24 Fun & Inclusive PE Games High Schoolers Love

These inclusive high school PE games are all about fun and fitness.

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While we all tend to think of gym class as a time to exercise, it's also really a great opportunity for kids to have fun playing sports or other games. From the old favorites we've all played for years to new discoveries, there are so many fun PE games to choose from. We've rounded up some of the best here, so get ready to have a great time. 

Classic Fun Gym Games for High School Students

Over time as physical education programs grew and developed, a few standout games were introduced and became classics because of their wide appeal. People have been playing these for years for a reason, though. They really are super fun.

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There are a ton of reasons to play dodgeball. Gym class dodgeball is highly competitive, requires little equipment, and involves the whole class simultaneously.

The point of the game is to eliminate all the players on the other team by hitting them with a ball or catching a ball they throw. There are two teams with any number of players and only a few balls in play to make the game challenging.

What's fun about dodgeball is you get to hit your friends, or enemies, with a flying object with the permission of a teacher. If you have a teacher who likes to play, it's also fun when the class teams up to get them out.

Relay Races

A relay race is a small team activity with endless possibilities (and lots of potential for hilarity). Essentially, you need at least two teams, each with at least two people. The more teams and players, the more fun and competitive the game.

One player at a time completes their designated leg of the race, then tags the next teammate to complete their leg, and so on until the entire team finishes. Relay races can feature straight running or include a variety of activities like crawling, skipping, and walking backward. Fun Attic offers more than 10 ideas for funny and entertaining relay races like ones using tricycles, balloons, and bananas.

To play handball, you need a large gymnasium with lots of open wall space and some handballs. You can work on handball skills and play games on an individual basis or in groups — whatever works for your situation. Teens use only their hands to hit the ball toward the wall and then keep hitting it back as it bounces off the wall. This coordination game is fun because it involves an individual challenge, and the repetition can be addicting.

Four Square

Everyone remembers this recess favorite! This game is exactly as it sounds, made up of four squares. All you need to make a court is some tape and space where you can tape down a grid featuring four equal, intersecting squares.

The goal is for an individual player to get others out and advance to the fourth square, which is the highest level. There is one game ball that you try to bounce inside another square without the person in that square hitting another square.

Any number of kids can play Four Square because it is super fast-paced and features a line for waiting players who enter the game when someone gets out. This game is really simple to play, but it's highly addictive, which makes it fun.

This version of kickball is a team game that leaves room for individual skills and preferences. Instead of standard bases, Matball uses large gym mats as bases because multiple players can be on a base at one time.

There are two teams — one starts as the kicking team, and the other in the outfield. Each kicking player advances to the first mat and then decides on each teammate's turn whether they think they can make it to the next base without getting out. The team with the most runs at the end of the game wins. Teens have the most fun when they work as a team and run the bases in a large group or create distractions to get the fastest players home.

Obstacle Course

If you want an individual activity, obstacle courses are a great way to encourage each student's skill set. Basically, you want to create a course with various obstacles, then time each person as they attempt to complete the course.

Classic obstacles include crawling through tunnels, funny walks like the crab walk, and zig-zagging through a line of cones. Picking up a bunch of small objects, jumping over something, or having to do the limbo under a bar or rope can also be great.

To get everyone involved in the obstacle course, ask kids to brainstorm obstacles ahead of time. They'll come up with some hilarious ideas, and everyone will have even more fun playing this PE game.

Capture the Flag

Capture the Flag has many versions, but the basic indoor game is like a team game of tag. Each team tries to steal the flag(s) of the other team before theirs gets stolen. To make the game more exciting, start with at least four teams instead of the traditional two. Give each team more than one flag and rule that only one flag can be taken at a time or include bonus point items.

Traditional Sports

There's no reason to leave the classic sports out of PE — after all, these are games too. Comprehensive physical education programs typically involve individual fitness, cooperative games, and an introduction to classic sports . Depending on your specific facilities, include some of the traditional high school PE games:

  • Basketball - Learn the basic rules of this two-team game from Basketball Breakthrough .
  • Volleyball - The Art of Coaching Volleyball offers standard gameplay and setup, along with relevant terminology.
  • Baseball - Dummies.com gives you the simplest breakdown of the complicated rules in this outdoor game.
  • Soccer - Learn the history, basic rules , and team strategies of gym class soccer.
  • Football - Standard football rules are often modified in gym class with no tackling, like in Flag Football .
  • Swimming - Groups with access to a swimming pool teach everything from basic strokes to pool exercises to group water games .
  • Lacrosse - When played in PE classes, the game uses modified equipment and lacrosse rules .

If you use some traditional sports, be sure to focus on inclusion and mixing things up. By the time kids reach high school, they've had a chance to experience several sports either as players or spectators. Teens who are die-hard athletes or passionate about a specific sport find these traditional games fun and exciting, but teens who aren't as active may struggle to enjoy competitive sports.

Modern Favorite PE Games for High School

Inclusion is the name of the game these days with PE. In recent years, physical education class standards across the country have seen major changes. The new focus is on promoting health for all kids, not just the ones who excel at or love sports. Teachers now look for ways to encourage individual participation in activities selected by each student or group games with less competition.

These modern games are super fun for everyone, no matter their skill level.

Ultimate Frisbee

With gameplay similar to football, basketball, and soccer, Ultimate Frisbee is a non-contact team sport using a frisbee in place of a ball.

To play, you'll need a large open area like a football field. The best aspects of this game are that anyone can play, and teamwork is essential. To score, teams need to utilize all of their players because once you have the frisbee you can only pivot, not run. The lack of contact also prevents injuries and levels the playing field for kids who aren't as classically athletic.

Frisbee Golf

This slow-paced game is played just as it sounds. Like golf, there are designated "holes," a target of some kind like a safety cone or a tree, you try to hit with a frisbee in the least number of throws possible. Frisbee golf works best in a large outdoor area but can be played inside a large gymnasium.

Those with limited resources can designate found objects like trees and fences as holes outside or tape spots on the wall around the gym indoors. This is an individual game with an element of totally friendly competition when teens play against each other for the lowest score.

A combination of tennis and ping-pong, this super popular and active game features simple rules and a slower pace great for people of all ages and skill levels.

To play you need a court similar to a tennis court with a net, pickleball paddles, and the ball which resembles a whiffle ball. Play a singles game or play with a small team. Teens will feel like they're in a giant-sized ping-pong game.

  • 20 Benefits of Pickleball That'll Convince You to Start Playing

When Capture the Flag mixes with a snowball fight, you get Yuki Ball. Based on a Japanese game, teams hide behind barriers and launch small softballs to protect their flag and steal the other team's flag. To play, you need to buy a Yuki Ball kit for around $900 that includes balls, barriers, pinnies, and buckets. Or you can construct your own from things you have in the gym — make your own set with cardboard box barriers and wool dryer balls or the fake snowballs you find around winter in stores.

Two teams of up to seven people each can play at one time, but you can have more than one game going at a time in a gym. Keep score and have fun.

Hunger Games Gym Class Competition

Tie in pop culture with your curriculum when you include this fun game inspired by The Hunger Games novels and movies. The main goal is to be the last person standing in the game. To do this, you'll need to avoid getting hit by "weapons" like dodgeballs and pool noodles wielded by other players. The Hunger Games Competition can be played in a gym, in several rooms, or outdoors.

To start, all the "weapons" are placed in the center of the room and the players are placed in a circle at equal distances from the center. Teens can try to get a "weapon" or choose to run away. Each person hangs a bandana or flag from their waist that, when pulled off, eliminates them from the game. If a person gets hit with a weapon, they aren't out of the game, but they do lose the use of whatever body part got hit for the rest of the game.

Hoop Scrabble

You know how it's great when one game tackles multiple learning areas? This high-paced game gets the whole class moving at once, requires cooperative teamwork, and incorporates other areas of learning.

In Hoop Scrabble , you form small teams and give each a hula hoop to place on the ground in their designated area around the perimeter of the gym. Dump a ton of small balls, like tennis or ping-pong balls, in the center of the room. Teams then have to collect balls and spell a word inside their team's hoop before any other team does or before anyone steals their balls.

What's great about this creative game is teens don't need to be athletic to have fun playing. Once all the balls have been collected, teams start stealing from each other, which makes the game more fun.

This fun PE game is super simple and doesn't require a ton of equipment. You'll need three red dodgeballs. To play, give a dodgeball to each of three kids and tell them to start tagging people. If they hit someone with the ball, that person is temporarily out and should sit down and cover their face.

For tagged kids to get back in the game, another student needs to stand behind them and say the words "Guess who." If the tagged person can guess who is standing behind them just from their voice, they are back in. Keep playing until everyone is out.

Originally a tailgating game, cornhole is awesome in PE class too. Most of the kids probably already know how to play, but you can refresh them on the rules of cornhole if you need to.

You use cornhole boards (or tape out a "board" on the gym floor) and try to see which team can score the highest. Teams take turns tossing bean bags into the hole of the board. Those who make it in the hole are worth three points, and those who land on the board are one. The team that hits 21 points first is the winner.

Original PE Games

Sometimes the best gym games are the ones you and the teens create, so get creative with the old games to make something totally new. These are a few ideas to take inspiration from traditional or classic PE games for high school and make them unique using special equipment or rules.

Shape Shifter

Think of this as an advanced form of following the leader. You don't need any equipment — just an open space, and some creative, willing kids. Divide the group into teams of at least five people on each team and set each team in a line, one person behind the next. Teams will jog together staying in a line. The teacher will call out "Shape Shift" at various points and teams must react appropriately at that time.

To start, the first person in each line forms a shape or pose with his arms and everyone in line holds the same position as they start to jog. When you call out "Shape Shift" the second person in each line forms a new arm pose and all other team members copy it. To do this, the first person in line will need to turn around and will be jogging backward for the rest of the game. Repeat these actions until the entire team is turned backward. This is a fun, non-competitive game.

Flag team is an individualized version of Capture the Flag. Give each student a designated spot in the gym with a hula hoop on the floor and a flag in the middle of the hoop. The goal is for each person to protect their flag but also steal at least one other flag. If your flag is stolen, you choose another person who still has their flag to join. You cannot steal any more flags once you are out, but you can help the other person defend theirs.

The rules are simple in terms of offense and defense. You cannot stand inside your hoop or anyone else's. To stop someone from stealing your flag, you must tag them on the back only. If you get tagged on the back by any player at any point in the game, you are out.

Get Your Game On

Everyone has a different definition of fun. It's awesome to create a physical education class inclusive of every kid when you choose a wide variety of games. The only true way to know if teens will like a game is to try it out, so introduce some new games and see which ones become favorites with your group.


22 Exciting Pe Games for High School

Physical Education PE games for high school students play a crucial role in promoting active lifestyles, fostering teamwork, and enhancing overall physical fitness.

These games not only provide a break from traditional classroom settings but also create opportunities for students to engage in healthy competition, develop essential motor skills, and cultivate a positive attitude toward exercise.

By incorporating a variety of PE games into the curriculum, educators can contribute to the holistic development of students, helping them build strong bodies and a foundation for lifelong wellness.

From classic sports to innovative challenges, the range of PE games available ensures that high school students can find enjoyable ways to stay active while reaping the numerous benefits of physical education.

Ultimate Frisbee:

20 Exciting Pe Games for High School

Ultimate Frisbee is an exhilarating team sport that combines elements of football, soccer, and basketball while involving a flying disc. It encourages high school students to improve their cardiovascular endurance, agility, and teamwork. Divided into two teams, players aim to score by passing the Frisbee to teammates until they reach the end zone. This game promotes communication and strategic thinking as players must quickly decide when to pass, run, or defend. Ultimate Frisbee not only provides an intense physical workout but also enhances interpersonal skills and sportsmanship among students.

Capture the Flag Redux:

physical education activities high school

A modern twist on the classic game, Capture the Flag Redux incorporates glow-in-the-dark elements, making it a thrilling option for high school PE classes, especially in the evening or indoors. Divided into two teams, students must work together to capture the opposing team’s flag while avoiding being tagged by opponents. This game enhances cardiovascular fitness, stealth, and problem-solving abilities. The glow-in-the-dark feature adds an element of excitement, making it a memorable and engaging PE activity that encourages active participation.

Circuit Training Challenge:

physical education activities high school

Circuit training is an effective way to improve strength, endurance, and overall fitness. High school students can be engaged in a circuit training challenge where they rotate through a series of exercise stations, such as push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, and burpees. This activity targets different muscle groups and can be tailored to various fitness levels. It fosters self-discipline, perseverance, and the understanding of various exercise techniques. Additionally, the competitive aspect of completing as many circuits as possible within a set time motivates students to push their physical limits. Related: 20 Fun Games to Play With 3 People

Kickball Tournament:

physical education activities high school

Kickball offers a blend of soccer and baseball, creating a fun and inclusive PE game for high school students. Divided into teams, participants kick a rubber ball and run bases to score runs. This activity improves cardiovascular endurance, coordination, and motor skills. It encourages friendly competition and cooperation among students. Organizing a kickball tournament adds an extra layer of excitement, allowing teams to strategize and showcase their athletic abilities. The inclusive nature of kickball ensures that students of all skill levels can participate and contribute to their team’s success.

Dance Aerobics:

physical education activities high school

Dance aerobics provides a dynamic and enjoyable way for high school students to stay active. Incorporating various dance styles and music genres, this activity improves cardiovascular fitness, coordination, and rhythm. Students can follow choreographed routines that combine aerobic exercises with dance moves, making it a fantastic full-body workout. Dance aerobics also boosts self-expression, creativity, and self-confidence. It’s an ideal option for students who may not be interested in traditional sports, offering them a chance to engage in physical activity while having fun.

CrossFit Challenge:

physical education activities high school

Introducing elements of CrossFit training can engage high school students in a challenging and versatile PE activity. Set up a circuit that includes exercises like kettlebell swings, box jumps, rope climbs, and wall balls. This high-intensity workout improves strength, endurance, and functional fitness. It also emphasizes the importance of pushing one’s limits and fostering mental toughness. The friendly competition among peers motivates students to excel and showcases the benefits of a well-rounded fitness routine.

Obstacle Course Adventure:

physical education activities high school

Designing an obstacle course on the school premises or nearby outdoor area can provide an exciting and physically demanding PE experience. Incorporate hurdles, balance beams, crawling tunnels, and rope climbs to create a varied challenge. This activity enhances agility, coordination, and problem-solving skills. Students navigate through the obstacles individually or in teams, promoting camaraderie and mutual support. The obstacle course adventure encourages students to overcome obstacles both physically and mentally.

Volleyball Tournament:

physical education activities high school

Organizing a volleyball tournament can cater to high school students’ interest in team sports while improving their hand-eye coordination, communication, and spatial awareness. Students can compete in teams to serve, set, and spike the ball over the net. This game not only provides an excellent cardiovascular workout but also emphasizes the importance of strategy and teamwork. Hosting a tournament fosters a sense of healthy competition and camaraderie, reinforcing the benefits of physical activity in a social setting. Related: 20 Awesome Lego Display Shelf Ideas

Yoga and Mindfulness Session:

physical education activities high school

Incorporating yoga and mindfulness sessions into the PE curriculum offers students a holistic approach to health and well-being. Guided yoga practices promote flexibility, balance, and relaxation. Through mindfulness exercises, students learn to manage stress and enhance mental clarity. This activity encourages self-awareness, stress reduction, and improved posture. Integrating moments of tranquility and self-reflection amidst physical activities can contribute to students’ overall wellness.

Basketball Skills Challenge:

physical education activities high school

A basketball skills challenge can engage high school students in friendly competition while refining their basketball techniques. Set up stations that focus on dribbling, shooting, passing, and defensive skills. Students rotate through the stations, aiming to achieve the highest scores or fastest completion times. This activity hones basketball fundamentals and fosters healthy competition. It also highlights the importance of practice, dedication, and continuous improvement in sports and physical activities.

Running Relay Races:

physical education activities high school

Running relay races can be an exciting way for high school students to improve their speed, teamwork, and endurance. Divide students into teams and set up a relay course. Each team member takes turns running a designated distance before passing the baton to the next runner. This activity promotes cardiovascular fitness, coordination of handoffs, and team coordination. Relay races encourage healthy competition and camaraderie among students, while also instilling the value of supporting teammates.

Martial Arts Workshop:

physical education activities high school

A martial arts workshop can introduce students to the principles and techniques of disciplines like karate, taekwondo, or judo. Martial arts training enhances physical fitness, flexibility, and discipline. Students can learn basic moves, forms, and self-defense techniques. This activity also emphasizes respect, focus, and control. Incorporating martial arts into PE exposes students to a different form of exercise while teaching them valuable life skills.

Outdoor Adventure Scavenger Hunt:

physical education activities high school

Combine physical activity with problem-solving by organizing an outdoor adventure scavenger hunt. Set up clues and challenges across the school campus or a nearby park. Students work in teams to solve puzzles, follow clues, and complete physical tasks to advance. This activity engages both body and mind, promoting critical thinking, cooperation, and physical activity. The sense of exploration and discovery adds an element of excitement to the PE class.

Beach Volleyball:

physical education activities high school

If your school is near a beach or has access to a sand court, beach volleyball can be a fantastic option. Students play volleyball on a sandy surface, which adds an extra challenge to the game due to the uneven terrain. Beach volleyball enhances agility, leg strength, and teamwork. It also provides a unique and enjoyable environment for physical activity. Playing on the beach encourages adaptability and a fun twist on a traditional sport.

Hiking and Nature Walk:

physical education activities high school

Take advantage of nearby nature trails for hiking and nature walk activities. Students can explore the outdoors while improving cardiovascular fitness, endurance, and appreciation of nature. Hiking also provides an opportunity for reflection and relaxation. Educators can incorporate educational components by discussing local flora, fauna, and environmental conservation. This activity promotes a connection with nature and the benefits of outdoor physical activity.

Indoor Rock Climbing:

physical education activities high school

Indoor rock climbing offers a unique and engaging way for high school students to challenge themselves physically and mentally. Many indoor climbing facilities have varying levels of difficulty, making them accessible for beginners and experienced climbers alike. Climbing improves upper body strength, balance, and problem-solving skills. This activity also encourages students to overcome fears and push their limits in a safe and controlled environment.

Water Balloon Volleyball:

physical education activities high school

Combine the fun of water play with physical activity by organizing a water balloon volleyball game. Set up a net and divide students into teams. Instead of a traditional volleyball, use water balloons that participants must hit over the net without bursting them. This activity provides a refreshing way to exercise, especially during warmer months. It encourages laughter, camaraderie, and quick reflexes.

Tai Chi and Qi Gong Session:

physical education activities high school

Introduce students to the benefits of Tai Chi and Qi Gong, which are ancient Chinese practices that focus on slow, flowing movements and deep breathing. These practices enhance balance, flexibility, and mindfulness. A Tai Chi and Qi Gong session in PE class can provide a calming and rejuvenating experience, helping students manage stress and improve their overall well-being.

Functional Fitness Boot Camp:

physical education activities high school

Create a functional fitness boot camp-style class that combines bodyweight exercises, interval training, and functional movements. Students can engage in activities like burpees, planks, squats, and push-ups. This high-intensity workout improves muscular strength, endurance, and cardiovascular fitness. Emphasize the importance of proper form and technique to prevent injuries and promote lifelong fitness habits.

Dance Battle Challenge:

physical education activities high school

Host a dance battle challenge where students can showcase their dance moves in a friendly competition. This activity celebrates self-expression, rhythm, and creativity. Students can form teams or participate individually, taking turns to perform choreographed or freestyle dances. Dance battles promote confidence, teamwork, and appreciation for various dance styles. Related: 25 Wonderful 10 Year Old Birthday Party Ideas at Home


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physical education activities high school

Sohaib Hasan Shah

Sohaib's journey includes 10+ years of teaching and counseling experience at BCSS School in elementary and middle schools, coupled with a BBA (Hons) with a minor in Educational Psychology from Curtin University (Australia) . In his free time, he cherishes quality moments with his family, reveling in the joys and challenges of parenthood. His three daughters have not only enriched his personal life but also deepened his understanding of the importance of effective education and communication, spurring him to make a meaningful impact in the world of education.

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PE Lesson Plans for High School (FREE High School PE Activities)

  • Doug Curtin
  • November 17, 2021

Two students practices a kneeling table top during a yoga lesson in physical education class.

Physical education teachers have a lot to cover! We have put together a week’s worth of PE lesson plans for high school students that range in fitness, nutrition, yoga and more. We hope you enjoy the free content and give some lessons a try with your students! 

Struggling to find engaging PE activities for high school students ?

Finding quality physical education lesson plans for high school is no simple task! Getting the right instructional materials that will engage and excite your students while not breaking the bank is hard! 

Yes, you can search online, go to a Shape America conference, or talk to fellow PE teachers and find hundreds of PE activities and physical education lesson plans to use.

But, you will often end up with tons of phys ed games for high school students that are fun once and then quickly lose student’s attention. Or, you end up finding workouts that have barely clothed models that are a far cry from what you want for high school fitness lesson plans . 

What is there for high school PE ?

Producing high school physical education units on multiple topics is tough!

Do you feel like you are a jack of all trades and yet a master of none? You only have so much money in your budget and time in your day to teach all the different PE topics well. You are left asking yourself, 

  • What equipment do I need for fun and cutting edge PE games for high school ? 
  • Do I have the right equipment to run PE workouts for high school ? 

How does this all even fit into what my administrators want for high school physical education lesson plans ?

A week’s worth of free PE lesson plans for high school classes

When you feel like you are at stalemate with your lessons, sometimes it doesn’t hurt to sample! With so many great phys ed lesson plans for high school, it is hard to make sense of all that is out there. Here you will find a sample week of high-quality content that high school pe teachers tap into on a yearly basis. 

With a combination of fitness, nutrition, yoga, and dance, there is something to for every student to look forward to in the week. Additionally, you’ll find that some days give you a little extra time to sprinkle in some of those fun pe games that your kids still long for!

Day 1: Intro To Fitness – Air Squat & Hinge 

Many students arrive to high school needing a full introduction to foundational human movements. Even if they did learn things like the squat, lunge, hinge, press, and pull at the middle school level, chances are that your high school physical education class will greatly benefit from movement review. 

Today, we are beginning our movement and fitness journey by learning two of the most important foundational human movements – the Squat & the Hinge.

  • 2 Minutes of light cardio
  • Spiderman & Reach – 1 Minute Continuous Movement, Alternating 
  • Alt. Samson – 1 Minute Continuous Movement
  • Good Mornings 4 x 10 Reps 
  • Elbow Plan 4 x :20 Seconds 
  • 1:00 Rest After Each Round
  • Introduce the 4 points of performance 
  • Air Squat 2 x 5 Reps

5 Rounds Of 10 Air Squats + 2:00 Walk/Jog/Run

Day 2: Intro To Nutrition – Calories 

Are you tasked with teaching wellness within your physical education class? If you need a day off from physical activity and in need of lesson ideas, nutrition can be a fantastic addition. 

While nutrition can be a part of k-12 physical education plan, high school is often the first time where students can start to contextualize the science and practical application of nutrition. With written and video lessons, paired with chapter questions students have an interactive way to start exploring their everyday nutrition.

  • Written lesson breaking down what our body sees when we eat and how many calories we need 
  • Video breaking down energy and chemistry of calories
  • Check out the full lesson segment here
  • Written lesson discussing signs of not eating enough or eating too much 
  • Video introducing and explaining the hunger to fullness scale
  • Check out the full lesson segment here 
  • 9 chapter questions provided that can be either done individually or incorporated as part of a group discussion

Discover the Power of PLT4M

Curious how more than 10,000 PE teachers are using PLT4M’s Fitness and Wellness Curriculum and digital learning software? 

PLT4M featured on different technology devices.

Day 3: Intro to Fitness – Press & Pull 

Returning back to another fitness lesson plan for high school PE. Now, we hit the upper body and learn how to safely press and pull. We focus on scaling and modifying with all our physical activity, but place a special emphasis on this with things like pressing and pulling. 

In this lesson students will learn how to appropriately scale the level of difficulty the push up and inverted row.

  • Shoulder Warm Up – 15 Slow Reps per movement 
  • 1:00 Jumping Jacks
  • Introduce the 4 points of performance of push up  
  • Review movement scaling and elevating the push up 
  • Elevated Push Ups 4 x 5
  • Introduce the 4 points of performance of the inverted row 
  • Inverted Row 5 x 5
  • Introduce the butterfly sit up 
  • Butterfly sit up 2 x 5
  • AMRAP 8: 60 Jumping Jacks, 10 Push Ups, 10 Butterfly Sit ups

Day 4: Intro To Yoga – Standing Poses 

Yoga is one of the most popular exercise options and requires no equipment. But as a physical education teacher you may not feel comfortable teaching yoga. 

Like any type of physical activity, yoga has basic components that can be introduced as an excellent start. In this lesson, students will get a chance to try and practice four of the most popular standing poses in yoga, and then put them into a more traditional flow.

  • Begin yoga integration 
  • Flow Sun A with performance and refinement cues 
  • Flow Sun A using breath to movement
  • Chair Pose Intro & Practice 
  • Warrior 2 Intro & Practice 
  • Extended Side Angle Intro & Practice 
  • Reverse Warrior Intro & Practice
  • Apply new poses to a full flow 
  • Practice 2 times through, 1 slow, 1 faster

Day 5: Dance Fitness 

Many physical education programs have what is called a ‘fun Friday.’ If you arrive on day 5 and want to give the choice of different gym games for high school students, then go for it!

You have had a great week of lessons, and your students can now have some time to explore and play different games like frisbee, badminton, or volleyball that you have throughout the gym. 

If you want to have a little more structure but keep the fun, give dance fitness a try! A trending topic in the world of fitness, dance gives students a fun way to sweat and move.

  • Get moving with some light cardio 
  • Layer in a few static stretches
  • Introduce and and practice the 8 main dance moves for the main cardio effort
  • Put the 8 dance moves to work through a fun sequence following along with Coach Alexa
  • Let your heart rates come back down and hit some stretches before going on with the rest of your day

Let us do the heavy lifting! Get access to our complete lineup of PE lesson plans for high school students

This was just one week of PE lesson plans to give you a taste! At PLT4M, you can tap into hundreds of high school physical education lesson plans that fit your goals and needs. Tap into fitness, flexibility, yoga, dance, weightlifting, and more all in a centralized and easy to use spot. 

All of PLT4M’s instructors make these resources with high school students in mind and work to keep it fun and engaging. On top of keeping your students excited about PE, keep your administrators happy knowing all of PLT4M’s programs are aligned to Shape America national standards.

How are Plt4m’s high school PE units delivered?

PLT4M is totally flexible and customizable to your classroom, students and teaching style. Use it as much or as selectively as you like to enhance your curriculum. PLT4M is designed to work seamlessly with your classroom technology, whether you have a projector, are one-to-one, or can allow students to use their phones. 

What types of high school physical education activities do you cover?

Our ever-growing library of original content includes a variety of programs intended to spark lifelong physical literacy. Check out the options below: 

  • Weight Training 
  • Dance Fitness 
  • Mindfulness 
  • Remote Learning 

Do you only provide fitness activities for high school students?

No, we also have PE lesson plans for middle school students that are age appropriate and engaging! There is something for everyone within PLT4M! 

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At this HS, PE students can choose from a range of fitness activities - options like weightlifting, yoga, boxing, pilates, and bootcamp. Encouraging exploration & choice, it empowers them with the skills and confidence for a lifetime of health & wellness.

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Student Choice in PE Leads To School-Wide Success

How does a school increase the motivation and excitement around physical education? Hutsonville does it by empowering student choice!

How does a high school Physical Education department transition from primarily a games-based program to a more fitness-focused curriculum?

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Fitness-Focused Phys Ed At Hammond Central

After obtaining a grant to invest in curriculum and technology, Hammond Central has seen success with fitness-focused phys ed!


With SEL playing a more prominent role in the crafting of physical education curriculum, how do you go about addressing mental health by way of emotion?

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Lesson Plans On Emotions For Middle and High School Students

We discuss the importance of teaching social-emotional development in middle and high schools and provide 3 sample lesson plans on emotions.

How did one high school place students, with their own personal goals and choices, at the center of the approach to Physical Education?

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Student-Centered Strength And Fitness Classes

Littlestown High School in Pennsylvania is seeing the positive results of student-centered learning in Strength and Fitness classes.


Lesson Plan Sections

  • Environmental (1)
  • Science (1)

P.E. Lessons

Physical education prepares children for an active and healthy life while improving self discipline and reducing stress. This section includes PE lessons from kindergarten through high school spanning different skill levels and objectives. Lessons are categorized by grade for easy retrieval. These lessons were created by real teachers working in schools across the United States. The section will continue to grow as more teachers like you share your lesson plans. We encourage you! Share your lessons plans Teacher.org, contact us .

Sponsored School(s)

P.e. environmental lesson plans, food chain tag.

Students will learn a brief background about energy transfer between the sun, producers, primary consumers, and secondary consumers. ½ of the students are primary consumers (plants) and ¼ of the students are primary consumers (rabbits) and ¼ of the students are secondary consumers (hawks).

P.E. P.E. Lesson Plans

Aces and exercise.

Using a deck of playing cards, the students will pick the number of reps for various exercises.  

And Freeze!

Students will practice listening skills and basic physical concepts as required in physical education class. Students will also work on balance and coordination.

Animal Laps

Combining information about the speed of animals, the students will run laps in the gym or outdoors.

Basketball Relay

Students will practice teamwork, dribbling, and shooting a basketball.

Bear Hunt Obstacle Course

This plan will combine reading with balance and coordination skills to allow students to navigate a simple obstacle course.

Boom Over Movement Game

Students will play a game in which they need to change direction quickly. Students are to pretend that they are on a sailboat that is in the middle of a storm. They will have to run and change direction based on verbal commands and duck quickly to avoid being hit by the imaginary boom.

Butterfly Stretches

This lesson is designed to help students learn the importance and reasons for exercise through multiple activities and discussions.

Coordination Course

This plan will allow students to practice coordination while staying physical.

Multi-Ball Basketball

The student will participate in a game of basketball using various sizes of available balls.

Music Movement

The students will move to the music based on its beat, words, tune, and other variables.

On Top of Spaghetti

Pe immigration.

The students will research games and activities from other countries to share during a PE class.

Pass It Off

This lesson will allow students to practice passing, dribbling, and bouncing skills using basketballs

Plate Aerobics

Students will practice basic aerobics moves while trying to stay positioned on paper plates, this aids in coordination.

Race to the Answer

This lesson will allow students to practice teamwork, basic math skills, and get exercise through a relay race. Note: Problems/difficulty level can be altered by grade

Ride ‘Em Cowboy/girl

This lesson will allow students to practice gross motor skills.  

Students will practice listening skills and basic physical concepts as required in physical education class.

Ski to the Finish Line

This plan will allow students to practice coordination while staying physical. Students will demonstrate moving straight, backwards, and in a zig-zag pattern.

The New PE Class

The students will create a PE activity to share and demonstrate to peers.

This lesson will allow students to practice teamwork and trust building, as well as working on directionality for younger students.

What Time is it FOX?

The students play a game where they practice different movements including jumping, galloping, skipping, running, jogging, leaping, and walking. Based on National Physical Education Standards, students should have been learning these skills for the last 4 years.

P.E. Science Lesson Plans

Ready to pursue a master’s degree in education make it your time.

Teacher.org’s lesson plans encourage conceptual understanding and lifelong learning skills in students as well as empower and motivate teachers.

Are you currently teaching but have the desire to pursue a Master’s Degree in Education? Follow your passion for teaching but at the same time give yourself the tools to further your career and learning. Whether it’s higher salaries, advanced career opportunities, or leadership positions, earning your Master’s Degree in Education is one worth pursuing. Make it your time!


9 Exciting Indoor Physical Education (PE) Games for High School Students

The job of a school is to ensure the overall development of the kids – from academics to personality development to physical fitness . As such, physical education has become an indispensable part of school curriculums everywhere. So much so that gym classes have become mandatory in several schools across the United States and if you choose it as one of your electives, passing it is a must .

Usually, schools opt for outdoor games as they are a fantastic way for the students to stay active but some days, due to inclement weather, students will have to migrate indoors. This does not mean that they cannot find a way to enjoy themselves or stay active. 

Fun games, whether indoor or outdoor, energize and rejuvenate students, particularly senior ones, who are at a crucial stage of their lives and under a lot of stress. 

In this guide, we have compiled a range of engaging indoor physical education games that high school students can enjoy. If it’s raining outside or the weather is too precarious, this is the best way to stay entertained and engaged. 

Indoor physical education game ideas

1. ultimate dodgeball showdown.

Ultimate Dodgeball Showdown

A classic game, dodgeball is fun and interactive. The objective of the game is to eliminate all players of the opposing team by hitting them with a ball. To reduce any risk, you can use soft foam balls. 

The students should be divided into two teams and placed on opposite sides of the room. Keep a few balls in the middle of the area. 

Here are the rules: 

  • Students must throw the ball at the other team members who have to dodge it. 
  • If someone from the other team catches the ball, the thrower is out of the game.
  • Students must not cross the designated area. 
  • If someone is hit by the ball and fails to catch it, they are out of the team. 
  • Continue the game until one team is entirely eliminated.

2. Obstacle Course Relay

Obstacle Course Relay

If the indoor game is taking place in the gym or a large room, then an obstacle course relay would be an excellent game.

Here’s what to do:

  • Set up an obstacle course in the gym using mats, cones, and other stationary objects that are not very high.
  •  Divide students into teams and have them race through the obstacle course
  • Make use of a stopwatch to time each team, and the team with the fastest completion time wins.

3. Yoga Challenge

Yoga Challenge

The perfect way to introduce some exercise and keep the students entertained is through yoga games and challenges. But first, you will have to introduce the students to some yoga poses and stretches. 

Then organize a yoga challenge where each student will have to hold different poses. As you switch between different poses, make sure that the students are holding the poses correctly. The students who fail to do so will be eliminated from the game.

4. Musical Mats

Musical Mats

We’ve all played musical chairs at some point in our lives. But, what are musical mats? Well, it is a similar game but with a twist. Here’s what to do:

  • Lay out a grid of gym mats on the floor.
  • Play music during which the students have to keep moving from one mat to another. 
  • Stop the music and call out a fitness exercise, a yoga pose, etc. 
  • Students have to find the nearest mat and perform the exercise until the music resumes
  • Students who fail to find a mat or perform the exercise are eliminated from the game. 

5. Indoor Bowling

Indoor Bowling

Bowling is a popular indoor sport and usually requires a proper set-up. However, you can organize an indoor bowling match at the gym or hall as well. Usually, bowling is an individual game but to promote team spirit and good sportsmanship, divide the students into teams. Here’s how to go about the game:

  • Make the use of plastic pins and soft balls.
  •  Set up a bowling alley by keeping the plastic pins on the other end of the room.
  • Students should be divided into two teams (team A and team B) with the members taking turns rolling the ball to knock down the pins. 
  • Keep the scores separate for both team A and team B. 
  • Let the teams compete for strikes and spares. 

5. Fitness Bingo

This is quite a popular indoor game. It is the perfect way to include fitness exercises into the high school students’ curriculum. Here’s what to do:

  • Create a bingo card with different physical activities such as jumping jacks, burpees, lunges, push-ups, etc. 
  • Give one card to each student
  • The instructor has to call out one activity and students are to perform this exercise if they have it on the card. 
  • They can then mark it off their card and the first student to complete a row or column shouts “Bingo” 
  • Give the one who first completes a row or column a small reward as a mark of appreciation

6. Tug of War

Tug of War

A classic game that can be played indoors, tug of war teaches students a lot about team spirit, strength, and reliability. This is how you go about it:

  • Remove any obstacles indoors and clear the area for the game
  • Divide students into four teams or more, depending on the number of students
  • Only two teams can play the game at one time
  • Give them the rope and keep the game going until one team loses
  • Then allow the next two teams to play
  • The final match is between the last two teams standing

7. Indoor Soccer Relay

Football or Soccer is a favorite American sport and most students grow up playing it. It is an excellent game that combines speed and agility. Here’s how you can take the game indoors:

  • Divide the students into two or more teams, with each team having an equal number of participants
  • Set up a relay course and mark it with obstacles using cones, hoops, etc. 
  • The student will have to dribble the ball through the course, carefully navigating the obstacles that come their way
  • Once done, they make their way back to the starting line and pass the ball onto their teammate, who repeats the course
  • The team that completes the race first wins. 

8. Table Tennis

Table Tennis

Another popular high school game, table tennis or ping pong teaches students a lot about agility, coordination, precision, and reflexes. 

  • Use a small rectangular table and divide it with the help of a net
  • Players can either play solo or in pairs of two, with one pair on each side
  • The players take turns hitting a small ball back and forth over the net using paddles
  • The objective is to score points by making the ball bounce twice on the opponent’s side
  • Besides, the opponent fails to score a point if they cannot hit the ball
  • Keep scores and time the game

9. Indoor Parkour

Indoor parkour is a fun and exciting physical education activity for high school students. Traditionally, parkour is a discipline that focuses on efficient movement through obstacles using techniques like jumps, vaults, and rolls. Here’s how to create an indoor parkour course:

  • With the help of safety mats, cones, small benches, and foam blocks, create a series of obstacles. For instance, the benches will serve as hurdles to jump over
  • Teach students some basic parkour moves such as precision jump , cat leap , etc. keeping safety precautions in mind.
  • Let the students start with simple obstacles but increase the complexity as they gain confidence
  • Have a qualified instructor oversee this game and provide proper guidance

Indoor physical education games provide high school students with opportunities to stay active, even when the weather outside limits movement. Besides, it promotes teamwork, teaches them agility, and how to adapt to different situations. The physical well-being of students is of great importance, especially since high school is such a trying time when they are burdened with academic pressure. Incorporating these games into their schedule will help students stay engaged, focused, motivated, and physically fit.

physical education activities high school

Sananda Bhattacharya, Chief Editor of TheHighSchooler, is dedicated to enhancing operations and growth. With degrees in Literature and Asian Studies from Presidency University, Kolkata, she leverages her educational and innovative background to shape TheHighSchooler into a pivotal resource hub. Providing valuable insights, practical activities, and guidance on school life, graduation, scholarships, and more, Sananda’s leadership enriches the journey of high school students.

Explore a plethora of invaluable resources and insights tailored for high schoolers at TheHighSchooler, under the guidance of Sananda Bhattacharya’s expertise. You can follow her on Linkedin

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The PE Specialist

The PE Specialist

Awesome Resources for Physical Education Teachers

Awesome Warmups and Instant Activities

Awesome Warmups and Instant Activities

physical education activities high school

How do you Start Your PE Class Each Day?

When my kids walk into their Physical Education class, our routine is that I give them a quick greeting and then we get into a quick warm-up or instant activity.   After that we do a little stretching with our Daily Warmup Routine while we’re spread out at our Home Base Spots .  While we get stretched out I take attendance and give any needed announcements and then get into our lesson for the day.

Rules Review

For every K-2nd Grade class I always start by reviewing 3 important rules that my kiddos struggle with (see below)

Start Simple

At the beginning of the year I usually keep the warm-up really simple and do walking lines and jogging lines (jog the sidelines and walk the end lines) to some upbeat music for about 2-3 minutes ( here are my PE Playlists ).  As the year progresses we’ll add some more locomotor movements on the lines like skipping, galloping, sliding. 

Sometimes we also add in some footwork ladders on the lines or even going over and under hurdles while traveling around the room.

Skill Related Instant Activities

Once my kids are in a good routine I start to mix it up with some other instant activities.   Sometimes we add challenges related to the unit or lesson we are working on that day – for example balancing a ball on a paddle or dribbling a basketball while you are traveling around.

Skill Formula = 4-5 Reps of any skill – Jog a Lap – Repeat

For an example, check out the video below for an instant activity that I use in my Frisbee Unit .   

The formula above works great for any unit that you’re teaching just change the skill challenge to apply to your lesson, you can change the number of reps and change the skill, for another example in the video below we’re working on throwing and catching off the wall and only doing 3 catches.

You can also add more levels if you want them to work on more than one variation of the skill, see an example below for a format that I use often to allow students to self progress using animated GIFS to show skill specific instant activity challenges.

Fun Quick Games and Challenges

I usually don’t introduce games as instant activities until after at least the first quarter since I want my kids to get into a good routine and learn the dynamics of each class and student.  Once I feel we are ready I will introduce some fun quick games or challenges as instant activities for my classes that can handle it.  For my K-1st students I normally keep it pretty simple and use the same activities I’ve mentioned above, but with my 3rd-5th grade classes (and sometimes a mature 2nd grade class) I find that most of the games below work pretty successfully.

The Thunderstick Challenge

This is a classic activity that I always do with my kids during our Jump Rope Unit, but I also bust it out every now and then just for fun to switch things up for our instant activity.

Check it out below for an example:

Basically, I have the kids all come to the middle and if the rope hits their feet – they either head to the walk/jog lines, or grab a jumprope and practice until the 3 minute timer is done.

Another great Jump Rope Warmup if your students already know how to do it is doing the “ Whirlwind Challenge ” for 3 minutes, same rules as Thunderstick if you get eliminated (Shoutout to J.D. Hughes for showing me this awesome jumprope game).

I spend an entire lesson of our jump rope unit on the Whirl Wind challenge with my 3rd – 5th graders and then once they already know the rules we might use it for an instant activity in a following lesson.

Switch is a really fun no equipment game that’s perfect for recess and can be played on a 4 square court or using 4 cones, spots or tape to mark the 4 corners of a square.

If you’ve never seen it, check out the video below:

If you want more info about SWITCH you can head over to this page for a more detailed breakdown of the game

The Cone Flip Mixer

This is a game that I used for a Field Day Relay Race and the kids loved it so much that I started using it as a mixer or instant activity as well to talk about winning and losing and learning to be a good sport.

Check out the video below for an example:

If you want more info, check out this page for a more detailed breakdown of the game

The Fastest Class Challenge

This is a fun class running challenge that I do with all my classes in 1st – 5th grade.

I run the challenge 3 times a year and it’s been super motivating for students and allows for some healthy competition between classes.

You check out the video below for an overview of the Fastest Class Challenge:

All Links from the video linked on the page below:

  • Check Out Fastest Class Challenge Resources Page

Plug and Play Activities

There are definitely times that I need to setup or take down equipment to transition from one class to the next or do some other management task – in those situations I use warm-ups that are plug and play – so the kids are engaged and active while I’m getting ready for the lesson.  

These are some of my Favorite Plug and Play Warm-Up Activities.  They are great for those situations when need to transition or prepare for the next lesson, but also need to get your class warmed up.   Just setup a projector or plug into a TV and you are good to go.

If you don’t have to do another task like setup equipment or take attendance you can join in the activity with your kids and lead by example, while also offering feedback and refinements throughout the activity.

Note : The first 3 activities will require a screen, TV or projector of some kind.

Youtube Follow Alongs

After the year most teachers had in 2020 and many of us going virtual for at least part of the time, there are TONS of awesome follow along videos that would work great for kids warming up.  Some of my favorite channels for quick warmups are Go Noodle , Fitness Blender , Just Dance Videos and Get Kids Moving

When I was teaching virtually I also made a cool resource for our Membership and TPT store with over 100 of my favorite follow along workouts and warmups – you can check it out on TPT here: The Youtube Resource Guide or if you’re a member you can download it in the membership area.

Sometimes I even put my own Daily Warmup Follow Along up for the kids if I am setting up for an activity

Follow the Leader Skills Videos and Animated GIFS

After I got a TV installed in my gym I started creating follow the leader videos for each unit that I was teaching my students.  I really loved having them warmup using skills that are specific to the lesson and would contribute to the overall focus of the unit.

It was a ton of work figuring out how to use a green screen and deciding what skills to use, but I’m so glad I did because it’s been a great tool to use when teaching.   In the videos I take students through different skills related to the unit and move to a new skill every 30 –  60 seconds depending on the video

I also used the videos to create some great Animated GIF Slideshows that I use to progress. students through a lesson and sometimes use as Instant Activity challenges as well, see the video below for an example:

Or sometimes instead of having a sequence 1-4, I’ll just throw up a few different skill challenges and let the students choose the one they would like to work on

You can see below for an example of a summary slide from our Jump Rope Unit, so students could choose out of these 4 skills which one they’d like to work on.

If you want to see the whole process I used to create these Follow The Leader Videos and Animated GIF Packs, check out this post

The Sworkit App

Sworkit is a great App and also has an online version as well now with a “Kids” section that is free for anyone to use.   If you want to see a walkthrough of how to sign up and what the workouts look like check out this video .

It’s an awesome tool for PE Teachers.  You can create custom workouts with your own exercises and choose any length that you’d like.  

The examples are all appropriate for elementary age students and the app has kids performing the exercises as well.  Just plug your iPad, iPhone or computer into a projector or TV and have your kids follow along.

You can sign up for a free account at https://sworkit.com/

Offer a Choice

Another fun and motivating thing to do is to offer your students an option to choose between 2 warmup activities.

For example sometimes I tell my students they can either do a Just Dance video in the middle of the gym jog and jump hurdles on the jogging lines.

Before I had a TV in my Gym, I would just offer students the choice to do a Line Dance in the middle or jog the outside, here’s a fun line dance if you need an idea .  

Screen Shot 2016-04-07 at 4.38.59 PM

Interval Timer Pro

No TV or Screen?  Then this one is for you.  I use this App any time we are doing a tabata style or crossfit style warmup.  I use station slips to indicate a few exercises or activities for students to choose from at each station and then input what intervals I want to use – play some music and then the app rotates the kids around the room for a set number of rotations automatically.  

If you do have a screen you can plug the app into the screen so students can see the countdown timer for each rotation as an added bonus.

You can use any exercises, but I created my own set of 25 Exercise Posters that I use for interval workouts, see an example below: 

physical education activities high school

You can check out the 25 Exercise Posters Pack Here if you’re Interested

I usually do a 30 seconds on – 15 seconds rest/rotate – If you have 6 stations that means you have a 4.5 minute warmup activity (3 minutes of work, 1.5 minutes of rest/rotation)

This is also a great way to use stations to give a quick review of content you’ve already taught or give your students practice for something you are planning to teach soon.  

Workout Posters

  • If you haven’t taken advantage of the hundreds of free workout posters at Darebee.com you really need to check them out.   You can also find posters homemade by some great Phys Ed teachers around on the internet… Like these super hero posters for example.
  • Workout posters are great – they give students a few options to choose from and are self paced .  Just set a time limit and see how many times your kids can get through the workout before the time limit is up.  I leave a few permanently up on my walls in the gym.
  • I also created some pretty cool One Page Workouts myself using the exercise posters I mentioned earlier, which you can check out here if your interested

physical education activities high school

Daily Stretching Routine

After my students complete one of the instant activities I mentioned in this post we will head to our Home Base Spots which is how I do assigned seats in my gym.  I will lead a quick stretching routine (or have a student lead) and take attendance while the kids are getting stretched out.  

  • Daily Stretching Routine Poster

I hope some of those instant activities and warmups are useful for you and spark some new ideas for you to try with your students!

Got some ideas I didn’t mention?  Leave them in the comments!

Have fun and teach on.

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Reader Interactions

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January 9, 2023 at 4:18 pm

I teach at an alternative school. My students are all 6-8 grade. So far there are some things I will probably incorporate. However, we only have an outside court, so many of the things for placing on walls will not work, especially since most days are highly windy. The Good Sportsmanship, and Self-Assessment ideas I love.

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January 10, 2023 at 4:10 pm

No problem Willam! We always say, “Take what works, trash what doesn’t”. Glad you’re finding some of the resources helpful!

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October 12, 2022 at 1:33 pm

I LOVE LOVE LOVE these warm up activities. I am going to start implementing these in all of my PE classses. I feel like the students and I get very bored of the typical dynamic warm up. I cannot wait to change it up!

October 12, 2022 at 4:07 pm

Hey Madisen!

Glad you’re enjoying the resources!

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January 21, 2022 at 1:16 am

As a high-school PE teacher, I still find so much value in your posts. I’ll be looking for ways to adapt and include the “fastest class challenge” and “SWITCH” into future classes. Thanks for all of your hard work!

January 21, 2022 at 3:10 pm

That’s awesome to hear David! Thanks for sharing! Good to see the resources still being helpful at the secondary level!

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September 14, 2021 at 2:11 pm

Where did you get the stick for your Thunderstick Challenge? I have jump ropes and whiffles balls but that hollow stick how do you keep the rope in there it looks like they have a cap on the end to keep it tight. ????

September 14, 2021 at 4:51 pm

Hey Lindsey!

You can find all my recommended equipment and technology tools at the link below:


The Jump Baton/Thuderstick is on the list and linked below:


Hope this helps!

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August 17, 2021 at 3:52 pm

I would love some ideas for just outside as my school does not have a gym. We are outside ALL year round.

August 18, 2021 at 3:48 pm

Hey Cynthia,

We usually teach in my gym to save time and steer clear of distractions, but sometimes I’ll go outside when the weather is nice or when we have a scheduling conflict in the gym.

Below you’ll find a few ideas for teaching outside.

Jump Rope is a great activity and can be taught and played pretty much anywhere, overview of my unit below https://www.thepespecialist.com/jumprope/ Frisbee is an awesome outdoor activity, here’s a walkthrough of how I teach it: https://www.thepespecialist.com/frisbeestations/ Four Square is a classic recess/camp activity and is great if you have a black top or some concrete to play on. I’ve never played on dirt or grass, but if it was hard enough ground you might be able to make it work https://www.thepespecialist.com/foursquare/ Tag Games are always fun to play outside here’s a few of my favorites Noodle Tag https://www.thepespecialist.com/noodletag/ Fire and Ice https://www.thepespecialist.com/fireandice/ Throwing and Catching games are fun if you have a fenced in area, if the area is too big or unfenced it can get annoying with all the balls getting lost or rolling super far away, so it kind of depends on your space, a few of my favs are linked up in the post below: How I Teach Throwing and Catching in PE: https://www.thepespecialist.com/throwing Team Building Games are great for any setting Cross the River Pass the Frog Hula Hut Relays Adventure Bingo The Crazy Cards Challenge Fitness activities can be done anywhere as well, I will sometimes do circuit training with my 25 Exercise Posters or use my One Page Workouts to do an AMRAP style workout Using Exercise Posters for Warm Ups and Workouts Also, the Fastest Class Challenge is a good outdoor activity: https://www.thepespecialist.com/fastestclasschallenge/

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September 15, 2020 at 4:33 pm

I would like to purchase a Thunderstick. If I am trying to find one at a vendor, what would it be called?

September 15, 2020 at 6:11 pm

Thunderstick can be found at the link below: http://amzn.to/2tyOO1n

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September 15, 2020 at 8:39 am

In times of COVID I am looking for new plans for when I have a substitute teacher. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

September 15, 2020 at 6:02 pm

You’re welcome Cindy! Glad you’re enjoying the resources!

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May 21, 2020 at 3:14 pm

We have a set warm up we do, called Head to Toe. I like the idea of having it printed out for students to refer too (the cheat sheet). I teach PE in the UK to Years 1-6.

May 28, 2020 at 8:27 am

Thanks for the feedback!

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April 1, 2020 at 6:12 pm

Great way to work out and have fun at same time.

April 2, 2020 at 12:15 pm

Hey Matthew,

Thanks for the feedback. We appreciate it!

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March 16, 2020 at 1:07 pm

Thanks for all of the great ideas. When my students come into the gym, I have a specific place for them to stand. I call it their “Homebase”. Once they all get to their spot, I will usually give them a choice for the warm-up exercises to do for the day. This did take some time to go over at the beginning of the year, but they now know a wide variety of warm-up exercises get to choose from their favorites.

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March 16, 2020 at 3:52 pm

Awesome! It’s so helpful to have a good routine in place.

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August 27, 2019 at 11:44 pm

Hi, I am a member and use your posters all the time. I am trying to print your stretching routine poster but it is going to charge me $4. Since I am a member, is there a way to get this poster for free? I teach at three different schools. Thanks, Tami

September 2, 2019 at 1:09 pm

Yep! You can just login to the forums and download it in the Posters and printables section, if you missed our welcome page explaining how to access resources check it out below:


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August 1, 2018 at 4:30 am

Warm up before a workout is very essential because without warming up muscles are not prepared for firing in a maximum throughput and will also lead to injury. Thanks for sharing this information on warmup movements.

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July 28, 2018 at 12:34 pm

I love your blog! I have a quick question: Do you let students pass one another when they are jogging/walking the lines for warm up? Or do they have to stay in a line? This has been such a struggle for me. I’ve tried it both ways and when they pass, they cut corners and almost knock people over and when they stay in a line, there is always that slow person who refuses to walk fast or jog and it slows everyone down. Any suggestions? I teach PreK through 5th grade.

July 31, 2018 at 4:21 pm

With K-2 I usually do no passing, with 3-5 I sometimes allow them to pass each other depending on the responsibility of the class and put out 4 cones for them to jog around

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May 18, 2018 at 3:32 pm

Hello, I am so pleased to join your blog! I am teaching a health and PE course for preservice elementary and middle school teachers. You have given me many wonderful ideas for engaging my teachers in teaching skills according to the psychomotor, affective and social-emotional development of each student. I will be returning soon!

May 19, 2018 at 10:02 pm

Hey Ellen – so pumped to hear you’ve gotten some good ideas, thanks for the feedback!

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January 25, 2018 at 8:16 pm

I noticed that besides the superhero warmup posters there were cards. Any ideas on how the cards are used? I am wondering if there is a game? Thanks for any ideas.

January 29, 2018 at 4:45 pm

No idea, but you could contact Mr. C on Twitter and ask him how it works – he’s the one that created the cards

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September 11, 2017 at 10:17 pm

Ben, thank you so much for the self-assessment idea for the end of class. I now use it in my health and PE classes and the students LOVE it. I used emojis for the WOW…Got it…Almost There… Not Yet and my second and third graders love tapping out at the end of class. I’m getting great feedback from other teachers as well! Thank you for sharing your ideas. Chris

September 12, 2017 at 7:51 pm

I’ve seen a few of the Emoji versions on Twitter – I might have to add some to mine, cool idea.

Glad it’s working for you

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September 7, 2017 at 9:27 am

This is my 17th year teaching but it’s my first as a full time gym teacher. I have used all of your suggestions for the first week and I cannot tell you how much you have positively impacted my program. The Home Base spots, Conflict corner, PE Rules, noodle tag, walking and jogging lines… Everything has been incredibly helpful. I think I’m going to love teaching gym! Thank you, Melanie

September 8, 2017 at 4:13 pm

So great to hear that Melanie! Hope you have an awesome first year!

P.S. Start calling yourself a “PE Teacher” instead of “Gym Teacher” – the gym is your classroom not what you teach 🙂

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September 12, 2017 at 10:51 am

Thank you, Ben. I ALWAYS teach my PE students (and teachers) to call me/or others, Physical Education teachers, or PE teachers for short. I’ve found that “gym teachers” is actually demeaning to our profession. Always try to keep a positive/tactful attitude when working to change things.

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August 8, 2017 at 8:36 am

Thank you so much Ben, your contents are very nice and hopefully will help me tomorrow to get my job dream, PE teacher.

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July 19, 2017 at 9:29 pm

Your blog is making the transition into my first year as Physical Education Teacher amazing!

July 25, 2017 at 10:11 am

Thanks Scott! Appreciate you checking it out and I’m pumped that it’s helpful – have a great first year!

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July 18, 2017 at 2:12 pm

This is getting me motivated for that first week. My goal is to read a bit of your site/blog each day to prepare me for my new role in Physical Education.

As an Ontario teacher, I am pleased to see the OPHEA video.

Thank for all of your guidance and keeping PE fun. D

July 19, 2017 at 11:21 am

Wow – I’m excited for you with the new job – congrats! I hope the site gives you some great ideas.

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March 11, 2017 at 2:55 pm

I love Parillo’s Let’s Dance videos on You Tube

March 13, 2017 at 3:10 pm

Yes! Ben’s got a great Youtube Channel – definitely recommend it.

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September 1, 2016 at 11:24 pm

What an incredibly helpful website you’ve created! Thank you. I plan to use many of your ideas this school year. I teach k-5 at a small Christian school and the kids will love many of these activities. Thank you, Aimee

September 2, 2016 at 2:08 pm

That’s great Aimee, thanks for sharing! Glad it’s helpful.

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physical education activities high school

Gym class is the one class that most high school students look forward to, so it is up to the gym teacher to make sure that each unit is fun and exciting. It's important to include different activities related to sports like baseball, basketball, and even swimming, with different phases included for each unit.

Explore this article

  • About Physical Education Activities for High School
  • Planning a Unit
  • Indoor Activities
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Aquatic Activities

1 About Physical Education Activities for High School

Physical Education--a.k.a. gym class or PE--is the one class that most high school students look forward to. It is where they can kick back and just have a good time. It is only fun, however, if you choose activities that students will enjoy.

PE teachers, no pressure. You are the one in charge of making that block of time enjoyable for high school students.

2 Planning a Unit

PE teachers should plan their units in advance in order to create order in the gymnasium. A unit plan has up to six phases:

Unit name is the content area for which the activity relates in terms of health and activity, the start and end date, and what purpose the unit serves.

Objectives focus on what the students will get out of the unit in terms of psychomotor (i.e. throwing and catching a ball), cognitive (thought process) and affective (overall behavior).

Scope and sequence provides a day-by-day scope of what students will do each day of the unit. For example, on day one, there will be introduction to the unit. On day five, students will play modified games and on day 10, they will play game and the teacher will conduct a final assessment.

Assessment refers to how you will measure whether or not the students met the unit's objectives.

Emergency lesson plans create a backup in case of inclement weather, lack of appropriate space, or any other external factor prevents you from going through with any given day.

Materials requires that a teacher make of list of what will be needed for the unit (i.e. baseballs, baseball bats and gloves).

Students may be involved in different activities in PE than their peers, depending on the time of the year. For those who have gym class year-round, the number of activities is limited. For example, most high schools in Pennsylvania are on block scheduling, which means half of a ninth grade class will have PE from the beginning of school up until winter break, and the other half will have PE starting after winter break up until the end of school.

Before jumping into any activity, be sure that students warm-up to loosen their muscles and avoid injury. Have them run at least three laps around the gymnasium, split them into four or five lines (give or take a few depending on the class size), and perform warm-up exercises across the gymnasium (width). Skills like high kicks, heel-to-butt kicks, sideways lunges, high knees and spider crawls really wake up the muscles.

4 Indoor Activities

Indoor activities are the easiest to plan, especially if your school has a gymnasium that is used for this sole purpose, because you do not have to worry so much about the ever-changing weather. For high school students, the activity ideas are limitless.

Basketball is a great co-ed activity, with numerous games that breakdown the real game to focus on specific areas. Zone ball teaches students the fundamentals of zone defense using six hula hoops at each end of the court. Students must stand inside the hula hoop, chest passing the ball to one another; no dribbling is allowed. Another good basketball-related activity is basketball golf, where students learn various ranges to shoot the ball. Using index cards with the hole number written on them (hole one, hole two and so on), write a cue for shooting on the back, and tape each card to the floor. Working clockwise, each student must make a basket at hole one before moving on.

Aerobics and dance is another great indoor activity to get students working in groups and use their creativity to come up with a routine. All you need is a CD/tape player and anything the groups (three to five students) need. Give them up to three days to come up with a routine. They will perform the routine to the rest of the class, then ask their peers to join by teaching them the moves.

For girls, a great unit to incorporate is self-defense (boys could partake in an activity like wrestling during this unit). It not only helps with hand-eye coordination, but also offers balance, flexibility and strength techniques that can be incorporated into real-world experiences.

Dodge ball is and always will be a classic, just like Capture the Flag. Both activities promote teamwork, agility, quick thinking and hand-eye coordination.

5 Outdoor Activities

Track and field involves the most basic of athletic movements.

Four obvious activities come to mind when thinking of outdoor PE units, including tennis, soccer, baseball (for boys) and softball (for girls). Quick serve tennis is fast-paced and introduces the fundamentals of tennis, especially on the pace and placement of players. Switch soccer teaches students how to work the soccer field, but the objective is to play keep away as opposed to getting a goal. Once they get the concept down, focus them on kicking one soccer ball into another, then have them switch sides of the field. Track and field is the most basic outdoor activity in play. Students learn each event involved (high jump, javelin, shot-put, hurdles and sprints). Some PE teachers blend all of the events, while others specify an individual day for each event. Students are generally assessed not by how well they perform the event, but rather how hard they try and how many reps are attempted.

6 Aquatic Activities

Aquatics are a fun way to mix things up during the unit if you have easy access to a pool. Things as simple as swimming freestyle laps can be put into play, followed by timed lengths of the pool, then closing out with races. It is also good to incorporate instruction of each different stroke so students can learn the proper technique for each (breast, butterfly, back and freestyle). Games like water polo, water volleyball and water basketball are fun ways to incorporate dry land activities into the water. This is a great alternative to the dry land activity because there is less impact to the bodies and less of an opportunity for injuries to arise. CPR is a good three-day unit to incorporate into any aquatics session, but it can also serve as an emergency unit.

About the Author

Kortny Williamson is a freelance writer from Lancaster, Pa. She attended the University of Iowa where she earned her Bachelor of Arts in communication studies and a minor in journalism.

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Physical Education and Physical Activity

Schools are in a unique position to help students attain the nationally recommended 60 minutes or more of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity daily. 1 Regular physical activity in childhood and adolescence is important for promoting lifelong health and well-being and preventing various health conditions. 1–3

To learn more about benefits of physical activity, physical activity behaviors of young people, and recommendations, visit Physical Activity Facts . For more information on the Physical Activity Guidelines , 2 nd edition, visit Physical Activity Guidelines for School-Aged Children and Adolescents . Find out what CDC is doing nationwide to help more adults, children, and adolescents become physically active.

Active School Environment Circle - The 5 components of a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program

Figure 1. The 5 components of a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program PDF [PDF – 247 KB] | JPEG | PNG

Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program Framework

Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program Framework [PDF – 3 MB]

This document provides school health professionals, school administrators, physical education teachers, other school staff, and parents with detailed information on the components of a CSPAP framework. It identifies key professional development opportunities and resources to help schools implement the framework.


Benefits of School-Based Physical Activity

A CSPAP can increase physical activity opportunities before, during, and after school. This graphic explains how 60 minutes of daily moderate-to-vigorous physical activity can benefit a  student’s health and directly impact teachers and the community.

Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP): A Guide for Schools

Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program: A Guide for Schools [PDF – 6 MB]

CDC, in collaboration with SHAPE America, developed a step-by-step guide for schools and school districts to develop, implement, and evaluate comprehensive school physical activity programs. The guide can be read and used by an existing school health council or wellness committee, or by a new group or committee made up of physical education coordinators and teachers, classroom teachers, school administrators, recess supervisors, before- and after-school program supervisors, parents, and community members. It can be used to develop a new comprehensive school physical activity program or assess and improve an existing one.

Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program: A Guide for Schools [EPUB – 5 MB]

The eBook can be viewed on your iOS (iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch) or Android device with an eReader. An eReader is an app that can display eBooks on your mobile device or tablet.

If you do not have an eReader app installed on your iOS (iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch) device, search the App Store for an eReader, like iBooks. If you do not have an eReader app installed on your Android device, search the Google Play Store for an eReader. After an eReader app is installed on your device, you can download the eBook and open it on your device.

The purpose of this module  is to familiarize you with the components of a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program and the process for developing, implementing, and evaluating one. After this module , you should be able to take the next steps to begin the process of developing a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program .

The course objectives are for you to:

  • Understand the importance and benefits of youth physical activity.
  • Recognize the components of a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program.
  • Learn the process for developing, implementing, and evaluating a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program .
  • US Department of Health and Human Services. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2 nd edition. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Services; 2018.
  • Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Whole School, Whole Child, Whole Community: A Collaborative Approach to Learning and Health. 2014. Retrieved from  http://www.ascd.org/ASCD/pdf/siteASCD/publications/wholechild/wscc-a-collaborative-approach.pdf [PDF – 2.24 MB] .
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. School health guidelines to promote healthy eating and physical activity. MMWR. 2011;60(No. RR-5):28–33.

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Human Kinetics

Lesson Planning for High School PE With Web Resource

Meeting the National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes

Author: Lynn Couturier MacDonald, Robert Doan, Stevie Chepko

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ISBN: 9781492547846

Page Count: 776

  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • Ancillaries

Lesson Planning for High School Physical Education provides standards-based, ready-to-use lesson plans that enhance student learning and help students become physically literate. Designed to complement the successful elementary and middle school books in the series, this book also provides guidance on how to plan effective lessons that align with SHAPE America’s National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education.

Lesson Planning for High School Physical Education is written by master teachers and edited by SHAPE America. In this book, you’ll find:

• More than 240 lesson plans that provide deliberate, progressive practice tasks and integrate appropriate assessments to evaluate and monitor student progress

• Innovative and unique modules on topics such as fly fishing, rock climbing, line dance, yoga and stress management, and more, as well as more traditional modules

• Introductory chapters that present the key points for the grade span, putting the lessons in context and providing teachers and PE majors and minors a clear roadmap for planning curricula, units, and lessons

• Lessons that reflect best practices in instruction, helping teachers enhance their effectiveness

• Expert guidance in delivering quality lessons that are designed to reach objectives and produce outcomes, and not just keep students occupied

The lessons correspond to each category in SHAPE America’s National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education, and are sequential and comprehensive—you get complete, ready-to-use units and not just individual lessons that don’t connect. The lessons include resource lists, references, equipment lists, and student assignments. The accompanying web resource offers easy access to printable PDF files of the lessons. Your administrator will be able to see at a glance that the lessons in the book are designed to meet the national standards and outcomes created by SHAPE America.

The lessons in Lesson Planning for High School Physical Education can be used as they are or modified to fit the needs of your students. They also are perfect models for teachers and college students to use in creating their own lessons. The text includes instructional strategies such as how to teach for transfer, utilize grids and small games, differentiate instruction for varying ability levels, integrate conceptual material, and more.

The book is organized into two parts. Part I explores issues pertinent to planning for high schoolers’ success, including how to plan lessons using SHAPE America’s Grade-Level Outcomes, meeting the National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes, developing an electives-based program for high school students, and the importance of teaching for student learning.

The lesson plans themselves are found in Part II , and each lesson aligns with SHAPE America’s National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education. Part II offers plans in these categories:

• Outdoor pursuits

• Individual-performance activities

• Net and wall games, such as badminton and tennis

• Target games

• Dannce and rhythms

• Fitness activities, such as Pilates, resistance training, and yoga

• Personal fitness assessment and planning

Each category contains modules of 15 or 16 lessons, each of which incorporates various National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes. For example, you can address Standard 4 outcomes—which are about personal and social responsibility—during lessons on net and wall games, lessons on dance and rhythms, and so on.

With the high-quality lesson content and the many tools and resources provided, Lesson Planning for High School Physical Education will help teachers foster their students’ physical literacy and help students develop physically active lifestyles that they can maintain throughout their adult lives.

Text for undergraduate physical education methods and pedagogy courses. Reference for high school physical education and classroom teachers.

Part I Planning for Student Success in High School

Chapter 1. The Importance of Teaching for Student Learning in High School

Lynn Couturier MacDonald, Robert J. Doan, and Stevie Chepko

Factors That Influence Student Learning

The Instructional Environment

How the Grade-Level Outcomes Are Coded

Understanding the Scope and Sequence for K-12 Physical Education

Chapter 2. Teaching to Standards: Planning Lessons Using the Grade-Level Outcomes

Lynn Couturier MacDonald, Stevie Chepko, and Robert J. Doan

Planning for the Module

Planning for Individual Lessons

Setting Up the Lesson

Planning for Embedded Outcomes

Optimizing Learning Through Embedded Outcomes

Chapter 3. Meeting the National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes in High School

High School Is Different

The Progression From Middle School

High School Instructional Environment

Grade-Level Outcomes for High School Students (Grades 9-12)

Operational Definitions of Activity Categories

Chapter 4. Developing an Electives-Based Program for High School Students

Why Consider Electives-Based Physical Education?

Select a Design, Create a Plan, and Then Implement the Program

Personalized Curriculum Design

Take the First Step

Part II Lesson Plans for High School Physical Education

Chapter 5. Extending Students’ Skills and Knowledge to Outdoor Pursuits

Tracy Krause

Integrated Fly Fishing

Rock Climbing

Chapter 6. Extending Students’ Skills and Knowledge to Individual-Performance Activities

Adrienne Koesterer and Mary Westkott

Multi-Sport Events

Chapter 7. Extending Students’ Skills and Knowledge to Net and Wall Games

Charla Tedder Krahnke, Melanie Perrault, and Charlie Rizzuto

Tennis Doubles

Chapter 8. Extending Students’ Skills and Knowledge to Target Games

Brandon Allen

Beginning Golf

Chapter 9. Extending Students’ Skills and Knowledge to Dance and Rhythms

Patrice Lovdahl and Lisa Jacob


Chapter 10. Extending Students’ Skills and Knowledge to Fitness Activities

Ericka Fangiullo, Anthony Smith, and Joni M. Boyd

Yoga and Stress Management

Resistance Training

Chapter 11. Extending Students’ Skills and Knowledge to Designing and Implementing Personal Fitness Plans

Rebecca Bryan

Fitness Assessment and Program Planning

Fitness Walking

Lynn Couturier MacDonald, DPE , is a professor and chair of the physical education department at State University of New York at Cortland and is a former president of the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE), now called SHAPE America (Society of Health and Physical Educators). Dr. MacDonald earned her BS and DPE degrees in physical education from Springfield College and her MS in biomechanics from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. Dr. MacDonald chaired the NASPE’s Curriculum Framework and K-12 Standards Revision Task Force, which spearheaded the 2013 revision of SHAPE America’s National Standards for K-12 Physical Education and the development of SHAPE America’s Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education. She also served as one of the three principal writers of SHAPE America’s book National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education , published by Human Kinetics. She has presented at the national level on the National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes. She is a member of SHAPE America and the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education. Dr. MacDonald enjoys spending time with her family, being active outdoors (cycling, kayaking, gardening), and reading for pleasure.

Robert J. Doan, PhD , is an assistant professor of physical education in the University of Southern Mississippi’s school of kinesiology. He previously taught physical education in elementary school. Dr. Doan serves as a board member for the Mississippi Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (MAHPERD), a SHAPE America state affiliate organization. He also serves as a teacher-education program reviewer for SHAPE America and as an article reviewer for two of SHAPE America’s professional journals: Strategies and Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance . Dr. Doan has conducted research on a variety of physical education topics and has presented at multiple conferences at the state, regional, and national levels. Dr. Doan earned his undergraduate degree from Grand Valley State University, attended Winthrop University for his master’s degree, and completed his PhD in physical education with an emphasis in curriculum and assessment at the University of South Carolina.

Stevie Chepko, EdD , is assistant dean for accreditation at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and is former senior vice president of accreditation for the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). Dr. Chepko earned her EdD in curriculum and instruction and sport history from Temple University. She is a respected authority on performance-based standards, teaching for mastery, and assessment in physical education. Dr. Chepko served on the National Association for Sport and Physical Education’s Curriculum Framework and K-12 Standards Revision Task Force, which spearheaded the 2013 revision of SHAPE America’s National Standards for K-12 Physical Education and the development of SHAPE America’s Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education. She also served as one of three principal writers of SHAPE America’s book National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education , published by Human Kinetics.

The web resource includes lesson plans in PDF format for easy printing or for accessing on a tablet or computer. All ancillary materials for this text are FREE to course adopters and available online at www.HumanKinetics.com/LessonPlanningForHighSchoolPhysicalEducation.

physical education activities high school

  • Book with online resource
  • Open access
  • Published: 10 May 2024

The role of fundamental movement skills on children’s physical activity during different segments of the school day

  • Dongao Liu 1 ,
  • Zan Huang 2 ,
  • Yanjie Liu 2 &
  • Yulan Zhou 2  

BMC Public Health volume  24 , Article number:  1283 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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Although prior studies have demonstrated that children with high levels of fundamental movement skill (FMS) are more active throughout the day, little is known about children’s FMS and their physical activity (PA) during different segments of the school day (e.g., recess, lunch break, and physical education). The present study focused on FMS and moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) during school day and identifies the association between children’s FMS and MVPA during different segments of the school day in China.

A total of 322 children (boys n  = 163, girls n  = 159; M age = 8.12, SD = 1.22 years) from four elementary schools involved in this study. Children’s FMS and MVPA were measured using the Test of Gross Motor Development-2nd edition (TGMD-2) and hip-mounted accelerometers. Data such as height, weight, and socio-economic status (SES) were also obtained. Multilevel mixed regression models were used to examine the cross-sectional associations between FMS and MVPA. Models were adjusted for gender, age, standardized body mass index, and SES.

Children engaged in 32.19 min of MVPA during the whole school day. Boys were more active than girls and had higher object-control skills competency. Locomotor skills were positively associated with children’s long recess (B = 1.063) and short recess time (B = 1.502) MVPA. Object-control skills were positively correlated with children’s MVPA time during long recess (B = 1.244) and physical education (PE) lessons (B = 1.171).

The findings highlight the importance of developing both locomotor and object-control skills in elementary schools to lead more MVPA engagement during different segments of the school day.

Peer Review reports

Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) has been identified with many health benefits, such as enhancing muscular strength, improving cardiovascular function, metabolic syndrome, and mental wellbeing [ 1 ]. The World Health Organization recommends that children and adolescents should engage in at least 60 min of MVPA daily [ 2 ]. However, Chinese children and adolescents were found to be physically inactive [ 3 , 4 , 5 ]. Liu et al. investigated MVPA time of 125,281 children and adolescents from 31 provinces in China and found that only 13.1% of them meet this requirement [ 4 ]. Wang et al. used accelerometers to measure the MVPA of 2,163 students in the 4th to 11th grade from 11 cities in China and showed children and adolescents spent an average of 28.26 min/day engaged in MVPA [ 5 ].

Schools are identified as a key setting for children to be physical active, as they spend a considerable proportion of their time within the school environment [ 6 ]. In-school time periods include different segments such as physical education (PE), lunch break, and recess time allowing children the opportunity to be physical active. PE lessons represent an important source of daily MVPA obtained during school time and has the potential to contribute up to 21–28% of children’s daily MVPA recommendations [ 7 , 8 ]. Lunch break and recess time are also critical for children to be active on a daily basis. These periods can contribute to 5–40% of their daily MVPA [ 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 ]. This emphasizes the need to identify potential factors that are associated with children’s MVPA during different segments of the school day for enhancing their daily PA levels.

Fundamental movement skills (FMS) are considered as the building blocks for more complex motor skills and provide the foundation for participation in many forms of PA [ 13 ]. FMS are typically classified into three areas: locomotor (e.g., running, jumping), object manipulation (e.g., catching, throwing), and stability skills (e.g., balance) [ 14 ]. A systematic review shows global levels of FMS are generally below to average [ 15 ]. It is suggested that higher levels of FMS competency will provide greater opportunities for children to engage in PA at different segments of the school day [ 16 , 17 , 18 ]. Gu et al. investigated the association between FMS and children’s MVPA during PE lessons in the United States and found that FMS was a significant predictor of children’s MVPA [ 16 ]. The study conducted in Brazil focused on the relationship between locomotor and object control skills and children’s MVPA during PE lessons and revealed that while object-control skills were positively associated with six to eight years children’s MVPA, locomotor skills were not [ 17 ]. Cohen et al. examined the associations between FMS and MVPA during the school day (lunchtime and recess) among children attending primary schools in Australia. The study showed that similarly, object-control skills were positively associated with children’s MVPA during lunchtime and recess period, the same still could not be said for locomotor skills [ 18 ].

While these studies investigated the association between FMS and children’s MVPA during different segments of the school day in United States, Brazil, and Australia, the extension of these findings to other counties (such as China) remain unclear. Furthermore, within structured settings like PE lessons, where students engage in organized activities under the guidance of a PE teacher, the influence of FMS on children’s MVPA may vary compared to controlled conditions such as recess periods, where students participate in supervised activities led by classroom teachers without direct interaction. Additionally, in free play conditions such as lunch breaks, where students have the freedom to choose whether to be active or not, the influence of FMS on children’s MVPA might show unique variations [ 12 , 19 ]. To the authors’ knowledge, the influence of FMS in relation to children’s MVPA during the whole school day is yet to be explored. Insights on the impact of FMS on MVPA at specific context during school day could help make future recommendations for more targeted PA interventions. Therefore, this study seeks to examine the association between FMS and children’s MVPA throughout the school day in China.


The research procedures were approved by the ethics committee of the University and other relevant school authorities. Four public elementary schools situated in the Wucheng and Jindong districts of Jinhua, Zhejiang, a city in southern China, were selected using a convenience sampling approach. All public primary schools in Jinhua fall under the unified management of the local Education Bureau, overseeing aspects such as school facilities, enrollment procedures, class size, and timetables. Two classes were randomly sampled from each grade level (from First to Fourth Grade) in every school. The average class size ranged from 36 to 46 children. A total of 334 children aged six to ten years from eight classes were invited to participate. Of the 334 children, parental written informed consent and child verbal assent were obtained for 328 children (98.2%) prior to data collection. However, out of the 328 participants, six children were excluded because their valid accelerometer data did not cover at least three school days. Therefore, 322 participants whose data on FMS and MVPA were available were included in the final analysis.

The regular school day starts at 8:10 a.m. for all grade levels and ends at 3:15 p.m. for Grades One to Two, and 4:00 p.m. for Grades Three to Four. Thus, the during-school period is defined as 8:10 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. for Grades One to Two, and 8:10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for Grades Three to Four.

Time segments during the school period were defined as lunch break, recess, and PE lessons. Lunch break lasts from 12:05 p.m. to 13:30 p.m., which includes lunchtime, break, and reading and writing. Lunchtime is offered in the classroom and lasts 20 min. After lunchtime, children take a short break (25 min) and are then provided with a 40-minute reading and writing time. Recess comprises two long parts (20- and 30-minutes) and four or five short ones (10 min each segment). During every long recess (i.e., 20–30 min), all children compulsory walk to the playground/outdoor spaces and use the equipment provided by the school, such as sports balls and jump rope to practice. The classroom teachers supervised children’s safety, but they did not interact with children to encourage them to be active. During the short recesses, children transition from classroom to sports field and are free to perform activities, such as chasing games, running, and sitting. No unfixed equipment (e.g., balls, hoops) is unavailable for children during lunch break and short recess time in all four schools. In this study, long and short recess break are treated as separate entities due to their distinct characteristics (e.g., available resources, space, and supervision). Therefore, the total long recess time for each Grade is 50 min. The total short recess time are 40 and 50 min for Grade One-Two and Grade Three-Four, respectively. The specific information about the recess periods is shown in Table  1 .

According to the school’s overall schedule, the participating schools provide four PE lessons per week for Grades One and Two, and three PE lessons per week for Grades Three and Four. The PE lessons in these elementary schools are co-educational and taught by certified PE teachers. The main content areas of the PE curriculum are either basketball, football, or volleyball and aims to improve children’s sports skills. A typical 40-minutes PE lesson comprises three routine sessions: (a) lesson introduction and warm-up led by the PE teacher (5 min); (b) skill instruction and practice (30 min). Teachers demonstrate and explain a sport’s skill (e.g., passing a basketball, kicking the football, or volleyball serving), and instruct students to learn and practice; and (c) cool-down and conclusion (5 min).

Variables and measures

Fundamental movement skills.

The study used the Test of Gross Motor Development-2nd edition (TGMD-2) to assess children’s FMS. The TGMD-2 is widely acknowledged as a robust process-oriented tool for assessing individual skills through the demonstration of specific movement components. It has demonstrated strong validity and reliability, particularly for children with typical development between the ages of 3 and 10 [ 20 , 21 ]. The TGMD-2 includes two subscales: locomotor (i.e., running, galloping, leaping, horizontal jumping, sliding, and hopping) and object-control (i.e., striking, dribbling, rolling, throwing, catching, and kicking) skills. For each skill, a child was evaluated on 3 to 5 performance criteria with a “1” scored if the criterion was present and a “0” scored if the criterion was absent [ 20 ]. The combination of all skill raw scores were summed to give a total FMS score, while locomotor and object-control subtest scores were created by totaling the scores of skills within each subscale.

  • Physical activity

Children’s MVPA during school were measured using Actigraph wGT3X-BT accelerometers, which are valid and reliable devices used to measure MVPA in school conditions [ 22 ]. The research assistants demonstrated how to wear accelerometers, and instructed each child to use an elastic belt to fasten the accelerometer to their right hipbone for five entire school days [ 11 ]. Accelerometers may be retained except for water-based activities (e.g., bathing or swimming). ActiLife 6.5 software was used to analyze the data. Only children recording more than five hours of accelerometer data (excluding strings of zeros for 20 min or longer) on at least three school days (including one PE day) were used in the analysis [ 23 ]. The sampling interval in the present study was set at 15-s epoch with a frequency of 30 Hz [ 24 ]. Raw activity counts were interpreted using the cut-off points for Chinese children, which defined different intensities of PA (MPA: 2800–3999; VPA: ≥4000 counts per minute) [ 25 ]. The data for each child were truncated and then matched with the original time frames for each segment of the school day. The average time (minutes) spent in MVPA on various segments of all valid school day was reported.

Demographics data

The participants’ gender, date of birth, and family incomes were obtained from the parent questionnaire. Parents reported their and their spouses’ incomes. According to Zhejiang’s per capita disposable income, the family annual income was categorized as having either lower or higher socio-economic status (SES).

Height and weight

Height and weight were measured without shoes and heavy clothing. A portable stadiometer was used to measure standing height with the value recorded to the nearest millimeter. Weight was measured using an electronic calibrated scale, with weight recorded to the nearest 0.1 kg (kg). For each child, the body mass index (BMI) was calculated from weight and height values, using the formula: weight (kg)/height (m) 2 . BMI z-scores were calculated on the basis of the World Health Organization growth standards [ 26 ].

Data was collected by one author and four trained research assistants (graduate students majoring in sports pedagogy) during the months of March to April 2022 (eight weeks), with each school scheduled for two weeks. The FMS, BMI, and demographics data assessments were completed in the first week. The children’s MVPA during the school day was then measured by research assistants during the second week. The children’s FMS were assessed in small groups of three to four using TGMD-2. Children received instructions and demonstrations of the skill before performance, and were then asked to complete two trials of each skill. Four trained research assistants (trained by a professor with experience in evaluating the TGMD-2) implemented and video-recorded the TGMD-2 with small groups of children. Then research assistants worked in pairs to analyze the videos. Approximately 20% of the videos were randomly selected for a reliability check. The mean agreement between the two research assistants were 0.93 and 0.95 for the locomotor and object control subscales, respectively, which was deemed acceptable [ 27 ]. During the MVPA measurement days, upon arrival to the school, children were provided with a specific numbered accelerometer to wear and remove at the end of the school day. Children were provided with the same accelerometer for the next day. The research assistants monitored the children to ensure that the accelerometers remained fastened during the entire school day. To ascertain whether the school timetabled break times adhered to the local education bureau, the researchers randomly checked each school’s time schedule for two days during the data collection period.

Data analysis

All analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics Version 26.0 and P  < 0.05 was the set significant value. Prior to analysis, skew and kurtosis were computed to assess the normality of all variables. Variables that did not follow a normal distribution were log-transformed to achieve a more normal distribution. Therefore, total daily, short, and long recess MVPA minutes were log-transformed in this process. Descriptive statistics (e.g., mean, SD, and frequencies) were used to describe children’s demographics characteristics, the FMS scores, and the MVPA minutes. Gender differences in children’s demographics, FMS, and MVPA during school days were tested using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Partial eta-squared (η 2 ) was used as the effect size for ANOVA. The values of 0.01, 0.06, and 0.14 were designated as small, medium, and large effect sizes, respectively [ 28 ]. Multilevel mixed linear regression models were performed to assess the associations between FMS (locomotor or object-control skills) and MVPA time on long recess, short recess, lunch break, and PE lessons. The different segments of MVPA time during school day entered as the outcome variables, FMS (i.e., locomotor or object-control skills) as the predictor variable, and school as a random factor. All models were adjusted for gender, age, BMI z-score, and SES [ 29 , 30 ].

Participant characteristics

The summary data and gender differences for children’s demographics characteristics, FMS, and MVPA are presented in Table  2 . The final study population consisted of 322 children, including 163 boys and 159 girls, with a mean age of 8.12 ± 1.22 years. Children’s average BMI z-score was 0.44 (SD = 1.14), and 86.0% of the sample was categorized as high SES. The BMI z-score exhibited a significant gender disparity [F (1, 320) = 5.995, P  = 0.015, η 2  = 0.039], with boys presenting a higher z-score. Participating children’s mean scores for FMS was 65.29 (SD = 8.17) with 33.43 (SD = 3.97) for locomotor skills and 31.86 (SD = 4.75) for object control-skills. There was a gender difference in object-control raw scores favoring boys [F (1, 320) = 24.367, P  = 0.000, η 2  = 0.071], but not in locomotor raw scores [F (1, 320) = 1.116, P  = 0.291, η 2  = 0.003]. Children spent an average of 32.19 ± 13.04 min in MVPA during the school day, which corresponds to a mean of 7.19% ( SD  = 2.91) of school-time day. An ANOVA revealed the significant gender differences on the MVPA time of children during the total school day [F (1, 320) = 25.283, P  = 0.000, η 2  = 0.073], short [F (1, 320) = 32.500, P  = 0.000, η 2  = 0.093] and long recess [F (1, 320) = 11.688, P  = 0.001, η 2  = 0.035]. Compared with girls, boys accumulated more MVPA time during those segments. There were non-significant differences between boys and girls with respect to MVPA during lunch break [F (1, 320) = 2.685, P  = 0.052, η 2  = 0.024] and PE lessons [F (1, 320) = 2.538, P  = 0.061, η 2  = 0.031].

Locomotor skills and MVPA

Table  3 presents the association among children’s locomotor skills and their MVPA during different segment of the school day. After adjustment for gender, age, BMI-z score, and SES, the findings demonstrated a positive association between locomotor skills and the duration of MVPA during long (B = 1.063, P  = 0.008) and short recess periods (B = 1.502, P  = 0.037). However, no significant relationship was observed between locomotor skills and MVPA during children’s lunch break (B = 0.070, P  = 0.195) and PE lessons (B = 0.340, P  = 0.076).

Object-control skills and MVPA

Table  4 demonstrates the relationship among children’s object-control skills and their MVPA during different segments of the school day. When adjustment for gender, age, BMI-z score, and SES, the analysis indicated a positive link between object-control skills and the amount of MVPA during long recess (B = 1.244, P  = 0.007) and PE lessons (B = 1.171, P  = 0.014). Nevertheless, no significant correlation was found between object-control skills and MVPA during children’s short recess (B = 0.053, P  = 0.345) and lunch break (B = 0.034, P  = 0.187).

The study aims to examine the associations between FMS and children’s MVPA during time periods of the school day that represent important PA opportunities for children. It was found that locomotor skill competency was positively associated with children’s MVPA during long and short recess time at school. Object-control skill competency was positively associated with MVPA during long recess and PE lessons at school. Children spent 7.19% of their school-time on MVPA, and boys accumulated more minutes of MVPA than girls during the total school day, and short and long recess. Children’s FMS score was 65.29, and boys had better object-control skills than girls.

In the present study, short recess and lunch break perioded were considered as opportunities for free play, where children engage in PA spontaneously without a prescribed routine or specific purpose. On the one hand, children’s MVPA during short recess time was positively associated with locomotor skills, but not with object-control skills. Similarly, Tsuda et al. found children’s locomotor skills were associated with MVPA during free-play time at school [ 12 ]. In contrast, the study conducted by Cohen et al. found object-control skills, but not locomotor skills, were significantly associated with MVPA during recess time [ 18 ]. The inconsistencies among existing literature suggest that the relationship between skill type and MVPA during recess time may influenced by a range of contextual factors—activities and equipment. Children accrue MVPA through informal play-like (e.g., running and chasing games) and jumping activity types during short recess time in current study, which require a high level of locomotor rather than object-control skills [ 31 ]. Furthermore, available school equipment during recess may also influence the skill type predicting children’s MVPA [ 9 ]. In line with Greece and other countries [ 32 , 33 ], children in China had limited or no access to object-control equipment (e.g., balls) during short recess time, potentially constraining their ability to engage in activities such as soccer and basketball that require proficient object-control skills. Hence, there was no significant association between object-control skills and children’s MVPA during short recess time.

On the other hand, the results of the regression analyses indicated that both locomotor and object-control skills were not identified as predictors of children’s MVPA during lunch break. This finding veer away from the study conducted by Cohen et al. which reported object-control skills were positively associated with lunchtime MVPA [ 18 ]. Evidently, FMS can enhance physically active play opportunities for children [ 12 , 34 , 35 ]. The absence of a significant link between FMS and MVPA during the lunch break in this study raises uncertainties. It is plausible that the restricted movement opportunities available to children during this time period limited the impact of FMS on their levels of PA. In accordance with Chinese tradition, lunch breaks are typically seen as a time for sedentary pursuits like sitting, reading, writing, napping, and socializing with friends [ 11 ]. This restrictive mindset hinders children from enjoying active play during their lunch break [ 36 ]. Compared with the study conducted by Cohen et al., the MVPA time of children during lunch break in present study was shorter (5.4 min vs. 2.9 min) [ 18 ]. It is crucial to change the existing mindset and adopt effective strategies in order to promote children’s engagement in MVPA during lunch breaks.

The current study found that both locomotor and object-control skills were positively associated with long recess MVPA. The finding suggests that the majority of MVPA during long recess is a result of the controlled setting provided by the school, where children are expected to follow a daily routine of PA under the supervision of their classroom teacher. During this condition, all children compulsory to participate in the activities prescribed by the school and are provided with the necessary equipment. Activities such as basketball, football, and jump rope, known for their high levels of physical engagement and reliance on locomotor and object-control skills. It is possible that more skilled children gravitate towards these games and utilize a larger portion of the available activity areas, resulting in elevated levels of MVPA [ 37 ]. In addition, classroom teachers’ supervision during the long recess may allow children with high FMS to show off and demonstrate their skills for their teachers, thereby engaging in more MVPA [ 38 ]. Since children accumulate the second-highest amount of MVPA during long recess breaks (8.09 min), following PE lessons (15.92 min), it is necessary to implement strategies that effectively promote children’s participation in MVPA during these extended recess periods.

The positive correlation between children’s object-control skills and their MVPA in structured PE lessons indicates that children with higher levels of competence in object-control skills are more inclined to participate in greater amounts of MVPA during these classes. Unsurprisingly, this is because the main content areas of PE curriculum in this study is sports skills practice (e.g., passing a basketball, kicking the football, or volleyball serving). Being able to perform object control skills, such as the ability to catch or throw in basketball, may give children more opportunities to play games and be active [ 35 ]. Additionally, previous research found that at different ages, the motor demands for PA during PE lessons may change. Object-control skills were positively associated with the 6–8 years age group children’s PA, whereas locomotor and object-control skills were related to PA for children aged 9–10 [ 17 ]. Further longitudinal studies are necessary to understand the association between FMS and children’s MVPA during PE classes across childhood.

Children typically participated in MVPA for 32.19 min throughout the school day, accounting for approximately 7.19% of the total school day. The result aligns with previous research conducted on children in China and Europe within the same age range. Those studies consistently showed that children allocate only a minimal portion of their school hours to MVPA (5–16%), failing to fulfill the WHO’s recommended 60 min daily activity target [ 11 , 39 , 40 ]. Safety concerns and a lack of accessible equipment in schools can both limit opportunities for PA, contributing to lower levels of MVPA among Chinese children during the school day [ 11 ]. Given the increasing time Chinese children dedicate to academic pursuits to enhance their performance, there is limited availability for participating in PA outside of school [ 41 ]. The school should be identified as an important setting for children’s PA promotion, and is necessary to develop intervention strategies to promote children’s MVPA in school-time to contribute to their daily PA levels. Mirroring previous studies, the results of this study showed that boys accumulated more minutes of MVPA than girls during the total school day, and long and short recess [ 18 , 23 , 39 , 42 ]. Evidence also indicates that boys are more active than girls in both school days and under other contexts such as before school, after school, and weekends [ 43 , 44 ]. The perception of gender roles among children may influence their engagement in MVPA [ 45 ]. Researchers argue that societal expectations and early socialization often lead boys and girls to adopt different behaviors and participate in activities that align with their gender norms [ 46 ]. Boys tend to be encouraged to engage in high-intensity activities like basketball, football, and chasing. In contrast, girls often participate in low-intensity activities such as walking, dancing, and aerobics [ 47 ]. Thus, boys accumulated more MVPA time than girls. This finding implies that more attention and targeted intervention should be considered to increase the MVPA time of girls.

In this study, the average FMS score for children was 65.29 (SD = 8.17). A systematic review conducted by Bolger et al. highlights significant variations in FMS scores among children aged 6–10 years across different regions (such as Asia, Europe, and South America) when utilizing the same FMS measurement techniques [ 15 ]. For instance, Khodaverdi et al. found that children in Iran had an average FMS scores of 76.26 (SD = 9.28) [ 48 ], whereas children in the Czech Republic [ 49 ] and Chile [ 50 ] had FMS score of 87.68 (SD = 6.85) and 65.5 (SD = 8.6), respectively. The global FMS level of children aged 6–10 is currently considered “below average” compared to data collected in 1997–1998 [ 15 ]. This suggests that there is a need for more awareness-raising activities to address this issue. Schools, particularly PE lessons, are expected to provide an ideal setting for the development of children’s FMS. The importance of integrating FMS competence into the PE curriculum is evident in curriculum guidelines [ 51 , 52 ]. However, there are calls to review whether the pedagogical approach to teaching PE is fit for this purpose [ 53 ]. In several countries, including China, Korean, and Portugal, many PE teachers adhere to a preferred model that emphasizes the specificity of motor skills. According to this model, motor skills are believed to require isolation and repetitive practice over an extended period of time [ 54 , 55 ]. Advocates of reducing a skill to its component parts or phases of execution argue that by isolating and mastering each part separately, children can gradually reconstruct the skill as a whole [ 56 ]. Nevertheless, this approach may overlook the innate love for movement and intrinsic motivation that children possess, potentially reducing their chances to practice FMS [ 57 ]. Furthermore, teacher-led assessment has been widely acknowledged as a crucial element in supporting children’s development of FMS in PE. It provides teachers with valuable feedback to enhance learning standards and interventions [ 58 ]. However, the lack of sufficient professional development and training in PE for elementary generalist classroom teachers (e.g., the United Kingdom) [ 59 ], along with a limited understanding of appropriate assessment practices among specialist PE teachers (e.g., China) [ 60 ], can undermine their expertise and confidence in assessing motor skills effectively and hinder the development of children’s FMS [ 61 ]. It is crucial for PE teachers to adopt appropriate pedagogical strategies to enhance the quality of PE lessons. This includes integrating play-based and child-centered activities into the sports environment to encourage the practice of FMS and assess them in an optimal manner [ 62 ]. Moreover, differences between the gender were found in object-control skills, but not in locomotor skills. Consistently, boys scored higher in object-control skills than girls [ 12 , 34 ]. Since boys tend to be more active and participate more in ball sport (e.g., football, tennis, and basketball) in China, it is possible that they get more opportunities to practice object-control skills [ 63 ]. It is important to recognize that children do not naturally develop FMS. These skills require intentional instruction and sufficient practice [ 64 ]. Hence, effective interventions should be designed according to the distinctive characteristics of FMS in boys and girls.

The current study has several strengths, including the use of a comprehensive qualitative assessment of movement characteristics of FMS, an objective measure of children’s MVPA during the school days, and control for the confounding factors in the analyses. Despite these strengths, some limitations should be considered. The TGMD-2 focus on isolated skill performance in closed or controlled environments, and subsequently are not reflective and assess the complex series of skills involved in sport and PA, which may limit their authenticity [ 65 ]. Future research may seek to use more effective FMS assessments. The participants in this study consist of children in grades 1 to 4 from four elementary schools in Zhejiang. It is crucial to recognize that this limited sample restricts the generalizability of the findings to other age groups and regions across China. Future research efforts should aim to include a more diverse sample encompassing a broader range of grade levels and geographical locations within China. Due to the cross-sectional design of the current study, there is limited research investigating the potential causal relationships between FMS competency and PA behavior. Future longitudinal and intervention studies are needed to determine the causal nature of the impact of FMS on children’s MVPA during different segments of the school day.

The findings of present study extend the current literature by examining the role of FMS on children’s MVPA time during different segments of the school day in Zhejiang, China. Children who are more competent at locomotor skills engage in more MVPA during free play and controlled conditions (i.e., short and long recess time at school), and children who demonstrate more competent in object-control skills engage in more MVPA during controlled and structured settings (i.e., long recess and PE classes). Both locomotor and object-control skills are not significantly associated with children’s MVPA during lunch break. These findings suggest that targeted sports equipment and activities should be provided based on the relationship between different types of FMS and diverse activity conditions to promote MVPA in children during the school day. PE teachers can integrate movement opportunities into classroom routines (e.g., transitions, management) and instructional processes (e.g., running or jumping while passing the basketball). Children spent a meaningfully small proportion of lunch break time engaged in MVPA, which is of concern, and highlight the need to reassess school lunch break policies and to implement strategies aimed at maximizing children’s MVPA.

Data availability

The dataset analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.


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We would like to thank the team who have collaborated in data collection and to all the students and the teachers for their participation.

This study was supported by Science and Technology Bureau of Jinhua City (Grant No. 2022-4-055).

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Physical Education Department, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, 200433, China

College of Physical Education and Health Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, 321004, China

Zan Huang, Yanjie Liu & Yulan Zhou

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D. L contributed to data analysis and writing the manuscript. Y. Z originated the research idea and wrote the manuscript. Z. H and Y. L contributed to collecting data. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Yulan Zhou .

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The study was approved by the Ethics Review Board of the Zhejiang Normal University with ethics code ZSRT2022048. The written informed consent was obtained from all participants.

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Liu, D., Huang, Z., Liu, Y. et al. The role of fundamental movement skills on children’s physical activity during different segments of the school day. BMC Public Health 24 , 1283 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-024-18769-3

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Received : 14 November 2023

Accepted : 03 May 2024

Published : 10 May 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-024-18769-3

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