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Research Topics & Ideas: Politics

100+ Politics-Related Research Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

Political science research topics and ideas

Finding and choosing a strong research topic is the critical first step when it comes to crafting a high-quality dissertation or thesis. If you’ve landed on this post, chances are you’re looking for a politics-related research topic , but aren’t sure where to start. Here, we’ll explore a variety of politically-related research ideas across a range of disciplines, including political theory and philosophy, comparative politics, international relations, public administration and policy.

NB – This is just the start…

The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps . In this post, we’ll kickstart the process by sharing some research topic ideas. This is the starting point, but to develop a well-defined research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , along with a well-justified plan of action to fill that gap.

If you’re new to the oftentimes perplexing world of research, or if this is your first time undertaking a formal academic research project, be sure to check out our free dissertation mini-course. Also, be sure to sign up for our free webinar that explores how to find a high-quality research topic from scratch.

Overview: Politics-Related Topics

  • Political theory and philosophy
  • Comparative politics
  • International relations
  • Public administration
  • Public policy
  • Examples of politics-related dissertations

Topics & Ideas: Political Theory

  • An analysis of the impact of feminism on political theory and the concept of citizenship in Saudi Arabia in the context of Vision 2030
  • A comparative study of the political philosophies of Marxism and liberalism and their influence on modern politics
  • An examination of how the Covid-19 pandemic affected the relationship between individual freedom and collective responsibility in political philosophy
  • A study of the impact of race and ethnicity on French political philosophy and the concept of justice
  • An exploration of the role of religion in political theory and its impact on secular democracy in the Middle East
  • A Review of Social contract theory, comparative analysis of the political philosophies of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau
  • A study of the concept of the common good in political philosophy and its relevance to the ongoing refugee crisis in Europe
  • An examination of the relationship between political power and the rule of law in developing African countries
  • A study of the impact of postmodernism on political theory and the concept of truth, a case study of the US
  • An exploration of the role of virtue in political philosophy and its impact on the assessment of moral character in political leaders

Research topic idea mega list

Topics & Ideas: Comparative Politics

  • A comparative study of different models of federalism and their impact on democratic governance: A case Study of South American federalist states
  • The impact of ethnic and religious diversity on political stability and democracy in developing countries, a review of literature from Africa
  • An analysis of the role of civil society in promoting democratic change in autocratic regimes: A case study in Sweden
  • A comparative examination of the impact of globalization on political institutions and processes in South America and Africa.
  • A study of the factors that contribute to successful democratization in authoritarian regimes, a review of the role of Elite-driven democratization
  • A comparison of the political and economic systems of China and India and their impact on social development
  • The impact of corruption on political institutions and democracy in South East Asia, a critical review
  • A comparative examination of the impact of majoritarian representation (winner-take-all) vs proportional representation on political representation and governance
  • An exploration of Multi-party systems in democratic countries and their impact on minority representation and policy-making.
  • A study of the factors that contribute to successful decentralization and regional autonomy, a case study of Spain

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Topics & Ideas: International Relations

  • A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of diplomacy and military force in resolving international conflicts in Central Africa.
  • The impact of globalization on the sovereignty of nation-states and the changing nature of international politics, a review of the role of Multinational Corporations
  • An examination of the role of international aid organizations in promoting peace, security, and development in the Middle East.
  • A study of the impact of economic interdependence on the likelihood of conflict in international relations: A critical review of weaponized interdependence
  • A comparative analysis of the foreign policies of the EU and the US and their impact on international stability in Africa
  • An exploration of the relationship between international human rights and national sovereignty during the Covid 19 pandemic
  • A study of the role of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO)s in international politics and their impact on state behaviour
  • A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of international regimes in addressing global challenges such as climate change, arms control, and terrorism in Brazil
  • An examination of the impact of the rise of BRICS on the international system and global governance
  • A study of the role of ideology in shaping the foreign policies of states and the dynamics of international relations in the US

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Tops & Ideas: Public Administration

  • An analysis of the impact of digital technology on public administration and the delivery of public services in Estonia
  • A review of models of public-private partnerships and their impact on the delivery of public services in Ghana
  • An examination of the role of civil society organizations in monitoring and accountability of public administration in Papua New Guinea
  • A study of the impact of environmentalism as a political ideology on public administration and policy implementation in Germany
  • An exploration of the relationship between public administration and citizen engagement in the policy-making process, an exploration of gender identity concerns in schools
  • A comparative analysis of the efficiency and effectiveness of public administration, decentralisation and pay and employment reform in developing countries
  • A study of the role of collaborative leadership in public administration and its impact on organizational performance
  • A systematic review of the challenges and opportunities related to diversity and inclusion in police services
  • A study of the impact of corrupt public administration on economic development and regional growth in Eastern Europe
  • An exploration of the relationship between public administration and civil rights and liberties, including issues related to privacy and surveillance, a case study in South Korea

Research topic evaluator

Topics & Ideas: Public Policy

  • An analysis of the impacts of public policy on income inequality and poverty reduction in South Sudan
  • A comparative study of the effectiveness of legal and regulatory, economic and financial, and social and cultural instruments for addressing climate change in South Korea
  • An examination of the role of interest groups in shaping public policy and the policy-making process regarding land-use claims
  • A study of the impact of globalization on the development of public policies and programs for mitigating climate change in Singapore
  • An exploration of the relationship between public policy and social justice in tertiary education in the UAE
  • A comparative analysis of the impact of health policies for the management of diabetes on access to healthcare and health outcomes in developing countries
  • Exploring the role of evidence-based policymaking in the design and implementation of public policies for the management of invasive invertebrates in Australia
  • An examination of the challenges and opportunities of implementing educational dietary public policies in developing multicultural countries
  • A study of the impact of public policies on urbanization and urban development in rural Indonesia
  • An exploration of the role of media and public opinion in shaping public policy and the policy-making process in the transport industry of Malaysia

Examples: Politics Dissertations & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a politics-related research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses to see how this all comes together.

Below, we’ve included a selection of research projects from various politics-related degree programs to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • We, the Righteous Few: Immoral Actions of Fellow Partisans are Judged as Less Possible (Varnam, 2020)
  • Civilizing the State: Civil Society and the Politics of Primary Public Health Care Provision in Urban Brazil (Gibson, 2012)
  • Political regimes and minority language policies: evidence from Taiwan and southeast Asia (Wu, 2021)
  • The Feminist Third Wave: Social Reproduction, Feminism as Class Struggle, and Contemporary Women’s Movements (Angulo, 2019)
  • The Politics of Immigration under Authoritarianism (Joo, 2019)
  • The politics of digital platforms: Sour Dictionary, activist subjectivities, and contemporary cultures of resistance (Okten, 2019)
  • Vote choice and support for diverse candidates on the Boston City Council At-Large (Dolcimascolo, 2022)
  • The city agenda: local governance and national influence in the policy agenda, 1900-2020 (Shannon, 2022)
  • Turf wars: who supported measures to criminalize homelessness in Austin, Texas? (Bompiedi, 2021)
  • Do BITs Cause Opposition Between Investor Rights and Environmental Protection? (Xiong, 2022)
  • Revealed corruption and electoral accountability in Brazil: How politicians anticipate voting behavior (Diaz, 2021)
  • Intersectional Solidarity: The Political Consequences of a Consciousness of Race, Gender and Sexuality (Crowder, 2020)
  • The Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the Coalitional Representation of Latinxs in the U.S. House of Representatives (Munoz, 2019)

Looking at these titles, you can probably pick up that the research topics here are quite specific and narrowly-focused , compared to the generic ones presented earlier. In other words, to create a top-notch research topic, you must be precise and target a specific context with specific variables of interest . In other words, you need to identify a clear, well-justified research gap.

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Interesting thesis.

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I really appreciate your work which will greatly help me rethink on my topic

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Political Science Research Topics

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Political science plays an important role in how we shape the world around us. It offers insight into governments, political systems, public policies, international relations, and more. This makes it a broad subject to explore. But it can also be challenging to find a captivating political science research topic. 

To make things easier, we’ve collected multiple political science research paper topics that suit any taste and need. We made a step further and divided these ideas into accessible categories. Choose the area you are most interested in and get ready to find a bunch of political science research topics in your domain.

But first things first, let’s figure out what politics is all about.

What Are Political Science Research Topics?

Politics is the study of governments, public policies, and political processes. It investigates how societies make decisions. Political science also examines how decisions affect people, both on a small scale, like a neighborhood, and on a global scale, like international relations.

Political science research paper topics can range widely within this discipline. Depending on your interests and goals, you could explore anything from voting behavior to gender equality in politics. You can also study global diplomatic relations, electoral systems, or the influence of media on political outcomes.

Characteristics of Good Political Science Research Paper Topics

Politics shapes our world in myriad ways. Every aspect of it bears relevance and offers a platform for thoughtful discourse, making it a fertile field for academic exploration.

However, good political science topics aren’t just about selecting a subject itself. Great ideas require elements of intrigue, relevance, and potential for in-depth examination, all while showcasing your input. So, what should you consider while choosing between different political research topics? Well, your passion and expertise are pivotal. Your topic should resonate with your interests and align with your academic focus.

Here's a brief overview of characteristics that make up engaging political science research topics:

  • Relevant and contemporary
  • Balanced in its scope
  • Well-documented and containing enough material
  • Interesting to you as well as your readers
  • Suitable for follow-up studies and/or additional research.

How to Choose a Political Science Research Topic?

Stumped about which political science topic to choose for your research paper? It's a common dilemma for many students. You shouldn’t just pick a theme. You must ensure that your topic sustains your interest, meets academic requirements, and resonates with your audience.

No need to stress, though! This blog is here to help you navigate these tricky waters. Our online essay writer team has shared these step-by-step guidelines to help you choose a successful topic for your political science paper:

  • Start with something you’re passionate about. Your enthusiasm and interest will animate the project and guide you to success.
  • Come up with an original idea that hasn’t been explored in depth before or is still relevant today.
  • Find something that’s timely and engaging to a wider audience. This should be something that people care about and are actively discussing.
  • Look for hidden connections, patterns, and solutions. Make sure your political science research topic is complex enough to ensure in-depth research.
  • Gather the necessary materials beforehand. Ensure availability of information before you begin analyzing your theme.

List of Political Science Research Topics

Before you plunge into our expertly compiled list, remember to double-check your instructor's guidelines. Aligning your choice with your course requirements is vital. Now, prepare to browse through the most captivating politics research topics that could be the launchpad for your future paper.

  • Understanding democracy: An evolving concept.
  • Rise of populism in 21st-century politics.
  • Climate change and global governance.
  • Role of United Nations: Effectiveness and criticisms.
  • Politics behind nuclear disarmament.
  • Influence of social media on political campaigns.
  • Immigration policies: A comparative study.
  • Human rights and foreign policy.
  • Impact of political instability on economic growth.
  • Cybersecurity in international relations.
  • Decoding political symbolism in public spaces.
  • Feminism and its political impact.
  • Role of youth in politics.
  • Is healthcare a political issue?
  • Examining political bias in media.

Easy Political Science Research Topics

While the field of political science can seem intricate, there are areas within it that are more accessible, yet equally intriguing. If you're new to the discipline or prefer less complex issues, this list of simple political science paper topics could be your go-to. Each topic is designed to offer an easy entry point into political science, but still, provide room for critical analysis .

  • Defining basic political ideologies: Liberalism, Conservatism, and Socialism.
  • How does voting work? An overview.
  • Impact of political cartoons on public opinion.
  • Presidential vs. parliamentary systems.
  • Role of lobby groups in shaping policy.
  • Political satire and its influence.
  • Environmental policy: Understanding basics.
  • What role does local government play?
  • Does every vote count in elections?
  • How accurate are public opinion polls?
  • Politics in sports.
  • Privacy rights in a digital era.
  • Gender representation in politics.
  • Patriotism vs. nationalism: Understanding the difference.
  • Role of celebrities in political campaigns.

Interesting Political Science Research Topics

Political science never falls short of captivating topics. With its dynamic nature and its intricate connection to real-world issues, there's always something noteworthy to explore. We've done our utmost to curate a list of topics in political science that will pique anyone’s curiosity:

  • Lessons from literature on dystopian governance.
  • The war on drugs policy.
  • What influence does propaganda have on contemporary governance?
  • How governing ideologies influence art.
  • Balancing national security with personal freedoms.
  • Importance of whistleblowers in democratic societies.
  • Rhetoric and reality behind political speeches.
  • Implications of artificial intelligence on governance.
  • Attainability of world peace: A critical perspective.
  • Dynamics of power in non-democratic systems.
  • Global pandemics and their effects on governance.
  • Competing for Mars: A new space race.
  • Impact of religion on governance.
  • Perspective on animal rights from a political viewpoint.
  • Food accessibility: Who decides who gets to eat what?

Good Topics for a Political Science Research Paper

Scoring points with your professor often comes down to choosing compelling and thought-provoking research paper ideas . The following list includes good political science research questions that are in tune with contemporary discourse. Each topic offers plenty of room to showcase your analytical skills and knowledge.

  • Evaluating e-democracy: Benefits and drawbacks.
  • How migration policies shape nations.
  • Media as a tool for political persuasion.
  • Political philosophy in science fiction literature.
  • Trade wars and global relations.
  • Is there a global shift towards autocracy?
  • Understanding diplomatic immunity: Rights and abuses.
  • Role of non-state actors in shaping international policy.
  • Rise of nationalism in globalized societies.
  • Impact of climate change on national security.
  • Examination of censorship laws across nations.
  • Can blockchain technology revolutionize voting systems?
  • Decoding political rhetoric in campaign promises.
  • Gender pay gap: A policy analysis.
  • Influence of economic inequality on social unrest.

Best Political Science Research Topics

We have curated an irresistible list of political science topics for a research paper. These ideas range from pressing international issues to more granular policy questions, all guaranteed to challenge your analytical skills.

  • Exploring causes and effects of global populism.
  • Transparency as a key to ethical political leadership.
  • Evaluating the role of social media censorship in political landscapes.
  • Influence of multiculturalism on policy development.
  • Unpacking the outcomes and justifications of military interventions.
  • Corruption's destructive role in democratic systems.
  • Merits and pitfalls of technocracy.
  • Interplay of bureaucracy and governance.
  • Pathways to address political polarization.
  • Effects of historical colonization on current government structures.
  • Role of extremism in shaping international relations.
  • How global climate commitments affect nations.
  • Using sanctions as a diplomatic tool.
  • Conflict resolution through international law.
  • Geopolitics in outer space exploration.

Current Research Topics in Political Science

Political science is a progressing field, so the problems you research will always be relevant. Our list of up-to-date topics of political science will help you make sure your paper is on point.

  • Artificial intelligence in global governance.
  • Global health governance in pandemics.
  • Impact of digital currencies on economies.
  • Changes in contemporary immigration attitudes.
  • Climate crisis' role in diplomatic dialogues.
  • Social movements and societal change.
  • Tech giants and information control.
  • Civil liberties in pandemic responses.
  • Gender disparities in political representation.
  • Decolonization trends in the 21st century.
  • Cyber warfare and national security.
  • Ethics of drone warfare.
  • Crypto-anarchy and state sovereignty.
  • Right-wing extremism in the digital age.
  • Power dynamics in international space law.

Political Science Research Topic Ideas for Students

Navigating politics can be overwhelming for students, given its broad nature and intersecting disciplines. With the right research topics for political science, however, this complexity transforms into an opportunity for a decent study. Our list of political science research topics ideas is designed with students in mind, focusing on engaging, relevant, and manageable themes.

Political Science Research Paper Topics for College Students

For college students, political science topics for research papers should strike a balance between complexity and approachability. With that in mind, here's a collection of college-level political topics to write about.

  • Leadership styles across governments.
  • Impact of gender roles in election campaigns.
  • Role of think tanks in shaping public opinion.
  • Studying historical revolutions and their aftermath.
  • Influence of socio-economic status on voting behavior.
  • Exploring ethical dilemmas in international relations.
  • Cultural diplomacy and its effectiveness.
  • Sovereignty disputes and their resolution.
  • Rise and implications of digital citizenship.
  • Evaluating meritocracy as a system of governance.
  • Role of peacekeeping operations in conflict resolution.
  • Comparing capitalist and socialist economies.
  • Decoding cyber diplomacy in the digital age.
  • Relationship between economic crises and political changes.
  • Minority rights in democratic societies.

Political Science Research Topics for University

When it comes to political topics to talk about in university, politics offers a variety of interesting options. Here's a list of captivating research ideas that are sure to get you top grades:

  • Political revolutions in the digital age.
  • Comparative study of political systems.
  • Effectiveness of international climate agreements.
  • Unraveling political consequences of economic sanctions.
  • Studying neocolonialism in modern economies.
  • Impact of income inequality on social stability.
  • Debating political implications of universal basic income.
  • Role of international courts in global governance.
  • Influence of cultural diversity on national policies.
  • Dissecting geopolitics in Arctic resource exploitation.
  • Understanding post-conflict reconciliation processes.
  • Evaluating state responses to refugee crises.
  • Study of civil disobedience in democratic societies.
  • Role of soft power in international relations.
  • Disentangling politics of global water disputes.

Political Science Research Topics by Subjects

Political science is a diverse field, consisting of multiple subdomains. To help you spot a fitting theme, we've organized research paper topics for political science according to these subjects. From international relations to public policy, this assortment promises a treasure trove of research opportunities just waiting to be explored.

Philosophy Political Science Research Topics

Philosophy politics research topics explore the intersection of political science and philosophical thought. These themes focus on fundamental questions, such as the purpose of politics and its effects on society. Here are a few ideas to get your started:

  • Relevance of Machiavelli's theories today.
  • Understanding justice in Plato's Republic.
  • Influence of Kantian ethics on governance.
  • Are human rights universal or culturally relative?
  • Interplay of liberty and equality in societies.
  • Exploring Hobbes' notion of social contract.
  • Rawls versus Nozick: theories of justice compared.
  • Feminist perspectives on political participation.
  • Role of ethics in bureaucratic institutions.
  • Marx's theory of capitalism: A critical review.
  • Foucault's perspectives on power and control.
  • Locke's influence on modern democracies.
  • Concepts of civil disobedience in Thoreau's writings.
  • Arendt on violence, power, and authority.
  • Exploring Gramsci's theory of cultural hegemony.
  • Derrida's deconstruction: A political tool?
  • Nietzsche’s perspectives on societal structure.
  • Understanding politics through Spinoza's lens.
  • Evaluating communitarianism in contemporary societies.
  • Habermas on communicative action in politics.

>> View more: Philosophy Paper Topics

Political Science Research Topics on Public Law

Public law is one of the most popular subdomains of political science, as it focuses on legal systems and state power. It's a domain that lets you explore how laws are formulated, implemented, and impact society. Below you can find various political research questions in public law, including constitutional issues, administrative governance, and individual rights, among others.

  • Role of constitution in shaping governance.
  • Impact of judicial activism on democracy.
  • Analyzing separation of powers in governments.
  • Free speech rights in digital platforms.
  • Repercussions of surveillance laws on privacy.
  • Comparative study of electoral laws.
  • Analyzing federalism in constitutional law.
  • Police power and civil liberties.
  • Effectiveness of anti-discrimination laws.
  • Administrative discretion: Power and accountability.
  • Impact of immigration laws on societies.
  • Understanding lawmaking process in parliamentary systems.
  • Role of supreme courts in constitutional interpretation.
  • Law enforcement and minority rights.
  • Legal aspects of environmental protection.
  • Hate speech laws and freedom of expression.
  • Public health laws in times of crisis.
  • Legal mechanisms to fight corruption.
  • Analyzing gun control laws across nations.
  • Legal challenges in the implementation of welfare policies.

>> Learn more:  Law Research Topics

Research Topics in Political Science on Public Administration

Public administration is the study of how governments and other public institutions are managed. It examines their structures, operations, policies, and politics to understand how they work in practice. Here's a collection of project topics for political science on public administration worth attention:

  • Understanding bureaucracy in modern governance.
  • Role of public administrators in policy implementation.
  • Effect of administrative reforms on public services.
  • Importance of ethics in public administration.
  • Evaluating public financial management systems.
  • Role of e-governance in public service delivery.
  • Analyzing gender representation in public administration.
  • Public administration in urban planning.
  • Role of public-private partnerships in governance.
  • Crisis management strategies in public administration.
  • Leadership challenges in public organizations.
  • Role of transparency in public service delivery.
  • Organizational culture in public administration.
  • Analyzing the politics-administration dichotomy.
  • Decision-making processes in public organizations.
  • Evaluating accountability mechanisms in public administration.
  • Human resource challenges in public services.
  • Impact of corruption on public administration.
  • Role of citizens' participation in public administration.
  • Comparative study of public administration models.

Political Science Research Paper Topics on Comparative Politics

Comparative politics research topics offer a window into how different political systems operate, what works, and what needs reevaluation. It encourages you to step outside the boundaries of your local context and grasp a more global perspective on political processes. The following political essay topics and paper ideas will fit any compare and contrast essay or project.

  • Social welfare measures across democracies.
  • Examining stability in different governmental systems.
  • Comparative analysis of electoral mechanisms.
  • Impact of societal culture on governance.
  • Federalism versus unitary systems: A comparative study.
  • Scrutinizing corruption in diverse economies.
  • A cross-nation study of education systems.
  • Protection of minority rights across countries.
  • Comparing freedom of the press globally.
  • Role of armed forces in various governmental structures.
  • Analyzing constitutional designs across nations.
  • A study on decentralization efforts in different countries.
  • Comparative research on party systems.
  • Gender and leadership: A cross-country examination.
  • Populism in different societal contexts.
  • Comparative view of environmental conservation measures.
  • Human rights protections in different nations.
  • Influence of colonial history on modern governance.
  • Cross-national study of immigration rules.
  • Role of religion in different governance systems.

Political Science Research Topics on Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is an essential field in political science, focusing on the methods and strategies used to mitigate disputes on local, national, and international levels. It opens up opportunities to explore how peace is achieved, maintained, and sometimes lost. Below you can find political issues to write about if you want to focus on different disputes.

  • Peacebuilding strategies in post-war societies.
  • Role of diplomacy in averting conflicts.
  • Effectiveness of international arbitration.
  • Power sharing as a tool for peace.
  • Influence of civil society on conflict resolution.
  • Role of United Nations in global peacekeeping.
  • Mediation strategies in intra-state conflicts.
  • Women in peace negotiations.
  • Strategies for resolving territorial disputes.
  • Analyzing post-conflict reconciliation processes.
  • Impact of economic sanctions on conflict resolution.
  • Role of international law in conflict mitigation.
  • Effectiveness of non-violent resistance.
  • Analyzing the success of peace treaties.
  • Study of disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration processes.
  • Resolving resource-based conflicts.
  • Role of third parties in conflict resolution.
  • Approaches to addressing ethnic conflicts.
  • Influence of climate change on conflict resolution.
  • Cyber conflict resolution strategies.

Political Science Research Topics on Meditation and Negotiation

Mediation and negotiation sit at the heart of conflict resolution, focusing on peaceful strategies to address disputes and foster cooperation. These techniques find wide application in various contexts, from local disagreements to international conflicts. These interesting research topics in political science allow you to understand how these processes work in theory and practice:

  • Role of intermediaries in peace processes.
  • Strategies for successful diplomatic discussions.
  • Comparative analysis of negotiation techniques.
  • Dialogue styles in international diplomacy.
  • Analyzing the success of secret diplomatic talks.
  • Role of non-state actors in negotiation.
  • Gender dynamics in discussion processes.
  • Influence of cultural factors on dispute resolution.
  • Role of international organizations in diplomatic dialogues.
  • Arbitration in maritime territorial disputes.
  • Use of discussions in trade agreements.
  • Role of trust in successful dialogues.
  • Addressing power asymmetry in discussions.
  • Track II diplomacy in mediation.
  • Impact of communication technology on dispute settlement.
  • Role of empathy in successful negotiation.
  • Influence of domestic politics on international mediation..
  • Conflict resolution strategies in labor disputes.
  • Role of transparency in negotiations.
  • Evolution of dispute resolution techniques over time.

>> View more: Communication Research Topics

International Relations Political Research Topics

International relations explores connections among nations, the roles of sovereign states, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, and multinational corporations. This field offers a multitude of engaging research topics ranging from issues of diplomacy, international conflict, global cooperation, to international trade. Here are some political science research ideas that focus on international relations:

  • Role of multinational corporations in global governance.
  • Cross-border environmental cooperation.
  • Effectiveness of international law enforcement.
  • Influence of globalism on sovereignty.
  • Impact of digital diplomacy in foreign relations.
  • Evolution of global power structures.
  • Influence of cultural diplomacy in global partnerships.
  • Strategies for global poverty reduction.
  • Understanding geopolitics in Arctic exploration.
  • Challenges to global health collaboration.
  • Role of non-state actors in global governance.
  • Interplay of economics and international relations.
  • Humanitarian interventions: A critical analysis.
  • Cross-border migration and its global implications.
  • International responses to global pandemics.
  • Role of international courts in justice delivery.
  • Diplomacy in the age of information technology.
  • Analyzing global disarmament efforts.
  • Global efforts in counter-terrorism.
  • Evolution of international trade agreements.

American Politics Research Paper Topics

American politics is a wide-ranging field, including issues from the local, state, to national levels. It incorporates diverse aspects like public opinion, public policy, ideological shifts, and more. The United States' unique political system offers abundant potential for research. Here are American politics research topics for your next project:

  • Evolution of American federalism.
  • Impact of Supreme Court decisions on society.
  • Understanding American political polarization.
  • Role of third parties in U.S. elections.
  • Influence of social movements on legislation.
  • Examining executive orders' effectiveness.
  • Shifts in public opinion on climate change.
  • Impact of lobbying on American health care reform.
  • Influence of Presidential debates on voters.
  • Effects of gerrymandering on electoral outcomes.
  • Analyzing campaign finance reform in U.S.
  • Role of think tanks in shaping U.S. policy.
  • Implications of immigration reform on U.S. economy.
  • Gun control debate and policy outcomes.
  • Social justice and law enforcement reform.
  • Influence of race and ethnicity on voting patterns.
  • Role of the media in shaping public opinion.
  • Analyzing the U.S. response to global pandemics.
  • Examination of U.S. trade policies.
  • Impact of technology on U.S. governance.

Government Research Paper Topics

Government is a broad field that includes many different subdomains and politics topics to discuss. It revolves around the structures, processes, and functions of governing bodies, allowing you to explore the inner workings of various political systems. Here are some useful ideas on government:

  • Evaluating the meritocracy in civil services.
  • Digitization of public services: Impact and challenges.
  • Understanding state surveillance: Balancing security and privacy.
  • Impact of decentralization on local development.
  • Government's role in disaster management.
  • Analyzing the government's role in fostering innovation.
  • Study on government initiatives for financial inclusion.
  • Role of government in mitigating income inequality.
  • Government strategies in promoting renewable energy.
  • Analysis of government responses to recessions.
  • Public-private partnerships in infrastructure development.
  • Government regulation of the gig economy.
  • Role of government in promoting cultural heritage.
  • Public sector reforms for better governance.
  • Government interventions in housing markets.
  • Assessing government transparency initiatives.
  • Government's role in universal health care provision.
  • The impact of political term limits on governance.
  • Government initiatives in curbing the opioid crisis.
  • The role of governments in combating online misinformation.

Political Science Research Questions

Research questions provide a clear direction to your studies, defining what you want to achieve. Here are some unique research questions for political science that span a wide array of sub-areas:

  • How does social media shape public opinion on climate change policy?
  • How can local governments boost civic engagement?
  • How does income inequality impact political participation?
  • How do trade policies affect domestic industries?
  • How do immigration laws influence national identity?
  • How does political advertising affect voter turnout?
  • How does corruption impact public trust in government?
  • How does gender representation in government influence policy decisions?
  • What role does education play in political awareness?
  • How does political satire influence public perception of politicians?
  • How have government responses to pandemics evolved over time?
  • How does foreign aid impact the donor-recipient relationship?
  • How can governments leverage technology to improve public services?
  • How does cybersecurity impact national defense strategies?
  • How do international treaties impact national sovereignty?
  • How do political ideologies shape foreign policy?
  • How can governments promote sustainable urban development?
  • What is the role of youth in shaping future politics?
  • How does political stability affect economic growth?
  • How does political rhetoric shape public perception of immigration?

Extra Political Science Topics for Research Papers

Although the topics for political science research papers given above should help you kickstart your project, here are a few extra ideas to make sure you write an excellent project:

  • Green parties' influence on environmental sustainability.
  • Significance of political graffiti in social movements.
  • Virtual reality's potential in public engagement.
  • Role of cognitive psychology in voter behavior.
  • Understanding biopolitics: control and manipulation.
  • Space law's implications for international cooperation.
  • Implications of Internet of Things (IoT) for national security.
  • Analysis of language used in peace treaties.
  • Incorporating indigenous governance in modern state systems.
  • Decoding humor in political satire.
  • Political underpinnings in fantasy literature.
  • Political landscapes in virtual communities.
  • The politics of cryptocurrency regulation.
  • Using machine learning to predict election outcomes.
  • Role of street art in political protests.
  • Exploring the politics of veganism.
  • Political dimensions of genetic engineering ethics.
  • Pop culture's influence on political consciousness.
  • Influence of climate fiction ("cli-fi") on environmental policy.
  • Geopolitical consequences of the commercialization of space.

Bottom Line on Political Science Topics

We did our best to provide you with an assortment of good topics for political science research paper in every subdomain. Whether you're interested in philosophy, public law, international affairs, or something else entirely – this collection should have it all. We hope that at least one of these themes motivates you to do your best work yet! Remember that you can buy coursework or any other academic paper from certified writers with solid experience.


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Top Political Research Topics for 2022

Getting an idea of what branch of political science you want to investigate before you research helps to provide structure and meaning to your paper.

Top Political Research Topics

Political science is a diverse and expansive subject, with many unique disciplines. Developing a quality political science blog or essay begins with choosing the right topic. Getting an idea of what branch of political science you want to investigate before you research helps to provide structure and meaning to your paper.

What Makes an Interesting Political Research Topic?

In order for a political topic to be interesting, it must be both engaging and relevant .

The process for choosing a topic that meets both the criteria starts when the author defines what branch or field of political study they want to investigate. From there, political scientists  can narrow down their focus until they’ve pinpointed the perfect topic for their research.

Political Science Research Topics: Domestic

There is no shortage of pertinent and insightful topics pertaining to domestic issues in the United States. If you’re looking for a political science research topic for the US, consider writing about any one of these complex issues.

  • The perception of the Black Lives Matter Movement across the political divide.
  • Potential candidacies for the upcoming 2022 midterm elections. 
  • The state of the 2nd amendment in 2022.
  • What changes should be made to the US constitution?
  • What rights should Americans have regarding their internet privacy?
  • How should the Biden administration handle the border between the US and Mexico?
  • Should revisions be made to the current two-party system of politics?
  • Write about the potential implications of a reconstruction era under President Lincoln.
  • Should there be a cap on immigration to America?
  • Should the electoral college be abolished?
  • How should politicians work to battle disinformation?
  • What does “freedom” mean in America?
  • How can politicians work to increase political participation among the youth?
  • Should America adopt a socialist economic system?
  • America’s role as a global military power.
  • How to enfranchise minority voters in America.
  • The controversial legacy of the Patriot Act.
  • How to tackle America’s decaying infrastructure.
  • Should some form of reparations be paid to the African American community for racial injustices done to them? (i.e. slavery, Jim Crow, Redlining)
  • America’s role in the global War on Terrorism.

Political Science Research Topics: International

Diving into topics related to international politics can help bring a more diverse audience into your readership. Consider researching one of these international political science research topics.

  • How should global powers work to better prevent pandemics from worsening in the future?
  • What should be done - if anything - to curb the power of global financial institutions?
  • Human rights violations in Kazakhstan.
  • The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. 
  • Is the United Nations effective at achieving its stated goals?
  • How should the current generation work to preserve the planet for future generations?
  • What should be done to address global poverty?
  • How can new technology be used to address over-consumption in the industrialized world?
  • Does social media increase global co-operation or foster nationalism? 
  • What do rising sea levels mean for coastal populations? 
  • Who has a right to the Arctic circle?
  • Should sanctions be put on Israel for illegal actions taken in the Gaza strip?
  • What should be done to address corruption in global politics?
  • Should corporations be fined for working with suppliers that use slave labor?
  • The Syrian Civil War.
  • Wildfires in Australia.
  • Rising global ocean temperatures and the implications.
  • Increasing tensions at the Ukrainian/Russian border.
  • Should there be agreed upon international standards for internet privacy?
  • Global immigration trends.

Political Science Research Topics: Comparative Politics

Comparative political topics involve investigating two or more positions, groups, or phenomena for the purposes of developing new insights. Tackling any one of these topics is a great way to start developing your comparative political science abilities.

  • United Kingdom vs. European Union Politics
  • United States vs. European Union Politics
  • Declining forest rates in the Amazon vs. the United States
  • How should world governments work to avoid another global war?
  • Secular Nations vs. Religious Nations
  • Collectivism vs. Individualism
  • The concept of “Manifest Destiny” and how it compares to other forms of imperialist thought.
  • Erosion of democracy in countries across the world.
  • What are some of the root causes of political violence?
  • Western Colonialism vs. Eastern Imperialism 
  • Tensions in the middle east: 1970’s vs. Today
  • North Korea vs. South Korea
  • Causes of immigration around the globe
  • How has the perceived efficacy of the federal government changed decade over decade?
  • How have technological innovations in the 21st century shaped our lives - for better, and for worse?
  • The controversy surrounding Taiwan’s recognition as an independent nation.
  • Response to COVID-19 in the U.S. vs. other nations.
  • Illicit drug use in America vs. Europe.
  • The developing political landscape of contemporary Africa
  • Israel & Palestine. 

Political Science Research Topics: Philosophy

Some of the most thought-provoking political science subjects pertain to philosophy. Exploring these political science essay topics can help widen your view of the world and expand your insights.

  • Are our political beliefs influenced more by reason, or by emotion?
  • Are we born with set political beliefs?
  • How should prisoners be treated by the law?
  • Ethical concerns surrounding globalization.
  • War: Is there ever a situation where it is morally permissible?
  • Should one allow their religious views to impact their politics?
  • What is more important: freedom, or safety?
  • The complex relationship between morality and legality.
  • The death penalty.
  • The legality of drugs.
  • The differences between Eastern and Western political ideology.
  • Does the state have a monopoly on violence?
  • War propaganda in the entertainment industry: is it immoral, or overstated?
  • Discuss internet misinformation and its destabilizing effect on global political structures.
  • How does today’s idea of “democracy” hold up to the common definition of the concept in the early 20th century?
  • Discuss the radicalizing effects of alienation in society.
  • Egalitarianism vs. Utilitarianism 
  • Are covert government operations ever morally justifiable or necessary?
  • Who should be held accountable for crimes committed during a war?
  • Do unethical political means justify ethical outcomes?

Political Science Research Topics: Law

The law and its interpretations are one of the most controversial and contentious fields in the realm of political science. Legal analysts and lawyers spend extensive amounts of time researching precedent and past cases in order to develop their arguments. Here are some of the most pertinent topics being discussed in recent years.

  • The illegality of cannabis in the Federal government.
  • The Human Rights act of 1998.
  • Bail reform.
  • What limitations should be placed on police interrogation methods?
  • How should the federal government work to secure voting rights in America?
  • States’ rights.
  • Gender bias in custody battles.
  • Criminalization of the homeless.
  • Corruption in the judicial system.
  • Constitutional amendments.
  • Should the internet be regulated as a public good?
  • How can the judicial system work to hold wealthy & influential criminals accountable?
  • Police accountability.
  • Transparency in the legal system.
  • LGBT protections.
  • Expansions on environmental protections.
  • The Jeffrey Epstein case.
  • Expunging records for citizens with marijuana priors.
  • Discuss the benefits and concessions that come with having a jury of your peers.
  • Do we need laws prohibiting the use of AI for specific activities (i.e. war)?

Political Science Research Topics: Economics

Economic research is another highly specialized field of political science. These topics pertain to all manner of issues related to finance, commerce, trade, policy, and more. 

  • The financialization of public life.
  • Rising global inflation.
  • The economic impact of COVID-19.
  • What should be done about the lack of affordable housing in the United States?
  • Who should have to pay for the efforts to tackle climate change?
  •  How can global economic institutions be held accountable for their role in facilitating illegal activities (i.e. money laundering, tax avoidance)
  • Discuss the global economic fallout caused by the 2008 Financial Crisis.
  • Why do so many young Americans feel alienated and disenfranchised by Capitalism?
  • National conservatism vs. Economic globalism.
  •  How has the phenomenon of American companies moving their manufacturing overseas negatively impacted the financial security of the United States?
  • Should the US do away with the greenback?
  • The rise of Cryptocurrency as a global financial system.
  • Work-from-home: revolutionary, or transitory?
  • How should world governments hold the global 1% accountable for paying their taxes?
  • Should the government provide more economic stimulus to struggling companies owned by minority business owners?
  • The economic realities of libertarian theory.
  • Is global capitalism effective at managing and solving problems in the 21st century?
  • What new economic theories have taken shape in the last two decades?
  • The “gig economy”.
  • Why does poverty exist in the world’s wealthiest country?

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Topical Reviews

  • Oxford Bibliographies: Political Science This link opens in a new window Hundreds of annotated guides to recent scholarship in topics across all subfields of political science and international relations.
  • Oxford Research Encyclopedia: Politics Provides up-to-date, peer-reviewed surveys of major topics, theories, and research questions across all areas of political science.
  • Oxford Research Encyclopedia: International Studies These peer-reviewed articles cover major topics, theories, and research questions across many subfields of international studies/international relations, like conflict, security, human rights, diplomacy, etc. This is the follow-up to the International Studies Association's International Studies Encyclopedia Online .
  • Oxford Handbooks Online These handbooks provide a great source for authoritative reviews of research across political science, political theory, and related disciplines. Most of these we also have in print.
  • Routledge Handbooks Online This link opens in a new window These handbooks provide overviews current research and future trends in the social sciences and humanities, with a strong collection in politics, particularly international relations and area studies.
  • Annual Review of Political Science This link opens in a new window Comprehensive review of the literature in political science. Can help students identify major tends in the field as well as find general overviews of research in specific subject areas of politics.
  • Elgar Research Handbooks Online Large collection of handbooks on topics across political science and public policy.

Political Theory Sources

  • Cambridge Collections Online This link opens in a new window Searchable full text access to the complete Cambridge Companions to literature, philosophy, religion, and classics.
  • Philosophy Compass This link opens in a new window Peer-reviewed survey articles on contemporary work in philosophy.
  • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Authoritative source of full-text articles with current bibliographies on many topics of philosophy.
  • Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Provides full-text articles with current bibliographies on virtually every aspect of philosophy.
  • Encyclopedia of Political Theory - Mark Bevir, ed. Thorough discussions of a diverse range of political theories and concepts.
  • Past Masters This link opens in a new window Searchable full-text works in several languages from major philosophers and theologians.

Major Encyclopedias Covering the Whole Discipline

  • SAGE Handbook of Political Science Published in 2020, this handbook provides a thorough overview of the discipline. Each of the 92 chapters gives a comprehensive overview of major topics within each subfield. Thematic sections include, Political Theory, Methods, Political Sociology, Comparative Politics, Public Policies and Administration, International Relations, and Major Challenges for Politics and Political Science in the 21st Century.
  • International Encyclopedia of Political Science (2011) Covers all aspects of politics, from political theory and methodology to political sociology, comparative politics, public policies, and international relations.
  • The Encyclopedia of Political Science Covers all areas of political science and provides medium-length entries with short bibliographies for further reading. Created under the direction of the American Political Science Association. Also in print at JA61 .E513 2011 (Trustee Reading Room Reference).
  • International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (2nd ed.) This link opens in a new window Covering 26 volumes in print, this major encyclopedia aims to capture the "state of the art" of the social and behavioral sciences, expanding its focus to include related biological fields, such as evolutionary science, genetics, cognitive neuroscience, psychiatry, and health. Topics include anthropology, archaeology, demography, economics, education, geography, history, law, linguistics, philosophy, political science, psychiatry, psychology, and sociology.
  • CQ Researcher This link opens in a new window Offers reports and analysis on a variety of current policy issues. Includes background information, pro/con debates, and a chronology, plus resources for additional research.
  • Facts On File Issues and Controversies This link opens in a new window Explore current issues and events with in-depth articles made to inspire thought-provoking debates. Topic pages feature the latest related news coverage from Reuters® as well as a variety of helpful background information, from the key pro/con arguments to chronologies of related events to primary documents. Updated weekly. 1995–present.
  • World News Digest (Facts on File) This link opens in a new window Digest of major news stories around the world. 1940+

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If you're in the social sciences, the Politics Department's Program for Quantitative and Analytical Political Science also provides a Consulting Service to advise on research design, statistics, formal theory, and computational questions arising from your research.

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  • A Research Guide
  • Research Paper Topics

40 Political Science Research Paper Topics

  • The history of politics: when and how it was created and how it evolved
  • The politics and war history: is every war a political decision?
  • Political science overview. Basics and methodology
  • Political Psychology
  • The influence of cultural norm on politics
  • Politics and religion: is politics always rational?
  • The prominent personalities in politics (choose the country and timeframe)
  • The political decisions that changed the history
  • The causes and consequences of civil wars
  • Is terrorism a political instrument?
  • The importance of social movements in politics
  • Populism: what is it and how does it work?
  • Totalitarian regimes: similarities and differences
  • Divided governments: examples and principles of work
  • The types and peculiarities of electoral systems
  • Federalism, Confederalism and Unitary Systems. Why such form appear and how they operate?
  • Presidential republics versus parliamentary republics
  • The ancient and modern examples
  • Interstate affairs. Wars and diplomacy
  • International political economy
  • Global politics. Environment and resource preserving
  • The code of honor and loyalty oaths
  • The concept of open society and politics
  • Corruptions in politics and the ways to eliminate it
  • Positivism: pros and cons
  • Constructivism: pros and cons
  • Politics in media
  • The role of public relations in politics
  • Nationalism versus globalization
  • Rational Choice Theory
  • Does the politics change when the morals of the society evolve?
  • Cultural pluralism
  • The concept of common good and its impact on the politics
  • The politics during peace and wartime
  • Nonstate actors on international political arena
  • Why the result of exit polls is usually different from the result of actual elections?
  • The philosophy of politics
  • The impact of political scandals
  • Political anthropology
  • Worldwide political dependencies

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30 Current and Engaging Topics for Your Next Political Science Research Paper

Stefani H.

Table of contents

You're sitting in front of your computer, staring at a blank Word document. The cursor blinks back at you, almost mockingly, and the words "Political Science Research Paper" at the top seem to be the loneliest words in the world. You're stuck, and time is ticking. Sound familiar?

Choosing a research paper topic can feel like navigating a maze with no clear exit. Especially in political science, where the field is as wide and varied as the politics it covers. From the depths of domestic policies to the dizzying world of international relations, and the intricate comparisons of political systems in between - the possibilities are endless. But so is the confusion, right?

Fear not, my fellow political science enthusiasts. We've all been there, stuck in the labyrinth of potential topics, unsure where to take our first step. That's why we're here today. This blog post is your guiding beacon, your North Star in this galaxy of ideas. We have curated a list of 30 unique, contemporary, and compelling political science research paper topics, focusing on empirical research.

Each topic is not just a name; it comes with a roadmap - bullet-point guidance on how to approach the topic, possible angles to explore, and handy hints at primary and secondary sources. These aren't your run-of-the-mill, overdone topics either. They're hot off the press, relevant to today's political scene, and primed to impress your professors with their timeliness and originality.

So, let's dive into the world of political science, unravel the complexities of current politics, and find the perfect topic for your research paper. Believe me, by the end of this, you'll be spoilt for choice!

Navigating the Intricacies of Domestic Politics

Domestic politics, the heartbeat of any nation, is an integral part of political science. It includes everything from political parties' tactics to public opinion trends and government policies. By diving into the depths of a nation's political systems and practices, we can gain crucial insights into the forces that shape our lives. So, let's look at 10 exciting topics you can explore within the realm of domestic politics:

1. The Impact of Social Media on Political Campaigns

Discuss the role of social media platforms in modern political campaigns.

Explore how they influence voters’ perceptions and choices.

Potential sources: Pew Research Center reports, recent campaign social media analytics.

2. Partisan Polarization and Its Effects on Policy-Making

Analyze the impact of increased partisan polarization on legislative decision-making processes.

Potential sources: Congressional voting records, party manifestos.

3. The Influence of Lobbying on Domestic Legislation

Explore how lobbying affects domestic policy formation.

Consider ethical implications and impacts on democracy.

Potential sources: Federal lobbying disclosure data, case studies of specific legislation.

4. Populism in 21st Century American Politics

Examine the rise of populist movements in the U.S. and their impacts on the political landscape.

Potential sources: Political speeches, media coverage of populist movements, academic papers on populism.

5. Voter Suppression: Strategies and Consequences

Investigate the tactics used in voter suppression and their implications for democracy.

Potential sources: State voting laws, reports from civil rights organizations.

6. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Gun Control Policies

Evaluate the success of various gun control measures based on empirical evidence.

Potential sources: FBI crime statistics, studies on gun violence, state and federal laws.

7. The Role of Identity Politics in U.S. Elections

Analyze how identity politics shapes voting behavior and election outcomes.

Potential sources: Voter demographic data, campaign speeches, academic literature on identity politics.

8. The Politics of Healthcare Reform

Examine the political challenges involved in reforming the healthcare system.

Potential sources: ACA legislative history, Congressional debates, public opinion polls.

9. Climate Change Policy: A Partisan Issue?

Explore how climate change policy has become a partisan issue and its impacts on policy-making.

Potential sources: Legislative voting records on environmental bills, party platforms.

10. The Impact of Gerrymandering on Election Results

Investigate the extent to which gerrymandering influences electoral outcomes.

Potential sources: Redistricting maps, election results data, court cases on gerrymandering.

For more in-depth insights, you might want to explore the evolving landscape of electoral politics .

Remember, diving into domestic politics requires a careful balance between understanding the past and investigating the present. Utilize your sources to build a comprehensive picture and don't forget to add your unique take. As future political scientists, you are not just observers but active contributors to the discourse.

Decoding the Dynamics of International Relations

As our world becomes more interconnected, the field of international relations becomes more complex - and more crucial. Studying international relations allows us to better understand the relationships between nations, the roles of sovereign states, intergovernmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations. It encompasses a range of topics from global economics to national security and global policy. Here are 10 captivating topics you could examine within international relations:

11. The Role of the United Nations in Conflict Resolution

Examine the effectiveness of the United Nations in resolving international conflicts.

Potential sources: UN resolutions and peacekeeping mission reports, case studies on specific conflicts.

12. The Influence of Globalization on Developing Countries

Analyze the economic, political, and social impacts of globalization on developing nations.

Potential sources: World Bank and IMF reports, academic papers on globalization.

13. Evaluating the Impact of Sanctions on Target Countries

Explore the effectiveness of economic sanctions as a tool for achieving foreign policy goals.

Potential sources: Case studies on sanctioned countries, economic data, policy papers.

14. The Role of NATO in Maintaining Global Security

Assess the role and effectiveness of NATO in maintaining international peace and security.

Potential sources: NATO mission reports, academic literature on global security.

15. The Rise of China: Implications for Global Power Dynamics

Analyze the rising influence of China on global power dynamics and its potential implications.

Potential sources: Foreign policy analysis, global trade data, speeches from Chinese leadership

16. Climate Change: A Global Policy Perspective

Discuss international cooperation on climate change policy and its effectiveness.

Potential sources: International climate agreements (like the Paris Agreement), IPCC reports.

17. The Impact of Refugee Crisis on European Union Policies

Examine how the refugee crisis has influenced the policies of the European Union.

Potential sources: EU policy documents, reports from humanitarian organizations.

18. Cybersecurity and International Relations

Analyze the role of cybersecurity in modern international relations and its influence on state sovereignty.

Potential sources: Cybersecurity incident reports, government policy documents.

19. The Politics of Nuclear Proliferation

Explore the politics behind nuclear proliferation and its implications for global security.

Potential sources: Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reports.

20. Impact of Global Pandemics on International Relations

Investigate how global pandemics like COVID-19 affect international relationships and cooperation.

Potential sources: World Health Organization (WHO) reports, foreign aid data during pandemics.

In the realm of international relations, remember that the key is to contextualize your study within the wider global scenario. Use empirical data to support your points, but don't forget to offer a nuanced perspective that reflects the multifaceted nature of international politics.

Exploring the Intersection of Political Economy and Policy Studies

Political Economy and Policy Studies examine the interaction between politics and economics, studying how government policy can influence economies. This is a rich field, full of nuanced discussions on economic development, policy creation, and their effects on societal structures. Here are ten topics that might pique your curiosity:

21. The Implications of U.S. Trade Policy on Domestic Industry

Investigate the impact of U.S. trade policy on domestic industry health, worker rights, and overall economic well-being.

Potential sources: U.S. trade policy documents, industry health reports, employment data.

22. The Influence of Lobbying on Public Policy

Analyze the influence of special interest groups and their lobbying efforts on the creation of public policy.

Potential sources: Lobbying expenditure data, case studies of significant legislative changes.

23. Fiscal Policy Responses to Economic Crises

Examine the fiscal policy responses to past economic crises such as the 2008 recession or COVID-19, and assess their effectiveness.

Potential sources: Government fiscal policy documents, economic recovery data.

24. The Impact of Healthcare Policy on Economic Equality

Explore how healthcare policies can contribute to economic equality or exacerbate inequality.

Potential sources: Health expenditure data, economic equality indexes.

25. Regulation and Deregulation: Balancing Economic Growth and Public Welfare

Investigate how the balance between regulation and deregulation impacts both economic growth and public welfare.

Potential sources: Economic growth data, public welfare indexes.

26. The Politics of Income Inequality

Discuss the political dynamics that contribute to growing income inequality.

Potential sources: Income distribution data, policy papers on income inequality.

27. Economic Nationalism: Causes and Consequences

Explore the rise of economic nationalism, its causes, and its potential impacts on global economic cooperation.

Potential sources: Trade policies, economic data, speeches from political leaders.

28. Climate Change Policy: Economic Impact and Feasibility

Examine the economic implications and feasibility of proposed climate change policies.

Potential sources: Proposed climate policy documents, economic projections.

29. The Role of Central Banks in National Economies

Analyze the influence of central banks on national economies and how they shape monetary policies.

Potential sources: Central bank policy documents, national economic data.

30. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Policies

Investigate the effectiveness of social welfare policies in reducing poverty and promoting economic equality.

Potential sources: Social welfare policy documents, poverty and equality data.

In political economy and policy studies, the goal is to understand the underlying dynamics that drive policy decisions and their impacts on the economy and society. Remember to support your arguments with empirical evidence while also considering the wider political, historical, and cultural context.

Tips for Choosing Your Research Topic

After browsing through these enticing political science research topics, you're likely brimming with ideas for your next paper. But with so many possibilities, how do you choose? Here are some tips to keep in mind as you narrow down your selection:

Reflect On Your Interests

Choose a topic that genuinely intrigues you. Researching and writing become far more enjoyable tasks when you're passionate about your subject. Remember, your enthusiasm will also shine through in your writing and keep your reader engaged.

Consider the Scope

You want to make sure your topic is neither too broad nor too narrow. A broad topic could be overwhelming, while a topic that's too narrow might not have enough resources for a comprehensive analysis.

Check the Availability of Sources

Before settling on a topic, check if there are enough credible sources available to support your arguments. Scholarly articles, authoritative websites, and books by experts in the field are all potential gold mines for your research.

Evaluate the Relevance

Choose a topic that is relevant to your course and the current political discourse. Engaging with contemporary issues can provide a timely and impactful focus for your research.

Seek Feedback

Don't hesitate to discuss your ideas with your professor or peers. They can provide valuable input and help you refine your topic.

With these tips in mind, you're now equipped to embark on your journey towards an engaging and insightful research paper. Remember, the purpose of research is not just to inform, but also to challenge, provoke thought, and contribute to ongoing conversations. We can't wait to see where your research endeavors take you!

Final Thoughts

By delving into the extensive world of political science, we've uncovered 30 intriguing research paper topics that span across various subfields. These topics serve to challenge, provoke thought, and contribute to the broader discourse on political science.

While this list is comprehensive, it's by no means exhaustive. There's a wealth of potential research questions waiting to be answered. Use these topics as a springboard, and let your curiosity and passion for political science guide your research journey.

Stay tuned for more topic ideas across various disciplines, and remember, there’s a world of knowledge waiting to be explored – all it takes is a little bit of curiosity and a whole lot of research!

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135 great political science research topics to write best paper.

political science research topics

We know, every high school, college or university student needs some good, interesting political science research topics. After all, your grade depends a lot on the quality of the topic you choose. Your professor expects you to submit a well researched and well written essay on a topic that piques his interest. Finding such a topic can be much more difficult than you imagine. The good news is that our writers and editors have created a list of unique political science research topics for students of all ages. Why don’t you take a look at our list of ideas and pick one right now?

Choosing the Best Political Science Topics Possible

If you are looking for the best and most interesting political science topics, you have arrived at the right place. Choosing the topics that can earn you top grades is now easier than ever. All you have to do is go through our list (you have 16 categories to choose from) and pick the topics you like. All our topics are unique at the time this list was created. And the good news is that we are updating this list frequently to make sure we can help as many students as possible with original ideas. Also, our topics can be used for free. You don’t have to pay for them or give us credit, so why don’t you pick one right now:

A Hot Political Topic

If you are looking for a hot political topic, you can find several of them right here. Take a look at our list and pick any one of our topics:

  • Civil rights controversies in the United Kingdom
  • Freedom of speech in the United States
  • Talk about abortion and its political implications
  • Social security issues in Australia
  • Climate change and politics
  • Discuss the death penalty in the US
  • Censorship in China
  • Social security issues in African countries
  • Who should benefit from health insurance?
  • Should we adopt an universal minimum income?

Political Science Research Questions

  • Our creative writers though about some interesting political science research questions that you can answer in your next research paper:
  • What is the state authority?
  • What is a totalitarian government?
  • Is Vladimir Putin a dictator?
  • What are the benefits of a democratic government?
  • Why do we study political science in school?
  • What is comparative politics?
  • How do social changes influence the politics in your country?
  • What is communism?
  • What are the negative effects of anarchism?
  • Where does political power come from in the United States?
  • Is a dictatorship the same as a monarchy?
  • What makes a ruler a dictator?

Conflicts in Politics Ideas

Would you like to write an essay about conflicts in politics? We have some very interesting conflicts in politics ideas right here:

  • What are political disputes?
  • The best way to settle a political dispute
  • An in-depth look at the Vietnam War
  • How did the war in Afghanistan start?
  • The conflict between Joe Biden and Donald Trump
  • Propaganda techniques during political wars
  • Free speech and hate speech in political conflicts
  • Controversial aspects of a recent political conflict
  • Conflicts between politics and religion
  • Donald Trump versus Barack Obama

Easy Political Topics to Write About

We know you want to spend as little time as possible on your research paper . This is why we have compiled an original list of easy political topics to write about for you:

  • What are the traits of a career politician?
  • Discuss the concept of “political careerists”
  • What makes Saddam Hussein a dictator?
  • The story of Jimmy Carter
  • The life and achievements of Barack Obama
  • A Joe Biden biography
  • How did Arnold Schwarzenegger become a politician?
  • News coverage of elections in the UK
  • Analyze the relations between the US and North Korea
  • Compare and contrast liberalism and republicanism

International Relations Research Topics

Of course, we have some awesome topics related to international relations. Pick one of these international relations research topics and start working on your paper:

  • Relations between North and South Korea
  • An in-depth look at the Cold War period
  • Russia-China relations in 2023
  • China-US relations in 2023
  • What caused the war in Afghanistan?
  • The effects of nationalism in Germany
  • Foreign policies of Eastern European countries towards Russia
  • Discuss the rise in international terrorism
  • Protecting the environment globally
  • Analyze one of the many religious wars

American Government Research Paper Topics

We have some of the best and most interesting American government research paper topics right here. You’re free to use any one of them:

  • What caused the American revolution?
  • Politics during the Civil War
  • Discuss Republican traditions in the US
  • An in-depth look at election fraud in the United States
  • Disaster response in the US
  • What drives African American politicians?
  • Analyze American federal crime law
  • The US foreign policy in 2023
  • Discuss the Cold War

Interesting Political Science Research Topics

We know you want to get the most interesting political science research topics possible. Here is the complete list of ideas:

  • Discuss the constitutional vision of John Rohr
  • Analyze The Republic written by Plato
  • Research the politics in Ancient Rome
  • An in-depth analysis of the politics of Ancient Greece
  • Compare and contrast utilitarianism with egalitarianism
  • Analyze Social Contract (written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
  • Discuss the unequal relation between the public and the government

Public Law Topics

Interested in writing about public law? Of course, we have plenty of public law topics that you can use for your next essay:

  • Analyze constitutional law in your country
  • The peculiarities of administrative law in the United States
  • Differences between procedural law and private law in the UK
  • Tax law and criminal law versus private law
  • Discuss the role of mandatory rules in public law
  • Discuss the “public bodies act lawfully” principle of public law
  • Do all central and local governments have to obey public law?
  • What is the difference between public and private law in the US?

Comparative Politics Research Topics

We are certain your professor will surely appreciate any of our comparative politics research topics. Take a look at the list and pick the one you like the most:

  • Talk about conflict and revolution in the United States
  • Analyze 2 comparative parties in your country
  • What are comparative political institutions?
  • Define the concept of comparative politics
  • Compare politics in the United States with politics in the United Kingdom
  • Discuss direct and indirect binary comparisons
  • Talk about the modernization theory

Good Political Topics

This is a list of good political topics that should work great in 2023:

  • Analyze the national politics of a country of your choice
  • Why are international relations important for political science?
  • What gives legitimacy and authority in a democratic state?
  • Discuss political participation in your country
  • Compare and contrast political science with pure history
  • Factors that influence political behavior in the United States

Political Theory Research Topics

Yes, we know that talking about political theory is not easy. However, we have some political theory research topics that are relatively easy to write about:

  • An in-depth analysis of the Agrarianism political theory
  • An in-depth analysis of the Egalitarianism theory
  • Discuss the Phoenicianism political theory
  • What is Libertarian socialism‎ and where can we find it?
  • Research the topic of Zionism in 2023
  • Compare and contrast socialism with communism in Eastern Europe
  • Analyze 3 forms of government in use today

Current Research Topics in Political Science

Keeping up with the current events in politics may not be something you have time for. We do. Check out these current research topics in political science:

  • Talk about the innovations in the public sector in the UK
  • Analyze the 2019 Indian general elections
  • The Israel-Hamas conflict in 2023
  • Russia’s foreign policy towards Ukraine
  • Discuss the rise of ISIS in Afghanistan
  • Boko Haram’s expansion in Nigeria
  • The American retreat from Afghanistan
  • The US foreign policy towards China
  • Analyze the India-China border dispute

Informative Political Science Research Paper Topics

Our writers have put together a list of highly interesting and informative political science research paper topics. Check them out below:

  • Compare parliamentary and presidential democracy
  • Discuss the apartheid in South Africa
  • An in-depth look at the Vietnam War politics
  • The effects of the Syrian conflict
  • Imperialism in British Columbia
  • Colonialism in African countries
  • Discuss the Human Rights Act 1998 and its implications

Fresh Political Science Research Topic Ideas

Take a look at our fresh political science research topic ideas and choose the one that suits you best:

  • Talk about the retreat of American troops from Afghanistan
  • Talk about Joe Biden’s victory against Donald Trump
  • Analyze a totalitarian government
  • How did Vladimir Putin win 4 terms as president in Russia?
  • The politics behind the Israeli-Palestinian war
  • Discuss the role of mass media in political conflicts

Controversial Topics for a Political Science Research Paper

Why would you be afraid of talking about controversial topics? We have a list of easy controversial topics for a political science research paper right here for you:

  • Discuss signs of election fraud in the United States
  • Gender equality in politics
  • The climate change problem across the world
  • Politics and empty promises
  • The use of influence in politics
  • Are politicians above the law in the US?

Public Administration Topics

There are many things you can talk about when it comes to public administration. However, we feel that these public administration topics usually get high grades:

  • Discuss public service motivation in the United States
  • What is performance-related pay and how is it used?
  • Civil service reform in the UK
  • Analyze the public organizational behavior in your country
  • Community service in your county
  • Public administration and its link to social equity
  • Sustainability projects in public administration
  • Public administration: traits of a true leader
  • Crisis management procedures in your area

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political research paper ideas

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Policy Topics

Tarek Masoud listening to a speaker during the Middle East Dialogues series.

  • International Relations & Security
  • Democracy & Governance

Diving deep into disagreements on the Israeli-Hamas war at Harvard Kennedy School

In a semester-long series, HKS Professor Tarek Masoud interviewed Middle East scholars and policymakers—from a Trump administration strategist to Palestinian intellectuals—on their vastly different views on the war.

Tarek Masoud speaking to a guest at the Middle East Dialogues series.

Six disparate expert voices at the Kennedy School on the Israel-Hamas war

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  • Environment & Energy

How systems transitions can improve sustainable development

Jeremy Weinstein smiling in front of green foliage.

  • Public Leadership & Management

Jeremy M. Weinstein named dean of Harvard Kennedy School

Strategy is only partly an illusion: “relative foresight” as an objective standard for evaluating foreign policy competence.

Foreign policy-makers must grapple with complexity, uncertainty, and subjectivity.

  • Social Policy
  • Gender, Race & Identity

Thinking about Parents: Gender and Field of Study

In this paper, we implement a lab-in-field experiment among around 2000 children enrolled in 14 middle schools in Italy to investigate whether thinking about parental recommendation affects students’

  • Education, Training & Labor

Creating student leaders through civics

Building on the literature of student leadership development, Natalie Sew, Adrianne Billingham Bock, and Danielle Allen share an approach to civic education: Deeper Civic Learning.

Review of Shaping and Reshaping the Global Monetary Order during the Interwar Period and Beyond: Local Actors in-between the International Institutions

This publication is a multifaceted analysis of the global monetary regime's evolution, from the disintegrating impacts of the Great Depression during the interwar period to the often inequitable and d

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Justice Matters Podcast: Gay McDougall

  • Human Rights

From the Frontlines: Reflections on Decades of the Racial Justice Movement

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The populism of self-destruction: How better policy can blunt the anti-clean energy backlash that threatens humanity’s future

A man with short dark grey hair and glasses poses with his hands on his hips in front of a blue background with pixelated blue boxes at the bottom

What Really Happened at COP 28 in Dubai

Geoff Dancy and Phoung Pham on Justice Matters

Justice for Victims: Lessons from Around the World

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140 Newest Political Science Research Paper Topics

political science research topics

If you are reading our blog post, its means you’re desperately trying to find some amazing political science research topics. Truth be told, you’ve arrived at the right place. We have a list of original political science research topics for you right here. Furthermore, we’ve included a lot of information about finding great topics and about their benefits. Remember that all our political science topics are 100% free. We are all about helping college students get the best possible grades. We do our absolute best to update our list of political science essay topics as frequently as possible, so stay tuned for new topics!

Are Political Science Research Topics Hard to Find?

It looks like finding research topics for political science in 2023 is pretty difficult. But why? Well, because even though there are plenty of websites offering topics, you are facing fierce competition. Each one of your peers is looking for topics. And in most cases, they end up on the same websites as you do. This means that in many cases, you will write a research paper on the same subject as several of your classmates. The simple way to avoid this and find hot topics in politics is to watch the news and pick interesting things to analyze. However, this takes time; the time you may not have. After all, you have two or three other essays to write this week…

Extraordinary Political Science Topics = Top Grades

The easiest way to get some ideas is to read our list of topics in political science. At the time of writing, all the political science research paper topics are 100% original. And remember, a good topic usually means a top grade if you do a decent job at writing the paper. Why? It’s simply because professors are easily impressed by people who demonstrate originality. If you can think outside the box and stand out from the crowd, you will get bonus points . Of course, you are free to pick any of the political science paper topics below and reword them in any way.

Philosophy Research Political Science Essay Topics

Political research philosophy deals with how society should be set up and the changes needed. It discusses ethics and how they impact society. Political science research topics should be intriguing and interesting. Here is a list of research topics that your professor will find interesting in your essay:

  • Research on what caused the American Revolution.
  • Karl Schmidt’s thesis and German philosophy and how they affect society.
  • Transition methods of post-socialist and how that impacted society.
  • How does civil republicanism contrast with Liberalism?
  • The justification of Liberal democracy.
  • How modern political virtue is linked to the Mutual tolerance approach.
  • Neopatrimonialism Society risk.
  • The election ethics.
  • How the Western constitution law lens views existentialism.
  • The republican traditions are used in education.
  • Role of philosophy on the politics of your country.
  • The impact made by the American Revolution.

Political Theorists Political Science Essay Topics

Writing political theorists’ take an honorary place when students get the right political science research topics for their dissertation’s literature review. Besides, when you get interesting political science thesis topics, you can be sure that your professor will be impressed. Though such research does not give proper answers to global issues, you can work with comparative political research questions. If you have no idea about the political science research paper topics you can use, you are in the right place. Let us take a look at these ideas:

  • The theory of John Austin.
  • Aristotle’s philosophy on Governance.
  • The thesis of Fredric Bastiat.
  • Reasons why Rome failed.
  • About Jean Bodin and what he failed to see about sovereignty.
  • Is the trajectory followed by the US the same as that of Ancient Rome?
  • The republic by Plato Analysis.
  • How did Vladimir Lenin influence the communism approach?
  • The political events that led to Nazism.
  • How do Greco-Romans influence modern politics?
  • The discipline powers Foucault’s.
  • Edmund Burke Classics theories and their impact.

Interesting Political Science Research Topics

Do you want to thrill your professor? Do you want to come up with something new? If this is the case, just take a look at our list of interesting political science research topics below. You can also check out our history topics .

If you are interested in how politics gave birth to – and altered the course of – conflicts, we have some very interesting topics about conflicts on our list:

  • Terrorism can be an effective political instrument.
  • How did war change politics in the US?
  • The effects of the Vietnam War on United States politics.
  • How did the Afghanistan war start?
  • The differences between armed conflicts and political conflicts.
  • The effects of pardoning criminals in today’s society.
  • Ways to effectively implement urgent changes in the legislation process.
  • Prosecution ethics on top-tier officials.
  • The federal crime comparison of the American and European Federals.
  • Methods used to eliminate corruption in America and their effectiveness.
  • What are the social movements of the post-war times?
  • Research on modern leader’s global interdependence.

Current Research Topics in Political Science

Of course, we realize you want to stay up to date with the latest developments in political science. Your professor will be thrilled to see that you’ve chosen one of our current research topics in political science:

  • Karl Schmidt thesis and German philosophy.
  • What political decision by the Trump presidency had the biggest impact?
  • The impact that the true commission has on civil society.
  • The latest controversy surrounding Amnesty International.
  • The battles were fought by superpowers around the Arctic Circle.
  • How do Republicans influence US education?
  • The political response to the COVID-19 crisis.
  • Is religion a political power nowadays?

Public Law Topics

There are plenty of public law topics you can write an essay about. However, our academic writers have selected only the ones that have the potential to get an A+:

  • Argumentative analysis of the judicial review and its impact on society.
  • What is the judicial interpretation of public safety statutes?
  • Discuss the privacy law and commercial exploitation.
  • What are the gender bias philosophies found in custody battles?
  • What is the Socio-Economic preference in Police interrogation?
  • Discuss the post-conflict justice inequality.
  • What is the public safety status of Judicial Interpretation?
  • Similarities between common morality and criminal law.
  • Top 3 best European legislators in history.
  • Discuss the Human Rights Act of 1998.
  • Can national security destroy civil liberty?
  • Is the Internet a “politically correct” place?

Easily Researchable Topics in Political Science

Perhaps you don’t want to spend a lot of time and effort writing the political sciences essay. In this case, you may be interested in one of our easily researchable topics in political science:

  • Are the politicians to be blamed for the frequent civil wars?
  • What is the relationship between media and politics in America?
  • The influence that social movements have on changing public policies.
  • The way that the Patriot Act will be viewed in future generations.
  • What is the current situation of your country’s foreign policy?
  • What is the cause and effect of conflict in Syria?
  • Research on the global impact of Brexit.
  • Should anyone be allowed to pardon violent criminals?
  • Here is how you eliminate corruption.
  • Discuss the Frederic Bastiat Theses.
  • Discuss Trump’s immigration crisis.
  • Is the media politically biased?

International Relations Research Topics

International relations is one of the most interesting political sciences topics today. They’re also quite complex. Here are some excellent international relations research topics:

  • Controversies of Amnesty International.
  • What causes Global Poverty?
  • Defining and analyzing global security networks.
  • The power battles of the Arctic Circle.
  • Human Rights in Uganda.
  • How has the international relation in America changed in the past five years?
  • What do people think about politicians becoming corrupt?
  • What is the US’s Foreign Policy?
  • The effects of the Syrian war on its politics.
  • Analyzing the ethics of NGOs in America.
  • What is the IMF (International Monetary Fund)?
  • What causes poverty on a planetary scale?

Public Administration Topics

Are you interested in writing about public administration as part of your political sciences essay? Just take a quick look at some very public administration topics:

  • How was the private sector innovated in the United States?
  • Methods of community development.
  • What vision did John Rohr have of the constitution?
  • Ethics of the nonprofit organization.
  • Administration careers of transport security.
  • The compromise of environmental management.
  • Innovations in the United States private sector.
  • How does the Federal Emergency Management Agency work?
  • What is fiscal management and why is it so important?
  • How do governments coordinate their efforts?
  • The best ways to reduce bureaucracy in the US.

Current International Relations Topics

Your professor is most definitely interested in current events more than he is interested in reading about the past. Give your take on any of these wonderful current international relations topics:

  • Description of how the IMF works.
  • What is the major cause of poverty in the world?
  • Research on how global security works.
  • A look at Japan and China’s foreign aid policy.
  • The research and discussion on the continuous effects of Brexit.
  • A look at soft law manipulative treaties.
  • Research on international protection in regards to children’s rights.
  • Will Israel ever accept a Palestinian state?
  • Are countries alone in their fight against the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Analyze the evolution of human rights in Rwanda.
  • What causes the conflicts in Syria?
  • Geopolitics: the quest for dominance.

Comparative Politics Research Topics

Did you know that writing about comparative politics can be fun? Analyze the political differences and similarities between various countries by writing a paper on one of our comparative politics research topics:

  • Comparison to behavioral approach to parties.
  • The United States and Japan Culture Pressure.
  • Definition of Soviet Union Ideology and its impact.
  • The Interest Aggregation of the Vietnam War.
  • How developing countries recruit.
  • The party hierarchy of Chinese communists.
  • Traits of the Anglo Saxon in the American government.
  • Compare the foreign policies of the US and the UK.
  • Similarities between political parties in Scotland and Ireland.
  • Differences between parliamentary and presidential democracy.
  • How does apartheid begin?
  • Compare and contrast communist and socialist governments.

Political Science Thesis Topics

Writing a thesis in political science can be a daunting task. However, picking the correct topic can greatly ease your workload. Here are some political science thesis topics to pick from:

  • How does the endorsement by a decorated military improve the chances of a political candidate?
  • What is meant when people talk about psychological politics in the modern world?
  • Do unions have any impact when endorsing an election campaign?
  • What impact did the Trump vs. Biden election have on foreign politics around the globe?
  • Reasons why abortion should be made legal at the federal level
  • What is a single controversial political decision that has impacted international policies?
  • What can governments do to rid their countries of corruption?
  • Should the foreign policy of the UK be changed? Why?
  • How governments can help fight climate change.
  • The system regulating immigration in the United States is fundamentally broken.
  • Differences between the Parliament of India and the Parliament of Pakistan.

Political Philosophy Topics

Political philosophy has changed a lot over the years. Things are very much different from one country to another. Here are some interesting ideas you can use right now:

  • What caused the great American Revolution of 1765?
  • Is mutual tolerance in politics just a dream?
  • Explain the importance of the Karl Schmidt Theses for Germany.
  • What is Neopatrimonialism?
  • What causes unethical behavior ahead of elections?
  • Fiscal management strategic planning.
  • What are the comprehensive benefits of public safety?
  • What is the global independence of global leaders?
  • What is religion, and is it a social power?
  • What are the ethical topics that top officials in government today should discuss?
  • Is there a similarity between the American and European federal crimes as seen in the past few years?
  • What is the reason for the continuous immigrant crisis in Mexico?

If you need more political topics to write about (including many more international relations topics), we advise you to get in touch with our professional thesis writers . A seasoned academic writer can create a list of original, interesting topics in no time. The quality of the political topics you choose greatly influences the grades you get on your research papers, so professional assistance may prove to be invaluable.

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460 Excellent Political Topics to Write about in 2024

If you have an assignment in politics, look no further—this article will help you ace your paper. Here, you will find a list of unique political topics to write about compiled by our custom writing team .

But that’s not all of it! Keep reading if you want to:

  • See how to tackle political essay topics in your paper;
  • Choose a topic that will be interesting for you to research;
  • Refresh your knowledge of essential political concepts.

Now, without further ado, let’s get started! Below, you’ll find political topics and questions for your task.

  • 🔝 Top 10 Topics
  • ✅ Main Political Concepts
  • 🇺🇸 American Politics Topics
  • 🌐 Global Politics
  • 📚 Political Science
  • 🏛️ Political Philosophy
  • ⚖️ Comparative Politics
  • 💵 Political Economy
  • 🍴 Food Politics
  • 🌱 Environmental Politics
  • 📖 Political Case Study Topics
  • ✍️ How to Write a Political Essay

🔍 References

🔝 top 10 political topics to write about.

  • The political causes of terrorism
  • Why do we need political parties?
  • Is politics connected to religion?
  • Does an ideal political system exist?
  • How to prevent ideological conflicts
  • Electoral systems around the world
  • The role of the UN in the world politics
  • Should nuclear weapons be banned?
  • The importance of international relations
  • Should the government control the internet?

✅ Main Political Concepts to Focus On

Politics is an exciting and versatile subject. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not confined to senates and debate chambers. It also takes place on the streets and in your home. You can even say that everything is political.

Politics has so many areas to study—it may be hard to decide what to choose. Let’s see what interesting concepts you can focus on:

  • Government and all that concerns the state. It includes actions that involve state institutions and people serving them. You might want to concentrate on voting, transnational interactions, or acts of politicians.
  • We’ve all heard that conflict is a healthy part of every relationship. Do you believe that politics should embrace the differences? Then you may want to study the mechanisms of protests and revolutions.
  • Or, you can focus on methods of nonviolent conflict resolution .
  • Execution of power . Here the question is: what is power? Study various definitions and choose the ones you like best.
  • Maybe you consider politics a social activity . You can also think of it as more of a public activity . Look into these concepts and see where politics takes place.

Does any of these ideas seem particularly interesting to you? Write an essay about it! Or, if you want inspiration, check our extensive list of ideas covering every major branch of politics. Below you will find current political topics as well as historical ones.

🇺🇸 American Politics Essay Topics

Inner social and economic tensions have led to drastic changes in America’s political climate. The divide between Democrats and Republicans grows more resonant by the minute. What is your opinion on these developments? Have a closer look at it with one of our engaging topics:

  • Discuss gun control measures and crime rates reduction in the US. 
  • Analyze Kanye West’s presidential campaign.
  • What are the crucial current issues to voters in America? 
  • Do national politics in the USA neglect older adults?
  • Why isn’t the right to privacy listed in the US constitution?
  • The American government has extensive plans concerning the closure of Purdue Pharma. But are they acting in the public’s best interest? 
  • Pros and cons of raising the number of justices at the Supreme Court. 
  • Write about American neutrality and contribution in the Great War. 
  • Discuss the pros and cons of building a fortified border wall between the USA and Mexico. 
  • What would happen to California if it became an independent country?
  • Who should pay for essential healthcare services in America? 
  • Does the two-party-system do more harm than good?

Bill Gindlesperger quote.

  • What did President Trump achieve by pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord? 
  • Describe how the American states collaborate in the federal system .
  • Is a cap on immigration to the US necessary? 
  • How does wealth inadequacy affect American democracy?
  • The role of freedom in American politics. 
  • How does the Electoral College work? 
  • What are the implications of Donald Trump’s revealed tax statements? 
  • Political impact of the body positivity movement in America.
  • The BLM movement as covered by Fox News vs. CNN. 
  • The US-Australian cooperation and its implications. 
  • Should the US seek tighter bonds with China? 
  • What’s the easiest way to become politically involved in the US?
  • Why should you join a political party?
  • Effects of the war on drugs. 
  • Debate implementing more restrictive gun laws nationwide. 
  • America’s role in restoring Europe after World War II. 
  • How does social media influence political decisions in America?
  • Is capitalism the best system for the US?
  • Why don’t LGBT people in America have the same rights as straight people? 
  • How did the legalization of dispensaries in California impact consumer behavior ?
  • What branches does the American government consist of? 
  • How is poverty affecting rural communities in the US?
  • Explore law enforcement in the US on local, state, and federal levels.
  • Discuss the limits of executive power in New Jersey.
  • Should Oregon implement a cap on the price of medicines? 
  • What caused healthcare in America to become so expensive? 
  • Religious extremism in the US after 9/11. 
  • Your position on the American intervention in Syria. 
  • What caused many people to lose trust in President Trump’s government?
  • Describe the state of affairs that allowed Donald Trump to win the 2016 election. 
  • What laws restrict campaign financing in Florida?
  • Discuss the budgeting of the US Environmental Protection Agency. 
  • Evaluate President Trump’s crisis response.
  • Outline the ideas of American politicians from parties on the margin.
  • The importance of the Hispanic vote.
  • The Patriot Act: facts and controversies. 
  • How do stereotypes towards Asian Americans influence their opportunities? 
  • The power of line-item vetoes in Wisconsin.

🌐 Global Political Topics to Talk About

Global politics studies basic political ideas on an international scale. This subject combines multiple social sciences to analyze political activity worldwide. Choose between the topics concerning human rights, development, conflict, and international relations.

  • Why did Reporters without Borders build a library in Minecraft?
  • How influential are NGOs?
  • What are the main functions of the UN? 
  • Discuss how the 2015 migrant crisis affected European politics.
  • What are the drawbacks of being stateless ?
  • African socialism in the 1950s and 1960s. 
  • Has the US become estranged from its European allies?
  • What is the Human Development Index?
  • Explain the three waves of democratization .
  • Why do some countries suffer from terrorism more than others?
  • Discuss methods of conflict resolution used by the African Union.
  • At what point does a crisis justify international intervention?
  • Trace the events of the 2020 election in Belarus. 
  • What caused the Eastern Mediterranean to be war-torn?
  • Discuss the role of gender in modern Africa. 
  • How did the California Gold Rush in 1848 impact global politics?
  • The development of Latin American cities in the past 30 years. 
  • Why was Germany hesitant to participate in colonization? What led to the change of heart?
  • Israeli-Palestine conflict and the global community.
  • How do countries reconcile after being at war with each other?
  • What is the Spratly Islands dispute?
  • Why does China claim ownership of the South China Sea? What makes it a globally important issue?
  • The threats of transnational organized crime. 
  • What are the effects of Brexit on the UK and international relations?
  • How does a country’s geography shape its politics?
  • US foreign policy: criticism and problems. 
  • The purpose and importance of global health. 
  • Discuss how Sub-Saharan Africa can become independent of foreign aid. 
  • Global citizenship: characteristics and responsibilities. 
  • How does feminism influence global relations? 
  • What does deterrence theory entail?
  • Explain how the International Court of Justice works.
  • Global war in terrorism: what are its main challenges? 
  • What causes interdependence between nations?
  • Why do states need to be internationally acknowledged? What happens if they aren’t?
  • Structural effects of uneven resource distribution.
  • Gender bias in global politics. 
  • Explore the history of Cambodian politics.
  • Kazakhstan: the proposal to switch the alphabet from Cyrillic to Latin. 
  • What factors determine if a country is safe to travel to?
  • Discuss Daniel Drezner’s theories of global politics.
  • The development of the UK’s global political influence.
  • Compare how various countries protect their indigenous cultures. 
  • Should the EU be dissolved?
  • What is Wilsonianism?
  • Characterize America’s foreign affairs in the Middle East. 
  • What rights does a stateless person have?
  • Amnesty international: criticism and controversies.
  • What has the Pan-African movement achieved? 
  • How did American government respond to the Arab Spring? 

📚 Political Science Topics to Research

Political science studies collective decisions and their consequences. Part of this process is analyzing the structure and mechanisms of government. Researchers in this field consider psychological, social, and cultural aspects of political activity.

  • The rise of Austria’s Freedom Party in 2000.
  • What can game theory tell us about society?
  • Discuss the concept of nationhood, its benefits, and pitfalls.
  • Trace the development of the Nigerian government from the ’60s up to now. 
  • The impact of celebrities on political campaigning. 
  • Describe the goals of the anti-globalization movement.
  • Why did all Germany’s attempts to form a republic fail until after World War II?
  • The effects of poverty on Australian indigenous peoples. 
  • What type of events affect voting behavior the most? 
  • Examine historical examples of anarchist societies.
  • Does a president need to represent all of their country’s citizens ?
  • What are the advantages of polling? 
  • Can monarchies be democratic?
  • What influences people’s political beliefs?
  • The regulation of water supply in Latin American countries.
  • Describe how the media affects cultural globalization .
  • Compare right and left-wing terrorist groups. 
  • What constitutes tyranny?
  • How does the Saudi Arabian government work?

Globalization is.

  • The relationship between the automobile industry and politics in Japan .
  • Crisis theory, its strengths, and its weaknesses.
  • What are the goals of the alt-right?
  • The historical significance of the treaty of Westphalia.
  • Was the Equal Rights Amendment doomed to fail? What is its current status? 
  • How does tourism affect Caribbean politics?
  • What makes someone a leader?
  • Discuss how powerful states influence poorer ones.
  • How does the EU make decisions? 
  • Examine the success rate of petitions.
  • The psychology behind supporting extremist groups. 
  • The mechanics of propaganda: when language becomes a political tool. 
  • Class 12 political education: preparing students to vote in their first election.
  • Analyze the structure of the Chinese Communist Party.
  • What does the Lemon test determine?
  • Is fear a good instrument of control?
  • The political danger of fake news .
  • How do civil wars happen? 
  • Political culture: why did democracy in Iraq fail? 
  • Investigate the conflict between China and Tibet.
  • Should institutions benefit society’s poorest members?
  • The role of poverty in driving the popularity of Boko Haram in Nigeria.
  • Why do some people miss the Soviet Union? 
  • What are the differences between the IS and al-Qaeda?
  • Organization of the Taliban government in Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001. 
  • Political radicalization on the internet. 
  • The importance of women in governments .
  • Balance of power theory and modern world order.
  • The dangers of neopatrimonialism in African politics.
  • Why was the French Revolution an important event in history?
  • What influences outside the government can impact policymaking? 

🏛️ Best Political Philosophy Essay Topics

What type of systems can ensure a happy life for everyone? Political philosophy, or political theory, seeks to answer this question. Its goal is to create a social standard by applying ethics to politics. Get contemplative with our interesting political theory paper topics:

  • How ethical is capitalism ?
  • Explore the ideological connection between liberalism and feminism.
  • How close is your community to Plato’s ideal society?
  • What would happen if we leave capitalism behind?
  • Discuss the concept of democracy in political theory.
  • Ethical issues concerning globalization .
  • What would Aristotle say about the world’s current state of affairs?
  • Marx’s and Lenin’s imperialism theories.
  • Was Jean-Jacques Rousseau right in saying that a civil society began with a fence?
  • Is restricting immigration an ethical way to increase wages? 
  • How relevant is John Locke’s social contract theory today?
  • Explore the problems of democratic transition and consolidation.
  • Analyze the shortcomings of positivism.
  • Discuss John Rawls’ position on justice.
  • What is philosophical anarchism ?
  • How does Michel Foucault explain the development of Western penal systems in Discipline and Punish ?
  • Discuss grounds on which war is morally permissible or even necessary.
  • The influence of existentialism on Western politics.
  • What events sparked the foundation of the Paris Commune?
  • How can governments and communities cooperate?
  • Can religion have a positive influence on lawmaking?
  • What does it mean to have authority ?
  • Should governments provide stability or freedom of choice?
  • The influence of revisionism on the German Social Democratic Party policies.
  • Is gerrymandering always unjust? 
  • How did the idea of democracy change from ancient Greece to modern times? 
  • Is the law always morally right?
  • The role of violence in the ideologies of Pyotr Kropotkin and Mikhail Bakunin.
  • Police corruption: understanding and prevention.
  • Is democracy indeed a rule by the people? 
  • What’s the difference between nationalism and patriotism?
  • The role of power from the post-structuralist perspective.
  • Is there a big divide between Asian and Western political ideology?
  • What motivates someone to be politically active?
  • Why are students typically engaged in politics?
  • Is populism ethical? 
  • Provide an advanced perspective of public policy. 
  • Should the state be allowed to decide whether an individual can end their life?
  • The meaning of the term “liberalism” from its origins to this day. 
  • What do feminists mean by saying “the personal is political”?
  • How do you define the word “ political ”?
  • Discuss dehumanization and its evolution in warfare.
  • If you could start a whole culture anew, what would its principles be?
  • Analyze how pornography can be political.
  • Policymaking: systemic thinking on various levels. 
  • Are liberal government models the end of political development? 
  • How did the US government morally justify the Vietnam war ?
  • According to Thomas Hobbes, why do citizens need a Leviathan ?
  • Describe Machiavelli’s position concerning the role of religion in politics. 
  • The influence of Ayn Rand’s objectivism on libertarian movements.

⚖️ Comparative Politics Essay Topics

Have you ever wondered how the state influences a nation’s economy? Scholars of comparative politics know the answer. They analyze governments by comparing and contrasting them. Choose a topic in this category to discover the differences between various political systems.

  • What causes nations to transform their governments?
  • Define the differences between a nation and a nation-state. 
  • Causes of war: comparative politics and peace studies.
  • The politics of baby boomers vs. millennials .
  • Is the “tyranny of the majority” an unavoidable weakness of democracy? 
  • Characteristics of authoritarian vs. totalitarian regimes. 

Contemporary forms of government.

  • What are the differences between laws and executive orders ?
  • How does bureaucracy work in Norway vs. Russia?
  • Living conditions in South African squatter settlements and Brazilian favelas.
  • Compare conservative ideology in the US vs. the Netherlands.
  • What is the ideological difference between liberalism and conservatism? 
  • Discuss the advantages of a participatory vs. a representative democracy .
  • What are the current trends in democratization ?
  • Compare the contents of the French vs. the British constitution .
  • Describe the differences between federal and unitary governments. 
  • The executive’s role in Japan vs. China.
  • Political parties in Canada: ideological analysis.
  • What does it take to pass a law in Finland as compared to Sweden?
  • How does the naturalization process work in Canada vs. the US?
  • What factors impact political participation in different countries? 
  • How does a country’s education influence its citizens’ political activity?
  • Analyze the role of interest groups in the USA and Poland. 
  • How do presidential systems work in comparison to parliamentary systems?
  • Idealism versus realism in international politics
  • Ownership laws in Nigeria vs. Eritrea.
  • Compare Saddam Hussein’s regime with societies from Orwell’s 1984 .
  • Identify current trends in voter turnout. 
  • What constitutes the civil society in India and Pakistan? 
  • Contrast the structures and influence of the top five grassroots movements. 
  • The role of independent media in political education.
  • What factors determine whether a societal change is successful?
  • Compare American and Icelandic healthcare systems.
  • Protest votes: in which system do they work best?
  • Which fundamental ideologies do most of the world’s democracies share?
  • The social consequences of corruption in Mexico vs. Venezuela.
  • The perception of conservatism in the US vs. other countries.
  • Analyze Indian and Brazilian democracies. 
  • Revolving door politics in Japan vs. Australia.
  • How is gender equality institutionalized in different countries?
  • Why are green parties more successful in Europe than in the US?
  • Contrast political education across the states of the former Soviet Union .
  • The influence of the military on the government in the US vs. New Zealand. 
  • Achievements of the LGBT movement in Poland and the Czech Republic.
  • What are sustainability measures in South Africa vs. Senegal?
  • The evolution of women’s rights in Russia vs. Switzerland. 
  • How does federalism in Brazil differ from the one in America? 
  • Compare Peru’s and Lesotho’s unitary systems.
  • Comparison between Florida and Maryland’s legislative frameworks.
  • Contrast various military governments. Can they be beneficial for the public?
  • Political socialization in France vs. India.

💵 Political Economy Topics to Write About

Are you interested in how trade relates to a nation’s law and government? Then this section is for you. Scholars in this field study how economic theories influence societies. On top of that, they advise governments on economic policies and proposals. Find a great topic in the list below:

  • Economic interdependence theory and future of trade.
  • How do oligopolies influence the market?
  • What are the economic effects of taxation ?
  • Do democratic countries have better economies than autocratic states?
  • Did NAFTA overall benefit Mexico’s economy?
  • The oil industry in Saudi Arabia: analysis and strategies.
  • Globalization and the economy: interrelations and consequences.
  • What are the goals of the WTO?
  • How did the foundation of OPEC shape oil trade?
  • What factors influence the global GMO market?
  • Explain the concept of the invisible hand.
  • What are the characteristics of public goods?
  • Does private ownership necessarily lead to inequality?
  • How did mercantilism affect colonized countries?
  • Define critical political economy theory.
  • What role does mass media play in a nation’s economic decisions?
  • The current revival of neoliberalism .
  • Why does the exchange rate matter? 
  • The role of competition in politics. 
  • How did the development of financial systems impact governments? 
  • Why did President Trump’s tax reports cause a scandal?
  • How did economic troubles lead to political tensions in the EU?
  • What policies did countries in South-East Asia implement to drive economic growth? 
  • Can guaranteed income prevent socio-economic crises?
  • How are pension age policies connected to a country’s economic situation?
  • The impact of terrorism on oil prices and production. 
  • What were the political pros and cons of the gold standard ?
  • Does the trade war between the US and China have the potential to affect global trade? 
  • What types of governments are more likely to engage in protectionism? 
  • How is America “weaponizing” the dollar?
  • Discuss risk management strategies during the financial crisis in the US.
  • Utilitarian ethics in political economy.
  • What is the minimum wage , and how do you calculate it?
  • Do big companies have too much political influence?
  • The effects of gender-biased laws on economic systems .
  • What are the economic concerns behind sustainable policies?
  • Why are European countries struggling to convert to green energies ?
  • Does turning away from fossil fuels automatically mean a decrease in economic growth? 
  • How do policies create wealth gaps?
  • What do wealthy countries do to stay rich?
  • Describe the political consequences of outsourcing .
  • The connection between political instability and widespread poverty .
  • The political economy of financing conflicts in the Middle East.
  • Why do countries export weapons to war-torn areas?
  • How do political power balances create inequality?
  • The politics of free markets vs. planned economies.
  • What are the key elements of the political economy, according to Marxism ?
  • Explain the 19th-century socialist ideology.
  • What effects do a country’s political institutions have on the development of organized crime ?
  • Feminism in the political economy .

🍴 Food Politics Essay Topics

Decisions concerning packaging labels and food safety regulations belong in the realm of food politics. This branch also encompasses aspects related to food production, distribution, and consumption. Dive into the world of food politics with one of our popular writing ideas:

  • How much should the government influence our food choices ?
  • What’s political about our diet?
  • How do food politics influence our eating habits ?
  • Why do most American food production companies add sugar and syrup to bread?
  • The politics of kid-targeted food advertising.
  • What are the differences between the major labels of organic food ?
  • Should conventional agriculture still be subsidized?
  • What are the most dominant conflicts of interest in the agricultural industry today?
  • What can governments do to make fresh and healthy foods more accessible? 
  • Compare various government-sponsored programs to promote a healthy diet .
  • How does the demand regulate the market in terms of food products ?
  • Will we ever be able to eradicate hunger globally?
  • How can policies and restrictions make the food industry more sustainable?
  • Why are food politics crucial to achieving development goals?
  • Should governments ban plastic bags and packaging?
  • Following the annexation of Crimea, Russia received heavy sanctions. It prompted President Putin to ban the import of food products from Europe and the US. How does this affect the country? 
  • Monsanto: the political influence of America’s former biggest GMO seed distributor.
  • What issues are associated with eco-friendly food packaging?
  • What would be the consequences of outlawing alcohol?

Charlotte Biltekoff quote.

  • Should there be a ban on advertisements for unhealthy foods?
  • Lobbying tactics in the alcohol industry.
  • Discuss the benefits of implementing higher taxes on soft drinks.
  • When can a company label their product as “natural”?
  • Discuss the problems related to US school cafeterias.
  • The danger of alcopops: policies that prevent early alcohol consumption. 
  • Challenges of regulating deceptive health claims.
  • How does sponsored research influence nutritional guidelines?
  • The biopolitics of nutrition and food distribution.
  • What should all food labels contain to ensure safe consumption? 
  • The vegan movement’s impact on the organic food market.
  • How did industrialization change the way we eat?
  • Is ethnic food underrepresented in nutritional guidelines? If so, why?
  • Discuss the role of price in alcohol consumption.
  • Why is cannabis banned in many countries, but cigarettes aren’t?
  • Sin tax: what are its unintended social repercussions?
  • How do gruesome pictures on cigarette packages influence smoking behavior?
  • Consumption of harmful products in states with and without a sin tax.
  • Treatment of migrant fruit pickers in Texas. 
  • California removed sugary drinks and sweets from its public schools. Did this lead to a decrease in youth obesity? 
  • Food safety: a policy issue in agriculture today.
  • What would sustainable policies on regulating food waste be?
  • Should governments allocate more resources into cloning research to satisfy the meat demand? 
  • The political influence of the American meat industry.
  • Should animal rights be secured in the constitution?
  • The development of whale hunting laws in Japan.
  • What type of regulations could ensure sustainable fishing? 
  • What’s the problem with “Big food”?
  • Examine the food vs. fuel dilemma.
  • Discuss the court case in which a Colorado bakery refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple.
  • Denial of food access as a war weapon.

🌱 Environmental Political Research Topics

Issues like sustainability and climate change need coordinated political decisions. That’s where environmental politics comes into play. This branch analyzes policymaking as well as political theories and ideas concerning the environment. Besides, it investigates what position political parties and social movements have on the matter. If you want to address environmental concerns in your essay, this section is for you.

  • How can the global power of the church be used to drive sustainability agendas?
  • Why do some arid countries want to tow icebergs? What are the environmental consequences of this practice?
  • What are the goals of the carbon tax? 
  • Why should cities endorse greenways in their urban planning? 
  • How did Nigerian activists react to the environmental consequences of the country’s excessive oil production?
  • Political strategies to preserve biodiversity .
  • What did the Kyoto protocol achieve? 
  • Why didn’t Iran and Turkey sign the Paris Agreement? 
  • Explore the environmental positions of various parties across the political spectrum.
  • Is sustainability a viable aspiration for a community? 
  • Why are liberal governments more likely to address environmental concerns than conservative ones?
  • Does it take an authoritarian state to combat global warming effectively? 
  • The benefits of environmental education in class 11.
  • How do interest groups manipulate political action against environmental problems ?
  • Is lobbyism responsible for the hesitation in terms of setting strict sustainability goals?
  • The Clean Water Act: achievements and shortcomings.
  • Are governments doing enough to tackle environmental issues ?
  • The success of market mechanisms in environmental policymaking.
  • Discuss the progress made to control air pollution in China.
  • What roles do NGOs play in driving policies to protect nature?
  • Are environmental politics mostly moving forward in times of a crisis? 
  • Geoengineering: should governments rely on changing the weather instead of adjusting regulations? 
  • Discuss the correlation between energy crisis and climate change.
  • How will Indonesia’s new Omnibus Law impact environmental politics?
  • The influence of social movements in making the fishery industry more sustainable. 
  • How can governments ensure green conservation without reducing their country’s living standards?
  • Is ecoterrorism a good way to bring attention to under-discussed problems?
  • Investigate how environmental politics can reconcile its proponents with its adversaries.
  • How did Hannah Arendt influence modern political thought about nature?
  • What is ecofeminism , and what are its goals?
  • Implications of the Gaia hypothesis for environmental politics.
  • Provide an outline of an environmental conservation project.
  • Al Gore’s influence on environmental decisions during his time as vice president.
  • Sustainability initiatives in the US vs. Europe.
  • The significance of environmental politics in international relations.
  • Discuss the link between social justice movements and the rise of green parties.
  • Should the California government promote native fire tending techniques to save the state’s forests?
  • An Inconvenient Truth : legacy and criticism.
  • Do not let Belgrade d(r)own: environmental activism in the Balkans.
  • The role of the military in protecting nature.
  • What plans does the New Zealand government have to reduce carbon emissions?
  • Responsible mining practices in the Philippines.


  • Political cooperation efforts for protecting the Caspian Sea.
  • Discuss the benefits and costs of the US acid rain program.
  • How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact environmental policymaking? 
  • The role of populism in addressing climate change .
  • Radioactive waste management policies in the EU.
  • Contrast the methods of various climate justice organizations.
  • How can we use AI to protect the environment? 
  • Combating food waste in Norway: consequences of introducing the phrase “best before, often good after” on food labels.

📖 Political Case Study Topics to Look Into

Case studies are valued among all social sciences. They are an excellent method to learn from real-life examples. What’s even better, you can apply the information you’ve gathered from them to a broader framework. If you prefer a practical approach to politics, check out these compelling ideas:

  • The 2011 drought caused the Yangtze River to carry significantly less water. How did this affect Chinese politics?
  • The Arctic ice is melting at an unprecedented pace. How do politicians cooperate in combating it?
  • Pollution has caused an ecological disaster in Kamchatka. What was the Russian government’s response to the crisis?
  • The economic growth of Asian countries has put them on the radar of potential Western allies. What stands in the way of a successful partnership?
  • Apartheid in South Africa didn’t end until the 1990s. What events led up to the system’s abolishment?
  • Botswana used to be one of the world’s poorest countries. Now, it’s considered a role model for African development. How did it achieve its wealth? 
  • Environmental NGOs have positioned themselves against fracking from the very beginning. How do their actions impact congressional decision making? 
  • Guinea-Bissau is a haven for the illegal drug trade. Politicians are not able to contain it. How did the situation develop?
  • In Nigeria, ethnic minorities and the state claim ownership over the country’s oil reserves. How did this conflict emerge? What has been done to solve it?
  • In 2016, military troops attempted to overthrow the Turkish government. Why did they fail?
  • In 2020, the military took over the Mali government. How did it happen? What was the international response?
  • Kenya remained under British rule until 1963. Describe the consequences colonization had on the country.
  • Nornickel is a Russian Nickel and Palladium production company. In 2020, it has caused two major environmental disasters: an oil leakage and a wastewater spill. What were the consequences? What did officials do to cover it up?
  • In the 20th century, Latin America was home to many dictatorships. To this day, some countries in the area are struggling with their governments. How did this happen? 
  • The Universal Child Allowance is a conditional cash transfer designed to help underage Argentinian children from low-income families. Investigate their impact. 
  • Microfinancing has created a debt trap for women in Sri Lanka. As a result, they formed a cooperative movement with better credit conditions. Could such cooperatives be an alternative to microfinancing worldwide? 
  • Greece’s refugee camps are notorious for their harsh living conditions. Investigate their access to healthcare. 
  • Few countries are as affected by HIV as India. Identify how this phenomenon connects to the nation’s high poverty rate. 
  • Civil conflict in Columbia between the far-right, far-left, and the government has been ravaging the country for decades. What strategies could restore peace? 
  • Bhutan has recently transitioned from an absolutist monarchy to a democracy. How did religion influence this development? 
  • Class identity has been a central topic in post-apartheid South Africa . How are changes in identity perception impacting politics?
  • Incarceration rates among black citizens in America are significantly higher than among white people. Discuss how this is linked to racial profiling .
  • The Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán funds populist propaganda campaigns. How does he instrumentalize the national identity to drive his agenda?
  • During the 2020 elections in the United States, there was no clear result on the election night. Yet, Donald Trump has falsely declared himself the winner before the official announcement. What political intentions did he have? 
  • In 2014, Scotland tried to gain independence from Great Britain through a referendum. Why did it fail? Would it be more likely to succeed now? 
  • Women’s rights in countries under Islamic rule are often underdeveloped. How did the Musawah movement influence lawmaking in these nations?
  • Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion is the world’s most secure airport. Explore its history. What makes it unique?
  • Ever since its foundation, the US has been a dream destination for many immigrants. How did this situation change since President Trump promised to build the wall?
  • The Antarctic has plenty of lands to offer. Currently, governments are engaging in territorial disputes. Who does this land belong to? Why is this debate relevant?
  • Since 2019, Hong Kong people have been protesting laws that potentially impose closer legal bonds with mainland China. How did these protests influence the legislature so far? How did the governments in Hong Kong and China react? 
  • The Gaza strip has been a center of an ongoing conflict between Palestine and Israel. How did its latest developments influence Israeli security politics?
  • Child labor is a significant problem in the Philippines. What does the country do to tackle it? 
  • South Ossetia is a Caucasus region fighting for autonomy. It is officially recognized as part of Georgia by most countries. Plans to integrate the de facto state with Russian North Ossetia have failed. What caused the fights? What can be done to solve the conflict?
  • Asian countries are developing rapidly. It causes economic competition for the neighboring nations. What factors led China and Japan to emerge as global players? 
  • In Vietnam, agriculture has undergone significant changes in the past decades. How have these transformations impacted farmers? 
  • The Ottoman Empire used to be an enormous state. It encompassed most of Southeastern Europe and much of Arabia. How did its dissolution lead to modern-day conflicts on the Arabian Peninsula?
  • Tokyo is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. How does the government ensure enough housing opportunities?
  • The Saudi Arabian crown prince Mohammad bin Salman was celebrated for his liberal economic and social reforms. Why was he suspected of ordering the assassination of journalist and government critic Jamal Khashoggi? 
  • Colton is a valuable mineral found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The excessive mining of the resource has led to increased criminal activity and conflict. How is this impacting the local civilians? What solutions have been proposed?
  • Sierra Leone was engaged in a war with the Revolutionary United Front for 11 years. How did foreign intervention resolve the conflict? How did this experience impact the current political situation?
  • Until its criminalization in 1997, cannabis has been a medicinal staple in Pakistan . Recently, the government approved the industrial production of the drug. What were the reasons for it? How is this going to affect the country’s economy? 
  • In Japan, decreasing birth rates have led to a steep decline in the population. What plans does the government have to tackle this problem?
  • 4chan is an anonymous forum that caters to all kinds of interests. It is infamous for spreading hate and online radicalization. Some of America’s recent mass shooters were connected with the site, as is QAnon. What led to this development? Should the website be taken down? 
  • In 2019, American colleges were at the center of a bribery scandal. Celebrities tried to enroll their children with substandard grades into prestigious schools such as USC and Yale. How can colleges maintain their funding while ensuring equal opportunities for the less wealthy candidates?
  • In the Ice Bucket Challenge , people poured a bucket of ice water over their heads. It was supposed to raise awareness for ALS. How did this activity impact disease research funding?
  • In 2017 and 2018, Finland studied the consequences of universal basic income. What did the findings suggest? Should other countries adopt this strategy? 
  • Tesla electric car company has reinvented the automobile industry with its vehicles. What role did the company play in raising awareness of sustainability issues?
  • Facebook is financed by targeted ads and data trade. How is this influencing voter behavior?
  • The Interview is a 2014 political satire film in which American journalists plot to kill Kim-Jong Un. The film sparked outrage in North Korea. How did this impact US-North Korean political relations? 
  • In the US, advertisements for prescription drugs aren’t illegal. How does this influence consumer behavior in comparison with the countries where such advertisements are banned? 

✍️ How to Write an Essay on Politics

Are you eager to start your paper right away? Check these helpful essay writing tips! Keep them in mind when talking about political issue topics:

  • Research. Read your notes first, then search the internet. Academic journals and government sites are an excellent place to start. Stay on point; don’t waste your time with sources that are not relevant to your topic.
  • The introduction presents all the essential terms and relevant literature. Your thesis statement belongs there.
  • Your paper’s body includes your arguments and supporting evidence. Use topic sentences to introduce your point.
  • The conclusion contains a summary of the essay’s key points.
  • Style and format. Write concisely in a formal manner. Ask your tutor for formatting requirements such as font, size, space, or margin. Don’t forget to include a reference list at the end.
  • Editing and proofreading. Check for spelling and grammar mistakes. Make sure all your arguments are directly connected to your topic. Lastly, make sure to cite all your sources properly.

That’s all we’ve got for you. We hope this article was useful and wish you good luck with your assignment!

Further reading:

  • 512 Research Topics on HumSS (Humanities & Social Sciences)
  • 430 Philosophy Topics & Questions for Your Essay
  • 560 Unique Controversial Topics & Tips for a Great Essay
  • 240 Controversial Debate Topics and Questions for Discussion
  • 625 Excellent Presentation Topics & Tips
  • A List of 212 Brilliant Research Proposal Topics to Investigate
  • 497 Interesting History Topics to Research
  • 435 Literary Analysis Essay Topics and Prompts [Upd]
  • 417 Business Research Topics for ABM Students
  • What Is Politics?: The Open University
  • Political Topics: Pew Research Center
  • Politics & Political Systems: Encyclopedia Britannica
  • Studying Global Politics: International Baccalaureate
  • Global Politics from the View of the Political Economy Trilemma: VOX EU
  • Managing 21st Century Political Risk: Harvard Business Review
  • US President Donald Trump and His Administration: Statistics & Facts:
  • The Purposes of Government: US History
  • Undergraduate Sample Research Topics: Political Science: Western Michigan University
  • US Government and Politics:
  • What is Political Science?: University of Washington
  • Political Philosophy: Methodology: Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  • Social Science and Comparative Politics: Saylor Academy
  • Research Guides: Writing a Case Study: University of Southern California
  • Political Economy: Corporate Finance Institute
  • Topics in Political Economy: Trinity College Dublin
  • Food Politics and Development: Science Direct
  • Food Politics: United States:
  • Importance of Environmental Ethics: Maryville University
  • American Politics Courses: University of California San Diego
  • Political Philosophy:
  • Overview of Comparative Politics: Oxford Handbooks
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  • Share to LinkedIn
  • Share to email

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Gender and Politics

Academic Writing Service

Gender and Politics Research Paper Topics

  • The gender gap in political representation: causes and consequences
  • Gender quotas in politics: pros and cons
  • Women’s rights and political participation in the Middle East
  • Women’s representation in local government: a case study of a specific country or region
  • Masculinity and political leadership: how gender affects perceptions of leadership qualities
  • Women’s access to political power in post-conflict societies
  • Gender and political violence: how violence affects men and women differently
  • The impact of gender on voting behavior
  • The role of women in peacebuilding and conflict resolution
  • Gender mainstreaming in international development policy: successes and challenges
  • Intersectionality in politics: how race, class, and gender intersect to shape political outcomes
  • The gendered impact of globalization on the labor market and political participation
  • Gender and environmental politics: exploring the links between gender, environmentalism, and politics
  • The impact of gender on political ideology and party affiliation
  • Gender and political rhetoric: how gendered language affects political discourse
  • The role of men in promoting gender equality in politics
  • Feminism and political theory: historical and contemporary debates
  • The impact of gender on political socialization and political attitudes
  • The gendered nature of political scandals: how men and women are affected differently
  • Women’s role in authoritarian regimes: case studies of specific countries
  • The gendered impact of austerity policies on welfare states and social programs
  • Gender and political participation in online spaces: how digital platforms are changing the landscape of political participation
  • Women’s representation in the judiciary: a comparative analysis
  • The impact of gender on media coverage of political campaigns
  • Gender and international security: exploring the links between gender, security, and conflict
  • The gendered impact of immigration policies and migration flows
  • Gender and political corruption: how gender affects perceptions of corruption and ethics in politics
  • Women’s role in political parties: a comparative analysis
  • The impact of gender on political trust and legitimacy
  • The gendered impact of economic liberalization and privatization policies
  • Women’s representation in international organizations: a case study of the United Nations
  • The role of gender in the formation of public policy and political decision-making
  • Gender and political communication: how gender affects political messaging and public opinion
  • The impact of gender on the formation and implementation of foreign policy
  • Gender and the politics of social movements: exploring the role of women in movements for social change
  • Gender and the politics of reproductive rights: a comparative analysis of policy and activism
  • Women’s access to education and its impact on political participation
  • The gendered nature of political institutions and processes: a comparative analysis
  • Gender and the politics of identity: exploring the links between gender, race, and ethnicity in political discourse
  • The impact of gender on the politics of healthcare and healthcare policy
  • Women’s participation in local community governance: a case study of a specific region or country
  • The impact of gender on political accountability and transparency
  • Gender and political decision-making in the private sector: a comparative analysis
  • The gendered impact of natural disasters on political outcomes and policy responses
  • Women’s role in the politics of climate change: exploring the links between gender, the environment, and politics
  • The impact of gender on political violence and terrorism
  • Gender and the politics of nationalism: exploring the links between gender, nationalism, and identity
  • Women’s role in the politics
  • The Role of Intersectionality in Women’s Political Participation: An Analysis of Racial, Ethnic, and Class Differences in Political Mobilization.
  • Women’s Representation in Political Leadership: Examining the Glass Ceiling in Parliaments and Executive Offices.

Women have historically been excluded from political decision-making, with men dominating positions of power in most political systems. This has led to a lack of representation of women’s perspectives and experiences in political decision-making, resulting in policies that do not adequately address the needs of all members of society. While progress has been made in increasing the number of women in political leadership roles in many countries, women continue to face unique challenges in accessing and exercising political power. These challenges include gender bias, discrimination, and social norms that prioritize men in political leadership.

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One way to address these challenges is through the use of quotas and affirmative action policies to increase the representation of women in political decision-making. Quotas have been implemented in many countries around the world, with varying degrees of success. Some argue that quotas are necessary to overcome the structural barriers that prevent women from accessing political power, while others argue that quotas are unfair and can lead to the selection of less qualified candidates. Regardless of the effectiveness of quotas, it is clear that increasing the representation of women in political decision-making is essential to creating more equitable and inclusive policies.

Feminist movements have also played a critical role in shaping political discourse and pushing for gender equality in political systems. Feminist movements have highlighted the ways in which gender shapes political systems and policies, and have worked to mobilize women to become more active in political decision-making. These movements have also pushed for policy changes to address gender-based violence, discrimination, and other issues that disproportionately affect women. By bringing attention to these issues, feminist movements have helped to shape political discourse and create more space for women to participate in political decision-making.

Despite these efforts, women continue to face significant challenges in accessing and exercising political power. Women remain underrepresented in political decision-making in many countries, and face unique challenges in accessing the resources and support needed to succeed in these roles. Addressing these challenges will require a sustained effort to increase the representation of women in political decision-making and to create more supportive and inclusive political environments.

In conclusion, gender and politics is a critical area of inquiry in political science, exploring the ways in which gender shapes political systems, policies, and outcomes. Women have historically been excluded from political decision-making, resulting in policies that do not adequately address the needs of all members of society. Quotas and affirmative action policies, as well as feminist movements, have been instrumental in addressing these challenges and increasing the representation of women in political decision-making. However, significant challenges remain, and continued efforts will be needed to create more equitable and inclusive political systems.


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  1. 100+ Research Topics In Politics (+ Free Webinar)

    Here, we'll explore a variety of politically-related research ideas across a range of disciplines, including political theory and philosophy, comparative politics, international relations, public administration and policy. NB - This is just the start…. The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps.

  2. 800 Political Science Research Paper Topics

    Political Science Research Paper Topics. This page provides a comprehensive list of political science research paper topics, carefully curated to assist students pursuing studies in the field of political science. Covering a wide array of categories, these topics offer a wealth of options for research and exploration.

  3. 340 Political Science Research Topics & Ideas for Your Paper

    Current Research Topics in Political Science. Political science is a progressing field, so the problems you research will always be relevant. Our list of up-to-date topics of political science will help you make sure your paper is on point. Artificial intelligence in global governance.

  4. 100 Political Science Research Topics in 2024

    Political science research paper topics should be researchable and include sufficient amount of academic sources. Here are some topics to consider: The Political Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Global Governance. Analyzing the Role of Social Media in Modern Political Revolutions.

  5. Political Philosophy Research Paper Topics

    This page provides a comprehensive list of political philosophy research paper topics that aim to guide students through the vast expanse of ideas, theories, and debates that have influenced political thought over the ages. Political philosophy, with its emphasis on societal structures, rights, justice, and governance, offers a rich tapestry of subjects for academic exploration.

  6. Top Political Research Topics 2022

    Political Science Research Topics: Economics. Economic research is another highly specialized field of political science. These topics pertain to all manner of issues related to finance, commerce, trade, policy, and more. The financialization of public life. Rising global inflation. The economic impact of COVID-19.

  7. Politics Research Guide

    Topical Reviews. Hundreds of annotated guides to recent scholarship in topics across all subfields of political science and international relations. Provides up-to-date, peer-reviewed surveys of major topics, theories, and research questions across all areas of political science. These peer-reviewed articles cover major topics, theories, and ...

  8. 40 Political Science Research Paper Topics

    Wars and diplomacy. International political economy. Global politics. Environment and resource preserving. The code of honor and loyalty oaths. The concept of open society and politics. Corruptions in politics and the ways to eliminate it. Positivism: pros and cons. Constructivism: pros and cons.

  9. 30 Unique Political Science Research Topics for Students

    1. The Impact of Social Media on Political Campaigns. Discuss the role of social media platforms in modern political campaigns. Explore how they influence voters' perceptions and choices. Potential sources: Pew Research Center reports, recent campaign social media analytics. 2.

  10. American Politics Research: Sage Journals

    American Politics Research (APR) published bi-monthly, has served for more than forty years as an integral forum for the dissemination of the latest theory, research and analysis in all areas of American politics, including local, state, and national.APR supplements its broad coverage with in-depth studies of topics of current interest in Special Issues and Symposia and Research Agenda Papers.

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    Check out these current research topics in political science: Talk about the innovations in the public sector in the UK. Analyze the 2019 Indian general elections. The Israel-Hamas conflict in 2023. Russia's foreign policy towards Ukraine. Discuss the rise of ISIS in Afghanistan. Boko Haram's expansion in Nigeria.

  12. Policy Topics

    Research. Strategy Is Only Partly an Illusion: "Relative Foresight" as an Objective Standard for Evaluating Foreign Policy Competence. By Richard Zeckhauser. May 2024. Foreign policy-makers must grapple with complexity, uncertainty, and subjectivity. ... In this paper, we implement a lab-in-field experiment among around 2000 children ...

  13. 100+ Topics for Argumentative Essays and Debates

    Need to write an argumentative essay? Preparing for an upcoming debate? has over 100 topics complete with pro and con arguments, quotes and statistics from experts, historical information, and other pertinent research. Abortion - Should abortion be legal? Alternative Energy - Can alternative energy effectively replace fossil fuels?

  14. Research Topics

    ABOUT PEW RESEARCH CENTER Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions.

  15. Research & Politics: Sage Journals

    Research & Politics. Research & Politics (RAP) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal, which focusses on research in political science and related fields through open access publication of the very best cutting-edge research and policy analysis. View full journal description. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

  16. Frontiers in Political Science

    Cultural Conflict in Western Democratic Politics: An Exploration Using Methodological Innovations. An interdisciplinary journal which focuses on the actions, decisions, and policies made from local to international levels - and the societal factors that influence governmental operation.

  17. PDF A Guide to Developing and Writing Research Papers in Political Science

    The Six Parts of a Research Paper. A research paper in political science typically has 6 parts: (1) Introduction, (2) Literature review, (3) Theory, (4) Research Design, (5) Analysis, and (6) Conclusion/ Discussion. While papers do vary in their construction, that variation usually finds a way to embrace these 6 parts.

  18. Newest 140 Political Science Research Paper Topics In 2023

    The easiest way to get some ideas is to read our list of topics in political science. At the time of writing, all the political science research paper topics are 100% original. ... If you have no idea about the political science research paper topics you can use, you are in the right place. Let us take a look at these ideas: The theory of John ...

  19. Comparative Politics Research Paper Topics

    See the list of 50 political science research paper topics related to comparative politics. Comparative politics is a subfield of political science that examines the similarities and differences between political systems and their structures, processes, and actors. The field is concerned with understanding and explaining the dynamics of ...

  20. Political Ideologies Research Paper Topics

    See the list of 50 political science research paper topics related to political ideologies. Political ideologies are sets of beliefs, values, and ideas that define how political, economic, and social institutions should be organized. They provide a framework for understanding and analyzing political issues, and guide the development of public ...

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    📚 Political Science Topics to Research. Political science studies collective decisions and their consequences. Part of this process is analyzing the structure and mechanisms of government. Researchers in this field consider psychological, social, and cultural aspects of political activity. The rise of Austria's Freedom Party in 2000.

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    International Relations. See the list of 50 political science research paper topics related to international relations. International Relations is a field of study that focuses on the relationships and interactions between states and other actors in the global system. It involves the study of various aspects of international politics, including ...

  23. Gender and Politics Research Paper Topics

    See the list of 50 political science research paper topics related to gender and politics. Gender and politics is an important topic in the field of political science, exploring the ways in which gender shapes political systems, policies, and outcomes. Despite advances in gender equality in many countries, women continue to be underrepresented ...