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Business plan Pizzeria : modèle rédigé gratuit

modele business plan pizzeria

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modele business plan pizzeria

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Business plan pizzeria : Résumé opérationnel

(Pizzeria NAPOLI) est un nouvel acteur dans le secteur de la restauration.  Le restaurant est situé dans une petite ville confortable et familière qui a un fort besoin d’options de restauration supplémentaires.  Soutenu par le besoin d’un plus grand choix d’expériences culinaires pour les familles, combiné à l’option de livraison à domicile, le restaurant est positionné pour profiter des besoins du marché et servir les familles de la région de Deauville.

La population de Deauville connaît une croissance rapide grâce aux nouveaux lotissements et aux jeunes familles qui s’installent dans la banlieue rurale de la région.  La stratégie de la (Pizzeria NAPOLI) est d’exploiter l’opportunité du premier arrivé et de s’établir comme le fournisseur de pizza préféré de la région.  Nous pensons qu’un restaurant local est la meilleure option pour servir une population en pleine croissance avec un menu frais et unique, par opposition à une chaîne nationale de franchise.

Ce business plan prévoit une année de démarrage excitante et rentable, ainsi qu’une croissance future prévue à mesure que nous répondrons aux demandes de la communauté.  Dans l’ensemble, ce plan décrit une entreprise saine avec de bonnes perspectives de croissance, cherchant à gérer sa croissance ordonnée dans un avenir proche.

(Pizzeria NAPOLI) crée une atmosphère conviviale et agréable pour les clients dans un environnement bien conçu et productif dans lequel les gens peuvent travailler avec plaisir.  Nous sommes sensibles à l’aspect et au goût d’une bonne pizza ainsi qu’aux ingrédients de haute qualité.  Nous cherchons à offrir le meilleur rapport qualité-prix possible à nos clients qui désirent des pizzas savoureuses et à leur donner la satisfaction d’en avoir pour leur argent, de manière tangible et intangible.  En outre, nous sommes le premier distributeur de pizzas à domicile de notre région.  

Nos clients sont nos voisins car nous sommes des résidents de notre zone de marché.  Nous allons également créer et entretenir un environnement de travail sain, créatif, respectueux et amusant, dans lequel nos employés sont rémunérés équitablement et encouragés à respecter le client et la qualité du produit que nous fabriquons.  Nous cherchons à réaliser des bénéfices justes et responsables, suffisants pour assurer la santé financière de l’entreprise à long terme et pour rémunérer équitablement les propriétaires et les investisseurs pour leur investissement et leur risque.

Les clés du succès

Les clés du succès de cette entreprise sont les suivantes :

  • Fournir une proposition de valeur au client.
  • Marketing : promouvoir une nouvelle entreprise, un nouveau produit et des canaux de distribution dans une communauté rurale.
  • Qualité et cohérence du produit.
  • Fixation efficace des prix en fonction de la qualité du projet et de la proposition de valeur pour le client.
  • Ambiance familiale avec des soirées occasionnelles de divertissement familial.
  • Gestion : produits livrés à temps, coûts contrôlés, budgets marketing gérés. La tentation est grande de se focaliser sur la croissance au détriment des bénéfices.
  • Rapports et contrôles en place pour les stocks et les finances.

Les objectifs de (Pizzeria NAPOLI) sont les suivants :

  • Établir la présence sur le marché nécessaire pour soutenir les objectifs de marketing et de vente et pour attirer les clients.
  • Atteindre des ventes mensuelles saines d’ici la fin de l’année, et des ventes mensuelles moyennes en augmentation modeste et régulière tout au long de la troisième année.
  • Réaliser des marges bénéficiaires à deux chiffres.
  • Développer des relations de premier ordre avec 2-4 distributeurs respectés et complets.

Business plan pizzeria : Résumé de l'entreprise

(Pizzeria NAPOLI) est une pizzeria privée qui propose un menu de produits qui n’existe pas actuellement dans la région et qui est la première à offrir la livraison à domicile.  Nos clients sont de nombreuses jeunes familles et des étudiants de la région.

Propriété de l'entreprise

(Pizzeria NAPOLI) sera créée sous la forme d’une société à responsabilité limitée (SARL) dont Marion et Marianne seront les seuls propriétaires.

Résumé du démarrage

Nos coûts de démarrage couvrent la rénovation de l’espace occupé par le magasin, les honoraires professionnels et les dépenses liées à l’ouverture de notre premier emplacement.  Les coûts de démarrage doivent être financés par l’investissement direct du propriétaire, des institutions financières et des investisseurs privés.  Les hypothèses sont présentées dans le tableau et l’illustration suivants.

Business plan pizzeria : Services

(Pizzeria NAPOLI) offre des pizzas de haute qualité à une communauté en pleine croissance qui a actuellement une disponibilité limitée de restaurants et aucune possibilité de livraison.  Au début, nous serons ouverts pour le dîner de 16 h à 22 h du dimanche au jeudi et de 15 h à 23 h le vendredi et le samedi.  Nous envisagerons d’ouvrir plus tôt et de servir le déjeuner s’il y a une demande, et si les prévisions et l’analyse financière peuvent justifier l’augmentation des coûts.

Notre menu comprendra 4 tailles de pizzas avec différentes combinaisons de garnitures.  Les pizzas prédéfinies, à forte marge, seront mises en avant sur le menu.  De plus, des gressins, de la bière et des sodas seront inclus dans les offres initiales du menu.

Business plan pizzeria : Étude de marché

Notre principal marché cible est celui des personnes qui désirent un environnement confortable et familial pour manger une pizza au restaurant.  Notre marché cible secondaire souhaite également un service de livraison de pizzas ou un service de plats à emporter.  Il y a un chevauchement de ces segments.

Deauville et ses communautés environnantes sont une zone de classe moyenne en pleine croissance avec près de 14 000 résidents.  La majorité de ces résidents sont des familles de quatre personnes ou plus.  L’essor de la région est principalement dû à l’exode des familles qui quittent les zones surpeuplées pour s’installer dans un environnement plus rural.

Selon un Plan de croissance de Deauville réalisé en 2001, la population de Deauville devrait augmenter.  Toutefois, le nombre de personnes par ménage devrait diminuer, ce qui signifie que le besoin de logements supplémentaires à Deauville continuera de croître.  Selon le même plan, la population est répartie de manière égale par groupes d’âge, avec environ 33 % de mineurs.  Un autre 40% a moins de 54 ans, ce qui indique une concentration importante de la population de Deauville dans les familles.  Le rapport prévoit qu’il y aura près de 1 900 ménages à Deauville d’ici 2005.  Cela entraîne le besoin d’un plus grand nombre de restaurants de qualité, axés sur la famille.

De plus, les habitants de Deauville se rendent fréquemment dans l’immeuble où se trouve la Pizzeria (Pizzeria NAPOLI). Les entreprises de location de vidéos sont adjacentes au restaurant. Nous offrons donc aux familles une nouvelle possibilité de choisir un film et de prendre une pizza.

Avec la croissance continue attendue dans la région, estimée à 7% par an, les opportunités de servir Deauville et ses communautés environnantes vont augmenter.  L’entreprise vendra principalement à des particuliers, mais elle acceptera également des commandes de restauration pour des fêtes individuelles, des écoles et des fonctions d’entreprise dans la région de Deauville.

Segmentation du marché

Les résidents des communautés voisines de Deauville, sont inclus dans la segmentation du marché.  Seuls les résidents de Deauville sont inclus dans la livraison, car le rayon de livraison est limité à un rayon de 5 km dans la ville de Deauville.

Stratégie de segmentation du marché cible

Il n’existe aucun établissement de pizza à Deauville et dans ses environs.  À Deauville, un ou deux restaurants servent de la pizza, mais pas en tant qu’élément principal du menu.  Ces pizzerias se trouvent dans des endroits qui ne sont pas propices à une ambiance de type familial.  Aucun établissement de restauration dans la région de Deauville ne propose de service de livraison à domicile.

Analyse des activités de service

Les autres restaurants à vocation familiale de la région comprennent :  Subway, Dinner Cookin, et burger street.  Subway propose des sandwichs, des wraps et des salades, qui ne sont pas en concurrence directe avec la pizzeria.  Le restaurant est ouvert jusqu’à 14 heures chaque jour et se concentre sur le petit-déjeuner, avec une offre limitée de sandwichs pour le déjeuner.  Dinner Cookin propose une fois par semaine un buffet de poulet et de pizza pour environ 6 $ ; les pizzas servies dans le cadre de ce buffet sont des pizzas surgelées.

Les autres restaurants de Deauville ne sont pas propices aux activités familiales.  L’un des bars de Deauville sert une pizza faite maison.

Lors de conversations avec un exploitant indépendant de pizzas dans une ville voisine de Deauville, à une heure de route, il a indiqué que les ventes de pizzas dans sa communauté sont florissantes malgré la concurrence de quatre autres pizzerias, dont Pizza Hut.  Bien que les chiffres exacts n’aient pas été partagés, il a indiqué un niveau élevé de pénétration du marché de la pizza dans sa région avec des marges rentables.  Il a également fourni des suggestions et des conseils pour minimiser les coûts, ainsi que des éléments de son restaurant qu’il ferait différemment, notamment la gestion des salaires, les fournisseurs et l’aménagement.

Concurrence et habitudes d'achat

La concurrence pour la pizza est minime dans la région de Deauville, en dehors des bars mentionnés précédemment.  Les pizzerias les plus proches de la région de Deauville sont Avri et de pizzalland.  Aucune de ces pizzerias concurrentes ne livre dans la région de Deauville.  De plus, la (Pizzeria NAPOLI) serait le seul restaurant familial et non-fumeur de Deauville.

business plan restaurant gratuit

Entreprise du bâtiment BTP

Business plan pizzeria : stratégie et mise en œuvre.

Notre stratégie est basée sur la fourniture d’une proposition de valeur forte pour le client sur un marché de niche.  Le monde regorge de petites villes à vocation familiale qui n’offrent pas des possibilités infinies de restauration.  Nous cherchons à offrir à Deauville et à ses environs un nouveau choix d’options alimentaires.

Ce qui commence par satisfaire un besoin dans la communauté, peut éventuellement se transformer en un pilier de la communauté de la petite ville.

Nous construisons notre infrastructure de marketing afin de pouvoir éventuellement atteindre d’autres villes avec la même offre.

Nous nous concentrons sur la satisfaction des besoins des petites villes.

Avantage concurrentiel

Notre avantage concurrentiel est d’être le premier sur le marché à offrir de la pizza dans un restaurant convivial, non-fumeur et familial, et le premier dans la région à offrir la livraison de nourriture.

De plus, l’emplacement de la Pizzeria (Pizzeria NAPOLI) est crucial en tant que modèle de commodité pour les clients.  Les habitants de Deauville fréquentent le magasin de location de vidéos adjacent au restaurant.  Cet emplacement est directement au centre de l’activité de cette communauté rurale : il se trouve à quelques pas du collège et du lycée, de l’église locale et à moins de 3 km des grands lotissements et complexes d’appartements existants dans la région.

Stratégie marketing

Pour attirer les clients à la (Pizzeria NAPOLI), nous utiliserons plusieurs techniques décrites ci-dessous.

  • La publicité dans le Deauville Post, le guide du routard, la chambre de commerce, sera utilisée pour promouvoir la grande ouverture de la Pizzeria. Dans le cadre de cette publicité, un coupon sera mis à la disposition des clients.  Des annonces intermittentes dans les journaux se poursuivront tout au long de l’année pour promouvoir les événements à venir.  La plupart des initiatives se concentreront sur les journaux locaux de Deauville car la cible de ces journaux est spécifiquement les résidents de Deauville.  Des efforts de marketing supplémentaires seront déployés sous la forme de coupons de réduction pour des achats futurs.
  • En outre, la (Pizzeria NAPOLI) organisera des événements à vocation familiale pour attirer les clients, tels que des soirées, des fêtes d’anniversaire et des remises de prix. Des cartes de fidélité seront utilisées pour attirer les clients réguliers.  La (Pizzeria NAPOLI) parrainera également une équipe de baseball de la Little League locale et une équipe de bowling pour faire connaître le restaurant lors des événements communautaires.
  • Au cours de la deuxième année d’exploitation, il est prévu de travailler en coordination avec le vidéoclub adjacent pour faire des offres groupées si l’on achète à la fois une pizza et une location de vidéos.

Stratégie de vente

La région de Deauville a exprimé son besoin de restaurants supplémentaires, en particulier de pizzas.  De ce fait, il y a une demande pour la pizza dans cette zone.  Nous nous attendons à un taux élevé de croissance des ventes au cours des trois premiers mois, à mesure que cette demande est satisfaite.

Pour l’année prochaine, nous continuons à nous concentrer sur une présence croissante dans la communauté et à faire de la publicité dans toute la communauté.  Avec l’ouverture d’un grand centre de congrès et d’un parc aquatique à proximité, nous nous efforcerons de devenir le fournisseur reconnu de pizzas pour cet établissement.

Prévisions de ventes

Nos prévisions de ventes supposent un changement modeste des coûts annuels pour tenir compte de l’arrivée de nouveaux clients sur le marché.

Nous prévoyons une augmentation modeste mais régulière des ventes au cours de la prochaine année, ce qui constitue un taux de croissance respectable.  La prévision de croissance est supposée étant donné qu’il s’agit d’un nouveau produit pour la région utilisant de nouveaux canaux de disponibilité.  Nous ne prévoyons pas de changement important dans la gamme de produits, ni dans la proportion entre les différentes gammes.

Sur la base des moyennes du secteur et de l’absence de concurrence pour les pizzas dans la région de Deauville, nous prévoyons une moyenne de 25 pizzas vendues chaque soir de semaine (dimanche – mercredi).  Le week-end (jeudi – samedi), nous estimons que 40 pizzas sont vendues chaque jour.  Parmi les pizzas commandées, nous prévoyons qu’environ un tiers seront des clients à consommer sur place.  Ces clients commanderont très probablement des boissons et/ou des bières (en moyenne 4 par famille).  En outre, nous estimons qu’environ un tiers des commandes de pizzas seront accompagnées d’une commande de gressins.  Nous estimons que les prix moyens pour chaque article sont les suivants :

  • Pizza : 12 €
  • Bâtonnets de pain :  2.50 €
  • Bière : 2,50 €
  • Boissons :  1,70 €

Business plan pizzeria : Ressources humaines

Nous sommes une petite entreprise détenue et gérée par Marion et Marianne, dans le cadre d’un partenariat.  Le style de gestion reflète la participation des propriétaires.  L’entreprise respecte sa communauté de collègues et traite bien tous les travailleurs.

Marianne est diplômée de l’University School of Business en 1998, avec mention très bien et distinction en affaires.  Son expérience dans le domaine des affaires générales, de la technologie et des opérations est un grand atout pour cette entreprise.

De plus, Otho est un conseiller des propriétaires.  Otho est diplômé du State College en 1991, avec un diplôme en économie.  En outre, Otho a obtenu en 1995 une maîtrise en administration des affaires de l’University School of Business, avec des spécialisations en marketing et en finances.  Otho a occupé un poste de direction financière chez EDF pendant 5 ans.  Otho est actuellement consultant en chef dans une société de stratégie marketing.  Il a également passé 5 ans dans un cabinet de conseil en services stratégiques.

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Business plan pizzeria : plan du personnel.

Le tableau du personnel suppose un besoin d’employés de niveau, et des augmentations de salaire de 5% par an.  La dotation en personnel d’un restaurant ouvert 7 jours sur 7 nécessite deux équipes.  En plus des heures d’ouverture pour le service, nous prévoyons une heure supplémentaire avant l’ouverture pour la préparation et jusqu’à une heure après la fermeture pour le nettoyage.  Cela représente environ 8 heures de personnel nécessaire du dimanche au jeudi et 10 heures le vendredi et le samedi.

Les deux postes de chef de cuisine sont des postes à temps partiel, rémunérés à 9 € l’heure.  Les chefs de cuisine seront les chefs d’équipe de la cuisine et du personnel de service.  Le personnel de cuisine fera office de personnel de service.  Il y aura un poste de plongeur par équipe.  Les salaires du personnel de cuisine/serveur, des laveurs de vaisselle et des chauffeurs-livreurs, qui sont tous à temps partiel, sont de 6 €/h, avec la possibilité pour tous de partager les pourboires gagnés.  Il est impératif que les personnes servant de chef de cuisine aient plus de 21 ans et puissent légalement servir de l’alcool.

Business plan pizzeria : Prévisionnel financier et comptable

1. hypothèses de base :.

  • Emplacement : Centre-ville
  • Surface de la pizzeria : 100 m²
  • Capacité : 40 couverts
  • Jours d’ouverture : 6 jours/semaine
  • Tickets moyens estimés : 20€ par personne

2. Investissements initiaux :

  • Aménagement et décoration : 50 000€
  • Équipement de cuisine : 30 000€
  • Système de caisse et logiciels : 5 000€
  • Premiers stocks (ingrédients, boissons, etc.) : 10 000€
  • Fonds de roulement : 20 000€
  • Total Investissements initiaux : 115 000€

3. Charges Fixes Annuelles :

  • Loyer : 24 000€ (2 000€/mois)
  • Assurances, taxes, et frais divers : 6 000€
  • Salaires (2 cuisiniers, 2 serveurs) : 80 000€
  • Amortissements (sur 5 ans pour les équipements) : 17 000€
  • Total Charges Fixes : 127 000€

4. Charges Variables (estimation) :

  • Coût des marchandises vendues (30% du CA) : Variable
  • Électricité, eau, gaz (selon usage) : 12 000€
  • Frais de marketing et publicité : 8 000€

5. Chiffre d’Affaires Prévisionnel :

  • Nombre moyen de clients par jour : 30
  • CA Journalier : 30 clients x 20€ = 600€
  • CA Annuel : 600€ x 6 jours x 52 semaines = 187 200€

6. Résultat Prévisionnel :

  • Chiffre d’Affaires : 187 200€
  • Total des Charges Fixes : 127 000€
  • Total des Charges Variables (est.) : 56 160€ (30% de 187 200€ + 12 000€ + 8 000€)
  • Résultat d’exploitation (EBITDA) : 187 200€ – 127 000€ – 56 160€ = 4 040€

7. Seuil de rentabilité :

  • Calculé en fonction des charges fixes et variables.

Remarques Importantes :

  • Taxes et Impôts : Non inclus ici, à calculer selon les normes locales.
  • Variations saisonnières : Peuvent affecter de manière significative le CA et les coûts.
  • Investissements supplémentaires : Peuvent être nécessaires pour la maintenance, le renouvellement du matériel, etc.
  • Réévaluation : Il est crucial de réévaluer périodiquement les chiffres en fonction de la réalité opérationnelle.

Ce plan est très simplifié et ne tient pas compte de nombreux facteurs spécifiques à chaque entreprise. Il est fortement recommandé de consulter un conseiller financier pour élaborer un prévisionnel précis et réaliste.

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  • Auto-Entrepreneur
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  • Création SAS
  • Création EURL
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  • Création établissement
  • Changement de Président SAS SASU
  • Changement de gérant SARL EURL
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  • Modification date de clôture
  • Cession des parts SARL EURL
  • Cession d’actions SAS SASU
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  • Mise en sommeil et reprise activité
  • Dissolution et liquidation
  • Business plan et prévisionnel
  • Site internet
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Pizzeria Business Plan

Start your own pizzeria business plan

Pizzeria del Causamali

Executive summary executive summary is a brief introduction to your business plan. it describes your business, the problem that it solves, your target market, and financial highlights.">.

Pizzeria del Causamali is a new player in the restaurant industry.  The restaurant is in a comfortable, familiar, small town that has a strong need for additional dining options.  Bolstered by the need for more choices in family-oriented dining experiences, combined with the option for home-delivery, the restaurant is positioned to take advantage of the market need and serve the families in the Deauville area.

The Deauville’s population is rapidly growing with new subdivisions and young families moving to the rural suburb of the Hewgton area.  It is Pizzeria del Causamali’s strategy to exploit the first-mover opportunity and establish itself as the preferred pizza provider to the area.  We believe a locally-owned restaurant is the best option to serve the rapidly growing population with a fresh, unique menu as opposed to a national chain franchise.

This business plan calls for an exciting, profitable start-up year ahead with future forecasted growth as we meet the demands of the community.  In all, this plan describes a healthy company with good growth prospects, looking to manage its orderly growth in the near future.

Pizzeria business plan, executive summary chart image

1.1 Mission

Pizzeria del Causamali creates a friendly and pleasant atmosphere for customers in a well-designed, and productive environment in which people can work happily.  We are sensitive to the look and taste of good pizza as well as to high-quality ingredients.  We look to provide the best possible value to our customers who desire great tasting pizza and to provide customers with the satisfaction of receiving a great value, both tangibly and intangibly.  Additionally, we are the first home-deliverer of pizzas in our area. 

Our customers are our neighbors as we are residents of our market area.  We will also create and nurture a healthy, creative, respectful, and fun working environment, in which our employees are fairly compensated and encouraged to respect the customer and the quality of the product we produce.  We seek fair and responsible profit, enough to keep the company financially healthy for the long term and to fairly compensate owners and investors for their investment and risk.

1.2 Keys to Success

The keys to success in this business are:

  • Delivering the customer value proposition. 
  • Marketing: promoting a new company, product, and delivery channels to a rural community. 
  • Product quality and consistency. 
  • Pricing effectively with respect to the project quality and customer value proposition.
  • Family-oriented atmosphere with occasional nights of family entertainment.
  • Management: products delivered on time, costs controlled, marketing budgets managed.  There is a temptation to fixate on growth at the expense of profits.
  • Reporting and controls in place for inventory and financials.

1.3 Objectives

The objectives for Pizzeria del Causamali are:

  • To establish the market presence needed to support marketing and sales goals and to attract customers. 
  • To reach healthy monthly sales by the end of the year, and average monthly sales increasing modestly by steadily through Year 3. 
  • To achieve double digit profit margins. 
  • To develop top-rated relationships with 2-4 well-respected, all encompassing distributors.

Company Summary company overview ) is an overview of the most important points about your company—your history, management team, location, mission statement and legal structure.">

Pizzeria del Causamali is a privately-owned pizza restaurant offering a product menu that does not currently exist in the area and first to offer home delivery.  Our customers are many of the young families and students in the area.

2.1 Company Ownership

Pizzeria del Causamali will be established as a limited liability company (LLC) with Marion E. and Marianne K. Bruxellesprot as the sole owners.

2.2 Start-up Summary

Our start-up costs cover the renovation of the occupied store space, professional fees, and expenses associated with opening our first location.  The start-up costs are to be financed by direct owner investment, financial institutions, and private investors.  The assumptions are shown in the following table and illustration.

Pizzeria business plan, company summary chart image

Pizzeria del Causamali offers high quality pizza to a growing community that currently has limited availability of restaurants and no availability to delivery.  At start up we will be open for dinner 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday – Thursday and 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday.  We will consider opening earlier and serving lunch if there is a demand, and if forecast and financial analysis can justify the increased costs.

Our menu will include 4 sizes of pizzas with various combinations of toppings.  Predefined, high-margin pizzas will be highlighted on the menu.  Additionally, breadsticks, beer, and soda will be included in the initial menu offerings.

Market Analysis Summary how to do a market analysis for your business plan.">

Our primary target market is people who desire a comfortable, family-oriented environment for dine-in pizza.  Our secondary target market also desires a delivery service for pizza, or a take-out approach.  There is overlap of these segments.

Deauville and its surrounding communities are a growing middle-class area with nearly 14,000 residents.  A majority of these residents are families of four or more.  The boom in the area is primarily in response to an exodus of families moving out of the over-populated areas and into a more rural setting. 

According to a Growth Plan Deauville conducted in 2001, population within Deauville is expected to increase.  However, the number of persons per household is expected to decline, meaning the need for additional housing in Deauville will continue to grow.  From the same plan, population is listed as being evenly distributed by age groupings, with approximately 33% of the population being minors.  Another 40% are less than 54 years of age, indicating a major concentration of the Deauville population being families.  The report forecasts there being nearly 1,900 households in the Deauville by 2005.  This is driving the need for more quality, family-oriented restaurants.

Additionally, Deauville residents frequently visit the building in which Pizzeria del Causamali is located. Tanning and video rental businesses are adjacent to the restaurant, so we are providing a new convenience for families to select a movie and pick up a pizza.

With the expected continued growth in the area, estimated at 7% annually, opportunities to serve Deauville and its surrounding communities will increase.  The company will sell predominantly to individuals, but it will also accept some catering jobs to individual parties, schools, and company functions in the Deauville area.

4.1 Market Segmentation

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4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy

Including Deauville and its surrounding areas, no pizza establishments exist.  In Deauville one to two restaurants serve pizza, but not as a primary menu item.  These pizza outlets are in taverns which are not conducive to family-type atmosphere.  No eating establishments in the Deauville area provide home-delivery service.

4.3 Service Business Analysis

Other family-oriented restaurants in the area include:  Subway(R), What’s Cookin’ diner, and Colonial House supper club.  Subway serves sandwiches, wraps, and salads, none of which are direct competition to the pizza establishment.  The diner is open until 2 p.m. each day and focuses on the breakfast crowd, with a limited sandwich availability for lunch.  The supper club has a Chicken and Pizza buffet once a week for approximately $6; the pizza served as part of the buffet are frozen pizzas.

Other restaurants in Deauville are taverns and are not conducive to family activities.  One of the bars in Deauville serves a homemade pizza.

In conversations with an independent pizza operator in Lakeshore Haven, an hour’s drive away, he indicated pizza sales in his community are thriving despite competition from 4 other pizza establishments, including Pizza Hut(R).  While exact figures were not shared, he indicated a high level of penetration into the pizza market in his area with profitable margins.  He also provided suggestions and tips to minimize costs, and components of his restaurant he would do differently, including payroll handling, vendors, and layout. 

4.3.1 Competition and Buying Patterns

There is minimal competition for pizza in the Deauville area, besides the bar establishments previously mentioned.  The closest locales for pizza to the Deauville area are Bolingbrooke, Avro, and de Havilland.  None of these competing pizza locations deliver to the Deauville area.  Additionally, Pizzeria del Causamali would be the only family-oriented, non-smoking restaurant in Deauville.

Strategy and Implementation Summary

Our strategy is based on delivering a strong customer value proposition in a niche market.  The world is full of small, family-oriented towns that do not have endless opportunities for dining out.  We are looking to offer the Deauville and its surrounding areas a new choice in food options. 

  • What begins as a need to satisfy a need in the community, can eventually turn into a mainstay in the small town community. 
  • We are building our marketing infrastructure so that we can eventually reach additional towns with the same offering. 
  • We focus on satisfying the needs of small towns. 

5.1 Competitive Edge

Our competitive edge is to be first-to-the-market with pizza in a friendly, non-smoking, family-oriented dine-in experience, and first-to-the-area with food delivery.

Additionally, the location of Pizzeria del Causamali is crucial as a convenience model to customers.  Deauville residents frequent the video rental store adjacent to the restaurant.  This location is directly in the center of activity in this rural community–it is within walking distance of the middle and high schools, the local church, and within 2 miles of the existing large subdivisions and apartment complexes in the area.

5.2 Marketing Strategy

To drive customers to Pizzeria del Causamali, we will employ several techniques outlined below.

Advertising in Bolingbrooke Post ,  de Havilland Buyer’s Guide ,  Deauville Register , and Deauville Shopping News will be used to promote the Grand Opening of Pizzeria del Causamali.  As part of the advertising, a coupon will be available to customers.  Intermittent newspaper advertisements will continue throughout the year to promote upcoming events.  Most initiatives will focus on the local Deauville papers as the target of these papers is specifically the Deauville residents.  Additional marketing efforts will come in the form of on-box coupons for future purchases.

Additionally, family-oriented events will be hosted by Pizzeria del Causamali to attract customers such as trivia nights, birthday parties, and prize giveaways.  Frequent buyer cards will be employed to entice repeat customers.  Pizzeria del Causamali will also sponsor a local Little League baseball team, and a bowling team to publicize the restaurant within the community events.

Future plans of working in coordination with the adjacent video store to offer “bundle savings” if both pizza and video rentals are purchased will be pursued within the second year of operation.

5.3 Sales Strategy

The Deauville area has expressed its need for additional restaurants, specifically a desire for pizza.  Because of this, there is pent-up demand for pizza in this area.  We will expect a high rate of sales growth within the first 3 months as this customer desire is met.

For the next year, we continue to focus on a growing presence in the community and advertising heavily throughout the community.  As a major convention center and water park open in nearby Fairchild, we will focus our attention on becoming the recognized provider of pizza to that establishment.

5.3.1 Sales Forecast

Our sales forecast assumes a modest change in annual costs to accommodate new entry into the market. 

We are expecting to increase sales modestly but steadily over the next year, which is a respectable growth rate.  The growth forecast is assumed given this is a new product for the area using new channels of availability.  We are not projecting significant change in the product line, or in the proportion between different lines. 

Based on industry averages and the absence of competition for pizza in the Deauville area, we are predicting an average of 25 pizzas sold each week night (Sunday – Wednesday).  On the weekends (Thursday – Saturday), we are estimating 40 pizzas are sold each day.  Of those pizzas ordered, we are expecting approximately 1/3 to be dine-in customers.  Those customers dining in will most likely order drinks and/or beer (on average 4 for each family).  Additionally, we are estimating that approximately one-third of the pizza orders will be accompanied by an order for breadsticks.  Our estimated average prices for each item are as follows:

  • Pizza:  $12
  • Breadsticks:  $2.50
  • Beer:  $2.50/pint
  • Drinks:  $1.70 refillable

Pizzeria business plan, strategy and implementation summary chart image

5.4 Milestones

The following table lists important program milestones, with dates and managers in charge, and budgets for each.  The milestone schedule indicates our emphasis on planning for implementation. 

Pizzeria business plan, strategy and implementation summary chart image

Web Plan Summary

The Pizzeria del Causamali website will be the virtual business card and portfolio for the company, as well as its online “home.”  It will showcase the history, product information, and offers for Pizzeria del Causamali.  Special online-only offers will be made available on the website, along with customer’s opportunity to sign-up for email news and offers. 

The Pizzeria del Causamali website needs to be a simple yet classy and well designed website that, at the same time, is in keeping with the latest trends in user interface design.  Customers will be coming to the site for product information, history, and offers. 

Future elements of the site can contain online ordering, if customers express an interest in this functionality.

6.1 Website Marketing Strategy

Our Internet marketing activities will be focused on product information and offers.  Future opportunities exist in offering online ordering.

6.2 Development Requirements

The Pizzeria del Causamali website will be initially developed with few technical resources.  A simple hosting provider, Yahoo! Web services, will host the site and provide the technical back end.  The owner’s expertise in professional Web development will lead this effort. 

The user interface designer will work with a graphic artist to come up with the website logo, and the website graphics. 

The maintenance of the site will be done by the owners.  If the website rolls out future development such as newsletters and online ordering, the internal staff at Pizzeria del Causamali will design, implement, and execute the technology.

Management Summary management summary will include information about who's on your team and why they're the right people for the job, as well as your future hiring plans.">

We are a small company owned and operated by Marion and Marianne Bruxellesprot, husband and wife, as a partnership.  Management style reflects the participation of the owners.  The company respects its community of co-workers and treats all workers well. 

Marianne Bruxellesprot is a 1998 graduate of University School of Business with High Honors and Distinction in Business.  Her experience with general business, technology, and operations is a great asset to this venture. 

Additionally, Otho Colderobby is an advisor to the owners.  Otho is a 1991 graduate of State College with a degree in Economics.  Furthermore, Otho graduated in 1995 with a Masters in Business Administration from University School of Business with emphases in Marketing and Finance.  Otho held a senior finance management position with Frito Lay for 5 years.  Otho is currently a managing consultant with a marketing strategy firm.  He also spent 5 years in a strategic services consulting practice.

7.1 Personnel Plan

The personnel table assumes a level need of employees, and 5% per annum pay raises.  Staffing for a 7-day a week restaurant necessitates two shifts.  In addition to the hours open for serving we anticipate an additional hour before opening for prep and as much as an hour after closing for cleanup.  This is approximately 8 hours of staffing necessary Sunday – Thursday and 10 hours on both Friday and Saturday.

The two kitchen lead positions are part-time, earning $9/hr.  The kitchen leads will serve as the shift leaders of the kitchen/wait staff.  Kitchen staff will serve as the wait staff.  There will be one dedicated dishwashing position per shift.  Wages for kitchen/wait staff, dishwashers, and delivery drivers, who are all part-time, are $6/hr, with opportunities for all to share the combined earn tips.  It is imperative the people serving as the kitchen lead are over 21 and can legally serve alcohol.

Hourly part-time positions as kitchen/wait, dishwashing, and delivery staff average out to be approximately 30 hours per week each.  Delivery staff will work 5 hour shifts each night, with an extra delivery staff member added on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.  During the week if this person is not delivering, they will work in the kitchen as needed, directed by the kitchen lead.

Financial Plan investor-ready personnel plan .">

The financial picture is quite encouraging.  We will be slow to take on debt and heavily investing our own assets, but with our increase in sales we do expect to apply for a credit line with the bank, to a limit of $50,000.  The credit line is supported by assets.

8.1 Important Assumptions

The financial plan depends on important assumptions, most of which are shown in the following table.  The key underlying assumptions are:

  • We assume a fairly high-growth economy for pizza in the Deauville area, given the lack of competition and interest in having a pizza restaurant available in the area and pent-up demand. 
  • We assume, of course, that there are no unforeseen changes in technology to make our products immediately obsolete. 
  • We assume access to equity capital and financing sufficient to maintain our financial plan as shown in the tables.

8.2 Break-even Analysis

Our break-even analysis is based on running costs, the “burn-rate” costs we incur to keep the business running, not on theoretical fixed costs that would be relevant only if we were closing. The essential insight here is that our sales level seems to be running comfortably above break-even. 

Pizzeria business plan, financial plan chart image

8.3 Projected Profit and Loss

We expect to be profitable in the first year, with profits increasing over the next two years, as we establish a loyal customer base.

Pizzeria business plan, financial plan chart image

8.4 Projected Cash Flow

The following table and chart is the projected cash flow for three years.

Pizzeria business plan, financial plan chart image

8.5 Projected Balance Sheet

As shown in the balance sheet in the following table, we expect a healthy growth in net worth.  The monthly projections are in the appendices. 

8.6 Business Ratios

Standard business ratios are included in the following table.  Industry profile ratios are shown for comparison, and are based on Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code 5812.0600, Pizza Restaurants.  The ratios show a plan for balanced, healthy growth.  Our return on sales and return on assets remain strong in percentage terms. 

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Pizza Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Pizza Business Plan

You’ve come to the right place to create your Pizza business plan.

We have helped over 5,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their Pizza businesses.

Below is a template to help you create each section of your Pizza business plan.

Executive Summary

Business overview.

Papa Jack’s is a new pizza restaurant in the Cincinnati, Ohio area that will serve residents, businesses and local schools. The restaurant will primarily be a dine-in establishment, but will also offer delivery and pick-up. The pizzeria offers an extensive menu that includes pizza, sandwiches, pasta, salads, desserts, and drinks. All of our food is made from unique and authentic Italian recipes created by the founder himself.

Papa Jack’s is founded and run by Jack Russo. Jack has spent the past 15 years in the restaurant industry, working as a waiter, chef, and restaurant manager. His experience in the industry has given him the knowledge and skills needed to run all aspects of a pizza restaurant.

Product Offering

Papa Jack’s will offer a full menu of pizzas, salads, sandwiches, and desserts. Pizza selections include thin crust, pan and stuffed, while pasta options include all traditional Italian specialties like spaghetti and meatballs, fettuccine alfredo and lasagna. Sandwiches include Italian Beef, Sausage and Chicken Parmesan.

The restaurant is also available for private events and catering.

Customer Focus

Papa Jack’s will serve the residents and workers of Cincinnati, Ohio and the immediately surrounding areas. The area is home to thousands of families and students who are always looking for high-quality pizza restaurants. Cincinnati is also full of hard-working laborers who need high-quality dine-in and takeout options after a hard day of work.

Management Team

Papa Jack’s is founded and run by Jack Russo. Jack has worked in the restaurant industry for 15 years and is knowledgeable of the operations and standard procedures of running a restaurant. Jack is also a well-respected chef who has made thousands of pizzas and other Italian dishes throughout his career. After spending years working at other restaurants, Jack has decided to run his own pizza restaurant where he can sell pizzas made from his own unique and authentic recipes. Though Jack has experience managing a restaurant, he will hire other management staff to help him run Papa Jack’s.

Success Factors

Papa Jack’s will be able to achieve success by offering the following competitive advantages:

  • Location: Papa Jack’s location is near the center of town, giving us access to commuters going and leaving, local office workers, students and passersby. We also offer adequate parking making it easy for customers to patronize us.
  • Great pizza and service at an affordable price: The pizza restaurant will offer dine-in, home delivery and carry-out services, providing convenience to our customers and further extending our market reach.
  • Management: Our management team has years of business and marketing experience that allows us to market to and serve customers in a much more sophisticated manner than our competitors.
  • Relationships: Having lived in the community for 25 years, Jack Russo knows all of the local leaders, newspapers and other influencers. As such, it will be relatively easy for us to build branding and awareness of our restaurant.

Financial Highlights

Papa Jack’s is seeking a total funding of $400,000 to launch its pizza restaurant. The capital will be used for funding capital expenditures, salaries, marketing expenses, and working capital.

Specifically, these funds will be used as follows:

  • Restaurant design/build: $200,000
  • Equipment, supplies, and inventory: $50,000
  • Three months of overhead expenses (payroll, rent, utilities): $100,000
  • Marketing costs: $30,000
  • Working capital: $20,000

The following graph below outlines the pro forma financial projections for Papa Jack’s.

Papa Jack's Financial Projections

Company Overview

Who is papa jack’s, papa jack’s history.

Papa Jack’s was founded by Jack Russo. Jack has worked in the restaurant industry for 15 years and is ready to apply his experience and skills in his own pizza restaurant. His experience as a chef has helped him create an extensive menu made from his own unique and authentic recipes.

Jack incorporated Papa Jack’s on February 1st, 2023 and was able to achieve the following milestones since then:

  • Developed the company’s name, logo and website
  • Created the menu
  • Determined equipment and inventory requirements
  • Began recruiting key employees with experience in the restaurant industry

Papa Jack’s Services

Industry analysis.

The pizza industry has grown over the past five years due to rising consumer spending and changing preferences. Consumer spending is expected to increase an annualized 3.0%, as unemployment declines and economic conditions improve. As a result, the pizza industry has benefitted.

Changing consumer preferences have altered the industry over the past five years. Americans have become more concerned about their health and the food they eat, moving away from food high in fat, salt and sugar. Organic, locally grown and gourmet food has become more popular, and pizzerias are offering a greater array of flatbreads and whole-wheat and gluten-free crusts as a result. Consumers have also been indicating a preference for quick-service pizza shops, where pizza can be ordered online, rather than traditional, sit-down pizza restaurants.

The way operators use technology will also become increasingly important to the industry’s performance as consumers increasingly use their smartphones or tablets to order, expecting seamless internet interfaces that make it easy to customize pizza preferences.

Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market.

The following are the precise demographics of the Cincinnati area:

Customer Segmentation

Papa Jack’s will primarily target the following customer profiles:

  • Local workers

Competitive Analysis

Direct and indirect competitors.

Papa Jack’s will face competition from other companies with similar business profiles. A description of each competitor company is below.

Pizza Garden

Pizza Garden was founded in 1988 and opened its first franchise a year later. Pizza Garden has nearly 14,000 restaurants, about 60% of which are in the United States. Similar to its competitors, the company focuses on a franchise model, with over 90.0% of Pizza Garden restaurants operating under franchise or license agreements.

Pizza Garden’s menu features a range of pizzas, offering a variety of toppings suited to local preferences and tastes. Many Pizza Garden locations also offer pasta and chicken wings. Pizza Garden offers casual dine-in, delivery and carryout.

City Pizzeria

Founded in 1985, City Pizzeria is one of the largest pizza restaurant chains in the United States. The company operates and franchises pizza delivery and carryout. The company operates in all 50 states and in 34 countries.

City Pizzeria’s menu includes pizza, and other side items such as breadsticks, cheese sticks, chicken wings and desserts, all made of quality ingredients on a consistent basis. The company’s quality control center system takes advantage of volume purchasing of food and supplies and provides consistency in fresh dough production. The company’s marketing strategy has increasingly been focused towards online and digital marketing in response to increasing consumer use of online and mobile technology.

Checkers Pizza

Checkers Pizza has grown to over 14,800 company-owned and franchised locations worldwide since its founding in 1960. Checkers Pizza operates in all 50 states and has locations in more than 70 countries. Furthermore, it is the second-largest pizza company in the world. Checkers Pizza sales are primarily generated through its pizza delivery business. As a result, the company focuses on securing its position within the industry by providing convenient store locations and an efficient supply chain.

Checkers Pizza’s menu varies regionally, but is primarily focused on Italian-American entrees and side dishes. They recently added artisan-style pizzas and added handmade pan pizza to their menu. They also have pasta, chicken, bread bowls, desserts and oven-baked sandwiches.

Competitive Advantage

Papa Jack’s will be able to offer the following advantages over their competition:

Marketing Plan

Brand & value proposition.

Papa Jack’s will offer the unique value proposition to its clientele:

  • Moderate price point
  • Offering a convenient location that offers dine-in, delivery and carry-out options
  • Family-friendly environment
  • Providing excellent customer service

Promotions Strategy

The promotions strategy for Papa Jack’s is as follows:

Papa Jack’s will initially give free pizza samples to passersby to enable them to taste the quality of our products and learn about us.


Papa Jack’s will develop a professional website that showcases pictures of our pizzas, drinks, and other food offerings. It will also invest in SEO so that the company’s website will appear at the top of search engine results.

Social Media

Jack Russo will create the company’s social media accounts and invest in ads on all social media platforms. These accounts will showcase pictures of the restaurant and popular items on the menu. The company will use targeted marketing to appeal to our target demographics.

Word of Mouth & Referrals

Papa Jack’s is confident that its existing loyal clients will spread the word and refer the pizzeria to residents who may not be familiar with it. The pizzas speak for themselves and word will quickly spread around town of the delicious pizza and food that Papa Jack’s has to offer.

The pricing of Papa Jack’s will be moderate and on par with competitors so customers feel they receive value when purchasing our pizzas and other food items.

Operations Plan

The operations plan for Papa Jack’s is relatively simple as its overhead and cost is small. The functional roles for its employees are as follows:

Operation Functions:

  • Jack Russo will be the Owner and Restaurant Manager of Papa Jack’s. He will oversee the general operations of the restaurant, help out with customer service, and help out in the kitchen.
  • Jack will hire an Assistant Manager to help him manage the staff and run the general operations of the restaurant.
  • Jack will also hire an Administrative Assistant to help out with the administrative and executive functions of the company.
  • As the restaurant grows, Jack will hire several waiters, chefs, and other staff to run the service functions of the pizzeria.


Papa Jack’s aims to open in the next six months. The following are the milestones needed in order to obtain this goal.

  • 3/202X – Finalize lease agreement
  • 4/202X – Begin interior design and construction
  • 5/202X – Social media and advertising campaign begins
  • 6/202X – Final walk-through of construction and build-out
  • 7/202X – Order and pre-stock inventory; hire key employees
  • 8/202X – Grand opening of Papa Jack’s

Financial Plan

Key revenue & costs.

Papa Jack’s revenues will come primarily from selling pizza, sandwiches, pasta, drinks, and other food items.

The major costs for the company will be food costs and salaries. In the initial years, the company’s marketing cost is expected to be high, as it establishes itself in the market.

Funding Requirements and Use of Funds

Key assumptions.

The following outlines the key assumptions required in order to achieve the revenue and cost numbers in the financials and pay off the startup business loan.

  • Year 5 : 110
  • Annual lease: $100,000
  • Average order value: $25

Financial Projections

Income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, pizza business plan faqs, what is a pizza business plan.

A pizza business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your pizza business. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections.

You can easily complete your Pizza business plan using our Pizza Business Plan Template here .

What are the Main Types of Pizza Businesses?

There are a number of different kinds of pizza businesses , some examples include: Franchise Pizza Shop, Full Service Pizza Shop, and Quick Service Pizza Shop.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Pizza Business Plan?

Pizza businesses are often funded through small business loans. Personal savings, credit card financing and angel investors are also popular forms of funding.

What are the Steps To Start a Pizza Business?

Starting a pizza business can be an exciting endeavor. Having a clear roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your goals and get started faster.

1. Develop A Pizza Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a detailed pizza business plan that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include potential market size and target customers, the services or products you will offer, pricing strategies and a detailed financial forecast. 

2. Choose Your Legal Structure - It's important to select an appropriate legal entity for your pizza business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your pizza business is in compliance with local laws.

3. Register Your Pizza Business - Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your pizza business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws.

4. Identify Financing Options - It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your pizza business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, investor funding, grants, or crowdfunding platforms.

5. Choose a Location - Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations.

6. Hire Employees - There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events.

7. Acquire Necessary Pizza Equipment & Supplies - In order to start your pizza business, you'll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation. 

8. Market & Promote Your Business - Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your pizza business. This includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising.

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500+ business plans and financial models

Executive Summary of a Pizzeria: Template & Example

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  • December 29, 2023
  • Business Plan , Executive Summary

the business plan template of a pizzeria

The executive summary is the most important section in a pizzeria business plan. It serves as a concise overview of the pizzeria’s concept, location, menu offerings, and service model, emphasizing its potential in a robust and evolving pizza market.

For the executive summary, we recommend using a 2-slide PowerPoint format. The first slide should detail the pizzeria’s strategic location, inviting facility, diverse menu, and its unique approach to service and customer experience. The second slide should focus on the expertise of the management team and the financial objectives of the business, presenting a comprehensive view of the pizzeria’s potential for success in the dynamic pizza industry.

the business plan template for a pizzeria

Pizzeria Business Plan

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Executive Summary: Page 1

the executive summary slide of the business plan of a pizzeria (page 1)

Business Overview

The business overview should highlight the pizzeria’s concept and branding, focusing on how it combines authentic Italian dining with modern twists. Emphasize the strategic location, facility design, menu selection, and the service model that caters to both dine-in and online orders.

Example: “PizzaVivo,” located in the bustling Smithtown neighborhood, offers an authentic Italian dining experience. The pizzeria, with seating for 40 and an outdoor patio, features an open kitchen design for an interactive culinary experience. Its menu includes classic and innovative pizzas made with locally-sourced ingredients, along with appetizers and desserts, tailored to a range of dietary preferences.

Market Overview

This section should analyze the pizza industry’s size, growth, consumer trends, and the competitive landscape . It positions the pizzeria in the context of the market’s shift towards gourmet offerings, online convenience, and sustainability.

Example: PizzaVivo enters a U.S. pizza market valued at over $46 billion. The trend towards artisanal pizzas and dietary variety, coupled with the rise in online ordering, positions PizzaVivo well in a market dominated by carry-out and delivery sales. Despite competition from various pizzerias, PizzaVivo’s unique dining experience and high-quality food set it apart.

Executive Summary: Page 2

the executive summary slide of the business plan of a pizzeria (page 2)

Management Team

Detailing the management team’s experience and roles is crucial. This section should highlight how their background in culinary arts and restaurant management contributes to the pizzeria’s success.

Example: The Executive Chef and Co-Founder of PizzaVivo, with extensive experience in Italian cuisine, leads the culinary direction. The General Manager, also a Co-Founder, brings years of experience in restaurant management and operations, ensuring excellent customer service and business growth.

Financial Plan

This section outlines the pizzeria’s financial goals and projections, including revenue targets and profit margins, offering insight into its financial aspirations and health.

Example: PizzaVivo aims to achieve $1.5 million in annual revenue with an 18% EBITDA margin by 2028. This financial goal is underpinned by a focus on quality dining experiences, strategic marketing, and operational efficiency, positioning PizzaVivo for growth in the competitive pizza market.

Privacy Overview

Financial Model, Business Plan and Dashboard Templates - FinModelsLab

How To Write a Business Plan for Pizzeria in 9 Steps: Checklist

By alex ryzhkov, resources on pizzeria.

  • Financial Model
  • Business Plan
  • Value Proposition
  • One-Page Business Plan
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Business Model
  • Marketing Plan

Are you dreaming of opening your own pizzeria? With the pizza industry experiencing rapid growth, now is the perfect time to turn your passion for pizza into a thriving business. According to the latest statistics, the global pizza market is expected to reach a value of $233.26 billion by 2025, with a compound annual growth rate of 8.6%. This presents a unique opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs like yourself to carve a niche in this deliciously lucrative industry.

To ensure the success of your pizzeria, it's crucial to start with a solid business plan. This will serve as your roadmap, guiding you through the various stages of setting up and running your pizzeria. In this blog post, we will walk you through a comprehensive checklist of nine essential steps to help you write a business plan for your pizzeria.

So, let's dive right in and get started with the first step: researching the local market. This involves gathering valuable insights into the pizza consumption habits, preferences, and demographics of your target market. By understanding the demand and competition in your area, you can tailor your offerings to meet the needs of your prospective customers.

Once you have a clear understanding of the local market, the next step is to analyze your target audience . Who are your potential customers? What are their preferences? By gaining a deep understanding of your target audience, you can craft a menu and create a dining experience that will resonate with them.

Of course, you won't be the only pizzeria in town, which brings us to the next step: identifying the competition . Take a close look at the existing pizzerias in your area and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. This will help you differentiate your pizzeria and determine your unique selling proposition.

Speaking of which, it's time to determine your unique selling proposition . What sets your pizzeria apart from the rest? Whether it's your secret family recipe, your innovative toppings, or your commitment to using only the finest ingredients, your unique selling proposition will be the key to attracting and retaining customers.

But before you get too carried away, it's essential to conduct a feasibility study . This involves assessing the financial viability and sustainability of your pizzeria. By examining factors such as initial investment costs, operating expenses, and potential revenue streams, you can determine if your pizzeria is a sound investment.

Once you have established the feasibility of your pizzeria, it's time to create a financial plan . This plan should outline your startup costs, projected revenues, and anticipated expenses. By setting financial targets and closely monitoring your finances, you can ensure the success and profitability of your pizzeria.

To stay focused and motivated, it's crucial to set clear goals and objectives . Whether it's achieving a specific sales target or expanding your delivery service, setting goals will help you stay on track and measure your progress along the way.

No business can thrive without a solid marketing strategy . From online advertising to social media campaigns, your marketing efforts will play a crucial role in attracting customers to your pizzeria. It's essential to create a comprehensive marketing plan that outlines your target audience, key messaging, and promotional activities.

Lastly, it's time to outline your operational plan . This entails detailing the day-to-day operations of your pizzeria, including staffing, inventory management, and quality control. By establishing efficient processes and procedures, you can ensure the smooth running of your pizzeria.

By following these nine essential steps, you will be well on your way to writing a comprehensive and effective business plan for your pizzeria. So, let's get started and turn your dream of owning a pizzeria into a reality!

Research The Local Market

Before starting a pizzeria, it is vital to thoroughly research the local market to gain a comprehensive understanding of the demand, preferences, and potential obstacles. Investing time and effort into this research can help set your pizzeria apart from the competition and increase its chances of success.

Here are some steps to guide you in researching the local market:

  • Identify the target location: Begin by determining the best location for your pizzeria. Consider factors such as foot traffic, proximity to residential areas, and accessibility. A strategic location can attract more customers and make your pizzeria more visible to potential patrons.
  • Study the demographics: Understand the demographics of the area, including the age range, income levels, and lifestyle preferences of the local population. This information will help you tailor your menu, ambiance, and marketing strategies to appeal to the target audience.
  • Analyze consumer behavior: Conduct surveys or interviews to gather insights on consumers' pizza preferences, dining habits, and expectations. This will help you determine the types of pizzas, side orders, and dining experiences that will resonate with your potential customers.
  • Evaluate market demand: Determine the level of demand for pizza in the area by assessing the number of pizzerias already present and how busy they are. Look for gaps in the market that your pizzeria can fill, such as offering unique flavors, healthier options, or specialized delivery services.
  • Research local regulations: Familiarize yourself with local regulations, permits, and licenses required to operate a pizzeria. Compliance with these regulations is crucial for a smooth and legal operation.

Tips for researching the local market:

  • Visit other local pizzerias and observe their operations, menu offerings, and customer service. Take note of what works well and areas where they may be lacking.
  • Engage in conversations with potential customers and ask for their opinions on what they value in a pizzeria. This firsthand feedback can provide invaluable insights.
  • Use online tools and resources to gather data on local pizza trends, customer reviews, and competitor information. Social media platforms can also offer valuable insights into consumer preferences and behavior.

Analyze The Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is key to the success of your pizzeria. By analyzing the demographics, preferences, and habits of your potential customers, you can tailor your menu, ambiance, and marketing strategies to meet their needs and expectations.

To analyze your target audience, start by gathering demographic data such as age, gender, income level, and location. This information will help you determine the profile of your typical customer and guide your business decisions.

Tip 1: Use online resources, market research reports, and government data to gather accurate and up-to-date demographic information about your target audience.

Once you have the basic demographic data, dive deeper into understanding your target audience's preferences and habits. Are they health-conscious and looking for gluten-free or vegan options? Do they prefer traditional or innovative pizza toppings? Are they likely to dine in or order delivery?

Tip 2: Conduct surveys, focus groups, and interviews to gather firsthand insights from your target audience. This will help you gain a better understanding of their preferences and create a menu and dining experience that resonates with them.

Furthermore, analyzing your competitors' target audience can provide valuable insights. Study their customer base and identify any gaps or opportunities that you can capitalize on.

Tip 3: Visit competitor pizzerias and observe their clientele. Pay attention to their demographics, behaviors, and any specific preferences they have that are not being met. This will help you position your pizzeria in a unique way.

By thoroughly analyzing your target audience, you can tailor your pizzeria's offerings and marketing efforts to attract and retain loyal customers. This understanding will shape your decisions in menu development, interior design, pricing, and promotional activities, ultimately driving the success of your pizzeria.

Identify The Competition

Identifying the competition is an essential step in creating a business plan for your pizzeria. It allows you to gain a comprehensive understanding of the market landscape and the existing players in your industry. By analyzing your competition, you can learn from their strengths and weaknesses, identify opportunities for differentiation, and develop strategies to gain a competitive edge.

Research and list out your direct competitors: Start by researching and listing out the pizzerias that are in close proximity to your planned location. Visit their websites, study their menus, and take note of their pricing, delivery options, and overall customer experience. This will help you understand the services they offer and how they position themselves in the market.

Analyze their strengths and weaknesses: Once you have identified your direct competitors, analyze their strengths and weaknesses. Look for aspects in which they excel, such as unique pizza flavors, efficient delivery systems, or outstanding customer service. Similarly, identify areas where they may have weaknesses, such as limited menu options or slow service.

Assess their pricing strategy: Study the pricing strategies of your competitors. Do they offer competitive prices, premium prices, or a combination of both? Understanding their pricing strategy will help you determine how to position your own pricing to attract customers and maximize profitability.

Find your unique selling proposition: To stand out among your competition, it is crucial to identify your unique selling proposition (USP). Determine what sets your pizzeria apart from others in terms of flavors, ingredients, ambiance, or delivery service. This will help you create a distinctive brand identity and attract customers looking for something different.

Tips for Identifying the Competition:

  • Visit the pizzerias in person to experience the atmosphere and quality of their pizzas.
  • Conduct online research to gather customer reviews and feedback about your competitors.
  • Consider conducting a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to better understand your competition.
  • Keep an eye on emerging trends and new entrants in the pizza industry.

By thoroughly identifying and analyzing your competition, you can gain valuable insights that will help you refine your business strategy, differentiate your offerings, and position your pizzeria for success in the market.

Determine The Unique Selling Proposition

One of the most crucial steps in creating a business plan for your pizzeria is determining your unique selling proposition (USP). This is what sets your pizzeria apart from the competition and gives customers a reason to choose your establishment over others. Your USP should be a clear and compelling statement that highlights the unique features, qualities, or benefits of your pizzeria.

When determining your USP, consider what makes your pizzeria special and different from other pizzerias in the area. It could be the use of high-quality, locally sourced ingredients, a secret family recipe for the pizza dough, or a special cooking technique that creates a unique taste and texture. Whatever it is, make sure it is something that resonates with your target audience and sets you apart in a meaningful way.

To determine your unique selling proposition:

  • Identify your pizzeria's strengths and unique features.
  • Research the competition to understand what they offer and how you can differentiate yourself.
  • Consider the preferences and needs of your target audience and what would appeal to them.
  • Think about the benefits or experiences your pizzeria can provide that others cannot.
  • Highlight the unique aspects of your food, service, ambiance, or overall customer experience.

Tips for determining your unique selling proposition:

  • Focus on what makes you stand out rather than trying to imitate or copy others.
  • Consider conducting customer surveys or market research to gather insights and feedback.
  • Keep your USP concise and easy to understand.
  • Regularly evaluate and update your USP as market trends and customer preferences change.

By determining your unique selling proposition, you will be able to effectively communicate the value and benefits of your pizzeria to potential customers and create a strong foundation for your business plan.

Conduct A Feasibility Study

Before diving headfirst into starting a pizzeria, it is crucial to conduct a feasibility study to assess the viability of your business idea. A feasibility study helps in estimating the potential success of your pizzeria by analyzing various factors that may impact its operations and profitability.

1. Market Analysis: Start by researching the local market to understand the demand for pizzas and the preferences of your target audience. Identify the potential customer base, their dining habits, and their willingness to pay for artisan and traditional pizzas. This analysis will help you gauge if there is a market gap that your pizzeria can fill.

2. Location: Evaluate potential locations for your pizzeria, considering factors such as foot traffic, proximity to residential and commercial areas, and visibility. A prime location can significantly impact the success of your business.

3. Competitor Analysis: Identify the existing pizzerias in your area and analyze their offerings, pricing, marketing strategies, customer reviews, and reputation. This analysis will help you understand your competition and find ways to differentiate your pizzeria.

4. Cost and Revenue Projections: Estimate the initial investment required to start your pizzeria, including costs for equipment, renovations, permits, and licenses. Additionally, project your expected revenue based on average sales volume, pricing, and profit margins. This analysis will help you determine if your pizzeria can generate sufficient revenue to cover expenses and generate profits.

Tips for conducting a feasibility study:

  • Consider hiring a professional market research company to assist you with gathering accurate data and insights.
  • Survey potential customers to gather feedback on their preferences, expectations, and willingness to try your pizzas.
  • Visit other pizzerias to observe their operations, customer experience, and menu offerings. Take note of any areas where you can improve or innovate.
  • Engage with local vendors and suppliers to assess the availability and cost of ingredients, equipment, and other resources required for your pizzeria.

Conducting a thorough feasibility study ensures that you have a clear understanding of the market dynamics, competition, potential challenges, and growth opportunities. It helps you make informed decisions and develop a solid business plan for your pizzeria.

Create A Financial Plan

When starting a pizzeria, it is crucial to create a financial plan that will outline the projected expenses, revenue, and profitability. This plan will serve as a roadmap for managing the financial aspects of your business and ensuring its long-term success.

To begin, you should identify all the expenses associated with opening and running your pizzeria. This includes costs such as lease or rent, equipment purchase or lease, employee wages, ingredients, utilities, marketing, and insurance. It is important to be thorough and realistic in estimating these expenses to avoid any financial surprises later on.

  • Consider seeking advice from an accountant or financial professional who has experience in the restaurant industry. They can help you accurately calculate expenses and develop a comprehensive financial plan.
  • Do market research to determine the average prices and profit margins for pizzas and other menu items in your area. This will help you set competitive prices and estimate your potential revenue.

Next, you should project your revenue based on factors such as the number of customers you expect to serve daily, the average amount they will spend per visit, and the revenue from delivery and catering services. This will give you an idea of your expected income and help you assess the viability of your business.

It is important to periodically review and update your financial plan as your pizzeria grows and changes. This will help you stay on track and make necessary adjustments to improve profitability. Regularly monitoring your financial performance will ensure that you are making informed decisions and achieving your desired goals.

Finally, your financial plan should also include a cash flow statement that outlines your projected inflows and outflows of cash. This will allow you to predict any potential cash flow issues and plan accordingly to cover expenses and manage any unforeseen challenges.

A well-crafted financial plan will not only assist you in securing funding from investors or lenders but will also serve as a valuable tool for managing your pizzeria's finances and growing your business in a sustainable manner.

Set Goals And Objectives

Setting goals and objectives is a crucial step in the business planning process for your pizzeria. It helps you define what you want to achieve and provides a clear direction for your efforts. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when setting your goals and objectives:

  • Define your vision: Clearly articulate the vision for your pizzeria. This is the ultimate goal or purpose that drives your business. Whether it's providing the best quality pizzas in town or becoming the go-to spot for pizza lovers in the area, your vision will guide your decision-making process.
  • Set SMART goals: SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Your goals should be specific and well-defined, allowing you to measure progress and determine if they have been achieved. Keep your goals realistic and attainable within a reasonable timeframe.
  • Focus on both short-term and long-term goals: It's important to strike a balance between short-term objectives that can be achieved relatively quickly and long-term goals that require more time and effort. Short-term goals can help you stay motivated and build momentum, while long-term goals keep you focused on the bigger picture.
  • Align goals with your unique selling proposition: Your unique selling proposition (USP) sets you apart from your competitors. When setting goals, make sure they align with and support your USP. For example, if your USP is offering artisan and traditional pizzas, a goal could be to introduce a new specialty pizza each month to cater to the taste preferences of your target audience.
  • Establish metrics to measure success: It's essential to establish metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) to track your progress and measure the success of your goals and objectives. Whether it's tracking sales, customer satisfaction, or delivery efficiency, having measurable metrics ensures that you can assess your performance objectively.

Tips for setting goals and objectives:

  • Involve your team: Get input from your team members when setting goals. Their insights and perspectives can provide valuable insights and help create a sense of ownership.
  • Break down larger goals: If you have long-term goals, break them down into smaller, manageable objectives. This makes them more achievable and allows for better tracking of progress.
  • Review and adjust regularly: Goals are not set in stone. Regularly review and assess your goals, making adjustments as needed. This ensures that they remain relevant and aligned with your business's changing needs and market conditions.

By setting clear and well-defined goals and objectives, you lay the foundation for success for your pizzeria. They will guide your business decisions, motivate your team, and keep you focused on achieving your vision.

Develop A Marketing Strategy

Developing a strong marketing strategy is crucial for the success of your pizzeria. It will help you attract new customers, retain existing ones, and build a strong brand presence in the market. Here are some essential steps to follow when developing your marketing strategy:

  • Identify your target audience: Understand who your ideal customers are, their preferences, and their needs. This will help you tailor your marketing efforts effectively and ensure better results.
  • Define your unique selling proposition (USP): Determine what sets your pizzeria apart from the competition. Highlight your unique offerings, such as freshly made artisan and traditional pizzas, side orders, desserts, specialty drinks, and your cozy and inviting atmosphere. Emphasize these USPs in your marketing communication to attract more customers.
  • Create a brand identity: Develop a strong and memorable brand identity that represents your pizzeria's personality and values. This includes designing a logo, choosing the right brand colors, and creating a consistent visual identity across all marketing channels.
  • Utilize digital marketing: Leverage the power of digital platforms to reach a wider audience. Create a user-friendly website that showcases your menu, provides online ordering options, and features customer testimonials. Use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to engage with your target audience, share appealing visuals of your delicious pizzas, and run promotions and contests to increase visibility.
  • Implement traditional marketing tactics: Don't overlook traditional marketing methods. Consider distributing flyers and brochures in the local community, partnering with neighboring businesses for cross-promotion, and advertising in local newspapers or magazines.
  • Offer loyalty programs and discounts: Encourage customer loyalty by implementing a rewards program or offering regular discounts. This will not only retain existing customers but also attract new ones through word-of-mouth referrals.
  • Partner with influencers and local events: Collaborate with local influencers, such as food bloggers or social media personalities, to promote your pizzeria. Additionally, sponsor or participate in community events and fundraisers to increase brand awareness and demonstrate your commitment to the local community.
  • Monitor and analyze marketing efforts: Regularly track the performance of your marketing campaigns. Analyze metrics such as website traffic, social media engagement, and customer feedback to identify what's working and what needs improvement. Make necessary adjustments to your marketing strategy based on these insights.
  • Invest in professional food photography to showcase your mouth-watering pizzas on your website and social media platforms.
  • Consider offering online ordering and delivery services to cater to the growing demand for convenient dining options.
  • Collaborate with local businesses, such as nearby hotels or office complexes, to offer exclusive discounts or lunch specials, expanding your customer base.

Outline The Operational Plan

Once you have thoroughly researched the local market, analyzed your target audience, identified your competition, and determined your unique selling proposition, it is time to outline the operational plan for your pizzeria. This plan will serve as a roadmap for how your business will function on a day-to-day basis.

The operational plan should cover key aspects such as:

  • Location: Detail the location where your pizzeria will be situated. Consider factors such as accessibility, foot traffic, and proximity to your target audience.
  • Facilities and Equipment: Outline the physical space and layout of your pizzeria. Determine the equipment needed for the kitchen, dining area, and delivery services. Consider the design and ambiance that will align with your brand image.
  • Menu and Ingredients: Create a comprehensive menu that showcases your specialty artisan and traditional pizzas, as well as side orders, desserts, and specialty drinks. List the ingredients required for each item on your menu and establish relationships with reliable suppliers.
  • Staffing: Determine the number of staff members needed to run your pizzeria efficiently. Outline their roles and responsibilities, and establish a recruitment and training process to ensure a skilled and knowledgeable team.
  • Operations: Detail the processes and procedures for efficiently managing orders, inventory, and delivery services. Establish protocols for food preparation, food safety, and customer service.
  • Technology: Consider the use of technology to streamline operations. Implement a point-of-sale system for order processing and inventory management. Utilize online platforms or applications for online ordering and delivery services.
  • Pricing and Cost Control: Set pricing strategies that take into account the cost of ingredients, labor, and overhead expenses. Establish systems for tracking costs and conducting regular audits to ensure profitability.

Tips for outlining the operational plan:

  • Collaborate with industry professionals: Seek advice from experienced pizzeria owners or consultants to gain insights into best practices and potential challenges.
  • Consider scalability: Plan your operations with future growth in mind. Anticipate the need for additional space, equipment, and staff as your business expands.
  • Continuously evaluate and adapt: Regularly review and update your operational plan to stay relevant and address any changes in the market or customer preferences.

In conclusion, writing a business plan for a pizzeria involves several important steps, all of which contribute to the overall success of the venture. By thoroughly researching the local market, analyzing the target audience, and identifying the competition, you can better understand the potential opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. Determining your unique selling proposition, conducting a feasibility study, and creating a financial plan will help establish a strong foundation for your pizzeria’s success.

Setting clear goals and objectives, developing a comprehensive marketing strategy, and outlining the operational plan will further solidify your business plan and guide you towards achieving your desired outcomes. Remember to consider factors such as the menu, ambiance, and customer service to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere that differentiates your pizzeria from competitors.

Furthermore, offering additional services like delivery and catering can make your pizzeria a convenient and appealing option for customers. By following these nine steps outlined in the checklist, you will be well-prepared to start your own pizzeria and establish a successful presence in the market.

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Présentation du modèle de business plan de pizzeria 🍕👨‍🍳

Notre modèle de business plan pour pizzeria vous guide pas à pas pour faciliter la rédaction de votre propre business plan, même si vous êtes novice dans cet exercice. Il comprend :

Une synthèse de votre projet de pizzeria

Une étude de marché complète du secteur de la pizzeria

Le prévisionnel financier qui se calcule automatiquement

La stratégie commerciale et vos objectifs

Un plan de trésorerie sur 3 ans pour connaître votre rentabilité

Besoin d’un prévisionnel ? On s’occupe des calculs

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Notre business plan a été conçu avec des conseillers bancaires et des experts-comptables. Gardez une longueur d’avance et anticipez le prêt nécessaire à l’ouverture de votre pizzeria.

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Absolument enchantée par l'expérience avec Propulse by CA ! La clarté et la précision de leurs services m'ont vraiment impressionnée. J'ai eu la chance de découvrir leur formulaire de business plan, ce qui a considérablement simplifié mon travail. Leur assistance s'est avérée d'une valeur inestimable.

KADI T. pour la prestation Business plan Le 13/11/2023 suite à une expérience du 12/11/2023.

L’écriture du business plan est très bien expliqué ! Chacune des étapes est expliquée et détaillée afin de comprendre ce que l’on fait. De plus, un conseillé m’a appelé moin de 12h avant la finalisation à 100% du BP.

JÉRÉMY F. pour la prestation Business plan Le 12/11/2023 suite à une expérience du 11/11/2023.

J'avais mon idée pour mon business plan.. Mais grâce à propulsebyca, j'ai pu mettre toutes mes s idées en place, en ordre, avec des explications, avec un guide très clair sur les gains, les dépenses, etc.. Très complet. 😊🤩

YANISLEY P. pour la prestation Business plan Le 28/07/2023 suite à une expérience du 23/07/2023.

Extrêmement simple d'utilisation : on complète les rubriques avec nos données et infos. Le business plan est mis en forme et il suffit ensuite de le telecharger. Il reste modifiable et telechargeable si necessaire.

MARIE CHRISTINE R. pour la prestation Business plan Le 09/07/2023 suite à une expérience du 08/07/2023.

Ce site m'a beaucoup aidé pour la création de mon business plan, je recommande

ANTHONY D. pour la prestation Business plan Le 02/07/2023 suite à une expérience du 30/06/2023.

très bon outil avec une aide humaine en tchat en plus. le calcul automatique et les relais qui se font naturellement dans le tableau , c 'est vraiment bien.

MELANIE G. pour la prestation Business plan Le 29/06/2023 suite à une expérience du 27/06/2023.

Très simple de faire un prévisionnel grâce à propulsé, nous immédiatement bien guidés et ce qui est top c'est que ce soit vérifié et validé.

ANAÏS M. pour la prestation Compte pro Le 26/06/2023 suite à une expérience du 25/06/2023.

Les étapes pour faire le business plan d'une pizzeria

La pizza est l'un des plats à emporter préférés des Français. S'il s'agit d'un marché idéal pour les entrepreneurs, il vaut mieux sécuriser son projet avec un business plan . Découvrez nos conseils et téléchargez notre modèle de business plan dédié aux pizzerias.

modele business plan

La présentation de votre projet de pizzeria

Un business plan commence par un executive summary . Il s'agit du résumé des points clés de votre projet qui vise à donner envie aux potentiels investisseurs de lire la suite de votre plan d'affaires.

Détaillez le concept de votre pizzeria : camion-pizza , pizzeria végane ou végétarienne, pizzas sucrées, pizza ouverte sur salle de spectacle, etc.

Puis, présentez-vous ainsi que les membres de votre équipe. Abordez votre parcours et votre expérience. Pour rassurer les investisseurs, mettez en lumière la complémentarité des compétences de vos associés.

food truck

L’étude de marché de la pizzeria

food truck

Le modèle économique d'une pizzeria

food truck

Le statut juridique d'une pizzeria

food truck

Le prévisionnel financier d'une pizzeria

Toutes les questions sur le business plan d'une pizzeria, quel investissement de départ pour une pizzeria , quels équipements sont nécessaires pour lancer une pizzeria , quel est l'emplacement idéal pour ma pizzeria , quel chiffre d'affaires peut-on envisager avec une pizzeria , quelles sont les principales charges fixes à prévoir pour gérer une pizzeria , combien de salariés faut-il recruter pour assurer le bon fonctionnement d'une pizzeria , comment fixer les tarifs de mes pizzas , nos articles pour vous aider à lancer votre pizzeria.

Ouvrez votre pizzeria

Ouvrir sa pizzeria en 6 étapes

Le marché des pizzerias


L'activité des pizzerias

Les points de vigilance des pizzerias

La réglementation des pizzerias

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Business plan Excel

Business plan pizzeria : exemple Excel // Libre et gratuit

Business plan pizzeria exemple Excel : modèle de budget prévisionnel gratuit pour un restaurant italien ou une pizzeria. A télécharger plus bas en un clic.

Vous envisagez d’ouvrir ou de reprendre une pizzeria , un restaurant italien ou un camion pizza, avec consommation sur place ou vente à emporter, en centre-ville, dans un quartier périphérique ou en zone commerciale ? Vous êtes pizzaïolo et vous cherchez un modèle de prévisionnel financier pour tester votre modèle économique et simuler votre rentabilité ? L’exemple de business plan pizzeria Excel que nous vous proposons de télécharger plus bas devrait parfaitement vous convenir.

La vente de pizzas et l’une des activités de restauration les plus rentables qui soient, tant les marges sur ce type de produit sont importantes : environ 80% à 85%. Autrement, le coût des matières ne représente que 15% à 20% du coût de vente HT du produit.

Cela ne signifie pas pour autant qu’il est facile de faire fortune dans la pizza. Gérer une pizzeria ou un camion pizza est une activité exigeante, qui nécessite des efforts constants en terme de qualité, de fidélisation ainsi qu’une organisation parfaite. Les clients sont à la recherche de pizzas goûteuses, variées, préparées avec des ingrédients de qualité, disponibles à toute heure, à un prix correct.

Enfin, la concurrence est forte et il faudra faire ses preuves sur le long terme, tout en faisant la démonstration d’une certaine capacité à gérer son affaire, ainsi que le personnel. Qualité, fidélisation et endurance sont donc des facteurs clés de succès.

Voici donc un exemple de business plan pizzeria Excel, 100% gratuit.

Business plan pizzeria exemple : téléchargez-le maintenant !

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Avant de vous jeter tête baissée dans le remplissage du business plan pizzeria, lisez ce qui suit pour être sûr de bien prendre en main le document sans commettre d’erreur.

Business plan pizzeria Excel : comment ça marche ?

Ce modèle de business plan comporte deux onglets :

  • dans le premier onglet , vous aurez à remplir les cellules bleues , en lisant bien les indications à proximité,
  • dans le second onglet , votre business plan pizzeria Excel apparaît automatiquement, conforme à la présentation souhaitée par les expert-comptables et les banques.

Pour vous aider à remplir le premier onglet, nous avons pré complété les cellules avec des données types pour la reprise d’une pizzeria de quartier ou de centre-ville, avec un employé.

Lors du remplissage ou de la modification des données, prêtez attention aux éléments suivants :

  • le choix du statut juridique : si vous êtes seul, nous vous conseillons le statut SASU ou EURL. Il est aussi possible de commencer en micro-entreprise, mais vous ne pourrez pas bénéficier de certaines réductions d’impôts (ZRR, QPV). Voir aussi notre comparateur de statut juridique Excel ,
  • les besoins de démarrage : il s’agit des dépenses que vous allez devoir engager pour préparer le lancement de votre activité, avant même de vendre votre première pizza,
  • le financement des besoins de démarrage : ce sont les sources de financement (personnel, familial, bancaire…) qui vont vous permettre de couvrir les besoins listés au tableau précédent, à l’euro près,
  • les charges fixes : ce sont les dépenses courantes qui reviennent périodiquement (assurance, frais bancaires, fournitures…), à l’exception des frais de personnel et du coût d’achat des ingrédients,
  • le chiffre d’affaires : pour vous aider à estimer votre chiffre d’affaires, nous vous proposons de partir sur des hypothèses de nombre de jours travaillés par mois multipliés par un niveau de vente moyen par jour. Anticipez aussi l’évolution de votre chiffre d’affaires sur les deux années suivantes en pourcentage,
  • les rémunérations : elles concernent le chef d’entreprise et le ou les employés. Saisissez des montants nets de toutes charges, les cotisations sociales se calculant automatiquement.

Aidez-vous des données pré-remplies pour saisir vos propres chiffres !

Extrait du business plan pizzeria obtenu :

business plan pizzeria excel

D’autres modèles de documents pour la création de votre pizzeria

Cliquez sur les liens ci-dessous pour télécharger nos  modèles de documents  utiles en phase de création de pizzeria ou de restaurant, en particulier si vous recherchez des financements :

  • Un modèle d’étude de marché Word
  • Un simulateur de modèle économique d’entreprise
  • Un modèle de plan d’affaires Word

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  12. Pizzeria Business Plan Template

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    The pizzeria will be a place to relax, share a pie, and celebrate small milestones with family and friends, like winning a soccer game. Servers will work together and share tips to provide guests with a collective, casual, and communal dining experience. Sample menu. Classic Detroit pizza in classic flavors. Mushroom; Pepperoni; Cheese; Sausage

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    en quelques clics. 1. Répondez à quelques questions à propos de votre activité. 2. Consultez un modèle de business plan adapté à votre projet de pizzeria. 3. Adaptez le modèle et téléchargez votre business plan finalisé et conforme en PDF.

  17. Business plan pizzeria : exemple Excel // Libre et gratuit

    L'exemple de business plan pizzeria Excel que nous vous proposons de télécharger plus bas devrait parfaitement vous convenir. La vente de pizzas et l'une des activités de restauration les plus rentables qui soient, tant les marges sur ce type de produit sont importantes : environ 80% à 85%.

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    Un modèle de Business plan pour pizzeria est disponible dans le logiciel. essayer gratuitement. Réalisez votre business plan ! Réalisez rapidement et facilement votre business plan sur notre logiciel en ligne. Collaborez avec vos clients dans la réalisation de leur prévisionnel et gagnez du temps dans la saisie.

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    This well-tested, robust and powerful Pizzeria 3 Way Financial Model Template is your solid foundation to plan a business model. Advanced users are free to expand and tailor all sheets as desired, to handle specific requirements or to get into greater detail. Get it Right the First Time. Funding is a binary event: either you succeed or you fail.

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    Pizzot Neapolitan Pizzeria, Omsk: See 23 unbiased reviews of Pizzot Neapolitan Pizzeria, rated 4 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #59 of 1,055 restaurants in Omsk. ... Business. Friends. Time of year. Mar-May. Jun-Aug. Sep-Nov. Dec-Feb. Language English. All languages. English (2) Russian (21) All languages. English (2) Russian (21) Traveler rating.


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