sql database task

23 October 2012


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SSIS Basics: Using the Execute SQL Task to Generate Result Sets

The Execute SQL Task of SSIS is extraordinarily useful, but it can cause a lot of difficulty for developers learning SSIS, or only using it occasionally. What it needed, we felt, was a clear step-by-step guide that showed the basics of how to use it effectively. Annette has once again cleared the fog of confusion

The Execute SQL task is one of the handier components in SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) because it lets you run Transact-SQL statements from within your control flow. The task is especially useful for returning result sets that can then be used by other components in your SSIS package.

When using the Execute SQL task to return a result set, you must also implement the necessary variables and parameters to pass data into and out of the T-SQL statement called by the task. In this article, we look at how to use those variables and parameters in conjunction with the Execute SQL task in order to transfer that data. (In the previous article in this series, “ Introducing Variables ,” I explained how to work with variables, so refer back to that article if you need help.)

This article walks you through two different scenarios for working with variables, parameters, and result sets. In the first scenario, we’ll use two Execute SQL tasks. The first task retrieves a single value from a table in the AdventureWorks2008 database. That value is returned by the task as a single-row result set. The second Execute SQL task will pass that value into a stored procedure that inserts the row into a different table.

The second scenario uses a single Execute SQL task to retrieve a multi-row result set, also known as a full result set. This represents the third Execute SQL task we’ll be adding to our control flow. For now, all we’ll do is use this task to save the result set to variable. In articles to follow, you’ll see how you can use that variable in other SSIS components, such as the Foreach Loop container.

Setting Up Your Environment

Before adding components to your SSIS package, you should first add a table and two stored procedures to the AdventureWorks2008 database. The table will store the value that’s returned by the first Execute SQL task. Listing 1 shows the T-SQL necessary to create the SSISLog table.

Listing 1: Creating the SSISLog table

Next, we will add a stored procedure to insert data into the SSISLog table. Listing 2 provides the T-SQL script necessary to create the UpdateSSISLog stored procedure. Notice that it includes an input parameter. The input will be the data that will be retrieved via the first Execute SQL task.

Listing 2: Creating a stored procedure that inserts data into the SSISLog table

Once you’ve set up the table and stored procedures, you can create your SSIS package, if you haven’t already done so. We’ll perform both exercises in a single package. Our next step, then, is to add a couple variables to our package.

Adding Two Variables to the SSIS Package

The first variable we’ll create is the EmpNum variable. If the Variables window is not open, right-click the Control Flow workspace, and then click V ariables . In the Variables window, add a new variable by clicking on the Add Variable icon.

Name the new variable EmpNum , and ensure that the scope is set at the package level, as indicated by the package name. (In my case, I’ve stuck with the default name, which is Package .) Next, set the data type to Int32 and the value to 0 , as shown in Figure 1. The Execute SQL task will use the variable to store the value it retrieves from the database.


Figure 1: The new EmpNum variable

Now create a second variable named EmployeeList . This variable should also be at the package scope. However, set the data type to Object . We will be using this variable to store the full result set that we retrieve in our second scenario, and SSIS requires that the variable use the Object type to accommodate the multiple rows and columns.

Adding a Connection Manager to the SSIS Package

The next step is to create a connection manager that points to the AdventureWorks2008 database. Right-click the Connection Manager s window, and then click New OLE DB Connection , as shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2: Creating a new OLE DB connection manager

When the Configur e OLE DB Connection Manager dialog box appears, click the New button to launch the Connection Manager dialog box, shown in Figure 3. From the Server name drop-down list, select the name of your SQL Server instance, and then select an authentication type. From the Select or enter a database name drop-down list, select your database. As you can see in Figure 3, I’m using Cambridge as my SQL Server instance, SQL Server Authentication as my authentication type, and the AdventureWorks2008 as my database.


Figure 3: Configuring an OLE DB connection manager

Be sure to test the connection by clicking the Test Connection button. If the connection is good, click OK to close the Connection Manager dialog box.

When you’re returned to the Configure OLE DB Connection Manager dialog box, you’ll see that your new connection has been added to the Data connections section. Click OK to close the dialog box. Your connection should now be listed in Connection Managers window.

If you want, you can rename your connection manager to something more appropriate. To do so, right-click the connection, click R ename , and type in the new name. I renamed mine to AW2008 , as shown in Figure 4.


Figure 4: Renaming a connection manager

Returning a Single-Row Result Set

As mentioned above, our first example uses two instances of the Execute SQL task. The first Execute SQL task will return a single-row result set, which in this case, will contain only one value. Note, however, that this is not a real-world example. I simply want to show you how to get the result set and use it.

In this example, we’ll retrieve the highest BusinessEntityID value from the HumanResources.Employee table and insert it into the SSISLog table, along with the current date and time. We’ll start by using the first Execute SQL task to retrieve the value and pass it to the EmpNum variable.

To get started, drag the Execute SQL task onto the Control Flow design surface. Then double-click the task to open the Execute SQL Task Editor . The editor opens to the General page, as shown in Figure 5.


Figure 5: The General page of the Execute SQL Task Editor

Notice that the General section contains the Name property and the Description property. The Name property refers to the task name. You should name the task something suitable. On my system, I named the task Get ResultSet . I then added a description to the Description property to explain what the task does.

In the Options section, I stuck with the default property values.

The next section on the General page is Result Set . Notice that this section includes only the ResultSet property. The property lets you select one of the following four options:

  • None : The query returns no result set.
  • Single row : The query returns a single-row result set.
  • Full result set : The query returns a result set that can contain multiple rows.
  • XML : The query returns a result set in an XML format.

The option you select depends on the results of the query you pass into the Execute SQL task. For this exercise, our query will return only a single value. Consequently, we will choose the Single row option.

Next, we need to configure the properties in the SQL Statement section. Table 1 shows the values you should use to configure these properties.

Table 1: Configuring the properties in the SQL Statement section

Our next step is to associate our result set value with a variable that will store the value we retrieve from the database. To do this, go to the Result Set page of the Execute SQL Task Editor .

The main grid of the Result Set page contains two columns: Result Name and Variable Name . Click the Add button to add a row to the grid. In the Result Name column, enter the column name returned by your query ( MaxEmpID ). In the Variable Name column, select the User:: EmpNum variable. Your Result Set page should now look similar to the one shown in Figure 6.


Figure 6: Associating your result set value with a variable

If our single-row result set contains multiple columns, we would have had to map a variable to each column. However, because we returned only one value, we needed only one mapping.

Once you’ve associated your result set value with a variable, click OK to close the Execute SQL Task Editor . You task should now be set up to return a single-row result set. Now we need to do something with that result set!

Working with a Single-Row Result Set

Our next step is to drag a new Execute SQL task onto our design surface so we can use the result set returned by the first Execute SQL task. So add the task, and then connect the precedence constraint (the green arrow) from the first task to the new one. Next, right-click the second task and click Edit to open the Execute SQL Task Editor , shown in Figure 7.


Figure 7: Configuring the Execute SQL Task Editor

In the General section, provide a name and description for the task. (I named the task Using Result Set .) For the ResultSet property, stick with the default value, None . In this case, the task won’t be returning a result set. Instead, we’ll be using the results returned by the previous task.

Now let’s look at the SQL Statement section shown in Figure 8. Notice that, for the SQLStatement property, I entered the following T-SQL code:

As you can see, we’re executing the UpdateSSISLog stored procedure. Notice, however, that we follow the name of the stored procedure with a question mark ( ? ). The question mark serves as a placeholder for the parameter value that the stored procedure requires. You cannot name parameters within the actual query, so we have to take another step to provide our value.

Go to the Parameter Mapping page of the Execute SQL Task Editor . On this page, you map the parameters referenced in your queries to variables. You create your mappings in the main grid, which contains the following five columns:

  • Variable Name : The variable that contains the value to be used for the parameter. In this case, we’ll use the User:: EmpNum variable, which contains the result set value returned by the first Execute SQL task.
  • Direction : Determines whether to pass a value into a parameter (input) or return a value through the parameter (output)
  • Data Type : Determines the type of data provided from the variable. This will default to the type used when setting up the variable.
  • Parameter Name : The name of the parameter. The way in which parameters are named depends on your connection type. When running a T-SQL statement against a SQL Server database through an OLE DB connection, as we’re doing here, we use numerical values to represent the statement’s parameters, in the order they appear in the statement, starting with 0 . In this case, because there’s only one parameter, we use 0 .
  • Parameter Size : The size of the parameter if it can be a variable length. The default is -1 , which lets SQL Server determine the correct size.

Once you’ve mapped your variable to your parameter, the Parameter Mapping page should look similar to the one shown in Figure 8.


Figure 8: Mapping a variable to a parameter

When you’re finished configuring the Execute SQL task, click OK .

Your package should now be ready to run. Click the green Execute button. When the package has completed running, query the SSISLog table and verify that a row has been added that contains the expected results.

Returning a Full Result Set

Using the Execute SQL task to return a full result set is similar to returning a single-row result set. The primary differences are that your target variable must be configured with the Object data type, and the task’s ResultSet property must be set to Full result set .

Let’s run through an example to demonstrate how this works. This time, rather than retrieving a single value, we’re going to retrieve a result set that contains multiple rows and columns.

For this exercise, we can use the same SSIS package we used for the previous example, but keep in mind, if you execute the package, all components will run unless you specifically disable those that you don’t want to have run.

Drag an Execute SQ L task to the design surface. Open the task’s editor and configure the properties as necessary. Remember to set the ResultSet property to Full result set . For the SQLStatement property, use the SELECT statement shown in Listing 3. When entering a long SELECT statement into as the property’s value, it’s easier to click the ellipses button to the right of the property to open the Enter SQL Query dialog box and then entering the statement there.

Listing 3: The SELECT statement used to return a full result set

After you enter your SELECT statement, close the Enter SQL Query dialog box. When you’re returned to the Execute SQL Task Editor , the General page should now look similar to the one shown in Figure 9.


Figure 9: Configuring the Execute SQL task to return a full result set

Next, go to Result Set page and add a row to the main grid. Because we’re returning a full result set, you should enter 0 in the Result Name column. (The same is true if you’re returning an XML result set). Then, in the Variable Name column, select the User:: E mployeeList variable.

Once this is complete, click OK . Your Execute SQL task will now return a full result set and save it to the E mployeeList variable. (You should execute the task to make sure it runs.) You can then use that variable in other SSIS components. However, to do so is a bit more complicated than what we saw for a single-row result set, so I’ll save that discussion for another time. But feel free to try using the variable if your up for it. You might want to start with a Foreach Loop container.

In this article, I demonstrated how to use an Execute SQL task to return a single-row result set with a single value and save that value to a variable. I then showed you how to use the variable in a second Execute SQL task to insert data into a table.

In the second example, I demonstrated how to use an Execute SQL task to return a full result set and save it to a variable configured with the Object data type. Although I did not show you how to use the result set in other components, you should now have a good sense of the principles behind using the Execute SQL task to retrieve result sets and saving them to variables.

In future articles, I’ll demonstrate how you can use those result sets in other components, such as the Script task and the Foreach Loop container.

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sql database task

Annette Allen

Annette is a Microsoft SQL Server MVP, and has been a SQL Developer since 2000, starting work with a London City based Law firm before moving to Cornwall and working as a part Developer part Managerial role. She then worked as Developer for a health care company and in 2015 joined the University of Exeter where she was the SQL Server DBA. Now Annette is working as a remote DBA for WellData, a leading UK provider of database support. Contact Annette: Email: [email protected] Twitter: @Mrs_Fatherjack

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Nisarg Upadhyay

Automate SQL database backups using Windows Task Scheduler

In this article, we will learn how we can automate the backup of SQL database created in SQL Server Express edition. SQL Server Express edition is a lightweight database that has limited functionalities and resource allocation. The SQL Server Express edition does not support SQL Server Agent jobs, so it is tricky to automate various database administration tasks.

We can use the windows task scheduler to automate the maintenance of the SQL Server Express edition databases. Windows task scheduler is a tool that is used to automate various tasks. You can schedule the execution of the various maintenance tasks. You can read this article to learn more about windows task scheduler.

We can automate the execution of the windows batch file using the task scheduler. I have used the SQLCMD command in the batch files to execute the stored procedure created in the databases. These stored procedures can be used to perform maintenance tasks.

In this article, I am covering how to back up the databases. The backup schedules are the following:

  • The Full backup of the SQL database should be generated every week at 01:00 AM. The location of the backup is C:\MS_SQL\FullBackup
  • The Differential SQL database backup should be generated every day at 2:00 AM. The location of the backup is C:\MS_SQL\DiffBackup

I have created two stored procedures in the master database to backup of SQL database. The stored procedure generates full and differential backups. The following stored procedure is used to generate the full backup of the database.

Following stored procedure is used to generate the differential backup of the database.

Let us configure the schedules to generate the backups.

Create a task to generate the Full database backup

First, open the windows task scheduler. On the left pane of the task scheduler, you can view the list of the scheduled tasks. To create a new task, right-click on Task Scheduler and select Basic tasks. Alternatively, you can click on Create Basic Task link from the Action tab.

Create basic task screen

The first screen is Create a basic task. On this screen, specify the desired name of the task and description. In our case, the first task is to generate the full backup, so the name is Generate Full Backup. In the description text box, I have specified the time of the backup.

Create basic task

The next screen is Task trigger. On this screen, we can specify the time when you want to start the task. In our case, the full backup should be executed every month, therefore select Monthly.

Specify the time

On the next screen, we can specify the start date of the job execution. The job should be executed every month so, click on the Month drop-down box and <Select all months>.

Specify the monthly schedule

The job must be executed on the first Sunday of every month. Click On and select the First option from the first drop-down box and Sunday from the second drop-down box.

Specify the day of week

On the next screen, we should specify the task name that is executed by the task scheduler. We are running a batch script, so click on Start a Program option.

Specify the action

On the Start program, specify the batch file that you want to execute. To generate the full backup, I have created a batch file. Provide the full path of the batch file in the Program/script text box. In our case, we have created the batch file in the C:\BackupScript location.

Specify batch file

On the summary screen, you can see the details of the task. Click on Finish.

Review the task settings

The task has been created. We can view the details of the task in the Task scheduler library. Click on Task schedular library. You can view the list of predefined tasks and user-defined tasks. You can see the Generate Full Backup task has been created.

View the task in library

Create a task to generate the differential backup

As specified, the job should be executed every day at 1:00 AM. To configure the schedule, select the Daily option on the Task Trigger screen.

Specify the time

On the Daily screen, specify 1:00:00 in the time text box. The job should execute once a day, so specify 1 in Recur every text box.

Specify the execution schedule

To execute the batch file to generate the differential backup, Choose the Start a Program option on the Action screen.

Start the batch file

On the Start, a Program screen, enter the full path of the batch file used to generate the differential backup.

Specify the batch file

On the summary screen, you can view the details of the task and click on Finish to create the task. You can view the task in the list of task scheduler library.

View the task in library

Test the backup tasks

Now, let us test all the tasks that have been created. First, let us run the Full backup job. Right-click on Generate Full Backup task and click on Run.

Run the task to generate the full backup of SQL Database

In our case, the database is small, so it does not take a long time to finish. We can confirm the execution status from the history of the task schedular.

Job execution history

As you can see in the above image, the Generate Full Backup has been completed successfully. Open the backup destination.

The backup has been created

As you can see, the backup has been created. Now, let us test the Generate Differential Backup task. The process is the same. Once the task completes, you can view the execution task from the history tab.

Task history

As you can see in the above image, the task was executed successfully. Open the backup destination.

Differential backup of SQL database

The backup has been created successfully.

This article explained how we can use the Windows task scheduler to automate the SQL database backup. This article can be useful to the database administrators who want to automate the backup of SQL database created in SQL Server Express edition. In the next article, I will explain how we can automate the index maintenance of SQL database created in SQL Server Express edition using a windows task scheduler. Stay tuned!

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Complete Common SQL Server Database Administration Tasks In Parallel with PowerShell V3 WorkFlow

By: Jeffrey Yao   |   Comments (2)   |   Related: > PowerShell

In my daily work as a SQL Server DBA, there are many times I want to do things in parallel, for example:

  • I have a weekly full backup job for multiple big databases on a server, each job step does a full backup of one database. However due to the size of each database, the backup can take many hours. What if I can do backup in parallel, i.e. one backup session for one database in parallel.
  • I have a daily index maintenance job that will rebuild or defrag indexes, but it takes a long time to do maintenance on each index one by one. What if I can do index maintenance in parallel, i.e. one maintenance session on one index with multiple sessions in parallel.
  • When I push out a code deployment, there are many T-SQL scripts that can be executed in parallel either on different databases and/or on different servers.

Is there an easy way for me to do the above mentioned SQL Server DBA tasks in parallel, so I can save as much time as possible?

Starting with PowerShell (PS here after) V3, there is a new feature called WorkFlow , which can execute PS cmdlets in parallel. So in this tip, I will first use a simple example to demonstrate how the PS workflow feature will help DBAs in reducing administration time, and later I will come up with two practical solutions about doing backups in parallel or running a script in parallel against multiple SQL Server instances.

Example 1 - Parallel Execution of Multiple T-SQL Scripts

This example will run this T-SQL statement five times, which is just a delay of 30 seconds:

In theory, if we run this T-SQL statement in sequence, it will take 30 X 5 = 150 seconds, but if we run the code in parallel, it should take only 30 seconds. So here is the code to verify this concept (i.e. run in parallel via PS):

When I run this PS script in my PS IDE, the final result is about 34 seconds as shown below:


Actually, when I was running the PS script, I opened an SSMS window, and ran the T-SQL code to check the time for the running code as shown below:


You can see that the 5 sessions start almost at the same time (there is only a 1 second difference between the first and last session start time).

Example 2 - Parallel Execution of SQL Server Database Backups

When I have multiple (like 100+) databases on a SQL Server instance, I'd like to have multiple sessions complete the backups so I can shorten the backup time.

The solution design has three key points:

  • With SQL PSProvider, we list all user databases by using 'dir'.
  • Loop through the databases, and compose the corresponding backup T-SQL statement , and put all the T-SQL code into a string array
  • Use PS workflow Run-PSQL to run the T-SQL code in the array of Step 2

Example 3 - Execute the Same T-SQL Script Against Multiple SQL Server Instances in Parallel

Running same T-SQL code against multiple SQL Server instances is also a common task for DBAs. So the following code will demonstrate how to do this in parallel:

Running T-SQL scripts in parallel is a great way to boost DBA work efficiency and productivity. With the use of PowerShell V3+, parallel execution becomes available and is easy to implement.

I hope this tip will broaden your choices when designing / architecting your DBA tasks / tools.

One note, in PS V3, the parallel execution has a fixed hard limit of 5 concurrent threads when a workflow runs. I have tested lots of scenarios running T-SQL code, either via invoke-sqlcmd or by SMO methods, it seems each thread (among the 5 concurrent threads) in a workflow does not really start at the same time and can have 0.1 to 9+ seconds difference in starting time. This means the parallel execution is more useful when T-SQL scripts run a long time. If each script runs 0.01 seconds (like creating tables, stored procedures, etc.), it really does not matter that much whether you run scripts in parallel or in sequence.

Use the code above and test in your own environment. I have tested the PS script in my various test environments where PS V3/V4, Windows 7, Windows 2012 R2 or Windows 2008 R2 installed. Also make sure to use SQL Server 2012+ with SQL PS module is installed on the host computer where you will run the PS script.

You may also check the following links to learn more about PS workflow parallel activity behavior, or try coming up with a new method to solve an old issue.

  • Use PS Workflow to Ping Computers in Parallel
  • How to throttle workflow activities in PS V4
  • Reduce Time for SQL Server Index Rebuilds and Update Statistics
  • Review your current home-made DBA scripts/tools and see whether you can modify them to take advantage of parallel execution.

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About the author

MSSQLTips author Jeffrey Yao

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10 Beginner SQL Practice Exercises With Solutions

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Table of Contents

The Dataset

Exercise 1: selecting all columns from a table, exercise 2: selecting a few columns from a table, exercise 3: selecting a few columns and filtering numeric data in where, exercise 4: selecting a few columns and filtering text data in where, exercise 5: selecting a few columns and filtering data using two conditions in where, exercise 6: filtering data using where and sorting the output, exercise 7: grouping data by one column, exercise 8: grouping data by multiple columns, exercise 9: filtering data after grouping, exercise 10: selecting columns from two tables, that was fun now, time to do sql practice on your own.

Solve these ten SQL practice problems and test where you stand with your SQL knowledge!

This article is all about SQL practice. It’s the best way to learn SQL. We show you ten SQL practice exercises where you need to apply essential SQL concepts. If you’re an SQL rookie, no need to worry – these examples are for beginners.

Use them as a practice or a way to learn new SQL concepts. For more theoretical background and (even more!) exercises, there’s our interactive SQL Basics course. It teaches you how to select data from one or more tables, aggregate and group data, write subqueries, and use set operations. The course comprises 129 interactive exercises so there is no lack of opportunities for SQL practice, especially if you add some of the 12 ways of learning SQL online to it.

Speaking of practice, let’s start with our exercises!

The question is always where to find data for practicing SQL. We’ll use our dataset for all exercises. No need to limit yourself to this, though – you can find other free online datasets for practicing SQL .

Our dataset consists of two tables.

The table distribution_companies lists movie distribution companies with the following columns:

  • id – The ID of the distribution company. This is the primary key of the table.
  • company_name – The name of the distribution company.

The table is shown below.

The second table is movies . These are the columns:

  • id – The ID of the movie. This is the primary key of the table.
  • movie_title – The movie title.
  • imdb_rating – The movie rating on IMDb.
  • year_released – The year the movie was released.
  • budget – The budget for the movie in millions of dollars.
  • box_office – The earnings of the movie in millions of dollars.
  • distribution_company_id – The ID of the distribution company, referencing the table distribution_companies (foreign key).
  • language – The language(s) spoken in the movie.

Exercise: Select all data from the table distribution_companies .

Solution explanation: Select the data using the SELECT statement. To select all the columns, use an asterisk ( * ). The table from which the data is selected is specified in the FROM clause.

Solution output:

Exercise: For each movie, select the movie title, the IMDb rating, and the year the movie was released.

Solution explanation: List all the columns needed ( movie_title , imdb_rating , and year_released ) in the SELECT statement, separated by the comma. Reference the table movies in the FROM clause.

Exercise: Select the columns movie_title and box_office from the table movies . Show only movies with earnings above $300 million.

Solution explanation: List the columns in SELECT and reference the table in FROM . Use a WHERE clause to filter the data – write the column box_office and use the ‘greater than’ operator ( > ) to show only values above $300 million.

Exercise: Select the columns movie_title , imdb_rating , and year_released from the table movies . Show movies that have the word ‘Godfather’ in the title.

Solution explanation: List the columns in SELECT and reference the table in the FROM clause. Use a WHERE clause to filter the data. After writing the column name, use the LIKE logical operator to look for ‘Godfather’ in the movie title, written in single quotes. To find the word anywhere in the movie title, place the wildcard character ( % ) before and after the word.

Exercise: Select the columns movie_title , imdb_rating , and year_released from the table movies . Show movies that were released before 2001 and had a rating above 9.

Solution explanation: List the columns in SELECT and reference the table in FROM . Set the first condition that the year released is before 2001 using the ‘less than’ ( < ) operator. To add another condition, use the AND logical operator. Use the same logic as the first condition, this time using the ‘greater than’ operator with the column imdb_rating .

Exercise: Select the columns movie_title , imdb_rating , and year_released from the table movies . Show movies released after 1991. Sort the output by the year released in ascending order.

Solution explanation: List the columns in SELECT and reference the table in FROM . Filter the data with WHERE by applying the ‘greater than’ operator to the column year_released . To sort the data, use an ORDER BY clause and write the column name by which you wish to sort. The type of sorting is specified by writing ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending). If the type is omitted, the output is sorted in ascending order by default.

Exercise: Show the count of movies per each language category.

Solution explanation: Select the column language from the table movies . To count the number of movies, use the aggregate function COUNT() . Use the asterisk ( * ) to count the rows, which equals the count of movies. To give this column a name, use the AS keyword followed by the desired name. To show the count by language, you need to group the data by it, so write the column language in the GROUP BY clause.

Exercise: Show the count of movies by year released and language. Sort results by the release date in ascending order.

Solution explanation: List the columns year_released and language from the table movies in SELECT . Use COUNT(*) to count the number of movies and give this column a name using the AS keyword. Specify the columns by which you want to group in the GROUP BY clause. Separate each column name with a comma. Sort the output using ORDER BY with the column year_released and the ASC keyword.

Exercise: Show the languages spoken and the average movie budget by language category. Show only the languages with an average budget above $50 million.

Solution explanation: Select the column language from the table movies . To compute the average budget, use the aggregate function AVG() with the column budget in parentheses. Name the column in the output by using the AS keyword. Group the data by rating using GROUP BY . To filter the data after grouping, use a HAVING clause. In it, use the same AVG() construct as in SELECT and set the values to be above 50 using the ‘greater than’ operator.

Exercise: Show movie titles from the table movies , each with the name of its distribution company.

Solution explanation: List the columns movie_title and company_name in SELECT . In the FROM clause, reference the table distribution_companies . Give it an alias dc to shorten its name for use later. The AS keyword is omitted here; you may use it if you wish. To access the data from the other table, use JOIN (it may also be written as INNER JOIN ) and write the table name after it. Give this table an alias also. The join used here is an inner type of join; it returns only the rows that match the joining condition specified in the ON clause. The tables are joined where the column id from the table distribution_companies is equal to the column distribution_company_id from the table movies . To specify which column is from which table, use the corresponding alias of each table.

These ten SQL practice exercises give you a taste of what practicing SQL looks like. Whether you are at the beginner, intermediate, or advanced level, it’s the same. What changes is the complexity of the problems you solve and of the code you write.

Look for more challenges in the SQL Basics course and the Monthly SQL Practice track. Both are excellent for your SQL practice online. This is true, especially if you do not have an opportunity to use SQL on a daily basis in your job.

So, don’t try to test how long it takes to forget what you once knew in SQL! Use every opportunity to solve as many SQL practice problems as possible.

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Automating SQL Server Database Maintenance Tasks for Optimal Performance


Regular maintenance is a cornerstone of SQL Server database management, ensuring optimal performance, reliability, and the longevity of database systems. In today’s fast-paced IT environments, especially with the growing adoption of cloud and hybrid infrastructures, the efficiency of maintenance processes has never been more critical. Automation stands out as a key solution, transforming the way we approach routine maintenance tasks by enhancing efficiency, reducing the margin for human error, and ensuring consistent application of best practices. 

The Need for Automated Database Maintenance  

Database administrators (DBAs) often grapple with the balancing act of performing essential maintenance tasks while minimizing downtime and maintaining optimal system performance. Manual maintenance processes can be time-consuming and are susceptible to human error, leading to inconsistent application and potential oversight. Automating these tasks addresses these challenges head-on, guaranteeing that critical maintenance is conducted regularly and accurately. 

Core SQL Server Maintenance Tasks  

Key maintenance tasks for SQL Server databases include index rebuilding and reorganizing, updating statistics to ensure query optimizer efficiency, conducting integrity checks via DBCC CHECKDB, and performing regular backups. Each task plays a vital role in the overall health and performance of the database, from ensuring data integrity to optimizing query execution. 

Tools and Techniques for Automation  

SQL Server offers several tools and scripting options for automating maintenance tasks: 

SQL Server Agent Jobs : Allows for scheduling and executing jobs, including T-SQL scripts and PowerShell commands, to automate maintenance tasks. 

PowerShell Scripts : Offers a scripting option for database administrators to automate and customize maintenance tasks beyond what’s available through SQL Server Agent Jobs. 

Maintenance Plans in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) : Provides a graphical interface to design and schedule maintenance workflows, including tasks like backups, index maintenance, and integrity checks. 

Implementing Automation: Step-by-Step Guide  

A simple example of setting up an automated maintenance plan could involve using SQL Server Agent Jobs or Maintenance Plans in SSMS: 

Using SQL Server Agent Jobs : 

  • Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to your SQL Server instance. 
  • Navigate to the SQL Server Agent, right-click on Jobs, and select ‘New Job’. 
  • In the ‘New Job’ window, define the job name, category, and description. Under the Steps section, add a new step that specifies the T- SQL command or PowerShell script to execute your maintenance task. 
  • Set the schedule for when the job should run, ideally during off-peak hours to minimize impact.

Using Maintenance Plans in SSMS : 

  • Open the Maintenance Plans node within Management in SSMS. 
  • Right-click and select ‘New Maintenance Plan’ to launch the Maintenance Plan Design surface. 
  • Use the toolbox to drag and drop maintenance tasks onto the design surface, configuring each task according to your requirements. 
  • Define the execution schedule for the entire maintenance plan or individual tasks. 

Monitoring and Adjusting Automated Tasks  

Monitoring the execution of automated maintenance tasks is crucial to ensure they are completed successfully and remain effective. SQL Server provides built-in reports and logging capabilities to track job execution, performance impact, and potential errors. Regularly reviewing these logs allows DBAs to adjust schedules, refine tasks, and address any issues proactively. 

Best Practices for Database Maintenance Automation  

  • Conduct regular reviews of your maintenance plans to ensure they align with current database needs. 
  • Keep your SQL Server and management tools up to date to leverage the latest features and improvements in automation capabilities. 
  • Tailor maintenance tasks and schedules to the specific needs of each database, avoiding a one-size-fits-all approach. 


Automating SQL Server database maintenance tasks is a game-changer for DBAs, offering a path to enhanced efficiency, performance, and system reliability. By embracing automation, organizations can ensure their databases are not only maintained consistently but also optimized for the challenges of modern data management landscapes. 

For those looking to automate their SQL Server maintenance routines, SQLOPS stands ready to provide expert guidance and support. With our deep expertise in SQL Server management and automation, we can help you achieve a more efficient, reliable, and high-performing database environment. Contact SQLOPS today to explore how we can assist you in transforming your database maintenance practices. 

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Schedule and automate backups of SQL Server databases in SQL Server Express

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This article introduces how to use a Transact-SQL script and Windows Task Scheduler to automate backups of SQL Server Express databases on a scheduled basis.

Original product version:   SQL Server Original KB number:   2019698

SQL Server Express editions do not offer a way to schedule either jobs or maintenance plans because the SQL Server Agent component is not included in these editions . Therefore, you have to take a different approach to back up your databases when you use these editions.

Currently SQL Server Express users can back up their databases by using one of the following methods:

Use SQL Server Management Studio or Azure Data Studio . For more information on how to use these tools to Back up a database review the following links:

Create a Full Database Backup

Tutorial: Back up and restore databases using Azure Data Studio

Use a Transact-SQL script that uses the BACKUP DATABASE family of commands. For more information, see BACKUP (Transact-SQL) .

This article describes how to use a Transact-SQL script together with Task Scheduler to automate backups of SQL Server Express databases on a scheduled basis.

This applies to only SQL Server express editions and not to SQL Server Express LocalDB.

More information

You have to follow these four steps to back up your SQL Server databases by using Windows Task Scheduler:

Step A : Create stored procedure to Back up your databases.

Connect to your SQL express instance and create sp_BackupDatabases stored procedure in your master database using the script at the following location:


Step B : Download SQLCMD tool (if applicable).

The  sqlcmd  utility lets you enter Transact-SQL statements, system procedures, and script files. In SQL Server 2014 and lower versions, the utility is shipped as part of the product. Starting with SQL Server 2016, sqlcmd  utility is offered as a separate download. For more information, review sqlcmd Utility .

Step C : Create batch file using text editor.

In a text editor, create a batch file that is named Sqlbackup.bat , and then copy the text from one of the following examples into that file, depending on your scenario:

All the scenarios below use D:\SQLBackups as a place holder. The script needs to be adjusted to the right drive and Backup folder location in your environment.

If you are using SQL authentication, ensure that access to the folder is restricted to authorized users as the passwords are stored in clear text.

The folder for the SQLCMD executable is generally in the Path variables for the server after SQL Server is installed or after you install it as stand-alone tool. But if the Path variable does not list this folder, you can either add its location to the Path variable or specify the complete path to the utility.

Example 1: Full backups of all databases in the local named instance of SQLEXPRESS by using Windows Authentication.

Example 2: Differential backups of all databases in the local named instance of SQLEXPRESS by using a SQLLogin and its password.

The SQLLogin should have at least the Backup Operator role in SQL Server.

Example 3: Log backups of all databases in local named instance of SQLEXPRESS by using Windows Authentication

Example 4: Full backups of the database USERDB in the local named instance of SQLEXPRESS by using Windows Authentication

Similarly, you can make a differential Backup of USERDB by pasting in 'D' for the @backupType parameter and a log Backup of USERDB by pasting in 'L' for the @backupType parameter.

Step D: Schedule a job by using Windows Task Scheduler to execute the batch file that you created in step B. To do this, follow these steps:

On the computer that is running SQL Server Express, click Start , then in the text box type  task Scheduler .

Screenshot of the Task Scheduler Desktop app option in the search bar of Start menu.

Under  Best match , click  Task Scheduler  to launch it.

In Task Scheduler, right-click on Task Schedule Library and click on Create Basic task… .

Enter the name for the new task (for example: SQLBackup) and click Next .

Select Daily for the Task Trigger and click  Next .

Set the recurrence to one day and click  Next .

Select Start a program as the action and click  Next .

Click Browse , click the batch file that you created in Step C, and then click Open .

Check the box Open the Properties dialog for this task when I click Finish .

In the General tab,

Review the Security options and ensure the following for the user account running the task (listed under When running the task, user the following user account:)

The account should have at least Read and Execute permissions to launch sqlcmd utility. Additionally,

If using Windows authentication in the batch file, ensure the owner of the task permissions to do SQL Backups.

If using SQL authentication in the batch file, the SQL user should have the necessary permissions to do SQL Backups.

Adjust other settings according to your requirements.

As a test, run the batch file from Step C from a command prompt that is started with the same user account that owns the task.

Be aware of the following when you use the procedure that is documented in this article:

The Task Scheduler service must be running at the time that the job is scheduled to run. We recommend that you set the startup type for this service as  Automatic . This makes sure that the service will be running even on a restart.

There should be lots of space on the drive to which the backups are being written. We recommend that you clean the old files in the Backup folder regularly to make sure that you do not run out of disk space. The script does not contain the logic to clean up old files.

Additional references

Task Scheduler Overview

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Title: overview of the ehrsql 2024 shared task on reliable text-to-sql modeling on electronic health records.

Abstract: Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are relational databases that store the entire medical histories of patients within hospitals. They record numerous aspects of patients' medical care, from hospital admission and diagnosis to treatment and discharge. While EHRs are vital sources of clinical data, exploring them beyond a predefined set of queries requires skills in query languages like SQL. To make information retrieval more accessible, one strategy is to build a question-answering system, possibly leveraging text-to-SQL models that can automatically translate natural language questions into corresponding SQL queries and use these queries to retrieve the answers. The EHRSQL 2024 shared task aims to advance and promote research in developing a question-answering system for EHRs using text-to-SQL modeling, capable of reliably providing requested answers to various healthcare professionals to improve their clinical work processes and satisfy their needs. Among more than 100 participants who applied to the shared task, eight teams completed the entire shared task processes and demonstrated a wide range of methods to effectively solve this task. In this paper, we describe the task of reliable text-to-SQL modeling, the dataset, and the methods and results of the participants. We hope this shared task will spur further research and insights into developing reliable question-answering systems for EHRs.

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    Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are relational databases that store the entire medical histories of patients within hospitals. They record numerous aspects of patients' medical care, from hospital admission and diagnosis to treatment and discharge. While EHRs are vital sources of clinical data, exploring them beyond a predefined set of queries requires skills in query languages like SQL. To ...