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Here Are 50 Greatest "Tasks" That Have Ever Been On "Taskmaster"

"Your time starts now."

Hope Lasater

BuzzFeed Contributor

Taskmaster , a British game show where comedians/funny celebrities get judged for how they go about completing outlandish tasks, is easily one of the greatest gifts television has ever given us — eat your heart out, The Wire .

Note: There are international versions, including the great Taskmaster New Zealand , but this post is just about Taskmaster UK .

So — honestly, naively — I decided to rank the 50 best Taskmaster tasks of all time, not realizing how difficult it would be to narrow it down to merely 50. There are so many tasks I cannot believe haven't made this list, from Mawaan's helium egg (Season 10) to H. (Season 6) to Nish with that basketball (Season 5).

But when push comes to shove, here are the 50 best taskmaster tasks of all time, ranked..

(Not including the Champion of Champions or New Year's specials.)

50. "Draw a picture of the object on your card. You may not speak or communicate with your teammates in any way. You must stay on your spots and not move the canvas or turntable. First team to guess their object wins." (Season 10)

Task @ 6:46.

View this video on YouTube

Task @ 6:46.

49. "Be photographed in the most unusual situation wearing this fez. You have eight weeks. Your time starts now." (Season 7)

Task @ 14:33.

Task @ 14:33.

48. "Complete this adventure. Unless otherwise stated, you must stick together and only open one task when you've completed the previous one. Fastest wins. Now either look in the toaster or go to the shed." (Season 9)

Task @ 25:24.

Task @ 25:24.

47. "Standing in a queue, draw the most accurate pictures. Alex will show the person at the back of the queue a picture. The person at the back of the queue must draw this picture on the back of the person in front of them. The person at the front of the queue must draw the picture they think has been drawn on the back of their pad. You have one minute per drawing. No one may communicate with anyone else. The team with the most accurate three drawings wins." (Season 9)

Some of task @ 0:22.

Some of task @ 0:22.

46. "Write down as many obscure animals as possible. You have three minutes. Your time starts now." ... "Guess the animals your teammate has on their list. Your teammate must only use mime. They may not write anything down or show you the list. You have 10 minutes. Most animals guessed wins. Your time starts now." (Season 6)

Task @ 23:41.

Task @ 23:41.

45. "Poke a part of your body out of the shower curtain and waggle it about for 10 seconds. The Taskmaster will guess what part of the body it is. Biggest part of the body that the Taskmaster incorrectly identifies wins." (Season 13)

44. "make the best snowman. you have one hour. your time starts now." (season 3).

task master list

43. "Follow the instructions on the signs and park this buggy in the parking bay. You have a maximum of 10 minutes to prepare your journey, during which you may not move any of the items on the course. Your journey must start from where the buggy is now. Also, you must be wearing this blindfold correctly at all times during your journey. Most accurate journey wins. Your preparation time starts now." (Season 8)

Video is only some of the task.

Video is only some of the task.

42. "[Bring in as a prize the] thing that makes you look the toughest." (Season 11)

Task @ 2:20.

Task @ 2:20.

41. "Lasso Alex. You must stand behind this line at all times. Fastest wins. Your time starts now." (Season 9)

Task @ 7:56.

Task @ 7:56.

40. "[Bring in as a prize the] most high-octane item." (Season 5)

Task @ 2:01.

Task @ 2:01.

39. "Get to the microwave in as few steps as possible, and open the door before the microwave dings. There's five minutes on the clock. The microwave starts now." (Season 3)

task master list

38. "Destroy this cake. The most beautiful destruction wins. You have 30 minutes. Your time starts now." (Season 4)

task master list

37. "Completely conceal yourself in this phone box. No part of you or your clothing may be visible from outside the phone box. Fastest wins. The time stops when you shout, ‘I’m invisible!’ Your time starts now." (Season 8)

task master list

36. "Conceal this pineapple on your person. No part of the pineapple may be thrown away. You have 20 minutes, after which Alex will inspect you. Most incorrect guesses wins. Your time starts now." (Season 2)

task master list

35. "Make that balloon hover untethered for 20 seconds. During the hovering, the top of the balloon must not be higher than your chin, and the bottom of the balloon must not be lower than your waist. Also, you must sneer throughout the 20 seconds. Fastest wins. Your time starts now." (Season 11)

task master list

34. "[Bring in as a prize the] most desirable thing for the person below you in the alphabet, or the highest alphabetically if you're the lowest alphabetically." (Season 12)

33. "write the best lyrics to the taskmaster theme tune, and perform them in the most memorable way. you have 30 minutes. your time starts now." (season 9).

Task @ 20:13.

Task @ 20:13.

32. "Hide from Alex. Alex is in the caravan. He has already started counting to 100." (Season 4)

task master list

31. "Make this coconut look like a businessman. You have 10 minutes to plan this, then 10 minutes to make him. Your time starts now." (Season 5)

task master list

30. "Paint the best picture of the Taskmaster. Only the paint and brush may touch the mat, easel, and canvas. You have 10 minutes. Your time starts now. (Also, you must smile at the camera with increasing enthusiasm every 30 seconds.)" (Season 4)

Task @ 13:52.

Task @ 13:52.

29. "Send the Taskmaster an anonymous cheeky text message every single day for the next five months. Your time starts now." (Season 5)

Task @ 2:45.

Task @ 2:45.

28. "Walk over and hit that drum in exactly 9.58 seconds. Also, there are two bonus points for the person with the most magnificent walk." (Season 7)

Task @ 37:50.

Task @ 37:50.

27. "Give Alex a high-five. The third fastest high-fiver wins. If you are the first or the last, you will receive zero points. You must high-five Alex in the next 10 minutes. Your time starts now." (Season 13)

Video is only some of the task.

26. "Complete the course as slowly as possible. You must be riding the bicycle forward within the limits of the course at all times. Every time you put a foot on the ground, the clock will be paused, and your final time will be halved. If you leave the course or miss an instruction, your time will also be halved, and the clock will be paused until you are back in position. Slowest wins. Your time starts when Alex fires his starter's pistol five minutes from now." (Season 12)

task master list

25. "Get this camel through the smallest gap. You have 10 minutes. Your time starts now." (Season 4)

task master list

24. "Make the best music video for a nursery rhyme. You have one hour. Your time starts now." (Season 2)

task master list

23. "Wearing that blindfold at all times, travel as far as possible in three minutes. Alex will be at your side at all times because he is a strong, independent, handsome man. On removing the blindfold, you will then have another three minutes to retrace your steps to your starting position. Longest successful retracing of steps wins." (Season 5)

task master list

22. "Record the best multi-track song about your team. You must record all six tracks with your voice or body, and each person must record the same number of tracks. Most powerful multi-track song wins. You have 20 minutes. Your time starts now." (Season 13)

Task @ 30:27.

Task @ 30:27.

21. "Create the best caricature of the person on the other side of the curtain. You may not look at the person. The person may only say yes and no. You'll get a bonus point if you can find out the person's full name. You have 10 minutes. Your time starts now." (Season 4)

Task @ 17:05.

Task @ 17:05.

20. "One at a time, make a noise without the Taskmaster identifying you. The person who makes the most unidentified noises wins." (Season 12)

task master list

19. "Make the best extension to the Taskmaster House. You have 30 minutes. Your time starts now." (Season 7)

task master list

18. "Count the beans in this baked bean tin. Your time starts now." / "Count the hoops in this tin of spaghetti hoops. Your time starts now." / "Count the grains of rice in this bag of rice. Your time starts now." (Season 1)

Video is only some of the task.

17. "Tell the Taskmaster you love him in the most meaningful way. You have half an hour. Your time starts now." (Season 6)

Task @ 25:25.

Task @ 25:25.

16. "Catapult this shoe into the bath using a homemade catapult contraption. Only your feet may operate your catapult contraption. You may not move the bath or this red green, and you must build your catapult contraption on this red green. Fastest wins. Your time starts now." (Season 10)

task master list

15. "Pop the balloon. You must stay behind the rope at all times. You must not move the rope. You may buy the tools you need with time. Fastest wins. Your time starts when Alex has shown you his tool shop." (Season 12)

Video is only some of the task.

14. "Physically recreate a classic computer game . Best recreation wins. You have one hour. Your time starts now." (Season 7)

task master list

13. "Direct your teammate into the red circle. You must stay on your chair at all times. You may only issue one instruction of three words every 30 seconds. Fastest to get one teammate into the circle wins. Your time starts now." (Season 11)

Video is only some of the task.

12. "Buy the best present for the Taskmaster. Here is £20. You have 10 weeks. Your time starts now." (Season 1)

task master list

11. "Fart. Fastest wins. Your time starts now." (Season 11)

task master list

10. "Alex is on that bridge in the distance with lights on his head. Get as close as you can to Alex without him noticing you. Alex will duck down behind the wall for 10 seconds, then pop up for 10 seconds, then back down for 10 seconds, and so on until he notices you. The task starts when Alex first ducks down behind the wall one minute from now." (Season 8)

Task @ 28:27.

Task @ 28:27.

9. "Do something that will look impressive in reverse. The Taskmaster will see whatever act you perform played backwards. You must therefore do something backwards that will look impressive when the footage is played in reverse. [Your time starts now]." (Season 1)

task master list

8. "Please whisper this task to Alex. ... Put as many different things in the bathtub as possible. Most different things in the bathtub wins. Seal the top of this bathtub with cling film. Most successfully cling-filmed bathtub wins. Fill the bathtub with water. Most water in the bathtub wins. You have three minutes. Your time starts when Alex blows his whistle." (Season 4)

Video is only some of the task.

7. "Solve the riddle . You must all stay in your rooms. Fastest wins. Your time starts now. Also, you will get two bonus points if you can make one of your teammates say the word 'submarine.' You may not say submarine at any point. If they think you've tried to make them say 'submarine,' you lose two points." (Season 12)

Video is only some of the task.

6. "In the lab, there is a watermelon. Eat as much watermelon as possible. You have one minute. Your time starts when you open the door to the lab." (Season 1)

task master list

5. "Camouflage yourself. You have 10 minutes to plan your camouflage. After a further 10 minutes, you will be photographed in position. Your time starts now." (Season 4)

task master list

4. "Get this potato into the golf hole. You may not touch the red green. [Your time starts now.]" (Season 2)

task master list

3. "Make the most exotic sandwich. You have 10 minutes to plan your exotic sandwich, then 10 minutes to construct it. Your time starts now. ... Eat your exotic sandwich. Fastest wins. Your time starts now." (Season 4)

Task @ 7:31.

Task @ 7:31.

2. "When you hear this siren during a future task, put on a boiler suit and lie flat on the ground. You may not touch or move a boiler suit until the siren sounds. Fastest wins. ... Tie yourself up as securely as possible. Slowest to be released by Alex wins. You have 10 minutes. Your time starts now." *Siren sounds* (Season 7)

Task @ 6:11, then 26:13.

Task @ 6:11, then 26:13 .

1. "Write and perform a song about this woman. Best song wins. You have 5 minutes to talk to the woman and then 30 minutes to write her a song. Your time starts now." (Season 5)

task master list

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Create a Master To Do List with Free Printable Templates

Created On: March 4   |   Updated: March 4   |   Leave a comment

task master list

A master to do list is an awesome tool to increase productivity and prioritize tasks to get done. Learn how to create a master task list and download free printable templates to help you get started!

Have you ever had so many tasks you need to accomplish pinging around in your brain that you just…don’t do any of them? 

You’re constantly thinking of the roughly twenty loads of dirty laundry that need to be washed, grocery shopping, meal planning so that you can go grocery shopping, cleaning the toilets (UGH), and that’s just the tip of the domestic chore iceberg. 

Don’t even get me started on the kids and spouse side of things. And if you’re also working outside the home, staying organized may seem like a pipe dream. 

Because let’s face it — the mom life is even harder today than it ever has been. And when you’re constantly thinking of everything you haven’t done yet, it’s much easier to just avoid those tasks altogether and binge-watch your favorite TV series instead.

Unfortunately for both you and that mile-long to do list, ALL of those tasks will still be waiting for you when that last episode is over. 

Luckily, there’s a solution to feeling perpetually stressed, overwhelmed , and paralyzed by the sheer mass of “stuff” you’re required to tackle on a daily basis. 

It’s called a Master To Do List , and you can use it to get organized, prioritize tasks, save time, and (most importantly) keep your sanity. 

free printable master to do list templates

In this post, we’ll take a deep dive into what makes a Master To Do List different from everyday task lists, why you need one, which format is best for you, and more helpful tips. I’ve even included some Free Printable Templates to help you get started!

What is a Master To Do List?  

A master to do list is essentially an ongoing list of tasks you need to accomplish over the course of a week, a month, or even longer. You will always add to your master list and check off things as you complete them. Many people choose to break their chores and tasks into categories and sub-categories, which is something I do as well. 

If your goal is to complete everything on your master to do list by the end of each month, you might create a new one at the beginning of the following one. The beauty of a master task list is that it’s totally customizable to work best for your life. The goal here is a less-stressed, happier YOU. 

*You can also create a monthly to do list for tasks that have to be completed each and every month. Grab some awesome free printable monthly to do lists here!

3 free printable monthly to do lists

As you’ve probably guessed by now, a master to do list is NOT a daily task list . There’s no earthly way you’ll be able to check off all those boxes in 24 hours…unless you’re Hermione Granger in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban . In which case, could I borrow your time turner? 

If you don’t possess magical abilities, you can always add each day of the week as a section of your master task list, which makes perfect sense. This way, you have everything divided up into more achievable “chunks” within your larger framework. 

Why You Need a Master To Do List

Here are just a few benefits of creating a master to do list: 

It Helps to Declutter Your Brain

Remember the endless tasks I mentioned earlier that are just whirling around your brain, bumping into each other and taking up your brain space? Constantly thinking about what you haven’t done yet can be incredibly overwhelming, and it takes your focus away from other areas of your life that need your full attention. 

A famous study by psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik confirmed that “the act of planning activities through to do lists reduces the burden on the brain.”

I think that’s an excellent way to think of this – my brain feels weighed down when I never actually put pen to paper and write down my thoughts. 

A master to do list is essentially a brain dump of all of those distracting items you’ve yet to check off as complete.  Transferring them onto paper helps to declutter your brain, reduce those feelings of overwhelm, and take the first step towards a more organized version of yourself.

If you want to try this activity out yourself, snag my free brain dump template !

Your Productivity Level Goes Up 

One of the major benefits I’ve experienced since creating a master to do list has been increased productivity. When I was just attempting to keep a mental task list each day, I would often start one thing, only to get distracted by three others things. At the end of the day, none of them were totally finished. 

A master to do list helps you prioritize tasks from most to least important so that you’re not constantly task-hopping. That way, you’re more focused and less likely to become distracted. 

Does that mean you suddenly have the ability to ignore a screaming toddler who just threw their spaghetti at the wall? No…that one needs your immediate attention. The list just enables you to refocus once you’ve finished cleaning up the mess. 

It Reduces Stress and Anxiety  

It comes as no surprise that a study by professors Baumeister and Masicampo (Wake Forest University) found that when people took the time to make a to do list, they became less stressed and anxious. Participants who were given a task and allowed time to write down steps towards achieving their goal performed significantly better than those in the study who didn’t write anything down at all. 

I am much less stressed since I started the practice of making a master to do list, and it feels great to check things off as I accomplish them. Although every day isn’t equally productive, I am much more at peace with what I have been able to do by the end.

How to Create a Master To Do List

Making your own master to do list can seem intimidating at first, but if you break down the process into steps, you’ll be on your way to a less anxious, more organized version of YOU. 

Step 1 – Decide on a format for your list

Not all master to do lists have to have the same format (After all, we’re not all the same!). Here are a few suggestions for different ways to structure your to do list:  

Add the list to your daily or weekly planner

If you’re someone who lives by your daily or weekly planner, you can easily create a master to do list by breaking down and prioritizing tasks for each day of the week. 

You’ll also have the satisfaction of physically checking off items each day, which in turn motivates you to keep going. If you’re in the market for an amazing planner for moms, check out the Purpletrail Planner . It’s awesome! 

weekly planner

Try a To Do List App 

There’s an endless number of task list apps for just about every type of person, especially for those who prefer to stay organized using their electronic devices.

Some to do list apps are better than others, and it really comes down to how user-friendly they are and your comfort level with using them.  

Use the ‘Notes’ section on your phone or tablet 

If you prefer creating your master to do list on your phone or tablet but want to avoid downloading yet another app, you can always just use the ‘Notes’ section instead.

Google Keep or Evernote are both excellent options for keeping thoughts and tasks organized, and they don’t cost anything to use. 

Use a digital spreadsheet

Aside from to do list apps, you can also input your tasks and prioritize them in a digital spreadsheet like Google Sheets or Excel. The benefit of Google Sheets is that you can access it anywhere, whereas you can only update your Excel spreadsheet file from one device. 

Use a free printable to do list  

Some of us (Ahem, me!), like to have a specific task list printout so that we can mark and erase to our heart’s content. That’s why I’ve included 5 different free printable to do lists at the end of this post for you to download and customize according to your schedule and priorities.

I know how overwhelming the mom life can be, and I want to help! 

A combination of different formats 

There’s also no hard-and-fast rule that you can’t use a combination of multiple master to do list formats. For example, you may keep your main to do list in your planner at home, but you jot down items in your phone’s Notes app throughout the day.

Then you work those tasks into your master list when you have some downtime each evening. The important thing about this process is finding what works for you and doing it consistently. 

Step 2 – Brain Dump a List of To-Do’s

Now comes the fun part! This is where we take any and every task that’s been floating around your noggin for the past forever and put it down on paper (or a Google Doc, Notes app, whatever floats your organizational boat). 

It’s called a Brain Dump, and while it sounds a little gross, this process is essential to the whole master to do list creation process. A brain dump has two parts: 

1. Recording ALL of your thoughts and ideas – writing them down 

2. And NOT criticizing or judging yourself – there aren’t any bad thoughts or ideas!

Doing a brain dump has many of the same benefits as creating a to do list, but it’s just the first step toward organizing and prioritizing tasks. You can use my free brain dump template to get everything down on paper and then work on breaking everything down into categories and sub-categories.     

printable brain dump worksheets

Step 3 – Decide How You Will Organize Your Master Task List

Next, you’ll need to decide how you’re going to organize the items on your list. That’s why I like to do a brain dump first because it helps me determine how to best lay out my final master to do list. 

Organize Your To Do List by Category 

One way to structure your master to do list is by sorting tasks into different categories. Some examples include: 

  • Family 

You can make your categories as general or as specific as you please – whichever helps you and reduces your stress levels!

It’s also important to remember that your master to do list will reflect whatever season of life you’re currently experiencing. It will never look exactly the same from one year – or even one month – to the next. 

Organize your list by urgency 

Another way to organize your to do list is by urgency. Things that need to get done ASAP go at the top, and other lower-priority tasks go further down. Or you could make columns with high, middle, and low-priority categories. Totally up to you.

This is similar to the Eisenhower Decision Matrix , and one of my free printable master to do list templates at the end of this post is perfect for this!

Just use a simple list of items without categorizing

You may be more of a free spirit when it comes to creating your master to do list and prefer not to categorize your tasks at all. It could be easier for you to simply jot items down as you think of them, and that works too.

There is no one “right” way to complete this process. 

Step 4 – Add To-Do’s From Your Brain Dump To Your Master To Do List

Now it’s time to add everything from your brain dump template to your master to do list.

Get excited! This means you’re on your way to a more carefree version of yourself. So, get out that planner, open that task planning app, or sit down with your free master to do list printable and get to work! 

Step 5 – Adjust Your List as Needed

Once you get going, make sure to adjust your list as you need to. This could include:

  • Crossing items off your list as you complete them
  • Adding new tasks that come up
  • Creating a fresh version of your master to-do list each month by removing completed tasks

Depending on your master to-do list format, this could take a few minutes or a half-hour.

Most to do list apps automatically archive your items once you’ve marked them complete, so all you have to do is add more tasks as you think of them. However, if you’re writing them down or using the template, the process may look a little bit different. 

Free Master To Do List Printable Templates

Want to grab my free printable master to do list templates to help you organize your task list? You can just click on the links below the PDF templates that you want, or download them all to see which one works best for you!

master to to list printable with check boxes

Download Master To Do List with Check Boxes HERE

printable 2 column to do list

Download Half-Sheet Printable To Do List Template HERE

Eisenhower matrix to do list printable

Download Matrix-Style To Do List HERE

modern printable master list

Download Simple Master List Printable Template HERE

printable to do list that says

Download “Stuff To Get Done” List Printable HERE

Tips for Making the Most of Your To-Do List

I want you to get the most out of this epic list-making adventure, so here are a few tips I’ve learned from my personal to-do list journey. 

Start small so you don’t get overwhelmed

Trying to organize what seems like your entire life in one sitting can be very overwhelming for some people. I know it was for me, at first! The great news is that if staring at a mile-long to do list brings on the eye twitch you only get when your mother-in-law is staying with you, there are easy solutions for that. 

I’m afraid you’re on your own with the mother-in-law. 

To avoid feeling overwhelmed, start by completing the easiest items on your master to do list. These can be quick five or ten-minute tasks that you can quickly mark complete. Not only does it help you take that first big step into this new habit, but it also gives your brain a nice big hit of dopamine for accomplishing something. It’s a win-win. 

Don’t be afraid to adjust your strategy

There is no master to do list police waiting to pounce on you for switching up your approach, so don’t be afraid to tweak your strategy as necessary. If you find that your list format isn’t working for you, adjust it until you find something that you can stick with. 

This is a learning process, after all. I mean, most of us don’t have the same haircut or beauty routine we did in high school. But, as we grow, we change. And thank goodness – those were some dark days…

Make sure your list is portable

Although a year-long planner that comes with all the bells and whistles may be nice, it may not be the most practical, especially if you’re constantly on the go. It’s best to make your master to do list as portable as possible so that you can easily access and add to it when you need to. Or at least have a plan for jotting things down while you’re out and about so that you can add to your main to do list when you get home. 

Commit to using your master to-do list consistently until it becomes routine

As with any new habit, you have to commit to using your master to do list consistently until it becomes second nature. You can create 542 to do lists, but if you don’t actually USE them, they’re not really helping you. 

According to the results of one study, researchers found that “on average, it takes more than two months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact.” Of course, the length of time varies by person, but that was the average. 

I recommend committing to the process for at least 30 days so that it becomes part of your normal, everyday routine. The most important thing is that you continue to stick with it even if you slip up every now and again. 

Other Printable Lists You’ll LOVE

If you loved these master to do list templates, then be sure to check out some of my other printable lists that can help you get organized around the house:

Build a Master Grocery List with this Printable Template!

printable grocery list template on a clipboard

Create a Weekly Cleaning Schedule You Can Stick To – Printable Checklist!

printable weekly cleaning schedule templates

I hope you enjoy these printable master task list templates , and I hope they help you to be more productive with your time!

Have you reduced your stress and anxiety by creating and sticking with a master task list? I’d love to hear about your list-making journey! 

Tell me about your experience – and any pro tips you have – in the comments below! 

And don’t forget to PIN this post for later:

5 different free printable to do lists

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Taskmaster Tasks

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Top 10 Free Task List Templates in Excel & ClickUp to Unlock Efficiency

Praburam Srinivasan

Growth Marketing Manager

February 13, 2024

If you often struggle to stay on top of work tasks, personal responsibilities, and the never-ending to-do lists life keeps throwing at you, don’t worry—you’re not alone. While excelling at work while maintaining a fulfilling personal life is a major puzzle for many professionals, it can be pieced together if you equip yourself with the right tools.

The humble task list is a simple yet remarkably useful tool to boost productivity and regain control of your personal and professional commitments. It provides a clear roadmap of what and when needs to be accomplished, helping you manage time wisely and prioritize tasks effectively. 📑

To be practical, a task list needs a well-structured format, but making one from scratch can be yet another responsibility.

Fortunately, there’s a wealth of outstanding blueprints available for free. In this article, we’ll introduce you to 10 of the finest task list templates to revolutionize how you manage your daily responsibilities.

What Is a Task List Template?

What makes a good task list template, 1. clickup daily task list template, 2. clickup calendar to do list template, 3. clickup work to do template, 4. clickup task management template, 5. clickup simple to-dos template, 6. clickup simple task management template, 7. clickup activity list template, 8. excel prioritized to do list template by vertex42, 9. excel task list template by teamgantt, 10. excel daily task tracker template.

Avatar of person using AI

A task list template is a pre-designed framework for efficiently listing, prioritizing, organizing, and tracking tasks or activities. It comes in various forms, from simple to complex, and can be used for professional and personal purposes.

These templates typically include essential components such as task names, descriptions, due dates, and status indicators. Some may offer additional attributes like priority levels , task dependencies, and categories to further improve task management and prioritization.

ClickUp 3.0 List view bundle with Gantt and AI

Task list templates provide a systematic approach to managing your daily schedule , coordinating complex projects, or organizing team assignments. They help you track responsibilities and ensure crucial tasks are completed on time, promoting accountability and transparency.

What makes them even more valuable is their flexibility —they can be tailored to fit your specific requirements, whether you’re managing a client project or throwing a birthday party. ⏳

When it comes to task organization, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, you should ensure that your task list template has the following qualities:

  • Clarity : Task names and descriptions should be concise and unambiguous, ensuring that users can quickly understand what needs to be done
  • Organization : The template provides a logical structure for listing tasks, often in a sequential or prioritized manner
  • Flexibility : Users should be able to customize it to suit their specific personal or professional requirements 
  • Due date management : It allows for setting due dates or deadlines, helping users track time-sensitive responsibilities and prioritize work accordingly
  • Status tracking : Good templates include status indicators or checkboxes that allow users to mark tasks as incomplete, in progress, or completed
  • Reminders and notifications : To help users stay on top of upcoming tasks or overdue items

10 Must-Have Free Task List Templates in 2024

In this curated collection, we’ve handpicked the top 10 task and to-do list templates in Excel and ClickUp .

Each is expertly designed to address specific needs and elevate your task management experience. They’re also easy to use, customizable, and completely free. 🆓 

ClickUp Daily Task Template is perfect for managing daily tasks and keeping track of your entire day

The ClickUp Daily Task List Template is your partner in organizing everyday tasks , from the most routine to critical. It empowers you to take charge of your day by setting goals, assigning deadlines, categorizing tasks, setting up reminders, and prioritizing work.

The best part? It’s highly customizable , allowing you to tailor it to your needs and preferences. 

With this template, you have the power to take your task organization to the next level through Custom Fields. You can organize tasks according to particular categories such as type, location, or any other relevant criteria, which makes it simpler to visualize and arrange your workload.

Easily track and maintain streaks with customizable attributes for effective daily task management. ✅

Use the template’s List view for a detailed display of your to-do items, switch to the Kanban view to easily manage task statuses, or pick the Table view if you prefer a spreadsheet-like format. You can also integrate this template with your existing task management tools , ensuring it harmonizes effortlessly with your daily workflow.

Combine your daily checklist and your daily calendar with the ClickUp Calendar To-Do List Template

If you’re looking to master your work hours, expectations, and goals with precision, the ClickUp Calendar To Do List Template has your back. It’s not just a calendar; it’s a powerful organizational tool offering a holistic view of your weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly duties.

Use it as a clear roadmap to plan and prioritize all your tasks based on your role and responsibilities or as your go-to weekly task list template for multiple projects. 🗓️

What makes this template extra convenient and functional are its custom views. Imagine having an entire week ahead filled with meetings. The Meeting Request view gives you a quick overview of all your upcoming appointments, the associated tasks, and their deadlines. This ensures you’re always well-prepared and firmly in control of your commitments.

Now, picture working in a team where tasks are assigned based on roles. The By Role view helps you sort tasks according to who’s responsible for them. It makes task delegation a breeze and promotes accountability by ensuring everyone knows what they need to do and when.

Lastly, there’s the Schedules view . It’s like a visual map of your day or week, laying out tasks chronologically. This helps you plan your time effectively by allocating slots for tasks, meetings, and even short breaks. It’s all about staying on top of things and making the most of your precious time.

You can also track task progress with Custom Statuses like Open and Complete and categorize tasks using Custom Fields such as Category, Resources, Productivity Level, and Role.

Successfully tackle all upcoming obligations with the ClickUp Work To Do Template

With the ClickUp Work To Do Template , you can effortlessly prioritize tasks by importance, effort, or urgency, ensuring you stay focused on what matters most. Organize projects into lists, complete with their related tasks, subtasks, and associated due dates, so you’re always on top of deadlines. Plus, you can visually track your progress through intuitive Kanban boards or Gantt charts. 

This template offers three distinct views tailored to your needs:

  • Weekly Calendar
  • Monthly Calendar

In the Task List view, you’ll find a comprehensive list of activities organized by their completion timeframes, be it daily, weekly, or monthly. You can track additional details on the right side of the template, such as task status, due dates, and priority. Plus, the Task Type field allows you to specify the department responsible, adding a touch of accountability to your task management. 💼

The Calendar views are where the magic happens. Use the simple drag-and-drop editor to schedule or reschedule tasks , creating a visual roadmap for your work.

Easily manage tasks across the team and use custom views like Board view to delegate work more efficiently

The ClickUp Task Management Template is your ultimate solution for staying organized and efficiently tackling tasks, no matter the project’s goals. This template takes the information you enter and automatically groups it by priority, department, or task status. With pre-built Custom Fields , you’ll have a quick snapshot of task ownership and expected completion dates, ensuring transparency and clarity. 🌞

Your team can use the template’s List view to meticulously organize task details, such as ownership and deadlines, akin to an advanced to-do list . Project tasks are sorted into three main Lists —Action Items, Ideas, and Backlog—allowing you to find the information you need effortlessly. 

Meanwhile, the Board view empowers you to plan and prioritize tasks by arranging sticky notes on a Kanban board. The Box view offers insights into work distribution, aiding intelligent task assignment, while the Calendar view simplifies scheduling with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface.

ClickUp Simple To-Dos Template facilitates task management and increases productivity

Introducing the ClickUp Simple To-Dos Template , where effectiveness meets simplicity. This template offers a straightforward approach to task management without unnecessary complications or distractions. 🎯

Start with the List view as your master task list, where columns display essential details like assignees, due dates, priority tags, and comments. The status column provides a dropdown menu with customizable categories, such as Blocked, Complete, In Progress, and To Do.

Want an overview of all your tasks? Turn to the All Tasks view.

Need to prioritize? The Prioritized Tasks view has you covered.

Make your tasks more informative by including subtasks, checklists, and attachments. Experiment with various views like Board and Gantt, and refine your task display using filters to find the best fit for your workflow.

View only the next action of a task for a cleaner to-do list template in ClickUp

Tired of struggling to remember your daily tasks and appointments? The ClickUp Simple Task Management Template is designed to simplify not only work-related activities but also everyday responsibilities like cleaning, vacuuming, or going to the gym.

The to-do list template includes a basic list format for visualizing personal or professional tasks categorized as To Do or Complete. 

This task management template provides a clear structure for adding your daily tasks , complete with labels for due dates, priorities, and task statuses. It’s your key to structuring your day and staying on top of tasks, no matter their size or significance.

You’ll find a range of views, including List , Board, and Doc , allowing you to approach your tasks in a way that best suits your workflow. Its powerful customization options set this template apart—add fields, prioritize tasks, and easily set up reminders.

Origanize and plan all your activities in one place with the ClickUp Activity List Template

The ClickUp Activity List Template can transform the chaos of your to-dos into a well-organized and efficient system. It’s a versatile template that covers everything from creating to-do lists and checklists to managing project timelines and sprints. With this template, you can organize all your activities in one place, making it easy to prioritize and plan them with precision. 🙌

Use the template’s Custom Fields to: 

  • Specify project name
  • Assign a project manager
  • Track completion progress

What’s even more convenient is that this template structures activities as subtasks , allowing you to provide in-depth details for each one, including dependencies between activities. It’s a comprehensive solution for effective activity management and project planning, simplifying complex tasks and ensuring your projects run smoothly.

Excel Prioritized To Do List Template  by Vertex42

Excel enthusiasts, here’s a handy tool for your task management needs: the Excel Prioritized To Do List Template by Vertex42. This template simplifies the collection, evaluation, and tracking of your day-to-day tasks. It features a printable , hand-fillable design with a dedicated space for your top three priorities. 🖨️

In the first column, list your tasks or projects. Use the subsequent columns to set due dates, update statuses, specify priorities, and add notes. You have the flexibility to prioritize tasks using various methods, like symbols, numbers, or formatting.

Excel Task List Template by TeamGantt

The Excel Task List Template by TeamGantt is your ticket to task management success. This template simplifies scheduling, assignment, and tracking of tasks for various projects, making it a valuable addition to your task list template Excel collection. It offers adaptability, whether you’re handling critical work tasks or personal projects.

The template simplifies task management by allowing you to create a comprehensive to-do list . You can easily add tasks, assign owners, set due dates, and track task status. Its clear status options make progress monitoring a visual breeze, and you can prioritize tasks effortlessly by assigning due dates.

You can track your progress on work assignments, ensuring you never miss a deadline or manage your household projects more efficiently, keeping costs in check and tasks on schedule.

Excel Daily Task Tracker Template

The Excel Daily Task Tracker Template is a versatile tool for efficiently managing multiple tasks. Its user-friendly, visually attractive design incorporates built-in filtering controls , allowing you to sort and filter projects based on their due dates, priority, and status. Whether you prefer a digital or hard copy, this template suits both options.

With complete customization options , you have the freedom to adjust text, images, and other elements to suit your unique requirements. You can tap into a world of creativity with access to a diverse range of photos, graphics, fonts, and dynamic features like animations, transitions, and videos. 🎨

This template offers a straightforward and efficient solution for task tracking, helping you prevent oversights and boosting your productivity.

Task List Templates: Overview

Here’s a brief overview of what you can expect from each template:

Checkmate Your Tasks with the Best Task and To Do List Templates

If tasks were your soldiers, task list templates would be the strategies and tactics you apply to take control of them and lead them to victory. So, don’t just try to manage tasks—command them with the right template! 💂

From simple to-do lists to detailed project tracking tools, these 10 templates combine simplicity, flexibility, and effectiveness to match your specific needs. If you need more ready-made frameworks to streamline all kinds of professional and personal activities, we encourage you to check out  ClickUp’s extensive library of templates and supercharge your productivity.

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15 January 2024

Series 17 line-up announcement.

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In the wake of a ferociously fought battle between  Taskmaster  titans in the third  Champion of Champions  special, the line-up for series 17 has been announced.

Preparing to fight tooth and nail, impress the almighty  Taskmaster , and bag the highest points are: award-winning comedian, writer, and presenter  Joanne McNally  ( My Therapist Ghosted Me ), Edinburgh Comedy Award winning comedian and radio presenter  John Robins  ( BBC Radio 5 Live ), award-winning actor and comedian  Nick Mohammed ( Ted Lasso ), BAFTA winning comedian, writer, and actor  Sophie Willan  ( Alma’s Not Normal ), andaward-winning writer, actor and comedian  Steve Pemberton  ( Inside No. 9 ). Who will emerge victorious, raise the weighty trophy above their head, and call themselves a Taskmaster champion?

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Taskmaster winners list: Full cast and who won every series – and how to watch past episodes on All 4

Greg davies has been the taskmaster throughout.

Daisy May Cooper, Jonny Vegas, Greg Davies, Richard Herring, Alex Horne, Katherine Parkinson, Mawaan Rizwan are all set to appear in the new series of Taskmaster on Channel 4. (Photo: Channel 4/Simon Webb)

Taskmaster is back for its 10th series and is sure to bring a whole new selection of hilarious, creative and downright ridiculous challenges to our screens.

The show is making its Channel 4 debut tonight , having moved over from Dave, which had been its home since 2015.

A new set of contestants, including comedians and actors, are gearing up to compete and be judged by the almighty Taskmaster.

In the meantime, we look back on who won all of the past seasons, and offer a reminder of how it all works.

How the show works

Taskmaster is a panel game show which sees five contestants competing in a series of entertaining and slightly ridiculous tasks.

They are set challenges and have their performance judged by the taskmaster, Greg Davies, with help from Alex Horne.

Memorable past tasks have included doing something which will look cool played backwards, guessing if they were being poked in the back with a finger or a sausage, and eating as much of a watermelon as possible in 60 seconds.

Greg Davies is the Taskmaster. (Photo: Channel 4/Mark Johnson)

Some of the tasks are filmed outside of the studio at a house and shown as pre-recorded segments, before being discussed, joked about and judged in the studio, while others are carried out during the studio show by the panellists.

The contestants are given points based on their performance, with winners announced at the end of each episode and overall winners at the end of each series.

The show was originally conceived by Alex Horne and staged at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2010 , before being turned into a TV series.

How can I catch up on past editions?

All the past series of Taskmaster are now available to stream on All 4.

Series six to nine each have nine episodes, while seasons prior to this have five, six or eight episodes each.

Who was in the cast for each series and who won?

  • Series one: Frank Skinner, Josh Widdicombe, Roisin Conaty, Romesh Ranganathan and Tim Key. Presenter and comedian Widdecombe was the winner of series one. Widdicombe also later won a Champion of Champion’s special, in 2017, facing off against the winners of the first five seasons.
  • Series two: Doc Brown, Joe Wilkinson, Jon Richardson, Katherine Ryan and Richard Osman. Ryan, a Canadian comedian and regular on various panel shows, won season two.
  • Series three: Al Murray, Dave Gorman, Paul Chowdhry, Rob Beckett and Sara Pascoe. Presenter and stand-up comedian Beckett beat the rest in this series.


  • Series four: Hugh Dennis, Joe Lycett, Lolly Adefope, Mel Giedroyc and Noel Fielding. The winner of season four was Mighty Boosh comedian and The Great British Bake Off presenter Fielding.
  • Series five: Aisling Bea, Bob Mortimer, Mark Watson, Nish Kumar and Sally Phillips. Comedian and writer Watson won this season.
  • Series six : Alice Levine, Asim Chaudhry, Liza Tarbuck, Russell Howard and Tim Vine. Actress and presenter Tarbuck won season six.
  • Series seven: James Acaster, Jessica Knappett, Kerry Godliman, Phil Wang and Rhod Gilbert. The winner of series siven was Godliman, an actress who has appeared in several Ricky Gervais shows including After Life and Derek.
  • Series eight: Iain Stirling, Joe Thomas, Lou Sanders, Paul Sinha and Sian Gibson. Stand-up star Sanders was the overall winner of season eight.
  • Series nine: David Baddiel, Ed Gamble, Jo Brand, Katy Wix, and Rose Matafeo. Kerry Godliman and Katherine Ryan took the spot of Katy Wix for parts of this season, when she could not come into the studio for health reasons. The winner of series nine was comedian Gamble.

Who will be in series 10 and how can I watch it?

Mawaan Rizwaan is one of the contestants on the new series. (Photographer: Mark Johnson/Channel 4)

The cast for the new series is actress Daisy Cooper ( This Country, The Wrong Mans ), comedian Johnny Vegas ( Benidorm ), comedian and screenwriter Mawaan Rizwan ( Live at the Apollo ) actress Katherine Parkinson ( The IT Crowd, Sherlock ), and comedian and podcaster Richard Herring.

Greg Davies will be back as the mighty Taskmaster and the show’s creator Alex Horne will also be back to lend a hand and help judge the contestants on their tasks.

Season 10 starts on Channel 4 tonight at 9pm and will be available to stream on All4 shortly after broadcast.

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Series 13 was the thirteenth series of Taskmaster and aired on Channel 4 from 14 April to 16 June 2022. The series featured Ardal O'Hanlon , Bridget Christie , Chris Ramsey , Judi Love , and Sophie Duker as contestants and was won by Sophie Duker . This series had a Dia de los Muertos theme.

It marks the first full series since Series 9 to feature a studio audience.

Series breakdown [ ]

Taskmaster Series 13 - Official Trailer - Taskmaster

  • 1 Series 17
  • 2 Contestants
  • 3 Season 2 (AU)

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Taskmaster ’s 50 best ever tasks

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The greatest and silliest show in the world is back! We run down the comedians taking part in series 15, plus a look back at the 50 greatest tasks of all time

By Simon Ward, Content Editor

It’s hard to pick the greatest show on television because it’s so subjective. For many people, The West Wing , The Wire or The Sopranos stand head and shoulders above everything else. But we ask you: did any of those Peak TV shows feature a comedian vindictively making another comedian sit bare-bottomed on top of a cake for your entertainment? No, they didn’t. Tony Soprano definitely missed a trick there.

Yes, we’re talking about Taskmaster . (The comedian was Liza Tarbuck and the victim was Alex Horne, just in case you needed that case closed.) And now it’s back for its 15th series with another stonking line-up of comedians. They are…

  • Frankie Boyle ( Frankie Boyle’s New World Order )
  • Ivo Graham ( British As Folk )
  • Jenny Eclair ( Grumpy Old Women )
  • Kiell Smith-Bynoe ( Ghosts )
  • Mae Martin ( Feel Good )  

task master list

Amazing the people you see in a doctor’s waiting room Each week for 10 weeks, the comics will compete against each other (and occasionally as a team) in a series of tasks judged by the titular Taskmaster Greg Davies ( The Cleaner ). Each episode has a winner who takes home a collection of rubbish prizes from the initial “Prize task”, while the comedian with the most points across the series takes home a golden statue in the shape of Greg’s head.

Making sure all the tasks are followed to the letter is the much-maligned Taskmaster’s assistant/punching bag, “Little” Alex Horne (who, in reality, is actually quite tall; he also created the entire show, comes up with the fiendish tasks, and probably does the catering and make-up).

Why the show has remained so fresh is a testament to the creativity applied to the tasks. But there’s something more. Taskmaster gets the contestants to reveal themselves over the 10 weeks like nothing else on TV could: their foibles, their pettiness, their annoyances and how their brains work. It all comes out in the wash. You root for some, you sympathise for others (hello, Nish Kumar!). It’s also without doubt one of the funniest things on TV.

And who could have predicted that series would feature Frankie Boyle, a funny man who seems deadly serious? “I think that’s a perfectly reasonable thing to be surprised about,” says Greg. “He’s on it because his children like it.” And like all Taskmaster contestants before him, he didn’t hold back.

“I make a lot of jokes in this series about him not caring whether he wins or not but he really entered into the spirit of it,” Greg says. “It’s not that he was sitting there going, “Who cares?” He tried, and was often bad. It’s nice to see someone like Frankie being incompetent.”

Over the 14 series so far, there have been a lot of incredible tasks. So ahead of Taskmaster series 15 starting on Channel 4 HD (CH 104/108) on Thursday 30 March at 9pm , we’ve picked out the 50 best ever tasks (in series order).

Your task is to read the whole thing translated into a language that isn’t your own (or you could just read it normally, we guess). Your time starts… now.

1. Reverse, reverse

Series 1, Episode 2

Film tasks are always a highlight. In the OG one, contestants had to film something that looked impressive in reverse. Romesh Ranganathan made the immediately iconic music video for “Tree Wizard”, the story of a Tree Wizard who magicked balloons into existence.

2. The present

Series 1, Episode 3

This task to buy the Taskmaster the best present for £20 featured in the opening three series, but it was never bettered than in series 1 when Josh Widdicombe got a real tattoo of Greg Davies’s name on his foot. Greg has still never looked so shocked. Five sweet points.

3. Counting conundrum

Series 1, Episode 4

Occasionally, contestants get individual tasks for the sheer hell of it. Ahead of an ad break, Greg wondered aloud how many baked beans were in a tin. It then cut to a filmed segment of Josh Widdicombe answering that very question in a task he did alone. Then for ad break two, Greg speculated the same about spaghetti hoops in a tin. The same happened, and again, just Josh. But the cruellest was yet to come as he finally questioned the number of grains of rice in a bag. Cruel, yes. Funny? Very.

4. Hole in one (almost)

Series 2, Episode 1

Get the potato into the golf hole. You may not touch the red green. Joe Wilkinson stepped forward and flung that spud into the hole on his first attempt. No camera trickery. He really did it. The audience lost their minds. Joe called it the “best thing [he’d] ever done.” It was so good, that we just had to see it again. Then came a replay that showed… Joe’s foot had been touching the red green. It led to a crushing disqualification. It was, to quote Greg, “genuinely harrowing”.

5. Nursey crime

Series 2, Episode 2

In which Jon Richardson in the task to make the best music video for a nursery rhyme showed the bloody aftermath of “Three Blind Mice” with accompanying horror film-style instrumental. Were the discarded walking canes and glasses too much? You decide…

6. Mayoral race

Series 2, Episode 3

How many Mayors have had a rap and a poem written about them (Katherine Ryan and Richard Osman) and have been serenaded by the country’s best comedians (Jon Richardson and Doc Brown)? Despite Katherine winning this task to impress the Mayor of Chesham (“That’s Peter Hudson, you know that you can trust him”), it was Joe Wilkinson’s effort to impress that sticks in the mind: 42 Calippos, 8 cans of lager and £15 in cash.

7. Spread your clothes

Series 3, Episode 4

Lateral thinking goes a long way in Taskmaster . Here, contestants had to spread their clothes as far as possible at their own expense. Al Murray spent £340 on two taxis to send his clothes across 6.2 square miles. Paul Chowdhry, meanwhile, put his socks on a tree in the Taskmaster Garden. He might have received only one point, but he also saved £340, so…

8. Destroy this cake

Series 4, Episode 1

If you’ve ever wanted to know what Bake Off hosts really feel about baking, in this task to destroy a cake, just watch the glee on Mel Giedroyc’s face as she violently squashed a cake into a table with her bare hands or Noel Fielding’s joy at putting his cake in a washing machine. You wouldn’t get a “Hollywood Handshake” for that!

9. Long-distance painting

Series 4, Episode 2

Joe Lycett was a revelation on Taskmaster , and one of his highlights came when he had to paint a picture of the Taskmaster at a distance from the canvas. Joe had an extra task: to smile at the camera with increasing enthusiasm every 30 seconds and, well, the results were incredible.

10. Fishbowl fails

Series 4, Episode 3

Two reasons why the task to move water from one fishbowl to the other without moving the bowls was an all-time great. The first is any task that has the contestant reading the rules and then immediately breaking them (Lolly Adefope, who instantly moved the fishbowls). The second is when there’s a hidden rule they miss. Random objects were left out to help them move the water, including a bar of chocolate. The secret rule on the back of the envelope said that any contestant who ate the chocolate would be deducted five points. Guess what Joe Lycett and Mel Giedroyc did…

11. Special cuddles

Series 5, Episode 1

Bob Mortimer was the  Taskmaster G.O.A.T. When the task called for him to give Alex a special cuddle, he opted to do it in his closed car boot – largely because, he confessed, he’d been looking for an excuse to get into his car boot. Quite amazing.

12. Hoop dreams

Nish Kumar was brilliant, although more through lack of accomplishment than anything else. But in episode 1, we all thought he was a Michael Jordan-like God in the task to get a basketball through a hoop without using his hands. First go, he kicked the ball straight into the hoop. The audience went wild. That was until it was revealed there had been more than 50 previous attempts over half an hour. It set a precedent for Nish.

13. Coconut businessman

Series 5, Episode 3

The task to make a coconut look like a businessman involved Bob Mortimer drawing a face on a coconut. That’s it. But boy, was it funny.

14. Eat, throw, balance

Contestants were offered a jelly, a Weetabix and a Twiglet. They had to balance one item, throw an item into a bucket at a distance and eat the remaining item, all in the fastest time. Sally Phillips was bing (threw the jelly), bang (ate the Twiglet), bosh (balanced the Weetabix). It was very impressive.

15. Cheeky texts

Series 5, Episode 5

Oh, Mark Watson! Has an individual task ever been this cruel? Mark had to send the Taskmaster an anonymous “cheeky” text message every day for five months. Yes, you read that right – five months! Which he dutifully did. 148 texts, in fact. The only issue was that the task required 150, so he failed. Never have you seen a man so utterly broken.

16. Birthing footage

Series 5, Episode 6

Sally Phillips should (arguably) have won series 5. Her finest moment was when she had to record the most incredible footage with a camera strapped to her head, which she interpreted as showing the very vivid, graphic, horribly realistic birth of Alex as a 183lb baby. Other notables in this task were Aisling Bea’s parody of Taken called Took and Bob Mortimer discovering his own head in a box of Wotsits.

17. Taskonbury

Series 5, Episode 8

Arguably Peak Taskmaster is a team task to write and perform a song about a woman named Rosalind. In front of Rosalind. Aisling Bea, Bob Mortimer and Sally Phillips wrote an unhinged ballad called “Quite Good Considering” about her being “a nightmare” and “an average cellist”, while Mark Watson and Nish Kumar – in their finest hour on the show – did a lovely, heartwarming, really-quite-excellent song called “I’m Always Seeing You (Do Cool Stuff)”. Taskmaster has had a lot of song tasks, but this was a cut above them all.

18. Extraordinary journey

Series 6, Episode 2

The comedians were presented with a little wind-up man and instructed to make him go on the most extraordinary journey. So, Liza Tuckbuck made the little man cross the road where he was quickly hit by a car. To complete the journey, she stamped on him. Well, death is the final journey, which is extraordinary in its way…

19. Bedtime story

Series 6, Episode 3

Contestants had to write, illustrate and read out a bedtime story for grown-ups. Liza Tarbuck wrote a story about a scatterbrained man who ate an old prawn sandwich and pooed himself. It was a moment.

20. 100 times

Series 6, Episode 5

This team task wasn’t so great because of the task per se. It was because of how it played out. Asim Chaudhry, Liza Tarbuck and Tim Vine were presented with a series of clues connected by string that spelt out the word “hop”. Once you’d worked that bit out, you had to do it 100 times. Liza worked out the link in under a minute, while Asim and Tim ignored her and continued trying to work it out. So, Liza did the 100 hops herself and won the task for her team.

21. Cake love

Series 6, Episode 10

Liza Tarbuck is a national treasure, and much of that national treasure status was formed in her 10 weeks on Taskmaster . She proved herself inventive, quick-thinking and some kind of evil genius. In the task to tell the Taskmaster you love him in the most meaningful way, she leaned into that inventiveness and turned full-blown Bond villain as she made Alex put his bare backside on a cake inside the shed. The funniest part was watching her run away giggling to herself. She later admitted she felt dirty, as did we all.

22. Fast story

Series 7, Episode 2

Two very important parts of this task to write a 10-word story before you reach the finish line: you must be running while writing, and the fastest across the finish line wins. Rhod Gilbert took 10 minutes and 12 seconds (his accurate one-point claiming effort: “The man ran for exactly 10 minutes 12 seconds, losing”). James Acaster, meanwhile, gave us this legend in just 20 seconds: “The boy ran to France, and I loved that boy.”

23. Excite Alex

Series 7, Episode 3

The most notable thing about Phil Wang in Taskmaster wasn’t necessarily his task performance. Rather, it was his Kill Bill outfit that showed – well – everything . But the task to excite Alex so his heart rate would increase, as measured on a blood-pressure monitor, was his high point. No, it didn’t involve his revealing outfit. Rather, he gave Alex a sugary coffee, did martial arts in front of him and then showed him videos of near misses. Alex was so relaxed that it decreased his heart rate.

24. Soap opera cliff-hanger

Series 7, Episode 6

More Peak Taskmaster with Jessica Knappett and Kerry Godliman teaming up to write and perform the most suspenseful soap opera cliff-hanger. Their one took place in soap opera Cul de Sac , as Donna (Kerry) fights with Donna (Jessica) who was about to sleep with Alex. It’s then revealed Alex is the son of Donna (Kerry), who then promptly throws up. No notes.

25. Don’t blink

Series 7, Episode 7

Genuinely distressing as the contestants had to not blink for the longest time with Rhod Gilbert taping his eyelids and tipping the tears out of his eyes for 7 minutes and 10 seconds. It has scarred us for life. Very much a “don’t try this at home” moment.

26. Hula oops

Series 7, Episode 9

This two-part task nearly broke James Acaster. First, you had to hula for a minute with a hula hoop. Then, whatever time you got, you had to improve on it live in the studio. Poor Acaster. He had really practised to improve on his time of 6 seconds. But when it came to showtime, he only managed 5 seconds. He then begged for a second attempt and showed everyone how good he had got. But the task clearly stated he had only one attempt…

27. Extension detention

Seeing James Acaster lose his mind is always a quality watch. During the task to build the best extension to the Taskmaster House, Acaster had a full-blown rant at Rhod Gilbert for ignoring the garage, which was filled with building materials. Classic.

28. Video games

Series 7, Episode 10

One of those tasks where everyone does well. Here, contestants had to physically recreate a classic computer game. Jessica Knappett did a brilliant Mario Kart , Phil Wang did a clever GoldenEye , Rhod Gilbert seemed to want to get some frustration out by throwing tennis balls at a crowd of people to mimic Space Invaders , while Kerry recreated a very accurate Tetris . But it was James Acaster’s perfect impression of the movements in Grand Theft Auto – including the funny jump and runs – that won the sweet points.

29. Hiding in plain sight

Series 8, Episode 1

As much for Joe Thomas’ awkwardness as anything else. Alex was stationed on a railway bridge and contestants had to get close to him without Alex noticing them. He would duck down for 10 seconds and then pop up again for 10 seconds. Stealthy Joe won the task and got within a metre of Alex, but was then so awkward, it was a joy to watch.

30. Distant moustache

Series 8, Episode 2

If you’ve never seen Taskmaster , you’ve probably stumbled across this clip where comics had to make a moustache that looked different from a distance from how it did close up. Lou Sanders (fake flies and real mealworms) and Paul Sinha (caviar) were great, but what sticks in the mind is how (probably unjustifiably) annoyed Greg was with Iain Stirling’s map of the village of Liphook.

31. Who’s a pretty boy?

Series 8, Episode 3

In which the comedians had to guess what costume Alex was wearing by asking him questions, and Alex could only communicate with a horn. Great for the parrot costume alone. Even better for Joe Thomas’s animal breakdown.

32. Card counting

Series 8, Episode 6

Basically: Paul Sinha managed to (almost) memorise the order of an entire deck of cards in five minutes. Ladies and gentlemen, “The Sinnerman”.

33. Aubergine hiding

Series 9, Episode 1

The task was simple. Hide three aubergines in the room for Alex to find. The longest time it takes for Alex to find all three, wins. David Baddiel, an exceptionally clever man, taped one to the Taskmaster portrait (that immediately fell off the wall and alerted Alex), placed another in a fruit bowl and put the other down his trousers but forgot to do his flies up. It took Alex two minutes, and it’s amazing it took that long.

34. Taskmaster lyrics

Series 9, Episode 8

The task: write the best lyrics to the Taskmaster theme tune, and perform them in the most memorable way. David Baddiel, co-writer of the greatest England football song of all time, put in quite a poor effort, while Rose Matafeo’s Western-themed rap was properly brilliant. But it’s Ed Gamble’s attempt we’ll remember, as he was dressed as a baby crying about missing his mum (Alex). Weird, surreal, brilliant.

35. Chickpea romance

Series 9, Episode 10

In the task to do the most preposterous thing with a chickpea, everyone stepped up. David Baddiel staged a modern telling of the nativity (“chickpea-tivity”) and Ed Gamble went on a date with it, saw it die in a car accident and then… probably best if you watch it yourself. Meanwhile, Rose Matafeo hosted a funeral for her chickpea, “Chick Pataki”. Stunning.

36. Into the frying pan

Series 10, Episode 1

The first series on Channel 4, but also a scaled-back, Covid-safe series. Did it mean there would be any less craziness or competitiveness? No, quite the opposite. Here, comics had to land the most eggs in a frying pan while standing on a balcony. Every contestant had a breakdown, Johnny Vegas was genuinely broken. Only one point was given (to Daisy May Cooper). It was the perfect start to a new era.

37. Shoe won’t believe it

Series 10, Episode 3

Here, comedians had to fling a shoe into the bath using a homemade catapult contraption. Johnny Vegas tried to catapult the shoe with a rake on a ladder. He joked about falling off the ladder. You can probably guess what came next…

38. Most watermelon

Series 10, Episode 5

This team task involved eating the most watermelon, but you couldn’t feed yourself. It descended into something akin to the last days of Rome as Daisy May Cooper and Richard Herring gorged – and we really underline the word “gorged” – on melon in a sight that will probably put your off that fruit (or indeed all fruit) for life.

39. Silent cocktails

Series 10, Episode 6

The comedians had to make tasty, attractive cocktails as quietly as possible. If they made a noise over 60db, they had to scream a phrase and start again. Daisy May Cooper’s was “I love this” and it almost ended her. And, to look into her eyes, she almost ended Alex.

40. Spider feet

Series 10, Episode 10

Actually, the task to put wellies (attached with string that wasn’t allowed to break) on a giant fake spider’s feet was simple. The spider was outside, and all the comics found it very quickly… except for Katherine Parkinson. She didn’t realise she could leave the room, so ended up building her own spider out of table legs. Taskmaster does strange things to people, and this task left Parkinson – at one point – uttering the legend: “Am I the spider?” Wild.

41. Plate delivery

Series 11, Episode 1

So many highlights in this task to deliver unbroken plates to Alex by either scooter, bike or hoverboard. Mike Wozniak on a hoverboard, for a start. Sarah Kendall shouting, “life’s for living”. Lee Mack delivering all the plates in one go on a tiny bike dressed as Evel Knievel. Jamali Maddix leaving a total trail of destruction. And Charlotte Ritchie laughing the whole way through. Brilliant.

42. Loo roll

Series 11, Episode 4

One of those great tasks where if you work it out with lateral thinking, then it becomes a lot simpler – but if you don’t, oh boy. The task was to get a sheet of loo roll as far from the starting point as possible. Only that sheet could touch the ground. The loo roll couldn’t break. And it had to be always in the loo roll holder. However, it didn’t say you couldn’t remove the loo roll holder from the wall – something only Jamali Maddix and Lee Mack worked out.

43. Difficult sounds

Series 11, Episode 6

The individual task for Mike Wozniak was thus: fart. After quite some effort, out came a tiny squelching noise, the sound of which you can’t unhear. But then there was more. He revealed that the effort had also dislodged a haemorrhoid that was still hanging loose, an area he vividly described as an “absolute casserole”. We’ll let that notion dangle, so to speak.

44. Net balls

Series 12, Episode 5

Here because of the quite terrible effort in this team task to get the most balls in the net. It featured a series of intricate rules so complicated that both teams scored negative points (Alan Davies and Victoria Coren Mitchell, with Alex Horne helping, scored -128 points). It meant everyone finished the task with no points, a rare Taskmaster occurrence.

45. More cake sitting

Sit on a cake. Fastest wins. It was here we learned Victoria Coren Mitchell always carries flapjacks with her, which she sat on in 25 seconds for five sweet points. Morgana Robinson, meanwhile, baked a cake from scratch and took 1 hour 45 minutes. So, what we’ve learned is always carry flapjack, because you never know when it’ll come in handy.

46. Dog toy

Series 12, Episode 6

The task was to make a cute dog toy for a cute dog, with the most engaging toy (from the dog’s POV) winning. The highlight – apart from Marco the dog, who was very cute – was Victoria Coren Mitchell being so excited about the prospect of a real dog, and her devastation that she wouldn’t get to meet him. “Whhhyyyyy!”

47. Bite the duck

Series 13, Episode 3

This series was a bit of a classic. Chris Ramsey was very, very good at tasks. But occasionally, he just went for chaotic evil, such as in the task where you had to get a duck into Alex’s mouth by getting him the least wet (the duck was in a bucket you couldn’t reach). After a noble attempt that didn’t pan out, he gave up and just power-hosed Alex.

48. Tongue tasting

Series 13, Episode 8

If there’s one word for the task where comedians had to keep their tongues out and lick a lemon, sherbet and ice lolly and then stand in front of a fan over and over again, it’s this: ick. The tongue out for the longest time would win, so Sophie Duker did it for more than 26 minutes, almost twice as long as Chris Ramsey. Up there with the disturbing likes of Rhod Gilbert’s taped eyes and Daisy May Cooper and Richard Herring’s watermelon orgy.

49. House Queens

Series 13, Episode 10

Another brilliant music task, this time where the comedians had to record six separate tracks and could only use their mouths or body parts as the instruments. Ardal O’Hanlon and Chris Ramsey created a truly bonkers song about trying to please Greg that felt and sounded like a fever dream, while Bridget Christie, Judi Love and Sophie Duker birthed “The House Queens”, which was instantly iconic and involved Bridget doing unnecessary whistling and a weird dance.

50. Duck basket

Some people on Taskmaster don’t think outside the box. Some do the easiest possible version of the task. Some don’t try. Then there was Judi Love, a glorious booking who phoned it in at every opportunity – and we mean that as a compliment. Pick of the bunch was a task to get the most ducks in Alex’s basket while he rode around on a bicycle. Sensing this meant exercise, Judi just cornered him, broke his bike and was at one point on the bike with Alex. Even after all that, she still got disqualified as she failed to follow the rule of not carrying more than one duck. Bob Mortimer levels of greatness!

When is Taskmaster series 15 on TV?

Taskmaster  begins on  Channel 4 HD (CH 104/108) at 9pm on Thursday 30 March . You can also catch up via  Apps & Games > All 4 .

The series will continue for 10 weeks and will conclude on Thursday 1 June .

What contestants have won Taskmaster?

  • Series 1 – Josh Widdecombe
  • Series 2 – Katherine Ryan
  • Series 3 – Rob Beckett
  • Series 4 – Noel Fielding
  • Series 5 – Bob Mortimer
  • Series 6 – Liza Tarbuck
  • Series 7 – Kerry Godliman
  • Series 8 – Lou Sanders
  • Series 9 – Ed Gamble
  • Series 10 – Richard Herring
  • Series 11 – Sarah Kendall
  • Series 12 – Morgana Robinson
  • Series 13 – Sophie Duker
  • Series 14 – Dara Ó Briain

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All 20 Taskmaster Series Ranked (2024 update!)

Task #2021.4: rank all series of British TV show Taskmaster from worst to best.

Nobody watches Taskmaster for the educational value. There is nothing to be gained academically from seeing five celebrities sweat it out in a house, trying to figure out how to finish tasks, while disapproving Taskmaster Greg Davies and his loyal assistant Alex Horne (the real brains behind the show) judge them in the studio. Lateral thinking is a possible outcome, but if you’re the sort who looks at entertaining TV series and tries to pick something out of it, you really need to start getting a life. Or you’re a fan like me. (I recognize that the two are not mutually exclusive.) The question I ask myself, though, is: is there some way to turn this fandom into something constructive? Surely there is something positive to be squeezed out of my obsession with this kitschy, small-budget TV show?

Behold, I humbly submit my personal list of rankings of all series. These are purely subjective, and if you’re interested in talking about it I welcome civilized discussion in the comments. If you’re here to look for a place to start watching, the ones in the top half are ALL pretty great; or if you really want to separate the wheat from the chaff try anything from 4th place onwards. I’ve finished my task — yours is to see for yourselves.

Your time starts now. (Minor spoilers below, you have been warned, etc, etc.)

Now with jumps! The Meh | The Interesting  | The Good The Great  | The Awesome

20. series 1 (2015).

A classic case of early instalment weirdness, this one gets a lot of credit for the sole reason that Romesh Ranganathan can be seen throwing a watermelon to the ground in the first episode. Scratch beyond that, though, and you find only a vaguely amusing show: the dynamics are not well-established, the energy is low as hell, and most damningly of all, everyone spends ages trying to figure out whether the action they’ve just seen — watching Alex eat toothpaste, for instance — is supposed to be funny. Loads of people like to complain about contestants who don’t know what they’re doing: this grand tradition begins with Roisin Conaty, the grandmother of them all. I know it’s a bit harsh to judge it based on how awkward everything is, but seriously. It’s all very boring, and possibly the only series I try to actively avoid.

Favourite task: “Paint a picture of a horse, while riding a horse.” (episode 1) MVP: Romesh Ranganathan (“TREE WIZARD!”)

19. Series 3 (2016)

To be clear, this one is perfectly serviceable on its own. And that’s the whole point: I don’t really like this series because of how average and forgettable it all is. For every series, I can name at least two or three tasks that I loved in. This one didn’t have any — the most I remember is Rob Beckett cackling madly, but he does that for everything he’s in anyway. Everyone just seemed to be stuck on one setting too — Paul is grumpy, Dave is polite, Al is rich and so on. Of course, five episodes is not enough for us to get to know all of them well, and the format is partly to blame for the series being meh. But I do not watch this series for ennui, and I’d only watch it if all other series had been wiped from existence.

Favourite task: “Surprise Alex when he emerges from the shed after an hour.” (episode 2) MVP: A bit hard to choose — everyone’s equally average. Oh alright, Paul Chowdhry then.

18. Series 8 (2019)

Yes, this contains probably my favourite task in all the series — the railway yard hide-and-seek is probably the best thing to have ever happened in the whole show — but it goes downhill from there: awkward pairings, lacklustre banter and distinctly uninteresting tasks with few stakes. But the biggest problem is how forced it all feels — I know that every contestant needs to have at least one win here, but in the case of Joe Thomas’ winning episode this is engineered so blatantly that Joe’s win felt hollow, something gained through the producers’ machinations more than Joe’s own merits. I also found myself actively disliking Iain Stirling’s behaviour on the series: he’s what I think of when I imagine white, privileged arseholes who can’t bear losing to someone else. Thank God for series 9 afterwards.

Favourite task: “Sneak up on Alex.” (episode 1) MVP: Joe Thomas

17. Series 6 (2018)

Unfairly maligned as one of the worst instalments of Taskmaster — I actually had to comb the official YouTube channel to find a clip from this series — this one actually is quite serviceable when you come to take them task by task. It’s a story of contrasts: Asim, Liza and Tim make for a great team, even though Alice and Russell are evidently the more competent ones; Alice is the bubbly cynic while Asim is the scrappy fighting his way up. But I agree with the general consensus that it gets boring later on, as panellists hit the same note over and over again, with only the occasional zany moment saving them. Instead, this one sticks out in my mind most for the development of Greg and Alex’s relationship — who can forget the rapturous moment when they actually, finally, kissed? In any case, while the entry above demonstrates why you need longer series, this one demonstrates why 10 episodes isn’t necessarily a good idea either.

Favourite task: “Write a bedtime story for grown-ups.” (episode 3) MVP: Liza Tarbuck

16. Champion of Champions I (2017)

This series was clearly an afterthought of sorts: created on a whim just as an excuse to milk the five champions being together in one room and make them go through the same thing again; what I appreciate about it is how hard you have to look to recognize this. Yes, I can’t remember anything about these people except Bob Mortimer, but they don’t skip a beat in reminding me just why they have been crowned champions of their respective series (except Bob, who with every single thing he does makes me wonder why he did win his series). Unfortunately there are a few clunkers in this one that don’t gel the harder you look, and Katherine’s approach to “the biggest mess” task struck me as just a step too far. To date, it’s the only task which I haven’t watched in full even once. The drama’s just too much, you know?

Favourite task: “Write down a word beginning with T every time Alex blows his whistle.” (live, episode 1) MVP: Bob Mortimer (obviously)

15. Series 2 (2016)

This series and its tasks are constantly cited as the prime example of what Taskmaster is about, and though I don’t agree with this idea in full (see my 4 th place for that) I do see how a case can be made for it. After all, this is the one where contestants begin to think out of the box: when people begin to realize that you can swerve and break the rules, their internal conflict and the lengths they’re willing to go to be creative pull this series out of the dumps of series 1. But if you want to argue for this series as textbook Taskmaster, though, look no further than Joe Wilkinson’s infamous sudden disqualification, which dropped him squarely into last place, and endangered his marriage certificate . It’s the first instance where the stakes are significantly heightened, and you realize the key thing that has glued me to this show ever since: anything can happen.

Favourite task: “Create a video for a nursery rhyme.” (episode 2) MVP: Jon Richardson

14. Series 10 (2020)

A confession: when I first wrote up this list I thought series 10 was great, deserved to be up there in the top 5. Two years on, the recency bias has worn off, and I’ve found myself pushing this series further and further down the list. It’s not that it’s BAD or anything — if anything, this series is a testament to Alex’s ability to come up with new tasks and make use of the bigger budget he’s been allotted since the move to Channel 4. But the overwhelming sense I get from this series is one of relief: relief that the sudden imposition of a pandemic has not seriously crippled the show, relief that audiences are responding well to the new format, and relief that Katherine Parkinson, bless her heart, is braving her endless humiliations nicely. Which is all very well for a normal television show — but from Taskmaster , one learns to expect a little more than slapstick humour and awkward relief.

Favourite task: “Silently make the tastiest and prettiest cocktail with the best name.” (episode 6) MVP: Katherine Parkinson (by a country mile)

13. Series 13 (2022)

The first post-pandemic series was warmly received with a sigh of relief by the community; perhaps because everyone was so close to each other, it felt a little more intimate, and the eclectic cast certainly makes this series a warm and inviting watch. (The only weak link is perhaps Ardal O’Hanlon, who perhaps struggled to balance the sniping at other contestants with his doddering old man persona; that’s not to say that I didn’t enjoy his presence though.) The tasks, too, are inspired: the simplicity of “learn Swedish” or “make all of these things happen at the same time” is just lovely. But I just don’t get that big a rise out of it all — everyone’s competent, but there isn’t the kind of joy or confounding of expectations that other series were better at. (Of note, Alex’s attempts at twists proved a bit too complex for me. I’m a simple man who just wants some laughs, this complicated mind-gaming isn’t my thing.)

Favourite task : “Taking it in turns, roll a tyre down the Knappett.” (live, episode 4) MVP : Judi Love

12. New Year Treats (2021-2024)

The most common complaint I read about these one-off specials is that they give us too little time with the contestants: one can easily imagine Claudia Winkleman or Amelia Dimoldenberg bringing their awkward charm or cloud-cuckoolander antics to a whole ten-episode series, and seeing their characters slowly develop. And I always think that Greg is fawning a little too much when it comes to these specials (fair enough, given that they’re all much more famous than he is), which takes away a bit of the fun. But with that said, it’s easy to gratefully accept what little time we spend with these scintillating personalities, who as time goes by have been put to increasingly good use. And hey: if we can have Adrian Chiles crawling on a gravel driveway in his underwear, then I’m not going to complain about how quickly I forget about these people — it’s living in the moment that’s the key.

Favourite task: “Turn your chosen ball into a head. Your new head must be the head of one of your fellow contestants.” (live, 2022) MVP: Mo Farah

11. Champion of Champions II (2022)

This really is exactly what it says on the tin: an episode’s worth of former Contestants fooling around, occasionally reminding you why they won their series (which, coming 18 months after the airing of series 10, is very welcome). The tasks are a little more inspired than the previous attempt at CoCs, and the contestants are a little more evenly matched — but the whole episode is really just one long Greek tragedy for Ed Gamble, who starts the episode off at the top of his game and then slowly devolves into a frustrated, angry mess that is somehow also a thing of beauty. (You need to have something of a sadistic streak to be a Taskmaster viewer.) Otherwise, this is a perfectly serviceable coda to the five series at hand: interesting answers to interesting problems, a light laugh in a heavy year — and that’s no mean feat for a show that’s getting close to 120 episodes.

Favourite task: “Cut holes in and create a scene on this board. Most wonderful scene wins.” MVP: Ed Gamble

10. Series 4 (2017)

And here is the other factor that has kept me a loyal fan to Taskmaster all these years. I was already biased towards Hugh Dennis the moment I realised he was part of this series; what surprised me was how much I liked the other contestants by the end of the whole thing. To be fair, the ability of the contestants to be endearing despite their serious flaws is made easy here: they are almost always friendly with each other — how can you be mean to bubbly Mel Giedroyc? — and there’s no sense of urgency about the whole thing even as they continue to deliver the laughs and chuckles. It’s Taskmaster for the slow living. And that’s ultimately what also limits this series: it’s a warm bath, rather than a shock to the system that elicits strong gasps from the sofa.

Favourite task: The bathtub task (team, episode 5) MVP: Hugh Dennis

9. Series 15 (2023)

Where do you go, after eight years and fourteen series of television? If you’re Alex Horne, then perhaps you go ambitious — series 15 gives us the most complex Taskmaster so far, what with almost all the tasks requiring three sentences to describe or the usage of numerous unwieldy props. Generally speaking it adds up to a satisfying product: the sadist in me enjoyed watching the contestants struggling to wrap their head around all the rules, and then their horror as they discovered the shortcut/surprise long after they’d finished. But the longevity of the series also means that there are fewer shocks and less character development: for example, I saw the Eton- and Oxford-educated Ivo Graham appear, thought “oh he’s going to be the polite but incompetent one”, and was proved correct. It made for what I can only call “predictable Taskmaster”: lovely viewing in its own right, but playing to its own strengths — and from this TV show, I can’t help but expect a little more.

Favourite task: The accent imitation task (episode 7) MVP: Ivo Graham (“please, please, PLEASE!”)

8. Series 5 (2017)

It is a testament to Taskmaster ‘s quality that THIS is the cut-off point for what I would call a “great” series. I have said that anything can happen on this show, but imagine my surprise when renowned actress Sally Phillips demolished all decorum and started stuffing cake down Alex’s armpits while giggling like she was having the time of her life (and given that she was going through a divorce at the time, it probably was). From there on it only gets more chaotic: Bob Mortimer discussing his pooing habits, Aisling and Alex’s deadpan reactions to a jelly sliding down a pole, and Sally’s water cooler moment — everything this lot does just sends sparks flying, and this show is all the better for it. Taskmaster , at its heart, is not about people performing tasks: it’s about how people interact in a bigger world while showing how they can be individuals with complex characters. For its simultaneously elegant and messy depiction of this fact, this series vaults its way into greatness.

Favourite task: “Create the best splat.” (team, episode 2) MVP: Bob Mortimer (“do we strike you?”)

7. Series 12 (2021)

Okay, I admit it, I have a huge celebrity crush on Morgana Robinson, and that led to me seriously overestimating this series when it first came out. Rewatching the series, there are some things that just don’t click or just seem downright odd (it was very odd to see Alex corpse at things that only elicited mild titters from me, when he was so good at looking stoic/confused in previous series). In my defence, however, I maintain that this is a very enjoyable series, full of people being alternately brilliant and weird; from Alan Davies’ bemusement to Guz Khan’s non-sequiturs, this is still a joy to watch, and “we have defeated the format of your show” still stands as one of the most supremely awesome boasts of the entire show — and yes, Morgana is still my favourite Taskmaster contestant ever. She’s just so talented and gorgeous.

Favourite task : “Prevent Alex from scoring a goal.” (episode 5) MVP : Morgana Robinson

6. Series 16 (2023)

Is it just me, or has second-guessing people become a centrepiece of this show? Alex seems to have turned on the psychological aspect of this show for this series, which has resulted in tasks like “get underneath the most unique things” becoming a frequent feature. I’m not sure about this latest development — sometimes it feels like an attempt just to heighten the stakes — but in any case the love and support between castmates, on a level not seen since series 12, gives series 16 a beating heart while mostly keeping the high-octane thrills that define a great series. Occasionally that balance falls apart (“avoid the rubbish robots” was a very predictable task that unfolded in a very predictable way) but if Alex is still giving us TV this good eight years and 148 episodes in, I’ll take what I can get.

Favourite task: “Convince a child you’re asleep.” (episode 8) MVP: Susan Wokoma

5. Champion of Champions III (2024)

Maybe it’s just cause series 11, 12 and 14 are all amongst my favourite series, but I found this one-off episode to be much, much better than Taskmaster ’s two previous attempts at reuniting the champions. The madness has ticked up significantly: Sophie and Dara are giving off wonderful “I don’t give a damn but also I’m here to win it” energy, Sarah is still as much of an ace as ever, and of course I only needed one cheeky grin from Morgana Robinson for my two-year-old crush to spontaneously reignite into a roaring fire. (I’ve a sneaking suspicion that it’s a crush the editor for this episode shares as well.) Perhaps the most surprising thing here was Alex’s attitude: this episode showed a meanness that he must have been bursting to let out after years of abuse from contestants, and I for one am here for it.

Favourite task: “Do something really stupid.” (was there ever any doubt?) MVP: Dara Ó Briain (I’m sorry Morgana!)

4. Series 11 (2021)

From the moment I finished episode 1, I was already resisting the temptation to compare. They always say you need time to cool down after a series, and there’s always the fear that you’ll get caught up in the heat of the moment, and lose all sense of objectivity. But there’s no helping it: this series is just an irresistible bundle of joy. From Mike Wozniak’s continual barrage of verbal wordplay to Sarah Kendall’s endless capabilities (she proves that simply excelling in every task can be sexy too) to Charlotte Ritchie herself, only rarely does this series careen off the rails and leave you dazed and confused. Unfortunately this series also relied heavily on the squick factor — Mike’s “absolute casserole”, Jamali’s attempt at a Russian doll meal, and most disgustingly Lee Mack’s spittle and poppadom mix cascading down the front of his beard. Shame, really. This really stood a chance of usurping series 7 before that last incident happened.

Favourite task : “Record the greatest aircraft safety announcement and perform the greatest safety demonstration.” (episode 8) MVP : Charlotte Ritchie (“wheeeee!”)

3. Series 7 (2018)

Let this series show that Alex Horne is truly a genius. The tasks themselves are nothing special — with every rewatch (my third this winter) I notice just how many of these tasks are mundane and threaten to tip into boredom. But Alex knows that the key to a good series is having a good cast, and it’s in the interplay between the plainness of the tasks and the lengths to which everyone is willing to complete them that perfect comedy is born. Every single person has something to grab your attention this series: the fury of James Acaster, the determination of Kerry Godliman, and of course Phil Wang’s… um, costume. But it’s Rhod Gilbert’s no-shits-given rampage through the series that ensures that I keep coming back: the man is already pure chaos, but it’s the effortless way with which he takes everything to the extreme that makes this pure entertainment — and shows Alex Horne’s genius in between the humiliations.

Favourite task: “Tie yourself up as securely as possible.” (episode 10) MVP: Rhod Gilbert

2. Series 9 (2019)

The received wisdom about series 7 is that it contains one of the most stellar casts in the history of the show. But take it from me that series 9 is better. Yes, you do not have anyone as freewheelingly insane as Rhod Gilbert. But everyone here does their part to make this as unexpected as possible: Rose and Ed’s endless healthy rivalry, Katy’s cloudcuckoolander tendencies, and Jo Brand just not giving a damn about anything. You already know the results, and yet these five people are so engaging that you just lean forward all the time, eager to see what comes next (and fearing for the mental health of anybody who comes into contact with David Baddiel). When Katy Wix disappears for two episodes, you’re acutely aware of her absence despite the wondrous performance of her substitutes. Coupled with Alex’s taskwriting being the best it’s ever been before and since, series 9 is just pure thrill ride, twist after twist, excitement after giddy excitement, from start to finish.

Favourite task: “Complete the adventure. You may only open one task after completing the previous.” (episode 2) MVP: Rose Matafeo

1. Series 14 (2022)

As regular readers of this list will have noticed, updates to this list have been slow and not altogether frequent. Part of this is due to my job, which gives me significantly less time to watch the show; but another reason is that I want to give my opinions some time to settle. Recency bias is a huge thing for me; I thought that series 10 and 12 were the best ones (or at least among them) when they came out, and look where they’ve landed now. (Also, writing these paragraphs takes work .) So I put off ranking series 14 – surely my initial feelings about it were just another symptom of recency bias? Surely I was just too starved for Taskmaster content?

But with so many more series gone by, I can put it off no longer: series 14 has to be the best series of the show. The aesthetic theme for this series was “carnival”, which the dictionary reminds us can have two meanings: it can be a funfair full of revelry and humour, or it can be a chaos where identities are subverted and the natural order is challenged. Both of these interpretations came to the fore in this series: we had a cast that subverted all our expectations of them, and we had an assortment of tasks that ensured joy to no end.

I’ll start with the cast first: I never thought that the awkward energy of John Kearns would work so well with the cloud-cuckoo-landism of Fern Brady, but they gel together, really, really well; same goes for Munya Chawawa and Sarah Millican, whose streetwise natures seem at odds on paper but are a perfect fit in practise. Score-wise, none of them stood a chance against the freewheeling spirit of Dara Ó Briain, but all four of them made convincing cases as to being the standout of the series. But none of them would have shone so well if it wasn’t for the synchronicity between the tasks and the location: I squealed when Alex announced that he’d rented out “Gatwick Airport’s south terminal for a laugh”, and was even more delighted to discover that he had used so many corners of the Airport so well. With devious and cleverly designed tasks, no series used a location as effectively as series 14 did; my hat goes off to the production team for finding a place that was normally full of potential and opportunities, and then not wasting a single corner of it.

I have no idea how long series 14 will be at the top of my list. Maybe I’ll take it off the top next year and banish it to a mid-table placing; it certainly seems plausible with my carnival of a mind. But then again, that’s Taskmaster for you: a transient place where fortunes can be reversed in a single heartbeat, and where the only thing that matters is joy — but oh, what beautiful things these people have brought us in the meantime.

Favourite task: “Make the Taskmaster say your words.” (live, episode 2) MVP: seriously, you’re asking me to CHOOSE between these wonderful people?

I’ll update this list as new series air — see you round here when series 17 pops up! (TWO MORE YEARS. HOORAY)

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18 thoughts on “ all 20 taskmaster series ranked (2024 update) ”.

Sorry Season 11 then 4 then 2 then 6. Season 9 BTW SEASON 10 WAAAAAAAYYY OVER RATED HERE!!! it is near last!!

I did think about putting series 11 way higher, but I think series 9 had the more inventive tasks and the high points don’t rely that much on squick.

And I’ve actually lowered series 10 a bit already — when this piece first came out in January I ranked it fourth! And I realise Katherine Parkinson divides a lot of fans, but I think she’s delightful. 🙂

Out of interest which season did you watch first? My ranking (below) heavily rates the beautiful simplicity of the early seasons over the gimicky latter seasons.

Best – 7 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 8 – 3 – 5 – 9 – 6 – 12 – 11 – 10 – worst

No one in the latest 3 seasons had any chemistry whatsoever

I started around series 4, but I do get your point about gimmicks… the tasks have been quite complicated of late, and it’s the show’s recent major flaw. But as I’ve said, sometimes the cast (members) are so endearing that it’s hard to resist.

Interesting rankings though!

I pretty much back this order – this article basically seems random to me. The simplicity and finding of loopholes is what makes this show great and that has bearly been present an any of the double figure series.

This is a great ranking!

Season 12 tasks were often too complexe for me which is my main concern going forward. I do agree it is one of the greatest cast the show ever had, but I wouldn’t rank them ahead of those from seasons 5, 7 and 11. So I’d rank season 12 somewhere between 4th and 6th, season 12 has a better cast, season 4 better tasks, season 9 a better balance of both but it’s pretty close between those 3 seasons in any case. Right now I’d go 7-5-11-9-12-4, but all 6 are perfect TV anyway.

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I like having a nice mix of tasks, and I think the more complex tasks tended to have more comedy to them – the riddle, the red chair, the box and the pipe… The one where they had to remember Alex’s moves in the church is easily the best-edited task since Joe’s disqualification. And that’s saying a lot since I think the mobility scooter challenge was superbly-executed and David and Ed’s fountain sequence escalated perfectly.

But you’re right in that different things matter to different people. I finished this series and immediately thought, “Was that the best series ever?” I laughed more at many other series. I liked a lot more at other contestants more than any on this stage. I didn’t think this was Greg’s best outing, and he’s my MVP of every series. Still, this was the first series where I enjoyed every single minute of it. Nobody got too competitive (I still have issues with Ed yelling at sweet sweet David Baddiel and Daisy May flipping out on poor Richard… and effing Iain, though he at least has said how ashamed he is of himself). Nobody was too pathetic (I’m sorry, but watching Katherine flail at everything just got sad… and I don’t watch this show for people who don’t try, do I, Jo? Doc? Roisin?). Nobody played an annoying character onstage (I love Romesh, but even he regrets his angry playacting). Nobody argued excessively with Greg.

These all made me realize that what’s most important to me is what happens on that stage. Which is why I’m not a huge fan of Series 7, because Phil Wang and Rhod Gilbert TANKED onstage. Both kept repeating the same beats over and over and OVER. Phil’s HILARIOUS stories about haggling for his prizes got worse every time (though the length of that joke sure didn’t help). Rhod thinking mostly-nude pics of Greg were hilarious burns (Greg posed for most of them, fully knowing they were going to be seen by the public, so he clearly wasn’t going to be shamed by them). Rhod was so spectacular at so many of the tasks, but he also went on auto-pilot way too much. This series was the first time that I didn’t care who won. Even Victoria, who clearly didn’t deserve to win, but had she won? Good for her! (That said, any of the middle three winning would have delighted me, though I predicted a Morgana win after the first episode. She brought the same skills to the table as Mel: enthusiasm and secret smarts.) My one memory that I take from this series will be the Prize Task where they all bought things for each other. They all thought about the actual best gifts to give each other, and they were all so excited to take those gifts home. That’s great television.

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While I generally think you’re right about Series 8 in it’s placement and about Stirling, I think the manufactured episode win thing feels a bit odd. Joe finishes in the top 2-3 in several episodes, so he’s definitely no slouch. I also don’t really think they try to get everyone a win because we’ve had seasons pass where one or even two contestants don’t get a win?

I agree that Joe Thomas definitely had it in him to win more episodes — but Alex’s comment in the one he won, that “he almost got full marks” kind of stung while everybody else flailed in the low teens — it smacked of them stacking all the ones where Joe was the outright winner altogether. Alex denies this, of course, but that lopsided a win…

As for the “trying to get everyone a win” situation — that might not have been the case in earlier series, but IIRC that has happened for every series since S6. Even Baddiel and Parkinson got wins, and they strike me as performing worse than Phil Wang (the sole exception since 2018). So I do think that they are trying to make sure everybody gets something…

I see no reason to comment on Sarah Kendall and Morgana Robinson’s physical appearance- kinda creepy…

Oh I’m not focusing on their physical attributes — on the contrary, I think that it’s mostly their ability to power through the tasks that makes them worthy and great contestants!

(And also, like, it’s a platonic contemplation of beauty, I don’t mean it in a sexualising way, if that was what you meant.)

Season 6 was ridiculously, embarrassingly bad. There was no humor whatsoever. Alice is cute? That’s a weird compliment, since I thought folks were going for funny here. And Lisa Tarbuck literally couldn’t be arsed, as they say, to be entertaining (save for one great bit I wrote off to blind luck).

Second worst, season 10 and Katherine Parkinson. Here’s where I noticed the contestants were no longer comedians. And sometimes weren’t remotely funny, and didn’t give a damn.

Otherwise, I’ve been thrilled. Sure, it’s up and down, but it was only these two seasons where I thought, “Jesus, are THEY going to be on again?”

I think they did try for humour with series 6, so there are (very dim) bright spots in it; I also do get the criticism for series 10 (and with every look back it drops a little bit more for me), but Mawaan and Katherine Parkinson I liked. But yeah, both are a bit “meh” for me…

Season 1 at the bottom is madness and makes me question the validity of the remainder of the list. Tim Key alone is enough to keep it out of the bottom third

Everybody has different takes! As I said, I thought the awkward energy was too much.

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Taskmaster’s 100 best bits.

The 100 best Taskmaster tasks ranked - from watermelon gluttons to taxi-driven peas

Over 400 tasks are whittled down, in our ranking of the best challenges set by Alex Horne and Greg Davies

A s someone who tried to make a career out of live comedy, I should probably hate Taskmaster . The premise – five comedians desperately compete to impress a famous comedian – is basically a concentrated version of my worst Edinburgh fringe anxiety dreams, the ones where I’m back in the Underbelly, Cowgate, but I’ve forgotten all the lines to the show, I’m naked and the only people in the audience are David Mitchell, Josie Lawrence and my horrible PE teacher from year 7.

But as it turns out, I don’t hate it, I love it. I’m obsessed with it. I have dreams where I’m being sprayed in the face with a power hose manned by Rob Beckett dressed as a grandmother.

Regular readers will know this is entirely predictable. “Oh, Bernhardt’s become fixated on the tiniest details of a television show as a coping mechanism for the horrors of reality in the 2020s? Change the record. Call me when he’s had a Frasier-inspired breakdown and thinks he’s Eddie the dog.”

But there’s something magical about Taskmaster that elevates it above my usual substitute-for-therapy fare . Perhaps it’s the way that it’s a funhouse mirror of lockdown – for most tasks contestants are stuck in a house, alone, where they are given a series of arbitrary rules to obey and steadily lose their minds. Perhaps it’s the way that it provides an insight not just into what people think, but how they think. At a time when we are isolated from friends and family, and days meld into one, that kind of intellectual intimacy – getting inside someone’s head – is precious. Or perhaps I just like watching Hugh Dennis carve a cake horizontally and arrange it like a serial killer in an episode of Hannibal.

Whatever the reason, I decided at the end of last year to detach myself from the news of Covid and Brexit and instead methodically catalogue the top 100 tasks in Taskmaster history, and I really need you to get on board.

100 Tash-tastic

Series 8, Ep 2 The task where contestants have to put something on their face that looks like a moustache from a distance but isn’t. Paul Sinha wins by smearing caviar on his top lip. Disgusting and classy .

99 Sounds like …

Series 9, Ep 8 The task where the contestants have to provide the foley for Alex Horne’s silent film. Rose Matafeo ends up screaming loudly for about 20 seconds, and it’s genuinely harrowing.

98 Cry me an eggcup

Series 1, Ep 4 The task where the contestants must fill an egg cup with their own tears. Tim Key takes a no-nonsense approach: watching Elliot’s audition from ET while cutting onions. Classic.

97 Flagging

Series 3, Ep 3

The task where contestants have to create a meal that looks like a flag. Beckett plops some red mush on a white tray and says: “Konnichiwa.” The gall.

96 It’s a potato

Series 2, Ep 5 The task where the contestants have to create the best stop-motion movie with a potato. There’s something very satisfying about Richard Osman and Jon Richardson’s effort, where Horne is brutally murdered by zombie spuds .

95 There she blows

Series 6, Ep 10 The task where the contestants have to blow out a candle from the longest distance. Russell Howard screams into a drainpipe for five minutes to no effect.

94 Water carrier

Series 4, Ep 3 The task where the contestants have to transfer as much water as possible between two fish bowls without moving them. Noel Fielding sucks up water through a snorkel and nearly drowns.

93 Long distance charades

Series 3, Ep 5 The task where the contestants have to play charades across the River Thames. This one gets in mostly because, within minutes, Sara Pascoe gets distracted by a passing dog .

92 Horsing around

Series 1, Ep 1 The task where contestants have to paint a picture of a horse while riding a horse. Romesh Ranganathan’s looks like one that has fallen into a meat grinder.

91 Step carefully

Series 3, Ep 1

The task where there’s a microwave in a field and the contestants have to get there in as few steps as possible. Beckett rolls like a sausage over a running track filled with a surprising amount of goose poo. Committed.

90 Butch box

Series 6, Ep 4 The task where the contestants have to do something manly with a cardboard box, so Liza Tarbuck puts it in front of the TV and makes it a cup of tea as it falls asleep. Strangely charming .

89 Egg-citing

Series 2, Ep 2 The task where the contestants have to eat an egg the fastest. I know what you’re thinking, and yes, Osman shots it like tequila. I feel ill thinking about it.

88 What do you do?

Series 3, Ep 4 The task where the contestants have to find out a stranger’s profession but he can’t speak, he can only shake or nod his head incorrectly. Just nice to watch a pleasant old man nod his head at comedians as they silently curse him.

87 Meat feast

Series 2, Ep 2 The task where the contestants have to order a vegetarian pizza with bacon and pepperoni, but no tomato or cheese, without saying any of those words. Just infuriatingly, pointlessly difficult.

86 Christmas cracker

Series 7, Ep 7 The task where the contestants have to make the best Christmas cracker, and two separate comedians (James Acaster, Phil Wang) decide to have actual gravy sloshing about in there . It’s like Osman’s egg all over again.

85 Ringtone routines

Series 4, Ep 4 The task where the contestants have to make up a dance with Horne to a set of ringtones. Lolly Adefope’s “dance” routine involves a moment where she gets hit on the head by Horne, forgives him and tells him that “friendship is truth” . No idea.

84 Blooper reels

Series 1, Ep 6

The task where the contestants have to make a “hilarious blooper”. Tim Key and Frank Skinner invent a home movie where a man falls off a ladder so hard his entire torso gets embedded in the ground. Chilling.

83 Vanishing act

Series 10 Ep 1 The task where the contestants have to make the largest thing “properly disappear” . Mawaan Rizwan magics away a cow (impressive); Johnny Vegas magics away a 200ft socialist chicken as part of a moving critique of Britain’s political system (confusing).

Series 7, Ep 7 The task where each contestant has to predict what another contestant will do when provided with certain items (an airhorn, a £10, an apple). In a task all about predictability, Wang grabs an apple and shouts “Wang!” before biting it. Renegade.

81 Pea passenger

Series 3, Ep 1 The task where the contestants have to propel a pea the furthest distance on a red carpet. Al Murray takes the red carpet, bungs it in a taxi and drives to Slough for £150. That is dedication to a TV show on Dave.

80 Sliding doors

Series 4, Ep 5 The task where the contestants have to slide for the longest. Mel Giedroyc is dragged about in a sleeping bag by crew members like a confused but delighted worm, and I could watch it for the rest of my life and be happy.

79 Sing the theme tune

Champions of Champions, Ep 2

The “special task” (ie, a task that is set for only one comedian to embarrass/demean them) where Josh Widdicombe has to sing the Taskmaster theme tune, and it’s exactly as bad as you’re imagining.

Series 8 Ep 6 The task where the contestants have to score a goal from the furthest distance. Only Sian Gibson scores – even football crazy Iain Stirling misses, and he got the crew to bring in an especially massive goal for his attempt. Wonderfully embarrassing .

77 Cake vandals

Series 4, Ep 1

The task where the contestants have to destroy a cake as beautifully as possible. Cake expert Giedroyc turns it upside down and smushes it (classic), Joe Lycett explodes it with firework (deeply satisfying).

76 Electric lizard

Series 6, Ep 3 The task where the contestants have to make something spin for as long as possible. Tarbuck plonks a plastic lizard on an electric drill and leaves it going for 88 minutes. It’s oddly hypnotic.

75 Hidden pineapple

Series 2, Ep 4 The task where the contestants have to conceal a pineapple on their person. Joe Wilkinson chooses to cut it up and put most of it down his trousers. He immediately regrets this .

74 Trolley dash

Series 2, Ep 4

The task where the contestants have to put some items in a trolley on the other side of a river. Osman loses his patience with the trolley and, in a terrifying display of masculinity, throws it into the river. All that raw egg made him too strong.

73 Beach ball blues

Series 8, Ep 8 The task where the contestants have to power a beach ball to the finish line using water alone. Joe Thomas has a minor breakdown and tries to move the ball forward by pouring water over them with a pair of teapots. It doesn’t work .

72 I done a bad thing

Series 8, Ep 3 The task where the contestants have to do the worst thing to Horne and then do the best apology. Lou Sanders hits Horne in the face with a pie, covers his car in flour and signs him up for a bunch of online classes. One of those is supposed to be an apology .

71 Blind car parking

Series 8, Ep 10 Contestants have to drive a mobility scooter around an obstacle course in a car park while blindfolded. Sanders drives into a hedge and nearly runs over a cameraman. The entertainment value was almost as high as the insurance costs.

70 Find the satsuma

Series 7, Ep 9 Contestants have to find the satsuma in one of 30 socks hanging from a washing line – by sniffing, hitting, listening, etc. Wang thinks he has found it, but when he checks, it turns out it’s a lime. He takes it well – by screaming “It’s a lime!” into the sky .

69 Phone box hide and seek

Series 8, Ep 6 The task where the contestants have to conceal themselves in a phone box. Sinha has a minor breakdown and decides to use members of the crew to cover him up. It doesn’t work.

68 Christmas tree wrapping

Series 10, Ep 5 The task where the contestants have to bag the heaviest thing in a Christmas tree bagging machine, carried from the furthest distance. Katherine Parkinson is wheeled in a wheelbarrow and throws herself into the machine, writhing around in the net like a trapped dolphin. Strange, but effective .

67 Toddle on

Series 8, Ep 4 The task where the contestants have to create an item that will engage a toddler the longest. Naturally, Sanders invents a game where children have to smash a plastic duck with a hammer to get sweets. Five minutes of fun for the toddler now, followed by a lifetime of therapy.

66 Spread the clothes

Series 3, Ep 4 The task where the contestants have to spread their clothes as far and as wide as possible – and while Pascoe, Murray, Beckett and Dave Gorman get on public transport and brave motorways, Paul Chowdhry chucks his socks over a fence . Job done.

65 Basketball ballet

Series 4, Ep 2 The task where the contestants have to keep a basketball on a moving treadmill for as long as possible without touching it. Most contestants lasted a matter of seconds. Hugh Dennis holds a washing basin over it and pulls the plug on it – the basketball stays there for four months.

64 Romancing the chickpea

Series 9, Ep 10

The task where the contestants have to do the most preposterous thing with a chickpea. Ed Gamble has sex with its dead remains (standard), David Baddiel starts a cult with it (sure), Matafeo holds a funeral for it (genuinely moving).

63 Water features

Series 9, Ep 4

The task where the contestants have to make the most striking water feature. Jo Brand pours a teapot over some washing up; Gamble gaffa tapes a pressure hose to Horne’s nipple and turns him into a single-breast-spurting mermaid.

62 Grotto surprise

Series 7, Ep 8 The task where the contestants have to make something surprising come out of the top of an underground grotto. Rhod Gilbert puts Horne on top of a ladder, pulls down his pants and spurts water between his cheeks. Inexplicable, upsetting, strangely vulnerable.

61 Egg timers

Series 9, Ep 5 The task where the contestants have to make the most accurate egg timer. Brand screams Jerusalem as loudly as possible down the phone to the waiting Horne, because (apparently) the length of time it takes to sing it is the perfect cooking time for an egg. Masterchef .

60 Sisyphus

Series 2, Ep 1

The task where the contestants have to put three huge exercise balls on a mat on the top of a hill. Everyone struggles, except Osman, who simply moves the mat to the bottom of the hill . A devious little sneak.

59 Eye-watering

Series 7, Ep 7

Contestants must not blink for as long as possible. Gilbert gaffa tapes his eyes open for seven minutes. Afterwards, Horne reveals they could have just … closed their eyes and kept them closed for the whole task. A devious bigger sneak.

Series 9, Ep 1 The task where the contestants have to make the most dramatic entrance. Baddiel comes out as the Doctor. Matafeo jumps out of a bush dressed as a bush and screams: “Stella!” Context doesn’t make that any easier to understand .

57 Going in circles

Series 7, Ep 2

The task where the contestants have to draw the biggest circle. Acaster decides to “draw” his circle by riding a bike while hula hooping. He immediately crashes, because he can’t hula hoop.

56 Bridge building

Series 2, Ep 5 The contestants have to make a bridge for a model village, strong enough to hold a potato, out of straws, rubbers and chewing gum. Only afterwards do they discover that all of the best building material was strapped under the table. Cruel.

55 Bouder-ly go

Series 1, Ep 3 The task where the contestants have to move a boulder as far as possible in an hour. Roisin Conaty wastes 28 minutes of her hour trying to arrange for a courier to Camber Sands , because it’s a nice place for a day trip.

54 Lasso me

Series 9, Ep 5 The task where the contestants have to lasso Horne with a rope. Baddiel can’t get the hang of it, so decides to do the logical thing – tie multiple wooden spoons to the lasso . That’s something you don’t see in many westerns, mostly because it’s a terrible idea.

53 Hula hoops

Series 7, Ep 9

The task where Wang and Acaster have to hula hoop, live on stage in front of the audience. Acaster can’t hula-hoop (see No 57), but crucially Wang’s ultratight bodysuit means you probably don’t want to see him try.

52 Hopping mad

Series 6, Ep 5 The task where two teams have to find the link between lots of random items in the lab, and then do the link 100 times. Tarbuck works it out immediately (hop), but Tim Vine and Asim Chaudhry don’t listen – leaving her to hop all on her own. A bleak moment for female equality .

51 Soapy scenes

Series 7, Ep 6

The task where two teams have to come up with the best soap opera cliffhanger. Kerry Godliman and Jessica Knappett star in Cul de Sac, a harrowing tale of a mother in love with her son, while Gilbert plays a man in a bath who can only say “rub a dub dub”. Gilbert wins.

50 Beermat towers

Series 10, Ep 9 The task where the contestants have to make the tallest beermat tower and also ring the doorbell outside once every few seconds . Rizwan brings the doorbell into the house (genius), Richard Herring cuts himself on the doorbell and smears blood all over the door (less genius).

49 Clingfilm a bath

Series 4, Ep 5 The task where two teams have to fill a bathtub with items and cover it with clingfilm. Giedroyc and Dennis work together and do it with ease , Adefope and Lycett get into a fight where Adefope hides Lycett’s clingfilm in a bush and he breaks several tables.

Series 3, Ep 1 The task where the contestants have to make the best snowman on a non-snowy day. Gorman uses instant potato mash (upsettingly beige), Pascoe ice-cream (cute), Chowdhry takes a stuffed rabbit and pours a slushy over its head (serial killer vibes).

47 Tea break

Series 9, Ep 2 The task where the contestants have to do several different tasks around the house as quickly as possible. Baddiel and Brand don’t understand this and have a tea break halfway through. As badass as it’s possible for a cup of earl grey to be.

46 Air horn

Series 7, Ep 3

The task where the contestants have to make their best noise, and Jessica Knappett decides her best noise is a woman imitating an air horn on a bike into a loudspeaker while ringing a bell. Wang rapidly wiggles his tongue. Awful.

45 Surprise!

Series 8, Ep 1 The task where the contestants have to sneak up on Horne in a snowy trainyard, in a game where contestants have to plot their route with intense, almost military strategy. Sanders runs about dressed up in a bin .

44 Chocolate surprise

Series 6, Ep 8

The task where the contestants have to put something genuinely surprising in a chocolate egg. Vine goes for a fly (astonishing), Chaudhry goes for a worm (upsetting), Alice Levine gets a piece of paper with Horne’s actual pin (more serial killer vibes).

43 Mr Coconut

Series 5, Ep 3 The task where the contestants have to make a coconut look like a businessman. Nish Kumar puts it in a suit and gives it a Georgian accent and Mark Watson sets up a company for it. Commendable commitment .

42 Mannequin mania

Series 10, Ep 10 The task where the contestants have to hang up Bernard the Mannequin’s clothes on a rack three metres away. Johnny Vegas uses the mannequin to brutally drag the rack back to him, before feeling horrified remorse, whispering “my boy, my beautiful boy” to him at the end. Heartbreaking.

41 A big mess

Champions of Champions, Ep 2 The task where the contestants have to make the biggest mess and then clean it up. Katherine Ryan decides to go metaphorical and tells her sister her husband has been cheating on her . For a television show. I’m sweating just thinking about it.

40 Name that animal

Series 6, Ep 7 The task where one contestant has to name as many obscure animals as possible, and is then told they have to act them out to their teammates. Chaudhry makes up “the eight bollock cat” and then has to sadly mime it to Tarbuck.

39 Exotic sandwiches

Series 4, Ep 8

The task where the contestants are told to make the most exotic sandwich they can … and then told to eat their exotic sandwich. Giedroyc makes a sandwich with nearly 50 chocolate bars and seven separate heart attacks, and the look on her face when she has to eat it is one of abject horror.

38 Spider in boots

Series 10, Ep 10 The task where the contestants put eight wellington boots in the lab on a stuffed spider in the garden. Parkinson doesn’t understand that she can leave the lab , so spends 20 minutes searching for the spider in the lab, before deciding that the table is a spider and putting the boots on the legs of that instead. Baffling, glorious nonsense.

37 Eat, throw, balance

Series 5, Ep 3 The task where the contestants have three items (a Weetabix brick, a jelly and a Twiglet) and have to eat one, throw one in a bucket and balance one on a pole. After four contestants struggle in vain, Sally Phillips steps up without a word, balances the Weetabix, throws the jelly straight in the bin and eats the Twiglet. Clinical .

36 Pie surprise

Series 1, Ep 2 The task where the contestants have to find out the contents of five pies without breaching the pastry. Conaty gets round it by getting Horne to eat the pies himself. One of the pies is a hot toothpaste pie, a pie filled with hot toothpaste. It is one of the most upsetting things I have ever seen.

35 Camel, mind the gap

Series 4, Ep 6 The task where the contestants have to fit a stuffed camel through the smallest gap. While others pulverise their camels to fit it through tiny crevasses, Giedroyc drives to the nearest high street and runs through the entrance of a Baby Gap . Inspired.

34 Impress the mayor

Series 2, Ep 3 The task where the contestants have to impress the mayor of Chesham. Osman makes up a poem and juggles (multi-tasking), Wilkinson buys as many Calippos as he can (extravagant) , Ryan makes up a rap about the virility of the mayor’s testicles (extremely bold).

33 An extraordoinary journey

Series 6, Ep 2 The task where the contestants have to take a small wind-up man on an extraordinary journey . Howard gets Alex to shout Buddhist wisdom at his, Chaudhry chases his with lizards and fire, and Tarbuck takes hers on the most extraordinary journey of them all – death (she stamps on it to oblivion).

32 Video games

Series 7, Ep 10

The task where the contestants recreate a classic video game. Knappett goes Mario Kart in a set of golf buggies and a fake moustache, and Acaster does the best impression of the “jump” button from Grand Theft Auto to ever be broadcast on British television.

31 Hand-free basketball

Series 5, Ep 1 The task where the contestants have to get a ball through a basketball hoop without using their hands. Kumar kicks it in … after 54 attempts. At one point he calls the ball racist. The madness this show can drive people to .

30 Count the beans, and the hoops … and the rice

Series 1, Ep 4 The special task (again, just to torture Widdicombe) where the poor curly haired charmer is first made to count the number of beans in a tin, then the number of hoops in a can of spaghetti hoops, then the number of grains of rice in a bag of rice. And he doesn’t realise he’s the only one doing it.

29 Bananaman

Series 4, Ep 3

The task where the contestants have to camouflage themselves in a scene – so Fielding, dressed in his fluorescent yellow suit, shrinks himself and hides in a bowl of fruit. Mindboggling.

28 Taskmaster: The Film

Series 4, Ep 3 The task where the contestants have to make a trailer for Taskmaster: The Film, and Giedroyc and Dennis create a Scandi-thriller starring Giedroyc as Sara Lund and Dennis as a dead body . At one point Giedroyc shouts: “Ne ne Copenhagen” at a mannequin. Thrilling.

27 Reverse psychology

Series 1, Ep 2

The task where contestants have to film something that looks good in reverse – so Ranganathan invents Tree Wizard, a beautiful short film of a man who creates balloons out of thin air and jumps into trees (ie, reversed footage of him falling out of a tree and popping balloons). His face is filled with childlike wonder, five stars.

26 Hide and seek

Series 4, Ep 7 The task where contestants have to hide from Horne in a game of hide and seek. The winner is Adefope, who hides in a tiny crack in the shower; the loser is Horne, who accidentally touches Giedroyc’s breast when finding her, filling him with a shame that will never die. Fun!

25 Surprise Alex

Series 3, Ep 2

The task where contestants have to surprise Horne when he comes out of a shed. Pascoe presents him with a dead body (surprising), Murray bangs a gong semi-naked (more surprising), Beckett dresses as a grandma and sprays Horne with a powerhouse (just baffling).

24 Extension

Series 7, Ep 7 The task where two teams have to make an extension on the Taskmaster house – Godliman and Knappett do a fairly good job with some sheeting and half a wall, but Acaster has a fullblown tantrum at Gilbert for entirely ignoring a garage full of good building materials. Genuine rage, that’s all I want from this show.

23 Shoe catapult

Series 10, Ep 3

The task where contestants have to catapult a shoe into a bath. Johnny Vegas creates a contraption with a stepladder, jokes about falling off the stepladder and then immediately falls off the stepladder.

22 Back draw

Series 9, Ep 9 The task where contestants have to draw on the back of another contestant, who then has to draw that image on a piece of paper. Gamble is paired with Baddiel and suffers seven separate fury-related aneurysms (“WHY ARE YOU STILL DRAWING?” “WHAT IN THE LIVING FUCK HAVE YOU DONE?!”) when Baddiel goes rogue. More rage, all the time.

21 Theme tune lyrics

Series 9, Ep 8 The task where contestants have to make up lyrics to the Taskmaster theme song, and Matafeo blows everyone away with her country-and-western inspired tale of Greg “a tall old man” and Alex “with a brain full of corn”. A brilliant banjo-powered earworm .

20 Special cuddles

Series 5, Ep 1

The task where contestants have to give Horne a special cuddle. Aisling Bea interprets that to mean that Horne is a pervert (creating an overtly sexual Cuddlebot 3000) while Bob Mortimer uses the task as an excuse to get Horne into the boot of his car.

19 Edible masks

Champion of Champions, Ep 2 The task where contestants have to create their own edible facemasks for Horne to eat off them. Mortimer invents a Geordie sexually repressed alien who loves to get his Wotsit-and-Malteser-covered face eaten, while screaming: “I am a sinner! I have sinned!”

18 Wheelie bin obstacle course

Series 4, Ep 7 The task where a contestant has to get in a wheelie bin and guide another contestant through an obstacle course as they push them around, all while speaking another language. Giedroyc directing a baffled Hugh Dennis by shouting : “Ugg! Ugg!” (the French for Hugh) makes this.

17 Flying eggs

Series 10, Ep 1

The task where contestants have to land an egg, from a balcony, in a frying pan several metres away on a giant podium. While Daisy May Cooper ties the egg to a balloon and floats it over the frying pan, Rizwan cuts out the middle balloon and tries to fill an egg with helium. An egg. With helium. I just want to talk, Mawaan.

16 £20 gifts

Series 1, Ep 3 The task where contestants have to get a gift for the Taskmaster with £20. While Key goes for book tokens, Widdicombe takes the show to new levels of creepy by getting a genuine, actual tattoo of Greg Davies’s name on his ankle . If you’re not willing to physically scar yourself for a show on Dave, don’t bother playing the game.

15 Nursery rhymes

Series 2, Ep 2 The task where contestants have to make a video for a nursery rhyme. Richardson is a creepy little girl eating blind mice, Osman does a Verve-inspired Coming Round the Mountain, but the champ is Doc Brown, who writes a genuinely good rap version of Once I Caught a Fish Alive, involving him punching a salmon .

14 Exciting footage

Series 5, Ep 6 The task where contestants have to record some exciting footage with a camera strapped to their heads. Phillips hauntingly recreates Horne’s birth with Horne and clingfilm.

13 Horse or laminator

Series 9, Ep 7 The task where contestants have to guess what the Taskmaster is thinking of – a horse or a laminator. In a remarkable display of telepathy, Brand gets 13 right in a row, terrifying Davies and potentially marking her out as the next Uri Geller.

Series 4, Ep 2

The special task where, while painting a picture of the Taskmaster from two metres away from the canvas, Lycett must also grin with increasing intensity at the camera every 30 seconds. By the end his eyes are empty husks, his face pained, his cheeks twisted and gnarled. He will never smile the same way again.

11 Watercooler moments

Series 5, Ep 5 The task where contestants have to create a watercooler moment using a watercooler . Kumar kicks it (terrible in slow motion, even worse at regular speed); Bea tries to go sailing with it (confusing); but the best is Phillips, who, naturally, has sex with it (horrifying but impressive).

10 Guard the flame

Series 5, Ep 6

The task where contestants have to guard the flame on a cupcake as it goes past various water-based obstacles to light a candle in the caravan. Kumar sees a bubble machine and shouts: “You bubbly fuck!” so loudly that his cupcake immediately extinguishes itself. This is why you don’t swear, kids.

9 Watermelons

Series 1, Ep 1 The task where contestants have to eat as much watermelon as they can in one minute . Widdicombe carefully opens it and gently spoons it into his mouth (lovely); Ranganathan immediately throws it on to the ground and starts shovelling flesh off the floor into his mouth like a zombie (not lovely).

8 Watermelons 2.0

Series 10, Ep 5

The task where contestants have to eat as much watermelon as they can in four minutes – but they can’t feed themselves. Cooper and Herring turn from reasonable, well-respected comedians into wild, watermelon-obsessed beasts, gorging themselves until their clothes run red with melon blood. Positively Ranganathanesque.

7 Quiet cocktails

Series 10, Ep 6 The contestants have to make the tastiest cocktail as quietly as possible. If they go over 60db they must start again and scream a phrase – in Cooper’s case, “I love this!” It’s like watching someone defuse a bomb really, really badly – every time she does anything (open a bottle, pick up ice, pour any liquid) she goes over the limit and explodes. The closest I’ve come to believing that Horne’s life was in immediate danger.

6 Siren call

Series 7, Ep 10 The task where the contestants are told that when they hear a siren, they have to stop whatever they’re doing, put on a boiler suit by the door and lie down on the floor. Closely followed by the task where contestants have to tie themselves up as securely as possible … and then that siren goes off. Acaster’s face as he hears the siren, midway through tying his feet up, his whole world crashing around him as he realises what that means – a 40-minute set-up for a glorious punchline.

5 Cheeky texts

Series 5, Ep 5

The special task where Watson has been told to send an anonymous “cheeky text” to the Taskmaster, every day, for five months – without knowing that absolutely no other contestant had been set this task. When this fact is revealed, Watson has a kind of frozen, horrified expression – he manages a laugh, but it’s the laugh of a man who knows that he has wasted so much of his life. What’s worse, every one of the texts was sent to Davies’s phone with no context or warning, so for five months Davies has been tormented with cheeky texts such as: “I have a big dick” and: “Can you lend me £50?” In the end, Horne reveals that Watson has missed out two days of texts, meaning that he has sent only 148 – so Davies takes great pleasure in awarding him zero points. What makes this task so wonderful is the fact that Watson, being the type of person he is, has spent hours agonising over the precise wording of each one of these texts – and then it’s totally worthless. In the words of Davies: “What a terrible waste of time.”

4 Creepiest things

Series 7, Ep 8

The task where the contestants have to bring in the creepiest thing – and Gilbert chooses to bring in a special video, titled When Your Friend Tells You He’s Leaving … Check. The video, as it turns out, is footage of Davies, asleep in his bed, filmed from Davies’s closet by Gilbert. Quite apart from being one of the most disturbing short films in the history of Taskmaster (the way that Gilbert stares dead-eyed at the camera and silently puts his finger to his lips at the start and the end of the video, as if to say “Shhh now. We wouldn’t want to wake Greg …”), there’s a staggering level of commitment to creepiness. Up until this point in the series, Gilbert had brought in a picture of Davies in Speedos for every one of the prize task rounds. He could have just brought that in again, maybe put it among some Halloween decorations – but no. He breaks into his friend’s bedroom and films him all damn night. Because that’s the creepiest thing, and that’s what this show requires.

3 Declare your love

Series 6, Ep 10

The task where contestants have to declare their love for the Taskmaster in the most meaningful way. The reason this task is so high up on the list is for one person – Liza Tarbuck. No one has quite played the game like Tarbuck. She has the vibe of a “relaxed headmistress on her day off” (to quote Davies), but she is capable of great ruthlessness at the drop of a hat/trousers. This is the pinnacle of Tarbuck, the crowning glory in her championship victory – declaring her love for Davies by getting Horne to sit, bare-bottomed, in a custard cake. There’s a kind of clinical sociopathy here – the way that she says, almost irritated: “I hope you enjoy this, it might be the only time in your life that you put your bare arse on a cake.” When Horne does the deed, his world transforms for ever – as Tarbuck says in the studio afterwards: “He was a different man!” It’s hard to disagree. “If that’s love, turns out I’ve never been in love before,” murmurs Horne sheepishly, cake dripping from his backside. But this is the magic of the show: before this series, I think my opinion of Tarbuck was that of a charming DJ and character actor. After this series, I was (and remain) obsessed with her – a wicked, bizarre mind, capable of mad brilliance and disgusting, sopping cakey cruelty. This show lets people blossom like no other, and Tarbuck is the embodiment of that. May we all find the happiness that she finds in making comedians sit in cake semi-naked.

2 Potato hole

The task where contestants have to get a potato into a hole from the edge of a special red carpet. The reason this task is so high is because of one man – Joe Wilkinson. Wilkinson is the lovable loser in this show, losing his patience with Ikea flatpack furniture and smushing pineapple down his trousers, but with the potato task, he – and the show – reach new heights. In one fluid movement he whips around from the camera, leans forward, gives it a quick underhand throw and … straight in. The crowd goes wild . Back in the studio, Wilkinson stands up, walking around like some kind of potato-chucking god. On the VT, Wilkinson wipes away a tear, the achievement hitting him. “I’m really emotional. I think that’s the best thing I’ve ever done.”

And that is that. Except, of course, it isn’t. Davies loves the footage so much that he demands to see a replay. From a different angle, above – and zoomed in. From where you could see the very top of Joe’s toe touch the forbidden red carpet. The audience noise turns from cheering to horror in a matter of seconds. Wilkinson is aghast, hands over his mouth. No. No, surely not. He gets on his hands and knees, crawling to Davies, gently pawing at his thigh like a mournful dog. “Please. Please. Please don’t take it away from me.” Davies can barely look at him; the guilt, the power, it’s all too much. In the end, his attempt is declared null and void. Wilkinson stares into the void as he tumbles from first on the leaderboard to last. In Davies’s words, “a genuinely harrowing moment”.

This glorious, pseudo-Shakespearean carb-based tragedy is the peak of what this show can do. It doesn’t just humiliate or frustrate comedians – it can make them believe that they are a sporting legend, a Muhammed Ali, a Lewis Hamilton, a Russell Howard … and then it can take it all away.

1 A song for Rosalind

Series 5, Ep 8 The task where the contestants have to interview a stranger and make up a song for her in 30 minutes, before performing it to her at Taskonbury. This task represents everything that is wonderful about the show – from the brilliant differences in approaches that it encourages, to its staggering creativity, to its sheer unpredictability and heart. Mortimer, Bea and Phillips write a confusingly scathing power ballad to Rosalind (titled Quite Good Considering, but more popularly known as Rosalind’s a Fucking Nightmare). It’s bonkers; pure, unadulterated nonsense. During the interview Mortimer’s first question is: “Do we strike you?”, which sets the tone for the whole endeavour – an inexplicably harsh song about how Rosalind is a thief (based on the fact that she stole sweets as a child), “an average cellist” and a “geriatric athlete [who] jumps quite far for a woman of her age”. It’s a song I find myself singing almost constantly now (mostly the line about her husband and a member of her string quartet : “The great thing about Alan / Alan could not be dreamier / But unfortunately the viola player / Well, he contracted septicemia”), and in any normal episode, it would have won by a landslide.

But Kumar and Watson’s song is just so staggeringly beautiful, so sincere, so heartfelt, that it can’t help but blow you away. When Kumar starts the song by shouting: “Good evening London!” to a crowd of one single woman in a deckchair, you can just feel the audience gear up for another classic Nish and Mark disaster. But once the song starts, it becomes immediately obvious that this won’t be another disaster – no, the story here is redemption. Between them, Kumar and Watson have been through a lot in this series – they have been covered in yoghurt, they have been humiliated by a basketball, they have been tortured by texts, mocked by Weetabix and hurt by headwear. But in this moment, it’s all made worth it.

This is their crowning glory – a heartfelt song textured by their experiences (the line “I try my best but it’s never … good enough” pretty much summing up their time on the show), and it reflects the show’s inherent joy. Every task is an opportunity to humiliate yourself and to create something genuinely excellent – to take the cruel and arbitrary limitations you find and make something inspiring. No matter how many times you are knocked down by a malfunctioning volcano or a distressingly loud ice machine, as long as you get back up, there is always the potential for redemption. Everything that looks arduous is a chance for greatness. We just have to keep getting back up.

  • Greg Davies

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Alex Horne talks ‘Taskmaster’ VR game: “It might be better than the TV show”

“I want it to encourage the right things, like creativity and having fun"

Taskmaster hosts Greg Davies and Alex Horne. Credit: Jeff Spicer / Stringer via Getty Images.

Taskmaster creator Alex Horne has spoken to NME about the long-running TV show’s upcoming VR adaption, the “surprise” success of the franchise and the importance of rediscovering your inner child.

  • READ MORE: Soundtrack Of My Life: Greg Davies

Announced last year, Taskmaster VR has been created by indie developer Scallywag Arcade and will feature voice acting from both the Taskmaster Greg Davies, and his assistant Horne.

“I was very involved, but I did very little,” Horne told NME . With two full Taskmaster series filmed a year, alongside an annual one-off New Year’s episode and a Junior version, Horne’s schedule is already pretty packed. “I live Taskmaster , but people are constantly approaching us with different ideas,” he explained. “We’ve done a board game and a set of Christmas Crackers. We’re hopefully doing a live-action, escape room-style experience as well. It would be easy to churn out rubbish, but we really pride ourselves on only doing good stuff.”

So when Scallywag approached Horne about a potential Taskmaster VR game, it was an instant yes. “VR is ideal for Taskmaster because you actually have to do the thing,” Horne said. “I’m not sure it would work as a conventional game but with this, players can actually experiment and explore.”

Taskmaster VR. Credit: Scallywag Arcade.

The team at Scallywag presented ideas for how the game could work and what tasks could be achieved, and Horne was keen to make it a reality. “It was just obvious they knew the show inside out,” said Horne, who also praised the game’s collaborative development process. “I’ve checked over the tasks to make sure they work and done all the voice stuff, but they’ve really done all the work,” says Horne. “There’s never been a moment where I’ve stepped in and told them how to do something, because they clearly know what they’re doing.”

Taskmaster VR is set in the iconic Taskmaster house and, like the show, sees players needing to complete a series of tasks to impress the titular Taskmaster. Horne said it was important the game was “bound in reality”, with players able to destroy and move various items, but not able to break the rules of physics to do so. “It’s better than doing it on TV because you don’t have to worry about camera angles, noise from overhead planes or being funny,” he said. Not having to clean up after every task is also a bonus. “I find it really liberating,” said Horne. “You really can explore every room in the house and just focus on completing the task. It’s sort of better than the TV show, but I don’t want to say that too loudly.”


As well as completing tasks, players can also create their own in Taskmaster VR ’s Creative Mode. “As grownups, we always forget how good people are at coming up with games. I always loved going on holiday as a kid, and coming up with games in the car or if it was a rainy day. That’s part of our brains we should really encourage. I’m not worried about people realising how easy my job is, I just hope they enjoy it,” said Horne. “I’m hoping it encourages people to be imaginative.”

Taskmaster VR. Credit: Scallywag Arcade.

Horne went on to say he would “definitely” be keeping an eye on the game for inspiration. “I played it recently and it’s obvious the makers are on our wavelength. They get where things can be quirky, rather than wacky, and where you can add another layer to a task. It’s often the little details that make all the difference. I won’t be taking the actual tasks for the TV show, I’m really keen we don’t tread on each other’s toes, but there are certainly little tricks Scallywag has come up with that I’m annoyed I didn’t think about before. So, I will be borrowing things.”

Looking ahead, Horne hopes that the Taskmaster VR game will become a part of people’s lives. “It’s creative and interesting, rather than just mind numbing. You’re not staring at your phone and doom scrolling. I want it to be another aspect of your life that’s positive, rather than negative. I want it to encourage the right things, like creativity and having fun.”

It’s also an extension of Taskmaster ’s commitment to inclusivity. “The first three series of Taskmaster featured six blokes and a woman. It was very traditional and not very inclusive, but we’ve been trying to do better,” says Horne. “The show is really good at showing it’s not just the sporty alpha males that do well, it highlights how different brains work.” Things like the upcoming Junior version, the official boardgame and the VR game are meant to further open those doors. “We want it to feel like it’s open to everyone. It’s not that we want to make loads of money, we just want people to use their brains and have a laugh.”

Within the gaming world, Taskmaster could easily lend its name to a 2D platformer where players have to collect rubber duck, or a horror set in the Taskmaster house, but Horne is currently only interested in the VR game. “I hope we can keep adding to it. Maybe we can eventually add a door that transports you to another place (like the location tasks from the main show). We did a task on the show earlier this week which was quite horror based, but other tasks are tender or sad. We try to not make the show too much of one thing, and it’s the same with this. Rather than a lot of different Taskmaster games, this will hopefully be a long-running thing that can’t really be completed.”

As well as the Channel 4 version of Taskmaster which is currently in its 17th series, New Zealand, Australia, Finland, Croatia, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Sweden and Spain have launched their own versions of the show. Horne says the success of the franchise, which started as an Edinburgh Fringe show, is “constantly surprising”.

“I think our success is down to the playfulness. We try to release the comedians and make them be themselves. There’s no script and they never know what’s going to happen. We tell them ‘don’t try and be funny, just try and do the task’ so it’s about trusting that people will be entertained by that. Hopefully it’s the same with the game. We trust that gamers don’t need their hands held throughout. A lot of it will be very frustrating. You’ll open the task, and you won’t know how to do it, so you’ll have to work your way through it. It’s about people finding their inner child again.”

Taskmaster inspires a certain level of creativity from fans, something Horne finds “really humbling”. Taskmaster VR is the extreme end of that scale: “Scallywag has taken the idea and run with it, which is brilliant,” says Horne. “There’s nothing I like more than someone showing me the tasks they’ve come up with and filmed with friends or their family. I always watch them, because it’s always amazing and never boring. I think people are always surprised by how creative they can be.”

“I’ve been doing Taskmaster for 15 years now and I’m just still really excited by that,” Horne added. “I’m not bored of it yet, so hopefully others won’t be either.”

Taskmaster VR is set to launch later this year for Meta Quest  and SteamVR.

  • Related Topics
  • Scallywag Arcade
  • Taskmaster VR

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Series 17 Episode 8

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Taskmaster's Kiell Smith-Bynoe branded “perfect” as new host of BBC show

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Taskmaster star Kiell Smith-Bynoe has been praised for his debut on The Great British Sewing Bee , with fans calling his "perfect".

The star, who appeared on the 15th series of Taskmaster , took over from Sara Pascoe as the presenter for the BBC show, which sees 12 sewers aim to become the best tailor in the UK by completing a host of challenges.

Following the premiere of the 10th series last night (May 21), Smith-Bynoe was praised by viewers for his presenting debut on the show, with several fans taking to social media to express their joy with the new presenter.

Related: Taskmaster game with Alex Horne and Greg Davies confirms release date

“Kiell has the energy of someone who thought he’d signed up to co-host Pointless but has randomly ended up on the Sewing Bee and is just winging it, by which I mean he’s perfect. #SewingBee,” wrote one fan on X/Twitter .

“I didn't expect to enjoy Kiell as host of #sewingbee but I did. It was nice to have someone less manic this series and let the contestants and their work do the talking,” wrote another fan, with a third adding : “Kiell's great. 4 presenters and they haven't had a bad one yet tbh #SewingBee.”

“Loving The Great British Sewing Bee's return as always. But my fav thing was Kiell Smith-Bynoe he is my fav host by far, not trying too hard to be funny & failing just being natural! #SewingBee,” surmised one fan.

Related: Taskmaster airs "worst attempt" at a task in the show's 17 seasons

Other fans also lauded the presenter’s suitability for the role, writing : “Kiell is hilarious and so well suited to this! #SewingBee." Another user wrote that they “loved” both Smith-Bynoe and the contestants, with one writing : “Well, that was fun. And Kiell is GREAT #SewingBee.”

The first episode required the contestants to create a denim A-line midiskirt and transform a T-shirt, with their final task being to create a casual day dress.

The Great British Sewing Bee airs on BBC One.

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Mac keyboard shortcuts

By pressing certain key combinations, you can do things that normally need a mouse, trackpad, or other input device.

Using keyboard shortcuts

Common shorcuts like cut, copy, paste

Sleep, log out, and shut down shortcuts

Finder and system shortcuts, document shortcuts, accessibility shortcuts, other shortcuts.

To use a keyboard shortcut, press and hold one or more modifier keys and then press the last key of the shortcut. For example, to use Command-C (copy), press and hold the Command key, then the C key, then release both keys. Mac menus and keyboards often use symbols for certain keys , including modifier keys:

Command (or Cmd) ⌘

Option (or Alt) ⌥

Control (or Ctrl) ⌃

Caps Lock ⇪

On keyboards made for Windows PCs, use the Alt key instead of Option, and the Ctrl key or Windows logo key instead of Command.

Cut, copy, paste, and other common shortcuts

Command-X : Cut the selected item and copy it to the Clipboard.

Command-C : Copy the selected item to the Clipboard. This also works for files in the Finder.

Command-V : Paste the contents of the Clipboard into the current document or app. This also works for files in the Finder.

Command-Z : Undo the previous command. You can then press Shift-Command-Z to Redo, reversing the undo command. In some apps, you can undo and redo multiple commands.

Command-A : Select All items.

Command-F : Find items in a document or open a Find window.

Command-G : Find Again: Find the next occurrence of the item previously found. To find the previous occurrence, press Shift-Command-G.

Command-H : Hide the windows of the front app. To view the front app but hide all other apps, press Option-Command-H.

Command-M : Minimize the front window to the Dock. To minimize all windows of the front app, press Option-Command-M.

Command-O: Open the selected item, or open a dialog to select a file to open.

Command-P : Print the current document.

Command-S : Save the current document.

Command-T : Open a new tab.

Command-W : Close the front window. To close all windows of the app, press Option-Command-W.

Option-Command-Esc : Force quit an app.

Command–Space bar : Show or hide the Spotlight search field. To perform a Spotlight search from a Finder window, press Command–Option–Space bar. (If you use multiple input sources to type in different languages, these shortcuts change input sources instead of showing Spotlight. Learn how to change a conflicting keyboard shortcut .)

Control–Command–Space bar : Show the Character Viewer, from which you can choose emoji and other symbols .

Control-Command-F : Use the app in full screen, if supported by the app.

Space bar : Use Quick Look to preview the selected item.

Command-Tab : Switch to the next most recently used app among your open apps.

Command–Grave accent (`): Switch between the windows of the app you're using. (The character on the second key varies by keyboard. It's generally the key above the Tab key and to the left of the number 1.)

Shift-Command-5 : In macOS Mojave or later , take a screenshot or make a screen recording. Or use Shift-Command-3 or Shift-Command-4 for screenshots. Learn more about screenshots .

Shift-Command-N: Create a new folder in the Finder.

Command-Comma (,) : Open preferences for the front app.

You might need to press and hold some of these shortcuts for slightly longer than other shortcuts. This helps you to avoid using them unintentionally.

Power button : Press to turn on your Mac or wake it from sleep. Press and hold for 1.5 seconds to put your Mac to sleep.* Continue holding to force your Mac to turn off.

Control–Command–Power button :* Force your Mac to restart, without prompting to save any open and unsaved documents.

Control-Command-Q : Immediately lock your screen.

Shift-Command-Q : Log out of your macOS user account. You will be asked to confirm. To log out immediately without confirming, press Option-Shift-Command-Q.

* Does not apply to the Touch ID sensor .

Command-D : Duplicate the selected files.

Command-E : Eject the selected disk or volume.

Command-F : Start a Spotlight search in the Finder window.

Command-I : Show the Get Info window for a selected file.

Command-R : (1) When an alias is selected in the Finder: show the original file for the selected alias. (2) In some apps, such as Calendar or Safari, refresh or reload the page. (3) In Software Update, check for software updates again.

Shift-Command-C : Open the Computer window.

Shift-Command-D : Open the desktop folder.

Shift-Command-F : Open the Recents window, showing all of the files you viewed or changed recently.

Shift-Command-G : Open a Go to Folder window.

Shift-Command-H : Open the Home folder of the current macOS user account.

Shift-Command-I : Open iCloud Drive.

Shift-Command-K : Open the Network window.

Option-Command-L : Open the Downloads folder.

Shift-Command-N: Create a new folder.

Shift-Command-O : Open the Documents folder.

Shift-Command-P : Show or hide the Preview pane in Finder windows.

Shift-Command-R : Open the AirDrop window.

Shift-Command-T : Show or hide the tab bar in Finder windows.

Control-Shift-Command-T : Add selected Finder item to the Dock (OS X Mavericks or later)

Shift-Command-U : Open the Utilities folder.

Option-Command-D : Show or hide the Dock.

Control-Command-T : Add the selected item to the sidebar (OS X Mavericks or later).

Option-Command-P : Hide or show the path bar in Finder windows.

Option-Command-S : Hide or show the Sidebar in Finder windows.

Command–Slash (/) : Hide or show the status bar in Finder windows.

Command-J : Show View Options.

Command-K : Open the Connect to Server window.

Control-Command-A : Make an alias of the selected item.

Command-N : Open a new Finder window.

Option-Command-N : Create a new Smart Folder.

Command-T : Show or hide the tab bar when a single tab is open in the current Finder window.

Option-Command-T : Show or hide the toolbar when a single tab is open in the current Finder window.

Option-Command-V : Move the files in the Clipboard from their original location to the current location.

Command-Y : Use Quick Look to preview the selected files.

Option-Command-Y : View a Quick Look slideshow of the selected files.

Command-1 : View the items in the Finder window as icons.

Command-2 : View the items in a Finder window as a list.

Command-3 : View the items in a Finder window in columns.

Command-4 : View the items in a Finder window in a gallery.

Command–Left Bracket ([) : Go to the previous folder.

Command–Right Bracket (]) : Go to the next folder.

Command–Up Arrow : Open the folder that contains the current folder.

Command–Control–Up Arrow : Open the folder that contains the current folder in a new window.

Command–Down Arrow : Open the selected item.

Right Arrow : Open the selected folder. This works only when in list view.

Left Arrow : Close the selected folder. This works only when in list view.

Command-Delete : Move the selected item to the Trash.

Shift-Command-Delete : Empty the Trash.

Option-Shift-Command-Delete : Empty the Trash without confirmation dialog.

Command–Brightness Down : Turn video mirroring on or off when your Mac is connected to more than one display.

Option–Brightness Up : Open Displays preferences. This works with either Brightness key.

Control–Brightness Up or Control–Brightness Down : Change the brightness of your external display, if supported by your display.

Option–Shift–Brightness Up or Option–Shift–Brightness Down : Adjust the display brightness in smaller steps. Add the Control key to this shortcut to make the adjustment on your external display, if supported by your display.

Option–Mission Control : Open Mission Control preferences.

Command–Mission Control : Show the desktop.

Control–Down Arrow : Show all windows of the front app.

Option–Volume Up : Open Sound preferences. This works with any of the volume keys.

Option–Shift–Volume Up or Option–Shift–Volume Down : Adjust the sound volume in smaller steps.

Option–Keyboard Brightness Up : Open Keyboard preferences. This works with either Keyboard Brightness key.

Option–Shift–Keyboard Brightness Up or Option–Shift–Keyboard Brightness Down : Adjust the keyboard brightness in smaller steps.

Option key while double-clicking : Open the item in a separate window, then close the original window.

Command key while double-clicking : Open a folder in a separate tab or window.

Command key while dragging to another volume : Move the dragged item to the other volume, instead of copying it.

Option key while dragging : Copy the dragged item. The pointer changes while you drag the item.

Option-Command while dragging : Make an alias of the dragged item. The pointer changes while you drag the item.

Option-click a disclosure triangle : Open all folders within the selected folder. This works only when in list view.

Command-click a window title : See the folders that contain the current folder.

Learn how to use Command or Shift to select multiple items in the Finder .

Click the Go menu in the Finder menu bar to see shortcuts for opening many commonly used folders, such as Applications, Documents, Downloads, Utilities, and iCloud Drive.

The behavior of these shortcuts may vary with the app you're using.

Command-B : Boldface the selected text, or turn boldfacing on or off.

Command-I : Italicize the selected text, or turn italics on or off.

Command-K : Add a web link.

Command-U : Underline the selected text, or turn underlining on or off.

Command-T : Show or hide the Fonts window.

Command-D : Select the Desktop folder from within an Open dialog or Save dialog.

Control-Command-D : Show or hide the definition of the selected word.

Shift-Command-Colon (:) : Display the Spelling and Grammar window.

Command-Semicolon (;) : Find misspelled words in the document.

Option-Delete : Delete the word to the left of the insertion point.

Control-H : Delete the character to the left of the insertion point. Or use Delete.

Control-D : Delete the character to the right of the insertion point. Or use Fn-Delete.

Fn-Delete : Forward delete on keyboards that don't have a Forward Delete key. Or use Control-D.

Control-K : Delete the text between the insertion point and the end of the line or paragraph.

Fn–Up Arrow : Page Up: Scroll up one page.

Fn–Down Arrow : Page Down: Scroll down one page.

Fn–Left Arrow: Home: Scroll to the beginning of a document.

Fn–Right Arrow : End: Scroll to the end of a document.

Command–Up Arrow : Move the insertion point to the beginning of the document.

Command–Down Arrow : Move the insertion point to the end of the document.

Command–Left Arrow : Move the insertion point to the beginning of the current line.

Command–Right Arrow : Move the insertion point to the end of the current line.

Option–Left Arrow : Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word.

Option–Right Arrow : Move the insertion point to the end of the next word.

Shift–Command–Up Arrow : Select the text between the insertion point and the beginning of the document.

Shift–Command–Down Arrow : Select the text between the insertion point and the end of the document.

Shift–Command–Left Arrow : Select the text between the insertion point and the beginning of the current line.

Shift–Command–Right Arrow : Select the text between the insertion point and the end of the current line.

Shift–Up Arrow : Extend text selection to the nearest character at the same horizontal location on the line above.

Shift–Down Arrow : Extend text selection to the nearest character at the same horizontal location on the line below.

Shift–Left Arrow : Extend text selection one character to the left.

Shift–Right Arrow : Extend text selection one character to the right.

Option–Shift–Up Arrow : Extend text selection to the beginning of the current paragraph, then to the beginning of the following paragraph if pressed again.

Option–Shift–Down Arrow : Extend text selection to the end of the current paragraph, then to the end of the following paragraph if pressed again.

Option–Shift–Left Arrow : Extend text selection to the beginning of the current word, then to the beginning of the following word if pressed again.

Option–Shift–Right Arrow : Extend text selection to the end of the current word, then to the end of the following word if pressed again.

Control-A : Move to the beginning of the line or paragraph.

Control-E : Move to the end of a line or paragraph.

Control-F : Move one character forward.

Control-B : Move one character backward.

Control-L : Center the cursor or selection in the visible area.

Control-P : Move up one line.

Control-N : Move down one line.

Control-O : Insert a new line after the insertion point.

Control-T : Swap the character behind the insertion point with the character in front of the insertion point.

Command–Left Curly Bracket ({) : Left align.

Command–Right Curly Bracket (}) : Right align.

Shift–Command–Vertical bar (|) : Center align.

Option-Command-F : Go to the search field.

Option-Command-T : Show or hide a toolbar in the app.

Option-Command-C : Copy Style: Copy the formatting settings of the selected item to the Clipboard.

Option-Command-V : Paste Style: Apply the copied style to the selected item.

Option-Shift-Command-V : Paste and Match Style: Apply the style of the surrounding content to the item pasted within that content.

Option-Command-I : Show or hide the inspector window.

Shift-Command-P : Page setup: Display a window for selecting document settings.

Shift-Command-S : Display the Save As dialog, or duplicate the current document.

Shift–Command–Minus sign (-) : Decrease the size of the selected item.

Shift–Command–Plus sign (+) : Increase the size of the selected item. Command–Equal sign (=) performs the same function.

Shift–Command–Question mark (?) : Open the Help menu.

To use these vision shortcuts, first choose Apple menu  > System Settings (or System Preferences), then click Keyboard. Click Keyboard Shortcuts, select Accessibility on the left, then select “Invert colors” and "Contrast" on the right.

Control-Option-Command-8 : Invert colors.

Control-Option-Command-Comma (,) and Control-Option-Command-Period (.) : Reduce contrast and increase contrast.

Use these shortcuts to change keyboard focus. To use some of these shortcuts, first choose Apple menu  > System Settings (or System Preferences), then click Keyboard. Click Keyboard Shortcuts, select Keyboard on the left, then select the shortcut's setting on the right.

Control-F2 or Fn-Control-F2: Move focus to the menu bar. You can then use the arrow keys to navigate the menu, press Return to open a selected menu or choose a selected menu item, or type the menu item's name to jump to that item in the selected menu.

Control-F3 or Fn-Control-F3 : Move focus to the Dock.

Control-F4 or Fn-Control-F4 : Move focus to the active window or next window.

Control-F5 or Fn-Control-F5 : Move focus to the window toolbar.

Control-F6 or Fn-Control-F6: Move focus to the floating window.

Control-Shift-F6 : Move focus to the previous panel.

Control-F7 or Fn-Control-F7 : Change the way Tab moves focus—between navigation of all controls on the screen, or only text boxes and lists.

Control-F8 or Fn-Control-F8 : Move focus to the status menu in the menu bar

Command–Grave accent (`) : Activate the next open window in the front app.

Shift–Command–Grave accent (`) : Activate the previous open window in the front app

Option–Command–Grave accent (`) : Move the focus to the window drawer.

Tab and Shift-Tab : Move to next control, move to previous control.

Control-Tab : Move to the next control when a text field is selected.

Control-Shift-Tab : Move to the previous grouping of controls.

Arrow keys : Move to the adjacent item in a list, tab group, or menu, or move sliders and adjusters (Up Arrow to increase values, Down Arrow to decrease values)

Control–Arrow keys : Move to a control adjacent to the text field.

Other accessibility shortcuts:

Option-Command-F5 or triple-press Touch ID : Show the Accessibility Shortcuts panel .

VoiceOver commands

Zoom in or out

Use Mouse Keys to control the pointer with your keyboard

If you're using VoiceOver, you might need to make VoiceOver ignore the next key press before you can use some of the shortcuts in this article.

Safari shortcuts

Spotlight shortcuts

Mail shortcuts

Photos shortcuts

Disk Utility shortcuts

Preview shortcuts

Apple Music shortcuts

Startup shortcuts

For more shortcuts, check the shortcut abbreviations shown in the menus of your apps. Every app can have its own shortcuts, and shortcuts that work in one app might not work in another.

Use emoji and symbols

Create your own shortcuts and resolve conflicts between shortcuts

Change the behavior of the function keys or modifier keys

Use a spoken command for a keyboard shortcut

task master list

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Screen Rant

The marvel costume too intense for the mcu shines in comic-accurate cosplay.


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Star Trek's New Warp Drive Breaks the Prime Directive in a Way No-One Expected

Superman settles the 1 justice league hero who can match his strength, hulk lore changes forever as marvel officially debuts its new she-hulk.

  • Modern Marvel movies may be straying too far from original comic designs in favor of safe, muted adaptations.
  • Taskmaster's original intense costume, with a skull mask and bright colors, is a far cry from MCU's version.
  • Cosplayer Brittany Noel's tribute to Taskmaster's original design highlights a need for bolder Marvel adaptations.

The iconic Avengers and Black Widow villain, Taskmaster, shines in an epic cosplay that pays tribute to Anthony "Tony" Masters' comic-accurate costume—one that is too bold for Marvel to ever feature in a live-action adaptation. This Taskmaster costume also raises the important question of whether Marvel’s tendency to scrap original character designs in favor of more modern ones is always the best decision, or rather a cowardly one.

With recent Marvel movies performing less favorably in sales than their predecessors, perhaps it's time for some innovation that draws inspiration from the past.

Taskmaster, known for his photographic reflexe powers and his role in training henchmen for terrorist organizations and criminal empires, was created by writer David Michelinie and artist George Pérez. He made a brief first appearance in The Avenger s #195 (May 1980) before his full debut in Avengers #196 (June 1980).

Taskmaster's costume is remarkably intense, featuring a cartoonish skull mask and a bright orange, white, and bluish-black cloak-adorned outfit. Since Marvel has refused to give fans a live adaptation featuring this original costume, cosplayer Brittany Noel has bravely stepped up to provide a comic-accurate portrayal.

Marvel’s reluctance to adapt the original costumes of various characters raises the question of whether this is a savvy marketing move or if it risks stripping away too much of the characters' long-standing identities.

Avengers’ Villain Taskmaster Gets Comic and Contest of Champions -Accurate Cosplay

Noel’s original post on X (formerly known as Twitter) attributes her inspiration to the 2014 fighting video game Contest of Champions , developed and published by Kabam. Taskmaster’s costume in the game is heavily inspired by the character’s original design, making Noel’s cosplay a tribute to both media. Both versions of the costume—the comics and the video game—feature elements that would require Marvel to be much braver to adapt into live-action. Whether fans love or hate the original costume, there’s no denying it brings a wave of nostalgia.

Marvel’s reluctance to adapt the original costumes of various characters, including Captain America villain Baron Zemo , raises the question of whether this is a savvy marketing move or if it risks stripping away too much of the characters' long-standing identities . Perhaps Marvel is delivering precisely what fans desire: modernized costumes that align with today’s cinematic superhero standards. However, one can't help but ponder if this juggernaut company has become entrenched in a pattern of " playing it safe ." With recent Marvel movies performing less favorably in sales than their predecessors, perhaps it's time for some innovation that draws inspiration from the past.

Black Widow Confirmed Marvel Has No Interest In Staying True to the Comics for Taskmaster

The Taskmaster featured in the MCU's Black Widow movie is a far departure from the original design highlighted in Noel's cosplay. Marvel's costume design traded the vibrant costume hues for muted colors and shiny metallics, and also replaced the oversized skull mask with something resembling a Power Ranger helmet. With this stark design departure from the original, it's clear that Marvel has no interest in bringing Taskmaster's original form to life, which may be a relief to some but a disappointment to others. Fans longing for a live-action adaptation of this Avenger villain's costume must content themselves with Noel's amazing Taskmaster cosplay.

Source: Brittany Noel

The Avengers

Black Widow (2021)


  1. Taskmaster (TV series)

    Taskmaster. (TV series) Taskmaster (abbreviated as TM) is a British comedy panel game show created by comedian and musician Alex Horne and presented by both Horne and Greg Davies. In the programme, a group of five celebrities - mainly comedians - attempt to complete a series of challenges, with Horne acting as umpire in each challenge and ...

  2. The 50 Best Taskmaster Tasks Of All Time, Ranked

    Avalon / Taskmaster. 13. "Direct your teammate into the red circle. You must stay on your chair at all times. You may only issue one instruction of three words every 30 seconds. Fastest to get one ...

  3. Episode list

    This is a list of all Taskmaster episodes. Episodes from Series 1: Episodes from Series 2: Notes Episodes from Series 3: Episodes from Series 4: Episodes from Series 5: Episodes from Champion of Champions: Episodes from Series 6: Notes Episodes from Series 7: Episodes from Series 8: Notes Episodes from Series 9: Notes Episodes from Series 10: Episode from Taskmaster's New Year Treat: Episodes ...

  4. List of Taskmaster episodes

    List of Taskmaster episodes. List of. Taskmaster. episodes. Taskmaster is a British comedy panel game show created by comedian and musician Alex Horne and presented by both Horne and Greg Davies. In the programme, a group of five celebrities - mainly comedians - attempt to complete a series of challenges, with Horne acting as umpire in each ...

  5. Tasks

    Series 2 / Episode 3. Joe Wilkinson panics while trying to impress the Mayor of Chesham, runs the length of the high street and returns with what he thinks is an impressive haul. I, Greg Davies' assistant, Alex Horne, have picked out a couple of my favourite tasks from each series to share with you, (insert your name here).

  6. Taskmaster (TV Series 2015- )

    S1.E3 ∙ The Poet and the Egg. Sat, Aug 15, 2015. Celebs leave their dignity at the door as dastardly Mr Gilbert - aka Greg Davies - sets them some truly bizarre tasks, including building an egg tower. 8.3/10 (290)

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    All Full episodes as provided on the official Taskmaster Youtube Channel in chronological order.

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    Well done! You've found the #Taskmaster YouTube channel for full eps, exclusives, best bits, interviews and more!New episodes Thursdays at 9pm on Channel 4 i...

  16. Series 17 Line-Up Announcement

    In the wake of a ferociously fought battle between Taskmaster titans in the third Champion of Champions special, the line-up for series 17 has been announced.. Preparing to fight tooth and nail, impress the almighty Taskmaster, and bag the highest points are: award-winning comedian, writer, and presenter Joanne McNally (My Therapist Ghosted Me), Edinburgh Comedy Award winning comedian and ...

  17. Contestants

    The following is a list of contestants and their final scores on each series of the British version of Taskmaster. For an alphabetical list of contestants, see Category:Contestants. Taskmaster Wiki

  18. Taskmaster winners list: Full cast and who won every series

    Taskmaster is back for its 10th series and is sure to bring a whole new selection of hilarious, creative and downright ridiculous challenges to our screens.. The show is making its Channel 4 debut ...

  19. Series 13

    Series 13 was the thirteenth series of Taskmaster and aired on Channel 4 from 14 April to 16 June 2022. The series featured Ardal O'Hanlon, Bridget Christie, Chris Ramsey, Judi Love, and Sophie Duker as contestants and was won by Sophie Duker. This series had a Dia de los Muertos theme. It marks the first full series since Series 9 to feature a studio audience.

  20. The 50 best Taskmaster tasks of all time

    Amazing the people you see in a doctor's waiting room Each week for 10 weeks, the comics will compete against each other (and occasionally as a team) in a series of tasks judged by the titular Taskmaster Greg Davies (The Cleaner).Each episode has a winner who takes home a collection of rubbish prizes from the initial "Prize task", while the comedian with the most points across the series ...

  21. All 20 Taskmaster Series Ranked (2024 update!)

    Favourite task: "Sneak up on Alex." (episode 1) MVP: Joe Thomas. 17. Series 6 (2018) Unfairly maligned as one of the worst instalments of Taskmaster — I actually had to comb the official YouTube channel to find a clip from this series — this one actually is quite serviceable when you come to take them task by task.

  22. News, sport and opinion from the Guardian's US edition

    We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

  23. TaskMaster.Info

    Tasks by judgement type. Objectively judged tasks. 'Winner takes all' tasks. 'Last one standing wins' tasks. Subjectively judged tasks. Combination judged tasks. Unjudged tasks. TaskMaster.Info - Tasks.

  24. Alex Horne talks 'Taskmaster' VR game: "It might be better than the TV

    Taskmaster VR. Credit: Scallywag Arcade. The team at Scallywag presented ideas for how the game could work and what tasks could be achieved, and Horne was keen to make it a reality.

  25. Taskmaster Bleeped

    Series 17 Episode 8. Greg Davies has witnessed many bizarre moments during his time as the Taskmaster, but this episode ups the ante - from oars for arms to a beatboxing wolf. And why won't Nick ...

  26. Taskmaster Australia

    Taskmaster Australia is an Australian comedy panel game show first broadcast on Network 10 on 2 February 2023. Based on the UK series Taskmaster created by comedian Alex Horne, it sets five comedians ridiculous tasks to complete, and judged against each other by the "Taskmaster", Tom Gleeson, accompanied by his assistant, comedian Tom Cashman.. The show's first season was broadcast in early 2023.

  27. 'Out for numero uno': Anne Edmonds, Lloyd Langford take on Taskmaster

    Edmonds concurs. "It's every man for themselves on that game, every woman for themselves. So yeah, I was out for numero uno.". Not that she wished her partner ill. "I want to see Lloyd ...

  28. Taskmaster's Kiell Smith-Bynoe branded "perfect" as new ...

    Taskmaster star Kiell Smith-Bynoe has been praised for his debut on The Great British Sewing Bee, with fans calling his "perfect".. The star, who appeared on the 15th series of Taskmaster, took ...

  29. Mac keyboard shortcuts

    Mac menus and keyboards often use symbols for certain keys, including modifier keys: Command (or Cmd) ⌘. Shift ⇧. Option (or Alt) ⌥. Control (or Ctrl) ⌃. Caps Lock ⇪. Fn. On keyboards made for Windows PCs, use the Alt key instead of Option, and the Ctrl key or Windows logo key instead of Command. Some keys on some Apple keyboards have ...

  30. The Marvel Costume Too Intense for the MCU Shines in Comic-Accurate Cosplay

    The iconic Avengers and Black Widow villain, Taskmaster, shines in an epic cosplay that pays tribute to Anthony "Tony" Masters' comic-accurate costume—one that is too bold for Marvel to ever feature in a live-action adaptation. This Taskmaster costume also raises the important question of whether Marvel's tendency to scrap original character designs in favor of more modern ones is always ...