new business ideas environmentally friendly

Small Business Trends

20 sustainable business ideas for eco-conscious entrepreneurs.

sustainable business ideas

What is a Sustainable Business?

In this quest, they not only focus on immediate eco-friendly measures but also envision long-term strategies that combat global environmental challenges.

Incorporating Principles Alongside Profitability

Business sustainability and green businesses.

These trailblazers are diversifying the conventional business landscape by integrating renewable energy solutions, pursuing zero-waste initiatives, and innovating sustainable product lifecycles.

Why You Should Start a Green Business

Our methodology for choosing the best sustainable business ideas, environmental impact and sustainability (rating: 9/10).

The foremost criterion was the environmental impact. We prioritized business ideas that promote sustainability, reduce carbon footprint, or contribute to ecological conservation.

Market Demand for Eco-Friendly Products/Services (Rating: 8/10)

Cost efficiency and resource management (rating: 7/10), innovation and uniqueness (rating: 8/10), profit potential and economic viability (rating: 8/10), scalability and expansion opportunities (rating: 7/10).

The potential for scaling and expanding the business was another important factor. We favored ideas that have room for growth and can adapt to changing environmental and market conditions.

Alignment with Personal Values and Goals (Rating: 8/10)

Best green business ideas for a reduced carbon footprint, 1. green business consultant, 2. solar panel installation.

This is a growing industry as more people look to energy sources that are more renewable. As a solar panel installer, you would help customers choose and install the right solar panel system for their home or business.

3. Wind Turbine Installation

4. recycling business, 5. plant delivery service, 6. green restaurant owner, 7. beauty salon owner.

You would be at the forefront of the green beauty movement. You would make your beauty salon more eco-friendly by using green products, recycling, and conserving water.

8. Energy Efficient Appliances Retailer

9. green building contractor, 10. farmer’s market vendor, more sustainable business ideas, 11. composting business.

With this business, you would collect food scraps and other organic materials to create compost. This compost could then be sold to farmers, gardeners, or anyone else who is interested.

12. Packaging Design Business

13. eco-friendly kids toys, 14. wind farms, 15. ink refill business.

You could start a business refilling ink cartridges. This would be a much more sustainable option than buying new cartridges, and it would also save customers money.

16. Green Cleaning Service

17. sell energy efficient lighting, 18. recycled furniture business, 19. master herbalist.

As a master herbalist, you would be an expert on the use of medicinal plants. You could start a business growing and selling these plants, or you could provide consulting services to those who want to use them.

20. Reclaimed Wood Business

Green business initiatives: a comparative overview.

Green Business IdeasDescriptionBenefits for Reduced Carbon Footprint
Green Business ConsultantAssist businesses in transitioning to eco-friendly practices, like using energy-efficient products or creating sustainability plans.Reduces waste and energy consumption in businesses.
Solar Panel InstallationInstall solar panel systems for homes or businesses.Converts to renewable energy, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.
Wind Turbine InstallationSet up wind turbines as a renewable energy source.Converts to renewable energy, decreasing CO2 emissions.
Recycling BusinessOffer various recycling services for homes or businesses.Decreases landfill waste and encourages material reuse.
Plant Delivery ServiceDeliver houseplants, office plants, or garden plants.Enhances air quality and supports local gardening.
Green Restaurant OwnerRun an eco-friendly eatery with practices like using locally-sourced organic ingredients.Reduces food waste and promotes sustainable farming.
Beauty Salon OwnerOperate a salon with eco-friendly beauty products and practices.Reduces chemical waste and conserves resources.
Energy Efficient Appliances RetailerSell appliances that are designed to conserve energy.Reduces household energy consumption.
Green Building ContractorBuild with sustainable materials and practices.Reduces resource waste and improves energy efficiency.
Farmer’s Market VendorSell produce locally at farmer's markets or grocery stores.Reduces transportation emissions and supports organic farming.
Composting BusinessCollect organic materials and create compost for sale.Reduces landfill waste and creates nutrient-rich soil.
Packaging Design BusinessDesign sustainable packaging solutions for businesses.Reduces packaging waste and promotes material reuse.
Eco-Friendly Kids ToysCreate toys from sustainable materials.Reduces plastic waste and educates the next generation.
Wind FarmsDevelop, construct, or operate wind farms.Converts to renewable energy, decreasing CO2 emissions.
Ink Refill BusinessRefill ink cartridges for customers.Reduces plastic waste and conserves resources.
Green Cleaning ServiceOffer cleaning services using green products.Reduces chemical waste and conserves water.
Sell Energy Efficient LightingSell LED lights, CFLs, or solar-powered lights.Reduces energy consumption and decreases electricity bills.
Recycled Furniture BusinessSell furniture crafted from recycled materials.Repurposes materials and reduces deforestation.
Master HerbalistGrow, sell, or consult on the use of medicinal plants.Supports organic farming and reduces chemical medicine reliance.
Reclaimed Wood BusinessOffer reclaimed wood for various uses.Repurposes materials and reduces deforestation.

What Makes a Business Green?

Measures such as rigorous recycling and composting programs, transitioning to energy-efficient infrastructure, endorsing eco-friendly transportation alternatives, and investing in renewable energy become non-negotiable.

Sustainability PillarAttributes for a Sustainable Business
Environmental✓ Uses renewable energy sources
✓ Minimizes waste (reduce, reuse, recycle)
✓ Employs sustainable sourcing practices
✓ Reduces water usage
✓ Decreases carbon footprint
✓ Uses eco-friendly packaging
Social✓ Ensures fair wages and working conditions
✓ Prioritizes community engagement
✓ Supports diversity and inclusion
✓ Ensures product safety and ethical sourcing
✓ Provides employee training and growth opportunities
Economic✓ Has a long-term business plan
✓ Reinvests in sustainable technologies
✓ Maintains financial transparency
✓ Adapts to changing market demands
✓ Invests in local communities

What Is the Most Sustainable Business?

25 Green Business Ideas for Aspiring Eco-Minded Entrepreneurs

Lindsey Rudy

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25 Green Business Ideas for Aspiring Eco-Minded Entrepreneurs

Green businesses and eco-friendly companies are part of one of the fastest-growing industries around the world. This presents a great way for creative entrepreneurs to not only find financial success and opportunity but also pursue something that makes a positive impact on the world.

Below, we’ll explain how new entrepreneurs can enter this exciting field and we’ll give you some tips for starting your own green business.

What Is a Green Business?

A green business can take a lot of different forms. Essentially, a green business looks to prioritize sustainability through various business practices or by implementing certain technologies.

For example, a farm that uses less water than traditional farms to produce the same crop yield could be considered a green business. Another example is a company that installs solar panels on homes to reduce dependency on fossil fuels.

These are just a few examples, but the possibilities are nearly endless as many traditional businesses can be converted into green businesses.

A key aspect of a green business is sustainability. This means the business can run and expand with a minimal negative impact on the environment or people. This can also include things like fair labor practices in areas that are traditionally unfair, or industries that normally source raw materials in an environmentally unfriendly way. By making this raw material sourcing more sustainable, the company can be transformed into a green or eco-friendly business.

25 Green Business Ideas

Below are 25 green business ideas to help spark your entrepreneurial creativity and help you start thinking of new opportunities.

Sustainable Fashion Store

This is a great way to mix a strong fashion sense with the green business movement. The fashion industry has often come under fire for labor practices. By flipping this and sourcing fashion made with fair labor practices and eco-friendly materials, an entirely new niche can be created with a sustainable fashion boutique .

E-Bike Conversion or Sales

E-bikes have exploded onto the scene and are selling like crazy all over the world. These eco-friendly modes of transportation reduce carbon emissions and make cycling fun for everyone. Converting old traditional bikes to e-bikes can be easy and profitable. Another option is to sell e-bikes at a retail store or even create your own brand of e-bikes.

Organic Smoothie Bar

Smoothies are a high-margin and easy avenue to open your own business. By choosing all organic ingredients, you can reduce harmful chemicals associated with agriculture. Customers also resonate with this more healthy option which also helps the environment.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Company

This can be a commercial cleaning company or a maid service for homes or businesses. The goal is to use only safe and eco-friendly cleaning products. Many consumers have concerns or even allergies to harsh cleaning agents. By avoiding these you attract eco-conscious clients and help the environment as well.

Another aspect of this is that you can immediately set yourself apart from the competition by offering green cleaning options.

Bicycle Rental Service

If you live near a tourist area or where people visit, offering a bike or scooter rental service can help alleviate car traffic and exhaust emissions. This is also relatively inexpensive to start and can be done without a permanent physical location.

The options here are almost limitless and you can quickly expand to other locations if your area can support it.

Green Dry Cleaning Service

Dry cleaning often uses harsh and environmentally unfriendly chemicals. By offering a more eco-friendly option, you can attract customers who want a more sustainable option.

Customers are often happy to pay a premium for these green services, so it provides a higher margin product for you to sell.

Organic Tea or Coffee Shop

By serving organic and fair-trade coffee or tea and offering sustainable food options, you can attract an entirely new customer base and also charge a premium for these high-quality products. This means higher margins and happy customers while helping to promote sustainability.

Solar Panel Installation or Repair

If you already have home repair or construction experience, installing or repairing solar panels can be a great way to enter the green business market. You can even add this to your existing list of services if you currently work in home construction.

Solar panel installations require maintenance as well, so even if you don’t install these, you can still offer maintenance packages to homes or businesses with solar panels. Solar energy is an expanding field as electricity prices move higher, so now is a great time to enter this area.

Local Exchanges

Consider starting a business where people can swap goods instead of letting them go to the landfill. Things like gently used furniture or other home items can often be used by other people. This saves waste and helps those in need. This can also be run as an app and proceeds can come from advertising revenue or fees.

Plant-Based or Vegan Restaurant

Many environmentalists believe that plant-based or vegan foods are more sustainable than meat dishes. You can lean into this concept with a plant-based or vegan restaurant.

Organic Lawn Care Service

Most lawn care companies use harsh chemicals, but there are organic options that can often be used instead. Organic lawn care is a fast-growing industry right now, so this is a great opportunity to increase your customer base.

Green Business Consulting

If you have knowledge in a certain area of green business or have experience in environmentalism, consider consulting for other companies looking to increase their sustainability. Some businesses are required to become more eco-friendly due to various state or federal laws, so this offers a lot of opportunities to earn a substantial income.

Sustainable Beauty Salon

Offering more sustainable and organic versions of hair coloring, nail polish, makeup, and other beauty products can set you apart from the competition. There is also a large market for these safer products.

Electric Landscaping Service

Landscaping uses loud and polluting equipment that some homeowners don’t like. There are commercial mowers and tools available now that are all electric. Market yourself as an eco-friendly landscaping company with lower emissions and less noise.

Sustainable Pet Supply Company

Consider only offering toys and products made from safe or recycled materials. You can also sell brands of organic pet food.

Pet spending by consumers is a growing area, so this can be a solid way to take advantage of two growing sectors.

Eco-Friendly Home Remodeling

Offer low-chemical or safer construction materials such as flooring with no toxic glues or finishes or low-fume carpeting that is safer to install.

There are many safer and less toxic home materials on the market now. Use these to your advantage to find new customers and help the environment as well.

Reusable Bottle Company

New reusable drink bottles are entering the market all the time. Some now are even battery-powered and communicate with your phone. Create a new idea for a reusable bottle and save the environment along the way as it helps consumers create less waste from plastic bottles.

Create an Environmental Advocacy Group

Creating an advocacy group that promotes environmental initiatives and causes can help spread the word about what’s important to you. Your services can be offered to companies and other businesses who want to also promote their eco-friendly practices.


Start a travel agency that specializes in eco-tourism or tourism with a far less negative impact on the environment. Things like bicycle tours of cities and hikes can all be part of the packages.

Website About Environmental Concerns

Create a website to educate people on green businesses and how they can participate. Accept advertising from eco-friendly businesses and others to generate revenue.

Sustainable Toy Store

A toy store with only products made with sustainable labor practices and sustainable materials. You can sell a variety of toys or specialize in one specific type of toy.

Green Product Review Site or App

A website where you either write reviews of green products or let users share reviews and feedback. Revenue can come from advertising or paid memberships.

Composting Service

Provide a service that picks up composting material to be composted and repurposed for fertilizer.

Electronics Recycling

Electronics that end up in landfills can cause toxins to enter the ground and water. Collect these items for proper disposal and recycling. You can charge to pick up items from homes or large businesses looking to get rid of computers or other equipment.

E-Scooter Sales and Repairs

E-scooters have replaced cars for many people in cities. Consider a shop to sell or repair these scooters in an area where they are popular.

Green Gift Shop

If you are near an area with a lot of foot traffic, consider a store or pop-up store to sell eco-friendly items and clothing.

7 Steps for Starting Your Green Business

Once you have your idea, it’s time to turn it into a reality. Follow these steps to get your company started.

Write a Business Plan

A business plan outlines the goals of your business in a formal way. How you will start the business, acquire financing, or market your company are all things included in a business plan. 

This acts like a roadmap for your business, so dedicate the proper care and attention when creating your business plan. Many problems you may face can be addressed in a business plan, which means an easier time when you launch your new business.

Choose Your Business Structure

Your business will need to be registered as a legal entity. Below are common ways to structure your business along with the benefits of each.

Sole Proprietorship

A sole proprietorship is the most basic type of business structure. It’s essentially just you as an individual doing business as yourself. You can do business under a different name by submitting a DBA or “Doing Business As” form with your state. However, your business finances and personal finances are seen as the same by the law which means your personal assets are exposed to liability.


This is similar to a sole proprietorship but with more owners. The owners can agree on terms internally and should have the terms of their relationship in writing.

However, this has the same pitfalls as a sole proprietorship as there is no protection from liability for the owner’s personal assets.

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

This is the most common way to structure a business for entrepreneurs. A limited liability company or LLC can be created as a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or even a corporation. However, it has the added benefit of providing limited liability protection.

This means that the member’s or owner’s personal assets are protected from lawsuits or judgments against the business.


A corporation is the most complex business structure as it requires annual meetings and paperwork to be filed regularly to maintain its legal status. A corporation can also complicate taxes as the owners need to pay themselves as employees. However, the owners can take dividends, which are taxed differently than a salary.

However, for complex businesses, the advantages of a corporation can be worthwhile.

Obtain Licenses and Permits

Depending on what services or products your business offers, you may need specific licensing or permits. For example, an organic or sustainable beauty salon would need the same licensing and permits as a conventional beauty salon. This would apply to the staff as well if they perform services on customers.

Not all businesses require this though, so it’s important to research your business first and look into any licensing that may be required.

Open a Business Bank Account

This is a critical step to take after creating a business entity, such as an LLC. With the documentation you receive after creating an LLC, you can open a business bank account under the business name .

This keeps all your business finances separate and it also makes it easier to obtain services like merchant accounts or business insurance.

Look for Funding

Funding for a small business can be a complex topic, but a good place to start is simply at your local bank or credit union. If you have good credit and a solid business plan, you may be able to secure financing.

Next, look into SBA loans which are secured by the Small Business Administration. These loans can be made in amounts up to $5 million and often have friendly terms.

SBA loans do require extensive paperwork, but the work is worth it if you can secure funding.

Green businesses may also be eligible for certain funding programs like grants or even tax credits from state and local governments. So make sure to investigate these avenues as well.

Not all businesses need a business loan or financing to get off the ground. If you need to start small, don’t let that discourage you. Many successful businesses are started with no financing.

Business Insurance

If you’re providing a service or are selling from a retail store, you likely will need business insurance. This can vary from business to business and even state to state.

Business insurance providers will walk you through the process of what’s required in your state. Just make sure to shop around for the best premium.

Market Your Green Business

Every business needs marketing, including a green business. Marketing campaigns can cost anywhere from free to millions of dollars. A good place to start is simply on social media.

Create social media profiles for your new business on all the popular platforms. If you aren’t social media savvy, try to focus on one platform you are most comfortable with.

From there, create your accounts and start posting relevant information. These take a while to grow, so begin as soon as possible, even before you launch your business.

Next up is paid advertising. This can come in the form of buying ad space on websites or paying for clicks from various platforms. Start small with paid ads and be sure you are turning a profit before spending more money.

Don’t rush your marketing spending as it can quickly cause a loss of money that you may need for other business expenses.

Start Your Green Business Today in an Eco-Friendly Way

When you’re ready to take that next step and make your green business a reality, trust doola to help you register your business.

doola helps green businesses create an LLC or corporation in a fast and easy process, with no credit checks or background checks. Our team of experts can also assist with business checking accounts and manage your bookkeeping for you so that you can focus on running your green business.

Why start a green business?

The green industry is a fast-growing area of opportunity with many areas still untapped or unsaturated by competition. It’s a great place for creative entrepreneurs to start a successful business and also do something positive for the world around them.

What is an example of a green business?

A green business provides services or produces products in a way that is more ecologically friendly than a traditional business. A green business can also focus on sustainable and fair practices. For example, a company that produces its products with 100% recycled raw materials would be considered a green business.

What is a green business known as?

A green business is known as an eco-friendly business or one that prioritizes sustainability and ecological consciousness. A green business attempts to provide a product or service that does less harm than traditional products or services in that same industry. A green business can also be a completely new kind of business that solves a problem in a new and novel way.

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15 Green Eco-Friendly Business Ideas for Sustainability

Environmentally friendly products are increasingly in demand. Learn the benefits of starting a green business and get inspired by eco-friendly business ideas.

Live plant planted in a cardboard box: eco-friendly business ideas

Global attitudes toward the environment have changed over the past decade, with research showing increasing consumer interest in products and services from eco-friendly companies. In other words, it’s a good time to start your own green business—or pivot your existing business to embrace more sustainable practices.

Here’s an overview of the benefits of starting an eco-friendly company, plus sustainable business ideas to help you get started. 

What is a green business?

A green business is a business that prioritizes environmental sustainability and has a minimal negative impact on the environment. This can include businesses that try to address environmental issues and that offer more sustainable alternatives to popular goods and services.

For example, an energy company that installs solar panels to help customers reduce carbon emissions, an apparel company that makes bags and footwear out of sustainable materials, and a shipping and fulfillment provider that uses sustainable practicesto decrease its carbon footprint can all be considered green businesses.

Benefits of starting a green business

Improved brand reputation, reduced costs, increased resilience.

For many eco-conscious entrepreneurs, earning money while protecting the environment is a good reason to start a green business—but eco-friendly companies can also enjoy distinct reputational and financial benefits. Here’s an overview:

A 2023 PDI Technologies report found that 74% of US consumers care about the sustainability of their products, and that 68% of consumers are willing to pay a premium for eco-friendly products. This means eco-friendly businesses can benefit from an improved brand reputation—even if they can’t offer lower prices than less sustainable options.

This attitude is even more pronounced among younger consumers, indicating that a preference for environmentally friendly practices will increase with Gen Z’s buying power. The same survey found that among Gen Z, 91% want to buy from sustainable companies.

Sustainable business practices can also reduce operational costs. For example, Forbes observes that eco-friendly practices like using energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs and upgrading building insulation can improve energy efficiency and reduce overall energy consumption, helping you save on utility costs.

Green practices may also minimize material costs by reducing waste, and allow businesses that achieve minimal waste to save on disposal fees.

Sustainable businesses can reduce their exposure to some risks, providing a long-term competitive advantage over their peers. For example, businesses that reduce energy costs or rely on renewable energy sources are better positioned for an energy future in which fossil fuels are more scarce and expensive. Adopting a sustainable business model can also insulate you against future regulatory actions targeting unsustainable packaging, shipping, and production practices.

15 Best green business ideas

  • Secondhand retail sales
  • Sustainable event planning
  • Eco-friendly cleaning services
  • Eco-friendly beauty
  • Sustainable garden supply
  • Solar panel installation
  • Sustainable fashion
  • Recycling programs
  • Green pet supply
  • Sustainable landscaping
  • Composting business
  • Green gift shop
  • Green business consulting firm
  • Green building company

Whether you’re starting a new eco-friendly business or transitioning your existing company to greener practices, your ideas should both focus on sustainable products or services and identify areas for environmental improvement. These business ideas for eco-conscious entrepreneurs can help get you started.

1. Secondhand retail sales

Starting a second-hand retail business that resells used goods can help you earn money while reducing waste. Consider starting a secondhand shop in your local community by accepting donations or selling items on consignment. You can also start a secondhand ecommerce business by creating a website to sell items like used clothing, furniture, and household goods.

2. Sustainable event planning

Sustainable event planning means helping eco-conscious businesses and community members host parties, fundraisers, or corporate events that align with their values. As a sustainable event planner, you develop relationships with eco-friendly catering services, cleaners, and décor providers in your area to ensure your events are environmentally conscious and have a minimal carbon footprint.

You can also consider warehousing event items like candle holders, serveware, and chalkboard signage and renting them out for a second income stream, eliminating the need for hosts to purchase new materials.

3. Eco-friendly cleaning services

Green cleaning businesses provide professional cleaning services using reusable and eco-friendly cleaning products. You can offer green housekeeping services to businesses, individuals, and short-term rental operators who want to maintain their establishments while reducing their environmental impact.

4. Eco-friendly beauty

Eco-friendly beauty businesses provide organic and eco-friendly makeup and skin care products . You can sell eco-friendly products from a brick-and-mortar storefront, online, or at pop-up events like local farmers markets or craft and gift fairs.

5. Sustainable garden supply

If you’re passionate about gardening, start an eco-friendly garden supply shop and sell green products like organic fertilizer, native plants, and seeds. You can also offer educational classes or workshops to help customers use sustainable methods to create beautiful landscapes or grow their own food.

6. Solar panel installation

A solar panel installation business helps companies and individuals reduce carbon emissions and cut energy costs. Solar panel technicians install energy-saving panels on rooftops and in open spaces like parking lots and fields.

7. Sustainable fashion

Sustainable fashion businesses source and sell products made from recycled materials (like plastic water bottles or recycled textiles) or renewable, raw materials (like bamboo and hemp).

8. Recycling programs

If you already run a retail business, make it more sustainable by starting a buyback or recycling program. This way, your customers can return used items in exchange for coupons or store credit. Alternatively, you can resell the used items or salvage fabric and materials to create new items.

9. Green pet supply

Green pet supply businesses sell organic pet food, sustainably sourced and produced items like collars, beds, and leashes, and environmentally friendly pet cleaning products to eco-conscious animal lovers. You can sell these products at local markets, online, or from a brick-and-mortar storefront.

10. Sustainable landscaping

If you have a green thumb, start a landscaping company that helps customers find sustainable solutions for their properties. Depending on the ecosystem, you might design drought-tolerant landscapes (also known as xeriscaping), build rain gardens, or create a pollinator habitat with native plants.

11. Composting business 

Starting a composting business lets you earn money by diverting waste from landfills. Consider offering a free food waste dropoff service and selling nutrient-rich compost to businesses and individuals. Alternatively, offer to pick up compost materials for a nominal fee or earn money helping individuals build systems for composting food waste at home.

12. Green gift shop

Green gift shops sell sustainable products—from beauty supplies and apparel to home goods and décor. If you have an eye for a swoon-worthy gift, consider curating a sustainable collection and selling items online or in person.

13. Ecotourism

Ecotourism businesses help customers find and book travel experiences that minimize negative environmental impacts, facilitate learning about the local ecosystems and culture, and offer the opportunity to assist with conservation projects.

If you’re familiar with a particular region or an eco-friendly vacation activity (like bike touring or hiking), start an ecotourism business that matches eco-conscious customers with unforgettable travel experiences.

14. Green business consulting firm

Green business consultants help environmentally conscious businesses assess their environmental impacts, develop strategies to reduce negative outcomes, and support implementation. Green business consultants can also help companies target a net positive impact on the environment.

For example, you might help a food production company pursue regenerative farming practices or support a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company in donating a percentage of its profits to an environmental organization.

15. Green building company

Green building companies use sustainable construction materials and embrace building practices that reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Many also specialize in designs that improve indoor air quality, energy efficiency, and access to natural light. If you’re a builder, contractor, or architect, start a green building company that targets eco-conscious consumers and improves the sustainability of your local built environment.

Eco-friendly business ideas FAQ

What sustainable business can i start.

If you’re looking for green business ideas to get started, consider reselling thrifted clothing, starting a green housekeeping business, or—if you have access to capital—an eco-friendly skin care brand.

What are eco-friendly business practices?

An eco-friendly business practice is any way of completing a core business function that reduces that business’s negative impact on the environment.

What is a green business model?

While traditional business models aim to maximize profits irrespective of environmental impacts, green business models balance the twin goals of profit generation and environmental sustainability.

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45 green business ideas for aspiring entrepreneurs

A green business' commitment to sustainability creates a positive impact in your community while targeting a valuable market gap that allows you to grow.

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Updated on: February 12, 2024 · 25 min read

What is a green business?

Green business ideas, first steps to starting a green business.

The entrepreneurial dream is alive and well for many Americans, and more entrepreneurs are embracing the social responsibility of building a business with a desire to make the world a better place. Green businesses are seeing significant market growth and success as 65 percent of Americans want to buy from sustainable brands.

woman opening her store hanging open sign

In fact, 61 percent of Millennials say they're even willing to pay more for eco-friendly products. Gen Z follows at 58 percent, indicating that this trend is here to stay. While consumers take responsibility for their own environmental impacts, 52 percent still believe it's manufacturers and businesses who are most responsible for the future of our environment.

With more consumers consciously choosing eco-friendly businesses, let's dive into what makes a business “green" and what steps you can take to start your own sustainable business.

A green business prioritizes sustainability and conservation in their business model. They work to reduce their negative environmental impact as a company and may also support green initiatives through local partnerships and philanthropy.

Some green business options seem obvious, like solar panel installation, which promotes renewable energy and provides a green product. These green products are easy to identify as environmentally-friendly and meet a clear need for sustainability. It's a product that mindful consumers would specifically look to buy to meet their personal sustainability goals.

Other green businesses may not seem inherently eco-friendly, but they choose to prioritize sustainable materials and procedures. For example, a printing company may use recycled paper and solar energy to reduce any negative environmental impacts. Businesses like these can set an intentional standard of sustainability that serves as a key marketing tool when advertising to the majority of consumers who are looking to support sustainability.

Green businesses are vital to repairing and protecting our environment, and they align with a cause consumers care about and want to support. If you're looking to leave your office job and pursue your passion for climate action, we have 40 green business ideas for you to explore.

Support sustainable fashion

support sustainable fashion infographic

Fast fashion is everywhere and generates billions of pounds in textile waste in the U.S. alone. What's worse, only 15% of recyclable textiles are reused. It's an issue that's been gaining attention and consumers have a growing interest in second-hand clothes.

If you have an eye for style, consider opening your own resale shop online or in-store to revive once-loved clothing. There are online services like Shopify that can help you get started. Of course, you can build and market your own site, and some people have found success simply selling on Instagram or other social media marketplaces.

Become a tailor

With the rise of fast fashion, consumers are buying significantly more clothes and keeping them half as long. Custom-made, quality clothing lasts longer and fits correctly, allowing the wearer to get more use out of each garment and increasing the lifecycle of our wardrobes.

Correct fits also mean fewer garments are being returned to retailers to either be re-sold and shipped or disposed of entirely. As a tailor, you can also reduce waste by prioritizing sustainable and ethical fabrics, educating consumers on sustainable fashion, and reducing the waste of ecommerce shipping.

Repair bicycles

Cycling will likely never go out of style, and it's a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and improve your health at the same time. Bicycles can be expensive, like any mode of transportation, and require care and maintenance to stay on the road.

Repairing bicycles is something you can easily start in your garage and build up with an online presence. Once you get started, you may even start collecting vintage bikes to refurbish and resell. While the bicycle dealership industry took a hit during COVID-19, it was growing steadily before the pandemic and will likely continue to grow after the economy stabilizes.

Grow your own food

Direct, local food sales are growing in the U.S. as consumers are looking to support their local producers. Local goods and organic food aren't just great for the economy, but produce much less waste than grocery producers do from packaging, large-scale production, and transportation.

If you have a green thumb, then you can get started with a small garden and a booth at the local farmers market for a couple of hundred dollars. You'll do best if you find a market gap beyond raw produce, like homemade spices and sauces, or canned goods like pickles and jams. These products will also allow you to sell year-round well after the harvest ends.

Launch a native landscaping business

Meticulously manicured grass lawns are a thing of the past and more homeowners are switching to native landscaping. Become an expert on the native plants in your area and their care, then launch an eco-friendly landscaping business to help convert lawns to support biodiversity and protect native habitats.

Additionally, you can help homeowners learn how to care for their lawns efficiently to save water and energy. Some trees and plants may even grow to help them save on their utilities.

Learn local floristry


Similar to catering, you'd be surprised to know how far flowers can travel to wind up in a bouquet! Some plants grow best in tropical environments, or maybe you want summer blooms in March. Either way, these plants require a lot of care to grow around the world and in greenhouses, then require a lot of specialized packaging to ship to your local florist.

Green florists specialize instead in using local and seasonal flowers in their arrangements. This way your flowers are always guaranteed to be available and fresh. Native flowers also support the local ecosystem, as well as supporting local growers. Finally, you'll save a lot of money and reduce carbon emissions with local shipping.

Grow healing tea and herbs

If you don't have the space for a huge garden of fresh produce, you can still grow your own products to sell. Herbs and flowers can grow well in pots, indoors and outdoors. These can be used to create holistic healing products like teas, spices, herbs, and potpourri.

If you're interested in beauty and wellness items, you can also use your homegrown herbs to add holistic properties to your bath salts, soaps, and the like. Not only can you guarantee organic and safe products, but you'll save cash and carbon by growing at home.

Design small-space gardening tools

Plant parenthood is thriving as people are looking to refresh and enliven their homes. This is especially true for renters who want to make their small spaces feel more inviting. The problem is that gardening traditionally takes a lot of space, creating a new market for clever gardening hacks.

You can design the systems and tools people need for their urban jungle relatively easily. Something as simple as a hanging shelf in a window or a modern and chic self-watering pot can maximize on space and decor while meeting the needs of plant parents everywhere.

Open a nursery and deliver plants


If you have a green thumb, you may enjoy opening a local nursery. Here you can specialize in native landscaping plants, flowers, ornamental house plants, or whatever greenery you enjoy most.

You can partner with other local businesses, like florists or landscapers, to sell your plants, or consider selling directly to households. Plants are a booming business right now, and selling gardening supplies with houseplants is a great way to connect with the community.

Keep bees for local honey and home goods

Bees are vital for healthy ecosystems and agriculture, and the best way for you to save the bees is to get your hands dirty. The huge benefit of keeping your own bees isn't just a fresh supply of honey, but the brand new and well-loved business opportunities that come with it.

Keeping bees will produce raw honey and honeycomb, both of which are sellable as is. The plants you grow around your hive may also create specialty honey that can fetch a higher price or stand out in the market. Otherwise, consider using your honey and wax to create moisturizing beauty products and bath bombs.

Create and sell organic beauty products

Organic beauty products are another DIY hobby you can turn into a green business from home to build over time. Brand name products can actually damage your skin and hair with harsh additives including fragrances, alcohol, sulfates, and more. It's why many consumers are making the switch to organic products they can trust.

Not only can removing damaging ingredients benefit the environment, but small-scale production, local sales, and purchasing packaging from ethical printers can boost your sustainability—making organic beauty a great green business.

Start green cleaning

Similar to our beauty products, many of our home cleaners have toxic chemicals that can irritate our families and may be hazardous to store or dispose of. Additionally, cleaning products create a ton of plastic waste as many consumers dispose of the whole bottle after use instead of just replacing the cleaning agent.

Families are looking to keep their homes clean and safe, so producing natural green cleaning products without plastic waste can be a great business opportunity. You can get started as a cleaning company dedicated to using environmentally safe products with minimal waste as a side hustle you can develop over time. You may also want to make your own cleaning products, which you can sell locally or with a subscription-based model.

Upgrade a dry cleaning business

Dry cleaning services have come a long way from what they once were, but still use harmful chemicals and chlorinated solvents . Leaking sewage or improper disposal of these chemicals can pollute the surrounding environment, and poor handling safety can also be harmful to employee health.

Many of these chemicals have safer alternatives available to protect both the environment and employees. A modern and eco-responsible dry cleaning business would prioritize non-toxic chemicals as well as responsible handling and disposal of chemicals and waste. Other green practices may include using recyclable garment bags and exclusively in-house dry cleaning.

Launch a new car wash

A commercial car wash uses about 150 liters of water to wash one car, and that number more than doubles for trucks and buses. The major environmental impact isn't just with the heavy water use, but that the waste water is filled with soaps, oils, and grease that can be harmful to the environment and wildlife when disposed of improperly.

The two best ways a car wash can limit this impact is through controlled water use and proper wastewater disposal. WaterSavers has requirements for eco-friendly partners including backflow prevention, equipment efficiency, and water discharge guidelines. Green car washes can also recycle their used water, reduce their waste of products like paper towels, and maintain restrictions on cars idling in line or in the lot.

Design sustainable household alternatives


Have you ever really considered how much waste is produced in your home? Everyday items like cotton rounds, paper towels, and produce bags can't be recycled and are easily replaced with sustainable alternatives.

Take note of the items around your house and find alternatives you can create and sell. Wax cloth wraps can replace plastic wrap, flannel cotton rounds can be washed, and produce bags can be sewn or woven for reuse. Packaging these sustainable items together is a great way to build your brand and generate sales as gift baskets or starter packs.

Open a second-hand store

Second-hand shops are a great way to reduce waste of everything from furniture to children's toys. You can easily open a store online to start generating revenue and save to open a brick and mortar store, should you prefer. You may also want to specialize in something like refurbished appliances or open a general shop with anything of value.

The big hurdle here is having the means up-front to store and buy products to resell. You could accept donations, but then you have to find sustainable ways to clear out products that aren't of any value to resell.

Refurbish furniture

Nearly 10,000 tons of furniture end up in landfills each year, while another 12 million tons of furniture are created to take its place. Refurbishing old furniture is an ideal way to keep once-loved pieces out of the landfill while giving consumers unique, trendy, and sturdy pieces for their home.

You'll definitely need to invest a bit upfront for this business idea, as you'll need a workshop to store and mend furniture, as well as the revenue to purchase new pieces and tools. However, once you get going, you may find that refurbished furniture can have a much larger return than smaller products.

Plan sustainable events

Event design relies heavily on disposable decor, transportation, and food—all of which can come with heavy environmental costs. Learn the ins and outs of event planning, then study up on how it can be made more sustainable.

Most event planners have a specialty, so figure out if you'd love to design weddings, enjoy lifestyle parties like baby showers, or if you'd rather plan corporate engagements. Each comes with its own specialties to learn and requires different levels of experience to get started.

Build a green catering business

Catering is a go-to for weddings, events, and business meetings, but these events can generate significant food waste and pollution through transportation. Green caterers work to reduce their environmental impact by composting leftovers, serving local and seasonal food, and using reusable linens and dishware.

Provide eco-friendly meal delivery


Similarly, eco-friendly meal delivery services deliver locally produced meals to your doorstep—reducing packaging, cross-country (and sometimes global) shipments, and the waste that comes from unsold produce at the grocery.

Meal kit services are a growing market that's expected to reach $20 billion by 2027. Partnering with local producers and building your brand now may offer huge returns for you in the coming years.

Sell sustainable food

Food production has a massive impact on climate change every step of its production, from the farm to our trash. In fact, animal agriculture alone produces 65 percent of nitrous oxide emissions a year, which has 300 times the global warming potential as carbon dioxide. Once the product is produced, it's then shipped from the farm to distributors, sometimes taking a global journey to finally reach your table.

As an environmentally responsible restaurateur, there's a number of things you can do to reduce your harm. Serving exclusively vegan food can help reduce the environmental harm of raising livestock, and local, organic food can reduce the impact of harmful pesticides and fertilizers . Additionally, proper portions and food inventory management can reduce food waste, while natural lighting and limited hours can reduce your energy consumption.

Compost food waste

Did you know that 80 billion pounds of food are thrown away each year in the U.S.? Grocery stores and restaurants are huge contributors to food waste, throwing away “ugly," old, and unfinished food every day. While much of this food isn't safe for consumption, it can still be used in compost.

Nutrient-rich compost is ideal for gardens and can be produced and used in a variety of ways. As a local composter, you can collect food waste from local businesses and even families to produce different kinds of compost. Not only can you earn cash for pick up and disposal of the food waste, but you can resell your compost to local gardeners and retailers.

Install smart and energy-efficient appliances

The smart home appliances market is anticipated to grow by 14% by 2027, meaning thousands of households will be looking for recommendations and installation for their new tech. While smart tech isn't inherently eco-friendly, most new appliances prioritize energy-efficiency—as do homeowners looking to save on utility costs

As a smart home technician, you can help consumers make smart decisions for their upgraded homes, including installing smart thermostats, lights, and sprinkler systems that can help reduce energy and water costs.

Support renewable energy

Homeowners and businesses are beginning to take matters into their own hands and install renewable energy sources themselves. If you know a thing or two about the industry, then you can get started as a solar panel or wind installer.

In addition to installation, you can offer maintenance, cleaning, and inspection on privately owned renewable energy sources. You may also want to sell the products yourself, or if you have the means, even produce them.

Offer sustainable consulting services

Of course, you don't have to produce your own green products to be a green business. If you're passionate about sustainability best practices, consider instead becoming a green business consultant . This way, you can help a variety of businesses convert their practices to be more eco-conscious and help build the green business boom.

Consider your current experiences and contacts to get started in a niche you know well. Once you build a reputation and more knowledge, you can expand to other local markets that you believe have the potential to go green.

Become a green infopreneur

For those who already have some expertise in sustainability, you may consider becoming an infopreneur. In this case, the product is yourself and the content you create. You can launch a blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to discuss sustainability trends and practices in business.

As long as you have the knowledge, this may be the easiest business to start. Still, it will take a lot of promotion and networking to start generating a profit. Consider starting your business as a side hustle, write an ebook, and start taking up speaking engagements to build your reputation.

Publish green news

If you have a network of sustainability heroes, then you may instead consider becoming a green publisher. This way you can leave a lot of the content creation to others and focus on building your publication's brand.

Your publishing business can go in several directions, from publishing a magazine with subscriptions to e-books that rely on sales. Start by taking into account your connections and personal experiences. Are you best with long-form content? Or maybe you know several working professionals who could produce 1,500-word articles for you. It will be easiest to work with what you have, then grow from there.

Try grant writing and fundraising

If you have nonprofit experience or other knowledge on earning grants and fundraising, then you can become a professional grant writer to help organizations receive funds for sustainability. There are several grants for sustainability research as well as sustainable practices and philanthropy that can help other green businesses excel. The trick is knowing how to write effective proposals, which many small businesses struggle with.

Start sustainable travel planning

Travel comes with huge environmental costs, including fuel used for jets, disposable travel products, pollution from car rentals and rideshares, and more. In fact, one flight across the Atlantic can generate as much Co2 as the average person emits in a year.

If you're a nomad at heart and know a thing or two about responsible travel, help others vacation with little environmental harm by becoming a sustainable travel agent. Here you can advocate for public transportation passes, promote eco-friendly hotels and destinations, and enjoy helping others enjoy a wonderful experience.

Become a green builder

Buildings are known to use a lot of resources during construction and well after they're built. They can also generate a lot of waste through construction and demolition, and they have a direct impact on the surrounding land and environment. In October 2020 alone, construction began on 1.5 million new residential homes, so it's no wonder that sustainable building is in the spotlight.

Nearly every facet of construction can be improved to be more sustainable, from installing Energy Star-rated windows to sourcing the raw building materials. If you're looking to become an independent contractor or a green building consultant, you'll want to get started with green construction certifications . LEED certification is the most well-known, but there are several programs to choose from.

Design eco-friendly kids' toys

It seems that half of the toy aisle is made of brightly colored plastic designed to be thrown away and replaced after a few years. The rules of play are changing, as major toy manufacturers are shifting to reduce packaging and use sustainable plastics.

If you have a passion for play then you may be the perfect candidate to get into the toy business. You can create your own toys with skills like sewing and woodworking. You may even want to invest in a 3D printer to get started. If you're not interested in designing your own toys, consider toy repairs and resale to help old toys spread joy a little further.

Invest in green businesses

If you're not necessarily interested in running the show you may find success as an investor. Every great idea needs financial support and with all of the directions climate activism can go, you'll have plenty of entrepreneurs knocking on your door.

Build green apps and software

There really is an app for everything, but that doesn't mean they're all good. They are easier to build than ever, so consider what needs you can fill with an app. Some apps check the ingredients and ethics of products with just a barcode scan. Others can tell you if your waste belongs in the trash, recycling, or compost. Get creative and consider what aspects of the eco-revolution matter most to you and how you can help

Open a local gift shop

Gift shops may be most well-known for their cheap novelties that will collect dust for a few years before being re-gifted, donated, or even thrown out. You don't have to use this cookie-cutter business model, though. In fact, you shouldn't!

Set out to create a gift shop filled with locally crafted goods people will actually enjoy. Showcase some of your city's best artists, sell locally printed and recycled postcards, and serve snacks from the bakery down the street. Staying local is a great way to build partnerships, promote the authenticity of your gift shop, and keep things green.

Dispose of community trash

Trash needs to go somewhere, and large items like furniture and appliances can be particularly difficult to dispose of. If you have a truck and don't mind a little dirty work, then you can be the person who makes sure community trash is disposed of properly.

While a lot of these items may end up in the landfill, that's much better than being left on the side of the road or in a body of water. Additionally, you'll make connections with local scrappers and recyclers—you can even earn a little extra money taking what is recyclable and repairable to anyone who wants it.

Recycle e-waste


New phones and better TVs debuting every year create a lot of e-waste in the U.S., which isn't just slow to decompose but can also leak toxic chemicals into ecosystems. Many of the raw materials used, like cobalt, also have human rights concerns associated with dangerous mining conditions .

Electronic recycling is vital to protecting our ecosystem and slowing the exhaustion of precious metals used in modern electronics. The toxic nature of some electronics means that it takes special care to be recycled properly, and the EPA has certification recommendations you can complete to build trust and become an electronic recycler.

Fund a co-op

Cooperatives primarily exist in agriculture and real estate, but they can really be applied to most business ventures. Co-ops are businesses that are partially owned by any workers who pay into them or contribute to the labor of maintaining them. They're community-oriented structures designed for equality and sustainability.

While it may not seem like an impressive investment at first, co-ops employ 10% of the world's working population. Additionally, the largest 300 co-ops reported a $2 billion turnover in 2019. Investing in your community cooperatives is a great way to improve the economic and environmental sustainability of your city.

Plan community trails for hiking and more

Someone has to build the thousands of miles of hiking, biking, and recreational trails in the U.S. and it could be you. Parks and recreation departments are always looking for new trails or ways to make current trails more accessible. With some experience in planning and resource management, you can get started building a reputation and earning contracts.

While it may seem destructive, trails help conserve woods and wildlands by giving hikers a safe place to explore without disrupting the local wildlife. Additionally, it makes these lands public green spaces, so they'll be protected and invested in for generations to come.

Produce recycled paper products

Paper cards, posters, RSVPs, and flyers aren't going anywhere soon, and the paper, shipping, and ink used in producing these products can generate a lot of waste. While many printers may use recycled paper, you can take it a step further by prioritizing all sustainable processes.

A huge factor in paper production is tree loss, so consider how you can partner with local organizations like a parks and recreation department to continue planting trees. Additionally, shipping has a huge carbon footprint, so it offers discounts for local consumers who can pick up their products. You can also get creative with your products by reducing any use of plastics and adhesives and even offer seed-bomb printing that is plantable after use.

Open an environmentally conscious salon

Salons use a lot of chemicals and disposable products like paper, foil, and plastics. Open a local salon or spa that prioritizes organic, local, and cruelty-free products, as well as sustainable water use and practices. Even if you're not a cosmetologist, you can partner with passionate professionals to fund and manage the business side of the salon.

Recycle waste into art

One person's trash is another's treasure, especially if you take the time to make something beautiful out of it. If you have a creative side, think of how you can use second-hand goods and waste to create something people will adore.

If you're a painter, try getting used frames and canvases at thrift stores that you can restore and reuse for something brand new. You can also find old vases, furniture, and fabrics you can use to create stunning and unique home decor.

Make your interior design services green

Interior design can be a green business, too. Some fabrics are more sustainably sourced than others, as are types of furniture, electronics, and appliances. Even the color you paint your walls can affect your energy costs by changing how well a room is lit.

Most people aren't experts on ethical companies and how different fabrics are sourced, which is why they hire responsible interior designers they can trust. Get to know the big brands in your space, as well as the local retailers and producers you can trust, and enjoy designing!

Keep your photography sustainable

Photographers sometimes have to travel huge distances for events, weddings, and scenic shots that can add up to a large carbon footprint. Additionally, studios can use a lot of energy to maintain their lighting, and staged photos may require crew travel, wardrobe purchases, and shipping, as well as decor, plastic, and paper waste in setting the scene.

Keeping your photography local is the best way to reduce the impact of travel in your photography. If you still travel, prioritize public transportation like trains and buses where possible. In planning your sets, try to take advantage of natural or low-energy lighting, and stay mindful of your printing processes to reduce waste and improper chemical disposal when applicable.

Create eco-friendly pet products

Pet products are filled with plastics that can wind up in our landfills and water systems. Consider how many plastic doggy bags, chew toys, balls, and treat bags our furry friends go through, then compare that with the thousands of dogs, cats, and other pet pals that live in the U.S. alone.

Americans spent $95 billion on their pets in 2019, so it's a good investment when done well. Your eco-friendly pet products can be anything from organic and safe shampoos and colognes, to natural and waste-free chews and treats.

Refurbish electronics

While some electronics are beyond repair and should be recycled, many others can be refurbished and resold. Household appliances may get fancier, but they don't often get better, so used appliances are a great deal for many households.

Other items like computers and video game systems may get upgrades every couple of years, but they're also mobile and more prone to damage than a lot of electronics. This creates a great market for repairs. Even when the next generation comes out, some people will still be looking for a good deal on an older device.

first steps in starting a green business infographic

Define your product or service

As with any business venture, your first step is to find a clear market gap that you can fill. Even if there are other local businesses that meet these needs, brainstorm ways that you can do it better or differently. The more unique your product or service, the more demand you can generate.

Build a business plan

Once you have a vision for your business, you'll need to start putting it all together in a business plan . The business plan includes details like your own company analysis, a competitor analysis, and specifics on how you'll get started funding and promoting your business.

Register and fund your business

Next, you'll begin laying the foundation that will help you actualize your business. This includes obtaining any business licenses or certifications you need, establishing an LLC , and pitching your idea to investors.

While this is a general outline of how to get started, building a business requires a lot of paperwork, planning, and time to succeed. Registering your business, drafting contracts, and securing funding are all legal processes that can become costly quickly. Once you know you want to start a business, we can help you figure out what you need to start your business journey. Then, we'll continue to offer business and legal services every step of the way.

Sources: CGS | EPA | BLS | The Atlantic | Lumi

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55+ Sustainable Business Ideas You Can Start Today

Mile Zivkovic

The goal of any new business is to make money, but what if you could fill your bank account and help protect the planet? 

Now more than ever, entrepreneurs need to be forward-thinking. Eco-friendly businesses that address environmental issues and provide customers with sustainable solutions are indubitably the way forward. 

The United Nations’ 2021 Climate Reports paint a dire picture. Climate change is advancing unrelentingly. Greenhouse gases are at record-high levels, driving extreme weather to the detriment of communities and economies. Climate changes are unprecedented and irreversible. The situation is a “ code red for humanity .”

In this context, businesses need to go green now more than ever, and they are. Consumers are receptive too: 92% of people are more likely to trust a company that supports environmental causes, 87% would prefer to buy a product with an environmental benefit, and 66% would be willing to pay more for sustainable goods. 

If you’re ready to start a business, now is the time to go green. Keep reading for 55+ sustainable business ideas that you can start today.

1. Start an Organic Catering Business

organic catering business

People are increasingly interested in eating meals made from organic and locally grown foods. In fact, the global organic food and beverage market is expected to expand at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 16.44% between 2020 and 2025. There is also consumer demand for vegan, vegetarian, and Paleo meals, gluten-free and/or with free-range meat. You can start with local events and expand from there. 

2. Start a Sustainable Landscaping Business

Many traditional gardening chemicals and procedures are extremely harmful to the environment. In fact, homeowners use 10x more chemical pesticides on their lawns than farmers use on their crops. Moreover, 90 million pounds of chemical fertilizers are used for lawn care each year, and 26.7 million tons of air pollutants are released during mowing. 

As a business, you could offer grasscycling, recycling, and composting services. You can also help people collect and reuse roof runoff water and install rainfall sensors. 

3. Upcycle Furniture for Money

Did you know that around 10,000 tons of furniture end up in landfills each year? Give old and broken furniture a new lease on life with the right tools and some paint and varnish. Head on over to YouTube , and you’ll be making shelves from wood scraps, reupholstering sofas, and turning old doors into headboards in no time. 

4. Get Certified to Install Solar Panels

Solar energy is a clean, green power source that helps combat greenhouse gas emissions, reduces our dependence on fossil fuels, and saves money. You’re ahead of the game if you have electrical installation experience and, although requirements vary by state, it’s a good idea to look into certification programs . But if solar will allow families to save $100 per month on their energy bills, your phone will be ringing off the hook. 

5. Open an Eco-Friendly Restaurant

eco-friendly restaurant

If you’ve got cooking skills and think you can cater to today’s eco-conscious foodies, open a green restaurant. About 65% of consumers are willing to pay 10% more to eat at a green restaurant. This will involve buying only local ingredients, cooking seasonal products, composting and recycling, going paper-free, conserving water, and using energy-efficient appliances.

6. Grow Your Own Food and Sell It

Put your green thumb to work in your garden and then sell your wares at the farmer’s market or to restaurants. People like to support local producers, and if you can find a gap in the market and fill that need—with pickles, spices, or even homemade sauces—you’ll be more successful. Growing your own food also is good for the environment and the economy as it helps reduce packaging and transportation costs.

7. Start a Sustainable Floristry Business

Around 80% of cut flowers in the US are imported, which not only has a negative environmental impact but also requires special care and packaging. Join the slow flower movement by selling bouquets and arrangements made only with local and seasonal varieties. Not only are native flowers better for the local ecosystem, but you’ll also be throwing your support behind local growers and helping cut down carbon emissions by shipping locally.

8. Become a Beekeeper

Learning how to keep bees has a plethora of benefits and a lot of business potential . You’ll have 24/7 access to raw honey and honeycomb, which you can sell for good money. You can also make specialty honey that can set you apart from the competition. Furthermore, you can use wax and honey to make all-natural beauty products. 

9. Open a Thrift Store

Many eco-conscious consumers prefer to buy preloved products. You can start a thrift store online, and if all goes well, you can go the brick-and-mortar route as well. Sell everything from toys to refurbished appliances. Consumers spend around $17 billion annually at resale shops.

10. Start an Eco-Friendly Bed and Breakfast

eco friendly bed and breakfast

It can be relatively easy to set up if you’ve got some hospitality experience and enough space. Serve organic food, decorate the rooms eco-friendly, place sustainably made furniture, use renewable energy sources to get started. As 81% of travelers are looking to stay in a green accommodation in the next year, you’ll have a mile-long waiting list!

11. Start a Sustainable Travel Agency

From pollution from car rentals to fuel used by jets, traditional travel has high environmental costs. Help people book trips to eco-friendly hotels and destinations, travel responsibly and leave a smaller impact on people and nature. 

Air travel is causing the fastest and highest growth of CO2 emissions. Your agency can show people how to offset their carbon footprint and provide alternative eco-friendly ways to travel.

12. Design Green Apps

You can design apps to help people adopt a green lifestyle if you’ve got a tech background. The green tech and sustainability market is expected to grow from $11.2 billion in 2020 to more than $36 billion in 2025 . You can create a local carpooling app for your city or build apps to help people reduce food waste, support sustainable fashion, or find recycling services near them. 

13. Open an Eco-Friendly Hair Salon

Hair salons generally use a lot of chemicals, not to mention disposables like plastics, tinfoil, and paper. Considering that 63,000 pounds of hair and more than 42,000 pounds of hair color, lightener, and toner are thrown out every day , the market could use more sustainable hair salons. 

Focus on using refillable products, selling local, cruelty-free, and recycled products, applying organic and eco-friendly hair treatments, and prioritizing sustainable energy and water practices.

14. Start a Composting Business

The EPA estimates that 63 million tons of food waste were generated in 2018. Food scraps (along with leaves, wood chips, etc.) can be an excellent plant nutrient source and soil amendment. This business allows you to do meaningful work, spend time outside, get involved in your community and get top dollar for natural homemade compost.

15. Sell Handmade All-Natural Beauty Products

beauty products

Head to your local farmer’s market, start an online store, or build your business on Etsy. You can sell all-natural, homemade products like soaps, body scrubs, exfoliating bars, bath bombs, body butter, lotion bars, perfume, foot soaks, and even deodorant. In fact, the global natural cosmetics market is expected to be worth $54 billion by 2027 .

16. Provide Environmental Classes to the Public

Most people don’t really understand how their actions impact the planet, even though we have contributed over 32 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere in 2021 alone. You can offer classes at local schools and community centers or create online courses where you can teach children and adults how to reduce their environmental footprint and protect the planet. 

17. Become a Bicycle Repair Expert

Biking is a million times better—for our and the planet’s health—than driving. Cycling has a smaller carbon footprint than walking and about 1/10 of the emissions that come from driving. Support this sustainable method of transportation by becoming a bike expert and offering repair services. You could also buy old bikes and give them a makeover and a tune-up before selling them for a profit.

18. Start a Green Cleaning Business

There’s no shortage of cleaning companies on the market, but you can make yours stand out by using only eco-friendly products approved by the EPA and Green Seal verified through ecolabels. Offer an hourly rate or pre-set packages and do everything from the dishes and light dustings to deep cleanings. This market is definitely on the rise and is expected to be worth almost $110 billion by 2026.

19. Open a Used Bookstore

Producing and selling a new book creates 8.85 lbs of CO2 without factoring in the CO2 generated from shipping it. Help people give their books a new lease on life and encourage good, old-fashioned reading. Swapping or loaning books reduces your environmental impact, and this model would work both with a physical store and online.

20. Open a Consignment Store

consignment store

A second-hand clothing shop, either physical or online, is a green business concept that helps people extend the life of their garments and promote sustainable fashion. The second-hand fashion market is expected to be worth $80 billion by 2029, which is twice the size of the fast fashion market.

21. Become a Holistic Nutritionist

Clean eating is a trend here to stay, and this business idea is excellent for people following a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. There are several programs to help you become a certified holistic nutritionist. Job opportunities for nutritionists and dieticians are expected to expand by 11% between 2020 and 2030, which means your clients are only going to increase as people become more health and environment conscious. 

22. Blog About the Environment

People constantly want to learn how to be more eco-conscious with how they dress, eat and live. Starting a blog will let you reach and teach many people, whether you specialize in green beauty or leading a zero-waste lifestyle yourself. You can monetize it with ads or earn affiliate income by supporting and recommending environmentally-friendly products, services, and micro-influencers . 

23. Make Eco-Friendly Kids’ Toys

Did you know that 90% of toys are made from plastic? Most parents would love the chance to move away from mainstream toys—mostly made from unsustainable materials—to environmentally conscious options. You can start an online store, get on Etsy or sell at local shops in your area. Consider making toys from biodegradable and sustainably sourced materials and non-toxic paint.

24. Specialize in Green Interior Design

Interior designers can use sustainable fabrics, appliances, and furniture to improve indoor air quality and reduce clients’ electricity bills while keeping the environment safe. 

For example, America loses 31,000 square miles of forest to deforestation annually. You can help people choose sustainable flooring materials such as bamboo, cork, and natural linoleum.

25. Start a Tech Refurbishment or Recycling Business

recycling business

If you like taking things apart and putting them back together, you might consider taking people’s old, broken tech and either fixing it or recycling the parts to make something new. Every year, around 50 million tons of electric and electronic waste is produced, and just 20% of that is recycled. Help reduce pollution by giving electronics a second chance.

26. Open a Sustainable Car Wash

Traditional commercial cash washes are bad for the environment. Around 150 liters of water are used to wash a single car, and even worse, that wastewater generally contains oil, grease, and soap, which is detrimental to the environment. Make sure your facility uses non-chemical products, reduces plastic use, and employs renewable energy where possible to offer your customers a truly sustainable service.

27. Grow Herbs and Make Your Own Tea

The global organic tea market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.2% between 2019 and 2027, so there’s definitely room for new businesses. Even better, you don’t need a garden for this to work. Just plant them in a few pots indoors or outdoors and use them to make a wide range of herbal teas.

28. Become a Sustainable Tailor or Seamstress

Textile production has a more significant contribution to climate change than international aviation and shipping combined! You can combat its effects by making durable clothes using sustainable fabrics. This will help increase the life of your customers’ wardrobes and provide them with higher-quality items. 

29. Offer Sustainable Photography Services

Even digital photography can be climate-negative, but you can take steps to offer truly sustainable photography services. For example, you can protect the environment by restricting yourself to local shoots to prevent traveling footprint. 

Use sustainable energy for your studio, prefer second-hand equipment where possible, and use clean transportation. You can also use plastic-free packaging to ship albums and photos, properly dispose of electronic waste, use rechargeable batteries, and buy equipment from eco-conscious suppliers and manufacturers. 

30. Make Eco-Friendly Products for Pets

eco-friendly products for pets

American consumers spent $103.6 billion on their pets in 2020. Imagine how much waste would have come out of that! You can help the environment by making sustainable products like eco-friendly dog beds with upcycled fabrics, homemade, all-natural treats, and bamboo squeakers and tug toys. You’ll be an instant success with eco-conscious pet parents. 

31. Open a Gift Shop in Your Town or City

Get a piece of the giant global gift retail market, but instead of selling useless tchotchkes, support local artisans. Sell local handicrafts, recycled postcards, or handmade greeting cards, etc. Offer treats from the local bakery and build partnerships with the people around you.   

32. Start a Green Pest Control Business

People want to eliminate pests, but you can offer a more eco-friendly and ethical way to do so and establish a very profitable business. You can use eco-friendly alternatives to chemicals such as diatomaceous earth, neem, or other insect-repelling oils. 

A recent survey confirmed that the effectiveness of green products has also improved dramatically over the last 3 to 5 years, and half of the survey respondents would choose a green pesticide over a traditional one.

33. Open a Juice/Smoothie Bar or Kiosk

With a current market size of $2 billion , everyone’s going to love your organic fresh-squeezed and cold-pressed juices and smoothies! To get started, all you need are sustainably grown, locally sourced fruit and vegetables and other healthy ingredients; equipment like juicers, refrigerators and blenders; and recycled cups and paper straws.

34. Start an Eco-Friendly Gift Box Service

People are going to love your sustainably made baskets filled with local, organic, and eco-friendly products, which make for unique personal and corporate gifts. You can include everything from food and wine to jewelry and make-up or even toys and baby food.

35. Become a Sustainable Event Planner

This trend is on the rise:  59% of event planners are looking to improve their environmental footprint. You can fill the gap easily. Pick a specialty—weddings, corporate events, etc.—and figure out how to integrate environmental and social responsibility into those events. 

You can create event apps and send online invitations to reduce paper use, hand out digital swag like downloadable freebies and e-tickets, and encourage attendees to carpool or use public transport to the event.

36. Sell Your Plants

sustainable event planner

If you have a thing for gardening, you can make money by growing and selling your plants to the consumers. You can sell them online and/or to the grocery stores and at the farmers’ markets. Your unique value proposition (UVP) might be to grow local varieties or increasingly popular plants, like microgreens and succulents. The market for the latter is expected to grow at a CAGR of almost 18% by 2026, so profitability can be high.

37. Design Reusable Grocery Bags

In the US, we use 14 billion plastic shopping bags each year, for which 12 million barrels of oil are needed. Savvy shoppers are making the switch to reusable bags. You can design them for specific consumers, add pockets and waterproof features, and use a range of sustainable, reusable materials as long as they’re durable, high-quality, and stylish.

38. Become an Energy Consultant

If you’ve got the expertise, you can open a consulting firm for families and small businesses that wish to transition to green energy. You can conduct energy audits and advise them on saving money, improving energy efficiency, and receiving tax incentives through investment in alternative energy.

39. Start a Mushroom Farm

Mushrooms are popular for both culinary and medicinal purposes. This hands-on project will earn you a steady income in a limited space with a minimal environmental footprint. In the US, per capita consumption of mushrooms increased from 2.7 pounds to 4 by 2014 and still growing.

40. Develop an Insect Farm

insect farm

If bugs are your bag, then you should consider breeding and raising them for commercial purposes. They can be used to produce candles and silk and, most importantly, as food. Edible insects can be very profitable because they’re a great source of protein. The edible insect market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 47% between 2019 and 2026 and be worth $8 billion by 2030.

41. Sell Medical Marijuana

By opening a dispensary, you would buy marijuana legally and sell it to patients with approval from their doctors. If you’re in a state where it’s legal, have an interest in learning about cannabis, and want to help people manage pain, this is an excellent option. Sales are expected to top $30 billion in 2022 —up from $23.6 in 2021—so don’t delay and grab your piece of the pie.

42. Start an Organic Meal Kit Delivery Service

This business trend is very popular and has continued to grow since it first appeared in 2012, with no signs of stopping. In fact, the global market is expected to expand at a CAGR of almost 13% over the next six years to reach $19.92 billion by 2027. It’s especially popular among higher-income individuals, and especially Millennials.

43. Open a Solar-Powered Bike Café

If you think you’ve got what it takes to become a javapreneur, this idea is for you. Your best bet is to invest in a smart, green pedal-powered coffee cart . Being mobile means you can move around. Spend the morning outside the train station, head to a local university in the afternoon and the city center in the evening—just follow the crowds.

44. Open an Organic Spa

There’s a shift in the market towards vegan, chemical-free and certified organic wellness and beauty products as consumers become more conscious about what they put on their bodies. You can offer everything from massages and detoxes to facials and therapies to meet the shift in consumer demand for these treatments and products.

45. Offer Bicycle Tours

bicycle tours

Hook cycling enthusiasts and adventurous tourists by offering bike tours. They’re good for the environment and are one of the fastest-growing segments in the entire travel industry. You can offer local tours such as Virginia family bike rides or organize trips like Camino De Santiago for bike pilgrims. Come up with something fun and unique and get your tours listed with travel agents.

46. Start Selling Electric Scooters

A car has almost 7x the CO2 output compared with an electric scooter, making it a relatively more eco-friendly and sustainable way to get around. Whether you sell or rent them, you’ll be doing a favor to the environment.

47. Start Cleaning Air Ducts

Help people improve their energy efficiency by cleaning out their air ducts, which often get clogged with dirt and dust. Contaminated air ducts are a source of indoor air pollution, and studies show that people in industrialized nations spend more than 90% of their time indoors. Market your services to private homes and offices to help them save energy and increase the life of their appliances.

48. Open a Packaging Design Business

It’s an idea for creative people with an eye for design. Create safe and durable packaging using sustainable and recycled materials. You’ll need to have a good handle on aesthetics and branding, and you’d be helping companies shift from traditional packaging to a more eco-friendly and forward-thinking approach.

49. Offer Eco-Friendly Pool Maintenance

The swimming pool industry is expected to grow by more than 25% in 2021 , so this niche is in high demand. Since chlorine is considered a pesticide by the EPA, you can offer your clients green cleaners, install solar pool covers, and help them switch to saltwater systems.

50. Start a Subscription Box Business 

subscription box business

Jump on the subscription box bandwagon by sending out boxes filled with fair trade treasures and ethical, sustainable products. You can include recycled, handmade, reusable, and cruelty-free items. The subscription box industry has increased revenue more than 175x in the last decade , so it’s a desirable market to get into! 

51. Start a Plastic Bottle Recycling Business

If 80% of plastic bottles end up in landfills and each bottle can take up to 1,000 years to decompose, we need to take action now. Start a collection service in your area—from homes, offices, parks, and schools—and then deliver them to your local recycling center for a profit. 

52. Sell Sustainable Construction Materials

There’s a huge market for sustainable materials, usually made from recycled items, sourced locally, or produced by environmentally friendly suppliers. The green building materials market is expected to be worth $364.6 billion by 2022 and demand is expected to increase.

53. Start an Eco-Friendly Dry Cleaning and Laundry Service

Traditional dry cleaning uses many chemical solvents that are harmful to the environment. Set up a green business where you switch out chemical detergents for non-toxic alternatives. Alternatively, offer wet cleaning, which reduces soil and water contamination and does not generate hazardous waste. 

54. Sell Energy Efficient Lighting

Everyone needs lighting, but not everyone understands the ins and outs of energy-efficient lighting systems. Become an expert in LEDs, CFLs and everything in between and advise and sell to consumers and businesses looking to lower their bills and be kind to the environment. This shift toward efficient lighting is driving significant growth, with the North American market expected to be the most lucrative by 2027.

55. Start an Organic Lavender Farm

lavender oil market value

Lavender can be used to make countless products, from essential oils to relaxing sachets, and has been used to treat everything from toothaches to acne. Research has revealed its ability to act as a natural pesticide , and it can be placed strategically to attract bees and other pollinators. Rising demand for natural essential oils is set to drive growth in the lavender oil niche.

Source , Source

56. Get Into Eco-Consulting

Put your environmental expertise to work by offering consulting services to individuals and businesses. Help them transition to a sustainable way of living and running a business. You can help reduce their bills, use energy-efficient appliances and machinery, and implement recycling programs. You might need a certification to command authority.

57. Become an Environmental Fundraiser

There’s no shortage of environmental organizations looking for funding to implement their projects. If you’ve got writing skills, you can become an ecological grant writer or fundraiser and help them get the money they need to make a real difference. Every year the EPA gives out $4 billion in funding , plus there are many other grants available , but it takes a lot of hard work to secure them!

58. Launch a Vehicle-Sharing Service

Encourage people to reduce their carbon footprint by using a shared car to get where they need to go. Based on the prediction that in 25 years, car sharing will be the norm and car ownership will decline dramatically, there’s no better time to launch this business. You will need to study your city or town’s regulations, plan your fleet management, and select your company’s vehicles and operation model.

59. Eco-Friendly Disposal of Trash and Junk

Start a business helping people get rid of unwanted items, dispose of their trash properly, and clean out hoarder homes. All you need is a van or a truck and some tools, and you’re ready to go. Since US consumers generate about 5 pounds of waste per day, this is an environmentally-friendly business idea that’s sure to take off.

60. Start a YouTube Channel

youtube channel

Take all of your environmentally-friendly ideas about recycling, composting, thrifting, etc. and bring them to life through videos. Share your experience and expertise with your followers on YouTube and monetize through ads, campaigns, and collaborations. For example, teaching people how to upcycle furniture or making natural soaps can be a hit and great for the environment too!

The Benefits Of Starting a Green Business

There’s no shortage of benefits to starting an earth-friendly business. Today’s consumer is more eco-conscious than ever and no longer makes purchasing decisions based solely on price and quality. In fact, people are pushing brands to help them be more environmentally aware, 88% to be exact.

benefits of starting a green business

According to a Neilsen study , 50% of respondents are influenced by key sustainability factors, such as the company being recognized for its commitment to social issues (56%), the company being eco-friendly (58%), and products being made with organic and natural ingredients (69%). A green business appeals to consumers looking for businesses that share their values.

Incredibly, there are about 90 companies that are responsible for two-thirds of historical greenhouse gas emissions. Now’s the chance to do your part for the environment with an eco-conscious entrepreneurial project.

More and more existing companies are joining the movement, and the number of US businesses with green programs has increased by 54% . There’s no going back now: sustainable businesses are the future, so it makes sense to go green from day 1. 

5 Tips for Getting Started

If you’re convinced about starting your green business, but you’re not sure where to start, keep reading for a few tips to help you get the ball rolling.

Determine Your Product, Service and UVP

Start by researching existing green companies to determine whether there’s room for growth in that niche. You can also identify a gap to fill or solve an environmental issue in the best possible way. Decide what will set you apart from the competition.

Create a Business Plan

Write down, in detail, how you’re going to bring your vision to life. Include a competitor analysis, funding sources, and the supplies and equipment you’ll need. You should also figure out how you’re going to price your product or service and where you will market it.

Register and Fund Your Business

Decide on the best legal structure for your green business, whether a nonprofit, a partnership, an LCC, etc., so you can determine how it’s going to operate, be taxed, and profit. Form a legal business entity and then figure out financing. Are you going to use savings? Take out a small business loan? Apply for grants? Sell equity in your company?

Obtain Your Products or Prepare Your Service

Before you start, you need to acquire your green-certified products or prepare to provide your services. It may require you to hire and train employees and implement a customer-facing system to sell your goods or services. Roll out your marketing plan and start reaching out to your local network, advertising, and looking for potential customers.

Find Certification Programs That Fit Your Business

Consumers want to be reassured that you're legitimately green, so look into and secure as many certifications as possible. That may include the following: the EU’s Ecolabel Program , LEED certification , the USDA organic certification program , and Green Seals . Look at other accreditation programs too to see if your product or service fits their requirements.

Now is the time to get off the fence. The planet needs you! If everyone—consumers, business owners, and everyone in between—were more eco-conscious and did their part, we could really make a difference. We can protect our planet by introducing sustainability in our lives and businesses. 


infographic - sustainable business ideas you can start today

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23 Green Business Ideas for Eco-Minded Entrepreneurs

Do you want to start a business while protecting the environment? Check out these green business ideas.

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Table of Contents

Today’s consumers are just as interested in a business’s corporate social responsibility practices as they are in its products and services. This is good news for eco-minded entrepreneurs. If you’re interested in starting a company that can make a lasting environmental impact, consider the following 23 eco-friendly business ideas. You can simultaneously make money and help save the planet.

Green business ideas for eco-minded entrepreneurs

Eco-friendly companies may include outdoor apparel brands, businesses that make reusable plastic bottles, eco-friendly cleaning companies, businesses that install solar panels, a local recycling business, and many other potential ventures. If you want to start a business with a green, eco-friendly focus, consider any of the 23 ideas below.

1. Ink refill business

Starting an ink refill business can be an environmentally conscious — and highly profitable — decision. You might question whether refilling ink cartridges truly helps the environment considering the amount of paper wasted annually. However, when people reuse old ink cartridges, less nonbiodegradable waste accumulates in landfills. Paper, printers and copiers are still necessary in the business world, but empty ink containers are not.

2. Environmental publications

graphic of a man typing on a laptop at a desk

If you love to write, start your own environmentally minded publication. Your actions can make a big difference in the world. By debunking popular myths and sharing the truth about the world we live in, you can help consumers rethink how their actions affect the planet. 

3. Green finance

Green finance focuses on supporting local, community-level projects with an emphasis on sustainable and ecologically friendly agriculture. Green finance is also typically concerned with educational opportunities, funding for artistic endeavors and projects that support local ecology. 

Green finance is preoccupied with social profitability. While actual profit margins remain crucial, green finance aims to support beneficial projects that provide value to the local community and ecology.

4. Eco-friendly retail

The online clothing brand For Days provides an interesting twist on customer loyalty programs . Customers can purchase a “take-back bag” and send the company clothes they no longer use. In doing so, they earn rewards to spend on future For Days clothing purchases. 

Besides incentivizing sustainable clothes shopping, For Days partners with other leading brands in the sustainable textiles space, such as ADIUM and CARIUMA. If you’re thinking about opening a retail store , consider partnering with a company that has values similar to you and your customers.

5. Sustainable construction materials

graphic of two colleagues talking over architectural drawings and models

You might not think of construction as sustainable, but some companies now provide recycled materials for use in projects like infrastructure repair. 

For example, Axion hopes its eco-friendly products will change how companies think about rebuilding America’s infrastructure. Its railroad ties and pilings are made from recycled plastic from consumer and industrial uses instead of nonsustainable materials like steel and concrete. Axion has worked with major partners like Long Island Rail Road to improve infrastructure safely and sustainably in the United States.

6. Organic catering

As organic food sales skyrocket, eco-friendly foodies should consider starting an organic catering company to share their passion for food and the environment. You could work out of a food truck or a catering kitchen. If you cater local events and business luncheons with organic and locally grown ingredients, free-range meats, and vegan, gluten-free and paleo meal options, you’ll appeal to nature lovers and health and wellness enthusiasts alike. 

Be sure to minimize your venture’s environmental impact by avoiding plastic and paper goods as much as possible and by composting food waste.

7. Eco-friendly beauty salon

If cosmetology is your passion, start a beauty business that’s Mother Nature-approved. Open a salon that prioritizes organic and vegan hair and beauty products. Eco-friendly hair salons can stock all-natural shampoos and conditioners, while nail salons can use environmentally friendly and vegan polishes and spa treatments.

8. Eco-friendly landscaping

graphic of a gardener in an apron holding a green leafed plant

Professional landscaping may make your lawn and garden look nice, but all that maintenance isn’t necessarily great for the environment. With some eco-friendly advice and know-how, you can help homeowners make their yards literally and figuratively greener. Try using drought-resistant plants and strategically placed trees for a lawn that saves water, energy, and money.

9. Sustainable event planning

Whether big or small, meetings and events can generate large amounts of waste and consume valuable resources. Green event planners use their expertise and event-planning skills to find eco-friendly venues, materials and accommodations. 

Whether you’re planning a corporate event or a small party, sustainable event management benefits more than just the planet. There are financial advantages — plus it generates a positive image for event organizers, vendors and stakeholders while raising awareness and inspiring change in the community.

10. Bicycle repair and refurbishing

Biking short distances instead of driving is better for the environment and your health. Like most transportation modes, bicycles occasionally need a tune-up.

You could be the expert cyclists come to when their bikes need repairing or maintenance. If you have some extra space, you could purchase inexpensive older bikes, fix them up, and sell them for a profit.

11. Handmade, all-natural and organic products

Soaps, cosmetics and cleaning products are just a few of the household items that can be made using common organic materials.

Sure, anyone can find a recipe for a sugar scrub or vinegar-based cleaning solution and do it themselves. However, if you package and sell these items in sets, your customers conveniently have those all-natural products at their fingertips. Local markets and events are excellent places to sell your products, or you can sell them online . 

12. Eco-consulting

Are you an expert on green living? Start an eco-consulting service. Eco-consultants evaluate homes and offer solutions to make them more environmentally friendly. 

You could advise clients on switching their home appliances to more energy-efficient machines or implementing a recycling program. To further boost your credibility, become a certified eco-consultant.

13. Farmers market vendor

graphic of a farmers market vendor

Thanks to the organic movement, those with a green thumb have a golden opportunity to earn money by selling non-GMO, pesticide-free produce at their local farmers market. 

Selling naturally grown fruits and vegetables gives you a distinct advantage over competing growers who use conventional farming methods, including pesticides. Note that you may have to be approved or certified by your local board of health before you can begin selling.

14. Green housekeeping services

For working parents, cleaning the house can be at the bottom of the to-do list. Market yourself as the green solution to their housekeeping woes by offering services that range from light dusting to heavy-duty chores like cleaning the kitchen and bathroom using only approved all-natural and eco-friendly cleaning products. 

Charge an hourly rate or create service packages for a flat fee. Remember, your clients are giving you access to their homes. Build a trustworthy reputation with people you know first before advertising to strangers.

15. Upcycled furniture

Don’t throw out your old, broken furniture. With basic templates and access to power tools, you can break down and reassemble chairs, tables and dressers into new pieces you can paint and sell. Shelving and storage units are easy to make from wood scraps. Depending on the item, you might even be able to fully restore a unique and valuable piece of furniture.

Alternatively, you could reupholster old chairs and couches to give them new life, and start an online resale business to market and sell your products

16. Green franchises

Want to run a business with a solid brand and customer base already in place? Opening a franchise might be the answer. While franchising might call to mind fast-food joints and hotel chains, there are many eco-friendly franchise businesses and franchises for every budget .

17. Secondhand store

graphic of a cashier in a clothing store

New things are typically expensive, and pretty soon, those costs add up. For example, a new book could cost $15 to $30, while a used book usually costs only a few dollars.

Opening a secondhand store saves your customers money and is better for the environment. Encourage consumers to donate their gently used items to you instead of tossing them in the trash so another person can get value from them. You can sell used clothes, coats, books, kitchen appliances and furniture. 

18. Green consulting

graphic of two people talking at a table next to a photo of a windmill

Green consulting is similar to eco-consulting but has a business focus. Whether it means cutting energy costs or reducing their carbon footprint, the pressure for businesses to make sustainability part of their business model is enormous, and that pressure is only going to grow.

Business sustainability consultant Barbara Englehart said there are numerous benefits for companies that go green, including reduced costs, risks and liabilities as well as increased employee retention and productivity.

“This is all [relatively] new in the business world, and companies need help,” Englehart explained. “They weren’t teaching sustainability in business schools five or 10 years ago.” 

19. Solar panel installation

Many green-minded homeowners have installed solar panels on their homes, and many more would like to do so. If you know how to do this, offer this service in your area.

20. Eco-friendly office cleaning

Common industrial cleaning products contain chemicals that contribute to pollution and can harm people. Starting an eco-friendly office cleaning business counters this problem. Your eco-friendly business can exclusively use nontoxic products or brands that minimize their use of single-use plastics. You can further decrease your company’s environmental impact by reusing greywater whenever possible. As a bonus, your client businesses can feel good about contracting with your services.

21. Reusable plastic bottles

Single-use plastics are indisputably a leading cause for concern among environmentalists. Offer people a way to drink water on the go without contributing to plastic pollution by launching a green industry business that designs, produces and sells reusable bottles. Explore alternative materials like metal or glass, bottles made from recycled plastic, or renewable plastics from materials like cornstarch or sawdust.

22. Environmental impact and carbon emissions lessons

Many people aren’t aware of the carbon emissions their daily activities produce and the impact those activities have on the environment. Offer classes to educate the public about how driving, using air conditioning in the summer, leaving lights on unnecessarily, flying and other activities contribute to carbon emissions. You can also teach people how to reduce the environmental impact of these activities.

23. Local eco-friendly recycling business

Chances are that your town’s department of public works oversees a public recycling program. However, many experts say that what you put in your recycling bin doesn’t always get recycled. Some municipalities don’t accept all types of recyclable containers, while others may not thoroughly sort the collected recycling. Open an eco-friendly local recycling business to guarantee your community that their goods are recycled.

What are the benefits of starting a green business?

Great reasons to start a green business include the following:

  • Green businesses have a built-in target audience. In 2020, 65 percent of people who responded to a Pew Research Center survey said the government wasn’t doing enough to combat climate change. Your business can target this vast consumer base and fill in the gap.
  • Green businesses attract top talent. Many of the 65 percent of people who think climate change needs to be addressed more aren’t just customers — they’re workers too. These people might inherently be more inclined to work for a green business like yours. Your green business pedigree can help you attract and retain top talent and boost employee retention efforts.
  • Green businesses have built-in marketing copy. Your eco-friendly offerings and environment-first mission statement are exactly what green shoppers are seeking. This makes writing marketing copy and devising campaigns uniquely intuitive.
  • Investors may be interested in your green business. Venture capitalists and angel investors often seek out the most innovative, unprecedented businesses to fund. Given the scope of the climate crisis, innovative green businesses may attract their attention. This is why launching a green company goes hand in hand with accessing business funding.

What is a green industry business?

A green industry business uses sustainable materials to make its products. Green industry businesses aim to use as little water, energy and raw materials as possible while cutting carbon emissions, or they use these materials in renewable and eco-friendly ways. This business approach minimizes the company’s strain on natural resources and contributions to climate change. In some cases, if waste is generated, it is reused as energy or raw material.

What is a green business model?

With a traditional business model, a company outlines raw material budgets, design processes, and service delivery or product distribution methods. A green business model ensures ample revenue while prioritizing minimal environmental impact over maximum profit. It may involve the restricted use of fossil fuels while emphasizing power supplied by solar panels, as well as other approaches to drastically reduce energy consumption.

How do I start a green business?

As consumers have come to care about corporate social responsibility , a greater number of green businesses have emerged. However, the problems that climate change poses require many solutions. Thus, to start a green business, identify an eco-friendly service that no one in your market currently offers. Next, think of similarly eco-minded people who can join your team. 

As you launch your green business, change your lifestyle to reflect its values and services.

Get creative with your green business ideas 

Green business ideas can be great business ideas that merge sustainability and profit. This list is just a start. Get creative and even merge business ideas to create unique companies that provide one-of-a-kind green services. For example, you can offer recycling or donation alongside your professional organizing services. This way, once you’ve organized your clients’ homes, you ensure that whatever they’re not using anymore doesn’t go into a landfill. If you have a passion for protecting the environment, anything is possible.

Sammi Caramela contributed to this article.


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23 Sustainable Business Ideas for Green Entrepreneurs

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These days, environmental sustainability is more important to consumers than ever. According to a recent study , Canadians are increasingly trending towards sustainable shopping habits, like supporting local businesses, purchasing green products, and reducing plastic packaging consumption. In order to appeal to a target market that cares about sustainable business strategies, an eco-friendly business needs to prioritize practices like reducing their carbon footprint in order to make a positive environmental impact.

If you’re interested in starting your own sustainable business but you’re not sure where to begin, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered with these 23 green business ideas.

  • What is a green business?

A business is considered green or eco-friendly when it proactively works to reduce its carbon footprint by introducing sustainable practices into the traditional business model. Green business opportunities can come in all shapes and forms, but the uniting factor is that they all have an emphasis on being sustainable in some way, whether that’s through creating new products using recyclable materials or introducing eco-friendly natural products into their daily operations. 

Many consumers are reporting a preference for purchasing environmentally sustainable products , which puts pressure on business owners to meet that expectation by shifting to incorporate more eco-friendly practices. If you’ve been thinking about starting your own business but you aren’t sure what you want to sell, why not create a profitable business that will also help the planet as well?

  • 23 eco-friendly and sustainable business ideas

Now that you know a little bit more about what it means to be a green business, let’s take a look at some of the many types of eco-friendly businesses that you can start.

  • 1. Start an ink refill business

Many businesses and individuals use printers on a regular basis, and every time they have to replace their printer and toner cartridges, they are contributing to plastic pollution. Luckily, you can help them save money and the environment by starting your own ink refill business. 

  • 2. Get involved in green finance

The term green finance refers to financial activity related to projects like preventing pollution from carbon emissions, investigating renewable energy sources, and conserving the environment. 

  • 3. Open an eco-friendly retail business

An eco-friendly retail business can be any company that sells sustainable items like eco-friendly cleaning products. In addition to offering sustainable products, a green business might emphasize using raw materials, biodegradable packaging, or reducing energy consumption.

  • 4. Sell sustainable construction materials

The green living mindset has extended to the way we build, and that means that there’s a market for sustainable materials for construction. A material can be considered sustainable for a number of reasons, including whether it’s locally sourced, made of recyclable and/or recycled materials, or is sourced from environmentally friendly manufacturers.

  • 5. Offer sustainable landscaping services

Many homeowners take great pride in looking after their outdoor space, which means that landscaping is a large and profitable business for an aspiring entrepreneur. However, what you may not have realized is that harmful materials are typically used that have consequences beyond keeping your backyard aesthetically pleasing.

Sustainable landscaping focuses on introducing plants that work with the natural habitat. They require minimal care, less watering, and the use of fewer pesticides. Sustainable landscaping businesses can provide information, source and install organic materials, as well as landscape maintenance as needed.

  • 6. Run an organic catering business

There will always be a need for prepared food, and using organic produce is better for the earth in so many ways. For example, organic produce does not use harmful chemicals that damage the soil. Locally-sourced ingredients also help to reduce your business’s carbon footprint. While vegan and vegetarian foods create less pollution and a reduced environmental impact as compared to cooking with meat products.

  • 7. Provide bicycle repair and refurbishing

Biking is an eco-friendly means of transportation and exercise, and most bike owners rely on bike shops when they need something repaired or replaced. To start a bike repair business, you’ll need to invest in basic and specialized repair tools, replacement parts, as well as a workspace. However, you don’t need any specific training or education to become a bicycle mechanic.

  • 8. Sell handmade all-natural organic products

If you have a passion for natural beauty products , then setting up an all-natural beauty business could be for you. There are conscious businesses that sell everything from makeup to soy candles to essential oils. Just be careful to follow your local guidelines and regulations before you claim that your product is organic.

  • 9. Become a vendor at a farmers’ market

Farmers’ markets can be a great place to interact with new potential customers and turn your hobby into a side hustle or even a full-time career. Most markets will have a website where you can find information on the application process, or you can speak to current vendors to find out more.

Consider applying to markets where no one else is providing the exact same product as you are. For example, if you’re a polymer clay earring maker, other jewellery vendors may not be direct competition, but another polymer clay jeweller may take potential business away from you, especially if they are more established.

  • 10. Start upcycling furniture for resale

Upcycling is a creative way to transform old, unwanted furniture or discarded materials into a sellable product. It also helps to reduce the amount of furniture that ends up in landfills each year. Start by finding a piece of furniture and making it over to suit your personal style. Over time, you’ll improve your skills and develop an eye for spotting abandoned furniture that has the potential to make a profit once it’s been flipped.

  • 11. Open a second-hand store

People love to purchase one-of-a-kind, unique clothing items, so if you’re a fashionable entrepreneur who’s great at thrifting, a second-hand store could be the perfect business. You may even already have some cool vintage finds that you can try selling online before you make a bigger investment into sourcing new items.

  • 12. Learn solar panel installation

Solar panels convert the clean, renewable solar energy that comes from the sun into usable electricity. While solar panels are especially useful for remote locations where they can generate power without being connected to the main electric grid, solar energy is also increasingly popular with new builds in urban locations. The process of installing solar panels includes planning, building a platform, mounting the panels, and setting up the wiring that makes it all work. While it’s not necessary to get certified in order to become a solar panel installer, you will probably need to find some sort of training opportunity to learn the ins and outs, whether that’s through a specialized program or training on the job.

  • 13. Sell eco-friendly fashion and clothing items

Do you want to start your own eco-friendly clothing business where you can produce high-quality, unique items that look amazing and benefit the planet at the same time? Before you get started, it’s a good idea to define what is important for your business when it comes to sustainable practices. For example, you could focus on sourcing recycled materials or using manufacturing practices that reduce your carbon footprint.

  • 14. Provide ecological dry cleaning and laundry services

The traditional business model for dry cleaning uses harmful chemical solvents that contribute to pollution. Instead, try offering wet cleaning, a process that allows for clothes to be cleaned just as efficiently as traditional dry cleaning, without harming the environment. Another way to improve your ecological impact is to switch out your harsh chemical detergents for eco-friendly, non-toxic alternatives like liquid carbon dioxide.

  • 15. Sell water filters and purifiers

Water purifiers can create drinkable water out of previously contaminated water. If you’re interested in working in the water filtration business, you could develop your own household products, become a product dealer for an established water filtration company, or perform the actual purification process before selling the clean water to a distributor.

  • 16. Offer biodegradable eco-friendly products for pets

People spend a ton of money on their furry friends, but unfortunately, a lot of the products on the market are contributing to our carbon footprint. If you want to offer green alternatives to regular pet supplies, you could look into organic pet shampoos, compostable poop bags and cat litter, or upcycled toys, to name a few.

  • 17. Become an environmental consultant

If you’re really passionate about improving the environment and helping companies to reduce their environmental impact, performing energy audits and environmental impact assessments could be the career for you. This can include dealing with topics like the implementation of renewable energy sources, reducing contamination, and non-biodegradable waste management.

  • 18. Develop green apps

Being a green app developer means creating an app that fulfills an environmentally friendly purpose. Some eco-friendly apps that currently exist include ones for ride shares, a vegetarian recipe app , and a water bottle refill app .

  • 19. Start a car-sharing service

A car-sharing service provides people who don’t own a vehicle with an alternative to renting or borrowing a car when you can’t get somewhere on public transit or by foot. Approved users can book trips and pick up a car from a nearby location, where they’ll return the vehicle once they’ve completed their trip.

  • 20. Get into green pest control

Running a green pest control business means that while you’ll still be using chemicals and pesticides, the products you use will target the problem area while reducing any negative impact nearby. Another method of green pest control involves an emphasis on prevention through techniques including fences, traps, and bait.

  • 21. Open a green hair salon

Like most businesses, a hair or nail salon creates a huge amount of waste, and many of the products and practices used have a negative impact on the environment. Some ways to make your hair salon the most eco-friendly it can be are by using recyclable products, ammonia-free hair colour, and energy-saving practices.

  • 22. Learn technology refurbishment

Technology refurbishment involves taking an old or used piece of technology and restoring it to like-new condition in terms of both function and appearance. This business type might also include tech repair like fixing broken phone screens, a common issue among smartphone users. 

  • 23. Start a composting service

Food waste is a huge problem, but you can help by creating a business that provides compost bins to individuals and businesses. You’ll need to pick up and replace the bins at regular intervals and take care of composting the waste. You can even set up a relationship with local farmers and provide compost to them in order to help contribute to supporting your local economy.

Now that you have a list of awesome ideas for green businesses, use them as inspiration to create your very own sustainable, successful business !


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10 Sustainable Business Ideas & 11 Practices For Eco-Success

May 31, 2023

By: Aakash Shewakaramani

10 Sustainable Business Ideas & 11 Practices For Eco-Success

Table Of Contents

What is a sustainable business, what are great sustainable business ideas, 11 sustainable business practices to embrace in 2022, businesses that practice sustainability, businesses that produce green products/services, frequently asked questions: 4 popular faqs about sustainable business practices, on to a greener future.

Sustainable business ideas have taken the limelight in recent years. This is partly thanks to Generation Z, which places great value on sustainability . This value comes hand in hand with the realization that we’ve had a late wake-up call.

This is where entrepreneurship comes in. Sustainable business ideas can bring forth a better future for us and the coming generations. There are unlimited ways to approach sustainability! This article highlights 10 sustainable business ideas and how to develop them.

A sustainable business is an operation that unionizes concern for the environment, profitability, and goodwill for the common good as its forefront. It requires asking the question, “How can you, as an entrepreneur, use your influence to help society in being more sustainable?”

The entire concept revolves around ‘doing more with less.' The navigation is tricky. You have to come up with efficient and sustainable solutions while keeping up with the provisions demanded by law.

But here’s the good news: Everyone wants to, or at least has thought about, jumping on the bandwagon.

According to this Ipsos survey , the ongoing pandemic has influenced society into thinking more sustainably. Among 21,000 adults from 28 different countries, a whopping 86% want the world to become more sustainable and equitable.

Suffice it to say, if you want to put up a sustainable business, there are people who will listen to you. However, it’s up to you to develop a unique idea that allows society to come together and be a part of the solution.

It sounds intimidating, but there are businesses out there that have done just that. The common theme is a genuine desire to help.

If you’re looking at leaving a footprint (or technically a lack of one?) in the world of sustainability, there are almost innumerable ways for you to do that. All you have to do is look at your brand identity and ask yourself, “How can I make a sustainable alternative to this?”

That is a lot easier said than done. These 10 sustainable business examples will offer inspiration for your pursuits.

1. Environment-friendly stationery materials

Sustainable stationery and notebooks | Source

Despite living in a digital world, we still use classic stationery like paper (Michael Scott would be proud), ink, pens, brushes, etc. This goes without saying, but all of these items harm the environment in their own unique but significant ways.

Pens, for example, need to be made with plastic. Papers, as we all know, are made by cutting down trees. This is why alternative stationery can be one of the best sustainable ideas for businesses.

This sounds like a pipe dream, but the folks at Graviky Labs are doing it with their sustainable AIR-INK. Their ink is made by collecting carbon emissions from the environment. So, not only does their product offer a green alternative to harmful ink, but it also effectively reduces the pollutants in our atmosphere right now.

You can get beautiful stationery and letterheads at with their affordable Brand Plan . Once you're happy with the design, make sure to print them on sustainable, eco-friendly paper!

Launch your brand in minutes with a free logo

2. hemp products.

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Such is the case with hemp, which is technically the environment-friendly, nonpsychoactive sister plant to cannabis . It grows without much trouble. The 2018 Farm Bill removed hemp from the list of controlled substances. Since then, it has been used in a variety of ways to create alternatives for all sorts of non-sustainable products.

Hempitecture is one company doing great things with hemp (as its name points out). The company creates building materials with hemp, and its HempWool is a phenomenal, sustainable housing-insulation material.

HempWool | Source

3. Bicycle rentals

Almost everyone you know probably has a core memory of riding their bikes for the first time. The excitement of not having to use training wheels is simply incomparable!

Along with being super, super fun (not a scientifically verified measure), bicycles can be a great form of transport. They also only use one type of energy, and it’s not fossil fuels; it’s physical effort. You save the environment and you get in shape; that’s a good win-win situation.

India-based MyByk is a prime example of a modern-day bicycle rental service. Users can simply unlock a nearby bicycle with the app and go for a ride!

MyByk bicycle rentals | Source

4. Farmers’ markets

Farmers’ markets are extremely pleasant to visit. Consumers know that they’re both supporting small businesses and getting the absolute best eatables out there!

Organizing farmers’ markets can take time. You need to familiarize yourself with the local community, for starters. Then, you need to build trust with farming organizations. Planning and coordination can also take up a lot of time. The result, however, is a happy and healthy community.

State College, Pennsylvania, runs a plethora of farmers’ markets . You can shop for the freshest veggies and fruits and also find yourself enticed by the best-looking pizzas out there.

At the very least, if you manage a restaurant or have a catering business , you can get your produce from these sources to support the local community and farmers.

Farmers' market in Pennsylvania | Source

5. Renewable energy

Renewable energy is a big topic during sustainability discussions, and for a good reason. If we can power our homes, offices, and vehicles without polluting the environment, then we’re home-free. It is a gargantuan task, no doubt. But, so is the market.

The market for renewable energy is worth over $880 billion and is expected to grow at a compounded rate of 8.4% year on year. It can be, without a doubt, one of the best sustainable ideas if done right.

There are many ways to approach renewable energy. Companies can look into harvesting solar power, biomass, wind energy, and more. Canadian Solar is a company that provides solar power solutions for commercial and residential needs. Thanks to companies like this, solar power is a lot more approachable for everyday people.

Canadian Solar, solar farm | Source

6. Electric vehicles (EV) & charging

Companies like Tesla have made owning electric vehicles seem not unusual. There is a massive market for it. The biggest indicator of that is Elon Musk becoming one of the richest people in the world, on the back of Tesla shares.

But you don’t need to be a manufacturer to get into the electric vehicle industry. It can be extremely lucrative to make charging for EVs as accessible as possible.

Xeal , for example, does just that. Rather than asking people to drive to charging stations, Xeal makes the idea of installing charging stations lucrative for everyday buildings, housing societies, and offices. This theoretically makes owning an EV ‘easier’ compared to fossil fuel-powered cars!

Xeal charging station | Source

7. Sustainable fashion

The fast fashion industry is extremely harmful to the environment. Firstly, the hectic production timelines don’t help one bit. Their supply chain practices also favor speed over sustainability. Additionally, the textile industry is already a major polluter.

The alternative to that is sustainable fashion that doesn’t harm the earth. An example is the fashion label Doodlage . They have taken sustainable fashion to the next level by creating clothing that is made from upcycled materials, such as factory waste. You can start a clothing business that makes people happy and saves the environment!

Doodlage ethical fashion | Source

8. Electronics repair

Right to Repair has gained massive traction in recent years. 27 states in the US have bills that allow people to repair their electronics without repercussions from companies. It gives people the option of choosing to fix their items, rather than looking for new gadgets. The accessibility automatically makes this perfect for companies practicing sustainability.

There are various ways to start a sustainable business around this. One option is to manufacture cheap repair kits. Another option is to start a third-party repair service. Yet another option is to create content for people to repair things themselves. You can maybe combine all three if you want!

How-FixIT is a YouTube channel, with over 122K subscribers, that makes complicated electronics repairs seem easy with step-by-step tutorials.

9. Second-hand retail

While Macklemore may not have invented it, he did make thrift shopping seem pretty cool. Beyond fashion, second-hand retail can be one of the most sustainable project ideas. Consumption can and will never stop. It’s what makes events like Black Friday so popular.

Entrepreneurs can create a sustainable business by offering an outlet for used goods. This both prevents waste and also gets people great deals, which makes it an attractive business model.

Amazon’s ‘Renewed ’ initiative is probably the best example of this being used on a mass scale. The catch is whether you can make these refurbished products seem as new as possible.

If you won’t take it from us, take it from Macklemore.

10. Urban agriculture

Urban agriculture solves two problems in one. It makes people less reliant on store-bought produce, which often contains harmful chemicals. It also allows people to use their space in a sustainable and useful way.

Urban agriculture can seem very appealing, but not everyone is born with a green thumb. Green City Growers have made urban rooftop farming easy for building owners by taking care of installation and maintenance. The reduced effort definitely makes rooftop farming all the more appealing.

Green City Growers in Cleveland | Source

Today, sustainable business practices have gone from being a good-to-have asset to a crucial application. The survival of businesses depends on the three P’s: people, profit, and the planet. Sustainable practices impact all three positively.

Sustainable businesses are more appealing to customers, get special benefits from the government, and are seen as higher quality because it costs more to make their products. Let’s explore eleven ways companies practicing sustainability can utilize their best efforts and be kinder to the environment.

1. Use biodegradable packaging

Your product packaging becomes useless trash as soon as the customer extracts its contents. Plastic waste is not biodegradable and remains on the Earth for several years if it is not recycled. What’s worse is that not all plastic waste is recyclable.


It is a sustainable business practice to switch to biodegradable materials. To be deemed biodegradable, the material must decompose naturally, with the actions of micro-organisms, even without oxygen. These materials then become part of the environment and cause no damage in the long run.

👀 Did you know that the discarded plastic packaging thrown away each year can circle the globe four times ?

To establish your sustainability resolution, you can get a certification for biodegradable packaging from several reputed organizations. TÜV SÜD offers certification through their American channels .


2. Eliminate paper usage

There is no better age than the digital age to eliminate paper use. You can adopt a sustainable business practice that converts record-keeping to digital formats that make paper use redundant.

When paper use is unavoidable, choose paper made from recycled materials. The world uses 65 billion sheets of paper daily . Paper comes from felling trees, and with the thinning forest cover on the Earth, every business needs to put its best foot forward to reduce the use of virgin paper.

Some ways you can cut down on paper usage in your organization are:

  • Curb the practice of printing things that are not essential
  • Switch to online invoicing
  • Learn more about digital receipts and stop using paper receipts
  • Take your phone books online and recycle the ones you have
  • Unsubscribe from junk mail
  • Digitize your company’s record-keeping so that you do server rooms and replace your dusty filing cabinets
  • Make recycled paper usage mandatory

One phenomenal advantage of reusing paper is the reduction of stationery costs that businesses incur.

3. Conserve water

Water is among the most commonly used natural commodities in businesses. Drinking, sanitization, and some operations require water usage. Using more water can also have cost implications. Many companies are cutting down on the use of water within their premises.

Since sanitation consumes maximum water, water-saving faucets, waterless urinals, and rainwater harvesting have become commonplace.


WaterSense-labeled products help reduce the consumption of water. You can learn more about them here .

4. Consider renewable energy

A company can reduce its carbon footprint in a big way by switching to renewable energy. There is a significant effort, resources, and expenditure to convert from legacy systems to those that use renewable energy. Renewable energy has long-term benefits like saving money, reducing your company's carbon footprint, and helping the environment.

Renewable energy sources include solar, wind, or geothermal sources. Depending on the region where you operate, you could also avail of some special grants and benefits from your local government for using renewable energy sources.

If you cannot invest in clean energy but want to contribute to clean energy in some way, you could buy a Renewable Energy Certificate from your local energy provider.


When you buy a REC, the proceeds of your purchase go towards creating new renewable energy sources. Your company gets certified as an ambassador for clean energy.

5. Invest in green projects

Partner with green projects by helping fund them, investing in their products, or giving them a platform using your company’s reputation. Make it mandatory for your infrastructure, maintenance, and procurement teams to only invest in environmentally friendly products .

6. Develop a recycling program

Your recycling program can begin small and then become a way of life for your employees. Make recycling a process within your organization. Some elements that can be recycled are:

  • Recycling water for sewage purposes
  • Printers, computers, and mobile phones
  • Switch to recycled paper

Y‍ou know what's better than starting a recycling program in your workplace? Starting a recycling program and sharing your efforts with society through social media. You could inspire more people to do the same, and it would certainly boost the reputation of your brand.

Rely on's custom design tool, Stitch, available with their affordable Brand Plan . You can work with readymade templates, customize them to share your tips and experiences with recycling, and spread the word!

7. Reassess your supply chain

If you are a business that follows multiple processes to manufacture and deliver your product to customers, then you could assess your entire supply chain. You will find opportunities where you can create a positive impact on the environment.

Some aspects that could come into light through this assessment are:

  • Material sourcing - Source only the amount of material you need to avoid wastage. Also, draw strong guardrails to ensure that your sourcing doesn’t exploit natural resources
  • Energy utilization - Use renewable energy sources and save energy when not required
  • Warehousing - Use shared warehousing spaces so that cooling and energy facilities are shared rather than exclusive
  • Packaging - Switch to biodegradable packaging options
  • Delivery - Use electric bikes, reduce air transport, and let your customers know about your efforts to create a better world.


The data is clear on how consumers look favorably towards more responsible businesses. This statistic from the UK is representative of the developed world.

8. Educate employees

All your sustainability strategies will be put into practice by your employees. Educate them about what sustainability means and how your organization envisions it. Assign roles and responsibilities to your team members, making them feel involved in the organization’s mission.

Cornell University offers sustainability courses for businesses with well-thought-through modules and practical applications | Source

Spreading the message to your employees helps in many ways because they take this message home with them and then to their community. In this way, your sustainable business practice is more impactful.

Encouraging volunteerism among employees is another way to mobilize them to take affirmative action for the good of the planet. Organize beach cleanups, power-off hours, and training programs that outline the power of clean living.

9. Partner with nonprofit organizations

You can partner with non-profit organizations that have a sharp sustainability goal and are working towards it. In turn, they will label your business as a sustainability leader and guide you on your journey towards being more eco-friendly.

Here’s a comprehensive list of nonprofits that you could partner with for a variety of sustainability initiatives.

10. Recycle or donate office equipment

Donating your old equipment is a great way to ensure your e-waste doesn’t end up in a landfill. For example, World Computer Exchange helps refurbish your used computers and provides them to the less fortunate.

11. Introduce plants to your office space

Plants represent the world outside, even when placed in confined office cubicles. Bring in some indoor plants that will purify the air, create a better environment, and make your employees feel connected with the natural world outside.

To sum it up, sustainable business practices should become a way of life, not a conscious effort. That is the final aim of every program to promote cleaner living.

It begins with you, followed by your team, your organization, your family, your community, and eventually the entire world.

A sustainable business can mean a lot of things. It can be a regular business that attempts to add sustainability to its everyday practices. These companies are known as ‘eco-friendly’.

Patagonia is a great example. Along with using 100% renewable energy in their stores and offices, the brand has set goals to be a net-zero emitter.

Patagonia store sign made from recyclable materials

The term can also refer to what is known as a ‘green’ business. These businesses provide end consumers with alternatives to current options that are harmful to the environment.

For example, meat production places a heavy burden on the planet. This is why companies like Beyond Meat have gained a lot of consumer praise recently. Their plant-based alternatives are gentler on the planet.

Beyond Meat's plant-based selection

What are some commonly asked questions about sustainable businesses? Get your questions answered with these four FAQs.

1. Why are sustainable business practices important?

Making your company more sustainable will help your bottom line. Profits for sustainable businesses tend to rise because of a combination of factors, including lower operating expenses, new and more loyal consumers, and a better reputation.

2. What are the characteristics of a sustainable business?

By seizing opportunities and minimizing risks associated with economic, environmental , and social consequences, sustainable businesses are defined by their net social contribution. Profits are, in many ways, the best indicator of how much a business has contributed to society.

3. What is a good example of sustainability?

Water conservation, energy conservation, waste reduction, recyclable packaging, restricting or eliminating the use of plastics, adopting sustainable transportation , reusing paper, and protecting flora and fauna are the pillars of environmental sustainability.

4. What is the best sustainable business?

Businesses who are striving to become more environmentally friendly should look to Patagonia as a role model. They have committed 1% of sales to environmental protection for the past 35 years. They've given more than $89 million to various environmental organizations. In 2017, they even sued the president in an effort to protect national monuments. Patagonia is proudly in business to protect the environment.

The total list of sustainable business ideas doesn’t end here. Far from it, every business can become sustainable, really. All you need is a desire to fix age-old business practices that aren’t good for the planet.

Sustainable businesses are both at the forefront and gaining heat. They will become the new normal in years to come. It is definitely a good idea to invest your time, energy, and abilities into such a business.

This guide can be a good place to start, but in the end, you decide how you want to positively impact the earth!

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25 Eco-friendly Business Ideas for Green Entrepreneurs

Rishu Shakya

Did you know that more than 100 corporations are responsible for 71% of global emissions that contribute to climate change?

Eco-friendly businesses are both excellent for the environment and business. Eco-friendly companies not only save resources but also decrease business expenses. 

At present, people are pretty concerned about the Earth’s environment. Having such a feeling, customers feel responsible towards the territory, so they shop or deal with places to fix the world. 

Eco-friendly businesses aim to use as little water, energy , and raw materials as much as possible while cutting carbon emissions. 

Many companies use the going green concept because the eco-friendly business offers more than just doing the “right” thing.

Table of Contents

What is an Eco-Friendly Business?

An eco-friendly business manufactures its goods with environmentally friendly resources. These businesses strive to use as little water, energy, and raw materials as possible while reducing carbon emissions, or they find ways to use these materials in renewable and environmentally benign ways.

This strategy reduces the company’s use of natural resources and its contribution to climate change. When waste is generated, it is sometimes recycled as energy or raw material.

Let us list down the ten different types of eco-friendly business ideas that one can start if they are interested in promoting a more planet-friendly future.

1. Environmental publications

writing - eco-friendly business

A pen is mightier than a sword. If you want to address any problem to the masses, there is nothing better than writing about it. 

Writing articles is an excellent platform to place your opinion, reveal the truth, expose popular myths, and help consumers choose better. If you love writing, you might want to start your environmental publications. 

Creating Environmental publications helps people become aware of the environment and helps consumers think about their habits that affect the world.

2. Ink refill business

Ink refill - eco-friendly business

Every year, millions of ink cartridges are discarded. This throwing of ink and plastic causes a lot of pollution. Ink-refill business is environmentally friendly as well as highly profitable. 

There is less waste in landfills when old ink cartridges are reused. Generally, empty ink can be reused three to four times minimum. The ink refill business has a lot of potential and is a fast-growing industry. 

3. Green finance

Green finance’s main objective is supporting local, community-level projects with and given the emphasis on sustainability. 

Green finance also provides educational opportunities, funding for artistic attempts, and projects that support local ecology.

Like the main objective of any other business, Green finance’s primary goal is earning profit. Another aim of green finance is to support projects that value the local community. 

So, Green’s finance objectives are to make a decent rate of return, benefit the environment, and deliver greater accountability.

4. Eco-friendly retail

Retails - eco-friendly business

Adding sustainability and green marketing as a business strategy to boost your brand image and catch the interest of environmentally conscious consumers is one of the finest business strategies to set your firm apart from the competition.

Retailers and e-commerce companies both use consumer rewards programs. Customers earn awards for every purchase they make redeem them for rewards or donations to various environmental initiatives. 

Consider working with a company that shares your and your customers’ goals and beliefs if you’re thinking of launching a retail store.

5. Sustainable construction materials

Sustainability is an integral feature of modern living and a critical component of nearly every sector. It is vital to assess the global impact of our individual and collective actions. 

First and foremost, you want to construct something that will last. It’s essential to think about a material’s lifespan when picking building materials from their origin to disposal. 

Although you may not acknowledge construction is environmentally friendly, certain companies now endeavor recycled materials for projects such as infrastructure refurbishment.

6. Organic catering

Organic- eco-friendly business

Many of us purchase organic food as part of our grocery shopping because of the health and ethical benefits. Yet when it comes to catering for an event, do we give it a second thought? 

Organic catering is a food coma of eco-friendly foodies who want to share their passion for food and save the environment by switching to organic.

It’s such a relief for catering local events and business luncheons with organic food and locally grown ingredients, free-range meats, and vegan, gluten-free, and paleo meal options. This kind of business appeals to nature lovers and health wellness freaks. 

7. Eco-friendly beauty salon

Are you looking forward to starting a beauty salon? Then it would be best if you thought about how your business will affect the environment.

Consumers are concerned about the environment. Thus organic and vegan hair and beauty products are popular subjects and the latest trend. To make this trend work for your benefit, open an eco-friendly beauty salon. 

Not only is an eco-friendly beauty salon good for the environment, but it also reduces operating costs. Opening an eco-friendly beauty salon helps to gain a good reputation.

8. Sustainable event planning

Most of the events have a significant impact on the environment. No matter how small or big the possibility is, there is the usage of plastic utensils and the extensive use of electricity, lights, and speakers. 

Green event planners use their experts and event-planning skills to find eco-friendly ways of conducting the event, like materials and accommodation.

Sustainable event management not only benefits the environment but also has financial advantages. Modern society is becoming more environmentally conscious; sustainable event management has a high chance of growing popularity.

9. Handmade all-natural/organic products

handmade - eco-friendly business

People are concerned about the products that go on our bodies. Customers are constantly searching for products that are made from organic materials. And if you can give them all organic products, they will return again. 

10. Reusable plastic bottles

Reuse - eco-friendly business

One of the significant concerns among environmentalists is Single-use plastics. 

Although plastic has played a considerable role in developing millions of products like cell phones and containers, some end up in the ocean, consumers are looking at metal or glass bottles made from recycled plastic .

11. Farmers market vendor

Farmers mart - eco-friendly business

Farmers’ markets are a buzzing cluster of organic and sustainable options. This organic movement has made it possible to earn money by selling pesticide-free and non-GMO products. 

There is a high demand for fresh, local food, beneficial for health and the environment. There are plenty of benefits to selling naturally grown fruits and vegetables compared to conventional farming methods. Customers are more drawn to the organic process.

12. Green housekeeping services

Green cleaning makes sense to keep families safe and protected from pathogens and harsh chemicals. Cleaning the house may be at the bottom of a working parent’s to-do list. 

Offer services ranging from minor dusting to heavy-duty jobs like cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, using only approved all-natural and eco-friendly cleaning chemicals, position yourself as the green solution to their housekeeping concerns. 

Eco-friendly products and activities safeguard the environment while ensuring the clients’ health.

13. ‘Upcycled’ furniture

Up-cycle - eco-friendly business

Why throw away old, damaged furniture when you can disassemble and reassemble chairs, tables, and dressers into new pieces to paint and sell? 

Upcycling furniture is a fantastic platform where you can use unused and unloved furniture items and make them come back to life, like a newly bought item of furniture. 

It is ideal for those with a flair for design and renovation. People may upcycle worn-out furniture lying around their houses or purchase at a lesser cost from smaller thrift shops and restore.

Making and designing them can make them look even more sophisticated and classy, and the most significant part is that they can be tailored to your style and taste. Upcycled furniture has a huge market.

While some may regard the item as an antique, others may view it as a cost-effective alternative to well-designed furniture.

The cost of starting a business is relatively low, and it covers purchasing raw materials, finding a location, and paying carpenters, designers, and salespeople.

14. Green franchises

If you believe that climate change is a severe problem, one way to demonstrate your commitment is to spend money on environmentally friendly products. 

These green franchises are just the perfect way to go if you want to go into franchising but want to make sure you’re investing your money in the right place.

Green financing focuses on funding local, community-based enterprises that concentrate on environmentally friendly, sustainable agriculture. 

Green finance usually focuses on educational possibilities, funding for cultural efforts, and projects that benefit the local environment.

15. Second-hand store

Many of us check thrift shops for cheap outfits and furniture for our first apartment. New products are pretty expensive, so the second-hand store is the ultimate choice for people who are not looking to waste their money on unused items.

People are more about reusing at present, so second-hand is just perfect. Second-Hand stores save customers money as well as are good for the environment. 

16. Green consulting

green - eco-friendly business

Green consulting has a significant impact on the environment and the contemporary economy. Green consulting guides in cutting energy costs , the pressure for businesses to adopt green practices is high at present, and it’s only going to grow from here.

A while ago, sustainability was not taught in business school. Now, governments worldwide are focusing and investing in environmental regulations and policies.

17. Recycling waste

One of the most common practices for a beginner to start an eco-friendly business is to recycle their waste. The circular economy is a concept that emerged in India.

People can recycle their waste through that medium, remove as much debris, and figure out new ways to compost and recycle it. Due to this idea, the emergence of recycling waste is produced.

However, before you commence, you need to conduct some market research to narrow down the products you plan to recycle. Aluminum scrap, batteries, textiles, papers, construction refuse, and plastics are just a few examples.

Among all of these examples, Aluminium is a solid commercial prospect since it is the second most recycled metal on the planet.

Because of its ingredients such as zinc, lithium-ion, and lead, batteries, on the other hand, have a large market. Paper and plastic come in various grades and can be recycled into multiple valuable items.

Construction waste is also plentiful, and materials like concrete, plaster, and insulation are somehow recyclable.

18. Clothes made out of plastics

Single-use plastics such as bottles, bags, wrappers, and sachets are mostly to blame for immense plastic waste generation. Even though the majority of these items are non-biodegradable, they are recyclable.

Plastic bottles, for example, can be shredded and turned into chips, which are spun into yarn. When woven, the same thread becomes fabric.

The final stage entails sewing the raw fabric pieces together and dying them with natural colors. Only land, machinery, and logistics are primary assets for this enterprise to succeed.

19. Zero Waste Retail Shop

zero waste - more ecofriendly business ideas

When it comes to becoming more environmentally conscious, many communities have a collective conscience, and businesses that respond to the urge to make greener living easier are primed for success.

If you’re inclined to the retail sector, you can serve as a much-needed merchant-on-a-mission by starting a shop that is free of plastic and packaging.

People come to this emerging shopping idea to buy food, toiletries, and household products that are merchandised and sold without packaging.

Customers fill and refill their containers from bulk displays. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, plastics, wrappers, and needless packaging contribute 23 percent of landfill waste .

Both business owners and customers want to reduce or eliminate this waste. Some zero-waste store owners raise the finances they need to open through crowdsourcing funds within a community of interest.

Doing good engenders a sense of investment and ownership among customers and business owners alike, appealing to consumers who reside in the community you will serve.

This type of investment also establishes an emotional connection to the shop and incentivizes local customers to visit it frequently.

20. Impact Blogging

The internet is a powerful tool to spread information and knowledge to everyone around the globe. Environment enthusiasts can run a local business by blogging about eco-friendly products, and it’s a necessity in today’s world.

Blogging may be a powerful tool for inspiring and enacting change, to the point where “impact blogging” has become a niche.

The globe is full of citizens eager to aid the ecological and social landscape, and writers-advocates-activists have the opportunity to lead initiatives to motivate their readers to action and spark change by bringing crucial concerns to light.

Practical ideas, videos, how-tos, and resource guides should all be included in your content to help readers become inspired and involved.

Several successful bloggers are dominating the online sustainability scene, but establishing your niche with distinct positioning, expert knowledge, and compelling material can help you build an audience and monetize your work through affiliate marketing options in the green space.

21. Eco-friendly cleaning service

Consumers in the commercial and private sectors are increasingly opting for more environmentally friendly cleaning products and services.

In 2017, the green household cleaning products market was valued at $18 billion . By the end of 2024, that figure is estimated to have risen to approximately $28 billion.

Cleaning is a helpful service, and if you can provide a healthier alternative to harsh and harmful chemicals by using products designed and manufactured using environmentally friendly methods, you may build a thriving business while also helping the environment.  

Green cleaning companies charge $5 to $10 more per hour than standard cleaning companies, possibly due to the benefits, but it could also be due to the higher cost of green materials.

Consider obtaining Green Seal Certified if you want to go the commercial path because it will increase your marketability and provide you with a competitive advantage.

22. Landscaping Business

Landscape maintenance is a significant and successful business for an ambitious entrepreneur because many homeowners take great pride in their outdoor environment.

However, you may not be aware that dangerous products are frequently utilized, which have repercussions beyond keeping your backyard looking nice.

Plants that work with the natural ecosystem are the emphasis of sustainable landscaping. They require little maintenance, less watering, and fewer insecticides.

Businesses that specialize in sustainable landscaping can give information, acquire and install organic materials, and provide landscape upkeep as needed.

23. Refurbishing electronic items

refurbishment - more ecofriendly business ideas

Many electronic products are replaced after they break, including cell phones, tablets, computers, televisions, stereos, and video game consoles. On the other hand, repairing these discarded electronics is a simple way to generate quick cash.

Residential colonies or local junkyards can gather abandoned objects. Because most problems are caused by filthy circuit boards, broken cords, or wires, you can hire a professional to fix them.

Once refurbished, the products can be resold online or through other shops and agencies. Provide thorough information and a money-back promise to create credibility at the point of sale.

24. Retailing and installing Solar panels

According to the Indian Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), India ranks fifth in renewable energy. Solar panels are in high demand, both at home and at work, because they produce few pollutants and operate efficiently.

Conducting on-site surveys for potential installations, developing a solar plant, and installing panels are all part of the company. This project requires personnel with experience in electrical work, construction, and solar energy.

A dependable group of distributors, an office space, delivery vehicles to move panels, and a method to preserve licenses and obtain insurance coverage are just a few of the essential resources you’ll need to consider for the venture’s seamless operation.

When you have a continuous stream of contracts and requests from clients, you can buy panels in bulk to save money per unit and increase your revenues.

25. Green Beauty/ Clean Beauty

The worldwide beauty business is shifting away from mega-corporations and toward independent, typically direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands that encourage sustainability by using essential, non-toxic, plant-derived, and even upcycled ingredients, as well as responsible packaging.

By 2025, the organic and natural sector is anticipated to be worth $25 billion . There are chances for entrepreneurs to bring items to market that enhance the skin, boost self-confidence, and embrace the environment if they have a compelling concept that speaks to actual aesthetic needs and wants.

In this competitive industry, success entails being transparent about ingredients and production methods, getting hands-on with raw materials and formulations, and understanding the environmental impact of packaging – and developing accordingly.

Obtaining recognition as a B Corp is the gold standard in ecologically conscientious production. It is something that beauty ecopreneurs should strive for! Get your natural beauty products HERE .


Over the last few decades, more corporations have strived to become environmentally conscious and reduce their environmental impact.

You can benefit from tax benefits, government subsidies, cost savings through eco-friendly practices, and increased popularity and demand due to your green status as an eco-friendly business. 

Both the environment and your business will benefit from eco-friendly business practices.

(Last Updated on November 6, 2023 by Sadrish Dabadi)

new business ideas environmentally friendly

Rishu Shakya, a bachelor’s degree graduate in Business Information Management, holds an extraordinary empathy towards mother nature and her ecosystem. She has always been captivated by green Earth and its charm. She regards spreading awareness about clean energy and sustainable development as her passion as well as responsibility. She believes her compassion about the Earth and human relationships will undoubtedly assist our planet to be a better place.

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24 Green Business Ideas

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Written by: David Lepeska

David has been writing and learning about business, finance and globalization for a quarter-century, starting with a small New York consulting firm in the 1990s.

Published on July 12, 2022 Updated on April 23, 2024

24 Green Business Ideas

Looking to help save the world? There are countless eco-friendly business ideas to help you create a greener earth while also making a good living. Besides the obvious ones like solar energy, recycling, and gardening, you could start a sustainable restaurant, or a bikeshare and bike rental business that helps cut down on commuting. 

Best of all, eco-friendly businesses are perfectly placed to gain from increasing global concern about climate change: the environmental industry is expected to see impressive 9% annual growth in the years ahead. Almost everybody wants to do their part, especially if you’re able to offer a valuable product or service at a great price. 

To get started, check out our list of eco-friendly business ideas below.

1. Composting

How to start a composting business

Up to 40% of the US food supply ends up as waste , according to the US Environmental Protection Agency. The government seeks to cut food loss and waste in half by 2030 . Some states have banned food waste from landfills while others have required recycling of organic waste. These policies are pushing more Americans to embrace composting, the natural process of recycling organic waste such as food scraps, yard waste like fallen leaves and branches, and other biodegradable materials. 

Did you know that composting is not only great for the environment, but can also be very profitable? Starting a composting business could be your ticket to financial freedom. You’ll be helping reduce the country’s carbon footprint and fighting global warming.

Compost, the organic material produced after composting, is an excellent and valuable fertilizer or alternative to soil for growing plants. It’s used in gardens, landscaping, golf courses, and more. If you plan carefully and put in a lot of effort, your composting business can bring serious success.

2. Recycling Business

How to start a recycling business

Are you all about going green and saving the environment? Then why not start a recycling business and turn your passion into your livelihood. You could be fighting climate change and making good money at the same time — now that’s a win-win! 

Getting started won’t be cheap, as you’ll need a vehicle to collect and transport the recyclables and a sizable processing facility, as well the appropriate licenses. But you should see a relatively quick return on that initial investment as the US recycling industry is worth billions and growing fast. You’ll just need to decide which types of recyclables you’ll focus on, such as collecting glass to melt down into jars. 

Before you dive in, you might want to check the recycling rates for your state, as some states are much more profitable when it comes to recycling.

3. Gardening

How to start a gardening business

Starting a gardening business is a green and sustainable idea that resonates with the rising trend of indoor gardening and plant care among different demographics, including millennials and baby boomers. This business not only taps into the growing market demand for greener lifestyles but also contributes positively to the environment. By assisting clients in growing their indoor plants, you’re helping to increase carbon absorption, enhance air quality, and promote a healthier indoor climate.

Moreover, these indoor gardening activities offer stress-relief benefits and provide a direct connection with nature, contributing to overall wellbeing.

The beauty of a gardening business lies in its simplicity and low overhead costs. With the possibility to operate from home, this business can leverage both in-person and online platforms for gardening workshops, garden designing, and maintenance services, thereby reaching a broader audience. By understanding market trends and competitor offerings, a gardening business can innovate and provide unique, eco-friendly services to its customers.

4. Plastic Recycling

If you’re looking for a great business opportunity, now’s a great time to start a plastics recycling business. The US plastics recycling market isestimated at $4.4 billion in the year 2022, with the global market expected to Reach $86.7 billion by 2030 .

You could make good money while helping preserve the environment by reducing the amount of non-biodegradable waste that ends up in landfills. Millions of tons of plastic waste are generated each year and less than 10% is recycled, presenting a huge business opportunity.

Before launching your business, you might want to take a look at what other recycling companies are doing and find a promising niche. Most businesses are recycling bottles and jars, as bottled water manufacturers are the largest consumers of recycled plastic. Others are recycling low-density polyethylene, which is used in wall panels, furniture, flooring, garbage cans, and more.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to comply with local, state and national regulations. Do that, and your business can play a key role in reducing plastic waste and make you a green success.

5. Craft Business

How to start a craft business

Starting a craft business is an excellent eco-friendly venture, particularly in light of the recent boom in the arts and crafts industry due to increased time spent at home during the pandemic. The phenomenal growth in this sector, as exemplified by Etsy’s annual revenue growing from 2013 to 2023 , underscores the tremendous potential for such a business.

By transforming your creative hobby into a business, you not only provide a unique product offering but also contribute to environmental sustainability by using eco-friendly or recycled materials. Crafting products from recycled materials like hats, T-shirts, or kitchenware significantly reduces waste and lowers the carbon footprint associated with producing new materials.

Crafting provides the opportunity to work on your own terms, expressing your creativity and building a brand that stands for sustainable practices. It’s crucial to identify a niche that aligns with your skills and passion while also filling a market gap.

For instance, creating eco-friendly products resonates with an increasingly conscious consumer base that values sustainable goods. Thus, a craft business could not only tap into the growing market demand for unique, handmade items but also promote environmental stewardship, making it a viable and green business venture.

6. Beekeeping

How to start a beekeeping business

If you’re thinking about starting your own beekeeping business, you’re in for a lot of hard work, and potentially great rewards. The US beekeeping industry , valued at $624.2 million in 2023, with the market size increasing 1.2% in 2023 compared to 2022. This presents a tremendous opportunity to beekeepers. Bees are essential to global biodiversity because they pollinate flowers, foods and trees that humans and animals need to survive.

They also produce honey, a natural sweetener with medicinal properties. Before you get started, you should know that beekeeping is highly regulated and you’ll need to learn and follow your state’s laws. In addition, you should know about bee Colony Collapse Disorder , which has severely undermined the global bee population in recent years. At the same time, an entire movement has grown up around the issue, meaning that if you launch a beekeeping business there will be a lot of people out there willing to help you succeed. That’s good for the planet — and for your business!

7. Plant Nursery

How to start a plant nursery business

Do you have a green thumb? Are you passionate about plants and gardening? If so, starting your own plant nursery could be the perfect business for you! The US nursery and garden stores industry has grown steadily the last five years and is expected to reach an estimated $43.2bn in 2024. That’s great news for garden businesses, and for the environment! Also, demand for ornamental plants remained strong during the pandemic as a lot of people in lockdown sought to beautify their homes and outdoor spaces. 

Before you start your plant nursery, be sure to think of innovative ways to compete with the big players and take the time learn about your target audience and gain extensive plant knowledge. Also, will you cultivate ornamental plants, herbs, microgreens, or food crops? Finally, get creative in your marketing and social media outreach — highlighting how small nurseries help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, for instance. With a bit of luck, you’ll soon be making good green.

8. Solar Farm

How to start a solar farm

Worried about climate change? There are many ways to help combat it and make a living at the same time, especially after the passage of the massive climate bill in August 2022, which earmarked billions of federal funds for clean energy projects.

That’s good news, because starting a solar farm — a field of photovoltaic panels that absorb energy from the sun and convert it into electricity for the power grid — can cost up to $2 million. But if you have land it’s not that difficult to get started, and solar farms are low maintenance.

They also provide clean, renewable energy, minimize carbon emissions, and reduce electricity bills. You’ll be doing your part for the environment while earning good money.

9. Solar Business

How to start a solar panel installation business

Are you thinking of starting a solar business? If so, you’re in good company. Thanks to the federal government’s new climate bill and established tax incentives, along with greater concern about the environment, the solar industry is booming, and the cost of panels has declined more than 60% in the past decade. There’s probably never been a better time to go solar.

Before you get started you’ll have a big decision to make: will your business sell solar panels, just install them, sell and install, or go in another direction and build an entire solar farm. That last choice is of course the most expensive, and also requires a sizable chunk of land, preferably in a sunny place. Whichever option you choose, you’ll need to meet all the relevant regulations, then you’ll be ready to renew and energize your entrepreneurial journey.

10. Green Grocery Store

How to start a grocery store business

Starting a green grocery store taps into the burgeoning supermarket industry, valued at $884.8 billion in 2023 , while also addressing the growing consumer demand for eco-friendly and sustainable products.

By focusing on sustainable groceries, you position your business at the forefront of the green movement, offering products that have a lower environmental impact, such as organic, locally sourced produce, and items with reduced or recyclable packaging. This not only caters to environmentally conscious customers but also differentiates your store in a competitive market, providing an innovative edge.

Moreover, an eco-friendly grocery store can adopt a flexible retail format to suit various customer needs. While the core offering could be fresh, sustainable produce, the store could also incorporate additional services like a coffee shop, a pharmacy, or fuel pumps to increase footfall.

Providing convenience is key, hence offering delivery, pick-up services, and ready-to-eat meals can make your store a one-stop solution for customers. Thus, a green grocery store not only promises a potentially profitable business but also contributes to the global effort in promoting sustainable consumption and reducing environmental footprint.

11. Farmers’ Market

How to start a farmers market

Starting a farmer’s market is an excellent eco-friendly business venture, aligning with the increasing consumer preference for fresh, locally grown produce. This model supports small-scale, sustainable farming practices while providing a healthier and more nutritious dietary option to the community. By giving local farmers a direct sales venue, you eliminate the middleman , ensuring better earnings for these farmers, and foster a local economic ecosystem. Furthermore, this reduces the miles produce travels to reach the customer, significantly lowering greenhouse gas emissions related to long-distance transportation of goods.

The steady rise in the number of US farmers’ markets, surpassing 8,000 in 2019, demonstrates the potential of this business. Whether it’s fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy products, baked goods, or spices , a farmer’s market can offer a variety of booths tailored to local consumer preferences. This versatility can cater to a wide range of customer needs and interests, making your farmer’s market a popular community hub. With careful planning, starting a farmer’s market can be a profitable, satisfying venture that supports sustainability and boosts local economies.

12. Cottage Food

cottage food business idea

Starting a cottage food business is an excellent eco-friendly business idea, particularly in response to the growing consumer demand for healthier, non-processed foods. By using organic, locally sourced ingredients for your products, you contribute to reducing carbon emissions associated with long-distance transportation of goods and support sustainable agricultural practices, making your business truly green.

The beauty of a cottage food business lies in its simplicity. It allows you to convert your cooking passion into a career, starting small by selling to friends and neighbors and gradually building your local reputation. Your offerings could include a range of non-perishable items like breads, cookies, jams, preserves, and more.

You can leverage your eco-friendly practices in your marketing strategies, emphasizing your commitment to local, organic ingredients. While some states may not require licensing or permits for cottage food businesses below certain revenue thresholds, it’s important to check with local authorities to ensure compliance with regulations. Thus, a cottage food business not only offers a lucrative opportunity but also aligns with environmental sustainability and promotes local economies.

13. Waste Management

How to start a waste management business

You can make money from garbage and, with the right approach and equipment, help preserve the environment at the same time. The global waste management market is set for rapid growth in the years ahead, expected to be worth more than 1.96 trillion by 2030 . On top of that, North America produces more than half of the world’s waste, and environmentally conscious waste removal businesses are in line for significant government funding following the passage of the climate bill in 2022.

If you want to cash in on trash, consider setting up a waste management business in your area. First, decide on a niche market — your best bet will be anything that leans green, such as chemical waste cleanup and removal. Next, be sure to learn and comply with local zoning regulations and licensing requirements and insurance needs.

From there you’ll just need to set up a good processing facility. If you’re prepared and have a clear plan of action, starting a waste management business can be doubly green.

14. Microgreens Farmer

How to start a microgreens business

If you’re not familiar with microgreens, they are tiny plants that are harvested soon after they germinate. People appreciate them for their soft texture, strong flavor, and health benefits, and in recent years they have become big business!

The global microgreens market is expected to expand more than 60% by 2028 . You could ride this wave, make good money and be eco-friendly by starting your own microgreen business. There are many plants to choose from, including arugula, kale, red cabbage, wheatgrass and pea shoots. Since they don’t need much space, you could even grow them in your home or yard, helping reduce greenhouse gases.

You’ll want to devise a strong marketing plan and build an appealing website to let people know about your plants, their prices, and the great benefits — to people and to the planet. Back in the day, microgreens were only used in salads, but today they might appear as drink garnishes, in juices and smoothies, on pizzas, and more. So once your first harvest is ready, start reaching out to consumers, restaurants and cafes and you’ll soon be seeing green.

15. Landscaping

How to start a landscaping business

Starting a landscaping business, especially one focused on green practices and sustainability, is an excellent eco-friendly venture, particularly with the steady growth observed in landscaping and lawn care sectors, driven by the recent real estate boom.

This business not only enables you to harness your passion for outdoor work and yard maintenance, but it also contributes to environmental well-being. By offering services such as garden design, tree planting, and maintenance, you can help create green spaces that enhance biodiversity, improve air quality, and promote the overall health of local ecosystems.

A landscaping business offers the flexibility to cater to various markets, including residential and commercial customers. Acquiring landscape design and maintenance skills is essential, and programs like the national landscapers’ apprenticeship launched by the US government in partnership with the leading landscapers’ association can be helpful.

Additionally, investing in quality equipment and a reliable truck would be vital for operations. To attract clients, a well-designed website and strong marketing initiatives can effectively showcase your services and commitment to green practices. So, a landscaping business not only provides a potentially profitable enterprise but also supports environmental sustainability, making it a fulfilling and eco-friendly venture.

16. Tea Business

How to start a tea business

Starting a tea business is a brilliant eco-friendly business idea, especially considering the increasing popularity of tea as a global beverage. This venture offers a unique opportunity to tap into a rapidly expanding market while also prioritizing sustainability and fair trade practices.

By ensuring that your tea offerings are sustainably cultivated and workers involved in their production are fairly compensated, you align your business with environmental stewardship and ethical commerce, which can significantly appeal to the growing base of conscious consumers.

Choosing a niche focused on fair trade and sustainability can set your tea shop apart from competitors, providing customers not only with a diverse range of tea varieties but also a clear conscience about their purchases. Securing an appealing physical space or setting up an online store, along with obtaining necessary permits and licenses, are essential steps.

Then, effective marketing strategies can help you reach potential customers and emphasize your commitment to eco-friendly practices. Thus, a tea business not only presents a potentially profitable opportunity but also allows you to make a positive impact on the environment and communities involved in tea production.

17. Nutrition Business

How to start a nutrition business

Launching a nutrition business is an excellent eco-friendly venture, particularly with the rising demand for dietitians and nutritionists and the growth in the billion-dollar human nutrition market. This enterprise can cater to the increasing health consciousness among consumers, and the surging interest in dietary supplements.

Moreover, by promoting organic and locally-grown produce, along with other sustainable foods, your business can significantly contribute to climate change mitigation by reducing emissions associated with long-distance transportation and industrial-scale farming.

This business allows multiple avenues, including providing outsourced services to healthcare facilities or establishing your own nutrition center. Choosing a niche, such as dietary supplements or infant nutrition, can give your business a clear focus and appeal to a specific customer base.

If you align your business with environmentally friendly practices, like advocating for sustainable foods, you not only bolster public health and earn profit, but also contribute positively to the environment. Therefore, a nutrition business presents a multifaceted opportunity that is financially rewarding, socially beneficial, and environmentally responsible.

18. Dry Cleaning

How to start a dry cleaning business

Starting a dry cleaning business presents a valuable eco-friendly business opportunity, especially as the world recovers from the pandemic and the demand for professional clothing care is on the rise. This sector, with an estimated value of $8 billion, is expected to experience substantial growth, and your business can be part of this resurgence while emphasizing sustainability and reducing environmental impact.

The trend towards green, sustainable dry cleaning methods opens a niche market for businesses that prioritize health and environmental preservation. Traditional dry cleaning often employs perchloroethylene (Perc), a toxic substance and potential carcinogen.

However, eco-friendly alternatives exist, such as wet cleaning using halogen-free solvents, and K4 cleaning, which utilizes a biodegradable, corn-based solution. By opting for these safer cleaning methods, your business not only caters to the rising demand for dry cleaning services but also fosters environmental sustainability and protects public health.

Thus, a green dry cleaning business offers an eco-friendly service that is not only potentially profitable but also contributes positively to society and the environment.

19. Green App

app business idea

Developing a green app is an excellent eco-friendly business idea, aligning with the surge in digital technology and increasing global consciousness about environmental sustainability. Green apps cater to a broad spectrum of needs and interests, including energy conservation, carbon footprint tracking, and promoting sustainable lifestyles. As more people embrace digital solutions for daily life and express a willingness to contribute to environmental preservation, the potential for green apps to make a substantial impact is tremendous.

Green apps can serve as powerful tools for eco-awareness, data tracking, and behavior modification. For instance, an app could offer features to calculate and monitor a user’s carbon footprint, provide tips on reducing waste, or offer sustainable alternatives for common goods. Incorporating gamification elements can encourage user engagement and foster a sense of community among app users.

Moreover, the rise in remote working and digital nomadism offers a ripe market for apps that aid in managing remote energy use or promote digital sustainability. Developing a green app not only creates a profitable venture but also contributes to the global effort to mitigate climate change and foster sustainable practices.

20. Scooter Rental

How to Start a Scooter Rental Business

Initiating a scooter rental business presents a great opportunity for an eco-friendly venture, especially in the era of shared micro-mobility and conscious efforts towards reducing carbon emissions. Scooters, particularly electric ones, provide a green alternative for urban transportation, contributing significantly less pollution compared to cars.

Furthermore, they offer a practical solution to the problem of the “last mile” in commuting, bridging the gap between public transportation stops and the traveler’s final destination.

The growing adoption of shared transportation systems, coupled with advancements in technology, make scooter rental businesses increasingly viable. You could utilize a smartphone app for bookings and payments, making the process seamless and convenient for the user.

Moreover, integrating features like GPS tracking and automatic locks can enhance security. Thus, a scooter rental business not only aligns with the global trend towards greener transportation options, but also taps into the technology-driven, convenience-seeking market, making it an innovative, eco-friendly, and potentially profitable venture.

21. Bike Rental

How to start a bike rental business

Starting a bike rental business is an excellent eco-friendly business idea that is both sustainable and profitable. The rising consciousness of environmental issues and the desire for healthier lifestyles are driving a growing demand for cycling. Bikes, especially those of the electric variant, provide a green and efficient alternative for daily commuting, reducing traffic congestion and contributing significantly less pollution compared to motor vehicles.

Your bike rental business can serve both daily commuters seeking a green and cost-effective mode of transport and recreational cyclists exploring local trails or tourists enjoying sightseeing. Furthermore, the integration of digital technology, such as mobile apps for booking and GPS for navigation, can significantly enhance the user experience and operational efficiency.

As such, with careful planning and strategic marketing, a bike rental business can succeed in not only generating income but also promoting sustainable transport, contributing to a healthier environment and community.

22. Greenhouse Business

How to start a greenhouse business

For a long time, greenhouse seemed like relics of a bygone age. But as weather becomes more unpredictable and people look to take greater control of what they eat, greenhouses are suddenly popping up like weeds! The global greenhouse industry is expected to more than double in the coming years, topping $3 billion.

You could start your own greenhouse business and help people build the green sanctuary of their dreams while supporting nature and riding the market boom to major profits. You’ll need to have some understanding of greenhouse construction and some farming or gardening experience.

But if you’re a green thumb you should have no trouble finding, and could end up building more greenhouses than you can count.

How to start a farm business

Starting a farm is a viable and eco-friendly business idea that aligns with the rising consumer preference for locally sourced, organic food. The desire to promote better health and reduce environmental impact has contributed to the growth of sustainable farming. With consumers willing to pay a premium for organically grown, pesticide-free produce, farming offers both a profitable and environmentally conscious business opportunity.

Moreover, a farm business allows you to adopt eco-friendly practices, like using renewable energy sources, managing water efficiently, and implementing regenerative farming practices that improve soil health and biodiversity.

Additionally, by selling your produce locally, you reduce the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation of food. Consequently, starting a farm can be rewarding in terms of contributing to sustainability, improving local food security, and fostering a closer connection with your community, all while generating a steady income.

24. Botanical Garden

How to Start a Botanical Garden

Starting a botanical garden is a sterling representation of green, eco-friendly business ventures. At its core, a botanical garden is a preservationist’s dream, conserving diverse plant species, some of which might be rare or endangered. By cultivating these species, the garden plays a pivotal role in conserving biodiversity and promoting ecological balance.

Moreover, the sustainable practices inherent in managing such gardens—like rainwater harvesting, composting, and using organic pest control methods—serve as a benchmark for other businesses, showcasing how operations can harmonize with nature rather than disrupt it.

Beyond conservation, a botanical garden embodies the principles of environmental education and awareness. Visitors not only revel in the beauty of the flora but also become informed about the importance of plants in our ecosystem and the need for their preservation. Such gardens become a living testament to the idea that businesses can be both profitable and environmentally responsible.

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27 Environmental Startups That Will Inspire Entrepreneurs to Go Green

Hand holding light bulb with a background of blurred green trees.

  • Top Startups to Watch
  • Environmental

Last Updated: May 14, 2024 By TRUiC Team

Around the world, environmental startups are tackling climate change concerns head-on by pioneering products, services, and climate action resources through eco-friendly startups. From algae microfarms to solar paneling design software — these sustainability startups and their ambitious founders will motivate you to greenify your startup and make the world a better place.

Recommended: Get inspired to launch your own environmental startup by reading our list of sustainable startup ideas .

Best Environmental Startups to Watch in 2024

Green startups are on the cutting edge of new technology while also helping the world at large recover from years of overuse. While environmental sustainability can help every human hope for a better future, these companies are taking action on green practices that will help everyone in the years to come. Here are some of the top environmental startups , along with detailed information on what they do, their funding, and how they are changing sustainable business.

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 1. Biome Makers

Location: Davis, California

Industry: Agtech , Biotech

Recovering soil health is an essential step towards a more sustainable future. Biome Makers , a startup founded in 2015 by Alberto Acedo and Adrián Ferrero , is dedicated to improving the world’s soil health — one farm at a time. Detailed reporting and analytics provide farmers with soil fertility, biodiversity, and health stats to help them make informed, impactful changes.

2. Aurora Solar

Location: San Francisco, California

Industry: Climate Tech

As the demand for alternative energy sources increases, developing solar energy solutions is more popular than ever. Aurora Solar provides solar energy companies with software to design and sell solar paneling systems for customers remotely. With the US government planning to invest nearly $2 trillion into the industry, the sky's the limit for sustainability startups like this.

Location: London

Industry: App

What if you could plant a tree across the world, from your phone in just one minute? With Treeapp , you can. Within its first year, it planted 230,000 trees across the globe. Customers simply select a reforestation project to support, plant a tree, track the global impact for free due to Treeapp’s partnerships with businesses and organizations around the world that are equally passionate about sustainability.

Industry: Ecommerce

EcoCart is a browser extension startup company that allows users to offset their carbon emissions for free from select businesses. This eco-friendly startup, founded in 2019 by Peter Twomey and Dane Baker, claims to have offset 4 million pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, saved more than 8,000 trees, and helped power more than 700 homes thus far. 

5. Bluebird Climate

Location: New York

Industry: SaaS

Bluebird Climate is on a mission to help brands across the world measure their sustainability practices to open partnership opportunities with other businesses. The software focuses on the consumer products industry, which is responsible for a large number of carbon emissions let go into the atmosphere. Bluebird hopes to decarbonize the industry by giving consumer brands the ability to produce and market products that have little or no carbon emissions.

Listen to our podcast interview with the founder of Bluebird Climate below!

6. Viva Maris GmbH

Location: Germany

Industry: Food

Based in Schenefeld, Germany, Viva Maris GmbH is a green startup company that is committed to protecting the ocean through nutrition, education, and raising awareness about the human impact on the ocean. To do this, Viva Maris GmbH creates food products using an ultra-sustainable oceanic ingredient — algae.

7. Algenesis

Location: San Diego, California

Industry: Material Science

It’s no secret that plastic is polluting our oceans, land, and air. Algenesis , an eco friendly startup founded in 2016 by Dr. Stephen Mayfield, is doing something about it. Using their patented Soleic™ technology, Algenesis produces fully biodegradable plastic made from algae. Not only is this a renewable product, but it is also a high-performance material allowing it to compete with plastics we currently use. 

8. Bottle+

Location: Switzerland

Industry: Consumer Goods

Bottle+ is making a reusable water bottle that can turn flat water into sparkling water with the use of a small CO2 tank attached to the bottom of the bottle. The bottle will ultimately reduce the production of single-use plastic waste that ends up in our landfills and in our oceans. 

9. Smart Microfarms

Location: Richmond, California

Industry: Algae

Smart Microfarms doesn’t just grow highly sustainable, profitable, and nutritious algae known as Spirulina. Their smart microfarms technology makes this type of farming accessible to even novice algae growers, decreasing the need for expert advice during production and helping to boost food security and entrepreneurship.

Learn more about the fascinating world of algae startups such as Viva Maris, Algenesis, and Smart Microfarms by watching our Business Ideas Using Algae video:

Location: Slovakia

Industry: Renewable Energy

Not only is Fuergy focused on providing alternative energy sources — they prioritize making this transition as seamless and appealing as possible. Founded in 2018 by Branislav Safarik, Radoslav Stompf, Rastislav Kuba, and Vladimir Miskovsky, Fuergy hopes to help speed up the trajectory of mitigating the use of fossil fuel energy. The company has developed both a highly scalable hardware device and AI-powered software known as “BrAIn” to optimize energy consumption and reduce energy costs for users.

Seeking Startup Funding? Get a complete picture of your company’s value and potential with Systematic's AI-powered data analysis tools . Build your virtual data room and company dashboard to connect with potential investors today. 


Industry: Clean Energy Solutions

Founded in 2012 by John Salzinger,  MPOWERD , a B Corp that aims to help create a more sustainable future while providing light to those without access to electricity. The startup offers a suite of green products, however, their primary product is their packable, solar-powered Luci Light. 

12. Heliogen

Location: Pasadena, California

Industry: Sustainable Energy

Attempting to solve the world’s CO2 issues, Heliogen looks to replace fossil fuels with a suite of innovative products. The company is a renewable energy tech startup that uses sunlight to help replace fossil fuels. Their HelioHeat is a carbon-free high temp heat that can power industrial processes that produce steel, cement, and petrochemicals. They also have HelioPower, which uses sunlight to create power using supercritical CO2 turbines that can help power up data centers and mining operations. 

13. Entomo Farms

Location: Canada

In 2014, brothers Jarrod, Darren, and Ryan Goldin set out to change the food industry by creating products made out of an unlikely protein — crickets. Their company, Entomo Farms , creates flours, snacks, pet foods, and protein powders that are full of nutrients such as protein, fibers, and minerals. Not only does their business model stand out from the competition, but Entomo Farms’ products also help fight against food waste and pollution — altogether working toward a more sustainable future.

Location: Indianapolis, Indiana

Industry: Software

Encamp’s mission is to increase compliance efficiencies for sustainability goals within organizations while also creating a positive environmental impact. Their goals to mitigate risk and transform environmental compliance programs are made possible through the use of tracking digital data and unifying workflows across multiple facilities.

15. FuelGems

Location: Austin, Texas

Industry: Nanotech

Rather than focusing on producing electric or hybrid vehicles, the folks at FuelGems have dedicated themselves to making traditional fuels more sustainable. Founded by serial entrepreneur Kirill Gichunts, FuelGems produces a fuel additive that reduces the emissions created by diesel, gasoline, and biofuels.

16. Handprint

Location: Singapore

Industry: Greentech

Handprint is another company looking to connect companies with their consumer’s demands on sustainability practices. By offering a host of different causes like habitat preservation, mangrove reforestation, coral reef reconstruction, and ocean plastics, businesses can align with one of these goals using Handprint’s software and contribute small amounts to each cause. 

17. Grove Collaborative

Location:  San Francisco, California

Grove Collaborative  is an increasingly popular home and personal care product brand that creates hardworking, environmentally-friendly products. Their product line ranges from laundry and home to pet and beauty products with an ambitious goal of being 100% plastic-free by 2025.

18. Next Gen

Next Gen , a plant-based food startup, wants to provide a solution to the environmental impact the agricultural industry has by creating alternatives to animal products. Co-founded in 2020 by Timo Recker and Andre Menezes, Next Gen’s chicken alternative product TiNDLE uses 74% less land and 82% less water according to the startup while producing 88% less greenhouse gas emissions than traditional chicken farming.

19. Bowery Farming

Industry: Agriculture , Vertical Farming

Bowery Farming is developing new automation technology for growing and monitoring plants. Their unique growth monitoring solutions include vision systems, sensors, and automated elements to keep track of plant and crop health from seed to harvest.

20. Hempitecture

Location: Ketchum, Idaho

Industry: Sustainable Materials

With hemp legalized across the United States, startups are harnessing the versatility of the plant to create innovative solutions such as Hempitecture . Founder Matthew Mead launched the company to provide a sustainable alternative to traditional insulation products, and their HempWool does just that. A fiber batt insulation product, Hempitecture’s hypoallergenic HempWool is made of 92% hemp fiber and boasts a low carbon footprint.

21. Coral Vita

Location: The Bahamas

Industry: Marine Conservation

With a noble goal to restore the earth’s dying coral reefs,  Coral Vita creates high-tech coral reefs to efficiently and effectively restore coral reefs while providing educational opportunities and serving as an eco-tourism attraction. They also offer an adopt-a-coral program for potential donors to get involved and make an impact of their own.

22. Krill Design

Location: Italy

Industry: Design

Krill Design is an Italy-based design startup that embodies the phrase “turning trash into treasure.” Their chief product, the Ohmie Orange Lamp, is a light fixture made of Sicilian orange peels making the lamp entirely compostable and supporting the circular economy of the area.

23. NatureDots

Location: India

Industry: AI

At the intersection of nature-based systems and artificial intelligence, you’ll find eco-startup  NatureDots . AquaNurch, a system developed by NatureDots, uses AI to create more sustainable fisheries that result in higher revenue with farmers in mind. Founded in 2018 by Mohammad Aatish Khan and Snehal Verma, this New Delhi-based startup aims to help produce an environmentally friendly economy through nature-based and tech-driven sustainable solutions.

24. AMP Robotics

Location: Louisville, Colorado

Industry: Recycling Solutions

AMP Robotics , a recycling robot company, has pioneered AI technology that plays a pivotal role in enhancing the world's recycling infrastructure. This advanced technology accurately identifies and sorts recyclables, ensuring that all materials capable of being recycled are effectively utilized. This innovation will not only decrease the amount of waste but also significantly streamline the recycling process.

25. AquiPor Technologies

Location: Spokane, Washington

Industry: Water

Instead of aggregating data or working to help sustainability from afar, AquiPor Technologies takes actionable steps to help fight water pollution across the world. With their innovative surface technology that filters water runoffs, they are able to help reduce flooding and promote thriving water ecosystems. 

26. Grow a Wish

Location: Netherlands

Industry: Greeting Cards

Based in the Netherlands and founded by ambitious young entrepreneur Fabiënne Overbeek,  Grow a Wish  is extending the life cycle of greeting cards. Each card by the startup is laced with seeds incorporated into the paper and, when planted, grows into a flower and long-lasting memory. In addition to this, the startup puts a portion of its profits towards charitable causes.

27. Commons (Formerly Joro)

Location: Oakland, California

With climate change weighing heavily on the minds of people around the world, many are looking for innovative solutions to greenify their own lives. Commons , a technology company founded by Sanchali Pal, developed an app that consumers can use to monitor their daily purchases and explore more sustainable alternatives.

Explore More Resources for Sustainable Startups

  • Green Startup Ideas

How to Start a Startup

  • Online Incorporation Services
  • Green Industries
  • Why Sustainability Is Important for Startups

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33 Eco-Friendly Business Ideas For Sustainable Minded Entrepreneurs

Updated: Feb 27

33 Eco-friendly Business Ideas

There's no doubt that the world is moving towards more sustainable practices. Consumers are looking for eco-friendly options and businesses that align with their values. If you're a startup looking for eco-friendly business ideas, you're in luck! There are plenty of opportunities to get started in the green economy. Here are some ideas to get you started.

What Is An Eco-Friendly Business?

A sustainable, eco-friendly business practices environmental responsibility in everything it does as much as possible. From the products it produces and sells to the way it operates and communicates with customers, an eco-friendly business takes steps to minimize its impact on the environment. Making your business eco-friendly can help protect our planet and improve your bottom line.

Related Article: 8 Reasons Why Big Brands Are Moving Towards Sustainable Products

1. Sustainable Garden Tools Retailing

Starting a sustainable garden tools business can be a great way to make a positive environmental impact while also generating income.

Another benefits of starting a sustainable garden tools business is that there are many different types of garden tools that can be sold. This means that you can target a variety of markets, depending on the type of garden tools you choose to sell. For example, if you sell gardening gloves, you could target the general consumer market, or you could target the horticulture market.

One major things to consider when starting this business is sourcing manufacturers for your brand . We recommend Gairdin as they are a solely focused gardening tool manufacturer that specialises in environmentally friendly custom designs made from recycled and sustainable raw materials like Ocean-Bound Plastics and Algae-Blended Resin.

For more information, check out our article on best gardening tool suppliers to kickstart your brand

2. Environmental Impact and Carbon Emissions Classes

The amount of carbon emissions daily activities produce is staggering and people are unaware that these small decisions have an impact on our environment. You can teach classes about how to reduce the environmental impact of personal transportation, over-using air conditioning, and using better insulation.

3. Eco-Friendly Cleaning

People are tired of dealing with the pollution that comes from conventional cleaning products. Starting an eco-friendly cleaning business with non-toxic items limits your environmental footprint while also providing you more peace of mind since fewer harmful chemicals are getting into homes and onto people's hands when they work around it.

4. Solar Panel Installation

Why not start your own solar panel installation business? The industry is booming, and the demand for qualified technicians with expertise in this field will only increase with soaring energy costs. The benefits don't stop after installation either; as long as these systems operate efficiently (and most do), then any excess energy generated can be sold back into the grid.

5. Green Franchises

Environmentally friendly businesses are all the rage these days, and you might think that they're only available to those with a big wallet. But luckily there are multiple eco-friendly franchises with a solid brand and customer base already in place. Investing into "green" franchise might be your answer to owning your own business.

6. Green Eco-Consulting

Businesses around the world are being pressured to reduce their carbon footprint and energy costs. The pressure for businesses is only going up, so they must find ways on how to make sustainable practices a part of everyday business operations or risk losing customers in this rapidly changing environment. Certified eco-consultants have the skills and expertise to know what steps are needed towards sustainability all while maintaining high ethical standards.

7. Sustainable Event Planning

Eco-friendly event planners find ways of reducing waste and recycling at events by using environmentally friendly materials, venues that don't harm the environment, alternatives for electricity to even making sure all waste food is composted. A green meeting planner will always put their expertise into finding out every green option.

8. Eco-friendly Beauty Salon

With the rise of organic and vegan beauty products, it's a great time to open your own eco-friendly salon. You can choose from hair shampoos & conditioners or nail polish that doesn't harm animals for people who care about their environment as well as deserve some nice skin!

9. Green Finance

The goal of green finance is to support beneficial projects that provide value for both the local community and ecology. The focus on social profitability makes this type different from traditional banks, which are preoccupied with monetary profits at any cost. This can be done in two ways: financially, by providing funding or otherwise getting involved with investment opportunities. Socially profitability should be dictated by how much good it will bring about.

10. Ink Refill Business

The ink-refill business can be an environmentally conscious decision with profits to match. By reusing old cartridges, you are reducing non-biodegradable waste that is accumulating in landfills. A great idea would be starting up a small home-based refilling service where customers send or bring their empty containers while being offered friendly customer support.

11. Organic Food Products

Sustainable Business Ideas

Create your organic food products and start a business. The demand for all-natural alternatives to traditional foods has never been higher. You can make any dish more healthy by using only all-natural and organically grown ingredients. You'll need to be able to set up a stall at farmer's markets and local grocery stores if you want your business idea taken seriously.

12. Herb Farm

The great thing about starting a herb farm is that you can provide people with a much-needed product. Unlike vegetables and fruits, most herbs don't need very many hours of maintenance for them to grow successfully. To make your startup idea stand out from the rest, you can offer customers a chance to pick their own fresh herbs or have them delivered right at home.

13. Community Garden

City folks want to grow their own vegetables and have a sense of community. All you need is some shared land, raised beds for your garden, and seeds or plants that will thrive in the local climate and soil conditions. You could also offer services like gardening lessons, the hire of tools, and selling growing supplies.

14. Eco-Friendly Bed-and-Breakfast

This idea is perfect for entrepreneurs with experience in the hospitality industry, as it simply requires you to make a few changes to your power source and sourcing practices. With organic or locally grown ingredients and sustainable furniture, you can create a green getaway that's perfect for guests of all ages.

15. Sustainable Clothing Line

If you're thinking about starting a clothing line, consider making it a sustainable one. Research clothing materials are environmentally friendly, long-lasting and ethically made out of sustainable materials and will help reduce the amount of waste produced by the fashion industry. Ethically made clothing means that the workers who made your clothes were treated fairly and paid a livable wage. With a sustainable, ethical clothing line, you can help make a difference in the world!

16. Carbon Offsetting Consultancy

Offsetting a company’s carbon emissions can be a great way to make up its carbon footprint and environmental impact. Fees paid for carbon credits go towards renewable energy plans and methods or ways to capture harmful greenhouse gasses. There are several programs and initiatives out there where companies need expert advice and guidance to navigate and understand.

17. Greenhouse or Specialist Farm

Starting a greenhouse or specialist farm business can be a great way to get into the agriculture industry. Specialist farms include mushroom and herb farming, hydroponic farming and even insect farms. The best greenhouse and farm owners understand the intricacies of growing plants, flowers, produce, and just about everything else that comes out of the ground. If you're looking to start your own greenhouse or farming business, make sure you do your research and understand what it takes to be successful in this industry.

18. Sustainable Packaging Design

It's a growing industry, with companies looking at ways of using sustainable packaging to enhance their green image, and ideally reduce costs with lighter weight and less materials. Product packaging need attractive designs and also strong physical protection for transportation, tamper-proof shelf display etc. A successful package design business owner will have a good understanding of materials, packaging assembly and aspects of marketing.

19. Medical Marijuana Dispensary

This business is ideal for entrepreneurs who are passionate about alternative medicine and have a strong desire to help others. Those with experience in the medical field will be especially well-suited for this business. Medical marijuana dispensaries legally purchase marijuana from vendors and sell it to appropriate customers. Staff need to be continually educated about the many different strains and forms of cannabis and any medicinal purposes.

20. Organic Catering Business

There is an increasing demand for organic and locally sourced foods, which provides a great opportunity for environmentally friendly entrepreneurs. The demand in this market is expected to continually grow, so there is a lot of potential in this industry. There are different kinds of consumer requirements: vegan, vegetarian, or Paleo, as well as gluten-free and/or with free-range meat. You can start by catering to local events and then expanding to larger venues.

21. Beekeeping

Beekeeping can be a very rewarding experience for environmentally friendly entrepreneurs. By learning how to keep bees, you will have 24/7 access to delicious raw honey and honeycomb. Furthermore, you can make all-natural cosmetics with wax and honey. This can help set your business apart from the competition and create a unique selling proposition. Beekeeping is a great way to promote environmental consciousness and support sustainable agriculture.

22. Sustainable Travel Agency

Eco-Friendly Business Ideas

Air travel is causing the fastest and highest growth of CO2 emissions, so it is important to focus on eco-friendly ways to travel. Additionally, traditional travel has high environmental costs, from pollution caused by car rentals to fuel used by jets. By helping people book trips to eco-friendly hotels and destinations, you can help them travel responsibly and leave a smaller impact on the local destination, its people and nature.

23. Start a Composting Business

Starting a composting business can be a great way to do meaningful work while helping the environment. Food scraps, leaves, and wood chips can be excellent plant nutrient sources and soil amendments. By starting a composting business, you can help reduce the amount of food waste that is generated each year. You can also get involved in your community and provide a valuable service.

24. Become a Green Blogger

If you're looking for a way to share your knowledge of being eco-friendly with the world, starting a blog is a great option. Not only will you be able to reach and teach many people, but you can also monetize your blog by displaying ads or earning affiliate income. Additionally, you can support and recommend environmentally-friendly products and services to your readers.

25. Sustainable Interior Designer

If you are an entrepreneur who is interested in helping people make environmentally friendly choices, then specializing in green interior design may be the perfect career for you. Interior designers can recommend sustainable fabrics, energy-efficient appliances, and sustainably made furniture to improve the indoor environment and even reduce clients’ electricity bills.

26. Eco-Friendly Products for Pets

Making eco-friendly products for pets can be a great opportunity for environmentally conscious entrepreneurs. By creating products like bamboo squeakers and tug toys, all-natural treats, and upcycled dog beds, entrepreneurs can help reduce waste and make a positive impact on the environment. This is a growing market, with consumers spending over $103 billion on their pets in 2020. So if you’re looking to go green, consider making eco-friendly pet products.

27. Energy Efficient Lighting Sales

If you're looking to start a business that helps the environment, then selling energy-efficient lighting is a great option. LED lights, CFLs and other energy-efficient lighting options are becoming more and more popular, as people become more aware of the benefits of efficient lighting systems. By becoming an expert in this area, you can advise consumers and businesses on the best options for them and help them save money on their purchases and energy bills.

28. Eco-friendly Green Pest Control

Starting a green pest control business can be very profitable. More and more people are looking for ways to get rid of pests in their homes without using harsh chemicals or in a terrible manner. Eco-friendly alternatives, such as diatomaceous earth and neem oil, are becoming increasingly popular. In fact, a recent survey found that half of the respondents would choose a green pesticide over a traditional one. As an environmentally friendly entrepreneur, you can capitalize on this trend by providing safe, effective pest control services.

29. Open an Environmentally Friendly Car Wash

If you're looking to open an environmentally friendly car wash, make sure your facility uses non-chemical products, reduces plastic use, and employs renewable energy where possible eg. solar energy. Not only will this provide a sustainable service to your customers, but they will also feel they can have a positive impact on the environment while enjoying a clean car.

30. Electric Car Charging Stations

If you're an environmentally friendly entrepreneur, there's a new opportunity for you to capitalize on. Electric car charging stations are becoming increasingly popular, and as the number of electric cars on the road grows, so too does the need for places to charge them. Use your charging station as a way to bring in customers and then up-sell them something else. For example organic snacks and meals, wi-fi, eco-friendly car wash etc.

31. Air Ducts And HVAC Cleaning

Consider starting a business that specializes in cleaning air ducts and HVAC systems. Dust and dirt can build up in these systems and prevent them from working properly and efficiently, which leads to large consumption of electricity and, of course, big expensive bills. By regularly cleaning air ducts and HVAC systems, you can help improve indoor air quality and reduce energy consumption.

32. Minimalism Lifestyle Coach

As an eco-friendly person, you could provide professional services as an organizer and shopping consultant to help your clients live a minimalist lifestyle and support our planet. Every person that you coach to purchase less helps reduce waste. Not only will this be good for the environment, but it will also help your clients save money. By teaching people how to use and buy less, you can help them live more sustainable lives while reducing the amount of waste produced each year.

33. Eco-Friendly Apps

Designing apps that help people to become more environmentally friendly can have a big impact. Some examples of such apps help people monitor and reduce their water usage, find and buy sustainable products, locate recycling centers and purchase used goods instead of new items. So if you're looking to go green in a high-tech way, developing an eco-friendly app is the way!

So, if you're looking to start a business with a conscience, one that will help preserve the planet and its resources for future generations, take a look at our list of eco-friendly business ideas. Many of these businesses can be started on a shoestring budget and all of them have the potential to make a real difference in the world. If you're looking for an ethical way to start your own business or want to switch gears and go green, these are the perfect options for you. Making the right choice has never been easier.

Here are some sustainable manufacturing case studies for your inspiration

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Sustainable Business Ideas

25 Sustainable Business Ideas To Inspire Eco-Minded Entrepreneurs

Do you dream of starting a business that equally protects the environment? Practicing sustainability does not have to be restricted to your lifestyle choices outside work. As a sustainable business owner, you can contribute to change by offering your customers alternatives that help them live greener. In need of some sustainable business ideas to inspire you? Read on,

Green businesses or sustainable businesses focus on creating a positive impact on the environment and within their communities. They achieve this by sourcing sustainable raw materials from local markets, energy efficiency, recycling, and other green practices. 

Beyond saving the world, sustainable businesses can also prove very profitable. A survey taken in 2019 reveals that 68% of 1000 US consumers are willing to pay more for eco-friendly products 4 .  This is excellent news for eco-minded or social entrepreneurs. 

As more consumers choose to buy green, what kind of sustainable business can you start as more consumers choose to buy green? In this article, we are here to help you make that decision. Read on as we dive into green, eco-friendly, and sustainable business ideas that can help save our planet while providing profit opportunities.

What is a green business? 

A green business or a sustainable business prioritizes sustainability and seeks to conserve natural resources. Sustainable companies also work to reduce their carbon footprint and negative environmental impact. 

A green business aims to be energy-efficient, using less water, raw materials, and energy to produce eco-friendly products and services or support those that do. 

A green business seeks to achieve minimal strain on natural resources and impact on climate change. Some eco-friendly companies reuse waste generated from production to make new zero-waste products . For example, they are making eco-friendly flip-flops from old tires. 

A business with green ethics could be something as obvious as a solar panel installation that seeks to promote renewable energy and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. It could also prioritize using sustainable materials to create sustainable products and reduce the negative environmental impact of drawing on finite resources throughout production and the supply chain.

As an eco-conscious entrepreneur, your business model will run differently from those pursuing a traditional business model. While the traditional business model will focus on budgets, design processes, product distribution, and so on, the green business model will balance environmental impact and profit.

Related read: What does it mean to go green?

Benefits of starting a green business

Benefits of starting a green business

In today’s business world, consumers do not just want to purchase a product because of its price and quality but also because of its impact on the environment. Incredibly, research reveals that just 90 companies are responsible for two-thirds of historical greenhouse gas emissions 1 . By starting a green business, you can do your bit to make the world a more eco-friendly zone while contributing to a growing market and showing the big-ticket polluters that a better way is more than achievable. 

With minor lighting, water, heating, and energy consumption adjustments, a sustainable company seeks to save on previously wasted resources, which can translate directly into cost reduction - both cash and environmental costs. As such, a sustainable business increases productivity while reducing production costs. Furthermore, a sustainable business may access a broader range of funding options, including grants and loans available to boost green small businesses. 

Starting a sustainable business can also improve your employees’ physical and mental health. With little changes to the factories and offices, employees can enjoy better physical health both in and out of the workplace. Also, if employees feel like they are making an impact on the environment and the planet, it can provide a sense of purpose, improving morale and productivity. 

25 sustainable business ideas for eco-conscious entrepreneurs 

Green business is good for the environment and people. As you start a sustainable business, you can contribute to repairing and protecting the planet. Let's dive into a few handfuls of green business ideas you can start today. None of these are exhaustive; sometimes, the best ideas come from a walk in the park and conjuring up something entirely new!

1. Sell sustainable fashion

The world suffers from billions of tons of textile waste . The effects of fast fashion on the planet include climate change and harmful carbon emissions. Fast fashion is a business model that demands lots of cheap garments made of single-fiber materials that we cannot recycle. 

You can consider selling sustainable fashion if you love fashion and the planet. You can open a resale shop in-store or online and bring some old clothing to life. For more info, check out our guide on how to start an online thrift store business . Or perhaps you can go boots and all in and create your own sustainable clothing brand . 

If you have sewing skills, you can use recycled materials to make upcycled clothing that you can sell. 

2. Start a plant delivery service 

Start a plant delivery service 

Do you have a green thumb? You could start a plant delivery business that sources plants and delivers them to individuals and businesses to improve indoor air quality. Or, you can open a nursery within your local community and specialize in flowers, ornamental house plants, and landscape plants. 

You may also partner with local businesses to sell your plants or even sell them to households in your community. 

It is essential to plan for shipping and delivery services. You need to package your plants and ensure they survive delivery without damage. 

You also need to think about the environmental cost of shipping. To do this, you can consider offsetting by planting trees or delivering by bike if you live in a built-up area with sufficient customers.  This eco-friendly business idea is a great way to improve the environment while connecting with your community.  

3. Grow and sell your own food 

Grow and sell your own food 

Organic food isn't only good for human health but also good for the economy. Growing your own food is a sustainable business idea that can bring you good profit. Consumers are willing to support buying local food via farmers and producers. You could start a sustainable garden and sell the food products at the local farmers market. You can sell foods like spices and sauces to ensure you make a profit all year round. 

Selling local food reduces waste from grocery shopping, packaging, transportation, and overall large-scale production. 

4. Sell organic beauty products

Most beauty products contain harmful chemicals and harsh additives, including alcohol, sulfates, fragrances, etc., which can damage the skin in the long run. Also, the production process of these beauty products contributes to waste and damage to the environment . This is why many consumers have switched to more natural, organic, and zero-waste makeup and beauty products. 

You can contribute to making organic beauty products that provide healthy skin and a healthy environment. You can turn that DIY beauty care hobby into an eco-friendly business. This will remove the damaging effects of producing beauty products on the environment and boost sustainability. 

5. Start an Ink refill business

You can make printing on a piece of paper greener by offering ink-refill services. Ink refilling is not only environmentally conscious but is also a profitable business.

Using paper is necessary. However, you can reduce the number of ink containers in landfills by reusing old ink cartridges. This can save tonnes of non-biodegradable waste and prevent them from accumulating in landfills. 

You can start by investigating the competition to spot gaps in the market you can take advantage of. To win market share, offer excellent customer service and ensure your prices are competitive. 

6. Start a composting business

Food waste is a dominant environmental, social, and economic challenge. Approximately 1.3 billion tonnes of food produced worldwide is wasted annually. With so much food waste, we also waste resources used for production. 

When food waste ends up in landfills, it releases carbon dioxide and methane, which contributes significantly to harmful greenhouse gas emissions. 

Starting a composting business is a green idea that can reduce the effects of food waste on the planet and bring in some decent profit. 

A composting business can collect food waste from families and other local companies and compost them locally. You can provide a service to pick up compost materials . You can then resell the finished compost product to retailers and local gardeners within your community.  

7. Sell eco-friendly kids’ toys

Sell eco-friendly kids’ toys

Most toys are made from plastics and other unsustainable materials. Plastics are both harmful to the environment and human health. 

Making eco-friendly kid's gifts and toys from sustainable materials is an eco-friendly business that can also bring out your creative side. 

Inspiration for eco-friendly options includes returning to natural, sustainable wood, re-versioning nonsustainable favorites using sustainable materials, or getting creative and coming up with something new. 

You can start making toys using eco-conscious materials and non-toxic paint and sell them in a local store in your community or set up an online store. 

8. Become a green business consultant

Do you have some knowledge of eco-friendly living? Or sustainable living skills you can share? Perhaps you are a green living expert passionate about promoting sustainable ways of living. You can turn that knowledge into a business that charges for your expertise and helps spread broader eco-friendly living, values, and learning. 

You can offer consultancy services to homes, offices, and organizations, offering sustainable solutions on how they can become more environmentally friendly. 

For example, you can advise clients on reducing their carbon footprint and sustainable energy consumption during production. You can also help a company implement a recycling program to reduce waste, save electricity , or reduce paper waste in the office . Consider getting a certification to boost your credibility. 

9. Start a sustainable event planning business

Birthday parties, weddings, festivals, and other events generate significant waste. Most of these events use paper plates, beer cans, plastics, and other non-biodegradable materials that end up as waste in landfills. 

Starting a sustainable event planning business is one way to help reduce waste and create a business. You can offer customers a smaller carbon footprint for events and get in touch with eco-friendly suppliers to source greener materials. 

Your business can stock up with essentials like reusable cups and cutlery from a local or online zero-waste store and avoid the need for all the single-use stuff. You might even find a way to introduce an element of education to help grow awareness for zero waste or other environmental themes. 

10. Become a solar panel installer 

Consider starting a solar panel installation business when exploring eco-friendly business ideas in the trades. Solar energy is a type of renewable energy , and helping households swap to renewable energy sources reduces C02 emissions and our dependence on fossil fuels . 

If you are experienced with electrical installation, you can add the installation of solar panels to your portfolio. You can install solar panels in homes, offices, and environmental organizations.

Energy-saving panels can also help consumers save money on electricity bills . You can also go for certifications that will aid your credibility or consider joining an existing scheme as an apprentice or train up to get you on the way. 

11. Sell used books

Making, selling, and shipping new books contributes significantly to carbon emissions that are harmful to our environment. One of the simpler green business ideas you can start is to sell used books.

Not only will you be doing our planet a favor, but you will also be encouraging the growth of a reading and learning culture. You can open a used bookstore, whether physical or online, and sell used books. 

12. Sell eco-friendly pet products

One of the green business ideas that can bring you a decent amount of profit while protecting the environment is selling eco-friendly pet products . 

American consumers spend billions on their pets every year. This is coupled with a large amount of waste. You can contribute to environmental preservation by selling sustainable products made from upcycled fabrics, bamboo, natural homemade tears, and so on to eco-conscious consumers.

Another related idea is producing and selling your own organic pet food brand, naturally made from more sustainable ingredients than the mass-produced supermarket varieties.   

13. Open an environmentally friendly salon

Many hair salons use toxic chemicals and other disposables, including plastics and paper. 

With thousands of plastics thrown out from hair salons, setting up an environmentally friendly salon goes a long way to reducing waste. 

You can open a beauty salon that focuses on using refillable green products, eco-friendly hair treatment products, zero waste, all-natural shampoos , and spa treatments. You’ll also need to consider ways to use energy and water sustainably.

14. Install energy-efficient appliances 

Revenue in the Smart Home Appliances sector is expected to show an annual growth rate of 14.69% in 2026. Also, the number of active households is projected to grow to 339.6 million users in the same year 5 . With this success, it means that thousands of consumers will prioritize smart tech and will be in search of smart home technicians for proper advice and installation.

Knowing this, you can start a green business as a home technician and help consumers install energy-efficient home appliances, from smart lights, thermostats, sprinklers, etc. You can also sell energy-efficient lighting, such as LED bulbs, and help homes make the switch.

Simply helping households swap to energy-efficient lighting can help your customers save energy and money while creating a worthwhile, sustainable business at the same time.

15. Start an organic catering business

Start an organic catering business

Today, consumers are moving towards sustainable living and are more interested in eating local organically grown foods. Consumers are also moving fast towards vegetarian and vegan meals and eating less meat to help the environment . 

Suppose you love to provide satisfaction to consumers through delicious meals or the idea of chemical-free healthy meals. In that case, one of the best green business ideas you can start is to provide organic catering services to consumers. You can start providing catering services at local events in your community and begin to expand to other locations.

16. Start an eco-friendly cleaning business

Many cleaning products contain toxic chemicals that can be hazardous to families. These cleaning products also come in plastic bottles, which end up as trash in landfills.

Another great eco-friendly business idea you can start is a green cleaning business. Many families are looking to provide a safe, clean, and eco-friendly environment.

You can start your own cleaning company, using only zero-waste cleaning products and implementing sustainable practices in your company. Sustainable cleaning products make a great option to sell to families within your local community. You can use a subscription-based model where your customers can order a refill - some innovators are even delivering refills by bicycles in built-up areas. 

17. Make reusable shopping bags 

Make reusable shopping bags 

Millions of plastic shopping bags are used for grocery shopping in the United States. We all know that plastics have a negative environmental impact, including climate change. 

You can save the planet while earning a profit by making reusable shopping bags made from recycled materials. To give your bags an edge, you want to add special features, including pockets and waterproof eco-friendly fabrics that are durable and stylish. You can sell them at local markets or online on Etsy or similar. 

18. Start repairing and selling bicycles 

Cycling is much more planet-friendly than driving. It has a smaller carbon footprint than driving and even walking. 

With this knowledge, you can repair old bicycles, give them a makeover and sell them on, or service existing ones to extend their life. This encourages more people to buy bikes, reduces carbon emissions, and promotes healthy living.  

19. Refurbish old furniture 

Refurbish old furniture 

To create modern, stylish, and eco-friendly furniture for consumers, you may consider refurbishing some old furniture. Sadly, thousands of tons of furniture end up in landfills, contributing to waste. 

You can start up a furniture refurbishing business to keep old furniture out of landfills. You will need to set up a workshop, get some tools, and even buy some old pieces of furniture to do up. However, in the long run, an in-demand sustainable furniture brand could do really quite nicely in the long run. 

20. Publish green content  

Do you love creating content on eco-friendly living? This could be a great business opportunity for you. To promote a green lifestyle, we need to create awareness of how people can start the journey constantly. 

You can set up a publishing company with a group of sustainability experts and create and publish content. You can create e-books and magazines on eco-friendly practices and sell them. Check out our list of zero-waste influencers for some inspiration about what others are doing in this space. 

21. Invest in green projects 

Perhaps you're not exactly interested in starting your own green business, but you want to make some impact - and money. You can start investing in green projects. You can turn to green finance. This focuses on supporting local community projects that benefit the community and environment. Green finance also provides educational opportunities and funding projects supporting local ecology. 

You can invest in various environmental causes like climate change and plastic pollution. You are sure to have lots of businesses interested in partnering with you. Furthermore, depending on available funds, you could even partner up and become a green venture capitalist.

22. Sell sustainable construction materials 

Construction can be sustainable. You can run a construction company that makes all the difference on the planet. You can use recyclable materials and employ sustainable methods or champion natural building , both of which reduce waste. Use energy-efficient materials and ensure your construction company has an eco-friendly structure from top to bottom. 

Related: Environmental Impact Of Construction And The Built Environment .

23. Offer green housekeeping services 

Many working-class parents and even individuals may be too busy to clean their homes. You can market yourself as a green housekeeper offering services like cleaning the bathroom and kitchen, sweeping, and dusting. 

We know that many cleaning products contain toxic chemicals that are hazardous to humans and the environment. You can market yourself as a housekeeper using eco-friendly alternatives. Since you will need to go to your client’s homes, you also want to build a trustworthy reputation. 

24. Start a tech recycling business

Many companies use technological hardware for the day-to-day running of their business. With constant use, they get worn out and thrown in landfills. E-waste can take many years to decompose and releases toxic chemicals into the environment. 

Manufacturers produce a massive 50 million tons of electronic waste every year 3 , and sadly, only 20% is recycled. 

You can help reduce electronic waste by giving them a second life. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) advises electrical recyclers to get a certification to stand out. 

25. Create a green app

In today's world of technological advancement, creating apps has become much easier. Our final green business idea is designing an app that helps individuals and environmentally conscious businesses adopt a greener lifestyle. What's great is that the green tech and sustainability market is expanding and is projected to grow to $51.09 billion by 2029 2 . 

You can create apps that help reduce food waste , offer tips on the best environmental practices, or design apps that signpost recycling services and options for composting food waste. Whatever your preferred niche, get creative with your app and provide valuable services that help you stand out and your customers achieve a more sustainable lifestyle.  

5 simple steps to starting a sustainable business 

Now that you have more ideas about the different types of eco-friendly businesses you can start, let’s go through a few simple steps to help you get started:

1. Determine your products or services

As with starting any business, the first thing you need to do is determine what your product or service will be. Research the market and look for existing gaps that you can fill. Investigate the competition and find out how to make your product or service. Finding a unique selling point will generate more demand for your eco-friendly product or service and help you differentiate yourself from the competition. 

2. Design a business plan

Once you know what your product or service will be, the next step is to put it into writing. A business plan typically outlines the objectives of a business and how it plans to achieve them. A plan outlining various business aspects will help you gather and structure your thoughts and clarify a roadmap to push forward.

The plan should include details like your company’s analysis, competitor analysis, marketing plan, financial plan, and so on. Further, it should include your plans for environmental sustainability.

3. Register your business

The next step is to register your business. Determine what type of legal structure your business will operate on. Will you be running a non-profit organization? Will it be a partnership or a limited liability company? You also need to figure out how you want to finance your business. Will you be using your savings? Will you need to take out a small business loan or apply for a grant?

4. Acquire your needs

Before launching your business, consider what you need to achieve to prepare. You may need to acquire certified green raw materials/products, hire employees, or partner with experts in your field. You may also need to create a working model or initial prototypes to sell your products or services to customers. Create a marketing and advertising plan, start selling your products, and reach out to potential customers. 

5. Get certified if applicable

Consumers want to be sure you are credible and legitimately green. Consider getting as many certifications as you can. Some of these certifications include:

  • Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED): The LEED certification is mainly for buildings. If your business location comes with sustainable features, you can attain various levels of this certification, including Certified Gold, Silver, and Platinum. 
  • USDA Organic Certification: If you grow or process organic food products, you can get a USDA organic certification to boost your credibility. 
  • Energy Star: Energy Star is a credible certification for appliances, lightbulbs, and other electronics.

You can look out for as many certification programs that match your products or services.

Kickstart your sustainable business

Now more than ever, our planet needs environment-conscious business owners and consumers. Starting or becoming a sustainable business will not only protect the earth but will also increase your revenue. You can go through our list of eco-friendly companies above for ideas that can make a difference in the business world.

Ekwurzel, B., Boneham, J., Dalton, M.W. (2017)

Fortune Business Insights (April 2022)

World Economic Forum (January 2019)

CGS 2019

Statista (November 2021)

Jen’s a passionate environmentalist and sustainability expert. With a science degree from Babcock University Jen loves applying her research skills to craft editorial that connects with our global changemaker and readership audiences centered around topics including zero waste, sustainability, climate change, and biodiversity.

Elsewhere Jen’s interests include the role that future technology and data have in helping us solve some of the planet’s biggest challenges.

Pin Image Portrait 25 Sustainable Business Ideas To Inspire Eco-Minded Entrepreneurs

10+ Best & Profitable Eco Friendly Business Ideas [2023]

Our list of 10+ best eco friendly business ideas:, solar energy installation, recycled fashion store, examples of successful businesses:, eco-friendly restaurant, more resources:, green building and construction, sustainable agriculture, related business ideas:, electric vehicle dealership, upcycling and refurbishing business, eco-friendly cleaning services, waste management and recycling firm, green tech consultancy, more helpful resources about llcs:.

I'm Nick, co-founder of, dedicated to helping aspiring entrepreneurs succeed. As a small business owner with over five years of experience, I have garnered valuable knowledge and insights across a diverse range of industries. My passion for entrepreneurship drives me to share my expertise with aspiring entrepreneurs, empowering them to turn their business dreams into reality.

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Examples of Environmentally-Friendly Business Ideas If you're passionate about the environment these could be the business ideas for you. Here are 10 examples to give you insights into the industry to ensure your start-up becomes sustainable.

By Nicole Crampton Jul 24, 2019

You're reading Entrepreneur South Africa, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media.

There is a growing demand by consumers to be more environmentally-friendly. This has created a growing number of green business opportunities. You can open any business from services helping others to be more eco-conscious or offering environmentally friendly products.

Before you launch your green business here are 10 examples of environmentally-friendly business ideas you can learn strategies from:

1. Environmental Publications

Are you interested in running an environmental website, blog, magazine or newsletter? This could be the environmentally-friendly business idea for you. Green publishers typically inform the public about environmental initiatives or trends. Before you launch your start-up, here is an example of an environmentally-friendly business that can offer you insights:

Business Name: The Environmental Blog


Established Date: 2007

About the business:

The Environmental Blog strives to provide information on every aspect of green living, green technology, climate change and green energy. They aim to provide their readers with actionable insights they can use on a daily basis.

Innovative business offering

The Environmental Blog uses their platform to involve their readers in community events, daily changes in habits, and local, national and international dialogues to influence the "green movement'.

2. Package Free Shopping

There is a large global movement to reduce single-use plastic and packaging. If this is something, you're passionate about and you have the right skills you can create packaging-free options for products.

Before you launch your innovative concept, here is an example of an environmentally friendly business you can gain insights from:

Business Name: Shop Zero


Established Date: 2017

Shop Zero offers green options for their customers with little to no packaging. They sell health foods, toiletries, household products and cleaners with no packaging and easy refill/reusable containers.

This allows their customers to buy as much or as little as they need.

In addition to these innovative solutions, Shop Zero also offsets their impact with offer-intuitive solutions such as supporting reforestation projects and donating portions of proceeds to ocean conservation.

3. Sustainable construction materials

Do you work in or have experience within the construction industry? You can design sustainable construction materials as your new environmentally-friendly business idea. Before you start brainstorming, here is an example of a business you can learn strategies from:

Business Name: CemteQ


CemteQ specialises in developing and marketing unique, value-adding products for the building and construction industries. They use high quality Perlite as an aggregate replacement or partial replacement to produce products with significant insulation, fire-resistance and lightweight properties.

They also offer floor and roof screeds, insulation boards, cavity-fill and fire-protection of beams and columns.

4. Bicycle repair and refurbishing

Bicycles are the ultimate in sustainable transport, you can offer repair and refurbishment services to those wanting to use this sustainable form of transportation.

Business Name: Carbon Bike Repair


Carbon Bike Repair offers inspection for hidden problems on their client's carbon fibre frame. They also offer repair and warranty to fractures and paint damage . Carbon Bike Repair are renowned for the quality of their paint restoration projects on both new and vintage bikes.

In addition to their repair work Carbon Bike Repair also work with insurance companies offering comprehensive inspection reports on damages ensuring the accurate evaluation is made when finalising a claim.

5. Handmade all-natural/organic products

Consumers around the world are looking for chemical-free, natural and organic products of all kinds If you enjoy making your own organic products, this could be the environmentally-friendly business idea for you.

Before you start mixing, here is an example of a successful business that you can gain strategies from:

Business Name: Faithful to Nature


Established Date: 2006

Faithful to Nature sells a variety of natural and organic products. They have a strict ingredient policy, which gives their customers piece of mind, because all of their suppliers products have been checked and adhere to their highest standards, as well as being green and safe.

They operate an online store only, which allows them to serve the whole country instead of just a handful of locations.

6. Eco-consulting

Do you know how to assist businesses to become sustainable or at least help them to implement environmentally-friendly systems? Then this could be the environmentally-friendly business idea for you. Here is an eco-consulting business you can gain insights from to ensure the success of your start-up:

Business Name: Solid Green Consulting


Solid Green Consulting offers property developers and building professionals a range of services to help them in achieving their green building goals.

Solid Green Consulting is a member of the Green Building Council South Africa (GBCSA). They have two people on the GBCSA faculty, who provide training to enhance the understanding of Green Star certification throughout the building industry.

7. 'Upcycled' furniture

Are you good with your hands? Can you make new, interesting and sustainable furniture from left- over parts?Then this could be the environmentally-friendly business idea for you. Before you start haunting second-hand stores, here is an example of a business you can gain strategies from:

Business Name: reMaker


reMaker buys, refurbishes and sells furniture online, so that it's clients can buy upcycled, redesigned beautiful environmentally-friendly furniture. They also offer interior decorating and design collaboration services for clients and professionals.

In addition to their upcycling offering, they offer furniture makeovers for clients existing furniture. This ensures that the same piece of furniture can be enjoyed for many more years.

8. Second-hand store

Nothing says sustainable like recycling your old things. Instead of throwing away old items you can now put them in a second-hand store, so others can use them.

Business Name: New To You


Established Date: 2010

New to You offers second-hand, high quality home décor. Clients can buy and sell quality, gently used décor items. They are very selective about which items they purchase ensuring they maintain a high-end range.

In addition to the second-hand store, New to You also offers a showroom for their customers to see their carefully selected pieces in person.

9. Eco-friendly Fashion

Some fabrics can be used many times over, if you have a passion for fashion and the environment, this could be the environmentally-friendly business idea for you. Before you start collecting material, here is an example of an environmentally-friendly business you can gain insights from:

Business Name: People Tree


Established Date: 1991

People Tree focuses on making clothing to the highest ethical and environmental standards from start to finish. Their collections feature organic cotton, TENCEL™ Lyocell and responsible wool, and is made using hand weaving, hand knitting, hand embroidery and hand block painting.

In addition to their environmentally-friendly clothing, People Tree also support Fair Trade Fortnight, which is an awareness campaign highlighting how many farmers and workers can't afford life's essentials. Proceeds of some items they sell go directly towards supporting this cause.

10. Glass Artist

Nothing is quite as sustainable as glass. If you're good at glass blowing and creating sculptures or stained-glass panels this might be the environmentally-friendly business idea for you.

Before you start heating up the glass, here is an environmentally-friendly business you can gain some insights from:

Business Name: William Morris


William Morris specialises in creating objects that appear to be ancient stone or woodcarvings, instead of the modern glass sculptures that they are. His work symbolises the harmony between humanity and nature.

In addition to offering unusual and unique glass sculptures, William Morris also gathers much of his inspiration from ancient cultures from around the world.

His work can be found in numerous collections such as: the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, United States of America; Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, Hokkaido, Japan; Musee Des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, France, and London's Victoria and Albert Museum, in England.

Entrepreneur Staff

Sales Enablement - Content Developer

Nicole Crampton is an SEO specialist who contributes to She has studied a BA Journalism at Monash South Africa and has continued her studies with a Creative Writing degree from UNISA. Nicole has completed several courses in writing and online marketing, and continues to hone her skills and expertise in digital media, digital marketing and content creation.

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Best Business Ideas for 2023: Sustainability


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After a year of record-breaking temperatures, public awareness about climate change is rising even faster than global sea levels. Sustainable startups are now like hot cakes to investors, and demand for planet-friendly products and services has never been higher.

It’s a particularly important issue for the nation’s emerging consumer: Gen Z. Research by Dell Technologies shows that almost half of adults aged 18-26 will accept slower economic growth if policymakers invest in fighting climate change.

As the UK readies itself for net zero by 2050, today’s businesses now have a legal imperative to cut carbon emissions – clearing the runway for eco-minded entrepreneurs to service demand with clever B2B solutions.

So what businesses will work well in this brave, new sustainable world? Below, we take a look at three areas that are ripe for savvy startups to plant the seeds of growth in 2023.

Green-packaged products

  • Sustainable Consultancy
  • Vegan or Plant-Based Food

Final thoughts

On average, UK households throw away 1.85 billion pieces of plastic a week . While the impending recession is tightening wallets, consumers continue to gravitate towards products with planet-friendly materials as awareness around the war against single-use plastics grows.

The packaging market began moving towards more environmentally-friendly manufacturing methods years ago. As a result, starting a new sustainable business no longer has to mean breaking the bank. It doesn’t require a doctorate in environmental sciences either – as Maria Rodriguez can attest.

Rodriguez launched Kind Bag in 2019, after being shocked by the reality of plastic pollution whilst travelling Asia. Inspired, she pooled her savings together to build Kind Bag, the brand that’s turning plastic waste into stylish accessories. Every bag is 100% recycled from at least four plastic bottles, and is also entirely recyclable.

When it started, Kind Bag was a first-of-its kind product. Now that more startups are cropping up in this space, the market is increasingly competitive. To stand out, the company has emphasised the aesthetics of its products to make a bag that looks, as well as does , good.

“We have to keep a keen eye on what competitors are doing and analyse what is and isn’t working for them”, says Rodriguez. “From there we can learn what strategies we want to employ and focus on creating our own angle to make us unique.

“We’ve continued to create new collections in collaboration with female artists not only to empower them and amplify their work but also to create something that’s special to Kind Bag and sparks joy in the everyday.”

We have to keep a keen eye on what competitors are doing and analyse what is and isn’t working for them.

Launched in 2020, Wild is another example of a sustainable B2C product making waves in customer shopping baskets. The company is on a mission to eradicate plastic waste from UK bathrooms.

Charles Bowes-Lyon, cofounder of Wild, spotted that bathroom products have historically been mass-manufactured using the cheapest chemicals possible and packaging possible. Wild looks to create high quality, natural products in packaging that is fully-compostable, refillable, and leaves no waste behind.

“I think we were initially quite naïve at how difficult it would actually be to remove plastic from packaging,” says Bowes-Lyon. “We were also self funded and had very little money to iterate with.”

It might have been a challenging route to succeess. But, like Rodriguez, Bowes-Lyon asserts that the road less-travelled can have a bigger impact in a crowded market.

“We felt it was of the utmost importance to create something that was genuinely game-changing,” Bowes-Lyon says. “Only sustainable products that are as good, or better than existing products and convenient to buy have a chance of displacing non-sustainable alternatives.”

Create a sustainable or upcycling clothing line

High-profile reports and investigations into fast fashion brands have resulted in heightened consumer awareness of the environmental issues surrounding the production of clothing – and that means a growing customer base for new businesses to target.

You could tackle a particular niche – such as baby and child clothing, which has an alarmingly short life span for growing kids and their constantly spending parents.

It’s a cheap and simple business model, too. You can set up an online store to sell your upcycled wares for an average fee of just £13 per month. Check out our review of the best ecommerce providers to find the perfect match.

Sustainable re-selling, recycling and refurbishing

Electronic waste, referred to as e-waste, is now the world’s fastest growing waste stream. In fact, the UK is on track to become the largest producer of e-waste in Europe per capita by 2024.

Savvy entrepreneurs could venture into the recycling, refurbishing, and re-selling product space. If you’re not feeling ready to take on eBay in year one, consider starting local – your business could fill in a gap in local council e-waste collection while also turning a profit.

Sustainability consultancy

As plenty of businesses – and their staff – become more aware of the environmental impact of their operations, there’s a need for specialist consultancies to help others clean up their carbon footprint.

Sustainable consultancy is on the rise, as 55% of large consultancies – along with 33% of smaller consultancies – begin to push clients towards a net zero design solution by offering it as standard.

The green investment relief fund was also made available in the UK last April, which has slashed rates for businesses that have adopted green improvements – an ideal topic to seek consultancy expertise on.

One startup that’s accepting bookings is Treepoints . Adding a whole new level to the idea of sustainable consultancy, the startup has invented a gamified application. Treepoint users can take advantage of a canny rewards system, turning any positive environmental impact into digital ‘tree points’.

“Speaking to friends and family, we understood lots of people are concerned about the climate crisis but find knowing how to do something meaningful about it daunting,” explains Anthony Collias, cofounder of Treepoints. “From this, the idea for Treepoints was born.”

This personalised approach helps users to see exactly how they’re making a difference in the climate fight. Individuals and organisations can input details about their lifestyle or operations into the Treepoints calculator.

Based on the results, they can establish a monthly fee to offset the exact amount of emissions and support their favourite environmental schemes like planting trees and collecting plastic.

Lots of people are concerned about the climate crisis but find knowing how to do something meaningful about it daunting.

Also watering the sustainable consultancy hole is Earthly. CEO and cofounder, Oliver Bolton, says the idea for the environmental service came from first-time fatherhood. “I imagined a future conversation with [my son],” Bolton relates, “when he would say to me, ‘You knew what was happening, you knew the severity. Why didn’t you do more?’.”

Earthly differs from rivals with its transparent focus on connecting users to verified, nature-based solutions (NBS) that remove carbon, restore biodiversity, and improve the livelihoods of local communities.

This niche is also important for building consumer confidence in the Earthly model. Trust in offsetting programmes has been shaken following reports that the market leader, Verra, found that more than 90% of its rainforest carbon offsets are worthless.

“There is much more caution around the correct rhetoric to use and being able to back up and green claims used in advertising and communications,” notes Shelby Torrence, Head of Marketing at Earthly.

“In recent months, Earthly’s customers have been looking for increased support on how to communicate their sustainability journeys in the right way.”

There is much more caution around the correct rhetoric to use and being able to back up and green claims used in advertising and communications.

Earthly’s website and branding takes care to outline its robust scoring methodology. The startup ranks NBS projects across the world and recommends them to firms based on 64 metrics related to employment, education, equity, health and ecosystem services.

Sustainable waste consultancy

One of the key contributing factors to an SMEs carbon footprint is poor waste management. According to government-funded consultancy Envirowise , 70% of office waste is recyclable, yet just 7.5% reaches a recycling facility on average.

SMEs need external guidance when it comes to sustainable processes like waste management . You could make SMEs aware of the environmental impact they are having, whilst helping get rid of their waste in a way that can increase profitability in a sustainable way.

Launch a sustainable consultancy via an app or online platform

SMEs need information, support and expert guidance to help them reduce carbon emissions. Having a one-stop shop for all things green gives business owners the opportunity to receive support and guidance quickly and easily from consultants and professionals around the UK on one easily accessible platform.

If you have expertise in the sustainability space, why not turn this into an approachable app or website of your own? It’s never been easier or cheaper to create your own business site – check out our best free website builders guide to get started.

Vegan and plant-based food

In 2023, vegan and plant-based food may no longer feel like such a revolutionary business idea. But while there are a lot of companies currently competing for shelf space, few have so far cemented themselves as a household brand.

Currently, 23% of Britons describe themselves as vegan, vegetarian or flexitarian. And the market is still growing as consumers increasingly find alternative, eco-friendly diets easier-to-swallow.

One such winner is Bold Bean Co. While hardly a new idea, legume-based food products have seen a big uplift as a result of campaigns encouraging people to move away from red meat and eat more sustainable, plant-based alternatives.

In just one year, the startup has won listings in Planet Organic, Selfridges, Gorillas, and Waitrose and secured undisclosed investment from “legends” in the food and drink industry.

Then, there’s Grubby. Founded by Martin Holden-White in 2019, the company won our Social Impact Award this year for its tireless efforts to get UK consumers eating its plant-based meal kits.

Having noticed the growing trend of convenient, at-home recipe kits amongst consumers, Grubby launched to bring even more value to customers: not just time-saving, but planet-saving.

“There are still barriers that prevent many people from making the shift [to plant-based],” says Holden-White. “These often relate to preconceptions about vegan food lacking flavour, and nutrition, or being difficult to cook.

“Our recipes are a gateway to altering these mindsets and helping consumers on their journey to eating more plant-based in the long term.”

There are preconceptions about vegan food lacking flavour, and nutrition, or being difficult to cook.

So far, Grubby has delivered 500,000 delicious, planet-friendly meals to 38,000 customers in just three years. Most impressively, it’s stayed ahead in a market that’s now full of new members jostling to get to the top, thanks to innovative ideas like the carbon emission tracker.

Every Grubby recipe is carbon-rated through thorough life cycle assessments of all its ingredients. That means customers can be given a personalised impact dashboard to track their unique footprint versus meat equivalent meals.

Analysing thousands of different ingredients brought challenges. But Holden-White recognises the importance of bring added-value to a customer base that’s being bombarded left, right, and centre by sustainable food options.

“We’d been having lots of discussions from inception about how to build something that makes the environmental benefits of eating our meals more tangible to customers,” says Holden-White. “From surveying and talking directly with our customers, we felt strongly about making it happen.”

Launch a vegan restaurant or food stand

What might have seemed niche a few years ago will become the norm from now on. Vegan restaurants and food stands are here to stay, and there is tremendous growth potential in this area.

There’s plenty of room for new businesses, and you could enter the space by adding a vegan twist to a particular cuisine – from a plant-based barbecue joint to a vegan ice-cream stand.

Vegan cooking classes

As Holden-White mentions, there are a lot of preconceptions about vegan cooking that still need to be dismantled. Starting a vegan cooking or baking class is an easy side-hustle that you can use to educate curious meat eaters on the wonders of green recipes.

This kind of business model naturally lends itself to a diverse range of offshoots like a recipe blog, personal chef service, or even a dropshipping store selling branded cooking materials and equipment.

2023 is a new era for sustainability. Small businesses across the country must note that investors are focusing more on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) when assessing startups and growth opportunities.

Businesses demonstrating sustainable values within their operating models will be much more attractive to funders – and will also be able to reap the benefits of the government’s green business rate relief from 2023.

The sector is full of exciting business opportunities. So do your research, find your niche, and keep your operational model transparent. With these three rules, you’ll have a healthy sustainable business plan (and a happier planet as a result).

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Want to be a green entrepreneur? Check out 10 sustainable business ideas that you can start from your kitchen table.

new business ideas environmentally friendly

A sustainable or ‘green’ business is one with sustainability baked into every aspect of it.

Green entrepreneurs are dedicated to creating positive impact through their business ideas, offering customers a great product while solving environmental issues.

More and more consumers are keen to shop sustainably. The UK’s green economy is now worth more than £200bn, almost four times the size of the manufacturing sector.

One way of making the most of this opportunity as an entrepreneur, is to explore reverse commerce or re-commerce, the selling of previously owned, new, or lightly used products—a form of ethical consumerism.

Green business ideas for 2021

From the suppliers and software you choose, to your materials, shipping methods, packaging, operations and the paper you put in your printer, it’s all about reducing your carbon footprint and helping your customers do the same.

To start a sustainable business, the first thing you need to do is settle on an eco-friendly product or service that nobody in your market can deliver quite like you can.

Once you’ve nailed that down, it’s time to think about how you can build processes around that product that reflect your green goals.

But that’s easier said than done, so we’ve put together a list of 10 sustainable business ideas to help you get started.

Here’s what we cover:

1. Upcycling

2. refurbishing or recycling tech, 3. green cleaning, 5. reusable food and drink storage and cutlery, 6. zero-waste grocery delivery, 7. ink cartridge refill business, 8. sustainable construction, 9. reusable shopping bags, 10. sustainable event planning, what’s next for green entrepreneurs.

Upcycling is the process of transforming unwanted products and giving them a second life.

From fashion to furniture and everything in between, this is a great way to offer your customers something unique with the added feel-good factor of cutting down on post-consumer waste.

The change could be as small as painting an old chest of drawers and swapping out the handles on it or as major as turning old newspapers into balls of wool.

It’s entirely up to you, your imagination, and your skills.

The Upcycle Company , for example, sells upcycled furniture, offering customers a cost-effective way to add unique pieces to their homes.

On top of that, the UK-based business also works with customers to expertly upcycle their own furniture for a fee.

Style? Check.

Sustainability? Double check.

Are you a bit of a tech whizz?

Refurbished tech can be anything from a quick clean-up to a full-on repair before reselling a device. This is essentially second-hand tech, which gives buyers the option of spending less while helping to reduce the amount of tech waste going out into the environment.

If that’s not quite your calling, you might consider recycling parts from different objects into an entirely new product.

Jewellery, journals, bookmarks, sculptures. Your list of options is only as long as your imagination.

It we’re talking creativity, just take a look at Electrickery – Recycled Computer Art by David Wright . David recycled his first circuit board in 1999, when he saw potential in a broken desktop calculator.

Fast forward to today and he’s saving electronic parts from the scrap heap and transforming them into unique products.

You can find sculptures, lamps, jewellery, and even keychains available for purchase on his website and Etsy shop.

It’s no secret today that most of the cleaning products we use are made using chemicals that are harmful to the environment and contribute to pollution once it’s washed down the drain.

Washing up liquid, surface cleaners, bleach— most of these products come packaged in single-use plastic containers, which are thrown out as soon as they run out.

Start your own cleaning business exclusively using brands that minimise or eliminate use of single-use plastics, and make sure you use your commitment to green cleaning as a key selling point in all your marketing efforts.

Go Green Cleaning , for example, promises affordable services using only eco-friendly products for households as well as commercial properties.

Focus on finding ways to minimise waste and cut your water usage when you work and look into ways to showcase the benefits of your green approach to potential customers.

You might, for example, consider reusing grey water, the relatively clean wastewater from washing machines and other household appliances.

Creating an app is a fantastic way to help create a greener future with minimal impact on the environment.

Think about it. You need minimal materials to get up and running, so that’s putting less waste out into the world, and the amount of water and electricity required to run your business are negligible.

The possibilities are endless here.

You could create an app to help people find the nearest recycling centres, or perhaps offer a catalogue of the environmental practices and carbon footprint of different brands so people can make more informed purchasing decisions.

You might consider teaming up with local sustainable businesses to create a rewards programme for sustainable shopping.

Think of it as a virtual loyalty card for making greener choices as a consumer.

Too Good To Go is one app fighting food waste across the UK. By teaming up with shops and restaurants, the app makes it possible for users to buy and collect cut-price food that’s still fresh and tasty, but just hasn’t sold in time.

There’s an element of surprise here too, as you won’t know exactly what you’ve got until you pick up your order.

In 2018 alone, an estimated 42 billion plastic straws were used in the UK.

A single plastic straw can take up to 200 years to decompose. And that’s a lot of time for them to wreak havoc on the environment.

From stainless steel straws to travel cups, reusable cutlery, and bamboo containers, there are a bunch of different ways you can help cut down on waste here.

Offer your customers a fun, stylish was to minimise their impact on the environment with functional products that make their day-to-day life easier.

Need a little inspiration?

UK-based brand Sasstainable offers its customers a range of bamboo and biodegradable products, from cutlery and reusable food pouches to toothbrushes and everything in-between. Sasstainable’s reusable products don’t just save the environment, they save their customers money too.

More consumers than ever are looking to cut down on the amount of packaging in their weekly shop. Why not buy or produce organic groceries in bulk, and package them in reusable or recyclable containers?

Initially, you’ll probably want to limit your services to your local community to guarantee availability and freshness of your produce. You might even choose to work with local farmers to get their products out to the local community while cutting down on single-use plastics. It’s a win-win situation.

The Zero Waste Delivery Company does a great job of ditching the single-use plastic and delivering refills to homes all over the UK.

Whether you need to fill your pantry or restock the cleaning cupboard, it’s got you covered with a high-quality, eco-conscious option.

Try as we might, sometimes printing on paper is unavoidable. But you can help people make their printing needs greener by offering an ink-refill service.

Reusing old ink cartridges saves tonnes of non-biodegradable materials from piling up in landfills, and it’s profitable business when done right.

Start off by looking at the competition in your area, and offer a winning combination of competitive pricing and stellar customer service to win your share of the market.

West Sussex-based Zero Waste Recycling is a great example of this kind of concept.

The company is committed to responsible cartridge recycling, and any materials that can’t be reused or recycled are safely broken down into different parts that can be used to create entirely different products, from car parts to road surfacing materials.

You could be the construction company with a difference.

Use recyclable and renewable materials for your construction projects, and make minimising waste a priority.

Showcase how you’re efficient with energy consumption on site and safeguard the natural environment around the site. Your aim here is to have an eco-friendly structure built in the most environmentally conscious way.

Property and investment group Lendlease , for example, is doing its bit by using eco-friendly materials to build sustainable communities. Its commitment to minimising its impact on the environment runs through every part of the business, from the energy used through to the partners it works with.

Responsibly sourced canvas tote bags and net grocery bags give shoppers a stylish but practical alternative to plastic bags and often-unreliable paper bags.

You could even take things a step further and create custom, sustainably sourced tote bags with your customers’ names on them.

Or let your creativity run free and release a line of bags featuring your own print designs.

Check out Tom’s Tote Bags to see this concept in action. These totes are made of recycled materials, and use only organic, biodegradable cotton.

But what makes the brand special is that it works with young artists to print illustrations on the bags, for which they’re paid commission.

Straws, paper plates, balloons, tents, beer cans. No matter how big or small a gathering may be, the amount of waste generated per person is monumental.

A report based on 279 UK summer festivals—that’s an estimated 3.17 million music lovers—found that these events alone generate a whopping 23,500 tonnes of waste .

There’s a financial cost attached to that waste too, with clean-up costs that could hit the hundreds of thousands. From birthday parties to weddings, fairs, and festivals, you could offer your customers less waste and a smaller carbon footprint for their events.

Pair that with fantastic customer service, and you’ve got a winning combination.

Get started by researching eco-friendly suppliers for all the usual things people need to be the best host and look into venues and accommodation options that are eco-conscious too.

Legacy is one UK company helping make events greener, planning and running events of any size. It sources suppliers and venues that share its clients’ commitment to sustainability, and encourage everyone it works with to minimise waste, whether that’s through water conservation or providing food and drink options with 100% traceability.

Now you’ve had a healthy dose of inspiration, it’s time to get your ideas on paper and turn your sustainable business idea into reality.

Start writing your business plan , and don’t forget to look into the specific grants and loans available for green businesses such as yours.

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15 Green Business Ideas You Can Easily Start Today

  • January 12, 2024
  • / Entrepreneurship
  • / By Staff Writer
  • / 1 COMMENT

Green Business Ideas

Are you on the hunt for a business idea that's not just profitable but also kind to the planet? You're in the right place. In today's world, where being green is as important as the bottom line, we've put together a list of sustainable and eco-friendly business ideas that are more than just a nod to the environment. They're real, actionable plans for a future where your business can thrive without costing the earth.

We get it – starting a new venture can be daunting, especially when you want it to reflect your values for a better planet. That's why we've made sure our list is packed with practical, diverse, and genuinely sustainable business ideas as well as outline how you get started with your own sustainable business today!

Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or looking to pivot your current business in a greener direction, by the end of this article, you'll be armed with a host of exciting options.

Let's dive in and find that perfect green business idea that aligns with your passion for sustainability and success.

What is a Green Business?

A green business is defined by its commitment to sustainability, actively working to reduce its environmental impact. These businesses prioritize a lower carbon footprint, utilizing biodegradable and sustainable materials in their operations. They are characterized by their efficient use of energy and electricity, often turning to renewable resources as a cornerstone of their business model.

Beyond their internal practices, green businesses play a pivotal role in facilitating eco-friendly choices for others, contributing positively to broader environmental efforts. This approach not only benefits the planet but also aligns with the growing consumer demand for responsible and sustainable business practices.

Why Choose a Green Business?

Venturing into the world of green businesses is more than just a trend; it's a commitment to a sustainable future. But what makes a green business not just a noble pursuit but a smart one? Let's dive into the tangible benefits of starting a green business, addressing both its environmental impact and profitability.

Firstly, green businesses play a crucial role in reducing carbon footprint and carbon emissions. By adopting eco-friendly practices and focusing on renewable energy sources, these businesses contribute significantly to combating climate change. Imagine your business harnessing the power of solar panels or tapping into the vast potential of renewable energy. This isn't just good for the planet; it's a selling point for environmentally conscious customers who are increasingly seeking out eco-friendly products and services.

But it's not just about the environment. Green businesses are proving to be financially viable and profitable. Sustainable business models are attracting a growing market of consumers who prioritize environmental sustainability in their purchasing decisions. From selling energy-efficient lighting to offering eco-friendly cleaning products, these businesses are tapping into a market that values sustainability as much as quality and price.

Moreover, green businesses often enjoy cost savings through energy efficiency and reduced waste. By minimizing energy consumption and utilizing recycled materials, these businesses can operate more efficiently, reducing operational costs. This approach not only saves money but also appeals to a customer base that values ethical and sustainable practices.

Starting a green business also means joining a community of like-minded entrepreneurs and local businesses committed to making a positive impact. Whether it's through sustainable fashion, composting food waste, or providing eco-friendly kids' toys, the scope for innovation is vast. And with the support of environmental organizations and green finance options, the journey to establishing a successful green business is more accessible than ever.

In essence, choosing to start a green business is choosing a path of innovation, responsibility, and profitability. It's about creating a business that not only thrives financially but also contributes positively to the planet and society. As you explore the world of sustainable business ideas, remember that you're not just starting a business; you're becoming part of a global movement towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

How to Start a Green Business

Starting a green business can be an exciting and rewarding journey. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you embark on this path:

Identify Your Niche : Start by pinpointing a sustainable business idea that resonates with you. Whether it's eco-friendly cleaning products, sustainable fashion, or renewable energy solutions like solar panel installation, choose a niche that aligns with your passion and values.

Conduct Market Research : Understand the demand for your chosen eco-friendly business idea. Explore local markets, study competitors, and identify your target audience. This research will help you refine your business concept and strategy.

Develop a Sustainable Business Model : Your business model should reflect sustainable practices. This includes everything from using recycled materials and reducing energy consumption to implementing eco-friendly practices in daily operations.

Plan for Renewable Energy Sources : Consider how your business can utilize renewable energy sources. This could involve installing solar panels or finding ways to reduce energy consumption overall, contributing to a lower carbon footprint.

Create a Business Plan : Draft a comprehensive business plan that outlines your vision, mission, financial projections, and marketing strategies. Ensure that environmental sustainability is at the core of your plan.

Seek Green Finance Options : Look for funding opportunities that support green businesses. This could include grants, green venture capitalist funding, or loans from institutions that favor environmentally conscious businesses.

Establish Eco-Friendly Supply Chains : Source sustainable materials and work with suppliers who share your commitment to environmental responsibility. This step is crucial in minimizing your overall environmental impact.

Build a Green Brand : Develop your brand launch strategy and marketing plan to highlight your commitment to sustainability. This includes everything from your business name and logo to your marketing campaigns and online presence.

Comply with Regulations : Ensure that your business complies with all relevant environmental regulations. You may consult a green business consultant or the Environmental Protection Agency for guidance.

Launch and Grow : With everything in place, launch your green business. Focus on building a community around your brand, engaging with local businesses and environmental organizations, and continuously improving your sustainable practices.

Remember, starting a green business is not just about making a profit; it's about making a positive impact on the planet and contributing to a more sustainable future. Your journey towards green entrepreneurship is a step towards a better world.

15 Green Business Ideas You Can Start Today

Whether you're passionate about reducing waste, conserving energy, or promoting sustainable living, there's a green business idea waiting for you to bring it to life. From innovative recycling solutions to energy efficiency, these 15 green business ideas offer a perfect blend of environmental responsibility and entrepreneurial spirit.

Let's explore some of the most promising and impactful green business opportunities that you can start today.

1. Become a Green Influencer

Use social media to become a green influencer!  

You can create videos or posts encouraging people to go green and learn about the environment. 

Brands and companies often pay influencers to promote their products on TikTok, Instagram, and more. Influencers also receive ad revenue. Anyone can start this green business idea. 

Some green influencers and activists can make a living doing what they love. 

Additionally, to enhance your journey as a green influencer, consider utilizing  Ssemble Shorts Maker , a tool that simplifies the creation of captivating short-form videos, making it easier for you to share your eco-friendly message and engage with a broader audience on platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

How to Get Started Today - Tips & Resources

Start creating content and building your following. Reading books like the ones below can help. 

One Million Followers: How I Built a Massive Social Following in 30 Days

One Million Followers Book Cover

Influencer: Building Your Personal Brand in the Age of Social Media

Influencer Book Cover

2. Start an Eco-Friendly Website

Starting or acquiring a business has never been easier!

You can start an eco-friendly website from your computer today using  GreenGeeks !

GreenGeeks uses renewable energy credits to power your website and they plant a tree for every customer that signs up.  

GreenGeeks - Green Web Hosting - GreenGeeks uses eco-friendly data centers and servers, plus they match 3 times the amount of energy consumed making it a great option for several green business ideas

They have dedicated support specialists that will build your website for free and offer 24/7 support.  

GreenGeeks is offering a  s pecial discount   that you can access below. 

Special Offer - Historically Low Prices!

GreenGeeks is offering their lowest prices ever for 12 month terms on select Ecosite packages. But these low prices won't last forever, take advantage today!

How to Make Money From Your Website

Once you have your website up and running you can start making money! 

For instance, you can make money dropshipping,  blogging or even starting your own marketing agency .

Dropshipping: How To Make Money Online & Build Your Own $100,000+ Dropshipping Online Business

Dropshipping Online Business

How to Blog for Profit

How to Blog For Profit Book Cover

3. Sell Sustainable Fashion Using Poshmark

Did you know that over 4 million people sell on Poshmark? Some sellers make six and seven figures !

Sell on Poshmark

Source: Poshmark

Experts suggest that we only wear 20% of the clothes in our wardrobe on a regular basis.

Selling clothing items that you don't use on Poshmark is a great way to make extra cash. Especially since Poshmark has over 30 million active users !

Selling Second-Hand Clothing is Ethical and Eco-Friendly

Selling secondhand clothes keeps items out of landfills and diverts resources from being used to make new clothes. 

The average american discards 68lbs of clothing each year and it takes 700 gallons of water to produce one new cotton tshirt, additional statistics are available on

Start selling items from your home first in order to learn the ropes. Once you get the hang of it, you can start going to thrift stores or garage sales to find items to sell.

If you want to learn from an expert then you can read the book below by Shannon Jean who has made over $600,000 selling on Poshmark. 

Poshmark Unlocked  

Green Business Idea - Sell Clothes on Poshmark. Poshmark Unlocked Book Cover

4. Open a Green Franchise

Opening a green franchise is a fantastic green business idea. 

Eco-friendly Franchises

There are a variety of franchises focused on eco-friendly products and services. 

For example, there are green franchises related to solar panels, waste management, cleaning services, lawn care, and more. 

Examples of Eco-Friendly Franchise Opportunities - Green Business Ideas

Start by finding a franchise that aligns with your strengths and values. Use websites like to search for eco-friendly franchises.

Starting a franchise typically involves paying a franchise fee. It is best to read books written by authors with franchise experience before spending money. 

For example, the books below are written by Rick Bisio and Scott Greenberg . Both authors have owned successful franchises and are sharing their real-world experiences.

The Educated Franchisee  

The Educated Franchisee Book Cover

The Wealthy Franchisee

The Wealthy Franchisee Book Cover

5. Create an Online Course

Do you have something to teach the world? It could be something related to your career or perhaps a hobby that you are passionate about.

Millions of people use online courses to learn at their own pace.

With the resources available today, anyone can think of an idea, create a course and start selling it online!

Create an Online Course

Low Carbon Footprint

Offering an online course via a platform such as Udemy  or  Skillshare   is a great green business idea.

You have access to millions of users and you can create a course from the comfort of your home without worrying about physical products or transportation.

How to Get Started - Tips & Resources

First, analyze your strengths and interests to determine what type of course you could sell. There are tons of courses on Udemy related to gardening, health and wellness, fitness, music, gaming, cooking and more. 

Second, sign up as an instructor on a platform such as Udemy or Skillshare. Their websites offer tons of resources and support for first time creators.

Use the links below to learn how to sign up as an instructor.

6. Ink Refill Business

In a world increasingly aware of the need to reduce waste, an ink refill business stands out as a smart, eco-friendly solution. By refilling ink cartridges, you're not only saving them from landfills but also offering a cost-effective alternative to your customers.

Getting Started:

Learn the Trade : Familiarize yourself with different types of ink cartridges and the refilling process.

Set Up Shop : Find a suitable location, whether it's a small retail space or a home-based operation.

Source Quality Ink : Partner with reliable suppliers for high-quality, eco-friendly ink.

Spread the Word : Use social media and local advertising to reach out to potential customers, emphasizing the environmental and cost benefits.

This business helps in significantly reducing plastic waste and conserving the resources needed for producing new cartridges, making a positive environmental impact.

7. Composting Business

With the increasing focus on sustainable living, a composting business addresses the crucial issue of organic waste management. Turning food scraps and organic waste into nutrient-rich compost not only helps the environment but also provides a valuable product for gardening and agriculture.

For those interested in sustainable agriculture and eco friendly businesses, starting a business that connects your local farmers market with eco-friendly consumers can be a rewarding venture. This not only supports local economies but also promotes the consumption of fresh, organic produce.

Understand Composting : Educate yourself about different composting methods and find the one that suits your business model.

Set Up Your Composting Site : Choose a location that can accommodate your composting operations and is compliant with local regulations.

Build Connections : Network with local restaurants, cafes, and households to collect their organic waste.

Market Your Compost : Reach out to local farmers, gardeners, and landscaping businesses to sell your compost.

By diverting organic waste from landfills, your business reduces methane emissions and supports soil health, contributing to a more sustainable ecosystem.

8. Energy-Efficient Lighting Company

As energy conservation becomes a global priority, starting an energy-efficient lighting company puts you at the forefront of a growing market. You'll be helping customers cut down on their energy bills and reduce their carbon footprint, all while promoting a greener lifestyle.

Learn About Energy-Efficient Lighting : Gain in-depth knowledge about the latest in energy-saving lighting technology.

Source High-Quality Products : Partner with manufacturers who produce reliable, long-lasting energy-efficient lighting.

Offer Custom Solutions : Provide tailored lighting solutions to meet the specific needs of your clients, whether they're homeowners or businesses.

Educate and Market : Use your expertise to educate your customers about the benefits of energy-efficient lighting and market your products effectively.

By promoting and installing energy-efficient lighting, you're directly contributing to reduced energy consumption and helping in the fight against climate change.

9. Solar Panel Installation Service

Embracing renewable energy sources is more crucial than ever, and a solar panel installation service is at the heart of this movement. This sustainable business idea not only helps in reducing reliance on fossil fuels but also caters to the growing demand for clean energy solutions.

Gain Expertise : Learn about solar technology and installation techniques.

Certification and Licensing : Obtain necessary certifications and licenses for solar panel installation.

Build a Network : Connect with suppliers of high-quality solar panels and energy-saving panels.

Market Your Services : Reach out to the local community and businesses, highlighting the long-term savings and environmental benefits of switching to solar energy.

This service significantly reduces carbon dioxide emissions and promotes energy independence, contributing to a greener future.

10. Recycled Materials Retail

A retail business focusing on products made from recycled materials taps into a growing market of eco-conscious consumers. This sustainable business idea not only reduces waste but also promotes the circular economy.

Source Products : Find suppliers who create innovative green products from recycled materials.

Eco-Friendly Storefront : Set up a retail space that reflects sustainable practices and methods.

Online Presence : Develop an online store to reach a wider audience.

Community Engagement : Participate in local markets and environmental events to showcase your products.

Selling products made from recycled materials helps reduce waste and encourages sustainable consumer habits.

11. Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products Manufacturing

Manufacturing eco-friendly cleaning products addresses the need to reduce harmful chemicals in our homes and environment. This sustainable business idea appeals to health-conscious consumers and contributes to a safer ecosystem.

Develop Formulas : Create cleaning products using natural, non-toxic ingredients.

Sustainable Packaging : Use eco-friendly and reusable packaging for your products.

Compliance : Ensure your products meet health and safety standards.

Marketing Strategy : Educate your customers about the benefits of using eco-friendly cleaning products.

Your business helps in reducing the use of harmful chemicals and promotes healthier living spaces.

12. Sustainable Fashion Boutique

A boutique specializing in sustainable fashion meets the growing demand for environmentally friendly clothing. This business idea combines style with sustainability, using eco-friendly raw materials and ethical production methods.

Curate Collections : Source clothing made from sustainable materials.

Ethical Supply Chain : Partner with producers who adhere to fair labor practices.

Brand Storytelling : Use your platform to educate customers about sustainable fashion.

Local and Online Sales : Sell through a physical boutique and an online store.

Promoting sustainable fashion reduces the environmental impact of the textile industry and supports ethical manufacturing practices.

13. Green Landscaping Services

Offering landscaping services with a focus on sustainability and eco-friendly practices caters to homeowners and businesses looking to beautify their spaces responsibly.

Learn Sustainable Techniques : Understand eco-friendly landscaping methods, such as using drought-resistant plants and organic pest control.

Service Offerings : Develop a range of services, from garden design to maintenance, that use sustainable methods.

Community Engagement : Connect with the local community and offer services like plant delivery for those with a green thumb.

Marketing and Education : Educate your clients on the benefits of green landscaping practices.

Green landscaping services contribute to healthier ecosystems and promote biodiversity in urban areas.

14. Eco-Friendly Packaging Solutions

As the world moves towards reducing plastic waste, eco-friendly packaging solutions stand out as a crucial and innovative sustainable business idea. This venture addresses the pressing need to minimize single-use packaging and promotes the use of sustainable materials.

Research and Development : Dive into the world of sustainable materials to develop packaging solutions that are both eco-friendly and functional.

Build Partnerships : Collaborate with manufacturers who can produce your designs using recycled or biodegradable materials.

Target Market : Focus on businesses looking to transition to eco-friendly packaging, from local farmers markets to large corporations.

Educate and Market : Use your platform to educate both businesses and consumers about the benefits of sustainable packaging, emphasizing its role in reducing environmental impact.

By providing eco-friendly packaging options, you're directly contributing to the reduction of plastic waste and promoting a more sustainable approach to packaging in various industries.

15. Green Consulting Firm

A green consulting firm plays a pivotal role in helping businesses transition to more sustainable practices. This idea caters to the growing number of companies looking to reduce their carbon footprint and implement eco-friendly business models.

Expertise in Sustainability : Gain knowledge in areas like energy efficiency, sustainable methods, and green business models.

Networking : Build connections with eco-friendly companies and environmental organizations.

Service Offerings : Offer a range of consulting services, from helping businesses implement energy-saving panels and appliances to advising on sustainable construction materials.

Promote Your Services : Reach out to businesses in your local community and beyond, showcasing how adopting green practices can save energy and foster a positive public image.

Your firm will be instrumental in reducing carbon dioxide emissions and promoting sustainable growth across various sectors.

Embarking on a sustainable business journey is more than just a career choice; it's a commitment to a healthier planet and a more conscious way of living. Whether it's through offering eco-friendly packaging solutions, consulting businesses on green practices, or any of the other ideas we've explored, each of these ventures represents a step towards a more sustainable future.

As you consider these options, remember that your decision to start such a business isn't just about profit – it's about making a tangible difference in the world. The path to a greener future is paved with innovative ideas and the courage to implement them. 

Are you ready to become an eco-friendly entrepreneur? Let us know which green business ideas you are starting in the comments below!

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About the Author Staff Writer

Our writers come from all over the world, but one thing unites them - their passion for sustainability.

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60+ Green & Sustainable Business Ideas with Examples


The importance of sustainable and environmentally conscious practices cannot be overstated with the increasing global warming, carbon emissions, and pollution. As the global community increasingly recognizes the urgent need for action, eco-minded entrepreneurs (Ecopreneur or Eco-Entrepreneur) have a unique opportunity to make a positive impact while building successful businesses.

According to the data , the global green technology and sustainability market is projected to experience significant growth from 2021 to 2030. Starting at approximately 35.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2021, this market is expected to reach a peak of 417.35 billion U.S. dollars by 2030. This represents a compound annual growth rate of 21.6% between 2022 and 2030.

From promoting sustainable fashion to offering renewable energy solutions, there is a wide range of green and sustainabile business ideas that cater to diverse markets and consumer demands at the same time reducing the carbon footprints . In this article, we will explore more than 60 innovative and eco-friendly business ideas with examples for entrepreneurs who are passionate about creating a greener future.

1. Resale shop:

Open an online or physical store to sell second-hand clothing and promote sustainable fashion.

Opening an online or physical resale shop allows you to sell second-hand clothing and promote sustainable fashion. By extending the lifecycle of garments, you contribute to reducing the environmental impact of the fashion industry while offering affordable and stylish options to consumers.

“Second Chance Style” is an online resale shop that curates a collection of gently used, high-quality clothing for men, women, and children. They promote sustainable fashion by encouraging customers to choose pre-loved items, reducing the demand for new clothing production.

2. Tailoring:

Provide custom-made, quality clothing that fits correctly, promotes longer garment lifecycles, and reduces returns.

Providing custom-made, quality clothing that fits correctly not only enhances customer satisfaction but also promotes longer garment lifecycles and reduces returns. By offering tailoring services, you encourage consumers to invest in clothing that can be adjusted and enjoyed for years to come.

“Perfect Fit Tailors” specializes in creating custom garments that are meticulously crafted to suit each customer’s unique measurements and style preferences. Their commitment to quality and durability promotes sustainable fashion by discouraging fast fashion trends.

3. Bicycle repair:

Repair and refurbish bicycles to promote cycling as a sustainable mode of transportation.

Repairing and refurbishing bicycles is a great way to promote cycling as a sustainable mode of transportation. By offering affordable repair services, you encourage people to keep their bikes in good condition, extending their lifespan and reducing the need for new bicycle production.

“CycleRevive” is a community-focused bicycle repair shop that offers professional repairs, tune-ups, and maintenance services. They also organize workshops to teach bike owners basic repair skills, empowering them to take care of their bikes and minimize waste.

4. Urban gardening:

Grow and sell local and organic food, such as homemade spices, sauces, and canned goods.

Urban gardening provides an opportunity to grow and sell local and organic food, such as homemade spices, sauces, and canned goods. By cultivating food in urban areas, you reduce the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation and promote sustainable, healthy eating.

“UrbanHarvest” is an urban gardening initiative that transforms vacant city lots into thriving vegetable gardens. They sell their produce at local farmers markets, supporting the local community while promoting sustainable food production.

5. Native landscaping:

Launch an eco-friendly landscaping business that focuses on native plants, biodiversity, and water and energy conservation.

Launching an eco-friendly landscaping business that focuses on native plants, biodiversity, and water and energy conservation can have a significant positive impact on the environment. By designing landscapes that require minimal maintenance and support local ecosystems, you contribute to biodiversity preservation.

“EarthWise Landscapes” specializes in creating sustainable landscapes using native plants that require less water and maintenance. Their designs prioritize ecological balance, reducing the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

6. Local floristry:

Use locally grown and seasonal flowers for arrangements to support the local ecosystem and reduce carbon emissions.

Using locally grown and seasonal flowers for arrangements supports the local ecosystem and reduces carbon emissions associated with long-distance transportation. By promoting locally sourced blooms, you provide customers with fresh and sustainable floral options.

“Blossom & Bloom” is a local florist that collaborates with nearby flower farms to create beautiful arrangements using seasonal flowers. By sourcing locally, they minimize the environmental impact of their business and support the local economy.

7. Herbal products:

Grow and sell healing herbs to create holistic products like teas, spices, and bath salts.

Growing and selling healing herbs to create holistic products like teas, spices, and bath salts offers consumers natural alternatives while promoting sustainable agriculture. By cultivating herbs organically, you contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and reduce reliance on chemical-laden products.

“HerbalHeal” is a small-scale herb farm that produces organic herbs for their line of teas, spices, and bath products. Their commitment to sustainable farming practices ensures the highest quality products while minimizing environmental impact.

8. Small-space gardening tools:

Design and sell innovative gardening tools and systems for urban dwellers with limited space.

Designing and selling innovative gardening tools and systems for urban dwellers with limited space allows individuals to engage in sustainable gardening practices. By providing space-saving solutions, you empower urban residents to grow their own food and connect with nature.

“GreenThumb Solutions” specializes in compact and efficient gardening tools specifically designed for small urban spaces. Their vertical gardening systems and portable containers enable anyone to enjoy the benefits of gardening, regardless of their living situation.

9. Nursery and plant delivery:

Open a local nursery and sell plants, partnering with other businesses or selling directly to households.

Opening a local nursery and selling plants, either by partnering with other businesses or selling directly to households, encourages green spaces and sustainable gardening practices. By offering convenient plant delivery services, you make it easier for individuals to access locally grown plants.

“GreenHaven Nursery” is a local plant nursery that not only provides a wide selection of native plants but also offers delivery services to customers’ doorsteps. By sourcing from local growers, they support the community and promote sustainable landscaping.

10. Beekeeping:

Keep bees to produce and sell local honey, beeswax, and related products.

Keeping bees to produce and sell local honey, beeswax, and related products contributes to the preservation of pollinators while offering sustainable and natural alternatives to consumers. By supporting bee populations, you play a vital role in maintaining biodiversity and promoting food security.

“SweetBuzz Apiaries” is a family-owned beekeeping business that produces and sells local honey, beeswax candles, and skincare products. Their commitment to sustainable beekeeping practices ensures the health and vitality of their bees while providing customers with pure and natural products.

11. Organic beauty products:

Create and sell organic and natural beauty products free from harmful additives.

Creating and selling organic and natural beauty products that are free from harmful additives satisfies the growing demand for sustainable and safe alternatives. By using ethically sourced ingredients, you promote eco-conscious beauty routines and support fair trade practices.

“PureGlow Organics” is a skincare brand that formulates all-natural products using organic botanicals and plant-based ingredients. Their commitment to sustainability extends to their packaging, which is made from recycled materials and is fully recyclable.

12. Green cleaning:

Start a cleaning company or make your natural cleaning products with minimal waste.

Starting a cleaning company or making your own natural cleaning products with minimal waste allows you to offer eco-friendly cleaning solutions. By using non-toxic and biodegradable ingredients, you minimize environmental harm while providing a healthier living environment for clients.

“EcoSpark Cleaners” is a cleaning company that specializes in eco-friendly cleaning practices. They use plant-based and non-toxic cleaning products, reducing the exposure to harmful chemicals while leaving homes and offices sparkling clean.

13. Eco-friendly dry cleaning:

Upgrade a traditional dry cleaning business by using non-toxic chemicals, responsible handling, and recyclable packaging.

Upgrading a traditional dry cleaning business by using non-toxic chemicals, responsible handling, and recyclable packaging helps minimize the environmental impact of the garment care industry. By adopting eco-friendly practices, you provide customers with a greener alternative for their dry cleaning needs.

“GreenEarth Cleaners” is a dry cleaning business that utilizes an environmentally safe and non-toxic cleaning process. Their commitment to sustainability extends to their packaging, which is made from recycled materials and can be recycled after use.

14. Sustainable car wash:

Start a car wash that uses controlled water usage, proper wastewater disposal, and eco-friendly practices.

Starting a car wash that uses controlled water usage, proper wastewater disposal, and eco-friendly practices reduces the environmental impact of car maintenance. By offering water-efficient cleaning methods and using biodegradable cleaning agents, you contribute to water conservation efforts.

“EcoShine Car Wash” is a sustainable car wash that employs water recycling systems and biodegradable cleaning products. They also utilize low-flow pressure washers and employ trained staff to minimize water wastage.

15. Sustainable household alternatives:

Create and sell sustainable alternatives to everyday items like cotton rounds, paper towels, and produce bags.

Creating and selling sustainable alternatives to everyday items like cotton rounds, paper towels, and produce bags encourages waste reduction and promotes eco-conscious consumer choices. By offering reusable and eco-friendly alternatives, you contribute to reducing single-use plastic waste.

“GreenLiving Essentials” is an online store that specializes in sustainable household products. They offer reusable cotton rounds, bamboo paper towels, and mesh produce bags, empowering customers to make environmentally responsible choices in their daily lives.

16. Second-hand store:

Open a store, online or physical, to sell second-hand goods and reduce waste.

Opening a store, either online or physical, to sell second-hand goods not only reduces waste but also provides affordable options for conscious consumers. By extending the lifecycle of products, you contribute to the circular economy and promote sustainable consumption.

“ReNewed Treasures” is a physical store that curates a collection of high-quality second-hand items, including clothing, furniture, and electronics. By giving pre-loved items a new home, they encourage customers to embrace sustainable shopping habits.

17. Furniture refurbishing:

Refurbish and sell old furniture to give it new life and reduce landfill waste.

Refurbishing and selling old furniture gives new life to discarded items and helps reduce landfill waste. By restoring and upcycling furniture, you contribute to sustainable consumption practices and offer unique and eco-friendly pieces to customers.

“ReImagined Furniture” is a furniture refurbishing business that specializes in transforming old and worn-out furniture into stylish and functional pieces. By using environmentally friendly paints and finishes, they ensure that each piece has minimal impact on the environment.

18. Sustainable event planning:

Plan events with a focus on reducing waste, using eco-friendly decor, and serving local and seasonal food.

Planning events with a focus on reducing waste, using eco-friendly decor, and serving local and seasonal food helps minimize the environmental footprint of gatherings. By offering sustainable event planning services, you provide clients with memorable experiences that align with their values.

“GreenGather Events” is an event planning company that specializes in sustainable and eco-friendly events. They prioritize waste reduction by using compostable or reusable serving ware, sourcing local and seasonal food, and implementing recycling and composting programs.

19. Green catering:

Cater events using compostable or reusable serving ware, local and seasonal food, and waste reduction practices.

Catering events using compostable or reusable serving ware, local and seasonal food, and waste reduction practices minimizes the environmental impact of food service. By offering green catering services, you provide clients with delicious and sustainable options for their events.

“EcoFeast Catering” is a catering company that focuses on eco-friendly practices. They use compostable serving ware, source ingredients from local farmers, and implement food waste reduction strategies, ensuring that each event they cater is both memorable and sustainable.

20. Eco-friendly meal delivery:

Deliver locally produced meals to reduce packaging waste and carbon emissions.

Delivering locally produced meals reduces packaging waste and carbon emissions associated with food transportation. By providing convenient and sustainable meal options, you offer customers a greener alternative to traditional food delivery services.

“GreenBites Delivery” is a meal delivery service that partners with local farmers and food producers to create delicious and sustainably sourced meals. They use eco-friendly packaging materials and implement efficient delivery routes to minimize their carbon footprint.

21. Sustainable food establishment:

Open a restaurant that serves vegan or locally sourced organic food, reduces food waste, and conserves energy.

Opening a restaurant that serves vegan or locally sourced organic food, reduces food waste, and conserves energy allows you to promote sustainable eating habits. By providing customers with delicious and environmentally conscious dining experiences, you contribute to a greener food industry.

“EcoCuisine Bistro” is a restaurant that specializes in vegan and locally sourced organic dishes. They implement sustainable practices such as composting food waste, utilizing energy-efficient appliances, and prioritizing seasonal ingredients, offering customers a guilt-free dining experience.

22. Food waste composting:

Collect food waste from local businesses and households to sell nutrient-rich compost.

Collecting food waste from local businesses and households to produce nutrient-rich compost for sale helps divert organic waste from landfills. By offering composting services, you contribute to closing the food waste loop and promoting sustainable soil practices.

“EcoCycle Compost” is a food waste collection service that partners with local restaurants, cafes, and residents to collect and compost organic waste. They transform food scraps into nutrient-rich compost, which they sell to gardeners and farmers, promoting sustainable soil health.

23. Smart home appliance installation:

Help homeowners install energy-efficient smart appliances to reduce energy and water consumption.

Developing and implementing innovative green technologies, such as energy-efficient appliances or smart home systems, helps individuals and businesses reduce their environmental footprint. By offering green technology solutions, you contribute to a more sustainable and resource-efficient future.

“EcoTech Innovations” is a technology company that specializes in developing energy-efficient solutions for homes and businesses. They design smart home systems that optimize energy use, offer efficient appliances, and provide customized solutions for reducing water consumption, helping clients embrace sustainable living.

24. Renewable energy support:

Provide installation or consultation services for renewable energy systems like solar panels or wind turbines.

With the world’s increasing demand for energy and the negative environmental impact of fossil fuels, renewable energy solutions have gained significant traction. Entrepreneurs can explore various opportunities in this sector, such as solar power installation, wind energy farms, or even manufacturing and distributing energy-efficient products. By providing clean and renewable energy alternatives, entrepreneurs can contribute to reducing carbon emissions and creating a greener future.

“SolarCity” (now part of Tesla) revolutionized the solar power industry by offering affordable solar panel installations to homeowners. Their innovative business model made it easier for individuals to adopt renewable energy, leading to widespread adoption and a positive environmental impact.

25. Ink refill business:

Offer ink cartridge refilling services to reduce waste from disposable cartridges.

Starting an ink-refill business can not only be a highly profitable decision, it can be an environmentally conscious one, too. You might question whether refilling ink cartridges truly helps the environment considering the amount of paper that is wasted each year. However, by reusing old ink cartridges, there is less nonbiodegradable waste accumulating in landfills. Paper is still necessary in the business world, but empty ink containers are not.

26. Sustainable Packaging:

Designing and manufacturing sustainable packaging solutions, such as biodegradable or compostable materials, helps reduce plastic waste and promote eco-friendly shipping practices. By offering sustainable packaging options, you provide businesses with greener alternatives for their products.

“EcoPack Solutions” is a packaging company that specializes in eco-friendly packaging materials. They offer biodegradable and compostable options made from renewable resources, helping businesses reduce their environmental impact while ensuring product protection.

27. Renewable Energy Solutions:

Offering renewable energy solutions, such as solar panel installation or wind turbine consulting, helps transition communities to clean energy sources. By promoting renewable energy adoption, you contribute to reducing reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating climate change.

“EcoPower Solutions” is a renewable energy company that provides solar panel installation and consultation services to residential and commercial clients. They help customers harness the power of the sun, reducing carbon emissions and energy costs.

28. Energy Efficiency Consulting:

Assisting businesses and households in identifying energy-saving opportunities and implementing efficient practices helps reduce energy consumption and lower carbon footprints. By offering energy efficiency consulting services, you help clients save money and contribute to a more sustainable future.

“Greener Solutions Consulting” is an energy efficiency consultancy that works with businesses and homeowners to optimize energy use and reduce waste. They provide tailored recommendations and guidance on energy-efficient appliances, lighting, and insulation, helping clients save energy and money.

29. Sustainable Architecture:

Designing sustainable buildings that prioritize energy efficiency, renewable materials, and green spaces helps reduce the environmental impact of the construction industry. By creating eco-friendly architectural designs, you contribute to sustainable urban development.

“GreenSpace Architects” is an architectural firm that specializes in sustainable design practices. They prioritize energy-efficient building materials, passive heating and cooling systems, and green roofs, creating buildings that blend harmoniously with the environment.

30. Green Building Materials:

Producing and selling eco-friendly building materials, such as recycled or sustainably sourced wood, reduces the environmental impact of construction projects. By offering greener alternatives, you provide builders with sustainable options and contribute to the green building movement.

“EcoBuild Supplies” is a supplier of sustainable building materials, including reclaimed wood, recycled metal, and low VOC paints. They prioritize materials with high environmental certifications, helping builders create eco-friendly structures.

31. Water Conservation Systems:

Installing water-saving systems, such as rainwater harvesting systems or greywater recycling, helps conserve water resources and reduce reliance on municipal water supplies. By offering water conservation solutions, you contribute to sustainable water management practices.

“WaterWise Solutions” is a company that specializes in water conservation systems for residential and commercial properties. They install rainwater harvesting systems, greywater recycling systems, and efficient irrigation solutions, helping clients minimize water waste.

32. Eco-Friendly Pest Control:

Providing pest control services using environmentally friendly methods and non-toxic pest deterrents helps protect ecosystems and minimize harm to beneficial insects. By offering eco-friendly pest control options, you provide customers with effective solutions that prioritize environmental stewardship.

“GreenGuard Pest Solutions” is a pest control company that utilizes eco-friendly pest management practices. They employ integrated pest management techniques, focusing on prevention and using non-toxic treatments to control pests without harming the environment.

33. Sustainable Flooring:

Installing eco-friendly flooring options, such as bamboo, cork, or reclaimed wood, reduces the environmental impact of the flooring industry. By offering sustainable flooring installations, you provide customers with stylish and green alternatives for their homes and businesses.

“GreenFloors+” is a flooring company that specializes in sustainable flooring options. They offer a range of eco-friendly materials, including bamboo, cork, and recycled tiles, providing customers with durable and environmentally conscious flooring choices.

34. Environmental Education:

Establishing an environmental education center or providing educational programs and workshops on sustainability and environmental issues helps raise awareness and empower individuals to make more environmentally conscious choices. By offering educational resources, you contribute to building a more informed and environmentally responsible society.

“GreenKnowledge Institute” is an environmental education center that offers workshops, seminars, and educational materials on topics such as climate change, waste management, and conservation. They collaborate with schools, community organizations, and businesses to promote environmental literacy and empower individuals to take action.

35. Green Transportation Services:

Providing eco-friendly transportation options, such as electric vehicle (EV) rentals or bike-sharing programs, encourages sustainable mobility and reduces carbon emissions. By offering green transportation services, you contribute to creating a cleaner and more efficient transportation system.

“GreenWheels EV Rentals” is a company that specializes in electric vehicle rentals. They provide customers with affordable and convenient access to electric cars, promoting emission-free transportation and encouraging the adoption of electric vehicles.

36. Sustainable Tourism:

Developing eco-friendly tourism initiatives, such as eco-lodges or nature-based tours, promotes sustainable travel practices and fosters appreciation for the environment. By offering sustainable tourism experiences, you contribute to preserving natural habitats and supporting local communities.

“EcoVenture Tours” is a sustainable tourism company that offers guided nature tours with a focus on conservation and education. They collaborate with local conservation organizations and promote responsible travel practices, ensuring that visitors have a positive impact on the destinations they visit.

37. Green Technology Solutions:

38. sustainable fashion design:.

Creating sustainable fashion lines using ethically sourced materials, eco-friendly production processes, and fair trade practices helps revolutionize the fashion industry and promote responsible consumption. By offering sustainable fashion options, you contribute to reducing the environmental and social impacts of the fashion industry.

“GreenThreads Fashion” is a sustainable fashion brand that prioritizes eco-friendly materials, such as organic cotton or recycled fabrics. They work with fair trade suppliers and employ ethical production practices, offering stylish and sustainable clothing options to conscious consumers.

39. Waste Reduction Consulting:

Providing waste reduction consulting services to businesses and organizations helps identify opportunities for waste minimization, recycling, and circular economy strategies. By offering waste reduction solutions, you contribute to a more resource-efficient and sustainable business environment.

“WasteLess Consulting” is a waste management consultancy that helps businesses develop waste reduction strategies. They conduct waste audits, implement recycling programs, and advise on sustainable packaging and supply chain practices, helping clients optimize their waste management processes.

40. Sustainable Interior Design:

Creating sustainable and eco-friendly interior design solutions promotes healthier living spaces and reduces the environmental impact of the construction and design industry. By offering sustainable interior design services, you help clients create spaces that are both aesthetically pleasing and environmentally responsible.

“GreenSpace Interiors” is an interior design firm that specializes in sustainable design practices. They source eco-friendly materials, incorporate energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems, and focus on natural and toxin-free finishes, creating spaces that prioritize health and sustainability.

41. Green Data Management:

Offering green data management services, such as cloud computing or data center optimization, helps businesses reduce their energy consumption and carbon emissions associated with information technology. By providing green data management solutions, you contribute to a more sustainable and energy-efficient digital infrastructure.

“EcoData Solutions” is a company that offers environmentally friendly data management services. They use energy-efficient servers, employ virtualization technologies to optimize data center resources, and leverage renewable energy sources, helping businesses reduce their environmental impact while ensuring data security and accessibility.

42. Sustainable Packaging Design:

Developing sustainable packaging solutions, such as biodegradable materials or reusable packaging systems, helps reduce waste and promote a circular economy. By offering sustainable packaging design services, you contribute to minimizing the environmental impact of product packaging.

“GreenPack Solutions” is a packaging design company that specializes in sustainable packaging solutions. They work with clients to develop eco-friendly packaging designs, utilizing materials that are recyclable, compostable, or made from renewable resources, providing a more sustainable alternative to traditional packaging.

43. Green Supply Chain Management:

Assisting businesses in implementing green supply chain practices, such as sourcing from local and sustainable suppliers or optimizing transportation logistics, helps reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable business operations. By offering green supply chain management services, you contribute to a more sustainable and resilient global supply network.

“EcoChain Solutions” is a consultancy firm that focuses on green supply chain management. They help businesses identify opportunities for sustainability improvements throughout their supply chain, such as reducing packaging waste, implementing reverse logistics for product returns, and optimizing transportation routes, enabling clients to achieve a more sustainable and efficient supply chain.

Similarly, the remaining ideas are listed below:

44. Environmental publications:

Publish magazines, books, or digital content focused on environmental topics.

45. Green finance:

Provide financial services and investments that support environmentally sustainable initiatives.

46. Eco-friendly retail:

Establish a retail business that exclusively sells eco-friendly and sustainable products.

47. Sustainable construction materials:

Produce and sell construction materials that are environmentally friendly and energy-efficient.

48. Organic catering:

Offer catering services using organic and locally sourced ingredients.

49. Eco-friendly beauty salon:

Run a beauty salon that uses natural and eco-friendly products and practices.

50. Eco-friendly landscaping:

Provide landscaping services that prioritize eco-friendly practices and use sustainable materials.

51. Sustainable event planning:

Plan and organize events focusing on minimizing environmental impact and promoting sustainability.

52. Bicycle repair and refurbishment:

Offer repair and refurbishment services for bicycles, encouraging their reuse and reducing waste.

53. Handmade all-natural/organic products:

Create and sell handmade products using all-natural and organic ingredients.

54. Eco-consulting:

Provide consulting services to businesses and individuals on adopting sustainable practices.

55. Farmers Market vendor:

Sell locally grown and organic produce, food products, or handmade goods at farmers’ markets.

56. Green housekeeping services:

Offer housekeeping services that use environmentally friendly cleaning products and practices.

57. ‘Upcycled’ furniture:

Create unique furniture pieces by upcycling or repurposing materials.

58. Green franchises:

Invest in or establish franchises that focus on sustainable and environmentally friendly business practices.

59. Green consulting:

Provide specialized consulting services to businesses looking to improve their environmental impact and sustainability.

60. Solar panel installation:

Install solar panel systems to help individuals and businesses generate clean and renewable energy.

61. Eco-friendly cleaning:

Offer cleaning services that use environmentally friendly and non-toxic cleaning products.

62. Reusable plastic bottles:

Design, manufacture, and sell reusable plastic bottles as an alternative to single-use plastic bottles.

63. Environmental impact and carbon emissions lessons:

Provide educational programs or workshops on understanding and reducing environmental impact and carbon emissions.

64. Local eco-friendly recycling business:

Start a recycling business that focuses on local communities and encourages responsible waste management.

65. Green infopreneur:

Create and monetize a blog, podcast, or YouTube channel focused on green living, sustainability, and environmental topics.

66. Publishing green news and content on sustainability:

Establish an online platform or publication that provides news, articles, and resources on sustainability and environmental issues.


These diverse green, sustainable, and ecopreneurship business ideas provide a glimpse into the broad range of opportunities available for eco-minded entrepreneurs. Whether you are passionate about sustainable fashion, renewable energy, or waste reduction, there is a niche waiting to be explored. By combining innovation, sustainability, and business acumen, you can make a positive impact on the planet while creating a successful and socially responsible enterprise. Embrace the possibilities, pursue your passion, and join the growing movement of businesses that prioritize the well-being of both people and the planet. Together, we can create a greener and more sustainable future.

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Anuj holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, a Master of Science in Energy System Planning, and a Master's degree in Economics. He is currently pursuing a PhD at Kyoto University, researching climate change mitigation strategies. His areas of interest include startups, business, finance, and sustainability.

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24 Profitable Green Business Ideas for the Eco-Friendly Entrepreneur

Are you passionate about sustainability and looking to make a positive impact on the planet while earning a profit? If so, you’re in the right place! Today, we’ll explore the top 24 green business ideas to help you build a successful and environmentally friendly enterprise. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or an existing business owner, these ideas will inspire you to tap into the growing market of sustainable solutions.

With the increasing awareness of climate change and the urgent need to reduce our carbon footprint, green businesses are gaining significant traction. People actively seek eco-friendly alternatives, making it a prime time to launch a green venture. From renewable energy solutions and rising eco-tourism rates to organic farming and upcycling, countless opportunities exist to align your environmental passion with a profitable business endeavor.

In this comprehensive list, we have curated the most promising green business ideas across various industries, providing you with a wide range of options to explore. Whether you’re interested in starting a small-scale local venture or aiming for a larger impact on a global scale, there’s a green business idea for you.

Are you ready to leave a green footprint on the entrepreneurial landscape? 

Let’s dive right in!

What Is a Green Business?

A green business is an enterprise that operates with a deep commitment to minimizing its negative impact on the environment and promoting sustainability. Green businesses aim to integrate environmentally responsible practices into their operations, products, and services, considering their actions’ long-term ecological and social implications.

The core of green business ideas recognizes that economic success does not have to come at the expense of the environment. Instead, these businesses strive to find innovative ways to reduce resource consumption, minimize waste generation, and lower their carbon footprint. They adopt energy-efficient technologies, implement recycling and waste reduction programs, and source sustainable materials to preserve natural resources.

green businessperson with hands around a green globe.

Green businesses take a holistic approach to sustainability, considering not only its environmental impact but also the social and economic aspects. They seek to create a positive and equitable work environment for employees, embracing fair labor practices, promoting diversity and inclusion, and fostering employee well-being. Additionally, green businesses often prioritize local sourcing and support local communities to contribute to a more resilient and sustainable economy.

24 Green Business Ideas To Foster a More Environmentally Conscious Income Stream

With 65% of Americans preferring sustainable brands , the future of green entrepreneurship is promising. Let’s uncover 24 green business ideas that can make a positive impact on the planet while earning you some cash in the process.

1. Ink Refill Business

The printing industry remains resilient in the digital era, offering an immense opportunity for the eco-conscious entrepreneur. An ink refill business taps into this sector by providing an environmentally friendly solution to the disposal of plastic print cartridges, which otherwise contribute to significant pollution. 

You can specialize in cartridge refilling to minimize waste and provide cost-effective services. This green business idea aligns with sustainability and reducing carbon footprint, benefiting you economically (with a decent ROI) and environmentally (by promoting recycling).

Join the green brigade and make a profitable and planet-friendly impact in the printing industry.

2. Environmental Publications

The market for environmental publications is rapidly expanding, driven by a growing number of readers interested in sustainable living, eco-friendly tips, climate change news, and environmental studies. 

Launching a green publication business can be profitable and fulfilling while also educating the public about pressing ecological matters. Environmental content attracts eco-enthusiasts and aspiring entrepreneurs, covering topics like reducing carbon footprint, innovative environmentally friendly business practices, and sustainable brand reviews. 

Opting for digital publishing aligns with the green business model. This opportunity extends beyond magazines and newspapers to include e-books and extensive research reports on sustainability issues in specific industries. 

3. Green Finance

Green finance presents a lucrative and eco-friendly entrepreneurship opportunity if you’re interested in the financial sector. This venture involves funding projects with positive environmental impacts, such as renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and waste management ventures. 

Green finance not only contributes to environmental conservation but also offers attractive returns due to increasing demand. 

Launching a green finance venture requires thorough research into profitable green initiatives, ranging from financing residential solar installations to participating in large-scale wind power projects and other environmentally conscious businesses. 

4. Eco-Friendly Retail

Eco-friendly retail is a thriving industry that merges conscious consumerism with sustainable business practices. You can capitalize on the growing demand for eco-friendly products in this market by offering a range of environmentally conscious items. 

Retail items you can offer include organic clothing, zero-waste household goods, and sustainably sourced accessories. 

This green business idea presents a significant opportunity if you’re interested in selling sustainable products. However, successful eco-friendly retail businesses go beyond product selection; they embrace sustainability throughout their operations. Adopting energy-efficient lighting, recycled packaging, local suppliers, and waste reduction strategies demonstrate a commitment to sustainability. 

By combining ethical values with sound business strategies, you can make a positive environmental impact while achieving financial success. If you’re passionate about preserving the planet and running a thriving business, eco-friendly retail may be your ideal entrepreneurial path.

5. Sustainable Construction Materials

Sustainable construction materials are gaining popularity in the building industry for their environmental benefits and long-term cost savings. Materials like recycled steel, reclaimed wood, and energy-efficient insulation provide a greener alternative to traditional construction methods. 

For example, bamboo is a renewable resource known for its fast growth and durability, suitable for flooring, cabinets, and structural elements.

RELATED : Trendy or Eco-Friendly? The Truth About Biodegradable Bamboo

green construction material infographic.

Recycled concrete, or “green concrete,” minimizes the need for new aggregate materials and reduces landfill waste. Incorporating sustainable materials not only meets the demand for eco-friendly structures but also saves on energy costs. 

Consumers increasingly prioritize sustainability, creating a thriving market for sustainable construction solutions. By focusing on eco-conscious construction materials, you can contribute to environmental conservation and tap into this growing demand.

6. Organic Catering

Organic catering is an ideal green business idea that can make a positive impact on the environment and people’s health. By utilizing organic, locally sourced ingredients, you can provide delicious meals while reducing your carbon footprint. 

With growing consumer demand for healthy and sustainable food options , organic catering presents a profitable opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs. By implementing sustainable practices such as composting and recycling food scraps, you’ll actively contribute to a more sustainable future. 

This eco-conscious approach attracts customers who prioritize sustainability while seeking out healthy alternatives without compromising taste or quality. Launching an organic catering business offers significant prospects in the thriving market of conscious eating, making it a personally and financially fulfilling endeavor if you’re passionate about promoting sustainability through food.

7. Eco-Friendly Beauty Salon

Eco-friendly beauty salons are gaining traction among eco-enthusiasts and entrepreneurs searching for green business ideas. These salons offer a range of eco-conscious services like organic hair care, natural skincare treatments, and non-toxic nail services. 

By using environmentally friendly products and following sustainable practices, your salon would aim to minimize its ecological footprint while providing a serene and healthy atmosphere for your clients. 

You can prioritize energy efficiency through LED lighting, low-flow water fixtures, and renewable energy sources like solar panels. Leverage waste reduction initiatives like recycling programs and using biodegradable or compostable materials. 

The demand for eco-friendly beauty options is rising as consumers become more aware of harmful chemicals in conventional salon products. By offering safer alternatives free from toxic ingredients like parabens and sulfates , your salon can cater to health-conscious customers. 

Now is the time to tap into this expanding market segment while making a positive impact across the board.

8. Eco-Friendly Landscaping

Eco-friendly landscaping is a thriving sector in the green business industry, and you can be part of it. By adopting sustainable practices and materials, you can create stunning outdoor spaces while minimizing environmental impact. 

Offer services like organic lawn care, water-efficient irrigation systems , and native plant installations to prioritize sustainability. Adding solar-powered lighting further reduces carbon footprints. 

The market for eco-friendly landscaping is rapidly growing as more people value environmental conservation and sustainable living. You can establish a successful venture in eco-friendly landscaping with proper research, permits, and certifications. 

By providing high-quality services that align with customers’ values and concerns, you’ll find profitability and positively impact our planet’s well-being.

9. Sustainable Event Planning

Are you interested in a thriving business that caters to the growing demand for eco-conscious events? Sustainable event planning is the answer. As we all strive towards a greener future, individuals and businesses actively seek sustainable alternatives for hosting their events. 

As a sustainable event planner, you focus on reducing waste, conserving energy, and promoting environmentally friendly practices throughout the event. Incorporate green initiatives to create memorable experiences while minimizing the environmental impact. These could include:

  • Using biodegradable or reusable materials
  • Sourcing locally grown organic food and beverages
  • Implementing energy-efficient lighting and transportation options
  • Encouraging recycling and composting

Not only does sustainable event planning contribute to a healthier planet, but it also offers profitable opportunities in the events industry. With an increasing awareness of sustainability issues, there is a growing market for eco-friendly events. 

By tapping into this market niche and offering innovative solutions that align with customers’ values, you can establish yourself as a leader in the field of sustainable event planning.

10. Bicycle Repair and Refurbishing

Are you passionate about sustainability and have a love for bicycles? If so, starting a bicycle repair and refurbishing business is perfect for you. As more people embrace eco-friendly transportation options, the demand for bike repair services rises. 

By providing high-quality repairs and refurbishments, you can extend the lifespan of bikes, reduce waste, and contribute to a cleaner environment. This environmentally conscious business idea also holds great profit potential, as bicycles are popular for personal transportation, tourism, and fitness industries. 

man repairing a bicycle.

Implementing effective marketing strategies and delivering excellent customer service will attract both loyal customers seeking reliable repairs and tourists looking to rent or purchase bikes. To succeed in this niche market, stay updated on the latest biking technologies and techniques. 

Investing time in learning new skills will enable you to provide top-notch services that effectively meet your clients’ needs. If you have a knack for fixing things and a passion for sustainable living, consider launching your own bicycle repair and refurbishing business.

11. Handmade All-Natural/Organic Products

Are you looking for popular green business ideas? Consider creating and selling handmade all-natural/organic products. With the increasing demand for eco-friendly alternatives, you can tap into this market by offering high-quality, sustainable, and chemical-free options. 

These products encompass a wide range, including skin care items, home cleaning supplies, candles, and clothing. By using natural ingredients sourced from local organic farms or suppliers, you provide healthier alternatives and support sustainable agriculture.

Consumers are increasingly aware of harmful chemicals in mass-produced goods. By offering handmade all-natural/organic products, you cater to eco-minded customers, promote a healthier lifestyle, and reduce your carbon footprint.

Not only are these businesses environmentally friendly and beneficial for personal well-being, but they also hold great profit potential. As sustainability becomes a priority for many consumers, sales of all-natural/organic products continue to rise. This presents an excellent opportunity to make a positive impact on the planet while growing your business. 

12. Eco-Consulting

Eco-consultants provide valuable expertise and guidance to businesses or individuals aiming to reduce their environmental impact. 

By assessing their practices and suggesting sustainable alternatives, you help them save money while making a positive difference. With the growing demand for green solutions, eco-consulting offers significant profit potential. 

Offering knowledge on carbon footprint reduction and environmentally friendly business practices can position you as an expert in this expanding niche. To succeed, conduct thorough market research, create a solid business strategy, and obtain necessary licenses and permits. 

Remember, incorporating sustainable practices into your own business sets an example while aligning with your values. Eco-consulting is both ethically rewarding and financially lucrative. With the right skills and dedication, you can make a meaningful impact on the planet and your bottom line by helping businesses go green.

13. Farmers Market Vendor

Becoming a farmer’s market vendor is an eco-friendly and profitable venture for aspiring entrepreneurs. With the increasing demand for local, organic, and sustainable food, this opportunity can be rewarding for you. 

You can meet the growing consumer preference for healthy and environmentally friendly choices by selling fresh produce and homemade goods like jams or honey. 

Engaging directly with customers and building trust within your dynamic community atmosphere is crucial for success. Focus on quality products sourced sustainably, such as organic farming or partnering with local eco-friendly farms, to appeal to eco-enthusiasts and protect the environment. 

Join this sustainable entrepreneurship trend, provide fresh and ethical food options to your community, and achieve financial success while promoting eco-conscious living.

14. Green Housekeeping Services

If you’re passionate about sustainability and cleanliness, consider starting a green housekeeping service. By providing green cleaning solutions, you can help individuals and businesses minimize their environmental impact while maintaining a clean and healthy living or working space. 

Opt for environmentally friendly cleaning products to improve air quality and reduce allergies and respiratory issues. Implement energy-saving techniques like utilizing natural light, and offer recycling programs for proper waste management. 

As the demand for eco-conscious living grows, these services are increasingly popular, attracting customers who value environmental preservation. 

Stand out from competitors by incorporating sustainable practices and conducting thorough market research. Starting a green housekeeping service allows you to make a positive impact on the planet while running a profitable enterprise.

15. Upcycled Furniture

Do you have a creative flair to you? If so, consider starting an upcycled furniture business! By repurposing old or discarded furniture, you can give new life to items that would otherwise end up in landfills. 

This environmentally friendly approach reduces waste and provides unique pieces of furniture. The demand for upcycled furniture is growing as more people embrace sustainable living. You can source materials from thrift stores, yard sales, or online listings. 

You can attract eco-conscious consumers with the right design skills and marketing strategy. Incorporating sustainable practices like non-toxic finishes or natural dyes will further differentiate your brand. 

Conduct market research, develop creative designs, and utilize social media or an online store to reach a wider customer base. This green business idea has the potential to be both financially rewarding and environmentally impactful.

RELATED: From Junk to Joy: Discover the Magic of Upcycling With These Unique Tips

boots as upcycled flowerpots.

16. Green Franchises

Green franchises cover various industries like organic food, sustainable clothing, renewable energy, and eco-friendly cleaning services. 

A major benefit is that you’ll join a proven business model while contributing to environmental conservation. The demand for sustainable products and services has led to remarkable growth in green franchises. By joining one, you’ll leverage brand recognition and marketing support to make a positive impact. 

Here are a few viable franchising options to consider:

  • Freshii : A franchise that offers fast-casual dining focusing on fresh, nutritious, and sustainable food options, including salads, wraps, bowls, and smoothies.
  • Maid Brigade : An eco-friendly cleaning services franchise that uses environmentally friendly cleaning products and practices, providing residential and commercial cleaning services.
  • Junk King : A franchise focusing on responsible junk removal and recycling, providing eco-friendly disposal and recycling services for residential and commercial clients.

Many green franchises provide training programs to ensure effective business management. Partnering with an eco-friendly franchise aligns your values with profit potential, catering to the expanding market of sustainability-conscious consumers. Explore green franchising and make a difference while building a successful business!

17. Secondhand Store

If you’re an eco-enthusiast or entrepreneur, consider opening a secondhand store—a green business idea gaining popularity. These stores provide a sustainable way to reduce waste and promote item reuse. 

You can buy and sell gently used clothing, furniture, electronics, books, etc. Giving pre-loved items new life contributes to the circular economy, reducing landfill waste and conserving resources. 

Supporting local thrift shops promotes community engagement and offers budget-friendly options. There’s already a demand for secondhand goods as Americans seek sustainable brands. Curating quality items at reasonable prices create an appealing shopping experience for eco-conscious individuals and bargain hunters.

Opening a secondhand store is both eco-friendly and profitable, meeting the increasing demand for sustainable shopping options. With effective marketing and valuable merchandise, your store can thrive while making a positive impact on the environment and your community.

18. Solar Panel Installation

With the growing demand for renewable energy, customers want to reduce their carbon footprint and save on electricity costs.

By installing solar panels, you can help customers generate clean energy from the sun. Government incentives and tax breaks make it affordable for customers to invest. As traditional electricity costs rise, the market for solar power is expanding.

To start, get the necessary solar certifications and training for professional installations. Provide high-quality work and exceptional customer service to build a strong reputation.

As an entrepreneur in this field, you’ll contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable living. Solar panels benefit customers by lowering bills and protecting the environment with clean energy.

Embrace green initiatives like solar panel installation for a bright future! With favorable policies, increased environmental awareness, and rising energy costs, now is the perfect time to embark on this profitable green venture.

19. Local Eco-Friendly Recycling Business

Starting a local recycling business could be crucial in diverting materials from landfills and promoting reuse and recycling. Help your community make sustainable choices by providing convenient recycling options like curbside pickup or drop-off stations. 

Your business contributes to reducing the carbon footprint and creates job opportunities. As sustainability gains importance, individuals and businesses seek responsible waste disposal options. Partnering with other businesses or organizations expands your client base and impact. Educate customers, offer tailored solutions, and become a trusted resource. 

Starting a local eco-friendly recycling business allows you to be both environmentally conscious and profitable. With the increasing demand for sustainable practices, establish yourself as a key player in responsible waste management while generating income through service fees or partnerships.

20. Reusable Shopping Bag Service

With the increasing awareness of plastic pollution and the demand for sustainable alternatives, there’s a growing market for reusable shopping bags. Offer high-quality, durable, and stylish reusable shopping bags to provide consumers with a convenient and sustainable solution. 

By promoting the use of reusable bags, you’ll help individuals make environmentally friendly choices and contribute to reducing plastic waste. Incorporate green marketing strategies, highlighting the benefits of reusable bags in reducing the carbon footprint and preserving natural resources. 

A simple reusable shopping bag can make a big difference in our world by reducing plastic waste. Start your venture today and be part of the sustainability movement while enjoying the profits of this eco-friendly business idea.

21. Organic Plant Nursery

One of the most fulfilling and eco-friendly business ideas is starting your own organic plant nursery. As an eco-enthusiast or aspiring entrepreneur, this venture allows you to contribute to environmental conservation while tapping into a growing market for sustainable products.

By focusing on organic plants, you can attract customers who prioritize health and sustainability.

Organic plant nurseries offer a wide range of benefits. Not only do they provide customers with access to healthy, pesticide-free plants, but they also support biodiversity by promoting the use of native species.

Additionally, organic gardening practices help reduce water usage and minimize soil erosion.

Starting an organic plant nursery requires careful planning and consideration. You’ll need space for growing plants and knowledge about different plant varieties and their care requirements.

Incorporating sustainable packaging options like biodegradable pots can further enhance your eco-friendly image.

22. Beekeeping

Beekeeping allows you to connect with nature and play a crucial role in pollination and honey production. 

As a beekeeper, you can harvest honey, beeswax, pollen, propolis, and royal jelly while supporting the bee population. 

With global concerns about declining bee populations, beekeeping offers a sustainable solution. 

Set up hives in urban or rural areas to restore natural ecosystems and reap the benefits. Profitability comes from selling honey directly to consumers, local markets or producing beeswax candles and beauty products. 

You can also offer educational programs about bees’ importance or provide pollination services to farmers. 

Acquire proper training on hive management and understand local laws for hive placement. 

With planning, dedication, and a commitment to environmental sustainability, beekeeping can create a profitable business that positively contributes to our ecosystem’s health.

RELATED : Beyond the Candle: 22 Creative Ways To Use Biodegradable Beeswax

beekeepers working

23. Worm Farming

If you’re looking for a unique green business idea, consider worm farming, also known as vermicomposting. This sustainable practice uses worms to break down organic waste into nutrient-rich compost. 

By setting up worm farms, you contribute to reducing food waste while providing valuable compost for gardens, farms, and nurseries. Worm farming diverts organic waste from landfills, reducing methane emissions, and produces natural fertilizer that promotes plant growth without harmful chemicals. 

It can be done on a small scale in urban areas or as a larger commercial operation. Tap into the rising demand for sustainable gardening solutions and market your vermicompost products as eco-friendly alternatives. Starting a worm farming business requires an initial investment but offers long-term profitability and a positive environmental impact.

24. Plant Delivery Service

With the increasing popularity of houseplants and the demand for greenery, it’s a profitable and environmentally conscious venture. Delivering plants to homes or offices provides convenient access to nature while reducing carbon footprints. 

Indoor plants improve air quality, reduce stress, and enhance well-being. Offering a variety of plant options caters to different preferences. Promote sustainable packaging practices like biodegradable materials or upcycled pots to add environmental consciousness. Conduct market research to guide product selection and pricing. 

Build an online presence through social media platforms to attract green living enthusiasts. By offering plant delivery with ecological awareness, you tap into the growing market for sustainable businesses and contribute to a greener future. 

Start delivering nature’s beauty to doorsteps today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you still have questions about green business ideas and how to parlay them into a profitable venture? Here are some answers to the most commonly asked questions.

How do I know if particular green business ideas are profitable?

To assess the profitability of green business ideas, conduct market research to identify demand and competition. Analyze financial projections, including potential revenue streams, cost savings, and ROI.

Consider consulting industry experts or seeking guidance from business support organizations specializing in sustainable ventures to make informed decisions about the viability and profitability of specific green business ideas.

Are there any government incentives or funding options available for green businesses?

Yes, there are government incentives and funding options available for green businesses. Research and explore programs like grants, tax incentives, and low-interest loans offered by local, regional, and national government bodies. Additionally, consider engaging with organizations focused on sustainable initiatives to access funding opportunities specific to green businesses.

How can I make my existing business more environmentally friendly?

To make your existing business more environmentally friendly, conduct an energy audit to identify areas for improvement. Implement energy-saving measures like LED lighting, efficient appliances, and smart thermostats. Reduce waste through recycling and composting programs, and promote sustainable practices among employees. Consider adopting green procurement policies and partnering with eco-conscious suppliers.

What Green Business Ideas Speak To You?

Embracing green business ideas is not only a moral imperative to protect our planet but also a smart and profitable decision to engage your entrepreneurial spirit. 

The growing demand for sustainable products and services presents a wealth of opportunities for innovative businesses to thrive while making a positive impact on the environment. 

By adopting eco-friendly practices, leveraging renewable energy sources, and incorporating sustainable materials, you can contribute to a greener future and tap into a rapidly expanding market. 

Now is the time to seize these green business ideas and embark on a journey toward success and sustainability. 

Join the movement today and let your business flourish while making a difference for future generations!

banner for how sustainable pet owners help save the planet.

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Vice president charges pebec, mdas on business-friendly environment, innovation.

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Deji Elumoye in Abuja

Vice President Kashim Shettima, yesterday, stressed that a business environment that fosters innovation, creativity, and productivity must be built on the pillars of President Bola Tinubu’s eight-point agenda. He charged members of the Presidential Enabling Business Environment Council (PEBEC) as well as Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to be driven by the dreams of all Nigerians aspiring to grow their businesses and looking up to the government for direction towards a future of prosperity. Shettima gave the charge during the PEBEC Town Hall Meeting held at the Banquet Hall of the State House , Abuja. The meeting followed the successful completion of the 90-day Regulatory Reform Accelerator Action Plan. The Vice President noted that no matter the depth of the reforms introduced, the government will fail to achieve its goals unless MDAs function at their best and align seamlessly with the agenda of the Tinubu administration. He described the PEBEC town hall meeting as a rescue mission for a country that has saddled its citizens with “the critical role of creating an environment where every idea can germinate into an enduring business.” “Our success is not merely a matter of policy but is measured by its impact, from the small-time trader in Kafanchan to the large corporation on Lagos Island. Today, I feel the pulse of our collective desire to make this objective a reality.” Shettima urged all stakeholders, especially the MDAs, to build on the gains of the past 120 days with a sense of urgency and purpose, as they reflect on the measurable outcomes of the Regulatory Reform Accelerator. Imploring them to continue to improve Nigeria’s business environment through timely feedback, rigorous monitoring, and shared responsibility, the Vice President said, “We are the vehicles of the promises made by President Bola Tinubu. “The Regulatory Reform Accelerator is an avenue to inject life into our economy and renew the hope of our nation. The quality of your ideas and the intensity of your energy today are the very sparks we need to stay on track and to always remind ourselves of the burden of expectations upon us. “We must align with the vision of His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, and ensure that our pursuit of a business environment that fosters innovation, creativity, and productivity is built upon the pillars of the eight-point agenda. Today, we stand on a robust foundation, recognising that achieving PEBEC’s mandate directly contributes to our shared economic prosperity as a nation.” Shettima announced that PEBEC’s public sector reforms have achieved a collective score of over 80 per cent at the beginning of the 90-Day Regulatory Reform Accelerator, adding that “despite a slow start, the collective commitment and actions of every Minister, Head of Agency, Reform Champion, and BFA Committee Member have significantly increased reform implementation during the 30-Day extension.”

He described PEBEC as an enabler for the MDAs in government whose role requires a unified and collaborative effort across the council and MDAs, and we cannot afford to look away.

 “The long-term success of PEBEC hinges on our ability to institutionalise reform capabilities, foster deep collaboration across government, and maintain a commitment to continuous improvements.

“These reforms must become ingrained in the fabric of our public institutions. By doing so, we pave the way for sustained progress and lasting impact that will outlive us all, creating a better Nigeria for our children and their children afterward,” the Vice President further noted.

Earlier in his welcome address, the Deputy Chief of Staff to the President (Office of the Vice President), Senator Ibrahim Hadejia, said key aspects of the PEBEC initiatives such as the New PEBEC Business Champions, 90-Day Regulatory Reform Accelerator (RRA), and legislative & judicial reforms are being deployed and implemented across MDAs.

Also speaking, the Special Adviser to the President PEBEC and Investment, Dr. Jumoke Oduwole, while responding to questions posed by some participants in the town hall meeting, assured that the Tinubu administration has demonstrated a strong commitment to ensuring steady improvements in the country’s business environment.

She attributed the progress made so far in the reform process largely to the personal commitment, unwavering support and overall leadership of Vice President Shettima, even as she identified his approval for a 30-day extension of Regulatory Reform Accelerator as a milestone in the reform efforts.

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Canada’s new greenwashing law will impact u.s. companies’ climate marketing.

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AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS - 2021/11/27: XR activists hold a banner against consumerism during the ... [+] demonstration. Extinction Rebellion organized in the center of Amsterdam a fashion parade, to mock fast fashion and to bring attention to the fast fashion industrys exploitative, profit-oriented, and greenwashing practices. (Photo by Ana Fernandez/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)

In an effort to combat greenwashing, the Canadian government has amended the Competition Act, adding a new provision that regulates environmental claims in marketing materials. The full impacts of the law are yet to be realized. However, some companies in Canada are being overly cautious and taking drastic actions to not be in violation, including scrubbing all content from their websites and social media accounts. For U.S. companies who do business in Canada, this creates a new legal liability that could result in heavy fines.

As international focus on climate change increased in the wake of the Paris Agreement, there has been a simultaneous increase in pressure on businesses to be environmentally friendly. Companies wishing to capitalize on the demand created marketing materials and sustainability reports showcasing green actions. However, without clear regulation or standards, those claims were broad and able to be made without supporting documentation.

Over the past year, there has been a notable increase in litigation and regulatory action relating to greenwashing , or the exaggeration of climate-friendly and other environmental actions by a company in marketing materials. Historically, this hasn’t mattered. A company highlighting minor environmentally friendly actions to make themselves look better was standard practice.

However, with the global focus on climate change, regulators and climate activists have started to challenge those claims. Companies are being investigated under consumer protection laws and being sued for statements made in marketing materials and sustainability reports. This is happening in jurisdictions around the world, even those without regulations directly aimed at greenwashing. Notably, the EU is currently drafting strict greenwashing legislation that could become the global standard.

New legislation adopted by the Canadian Parliament on June 20 is positioned to regulate environmental claims and prevent greenwashing in Canada. On page 429 of the 546-page Bill C-59 , a two-paragraph amendment to the Competition Act drastically increased regulation in this area by classifying environmental claims as within the scope of deceptive marketing practices. (For those wanting to take a direct look at the language, the applicable text is at the end of this column.)

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The Competition Act is Canada’s commerce law that regulates trade, mergers, and marketing practices. The act applies to companies that are based in Canada, as well as foreign companies that do business or operate within Canada. Enforcement is through the Competition Bureau, which operates in a similar function as the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. Penalties can be both civil and criminal.

The amendment addresses claims by businesses relating to “protecting or restoring the environment or mitigating the environmental and ecological causes or effects of climate change.” Those claims must be substantiated in “accordance with internationally recognized methodology.” In other words, if a company says they are climate friendly in a marketing campaign or on their website, they now have to prove it.

Notably, under the Act, any six residents of Canada over the age of 18 may file for an inquiry with the Competition Bureau. Once the complaint is filed, the language of the Act requires the Commissioner to commence an inquiry.

Climate activists are already taking advantage of that provision, most recently filing a complaint against lululemon athletica inc . The application, filed by, claims that lululemon has engaged in greenwashing by exaggerating climate action as part of its “Be Planet” marketing campaign. The application notes that lululemon’s 2022 Impact Report shows a 100% increase in greenhouse gas emissions since 2020. Additionally, it notes that 60% of the materials used are fossil fuel derived. Although, notes that 99% of the GHG emissions are not directly from the supplier, rather from the value chain and the end user.

Despite the increase, the applicants point to six claims made by lululemon that represent that are taking environmentally friendly steps. The claims include “Our products and actions avoid environmental harm and contribute to restoring a healthy planet” and “By adopting and evolving practices and mindful solutions, we enhance the products we offer and contribute to restoring the environment.”

The complaint also demonstrates how climate activists are using sustainability reports and environmental, social, and governance reports to obtain the necessary data to allege greenwashing. A warning to companies to be diligent in those reports.

Similar complaints were filed against Canadian Gas Association, Enbridge, FortisBC, Pathways Alliance, Shell, and the Sustainable Foresty Initiative. Those complaints were based on an interpretation of the Act that attempted to link environmental claims with deceptive marketing. The new language now directly classifies those claims as deceptive marketing, bringing clear liability to both Canadian based companies and U.S. companies who do business in Canada.

Pathways Alliance, a consortium of Canada’s largest oil sands producers, has received the most attention for their reaction to the new law. The company scrubbed their website and social media. Their website was replaced with a statement that the content was removed due to the changes in Bill C-59, stating: “With uncertainty on how the new law will be interpreted and applied, any clarity the Competition Bureau can provide through specific guidance may help direct our communications approach in the future. For now, we have removed content from our website, social media and other public communications. This is a direct consequence of the new legislation and is not related to our belief in the truth and accuracy of our environmental communications.”

The reaction is not wholly unjustified. Regulation and litigation in this area is going to increase drastically in the next few years. Climate activists have grown notably frustrated with greenwashing and are aggressively using legal resources in an attempt to force compliance. They want companies to make drastic changes to their operations to account for climate-change, not just talk about it.

Unfortunately, in my experience, many companies are not paying attention to the increased liability and are allowing their marketing team to operate without oversight. Even sustainability reports and ESG reports, that are primarily for consumption by investors and fall under stricter regulations, are being drafted by people who do not truly appreciate the risk . That is because this area of law is new and is changing daily.

The new law in Canada will bring additional scrutiny on climate claims. Companies who do business in Canada need to prepare now or risk being the example.

The language in question comes from section 236 (1) of federal Bill C-59. The bill amends Part VII.1 of the Competition Act , that covers deceptive marking practices.

74.01 (1) A person engages in reviewable conduct who, for the purpose of promoting, directly or indirectly, the supply or use of a product or for the purpose of promoting, directly or indirectly, any business interest, by any means whatever,

(a) makes a representation to the public that is false or misleading in a material respect;

(b) makes a representation to the public in the form of a statement, warranty or guarantee of the performance, efficacy or length of life of a product that is not based on an adequate and proper test thereof, the proof of which lies on the person making the representation;

The bill states:

Subsection 74.‍01(1) of the Act is amended by striking out “or” at the end of paragraph (b) and by adding the following after that paragraph:

(b.‍1) makes a representation to the public in the form of a statement, warranty or guarantee of a product’s benefits for protecting or restoring the environment or mitigating the environmental, social and ecological causes or effects of climate change that is not based on an adequate and proper test, the proof of which lies on the person making the representation;

(b.‍2) makes a representation to the public with respect to the benefits of a business or business activity for protecting or restoring the environment or mitigating the environmental and ecological causes or effects of climate change that is not based on adequate and proper substantiation in accordance with internationally recognized methodology, the proof of which lies on the person making the representation; or

Jon McGowan

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Costco customers fume over key change to $4.99 rotisserie chicken: ‘hated everything about it’.

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Fans of Costco’s $4.99 rotisserie chicken are taking to social media to gripe about the new plastic bag wrapping that has replaced the old plastic containers that shoppers have been accustomed to over the years — claiming that it’s leaking oily grease.

In March, Costco started using cost-conscious and environmentally friendly plastic bags instead of the hard plastic containers that were used to package the rotisserie chickens — one of the warehouse store’s more popular items despite recent complaints that it tasted like chemicals.

Costco said the change would reduce plastic use by 75% and its use of resin by 17 million pounds.

The company said the new wrapping also allows it to ship more chickens per truck delivery — resulting in 1,000 fewer trucks on the road every year.

Costco introduced plastic bag wrappers for its popular $4.99 rotisserie chicken.

Judging by anecdotal testimonials online, Costco is gradually introducing the new plastic bag wrappings while it uses up the remaining inventory of the hard plastic shell containers.

Despite soaring inflation , the company has kept the price of the rotisserie chicken steady at $4.99 per piece — a policy consistent with its decision to maintain its popular $1.50 hot dog and soda combination.

But Costco’s attempt to save money by doing away with the hard plastic containers is causing unwanted consequences.

“These new bags leak!!” a Costco customer wrote on Reddit earlier this month .

Another Redditor complained that “chicken juice spilled all over the trunk of our car.”

The Reddit post included a photo of the wrapped chicken which is marketed under the Kirkland Signature brand — Costco’s in-house producer of goods.

“Yes, that is true,” another Reddit user wrote in agreement, adding: “You need to move the chicken to another container when you get home.”

Another commenter on Reddit recounted their own difficulty, writing: “I recently grabbed two chickens in the bag for the first time. Hated everything about it.”

The company is phasing out the hard plastic shell covering that has been traditionally used to package the chickens.

The Reddit user recalled that the bag was “slick with juice on the display…so my hands were then covered in grease with no paper towels anywhere.”

“We ALL hate the bags,” a Reddit user wrote. “The workers and the customers. Nobody likes them! They’re horrible!”

Another angry customer remarked on Reddit: “I understand being more environmentally conscious but honestly it was so bad it will make me question whether I really want to get any more of these things and deal with that experience all over again.”

The Post has sought comment from Costco.

In 2023, Costco said it sold 137 million rotisserie chickens.

Costco started selling rotisserie chickens in 1994. At the time, the retailer looked to compete with Boston Chicken — the chain that was later renamed Boston Market.

The rotisserie chicken is offered at a bargain basement price given the fact that it weighs at least 3 lbs.

By comparison, a 2-lb. bird can cost at least twice that in the supermarket — though Costco does charge an annual membership fee for shoppers to enter the door.

The combination of its attractive price and its widely acclaimed test has made the rotisserie chicken a cult favorite.

In 2023, Costco said it sold 137 million rotisserie chickens at its 600 stores nationwide — or 20 million more than the previous year.

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Costco introduced plastic bag wrappers for its popular $4.99 rotisserie chicken.



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