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Undergraduate Research Topics

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Suggested Undergraduate Research Topics

undergraduate research project topics

How to Contact Faculty for IW/Thesis Advising

Send the professor an e-mail. When you write a professor, be clear that you want a meeting regarding a senior thesis or one-on-one IW project, and briefly describe the topic or idea that you want to work on. Check the faculty listing for email addresses.

Parastoo Abtahi, Room 419

Available for single-semester IW and senior thesis advising, 2024-2025

  • Research Areas: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Augmented Reality (AR), and Spatial Computing
  • Input techniques for on-the-go interaction (e.g., eye-gaze, microgestures, voice) with a focus on uncertainty, disambiguation, and privacy.
  • Minimal and timely multisensory output (e.g., spatial audio, haptics) that enables users to attend to their physical environment and the people around them, instead of a 2D screen.
  • Interaction with intelligent systems (e.g., IoT, robots) situated in physical spaces with a focus on updating users’ mental model despite the complexity and dynamicity of these systems.

Ryan Adams, Room 411

Research areas:

  • Machine learning driven design
  • Generative models for structured discrete objects
  • Approximate inference in probabilistic models
  • Accelerating solutions to partial differential equations
  • Innovative uses of automatic differentiation
  • Modeling and optimizing 3d printing and CNC machining

Andrew Appel, Room 209

Available for Fall 2024 IW advising, only

  • Research Areas: Formal methods, programming languages, compilers, computer security.
  • Software verification (for which taking COS 326 / COS 510 is helpful preparation)
  • Game theory of poker or other games (for which COS 217 / 226 are helpful)
  • Computer game-playing programs (for which COS 217 / 226)
  •  Risk-limiting audits of elections (for which ORF 245 or other knowledge of probability is useful)

Sanjeev Arora, Room 407

  • Theoretical machine learning, deep learning and its analysis, natural language processing. My advisees would typically have taken a course in algorithms (COS423 or COS 521 or equivalent) and a course in machine learning.
  • Show that finding approximate solutions to NP-complete problems is also NP-complete (i.e., come up with NP-completeness reductions a la COS 487). 
  • Experimental Algorithms: Implementing and Evaluating Algorithms using existing software packages. 
  • Studying/designing provable algorithms for machine learning and implementions using packages like scipy and MATLAB, including applications in Natural language processing and deep learning.
  • Any topic in theoretical computer science.

David August, Room 221

Not available for IW or thesis advising, 2024-2025

  • Research Areas: Computer Architecture, Compilers, Parallelism
  • Containment-based approaches to security:  We have designed and tested a simple hardware+software containment mechanism that stops incorrect communication resulting from faults, bugs, or exploits from leaving the system.   Let's explore ways to use containment to solve real problems.  Expect to work with corporate security and technology decision-makers.
  • Parallelism: Studies show much more parallelism than is currently realized in compilers and architectures.  Let's find ways to realize this parallelism.
  • Any other interesting topic in computer architecture or compilers. 

Mark Braverman, 194 Nassau St., Room 231

  • Research Areas: computational complexity, algorithms, applied probability, computability over the real numbers, game theory and mechanism design, information theory.
  • Topics in computational and communication complexity.
  • Applications of information theory in complexity theory.
  • Algorithms for problems under real-life assumptions.
  • Game theory, network effects
  • Mechanism design (could be on a problem proposed by the student)

Sebastian Caldas, 221 Nassau Street, Room 105

  • Research Areas: collaborative learning, machine learning for healthcare. Typically, I will work with students that have taken COS324.
  • Methods for collaborative and continual learning.
  • Machine learning for healthcare applications.

Bernard Chazelle, 194 Nassau St., Room 301

  • Research Areas: Natural Algorithms, Computational Geometry, Sublinear Algorithms. 
  • Natural algorithms (flocking, swarming, social networks, etc).
  • Sublinear algorithms
  • Self-improving algorithms
  • Markov data structures

Danqi Chen, Room 412

  • My advisees would be expected to have taken a course in machine learning and ideally have taken COS484 or an NLP graduate seminar.
  • Representation learning for text and knowledge bases
  • Pre-training and transfer learning
  • Question answering and reading comprehension
  • Information extraction
  • Text summarization
  • Any other interesting topics related to natural language understanding/generation

Marcel Dall'Agnol, Corwin 034

  • Research Areas: Theoretical computer science. (Specifically, quantum computation, sublinear algorithms, complexity theory, interactive proofs and cryptography)
  • Research Areas: Machine learning

Jia Deng, Room 423

  •  Research Areas: Computer Vision, Machine Learning.
  • Object recognition and action recognition
  • Deep Learning, autoML, meta-learning
  • Geometric reasoning, logical reasoning

Adji Bousso Dieng, Room 406

  • Research areas: Vertaix is a research lab at Princeton University led by Professor Adji Bousso Dieng. We work at the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and the natural sciences. The models and algorithms we develop are motivated by problems in those domains and contribute to advancing methodological research in AI. We leverage tools in statistical machine learning and deep learning in developing methods for learning with the data, of various modalities, arising from the natural sciences.

Robert Dondero, Corwin Hall, Room 038

  • Research Areas:  Software engineering; software engineering education.
  • Develop or evaluate tools to facilitate student learning in undergraduate computer science courses at Princeton, and beyond.
  • In particular, can code critiquing tools help students learn about software quality?

Zeev Dvir, 194 Nassau St., Room 250

  • Research Areas: computational complexity, pseudo-randomness, coding theory and discrete mathematics.
  • Independent Research: I have various research problems related to Pseudorandomness, Coding theory, Complexity and Discrete mathematics - all of which require strong mathematical background. A project could also be based on writing a survey paper describing results from a few theory papers revolving around some particular subject.

Benjamin Eysenbach, Room 416

  • Research areas: reinforcement learning, machine learning. My advisees would typically have taken COS324.
  • Using RL algorithms to applications in science and engineering.
  • Emergent behavior of RL algorithms on high-fidelity robotic simulators.
  • Studying how architectures and representations can facilitate generalization.

Christiane Fellbaum, 1-S-14 Green

  • Research Areas: theoretical and computational linguistics, word sense disambiguation, lexical resource construction, English and multilingual WordNet(s), ontology
  • Anything having to do with natural language--come and see me with/for ideas suitable to your background and interests. Some topics students have worked on in the past:
  • Developing parsers, part-of-speech taggers, morphological analyzers for underrepresented languages (you don't have to know the language to develop such tools!)
  • Quantitative approaches to theoretical linguistics questions
  • Extensions and interfaces for WordNet (English and WN in other languages),
  • Applications of WordNet(s), including:
  • Foreign language tutoring systems,
  • Spelling correction software,
  • Word-finding/suggestion software for ordinary users and people with memory problems,
  • Machine Translation 
  • Sentiment and Opinion detection
  • Automatic reasoning and inferencing
  • Collaboration with professors in the social sciences and humanities ("Digital Humanities")

Adam Finkelstein, Room 424 

  • Research Areas: computer graphics, audio.

Robert S. Fish, Corwin Hall, Room 037

  • Networking and telecommunications
  • Learning, perception, and intelligence, artificial and otherwise;
  • Human-computer interaction and computer-supported cooperative work
  • Online education, especially in Computer Science Education
  • Topics in research and development innovation methodologies including standards, open-source, and entrepreneurship
  • Distributed autonomous organizations and related blockchain technologies

Michael Freedman, Room 308 

  • Research Areas: Distributed systems, security, networking
  • Projects related to streaming data analysis, datacenter systems and networks, untrusted cloud storage and applications. Please see my group website at for current research projects.

Ruth Fong, Room 032

  • Research Areas: computer vision, machine learning, deep learning, interpretability, explainable AI, fairness and bias in AI
  • Develop a technique for understanding AI models
  • Design a AI model that is interpretable by design
  • Build a paradigm for detecting and/or correcting failure points in an AI model
  • Analyze an existing AI model and/or dataset to better understand its failure points
  • Build a computer vision system for another domain (e.g., medical imaging, satellite data, etc.)
  • Develop a software package for explainable AI
  • Adapt explainable AI research to a consumer-facing problem

Note: I am happy to advise any project if there's a sufficient overlap in interest and/or expertise; please reach out via email to chat about project ideas.

Tom Griffiths, Room 405

Available for Fall 2024 single-semester IW advising, only

Research areas: computational cognitive science, computational social science, machine learning and artificial intelligence

Note: I am open to projects that apply ideas from computer science to understanding aspects of human cognition in a wide range of areas, from decision-making to cultural evolution and everything in between. For example, we have current projects analyzing chess game data and magic tricks, both of which give us clues about how human minds work. Students who have expertise or access to data related to games, magic, strategic sports like fencing, or other quantifiable domains of human behavior feel free to get in touch.

Aarti Gupta, Room 220

  • Research Areas: Formal methods, program analysis, logic decision procedures
  • Finding bugs in open source software using automatic verification tools
  • Software verification (program analysis, model checking, test generation)
  • Decision procedures for logical reasoning (SAT solvers, SMT solvers)

Elad Hazan, Room 409  

  • Research interests: machine learning methods and algorithms, efficient methods for mathematical optimization, regret minimization in games, reinforcement learning, control theory and practice
  • Machine learning, efficient methods for mathematical optimization, statistical and computational learning theory, regret minimization in games.
  • Implementation and algorithm engineering for control, reinforcement learning and robotics
  • Implementation and algorithm engineering for time series prediction

Felix Heide, Room 410

  • Research Areas: Computational Imaging, Computer Vision, Machine Learning (focus on Optimization and Approximate Inference).
  • Optical Neural Networks
  • Hardware-in-the-loop Holography
  • Zero-shot and Simulation-only Learning
  • Object recognition in extreme conditions
  • 3D Scene Representations for View Generation and Inverse Problems
  • Long-range Imaging in Scattering Media
  • Hardware-in-the-loop Illumination and Sensor Optimization
  • Inverse Lidar Design
  • Phase Retrieval Algorithms
  • Proximal Algorithms for Learning and Inference
  • Domain-Specific Language for Optics Design

Peter Henderson , 302 Sherrerd Hall

  • Research Areas: Machine learning, law, and policy

Kyle Jamieson, Room 306

  • Research areas: Wireless and mobile networking; indoor radar and indoor localization; Internet of Things
  • See other topics on my independent work  ideas page  (campus IP and CS dept. login req'd)

Alan Kaplan, 221 Nassau Street, Room 105

Research Areas:

  • Random apps of kindness - mobile application/technology frameworks used to help individuals or communities; topic areas include, but are not limited to: first response, accessibility, environment, sustainability, social activism, civic computing, tele-health, remote learning, crowdsourcing, etc.
  • Tools automating programming language interoperability - Java/C++, React Native/Java, etc.
  • Software visualization tools for education
  • Connected consumer devices, applications and protocols

Brian Kernighan, Room 311

  • Research Areas: application-specific languages, document preparation, user interfaces, software tools, programming methodology
  • Application-oriented languages, scripting languages.
  • Tools; user interfaces
  • Digital humanities

Zachary Kincaid, Room 219

  • Research areas: programming languages, program analysis, program verification, automated reasoning
  • Independent Research Topics:
  • Develop a practical algorithm for an intractable problem (e.g., by developing practical search heuristics, or by reducing to, or by identifying a tractable sub-problem, ...).
  • Design a domain-specific programming language, or prototype a new feature for an existing language.
  • Any interesting project related to programming languages or logic.

Gillat Kol, Room 316

  • Research area: theory

Aleksandra Korolova, 309 Sherrerd Hall

  • Research areas: Societal impacts of algorithms and AI; privacy; fair and privacy-preserving machine learning; algorithm auditing.

Advisees typically have taken one or more of COS 226, COS 324, COS 423, COS 424 or COS 445.

Pravesh Kothari, Room 320

  • Research areas: Theory

Amit Levy, Room 307

  • Research Areas: Operating Systems, Distributed Systems, Embedded Systems, Internet of Things
  • Distributed hardware testing infrastructure
  • Second factor security tokens
  • Low-power wireless network protocol implementation
  • USB device driver implementation

Kai Li, Room 321

  • Research Areas: Distributed systems; storage systems; content-based search and data analysis of large datasets.
  • Fast communication mechanisms for heterogeneous clusters.
  • Approximate nearest-neighbor search for high dimensional data.
  • Data analysis and prediction of in-patient medical data.
  • Optimized implementation of classification algorithms on manycore processors.

Xiaoyan Li, 221 Nassau Street, Room 104

  • Research areas: Information retrieval, novelty detection, question answering, AI, machine learning and data analysis.
  • Explore new statistical retrieval models for document retrieval and question answering.
  • Apply AI in various fields.
  • Apply supervised or unsupervised learning in health, education, finance, and social networks, etc.
  • Any interesting project related to AI, machine learning, and data analysis.

Lydia Liu, Room 414

  • Research Areas: algorithmic decision making, machine learning and society
  • Theoretical foundations for algorithmic decision making (e.g. mathematical modeling of data-driven decision processes, societal level dynamics)
  • Societal impacts of algorithms and AI through a socio-technical lens (e.g. normative implications of worst case ML metrics, prediction and model arbitrariness)
  • Machine learning for social impact domains, especially education (e.g. responsible development and use of LLMs for education equity and access)
  • Evaluation of human-AI decision making using statistical methods (e.g. causal inference of long term impact)

Wyatt Lloyd, Room 323

  • Research areas: Distributed Systems
  • Caching algorithms and implementations
  • Storage systems
  • Distributed transaction algorithms and implementations

Alex Lombardi , Room 312

  • Research Areas: Theory

Margaret Martonosi, Room 208

  • Quantum Computing research, particularly related to architecture and compiler issues for QC.
  • Computer architectures specialized for modern workloads (e.g., graph analytics, machine learning algorithms, mobile applications
  • Investigating security and privacy vulnerabilities in computer systems, particularly IoT devices.
  • Other topics in computer architecture or mobile / IoT systems also possible.

Jonathan Mayer, Sherrerd Hall, Room 307 

Available for Spring 2025 single-semester IW, only

  • Research areas: Technology law and policy, with emphasis on national security, criminal procedure, consumer privacy, network management, and online speech.
  • Assessing the effects of government policies, both in the public and private sectors.
  • Collecting new data that relates to government decision making, including surveying current business practices and studying user behavior.
  • Developing new tools to improve government processes and offer policy alternatives.

Mae Milano, Room 307

  • Local-first / peer-to-peer systems
  • Wide-ares storage systems
  • Consistency and protocol design
  • Type-safe concurrency
  • Language design
  • Gradual typing
  • Domain-specific languages
  • Languages for distributed systems

Andrés Monroy-Hernández, Room 405

  • Research Areas: Human-Computer Interaction, Social Computing, Public-Interest Technology, Augmented Reality, Urban Computing
  • Research interests:developing public-interest socio-technical systems.  We are currently creating alternatives to gig work platforms that are more equitable for all stakeholders. For instance, we are investigating the socio-technical affordances necessary to support a co-op food delivery network owned and managed by workers and restaurants. We are exploring novel system designs that support self-governance, decentralized/federated models, community-centered data ownership, and portable reputation systems.  We have opportunities for students interested in human-centered computing, UI/UX design, full-stack software development, and qualitative/quantitative user research.
  • Beyond our core projects, we are open to working on research projects that explore the use of emerging technologies, such as AR, wearables, NFTs, and DAOs, for creative and out-of-the-box applications.

Christopher Moretti, Corwin Hall, Room 036

  • Research areas: Distributed systems, high-throughput computing, computer science/engineering education
  • Expansion, improvement, and evaluation of open-source distributed computing software.
  • Applications of distributed computing for "big science" (e.g. biometrics, data mining, bioinformatics)
  • Software and best practices for computer science education and study, especially Princeton's 126/217/226 sequence or MOOCs development
  • Sports analytics and/or crowd-sourced computing

Radhika Nagpal, F316 Engineering Quadrangle

  • Research areas: control, robotics and dynamical systems

Karthik Narasimhan, Room 422

  • Research areas: Natural Language Processing, Reinforcement Learning
  • Autonomous agents for text-based games ( )
  • Transfer learning/generalization in NLP
  • Techniques for generating natural language
  • Model-based reinforcement learning

Arvind Narayanan, 308 Sherrerd Hall 

Research Areas: fair machine learning (and AI ethics more broadly), the social impact of algorithmic systems, tech policy

Pedro Paredes, Corwin Hall, Room 041

My primary research work is in Theoretical Computer Science.

 * Research Interest: Spectral Graph theory, Pseudorandomness, Complexity theory, Coding Theory, Quantum Information Theory, Combinatorics.

The IW projects I am interested in advising can be divided into three categories:

 1. Theoretical research

I am open to advise work on research projects in any topic in one of my research areas of interest. A project could also be based on writing a survey given results from a few papers. Students should have a solid background in math (e.g., elementary combinatorics, graph theory, discrete probability, basic algebra/calculus) and theoretical computer science (226 and 240 material, like big-O/Omega/Theta, basic complexity theory, basic fundamental algorithms). Mathematical maturity is a must.

A (non exhaustive) list of topics of projects I'm interested in:   * Explicit constructions of better vertex expanders and/or unique neighbor expanders.   * Construction deterministic or random high dimensional expanders.   * Pseudorandom generators for different problems.   * Topics around the quantum PCP conjecture.   * Topics around quantum error correcting codes and locally testable codes, including constructions, encoding and decoding algorithms.

 2. Theory informed practical implementations of algorithms   Very often the great advances in theoretical research are either not tested in practice or not even feasible to be implemented in practice. Thus, I am interested in any project that consists in trying to make theoretical ideas applicable in practice. This includes coming up with new algorithms that trade some theoretical guarantees for feasible implementation yet trying to retain the soul of the original idea; implementing new algorithms in a suitable programming language; and empirically testing practical implementations and comparing them with benchmarks / theoretical expectations. A project in this area doesn't have to be in my main areas of research, any theoretical result could be suitable for such a project.

Some examples of areas of interest:   * Streaming algorithms.   * Numeric linear algebra.   * Property testing.   * Parallel / Distributed algorithms.   * Online algorithms.    3. Machine learning with a theoretical foundation

I am interested in projects in machine learning that have some mathematical/theoretical, even if most of the project is applied. This includes topics like mathematical optimization, statistical learning, fairness and privacy.

One particular area I have been recently interested in is in the area of rating systems (e.g., Chess elo) and applications of this to experts problems.

Final Note: I am also willing to advise any project with any mathematical/theoretical component, even if it's not the main one; please reach out via email to chat about project ideas.

Iasonas Petras, Corwin Hall, Room 033

  • Research Areas: Information Based Complexity, Numerical Analysis, Quantum Computation.
  • Prerequisites: Reasonable mathematical maturity. In case of a project related to Quantum Computation a certain familiarity with quantum mechanics is required (related courses: ELE 396/PHY 208).
  • Possible research topics include:

1.   Quantum algorithms and circuits:

  • i. Design or simulation quantum circuits implementing quantum algorithms.
  • ii. Design of quantum algorithms solving/approximating continuous problems (such as Eigenvalue problems for Partial Differential Equations).

2.   Information Based Complexity:

  • i. Necessary and sufficient conditions for tractability of Linear and Linear Tensor Product Problems in various settings (for example worst case or average case). 
  • ii. Necessary and sufficient conditions for tractability of Linear and Linear Tensor Product Problems under new tractability and error criteria.
  • iii. Necessary and sufficient conditions for tractability of Weighted problems.
  • iv. Necessary and sufficient conditions for tractability of Weighted Problems under new tractability and error criteria.

3. Topics in Scientific Computation:

  • i. Randomness, Pseudorandomness, MC and QMC methods and their applications (Finance, etc)

Yuri Pritykin, 245 Carl Icahn Lab

  • Research interests: Computational biology; Cancer immunology; Regulation of gene expression; Functional genomics; Single-cell technologies.
  • Potential research projects: Development, implementation, assessment and/or application of algorithms for analysis, integration, interpretation and visualization of multi-dimensional data in molecular biology, particularly single-cell and spatial genomics data.

Benjamin Raphael, Room 309  

  • Research interests: Computational biology and bioinformatics; Cancer genomics; Algorithms and machine learning approaches for analysis of large-scale datasets
  • Implementation and application of algorithms to infer evolutionary processes in cancer
  • Identifying correlations between combinations of genomic mutations in human and cancer genomes
  • Design and implementation of algorithms for genome sequencing from new DNA sequencing technologies
  • Graph clustering and network anomaly detection, particularly using diffusion processes and methods from spectral graph theory

Vikram Ramaswamy, 035 Corwin Hall

  • Research areas: Interpretability of AI systems, Fairness in AI systems, Computer vision.
  • Constructing a new method to explain a model / create an interpretable by design model
  • Analyzing a current model / dataset to understand bias within the model/dataset
  • Proposing new fairness evaluations
  • Proposing new methods to train to improve fairness
  • Developing synthetic datasets for fairness / interpretability benchmarks
  • Understanding robustness of models

Ran Raz, Room 240

  • Research Area: Computational Complexity
  • Independent Research Topics: Computational Complexity, Information Theory, Quantum Computation, Theoretical Computer Science

Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Room 406

  • Research Areas: computer graphics; computer vision; 3D scanning; 3D printing; robotics; documentation and visualization of cultural heritage artifacts
  • Research ways of incorporating rotation invariance into computer visiontasks such as feature matching and classification
  • Investigate approaches to robust 3D scan matching
  • Model and compensate for imperfections in 3D printing
  • Given a collection of small mobile robots, apply control policies learned in simulation to the real robots.

Olga Russakovsky, Room 408

  • Research Areas: computer vision, machine learning, deep learning, crowdsourcing, fairness&bias in AI
  • Design a semantic segmentation deep learning model that can operate in a zero-shot setting (i.e., recognize and segment objects not seen during training)
  • Develop a deep learning classifier that is impervious to protected attributes (such as gender or race) that may be erroneously correlated with target classes
  • Build a computer vision system for the novel task of inferring what object (or part of an object) a human is referring to when pointing to a single pixel in the image. This includes both collecting an appropriate dataset using crowdsourcing on Amazon Mechanical Turk, creating a new deep learning formulation for this task, and running extensive analysis of both the data and the model

Sebastian Seung, Princeton Neuroscience Institute, Room 153

  • Research Areas: computational neuroscience, connectomics, "deep learning" neural networks, social computing, crowdsourcing, citizen science
  • Gamification of neuroscience (EyeWire  2.0)
  • Semantic segmentation and object detection in brain images from microscopy
  • Computational analysis of brain structure and function
  • Neural network theories of brain function

Jaswinder Pal Singh, Room 324

  • Research Areas: Boundary of technology and business/applications; building and scaling technology companies with special focus at that boundary; parallel computing systems and applications: parallel and distributed applications and their implications for software and architectural design; system software and programming environments for multiprocessors.
  • Develop a startup company idea, and build a plan/prototype for it.
  • Explore tradeoffs at the boundary of technology/product and business/applications in a chosen area.
  • Study and develop methods to infer insights from data in different application areas, from science to search to finance to others. 
  • Design and implement a parallel application. Possible areas include graphics, compression, biology, among many others. Analyze performance bottlenecks using existing tools, and compare programming models/languages.
  • Design and implement a scalable distributed algorithm.

Mona Singh, Room 420

  • Research Areas: computational molecular biology, as well as its interface with machine learning and algorithms.
  • Whole and cross-genome methods for predicting protein function and protein-protein interactions.
  • Analysis and prediction of biological networks.
  • Computational methods for inferring specific aspects of protein structure from protein sequence data.
  • Any other interesting project in computational molecular biology.

Robert Tarjan, 194 Nassau St., Room 308

  • Research Areas: Data structures; graph algorithms; combinatorial optimization; computational complexity; computational geometry; parallel algorithms.
  • Implement one or more data structures or combinatorial algorithms to provide insight into their empirical behavior.
  • Design and/or analyze various data structures and combinatorial algorithms.

Olga Troyanskaya, Room 320

  • Research Areas: Bioinformatics; analysis of large-scale biological data sets (genomics, gene expression, proteomics, biological networks); algorithms for integration of data from multiple data sources; visualization of biological data; machine learning methods in bioinformatics.
  • Implement and evaluate one or more gene expression analysis algorithm.
  • Develop algorithms for assessment of performance of genomic analysis methods.
  • Develop, implement, and evaluate visualization tools for heterogeneous biological data.

David Walker, Room 211

  • Research Areas: Programming languages, type systems, compilers, domain-specific languages, software-defined networking and security
  • Independent Research Topics:  Any other interesting project that involves humanitarian hacking, functional programming, domain-specific programming languages, type systems, compilers, software-defined networking, fault tolerance, language-based security, theorem proving, logic or logical frameworks.

Shengyi Wang, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Room 216

Available for Fall 2024 single-semester IW, only

  • Independent Research topics: Explore Escher-style tilings using (introductory) group theory and automata theory to produce beautiful pictures.

Kevin Wayne, Corwin Hall, Room 040

  • Research Areas: design, analysis, and implementation of algorithms; data structures; combinatorial optimization; graphs and networks.
  • Design and implement computer visualizations of algorithms or data structures.
  • Develop pedagogical tools or programming assignments for the computer science curriculum at Princeton and beyond.
  • Develop assessment infrastructure and assessments for MOOCs.

Matt Weinberg, 194 Nassau St., Room 222

  • Research Areas: algorithms, algorithmic game theory, mechanism design, game theoretical problems in {Bitcoin, networking, healthcare}.
  • Theoretical questions related to COS 445 topics such as matching theory, voting theory, auction design, etc. 
  • Theoretical questions related to incentives in applications like Bitcoin, the Internet, health care, etc. In a little bit more detail: protocols for these systems are often designed assuming that users will follow them. But often, users will actually be strictly happier to deviate from the intended protocol. How should we reason about user behavior in these protocols? How should we design protocols in these settings?

Huacheng Yu, Room 310

  • data structures
  • streaming algorithms
  • design and analyze data structures / streaming algorithms
  • prove impossibility results (lower bounds)
  • implement and evaluate data structures / streaming algorithms

Ellen Zhong, Room 314

Opportunities outside the department.

We encourage students to look in to doing interdisciplinary computer science research and to work with professors in departments other than computer science.  However, every CS independent work project must have a strong computer science element (even if it has other scientific or artistic elements as well.)  To do a project with an adviser outside of computer science you must have permission of the department.  This can be accomplished by having a second co-adviser within the computer science department or by contacting the independent work supervisor about the project and having he or she sign the independent work proposal form.

Here is a list of professors outside the computer science department who are eager to work with computer science undergraduates.

Maria Apostolaki, Engineering Quadrangle, C330

  • Research areas: Computing & Networking, Data & Information Science, Security & Privacy

Branko Glisic, Engineering Quadrangle, Room E330

  • Documentation of historic structures
  • Cyber physical systems for structural health monitoring
  • Developing virtual and augmented reality applications for documenting structures
  • Applying machine learning techniques to generate 3D models from 2D plans of buildings
  •  Contact : Rebecca Napolitano, rkn2 (

Mihir Kshirsagar, Sherrerd Hall, Room 315

Center for Information Technology Policy.

  • Consumer protection
  • Content regulation
  • Competition law
  • Economic development
  • Surveillance and discrimination

Sharad Malik, Engineering Quadrangle, Room B224

Select a Senior Thesis Adviser for the 2020-21 Academic Year.

  • Design of reliable hardware systems
  • Verifying complex software and hardware systems

Prateek Mittal, Engineering Quadrangle, Room B236

  • Internet security and privacy 
  • Social Networks
  • Privacy technologies, anonymous communication
  • Network Science
  • Internet security and privacy: The insecurity of Internet protocols and services threatens the safety of our critical network infrastructure and billions of end users. How can we defend end users as well as our critical network infrastructure from attacks?
  • Trustworthy social systems: Online social networks (OSNs) such as Facebook, Google+, and Twitter have revolutionized the way our society communicates. How can we leverage social connections between users to design the next generation of communication systems?
  • Privacy Technologies: Privacy on the Internet is eroding rapidly, with businesses and governments mining sensitive user information. How can we protect the privacy of our online communications? The Tor project ( is a potential application of interest.

Ken Norman,  Psychology Dept, PNI 137

  • Research Areas: Memory, the brain and computation 
  • Lab:  Princeton Computational Memory Lab

Potential research topics

  • Methods for decoding cognitive state information from neuroimaging data (fMRI and EEG) 
  • Neural network simulations of learning and memory

Caroline Savage

Office of Sustainability, Phone:(609)258-7513, Email: cs35 (

The  Campus as Lab  program supports students using the Princeton campus as a living laboratory to solve sustainability challenges. The Office of Sustainability has created a list of campus as lab research questions, filterable by discipline and topic, on its  website .

An example from Computer Science could include using  TigerEnergy , a platform which provides real-time data on campus energy generation and consumption, to study one of the many energy systems or buildings on campus. Three CS students used TigerEnergy to create a  live energy heatmap of campus .

Other potential projects include:

  • Apply game theory to sustainability challenges
  • Develop a tool to help visualize interactions between complex campus systems, e.g. energy and water use, transportation and storm water runoff, purchasing and waste, etc.
  • How can we learn (in aggregate) about individuals’ waste, energy, transportation, and other behaviors without impinging on privacy?

Janet Vertesi, Sociology Dept, Wallace Hall, Room 122

  • Research areas: Sociology of technology; Human-computer interaction; Ubiquitous computing.
  • Possible projects: At the intersection of computer science and social science, my students have built mixed reality games, produced artistic and interactive installations, and studied mixed human-robot teams, among other projects.

David Wentzlaff, Engineering Quadrangle, Room 228

Computing, Operating Systems, Sustainable Computing.

  • Instrument Princeton's Green (HPCRC) data center
  • Investigate power utilization on an processor core implemented in an FPGA
  • Dismantle and document all of the components in modern electronics. Invent new ways to build computers that can be recycled easier.
  • Other topics in parallel computer architecture or operating systems


30 Seriously Impressive Undergrad Research Projects

At UT, research isn’t exclusively for faculty and graduate students. Need proof? Just take a look at this impressive list of undergraduate research from this year. “ Unfeminist Coalition in Game of Thrones,” anyone?

Research notes and model

At The University of Texas at Austin, r esearch is an essential part of our DNA. (Coincidentally,  DNA is an essential part of our research .)  UT is one of the most highly rated public research universities in the nation. 

But research isn’t exclusively within the purview of faculty and graduate students. Undergraduates can start as early as freshman year , supported by programs like student-run research journals , the EUREKA Research Database and the Freshman Research Initiative , the nation’s largest effort to involve first-year students in meaningful research, placing them in faculty-led laboratories working on real-world research projects.

Need more proof? Just take a look at this impressive list of undergraduate research poster presentations made at this year’s Research Week , UT’s annual celebration of undergraduate research and creative activity. (For the full list, go here .)

Analyzing and predicting shoreline change rates along the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge

Preston McLaughlin, geography

Bayesian modeling of neuron firing rate maps using a B-spline prior

Eszter Kish, neuroscience; Eric Rincon, computer science

Biological filtration of contaminants from drinking water

Ethan Howley

Building personality

Evan Delord, neuroscience

Computational sequencing and humanization of antibodies

Coral Loockerman, biology

Identifying a novel inhibitor for GES-5 Carbapenemase in Klebsiella pneumonia infections by virtual drug screening

Xenia Gonzalez, biology

Searching for high redshift (z=8) galaxies using the Brightest of Reionizing Galaxies survey (BoRG)

James Diekmann, astronomy

The Herschel Space Telescope confirms the decay of supersonic turbulence

Rebecca Larson, astronomy, physics

Transcriptional control of the Manganese Efflux Transporter, SLC30A10

Jonathan Mercado, biology

Arts and Humanities

Student researcher

Artistic freedom: What is the boundary between freedom of speech and the public good?

Crystal Schreiber, visual art studies; Yeun Jae Chang, visual art studies; Minhye Choi, studio art; Gregory Castillo, visual art studies

College athletics: Athletes first, students second?

Daniel Escobar, philosophy

Fakers of aboriginal art

Ashley Stanford, art history

From the bones of wolves: Guitar music from the southwest United States

Thales Smith, music performance, plan II

Meaning in public space: The Texas State Capitol as epideictic rhetoric

David DeVine, rhetoric and writing

Mistakes were made: On the use of agency and other factors in the analysis of political apology speeches

Alina Carnahan, rhetoric and writing

No crusades, no Columbus: A study of cultural interchange 1100–1500

Jeremy Wenzel, computer science

Rehabilitating canines: The journey of former fighting dogs

Larissa Zelezniak, history

The media and crime: What is real and what is perceived?

Michelle Jackson, psychology

Unfeminist coalition in Game of Thrones

Choyette Mahtab, anthropology

Social Sciences

Students at the 2015 Longhorn Research Bazaar

Gender beliefs and mental health outcomes among Mexican Americans in borderland communities

Maria Renteria, social work, anthropology

Evolving obesity prevention policies in United States elementary schools: 1966–2014

Stephanie Astle, nursing

Investing foul play in financial crisis: An introduction to forensic finance

Kevin Mei, economics, finance

Online activism and networked feminism: Wendy Davis and her filibuster

Ketty Loo, psychology

Prevention of substance use with military veterans in college: Beliefs system and psychological distress

Christine Rodriguez, social work

Testing global colorectal cancer incidence in developing countries using risk factor data

Austin Porter, plan II

The development of auditory category learning: A computational modeling approach

Nicole Tsao, communication sciences and disorders

The effect of candidate race on federal campaign contributions

David Singer, government

The missing piece: Music in geriatric health

Alice Jean, environmental science

The war on coal: A case study in agenda setting

Hannah Johnson, geological sciences, government

Understanding speech patterns in young children with hearing impairments

Samantha Moses, John Torres (both communication sciences and disorders)

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Grad Coach

Research Topics & Ideas: Education

170+ Research Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

Topic Kickstarter: Research topics in education

If you’re just starting out exploring education-related topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll help kickstart your research topic ideation process by providing a hearty list of research topics and ideas , including examples from actual dissertations and theses..

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . To develop a suitable education-related research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan of action to fill that gap.

If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, if you’d like hands-on help, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service .

Overview: Education Research Topics

  • How to find a research topic (video)
  • List of 50+ education-related research topics/ideas
  • List of 120+ level-specific research topics 
  • Examples of actual dissertation topics in education
  • Tips to fast-track your topic ideation (video)
  • Free Webinar : Topic Ideation 101
  • Where to get extra help

Education-Related Research Topics & Ideas

Below you’ll find a list of education-related research topics and idea kickstarters. These are fairly broad and flexible to various contexts, so keep in mind that you will need to refine them a little. Nevertheless, they should inspire some ideas for your project.

  • The impact of school funding on student achievement
  • The effects of social and emotional learning on student well-being
  • The effects of parental involvement on student behaviour
  • The impact of teacher training on student learning
  • The impact of classroom design on student learning
  • The impact of poverty on education
  • The use of student data to inform instruction
  • The role of parental involvement in education
  • The effects of mindfulness practices in the classroom
  • The use of technology in the classroom
  • The role of critical thinking in education
  • The use of formative and summative assessments in the classroom
  • The use of differentiated instruction in the classroom
  • The use of gamification in education
  • The effects of teacher burnout on student learning
  • The impact of school leadership on student achievement
  • The effects of teacher diversity on student outcomes
  • The role of teacher collaboration in improving student outcomes
  • The implementation of blended and online learning
  • The effects of teacher accountability on student achievement
  • The effects of standardized testing on student learning
  • The effects of classroom management on student behaviour
  • The effects of school culture on student achievement
  • The use of student-centred learning in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on student outcomes
  • The achievement gap in minority and low-income students
  • The use of culturally responsive teaching in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher professional development on student learning
  • The use of project-based learning in the classroom
  • The effects of teacher expectations on student achievement
  • The use of adaptive learning technology in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher turnover on student learning
  • The effects of teacher recruitment and retention on student learning
  • The impact of early childhood education on later academic success
  • The impact of parental involvement on student engagement
  • The use of positive reinforcement in education
  • The impact of school climate on student engagement
  • The role of STEM education in preparing students for the workforce
  • The effects of school choice on student achievement
  • The use of technology in the form of online tutoring

Level-Specific Research Topics

Looking for research topics for a specific level of education? We’ve got you covered. Below you can find research topic ideas for primary, secondary and tertiary-level education contexts. Click the relevant level to view the respective list.

Research Topics: Pick An Education Level

Primary education.

  • Investigating the effects of peer tutoring on academic achievement in primary school
  • Exploring the benefits of mindfulness practices in primary school classrooms
  • Examining the effects of different teaching strategies on primary school students’ problem-solving skills
  • The use of storytelling as a teaching strategy in primary school literacy instruction
  • The role of cultural diversity in promoting tolerance and understanding in primary schools
  • The impact of character education programs on moral development in primary school students
  • Investigating the use of technology in enhancing primary school mathematics education
  • The impact of inclusive curriculum on promoting equity and diversity in primary schools
  • The impact of outdoor education programs on environmental awareness in primary school students
  • The influence of school climate on student motivation and engagement in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of early literacy interventions on reading comprehension in primary school students
  • The impact of parental involvement in school decision-making processes on student achievement in primary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of inclusive education for students with special needs in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of teacher-student feedback on academic motivation in primary schools
  • The role of technology in developing digital literacy skills in primary school students
  • Effective strategies for fostering a growth mindset in primary school students
  • Investigating the role of parental support in reducing academic stress in primary school children
  • The role of arts education in fostering creativity and self-expression in primary school students
  • Examining the effects of early childhood education programs on primary school readiness
  • Examining the effects of homework on primary school students’ academic performance
  • The role of formative assessment in improving learning outcomes in primary school classrooms
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on academic outcomes in primary school
  • Investigating the effects of classroom environment on student behavior and learning outcomes in primary schools
  • Investigating the role of creativity and imagination in primary school curriculum
  • The impact of nutrition and healthy eating programs on academic performance in primary schools
  • The impact of social-emotional learning programs on primary school students’ well-being and academic performance
  • The role of parental involvement in academic achievement of primary school children
  • Examining the effects of classroom management strategies on student behavior in primary school
  • The role of school leadership in creating a positive school climate Exploring the benefits of bilingual education in primary schools
  • The effectiveness of project-based learning in developing critical thinking skills in primary school students
  • The role of inquiry-based learning in fostering curiosity and critical thinking in primary school students
  • The effects of class size on student engagement and achievement in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of recess and physical activity breaks on attention and learning in primary school
  • Exploring the benefits of outdoor play in developing gross motor skills in primary school children
  • The effects of educational field trips on knowledge retention in primary school students
  • Examining the effects of inclusive classroom practices on students’ attitudes towards diversity in primary schools
  • The impact of parental involvement in homework on primary school students’ academic achievement
  • Investigating the effectiveness of different assessment methods in primary school classrooms
  • The influence of physical activity and exercise on cognitive development in primary school children
  • Exploring the benefits of cooperative learning in promoting social skills in primary school students

Secondary Education

  • Investigating the effects of school discipline policies on student behavior and academic success in secondary education
  • The role of social media in enhancing communication and collaboration among secondary school students
  • The impact of school leadership on teacher effectiveness and student outcomes in secondary schools
  • Investigating the effects of technology integration on teaching and learning in secondary education
  • Exploring the benefits of interdisciplinary instruction in promoting critical thinking skills in secondary schools
  • The impact of arts education on creativity and self-expression in secondary school students
  • The effectiveness of flipped classrooms in promoting student learning in secondary education
  • The role of career guidance programs in preparing secondary school students for future employment
  • Investigating the effects of student-centered learning approaches on student autonomy and academic success in secondary schools
  • The impact of socio-economic factors on educational attainment in secondary education
  • Investigating the impact of project-based learning on student engagement and academic achievement in secondary schools
  • Investigating the effects of multicultural education on cultural understanding and tolerance in secondary schools
  • The influence of standardized testing on teaching practices and student learning in secondary education
  • Investigating the effects of classroom management strategies on student behavior and academic engagement in secondary education
  • The influence of teacher professional development on instructional practices and student outcomes in secondary schools
  • The role of extracurricular activities in promoting holistic development and well-roundedness in secondary school students
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models on student engagement and achievement in secondary education
  • The role of physical education in promoting physical health and well-being among secondary school students
  • Investigating the effects of gender on academic achievement and career aspirations in secondary education
  • Exploring the benefits of multicultural literature in promoting cultural awareness and empathy among secondary school students
  • The impact of school counseling services on student mental health and well-being in secondary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of vocational education and training in preparing secondary school students for the workforce
  • The role of digital literacy in preparing secondary school students for the digital age
  • The influence of parental involvement on academic success and well-being of secondary school students
  • The impact of social-emotional learning programs on secondary school students’ well-being and academic success
  • The role of character education in fostering ethical and responsible behavior in secondary school students
  • Examining the effects of digital citizenship education on responsible and ethical technology use among secondary school students
  • The impact of parental involvement in school decision-making processes on student outcomes in secondary schools
  • The role of educational technology in promoting personalized learning experiences in secondary schools
  • The impact of inclusive education on the social and academic outcomes of students with disabilities in secondary schools
  • The influence of parental support on academic motivation and achievement in secondary education
  • The role of school climate in promoting positive behavior and well-being among secondary school students
  • Examining the effects of peer mentoring programs on academic achievement and social-emotional development in secondary schools
  • Examining the effects of teacher-student relationships on student motivation and achievement in secondary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of service-learning programs in promoting civic engagement among secondary school students
  • The impact of educational policies on educational equity and access in secondary education
  • Examining the effects of homework on academic achievement and student well-being in secondary education
  • Investigating the effects of different assessment methods on student performance in secondary schools
  • Examining the effects of single-sex education on academic performance and gender stereotypes in secondary schools
  • The role of mentoring programs in supporting the transition from secondary to post-secondary education

Tertiary Education

  • The role of student support services in promoting academic success and well-being in higher education
  • The impact of internationalization initiatives on students’ intercultural competence and global perspectives in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effects of active learning classrooms and learning spaces on student engagement and learning outcomes in tertiary education
  • Exploring the benefits of service-learning experiences in fostering civic engagement and social responsibility in higher education
  • The influence of learning communities and collaborative learning environments on student academic and social integration in higher education
  • Exploring the benefits of undergraduate research experiences in fostering critical thinking and scientific inquiry skills
  • Investigating the effects of academic advising and mentoring on student retention and degree completion in higher education
  • The role of student engagement and involvement in co-curricular activities on holistic student development in higher education
  • The impact of multicultural education on fostering cultural competence and diversity appreciation in higher education
  • The role of internships and work-integrated learning experiences in enhancing students’ employability and career outcomes
  • Examining the effects of assessment and feedback practices on student learning and academic achievement in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty professional development on instructional practices and student outcomes in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty-student relationships on student success and well-being in tertiary education
  • The impact of college transition programs on students’ academic and social adjustment to higher education
  • The impact of online learning platforms on student learning outcomes in higher education
  • The impact of financial aid and scholarships on access and persistence in higher education
  • The influence of student leadership and involvement in extracurricular activities on personal development and campus engagement
  • Exploring the benefits of competency-based education in developing job-specific skills in tertiary students
  • Examining the effects of flipped classroom models on student learning and retention in higher education
  • Exploring the benefits of online collaboration and virtual team projects in developing teamwork skills in tertiary students
  • Investigating the effects of diversity and inclusion initiatives on campus climate and student experiences in tertiary education
  • The influence of study abroad programs on intercultural competence and global perspectives of college students
  • Investigating the effects of peer mentoring and tutoring programs on student retention and academic performance in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effectiveness of active learning strategies in promoting student engagement and achievement in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models and hybrid courses on student learning and satisfaction in higher education
  • The role of digital literacy and information literacy skills in supporting student success in the digital age
  • Investigating the effects of experiential learning opportunities on career readiness and employability of college students
  • The impact of e-portfolios on student reflection, self-assessment, and showcasing of learning in higher education
  • The role of technology in enhancing collaborative learning experiences in tertiary classrooms
  • The impact of research opportunities on undergraduate student engagement and pursuit of advanced degrees
  • Examining the effects of competency-based assessment on measuring student learning and achievement in tertiary education
  • Examining the effects of interdisciplinary programs and courses on critical thinking and problem-solving skills in college students
  • The role of inclusive education and accessibility in promoting equitable learning experiences for diverse student populations
  • The role of career counseling and guidance in supporting students’ career decision-making in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty diversity and representation on student success and inclusive learning environments in higher education

Research topic idea mega list

Education-Related Dissertations & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a research topic in education, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses in the education space to see how this all comes together in practice.

Below, we’ve included a selection of education-related research projects to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • From Rural to Urban: Education Conditions of Migrant Children in China (Wang, 2019)
  • Energy Renovation While Learning English: A Guidebook for Elementary ESL Teachers (Yang, 2019)
  • A Reanalyses of Intercorrelational Matrices of Visual and Verbal Learners’ Abilities, Cognitive Styles, and Learning Preferences (Fox, 2020)
  • A study of the elementary math program utilized by a mid-Missouri school district (Barabas, 2020)
  • Instructor formative assessment practices in virtual learning environments : a posthumanist sociomaterial perspective (Burcks, 2019)
  • Higher education students services: a qualitative study of two mid-size universities’ direct exchange programs (Kinde, 2020)
  • Exploring editorial leadership : a qualitative study of scholastic journalism advisers teaching leadership in Missouri secondary schools (Lewis, 2020)
  • Selling the virtual university: a multimodal discourse analysis of marketing for online learning (Ludwig, 2020)
  • Advocacy and accountability in school counselling: assessing the use of data as related to professional self-efficacy (Matthews, 2020)
  • The use of an application screening assessment as a predictor of teaching retention at a midwestern, K-12, public school district (Scarbrough, 2020)
  • Core values driving sustained elite performance cultures (Beiner, 2020)
  • Educative features of upper elementary Eureka math curriculum (Dwiggins, 2020)
  • How female principals nurture adult learning opportunities in successful high schools with challenging student demographics (Woodward, 2020)
  • The disproportionality of Black Males in Special Education: A Case Study Analysis of Educator Perceptions in a Southeastern Urban High School (McCrae, 2021)

As you can see, these research topics are a lot more focused than the generic topic ideas we presented earlier. So, in order for you to develop a high-quality research topic, you’ll need to get specific and laser-focused on a specific context with specific variables of interest.  In the video below, we explore some other important things you’ll need to consider when crafting your research topic.

Get 1-On-1 Help

If you’re still unsure about how to find a quality research topic within education, check out our Research Topic Kickstarter service, which is the perfect starting point for developing a unique, well-justified research topic.

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

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Watson Kabwe

This is an helpful tool 🙏

Musarrat Parveen

Special education

Akbar khan

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Trishna Roy

Research title related to school of students

Oyebanji Khadijat Anike

I think this platform is actually good enough.

Angel taña

Research title related to students

My field is research measurement and evaluation. Need dissertation topics in the field

Saira Murtaza

Assalam o Alaikum I’m a student Bs educational Resarch and evaluation I’m confused to choose My thesis title please help me in choose the thesis title

Ngirumuvugizi Jaccques

Good idea I’m going to teach my colleagues

You can find our list of nursing-related research topic ideas here:


Write on action research topic, using guidance and counseling to address unwanted teenage pregnancy in school

Samson ochuodho

Thanks a lot


I learned a lot from this site, thank you so much!

Rhod Tuyan

Thank you for the information.. I would like to request a topic based on school major in social studies

Mercedes Bunsie

parental involvement and students academic performance

Abshir Mustafe Cali

Science education topics?


plz tell me if you got some good topics, im here for finding research topic for masters degree

Karen Joy Andrade

How about School management and supervision pls.?


Hi i am an Deputy Principal in a primary school. My wish is to srudy foe Master’s degree in Education.Please advice me on which topic can be relevant for me. Thanks.

NKWAIN Chia Charles

Every topic proposed above on primary education is a starting point for me. I appreciate immensely the team that has sat down to make a detail of these selected topics just for beginners like us. Be blessed.

Nkwain Chia Charles

Kindly help me with the research questions on the topic” Effects of workplace conflict on the employees’ job performance”. The effects can be applicable in every institution,enterprise or organisation.

Kelvin Kells Grant

Greetings, I am a student majoring in Sociology and minoring in Public Administration. I’m considering any recommended research topic in the field of Sociology.

Sulemana Alhassan

I’m a student pursuing Mphil in Basic education and I’m considering any recommended research proposal topic in my field of study


Research Defense for students in senior high

Kupoluyi Regina

Kindly help me with a research topic in educational psychology. Ph.D level. Thank you.

Project-based learning is a teaching/learning type,if well applied in a classroom setting will yield serious positive impact. What can a teacher do to implement this in a disadvantaged zone like “North West Region of Cameroon ( hinterland) where war has brought about prolonged and untold sufferings on the indegins?

Damaris Nzoka

I wish to get help on topics of research on educational administration

I wish to get help on topics of research on educational administration PhD level


I am also looking for such type of title

Afriyie Saviour

I am a student of undergraduate, doing research on how to use guidance and counseling to address unwanted teenage pregnancy in school


the topics are very good regarding research & education .

William AU Mill

Can i request your suggestion topic for my Thesis about Teachers as an OFW. thanx you


Would like to request for suggestions on a topic in Economics of education,PhD level

Aza Hans

Would like to request for suggestions on a topic in Economics of education


Hi 👋 I request that you help me with a written research proposal about education the format

Cynthia abuabire

Am offering degree in education senior high School Accounting. I want a topic for my project work

Sarah Moyambo

l would like to request suggestions on a topic in managing teaching and learning, PhD level (educational leadership and management)

request suggestions on a topic in managing teaching and learning, PhD level (educational leadership and management)

Ernest Gyabaah

I would to inquire on research topics on Educational psychology, Masters degree

Aron kirui

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request suggestion on topic in masters in medical education .

D.Newlands PhD.

Look at British Library as they keep a copy of all PhDs in the UK to access Open University and 6 other university e-archives, pdf downloads mostly available, all free.


May I also ask for a topic based on mathematics education for college teaching, please?


Please I am a masters student of the department of Teacher Education, Faculty of Education Please I am in need of proposed project topics to help with my final year thesis


Am a PhD student in Educational Foundations would like a sociological topic. Thank

muhammad sani

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Greetings and Regards I am a doctoral student in the field of philosophy of education. I am looking for a new topic for my thesis. Because of my work in the elementary school, I am looking for a topic that is from the field of elementary education and is related to the philosophy of education.

shantel orox

Masters student in the field of curriculum, any ideas of a research topic on low achiever students


In the field of curriculum any ideas of a research topic on deconalization in contextualization of digital teaching and learning through in higher education

Omada Victoria Enyojo

Amazing guidelines


I am a graduate with two masters. 1) Master of arts in religious studies and 2) Master in education in foundations of education. I intend to do a Ph.D. on my second master’s, however, I need to bring both masters together through my Ph.D. research. can I do something like, ” The contribution of Philosophy of education for a quality religion education in Kenya”? kindly, assist and be free to suggest a similar topic that will bring together the two masters. thanks in advance


Hi, I am an Early childhood trainer as well as a researcher, I need more support on this topic: The impact of early childhood education on later academic success.


I’m a student in upper level secondary school and I need your support in this research topics: “Impact of incorporating project -based learning in teaching English language skills in secondary schools”.

Fitsum Ayele

Although research activities and topics should stem from reflection on one’s practice, I found this site valuable as it effectively addressed many issues we have been experiencing as practitioners.

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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, 113 great research paper topics.

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General Education


One of the hardest parts of writing a research paper can be just finding a good topic to write about. Fortunately we've done the hard work for you and have compiled a list of 113 interesting research paper topics. They've been organized into ten categories and cover a wide range of subjects so you can easily find the best topic for you.

In addition to the list of good research topics, we've included advice on what makes a good research paper topic and how you can use your topic to start writing a great paper.

What Makes a Good Research Paper Topic?

Not all research paper topics are created equal, and you want to make sure you choose a great topic before you start writing. Below are the three most important factors to consider to make sure you choose the best research paper topics.

#1: It's Something You're Interested In

A paper is always easier to write if you're interested in the topic, and you'll be more motivated to do in-depth research and write a paper that really covers the entire subject. Even if a certain research paper topic is getting a lot of buzz right now or other people seem interested in writing about it, don't feel tempted to make it your topic unless you genuinely have some sort of interest in it as well.

#2: There's Enough Information to Write a Paper

Even if you come up with the absolute best research paper topic and you're so excited to write about it, you won't be able to produce a good paper if there isn't enough research about the topic. This can happen for very specific or specialized topics, as well as topics that are too new to have enough research done on them at the moment. Easy research paper topics will always be topics with enough information to write a full-length paper.

Trying to write a research paper on a topic that doesn't have much research on it is incredibly hard, so before you decide on a topic, do a bit of preliminary searching and make sure you'll have all the information you need to write your paper.

#3: It Fits Your Teacher's Guidelines

Don't get so carried away looking at lists of research paper topics that you forget any requirements or restrictions your teacher may have put on research topic ideas. If you're writing a research paper on a health-related topic, deciding to write about the impact of rap on the music scene probably won't be allowed, but there may be some sort of leeway. For example, if you're really interested in current events but your teacher wants you to write a research paper on a history topic, you may be able to choose a topic that fits both categories, like exploring the relationship between the US and North Korea. No matter what, always get your research paper topic approved by your teacher first before you begin writing.

113 Good Research Paper Topics

Below are 113 good research topics to help you get you started on your paper. We've organized them into ten categories to make it easier to find the type of research paper topics you're looking for.


  • Discuss the main differences in art from the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance .
  • Analyze the impact a famous artist had on the world.
  • How is sexism portrayed in different types of media (music, film, video games, etc.)? Has the amount/type of sexism changed over the years?
  • How has the music of slaves brought over from Africa shaped modern American music?
  • How has rap music evolved in the past decade?
  • How has the portrayal of minorities in the media changed?


Current Events

  • What have been the impacts of China's one child policy?
  • How have the goals of feminists changed over the decades?
  • How has the Trump presidency changed international relations?
  • Analyze the history of the relationship between the United States and North Korea.
  • What factors contributed to the current decline in the rate of unemployment?
  • What have been the impacts of states which have increased their minimum wage?
  • How do US immigration laws compare to immigration laws of other countries?
  • How have the US's immigration laws changed in the past few years/decades?
  • How has the Black Lives Matter movement affected discussions and view about racism in the US?
  • What impact has the Affordable Care Act had on healthcare in the US?
  • What factors contributed to the UK deciding to leave the EU (Brexit)?
  • What factors contributed to China becoming an economic power?
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  • Do students in schools that eliminate grades do better in college and their careers?
  • Do students from wealthier backgrounds score higher on standardized tests?
  • Do students who receive free meals at school get higher grades compared to when they weren't receiving a free meal?
  • Do students who attend charter schools score higher on standardized tests than students in public schools?
  • Do students learn better in same-sex classrooms?
  • How does giving each student access to an iPad or laptop affect their studies?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of the Montessori Method ?
  • Do children who attend preschool do better in school later on?
  • What was the impact of the No Child Left Behind act?
  • How does the US education system compare to education systems in other countries?
  • What impact does mandatory physical education classes have on students' health?
  • Which methods are most effective at reducing bullying in schools?
  • Do homeschoolers who attend college do as well as students who attended traditional schools?
  • Does offering tenure increase or decrease quality of teaching?
  • How does college debt affect future life choices of students?
  • Should graduate students be able to form unions?


  • What are different ways to lower gun-related deaths in the US?
  • How and why have divorce rates changed over time?
  • Is affirmative action still necessary in education and/or the workplace?
  • Should physician-assisted suicide be legal?
  • How has stem cell research impacted the medical field?
  • How can human trafficking be reduced in the United States/world?
  • Should people be able to donate organs in exchange for money?
  • Which types of juvenile punishment have proven most effective at preventing future crimes?
  • Has the increase in US airport security made passengers safer?
  • Analyze the immigration policies of certain countries and how they are similar and different from one another.
  • Several states have legalized recreational marijuana. What positive and negative impacts have they experienced as a result?
  • Do tariffs increase the number of domestic jobs?
  • Which prison reforms have proven most effective?
  • Should governments be able to censor certain information on the internet?
  • Which methods/programs have been most effective at reducing teen pregnancy?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of the Keto diet?
  • How effective are different exercise regimes for losing weight and maintaining weight loss?
  • How do the healthcare plans of various countries differ from each other?
  • What are the most effective ways to treat depression ?
  • What are the pros and cons of genetically modified foods?
  • Which methods are most effective for improving memory?
  • What can be done to lower healthcare costs in the US?
  • What factors contributed to the current opioid crisis?
  • Analyze the history and impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic .
  • Are low-carbohydrate or low-fat diets more effective for weight loss?
  • How much exercise should the average adult be getting each week?
  • Which methods are most effective to get parents to vaccinate their children?
  • What are the pros and cons of clean needle programs?
  • How does stress affect the body?
  • Discuss the history of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
  • What were the causes and effects of the Salem Witch Trials?
  • Who was responsible for the Iran-Contra situation?
  • How has New Orleans and the government's response to natural disasters changed since Hurricane Katrina?
  • What events led to the fall of the Roman Empire?
  • What were the impacts of British rule in India ?
  • Was the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki necessary?
  • What were the successes and failures of the women's suffrage movement in the United States?
  • What were the causes of the Civil War?
  • How did Abraham Lincoln's assassination impact the country and reconstruction after the Civil War?
  • Which factors contributed to the colonies winning the American Revolution?
  • What caused Hitler's rise to power?
  • Discuss how a specific invention impacted history.
  • What led to Cleopatra's fall as ruler of Egypt?
  • How has Japan changed and evolved over the centuries?
  • What were the causes of the Rwandan genocide ?


  • Why did Martin Luther decide to split with the Catholic Church?
  • Analyze the history and impact of a well-known cult (Jonestown, Manson family, etc.)
  • How did the sexual abuse scandal impact how people view the Catholic Church?
  • How has the Catholic church's power changed over the past decades/centuries?
  • What are the causes behind the rise in atheism/ agnosticism in the United States?
  • What were the influences in Siddhartha's life resulted in him becoming the Buddha?
  • How has media portrayal of Islam/Muslims changed since September 11th?


  • How has the earth's climate changed in the past few decades?
  • How has the use and elimination of DDT affected bird populations in the US?
  • Analyze how the number and severity of natural disasters have increased in the past few decades.
  • Analyze deforestation rates in a certain area or globally over a period of time.
  • How have past oil spills changed regulations and cleanup methods?
  • How has the Flint water crisis changed water regulation safety?
  • What are the pros and cons of fracking?
  • What impact has the Paris Climate Agreement had so far?
  • What have NASA's biggest successes and failures been?
  • How can we improve access to clean water around the world?
  • Does ecotourism actually have a positive impact on the environment?
  • Should the US rely on nuclear energy more?
  • What can be done to save amphibian species currently at risk of extinction?
  • What impact has climate change had on coral reefs?
  • How are black holes created?
  • Are teens who spend more time on social media more likely to suffer anxiety and/or depression?
  • How will the loss of net neutrality affect internet users?
  • Analyze the history and progress of self-driving vehicles.
  • How has the use of drones changed surveillance and warfare methods?
  • Has social media made people more or less connected?
  • What progress has currently been made with artificial intelligence ?
  • Do smartphones increase or decrease workplace productivity?
  • What are the most effective ways to use technology in the classroom?
  • How is Google search affecting our intelligence?
  • When is the best age for a child to begin owning a smartphone?
  • Has frequent texting reduced teen literacy rates?


How to Write a Great Research Paper

Even great research paper topics won't give you a great research paper if you don't hone your topic before and during the writing process. Follow these three tips to turn good research paper topics into great papers.

#1: Figure Out Your Thesis Early

Before you start writing a single word of your paper, you first need to know what your thesis will be. Your thesis is a statement that explains what you intend to prove/show in your paper. Every sentence in your research paper will relate back to your thesis, so you don't want to start writing without it!

As some examples, if you're writing a research paper on if students learn better in same-sex classrooms, your thesis might be "Research has shown that elementary-age students in same-sex classrooms score higher on standardized tests and report feeling more comfortable in the classroom."

If you're writing a paper on the causes of the Civil War, your thesis might be "While the dispute between the North and South over slavery is the most well-known cause of the Civil War, other key causes include differences in the economies of the North and South, states' rights, and territorial expansion."

#2: Back Every Statement Up With Research

Remember, this is a research paper you're writing, so you'll need to use lots of research to make your points. Every statement you give must be backed up with research, properly cited the way your teacher requested. You're allowed to include opinions of your own, but they must also be supported by the research you give.

#3: Do Your Research Before You Begin Writing

You don't want to start writing your research paper and then learn that there isn't enough research to back up the points you're making, or, even worse, that the research contradicts the points you're trying to make!

Get most of your research on your good research topics done before you begin writing. Then use the research you've collected to create a rough outline of what your paper will cover and the key points you're going to make. This will help keep your paper clear and organized, and it'll ensure you have enough research to produce a strong paper.

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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A student’s guide to undergraduate research

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Originally written by Shiwei Wang for Nature journal in March 2019.

Participating in original research during your undergraduate studies can greatly expand your learning experience. However, finding the project can be a challenging task, so here’s a short but comprehensive guide that can help you get the most out of an undergraduate research opportunity.

Choose the right lab

Learn to think like a scientist. A lot of people start their undergraduate research by glancing at the faculty list and e-mailing multiple professors whose work seems interesting. Although this might get you a position somewhere, it is not the most effective approach. Before looking at labs, dive into the science to find out which areas fascinate you. Read a lot, go to talks, and talk to your professors not just about their classes, but about science in general as well.

Subscribe to e-mail newsletters from journals such as Nature and Science. Try to read research highlights and science news regularly. Podcasts and articles by, for example, Nature, Science, Scientific American or Quanta can also be interesting sources of information. Follow academics, journals and universities on Twitter. Start your undergraduate research by learning more about science, thinking like a scientist and working out what you love.

Look for questions, not subjects. You might have chosen a major to study, but don’t let this limit your search for research labs. Modern labs are interdisciplinary and very different from what you do in undergrad labs. Instead of limiting your search to your department, try to look at labs in all related departments. Choose labs on the basis of the questions they’re trying to answer.

Mentoring is as important as research. Contact group members to learn about your prospective laboratory’s environment. Are the group members close? Is the lab friendly or competitive and condescending? Is the lab head hands-off or hands-on? The size of the group is also important. If you join a small group, you’ll have a higher chance of being mentored directly by your principal investigator, whereas in a big group, you are more likely to be mentored by a postdoctoral researcher or graduate student.

Reach out with confidence. Once you’ve determined that the research programme interests you and the group dynamic is healthy, send the principal investigator an e-mail. Make sure to explain why you’re interested in working in the lab and that you have spoken to other lab members. Be patient if they don’t reply. If you don’t receive a response after a week or so, send a second e-mail or reach out in other ways, such as by asking group members to enquire for you.

undergraduate research project topics

Get the most out of the experience

Start your research with reading, and keep on reading. Usually, the principal investigator will assign you a mentor and a project. Ask for literature to read: learning about the state of the field and why the work is important will help you to push the project forward. Read about your field as well as other, totally unrelated fields. As an undergraduate, you have the freedom to change your major and your future plans. Make sure to strike a balance between reading and conducting experiments. It’s hard to do both at the same time, but it will make you a better scientist.

Set specific goals for yourself and let your mentors know. Think about what you want from your research and how much time you are willing to put in. Besides learning the techniques, do you want to learn how to analyse results and design experiments? Do you want to learn how to write proposals by applying for undergraduate research grants? Do you want to improve your presentation skills by going to conferences? Do you want to potentially finish a project for publication? Working out what you want to achieve will help you to direct your time effectively.

Research takes time. Don’t blame yourself if experiments don’t work or the project is not moving forward as fast as you expected. Science is about failing and trying again. Getting used to and coping with frustration is part of the learning curve of research.

Find a healthy balance. University is already a lot of work, and research will only take up more time. When planning your schedule, try to allocate large blocks of time (whole afternoons or individual days) to research. Rushing through a procedure could be unsafe and will often produce useless results. Always plan extra time for experiments. Consider working less in the lab during exam weeks so you don’t get overwhelmed. Talk to your mentor about your schedule and feelings regularly, so that you can arrange experiments at times that suit you, and you can keep on top of your mental health.

Find financial support. If you wish to do research at your own institution over the summer, your institution might offer funding to cover your expenses. If you want to go to another university, you can apply for funding from that institution’s undergraduate research programme, or from foundations, companies or academic societies. For example, the US National Science Foundation offers a Research Experiences for Undergraduates programme. Universities, foundations and academic societies might also offer grants to cover your travel expense to various conferences. Don’t let money limit what you want to do. Talk to senior students or professors, or search online to find all the opportunities!

Always think about the big picture. Your undergraduate research doesn’t define what you’re going to do after your degree. Keep reading and taking classes outside your comfort zone. Explore and learn as much as possible. Working out what you love is the best preparation you can get for the rest of your career.

Read the full article on the Nature website.

To find a research opportunity at Johns Hopkins University, visit the Hopkins Office of Undergraduate Research website .

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  • 15 March 2019

A student’s guide to undergraduate research

  • Shiwei Wang 0

Shiwei Wang is a junior undergraduate student studying Integrated Science and Chemistry at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. Twitter: @W_Shiwei

You can also search for this author in PubMed   Google Scholar

I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience working in a materials-chemistry laboratory at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, for the past two years. Being able to mix an undergraduate education with original research in a proper laboratory has been a fantastic opportunity.

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This is an article from the Nature Careers Community, a place for Nature readers to share their professional experiences and advice. Guest posts are encouraged. You can get in touch with the editor at [email protected].

Wang, S. et al. Preprint at ChemRxiv (2019).

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As  America’s first research university , we have been tackling difficult questions and finding answers since 1876.

Every day, our faculty and students work side by side in a tireless pursuit of discovery, continuing our founding mission to bring knowledge to the world. Whether you study engineering, chemistry, music, anthropology, or all of the above, every student here—no matter his or her major—is an investigator.

You can find research in whatever field you want because everyone here is doing some sort of research, and you can help out.


Explore supernovae alongside a Nobel laureate. Learn how to make music with lasers . Create devices that will save lives in impoverished countries . Take a grand tour of the cities that inspired some of the Western world’s great thinkers—Venice, Florence, Paris, or London.

At Hopkins, you can do all of the above. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

Headshots of Kyra Bowden and Grace Luettgen.

Two juniors named Goldwater Scholars

15 students smile for a group photo.

Program funds undergraduate summer research experiences

Kendra Brewer

Rising senior earns Beinecke Scholarship

Programs & fellowships.

  • Provost’s Undergraduate Research Awards : Receive up to $3,000 and be paired with a full-time faculty sponsor for research on any topic of your choosing
  • Woodrow Wilson Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program : Engage in hands-on, independent learning with faculty mentors and receive funding of up to $10,000 over four years
  • ASPIRE grants : Promote independent research projects among undergrads in the School of Arts and Sciences; awards range from $500 to $4,500 per academic year

Learn more:

  • Hopkins Office of Undergraduate Research
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Sample Project Proposals

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Check out a few sample grant proposals below. Read ones annotated with reviewer notes (even if the topic is outside your area of interest) to learn what reviewers look for. You can also see also how resubmitted proposals respond to reviewer comments.

Please note that these proposals serve as exemplars for students applying for VPUE Student Grants. They may not be copied, retained, or distributed, and their use is subject to the Stanford Honor Code.

**To view the following samples, Stanford affiliates will be required to login with their SUNET ID. Individuals external to Stanford will not be granted access to these proposals and any requests for access will be automatically declined/deleted. **

  • Arts, Creative Project, Visual Arts, Major Grant ( S. Bedford )
  • Arts, Creative Writing, Chappell Lougee Scholarship ( J. Kim )
  • Arts, Creative Writing, Chappell Lougee Scholarship, annotated (w/ remote plan) ( L. Laniyan )
  • Arts, Music, Theater, Small Grant, annotated ( T. Pauly )
  • Humanities, English, Major Grant ( J. Schaffer )
  • Humanities, History, Chappell Lougee Scholarship, annotated (w/ remote plan) ( A. Kassam )
  • Humanities, History, Major Grant, annotated ( J. Sonnenberg )
  • Humanities, Religious Studies, Small Grant, annotated ( L. Funk )
  • Humanities, Classics, Chappell Lougee Scholarship ( S. Beller )
  • STEM, Biology, Major Grant, annotated ( J. Bui )
  • STEM, Biology, Major Grant, annotated (w/ remote plan) ( S. Kong )
  • STEM, Biology, Small Grant ( J. McGregor )
  • STEM, Chemical Engineering, Major Grant ( J. O'Leary )
  • STEM, Geological and Environmental Sciences, Major Grant, annotated ( V. Rosen )
  • STEM, Geological and Environmental Sciences, Small Grant, annotated ( C. Kremer )
  • STEM, Mathematics, Major Grant, annotated (w/ remote plan) ( M. Stevens )
  • STEM, Physics, Major Grant ( J. Chaves )
  • Senior Synthesis Project, Small Grant, annotated ( J. O'Leary )
  • Social Science, Anthropology, Chappell Lougee Scholarship ( N. Follmann )
  • Social Science, CDDRL, Small Grant ( A. Schickele )
  • Social Science, Psychology, Major Grant, annotated ( C. Eggleston )
  • Social Science, Sociology, Chappell Lougee Scholarship, annotated (w/ remote plan) ( A. Gomez )
  • Social Science, Urban Studies, Major Grant, annotated ( K. Parish )


Undergraduate Research

Choosing a topic, developing a research question.

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For your capstone or other research project, you are required to choose your own topic. Here are some things to keep in mind as you begin to brainstorm a topic:

  • Your topic must be academic in nature. 
  • Make sure it is something that you like and are interested in. You will be working with this topic and your research question in depth as you complete your capstone project. 

Topics can be found in a number of places, though sometimes it can be difficult to narrow a focus or know where to start. The following are places to look for inspiration: 

  • Is there a topic that you would like to study but haven't yet had the chance to do so in one of your classes or one that you haven't had a chance to research in depth? Your capstone project would be a good opportunity to learn!
  • Explore the newest online edition of Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences . Simply click on the table of contents to view the latest trends in interdisciplinary research.
  • Browse news sources to see what types of topics are being discussed for a starting point. For a list of news sources Bentley Library has access to consult our  Current News Resources   Research Guide .
  • Review top journals in a field you are interested in to see what topics other scholars and researchers are focusing on. To identify these journals, use  Cabell's Directories , Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory ,  and  Journal Citation Reports . 
  • Explore some of our library databases by doing searches on a topic to see what information is out there. The following might be especially helpful to get you started:

Current Bentley credentials required for off-campus use.

Each week, the CQ Researcher examines an issue of compelling public interest. All CQ reports include an abstract, chronology, extensive bibliography and notes, and an outlook. A sidebar includes reports related to the latest topic, and the full text of past reports can be searched via the CQ search function or the cumulative index.

Don't forget to keep track of all of the sources you consult along the way in developing your topic and doing preliminary research! Visit this page for some tips on how to keep track of your sources .

Once you have a topic, the next step is to develop a research question. Your advisor will be helping you along the way but here are some things to consider in developing a good research question.

Good research questions are  open-ended , meaning they do not necessarily have a simple yes or no answer and require you to consult a number of sources. Some research questions involve investigating a cause and effect, comparing two or more ideas, or measuring efficacy though there are many different types of questions to be asked.

Brainstorming and doing preliminary research can help you come up with ideas for aspects of your topic you would like to explore further.

If you have a large topic, you may need to narrow your research and question to be more manageable due to time constraints and resources available. One suggestion is to focus on a specific aspect of the topic such as:

  • Geographic area
  • Population demographic (i.e. age range, sex, ethnicity, profession, etc.)

Keep in mind the reverse can also be true - sometimes you can have a question that is  too  specific that will need to be opened up a bit more to become workable.

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Why conduct undergraduate research?

Discover first-hand how research contributes to the advancement of human knowledge. Experience a change of pace from formal classroom activities and gain skills applicable to both research and non-research careers. Studies show that students who engage in research are twice as likely to graduate, five-times more likely to go on to graduate school, and have more successful careers after graduation.

Various opportunities are available for students to pursue a research experience during their Purdue undergraduate career:

  • On-campus and off-campus
  • Academic year and summer
  • Credit and non-credit
  • University and industry
  • Domestic and international

In addition to this webpage, there are many resources on the OUR website that can help you in your search for undergraduate research opportunities.

Step 1: Define your interests

  • Which subject areas interest you the most?
  • Which topics in your coursework or outside interests appeal to you?
  • Do you have a specific project in mind?
  • Do you want to discover what existing opportunities are available?

You will spend a lot of time and effort on research – and your research advisor will expend significant time and resources to mentor you – so you need to find a project that excites you. The experience will not be enjoyable or as productive if it is only to build your resumé/CV or to earn academic credit. A research project can require a greater time commitment than another class.

Step 2: Identify possible research mentors

Locating a research mentor takes some work and here are various methods you can use to identify potential.

  • Browse Purdue websites (including the Office of Undergraduate Research website) to learn about faculty and staff in your area(s) of interest. Most faculty and staff have websites with their research interests and CVs.   Search sites like and for additional background information.
  • Ask current or previous undergraduate researchers about their projects and mentors.
  • Ask your professors and teaching assistants for suggestions and recommendations.
  • Attend scholarly and research seminars hosted by colleges, departments, and other campus offices. Look at the schedule ahead of time and do background research on the topic and/or presenter(s) to get a better idea of the project.
  • Read news articles to learn what is happening across campus and find out about new research projects and grants. Follow websites and social media for the Office of Undergraduate Research, Purdue Exponent, Purdue Libraries, John Martinson Honors College, and your college and department.
  • Talk with individuals in the department(s) of interest including academic advisors, faculty, staff, undergraduate students, and graduate students. If a class topic interests you, discuss your interest with the instructor or your academic advisor.

Step 3: Meet your potential research mentors

  • Read faculty or staff pages on Purdue’s website.
  • Search each potential research mentor using Purdue Libraries or  Google Scholar .

Tip: Go one step further and search co-authors on papers for potential mentors.

  • Remember email etiquette when contacting potential research mentors keeping in mind being respectful and polite .
  • Take the time to write an individualized email to each potential research mentor.  It is another step that indicates your specific interest in their work rather than bulk emails that are obviously written with the purpose of finding any opportunity.
  • Be sure they understand you are contacting a few potential research mentors to learn about various research projects in your area of interest. This will help convey to them you are seeking the best fit for your interests and abilities and they could offer other suggestions.
  • Be specific in your email about your interests and why you are contacting them – to talk about their research program and your professional goals.
  • If a lab manager, postdoc, and/or graduate student work in the potential research mentor’s program, you can express that you would welcome the opportunity to speak with whoever is available.
  • In your initial email, do not ask if they will mentor you or fund your research project – this will come up during or after the first meeting.

Be prepared

  • Show up slightly early to ensure that you are not late.
  • Practice your “ elevator pitch ,” which includes why you are interested in a research experience and in their particular program. It should not last more than a few minutes.
  • Be sure to cover your interest in getting involved with their research program.
  • Follow-up . You want to make sure that a great conversation continues. You should send a thank you note/email to acknowledge their time and to elaborate on why you would enjoy working with them. Also, you should follow-up with anything that was requested of you during the meeting, such as a recommendation contact or a writing sample.

What questions to consider asking faculty?

Here are several appropriate questions you could ask:

  • Do you have a research project that needs an undergraduate student’s help?
  • How did you get involved with this particular area of research?
  • Where does funding come from for your research?  (Only ask if you were unable to find this information online.)
  • What are the typical responsibilities for undergraduate students engaged in your research?  And what are your expectations of them?
  • What skills or characteristics do you expect an undergraduate to have before beginning a project with you?
  • Are there specific courses you suggest that I take?  Or skills that I should develop?
  • Do you have any suggestions for other research mentors for me to contact?

Step 4: Select a research mentor and start work on a project

  • Search for available funding opportunities
  • Talk with your new research advisor about the possibility of earning academic credit for your participation. Departments use variable course titles (ex. 39XXX, 49XXX, or 59XXX) and follow the guideline of 1 credit for every 3 hours/week of research.
  • Complete the Undergraduate Research Learning Contract  ( PDF of contract for discussion ) with your research mentor. This does not register you for your course credit.
  • Complete Responsible Conduct of Research training.

Common Question: I am new to research and cannot find a research project, but I am still really wanting to start on a project? What should I do? Do researchers take undergrads without experience?

Yes, researchers do take undergraduates without much experience - we all start somewhere. However, it can take time to locate those who fit your interests AND are available, looking for new students, and can train students in their area. 

There are some other options to consider if you are starting out in your research career to gain skills and experience in an area such as:

  • A student work position that is within a department/unit/lab/center that is connected to research that you are interested in working with. You never know through the power of networks if you could then be the next undergraduate researcher, but you will have a skillset to market.
  • A CURE (course-based undergraduate research experience) where an authentic research question/project is worked on throughout a course and you are learning research skills to employ in the project.
  • A summer research position at Purdue or at other institutions where some programs emphasize hiring students without research experience. Most programs begin opening their applications in Nov/Dec preceding the summer of the experience. You can focus on searching and applying to summer programs.
  • A campus department that could be working on a project area that you are interested in and would like to provide support in a research capacity. Departments could have a list of potential research questions they would like to consider, but they may not have the students who have expressed interest.
  • A community organization that may have similar interests that you share that you could work with on projects with the guidance of an expert as a mentor, either in the organization or a Purdue researcher.
  • A student organization that has research projects as part of their regular activities.

Dr. Jianming Li in the College of Veterinary Medicine has created a "Tips" sheet from a faculty member's perspective on what undergraduate students should consider and do if they want to complete an undergraduate research experience.

SAGE Research Methods  has a lot of information that could be useful in your search for opportunities and beginning a research project.

(Some information adopted from the University of Missouri's undergraduate research office website.)

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Published by Robert Bruce at August 29th, 2023 , Revised On September 5, 2023

Biology Research Topics

Are you in need of captivating and achievable research topics within the field of biology? Your quest for the best biology topics ends right here as this article furnishes you with 100 distinctive and original concepts for biology research, laying the groundwork for your research endeavor.

Table of Contents

Our proficient researchers have thoughtfully curated these biology research themes, considering the substantial body of literature accessible and the prevailing gaps in research.

Should none of these topics elicit enthusiasm, our specialists are equally capable of proposing tailor-made research ideas in biology, finely tuned to cater to your requirements. 

Thus, without further delay, we present our compilation of biology research topics crafted to accommodate students and researchers.

Research Topics in Marine Biology

  • Impact of climate change on coral reef ecosystems.
  • Biodiversity and adaptation of deep-sea organisms.
  • Effects of pollution on marine life and ecosystems.
  • Role of marine protected areas in conserving biodiversity.
  • Microplastics in marine environments: sources, impacts, and mitigation.

Biological Anthropology Research Topics

  • Evolutionary implications of early human migration patterns.
  • Genetic and environmental factors influencing human height variation.
  • Cultural evolution and its impact on human societies.
  • Paleoanthropological insights into human dietary adaptations.
  • Genetic diversity and population history of indigenous communities.

Biological Psychology Research Topics 

  • Neurobiological basis of addiction and its treatment.
  • Impact of stress on brain structure and function.
  • Genetic and environmental influences on mental health disorders.
  • Neural mechanisms underlying emotions and emotional regulation.
  • Role of the gut-brain axis in psychological well-being.

Cancer Biology Research Topics 

  • Targeted therapies in precision cancer medicine.
  • Tumor microenvironment and its influence on cancer progression.
  • Epigenetic modifications in cancer development and therapy.
  • Immune checkpoint inhibitors and their role in cancer immunotherapy.
  • Early detection and diagnosis strategies for various types of cancer.

Also read: Cancer research topics

Cell Biology Research Topics

  • Mechanisms of autophagy and its implications in health and disease.
  • Intracellular transport and organelle dynamics in cell function.
  • Role of cell signaling pathways in cellular response to external stimuli.
  • Cell cycle regulation and its relevance to cancer development.
  • Cellular mechanisms of apoptosis and programmed cell death.

Developmental Biology Research Topics 

  • Genetic and molecular basis of limb development in vertebrates.
  • Evolution of embryonic development and its impact on morphological diversity.
  • Stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine approaches.
  • Mechanisms of organogenesis and tissue regeneration in animals.
  • Role of non-coding RNAs in developmental processes.

Also read: Education research topics

Human Biology Research Topics

  • Genetic factors influencing susceptibility to infectious diseases.
  • Human microbiome and its impact on health and disease.
  • Genetic basis of rare and common human diseases.
  • Genetic and environmental factors contributing to aging.
  • Impact of lifestyle and diet on human health and longevity.

Molecular Biology Research Topics 

  • CRISPR-Cas gene editing technology and its applications.
  • Non-coding RNAs as regulators of gene expression.
  • Role of epigenetics in gene regulation and disease.
  • Mechanisms of DNA repair and genome stability.
  • Molecular basis of cellular metabolism and energy production.

Research Topics in Biology for Undergraduates

  • 41. Investigating the effects of pollutants on local plant species.
  • Microbial diversity and ecosystem functioning in a specific habitat.
  • Understanding the genetics of antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
  • Impact of urbanization on bird populations and biodiversity.
  • Investigating the role of pheromones in insect communication.

Synthetic Biology Research Topics 

  • Design and construction of synthetic biological circuits.
  • Synthetic biology applications in biofuel production.
  • Ethical considerations in synthetic biology research and applications.
  • Synthetic biology approaches to engineering novel enzymes.
  • Creating synthetic organisms with modified functions and capabilities.

Animal Biology Research Topics 

  • Evolution of mating behaviors in animal species.
  • Genetic basis of color variation in butterfly wings.
  • Impact of habitat fragmentation on amphibian populations.
  • Behavior and communication in social insect colonies.
  • Adaptations of marine mammals to aquatic environments.

Also read: Nursing research topics

Best Biology Research Topics 

  • Unraveling the mysteries of circadian rhythms in organisms.
  • Investigating the ecological significance of cryptic coloration.
  • Evolution of venomous animals and their prey.
  • The role of endosymbiosis in the evolution of eukaryotic cells.
  • Exploring the potential of extremophiles in biotechnology.

Biological Psychology Research Paper Topics

  • Neurobiological mechanisms underlying memory formation.
  • Impact of sleep disorders on cognitive function and mental health.
  • Biological basis of personality traits and behavior.
  • Neural correlates of emotions and emotional disorders.
  • Role of neuroplasticity in brain recovery after injury.

Biological Science Research Topics: 

  • Role of gut microbiota in immune system development.
  • Molecular mechanisms of gene regulation during development.
  • Impact of climate change on insect population dynamics.
  • Genetic basis of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.
  • Evolutionary relationships among vertebrate species based on DNA analysis.

Biology Education Research Topics 

  • Effectiveness of inquiry-based learning in biology classrooms.
  • Assessing the impact of virtual labs on student understanding of biology concepts.
  • Gender disparities in science education and strategies for closing the gap.
  • Role of outdoor education in enhancing students’ ecological awareness.
  • Integrating technology in biology education: challenges and opportunities.

Biology-Related Research Topics

  • The intersection of ecology and economics in conservation planning.
  • Molecular basis of antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria.
  • Implications of genetic modification of crops for food security.
  • Evolutionary perspectives on cooperation and altruism in animal behavior.
  • Environmental impacts of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Biology Research Proposal Topics

  • Investigating the role of microRNAs in cancer progression.
  • Exploring the effects of pollution on aquatic biodiversity.
  • Developing a gene therapy approach for a genetic disorder.
  • Assessing the potential of natural compounds as anti-inflammatory agents.
  • Studying the molecular basis of cellular senescence and aging.

Biology Research Topic Ideas

  • Role of pheromones in insect mate selection and behavior.
  • Investigating the molecular basis of neurodevelopmental disorders.
  • Impact of climate change on plant-pollinator interactions.
  • Genetic diversity and conservation of endangered species.
  • Evolutionary patterns in mimicry and camouflage in organisms.

Biology Research Topics for Undergraduates 

  • Effects of different fertilizers on plant growth and soil health.
  • Investigating the biodiversity of a local freshwater ecosystem.
  • Evolutionary origins of a specific animal adaptation.
  • Genetic diversity and disease susceptibility in human populations.
  • Role of specific genes in regulating the immune response.

Cell and Molecular Biology Research Topics 

  • Molecular mechanisms of DNA replication and repair.
  • Role of microRNAs in post-transcriptional gene regulation.
  • Investigating the cell cycle and its control mechanisms.
  • Molecular basis of mitochondrial diseases and therapies.
  • Cellular responses to oxidative stress and their implications in ageing.

These topics cover a broad range of subjects within biology, offering plenty of options for research projects. Remember that you can further refine these topics based on your specific interests and research goals.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are some good research topics in biology?

A good research topic in biology will address a specific problem in any of the several areas of biology, such as marine biology, molecular biology, cellular biology, animal biology, or cancer biology.

A topic that enables you to investigate a problem in any area of biology will help you make a meaningful contribution. 

How to choose a research topic in biology?

Choosing a research topic in biology is simple. 

Follow the steps:

  • Generate potential topics. 
  • Consider your areas of knowledge and personal passions. 
  • Conduct a thorough review of existing literature.
  •  Evaluate the practicality and viability. 
  • Narrow down and refine your research query. 
  • Remain receptive to new ideas and suggestions.

Who Are We?

For several years, Research Prospect has been offering students around the globe complimentary research topic suggestions. We aim to assist students in choosing a research topic that is both suitable and feasible for their project, leading to the attainment of their desired grades. Explore how our services, including research proposal writing , dissertation outline creation, and comprehensive thesis writing , can contribute to your college’s success.

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Undergraduate Research/Creative Projects

At many schools, students receive the opportunity to do intensive and self-directed research or creative work that results in an original scholarly paper or other product that can be formally presented on or off campus. They may work independently or in small teams and are typically mentored by a faculty member. In spring and summer 2023, we invited college presidents, chief academic officers, deans of students and deans of admissions from more than 1,500 schools to nominate up to 15 institutions with stellar examples of undergraduate research/creative projects. Colleges and universities that received 10 or more nominations are ranked here. Read the methodology »

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undergraduate research project topics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge, MA

  • #1 in Undergraduate Research/Creative Projects
  • #2 in National Universities

Though the Massachusetts Institute of Technology may be best known for its math, science and engineering education, this private research university also offers architecture, humanities, management and social science programs. The school is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just across the Charles River from downtown Boston.

(fall 2022)

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undergraduate research project topics

Carnegie Mellon University

Pittsburgh, PA

  • #2 in Undergraduate Research/Creative Projects
  • #24 in National Universities  (tie)

Carnegie Mellon University, a private institution in Pittsburgh, is the country’s only school founded by industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. The school specializes in academic areas including engineering, business, computer science and fine arts.

undergraduate research project topics

California Institute of Technology

Pasadena, CA

  • #3 in Undergraduate Research/Creative Projects
  • #7 in National Universities  (tie)

The California Institute of Technology focuses on science and engineering education and has a low student-to-faculty ratio of 3:1. This private institution in Pasadena, California, is actively involved in research projects with grants from NASA, the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

undergraduate research project topics

Harvard University

  • #4 in Undergraduate Research/Creative Projects
  • #3 in National Universities  (tie)

Harvard University is a private institution in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just outside of Boston. This Ivy League school is the oldest higher education institution in the country and has the largest endowment of any school in the world.

undergraduate research project topics

Princeton University

Princeton, NJ

  • #5 in Undergraduate Research/Creative Projects  (tie)
  • #1 in National Universities

The ivy-covered campus of Princeton University, a private institution, is located in the quiet town of Princeton, New Jersey. Princeton was the first university to offer a "no loan" policy to financially needy students, giving grants instead of loans to accepted students who need help paying tuition.

undergraduate research project topics

University of Michigan--Ann Arbor

Ann Arbor, MI

  • #21 in National Universities

The university boasts of Ann Arbor, only 45 minutes from Detroit, as one of the best college towns in the U.S. Freshmen are guaranteed housing but not required to live on campus. Students can join one of the school’s more than 1,500 student organizations or 62 Greek chapters. Athletics play a central role at Michigan, including the football team’s fierce rivalry with Ohio State. Michigan also offers highly ranked graduate programs, including the Stephen M. Ross School of Business, College of Engineering, Law School and Medical School, in addition to the well-regarded School of Dentistry and Taubman College for Architecture and Urban Planning. The University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers is ranked among the top hospitals in the country.


undergraduate research project topics

Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta, GA

  • #7 in Undergraduate Research/Creative Projects  (tie)
  • #33 in National Universities  (tie)

Georgia Tech, located in the heart of Atlanta, offers a wide range of student activities. The Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets, an NCAA Division I team, compete in the Atlantic Coast Conference and have a fierce rivalry with the University of Georgia. Since 1961, the football team has been led onto the field at home games by the Ramblin' Wreck, a restored 1930 Model A Ford Sport Coupe. Georgia Tech has a small but vibrant Greek community. Freshmen are offered housing, but aren't required to live on campus. In addition to its campuses in Atlanta and Savannah, Georgia Tech has campuses in France, Ireland, Costa Rica, Singapore and China.

undergraduate research project topics

Stanford University

Stanford, CA

The sunny campus of Stanford University is located in California’s Bay Area, about 30 miles from San Francisco. The private institution stresses a multidisciplinary combination of teaching, learning, and research, and students have many opportunities to get involved in research projects.

undergraduate research project topics

Yale University

New Haven, CT

  • #9 in Undergraduate Research/Creative Projects
  • #5 in National Universities

Yale University, located in New Haven, Connecticut, offers a small college life with the resources of a major research institution. Yale students are divided into 14 residential colleges that foster a supportive environment for living, learning and socializing.

undergraduate research project topics

Johns Hopkins University

Baltimore, MD

  • #10 in Undergraduate Research/Creative Projects
  • #9 in National Universities  (tie)

Johns Hopkins University is a private institution in Baltimore that offers a wide array of academic programs in the arts, humanities, social and natural sciences, and engineering disciplines. The Hopkins Blue Jays men’s lacrosse team is consistently dominant in the NCAA Division I; other sports teams at Hopkins compete at the Division III level.

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50+ Research Topics for Psychology Papers

How to Find Psychology Research Topics for Your Student Paper

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

undergraduate research project topics

Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital.

undergraduate research project topics

  • Specific Branches of Psychology
  • Topics Involving a Disorder or Type of Therapy
  • Human Cognition
  • Human Development
  • Critique of Publications
  • Famous Experiments
  • Historical Figures
  • Specific Careers
  • Case Studies
  • Literature Reviews
  • Your Own Study/Experiment

Are you searching for a great topic for your psychology paper ? Sometimes it seems like coming up with topics of psychology research is more challenging than the actual research and writing. Fortunately, there are plenty of great places to find inspiration and the following list contains just a few ideas to help get you started.

Finding a solid topic is one of the most important steps when writing any type of paper. It can be particularly important when you are writing a psychology research paper or essay. Psychology is such a broad topic, so you want to find a topic that allows you to adequately cover the subject without becoming overwhelmed with information.

I can always tell when a student really cares about the topic they chose; it comes through in the writing. My advice is to choose a topic that genuinely interests you, so you’ll be more motivated to do thorough research.

In some cases, such as in a general psychology class, you might have the option to select any topic from within psychology's broad reach. Other instances, such as in an  abnormal psychology  course, might require you to write your paper on a specific subject such as a psychological disorder.

As you begin your search for a topic for your psychology paper, it is first important to consider the guidelines established by your instructor.

Research Topics Within Specific Branches of Psychology

The key to selecting a good topic for your psychology paper is to select something that is narrow enough to allow you to really focus on the subject, but not so narrow that it is difficult to find sources or information to write about.

One approach is to narrow your focus down to a subject within a specific branch of psychology. For example, you might start by deciding that you want to write a paper on some sort of social psychology topic. Next, you might narrow your focus down to how persuasion can be used to influence behavior .

Other social psychology topics you might consider include:

  • Prejudice and discrimination (i.e., homophobia, sexism, racism)
  • Social cognition
  • Person perception
  • Social control and cults
  • Persuasion, propaganda, and marketing
  • Attraction, romance, and love
  • Nonverbal communication
  • Prosocial behavior

Psychology Research Topics Involving a Disorder or Type of Therapy

Exploring a psychological disorder or a specific treatment modality can also be a good topic for a psychology paper. Some potential abnormal psychology topics include specific psychological disorders or particular treatment modalities, including:

  • Eating disorders
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Seasonal affective disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Antisocial personality disorder
  • Profile a  type of therapy  (i.e., cognitive-behavioral therapy, group therapy, psychoanalytic therapy)

Topics of Psychology Research Related to Human Cognition

Some of the possible topics you might explore in this area include thinking, language, intelligence, and decision-making. Other ideas might include:

  • False memories
  • Speech disorders
  • Problem-solving

Topics of Psychology Research Related to Human Development

In this area, you might opt to focus on issues pertinent to  early childhood  such as language development, social learning, or childhood attachment or you might instead opt to concentrate on issues that affect older adults such as dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

Some other topics you might consider include:

  • Language acquisition
  • Media violence and children
  • Learning disabilities
  • Gender roles
  • Child abuse
  • Prenatal development
  • Parenting styles
  • Aspects of the aging process

Do a Critique of Publications Involving Psychology Research Topics

One option is to consider writing a critique paper of a published psychology book or academic journal article. For example, you might write a critical analysis of Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of Dreams or you might evaluate a more recent book such as Philip Zimbardo's  The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil .

Professional and academic journals are also great places to find materials for a critique paper. Browse through the collection at your university library to find titles devoted to the subject that you are most interested in, then look through recent articles until you find one that grabs your attention.

Topics of Psychology Research Related to Famous Experiments

There have been many fascinating and groundbreaking experiments throughout the history of psychology, providing ample material for students looking for an interesting term paper topic. In your paper, you might choose to summarize the experiment, analyze the ethics of the research, or evaluate the implications of the study. Possible experiments that you might consider include:

  • The Milgram Obedience Experiment
  • The Stanford Prison Experiment
  • The Little Albert Experiment
  • Pavlov's Conditioning Experiments
  • The Asch Conformity Experiment
  • Harlow's Rhesus Monkey Experiments

Topics of Psychology Research About Historical Figures

One of the simplest ways to find a great topic is to choose an interesting person in the  history of psychology  and write a paper about them. Your paper might focus on many different elements of the individual's life, such as their biography, professional history, theories, or influence on psychology.

While this type of paper may be historical in nature, there is no need for this assignment to be dry or boring. Psychology is full of fascinating figures rife with intriguing stories and anecdotes. Consider such famous individuals as Sigmund Freud, B.F. Skinner, Harry Harlow, or one of the many other  eminent psychologists .

Psychology Research Topics About a Specific Career

​Another possible topic, depending on the course in which you are enrolled, is to write about specific career paths within the  field of psychology . This type of paper is especially appropriate if you are exploring different subtopics or considering which area interests you the most.

In your paper, you might opt to explore the typical duties of a psychologist, how much people working in these fields typically earn, and the different employment options that are available.

Topics of Psychology Research Involving Case Studies

One potentially interesting idea is to write a  psychology case study  of a particular individual or group of people. In this type of paper, you will provide an in-depth analysis of your subject, including a thorough biography.

Generally, you will also assess the person, often using a major psychological theory such as  Piaget's stages of cognitive development  or  Erikson's eight-stage theory of human development . It is also important to note that your paper doesn't necessarily have to be about someone you know personally.

In fact, many professors encourage students to write case studies on historical figures or fictional characters from books, television programs, or films.

Psychology Research Topics Involving Literature Reviews

Another possibility that would work well for a number of psychology courses is to do a literature review of a specific topic within psychology. A literature review involves finding a variety of sources on a particular subject, then summarizing and reporting on what these sources have to say about the topic.

Literature reviews are generally found in the  introduction  of journal articles and other  psychology papers , but this type of analysis also works well for a full-scale psychology term paper.

Topics of Psychology Research Based on Your Own Study or Experiment

Many psychology courses require students to design an actual psychological study or perform some type of experiment. In some cases, students simply devise the study and then imagine the possible results that might occur. In other situations, you may actually have the opportunity to collect data, analyze your findings, and write up your results.

Finding a topic for your study can be difficult, but there are plenty of great ways to come up with intriguing ideas. Start by considering your own interests as well as subjects you have studied in the past.

Online sources, newspaper articles, books , journal articles, and even your own class textbook are all great places to start searching for topics for your experiments and psychology term papers. Before you begin, learn more about  how to conduct a psychology experiment .

What This Means For You

After looking at this brief list of possible topics for psychology papers, it is easy to see that psychology is a very broad and diverse subject. While this variety makes it possible to find a topic that really catches your interest, it can sometimes make it very difficult for some students to select a good topic.

If you are still stumped by your assignment, ask your instructor for suggestions and consider a few from this list for inspiration.

  • Hockenbury, SE & Nolan, SA. Psychology. New York: Worth Publishers; 2014.
  • Santrock, JW. A Topical Approach to Lifespan Development. New York: McGraw-Hill Education; 2016.

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

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Research projects suitable for undergraduates

What follows is a sample, provided by members of the faculty, of mathematical research projects where undergraduate students in the honors program in mathematics could participate. Interested students should contact either the faculty members directly, one of the honors advisors: professors Al Novikoff or Steve Childress .

A joint research project of Helmut Hofer and Esteban Tabak studies the behavior of Hamiltonian flows on a prescribed energy surface. Computer experiments using symplectic integrators could give some new insight. Such a project would be ideal for a team of an undergraduate and a graduate student. Codes would be developed and experiments would be conducted, shedding new light on the intriguing dynamics of these flows.

Charles Newman has recently studied zero-temperature stochastic dynamics of Ising models with a quenched (i.e., random) initial configuration. When the Ising models are disordered (e.g., a spin glass), there are a host of open problems in statistical physics which could be profitably investigated via Monte Carlo simulations by students (graduate and undergraduate) without an extensive background in the field. For example, on a two-dimensional square lattice, in the +/- J spin glass model, it is known that some sites flip forever and some don't; what happens in dimension three?

Current experiments in the Applied Mathematics Laboratory (WetLab/VisLab) include one project on dynamics of friction, and another involving the interaction of fluid flow with deformable bodies. Gathering data, mathematical modeling, and data analysis all provide excellent opportunities for undergraduate research experiences. In the friction experiment of Steve Childress, for example, the formulation and numerical solution of simplified models of stick/slip dynamics gives exposure to modern concepts of dynamical systems, computer graphics and analysis, and the mathematics of numerical analysis.

Marco Avellaneda's current research in mathematical finance demands econometric data to establish a basis for mathematical modeling and computation. The collection and analysis of such data could be done by undergraduates. The idea is to get comprehensive historical price data from several sources and perform empirical analysis of the correlation matrices between different price shocks in the same economy. The goal of the project is to map the ``principal components'' of the major markets.

Joel Spencer is studying the enumeration of connected graphs with given numbers of vertices and edges. The approach turns asymptotically into certain questions about Brownian motion. Much of the asymptotic calculation is suitable for undergraduates, while the subtleties of going to the Brownian limit would need a more advanced student.

A joint project of David McLaughlin, Michael Shelley, and Robert Shapley (Professor, Center for Neural Science, NYU) is developing a computer model of the area V1 of the monkey's primary visual cortex. Simplifications of this complex network model can provide projects for advanced undergraduate students, giving excellent exposure to mathematical and computational modeling, as well as to biological experiment and observation.

Peter Lax has carried out many numerical experiments with dispersive systems, and with systems modeling shock waves. The basic theory of these equations is well within the grasp of interested undergraduates, and calculations can reveal new phenomena.

A joint research project of David Holland and Esteban Tabak investigates ocean circulation at regional, basinal and global scales. Their approach is based on a combination of numerical and analytical techniques. There is an opportunity within this framework for undergraduate and graduate students to work together to further develop the simplified analytical and numerical models so as to gain insight into various mechanisms underlying and controlling ocean circulation.

Aspects of Lai-Sang Young's work in dynamical systems, chaos, and fractal geometry are suitable for undergraduate research projects. Simple analytic tools for iterations are accessible to students. Research in this area brings together material the undergraduate student has just learned from his or her classes. With proper guidance, this can be a meaningful scientific experience with the possibility of new discoveries.

David McLaughlin and Jalal Shatah's work on dynamical systems provides opportunities for undergraduate research experiences. For instance, the study of normal forms and resonances can be simplified to require only calculus and linear algebra. Thus undergraduate students can study analytically what is resonant in a given physical system, as well as its concrete consequences on qualitative behavior.

Leslie Greengard and Marsha Berger's work on adaptive computational methods plays an increasingly critical role in scientific computing and simulation. There are a number of opportunities for undergraduate involvement in this research. These range from designing algorithms for parallel computing to using large-scale simulation for the investigation of basic questions in fluid mechanics and materials science.


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A Survival Guide to Summer Research

Sam Lavoie

Let’s face it. The idea of conducting research for the first time can be simultaneously one of the most terrifying and exciting prospects in one’s college career. Whether you plan to pursue a career in research and development, industry, or something completely different, the skills gained through undergraduate research are invaluable. But where do you start?

This is exactly what I was asking myself after my Research Experience and Apprenticeship Program (REAP) proposal was accepted last year. My project involved the conversion of carbon dioxide into methane through catalysis. My job was to synthesize different catalysts containing varying nickel, titanium dioxide, and varying weight percentages of heteropoly acids to determine its effect on increasing the amount of carbon dioxide converted. Despite having done hours of research to understand the topic enough to write a proposal essay, I still had some doubts about whether I was truly qualified. After completing my project, I can safely say that any similar thoughts you may be experiencing are unfounded.  There were several things that made the learning curve much smoother for me. . While not required, these steps may be beneficial to keep in mind as you begin to embark on your own summer research experience.

Prior to research:

If commuting to campus, get a summer parking permit. It can provide peace of mind to not worry about getting a parking permit at the last second. There are also options for summer on-campus housing if that is preferred.

Clearly outline what your goals are. Depending on the type of research project, this could include minimum amounts of data collected, a certain number of experiments run, the hours you plan to work, etc. Ask your mentor what their expectations are to ensure your goals are aligned.

Create an organizational system. For me, this was one of the first times I had to juggle multiple projects simultaneously outside of school. This can quickly become overwhelming. It is important to organize your time and materials in a way that makes sense to you. For me, this involved a research folder for physical documents and a research computer file with Word documents and Excel sheets. Create backups of any files if possible.

Continue learning. Before your project begins, continue to educate yourself as much as possible on your topic of choice. The UNH library has countless databases filled with scholarly articles that likely align with your research topic. They may provide useful insight on how other professionals explore these ideas or what questions are pertinent.

During your research:

Now for the exciting part. Here are the practices I found most useful for efficient research.

Plan each week. This is a 10-week process. It can be very difficult to utilize your time effectively if you are figuring it out as you go. Once you have a solid understanding of the tasks you do, write down what you hope to accomplish before beginning each week.

planner page

This is an example from one of my own weekly plans. Even writing a simple plan made me more motivated to complete tasks. I also used a weekly planner to mark important dates, created folders on my computer to make files easy to retrieve, and backed up my files as much as possible. If you ever need to revisit your work months or years later, it is extremely helpful for it to have its own reliable spot.

Document everything. This goes along with planning to some degree, but write down everything you do, even if it seems inconsequential. There are several reasons for this. First, it will greatly help diagnosing errors if results do not make sense or do not meet expectations. When I was having a problem getting my catalyst to form properly, being able to review every step of the process was invaluable to determine the issue, which was slightly too much deionized water being added. Second, if your results are statistically significant, or if you publish your results, understanding exactly what you did to achieve certain results is crucial. Finally, it will assist with writing your project summary once your summer is complete.

Communication is key. If ever you feel stuck or have concerns about anything related to your project, express them to your mentor. No one expects you to solve every problem alone, and whether it be by email, zoom, or in person, mentors are usually happy to assist in any way they can.

Once your research experience is over:

Congratulations! Hopefully you found the process to be as valuable and rewarding as I did. Besides wrapping up final details, many opportunities can be built off your project if want to continue your work.

Tie up loose ends. While you write your research summary and polish any results, I recommend backing up files, organizing and digitalizing documents, and most importantly, thanking everyone who helped you along the process and expressing appreciation for the opportunity.

Consider publishing your research. Did you know the University of New Hampshire has a research journal? Inquiry is an excellent spot to complete the final step of research, which is publication. If written well, the research summary in your final report can be converted to a research brief with minimal work, or you may choose to undergo a longer writing and revision process to publish a full-length research article.

Update your resume and share your experience on LinkedIn. This project likely taught you countless invaluable skills that employers would love to see from prospective employees.

Hopefully these tips help you feel more confident throughout your summer and prove to be as useful as I found them. Anyone can conduct research and there are countless resources available to those ready to utilize them. Good luck and happy researching!

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Undergraduate Research in Chemistry Guide

Research is the pursuit of new knowledge through the process of discovery. Scientific research involves diligent inquiry and systematic observation of phenomena. Most scientific research projects involve experimentation, often requiring testing the effect of changing conditions on the results. The conditions under which specific observations are made must be carefully controlled, and records must be meticulously maintained. This ensures that observations and results can be are reproduced. Scientific research can be basic (fundamental) or applied. What is the difference? The National Science Foundation uses the following definitions in its resource surveys:

  • Basic research The objective of basic research is to gain more comprehensive knowledge or understanding of the subject under study, without specific applications in mind. In industry, basic research is defined as research that advances scientific knowledge but does not have specific immediate commercial objectives, although it may be in fields of present or potential commercial interest.
  • Applied research Applied research is aimed at gaining knowledge or understanding to determine the means by which a specific, recognized need may be met. In industry, applied research includes investigations oriented to discovering new scientific knowledge that has specific commercial objectives with respect to products, processes, or services.

Planning for Graduate Work

Get on the path to graduate school with our comprehensive guide to selecting an institution and preparing for graduate studies.

What is research at the undergraduate level?

At the undergraduate level, research is self-directed work under the guidance and supervision of a mentor/advisor ― usually a university professor. A gradual transition towards independence is encouraged as a student gains confidence and is able to work with minor supervision. Students normally participate in an ongoing research project and investigate phenomena of interest to them and their advisor. In the chemical sciences, the range of research areas is quite broad. A few groups maintain their research area within a single classical field of analytical, inorganic, organic, physical, chemical education or theoretical chemistry. More commonly, research groups today are interdisciplinary, crossing boundaries across fields and across other disciplines, such as physics, biology, materials science, engineering and medicine.

What are the benefits of being involved in undergraduate research?

There are many benefits to undergraduate research, but the most important are:

  • Learning, learning, learning. Most chemists learn by working in a laboratory setting. Information learned in the classroom is more clearly understood and it is more easily remembered once it has been put into practice. This knowledge expands through experience and further reading. From the learning standpoint, research is an extremely productive cycle.
  • Experiencing chemistry in a real world setting. The equipment, instrumentation and materials used in research labs are generally more sophisticated, advanced, and of far better quality than those used in lab courses
  • Getting the excitement of discovery. If science is truly your vocation, regardless of any negative results, the moment of discovery will be truly exhilarating. Your results are exclusive. No one has ever seen them before.
  • Preparing for graduate school. A graduate degree in a chemistry-related science is mostly a research degree. Undergraduate research will not only give you an excellent foundation, but working alongside graduate students and post-doctorates will provide you with a unique opportunity to learn what it will be like.

Is undergraduate research required for graduation?

Many chemistry programs now require undergraduate research for graduation. There are plenty of opportunities for undergraduate students to get involved in research, either during the academic year, summer, or both. If your home institution is not research intensive, you may find opportunities at other institutions, government labs, and industries.

What will I learn by participating in an undergraduate research program?

Conducting a research project involves a series of steps that start at the inquiry level and end in a report. In the process, you learn to:

  • Conduct scientific literature searches
  • Read, interpret and extract information from journal articles relevant to the project
  • Design experimental procedures to obtain data and/or products of interest
  • Operate instruments and implement laboratory techniques not usually available in laboratories associated with course work
  • Interpret results, reach conclusions, and generate new ideas based on results
  • Interact professionally (and socially) with students and professors within the research group, department and school as well as others from different schools, countries, cultures and backgrounds
  • Communicate results orally and in writing to other peers, mentors, faculty advisors, and members of the scientific community at large via the following informal group meeting presentations, reports to mentor/advisor, poster presentations at college-wide, regional, national or international meetings; formal oral presentations at scientific meetings; or journal articles prepared for publication

When should I get involved in undergraduate research?

Chemistry is an experimental science. We recommended that you get involved in research as early in your college life as possible. Ample undergraduate research experience gives you an edge in the eyes of potential employers and graduate programs.

While most mentors prefer to accept students in their research labs once they have developed some basic lab skills through general and organic lab courses, some institutions have programs that involve students in research projects the summer prior to their freshman year. Others even involve senior high school students in summer research programs. Ask your academic/departmental advisor about the options available to you.

How much time should I allocate to research?

The quick answer is as much as possible without jeopardizing your course work. The rule of thumb is to spend 3 to 4 hours working in the lab for every credit hour in which you enroll. However, depending on the project, some progress can be achieved in just 3-4 hours of research/week. Most advisors would recommend 8-10 hours/week.

Depending on your project, a few of those hours may be of intense work and the rest may be spent simply monitoring the progress of a reaction or an instrumental analysis. Many research groups work on weekends. Saturdays are excellent days for long, uninterrupted periods of lab work.

How do I select an advisor?

This is probably the most important step in getting involved in undergraduate research. The best approach is multifaceted. Get informed about research areas and projects available in your department, which are usually posted on your departmental website under each professor’s name.

Talk to other students who are already involved in research. If your school has an ACS Student Chapter , make a point to talk to the chapter’s members. Ask your current chemistry professor and lab instructor for advice. They can usually guide you in the right direction. If a particular research area catches your interest, make an appointment with the corresponding professor.

Let the professor know that you are considering getting involved in research, you have read a bit about her/his research program, and that you would like to find out more. Professors understand that students are not experts in the field, and they will explain their research at a level that you will be able to follow. Here are some recommended questions to ask when you meet with this advisor:

  • Is there a project(s) within her/his research program suitable for an undergraduate student?
  • Does she/he have a position/space in the lab for you?
  • If you were to work in her/his lab, would you be supervised directly by her/him or by a graduate student? If it is a graduate student, make a point of meeting with the student and other members of the research group. Determine if their schedule matches yours. A night owl may not be able to work effectively with a morning person.
  • Does she/he have funding to support the project? Unfunded projects may indicate that there may not be enough resources in the lab to carry out the project to completion. It may also be an indication that funding agencies/peers do not consider this work sufficiently important enough for funding support. Of course there are exceptions. For example, a newly hired assistant professor may not have external funding yet, but he/she may have received “start-up funds” from the university and certainly has the vote of confidence of the rest of the faculty. Otherwise he/she would not have been hired. Another classical exception is computational chemistry research, for which mostly fast computers are necessary and therefore external funding is needed to support research assistants and computer equipment only. No chemicals, glassware, or instrumentation will be found in a computational chemistry lab.
  • How many of his/her articles got published in the last two or three years? When prior work has been published, it is a good indicator that the research is considered worthwhile by the scientific community that reviews articles for publication. Ask for printed references. Number of publications in reputable refereed journals (for example ACS journals) is an excellent indicator of the reputation of the researcher and the quality of his/her work.

Here is one last piece of advice: If the project really excites you and you get satisfactory answers to all your questions, make sure that you and the advisor will get along and that you will enjoy working with him/her and other members of the research group.

Remember that this advisor may be writing recommendation letters on your behalf to future employers, graduate schools, etc., so you want to leave a good impression. To do this, you should understand that the research must move forward and that if you become part of a research team, you should do your best to achieve this goal. At the same time, your advisor should understand your obligations to your course work and provide you with a degree of flexibility.

Ultimately, it is your responsibility to do your best on both course work and research. Make sure that the advisor is committed to supervising you as much as you are committed to doing the required work and putting in the necessary/agreed upon hours.

What are some potential challenges?

  • Time management . Each project is unique, and it will be up to you and your supervisor to decide when to be in the lab and how to best utilize the time available to move the project forward.
  • Different approaches and styles . Not everyone is as clean and respectful of the equipment of others as you are. Not everyone is as punctual as you are. Not everyone follows safety procedures as diligently as you do. Some groups have established protocols for keeping the lab and equipment clean, for borrowing equipment from other members, for handling common equipment, for research meetings, for specific safety procedures, etc. Part of learning to work in a team is to avoid unnecessary conflict while establishing your ground to doing your work efficiently.
  • “The project does not work.” This is a statement that advisors commonly hear from students. Although projects are generally very well conceived, and it is people that make projects work, the nature of research is such that it requires patience, perseverance, critical thinking, and on many occasions, a change in direction. Thoroughness, attention to detail, and comprehensive notes are crucial when reporting the progress of a project.

Be informed, attentive, analytical, and objective. Read all the background information. Read user manuals for instruments and equipment. In many instances the reason for failure may be related to dirty equipment, contaminated reagents, improperly set instruments, poorly chosen conditions, lack of thoroughness, and/or lack of resourcefulness. Repeating a procedure while changing one parameter may work sometimes, while repeating the procedure multiple times without systematic changes and observations probably will not.

When reporting failures or problems, make sure that you have all details at hand. Be thorough in you assessment. Then ask questions. Advisors usually have sufficient experience to detect errors in procedures and are able to lead you in the right direction when the student is able to provide all the necessary details. They also have enough experience to know when to change directions. Many times one result may be unexpected, but it may be interesting enough to lead the investigation into a totally different avenue. Communicate with your advisor/mentor often.

Are there places other than my institution where I can conduct research?

Absolutely! Your school may be close to other universities, government labs and/or industries that offer part-time research opportunities during the academic year. There may also be summer opportunities in these institutions as well as in REU sites (see next question).

Contact your chemistry department advisor first. He/she may have some information readily available for you. You can also contact nearby universities, local industries and government labs directly or through the career center at your school. You can also find listings through ACS resources:

  • Research Opportunities (US only)
  • International Research Opportunities
  • Internships and Summer Jobs

What are Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) sites? When should I apply for a position in one of them?

REU is a program established by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support active research participation by undergraduate students at host institutions in the United States or abroad. An REU site may offer projects within a single department/discipline or it may have projects that are inter-departmental and interdisciplinary. There are currently over 70 domestic and approximately 5 international REU sites with a chemistry theme. Sites consist of 10-12 students each, although there are larger sites that supplement NSF funding with other sources. Students receive stipends and, in most cases, assistance with housing and travel.

Most REU sites invite rising juniors and rising seniors to participate in research during the summer. Experience in research is not required to apply, except for international sites where at least one semester or summer of prior research experience is recommended. Applications usually open around November or December for participation during the following summer. Undergraduate students supported with NSF funds must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions. Some REU sites with supplementary funds from other sources may accept international students that are enrolled at US institutions.

  • Get more information about REU sites

How do I prepare a scientific research poster?

Here are some links to sites with very useful information and samples.

  • How to Prepare a Proper Scientific Paper or Poster
  • Creating Effective Poster Presentations
  • Designing Effective Poster Presentations

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  • SCI Scholars Internship Program Industrial internships for chemistry and chemical engineering undergraduates.
  • ACS International Center Fellowships, scholarships, and research opportunities around the globe

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  • Undergraduates Showcase Research Projects, Prowess During Events

undergraduate research project topics

University of Texas at Dallas students showed their penchant for discovery during Undergraduate Research Week , which was held April 15-19 and sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Education .

“We are very fortunate to have some of the best opportunities for undergraduates to engage in research here at UT Dallas,” said Dr. Jessica C. Murphy , dean of undergraduate education and Mary McDermott Cook Chair for Undergraduate Education. “Our team in the Office of Undergraduate Education does an excellent job helping students learn more about research opportunities and empowering undergraduates to articulate their experiences as they pursue a career and graduate school.”

undergraduate research project topics

A poster competition capped the week with presentations from 15 finalists chosen from nearly 200 entrants. Students presented their work to a panel of industry judges from Brinker International Inc., Doosan Robotics Americas, Trace3, Veritex Community Bank and Walmart Health.

Biology senior Jacob Roy, who also is pursuing a master’s degree in public affairs , placed first in the poster competition for his research in developing a new approach to RNA modulation. Healthcare studies senior Nanditha Niranjan placed second for her work exploring the impact of educating refugees about the U.S. health care system in reducing the cost of health care. Neuroscience and history senior Arlin Khan finished third for her research on the use of vagus nerve stimulation to aid in the recovery of laryngeal nerve damage.

Students learned much more than basic experimental design throughout their experiences. In addition to technical abilities, they picked up a wide range of professional skills necessary to pursue careers beyond graduation.

“Science takes a lot of patience. All of this took multiple semesters of work,” Khan said. “In a world where things are really instantaneous, I think science is one of those things you have to learn to be patient for and let things work out. I also learned critical thinking and problem solving.”

Garth Edwards, executive vice president at Veritex Community Bank, said: “The subjects of the research are so diverse —  some of these subjects are so relevant today, and some are like, ‘We probably need to be thinking more about them.’ It’s so amazing what [the students] are doing. I’m very encouraged.”

In addition to poster presentations, research week included a match day with more than 20 labs and 200 students, resume workshops and a panel discussion.

undergraduate research project topics

Media Contact: The Office of Media Relations, UT Dallas, (972) 883-2155, [email protected] .

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The education sector is one of the most dynamic sectors in Nigeria and the world at large. However there have been series of improvement in the quality of undergraduate project topics in terms of content and uniqueness.

        All tertiary institutions in Nigeria frown at plagiarism; there are so many tools for checking for uniqueness of a research work. Students especially those in their final year starts on time on how to writing high quality content starting from their seminars, assignments, until they reach the level of research project writing .

        Writing a unique content is very important to all students and their various institutions. But coming out with quality and plagiarism free content can be time consuming and stressful; this make students and researchers look for the eas.... Continue Reading



The chapter two of all research work is usually very lengthy and most detailed. The chapter two is the next chapter after the chapter one of the project. The chapter two of a complete project work is suppose to be divided into five sections:

  • the conceptual frame
  • the conceptual literature
  • the theoretical literature
  • the empirical literature
  • summary/gap of the literature

But most students tend to use conceptual framework in place of conceptual literature. This has been happening for years. Most supervisors tend to be accepting their project with this mistake for some reason I do not know. Although every supervisor has the right to defend the way he/she wants his/her project work to be presented. But I think is better for all student to have a clear understanding of the difference between conceptual framework and the conceptual literature.

        The chapter two .... Continue Reading



Over the years justification and significance of study has always been confusing to students especially the undergraduate students. I have seen lots of undergraduate research works that students write justification of the study thinking it was significance of the study. These mistakes are not only seen at undergraduate level but also with project supervisors.

        Justification of the study and significance of the study are always very important in all research works. There is no research work that does not contain significance of the study or justification of the study. The positioning might differ depending on the requirement or the format demanded by the tertiary institution a student finds his/her self. But the most important thing is that a student understands when and why having a significance of the study or justificat.... Continue Reading



Seminar presentation is really not much a big task to do; but most students do not have the necessary skills or tricks on how to present a seminar. Seminar topics; just like undergraduate project topics follow similar format during presentation. The only difference here is: we present seminar and defend undergraduate project work. In the course of this article, I will list out and discuss few things that every undergraduate student must do before the time for seminar presentation. Some of these points are:

  • Have a good knowledge of what your seminar is all about
  • highlight the reason behind the study
  • get a seminar coach
  • make a power point listing important areas you want to discuss

Have A Good Knowledge Of What Your Seminar Is All About

It is always advisable that every undergraduate student must have good background knowledge on the topic he o.... Continue Reading



PICO simply stands for:

P – Patient, Problem or Population.

I – Intervention

C – Comparison, control or comparator

Study protocol is very important to fill the gap in the research sector. The research environment is becoming dynamic by the day; more ideas are being rolled out every day. There are lots of undergraduate project topics that one can do a study protocol on. When I say study protocol I did not mean you can just pick a topic and carry out a study protocol on it.

        Every student in a higher institution in Nigeria that is ready to carry out research on his/her final year project topics must have an idea what study protocol is all about. Like I said earlier that you do not just go ahead with any topic and call it a study protocol; we norm.... Continue Reading



Most undergraduate project student usually face some challenges during dissertation writing. Dissertation writing has not really gain popularity in Nigeria but however some of the student that engages in dissertation writing has had one or two challenges. Dissertation and undergraduate project topics speak almost the same language; I will explain more about dissertation as we go deep into this article. Before I explain how to solve the challenges undergraduate students faced during dissertation let us first of all look at this question below:

What is dissertation ?

Dissertation is a kind of research paper submitted by student in support of candidature for academic degree in Nigeria; it can also be seen as a professional qualification presenting the author's research and findings about the subject matter. Dissertation is usually chosen by the student; unlike the way supervisors&rsq.... Continue Reading



Literature mapping is replacing the proposal for Undergraduate Project Topics . The literature mapping is gaining fame in the research world. Before now every project supervisor ask their students to come with a project proposal before they can get there undergraduate project topics approved. The demand for proposal by project supervisor has been seen as a kind of model for all supervisors in tertiary institution to follow.

        As the education sector continue to evolve, new ideas in ways of handle Undergraduate Project Topics, Research Works And Materials continue to improve. That is not to say that the latter is no longer acceptable; in fact most project supervisors still demand for proposal before approving an undergra.... Continue Reading



The ability of students to form research hypothesis for undergraduate project topics is questioned by most project supervisors in Nigeria. Undergraduate project topics are becoming more and more dynamic by the day. Lately I have seen most of the hypothesis by most undergraduate project students becoming similar. Research has become so advanced that the manner in which research hypothesis for undergraduate project topics is written has changed.

        Research hypothesis for any undergraduate project topics has to be drawn from the gap identified from previous empirical findings from related past undergraduate project topics. If you guys have been following my articles; you will remember that I have talk about Continue Reading



Writing good and well formulated undergraduate project topics poses as a challenge to most undergraduate. But it shouldn’t be much of a challenge if the appropriate measures and intelligent techniques are applied. As an undergraduate, you should have it in mind that once you get to final year, writing a project is one of the things you must do which is an indication that of all your years in the higher institution, there must have been a particular problem you must have identified either in your course of study or in the society you live in and therefore seeks a solution or recommendation which of course will lead you into an authentic research. Getting of materials for undergraduate project topics is one thing you must do and must understand how to go about it.

However, you must understand that before getting materials for undergra.... Continue Reading



Empirical review is very importance in undergraduate project writing . There are so many benefits of having a good empirical review. Every undergraduate project student is expected to understand the technicalities involved in writing a good empirical review.

        The empirical review is the last section of the chapter two of undergraduate project topics . But there some undergraduate project topics that does not require empirical review. Some of these undergraduate project topics are those under the following departments:

  • mathematics



The discussion of findings is often considered one of the most important part of thesis project/research work in the sense that, this is where the researcher of a project topic presents the underlying findings of his research. Discussion of findings for thesis project should contain the explanation of result of your project/research work: showing how your respondents responded to the questions asked. You could get the particular number of your respondents that indicated both positive and negative interest in the question you asked in your research questionnaire; then make references to the previous research works done by other researchers (i.e their findings) to backup your claim for affirmation,

When writing the discussion section, .... Continue Reading



A reasonable statement of the problem must be that there is a need to carry out a research for a project topic and for which there are possible solutions. If there is any situation that has no solution then there is absolutely little or no sense expending resources researching on it. Statement of the problem could also be seen as the gap in knowledge that needs to be filled.

When writing statement of the problems, the researcher must be able to enlist all the deficiencies a particular research work has, the essence for the study, what brought about the study, the researcher must be able to enlist all the reasons for his study so as to enhance effective project writing. Without statement of the problem then there is no furtherance of the study because statement of the problem brings out the gap in a particular project. Before I go into the topic proper, I will like to explain what is meant by the term “research gap” or “gap in knowledge” in my previo.... Continue Reading



For quiet sometime now I have received series of mails from several researchers and final year students on how to write an outstanding significance of study for a project work. So I want to use this time out to intimate our esteem researchers and final year/ undergraduate students on how to write significance of study for a project work.

Significant of the study for a particular project topic or research work is one section of a project that tends to showcase the importance of the project/ research work . When writing significant of the study, the researcher should be able to enumerate all the benefit of study.

        The main aim of significant of the study tells at a glance, the contribution of your research to the bo.... Continue Reading



Over the years, proper citation has being the watch words for all researchers (undergraduates or post-graduates) and project supervisors in Nigeria. The essence of citation is to control the level of plagiarism in project/research writing. As the research world continues to grow, different types of citations continue to evolve. But the main focus of this article is to educate undergraduate, post-graduate students and other researchers on how to do a footnote style in-text citation for their research work.

Before we go into the discussion proper we shall first of all understand what citation and footnotes are all about.

Citation: a citation could simply be defined as a kind of reference to a published or unpublished research sources. To clearly understand what a citation is all about; we could say a citation is combination of abbreviated and alphanumeric expression that are embedded in the body of a research work that usually denote an entry in the reference.



As simple as it may seems, most students find it difficult to form a good research questionnaire for a research project work.

        Every academic environment has their format for the design of a research questionnaire; at times this might not be an order from the school but the choice of the supervisor.

        There are different ways of forming a good questionnaire for research purposes; this depends on the type of project/research topic a final year undergraduate student is working on.

        Before a project student will be able to form a good questionnaire he/she must be able to understand her project topic, then decide on the kind of question he/she will like to ask his/her respondents.

        I want to use this opportunity to educate students on various types of questions for different types of.... Continue Reading



We are glad to contribute to the success of all research students in Nigeria in their project; be it undergraduate project, OND/NCE project, MSC/MBA/MLA project/research work, thesis and dissertation.

        For the past days now there have been series of calls in request for guidance on how to write authorization to copy for a thesis project. I want to take this time out to share to the best of my knowledge on how to write an outstanding authorization to copy for thesis project.

        First to authorize content means to lift any limitation to assess the content; a project student can be given access to carry out a research on a particular project topic or research project topics by his/her project supervisor; hence he/her has been given an authorization to carry out the research.

        Authorization to copy for a thesis research project topic w.... Continue Reading



For some time now the most frequently asked questions by most MBA/MSc. project students have been “how to write an excellent research executive summary for dissertation and thesis project.

        Well executive summary to me can be regarded as a more elaborate abstract for a research project work because it contains virtually everything a project abstract has. Executive summary can be at least 3-6 pages depending on the research work you are working on.

        Most managers in most sectors; be it public or private sectors always make use of executive summary. The role of executive summary is not limited to the field of research only; managers of organization use it in decision making and policy generation.

        To cut the article short, an excellent executive summary must contain the following:

  • Project summary



Over the years there have been so many limitations to the time set aside for the completion of a research project work. It is evident that the major cause of these limitations is poor time management in project writing/ research.

        Time management plays a significant role in the efficiency and accuracy of a research project work.

What is time management?

To a layman, time management could simply means the ability to achieve great result using limited time or to meet up with a particular project work in due time.

        Poor time management has rendered a lot of research project work immaterial over the years. From my experience as a researcher the major causes of time wastage in the research project work are poor feasibility studies and non-researchable project topics.

        What I mean by feasibility study is simply the .... Continue Reading



There have been several calls from researchers all over Nigeria to us about how to derive the servqual methodology for a research work.

        Well the servqual methodology is not as popular as other research methodologies; although the servqual methodology is very effective in the areas of research for the determination of service quality. The service quality we are talking about here is the area of customers’ satisfaction for a particular service render to him or her.

        A research student can go online and select one or two Free Undergraduate Project Topics and research materials to for he/her research work concerning the quality of service rendered to a particular customer by a service firm.

        The best research methodology for the research project work has to be the adoption of the servqual methodology. Below is an example of th.... Continue Reading



we offer to help the research community today on journal development and research publications; I write this article to bring to your notice the services we offer; as a research platform offers series of solution to academic problems be it thesis, MBA research project works, undergraduate project topics development and data analysis.

        We work hand in hand with series of academic platforms for journal publications, case studies topics generation and development. Below are the list of academic platform we can publish your research journals and case studies research works to:

  • etc

Someone may wish to ask what academ.... Continue Reading

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undergraduate research project topics

Plagiarism is presenting someone else ideas, methods, or writings without mentioning the source with the aim of being claimed as a self-creation. The unaccredited use of somebody else’s words or ideas and is one of the most serious offenses any student can commit, whether the act is or not unintentional. Writing  undergraduate research projects  pose challenges in gathering literature and providing evidence for making the research stronger. Drawing upon previously established ideas, values and adding pertinent information in the scientific research are necessary steps, but these need to be done with caution without falling into the trap of plagiarism. Fortunately, it’s not all scary. Avoiding plagiarism is actually easy to do now that you have a foundational understanding of what it is. Plagiarism can have severe consequences on students and others. To avoid... Read More »


Research projects are prerequisites to eventual graduation from universities, polytechnics and colleges of education in Nigeria. Developing quality/researchable undergraduate projects  in all disciplines can be very challenging especially for final year students who also have other course work and examinations to also do. There are important research clues that every graduating student must know in other to develop research topics, this is because acing your research project has a lot to do with getting a research project topic. In getting a quality project topic to work on below are research clues that would be of help.

Have a basic knowledge of how a standard project work should look like

In getting a project topic in any discipline ranging from accounting project topics, political science research topics; one must have a basic knowledge of how a standard undergraduate researc... Read More »


Finding quality final research topics and materials in Nigeria among graduating students can be a daunting task whether accounting project topics, banking and finance project topics, education project topics or even in the sciences like industrial chemistry final year project topics . It is important to note that in finding a project topic, students must be mindful of the type of final year topic they choose as this may actually make or mar research performance and ultimately your final grade. In choosing final year research topics for your research, it is important to not the following before choosing any project topic.

Check If There Are Enough Research Materials For The Research Topics You Want... Read More »


Techniques for choosing good final year research topics should be a must for every graduating student, this is because writing and defending your final year project is a prerequisite for graduation. Being able to ace your undergraduate research has a lot to do with whether or not your undergraduate project topics is good enough to be researched. Most students make the mistake of simply picking any project topic without making the necessary research to know if indeed adequate research can be carried out on the said topic. Good undergraduate project topics are indeed topics that can be researched upon and your ability to source for research materials when writing your project should always be key. Most students end up being stuck in a project as a result of their inability to get good researchable undergraduate project topics. Final year students should also bear in mind that an... Read More »


Most graduating tertiary institutions students in Nigeria are always at a loss or a bit confused on how to get research clue in sourcing for free undergraduate project topics and research materials in Nigeria. Starting any research first starts with your ability to source and find a research repository that would be of help when writing or carrying out your research. Final year students in Nigeria are often advised before carrying out their research to ask their predecessors for guide or even make a random search off and online. The sole purpose of this is to get you acquitted on how to search for  final year project topics , research works and materials. Graduating students are also advised to also check their school and departmental libraries as these plac... Read More »


In developing project topics , it is essential to understand and effectively reference your research. In tertiary institutions, it is also important to note that referencing is a major component of every final year or post graduate research. Most graduating students find it difficult to know which type of reference or citation pattern to deploy.

Reference can simply be defined as a page is the last page of a research, listing It lists all the sources used you've used in your research project. The basic reason for referencing is so readers can easily finds what you've cited.

In other to properly reference any project or research, one must also understand what reference styles are available and which is appropriate for which or what kind of research being carried out.

Referencing style in research can be said to dictates the research information necessary for a referen... Read More »


Most project works has the chapter four which is very important comprising of data presentation, data analysis and interpretation. For a researcher or project student to be able to interpret his/her project work effectively, he/.she must have a good knowledge of the level of significance and its application to a project work. All project topics are designed to test hypothesis consisting of a null and alternative hypothesis. Accepting a null or alternative hypothesis can only be made using the level of significance as a yardstick

What is level of significance?

The level of significance denoted by α is simply the level at which we either reject or accept the null hypothesis based on our t-test or probability value commonly known as p-value. During data analysis and interpretation, decisions cannot be made without the level of significance. For professional data analysis, the leve... Read More »


Abstracts are a major component of all projects, research works and materials in tertiary schools and colleges in Nigeria.

Writing an abstract for every research or project work is so important that it can be regarded as the eyes through which project supervisors go through your project work. The saying that the beginning of everything is so important is true and more so in project or research works. Simply put, an abstract can be defined as a brief summary of a project work, article, paper, review etc. in drafting an abstract, the chapters of your work has to be represented  in as brief as possible manner, picking out the salient points in each chapter. During project presentation or defence, the research supervisor first looks at the abstract and from there alone can determine if your work, paper or ... Read More »


Undergraduate projects are prerequisites to eventual graduation from universities, polytechnics and colleges of education in Nigeria. Developing quality/researchable undergraduate project topics such as accounting project topics , economics project topics, banking and finance research works can be very challenging especially for final year students who also have other course work and examinations. There are important research clues that every undergraduate must know in other to develop research undergraduate project topics, this is because acing your undergraduate research has a lot to do with getting a research project topic. In getting a quality undergraduate project topic to work on below are the little clue that... Read More »


Undergraduate projects in Nigeria is a prerequisite for graduation amongst Nigerian tertiary students who will which to obtain bachelors degree in their respective courses of study such as accounting, banking and finance, business administration and a host of others. Writing an undergraduate project in Nigeria for final year students entails a lot both financially and otherwise. Being able to develop any final year project depends on getting a researchable topic whether it is Accounting Undergraduate project topics , Banking and Finance research topics or banking and finance    project topics and materials and it all requires diligent hard work of students who are willing to develop bes... Read More »


Students in Nigerian universities these days wish to choose a very simple project topic/material . There is no issue choosing a simple project topic; the only problem is your ability to choose a good project or research topic that your supervisor will easily approve for you.

Most project supervisors really want to see how good his or her project student understands his or her surrounding through the kind of topic he or she chooses for their project work.

There are some project topic that are not reject able; for instance in Nigeria of today; what do you think is the major issue on ground now?

If a project student can choose or craft a topic on the effect of dollar increment on the economy of Nigeria. Such project topic will be very interesting to write on.

Now what are the qualities of a good project topic?

1. The materials for the Read More »


Time management is very essential not only in most organization in Nigeria today but it is very vital to researchers and project students. In writing undergraduate project topics , time is of huge essence and it determines alot towards the success of your undergradte research.

It is very important you monitor and management your time in writing an undergraduate project . I believe most Nigeria universities normally ask their project students to write project proposals before writing the complete project .

In your project proposal, you will write the content of the project you are about to write. You must include the time frame for the project work to be completed.

How can a project student manage his or her time?

 A good project student can manage his or her time p... Read More »


Writing an abstract for every research or project work is so important that it can be regarded as the eyes through which project supervisors go through your project work. The saying that the beginning of everything is so important is true and more so in project or research works. Simply put, an abstract can be defined as a brief summary of a project work, article, paper, review etc. in drafting an abstract, the chapters of your work has to be represented  in as brief as possible manner, picking out the salient points in each chapter. During project presentation or defence, the research supervisor first looks at the abstract and from there alone can determine if your work, paper or thesis is interesting enough to go through the work.

Students usually find it difficult writing a standard abstract for their project work. In ot... Read More »


Most project work has the chapter four which consists of data analysis and interpretation. For a researcher or project student to be able to interpret his/her project work effectively, he/.she must have a good knowledge of the level of significance and its application to a project work.

The level of significance denoted by α is simply the level at which we either reject or accept the null hypothesis based on our t-test or probability value commonly known as p-value. During data analysis and interpretation, decisions cannot be made without the level of significance. For professional data analysis, the level of significance is placed at either 0.05 or 0.01. Simply put the level of significance of any experiment is the level at which the null hypothesis is either accepted or rejected based on the p-value.

Most students during their research or project work tend to ignore this which unfortunately tends to haunt them at t... Read More »


Hypothesis is simply defined as an ‘educated guess’. One of the areas that have been a challenging aspect of any project work is the hypothesis testing. Testing a hypothesis in most project work is simply a prelude to the data analysis or simply put it’s just a prerequisite to the actual data analysis of the project work. For most researchers or students to be able to score an A in their project work, then chapter four must have to contribute immensely to this and it is interesting to note that the chapter four which as to do with data analysis and interpretation houses the hypotheses

Basically, hypothesis is of two types which will be basically discussed here; they are:

The Null Hypothesis

The null hypothesis which is usually denoted by H0 is simply the assertion that something or an experiment the researcher is embarking on is &... Read More »


Project or research work cannot be said to be complete if there are references. Reference in every project work comes after the summary and conclusion. Reference is simply a detailed description of the document or materials consulted during the project work. Bibliography can also be said to be a list of publications consulted while writing the paper, project or research work.  Reference is slightly more detailed when compared to bibliography.

There are generally accepted means of referencing, in referencing authors of documents consulted in writing your project or paper, the following information is required for your reference to be termed “professional”

1. The author name(s) as they appear in the document you consulted.

2. The title of the book(s) consulted.

3. The year of publication of the material.

In referencing, most project supervisors do not accept references of more than a decade old i.e. 10 years old from t... Read More »


Overtime students have had so many problems in dealing with their project supervisors. Maintaining a professional relationship has a whole of advantages which must be exploited by every serious minded student like you. Project supervision has a lot of intrigues for every student who wants to make an alpha in his or her project work. The following tips would help you maintain a professional relationship with your project or research supervisor.

1. Avoid EXCESSIVE familiarity with your project supervisor

Getting to personally know your project supervisor is a prerequisite for building a cordial relationship that would help your project work with your project supervisor BUT in other to maintain a professional relationship with your project supervisor, creating an impression of excessive familiarity may actually be misunderstood by your project supervisor which could either lead to outright rejection which can spill over to poor grades in your projec... Read More »


During research works, most researchers or project students find it difficult in calculating the adequate sample size to be used for their project, research or survey work. The determination of sample sizes comes up in the before questionnaires are drafted and sent into the field to get data for analysis. Miscalculation of sample sizes may lead to outright cancellation of research/project work by project supervisors as conclusions reached from the uncalculated sample size would not be precise enough in making a decision on the hypothesis under study.

The essence of adequate calculation of sample sizes is so that the conclusions reached after analysis can be generalized to the entire population under study.

As a result of our love for research, we have decided to teach students and researchers on the most reliable and effective way of calculating sample size for their project and research works... Read More »


Having an awesome project defence or project presentation is of great essence. Most wonderful project topics/materials  that should have scaled through with an alpha is being cancelled during project defence or presentation. As we all know, project defense or presentation is an inevitable part of any final year curriculum and a prerequisite for the award of whatever degree you are pursuing. My project supervisor back then in school once told and I quote him

“Look young man, for you to score an A in your project defence you have to KNOW your project work like you know your name” .

Many will actually be able understanding what he really Meant by that. For any project student to be able to have an awesome project defense o... Read More »


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EMCC STEM Students Pursue Pollinator Projects

6 students and 1 instructor smiling and posing around a classroom table, 3 close up photos of bees from the project

Undergrads Study Wildflower Growth; Conduct Native Bee Survey

Estrella Mountain Community College (EMCC) STEM students are busy, busy bees having engaged in Undergraduate Research Experiences, or UREs this semester. Some of our Mountain Lions just wrapped up a study of wildflower growth across different soil types while others are conducting a native bee survey — two things that can’t live without the other.

The wildflower study started last fall when  Quail Forever , a wildlife habitat conservation group, donated a rather large sum of wildflower seeds to EMCC Biology Professor Dr. Catherine Parmiter to use in her classes. They couldn’t have come at a better time as her colleague, Professor Thasanee Morrissey, who also teaches biology and is the Program Analyst for the STEM Center, just happened to be looking for a research opportunity for her students.

They decided to create a URE for five of their students and the Pollinator-Wildflower Research Initiative was born. The goal of the initiative was to determine which type of soil wildflowers would grow best in, with the understanding that more healthy wildflowers attract pollinators such as bees.

First, with the help of their Life Sciences Division colleagues Drs. Neil Raymond, Rachel Smith, and Jarod Raithel, along with the Facilities Department, an area was cleared next to the EMCC Community Teaching Garden where they constructed 16 research plots with four different soil types — native soil, pea gravel, compost, and sand. Next, they asked the MakerSpace to create some appealing signage to mark off the area. Then they planted nine different varieties of wildflower seeds and turned on the irrigation. After that, they monitored the plots weekly and kept track of the plants’ growth with written observations and digitized images.

Natalia Quinones, one of Dr. Parmiter’s students who is graduating this spring with an Associate in Biological Sciences and then transferring to  Arizona State University (ASU) to study microbiology, said one of the reasons she signed up for the URE was to boost her resume.

“I hope that this experience will allow me to join other research projects when I transfer to ASU,” she said.

Dr. Parmiter said the selection process for research opportunities at the university level is very competitive.

“Gaining research experience at the pre-Associate Degree level is essential for students such as Natalia as she navigates her transfer to ASU and later to medical school,” Dr. Parmiter said. 

For this URE, Natalia and her lab partner were responsible for identifying the types of flowers in each substrate of soil and measuring the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and pH content in each plot. 

“I learned more about plant growth and development,” Natalia said. “I gained more knowledge and new vocabulary about the subject. And I learned how to edit and rewrite procedures.”

Dr. Parmiter said Natalia’s field observations and attention to detail were an asset to the team.

“She is an excellent student researcher,” Dr. Parmiter said.

Natalia also works as a part-time lab technician in EMCC’s Life Science Lab, another gold star on her resume.

“I started as a student worker in September 2022 and the lab technicians were always patient and allowed me to make mistakes and learn from them,” she said. “And since they knew I wanted to pursue an education in microbiology, they educated and taught me skills that would apply to my field of study.”

Students who participated in the Pollinator-Wildflower Research Initiative will earn  Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities (WAESO) scholarships after they submit their research summaries.

“This scholarship is encouragement for all of the hard work that has gone into this project,” Natalia said. “It also shows that the school supports undergraduate students to work outside the classroom and gain hands-on experiences.”

Cierra Herrera, one of Professor Morrisey’s students who participated in the Pollinator-Wildflower Research Initiative, is also big on hands-on experiences. 

“I learn best when I am doing, and I learned a lot,” Cierra said. “I love to learn and put that knowledge into practice and that is exactly what UREs do.”

Cierra, who is also one of EMCC’s  Animal Ambassadors , will graduate this spring and then transfer to the  University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa . She plans to double major in Animal Science and either Plant and Environmental Protection Services or Marine Biology.

“I’ve always been caring and conserving before I even knew what that meant,” she said. As unusual as it might sound for a 10-year-old, I hated wasting paper, always recycled, loathed littering, and it always hurt me to see animals suffering, especially because of us, and when we can do something about it. As I continued to go to school and learned more about biology, endangered species, and why they are being endangered, there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to help these animals.”

Naturally, when Cierra heard about the native bee survey URE, she signed up for that one, too. A perfect complement to the Pollinator-Wildflower Research Initiative, the EMCC Native Bee Project officially kicked off in March. It’s part of a collaborative effort with community colleges in Arizona and California conducting surveys to find out how many different types of bees exist across the two states, something that is currently unknown.

“One out of every three bites of your food you owe to bees,” Dr. Raithel said. “We don’t even have a baseline to know how many bees we have. They are crucial to our survival, yet we know so little about them.”

The EMCC Native Bee Project began over spring break with Drs. Parmiter, Raithel, and Smith spending four days at the  College of the Canyons in Santa Clarita, Calif., learning how to identify, or “key,” native bees so that they could pass that knowledge on to their URE students. Since then, they have begun teaching their students how to catch, clean, dry, pin, key, and photograph native bees caught on and around campus. It’s a lengthy and sometimes nerve-racking process, but for Cierra, the keys are the bee’s knees.

“Looking at the bee under the microscope is my favorite part,” she said. “They are majestic creatures and so beautiful. It is crazy to see the variation of bees in our lab! They are all so unique.”

The  National Science Foundation -funded native bee URE will last three years with six students participating each semester. The data collected will be verified and entered into  Symbiota , a public database, and each bee will have an identification number that corresponds to the student who keyed it.

“It is mind-blowing just thinking about the fact that a native bee that I, myself, keyed will go into a national database with my name!” Cierra said. “That’s absolutely surreal to me, but it is really happening. It makes me a little emotional just thinking about it because I see it as a big deal and I’m only 20 years old and this is happening along with my fellow peers. I can only think about my future and what it has in store for me.”

Cierra’s professors describe her as a problem solver who never hesitates to roll up her sleeves and dive into the action.

“She was like our wildflower research group’s secret weapon — always diving fearlessly into problems and asking all the right questions,” Professor Morrisey said. “With her sharp critical thinking skills, she was like the Sherlock Holmes of our research team! But what’s even better is her team spirit — she’s the ultimate collaborator, bringing fresh ideas to the table.”

Professor Morrisey’s students wrapped up their wildflower growth URE and presented their findings at the  Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science Annual Meeting on April 13 at Glendale Community College. 

“They did great and had a great experience at their first science conference,” Professor Morrisey said.

Cierra said she was nervous but ultimately enjoyed herself.

“It was really good!” she said. “One of the judges said our poster was eye-catching and easy to follow. He was really happy with our experiment in the design aspect — how we eliminated a lot of bias, controlled all of our variables well, and the quadrat sampling. It was really rewarding to hear that feedback.”

Are you an Estrella Mountain Community College student who would like to join the EMCC Native Bee Project or any other STEM Undergraduate Research Experience? Email Dr. Catherine Parmiter at  [email protected]

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Summer students act as an important catalyst for research

Victoria Atkinson

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Investing in undergraduate projects advances science and develops future researchers

Summer projects offer an exciting window into the world of research. For undergraduates, practical chemistry is confined to the structured experience of teaching labs – a far cry from the day-to-day reality of working in this field. Often the lack of context for techniques and experiments means students struggle to see the applications of the skills they are learning, or how those experiments connect to the wider world.


Source: © Julie MacLeod

Abigayle Boyce is now doing a PhD in organometallic chemistry – something she didn’t consider before her summer placement

Placements therefore provide a valuable opportunity: a chance for students to dip their toes into research, building on existing skills and tackling real-world problems. ‘These projects give a wider overview of why we’re doing chemistry,’ says Stephen Mansell , a catalysis researcher at Heriot-Watt University, UK. ‘They give students the experience of what research is really like and that will definitely help them decide whether they want to carry on with chemistry as a career.’

A summer placement between the second and third year of his undergraduate degree was an important part of Mansell’s chemistry journey. ‘There are always hard points in university and I think second year was probably one of them,’ he says. ‘Having that opportunity to work in a lab enabled me to boost my skills and I started third year feeling much more confident and with experiments going better.’ This newfound confidence and interest in research was ultimately a vital stepping stone on the way to Mansell’s current position as an assistant professor. In the years since, he has been keen to ensure that others enjoy the benefit of similar opportunities, hosting 10 summer students over the last 10 years.

Stephen Mansell

Source: Courtesy of Stephen Mansell

Having been inspired by his own undergraduate placement, Stephen Mansell regularly hosts students in his lab over the summer

Placements aren’t only beneficial for the undergraduates. These short-term positions offer an excellent opportunity for permanent group members to gain mentoring experience by supervising the placement students. ‘Often PhDs don’t realise all of the useful and specialist skills that they’ve built up over two or three years,’ says Mansell. ‘I think it’s quite a confidence boost for them to feel that they know enough to teach somebody else about it.’

Many academics also have more projects than group members available to work on them so an enthusiastic pair of hands can be really helpful to drive these dormant projects forwards.

An eye-opening experience

Mansell is adamant that these vital contributions by summer students should be recognised and a recent paper from the group, 1 exploring the design of an improved rhodium C–H borylation catalyst, names three summer students who contributed results to the project over three consecutive years. ‘It’s predominantly the work of PhD student Paul Morton , and the undergraduate summer students explored different topics around it,’ Mansell explains. ‘ Abigayle Boyce worked on forming the tethered carbene ligands and hexane borylation, Lennox Stewart ran and analysed some of the catalytic reactions, and Anamarija Pišpek did the computational chemistry with Stuart Macgregor .’

Boyce, Stewart, and Pišpek have all since started or secured PhDs and cite their summer placements with Mansell as a key part of their respective decisions. ‘I was a Covid graduate so when I took part in the summer project, we didn’t have lab experience and I’d really lost my confidence in chemistry,’ says Boyce. ‘I’m so grateful that I got the experience – I ended up loving it so much that I went on to do a PhD in organometallic chemistry, which I wouldn’t have even considered previously.’

Lennox Stewart

Source: Courtesy of Lennox Stewart

Lennox Stewart was able to gain practical skills missed when teaching labs were cancelled due to Covid-19

The two years of intense Covid restrictions had a profound impact on how undergraduates learnt chemistry, with social distancing rules requiring departments to rapidly develop alternatives to traditional teaching labs. ‘We were meant to get one lab session a semester and they had shortened the experiments. We did the first one, but then there was the second lockdown and that was pretty much it,’ recalls Boyce. ‘You just had to watch a video or read a script and then you would be given sets of data to write the lab report. We basically had no practical skills and chemistry stopped being fun.’

‘Going into fourth year we’d have to do an independent project and I was concerned that I would have no idea what I was doing,’ explains Stewart. ‘There were so many individual skills that we’d just missed completely.’

During their placements, Boyce and Stewart were able to practise their underutilised lab skills, building confidence in the basics and learning a raft of unfamiliar specialist techniques such as using Schlenk lines and glove boxes. The complex analysis required to interpret the outcomes of their experiments also allowed the pair to put their theoretical knowledge of characterisation techniques like x-ray crystallography, 2D NMR and gas chromatography into practise for the first time.

Almost as soon as I finished the project I knew I really wanted to do a PhD Abigayle Boyce

The more relaxed timescale of placements compared with teaching labs reduces the time pressure on individual experiments and gives students time to think about what they’re doing and why, says Mansell. He adds that this focus on the bigger picture, rather than generating the perfect lab report, is a much more realistic view of chemistry research and isn’t the only surprise for undergraduate students. ‘We often set them tasks where we don’t know the answer so the interactions between supervisors and research students are really important. It’s much more of a discussion than they expect.’

Being immersed in a research group was particularly eye-opening for Boyce. ‘I loved the collaborative aspect, learning the process of research from other people, and the freedom and creativity of the work,’ she says. ‘Almost as soon as I finished the project I knew I really wanted to do a PhD.’ 

Industry involvement

The support of Johnson Matthey through their Platinum Group Metals (PGM) award scheme was key to facilitating Boyce and Stewart’s work. ‘There isn’t really any consumables budget from the university for summer students so you’ve got to have the chemicals in place or some other funding,’ explains Mansell. ‘Johnson Matthey’s involvement in this project was crucial – without the loan of rhodium trichloride we’d have had to abandon the rhodium project completely.’

A chemical structure

Source: © Stephen Mansell

Three undergraduates contributed to different aspects of the catalyst design – and their involvment meant Johnson Matthey contributed a crucial supply of rhodium (green)

As part of their leadership in sustainable technologies, Johnson Matthey’s PGM scheme loans out small amounts of platinum group metals (which typically cost hundreds of pounds per gram) to facilitate research into new applications of these catalytic elements. Any research waste is then returned to the company, which can recover most of the precious metal through its on-site recycling facility, later making this material available to other teams. All researchers are welcome to apply but the organising team are particularly keen to support projects that widen participation or bring new researchers into the field. ‘We supplied Stephen with 5g of rhodium metal – at today’s market price that’s around £580,’ says Barbara Breeze , a senior principal scientist at Johnson Matthey. ‘We’re delighted that this award supported three summer students and has resulted in a journal publication.’

Johnson Matthey, like many other companies in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, also offers its own summer placements on-site, providing two-week experiences for A-level students and longer placement opportunities for over-18s. ‘Building that talent pipeline is critical. Obviously if we’re going to meet the energy transition and sustainability goals, we need as many chemists, engineers, and scientists going into this field as we can,’ says Breeze. ‘Student placements enable us to train up and enthuse talented individuals for a career in industry, with the potential to hire these individuals after they’ve completed their studies.’

Most of Johnson Matthey’s summer placements are initiated by students sending a CV and covering letter expressing their interest in the experiences they would like to gain. This contact often inspires and shapes the resulting project and this is exactly how Gareth Hart , now a research scientist at Johnson Matthey, secured his placement between school and university in 2018. ‘I wanted to develop skills and understand the chemistry in industry better – I really saw myself wanting to work at the interface of academia and industry,’ he says.

Being in that team environment is really conducive to developing good collaborative skills Gareth Hart

Over the course of two months, Hart worked on a variety of projects across health, metal recycling and platinum group metals and was particularly excited by how the specific skills developed in an academic environment applied in an industrial setting. The contrast with academic chemistry, especially regarding the relative importance of safety, scaling and lifecycle considerations, was completely new and Hart recalls how he was supported by the various site teams as he built an understanding of these different industrial priorities.

In addition to the extensive technical experience gained from this placement, the opportunity also enabled Hart to develop soft skills that are often overlooked in undergraduate study. ‘Summer placements can be one of the first experiences of significant teamwork within science for students so being in that team environment is really conducive to developing good collaborative skills,’ he explains. ‘Communication is another key one – reporting findings and putting them into presentation format for digestion by others.’

This positive experience crystallised Hart’s career ambitions to work at the intersection of academia and industry and in 2021 he returned to Johnson Matthey as a research scientist. ‘There was always a strong desire to return here having seen all of the great science and the impact that it can have on the world,’ he explains.

Investing in the future workforce

The majority of the chemistry community recognises the value of these opportunities and most academic institutions and commercial organisations are happy to be approached by interested students. But finding a suitable position is just the first step – funding these placements is also hugely important. ‘Unpaid placements can only benefit a real subset. It’s got to be paid if it’s going to be fair and accessible to everyone,’ says Mansell. ‘But there’s no centralised system or regulation to ensure that the funding’s there and it’s up to each university or organisation to decide how much they want to put into summer placements.’

Large companies such as Johnson Matthey often have a budget allocated for outreach and summer placements so it’s always worth asking the question, says Hart. ‘Johnson Matthey are also heavily involved with the RSC’s Broadening Horizons scheme, which offers a structured route for disadvantaged or underrepresented students to obtain summer placements and mentorship,’ he says.

More broadly, there are several national schemes in place to support these opportunities in academia, or where this outreach budget isn’t available. The RSC offers Undergraduate Research Bursaries for six to eight week summer placements each year and students are invited to submit a project proposal with their chosen supervisor to apply for funding. UKRI also recently changed its regulations, allowing universities to divert any leftover funding from PhD studentships to support summer placements.

How to fund these projects and where the responsibility should lie is difficult to determine but it’s clear these opportunities are a valuable investment in the future of the chemical sciences workforce. ‘Doing a summer placement absolutely changed the path of my life,’ says Boyce. ‘It empowers you to make the decision about your future in chemistry and without it, I would be going down a completely different path.’

1 PA Morton et al , Organometallics,  2024, DOI:  10.1021/acs.organomet.4c00025

Victoria Atkinson

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BSc Physics with Astrophysics (F3F5)

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Physics with Astrophysics (F3F5)

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Join a University ranked in the UK top five for Physics research (THE analysis of REF 2021) with an excellent reputation for teaching and learning.

Our course provides a thorough grounding in physics, with astrophysics as a key component. This course is led by an internationally renowned astrophysics research group and covers a broad range of contemporary astrophysics topics alongside the same core physics subjects as our BSc Physics degree .

In years one and two, you will be introduced to key concepts in astrophysics and cosmology alongside the same core of physics as our Physics degrees. In your third year, you will progress to more advanced topics such as galaxies and high-energy astrophysics.

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We accept a wide variety of qualifications and welcome applications from students of all backgrounds. Below is a guide to the typical offers for this course.

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  23. Free Undergraduate Project Topics And Research Materials

    A research student can go online and select one or two Free Undergraduate Project Topics and research materials to for he/her research work concerning the quality of service rendered to a particular customer by a service firm. The best research methodology for the research project work has to be the adoption of the servqual methodology.

  24. Undergraduate Project Topics, Research Works and Materials

    Find Undergraduate Project Topics, Research Works and Materials for Graduating Students Project Clue inc. is one of the leading African research online platform with proven years of hosting project topics and materials and at the same time providing research guides to OND, HND, NCE, BSC, PGD, and MBA students with a view to helping them achieve their aim of having excellent grades due to our ...

  25. EMCC STEM Students Pursue Pollinator Projects

    Undergrads Study Wildflower Growth; Conduct Native Bee Survey Estrella Mountain Community College (EMCC) STEM students are busy, busy bees having engaged in Undergraduate Research Experiences, or UREs this semester. Some of our Mountain Lions just wrapped up a study of wildflower growth across different soil types while others are conducting a native bee survey — two things that can't live ...

  26. Eduproject Topics

    We understand the stress final year undergraduate and postgraduate students in Nigeria, Kenya, India, United States, London, Canada, Cameroon, Ghana, and other African International Schools go through when it comes to searching google scholar and other academic repository platforms. Students can get relevant research project topics, new research ideas, well-researched complete project ...

  27. Summer students act as an important catalyst for research

    Investing in undergraduate projects advances science and develops future researchers. Summer projects offer an exciting window into the world of research. For undergraduates, practical ...

  28. BSc Physics with Astrophysics

    Join a University ranked in the UK top five for Physics research (THE analysis of REF 2021) with an excellent reputation for teaching and learning.Our course provides a thorough grounding in physics, with astrophysics as a key component. This course is led by an internationally renowned astrophysics research group and covers a broad range of contemporary astrophysics topics alongside the same ...

  29. The Muscogee Language Documentation Project

    Language is essential to community. Jack Martin, Professor of English and Linguistics at William & Mary, works with Native American communities across the American south to document and revitalize Native languages. With funding from the Faculty Grants Fund, Martin has embarked upon the latest phase of that research: creating a digital dictionary of the Muscogee language.