lead owner assignment rules

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Speed Up and Sell More: Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules Best Practices

When a lead comes in, an opportunity should come knocking.

But there’s a lot more under the hood. You need solid lead assignment rules in place, and one key variable to keep in mind.

Time. According to LeadSimple, responding to a lead in the first 5 minutes is 21x more effective.

No surprises here. If you’re a scaling business, you know that responding first to a lead is mission-critical.

If you’re manually triaging leads or waiting for IT to make business-critical changes to your lead assignment rules, it’s not scalable. Nor fast.

As an operations leader, you feel this pain across your entire organization. 

Demand teams work hard to generate incoming leads, so it doesn’t make sense to abandon them just because they’re not getting to the right rep in real-time. Your leads, after all, are directly tied to sales revenue.

Automating the process doesn’t solve the problem alone, either. It’s an important piece to speeding up, but not the only piece to the lead assignment puzzle.

You’re inundated with the notion often – speed is everything!

Well, we’re here to tell you:

Respond right is the new respond first.

Shotgun responses don’t help if your lead happens to work for a target enterprise account of yours. You definitely want your Enterprise sales rep, Rachael putting her best foot forward.

Setting the right lead assignment rules also helps with what ‘future you’ couldn’t know ahead of time.  Say a lead comes in from a territory that doesn’t have a rep assigned – It’s going to sit in a queue. A potential quality lead slipped through the cracks of time because there’s no accountability or rule in place.

Complex business processes and go-to-market efforts add additional layers of friction. How can you get it right if you’re constantly evolving at scale?

Your lead assignment process could be stunting your growth potential.

It’s time to speed up, starting with smarter lead assignment rules. 

Give your operations teams their sanity back, and set your sales reps up for speed-to-lead success.

Go ahead and skip the next section if you’re already aware of the challenges to overcome as a scaling business, and want to get right to Salesforce lead assignment rules for success.

Businesses Quickly Outgrow Native Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules

Asana, a project management platform, was scaling fast.

They were grappling with increasing volumes of leads, lagging response times, and complex assignment rules that became impossible to keep up within Salesforce.

As more leads came in from a variety of sources, and with complex territory assignments and hundreds of sales reps that change frequently, lead assignment became a nightmare to manage in native Salesforce.

That’s because creating and changing lead assignment rules can quickly become very complex:

lead assignment rules

Only a dozen or so lead assignment rules are implemented here, primarily basic rule sets like location, company size, industry, or lead quality. You can imagine how cluttered your rules would get as you continued to add more criteria.

Asana knew that not having a more sophisticated Salesforce workflow automation process meant they didn’t have the flexibility to adapt at scale.

There were two problems Asana needed to overcome:

1. Complex, evolving go-to-market rules

You wouldn’t want sales reps responding to a lead that’s not in their sales territory. You also wouldn’t want junior reps following up with your largest target accounts.

But it happens.

Typical go-to-market (GTM) models are unique by company and can vary by:

  • Named account
  • Role or product focus
  • Partner channels and more

How a company sets up their go-to-market strategy informs how they need to route or assign leads to reps. SaaS sales teams are regularly selling into different territories, market segments (SMB, mid-market, enterprise), verticals, and industries.

What’s more, lead assignment rules often require changing daily with large enterprise businesses. 

Asana, for example, consistently had leads assigned to reps that no longer worked with them.

Imagine juggling complex territory assignment rules and hundreds of sales reps that change frequently?

It can take weeks or months for IT to get involved whenever a Salesforce lead assignment rule needs to be changed:

  • IT has to define the required changes, scope them, slot those into a sprint, which may occur weeks or months later
  • During the sprint, the team will make the changes, validate them, test them
  • Push them from the development environment to the QA environment, and perhaps a staging environment, and then finally into production

Doing things manually, or not at all, is not a scalable alternative.

You can automate to help you move faster, but speed is sidelined when you don’t have the flexibility to adapt to your changing assignment or routing environment.

And it only gets worse as your lead volume climbs.

2. Massive volumes of incoming leads and lagging response times

When too many cars are trying to get to various destinations, traffic jams occur, with some drivers giving up and going somewhere else altogether.

If companies are slow to respond, the chances of those leads sticking around drops with every. passing. minute. Someone else will hop on a plane instead and get facetime sooner.

You need to move faster.

On average, it took companies 42 hours, or almost two days, to respond to a lead .

That’s basically a lifetime:

leads waiting for a response

Dramatics aside, it means most B2B companies are still falling behind and not responding to leads within the five-minute-or-less sweet spot. But it’s there for the taking.

In the past, we had people manage catchall queues, trying to figure out who should own each lead. – Jim Maddison, Veracode

In Xant’s Lead Response Study 2021 of 5.7 million inbound leads at 400 plus companies, they found that 57.1% of first call attempts occurred after more than a week of receiving a lead.

So why are most companies lagging behind? They need to automate and create more adaptable lead assignment rules that actually reflect their go-to-market.

Speed might be serving up the silver platter, but you’re only going to get the deal if you implement effective salesforce lead assignment rules.

Here are some best practices to help set yourself up for success.

Lead Assignment Rules Best Practices For High-Growth Companies

You’ve got massive volumes of incoming leads and ultra-complex go-to-market rules. You’re in the right place.

First things first.

Automate, automate, automate. 

Let’s get to that golden window of 5-minutes. Picture Tesla’s “Come to Me” app (it comes to you and eliminates a long trek to your parking spot).

It requires one tap.

Once a lead enters Salesforce, they follow the defined rule roadmap according to lead assignment rules that you set and ultimately land with the correct salesperson in record time.

You’re giving back those precious minutes to your revenue and sales operations teams.

Now about those rules.

Define Your Go-To-Market Rule Baseline

Carving out territories based on geography, segments, verticals, industries, named accounts, or whatever your go-to-market strategy is, is the first step. This is your baseline.

Any lead that falls into a sales rep’s territory should be assigned to them based on these defined rules, but that’s easier said than done. They’re constantly changing based on several factors.

You need to define your criteria  

In other words, the set of criteria that you will be implementing – you know the drill. To do so, you ask all the necessary questions:

  • Which rep will take on what territories?
  • What happens if new reps are hired and old ones leave?
  • What happens if someone goes on vacation? Or doesn’t work on Fridays?
  • A lead comes in from a partner, where do you want this to go?

The beauty is that the sky is the limit.

But how do you get there with native Salesforce constraints lacking the required sophistication?

We had about 800 or 900 rule criteria. We needed something flexible and something that could change, or help us change as we change our business a year to year. – Jim Maddison, Veracode

The next step:

Create customer rule criteria 

Veracode, a security company, had incredibly complex criteria. They had to hire a developer to manually code changes to lead assignment rules. Things changed daily for them, and they grappled with how to adapt.


Ditching the code for the intuitive drag and drop Complete Lead’s interface gave Veracode more flexibility to create assignment rules on the go.

Complete Leads

Remember when we said the sky’s the limit?

Implement Nested Flows to Tackle Ultra-Complex Rule Sets

If there were a way to make it easier, you do it right?

Nested flows keep your rules organized. 

At a high level, think of it like nesting dolls: each “nested” or child assignment flow sits within a bigger, or parent assignment flow.

These parent-child relationships can span far beyond just one or two levels, giving you the freedom to allow each business unit to oversee their own GTM processes and territories.  This is a huge win for Rev Ops organizations looking to simplify and speed up ultra-complex lead management.

Nested Flow

Department Managers can even set and keep track of rules for their own set of assignment flows, for different GTM teams and within different nested flows. That means lines are drawn in the sand but teams still have visibility and control of how a lead is tracked for their particular team.

Your business depends on data getting where it needs to go, fast. That’s why no matter how complex, your assignment rules should never feel out of hand.

Leverage Powerful Account-Based Assignment

Account-based strategies should be a cornerstone to your go-to-market strategy, and you want to know that your strategic investments are being implemented successfully.

  • In a survey conducted by ITSMA , 87% of B2B marketers said that ABM initiatives outperform their other marketing investments.
  • COVID-19 caused companies t o rush to create ABM strategies to respond to an increased need for a strong digital presence.
  • 56% of the 800 B2B marketers that LinkedIn surveyed said that they are using ABM. Over 80% said that they plan to increase their ABM budget over the next year.

Use account-based assignment.

Account-based marketing targets specific companies, so setting up account-based rules in your lead flow process allows you to route leads from these target accounts to your most experienced reps quickly and easily.

The rule of thumb is that leads from target accounts need to go to the account rep that owns the account. The account owner has the deepest knowledge of the account and the highest chance to convert. Simply put, account based routing  has a positive impact on your bottom line.

With a more robust lead assignment solution to align with their account-based selling and marketing strategies, Alfresco was able to increase their close/won rate by 10%!

Enterprise hierarchy assignment is a no-brainer for account selling.

Imagine if you could automatically visualize all the related customer accounts including subsidiaries, and assign one strategic rep to the parent enterprise account?

You can and you should. Complete Hierarchies gives you the ability to automatically build and visualize complex account hierarchies, so that you’re able to route leads to the right rep no matter how complex the account structure.

TC Web Features

Let’s say a new lead comes in from Hulu, but you’ve no idea that it’s a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company. Chances are the same rep won’t be assigned the account if other go-to-market rules are in place.

Also, you’ve already given a discount to The Walt Disney Company, and this information is not available to the rep who gets the new lead. Account Hierarchies can be a trick up the sleeve when it comes to account-based assignment.

But what happens if a lead comes in and it’s not associated with any account or go-to-market territory?

Set Up A Sophisticated Round Robin

You’re leaving revenue on the table when you let leads sit and die without a timely response.

Native Salesforce just isn’t sophisticated enough to handle more complex round-robin criteria that’s required to keep your leads flowing when they hit a snag.  It’s limited and cumbersome to manage – major setbacks when it comes to your speed-to-lead.

For certain territories or situations, you may have multiple reps covering the territory or a catch-all queue for leads that don’t have enough information to assign properly.

In those cases, businesses often have someone dedicated to manually triaging and assigning leads. This is an incredibly time-consuming operational nightmare and a good way to tank your response times.

And with a lack of accountability, reps often cherry-pick the ideal leads and leave others to the crows.

To avoid these assignment pitfalls you need to push leads to a chosen pool of sales reps and evenly distributed to your sales team, giving everyone an equal opportunity to generate a sale. But you also need more flexible options.

Use sophisticated dynamic round-robin assignment to:

  • Set sophisticated criteria like rep speciality or languages
  • Use availability settings to ensure leads can be responded to immediately (e.g. office hours)
  • Automatically notify reps when new leads are pushed through
  • Enforce SLAs on response times to make sure leads are responded to as quickly as possible
  • Pair with a rep response dashboard that gives you a complete view to help you monitor how fast a rep is following up with their round-robin leads

TC Web Feature Round Robin

Weighted round-robin:

Give your best-performing reps more leads, and improve your overall chance at generating more pipeline. Based on:

  • Performance
  • On their speciality
  • Any desired field

If you’ve found that reps have hit their max capacity for being able to manage any more leads, you can cap the number of records assigned to your team members in the round-robin.

Hit a snag? Re-route your leads:

If reps aren’t responding within their SLA, you can reroute the lead and assign it to someone who will respond. This helps prevent further roadblocks and keeps data flowing, even when there’s a bottleneck.

It’s typical for our team to get four to five requests a week to change territories for a user. Onboarding and offboarding now takes just a few minutes to run all our leads back through the system and automatically get reassigned. – Jim Maddison, Veracode

The ultimate speed-to-lead tactic to keep in your back pocket.

Go Beyond Leads, Assign Any Object

Just imagine that feeling you get if you could create assignment flow, beyond leads. It’s a whole new world.

Assign any object

Go beyond leads and create any assignment flow across any object. You can assign any record, update any field, and trigger any action.

It works similarly to the assignment flow you create for leads, so define your goals and determine your set of criteria for each particular object.

TC Web Features Assign Any Object

No more manual effort!

This presents endless opportunities to customize your assignment flows, resulting in streamlined processes and less manual administrative time spent manually sifting through information.

What Are You Waiting For?

maximize your lead assignment rules

It’s time to speed up and sell more. 

Speed is crucial, but there’s so much more than that underpinning your speed-to-lead. You need the flexibility to handle your go-to-market complexity and to keep your leads flowing to the right reps in real time.

When you’re scaling fast, you can’t afford to let good leads slip through the cracks.

Interested in hearing more?

We’re happy to talk you through how you can elevate your lead assignment rules in Salesforce, and dramatically improve your speed-to-lead game. Book a personalized demo with one of our experienced team members today.

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How to use Salesforce lead assignment rules

When your organization gets to the point that you have a) leads coming in on a regular basis and b) multiple sales reps, you quickly realize you need a way to divide up those leads among your reps. If you're using Salesforce, you may have noticed a built-in feature called Lead Assignment Rules. Sounds perfect, right? Sort of. We'll walk you through it.

Here's our agenda:

  • The basics of lead assignment rules

Matching and assigning with rule entries

  • Issues and challenges with lead assignment rules

The basics of lead assignment rules in Salesforce

Let's take a look at lead assignment rules in Salesforce. Go to your Salesforce org's Setup section and search for "lead assignment" in the Quick Find box. You'll find these buried under Feature Settings > Marketing > Lead Assignment Rules. If you don't see it, make sure you have permissions for "View Setup and Configuration" and "Customize Application".

Salesforce lead assignment rule editor

  • Unique names - Every lead assignment rule has a unique name [1].
  • A lead assignment rule is really a list of "rule entries" - Salesforce calls each of the individual rules in the list a "rule entry" [2]. Each rule entry allows you to say something along the lines of: "if a lead meets these criteria, assign it to this user (or queue - more on that in a moment)".
  • Rule entry order matters - The list of rule entries [2] is processed in a specific order you define. Salesforce will process each rule entry until it finds a match. Once it finds a match, it will assign the lead based on how the rule entry is configured.
  • Only one active rule at a time - You can only have one lead assignment rule set to active [3].

Now that we've got a decent idea about what a lead assignment rule looks like, let's dive into rule entries.

Every rule entry has three parts:

  • Order - This is a number that indicates where the entry exists in the list. Rule entries are evaluated starting at 1 and then processing until one of the rules matches.
  • Matching Criteria - Leads are compared to the matching criteria for each rule to determine if the lead matches. The first rule that matches is used to determine assignment.
  • Assignment - This tells Salesforce what you want to do once a lead has matched the matching criteria. Usually, you'll tell Salesforce to assign it to a user or a queue.

Order is pretty straightforward. The complexity really lies in matching criteria and assignment. let's spend some time on those.

Matching criteria

There are two types of matching criteria: filter criteria and formulas. You'll probably use filter criteria the most, so let's start with that one:

Salesforce lead assignment rule entry with filter criteria

One key limitation is that you can only configure criteria using fields from the lead, the current user, and the campaign associated with the lead.

Here's what it looks like to create a formula rule entry:

Salesforce lead assignment rule entry with formula

hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(8216850, 'e84fc167-06c5-4b7b-bb34-42ccff0e2db4', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"});

Let's go back to the rule entry screen and focus on the assignment section:

Salesforce lead assignment rule user and queue assignment

So, what's the difference between a user and a queue?

  • User - In business terms, this is a particular sales rep who will be responsible for managing the lead. In technical terms, this is an active Salesforce user configured in your Salesforce org.
  • Queue - A Queue is a list of records (usually Leads, but not always) that are accessible to a specific group of users. Each of those users can take ownership of a record from the queue, removing it for the others. When you assign ownership of a Lead to a Queue, you're effectively making it first-come, first-serve for a group of users. This is not the same as a "round-robin" assignment where you assign the Lead to one person from a list of users.

There's one last thing to know about assigning ownership. Note the checkbox labeled "Do not Reassign Owner"[3]. This controls what happens when a lead is updated and matches the criteria. If this is checked, the assignment will essentially be ignored. Use this to prevent toggling users back and forth.

The last field, "Email Template" [4] allows you to specify a particular email template to use for notifying the new assignee when the assignment is complete.

Issues and challenges

Lead Assignment Rules are a reasonable choice for a small team with simple rules. They work and the only cost to you is the administrative overhead of creating and maintaining them. Unfortunately, they're extremely limited and don't cover many common use cases. They also become very brittle as your team size and lead velocity increase. Here are a few common issues and challenges:

  • Leads only - They only apply to the Lead object (there are Case Assignment Rules for Cases, but that's it). This may make them a poor fit for your sales process if you need to do lead-to-account matching or you're pursuing an account-based strategy . If you need to assign other things besides Leads, you'll need to try a more flexible automation solution like Flow .
  • Hard to test - Unlike Process Builder or Flow, your Lead Assignment Rules don't provide any form of versioning or debugging so it's hard to test them without just doing it live.
  • Hard to audit  - There's no record of  why a lead was assigned in a particular way. You'll have to go look through your rule entries to figure it out. This can quickly get painful as the number of rules increases.
  • One rule at a time - If your company has very different rules for different leads (e.g. from different campaign sources or applicable to different product lines), it can be very challenging to craft your rule entries in a way that handles more than one lead routing flow.
  • No round-robin - It's technically possible to do a very poor version of round-robin with Lead Assignment Rules, we don't recommend it. It's extremely brittle and will break without lots of maintenance.

Where to go from here?

If you've got a small team with simple processes, give Salesforce lead assignment rules a try; they may give you just what you need. If you find yourself needing to assign other objects besides Leads, perform round-robin rep assignments or maintain a full audit trail, you might want to consider Gradient Works.

Hayes Davis

Hayes Davis

Hayes Davis is co-founder of Gradient Works. Previously, Hayes was SVP of Revenue Operations at Cision, where he ran a global team of 50 supporting nearly 600 sellers. He was also co-founder and CEO of Union Metrics until its successful acquisition by TrendKite in 2018. Hayes has a background in computer science.


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lead owner assignment rules

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G2 Recognizes Lead-to-Account Matching and Routing as Newest Tech Category, with LeanData the #1 Vendor

G2 Recognizes Lead-to-Account Matching and Routing as Newest Tech Category, with LeanData the #1 Vendor

Leandata showcases power of modern revenue orchestration at opsstars 2022, leandata announces winners of the 2022 opsstars awards, what are lead assignment rules in salesforce.

Lead assignment rules are a powerful feature within Salesforce to assist your team’s automation of its lead generation and customer support processes. Assignment rules in Salesforce are used to define to whom your Leads and Cases (customer questions, issues or feedback) are assigned based on any one of a number of specified criteria you determine. 

Organizations typically develop lead assignment rules for their GTM processes or flows:

  • Rules for inbound Leads
  • Rules for website-generated Leads
  • Rules for importing Leads from an event

For case assignments, a company might establish one case assignment rule for weekdays and another assignment rule for weekends and holidays. 

A lead or case assignment rule often consists of multiple rule entries to specify exactly how leads and cases are assigned throughout your go-to-market teams. For example, related to customer service inquiries, a standard case assignment rule might have multiple entries. Cases with “Type equals Gold” are assigned to the Gold Level service queue, cases with “Type equals Silver” are assigned to the Silver Level service” queue, and so on. 

flowchart with arrows and people

As organizations grow and scale, they operationalize multiple GTM motions: inbound, outbound, account-based, upsell/cross-sell, and hybrid. However, many are limited to having just one rule in Salesforce.

As a work-around, many organizations create one massive lead assignment ruleset. They then wedge all of their rule entries into that one big ruleset, regardless of how many different motions that represents. Over time, Salesforce lead assignment rules can quickly become unmanageable .

This post covers the best practices for Salesforce lead and case assignment rules. The ultimate goal is to fully engaging your hard-won leads and speed up your organization’s time-to-revenue.

How to Define Assignment Rules

Your Salesforce administrator can only have one rule in effect at any particular moment in your go-to-market motions, and that assignment rule is intended to both automate lead generation processes and other customer-facing processes routed through your CRM. 

Lead assignment rules specify how leads are assigned to users or queues as they are created manually, captured from your website, or imported via SFDC’s Data Import Wizard.

Case assignment rules determine how cases are assigned to users or put into queues as they are created, either manually or through the use of Web-to-Case, Email-to-Case, On-Demand Email-to-Case, the Self-Service portal, the Customer Portal, Outlook, or other data generation applications.

Criteria for Lead Assignment Rules

Okay, so you’ve decided that lead assignment rules in Salesforce make sense for your revenue operations team – now what?

Well, first, you’ll need to determine the edition of your Salesforce instance. Lead assignment rules are available in the Group, Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions of SFDC. Case assignment rules, conversely, are available only in the Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions.

With regard to User Permissions, to view assignment rules, you’ll need View Setup and Configuration permissions. However, to create or change assignment rules, you’ll need Customize Application. If you are not your organization’s Salesforce administrator, you should check with them before attempting to head off on your own.


How to Create Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules

Creating lead and case assignment rules in Salesforce is a relatively straightforward process. 

  • Login to Salesforce and select Setup in the upper right corner of the horizontal navigation bar.
  • In the Setup search box , type “assignment rules” and then select either Lead Assignment Rules or Case Assignment Rules.
  • Select New to create a new assignment rule.
  • In the Rule Name box, type a name and specify whether it should be active for leads or cases created manually and by those created automatically by web and email. When done, click Save .
  • Click open your newly created rule and select New in the Rule Entries to specify your rule criteria.
  • Step 1 in the “Enter the rule entry” window requires you to enter an Order for your new rule (the Order is the order in which the entry is processed, like a queue).
  • In Step 2, you determine whether your new rule is based on meeting a set of criteria or a formula. In the Run this rule if the dropdown box, select either “criteria are met” or “formula evaluates to true.”
  • Lastly, in Step 3, select the user or queue to whom your rule will assign your new lead or case (use the lookup feature to find specific users or a queue). After completing Step 3, select Save .

Why Are Your Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules Not Working?

If you discover your lead or case assignment rules are not working, here are a few tips to quickly troubleshoot the root cause.

First, check to ensure the assignment rule is active. Remember, only one case or lead assignment rule can be active at one time. Secondly, ensure the record is assigned to the correct user or queue.

Make certain to select the checkbox Assign using active assignment rule . In support of this step, enable field History tracking on case or lead owner, as well as add object History (case or lead) in your page layout. 

One common problem is overlapping rule entries, or rule entries in the wrong order. With dozens of rule entries, many will overlap, causing records to get assigned unpredictably. For example, if entry #1 assigns California leads to John, and entry #2 assigns Demo Request leads to Jane, then John might wonder why he’s receiving Demo Requests leads who are supposed to go to Jane. 

Assignment Rule Examples

The image, below, shows sample rule entries being entered into Salesforce for a variety of “what if” situations:

  • Junk leads containing “test” are sent to an unassigned queue
  • Demo requests are routed directly to SDR 3
  • Leads at accounts with over $100 million in annual revenue are routed to AE 1
  • Leads in certain states are sent to their respective representatives


How LeanData Simplifies Salesforce Lead Assignment

Creating lead and assignment rules in Salesforce is relatively straightforward. However, as your GTM motions become more and more complex, it becomes necessary to populate that one rule with multiple defining rule entries. As you grow and scale, your rule threatens to become unwieldy. Then these problems arise:

  • Difficulty in both comprehending and managing
  • Poor visibility, making it difficult to troubleshoot and validate
  • Restrictions allowing only the criteria on the routed record


LeanData’s lead routing flow and assignment solution is a native Salesforce application that allows users to create flows in an easy-to-understand visual graph. Its visible representation of an organization’s desired lead flow affords many benefits to users, including:

  • Easier ability to visualize and understand complex flows
  • Real-time visibility of the routing of leads and the ability to quickly troubleshoot and make adjustments
  • At-a-glance ability to use information on matched records for routing decisions and actions


Assignment rules in Salesforce are a relatively easy-to-learn feature that can be very quickly implemented, delivering a flexible and powerful logic to your CRM processes. Automating your lead and customer processes will accelerate your GTM motions and deliver your organization a sustainable competitive advantage.

For more best practices, read the eBook, “ Best Practices for a Winning B2B Marketing Data Strategy .”

  • lead assignment rules
  • lead assignment rules salesforce

lead owner assignment rules

Ray Hartjen

Ray Hartjen is an experienced writer for the tech industry and published author. You can connect with Ray on both LinkedIn  &  Twitter .

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Assignment rules in Salesforce

  • By Ankush Dureja in salesforce

December 6, 2018

Page Contents

What are assignment rules in salesforce ?

Assignment rules in salesforce are used to automatically assign lead or Case to owner( User Or Queue ). Assignment rule is used to automate owner assignment on Case and Lead based on conditions on Case or Lead. For example, there could on lead assignment rule for web-generated leads and one case assignment rule for the holiday use.

Types of assignment rules

There are two type of assignment rules

Lead Assignment Rules

Case assignment rules.

Specify how leads are assigned to users or queues as they are created manually, captured from the web, or imported via the Data Import Wizard.

Determine how cases are assigned to users or put into queues as they are created manually, using Web-to-Case, Email-to-Case, On-Demand Email-to-Case, the Self-Service portal, the Customer Portal, Outlook, or Lotus Notes.

Create or Setup assignment rules

  • From Setup, enter Assignment Rules in the  Quick Find  box, then select either  Lead Assignment Rules  or  Case Assignment Rules .
  • Choose  New , and then give the rule a name. Specify whether you want this to be the active rule for leads or cases created manually and via the web and email. Then click  Save .
  • To create the rule entries, click  New . For each entry, you can specify:
  • Order : Sets the order in which the entry will be processed in the rule, for example, 1, 2, 3. Salesforce evaluates each entry in order and tries to match the criteria of the entry. As soon as a match is found, Salesforce processes the item and stops evaluating the rule entries for that item. If no match is found, the item is reassigned to either the default Web-to-Lead owner, the administrator doing a lead import, or the default case owner.
  • Choose criteria are met and select the filter criteria that a record must meet to trigger the rule.For example, set a case filter to Priority equals High if you want case records with the Priority field marked High to trigger the rule. If your organization uses multiple languages, enter filter values in your organization’s default language. You can add up to 25 filter criteria, of up to 255 characters each. When you use picklists to specify filter criteria, the selected values are stored in the organization’s default language. If you edit or clone existing filter criteria, first set the Default Language on the Company Information page to the same language that was used to set the original filter criteria. Otherwise, the filter criteria may not be evaluated as expected.
  • Choose formula evaluates to true and enter a formula that returns a value of “True” or “False.” Salesforce triggers the rule if the formula returns “True.” For example, the formula AND(ISCHANGED( Priority ), ISPICKVAL (Priority, “High”) ) triggers a rule that changes the owner of a case when the Priority field is changed to High. If your condition uses a custom field, the rule entry will be deleted automatically if the custom field is deleted.
  • User : Specifies the user or queue to which the lead or case will be assigned if it matches the condition. Users specified here cannot be marked “inactive” and they must have “Read” permission on leads or cases.
  • Do Not Reassign Owner : Specifies that the current owner on a lead or case will not be reassigned to the lead or case when it is updated.
  • Email Template : We can specifies the template to use for the email that is automatically sent to the new owner. If no template is specified, no email will be sent. When assigning a lead or case to a queue, the notification goes to the Queue Email address specified for the queue and all queue members.
  • Predefined Case Teams : Specifies the predefined case team(s) to add to a case when it matches the condition. A case team is a group of people that work together to solve cases.
  • Replace any existing predefined case teams on the case : Specifies that any existing predefined case teams on the case are replaced with the predefined case teams on the condition, when a case matches the condition.

After creating the entry, click  Save , or  Save & New  to save the entry and create more entries.

Assignment Rule Example

Following is sample Case assignment rule which assigns case to different queues based on Billing Country, Account SLA and customer type:

For more details about assignment rules please refer to assignment rules  official link.

Assignment rules in Salesforce trailhead

Good luck for creating Assignment rules in Salesforce 🙂

  • Assignment rules , Assignment rules Salesforce , Case Assignment rules , Lead Assignment Rules , salesforce , sfdc

Ankush Dureja

Permanent link to this article: https://www.sfdcpoint.com/salesforce/assignment-rules-in-salesforce/

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lead owner assignment rules

  • Stremove.com on August 2, 2020 at 9:10 am

Case Assignment Rules Determine how cases are assigned to users or put into queues as they are created manually, using Web-to-Case, Email-to-Case, On-Demand Email-to-Case, the Self-Service portal, the Customer Portal, Outlook, or Lotus Notes.

lead owner assignment rules

  • Dayene on August 25, 2020 at 7:01 pm

Hi! What about when I want my assignment to change when the Lead status is changed? I’ve created two criterias. First when the status is new and second when the status has other values. But when the Lead is updated and the status changes the assignment doesn´t follow this change and it does not assignment the Lead Owner correctly. Thanks.

lead owner assignment rules

  • Vrushabh LEngade on October 27, 2020 at 3:51 pm

Use Escalation Rules and escalate the case to another user or queue

lead owner assignment rules

  • subhasini on December 23, 2021 at 6:19 pm

Hi Ankush Dureja, there is a interview question on assignment and the question is : What will happen if the user becomes inactive(or user is deactivated) on whom the rule is assigned. Please reply me ASAP

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Running Lead Assignment Rules From Salesforce Flow

Running Lead Assignment Rules From Salesforce Flow

Last Updated on February 14, 2022 by Rakesh Gupta

To understand how to solve the same business use case using Process Builder . Check out this article Getting Started with Process Builder – Part 49 (Running Lead Assignment Rules From Process Builder) .

Big Idea or Enduring Question:

How do you run the lead assignment rule from the Salesforce flow? Lead assignment rules allow us to automatically assign Leads to the appropriate queue or user. A Lead assignment rule consists of multiple rule entries that define the conditions and order for assigning cases. From a Salesforce User interface, a user can trigger assignment rules by simply checking the Assign using the active assignment rules checkbox under the optional section.

The problem arises when you need to insert or update the Leads from Salesforce Flow and wants to trigger assignment rules. Using the Salesforce Flow a Lead will be inserted or updated but the assignment rule will not be triggered as there is no check box to use the organization’s assignment rule or a prompt to assign using the active assignment rule.

Let’s start with a business use case.


After reading this blog post, the reader will be able to:

  • Running the lead assignment rules from Salesforce Flow
  • Understand @InvocableMethod Annotation
  • How to call an Apex method using Salesforce Flow

Business Use Case

Pamela Kline is working as a System administrator at Universal Containers (UC) . She has received a requirement from the management to update the following Lead fields when Lead Source changed to Partner Referra l .

  • Status = Working – Contacted
  • Rating = Hot

As data changed by the process, she wants to fire the assignment rule as soon as the process updates the lead record.

Automation Champion Approach (I-do):

lead owner assignment rules

Guided Practice (We-do):

There are 4 steps to solve Pamela’s business requirement using Salesforce Flow and Apex. We must:

  • Setup a lead assignment rule
  • Create Apex class & Test class
  • Define flow properties for record-triggered flow
  • Add a decision element to check the lead source
  • Add an assignment element to update status & rating
  • Add a scheduled path
  • Add a decision element to check if lead source changed
  • Add action – call an Apex class to invoke lead assignment rule

Step 1: Setting Up Lead assignment Rule

  • Click Setup .
  • In the Quick Find box, type Lead Assignment Rules .
  • Click on the Lead Assignment Rules | New button .
  • Now create an assignment rule, as shown in the following screenshot:

lead owner assignment rules

Step 2: Create an Apex class and Test class

Now, we have to understand a new Apex annotation i.e . @InvocableMethod . This annotation lets us use an Apex method as being something that can be called from somewhere other than Apex . The AssignLeadsUsingAssignmentRules class contains a single method that is passing the ids of the Leads whose Lead Source changed to Partner Referral . Create the following class in your organization.

  • In the Quick Find box, type Apex Classes .
  • Click on the New button .
  • Copy code from GitHub and paste it into your Apex Class.
  • Click Save.

lead owner assignment rules

Step 3.1: Salesforce Flow – Define Flow Properties for Before-Save Flow

  • In the Quick Find box, type Flows .
  • Select Flows then click on the New Flow .
  • How do you want to start building : Freeform
  • Object : Lead
  • Trigger the Flow When : A record is created or updated
  • Condition Requirements: None
  • Optimize the Flow For : Fast Field Updates
  • Click Done .

lead owner assignment rules

Step 3.2: Salesforce Flow – Using Decision Element to Check the Lead Source

Now we will use the Decision element to check the lead source to ensure that it is equal to Partner Referral.

  • Under Toolbox , select Element .
  • Drag-and-drop Decision element onto the Flow designer.
  • Enter a name in the Label field; the API Name will auto-populate.
  • Under Outcome Details , enter the Label the API Name will auto-populate.
  • Resource: {!$Record.LeadSource}
  • Operator: Equals
  • Value: Partner Referral
  • When to Execute Outcome : Only if the record that triggered the flow to run is updated to meet the condition requirements

lead owner assignment rules

Step 3.3: Salesforce Flow – Adding an Assignment Element to Update Rating and Status

  • Drag-and-drop the Assignment Element element onto the Flow designer.
  • Enter a name in the Label field- the API Name will auto-populate.
  • Field: {!$Record.Rating}
  • Add Condition
  • Field: {!$Record.Status}
  • Value: Working – Contacted

lead owner assignment rules

  • Click Save .
  • Enter Flow Label the API Name will auto-populate.
  • Click Show Advanced .
  • API Version for Running the Flow : 53
  • Interview Label : Record-Trigger: Lead Before Save {!$Flow.CurrentDateTime}

lead owner assignment rules

Step 4.1: Salesforce Flow – Define Flow Properties for After-Save Flow

  • Field : Lead Source
  • Operator: Euqals
  • Optimize the Flow For : Action and Related Records

lead owner assignment rules

Step 4.2: Salesforce Flow – Add Scheduled Paths

lead owner assignment rules

  • Under SCHEDULED PATHS , click on the New Scheduled Path .
  • Under Scheduled Path Details , enter the Label the API Name will auto-populate.
  • Time Source : Lead: Last Modified Date
  • Offset Number : 1
  • Offset Options : Minutes After

lead owner assignment rules

Step 4.3: Salesforce Flow – Adding an Action to Call Apex class to Trigger Lead Assignment Rule

  • Drag-and-drop the Actions element onto the Flow designer.
  • Select the AssignLeadsUsingAssignmentRules Apex class.
  • Field: LeadIds
  • Value: {!$Record.Id}

lead owner assignment rules

  • Interview Label : Record-Trigger: Lead After Save {!$Flow.CurrentDateTime}

lead owner assignment rules

Proof of Concept

Now onward, if a business user updates the Lead Source to Partner Referral , Process Builder will automatically update Status , Type , and Assign it to the right user or queue based on the lead assignment rule.

lead owner assignment rules

Monitor Your Schedule Flow

To monitor Flows that are scheduled, navigate to the following path:

  • Navigate to Setup (Gear Icon) | Environments | Monitoring | Time-Based Workflow .

lead owner assignment rules

  • Use the Delete button to delete the time-based Flow job from the queue.

Formative Assessment:

I want to hear from you! What is one thing you learned from this post?  How do you envision applying this new knowledge in the real world? Let me know by Tweeting me at @automationchamp , or find me on LinkedIn.

Submit Query!

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9 thoughts on “ running lead assignment rules from salesforce flow ”.

It ran repeatedly, every minute, over and over again. I was getting notification email every minute when testing. I did the same steps as you mentionned, with a record triggered flow containing the apex action.

I found that this ran repeatedly, every minute, over and over again. Was easy to spot because I modified the Apex to include sending the user notification email as well – so I was getting notification email every minute when testing.

When I updated the ‘Time Source’ in the flow scheduled path from ‘Time Source: Lead: Last Modified Date’ to ‘Time Source: When Lead is Created or Updated’ that seems to have solved the problem.

Was curious if you had the same experience or if there was some other nuance happening.

It also looks like you had originally intended to use a decision element in step 4.3 but changed that to flow entry requirements, likely because the scheduled path can’t assess the prior and current values the same way the starting node can.

Thank you for sharing your valuable feedback. I have a quick question for you: When executing the Apex class, do you utilize a Record-triggered Flow or a Scheduled-triggered Flow?

after the apex class fires, noticed the lead owner is assigned to default lead owner, instead of using lead assignment rule. Any clue?

Thank you for an excellent tutorial 🙂 you solved my problem! Very much appreciated

Anyone getting issues with an error on mass updates “Apex error occurred: System.QueryException: List has more than 1 row for assignment to SObject “? if each one is called individually, I don’t understand how there is more than 1 row for assignment. Sometimes I get an email with this error only to see that the trigger actually worked for the specified record so a bit odd. Thanks!

Thank you for the great tutorial. Why add the 1 minute wait? Is that just to take avoid too much synchronous automation? Or is it required for another reason?

You’re right Kevin (to make the process asynchronous).

  • Pingback: Getting Started with Process Builder – Part 49 (Running Lead Assignment Rules From Process Builder) - Automation Champion

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Lead Assignment Rules – Setting Record Ownership

In this episode of the ShellBlack Whiteboard, Shell gives some best practices and considerations when setting up Lead or Case Assignment rules in Salesforce.com. Shell touches base on Queues, Round Robin rules , and emphasizes howthe order of your rule entries determines how records are assigned in the database. Additionally, Shell discusses how Lead Assignment Rules can be leveraged when using the native Lead Import Wizard or the Data Loader (API).

Transcript of video:

Hello everyone and welcome to another installment of Shell Black Whiteboard.  I am Shell Black, President and Founder of Shellblack.com and Salesforce MVP.

Today we are going into the topic of Lead Assignment Rules, so first let me tell you what a Lead Assignment Rule is.  The thought is when you are importing a lot of records into the database into Leads, for example, maybe marketing did a trade show and you’re coming out of that trade show with 300 or 400 leads.  You want a method to be able to pour data into the Salesforce model and have it assign those records based on information on the lead to make sure the right lead gets to the right person.  For example, a government lead goes to your government guy, folks that handle certain territories, maybe you have a territory rep that works Arizona, you want to make sure that leads that are in the state of Arizona go to this person and so on.  It’s basically a way to use logic or set of rules or criteria to have Salesforce try to figure out who should get what record and then assign that record to that person.  Assignment Rules can not only change the record ownership, it can also notify that user as part of the Assignment Rule that they just got a new record assigned to them.  So, that’s the purpose of Assignment Rules.

Let’s get into a little bit of the mechanics of how they work.  This is not going to be a click-by-click exercise; this is more just covering the topic in general on how they work.  There’s a lot of confusion on how to set these right and there are some best practices to know about.

The first thing you need to know is you have to give your rule a name.  I personally like to give the Assignment Rule a date in the name because that tells me a couple of things: it tells me when we put it in place and then how long we’ve been running it.  So, this is a 2003 Assignment Rule.  Maybe next year you have a territory change and you have a new Assignment Rule that’s active, you can see how long that’s been in place and running.  A little tip there for you.

The way Assignment Rules work is based on an order of criteria.  A lead comes into the Salesforce database and Salesforce is going to look at these rules in the order that you put them in to determine who should own that record.  The way that I have this set up is at the very top, I have an entry that says if the lead source is from the website and the email address contains a “.gov”, (a government employee) and the number of employees is => 5,000 employees, I want to throw this into the government queue.  This is one of the rare instances in Salesforce where you can assign a record to a queue.  You can do that with both Leads and Cases. So, I have a government queue worked by Mark and Sebastian and I’ll let them fight it out from there, but I know that if a lead comes into the system regardless of any other information that’s on that lead record, if it hits this criteria, I want my government team to start working it.

The next two rules are to make sure that my two sales reps that manage the Dallas territory get their record before it starts hitting this other criteria for the state of Texas.  Basically, what I’m trying to accomplish is if I have two people that work just the city of Dallas and I have another rep that has everything but Dallas, I’ve got to make sure that I evaluate the Dallas rule before Texas because if I have this State = TX criteria first, as soon as that lead comes in and it says Texas, it’s off to Kimi and it will never get evaluated to know if it’s the city of Dallas.  If I want to make sure the folks that have this one market get first dibs, I’ve got to have them higher in the order before it hits Texas.  In this rule, I said city of Dallas, City = Dallas or zip code starts with 752 which is roughly the zip code inside Dallas, and then I have another criteria here that I want to highlight and that is Round Robin ID = 0,1,2,3,4.  I have two users that service Dallas so I want to make sure there’s equal opportunity or equal likelihood that they’re going to get an equal share of leads.  So, if I have 10 leads come into the system that are from the city of Dallas, I want to make sure Felipe gets five and Fernando gets five – it’s even Steven, fair chance.

How you create a Round Robin Assignment Rule , we’ve created a blog post for that, I’m not going to get into it here because it’s a lot of clicking, a lot of setting up, there’s some custom formula and some other things.  Just realize once you have that set up, it becomes criteria that you can use to make sure that there’s equal distribution of leads.  We’ll put that in the transcription notes on how to do a Round Robin .  So, that’s how I want to make sure that Dallas leads get chosen and equally distributed to these two folks.

Now, the next rule I have is very simple.  State = TX and if that’s true, it goes to Kimi.  Again, if I had that up higher that rule would grab all the leads from Texas and we would never get into the city of Dallas.  Then so on we have the State = FL, that goes to Jenson and we’d go through all of our 50 states.  The best practice is you want to have a rule at the very bottom with no criteria, no requirements and if a lead comes into the database and it doesn’t meet this requirement, it doesn’t meet this requirement, it doesn’t meet this requirement, and so on and so on and so on, it finally gets down to this catch all that goes to the System Administrator.  That tells me as a System Administrator that I’ve got a hole somewhere in here that I need to go plug.  I need to make sure that there is a rule criteria, a rule entry to catch this record so if anything does make it to me, I can look at that record, look at the criteria, look at what came across into the database and try to figure out who should have gotten it.  Once I make the determination, I can update my rules.  This is kind of a catch-all, make sure everything happens.  Okay, so that’s how Assignment Rules work.

A couple of things I want to hit before we wrap this up.  This works great if maybe you have web-to-lead but there are other methods if you are importing lead records into the database.  You might be using the Lead Import Wizard and if you want to make sure that when you’re doing an import through the Lead Import Wizard, which is the data management tool you can do up to 50,000 records at a time, there is a field where you select a pick list of the name of your active rule and basically you tell Salesforce during the import, use this rule to assign records out during the import that you’re running through the Wizard.

Let’s say that you’re using the Data Loader.  The Data Loader uses the API.  If you go into settings in the Data Loader, there is a field for Lead Assignment Rules, but you’re not going to put the name of the Lead Assignment Rules like you did in the Wizard.  You’re actually going to put the record ID of this Assignment Rule – I’m not going to get too technical here  – into the Data Loader and that tells the Data Loader when importing records that you want to basically pour all of those records into this set of criteria and let Salesforce figure out who should own the records so you don’t have to sit there and hard code 50,000 leads with a lead owner.  You basically say just let the Lead Assignment Rules do that for me.

The good news is if you are the master of Lead Assignment Rules and you kind of get how this is starting to work, there are similar areas in set up that leverage this rules type set up with looking at your rules from the #1,2,3 or 4.  If you use Case Assignment Rules or Lead Auto Response Rules, the set up is extremely similar.  In fact, Case Assignment Rules are almost identical or are identical to Lead Assignment Rules.  So, if you’re getting good at Lead Assignment Rules, don’t be scared of Case Assignment Rule.  Don’t be scared of Lead Auto Response.  Auto Response is a lead comes in and you can evaluate and decide which email to send back to your client.  For example, on Web-to-Lead.  Very similar set up.

So that wraps up this Shell Black Whiteboard segment.  I want to thank you for your time.  We would love your feedback.  We would like to know what you like, what you don’t like, and what you would like to see in future episodes.  You can get ahold of us a couple of different ways:  you can use @Shell_Black on Twitter or you can email me at [email protected] which goes to me.  We’d love to hear from you.  We’ll see you soon.

lead owner assignment rules

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Lead Assignment: Strategies to Optimize Your Sales Team's Performance

Lead Assignment: Strategies to Optimize Your Sales Team's Performance

Your marketing team works hard to generate leads for your company.

As a salesperson, it's your job to capitalize on these leads and produce as many paying customers as possible. Thankfully, this burden doesn't rest on your shoulders alone.

In all likelihood, you're one of several sales reps who've been tasked with implementing your department's sales process . This is good news—as long as you have a lead assignment plan in place, of course. If you don't, you and your colleagues will waste time fighting over leads.

In this article, I'll explain what lead assignment is and why it's beneficial. Then I'll share a few best practices you can use to make sure leads are always assigned to the right rep.

What Is Lead Assignment?

Lead assignment , sometimes referred to as lead routing , is the act of distributing leads amongst the sales reps in your organization. It's an important part of lead management.

Here's how the process normally works:

  • Your marketing team implements various marketing strategies to drive leads
  • Leads enter your CRM of choice and are automatically assigned to specific reps
  • Said reps access incoming lead records, then use the information there to connect with, nurture, and eventually sell to the individual leads assigned to them

A strong lead routing process will improve your sales team's productivity , increase the trust your reps have in your organization, and ultimately, result in more sales.

Benefits of Having a Clear, Transparent Lead Routing Process

Effective lead distribution seems simple…

Leads come in, your CRM routes them to certain reps based on the specific lead assignment rules you've created, then each rep works to turn their leads into long-term customers.

Simple? Yes. But the truth is, your lead routing process can make or break your sales department. Get it right, and your sales team will succeed. Get it wrong, and your reps will lose productivity, become distrustful of their superiors, and drive less revenue.

With that in mind, let's explore the benefits of a proper lead assignment in more detail:


A rock-solid lead routing workflow will help your sales reps get more done faster.

Think about it: when your reps don't have to fight each other for leads, they'll have more time (and energy!) to spend nurturing prospects . This will almost always result in more deals.

Want to optimize your sales strategies? Uncover the hidden potential of sales productivity tools in our detailed guide.

What about trust? Transparent case assignment rules will help you build it.

How so? When your reps know how the sausage is made, so to speak, they won't ask themselves why so-and-so was assigned X lead and not them. They'll just know.

When your reps trust your organization, they'll enjoy their work more. When they enjoy their work, they'll put in more effort. And when they put in more effort, they'll make more sales. They'll probably stick around for longer, too, which will improve your team's turnover rate.

Lastly, a proper lead assignment process will generate more revenue for your company.

As mentioned earlier, your reps will focus on closing deals , not wrestling leads away from their colleagues. This will allow them to pour more effort into their sales processes, helping them connect with and sell to more customers. More customers generally means more revenue.

I should also mention response time. When leads are automatically assigned to reps, they'll reach out to them faster. Since 78 percent of customers buy from the company that responds to their inquiry first, your team's response time has a huge impact on the revenue it brings in.

Lead Assignment Rules: 5 Ways Top Sales Teams Assign New Leads to Their Team

A strong lead assignment process is essential to the success of your sales department. The question is, how do you distribute leads to reps in a way that's logical and fair?

It's pretty easy: just implement a few lead assignment rules, a.k.a. a set of criteria that determines where and when incoming leads are routed in real-time.

Every CRM software handles this process differently. In Close, for example, you can assign leads manually. You can also assign them automatically based on information such as the location and/or priority of the lead, as well as the qualifications of your reps.

Let's look at the most popular lead assignment rules available to your team:

1. Manual Assignment

The manual assignment rule is exactly what it sounds like: sales reps manually assign leads to themselves in their CRMs. This approach is best when sales reps do their own prospecting .

In Close , sales reps can manually assign themselves leads by simply adding their name to the corresponding custom field inside the Close CRM platform. Or, sales managers can manually assign new leads to their team.

One of the best things about this lead assignment rule is how easy it is to set up.

The downside? It won't work for every team—especially large teams that employ multiple kinds of reps, i.e. sales development reps (SDRs), inside sales reps , account executives, etc.

2. Bulk Assignment

The bulk assignment rule is pretty self-explanatory, too. Leads are uploaded to a CRM, then assigned in bulk to specific users, which allows for peak productivity levels.

In Close, sales managers can bulk assign leads by first creating a "lead owner" column in the document they plan to upload. That way, when said file is integrated into their Close account, leads will automatically be routed to the proper sales rep.

Why should you use this lead assignment role? Because it will save you a ton of time!

Unfortunately, it only works for sales teams that either store leads outside their CRMs (why would you do that?) or purchase leads lists from third-party companies (also not recommended).

3. Round Robin Lead Assignment

The round robin assignment rule will automatically assign leads to specified sales reps in your organization in a circular manner, hence the name "round robin."

In Close, sales managers can implement a round-robin lead assignment process by connecting their Close, Python, and Zapier accounts . Once they do, inbound leads will get sent to their sales reps in order. When the last rep receives a lead, the cycle will start over.

A round-robin lead assignment approach will allow you to automate the lead routing process. Just know that it's more complicated to set up than other lead assignment use cases.

Check out this template to use a round-robin lead assignment approach for your team.

4. Rule-based Assignment

The rule-based assignment process will help you to assign inbound leads to reps based on specific criteria, such as where the lead lives and/or the product/service they're interested in.

In Close, use Smart Views to identify leads that fall within your specified criteria. Then assign them to the most qualified rep on your team.

Rule-based assignments are perfect for global companies that serve customers in many different locations around the world, as it allows them to route leads based on geographical location or time zone, the specialties of their sales reps, and the priority level of their leads.

5. Random Lead Assignment

True to its name, the random lead assignment rule assigns leads to sales rep at random. The best part is, this process happens automatically, so you don't have to worry about it!

In Close, you can also set up Sequences and have a random user assigned to each new lead in that sequence. You can also do this in groups, which means you can separate groups of reps and assign leads randomly within that group.

To randomly assign all leads continuously, sales managers can integrate their Close accounts with Zapier. When this happens, inbound leads will automatically get sent to one of your sales reps, but there won't be any rhyme or reason to the assignments.

Random lead assignment is easier to set up than round robin lead assignment (mentioned above) but will still help you evenly distribute leads across your sales team . When that happens, fewer leads will fall through the cracks, which will help you drive more revenue .

Check out this template to quickly build a random lead assignment approach for your team.

Best Practices for Lead Assignment

There are a bunch of ways to assign leads. No matter which approach you choose, make sure you keep these five best practices in mind. Doing so will help you find more success.

Keep It Simple

First, do your best to simplify your lead assignment rule entries.

Ask yourself, "Do we really need to have 17 criteria to route leads?" Unless you're a mega, enterprise-level organization, the answer is probably no. So why do it?

Trust me, most companies don't need to route the leads that come from LinkedIn and the leads that come from Facebook to different sales reps. There's no point in complicating processes that don't need to be complicated. Sales is already hard enough.

Be Transparent about How Leads Are Assigned

Trust is important in sales. As we discussed earlier, reps that trust their organizations work harder, which almost always translates to more sales and revenue.

Trust is especially important when it comes to lead routing. Your reps need to believe that they get a fair amount of leads. The easiest way to ensure this is to be perfectly transparent about your lead routing processes. That way each rep knows exactly how leads are split up.

If you aren't transparent, your sales reps will question your lead assignment approach, which is less than ideal when most companies pay reps on commission . Basically, your reps might feel like you're "stealing" money from them if they don't understand how leads are divided.

Handle Lead Scoring and Qualification Before Assigning Leads

Next, take care of your lead scoring and qualification procedures before you assign leads.

This will ensure you only send quality prospects to your sales reps, saving them valuable time. One of the worst things you can do in sales is spend an afternoon nurturing a lead that will never buy from you. It's completely unproductive and, honestly, kind of demoralizing.

Fortunately, this isn't that hard to do. Simply use an inbound form to learn more about your leads. Then give each lead a score based on the information you receive. (Note: You can use Close to help automatically score your leads, which will save you boatloads of time.)

Once your leads have been vetted, send them to your reps. Trust me, this simple process will boost team productivity to new heights and help you close way more deals.

Develop a Process to Reassign Leads When Necessary

Guess what—leads can be reassigned to new sales reps if and when necessary.

Maybe a lead is first routed to Dwight. Uh oh, Dwight is on vacation and won't be able to follow up with the lead in a timely manner. No problem, just send that bad boy to Jim instead.

You can do this manually, of course. But I suggest building reassignment rules into your CRM. That way, the tech at your disposal will handle this tedious task for you. Doing so will help your entire team reach the apex of their potential, which is exactly what you want.

Analyze and Optimize Your Lead Assignment Protocols

Last but not least, always look for ways to improve your lead routing approach.

What can you do better? Is there a way to eliminate complexity from your process? Maybe you need to go the opposite way, get a little fancy, and use automation to your advantage. (Just don't get too fancy. Like I said earlier, simple is generally best for lead assignment.)

The point is you might not build the perfect lead routing system on the first try. Even if you do, your sales team might grow in the future. Or adopt a new sales strategy. Either way, you'll want to develop a new process to assign leads. Just to make sure everything works right.

Remember, lead routing isn't a one-time checkbox. You can't set it and forget it. You need to continually analyze your approach and look for ways to optimize it. That's how you win.

Close More Deals with the Right Lead Assignment Process

Lead assignment is critical to the ultimate success of your sales department.

Once you implement a few active assignment rules, your reps will become more productive, trust your organization more, and, most importantly, drive more revenue. Win!

You just need to learn how to create new rules in your CRM of choice. That way the robots can handle the lead distribution process for you, while you focus on other tasks. Win, Win!

If you're a Close user, check out this tutorial . In it, Matt Bonde, one of our esteemed product managers, will show you how to assign leads to an automated sequence. Hello, productivity!

If you're not a Close user, what's stopping you? Sign up for a free 14-day trial today to see everything our platform offers, including its lead assignment capabilities.


Jacob Thomas

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'do not reassign owner' checkbox gets unchecked.

Do Not Reassign Owner  check box in Lead Assignment rule does not stay checked.  


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  3. Guide to lead assignment rules in Salesforce

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  21. 'Do Not Reassign Owner' checkbox gets unchecked

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