Portland Community College | Portland, Oregon

Strategic plan.

  • The strategic planning process

From September 2019 to November 2020, Portland Community College developed a new strategic plan with a five-to-ten-year vision. With leaders throughout the college, as well as faculty, staff, and students leading the way, PCC embarked upon a strategic planning journey in August of 2019. From the very beginning, our Strategic Planning Steering Committee pledged to lead a strategic planning process that placed equity at its center and was inclusive, transparent, forward-thinking, and data-informed. Over 1,600 faculty, staff, and students have been involved with the planning process through numerous town hall sessions, focus groups, surveys, and deep-dives into internal and external environmental data. In the midst of our strategic planning process, the global COVID-19 crisis made us even more aware of how critical it is for PCC to make innovative and adaptable plans for the future of education. We had to quickly pivot to primarily online and remote operations while continuing to serve students and the community. Despite all the challenges that faced us, from COVID-19 to wildfires to racial injustice, we continued to plan for the future.

These efforts produced four strategic areas of focus, twenty Board-approved initiatives, and thirty-seven strategic planning projects, all of which form PCC’s 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. This plan provides both the foundation and the roadmap to fulfilling our mission, transforming the lives of our students, and serving the needs of our community, well into the future.

From the 20 initiatives, projects were developed by Cabinet Sponsors and the project managers they identified. The leaders for each of the projects developed a project proposal, which was reviewed by key stakeholders. Using the data input by each project manager, the project and portfolio management program generated a preliminary priority score. The greatest emphasis and weight in the calculation was given to the impact on equitable student success as well as faculty and staff success.

Strategic initiatives alignment graphic

Description of the graphic

  • Equitable student success: 20%
  • Faculty and staff success: 20%
  • Regulatory and legal requirements: 15%
  • Alignment with the six DEI objectives: 15% (2.5% each)
  • Financial outcome: 5%
  • Community impact: 5%
  • Approval and review of constraints
  • Budgetary risks
  • Change management
  • Other projects
  • Procurement and vendor
  • Technology, design, and architecture
  • Strategic initiative alignment: 5% of the score

Cabinet adjusted the preliminary priority scores based on seven factors, as well as alignment with the college’s equity objectives.

  • Equitable student success : Is it likely to close equity gaps and improve student outcomes? Is the project aligned with equitable student success and social justice values and goals?
  • Faculty and staff success : Is it likely to improve employee outcomes such as retention, sense of belonging, productivity, and an increased sense of professional growth? Does it have a broad reach within employee group(s)?
  • Regulatory and legal requirements : Is it likely to strengthen the college’s ability to be in compliance with regulatory and legal requirements?
  • Financial (cost savings and/or revenue generation): Is it likely to generate increased and sustained revenue and cost-saving streams for the college? Does it address historical infrastructure and resource gaps?
  • Community impact : Is it likely to strengthen or develop the college’s position as a leader in higher education and as a trusted workforce and community partner, regionally and nationally?
  • Factors not included in the scoring : What are the factors that may contribute to the importance of the project that haven’t been addressed in the data input by project managers?
  • External factors : What factors outside of PCC’s control impact the college and drive the need for these projects, such as changing laws, climate change, sustainability, supply chain issues, and others?

After further review, Cabinet reviewed and adjusted the prioritized list of projects and aligned them with the budget. To kick off the efforts, 10 projects were approved to move forward with funding with strategic investment funds.

Strategic Planning

  • Strategic Plan 2020-2025
  • How we measure: strategic planning metrics
  • Strategy, Policy, and Integrated Planning (SPIP)
  • Projects funded with strategic investment funds

Community College of Philadelphia

Community College of Philadelphia


Strategic Planning

  • Goals Progress
  • The Student Experience Progress
  • Workforce Development, Readiness and Economic Innovation Progress
  • External and Internal Community Relations Progress
  • World-Class Facilities Progress
  • Fiscal Stability and Sustainability Progress
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  • Planning Timeline
  • Plan Facilitators

Guiding Principles for Strategic Planning

Steps to date.

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Strategic planning process.

Love Park

Starting the Strategic Planning Cycle

Now is the optimal time to start the next strategic planning cycle, since the College's current Strategic Plan runs through 2017 and it takes a year or more to develop a new plan. New College leadership also provides an opportunity for everyone to participate in envisioning the future of the College. In addition, the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) requires us to have a strategic plan in place, and made recommendations in 2014 related to mission review and planning.

The purposes of Strategic Planning are:

  • Facilitate alignment and integration
  • Identify Strategic Goals and Objectives
  • Drive resource allocation
  • Serve as a precursor to an implementation plan

View Guiding Principles for Strategic Planning

View Steps to Date

Mission, Vision, and Strategic Plan

Blue Mountain Community College will be a recognized educational leader in achieving student success, completion, and advancement.

Mission Statement

Blue Mountain Community College provides responsive and high quality innovative educational programs and services that promote personal and professional growth to strengthen our communities.

 In support of our vision and mission, Blue Mountain Community College values:

  • Integrity  that promotes trust, honesty, ethical behavior, and professionalism
  • Communication  that is open, honest, and encourages a cooperative exchange of thoughts and ideas
  • Compassionate  relationships based on empathy, kindness, and reliability
  • Access  to all in an equitable manner
  • Respect  of individuals for their uniqueness and diversity
  • Excellence  in an educational environment that engages, challenges, advances intellectual curiosity, and fosters lifelong learning

Strategic Goals 2021-2024

  • Offer relevant and dynamic education in response to community and industry needs. 
  • Empower students to advance on their educational path in a Students First learning environment.
  • Foster a culture of learning and growth in an environment of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Strategic Planning Process

strategic planning process community college

2411 NW Carden Ave. Pendleton, OR 97801 (541) 276-1260

Blue Mountain Community College is on the traditional homelands of the Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla peoples. We pay respect to tribal elders both past and present and thank them for their stewardship of these lands. We extend that respect to all Indigenous people today.

© 2024 Blue Mountain Community College. All rights reserved. Site by Artmil

Three Durham Tech students sit in the quad at Durham Tech during a festival.

Strategic Planning Process

Beginning fall 2020, the College engaged in the development of its 2021–2026 strategic plan. The goal of this process is to identify Durham Tech’s priorities, initiatives, and metrics to ensure equitable student success, the upward economic mobility of our graduates, and the prosperity of our region.  As part of this process the Aspen Institute, Achieving the Dream TM , and the Belk Center will collaborate to conduct an external assessment, which will provide the framework and inform the focus for the strategic plan. For current information on the strategic planning process, please visit the Durham Tech Strategic Planning blog .

Aspen Institute, Achieving the Dream, and the Belk Center to conduct assessment of Durham Tech 

Durham Tech requested that the nation’s premier higher education student success organizations – the Aspen Institute’s Center for Community College Excellence and Achieving the Dream (ATD) support this effort. The Belk Center at NC State will join this collaboration to develop a joint approach to:

  • assess our institutional efforts to close equity gaps and significantly increase student success outcomes and
  • provide recommendations to inform the College’s strategic planning process.  
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Contact Dr. Christine Kelly-Kleese Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer 919-536-7200, ext. 2402 [email protected]  or [email protected]

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Strategic Planning

  • Vision, Mission and Values

Scottsdale Community College utilizes a three-tiered strategic planning process: Tier I is the College Strategic Plan; Tier II plans include the Instructional Plan and the Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Plan. Tier III are the unit level plans made up of sixty plus planning units throughout the college.

College Strategic Plan

At the institutional level, the college strategic plan is focused on SCC’s core objectives. These objectives are engagement, growth, and excellence. These three core objectives each have three implementation strategies. These strategies become the focal point for the college’s committee work. Each strategy in the college strategic plan has a strategy committee made up of administrators, faculty, and staff. The strategy committees are led by co-chairs, one of whom sits on the President’s cabinet and the other representative of the area of focus/expertise. The strategy committee's work consists of leading the implementation of specific tactics throughout the academic year that help the college realize its strategic objective. The Strategic Planning and Allocating Resources Council (SPARC) oversees the entire process including the development of a master planning timeline that guides each strategy team. Each Strategy Committee reports its action items and year-end accomplishments to the President through SPARC. The following year each Strategy Committee embarks on the process again which may consist of new action items or the continuation of multi-year action items. The college utilizes the four disciplines of execution (4DX) to help implement our objectives.

Instructional Plan

SCC’s Instructional Plan promotes student success through active, innovative, relevant, and inclusive instruction. Its mission is to actively engage students in supportive, distinctive, active, culturally relevant, and challenging learning experiences. The purpose of the SCC Instructional Plan is to help students reach their full potential and to meet their lifelong educational, professional, and personal goals. The SCC Instructional Plan provides guidance in the planning of instructional activities and learning support. It is designed to align with the College's Strategic Plan, the Governing Board’s Objectives, and the Chancellor’s Goals. The plan has five primary goals which are supported by specific strategies and action items: Increase equitable student retention, persistence, and retention; Enhance teaching effectiveness and student learning; Increase workforce opportunities and enhance workforce experiences for students; Enhance transfer student enrollment, retention and success; and Engage in continuous improvement and enhance institutional effectiveness.

Unit Strategic Plan

At the unit level, the annual Unit Strategic Planning (USP) process is an integral foundational planning component at SCC. The annual cycle of institutional evaluation and planning at the college is rooted in the vision and mission statements. The USP process provides an analysis of unit health based on criteria defined by faculty, staff and administrators. Unit faculty and staff review and analyze data, provide alternative interpretations, review actions taken in the previous year, and formulate an action plan for the coming year, along with resources needed to carry out that plan. The Unit Strategic Plan is used as the core process for the SCC’s instructional programs and support areas to complete their annual review and resource allocation requests. Completing the USP engages faculty, staff, and administrators in a process that involves reviewing a broad range of relevant data; interpreting the data in terms of demand, efficiency, and effectiveness to understand more clearly what has been happening in their programs, divisions, units, etc.; formulating plans to maintain and/or enhance performance; identifying, justifying and prioritizing the resources they will need to carry out those plans; then justifying and consolidating the requests for resources. All along the way, the process promotes communication and transparency—within programs, divisions, and units, then among various components and levels of the college, and finally with the public.

  • Strategic Planning Glossary of Terms
  • SCC Instructional Plan 2023-2027 (PDF)
  • SCC Strategic Plan 2021-2025 (PDF)
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Strategic Planning

The CCC Strategic Planning Process  links the  2020-2025 Strategic Plan (pdf) to assessment and budgeting cycles. The process involves information based decision-making between and among all units and levels of college decision-making.

The Strategic Planning Committee at Clinton Community College is charged with overseeing the five-year strategic planning cycle and overseeing the development of the annual college-wide goals and objectives that support the five-year planning cycle. The Committee also reviews the resource-related campus needs that have been identified through annual assessment, prioritizes these needs and presents recommendations for subsequent year resource based decisions to the President's Cabinet.

The Strategic Planning Committee has the following members for 2024 - 2025:                                                            

  • Steven Frederick, Co-Chair  (Vice President for Institutional Advancement)     
  • Carey Goyette, Co-Chair  (Vice President for Academic Affairs) 
  • Eugene Ayotte  (Data Analyst)
  • Devin Brassard (Director of Admissions)
  • Sheri Brienza-Wypyski  (Controller)
  • Maggie Courson  (Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Coordinator)
  • Dr. Christopher Drennan (Division Coordinator: English, History & Political Science, and Humanities)
  • Lindsay Fitzgerald  (Learning Resource Specialist)
  • Joanna Jackson (Faculty member: English, History & Political Science, and Humanities Division)
  • Sarah Jennette  (Systems and Electronics Services Librarian)
  • Dr. John Kowal (President)
  • Chrisa O'Connell  (Student Support Services Counselor)     
  • Jessie Pokorny  (Director of IT/Network Administrator) 
  • Paula Rizk  (Director of Human Resources)
  • Lee Ann Thomas  (Faculty member: English, History & Political Science, and Humanities Division)                  

The Strategic Planning Committee meets monthly during the Fall and Spring semesters and as needed when classes are not in session. The committee is guided by the Strategic Planning Procedure Manual (pdf) .

DEPARTMENT: Academic Affairs LOCATION: Moore Bldg., 2nd floor Room 220M Phone: 518-562-4110 OFFICE HOURS STAFF: Carey Goyette V.P. for Academic Affairs Barbara Golden Assistant to the V.P. for Academic Affairs

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Strategic Planning


Strategic planning at Pitt Community College (PCC) is a dynamic, collaborative, and continuous process that sets the future direction for the college. The plan is composed of college’s mission, values, and goals. Strategic planning helps ensure the long-term viability of our institution and the effective and efficient use of public resources. The institutional values and goals listed below were developed via campus input, literature review, and a thorough environmental scan.

  • Focuses on what the college as a whole will do to position for the future;
  • Addresses large-scale issues affecting the college;
  • Relies on input from internal and external environments; and
  • Provides direction for operational activities throughout the college.

Mission Statement

Pitt Community College educates and empowers people for success. With a culture of excellence and innovation, the college is a vital partner in the economic and workforce development of our community. PCC provides access to dynamic learning opportunities designed to foster personal enrichment, successful career preparation, and higher education transfer.

Student Success Vision Statement

Pitt Community College will foster student success through engaging, inclusive and quality instruction and by providing equitable support services that enable students to realize their academic and career goals.

Institutional Core Values

Our student success vision is grounded in our mission and guided by these core values:

1. Community – We play a vital role in the development of our community by offering educational opportunities to citizens of Pitt County and the surrounding region.

2. Success – We believe success is all encompassing. We aim to prepare students for personal and professional success in all we do.

3. Equity – We acknowledge the barriers students face and are committed to dismantling those barriers by creating equity-minded policies and practices, leading to success for all students.

4. Integrity – We operate with integrity in all matters and understand it is the platform for accountability and transparency.

Institutional Priorities and Goals

Priority One: Student Success Goal #1: Increase student persistence and completion. Goal #2: Provide quality, student centered services and processes.

Priority Two: Workforce Development Goal #3: Strengthen workforce development and student and community partnerships.

Priority Three: Equity Goal #4: Assist faculty and staff to develop an awareness of equity and cultural competence. Goal #5:  Create a campus-wide equity agenda that focuses on addressing achievement gaps in student learning and success. Goal #6: Develop strategies for more effective recruitment of diverse faculty and staff.

Priority Four: Organizational Development and Accountability Goal #7: Build a culture of inquiry wherein data are used for sound decision-making and continuous improvement. Goal #8: Strengthen professional development for faculty and staff to enhance their understanding and implementation of best practices for diverse student populations. Goal #9: Develop and implement strategies for inclusive, intentional, and transparent planning and decision-making.

June 24, 2020

Pitt Community College 2020-2025 Strategic Plan: 

Pitt Community College Strategic Plan Midpoint Progress Report:

2023 Midpoint Report

strategic planning process community college

Strategic Planning Process

From November 2019 through May 2021 (with a break due to the COVID-19 pandemic) the Strategic Planning Committee collaborated to develop a five-year Strategic Plan.

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning included creating a mission, vision, values, student experience statement, strategies, objectives, and action plans. The process was guided by Campus Works, Inc., three appointed tri-chairs, and a Strategic Planning Committee representing a wide cross section of SCTCC employees. Together with input from students, staff, and the community we serve, we are now ready for SCTCC  Next .

Implementation of the plan is currently ongoing and includes strategy and action teams working to create SCTCC’s vision.

Mission, Vision, & Beliefs: Strategic Plan 2026

Sctcc next: moving forward…together.

Strategic Plan 2026 graphic

Strategic Planning Events

All employees were invited to contribute their opinions on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the college. Emerging themes are being used to inform the selection of Future Summit presentation topics as well as what 3-4 strategies the College will focus on in the strategic plan.

Students and community members were invited to participate in focus groups to share opportunities, goals, and visions for the future of SCTCC.

The Strategic Planning Committee and the Presidential Cabinet gather to review, and possibly create updates to SCTCC’s mission.

This signature strategic planning event will include a keynote address focusing on our top priorities followed by Ed-Talks, short, inspiring speeches. Workshops and conversations focused on moving our strategic plan forward will follow.

A professional development workshop focused on anti-racism. Tragic Investment: How Race Sabotages Communities and Jeopardizes America’s Future – And What We Can Do About It by Author, James Addington is the focus.

All college employees are invited to take part in a workshop to build on the work done at the first Values Workshop on February 14, discussing institutional values that will guide the campus in working to achieve the priorities identified in the next strategic plan.

During these workshops, committee members will synthesize all of the information and data collected during the process and begin to draft the 3-4 priorities that SCTCC will focus on in the next strategic plan.

All employees will be invited to complete a survey to provide feedback on the drafts of the mission and vision statements, institutional values, and 3-4 strategies for the new strategic plan. Results will be shared with the Strategic Planning Committee and Cabinet for their review and consideration before finalizing these key components of the strategic plan.

At these workshops, the Strategic Planning Committee and college leaders will develop 3-6 measurable objectives for each strategic direction. Draft objectives will be presented to the Cabinet for final approval and once approved, the Strategic Planning Committee and college leaders will develop 12-month action plans to support each objective.

At these workshops, the Strategic Planning Committee and college leaders will develop 12-month action plans to achieve each measurable objective. Action plans will be finalized and approved by the Cabinet and will include assigned leads for each action.

Strategic Plan

Creating a Shared Future Together

strategic plan meeting

Strategic Planning Updates 11.7.2019

strategic plan marker board

Strategic Planning Updates 11.25.2019

Strategic Plan 2018-2020

Strategic Plan 2026 Tri-Chairs

Bretta Edwards - Registrar Wendy Knapek - Financial Aid Assistant Caitlin Hickcox - English Instructor

Middlesex Community College

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With Equity at Its Core • 2022-2027 Strategic Plan

With Equity at Its Core Middlesex Communituy College Strategic Plan 2022-2027

"The degree to which institutions can harness their resources to achieve their objectives will depend upon the clarity of these objectives and the institution’s willingness to set priorities and solve its problems.”  -  American Council on Education The cycle for a new Strategic Plan started in Fall 2019 for a plan to begin implementation in 2020. The new planning process coincided with the College’s 5 year accreditation report to the New England Commission on Higher Education (NECHE) as well as the COVID-19 GLobal Pandemic. 

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Small statue in courtyard surrounded by colorful flowers

Craven Community College faculty, administration, and the Board of Trustees embarked on a strategic planning process over a six-month period in 2022-2023. The Board of Trustees approved the College’s strategic plan, which is designed to guide the College from 2023-2028.

Teaching and Learning

Secure SACSCOC Reaffirmation in 2027

Conduct high quality, rigorous programs that are current and relevant to community needs

  • Achieve CoAEMSP accreditation (Paramedic)
  • Establish the Heavy Equipment Operations program at the Volt Center

Implement seamless pathways from high school through career attainment

  • Articulate vertical alignments from K-12 through degree to transfers/careers
  • Expand Credit for Prior Learning options for students•Improve alignment of Career & College Promise pathways with degree programs
  • Develop efficient Workforce Development-to-Curriculum pathways

Proactively adapt program offerings to changing student demographics

  • Align course content for remote learning as a leading delivery method
  • Equip classrooms for simultaneous multi-modal instruction
  • Increase access to lower-cost instructional materials for students (textbooks)
  • Provide innovative e-learning professional development options for faculty

Advance lifelong educational opportunities through external education partnerships

Connect academic teaching to life applications and experiences

  • Promote “durable skills” across the curriculum (writing, soft skills, etc.)

Develop a dedicated Health Programs infrastructure footprint

Develop and implement programs responsive to community, military, and business needs

  • Implement aviation and related programs to support the F-35 aboard MCAS Cherry Point
  • Increase Health Programs capacity
  • Expand FAA A&P programs to support DoD Skill Bridge
  • Add Community Enrichment Program offerings at the Volt Kitchen and Havelock Campus
  • Implement BioWork curricula leading to national certificationsDevelop the Public Safety Training Center
  • Commission a master planning study to develop 30-acre Industrial Park site
  • Secure capital funding for phased development

Student-Centered Experience

"Students First" Culture

Connect academic offerings to professional expectations

  • Track student post-graduate professional outcomes
  • Increase apprenticeships, internships, and job-shadowing opportunities

Improve student persistence and completion

  • Develop program maps for part-time students
  • Create 12-month programs of study for appropriate disciplines
  • Build laddered-credential sequences that include “on ramps” and “off ramps”•
  • Adapt program offerings to meet unique military family needs
  • Promote social, physical, and mental well-being of students

Provide intentional student support services

  • Conduct proactive academic interventions

Sustain “student first” culture

  • Enhance excellent customer service
  • Match course scheduling and delivery to dynamic student needs
  • Develop student leaders

College Environment

‘First Choice’ for Students; Exceptional Place to Work

Develop faculty and staff for professional leadership opportunities

  • Anticipate leadership succession
  • Conduct cross training to reduce single points of failure
  • Establish an internal College leadership development program

Sustain the College as an exceptional employer and a great place to teach and learn

  • Continue the Panther Education for Trustees (PET) program
  • Adapt the PET program for employee onboarding and continuing education
  • Promote advanced educational opportunities for faculty and staff
  • Maintain competitive salary and benefit packages
  • Provide innovative work/life balance options

Adapt the College’s infrastructure to evolving teaching, learning, and community needs

  • Construct the Corporate Training Center on the Main Campus
  • Complete the Volt Center campus

Maintain welcoming, accessible, safe, and secure campuses

  • Sustain a robust and forward-looking cybersecurity infrastructure
  • Enhance physical security on all campuses
  • Provide responsive ADA services

Sustain “first choice” campus facilities and grounds

  • Conduct an aggressive preventative maintenance program
  • Enhance exterior lighting on all campuses
  • Upgrade Barker Hall elevator

Community Service and Engagement

Engaged, Agile, and Responsive to Diverse Constituencies

Promote generous Foundation giving

  • Increase employee participation in campus campaigns
  • Increase availability and diversity of student scholarship opportunities
  • Engage potential corporate donors
  • Increase the Foundation endowment
  • Sustain the Volt Toolbelt Trust

Engage College retirees and alumni

  • Showcase alumni accomplishments in College’s marketing
  • Develop social and teaching opportunities for retired employees to reconnect with the College

Engage diverse community constituencies

  • Maintain physical presence in historically underserved communities
  • Proactively engage with emerging business needs
  • Connect College offerings to constituency needs
  • Be a preferred “community convener"

Market the College strategically

  • Promote a marketing culture among faculty, staff, and students
  • Advance the College’s reputation as an exceptional teaching and learning institution
  • Use assessment to improve marketing effectiveness

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Austin Community College Spring 2022 Commencement event on Friday, May 13, 2022, at the HEB Center in Cedar Park, Texas.

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Dedicated to Every Student’s Success

Where will Austin Community College be in 2030 |  ACC will be among the premier colleges in the nation — a leader in closing equity gaps, increasing student completion rates, and putting students on guided pathways to reach their educational and career goals. The college’s Strategic Plan is our guide to achieve this vision.

What is the Strategic Plan |  ACC’s Strategic Plan is a comprehensive plan that sets the agenda for the next three to five years as we build upon our work to achieve equity in higher education. Developed in collaboration with our community, ACC’s Strategic Plan includes four overarching goals that align with ACC’s focus on student success. The Strategic Plan provides clear targets to measure our ability to serve students and help all areas of the college remain focused on developing strategies to reach common goals and improve student success. When our students succeed, lives improve, the workforce is stronger, and our community thrives.

Planning Next Steps |  The college’s current Strategic Plan (linked below) was originally scheduled to end on December 2021. However, due to the pandemic and the resulting shifts in the way we teach and learn, the ACC Board of Trustees approved an extension to the plan to allow time for the college to evaluate long-term impacts of the pandemic and identify lasting solutions. The current Strategic Plan will now end on August 31, 2023. A new Strategic Plan will begin September 1, 2023. Work to develop ACC’s next Strategic Plan launched in fall 2022. Learn more about strategic planning .

2017-2021 Strategic Plan

1. Equity & Access

Increase annual unduplicated enrollment at ACC to 85,000 students by 2030 through equity focused connection and entry processes.

  • Support all ACC students in achieving their educational goals by identifying and removing barriers.
  • Attract a diverse student population by ensuring that marketing, recruitment, and enrollment strategies are equitable, and designed to support student access and success.
  • Develop partnerships that provide equitable opportunities for high school students.
  • Ensure instructional programs, academic support, and student support initiatives are designed to serve a diverse student population.
  • Advance diversity, inclusiveness, equity, and social justice through internal and external communication, collaboration, and practices.
  • Ensure accountability through active and continuous analysis of data on equity and access.

2. Persistence & Engagement

Develop an equitable and inclusive learning and student support environment that increases fall-to-fall persistence rates to 58 percent for all students.

  • Continually improve instructional programs with an emphasis on equity and inclusion.
  • Provide equity focused student services support that address the diverse financial, social, and personal needs of all students.
  • Develop learning environments that encourage equity and inclusion and increase diverse student engagement.
  • Create an environment of excellence, equity and inclusion for all faculty, staff and administrators.

3. Completion & Transition to Employment/Transfer

Achieve equitable results in completion and increase annual credential awards to 15,000 by 2030 to improve transfer and employment outcomes for all ACC students.

  • Increase credential attainment and close gaps for underrepresented students enrolled at ACC.
  • Provide services/resources to address barriers to transfer so that all students may pursue baccalaureate options.
  • Provide career services to students to increase equitable employment and facilitate their transition to the workplace.
  • Increase collaboration with community, government and industry partners, who appreciate and encourage diversity to advance inclusiveness in the regional economy and community.

4. Effective & Efficient Operations and Infrastructure

To ensure an organizational environment that promotes equitable student and employee success through effective and efficient operations and infrastructure.

  • Improve communications for all stakeholders.
  • Formalize selection and integration of end-to-end technology processes and solutions.
  • Develop comprehensive and equitable human resource management programs.
  • Optimize operating efficiencies and effectiveness.
  • Enhance the learning and working environment with equitable and accessible facilities.
  • Increase collaboration with service providers who appreciate and encourage diversity, equity and inclusion in their business practices.
  • Chancellor’s Priorities
  • FY24 – FY29 Planning Process
  • Planning Process
  • How to Get Involved
  • Strategic Planning Steering Committee

ACC 2017-2021 Strategic Plan

Strategic plan dashboards.

Current information regarding where ACC is currently trending for each of the goals in the Strategic Plan.

View Dashboards

Dr. Mary Harris Vice Chancellor, Institutional Effectiveness & Grant Development [email protected]

Start Here. Get There.

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Strategic Plan

Mitchell Community College 2023-2028 Strategic Plan: Mitchell Empowers Futures

Dr. Tim Brewer, President of Mitchell Community College.

As we continue to provide quality education and move forward with wisdom from our past and a firm foundation in our present, Mitchell looks towards the future. We have taken time to reflect, seek input and move through the process of refreshing, resetting, and reconnecting in ways that have led to the development of a new strategic plan.

The College began the strategic planning process which was developed through the culmination of shared efforts between the College Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, students and our community. This process included an internal review of the College’s mission, vision, equity statement, and core values alongside refreshed college-wide objectives, stakeholder engagement, and an understanding of how Mitchell fits within an external economic climate.

We live in a dynamic and fast-growing community and Mitchell is on a trajectory to continue to do as we have historically done – focus on student success with intention. Our commitment to excellence in education is inspired by a desire to create relevant pathways and equitable access to educational opportunities.

These opportunities will align with workforce needs and provide graduates with socioeconomic sustainability in Iredell County and beyond.

Dr. Tim Brewer , President

Through an internal review of the College’s mission, vision, equity statement, and core values alongside refreshed college-wide objectives, stakeholder engagement and an understanding of how Mitchell’s pathways fit within an external economic climate, Mitchell Empowers Futures was developed during the strategic planning process as a blueprint for Mitchell Community College to facilitate relevant and purposeful success for its current and prospective students.

Mitchell Community College’s strategic planning process will enable the College to continue to operate as a driving engine for economic development in Iredell County. Whether entering the world of work or pursuing additional education, Mitchell equips students with transferrable skills that enable success.

Strategic Priorities

Mitchell Community College’s strategic planning process will enable the College to continue to operate as a driving engine for economic development by equipping students with transferrable skills that enable success by focusing on:

Mitchell student receiving instruction in a classroom.

Teaching and Learning

that inspires students to achieve their goals and realize success.

Achieving Economic Mobility

by preparing students for employment through programs that are relevant and align with the needs of business and industry.

Thriving Partnerships

with stakeholders through collaborative actions that lead to greater student success.

These strategic priorities serve as a blueprint that guides the work that we do. Mitchell Community College meets students where they are on a spectrum of knowledge and skills, and provides educational opportunities for professional and personal growth to ensure that we Empower Futures .


Mitchell graduate Holding a diploma.

Mitchell Community College is the leader in higher education in Iredell County, offering unique educational opportunities for a diverse student population with varying needs and goals.

To provide this supportive environment, the College maintains comprehensive partnerships with various organizations including public schools, non-profit entities, colleges and universities, business and industry partners, municipalities and other community-based organizations.

Although there may be similarities in comparing the services of other agencies to what the College offers, Mitchell is unique in its open-door institution model which offers help and support for any student that wishes to pursue educational opportunities.

As we reflect on how Mitchell Empowers Futures of current and prospective students, the College must realign its institutional goals to provide effective and relevant pathways that ensure student success and further develop the community’s workforce.

Mitchell’s strategic planning team set out to refresh, reset, and reconnect the College’s current goals in a more purposeful way.

Picture of Mitchell's Mooresville Campus sign.

Mitchell’s strategic planning process sets a blueprint for the College’s next five years. This process assesses future trends, creates collaboration in the design of institutional goals, prioritizes success-driven objectives, and rearticulates use of the College’s strategic plan within other annual plans implemented at the college.

As an educational institution, the strategic planning process aligns the College’s resources, programs, and day-to-day functions with more relevant pathways that help all students find accessible educational options that fit their unique needs and schedules.

Group of Mitchell students posing for a photo at an outdoor event.

Mitchell Community College provides equitable access to affordable, high-quality learning experiences and services that lead to social and economic mobility for students.

strategic planning process community college

Mitchell Community College aspires to be a catalyst that nurtures intellect, ignites creativity, fosters innovation, and transforms lives for our community and beyond.

Equity Statement

strategic planning process community college

The diversity, equity, inclusion, justice and belonging work at Mitchell seeks to

  • create opportunity for difficult dialogue and self-inquiry to create healthy relationships and promote a growth mindset;
  • remove barriers and replace practices that perpetuate inequities to increase all student success;
  • provide psychological and physical safety for belonging and inclusion for students/faculty/staff so all can flourish;
  • practice empathy and equity mindedness in our daily work;
  • invite the humanness of everyone on campus to bring their whole selves to our space.

Core Values, Priorities & Goals

Mitchell's three strategic priorities are linked to key core values and specific goals that further inform the strategic plan.

Background & Process

Learn more about Mitchell and the development process of the strategic plan.

Hours of Operation Monday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Tuesday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Wednesday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Thursday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Saturday Closed Sunday Closed

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Strategic Planning Process

The strategic planning process included three phases :.

The "Reveal" data gathering process was completed by June 30th .

During this part of the process, the Institutional Research & Decision Support team oversaw the collection of data from both internal (faculty, staff, and students) and external (community members, business partners) College stakeholders.

The data came in the form of survey responses and group discussions where participants were asked to submit statements that reflect their ideas for what the College should achieve by 2021 in the five themes.

The "Review" data analysis process was completed by August 31st .

When the data collection period closed, all the responses were analyzed internally by the Institutional Research & Decision Support team along with an external evaluator.

That analysis of the data identified similarities and overarching ideas among the responses. From those overarching ideas, the goal statements that make up the Strategic Plan were formed during the Renew stage of the process.

Data Review Groups, made up of volunteer College stakeholders, assisted in distilling the data further.

Data Review Group Meetings:

  • September 17, 2018 — 10:00am – 12:00pm Center Teaching & Learning (CTL)
  • September 13, 2018 — 1:30pm – 3:30pm Center Teaching & Learning (CTL)
  • August 23, 2018 — 10:00am – 2:00pm Center Teaching & Learning (CTL) — 5:30pm – 7:30pm Genesee Room, Prahl College Center
  • August 22, 2018 — 1:00pm – 3:00pm Center Teaching & Learning (CTL)

The "Renew" plan development part of the process was completed by November 30th .

Once the data analysis was complete and the goal statements were created and approved, College departments created tactical plans that align with the goal statements. Tactical plans included implementation steps and measurable outcomes, that will move the College toward the vision reflected in the 2019-2021 Strategic Plan.

During this phase, the Institutional Research & Decision Support team assisted with the creation of tactical plans that were measured and by identifying the ways in which the entire plan was assessed.

The tactical plans were implemented January 1, 2019.

Strategic Planning Sessions

Strategic Planning - Student Session

The 2019-2021 Strategic Plan was approved by the Board on December 17, 2018.

Virtual Advisor

ACC Website Updates - May 19 Website Updates: We're working to improve your experience. You may notice some changes on our website in the coming days. Look for updates to our homepage, campus pages, and other sections. Things may look a little different, but you'll still find all the same resources and services on each page. Thank you for your patience while we make this transition.

Austin Community College District Logo.

Strategic Enrollment Planning Process

The planning process includes participation from all areas of the college through representation in the Strategic Enrollment Committee and its subcommittees.

  • Identify members of the Strategic Enrollment Committee and its subcommittees.
  • A Strategic Enrollment Planning website will be created and populated with planning documents and resource materials.
  • Subcommittees will develop proposals recommending initiatives for building strategic enrollment among their key demographic.
  • The committee will offer recommendations to the cabinet and Board of Trustees for review, discussion, and approval.

Guiding Assumptions for the ACC Strategic Enrollment Committee:

  • It should be aspirational, yet helpful in prioritizing the many initiatives that we undertake.
  • Everything we do is important, but not everything is a priority. Even if something is not in the Strategic Enrollment plan, it does not mean it will be eliminated.


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  1. The strategic planning process

    The strategic planning process From September 2019 to November 2020, Portland Community College developed a new strategic plan with a five-to-ten-year vision. With leaders throughout the college, as well as faculty, staff, and students leading the way, PCC embarked upon a strategic planning journey in August of 2019.

  2. Strategic Planning Process

    In addition, the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) requires us to have a strategic plan in place, and made recommendations in 2014 related to mission review and planning. The purposes of Strategic Planning are: Facilitate alignment and integration. Identify Strategic Goals and Objectives. Drive resource allocation. Serve as a ...

  3. PDF Clovis Community College Strategic Plan 2021-2025

    The CCC Strategic Plan 2021-2025 is the result of college-wide collaboration to create a plan that focuses on achieving the Institutional Goals outlined in our CCC Educational Master Plan 2017-2021, which was approved by the Board of Trustees on April 4, 2017. This plan continues the work started with the CCC Strategic Plan 2017 -2021.

  4. Planning Process

    Fall - September 16, 2022. Spring - March 24, 2023. Faculty and staff will learn about the process the consultants are guiding us through to develop our new strategic plan. Then participants will be introduced to the draft themes that have been gathered to date and will be asked to give input on the themes and recommendations for possible ...

  5. Mission, Vision, and Strategic Plan

    Strategic Planning Process. 2411 NW Carden Ave. Pendleton, OR 97801 (541) 276-1260. Blue Mountain Community College is on the traditional homelands of the Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla peoples. We pay respect to tribal elders both past and present and thank them for their stewardship of these lands. We extend that respect to all Indigenous ...

  6. FY24

    FY24 - FY29 Planning Process. Austin Community College strives to be among the premier colleges in the nation — a leader in closing equity gaps, increasing student completion rates, and putting students on guided pathways to reach their educational and career goals. The college's Strategic Plan brings this vision to life. In fall 2022 ...

  7. PDF Pitt Community College

    Plan that has a topic identified through its ongoing, comprehensive planning and evaluation process. SUMMARY The 2020-2025 Pitt Community College Strategic Plan is presented as an intentional approach to advance the mission, and student success vision, and overall growth for the college.

  8. Strategic Planning Process

    Strategic Planning Process. Beginning fall 2020, the College engaged in the development of its 2021-2026 strategic plan. The goal of this process is to identify Durham Tech's priorities, initiatives, and metrics to ensure equitable student success, the upward economic mobility of our graduates, and the prosperity of our region.

  9. Strategic Planning

    The SCC Instructional Plan provides guidance in the planning of instructional activities and learning support. It is designed to align with the College's Strategic Plan, the Governing Board's Objectives, and the Chancellor's Goals. The plan has five primary goals which are supported by specific strategies and action items: Increase ...

  10. Strategic Planning

    The CCC Strategic Planning Process links the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan (pdf) to assessment and budgeting cycles. The process involves information based decision-making between and among all units and levels of college decision-making. The Strategic Planning Committee at Clinton Community College is charged with overseeing the five-year strategic ...

  11. Strategic Planning

    Strategic planning at Pitt Community College (PCC) is a dynamic, collaborative, and continuous process that sets the future direction for the college. The plan is composed of college's mission, values, and goals. Strategic planning helps ensure the long-term viability of our institution and the effective and efficient use of public resources.

  12. Strategic Planning Process

    Strategic planning included creating a mission, vision, values, student experience statement, strategies, objectives, and action plans. The process was guided by Campus Works, Inc., three appointed tri-chairs, and a Strategic Planning Committee representing a wide cross section of SCTCC employees. Together with input from students, staff, and ...

  13. MCC's Strategic Planning Website

    The cycle for a new Strategic Plan started in Fall 2019 for a plan to begin implementation in 2020. The new planning process coincided with the College's 5 year accreditation report to the New England Commission on Higher Education (NECHE) as well as the COVID-19 GLobal Pandemic. A community college in Bedford and Lowell, Massachusetts ...

  14. Strategic Goals and Plan

    Craven Community College faculty, administration, and the Board of Trustees embarked on a strategic planning process over a six-month period in 2022-2023. The Board of Trustees approved the College's strategic plan, which is designed to guide the College from 2023-2028.

  15. Strategic Plan

    Dedicated to Every Student's Success. Where will Austin Community College be in 2030 | ACC will be among the premier colleges in the nation — a leader in closing equity gaps, increasing student completion rates, and putting students on guided pathways to reach their educational and career goals.The college's Strategic Plan is our guide to achieve this vision.

  16. Strategic Plan

    Purpose. Mitchell's strategic planning process sets a blueprint for the College's next five years. This process assesses future trends, creates collaboration in the design of institutional goals, prioritizes success-driven objectives, and rearticulates use of the College's strategic plan within other annual plans implemented at the college.

  17. Process

    The planning process includes participation from all areas of the college through representation in the Strategic Enrollment Committee and its subcommittees. Identify members of the Strategic Enrollment Committee and its subcommittees. A Strategic Enrollment Planning website will be created and populated with planning documents and resource ...

  18. Strategic Planning Process

    The Strategic Planning process included three phases: Reveal: The "Reveal" data gathering process was completed by June 30th. login required ... and external (community members, business partners) College stakeholders. The data came in the form of survey responses and group discussions where participants were asked to submit statements that ...

  19. Strategic Planning

    Open to everyone (students, employees, community members, alumni, industry partners, etc.) through the month of June, the Strategic Planning Survey is a great way to give us your valuable feedback about the direction of the college in a very short amount of time. Part I of the survey should only take 5 minutes to complete. You can then choose to answer additional optional questions in Part II.

  20. Capital Community College

    College Level Infrastructure and Process The College has a Strategic Planning Committee appointed by the President and charged with development of a new strategic plan covering the period from 2006-2011. In the first phase of strategic planning, the Planning Committee revised the College mission statement and identified five goals. Preliminary ...

  21. Strategic Enrollment Planning Process

    The planning process includes participation from all areas of the college through representation in the Strategic Enrollment Committee and its subcommittees. Identify members of the Strategic Enrollment Committee and its subcommittees. A Strategic Enrollment Planning website will be created and populated with planning documents and resource ...

  22. Coconino Community College

    A total of four strategic goals were developed for the plan based on input received from all areas of the College in the planning process. Those goals are: Strategic Goal #1: CCC will help each student achieve success through a supported and individualized educational experience. Strategic Goal #2: CCC will practice sustainability through ...


    CHARGE TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN STEERING COMMITTEE April 30, 2024 As a steering commi.ee, you are charged with the following: • Produce a five-year, college-wide strategic plan; • Aggregate feedback across campus, from alumni, and external partners • Review and highlight best pracBces and insights on strategic planning