How to Create a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan [Template + Examples]

How to Create a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan [Template + Examples]

Casey O'Connor

What Is a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan?

What are the benefits of implementing this sales plan, how to create a 30-60-90-day sales plan, 30-60-90-day sales plan template, 30-60-90-day sales plan examples.

A 30-60-90 day sales plan is a three-month sales plan that outlines the approach and specific strategies that a new sales rep or sales manager will take in their first 90 days on the job.

When a new sales rep creates a well-thought-out 30-60-90 day sales plan, it demonstrates to their team and manager that they’re a self-starter and have the skills and strategy to do their job effectively and efficiently.

In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about the 30-60-90 day sales plan, including why it’s so important, how to make your own, and a few examples to help you get started.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • How to Create a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan
  • 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan Template
  • 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan Examples

A 30-60-90 day sales plan is a clear outline of what a new salesperson or sales manager plans to learn and achieve in their first three months in the role.

Generally speaking, it’s a good idea to create your own 30-60-90 day sales plan any time you begin a new sales role. This demonstrates to the hiring manager — and, later, your new sales manager and colleagues — that you:

  • Take initiative to plan for your success
  • Look forward to learning about the company and integrating with the current team 
  • Have specific ideas about how to add value to the organization

If you don’t create your own 30-60-90 day sales plan, some managers will make one for you. They may ask you to adhere to it as they evaluate your progress and offer feedback about your initial performance.

Each 30-60-90 day sales plan is unique, as they’re created based on the specific goals, skills, and organizational specifics of each individual sales professional and their company. 

That being said, they all generally tend to follow a similar framework: learn – implement – analyze & optimize.

30-60-90 Day Sales Plan

This kind of initiative does not go unnoticed in a sales interview, and — when you eventually get the job — will help the onboarding process run as smoothly as possible. A great 30-60-90 day sales plan can significantly reduce ramp-up time and increase productivity in new hires. 

There is very little downside to creating and implementing a 30-60-90 day sales plan. Although there is a bit of legwork involved in the process, the results are well worth it. Remember — failure to plan is a plan to fail.

The benefits of this plan, on the other hand, are numerous and significant. Both individual sales reps/managers and overall organizations alike benefit from the structure and focus on results that 30-60-90 day sales plans provide.

Empowers Employees to Position Themselves for Success

When a salesperson takes on a new position, a 30-60-90 day sales plan can help them onboard with intention.

Not only does this kind of plan demonstrate to the manager that you’re serious about your (and the company’s) success, but it also helps outline the responsibilities of your new role for your own day-to-day benefit. It gives you an easy-to-follow plan as you navigate the challenges of starting a new position.

It also helps new sales reps and managers create and work toward sales goals in a scalable and sustainable way.

Enables Managers to Maximize Their Resources

Every sales manager appreciates when a new employee creates their own 30-60-90 day sales plan. Not only does it help ensure the success of the incoming rep, but it also enables the sales manager to make the most of their new talent and appropriately plan the way they’re going to use their resources.

A 30-60-90 day sales plan can also help highlight any misconceptions or misalignments the new employee has relative to their new role, or the organization as a whole. It creates a good opportunity for management and new hires to become fully in sync as they understand the scope of the job and define success in the role.

Creates Team-Wide Transparency

A 30-60-90 day sales plan can help foster trust between a new sales hire and their colleagues. It proves that the new hire is capable of taking initiative and meeting goals independently, and gives a clear indication of how the new hire will contribute to the team.

As mentioned above, each 30-60-90 day sales plan is highly unique. There is no one formula that will help sales professionals create a “perfect” plan.

There is, however, a general framework of steps that you can follow that will help you create a robust 30-60-90 day sales plan that’s specific to the organization with which you’re working. 

30-60-90 Day Sales Plan: SMART Goal

1. Research Your New Employer

Before a sales interview, or at least before onboarding at a new company, learn as much as you can about their business — who they serve, what they offer, and with whom they mainly compete. Generate a list of questions to ask about their operation and/or their goals.

2. Identify Your New Organization’s Goals

As soon as you can, try to find out some of the company’s business or sales goals. You might learn about these through a sales interview ; you could also gather this kind of information from social media or through LinkedIn. 

The point is to learn enough about some of the things the company is hoping to achieve; you can then speak to those goals in your 30-60-90 day sales plan. 

You’ll also want to ask if they have any goals for you as an individual. They might, for example, have a certain sales quota they’d like you to meet. These should also be incorporated into your 30-60-90 day sales plan. 

This takes a little extra effort, but it’s likely to resonate with a hiring or sales manager. It shows that you’re a team player, and that you have the skillset to help the company successfully reach their goals. 

3. Determine Your Own Priorities

It’s also important to take into consideration your own strengths and career goals when you’re making your 30-60-90 day sales plan. 

See how closely you can align your own professional priorities with those of the company; the more you can find ways to show that the two complement one another, the better off you’ll be.

4. Create a Timeline and Indicate How You’ll Measure Success

Some parts of your 30-60-90 day sales plan might be easy to measure. In Phase 2, for example, you might indicate that you plan to make 50 sales calls per day. That’s a metric that will be easy to account for and evaluate. 

Other components, though, might be tricker to define. In Phase 3, you might plan to “improve the way you handle objections.” This isn’t the most straightforward or tangible progress indicator, but it can be measured. 

A sales rep might determine that they’ve met this goal when they can speak confidently to a range of objections during a role play exercise, with fewer than 5 “errors,” with errors defined as extended pauses or verbal miscues. 

You’ll also want to assign timelines to each action or intended achievement. Being able to measure and put a timeframe on your goals are both important parts of the SMART goal framework.

The more specifically you can measure your progress, the more effective your plan will b e.

Tip: Growing your sales team? Grab some data-backed findings and strategies below.

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The following template is an extensive and overarching checklist; not every item will apply to every salesperson or company. Similarly, you may find that you need to add additional components that are unique to your employment situation.

30-60-90 day sales plan template

To make it your own, click “File” and select “Make a copy.”

Feel free to remove or add any items from this list; treat this as a template or guide and edit as needed for your circumstances.

Below are three examples of real-world 30-60-90 day sales plans. The first two are great examples of use cases we’ve outlined here in this article: a new sales rep and a new sales manager. 

Note, though, that there’s a third use case that we didn’t explore as fully: a new sales territory . The same basic principles of the 30-60-90 day sales plan apply similarly to this topic. 

As always, feel free to use and adapt as you see fit according to your specific circumstances.

New Sales Rep

This 30-60-90 day sales plan example is perfect for a salesperson starting a new position as a sales rep. 

  • Complete all company-run onboarding, training, and/or coaching
  • Learn about the company’s mission, values, and culture
  • Become fluent in the specifics of the product and/or service
  • Research the target market and ICP, and learn how to reach and communicate with your specific buyer personas
  • Learn the names and roles of everyone on the team
  • Schedule periodic check-ins with a mentor and/or managers to discuss progress
  • Research your company’s competitors
  • Identify a top performer who is willing to let you shadow them, and schedule a few times to do so
  • Practice interacting with prospects
  • Role play different sales scenarios with your mentor or other top performers
  • Set sales goals using the SMART goal framework
  • Keep a clear record/detailed notes about all of your sales activities so that you can optimize the process in the future
  • Create a follow-up strategy and schedule
  • Review your notes and identify areas of strength and improvement
  • Make tweaks to your sales process and test them
  • Create and stick to a daily schedule that aligns with your productivity goals
  • Solicit feedback and incorporate it into your process

New Sales Manager

This 30-60-90 day sales plan example is perfect for a salesperson starting a new position as a sales manager.

  • Identify key professional and personal pieces of information about every team member (i.e., birthday, kids’ names, preferred work environment, preferred method of communication)
  • Identify any sales management tools you need, including technology like a CRM system
  • Perform thorough research on the competition and current and historical market trends
  • Study team sales reports to identify collective and individual strengths and weaknesses
  • Observe and record the day-to-day operations of team members
  • Implement at least one small change based on feedback from the team
  • Identify skills gaps or areas of growth, both individually and team-wide
  • Set new SMART goals for the team based on analysis and sales reports
  • Make at least one small change to support the team
  • Continue collecting and analyzing data
  • Meet 1:1 with team members to offer and solicit feedback 
  • Create a strategy for new training / coaching
  • Collect data and run analysis on how your new strategy could generate more revenue
  • Create a structured schedule that implements any changes

New Sales Territory

This 30-60-90 day sales plan example is perfect for a sales team that’s entering into a new sales territory.

  • Define the market/trends of the new sales territory 
  • Learn about the competition in the new territory, local or otherwise
  • Study and understand the demographics of the new territory
  • Identify ways to tweak your sales strategies based on demographics
  • Perform a SWOT analysis to determine viability 
  • Build the ICP and buyer personas for the new territory
  • Identify the most profitable accounts in the new territory
  • Create SMART sales goals
  • Decide which KPIs to focus on and design a system for tracking and recording them
  • Generate new leads
  • Ask for feedback from team members, prospects, and customers
  • Implement feedback as you optimize your process
  • Outline your sales forecast for the next quarter/remainder of the year
  • Create a sales process and workflows that align with your goals and forecast

Have you created and/or followed a 30-60-90 day sales plan before? How did it improve your sales process ? Would onboarding have been more challenging without one?

Tip: Looking for more sales plan templates? Grab them here –> 13 Sales Plan Templates .

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30-60-90 Day Sales Plan: The Complete Guide

30-60-90 Day Sales Plan: The Complete Guide

Sales reps who use the 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan are  30%  more successful than those who don’t. This clearly supports the fact that without a structured plan, you might face stress and the risk of not meeting your targets, which can be frustrating.

Don’t know where to start?

This guide provides a step-by-step 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan. It helps you set clear goals, understand important strategies, and use the first three months effectively to achieve long-term success. Let’s dive in and boost your sales journey!

  • What is a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan?
  • Empowers Sales Reps with a 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan
  • Maximizes Resources with a Strategic 30 60 90 Sales Manager Plan
  • Fosters Team Unity through Transparent 30 60 90 Day Objectives

Interviewing for a New Sales Position

On a new job, assignment to a new territory, creating a leadership strategy, leveling up sales skills, 30-day sales plan (day 1–30), 60-day sales plan (days 31–60), 90-day sales plan (days 61–90), 90 day sales plan (day 61-90).

  • 30-60-90 day plan: Manager example
  • 30-60-90 day plan: New sales territory example

Not including details

No plan to measure success, making an unclear plan, a fixed mindset, not following up with your manager, exceeding expectations with the 30-60-90 day sales plan, what is a 30-60-90 day sales plan .

A 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan is a plan that new salespeople use for their first three months on the job. It helps them set goals and know what to do.

Days 1- 30:  In the first month, new reps focus on learning about the company, its products, and how sales work.

Salespeople start by making connections with coworkers and customers. They learn what customers need and get to know the tools and resources they can use for sales.

Days 31-60:  During the second month, sales reps implement their strategies more. They identify target clients, develop sales techniques, and refine their pitch.

In the second month, they talk to more customers and find more people who want to buy things.

Days 61-90:  In the third month, the focus shifts towards expansion and refinement. Sales reps concentrate on closing deals, meeting targets, and exceeding customer expectations.

They improve by listening, assessing their progress, and planning.

During this time, they set bigger goals and prepare for the coming months.

What are the benefits of creating a 30-60-90 day plan? 

What are the benefits of creating

Following are some benefits of creating a 30-60-90 day plan:

1. Empowers Sales Reps with a 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan

A 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan serves as a transformative guide for sales reps new to the field. This structured approach breaks down the initial three months into distinct phases, offering a comprehensive sales plan template adaptable to various sales scenarios. It empowers reps with examples and templates, aiding in the creation of tailored plans for sales territories and individual growth.

The plan isn’t just about numbers; it’s a strategic 60-day sales business plan merged with a 90-day action plan, enhancing the performance of sales teams. It fosters skill development, boosts confidence, and aligns with strategic sales goals. Moreover, it supports the creation of free sales plan templates that encourage team collaboration, ensuring all team members contribute to the shared objectives.

2. Maximizes Resources with a Strategic 30 60 90 Sales Manager Plan

For sales managers, the 30-60-90 Sales Manager Plan optimizes resource allocation. It streamlines tools, training, and support, precisely matching them with outlined tasks and objectives. This plan empowers managers to curate sales action plans, enhancing team performance and driving toward set sales goals within the designated 30-60 90-day sales plan template.

The flexibility of this plan lies in its adaptability to diverse sales scenarios: a 90-day sales plan, a 30-60 90-day plan for sales territory management, or even a free sales plan template encouraging creative approaches. It doesn’t just assign tasks; it fosters collaboration, empowering managers to facilitate collective problem-solving among sales team members.

3. Fosters Team Unity through Transparent 30 60 90 Day Objectives

The cornerstone of our approach is the creation of a transparent 30 60 90 Day Plan that aligns with team objectives. This plan establishes shared goals and examples, encouraging open communication among sales team members. It nurtures a collaborative environment where discussions flow freely, aiding in the creation of effective sales plans and problem-solving strategies.

Transparent goal-setting ensures accountability, encouraging sales team members to take ownership of their responsibilities within the 30-60 90-day sales plan. 

When To Use A 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan? 

When To Use A 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan

You can use the 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan at different career stages as a sales professional in various situations. It helps you succeed and grow.

Here’s how and when you can use this plan:

When applying for a new sales position, a well-crafted 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan can impress potential employers. 

It showcases your preparedness and strategic thinking, making you a standout candidate.

For new hires, this plan acts as a roadmap, easing the transition into the new role. 

It provides precise tasks and goals for the first three months, ensuring a smooth onboarding process.

As a sales rep in a new area, you can use this plan to learn about the market, make connections, and become well-known. 

It assists in adapting strategies according to the specific needs of the new territory.

As a sales manager and leader, you can use the 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan to guide your teams. 

It helps in setting clear objectives, aligning sales efforts, and achieving team-wide goals.

If you are looking to enhance your sales skills, this plan acts as a self-improvement tool. 

It enables focused learning, goal setting, and skill development within a structured timeframe.

How Do You Create A 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan? 

Creating a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan is a strategic process that sets the stage for your success in a new sales role. Here’s a step-by-step guide to building a plan tailored to your specific goals and the demands of your position:

Begin by understanding your current situation. Assess your strengths, weaknesses, and the unique challenges of your sales role. 

Identify key areas that need improvement and consider the goals you want to achieve within the next 90 days.

Understand Your Environment: 

Dive into your new workplace. Familiarize yourself with the company culture, products, and services. 

Learn about your colleagues, customers, and competitors. Understanding your environment is essential for effective sales strategies.

Build Relationships: 

Make friends with your coworkers, both in your sales team and in other parts of the company. 

Building relationships creates a foundation for trust and future business.

Master the Basics: 

Ensure you have a solid grasp of sales techniques, product knowledge, and internal processes. 

This foundational understanding is crucial for effective communication with clients and team members.

Improve your way of talking: 

Look at how you talked to customers at first and make it better based on their responses.

Identify what works and what doesn’t. 

Adjust your approach to align with customer needs and preferences.

Strengthen your existing connections and expand your network further. Attend industry events, conferences, or networking sessions. 

Expand Your Network: 

A broader network opens doors to new opportunities and potential clients.

Focus on Productivity: 

Streamline your workflow, use sales tools, and focus on tasks. Improve your time management skills to maximize productivity. 

Efficient use of resources ensures you can handle a larger volume of clients.

Optimize Strategies:  

Analyze the results of your previous efforts and optimize your strategies. Identify successful techniques and emphasize them in your approach. Address any challenges or roadblocks.

Set Ambitious Goals: 

Based on your understanding of the market and your performance, set ambitious yet achievable goals for the upcoming months. 

These goals should challenge you and drive your continuous improvement.

Seek Feedback: 

Request feedback from clients, colleagues, and supervisors. This is because constructive criticism helps you refine your skills and approaches. Act on the feedback received to enhance your performance.

30-60-90 day plan examples 

Here are two examples that show how people can adapt this plan for different roles.

30-60-90 day plan: Manager example  

First 30 Days (Day 1-30):

  • Conduct one-on-one meetings with team members to understand strengths and challenges.
  • Go through historical sales data to identify trends and areas for improvement.
  • Start team training sessions focusing on product knowledge and advanced sales techniques.

Goals: Boost team collaboration, enhance product expertise, and address immediate sales hurdles.

Next 30 Days (Day 31-60):

  • Analyze team performance data and adjust strategies.
  • Introduce a new sales method based on market trends and customer feedback.
  • Track individual progress and provide tailored coaching to team members.

Goals: Increase sales by 15%, make the team work better, and use two new successful sales methods.

Final 30 Days (Day 61-90):

  • Conduct a team review session to gather feedback on implemented changes.
  • Refine sales strategies based on team and market responses.
  • Develop long-term sales goals and action plans for the upcoming months.

Goals: Keep selling more, make things better all the time, and plan for success in the long run.

30-60-90 day plan: New sales territory example 

  • Immerse in the new territory, understanding local market dynamics and customer preferences.
  • Nurture existing relationships and identify potential clients.
  • Focus on building a trustworthy bond with clients.
  • Learn more about the product to sell it better.
  • Use existing connections to get new customers and grow.
  • Install targeted marketing strategies tailored to local details.
  • Deepen market penetration and increase brand visibility.
  • Collaborate with local businesses and engage in community involvement for enhanced reputation.
  • Gather customer feedback for necessary adjustments and ensure satisfaction.
  • Build lasting relationships and offer customized solutions to clients.
  • Establish the company as a trusted entity within the territory.

Goals: Ensure steady revenue streams, create future opportunities, and solidify the company’s reputation.

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Building A 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan 

A 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan is powerful, but certain mistakes can negatively affect its effectiveness. Here are the common errors you should avoid:

Not including details

One of the primary mistakes is creating an unclear plan lacking specific details. Not explaining what you want to achieve, how you plan, and the steps to take can confuse your team and make them less productive.

No plan to measure success

With a defined method to measure success, it’s easier to test the plan’s effectiveness. Setting quantifiable targets and implementing key performance indicators (KPIs) is crucial. This data-driven approach ensures you can track progress and make informed adjustments.

Making an unclear plan

An unclear plan often results in misunderstandings and misaligned efforts. It’s vital to express your expectations. Lack of clarity can result in team members working at cross-purposes, diminishing the plan’s impact.

A fixed mindset

A rigid approach, unwillingness to adapt, and resistance to change can hinder growth. Embrace flexibility and openness to new ideas. A fixed mindset limits innovation and obstructs the plan’s ability to adapt to evolving market demands.

As a sales rep, lack of communication with your manager is a significant pitfall. Regular updates and feedback sessions are crucial. Not telling your manager how you’re doing, what problems you face, and what you’ve achieved can make it harder for everyone to work together.

In the fast-paced sales world, the 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan is a smart strategy. 

This guide reveals the details of this helpful approach, whether you’re new, leading, or improving in sales. It empowers you to succeed.

It’s not about setting goals; it’s about crafting a tailored journey to success. With a clear understanding of products and strong customer connections, you’re set for success. 

With this guide as your companion, step into the sales arena with confidence.

And don’t forget to thank us later. 

Q1: What is a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan?

A 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan is a framework designed to guide sales professionals in their first three months on a new job. It outlines specific tasks and goals for each phase, ensuring a structured approach to success.

Q2: Who can enjoy a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan?

Salespeople, managers, and those starting new roles or in new areas can enjoy this plan. It offers a clear guide, helping improve skills, set goals, and use effective sales strategies.

Q3: How do I create a personalized 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan?

To make your plan, consider what you’re good at and what needs work. Learn about your surroundings, set goals, and adjust your methods based on feedback and outcomes. The guide provides detailed steps for crafting your unique plan.

Published On: February 14, 2024

Written by: sushant shekhar, categories: sales sales tips, you might also like.

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How To Create a Winning 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan (+ Sales Plan Template)

You’ve got a job interview for your dream sales job.

You have the experience and a track record of success. The only thing between you and your offer letter is your (hopefully) future sales manager.

Impress them with your exceptional selling skills and expertise, and you’ve got the job.

But the question is: how?

This sales plan template guide will show you how to put together a winning 30-60-90 day sales plan to impress your sales manager with your sales knowledge and expertise and nab your dream sales position.

30 60 90 day plan for sales

What Is a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan?

A 30-60-90 day sales plan outlines the measurable goals for your first three months on the job. Think of it as your personal value proposition that shows your superiors you’re a self-starter and helps you be laser-focused on achieving results.

It expands on what success looks like in the first 30, 60, and 90 days, respectively. The idea here is to lay out your clear-cut plans for measuring a successful transition and keeping everyone focused in the right direction.

Why Do You Need a 30, 60, 90 Day Plan?

Your dream sales job is also somebody else’s dream job. This means you have to stand out in your interview and make sure the hiring manager can see what a great addition you can be to the organization.

The only way to do this effectively is to create a sales plan that shows your vision of the future of the sales territory or customers you’ll be taking over. It should outline your interaction with your sales team, sales strategies, sales cycle, target audience and revenue goals.

Each aspect of your 30-60-90 day sales plan should detail a specific focus, your priorities and goals, and a plan for measuring success. Getting this right will help you maximize your progression into a new role by identifying potential partners to sell two and establishing a general framework for success.

Here’s are the biggest benefits of developing a 30-60-90 day plan:

  • Creates a clear focus for your first 90 days on the job, boosting your productivity and maximizing results
  • Ensures your goals are set properly in your 30-60-60 day plan, letting you integrate quickly and smoothly into the organization
  • Proves you’re capable of self-management and achieving goals and are an employee worthy of development.

If you bring in a well-thought-out plan into a job interview , you’ll have an advantage over other under-prepared candidates, significantly improving your chances of getting hired.

Other Scenarios Where Having a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan Makes Sense

Putting together a 30-60-90 days sales plan takes time and effort, but the good news is you don’t have to do it often. When you write a sales plan it becomes a sales tool that can be used over and over.

Besides the interview process, you can also use your sales plan for the following circumstances:

Scenario 1: First Week on the Job

You got a brand-new job—or maybe you’ve earned an internal promotion.

Regardless of the circumstance, you should create a 30-60-90 days sales plan within the first week on the job. Doing this will demonstrate your commitment to your new role and give you a well-defined plan to ensure you’re off to a good start.

Scenario 2: New Territory Management Assignments

If your company follows the territory management approach, creating a 30 60 90 day plan for new sales territory is a no-brainer.

Your plan should clearly define geographic boundaries for territories you’re responsible for and the metrics you’ll use to evaluate territory performance. It should include any new business goals, changes in the company mission or types of sales that you'll be making.

Steps To Create a Winning 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan Template

Next, let’s understand how you can draft an effective 30 60 90 day sales strategy plan.

Step 1: Know Who You’re Creating the Plan For

You should know who you’re making the plan for. This involves thinking from the perspectives of two stakeholders: your team and you.

A) Align Your Plan With Your Organization’s Goals

Understand your sales team’s priorities and goals and align your sales plan with them.

For a job interview, try to connect with a salesperson already working with the company on LinkedIn. Strike a polite conversation and ask them what goals they’re being pushed towards corporately.

If you’re new on the job or handling a new territory, speak to your sales manager and ask them about goals that matter most to the organization.

Find out current revenue targets, sales and marketing initiatives and any strategies and tactics that are working for the sales team.

B) Identify Your Own Priorities

What are your current priorities and personal goals? 

Do you want to earn more money? Or do you want to focus on building now to set up your territory for even bigger successes? Maybe you want to position yourself as a legendary adviser for all things sales.

You must identify your own priorities before you start building your 30 60 90 day plan. This will give you a clearer perspective on how to approach things and set yourself up for success.

Do you want to install new sales tools, motivate your team or start pushing a new product or service? Creating your sales plan can reduce the time to implement a more effective sales action plan.

Don’t worry; we’ll also share a super-easy template you can follow and ensure better outcomes.

Step 2: Figure Out How to Measure Your Success

Now that you know your sales goals, your next step is to measure progress against those goals.

In the words of Peter Drucker, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” When you know how to measure success, you can improve your plan further by identifying and eliminating weak aspects.

Here are a few tips to help you get started on the right track:

  • Gain in-depth knowledge of product features
  • Have the ability to demo the product at a high level
  • Have built key relationships built-in potential growth accounts
  • Developing a more targeted customer profile
  • Become known, liked, and trusted with all current partners
  • Improved sales performance or increased sales activities
  • Have a list of 100 potential partners to prospect over the next 12 months

Step 3: Draft Your 30-60-90 Day Plan Breakdown

At this point, you’ve already done most of the hard work.

You can now focus on documenting the information you currently have to create a more formal 30-60-90 day sales plan that you can then share with your sales manager. For each section of your plan, ask yourself “what does success look like?“.

Note: We’ve also added critical questions below to help you create a more impressive sales plan.

Stage 1: 30 Days

As mentioned, the first step is to ask yourself what success looks like after 30 days are complete.

When applying for a job, success in the first 30 days is likely completing your onboarding and training process successfully. In addition, you can also add the following criteria if you want to be more specific:

  • Understanding corporate priorities, new roles and responsibilities
  • Intermediate knowledge of key products and services
  • Knowing the product's position in the market vs. the competition
  • Developing key connections within the organization with customer support, sales leadership, team members etc
  • Going through previous rep's sales CRM data and outlining a few key accounts to target

The 30-day section of your sales plan should define your success goals and briefly explain how you plan on achieving them. It should also share how you‘ll know you’ve been successful in meeting these goals. 

Let’s explain this using an example.

  • Success goal: Having intermediate knowledge of key products and services offered by the organization.
  • To complete I will: Spend an hour every week with the product specialist for each product and have them quiz me on my knowledge.
  • I will have success if: In the 30-day review meeting with my sales manager, they can quiz me about our product range like a potential partner would and I can answer their questions confidently.

This will allow you to show off your self-starting nature and help you understand your responsibilities better.

Be sure to schedule a meeting with your sales manager to discuss successes and any issues you had during the 30 days before moving on to the 60-day and 90-day time periods. It’ll make the transition smoother.

Stage 2: 60 Days

With the first 30 days up, you have to amp up your sales efforts in the second month.

You’ll be spending more time in the field or talking to potential partners at this stage. Keeping this in mind, you should understand your marketplace and products at a high level. Regardless of what you’re selling, after 60 days of being immersed in it, you should know everything related to the offering—big or small.

Another good tactic is to role play with co-workers and shadow your senior sales professionals to understand their sales processes and approaches.

Here are some pointers to include in the 60-day section of your sales plan. Notice how some of them are mandatory, while others are more flexible depending on your role, experience, and onboarding process.

  • Started developing at least five new leads — Mandatory 
  • Have shadowed the top two performing sales reps in the company — Mandatory 
  • High-level understanding of key products — Mandatory 
  • Completed role-playing sessions with other sales professionals in the team
  • Have contributed to a sales meeting by adding value to the conversation
  • Completed all formal sales onboarding or training that needs to be done

Of course, these objectives will vary depending on why you’re drafting the 30-60-90 day sales plan. For instance, if you’re an experienced sales professional who has been recently assigned a new sales territory, your success criteria will look something like this:

  • Knowing your target territory — Mandatory 
  • Setting measurable and realistic setting goals — Mandatory
  • Developing a territory management plan — Mandatory
  • Recording daily development in CRM
  • Attending meetings with other sales professionals

Information overload, we know. But getting this step right will help you achieve greater success. Plus, once you get the hang of things, everything will become easier. 

Stage 3: 90 days

This is where you hit the ground running.

Your 31-90 day plan sets out what you’re planning on doing for the rest of the time in the specific sales role. Here, you should have an optimized prospecting list and have your foot in the door with at least a couple of potential new key accounts. 

Only a few things can go wrong at this point, which might stop your 30-60-90 day sales plan from being fabulous. Don’t worry, though. We’ll cover 30-60-90 day sales plan mistakes later to make sure all your hard work pays off.

At this point in your new sales role you should have a lead generation strategy, be on top of all the new sales enablement tools and content, understand your customer pain points and have a few new customers on the go.

At the 90-day meeting with your sales manager, discuss any 3-4 points from the following success criteria:

  • Clear and optimized prospecting list in use — Mandatory
  • Daily schedule established for prospecting, following up and staying on top of everything else — Mandatory
  • Become a solid member of the team — Mandatory
  • Had at least one round of feedback on performance from the sales manager
  • Closed at least a couple of deals without too much babysitting from others
  • Foot in the door with a couple of exciting key accounts

And that’s it! That’s how you create a solid 30-60-90 day sales plan.

Mistakes To Avoid When Creating a 30-60-90 day sales plan

The whole point of creating a 30-60-90 day sales plan is to give you a clear direction in your new sales role. But there are a few errors that may make it less effective…

Mistake 1: Not Including Success Measurement

We get it: you don’t want to make promises you can’t keep. But not including specific ways of measuring your success on your sales business plan is a huge red flag that may cause your sales manager to question your capabilities. 

You must be willing to put your money where your mouth is. So make sure you include measurable success criteria for each section of your 30-60-90 day sales plan.

Mistake 2: Making an Ambiguous Plan 

Planning is about being specific and granular. 

If you’re going to be ambiguous, your plan isn’t going to inspire confidence in your new sales leadership role and may fall flat.

Sales managers want to see numbers and progress towards a target rather than vague business strategy and generic sales plans.

Mistake 3: Lack of Sales Manager Follow-ups

Similar to how following up is necessary to win deals, holding meetings with your sales manager is important for improving your 30-60-90 day sales plan and self-improvement. Don’t forget to schedule meetings with your sales manager at the 30, 60, and 90-day points to review your progress and ask for advice on your sales process.

30 60 90 Day Sales Plan Template

As promised, right click and save as to download your 30 60 90 day sales plan template . This free template will take you through the process of creating a sales plan.

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  1. How To Create A 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan? [With template]

    30 60 90 day plan for sales

  2. 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan Template

    30 60 90 day plan for sales

  3. How to Create a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan [Template + Examples]

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  4. The Guiding Star of New Sales Managers : 30 60 90 day sales plan plus

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  5. 5 Steps to Creating An Effective 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan with Xara

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  6. 30-60-90 Day Plan Slides for PowerPoint

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  2. WHAT TO DO ON THE 'FIRST DAY' IN A NEW JOB! #careeradvice

  3. 30/60/90 Day Expectations in Action

  4. HOW TO Start and Organize your 30/60/90 Day plan

  5. 30-60-90 Day Plan For HR Managers Animated Slides


  1. How to Write a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan with Examples

    A 30-60-90-day sales plan provides structure and guidance when building a sales team. In this article, we’ll define a 30-60-90-day sales plan and identify why it’s important. We’ll then discuss the benefits and when and how to use the sales plan. We’ll finish with examples and cover post-plan steps.

  2. How to Write a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan (With Template)

    A 30-60-90 day sales plan explains the measurable goals for a new hire’s first three months on the job and demonstrates their commitment to personal accountability. More importantly, a 30-60-90 day plan shows management that new hires will be focused on results, even during the onboarding process.

  3. How to Create a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan [Template

    A 30-60-90 day sales plan is a clear outline of what a new salesperson or sales manager plans to learn and achieve in their first three months in the role. Generally speaking, it’s a good idea to create your own 30-60-90 day sales plan any time you begin a new sales role.

  4. 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan: The Ultimate Guide

    1. Empowers Sales Reps with a 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan. A 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan serves as a transformative guide for sales reps new to the field. This structured approach breaks down the initial three months into distinct phases, offering a comprehensive sales plan template adaptable to various sales scenarios.

  5. How To Create a Winning 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan (+ Sales Plan

    What Is a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan? A 30-60-90 day sales plan outlines the measurable goals for your first three months on the job. Think of it as your personal value proposition that shows your superiors you’re a self-starter and helps you be laser-focused on achieving results.