How to Start a Profitable Lipstick Business [11 Steps]


By Nick Cotter Updated Feb 02, 2024

lipstick business image

Business Steps:

1. perform market analysis., 2. draft a lipstick business plan., 3. develop a lipstick brand., 4. formalize your business registration., 5. acquire necessary licenses and permits for lipstick., 6. open a business bank account and secure funding as needed., 7. set pricing for lipstick services., 8. acquire lipstick equipment and supplies., 9. obtain business insurance for lipstick, if required., 10. begin marketing your lipstick services., 11. expand your lipstick business..

Embarking on a lipstick business requires a thorough understanding of the market landscape to tailor your products effectively. This initial step is crucial to identify your target audience, assess competition, and spot trends that align with your brand vision. Here's how you can perform a comprehensive market analysis:

  • Research your target demographic to understand preferences in color, texture, price range, and packaging. Consider age, gender, income level, and lifestyle.
  • Analyze competitors by examining their product range, pricing strategies, marketing tactics, and customer reviews to identify gaps and opportunities.
  • Stay updated with industry trends, such as the demand for organic and vegan products, advancements in long-lasting formulas, and shifts in consumer behavior post-pandemic.
  • Explore market reports and case studies to gain insights into the financial health of the sector, emerging markets, and potential growth areas.
  • Gather consumer feedback through surveys, social media listening, and focus groups to validate demand for the type of lipstick products you plan to offer.
  • Attend trade shows and networking events to connect with suppliers, distributors, and industry experts who can provide valuable information and potential partnerships.

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Are Lipstick businesses profitable?

Yes, lipstick businesses can be profitable. The global lipstick market was valued at US$17.3 billion in 2017 and is projected to reach US$31.7 billion by 2025. This suggests that there is significant potential for profit in the lipstick market. Additionally, the cost of producing lipstick is relatively low, which can help to maximize profits.

Creating a robust business plan is essential for the success of your lipstick venture. It will serve as a roadmap, guiding you through each stage of establishing and growing your business. Consider the following key components when drafting your plan:

  • Executive Summary: An overview of your business, including your mission statement, product offerings, and basic information about your company.
  • Market Analysis: Research on your target market, customer demographics, and an analysis of your competitors.
  • Product Line: Details about your lipstick products, including pricing, design, and any unique features or benefits.
  • Marketing and Sales Strategy: How you plan to market your lipsticks and your strategy for making sales, including both online and offline channels.
  • Operational Plan: Your production process, suppliers, and any equipment or technology needed to make your lipsticks.
  • Financial Plan: Projections for startup costs, pricing strategy, sales forecast, profit margins, and funding requirements.
  • Management and Organization: Your business structure and information about the management team responsible for running the company.

How does a Lipstick business make money?

A lipstick business can make money by selling lipsticks to customers through retail stores, online stores, or through direct sales. They can also make money by selling other cosmetics and beauty products, as well as offering services such as makeup application and classes.

Developing a lipstick brand is a creative and strategic endeavor that involves understanding your target market, designing a unique product line, and establishing a brand identity that resonates with consumers. Here are some key steps to guide you through the process of creating a brand for your lipstick business:

  • Identify Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Determine what sets your lipstick brand apart from competitors. It could be the formula, packaging, color range, or a commitment to ethical practices.
  • Define Your Brand Aesthetics: Choose a color scheme, logo, and packaging design that align with your brand's personality and appeal to your intended audience.
  • Understand Your Audience: Conduct market research to grasp the preferences, behaviors, and needs of your target consumers.
  • Create a Brand Story: Develop a compelling narrative that communicates the inspiration and values behind your brand, which can foster a deeper connection with customers.
  • Product Development: Focus on formulating high-quality lipsticks with distinctive shades, textures, and ingredients that reflect your brand's ethos.
  • Build a Strong Online Presence: Utilize social media, influencer partnerships, and a professional website to showcase your brand and engage with potential customers.
  • Trademark Your Brand: Ensure your brand name and logo are legally protected to avoid any potential infringement issues.

How to come up with a name for your Lipstick business?

Firstly, think of words that describe your brand and what you want to represent. Consider adjectives such as bold, vibrant, classic, and edgy. Secondly, think of a unique word or combination of words that conveys the essence of your business. Thirdly, consider combining words to create a catchy and memorable name. Last but not least, make sure to search online to ensure that the name is not already taken.

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Formalizing your business registration is a critical step in establishing your lipstick business. It provides legal protection, legitimizes your venture, and can impact your tax obligations and liability. Follow these guidelines to ensure that you have all the necessary legal structures in place:

  • Choose a business structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation) that aligns with your goals and offers the appropriate level of personal liability protection and tax advantages.
  • Register your business name with the state. If you're using a trade name or "Doing Business As" (DBA), make sure to file the necessary paperwork.
  • Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) if required; this is necessary for hiring employees, opening a business bank account, and paying taxes.
  • Apply for any relevant business licenses or permits that are required for manufacturing and selling cosmetics in your region, which could include a general business license, a home occupation permit, or industry-specific permits.
  • Register for state taxes, such as sales tax or payroll taxes if you plan to have employees, through your state's taxation or revenue department.
  • Consider trademarking your brand name and logo to protect your brand identity from being used without permission.

Resources to help get you started:

Explore vital resources designed for lipstick entrepreneurs looking to access market trends, operational best practices, and strategic growth advice in the beauty industry:

  • Beauty Inc.: Offers comprehensive coverage on beauty industry trends and profiles on successful cosmetic businesses. Beauty Inc. Link
  • Mintel Beauty & Personal Care: Provides global beauty market research, including consumer trends and innovation insights. Mintel BPC Link
  • Cosmetics Business: Delivers the latest news, trends, and regulations in the cosmetics sector, crucial for strategic planning. Cosmetics Business Link
  • Cosmetic Executive Women (CEW) Beauty News: Offers industry insights, networking opportunities, and professional development resources for cosmetics entrepreneurs. CEW Beauty News Link
  • Euromonitor International: An invaluable resource for global market data, analysis, and forecasts in the beauty and personal care sectors. Euromonitor Beauty and Personal Care Link

When starting a lipstick business, it's crucial to ensure you're operating legally by acquiring all necessary licenses and permits. Regulations vary depending on your location and the scale of your operation, but here's a guide to help you identify what you might need:

  • Business License: Check with your local city or county government to obtain a general business license to operate legally.
  • Cosmetic Manufacturing License: If you're manufacturing lipstick, you may need a license from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or its equivalent in your country due to the regulations governing cosmetic products.
  • Seller's Permit: This permit allows you to sell products directly to consumers and is usually issued by your state's department of revenue.
  • Environmental Permits: Depending on the scale of your manufacturing process, you may require environmental permits to ensure compliance with local waste disposal and pollution control laws.
  • Trademark: Registering a trademark for your brand can protect your intellectual property and is done through the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or its equivalent in your country.

What licenses and permits are needed to run a lipstick business?

Depending on the type and size of your business, you may need to obtain several different licenses and permits. This could include a business license or registration, as well as a seller’s permit or other local/state requirements. In addition to these, you may also need to obtain a food handler’s certification if your lipsticks contain any consumable ingredients. Finally, if you are planning to sell lipsticks online, you’ll need to ensure that you comply with any applicable e-commerce regulations.

Once you have the foundation of your lipstick business established, it's important to separate your personal and business finances. Opening a business bank account is a critical step to manage your company's cash flow effectively and to appear professional to both customers and potential investors. Additionally, securing funding is essential if your personal resources are insufficient to cover the startup costs. Here are the steps to guide you through this process:

  • Research banks that offer business banking services and compare their account options, fees, and benefits. Choose one that fits your business needs and open a business checking account.
  • Gather the necessary documentation, such as your business registration, EIN, and personal identification, to open your account.
  • Consider applying for a business credit card to help manage expenses and build your business's credit history.
  • Explore different funding options, including business loans, lines of credit, venture capital, angel investors, or crowdfunding platforms, to find the right fit for your startup capital needs.
  • Prepare a solid business plan that clearly outlines your business strategy, revenue projections, and financial needs to present to potential lenders or investors.
  • Keep meticulous records of all business transactions and financial statements to ensure you are ready for future opportunities or audits.

Setting the right price for your lipstick services is key to attracting customers and ensuring profitability. You need to balance the cost of production with market demand to find a price point that appeals to your target audience. Here are some tips to consider when setting your prices:

  • Cost-Plus Pricing: Calculate the total cost of making each lipstick, including materials, labor, and overheads. Add a markup percentage to ensure profitability.
  • Competitive Analysis: Research prices of similar products in the market. Set your prices competitively, but don't undervalue your product's unique value proposition.
  • Value-Based Pricing: Consider the perceived value of your lipsticks to the customer. Premium ingredients or unique benefits might justify higher prices.
  • Discounts and Offers: Use introductory discounts or bundle offers to attract initial customers, but ensure that the discounted price still covers your costs.
  • Psychological Pricing: Implement pricing strategies like charm pricing (e.g., $19.99 instead of $20.00) to make the price more appealing to customers.
  • Adjustments Over Time: Regularly review your prices and adjust them based on customer feedback, cost changes, and market trends to remain competitive and profitable.

What does it cost to start a Lipstick business?

Initiating a lipstick business can involve substantial financial commitment, the scale of which is significantly influenced by factors such as geographical location, market dynamics, and operational expenses, among others. Nonetheless, our extensive research and hands-on experience have revealed an estimated starting cost of approximately $78000 for launching such an business. Please note, not all of these costs may be necessary to start up your lipstick business.

Starting a lipstick business requires careful selection of the right equipment and supplies to produce high-quality products. Here's a guide to help you acquire everything you need to start crafting your lipstick line.

  • Lipstick Molds: Choose from various shapes and sizes to create your unique lipstick designs.
  • Mixers and Melting Tanks: Essential for blending ingredients evenly and melting waxes and oils.
  • Heat Source: A reliable stovetop or microwave for melting ingredients.
  • Pigments and Dyes: Select a range of colors to offer diversity in your product line.
  • Waxes and Oils: Purchase high-quality beeswax, carnauba wax, and oils like castor or jojoba for the base.
  • Lipstick Tubes: Source attractive packaging that aligns with your branding.
  • Filling Machine: Consider investing in a lipstick filling machine for efficiency in production.
  • Measuring Tools: Precision is key, so get accurate scales and measuring spoons.
  • Quality Control Tools: Invest in devices to test the strength and wear of your lipsticks.
  • Safety Equipment: Gloves, masks, and safety glasses for personal protection during manufacturing.

List of Software, Tools and Supplies Needed to Start a Lipstick Business:

  • Design software (Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, etc.)
  • Manufacturing software (CAD/CAM, 3D printing, etc.)
  • Packaging materials (boxes, bags, labels, etc.)
  • Business software (accounting, invoicing, CRM, etc.)
  • Website hosting (domain name, web hosting, etc.)
  • Marketing tools (social media, email campaigns, etc.)
  • Product testing equipment (spectrophotometer, etc.)
  • Lipstick ingredients (waxes, oils, pigments, etc.)
  • Lipstick molds/machinery (injection molding, etc.)
  • Raw materials (plastic, metal, etc.)
  • Shipping supplies (boxes, tape, labels, etc.)

Ensuring your lipstick business is protected with the right insurance is crucial for mitigating risks and securing your investment. Different types of insurance cover various aspects of the business, from product liability to property damage. Here's what you need to consider:

  • Product Liability Insurance: This helps protect your business in case your lipsticks cause harm to a customer, covering legal fees and damages.
  • General Liability Insurance: This is essential for protecting against general risks, including customer injury at your place of business or damages from advertising.
  • Commercial Property Insurance: If you have a physical location, this insurance covers property damage due to events like fire, theft, or natural disasters.
  • Business Owner's Policy (BOP): Often combines general liability and property insurance at a more cost-effective rate.
  • Workers' Compensation: If you have employees, this insurance is mandatory in most places and covers injuries or illnesses that occur as a result of employment.
  • Professional Liability Insurance: If you offer consultations or advice as part of your service, this can protect against claims of negligence or harm from your professional guidance.

Now that your lipstick line is ready to dazzle the world, it's time to put your brand in the spotlight and attract customers. Effective marketing is key to establishing your presence and driving sales. Here are some strategies to help you begin marketing your lipstick services:

  • Build a Strong Online Presence: Create profiles on social media platforms where your target audience spends their time. Regularly post engaging content and interact with your followers.
  • Leverage Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with beauty influencers who can introduce your products to their followers. Offer them free samples in exchange for honest reviews or sponsored content.
  • Develop an Email Marketing Campaign: Collect email addresses through your website and use them to send out newsletters, promotions, and updates about your new products.
  • Offer Promotions and Discounts: Attract new customers with introductory discounts or bundle deals. Consider creating a loyalty program to encourage repeat purchases.
  • Attend Beauty Expos and Events: Showcase your lipsticks at beauty expos, fairs, and industry events to gain visibility and network with potential customers and retailers.
  • Invest in Online Advertising: Use targeted ads on social media and search engines to reach potential customers who are looking for lipsticks or similar beauty products.

Expanding your lipstick business involves strategic planning and execution to capture a larger market share and satisfy your growing customer base. Here's a concise guide to help you scale up effectively and sustainably:

  • Introduce New Products: Regularly launch new shades, finishes, and formulas to keep your product line fresh and exciting.
  • Enhance Online Presence: Optimize your website for e-commerce and invest in digital marketing to reach a wider audience.
  • Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with beauty influencers and makeup artists to promote your products and gain credibility.
  • Expand Retail Distribution: Target additional retailers or regions for your products, including international markets if feasible.
  • Improve Customer Engagement: Establish a loyalty program and engage with customers through social media and email newsletters.
  • Attend Trade Shows: Showcase your products at beauty expos and trade shows to network with industry professionals and attract B2B clients.
  • Secure Funding: Consider a business loan or investors if additional capital is needed to fund your expansion efforts.
  • Monitor Trends: Stay updated with industry trends and consumer preferences to ensure your products remain relevant and desirable.

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13 Steps to Successfully Start a Lipstick Business

With more celebrities every day coming out with makeup lines, your inner entrepreneur may be buzzing at the chance of being able to do the same. And if you’ve made the decision already that lipstick is going to be the focus of your brand new product line, it then begs the question of exactly how to start a lipstick business yourself.

This is why we’ve done the research based on those who’ve been there, done that so you too can follow in their footsteps to become a successful cosmetics mogul!

And by following each step of the process, you’ll see that it’s more than possible for you to realize your dream of being able to start a small cosmetic business from home – and, if you want, eventually growing your own lipstick brand to becoming, say, the next Bobbi Brown!

Table of Contents

How to start a lipstick business

1. do some initial market research.

Before sinking a lot of time (and potentially a lot of money) into starting a lipstick business, it’s important to be sure that the numbers make sense for you to go ahead with this.

This means researching both the industry as a whole as well as any specific niche you’re looking at targeting. You don’t have to do an entire business plan or have every single fact at this point. However, you should have at least a solid understanding of the cosmetics industry, particularly to work out where there may be a gap in the market for starting your own lipstick brand.

Keep in mind that the cosmetics industry worldwide is worth over $530 billion so we know people are spending money here. It’s just good to also know if the figures indicate that you’ll be able to get a share of that spending.

To do this, you may not want to just limit yourself to online research. For example, going to trade shows can be really helpful, as can reaching out to people directly who are where you’d like to be to find out how they got started.

2. Decide on the business’ name

It’s a good idea to decide on your business’ name early on in the process. That way, you can start to frame the rest of your business plan around this concept.

And when it comes to cosmetics lines, a lot of people choose to use their own name. Just ask François Nars, Max Factor, Bobbi Brown and Estee Lauder. That said, it’s not a requirement given how many makeup companies use other names, so feel free to branch out and be creative.

four lipsticks

What’s important here though is that you secure the domain name of your business’ name as soon as you can. In fact, this is one of the main reasons that it’s good to decide on the name now. While you can always change it later, you’d kick yourself if you waited a few more steps and your dream site name was snapped up already.

I always use Namecheap to buy my domain names. They’re great value, very secure and have been great at answering any questions I may have.

So start brainstorming names and as soon as you find one you like and is available, make sure you grab it.

You can use Namecheap’s domain search to start hunting for your ideal name to lock down.

(For example, the one in the screenshot below is available at the time of writing this, amazingly!)

screenshot of domain name to use to start a lipstick business

3. Secure your social media handles

In addition to finding an available website address, you should make sure that you also secure at least the main social media handles for your business.

You don’t need to have a profile on every single platform nor does this mean you have to start working on your social media presence immediately.

However, you should at least have your business’ name on sites like Facebook and Instagram just in case you want to use them in future.

4. Create your website

You’re going to have to start talking to people about your new lipstick business soon so it’s good to prove that you have some online presence to establish your legitimacy.

This doesn’t mean building an entire site just yet. For example, you could leave your site with a very simple “lipstick revolution coming soon” message, as something to grab their interest.

Fortunately, this is super easy to do, even if you don’t have any sort of tech background. The first thing you’ll need to do is pay for a host for your site and, for that, my top pick for beginners is Bluehost . They make your website blazingly fast and, the best part, cost less than $3 per month – and they’ll even throw in a free domain name!

Paid for your host but don’t know what’s next? You can easily launch your website yourself – even if you don’t have any tech experience!

See our step-by-step guide on how to start your own site to see just how to do this in less than 20 minutes .

5. Prepare your business plan

You did some initial research and brainstorming in the first step of thinking about whether to start a lipstick business, but now it’s time to get serious with this.

That is, you’ve presumably identified the market gap for your new lipstick line, so your next priority is preparing a business plan for executing the idea. 

woman writing a lipstick business plan

By designing a lipstick business plan, you’re making sure you have a full understanding of how the industry works and, importantly, how your business will fit within this. You can find examples of a lipstick line business plan online, but they generally include details like identifying the target market, defining your marketing and pricing strategy, and conducting a SWOT analysis. 

All of this information is vital for the successful execution of your business idea and should cover such points as:

  • Understand the industry: As a business in the very competitive cosmetic industry, it is essential to understand how the industry operates, including its success rate. This information is crucial in gauging your business’ likely success rate within the market and, critically, what you have to do to reach that success.
  • Target customer: Get to understand what your potential customers are looking for so you’re able to address their needs with your product line. 
  • Pricing strategy: Does your target market comprise high-income earners or are you aiming for a different demographic? The pricing strategy will be largely influenced by the disposable income of your target customers, as well as your competitors’ price ranges. 

6. Address the legalities

It’s important to ensure that you’ve ticked every legal box that’s needed to start a lipstick business to avoid getting into trouble down the line. This includes some requirements that are specific to cosmetics, like those issued by the FDA . At the same time, there are other requirements to follow no matter what your business is selling.

On that point, one of your first actions here should be to register your business with the appropriate state and federal authorities. This will be followed by applying for an employer identification number (EIN) , which you’ll need to file taxes and set up a bank account.

You can then use your business name and EIN to apply for permits and licenses required by your state government. These requirements vary by industry, location, and other considerations, so check with your local Chamber of Commerce to see the exact legal requirements to start a lipstick business in your area. It may sound like a pain, but it’s better than accidentally starting an illegal side hustle , right?

FYI: If this all sounds a bit hard, take a look at this service offered by BetterLegal . For a flat fee, they’ll have your business up and running in two business days . All you have to do is spend five minutes filling in some forms and they’ll take care of the rest.

7. Raise necessary start-up capital

Based on your financial projections on your business plan, it’s time to get those finances. 

You may be planning to entirely self-fund your new lipstick business, which is fine. But if you’re hoping to also get some external financing, even if it’s a loan from a bank, you’ll need to make sure your business plan is on point. In particular, ensuring your business plan is realistic and convincing will help to source finance for your business from lending financial institutions.

There are other avenues where you can fund your business. Some of these avenues include family and friends, personal savings, and venture capitalists, among others.

8. Determine the location

You’ve ideally already considered whether you want your business to be online-only, in-person or a combination of both (including when factoring this into your budget). Either way, location is essential for the success of the business. 

red shopping bag

For example, if you’re hoping to sell face-to-face, consider whether your chosen location is accessible and close to the target customers. Some people start off by selling at local or farmers markets , for example, but it’s important to be sure that you’ll get the foot traffic here from your target customers that makes this worthwhile.

On the other hand, it may be time to revisit that website you started earlier to make sure it’s still where you want it to be. Potential lenders may be checking it now and you could also start to see a trickle of interested customers, so be sure your online presence is where you’d like it to be.

9. Hire human resources (if needed)

While some people start a lipstick business with just themselves on the team, if you have the ability to hire people in the know, now could be a good time to do so.

Having the right people for the job is crucial for business success, especially when scaling up. This could be as simple as checking out some virtual assistant websites for help with administrative aspects or at developing your social media presence. You may also want to check out sites like Fiverr if you’d like to hire someone to fully develop your site. 

Alternatively, you may want to get someone with skills and experience in the cosmetics business or who have worked for startups. In that case, consider getting professional advice on how to engage them, as there may be considerations like profit sharing arrangements.

10. Secure product suppliers

Simply put: you can’t sell products without having someone supply those products.

The exact way you choose to do this when starting a lipstick business will depend on things like your budget and the size of your product line. You could always explore the option of making this yourself, which may be tempting when you don’t have any money coming in yet. This can, however, make it harder to scale up down the track. 

That’s why, for aspiring entrepreneurs in this field, using private label manufacturers is one of the best ways to make your business ideas a reality. 

Keep in mind that most famous and top-selling brands do not own a manufacturing laboratory; instead, they use private-label companies to manufacture their brands.

What are private label manufacturers?

Private label manufacturers are a business-to-business operation. Usually, products manufactured by a private label are produced and sold to another business (like yours!) and sold under that business name to consumers. It means that their product will be put in your packaging and sold under your name , with no chance of your manufacturer stealing your brand.

One of the main reasons that this can be a great option is that, as a start-up, you are venturing into uncertainty, and the aim is always to minimize start-up costs while ensuring you offer quality products. Using a private label can save you a great deal of money and time to eliminate the cost of the manufacturing process, as the entire system is already in place for you.

To get started with this, you’ll need to identify a private label that specializes in your line of products and that is willing to work at a lower volume at first, given you’re not going to be ordering Revlon-levels of stock just yet. Focus on finding one who is willing to produce your product but has a reputation for quality, with a solid Google search often being the best place to start with these. 

What if I want to develop my own formula?

Usually, private label manufacturers have their own ready-to-go products. You only need to select one that matches your consumer needs and is personalized by adding a logo and branding. 

However, if you would like your lipstick to contain some elements that the available lipsticks do not have, many will often work with you to establish a formula for your unique products.

line of lipsticks for someone starting their own lipstick brand

Provide them with necessary details of your desired outcome, particularly including how you envisage the product differing from what’s already available. All these details will assist the manufacturer in formulating a formula that will produce the desired final product.

However, you decide to have your formula developed; it will be a bit more costly than going with a more standard private label option – but may be worth it if it helps your product stand out from the crowd.

11. Find a custom packaging supplier

You want your product to look good from the moment that your customers open their mailbox, while also ensuring quality and alignment with your brand.

Fortunately, this is actually quite an easy process. Sites like Alibaba offer a huge range of packaging options that can be customized with basically whatever detail you want. They’re also more than willing to work with a small cosmetics business like yours, which is great compared to some of the major players that may not want to bother with you.

box with colored paper in it

Take a look, for example, at some of the customizable lipstick tubes and boxes available as well as custom packaging for shipping your products to customers.

(Just make sure that your packaging follows the firm FDA guidelines on this point.)

12. Consider hiring a distributor

Those who start a small business from home often act as their own distributors at first, at least until the volume becomes too big to keep up with. This would mean having both your lipstick manufacturer and packaging supplier sending products to your house, for you to then box up and ship.

But if you don’t want to do this yourself, it’s important to secure a distributor at this stage. While the cost will clearly be higher than doing it yourself, it’s also much more effective for scaling up your business.

A good starting point can actually be to ask the manufacturer and packaging supplier you’ve chosen. They’ll almost certainly have more experience in the business of shipping products to customers so may have some good contacts or recommendations to put you on the right path.

13. Determine a marketing strategy

Having set everything in place, it is time to decide how to make the business known to your target customers. Online marketing is often the best strategy these days to generate interest,  although this isn’t something that simply involves creating a few posts and then waiting for the money to roll in.

Instead, you have to be strategic, which is why working with someone who knows what they’re doing here could be an excellent use of your money.

How much does it cost to start a lipstick line?

The exact cost of starting a lipstick line will depend on a variety of factors. Initial business filing fees will be between $150 and $300, on average, however other aspects like manufacturing, shipping, human resources and marketing costs will add several thousands of dollars to the amount needed to start a lipstick business.

three lipsticks

Some costs to factor into your calculations include the following:

  • Inventory size: It’s important to have products on hand so you can ship to customers quickly, but you also don’t want to have too much available when you’re not sure yet what your highest sellers will be. This can be a real balancing act at first and will involve some outlay.
  • Equipment: If you don’t manufacture your products on site, you won’t need any equipment to actually make the lipstick. However, some supplies will still be needed if you plan to do things like shipping yourself, which are all costs you’ll have to incur before receiving any profit.
  • Human resources: These can be as high or as low as you can afford at first, ranging either from zero if you’re doing everything yourself to much higher if you plan to get professionals on board from day one. This will become a question of balancing the need to follow your business’ budget vs having the right manpower on hand to grow your business as planned.

How much does it cost to manufacture lipstick?

In general, a lipstick formulation costs about $0.10 to $3 per pound with an average cost of around $1 per pound. Packaging and labeling is usually around $1 for each lipstick unit, meaning that, overall, the average cost of manufacturing each product ranges between $2 and $3 per unit. 

To breakdown these costs further, some of the aspects that go into manufacturing lipstick (that you’ll then pay for) include the following:

  • Cost of ingredients: The cost of ingredients will depend on things like the manufacturer and the quantities purchased. For example, the suppliers’ costs for the ingredients will impact the cost passed on to you. At the same time, while buying more products equals increased ingredient costs, this may mean allowing you to pay less per pound if you buy in bulk.
  • Packaging: Various factors influence the packaging cost. Such factors may include the size, shape, color, material and quality of the container. For larger containers, the company will end up using lots of materials, resulting in an increased price. Similarly, complicated shapes will take time to produce, resulting in high production costs.
  • Testing: Every country has its own testing costs that apply to all relevant businesses. In most cases, this is usually a fairly defined cost, so you should check with the FDA or your local equivalent.
  • Shipping: There are two sets of shipping costs to consider when looking into how to start a lipstick business. Firstly is the charge that the business will incur while shipping products from the manufacturer to either you or your distributors. From there, you will also have to consider the cost of transporting the goods to your customers. 
  • Human resources: How much do you (or your manufacturer or distributor) pay your workers? The pay will depend on individual roles in the company, the number of employees, and the number of hours worked daily. The business needs to account for such costs in the selling cost of lipstick.

Is a cosmetic business profitable?

Cosmetics businesses have proven to be highly profitable, with an average gross profit margin of 58.14%. Larger cosmetics businesses report even higher profit margins, including Estée Lauder with a 79.39% gross margin for the financial year ending 2017. Other companies have similar results, such as Avon having a margin of 81.61% and Revlon at 61.45%. 

More information can be found here on these findings including the fact that, for many companies, that $3 per unit production cost often translates into a $100 product. You can probably see how they make their money with mark ups like that.

I also mentioned earlier how the cosmetics industry worldwide is worth over US$ 530 billion and is growing more every year – with the exception of 2020 which saw a major drop, likely because no one was leaving their homes. However, with that one exception, it’s clear that there’s plenty of money to go around here. 

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How can I sell my lipstick? 

To sell your lipstick, creating an online store through options like Shopify is often the simplest first step. It allows you to reach a wide range of customers with minimal costs involved in setting this up, while also linking this to your own site and, in turn, growing your own brand recognition.

person typing

Other brands also often choose to start selling on sites like Etsy or even eBay. Those can be great, although consider the advantages of using Shopify (or a similar service) given that you can link it to your website. This has its own benefits, such as providing other information that may interest your customers or allow you to build a mailing list to encourage repeat business.

Are you planning on venturing into the cosmetic business to sell lipsticks? Are you wondering how to start selling lipsticks? While it is a profitable business, it requires planning and patients to get the product known in the market.

Related: How to Make Money on Etsy: Everything You Need to Know

How do I start selling lipstick?

There are a few steps you’ll need to take before actually listing your lipstick products for sale. These include:

  • Secure sufficient product. It’s important to know you’ll have enough access to products that you’re selling so you don’t start your business by annoying your customers when they buy items that aren’t available or that take months to arrive. That said, this can actually be a marketing tactic, with companies like Tesla doing this really well. How they do it is they sell cars that are still in development, with the caveat that customers know they’ll have to wait some time before actually getting their vehicle. Whether or not that will work when starting a lipstick business is up to you to determine.
  • Set your prices carefully. There’s a lot that goes into setting the price point of your products so do your research well. You may, however, want to consider some promotional prices at the start to get people talking about your new product line.
  • Implement your marketing strategy. It’s time to start rolling out your carefully developed marketing strategy. Whether that’s generating buzz on social media or linking up with other brands to ensure people know what you’re selling will depend on your budget and target audience, but now is the time to start turning up the heat on this one.
  • Make sure your selling platform is ready. The worst case scenario would be doing all of the above perfectly and then having the place where your customers can actually buy your product fail. That may mean triple checking that your website is up and running or going through the purchasing process to ensure that everything works and that people can actually pay for what they want. It can also be a good idea to ensure your platform of choice, even if it’s your own website, has a place for reviews so that happy customers can spread the word.

Can I make my own lipstick?

You can make your own lipstick at home but, if you’re planning to sell this, make sure that this is allowed under all relevant health and safety regulations issued by entities like the FDA. At the same time, offering homemade cosmetics can be a great selling point, especially when promoted as being made with natural ingredients.

The steps to make your own natural lipstick are as follows:

  • Acquire the basic lipstick materials. Natural products like beeswax, shear butter, and olive oil can work well here.
  • Choose the color. There are natural ingredients that can be used to create various red, pink, brown, or orange, and any other color that you would prefer. For example, use beetroot powder of crushed beet chips for a bright red color or cinnamon for a light red color. You could also consider mixing turmeric with another powder to give you the shade you desire or adding cocoa powder to give you a deep brown color.
  • Combine the base ingredients. Mix the materials in the following ratios: Take a teaspoon of beeswax, mix it with a teaspoon of Shea butter to help with smoothening, and add a teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Melt the base ingredients. Take the base ingredients prepared in the previous step and place them in a microwave. Heat the ingredients for 30 seconds to melt and mix them well until they thoroughly mix. If you do not have a microwave, you can use a double boiler to melt the mixture.
  • Add color. After the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, it is time to add the color. Take 1/4 teaspoon of the powder color you want to use and mix it into the melted ingredients. Slowly add the color and continue stirring until you achieve the desired result.
  • Pour the mixture into a lipstick container. You’ll need a mould if you want this to be in a lipstick shape so an easier option can be using a lipstick container like these ones . Once you’ve poured the mixture into these, allow it to cool and harden at room temperature before selling. 

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Can I start a small lipstick business from home? 

It’s certainly possible to start a small lipstick business from home and this can even be an advantage to save some money during the start-up period. In fact, many people do this if they’re treating their new business as a side hustle with the option to then scale it up to their full time work later.

man typing on laptop

You should keep in mind that you probably won’t be able to build a massive cosmetics line from home. At some point, you’ll need to move to more established facilities.

But if you’re just planning to sell at markets or on sites like Etsy to make some extra cash on the side, starting your lipstick business from home is more than feasible – just like any other at-home business.

Can I make and sell lip gloss?

You can certainly make and sell lip gloss, although it’s important to be aware of any applicable regulations before doing so. This includes following points like FDA packaging requirements, any health and safety provisions as well as more general licensing conditions for selling products.

Much of this process is the same as when learning how to start a lipstick business, so check out some of the points earlier in this article to see what may be involved in making and selling lip gloss. 

This includes the fact that many lip gloss line vendors also rely on private label manufacturers, so you may want to consider the same, especially if you’re planning to scale up and so making this at home won’t be feasible.

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How much money do you need to start a lipgloss business?

To start a lipgloss business, budget around $5,000 to cover all initial costs. This includes the fees for the regulatory steps you’ll need to take as well as the costs involved in securing some products, including the product itself as well as associated shipping and packaging. Your budget should also include some marketing fees.

Some more details on these costs are as follows:

  • Cost of raw material: If you plan to make your products yourself, what types of materials do you intend to use when producing your lip gloss? How much do they cost per unit, and what quantities do you need? Who is your supplier? By answering these questions, you can determine the cost of the materials. 
  • Cost of private label manufactured products: Alternatively, if you plan to go the private label route, you’ll need a manufacturer who understands your needs. Before starting off your operation, it is essential to factor in costs associated with the purchase of a private label item. Every private label manufacturer in this industry has their own pricing rates. Select one which will not only do what you want but also who is budget friendly.
  • Cost of buying a business permit/license: How much does the business license cost? The cost of the permit varies from one state to another so do your research and factor this in. 
  • Marketing costs: There are numerous marketing strategies that one can use. Each of these strategies has varying costs as some are more expensive than others. If you rely on free social media posts like Facebook and Instagram pages, you may keep your costs down, although paid ads can work well on these platforms if you know what you’re doing. 
  • Website development costs: As you can see in our article on how to start a website , it’s more than possible to develop your site yourself. That said, you may not have the time or energy to do this, in which case you may want to hire someone to do it for you. There are plenty of very reasonably priced people who can do this on sites like Fiverr but you will have to factor this price in as well to your overall budget.

How much does lip gloss sell for? 

Research shows that brands sell their lip gloss for anything from $2 per unit to more than $30 per unit. Some of the price variation comes down to production costs, including quality of the product, but much of it is simply brand recognition and the ability of some companies to charge more accordingly.

While it’s honestly debatable whether a $30 lip gloss really is that much better than a $2 gloss, there’s no doubt that a more expensive gloss definitely causes some customers to think it’s better quality, meaning it can be a very effective marketing tactic.

two lipsticks

At the same time, there are certainly things to consider when determining the price of your product beyond the marketing aspect. These include:

  • Production cost: The cost of production is going to be one of the primary factors influencing the pricing of your products. The costs involved are always factored into the selling price so that the business can recover these. 
  • Quality: Lip glosses are of varying qualities. Some work better than others in terms of lasting on the user’s lips for a prolonged period. Accordingly, it’s expected that the higher the quality of the lip gloss, the higher the price. That’s why most customers associate the cost of goods with their quality.
  • Marketing strategy: Various marketing elements highly influence the prices of goods and services. Some marketing strategies like posting on social media are free, while others are costly. Thus, the choice of marketing will impact the pricing of the products.
  • Buyers’ bargaining power: In a market where numerous sellers offer the same product of the same quality, the buyers’ bargaining power is high. In this case, the customers can reduce the prices of the commodities.
  • Bargaining power of the supplier: How many suppliers of lip gloss are there in the market? This will be up to you to decide but, as a general rule, if there are few suppliers, meaning the demand is higher than the supply, the prices of commodities will rise. This is because suppliers will have the power to increase the prices in an attempt to balance supply with demand.
  • Disposable income of the target customer: High-income earners will likely have high disposable income and, as such, they are thought to be capable of purchasing expensive products. While targeting them, it is essential to bear in mind your customers’ buying potential and their spending behavior. This includes questions like what products do they buy regularly, how much they spend on cosmetic products and so on. 

How can I promote my lip gloss business?

1. create a memorable brand name.

There are numerous sellers in the market offering the same product. Every seller has a different brand name. 

This means that naming your product something unique and that’s memorable makes it easier for your products to be recognized in the market by customers. At the same time, it also makes it easier for marketers to market their brands.

2. Social media marketing

You need to get your products out there for people to know about them and for many, the best strategy to do so is through online platforms. 

This is why you should establish social media pages for your products and start posting in line with your marketing strategy to build buzz for your line.

cosmetics on yellow table

Remember that you don’t need to be on every single social media platform. Instead, your focus should be on those platforms that your target market uses. At the very least, this will likely include Facebook and Instagram.

3. Email marketing

This is another online promotion strategy that you can employ in marketing your products. Once you start to build your mailing list, write emails containing information that your target customers want to hear. 

Just be careful not to spam people, as that’s a great way to turn them off from your brand.

4. Paid Google ads

This is another effective strategy that you can use to promote your product. 

Set up a Google ads account and pay per click and view. After setting up an account, Google will automatically display your ad after determining your bid is successful for customers to view.

5. Run a promotion deal

A promotion deal is another strategy that you can use to promote your products effectively. Customers do not like missing out on good deals on products. 

Giving out discounts, such as buy one get one free and relevant holiday deals, are some of the promotional deals that you can use to attract more customers.

Customers are going to be tempted to purchase your product. Such impulse buying behavior is great for your product.

Examples of people who started a lipstick business successfully

It can definitely help to hear the stories of those who’ve been there, done that. After all, they may be exactly where you’d like your lipstick business to be in the coming years, so learning from their mistakes as well as from their biggest lessons can be hugely helpful in growing your own business.

From these entrepreneurs, one thing they all have in common is the courage to take the risk. Without risking anything, you will never be successful; get out of your safe zone and do it. 

1. Bobbi Brown

Bobbi Brown is the founder of Jones Road Beauty , although started as a makeup artist before launching her eponymous brand in 1991. She remained with Bobbi Brown Cosmetics for 22 years but left the company to pursue her new line, Jones Road Beauty, in 2016.

What led her to start the new line was the gap that existed in the cosmetic industry. She realized that some personal beauty products were handily available in the market and began a collection of all the things she could not find.

bobbi brown

This shows that it’s not only market research that’s important to launching a beauty line. In addition, you can use your own experience to identify what’s missing or what is not being offered by the cosmetic industry and move towards filling this gap yourself.  

Also, as an aspiring entrepreneur, Brown recommends that you should never wait for the perfect time to start; otherwise, it might never come.

She cites the motivating factor in starting her new brand as the fact that it allows her to have full control of its future. By selling your product online directly to consumers, she notes that you get a chance to receive direct feedback on improving the brand. 

2. Ron Robinson

Ron Robinson is another successful entrepreneur in this cosmetic industry whose story can motivate aspiring entrepreneurs in this sector. He is the founder and CEO of BeautyStat , which is best known for its Universal C Skin Refiner . 

As a cosmetic chemist in the 1990s, he formulated one of the most successful brands and some of the best-selling products in the industry. He also worked with other brands like Aramis and Avon before launching his own line in 2019.

Before starting his product line, he worked as a journalist for cosmetic chemists and beauty editors. 

For aspiring entrepreneurs, he states that it is essential to test your products to ensure they meet the customers’ demands before releasing them. Similarly, working smarter is more rewarding than working harder.

He also notes that the driving force for his business, apart from the profits, is the customer’s positive feedback that he receives concerning his products. 

3. Simedar Jackson

Simedar Jackson started her career as a beauty writer after college. Her desire to be in this industry started at an early age as she recalled how she used to get into trouble for wearing colored lip gloss in school. Currently, she is the founder of Skin Folks .

While working as a writer, she realized a market gap existed with not enough content about black people. It is this lack of inclusivity and representation in the industry that pushed Jackson to start her brand.

To aspiring entrepreneurs, her advice is to identify people with whom you share the same vision and interest, even if they are unknown to you. Also, while having a plan is a good thing, she cautions that sometimes you will be forced to take the risk even if you are scared rather than be regretful.

Finally, her overarching advice is to never wait for perfection to start; otherwise, you will never begin anything. 

How did Kylie Jenner start her business?

When it comes to learning how to start a lipstick business, I’ve mentioned already how important it is to review the lessons learned of those who’ve come before you.

Kylie Jenner, however, may be an exception to that rule. She’s someone who’s seen huge success with her cosmetics company, eventually selling it to Coty for $1.2 billion.

kylie jenner

At the same time, she had a platform that dwarfs anything that you or I could even dream of when launching a business. This means that the lessons learned from the case of Kylie Cosmetics may not necessarily apply to you when you start a small business from home.

In any case, when it comes to the question of how Kylie Jenner started her business, there are a number of factors she’s mentioned in various interviews:

  • Leveraged her own passion for make-up and fashion. Kylie has mentioned before that she had a passion for make-up. In addition, she didn’t like the fact that she often faced her lips cracking from dryness. Based on this, she was determined to get the right products for her looks and needs, which led to the development of Kylie’s lip kits. 
  • Built on the development of her personal brand: Kylie apparently realized that many celebrities fail in business because they think their fame will help without hard work. As such, long before releasing the products, she (with some help from her mother and equally famous family members) started building her brand. After that, she leveraged her family business empire to establish her niche and started building up partnerships and endorsements. 
  • Successfully leveraged her social media reach: Her platform from Keeping Up With the Kardashians definitely gave her a competitive edge, given that the show was watched globally. Based on this, a lot of potential customers came to learn about her products through the media, which she then built up further using a firm social media strategy. Given that she, at one point, had the most liked Instagram post of all time, you can clearly see that she had a different social media reach than most other people starting a lipstick business.
  • Identified a market gap: Kylie (or at least someone working with her, such as her mother) identified a gap within the cosmetic products and moved towards filling it. Notably, her products were made specifically to meet teenagers’ and young people’s previously unmet needs. 
  • Targeted marketing campaigns: By identifying the market gap, Kylie knew which people to target. She used her social media influence to conduct market research about her products. Safe to say, it was a very effective strategy that contributed hugely to the success of business. 

Final thoughts on how to start a lipstick business from home

As you’ve seen, it’s more than possible for you to start a lipstick business from home or online.

Sure, there are definitely some costs to start a lipstick line, but that’s true for when you start any small business from home. And not all of them have as much potential to make money as the cosmetic business, which has proven to be profitable based on the fairly insane profit margins that many in this space experience.

It’s also true that when looking to start your own lipstick brand, you may start to feel that it’s not necessarily the easiest business to start. While it can be a bit daunting at first, you also shouldn’t be put off by some of the additional steps involved in securing your own products and ensuring that you comply with FDA requirements.

After all, if you have a passion for cosmetics and a willingness to work hard as a budding entrepreneur, who knows what success your new lipstick line could lead to!

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Anna is the founder of LogicalDollar and a personal finance expert, having been featured in Forbes, HuffPost, Reader’s Digest, Bankrate, MSN Money, Yahoo! Finance, and many more. With more than 10 years of experience in the financial and legal industries, bachelor’s and master’s degrees in these fields, as well as her own journey in turning $60,000 in debt into a thriving investment portfolio, she’s committed to helping others get on the path to financial freedom.

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A 101 Guide: How To Start a Lipstick Business

  • March 8, 2024

Starting a lipstick business can be a rewarding and profitable venture for those interested in the beauty industry. Whether you have a passion for cosmetics or want to capitalize on the growing demand for high-quality lipstick products , launching your own lipstick brand can be a fulfilling entrepreneurial journey. In this guide, we will explore the benefits of starting a lipstick business, how to get started, and key factors to consider when sourcing a lipstick manufacturer.

Benefits of Starting a Lipstick Business


One of the key advantages of starting a lipstick business is the flexibility it offers entrepreneurs. With the ability to create your own lipstick formulations, customize shades, and design unique packaging, launching a lipstick brand allows you to express your creativity and vision in a dynamic and ever-evolving industry.

Low Startup Costs

Starting a lipstick business is the relatively low startup costs compared to other industries. With the option to outsource production and leverage online marketing channels, entrepreneurs can launch their lipstick brand with minimal financial investment, making it an accessible opportunity for aspiring beauty entrepreneurs.

High Profit Margins

The beauty industry, including the lipstick market, is known for its high profit margins due to the perceived value of cosmetic products. By developing a quality lipstick brand and implementing effective marketing strategies, entrepreneurs have the potential to generate significant profits and build a successful business that resonates with consumers.

Personal Satisfaction

For many entrepreneurs, the personal satisfaction that comes from creating their own lipstick brand is a major benefit of starting a beauty business. The creative fulfillment of developing unique lipstick shades, designing attractive packaging , and seeing your products in the hands of satisfied customers can be a rewarding and motivating experience for passionate beauty enthusiasts.

How to Start a Lipstick Business in 5 Steps?

#1: market research.

Before launching your lipstick business, it’s essential to conduct thorough market research to understand the competitive landscape, consumer preferences, and trends in the beauty industry. By analyzing market data and consumer behavior, you can identify gaps in the market and opportunities for your lipstick brand to succeed.

#2: Developing a Business Plan

A well-written business plan is crucial for outlining your goals, strategies, and financial projections for your lipstick business. Your business plan should include a market analysis, marketing and sales strategies, product development timeline, and financial forecasts to guide your business growth.

#3: Product Development

Creating a high-quality lipstick product is a key part of starting a lipstick business. From selecting the right formulation and shades to designing packaging and branding, product development requires attention to detail and creativity. Collaborating with cosmetic chemists and manufacturers can help bring your lipstick vision to life.

#4: Branding and Marketing

Branding and marketing play a significant role in the success of your lipstick business. Establishing a strong brand identity, creating compelling packaging, and developing effective marketing campaigns can help differentiate your lipstick brand from competitors and attract customers. Utilize social media, influencer partnerships, and beauty events to promote your products and engage with your target audience.

#5: Sales and Distribution

Determining your sales and distribution channels is crucial for reaching your target customers and growing your lipstick business. Whether you choose to sell online, in retail stores, or through beauty influencers, developing a strategic sales and distribution strategy can maximize your brand’s visibility and reach.

How to Create Your Own Lipstick Brand?

If you’re interested in creating your own lipstick brand, there are several steps you can take to bring your vision to life. From selecting lipstick formulations and shades to designing custom packaging and branding, launching your own lipstick brand requires passion, creativity, and attention to detail. By collaborating with cosmetic experts and manufacturers, you can create a unique and high-quality lipstick product that resonates with your target audience.

How to Start a Lipstick Line with No Money?

Starting a lipstick line with limited funds is possible with careful planning and resourcefulness. Consider bootstrapping your business, utilizing free marketing tools, and networking with industry professionals to launch your lipstick line without a significant financial investment. By focusing on product quality, branding, and marketing creativity, you can create a successful lipstick line even with limited resources.

Custom or Private Label Lipstick?

private label lipsticks

When starting a lipstick business, you have the option to create custom lipsticks or private label lipsticks. Both options have their benefits, depending on your goals and resources.

Benefits of Custom Lipstick

Creating custom lipsticks allows you to have full creative control over your product, from formulation to packaging design. Custom lipsticks are unique, high-quality products that can help differentiate your brand in a competitive market. By working closely with cosmetic experts and custom lipstick manufacturer , you can design your own lipstick tube and make your own lipstick kit that reflect your brand’s identity and meet your customers’ needs.

Benefits of Private Label Lipstick

Private label lipsticks offer a more cost-effective and time-efficient option for starting a lipstick business. By partnering with a private label manufacturer, you can choose from a range of pre-made lipstick formulations and packaging options to create your own lipstick line. Private label lipsticks are a great choice for entrepreneurs looking to launch a lipstick brand quickly and without the need for extensive product development.

Why Partnering With a Private Label Lipstick Manufacturer?

Partnering with a private label lipstick manufacturer offers several advantages for entrepreneurs starting a lipstick business. Private label manufacturers have the expertise, resources, and production capacity to produce high-quality lipsticks at scale. By collaborating with a private label manufacturer, you can streamline the product development process, reduce costs, and focus on marketing and growing your lipstick brand. Private label manufacturers can also provide valuable guidance on industry trends, formulation options, and packaging design to help you create a successful lipstick line.

Factors to Consider when Sourcing a Lipstick Manufacturer

Quality control.

When sourcing a lipstick manufacturer, it’s essential to prioritize quality control to ensure that your lipsticks meet industry standards and customer expectations. Choose a manufacturer with a reputation for producing high-quality cosmetics and strict quality control processes to maintain consistency and safety in your products.

Production Capacity

Consider the production capacity of your lipstick manufacturer to meet your business growth goals and timeline. Ensure that the manufacturer can accommodate your order volume, product specifications, and delivery deadlines to prevent supply chain disruptions and support your brand’s expansion.

Customization Options

Look for a lipstick manufacturer that offers customization options to create unique and tailored products for your brand. From selecting lipstick shades and finishes to designing custom packaging and branding, having customization options can help differentiate your lipstick line and appeal to your target market.

Customer Support

Choose a lipstick manufacturer that provides excellent customer support and communication throughout the production process. A responsive and reliable manufacturer can address any concerns or issues promptly, provide updates on order status, and collaborate with you to ensure the success of your lipstick business. Prioritize manufacturers who are transparent, responsive, and committed to your brand’s success.

Collaborate with Siloran

Collaborating with Siloran, a leading private label lipstick manufacturer, can help you bring your lipstick business to life. With a wide range of lipstick formulations, packaging options, and customization capabilities, Siloran offers high-quality and innovative solutions for launching your own lipstick brand. By partnering with Siloran, you can benefit from their industry expertise, production excellence, and commitment to helping you create a successful lipstick line. Start your lipstick business journey with Siloran today!

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Guide to Starting a Small Business

How to start a lipstick business.

The beauty industry continues to thrive, and starting a lipstick business can be a lucrative venture. With the right strategy and dedication, you can turn your passion for cosmetics into a successful business. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to start your own lipstick business, from market research to product development and marketing. 1. Market Research: Before diving into the lipstick business, conduct thorough market research. Identify your target audience, study competitors, and understand current beauty trends. Analyzing the market helps you identify gaps and opportunities, allowing you to tailor your lipstick line to meet specific consumer needs. 2. Create a Business Plan: A well-thought-out business plan is crucial for any startup. Define your business goals, mission, and vision. Outline your target market, competition analysis, and marketing strategy. Include financial projections, funding requirements, and a detailed plan for product development and distribution. A solid business plan will guide you through the startup phase and attract potential investors.

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How to Start a Lipstick Business: A 2023 Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking for how to start a lipstick business? Are you ready to dive into the colorful world of cosmetics? Starting your own lipstick business can be as exciting as finding the perfect shade to match your outfit. Whether you’re in the USA, Canada, the UK, or Australia, this comprehensive guide will take you from a newbie to a lipstick tycoon in no time.

Table of Contents


Let’s face it, lipsticks are like the superheroes of the makeup world. They have the power to transform your look with a single swipe. And guess what? You can be the hero who brings those fabulous shades to the world!

In this guide, we’ll show you how to turn your passion for lipstick into a profitable business. No, you don’t need to be a makeup artist or a cosmetic chemist. All you need is a dream and a sense of adventure.

Section 1: Market Research

Before you dive headfirst into the lipstick jungle, take a moment to do some market research. You wouldn’t want to sell snow-white lipsticks in the middle of summer, right?

How to Start a Lipstick Business

Market research is like detective work, but without the magnifying glass and the hat. Start by identifying your target market. Who are the lipstick lovers in your area? What colors do they crave?

In the USA, Canada, the UK, and Australia, there’s a treasure trove of lipstick addicts waiting for your products. But you need to know your competition. Who else is painting the town red, pink, or even blue?

Pro tip: Don’t be afraid to eavesdrop on social media. Lipstick enthusiasts spill the beans about their favorite brands and shades all the time!

Section 2: Business Planning

Okay, now that you’ve done your Sherlock Holmes act, it’s time to put on your business hat. No, not a literal hat—although a fancy one might boost your confidence.

A business plan is like a roadmap for your lipstick empire. It helps you stay on track and avoid those makeup meltdowns. So, what goes into this magical document?

First, describe your business. Are you going for bold and edgy, or classic and elegant? Next, figure out how much lipstick you’ll need to conquer the world—start with a small corner, though.

Legal stuff alert! You’ll also need to deal with permits and regulations. Cosmetics aren’t just fun and games; they’re serious business!

Section 3: Product Development

Now, let’s get to the fun part—making lipstick! You don’t need a chemistry degree, but a pinch of creativity won’t hurt.

Quality is key. Nobody wants lipstick that feels like colored chalk on their lips. So, find a reputable supplier. Maybe even test some shades on your friends. They’ll appreciate the freebies.

And don’t forget the branding! It’s like picking the perfect outfit for a first date. Your lipstick needs to stand out in a crowd. Oh, and the packaging should be so cute that people want to keep it even after the lipstick’s gone.

Section 4: Marketing and Promotion

Okay, let’s talk about marketing. You don’t need to hire a blimp to announce your lipstick empire (unless you want to).

In the digital age, social media is your BFF. Start an Instagram account, and don’t hold back on those lipstick selfies. And remember, hashtags are your secret weapon. #LipstickGoals anyone?

Consider collaborating with beauty influencers. They can put your lipstick in the spotlight faster than a flash mob in Times Square. Just be ready to send them samples—lots of them.

Humor tip: Make sure your lipstick doesn’t end up on a pig (pun intended). Choose your influencers wisely.

Section 5: Setting Up Online Sales

These days, you can’t escape the internet, and you shouldn’t even try. Online sales are your golden ticket to reaching lipstick lovers far and wide.

Setting up an online store is easier than deciphering ancient hieroglyphs. Use user-friendly e-commerce platforms and keep the checkout process as smooth as a lipstick glide.

Remember, your website is your storefront. Make it pretty, and make sure it loads faster than a sneeze. Nobody likes a slow website. Well, maybe snails do.

Section 6: Financial Planning

Ah, money, the not-so-secret ingredient for a successful lipstick business. But don’t worry; you don’t need to swim in a vault of gold coins like Scrooge McDuck.

Budgeting is your best friend. Calculate your startup costs and operating expenses. It’s like playing dress-up with numbers, only less fun.

Pricing is also crucial. You don’t want to charge a gazillion dollars for a tube of lipstick, but you also don’t want to give it away for free. Find that sweet spot.

Funny money fact: Did you know that lipstick sales often go up during tough times? Maybe because a little lipstick can make you feel like a million bucks, even when your bank account disagrees.

Section 7: Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Now, let’s talk about laws and regulations. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you can’t just whip up lipstick in your kitchen and start selling it. Cosmetics are serious business, as serious as a penguin in a tuxedo.

In the USA, Canada, the UK, and Australia, there are rules you need to follow. The FDA has its eyes on cosmetics, and they’re not as forgiving as your grandma when you accidentally break her vase.

Labeling is also crucial. People want to know what they’re putting on their lips. Don’t make them guess. It’s not a game of charades.

Also Read: How to Start a Pay Per Call Business

Section 8: Scaling and Growth

Congratulations! You’ve made it this far! Now, let’s talk about growing your lipstick empire.

Listen to your customers. Their feedback is as valuable as a diamond lipstick tube. If they ask for new shades or products, consider giving them to them.

And remember, expansion is always an option. The USA, Canada, the UK, and Australia are just the beginning. Lipstick lovers are everywhere.

Funny expansion idea: Why stop at lipstick? Maybe you’ll be the genius who invents edible lipstick. No more reapplying after a meal!

There you have it—the ultimate guide to starting a lipstick business. It’s like painting by numbers, but with a lot more red.

So, grab your lipstick, pucker up, and get ready to make the world a more colorful place, one kiss at a time. Go conquer the lipstick universe!

Additional Resources

  • FDA’s Guide to Cosmetic Labeling
  • Cosmetic Ingredient Database
  • Small Business Administration (SBA)
  • Social Media Examiner

Now, go out there and make your lipstick dreams come true! 💄💋

FAQS – How to Start a Lipstick Business

1. do i need to be a makeup artist or chemist to start a lipstick business.

  • Nope, not at all! All you need is a passion for lipstick and a willingness to learn. You can source quality lipstick products from suppliers and focus on your unique branding and marketing.

2. How do I find the perfect lipstick shades for my target market?

  • Market research is your best friend here. Dive into social media, engage with makeup enthusiasts, and pay attention to their preferences. You can also test a few shades on willing friends and family for some real-life feedback.

3. What’s the first step in starting a lipstick business?

  • Begin with a solid business plan. This document will guide you through the entire process, from product development to marketing strategies. It’s your roadmap to lipstick success.

4. Is there specific lipstick packaging that sells better?

  • Unique and eye-catching packaging can make a difference. Consider what stands out in the market, but also ensure that it reflects your brand’s personality.

5. How do I promote my lipstick brand on a budget?

  • Social media is your best bet! Platforms like Instagram and TikTok are fantastic for showcasing your products. Collaborating with beauty influencers can also get your brand noticed without breaking the bank.

6. Can I sell my lipsticks internationally?

  • Absolutely! Once you’ve conquered the USA, Canada, the UK, and Australia, you can explore international markets. Just be prepared for a global lipstick takeover!

7. Are there any legal regulations I should be aware of?

  • Yes, the FDA and local regulations govern cosmetics. Be sure to familiarize yourself with these rules, especially regarding labeling and product safety.

8. How do I handle customer feedback and suggestions?

  • Listen and adapt! Customer feedback is like the secret ingredient to your lipstick’s success. If they ask for new shades or improvements, consider it valuable input.

9. What if I want to expand beyond lipsticks?

  • The sky’s the limit! If you’re feeling adventurous, you can explore other cosmetic products. Who knows, you might be the genius who invents the next big makeup trend!

10. Can I really make money in the lipstick business?

  • Absolutely, lipstick sales are resilient. Even during tough times, people want to feel good, and a little lipstick can work wonders. So, go ahead and chase your lipstick fortune!
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business plan of lipstick

how to start a lipstick business


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to start a lipstick business. The cosmetic industry has experienced tremendous growth over the years, with lipsticks being one of the most popular and sought-after products. If you have a passion for beauty, an eye for trends, and a desire to establish your own business, then venturing into the world of lipstick entrepreneurship could be the perfect opportunity for you.

In this guide, we will take you through every step of starting your own lipstick business, providing you with valuable insights, tips, and strategies to set you on the path to success. From conducting thorough market research to launching and marketing your products, and from managing operations to scaling your business, we will leave no stone unturned.

Before diving into the nitty-gritty details, it’s important to understand the significance of market research in establishing a successful lipstick business. By gaining a deep understanding of your target customers, their preferences, and the competitive landscape, you will be able to carve out a unique space in the market and develop a strong brand identity.

Throughout this guide, we will emphasize the importance of conducting market research to help you make informed decisions and create products that resonate with your target audience. We will also explore the legal and regulatory considerations you need to be aware of when entering the cosmetic industry, ensuring that you comply with all necessary guidelines and requirements.

Setting up a lipstick business involves various aspects, starting with sourcing reliable suppliers and manufacturers. We will discuss how to identify suppliers for raw materials and evaluate potential manufacturers for lipstick production. Additionally, we will guide you through the process of designing your lipstick product, from choosing formulas and textures to selecting packaging options and creating a unique color range.

Once you have your product ready, it’s time to focus on branding and packaging. We will delve into the importance of developing a compelling brand name and logo, as well as designing attractive and functional packaging that sets your products apart from the competition.

Launching and marketing your lipstick business is a crucial step in gaining traction and building a customer base. We will walk you through creating a robust marketing strategy, including leveraging social media platforms, partnering with influencers, and planning promotional campaigns and events. Establishing a strong online presence through a professional website and implementing effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategies will also be covered.

As your business grows, it’s essential to manage operations efficiently and effectively. We will provide insights into operations and production management, ensuring quality control in manufacturing processes and optimizing inventory and supply chain management. Financial management, including budgeting and tracking sales and expenses, will also be explored to ensure the financial health and sustainability of your business.

Scaling your lipstick business and identifying opportunities for expansion are critical for long-term success. We will discuss strategies for identifying new product lines and reaching international markets. Building customer relationships and gathering feedback are also crucial elements in improving your products and services, and we will guide you on implementing customer service strategies and collecting valuable customer insights.

Finally, we will emphasize the importance of continuous learning and staying updated on industry trends and innovations. By attending trade shows, conferences, and networking events, you can stay ahead of the curve and position your lipstick business for long-term growth and success.

So, whether you’re a beauty enthusiast looking to turn your passion into a profitable venture or an entrepreneur seeking to enter the booming cosmetic industry, this guide is here to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to start your own lipstick business. Let’s dive in and embark on this exciting journey together!

Preparing for Your Lipstick Business

Before diving headfirst into starting your lipstick business, it’s crucial to lay a solid foundation by thoroughly preparing and planning for the journey ahead. This section will guide you through the essential steps to take before launching your business, including defining your business concept, conducting market research, creating a business plan, and considering the legal and regulatory aspects of the cosmetic industry.

Defining Your Business Concept

Defining your business concept is the first step towards building a successful lipstick business. It involves identifying your niche and developing a unique brand identity that sets you apart from the competition. With countless lipstick options available in the market, finding your own unique selling point is crucial in capturing the attention of your target audience.

Consider what makes your lipstick business different. Are you focusing on organic and natural ingredients? Are you catering to a specific demographic, such as vegan or cruelty-free consumers? By narrowing down your target market and identifying your niche, you can create a focused and compelling brand that resonates with your customers.

Research the market to identify any gaps or untapped opportunities. Understanding the needs and desires of your target audience will enable you to tailor your products and marketing efforts accordingly. By positioning your business as a solution to their specific pain points or preferences, you can build a loyal customer base and gain a competitive edge.

Conducting Market Research

Market research is a fundamental aspect of starting any business, and the lipstick industry is no exception. It provides valuable insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and competitor analysis, helping you make informed decisions and shape your business strategy.

Start by identifying your target market demographics. Understand their age, gender, income level, geographic location, and lifestyle preferences. This information will guide your product development, marketing, and pricing strategies. Conduct surveys, interviews, or use online research tools to gather data and gain a deeper understanding of your potential customers.

Analyzing your competitors is equally important. Identify both direct and indirect competitors in the lipstick market. Study their product offerings, pricing strategies, branding, and marketing tactics. By understanding what works and what doesn’t in the market, you can position your business to stand out and offer a unique value proposition.

Creating a Business Plan

A well-thought-out business plan is essential for the success of your lipstick business. It serves as a roadmap, outlining your objectives, strategies, and financial projections. A comprehensive business plan will not only help you secure funding if needed but also provide you with a clear direction and guide your decision-making process.

Start by setting clear objectives and goals for your lipstick business. Are you aiming for a specific market share within a certain timeframe? Do you have revenue targets that you want to achieve? By setting measurable goals, you can track your progress and make adjustments as necessary.

Outline your product range and pricing strategy in your business plan. Determine the different types of lipsticks you will offer, such as matte, liquid, or lip stains. Consider factors like quality, ingredients, and packaging when finalizing your pricing strategy. Conduct a competitive analysis to ensure that your pricing is competitive yet profitable.

Your business plan should also include a comprehensive marketing and sales strategy. Define your target audience and outline how you will reach and engage them. Consider both online and offline marketing channels, such as social media, influencer partnerships, and attending beauty trade shows. Determine your sales channels, whether it’s through e-commerce, retail partnerships, or both.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations

Operating a lipstick business requires compliance with legal and regulatory requirements specific to the cosmetic industry. It’s important to ensure that you meet all necessary guidelines and obtain the required licenses and permits.

Start by registering your business with the appropriate authorities. Choose a business structure, such as sole proprietorship, partnership, or limited liability company (LLC), and register your business name accordingly. Check with your local government or Small Business Administration (SBA) for specific licensing requirements.

Complying with cosmetic industry regulations is crucial for the safety and integrity of your products. Familiarize yourself with regulations related to manufacturing, labeling, and ingredient restrictions. Ensure that your lipstick formulations meet the required standards and that your packaging includes all necessary information, such as ingredient lists, batch codes, and usage instructions.

It’s also important to consider intellectual property protection. Research trademarks to ensure your brand name, logo, and other unique identifiers are not infringing on existing trademarks. If necessary, consult with an attorney to help you navigate the legal aspects of protecting your brand.

By thoroughly preparing for your lipstick business and addressing key considerations beforehand, you will lay a strong foundation for success. The next steps will involve setting up your business, sourcing suppliers and manufacturers, and designing your lipstick product. Let’s move forward and explore these topics in more depth.

Setting Up Your Lipstick Business

Now that you have defined your business concept and conducted thorough market research, it’s time to move on to setting up your lipstick business. This section will guide you through the essential steps of sourcing suppliers and manufacturers, designing your lipstick product, creating a brand identity, and establishing a supply chain and logistics plan.

Sourcing Suppliers and Manufacturers

One of the critical factors in the success of your lipstick business is sourcing reliable suppliers and manufacturers. The quality of your raw materials and the expertise of your manufacturing partner will directly impact the final product and customer satisfaction. It’s crucial to conduct extensive research and due diligence to ensure you choose the right suppliers and manufacturers.

Start by identifying potential suppliers for the raw materials required to make your lipsticks. Consider factors such as quality, availability, price, and sustainability. Look for suppliers that align with your business values, whether it’s using organic ingredients, cruelty-free practices, or eco-friendly packaging materials.

When selecting a manufacturer, consider their expertise, production capacity, and ability to meet your quality standards and deadlines. Request samples and conduct tests to evaluate the quality of their production. Additionally, ensure that the manufacturer is compliant with industry regulations and has the necessary certifications.

Building a strong relationship with your suppliers and manufacturers is crucial for long-term success. Communicate your expectations clearly and establish open lines of communication. Regularly review the quality of the materials and finished products to maintain consistency. Strong supplier and manufacturer relationships will help you ensure a steady supply of high-quality lipsticks.

Designing Your Lipstick Product

Designing your lipstick product is an exciting phase that allows you to unleash your creativity and bring your vision to life. This includes choosing lipstick formulas and textures, selecting packaging options, and creating a unique color range.

Consider the desired characteristics of your lipsticks, such as finish, longevity, and comfort. Research different lipstick formulas, such as matte, creamy, or sheer, and determine which ones align with your brand and target audience. Experiment with various textures to find the perfect balance between ease of application and desired results.

Packaging plays a crucial role in attracting customers and conveying your brand identity. Select packaging options that are functional, visually appealing, and align with your brand image. Consider factors such as convenience, portability, and sustainability. Customization options, such as embossing your logo or adding unique design elements, can further enhance the appeal of your lipstick packaging.

Creating a unique color range is key to standing out in a saturated market. Research color trends and consumer preferences to guide your selection. Consider offering a diverse range of shades that cater to different skin tones and occasions. Experiment with unique and innovative color combinations to capture the attention of your target audience.

Branding and Packaging

As you set up your lipstick business, developing a compelling brand identity and designing attractive packaging are essential to create a strong brand presence in the market. Your brand should resonate with your target audience and differentiate your products from competitors.

Start by developing a brand name that is memorable, relevant, and aligned with your target market and brand values. Consider conducting a trademark search to ensure your chosen name is not already in use. Your brand name should reflect the essence of your business and evoke the desired emotions in your customers.

Designing a visually appealing logo is equally important. Your logo should be visually striking and communicate your brand personality. Consider working with a professional graphic designer to create a logo that effectively represents your brand and appeals to your target audience.

Packaging design plays a significant role in attracting customers and creating a positive first impression. It should align with your brand identity and resonate with your target market. Consider the use of colors, typography, and imagery that reflects the essence of your brand. Invest in high-quality packaging materials that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional.

Consistency is crucial in branding and packaging. Ensure that your brand identity and packaging design are consistent across all touchpoints, including your website, social media, and physical product packaging. This will create a cohesive and recognizable brand that customers can easily identify.

Creating a Supply Chain and Logistics Plan

Establishing a robust supply chain and logistics plan is vital to ensure smooth operations and timely delivery of your lipsticks. It involves managing inventory, planning distribution channels, and optimizing fulfillment processes.

Implement efficient inventory management systems to avoid stockouts or excess inventory. Regularly monitor your inventory levels and establish reorder points based on demand forecasts. Consider using inventory management software to track inventory, manage orders, and streamline the replenishment process.

Plan your distribution channels based on your target market and business model. Determine whether you will sell directly to consumers through an e-commerce platform, partner with retailers, or explore a combination of both. Evaluate the pros and cons of each distribution channel and select the ones that align with your business goals and target audience.

Fulfillment processes are critical in ensuring that orders are processed accurately and delivered on time. Establish efficient order processing and shipping procedures. Consider outsourcing fulfillment to a third-party logistics (3PL) provider to streamline the process and scale your operations as your business grows.

By sourcing reliable suppliers, designing an exceptional lipstick product, developing a strong brand identity, and establishing a solid supply chain and logistics plan, you will be well-prepared to launch your lipstick business. Next, we will explore the exciting world of launching and marketing your products to attract customers and build brand awareness.

Launching and Marketing Your Lipstick Business

Congratulations on setting up your lipstick business! Now it’s time to bring your products to the market and attract customers. This section will guide you through creating a comprehensive marketing strategy, building an online presence, establishing brand awareness, and implementing effective pricing and sales strategies.

Creating a Marketing Strategy

A well-defined marketing strategy is crucial for successfully launching and promoting your lipstick business. It involves identifying your target audience, determining key marketing channels, planning promotional campaigns, and setting measurable goals.

Start by clearly defining your target audience based on the market research conducted earlier. Understand their demographics, preferences, and purchasing behavior. This will help you tailor your marketing efforts to effectively reach and engage your potential customers.

Identify the key marketing channels that will allow you to connect with your target audience. Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube are popular channels for reaching beauty enthusiasts. Consider influencer partnerships, content marketing, email marketing, and paid advertising to expand your reach and increase brand visibility.

Plan promotional campaigns and events to generate excitement and encourage customer engagement. Host giveaways, offer limited-time discounts, or collaborate with influencers to create buzz around your products. Engage with your audience through contests, challenges, or interactive content to build a community around your brand.

Set measurable goals for your marketing efforts, such as increasing website traffic, social media followers, or conversion rates. Regularly track and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge the effectiveness of your marketing strategies. Make adjustments as necessary to optimize your marketing efforts and achieve your goals.

Building an Online Presence

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for the success of any business, including a lipstick business. Your online presence serves as a virtual storefront and a platform to engage with customers. Here are some key steps to establish a compelling online presence:

Create a professional website : Design a user-friendly and visually appealing website that showcases your brand and products. Ensure that your website is optimized for mobile devices, as many customers browse and shop on their smartphones.

Implement effective search engine optimization (SEO) : Optimize your website with relevant keywords and meta tags to improve its visibility in search engine results. Conduct keyword research to understand what potential customers are searching for and integrate those keywords into your website content.

Utilize social media platforms : Leverage popular social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube to showcase your lipsticks, engage with your audience, and build a community. Develop a consistent posting schedule and create engaging content that aligns with your brand identity and resonates with your target audience.

Engage with influencers : Collaborate with beauty influencers and bloggers who align with your brand values and have a strong following. They can help promote your lipsticks to their audience and provide valuable product reviews and recommendations.

Implement customer reviews and testimonials : Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews and testimonials on your website and social media platforms. Positive reviews can build trust and credibility, attracting new customers to your lipstick business.

Building Brand Awareness and Customer Loyalty

Building brand awareness is crucial for establishing your lipstick business in a competitive market. Here are some effective strategies to increase brand awareness and foster customer loyalty:

Consistent branding : Maintain a consistent brand identity across all platforms and touchpoints. Use consistent brand colors, fonts, and messaging to create a cohesive brand image that customers can easily recognize and connect with.

Engage with your audience : Regularly engage with your audience through comments, direct messages, and social media interactions. Respond promptly to inquiries, address customer concerns, and show genuine appreciation for their support.

Implement a customer loyalty program : Reward loyal customers with exclusive discounts, early access to new products, or special promotions. Implement a customer loyalty program to incentivize repeat purchases and foster long-term relationships with your customers.

Encourage user-generated content : Encourage customers to share their experiences with your lipsticks by creating hashtags, running contests, or featuring customer photos on your social media platforms. User-generated content not only increases brand visibility but also builds trust and social proof.

Personalize customer experiences : Collect customer data and use it to personalize their shopping experiences. Send personalized recommendations, birthday discounts, or targeted offers based on their purchasing history and preferences.

Pricing and Sales Strategies

Determining the right pricing strategy is crucial for the success of your lipstick business. Consider the following factors when setting your prices:

Cost of production : Calculate your production costs, including raw materials, manufacturing, packaging, and overhead expenses. Ensure that your pricing covers these costs while leaving room for profit.

Competitor analysis : Research the pricing strategies of your competitors to understand the market standards and position your lipsticks competitively. Consider factors such as quality, branding, and target market when evaluating competitor prices.

Value proposition : Assess the unique value that your lipsticks offer compared to the competition. If you provide organic, cruelty-free, or innovative formulations, you may justify higher prices based on the added value.

Discounts and promotions : Offer occasional discounts, bundle deals, or limited-time promotions to attract new customers and encourage repeat purchases. Ensure that your pricing strategy allows for these promotional offers without compromising profitability.

When it comes to sales strategies, consider a multi-channel approach. Sell directly through your website or e-commerce platform, partner with retailers, or explore collaborations with beauty subscription boxes or influencers. Evaluate the pros and cons of each sales channel and choose the ones that align with your target audience and business goals.

By implementing a well-defined marketing strategy, building a strong online presence, increasing brand awareness, and implementing effective pricing and sales strategies, you will be well on your way to attracting customers and establishing your lipstick business in the market. Next, we will explore the crucial aspects of managing and growing your business for long-term success.

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How to Write a Beauty Products Business Plan

10 steps to writing a beauty brand business plan

Updated: 22 March, 2022

As a founder of a beauty brand start-up, you’ll need a clear vision, a well-written beauty products business plan and to have put some skin in the game in terms of hard work, time and funds. But how do you go about getting started on that all-important business plan and what should it contain?

In this blog post, we summarise the 10 key steps new beauty entrepreneurs need to work through to write a business plan for a cosmetics company. This is essential reading for anyone wondering how to start a beauty business from home as it makes you aware of just what you will need to think through and start planning for.

Running a cosmetic business requires you to be very organised. You will need a strong business plan that leads you through all of the main components of your cosmetic business. The relief is that your business plan does not need to be the size of a thesis. In fact, the more concise it is the better as you will be able to tackle it and feel like referring to it in the future.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Formula Botanica (@formulabotanica)

Our step-by-step video guide below is based on the business planning exercises we provide as part of our Diploma in Beauty Brand Business Management . The Diploma is an extensive, six-module course that takes you on an intensive journey from would-be entrepreneur to empowered founder armed with a structured business plan. Pre-enrol to find out more about this diploma and our other courses.

10-Step Guide to Your Beauty Products Business Plan

Step 1: why your beauty business needs a plan.

The first step is to set yourself a challenge: ask yourself why you are writing a business plan in the first place. There is no point in going through the motions of writing a beauty product business plan. You need to buy into the very concept of business planning.

We know that the thought of writing a business plan can seem daunting. However, your business plan is a necessary and very important strategic document as it focuses your energy, time and resources on a clear end game; not only that of launching a successful beauty business, but also of ensuring it has the potential to thrive longer term.

Your business plan isn’t just to show potential investors and otherwise hide away in a filing cabinet. It is a tool to refer to every time you are faced with important decisions. Your plan guides your decision-making and makes the everyday of running your beauty business simpler and smoother.

It will take time to write your business plan as it summarises the hard work you need to do beforehand in discovering your vision, working out your ‘why’ and what your brand stands for, what you’ll be selling, where you’ll be selling, who your competitors are and what your market gap is, and how you’ll fund your business. It also entails drafting a full financial plan, based on things like sales’ forecasts.

With this mindset challenge out of the way, let’s cover the key areas of your plan in the next steps.

Step 2: Your beauty brand mission and vision

We’ve seen many start-up beauty entrepreneurs rush into designing their branding before they have even worked out why they are in business. Before branding, come your vision and mission. Often confused and easily ignored, these two statements are the guiding lights of your business.

First, let’s define them. Your vision is about your bigger dreams. It isn’t simply that you want to make organic formulations to sell to anyone. Your vision statement sets out how you want to make a difference with your beauty brand. At Formula Botanica, our vision, in brief, is to make natural formulation as commonplace as cookery.

Your brand mission statement says how you intend to achieve that vision. At Formula Botanica, our mission is to ‘teach the world to formulate’. As you can see from our example, the mission is practical and active and states how we accomplish our vision – through teaching and our online courses.

When you write your brand vision and mission statements, you’re not writing boring, bland, catch-all statements. Coming up with why your beauty brand exists and how it serves your customers is not a quick back-of-the-envelope exercise either. It may take you weeks to define your vision and mission, but this is time well spent as these statements are the heart of your beauty business. Don’t move on to the next steps until you have total clarity on them.

Step 3: Your niche and customers

It’s all well and good having your vision and mission, but if you don’t know your niche in the beauty market nor much about whom you are selling to, then you might not have a business at all. We’re sure you’ve heard this advice a hundred times, but you need to know exactly who you’re going to be selling to. You need to understand who this type of person is, how they live and how they shop.

Once you know who your target customer is, all of a sudden everything clicks into place and becomes easier in terms of selling. You know which marketing messages work best for your customer, you know what they’re looking for and you know how to sell to them. When starting your beauty products business, you need to have a niche and that niche cannot be ‘organic’ or ‘natural’. There are so many untapped niches in the beauty industry, for instance, skincare for women in their fifties, skincare for certain types of athletes (swimmers, runners, etc.), and skincare for teenage boys.

Jot down bullet points about your ideal customer; include where they live, what other brands they buy, how they holiday, what their key skincare issues are and so on. Be brief but on point. Home in on a single person – often called your brand ‘avatar’. It might sound tedious to do, but once you have that person clearly in your mind, everything in your business will work to meeting their needs. Just ensure that you really do have a niche that exists.

We reported on some trends from In-Cosmetics Global , in Paris (April 2019). We’re not suggesting you need to keep up with the latest fad in the beauty industry, but do your market research thoroughly so you can decide where to position your brand and products.

Step 4: Your beauty products

Your business plan needs to detail your initial product(s) and explain what their sales’ proposition is and how they meet your target customers’ needs. This sounds simple to do, but believe us when we say we have seen new beauty entrepreneurs incur huge expenses as they change their direction and minds on products just after launching. Bringing new products on board can often be a way of diverting yourself from the hard task of marketing and sales.

When you learn to formulate natural skincare, you create a diversity of products without much thought about how they fit together as a range or as a beauty routine for customers. When you think like a business, you need to understand very clearly what you are selling and what proposition your products offer your target customers.

It is possible to launch with a single product, and there are well-known examples of beauty brands with only a ‘hero’ product to their name. If you are creating a range, work out how the products complement each other. Also, given issues of sustainable consumption, think about how a single product can demonstrate a unique selling proposition by multi-tasking.

Your range has financial implications so you need to decide how many products to launch with and which create a minimal viable range that makes sense for your budget and for your customers’ needs. Above all, your cosmetics’ range will need to demonstrate it has a place in the market and how it improves your customers’ lives.

Step 5: Your competitors

Yes, your competitors most certainly have a place in your skincare business plan. You, as the founder, bring your individual perspectives and experiences to your brand, so in one sense you have uniqueness built into the foundations of your beauty business. That said, you need to keep a close eye on the movers and shakers in your niche and in particular at your product range’s price point. Knowing your competitors keeps you on your toes and is information any investor will ask for, up front and early on.

It can be frustrating at times to research your competitors as their websites might be PR speak and not give much away. Look for interviews with the founders and follow them on all their social media to glean more. Competitor research can help you identify areas where your brand can thrive and can show you more effective ways to grow customer loyalty – and build your business. See what they are doing so that you know what’s working for them and what isn’t. Write a list of their strengths and weaknesses to see how you can do better. You also need to know where to position yourself in comparison to your competitors.

Don’t obsess about your competitors, but check in on what they are up to every few months. Your aim is not to copy them, but to control your beauty products’ conversation. Again, if you have clarity on the earlier steps – mission, vision, niche and customer – then you are on solid ground. It is just good business sense to know what is going on in the market.

Step 6: Your manufacturing strategy

Your manufacturing strategy is a large part of your business strategy. You need to decide whether you will be producing your beauty products yourself in your own (home) lab – according to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) , using a contract manufacturer or opting for private label products. You need to define also which route suits you at launch and mention any plans to switch model later on.

Each model has its pros and cons depending on your mission and vision, as well as implications for important aspects of your business such as distribution, logistics, financing, and contractual obligations to retailers who stock your brand. How many units of products do you envisage creating a year? Which model suits your entrepreneurial ambitions and lifestyle? As you can see, your business model and manufacturing model go hand in hand. Having an end goal in sight is critical to shaping your overall business plan, the amount of capital you need to raise and the way you conduct your day-to-day operations.

There is no right or wrong choice here, but ensure you know the implications of whichever route your opt for. It might sound perfect making your own products at home in small artisanal batches, but we do know of beauty entrepreneurs who find their business sky rockets faster than they imagined. They then play catch up trying to find and fund outsourced manufacturing so they don’t let retail stockists down. This is a critical area of your business plan and needs you to consider your vision and ethos, as well as think about your own time, hiring staff, and your overall financial situation.

Step 7: Your retail strategy

We’ve seen many indie beauty entrepreneurs think they can sell direct to consumer from their website alone. To do this successfully, you need to invest in becoming a proficient digital marketer – or outsource the role. It can be tempting at the outset to want to sell directly from your own website because your keep all the profit yourself. However, although you receive lower profit margins by having your products stocked in stores and e-stores, retailers can help get your products sold and your brand known as they have a ready customer market; whereas you are unknown and have to build awareness of your brand from scratch.

The work you have done so far in defining your niche, customers, competitors and product range should indicate which retailers suit your brand best. Will your brand fit into the mass, so-called ‘masstige’, premium or luxury retail categories? And which retailers do you hope will stock your brand? What are their likely margins and what implications does this have for your manufacturing model and financial forecasts? Will you also work with distributors in certain markets, especially overseas, and again, how do their margins affect your bottom line?

You must address all these questions and more in your beauty business plan . It is no good working out how and where to sell once your products are all stacked in boxes in your living room or at a warehouse!

Step 8: Your funding

We might have left finances to last, but finding the money to fund your business is an issue that dominates your entire business plan. As you’ve seen, each previous step has financial implications. As we mentioned in our post on how to start a cosmetic business from home , you won’t be able to run a successful beauty brand without having a firm grip on finances. Having sound plans for raising finance at various junctures in your business is sound business practice.

Your business plan needs to cover the different types of funding options available to you now and in the future, whether ‘love money’ loaned from friends and family, bank loans or other sources such as crowdfunding. it needs to look at short-term and long-term sources of finance. You need to understand and pre-empt what your potential investors will ask you about financing and demonstrate in your business plan that you and your business are worth investing in.

Step 9: Your financial forecast

If you are reading this, it is likely you are thinking of starting an indie beauty business. As business plans are best written in the first year of your beauty business, you may well be pre-revenue when you draft it – or need it when pitching to investors. You may not have sales yet, but you can still show some key figures on the size of your market and your brand’s potential.

To introduce your financial forecast, you should include a timeline showing your milestones, such as when you started, your key achievements, any brand or packaging development, what stage you are at now, i.e. do you have a product in creation and how much have you invested or fund-raised so far? If you are already selling, then you can show how much investment has gone into the company already, what returns and sales you have and what your financial projections are.

There will be a need for you to factor in expenses you hadn’t thought of. One such ‘hidden’ expense we see many beauty entrepreneurs fail to predict is the need to cover retailers’ promotions. Stores generally expect you to contribute to their promotions of your products. Cashflow is everything in a business, even one selling successfully. You may face shortfalls of cash while waiting for retailers to pay you. That time lag means your day-to-day business can grind to a halt if your cash is tied up in stock and you have nothing to cover buying in more raw materials to keep production going or to cover promotions or seasonal campaigns.

As you can see, financial forecasting is about your day-to-day business, and this alone is one reason you need to revisit your business plan frequently. You need to keep an eye on your profit and loss sheets and map the trends monthly. Learn as much as you can yourself about financial forecasting and measuring your business’ financial health. Having an accountant or financial expert assist with this information can help you be better prepared both day to day and when talking about your finances to potential investors.

10: What to do with your plan now

Congratulate yourself. You have made it through the first draft of your business plan – or roadmap. But, now comes perhaps the hardest step of all; that of doing something useful with your business plan, as opposed to archiving it in some filing cabinet. This is a plan to revisit and adjust, and to assess your business’ health and performance against. It is not a document to present to banks and potential investors at the start of your business journey and then forget all about.

So, what exactly do you need to look at it for, and how often? Let’s take just a few examples of areas you will need to review.

First, you need to revisit your financial forecast monthly. See how your budgeting is measuring up against actual sales and expenses. Are things on track? Either way, yes or no, you will have a benchmark against which to measure your current business health. This information will guide you as you go forward.

Then, revisit your competitors and the overall market situation. How have things changed and how might this affect your product range, pricing or development? Be aware that you need time to get established in your market. Knee-jerk reactions can be costly. But use your plan to monitor things.

Examples of areas to review annually are your mission, vision and niche. Was your research when drafting the plan accurate? Have you proved the concept of your brand and product range? Access to a mastermind group of like-minded business founders, even in different sectors, or a mentor can help you work through any changes you think are necessary to your core statements. Again, think these through basing decisions on financials too.

Pre-enrol in a Formula Botanica course and learn how to start a cosmetic business

We hope our points have given you the outline of what you need in to think through in starting a beauty business. If you have a mission to create a beauty brand that’s bigger than yourself – a skincare brand, haircare line or makeup range that changes people lives – we can help you learn how to formulate your own products and all about bringing a brand to market.

Pre-enrol now in our Diploma in Beauty Brand Business Management – the ultimate online training programme in starting or growing your indie beauty brand. We like to refer to it as a Beauty Brand MBA. It is a combination of award-winning teaching materials and a web summit with 30+ influential speakers drawn from the best in the beauty and business community.

Or why not pre-enrol on one of our formulation diplomas and courses in skincare, haircare and cosmetic science to change your life through natural formulation? All our courses are fun and empowering and can be career changing.

Your start-up costs with a beauty business vary according to where you set your sights and relate very much to your personal goals and circumstances and not only to current funds and cash flow. The ballpark figure you find is around US $20,000 or similar in Euros. If you wish to outsource, initial start-up costs are high as most contract manufacturers require large minimum order quantities. Similarly, your branding and packaging also rack up costs especially if you are aiming at the more luxury end of the market. Writing a business plan to help you think through all the variables can give you a clearer idea of your beauty business start up costs and help you plan finances as your business grows. You can start on a small budget by making product at home to sell at local markets. Work out your personal goals and lifestyle needs first to have an idea of what costs you will face.

Indie beauty is flourishing and ever more skincare entrepreneurs find a niche and enter the market. But, finding a niche that resonates with customers is key to defining what type of beauty business to launch. Being clean, green, natural or even organic is not enough these days to necessarily differentiate your potential beauty business. Think carefully about how your beauty products will resolve the issues and fulfill the needs of a clear segment of consumers. Do not be all things all to people. By researching for and writing a beauty brand business plan, you will shape your ideas and define a viable product offer, customer base and route to market.

Join us at Formula Botanica, where tens of thousands of students and followers take our free and paid online courses to learn how to formulate organic skincare and haircare for themselves or to sell and also how to set up a beauty brand and business.

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Cosmetic Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Cosmetic Business Plan

You’ve come to the right place to create your cosmetic business plan.

We have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their cosmetic companies.

Below is a a sample cosmetic business plan to help you create your own cosmetic company business plan.

Executive Summary

Business overview.

Guilt-Free Glow is a cosmetics shop located in Spokane, Washington. The company’s mission is to provide customers with high-quality, cruelty-free cosmetics. We want our customers to look and feel their best without feeling guilty about the harm cosmetics do to the environment and animals. Therefore, the shop will sell a wide variety of vegan and cruelty-free cosmetics for people all over the world to enjoy. Some of these products include makeup, moisturizers, and hair care products.

The company is founded by Kiera Smith, who has been a vegan beauty vlogger for five years. During that time, she has amassed 500,000 followers through her beauty vlogs. She has always been committed to finding products that are vegan and cruelty-free. Now that she has gained popularity on Youtube, she is eager to start her own cosmetics line. She will offer an online shop for her followers around the world but also start a shop in downtown Spokane for local residents.

Products Served

The following are some of the vegan, cruelty-free products sold by Guilt-Free Glow:

  • Makeup tools and brushes
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Moisturizers

Customer Focus

Guilt-Free Glow will target both online customers and customers located in the Spokane area that are interested in vegan and cruelty-free cosmetics. Since the founder has a large following on Youtube and social media, we expect most of our customers will come from her fanbase. When marketing to local residents, we will focus our efforts on women ages 15 to 65, as this is traditionally the largest customer segment for the cosmetics industry.

Management Team

Guilt-Free Glow is led by Kiera Smith, who has been a successful beauty vlogger for five years. She creates tutorials on makeup techniques and offers other beauty tips. She has always been passionate about using vegan and cruelty-free products in her videos and encouraged her followers to do the same. Since there aren’t many cosmetics companies that dedicate their whole line to these values, Kiera Smith was inspired to create her own line of cosmetics and beauty care products.

Kiera Smith will be the owner of the company and will conduct much of the marketing efforts through her own social media channels. She will hire other staff to help her with the other aspects of the business, including running the retail shop.

Success Factors

Guilt-Free Flow will be able to achieve success by offering the following competitive advantages:

  • The founder, Kiera Smith, is a popular beauty guru, and her brand and popularity will help sales and minimize marketing costs.
  • Guilt-Free Glow offers great pricing in the vegan cosmetics industry. Vegan and cruelty-free products are often expensive and unaffordable to the average consumer. Guilt-Free Glow will sell all its products at a moderate price so that everyone can buy cosmetics without feeling guilty.
  • Guilt-Free Glow will hire friendly, knowledgeable, and highly-qualified staff to help both our online and in-store customers.

Financial Highlights

Guilt-Free Glow is seeking $300,000 in debt financing to launch its cosmetics business. The funding will be dedicated to securing a retail space, manufacturing the products, and purchasing the necessary supplies and equipment for the store. Funding will also be dedicated toward three months of overhead costs, including payroll, rent, and marketing costs. The breakout of the funding is below:

  • Retail space build-out: $50,000
  • Equipment, supplies, and materials: $25,000
  • Three months of overhead expenses (payroll, rent, utilities): $125,000
  • Marketing costs: $50,000
  • Working capital: $50,000

The following graph below outlines the pro forma financial projections for Guilt-Free Glow.

Company Overview

Who is Guilt-Free Glow?

Guilt-Free Glow’s History

In 2017, Kiera Smith started her Youtube channel, which focuses on beauty tutorials and product reviews. Kiera commits to promoting and working with vegan and cruelty-free brands and educates her audience on the importance of these values for the cosmetics industry. Over the years, Kiera has found that very few cosmetics brands commit to any pledge to be vegan or cruelty-free. Therefore, she decided to start her own cosmetics line that is committed to these values.

Since its incorporation, Guilt-Free Glow has achieved the following milestones:

  • Developed the company’s branding image, social media, and website.
  • Found a retail location and signed a Letter of Intent to lease it.
  • Found manufacturers to create the cosmetic products.
  • Obtained a sales and use tax permit for use in Spokane, Washington.

Guilt-Free Glow Products

The following are some of the vegan and cruelty-free products sold by Guilt-Free Glow:

Industry Analysis

According to Fortune Business Insights, the cosmetics industry is currently valued at $287.94 billion and is expected to grow to $415.29 billion over the next few years.

This growth is due to the increasing demand for high-quality cosmetics. The target market for cosmetics has expanded substantially over the past decade, with people of all ages and genders opting to pay good money for high-quality makeup, hair care, and other beauty products. This trend is expected to continue, and the cosmetics industry will only continue to grow rapidly.

Another important trend is the increasing popularity of environmentally friendly, vegan, and cruelty-free products. Guilt-Free Glow is taking advantage of this demand and selling exclusively vegan and cruelty-free cosmetics.

By capitalizing on these trends and our founder’s increasing popularity online, Guilt-Free Glow is expected to thrive in the cosmetics industry.

Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market.

Guilt-Free Glow will primarily target Kiera’s current fanbase on Youtube and social media. This fanbase includes 500,000 followers, with the majority being females and under the age of 40.

The company will also target residents of Spokane who may be interested in purchasing vegan cosmetics. Traditionally, the customer segment most interested in this industry is women ages 15 to 65.

The precise demographics for Spokane, Washington are:

Customer Segmentation

Guilt-Free Glow will primarily target the following customer profiles:

  • Women ages 15-65
  • Kiera’s fanbase
  • Beauty professionals and influencers
  • Spokane residents looking for vegan, cruelty-free cosmetics

Competitive Analysis

Direct and indirect competitors.

Guilt-Free Glow will face competition from other companies with similar business profiles. A description of each competitor company is below.

Ulta Beauty

Ulta Beauty is a major retailer in the cosmetics industry, being the ultimate provider of all beauty products for millions of people across the globe. The company aims to be the most loved beauty destination of its guests and has ultimately succeeded in that mission. At Ulta, you can find any beauty brand you are looking for, such as Dior, Chanel, and Lancome. Whatever item or brand you need, you are bound to find it at Ulta.

Since 1988, Sephora has been a giant in the cosmetics and beauty industries. It’s one of the top locations to shop for all your high-quality beauty and cosmetics needs and has dominated the cosmetics industry with its global presence. With 2,700 stores in 35 countries worldwide, there are very few locations around the world where you can’t find a Sephora store to visit.

At Sephora, you can find some of the hottest and most exclusive brands, such as Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez and FENTY BEAUTY by Rihanna. Furthermore, Sephora has been recognized by Forbes as one of America’s Best Employers four years in a row and scored 100% on the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Quality Index three years in a row. When customers are looking to buy cosmetics conveniently and ethically, they often head to Sephora first.

The Cosmetics Company Store

The Cosmetics Company Store is an online cosmetics company that sells high-quality cosmetics brands to customers all around the world. They carry thousands of products for anyone in need of beauty products, including hair care products, makeup, and moisturizers. Customers can purchase from a wide variety of brands they love and are familiar with, including Estee Lauder, Clinique, and Aveda. In addition to having a large online store, The Cosmetics Company Store has a few retail locations in select areas.

Competitive Advantage

Guilt-Free Glow will be able to offer the following advantages over the competition:

  • Guilt-Free Glow offers great pricing in the vegan cosmetics industry. Vegan and cruelty-free products are often expensive and unaffordable to the average consumer. Guilt-Free Glow will sell all its products at a moderate price.

Marketing Plan

Brand & value proposition.

Guilt-Free Glow will offer a unique value proposition to its clientele:

  • Wide selection of cosmetics.
  • A focus on vegan and cruelty-free products.
  • Competitive prices that are more affordable than the competition.

Promotions Strategy

The promotions strategy for Guilt-Free Glow is as follows:

Guilt-Free Glow will be located in a very convenient, highly-trafficked area of Spokane that is frequented by men and women of all ages and backgrounds. The store will be in the same neighborhood as stores, restaurants, and salons. The area of Spokane is frequented by shoppers who live in the area and have disposable income to be able to spend frequently on cosmetics.

Social Media

Guilt-Free Glow will have Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook business profiles where Kiera will post frequently new arrivals to the store, featured clients who are using the products, and upcoming sales and events. The posts will be appealing with professional photographs and will engage customers with discount opportunities if they tag friends in the comments in order to grow their social media following. Kiera will also use her personal social media accounts to promote the company and its products.

Website & SEO Marketing

Kiera will reach out to a website designer to develop a website for Guilt-Free Glow. The website will be easy to navigate and include an option to purchase items online and schedule a pickup time in the store, contact information, and location. The SEO will also be managed to ensure that anyone searching “cosmetics store near me” or “Spokane cosmetics” will see Guilt-Free Glow listed at the top of the Bing or Google search engine.

Partnerships With Beauty Influencers

Kiera will partner with other beauty influencers to spread the word about her company. She will offer discount codes to the influencers’ audiences to entice them to shop for her products.

The pricing of Guilt-Free Glow will be moderate so customers feel they receive value when purchasing their products.

Operations Plan

The following will be the operations plan for Guilt-Free Glow.

Operation Functions:

  • Kiera Smith will be the Owner and President of the company. She will oversee the major operations of both the retail and online stores.
  • Kiera will hire a General Manager for the store. They will be in charge of day-to-day administrative functions, product inventory, supply orders, hiring, and training.
  • Kiera will hire an Assistant Manager to assist with product inventory, supply orders, and managing the store when Kiera and the General Manager are unable to be there.
  • The store will have 6 – 8 part-time and full-time employees to assist with stocking merchandise and customer service.
  • As the store grows and business picks up, more employees will be added to the team to keep up with customer demand.
  • Kiera will hire a Marketing Specialist and Web Designer to develop the store’s branding, logo, and social media accounts. The marketing specialist will also develop the website and manage the SEO.
  • She will also hire an Administrative Assistant to help her with the other operations tasks needed to run the company.


Guilt-Free Glow will have the following milestones completed in the next six months.

6/1/202X – Finalize lease agreement for 10,000 square foot retail storefront location.

6/15/202X – Begin build out of leased space.

6/30/202X – Finalize agreements with cosmetics distributors to schedule their upcoming product deliveries to the store.

7/1/202X – Kiera will meet with the web designer so they can get started developing

8/1/202X – Final walk-through and approval of the built-out beauty retail store.

8/2/202X – Begin social media marketing campaign of Guilt-Free Glow.

8/15/202X – The first shipment of store inventory arrives.

8/16/202X – Hire employees and begin training.

8/18/202X – Stocking and display of product inventory in anticipation of the Grand Opening.

9/1/202X – Grand Opening of Guilt-Free Glow.

Financial Plan

Key revenue & costs.

The revenue drivers for Guilt-Free Glow will come from the sales of cosmetics through the retail location and online store.

The cost drivers will be the cost of the cosmetics inventory, labor expenses, marketing expenses, rent, utilities, and overhead costs.

Funding Requirements and Use of Funds

Key assumptions.

The following outlines the key assumptions required in order to achieve the revenue and cost numbers in the financials and in order to pay off the startup business loan.

  • Number of Initial Customers Per Month: 1000
  • Average Item Cost: $20
  • Annual Lease: $100,000

Financial Projections

Income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, cosmetics business plan faqs, what is a cosmetics business plan.

A cosmetics business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your cosmetics business. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections.

You can easily complete your cosmetics business plan using our cosmetics Business Plan Template here .

What are the Main Types of Cosmetics Businesses?

There are a number of different kinds of cosmetics businesses , some examples include: Niche market cosmetics, high-end cosmetics, kids cosmetics, beauty blogger/influencer, or make-up artist.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Cosmetics Business Plan?

Cosmetics Businesses are often funded through small business loans. Personal savings, credit card financing and angel investors are also popular forms of funding.

This is true for a cosmetics business, a plan for a makeup company or a personal care products business plan.

What are the Steps To Start a Cosmetics Business?

Starting a cosmetics business can be an exciting endeavor. Having a clear roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your goals and get started faster.

1. Develop A Cosmetics Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a detailed cosmetics business plan PDF or doc that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include potential market size and target customers, the services or products you will offer, pricing strategies and a detailed financial forecast.  

2. Choose Your Legal Structure - It's important to select an appropriate legal entity for your cosmetics business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your cosmetics business is in compliance with local laws.

3. Register Your Cosmetics Business - Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your cosmetics business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws. 

4. Identify Financing Options - It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your cosmetics business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, investor funding, grants, or crowdfunding platforms. 

5. Choose a Location - Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations. 

6. Hire Employees - There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events. 

7. Acquire Necessary Cosmetics Equipment & Supplies - In order to start your cosmetics business, you'll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation. 

8. Market & Promote Your Business - Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your cosmetics business. This includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising. 

Learn more about how to start a successful cosmetics business:

  • How to Start a Cosmetics Business

Other Helpful Business Plan Templates

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How to Start a Lipstick Business

What will we discuss today? How to Start a Lipstick Business? Lipstick is one of the most popular makeup products, and starting a lipstick business can be a great way to enter the beauty industry. When creating your own lipstick business, you need to keep a few things in mind.

First, you need to decide what type of lipstick you want to sell. 

There are many different formulas and finishes available, so choosing lipsticks that appeal to your target market is essential.

Next, you need to find a good manufacturer who can produce high-quality lipsticks that are reasonably priced. Once you have your products, you need to create attractive packaging and develop a marketing strategy to get your lipsticks into the hands of consumers.

You can build a successful lipstick business from the ground up with some hard work and dedication.

  • Research the lipstick market and find a niche that you can fill
  • Develop a business plan for your lipstick business
  • Find a manufacturer for your products
  • Create marketing materials for your business
  • Launch your website and start selling your products!

How to Start a Lipstick Business?

Lipstick Business Plan

Lipstick is one of the most popular cosmetics products in the world. According to a report by Grand View Research, the global lipstick market was valued at $19.8 billion in 2016 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.4% from 2017 to 2025.

The Asia-Pacific region is the largest market for lipstick, accounting for more than 40% of the global demand. 

Many factors have contributed to the popularity of lipstick , including its ability to enhance one’s appearance, its wide range of shades and colors, and its relatively low price point.

For these reasons, starting a lipstick business can be very lucrative. If you’re thinking about starting your own lipstick business , there are a few things you need to keep in mind. 

First, you’ll need to develop a detailed business plan. This plan should include information on your target market, marketing strategy, financial projections, and manufacturing process. Second, you’ll need to choose a niche market for your product.

There are many different lipsticks on the market, so you must find a niche that isn’t already saturated with competitors.

For example, you could focus on organic or natural lipsticks, vegan lipsticks, or lipsticks made with specific ingredients like shea butter or argan oil. Third, you’ll need to source high-quality ingredients for your product. 

Lipstick comprises several different oils and waxes, so you must choose ingredients that give your product a smooth texture and long-wearing finish.

You may also consider adding unique ingredients like SPF or vitamins to make your product more appealing to consumers. Fourth, you’ll need to decide how you manufacture your product. 

You can e other m manufacture your l lipstick in-house or contract with an external vendor. If you decide to m manufacture In the house, you will need to invest in specialized machinery.


Is Lipstick a Good Business?

Lipstick is a cosmetic product containing pigments, oils, waxes, and emollients that applies color and texture to the lips. Many colors and types of lipstick exist. Like most other cosmetics, lipstick is typically packaged in cylindrical tubes.

The majority of lipsticks are manufactured to be sold. The global lipstick market was valued at US$17.5 billion in 2018 and is expected to grow to US$19 billion by 2025, according to a Grand View Research, Inc report. The report cites several reasons for this growth, including increased disposable income globally and a growing focus on personal appearance among consumers.

In terms of business opportunities, the lipstick market offers plenty of potential for entrepreneurs. For example, there is always room for new shades and formulas as consumer preferences change. New brands can also enter the market and gain a share if they offer innovative products or appeal to specific niche markets.

How Much Does It Cost to Make a Lipstick?

Lipstick is one of the most popular cosmetic products on the market, with women of all ages and backgrounds using it to enhance their appearance.

But have you ever wondered how much it costs to make lipstick?

The answer may surprise you – it can cost as little as $0.50 to create high-quality lipstick and even less if mass-produced. 

The main ingredients in lipstick are waxes, oils, pigments and emollients, which are relatively inexpensive. Most of the cost goes towards packaging, marketing and other overhead expenses associated with running a business. So next time you purchase a lipstick, remember that you’re not just paying for the product itself – you’re also helping to cover the company’s costs!

How Much Does It Cost to Make a Liquid Lipstick?

It costs approximately $6.50 to make one tube of liquid lipstick. The ingredients are castor oil, beeswax, lanolin, carnauba wax, flavor oil, vitamin E, and pigment. The first step is to heat the oils so they can be combined more easily. 

Then the waxes are added in and melted together. Once everything is melted and combined, the mixture is poured into tubes and cooled. Finally, the lines are labeled and shipped off to stores!

How Much Does It Cost to Make a Tube of Lipstick?

The cost of making a tube of lipstick varies depending on the brand, quality, and ingredients used. Generally, high-end brands use more expensive components and charge more for their products. In contrast, drugstore brands often use less expensive ingredients and charge less for their products. 

The essential factor in determining the cost of lipstick is the type of wax used. The three most common types of wax are paraffin wax, beeswax, and carnauba wax. Paraffin wax is the least expensive type of wax and is typically used in drugstore lipsticks. 

Beeswax is more expensive than paraffin wax but is still relatively affordable. Carnauba wax is the most costly type and is often used in high-end lipsticks. Another factor that affects the cost of lipstick is whether or not it contains lead. 

Lead is a poisonous metal that can be harmful if ingested. Lipsticks that do not contain lead are typically more expensive than those that have lead. Finally, the packaging of lipstick also affects its cost. 

Lipsticks that come in luxury packaging (e.g., gold tubes) are typically more expensive than those that come in simple packaging (e.g., plastic boxes).

To start a lipstick business, a few key steps need to be followed.

Firstly , it is essential to develop a strong business plan. This should include an analysis of the market, your target audience, and your competitors. 

Secondly , you need to find a good manufacturer who can produce high-quality products reasonably. Once you have found a reputable manufacturer, you must design attractive packaging and create a strong branding strategy.

Finally , you must promote your products through effective marketing channels such as social media and online advertising.

By following these steps, How to Start a Lipstick Business?

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Learn from the business planning experts, resources to help you get ahead, how to write a cosmetic or skincare company business plan, your key to success, the ultimate guide to planning your beauty company.

This article will take you through the essentials of creating a business plan tailored to the cosmetic and skincare industry.

Read on to discover the secrets to crafting a winning business plan for your cosmetic or skincare company!

A photograph of a confident woman in a beauty store with makeup products, behind a desk with a colorful painting and green plants.

Who is this for?

Cosmetic Brand, Skincare Brand, Makeup Artist, Beauty Salon, Spa, Esthetician, Cosmetic Dentistry, Dermatologist, Plastic Surgeon, Beauty Supply Store, Online Beauty Retailer, Subscription Box Service, Cosmetic Manufacturing, Private Label Cosmetics, Cosmetic Packaging, Cosmetic Testing Laboratory, Beauty Product Distributor, Cosmetic Wholesaler, Beauty Product Marketing Agency, Beauty Product Photography, Beauty Blog, Cosmetic Ingredient Supplier, Cosmetic Product Trainer, Beauty School, Cosmetic Formulation Chemist, Cosmetic Regulatory Consultant, Cosmetic Product Development, Organic Skincare Brand, Natural Skincare Brand, Clean Beauty Brand.

Why You Should Read This Article

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve got a brilliant idea for a cosmetic or skincare company that’s ready to take the industry by storm. But before you start mixing up formulas or designing packaging, there’s one crucial step you can’t afford to skip: writing a business plan.

What is a Business Plan?

A business plan is essentially a roadmap for your company’s future. It’s a comprehensive document that outlines your business model and concept, market analysis, operational strategy, financial projections, and more. Think of it as your company’s resume – it’s your chance to showcase your vision, your expertise, and your potential to investors, partners, and even yourself.

Why Do I Need a Business Plan?

Now, you might be thinking, “I’m a creative visionary, not a business person. Why do I need to bother with a boring old business plan?” Well, my friend, let me tell you – a solid business plan is absolutely essential for any entrepreneur looking to succeed in the competitive world of cosmetics and skincare.

Here’s why:

  • Clarity and Focus: Writing a business plan forces you to think critically about every aspect of your business, from your target market to your production process to your financial projections. It helps you clarify your vision, set concrete goals, and develop a clear strategy for achieving them.
  • Attract Funding: If you’re planning to seek funding from investors or loans from banks, a well-crafted business plan is non-negotiable. Investors in the beauty and personal care industry want to see that you’ve done your homework, that you understand your market, and that you have a realistic plan for turning a profit.
  • Competitive Edge: The beauty and personal care industry is fiercely competitive, with new brands popping up every day. A strong business plan can help you stand out from the crowd by showcasing your unique value proposition and demonstrating your industry expertise.
  • Decision-Making Tool: As you grow your business, your business plan will serve as a valuable decision-making tool. It provides a framework for evaluating new opportunities, measuring progress, and making strategic course corrections along the way.

But writing a compelling business plan for a cosmetic or skincare company isn’t just about filling in a generic template. To create a plan that truly sets you up for success, you need to dive deep into the unique challenges and opportunities of the beauty industry.

That’s where this guide comes in. We’ve pulled together insights from industry experts, successful entrepreneurs, and our own decades of experience to walk you through the key considerations and best practices for writing a winning business plan for your cosmetic or skincare company.

Whether you’re a skincare aficionado with dreams of launching your own clean beauty line or a makeup artist ready to turn your signature looks into a global brand, this guide will give you the tools and knowledge you need to put your best face forward (pun totally intended).

So grab a notepad, get ready to dive into some market research, and let’s start building the business plan that will bring your company to life!

The 6 Things You Must Consider Before Writing Your Cosmetics or Skincare Business Plan

In the glittering, Instagram-worthy world of cosmetics and skincare, a well-crafted business plan is your roadmap to success. But don’t be fooled by the industry’s pretty face – behind the scenes, it’s a massive, highly organized, efficient, and fiercely competitive arena where every detail matters. According to Statista, the revenue in the U.S. cosmetics segment is forecast to grow by 19.04 percent between 2023 and 2028, reaching a staggering $23.12 billion. Meanwhile, the U.S. skincare market is projected to generate $24.35 billion in revenue in 2024 alone, with a yearly growth rate of 2.94% through 2028.

If you want to carve off a chunk of this lucrative market for yourself, you better be prepared. Before you even think about writing your business plan, there’s a crucial pre-planning phase known as the “gestation” period that can make or break your startup. The Harvard Business Review’s analysis of the University of Michigan’s Panel Study of Entrepreneurship found that “the most successful entrepreneurs were those that wrote their business plan between six and 12 months after deciding to start a business.”

At, we know that our Pre-Planning Process provides a solid framework for entrepreneurs across industries. But those in the cosmetics and skincare sector face unique challenges and opportunities. Here are six essential considerations to guide your pre-planning journey, ensuring your startup isn’t just another flash in the pan, but a brand built for lasting success in this demanding industry.

1. Syncing With Current and Emerging Industry Trends

Why it matters.

Aligning your business idea with current and future trends isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have. Cara Eaton, Sustainability Director at Croda , points out that innovation across various sectors offers exciting opportunities for impact . But here’s the thing: you need to understand these trends inside and out. Only then can you identify where your business can fill gaps, meet unmet needs, and anticipate what your customers will be clamoring for next. 

Connecting with “Know Your Customer”

So, how do you make sure your business idea is on point with industry trends? It all starts with getting up close and personal with your target customers. And no, we’re not talking about some half-hearted survey or focus group. To truly understand your customers’ functional, emotional, and social jobs-to-be-done , you need to conduct Pre-Vision Interviews with your competitors’ customers as part of the Know Your Customer step in the Pre-Planning Process.

These interviews are your golden ticket to uncovering what makes your customers tick, what makes them switch, and what they’re secretly wishing for. By diving deep into your competitors’ customers, you can spot opportunities for innovation and make sure your product or service is the answer to your customers’ prayers. This is how you validate, refine, or pivot your business idea early on, so you don’t end up pouring your blood, sweat, and tears into something that’s DOA.

2. Embracing a Consumer-Centric Approach to Product Development

Consumers are no longer satisfied with just a pretty package or a clever marketing campaign. They want products that deliver real results, align with their values , and elevate their skincare experience. The rise of products offering clinical benefits alongside sensory experiences is a testament to this shift. To stay relevant, you need to put your consumers at the heart of your product development process. This means digging deep into their needs, preferences, and pain points, and using these insights to guide every decision you make.

From Interviews to Insights

Remember those Pre-Vision Interviews we talked about in the Know Your Customer step? They’re not just a box to check off your pre-planning to-do list. These interviews are a goldmine of valuable insights that can shape your product development strategy. But here’s the catch: you need to know how to conduct these interviews effectively and, more importantly, how to analyze the data you collect.

This is where many aspiring entrepreneurs stumble. They go through the motions of conducting interviews but fail to extract the key insights that can make or break their product ideas. To avoid this pitfall, you need to approach the interview process with a clear framework and a set of targeted questions that get to the heart of your customers’ needs and desires. And once you have that raw data, you need to roll up your sleeves and dive into the analysis phase.

Refining Your Product Ideas

Analyzing your interview data is all about identifying patterns, themes, and opportunities. It’s about reading between the lines and uncovering the unmet needs and unexpressed wishes of your target market. And most importantly, it’s about being willing to use this information to objectively refine your product ideas.

This is where the rubber meets the road. You might have a vision for a groundbreaking new skincare product, but if your customer insights point in a different direction, you need to be willing to pivot. Embracing a consumer-centric approach means letting go of your ego and preconceived notions and letting your customers guide the way.

By integrating your customer insights into every stage of the product development process – from ideation to formulation to packaging – you’ll be able to create products that not only meet but exceed your customers’ expectations. And when you do that, you’ll earn more than just their business; you’ll earn their trust, loyalty, and advocacy.

A photograph of two women engaging over a cosmetics counter, surrounded by beauty products and warm, inviting décor with soft lighting.

3. Incorporating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) From the Start

In today’s beauty industry, DEI isn’t just a trendy acronym; it’s central to product-market fit. Consumers are demanding brands that not only talk the talk but also walk the walk when it comes to representing and celebrating diversity . By weaving DEI into the very fabric of your business from day one, you’ll be better positioned to connect with a broader consumer base and foster a more inclusive community around your brand.

Diversity in Customer Interviews

But here’s the thing: incorporating DEI isn’t just about the end product. It starts with the very first step of the Pre-Planning Process: Know Your Customer . When conducting competitor customer interviews, it’s critical to ensure that you’re gathering insights from a diverse range of backgrounds and perspectives.

Why? Because customers from different demographics, cultures, and life experiences will have vastly different needs, preferences, and pain points when it comes to cosmetics and skincare. By seeking out and listening to these diverse voices, you’ll be able to create products that resonate with a wider audience and avoid the pitfalls of a one-size-fits-all approach.

Building an Inclusive Brand

Incorporating DEI from the start isn’t just about doing the right thing; it’s also about building a brand that is relevant and resonant in today’s market. By prioritizing diversity in your product development, marketing, and corporate culture, you’ll be better equipped to meet the needs and expectations of an increasingly diverse consumer base.

Moreover, by fostering a workplace culture that values and thrives on diverse perspectives, you’ll unlock new sources of innovation and empathy in your business practices. And in an industry where understanding and connecting with your customers is everything, that’s a powerful competitive advantage.

4. Navigating Regulatory Compliance and Industry Standards

If you think regulatory compliance is just some boring paperwork, think again. In the high-stakes world of cosmetics and skincare, one misstep can spell disaster for your brand. And if you’re not factoring in the costs of compliance from day one, you’re setting yourself up for a nasty surprise down the line.

Don’t Get Blindsided

When you’re knee-deep in your Core Cost Analysis (CCA), it’s easy to focus on the obvious expenses like materials and direct labor. But if you’re not accounting for the myriad costs of meeting industry standards and regulations, you’re in for a rude awakening.

We’re talking safety testing, clinical trials, ingredient sourcing, labeling requirements – the list goes on. And if you think you can skimp on these costs and still come out on top, good luck with that.

Compliance as a Secret Weapon

But here’s the kicker: navigating compliance isn’t just about avoiding legal hot water. It’s also about building a brand that customers can trust. In a market where consumers are more savvy and skeptical than ever, and popular review sites like MakeupAlley and Beautypedia are just a click away,  a brand that prioritizes transparency and safety is going to stand out like a unicorn in a field of donkeys.

So when you’re crunching the numbers in your CCA, don’t just focus on the bare minimum. Factor in the costs of going above and beyond on compliance, and watch as it becomes your secret weapon in the battle for customer loyalty.

5. The Value of Finding Your Voice

Before you can craft a compelling brand voice, you need to know what you stand for. And that starts with your value propositions – the unique benefits and experiences you promise to deliver to your customers. As Dr. Brent Ridge , Co-Founder of Beekman 1802 , emphasizes, an authentically empathetic brand mission can forge deep, emotional connections with customers. But you can’t communicate that mission effectively without first defining your value propositions.

The Heart of Your Business Model

Your value propositions aren’t just a part of the Business Model Development step in the pre-planning stage– they’re the heart of it. When you’re developing your Business Model Canvas , your value propositions should be at the center, informing every other aspect of your business. From your customer segments to your channels to your revenue streams, every component of your business model should be designed to deliver on your value propositions.

Aligning Voice with Value

Once you’ve clearly defined your value propositions, you can start to develop a brand voice that authentically reflects them. Your brand voice is the personality and emotion you infuse into every interaction with your customers, from social media posts to packaging. It’s how you communicate your values, your mission, and your unique selling points in a way that resonates with your target audience.

By crafting your brand voice around your value propositions, you ensure that every touchpoint with your customers is aligned and working together to deliver on your brand promise. Your voice becomes an extension of your values, creating a consistent and cohesive brand experience that builds trust and loyalty with your customers.

6. Committing to Sustainability and Transparency from the Ground Up

Sustainability and transparency aren’t just buzzwords. Consumers are demanding that brands not only talk the talk but also walk the walk when it comes to ethical and sustainable practices. As Pamela Gill-Alabaster , Global Head of ESG & Sustainability at Kenvue , points out, companies need to be disclosing their ESG impacts with the same rigor and transparency as their financial reporting.

The crucial thing to understand: committing to sustainability and transparency isn’t just about checking boxes or appeasing consumers. It’s about building a brand that can stand the test of time. By integrating sustainable practices and transparency into your operations from the ground up, you’re not just aligning with consumer values – you’re future-proofing your business.

Operationalizing Sustainability

So how do you actually operationalize sustainability and transparency? It starts with the Operations in Detail phase of the Pre-Planning Process. This is where you take the key activities, resources, and partners outlined in your Business Model Canvas and turn them into actionable operations plans.

It’s about ensuring that sustainability and transparency are woven into every aspect of your operations. This means:

  • Selecting suppliers and partners who share your commitment to sustainability and transparency
  • Investing in sustainable technologies and practices throughout your supply chain
  • Implementing robust tracking and reporting systems to ensure transparency and accountability
  • Developing a company culture that prioritizes sustainability and transparency at every level

By taking a rigorous, detailed approach to operational planning, you can ensure that your commitment to sustainability and transparency is more than just lip service – it’s embedded in the very fabric of your business.

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From Pre-Planning to Writing Your Business Plan

You’ve just explored the six key considerations every cosmetics and skincare entrepreneur should tackle before writing their business plan. And if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed, that’s entirely normal. The truth is, the hard work of writing a business plan is actually in the pre-planning stage.

Now, this doesn’t mean there isn’t work left to do once you’ve laid the groundwork. But it does mean that the actual writing of your business plan needs to be based on the solid foundation you’ve built in the pre-planning phase.

As mentioned earlier, most successful new businesses spend six to 12 months in the pre-planning stage. That might seem like a long time, but trust me – it’s time well spent. So, if you haven’t already, bookmark this page and start setting yourself some pre-planning objectives. Go on, I’ll wait.

Oh, you’re back? Fantastic. So, you’ve done the entire Pre-Planning Process? How are you feeling? Still ready to write that business plan? Good, because here’s where the magic happens.

Want to increase your chances of success by 12%, especially knowing that half of businesses fail within five years of launch? Of course you do! Well, you might be surprised to know that the time you put into developing your business plan has a major impact.

Our friends over at Harvard Business Review have some eye-opening statistics on this. They found that the optimal time to spend on a business plan is three months. That’s right – three months of focused, strategic plan writing can increase your chances of creating a viable venture by 12%.

But here’s the kicker: spending any longer than three months on your plan is futile, mostly because the information used to inform the plan loses its currency. And spending just a month or two on the plan? That’s just as bad. 

Are you catching on to the theme here? Time. Planning a business properly is all about the time and effort you put in. 

So, are you ready to roll up your sleeves and do this right? Fantastic. The first thing you need to do is Understand Your Audience – and we’ll dive into that next.

Writing a Business Plan Tailored to Your Specific Audience

Alright, let’s get one thing straight: when it comes to writing your business plan, it’s not just about you. I mean, sure, you’re writing it for yourself (and that’s crucial), but you’ve also got to keep your audience in mind. And trust me, different audiences are looking for different things.

So, before you start scribbling away, take a moment to think about who you’re trying to impress. Are you pitching to investors? Applying for a bank loan? Trying to convince a landlord that your cosmetics startup won’t turn their property into a glittery disaster zone?

If you’re pitching to investors who specialize in early-stage cosmetics and skincare companies, you better believe they know their stuff. They’re not just looking for a pretty face (or product); they want to see that you’ve got the brains and the brand to back it up.

Take Shiseido , for example. When they launched their LIFT Ventures fund, they weren’t just throwing money at any old startup with a catchy name. They were looking for companies like Phyla and Patricks , who had a unique approach, a focus on science and wellness, and commercial traction to boot. Savvy investors are keeping a close eye on the latest trends and consumer preferences in the beauty industry, adapting their strategies to capitalize on the sector’s potential for growth, as highlighted in our article 9 Signs the Beauty Sector’s Investment Glow-Up Is on the Horizon , following a challenging year in 2023.

So, when you’re writing your plan for investors who happen to be beauty buffs, make sure you’re highlighting what sets you apart. Show them how your innovative technology or unique approach to the market is going to disrupt the industry and make them some serious cash.

On the other hand, if you’re applying for a bank loan or an SBA loan , you better be ready to get down to the nitty-gritty. These folks want to see detailed planning, comprehensive research, and a realistic assessment of your startup costs. They’re not interested in your cool logo or your influencer marketing strategy; they want to know that you’ve got a solid plan to pay them back.

So, when you’re writing your plan for the banks, make sure you’re dotting your i’s and crossing your t’s. Show them that you’ve done your homework, that you know your numbers inside and out, and that you’ve got a realistic plan to turn a profit.

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, the success of your business plan hinges on its ability to meet the unique needs of its audience. Whether you’re going through the comprehensive Pre-Planning Process or using Model-Based Planning® to save time, the goal is the same: to create a well-thought-out document that not only serves as your own strategic roadmap but also convinces your audience that you’ve got what it takes to succeed in the competitive world of cosmetics and skincare.

So, before you start writing, take a moment to put yourself in your audience’s shoes. Do some research. What do they care about? What are they looking for? And how can you tailor your plan to show them that you’re the beauty brand they’ve been waiting for?

The Must-Haves When Writing Your Cosmetic and Skincare Company Business Plan

  • Executive Summary: Your elevator pitch on steroids. Develop your narrative and give financiers the CliffsNotes version of your cosmetic and skincare company’s vision, unique value proposition, and why you’re the one to watch in this space.
  • Market Analysis: Dive into the nitty-gritty research and analysis it takes to understand the current the beauty industry. Who’s your target audience? Who are your competitors, and how are you going to outmaneuver them? Show that you’ve done your homework and have a pulse on the market.
  • Products & Specialization: What sets your cosmetic and skincare company apart? Are you the go-to for clean, vegan, and cruelty-free products? Spell it out, and don’t be afraid to toot your own horn.
  • Operational Strategy: Give financiers a peek under the hood of your cosmetic and skincare company’s operations. From your supply chain management to your product development process, prove that you’ve got the chops to run a tight ship.
  • Marketing & Sales: How are you going to get the word out and keep customers coming back for more? Lay out your strategy and implementation game plan, including your social media strategy, influencer partnerships, and any retail or e-commerce partnerships you’ve got up your sleeve.
  • Management Team: Introduce the organizational structure and who’ll be leading your cosmetic and skincare company to glory. Highlight their track record, industry connections, and why they’re the dream team you need to succeed.
  • Financial Projections: Don’t be shy about the numbers. Present your financial projections , including startup costs, revenue targets, and profitability timeline. Prove that your cosmetic and skincare company is a money-making machine waiting to happen.
  • Appendices: Include any extra goodies that’ll give your business plan an edge, such as market research, customer testimonials, or letters of intent from potential retail partners.

To wrap up, remember that writing a business plan for your cosmetic or skincare company is not just a one-and-done exercise. As your business grows and evolves, so should your plan. Make a habit of revisiting and updating your plan regularly – at least once a year – to ensure that it stays relevant and actionable.

And most importantly, don’t let the process of writing a business plan intimidate you. Yes, it takes time, effort, and research, but it’s also an incredibly valuable opportunity to deepen your understanding of your industry, your customers, and your own business. By following the steps and best practices outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating a business plan that sets your cosmetic or skincare company up for long-term success.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and start turning your beauty business dreams into a reality. Your future customers (and investors) are waiting!

Unlock Your Beauty Brand's Potential

Expert business planning for cosmetic and skincare entrepreneurs.

Introducing the Expert Business Planning Bundle – your comprehensive toolkit for building a thriving cosmetic or skincare business. Curated specifically for beauty entrepreneurs, this bundle includes the Model-Based Planning® Worksheet, a cosmetic and skincare-specific business plan template, a powerful financial projection Excel model, and expert guides on leveraging these tools and AI to develop a winning plan. Invest in your beauty brand’s future and bring your vision to life.

A photograph of a poised woman at a sleek cosmetics counter with skincare products, a large floral art piece, and a vibrant bouquet in a modern, bright office.

Beauty Business Planning Essentials

Insider secrets for standout success.

Developed by the top business planning team in the U.S., our Expert Business Planning Bundle gives you the insider secrets and expert resources to create a standout business plan for your cosmetic or skincare venture. Leveraging these industry-specific tools and strategies will set you apart from the competition and position your beauty brand for success.

With this bundle, you will:

  • Access insider knowledge and proven strategies used by the top business planning company in the U.S.
  • Gain a competitive edge by leveraging expert resources tailored specifically to the cosmetic and skincare industry
  • Harness the power of a cosmetic and skincare-specific template filled with targeted pro tips, insights, and instructions
  • Streamline your planning process using the Model-Based Planning® Worksheet for Cosmetic and Skincare Companies
  • Create professional financial projections with the included Excel model designed for beauty businesses
  • Structure and organize your plan effectively using the curated cosmetic and skincare-focused business plan template
  • Learn how to leverage these tools and AI to develop a compelling and comprehensive business plan
  • Increase your chances of securing loans, investments, or approvals needed to bring your cosmetic and skincare vision to life

Image of an entrepreneur working on a computer with a spreadsheet displayed on the screen, sitting at a wooden desk with a white cup and a stack of papers nearby, in a modern office setting.

Use this bundle as your primary toolkit for crafting a cosmetic or skincare company business plan that unlocks the funding and support you need.

Don’t rely on generic templates when creating your cosmetic or skincare business plan. Instead, invest in a toolkit carefully curated by industry experts who have spent their careers helping beauty businesses succeed. The Expert Business Planning Bundle is the best investment you can make, as no other resource can match its depth, breadth, and practical wisdom tailored specifically to the cosmetic and skincare industry.

Our team has distilled their thousands of hours of experience working with successful beauty businesses into a comprehensive toolkit that saves you time, money, and prevents costly mistakes. This targeted, practical knowledge enables you to write a business plan that surpasses what even the best consultants could produce, customized to your unique needs and goals.

Whether you’re seeking funding, approvals, or simply want to set your cosmetic and skincare business up for long-term success, the Expert Business Planning Bundle is the ultimate resource to help you achieve your vision. With this toolkit, you’ll have the confidence and expertise to create a compelling business plan that unlocks the doors to the funding and support your beauty brand deserves.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I tailor my cosmetic and skincare business plan to attract potential investors?

To appeal to investors, highlight aspects that demonstrate profitability, scalability, and your competitive edge in the market. Emphasize your management team’s experience and expertise in the cosmetic and skincare industry, and showcase how your unique offerings and business model position you for success. Include financial projections that illustrate your growth potential and the return on investment that investors can expect.

  • What information should I include in the business description section of my cosmetic and skincare business plan?

In the business description section, provide a comprehensive overview of your cosmetic and skincare company. This should include your business concept, target market, product or service offerings, unique selling points, location, brand design, market fit, differentiators, and your vision for impact on the industry. Be sure to clearly articulate how your company stands out from competitors and meets the needs of your target customers.

  • How much personal information should I share about the management team in my cosmetic and skincare business plan?

When discussing your management team, include succinct biographies of key members, focusing on their relevant experience, skills, and contributions to the success of your cosmetic and skincare company. Highlight their expertise in areas such as product development, marketing, sales, or operations, and how their backgrounds align with the needs of your business. Avoid excessive personal detail and keep the information professional and relevant to your company’s goals.

  • Should I highlight past success stories in my cosmetic and skincare business plan?

Yes, including past success stories can enhance your credibility and appeal to banks, investors, or other stakeholders. If you or your team members have previous experience in the cosmetic and skincare industry, showcase how these experiences have equipped you with valuable skills, insights, and networks that will contribute to the success of your current venture. This can help build confidence in your ability to execute your business plan and achieve your goals.

  • What are the key elements of a company overview in a cosmetic and skincare business plan?

The company overview should provide a concise summary of the essence of your cosmetic and skincare business. This includes your company name, location, product or service offerings, and the experience you aim to provide for your customers. Additionally, outline your mission statement, core values, and long-term objectives, highlighting how these elements align with your target market and industry trends. This section should give readers a clear understanding of what your company represents and its goals for growth and success in the cosmetic and skincare market.

business plan of lipstick

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How to Start a Lip Gloss Business

how to start a lip gloss business

On This Page:

9 Steps to Start a Lip Gloss Business

How big is the lip gloss industry, what are the key segments of the lipstick manufacturing industry, who are the key competitors in the lip gloss market, what are the key customer segments in the lip gloss market, what are the typical startup costs for a new lip gloss business, is selling lip gloss profitable, what are the keys to launching a new lip gloss business, how to start a lip gloss business faqs, other helpful business plan articles & templates.

Starting a Lip Gloss business can be very profitable. With proper planning, execution and hard work, you can enjoy great success. Below you will learn the keys to launching and running a successful lip gloss business.

Importantly, a critical step in starting a lip gloss business is to complete your business plan. To help you out, you should download Growthink’s Ultimate Business Plan Template here .

Download our Ultimate Business Plan Template here

Here are the steps for how to start a lip gloss business:

Step 1 – Learn The Market

The lip gloss industry is very crowded; many brands sell their unique colors and flavors. Unfortunately, getting lost in this crowd can be easy, so you need to learn about your competitors.

You will need a variety of colors and flavors to meet the demands of your customers, so find out what they like from your competition. Then, make a list of the most popular lip glosses sold by your competitors and what makes them unique.

Step 2 – Write a Business Plan

Writing a business plan is vital for any new business venture, but it’s especially crucial in the lip gloss industry.

Your business plan includes your mission statement, which should focus on your specific niche or target audience. In addition, your mission statement should clearly state what makes you unique compared to the lip gloss brands already on the market.

This step is also an opportunity to study your competitors.  Study their history, mission statements, and business plans in order to stay ahead of them when it comes to meeting the demands of your customers.

Step 3 – Find Your Niche

When starting any business, it’s important to find your niche; this is especially true of the lip gloss industry, where there are hundreds of different brands already on the market.

Narrow down your list of competitors to just a handful, then look at what makes each lip gloss brand unique. Next, do some research on social media, online forums, or contact current customers via email to find out what they like about their favorite lip gloss or lipstick brands.

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Step 4 – Find a Supplier

Before you start manufacturing your own lip gloss line, you need to find a supplier.  Contact companies that manufacture lip gloss and ask if they can sell directly to consumers.

Most suppliers will only sell their products in bulk; this means that you won’t be able to order one or two bottles of lip gloss.  However, this shouldn’t be a problem for most small businesses; the cost of lip gloss in bulk is significantly lower than buying several dozen at once.

Step 5 – Start Manufacturing

Now it’s time to start producing your lip gloss. First, contact your supplier and place an order for your lip gloss product in bulk.

Different suppliers will use different types of packaging; find out what your product requires and budget accordingly.  Packaging includes things such as labels, stickers, boxes, and other items that you’ll need to put together your lip glosses.

Step 6 – Market Your Business Online

Now that your lip gloss company is established, it’s time to start marketing it on the web.  Here are a few ideas on how to promote your lip gloss business online:

  • Create a Website – A company website with an e-commerce section is the best way to sell lip gloss online.  You can even use third-party websites such as Etsy or eBay.
  • Social Media – Whether you have a Facebook page, Twitter account, or Instagram profile, these are great tools to spread the word about your lip gloss business. Of course, you can also use Facebook ads, but only if you have a solid marketing strategy in place.
  • Blogging – If you’re an experienced blogger, then this option is perfect for you. Blogs are beneficial because they allow people to find information easily online. Make sure that your blog posts are relevant to your lip gloss business.
  • Online Forums – Online forums and message boards allow you to communicate directly with customers and even future customers.

Step 7 – Keep Track of Sales and Expenses

Keeping close track of sales and expenses is one of the most important parts of running a business.  At first, this might seem like a chore; however, it will help you stay organized and make informed decisions about your lip gloss line.

Start by creating an Excel spreadsheet where you can list down all your sales by month.  This will help you keep track of your sales growth over time, which will be helpful if you plan to market your lip gloss business online.

Step 8 – Keep Your Customers Happy

Keeping your private label lip gloss business competitive in the market is important, but keeping your customers happy is even more critical.  Respond quickly to customer complaints and concerns about your lip glosses.  

You can also run promotions, contests, or new product offers on social media pages in order to get people excited about your lip gloss company.

Step 9 – Hire Employees (Optional)

Starting your own lip gloss brand might seem like an easy task, but that doesn’t mean you can do it alone.  Depending on the size of your operation, consider hiring additional employees to help you run your lip gloss empire.  This will allow you to focus on other aspects of the business.

While launching your own lip gloss company might seem like a daunting task, following these simple steps will help you cross this milestone easily.  Just remember to research extensively and stay patient during the process.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

The lipstick manufacturing industry, which includes lip gloss, lip balm, lip liner, or other lip products, is an ever-growing sector of the beauty industry. According to IBIS World, the US lipstick manufacturing industry reached $4 billion in annual revenue and is expected to grow at a rate of 3.0% over the next 5 years.

The lipstick manufacturing industry. It involves a wide variety of people and businesses. The main segments of this industry are as follows:

  • Lipstick – These manufacturers produce lipstick and liquid lipstick using a variety of raw materials. This segment also includes smaller manufacturers of their own lipstick line.
  • Lip Balm – These companies specialize in making lip balm, which is a type of beauty product that moisturizes and softens the lips.
  • Lip Gloss – It involves the manufacturing of lip gloss, another type of beauty product that is typically worn by women. Lipstick and lip balm manufacturers can provide lip gloss as part of their line’s offerings.
  • Other Lip Products – This segment includes companies that make other types of lip products such as lip pencil and lip liner, among others.

There are several key competitors in the lip gloss industry, including:

Large beauty companies

Large beauty companies that sell products across many different categories, such as L’Oreal and Revlon, often have their own lip gloss line. However, they can be considered a competitor because they offer other types of well-known beauty products, such as lipsticks and lip balms.

Smaller beauty companies

Smaller beauty companies that sell just lip glosses or other types of lip products can also be considered competitors because they might be able to target customers who prefer to buy from smaller businesses instead of larger ones.

There are also likely some customers who would rather stick with what they know, so they buy from a familiar brand, such as a large beauty company.

Estheticians and other professionals

Estheticians and other professionals who use lip care products in their business might also be considered competitors because they can influence how consumers select their lip beauty products.

There are likely several key customer segments in the lip gloss market, including:

Beauty conscious individuals

These individuals might purchase lip care products to treat their lips or buy certain lip care products that match their fashion preferences. For example, some people prefer to wear glossy-looking lip colors.

Customers with dry lips

Individuals with dry lips can also be a key customer segment, especially in winter. This is because it is important to use lip care products that can provide relief from weather-related conditions such as dryness.

Wholesale buyers

Some people might even purchase lip glosses or other lip-care products that they can resell at beauty shows or different types of events. This is often the case with individuals who run home-based businesses.

It is important to conduct proper research about the typical set up costs of starting a lip gloss business before you move forward. Some examples of the types of expenses related to starting this type of business include:

Manufacturing costs

Some individuals choose to make their own lip glosses and other types of lip care products to save on manufacturing costs. However, this means they will need to take a class or attend a workshop that covers how to make these types of products.

They might also need to buy certain supplies such as lip gloss bottles and other containers.

Equipment and Supplies

Other equipment and supply costs could include items such as a lip gloss mixer, small spatulas, labels for packaging, plastic tubes for lip care products that come in sticks, or other types of containers that need tubes, etc.

Licensing fees

Most people will also need to pay licensing fees that permit them to run their own lip care business. These license requirements vary by city and state, so you will need to determine what is required in your area.

It might also be necessary to market your lip care products. Some professionals might recommend obtaining a domain name and website so customers can learn more about your business online.

A lip gloss business can be a profitable type of beauty business. This is because there are likely several different types of customers who purchase lip care products from different types of businesses, such as large companies and smaller entities. If you are able to develop new lip care products that will appeal to customers, then there is a strong chance your business can be profitable.

However, it is important to conduct proper market research before you open up your own lip gloss business. For example, you might work with suppliers who manufacture lip care products so you are sure they are high quality and potential customers are likely to purchase them.

It is also important to select the right location for your business, such as a retail space that is near other small businesses or in an area with high foot traffic so you can maximize sales potential. You might also need to invest time and money into marketing your lip care products so they will be popular among customers.

The keys to launching a lip gloss business are research, funding, stability, and supply.

Market Research

Before you start any business, you need to do your research. The best way to find out if there is demand for your product in the marketplace is by asking around or conducting surveys. You will also want to look into any patents or trademarks that are connected to your product.

No one should start a lip gloss business without the necessary funding to support it throughout its lifetime. This can include things like personal savings, loans from family and friends, angel investors, etc. It is also possible to take out a loan from a bank if you have a solid business plan.

It is also imperative to have stability before launching your own lip care business. This includes having the necessary time, energy, and motivation that will keep you going throughout the process.

It is also important to have a sufficient supply of lip gloss in your inventory or other related products if you plan on selling them. This might mean buying a bulk amount at once or setting up an agreement with a lip care product manufacturer who will provide the necessary amounts for a certain price.

How to Finish Your Ultimate Business Plan in 1 Day!

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your lip gloss business plan?

With Growthink’s Ultimate Business Plan Template you can finish your plan in just 8 hours or less!

Where can I download a Lip Gloss Business Plan PDF?

You can download our Lip Gloss business plan PDF  here. This is a business plan template you can use in PDF format.

Do you need insurance to sell lip gloss?

It is not typically required to have insurance to sell lip care products, but it might be advisable if you are selling it online or using other types of sales tactics. You will want to research what types of product liability insurance are available for the lip gloss business you plan to run.

If you expand your business later on and have a commercial building for manufacturing, you will then need property and liability insurance for the building and your employees.

How can you make your lip gloss stand out from the competition?

The best way to make your lip gloss stand out from the competition is to have a unique selling point. This could be something like homemade lip gloss or all-natural ingredients that are good for your lips, a specific flavor or taste, certain colors, etc.

You might also want to consider starting a lip gloss and care blog and giving out freebies to get people interested in your product.

How can you get your lip gloss into stores?

The best way to get your lip gloss into stores is by having an agreement with a major retailer that already has a broad reach in the marketplace. You might also want to consider attending trade shows and conferences that are related to the lip care industry.

What are some benefits of developing a lip gloss brand?

There are many different benefits of selling your own brand of lip gloss, including having a flexible schedule, being your own boss, gaining new knowledge on certain topics, etc.

However, one of the biggest benefits is choosing how much you want to work and when you want to do it. This allows you to enjoy your free time more while still making a decent income from your lip gloss business.

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Top 10 Cosmetic Industry Business Plan Templates with Examples and Samples (Editable Word Doc, Excel and PDF Included)

Top 10 Cosmetic Industry Business Plan Templates with Examples and Samples (Editable Word Doc, Excel and PDF Included)

Samradni Pradhan


Welcome to the glamorous universe of cosmetics, where even the brightest stars have used their business sense to shine. Celebrities like Rihanna with Fenty Beauty, Kylie Jenner's Kylie Cosmetics, and Selena Gomez's Rare Beauty have conquered the industry with their beauty empires. But what's often overlooked is that beneath the celebrity status, they, too, required a well-crafted business plan template to succeed. In this world of fierce competition, their stories testify that a well-thought-out strategy is the true beauty secret behind their flourishing cosmetic empires.

For all those out there who are aiming to join the list of top cosmetic brands, we have something inspiring coming up! 

Enter Cosmetic Industry Business Plan Template!

We're talking about a roadmap that goes beyond contouring and takes you through market trends, financial forecasts, and everything in between. Whether you dream of launching the next iconic lipstick shade or revolutionizing skincare routines, this template is your canvas. It's where your flair for cosmetics meets smart business strategy .

Get ready to learn how to create a Cosmetic Business Plan!

Table of Contents

  • Executive Summary
  • Company Overview
  • Industry Analysis
  • Customer Analysis
  • Competitor Analysis
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Porter’s Framework
  • Operational Plan
  • Financial Plan

Note: Before we delve into the details of this business plan, note that this template comprises 61 detailed business pages. Each of these business pages is customizable as per the needs of the business. Every page in this package has been systematically crafted to keep in mind your business requirements. The design elements are professional and appealing; your job is half done with just the inclusion of these slides. This blog will cover the top 10 pages within this deck in depth. You will get the 61-Page Doc, PDF, and XLS files on downloading.

1. Executive Summary

An Executive Summary is a concise yet powerful component that encapsulates your brand's essence, market potential, and strategic vision. Investors will be captivated by the brief overview of your cosmetics venture, from innovative product lines to unique selling propositions.

It ignites interest and showcases your business acumen. Elevate your business plan with a dynamic Executive Summary that leaves stakeholders eager to delve deeper into your cosmetic empire's intricacies. Open the door to a world of beauty and profitability.

In our Executive Summary section, you will get templates for:

1.1 The Quick Pitch- Concise pointers to highlight your business offerings.

1.2 The Entity- Investor-friendly information about your company profile.

Executive Summary

Download this business plan

Do you want to promote your healthy organic skincare business plan but lack the right resources? Explore our H ealthy Skincare Cosmetic Business Plan ; this one is bound to help you start on a great note!

Healthy Skincare Cosmetic Business Plan

2. Company Overview

Company Overview unveils the heart of your brand – its history, mission, and values. Provide the narrative of your cosmetics venture, highlighting the innovation, quality, and customer-centricity that sets you apart. From breakthrough formulations to ethical practices, showcase the tapestry of your brand's identity. Elevate your business plan by presenting a holistic view that assures stakeholders of your cosmetic brand's resonance and readiness to conquer the market.

In our Company Overview section, you will get templates for:

2.1 Vision and Mission: Craft a compelling mission and vision statement that encapsulates the essence of your cosmetic brand.

2.2 Company Goals and Objectives: Clearly define the goals and objectives you aim to achieve through this strategic plan.

2.3 Start-up Summary: Present a concise yet informative summary that provides an overview of your cosmetic business.

2.4 Market Gap and Business Statement: Identify and emphasize market gaps while establishing a compelling business statement that defines your unique position within the cosmetic industry.

2.5 Products Offered: Showcase your range of cosmetic products, detailing their features and benefits.

2.6 Key Success Factors: Outline the critical success factors that will serve as benchmarks for evaluating the effectiveness of your business plan, ensuring a strategic and comprehensive approach to your cosmetic venture.

Company Overview

3. Industry Analysis

With Industry Analysis, dive deep into the dynamic cosmetics landscape, unveiling market trends, consumer preferences, and competitive dynamics. Display your profound understanding of this ever-evolving sector, showcasing your brand's adaptability and strategic insight. From emerging clean beauty trends to digital marketing shifts, highlight how your cosmetic venture seizes opportunities. It's a roadmap for market dominance.

In our Industry Analysis section, you will get templates for:

3.1 Market Analysis: Dive deep into a comprehensive analysis of the cosmetic industry market, examining its dynamics and trends.

3.2 Market Trends: Illuminate the prevailing market trends and emerging factors shaping the industry landscape.

3.3 Major Challenges: Identify and list the key challenges from a business perspective, helping you devise effective strategies to address them.

3.4 Growth Drivers: Highlight the pivotal growth drivers that will propel your beauty business forward in this dynamic industry.

3.5 Geographical Analysis: Conduct a thorough geographical analysis to gain a well-rounded understanding of your business's regional impacts and opportunities.

Industry Analysis

4. Customer Analysis

With Customer Analysis page, showcase the consumer behavior, preferences, and trends, unlocking the secrets to capturing hearts and markets. Investors will be captivated by your nuanced understanding, revealing how your cosmetics brand aligns perfectly with diverse customer aspirations. From eco-conscious millennials to skincare aficionados, highlight how your brand meets their desires.

This isn't just demographics; it's the art of creating loyal brand advocates. Elevate your business plan with a customer-centric approach that assures stakeholders of your cosmetic brand's magnetic appeal and readiness to dominate the market.

In our Customer Analysis section, we offer comprehensive templates for:

4.1 Target Market: This section provides an insightful overview of your intended target market.

4.2 Buyer Persona: Here, we guide you through the process of crafting a detailed buyer persona that represents your ideal consumer.

4.3 Market Sizing: We assist you in estimating and conducting a thorough analysis of the size of your target market, offering valuable insights for your business strategy.

Customer Analysis

5. Competitor Analysis

Enter the competitive arena with our Competitor Analysis page, a critical element within your cosmetic industry business plan. Here, we dissect rivals, exposing their strengths, weaknesses, and market positions. Investors will be enthralled by your strategic insight, revealing how your cosmetics brand competes and excels in this dynamic landscape. From innovative product differentiators to nimble marketing tactics, showcase your brand's advantage.

In our Competitor Analysis section, we provide templates for:

5.1 Major Players – Brief overview of your immediate beauty competitors

5.2 Attributes Comparison   –  Comparing your offerings against other beauty competitors

Major Players with Attributes Comparison

6. SWOT Analysis

Meticulously scrutinize your brand's Strengths, like innovative formulations and a loyal customer base, to leverage and amplify your market presence. Identify Weaknesses such as supply chain vulnerabilities or packaging concerns, developing strategies to fortify these areas. Explore the vast Opportunities within the beauty sector, from emerging wellness trends to global expansion, to maximize your growth potential.

Lastly, confront Threats like evolving regulations or competitive pressures head-on, fortifying your market resilience. Elevate your business plan with this beauty-focused SWOT analysis, ensuring your cosmetics brand emerges as a formidable industry player.

SWOT Analysis

7. Porter's Framework

Porter’s Framework helps in dissecting the industry's competitive forces, empowering your cosmetics business to thrive. Highlight your strategic prowess in understanding supplier power, buyer influence, and the threat of new entrants, enabling you to make informed decisions.

Dive deep into the dynamics of substitute products and rivalry among existing competitors, crafting a blueprint for market domination. This isn't just analysis; it's a strategic compass altered to the unique challenges and opportunities within the beauty and cosmetic sector.

Porter's Framework

8. Marketing Plan

This section unveils the art and science of promoting beauty and skincare products. Impress the investors with your innovative marketing strategies, tailored precisely to captivate beauty-conscious consumers. From leveraging influencers for authentic endorsements to crafting captivating product launches, showcase your brand's ability to seize attention, skincare market share, and growth statistics .

It's a beauty-enhancing strategy that ensures your cosmetic brand shines amidst fierce competition.

In our Marketing Plan section, we provide templates for:

8.1 Sales Strategy: Strategically plan your sales approach tailored to your cosmetic business's unique needs and goals.

8.2 Promotional Strategy: Articulate a comprehensive outline of your promotional efforts, ensuring a well-coordinated marketing strategy.

8.3 Pricing Strategy: Present detailed pricing information and strategies for your cosmetic brand and its products.

8.4 Sales Funnel: Clearly delineate the stages of your sales funnel, providing a roadmap for targeted marketing efforts to maximize conversions and customer engagement.

Marketing Plan

9. Operational Plan

Here, we unravel the intricacies of product development, supply chain management, and quality assurance specifically tailored to meet the high standards of the beauty and cosmetic sector. Showcasing how your brand ensures premium product quality, ethical sourcing, and efficient distribution.

From selecting top-grade ingredients to implementing sustainable packaging practices, highlight how your operations align with industry trends and consumer expectations.

In our Operational Plan section, we provide templates for:

9.1 Retail Selling Plan- Outline your plan of action for selling products in the retail setting

9.2 E-commerce Selling Plan- Elaborate on your digital spending plan

9.3 Milestones- Highlight all of your operational milestones

Operational Plan

10. Financial Plan

Dive into meticulous fiscal projections driven by your passion and expertise. Present your financial strategy, showcasing profitability, sustainability, and growth potential. From budget allocation for product development to marketing spend, highlight your prudent financial management.

This isn't just numbers; it's the heartbeat of your cosmetic brand's financial future. Elevate your business plan with a compelling narrative that instills trust in stakeholders. Illuminate the path to fiscal prosperity, assuring investors of your brand's sound financial footing and its exciting journey toward cosmetic industry success.

10.1 Financial Assumptions  -   In-depth basis for financial projections in your cosmetic industry business.

10.2 Revenue Model and Sales Forecast -   An all-encompassing blueprint illustrating revenue origins and sales expectations for the growth of your cosmetic brand.

10.3 Break-Even Analysis –   Assessing and analyzing the parameters that will lead to break-even success for your cosmetic business  

10.4 Projected Profit and Loss Account -   Financial report outlining estimated revenues, expenses, and net profit and loss statement.

10.5 Projected Cash Flow Statement -  Presentation of anticipated cash movement, managing liquid finances for your cosmetic industry business.

10.6 Projected Balance Sheet -   Financial overview detailing projected assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity.

10.7 Scenario Analysis -   To gauge the financial repercussions of business conditions and potential risks, evaluate scenarios.

10.8 DCF Valuation -   Analysis using discounted cash flows to ascertain the current value of your cosmetic business.

Financial Plan

There’s more to it!

It rarely happens that with just one download click, you can get access to multiple things. But that is the case with this business plan template. This fantastic resource is perfect for anyone who is starting a new cosmetic industry business or altering the current business plan. The entire plan is available for download in a PDF, Word Doc format for easy adaptability. So take the first step and access the business plan ppt of your dream. Download now!

FAQs on Natural Cosmetic Industry Business Plan

1) what is a cosmetic business plan.

A cosmetic business plan document outlines a company's strategies, goals, and operations. The document includes:

  • Company overview is the first section describing the business's vision, purpose, objectives, and mission.
  • The second section is Industry analysis, which analyzes trends, opportunities, market size, and industry challenges.
  • Next comes the product description, which details the cosmetic business's products and services. It will also include all the benefits, features, and competitive advantages.
  • The last section is the marketing plan outlining the cosmetic business's pricing, customer segments, target market, promotion, distribution, and branding strategies.

2) How do I write a cosmetic business plan?

To write a successful business plan for a cosmetic business,

  • The first thing is to describe the purpose of the business. 
  • Make a list of services and products that are going to be offered by the cosmetic business.
  • Make a creative marketing strategy.
  • There needs to be an operational plan. 
  • Include the description of the organization and management of the cosmetic business.
  • Determine the cost in terms of expenses and capital that will be required.
  • Work on creating a financial projection and plan.
  • Last comes the executive summary, which will introduce the business plan. In the company overview section, the type of cosmetic business is explained.

3) How can I start a Cosmetic business?

In starting a cosmetic business, the first step is to choose a cosmetic product that will be developed. After selecting the product comes market research. Market research plays an important role in knowing about the product's demand and performance. It is also important to research the local laws and federal regulations extensively. Once the initial steps have been taken care of, decide on the business name. Create a business plan in the beginning to get funding for the business. Once the funding has been taken care of, start the development of the product. The next step in starting a cosmetic business will be deciding on a niche and the location of the cosmetic business. The business should also have a logo or a sign which will make it unique.

4) How much does it cost to start a cosmetic business?

The cost of starting a cosmetic business depends on many factors because funds are required for everything, i.e., product development, initial inventory, testing, etc. The business will need a lot of money in research and development If it is looking to create unique formulas. Then, the business will need some funds for safety assessments, regulatory compliance, and legal requirements. Then comes the cost of packaging and branding. Renting a store and an e-commerce platform will add to the cost. Advertising and marketing expenses can't be ignored. Then there are the salaries, insurance, and utilities costs. So, after combining all the costs, a cosmetic business can range from a few thousand to several hundred dollars.

5) What is the profit margin in cosmetics?

The profit margin of the cosmetic business can vary significantly because of the different factors involved. The brands that have strong customer base has high profit margins like 60% to 70%. At the same time, newer cosmetic brands have lower margins because of marketing costs and higher production. Distribution channels, product pricing, and manufacturing methods also affect profit margins. Mass-market products have lower margins than luxury cosmetics, which have higher margins. While the potential for healthy profits is quite high in cosmetics, changing customer trends and competition can affect the margins considerably. To have a growing profit margin is difficult to maintain because the cosmetic market is competitive and innovative.

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Lip Gloss Line Business Plan [Sample Template]

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

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Lip Gloss Line Business

Do you want to start a lip gloss company and need to write a plan? If YES, here is a sample lip gloss line business plan template & FREE feasibility report.

It is a known fact that lip gloss, lipsticks and similar products are used in all parts of the world and of course those that are in the business of producing these products are known to generate sales if the business is well – managed.

As a matter of fact, economic downturn hardly affects the usage of lipsticks, lip gloss and similar products because it is a commodity that plays a major role in the beauty world.

If you are however thinking of starting your own lip – gloss production business, then you must be ready to learn the ropes. No doubt it requires loads of research, experience and huge capital base to start off.

If you are sure that this type of business is what you truly want to do after you must have conducted your market research and feasibility studies, then the next step to follow is to write a good business plan. Below is a sample lip gloss line production company business plan template that will help you launch your own business.

A Sample Lip Gloss Line Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

Lip gloss production business involves preparing, blending, compounding and packaging both cosmetic and therapeutic lip products. The products they produce are lipstick, lip gloss, lip stains, lip liner and lip balm. Lipstick is applied to the lips as part of makeup basically to boost lip color, texture and often hydration.

Sheer lipsticks usually contain a significant amount of oil, with less wax and pigment than matte lipsticks, making them more translucent. Lipsticks with oil components must be reapplied many times so as to make the lips look shiny and glossy.

The lip gloss is used all across the world by both male and female. It is fact that there is no cultural barrier to the usage of lip gloss.  As a matter of fact, doctors do recommend that some patients with dry lips should make use of lip gloss.

In the last half decade, the lip gloss production business has experienced elevated demand, most especially from premium level goods, in line with increased consumer spending and the overall growth of the economy. Purchaser preferences and new product introductions have also contributed to boosted revenue and profit.

Operators flooded the industry over the period, as purchaser demand for brand name and value-added products increased. An increasingly health-conscious customer base is becoming progressively aware and sensitive to product ingredients.

Consumers are increasingly concerned with using products that are chemical-based or have traces of metals or animal by-products, pushing companies to invest in research and development to offer new natural and safe products.

Statistics has it that in the united states of America alone, there are about 68 registered and licensed lip gloss and lipsticks manufacturing companies responsible for directly employing about 3,783 people and the industry rakes in a whooping sum of $4 billion annually.

The industry is projected to grow at a 4.7 percent annual growth within 2011 and 2016. In the United States of America, Estee Lauder is the leading brand in the lip gloss and lipstick production business. Their products can be found in every nooks and crannies of the United States and also in most countries of the world.

Lip Gloss was introduced to the public in 1930 by Max Factor Company and Clear lip balm is one of the most popular lip gloss products in the modern market. A survey conducted in 1998 amongst American women showed that 32 percent of them owned more than 20 lip gloss and lipsticks.

As a matter of fact, lip gloss and lipsticks became widely popular among female population after the rise of black and white movies in Hollywood. So also, 80 percent of American women regularly wear lipstick and over 25 percent won’t leave house without wearing it.

Despite the fact that the lip gloss production business appears to be somewhat saturated in the United States of America, there is a positive outlook for the industry especially when it comes to leveraging on the changing trends in technology and beauty cum fashion.

Entrepreneurs are encouraged to go into the business because of the vast opportunities that are available in the industry.

One of the major factors that encourage aspiring entrepreneurs to venture into lip gloss production business is the fact that there are readily available markets for the products. Despite the fact that there are stiff competitions amongst lip gloss manufacturing companies, if you are able to carve a niche for yourself, it won’t be too difficult for people to accept your products.

The lip gloss line production business is a profitable industry and it is open for any aspiring entrepreneur to come in and establish his or her business; you can choose to start on a small scale selling your products within your city or state or you can choose to start on a large scale with your products spread across your country.

2. Executive Summary

Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC is a licensed lip gloss production company that will be located in an industrial area in Lexington, Kentucky.

We have been able to secure a long-term lease agreement for a facility in a strategic location with an option of a long-term renewal on terms and conditions that are favorable to us. The facility has government approval for the kind of business we want to run and it is easily accessible.

We are in the cosmetic & beauty care manufacturing industry to produce lipstick , lip gloss, lip stains, lip liner and lip balm et al. We are also in business to make profits at the same to give our customers value for their money; we want to give people and businesses who patronize our products the opportunity to be part of our success story.

We are aware that there are several lip gloss lines scattered around the United States, which is why we spent time and resources to conduct our feasibility studies and market survey so as to enable us locate the business in an area that will support the growth of the business.

We ensured that our facility is easy to locate and we have mapped out plans to develop a wide distribution network for wholesalers all around Lexington – Kentucky and the United States of America.

Much more than producing quality and safe lip gloss and related products, our customer care is going to be second to none. We know that our customers are the reason why we are in business which is why we will go the extra mile to get them satisfied when they visit purchase any of our product.

Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC will ensure that all our customers (wholesale distributors) are given first class treatment whenever they visit our factory.

We have a CRM software that will enable us manage a one on one relationship with our customers (wholesale distributors). We will ensure that we get our customers involved when making some business decisions that will directly or indirectly affect them.

Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC is owned by Daniella Murphy. Mrs. Daniella Murphy who is the Chief Executive Officer of the Company is a graduate of Cosmetology and she holds a Master’s Degree in Business Management (MBA) from Stanford College.

She has over 12 years’ experience working in related industry as a senior manager prior to starting Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC.

3. Our Products and Services

Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC is going to run a standard and licensed lip gloss production company whose products will not only be sold in Lexington – Kentucky but also throughout the United States of America and Canada.

We are in the cosmetic & beauty care product manufacturing industry to make profits and also to give our customers value for their money. We will ensure that we do all that is permitted by the law in the United States of America to accomplish our business goal and objective. These are some of the products that we will be offering;

  • Lipstick, lip gloss, lip stains, lip liner and lip balm et al

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our vision is to establish standard lip gloss production company whose products will not only be sold in Lexington – Kentucky, but also throughout the United States of America and Canada.
  • Our mission is to establish a standard and world class lip gloss line that in our own capacity will favorably compete with leaders in the industry.
  • We want to build a business that will be listed amongst the top 10 lip gloss brands in the United States of America and Canada.

Our Business Structure

Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC is established with the aim of competing favorably with other leading brands in the industry. This is why we will ensure that we put the right structures in place that will support the kind of growth that we have in mind while setting up the business.

We will ensure that we only hire people that are qualified, honest, hardworking, customer centric and are ready to work to help us build a prosperous business that will benefit all the stake holders.

As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our senior management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of five years or more depending how fast we meet our set target. In view of that, we have decided to hire qualified and competent hands to occupy the following positions;

  • Chief Executive Officer (Owner)

Plant Manager

  • Human Resources and Admin Manager

Merchandize Manager

Sales and Marketing Manager

  • Machine Operators
  • Accountants / Cashiers

Distribution Truck Drivers

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

Chief Executive Officer – CEO (Owner):

  • Increases management’s effectiveness by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, coaching, counseling, and disciplining managers; communicating values, strategies, and objectives; assigning accountabilities; planning, monitoring, and appraising job results
  • Creating, communicating, and implementing the organization’s vision, mission, and overall direction – i.e. leading the development and implementation of the overall organization’s strategy.
  • Responsible for fixing prices and signing business deals
  • Responsible for providing direction for the business
  • Responsible for signing checks and documents on behalf of the company
  • Evaluates the success of the organization.
  • Responsible for overseeing the smooth running of the production plant
  • Part of the team that determines the quantity of lip gloss and related products that are to be produced
  • Map out strategies that will lead to efficiency amongst workers in the plant
  • Responsible for training, evaluation and assessment of plant workers
  • Ensures that the steady flow of both raw materials to the plant and easy flow of finished products through wholesale distributors to the market
  • Ensures operation of equipment by completing preventive maintenance requirements; calling for repairs.
  • Serve as quality control and compliance officer
  • Ensures that the plant meets the expected safety and health standard at all times.

Admin and HR Manager

  • Responsible for overseeing the smooth running of HR and administrative tasks for the organization
  • Maintains office supplies by checking stocks; placing and expediting orders; evaluating new products.
  • Defining job positions for recruitment and managing interviewing process
  • Carrying out staff induction for new team members
  • Responsible for training, evaluation and assessment of employees
  • Responsible for arranging travel, meetings and appointments
  • Oversee the smooth running of the daily office activities.
  • Manage vendor relations, market visits, and the ongoing education and development of the organizations’ buying teams
  • Responsible for the purchase of raw materials such as (Color pigments, oils, Castor oil, waxes (beeswax, candelilla wax, or camauba, red fluorescent dye, solvent, antioxidant and emollients) and labeling and packaging materials.
  • Responsible for planning sales, monitoring inventory, selecting the merchandise, and writing and pricing orders to vendors
  • Ensures that the organization operates within stipulated budget.
  • Manage external research and coordinate all the internal sources of information to retain the organizations’ best customers and attract new ones
  • Model demographic information and analyze the volumes of transactional data generated by customer purchases
  • Identify, prioritize, and reach out to new partners, and business opportunities et al
  • Responsible for supervising implementation, advocate for the customer’s needs, and communicate with clients
  • Document all customer contact and information
  • Represent the company in strategic meetings
  • Help increase sales and growth for the company


  • Responsible for preparing financial reports, budgets, and financial statements for the organization
  • Provides managements with financial analyses, development budgets, and accounting reports
  • Responsible for financial forecasting and risks analysis.
  • Performs cash management, general ledger accounting, and financial reporting
  • Responsible for developing and managing financial systems and policies
  • Responsible for administering payrolls
  • Ensuring compliance with taxation legislation
  • Handles all financial transactions for the organization
  • Serves as internal auditor for the organization

Client Service Executive

  • Welcomes guests and clients by greeting them in person or on the telephone; answering or directing inquiries.
  • Ensures that all contacts with clients (e-mail, walk-In center, SMS or phone) provides the client with a personalized customer service experience of the highest level
  • Through interaction with clients on the phone, uses every opportunity to build client’s interest in the company’s products and services
  • Consistently stays abreast of any new information on the company’s products, promotional campaigns etc. to ensure accurate and helpful information is supplied to clients
  • Receives parcels / documents for the company
  • Distribute mails in the organization
  • Handles any other duties as assigned by the manager

Production Workers/Machine Operators:

  • Responsible for operating equipment and machines such as blending, mixing and compounding machine, molding machine, and packaging, labeling and sealing machines
  • Responsible for preparing, blending, compounding, packaging and labelling of lip gloss and related products
  • Assist in loading and unloading lip gloss and related products
  • Maintain a logbook of their driving activities to ensure compliance with federal regulations governing the rest and work periods for operators.
  • Keep a record of vehicle inspections and make sure the truck is equipped with safety equipment
  • Assist the transport and logistics manager in planning their route according to a delivery schedule.
  • Transport finished goods and raw materials to and from manufacturing plants or retail and distribution centers
  • Inspect vehicles for mechanical items and safety issues and perform preventative maintenance
  • Comply with truck driving rules and regulations (size, weight, route designations, parking, break periods etc.) as well as with company policies and procedures
  • Collect and verify delivery instructions
  • Report defects, accidents or violations

6. SWOT Analysis

We are quite aware that there are several lip gloss production companies in the United States of America which is why we are following the due process of establishing a business so as to compete favorable with them.

We know that if a proper SWOT analysis is conducted for our business, we will be able to position our business to maximize our strength, leverage on the opportunities that will be available to us, mitigate our risks and be equipped to confront our threats.

Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC employed the services of an expert HR and Business Analyst with bias in startup businesses to help us conduct a thorough SWOT analysis and to help us create a Business model that will help us achieve our business goals and objectives. This is the summary of the SWOT analysis that was conducted for Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC;

Part of what is going to count as positives for Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC is the vast experience of our management team, we have people on board who are highly experienced and understands how to grow business from the scratch to becoming a national phenomenon.

So also, the wide varieties of lip gloss and related products that we produce, our large national distribution network and of course our excellent customer service culture will definitely count as a strong strength for the business.

A major weakness that may count against us is the fact that we are a new lip gloss production company and we don’t have the financial capacity to engage in the kind of publicity that we intend giving the business especially when big names like Estee Lauder, Mary Kay and L’Oreal USA, Inc. et al are already determining the direction of the market both in the United States and in the global market.

  • Opportunities:

The opportunities available to lip gloss manufacturing companies are enormous. This is due to the fact that people from all over the world make use of cosmetics and beauty care products regularly.

As a result of that, we were able to conduct a thorough market survey and feasibility studies so as to position our business to take advantage of the existing market and also to create our own new market. We know that it is going to require hard work, and we are determined to achieve it.

We are quite aware that just like any other business, one of the major threats that we are likely going to face is economic downturn and unfavorable government policies . It is a fact that economic downturn affects purchasing power.

Another threat that may likely confront us is the arrival of a new lip gloss production company or a cosmetics and beauty care manufacturing company that also manufacture lip gloss in same location where ours is located.


  • Market Trends

If you are conversant with the existing trend in the cosmetic & beauty care industry, you will quite agree that despite the fact that there are competitions in different stages of the industry. Most lip gloss production companies are leveraging on creativity in terms of packaging and marketing to continue to stay afloat in the industry.

Another trend in this industry is the exploration of safer raw materials for the production of lip gloss and related products. The truth is that people all over the world are looking for lip gloss and related products that contain less chemical hence the increase in demand for herbal beauty care products.

8. Our Target Market

When it comes to selling lip gloss and related products, there is indeed a wide range of available customers. In essence, our target market can’t be restricted to just a group of people, but all those who reside in our target market locations.

In view of that, we have conducted our market research and we have ideas of what our target market would be expecting from us. We are in business to engage in manufacturing and wholesale distribution of lip gloss and related products to the following groups of people;

  • Cosmetic and beauty care retailers
  • Beauty salons and spas
  • Makeup artists
  • All the female and male in and around our target market location

Our Competitive Advantage

A close study of the cosmetic and beauty care products manufacturing industry reveals that the market has become much more intensely competitive over the last decade. As a matter of fact, you have to be highly creative, customer centric and proactive if you must survive in this industry.

We are aware of the stiff competition and we are prepared to compete favorably in the industry. Part of what is going to count as competitive advantage for Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC is the vast experience of our management team.

So also, the wide varieties of lip gloss and related products that we produce, our large national distribution network and of course our excellent customer service culture will definitely count as a strong strength for us.

Lastly, our employees will be well taken care of, and their welfare package will be among the best within our category in the industry, meaning that they will be more than willing to build the business with us and help deliver our set goals and objectives.

We will also give good working conditions and commissions to freelance sales agents that we will recruit from time to time.


  • Sources of Income

Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC is established with the aim of maximizing profits in the cosmetic and beauty care product manufacturing industry in both the United States of America and Canada and we are going to ensure that we do all it takes to sell our products to a wide range of customers. Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC will generate income by selling the following products;

10. Sales Forecast

One thing is certain when it comes to lip gloss line production business, if your products are well – packaged and branded and if your production plant is centrally positioned and easily accessible, you will always attract customers.

We are well positioned to take on the available market in Lexington – Kentucky and every city where our lip gloss and related products care will be sold and we are quite optimistic that we will meet our set target of generating enough income/profits from the first six months of operation.

We have been able to examine the cosmetic and beauty care products manufacturing industry, we have analyzed our chances in the industry and we have been able to come up with the following sales forecast. Below is the sales projection for Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC, it is based on the location of our business and other factors as it relates to startups in the United States;

  • First Fiscal Year (FY1): $290,000
  • Second Fiscal Year (FY2): $550,000
  • Third Fiscal Year (FY3): $950,000

N.B : This projection was done based on what is obtainable in the industry and with the assumption that there won’t be any major economic meltdown and there won’t be any major competitor offering same products as we do within same location. Please note that the above projection might be lower and at the same time it might be higher.

  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

Before choosing a location for Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC and also the kind of lip gloss and related products we produce, we conduct a thorough market survey and feasibility studies in order for us to be able to penetrate the available market in our target location.

We have detailed information and data that we were able to utilize to structure our business to attract the number of customers we want.

We hired experts who have good understanding of the industry to help us develop marketing strategies that will help us achieve our business goal of winning a larger percentage of the available market in Lexington – Kentucky. In summary, Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC will adopt the following sales and marketing approach to sell our products;

  • Introduce our lip gloss and related products brand by sending introductory letters to merchants, retailers, makeup artists, beauty salons and spas and other stakeholders in Lexington – Kentucky and other cities both in the United States of America.
  • Advertise our products in community based newspapers, local TV and radio stations
  • List our business and products on yellow pages ads (local directories)
  • Leverage on the internet to promote our lip gloss and related product brands
  • Engage in direct marketing and sales
  • Encourage the use of Word of mouth marketing (referrals)

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

Despite the fact that our lip gloss production plant is a standard one, we will still go ahead to intensify publicity for all our products and brand. We are going to explore all available means to promote Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC.

Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC has a long – term plan of distributing our products in various locations all around the United States of America which is why we will deliberately build our brand to be well accepted in Lexington – Kentucky before venturing out.

Here are the platforms we intend leveraging on to promote and advertise Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC;

  • Place adverts on both print (community based newspapers and magazines) and electronic media platforms
  • Sponsor relevant community programs
  • Leverage on the internet and social media platforms like; Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, et al to promote our lip gloss and related product brand
  • Install our Billboards in strategic locations all around major cities in the United States of America
  • Distribute our fliers and handbills in target areas
  • Position our Flexi Banners at strategic positions in the location where we intend getting customers to start patronizing our products.
  • Ensure that our products are well branded and that all our staff members wear our customized clothes, and all our official cars and distribution vans are customized and well branded.

12. Our Pricing Strategy

We are aware of the pricing trend in the cosmetic and beauty care products manufacturing industry which is why we have decided to produce various sizes of lipstick, lip gloss, lip stains, lip liner and lip balm et al.

In view of that, our prices will conform to what is obtainable in the industry but will ensure that within the first 6 to 12 months our products are sold a little bit below the average price in the market. We have put in place business strategies that will help us run on low profits for a period of 6 months; it is a way of encouraging people to buy into our lip gloss brand.

  • Payment Options

The payment policy adopted by Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC is all inclusive because we are quite aware that different customers prefer different payment options as it suits them but at the same time, we will ensure that we abide by the financial rules and regulation of the United States of America.

Here are the payment options that Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC will make available to her clients;

  • Payment via bank transfer
  • Payment with cash
  • Payment via credit cards
  • Payment via online bank transfer
  • Payment via check
  • Payment via mobile money transfer

In view of the above, we have chosen banking platforms that will enable our clients make payment for the purchase of our lip gloss and related products without any stress on their part.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

When it comes to starting a makeup production company, the major areas that you should look towards spending the bulk of your cash is in the purchase of standard chemical mixing machines, distribution trucks and of course renting or leasing a well-located facility large enough fit into the design you have in mind.

You are also expected to pay your employees, purchase of raw materials, maintain your trucks etc. These are the key areas where we will spend our startup capital;

  • The total fee for registering the business in the United States of America – $750.
  • Legal expenses for obtaining licenses and permits as well as the accounting services (software, P.O.S machines and other software) – $1,300.
  • Marketing promotion expenses for the grand opening of Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC in the amount of $3,500 and as well as flyer printing (2,000 flyers at $0.04 per copy) for the total amount of – $3,580.
  • The cost for hiring Business Consultant – $2,500.
  • Insurance (general liability, workers’ compensation and property casualty) coverage at a total premium – $2,400.
  • The cost for payment of rent for 12 months at $1.76 per square feet in the total amount of $105,600.
  • The cost for construction of a standard lip gloss line production plant – $100,000.
  • Other start-up expenses including stationery ($500) and phone and utility deposits ($2,500).
  • Operational cost for the first 3 months (salaries of employees, payments of bills et al) – $100,000
  • The cost for Start-up inventory (raw material (Color pigments, oils, Castor oil, waxes (beeswax, candelilla wax, or camauba, red fluorescent dye, solvent, antioxidant and emollients) and labeling and packaging materials. et al) – $80,000
  • The cost for store equipment (cash register, security, ventilation, signage) – $13,750
  • The cost of purchase of distribution vans – $60,000
  • The cost for the purchase of furniture and gadgets (Computers, Printers, Telephone, Fax Machines, tables and chairs et al) – $4,000.
  • The cost of launching a website – $600
  • The cost for our opening party – $10,000
  • Miscellaneous – $10,000

We would need an estimate of $500,000 to successfully set up our lip gloss line products production plant in Lexington – Kentucky.

Generating Funds/Startup Capital for Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC

Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC is owned and financed by Daniella Murphy. She has decided to restrict the sourcing of the startup capital to 3 major sources.

  • Generate part of the startup capital from personal savings and sell of stocks
  • Source for soft loans from family members and friends
  • Apply for loan from the bank

N.B: We have been able to generate about $200,000 (Personal savings $150,000 and soft loan from family members $50,000) and we are at the final stages of obtaining a loan facility of $300,000 from our bank. All the papers and documents have been signed and submitted, the loan has been approved and any moment from now our account will be credited with the amount.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

The future of a business lies in the number of loyal customers that they have, the capacity and competence of their employees, their investment strategy and the business structure. If all of these factors are missing from a business, then it won’t be too long before the business closes shop.

One of our major goals of starting Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC is to build a business that will survive off its own cash flow without injecting finance from external sources once the business is officially running.

We know that one of the ways of gaining approval and winning customers over is to retail our lip gloss and related products a little bit cheaper than what is obtainable in the market and we are prepared to survive on lower profit margin for a while.

Kiss Daniela® Lip Gloss Production Line, LLC will make sure that the right foundation, structures and processes are put in place to ensure that our staff welfare are well taken of. Our company’s corporate culture is designed to drive our business to greater heights and training and retraining of our workforce is at the top burner.

As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of three years or more. We know that if that is put in place, we will be able to successfully hire and retain the best hands we can get in the industry; they will be more committed to help us build the business of our dreams.

Check List/Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check: Completed
  • Business Registration: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts: Completed
  • Securing Point of Sales (POS) Machines: Completed
  • Opening Mobile Money Accounts: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Application for business license and permit: Completed
  • Purchase of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Leasing of facility and construction of standard lip gloss line production plant: In Progress
  • Conducting Feasibility Studies: Completed
  • Generating capital from family members and friends: Completed
  • Applications for Loan from the bank: In Progress
  • Writing of business plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents and other relevant Legal Documents: In Progress
  • Design of The Company’s Logo: Completed
  • Printing of Promotional Materials: In Progress
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Purchase of the needed equipment and machines such as blending, mixing and compounding machine, molding machine (tubes), and packaging, labeling and sealing machines, furniture, racks, shelves, computers, electronic appliances, office appliances and CCTV: In progress
  • Creating Official Website for the Company: In Progress
  • Creating Awareness for the business both online and around the community: In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement (License): Secured
  • Establishing business relationship with vendors – wholesale suppliers / merchants : In Progress

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Sample Lipstick Line Business Plan

Lipstick line business plan sample.

Starting a matte lipstick line, though financially rewarding comes with its challenges. These challenges first arise from the point of decision making.

You can either start a lipstick line from scratch or follow the less difficult path of buying a lipstick franchise.

Your decisions will be guided by which of the two options is most beneficial to you.

Here is a sample business plan for starting a lipstick business.

This article provides you with a head start on what you need to start your own lipstick business.

Understanding How the Lipstick Industry Works

The lipstick industry is one that has witnessed a lot of growth and innovations over the years. In your bid to start a lipstick line, you need to have a basic understanding of how the industry works.

By providing information on how to start a lipstick line, we seek to provide critical information for persons willing or interested in starting this business, but having little or no understanding of the requirements or the necessary structure to be put in place.

Also, you need to know the chemical compositions as a strategy towards ensuring that only the best products are manufactured. These must also adhere to health regulations.

You also need to determine the lipstick variants available in the market as well as those attracting the highest sales to help you make a decision on which ones to produce. There are several varieties such as cream lipsticks and matte lipsticks.

Others are long-wearing and transfer-resistant lipsticks, gloss lipsticks , and pearl and frosted lipsticks among several variants.

To start a lipstick line, it will do well to note that there are several competitors in the fashion industry, as such, developing a unique selling point is necessary to gain a fair market share.

What is Trending?

This is a question that never goes out of fashion, as the cosmetic industry witnesses a continuous change in trend. Keeping up with the trend is important to the success of your business. Failure to do this will result in a failed business, or lead to a lack of patronage or a drop in sales.

Therefore, to start a lipstick line, having a perfect knowledge of what is trending, and innovating ways of making your products unique. Having a unique selling point for your lipstick products will give you the much-needed edge you need.

Another important requirement is understanding the chemistry behind the manufacture of lipsticks. Having the required knowledge is very important as it helps you in choosing the right color combinations and using the best material in lipstick manufacture.

Here, the knowledge enables you to avoid substances or particular ingredients that may be harmful to users of your lipsticks. There is increasing research on alternative ingredients for making lipsticks and other make-up products. This is aimed at producing danger-free cosmetic products.

  • Conducting Research

Before you start a lipstick line, you may want to conduct extensive research on your products before launching your business.

Creating a small lab at home or anywhere you choose will achieve this aim, as you make your products undergo stringent quality tests. This is also aimed at ensuring that your lipstick products pass the quality test of the relevant cosmetic product regulatory bodies.

Doing your research work well can make your products stand out. By scrutinizing the component ingredients, you can develop a product that provides health benefits in addition to adding beauty.

  • Naming your Lipstick Line

A name should capture the essence of what the product represents. Hence, you may want to brainstorm on what you want your product to achieve. Using this concept to name your product adds uniqueness to your lipstick line. To start a lipstick line, you mustn’t pick names at random from similar products.

Although it should be simple, it should capture the essence of what you seek to achieve. In some instances, you may want to use your name to name your lipstick line.

  • Financing Your Business

Starting a lipstick line like other types of businesses requires adequate funding. Funding can be raised in a variety of ways including personal savings. However, one document is necessary. The business plan offers several advantages.

While containing the business blueprints, it can also be used in raising funding for your business. A sound and well-written business plan attract funding from investors. With the plan, investors examine to see how viable your business idea is.

Funding can be raided in a variety of ways. These include crowdfunding where a large number of people contribute relatively small amounts of money to make up the required capital. Selling part of your shares to investors to raise money, applying for grants as well as choosing the debt financing option are effective ways to finance your business.

  • Getting a Degree in Chemistry

Although the absence of a degree would not stop you from starting a lipstick line as you can always employ chemists, having a degree or basic knowledge in chemistry is an added advantage to you. This ensures you understand all the processes as well as the chemical combinations necessary to obtain the desired outcome. The world is currently shifting towards adopting green solutions to most human problems.

This is an area not much explored in the lipstick industry. Because people now prefer green alternatives to the use of chemicals in producing lipsticks and other cosmetic products, it allows you to experiment with different natural ingredients.

  • Possessing Strong Marketing Skills

Every type of business relies heavily on marketing to achieve increased sales and growth. This is what sets apart thriving businesses from the pack. With good marketing skills, the probabilities for success are significantly stacked up in your favor.

Hence to effectively market your products, you need to have a selling point. Here, you may need to ask yourself what is special about your product compared to similar ones. Also, what would make a new client abandon products they have always used to try or start using your lipstick products? These would enable you to adopt the right approach to marketing your products.

The packaging also plays a huge role in marketing. Thus you need to determine the type of packaging that will convey your message or branding that has all the features and trappings of a high-quality product. You should be able to include certain ingredients that make your products stand out and adequately advertise or market their beneficial uses to the customer.

  • Seeking Financial and Legal Advice

When setting up your lipstick business, you must seek financial and legal advice from experts. This will help your business to follow every due process for setting up. Financial and legal advice will guide on trademark and patent rights as well as applying for insurance cover among others.

Apart from these, you are expected to abide by the regulatory requirement that stipulates basic storage requirements, income, leases and contracts between the business and its workforce.

  • Your Choice of Location is Important

Your choice of location is very vital to how your business succeeds. When choosing a location for your lipstick line, you should consider manufacturing hubs. It is more than likely that such locations will offer incentives as well as opportunities that include a ready market for your products.

Manufacturing hubs are always close to sources of labor as well as raw materials. This significantly reduces the cost of production which also has a positive impact on your profit margin.

  • Conducting a Feasibility Study/Market Survey

This is necessary to how successful your business turns out. By conducting a feasibility study as well as a market survey, you are eliminating any form of guesswork by finding out what is obtainable on the ground. Also, you can measure how the information obtained translates to opportunities or otherwise for your business.

These are effective ways on how to start your lipstick line. To start a lipstick line, the above actions should be paid close attention to and properly implemented.

GUIDE: Average Costs of Starting a Makeup Line Business

Also, writing a business plan for your lipstick line will go a long way in charting a course for your business. The services of an expert should be sought to help you write a good business plan.

However, writing a good business plan in itself is not enough, as you also need to properly implement the plan if your business is to witness meaningful growth.

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  • How Much Does it Cost to Start a Makeup Line?

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Cosmetics Manufacturing Business Plan

Start your own cosmetics manufacturing business plan

Executive Summary executive summary is a brief introduction to your business plan. It describes your business, the problem that it solves, your target market, and financial highlights.">


The cosmetics industry is in a state of flux. Traditional brands (Revlon, L’Oreal, Lancôme etc.) are viewed as old. The consumer is looking for more holistic and healing benefits from her skin care products. She is no longer content with just the appearance benefits offered by traditional brands. The Body Shop brought her an awareness of cruelty free and natural products. These initial nudges lead to today’s consumer being more informed and more inquisitive about the benefits of her personal care products. Her skin crème needs to protect her from the suns damaging rays, moisturize her skin and reduce the effects of aging. She is seeking relief from the effects of a hectic 24/7 lifestyle. She has learned the benefits of herbal therapy and aromatherapy. She has either experienced or read about the benefits (both physical and emotional) of a Day Spa.

Bluespa is a multi-channel concept, combining a wholesale distribution network with a retail strategy, e-commerce, and a consumer catalogue. The face of retailing is changing.

Bluespa will occupy a unique market position. No other brand offers a specialty line that includes skin care, cosmetics, fitness apparel and accessories. However, within each category significant brands do exist. Quality and price vary widely within each group. Bluespa will be positioned as a quality brand. The U.S. cosmetics market has seen large annual growth rates over the past decade. Last year alone, the market grew by over $1 billion. Clear divisions between traditional categories are becoming blurred and new lines, such as aromatherapy are also emerging, creating new openings for profit.

In fitness apparel and accessories there is a tremendous opportunity since the female customer has been grossly overlooked. Most major companies do not produce products focused specifically on the female customer. Puma is the only brand that has developed a line of fitness apparel fro women. Early sales for them have been exceptional, further highlighting the potential within this category.

In the skin care and cosmetics category the competition can be divided into three groups: Commercial–i.e. MAC, Origins, Philosophy, Erno Laslo and Shesheido; Clinical–i.e. Kiehl’s, Clinique, Clarins and Dr. Hauscha; Spa–private label brands associated with spas.


Traditionally the dynamics of the industry have favored large houses because they can fund the major advertising and marketing campaigns associated with this industry. Today an underground (or gorilla) marketing effort can be more effective in gaining credibility with this market segment. In the past the volume of product required to produce a batch, and the cost of producing packaging have favored the larger players. Today, technology has evolved to allow the efficient production of small batches. Packaging resources exist that allow for efficient cost controls and rapid delivery of these components. In brief, the advantages of size that created barriers to entry for new players have been swept aside. The cosmetic giants still hold a dominant position in this industry and they will most likely continue to. But they have realized the need to acquire new brands and to keep their affiliation in the background. LVMH and Lauder have done an excellent job of identifying emerging brands and acquiring them.

In recent years names like MAC, Bloom, Bliss, NARS, Fresh and Kiehl’s have been acquired. This strategy indicates that a few of the traditional big players recognize the benefits, for themselves and the industry, of emerging niche brands. Add to this equation the growth of the day spa industry in the United States over the last 20 years. 20 yrs ago, there were  25 day spas in America. 10 yrs ago, that number had risen to 200. Today there are over 3,000 day spas in the U.S. and 300 in Canada. Americans are beginning to understand the benefits and pleasures of taking care of themselves.

Bluespa represents quality in skin care, fitness apparel and accessories. We will accomplish this using high quality manufacturing and research, a creative marketing program, and a comprehensive distribution network using both brick and mortar retail outlets, internet presence, and a consumer catalogue.


In order to launch its unique product line Bluespa requires an initial outlay. Sales at Bluespa retail stores are planned to grow rapidly from Year 1 through Year 5. During this time frame our wholesale revenues are planned to grow enormously. Bluespa will become profitable in our third year of operation. Initial growth will be financed by a combination of equity investment and debt financing. Our ratios are well within prudent limits and our growth plans are challenging, but realistic.

Financial Highlights by Year

Financing needed.

We will be getting $420,000 to start. Ray will be contributing $254,000. Barbara will be contributing $64,000. We have $100,000 of current borrowing.

Problem & Solution

Problem worth solving.

The cosmetics industry is in a state of flux. Traditional brands (Revlon, L’Oreal, Lancôme etc.) are viewed as old. The consumer is looking for more holistic and healing benefits from her skin care products. She is no longer content with just the appearance benefits offered by traditional brands. The Body Shop brought her an awareness of cruelty free and natural products. These initial nudges lead to today’s consumer being more informed and more inquisitive about the benefits of her personal care products. Her skin crème needs to protect her from the suns damaging rays, moisturize her skin and reduce the effects of aging. She is seeking relief from the effects of a hectic 24/7 lifestyle. She has learned the benefits of herbal therapy and aromatherapy. She has either experienced or read about the benefits (both physical and emotional) of a Day Spa.

Our Solution

Bluespa is a company that has created a brand concept consisting of both skin care and athletic apparel utilizing multiple channels of distribution. We are seeking recurring investment to fund the growth of the brand, and position the company for an IPO. The plan that follows explains our market, our value proposition and our market segmentation strategy. The detailed financial plans provide a clear view of our sales and profit forecasts. These plans show how Bluespa will reach profitability in our third year of operation and generate shareholder return on equity within five years.

Target Market

Market size & segments.

Market Segmentation

For the purpose of this analysis we are focusing solely on the female market. Therefore our potential customers base (for the purpose of developing projections) does not include any statistics or provisions for male consumers. We have used the demographic report for spa goers conducted by spa weekly as a basis for our assumptions. Based upon this survey the spa goer is predominantly female (85%), well educated (46% attended college), and crosses income levels (26% earn less than $35,000; 32% earn between $35,000 and $74,999 and 42% earn over $75,000).

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4.3 Target Market Segment Strategy

Because Bluespa is a combined retail (direct to end user) and wholesale (to the end user through a reseller) strategy our target customer must be broken into two distinct groups, the end user and the reseller.

Our targeted end user is between the ages of 24 and 65. They are urban professionals with at least some college. This consumer has an active lifestyle. They are concerned about social and environmental issues. Mind and body wellness are important to them. They belong to a health club; take yoga, pilate’s or tai chi lessons. The effects of aging and the maintenance of a youthful appearance are a part of their life. A recent survey conducted by The American Spa Industry revealed the following demographic for day spa goers: 85% are female, 46% have some college and 39% are college graduates, 63% are married, 32% have an annual income between $45,000 and $74,999, 40% have income above $74,999 and 26% have incomes below 45,000, 47% are between 34 and 52 years of age.

They are predominantly female. They are well educated. Between 1993 and 1998 20% more BAs and MBAs were awarded to women than men. Women received 59% of all associate degrees, 55% of bachelor degrees, 53% of masters’ degrees and 40% of doctoral degrees earned in the United States. Today college campuses are over 60% female. The buying power of this segment of the market continues to grow. There are currently over 109 million female consumers. Their buying power is estimated at $4.4 trillion. (In comparison, the junior market is estimated at $100 billion). In 1997 64% of working women earned more than one half of the family income. Today, businesses owned by women generate over $3.6 trillion in annual sales. Of the net increase in the workforce between 1992 and 2005, 62% are projected to be women. In retail the female consumer is the primary decision maker in 85% of households. Women buy or influence the purchase of 80% of consumer goods. Their increasing educational attainment makes young women even more sophisticated and demanding consumers.

Today’s female consumer is living a transactional life with multiple constituencies. Her life is on fast forward. In the last few years the sales of anxiety drugs to this consumer has surpassed the sales of anti-depressants. Her definitions are shifting, blurring the lines between home and office; private and public; professional and casual; even male and female. Age has become irrelevant. Life stages are no longer defined cleanly by age. (A 44-year-old first-time mother has much in common with a 22-year-old first-time mother.) Links between generations and mindsets are becoming very spread out. Today’s female consumer defines herself more by mindset or approach to life than by age. Parents and teens are often on parallel treadmills. The older segment is interested in staying young and the younger segment is acting older.

In addition there has been a democratization of luxury. The upper-class family group is massive. More than eight million households have incomes above $100,000. Luxury spending is growing four times faster than overall spending. Working women of all ages have more money and they are spending it on personal luxuries. This is a reaction to the chaos of 24/7 consumerism. She’ll buy, but she wants more than just another product. She is not seeking empowerment–she is empowered. She is choosing to take better care of herself and others. She is looking for peace, solutions and fulfillment. Purchasing has moved beyond price. The Price:Value ratio has become more meaningful. She is seeking a "value added" experience or product. Our strategy of combined channels of distribution allows us to fit into her schedule while our product philosophy provides her with the benefits she is seeking.

Our target customers (vs. end user) for wholesale distribution will be resellers who recognize the needs of this consumer and who she identifies with. We have used the term resellers because they will not be limited to retailers. We will reach the consumer through four distinct reseller channels.

  • Spas and Health Clubs : Most high-quality day spas and health clubs (and many upscale spas at resort properties) use generic products. (Much like the hair salon industry before Aveda.) Our goal will be to develop affiliations with select spas in urban areas and vacation destinations. Our manufacturing partnerships will allow us to offer these customers bulk product at favorable prices to them while allowing us excellent margins.
  • Lifestyle Retailers : Our target retailer will be lifestyle-based rather than the typical soaps and potions or natural product retailers. These retailers exist in almost every city. Whether it is Wilkes Bashford in San Francisco, Mario’s in Seattle, Harold’s in several south central cities, Fred Segal in Los Angeles, Bergdorf Goodman in New York or Colette in Paris. These retailers have developed a loyal and sophisticated customer base. They understand the concept of lifestyle.
  • Cosmetic Specialty Retailers : Sephora is the major force in this category.
  • Boutique Department Stores : This category is composed of what was once called "Carriage Trade" retailers. We will limit our distribution within this segment to Saks, Niemans and Barneys.

Current Alternatives

Because we will develop our brand image and market positioning primarily through our skin care line, we will focus our competitive review on that segment of the market. The skin care market is very broad. It includes products labeled as body crème that range in price from $10 for a five-ounce container to over $300 an ounce. Our market positioning will be in the lower price quadrant of high quality natural products.

Our primary competitors for this customer are:

Kiehl’s : Founded in 1851, this brand has an image that is well established with the consumer. Their main strength has been that the products work. Kiehl’s has been a family business for four generations. The products are being made in small batches in a New York City facility. They have a wide and varied distribution strategy. Their packaging and labeling is very clinical in appearance. In recent years the brand has experienced almost geometric growth. This has caused them serious internal problems. They have been unable to meet demand and have stopped adding customers. In spring 2000 Estee Lauder acquired them. According to internal sources Lauder will move the manufacturing to OEM facilities and shut down the internal capabilities. They plan to focus growth on traditional department stores and on a roll out of Kiehl’s own stores. The obvious plus of this marriage is the availability of cash and technical resources. The potential risk is that Lauder will associate the brand closely with Department stores and that the OEM manufacturing will result in the changing of certain formulas and a reduction in product effectiveness.

Aveda : Founded in 1978 by Horst Rechelbacher (an artist), Aveda has become synonymous with quality hair-care products and salons. They are distributed, worldwide, by over 3,000 Aveda salons. It has nurtured a well-defined image and secured a very effective distribution network. Aveda salons are a combination of licensed properties and company owned locations. Their product philosophy is centered in Ayurveda healing and aromatherapy. Recently Estee Lauder acquired them.

Fresh : Fresh distributes body and skin care products through their own stores, a consumer catalogue and wholesales globally to department and specialty stores. Their products are more "fashion" influenced than treatment based. They currently have two stores in New York City and one in Boston. Their target market is younger and less affluent than Bluespas’.

Essential Elements : A former stock analyst started essential Elements in 1995. The products are botanical based natural body crèmes and lotions. They are distributed primarily through day spas and specialty stores. Informed sources say they will be launching a consumer catalogue. Their main target for increasing distribution is through day spas and resorts.

Our Advantages

Bluespa will occupy a unique market position. No other brand offers a specialty line that includes skin care, cosmetics, fitness apparel and accessories. However, within each category significant brands do exist. Quality and price vary widely within each group. Bluespa will be positioned as a quality brand. We have eliminated the drugstore and discount brands from this comparison.

The commercial brands are primarily sold through department stores. They vary widely in quality from Origins to Shesheido. They also vary widely in price. Their major advantage is their financial strength and their department store relationships.

The clinical brands are perceived to be "authentic." Their image is based upon the perception of treatment qualities verses purely cosmetic benefits. These brands are sold through their own retail outlets, specialty stores, department stores and/or health food stores. Kiehl’s is perceived as one of the most authentic of the clinical brand.

The spa brands are sold almost exclusively at the spas they are associated with. This close affiliation provides a validation for the products but limits their ability to achieve wide market distribution. Bliss and Aveda are notable exceptions. These two brands have achieved wide market distribution and brand recognition.

In fitness apparel and accessories the female customer has been grossly overlooked. Reebok and Avia had the best chance of capturing her at one time. However Reebok abandoned her to try to become a "legitimate" sports brand and acquired Avia. Avia has since been sold and has all but disappeared. Meanwhile the big two brands (Nike and Adidas) have ignored her. Recently Nike announced the formation of a women’s division as a separate business unit. While this offers the possibility of a major competitor in the women’s fitness category, it also highlights the opportunity. Puma is the only brand that has developed a line of fitness apparel focused specifically at this consumer. Their Nuala line has been developed with Christy Turlington. They have positioned this line to sell through women’s specialty stores rather than traditional sport retailers. Early sales have been exceptional, further highlighting the potential within this category.

Bluespa will develop our market position by combining a retail strategy that includes a day spa with a wholesale distribution strategy. Bluespa will acquire the validity afforded the spa brands and access to broad distribution. Bluespa skin care and cosmetic products will offer therapeutic benefits to the user based upon the principles of Thalasso therapy in our water line and Botanical treatments in our earth line. Our color cosmetics will be mineral based and provide the user with esthetic benefits while nourishing the skin. In addition to providing retail appropriate packaging we will develop bulk sizes for distribution within the spa trade. Most day spas use generic products and do not have the ability to develop a private label line. The apparel and accessory lines will combine the newest in technical fabrics with fit specifications that allow the wearer full range of movement. We have developed affiliations with select yoga and fitness facilities for our apparel. All of our products will be positioned at the quality conscious consumer. Our marketing campaign and PR positioning will reinforce the Bluespa image. Our message will be to identify the benefits of our products and to develop an image that makes Bluespa products highly desirable. Meanwhile, our pricing strategy will be to maintain retail price points in the lower quadrant of the top quality brands. A detailed comparison of our pricing as it relates to our target market is in the appendix.

Keys to Success

Our keys to success are: 

  • Quality product.
  • Product logistics and quality control.
  • Product placement in key retail accounts.
  • A vertical retail presence in brick and mortar, catalogue and e-commerce.
  • The creation of a "buzz" about this "hot…new" brand among opinion leaders through a combination of PR and product placement.

Marketing & Sales

Marketing plan.

Bluespa will utilize a brand building (pull) strategy as the basis for our marketing plan. We will position our print media spend in magazines that influence our target consumer and validate the brand. The publications we will utilize are: W, Vogue, Wallpaper, Cosmopolitan, Travel & Leisure, Vanity Fair, Departures, In Style, Food & Wine, Shape, Town and Country and the New York Times Sunday edition. These are the same publications retail buyers and trend analysts scour to find emerging brands or trends. In addition to paid ads in regional issues of the publications mentioned, we will retain a PR firm to develop a grass roots program for obtaining product placement and celebrity/trainer endorsements. Our media and PR strategy will bring the brand to the forefront for the consumer and set the stage for our image development. We will have a separate plan to market to spas and retailers at trade shows. In addition we will develop a unique in-store graphic and communication package that explains our products benefits and advantages at point of sale.

Our retail sales strategy consists of just two parts. First we will hire and train people who fit the Bluespa image and lifestyle. Our training programs will insure that they have the product knowledge necessary to serve the customers needs and close the sale. Second, our commission and retention programs will insure we recognize and reward performance. Our sales people will be on a commission program that compensates for follow up sales at progressively higher rates. This will provide an incentive for consumer follow up and the creation of repeat business. Our commission program will also insure that individual performance is monitored and recognized. Top performers will be singled out for recognition and poor performers will be given additional training or encouraged to seek a profession more suitable to their skills.

Locations & Facilities

The company’s main office is located in Portland Oregon. The office is approximately 400 square feet. An additional 800 square feet of office space can be made available within the building. This should be sufficient for planned staff size within the first few years. The company has a five-year lease on the current space with an additional five-year option. An option exists on the expansion space as well.

Distribution in the first year will be managed from a facility in Southwest Portland. In years two through five we plan to manage distribution through a contract resource capable of handling both wholesale distribution and retail fulfillment.

Skin and body care products will be developed and produced at our contract facilities in Pontrieux and Nice, France and Compton, California.

Production of apparel products will be managed through our contract manufacturer of sport-related apparel. They have a 50,000 square foot production facility in Portland, Oregon for high-quality technical apparel and a 200,000 square foot facility in Mexico for the production of t-shirts and other knitwear.

Production of accessories will be managed through a contract with a manufacturer of quality sports-related accessories including: bags, hats, totes and socks for the wholesale market. Their office and distribution facilities are located in southern California.

Milestones & Metrics

Milestones table, key metrics.

Our key metrics are 

  • Cost of goods of products – we have a lot of customers that can’t afford very expensive products, we need to keep an eye on the cost to stay competitive
  • Facebook page views 
  • Twitter tweets and retweets 
  • Blog shares 
  • Instagram 
  • Website 
  • Community events 

Ownership & Structure

The initial management team is very compact. Our CEO and founder is the only current (full-time) employee. However we have utilized significant external resources and have secured a committed and talented team to join Bluespa as our funding gets in place. Ms. Kelly Anderson will be our director of retail and spa operations. Mr. Dane Johnson will join us as creative director. (Mr. Johnson is currently a creative director for Nike.) Ms. Brunner will be the director of product development. Ms. Fran Wonnacott will join the team as administrative assistant to Mr. Brunner. In addition to our internal resources we have access to a significant pool of senior management and design talent. This resource has been detailed in the management team section.

Management Team

Ray G. Brunner, president and CEO:

Mr. Brunner has over 30 years of retail experience. During his career he has successfully held senior management positions with several major retailers.

He joined the GAP Inc. as a regional manager. During his 10 year career with GAP he managed every region in the U.S. The then-new president, Millard Drexler, tapped him for the position of vice president of visual merchandising. In this capacity, Mr. Brunner played a significant role in the repositioning of GAP.

Mr. Brunner was then assigned the responsibility of developing a kids business for GAP. This resulted in the creation of GAPKIDS where he served as VP and general manager until he joined Storehouse PLC as president and CEO of Conran’s Habitat North America. His responsibilities there included developing a U.S. roll out strategy for that business. After selling the business, Mr. Brunner joined Eddie Bauer as VP of real estate and retail operations. While in this capacity he was instrumental in developing a complete face-lift for the core business as well as assisting in the development of the Eddie Bauer home concept.

Then Mr. Brunner left Eddie Bauer to begin a very specialized consulting business. His clients have included Esprit Europe, Asia and America, Fruit of The Loom, The Luchesse Boot Company, Adidas International, The Guggenheim Museum and Adidas America. The nature of each of these consulting engagements has been to assist the client company in developing a strategy for a retail rollout or expansion and to oversee the successful execution of these strategies. Adidas America decided to execute a retail strategy developed in conjunction with Mr. Brunner’s consultancy, on the condition that he agreed to manage the business and launch the strategy. He served in the capacity of president for retail operations with Adidas America. He planned and managed the development of the Adidas in-line retail stores now open in Los Angeles, Seattle and Boston. In addition, he coordinated the development of the organizational structure and rollout strategy for this business.

Mr. Brunner attended Western Connecticut State College and did graduate work at UCLA.

Barbara Brunner, vice president product development:

Ms. Brunner has over 25 years of retail experience. Her career started with GAP as an assistant store manager. She quickly became a store manager and then a senior store manager responsible for overseeing the Washington DC metro. Then she was tapped to become one of the first managers in the new Banana Republic Division, where she opened and successfully managed the South Coast Plaza store. Ms. Brunner then joined Ann Taylor to manage the Beverly Hills and Century City stores. As a training manager she was instrumental in developing top store talent for this prestigious retailer.

Ms. Brunner co-founded Planet Stores in Seattle Washington. Planet quickly became a recognized leader in the market and grew to five stores in the Pacific Northwest. The retail scene was beginning to change and the Brunner’s sensed an opportunity to develop a quality lifestyle business that focused on personal care. The new business would go beyond just body care creams, lotions and essential oils. It would extend into the other areas this customer spends her personal time in, such as yoga and fitness training.

When the Planet store locations were sold and the idea for Bluespa began to take shape.

Personnel Table

Our outside management advisors provide a significant asset to Bluespa. They provide management with a valuable sounding board for strategic and creative decisions. They provide a deep experience base in all critical areas.

Dane Johnson – marketing and graphic design: Mr. Johnson has been a senior marketing executive with Adidas and Nike. He has extensive experience in both media and product design.

J. Victor Fandel – real estate and strategic planning: Mr. Fandel was the co-founder of Terranomics realty. He sold Terranomics to Federal Realty and started Fandel Realty Group. His clients include Polo-Ralph Lauren, AnnTaylor, Donna Karen, LVMH and Adidas.

W. John Short – strategic planning and finance: Mr. Short began his career with Citibank in Latin America and Hong Kong in their Corporate Finance and Commercial Banking Group. After nine years with Citibank he joined Esprit Far East as president and chief operating officer. Before retiring he had attained the position of president and CEO of Esprit Europe and Esprit International.

R. Gordon Gooding – strategic planning and finance: Mr. Gooding is president and chief financial officer of Naartjie North. Naartjie is a multi-national children’s clothing retailer. Prior to his involvement in the Naartjie project, Gordon spent three years in the private banking industry in the Cayman Islands. Before his banking experience he worked for KPMG in audit and taxation for five years in both the Caymans and Vancouver, Canada. Gordon received a bachelor of commerce degree from the University of British Columbia, and a CA designation from the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants.

Devin Wright – apparel design and manufacturing: Mr. Wright is the president and founder of AMG. AMG is a manufacturer of high-quality sports apparel. Their clients include Nike, Adidas and Columbia sportswear.

Karen Alweil – wholesale distribution: Ms. Alweil has over 12 years experience in wholesale sales management. Then she opened her own sales agency in Los Angeles. Her showroom specializes in body care and accessories. She was instrumental in the successful launch of Neal’s Yard aromatherapy line in the United States.

Paul LaBruna – fixture design and manufacture: Mr. LaBruna have created and managed the growth of one of the most successful and highly respected fixture resources in America. They have been instrumental in assisting with major rollouts for The GAP, AnnTaylor, Talbots, Williams Sonoma and Levi Strauss.

Peter Glen – emerging trends and consumer marketing: Mr. Glenn is a respected trend guru. He has written several books on the subject and writes a regular column for Visual Merchandising and Store Design. He is a global trend consultant for many top retailers in the U.S. and Europe.

Wayne Badovinus – strategic planning and catalogue retailing: Mr. Badovinus has over 30 years of retail and catalogue experience with such highly respected firms as Williams Sonoma (where he was President and COO) and Eddie Bauer, where he held the position of president and CEO Under Mr. Badovinus’ guidance Bauer grew from $250 million to over $2 billion.

Financial Plan investor-ready personnel plan .">

Key assumptions.

Our assumptions are detailed in the proceeding tables. We have planned for relatively slow but stable general economic growth and an interest rate on borrowing of 9.5%. Because our business is a combination of retail and wholesale our collection days may look somewhat optimistic. That is caused by our assumption that approximately 70% of our retail sales will be done on credit cards and debit cards. There is a three-day payment lag on these sales. We assumed that wholesale customers would pay on an average of 50 days and that in year one 60% of our business would be on terms. As we develop our customer base (at wholesale) this number is ramped up to 80% by year five. (Our terms will be C.O.D. on all opening orders.) Our payments to vendors are assumed at 45 days.

Revenue by Month

Expenses by month, net profit (or loss) by year, use of funds.

Start-up costs are shown in three areas. The first is in the start-up table, the second is within the cash flow assumptions and the third is in the P&L.

  • Start-up expenses: legal (incorporation and trademark registration), stationery (business cards and office supplies), etc., brochures, consultants (graphic design for logo and packaging), research and development (architecture fees for store and trade fixture design).
  • Start-up costs expressed in year one cash flow: FF&E for first Bluespa retail store.
  • Start-up costs included within year one P&L: brand marketing, management staff, travel costs to coordinate product development.

Start-up Expenses referenced in retained earnings: 

Legal $2,500

Stationery etc. $3,000

Brochures $10,000

Consultants $15,000

Research and Development $30,000

Expensed Equipment $60,000

Other $50,000


Sources of Funds

The start up expense for this company is $420,000. There is $100,000 in current borrowing, $256,000 from founder Ray and $64,000 from founder Barbara. 

Projected Profit & Loss

Projected balance sheet, projected cash flow statement.

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This plan is to set up a cosmetic shop in the name of " Briox Cosmetics Enterprise ", which will be located in Easy View Arcade Garage street Mbarara. The cosmetic shop will be a sole proprietorship owned by Akampurira Brian. I will use startup capital of 52,380,000 Uganda shillings. UGX 34,380,000 will be owners’ equity and the remaining UGX 18,000,000 will be a bank loan which will be secured from centenary bank at 10% interest rate. The key personnel at the cosmetic Enterprise will include Senior manager, buying inputs and overall supervisory work, operations and production staff, sales and marketing staff, skin therapy and hairdressing staff, record keeping and accounting, stock control and direct selling staff The key objective of the cosmetic shop will be to provide fresh quality cosmetics to our clients to enable them improve their general skin beauty, to obtain maximum customer satisfaction through continued quality production, to obtain continuous production and supply of our products to the customers, to create customer loyalty to our products such that they become well pronounced in the customer minds. To achieve our objective, the cosmetic shop will employ strategies such as: Offering quality, body skin lotions, oils and herbal cosmetics that help fight the skin diseases made from fresh fruit and vegetable which are nutritious through adequate research and proper mixture of the lotions, oils and herbal ointments to meet the standard skin contents and characteristics of customers in the market through advertisement by use of sign posts, direct selling and radio stations, offering special incentive to our regular clients, offering our cosmetics at relatively lower prices for market penetration, creating a conducive environment for our clients, employing people who understand the meaning of customer care and meaning of quality by giving them samples for use as a way of expanding our markets especially among the young children, youth and women. All this encompasses our strategies that include, communication strategy, supplier relationship strategy, marketing strategy, competitive strategy and human resource strategy. The vision of the cosmetic shop will be ‘To be the leading suppliers of quality, fresh and health skin booting cosmetics product’ Our mission will be, dedicated at improving the skin health and body look and appearance of our client. "We seek to become the recognized leader in our targeted local and international market for carrying a diverse line of in demand cosmetics including perfumes, makeup, and other accessories that will have a competitive edge towards customer satisfaction and retention at attractive prices. Our major customers will be corporate employees, students, market vendors, tourists and retailers who will be consuming a range of our products including; Perfumes 1st class, Lemon body lotion, Hair relaxer cream, Avocadoes body cream smoother and Hair glow. Our forms/ ways of distribution will include, through Retailers, distributors and wholesalers who will buy and sell in bulk to our final customers which we cannot sell to directly we shall also sell directly to the customers because we have a high customer traffic at our main outlet in Mbarara. We shall as well be using a van that will be leased to distribute to our customers who order in large quantities. In terms of our legal responsibilities, the following taxes apply to our business, sales tax, employees’ income tax, national social security fund and Mbarara Municipal Council Tax and other licenses like trading license, and Uganda National Bureau of Standards license. We shall as well need to the insurance for our business and also carry out other social responsibilities like corporate social responsibility, being environmentally friendly, and ensuring cleanliness of Mbarara town. Our products are costed and priced after comparison with our major competitor’s prices and costing information acquired through market research. We have as well carried out cash flow estimates to ensure that our business does not run out of cash. Our startup capital has been allocated to what we intend to start our business with that is renting building for two months, buying machines for mixing the inputs, Machines, leasing van, buying furniture and fittings, massage equipment, cloths and uniforms and other necessary things to start with including the employee salaries for the first two months. This plan will be effective on 1st January 2018 and that is when my business will begin in Mbarara Easy View Arcade.

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Revista de Saúde Pública

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OBJETIVO: Estudar morfologicamente ovos de T. circummaculata e T. rubrovaria. MÉTODOS: Quarenta ovos das duas espécies foram mensurados por meio de projetor de perfil Nikon modelo 6C, e utilizado o teste Student, para execução da análise estatística. As observações morfológicas foram feitas em microscópio eletrônico de varredura JEOL, modelo JSM-T330A. RESULTADOS/CONCLUSÕES: A análise estatística revelou que os ovos e as cascas de ovos de T. rubrovaria são significativamente maiores que os de T. circummaculata. Observações microscópicas mostraram que a borda corial, assim como a goteira espermática, são bem mais evidentes nos ovos de T. rubrovaria que nos de T. circummaculata. O exocório das duas espécies é formado por áreas poligonais, que são hexagonais em sua maioria. Foram observados também o momento da eclosão do embrião e os detalhes das exúvias embrionárias.

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Latar belakang dalam penelitian ini adalah pendidikan merupakan suatu proses pembelejaran yang dilakukan secara terencana dan sistematis. Tujuan pendidikan yang bersifat implist (tersembunyi) adalah untuk memperoleh masa depan yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Akan tetapi dalam pemenuhan harapan tersebut terkadang para peserta didik juga memperoleh hambatan-hambatan, salah satunya adalah siswa mempunyai konsep diri negatif. Upaya dalam pencapaian tujuan yang diharapkan, pemberian bantuan dilakukan menggunakan layanan konseling dengan pendekatan Client Centered. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah Apakah model konseling Client Centered dapat membantu mengentaskan permasalahan siswa yang mempunyai konsep diri negatif di MAN 1 Kudus ?. sedangkan tujuan penelitian ini adalah:1. Untuk menemukan faktor-faktor penyebab konsep diri negatif pada siswa kelas X MAN 1 Kudus tahun pelajaran 2013/2014. 2. Untuk menemukan efektifitas penerapan konseling Client Centered dalam menangani konsep d...

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Boeing promises big changes as the plane maker looks to rebuild trust and quality

Joel Rose

The Federal Aviation Administration says it will continue to hold Boeing accountable after reviewing "the company’s roadmap to fix its systemic safety and quality-control issues." The 90-day review follows the in-flight door plug blowout on an Alaska Airlines 737 Max in January. Boeing finishes final assembly of its jets at at its facility in Renton, Wash. Jovelle Tamayo for NPR hide caption

WASHINGTON — Boeing is promising sweeping changes to its manufacturing operations as the troubled plane maker tries to rebuild trust with federal regulators, airlines and the flying public.

It’s been just over 90 days since the Federal Aviation Administration ordered Boeing to come up with a comprehensive plan to fix its quality control problems after a door plug panel blew off a new 737 Max jet in midair .

Boeing leaders, including CEO Dave Calhoun, presented the final plan in a three-hour meeting with FAA officials in Washington on Thursday morning.

Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun to step down, part of a shakeup after 737 Max problems

Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun to step down, part of a shakeup after 737 Max problems

After the meeting, federal regulators vowed to continue their enhanced oversight of the company for the foreseeable future. 

“This plan does not mark the end of our increased oversight of Boeing and its suppliers, but the beginning of the next chapter,” said FAA administrator Mike Whitaker. "Boeing has laid out their roadmap and now they need to execute.”

Boeing released an executive summary of the plan, promising to strengthen the company’s safety management system, to train employees better, and to increase oversight of suppliers.

No one was seriously injured in the midair blowout on Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 in January. But the incident renewed serious concerns about safety and quality control at Boeing after the deadly crashes of two 737 Max jets in 2018 and 2019 that killed a total of 346 people.

A preliminary investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board determined that four key bolts that were supposed to hold the door plug in place were missing when the plane left Boeing's factory.

The incident prompted the FAA to undertake a six-week audit of Boeing’s production lines. Regulators say they found quality control problems at Boeing and Spirit AeroSystems , one of its top suppliers, which builds the fuselage for the 737.

Boeing also responded to the FAA audit's findings in the plan it delivered on Thursday. And the company laid out a list of metrics that regulators will use to track the company’s progress.

Whitaker promised that the FAA would be watching closely. He said the agency would continue to put more inspectors in Boeing’s factories, as well as those of its suppliers, and that regulators would meet weekly with Boeing leaders to track their progress. 

Whitaker said the FAA would not lift its production cap on Boeing’s 737 line until it’s satisfied that the company is following through on its promises. 

“We need to see a strong and unwavering commitment to safety and quality that endures over time,” Whitaker said at a press conference Thursday. “This is about systemic change, and there's a lot of work to be done.”

The FAA did not put a timeline on when Boeing can begin to increase production of the 737. The company has slowed production to well below the FAA’s cap of 38 planes per month as it works to improve quality. 

But Boeing has said it aims to ramp up that number in the second half of the year. That’s something airlines desperately need, as they’ve been forced to cut flights and scale back their growth targets.  

The Alaska Airlines blowout also triggered a management shakeup at Boeing. Several top executives in the commercial aviation division left the company, and CEO Dave Calhoun announced he would step down at the end of the year.

I'm an entrepreneur with 6 tips for building a website for your small business without breaking the bank

Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us and terms apply to offers listed (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate products and services to help you make smart decisions with your money.

  • I built my first business website in 2000 — it was hard to get started, and even harder to make it look good.
  • Now, there are low-cost options to make your small business website look professional.
  • Many hosting plans give you a staging area where you can experiment with your site's design.

Insider Today

You can do many things to succeed as a small-business owner — steps like forming an LLC and getting a business credit card can help. One of the most important steps you can take is building a website for your business.

I got my first business website around 2000. In those days, you had to learn Dreamweaver or HTML to build your site from scratch, and it would still probably look terrible. I didn't know how to do it myself, so I hired a designer. I had to wait for her to be available for updates, which meant my site was often stale. I vowed never to have another business website I couldn't manage myself.

Now, many tools are available to help new business owners build and take control of their websites. I built my freelance writing website in WordPress, which is much fancier than I could have designed without those tools. I had help from a consultant to develop this version of my site, but you don't need that. Here's what you need to know.

1. Plan to spend some time on your website

When I was ready to build my first business website, a friend who had created a site for her business told me she could help me and we could do it in an evening. That was not overly optimistic. I spent about 10 hours getting my website up and another 15 hours updating it with a new theme a few years later.

2. Build it in WordPress

There's a reason WordPress is the most popular website-building platform. It is robust and full-featured, updates often, and is free. Because of its popularity, there are endless plugins, many free, that you can use to increase functionality. WordPress comes with a built-in page builder that's easy to use. Platforms like Wix or Weebly that promise simpler builds don't have the flexibility and, in my experience, aren't any easier to work with than WordPress.

One of the best things about WordPress is online help. I have never taken a class in WordPress; the online community is my help desk and instructor. I now help manage WordPress sites for my clients, not because I'm a techie but because it truly is easy.

3. Choose a low-cost hosting platform

WordPress is free, but you'll need to pay for hosting. I use Bluehost and pay about $400 annually, which gives me access to several security add-ons. Many services offer low-cost hosting for WordPress sites, and you can often manage your domain registration through the same company.

4. Use a page builder

WordPress's web builder keeps improving, but I recommend adding a drag-and-drop builder to give you more tools to add functionality and visual interest. There are many builders with free versions; two popular ones are Elementor and Beaver Builder. I use the Divi builder, which is not free, but I bought a lifetime license on sale for around $150.

5. Start with page templates

Templates are packs of pages with all the design elements in place. All you have to do is substitute your graphics and text. One way to choose a page builder is by looking at templates and using the builder for the template you like.

There are both free and paid templates. My builder subscription includes many free template packs; I chose one designed for freelancers. Using template pages gave my website a unified look, saving me a tremendous amount of time in design.

6. Do not fear failure

One of my favorite things about working on the web is that absolutely anything can be changed. I once accidentally changed the background color of my theme, which made all my pages look hideous, but I simply changed it back — no lasting harm done. Be experimental. Try new things.

One final pro tip: My hosting plan allows me to create a staging site where I can fiddle around to my heart's content while my current site remains live and unchanged. It is shockingly easy to set this up. When I first built my current website, I used a WordPress theme that wasn't very flexible. I created a staging site where I could take my time renovating the site with my new builder and templates. When I was ready, I switched to the updated pages with a click.

business plan of lipstick

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business plan of lipstick

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Updates on workplace violence prevention, AI rules, right to disconnect

A gavel in front of law books.

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Here’s a mid-year update of topics addressed in earlier columns.

Workplace violence prevention plan July 1 deadline

My Jan. 1 column addressed new Labor Code section 6401.9 that requires California employers to establish a workplace violence prevention plan by July 1.

The plan must include, among other things:

  • The names or job titles of those responsible for implementing the plan;
  • How employees may help identify, evaluate and correct workplace violence hazards;
  • How the employer will process reports of workplace violence;
  • How employees may report a workplace violence incident to the employer or law enforcement without retaliation; and
  • How employees will be alerted to the presence, location, and nature of actual or potential workplace violence emergencies, plus evacuation and sheltering plans as appropriate.

Cal-OSHA has posted a customizable model plan . Employers may choose instead to adopt their own plan, either as a standalone plan or as part of their existing injury Illness and Prevention Program.

Workplaces where fewer than 10 employees are working at any time and that are inaccessible to the public are exempt from the new law. That means a publicly accessible workplace with fewer than 10 employees present must comply, as must a publicly inaccessible workplace with more than 10 employees present at any time.

Covered employers must provide employee training about their plan by July 1. There is no grace period according to the posted frequently asked questions . The training must include, among other things:

  • The employer’s plan, how to access it, and how to participate in developing and implementing it;
  • How to report workplace violence incidents;
  • Workplace violence hazards specific to the employees’ jobs; and
  • An interactive Q&A with someone knowledgeable about the plan.

Adoption of AI regulations imminent

Last August, this column alerted employers to draft artificial intelligence regulations concerning workplace decision-making being considered by the California Civil Rights Council, the rule-making arm of the Civil Rights Department.

The council probably will adopt the new rules when it meets July 18. If adopted, the rules will, among other things, prohibit employers from using any automated decision-making system to evaluate applicant or employee skills, target job advertisements, or measure aptitude, attitude or cultural fit that would have an adverse impact on a protected class. The regulations also will prohibit any third party, such as a vendor, from designing, selling, or using an automated decision-making system that facilitates unlawful discrimination.

An employer will be able to defend its use of an automated decision-making system that has a discriminatory effect by showing using the system “is job-related for the position in question and consistent with business necessity and there is no less discriminatory policy or practice” that would accomplish the employer’s goals.

The new rules highlight the risk of impermissibly using AI-generated tests in hiring. Labor Code section 12940(e) generally prohibits an employer from making a pre-offer “medical or psychological inquiry of an applicant.” Once an offer has been made, but before employment begins, an employer generally may make such an inquiry evenhandedly if the inquiry “is job-related and consistent with job necessity.”

The new rules identify tests commonly used in automated decision-making systems that may constitute an unlawful inquiry, including (1) personality-based questions that test for personal or emotional stability and (2) puzzles or games that evaluate physical or mental abilities.

In its statement of the rule’s rationale , the council says “a test measuring reaction time could screen out people with disabilities affecting their processing speed,” for example. Results from these tests may not reflect whether someone can perform a particular position with or without accommodations. Therefore, any test not demonstrably job-related could constitute an impermissible medical or psychological inquiry.

“Right to disconnect” bill shelved

In April, I wrote about AB 2751 , which would have given virtually all California employees a “right to disconnect” from their employers outside their scheduled working hours. The bill failed to advance in the Assembly; it is dead at least for this year.

My column identified some of the measure’s many flaws. But if providing employees with a right to disconnect would be bad law, it may be good management. That judgment, however, should rest with each employer.

Eaton is a partner with the San Diego law firm of Seltzer Caplan McMahon Vitek where his practice focuses on defending and advising employers. He also is an instructor at the San Diego State University Fowler College of Business where he teaches classes in business ethics and employment law. He may be reached at [email protected] .

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  1. How to Start a Profitable Lipstick Business [11 Steps]

    2. Draft a lipstick business plan. 3. Develop a lipstick brand. 4. Formalize your business registration. 5. Acquire necessary licenses and permits for lipstick. 6. Open a business bank account and secure funding as needed. 7. Set pricing for lipstick services. 8. Acquire lipstick equipment and supplies. 9. Obtain business insurance for lipstick ...

  2. 13 Steps to Successfully Start a Lipstick Business (2024)

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  3. A 101 Guide: How To Start a Lipstick Business

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  4. How to Start a Lipstick Business

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  5. How to Start a Lipstick Business: A 2023 Comprehensive Guide

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  8. how to start a lipstick business

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  17. Lip Gloss Line Business Plan [Sample Template]

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  27. Updates on workplace violence prevention, AI rules, right to disconnect

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