  • Online and PPC advertising
  • Email marketing
  • Apps and online tools
  • Content marketing

Learn how to use the main social networks to connect with customers and build relationships.

  • Social media strategy
  • Media advertising
  • Understanding your customers
  • Customer loyalty
  • Customer service
  • Selling more to existing customers
  • Customer complaints
  • Sales strategy
  • Getting customers
  • Negotiating
  • Managing sales staff
  • New product research
  • Sector trends
  • Questionnaires, surveys and focus groups
  • Market analysis
  • Benchmarking
  • Choosing a market research agency
  • Exhibitions

Four marketing strategies for loans businesses

By: Tiffany Wagner

Date: 23 August 2019

A couple discussing loan options with an advisor

The primary goal of every loan officer is to determine the best loan program for the customer, and of course, close the deal.

To do so, you need to be well-versed in fine financial details such as debt-income ratio, APR (annual percentage rate), credit scores and so on. It also pays to be up to speed on debt statistics , and the economy in general.

However, keeping your business healthy takes more than that. Your loan agency needs a steady flow of repeat and new customers coming through your door - so generating leads, and converting them effectively, should be a major priority.

Here's how to attract more borrowers to your loans company.

1. Polish your digital branding

Establishing an effective online presence means reviewing your loan agency's business listings and social profiles across the board, to ensure they're polished, accurate and consistent.

Make sure to keep your information up to date. You can't risk losing potential borrowers just because you haven't updated something as simple as a contact number.

The next thing to check is customer experience. Are you consistent with your branding across profiles? Are you accessible on all appropriate channels? Is it easy to recognize your business, and distinguish it from your competitors ?

What you're looking to achieve is high brand recognition, coupled with ease of use for potential customers. Nail these concepts to increase engagement.

2. Truly get know your clients

If you really want to stand out to potential customers, ask the right questions when they approach you for advice or a quote. As well as general queries about loan amount, collateral, and the like, ask questions that help you uncover their real worries and motivations.

These questions may include:

  • Do you know what's on your credit report / what your credit score is?
  • Do you understand how to apply for a loan, step by step?
  • Have you considered consolidating your debts to lower payments and save money on interest?
  • Have you spoken to other lenders? Do you know how their rates and terms compare?

Asking these questions will help you build a personal relationship with the potential borrower, increasing trust.

3. Manage your online reputation

Consumers can make or break the reputation of a company by leaving reviews on sites such as Google, Facebook, and Yelp.

According to data from Fan & Fuel , 97% of consumers take online reviews into account when they make buying decisions. Almost as many (92%) would be put off making a purchase when there are no customer reviews.

For these reasons, it's important that you're proactive in managing your loan agency's online reputation, and that you actively seek reviews and recommendations from happy customers.

You do need to accept that you won't make every client happy, and that you may end up with some negative reviews, no matter your efforts. But instead of panicking, respond by following up politely and professionally, and finding out what you can do to put the situation right.

By providing great customer service and working hard, the loyalty of your customers will grow, as will your positive reviews.

4. Be results-driven

Finally, it goes without saying that every loan officer's ultimate goal is closed loans. Don't undo all your hard work generating interest and leads by failing to respond promptly to incoming enquiries, or to follow up on quotes and conversations.

You can make yourself available via social media, or use phone calls or email to help keep the conversation going. Use the opportunity to address any lingering concerns the customer may have, and don't be afraid to close the deal.

Copyright 2019. Article was made possible by site supporter Tiffany Wagner, content creator and freelance writer for various websites

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The Template for Loan Officer Marketing


A marketing plan helps you grow your mortgage business – this is true even for single MLO’s. But let’s face it, creating a plan can be overwhelming and confusing. We understand. Many loan officers find themselves in the same boat.

The great news is that we’ve simplified it for you with this guide.

Our straightforward but thorough loan officer marketing plan template covers everything you need to succeed in your role and ensure business growth. With our help, you can stop stressing about creating a plan and start focusing on reaching your goals toward mortgage business success.

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Identifying Where Your Business Currently Stands

Prospecting likely takes up the majority of your day, but you don’t want to overlook analyzing your business as a whole. For example, are you keenly aware of which marketing activities are bringing in business or whether there were any significant changes to your lead generation avenues?

Start by focusing on where your leads are currently coming from and where they drop off. For example, if you see that you’re getting traffic from social media, but you struggle to move them further down the path to closing, you know that there’s work to be done there.  

Note that little to no leads from a particular source doesn’t mean you should abandon it altogether. For example, you may have heard that email marketing is dead, but that’s simply not true.

Email marketing has some of the highest ROI’s as well as decent conversion rates in marketing. So if one of your lead generation tactics isn’t quite panning out, it may just mean you need to alter your strategy, not can it altogether.

So start by examining the hard data and see where your business currently stands with lead generation and conversion. After that, you’ll have a clearer picture of how to structure your business plan.

Goal-Setting: Essential to Loan Officer Success

Setting goals and objectives isn’t just a marketing ploy. It’s actually scientifically proven that goal-setting helps individuals achieve impressive results in record time. Using goals not only motivates you but also defines what success looks like to measure your progress. 

The best method, by far, is to use the “SMART” goal method, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound . Here’s an example:

  • The first step in working towards your goals is to identify the goal. Let’s say that you want to close more loans. Specify how many loans you want to close.
  • Next, identify your closing ratio. This will help you determine whether your goal is attainable. For example, an LO with a current closing rate of five loans per quarter will have a better chance of achieving eight loans per quarter. If you’re a newbie, eight loans might be too lofty to achieve in your first quarter. 
  • Closing more loans is an indicator of a successful loan officer, so we know this goal is relevant. But you also want to make sure that any goals you set are in-line with company expectations. If your company has a specific quota, you’ll want to take that into account as well. 
  • Next is giving yourself a timeframe in which you’re going to achieve this goal. In our example, we’re giving ourselves a quarter to reach eight closed loans. 

Now that we have a foundation let’s jump into creating your marketing and business plan.

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Mortgage Loan Officer Marketing and Business Plan : How to Structure Your Plan

Now that you know what works, what doesn’t, and what strategies you have yet to test out, you are in a better position to create your loan officer business plan. Since marketing and business plans can get hefty, a good way to stay organized is to divide your plan up by different fields or departments. For example, you want to have a section for the ‘operations plan’ and the ‘marketing plan.’

A good template you can follow is to start off with an Executive Summary followed by some industry and market insights. After that, you can go into the fields.

Executive Summary

Every good plan needs a strong introduction that will give a clear snapshot of the different sections of the business plan. A good loan officer executive summary will include the following:

  • Brief information on your business
  • Target borrowers
  • Local competitors
  • Your UVP (Unique Value Proposition)
  • Brief description of the plan from different viewpoints, such as lead generation tactics and realtor partnership creation.

As counterintuitive as it might seem, it’s best to write this section of the plan out in the end when you have a solid idea about the details of your marketing plan.

Industry and Market Analysis

Having a detailed analysis of your industry and market landscape is a great way to set a direction for your plan. What this does is give you valuable insight into how big your target market is, how much it is expected to grow in coming years, what’s trending in your industry, what trends are here to stay, etc. 

Your industry analysis should answer questions such as:

  • Who are your main local competitors?
  • What is the TAM (total addressable market)?
  • What is the SAM (serviceable addressable market)?
  • What is the SOM (serviceable obtainable market)?

marketing plan for lending business

Marketing Plan

As for the ‘Marketing’ section of your plan, you must cover the four P’s: product, place, price, and promotion . Explain the product(s) and or services you are offering. Since your loan officer business is likely local, explain how the location of your business impacts its growth. Address the following questions: 

  • Is there a large serviceable obtainable market in your area? e.g. are you working with a local builder, with a top realtor, etc…
  • Who are your local competitors? 
  • How are you differentiating yourself from your competitors? (Hint: competing solely on rates or products is unlikely to be effective)
  • Are there any local mortgage niches that are being underserved? 
  • How will you promote your mortgage business, and what mortgage technology do you need to support your efforts?

Operations Plan

Don’t let the label mislead you. Operations simply refers to how you’ll complete your tasks and how your workflow and tools will help you achieve your goals. The first step is to outline your short and long-term goals and the processes you use in each of those areas.

Some examples of short-term processes would be:

  • Managing your document workflows
  • Applying tech to improve communication
  • Implementing more interactive digital tools to drive engagement
  • Allowing borrowers to pay for their own credit report

Some examples of long-term goals would be:

  • Streamlining the borrower intake between your mortgage website and application
  • Create mortgage content geared around your niche target and implement it in your lead funnel
  • Shifting to a personalized self-serve model that automates time-consuming processes without sacrificing service.
  • Implement a social media marketing plan that helps build relationships and engages potential clients.

By using this loan officer business plan template, you’ll have a compelling framework to achieve your goals and create a clear path for career longevity. And at LenderHomePage, there’s nothing more important to us than helping mortgage loan originators succeed. That’s why our suite of digital mortgage tools are different.

From mortgage website templates with built-in lead magnets to a co-branded mortgage mobile app that grows your realtor referrals to an intuitive 1003 intake, our mortgage tech is designed to help captivate and create clients for life. Schedule a demo today and take the first step toward your long-term success.

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  • Mar 30, 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Business Plan for a Loan: A Step-by-Step Walk-Through

marketing plan for lending business

The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Business Plan for a Loan: A Step-by-Step Walkthrough

As a business plan specialist and expert business planner, I'm here to guide you through the process of writing a comprehensive business plan for securing a loan. Whether you're a start-up or an established business looking to expand, a well-crafted business plan is essential for impressing potential lenders and securing the funding you need.

In this extensive, 5,000-word article, I'll cover everything you need to know about creating a top-notch business plan that will boost your chances of loan approval. We'll go through each section in detail, providing you with practical examples and tips to optimize your plan for success. So, let's get started!

Executive Summary

The executive summary is the first and most critical section of your business plan. It's a brief overview of your entire plan, highlighting the key points and giving readers an insight into your business.

Key elements to include in your executive summary:

Business concept: Briefly explain your business idea, the products or services you plan to offer, and the target market.

Company overview: Provide essential information about your company, including its legal structure, location, and mission statement.

Management team: Showcase the expertise and experience of your management team, emphasizing their ability to lead the business.

Market opportunity: Describe the market demand, trends, and target audience, highlighting the opportunity for your business to succeed.

Financial highlights: Summarize your financial projections, including sales, profits, and cash flow.

Loan purpose: Clearly state the purpose of the loan and the amount you're seeking.

Remember, the executive summary is often the first thing lenders read, so make it engaging and informative to grab their attention.

Company Description

The company description section is where you provide a more in-depth look at your business. It should give readers a clear understanding of your company's purpose, goals, and competitive advantages.

Key elements to include in your company description:

Business history: If your company has an existing history, briefly describe its origins and milestones achieved.

Mission statement: Articulate the purpose of your company and the value you aim to provide to customers.

Objectives: Outline the specific goals you want to achieve with your business, both short-term and long-term.

Products and services: Provide a detailed description of the products or services you plan to offer, emphasizing the benefits they provide to customers.

Target market: Identify your target audience, specifying their demographics, psychographics, and buying habits.

Competitive advantage: Explain what sets your business apart from the competition and how you plan to maintain this edge.

Market Analysis

The market analysis section demonstrates your understanding of the industry, market, and competition. It's crucial to show lenders that you've done your homework and have a comprehensive understanding of the market landscape.

Key elements to include in your market analysis:

Industry overview: Provide a high-level view of your industry, including its size, growth trends, and key players.

Market segmentation: Break down your target market into smaller segments, identifying their unique needs and preferences.

Target market characteristics: Describe the specific characteristics of your target market, such as demographics, psychographics, and geographic location.

Market demand: Present evidence of market demand, using data on customer needs, market trends, and buying behaviors.

Competitor analysis: Evaluate your main competitors, analyzing their strengths, weaknesses, and market share.

SWOT analysis: Conduct a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) to assess your business's position in the market.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

In this section, outline your marketing and sales strategy to show lenders how you plan to attract and retain customers, as well as generate revenue. A well-defined marketing and sales strategy is crucial to demonstrate that you have a clear plan for growth and profitability.

Key elements to include in your marketing and sales strategy:

Marketing objectives: Define your marketing goals, such as brand awareness, lead generation, or customer retention.

Target audience: Reiterate your target market, emphasizing their needs and preferences.

Unique selling proposition (USP): Highlight your USP, the main reason customers should choose your products or services over the competition.

Marketing channels: Identify the marketing channels you plan to use, such as social media, email, content marketing, or paid advertising. Explain the rationale behind your choice of channels and how they align with your target audience.

Sales process: Describe your sales process, from lead generation to closing deals. Include details on your sales team structure, training, and compensation plans.

Key performance indicators (KPIs): List the KPIs you'll use to measure the success of your marketing and sales efforts, such as conversion rates, average deal size, or customer lifetime value.

Operations Plan

The operations plan section details the day-to-day activities required to run your business. It shows lenders that you have a clear understanding of the operational aspects of your company and the resources needed to support your growth.

Key elements to include in your operations plan:

Facilities: Describe your business's physical location, including its size, layout, and any equipment or machinery required.

Production process: If applicable, detail your production process, including the steps involved, quality control measures, and production capacity.

Supply chain: Outline your supply chain, identifying key suppliers, procurement processes, and inventory management practices.

Staffing: Explain your staffing requirements, including the roles, responsibilities, and qualifications of each team member.

Management structure: Provide an organizational chart, showcasing your company's management structure and reporting lines.

Legal and regulatory requirements: Identify any relevant legal or regulatory requirements, such as licenses, permits, or certifications needed to operate your business.

Financial Plan

The financial plan is arguably the most crucial section of your business plan when applying for a loan. It demonstrates your ability to manage finances, make informed decisions, and, ultimately, repay the loan.

Key elements to include in your financial plan:

Revenue projections: Estimate your future sales, breaking them down by product or service category and showing growth rates over time.

Expense projections: Forecast your expenses, including fixed costs (e.g., rent, utilities) and variable costs (e.g., marketing, salaries).

Cash flow statement: Provide a detailed cash flow statement, showing how cash will flow in and out of your business over a specified period (typically 12 months).

Profit and loss statement: Create a profit and loss statement that projects your business's profitability over time.

Balance sheet: Prepare a balance sheet that showcases your business's assets, liabilities, and equity.

Break-even analysis: Calculate the point at which your business will break even, meaning your revenues equal your expenses.

Loan repayment schedule: Detail your proposed loan repayment schedule, including the loan amount, interest rate, repayment terms, and projected date of full repayment.

The appendices section is where you can include any additional documents or supporting materials that are relevant to your business plan. These documents may provide further evidence of your company's viability and help strengthen your case for securing a loan.

Examples of items to include in the appendices:

Resumes of key team members

Product samples or prototypes

Market research data or surveys

Letters of intent or contracts with suppliers, partners, or customers

Intellectual property documentation, such as patents, trademarks, or copyrights

Relevant licenses, permits, or certifications

Writing a comprehensive business plan for a loan can seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach and guidance, it's an achievable goal. By following the step-by-step instructions outlined in this article, you can create a well-structured, persuasive business plan that will greatly improve your chances of securing the funding you need. Remember to:

Pay close attention to your executive summary, as it sets the tone for the entire plan.

Be thorough and detailed in your market analysis, showing a deep understanding of your industry and target audience.

Develop a solid marketing and sales strategy to demonstrate your ability to attract and retain customers.

Address the operational aspects of your business, including staffing, facilities, and supply chain management.

Present a robust financial plan, complete with projections and a loan repayment schedule.

By doing so, you'll showcase your expertise, commitment, and preparedness to potential lenders, significantly increasing the likelihood of obtaining the loan your business needs to grow and succeed.

In addition to following the steps outlined in this guide, consider seeking professional assistance from a business plan consultant or specialist to review and refine your plan. Their expertise can help you identify any areas that may need improvement and ensure that your business plan is optimized for success.

Finally, remember to continuously update your business plan as your business evolves. Regular updates will ensure that your plan remains relevant and accurate, providing you with a valuable roadmap for your business's future growth and development.

With dedication, persistence, and a well-crafted business plan, you can secure the funding you need to bring your business vision to life. Good luck, and here's to your success!

  • Writing Your Business Plan
  • Funding Your Business

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Chapter 1: What is Mortgage Marketing? The Ultimate Guide for Loan Officers and Mortgage Brokers

marketing plan for lending business

Chapter 1 What Is Mortgage Marketing?

How Do I Market My Mortgage Business?

Types of Mortgage Marketing

        Traditional Mortgage Marketing

        Digital Mortgage Marketing

        Co-Marketing & Referral Marketing

Stages of Mortgage Marketing

        Prospect Stage

        In-Process Stage

        Post-Close Stage

Top Mortgage Marketing Tools

How Mortgage Automation Can Increase Revenue

Bottom Line

Chapter 2 Loan Officer Marketing Plan Template

Chapter 3 Effective Digital Mortgage Marketing Strategies

Chapter 4 Loan Officer & Mortgage Broker SEO Strategies

Chapter 5 Loan Officer Marketing to Realtors

A clear marketing plan for your mortgage company is key to building brand awareness, attracting qualified leads, and closing more clients. Whether you are just starting to develop your mortgage marketing strategy or looking to bolster your firm’s current strategy, this guide will provide valuable insights for your marketing efforts.

In this first of five chapters, we will:

  • Define mortgage marketing
  • Give an overview of types of mortgage marketing
  • Explain the mortgage marketing stages and how to reach your audience at each stage
  • Share mortgage marketing tools every loan officer or mortgage broker can use to help automate their mortgage firm’s marketing efforts

What Is Mortgage Marketing?

Mortgage marketing is quite simple – it’s all the activities a mortgage lender, mortgage broker, or bank uses to educate and persuade potential clients to choose their mortgage services over those of their competitors. Marketing activities include traditional mortgage advertising, digital marketing, co-marketing partnerships, and referral marketing.

How Do I Market My Mortgage Company?

Before diving in, let’s review our top three best practices to guide the development of your mortgage marketing strategy.

  • Quality Over Quantity:  While various mortgage marketing strategies can lead to success, it’s essential to focus on quality over quantity. When choosing the best marketing channel(s) for your firm, keep your marketing budget and the time each campaign will require in mind. It’s better to start with one or two marketing strategies to avoid spreading your resources too thin before you can see a return on your investment. 
  • Measure Your Marketing Efforts:  Remember to create a measurable goal for your marketing efforts to evaluate each campaign’s performance and optimize your marketing strategy (and budget) along the way. 
  • Keep Your Clients In Mind:  Ultimately, your marketing strategy should revolve around your clients’ wants and demands. Since clients tend to be quite diverse and the marketing world is  constantly evolving , it’s important to solicit feedback from your clients to better understand their behaviors and continually improve your chances of effectively reaching your target audience.

A successful mortgage marketing strategy will generate a consistent flow of new mortgage business. Determining which is right for your business will depend on your marketing budget and available time. Here’s a look at three of the most successful types of marketing for mortgages.

1. Traditional Marketing

Traditional mortgage marketing uses offline forms of communication like newspaper ads, magazines, and billboards to spread a message. It’s a tried-and-true method of marketing that typically lasts longer and can reach a broader audience than online marketing methods. This form of marketing can also be very effective for reaching a local audience.

Traditional marketing and advertising for mortgage brokers often include:

  • Printed materials  (flyers, direct mailers, business cards)
  • Concierge programs /customer loyalty programs (gifts, holiday cards)
  • Newspaper/magazine advertising
  • Event sponsorships
  • Direct mail campaigns
  • Billboard advertising
  • Television or radio commercials

2. Digital Mortgage Marketing

Digital mortgage marketing   is any form of promotion of mortgage services through an online or digital channel. As the world shifts towards all things digital, new methods for marketing mortgages continue to emerge. Some of the top digital mortgage marketing strategies include:

  • Email marketing 
  • SMS text message marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Social media marketing  (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube) 
  • Video marketing
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 
  • Property listing websites and landing pages
  • Virtual events and webinars

3. Co-Marketing and Referral Marketing

Relationship-building can be an extremely effective addition to your mortgage marketing plan. Co-marketing and referral marketing are two strategies that allow you to increase brand awareness, broaden your audience, and grow your business. 

  • Co-marketing  is a mutually beneficial relationship where professionals in related industries (like mortgage brokers and real estate agents) work together to undertake joint promotional efforts. This partnership often promotes co-branded materials, open houses, events, and/or shared offers.
  • Referral marketing  uses word-of-mouth recommendations to grow your customer base through collaboration with other professionals already working with your target audience. When you create a mutually beneficial referral relationship, you and your referral partner can experience significant business growth. 

Combining your marketing efforts with other trusted professionals allows you to add more value to your audience and attract a greater volume of potential clients.

Some common examples of co-marketing and referral marketing include:

  • Hosting networking events
  • Asking for client reviews
  • Cross-promoting content
  • Co-hosting educational events
  • Building your referral network
  • Real estate marketing
  • Post-close marketing strategy

3 Stages of Mortgage Marketing

The three stages of Mortgage Marketing: Prospect stage, In-Process stage, and Post-Close Stage

Taking the time to establish a “Know, Like, Trust” relationship will significantly expand your client base and improve your closing rates. To do this, start by familiarizing yourself with the three primary stages of the mortgage client journey, then make sure you’re taking action at each stage to strengthen your relationships.

1. Prospect Stage – Lead Generation

Once a client is actively looking for a mortgage solution, competition is fierce. If you want to position yourself for success, getting your brand in front of  mortgage leads   before  they’re ready to make a buying decision is essential. 

In the early parts of the prospect stage, a client may be completely unaware of you, your service, or your company. For example, a homeowner may have a mortgage one to two points higher than the current market rate. This same person could be struggling with debt and have plenty of equity in their home but may never have thought of refinancing their home to pay off debts. At this point, providing educational content is the best way to make them aware of who you are and that you have a solution for their problem. By offering valuable resources to your prospects through blog posts or social media posts, you solidify yourself in their minds as an authority in the mortgage industry.  Because they are familiar with your brand and trust you as an authority, prospects are more likely to choose your business for their mortgage needs.

In other cases, a prospect may know their need and understand that companies like yours offer a potential solution. Marketing efforts such as local  SEO strategies ,  email marketing, social media, or PPC ads can help draw their attention to your business while they are still in the research phase.

2. In-Process Stage – Client Education, Milestones & Updates

Many mortgage professionals make the mistake of thinking that their marketing work is done once they’ve landed a client, and this couldn’t be further from the truth. During the in-process stage, your focus should be on ensuring your client has such a good experience that they won’t hesitate to come back to you when they need to refinance or purchase another property. Providing a positive experience for your clients is the best way to earn repeat business, positive reviews, and referrals. So, continue building the relationship by instilling confidence in the client through every step of the process. 

In this stage of the client journey, your marketing should center around client education and communication. Focus on reassuring your clients that things are proceeding as they should and make sure everything is as easy as possible. 

You can significantly improve the client experience by using  mortgage tools  to increase your efficiency and streamline the process. For example, you may use a Mortgage CRM, such as  Jungo , to automatically provide notifications when a client hits a specific milestone. Salesforce backs Jungo with thousands of integrations, such as top LOS and PPE integrations. Not only will this keep the line of communication open, but informing the client on what’s happening will also improve your  mortgage pull-through rate .

3. Post-Close Stage – Earn Referrals & Nurture Repeat Business

Once the initial closing excitement fades, you lose touch with your clients, resulting in fewer check-in calls and emails. Don’t let this happen! The first step in maintaining a great relationship with clients is maintaining contact with them.

Even after a client’s loan closes, your client experience and mortgage marketing strategies should not come to a grinding halt. Staying familiar with your clients is a sure way to earn their refinance business down the road. It will take some extra time and effort, but investing in post-closing marketing will pay off. 

Examples of post-close marketing strategies include:

  • Sending personalized emails, cards, and gifts to clients on birthdays, holidays, and special milestones
  • Sending thank-you gifts to referral partners who made the deal possible

Keeping in touch after the close is one of the best ways to ensure that your past clients aren’t rate shopping with another lender when it comes time to refinance or buy another property. You can  automate post-close marketing  to save time and effort while ensuring you never miss an opportunity to connect and continuously grow your business reach. 

Top 3 Mortgage Marketing Tools for Loan Officers

Planning and executing a mortgage marketing strategy without the right tools can quickly become overwhelming. You need a system to keep track of the clients and prospects you’ve contacted and tools and technology to help you effectively distribute your message. Here’s a look at some cutting-edge solutions to take your mortgage marketing to the next level.

1. Mortgage Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software

Mortgage Customer Relationship Management Software

2. Marketing Automation for Email, SMS & Video Marketing

Marketing automation for Email, SMS & Video Marketing

  • Pre-written, ready-to-send mortgage emails
  • Automated special occasion emails
  • Automated drip campaigns to help build relationships from the prospect stage to post-close follow-ups

Since everyone knows just how crowded email inboxes can get, Jungo also offers  Video Emails  to help you stand out from the crowd, build trust, and convert more leads. This tool makes it easy to record a personalized video and send it to a client with just a few clicks. 

SMS Text Messaging  allows you to send messages directly to your clients’ or prospects’ cell phones so that you can communicate with them in real-time. Don’t like texting? You can also respond to text messages using your email platform. You can even schedule your messages, so you can be sure they will go out at the perfect time.

3. Co-Marketing & Referral Marketing Solutions

Co-Marketing & Referral Marketing Solutions

How Does Marketing Automation Increase My Revenue?

Marketing automation is the key to streamlining your marketing programs, allowing you to create a more effective strategy with less effort. Additionally, marketing automation allows you to personalize your client’s experience to their preferences, characteristics, and behaviors. According to a study by Oracle , when marketing automation is used, lead quantity increases up to 80%, and there’s a 451% increase in qualified leads. Jungo receives a lot of questions from mortgage professionals about how marketing automation works and whether it will be a good solution for their business needs. Here’s a look at the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.

How Can Jungo’s Marketing Automation Platform Benefit My Mortgage Business?

The  automated systems  available within Jungo’s Mortgage CRM can help you automate your internal processes, marketing efforts, and sales development. Jungo’s bulk content creation and distribution systems will allow your team to work on a massive scale, quickly expanding your marketing efforts – and your results. Not only will automation help you find more leads and close more business, but it will also allow you to run your entire company more effectively.

“A robust CRM is the lifeblood of my business, and I have deep trust in Jungo as my service partner.” -Eric, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

Do I Need to Have a Lot of Content to Benefit from Marketing Automation?

No! That’s the beauty of Jungo’s platform. It includes access to over 400 pre-built marketing templates that your marketing team can quickly and easily customize for your company and send out to thousands of clients with just a few clicks.

How Is Marketing Automation Beneficial to Loan Officers?

Jungo’s marketing program’s automation features can provide clients with a consistent stream of updates, pre-branded educational information, and more. Integrating these types of automation into a  loan officer marketing plan   streamlines several processes. Automation can free up a significant amount of time for loan officers, allowing them to focus on revenue-generating activities such as making phone calls and meeting with clients.

We’ve covered a lot of ground in this first chapter of the Mortgage Marketing Guide. To recap the main takeaways, we learned that: 

  • Mortgage marketing encompasses all the activities mortgage businesses perform to educate and persuade potential clients to choose their mortgage services. 
  • Mortgage marketing strategies include traditional marketing methods, digital marketing methods, and co-marketing & referral marketing. 
  • The typical borrower moves through three stages of mortgage marketing: the prospect stage, the in-process stage, and the post-close stage. 
  • Tailoring your marketing efforts to each stage of the mortgage marketing process will allow you to provide a superior client experience that leads to repeat business and referrals.

Now that you are familiar with mortgage marketing and all its stages, head over to Chapter 2 to how to develop your  mortgage marketing plan.

Next Chapter 2 Loan Officer Marketing Plan Template

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How to wow a lender with your business plan.

Forbes Finance Council

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It’s too bad. On average, bank loans feature lower annual percentage rates (APRs) and more flexible repayment terms than their online counterparts, in my experience. But if the reasons for that abysmal statistic are complicated, one thing is certain: To stand a chance of beating the odds, you’d better stand out.

Start by creating a comprehensive business plan. It’s a painstaking process, requiring an eye for detail and a command of the big picture, but it’ll show lenders you’re serious.  It’s convenient to break down a business plan into four main areas:

1. How does your business work?

Provide a general introduction to your business and strategy. These are the foundational details that state who you are and what separates you from the competition. 

Opportunity, problem and solution:  Begin with your mission statement. Describe the purpose of your business and your target market in a single, inspiring sentence. Why is your business necessary? What problems will it solve? Use outside research and data to provide objective proof of a pressing market need. Outline how your product or service will fulfill that need.

Product, competition and market size:  Break down the product or service itself. Detail its features, emphasizing your unique selling proposition, which is what differentiates you from your competitors. Discuss where your product or service fits in the competitive environment. Describe each of your primary competitors, examining their strengths and weaknesses. Be sure to define the total market size, along with the segment your business will target. Use numbers and trend information to demonstrate a viable market and its growth potential.

Company structure, investment and past milestones:  Briefly describe your company’s founding and the amount of money you’ve personally invested. Who else has invested in the business, and how much? In terms of business development, what have you accomplished with the current investment amount?

Marketing and sales strategy:  A lender will want to know your plan for attracting customers, including which features of your product or service you’ll emphasize to capture the attention of your target market. They’ll be interested in your method of sales, or what the available distribution channels are and how you plan to use them.

2. Who are the stakeholders?

Not only do lenders want to have confidence in your strategy, but they want to see that the people forming that strategy have the skills and drive to accomplish it. 

Management and board of directors:  Lenders love strong management teams. Highlight your team’s talents and complementary skills. Ditto for a strong board of directors or advisors. Define what they bring to the table in terms of training, expertise, etc.

Owners’ financial situation:  Lenders will want to look at the finances of anyone with more than 20% ownership in the company. A capitalization table will serve that purpose, and there’s plenty of software available to help you put one together.

3. What do your finances look like?

One of the easiest ways for banks to mitigate risk is by evaluating your financial situation and what got you there. They’ll also want to hear where you expect your business to be years down the road and how their investment will get you there.

Assets and liabilities:  Lenders typically will examine your personal and business balance sheets to learn whether you’re a homeowner, how leveraged you are, what liquid assets and reserves you have, and what your net worth is.

Revenue model and projections:  What do you charge for your product or service? Explain your pricing rationale and how it will increase your market share and produce profits. Summarize your financial projections spreadsheet, highlighting revenue targets for the next several years. Discuss your past profits, along with what you project future profits to be.

Revenue, income and debt:  Your company’s revenue and net income will demonstrate how you’ll repay the loan. Your household income will prove useful, too, as this will give lenders an idea of your ability to personally repay the debt if your business fails.

They’ll also want to know if the income you or your business is earning is adequate to pay your current debt load and the proposed new debt. Your lender will calculate this, but it wouldn’t hurt you to know it in advance .

Use of funds:  One of the most important questions a lender will ask is what you plan on using the funds for. Some answers are more favorable than others. Working capital, for example, is a safer bet than debt consolidation.

4. Is your business legitimate?

Lenders will want to know that your business a) actually exists and b) isn’t brand-new. A few basic questions will tell lenders if your business is legitimate.

Structure and time in business:  What type of corporate structure do you have? Are you a sole proprietorship, a general partnership, a limited liability company or a corporation? How long have you been in business? In my experience, most banks prefer to work with businesses that are at least two years old.

Registration:  Business lending is rife with fraud. Before approving a loan, a bank will check with the Secretary of State’s office to ensure your business is properly registered.

Contact information:  Lenders will need to verify the phone and voicemail of your business. Red flags are raised if your business number is the same as your home number, and some lenders will attempt to visit your office or store as an extra precaution. A website is a strong indicator of a legitimate business serious about attracting customers.

Author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Wishes can be exciting, but without a magic lamp, they won’t get you far. A well-crafted business plan will show lenders that you’re serious about your goals and school you on what it’ll take to reach those goals.

Levi King

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The Beginner’s Guide to Digital Mortgage Marketing Feature Image

What's in this article?

If you’re finding that your former mortgage marketing approaches aren’t bringing in steady leads anymore, it’s time for a digital upgrade.

There’s still a place in mortgage marketing for direct mail, word-of-mouth referrals, and TV ads—but the majority of your future borrowers are seeking you out online. 

And if you’re not there, they’re going to easily find someone else.

In our digital mortgage marketing guide, we’ll show you how to execute, document, and adjust your plan to fit your specific marketing goals.

We know mortgage—Get 20 years of mortgage lead generation experience with Kaleidico.

What are your digital mortgage marketing goals?

No matter what type of marketing strategy you’re implementing, it needs to stay true to your overall business goals and objectives.

General ideas for your digital marketing goals might include:

  • Generating qualified mortgage leads
  • Increasing awareness of your products and services
  • Boosting your number of referrals or referral partners
  • Establishing yourself as an industry expert
  • Increasing your number of closings
  • Incorporating AI and machine learning into your strategy

Once you establish your goals, you’ll need to determine how you’re going to measure their success. How many leads do you want per week? Per month? How many closings? 

What needs to happen for you to know you’re making an impact in the mortgage industry or making an impact in your community?

Your goals and how you’ll measure them don’t need to be perfect, because as you move ahead and build and execute your digital strategy they will most likely need adjustments.

However, establishing these goals will help you stay on track, and most of all will help you stay true to who you are as a mortgage professional.

Digital marketing for mortgages is a big undertaking that’s filled with a lot of competition. 

Understanding what it is that makes your business unique will help you stand out among the competition—and generate more mortgage leads.

What kind of borrowers are you targeting?

The next step in the digital mortgage marketing process is to create your client personas. 

In other words, you’re going to name and define the types of borrowers you are targeting based on your existing data and client successes.

Examples include:

  • Gen Z homebuyers
  • Reverse mortgage customers
  • Borrowers with a lot of equity
  • Refinance clients
  • VA loan-qualified buyers 
  • Current renters
  • FHA customers
  • Second-home shoppers
  • Referral partners

Targeting your clients helps you focus on each of their unique needs and interests. This drives the types of content you will create for them.

You also will need to prioritize the homebuyers based on the types you want to target the most. Then, you can create more content specifically for these borrowers, and even create an area for them on your website.

Use existing client data

In 2020, millennials were the largest percentage of home buyers at 37%. 

Now, they make up at least 43% of current homebuyers. 

Throughout the pandemic, Gen Z also had a chance to catch up: 30% of 25-year-olds owned their home in 2022, which is higher than the homeowner rates for both millennials and Gen X at the same age.

marketing plan for lending business

What are your current demographics?

Depending on your target audience and location, you may be interested in marketing primarily to Gen Z or millennials as first-time buyers, veterans, or active duty servicemembers with a VA loan, or established homeowners with a home equity loan.

You can create separate sections, or landing pages, on your website for particular homebuyer journeys like “buying your first home” or “refinancing your mortgage.”

But first, you’ll need to perform some research on how to reach each of these types of borrowers so you can effectively target them with your marketing.

Determine where to target each client

Once you’ve decided who you’re targeting, list out where and how you’re going to target them online.

A complete mortgage marketing strategy involves many moving parts. 

You’ll be driving traffic to your mortgage website via organic and paid content, but this content can be distributed in multiple ways: social media, email marketing, text messages, etc.

Determining where to target depends on your goals. For example, if your goal is to position yourself as an industry expert or boost awareness of your products, you might post videos and thought-provoking posts on LinkedIn or Facebook. 

Demographic data can help you understand which platforms are ideal for your audience.

Use this data from Sprout Social to craft your strategy:

marketing plan for lending business

  • Facebook is still the largest social media platform with nearly 3 billion active users, but time spent on the platform is falling as other platforms grow
  • The largest age group on Facebook is 25-34
  • Instagram is the second-largest platform and maintains a “firm hold” on both Gen Z and millennials
  • The platform is also shifting into more of an e-commerce hub
  • TikTok’s largest age group is 18-24, and it continues to experience “unprecedented” growth among its users
  • It has the highest average time spent per day of any other platform, with 45.8 minutes
  • The largest age group using LinkedIn is 30-39
  • The platform continues to grow and is considered a prime source for B2B marketers and lead generation

And what about email marketing? There are more than 4 billion email users across the world, and 96% of users check their email every day. The highest age group using email is aged 25-44 .

Use these statistics to guide your targeting strategy for your digital marketing content.

How to execute your digital mortgage marketing plan

Okay—you’ve defined your goals, homebuyers, and channels. Now, we can break down the actual execution of your new digital marketing plan.

Generate high-quality mortgage leads now.

Automated email or text campaigns

Are you familiar with drip campaigns from your previous marketing strategies? It has most commonly been used in direct mail campaigns.

The idea with your digital strategy is to send automated messages to current or potential leads via email, text message, or social media following a specific lead “trigger.” 

Drip campaigns also can be a form of lead nurturing once you’ve captured the lead. After all, it can take some people months or years before they’re ready to close on a loan.

Since the messages will need to be specifically targeted to certain clients, you’ll set up separate drips for current clients, prospective clients, and referral partners.

The messages will be prewritten and automatically sent out according to your set schedules using a platform like MailChimp or Active Campaign .

Drip campaign examples

  • Send out a welcome email or text when a new mortgage lead first submits their contact information to you via a web form
  • Set up follow-up “drips” based on a specific inquiry, such as information on FHA loans, or recommend other services on your websites like your mortgage calculators or blog
  • Set up a drip campaign to congratulate a client when you close on a loan 
  • Nurture clients for a future purchase or refinance by periodically sending out homeowner tips, holiday greetings, or birthday messages
  • Ask satisfied clients to submit reviews or referrals for you

Mortgage website optimization

Research shows that nearly every potential homebuyer today is starting their search online, or at least using it at some point in their journey.

Optimizing your mortgage website is a guaranteed long-term method for gaining new leads.

Far too many businesses overlook their website or let it grow stale and outdated. A fresh website is your digital home base, so it should be a top priority in your digital mortgage marketing plan.

If you have a clean, bold, inviting website, you’re going to keep your potential clients on it for far longer—meaning consistent new leads.

Let’s take a look at the key features and design elements your website needs to keep your visitors engaged and following your lead paths.

Clearly-branded content

A well-designed website is not only more attractive and easier to read for your future mortgage clients but for Google, too!

Google and your visitors are scanning the web for your website’s readability, relevancy, use of graphics and images, and overall quality. Google just might be a bit more technical about it.

Make sure you use your company’s colors, fonts, and logos across all of your pages to ensure a clean, consistent look—including your calls-to-action (CTAs).

Your calls-to-action should stand out in the form of a bold, colorful button that directs the user to a specific action. 

CTAs on mortgage websites might look like the following:

  • Purchase a home
  • I want to refinance my home
  • Get a rate quote
  • Get started

Your CTAs should lead the user to a simple web form, or progressive form, that will take them through a series of questions, including the property type, where they’re at in the process, their zip code, and more.

Consider treating your websites like an extension of your branded printed items, such as your business cards, stationery, pens, folders, and more.

Web design is hard work, so team up with a quality web designer or full-service marketing agency to execute your designs online.

  • Mortgage calculators

Mortgage calculators inform and empower your visitors by handing them the tools they need to be successful.

Today’s mortgage seekers are hungry for information. If they don’t find it with you, they’ll find it with someone else.

Make sure it’s with you by including all the most popular mortgage marketing tools in use today, including mortgage calculators for the following purposes:

  • Loan comparison
  • Monthly payments
  • Amortization schedule

These simple calculators allow users to play around with the numbers. 

Include a blurb next to the calculator that briefly explains how it works, and encourages the user to click the call-to-action button to submit their information to you for an accurate loan estimate and options based on their unique loan scenario.

Mortgage calculators pique the visitor’s interest while providing them with real insight into how the process works. 

This will encourage them to take the next simple step—applying with you for real results.

Valuable lead magnets

Lead magnets are valuable pieces of content that you offer in exchange for a visitor’s contact information.

For a lead magnet to be effective, you will have to aim it at one of your homebuyer targets.

Examples of lead magnets for mortgage websites include:

  • Homebuyer or refinance checklists
  • Guides to the mortgage process
  • Budgeting worksheets
  • Link to video series
  • Access to previous webinar

Lead magnets are marked by a clear, bold call-to-action, such as “apply now,” “download your free guide,” or “get a rate quote,” and should be sprinkled throughout your website and blog posts.

Be creative with your lead magnets. They should be unique to your services, expertise, target clients, and business goals.

Once your web visitor becomes a lead via a lead magnet, the email drip campaign you set up for this type of lead should automatically jump into action based on this trigger and begin sending out relevant emails or texts.

Website optimized for mobile

Around 60% of all website traffic worldwide is from mobile phones.

If you’re not mobile-optimized, you could potentially be losing out on a significant amount of mortgage leads from this traffic.

Bottom line : Optimize your website for mobile to ensure more leads!

An experienced web developer can easily help you optimize your website for mobile, but you’ll need to make some adjustments to the content to ensure it meets this new audience.

Most mortgage professionals will decide to perform an overhaul on their desktop website and mobile site at the same time, to ensure both display a clean, concise design.

That means removing pop-ups, videos, or other plug-ins that are weighing your site down and making the user experience more difficult. 

It also means shortening text and ensuring your CTA boxes stand out clearly on both displays. You don’t want anything to be cut off or difficult to access, because that will affect your number of mobile leads.

Testimonials page

If you expect a visitor to your website to hand over their information willingly, you’re going to have to prove to them that you’re a legitimate mortgage loan officer, lender, or broker — especially if you’re an online mortgage lender.

One way to do this is by adding a landing page for testimonials or reviews.

The mortgage process involves a lot of personal details and information. Reading testimonials from other people who have had a good experience working with you will build trust and credibility.

The easiest way to work in testimonials is by creating loan officer profile pages on your website. 

On these profile pages, you can include the following:

  • Reviews and testimonials
  • Profile picture
  • NMLS number
  • Contact information

Reviews streaming in from another source that users trust, such as Zillow, is also helpful for proving legitimacy.

Pay-per-click mortgage advertising

The two main marketing search strategies are:

  • Pay-per-click (PPC) 

Strong marketing for mortgages involves a strategic combination of both.

Organic search is non-paid advertising, based on search engine optimization (SEO). 

SEO involves optimizing your website so search engines like Google will rank you higher.

PPC is highly targeted to a specific keyword or phrase, and the results will show up above the organic search results on the search engine result page (SERP). You’ll pay a fee each time someone clicks on your ad.

PPC advertising is a quick and easy way to get potential borrowers with high intent.

See the Google search results below for the keyword “mortgage marketing.”

marketing plan for lending business

The first three results are paid: Note the “Sponsored” label above the URLs. 

The first non-paid, organic result is from Kaleidico: 60+ Mortgage Marketing Ideas to Fill Your Pipeline in 2023.

Google Ads and Meta Ads — formerly known as Facebook Ads — are two of the most popular PPC platforms. Let’s take a look at the differences between these platforms.

Currently, if you start with $5,000 a month in Google Ad spend, you can expect to generate between 50-80 exclusive leads per month.

To ensure you’re spending your campaign’s budget wisely, stay geo-targeted around branches to avoid competing with the big lenders.

More sophisticated marketers and Google Ads managers also perform keyword research to see the specific terms their audience is looking for and learn which keywords their competitors are bidding on.

Now, we’ll warn you—Google Ads’ platform is overwhelming and the online mortgage space is insanely competitive.

Learning the complete platform is a full-time job and is one of the hardest aspects of digital marketing for mortgage companies.

This is one of the many reasons why lenders rely on experienced digital mortgage marketing companies .

Depending on which mortgage lenders you ask, they might have a preference for leads created by Google Ads vs. Meta Ads.

Google leads are actively searching for mortgage terms, while Meta leads stumble upon sponsored posts scrolling through their News Feed, as a form of “interruption marketing.” 

This may result in lower quality leads because their intent isn’t as urgent, but Facebook’s PPC costs may be lower than Google’s and can result in a higher quantity of leads.

Other platforms

While Google and Facebook may be the most popular spaces to advertise, your business could see more success using other platforms, such as Instagram (which is also owned by Facebook), LinkedIn, or even TikTok.

SEO blogging for your website

SEO is important for your entire website, but the biggest traffic generator is going to be your SEO blog posts.

Your fresh, consistent, relevant blogs packed with appropriate keywords and images are how you’ll rank in Google and earn your free traffic.

Google’s top-ranking factors include:

  • Mobile-optimized experience
  • Overall user experience
  • Content quality, relevance, and length (optimized content)
  • Internal and external links
  • Business information (Google Business Profile)

Your website’s placement in Google’s SERP is based entirely on your skills in planning and researching keywords, understanding your competitive space, and cranking out consistently great content using the same language your audience uses.

Of course, SEO, content marketing, and PPC advertising all tie into each other.

Keyword planning and search intent

Using a Keyword Planning Tool, you can actually see the frequency of search terms related to your industry.

You can see which search terms are the most popular and least popular, and use this as a starting point for developing blog posts and content using these search terms.

In oversaturated markets, you can use Keyword Planning to find underutilized search terms—those terms that don’t get that much traffic but show a great deal of intent. As a result, they often cost less to bid on, which helps stretch your campaign’s budget further.

There’s a big difference in intent when somebody searches for an “FHA loan,” vs. “help, I need a mortgage fast.” 

Learn how to do a little keyword research, even if you just search Google.

Remember this one key rule: Be consistent and continuously produce content. It takes Google months to recognize this content and categorize it.

Besides blogging, here are some other types of engaging content you can get busy producing and optimizing:

  • YouTube videos
  • TikTok videos
  • Instagram Reels
  • Facebook surveys or polls
  • Reddit posts
  • Infographics
  • Newsletters

Let’s dig into more social media and video marketing content.

Social media

Social media marketing should be considered a branch of content marketing, rather than its own separate entity.

That’s because social media is simply another platform for you to plan and share your content around and bring in more leads to your website.

There are dozens of social media websites, so don’t feel like you need to be an expert on all of them.

Some of the most popular websites include :

  • Twitter 

As you get deeper into your digital mortgage marketing strategy, you’ll begin to learn more about the customers you’re targeting, and where you’re likely to find them. 

Use the social media research we listed earlier as a guide for where your clients are most likely to be based on age, but also perform your own research. 

Survey your existing clients via email, your website, or one of your current social media platforms to ask them which channels they prefer.

You can even ask the clients who walk through your door which channels they use the most to gain insight into where you’re most likely to find and engage with them.

To get started, pick the ones you personally use and you will naturally engage with your audience better.

Just like email marketing and content marketing, you’ll need to post fairly regularly. You can use your social media channel to share your website’s new blog post or provide timely news about changing mortgage rates.

Attract more qualified mortgage leads to your business with our results-driven marketing services.

Message responsiveness

Check your channel regularly. On many sites, message responsiveness matters and can help you stand out. You can use a social media marketing platform, such as Sprout Social , to help keep all comments and messages in one place.

For example, according to Facebook, the “very responsive to messages” badge shows people which pages respond quickly and consistently to private messages. 

To get the badge , your page must achieve both of the following over the last seven days:

  • A response rate of 90%
  • A response time of 15 minutes

It helps tremendously to respond quickly to comments on your posts. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve discounted an unfamiliar business because they never appeared to check or reply to the comments and questions on their posts.

You also can use your social media channels to post good reviews or testimonials from happy clients.

Video marketing

Fortunately, video marketing is more accessible than ever thanks to smartphones that can capture high-quality clips.

Most social media channels today are focused on video above all else because it yields impressive results. 

Video marketers get 66% more qualified leads each year!

Ideally, you’ll use simple videos as your main driver in any social media channel you pick.

Videos give you the highest likelihood of success, and for good reason. You’re showing your face and your personality, and you’re forming an instant connection more powerful than just words.

Video content topics might include:

  • Loan product informational videos
  • Latest mortgage news and what it means for your clients
  • Tutorials (how to apply for a mortgage, etc.)
  • Video series on an in-depth mortgage topic or product
  • Video testimonials
  • Personal holiday messages or birthday greetings

You can pack a lot of information into a short video, which is what makes sharing and engagement so high with this type of content.

Check out the YouTube video above for an example of a mortgage professional using video to unpack the complexity of reverse mortgages for potential clients.

Film your videos in a comfortable, well-lit space, and be sure to practice if you’re not used to being in front of the camera. You want to come across as natural, friendly, and approachable as possible to turn those views into leads!

Local SEO on Google Business

To give your business’s local rank a boost, you’ll need to set up a Google Business Profile .

When someone types “mortgage lender near me” into Google search, Google will bring up local business results under “Places,” based on the user’s location.

You can significantly improve your ranking by simply creating a Business Profile and filling it out completely.

That means you’ll include the following information in your listing:

  • Phone number

It also means that you will make sure to update it frequently as your business information changes, including address, phone number, or hours (including holiday hours), and that you reply to your Google reviews.

According to Google, your local ranking is based on distance, relevance, and prominence. The algorithm will take into account which factors best suit the search intent.

For example, if someone searches for a “VA loan mortgage lender,” and your business profile includes VA loans somewhere in the listing, your business is likely to show up ahead of a lender who is closer yet doesn’t call out VA loans.

Online mortgage companies can also set up an account if you service a specific location.

Plan regular checks to make sure all the information on your Business Profile is correct, to add new photos, or to check on the latest reviews. This simple step can keep a steady stream of leads flowing from local searches.

Mortgage advertising compliance

While you’re pulling together your digital mortgage marketing plan, don’t forget about compliance.

Mortgage professionals must be aware of the regulations surrounding mortgage advertising, including those found in Regulation Z and Regulation N.

The Truth in Lending Act, or Regulation Z, was enacted to make sure terms are disclosed and not misleading to consumers. 

It involves transparency surrounding interest rates and the true costs of credit, plus information about the right to cancel certain loans within a set period.

Regulation N, or the Mortgage Acts and Practices Advertising Rule, is meant to prevent deceptive claims in advertising, such as an ad containing a low rate that doesn’t disclose that it’s only temporary.

If you’re not familiar with these laws, make sure you read them thoroughly. Some mortgage CRMs have tools to aid with compliance, or you can connect with an experienced digital marketing agency that understands mortgage advertising.

Failure to comply can result in a fine or worse, so make sure you’re following the rules.

Document your digital mortgage marketing plan

There’s a ton of information, ideas, and goals packed into a mortgage lending marketing plan.

As you’re planning, start creating a spreadsheet that details these goals, channels, audiences, who’s in charge, and more.

Take a look at the spreadsheet template below for an example.

marketing plan for lending business

You can make the template as simple or involved as you need to be. It just needs to work for you, your team, and your goals.

In the example, we included the channel type, project goals, audience, coordinator, timeline, and notes.

As your strategy evolves, you will likely need to update the template frequently to add more advertising information, campaigns, the web development process, and the months you are running the campaigns.

Eventually, you may need a spreadsheet like the one above to keep tabs on all projects, and a separate loan officer marketing plan template for each individual project.

Editorial calendars

Editorial calendars are an example of those separate templates/sheets you may eventually need to create to keep tabs on all your content and projects.

An editorial calendar will help you coordinate content such as blog posts, social media content, advertisements, campaigns, and more.

You can create separate tabs within the calendar for each type of project, plus keep track of your keyword research, ideas, comments, and more.

Give calendar access to all relevant members of your team, because you can assign them tasks in the calendar and keep track of the statuses and due dates.

Of course, there are also many “all-in-one” project management tools and platforms available today that allow you to communicate with your team, collaborate, share documents, assign tasks, and much more, including:

A simple spreadsheet may do the trick at first, but eventually, you may want to move your project planning to a more robust platform.

Adjust your digital marketing plan according to market trends

As you know, the mortgage industry is always changing. 

Your mortgage loan marketing plan will need to flow with the changes and adapt to the types of content and audiences that are most in demand during these changes.

The industry experienced a rapid transformation during and following the Covid-19 pandemic, and there’s no doubt you have experienced other massive changes throughout your career.

Keeping this in mind, understand that as the market changes, your audience’s needs will change, and your digital marketing plan will need some updates.

For example, we mentioned earlier that Gen Z became a significant percentage of homebuyers in 2022. Could you have predicted that based on the trends at the time? How did you respond to that shift? 

How did you respond when home prices skyrocketed and customers rushed to cash out their equity?

Maybe you were too busy with leads to even navigate your mortgage company marketing strategy, but next time around, you’ll be prepared with a mortgage business plan for during and after the rush.

Fortunately, you can use your channels and your current clients to gain insight into these needs. 

Surveys and questionnaires can also help you understand what your clients’ new pain points are, and how you can swoop in to help.

Major mortgage marketing trends in 2023

In addition to your industry’s trends, keep a close eye on general marketing trends and mortgage marketing trends.

Are you incorporating any of these top 2023 trends into your strategy?

  • Personalized content
  • Brand authenticity
  • Influencer marketing
  • Video content
  • Voice search optimization
  • Marketing automation
  • Lead nurturing

One major trend in 2023 is artificial intelligence. What was once the stuff of science fiction is becoming more of a reality, and businesses big or small can take advantage of these tools.

Mortgage marketers are currently using AI in the following ways:

  • Generating content ideas
  • Automating tasks
  • Analyzing data
  • Analyzing loan applicants
  • Improving customer service

Chatbots and conversational AI allow your customers to reach you 24 hours a day, while also collecting valuable data you can use to provide more personalized content and campaigns.

If AI feels a little scary or inauthentic, just know that it’s only as good as what you’re putting into it. Use it to help you brainstorm or collect data, take what you can use, and disregard the rest.

Repeat what works and leave the rest to us

Rinse and repeat . Once you solidify your current digital mortgage marketing strategy, you can get to work crafting short, engaging videos, writing your drip campaign emails, writing relevant blogs, and keeping in touch with customers via social media.

If this seems like a lot to maintain, you’re right. 

That’s why digital marketing agencies like Kaleidico exist. We understand the mortgage lending business and know how to generate leads for your company.

Our services include:

  • Web design and development
  • Lead generation
  • Brand strategy
  • Content marketing agency

We know mortgage—Get 20 years of mortgage lead generation experience with Kaleidico

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

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Developing a Mortgage Marketing Plan

Mortgage Marketing Plan

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Last week I introduced you to the typical mortgage lead generation and lead nurturing cycles. If these cycles are infected with the feast or famine virus, your lead generation efforts will come in spurts—the opposite of the consistency your mortgage business needs.

Luckily I alluded to a better way to generate and nurture your mortgage leads using a mortgage marketing plan. A mortgage marketing plan can rewrite these cycles and transform their outcomes (and your business).

This week, I’m going to lay out the elements of your new mortgage marketing plan. When you execute this plan, you’ll generate consistent mortgage leads for your business. Here is a step-by-step mortgage marketing plan that will help you generate consistent mortgage leads.

Before We Plan, We Strategize

Before we jump into the plan itself, I want to make sure you understand something. Every great mortgage marketing system starts with strategizing. Strategy is the first phase of our own content marketing system. The plan itself comes after. In order to build the proper plan for your mortgage business—one that rewrites the lead generation and nurturing cycles—you first need to lay the proper foundation.

This is where most mortgage professionals make their biggest mistake. Whether they make a plan or they start writing and posting with no plan at all, none bother to lay a strategic foundation. They don’t take the time to understand the WHO and the WHY behind their plan.

So what creates a good strategy? How do you build the foundation of your marketing plan? A good strategy includes three steps:

  • Understand Your Client
  • Understand Your Products
  • Create Your Message

Step 1: Understand Your Client

You can’t create a marketing plan until you know who you’re marketing to. You need to take the time to sit down and think about your clients. Get to know them by asking questions like:

  • Who is your client?
  • How old are they?
  • How much money do they make?
  • What is their family structure like? (married, single, living with parents)
  • Where do they like to hang out?
  • What do they want out of life?
  • What are their fears and desires?
  • What do they need from you?

Step 2: Understand Your Products

You also need to understand your products. I don’t mean that you need to know how they work. You’re already a whiz at knowing the ins and outs of your loan product guidelines. I’m talking about knowing how your products fit into your clients’ lives.

  • How do they find your products?
  • How do they interact with your products?
  • What are your products’ main strengths? What are their weaknesses?
  • How do they compare to your competition?

Step 3: Create Your Message

Taking the time to understand your clients and your products are very important steps. Once you know these things, you can start to see how they fit together. You can see how your products meet your clients’ needs.

But just because you can see this solution doesn’t mean your clients understand it. It’s now your job to spell it out for them. You need to tell them exactly how you have what they need. This is what it means to create your message. Your message takes your clients’ need and ties it to your products’ solutions.

Let’s say you’re in the market for a new car. You know you need a car to get to and from work, with good gas mileage, that fits four for the office carpool. However, you don’t necessarily know which car is right for you until you start shopping around.

But Honda does. They know your needs as a commuter/carpooler, and they’ve created a car to appeal to you. They’ve also created a message that’s written to appeal to your needs—a message that proves to you that they have the car you’re looking for.

That’s what we’re doing in this step. We are creating the overarching message—talking points, really—that you can use when creating your content and speaking to your clients. Use the following chart to write out the individual needs your clients have and the way your products meet those needs.


This is probably the most important (and hardest) step. Your message is what helps your clients decide whether or not you are the person they want to work with. If you don’t get it right, if you don’t clearly understand what you do to help your clients, it becomes so much more difficult to earn their business.

Develop Your Mortgage Marketing Plan

Remember, a solid mortgage marketing plan is the only way you’re going to kill the feast or famine virus and rewrite the cycles. The reason the plan works is that it creates the consistent content you need to keep generating and nurturing leads. Content is what boosts those leads to the “ready threshold.”

Developing a Mortgage Marketing Plan

A good mortgage marketing plan will provide you with the following:

Content Types

Content topics, content calendar, content promotion.

The journey your clients take from contact to close will dictate the content types you use. A mortgage client’s journey involves four stages: attract, convert, nurture, and delight. All content should propel your clients into the next stage of their journey. Depending on the stage, some content is better than others.

Developing a Mortgage Marketing Plan

  • Attract Content —Attract content includes blog posts, social media posts, social ads, landing pages, and website master pages.
  • Convert Content —Convert content must be something that gets a visitor to fill out a form. It can include a download offer, an email course, or a request for more information.
  • Nurture Content —Nurture content is meant to stay in touch with leads over a period of time. You do this through email, social media, and social ads.
  • Delight Content —Delight content is content that your closed clients would find valuable—either for themselves or for people they know.

Once you’ve decided what content types you’re going to use to guide your clients through their journey, you’ll need to decide on the topics you want to create content around. Your earlier strategy taught you all about your clients and how your products help meet their needs. This makes brainstorming topics and creating content a hundred times easier.

There are a few great ways to pick topics. Here are our top picks:

Brainstorming —Great topics can come from right inside your own head. You are, after all, the subject expert. Try to answer these questions:

  • What questions do your clients have?
  • What do they find confusing?
  • What are things you have to explain over and over again?
  • What do you wish your clients knew?
  • What are some topics even you don’t fully understand? Can you bring in a content expert to answer some questions?
  • What are some current events happening in your industry? Is there any new information out there?

Forums —One of the easiest ways to find out what topics your clients would find relevant is to search them out online and see what they’re talking about. Check out these places:

  • Quora—browse questions people have asked
  • Google—try searching for “your client or keyword” + forum
  • Zillow Forums—tons of people ask questions to professionals on Zillow

Interviews —Of course, the most effective way to find out what topics your clients want to hear about is to actually ask them. You’d be surprised how open and willing to give feedback your clients will be. Just call up a few and ask them some questions.

Other Content —What topics are already doing really well for your chosen topic? You can head on over to and take a look. Simply enter your topic into their search bar, and they’ll show you the most shared content. You can use these pieces of content to jog your own memory for great topics. There’s always a way to add your own twist to an existing piece of content.

Now that you know the content types and content topics to create content around, it’s time to put them into a schedule. Start by answering the following questions (our recommendations are in parentheses):

  • How often will you write? (It depends on the length of your content. 1,000 words or less, every week. 1,500 words or more, every other week. You should be spending 20% of your time creating and 80% of your time promoting—more on this below—so factor that into how often you write.)
  • What days will you publish? (The actual day of the week matters little because people will pick it up at different times over the coming weeks. But you should stick to a schedule for your own sake.)
  • How long will your articles be? (Again, we’d recommend combining this with how often you want to write, as stated above.)
  • How far in advance do you need to start? (Pick your publish date and work backwards based on how long you think you’ll need to research, write, and design. Also, make sure you plan out your promotion time after you’ve published your content.)

Once you have answered these questions, you can start to set deadlines on a calendar. Create tasks for yourself so you know when certain parts need to be done in order to meet your content deadlines.

Pro Tip! If you need a place to put down all of your ideas, organize them into actionable to-dos and create an actual schedule to publish, we recommend Trello ! It’s free and easy to use. You can create different columns for each content type and then create a card for all of your ideas. Then, when you are ready to work on one, simply drag it to your “In Process” column! It’s a great way to keep everything together.

The old rule of content was “create, create, create.” If you just created enough content, Google would love you and people would find you. WordPress estimates there are over two million blog posts being published per day, and a site with a few high-quality posts can easily outrank a site with lots of low-quality posts. The old rule simply doesn’t work anymore. You can “create, create, create” all you want, but your content will never be seen or deemed relevant if you don’t promote it.

Now, you must “promote, promote, promote.” If you create a great piece of content, you need to share that content with anyone and everyone who you think will actually find it relevant.

And this includes more than just your email list and social media followers. You should be reaching out to influencers who have shared content like yours in the past. Let them know that you’ve created content they might also find valuable. When you do this, you help your content rise to the top of the two million other blog posts written that day.

A great way to find influencers who have shared content like yours is to head back over to . Remember those popular posts you pulled up when brainstorming content topics? Buzzsumo will also show you who shared those articles. This is a great way to start finding people who might also share your content—because they’ve already shared something similar!

This brings up an important point. If you’re going to be reaching out to influencers and people in your topic who have the ability to route visitors your way, you’d better be creating content that’s worthy of sharing. Content that’s highly interesting and share-worthy is oftentimes high-quality, in-depth content.

In-Sync: The Cycles, The Journey, The Content

Hopefully by now you’ve started to see the pattern that’s forming. Everything revolves around attracting visitors with content, converting them with content, and nurturing them with content.

The lead generation and lead nurturing cycles from last week align with the journey your clients take from contact to close. When we apply a mortgage marketing plan to these cycles, we rewrite them. We do this by creating consistent content that propels your clients forward in their journey. This consistent content creates more leads and nurtures current leads until they cross the “ready threshold.” It keeps them coming in and staying warm.

One response to “Developing a Mortgage Marketing Plan”

Bobby Avatar

Really nice business model you have here. I love the fact that you cater to a specific business niche that many businesses have missed.

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Why digital marketing is important for lenders and loan officers

Maximizing growth and customer engagement in the mortgage industry through digital marketing

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97% of consumers search for local businesses online, and 78% of marketers report that digital marketing significantly increases business revenue. If you’re not leveraging digital marketing in today’s mortgage landscape, you’re missing out on a significant opportunity.  

In our fast-paced, technology -driven world, digital marketing has become an essential competitive advantage for mortgage loan officers (MLOs) using the right tools. With the industry facing high interest rates and inventory shortages, reaching borrowers first and maintaining visibility with past clients and real estate partners is imperative​.

The current landscape

According to HousingWire, the real estate market is grappling with high interest rates and limited inventory, creating a challenging environment for mortgage lenders and loan officers. The current state of the market underscores the importance of staying ahead of the competition through effective digital marketing strategies. By leveraging digital channels, MLOs can effectively target and engage potential clients, ensuring they remain visible and relevant​​.

Why it’s complicated 

The mortgage industry has been traditionally slow to adopt new technologies. Many MLOs still rely on outdated marketing methods that are less effective and more costly. Additionally, the rapid pace of technological advancements means that staying up-to-date with the latest digital marketing trends, tools, and associated regulations can be daunting for those not well-versed in the field. HousingWire highlights that embracing digital transformation is no longer optional but essential for survival and growth in the current market​.

Key questions to consider

  • What is digital marketing, and how can it benefit mortgage companies and LOs?
  • How can mortgage companies effectively utilize paid and non-paid digital channels?
  • What are the cost benefits of digital marketing compared to traditional methods?
  • How can digital marketing improve referral generation from real estate agents?
  • What are the advantages of automation and compliance in digital marketing?

Answers to these questions

1. what is digital marketing.

Digital marketing includes all marketing efforts that leverage digital channels like websites, social media, email, other channels to connect with current and prospective customers. The goal is to meet customers where they spend most of their time: online. Digital marketing enables highly targeted, measurable, and cost-effective campaigns, providing a more personalized and engaging customer experience while driving revenue​.

2. How can mortgage companies utilize digital channels?

Digital marketing occurs across various channels, categorized into paid and non-paid efforts:

Paid digital marketing:

  • PPC/Paid search: Mortgage companies can place ads on search engines like Google, targeting keywords relevant to their services. Each time a user clicks on these ads, the company pays, driving high-intent traffic to their website and increasing the chances of lead conversion. This method ensures immediate visibility for competitive keywords, attracting potential clients actively searching for mortgage solutions.
  • Paid social: By promoting posts or running ads on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, mortgage companies can reach a wider audience. These ads can be tailored to specific demographics, ensuring that the content resonates with potential homebuyers and refinancers. This targeted approach maximizes ad spend efficiency, enhancing engagement and driving more qualified leads to the company’s offerings.

Both Paid Search and Paid Social offer the ability to segment your audience based on numerous factors. This includes demographics such as age, gender, and location, as well as more specific criteria like interests, online behaviors, and purchasing history. By utilizing these segmentation capabilities, mortgage companies can create highly targeted campaigns that reach the most relevant audience, ensuring that their advertising efforts are efficient and effective. This precision targeting helps in maximizing ROI by delivering personalized messages to those most likely to convert, thereby enhancing lead quality and driving higher engagement rates.

Non-paid digital marketing:

  • Organic search: Optimizing website content with relevant keywords and quality backlinks helps mortgage companies improve their rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs). Higher organic rankings increase visibility and attract more traffic without the ongoing costs associated with paid advertising. This sustainable strategy builds long-term online presence, making it easier for potential clients to find the company organically. However, this strategy takes quite a long time to generate meaningful results.
  • Web content: Maintaining a blog, updating website content, and participating in online reviews and affiliate marketing helps build authority and trust. Engaging and informative content can attract potential clients, providing valuable information and establishing the company as a thought leader in the mortgage industry. Consistently producing high-quality content also supports optimization efforts, driving organic traffic and enhancing brand credibility.
  • Email marketing: Sending personalized and targeted emails to potential and existing customers is an effective way for mortgage companies to nurture leads and maintain relationships. Regular updates, newsletters, and promotional offers can keep your audience engaged and encourage them to choose your company for their mortgage needs. Email marketing also allows for segmentation and personalization, increasing the relevance and impact of each message.
  • Social media: Creating and sharing relevant content on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram helps mortgage companies engage with their audience organically. Regular posts, community interactions, and leveraging user-generated content can build a loyal following and enhance brand visibility without direct advertising costs. Social media also provides a platform for real-time communication, allowing companies to address inquiries and build stronger customer relationships.

When it comes to performance differences between Paid Digital and Non-paid Digital, leads generated from Paid Digital convert at nearly 3.4X compared to those generated from Non-Paid Digital and lead to at least an 80% increase in brand awareness according to data from Unbounce.

3. Cost benefits of digital marketing

Traditional lead generation methods often result in high costs per lead, burdening mortgage companies with significant expenses for acquiring new clients. Digital marketing offers a cost-effective solution by enabling precise targeting of specific demographics and optimizing ad spend to ensure maximum impact. This approach not only reduces overall costs but also increases the efficiency of marketing campaigns by reaching potential clients who are most likely to convert.

Research by Evocalize shows that self-generated leads are at least 300% less expensive than purchased leads, providing substantial savings for mortgage companies. By generating their own leads, companies can maintain greater control over their brand and messaging, ensuring consistency and compliance with industry regulations. This strategic shift towards digital marketing allows businesses to allocate their resources more effectively, ultimately driving better financial outcomes.

4. Improving referral generation

Capturing referral business from real estate agents is a common challenge for mortgage companies, often requiring significant time and effort to build and maintain relationships. Digital marketing bridges this gap by facilitating better integration with existing tools and creating co-marketing opportunities with real estate professionals. By leveraging digital channels, mortgage companies can enhance their collaboration with agents, resulting in a more streamlined and efficient referral process.

This synergy not only helps generate high-quality referrals but also strengthens partnerships with real estate agents, fostering long-term relationships that benefit both parties. Through joint digital marketing efforts, such as shared content and co-branded campaigns, mortgage companies can expand their reach and tap into the agent’s network, thereby increasing the potential for new business and reinforcing their market presence.

5. Advantages of automation and compliance

Digital marketing is inherently more efficient than traditional methods, thanks to the power of automation tools that manage campaigns, track performance, and adjust strategies in real-time. These tools ensure optimal results with minimal manual intervention, allowing mortgage companies to focus on strategic initiatives rather than day-to-day campaign management. Automation also facilitates precise targeting and personalization, enhancing the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

Additionally, platforms with built-in compliance features safeguard campaigns against potential legal issues, a critical aspect highlighted by HousingWire. Compliance with industry regulations, such as the recent FCC lead generation rules, is essential for avoiding costly penalties and maintaining consumer trust. By utilizing digital marketing platforms that incorporate compliance mechanisms, mortgage companies can ensure their campaigns adhere to legal standards, mitigating risks and promoting a trustworthy brand image.

Digital marketing doesn’t have to be hard, even if you aren’t a marketing pro

Digital marketing might seem daunting, especially if you don’t consider yourself a marketing expert. However, with the right tools, it can be straightforward and highly effective. Here are key features to look for in digital marketing tools that make the process easier and more impactful:

  • Powerful, flexible automation: Choose tools that offer automation capabilities allowing you to harness your business data effectively. Automation can streamline your marketing efforts, making them more efficient and less time-consuming.
  • Built-in regulatory compliance: Ensuring compliance with industry regulations is critical. Look for platforms that have built-in compliance features to safeguard your campaigns against potential legal issues.
  • Effective co-marketing with real estate agents: The ability to seamlessly co-market with real estate agents can significantly enhance your business. Choose tools that facilitate this collaboration effortlessly.
  • Hyperlocal marketing: Staying relevant in your borrower’s community is crucial. Opt for solutions that allow you to localize your marketing efforts, ensuring your campaigns are tailored to resonate with local audiences.
  • Flexible budgets, campaign types, and durations: Flexibility is key in digital marketing. Select platforms that offer a variety of budget options, campaign types, and durations, enabling you to adapt quickly to changing market conditions and business needs.

Investing in digital marketing doesn’t have to be complicated or intimidating. By leveraging tools that simplify and enhance your marketing efforts, mortgage companies and LOs can stay competitive, generate leads, and grow their business efficiently.

The mortgage industry’s landscape is increasingly digital, and the need for effective digital marketing has never been greater. Brokerages and loan officers must embrace these strategies to reach a broader audience, reduce costs, enhance customer experiences, and stay competitive. Investing in digital marketing is not just about keeping up with the times; it’s about securing a prosperous future in the mortgage industry, even through tough markets. Embrace digital marketing now to ensure sustained growth and success well into the future​​.

  • ​
  • ​

Justin Ulrich is the VP of Marketing at Evocalize .

This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of HousingWire’s editorial department and its owners.

To contact the editor responsible for this piece: [email protected]

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12 ways to build strong lender partnerships for happier clients

12 ways to build strong lender partnerships for happier clients

Clever CEO Luke Babich writes that partnering with well-qualified lenders helps you help your clients, build your brand and add value to every real estate transaction.

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There are few certainties in real estate. Whether it’s a buyer’s or seller’s market, no matter where prices are sitting, one thing is true: lenders are a key part of the process, and your relationship with them can have a big influence on your clients’ overall satisfaction.


Because the vast majority of homebuyers finance their homes, having lenders ready to recommend is one of the best ways to demonstrate true value for your commission fee . While receiving any kind of payment or direct benefit from a lender or service provider is not allowed, there are still significant benefits to developing collaborative partnerships with lenders. 

For example, trusted lending partners can give you a heads-up on new products or promotions, provide prioritized support, or share their insights on the market. In some cases, they may even be more willing to work out solutions with clients struggling to secure financing or even send clients your way with pre-approvals already in hand. 

Financing can make or break a deal in some cases, meaning it’s critical to create collaborative partnerships. Here’s how to build them.

12 lender collaboration strategies

Developing a strong relationship with a mortgage lender doesn’t happen overnight. But with these valuable tips, agents will be well on their way toward this important goal. 

1. Make sure it’s a good fit

Not every lender is suitable for every client. Some may specialize in larger loans, while others may have more creative solutions for self-employed or lower-income buyers. It’s your job to ensure the one you recommend is fit for the lending task. To do this, develop relationships with multiple lenders so you can provide proper guidance no matter who you’re working with.

2. Communicate openly

Start by establishing a clear and consistent channel of communication with lenders. Some prefer email, while others have texting software that makes asking a quick question or getting clarifying details even easier. Set communication expectations up early so it’s easy to get a resolution if problems arise.

3. Get personal

Establishing a partnership can be challenging if you work with larger banks. When possible, make a personal connection at a local branch and work with that person directly. This puts a face to the emails and texts and makes it easier to connect.

4. Act with integrity

Demonstrating integrity is the baseline expectation of a real estate agent when dealing with clients, but this also applies to building relationships with lenders. Be honest and consistent in your actions and communications, and take responsibility if you make a mistake. Partners take notice of Realtors who put in the extra effort and hold themselves accountable.

5. Respect each other’s goals

The banks are interested in making good loans just as much as you are interested in helping your client. Respect that the lender is a business, and it needs to meet specific benchmarks and goals. Understanding this is key to finding solutions when it comes to the right lending products and terms.

6. Consider training together

Smaller lenders or local branches of large banks might be interested in conducting joint training seminars for clients. Education is key in buying and selling real estate, and collaborating with your lenders to explain products and processes helps clients better understand what to expect.

7. Integrate technology

So much of what real estate agents do these days happens online. Work with lenders to identify the best platforms to make data sharing and process management effortless. Using the same tools can lead to better client services, updates in real-time and faster approvals.

8. Ask for (and provide) feedback

Criticism can sometimes be tough to hear, but it’s the only way to improve. Solicit feedback from clients and lenders to get a good sense of how the relationship is working. Ask for notes on what worked well, where the relationship needs work and any missed opportunities for next time.  

Sometimes, things change, and a previous partnership just isn’t working anymore. This feedback helps you become a better agent for your client and determines if the collaboration is still a good fit. 

9. Work on customized solutions

Experienced real estate agents know there are more options out there than just standard financing solutions. When you develop strong collaborative partnerships with lenders, it’s easier to ask for customized products or packages that may help get deals done. These tailored solutions take longer and are more complicated, but they can demonstrate your dedication (and the lender’s) to a client’s satisfaction.

10. Build a brand

Joint marketing with a lender boosts your visibility and helps emphasize the benefits to current and future clients. Building a brand with a lender doubles your exposure and can attract a larger client base for both of you.

11. Keep it legal

The rules and regulations surrounding buying, selling and lending are complex and ever-changing. Your trusted lender can guide you through those changes in terms of what they can and cannot do; you’ll also need to do some legwork to ensure your relationship with them is fully compliant.  

12. Be grateful

Expressing your gratitude doesn’t need to be flashy. But it should be a regular feature of your partnership. Say, thank you when the deal closes with a personal note or phone call. This is especially important for complicated or complex deals where your lender partner has gone above and beyond, but don’t neglect to offer appreciation for every closing.

Collaborative relationships help plan for the future

Many real estate agents don’t spend enough time considering the future. What does your career look like 10, 20, or 30 years down the road? Are you going to be selling residential real estate, or do you envision your career on a different track?

Building strong partnerships with lenders not only supports your career in the present but also means you can turn to them when or if you decide to change your path in real estate.

Luke Babich is the CEO of  Clever Real Estate  in St. Louis. Connect with him on  Facebook  or  Twitter .

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What Happens to Biden’s Student Loan Repayment Plan Now?

More than eight million borrowers are enrolled in the income-driven plan known as SAVE. The Education Department is assessing the rulings.

Demonstrators holding signs.

By Tara Siegel Bernard

President Biden’s new student loan repayment plan was hobbled on Monday after two federal judges in Kansas and Missouri issued separate rulings that temporarily blocked some of the plan’s benefits, leaving questions about its fate.

The preliminary injunctions, which suspend parts of the program known as SAVE, leave millions of borrowers in limbo until lawsuits filed by two groups of Republican-led states challenging the legality of the plan are decided.

That means the Biden administration cannot reduce borrowers’ monthly bills by as much as half starting July 1, as had been scheduled, and it must pause debt forgiveness to SAVE enrollees. The administration has canceled $5.5 billion in debt for more than 414,000 borrowers through the plan, which opened in August.

If you’re among the eight million borrowers making payments through SAVE — the Saving on a Valuable Education plan — you probably have many questions. Here’s what we know so far, though the Education Department has yet to release its official guidance.

Let’s back up for a minute. What does SAVE do?

Like the income-driven repayment plans that came before it, the SAVE program ties borrowers’ monthly payments to their income and household size. After payments are made for a certain period of years, generally 20 or 25, any remaining debt is canceled.

But the SAVE plan — which replaced the Revised Pay as You Earn program, or REPAYE — is more generous than its predecessor plans in several ways.

Ask us your questions about the SAVE student loan repayment plan.

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Student-loan borrowers who were set to get debt cancellation or lower payments through Biden's new repayment plan won't get it — for now. Here's what you need to know.

  • Two federal judges blocked parts of the SAVE income-driven, student-loan repayment plan on Monday.
  • The rulings mean that student-loan forgiveness and lower payments set to begin in July cannot move forward.
  • The Justice Department is appealing the rulings, and the courts have yet to make final decisions. 

Insider Today

Legal challenges against President Joe Biden's student-debt relief efforts are back — and the latest rulings are bad news for his new repayment plan.

On Monday evening, district courts in Kansas and Missouri handed down rulings blocking parts of the new SAVE income-driven repayment plan , first introduced last summer with the goal of giving borrowers more affordable payments and a shorter timeline for loan forgiveness.

The first lawsuit was filed in March in Kansas by 11 GOP state attorneys general, and the second was filed in April in Missouri by seven GOP state attorneys general. In both cases, the plaintiffs requested that the courts block the SAVE plan and the loan forgiveness that comes with it, arguing that the relief is beyond the administration's authority.

Monday's district court rulings were different, but both dealt blows to the SAVE plan. Kansas Judge Daniel Crabtree ruled that new provisions through SAVE set to go into effect July 1, like lower monthly payments, cannot be implemented as the legal process progresses. Missouri Judge John Ross ruled that the plan's provision to cancel student debt for borrowers with original balances of $12,000 or lower who made as few as 10 years of qualifying is now blocked, as well.

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona condemned the rulings on Monday, saying in a statement that "the Department of Justice will continue to vigorously defend the SAVE Plan."

"Republican elected officials and special interests sued to block their own constituents from being able to benefit from this plan – even though the Department has relied on the authority under the Higher Education Act three times over the last 30 years to implement income-driven repayment plans," Cardona said.

"While we continue to review these rulings, the SAVE plan still means lower monthly payments for millions of borrowers - including more than 4 million borrowers who owe no payments at all, and protections for borrowers facing runaway interest when they are making their monthly payments," he added.

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Here's what borrowers should know about the rulings.

First ruling: No new payment reforms

Student-loan borrowers who have already enrolled in SAVE can continue making the payments the plan calculated for them. However, the new provisions set to go into effect July 1 — including cutting undergraduate borrowers' payments in half and forgiveness credit for period of deferment of forbearance — are halted.

Here's why: Kansas' Crabtree ruled , in part, in favor of the attorneys general, and he explained in his ruling that the SAVE plan's monthly payment cap and shortening of the payment period for forgiveness "overreach any generosity Congress has authorized before."

However, Crabtree ruled to preserve the provisions of SAVE that have already gone into effect because the plaintiffs failed to adequately show how they suffered harm from parts of the plan already in place. For example, the Education Department outlined in June 2023 its intention to cap monthly payments and announced the shorter timeline to forgiveness a month in advance, leaving the attorneys general with time to challenge the plan earlier.

"All of this is to ask why: if these parts of the SAVE Plan promised an irreparable harm to plaintiffs, why didn't they move to enjoin the SAVE Plan before they took effect?" Crabtree wrote.

However, with regards to the new SAVE provisions set to go into effect July 1, Crabtree ruled that the plaintiffs succeeded in showing harm because there was no delay in challenging the plan's unimplemented provisions, and any forthcoming relief would be irreversible.

So rather than reversing or altering any of the provisions through SAVE already implemented, Crabtree decided to halt any new measures that have yet to be implemented until the court makes a final decision.

Second ruling: No student-loan forgiveness

While thousands of borrowers have already received student-loan forgiveness through the SAVE provision, which cancels debt for borrowers with original balances of $12,000 or less, no more borrowers will be able to partake in that relief for now.

Missouri's Ross handed down a different ruling regarding SAVE. He first said that Missouri's argument that the plan would harm student-loan company MOHELA — based in Missouri — due to lost revenue has standing, given it was the same conclusion the Supreme Court reached when it struck down Biden's first attempt at broad debt relief last summer.

With regards to the fate of SAVE, Ross decided that while already implemented provisions of SAVE can remain, any future student-loan forgiveness through the plan is blocked. He wrote that Congress did not account for the scale of loan forgiveness under SAVE, and as a result, the attorneys general have "a 'fair chance' of success on the merits on their claim that the Secretary has overstepped its authority by promulgating a loan forgiveness provision as part of the SAVE program."

He also said that even without allowing student-loan forgiveness, the other provisions, like lower payments and limited interest accrual, will still provide relief to borrowers. Since the attorneys general did not adequately argue why the other provisions should be blocked, Crabtree said he would only place a preliminary injunction on the debt cancellation.

Cardona said on Tuesday that the Justice Department will appeal the rulings.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement that the Education Department will "continue to enroll more Americans in SAVE and help more students and borrowers access the benefits of the plan that remain available, including $0 payments for anyone making $16 an hour or less, lower monthly payments for millions more borrowers, and protecting borrowers from runaway interest if they are making their monthly payments."

Watch: Why student loans aren't canceled, and what Biden's going to do about it

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