Critical Thinking Skills

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Remember playing the game Clue as a kid? You’d collect evidence, analyze the possibilities, and come to your own conclusions based on what you knew (and what you didn’t). As a project manager, the skills you developed playing games like Clue are extremely useful. The acting gatekeeper for your team, you’re used to evaluating information and making decisions to benefit your department and the business as a whole. Whether you’re a seasoned project manager or just learning the ropes, knowing how to fine-tune your critical thinking skills will come in handy every single day.

Continue reading to learn: 

  • A definition of critical thinking
  • The six critical skills project managers need
  • Why critical thinking skills are crucial for project managers
  • How to work your critical thinking muscles
  • Effective critical thinking techniques

Let’s get critical. 

What is critical thinking?

Ask five different people what critical thinking means and you’ll probably get five different answers. But, generally speaking, critical thinking refers to intellectual tactics used to observe and analyze information to draw better conclusions. A key factor in critical thinking is looking beyond the surface of an idea, a concept, or a piece of information. It involves asking questions — to yourself or others — to go deeper and draw better conclusions.

Critical thinking can be used by anyone, in any role, to make their job easier. You can find new insights, optimize an inefficient process, and get projects done faster. Developing your critical thinking means building habits that follow you throughout your career.

Here’s a breakdown of crucial critical thinking skills for project managers — or any other role.

6 critical thinking skills for project managers

Skill #1: observation.

Critical thinking skills starts with being more aware of what’s going on. Working on an important project? Being observant might mean keeping a close eye on comments from collaborators, or just paying better attention during meetings with your data team. Becoming a more observant person means you can identify problems others miss or pick up on context clues that help you solve problems down the road.

Skill #2: Analysis

Spotting problems, clues, and that one important comment in a Slack thread is just the beginning. If observation is how you bring in more information, analysis is how you determine what you’re going to do with it. Having an analytical approach to your problems means knowing what information you have available, knowing how relevant each piece is to the problem at hand, and being able to ask better questions. 

Skill #3: Identifying bias

This critical thinking skill ties in closely with analysis but is important enough to be its own skill. Bias is inherent in everything we do, from collecting data to creating content and solving problems. For instance, because this blog post is being written by a marketer, it might use different examples than a writer from a more technical team. You can spot a bias by asking yourself questions, like “are there elements of this person’s experience or perspective that might be affecting what they’re saying?” Bias can affect every role in an organization.

Skill #4: Inference

This is a fancy term for drawing better conclusions. This crucial critical thinking skill helps you make better use of the information you collect, the questions you ask, and the potential problems you spot. Think of everything you might have done so far as putting ingredients in a stew. You can have the best ingredients in the world, but if you leave the pot on too long, you’ll end up with something closer to charcoal than stew.

One of the quickest ways to improve your inference skills is, ironically, by slowing down. Instead of blurting out the first conclusion that comes to mind, start with a few educated guesses, and compare them to each other. Which one makes the most sense? Which is weakest?

Skill #5: Problem-solving

If inference is how you come to better conclusions, problem-solving is how you put them into action. This critical thinking skill encompasses the tactics and strategies you use to take something that looks good on paper and make it great in practice. Problem-solving includes  planning  how you’ll solve a problem, but also reacting to hurdles along the way and staying flexible. A great way to improve your problem-solving skills is asking yourself “is this still the best way to solve the problem?” at every stage of your plan. Sometimes, people can get set in their ways, meaning they stick to an ineffective solution long after they should have pivoted to something else.

Skill #6: Curiosity

This is less a skill than it is a characteristic every critical thinker should work to develop. Every other critical thinking skill is helped by broadening having access to more information and more knowledge. For instance, you can be the most observant person in the world, but you’d still struggle to pick out all the problems in a presentation from the data team if you weren’t at least a little familiar with data analysis. Beyond expertise in specific fields, critical thinking — and thinking in general — is easier when you have a breadth of knowledge and experiences to draw from. You can find links that others would miss and learn to think in different ways. Read more books, listen to more podcasts, and approach the world at large with more curiosity.

Why do project managers need critical thinking skills? 

When people hear the phrase ‘critical thinking’, they often picture a negative person. Being a critical thinker doesn’t mean you have a bad attitude or that you aren’t a team player. It’s quite the opposite. 

Critical thinking means questioning processes, projects, and even core business practices that are widely accepted as given. Not to tear them down, but to improve them for the benefit of the entire team. 

The Project Management Institute (PMI) outlines how important this skill is: 

“Corporate leaders have put critical thinking at the top of the list of essential competencies needed by their workers to understand these challenges, explore opportunities, and make good decisions in this new competitive environment.” 

When used in the context of project management, effective critical thinking can: 

  • Encourage deeper, more  productive discussions
  • Facilitate open communication between team members 
  • Resolve issues between team members and stakeholders more quickly
  • Develop better solutions to problems 
  • Reduce stress throughout a project 
  • Prevent repetitive issues
  • Achieve better results faster 

Now that you know why critical thinking skills are priority for project managers, it’s time to find out how you can improve yours.

How project managers can develop better critical thinking skills 

There’s one core principle that will guide your critical thinking: question everything. Project managers can’t just approve all requests that come in from stakeholders across the organization — unless they want a stressed-out, overworked team.

A good project manager knows how to prioritize projects according to the business’ overall needs and goals. With every request that comes in, you need to be prepared to evaluate the project’s impact on the business, the necessity of the project, and the why. Building this process — this instinct — into your daily work is how you build and strengthen your critical thinking skills.

For every potential project, consider: 

  • Why is this important right now? While most stakeholders will say their project is urgent, you need to find out exactly how true this is. Perhaps the project could be scheduled for a later date that works better for your team’s schedule. 
  • Why does my team need to be involved? For example, if you manage the creative team and a request for a sales presentation comes in, figure out exactly what your team will need to do.
  • Why is my team’s time better spent on this project than other projects? Does this project contribute more to the business than other work your team could be doing? 

Those are three important questions to ask yourself, but what about the questions you ask others?

When a new project lands in your inbox, you need to know what to ask of the sender and how to delicately frame those questions. There are a few question formats that work especially well for this stage of the project. These include:

  • ‘tell me more’ questions (eg. Tell me more about what will be required from each member of my team)
  • ‘help me understand’ questions (eg. Help me understand why this project is urgent)
  • ‘can you give me an example’ questions (eg. Can you give me an example of the types of results you’re looking for here?). 

These questions allow you to get a better understanding of the project and make sure it’s a good fit for your team. They’re also usually well-received by whoever initiated the project.

Prioritization means making tough calls, and project managers need to be ready and equipped to do so. You can’t be afraid to say no when the project doesn’t make sense from a timing or business standpoint. However, you will also need to be ready to explain the reasoning behind your “no”. The following techniques will help you feel confident in your decisions and authority as a project manager. 

Critical thinking techniques for project managers 

Critical thinking skills are one thing, but when evaluating the priority of a new project, there are critical thinking techniques you can put into practice to boost results and team morale. 

  • Avoid making or accepting assumptions 
  • Identify potential issues (and their consequences) from the start
  • Use the Five Whys to find the root of problems 

Let’s dive into these a little bit more. 

1. Avoid assumptions 

You know what they say about assuming things. When you make assumptions as a project manager, you’re missing out on and ignoring key information that could make or break your project. You can have the best critical thinking skills in the office, but making the wrong assumption can undo all your hard work.

A big part of critical thinking is digging into reasoning and probing for evidence rather than drawing your own immediate conclusions. When you’re pitched a new project — and during the course of the entire project — question any preconceived notions (yours or theirs). Ensure you’re given concrete evidence for the viability of the project, and look for any holes in the process or strategy that could impact your team. 

When challenging assumptions, consider the following questions: 

  • Am I assuming all members of this project have all the information they need to complete their tasks?
  • What assumptions am I making about each team members’ skill sets? 
  • Am I making assumptions about each team member’s time and availability? 
  • What are some possible issues that may arise with this project? How can I work backwards and challenge any assumptions in order to avoid these issues? 
  • What assumptions have I made about the stakeholder or project creator? What do they need to know? 

Never take anything for granted. When your job is to facilitate and manage expectations, it’s important that you’re questioning and challenging your own assumptions — and those of team members and stakeholders — at all stages of the process. 

2. Consider potential issues 

When you’re questioning assumptions, you’re also working towards another big part of your job: risk management. By proactively questioning what could go wrong, you can prepare for any issues that might arise during the course of the project. Not only that, but you can consider the implications and consequences of when things go awry. 

Consider a cause and effect approach with hypothetical — but realistic — issues. Give yourself an hour to write down any possible issues that could arise with the project, along with a list of consequences associated with each one. For example: 

  • Problem : The video editor won’t have enough time to deliver the final file. 
  • Consequence : The rest of the project will be held up. Costs will increase and we could miss the deadline.  

In a perfect world, project managers wouldn’t face any problems and all projects would be smooth sailing. Since that’s unfortunately not the case, here are some helpful tools you can use to avoid the escalation of issues — as well as repeating roadblocks with future projects.

3. Use the Five Whys

In addition to the “why” questions outlined above, a proven project management technique called “The Five Whys” can help you explore the true cause or causes of any problem. 

Here’s how explains it: 

“5 Whys is an iterative elicitation method used to explore cause-and-effect relationships underlying a particular problem. The primary goal of the technique is to determine the root cause of a defect or problem by repeating the question ‘Why?’. Each answer forms the basis of the next question.” 

To complete The Five Whys, you simply repeat the question “why?” five times until you come to the root of the problem. Each answer is understood to be a “contributing cause” that impacts the final result. 

For example: 

  • Because multiple teams weren’t able to complete their tasks on time (contributing cause). 
  • Because their time wasn’t prioritized properly (contributing cause). 
  • Because multiple last-minute projects were assigned (contributing cause). 
  • Because other stakeholders didn’t understand the prioritization and project assignment process (contributing cause). 
  • Because they haven’t been properly trained or given the necessary information (root cause). 

Once you get to the root of the problem, you can take action to ensure these issues are minimized or avoided in the future. 

For project managers, sometimes taking a moment to just stop and consider all of the possibilities, consequences, and information can make all the difference between a well-thought-out decision and a future regret. Developing and exercising your critical thinking skills is a surefire way to drive positive business results.

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A Short Guide to Building Your Team’s Critical Thinking Skills

  • Matt Plummer

critical thinking and project management

Critical thinking isn’t an innate skill. It can be learned.

Most employers lack an effective way to objectively assess critical thinking skills and most managers don’t know how to provide specific instruction to team members in need of becoming better thinkers. Instead, most managers employ a sink-or-swim approach, ultimately creating work-arounds to keep those who can’t figure out how to “swim” from making important decisions. But it doesn’t have to be this way. To demystify what critical thinking is and how it is developed, the author’s team turned to three research-backed models: The Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment, Pearson’s RED Critical Thinking Model, and Bloom’s Taxonomy. Using these models, they developed the Critical Thinking Roadmap, a framework that breaks critical thinking down into four measurable phases: the ability to execute, synthesize, recommend, and generate.

With critical thinking ranking among the most in-demand skills for job candidates , you would think that educational institutions would prepare candidates well to be exceptional thinkers, and employers would be adept at developing such skills in existing employees. Unfortunately, both are largely untrue.

critical thinking and project management

  • Matt Plummer (@mtplummer) is the founder of Zarvana, which offers online programs and coaching services to help working professionals become more productive by developing time-saving habits. Before starting Zarvana, Matt spent six years at Bain & Company spin-out, The Bridgespan Group, a strategy and management consulting firm for nonprofits, foundations, and philanthropists.  

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Critical Thinking In Project Management

What is the Role of Critical Thinking in Project Management?

Every individual has their biases, and project managers are no exception. However, thinking critically and recognising your biases are essential to have a successful project. So, what is the role of critical thinking in project management?

Critical thinking allows separating facts and real options from speculations, opinions and wishful thinking when making decisions in project management. Critical thinking recognises biases in you and other stakeholders, enabling rational reasoning to achieve optimal project outcomes.

From the top answer, it is clear that we all have biases, but it is tough to recognise them for any individual. It requires a separate sit down with yourself and objective self-analysis. However, what could help in this process is the list of biases that each of us may have. 

We will discuss more in-depth critical thinking and what it takes in the post. I will share top biases and apply them to project management experience. 

Hopefully, by the end of the post, I and you will be more self-aware and will be able to make more rational decisions in your teams and organisations. Plus, we should recognise the same biases in other stakeholders and enhance our stakeholder management skills.

What is Critical Thinking

What is Critical Thinking?

It is pretty hard to define critical thinking as it covers multiple aspects of communication, analysis, decision-making, and addressing biases. My best definition would sound like this:

Critical thinking is finding and understanding facts to make a decision. The goal is to be as rational as possible, critically evaluate situations and information to stay rational and find the best options. 

There is no university where you can genuinely learn critical thinking. Plus, traditionally, courses will teach or imply a linear thinking and problem-solving process, which is far from reality, trust me! Life is much messier. Later in the post, we will discuss hacks and tools you can use to bring more clarity to your complex thought process, but it will not be perfect either. However, it is the best we have.

Furthermore, you cannot be perfect at critical thinking either as it requires you to be perfectly unbiased, which is impossible for a human being. Yes, there are courses, posts like mine and similar information we discuss today, which will help to have a good background. 

Still, the best school you will have is life with actual complex grey situations, where a straightforward decision is not clear. You will need to learn through: 

  • Self-direction 
  • Self-discipline 
  • Self-monitoring
  • Self-corrective as you might not know the right decision immediately. 

It is part of effective communication and problem-solving abilities, which prioritise logic rather than herd mentality or consensus. Plus, to help you on the way, we will look into the top 10 biases affecting project managers.

Why Do Project Managers Need Critical Thinking Skills

Why Do Project Managers Need Critical Thinking Skills?

Projects are complex affairs with multiple stakeholders who have their interests in mind and opinions. Plus, you will never have complete information about the future and will have to make various assumptions. Unfortunately, you cannot hope to have a successful project based on opinions and unclarified assumptions. Therefore, we would want to improve our odds of success by thinking on our feet and filtering opinions from facts and evaluating data accurately.

Sometimes people associate critical thinking with being critical of something or someone. However, that is not the case, as we merely clarify the situation through open discussion or rational thought processes.

Critical thinking could help by encouraging more comprehensive discussions between the team and stakeholders by addressing biases and understanding bases for particular preferences and opinions. Eventually, with the understanding situation better, you can find a more suitable and faster solution for a problem. In the process, reduce stress and drama, preventing repeating issues, improving timelines.

It would help if you aimed to critically think about your projects’ planning, monitoring, and control. These stages usually have more assumptions, expectations and estimation challenges. 

We will learn how to improve our critical thinking by asking the right questions in the first place and addressing our biases. But before that, let’s understand objectives for the project manager and critical thinking.

What Is Project Manager's Objective with Applying Critical Thinking

What Is Project Manager’s Objective with Applying Critical Thinking?

The ultimate objective is, of course, to deliver the project on time, within budget and with the correct scope elements. However, to achieve that, we need to apply critical thinking and mitigate several unknowns.

First, we would like to clarify risks & issues as well as assumptions. Applying critical thinking techniques and thought processes may allow us to extract that information from stakeholders. 

Second, we need to make sure that our messages are unambiguous. People have biases and beliefs; the last thing we need is misinterpretation and hurdles from various stakeholders. Critical thinking can help with refining communication. 

Third, we need to understand how various decisions at points in time affect the project’s outcome. Also, it is not enough just to trust your expertise and intuition, but you really need to get others involved in the conversation. Critical thinking might help with your personal biases and trail of thought that would give a better view of the impact.

What Are Top Qualities of Critical Thinkers

What Are Top Qualities of Critical Thinkers?

To become a critical thinker, you need a combination of self-reflection, an inquisitive approach, and several techniques to help you in your rational ways.

1. Enhance Analytical Skills to Become Better Critical Thinker

As we try to be more logical, analytical skills are essential. As a project manager or business analyst, the good news is that you have those in abundance. You only need to utilise them. Well analysed situation or constructed argument to follow a specific direction could save a project from wasted resources. 

2. Being Tolerant to Become Better Critical Thinker

One way to protect yourself from biases or narrow views is to ask others to share their opinions. However, you might not always like what you hear. Probably, it is a good thing as it will be something different from your current ideas. Be open-minded and tolerant of others, and you might uncover some of your biases, which could save your project.

3. Critical Thinkers Need to be Confident

When you are trying to be critical in your thought process, you need to consider various stakeholders, even senior ones. You might disagree with them, and you need to be confident to consider those views and challenge them if you think they may negatively impact the project.

4. Curiosity Helps to be a Critical Thinker

If you would like to learn about different perspectives or understand broader pictures and situations, you need to be interested. If you are not, you are unlikely to seek those answers and will just follow the status quo. A bit of curiosity might give you a more rounded solution.

5. Critical Thinkers Need to be Truth-seekers 

The goal of critical thinking is not to be correct. It is about finding what is the truth even if it proves that you are wrong. One excellent quality of the leader is to admit when they are wrong. You will command the respect of your colleagues and probably get a better result for the organisation.

6. Constructing A Good Argument to become a Critical Thinker

We discuss a lot about thinking and listening to others, but you also need to influence the project. When you have uncovered facts and options, you need to learn to construct your arguments clearly, based on facts. Also, that includes considering other stakeholders’ points so you can adapt your message.

What Are Challenges with Critical Thinking in Projects

What Are Challenges with Critical Thinking in Projects?

Time constraints for critical thinking in projects.

Critical thinking is hard work and requires time. Projects tend to be a fast-paced environment with multiple deadlines, meetings and deliverables. Sometimes you do not have time for all those second opinions, inputs from stakeholders or complex thought processes. Although you should sometimes prioritise logic and reason, you end up going with your experience, a.k.a. “gut feeling”.

Senior Stakeholders Is A Challenge For Critical Thinking

Sometimes senior stakeholders do not like to be questioned or challenged. So even if you have identified a bias in stakeholders’ thought processes, it is hard to change their opinion, which could cost the project. Having one-to-one conversations, presenting facts and figures, or testing results if we choose stakeholders’ paths might help adjust their views.

Unrealistic Expectations Hurst Critical Thinking

Unrealistic expectations could be due to several stakeholder biases in the project. They might think that a particular solution will solve all their problems or that the project can be delivered in half of the required time. When individuals have those expectations, it is tough to have logical discussions on project deliverables as they might think it is a waste of time even to start the project. It is essential to identify those early so you can begin preparing a communication plan to address them.

Misunderstanding International Teams or Processes

Misunderstanding is common in projects that are run internationally. Different cultures might interpret input or output unexpectedly. Also, you can have stakeholders who may not appreciate all the processes involved in various project activities. 

It will be hard to think critically as a group in both cases. You want to spend additional time explaining context, highlighting complex scenarios/efforts and clarifying expectations and definitions. 

Challenging Norms is Difficult

It is hard to challenge existing norms and asking the question, “Why”. You might feel silly to challenge experts or group thinking. However, the confidence to ask those questions allows getting a different perspective. It is not easy, but often part of the project manager and business analyst job.

Lack of Knowledge 

A project can have a particular domain which is new to you. It would help if you read up about it, but sometimes it is not enough. Trying to wing it will not be the right approach as you cannot have a rational, considered point of view without understanding. It is reasonable to get outside help, like consultants or other project managers in those cases.

Not Asking a Question or the Right Question

There are situations where later in the project, you realised that some of the critical questions had not been asked and conclusions have been made based on assumptions. Therefore, you cannot have the correct answer without asking the question. It would be best to correct your mistake and get the required input to adjust your thinking and become more inlighted.

What Are Top 10 Biases of Project Managers

What Are Top 10 Biases of Project Managers?

There are so many biases each of us has that it would be challenging to address all of them at once actively. However, we could think about the ten most relevant for the project manager and even business analysts, affecting the project’s outcome.

If you would like to get an exhaustive list, check out the book on amazon,  The Art of Thinking Clearly . It is a very long list, but the author gives very lovely examples interesting to listen to.

1. Planning Fallacy Impacts Your Critical Thinking

The Planning Fallacy is the overestimation of benefits and underestimation of risks, costs and duration of a project. Of course, you would be the most exposed to the bias during the initiation and planning stages of the project. When we plan the project, we might underestimate how long it takes to complete each task, which partially links with risks. We tend to look more optimistically and underestimate the impact of various threats to the timeline. 

Senior management would also have such biases and pressure to complete the project sooner than you would feel comfortable with. Altogether, you might also overestimate benefits to the organisation and underestimate costs in the business case. Therefore, the organisation might start the project, which might cost more than the benefits we can realise.

The easiest solution would be to compare your project with a similar project in the past when preparing plans and cost vs benefits analysis. I have also written two articles that help to deal with budget and timeline issues. Have a look; they both help if you end up in a bad spot in your project.


2. Confirmation Bias   Impact Your Critical Thinking

Confirmation bias is looking for only the evidence that supports your beliefs. So, suppose you are thinking about one particular vendor you really like and have seen some excellent presentations in the past. In that case, you might only see or highlight the benefits and discounting costs or risks as unrealistic. 

Again your stakeholders can also have particular beliefs about the vendor. They might think that only one option is available in the market that fits their needs. They would not even want to listen for other options as they have already confirmed using their selective information. 

In both cases, we might overlook great options in the market that could bring more value to the business with lower costs. The best way to approach the problem is to define a very clear process that should test if a particular solution is good or bad. Then get stakeholders to approve the approach and eventually ask people to trust the results. Therefore, you have a data-driven answer.

3. Déformation Professionnelle Impact Your Critical Thinking

Déformation Professionnelle considers situations where experts will solve problems using familiar methods and not necessarily the best ones. “To the man with a hammer, every problem is a nail.” Therefore, it is a form of blindness.

If you have worked on projects for some time, you might have your tools and methods. Say you love the Waterfall approach, and there are projects where it fits perfectly. However, suppose suddenly your project has less certainty because you want to deliver a new product for the company. In that case, you might waste a lot of time and resources by trying to plan everything upfront. Hence, an Agile approach could be more suitable.

Also, stakeholders might only like to use one particular tool in the business. For example, they are very good with VBA code, and they want to transform data using only VBA. In contrast, Python or R might be much faster and easier to use for the same processes.

The way to solve the issue is to involve other individuals in the project and have an open discussion about the best approach. You might get team members in planning sessions or experts to advise on the best tools. You need that different perspective and be comfortable with change.

Anchors Impact Your Critical Thinking

4. Anchors   Impact Your Critical Thinking

Anchors are elements that give you a starting point, like the very first information we learn. Salespeople like to use it by providing a large initial price and allowing you to negotiate down. You feel pride that you manage to get that discount. However, the value of the item might be even lower. The hefty price worked as an anchor. 

In the project, I would say it has both negative and positive effects. If you had a similar project before, you might use that information as a starting point to evaluate your current project. 

However, when dealing with a new product, consultants or services you try to acquire for the organisation or project, you need to be careful not to fall for this bias. Suppose they quote for your price; do not start negotiating from that point. Try getting a price from several providers to understand what is the usual cost in the market. Giving a counteroffer, which is too low, might give an anchor for the other side. Ask for some discounts for the promise of the future business.

5. Availability bias Impacts Your Critical Thinking

Availability bias the brain does not like wasting energy and tends to clinch to the readily available information. Therefore, we tend to build our world views based on information around us that is easy to access. 

If you are a project manager, you might have particular experience with various tools already available in the business. These might do the job well, but more suitable options are available elsewhere. You can do your research or get other people to share their take. Creating an environment where different perspectives are respected and considered can help to counter this bias.

6. Information bias Impacts Your Critical Thinking

Information bias is the fallacy that more information is equal to better decisions. I think it can be applied in multiple situations when it comes to project management. 

You can spend way too much time evaluating each small task for your plan. Or your stakeholders want the whole information in the world to make a decision. Eventually, you might not be able to distinguish between what information truly matters and what doesn’t for your deliverables. 

I think the rule of thumb 80/20 works well here. Try concentrating on the 20% of information that gives you the most insights. Explain to your stakeholders the cost and benefit of getting the rest. They should appreciate that you are giving already 80% of valuable information for their decisions, and the rest might just take too much time.

7. Decision fatigue Impacts Your Critical Thinking

Decision fatigue, I learned about this bias from Barack Obama. He used to have the same type of suits in the Whitehouse. Therefore, he did not have to decide on what suit to wear every morning. Your brain can only make a limited number of quality decisions over the day. What to eat or what to wear will cost you. Interestingly, the decisions are also linked with your willpower. So, the more decisions you make during the day, the harder it may be to say no to that doughnut. 

When it comes to project management, you always are making decisions. You need to decide on timings, costs, risk, mitigations when to have various meetings, or what to say. If you try to do everything in one day, you might not make the best decisions at the end of the day. Make sure you pace yourself with that decision making, and if you feel you need a break or it is late, you might want to wait for the next day as you might regret your decision in the morning. If you feel hungry, have lunch as decision quality directly correlates with your sugar levels in the blood.

Effort Justification Impact Your Critical Thinking

8. Effort Justification Impacts Your Critical Thinking

Effort justification is increasing the value of your results depending on the amount of effort you put in. The rule of thumb of 80/20 fits here as well. Most of the activities in projects (80%) will bring only 20% of the value and vice versa.

You will see many people in office environments telling you how busy they are with all those meetings and various tasks. The translation is that they want you to believe how much they contribute to an organisation. Unfortunately, 80% of that energy is wasted.

Suppose you have spent countless hours and meetings trying to align people to do their tasks on time. Therefore, you believe that everyone knows 100% what needs to happen next. Unfortunately, you will never be in that position, and you might have just wasted 80% of that time. Some level of coordination on the go will still be required.

In initiatives, try to work backwards from the value you create whenever it is possible. Then only do the tasks with the given quality that still achieves the desired objective or results. Anything that does not have to be done to reach the required value, leave for later.

9. Default Effect Impact on Your Critical Thinking

Default effect people do not like change, and they prefer the status quo. It applies to project management twofold.

On the one hand, you will meet stakeholders who are irritated, angry or emotional about change. They might be afraid about their work in the future. Usually, people are uncooperative in that state of mind. 

If you would like to read more about dealing with such stakeholders, check out my post:  SARAH MODEL OF CHANGE: THE CHANGE CURVE FOR PROJECTS

On the other hand, project managers, although promoting change, do not like to change themselves. They do not want to change their methods or approaches. In some cases, it may lead to sub-optimal project performance.

Before promoting change, appreciate the impact, it may have on you or other stakeholders. Keep calm, and explain the situation and broader benefits. Usually, change brings new opportunities and improves the state of life; therefore, help others embrace it or support them until they get used to it.

10. Action Bias   Impacts Your Critical Thinking

Action bias is a tendency to act instead of doing nothing and observing the situation for more extended periods. People forget that choosing not to act is also an action but not as visible. 

When you have a new boss coming into the organisation, they need to prove that they are worth it. Thus, they will introduce ten steps processes to change the whole organisation, leading to confusion, loss of direction and decline. When we only needed to make minor adjustments.

Project managers also feel that they need to act when things start to go sideways. Yes, the situation may require swift actions. But sometimes, you need to wait to understand the causes before you act. When stakeholders press you to act, negotiate to understand the situation to appreciate how your actions will impact the project.

11. Bonus: Procrastination Impact Your Critical Thinking

Procrastination could be applied to any activity. But I wanted to include it here. The project manager sometimes needs to have difficult discussions. For example, they might need to discuss additional resources with stakeholders, explain unsatisfactory progress or adjust expectations. 

In all these situations, delaying conversation will damage the project. Either stakeholders will not accept your deliverables, start slowing the initiative, or put on hold project correction. 

The project manager’s job is to deal with these uncomfortable issues head-on and accept responsibility for the project.

Project Management Critical Thinking Hacks

Project Management Critical Thinking Hacks

We can use multiple hacks to address our inability to deal with biases efficiently. Some we have already discussed, and I will just mention them here again; some will be new. Applying these can help us to be more rational in our project delivery.

1. Critical Thinking Rules of Thumb

Avoid Assumptions:  Try avoiding assumptions as much as possible. Clarifying them at the beginning of the project will reduce the number of surprises later down the line.

Consider potential risks & issues:  Every single project manager needs to manage their risks & issues. Considering them includes being very open and almost slightly pessimistic with probability and impact. Humans are terrible at guessing likelihood and impact; they tend to be more optimistic when thinking about the negative impact. Risks & issues consideration is one place where you are allowed to be a bit more pessimistic.   

Use the Five Whys:  I am sure you have heard this rule, but do you apply it. If something goes wrong, do not jump to solving issues. Try to understand why did it happen by using “Five Whys”. That way, at least you will be solving the right problem.

Pareto Principle or 80/20 rule: Unfortunately, 80% of your effort delivers only 20% of project results. Consider what gives the other 80% with 20% effort. Prioritise that work first and only do the rest if you have time. Senior managers would not value your results more if you worked on them a lot. They will only appreciate the results or deliverables’ impact on the business.

How to be Efficient with Critical Thinking?

The trick to being effective is to eliminate errors in thinking, and by default, you will be more rational. It applies both to you and your project plan. Reducing unknowns and unclear information gives way to more rational engagement with project participants. 

Unfortunately, it is tough to be rational all the time. The good news is you do not need to be. You can go with your gut feeling for those decisions that have a lower impact. Plus, if you are very knowledgeable in a particular type of project, you can also skip the complex process to ensure you are rational.

Alternatively, more collaboration will be needed if you have a big decision that will change the project’s direction with less clarity. Workshops or working groups could help get a different perspective and validate that decision or objective.

Therefore, you not just need to prioritise your tasks but also your critical thinking. Decision making is a limited resource in the day, so use it wisely. 

What Is the Critical Thinking Approach In Project Management

What Is the Critical Thinking Approach In Project Management?

Ok, you have booked your Workshop, and now you think about how to approach the session to get the critical thinking going? What will help is a systematic approach to understanding the problem.

1. Understanding the Core Problem

First of all, we need to understand the problem or the situation. What helps to do so is going broad before going specific. So, we want to ask open-ended questions like “What” or “Why”. The key is to leave any judgement outside of the meeting. The pure goal is to find the answers. 

The goal for you is to understand the issues and conclusions, get to the reasons “Why”, and comprehend the assumptions used to get to this point.

2. Gathering and Evaluating Data

Now that you have built some sort of hypothesis of the problem or situation, you need to prove it with data or accounts from participants. Therefore, clarifying questions to test various assumptions will build clarity and structure if you have the right individuals in the meeting. If you do not have the right individuals to answer questions, you might need to take this offline.

What could also help at this stage is to ask hypocritical questions. In particular, when evaluating and eventually weighing alternatives. Hypocritical questions test if you do something or believe something you say you don’t. For example, you might say that you need to be objective with vendor selection, but the validation process only concentrates on two vendors for whom you had a preference before.

3. Generating and Weighing Alternatives

You have built your evidence; thus, it is time to weigh each finding and ask if there are alternative ways to address the problem. Have you really considered all options and reflected on your paths to this point in the analysis. Maybe there are some additional vendors to explore or options to solve the problem. It is like a test for your thoughts and approach. Therefore, you test quality.

Check if you or the team have fallacies in the reasoning discussed openly in the group. Have you based your data on tangible investigations and facts rather than opinions?

4. Choosing The Best One

Finally, you will need to structure your findings and present them to the group that will decide. Ensure that the decision-makers have all relevant information that would not cloud the judgment. Then structure the question carefully to get a clear and specific approval to move forward.

That is it; if you follow the structured approach, you should be on your way to solving most of your problems with limited impact from your biases.

How to Uncover Stakeholder's Biases in the Project

How to Uncover Stakeholder’s Biases in the Project?

Stakeholders impact your project and understanding their views, positions, and biases is also highly important to successfully deliver the project. To uncover stakeholder biases in the project, you need to ask the right questions. In general, though, looking from another person’s perspective is an excellent way to approach it. What helps to understand the beliefs are the right questions.

Current View of the World

When trying to understand expectations and how your stakeholders see the world’s current state, ask outcome-based questions that help you understand their thought processes and beliefs. What do they expect the project to change or improve, and what are their thought process.

One way to uncover stakeholders’ expectations and thinking is to ask them to describe the future with examples and use cases.

What are Prioritisation Questions for Critical Thinking?

In the project, you have limited resources; therefore, you need to prioritise every day. Your stakeholder will want you to do everything yesterday and will put pressure to give everything now. Asking the right questions to understand the situation and uncover stakeholder fallacies could save you some tough conversations later down the line.

Why is this Significant Today? 

Every manager will want their deliverables today. However, I found that they often can wait for some time or really just want deliverables but do not really need them. Asking these essential questions might save you some effort, and you can use it on more critical projects. If the project still needs to happen, it can be done later, more aligned with your team’s availability.

One excellent and polite question to ask is to understand why the project is urgent. People love when you are genuinely interested in their needs.

Why does the Team or I Need to be Involved? 

Sometimes, you may get random requests that are a bit outside your team’s scope. Do not jump blindly addressing them and discuss with stakeholders their thought processes to involve the team. Maybe they just need more information to understand where to direct the query.

If you are not clear about why they need your team, you can always ask to explain what is expected from the group, giving better appreciation.

Why is this the Most Critical Project for the Team?  

There are always competing priorities in the business. Understanding the most value-added projects from senior management could ensure that you prioritise the right activities.

Critical Thinking in Project Management Conclusion

Critical thinking is a form of balancing act as the correct answer is not always clear; you always end up somewhere midway in the thought process. It is hard to go against your biases, but it could save your project. Therefore, it is worth trying to achieve. You won’t become an expert in logic in one day, but I hope my post will get you a bit closer to keeping a rational mind where needed.

As you have read through the whole article there is a present for you. A presentation about Critical Thinking in Project Management, which you can take home. It contains an additional topic about the two sides of the brain, where the fast brain drives your rash decisions and prevents your critical thinking.

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I am an experienced ex. Business & Data Analyst  and now a  Project Manager  with multiple years of experience gained in several international companies.

These days, business problems require data crunching and telling stories to make the right decisions. Simply put, business stakeholders  need insights into their projects and deliveries.

This is where I come in. I have learned and applied Python ,  Power   BI ,  SQL and Excel to analyse and present data. Also, I gained experience in Project Management and Business Analysis. So, I can not only spot insights but execute business decisions. Moreover, I can teach you as well. Read   More

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Critical Thinking

Developing the right mindset and skills.

By the Mind Tools Content Team

We make hundreds of decisions every day and, whether we realize it or not, we're all critical thinkers.

We use critical thinking each time we weigh up our options, prioritize our responsibilities, or think about the likely effects of our actions. It's a crucial skill that helps us to cut out misinformation and make wise decisions. The trouble is, we're not always very good at it!

In this article, we'll explore the key skills that you need to develop your critical thinking skills, and how to adopt a critical thinking mindset, so that you can make well-informed decisions.

What Is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking is the discipline of rigorously and skillfully using information, experience, observation, and reasoning to guide your decisions, actions, and beliefs. You'll need to actively question every step of your thinking process to do it well.

Collecting, analyzing and evaluating information is an important skill in life, and a highly valued asset in the workplace. People who score highly in critical thinking assessments are also rated by their managers as having good problem-solving skills, creativity, strong decision-making skills, and good overall performance. [1]

Key Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinkers possess a set of key characteristics which help them to question information and their own thinking. Focus on the following areas to develop your critical thinking skills:

Being willing and able to explore alternative approaches and experimental ideas is crucial. Can you think through "what if" scenarios, create plausible options, and test out your theories? If not, you'll tend to write off ideas and options too soon, so you may miss the best answer to your situation.

To nurture your curiosity, stay up to date with facts and trends. You'll overlook important information if you allow yourself to become "blinkered," so always be open to new information.

But don't stop there! Look for opposing views or evidence to challenge your information, and seek clarification when things are unclear. This will help you to reassess your beliefs and make a well-informed decision later. Read our article, Opening Closed Minds , for more ways to stay receptive.

Logical Thinking

You must be skilled at reasoning and extending logic to come up with plausible options or outcomes.

It's also important to emphasize logic over emotion. Emotion can be motivating but it can also lead you to take hasty and unwise action, so control your emotions and be cautious in your judgments. Know when a conclusion is "fact" and when it is not. "Could-be-true" conclusions are based on assumptions and must be tested further. Read our article, Logical Fallacies , for help with this.

Use creative problem solving to balance cold logic. By thinking outside of the box you can identify new possible outcomes by using pieces of information that you already have.


Many of the decisions we make in life are subtly informed by our values and beliefs. These influences are called cognitive biases and it can be difficult to identify them in ourselves because they're often subconscious.

Practicing self-awareness will allow you to reflect on the beliefs you have and the choices you make. You'll then be better equipped to challenge your own thinking and make improved, unbiased decisions.

One particularly useful tool for critical thinking is the Ladder of Inference . It allows you to test and validate your thinking process, rather than jumping to poorly supported conclusions.

Developing a Critical Thinking Mindset

Combine the above skills with the right mindset so that you can make better decisions and adopt more effective courses of action. You can develop your critical thinking mindset by following this process:

Gather Information

First, collect data, opinions and facts on the issue that you need to solve. Draw on what you already know, and turn to new sources of information to help inform your understanding. Consider what gaps there are in your knowledge and seek to fill them. And look for information that challenges your assumptions and beliefs.

Be sure to verify the authority and authenticity of your sources. Not everything you read is true! Use this checklist to ensure that your information is valid:

  • Are your information sources trustworthy ? (For example, well-respected authors, trusted colleagues or peers, recognized industry publications, websites, blogs, etc.)
  • Is the information you have gathered up to date ?
  • Has the information received any direct criticism ?
  • Does the information have any errors or inaccuracies ?
  • Is there any evidence to support or corroborate the information you have gathered?
  • Is the information you have gathered subjective or biased in any way? (For example, is it based on opinion, rather than fact? Is any of the information you have gathered designed to promote a particular service or organization?)

If any information appears to be irrelevant or invalid, don't include it in your decision making. But don't omit information just because you disagree with it, or your final decision will be flawed and bias.

Now observe the information you have gathered, and interpret it. What are the key findings and main takeaways? What does the evidence point to? Start to build one or two possible arguments based on what you have found.

You'll need to look for the details within the mass of information, so use your powers of observation to identify any patterns or similarities. You can then analyze and extend these trends to make sensible predictions about the future.

To help you to sift through the multiple ideas and theories, it can be useful to group and order items according to their characteristics. From here, you can compare and contrast the different items. And once you've determined how similar or different things are from one another, Paired Comparison Analysis can help you to analyze them.

The final step involves challenging the information and rationalizing its arguments.

Apply the laws of reason (induction, deduction, analogy) to judge an argument and determine its merits. To do this, it's essential that you can determine the significance and validity of an argument to put it in the correct perspective. Take a look at our article, Rational Thinking , for more information about how to do this.

Once you have considered all of the arguments and options rationally, you can finally make an informed decision.

Afterward, take time to reflect on what you have learned and what you found challenging. Step back from the detail of your decision or problem, and look at the bigger picture. Record what you've learned from your observations and experience.

Critical thinking involves rigorously and skilfully using information, experience, observation, and reasoning to guide your decisions, actions and beliefs. It's a useful skill in the workplace and in life.

You'll need to be curious and creative to explore alternative possibilities, but rational to apply logic, and self-aware to identify when your beliefs could affect your decisions or actions.

You can demonstrate a high level of critical thinking by validating your information, analyzing its meaning, and finally evaluating the argument.

Critical Thinking Infographic

See Critical Thinking represented in our infographic: An Elementary Guide to Critical Thinking .

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How to build your critical thinking skills in 7 steps (with examples)

Julia Martins contributor headshot

Critical thinking is, well, critical. By building these skills, you improve your ability to analyze information and come to the best decision possible. In this article, we cover the basics of critical thinking, as well as the seven steps you can use to implement the full critical thinking process. 

Critical thinking comes from asking the right questions to come to the best conclusion possible. Strong critical thinkers analyze information from a variety of viewpoints in order to identify the best course of action.

Don’t worry if you don’t think you have strong critical thinking abilities. In this article, we’ll help you build a foundation for critical thinking so you can absorb, analyze, and make informed decisions. 

What is critical thinking? 

Critical thinking is the ability to collect and analyze information to come to a conclusion. Being able to think critically is important in virtually every industry and applicable across a wide range of positions. That’s because critical thinking isn’t subject-specific—rather, it’s your ability to parse through information, data, statistics, and other details in order to identify a satisfactory solution. 

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Top 8 critical thinking skills

Like most soft skills, critical thinking isn’t something you can take a class to learn. Rather, this skill consists of a variety of interpersonal and analytical skills. Developing critical thinking is more about learning to embrace open-mindedness and bringing analytical thinking to your problem framing process. 

In no particular order, the eight most important critical thinking skills are:

Analytical thinking: Part of critical thinking is evaluating data from multiple sources in order to come to the best conclusions. Analytical thinking allows people to reject bias and strive to gather and consume information to come to the best conclusion. 

Open-mindedness: This critical thinking skill helps you analyze and process information to come to an unbiased conclusion. Part of the critical thinking process is letting your personal biases go and coming to a conclusion based on all of the information. 

Problem solving : Because critical thinking emphasizes coming to the best conclusion based on all of the available information, it’s a key part of problem solving. When used correctly, critical thinking helps you solve any problem—from a workplace challenge to difficulties in everyday life. 

Self-regulation: Self-regulation refers to the ability to regulate your thoughts and set aside any personal biases to come to the best conclusion. In order to be an effective critical thinker, you need to question the information you have and the decisions you favor—only then can you come to the best conclusion. 

Observation: Observation skills help critical thinkers look for things beyond face value. To be a critical thinker you need to embrace multiple points of view, and you can use observation skills to identify potential problems.

Interpretation: Not all data is made equal—and critical thinkers know this. In addition to gathering information, it’s important to evaluate which information is important and relevant to your situation. That way, you can draw the best conclusions from the data you’ve collected. 

Evaluation: When you attempt to answer a hard question, there is rarely an obvious answer. Even though critical thinking emphasizes putting your biases aside, you need to be able to confidently make a decision based on the data you have available. 

Communication: Once a decision has been made, you also need to share this decision with other stakeholders. Effective workplace communication includes presenting evidence and supporting your conclusion—especially if there are a variety of different possible solutions. 

7 steps to critical thinking

Critical thinking is a skill that you can build by following these seven steps. The seven steps to critical thinking help you ensure you’re approaching a problem from the right angle, considering every alternative, and coming to an unbiased conclusion.

 First things first: When to use the 7 step critical thinking process

There’s a lot that goes into the full critical thinking process, and not every decision needs to be this thought out. Sometimes, it’s enough to put aside bias and approach a process logically. In other, more complex cases, the best way to identify the ideal outcome is to go through the entire critical thinking process. 

The seven-step critical thinking process is useful for complex decisions in areas you are less familiar with. Alternatively, the seven critical thinking steps can help you look at a problem you’re familiar with from a different angle, without any bias. 

If you need to make a less complex decision, consider another problem solving strategy instead. Decision matrices are a great way to identify the best option between different choices. Check out our article on 7 steps to creating a decision matrix .

1. Identify the problem

Before you put those critical thinking skills to work, you first need to identify the problem you’re solving. This step includes taking a look at the problem from a few different perspectives and asking questions like: 

What’s happening? 

Why is this happening? 

What assumptions am I making? 

At first glance, how do I think we can solve this problem? 

A big part of developing your critical thinking skills is learning how to come to unbiased conclusions. In order to do that, you first need to acknowledge the biases that you currently have. Does someone on your team think they know the answer? Are you making assumptions that aren’t necessarily true? Identifying these details helps you later on in the process. 

2. Research

At this point, you likely have a general idea of the problem—but in order to come up with the best solution, you need to dig deeper. 

During the research process, collect information relating to the problem, including data, statistics, historical project information, team input, and more. Make sure you gather information from a variety of sources, especially if those sources go against your personal ideas about what the problem is or how to solve it.

Gathering varied information is essential for your ability to apply the critical thinking process. If you don’t get enough information, your ability to make a final decision will be skewed. Remember that critical thinking is about helping you identify the objective best conclusion. You aren’t going with your gut—you’re doing research to find the best option

3. Determine data relevance

Just as it’s important to gather a variety of information, it is also important to determine how relevant the different information sources are. After all, just because there is data doesn’t mean it’s relevant. 

Once you’ve gathered all of the information, sift through the noise and identify what information is relevant and what information isn’t. Synthesizing all of this information and establishing significance helps you weigh different data sources and come to the best conclusion later on in the critical thinking process. 

To determine data relevance, ask yourself:

How reliable is this information? 

How significant is this information? 

Is this information outdated? Is it specialized in a specific field? 

4. Ask questions

One of the most useful parts of the critical thinking process is coming to a decision without bias. In order to do so, you need to take a step back from the process and challenge the assumptions you’re making. 

We all have bias—and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Unconscious biases (also known as cognitive biases) often serve as mental shortcuts to simplify problem solving and aid decision making. But even when biases aren’t inherently bad, you must be aware of your biases in order to put them aside when necessary. 

Before coming to a solution, ask yourself:

Am I making any assumptions about this information? 

Are there additional variables I haven’t considered? 

Have I evaluated the information from every perspective? 

Are there any viewpoints I missed? 

5. Identify the best solution

Finally, you’re ready to come to a conclusion. To identify the best solution, draw connections between causes and effects. Use the facts you’ve gathered to evaluate the most objective conclusion. 

Keep in mind that there may be more than one solution. Often, the problems you’re facing are complex and intricate. The critical thinking process doesn’t necessarily lead to a cut-and-dry solution—instead, the process helps you understand the different variables at play so you can make an informed decision. 

6. Present your solution

Communication is a key skill for critical thinkers. It isn’t enough to think for yourself—you also need to share your conclusion with other project stakeholders. If there are multiple solutions, present them all. There may be a case where you implement one solution, then test to see if it works before implementing another solution. 

7. Analyze your decision

The seven-step critical thinking process yields a result—and you then need to put that solution into place. After you’ve implemented your decision, evaluate whether or not it was effective. Did it solve the initial problem? What lessons—whether positive or negative—can you learn from this experience to improve your critical thinking for next time? 

Depending on how your team shares information, consider documenting lessons learned in a central source of truth. That way, team members that are making similar or related decisions in the future can understand why you made the decision you made and what the outcome was. 

Example of critical thinking in the workplace

Imagine you work in user experience design (UX). Your team is focused on pricing and packaging and ensuring customers have a clear understanding of the different services your company offers. Here’s how to apply the critical thinking process in the workplace in seven steps: 

Start by identifying the problem

Your current pricing page isn’t performing as well as you want. You’ve heard from customers that your services aren’t clear, and that the page doesn’t answer the questions they have. This page is really important for your company, since it’s where your customers sign up for your service. You and your team have a few theories about why your current page isn’t performing well, but you decide to apply the critical thinking process to ensure you come to the best decision for the page. 

Gather information about how the problem started

Part of identifying the problem includes understanding how the problem started. The pricing and packaging page is important—so when your team initially designed the page, they certainly put a lot of thought into it. Before you begin researching how to improve the page, ask yourself: 

Why did you design the pricing page the way you did? 

Which stakeholders need to be involved in the decision making process? 

Where are users getting stuck on the page?

Are any features currently working?

Then, you research

In addition to understanding the history of the pricing and packaging page, it’s important to understand what works well. Part of this research means taking a look at what your competitor’s pricing pages look like. 

Ask yourself: 

How have our competitors set up their pricing pages?

Are there any pricing page best practices? 

How does color, positioning, and animation impact navigation? 

Are there any standard page layouts customers expect to see? 

Organize and analyze information

You’ve gathered all of the information you need—now you need to organize and analyze it. What trends, if any, are you noticing? Is there any particularly relevant or important information that you have to consider? 

Ask open-ended questions to reduce bias

In the case of critical thinking, it’s important to address and set bias aside as much as possible. Ask yourself: 

Is there anything I’m missing? 

Have I connected with the right stakeholders? 

Are there any other viewpoints I should consider? 

Determine the best solution for your team

You now have all of the information you need to design the best pricing page. Depending on the complexity of the design, you may want to design a few options to present to a small group of customers or A/B test on the live website.

Present your solution to stakeholders

Critical thinking can help you in every element of your life, but in the workplace, you must also involve key project stakeholders . Stakeholders help you determine next steps, like whether you’ll A/B test the page first. Depending on the complexity of the issue, consider hosting a meeting or sharing a status report to get everyone on the same page. 

Analyze the results

No process is complete without evaluating the results. Once the new page has been live for some time, evaluate whether it did better than the previous page. What worked? What didn’t? This also helps you make better critical decisions later on.

Critically successful 

Critical thinking takes time to build, but with effort and patience you can apply an unbiased, analytical mind to any situation. Critical thinking makes up one of many soft skills that makes you an effective team member, manager, and worker. If you’re looking to hone your skills further, read our article on the 25 project management skills you need to succeed . 

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Critical Thinking Skills and activities for Project Managers

Weaving critical thinking into your projects

Brought to You by Dave Litten


Think back to how project management is applied. Activities, methods, processes, procedures and techniques only go so far... Think about planning, monitoring and control.

Think about estimating and identifying risk respnses

Think about project strategies and approaches

Think about project controls

Think about delivery approaches

ALL of the above, and more, depend 100% upon Critical Thinking.

Think You Can Do WITH Critical Thinking?

Critical Thinking Skills and activities for Project Managers Critical thinking is for everyone yet few are able or willing to do it. Critical thinking is a set of transferable skills that can be learned for one thing yet equally useful for any other. Critical thinking cuts across all academic disciplines and is applicable in all spheres of human activity - particularly project management where it becomes a toolbox for driving both career and project success. So what are the key activities, abilities and attributes of a critical thinker? Analytical skills Like any one skilled in debate, critical thinkers demand properly constructed arguments that presents reasons and more sound conclusions Tolerance Critical thinkers delight in hearing diversion views and enjoy a real debate Confidence This is key since critical thinkers must be confident and able to examine views made by others, often those in authority Curiosity This is the essential ingredient for ideas and insights Truth seeking The critical thinkers are looking for objective truth even if it turns out to undermine their own previously held convictions and long cherished beliefs and even if this goes against their own self interest "There goes another beautiful theory about to be murdered by a gang of facts" You need to learn how to identify other peoples arguments and conclusions and go on to interpret and produce your argument more effectively. This means you will want to read between the lines, see behind services and identify false assumptions. To be successful as a project manager it is vital that you apply critical thinking within the planning, monitoring, and control of your projects

The Soft Stuff Matters

Critical thinking skills is the backbone to Critical Decision-making, which in and of itself, leads to successful change management and project delivery success. But don´t take my word for it…just listen to The Project Management Institute (PMI), and their Project Management Body Of Knowledge (PMBOK) 6th Edition now includes The Talent Triangle:

Critical Thinking in Project Management

Check out the “technical, strategic and business management bits above…these cannot be learned by rote alone.

See, Critical Thinking Skills is about a range of skills and understandings – the kind of open-mindedness that allows you to make creative leaps and gain insights.

Get this...

Demand over the next 10 years for project managers is growing faster than demand for workers in other occupations. Organizations, however, face risks from this talent gap.

This talent gap analysis shows that project managers are important contributors to productivity. Talent shortages in the profession can potentially create risks of nearly $208 billion in GDP over the next 10-year period up to 2028

The latest PMI-commissioned talent gap analysis has found outstanding opportunities in jobs and career growth for project managers.

From the present day up to 2028, the project management skills and jobs are expected to grow by 33 percent, or nearly 22 million new jobs.

By 2027, employers will need nearly 88 million individuals in project management-oriented roles

If you need to become a Project Management Professional (PMP), then click below

What has this to do with Critical Thinking Skills and activities for Project Managers?

critical thinking and project management

To answer this, we need to look again at the life-skills of critical thinking…

Critical thinking Questions - The Assertibility Question (AQ) This weeds out wobbly views having shaky evidence from sensible theories that are worth serious consideration. To use AQ you ask what evidence allows you to assert that the claim is true.

This will include questions such as:

  • Does the idea fit well with common sense or is it crazy?
  • Who proposed the idea, and is the person biased towards it being true?
  • Have statistics been used and presented in an honest way, and are they backed up with references to other work that supports the approach?
  • Does the idea explain too much — or too little — to be useful?
  • Have they been open about their methods and data?
  • How many artificially decided settings are there that constrain and affect the theory?

Every day we are bombarded by problems and situations needing to be evaluated and solved.

The challenge is to view these from different perspectives and all too often we make decisions only based on previous similar situations or experiences.

This can lead to cloudy decision-making since we are often affected by emotional thinking, poorly prioritized facts and external influences that may not be relevant.

Then compare and contrast this with critical thinking which builds a rational and open minded process built upon information and empirical evidence.

Critical Thinking Skills Definition:

“ an intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information that has been gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication ”

Critical thinking provides the skills to judge and evaluate situations that is based on understanding the related data. It is analyzed to build a clear understanding of the problem, a proper solution identified, and then to take actions based on that solution.

The power of the critical thinking process is that it prevents our minds from jumping directly to conclusions, and instead, leads the mind through a set of logical steps to widen the range of perspectives, to accept the findings, sidestep personal biases, and consider reasonable possibilities.

Critical Thinking - The 6 Basic Steps

To determine what are the critical thinking questions, here are the six basic steps:

critical thinking and project management

Step 1. Knowledge Here, we need a clear vision, starting with identifying the argument or the problem that needs to be resolved. Open questioning is used to acquire a deep understanding about the problem or situation. This involves the use of open ended questioning to discuss and explore the main reasons or root causes. A clear understanding must be obtained of what the problem is and why do we need to solve it. Step 2. Comprehension You need to fully understand the situation along with the facts that align and support it. The way in which you collect such facts will depend upon the research methods used, and this in turn will depend upon the problem, the type of data and information available, and any constraints. Step 3. Application This is the next practical step following comprehension, and builds to fully understand the different facts and resources needed to solve the problem. Mind maps are helpful here to analyze the situation while building a strong relationship between it and the core problem while resolving the best way to move forward. Step 4. Analyze This step builds on the information and linkages identified from the main problem, and analysis to close to identify the strong and weak points plus the challenges faced one identifying a solution to the problem. The main causes are prioritized to determine how they can be applied, and one of the most often used tools here to analyze the problem and those circumstances that surround it, is the cause and effect diagram, which isolates the problem from its root causes and identifies such causes so that they can be categorized on their type an impact on the problem. Step 5. Synthesis Once the problem has been fully analyzed and the related data has been considered, a decision needs to be taken how the problem can be solved along with the initial set of actions required. If there are several identified solutions, then each should be evaluated and prioritized to identify the best solution approach. It is here that SWOT analysis can be helpful in identifying the solutions strength, weakness, opportunity, and threats.

SWOT Analysis

critical thinking and project management

If they are to interpret and use the SWOT analysis, the project can form the strategy based on the following factors:

  • ​​ ​​ Strength vs. opportunity . The strategies or approaches build on the available existing strengths and how they may be used to leverage existing or new opportunities
  • ​​ ​​ Weaknesses vs. opportunities. This strategies suggest ways of overcoming existing weaknesses while building new potential opportunities
  • ​​ ​​ Strengths vs. threats. These strategies identify approaches to build on the organization, product, or project strengths while reducing threats and risk to the main objectives.
  • ​​ ​​ Weaknesses vs. threats. These are strategies designed to prevent such weaknesses from the influenced by external threats.

Step 6. Take Action The final step is to build a problem valuation that can be put into action, as the final result of critical thinking should be transferred into actionable steps. Within a project, a plan of action should be implemented to ensure that the solution is adopted and implemented as planned. Summary The critical thinking method is used to replace the emotions and biases when dealing with a situation or a problem. The advantage of using critical thinking is its contribution to widening perspectives about situations and providing a broader range of action choices to ensure that the decided resolution is implemented and integrated between all the involved individuals and organizations.

Critical Thing Tools

The Cause and Effect Diagram

The cause and effect diagram is helpful when exploring problems and their solution:

critical thinking and project management

How to solve problems using the cause and effect diagram The cause and effect diagram is also known as the Ishikawa diagram or fishbone diagram. For its successful use, a clear problem definition is first needed so that the proper solution can be targeted.

Additionally, the root causes behind the problem must also be carefully analysed. The Ishikawa diagram has two main sections, causes on the left hand side, and effect on the right-hand side.

Possible problem causes are thought through by creating branches from the line that links cause and effect. This type of diagram has a focus on solving problems rather than exploring ideas which is normally the case when applying critical thinking skills. The headings used to brainstorm the various problem causes, can vary from industry to industry, and as an example here are typical cause headings for three industries:

  • The service industry. S urrounding, S uppliers, S ystems, S kills, and S afety
  • The manufacturing industry.   M achine, M ethod, M aterial, M anpower, and M easurement
  • The marketing industry. P roduct, P rice, P lace, P romotion, P eople, P rocess, and P hysical evidence

There are four steps to create the Fishbone diagram:

  • 1 Identify the problems. The defects, or problem, results from one or several causes, for these reasons the problem must be clearly identified so that potential related causes can be investigated
  • 2 A straight horizontal line should be drawn as a link between cause and effect, so that general causes such as the three cause models mentioned above can be drawn as branches from this main line
  • 3 ​ Once the main general categories have been added, all possible causes for the problem can now be investigated and organized under the general categories
  • 4 The final step is to investigate and discuss each possible cause and organize them in priority and influence order

Critical Thinking and Mind Mapping Mind mapping is a tool to help understand ideas and collaboration. Those who use Mind mapping for critical thinking can improve their productivity by 25%. It is also used to support the project management process and can easily be integrated when performing project management planning. I include here an excellent example (not my own) showing how the use of diagrams and colors help convey easily identified and remembered relationships. As stated at the center of this diagram, this is an example of brainstorming the various elements of time management:

critical thinking and project management

Critical Thinking  - Real World Example

Here at Projex Academy, we have the market leader in online streaming training the world´s project management community. Our Flagship training course is for the PRINCE2 Methodology. First, I generated a Mind map on the structure and application of the PRINCE2 Methodology, then I performed root cause analysis to determine customer-demand potential training spin-offs. This resulted in created TWO new products - BOTH of which are UNIQUE to the project management training industry. They are:

  • PRINCE2  SCRUM Masterclass for fast-to-market and high ROI projects
  • PRINCE2 Lite for tailoring and blending smaller projects

Both have been selling like hot cakes since their launch a few months back - click on their images below to find out more... THANK YOU Critical Thinking!

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How to make better critical project decisions

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Want to improve your decision-making? Start by understanding your dominant decision style and then align it with your project situation, says Natalie Marguet, author of the APM research on the topic.

‘Critical’ project decisions are those that respond to either a disruptive and unexpected event or a short decision timeframe. Such decisions are not made in an environment that can be controlled or standardised. They are characterised by a combination of time pressure, lack of information, conflicting and shifting goals and multiple stakeholder perspectives.

In this context, critical project decisions are no longer about certainty and making the best decision. Instead, they become about making a good enough decision according to a pre-established minimal criterion.

Understand your dominant decision style

When making critical project decisions , we each have a particular style, which differs across two interacting dimensions. The first relates to cognitive complexity, measured on a continuum from ‘a need for structure’ to ‘a tolerance for ambiguity’. The second relates to values, measured on a continuum from ‘a concern for the technical or task’ to ‘a concern for people and the social’.

Fundamentally, this influences how information is used and options processed. This is what constitutes a decision-making style, and it is generally learnt and reinforced over time. Decision-making styles are a good way of understanding why project professionals, when faced with a critical decision, approach it so differently.

Combining the dimensions of cognitive complexity and values yields four basic decision-making styles. Which is yours?

  • Directive . Those who favour this style trust their own senses. Their decisions are rooted in their own knowledge and experience. This style is often quick, ownership is clear and extra communication isn’t needed. It lends itself to situations characterised by stability, repeating patterns and consistent events.
  • Analytic . Those who prefer this style tend to acquire information, carry out careful analysis and seek a clear conclusion. They are willing to invest time and effort into reaching the optimal solution. They will seek information and advice from others to confirm or deny their own knowledge. This style is useful in situations where several options or solutions need to be explored.
  • Conceptual . This style is used by those who tend to focus on creative and big-picture thinking, considering many different possibilities. They take a more collaborative approach, gathering and evaluating information from many different perspectives to identify emerging patterns. This style works best in situations characterised by unpredictability or with no immediate solution.
  • Behavioural . Those who favour this style are group-oriented, focusing on relationships and ensuring that people work well together. However, rather than brainstorming potential solutions, they take a more introspective approach by discussing solutions that have worked in the past. This style is useful when it’s not possible to impose a single course of action and when harmony and engagement are required.

Note that people are not expected to fit neatly into a single decision-making style. Instead, they are likely to have one or more dominant styles, with at least two backup styles.

Adaptability is key

The most influential project professionals know how and when to adjust their style to suit the situation. And by understanding the decision-making styles and the factors influencing the situation at hand, project professionals can learn how to make better critical project decisions.

Adaptability is a key attribute here, particularly when responding to the demands and interactions of both the decision-making style and the situation, as well as any changes in these. 

Critical project decisions are social phenomena involving many individuals, groups and organisations. There is little question that project professionals with similar styles understand one another more easily than they understand those with a different style. For example, those with a preference for directive and behavioural styles demonstrate little tolerance for the lengthy explanations used by individuals with an analytical style.

Understanding decision-making styles helps us to understand decision-making behaviours and the complexity of managing them within a diverse team. Project professionals must understand the obstacles that can hinder effective decision-making and overcome them by adapting their communication.

The three levels of decision-making

Project professionals should engage with three levels of decision-making practice if they are to improve the alignment between decision-making styles and situations. As complexity and uncertainty increase, greater emphasis will be placed on a project professional’s ability to:

  • Detect the factors influencing the decision . This involves gathering the available information and responding; assessing decision outcomes against performance measures (eg time, cost, quality and stakeholder satisfaction); and building on expertise, prior experience and information.
  • Reflect on the interactions between factors . This requires focusing on what is occurring, plus any emerging patterns, through an emphasis on connections and relationships; self-critiquing the cognitive aspect of decision-making, including attitudes, beliefs and constructs; and embedding micro-debriefs and lessons learnt within the decision-making process.
  • Adapt decision-making strategies to fit the situation . This means engaging with and responding to social dialogue, dynamics, distinctions and ongoing dilemmas; engaging in the iterative decision-making process with a focus on feedback; and pinpointing how, why and when certain features of a decision situation trigger and shape project professionals’ behaviour.

The key to success is to engage in all three levels within a decision-making process. That should help create an awareness of both project professionals’ different decision-making styles and the decision situation at hand, and how they fit together.

Effective decision-making involves more than just selecting an optimal result – it is concerned with selecting an optimal approach that is aligned with both the decision task and those within it.

This article is an edited extract of a feature that appears in the winter 2020 edition of Project journal , an exclusive benefit for APM members .

Read the research and explore other resources:

  • Detect, reflect and adapt: factors influencing critical project decisions  
  • Managing biases that affect project decision-making
  • The APM Podcast

Natalie Marguet

Dr Natalie Marguet is a Senior Lecturer at Liverpool Business School.   Her teaching relates to project management, systems thinking, group dynamics, and change management.

Natalie is a SCiO Non-Executive Director.  She is also an active member of POW Management Research Group at Liverpool Business School that develops solutions for challenges in Projects, Operations and Workplace management.

In the broadest sense, her research brings a psychological and systems thinking perspective to workplace settings helping individuals and groups improve their own awareness of factors that impact their behaviours and interactions. Ultimately, exposing intricate dynamics and demonstrating how individuals and groups are able to adapt and become effective.

Prior to joining academia in 2010, Natalie worked for 10 years across a number of sectors including construction, retail, transport and financial services and has held a number of managerial positions.

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How to Improve Critical Thinking in the Workplace

A man sits in a chair looking at a scribble on the wall feeling confused — lack of critical thinking concept.

Employers want critical thinkers — those with sound judgment who can evaluate and analyze issues, make decisions, and overcome obstacles. Hiring managers are looking for people who can think critically and resolve issues quickly and effectively.

The National Association of Colleges and Employers ( NACE ) lists critical thinking as one of the eight career readiness competencies that demonstrate a recent college graduate has been educated for success in the workplace. Career readiness is “key to ensuring successful entrance into the workforce,” NACE reports.

Employers have not been shy about the lack of critical thinking skills in the workforce.

According to a 2023 ZipRecruiter skills hiring report , for which more than 2,000 U.S. employers were surveyed, the top three skills employers say candidates are “most lacking in” are:

  • Time management
  • Professionalism
  • Critical thinking

In addition, the global management consulting firm McKinsey and Company projects that the demand for skills such as critical thinking and decision-making will grow by 19% in the U.S. and by 14% in Europe through 2030.

Critical thinkers, where are you? Hone your critical thinking skills, and become an indispensable member of your team with these five steps.

1. Formulate Your Questions

First thing to do: Identify the problem and the questions you need to ask. When you ask smart questions from the beginning, you can get a clearer picture of the issues involved. Questions to ask during this stage include:

  • What’s happening?
  • Why is this happening?
  • What is most concerning about X?
  • What is holding people back from solving X?
  • What is the desired outcome?

2. Gather Information

Now it’s time to perform research. Depending on the nature of your problem, you may need to interview people, gather data and statistics, get historical project information, etc.

Make sure to get diverse input, too. It’s natural to want to talk with like-minded people, but this does nothing to help you get diverse perspectives and potential solutions.

In the research phase, consider asking stakeholders:

  • How would you solve the problem?
  • What other ways have you tried so far?
  • What do you need to happen for this problem to be solved?
  • Is there anything we haven’t discussed that you need me to know?

Don’t be afraid to ask for clarity. If someone you’re interviewing says something you’re not familiar with, ask them to tell you more about it. How does it fit into the problem or solution?

Aim to ask open-ended yet short questions. “How can I better understand this issue?” and “What if we tried a new approach?” can help others frame and communicate their own hypotheses.

3. Question Your Assumptions

Critical thinking depends on objectivity. You just collected a slew of facts in step two; now it’s time to vet your information.

If it’s from an online source, make sure the site is reputable and trustworthy. What’s their motive in sharing this information? Is the information complete and current? Are they trying to get you to take action (for example, send money or vote for them)?

Look for evidence that the source itself received diverse input. Ask if someone’s voice is missing in the presentation of the facts.

Finally, as you move to step four to apply the information, keep this question in mind: “Am I making any assumptions about this information?” Decisions need facts, not assumptions, to support them.

4. Apply the Information to Identify the Best Solution

Ask yourself this at the start of this step: “Are there any viewpoints I missed?” If all stakeholders have had an equal voice, you’re good to proceed. At this stage, you will use reason and logic to synthesize your information and arrive at the best solution. Questions to consider include:

  • Are there other factors I haven’t considered?
  • Have I evaluated the information from every perspective?
  • Are my conclusions supported by sufficient evidence?

After completing the due diligence outlined above, you are ready to form your own opinion about the problem and devise a solution — or, solutions. There may be more than one, so plan to present them all.

5. Communicate and Evaluate Your Solution

Now you will share your findings with the stakeholders, such as your manager, executives, coworkers, and anybody else who should be involved.

After you’ve implemented your solution, evaluate whether it was effective. Did it solve the initial problem? What lessons can you take from this experience? How will you improve your critical thinking for next time?

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Critical Thinking in Project Management

New paper by Phil Caputo provides argument for decision making based on facts, logic and objective reasoning

23 November 2014 – Dallas, TX, USA – “ The Role of Critical Thinking in Project Management ” is the title of a new paper by Phil Caputo (USA), originally presented at the 8th UT Dallas PM Symposium in August and republished in the November PM World Journal . According to the author’s introduction to this new paper added to the PM World Collection in November, “Critical thinking, in the simplest form, is the process of using logic and reasoning to remove bias and opinion, and fully understand a topic. Project teams can benefit greatly by operating from this fact-based viewpoint, especially considering the varied skills and responsibilities of the team members. Clarity around the facts and finely articulated specifics are less likely to create confusion, miscommunication, rework, and unnecessary stress... Exploring the project lifecycle leads to endless opportunities for improvement by way of critical thinking as well…”

To read this interesting new work, visit the authors’ showcase page at and click on the title of the paper. Must be a logged in library member to access!

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Using Socially Relevant Projects to Develop Engineering Students’ Project Management, Critical Thinking, Teamwork, and Empathy Skills: The UTAD-REFOOD Experience

  • Conference paper
  • First Online: 01 January 2023
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critical thinking and project management

  • Caroline Dominguez   ORCID: 11 , 12 ,
  • Gonçalo Cruz   ORCID: 11 , 12 , 13 &
  • Adelaide Cerveira   ORCID: 11 , 13  

Part of the book series: Communications in Computer and Information Science ((CCIS,volume 1720))

Included in the following conference series:

  • International Conference on Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education

1118 Accesses

3 Citations

Teaching project management to engineering students demands real-world experiences in which they can apply and develop work-ready skills, such as critical thinking, empathy, and teamwork. While a shortage of these skills in new graduates is frequently claimed by engineering companies and educational bodies, there is still a lack of higher education research studies on how to foster them through teaching practice. This paper intends to contribute to filling this gap by presenting an exploratory case study research of a Project-Based Learning (PjBL) experience aimed at designing and implementing a professional (re)integration plan for social and economic deprived people (e.g., long/short-term unemployed), who depend on external food supply provided by a non-profit organization called REFOOD. The experience was carried out in Portugal, from February to June 2021, with 7 MSc mechanical engineering students from the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD). We firstly describe the PjBL experience in terms of the key driving question, the learning goals, the educational activities, the collaboration among students and stakeholders, the scaffolding activities, and the tangible learning artefacts produced. We further discuss the preliminary results of the study from data collected through documental analysis, participant observation, and self-completion questionnaires on students’ perceptions of the PjBL experience. Data analysis shows that this experience positively impacted the development of students’ project management, empathy, critical thinking, and team-working skills, by mainly having challenged their personal belief systems and biases related to the real-world scenarios they dealt with. Finally, we outline implications for the teaching practice concerning the development of similar PjBL experiences, as well as future research directions.

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Canney, N., Bielefeldt, A.: A framework for the development of social responsibility in engineers. Int. J. Eng. Educ. 31 (1B), 414–424 (2015)

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University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), 5000-801, Vila Real, Portugal

Caroline Dominguez, Gonçalo Cruz & Adelaide Cerveira

Research Centre on Didactics and Technology in the Education of Trainers (CIDTFF), 3810-193, Aveiro, Portugal

Caroline Dominguez & Gonçalo Cruz

Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC), 4200-465, Porto, Portugal

Gonçalo Cruz & Adelaide Cerveira

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University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal

Arsénio Reis

João Barroso

Paulo Martins

University of Peloponnese, Tripoli, Greece

Athanassios Jimoyiannis

National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City, Taiwan

Ray Yueh-Min Huang

Nova IMS, Lisbon, Portugal

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Dominguez, C., Cruz, G., Cerveira, A. (2022). Using Socially Relevant Projects to Develop Engineering Students’ Project Management, Critical Thinking, Teamwork, and Empathy Skills: The UTAD-REFOOD Experience. In: Reis, A., Barroso, J., Martins, P., Jimoyiannis, A., Huang, R.YM., Henriques, R. (eds) Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education. TECH-EDU 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1720. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 01 January 2023

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How can the Critical Path Method Guide you in Project Planning?


Category: Task Management .


You’ve been handed the keys to a complex project, with deadlines looming and a team raring to go. But navigating the intricate web of tasks, dependencies, and timelines can quickly become overwhelming. That’s where the Critical Path Method (CPM) makes a difference.

CPM is a powerful project management technique that helps you identify the most critical tasks, optimize timelines, and allocate resources effectively. It’s like having a GPS for your project, guiding you through the most efficient route while avoiding potential roadblocks. So, whether you’re constructing a skyscraper, launching a new product, or planning an epic corporate retreat, CPM is your secret weapon for success.

So, What is the Critical Path Method?

The Critical Path Method is all about finding the longest cadence of dependent tasks that should be completed on time for the entire project to finish as planned. This sequence of tasks is known as the “critical path,” and any delay in these activities will directly impact the overall project duration. Think of it like a chain—if one link breaks, the whole thing falls apart. The critical path represents the tightest, most inflexible series of tasks that cannot be delayed without compromising the project deadline. It’s the backbone of your project, and neglecting it could lead to disastrous consequences.

But don’t worry. Identifying the critical path is surprisingly straightforward. It involves creating a network diagram visually representing all the tasks, their dependencies, and their durations. Armed with this visual aid, you can easily calculate each task’s earliest and latest start and finishing time, pinpointing the critical path.

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do,” Steve Jobs

A Step-by-Step Guide to Find a Project’s Critical Path

Define your tasks.

To begin with, list all the tasks required to complete your project, whether big or small. Be as specific as possible, and don’t leave anything out – even the seemingly insignificant tasks can have a ripple effect.

Establish Dependencies

Identify the relationships between tasks. What task comes first and the next? This is where dependencies come into play. Some tasks may rely on the completion of one or more preceding tasks, creating a chain of dependencies.

Estimate Duration

Estimate and allot a realistic time to each task based on historical data, expert input, or good old-fashioned guesstimation (but make it an educated one!). Remember, accuracy is key here – underestimating task durations can throw your entire plan out of whack.

Create the Network Diagram

Time to break out your artistic skills (or just use a fancy project management software)! Construct a network diagram that visually represents all the tasks, their dependencies, and their durations. This diagram will be your roadmap to the critical path.

Calculate the Critical Path

Using the network diagram, compute the earliest and latest start and finish times for each task. The critical path will emerge as the longest sequence of tasks with zero float (no flexibility in start or finish times).

Allocate Resources

With the critical path identified, you can allocate resources effectively, ensuring that the most critical tasks receive the attention and resources they need to stay on track.

Monitor and Adjust

Remember, the critical path is not set in stone. As your project progresses, monitor for any changes or delays that may impact the critical path, and adjust your plan accordingly. Flexibility is key to keeping your project on the path to success.


The Critical Path Method in Action

Seeing is believing, right? Let’s bring the CPM to life with a hypothetical example: Imagine you’re tasked with organizing a corporate retreat for your company.

  • Book the venue (2 weeks)
  • Finalize the agenda (1 week)
  • Send out invitations (1 day) – Depends on tasks 1 and 2
  • Arrange travel and accommodation (3 weeks) – Depends on task 1
  • Prepare materials and presentations (2 weeks) – Depends on task 2

In this scenario, the critical path would be tasks 1 → 3 → 4, as any delay in these tasks would directly impact the overall retreat date. By identifying this critical path, you can focus your resources and efforts on these key tasks , ensuring that the retreat stays on schedule.


Common Pitfalls

When implementing CPM, especially for those new to the method, several common mistakes can undermine the success of a project.

1. Underestimating Task Durations

One of the most frequent errors is underestimating the time it takes to complete tasks . Overoptimistic planning can lead to unrealistic project timelines and significant delays. To counter this, project managers should utilize historical data from similar projects as a benchmark. Detailed discussions with team members directly involved in the tasks can also provide more accurate estimates. Additionally, applying a contingency buffer—typically 10-20% extra time—on top of estimated durations can accommodate unexpected delays without affecting the overall timeline.

2. Overlooking Task Dependencies

Failing to recognize or accurately define the dependencies between tasks can result in scheduling conflicts and resource allocation issues, thereby disrupting the entire project flow. Thoroughly mapping out all dependencies during the planning phase is crucial. This can be achieved through comprehensive brainstorming sessions with all stakeholders and advanced change management project management tools that visually outline these dependencies. Regular review meetings throughout the project can also help identify and rectify overlooked dependencies in a timely manner.

Common Pitfalls Conclusion

The Critical Path Method (CPM) is not just a tool but a cornerstone of successful project management. Integrating risk management and adapting CPM for agile frameworks addresses the challenges of modern projects, from construction to tech innovations. This approach empowers managers to anticipate risks, prioritize tasks , and maintain flexibility. As project landscapes grow increasingly complex, CPM’s strategic framework is essential. It transforms potential pitfalls into opportunities for success, ensuring the path to project completion is clear and attainable. Embrace CPM and turn your project visions into realities.

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Air Force Sets Sights High: Legislators Push for 'Flying Car' Integration

Posted: May 18, 2024 | Last updated: May 18, 2024

<p>The United States Air Force's ambition to bring science fiction to life with its electric "flying car" initiative has taken a significant leap towards reality.</p>

The United States Air Force's ambition to bring science fiction to life with its electric "flying car" initiative has taken a significant leap towards reality.

<p>Recent legislative actions are directing the Air Force to accelerate the operational integration of these innovative vehicles, potentially revolutionizing not only military logistics but also the landscape of aviation technology.</p>

Recent legislative actions are directing the Air Force to accelerate the operational integration of these innovative vehicles, potentially revolutionizing not only military logistics but also the landscape of aviation technology.

<p>House lawmakers have taken a decisive stance on the future of aerial mobility, mandating that the Air Force and the Pentagon establish a working group specifically for the Agility Prime program's transition into operational use.</p>

House lawmakers have taken a decisive stance on the future of aerial mobility, mandating that the Air Force and the Pentagon establish a working group specifically for the Agility Prime program's transition into operational use.

<p>Agility Prime, a forward-thinking project by the Air Force’s innovation arm, AFWERX, collaborates with industry partners to develop electric vertical takeoff-and-landing (VTOL) aircraft, commonly referred to as "orbs."</p>

Agility Prime, a forward-thinking project by the Air Force’s innovation arm, AFWERX, collaborates with industry partners to develop electric vertical takeoff-and-landing (VTOL) aircraft, commonly referred to as "orbs."

<p>With contracts issued to more than a dozen companies since 2020, the Air Force's experimentation with electric air taxis is no longer theoretical. Field tests include transporting spare parts and cargo around bases and simulating casualty evacuation exercises.</p>

With contracts issued to more than a dozen companies since 2020, the Air Force's experimentation with electric air taxis is no longer theoretical. Field tests include transporting spare parts and cargo around bases and simulating casualty evacuation exercises.

<p>The silence of electric aircraft compared to their fuel-powered counterparts has not gone unnoticed; the potential for quieter combat rescue operations signifies a transformative edge in stealth and efficiency.</p>

The silence of electric aircraft compared to their fuel-powered counterparts has not gone unnoticed; the potential for quieter combat rescue operations signifies a transformative edge in stealth and efficiency.

<p>The newly proposed section of the House Armed Services Committee's fiscal 2025 National Defense Authorization Act stipulates a six-month deadline for the formation of an Agility Prime transition working group.</p>

The newly proposed section of the House Armed Services Committee's fiscal 2025 National Defense Authorization Act stipulates a six-month deadline for the formation of an Agility Prime transition working group.

<p>This group, operational until the end of September 2027, is tasked with identifying military applications for the program's technologies and strategizing their broader integration across various program executive offices.</p>

This group, operational until the end of September 2027, is tasked with identifying military applications for the program's technologies and strategizing their broader integration across various program executive offices.

<p>With a powerhouse team led by the Air Force Secretary and composed of defense heavyweights, including the Army and Navy secretaries, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and representatives from U.S. Special Operations Command and U.S. Transportation Command, the initiative is comprehensive.</p>

With a powerhouse team led by the Air Force Secretary and composed of defense heavyweights, including the Army and Navy secretaries, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and representatives from U.S. Special Operations Command and U.S. Transportation Command, the initiative is comprehensive.

<p>By September 2025, the Air Force Secretary must submit a progress report to Congress detailing the advancement of hybrid or electric VTOL aircraft and the plans to incorporate these technologies into military acquisition or R&D programs.</p>

By September 2025, the Air Force Secretary must submit a progress report to Congress detailing the advancement of hybrid or electric VTOL aircraft and the plans to incorporate these technologies into military acquisition or R&D programs.

<p>This push for transformation in military aviation is not an isolated endeavor. The Air Force is also harnessing a newly granted authority, known as Quick Start, to preemptively develop critical programs before formal budget approval. This includes enhancing the resilience of GPS satellites and developing a battle management system for moving target indication, further emphasizing the military's commitment to technological innovation and strategic advancements.</p>

This push for transformation in military aviation is not an isolated endeavor. The Air Force is also harnessing a newly granted authority, known as Quick Start, to preemptively develop critical programs before formal budget approval. This includes enhancing the resilience of GPS satellites and developing a battle management system for moving target indication, further emphasizing the military's commitment to technological innovation and strategic advancements.

<p>The Agility Prime initiative positions the military at the forefront of an emerging aviation market, amplifying its technological prowess while potentially contributing to American economic growth. Commercial partnerships are essential to this vision, as military funding is not the primary driver for the underlying research and development.</p>

The Agility Prime initiative positions the military at the forefront of an emerging aviation market, amplifying its technological prowess while potentially contributing to American economic growth. Commercial partnerships are essential to this vision, as military funding is not the primary driver for the underlying research and development.

<p>Despite the high-concept nature of the program, one of its core principles is to refrain from modifying these vehicles for military-unique requirements or arming them for strike missions, respecting the commercial sector's potential reservations about developing lethal platforms.</p>

Despite the high-concept nature of the program, one of its core principles is to refrain from modifying these vehicles for military-unique requirements or arming them for strike missions, respecting the commercial sector's potential reservations about developing lethal platforms.

Nonetheless, the Air Force recognizes that the possibility of arming these orbs in the future remains open, mirroring the evolutionary path of other aircraft, such as the Predator drones.

<p>The Agility Prime initiative, with its ambitious goals and collaborative spirit, is not just about achieving technological breakthroughs but also about ensuring American leadership in the evolving world of advanced air mobility. As the Air Force sets the groundwork for this future, it simultaneously ignites the imagination of those who grew up dreaming of a world where flying cars are more than just a fixture of science fiction.</p>  <p><b>Relevant articles: </b><br>- <a href=",flying%20car%E2%80%9D%20concept%20a%20reality.">House bill: Time to put Air Force’s ‘flying car’ concept into action</a>, Defense News<br>- <a href="">Air Force to get a head start on GPS, target tracking efforts</a>, C4ISRNet<br>- <a href="">Flying Cars: Air Force Aims to Turn Science Fiction into Science Fact</a>, National Defense Magazine</p>

The Agility Prime initiative, with its ambitious goals and collaborative spirit, is not just about achieving technological breakthroughs but also about ensuring American leadership in the evolving world of advanced air mobility. As the Air Force sets the groundwork for this future, it simultaneously ignites the imagination of those who grew up dreaming of a world where flying cars are more than just a fixture of science fiction.

Relevant articles: - House bill: Time to put Air Force’s ‘flying car’ concept into action , Defense News - Air Force to get a head start on GPS, target tracking efforts , C4ISRNet - Flying Cars: Air Force Aims to Turn Science Fiction into Science Fact , National Defense Magazine

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    Project management is a complex and dynamic field that requires a variety of skills to succeed. Among them, critical thinking skills are essential for identifying, analyzing, and solving problems ...

  7. PDF The Role of Critical Thinking in Project Management1

    The Role of Critical Thinking in Project Management1 Phil Caputo, PMP, Six Sigma Black Belt Project managers are drivers by nature. They are not typically satisfied to hear an issue, and simply wait for resolution to come their way. Most successful PMs want to dig in and understand the problem they are facing, how it impacts their project and

  8. What Are Critical Thinking Skills and Why Are They Important?

    It makes you a well-rounded individual, one who has looked at all of their options and possible solutions before making a choice. According to the University of the People in California, having critical thinking skills is important because they are [ 1 ]: Universal. Crucial for the economy. Essential for improving language and presentation skills.

  9. Critical Thinking

    Critical thinking is the discipline of rigorously and skillfully using information, experience, observation, and reasoning to guide your decisions, actions, and beliefs. You'll need to actively question every step of your thinking process to do it well. Collecting, analyzing and evaluating information is an important skill in life, and a highly ...

  10. Build Critical Thinking Skills in 7 Steps w/ Examples [2024] • Asana

    Decision matrices are a great way to identify the best option between different choices. Check out our article on 7 steps to creating a decision matrix. 1. Identify the problem. Before you put those critical thinking skills to work, you first need to identify the problem you're solving.

  11. Critical Thinking Skills and activities for Project Managers

    Critical thinking skills is the backbone to Critical Decision-making, which in and of itself, leads to successful change management and project delivery success. But don´t take my word for it…just listen to The Project Management Institute (PMI), and their Project Management Body Of Knowledge (PMBOK) 6th Edition now includes The Talent Triangle:

  12. How to make better critical project decisions

    Her teaching relates to project management, systems thinking, group dynamics, and change management. Natalie is a SCiO Non-Executive Director. She is also an active member of POW Management Research Group at Liverpool Business School that develops solutions for challenges in Projects, Operations and Workplace management.

  13. Influence of Critical Thinking on Project Decision-Making

    Critical thinking (CT) is the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment. In project management, CT is the bedrock of sound decision-making.

  14. PDF 12 Principles of Project Management

    f Value is the ultimate indicator of project success. f Value can be realized throughout the project, at the end of the project, or after the project is complete. f Value, and the benefits that contribute to value, can be defined in quantitative and/or qualitative terms. f A focus on outcomes allows project teams to support the intended benefits


    Critical Thinking for Project Leaders. Effective project leaders use critical thinking throughout their projects, from planning, decision making, problem solving, allocating resources, setting priorities, leading change, managing conflict, negotiating, to making financial decisions. Often project leaders must make decisions in an environment of ...


    Adapting to change requires a constant assessment and adaptation through critical thinking and decision making. As project practitioners make decisions on their projects, they need to be aware of inherent biases and fallacies that can lead to less-the-optimal decisions.

  17. CCRS

    Learn how to upgrade critical thinking to avoid deceiving fallacies, spot misleading cognitive biases, craft better arguments, hone judgment, and improve decision-making. Instructor Becki Saltzman teaches skills that will improve how your company or team innovates, tackles challenges, and responds to change. Visit Course Website.

  18. Strategic thinking for today's project managers

    Strategic thinking is an intentional process easily lost amid the pressures of operational decision-making and tactical leadership. This paper helps project managers step back from the trees to see the forest and lays the foundation for better strategic thinking within project teams, departments, and overall organizations through changing focus ...

  19. How to Improve Critical Thinking in the Workplace

    Hone your critical thinking skills, and become an indispensable member of your team with these five steps. 1. Formulate Your Questions. First thing to do: Identify the problem and the questions you need to ask. When you ask smart questions from the beginning, you can get a clearer picture of the issues involved.

  20. Critical Thinking in Project Management

    New paper by Phil Caputo provides argument for decision making based on facts, logic and objective reasoning. 23 November 2014 - Dallas, TX, USA - "The Role of Critical Thinking in Project Management" is the title of a new paper by Phil Caputo (USA), originally presented at the 8th UT Dallas PM Symposium in August and republished in the November PM World Journal.

  21. Critical Thinking for Project Managers

    While critical thinking is a skill that we develop over a lifetime, this seminar will provide a strong intervention through discussion, small group activities and individual tasks to reinforce good thinking behavior and to identify poor thought processes. ... To be added to a wait list for one of our project management courses, please contact ...

  22. Using Socially Relevant Projects to Develop Engineering ...

    Among the project's contributions, we highlight improvements in communication, empathy, teamwork, project management, and critical thinking skills. These main results were possible thanks to the consideration of the six hallmarks proposed by [ 7 ] for PjBL in a collaborative learning context, with shared leadership and constant feedback and ...

  23. Critical Decision Making Skills Project Managers

    Project managers make decisions on a daily basis. Most are relatively unimportant; while some are critical and will cause the project to be successful or to fail. Most of us consider ourselves competent decision makers based on our own history of making reasonable decisions in past projects. Yet there is a great deal of recent neurological research that indicates our brains really are not ...

  24. PDF Assessing Critical Thinking Capabilities of Project Management

    Equipping the critical thinking (CT) skills would improve one's abilities in managing projects. This paper reviews the CT theories, and derives a progressive model that assesses the CT competence of project management (PM) practitioners. A Delphi technique with convenience sampling was adopted, and a group of Project Management practitioners ...

  25. How can Critical Path Method Guide you in Project Planning

    Send out invitations (1 day) - Depends on tasks 1 and 2. Arrange travel and accommodation (3 weeks) - Depends on task 1. Prepare materials and presentations (2 weeks) - Depends on task 2. In this scenario, the critical path would be tasks 1 → 3 → 4, as any delay in these tasks would directly impact the overall retreat date.

  26. Project Management Articles & Tutorials

    Flash Sale: Get Microsoft Project 2021 for Just $19.97. The premier project management tool from Microsoft is on sale for a one-time payment of just $19.97 through April 22. By TechRepublic ...

  27. Enhancing Creative and Critical Thinking Skills: A Comprehensive

    Here are some key points about creative and critical thinking: 1. Creative Thinking: - Involves generating original, unique, and unconventional ideas. - Encourages divergent thinking, which is the ability to think broadly and consider multiple perspectives. - Requires openness, curiosity, and a willingness to take risks and explore new ...


    Critical Thinking for Project Leaders. Effective project leaders use critical thinking throughout their projects, from planning, decision making, problem solving, allocating resources, setting priorities, leading change, managing conflict, negotiating, to making financial decisions. Often project leaders must make decisions in an environment of ...

  29. Air Force Sets Sights High: Legislators Push for 'Flying Car ...

    Agility Prime, a forward-thinking project by the Air Force's innovation arm, AFWERX, collaborates with industry partners to develop electric vertical takeoff-and-landing (VTOL) aircraft ...

  30. 30 YEARS OF DEMOCRACY| 17 MAY 2024

    30 years of democracy | 17 may 2024