24 Fun & Inclusive PE Games High Schoolers Love

These inclusive high school PE games are all about fun and fitness.

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While we all tend to think of gym class as a time to exercise, it's also really a great opportunity for kids to have fun playing sports or other games. From the old favorites we've all played for years to new discoveries, there are so many fun PE games to choose from. We've rounded up some of the best here, so get ready to have a great time. 

Classic Fun Gym Games for High School Students

Over time as physical education programs grew and developed, a few standout games were introduced and became classics because of their wide appeal. People have been playing these for years for a reason, though. They really are super fun.

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There are a ton of reasons to play dodgeball. Gym class dodgeball is highly competitive, requires little equipment, and involves the whole class simultaneously.

The point of the game is to eliminate all the players on the other team by hitting them with a ball or catching a ball they throw. There are two teams with any number of players and only a few balls in play to make the game challenging.

What's fun about dodgeball is you get to hit your friends, or enemies, with a flying object with the permission of a teacher. If you have a teacher who likes to play, it's also fun when the class teams up to get them out.

Relay Races

A relay race is a small team activity with endless possibilities (and lots of potential for hilarity). Essentially, you need at least two teams, each with at least two people. The more teams and players, the more fun and competitive the game.

One player at a time completes their designated leg of the race, then tags the next teammate to complete their leg, and so on until the entire team finishes. Relay races can feature straight running or include a variety of activities like crawling, skipping, and walking backward. Fun Attic offers more than 10 ideas for funny and entertaining relay races like ones using tricycles, balloons, and bananas.

To play handball, you need a large gymnasium with lots of open wall space and some handballs. You can work on handball skills and play games on an individual basis or in groups — whatever works for your situation. Teens use only their hands to hit the ball toward the wall and then keep hitting it back as it bounces off the wall. This coordination game is fun because it involves an individual challenge, and the repetition can be addicting.

Four Square

Everyone remembers this recess favorite! This game is exactly as it sounds, made up of four squares. All you need to make a court is some tape and space where you can tape down a grid featuring four equal, intersecting squares.

The goal is for an individual player to get others out and advance to the fourth square, which is the highest level. There is one game ball that you try to bounce inside another square without the person in that square hitting another square.

Any number of kids can play Four Square because it is super fast-paced and features a line for waiting players who enter the game when someone gets out. This game is really simple to play, but it's highly addictive, which makes it fun.

This version of kickball is a team game that leaves room for individual skills and preferences. Instead of standard bases, Matball uses large gym mats as bases because multiple players can be on a base at one time.

There are two teams — one starts as the kicking team, and the other in the outfield. Each kicking player advances to the first mat and then decides on each teammate's turn whether they think they can make it to the next base without getting out. The team with the most runs at the end of the game wins. Teens have the most fun when they work as a team and run the bases in a large group or create distractions to get the fastest players home.

Obstacle Course

If you want an individual activity, obstacle courses are a great way to encourage each student's skill set. Basically, you want to create a course with various obstacles, then time each person as they attempt to complete the course.

Classic obstacles include crawling through tunnels, funny walks like the crab walk, and zig-zagging through a line of cones. Picking up a bunch of small objects, jumping over something, or having to do the limbo under a bar or rope can also be great.

To get everyone involved in the obstacle course, ask kids to brainstorm obstacles ahead of time. They'll come up with some hilarious ideas, and everyone will have even more fun playing this PE game.

Capture the Flag

Capture the Flag has many versions, but the basic indoor game is like a team game of tag. Each team tries to steal the flag(s) of the other team before theirs gets stolen. To make the game more exciting, start with at least four teams instead of the traditional two. Give each team more than one flag and rule that only one flag can be taken at a time or include bonus point items.

Traditional Sports

There's no reason to leave the classic sports out of PE — after all, these are games too. Comprehensive physical education programs typically involve individual fitness, cooperative games, and an introduction to classic sports . Depending on your specific facilities, include some of the traditional high school PE games:

  • Basketball - Learn the basic rules of this two-team game from Basketball Breakthrough .
  • Volleyball - The Art of Coaching Volleyball offers standard gameplay and setup, along with relevant terminology.
  • Baseball - Dummies.com gives you the simplest breakdown of the complicated rules in this outdoor game.
  • Soccer - Learn the history, basic rules , and team strategies of gym class soccer.
  • Football - Standard football rules are often modified in gym class with no tackling, like in Flag Football .
  • Swimming - Groups with access to a swimming pool teach everything from basic strokes to pool exercises to group water games .
  • Lacrosse - When played in PE classes, the game uses modified equipment and lacrosse rules .

If you use some traditional sports, be sure to focus on inclusion and mixing things up. By the time kids reach high school, they've had a chance to experience several sports either as players or spectators. Teens who are die-hard athletes or passionate about a specific sport find these traditional games fun and exciting, but teens who aren't as active may struggle to enjoy competitive sports.

Modern Favorite PE Games for High School

Inclusion is the name of the game these days with PE. In recent years, physical education class standards across the country have seen major changes. The new focus is on promoting health for all kids, not just the ones who excel at or love sports. Teachers now look for ways to encourage individual participation in activities selected by each student or group games with less competition.

These modern games are super fun for everyone, no matter their skill level.

Ultimate Frisbee

With gameplay similar to football, basketball, and soccer, Ultimate Frisbee is a non-contact team sport using a frisbee in place of a ball.

To play, you'll need a large open area like a football field. The best aspects of this game are that anyone can play, and teamwork is essential. To score, teams need to utilize all of their players because once you have the frisbee you can only pivot, not run. The lack of contact also prevents injuries and levels the playing field for kids who aren't as classically athletic.

Frisbee Golf

This slow-paced game is played just as it sounds. Like golf, there are designated "holes," a target of some kind like a safety cone or a tree, you try to hit with a frisbee in the least number of throws possible. Frisbee golf works best in a large outdoor area but can be played inside a large gymnasium.

Those with limited resources can designate found objects like trees and fences as holes outside or tape spots on the wall around the gym indoors. This is an individual game with an element of totally friendly competition when teens play against each other for the lowest score.

A combination of tennis and ping-pong, this super popular and active game features simple rules and a slower pace great for people of all ages and skill levels.

To play you need a court similar to a tennis court with a net, pickleball paddles, and the ball which resembles a whiffle ball. Play a singles game or play with a small team. Teens will feel like they're in a giant-sized ping-pong game.

  • 20 Benefits of Pickleball That'll Convince You to Start Playing

When Capture the Flag mixes with a snowball fight, you get Yuki Ball. Based on a Japanese game, teams hide behind barriers and launch small softballs to protect their flag and steal the other team's flag. To play, you need to buy a Yuki Ball kit for around $900 that includes balls, barriers, pinnies, and buckets. Or you can construct your own from things you have in the gym — make your own set with cardboard box barriers and wool dryer balls or the fake snowballs you find around winter in stores.

Two teams of up to seven people each can play at one time, but you can have more than one game going at a time in a gym. Keep score and have fun.

Hunger Games Gym Class Competition

Tie in pop culture with your curriculum when you include this fun game inspired by The Hunger Games novels and movies. The main goal is to be the last person standing in the game. To do this, you'll need to avoid getting hit by "weapons" like dodgeballs and pool noodles wielded by other players. The Hunger Games Competition can be played in a gym, in several rooms, or outdoors.

To start, all the "weapons" are placed in the center of the room and the players are placed in a circle at equal distances from the center. Teens can try to get a "weapon" or choose to run away. Each person hangs a bandana or flag from their waist that, when pulled off, eliminates them from the game. If a person gets hit with a weapon, they aren't out of the game, but they do lose the use of whatever body part got hit for the rest of the game.

Hoop Scrabble

You know how it's great when one game tackles multiple learning areas? This high-paced game gets the whole class moving at once, requires cooperative teamwork, and incorporates other areas of learning.

In Hoop Scrabble , you form small teams and give each a hula hoop to place on the ground in their designated area around the perimeter of the gym. Dump a ton of small balls, like tennis or ping-pong balls, in the center of the room. Teams then have to collect balls and spell a word inside their team's hoop before any other team does or before anyone steals their balls.

What's great about this creative game is teens don't need to be athletic to have fun playing. Once all the balls have been collected, teams start stealing from each other, which makes the game more fun.

This fun PE game is super simple and doesn't require a ton of equipment. You'll need three red dodgeballs. To play, give a dodgeball to each of three kids and tell them to start tagging people. If they hit someone with the ball, that person is temporarily out and should sit down and cover their face.

For tagged kids to get back in the game, another student needs to stand behind them and say the words "Guess who." If the tagged person can guess who is standing behind them just from their voice, they are back in. Keep playing until everyone is out.

Originally a tailgating game, cornhole is awesome in PE class too. Most of the kids probably already know how to play, but you can refresh them on the rules of cornhole if you need to.

You use cornhole boards (or tape out a "board" on the gym floor) and try to see which team can score the highest. Teams take turns tossing bean bags into the hole of the board. Those who make it in the hole are worth three points, and those who land on the board are one. The team that hits 21 points first is the winner.

Original PE Games

Sometimes the best gym games are the ones you and the teens create, so get creative with the old games to make something totally new. These are a few ideas to take inspiration from traditional or classic PE games for high school and make them unique using special equipment or rules.

Shape Shifter

Think of this as an advanced form of following the leader. You don't need any equipment — just an open space, and some creative, willing kids. Divide the group into teams of at least five people on each team and set each team in a line, one person behind the next. Teams will jog together staying in a line. The teacher will call out "Shape Shift" at various points and teams must react appropriately at that time.

To start, the first person in each line forms a shape or pose with his arms and everyone in line holds the same position as they start to jog. When you call out "Shape Shift" the second person in each line forms a new arm pose and all other team members copy it. To do this, the first person in line will need to turn around and will be jogging backward for the rest of the game. Repeat these actions until the entire team is turned backward. This is a fun, non-competitive game.

Flag team is an individualized version of Capture the Flag. Give each student a designated spot in the gym with a hula hoop on the floor and a flag in the middle of the hoop. The goal is for each person to protect their flag but also steal at least one other flag. If your flag is stolen, you choose another person who still has their flag to join. You cannot steal any more flags once you are out, but you can help the other person defend theirs.

The rules are simple in terms of offense and defense. You cannot stand inside your hoop or anyone else's. To stop someone from stealing your flag, you must tag them on the back only. If you get tagged on the back by any player at any point in the game, you are out.

Get Your Game On

Everyone has a different definition of fun. It's awesome to create a physical education class inclusive of every kid when you choose a wide variety of games. The only true way to know if teens will like a game is to try it out, so introduce some new games and see which ones become favorites with your group.


22 Exciting Pe Games for High School

Physical Education PE games for high school students play a crucial role in promoting active lifestyles, fostering teamwork, and enhancing overall physical fitness.

These games not only provide a break from traditional classroom settings but also create opportunities for students to engage in healthy competition, develop essential motor skills, and cultivate a positive attitude toward exercise.

By incorporating a variety of PE games into the curriculum, educators can contribute to the holistic development of students, helping them build strong bodies and a foundation for lifelong wellness.

From classic sports to innovative challenges, the range of PE games available ensures that high school students can find enjoyable ways to stay active while reaping the numerous benefits of physical education.

Ultimate Frisbee:

20 Exciting Pe Games for High School

Ultimate Frisbee is an exhilarating team sport that combines elements of football, soccer, and basketball while involving a flying disc. It encourages high school students to improve their cardiovascular endurance, agility, and teamwork. Divided into two teams, players aim to score by passing the Frisbee to teammates until they reach the end zone. This game promotes communication and strategic thinking as players must quickly decide when to pass, run, or defend. Ultimate Frisbee not only provides an intense physical workout but also enhances interpersonal skills and sportsmanship among students.

Capture the Flag Redux:

physical education activities high school

A modern twist on the classic game, Capture the Flag Redux incorporates glow-in-the-dark elements, making it a thrilling option for high school PE classes, especially in the evening or indoors. Divided into two teams, students must work together to capture the opposing team’s flag while avoiding being tagged by opponents. This game enhances cardiovascular fitness, stealth, and problem-solving abilities. The glow-in-the-dark feature adds an element of excitement, making it a memorable and engaging PE activity that encourages active participation.

Circuit Training Challenge:

physical education activities high school

Circuit training is an effective way to improve strength, endurance, and overall fitness. High school students can be engaged in a circuit training challenge where they rotate through a series of exercise stations, such as push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, and burpees. This activity targets different muscle groups and can be tailored to various fitness levels. It fosters self-discipline, perseverance, and the understanding of various exercise techniques. Additionally, the competitive aspect of completing as many circuits as possible within a set time motivates students to push their physical limits. Related: 20 Fun Games to Play With 3 People

Kickball Tournament:

physical education activities high school

Kickball offers a blend of soccer and baseball, creating a fun and inclusive PE game for high school students. Divided into teams, participants kick a rubber ball and run bases to score runs. This activity improves cardiovascular endurance, coordination, and motor skills. It encourages friendly competition and cooperation among students. Organizing a kickball tournament adds an extra layer of excitement, allowing teams to strategize and showcase their athletic abilities. The inclusive nature of kickball ensures that students of all skill levels can participate and contribute to their team’s success.

Dance Aerobics:

physical education activities high school

Dance aerobics provides a dynamic and enjoyable way for high school students to stay active. Incorporating various dance styles and music genres, this activity improves cardiovascular fitness, coordination, and rhythm. Students can follow choreographed routines that combine aerobic exercises with dance moves, making it a fantastic full-body workout. Dance aerobics also boosts self-expression, creativity, and self-confidence. It’s an ideal option for students who may not be interested in traditional sports, offering them a chance to engage in physical activity while having fun.

CrossFit Challenge:

physical education activities high school

Introducing elements of CrossFit training can engage high school students in a challenging and versatile PE activity. Set up a circuit that includes exercises like kettlebell swings, box jumps, rope climbs, and wall balls. This high-intensity workout improves strength, endurance, and functional fitness. It also emphasizes the importance of pushing one’s limits and fostering mental toughness. The friendly competition among peers motivates students to excel and showcases the benefits of a well-rounded fitness routine.

Obstacle Course Adventure:

physical education activities high school

Designing an obstacle course on the school premises or nearby outdoor area can provide an exciting and physically demanding PE experience. Incorporate hurdles, balance beams, crawling tunnels, and rope climbs to create a varied challenge. This activity enhances agility, coordination, and problem-solving skills. Students navigate through the obstacles individually or in teams, promoting camaraderie and mutual support. The obstacle course adventure encourages students to overcome obstacles both physically and mentally.

Volleyball Tournament:

physical education activities high school

Organizing a volleyball tournament can cater to high school students’ interest in team sports while improving their hand-eye coordination, communication, and spatial awareness. Students can compete in teams to serve, set, and spike the ball over the net. This game not only provides an excellent cardiovascular workout but also emphasizes the importance of strategy and teamwork. Hosting a tournament fosters a sense of healthy competition and camaraderie, reinforcing the benefits of physical activity in a social setting. Related: 20 Awesome Lego Display Shelf Ideas

Yoga and Mindfulness Session:

physical education activities high school

Incorporating yoga and mindfulness sessions into the PE curriculum offers students a holistic approach to health and well-being. Guided yoga practices promote flexibility, balance, and relaxation. Through mindfulness exercises, students learn to manage stress and enhance mental clarity. This activity encourages self-awareness, stress reduction, and improved posture. Integrating moments of tranquility and self-reflection amidst physical activities can contribute to students’ overall wellness.

Basketball Skills Challenge:

physical education activities high school

A basketball skills challenge can engage high school students in friendly competition while refining their basketball techniques. Set up stations that focus on dribbling, shooting, passing, and defensive skills. Students rotate through the stations, aiming to achieve the highest scores or fastest completion times. This activity hones basketball fundamentals and fosters healthy competition. It also highlights the importance of practice, dedication, and continuous improvement in sports and physical activities.

Running Relay Races:

physical education activities high school

Running relay races can be an exciting way for high school students to improve their speed, teamwork, and endurance. Divide students into teams and set up a relay course. Each team member takes turns running a designated distance before passing the baton to the next runner. This activity promotes cardiovascular fitness, coordination of handoffs, and team coordination. Relay races encourage healthy competition and camaraderie among students, while also instilling the value of supporting teammates.

Martial Arts Workshop:

physical education activities high school

A martial arts workshop can introduce students to the principles and techniques of disciplines like karate, taekwondo, or judo. Martial arts training enhances physical fitness, flexibility, and discipline. Students can learn basic moves, forms, and self-defense techniques. This activity also emphasizes respect, focus, and control. Incorporating martial arts into PE exposes students to a different form of exercise while teaching them valuable life skills.

Outdoor Adventure Scavenger Hunt:

physical education activities high school

Combine physical activity with problem-solving by organizing an outdoor adventure scavenger hunt. Set up clues and challenges across the school campus or a nearby park. Students work in teams to solve puzzles, follow clues, and complete physical tasks to advance. This activity engages both body and mind, promoting critical thinking, cooperation, and physical activity. The sense of exploration and discovery adds an element of excitement to the PE class.

Beach Volleyball:

physical education activities high school

If your school is near a beach or has access to a sand court, beach volleyball can be a fantastic option. Students play volleyball on a sandy surface, which adds an extra challenge to the game due to the uneven terrain. Beach volleyball enhances agility, leg strength, and teamwork. It also provides a unique and enjoyable environment for physical activity. Playing on the beach encourages adaptability and a fun twist on a traditional sport.

Hiking and Nature Walk:

physical education activities high school

Take advantage of nearby nature trails for hiking and nature walk activities. Students can explore the outdoors while improving cardiovascular fitness, endurance, and appreciation of nature. Hiking also provides an opportunity for reflection and relaxation. Educators can incorporate educational components by discussing local flora, fauna, and environmental conservation. This activity promotes a connection with nature and the benefits of outdoor physical activity.

Indoor Rock Climbing:

physical education activities high school

Indoor rock climbing offers a unique and engaging way for high school students to challenge themselves physically and mentally. Many indoor climbing facilities have varying levels of difficulty, making them accessible for beginners and experienced climbers alike. Climbing improves upper body strength, balance, and problem-solving skills. This activity also encourages students to overcome fears and push their limits in a safe and controlled environment.

Water Balloon Volleyball:

physical education activities high school

Combine the fun of water play with physical activity by organizing a water balloon volleyball game. Set up a net and divide students into teams. Instead of a traditional volleyball, use water balloons that participants must hit over the net without bursting them. This activity provides a refreshing way to exercise, especially during warmer months. It encourages laughter, camaraderie, and quick reflexes.

Tai Chi and Qi Gong Session:

physical education activities high school

Introduce students to the benefits of Tai Chi and Qi Gong, which are ancient Chinese practices that focus on slow, flowing movements and deep breathing. These practices enhance balance, flexibility, and mindfulness. A Tai Chi and Qi Gong session in PE class can provide a calming and rejuvenating experience, helping students manage stress and improve their overall well-being.

Functional Fitness Boot Camp:

physical education activities high school

Create a functional fitness boot camp-style class that combines bodyweight exercises, interval training, and functional movements. Students can engage in activities like burpees, planks, squats, and push-ups. This high-intensity workout improves muscular strength, endurance, and cardiovascular fitness. Emphasize the importance of proper form and technique to prevent injuries and promote lifelong fitness habits.

Dance Battle Challenge:

physical education activities high school

Host a dance battle challenge where students can showcase their dance moves in a friendly competition. This activity celebrates self-expression, rhythm, and creativity. Students can form teams or participate individually, taking turns to perform choreographed or freestyle dances. Dance battles promote confidence, teamwork, and appreciation for various dance styles. Related: 25 Wonderful 10 Year Old Birthday Party Ideas at Home


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Sohaib Hasan Shah

Sohaib's journey includes 10+ years of teaching and counseling experience at BCSS School in elementary and middle schools, coupled with a BBA (Hons) with a minor in Educational Psychology from Curtin University (Australia) . In his free time, he cherishes quality moments with his family, reveling in the joys and challenges of parenthood. His three daughters have not only enriched his personal life but also deepened his understanding of the importance of effective education and communication, spurring him to make a meaningful impact in the world of education.

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PE Lesson Plans for High School (FREE High School PE Activities)

  • Doug Curtin
  • November 17, 2021

Two students practices a kneeling table top during a yoga lesson in physical education class.

Physical education teachers have a lot to cover! We have put together a week’s worth of PE lesson plans for high school students that range in fitness, nutrition, yoga and more. We hope you enjoy the free content and give some lessons a try with your students! 

Struggling to find engaging PE activities for high school students ?

Finding quality physical education lesson plans for high school is no simple task! Getting the right instructional materials that will engage and excite your students while not breaking the bank is hard! 

Yes, you can search online, go to a Shape America conference, or talk to fellow PE teachers and find hundreds of PE activities and physical education lesson plans to use.

But, you will often end up with tons of phys ed games for high school students that are fun once and then quickly lose student’s attention. Or, you end up finding workouts that have barely clothed models that are a far cry from what you want for high school fitness lesson plans . 

What is there for high school PE ?

Producing high school physical education units on multiple topics is tough!

Do you feel like you are a jack of all trades and yet a master of none? You only have so much money in your budget and time in your day to teach all the different PE topics well. You are left asking yourself, 

  • What equipment do I need for fun and cutting edge PE games for high school ? 
  • Do I have the right equipment to run PE workouts for high school ? 

How does this all even fit into what my administrators want for high school physical education lesson plans ?

A week’s worth of free PE lesson plans for high school classes

When you feel like you are at stalemate with your lessons, sometimes it doesn’t hurt to sample! With so many great phys ed lesson plans for high school, it is hard to make sense of all that is out there. Here you will find a sample week of high-quality content that high school pe teachers tap into on a yearly basis. 

With a combination of fitness, nutrition, yoga, and dance, there is something to for every student to look forward to in the week. Additionally, you’ll find that some days give you a little extra time to sprinkle in some of those fun pe games that your kids still long for!

Day 1: Intro To Fitness – Air Squat & Hinge 

Many students arrive to high school needing a full introduction to foundational human movements. Even if they did learn things like the squat, lunge, hinge, press, and pull at the middle school level, chances are that your high school physical education class will greatly benefit from movement review. 

Today, we are beginning our movement and fitness journey by learning two of the most important foundational human movements – the Squat & the Hinge.

  • 2 Minutes of light cardio
  • Spiderman & Reach – 1 Minute Continuous Movement, Alternating 
  • Alt. Samson – 1 Minute Continuous Movement
  • Good Mornings 4 x 10 Reps 
  • Elbow Plan 4 x :20 Seconds 
  • 1:00 Rest After Each Round
  • Introduce the 4 points of performance 
  • Air Squat 2 x 5 Reps

5 Rounds Of 10 Air Squats + 2:00 Walk/Jog/Run

Day 2: Intro To Nutrition – Calories 

Are you tasked with teaching wellness within your physical education class? If you need a day off from physical activity and in need of lesson ideas, nutrition can be a fantastic addition. 

While nutrition can be a part of k-12 physical education plan, high school is often the first time where students can start to contextualize the science and practical application of nutrition. With written and video lessons, paired with chapter questions students have an interactive way to start exploring their everyday nutrition.

  • Written lesson breaking down what our body sees when we eat and how many calories we need 
  • Video breaking down energy and chemistry of calories
  • Check out the full lesson segment here
  • Written lesson discussing signs of not eating enough or eating too much 
  • Video introducing and explaining the hunger to fullness scale
  • Check out the full lesson segment here 
  • 9 chapter questions provided that can be either done individually or incorporated as part of a group discussion

Discover the Power of PLT4M

Curious how more than 10,000 PE teachers are using PLT4M’s Fitness and Wellness Curriculum and digital learning software? 

PLT4M featured on different technology devices.

Day 3: Intro to Fitness – Press & Pull 

Returning back to another fitness lesson plan for high school PE. Now, we hit the upper body and learn how to safely press and pull. We focus on scaling and modifying with all our physical activity, but place a special emphasis on this with things like pressing and pulling. 

In this lesson students will learn how to appropriately scale the level of difficulty the push up and inverted row.

  • Shoulder Warm Up – 15 Slow Reps per movement 
  • 1:00 Jumping Jacks
  • Introduce the 4 points of performance of push up  
  • Review movement scaling and elevating the push up 
  • Elevated Push Ups 4 x 5
  • Introduce the 4 points of performance of the inverted row 
  • Inverted Row 5 x 5
  • Introduce the butterfly sit up 
  • Butterfly sit up 2 x 5
  • AMRAP 8: 60 Jumping Jacks, 10 Push Ups, 10 Butterfly Sit ups

Day 4: Intro To Yoga – Standing Poses 

Yoga is one of the most popular exercise options and requires no equipment. But as a physical education teacher you may not feel comfortable teaching yoga. 

Like any type of physical activity, yoga has basic components that can be introduced as an excellent start. In this lesson, students will get a chance to try and practice four of the most popular standing poses in yoga, and then put them into a more traditional flow.

  • Begin yoga integration 
  • Flow Sun A with performance and refinement cues 
  • Flow Sun A using breath to movement
  • Chair Pose Intro & Practice 
  • Warrior 2 Intro & Practice 
  • Extended Side Angle Intro & Practice 
  • Reverse Warrior Intro & Practice
  • Apply new poses to a full flow 
  • Practice 2 times through, 1 slow, 1 faster

Day 5: Dance Fitness 

Many physical education programs have what is called a ‘fun Friday.’ If you arrive on day 5 and want to give the choice of different gym games for high school students, then go for it!

You have had a great week of lessons, and your students can now have some time to explore and play different games like frisbee, badminton, or volleyball that you have throughout the gym. 

If you want to have a little more structure but keep the fun, give dance fitness a try! A trending topic in the world of fitness, dance gives students a fun way to sweat and move.

  • Get moving with some light cardio 
  • Layer in a few static stretches
  • Introduce and and practice the 8 main dance moves for the main cardio effort
  • Put the 8 dance moves to work through a fun sequence following along with Coach Alexa
  • Let your heart rates come back down and hit some stretches before going on with the rest of your day

Let us do the heavy lifting! Get access to our complete lineup of PE lesson plans for high school students

This was just one week of PE lesson plans to give you a taste! At PLT4M, you can tap into hundreds of high school physical education lesson plans that fit your goals and needs. Tap into fitness, flexibility, yoga, dance, weightlifting, and more all in a centralized and easy to use spot. 

All of PLT4M’s instructors make these resources with high school students in mind and work to keep it fun and engaging. On top of keeping your students excited about PE, keep your administrators happy knowing all of PLT4M’s programs are aligned to Shape America national standards.

How are Plt4m’s high school PE units delivered?

PLT4M is totally flexible and customizable to your classroom, students and teaching style. Use it as much or as selectively as you like to enhance your curriculum. PLT4M is designed to work seamlessly with your classroom technology, whether you have a projector, are one-to-one, or can allow students to use their phones. 

What types of high school physical education activities do you cover?

Our ever-growing library of original content includes a variety of programs intended to spark lifelong physical literacy. Check out the options below: 

  • Weight Training 
  • Dance Fitness 
  • Mindfulness 
  • Remote Learning 
  • Personal Hygiene
  • Drug and Substance Education 
  • Physical Literacy
  • Social Emotional Learning
  • Health Education Lesson Plans 

Do you only provide fitness activities for high school students?

No, we also have PE lesson plans for middle school students that are age appropriate and engaging! There is something for everyone within PLT4M! 

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9 Exciting Indoor Physical Education (PE) Games for High School Students

The job of a school is to ensure the overall development of the kids – from academics to personality development to physical fitness . As such, physical education has become an indispensable part of school curriculums everywhere. So much so that gym classes have become mandatory in several schools across the United States and if you choose it as one of your electives, passing it is a must .

Usually, schools opt for outdoor games as they are a fantastic way for the students to stay active but some days, due to inclement weather, students will have to migrate indoors. This does not mean that they cannot find a way to enjoy themselves or stay active. 

Fun games, whether indoor or outdoor, energize and rejuvenate students, particularly senior ones, who are at a crucial stage of their lives and under a lot of stress. 

In this guide, we have compiled a range of engaging indoor physical education games that high school students can enjoy. If it’s raining outside or the weather is too precarious, this is the best way to stay entertained and engaged. 

Indoor physical education game ideas

1. ultimate dodgeball showdown.

Ultimate Dodgeball Showdown

A classic game, dodgeball is fun and interactive. The objective of the game is to eliminate all players of the opposing team by hitting them with a ball. To reduce any risk, you can use soft foam balls. 

The students should be divided into two teams and placed on opposite sides of the room. Keep a few balls in the middle of the area. 

Here are the rules: 

  • Students must throw the ball at the other team members who have to dodge it. 
  • If someone from the other team catches the ball, the thrower is out of the game.
  • Students must not cross the designated area. 
  • If someone is hit by the ball and fails to catch it, they are out of the team. 
  • Continue the game until one team is entirely eliminated.

2. Obstacle Course Relay

Obstacle Course Relay

If the indoor game is taking place in the gym or a large room, then an obstacle course relay would be an excellent game.

Here’s what to do:

  • Set up an obstacle course in the gym using mats, cones, and other stationary objects that are not very high.
  •  Divide students into teams and have them race through the obstacle course
  • Make use of a stopwatch to time each team, and the team with the fastest completion time wins.

3. Yoga Challenge

Yoga Challenge

The perfect way to introduce some exercise and keep the students entertained is through yoga games and challenges. But first, you will have to introduce the students to some yoga poses and stretches. 

Then organize a yoga challenge where each student will have to hold different poses. As you switch between different poses, make sure that the students are holding the poses correctly. The students who fail to do so will be eliminated from the game.

4. Musical Mats

Musical Mats

We’ve all played musical chairs at some point in our lives. But, what are musical mats? Well, it is a similar game but with a twist. Here’s what to do:

  • Lay out a grid of gym mats on the floor.
  • Play music during which the students have to keep moving from one mat to another. 
  • Stop the music and call out a fitness exercise, a yoga pose, etc. 
  • Students have to find the nearest mat and perform the exercise until the music resumes
  • Students who fail to find a mat or perform the exercise are eliminated from the game. 

5. Indoor Bowling

Indoor Bowling

Bowling is a popular indoor sport and usually requires a proper set-up. However, you can organize an indoor bowling match at the gym or hall as well. Usually, bowling is an individual game but to promote team spirit and good sportsmanship, divide the students into teams. Here’s how to go about the game:

  • Make the use of plastic pins and soft balls.
  •  Set up a bowling alley by keeping the plastic pins on the other end of the room.
  • Students should be divided into two teams (team A and team B) with the members taking turns rolling the ball to knock down the pins. 
  • Keep the scores separate for both team A and team B. 
  • Let the teams compete for strikes and spares. 

5. Fitness Bingo

This is quite a popular indoor game. It is the perfect way to include fitness exercises into the high school students’ curriculum. Here’s what to do:

  • Create a bingo card with different physical activities such as jumping jacks, burpees, lunges, push-ups, etc. 
  • Give one card to each student
  • The instructor has to call out one activity and students are to perform this exercise if they have it on the card. 
  • They can then mark it off their card and the first student to complete a row or column shouts “Bingo” 
  • Give the one who first completes a row or column a small reward as a mark of appreciation

6. Tug of War

Tug of War

A classic game that can be played indoors, tug of war teaches students a lot about team spirit, strength, and reliability. This is how you go about it:

  • Remove any obstacles indoors and clear the area for the game
  • Divide students into four teams or more, depending on the number of students
  • Only two teams can play the game at one time
  • Give them the rope and keep the game going until one team loses
  • Then allow the next two teams to play
  • The final match is between the last two teams standing

7. Indoor Soccer Relay

Football or Soccer is a favorite American sport and most students grow up playing it. It is an excellent game that combines speed and agility. Here’s how you can take the game indoors:

  • Divide the students into two or more teams, with each team having an equal number of participants
  • Set up a relay course and mark it with obstacles using cones, hoops, etc. 
  • The student will have to dribble the ball through the course, carefully navigating the obstacles that come their way
  • Once done, they make their way back to the starting line and pass the ball onto their teammate, who repeats the course
  • The team that completes the race first wins. 

8. Table Tennis

Table Tennis

Another popular high school game, table tennis or ping pong teaches students a lot about agility, coordination, precision, and reflexes. 

  • Use a small rectangular table and divide it with the help of a net
  • Players can either play solo or in pairs of two, with one pair on each side
  • The players take turns hitting a small ball back and forth over the net using paddles
  • The objective is to score points by making the ball bounce twice on the opponent’s side
  • Besides, the opponent fails to score a point if they cannot hit the ball
  • Keep scores and time the game

9. Indoor Parkour

Indoor parkour is a fun and exciting physical education activity for high school students. Traditionally, parkour is a discipline that focuses on efficient movement through obstacles using techniques like jumps, vaults, and rolls. Here’s how to create an indoor parkour course:

  • With the help of safety mats, cones, small benches, and foam blocks, create a series of obstacles. For instance, the benches will serve as hurdles to jump over
  • Teach students some basic parkour moves such as precision jump , cat leap , etc. keeping safety precautions in mind.
  • Let the students start with simple obstacles but increase the complexity as they gain confidence
  • Have a qualified instructor oversee this game and provide proper guidance

Indoor physical education games provide high school students with opportunities to stay active, even when the weather outside limits movement. Besides, it promotes teamwork, teaches them agility, and how to adapt to different situations. The physical well-being of students is of great importance, especially since high school is such a trying time when they are burdened with academic pressure. Incorporating these games into their schedule will help students stay engaged, focused, motivated, and physically fit.

physical education activities high school

Sananda Bhattacharya, Chief Editor of TheHighSchooler, is dedicated to enhancing operations and growth. With degrees in Literature and Asian Studies from Presidency University, Kolkata, she leverages her educational and innovative background to shape TheHighSchooler into a pivotal resource hub. Providing valuable insights, practical activities, and guidance on school life, graduation, scholarships, and more, Sananda’s leadership enriches the journey of high school students.

Explore a plethora of invaluable resources and insights tailored for high schoolers at TheHighSchooler, under the guidance of Sananda Bhattacharya’s expertise. You can follow her on Linkedin

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physical education activities high school

50 Fun PE Games Your Students Will Love

by Sara Ipatenco

Kids naturally love PE because it’s a time to be active and play fun games. An essential part of the school day, PE teaches kids the life skill of getting regular exercise. While playing the same old games over and over again can get a bit boring, incorporating a wide variety of games into your lesson plans helps keep PE fun and engaging. With a few PE staples, such as foam balls, hula hoops, and bean bags, your students will be having fun in no time! Here are 50 PE games to get you started.

1. Blob tag

Choose one child to be “it.” As that child tags other children, they link arms or hold hands to create a “blob.” The game continues until the blob has tagged everyone in the game.

2. Chain tag

This is kind of like blob tag, but instead of forming a blob, students must link arms to form a chain.

3. Bean bag balance

Give each student a bean bag. Ask the students to balance their bean bags on various parts of their body, such as their foot or knee. See how long the students can balance before they move off their bean bag falls. Give increasingly hard challenges as you go, such as on the shoulder or the thumb.

4. Clap and catch

Arrange your class into a large circle. Give one player the ball and have them get ready to toss it. Players must clap before they catch the ball. If a student doesn’t clap or drop the ball, they are out.

5. Animal races

Line your PE class up at one end of the gym or playing field for this game. Call out an animal, such as a cheetah or a frog, and students have to race to the other end, running like that animal.

This is another racing game that starts with lining your students up on one end of the playing field. Every time you yell, “jump,” students jump as far as they can. Repeat until the winning player reaches the end of the field or until the whole class finishes.

7. Bridge tag

This game starts as regular tag, but each time a student is tagged he must kneel and form a bridge. Players can rejoin the game when another player crawls under their bridge, which frees them.

8. Crab soccer

This game follows the rules of traditional soccer, but players crab walk instead of regular running.

9. Step back

Put your class into teams of two. Have them stand about three feet apart and roll a hula hoop to each other. Once the other person catches the hula hoop, they must take a large step backward and continue playing. As they get further apart, the game gets more challenging.

10. Freeze tag

This is another tag game that starts out like traditional tag. However, once a student is tagged, they are “frozen” until another player tags them. They can then rejoin the game. The last player to be frozen gets to be “it” on the next round.

11. Parachute change

Arrange your students around a large parachute. Call out things like colors the students are wearing or birthday months. Any player who fits the category you call out has to run under the parachute and switch places with someone else.

12. Parachute volleyball

Have your students arrange themselves around a parachute. One half of the parachute is team A while the other half is team B. Put a beach ball in the middle of the parachute. The objective is to launch the ball off the parachute and over the heads of the opposing team, which scores one point.

13. Banana tag

Spread your students around the play area and choose two kids to be “it.” They are the monkeys. When they tag another student, he turns into a banana and must put both arms straight up above his head. Other players can free the “bananas” by peeling them, which means they pull down one arm and then the other arm.

14. Teacher island

This PE game includes the teacher! Stand on a stool and have a bunch of cones or balls handy. Start throwing them toward the students, who are spread out around you. If a student fails to make a catch, he is out. Play continues until only one student is left.

15. Throw archery

Set up five jump ropes at various distances from where your students will stand. Give them bean bags and have them try to get them past the different jump ropes. The further away the jump rope, the more points the student gets. For example, getting the bean bag past the first jump rope is worth ten points while getting it past the last jump rope is worth fifty points.

16. Crazy moves

Set out several mats around the play area. Start calling out numbers and that number of kids need to find a mat and stand on it together as fast as they can. Any student who doesn’t find a mat is out.

17. Rob the nest

Set up the game by putting a hula hoop (nest) in each corner of the play area and ten or more basketballs in the middle of the play area. Divide the class into 4 teams, one at each hula hoop. Students take turns getting a basketball and dribbling it to their hoop. Any time you blow the whistle, students can steal basketballs from other nests. The winner of each round is the one with the most basketballs when you blow the whistle a second time.

18. Tic-Tac-Throw

Set up nine hula hoops in a 3×3 grid, like a tic-tac-toe board. Make enough grids so you can divide your class into teams of two. Give the teams two different colors of bean bags. The students will throw the bean bags into the hula hoops trying to get three in a row.

19. Bounce into buckets

Set up enough buckets in the middle of the play area that there is one for each group of two kids. At each bucket, have one student on each side. The kids take turns trying to bounce balls into the buckets. Make it more challenging by having the students back up further from the bucket as they go.

20. Backward soccer

Play this game just like you would regular soccer but turn the soccer goals around backward.

21. Speed ball

This PE game combines basketball and soccer. Divide your students into two teams and give them a rubber ball to play with. Play starts with students passing the ball to other players on their team. There is no bounce passing in this game. If the ball hits the floor, the game switches to soccer.

22. Pool noodle archery

Have one student hold up a hula hoop while another child tries to launch pool noodles through the hoop. Once a student gets a noodle through, the players switch places.

23. Kangaroos and Crocs

Divide your class into two teams – one team will be kangaroos and the other team will be crocs. Have the teams line up back-to-back in the middle of the play area. Call out one of the animals. That team will try to make it to the end of the play area without getting tagged by the other team. Anyone tagged sits down and is out. Play continues with additional rounds.

24. Noodle hockey

Play a traditional PE game of court hockey but use pool noodles and a small plastic ball instead of hockey sticks and a puck.

25. Continuity ball

Have your students spread out in the play area. Give them one beach ball and challenge them to keep it from hitting the ground. Gradually add more beach balls until you have several going at the same time.

26. Birds on a branch

Set up two balance beams and split the class into two teams. Have the teams line up on the balance beams and call out directions, such as “stand on one foot” or “put your arms above your head.” If a student falls off the beam, he is out. The winning team is the one who keeps the most “birds” on their branch.

27. Shark zone

Set up mats, hula hoops, and other PE equipment around the gym. Use items that students can stand on or inside of. These are shark-free zones. Identify one or two students as sharks. When you say go, players will run around the gym standing on mats or inside hula hoops to stay away from the sharks. If a student fails to get to a safe area before being tagged, they are out.

28. Cats and mice

Give each student a scarf – one color for cats and one color for mice. Have them tuck the scarves into their back pockets or waistband as tails. Cats will chase mice and mice will chase cats. If the opposite team catches a tail, they keep it. The winning team is the one who steals all the tails first.

29. Tunnels and trains

Choose two students to start out as trains. The rest of the students put their hands and feet on the floor creating a tunnel with their bodies. The trains must crawl through the tunnels. When a train goes through the tunnel, that student joins the tunnel at the front and the next student at the back of the tunnel turns into a train. Play continues until all students have become trains.

30. Noisy running

Explain to students that you will be playing music and the louder the music gets the faster they need to run around the play area. As you turn down the volume, they will slow their running.

31. Freeze dance

Play some upbeat dance music and encourage students to free dance. When you stop the music, they must freeze. Any student who doesn’t freeze is out.

32. Eight dance

Choose one student to start the game. Turn on some upbeat music and have the student demonstrate any move they want, such as jumping or spinning in circles. The rest of the students must copy the move eight times. Let all the children have a turn to be the instructor.

33. British bulldogs

Choose one student to be the bulldog. He stands in the middle of the play area. The rest of the players try to get past the bulldog without getting tagged.

34. Body part tag

This game is played like traditional tag except that whatever body part gets tagged cannot be used anymore. If a student gets tagged on the arm, they cannot use their arm anymore. If he gets tagged on the leg, he has to hop on the other leg.

35. Crab Kickball

This game is played just like traditional kickball except that students must walk and play in the crab walk position.

36. Broom hockey

This is a PE game played like regular hockey except students use brooms instead of hockey sticks.

37. Hop in a hoop

Lay out several hula hoops in the play area. Have students run around the hoops while you play music. When you stop the music, students must hop into a hula hoop – one student per hoop. Students who don’t have a hoop are out.

38. Hot potato

Arrange your students in a circle and give them a small ball. They will pass the ball around the circle until you blow the whistle. The student holding the ball when the whistle blows is out.

39. Scooter tag

This PE game is played just like traditional tag except students must play by sitting on and moving around on scooters.

40. Bucketball

This game is played just like regular basketball except students use a bucket instead of the usual basketball hoop.

Break your class into small teams of 5 or 6 players. Give one student from each group a jump rope. That student will spin the jump rope on the ground while the other members of the group jump over it. If the “snake” touches a student, they are out.

42. Shipwreck or Captain Says

This is a game that puts a twist on the traditional “Simon Says.” Line your students up and start calling out commands that have to do with ships and pirates, such as “swab the deck” or “walk the plank.” Instead of saying “Simon says,” you’ll say, “Captain says.”

43. Hula hoop tag

This is another version of traditional tag. Students follow the same rules as regular tag, but they must spin a hula hoop while they run around.

44. Museum guard

This game is like freeze tag. Students will tiptoe silently around the play area pretending to sneak around a museum. When you call out “museum guard” they must freeze. Students who don’t freeze are out.

45. Mirror, Mirror

Divide your class into teams of two. Have them stand facing each other. One person does a move, and the other students must copy the move. Continue playing, encouraging students to make the movements harder and more complicated.

46. Backward tag

Play this game just like regular tag except students can only walk or run backward during play.

47. Alligators in the swamp

Choose several students to be alligators and have them lay on their stomachs in the middle of the play area. Spread them out so there are several feet between each alligator. The rest of the class starts on one end of the play area and has to try to get past the alligators. If an alligator tags them, they are out.

48. Sleeping baby

Students run around the play area until they hear the teacher yell, “sleeping baby.” At this point, all the kids drop to the floor and pretend to be sleeping. The last student to “fall asleep” is out.

49. Garbage tag

Wad up a bunch of pieces of paper to be the garbage. Choose one student to be “it.” That person starts to throw the garbage at the other players. Any player hit with a piece of garbage is out.

50. Lighthouse and ships

Place several obstacles around the gym, such as cones or mats. Students will close their eyes and pretend to be ships trying to get to the lighthouse. If they run into one of the obstacles, their ship is sunk and they are out.

PE class is about to get so much more fun for your students! Any of these games are sure to make PE their favorite class of the day.

50 Fun PE Games Your Students Will Love


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P.E. Lessons

Physical education prepares children for an active and healthy life while improving self discipline and reducing stress. This section includes PE lessons from kindergarten through high school spanning different skill levels and objectives. Lessons are categorized by grade for easy retrieval. These lessons were created by real teachers working in schools across the United States. The section will continue to grow as more teachers like you share your lesson plans. We encourage you! Share your lessons plans Teacher.org, contact us .

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P.e. environmental lesson plans, food chain tag.

Students will learn a brief background about energy transfer between the sun, producers, primary consumers, and secondary consumers. ½ of the students are primary consumers (plants) and ¼ of the students are primary consumers (rabbits) and ¼ of the students are secondary consumers (hawks).

P.E. P.E. Lesson Plans

Aces and exercise.

Using a deck of playing cards, the students will pick the number of reps for various exercises.  

And Freeze!

Students will practice listening skills and basic physical concepts as required in physical education class. Students will also work on balance and coordination.

Animal Laps

Combining information about the speed of animals, the students will run laps in the gym or outdoors.

Basketball Relay

Students will practice teamwork, dribbling, and shooting a basketball.

Bear Hunt Obstacle Course

This plan will combine reading with balance and coordination skills to allow students to navigate a simple obstacle course.

Boom Over Movement Game

Students will play a game in which they need to change direction quickly. Students are to pretend that they are on a sailboat that is in the middle of a storm. They will have to run and change direction based on verbal commands and duck quickly to avoid being hit by the imaginary boom.

Butterfly Stretches

This lesson is designed to help students learn the importance and reasons for exercise through multiple activities and discussions.

Coordination Course

This plan will allow students to practice coordination while staying physical.

Multi-Ball Basketball

The student will participate in a game of basketball using various sizes of available balls.

Music Movement

The students will move to the music based on its beat, words, tune, and other variables.

On Top of Spaghetti

Pe immigration.

The students will research games and activities from other countries to share during a PE class.

Pass It Off

This lesson will allow students to practice passing, dribbling, and bouncing skills using basketballs

Plate Aerobics

Students will practice basic aerobics moves while trying to stay positioned on paper plates, this aids in coordination.

Race to the Answer

This lesson will allow students to practice teamwork, basic math skills, and get exercise through a relay race. Note: Problems/difficulty level can be altered by grade

Ride ‘Em Cowboy/girl

This lesson will allow students to practice gross motor skills.  

Students will practice listening skills and basic physical concepts as required in physical education class.

Ski to the Finish Line

This plan will allow students to practice coordination while staying physical. Students will demonstrate moving straight, backwards, and in a zig-zag pattern.

The New PE Class

The students will create a PE activity to share and demonstrate to peers.

This lesson will allow students to practice teamwork and trust building, as well as working on directionality for younger students.

What Time is it FOX?

The students play a game where they practice different movements including jumping, galloping, skipping, running, jogging, leaping, and walking. Based on National Physical Education Standards, students should have been learning these skills for the last 4 years.

P.E. Science Lesson Plans

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Physical Education teachers are truly amazing! I have believed this ever since I become one back in 1986 and I was reminded of how truly special they are the other day while reviewing 236 responses to a survey that S&S conducted on PE Central. Question number 21 of the survey reads, \93What gets you most excited about your physical education job?\94 Continue to read full blog post

Physical Education Teachers

During the past three years, over 250 edcamp events have popped up worldwide. Teachers from every corner of the globe have been organizing open opportunities for educators to collaborate and solve problems. Edcamps are:

This is the first time that one is being organized specifically for Physical Education professionals. Be a part of history this year at the National PE Institute and continue learning at PHYSedcamp. For registration information, .

Phys ed camp

Use LOG IT To Keep Kids Active Over the Summer

Log It pedometer walk across the usa

We have searched our site and found some fun things to encourage your kids to become physically active over the summer. Check out some of our cool summer bulletin boards and for a great professional development conference we highly recommend the National PE Institute July 27-29 in Asheville, NC.

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  • Log It is a Step Towards Fitness (Education World Article)

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Congrats to Nicki Newman Case and her Student!

Last week, physical education teacher Nicki Newman Case, got her Kids Quote of the Week published. She sent us the picture (below) of the young man who was responsible for the quote! By getting the quote published on PE Central, she has earned a $50 eGift card from our sponsor, S&S Worldwide! Here is her Facebook post on PEC. Thanks for sharing Nicki and congrats to both of you!

Nicki Newman Case, PEC Facebook Post " I wanted to thank PE Central for sending me an email that said I won $50 for a published kid quote. I am going to let the kid who wrote the Valentine help me pick out what he wants from the S&S catalog to use in our gym. I am also going to buy him the "I got Published" t-shirt. THANK YOU! I presented the winner of the Kids Quote of the Week with his T-shirt this morning at assembly! He LOVED it! "

Kids quote of the week

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In this section, we present the . These are activities and practices that are seen as developmentally inappropriate to use in PE class. Check out the latest journal article of this in .

* Dodgeball
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* Students on Display
* One line, one ball, one chance

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This Class Management Lesson idea, featuring 3 vinyl posters should help physical educators when students get a little bit off-task. View the entire lesson idea . Purchase Poster Set

Behavior Check Poster Set

Looking for a great K-5 PE Curriculum? You Found It!

is a standards based developmentally appropriate elementary physical education curriculum guide. The curriculum is developed around the content areas of locomotion, body management, educational games, and dance. There are over developed by grade level. Each motor task has the following sections to assist the teachers in developing the physical education content: planning information, rubric, summative assessment, learning sequence, teacher cues, formative assessment, and a section for cognitive, affective and physical activity objectives. The goal of Moving to Success is to develop physical literacy. Students who are physically literate have the skills, knowledge, and values of how and why to lead a physically active lifestyle. .

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Physical Education Activities for High School

Kortny williamson.

Gym class should involve multiple sports over hte course of a year.

Gym class is the one class that most high school students look forward to, so it is up to the gym teacher to make sure that each unit is fun and exciting. It's important to include different activities related to sports like baseball, basketball, and even swimming, with different phases included for each unit.

Explore this article

  • About Physical Education Activities for High School
  • Planning a Unit
  • Indoor Activities
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Aquatic Activities

1 About Physical Education Activities for High School

Physical Education--a.k.a. gym class or PE--is the one class that most high school students look forward to. It is where they can kick back and just have a good time. It is only fun, however, if you choose activities that students will enjoy.

PE teachers, no pressure. You are the one in charge of making that block of time enjoyable for high school students.

2 Planning a Unit

PE teachers should plan their units in advance in order to create order in the gymnasium. A unit plan has up to six phases:

Unit name is the content area for which the activity relates in terms of health and activity, the start and end date, and what purpose the unit serves.

Objectives focus on what the students will get out of the unit in terms of psychomotor (i.e. throwing and catching a ball), cognitive (thought process) and affective (overall behavior).

Scope and sequence provides a day-by-day scope of what students will do each day of the unit. For example, on day one, there will be introduction to the unit. On day five, students will play modified games and on day 10, they will play game and the teacher will conduct a final assessment.

Assessment refers to how you will measure whether or not the students met the unit's objectives.

Emergency lesson plans create a backup in case of inclement weather, lack of appropriate space, or any other external factor prevents you from going through with any given day.

Materials requires that a teacher make of list of what will be needed for the unit (i.e. baseballs, baseball bats and gloves).

Students may be involved in different activities in PE than their peers, depending on the time of the year. For those who have gym class year-round, the number of activities is limited. For example, most high schools in Pennsylvania are on block scheduling, which means half of a ninth grade class will have PE from the beginning of school up until winter break, and the other half will have PE starting after winter break up until the end of school.

Before jumping into any activity, be sure that students warm-up to loosen their muscles and avoid injury. Have them run at least three laps around the gymnasium, split them into four or five lines (give or take a few depending on the class size), and perform warm-up exercises across the gymnasium (width). Skills like high kicks, heel-to-butt kicks, sideways lunges, high knees and spider crawls really wake up the muscles.

4 Indoor Activities

Indoor activities are the easiest to plan, especially if your school has a gymnasium that is used for this sole purpose, because you do not have to worry so much about the ever-changing weather. For high school students, the activity ideas are limitless.

Basketball is a great co-ed activity, with numerous games that breakdown the real game to focus on specific areas. Zone ball teaches students the fundamentals of zone defense using six hula hoops at each end of the court. Students must stand inside the hula hoop, chest passing the ball to one another; no dribbling is allowed. Another good basketball-related activity is basketball golf, where students learn various ranges to shoot the ball. Using index cards with the hole number written on them (hole one, hole two and so on), write a cue for shooting on the back, and tape each card to the floor. Working clockwise, each student must make a basket at hole one before moving on.

Aerobics and dance is another great indoor activity to get students working in groups and use their creativity to come up with a routine. All you need is a CD/tape player and anything the groups (three to five students) need. Give them up to three days to come up with a routine. They will perform the routine to the rest of the class, then ask their peers to join by teaching them the moves.

For girls, a great unit to incorporate is self-defense (boys could partake in an activity like wrestling during this unit). It not only helps with hand-eye coordination, but also offers balance, flexibility and strength techniques that can be incorporated into real-world experiences.

Dodge ball is and always will be a classic, just like Capture the Flag. Both activities promote teamwork, agility, quick thinking and hand-eye coordination.

5 Outdoor Activities

Track and field involves the most basic of athletic movements.

Four obvious activities come to mind when thinking of outdoor PE units, including tennis, soccer, baseball (for boys) and softball (for girls). Quick serve tennis is fast-paced and introduces the fundamentals of tennis, especially on the pace and placement of players. Switch soccer teaches students how to work the soccer field, but the objective is to play keep away as opposed to getting a goal. Once they get the concept down, focus them on kicking one soccer ball into another, then have them switch sides of the field. Track and field is the most basic outdoor activity in play. Students learn each event involved (high jump, javelin, shot-put, hurdles and sprints). Some PE teachers blend all of the events, while others specify an individual day for each event. Students are generally assessed not by how well they perform the event, but rather how hard they try and how many reps are attempted.

6 Aquatic Activities

Aquatics are a fun way to mix things up during the unit if you have easy access to a pool. Things as simple as swimming freestyle laps can be put into play, followed by timed lengths of the pool, then closing out with races. It is also good to incorporate instruction of each different stroke so students can learn the proper technique for each (breast, butterfly, back and freestyle). Games like water polo, water volleyball and water basketball are fun ways to incorporate dry land activities into the water. This is a great alternative to the dry land activity because there is less impact to the bodies and less of an opportunity for injuries to arise. CPR is a good three-day unit to incorporate into any aquatics session, but it can also serve as an emergency unit.

About the Author

Kortny Williamson is a freelance writer from Lancaster, Pa. She attended the University of Iowa where she earned her Bachelor of Arts in communication studies and a minor in journalism.

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The PE Shed Logo - The home of Physical Education resources, games and ideas. Making teaching PE simple, fun and engaging

Warm Up Games

The PE Warm Up Games section provides you with Physical Education resources which will help you to plan PE Warm Up Games. Each PE Game outlines what equipment is required, how to set the game up, how to play the game and how to differentiate the game. The resources can be downloaded and can support your PE planning. Lots of the resources are free. Explore the PE Games below:

Dangerous Dogs

Dangerous Dogs PE Game and Warm Up

Dangerous Dogs is a PE Warm Up Game focused on leg and arm movement. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Traffic Lights Football

Traffic Lights Football Soccer is a PE Warm Up Game focused on football control

Traffic Lights Football / Soccer is PE warm up game focused on ball control. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Peg Invasion - 2 Games

Peg Invasion is a Physical Education PE Warm Up Game focused on attacking and defending

Peg Invasion is PE warm up game focused on attacking and defending. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Dance Tag Warm Up PE Game

Dance Tag is a PE Warm Up Game focused on creativity and dance movement. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Cat and Mouse

Cat and Mouse PE Game

Cat and Mouse is a PE Game focused on movement. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Dragon Tails

Dragon Tails Warm Up PE Game

Dragon Tails is a PE Game focused on movement and strategy. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Kings & Queens

Kings and Queens Rock Paper Scissors is a Warm Up PE Fitness Game

Kings and Queen: Rock, Paper, Scissors is a PE Game focused on exercises and strategy. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Slide in the mud

Slide in the mud Warm Up PE Game

Slide in the mud is a PE Warm Up Game focused on tagging and teamwork. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Traffic Lights

Traffic Lights Warm Up PE Game

Traffic Lights is a PE Warm Up Game focused on rule following and movement. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Body Parts PE Game and Warm Up

Body Parts is a PE Warm Up Game focused on reactions and movement. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Bridges and Rivers

Bridges and Rivers PE Warm Up Game

Bridges and Rivers is a PE Warm Up Game focused on strength and movement. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Crossing the river

Crossing the river PE Game and Warm Up

Crossing the river is a PE Warm Up Game focused on movement and space. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.


9 Activity Ideas for STEM in Physical Education

  • Lauren Chiangpradit
  • November 16, 2023
  • Reviewed by Sean Barton
  • Reviewed by Haley MacLean

Table of Contents

The Synergy of Movement and Learning

Physical education stem activities for elementary school, stem activities for middle school pe students, advanced stem challenges for high school learners, tech, tools, and resources for stem in physical education.

Integrating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) into Physical Education (PE) classes offers an innovative approach to education. In an era where sports statistics, science, and technology increasingly influence athletics, PE classes are uniquely positioned to blend physical activity with STEM learning and 21st century skills. This article explores how PE educators and facilitators can use STEM learning in their coursework. It also provides a range of curriculum activity ideas to get students at different education and skill levels engaged.

Research indicates that physical activity can significantly bolster cognitive abilities. When students participate in movement-based learning, they benefit physically and experience enhanced concentration, memory, and creativity. This cognitive boost is crucial for comprehending and applying STEM concepts, which often demand high levels of problem-solving and critical thinking. Active learning, where students engage in physical activities while learning STEM concepts, results in more profound understanding and retention of information. Integrating physical and mental challenges not only makes learning more enjoyable, but is more effective, as students apply theoretical concepts in practical settings, leading to better comprehension and recall.

Integrating STEM into elementary physical education presents a fantastic opportunity to lay the foundation for lifelong learning and curiosity in young students. Through these innovative activities, elementary school children can explore and understand key STEM concepts while engaging in fun and physical play. Each activity is designed to be not only educational but highly interactive and suitable for their developmental stage. Here are some engaging activities that blend physical education with STEM learning for elementary students:

  • Jump and Measure: Students perform a variety of jumps – like the long jump and high jump – and measure their distances or heights. This activity introduces basic concepts of measurement and physics, encouraging students to understand how force and motion play a role in their physical activities.
  • Geometry with Body Movements: In this activity, children use their bodies to create geometric shapes, either individually or in groups. It’s an engaging way for students to learn about basic geometry, spatial awareness, and symmetry. Teachers can challenge students to form complex shapes, enhancing their understanding and teamwork skills.
  • STEM Soccer : In a lesson devoted to measuring throw-ins, students collect data in centimeters and convert their data to meters dividing by 100. Students then evaluate measurement systems to decide the best measurement size. This disguised learning,  interactive lesson is a great way for physical education teachers to add STEM into their PE classes.
  • Weather and Exercise: Students observe and record weather patterns over a week and discuss how different weather conditions affect physical activities. This integrates meteorology into PE, allowing students to see the real-world application of science in their everyday activities.
  • Heart Rate Exploration: After engaging in various exercises, students measure their heart rates to learn about the cardiovascular system and the science behind exercise. This activity not only educates them about their bodies, but about the importance of physical fitness in maintaining health.
  • Playground Physics: Utilizing playground equipment, this activity allows students to explore concepts like gravity, force, and motion. They can experience firsthand how these physical laws impact their play and movements, turning the playground into a living laboratory.

As students enter middle school, their capacity for more complex and abstract thinking grows significantly. This developmental stage is an ideal time to introduce more intricate STEM concepts through physical education, enhancing their learning experience with practical applications. The following STEM activities are tailored for middle school students, offering a blend of intellectual challenge and physical engagement. These activities are designed to pique students’ curiosity in STEM fields through the familiar and enjoyable medium of sports and physical exercises. By participating in these activities, students not only deepen their understanding of STEM concepts, but learn valuable lessons in teamwork, problem-solving, and the practical application of classroom knowledge to real-world scenarios. Here’s a look at some stimulating and educational STEM activities for middle school PE:

  • Sports Statistics Analysis: Students gather and analyze sports statistics from games or physical activities. This teaches them about data collection, interpretation, and the importance of statistics in understanding and improving athletic performance.
  • STEM Football: During a lesson in STEM Football, students collect and graph data of a controlled experiment by using a line graph. Students then explain the relationship between kinetic energy and mass by writing a claim evidence supported by evidence-based reasoning from class data. This lesson highlights the strong classroom connection between physical education and STEM learning, and how it can help create tangible examples for students.
  • Energy and Movement: This activity focuses on the concept of kinetic and potential energy in the context of sports. Students explore how energy is transferred and transformed during different physical activities, such as running, jumping, or throwing a ball.
  • Biomechanics of Sports: Here, students delve into the study of human movement and mechanics in various sports. They learn about the science behind athletic performance, injury prevention , and how athletes optimize their movements for maximum efficiency and safety.
  • Mathletics Relay: A relay race where each leg involves solving a math problem before passing the baton. This combines physical fitness with mathematical skills, emphasizing quick thinking and teamwork.
  • Technology in Sports Training: Students explore how technology is increasingly used in sports training and performance analysis. They might look at wearable tech, video analysis software, or other tools that help athletes improve their skills and coaches to make informed decisions.

High school students, with their advanced cognitive skills and heightened interests, are well-positioned to tackle complex STEM challenges through physical education. This section of the curriculum is designed to offer high school learners in-depth, hands-on experiences that combine higher-level STEM concepts with physical activities and sports. These advanced activities are not just about physical exertion; they require students to engage in critical thinking, problem-solving, and creative innovation. They provide an opportunity for students to see the real-world applications of the STEM knowledge they acquire in their classrooms, bridging the gap between theoretical learning and practical implementation. By participating in these activities, high school students can gain a deeper understanding of various STEM fields, such as physics, engineering, biotechnology, and environmental science, observing how these disciplines intersect with sports and physical fitness. Here are some challenging and intellectually stimulating STEM activities designed for high school learners:

  • Physics of Sports Equipment Design: Students research and discuss the physics principles involved in the design of sports equipment. This can include topics like material science, aerodynamics, and ergonomics, providing insights into how equipment is optimized for performance and safety.
  • Engineering a Miniature Golf Course: Students design and construct a miniature golf course, applying concepts of geometry, physics, and design. This project not only involves creativity, but a practical application of STEM principles by creating functional and enjoyable mini-golf holes.
  • Sports Analytics Project: Students undertake a project to analyze a sports game using statistical methods and tools. This activity introduces them to data science in sports, teaching them how to interpret and use data to understand game strategies and player performance.
  • Biotechnology in Athletics: This topic explores how biotechnology is used in sports, from equipment design to performance enhancement techniques. Students might study material innovations, genetic research in athletics, or the ethical implications of biotechnology in sports.
  • Environmental Science in Outdoor Sports: Students analyze how environmental factors impact outdoor sports activities. They can study topics like climate change, pollution, and natural terrain, understanding the interplay between sports and the environment.
  • Virtual Reality Sports Training: Students explore how VR technology is being used for skill development, strategy training, and injury rehabilitation in various sports by discussing the emerging role of virtual reality in sports.

Bringing STEM into PE classes effectively requires the right resources, including technology tools, educational kits, and comprehensive guides. Resources like the STEM Sports® kits provide ready-to-use activities that seamlessly blend physical education with STEM learning. These kits offer an invaluable resource for teachers looking to enrich their curriculum and engage K-8 students through a cross-curricular learning approach. For additional resources, tools, and innovative ideas, please visit STEM Sports® .

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Cap N' Pete's Power PE

  • Pete Charrette

18 Top PE Activities for Dynamic Physical Education Classes

Imagine a classroom where every student is engaged, energized, and eager to learn. This isn't a fantasy—it's a regular day in a well-designed physical education program. Studies have shown that students who participate in regular physical activity exhibit improved attention, faster cognitive processing speed, and better academic performance overall. But the benefits of physical education extend far beyond the classroom walls, deeply influencing students' physical, social, and emotional health. Through PE, students learn the importance of staying active, working as a team, and setting personal health goals.

18 Top PE Activities for Dynamic Physical Education Classes

In the diverse world of PE, activities range from dynamic warm-ups that get hearts racing, to skill development movements that focus on precision and coordination, to small group games that teach the value of cooperation and spirited competition. They cater to warming up young muscles, developing essential motor skills, fostering teamwork, and improving overall fitness. But the benefits don't stop at physical health; these activities are instrumental in teaching students about cooperation, respect, and the value of setting and achieving personal goals.

physical education activities high school

My goal with this article is to equip PE teachers, professionals, and even classroom teachers with a diverse toolkit of PE activities. Whether you're looking to energize your students at the start of a class, build their fitness levels, or foster a spirit of teamwork, I've curated a list of 18 top PE activities, neatly categorized for ease of use. These activities are designed to be adaptable, ensuring that regardless of your students' ages or abilities, you can create a dynamic learning environment that motivates and inspires.

So, let's dive into this collection of engaging, dynamic PE activities designed to energize, educate, and inspire both you and your students. Together, we can transform the physical education experience, one activity at a time.

Click the link to skip to a section:

Section 1: Instant Activities

Section 2. tag games, section 3. fitness-based movement activities, section 4. pe equipment - skill challenges, section 5: pe stations, section 6. small group games.

Section 7. Final Thoughts

Instant Activities for PE Classes

Instant activities are designed to energize students right at the beginning of a PE class, immediately engaging them in physical activity. These activities serve as quick warm-ups, helping to transition students from an academic mindset to a physical education environment with minimal downtime. The key is to captivate students' attention and get them moving as soon as they enter the PE space, setting a dynamic tone for the rest of the session. Instant activities work well with younger students that need quick and easy movement experiences to start their physical education classes.

Key Benefits:

Quick Setup:  Most activities require little to no preparation, allowing for immediate start.

Minimal Equipment:  Simplifies organization and facilitates a swift transition into physical activity.

Immediate Student Engagement:  Captures students' attention from the moment they enter the PE area, promoting enthusiasm and readiness for the day’s lesson.

Instant Activity 1: Four Corner Fitness

Overview:  Four Corner Fitness is a circuit-style activity that gets students moving around the gym's four corners, each corner offering a new exercise challenge. By incorporating varied locomotor movements for transitions, this activity adds an element of excitement and unpredictability, keeping students engaged and active throughout.

Equipment Needed:  8 cones, signs indicating exercises and locomotor movements (laminated for durability), stopwatch or timer.

Instant Activity 1: Four Corner Fitness


Arrange 8 cones in the gym's four corners, placing two in each corner.

Attach signs to each cone - one sign for the exercise to be performed in that corner and another for the locomotor movement needed to get to the next corner.

At the start signal, students begin with the designated locomotor movement towards the first corner.

At each corner, students perform the indicated exercise for 20-30 seconds.

After completing the exercise, students proceed to the next corner using the locomotor movement indicated on the next sign.

The activity continues for 5-10 minutes, encouraging endurance and agility as students complete the circuit around the four corners.

Instant Activity 2: Sports Mania

Overview:  Sports Mania turns the gym into a dynamic playground where students practice transporting various sports equipment from one corner of the gym to the next. This activity is not only a lot of fun but also helps students familiarize themselves with different sports equipment and the basic skills associated with each.

Equipment Needed:  A variety of sports equipment (basketballs, soccer balls, beanbags, hockey sticks, paddleball rackets, scarves, beach balls, balloons, footballs), cones to mark the corners.

Instant Activity 2: Sports Mania

Spread assorted sports equipment in the gym's corners.

As students enter, they head to the nearest corner and select a piece of equipment.

Designate specific locomotor movements for transporting the equipment to the next corner (e.g., dribble basketballs, balance beanbags on the head).

Students continue moving equipment from corner to corner, experimenting with different items and movements.

Continue for a set time, encouraging students to try as many different types of equipment and movements as possible.

Instant Activity 3: Build it, Wreck it

Overview:  "Build it Wreck it" is an exciting and dynamic activity that encourages students to engage in various locomotor movements around the gym. The objective is to either set cones upright (building) or knock them over (wrecking), fostering a playful environment that promotes physical fitness and spatial awareness.

Equipment Needed:  20 – 50 cones (any size - different colors), music for cues.

Instant Activity 3: Build it, Wreck it

Scatter cones randomly across the gym floor.

Assign students to "home teams" based on cone color and review locomotor movements and safety.

On the musical cue, students move to flip over opposing teams' cones while keeping their own team's cones upright.

A student cannot touch the same cone twice in a row.

The team with the most upright cones at the end of the set time wins.

Change the locomotor movement (e.g., hopping, skipping, sliding, etc.) every 1-3 minutes to keep the activity fresh and challenging.

Click the link to view this 25 Instant Activity Set on Cap'n Pete's website store  or here on Teachers Pay Teacher s .

Tag Games for PE Classes

Kids love tag games and they are a staple in physical education for a good reason. They combine the thrill of the chase with the benefits of quick sprints, agile dodging, and strategic play. By incorporating tag games (like bridge tag or blob tag) into your PE classes, you’re not just getting students to run around; you’re inviting them to think on their feet, work as a team, and develop a keen sense of spatial awareness—all while having a blast.

Speed and Agility:  Enhances quick movements and "on the fly" decision making.

Spatial Awareness:  Helps in understanding and utilizing space effectively.

Teamwork:  Strengthens cooperation among students.

Fair Play:  Promotes respect for rules and each other.

Tag Game 1: Fitness Collection Agency (FCA)

Overview:  Students work in pairs to collect, save, protect, and capture cones to their hula hoop (collection area), blending strategy with physical activity.

Equipment Needed:  6 dome cones or beanbags and 1 hula hoop per pair

Tag Game 1: Fitness Collection Agency (FCA)

Group classes in partners, each pair with 6 dome cones or beanbags and 1 hula hoop.

The dome cones or beanbags are placed inside the hula hoop.

Students decide whether they will be a collector or a protector.

On a cue (preferably music), collectors try to obtain as many cones as possible and return them to their collection hoop.

One cone at a time can be captured by a collector, and the protector's job is to tag players trying to get their cones, standing with both feet in the hoop.

If a student is tagged, they must return the cone, perform 5 or 10 pushups or jumping jacks off to the side, and then return to the game.

Tag Game 2: Safe Zone Tag

Overview:  Students aim to avoid being tagged by a yarn ball while traveling around the playing area in various ways. The game encourages agility, quick decision-making, and offers a fun, dynamic approach to tagging and dodging skills.

Equipment Needed:  4 – 8 hula hoops for safe zones and yarn balls for 20% of the students to use as tagging tools.

Tag Game 2: Safe Zone Tag

Scatter 4 – 8 hula hoops around the playing area as safe zones and distribute yarn balls to approximately 20% of the students, who will act as taggers. Switch taggers every few minutes to keep the game dynamic.

Review all locomotor movements and tagging safety with students before starting.

On a musical cue, all students start moving using a teacher-designated locomotor movement. Non-taggers aim to avoid taggers, using hula hoops as temporary safe zones.

Only one player can occupy a safe zone (hula hoop) at a time. If a new player enters, the one inside must leave immediately (first in, first out rule).

If two players enter a hula hoop simultaneously, both must exit.

Tagged students perform a designated task, like running a half-lap outside the playing area or doing a set exercises, before rejoining the game.

Tag Game 3: Predator Tag

Overview:  Predator Tag is an engaging game that simulates the predator-prey relationship, with students trying to tag or steal flags from their "prey" while avoiding their "predators." This game not only encourages physical agility and speed but also strategic thinking and teamwork.

Equipment Needed:  Scrimmage vests or belts with flags (or juggling scarves) in three different colors to distinguish teams.

Tag Game 3: Predator Tag

Assign students to one of three teams, each identified by a specific color of scrimmage vests, flags, or juggling scarves, and have them scatter throughout the playing area.

Initiate movement with a teacher-directed locomotor movement, setting the game in motion. Each team has a specific target: Green tags blue, blue tags red, and red tags yellow, with each team being both predator and prey.

Introduce a variety of locomotor movements throughout the game to challenge different skills.

Players tagged or whose flags are stolen must sit or perform a designated balance/stretch/exercise in a designated holding area until a teammate gives them a high five, allowing them to re-enter the game.

Freed players can then rejoin the game, continuing to tag or avoid being tagged according to their team's role.

Check out this 25 Tag Game Set on Cap'n Pete's website store or here on Teachers Pay Teachers .

Fitness-Based Movement Activities for PE Classes

Incorporating fitness-based movement activities into PE classes is key to promoting a holistic approach to student health. These muscle strengthening activities, designed to also elevate heart rates and increase flexibility, go beyond the immediate fun and excitement to lay a foundation for lifelong health and fitness habits. By integrating these into your curriculum, you're not just teaching students how to move but also why movement matters for their overall well-being.

Cardiovascular Health:  Regular participation improves heart health and endurance.

Muscle Strength:  Activities target various muscle groups, enhancing overall strength.

Flexibility:  Encourages a range of motion, reducing the risk of injuries and improving performance.

Locomotor Movement:  Promotes fundamental movement skills, improving coordination and agility.

Fitness Activity 1: Pacer - Rapid Fire

Overview:   The PACER (Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run) Challenge is a dynamic activity designed for large classes or groups, utilizing the classic PACER test format to enhance cardiovascular fitness. Participants alternate running between end and side lines of a court, ideally set at PACER distances of 15 or 20 meters apart, promoting endurance and speed.

Equipment Needed:   The activity requires two sets of PACER lines or side/end lines on a basketball court and Fitnessgram PACER recording cues to guide the pacing of the activity.

Fitness Activity 1: Pacer - Rapid Fire

Students are divided into groups at either the end line or sideline of a court, or at two sets of PACER lines.

After reviewing PACER instructions and emphasizing safe, straight-line movement, the activity begins with a starting cue (beep or bell).

The first group runs from one end line to the opposite on the cue, followed by the next group running from one sideline to the other on the second beep.

Groups alternate running back and forth, following the PACER beeps.

Halfway through, based on age group criteria (e.g., at 25 for 4th graders), groups switch from end to side lines to vary the running pattern.

To add variety, the type of locomotor movement can be changed for each run.

Fitness Activity 2: Fitness BLASTS

Overview:   Fitness BLASTS challenge students with task card activities that cover a broad range of health and skill-related fitness movements. Designed for small groups, this activity promotes teamwork, engagement, and offers a well-rounded workout experience as students aim to complete all exercises on a task card before moving on to the next one.

Equipment Needed:  Y ou'll need Fitness BLAST sheets with 4 to 8 varied exercises that include strength training and aerobic movements, laminating materials to ensure the sheets can withstand repeated use, and cones, hula hoops, or wall space to display the laminated sheets throughout the gym or classroom.

Fitness Activity 2: Fitness BLASTS

Divide students into small groups or pairs and assign them to start at a specific Fitness BLAST card.

Each group works through the exercises listed on their card, ensuring every member completes all exercises. Group members can perform different exercises simultaneously to finish faster.

After completing all tasks on their card, groups change Fitness BLAST task cards and resume movement performing different exercises on the next card.

Fitness Activity 3: Power Shuttle Fitness

Overview:   Power Shuttle Fitness is a dynamic activity that combines fast-paced shuttle relays with a comprehensive mix of exercises. Students will engage in locomotor movements, cardiovascular training, strength exercises, plyometrics, flexibility routines, and manipulative skills, all within a single, energetic session.

Equipment Needed:   The setup requires a designated area like a basketball court or field, with equipment for mid-point exercises including jump ropes, hula hoops, resistance bands, and balls. Cones or markers are also needed to delineate the start, midpoint, and endpoints of the relay.

Fitness Activity 3: Power Shuttle Fitness

Divide the class into small groups of 3-4 students, arranging them in lines at opposite ends of the court or field.

At the signal, the first student in line performs a teacher-directed locomotor movement towards the midpoint of the relay course.

Upon reaching the midpoint, they complete a predetermined exercise or movement, utilizing the available equipment.

After the midpoint exercise, they continue to the opposite end of the course and give a high-five to their waiting teammate, signaling the next person to start their relay.

While waiting, students on the sidelines engage in dynamic stretches, yoga poses, or balance exercises to stay active.

The activity is continuous, with teammates taking turns completing the relay and the exercises.

Here are 25 "Start Me Up" Fitness Warm up Activities on Cap'n Pete's website store  or here on Teachers Pay Teachers .

PE Equipment - Skill Challenges for Physical Education Classes

Skill challenges utilizing PE equipment are pivotal in developing a student's hand-eye coordination, balance, and fine motor skills. These challenges are not only about mastering the equipment but also about enhancing cognitive and physical coordination. By engaging in these activities, students learn to control and manipulate various tools, from balls and hoops to ropes, which contributes to their overall physical development and introduces them to a broad spectrum of sports and activities.

Key Benefits

Enhances Motor Skills:  Improves fine motor skills, agility, and control through targeted activities.

Coordination and Control:  Through focused challenges, students learn to manage their movements with greater skill and efficiency.

Introduces New Equipment and Techniques:  Expands students' experience and familiarity with a range of PE equipment, fostering a versatile skill set.

PE Challenge Activity 1: Hula Hoop Challenges

Overview:  This activity encourages students to engage in a series of personal challenge tasks involving twirling, spinning, and balancing with a hula hoop. Designed to be self-guided, it allows students to work at their own pace, promoting self-improvement and persistence in mastering various hula hoop techniques.

Equipment Needed:  A hula hoop for each student, or one hula hoop to share between two students if there are not enough hoops available.

PE Challenge Activity 1: Hula Hoop Challenges (Twirling)

Prepare challenge sheets that outline a series of tasks with the hula hoop. These tasks should become progressively more challenging, allowing students to advance at their own pace.

Distribute a hula hoop and a challenge sheet to each student. Encourage them to work through the tasks on the challenge sheet, which may include:

PE Challenge Activity 1: Hula Hoop Challenges (Spins)

Twirling the hoop around their waist, neck, arm, one leg, and both legs.

Rotating the hoop on the ground like a spinning top and then performing various tasks while it rotates, such as touching the closest wall or holding a plank position.

Balancing the hoop on different parts of their body.

Walking through the hoop while it is on the ground.Introduce partner activities with the hoop for added fun and collaboration. These can include passing the hoop between partners without using hands or rolling the hoop and running through it while it is in motion.

PE Challenge Activity 2: Jump Rope Challenges

Overview:  Jump Rope Challenges offer students a variety of personal challenge tasks that involve turning and jumping over an individual jump rope. This self-guided activity is structured to allow students to progress at their own pace, fostering a sense of achievement as they develop and refine their jump rope skills.

PE Challenge Activity 2: Jump Rope Challenges (Basic Jumps)

Equipment Needed:  A short jump rope for each student, or jump ropes to be shared between pairs if there are limited resources.

Create challenge sheets listing a variety of jump rope tasks. Arrange these tasks in order of difficulty to provide a gradual learning curve.

Hand out a jump rope and a challenge sheet to each student. Guide them to start with simpler tasks and advance to more complex challenges. Task examples include:

PE Challenge Activity 2: Jump Rope Challenges

Turning the rope in wide circles around the body above the head, known as the "helicopter," and around the waist, termed the "washing machine."

Switching the rope from one side of the body to the other in a swift motion, referred to as "Ninja," and performing a figure-eight motion, stepping through the loop in a "step-through" maneuver.

Basic jump rope skills like jumping forwards and backwards with both feet, hopping on one foot forwards and backwards, and executing a jogging step in both directions.

More advanced jump rope tricks such as the "skier" (jumping side to side), "bell jump" (jumping forwards and backwards), "spread eagle" (jumping with legs apart and together), "twister" (twisting the hips side to side), "scissor jump" (alternating front and back leg positions), and the "straddle" (jumping with legs wide and together).

PE Challenge Activity 3: Scarf/Grocery Bag Challenges

Overview:  Scarf/Grocery Bag Challenges present students with a unique opportunity to refine their hand-eye coordination through a series of tossing and catching tasks, simultaneously incorporating other movements. This self-guided activity is designed for students to progress at their own pace, encouraging persistence and skill development in various scarf and bag tossing techniques.

PE Challenge Activity 3: Scarf/Grocery Bag Challenges - 1 Scarf

Equipment Needed:  Each student will need 1 or 2 juggling scarves or lightweight grocery bags. If resources are limited, these can be shared between partners.

Create challenge sheets detailing a sequence of progressively challenging tasks involving the scarves or bags. Ensure the tasks encourage students to develop their tossing and catching skills while also integrating additional movements.

Hand out a scarf or bag along with a challenge sheet to each student. Guide them to attempt the tasks listed, which may include:

PE Challenge Activity 3: Scarf/Grocery Bag Challenges - 2 Scarves

Tossing and catching the scarf or bag straight up and down, and across the body in a "rainbow toss."

Performing specific actions before catching, such as tossing the item and then touching their shoulder, foot, the ground, or spinning around.

Tossing and catching the item with added challenges, like clapping, sitting down, tossing under their leg, lying down, or rolling before the catch.

To incorporate social interaction and teamwork, introduce partner activities. These could involve tossing and catching between partners, mirroring movements, or creating a sequence of throws and catches to perform together.

Check out this Super Challenge Series- PE Skills Edition - 26 Challenge Sheet Set on Cap'n Pete's website store  or here on Teachers Pay Teachers .

PE Stations for Physical Education

PE stations are an excellent way to organize physical education classes to maximize student engagement, skill development, and participation. By setting up different stations around the gym or outdoor area, students can rotate through a variety of activities, each focusing on different physical skills or challenges. This format not only keeps students active and reduces downtime but also caters to diverse interests and skill levels within the class.

Diverse Skill Development:  Each station can focus on a different skill, ensuring students receive a well-rounded physical education.

Engagement:  With multiple activities happening simultaneously, students are less likely to become bored or disengaged.

Personalized Learning:  Stations can be tailored to challenge students at their individual skill levels, promoting personal growth.

Station Activity 1: Cup Stacking

Overview:  Cup Stacking is an engaging and dynamic station activity designed to improve students' motor coordination and speed. Tasked with the rapid construction and deconstruction of stacking cup pyramids, students engage in a playful yet challenging exercise that enhances dexterity and concentration.

Equipment Needed:  Each student, pair or small group needs 9 plastic cups for the station activities.

PE Station Activity 1: Cup Stacking

Each student, or students in a group station, begins with 9 cups.

The task is to build three pyramids, each consisting of three cups.

Once the pyramids are constructed, students must then de-stack the cups back into single stacks as quickly as possible.

Introduce a competitive and self-improvement element by having students time each other's upstack and downstack process, encouraging them to improve their speed with each attempt.

Increase the challenge for by having them create different pyramid configurations or by increasing the number of cups per pyramid.

Station Activity 2: Ball Handling Skills

Overview:  This station focuses on enhancing students' ball handling skills through diverse and engaging exercises, aimed at improving coordination, dexterity, and ball technique mastery.

Equipment Needed:  Basketballs or playground balls suitable for the age and skill level of the students.

Station Activity 2: Ball Handling Skills

Students begin with overhead taps to develop hand control and fluid motion.

They practice the rainbow toss, moving the ball in an arc from one hand to the other across the body.

They circle the ball around the waist, then legs, then head, maintaining grip throughout.

They perform a figure 8 dribble between the legs to boost coordination.

They try spinning the ball on one finger for balance and focus.

Students are encouraged to invent and try out their own ball handling exercises.

Station Activity 3: Javelin (Pool Noodle) Throw

Overview: The Javelin Throw station uses pool noodles to safely introduce students to the track and field event, focusing on developing throwing technique and upper body strength. It incorporates a friendly competitive element as students strive to achieve the farthest throw.

Equipment Needed:  This station requires one pool noodle, a designated line for students to throw from, and an optional measuring tape for recording distances.

Station Activity 3: Javelin (Pool Noodle) Throw

Students line up behind a set throwing line.

Taking turns, they throw the noodle as far as they can, focusing on proper form to mimic a javelin throw.

After each throw, distances can be compared to encourage a bit of friendly competition among participants.

Encourage each student to aim to beat their own personal best with each subsequent throw, fostering a sense of personal achievement and progress.

Click the link to view this large grouping of PE Stations: Triple Pack Bundle- 132 Movement, Skill and Sport Zones on Cap'n Pete's website store  or here on Teachers Pay Teachers .

Small Group Games for PE Classes

Small group PE games provide a unique opportunity for students to engage in more intimate and cooperative/competitive gameplay (i.e. small group crab soccer vs. regular soccer). These games are designed to enhance teamwork, communication, and social skills, as well as physical abilities. Small group settings allow for more individualized attention from teachers and can be particularly effective in developing specific skills or concepts.

Teamwork and Cooperation:  Students learn to work together, developing social and cooperative skills that are essential beyond the PE class.

Focused Skill Development:  With fewer participants, games can be tailored to target specific skills or areas of improvement.

Strategic Thinking:  Engaging in games that require strategy encourages students to think critically and make quick decisions.

Small Group Game 1: Pin Ball

Overview:  Pin Ball is a dynamic team PE game where players collaborate to toss a foam ball or flying disc to knock down the opposing team's bowling pin situated at their court's end. The game emphasizes essential physical skills such as throwing and catching, fostering teamwork and strategic play.

Equipment Needed:  Each small group needs one ball, which can be a yarn ball, foam ball, or Frisbee. The playing area or court is marked off with 4 cones or gym lines. At each end of the court, place 2 hula hoops, and within each hula hoop, set up a bowling pin or an empty 2-liter bottle to serve as the target.

PE Small Group Game 1: Pin Ball

Game Instructions and Rules:

Two teams are spread out each within their court section, with 3 vs. 3 or 4 vs. 4 being optimal team sizes.

The game starts with one team holding the ball, aiming to pass it along their court and shoot to topple the pin within the opposing team's hoop.

Players in possession of the ball are restricted from moving with it but may pivot and take one step towards their aim (either a teammate or the pin), without progressing up the court.

Only "complete" passes allow a team to maintain possession. If the ball hits the ground, the opposing team gains possession from that spot.

Physical contact is prohibited in the game, especially on defense.

A team earns 1 point by successfully making passes that lead to a shot knocking down the opposition's pin.

The game is played for a predetermined duration or until a team reaches "10 points" first.

Small Group Game 2: Rescue Me

Equipment Needed:  For "Rescue Me," you'll need several balls such as footballs, Nerf balls, and Frisbees for each playing group. The playing area is outlined with cones or lines to mark playing areas and end zones, accommodating small groups of 12 – 16 players or 6 – 8 per team. Balls are evenly dispersed on both sides of the playing area, which is divided by a mid-line with two end-zone lines set approximately 30 to 50 feet apart.

Small Group Game 2: Rescue Me

Teams divide their members, positioning half on their side of the playing area and the other half behind the opposing team’s end zone.

The objective is to "rescue" teammates from the opposite end zone by throwing them a ball that they must catch completely in the air.

Once a player in the end zone catches a ball, they must throw it back across the mid-line to their teammates in their home playing area.

A player is considered "rescued" if they make a successful catch in the end zone and then throw the ball back across the mid-line to be caught by a teammate in their home playing area.

Rescued players join their team and continue playing in the home court/field, aiding in the rescue of the remaining players.

The game continues with balls not caught being thrown back to either playing area, and the process repeats.

Victory is achieved when all members of a team have been successfully rescued.

Small Group Game 3: Catch Ball

Overview:  Catch Ball is a team game where groups work together to make a playground ball bounce twice within the opposing team's court, emphasizing skills in both throwing and catching.

Equipment Needed:  Each small group of 8 to 12 students needs one playground ball. Court boundaries can be marked with gym lines or small cones indoors, or playground chalk for outdoor play. Two square or rectangular courts are set opposite each other, with a serving line marked at the back right corner of each court.

Small Group Game 3: Catch Ball

Players distribute themselves within their court.

The game initiates with a serve from the back right corner into the opposing team's court. The serve must cross the mid-line.

The goal is to have the ball bounce twice within the opponent's court. A ball that bounces once or is dropped and then bounces once before being caught remains in play.

If a ball is thrown to the opposite side, bounces once, and then exits the court bounds, the serving team earns a point.

Should the ball bounce twice in a team's own court before crossing over, the opposing team scores a point. The serving right rotates through each team member after each point.

While the ball is live, players may pass it among teammates before it crosses to the opposing side. However, if it is dropped and bounces twice, the opposing team scores. The ball is allowed to bounce once during live play.

Teachers or student referees are advised to vocally count "ONE" upon the first bounce as a reminder to players.

Here are 25 "Dynamic" Small Group Breakout Games/Activities on Cap'n Pete's website store  or here on Teachers Pay Teachers .

Final Thoughts

Wrapping up this journey through a diverse array of PE activities, it’s clear how vital variety is in our physical education curriculums. Each activity presented not only serves a broad spectrum of interests and learning objectives but also highlights the flexibility and innovation essential in meeting our students’ diverse needs. From the instant energy boosters to strategic tag games, and from skill-sharpening challenges to collaborative small group games, our mission remains steadfast: to nurture comprehensive physical and social skills that empower students for a lifetime.

18 Fun PE Activities

I invite my fellow PE teachers and professionals to see these activities as gateways to inspiration, learning, and adaptation. With a dash of creativity and some thoughtful tweaking, you can customize these activities to fit various ages, skill levels, and equipment availabilities, ensuring every student finds their stride.

Most importantly, physical education plays a pivotal role in fostering a lifelong appreciation for health and fitness. By creating an environment where physical activity is both fun and rewarding, we’re setting the foundation for our students to lead active, healthy lives long into the future. Let's continue to be inventive, engaging, and supportive, showing our students the boundless possibilities that physical education offers.

A Cool Free Resource!

Do you need some FREE PE skill-based challenge visuals? Do you need an organized task sheet set that has top of the line graphics and font? If so, Cap'n Pete's Power PE has you covered! Each task sheet consists of 6 manipulative skill-based challenges (1 sheet for beanbags, balloons, hula hoops, jump ropes, playground balls, and juggling scarves) that progressively get more difficult as the students work through the tasks. !

REE PE skill-based challenge visuals

Fill in the form below to download this FREE Super Challenges - PE Skills: Visual Card Set with 6 task cards designed exclusively for working on manipulative skills during PE or in the classroom as a brain break or movement energizer!

This fun set of super challenge visuals was designed to be implemented with a wide range of ages.

Need a Large C ollection of Skill-Based Activity Visuals?

If you're looking for several skill-based activity progression visuals to use in your classes that incorporates a variety of PE equipment , look no further! Cap'n Pete has the ultimate PE skill-based resource - PE Activity: Super Challenge Series- PE Skills Edition.  The packet is made up of 26 individual challenge visuals; one for each letter of the alphabet.!

Easter PE Resources

Each task sheet consists of 6 manipulative skill-based challenges, that progressively get more difficult as the students work through the tasks. These challenges can easily be utilized by a physical education or classroom teacher to provide students with a quality, manipulative skill-based, highly engaging LEARNING experience they will absolutely LOVE! The Super Challenge Series sheets are “Kid-Friendly” (incorporating a Super Hero theme) and the set comes complete with a detailed activity plan and optional incentive tickets for completing each challenge sheet.

The challenges were designed to use typical PE equipment that includes activities using; beanbags, hula hoops, jump ropes, balloons, juggling scarves, paddles, rackets and playground balls. Students can work on their own, in partners or small groups to attempt the self-guided/paced progressions.

You can download them from either of the following platforms: Cap'n Pete's Power PE Website   or Teachers Pay Teachers- Cap'n Pete's TPT Store

physical education activities high school

  • Activities and Games
  • Warm-Ups & Instant Activities
  • Stations and Circuits

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High School Curriculum

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SPARK was designed to be more inclusive, active, and enjoyable than traditional PE classes, and more than 30 years for research and dissemination support the achievements of those original goals.

SPARK digital members now get full access to the FIRST physical education curriculum & assessment app! Learn More.

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SPARK is a complete program made of four key components!

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"What To Teach"

Comprehensive, engaging curriculum for high school – Standards aligned and high MVPA (moderate to vigorous physical activity) lessons; easy to learn, easy to teach format! Learn more below.

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Professional Development

"how to teach".

Teacher training is designed to provide  a working knowledge  of SPARK’s unique content and instructional strategies. Teachers leave motivated and ready to “SPARK-up” their students for a lifetime of good health!

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Equipment Sets

"tools to teach".

Expert-selected, high-quality, content-matched Gopher equipment provides you with everything you need to execute the SPARK High School program!

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Free Lifetime Support

Once a sparker, always a sparker.

For a program to work and last, ongoing consultation must be provided. SPARK is committed to extensive follow-up via their unique “SPARK Stars” institutionalization model, offering FREE lifetime support through toll-free number and e-mail consultation, a monthly webinar series, social networking opportunities and a monthly eNewsletter that includes SPARK updates and teaching tips.

Interested in learning more or have questions?

Complete the short form below and our team will reach out within 2-4 business days., high school curriculum features, the world's most evidence-based physical education program designed for high school.

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Heart Rate Monitor Unit

This unit provides students with an excellent foundation of introductory concepts and principles that are aligned with cardiovascular endurance. It also gives students an understanding of their current fitness levels and tools to monitor their heart health.  

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16 Print + 22 Digital Units!

The instructional units are aligned with the SPARK Yearly Plan. Receive updates for free with an active subscription!

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Over 600 Activities!

The High School curriculum, available in a new enhanced lesson plan format, includes more than 600 standards-aligned, high MVPA, easy to learn, and easy to teach activities that your students will love. 

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An Evidence-Based Curriculum That's Proven to Work

View articles that prove the dramatic results achieved by high schools that have implemented SPARK programs.

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  • Social and Emotional Learning

Featuring over 50 SEL skill definition and T-chart cards, as well as 10+ SEL lessons.

The SPARK High School curriculum also includes the following teacher resources:

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Likert scale rubrics that are linked to National and State Physical Education Standards plus  student self-assessments and unit tests are included in every instructional unit. Now you can assess students with the SPARK App !

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Contains the music you need to teach SPARK including warm-up music, interval music, and all songs to instruct SPARK dances.

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Skill, Task, and Station Cards

Skill cards may be used as teaching aids, for stations in a circuit, or in combination to create movement routines. English/Spanish

SPARK digital members now get full access to the FIRST physical education curriculum & assessment app!


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High School Curriculum Units (300+ Lesson Plans)

Instructional Units:

ASAP (Active Soon As Possible)

Group Fitness

Strength Training

Wellness Walking

Flying Disc


Digital Only Units

  • FUNctional Fitness
  • Icebreakers
  • Gopher Exclusive
  • Heart Rate Monitor
  • OMNIKIN® Unit
  • Cooperatives: Adventure Racing
  • Positive Learning Environment

All SPARK High School Lessons Include:

Learning objectives and targets.

Statements that describe what students are expected to learn and learning targets written in student friendly “I can” statements.

Teaching Cues and Suggestions

Short phrases identify key concepts students should know as they engage in the activity and instructional hints from SPARK PE specialists who have instructed the activity before.


A progression of extensions that add more activities and provide different challenges.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Competencies

Shows lesson’s alignment with CASEL’s SEL competencies and related social skills.

Reflection Questions

Different levels of questioning allow teachers to assess knowledge and understanding, address social emotional learning concepts, and provide opportunities for self assessment.

Standards and Outcomes Alignment

Indicates SHAPE America National Physical Education Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes.


Lists equipment/materials needed, describes set-up prior to instruction, and includes ready-to-read activity description that states objectives, instructions, and directions.

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3-Year Subscription

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  • 37 Instructional Units / Over 600 Activities
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  • Full Access to SPARK App

1-Year Subscription

  • 1-Year of Digital Access

Print + Digital Purchasing Options:

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  • Printed Curriculum Manual
  • Free Updates with Active Subscription.

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  • SPARK Curriculum Manual

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JUNE 2023: SPARK is celebrating 34 years - Evidence. Innovation. Impact. Thanks to all past, present, & future SPARK customers, partners, & funders for positively impacting so many students, youth and children worldwide! #physed #afterschool #ECE #activeclassroom #earlychilhdood pic.twitter.com/8lnL2SFe54


📣 Starts in 1 hour! (5pmPT/8pmET) SPARK June Webinar: Units to Invigorate Your PE Program - New SPARK K-12 Activities bit.ly/3TrwoLH #physed pic.twitter.com/H8szuGXm7P

SPARK Enhanced Active Classroom (& Recess) - Lesson Plans Available! Check out all the details here: bit.ly/448ud4r #ActiveClassroom #physed #physicalactivity #recess pic.twitter.com/eMegOhTINX

Join @JeffMushkin SPARK Content Development Director TONIGHT for our SPARK June Webinar: Units to Invigorate Your PE Program - New SPARK K-12 Activities There is still time to register here: bit.ly/3TrwoLH?utm_so… #physed pic.twitter.com/SwmmjMyOzp

Make sure to stop by the SPARK booth at #KYSHAPE23 conference - chance to win an iPad! Plus, don't miss our presentation today at 1:45pm: Prep - Set & Thrive with SPARK PE Strategies, Activities, and More! (secondary focused) #physed @KY_SHAPE pic.twitter.com/VVgjH3ptP1


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physical education activities high school

40 Facts About Elektrostal

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy , materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes , offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development .

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy , with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

Elektrostal's fascinating history, vibrant culture, and promising future make it a city worth exploring. For more captivating facts about cities around the world, discover the unique characteristics that define each city . Uncover the hidden gems of Moscow Oblast through our in-depth look at Kolomna. Lastly, dive into the rich industrial heritage of Teesside, a thriving industrial center with its own story to tell.

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  10. OPEN Home Page

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  23. Bilingual Instructional Aide

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