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2021 US Code Title 37 - Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services Chapter 5 - Special and Incentive Pays Subchapter I - Existing Special Pay, Incentive Pay, and Bonus Authorities Sec. 307 - Special pay: special duty assignment pay for enlisted members

In subsection (a)(1), the words "prescribed in section 232(a) of this title" and "in accordance with his cumulative years of service for pay purposes" are omitted as surplusage and as covered by sections 201, 202, and 203 of this revised title.

In subsection (a)(2), the words "special or incentive pays" are omitted as surplusage.

In subsections (a)(1) and (b), the word "allowances" is omitted, since, under sections 402 and 403 of this revised title, allowances depend upon pay grade to which assigned, or in which distributed for basic pay purposes.

In subsection (b), the words "computed under section 205 of this title" are substituted for the words "cumulative . . . for pay purposes".

2002 —Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 107–296 substituted "of Homeland Security" for "of Transportation".

2000 —Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 106–398, §1 [[div. A], title VI, §631], substituted "$600" for "$275" and struck out at end "In the case of a member who is serving as a military recruiter and is eligible for special duty assignment pay under this subsection on account of such duty, the Secretary concerned may increase the monthly rate of special duty assignment pay for the member to not more than $375."

Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 106–398, §1 [[div. A], title VI, §632(a)], added subsec. (d).

1996 —Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 104–106 inserted at end "In the case of a member who is serving as a military recruiter and is eligible for special duty assignment pay under this subsection on account of such duty, the Secretary concerned may increase the monthly rate of special duty assignment pay for the member to not more than $375."

1991 —Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 102–25 struck out "of this section" after "subsection (b)".

Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 102–25 struck out "of this section" after "subsection (a)".

1984 —Pub. L. 98–525 substituted "special duty assignment pay for enlisted members" for "proficiency pay for enlisted members" in section catchline.

Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 98–525 substituted provisions directing that an enlisted member who is entitled to basic pay and is performing duties which have been designated under subsection (b) of this section as extremely difficult or as involving an unusual degree of responsibility in a military skill may, in addition to other pay or allowances to which he is entitled, be paid special duty assignment pay at a monthly rate not to exceed $275, for provisions which directed that an enlisted member of a uniformed service who was entitled to basic pay and was designated as being specially proficient in a military skill of the uniformed service concerned could (1) be advanced to an enlisted pay grade that was higher than his pay grade at the time of his designation and be entitled to the basic pay and special or incentive pay of that higher grade, or (2) in addition to other pay or allowances to which he was entitled under this title, be paid proficiency pay at a monthly rate that was not more than the rate prescribed in a table for the proficiency rating to which he was assigned, setting maximum monthly rates of $50, $100, or $150.

Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 98–525 redesignated subsec. (c) as (b), substituted references to special duty assignment pay for former references to proficiency pay, and struck out provisions which had authorized the Secretary to elect one of two methods formerly set out in subsecs. (a)(1) and (a)(2) for paying each uniformed service under his jurisdiction, with a proviso that if he elected to have proficiency pay paid under former subsec. (a)(1) of this section, enlisted members in a military grade or rank assigned to pay grade E–8 or E–9 could be paid proficiency pay at a monthly rate that is not more than the highest rate prescribed by subsection (a)(2) of this section, but if he elected to have proficiency pay paid under subsection (a)(2) of this section, he could prescribe, within the limitations set forth in that subsection, the pay for each proficiency rating prescribed therein. Former subsec. (b), which had provided that an enlisted member who had less than 8 or 10 years, as the case might be, of enlisted service computed under section 205 of this title and who had been advanced under subsection (a)(1) of this section to pay grade E–8 or E–9, respectively, was entitled to the minimum amount of basic pay and special or incentive pay prescribed for that pay grade until his years of service computed under that section entitled him to a higher rate of those pays, was struck out.

Subsecs. (c), (d). Pub. L. 98–525 redesignated subsec. (d) as (c) and substituted "armed forces under his jurisdiction" for "uniformed services under his jurisdiction". Former subsec. (c) redesignated (b) and amended.

1968 —Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 90–623 substituted "Secretary of Transportation" for "Secretary of the Treasury".

Amendment by Pub. L. 107–296 effective on the date of transfer of the Coast Guard to the Department of Homeland Security, see section 1704(g) of Pub. L. 107–296, set out as a note under section 101 of Title 10, Armed Forces.

Pub. L. 106–398, §1 [[div. A], title VI, §632(b)], Oct. 30, 2000, 114 Stat. 1654, 1654A–157, provided that: "The amendment made by subsection (a) [amending this section] shall take effect October 1, 2000."

Pub. L. 104–106, div. A, title VI, §619(b), Feb. 10, 1996, 110 Stat. 363, provided that: "The amendment made by subsection (a) [amending this section] shall take effect on January 1, 1996."

Amendment by Pub. L. 98–525 effective Oct. 1, 1984, see section 623(c) of Pub. L. 98–525, set out as a note under section 305a of this title.

Amendment by Pub. L. 90–623 intended to restate without substantive change the law in effect on Oct. 22, 1968 see section 6 of Pub. L. 90–623, set out as a note under section 5334 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

Pub. L. 98–525, title VI, §623(b)(3), Oct. 19, 1984, 98 Stat. 2542, provided that: "A member of the uniformed services who, on September 30, 1984, was entitled to special pay under section 307 of title 37, United States Code [this section], as in effect on such date, may continue to be paid the special pay authorized by such section as though the amendments made by this subsection [amending this section] had not been made. However, a member may not be paid the special pay authorized by such section as in effect on September 30, 1984, and the special pay authorized by such section as amended by this section."

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R 012047Z OCT 21 FM COMDT COGARD WASHINGTON DC TO ALCOAST BT UNCLAS ALCOAST 365/21 SSIC 7220 SUBJ: FY22 SPECIAL DUTY PAY (SDP) AND ASSIGNMENT PAY (AP) A. Military Assignments and Authorized Absences, COMDTINST M1000.8 (series) B. Special Duty Pay (SDP), COMDTINST 1430.1 (series) 1. This ALCOAST announces results of the FY22 Special Duty Pay and Assignment Pay Panel (SDP/AP) that convened on 11 May 2021. The SDP and AP levels recommended for FY22 were carefully balanced against compelling needs, base resources and organizational priorities. 2. The monthly SDP and AP levels are indicated below:      SD-1 - $75                        AP-1 - $75      SD-2 - $150                       AP-2 - $150       SD-3 - $225                       AP-3 - $225       SD-4 - $300                       AP-4 - $300       SD-5 - $375                       AP-5 - $375 3. This ALCOAST authorizes SDP/AP levels to begin in FY22 (01 Oct 2021 and not before) and are anticipated to remain in effect until the end of FY22 (30 Sep 2022 and not after) contingent upon Congress extending the authority to make payments. Monetary interventions may be adjusted or terminated not less than 30 days of advance official notice by ALCOAST. 4. FY21 SDP levels remain in effect until 30 Sep 21, at which time they will terminate. Effective 01 Oct 21, the following enlisted assignments and select officers are authorized SDP for FY22 at the levels indicated below. The corresponding DA Code must be used when entering SDP transactions into Direct Access: Special Duty Pay (SDP)                                                  LEVEL     DA CODE AN/SP-40E Technicians aboard CGC ALEX HALEY*...........SD-4        ANSPS ATTC Aviation Survival Technician (AST) Instructors*.... ... SD-2        ATTCAST Canine Explosive Detection Teams (CEDT) Handler*.........SD-1       CANINE Ceremonial Honor Guard Members (Enlisted and Officers)*...................................................................SD-2       HONOR CG Cryptologic Group Cryptologic Direct Support Element (CDSE)*: CDSE Mission Supervisors.............................................SD-1       CDSED CDSE Operators...........................................................SD-1       CDSED CGCYBER Centralized Service Desk Branch (CSDB)*: CSDB Functional Team Manager (FTM)............................SD-3       CGCYB16 CSDB Watch Supervisor (WS) & Functional Team Leader (FTL)................................................................SD-2       CGCYB18 CSDB Analyst...............................................................SD-1       CGCYB19 CGCYBER: Cyber Protection Team (CPT)*: CPT All Source Intel Analyst............................................SD-3       CGCYB07 CPT Close Access Network Operator..................................SD-3       CGCYB02 CPT Cyber Security Analysts.............................................SD-3       CGCYB03 CPT Interactive Operator...................................................SD-3       CGCYB04 CPT Network Infrastructure Service Specialist......................SD-3       CGCYB05 CPT System Architect........................................................SD-3      CGCYB06 CG Cryptologic Group (CGCG) Computer Network Operations (CNO).............................................................SD-3       CGCYB01 CGCYBER: Cybersecurity Operations Center (CSOC)*: CSOC Network Operations & Security Center (NOSC) Battle Watch Captain (BWC)................................................SD-3      CGCYB17 CSOC Watch Supervisor (WS)..............................................SD-3      CGCYB10 CSOC Incident Responder (IR).............................................SD-2      CGCYB08 CSOC Analyst....................................................................SD-1      CGCYB3 CSOC Intelligence Watch Officer (IWO).................................SD-1      CGCYB09 CGCYBER: Enterprise Operations Center (EOC)*: EOC Deputy Battle Watch Captain (DBWC).............................SD-2     CGCYB12 EOC Watch Supervisor (WS).................................................SD-3     CGCYB15 EOC Network Watchstanders................................................. SD-2    CGCYB13 EOC Systems Watchstanders..................................................SD-1    CGCYB14 CGRC Recruiting Billets*........................................................SD-4    RECPRO Close Quarters Combat Instructor (CQCI)*...............................SD-3   CQCI D8 OCS/OFFSHORE COC Marine Inspectors*.............................SD-1   D8 Dive (HRT) ATTC and NDSTC*.................................................SD-2    DV1HRT Dive Deployable Team Leader (DTL)*........................................SD-2   DDTL Heavy Weather Certified Coxswain*..........................................SD-2   COXHW Helicopter Rescue Swimmers (RS)*...........................................SD-4   HELORS Independent Duty Food Service Officer (IDFSO) FS-17 Competency Code (Cutters Classes: Only WTGB 140', WPB 110' & 87')......................................................................SD-3    IDFSO Mobile Training Branch (MTB) Deployable Team Leaders*..............SD-2    ITDLDR Mobile Training Branch (MTB) Deployable Team Members*............SD-1     ITDMBR MSRT Advanced Interdiction (AI) Coxswain*...............................SD-3     ADVINT MSRT Deployable Team Leader (DTL) Enlisted (E-6 and below)....................................................................................SD-3     MSRTTL MSRT Tactical Operators (MSRT-TO)............................................SD-2     DOGB2 MSST Deployable Team Leader...................................................SD-1     DOGDTL MSST Tactical Coxswain............................................................SD-1     COXMSST National Motor Life Boat School Surfman Instructors....................SD-5      NMLBSINT National Strike Force (NSF): NSF Response Supervisor*.......................................................SD-3       NSF-RS NSF Response Technician*.......................................................SD-2        NSF-RT NSF Response Member*...........................................................SD-1       NSF-RM Non-Compliant Vessel (NCV): NCV Pursuit High Risk Training (HRT) Instructors & Training Safety Officers*........................................................SD-1      MLEAIN1 NCV Pursuit Coxswain Afloat*....................................................SD-2      COXNCV NCV Pursuit Mission Commander (PMC) Aboard CG Cutters (Enlisted)*..............................................................SD-2       NCVCMD NCV Pursuit Coxswain Ashore (E-5 and below)*............................SD-2      COXNCV Precision Marksman-Aviation (PM-A) HITRON/ATC*........................SD-2     APMARK Precision Marksman-Aviation (PM-A) TACLET*...............................SD-2     APMARK PSU Tactical Coxswain (Active Duty)*..........................................SD-1      COXPSU SMTC Tactical Operator Course (TOC) Instructors*.........................SD-1      SMTCIN1 SMTC/SMDT Navy Diving & Salvage Training Center CG HRT Instructors*.......................................................................SD-2      SMTCNAVY SMTC/SMDT High-Risk Training (HRT) Instructors and School Chiefs*..........................................................................SD-1       SMTCIN1 Surfman Certified (Enlisted and Officers)*.................................... SD-5       SURFCT TACLET Deployable Team Leader*................................................SD-3       DOGDTL1 TACLET Tactical Operator*...........................................................SD-2       DOGB2 Tactical Certified Coxswain*..........................................................SD-1      COXTACT 5. SDP commences on the date a member reports to an eligible position and, if applicable, meets the following eligibility criteria:     a. AN/SPS-40E Technicians aboard CGC ALEX HALEY (WMEC 724)*: Member must be qualified as an AN/SPS-40E technician and assigned to CGC ALEX HALEY.      b. ATTC Aviation Survival Technical (AST) Instructors*: Member is authorized SDP the day they are qualified as an instructor by CG ATTC CO. Instructors must maintain currency qualifications in order to maintain SDP eligibility. SDP stops upon lapse of qualifications or qualification currency.      c. Canine Explosive Detection Team (CEDT) Handlers*: Canine Handlers must be certified prior to receiving SDP. If the handler or canine is decertified, then SDP stops until the handler or canine is recertified.      d. Ceremonial Honor Guard Members*: Member must achieve qualifications as an Honor Guardsman and be designated by the unit CO. SDP may be stopped at CO's discretion.      e. CG Cryptologic Group Cryptologic Direct Support Element (CDSE)*: Member must complete/achieve the required courses/ qualifications prior to designation as a Mission Supervisor or Operator. Member is authorized SDP upon certification by the unit CO.      f. CGCYBER Centralized Service Desk Branch (CSDB) Functional Team Manager (FTM), Watch Supervisor (WS), Functional Team Leader (FTL), and Analyst*: Members must be assigned to CGCYBER, USCYBERCOM, or other DoD or DHS positions, maintain an active Secret clearance access, possess administrative credentials, and be designated by the CO.      g. CGCYBER Cyber Protection Team (CPT) All Source Intel Analyst, Close Access Network Operator, Cyber Security Analyst, Interactive Operator, Network Infrastructure Service Specialist, Systems Architect and CGCG Computer Network Operations (CNO)*: Members must be assigned to CGCYBER, USCYBERCOM, or other DoD or DHS cybersecurity positions, maintain an active TS/SCI clearance access, pass a counterintelligence polygraph, and be designated by the CO.        h. CGCYBER Cybersecurity Operations Center (CSOC) Network Operator & Security Center (NOSC) Battle Watch Captain (BWC), Watch Supervisor (WS), Incident Responder (IR), Analyst, and Intelligence Watch Officer (IWO)*: Members must be assigned to CGCYBER, USCYBERCOM, or other DoD or DHS cybersecurity positions, maintain an active TS/SCI clearance access, pass a counterintelligence polygraph, and be designated by unit CO.      i. CGCYBER Enterprise Operations Center (EOC)*: Deputy Battle Watch Captain (DBWC), Network Watchstanders, System Watchstanders, and Watch Supervisor (WS): Members must be assigned to CGCYBER, USCYBERCOM, or other DoD or DHS cybersecurity positions, maintain an active TS/SCI clearance access, pass a counterintelligence polygraph, and be designated by the CO.      j. CGRC Recruiting Billets*: Member must be serving in a position assigned to a recruiting office, recruiting chat center, regional supervisor, Training Center Cape May (TCCM) Recruiting C-School instructor, standardization team position, reserve recruiters, and recruiting office liaison to MEPS. Member must maintain currency in qualifications/certifications, complete the CG RC recruiter PQS, pass a qualification board and maintain good standing during their assignment. Member must be certified by the CGRC CO in order to maintain eligibility for SDP.      k. Close Quarters Combat Instructor (CQCI)*: Member must be assigned to MSRT, TACLET, SMTC, or SMTD, and have successfully completed the CQCI course (502938), and be designated in writing as a CQCI by the respective unit CO.      l. D8 Marine Inspectors engaged in conducting OCS/OFFSHORE COC inspections*: Member is authorized SDP upon qualification/ certification from the unit CO.      m. Dive High Risk Training (HRT) ATTC and Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center (NDSTC)*: ATTC Member is authorized SDP once qualified as an HRT instructor by the unit CO.      n. Dive Deployable Team Leader (DTL)*: Member is authorized SDP once qualified as a DTL by the unit CO.      o. Heavy Weather Certified Coxswain*: Member must serve as a certified Heavy Weather coxswain stationed at a surf or heavy weather station and who routinely serves in the unit's rotational watch schedule as a certified operational Heavy Weather coxswain. Member is authorized SDP upon certification from the unit CO.      p. Helicopter Rescue Swimmer (RS)*: Member must be assigned to an AST billet, fulfill all appropriate operational and physical training requirements and be designated as a rescue swimmer on the watch schedule, or have been deployed TDY in a rescue swimmer capacity for at least 14 days during the month (any comparable combination of duty and deployment days will suffice). Members of the rescue swimmer standardization division and other rescue swimmers at ATC Mobile who are assigned to AST are included. The unit CO must certify in writing that the member meets all eligibility requirements for entitlement.      q. Independent Duty Food Service Officer (IDFSO) FS-17 Competency Code (cutters classes WTGB 140', WPB 110' & WPB 87')*: Member is authorized SDP upon reporting for duty in an eligible billet on a WTGB 140', WPB 110' or WPB 87' cutter. The member must acquire the FS-17 competency code within one year of their reporting date. If the member does not acquire the FS-17 competency code within one year of their reporting date, SDP will be suspended until the FS-17 competency code is authorized by the CS Rating Force Master Chief.      r. Mobile Training Branch (MTB) Deployable Team Leaders and Members*: Members must be serving in a designated team leader or team member billet with command approved qualification and must deploy at least 175 days per year.      s. Maritime Security Response Teams (MSRT) Advance Interdiction Coxswain*: Member must be assigned to and complete all the qualifications for this designation. A member will have SDP stopped anytime the qualification has lapsed or is removed from these designated positions, if absent from the unit for greater than 30 days (not including TDY), or at any time COMDT (CG-751) determines the member is no longer entitled to SDP.      t. Maritime Security Response Teams (MSRT) Deployable Team Leader (DTL)*: Members are authorized SDP upon qualification/certification from the unit CO.      u. Maritime Security Response Teams (MSRT) Tactical Operators (MSRT-TO)*: Members are authorized SDP upon qualification/ certification from the unit CO.      v. Marine Safety and Security Team (MSST) Deployable Team Leaders*: Members must be fully qualified and serving as a Designated Team Leader (DTL) by the unit CO.      w. Marine Safety and Security Team (MSST) Tactical Coxswain*: Member must complete Tactical PQS, and be certified by the unit CO.      x. National Strike Force*: Members must be serving in a NSF response billet on the PAL, fulfill the appropriate qualifications for response member (RM), response technician (RT), or response supervisor (RS), and be designated in writing by the CO of the respective unit.      y. Non-Compliant Vessel (NCV) High-Risk Training (HRT) Instructors & Training Safety Officers (CTS)*: Member must maintain current qualifications/certifications and complete the MLEA HRT instructor and/or NCVP TSO certification to maintain their eligibility for SDP. Final approval for designation lies with the MLEA Commander.      z. Non-Compliant Vessel (NCV) Pursuit Coxswain Afloat*: Member must be assigned to a NCVP cutter and routinely serve in the unit's rotational watch schedule as a certified operational Pursuit Coxswain (PCOXN) to receive SDP.      aa. Non-Compliant Vessel (NCV) Pursuit Mission Commanders (PMC) Aboard CG Cutters (Enlisted)*: Pursuit Mission Commanders must be assigned to a NCVP unit and serve in the rotational duty schedule as a certified PMC to received SDP.      bb. Non-Compliant Vessel (NCV) Pursuit Coxswain Ashore (E-5 and below)*: Member must be assigned to a NCVP station and routinely serve in the unit’s rotational watch schedule as a certified operational PCOXN to received SDP.      cc. Precision Marksman-Aviation/HITRON (PM-A)*: Member must be fully qualified and in a deployable billet. Qualification must be designated in writing by the unit CO.      dd. Precision Marksman-TACLET (PM-A)*: Member must be fully certified as an aviation gunner in a deployable unit. Certification must be designated in writing by the unit CO.      ee. PSU Tactical Coxswain (Active Duty)*: Member must be on Title 10 Orders (10 USC 12302 or 10 USC 1230 (d)) in support of a contingency in order to qualify for SDP. Reservists on ADOS orders not in support of a contingency (RFO assistance) would not be authorized SDP.      ff. SMTC Tactical Operator Course (TOC) Instructors*: Members must maintain current qualifications/certification and complete the TOC instructor certification in order to maintain their eligibility for SDP. Final approval for designation is determined by the unit CO.      gg. SMTC/SMDT High-Risk Training (HRT) Instructors*: Members must maintain current qualifications/certification and complete the HRT instructor certification in order to maintain their eligibility for SDP. Final approval for designation is determined by the unit CO.      hh. Surfman Certified (Enlisted and Officers)*: BOSN Commanding Officers at surf stations and National Motor Lifeboat School instructors are required to maintain certification and participate as duty standing Surfmen. Members serving as a qualified Surfman instructor at the National Motor Lifeboat School or a certified Surfman stationed at a surf station and who routinely serve in the unit's rotational watch schedule will receive SDP.      ii. TACLET Deployable Team Leader*: Must be certified and designated by the CO.      jj. TACLET Tactical Operator (TO)*: Must be certified and designated by the CO.      kk. Tactical Certified Coxswain*: Tactical Coxswains must be assigned to Ports, Waterways, and Coastal Security (PWCS) activities including Maritime Critical Infrastructure/Key Resources patrol and security boardings stations and routinely serve in the unit's rotational watch schedule as a certified operational Tactical Coxswain. Members must complete Tactical PQS, and be certified by CO/OIC as a Tactical COXN. 6. FY21 AP levels remain in effect until 30 Sep 21, at which time they will terminate. Effective 01 Oct 21, the following enlisted assignments and select officers are authorized AP for FY22 at the levels indicated below. The corresponding DA Code must be used when entering AP transactions into Direct Access: Assignment Pay (AP)                                                   LEVEL      DA CODE Academy Company Chief*..........................................AP-2        OCSCHF CG Counterintelligence Service (CGCIS) Special Intelligence Assignment (Position PAL # 19363812)*.....AP-3        SPCINT CG Counterintelligence Service (CGCIS) Agent*............AP-2        CINTLA CG-821 Program Reviewer (Position PAL # 00031448)......AP-4     PRGRVR CGIS Protective Service Agent (PSA) (Enlisted)*.............AP-3      CGISPSD CGIS Special Agent (Enlisted)*.....................................AP-3      SPECAG Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL): CSEL MCPOCG*..........................................................AP-5       CMC-MC CSEL CMC (MCPOCG-D, MCPO-CGR, DCMS, DCO, PAC, LANT)*...AP-4    CMCLV4 CSEL CMC (Districts, FORCECOM, DOL, PSC, JIATF-S, USCGA, CGCYBER, HQ-BNCR)*....................................AP-3        CMCLV3 CSEL CMC/CSC (Sectors, Bases, CGRC, Area Operational Forces CSEL, TRACEN Petaluma, TRACEN Yorktown, TRACEN Cape May, AVTRACEN E-CITY, SMTC, PATFORSWA, PSU, ALC, SFLC, MFPU)*...........................................................AP-2          CMCLV2 D17 Aids to Navigation Teams (ANT)............................AP-2          D17 Defense Attaché Service (DAS) Support Staff*...............AP-3         DETACH Engineering Petty Officer (EPOs) Afloat*........................AP-1         EPOAFL Engineering Petty Officer (EPOs) Ashore*.......................AP-1         EPOASH Executive Petty Officer (XPOs) Afloat*.............................AP-1        XPOAFL Executive Petty Officer (XPOs) Ashore*............................AP-1        XPOASH Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) Maritime Infrastructure Protective Force Training Advisory Group (MIPFTAG) (Enlisted & Officers)*.....................................................AP-2        SAUDI Marine Inspector (MI) and Investigating Officer (IO) Coded Positions: MI MSSE4 (CONUS) PAL # 00094933.................................AP-2       MSSE4C MI MSSE4 & LT (OCONUS) PAL #s 00026796, 00012677, 00030595, 00007606, 00025172, & 00002158.....................AP-4       MSSE4 MI & IO LT (CONUS) PAL #s 00094835, 00008694, 00007710, & 19379725......................................................AP-2      MSSE4C MI & IO LT (OCONUS) PAL # 00008431.................................AP-2     MSSE4C MI & IO LCDR & CDR Supervisory Positions (OCONUS) PAL #s 00007641 & 00006321.............................................AP-2       MSSE4C Office Candidate School (OCS) Company Chief*......................AP-2       OCSCHF Officer-in-Charge (OIC) Afloat*.............................................AP-3       OICAFL Officer-in-Charge (OIC) Ashore*............................................AP-3       OICASH Rating Force Master Chief (RFMC)...........................................AP-3       RFMC Recruit Assistant Battalion Commander (BC)*..........................AP-5       RECBATA Recruit Battalion Commander (BC)*.........................................AP-5      RECBAT Recruit Company Commander (CC)*.........................................AP-5     REC-CC Senior Enlisted Congressional: (Positions PAL #s 00001599 & 00035055)..................................AP-2      CONGSEL White House President EOC (Enlisted).......................................AP-3       PREEOC White House Situation Room Team Member (Enlisted)..................AP-4       WHOCM4 7. AP commences on the date a member reports to an eligible position and, if applicable, meets the following eligibility criteria:     a. Academy Company Chief*: Member are authorized AP the day the member reports for duty to an eligible position. Members must be a graduate of the CPOA or Senior Enlisted DoD Leadership Academy.      b. CG Counterintelligence Special Intelligence Assignment (Position Pal # 19363812)*: Member are authorized AP the day the member reports for duty to an eligible position.      c. CG Counterintelligence Agents (CGCIS)*: Members must be assigned to CGCIS, complete the basic agent course, and be issued a CGIS badge and credentials. A member will have AP stopped if they are absent from the unit for greater than 30 days (not including TDY), or at any time when the director of CGCIS determines the Member are not entitled to AP.      d. CGIS Protective Service Agent (PSA)*: Enlisted agent must have completed qualification as Tactical Driver and be in a PSA position.      e. CGIS Special Agent (Enlisted)*: Special agent must have completed basic training required for special agents, and be in an assignment under CG PSC directed orders or assigned to an RPAL billet specifically indicating investigation duty.      f. Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL)*: MCPOCG/CMC/CSC: Member must be serving in the designated billet specified in Paragraph 4 of this ALCOAST.      g. Defense Attaché Service (DAS) Support Staff*: Member must be serving in a designated defense attaché position assigned within the Department of Defense Attaché System (DAFAS).      h. Engineering Petty Officer (EPOs) Ashore & Afloat: EPOs are required to maintain assigned qualifications, currency and proficiency at their respective unit.      i. Executive Petty Officer (XPOs) Ashore & Afloat: XPOs are required to maintain assigned qualifications, currency and proficiency at their respective unit.      j. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) Maritime Infrastructure Protective Force Training Advisory Group (MIPFTAG)*: To receive AP, enlisted members must be assigned to this training, and possess the array of training qualifications and credentials necessary to train Kingdom of Saudi Arabia personnel in Maritime Security Force strategy and tactics. A member will have AP suspended if they are absent from the unit for greater than 30 days (not including TDY), or at any time when the MIPFTAG Program Manager determines the member no longer eligible for AP.      k. Officer Candidate School (OCS) Company Chief*: Members must be an E-7. Must meet the Special Assignment criteria outlined in Article 1.E.2A of REF (A). Members must be a graduate of the CPOA or a Senior Enlisted DoD Leadership Academy.      l. Officer in charge (OIC) Ashore & Afloat*: Member must meet the cutter qualification and currency requirements for being assigned as an OIC ashore & afloat and serving as an OIC at their respective unit. AP is authorized concurrently to a fully qualified acting OIC afloat or ashore, and the permanently assigned OIC in his/her absence for a period of at least 30 consecutive days, but not more than 90 days. After 90 days of absence, AP shall be terminated for the permanently assigned OIC, and the acting OIC will be the sole AP recipient for that billet until no longer serving as the acting OIC.      m. Recruit Assistant Battalion Commander, Battalion Commander, and Company Commander*: Member must serve in a billet designated on the PAL, or be temporarily assigned to a surge billet for at least 30 consecutive days, satisfactorily complete the in-house training at TRACEN Cape May, and be designated by the CO. 8. Reservists performing any type of duty, including Active Duty for Training (ADT), Inactive Duty Training (IDT), Active Duty Operational Support (ADOS), and Involuntary Recall, are entitled to SDP/AP on a prorated basis if the assignment to that duty or RPAL billet performs duty for which SDP or AP is authorized by this ALCOAST. Reservists serving in RPAL billets for which SDP/AP is authorized on IDT or ADT are not authorized SDP or AP if ordered to voluntary active duty assignments involving duty that isn't eligible for SDP or AP. Reservists ordered to involuntary active duty are authorized continuation of SDP/AP authorized for their RPAL IDT assignment, if otherwise eligible. Reservist must meet the eligibility requirements listed above in order to be eligible for SDP/AP. 9. General Guidance for all SDP and AP authorization.      a. No one may be in concurrent receipt of both SDP and AP. If a Member is eligible to receive both SDP and AP payments in any respective category, they may elect which Special Pay (SDP or AP) they wish to receive.      b. No one may be in concurrent receipt of two categories of SDP.         (1) If a Member is serving in a billet which is authorized SDP, and meets the eligibility standards for another SDP, the Member is authorized the higher of the two pay amounts.          (2) If a member meets criteria for two categories of SDP with equal pay levels, the Member is authorized SDP for the category that best matches his/her primary position at the unit.       c. Effect of injury, illness, or disability on continued SDP or AP eligibility.          (1) In the event that a Member is injured, falls ill, or is otherwise physically disabled while performing the duty for which SDP or AP is paid, SDP or AP may be paid for up to 90 days during period of the treatment for the condition that would otherwise render the member ineligible for the special pay. The SDP or AP will be suspended on the 91st day following the disqualifying injury, illness, or physical disability.           (2) Any injuries, illness, or physical disabilities incurred under any circumstances that are not directly related to the performance of duty for which the SDP or AP is paid will result in suspension of the special pay effective the day the member's CO determines the Member is no longer able to perform the duty for which the special pay is authorized. 10. SDP/AP eligibility terminates: the day before the member departs PCS, the date the Member is removed from duty by competent authority (e.g., relief for cause), or once the Member is no longer qualified (e.g., does not complete four watches during a month as a Rescue Swimmer or deployed TDY for 14 days as a Rescue Swimmer or any combination of both during the month, does not meet or is not expected to meet the 175 days deployment, TDY, etc.). Additionally, SDP/AP terminates the day a member departs a unit with no expectation of return prior to separation or retirement (e.g., leave or excused absence a.k.a., "permissive orders"). 11. Responsibilities:         a. Members authorized SDP or AP under this ALCOAST shall:           (1) Read and understand the conditions for eligibility for their respective special pay in this ALCOAST;            (2) Notify their CO of any condition or circumstance that might affect their eligibility for continuation of SDP or AP; and            (3) When their eligibility for SDP or AP has been terminated or suspended on account of transfer or other reasons, review their statements of semi-monthly income (payslips) to confirm that the special pay previously authorized is no longer credited to their pay accounts. If the special pay has not been stopped when it reasonably should have, members must set aside the suspected erroneous payment for eventual repayment and notify their administrative office in writing of the suspected overpayment.         b. COs must timely notify their SPOs of members' SDP/AP eligibility or loss of eligibility including certifying the documentation for a reservist. Unit P&A offices must regularly review affected members' continued eligibility for SDP or AP and provide timely notice to SPOs when members lose eligibility.         c. SPOs must submit the proper Direct Access input to commence/terminate SDP/AP payment as appropriate. 12. REF (B) outlines SDP/AP policy. Questions about SDP/AP eligibility should be directed to the appropriate HQ program manager. For questions regarding SDP/AP policy contained in REF (B), contact YNCS J. L. Bruner or CWO K. L. Cox in COMDT (CG-1332) by email to [email protected]. 13. RADM E. C. Jones, Assistant Commandant for Human Resources (CG-1), sends. 14. Internet release is authorized.

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Marine combat instructors can avoid recruiting or drill instructor duty

special duty assignment pay 2021 army

The Marine Corps has made the combat instructor job a special duty assignment once more, effectively allowing those instructors to sidestep the sometimes-dreaded recruiter or drill instructor jobs .

Each year, a portion of Marine noncommissioned officers are given special duty assignments, which take them out of their regular jobs for a few years to perform other duties on behalf of the Corps. Now, the combat instructor job, which entails training Marines in combat skills, counts as a special duty assignment.

“It’s an extremely rewarding duty because you actually get to affect and to teach the warfighting skills that all Marines learn through the entry-level training pipeline, and it’s really critical for the operational readiness of the force,” Gunnery Sgt. Tyler Stokes , the enlisted assignments monitor for the combat instructor community, said in a video the Marine Corps recently posted to LinkedIn.

Marines get plucked from their regular jobs and placed into special duty assignments through the annual Headquarters Marine Corps Special Duty Assignment Screening Team screening process, often called HSST for short.

The Marine Corps itself said in an administrative message in 2023, “A successful SDA tour is a hallmark of a competitive Marine and makes him or her exceptionally qualified for promotion.”

The other special duty assignments are recruiter, drill instructor and Marine security guard detachment commander. Before a rule change that was announced in 2017, combat instructor and Marine security guard watchstander also counted as special duty assignments.

After that change, those two jobs became Type 1 screenable billets, a category that also includes Marine Corps security forces guards, staff noncommissioned officer academy faculty advisors and curriculum developers, and Marine special operators, among others, according to Marine spokeswoman Capt. Sarah Eason.

“Designation as a Special Duty Assignment increases the staffing priority of this duty, ensuring maximum fill of available billets,” Eason said of the recent redesignation of the combat instructor role via email May 3.

A 2019 analysis by the Marine Corps of the impact of special duty assignments — which at the time didn’t include combat instructor — on Marines’ lives found they were correlated with better promotion chances but also with higher rates of divorce, addiction and suicide attempts.

“Due to increased responsibilities and duties outside of one’s normal occupational field, SDA tours are often viewed as a Marine’s most stressful noncombat tour,” the analysis stated.

Now that being a combat instructor is a special duty assignment again, Marines who complete that role won’t end up on future HSST lists, according to Eason.

For the next special duty assignment season, fiscal year 2026, combat instructor may be an option for Marines who end up on the list “but will be subject to availability after the volunteer period,” Eason said.

“Unlike other SDAs, there are a limited number of Combat Instructor billets open to any primary military occupational specialty, and these routinely fill with volunteers,” the spokeswoman added. “The preponderance of Combat Instructor billets requires an infantry primary (military occupational specialty), so Marines in this field will likely be able to request Combat Instructor duty during the HSST.”

As a special duty assignment, the combat instructor role will come with incentives that include easier promotions and choice over a next duty station, according to Eason. Combat instructors will continue to receive special pay.

A plan to make the combat instructor job a special duty assignment again has been in the works since at least 2021, as the Corps planned to lengthen the infantry course from nine to 14 weeks, creating a demand for more instructors. Training Command did not respond by time of publication to a Marine Corps Times question about the current length of the course.

Irene Loewenson is a staff reporter for Marine Corps Times. She joined Military Times as an editorial fellow in August 2022. She is a graduate of Williams College, where she was the editor-in-chief of the student newspaper.

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Marine Corps Combat Instructor Role Once Again a Special Duty Assignment

U.S. Marines with the School of Infantry-East, Combat Instructor School

Combat instructors -- Marines who teach entry-level devil dogs basic warfighting skills -- are once again a special duty assignment.

As of May, the combat instructor, which is open to infantry Marines, is again one of these assignments after it was dropped from the criteria several years ago. The change was announced by the service's Manpower and Reserve Affairs division earlier this month.

Special duty assignments, or SDAs, are billets outside of a Marine's primary job and include being a recruiter , drill instructor and security guard. Sometimes those assignments are voluntary, but other times Marines are ordered into them.

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"I went through combat instructor school back in 2015," Gunnery Sgt. Tyler Stokes, an enlisted assignments monitor for combat instructors, said in a video released by the service. "It's an extremely rewarding duty because you actually get to affect and to teach the warfighting skills that all Marines learn through the entry-level training pipeline, and it's really critical for the operational readiness of the force."

Stokes said that the commandant of the Marine Corps , Gen. Eric Smith, issued guidance earlier this year that said the combat instructor role would once again be a special duty assignment.

Combat instructors teach Marines weapons handling, employment of automatic weapons, the nuances of munition types, land navigation, communications, tactics and patrolling, among other tasks critical for young troops entering the Corps.

Typically, tours for combat instructors, and other special duty assignments, are three years. Marines coming back for a second tour may have their assignment shortened to two years, according to a previous Marine Corps message.

Marines assigned to the combat instructor role are primarily sent to the Corps' two infantry schools, located on each coast. Specifically, they are assigned to Camp Pendleton , California, or Camp Lejeune , North Carolina.

Prior to being assigned to the installations, prospective combat instructors go through the Marine Combat Instructor School, or MCIS, a nine-week course that includes written exams, combat conditioning, employment of different weapons systems and other tasks that Marines will be expected to hand down to future generations of infantrymen.

The job is open to volunteers, a spokesperson from Manpower and Reserve Affairs wrote in an email to Military.com on Tuesday.

"However, it may be staffed with involuntary assignments to fill vacancies and achieve maximum billet fill," Capt. Sarah Eason, the spokesperson, added. "Unlike the other SDAs, there are only a limited number of combat instructor billets open to any primary military occupational specialty (MOS), and these routinely fill with volunteers."

The special duty assignment also comes with some perks, Eason said, including special pay , the Marine Corps Combat Instructor Ribbon, promotion board precepts, and a "choice of specific geographic area for the next duty station following tour completion," she said.

Related: Marine Corps Offering Thousands of Dollars in Bonuses in Push for More Intelligence Specialists

Drew F. Lawrence

Drew Lawrence, Military.com

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