
Delving Into Groovy Arrays And Practical Uses

Groovy arrays offer a dynamic way to handle collections in the Groovy language. In this article, we'll explore the essentials of Groovy arrays, from initialization and modification to common operations and best practices.


  • Dynamic array manipulation in Groovy allows for easy addition and removal of elements, enhancing data management flexibility.
  • Utilizing negative indexes provides a unique way to access elements from the end of an array in Groovy.
  • Common array methods like `sort()`, `join()`, and `findAll()` offer robust tools for efficient data handling in Groovy.
  • Understanding iteration techniques in Groovy, such as `each` and `eachWithIndex`, is vital for effective array traversal and manipulation.

Groovy arrays offer a flexible and efficient way to manage collections of data. As a programmer, understanding these arrays can enhance your coding skills and optimize your applications.

Let's explore the nuances and capabilities of Groovy arrays together.

assign values to array in groovy

Basics Of Groovy Arrays

Creating and initializing arrays, accessing array elements, modifying array elements, common operations on arrays, iterating over arrays, frequently asked questions.

In Groovy, arrays are a fundamental data structure used to store multiple values of the same type. They are ordered, meaning the items have a specific sequence, and they are indexed, allowing for quick access to individual elements.

To create an array in Groovy, you can use the [] syntax. For example, to create an array of integers:

The size or length of an array can be determined using the size() method:

Elements in a Groovy array can be accessed using their index. Remember, array indices start at 0:

Groovy arrays are dynamic, allowing you to add or remove elements easily:

You can use the each method to iterate over each element in the array:

Common Array Methods

Groovy provides several built-in methods to work with arrays:

  • contains(item) : Checks if the array contains the specified item.
  • clear() : Removes all elements from the array.
  • reverse() : Returns a new array with the elements in reverse order.

In Groovy, creating and initializing arrays is a straightforward process. Arrays can hold multiple values, and these values can be of any data type, including objects.

To create a basic array, use the [] syntax. This creates an array and initializes it with the provided values:

You can also specify the size of the array during initialization. However, this will create an array with null values:

Groovy allows you to specify the type of elements the array will hold. This ensures type safety:

Groovy supports the creation of multidimensional arrays. These are arrays of arrays:

If you want to initialize an array with default values, Groovy provides a concise way to do so:

Ranges in Groovy can be used to create arrays with a sequence of numbers:

Arrays are a foundational component in Groovy programming. Understanding how to create and initialize them effectively will greatly enhance your coding capabilities.

Arrays in Groovy are collections of elements, and accessing these elements is a fundamental operation. Each element in an array has a unique index, which starts from 0.

The most common way to access an element is by its index . Simply use the index inside square brackets:

Groovy provides a unique feature where you can use negative indexes to access elements from the end of the array:

Before accessing an element, it's good practice to check if the index is valid to avoid out-of-bounds errors:

Another way to access elements is by using the get() method, which provides a more explicit approach:

To retrieve multiple elements at once, you can use a range of indexes:

By mastering these techniques, you can manipulate and utilize arrays to their full potential in your Groovy applications.

In Groovy, arrays are mutable, meaning you can change their content after initialization. Modifying elements is a common operation, and Groovy offers several methods to achieve this.

The most straightforward way to modify an element is by its index . Assign a new value using the index:

For a more explicit approach, you can use the set() method. It requires the index and the new value:

You can add new elements to the end of the array using the << operator:

To insert an element at a specific position, use the add() method with the desired index:

To remove an element, you can use the remove() method with the element's value or its index:

With these techniques, you can ensure that your Groovy arrays always contain the desired data in the required order.

Working with arrays in Groovy involves various operations that help in data manipulation and retrieval. These operations make arrays a versatile tool in programming.

To determine if an array contains a specific element, use the contains() method:

To get the number of elements in an array, use the size() method:

Sorting is a common operation. Use the sort() method to arrange elements in ascending order:

To combine two arrays, use the + operator:

For representation or logging purposes, you might want to convert an array to a string. Use the join() method:

To filter elements based on a condition, use the findAll() method:

Familiarizing yourself with these common operations ensures that you can effectively manage and utilize array data in your applications.

Arrays in Groovy are collections of elements, and often, you'll need to traverse each element for various operations. Groovy provides several methods to iterate over arrays efficiently.

The each method is a common way to loop through each element in an array:

If you need to access the index of each element during iteration, use the eachWithIndex method:

The traditional for loop can also be used to iterate over arrays:

To iterate over elements based on certain conditions, combine the findAll method with each :

The collect method allows you to transform each element in the array and produce a new array:

Iterating over arrays is a fundamental operation in Groovy programming. By mastering these techniques, you can manipulate array data effectively and tailor it to your application's needs.

What's the primary difference between a Groovy array and a list?

While both arrays and lists can store multiple values, arrays have a fixed size once initialized, whereas lists are dynamic and can grow or shrink as needed.

Can I create multi-dimensional arrays in Groovy?

Yes, Groovy supports multi-dimensional arrays, which are essentially arrays of arrays. They are useful for representing structures like matrices or tables.

How does Groovy handle out-of-bounds array access?

If you try to access an array element using an index that's out of bounds, Groovy will throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException .

How do I convert a Groovy array to other data structures like sets or maps?

Groovy provides intuitive methods to convert arrays to other data structures. For instance, you can use the toSet() method to convert an array to a set.

Let's see what you learned!

Which method in Groovy can be used to determine if an array contains a specific element?

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September 1, 2009

Groovy goodness: multiple assignments.

Since Groovy 1.6 we can define and assign values to several variables at once. This is especially useful when a method returns multiple values and we want to assign them to separate variables.

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  • 1- Where can we use Groov
  • Groovy 2 – Hello World
  • Groovy 3 – Variables
  • Groovy 4 – Data Types
  • Groovy 5 – Get Values From Fields
  • Groovy 6 – Math Operators
  • Groovy 7 – Relational Operators and Logical operators
  • Groovy 8 – Precedence
  • Groovy 9 – When will our code run?
  • Groovy 10 – Comments and Key Words
  • Groovy 11 – if then else / switch Adding Logic To the Scripts
  • Groovy 12 – Loops
  • Groovy 13 – Array
  • Groovy 14 – Map
  • Groovy 15 – STRING
  • Groovy 16- Formula Fields (Create field, Add Script To field, Add Field To Page Layout)
  • Groovy 17 – Multidimensional Array
  • Groovy 18 – Removing Duplicates from Array
  • Groovy 19 – Revers Strings
  • Groovy 20 – Using FOR Loop to Generate Even Numbers Series
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Groovy 5 – Get Values From Fields

  • by rvtechblog
  • November 1, 2020 November 16, 2023

Values from fields are pulled into variables or even other fields by 2 possible methods:

1 ) we directly assign the field to a variable or to another field using = or a set method 

2 ) we use a get method

Lets explore each of this options.

1 Use direct assignment

The simplest and most direct way of getting the value of a field is by using assignment operator to put the value from the field into a variable by utilizing the field API name.

On opportunities the name of the opportunity has its API name as Name

We just do:

If we would have a Costume Field, the API name of  a custom field is  FieldName_c  (custom fields always have a  _c )

The variable will just take the data type of the field we assign into it.

So if the field is a numeric field the variable will also be a numeric variable

2 Use  a get method

The groovy in sales cloud puts at our disposal few  get methods, to pull values from fields.

This methods belong to the Row class which is a class that is part of the ADF framework, on which fusion is built.

To be noted that this get methods always return a String.

This is very important, because as we will learn in my next tutorials, when we assign values into fields or variables we must respect their data types.

So, if, for example, I want to assign a text into a field that is of type number, an error will be thrown by the application, something in the lines of:  java.lang.NumberFormatException

But about what methods return and  how data types work together we will learn in a later lesson, for now, just remember that those methods will give us back a String

From all of the methods listed above the most used are getAttribute() and getSelectedListDisplayValue()

We use  getAttribute() , to pull values from all fields.

So if we have a text field, like the Name field of opportunities and we want to get its value we would do:

If we want to assign this value to a variable we would first define a variable and then use assignment operator to put the value of Name field into it.

Lest see another example:

Now if we are in, lets say a trigger on the opportunity object and we want to get the value of a field called Comments.

We type the following code:

When we want to save our work, we get this warning: Some fields whose value may be null are not protected by the nvl() function: Comments

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  • Summary: 
  •  | Detail: 

[Java] Class Arrays

Array utilities. Since: 3.0.0

Methods Summary

Inherited methods summary, method detail, <t> @ suppresswarnings ("unchecked") public static t[] concat (t[] arrays).

Concatenate arrays and ignore null array Parameters: arrays - arrays to merge Type Parameters: T - array component type Returns: the concatenated array

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Defining Functions in Groovy


Functions, also known as methods or procedures, are essential building blocks in any programming language. They allow you to encapsulate a block of code and give it a name, making your code more organized, modular, and reusable. In Groovy, defining functions is straightforward and flexible. In this blog post, we’ll explore the various ways to define functions in Groovy, including simple functions, closures, and more.

Defining a Simple Function

In Groovy, you can define a simple function using the def keyword followed by the function name, parameters, and a block of code enclosed in curly braces {} .

In this example, we define a greet function that takes one parameter name and prints a greeting message.

Function Parameters

Groovy allows you to define functions with zero or more parameters. Parameters are defined inside the parentheses () following the function name.

Default Parameter Values

Groovy supports default parameter values, which are used when a parameter is not provided during function invocation.

In this example, the greet function has a default parameter value of “Guest,” which is used when no name argument is provided.

Returning Values

A function in Groovy can return a value using the return keyword. If there is no return statement, the function implicitly returns the result of the last expression evaluated.

Closures as Functions

In Groovy, closures are often used as functions. A closure is a block of code that can be assigned to a variable and executed later. You can define closures using curly braces {} and assign them to variables for later use.

In this example, we define a closure named square that calculates the square of a number.

Defining functions in Groovy is a fundamental skill for building modular and organized code. Whether you’re creating simple functions, functions with default parameter values, or leveraging closures, Groovy offers flexibility and expressiveness. Functions allow you to encapsulate logic, promote code reuse, and make your code more readable and maintainable. Understanding how to define and use functions is a crucial step in mastering Groovy and building efficient and effective software.

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How can we define array in katalon to save values in for loop

Hi tried to get the values from table and getting successfully. Now i want to store these values in variable during for loop. Please share with me array syntax to use in my script.

kazurayam said: Have a look at this sample code:

This is for List… any possibility to maintain the array?

You want array rather than List. OK. It is just possible.

I rewrote the Example.1 of .

At first, just a rewrite the Example1. I did rewriting because the coding style of the original code in the URL looks a bit odd to me.

Then a rewrite with arrays.

Difference of List and array comes up only when you want to add/delete an entry. With List, adding an entry is a breeze. With array, adding an entry is a cumbersome task. In the above code we are not adding entries so that you would find very little difference between the two. Almost all of Java/Groovy APIs prefer List to array, so that you need to learn the List anyway.

I am also trying to store the values in a list or an array and then would like to print those stored values from the test case. The following is my example:

This is the test case I am using to print the number of headers and the names of the headers using the Keywords above:

After running the test, it correctly prints out ‘No.of Headers: 9’, it only prints one header/column name instead of all the 9 names. Could you tell me what is wrong with my code?

This one line looks erroneous.

How about this?

I tried your suggestion but got the following error for the for loop

Multiple markers at this line - Groovy:expecting EOF, found ‘for’ @ line 85, column 3. - Groovy:unexpected token: for @ line 85, column 3.

This is what my code looks like:

7 Aug 2019 I corrected my bad: retvalue += headers[i].getText() + ';' => retvalue += e.getText() + ';'

Awesome! Got the expected results. I am curious to know why certain things were done in the code.

  • Another def method was created inside the def columnNames method. Why did we do that and why did we assign its value = ’ ’
  • I did not understand your for loop since I was used to the standard for loop which I had in my original code. What does (WebElement e : headers) do?
  • I got the results with retvalue += e.getText() + ‘;’ instead of retvalue += headers[i].getText() + ‘;’ What is the difference between the two?

The def keyword in Groovy language does not specifically mean “defining a method”. It defines some identifier of certain data type.

Have a look at the Groovy language document

Here are a few examples of valid identifiers (here, variable names): def name def item3 def with_underscore def $dollarStart

I can safely rewrite the above snippet as follows:

Please note, here I refrained from def keyword of Groovy. The above code explicitly declares that the method columnNames returns a value of type java.lang.String .

This is a valid Groovy class, and at the same time, is a valid Java class.

As for for (WebElement e : headers) syntax, have a look at the Groovy language document:

Groovy also supports the Java colon variation with colons: for (char c : text) {} , where the type of the variable is mandatory.

Yes, I carelessly used Java 5 syntax here. See also

If I want to be Groovy native, I can safely rewrite it to:

Ah, my bad. retvalue += headers[i].getText() was my mistake. retvalue += e.getText() is correct.

Thanks for the explanation. Suppose I do not want to use def or String and want to store all the column names in a list or an array and then print those out. Is it possible to do that?

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