Random Number Generator

Cross-browser testing

Generate Random Strings and Numbers

Cross-browser testing tools, using a random data generator cross-browser testing.

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Online Random string generator

In Randomness | Keywords | Thanks to...

Keywords: random strings generator generates chars characters letters numbers symbols

Generate random strings with the selected subset of characters

  • Select the characters Select subsets Select by character
  • Use lowercase letters (a-z)
  • Use uppercase letters (A-Z)
  • Use numeric digits (0-9)
  • Use symbols
  • Use only this characters
  • Number of strings
  • Length of each string
  • Strings listed in the same line or in separate lines One line Separate lines

Generated strings

  • jScrollPane
  • download.js

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Random Number Generator

This online random number generator allows you to generate random numbers within a specific range. To use the generator, follow these four simple steps:

  • Enter the lower and upper bounds of the number range
  • Enter the count of numbers to generate
  • Select the type of numbers you wish to generate
  • Click the "Generate" button to create an array of random numbers.

Lower Bound:

Upper Bound:

No. of Randoms:

Type of Number: Any Integer Even Odd Prime Multiple of Power of 2 Perfect Square Fibonacci Number

Allow Duplicates? Yes No

Decimal Precision: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Random number generators are typically used when developing games of chance simulations or within statistical analyses. For instance, online poker games use a random number generator to deal the shuffled cards in a random manner. The random functions that are typically incorporated into contemporary programming languages, such as JavaScript, C++, Java, and PHP are pseudorandom number generators, which are also referred to as PRNGs. Pseudorandom number sequences take the form of periodic sequences that span exceptionally large periods and, as such, replicate the behavior of genuinely random sequences.

You would need some form of external hardware that can detect randomness in physical processes to generate genuinely random numbers. For instance, many generators can detect noise in sound, light, temperature, or other quantum phenomena. These generators subsequently use these signals to construct a sequence of absolutely random numbers. Some producers sell entropy keys that can be used in combination with a USB drive. Some of the more professional online gaming websites use hardware-based RNGs to avoid a situation in which players are able to predict what cards they will be dealt.

You may also be interested in our Normal Distribution Generator or Lottery Number Generator

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random number generator to text

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Random Number Generator

Random number generators have a variety of uses beyond picking a number to determine a prize winner. Find out what situations are ideal for them and how they solve problems.

Related Calculators

Dice Roller

Random Numbers

39, 67, 34, 23, 58, 21, 45, 87, 12, 98, 12, 14, 16, 54, 90, 91, 12, 32, 52, 64, 83, 74, 28

There was an error with your calculation.

Table of Contents

Basic random number generator, advanced random number generator, the random number generator defined, problems the random number generator solves, when to use a random number generator, the history of the random number generator.

Random number generators automatically choose from a limited range of numbers with no predictable patterns when it comes to their creation. Each choice of the following number is entirely independent of the previous one. However, it is possible to specify a distribution range before generating a random number between those limits. This requires input from the user and is completely based on their requirements for randomization and intended outcome.

You can use our basic random number generator if you are looking for just one random number. First, however, you must decide what scope you will use for your number. The scope is the range of numbers from which you can generate the random number.

For example, if you want a random number between 1 and 10, your scope would be 1 – 10. To enter this into the calculator, input one as the lower limit and ten as the upper limit.

Use the extended version of the random number generator if you want to generate more than one number or if you would like to deal with a much larger scope. Determine the scope for the lower and upper limits, then type in how many numbers you wish to generate.

You also have the option to generate either integers or decimals. Integers are also known as whole numbers, like 1, 2, and 3. Decimal numbers are numbers separated by a decimal separator (dot or comma) and would typically look like this: 1.02; 2.12; 3.33, etc.

There are a few other prompts available for our comprehensive random number generator. You can choose whether to allow duplication in the results, sort your results, and how many digits you want if you prefer decimals.

While it's ideal to be precise in most cases, some situations call for randomness. If you are looking for results no one can predict, you need a process that generates random results. That's where random number generators come in.

Random number generators have a wide range of applications and are used in industries like gaming, security, and lotteries – but you can also use them in the most mundane scenarios. In this guide, we will discuss what random number generators are, how they work, some of their most popular uses, and how they came to be.

A random number generator chooses a random number or numbers based on the scope it is given. It can be hardware-based or pseudo-random.

Hardware random number generators (HRNG) rely on physical phenomena such as atmospheric noise, thermal noise, and other phenomena that, in theory, are not computable. Classic examples include coin flipping, a die, and a roulette wheel. More sophisticated devices are also used in the security and cryptography industries.

Pseudo-random number generators (PRNG) are algorithms that generate a sequence of numbers that approximate true randomness. They are often used in computer programs because they are faster and easier to implement than hardware-based random number generators. Our calculator is an example of a pseudo-random number generator.

A random number generator can be used in a variety of settings. You may already be using it in small situations without realizing it. If you have difficulty making a decision and resort to flipping a coin, you use a random number generator.

Many applications require some form of randomness, including games, simulations, and security. For example, a game may use a random number generator to select each player's next move or determine which cards are dealt to each player.

A simulation may use a random number generator to generate random numbers to use in its calculations. Security applications may use random number generators to generate one-time passwords or encryption keys.

The results from a random number generator can be handy in various scenarios, big or small. For instance, if you believe in the power of luck, you can use our calculator to choose your lottery numbers. If you're planning an event with raffle prizes involved, a random number generator can help you determine the winners.

You can use a random number generator when making statistical calculations on a larger scale.

If you want to know when to use a random number generator, here are the signs to look for:

  • You would like to create a sense of chance in your game or application.
  • You need to generate numbers that are hard to guess.
  • You are working with a population that is too large to enumerate exhaustively.

The history of the random number generator is shrouded in mystery. Some say that it was created by the ancient Chinese for divination. Others claim that Arab mathematicians first used it for gambling purposes.

Regardless of its origins, the random number generator has been used for centuries to create random results.

Dice, for instance, took on different forms and shapes in ancient times compared to the one we know today. Archeologists discovered dice made of different materials, like sticks, shells, bones, and dice with only 2 or 3 sides. The oldest known cubic dice were known to come from the Indus Valley around 2500 B.C.

The earliest recorded invention of an electronic random number generator occurred in 1947 when the RAND Corporation created a device that generated random numbers by attaching a roulette to a computer. Thanks to this device, scientists first accessed an extensive sequence of random numbers. They later published these sequences of numbers in a book intended for scientists to use in their experiments.

Another similar machine, ERNIE, built in today's famous Bletchley Park in the 1940s, was used to generate random numbers in the British Premium Bond lottery. Later, a documentary film "The Importance of Being E.R.N.I.E." was made about this random number generator in order to dispel suspicions about the dishonesty and non-randomness of its principle of operation.

John von Neumann further developed the random number generator in 1955. He created the "middle-square method," a process of generating random numbers used in simulation and modeling.

His idea was to start with some number, take its square, discard the digits from the middle of the result. Take the square again and discard the middle, and so on. In his opinion, the resulting sequence had the same properties as random numbers. Von Neumann's theory was not the optimal one. No matter what initial number you chose, the series generated this way would degenerate into a short cycle of repeating values like 8100, 6100, 4100, 8100, 6100, 4100.

Some computer programming languages still use John von Neumann's method.

In 1999, Intel added a hardware random number generator to the i810 chipset. This implementation gave truly random numbers based on temperature noise. Still, it did not work as fast as software random number generators. In 2012, Intel added RDRAND and RDSEED instructions to its chips to produce truly random numbers based on the same temperature fluctuations, but now at speeds of up to 500 Mb/s.

People are still debating which random number generator should be used in this or that system, operating system kernel, programming language, cryptographic library, etc. Many variants of algorithms are optimized for speed, memory saving, and security. Random number generators have evolved and are used in various applications, like creating random passwords, generating secure encryption keys, and simulating real-world events for research purposes.

Random Number Generator

Use this tool to generate one or more numbers randomly from a defined range of numbers. You can choose the number of random numbers you want to generate and set a custom min-max range.

Type in how many random numbers you want to generate. The minimum amount is 1 and the maximum is 10,000.

Min and Max

Set a minimum number and a maximum number. The randomly generated numbers will be within this custom range. Make sure Min is lower than Max , or else you will encounter an error.

Enable the "Sort" option if you want the randomly generated numbers to be sorted according to the natural order, also known as the human way of sorting numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10).

Select the number separator of your choice: line break, comma, space, or comma plus space. By default, the generated numbers are separated by a new line.

When enabled, the "No repeats" option prevents the same number from being generated more than once. Make sure that the amount of numbers you're generating ("How many") is less than or equal to the difference between the min and max range, or else you'll encounter an error. In this case, you either want to increase the max range, lower the amount, or turn off the "no repeats" option.

Random Number Generator

This version of the generator creates a random integer. It can deal with very large integers up to a few thousand digits.

Comprehensive Version

This version of the generator can create one or many random integers or decimals. It can deal with very large numbers with up to 999 digits of precision.

A random number is a number chosen from a pool of limited or unlimited numbers that has no discernible pattern for prediction. The pool of numbers is almost always independent from each other. However, the pool of numbers may follow a specific distribution. For example, the height of the students in a school tends to follow a normal distribution around the median height. If the height of a student is picked at random, the picked number has a higher chance to be closer to the median height than being classified as very tall or very short. The random number generators above assume that the numbers generated are independent of each other, and will be evenly spread across the whole range of possible values.

A random number generator, like the ones above, is a device that can generate one or many random numbers within a defined scope. Random number generators can be hardware based or pseudo-random number generators. Hardware based random-number generators can involve the use of a dice, a coin for flipping, or many other devices.

A pseudo-random number generator is an algorithm for generating a sequence of numbers whose properties approximate the properties of sequences of random numbers. Computer based random number generators are almost always pseudo-random number generators. Yet, the numbers generated by pseudo-random number generators are not truly random. Likewise, our generators above are also pseudo-random number generators. The random numbers generated are sufficient for most applications yet they should not be used for cryptographic purposes. True random numbers are based on physical phenomena such as atmospheric noise, thermal noise, and other quantum phenomena. Methods that generate true random numbers also involve compensating for potential biases caused by the measurement process.

Text Fixer Online Tools

  • Number Tools
  • Random String Generator

The random string generator creates a sequence of letters, numbers, and special characters in many output formats. The random strings can be easily copied. This free tool can generate up to ten thousand random strings where every string is a maximum of 100 characters in length.

This is a highly versatile string generator. You can generate a random sequence that contains numbers, letters, and special characters. Either in combination with each other or by themselves. For example, you can generate a random string containing only numbers.

The random string can be outputted in a wide variety of formats. Every string can be on a separate line, separated by commas, or in a C or array style structure.

Generate a Random String

Create strings that are each characters in length.

Include: Letters Numbers Special Characters

Increase human readability (Omit visually similar characters like 1,i, and o,0)

Output Options

Separated by Line Breaks Separated by Commas CSV/Array style

How to Create Random Strings

Follow these Easy Steps to Generate a Random String or Two.

  • Choose exactly how many random strings you want to be created.
  • Determine exactly how long each string should be.
  • Choose what types of elements should be in the string.
  • Click the "Generate Strings" button and copy the results.

Generate Strings with Javascript

This script uses JavaScript to generate the random strings and because I use JavaScript on the front end, the processing is done on your computer, not on the server.

So in reality the limit of how many strings can be created is largely pegged by the processing power of whatever device you’re using to view this generator.

I’ve generated ten thousand strings at one hundred characters in length on my laptop computer very quickly - I've also set it as the limit for this tool which should be more than enough for most use cases.

If you have a decently powerful computer you should be able to generate ten thousand strings in under a second or two. I've done it on my computer without any problems but the outcome will depend on the capabilities of your device. If you're using an older smartphone, it might have some problems doing this kind of processing efficiently.

Anyways I hope this random string generator comes in handy, email me if you think the tool needs any additional features.

Generate Random Numbers

This tool will, of course, generate random strings but you can also use it as a random number generator by selecting only numbers from the output options.

However, instead of using this random string creator for this kind of task, I would advise you to go use our dedicated random number generator instead.

Other Online Random Generators

Here are some other free random generators that you can might want to check out.

  • Random Word Generator
  • Random Sentence Generator
  • Random Noun Generator
  • Random Adjectives Generator
  • Random Letter Generator
  • Random Decision Maker
  • Random Number Generator
  • Random Password Generator
  • Random Choice Generator

Most Popular Text Tools

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  • Text to HTML : Automatically change plain text into HTML paragraphs.
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  • Random Choice Generator : Randomly pick a choice from a list of options.
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  • Remove Duplicate Lines : Remove all of the identical lines in your content.
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Alphabetical Tools

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Random Generators

Line break tools.

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  • Remove Duplicate Lines
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  • Convert Line Breaks to Paragraphs
  • Paragraphs to Single Line

Fun Text Tools

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  • Fake Word Generator
  • Repeat Text Generator
  • Tiny Text Generator
  • Cursive Text Generator
  • Bold Text Generator
  • Unscramble Letters to Make Words

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  • Capitalize the First letter of Sentences
  • Uppercase or Lowercase Text
  • Remove Spaces Online
  • Replace Tabs with Spaces
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  • Remove Numbers from Text

SEO and Word Tools

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  • Sentence Counter Online
  • Character Counter
  • Title Capitalization Tool
  • Meta Description Length Checker

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  • Convert Word Doc to Text
  • Convert Plain Text to HTML
  • Convert Email to HTML
  • Convert URLs to HTML Links
  • Convert CSV Text to HTML Table
  • HTML to Text

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  • HTML List Generator
  • HTML Text Generator
  • Javascript Pop-up Window Maker
  • Mailto Link Generator
  • Remove HTML Tags

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Random Number Generator – Generate Random Numbers Online

Use this random number generator to generate truly random numbers. The Random number generator tool generates random numbers where randomization is needed to produce a sequence of numbers free from patterns or biases such as lottery draws, raffles, and games.

RNGs are also instrumental in defining play order in games, injecting an element of surprise and strategy into gameplay dynamics.

Table of Contents

What is a Random Number?

A random number is a number selected from a set of possible values, each of which is equally likely to be chosen. This selection is made in such a way that there is no discernible pattern or predictability in the sequence of numbers that are generated.

In essence, a random number is the result of a random process that is designed to produce a sequence of outcomes that are, as closely as possible, statistically independent of each other.

Random numbers can be generated through various means:

  • True Random Number Generators (TRNGs):  These rely on physical phenomena to generate randomness, such as electronic noise, radioactive decay, or other quantum processes that are inherently unpredictable.
  • Pseudo-Random Number Generators (PRNGs):  These are algorithms that use mathematical formulas or precalculated tables to produce sequences of numbers that appear random. PRNGs are deterministic, meaning that they will produce the same sequence of numbers from the same initial seed value. However, good PRNGs have properties that make their output appear to be random for many applications.
  • Hardware Random Number Generators (HRNGs):  These are devices that generate random numbers from physical processes, but they are implemented in hardware to be used by computers and other electronic devices.

The quality of randomness required depends on the application. For example, cryptographic applications require high-quality randomness to ensure security, while simpler applications, such as board games or classroom activities, may not have such stringent requirements.

How do You Pick a Random Number Between two Numbers?

This random number generator can help you to pick random numbers between two given numbers. For example, if you want 10 random numbers between 10 and 50, all you need to do is to put number 10 in the first box and number 50 in the second box and click on “ Get Random Numbers “.

If you want to make it work as a dice roll , the range should be set as 1 to 6 for a standard six-sized dice.

If you want to make it work as a coin flip , the range should be set as 1 to 2 and the random selector will pick the number between 1 and 2.

This random number generator then generates 10 random numbers between 10 and 50. Each time you click on the “ Get Random Numbers “, it will produce a different set of 10 numbers.

To generate more than one number in the given range, select how many you need from the drop-down below. If you want to generate numbers absolutely unique (which means no duplicates), you need to check the box “ No repeats .” If you want numbers with repeats, just flip the “ No Repeats ” checkbox to its off state and the same number may be drawn repeatedly by chance.

Applications of Random Numbers Generator

Random number generators (RNGs) serve critical functions in various scenarios where the element of chance is required. They are essential in ensuring impartiality and fairness in drawing lots, such as:

  • Lotteries : RNGs provide unbiased results for those coordinating lotteries or similar games.
  • Sweepstakes and Raffles : They guarantee the transparent selection of winners, maintaining the contest’s integrity.

In competitive and recreational activities, RNGs are employed to eliminate any bias:

  • Games : Randomizers decide the order of play, be it in board games or sports, by selecting who starts the game.
  • Team Selection : Sports teams or group activities often use RNGs to choose team members or the sequence of participation.

Digital applications of RNGs include:

  • Slot Machines : RNGs are pivotal in determining results in electronic gambling devices.
  • Video Games : In-game events and outcomes frequently rely on random number generation for unpredictability.

In formal settings and institutional use, RNGs are invaluable:

  • Lottery Draws : Governmental and private lottery systems make extensive use of software RNGs instead of manual drawing.
  • Jury Selection : RNGs can randomize lists of potential jurors, ensuring a randomly selected jury.

RNGs also have significant roles in scientific and mathematical fields:

  • Statistics : They enable the random selection of sample data from various probability distributions.
  • Simulations : Sophisticated RNG software aids in creating models that reflect real-world randomness, especially in fields like econometrics and climate modeling.

The utility of RNGs spans from recreational to practical, playing a vital part in ensuring fairness and aiding in complex analyses.





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Random Number Generator

Pick a number - how to use the random number generator., possible applications of the random number picker, what is rng, and how do random number generators work, true random number generators and pseudorandom number generators.

This random number generator can produce pseudorandom numbers within a given range. You can pick numbers from -999,999,999,999,999 to 999,999,999,999,999, choose to generate decimals or integers, include or exclude the minimum and maximum values, disallow duplicates (random number generator with no repeats), and sort results from smallest to largest.

It can serve as a single random number picker or a random number list generator . In the text below, you'll find information on how to use this random sequence generator. It will also answer the questions: "what is RNG?", "what is the difference between pseudorandom number generators and true random number generators?" and "how do random number generators work?"

The numbers generated by this lucky number generator are pseudorandom - not truly random, but suitable for most purposes. However, be careful if you want to use it to encrypt top-secret government documents.

Single random number generator

If you want to generate one random number, choose a number that will be the lower limit (the minimum value), and then pick a number that will be the upper limit (the maximum value). To generate again, click the arrow below the "Result" field. (Make sure the "autosave" option is turned on by clicking the floppy disk icon next to the "Minimum value" and "Maximum value" fields).

By default, minimum and maximum values are included in the range of numbers generated. If you want to exclude them, click "advanced mode" (below the "Result" field), and you'll see the option to exclude one or both.

You can also generate decimals (up to two decimal places) - to do that change the "type of number(s)" setting.

Random number list generator

If you choose the "multiple numbers" option in the "Generate" field, input how many numbers you need, and you'll see a sequence of random numbers.

In the advanced mode, you can also choose whether you want to allow duplicates in the random list and whether you want the results to be sorted (from smallest to largest).

If you want to generate numbers with the same settings again, click the "autosave" option to the right of the variables you want to stay the same.

Here are some ways you can use the random number generator. It may be helpful if you need the following:

a random number list generator (random number table generator)

Choose the "multiple numbers" option and input how many numbers you need (the list's length).

a phone number generator

Choose the "multiple numbers," enter "7" into the "how many" field (or another adequate number if you're not in the USA), and set the minimum value to 0 and the maximum value to 9. If 0 is the first number of the sequence, try again. The sequence will be a random phone number.

a random 4-digit number generator

Set the minimum value to 1,000 and the maximum value to 9,999.

a random number sequence generator

Works the same as a random list generator; see above.

a random number generator no repeats

If you generate multiple numbers and want no repeats, go to advanced mode and set "no" in the "allow duplicates" section.

to pick a random number between 69 and 666

Set the minimum value to 69 and the maximum value to 666. RNGesus will forgive you. 😈

to choose a random number between 1 and 4

Set the minimum value to 1 and the maximum value to 4.

to generate 5 random numbers

Choose "multiple numbers" in the first field and enter "5" in the "how many" field.

to pick a number from 1 to 10

Set the minimum value to 1 and the maximum value to 10.

RNG (random number generator) is a device that produces a sequence of numbers that can't be predicted (each outcome has the same probability of being chosen).

Rolling dice is a random hardware number-generating method (and our dice probability calculator is its analog version). Each result has the same chance of appearing ( P = 1/6 ). The same goes for flipping a coin - in our coin flip probability calculator , you can calculate the probability of getting heads and figure it's equal to 50%, and so is the probability of getting tails (not including the possibility of it landing on its side). If you're curious enough, you can try flipping a coin 100 times to check that the longer you flip, the closer you get to an even distribution of outcomes. This phenomenon is known as the law of large numbers.

Although rolling dice is fun, using a software is much quicker and more convenient. But how can computers produce random results if they're entirely deterministic? All that computers do is follow instructions, so how can anything they do be random?

One solution is relying on some external input, which is truly random. For example, computers can use data from a piece of hardware that measures a random physical phenomenon like background radiation. These types of devices are called true random number generators.

Another way is to produce an outcome that seems unpredictable but, in fact, is the result of a strictly defined mathematical process. Software that does this is called a pseudorandom number generator . It takes in a "random enough" number (a seed), e.g., a part of the current time in the system's clock, and performs a function on it. The result is a pseudorandom number.

For many purposes (like gameplay or graphics), pseudorandom generators are enough, but true random number generators are needed especially for encryption.

This number generator is pseudorandom and uses the JavaScript function Math.random(). The algorithm which produces the result depends on the web browser you use. Nowadays, most browsers use the xorshift128+ algorithm, which is based on bitwise operations, which are manipulation of data at the level (learn what a bit is in our byte conversion tool)

What does RNG mean?

RNG stands for random number generator. It is an algorithm that produces a sequence of numbers that can't be predicted, so each outcome has the same probability of being chosen.

We distinguish between true random number generators (TRNG) and pseudorandom number generators (PRGN). PRNG are often used in computer games while TRNG are used for encryption.

How do random number generators work?

There are two main principles to generate random numbers:

  • True random number generator algorithms take the current value of a physical environmental attribute that is constantly changing in a way that is practically impossible to model.
  • Pseudorandom number generator algorithms reproduce numbers by taking a seed as an input and performing a precisely defined algorithm on it.

What is a pseudorandom number?

A pseudorandom number is an outcome that seems unpredictable but, in fact, is the result of a strictly defined mathematical process. The algorithms of pseudorandom number generators (PRGN) take a seed to create random numbers. They are used widely in simulations, computer programming, and as long as the seed stays a secret, also in cryptography.

How to generate a new phone number?

To generate a new phone number:

  • In the random number generator, choose the adequate number of digits for a phone number of your desired country (7 digits for USA).
  • Set the minimum value to 0 and the maximum value to 9.
  • If 0 is the first number of the sequence, let the generator run again.
  • The resulting sequence will be a random phone number.

How to generate a random number in Python?

There are many ways to generate a pseudorandom number or sequence in Python. Here are some useful ones:

  • random.randint(a, b) generates random integers;
  • random.random(a, b) generates floating point numbers; and
  • random.sample(a, b, length_of_list) generates sequences of random numbers.

Consult Python's documentation for more functions in the random module.

Beware: Python uses the Mersenne Twister algorithm as its default PRNG. It is completely unsuitable for cryptographic purposes because its seeds are predictable.

95% confidence interval

Bertrand's paradox, significant figures.

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Numbers to Words Converter

Calculator use.

Convert a number to a US English word representation. Convert a number to USD currency and check writing amounts rounded to 2 decimal places.  Choose to have words for the numbers in lowercase, uppercase or title case to easily copy and paste to another application.

This converter will convert numbers to words and figures to words. The number to words can be done for real numbers and Scientific E Notation. Limited to use of 200 characters and 1e-200 and 1e+200.

References for Number Names

mathforum.org - Writing Numbers in Words

mazes.com - American Numbering System

wikipedia.org - Names of large numbers

Cite this content, page or calculator as:

Furey, Edward " Numbers to Words Converter " at https://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/conversions/numberstowords.php from CalculatorSoup, https://www.calculatorsoup.com - Online Calculators

Last updated: August 14, 2023

JS Tutorial

Js versions, js functions, js html dom, js browser bom, js web apis, js vs jquery, js graphics, js examples, js references, javascript random, math.random().

Math.random() returns a random number between 0 (inclusive),  and 1 (exclusive):

Math.random() always returns a number lower than 1.

JavaScript Random Integers

Math.random() used with Math.floor() can be used to return random integers.

There is no such thing as JavaScript integers.

We are talking about numbers with no decimals here.


A Proper Random Function

As you can see from the examples above, it might be a good idea to create a proper random function to use for all random integer purposes.

This JavaScript function always returns a random number between min (included) and max (excluded):

This JavaScript function always returns a random number between min and max (both included):

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Generate Number

Effortlessly Generate Temporary Phone Numbers with Our User-Friendly Tool: Choose your preferred country and let our advanced temporary phone number generator do the rest. Just click 'Generate', and instantly get access to an available phone number tailored to your selected location. Our service simplifies the process of obtaining a temporary number for any purpose, ensuring a seamless and efficient experience.

Random Choice Generator

Enter up to 100,000 items (numbers, letters, words, IDs, names, emails, etc.) and our choice picker will choose one of them at random. This is equivalent to a truly random choice by using a random choice wheel. You can also specify more than one item to be selected, in which case they will be returned in a random order.

Related randomizers

  • Using the random choice generator
  • How many items can be randomly chosen?
  • Is the random choice truly random?

    Using the random choice generator

Using this list shuffler you can choose at random any number of items from a list. If you want to choose just one item, this is a simple random choice. If N items are to be selected, the result will be a random list of N items from the initial list, starting from the top.

In all cases the provided list of items to choose from will be sorted randomly, producing a random order, a.k.a. random shuffle, a.k.a. random selection. The random chooser uses strong randomization algorithms to generate random numbers which are then used to produce an unbiased random order from the input list. The result is a randomly ordered list from which the top N are chosen, depending on how many items you selected to choose from the list. N could be from 1 up to the number of items entered.

You can enter anything in the random choice picker - numbers, words, names, email addresses, names of countries, names of songs, plays, movies, and so on. Importantly, enter one item per row - you can just copy a spreadsheet column into the input field and it will work just fine.

If you wanted to choose many items at random, then in order to retrieve the randomly reordered list, first select it all (Ctrl+A on a PC), and then copy it (Ctrl+C on a PC).

    How many items can be randomly chosen?

The maximum number of items from which the random choice generator can choose is 100,000 . This may be subject to further restrictions due to technological limitations related to the maximum request size or memory limits, but you shouldn't run into these unless the selection list contains a lot of text. If you run into such issues, consider assigning each item a unique numerical ID, then feeding these and once a random order is produced for the list of IDs, link the IDs to the value they reference.

    Is the random choice truly random?

If you are wondering if the produced choice is truly random, it is best to first define what a truly random process of choosing between items would be expected to produce. A random choice means that each item on the initial list has an equal chance of ending up in any position of the randomized list and hence has an equal probability of ending up in first position (where it becomes 'chosen'). A procedure offering this quality is called unbiased and results in a fair selection.

Bias technically means 'systematically skewed'. We have tested the shuffle algorithm used in our generator for systematic skewness and validated the results statistically and the test showed that the order is in fact random in the above sense. You can check the outcomes of these tests of randomness and unbiasedness here .

So, in short - yes, the choice randomizer is truly random.

Cite this randomizer & page

If you'd like to cite this online randomizer resource and information as provided on the page, you can use the following citation: Georgiev G.Z., "Random Choice Generator" , [online] Available at: https://www.gigacalculator.com/randomizers/random-choice-generator.php URL [Accessed Date: 12 May, 2024].

     Random generators

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    Random String Generator. This form allows you to generate random text strings. The randomness comes from atmospheric noise, which for many purposes is better than the pseudo-random number algorithms typically used in computer programs.

  3. Random Number Generator (Free Random Math Tools)

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  5. Random Number Generator

    Random Number Generator. Prefix: and/or suffix: each number. Join with: Pad numbers. Wrap is on off. Output Box - Random number output will display here. Enter how many random number generations you require into the "Generate" box. (Default is 10.) Enter the your required low/high numeric range into the "low", "high" boxes.


    The randomness comes from atmospheric noise, which for many purposes is better than the pseudo-random number algorithms typically used in computer programs. Part 1: Enter List Items. ... (type text/html) As a bare-bones text document (type text/plain) ... Generate your own personal randomization right now

  7. Random String Generator

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  9. Random Number Generator

    This online random number generator allows you to generate random numbers within a specific range. To use the generator, follow these four simple steps: Enter the lower and upper bounds of the number range. Enter the count of numbers to generate. Select the type of numbers you wish to generate. Click the "Generate" button to create an array of ...

  10. Number Generator

    Random number generation is used to generate numbers or text for captcha, encryption, generating salt for storing passwords, a password generator, an order of cards in an online casino, decision-making, sampling, and simulation. The random number generator algorithm is often used in video games.

  11. Random Number Generator

    You can use our basic random number generator if you are looking for just one random number. First, however, you must decide what scope you will use for your number. The scope is the range of numbers from which you can generate the random number. For example, if you want a random number between 1 and 10, your scope would be 1 - 10.

  12. Random Number Generator

    Text Tools. ×. Random Number Generator ... You can choose the number of random numbers you want to generate and set a custom min-max range. How many. Type in how many random numbers you want to generate. The minimum amount is 1 and the maximum is 10,000. Min and Max. Set a minimum number and a maximum number. The randomly generated numbers ...

  13. Random Number Generator

    A random number generator, like the ones above, is a device that can generate one or many random numbers within a defined scope. Random number generators can be hardware based or pseudo-random number generators. Hardware based random-number generators can involve the use of a dice, a coin for flipping, or many other devices.

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  15. Random Number Generator

    This random number generator then generates 10 random numbers between 10 and 50. Each time you click on the " Get Random Numbers ", it will produce a different set of 10 numbers. To generate more than one number in the given range, select how many you need from the drop-down below. If you want to generate numbers absolutely unique (which ...

  16. Random Number Generator

    a random number sequence generator. Works the same as a random list generator; see above. a random number generator no repeats. If you generate multiple numbers and want no repeats, go to advanced mode and set "no" in the "allow duplicates" section. to pick a random number between 69 and 666. Set the minimum value to 69 and the maximum value to ...

  17. Random Number Generator

    You need to choose 5 numbers from a pool of 1 to 49 without duplicates. Choose the following settings in the random number generator: Min = 1. Max = 49. Generate 5 numbers. Allow Duplicates = no. Sort Numbers = low to high. Do it: Generate 5 lottery numbers from a range of 1 to 49. Cite this content, page or calculator as:

  18. Generate Random Data API

    Currently, our project has more than 70 options to generate data including: Numbers generator. Generate Random Integer. Random Sequence Generator. Dice roller. Roman Numeral Converter. Text generator and editor. Lipsum text generator. Business Text Generator (Lipsum alternative)

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  21. Numbers to Words Converter

    Choose to have words for the numbers in lowercase, uppercase or title case to easily copy and paste to another application. This converter will convert numbers to words and figures to words. The number to words can be done for real numbers and Scientific E Notation. Limited to use of 200 characters and 1e-200 and 1e+200.

  22. Random Alphanumeric Generator

    Produce a random alphanumeric string from the English alhpabet or any other alphabet of your choosing (custom input). The alphanumeric strings can be from any alphabet (German, French, Spanish, Russian, etc.). Random letter and number generator. The random string generator can produce random alphanumeric strings of any required length and is helpful for randomly generating tokens for a raffle.

  23. JavaScript Random

    A Proper Random Function. As you can see from the examples above, it might be a good idea to create a proper random function to use for all random integer purposes. This JavaScript function always returns a random number between min (included) and max (excluded):

  24. Temporary Phone Number Generator

    Just click 'Generate', and instantly get access to an available phone number tailored to your selected location. Our service simplifies the process of obtaining a temporary number for any purpose, ensuring a seamless and efficient experience. Explore our reliable phone number generator for secure, disposable phone numbers.

  25. Random Choice Generator

    The maximum number of items from which the random choice generator can choose is 100,000. This may be subject to further restrictions due to technological limitations related to the maximum request size or memory limits, but you shouldn't run into these unless the selection list contains a lot of text.

  26. Generate random fake phone numbers

    Fake Mobile Number Generator. You are using this free online tool to generate random phone numbers. You can use these when you want to promote something without using real data. You can also use these to give an example for your clients or a mockup for your users. Register using our numbers will give you the possibility to be anonymous.