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The Human Resources Management course includes a series of openly licensed written assignments and discussions aligned to specific learning outcomes and chapters. If you import this course into your learning management system (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.), all of the assignments and discussions (listed in the table, below,) will automatically be loaded into your LMS assignment and discussion-board tools. They can be used as is, modified, combined with your own assignments, or removed altogether.

The assignments in this course align with the following scenario:

You are a college senior who has been selected to participate in a hybrid internship/onboarding program with an elite HR research and advisory firm. Your training consists of a combination of formal education—specifically, enrollment in this Human Resource Management course—and a rotation in support of the principals of the firm. In your rotations, you will synthesize what you’ve learned in the relevant modules to address firm or client issues, conducting additional research as necessary and developing draft deliverables as instructed by the principal consultant. The quality of your deliverables – that is, your ability to convert learning into practical insight – will largely determine whether, at the end of the internship period, you are offered a position with the firm or simply thanked for your participation.

You can view them below or throughout the course.

Rubric for Assignments

There is also a sample rubric to assist you in grading. Instructors may modify these guidelines or use their own.


The following discussion assignments will also be preloaded (into the discussion-board tool) in your learning management system if you import the course. They can be used as is, modified, or removed. You can view them below or throughout the course.

Rubric for Discussion Posts

Answer keys for the discussion posts are available to faculty who adopt Waymaker, OHM, or Candela courses with paid support from Lumen Learning. This approach helps us protect the academic integrity of these materials by ensuring they are shared only with authorized and institution-affiliated faculty and staff.

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  • Pencil Cup. Authored by : IconfactoryTeam. Provided by : Noun Project. Located at : https://thenounproject.com/term/pencil-cup/628840/ . License : CC BY: Attribution

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2.15 Exercises/Activities for Teachers and Students

  • Review the HR Planning Process and the steps, individually . Discuss how you would create an HR plan for a company with 100 employees. Discuss how you would create an HR plan for a company of 2000 employees. What are the similarities? What are the differences? Discuss in a small group .
  • You are the HR Manager of a large company that is expanding. Presenting there are 5000 employees. The strategic plan mission is to expand to 8000 people over the next 3 years into difference markets, provide new products, and diversify into another country. It is your responsibility to create the HR Plan. Who do you speak to? Who do you get involved, and why? What is the first step you would take to create the HR Plan? Discuss in a small group .
  • Why do companies align the HR Plan with the Strategic Plan? Discuss with a partner .
  • You work for a Canadian retail chain that has stores in Western Canada. The company wants to expand to Ontario and Nova Scotia. The goals is to open 10 new stores in each province within a year. The CEO asks you to complete an external and internal review. What factors would you consider and include in your review? Discuss in a small group .
  • You work for a digital music and 3-D company that sells it’s services to the movie industry. The job descriptions and the move customer’s needs are in constant flux, upgrading technology and developing new digital software. You need to complete some forecasting. Which ones would you consider? Why? Discuss with a partner .
  • Review nominal group method and delphi method of forecasting, individually. What are the similarities? What are the differences? Do you have a preference you would use for a large electrical company that has 300 employees across Ontario? (The company is downsizing due to the slump in housing construction and sales). They expect to lay off about 100 employees. Discuss in a small group .
  • Why are staffing tables important to Human Resources? President? Brainstorm in large group .
  • Discuss an approach you would use if your company had “too many employees” and needed to cut back on staff by 30%? Why is this approach the most beneficial? Discussion in small group .
  • Discuss an approach you would use if your company was expanding by 40% over the next year. You now have 1000 employees and it is expected you will have 1400 employees within a year. Why is this approach the most beneficial? Discuss in small group .
  • What is the purpose of replacement charts? And, who would use them in the company? What would they use them for? Discuss with a partner .
  • Review the Conference Board of Canada website, individually . Share with a partner something that you learned that could b useful to an HR Manager.
  • Do you believe crowdsourcing is a good idea? Why? Why not? Brainstorm with the large group .
  • Have you ever had to complete an application online through a database? What are the advantages for HR? Did you think the process was a good experience, as an applicant? A bad experience, as an applicant? Discuss with a partner .
  • Think about security as it relates to HR analytics. Do so research on security online, individually . What are the risks? Discuss with a partner .
  • What are the challenges facing companies that want to invest in an HRIS? Brainstorm in large group .
  • In your own words, describe HR analytics. Write a one-minute paper . Share with a partner .
  • Research “analytics and the law”, individually . Find something interesting about the search. Share with a partner .
  • How do HR analytics impact job design? Recruitment? Training? Compensation? Discuss in a small group .
  • Teacher will research a budget for a small company.  Teacher will direct students to the weblink.  Students will find and review the budget (annual) in a small group ; and discuss variable costs, fixed costs, and mixed costs .
  • In a small group, each group will decide on research for one company.  The group will locate an income statement, balance sheet and statement of cash flow for the company.  The group will share what they learned in the larger group.
  • In pairs , students will review horizontal analysis and vertical analysis.  Each student chooses one topic.  Explain to the fellow student, in your own words, what the topic means and its importance to businesses.

Human Resources Management Copyright © 2023 by Debra Patterson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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10 Assignments For Human Resource Managers To Develop Future Skills

  • By Simon Carvi
  • No Comments


The Covid-19 pandemic has put tremendous pressure on organizations to change the way they operate: from sales and marketing, to finance and customer service. CEOs know that resilience and capacity to innovate are deeply rooted in the company’s human resources. 

To kickstart skilling efforts in the organization, what better place to start than to make sure the Human Resources department is properly equipped. Otherwise, who else should you empower to upskill the rest of your organization? As a matter of fact, the HR function is at the forefront of digital disruption. Your ability to build a skilled HR department is instrumental to make your organization future-ready. 

Remember that when it comes to training, individual Active Learning (classroom, eLearning, reading, etc.) accounts for roughly 10% of the job only! Around 20% of the learning journey to retain a skill is done through others (mentoring, peer interactions, etc.) and 70% by actually doing things! Of course the right blend depends on you and other parameters, such as your company’s business, industry and individual themselves.  

In this short article we will explore 10 SMART ways C-Level and Directors can make sure their HR Managers are being stretched in a good way, exploring projects that will strategically fit the company’s long-term growth and resilience to change. 

Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

1. Present a digital transformation strategy to top management

Competency developed: Digital transformation.

Objective: Own the topic of digital transformation within your company. 

Explanation: Yes, strategy! Ultimately digital transformation is about people skills and the ability to evolve in a digital environment. HR managers should be at the center of the conversation to understand future needs, analyze current gaps, and design a plan.

Tips: Read the literature on the topic. Collect feedback from experts or peers leading the same topic within their organizations. WORK WITH IT. 

2. Create and present new dashboard to CHRO including key metrics and qualitative analysis

Competency developed: People Analytics.

Objective: Analyse your company’s HR performance and contribute to business success. 

Explanation: Has your company a clear vision of its HR performance? Take advantage of the latest HR systems and Business Intelligence tools available to connect the dots. Measure actionable indicators and present them to management.

Tips: Collect expectations from CHRO and top management. Does your company already have a dashboard in place? Start collecting feedback from the current dashboard and try to connect new data points to provide new insights Collaborate with IT to learn how to structure and visualize data!

3. Make 5-year manpower plan aligned to business targets and present to top management 

Competency developed: Strategic workforce planning.

Objective : Plan the Human side of your company strategy so it can meet its turnover, profitability, or sustainability targets.

Explanation : How workforce will be utilized in the future? How to attract and develop the necessary skills. You’ll need more than one meeting to produce such a plan.

Tips: Make sure you collect the most relevant business targets to get a clear vision of the 5-year objectives and gaps. Meet with business line manager, top management, and collect market data to validate assumptions.

4. Highlight company’s top 5 turnover reasons with action plan to top management. 

Competency developed: Business partnering.

Objective: Develop your HR Managers to become real Business partner.

Explanation: From back seat to the front seat. HR managers are not only responsible for collecting data, but also to strategize an action plan. 

Tips: This stretch assignment is better utilized during the yearly budgeting period where managers are expected to summarize data and action plans. 

5. Ask HR Manager to personally train all managers on how to make Individual development plans 

Competency developed: Career development planning .

Objective: Boost your organization career development culture and processes. 

Explanation: It is true that HR managers do not own the career development paths of all employees, Line Managers do. On the other hand, HR Managers are responsible for the talent management process , making sure high potential employees are identified and that provided career paths match the organization’s long-term goals. This assignment will boost the HR Manager’s influencing skills while putting employee retention clearly at the center of the conversation.

Tips: This stretch assignment is better implemented with different workshops 5-7 managers maximum. Ultimately, the HR Manager shall control the quality of each Individual Development Plan (IDP) formalized. It is possible to imagine one on one sessions with managers failing to pass the IDP quality control. 

6. Rethink your company’s benefit package and implement one innovative benefit in line with the new workplace reality 

Competency developed : Compensation & Benefits management.

Objective : Make your company compatible with 2020 new workplace expectations. 

Explanation : Disrupted times call for bold measures and flexibility has just become every employee’s number one priority. HR managers must be creative and offer to top management solutions that will guarantee performance while fitting the employee’s expectation of the new normal.

Tips : You do not need to think money when thinking benefit. A good place to start to ensure creativity would be to run a survey. For example, what does work from home implies for your employees, or top management? Try to know more about those changes, and how does the company can help. 

7. Apply reverse mentoring within your team during monthly one on one sessions 

Competency developed : People Management.

Objective : Become a more balanced leader, get a deeper understanding of the motivations of younger employees and get up-to-date with digital tools.

Explanation : The odds are your HR Manager is a bit older than the team he/she manages. Organize ways to collect constructive feedback about your leadership and use them to improve. Subordinates can offer a wealth of feedback and guidance (digital tools!).

Tips : Reverse mentoring is hard, but the benefits on leadership skills can be huge. Do come with an open mind. During the meeting, let subordinate talk most of the time. Receive their feedback with a smile and spare some time to study their deeper meaning. 

8. Redesign performance management system to make it a continuous process. 

Competency developed : Continuous performance management.

Objective : Retain and develop talents.

Explanation : Spoiler alert! Feedback is not a “twice-a-year” thing anymore and one should not wait 6 months to get a meaningful conversation about performance with its boss. To cope with new expectations of the workforce, it is critical companies rethink the way they manage and record employee’s performance. 

Advice : Implement a culture of feedback by enforcing regular one-on-ones once per month. Turn to automated dashboards to measure competency development progress, KPIs and deviations.

9. Link learning and development activities to OKRs and competencies listed in your performance management system 

Objective : Get ROI from learning activities offered to employees. 

Explanation : Whether your organization use OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) or KPIs & competencies, make sure learning activities are linked with performance outputs. Follow up implementation on a monthly basis using one on ones. 

Advice : Diversify learning and apply the 70/20/10 approach: Active Learning, Social Learning and Stretch assignments. 

10. Implement monthly change management committees with top management

Objective : Put HR at the centre of change in your organization.

Explanation : HR Managers will not change organizations by themselves. They must collect voices from business line managers and must proceed to risk analysis before launching propositions. 

Advice : Change needs buy-in at the highest level. Get your CEO buy-in and offer him a seat at your committee. 

assignments for hr students

Do you agree with those suggestions? Do they sound challenging enough to develop long-term skills? Or at the contrary too difficult? Are you an HR Manager willing to develop future-proof skills or a CEO that want to impulse change in the organization? Let us know in the comments below. If you want to get more ideas to develop your teams, you can browse different development plans with 70/20/10 activities on  Huneety.com . New positions are added every week. 

This article has been written by our guest writer Simon Carvi who is an HR expert professional presenting over 7 years of experience gained through roles in Talent Acquisition and Employee Retention globally and in APAC. Simon is passionate about how people learn and the future of work. He helps organizations find practical ways to upskill their workforce as Huneety top learning contributors.

You can reach him on Li n kedIN :

Simon Carvi

Simon Carvi

Simon Carvi is an HR expert professional presenting over 7 years of experience gained through roles in Talent Acquisition an Employee Retention globally and in APAC. Simon is passionate about how people learn and future of work. He helps organizations find practical ways to upskill their workforce as Huneety top learning contributor.

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Hi there how can i help you, navigating the world of mba hr projects - a comprehensive guide for students, speak to our expert.

assignments for hr students

  • Oct 22, 2023

An MBA in HR is well-equipped with all the comprehensive management skills to lead and guide a workforce. If you are pursuing an MBA degree course and specializing in HR the program will teach you to develop and implement HR strategies for corporates to improve their organizational performance.

In the current scenario where human resources is a true asset for any company human resource management is one of the most sought-after skills students are trying to learn. Human resource management is comprised of different practices such as recruitment, training, and development, managing employee relations, employee performance, and more. And through successful human resource management, an organization can build a positive work environment, and attract and retain top talents, aligning with their business vision.

And to make sure every MBA in HR student is ready for their professional journey the MBA colleges assign them with several projects during the course to enrich their learning experience. Those projects help them apply their theoretical principles to real-world situations. Most MBA programs often allow the students the topics for the

However, it is crucial to choose excellent ideas and topics for MBA HR projects . And that is where some students lack time and energy. Worry not, in this blog we will help you navigate the world of MBA HR projects and also let you know how we can help you complete those projects.



The telecom sector is booming like anything. Therefore, this is one of those sectors that keep on employing lakhs of employees continuously. Having some of the top brands like Jio, Airtel, and Idea in this sector is one of the most competitive fields in India that faces cutthroat competition. The work environment of the telecom sector is tiresome, and it is not hidden from job seekers. But whatever it may be, every company should do something about the level of satisfaction of their employees.

When you pick up the topic of analyzing employee satisfaction in the telecom sector, the first thing you could emphasize is the impact of globalization in the telecom sector. That is how you can learn about the competition in the global market and how companies trying to cope with the market by finding an advanced edge. Needless to say, when companies are trying to compete, they are bringing additional work pressure and stress to their workforces, since they are the wheels of the organizations. You can also opt for a few sub-topics like how the ever-growing competition is directly proportional to the attrition rate of the companies and why employees are choosing employee-centric companies.


When it comes to fast-moving consumer goods, India has many well-known and premium brands. Those companies hire lakhs of people and most of them have an employee-centric approach followed by a lot of employee-centric welfare schemes. But how are those schemes applicable in retaining employees for longer? What do those schemes do to retain employees' contribution in bringing a low attrition rate? Well, you can learn about all of these things when you pick up the topic.

You can also opt for various subtopics under the same topic like:

·        Comparison between different FMCG companies

·        A comparative case study of the difference between the employee retaining policies for different FMCG companies or any two big companies.

·        Differentiating the contributing factors of low attrition and high attrition rate


Whenever you will talk to a person from the banking sector we are sure that you will come to know about their hectic life. It is because the banking sector is continuously being customer-centric and every day the bankers need to face millions of customers. Needless to say, it is a hard job and it can become even harder for people who are working in the industry with very little or limited knowledge of the banking services.

The banking industry in India is evolving rapidly and for any banking organization to become consumer-centric training its employees is a must do. The training in the banking industry is not merely to help the employees learn about the right ways to serve the needs of their customers, but constant training programs can increase the rate of employee retention.

This topic will also help you understand the need for the employees to be trained regularly to serve the customers as per the company's standard and what the training should be like. The topic will aid you in understanding different types of customers depending upon geographical locations, the common problem areas of the target customers and how the banks can handle those, how to deal with tough customers, and what the bank should do to enhance its customer satisfaction.


Every day a new business is coming to existence. And to make a place and sustain amidst the cutthroat competition in every sector, most of them are struggling hard. The real struggle is in the area where the brand has to position itself and also needs to convince employees to work with the struggling company. Do you know how to convince people to join a struggling company? Well, there can be various employer branding strategies that can help them strengthen their workforce and this topic will help you learn about that.

Even before the brand positions itself as a good service or product provider, it must focus on branding itself as a very good workplace. This can create a positive reputation among job seekers and students which is why it is a strong MBA HR project topic where you can include various sub-topics like:

·        How to create a brand voice and USB for a company to use in branding

·        How a company can promote its welfare schemes

·        How new companies and struggling ones can utilize LinkedIn and other networking channels to hire

·        How a company can make it look real by putting real employees as the brand ambassador


For every employee, it is important to stay motivated to work hard. And they do so when they know that increasing their productivity can bring them success. Career progression is a motivating factor that has proven to improve productivity among employees in most organizations. Career progression means better pay, more respect, and a better job role. But how does the fast-food chain industry plan career progression for their employees and how do they become employee-centric?

In this topic you will learn about:

·        How delivery duration impacts employees

·        How is the competition between national and global companies in the fast-food delivery chain

·        Which companies are chosen by job seekers and why do they stay in that company

·        The rate of job satisfaction in the fast-food chains

·        What is the career progression scenario of fast-food company employees


In the last few decades, we have seen several women acquiring the top rows within top organizations. This is a positive trend that is continuing. But still, many industries have seen fewer women at the top positions. Does the role of a woman in the top position impact the organization? How does it differ from men-dominated companies? What kind of role women have played well and what impact have they had in the management of those companies?

You can also choose a few sub-topics like:

·        The role of women in top management positions in top companies

·        The impact women can bring as a leader of a company

·        A case study between two companies one where the CEO is a female and the other where the CEO is a male

·        What are the contributing factors that caused a gender gap in the top positions of different companies and sectors


You know that an MBA degree can elevate your professional life. But, enrolling yourself in a good MBA college is not enough to acquire a good job, you also need to score well in your overall MBA journey to get the opportunity to work with reputed companies. After the pandemic, many reputed institutions offer MBA programs online, and for students, it might be a little difficult to discuss their projects with their teachers and get instant help.

No matter whether you are pursuing your MBA online or from physical classrooms, getting help in the completion of your MBA HR projects can bring you a win-win situation to achieve your aim. We can help you in the completion of your MBA HR projects while helping you learn about the concepts in practical real-life scenarios our experts will maintain and guide you to complete your project and we'll review it before you submit it.

If you are a working professional you can complete your project without placing any extra burden on yourself. With that, you get to learn about your chosen topic while completing your project on time.


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9 HR Capstone Project Examples for HRMBA Students

  • Published April 27, 2018
  • Last Updated June 23, 2023

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Nine HR Capstone Project Examples

  • Human Resources Theory into Practice
  • Effect of Increasing Training Budget
  • Methods of Employee Assessment
  • How Does the Human Resources Department Increase the Value of a Company?
  • Workplace Diversity Concerns
  • What Are the Key Factors that Contribute to Employee Turnover Within the Organization?
  • What is the Relationship Between Employee Recognition Programs and Employee Morale and Retention?
  • How Does the Implementation of Flexible Work Arrangements Affect Employee Engagement and Work-Life Balance?
  • How Does Leadership Style Impact Employee Motivation and Job Satisfaction in Organizations?

A capstone project is one of the final tasks in business school.  Through the process, whether an international business or HRMBA capstone project, students demonstrate that they understand the principles of their field and can practically apply this information. Many business students, especially those in human resource management, choose to use their final project as an opportunity to learn more about a particular subcategory as well as boost their resume. Since there are so many different career paths for HRMBA graduates, a targeted capstone experience can help these students jumpstart their career after graduation. Some human resources management capstone project ideas include the following.

Read:  Top 50 Best Online Master’s in HR Degree Programs (MSHR)

1. Human Resources Theory into Practice

For this project idea, students can examine a few different theories in human resources or just do an in-depth study on one and describe what the selected theories look like in the industry. Many times, these capstone projects include an element of experiential learning where the student spends time in a workplace to understand what the job is actually like. During this experience, the student then watches for specific techniques used by the human resource department. Then, at the capstone presentation, they can highlight which theories and techniques were used at the work site and the results and any recommendations based on human resources theory.

2. Effect of Increasing Training Budget

This project focuses on the degree to which employee training can affect profits. For this capstone idea, after choosing a specific workplace, a student can examine the current training methods and determine what changes would be effective. Based on the data collected and predictive modeling techniques, the student can calculate the tipping point, or at what point adding money to training no longer increases profits and how much is added up until that point.

3. Methods of Employee Performance Appraisal

Along with training, another aspect of human resources involves rating an employee’s performance in a variety of areas. Sometimes, this is based on definitive data, but other times, this involves quantifying less directly measurable skills. For this HRMBA capstone project idea, a student could explore ways of objectively scoring employee performance in these positions. Another aspect of this involves removing subjective bias during the interview process.

4. How Does the Human Resources Department Increase the Value of a Company?

This capstone idea focuses on the intrinsic value of a strong human resource department and how this affects different aspects of the company. Training methods, employee motivational programs, benefits selection, and recruitment processes all affect how employees view their workplace. Further, the student can describe how these also determine the opinions of other companies, potential applicants, and the general public.

5. How do Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives Impact Organizational Performance and Innovation? 

Increasing diversity at all levels of employment is becoming more important. According to Forbes , the field of human resources is changing, and one main aspect of this involves companies being open about the diversity of their staff or lack thereof. For this capstone HR  project, students demonstrate all the benefits of diversity in the workplace including the financial and cultural effects.

6. What Are the Key Factors that Contribute to Employee Turnover Within the Organization?

This capstone could be a research project looking at the top reasons for turnover within an organization.  While specific factors can vary based on the industry, several factors could be explored including:

  • Job dissatisfaction
  • Lack of career development
  • Poor leadership and management
  • Lack of recognition and reward
  • Work environment and relationships

If turnover is your area of interest, HRMBA students could partner with an organization to do an assessment and make recommendations.  Interviews or surveys could be conducted with management and former staff to learn more about their reason for leaving.  Recommendations could be made to the organization with ways they could reduce their turnover rate.

7.  What is the Relationship Between Employee Recognition Programs and Employee Morale and Retention?

Recognizing and appreciating employees’ efforts and achievements boosts their motivation and morale.  When employees feel valued and appreciated, they are more like to be engaged and productive.  But how do you know if your organization’s recognition program is effective?  A capstone studying an organization’s recognition program that includes interviews or surveys with staff would be of great value to an organization.  Some other HR project ideas in this area could consist of:

  • What are the key factors that influence employee retention within an organization?
  • What is the relationship between employee recognition and retention within the organization?
  • How effective are current employee retention efforts in reducing turnover rates?
  • What role does work-life balance play in employee retention?

8. How Does the Implementation of Flexible Work Arrangements Affect Employee Engagement and Work-Life Balance?

While flexible work arrangements existed before the COVID pandemic, there has been a 20% increase in companies who prioritize flexible scheduling since 2019.  After years of remote work, there is finally enough data to show that it works.  According to McKinsey’s American Opportunity Survey, 58% of Americans reported having the opportunity to work from home at least one day a week.  The survey also showed that 87% of workers accept a flexible work arrangement when it is offered.  Flexible work arrangements are a desirable feature for American workers.

Not every industry is structured to support work from home, so fortunately company leadership can choose from a variety of flexible work arrangements.  Here are some research questions that could provide some capstone project ideas .

  • What are the perceived advantages and disadvantages of flexible work arrangements from the perspective of both employees and employers?
  • What is the impact of flexible work arrangements on team collaboration, team building, and coordination?
  • How do different types of flexible work arrangements affect employee outcomes and organizational outcomes?

9.  How Does Leadership Style Impact Employee Motivation and Job Satisfaction in Organizations? 

Human resources is a popular concentration within an MBA program.  MBA graduates are prepared for leadership roles within an organization, so their capstone experience must provide them with the opportunity to develop these leadership skills.  HR MBA capstone project ideas related to leadership style can be a journey of self-discovery.  Completing a capstone experience in an organization can help you identify leadership behaviors that drive employees to succeed.  By comparing the leadership styles within several different organizations, MBA HR students can begin to see which styles have a positive impact on an organization and which may be toxic.

At the end of most graduate programs, students need to display their mastery of the core competencies in their field. Completing a capstone project during an HRMBA program showcases a student’s knowledge and also allows students to focus on an area of human resources that is of particular interest to them.  We hope these capstone human resources /MBA ideas have been a helpful resource.


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25 Unique MBA HR Project Topics That Will Set You Apart


19 June, 2023

25 Unique MBA HR Project Topics That Will Set You Apart

Table of Contents

Human Resources is a versatile field. It is an ever-evolving field which lies at the very foundation of all business organisations. The domain serves as a lucrative career field that provides many high-income  employment opportunities  to individuals.

An  MBA in Human Resources  is a perfect opportunity for students to get acquainted with the various day-to-day responsibilities of the HR Department. It helps in seeking invaluable real-time insights of the industry and gaining hands-on experience of the field.

Especially the MBA projects during the course familiarise a student with the various facets of the HR domain. It is a great opportunity for students to explore the nooks and crannies of the profile that they are aiming for. Therefore, it is crucial that you pick a project topic that is aligned with your career goals.

In this article, we are going to list some of the top MBA HR project topic ideas which are in line with the latest industrial practices.

MBA HR Project Topic Ideas

Being a dynamic field, Human Resources has many magnificent project topics for students to work upon. Whether it is Employee Relationship Management, Grievance Redressal, HR Policies & Implementation, Recruitment, Employer Branding, etc., there is a wide range of project topic ideas available to the students. Let us explore some of the major topics in each of these arenas one by one.

Employee Relationship Management

As an HR Executive, one of your primary responsibilities is to foster a conducive working environment for all the employees and make sure that each employee is motivated enough so as to reach the maximum productivity levels. In order to do that, you will have to maintain a healthy relationship with each employee and address all their doubts and queries. Therefore, picking a topic related to  Employee Relationship Management  will help you a lot later in your career as it will help you understand the various intricacies of the domain. Here are a few topics that you can pick from:

  • A Detailed Analysis of Employee Satisfaction in the Retail Sector
  • A Study on How to Improve Employee Satisfaction Level in a Company
  • How Employee Evaluation Parameters Affect the Turnover Rate of an Organisation
  • Why do Individuals Choose to Join, Re-Join, or Remain in a Company?
  • A Study on the Effectiveness of Employee Retention Techniques

Grievance Redressal

Grievance redressal and management is one of the most crucial responsibilities of the Human Resources Department. It helps in creating a positive work environment and ensures that every employee feels valued at the organisation. However, addressing the grievances of employees is not an easy task. HR Executives employ various strategies and tactics to resolve the problems of employees in a discreet manner. Thus, having a hands-on experience in the same can prove to be resourceful in the future. Here are a few topics that you can pick for your MBA In HR project on Grievance Redressal:

  • A Detailed Study on Work-Life Balance in a Corporate
  • A Case Study on Performance Appraisal in the IT Sector
  • A Detailed Study on Grievance Redressal Procedures
  • A Report on Employee Motivation in Retail Sector
  • A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction

HR Policies & Implementation

The HR Department comes up with many policies to smoothen the work process, uplift the spirits of employees and ensure that work is done in the most-efficient manner. During your tenure as an HR Executive, you will have to prepare and implement various HR policies. Therefore, it only makes sense that you pick a relevant topic for your MBA in HR project work. Mentioned below are a few ideas for you to work on:

  • A Comprehensive Study on HR Policies and Their Implementation
  • A Case Study on Employee Perception of Various HR Policies
  • A Report on Manpower Planning for Enhanced Productivity
  • A Study on Employees’ Awareness of Various HR Policies and Office Culture
  • What Role HRD Practices Play in Employee Retention


Talent attraction, acquisition and retention fall under the day-to-day responsibilities of an HR Personnel. Every HR is responsible for making sure that their organisation gets the best talent in the field. They work day and night to make the workplace an attractive employment destination for existing as well as prospective employees. If you plan to join the Talent Acquisition Team of a company, we have listed some of the best project topics for you to work on:

  • Challenges Faced by Big 4 Firms in Talent Acquisition
  • Analysis of the Effectiveness of Training Provided by a Business Organisation
  • A Study on Factors that Influence Joining Decisions of an Employee
  • A Report on Recruitment and Selection Process in TCS
  • A Study on Latest Recruitment Trends

Employer Branding

Employer Branding  plays a key role in attracting and retaining the best talents in an organisation. It not only helps in building a strong image of the company but also helps in boosting the productivity levels of employees. Therefore, it is very important that as an HR, you focus on developing a positive employer reputation for your company. Following are some of the best project ideas that you can work upon:

  • A Report on Exit Interviews as an Employer Branding Tool
  • Study on the Impact of Employer Branding in Employee Retention
  • Employer Branding Strategies and Techniques
  • Employer Branding: How Relevant It is in the Indian Job Market?
  • Does Employer Branding Give a Competitive Advantage in Attracting High-Quality Employees?

The project work during the MBA is an excellent opportunity for you to get acquainted with the various nuances of the HR industry. Being an extensive field, you can pick a project in the domain of HR that most interests you. For instance, you can pick a project topic from Employee Relationship Management, Grievance Redressal, Recruitment, HR Policies & Implementation or Employer Branding.

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5 Career Tips for HR Students

Human resource management studies have certainly changed since I first began in this field in the 80s. Today, HR students face new challenges that no other generation has had to face and they need to be more prepared than ever. The typical skills taught in even the best institutions worldwide won't be enough if students don't begin now to know themselves and stand out.

The following 5 lessons are my grandfatherly advice to students of HR everywhere as they begin what I hope will be exciting and fulfilling careers in this wonderful field:

Lesson 1: Recognize Your Passions.  Ponder on your strengths, passions and value. Learn what work problems you want to solve. Work should not be a four-letter word and drudgery, but an opportunity to solve problems that matter to you. You might find out if HR is your passion by asking if you are interested in helping people grow and organizations succeed? In your quiet and private moments, do you think about building better organizations that will serve people? I have been told by my psychologist wife that I have a unique version of OCD — Organization Compulsive Disorder. I enjoy reengineering organizations I visit, from restaurants to hotels to churches to retail stores and so forth.  Ask yourself, what do you enjoy?

Lesson 2: Get Real.  Aspirations should exceed resources but not too much. In my early days I aspired to be a professional basketball player, but I quickly learned that this was an unreal aspiration. I can enjoy basketball as a fan more than a player. In HR, you should ask if you have the skills for doing HR work: Are you able to master the insights of the HR profession? Are you able to work well with others? Are you able to lead from behind (versus leading from the front)?

Lesson 3: Match Your Skills to Your Company.  As you select the organization where you will work, have you matched your personal identity to the company brand? A newly graduated student excitedly called me and said she had job offers at Google and Amazon and wanted my counsel. I quickly said, “Take one! Get a job and move on!" She laughed, then asked, "Which one?" My counsel was to look at her personal strengths and passions and to take the job that best fits her personal identity. Amazon’s success comes from rigorous discipline and getting products delivered on time. Google’s success is from innovation and tolerance of ambiguity. After a day of thinking, she took the Amazon job because she felt the structured environment would work better for her.

Lesson 4: Get Started With Small and Simple Successes.  When you start in your new company, be a diligent observer. Look for what matters, what work needs to be done, who has influence and where you can add unique value. Find a simple (often smallish) project that you can focus on and deliver. Do it well. 

Lesson 5: Build Relationships.  Ironically, those who give more to philanthropy make more  after  they give than before. Create an identity and spirit of helping others succeed. This means finding a network of mentors who can guide you and who you can support; it means being a good peer to your teammates; and it means quietly doing your work with excellence.

As I spend much of my time with you—our next generation of HR (and other) professionals—I'm extremely encouraged. Resources have never been more available and opportunity for growth has never been accessible. So get after it and find your path!

Dave Ulrich is a Rensis Likert Professor at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. He is also a Partner of the The RBL Group.


18+ Stunning  MBA HR Project Topics For Students In 2023

MBA HR Project Topics

In the world of Human Resources, an MBA HR project is your bridge from theory to real-world practice. This blog discusses what MBA HR projects are and why they matter for students looking to enter the HR field.

Selecting the right MBA HR project topic is crucial, as it shapes your learning experience and future HR career. We will emphasize the importance of this choice and offer helpful tips for making the right decision.

We’re excited to provide you with a list of 18+ engaging MBA HR project topics suitable for 2023 students. In addition, we will point out common mistakes to avoid in your HR projects, ensuring your career in Human Resources is as smooth as possible. 

So, stay tuned with us to know the MBA HR project topics. 

What Is An MBA HR Project?

Table of Contents

An MBA HR project is a special task or assignment that students pursuing a Master of Business Administration degree with specialization in Human Resources (HR) management are required to complete. It serves as a crucial component of their academic curriculum.

In this project, students typically select a specific HR-related topic, issue, or problem within an organization and conduct research to analyze and address it. They gather data, evaluate HR strategies, and propose solutions to improve HR practices. These projects help students apply their classroom learning to real-world HR challenges, developing their problem-solving skills and enhancing their understanding of HR management. This practical experience is valuable in preparing students for careers in human resources.

Importance Of Choosing The Right MBA HR Project Topic

Here are some importance ways to choose the right MBA HR project topic: 

1. Relevance to Career Goals

Selecting the right MBA HR project topic is essential because it should align with your future career aspirations. When you choose a project related to your intended HR field, it provides practical experience and knowledge that directly benefits your career prospects. For instance, if you want to work in HR recruitment, focusing on a project about talent acquisition strategies would be more beneficial than one on employee benefits.

2. Real-World Application

Picking a relevant project topic ensures that you work on real HR challenges faced by organizations. This practical experience allows you to apply your classroom learning in a meaningful way. It prepares you to handle similar HR issues in your future job and demonstrates your problem-solving skills to potential employers.

3. Interest and Motivation

A well-suited project topic should spark your interest and motivation. When you’re passionate about the subject, you are more likely to invest time and effort into the project, leading to better results. If you’re genuinely engaged with your project, it can also make the learning experience more enjoyable.

4. Contribution to Knowledge

Choosing the right project topic can also contribute to the overall knowledge base in the HR field. A well-researched project can provide insights and solutions to HR problems, benefiting both academia and industry. It can be an opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the HR community.

5. Networking and Collaboration

The choice of your MBA HR project topic can also influence your networking opportunities. If you select a topic that is relevant and interesting to professionals in the HR field, it can open doors for collaboration, mentorship, and potential job offers. Getting in touch with experts in the field you’re interested in can be very helpful for your future job.

Tips For Choosing A Good MBA HR Project Topic

Here we will provide some of the best tips for choosing a good MBA HR project topic:

Tip 1: Consider Your Interests

When selecting a topic for your MBA Human Resources capstone project, give some thought to what actually interests you. Choosing a subject for which you have a strong interest will help you stay motivated and involved throughout the duration of the project. Your work will be enhanced by the energy that you put into it.

Tip 2: Relevance to Your Career Goals

Ensure that the project topic aligns with your career aspirations in HR. It should provide skills and knowledge that are directly applicable to the job you want. For example, if you aim to work in HR recruitment, select a topic related to talent acquisition or hiring strategies.

Tip 3: Industry and Organization Focus

Think about the specific industry or type of organization you want to work in after your MBA. Your project should reflect the HR challenges and trends in that sector. For instance, if you plan to enter the healthcare industry, focus on HR issues in healthcare organizations.

Tip 4: Feasibility and Resources

Consider the resources available to you for your project. Make sure your chosen topic is feasible within the constraints of your program and available data. It’s important to select a topic that you can research effectively and within the given timeframe.

Tip 5: Seek Guidance

Don’t hesitate to seek guidance from professors, mentors, or industry professionals. They can give you useful information and ideas for project themes. Their expertise can help you identify a topic that’s not only interesting but also relevant and researchable.

18+ Stunning  MBA HR Project Topics For Students In 2023

We are going to discuss 18+ Stunning  MBA HR Project Topics For Students In 2023:

I. HR Strategy and Planning

In this section, we provide some of the best projects on HR Strategy and Planning: 

Project 1: Strategic Workforce Planning for Organizational Growth

This project entails an in-depth analysis of the existing workforce, including skills, experience, and future potential. It aims to identify potential gaps in talent and create a strategic plan to ensure the organization has the right people in place to meet its growth targets. The plan includes workforce segmentation to understand skill needs, succession planning to groom future leaders, and scenario analysis to be prepared for various organizational trajectories.

Project 2: Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Implementation

This initiative centers around developing and executing a comprehensive diversity and inclusion strategy within the organization. It involves setting clear diversity goals, creating an inclusive culture, and measuring progress over time. The project encompasses targeted recruitment practices to diversify the workforce, the establishment of employee resource groups, and ongoing diversity training to foster a more inclusive workplace.

Project 3: HR Technology Roadmap

This project is focused on evaluating and optimizing the organization’s HR technology stack. It begins with a thorough assessment of the current systems, identifies gaps in functionality, and opportunities for automation. After that, a technology roadmap is made, which includes choosing and putting in place new HR tools to make HR work easier, more efficient, and better for employees overall.

II. Talent Management

In this section, we provide some of the best projects on Talent Management: 

Project 4: High-Potential Development Program

This project identifies promising employees and provides them with a structured developmental path to prepare them for leadership roles. It includes mentorship, challenging assignments, and feedback mechanisms to nurture future leaders within the organization. The program is designed to fast-track the growth and capabilities of these high-potential individuals.

Project 5: Performance Management Redesign

The Performance Management Redesign project aims to overhaul the organization’s performance appraisal system. It involves setting clear performance expectations, introducing regular feedback mechanisms, and creating development plans for employees. This new approach is designed to balance the focus on employee growth and organizational performance, moving away from traditional annual reviews.

Project 6: Succession Planning and Leadership Pipeline

This project is dedicated to identifying and grooming potential successors for key leadership positions. It involves creating a leadership pipeline, implementing mentoring and training programs, and ensuring a smooth transition in the event of leadership changes. The goal is to build a robust and well-prepared leadership team.

III. Learning and Development

In this section, we provide some of the best projects on Learning and Development: 

Project  7: Digital Learning Transformation

This project focuses on transitioning from traditional, classroom-based training to digital learning platforms. It encompasses the development of e-learning content, the deployment of interactive e-learning tools, and the creation of personalized learning paths to offer employees more flexible and engaging learning opportunities.

Project 8: Skills Assessment and Gap Analysis

The Skills Assessment and Gap Analysis project involves evaluating the current skill set of the workforce more often than not using a skill assessment software , identifying skill gaps, and developing a tailored learning and development plan. It includes the creation of individual development plans for employees, offering relevant training programs, and implementing systems to track and measure progress.

Project 9: Managerial Training and Development Program

This project focuses on enhancing the leadership and managerial skills of employees across various levels. It includes designing and delivering training programs, implementing coaching and feedback mechanisms, and creating a comprehensive approach to build a strong and effective leadership team.

IV. Compensation and Benefits

In this section, we provide some of the best projects on Compensation and Benefits: 

Project 10: Total Rewards Redesign

The Total Rewards Redesign project involves a thorough reevaluation of the organization’s compensation and benefits structure to attract and retain top talent. It encompasses salary benchmarking to ensure competitiveness, the implementation of variable pay structures to reward performance, and the introduction of flexible benefits packages tailored to meet the diverse needs and preferences of employees.

Project 11: Equity and Inclusion in Compensation

The goal of this project is to deal with problems of pay equity and make sure that pay practices are fair. It includes conducting pay equity audits to identify and rectify disparities, revising compensation policies to enhance transparency, and implementing practices to ensure equitable compensation adjustments and promotions.

Project 12: Wellness and Well-being Programs

The Wellness and Well-being Programs project focuses on enhancing employee well-being through various initiatives. To help workers keep their physical and mental health in good shape, companies should create and run wellness programs, offer mental health support, and set rules for work-life balance. This will lead to a healthier and more engaged workforce.

V. HR Operations

In this section, we provide some of the best projects on HR Operations: 

Project 13: HR Process Automation

This project aims to streamline HR operations by automating routine and time-consuming tasks such as payroll processing, leave management, and employee onboarding. The project leverages technology solutions to enhance operational efficiency, reduce manual workload, and improve accuracy in HR processes.

Project 14: Employee Self-Service Portal Implementation

The Employee Self-Service Portal Implementation project focuses on empowering employees by providing a user-friendly portal for self-management of HR-related tasks. This includes accessing pay stubs, updating personal information, and requesting time off, which not only increases employee autonomy but also decreases administrative workload for HR staff.

Project 15: Data Analytics and HR Metrics Dashboard

This project centers on harnessing HR data for informed decision-making. It involves the implementation of HR analytics tools, data visualization, and the creation of a metrics dashboard that provides real-time insights into workforce trends. This enables HR professionals and leadership to make data-driven decisions and improve organizational performance.

VI. Emerging Trends in HR

In this section, we provide some of the best projects on Emerging Trends in HR: 

Project 16: Remote Work Policy Development

This project addresses the growing trend of remote work by developing clear policies and guidelines. It includes making clear what is expected of workers who work from home, setting rules for communication, and giving them the tools and technology they need to do their jobs well from home.

Project 17: AI and Machine Learning Integration in HR

This initiative explores the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in HR functions. It involves the integration of AI-powered tools for tasks like resume screening, predictive analytics for workforce planning, and chatbots for handling routine employee inquiries, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in HR operations.

Project 18: Agile HR Transformation

The Agile HR Transformation project, with the integration of Agile Poker for Jira , focuses on adopting agile methodologies within the HR department. It promotes cross-functional collaboration, continuous improvement, and adaptability to changing organizational needs. This approach allows HR to respond more quickly and effectively to evolving trends and challenges in the workplace, creating a more dynamic and responsive HR function.

Project 19: Workforce Mental Health and Well-being Initiatives

This project addresses the increasing awareness of mental health and well-being in the workplace. It means putting in place programs to help employees’ mental health, like stress management classes and easy access to mental health tools, and making a workplace culture that supports a balance between work and life and emotional health. With the changing landscape of work, this project helps organizations prioritize the mental health of their employees, leading to a more resilient and productive workforce.

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Common Mistakes To Avoid In MBA HR Projects

These are some common mistakes that students must avoid in MBA HR projects:

1. Lack of Clear Objectives

A common mistake in MBA HR projects is not defining clear objectives. Without specific goals, your project can become unfocused and ineffective. To avoid this, set clear, achievable objectives from the start. For example, if your project aims to improve employee engagement , specify what you want to measure and how you plan to do it.

2. Neglecting Research

Some students skip thorough research when working on HR projects. This can lead to incomplete or inaccurate information, undermining the project’s quality. It’s crucial to gather relevant data, study HR best practices, and review existing research to make informed decisions.

3. Ignoring Practicality

Another mistake is proposing HR solutions that sound good in theory but are impractical in real-world settings. Consider the practicality of your recommendations within the context of the organization where your project is based. Your solutions should be feasible and adaptable.

4. Overcomplicating Language

Using overly technical or complicated language can hinder project understanding. Keep your project’s language simple and straightforward to ensure your audience, including professors and potential employers, can easily grasp your ideas.

5. Neglecting Feedback

A common error is failing to seek peer, mentor, or colleague feedback. Constructive feedback can help improve your project by identifying blind spots and potential improvements. Embrace feedback to refine your work and enhance your learning experience.

Understanding the significance of MBA HR project topics is essential. An MBA HR project isn’t just about meeting academic requirements; it’s a valuable opportunity to gain practical insights into human resources. Choosing the right topic is like setting the course for your future in HR. We have provided tips to help you navigate this decision-making process, ensuring your project aligns with your interests and career aspirations. 

Moreover, we have presented an exciting array of 18+ MBA HR project topics tailor-made for students in 2023. To excel in your MBA HR project, it’s equally crucial to be aware of and avoid common pitfalls. So, confidently embark on your HR journey, armed with the knowledge of MBA HR project topics, and make the most of this educational experience.

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11 Exciting MBA HR Project Ideas & Topics For Beginners [2024]

11 Exciting MBA HR Project Ideas & Topics For Beginners [2024]

In this Article, you will learn 11 Exciting MBA HR Project Ideas & Topics For Beginners [2024]

  • Analysis of Satisfaction Level of Employees in The Telecom Sector.
  • A Study on The Various Employee Welfare Schemes at FMCG.
  • Analysis of Employee Training Needs in Banking Sector
  • Employer Branding Strategies in Struggling Companies
  • Analysis of The Performance Appraisal & Bonus Payments
  • HR Policies And Implementation at BPO
  • Career Progression and Planning & The Impact on Employees in Quick Food Chains
  • Employee Retention Strategies
  • Role of women in Top Management Positions and its impact on company leadership.
  • Employee Engagement Strategies in Information Technology Companies
  • Analysis on How Executive Search Firms Find The Right Candidates for Leadership Roles?

Read more to know each in detail.

In my experience, pursuing an MBA in HR presents many projects to enrich your learning journey. These projects serve as invaluable opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. The s cope for an MBA in HR offers significant prospects, particularly in India. As professionals aspiring to join this career path, exploring various MBA HR project ideas for beginners is essential . MBA HR project ideas for beginners.  

How to Choose an MBA HR Project Topic?

Choosing the right hr project topics for mba is a crucial step in your academic journey, as it reflects your interests and demonstrates your understanding of HR concepts and practices. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you select the perfect MBA HR project topic to make your future bright: –

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1. Interest and Passion

  • Always choose a topic in which you have a keen interest. The reason is it keeps you motivated throughout the project journey.
  • Reflect on your career goals. What aspect of HR aligns with your aspirations?

2. Relevance to Industry Trends

  • Research current trends in the HR field. Topics addressing contemporary challenges will appeal more to your professors and potential employers.
  • Consider remote work management, diversity and inclusion, employee well-being, etc.

3. Scope and Feasibility

  • Ensure the topic is neither too broad nor too narrow. It should be manageable within your project’s timeframe and resources.
  • Assess the availability of data and resources needed for research.

4. Value and Contribution

  • Choose a topic that adds value to HR practices or knowledge. It could propose solutions to existing problems or shed new light on HR theories.
  • Consider how your project can contribute to the HR field as a whole.

5. Alignment with Curriculum

  • Review your program’s curriculum and identify areas where you’ve gained substantial knowledge. A topic that complements your coursework can showcase your learning effectively.

6. Originality and Uniqueness

  • Aim for a topic that hasn’t been extensively researched or offers a fresh perspective on a common issue.
  • Originality will capture the attention of your professors and future employers.

7. Feasibility of Data Collection

  • Ensure that you can access relevant data for your research. Primary data (surveys, interviews) or secondary data (industry reports, case studies) should be accessible.

Preparing for an upcoming HR interview? Arm yourself with knowledge by exploring our comprehensive guide on HR interview questions and answers and stand out as a well-prepared candidate.

8. Alignment with Personal Strengths

  • Consider your strengths and skills. If you’re good at data analysis, choose a quantitative research topic. If communication is your strength, opt for a topic that requires qualitative research and interpretation.

9. Ethical Considerations

  • Ensure your chosen topic respects ethical guidelines. Research involving sensitive data or human subjects must be conducted ethically and responsibly.

10. Consultation and Feedback

  • Discuss potential topics with professors, mentors, or industry professionals. Their insights can help you refine your ideas.
  • Feedback from others can provide valuable perspectives on the relevance and feasibility of your chosen topic.

11. Impact on Organizational Performance

  • Consider topics directly impacting an organization’s performance, such as employee engagement, talent retention, or leadership development.

12. Cross-Functional Relevance

  • Explore topics that intersect with other business functions, like marketing, finance, or operations. This demonstrates a holistic understanding of business dynamics.

13. Comparative Studies

  • Compare HR practices between different industries, organizations, or countries. Comparative studies can reveal insightful best practices and areas for improvement.

14. Future-Focused Topics

  • Anticipate future HR challenges. Topics related to automation, AI in HR, or managing a multigenerational workforce can showcase your forward-thinking approach.

15. Pilot Studies and Interventions

  • Plan a small-scale pilot study or propose an intervention to address a specific HR issue. This hands-on approach demonstrates practical problem-solving skills.

Remember, your chosen hr project sample will shape your entire project, so invest time and thought into making the right decision. A well-chosen topic makes your project engaging and enhances your knowledge and skills in the HR domain, preparing you for a successful career in the field.

MBA in HR Top Project Ideas

1. Analysis of Satisfaction Level of Employees in The Telecom Sector.

Telecom is a crucial sector employing lakhs of employees. Some of the top brands like Airtel, Jio & Vodafone-Idea work in this sector. This sector is one of the competitive sectors in India with cutthroat competition.  The work environments are known to be stressful and the work is tedious. A stressful and tedious work environment is common. So what is the satisfaction level of employees in this sector?

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The subtopics in the project could entail the impact of globalisation in the telecom sector. And with the advent of competitors in the market, each company tries is sitting at an edge. This is directly proportional to the stress on the workforce. As they are the wheels of the company. Also, another sub-topic could be how the presence of competitors is contributing to the attrition rate of the companies, employees have more options to choose from and would be naturally choosing that company that is employee-centric.  This is one of the hot HR related project topics .

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2. A Study on The Various Employee Welfare Schemes at FMCG.

India has many premium & well-known brands in the fast-moving consumer goods sector. They employ lakhs of people with a lot of employee-centric welfare schemes. How have these schemes helped them retain employees for long periods with a very low attrition rate?

How do welfare schemes contribute to retaining employees contributing to the low attrition rate? This is also a very relevant HR project for MBA. 

The subtopics of research in this project could be

  •  A comparison between the FMCG companies and the other companies. 
  • A comparative case study of the difference between the policies of the FMCG or any other two big companies.
  • Anonymous testimonials of the employees of these two respective sets of companies mention how the welfare schemes impact their lifestyle.
  • Differentiator factors contribute to low attrition and high attrition rate.

3. Analysis of Employee Training Needs in Banking Sector

Banking is constantly changing in India every year and people in the bank are more consumer-facing and have to deal with millions of consumers many of whom have little or limited knowledge of banking services. Banking is an ever-evolving sector in India, banking professionals are consumer-centric. Training remains constant for employees to service the needs of the customers.

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This also means all the employees need to be trained at regular intervals to service the needs of all these customers. What would be the employee training needs in banks?

The subtopics for this HR project could be-

  • Behavioral segmentation of the types of customers depending upon the geography. 
  • Common problem areas the customers come up with and ways to handle those.
  • How to deal with tough customers?
  • Do’s and Don’t to enhance customer satisfaction

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4. Employer Branding Strategies in Struggling Companies

Employer branding helps to position the brand as the number one place to work among students and potential employees. How will you convince people to join struggling companies using various employer branding strategies?

Employer branding helps position the brand as a very good workplace. This creates a reputation among students and job seekers. This is one of the strong MBA HR project topics .

The sub-topics could include the following-

  • How to create USP for a company to create that into a brand.
  • How and why welfare schemes should be communicated and branded.
  • How to utlise networking channels through LinkedIn.
  • How to make it look real by putting real employees as the brand ambassador.

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5. Analysis of The Performance Appraisal & Bonus Payments 

Is the appraisal system structured to reward the best performers in a fair manner or there are gaps? Does the company distribute bonuses fairly among its workforce during good business years? This was among the good HR topics for research project 2021 and it is relevant today as well.

The sub-topics could include-

  • Case study of two companies- as to how they approach appraisals, what are their KRA management strategies.
  • Case Study on how the employees of these two sets of companies perceive the appraisal. If they are satisfied, feel that it is fair, etc.
  • How does appraisal impact the attrition rate of companies?
  • Commonly used strategies for appraisal.

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6. HR Policies And Implementation at BPO

BPO is a very common concept in India where one company outsources its business processes to another company which helps it operate the business successfully. To operate better, one business outsources its business to another company. Employees work in shifts to match diverse timelines and business processes. What are the HR Policies applicable at BPO and how are they different from other companies? How are these HR policies implemented? These are pertinent questions that need to be asked. This makes for a good HR project topic.

The subtopics could be:

  • Job satisfaction among BPO employees.
  • Factors contributing to the fear of losing a job.
  • Attrition Rate and factors causing it.

Read: Career in marketing and its scope in the US market.

7. Career Progression and Planning & The Impact on Employees in Quick Food Chains 

Career Progression is an important motivator for employees to work hard and increase their productivity. Career progression is a big motivation behind increased productivity among employees. Career progression often means better pay, better job role , and more respect. How is employee-centric career progression and planning done in the fast-food chain industry? 

  • Impact of employees on food delivery duration.
  • How global companies are competing with the national companies in the food delivery chain.
  • Why do employees choose to join, attrite, or stay in the company?
  • Impact of food delivery employees in growing a company.
  • The job satisfaction rate for food delivery employees.
  • Career Progression scenario of the food delivery employees.

This is one of the good MBA HR project topics .

Our learners also read : MBA job opportunities !

8. Employee Retention Strategies

Tata Group is one of the biggest employers in India employing lakhs of people. Tata group is known to have the lowest attrition rate and employees retention strategies have been very successful. Low attrition and successful employee retention strategies are the core of the Tata Group. Besides, Tata Group has many employee benefit programs that have motivated employees. How have these strategies been implemented and what has made them so successful? This is one of the good HR related project topics.

Also, Check out online degree programs at upGrad.

9. Role of women in Top Management Positions and its impact on company leadership.

The year 2019-2020 has seen a number of women being elevated to top roles within top organizations. As this positive trend continues, some industries still see fewer women at the top. What is the role of women and what impact has it had on the leadership and management at these companies?

What kind of role have women played and what impact has it had on the leadership and management at these companies?

  • The role of women in the top management.
  • Impact the women leader brings to a company. 
  • Case studies between two sets of companies one where the CEO is a female and the other where the CEO is a male.
  • Comparison between quarter numbers for a female and a male CEO.
  • What are the contributing factors behind the gender gap in top management positions?

Digital Marketing Free courses to Learn

10. Employee Engagement Strategies in Information Technology Companies

Employee engagement plays a big role in employee satisfaction. It keeps them happy and solves their grievances and engagement. Information technology companies require long working hours with quality work. What type of employee engagement strategies would work here?

  • Contributing factor behind late woring hours.
  • Contrbutiingfactors behind attritionrate.
  • Reasons why long-tenured employees stayed.
  • Comparative case study between two set of IT companies 
  • A comparative case study can include, employee welfare, grievance, leave, appraisal, etc. polices.

Check out the scope and career options in HR in the USA.

11. Analysis on How Executive Search Firms Find The Right Candidates for Leadership Roles?

Lots of companies generally outsource hiring for leadership roles to executive search firms. These search firms excel at finding the right candidates for leadership roles. How do they manage to do this? What are the methods that they follow?

The sub-topics can include-

  • Legacy of leadership roles.
  • Contributing factors behind the choosing any candidate for leadership positions
  • Commonalities of atleast five recent leaders in the firm.

MBA Programs in India

An MBA enhances the brand value of a professional increasing its marketability. It affects the quality and quantity of job opportunities. Lockdown has made many reputed institutions offer their MBA programs online. There are exciting career options after MBA in HR. The projects we discussed, makes for good HR projects for MBA .

You have the opportunity to choose from the MBA programs offered by top business schools. upGrad, India’s one of the top and trusted higher online learning can help you achieve your aim. It can help you apply for an   MBA from Liverpool Business School offering to choose from the six specialisations such as marketing, HR, and many more.

Industry and Capstone projects will help you to apply learned concepts in a practical real-life scenarios. It definitely adds value to your learning experience but also industry-relevant learning gives you an edge such as practical application of marketing concepts that various brands have used. upGrad also offers individual mentoring sessions with industry leaders from various domains. You will get 360-degree career support and placement assistance throughout the MBA program. The assistance will help you to apply for a job with some of the top brands. 

upGrad industry experts will mentor and guide you to build your personal brand. They will also review your resume and LinkedIn which will help you in applying for many marketing and business roles across brands.

If you are a working professional or a student, you can do an MBA in HR while being at your place and at your own pace. At upGrad, we aim to move you up in your career with specializations from top universities. You get to learn from the faculty of  Liverpool Business School and industry experts and get hands-on knowledge in HR specialization. 

With upGrad, you get to learn from the best faculty and experienced industry experts. Earn a global MBA in HR without quitting your job. You will be trained in the discipline with one-on-one interaction with the faculty and industry experts from top colleges.


I believe that choosing the right MBA HR project topic is crucial, especially for beginners. With the array of options available, it’s essential to align our interests with industry relevance. Reflecting on the insights shared in this article on 11 MBA HR Project Ideas for Beginners, I feel empowered to navigate these choices with clarity and confidence. These meticulously selected project ideas fulfill academic requirements and provide invaluable insights into real-world HR challenges. Whether delving into employee engagement strategies, talent management frameworks, or diversity and inclusion initiatives, each topic offers opportunities for profound learning experiences. As a mid-career professional aspiring to thrive in HR, I am eager to embrace these project ideas with enthusia sm and dedication. I am c onvinced that doing so will not only enrich my academic journey but also set the stage for a successful career trajectory in HR management.  


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The MBA specialty in Human Resource Management helps students to hone their overall management abilities as well as their knowledge and comprehension of human resource practices. The curriculum includes a variety of Human Resource Management courses as well as cultural, social, and economic variables that affect employee relationships. A job in human resource management necessitates an understanding of human relationships. They must adapt their operating style to the demands of their employees, comprehend the various responsibilities, and give strategic planning via people development. All of this necessitates the HR professional's ability to lead, negotiate, and communicate effectively.

Human resource is the part of an organization that deals with employees being hired, trained, orientated, and evaluated. A professional with a degree in MBA(HR) is in charge of the company's structure, morality, motivations, and overall employee involvement. They are in charge of conducting interviews, selecting candidates, assisting managers in their training, arranging meetings, preparing pay and incentives, as well as managing employee welfare and labor problems. Individuals who are adept at dealing with others may find that an MBA in HR is suitable for them. HR specialists are needed in all industries to settle and handle tasks such as employee hiring, benefits, compensation, salary settlement, training & development, and maintaining job performance, as well as ensuring that these activities are carried out in accordance with business policies.

Professionals with HR degrees can work as HR Generalists or HR Specialists to begin their careers. They may be expected to recruit new employees, aid in job matching, coordinate retraining efforts, or handle employee benefit programs. HR experts are employed by many types of businesses, from tiny enterprises to huge domestic and international companies. Consumer goods, retail, pharmaceutical, restaurant, publishing, telecommunications, and other businesses employ HR professionals. Multiple human resource managers are common in large corporations. Human resource graduates work for universities, colleges, and technical institutions, as well as schools, boards, and elementary, middle, and high schools.

Recruitment Coordinator, Human Resources Assistant, Human Resources Coordinator Recruiter, Human Resources Generalist, Employees Relations Manager, Human Resources Manager Labour Relations Specialist Recruitment Manager Director of Human Resources

American Express, NYKAA, Flipkart, Zomato HDFC, Capgemini, Pwc, IBM

HR Professionals maintain the company culture, payroll, hiring, performances, etc. With the advent of Data and AI they can work with this big data efficiently. HR Analysts collect and track the information. They perform research, conduct studies, and prepare reports. HR Analysts aim to provide insight into each process by gathering data and then using it to make relevant decisions about how to improve the processes. To begin a career as an HR Analyst, having Data Analyst knowledge is a prerequisite.

Business Operations, Project Management , General IT skills, Decision Making Compile and interpret data, Teamwork ,Communication.

As a company grows so does the demand for HR solutions. It is one of the most in-demand specialisations in the country. Most prominent companies recruit HR professionals. They can fetch a salary package from 2-10 lakhs per annum. With the increase in experience and skills, the salary packages also grow.

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21 Fun HR Games for the Workplace

By: Grace He | Updated: August 24, 2023

You found our list of the best HR games .

HR games are fun and interactive experiences that HR can use as trainings or team building exercises. These games are business strategies that allow human resource teams to train, develop, and evaluate workers. Examples include guess that baby, penny for your thoughts, flip it over, and help me. These activities aim to help HR professionals learn more about each other.

These games can be part of your HR project ideas and employee engagement activities . These games can help improve company culture , employee retention , and workplace positivity .


This list includes:

  • HR games for employees
  • HR games for college students
  • online HR games
  • HR simulation games
  • HR games for managers

Let’s get started!

List of HR games

HR games can help test and train teams. Managers can also use these games to create trust and bonds among members. For new teams or teams with recruits, HR games can improve communication and teamwork. Here is a list of HR games for managers to try.

1. Ghost Hunt in the Haunted Mansion (Top Choice)

ghost hunt in the haunted mansion banner

With Ghost Hunt in the Haunted Mansion, you can offer your team a hosted escape room experience that will have their hair standing on end! Teams will go on a virtual tour of the iconic Winchester Mansion and uncover its dark secrets.

Ghost Hunt in the Haunted Mansion offers:

  • 90 minutes guided by a world-class host
  • eerie jump scares and encounters with Ouija boards
  • mysteries and evil forces within the mansion
  • intricate puzzles, valuable clues, and captivating stories

Your team’s wits and quick thinking will be put to the test as they explore the haunted mansion to find an escape. If you are interested in a heart-pounding adventure, then check out Ghost Hunt in the Haunted Mansion!

Learn more about Ghost Hunt in the Haunted Mansion .

2. Ultimate Trivia Showdown (Highly Rated)

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If you are looking for a hosted HR trivia game, then check out Ultimate Trivia Showdown! We bring a fresh take on this classic activity that will keep teams entertained.

Key features of Ultimate Trivia Showdown include:

  • a 90-minute experience led by a talented host
  • engaging games like The Champion Challenge and Smarty Pants Ultimate Trivia
  • high-energy question rounds, games, and puzzles
  • customizable questions covering a diverse range of categories

We can host this experience at any venue of your choice, and we will provide all the needed supplies. Throughout this thrilling competition, every player will have the chance to showcase their knowledge. To help teams sharpen problem-solving skills, add Ultimate Trivia Showdown to your team building agenda!

Learn more about Ultimate Trivia Showdown .

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3. Desk Wars

Desk wars is a creative and competitive team building activity that involves using a limited set of office supplies to construct a specific structure or object. Hosts must give teams a challenge or task, and they must use their ingenuity and collaboration skills to complete it within a time limit. For instance, teams could build an office supply sculpture or a desk organizer. The catch is that players can only use the desk supplies provided. This activity encourages problem-solving, resourcefulness, and teamwork while adding an element of fun and friendly competition.

4. Appreciation Circle

The appreciation circle is a simple yet powerful team building activity that focuses on fostering positivity and strengthening team relationships. Team members sit in a circle, and each individual expresses appreciation for the person on their right. This activity encourages participants to recognize and acknowledge the contributions and qualities of their colleagues. Games such as this promote a culture of gratitude and camaraderie.

5. Bucket List Sharing

Bucket list sharing allows team members to share personal or professional aspirations with each other. Each team member lists three items from their bucket list, including what they want to achieve, experience, or learn in their lifetime. Optionally, the team can create a group bucket list for professional goals. This activity promotes bonding as team members discover shared interests, goals, and dreams.

6. Name That Slogan

Name that slogan is a fun and interactive game that tests participants’ knowledge of famous slogans and jingles from various brands or companies. Teams listen to audio clips or view slogans and must guess the associated brand. This game has an element of nostalgia and light-hearted competition while also highlighting the influence of branding and advertising in our lives.

7. Role Reversal

Role reversal involves temporarily swapping roles or responsibilities among team members, especially those from different departments or job roles. This activity provides a unique opportunity for individuals to gain insights into the challenges, tasks, and perspectives of their colleagues. Role Reversal encourages cross-functional understanding, empathy, and a broader appreciation for the diverse roles within the organization.

8. Innovation Challenge

The innovation challenge is a collaborative problem-solving activity where teams must find creative solutions to a specific challenge or problem. Participants brainstorm ideas, devise strategies, and create prototypes or proposals to address the challenge. Teams then present their solutions to the larger group, promoting knowledge sharing and diverse perspectives. This activity encourages innovative thinking, teamwork, and creativity.

9. Guess That Baby

Guess that baby is one of the newer HR games for employees. Managers will ask teams to send images of themselves as babies. The managers compile the pictures into a shareable file and send the link to the team. The team’s job is determining which baby picture belongs to which teammate. This game can spark conversation and establish common ground. In the end, the leader shares the baby picture alongside the team members’ present-day image.

Check out more guessing games for work .

10. Help Me

Help me is a game that helps team members build friendships. To play the game, start by having every member write out a personal or work problem. Managers should ensure that each comment is entirely anonymous. Managers can compile the written issues into a file and send the link to the whole team before letting employees pick out a point. If a member picks their own point, then let them try again. Once every participant has chosen, have them offer a solution to their selected issue. Then, open the floor to allow conversation between teammates where others can provide a more profound answer to the problem.

11. Memory Wall

A memory wall is a very detailed game that brings the team together. HR staff should get every member to write a work-related topic or point and post the write-up on an online board. The manager can have a member pick out one point and provide a relevant memory. Team leaders can make the game even more personal and write members’ names rather than points or topics. Teammates can then pick out a colleague’s name and give a positive work-related memory of them. Managers should repeat the action for every employee and have folks share their hidden memories of their teammates.

12. Last 30 Seconds

The last 30 seconds is an intense game that connects team members. HR leaders ask team members to recall various happy, exhilarating, and generally positive memories. Teammates should get enough time to think of the best memory. Once members are satisfied with their recalled memories, ask them to pick one moment they would like to relive during their last 30 seconds of life. The game asks a profound question, and many teammates might be unable to answer. However, those employees who do answer can share a deep experience and story that helps create a connection with other teammates.

13. Who Am I

Who am I is an excellent HR game that helps teammates eliminate stereotypes and help see how personalities can affect others. The game is relatively easy. First, players will write out various personality types, like hardworking, quiet, restless, and poor attention, and then randomly assign these tags to each member. Two players must begin a conversation. Then, each player must act out their colleague’s title. Once one teammate guesses their own personality tag, they leave the game. Members should continue until every player has guessed what their tag is.

14. Silver Linings

Silver linings focuses on building communication and relationship between workers in a team. This game can help foster interest and trust. To play the game, HR managers need to pair up team members. One member should narrate a story of a time they were not very happy or proud of their actions. When the speaker completes their narration, the second member should retell the story but in a positive light. The reteller must only highlight the strengths of their teammate in the story. Groups should repeat the process for the other member. This game encourages workers to see beyond a team member’s weaknesses and see the strength in fellow teammates.

15. Penny for Your Thoughts

Penny for your thoughts is one of the more popular HR games for college students. The HR team leader gets a bunch of coins with years ranging from the birth of the youngest team member to the current year. Of course, HR managers will need to know the youngest member’s age to make the game work. The facilitator will have members pick a coin and share a fun story or memory of an event from that year. Teammates can play penny for your thoughts online using a random year generator.

16. Flip It Over

Flip it over is an excellent bonding game that demands workers’ teamwork and creativity. To play this game, lay down a blanket and place four players in the center. The goal is to flip over the blanket without stepping outside of the blanket. If a player steps outside of the blanket, then they have to start over. Players can grab the blanket on the edges and carefully work their way around until it is upside down. Flip it over is a very intense game requiring much trust and out-of-the-box thinking.

17. One Sentence Story

One sentence story is one of the online HR games that requires creativity and attention. The game begins with the HR manager telling a story with just one sentence. Teammates must take turns continuing the story with only one sentence. Storytellers must only add twists and new storylines. Members should keep going until the team has crafted an intricate tale. Managers can go further by limiting the vocabulary, scenarios, locations, or characters allowed in the story. The more limitation in place, the more fun and creativity are required from team members.

18. Frostbite

Frostbite is a tactical game requiring teamwork, creativity, attention, thinking, and listening skills. Managers will need to set up groups of three to six. Every group will choose a leader. The leader will have frostbite and is unable to move. Another set of players will have bound hands, and the final set will have blindfolds. Members must work together to solve a puzzle or challenge with their limitations. Frostbite is primarily an offline game, but HR managers can include it as one of their online HR games if proper planning is in place. Rather than a physical puzzle, use an online puzzle. Instead of blindfolding the last team, other members can turn off their cameras. Whichever team completes the task with the limitations wins.

19. Absurd Questions

Absurd questions is one of the most engaging options among HR games for employees. To begin the game, send out absurd questions to team members. It works best to give each member a different question or two or three teammates one question. The catch here is the questions need to be unreal and bizarre. Managers can make all the questions work-related topics. Once participants all get a topic, have members give answers, then open the floor for the whole team to comment. Members should continue until each player has answered.

20. Hotel Magnate

Managers looking for HR simulation games can turn to Hotel Magnate. In this online game, players build and run a successful hotel. The game has excellent details with design, management, and decision-making features. Players compete to gain game points to advance and make purchases. HR companies in the hotel or hospitality industry can use Hotel Magnate to train recruits and even existing workers. Managers can keep up with how team members handle the hotel game while highlighting flaws or strengths. Teams can download the app on Steam.

Check out Hotel Magnate .

21. Birthday Lineup

Birthday lineup is one of the best HR games for managers. Team heads gather members from the oldest to the youngest in a lineup. However, the catch is teammates need to line up accurately without speaking. Although the birthday lineup is best for offline teams, the game can still work online using number organization instead of physically lining up. The game will force team members to recall old memories and use body language and other creative means to organize the list correctly. HR managers can offer hints when the game gets complicated but should ensure members get to work the game out independently.

Creating bonds, unity, and teamwork is essential for workplace productivity and harmony. To achieve that unity, HR staff often need a more flexible approach. Using games breaks the strictness of a workplace and relaxes teams. A relaxed team experiencing entertainment, creativity, and intrigue will more likely create deeper relationships with workmates. While easing a team’s mental and physical state, HR staff can also use these games to test for many skills. These skills include creativity, analytical, problem-solving, decision-making, rule following, and leadership. There are multiple HR games, but the list above offers more exhilarating and powerful teamwork-based options. Managers can explore these options and create happier and more productive teammates.

Next, check out HR skills  and  HR tips .

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FAQ: HR games

Here are frequently asked questions about HR games.

What are HR games?

HR games are interactive, engaging games HR leaders use to teach, evaluate, and connect employees. Managers can play many of these games without materials, but some may need apps and tools.

What are some good HR games?

Several excellent HR games improve bonding and teamwork. These games include Hotel Magnate, two truths and one lie, blind drawing, and a penny for your thoughts.

Why should you play games with HR staff?

Beyond the benefits of training, testing, and fostering teamwork and unity among teams, HR games are a great way to unwind and connect beyond work while still at work. HR staff can also see employees in a different light and learn how team members respond to these games.

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Author: Grace He

People & Culture Director at teambuilding.com. Grace is the Director of People & Culture at teambuilding.com. She studied Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University, Information Science at East China Normal University and earned an MBA at Washington State University.

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People & Culture Director at teambuilding.com.

Grace is the Director of People & Culture at teambuilding.com. She studied Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University, Information Science at East China Normal University and earned an MBA at Washington State University.

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Home › Strategic Human Resources Management › Team Building Activities: 27 Borderline Genius Ideas

Team Building Activities: 27 Borderline Genius Ideas

Certified HR Professional


When it comes to generating ideas that make a difference, successfully completing projects, and achieving sustainable growth, having an effective team is key – and team-building activities are how to build them.

After all, what’s better than a talented individual working towards company goals? A team of talented individuals working towards company goals.

Continue reading to learn more about the importance of team building, or jump straight to our list of team building activities that you can implement right away.

What is Team Building?

Team building is a continuous procedure focused on the development of team chemistry and synergy for better communication, cohesion, and collaboration.

Team building activities are games or activities that are designed to help people working together grow more efficient as a group. Along with employee appreciation, employee feedback, and employee incentive programs, it helps improve the overall employee experience in an organization.

These activities require individuals to use creative thinking, consider the opinions of others for a better, overall approach, and work together to solve problems.

As a result, the group builds better communication and problem-solving skills, as well as, improved team chemistry.

Moreover, members of the team gain an understanding of one another’s skills, which, in turn, helps define roles and delegate tasks.

Why is Team Building Important?

Let’s have a look at a few statistics to understand the significance of team building:

  • In 2014 alone, companies worldwide invested more than $130 billion training and team-building activities.
  • A survey by CIPD found that almost 95% of companies send their employees to different events, seminars, etc. for team building activities.
  • A University of Stanford study found that employees that worked together were able to do so for 48% longer, and solved more problems at hand.

In addition to these stats, here is a table that simplifies the differences between companies that utilize free team building activities, and those that don’t.

When it comes to team building games for work, the chosen exercises and tasks need to, first and foremost, engage employees in order to fulfill their purpose.

A simple company survey on interests, preferences, and passions will provide you with personal insights into your employees. Such information can help you develop, or shortlist, more targeted team building activities – generating better results in the long run.

27 Free Team Building Activities to Engage Employees in 2024

Whether you’re looking to improve team communication, increase productivity, or boost employee engagement – team building activities are your best bet.

From creative methods to old school ideas, here are 27 team building activities for better team chemistry, efficiency, and results.

1. Life Highlights Game

First on our list is one of our many 5-minute team building activities. This game helps you get employees together, and break the ice.

To initiate this activity:

  • Have all participating team members gather and sit down in one area.
  • Allow 2 to 5 minutes for each participant to think about the best times in their lives.
  • Entire team members then has to describe the 30 seconds they would always choose to relive, if they only have 30 seconds to live.
  • They also need to explain why they chose those specific 30 seconds.

This activity provides team members a deeper look into one another’s mind, and will help them relate to each other in one way or another.

2. The Zombie Escape

This activity involves working together to solve puzzles and escape the ‘zombie.’ It’s a test of, both, problem-solving skills, team bonding and the ability to work together.

For this activity, you need to:

  • Gather your team in a small room and make one team member the zombie.
  • There are, in general, 3 to 5 boundaries – each boundary is crossed by the zombie after 5 minutes.
  • The rest of the team has to solve 5 or more puzzles and riddles together before the zombie reaches them.
  • If any member is ‘touched’ by the zombie, they’re done for.
  • If the team solves all the puzzles before the zombie reaches them, they will have ‘escaped.’

The Zombie Escape is a fun activity where employees understand how to work together in times of high pressure or stress.

3. Two Truths and a Lie

Next on our list of free team building activities for work is a game of bluffs and poker faces. In Two Truths and a Lie, each team member has to tell, well, two truths and one lie.

Each participant should try and make their statements as similar as possible. The other team members then try to figure out which is the lie.

To carry out this activity:

  • Gather at least 5 team members and have each of them take turns telling two truths and one lie.
  • Each time someone has their turn, the other members will vote on which statement is the lie.
  • Whoever recognizes the lie gets one point.
  • Every member that gets the lie wrong provides one point to the liar.

The game is a great way to not just get to know one another, but also understand each other’s thought processes.

4. The Classification Game

The classification game aims to create a sense of commonality among team members, by dividing them into subgroups based on their likes and dislikes.

To do this activity:

  • Gather your team members and have them state 5 things they like, and 5 things they dislike.
  • Write down everyone’s responses.
  • Ask them to divide themselves into subgroups of people with common likes and/or dislikes.

Note that a subgroup is not negative in any sense.

The purpose of this fun game is to provide team members with talking points that will help them develop a better relationship with one another.

Interested in learning more about team building? Take a look at our HR Certification Courses.

Human Resources Certifications

5. Back-to-Back Drawing

The next activity on our list is meant for teams of two. Back-to-Back Drawing requires one person to describe what they see, while their team member tries to draw out what they’re describing.

To perform this activity, follow these steps:

  • Break your team into pairs and have them sit back-to-back.
  • Give one teammate a pen and a sheet of paper.
  • Give the other member an image and ask him/her to describe what the image is without revealing it.
  • Ask the teammate with a pen and paper to draw the image based on the descriptions being provided.
  • Once the drawing is complete, it is compared with the real image and each pair can share whether or not they had difficulty communicating.

The aim of this activity is to find and eliminate any hurdles in team communication employees may have.

6. Company Coat of Arms

This old school, yet engaging, method has employees design and create a coat of arms that either reflects their team, or their vision for the company.

Here’s how you can go about doing this:

  • Provide your team with the necessary art supplies.
  • Ask them to share different ideas, concepts, designs, etc. that reflect their characteristics as a team, symbols that represent their roles in the company, etc.
  • Have them search for existing, creative coats of arms or symbols for inspiration.
  • Ask team members to work together to paint, draw, sketch, or 3D print a company coat of arms.
  • Hang the coat of arms in a prominent location in the office upon completion.

Benefits of team building activities

This activity is one of many accomplishments your employees experience as a team, while also allowing them to form a stronger understanding of one another’s creative thinking or abilities.

7. Office Trivia

In Office Trivia, employees take part in work-based trivia where they answer questions designed around the work they do.

  • You will need to develop questions based on your company, office, past company accomplishments, etc.
  • The questions are simple based on observation or future milestones, such as ‘how many doormats do we have?’. However, all questions should be designed so each participant has a fair chance of answering correctly.
  • Divide your team members into pairs, or small groups, and check to see which group answers the most trivia questions correctly.

This is healthy mental exercise that will help increase observational skills and foster relationships among team members.

8. Memory Wall

The idea behind this activity is to enable team members to share a positive memory from work. Employees can draw, share a picture, or write about their favorite memory.

To create a Memory Wall:

  • Designate a location in the office for a Memory Wall.
  • Write several topics on a board and have each employee choose one.
  • Allow them to share a memory and then put it up on the Wall.
  • The Memory Wall will then showcase each member’s most memorable times in the workplace.

Such an activity will help build bonds and solidify relationships by providing talking points and revealing common memories.

9. Minefield

Next up on our list of team building exercises for work is another one for pairs. One member is blindfolded, while their teammate has to guide them through a ‘minefield’.

To play Minefield:

  • Choose a large enough space and build an obstacle course using chairs, boxes, desks, etc.
  • Divide the participants into pairs and blindfold one person in each pair.
  • Have the teammate, who can see, guide their blindfolded partner through the minefield via verbal instructions.
  • If you wish to challenge them, allow more than one pair on the minefield at the same time – and make it a race.

Minefield will test employees’ communication skills, their patience, and their ability to thrive (and work together) under pressure.

10. Paper Plane Challenge

This next activity may sound simple and out of place but it has a very specific purpose. The activity requires teams to build the longest flying paper airplane.

To start the challenge:

  • Choose an open place that’s big enough to fly paper planes.
  • Divide all participants into groups of 3 or 4.
  • Give each team a sheet of paper and a time limit (let them use their phones or computers).
  • The winning team is the one that creates the longest flying airplane.

The idea behind the Paper Plane Challenge is to see how teams utilize their time.

Do they choose to fold the paper plane in a complex design? Or do they to develop a simple one to complete it within the time limit?

By the end of the activity, you can find out how thorough your team members are in their process.

11. Sneak a Peek Game

Sneak a Peek requires teams to build a replica of what the activity leader has built, after taking only a single glance at the structure. This game tests leadership skills of the team leader as well as group members.

Here’s a step-by-step process of the activity:

  • Provide your team with some blocks of Lego.
  • Build a structure yourself and hide it from all teams.
  • Choose one team member from each team to come and look at your structure for 10 seconds.
  • They will then go back and try to build a replica with their teams.
  • Each replica will then be compared to the original structure, as well as, other replicas.

The idea is to see whether one person can guide the rest of their teams on a specific task – when that person is the one who has been briefed on it.

This tests the team’s communication skills, memory, and their ability to follow the instructions of fellow team members.

12. This is Better Than That

This next activity is all about rating and organizing tools and techniques according to a given situation.

It requires teams to organize random objects, according to their usefulness, for a hypothetical scenario created by the activity leader.

To carry out this team building activity:

  • Divide your team into groups and give them an imaginary survival scenario (stuck in a jungle, cast away on an island, etc.).
  • Provide them with five random objects that would have no use in the scenario.
  • Ask them to rate the usefulness of the tools, and give them a time limit to do so.
  • After they’re done, ask them why they chose that specific order, and whether or not they think the tools might help them.

This will allow members to work together towards a common issue and become creative with their solutions.

It will also develop improvisational skills in individual team members – employees can learn how to get out of unwanted or unknown situations, and conquer them.

13. Classify This

Classify This requires team members to classify random objects into similar categories.

For example, if you have a pencil, a keyboard, and a fridge, you might classify the first two as ‘writing instruments’.

To start classifying:

  • Choose 20 to 30 random objects from around the office, unrelated.
  • Make small groups of your team and ask each entire group to classify the given objects into four different categories – set a time limit to do so.
  • After they’re done, ask the groups why and how they came up with a particular grouping.

This tests the members’ ability to find similar patterns in unrelated situations with the help of fellow members. It can help employees find hidden trends, patterns, and agendas during work.

14. What’s on Your Desk

What’s on Your Desk is our next engaging team building activity. It has teams turn a random object on their desk into a product.

For a correct approach to this activity:

  • Have each team member grab an item from their desk.
  • Divide all participants into groups and ask each one to choose one item as their ‘product’ – make them do so in under a few minutes.
  • They will then have to give it a creative name, make a logo, and develop a rudimentary marketing plan for it.
  • Each group will then present their products, discuss the pros and cons, and discuss ideas to improve.

This activity bolsters a team’s ability to improvise while working together, while challenging them to develop quality work in a limited amount of time.

15. Team Timeline

In Team Timeline, each employee helps create a visual timeline that displays important moments for the company, as well as, their own lives.

To create the perfect team timeline:

  • Have the team build a timeline; from the company’s inception to present day. Also, have them note down one another’s date of birth and joining.
  • Each participant will then write down a few important moments from their lives on the timeline.
  • Compile the timeline, and put it up in a prominent location in the workplace.

This activity provides employees with a look into one another’s lives, while relating them to the company. It also allows employees to feel connected with the company, as well as, fellow team members.

16. The Perfect Square

The Perfect Square tests each individuals ability to work together with limited utility and communication.

This activity sees team members convert a circle-shaped rope into a square, while they’re blindfolded.

To make the perfect square, or at least try to do so:

  • Have each member sit in a circle while they’re blindfolded.
  • Put a rope in front of them, and form it into a circle.
  • Hand each member a part of the rope.
  • Ask them to make a square out of the rope.

This team building activity explores whether employees can work together to accomplish a common goal.

17. What’s My Name?

This next activity requires employees to deduce which character they’ve been given by questioning fellow team members.

Each participant has a specific character assigned to them without their knowledge. Their job is to figure out their character through cross-questioning, analyzing answers, and similar tactics.

  • Write down the names of famous people on pieces of paper and attach them to the backs of each participant.
  • Each participant can now see the names of all characters, except their own.
  • Employees can talk and ask each other questions to figure out who they are.
  • Any participant that figures out who they are can exit the activity.

The purpose of this activity is to increase dialogue among team members and test their deduction abilities.

It can also serve as an icebreaker between employees who don’t interact as much during work hours.

18. Show & Tell

Everyone is familiar with Show & Tell from back in the day – but what did we have to show back then?

As adults, we’ve traveled the world, experienced different cultures, and have been around the block. In the modern day workplace, Show & Tell can make for a fascinating time.

The rules, however, remain the same:

  • Have each employee bring something of importance from home.
  • Allow them to share what it is and why it is important to them.

This activity is a great way to have team members relate to one another, understand each other better, and learn about one another’s lives.

19. Scavenger Hunt

Yet another activity, scavenger hunts, allow employees to form bonds, work together, and have fun.

To set up your very own office scavenger hunt:

  • Divide your team into smaller teams or groups.
  • Place random objects around the office, work with existing ones, or plan it in advance with custom/themed items just for the hunt.
  • Give the teams a list of the items and provide them with well-written clues or hints.
  • Set a time limit, and start hunting.

Fun activities such as scavenger hunts build better teams by creating memorable moments in the workplace.

20. The Barter Puzzle

The Barter Puzzle requires employees to make sense of jumbled up jigsaw puzzles, and work as a team to put them back together.

The barter puzzle is time-consuming, but here’s how it goes:

  • Divide your team into smaller groups, and assign each group a puzzle.
  • Give each team pieces of other puzzles, so that every opposing team has 25% of all the jigsaw puzzles in the activity.
  • The teams will have to work together to figure out which pieces belong to which jigsaw puzzle. Set a time limit for this.
  • The team that completes their entire jigsaw puzzle first, wins.

The idea is to create a process of communication among people with different pieces/goals.

The activity aims to reduce inter-departmental communication lag to help the business process remain efficient.

21. The Team Journal

The Team Journal is a collection of the thoughts of all team members, in a shared journal that they design.

To create the ideal team journal:

  • Get a blank journal and stationery supplies.
  • Ask each employee to contribute to the journal in their own way.
  • Employees can draw or write anything they want.
  • Keep the journal in a specific location and allow employees to jot or draw anything down as they please.

Keeping a team journal builds trust and respect among team members. It also lets each employee showcase themselves and share their thoughts with the team.

22. Dare Jenga

Next up on our list of team building activities for work, is a game of Jenga, except with a dare written on each block.

To play dare Jenga:

  • Take any Jenga set and write dares down on each block (dares like ‘tell a joke,’ ‘stand on your hands,’ etc.).
  • Stack the Jenga and have participants remove building blocks as if they would normally.
  • Each employee must carry out the dare written on the block they remove.

This activity is for fun and a great relationship builder. It also helps employees become more comfortable with their fellow team members.

23. The One Question Icebreaker

The One Question Icebreaker is an effective tool for dispersing any feelings of awkwardness.

The activity requires each member to answer one question of their choosing from a list of questions.

To break the ice:

  • Develop a set of questions and give them to your team.
  • Each employee will choose one and answer it to their liking.
  • There are no wrong answers.

This activity aims to spark a conversation among team members and have them engage with each other.

24. Book Club

The next activity aims to develop a platform where team members can share and discuss their love for books. The Book Club is a weekly activity and should have a predesignated time slot.

To make and grow your office book club:

  • Designate a day and a room to the book club every week where team members gather and read, discuss, and share books.
  • Give an appropriate name to the book club.
  • It’s best to provide some books from the company to get things going.
  • Allow any employee to join the book club.

Book clubs are a great way to socialize and develop strong relationships among employees.

It also fosters a healthy learning environment and develops language skills, listening skills, and enhances knowledge.

25. Board Game Tournaments

A great way to pass the time and have fun together is to play board games that everyone is familiar with.

Board game tournaments is held with Scrabble, Chess, Monopoly, etc.

To organize board team building game tournaments:

  • Buy different board games and ask employees which board game they’d like a tournament on.
  • Choose the one agreed upon by the majority and create a tournament bracket.
  • Schedule the matches and determine a winner.
  • Tournaments are monthly or bi-annually.

This activity is for laying off steam and developing friendships among employees. It also fosters healthy in-house competition that leads to individual and team growth.

26. Sports Outings

One of the most effective team building event is to take your team out.

It’s also effective to play sports during these outings, and best to choose a sport that everyone can take part in without feeling left out.

For an engaging sports outing:

  • Buy sports supplies like footballs, soccer balls, basketballs, etc.
  • Take your team to a park, beach, or a familiar open field.
  • Set up different matches and let the team have at it.

A team that can play sports together can work together through anything. You may also foster a company culture of physical activity to develop awareness on the importance of physical health.

27. The Meta Simple Team Building Exercise

This activity is a the culmination of all others. The idea is to develop a new team building activity based on previous experiences.

The purpose of this activity is to let the team decide, and create their own activities, so they are involved and willing to participate.

To build the ultimate team building activity:

  • Gather your team and discuss the team building activities you have already carried out.
  • Ask them to share their opinions on the best and the worst ones.
  • Allow them some time to develop their own team-building activities based on one another’s feedback.

The team makes fun activities on their own and participate themselves.

Building a Better Team

All the free team building activities mentioned have a singular goal – to foster inter-team harmony and synergy. This will always result in increased productivity, motivation, and efficiency in the business process.

While any job in the corporate world should be tackled in a professional manner, it doesn’t hurt to lay off some steam and develop better relationships with your team members.

All in all, though team building games are time-consuming and require effort to execute, the results are always worth it.

If you are new to Human Resources and are looking to break into a HR role, we recommend taking our HR Certification Courses , where you will learn how to build your skillset in human resources, build your human resources network, craft a great HR resume, and create a successful job search strategy.


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Become a Certified HR Manager. The HR Management Certification helps to demonstrate knowledge and skills in best practices for managing employees, handling disciplinary action, and other important aspects of the job.

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Become a Certified HR Business Partner. The certificate has become a popular credential because it can help individuals seeking advancement within their current organization and those looking to change jobs or industries.


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Download Interview guide PDF

Hr interview questions, download pdf.

To hire suitable candidates, every company conducts various rounds of interviews to measure the candidate’s technical and behavioral prowess. HR interviews are done to gauge the personality- strengths and weaknesses of a candidate to handle the role and then understand whether the candidate is suitable to do the job. Sometimes, the interviews are conducted to decide how well the candidate can fit into the company’s work culture. Generally, these rounds are done at the end of the recruitment process after the technical skills evaluation.

The HR interview rounds can make or break your opportunity to join your dream company. Hence it is best to keep some tips in mind to ace this interview.

  • Do not fake! Be yourself. Bluffing during the HR interview should be avoided at all costs.
  • Answer to the point and while answering, be honest and truthful.
  • Wear comfortable but formal clothes. Keep accessories to a bare minimum.
  • Reach the venue on time. If the interview is scheduled online, then log in at least 10-15 minutes earlier than the scheduled time and ensure that your connection set up is alright.
  • Do not sound dull while answering. Be enthusiastic and interactive with the hiring managers. In case the interview is online, then remember to keep your video on.
  • Lastly, have a smile on your face.

In this article, let us see what are the most commonly asked HR interview questions and understand why the questions are being asked and what would be the sample acceptable answers to those questions.

Traditional HR Questions

Behavioural hr interview questions.

  • Opinion-based HR Interview Questions

Brainteasers HR Interview Questions

Salary related questions, multiple choice questions, 1. tell me about yourself..

This is the universal question asked at the very first of any interview. It sounds easy, right? But this is the most important question where the candidates fail to create an impression with the interviewer as most of the time they are not aware of what exactly needs to be said.

Some tips to answer this question:

  • Do not ask the interviewer what he wants to know about you. You may be asking genuinely, but that just sounds rude.
  • Do not speak what is already there in the resume. The interviewer wants to know what they have not seen on the resume. And do not speak about anything personal.
  • Introduce yourself by including certain adjectives like problem-solving, innovation and tech-savvy, creative, quick learner, etc. that best describe you in your professional life to boost your chances.
  • Cover what you have accomplished in your career and what work you have done in the past which can help you excel in the position that you are being interviewed for.
  • You can also tell why you want the position and how the job is going to be perfect for you.
  • Focus only on your strengths that are relatable to the work.

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Sample answer could be:

I am an energetic person, an effective communicator, and a quick learner. I was also one of the top students in my batch while I was pursuing a B.E degree in the XYZ domain. I worked on various projects related to the software domain which provided me a great deal of technical exposure along with the importance of working in a team and the value of client satisfaction. I have worked on developing various enterprise-level web applications for helping companies solve problems like ensuring business continuity, market research analysis, etc. So, I believe I am a good fit for technology-centric roles in your company.

2. Why do you want to work for our company?

Another popular question asked by the interviewer to make sure that the candidate has understood the job requirements and help the interviewer understand the reason behind choosing their company for that job. You should answer in such a way that the interviewer gets convinced that you are a great fit for the role.

  • Talk about the past projects that you had worked on that matches the requirements of the current role.
  • Talk about your career aspirations that are associated with this job role.
  • Have the knowledge in hand about the company’s vision, mission, and the work it has done in recent years that inspired you to join the organization.

Sample answer:

I feel that with my current skill sets and my experience in the XYZ domain, the job requirements this role presented are a perfect match for me. I could visualize myself in that role as it aligned with my career aspirations, skills, and expertise. Besides, I have researched your company and found that it has impressive and promising projections which made me excited to be a part of the amazing future. I would take pride in working under the great leadership of this company and I found this place to be a perfect fit for utilizing my expertise along with the promising aspect of personal growth.

3. What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

HR asks this question to get to know more about your characteristics and your suitability for the job. It is also one of the standards and most commonly asked questions.

  • Start by stating the strongest skills and qualities that can be of a great match to the job role.
  • Be ready with the backup claim for each of the strengths that you mention. Hence, avoid speaking of the strengths that you do not possess.
  • Do not tell any weakness that can potentially jeopardize your candidature.
  • Do not mention more than 2 weaknesses and always mention how you are working on improving them.
  • Do not tell cheesy, cliché answers like “I am a perfectionist which is both my strength and my weakness”.
I think one of my greatest strengths is that I am a great team player. I am also a self-motivated and quick learning individual. Whatever task that I set to do, I always give my best and complete it diligently well in advance. My weakness would be that I am learning to master people skills while meeting new individuals. I get nervous while talking to new people. I have been working on this for quite a long time and I can say with utmost confidence that I have come a long way.

4. Why are you looking for a change?

Yet another commonly asked question for experienced candidates, the interviewer wants to understand what made you look for different opportunities and identify if there are any red flags. Whatever is the reason for changing your job, do not talk negatively about the current employer. Do not divulge information about how bad the work environment was, how poor the salary was as these are of no concern to the interviewer. Keep the answer professional without sharing your woes.

The reason I am looking for change is that I feel like now is the time to expand my horizon. I have worked in my current company for quite a long time and while I am grateful for all the opportunities that were presented to me there, I want to go beyond my current role here, explore different avenues and take up challenging roles and I believe that your company will be the perfect place for me to push and grow myself as an individual.

There might be cases where you might have been laid off due to budget and management constraints. In these cases, you have to convey the below things to the recruiter:

  • It happened due to an unforeseen event and it was not your fault.
  • You still have a positive mindset about various opportunities that are available in the market.

Sample answer can be:

The client that I was working for was leaving the market and hence our company was forced to dissolve the department. Unfortunately, I had joined that position in that department very recently and hence my duration in this company was short. I do not have any regrets though as I was extremely happy due to the learning opportunities presented which will help me a lot in my further career endeavors.

5. Tell me about the gap in your resume.

This question comes up when the interviewer finds something interesting and out of ordinary in the resume. Some examples could be a job that could be unrelated to what you are seeking or a job that lasted only for some months or in some cases, the outright gap between two consequent jobs. Here, HR wants to make sure that the gaps are not due to any red flags.

After the completion of my bachelor’s degree, I started working continuously for 8 years without taking any break. This sort of impacted my productivity and also harmed my work-life balance. Hence, I decided to take a break of 6 months to clear my mind, make amends with my family, and also do solo travel to different places. I also gained some lessons during this break such as the importance of work-life balance, organizational ability, and a fresh new perspective on life.

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6. how would you rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10.

The main point while answering this question is to not convey that you are perfect. This would indicate that there is no scope for improvement and would showcase yourself as overconfident to the interviewer.

Also, remember to not undervalue yourself too. This would show that you don’t have any self-confidence.

I would like to rate myself an 8. 8 because I know that I am not perfect and there is always a scope for learning and improvement. Continuous learning is the most fundamental part of personal and professional growth.

7. What is your biggest achievement so far?

Make sure to discuss only your work-related achievement. Pick up the most recent achievement of yours and answer this question.

Tips to answer this:

Answer the question in a STAR format. STAR represents: S: Situation, T: Task, A: Action, and R: Result

I have achieved several milestones to date in my career as a software developer . The most recent one is of the time when we were working on a critical component of a product pertaining to customer payments. We were working round the clock for around 2 months and I was a core developer. I was made a lead to this component for completing the task in another 2 months. To meet the deadline, we ensured that we upskilled ourselves to learn all the aspects of the development of this module and also brought in a few more resources to complete it faster. Post the deployment, I trained our team to support the platform proficiently. Ultimately, we could complete the product well in advance of the deadline. When the product was launched, the higher management was super proud of us and our team was awarded for our outstanding performance in the quarterly town hall. It was a very proud moment for me.

8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Now, this question is the trickiest and deadliest one among all. This can prove to be a trap and you might not even be aware of it. While the question might seem casual, the main purpose of this question is to find out how long you are planning to stay in the company if hired and how your vision fits the vision of the company.

  • You might be tempted to answer honestly by saying things about your plans for higher studies, your plans to start a startup, your plans of becoming a hiring manager in the company or if you don’t have a plan then you are simply tempted to say you don’t have a plan at all. These are the things the interviewer doesn’t want to hear and hence avoid giving such answers.
  • The recruiter is only interested in knowing how long you are planning to stay in the company and how satisfied you are with the current position you are going to be hired.
Over 5 years, I would love to utilize all the opportunities that this company provides me to learn by utilizing the internal and external training programs. My ultimate career goal is to become a Technology Architect and hence I would look forward to developing various products that represent the vision of this company and be a part of making a difference along with quickening my journey of becoming a Tech Architect.

9. Why should we hire you?

The recruiter asks this important question to understand how well you would fit into the position because every hire is a risk to the interviewer in case they turn out to be unfit. Your answer to this question can make or break your interview. Hence, prepare well for this question and make sure to convey to the interviewer why you are the perfect fit for the position.

Some tips to answer would be to include:

  • How well you would perform the job and how you would be a great addition to the team.
  • How you possess the right talent which makes you stand apart.
  • Everything should boil down to how you can add great value to the organization.
I am a self-motivated and very open-minded person who can learn very fast. Looking at the job description and my experience in the field of web development, I am confident that I am very much suitable for this role. I enjoy solving problems and I am a great team player. I also believe that my values are aligned with this company’s values. I think this position will support my interest and also give me interesting and exciting opportunities to contribute to the growth of this organization. I am very much excited about this opportunity.

10. How do you deal with criticism?

The main intention to ask this question is to see what your attitude towards feedback is and how you react to it. The main point here is to let the interviewer know that you are always open to constructive feedback. You should not show yourself as a stubborn or ignorant person who is not capable of taking any input for your growth.

I am always enthusiastic about learning new things and during the process, I might tend to make mistakes. If someone provides me with constructive criticism, I am always open to it and I will work on correcting myself and learn from my mistakes. This would help me grow and move forward. If the feedback is negative, then I am mature enough to ignore the feedback and continue working on doing my job to the best of my capabilities without dampening my spirit.

1. What Are These Behavioural Questions

These questions are mostly of the format “Tell me about a time…” where you would be asked to share your experience based on certain scenarios which would help the interviewer judge how well you handled various work situations thereby reflecting your skills, capacity, and personality.

Always answer such types of questions using the STAR format to provide structured answers. STAR has the following questions to be answered in the same order:

  • Situation: What was the situation/event?
  • Task: What were the tasks involved in the above-mentioned situation?
  • Action: What did you do to complete the goal?
  • Result: What was the result of the actions? This is the most important part which conveys if you were successful or not.

Avoid bragging and exaggerating at all costs.

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2. Tell me about a time when you were not satisfied with your performance?

Here, the interviewer gets to know the extent of ownership you take while performing any task. It also reflects how well you care about the job and the company.

When I initially joined my job right after college, there was a point where I was constantly becoming dependent on the team members to get work done. I did not like this as I wanted to carry out my responsibilities in an independent manner along with working in a team. I wasted no time and quickly learned the working dynamics of the project and received various assignments related to the project. The more assignments I worked on with minimal help, the more confident I became and the more sense of ownership is provided. I felt more independent and I was lauded multiple times for my dedication, my sense of ownership, and how quickly I was able to adapt to the project.

3. Tell me about a time when you were made to work under close supervision.

Here, the interviewer evaluates how well you work in a team and how well you can work independently.

In my previous job, I was working under the close supervision of my manager. It felt very overwhelming as the manager watched everything that I do throughout the day and I felt like he/she was virtually sitting by me at all times. I was uncomfortable with this because of the constant pressure involved. But then, I found out that the manager did not trust me enough to do my job alone as I was very new to it. So I worked on building her trust by working very diligently without any complaints in the projects and once I felt the manager was convinced of my abilities, I discussed with her to hand me a project which didn’t involve such close supervision. The manager gave me one such project reluctantly and I made sure I gave my best to it and the project was launched successfully which is how I gained her complete trust.

4. Can you tell me about a time where you were happy with your work and what was your reaction?

By asking this question, the interviewer wants to understand what success means to you and what feeling it brings out in you. By this, they can assess your concerns for the growth of the company along with your personal growth.

There was a time in my previous company where I was handling a project related to blogging that would potentially inspire a lot of people. So I worked on researching what topics would people get inspiration from and what would help them be better. I also conducted a survey which I shared with my friends, neighbors and relatives to get better insights about this. When we published the blog, the recognition that we got was tremendous. People loved how relatable the posts were and this turned out to be a significant reason behind the 90% sales of our products. I was very happy with my work as I did my part in contributing to company profits as well as providing a platform to people where they can get inspiration from.

5. Tell me about a time where you experienced difficulty at work while working on a project.

Now, this is a broad question as difficulty can be of any type. This question is asked to assess what are the things that you consider as difficult and how you go about solving that difficulty. While answering this:

  • Focus on describing a problem that was related to your work using the STAR approach.
  • Do not answer negatively or bad mouth any supervisor or any company.
  • The interviewer should be made to understand the cause of the problem.
  • Avoid bringing up personal problems in your life.
  • Focus on the learnings of the problem rather than dwelling too much on the damage.
There was a time in my current company when I received a bug report from our client which stated that the databases were performing below the mark when a complex query was called excessively from the interface. The first thing I did was checking the logs to perform the root cause analysis. Doing this gave me a rough idea regarding where the bug started appearing. I reproduced the bug only on the production server and I tried replicating the same on my local system. While debugging, I found out that there was a bug in the Java code where some lines were commented out by the developers who had already left this company. I fixed this code quickly and did a round of performance testing on the application to ensure that this doesn’t occur again. The issue was fixed at the end of the day and we were able to get the server up and running with enhanced performance. We learnt an important lesson to perform regression testing after every phase of releases to ensure the old functionalities were working fine along with the newly developed ones.

6. Tell me about a time where you displayed leadership skills.

This question is asked to check how competent you are in a particular situation. You have to ensure that you are not sounding lazy or unprofessional.

I remember this event. Every year, my company used to organize a summer barbeque, and this year, the person who was supposed to organize had left for a new job. I used to volunteer for this before so I volunteered myself for organizing the barbeque this year. The annual barbeque was a potluck event with some fun activities planned throughout the day. I conducted a survey amongst the employees to see what kind of activities they were interested in. I made a list of those activities and created teams dedicated to conducting each of them. I also ensured that activities did not cross the budget allocated and took care of sending out regular reminders to track the progress of the team. I sent out posters and went through the office floors with a team of people to make sure people are aware of what exciting things we have planned for them and ensure that they arrive at the venue on time. The day of the event was an amazing one. As we had everything planned, the event went on smoothly and everyone had loads of fun. I received great appreciation from the higher management for my organizational skills and everyone said that they had a great time.

7. Was there any point in your career where you made any mistake? Tell me about it.

Now here is a tricky behavioral question and if you don’t answer this carefully, you would be digging your own grave. The interviewer wants to understand what kind of mistakes you made, how did you approach it and how well you would perform if you are hired for the job. Some tips to answer the question:

  • Talk about a mistake you made which you were able to rectify and which didn’t cause any critical damage to your organization.
  • Talk about what you learned while working on fixing the mistake.
  • Avoid any mistake that represents any flaw in your personality.
I remember an instance when I joined my first company. I was asked to work on two projects simultaneously and I accepted it even though I knew I would not be able to handle it. I did not want to tell my manager that I cannot handle it as I did not want him to think less of me. I was not supposed to tell either of clients that I was working on another project which caused me double stress due to which I was not able to meet the deadlines for the assignments. I realized I should have clearly communicated this with my manager and then my manager understood the situation and allocated a new resource to work with me to complete the project delivery. I learned the importance of keeping my supervisors updated with any task and being open to them if I am facing any roadblocks.

8. How did you handle disagreements with your manager?

The interviewers want to know how well you deal when your ideas are disagreed by your manager/supervisor. Disagreements are part and parcel of working in a team. Hence, the recruiter wants to know if you are capable of handling such disagreements and how well you plan to develop the relationship with the manager.

  • Explain what the disagreement was.
  • How did you overcome that?
  • What was your learning outcome?
  • Do not speak ill or abuse your manager.
  • You can not tell that you never had a disagreement before as it would just prove that you do not have a sense of leadership or you lack creativity.
This reminds me of an instance where I and my manager had a disagreement on why a certain feature has to be included in the product and he was against it. We had lots of discussions regarding the pros and cons of that feature. During this, I explained to him why adding that feature to our website would be the best thing to do and how it would make the lives of our users easier. I gave him various scenarios and good reasons why that feature would be a great idea. My manager was convinced as he felt the reasons were good enough and we got his green signal to work on it. In the end, when we unveiled this feature to our client, the clients were indeed very happy and praised us all as we went out of our way to add this feature. My manager was very happy with the result. I learned that effective and graceful communication is the ultimate key. Ideas should be respectfully conveyed to people when there are disagreements as we belong to a team and the collective vision of the team is to launch the project successfully. In case my manager’s idea was best for the project, then I would gracefully accept that too.

9. Tell me how you will handle it if suddenly the priorities of a project were changed?

Here, the interviewers want to know how the candidate will act in the situation when priorities are changed. This will also reflect the candidate’s ability to handle stress and solve problems.

  • Make sure that you convey the right things to the interviewer.
  • Give instances of how well you are capable of handling pressure and stress.
  • Avoid boasting and no matter how frustrated you were during these situations, do not tell the interviewer.
I certainly understand that there might be valid reasons for a company to change the priority of a project. The vision of a project at one particular point of time would change at another time due to various conditions. If the priority of the task that I work on gets changed, I will put efforts into understanding why this happened and I will consider that it is in the best interest of the company and start to work on the new task of higher priority rather than crib about it. The ultimate goal is to achieve big things by putting in my best efforts.

Opinion based HR Interview Questions

1. consider the scenario - you win a million-dollar lottery. would you still be working.

Generally, these questions would be based on the cases or scenarios. This is to understand how you think and execute the plan in a given situation.

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This question is a big trap! If you answer “yes” to this, then you will be considered a materialistic and money-minded person who could easily give up on the company if you are provided with a lot of money. And hence, you won’t be a valuable asset to the company.

I will be super thrilled if I win such a lottery as it would mean that I would be having a hefty saving for me and the future of my family. I won’t be quitting my job because I enjoy my work and I love learning new things continuously and I would still love to explore more domains. My only wish is to retire after completing a very fulfilling career.

2. What would you do if you were working under a bad boss?

Interviewers want to know how well a candidate can cope up with people with different beliefs and ideologies and hence it can get a little tricky to answer this. While answering this, you ensure that you are avoiding emphasis on the negative aspects of the situation.

Firstly, before jumping to the conclusion that my boss is bad, I will try my best to understand his personality and get to know what their problem is. If I find my boss to be aggressive, then I will make note of the things that would make him angry and will work on avoiding that. I will also try asking my colleagues how they have worked on dealing with him. If things get worse, I will contact HR to get a solution regarding this.

3. What do you think is an ideal work environment?

The main intention of this question is to understand if you will fit into the work environment that the company has already. Employers want to ensure that the employees are more productive and happy doing their work and retain them in the long run and hence they ask this kind of question to understand if the employees can fit into their culture.

Some tips to prepare for this question would be:

  • Thoroughly research the company you are interviewing for and have a brief idea of the work culture, the hierarchy of the company, etc.
  • Talk about the work culture that would focus on growth.
  • Emphasize how a team-oriented workplace would be of interest to you.
  • Ensure that whatever you talk about is aligned with the company’s vision.
  • Avoid mentioning a workplace that gives a lot of vacations, flexible timings, more bonuses, and fun. We know it is ideal, but it doesn’t work that way.
According to me, an ideal work environment is one that revolves around a team where the focus is on learning, working, and growing together to take the team members and the company to new heights. It is where the skills and capabilities of team members are being leveraged to grow. While I was researching your company, I found that you pay more importance to teamwork and that was something which impressed me. I believe that I can work better in an encouraging environment.

4. What does motivation mean to you?

This again is a broad question that can be easily misinterpreted by the candidates. While answering this question, we have to make sure that we are honest and also our answer should be associated with the job that we are getting interviewed for. Try giving an example to make things more clear.

Learning new things and the feeling of satisfaction that comes while solving a problem drives me to do my best in my job. I love challenges as they push me to do more. I believe that learning should never end and the day we stop learning is the day we get stagnant and this thought always motivates me to learn something new. Looking at the job description, I know that this job will provide me the motivation to keep things going.

5. What is your dream company like?

This a tricky question where the interviewer again assesses your rightness for the job. While answering this, do not spill out your actual dream of working for 6 figure salary in a company with frequent access to vacation and flexible work hours. The interviewer is not interested in these things and will consider these as red flags as they make you seem materialistic.

Some tips to answer this:

  • Be sincere in what you want in an ideal workspace.
  • What you say should align with the work culture of the company.
  • Avoid exaggeration and point out a specific employer as an example.
My dream company is a place that would provide me loads of opportunities to learn and grow and help me harness my abilities to contribute to the overall growth of the company. I value such a company that will recognize and appreciate performance and based on what I have researched about your company, I believe this place can offer me these opportunities.

6. What do you do to ensure that a certain number of tasks is completed effectively?

By asking this question, the interviewer understands how you will perform while multitasking. These days, every employer expects that a candidate should be able to work on multiple projects simultaneously which is where understanding how capable you are to multitask becomes important to them.

Some tips to answer the question:

  • Describe a situation where you worked on multi-tasking and how you were able to meet up the deadlines.
  • Do not talk about how much you hate multi-tasking.
  • Do not talk vaguely or give generic answers.
  • You can also give examples to back up your claim in STAR format.
Whenever I am assigned multiple tasks, the first thing I do is to calm myself down and build up a positive mindset that I can achieve the task. I then begin to organize them based on the priorities and come up with a plan to set deadlines for each of them and begin to work on the task. Whenever I feel like I am blocked or I am facing roadblocks, I let my supervisor know of this and I don’t hesitate to seek help from my colleagues. If I see that I am not able to meet the deadlines, then I will be informing my manager well in advance by detailing whatever I have done. Most of the time, my manager was kind enough to understand the cause of delays and I would receive an extension in the deadline and I ensure that my tasks are completed.

7. What would you prefer - being liked or being feared?

The answer should be given diplomatically here because no interviewer would want a candidate who likes to be feared.

Honestly, I prefer to be well respected in my organization. Fear does not command respect. I want to be in such a way that my team members will not hesitate to reach out to me for anything.

8. How long do you think you will be working for us if you are hired?

The recruiter wants to check for how long you will be staying in the current company. Do not be honest and share your plans of switching to a dream company or your plans of higher studies.

I am planning to be in this company for a very long time as long as I am being valued and respected for my work and as long as the management sees me as an asset.

9. If you were reborn as an animal, what animal would you want to be?

This might seem to be an odd question to answer to. Rest assured, the interviewer does not want to joke with you. Instead, they ask this question to get what kind of personality you are, what your thought process is, and how creative you are by describing yourself as an animal.

Some tips to answer this question would be:

  • While answering, make sure your justification is aligned with the job role you are choosing.
  • Do not choose animals with poor traits.
  • Do not choose animals with the traits that are opposing the ones required for the job role.
  • Lion: Always ready to fight, never backs from challenges, strong and rightly known as the king of the jungle.
  • Dog: Known for loyalty and friendliness.
  • Elephant: Hardworking animal capable of performing hardcore work.
  • Cows: Known for love and loyalty.
  • Dolphin: Known for selflessness and helpfulness.
  • Butterfly: Has the ability to transform from one stage to another and always waiting to fly beautifully.
  • Ant: Known for being a hard worker and for the ability to carry weights twice their weight.
  • Owl: Wise creatures known for seeing bigger pictures.
  • Dove: Known for peace and non-violence.
  • Chameleon: Jells well in all environments. Also considered to be sneaky. - This animal can be avoided.
  • Snake: Known for being tricky - This animal should be avoided.
  • Tortoise: Known for being lethargic and sluggish. - This animal should be avoided.

I would like to be reborn as a lion. A lion is known for its love for challenges and its pride. It goes for what it wants and it can thrive in a battle (or challenge) which is why I want to be a lion.

10. Will you lie for the company under any circumstances?

To be honest, this question is not commonly asked anymore. However, just be prepared for this question. It is a tricky one to answer as you have the question of integrity and the company benefits in line. The best thing to do here is to be diplomatic.

I believe in the principle of honesty. So, my willingness to be a part of the lie would depend on the situation and the outcomes associated with it. If my lie will not jeopardize anyone and brings a positive result for the company and the employees, then I can be a part of it. However, I do not feel good about lying.

1. What do you think is better - being perfect and delivering late or being good and delivering on time?

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Back up your opinion with certain examples and answer what according to you is right.

Here is one possible answer:

I believe that it is always better to be good and deliver on time. Time is money to the organization. If we are good and on time, then there is always room for improvement and enhancements. But if we deliver it late, then no amount of perfection can make up for the time lost.

2. Judy’s mother had 4 children. The eldest one was April, the second child was May and the third child was June. What was the name of the fourth child?

This is a very simple question. Yet some people find it confusing when they hear it for the first time or possibly due to the stress of interviews. Think twice before answering. Never say that you do not know. At least try solving.

The answer is Judy.

3. How many times in a day does the clock’s hand overlap?

While hearing this question for the first time, it might sound very simple but it could also be complex. Interviewers do not generally look for the correct answers. They would just want to see how well you are capable of analyzing a problem and what is your thought process to approach a problem.

  • Take time to analyze the answer.
  • Note down your thought process while answering.
  • Show that you are actually in the process of solving a problem.
  • Do not blurt out answers without thinking.
  • Do not say I don’t know without even trying.
We know that we have 24 hours in a day. The hand first overlaps at 12:00, then at 1:05, 2:10, 3.15, 4:20, 5:25, 6:30, 7:35, 8:40, 9:45 and 10:50 two times in a day. There will be no overlap at 11:55 because the hour hand is moving towards 12 while the minute hand is at 11. This sums up the result to 22.

4. You have only two vessels of 3l and 5l volume and you are given an unending supply of water. Can you find out how to get 4l of water just by using these two vessels?

Take time to analyze the question. Do not think silently. Let the interviewer know of your thought process.

The answer to this question is:

First, fill the 3l vessel with water. Transfer all the water from the 3l vessel into the 5l vessel. Refill the 3l vessel again and pour it off into 5l vessel jug till it is full. In the 3l vessel, we now have 1-litre of water available. Empty the water from the 5l vessel completely. Pour the 1-litre water from 3l vessel to 5l vessel. Fill the 3l vessel with water and pour this into the 5l vessel. We now have 4l of water in the 5l vessel.

1. What to expect?

These kinds of questions are asked to find out if the interviewers can afford to hire you based on their budget and the range that they wish to offer. They want to ensure that your expectations and the range provided by the company are aligned and you are satisfied with it. It is very important to know and realize yourself worthwhile answering these questions especially when your expectations are more than what they are expecting to provide.

You do not want to come across as a money-minded person nor do you want to come across as a saint who is happy with being underpaid. Also, this is the part where your negotiation skills also come into play.

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2. What is your current salary?

This question is asked to make sure that the money that you make in your current position falls within the budget that the interviewers want to provide you with.

  • Try your best to avoid telling your current salary.
  • Only in some cases where you are found to be the most perfect fit after excelling in all the rounds of the interview, the companies would be willing to offer you more hikes.
  • Some companies have a specified range dedicated to a particular position.
  • However, the job of the recruiter is to hire a candidate who can do more at less cost. Hence, disclosing your current income might land you in an unfavorable position.

Some tips to answer this would be:

  • Research about the salary provided by the company to that particular job role either by checking on websites like Glassdoor, Indeed or by connecting with people working in that company on Linkedin.
  • Avoid stating your current income.
  • Ask the interviewer what is the range that he/she is providing for the role.
  • Do not lie.
I am not allowed to disclose my current salary information as my employer considers it confidential information and I am bound to that agreement. However, if you share the range that you would be provided for this position, I can let you know if my salary is in that range. Or I can also give a salary range that is based on my research of the company and based on my skills.

3. What is your salary expectation?

You have to answer this question carefully as you do not want to get underpaid for the job role at the end of the day.

  • Research about the salary range the company is providing for the position.
  • Try to get a range from the interviewer and see if you are okay with it. If the interviewer still insists on you providing a number first then give a range that you are looking for.
  • You should be ready for negotiation, hence consider a range where you are okay with even if salary gets negotiated.
  • Do not simply blurt out a range. Explain why you deserve it.
I have been in the software development industry for around 6 years. I have worked on developing and launching so many projects and have come a long way from being a fresher. I have also demonstrated leadership capabilities which I think will also be an added asset for you along with my technical prowess. Considering all this and also based on my research, I think if my compensation falls in the range of ₹15,00,000- ₹20,00,000 then it won’t be a bad idea.

4. How much do you think you should be paid by looking at your qualifications?

By asking this question, the interviewer checks if the candidates are aware of their self-worth and indirectly want to know what money you are expecting. Do not be humble and modest while answering this question. You should sell yourself and prove that you are aware of what you are worth.

  • Research about what is the current market trend for the skills and capabilities that you possess.
  • Let the interviewer know that you have great skills by really selling yourself.
  • Do not undermine or downplay your skills just to please the recruiter.
  • Do not say a specific amount right away. Back it up with why you think you are worthy of that money.

We have seen what are the most commonly asked HR interview questions, why they are being asked, some tips to answer each question, and also possible sample answers to them. The list is quite comprehensive. Sometimes, an HR might also ask role-specific questions to know how well you have understood the job role. The questions asked during this round might seem to be a general casual discussion, but you have to be well prepared to answer this as the HR round is the most important round and the only step away from your dream job. The below image is the summary of all the tips that you can utilize to ace this interview.

Good Luck and go get your dream job!

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Explore HR Questions asked in Companies

  • TCS Interview Questions
  • Wipro Interview Questions
  • Cognizant Interview Questions
  • MindTree Interview Questions
  • Infosys Interview Questions
  • Accenture Interview Questions
  • Technical Interview Questions - Complete List

What is the most suited answer for the question “Why should we hire you?”

What can be the most suitable answer for the question - “Where do you see yourself in the next five years?”

When is the right time to ask about compensation/salary benefits?

What would be the acceptable answer when you are asked the question - “What would you rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10?”

What should be the content for the question - “Tell me about yourself”?

When HR asks you about your weaknesses what should you be ideally telling them?

What would be the acceptable content for the question “how do you handle failure or disappointment”?

What should be the acceptable answer for the question - “Do you want to relocate?”?

Is it ok to ask about the feedback at the end of the interview before leaving?

 What would be the acceptable answer for the question - “Consider a scenario where your manager leaves for an immediate one-week vacation and before leaving he gives you an assignment. What would you do first?”

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For Students, HR Is a Meaningful, Practical Career Choice

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​Human resource professionals, on average, find their work to be meaningful and have a positive view about their long-term prospects, according to a new global survey. These factors, especially given recent events, largely contribute to students' decision to pursue HR as a career.

Liz Supinski, director of research products for the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), noted that the survey from SHRM and other international HR associations attempted to look at the HR profession from two angles. The first was to see how respondents felt about the job—how happy it makes them and how much of an impact they see it making. The second goal was to gauge how they view the job from a practical standpoint—how easy it is to get into the profession, make a living and advance their careers.

Meaningful Work

The 2020 People Profession Survey  is a global survey of 5,200 individuals who work in HR, organizational development and design, learning and development, and other related areas. Ninety-five percent of respondents had a high meaningful work score. To determine that score, these "people professionals" were asked questions such as whether their work makes them happy, and if they believe others experience happiness because of their work.

The survey, which was conducted between January and March 2020 by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), the World Federation of People Management Associations (WFPMA), the Australian HR Institute (AHRI) and SHRM, noted that people professionals working in more strategic roles tended to score higher on all items of the scale than individuals working in more operational roles. However, the report also noted that employees at the strategic level have a better window into the impact of their work.

For students, the appeal of HR certainly seems to be the potential to be involved at that strategic level. Ashley Dugger, DBA, SHRM-CP, program chair of human resource management for Western Governors University, has observed a shift in the perception of HR from an administrative profession to strategic partner. "I think that has definitely shaped what has drawn a lot of the students, especially those who may have already had some work experience, or specifically some HR experience, where they kind of fell into it," she said.

Additionally, recent events have heightened HR's profile. The 2020 Black Lives Matter protests that followed the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor prompted many companies to take significant steps to reaffirm their commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I). HR departments were at the forefront of implementing DE&I programs, and both students and workers could see that.

Over the past year, Dugger has noticed a change in the conversation around the breadth of work that HR can encompass. "We're seeing people make that connection," she said. "Instead of just asking, 'What could I go to my HR department for if I need support in something?' They're saying, 'As a leader, how can I leverage HR to make an impact in my organization in those areas?'"

Ren'ee A. Mangini, SHRM-SCP, HR professor and department chair for HR at Lake Washington Institute of Technology and a SHRM student chapter advisor, has had similar observations, as have many of her peers and students. "We've seen a spike in those jobs, and the students have noticed that there are opportunities for people to work with organizations in those areas," she said.

Career Opportunities

While HR professionals are generally positive about their jobs, the 2020 People Profession Survey revealed that overall positivity can differ greatly from region to region. Depending on geographical location, there may be external barriers to career advancement.

Supinski noted that U.S. and Canadian HR professionals were generally among the most positive globally about the profession, and she believes this largely has to do with the size of those markets and the opportunities they present.

"One of the things we asked about was career progression," she said. "How many times have you been promoted? Do you feel optimistic about your chances for future promotion? And the places where we found that to be the most negative were relatively small markets."

Still, career progression has been mostly positive around the globe; a majority of respondents reported that their progression had met or exceeded their expectations in every country surveyed, with Mexico leading the way at 84 percent. About a quarter of respondents from the U.S. (27 percent), Australia (26 percent) and Canada (23 percent) reported that their career progression had exceeded expectations, while almost a third of respondents from the UAE (34 percent), the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (34 percent) and Singapore (27 percent) reported their career progression had fallen short of their expectations.


An Idealistic and Practical Choice

The combination of meaningful work and job stability make HR an alluring job prospect in the current environment. As the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on the job market in 2020, colleges saw an influx of interest in their HR programs that has continued into the new year.  

As compliance challenges around employment laws and benefits increase, employment of HR specialists is projected to grow 7 percent from 2019 to 2029, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. That's faster than the average for all occupations.

"My classes are full," Mangini said. She explained that many workers—some of whom have been laid off—have entered into worker retraining programs to pursue new careers in HR.    

Dugger has also observed an influx of new interest in HR careers. "This seems like a pretty bulletproof career, especially with everything that's happened over the last year," she said. "We're seeing a lot of positions being eliminated or restructured, and HR, of course, are the ones desperately trying to manage all of that happening. So [students] see the security and the growth in it."

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How students’ GenAI skills and reflection affect assignment instructions

The ability to use generative AI is akin to time management or other learning skills that students need practice to master. Here, Vincent Spezzo and Ilya Gokhman offer tips to make sure instructions land equally no matter students’ level of AI experience

Vincent Spezzo

.css-76pyzs{margin-right:0.25rem;} ,, ilya gokhman.

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November 2022: ChatGPT rapidly emerges as the next big disruptor in higher education. On campuses across the US, the primary feelings are scepticism and fear of cheating, but pushing past that is the notion that this technology could be harnessed to benefit education.

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Here lies the challenge: how much direction should you include in GenAI-inclusive assignments? Previously, instructors had to balance assignment guidelines with student creativity, so students could create a unique submission while remaining within the assignment objectives. Now the additional task is finding the right amount of guidance to ensure students can effectively use GenAI beyond simply copying and pasting predefined prompts.

Creating GenAI assignments

How to create assignments using GenAI is one of the questions that co-authors Ilya Gokhman and Vincent Spezzo have addressed. Students in Gokhman’s public policy course worked in groups of four to complete project-based tasks and provide peer feedback to their team members at four points during the semester. The idea was to have students use GenAI as a leadership and collaboration coach to help them process and reflect on peer feedback. GenAI was used in three of the four feedback phases (students completed the first reflection unassisted). For the remaining phases, students were: 1) instructed to use GenAI with no further guidance, 2) given detailed instructions on how to use GenAI, including suggested prompts, and 3) instructed to use GenAI how they wanted, whether that was to use the instructors suggested prompts or their own. 

Students divided on using GenAI

Students were surveyed on a six-point Likert scale to determine their experience using GenAI in their assignments and how it impacted their learning (see list below). This included a self-rating on their prior experience using GenAI that included options of “a lot”, “some”, “little” and “none”.  From the 72 participants, several novel insights were gleaned. The most significant finding was a clear division in students’ experiences using GenAI for assignments between the two groups at opposite ends of the prior-usage spectrum. Those students who had the most prior experience rated several items significantly higher than those who came into the class never having used GenAI before. This was true despite very detailed instructions and prompt examples being added to the third and fourth assignments. 

  • I would rather use GenAI than complete feedback review with another person: A lot M=4.7, None M=2.78 
  • I felt using GenAI helped me in learning the course material: A lot M=4.8, None M=3.06 
  • I felt using GenAI increased my motivation to complete assignments: A lot M=4.8, None M=2.83
  • Overall, I felt using GenAI had a positive impact on my course experience: A lot M=5.4, None M=3.89

Two things worth noting are: 1) while students with more experience rated items significantly higher, students with no prior experience generally still rated items around a three on the six-point scale, and 2) students who fell into the two middle groupings were not shown to be significantly different from the two extremes on almost all questions. 

Students also responded to open-ended questions, with 30 per cent stating that the assignments could be improved by more frequent GenAI usage, 25 per cent commented that GenAI was useful in generating ideas and expanding their perspectives, and 20 per cent indicated a desire for more detailed instructions on using GenAI for the assignment. 

Addressing students’ differences in experience using GenAI 

Results pointed to a difference in instructional needs between students with no GenAI experience and those with a lot of experience. One could mistakenly assume the number of students with little or no experience will decrease as use of these technologies becomes more widespread. However, the ability to use GenAI is likely more akin to time management, studying and a host of other learning skills that students need support and practice with before mastering. Coupling this with the  current lack of adoption at K-12 , it is very likely that inequity with prior usage of GenAI will exist for some time. Two actionable practices that can address this inequality:

  • Include more detailed instruction and prompt examples for assignments. While not all students need this, at least 20 per cent of the students surveyed indicated they wanted even more direction than was provided, and there was no indication that the additional instructions negatively impacted students with prior experience. Part of an equitable framework is to ensure that those who need the additional support have it available, so including optional additional guidelines may be the way to go with GenAI assignments for now.
  • Create and include a lesson or optional module for teaching students how to use GenAI effectively within your course or discipline. From this study, it seems that simply including more examples and instructions was not enough for some students. To address the gap of experience, students seem to need support and exposure to the basics of using GenAI that goes beyond creating good prompts. There is already discussion of including such experiences in freshmen seminar courses, but until then it will be up to instructors to help bridge the gap for students who have yet to learn how to use GenAI in ways that will benefit their education. 

By using these practices, the intent is that students coming into a course with little or no prior GenAI experience can be brought up to speed and benefit at near the same level as those who have had a lot of experience using the tools. Conducting a start-of-semester survey is a good way to identify students who need additional resources and ensure they are directed to access them. While this means yet another task for instructors, the benefits to student learning and the expectations of future employers make this worth taking on.

Vincent Spezzo is assistant director of teaching and learning online in the Center for Teaching and Learning, and Ilya Gokhman is faculty lead for grand challenges in the Office of Leadership Education and Development, both at Georgia Institute of Technology.

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Director of Operations

  • Columbia University Medical Center
  • Opening on: May 15 2024
  • Job Type: Officer of Administration
  • Bargaining Unit:
  • Regular/Temporary: Regular
  • End Date if Temporary:
  • Hours Per Week: 35
  • Standard Work Schedule:
  • Salary Range: $125,000 - $140,000

Position Summary

  • The Division of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation at Columbia University Irving Medical Center is recruiting a Director of Operations for the International Initiative for Pediatrics and Nutrition (IIPAN). The individual would support the Program for advancing nutritional health in children located in low and middle-income countries. The candidate would advance IIPAN’s offers of international as well as domestic educational opportunities in academic medical institutions abroad and work closely with IIPAN’s collaborators within the World Health Organization and Ministries of Health. Current active programs are located in Central and South America, Africa, and several countries in South Asia. The director of operations will be responsible for directing the operations of IIPAN, overseeing and expanding site implementation (monitoring and evaluation), develop and oversee expansion of IIPAN’s technological imprint in the professional and lay populations, and work alongside development to grow IIPAN’s programmatic objectives. The candidate may also serve as a mentor to graduate students at CUIMC who may be interested in global health activities. The candidate will direct operations projects with the Columbia Global Centers to advance regional nutrition operations within the region.

At CUIMC, we are leaders in teaching, research, and patient care and are proud of the service and support we provide to our community. We apply the same rigor in our commitment to fostering an inclusive, thriving community and caring for our employees and their loved ones. We offer immediate eligibility and invest in our employees’ families through comprehensive  Health and Welfare ,  Employee Assistance ,  Tuition Programs , and  Retirement Benefits .

“Subject to business needs, we may support flexible and hybrid work arrangements. Options will be discussed during the interview process”


  • Direct all aspects of operations, encompassing development, marketing, events, and public relations, alongside collaboration with respective departments at CUIMC. 
  • Assess current operational structures and devise innovative processes for implementation.
  • Conceptualize and refine new workflows for implementation, while actively incorporating team member perspectives into the formulation of proposals.
  • Develop and direct cross-departmental collaboration to optimize operations and policies.
  • Develop and direct online and automated processes and new technology to enhance efficiency of operations.
  • Provide strategic direction and informed recommendations on organizational policies, resource allocation, budgetary considerations, and daily decision-making processes.
  • Spearhead comprehensive strategic planning initiatives across programs, shaping the trajectory of service delivery and operational strategies.
  • Supply budgeting, financial and staffing input to the Director for the development of proposals.
  • Direct executive management meetings and deliver comprehensive progress reports on project progress.
  • Direct and advise staff and local team members on operational issues including those relating to grants and compliance, technology, and facility needs.
  • Pioneer and manage initiatives that will enhance and advance commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Participate in Board meetings (and Committee meetings as needed) and review and provide feedback on reports to be delivered at meetings.
  • Abide by all applicable professional standards of ethics and practice adhering to CUIMC policies.
  • Performs related duties & responsibilities as assigned/requested.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in education and experience required; plus, five years of related experience.

Preferred Qualifications

  • 8-10+ years of experience progressively responsible for designing, implementing, and directing nonprofit operation workflows.
  • A passion for the organization's mission with a demonstrated history supporting international humanitarian organizations.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills with the ability to communicate with the executive leadership team, community members, and donors.
  • Experience with Microsoft Office programs, social media platforms, ticket purchasing systems, and project management software.
  • Ability to work collaboratively in a team setting listening to ideas from all parties.
  • Ability and willingness to travel to program sites and international meetings.
  • Demonstrated competence in working with diverse clients, client communities and organizations. Strong sense of customer service and the ability to follow through on projects and deliverables.
  • Strong coaching, teaching, training, organizational and time management skills.
  • Proven ability and willingness to work under pressure, meet tight deadlines and handle multiple tasks simultaneously while maintaining attention to detail.
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Demonstrated resourcefulness and ability to take initiative in development and completion of projects. 

Equal Opportunity Employer / Disability / Veteran

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Columbia university is dedicated to increasing diversity in its workforce, its student body, and its educational programs. achieving continued academic excellence and creating a vibrant university community require nothing less. in fulfilling its mission to advance diversity at the university, columbia seeks to hire, retain, and promote exceptionally talented individuals from diverse backgrounds.  , share this job.

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Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity to Transition to Student Union, Leadership & Activities

Effective July 1, 2024, the Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity (CGSD) will transition to operate within the Student Union, Leadership, and Activities portfolio. This transition allows for more direct programming and support for LGBTQIA+ students, aligning closely with the mission of fostering an inclusive and supportive campus environment.

Over the past two years, we have observed an increase in the needs of LGBTQIA students, and it is imperative that we respond to these needs promptly and effectively. Therefore, the focus of the CGSD will be on expanding support services for LGBTQIA+ students, ensuring that they feel valued, respected, seen, and supported throughout their academic and personal journeys.

As part of this transition, we are actively in the process of hiring a Program Coordinator who will play a pivotal role in leading initiatives and activities aimed at supporting LGBTQIA+ students. The Program Coordinator will work closely with students, staff, and faculty to ensure that the needs of LGBTQIA+ students are met. Please encourage qualified individuals to apply.

We are excited about this transition and the opportunities it presents to strengthen our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus. We believe that this restructuring will enable us to better serve the LGBTQIA+ community and create a more inclusive campus environment.

Please join us in welcoming this change and supporting the Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity as it continues to do important work. The Center will be located in B124 – Seymour  Union.


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    In this ESL lesson plan, students dive into advanced expressions about job seeking by watching a video, discussing recruitment processes and recruitment apps, and practicing relevant phrases. Premium Plan Show. B2 / Upper Intermediate. Critical Reading Club 30 min. Add to saved lessons.

  23. Master of Human Resources and Employment Relations

    Master of. Human Resources and Employment Relations. Course list and course planning tools. Contact information and faculty biographies. Information for capstone and summer courses. Information on transfer credits, non credit coursework, and grading policy. Requirements for maintaining good academic standing.

  24. Top HR Interview Questions and Answers: Freshers & Experienced (2024

    Let the interviewer know of your thought process. The answer to this question is: First, fill the 3l vessel with water. Transfer all the water from the 3l vessel into the 5l vessel. Refill the 3l vessel again and pour it off into 5l vessel jug till it is full. In the 3l vessel, we now have 1-litre of water available.

  25. For Students, HR Is a Meaningful, Practical Career Choice

    For students, the appeal of HR certainly seems to be the potential to be involved at that strategic level. Ashley Dugger, DBA, SHRM-CP, program chair of human resource management for Western ...

  26. PowerSchool Schoology Learning

    PowerBuddy for Learning. PowerBuddy for Learning is the personal assistant for teaching and learning. PowerBuddy makes educators' lives easier by helping them easily create high-quality assignments and instructional content. Students benefit from an always-available personalized assistant to support them in the way they choose to learn.

  27. How students' GenAI skills affect assignment instructions

    Students were surveyed on a six-point Likert scale to determine their experience using GenAI in their assignments and how it impacted their learning (see list below). This included a self-rating on their prior experience using GenAI that included options of "a lot", "some", "little" and "none". From the 72 participants, several ...

  28. How teachers started using ChatGPT to grade assignments

    A new tool called Writable, which uses ChatGPT to help grade student writing assignments, is being offered widely to teachers in grades 3-12. Why it matters: Teachers have quietly used ChatGPT to grade papers since it first came out — but now schools are sanctioning and encouraging its use. Driving the news: Writable, which is billed as a ...

  29. Director of Operations

    The candidate may also serve as a mentor to graduate students at CUIMC who may be interested in global health activities. The candidate will direct operations projects with the Columbia Global Centers to advance regional nutrition operations within the region. ... Human Resources. 615 West 131 Street, Studebaker Building 4th Floor · New York ...

  30. Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity to Transition to Student Union

    Effective July 1, 2024, the Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity (CGSD) will transition to operate within the Student Union, Leadership, and Activities portfolio. This transition allows for more direct programming and support for LGBTQIA+ students, aligning closely with the mission of fostering an inclusive and supportive campus environment.