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Business plan Coach : Modèle rédigé gratuit

business plan Coach

Dans cet article, nous allons explorer le business plan de Coach CH, une entreprise spécialisée dans le coaching de vie pour les particuliers et les entreprises. Nous allons examiner les différentes sections du business plan, notamment le résumé opérationnel, l’analyse de marché, la stratégie commerciale, la stratégie de communication, les ressources humaines et les prévisions financières. En examinant ces sections clés, nous allons mieux comprendre les objectifs, les stratégies et les prévisions de Coach CH pour réussir dans le marché en croissance rapide du coaching

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Business plan Coach : résumé opérationnel / executive summary

Le résumé opérationnel est l’une des parties les plus importantes du business plan Coach CH. Il résume brièvement les objectifs, les produits et services, ainsi que les stratégies de marketing de l’entreprise. Cette section est cruciale pour convaincre les investisseurs potentiels et les partenaires commerciaux de l’intérêt et de la viabilité de votre entreprise.

Coach CH est une entreprise de coaching qui propose des services à la fois pour les particuliers et les entreprises. L’objectif principal de l’entreprise est d’aider ses clients à atteindre leur plein potentiel en les guidant tout au long du processus de développement personnel et professionnel. Les produits et services proposés par Coach CH sont conçus pour aider les clients à atteindre leurs objectifs en matière de carrière, de leadership, de développement personnel et de bien-être général.

En ce qui concerne le marché cible, Coach CH vise principalement les professionnels, les cadres et les dirigeants d’entreprise qui cherchent à améliorer leurs compétences en leadership et à optimiser leur potentiel de carrière. Pour les particuliers, Coach CH propose des services de coaching de vie pour aider les clients à atteindre leurs objectifs personnels et à surmonter les obstacles qui se dressent sur leur chemin.

En ce qui concerne la stratégie de marketing, Coach CH prévoit d’utiliser plusieurs canaux pour atteindre ses clients potentiels. Cela inclut le marketing en ligne, la publicité traditionnelle et le marketing de contenu. Coach CH utilisera également les réseaux sociaux pour atteindre les clients potentiels et établir une relation avec eux.

En résumé, Coach CH est une entreprise de coaching qui vise à aider les individus et les entreprises à atteindre leur plein potentiel en offrant des services de coaching personnalisés. La stratégie de marketing de Coach CH mettra l’accent sur la publicité en ligne, le marketing de contenu et les réseaux sociaux pour atteindre ses clients potentiels. Avec ses produits et services de haute qualité, Coach CH est bien placé pour connaître un grand succès sur le marché en croissance rapide du coaching

Business plan Coach : analyse de marché

L’analyse de marché est une étape cruciale dans l’élaboration d’un business plan. Cette section permet à Coach CH de mieux comprendre le marché sur lequel elle souhaite évoluer, d’identifier les tendances et les opportunités, ainsi que les défis et les obstacles à surmonter.

Le marché du coaching est en croissance rapide, avec de plus en plus d’individus et d’entreprises cherchant à améliorer leurs compétences et à atteindre leur plein potentiel. Cela est dû en partie à la concurrence croissante et aux défis de plus en plus complexes auxquels sont confrontées les entreprises. De plus, les individus sont de plus en plus conscients de l’importance de l’auto-développement et cherchent à améliorer leur bien-être général.

Le marché du coaching est également diversifié, avec des coachs spécialisés dans différents domaines, tels que le coaching de carrière, le coaching de leadership, le coaching de vie, le coaching d’affaires, le coaching de santé et de bien-être, entre autres. Les clients potentiels de Coach CH peuvent provenir de différents secteurs d’activité, y compris les entreprises, les organisations à but non lucratif, les établissements d’enseignement et les particuliers.

Coach CH a identifié une opportunité de marché dans le coaching pour les entreprises, en particulier les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) qui cherchent à améliorer leurs performances et leur rentabilité. Les PME sont souvent confrontées à des défis tels que la gestion de l’efficacité opérationnelle, la réduction des coûts, la gestion des talents et la planification stratégique, ce qui crée une demande pour les services de coaching.

En ce qui concerne la concurrence, Coach CH devra faire face à de nombreux concurrents directs et indirects. Les concurrents directs sont d’autres entreprises de coaching qui offrent des services similaires à Coach CH, tandis que les concurrents indirects sont des entreprises qui offrent des produits ou des services similaires qui peuvent être utilisés comme alternatives au coaching.

Malgré la forte concurrence sur le marché, Coach CH a identifié des opportunités de croissance en se concentrant sur des services de coaching de haute qualité et personnalisés pour les entreprises et les particuliers. En s’appuyant sur son expertise et sa réputation dans le domaine du coaching, Coach CH est bien positionnée pour connaître un grand succès sur le marché en croissance rapide du coaching

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Business plan coach : stratégie commerciale.

La stratégie commerciale est un élément clé du business plan de Coach CH. Cette section décrit comment l’entreprise prévoit de développer ses activités, d’attirer de nouveaux clients et de maintenir la satisfaction de ses clients actuels.

La stratégie commerciale de Coach CH repose sur plusieurs piliers. Tout d’abord, l’entreprise prévoit de développer ses activités en se concentrant sur les services de coaching pour les entreprises, en particulier les PME. Coach CH estime que ce segment de marché offre des opportunités de croissance importantes, compte tenu des besoins spécifiques des PME en matière de coaching pour améliorer leur rentabilité et leur performance.

En outre, Coach CH compte utiliser les canaux de marketing en ligne, les réseaux sociaux et le marketing de contenu pour promouvoir ses services auprès des clients potentiels. Ces canaux ont prouvé leur efficacité dans la promotion des services de coaching, car ils permettent d’atteindre un public plus large à moindre coût.

En ce qui concerne la fidélisation des clients, Coach CH prévoit de mettre en place un système de suivi régulier avec ses clients afin de s’assurer de leur satisfaction et de leur fidélité. Coach CH s’engage également à offrir des services de coaching personnalisés de haute qualité pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques de chaque client.

Coach CH envisage également de se concentrer sur la création d’une marque solide et reconnaissable sur le marché du coaching. Pour atteindre cet objectif, l’entreprise prévoit de développer des outils de marketing efficaces, tels que des brochures d’information, des vidéos de présentation et un site web professionnel.

Enfin, Coach CH estime que la formation et le développement continu de son équipe de coachs est un élément clé de sa stratégie commerciale. L’entreprise s’engage à offrir à son équipe de coachs les ressources nécessaires pour améliorer leurs compétences et rester à la pointe des dernières tendances et techniques de coaching.

En somme, la stratégie commerciale de Coach CH repose sur une combinaison de développement de nouveaux segments de marché, de marketing en ligne, de fidélisation des clients, de développement de la marque et de formation continue de l’équipe de coachs. Ces efforts combinés devraient permettre à Coach CH de se positionner comme un leader dans le marché en croissance rapide du coaching

Business plan Coach : stratégie de communication

La stratégie de communication est essentielle pour Coach CH. Cette section décrit comment l’entreprise prévoit de communiquer avec ses clients potentiels, d’attirer de nouveaux clients et de maintenir la satisfaction de ses clients actuels.

Coach CH compte utiliser plusieurs canaux de communication pour atteindre ses clients potentiels. Tout d’abord, l’entreprise prévoit de développer une présence en ligne forte en utilisant les réseaux sociaux, les blogs et les forums en ligne pour interagir avec les clients potentiels. Les réseaux sociaux tels que LinkedIn, Twitter et Facebook sont des canaux de marketing très efficaces pour les entreprises de coaching car ils offrent une portée mondiale et permettent de cibler des publics spécifiques.

En outre, Coach CH prévoit de collaborer avec des partenaires commerciaux pour atteindre des clients potentiels supplémentaires. Les partenaires commerciaux peuvent inclure des entreprises qui offrent des produits et des services complémentaires à ceux de Coach CH, ainsi que des associations professionnelles qui sont susceptibles d’avoir des membres qui pourraient bénéficier des services de coaching de Coach CH.

Coach CH compte également organiser des événements pour interagir avec les clients potentiels et actuels. Les événements peuvent inclure des conférences, des ateliers et des sessions de formation en direct, qui permettront à l’entreprise de se connecter directement avec les clients et de renforcer sa présence sur le marché du coaching.

En ce qui concerne la fidélisation des clients, Coach CH compte utiliser des newsletters électroniques, des bulletins d’information et des enquêtes de satisfaction pour rester en contact avec ses clients et les maintenir engagés. Ces outils de communication sont importants pour assurer la fidélité des clients et pour s’assurer que les clients sont satisfaits des services de coaching fournis par l’entreprise.

Enfin, Coach CH estime que la communication interne est également importante pour maintenir une équipe de coachs engagée et motivée. L’entreprise prévoit d’utiliser des outils de communication internes tels que des forums de discussion en ligne et des réunions régulières pour s’assurer que tous les membres de l’équipe sont alignés sur les objectifs de l’entreprise.

En somme, la stratégie de communication de Coach CH repose sur une combinaison de canaux de communication en ligne et hors ligne pour atteindre les clients potentiels, ainsi que des outils de communication internes pour maintenir l’engagement de l’équipe de coachs. Ces efforts combinés devraient permettre à Coach CH de renforcer sa présence sur le marché du coaching et de maintenir une base de clients fidèles et engagés

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Business plan coach : ressources humaines.

La section ressources humaines du business plan de Coach CH est importante car elle décrit comment l’entreprise compte recruter, former et gérer son équipe de coachs. Les coachs sont au cœur des activités de Coach CH et leur expertise et leur expérience sont essentielles pour offrir des services de coaching de haute qualité à ses clients.

Coach CH compte recruter une équipe de coachs qualifiés et expérimentés pour offrir des services de coaching personnalisés et de haute qualité à ses clients. L’entreprise prévoit de rechercher des candidats possédant des diplômes en psychologie, en coaching, en ressources humaines ou dans un domaine connexe, ainsi qu’une expérience pratique dans le coaching.

En ce qui concerne la formation des coachs, Coach CH prévoit d’offrir une formation continue à son équipe de coachs pour les aider à rester à la pointe des dernières tendances et techniques de coaching. Les formations peuvent inclure des ateliers de formation en interne, des conférences, des séminaires et des sessions de formation en ligne.

Coach CH compte également offrir des avantages et des récompenses pour motiver son équipe de coachs et les encourager à offrir des services de coaching de haute qualité. Ces avantages peuvent inclure des bonus, des primes, des formations supplémentaires et des possibilités de développement professionnel.

En outre, Coach CH prévoit de mettre en place des processus de gestion des performances pour s’assurer que l’équipe de coachs atteint les objectifs de l’entreprise et fournit des services de coaching de haute qualité à ses clients. Les processus de gestion des performances peuvent inclure des évaluations régulières des performances, des objectifs clairs et mesurables pour chaque coach et des plans d’action pour améliorer les performances si nécessaire.

Enfin, Coach CH estime que la culture d’entreprise est également importante pour maintenir une équipe de coachs engagée et motivée. L’entreprise prévoit de créer une culture d’entreprise qui encourage la collaboration, la communication et le développement professionnel pour aider à maintenir la satisfaction de l’équipe de coachs.

En somme, la section ressources humaines du business plan de Coach CH décrit comment l’entreprise prévoit de recruter, de former et de gérer son équipe de coachs pour offrir des services de coaching de haute qualité à ses clients. En mettant en place des processus de gestion des performances et en offrant des avantages et des récompenses, Coach CH devrait être en mesure de maintenir une équipe de coachs motivée et engagée pour offrir des services de coaching de qualité à ses clients.

Business plan Coach : prévisionnel financier et comptable

La section bilan prévisionnel financier est l’une des parties les plus importantes du business plan de Coach CH. Elle décrit les prévisions financières de l’entreprise pour les trois à cinq prochaines années, y compris les prévisions de revenus, de bénéfices et de flux de trésorerie.

Les prévisions financières de Coach CH reposent sur plusieurs hypothèses, notamment la croissance du marché du coaching, la concurrence, les tarifs des services de coaching et les coûts opérationnels de l’entreprise.

En ce qui concerne les prévisions de revenus, Coach CH prévoit une croissance importante de son chiffre d’affaires au cours des trois à cinq prochaines années, grâce à l’expansion de ses activités de coaching pour les entreprises. Les prévisions de revenus de l’entreprise sont basées sur le nombre de clients, le tarif moyen des services de coaching et la croissance du marché du coaching.

Les prévisions de bénéfices de Coach CH sont basées sur la différence entre les revenus et les coûts de l’entreprise. Les coûts de l’entreprise comprennent les coûts opérationnels tels que les salaires, les frais généraux, les frais de marketing et les frais de développement de l’entreprise. Les prévisions de bénéfices de l’entreprise dépendent de la croissance de son chiffre d’affaires et de sa capacité à contrôler les coûts opérationnels.

En ce qui concerne les prévisions de flux de trésorerie, Coach CH prévoit de maintenir une situation de trésorerie positive tout au long de la période de prévision. Les prévisions de flux de trésorerie sont basées sur les prévisions de revenus et de bénéfices de l’entreprise, ainsi que sur les investissements prévus pour soutenir la croissance de l’entreprise.

Pour soutenir sa croissance, Coach CH prévoit de lever des fonds auprès d’investisseurs potentiels et de prêteurs pour financer ses activités de développement et d’expansion. L’entreprise prévoit également d’utiliser ses propres ressources financières pour financer sa croissance.

En somme, la section prévisionnel financier du business plan de Coach CH décrit les prévisions financières de l’entreprise pour les trois à cinq prochaines années. Les prévisions de revenus, de bénéfices et de flux de trésorerie de l’entreprise reposent sur des hypothèses clés telles que la croissance du marché du coaching, la concurrence, les tarifs des services de coaching et les coûts opérationnels de l’entreprise. En contrôlant les coûts opérationnels et en maintenant une situation de trésorerie positive, Coach CH devrait être en mesure de réaliser ses prévisions financières et de soutenir sa croissance future.

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  • Cession des parts SARL EURL
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  • Business plan et prévisionnel
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Coach de vie : comment établir son business plan ?

par Virginie 9 juillet 2021, 8 h 45 min

coach de vie business plan

Avant de vous lancer dans votre projet de devenir coach de vie, il est essentiel de vous pencher sur la réalisation de votre business plan. Cette étape est cruciale pour savoir si vous avez réellement l’âme d’un entrepreneur. Vous voulez savoir en quoi le business plan d’un coach de vie est-il spécifique et comment le réaliser ? Voici quelques éclaircissements et un guide qui devraient vous simplifier grandement la tâche.

Table des matières

Qu’est-ce qu’un business plan pour un coach de vie ?

Si vous avez un projet de création d’entreprise en tant que coach de vie, il vous sera utile de comprendre le contexte du business plan. « Business plan » est un terme anglais qui signifie littéralement plan d’affaires.

Par définition, cet outil sert à se convaincre soi de la viabilité de son projet . Un business plan sera utile au coach de vie pour convaincre les autres qu’il remplit toutes les conditions et détient les compétences nécessaires pour devenir un entrepreneur.

Concrètement, à quoi sert un business plan pour un coach de vie ?

A priori, un coach de vie n’a généralement pas besoin d’une somme conséquente pour monter son business de coaching. Mais si vous vous dites que ce document ne vous servira à rien, détrompez-vous ! En prouvant que votre plan est rationnel, cohérent et crédible, un business plan peut vous être utile pour :

  • Éventuellement, négocier un prêt bancaire.
  • Démarcher de potentiels investisseurs.
  • Une réflexion approfondie sur le projet vous permettra de déceler d’éventuelles failles dans votre plan.

Pour ne pas avancer dans le flou artistique, un coach de vie gagne ainsi à monter un business plan. Quand on a un projet d’activité professionnelle et non de loisir, il est inconcevable de ne pas le faire. En attestent les statistiques qui affirment que les activités de coaching ayant fait l’objet d’un business plan ont plus de chance de fonctionner sur le long terme.

Quels sont les avantages de faire un business plan quand on est coach de vie ?

Le business plan est un moyen de se pencher sérieusement sur tous les aspects d’une activité de coaching. Grâce à lui, vous serez mieux en mesure de déterminer vos buts, d’identifier votre marché cible, le client idéal. Vous pouvez mieux évaluer les revenus que vous attendez de votre activité, mais aussi vos besoins financiers.

Que doit contenir le business plan d’un coach de vie ?

coach de vie business plan

Un business plan a aussi vocation de présenter votre entreprise de coaching. Il doit toujours comporter deux parties dont l’une est écrite et l’autre chiffrée.

C’est dans cette partie écrite que vous devez décrire vos objectifs, vous présenter en tant que créateur de l’entreprise, analyser l’environnement de l’activité, déterminer les destinataires de vos offres et vos stratégies de mise en œuvre …

Parallèlement, il sert à illustrer de manière chiffrée et hypothétique vos revenus et vos charges. Ces derniers seront préalablement définis dans le business model. Cette partie intègre généralement

  • Le compte de résultat prévisionnel de 3 à 5 ans.
  • Le plan de financement prévisionnel.
  • Le budget de trésorerie (le solde bancaire que vous espérez de votre activité de coaching).

Les chiffres n’ont pas à être précis à ce stade. Ce qui compte, c’est qu’ils soient cohérents entre eux.

Quels sont les éléments auxquels doit faire référence le business plan d’un coach de vie ?

Le business plan étant un peu la bête noire des entrepreneurs, nous concédons que cette tâche peut être chronophage et fastidieuse. En particulier quand on ne sait pas trop qui y inclure. Pour vous aider, voici les composantes essentielles d’un business plan d’un coach. Notez que ce document peut être créé en plusieurs semaines et non en quelques heures.

  • Les prestations ou produits dont vous devez en faire les descriptions idéalement dans un tableau. Ce sont les avantages à en tirer, les destinataires des offres.
  • Le marché que vous ciblez.
  • Vos concurrents que vous aurez à lister et à étudier (leurs prix, atouts et faiblesses, propositions commerciales…) Ils peuvent être directs ou indirects (les services similaires aux vôtres).
  • L’étude des SWOT (strenghs, weakensses, opportunities, threats). Elle porte sur les forces et faiblesses internes de votre activité, ses opportunités et les menaces externes.
  • Le positionnement s’étudie en partant des analyses SWOT. La manière de tirer profit des faiblesses de la concurrence, les raisons qui incitent les gens à être vos clients. Mais également vos atouts et ce qui fait vos particularités.
  • Votre stratégie marketing.
  • Le plan financier.
  • Le plan d’urgence, en prévision de ce qui pourrait mal tourner (situations et solutions).
  • Une vue générale qui résume les points précédents et sera l’introduction du business plan.

Naturellement, il ne s’agit là que d’une trame de business plan pour coach que vous pouvez encore améliorer à votre convenance.


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Comment créer un business plan de coach de vie gratuit en PDF avec Angel

Découvrez comment élaborer un business plan complet pour votre activité de coaching de vie

Qu'est-ce qu'un business plan de coach de vie ?

Un business plan de coach de vie est un document essentiel qui décrit en détail votre vision d'entreprise, vos objectifs et votre stratégie pour votre activité de coaching de vie. Il sert de feuille de route pour votre entreprise, en mettant en lumière les aspects clés tels que votre offre de services de coaching, votre marché cible, vos prévisions financières, et votre plan d'action pour atteindre vos objectifs. Ce document est crucial pour convaincre les investisseurs, les partenaires potentiels et les prêteurs de la viabilité de votre entreprise, et il vous aide à rester concentré et organisé dans la poursuite de vos objectifs.

Pourquoi avez-vous besoin d'un business plan pour votre activité de coaching de vie ?

Élaborer un business plan pour votre activité de coaching de vie est essentiel pour plusieurs raisons. Tout d'abord, cela vous permet de clarifier votre vision et vos objectifs, en vous aidant à définir clairement ce que vous voulez accomplir avec votre entreprise. Ensuite, un business plan vous aide à comprendre votre marché cible et à identifier les besoins et les attentes spécifiques de vos clients potentiels. Cela vous permet de développer des stratégies de marketing et de vente plus efficaces pour atteindre votre public cible. De plus, un business plan vous aide à évaluer la viabilité financière de votre entreprise, en vous permettant de projeter vos revenus, d'identifier vos coûts initiaux et opérationnels, et de déterminer vos marges bénéficiaires. Enfin, un business plan est un outil essentiel pour convaincre les investisseurs et les prêteurs de la solidité de votre entreprise, en démontrant que vous avez réfléchi de manière approfondie à tous les aspects de votre activité et que vous avez un plan solide pour atteindre le succès.

business plan coach de vie

Les éléments clés à inclure dans votre business plan de coach de vie

Un business plan de coach de vie doit inclure plusieurs éléments clés pour assurer sa pertinence et sa clarté. Voici les principaux aspects à prendre en compte :

  • Vision d'entreprise : Décrivez votre vision et vos objectifs à long terme pour votre entreprise de coaching de vie. Quels sont les principaux résultats que vous souhaitez atteindre ? Comment envisagez-vous d'impact positivement la vie de vos clients ?
  • Marché cible : Identifiez clairement votre marché cible, en décrivant les caractéristiques démographiques, les besoins et les préférences de vos clients potentiels. Quels segments de la population cherchez-vous à atteindre avec vos services de coaching ?
  • Services de coaching proposés : Décrivez en détail les services de coaching que vous proposez, en mettant l'accent sur leur valeur ajoutée pour vos clients. Quels types de programmes de coaching offrez-vous ? Quelles sont les méthodologies ou les approches spécifiques que vous utilisez dans votre pratique ?
  • Stratégie marketing et de vente : Développez une stratégie de marketing et de vente solide pour promouvoir vos services de coaching et attirer de nouveaux clients. Comment prévoyez-vous de vous différencier de la concurrence et de vous faire connaître dans votre marché cible ?
  • Prévisions financières : Projetez vos revenus, coûts initiaux et coûts opérationnels pour évaluer la viabilité financière de votre entreprise. Quels sont vos objectifs de revenus à court et à long terme ? Comment prévoyez-vous de gérer vos coûts et de maintenir des marges bénéficiaires saines ?
  • Plan d'action : Élaborez un plan d'action détaillé pour atteindre vos objectifs commerciaux. Cela peut inclure des étapes spécifiques pour promouvoir vos services, élargir votre clientèle et développer de nouveaux programmes de coaching.

Comment utiliser Angel pour créer votre business plan de coach de vie en PDF

Utiliser Angel pour créer votre business plan de coach de vie en PDF est un processus simple et efficace. Voici comment vous pouvez tirer le meilleur parti de cet outil :

  • Inscription et démarrage : Commencez par vous inscrire sur Angel et accédez à l'interface conviviale de l'outil. Créez un compte et commencez à remplir les sections pertinentes pour votre business plan de coach de vie.
  • Guides et modèles : Utilisez les guides et modèles fournis par Angel pour vous aider à structurer votre business plan. Ces ressources peuvent vous guider dans la rédaction de chaque section et vous assurer de couvrir tous les aspects importants de votre entreprise de coaching de vie.
  • Prévisions financières : Profitez des fonctionnalités d'Angel pour générer des prévisions financières détaillées. L'outil vous permet d'entrer vos données financières et génère automatiquement des rapports financiers complets, y compris des projections de revenus, des coûts initiaux et des marges bénéficiaires.
  • Personnalisation et édition : Personnalisez votre business plan en fonction de vos besoins spécifiques. Ajoutez des détails sur vos services de coaching, votre plan d'action et votre stratégie marketing pour créer un document unique qui reflète votre vision d'entreprise.
  • Téléchargement en PDF : Une fois votre business plan de coach de vie finalisé, utilisez la fonction de téléchargement d'Angel pour obtenir une version au format PDF de votre plan. Cela vous permettra de présenter de manière professionnelle votre document à des investisseurs, des partenaires potentiels et d'autres parties prenantes.

En suivant ces étapes simples, vous pouvez créer un business plan de coach de vie complet et professionnel en PDF avec l'aide précieuse d'Angel. Cela vous permettra de présenter votre entreprise de coaching de vie de manière convaincante et organisée, tout en vous offrant un guide détaillé pour atteindre le succès dans votre activité.

Conseils pour la présentation de votre projet de coaching de vie dans votre business plan

Lorsque vous présentez votre projet de coaching de vie dans votre business plan, il est essentiel de suivre quelques conseils clés pour garantir une présentation convaincante et professionnelle. Voici quelques conseils utiles :

  • Clarté et concision : Assurez-vous que la présentation de votre projet est claire et concise. Évitez les termes techniques ou le jargon excessif, et concentrez-vous sur l'explication de votre vision, de vos objectifs et de la valeur ajoutée de vos services de coaching.
  • Mise en valeur de la proposition de valeur : Mettez en évidence ce qui rend votre approche unique et les avantages spécifiques que vous offrez à vos clients. Expliquez en quoi votre entreprise de coaching de vie répond aux besoins du marché et comment elle se distingue de la concurrence.
  • Utilisation de données et d'exemples concrets : Appuyez vos déclarations avec des données et des exemples concrets. Cela peut inclure des témoignages de clients, des statistiques sur l'efficacité du coaching de vie, ou des résultats tangibles obtenus grâce à votre approche.
  • Présentation visuelle attrayante : Utilisez des graphiques, des images ou des infographies pour illustrer vos points clés. Une présentation visuellement attrayante peut rendre votre projet plus mémorable et facile à comprendre pour vos lecteurs.
  • Focus sur l'impact et les résultats : Mettez l'accent sur l'impact positif que votre entreprise de coaching de vie peut avoir sur la vie de vos clients. Partagez des exemples de réussite, des histoires inspirantes, ou des indicateurs de progrès pour démontrer l'efficacité de votre approche.

Étudier le marché du coaching de vie : comment s'y prendre ?

Étudier le marché du coaching de vie est une étape cruciale pour élaborer un business plan solide. Voici quelques étapes à suivre pour mener une étude de marché approfondie :

  • Identification des tendances du marché : Recherchez les tendances actuelles dans l'industrie du coaching de vie, telles que l'augmentation de la demande pour des services de bien-être, la popularité croissante du coaching personnel, ou l'émergence de nouvelles approches de coaching.
  • Évaluation de la concurrence : Analysez les offres et les stratégies des autres coachs de vie et entreprises de coaching. Identifiez leurs points forts, leurs faiblesses, et les opportunités inexplorées qui pourraient être exploitées par votre entreprise.
  • Compréhension des besoins des clients : Étudiez en profondeur les besoins, les défis et les aspirations de votre marché cible. Cela peut inclure des entretiens avec des clients potentiels, des enquêtes, des études de marché, ou l'analyse de données démographiques et comportementales.
  • Identification des opportunités de croissance : Cherchez des opportunités de croissance dans le marché du coaching de vie. Cela peut inclure des segments de marché sous-servis, des besoins non satisfaits, ou des tendances émergentes qui pourraient ouvrir de nouvelles voies pour votre entreprise.
  • Évaluation des barrières à l'entrée : Identifiez les obstacles potentiels à l'entrée sur le marché du coaching de vie, tels que la concurrence intense, la saturation du marché dans certaines régions, ou les défis liés à la construction d'une réputation solide.

En menant une étude de marché approfondie, vous serez en mesure de recueillir des informations précieuses qui vous aideront à élaborer un business plan de coach de vie solide, axé sur la compréhension profonde de votre marché et des besoins de vos clients potentiels.

Générer des prévisions financières pour votre activité de coaching de vie

Élaborer des prévisions financières précises est crucial pour le succès de votre activité de coaching de vie. Cette section de votre business plan doit couvrir plusieurs éléments financiers clés pour fournir une image complète de la santé financière prévue de votre entreprise.

  • Coûts de démarrage : Détaillez tous les coûts initiaux nécessaires pour lancer votre activité de coaching de vie. Cela peut inclure la formation professionnelle, les frais de marketing, les coûts de licence, et les dépenses liées à la création de votre site web ou à l'établissement de votre bureau.
  • Coûts opérationnels : Fournissez une analyse des coûts réguliers que vous prévoyez d'engager. Ces coûts peuvent inclure la location d'espace de bureau, les frais de publicité, les frais de formation continue, et les coûts liés à la participation à des événements professionnels.
  • Revenus attendus : Projetez vos revenus en fonction de différents scénarios, tels que le nombre de clients par mois, les tarifs de vos services, et les revenus supplémentaires provenant de la vente de produits ou de la participation à des conférences.
  • Marges bénéficiaires : Calculez vos marges bénéficiaires en tenant compte des coûts directs et indirects. Cette analyse vous aidera à déterminer les tarifs de vos services pour garantir la rentabilité de votre activité.

En outre, l'utilisation d'outils en ligne comme Angel peut grandement faciliter la création de ces prévisions. Ces outils offrent souvent des fonctionnalités telles que :

  • Modèles financiers : Utilisation de modèles préconçus qui peuvent être personnalisés en fonction de votre activité de coaching de vie spécifique.
  • Tableaux de bord interactifs : Pour une visualisation claire et compréhensible de vos données financières.
  • Conseils d'experts-comptables : Permettant d'assurer l'exactitude et la pertinence de vos prévisions financières.

Télécharger votre business plan de coach de vie en PDF et Excel avec Angel

L'accessibilité et la flexibilité sont des aspects clés d'un business plan efficace. Avec Angel, une fois votre plan finalisé, vous avez la possibilité de le télécharger en formats PDF et Excel. Le format PDF est idéal pour une présentation professionnelle à des investisseurs, des prêteurs et des partenaires. Il offre un aperçu clair et concis de votre plan, parfait pour les réunions et les propositions. D'autre part, le format Excel est extrêmement utile pour une gestion dynamique de votre plan. Il vous permet de faire des ajustements en temps réel, tels que la modification des prévisions financières, la mise à jour des coûts ou l'ajout de nouvelles stratégies de marketing, ce qui est essentiel à mesure que votre activité évolue.

En utilisant les formats PDF et Excel, vous pouvez présenter votre business plan de coach de vie de manière professionnelle tout en conservant la flexibilité nécessaire pour apporter des ajustements et des améliorations à votre plan au fil du temps. Cela vous permettra de rester agile et réactif face aux changements du marché et aux nouvelles opportunités qui se présentent.

À présent que vous disposez des outils et des ressources nécessaires, il est temps de concrétiser votre vision d'entreprise de coaching de vie. Avec Angel, la création d'un business plan complet et professionnel est à portée de main. N'attendez plus pour donner vie à votre projet et aider à transformer la vie de vos clients de manière positive et significative.

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How To Write A Life Coaching Business Plan: 5 Templates

Coaching Business Plan

If you’re passionate about helping others fulfill their potential and reach new heights, life coaching could be a truly rewarding career for you.

This guide will show you how to create a coaching business plan that will help you turn your ideas into reality, so that you can start creating value and deliver real results to your life coaching clients.

5 Tips For Starting Your Life Coaching Business

Starting out as a life coach can seem like a big move, and there’s plenty to consider. For many experienced life coaches, it’s balancing the support, guidance, and coaching theory side of things business admin that can be a little tricky.

Maybe you see yourself more as a development professional than an entrepreneur, or perhaps you’ve helped others professionally but never quite had your own practice.

Regardless of where you are in the coaching game, here are some tips that can help you get started building a life coaching business of your own: [1]

  • Decide on a clear, unique value offer. Life coaching is incredibly popular, and that’s not changing anytime soon. To distinguish yourself as a coach, think about the unique value you’ll create for your clients – what’s original about the results you can help them achieve, or how you help them get from A to B?
  • Consider accreditation. The right life coaching certification can arm you with useful skills and knowledge in your field while boosting your credibility as a coach. There are plenty of qualifications available online for coaches, and you may find one that goes a long way to enhance your marketability.
  • Set your business up, practically. Various states, regions, and countries have different systems for registering and starting an online coaching business. Make sure you allow time to collect or create all the coaching forms you’ll need to enroll and manage your clients.
  • Develop or curate your coaching resources. To practice, you’ll need tools such as life coaching worksheets , lessons, exercises, videos (if you’re using them), and more. Create a database of all the coaching tools you’ll need so you know just where to find them when you land your first client!
  • Create an online presence. Think about how you’ll reach out to clients, and prepare the things that will help you be discovered online. Some examples include a coaching website , social media profile, or listings in online coaching directories. A strategic way to approach this is by developing a marketing strategy, which covers all the ins and outs of how you’ll grow your visibility.

How To Write A Coaching Business Plan: 2 Examples

A coaching business plan should help you clarify why and how you’ll start and run your coaching practice, as well as the tools you’ll need to help others.

Creating a life coaching business plan might sound terrifying, don’t be put off. You can go into more detail if you prefer a comprehensive organizational roadmap, but your business plan should quite simply help you:

  • Clarify your “Why” – What is the ultimate purpose of your business? What is your desired future vision for your practice and clients?
  • Solidify your “How” – What are your coaching objectives/your mission? What approaches will you use to achieve them?
  • Determine your “What” – Understand the interventions, tools, lessons, or solutions that will help you on your mission.

Depending on the depth of detail you’d like to go into, you can break your plan up into more or fewer sections.

The following two coaching business plan examples illustrate this.

Example 1: Lean Life Coaching Business Plan

A lean business plan is ideal for explaining your coaching practice succinctly, or if you’re planning a small coaching business.

Using this USA Small Business Administration sample as a guide, your lean coaching plan might include the following headings: [2]

  • Business identity
  • Target client
  • Client pain points
  • Your solution
  • Your competition
  • Revenue streams
  • Marketing activities
  • Team and their key roles, and

Lean coaching business plans can be particularly helpful if you’re keen to refine and enhance your business plan as you learn and gain experience.

Example 2: Life Coaching Business Plan Template

This life coaching business plan template from Profitable Venture is a more comprehensive example, starting with an executive summary and ending with a startup expenditure budget. [3]

SWOT and market analyses are used for an in-depth assessment of potential opportunities, threats, and rivals in the coaching industry.

3 Helpful Templates and Samples For Your Plan

Here are a few good examples of coaching business plans, including some extra sections you might want to include:

  • 9 Steps to a Lean Life Coaching Business Plan from Coaching Online – this covers a few more sections such as your competition, marketing, and finances [4]
  • Traditional Business Plan from the USA Small Business Administration – a traditional business plan that may work well for larger coaching practices [5]
  • Business Plan Template for a Startup from Score.org – a 9-step template for new business owners. [6]

Creating A Business Plan For Your Online Coaching Business

Once you’ve decided on the most relevant format for your business plan, you’ll want to formalize it by writing it all down.

You will most likely be referring to it regularly, as you structure, run, manage, and grow your coaching practice, so it’s critical to keep your plan along with the rest of your business documents.

A quick, straightforward solution for most coaches is to create a digital business plan, as we’ve started to do below using Quenza:

Quenza Business Plan for Coaching

Using Quenza’s Activity Builder , you can create custom sections for each element in your plan, as well as text boxes for all the information that will go into your tool.

This helps you store your plan in your coaching portal alongside your Client profiles, activities, and other coaching tools, so your plan is always near at hand as you start to build your business.

To create your own coaching business plan using Quenza’s Activity Builder, simply:

  • Open and title a new Activity
  • Create sections for each header of your plan, and
  • Save your Activity to your Library when it’s done!

You can also print your plan as a PDF, or access and edit at any time on Quenza’s client app, as shown below:

how to start an online life coaching business Quenza

There’s no right or wrong way to create a coaching business plan template, so don’t be afraid to add in headers or sections as your plan grows. As long as your plan takes you through each milestone of building and running your business, you’re on the right path to creating a successful, growing practice.

Best App and Software For Your Coaching Business

Quenza is a state-of-the-art solution for coaching professionals, regardless of where you are in the process of running your business.

Not only can you plan out your business as a first-time coach, but Quenza’s tools can help you deliver solutions, stay in touch with clients, and even market your business as you gain traction.

With Quenza’s features, for example, you can:

  • Design, build, and deliver personal and group life coaching solutions
  • Craft coaching programs, curricula, or entire e-courses from your existing tools
  • Drip feed your solutions to coaching clients automatically, on a schedule
  • Create and customize all your coaching contracts , coaching agreements, and feedback forms
  • Collect and securely store all your clients’ data with Quenza’s HIPAA-compliant app and coaching platform
  • Offer clients a centralized online coaching portal
  • Stay in touch with and engage your clients throughout the course of your programs, using notifications, reminders, and multimedia,
  • Track, monitor, and evaluate your clients’ progress in real-time, and
  • Document your sessions with Quenza’s Client notes.

5 Unique Features Included in Quenza

We’ve already seen how important it is to carve out your niche as a life coach – and of course, you’re most efficient when you decide on your own workflow, processes, and style.

With Quenza’s custom features, you have all the flexibility you need to get creative with solutions and market yourself in a way that suits you.

For instance, you can make use of Quenza’s:

  • Multilingual client app – to translate your own or your clients’ Quenza app into 16 different languages, and custom brand colors
  • Group or private chat – to share feedback, reminders, or encouragement
  • White label feature – to promote your brand by adding your logo to tools, forms, and programs
  • Wheel of Life feature – to design personalized life Wheel of Life assessments , and
  • Expansion Library – for customizing popular and evidence-based coaching exercises without starting from scratch!

Final Thoughts

These tips, templates, formats, and examples will help you craft a strategic business plan that can get your coaching practice up and running – even if you’ve never started a business in your life.

If you have a template of your own to share with your fellow coaches, do let us know in the comments below.

We hope this article was helpful. Don’t forget to start your 30-day, 1 dollar Quenza trial for all the tools you need to bring your business plan to life!

Quenza’s practitioner tools will help you craft and deliver powerful online coaching solutions from any connected device, and contains everything you need to run your life coaching practice digitally for brilliant client outcomes.

  • ^ Truex, L. (2021). How to start a home-based coaching business. Retrieved from https://www.thebalancesmb.com/how-to-start-a-coaching-business-1794520
  • ^ SBA.gov. (2021). Sample Lean Business Plan. Retrieved from https://www.sba.gov/sites/default/files/2017-12/Sample%20Lean%20Business%20Plan%20-%20Wooden%20Grain%20Toy%20Company.doc
  • ^ Profitable Venture. (2021). Life Coaching Business Plan Template. Retrieved from https://www.profitableventure.com/life-coaching-business-plan/
  • ^ Coaching-Online.org. (2021). 9 Steps to a Lean Life Coaching Business Plan. Retrieved from https://www.coaching-online.org/life-coach-business-plan/
  • ^ SBA.gov. (2021). Write Your Business Plan. Retrieved from https://www.sba.gov/business-guide/plan-your-business/write-your-business-plan
  • ^ Score.org. (2020). Business Plan Template for a Startup Business. Retrieved from https://www.score.org/resource/business-plan-template-startup-business

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How to Craft your coaching business plan in 7 simple Steps (+ FREE Template)

business plan coach de vie

May 8, 2024

coaching business plan

Are you eager to launch your coaching business but feeling overwhelmed about where to start?

You’re not alone! 

In this article, I’ll help you understand what a coaching business plan involves. I’ll provide you with a coaching business plan template and also teach you how to shape it so that it mirrors your vision and goals. I’ll walk you through every step to ensure you create a successful coaching business plan tailored to your niche.

Let’s dive into the world of business planning, where clarity meets strategy.

In Brief : How to Craft your coaching business plan in 7 simple Steps

  • Step 1: 📝 Executive Summary – Craft a compelling summary that encapsulates your business vision, mission, and core elements like the business name, owner, and location, setting the stage for what follows.
  • Step 2: 🗂️ Business Description – Detail your coaching services, niche, and operational mechanics. Explain how these elements work together to meet the needs of your clientele.
  • Step 3: 🔍 Market Analysis – Conduct a thorough analysis of your target market and competition. Use this data to tailor your services and pinpoint market opportunities.
  • Step 4: 📈 Create a Marketing Strategy – Develop a comprehensive marketing plan that includes digital and traditional methods to attract and retain clients, ensuring your brand stands out.
  • Step 5: ⚙️ Operations Plan – Outline your business’s operational structure, including the logistics of daily operations and the roles of your team members.
  • Step 6: 💰 Financial Planning – Forecast your business’s financial health with detailed budgeting, pricing strategies, and expected financial outcomes.
  • Step 7: 🚀 Review and Implement – Regularly review and refine your business plan to ensure it remains relevant and effective

Do You Need a Coaching Business Plan?

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A few years ago, I was just like you—excited yet baffled about the right steps to take in starting my coaching business. I dabbled in social media, attended conferences, tried podcasting, and explored various other avenues. 

Despite my efforts, the results were far from what I needed. It felt like I was constantly moving, but not in the right direction.

Then it clicked. I realized that diving headfirst into business without a well-thought-out plan was like sailing without a compass. 

So, I took a step back and started from scratch, this time with a clear strategy in mind. I laid out a business plan that not only guided my business to success but also continues to guide me today.

Starting a coaching business can be an exciting venture , but without a clear plan, it’s easy to lose direction and focus. A business plan helps you outline your business objectives and also provides a roadmap to achieve them. 

Here’s why a business plan is vital for a coaching business:

  • Clarity and Direction : A business plan defines your coaching business’s purpose and sets clear goals. This clarity guides your decisions and keeps you focused on long-term goals.
  • Understanding Your Market : Who are your potential clients? What are their needs and how can your coaching services meet those needs? Analyzing the market helps you tailor your offerings. It also helps you stand out from competitors. This ensures your services are in demand.
  • Attracting Investors and Funding : Investors want to know that their money is going into a venture. The venture must have a clear plan to make a profit. This will give potential investors the confidence to back your business.
  • Measuring Progress and Success : A business plan sets a baseline for measuring your progress. Setting clear goals and milestones helps you track progress and adjust strategies as needed. This ongoing review keeps you on track and informs smart decisions that drive your business forward.
  • Risk Management : All businesses, including coaching ones, face risks. A business plan helps predict and manage these risks, making it easier to handle challenges. It prepares you for economic downturns, shifts in consumer behavior, and new competitors. This proactive approach protects against unexpected problems.

How To Create Your Coaching Business Plan

A well-structured business plan outlines every critical component of your operation, from your business identity and client demographics to your financial management and growth strategy.

Before we jump straight into the coaching business template , let’s understand the structure of your coaching business plan:

coaching business plan

  • Step 1: Craft your Executive Summary
  • Step 2: Business Description
  • Step 3: Market Analysis
  • Step 4: Create a Marketing and Sales Strategy
  • Step 5: Operations Plan
  • Step 6: Financial Planning
  • Step 7: Review and Implement

1. Crafting Your Executive Summary

To start your coaching business, begin with a powerful executive summary in your business plan. This section is like the front cover of a book—it needs to captivate and inform.

Here’s how to craft an executive summary that sets the stage for a compelling business plan:

  • Business Name and Location : Clearly state the name of your coaching business and where you are based. This basic info introduces your business.
  • Services Offered : Describe the types of coaching you provide. You might specialize in life coaching, career coaching, or another niche. Give a snapshot of what you offer.
  • Mission Statement : Your mission statement should reflect the core values and purpose of your business. It tells your audience what your business stands for and what you aim to achieve.
  • Vision Statement : This is about the future. Where do you see your coaching business going? What impact do you want to make? Your vision statement paints a picture of the future you are working towards.
  • Goals and Objectives : Jot down your short-term and long-term objectives for your coaching business using the SMART criteria—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound . Short-term goals might include reaching a certain number of clients. Or, they might include achieving a set income within the first year. Long-term goals could involve expanding your services nationally. Or, they could involve developing a franchise model.

2. Business Description

Here, you explain what your business does, how it operates, and what it aims to achieve.

This section gives context for the rest of the business plan. It helps stakeholders understand your business at a detailed level.

Choose Your Niche

Choosing a coaching niche and specifying your services are key . This sets your business apart.

Detail your target market. Whether you focus on life, executive, or health coaching, each meets unique client needs. Focus on demographics like age, profession, or specific challenges. Your coaching addresses those challenges.

Explain how your services are tailored to meet these needs, and discuss your business’s competitive edge. List your services in this field. Include personal coaching, group workshops, and online courses.

Also, showcase what makes you unique. For example, you might have a special coaching method. Or, you could be highly skilled in a popular coaching area.

Business Structure

The structure of your coaching business can greatly impact its operations and growth. You may operate as a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation. Each type has its own implications.

A sole proprietorship is easy to start and gives you full control. But it also leaves you fully liable for debts. On the other hand, a corporation shields you from debt and can attract investors. It does this through its structure and ability to sell shares. However, corporations face more rules and taxes.

Choose the structure that fits your business goals. Consider how it affects liability, taxation, and investment.

Business Model

Your coaching business can adopt various models to deliver its services, depending on your target market and your expertise:

  • One-on-One Coaching: Tailored specifically to individual clients to address personal or professional goals. This model allows for deep, personalized work and can be conducted in person, over the phone, or via video conferencing.
  • Group Sessions: These sessions bring together multiple clients who share similar goals or challenges. Group coaching is effective for workshops, seminars, and regular meetings, offering the added benefit of peer learning and support.
  • Online Courses: Providing digital courses allows clients to engage with your coaching material at their own pace. This model can include video lectures, downloadable resources, and interactive elements like quizzes or forums.

Value Proposition

What sets your coaching services apart is your unique value proposition.

For instance, your approach might integrate cutting-edge psychological research, or perhaps you offer a unique blend of strategies drawn from various disciplines such as mindfulness, behavioral science, and leadership training.

Maybe your services are particularly tailored to a niche market, such as startup entrepreneurs or corporate executives facing burnout.

Highlighting this uniqueness in your business plan helps potential clients and investors understand why your coaching services are not just necessary but highly desirable.

3. Market Analysis

A thorough market analysis is crucial. It helps you understand your environment. You can identify opportunities and challenges. Then, you can make strategies. These strategies use your strengths to meet market demands.

This part of your business plan will show the whole market. It will offer key insights. These insights will help you set real goals and grow in a lasting way.

Identify your Target Market

Identifying your target market involves defining the specific group of people who are most likely to benefit from your coaching services. Key aspects to consider include:

  • Demographics: Age, gender, profession, income level, and educational background. For instance, your services might cater primarily to mid-level professionals aged 30–50.
  • Psychographics: Values, interests, lifestyle, and personality traits. For example, this might include people who value personal development, are career-focused, and seek work-life balance.
  • Location: Whether your target market is local, regional, national, or global. Online coaching services can broaden your geographical reach compared to traditional in-person sessions.

Market Need

This section details the specific needs your coaching services address.

Are your clients looking for career advancement, personal growth, better stress management, or improved leadership skills?

Understanding these needs allows you to tailor your offerings effectively.

For example, if there is a high demand for stress management techniques among corporate workers in your area, your coaching could focus on mindfulness and resilience training.

Analyze your Competition

Analyzing your competitors helps you understand the current market landscape and identify what sets your coaching apart. Consider the following:

  • Who are your main competitors? Look at other coaching services in your niche.
  • What services do they offer? Understanding their offerings helps you spot gaps in the market.
  • What are their strengths and weaknesses? This can help you learn from their successes and capitalize on areas where they may fall short.

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT Analysis is a strategic method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

Use it to analyze your coaching business:

How to Craft your coaching business plan in 7 simple Steps (+ FREE Template) coaching business plan

  • Strengths: What advantages does your coaching business have? This could be a unique coaching methodology, a strong personal brand, or deep expertise in a niche area.
  • Weaknesses: What areas need improvement? This might include limited market presence or lack of full-time coaching staff.
  • Opportunities: Look for external factors that could be advantageous for your business. This could include increasing demand for mental health services or expanding into online coaching.
  • Threats: Identify potential challenges that could hinder your business’s success. These might include new competitors entering the market or changes in regulatory laws affecting coaching services.

4. Marketing and Sales Strategies

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An effective marketing and sales strategy is critical for the success of any coaching business. This part of your business plan outlines how you will attract and keep clients.

It details your approaches to reaching your target market and turning leads into paying customers. The right strategy boosts visibility. It also improves client engagement and loyalty.

A well-crafted marketing plan is essential. It sets clear goals and identifies the best tactics to reach them. It ensures your marketing is consistent, targeted, and effective. They help build brand recognition and trust.

Developing your coaching brand involves creating a distinctive identity that resonates with your target audience and sets you apart from competitors.

Key elements include:

  • Brand Message: What are the core messages you want to convey? This could be your commitment to helping clients achieve specific goals, like improving leadership skills or finding work-life balance.
  • Visual Identity: Includes your logo, color scheme, and overall visual style. These should reflect the tone and ethos of your coaching practice.
  • Brand Voice: How you communicate in written and spoken words, which should consistently reflect your values and appeal to your target audience.

Marketing Channels

To reach your potential clients effectively, utilize a mix of marketing channels tailored to where your audience spends their time:

  • Social Media: Platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook can help build community and engagement. Tailor your content strategy to each platform to maximize reach and engagement.
  • Speaking Engagements: Presenting at conferences or local events can establish you as an expert in your field and attract clients looking for proven guidance.
  • Networking: Building relationships through industry groups or local business events can lead to referrals and new client opportunities.
  • SEO: Optimize your website and content for search engines to attract organic traffic. Focus on keywords that potential clients might use to find coaching services.

Effective marketing can significantly boost your coaching business, attracting a steady stream of clients. It not only draws attention but also captures and retains interest

Sales Strategy

Converting potential clients into paying clients requires a clear sales process:

  • Initial Consultation: Offer a free or discounted initial consultation to introduce potential clients to your coaching style and the benefits of your services.
  • Follow-Up: After the consultation, follow up with a personalized message that summarizes how you can help them achieve their goals.
  • Special Offers: Consider time-limited offers or package deals to encourage sign-ups.

Set up a sales funnel. A sales funnel is a process that guides potential clients from their first interaction with your brand through various stages of engagement until they make a purchase.

It starts with awareness, often through your marketing efforts, and progresses to interest (engaging with content), decision (attending a consultation), and finally action (purchasing a coaching package). 

5. Operations Plan

The Operational Plan section of your business plan provides a detailed look at how your coaching business works. This section outlines the day-to-day operations that support your coaching business.

This includes preparing for client sessions, both scheduled and ad-hoc and follow-up activities for each session, client communication, and administrative tasks like scheduling, billing, and client records management. 

It’s important to specify how these tasks are handled and by whom, as well as any business hours or response time commitments you make to your clients.

Business Location

Where you operate your business significantly shapes how it runs. Specify whether you offer your coaching services online, offline , or in a hybrid model:

Technology Used

Technology is crucial in running a modern coaching business efficiently. List the specific technologies and software you utilize for various business functions:

  • Client Management Systems : Software for scheduling , session notes, and client progress tracking.
  • Communication Tools : Tools used for client communication, such as email platforms, video conferencing tools, and instant messaging apps.
  • Marketing and Sales Software : CRM systems for managing leads, marketing automation tools, and analytics platforms.

Staff and Resources

Finally, detail any staff or additional resources needed to operate your business effectively. This includes any administrative support, marketing personnel, or additional coaches. 

If you handle most operations solo, discuss any outsourced services you might need, such as virtual assistants, accountants, or IT support.

6. Financial Planning

The Financial Plan is a critical section of your business plan. It is crucial for both potential investors and for you as the owner.

It shows that your coaching business is financially viable. It gives a roadmap for financial success.

This section is crucial for securing funding. It shows you understand your business’s finances.

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Startup Costs

Outline all initial costs required to start your coaching business. This includes any licensing fees, initial marketing expenses, technology setup costs, office equipment, and any other expenditures necessary to launch your business.

Pricing Strategy

Set your prices for your coaching services based on the value you provide, the demands of your target market, and your competitors’ pricing. You can also offer different pricing tiers based on the length and depth of the coaching provided or discounts for upfront payments for a series of sessions.

Revenue Projections

Project your revenues over the next three to five years. Base these estimates on your market analysis, including expected client numbers, session pricing, and any additional revenue streams like workshops or online courses.

Break-even Analysis:

Calculate when the business expects to break even. This analysis should consider all fixed costs (like rent and salaries) and variable costs (such as session materials or payment processing fees) against expected revenue streams. The break-even point is the moment when total revenues equal total costs, indicating when the business starts to generate profit beyond recovering its initial and operational costs.

Think of it like this: if you have a lemonade stand, you need to know how many cups of lemonade you have to sell to pay for all your supplies and costs. The moment you’ve sold enough cups to cover all your expenses, you hit your “break-even point.” That means you’re not losing money anymore, and any more lemonade you sell after that starts to make you profit.

7. Review and Implement

Once you’ve finalized your coaching business plan, the next steps are critical: reviewing the plan carefully and implementing it effectively.

This ensures that your business is built on a solid foundation and is ready to adapt to challenges and opportunities. Here’s how to approach these important phases:

Reviewing Your Business Plan

  • Thorough Read-through: Start by reading your business plan thoroughly from start to finish. This helps you ensure that the plan is cohesive and all parts align well with each other.
  • Seek External Feedback: It’s invaluable to get perspectives from trusted mentors, industry peers, or potential investors. They can provide insights that you might have missed and suggest improvements. Consider feedback from people who understand the coaching industry as well as those who might be part of your target audience.
  • Revise for Clarity and Accuracy: Based on the feedback and your own assessments, make necessary revisions. This could involve clarifying certain sections, adding missing details, or correcting any inaccuracies. Ensure your financial forecasts and market analysis are realistic and based on the latest available data.
  • Finalize the Document: Once revisions are made, finalize the formatting, proofread for grammatical errors, and ensure that the document is professionally presented.

Implementing Your Business Plan

Now that your business plan is meticulously crafted, it’s time to bring it to life. This step might seem a bit overwhelming, but it’s essential for growing your coaching business.

The great news is, you’re not in this alone. We’re here not just to support you but to actively participate in your journey.

Our role extends beyond mere guidance; we’re here to help build your business. While you concentrate on what you do best—coaching and transforming lives—we’ll handle the operational details. From identifying your niche to marketing execution, we’ve got you covered .

As we wrap up, I hope the insights shared here have empowered you to create a structured and effective business plan for your coaching venture.

Crafting a solid plan is crucial, not just for guiding your business but for adapting as your enterprise grows.

If you have any questions about the business planning process or wish to share your own experiences and insights, feel free to leave a comment below.

Resources for your Coaching Business Plan

As a coach, it’s crucial to have the right resources at your fingertips.

We’ve put together a curated list to support your journey to craft your custom coaching business plan.

Your Custom Template

To get your FREE custom Coaching Business Plan Template, click on the “Download Your Coaching Business Plan” Button

Other resources

Financial planning and management tools.

  • QuickBooks : An accounting software ideal for small businesses to manage accounts with ease.
  • Mint : Helps with personal and business financial planning and budgeting.
  • Microsoft Excel / Google Sheets – Spreadsheet tools that are essential for financial analysis, including creating detailed financial projections and budgets.

Software and Online Platforms

  • LivePlan : This is an intuitive, user-friendly business plan software that guides you through the process of creating a detailed, investor-ready business plan. It offers templates, financial forecasts, and performance tracking tools.
  • Bizplan : Bizplan makes the process of writing a business plan more efficient through step-by-step guidance, templates, and a modern, user-friendly interface that simplifies financial forecasting and business modeling.
  • Enloop : This tool automatically writes and formats your business plan as you input information. It offers features like auto-generated financial reports and a real-time performance score to improve your plan.
  • SMART Goals – A framework for setting objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound, ensuring well-defined and attainable goals.
  • SWOT Analysis – A strategic planning tool used to identify and understand the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats related to business competition or project planning.
  • PEST Analysis – A framework for analyzing and monitoring the macro-environmental factors that may have a profound impact on an organization’s performance.
  • Business Model Canvas – A strategic management template for developing new or documenting existing business models across nine key components.
  • Value Proposition Canvas – A tool that helps businesses ensure that a product or service is positioned around what the customer values and needs.
  • “ Co-Active Coaching: Changing Business, Transforming Lives ” by Henry Kimsey-House, Karen Kimsey-House, Phillip Sandahl, and Laura Whitworth – This book provides a foundational philosophy for professional coaching.
  • “ Business Model Generation ” by Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur – A book that introduces practical tools for creating, analyzing, and reinventing business models, with visual methods for brainstorming.
  • “ The Lean Startup ” by Eric Ries – A book that introduces methodologies for developing businesses and products in an efficient way by managing and directing startup activities toward the markets.

Legal Resources for Small Businesses

  • U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) : Information on business registration, legal structures, and licenses.
  • Gov.uk (for UK based businesses) : Guidance on starting and running a business in the UK, including legal obligations.

Each resource was chosen based on its practical utility, ease of access, and the most current information available.

From established industry platforms to cutting-edge tools and insightful publications, our editorial team has researched, fact-checked, and curated a diverse mix of resources to cater to various learning styles and needs.

This ensures you have access to the best tools and knowledge, helping you build a solid coaching business plan.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the steps of a business plan.

A coaching business plan includes the following steps – making a list of the strengths and weaknesses of the company, moving on to a SWOT analysis, outlining a short-term and long-term strategy, creating project benchmarks, and defining the key success factors. Another additional step is how to price the business and launch a new product.

What Must An Entrepreneur Do After Creating their Coaching Business Plan?

A list of tasks that entrepreneurs should complete after setting up their coaching business plan includes: obtaining startup capital, researching trade laws, reviewing business licenses, and choosing a company name.

What Is the Purpose of Writing a Business Plan Before Entering the Market?

Creating a coaching business plan before entering the market can prove beneficial because it allows entrepreneurs to look at the big picture of the company, from the way it will be run to its goals and general purposes. It also gives entrepreneurs an opportunity to look at what they need to do in order to successfully and efficiently run their business.

What Should I Include In A Business Plan?

Every business plan needs to include the questions and answers of these three fundamental issues: what do you want your company to accomplish, why should people buy what you sell, and how will you make it happen? It is important to take this opportunity to be very thorough with your business plan.

How to Make a Business Plan?

To make a business plan, you must know what kind of business you want it to be. You will need to research your market, competition, and finances. If you don’t, then you run the risk of running out of money or building a business that is unable to make a profit.

How Do You Draft A Coaching Plan?

You can draft a coaching plan through plenty of documents and templates that can be used as a guide to help you brainstorm and organize your own thoughts. One great resource is the Coaching Business Plan Workbook and Guide by Mary Baldwin and Amy Levin-Epstein.

How To Write A Business Plan Step By Step?

The precise step-by-step guide on how to write a business starts with first outlining what your business will be and what your long-term goal is. Next, it’s important to start with developing your company’s mission statement, detailing who your customer is and what they want. This is followed by conducting market research and researching your competition.

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I’m Sai Blackbyrn, better known as “The Coach’s Mentor.” I help Coaches like you establish their business online. My system is simple: close more clients at higher fees. You can take advantage of technology, and use it as a catalyst to grow your coaching business in a matter of weeks; not months, not years. It’s easier than you think.

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4 thoughts on “How to Craft your coaching business plan in 7 simple Steps (+ FREE Template)”

This article was very simple and easy to follow. Extremely helpful. Just starting out so needed this kinda help.

Hi J Dawn, I’m glad you got great value from this piece. And since you are just starting out, the webinar would be extremely helpful to you so do register

Thank you so much, very insightful especially as I’m starting my coaching business.

Keep up the great work!

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Brett Larkin Yoga

  • How To Make A Life Coach Business Plan (With Template)

life coach business plan

If you are anything like me, you have been traditionally educated. So, unfortunately, a lot of times that means we sat through classes wondering when we would ever need XYZ in real life. Unless we have a specific roadmap, core content does not include business courses. 

And, we have spent all of this time getting certified to be life coaches so the last thing we want to do is invest more money into business courses just to learn how to be successful in our life coaching business.

So, I have compiled a quick frame of reference in the sections below to take away some of the guesswork, and give you some ideas that you can quickly and easily apply to your life coaching business plan to receive success sooner than later 😍.

Here’s everything you need to know to create a life coach business plan.

What Is Life Coaching

Life coaching is a type of wellness coaching that helps clients achieve a higher state of being. This can come in many forms, and there are many forms of life coaches as well. Overall, life coaches are significant because they help people explore within themselves, to identify their limitations/ things holding them back, and the answers for how to overcome those limits.

Those same elements are what makes life coaching different from other forms of coaching. As a life coach , you get to help people identify their personal and professional goals. Then, you get to help them create a course of action in order to help your clients reach the goals they have discussed with you.

The beauty here is that even after the conclusion of your time together, your client will be able to take the steps and principles learned with you to continue to improve elements of their lives. That is a very rewarding experience to have.

Why Every Life Coach Needs a Business Plan

A life coaching business requires more than just a good marketing plan. You also need a business plan , which includes a marketing strategy. The difference between the two, simply put, is:

  • Business plans outline all of your big picture goals. Your current end game/ what you identify as what will be your definition of success right now. 
  • Your marketing plan is how you are going to use marketing to achieve the goals you identify in your business plan.

Now, why would you as a life coach need a business plan? Having a life coaching business plan will help keep you accountable and authentic to your business and your life coaching clients.

How to Start Your Life Coaching Business

Before we get into the key components of a life coaching business plan, it’s helpful to understand the general steps to starting your life coaching business. That way, we can develop clear goals and direction at each step.

These are the steps to start your life coaching business:

  • Become a life coach : get certified as a life coach through an International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited course.
  • While going through your life coaching certification course , work on gaining a following on no more than 2 social media platforms.
  • If you are looking to specialize in a specific category of coaching such as business coaching, performance coaching, executive coaching, spiritual coaching, relationship coaching, career coaching, etc. you will need to further your education by taking a course that is specific to those areas.
  • Get your brand together from the look you are going for to the color palette you like.
  • Do a competitive analysis to help you niche down. EX: I am a relationship coach helping women in their golden years rediscover who they are on their own after a long term relationship ends.
  • Develop your marketing strategy and marketing plan.
  • Determine your personal and professional goals for your coaching business.
  • Construct a product suite filled with free, low, medium, and high ticket offers.
  • Put together your group coaching or one on one coaching packages and begin to talk about what your coaching practice can achieve. Be vocal about who your ideal clients are. Ideally, your ideal clients should be acknowledged in your social media bios.

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5 Key Components of a Life Coaching Business Plan

Below are some examples of what you should include in your life coach business plan. Feel free to omit, or add any sections as needed for your coaching business. This is merely a look at life coach business plan examples to help your own life coaching business be successful.

1. Business Identity and Branding

Your business identity and branding need to appeal to your target market, yes. However, it needs to also stay true to who you are as a coach and an individual. If you do not stay true to yourself, it will become hard at some point to continue to deliver your message when attempting to speak to people based on what you THINK they want as opposed to what you know and can successfully deliver.

Your brand identity is how you present yourself to the public aka your followers and potential clients. Some things to consider:

  • How do you dress?
  • What colors do you like?
  • Do you prefer luxury or the great outdoors? 
  • Ocean or mountains?
  • Spring or fall?

Overall, you want to ask yourself every possible question about how you present yourself so that you can consistently show up as yourself, and also offer your coaching services in a way that your target market will want.

Your branding is what distinguishes you from your competition. There are thousands of life coaches out there that help every niche imaginable, so your branding is what sets you apart from those other coaches.

The main question you should ask yourself is, how will people always know this is me ? Maybe that’s a logo, a specific color palette, a certain symbol. Think back to your brand identity and determine which of these branding methods would best work with your coaching practice, and your niche in order to best serve your online coaching business.

Again… consistency is key . The goal is for your audience to ALWAYS know it is you and once they notice it is you, your potential clients will always read your posts. Thus, leading to your successful life coaching business.

2. Defining Your Target Client

You can read more in-depth about this in how to get clients for life coaching , but there are 2 really important aspects worth mentioning.

2.1: You need to have a clear and specific niche.

If you say you help everyone, you are actually helping no one. 🔥 While you may actually be able to help everyone, you have to first help someone . Knowing who you help, how you help them, and what you will do to help them get results is paramount to your business plan. As you grow or move on from certain niches, you can always re-evaluate your niche and who you help. Your marketing strategy will also change with you.

2.2: Create a client avatar.

This will help you consider different facets of all kinds of people. It will help you decide where your clients are coming from and where they want to go. The better you know your client, the better you can meet them where they are and serve them better . Most often, coaching programs have their students do this within the first three modules or weeks of their coaching certification. But, if for some reason you did not do that… Here is a worksheet I created to help you. Simply, make a copy and fill it in according to your coaching services.

3. Addressing Client Pain Points

Your clients’ pain points are what kind of issues they are up against . These are the issues you help them work through as their life coach. Their pain points should also be what all of your content within your business plan are centered around. 

You should constantly be offering help and solutions for why they should work with you. Use that to let them know how you will help them move on from these issues.

Most often these pain points center around large concepts such as balance, freedom, clarity, mindset, inner peace, and confidence . Your job is to take the large concept that you help your clients achieve and break it down into smaller pain points that showcase the kinds of results you get your clients.

It will look something like this:

  • pain point → results you get your clients = how you’re marketing your coaching services

For example:

  • intense PMS symptoms → calmer menstrual cycles = menstrual cycle awareness coaching program

4. Your Unique Solution

Your unique solution is the HOW. HOW you get your clients the results they want. For instance, I have the RISE method in which I help my clients identify their higher selves versus where they are. We then RISE by developing an action plan and doing the identity work in order to step into our power and embody our higher self until we actually BECOME her.

Your method doesn’t have to have a fancy name, but it does need to be something catchy that people will remember. Then, every time you talk about that method, people will say, “Oh. I keep hearing about her RISE method. I wonder what that is.” This falls into the branding and identity mentioned earlier.

Remember : there are hundreds of coaches in your niche, but your clients are paying to work with YOU. They like your messaging. They like your HOW. They like YOU.

5. Analyzing Your Competition

When it comes to analyzing your competition, do not overwhelm yourself. Instead do this:

  • I recommend choosing one with a large audience (10,000+ followers), a medium audience (5,000 followers), and small/ growing audience (less than 5,000 followers)
  • What are they offering in each category? How much are they charging for their services in each category? What problem(s) are they solving?
  • Anything else you find worth noting for the sake of market research
  • Subscribe to their email list if they have one so you can stay up to date on their offers without having to do the digging again.
  • The key here is not to compare yourself to or copy the other coaches, but more to know what problems other coaches with a like audience are solving and how they are helping their clients solve those problems.
  • Take a look at your offers and determine how they are similar to and different from the research you just did.
  • What is unique about their offers and who they are as a life coach/ their coaching method?
  • What is unique about you and your own method? What problems do you solve?

By conducting this research, you are not only getting insight into the market and your target customers, but you are also getting clear about your messaging and how to use it to your advantage within your coaching business plan. You are also conducting a little customer analysis by looking at what kinds of problems your dream clients are looking to solve using a life coach. This research can also assist you in gaining a competitive advantage.

If you are needing some additional help finding your style, consider this 9 Day Find Your Style Yoga Challenge from Brett. Getting into the groove of finding your yoga style and coming back to your yoga practice will help you gain clarity for the hard answers regarding your uniqueness and style when it comes to branding methods.

Financial Aspects of Your Life Coaching Business Plan

While you can definitely utilize your individual profiles, shares, likes, comments, etc to drive traffic and convert sales, there are some money aspects of your life coaching business plan for you to consider as well.

Revenue Streams and Pricing

As previously mentioned, you should be using freebies, low ticket, mid- ticket, and high ticket sales strategy when it comes to your coaching business.

dollar bills folded in the shape of hearts

To break this pricing strategy down, consider:

  • EX: if I want to make $50,000 in a year, that means I need to make $4,167 a month, $1,042 a week, and 148.81 per day
  • To determine your numbers, take your goal income and divide it by 12 to get your monthly need, then divide that by 4 for your weekly need, and then that number should be divided by 7 for your daily need.
  • freebie= entirely free (usually at the cost of giving an email address to an email list)
  • low ticket= anything under $100
  • mid- ticket= anything under $1,000
  • high ticket= anything over $1,000

Use the two bullet points above to determine how to price each of your ticket items in order to meet your annual income goal.

Budgeting and Expenses

Using your financial projections from the above sections, you will now need to decide how much of that income will be used to pay expenses within your business. If any adjustments need to be made to your bottom line once you figure this part out, that’s okay. This is why you do your business planning on the front end. 😃

Some expenses to consider:

  • Coaching website (read about the best blog platforms )
  • Online course platforms , if you plan on using those (some website providers have this option built in for an additional cost as well)
  • Management team, if you plan to have one
  • Continuing education or growth plan for you as a coach and for your 
  • Online advertising
  • Other types of marketing costs include local events, networking events, chamber meetings, community organizations etc.
  • Online business memberships
  • Any other expense that could arise

While this list is not a full list of everything that could be an expense as a life coach, it is here to give you an idea of things to consider when it comes to both your operations plan and your life coaching business plan.

Brett has a really in-depth post about managing cash flow in a yoga business that could be helpful for you now.

Marketing and Promoting Your Life Coaching Business

Now that you have your financial plan and your expenses accounted for, it is time to create a life coaching business marketing plan .

Building an Effective Online Presence

While a website is not necessary, should you choose to use one make sure you include the following:

  • NOTE: try using some search engine optimization (SEO) to see what specific phrases you can include in your about page specifically when it comes to talking about your coaching business to increase your rankings when people use a search engine to find a life coach.
  • Testimonials from previous clients , even if they just did one session with you, or they were a beta client, include it. People want social proof, so anything anyone that has worked with you in any capacity has said… include it.
  • Your offers , every single one of them. You never know where your clients are within their own journeys so listing your offers with a brief description of what is included and the end result is necessary.
  • An option to join your email list , whether via pop up and/ or an option as a footer on the bottom of each page, you want to make sure there are multiple opportunities on your website for your target customers to join your email list.

Read this thorough search engine optimization guide to educate yourself on how to publish content strategically.

For social media:

  • EX: I help bored women who know you are made for more step into your power, claim your purpose, and become your best self.
  • Get your branding sorted for your coaching business, such as colors, vibe, and voice.
  • Use your market research and competitor analysis to hone in on your messaging for your coaching business. Know exactly who you are talking to and WHY you are talking to them by constantly communicating the problems you solve and what those problems look like when manifested into the day to day life. Then, include how you help those problems go away.
  • Do no post and ghost 👻 Simply posting to stories or your grid or profile will not do you any favors. As a life coach, you should set out 3-4 times a day for 10 minutes at a time to respond to any comments or DMs you get and also engage on other accounts as well. You are looking for visibility, so the more people you can get in front of the sooner your coaching business will get clients.
  • Stay true to you and what your coaching business is. Do not make posts or stories around what you think people want to hear. Be authentic and always give the message that is both on brand for you and what YOU believe people NEED to hear.

If you have made it this far, and are still feeling uncertain and overwhelmed, head to Brett’s Yoga For Self Mastery course to see if that would be a good fit for you. She explores yoga as a tool for supporting you and your unique composition. Something like this can help you as a life coach and your coaching business by exploring your consciousness and what it is you bring to the table as a life coach and as a human.

business plan coach de vie


Your coaching business plan should include networking and relationship building of all kinds. As for networking, your coaching business plan should absolutely include collaborating with other coaches. This again should be something that showcases your life coaching services and gives people a feel of what it would be like to work with you.

Some options to consider are:

  • Being an IG live or podcast guest for other coaches whether in your niche or not
  • Doing a guest social media or blog post
  • Doing an online course bonus for another coach’s program outside your niche, but that you are an expert on as it is relevant to their online course.
  • Pretty much anything that gives you the opportunity to get in front of someone else’s audience

Building Client Relationships

Your life coaching services start in your online presence, like on social media or your website. This is where most people will “meet” you. So, whether you are giving service-level guidance in the comments, or offering support through the DMs, that is your life coaching services in action. Do not do free coaching, but just like your different levels of offers, there should be some level of coaching services taking place anytime you communicate with others in order to build credibility and social proof.

Your clients want to be heard. By demonstrating even a glimpse of your coaching services, your life coaching business plan is in play. By providing even minimal support, you will gain a following because your followers will know instantly that you walk your talk.

You are not chasing money, you are there for them. You are in it for the passion and the need to help others up-level.

Now, it’s time to put it all together in your life coaching business plan! Brett has a yoga business plan template that you can download right now to get some ideas about what to put in yours.

Save Hours with my Proven Formula. FREE Yoga Business Plan Download & Checklist 👇

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Save Hours with my Proven Formula. FREE Yoga Business Plan Download

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Common Questions About Life Coaching Business

How profitable is a life coaching business.

Grand View Research put out a study that says that the life coaching industry is expected to grow at least 4% from now until 2030. Life coaching has been on the rise for some time, and it is present and needed in all states.

On average, life coaches make about $5,000 per month. You can read more in depth on this topic by reading my previous post, How Much Does A Life Coach Make .

Is it profitable to be a life coach?

Depending on your niche, audience, results, and the life coaching services you offer, it can be very profitable to be a life coach.

According to an article on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics website written by Kathleen Green, The national average salary for a life coach is $61,900 with the mid- range of that salary being $36,200 in the United States.

Do life coaches need a business plan?

Life coaching should be treated just like any other business. Even if it is just you on your “staff”, you should have a life coach business plan.

A life coaching business plan will help you:

  • stay focused
  • set and reach attainable goals
  • stay organized
  • stay on budget/ create budget
  • have a social media plan
  • connect with other coaching businesses
  • a wide variety of other management items as well depending on how in depth you choose to make your business plan.

Final Thoughts

Your business does not have to be anything super elaborate. You will add more detail and take away items as you begin to find your groove, get clients, and achieve results. Your coaching practice and the direction you want to take it should help guide your business plan in order to assist in your own desires to come to fruition.

Whether you offer group coaching sessions, online courses, attend local events, provide coaching resources, or simply stick with 1:1 coaching, having a business plan is necessary.

As someone that started their life coaching without a business plan, I can tell you that it is not worth the headache of not knowing your expenses, and having to start using personal savings to support my business on the front end because I was too stubborn to create one.

Have fun and be creative. Approach your life coach business plan the same way you would approach a client. It merely serves as a guide that can be molded and adapted as your business begins to adapt and mold into shape. Don’t take it too seriously when creating it, and always remember that you are ultimately in charge of your own business.

Ashlie Franey

About the Author | Ashlie Franey

Ashlie Franey is a Woman Rising. She is a Higher Self & Identity Coach helping women to bridge the gap from their current selves to their future selves. Using her RISE method, her clients learn to step into their power & begin to fully embody the woman they want to be.

  • If you’re interested in practical kriya yoga as a way to improve your daily life and relationships, check out my Yoga for Self Mastery course.
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Coaching Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

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Coaching Business Plan

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 500 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their coaching companies. We have the experience, resources, and knowledge to help you create a great business plan.

In this article, you will learn some background information on why business planning is important. Then, you will learn how to write a coaching business plan step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

Download our Ultimate Business Plan Template here >

What is a Coaching Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your coaching business as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategies for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.

Why You Need a Business Plan for a Coaching Business

If you’re looking to start a coaching business or grow your existing coaching company, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your coaching business to improve your chances of success. Your coaching business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

Sources of Funding for Coaching Businesses

With regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a coaching business are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans, and angel investors. When it comes to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to ensure that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for coaching companies.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

How to write a business plan for a coaching business.

If you want to start a coaching business or expand your current one, you need a business plan. The guide below details the necessary information for how to write each essential component of your coaching business plan.

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key section of your plan.

The goal of your executive summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the kind of coaching business you are running and the status. For example, are you a startup, do you have a coaching business that you would like to grow, or are you operating a multiple coaching businesses?

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan.

  • Give a brief overview of the coaching industry.
  • Discuss the type of coaching business you are operating.
  • Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target customers.
  • Provide a snapshot of your marketing strategy. Identify the key members of your team.
  • Offer an overview of your financial plan.

Company Overview

In your company overview, you will detail the type of coaching business you are operating.

For example, you might specialize in one of the following types of coaching businesses:

  • Business coaching: A business coach specializes in helping business owners clarify their business’s vision and goals.
  • Career coaching: A career coach specializes in helping individuals reach their professional goals.
  • Life coaching: A life coach specializes in helping people make positive progress in their daily lives, relationships, and careers.
  • Performance coaching: A performance coach specializes in helping individuals improve their performance abilities using techniques similar to a sports coach.
  • Wellness coaching: A wellness coach specializes in helping individuals develop and maintain healthy habits.

In addition to explaining the type of coaching business you will operate, the company overview needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to questions such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include the number of clients served, the number of cases with positive outcomes, reaching $X amount in revenue, etc.
  • Your legal business Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry or market analysis, you need to provide an overview of the coaching industry. While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the coaching industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating.

Secondly, market research can improve your marketing strategy, particularly if your analysis identifies market trends.

The third reason is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section of your coaching business plan:

  • How big is the coaching industry (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential target market for your coaching business? You can extrapolate such a figure by assessing the size of the market in the entire country and then applying that figure to your local population.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section of your coaching business plan must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to serve.

The following are examples of customer segments: individuals, schools, families, and corporations.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of coaching business you operate. Clearly, individuals would respond to different marketing promotions than corporations, for example.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regards to demographics, including a discussion of the ages, genders, locations, and income levels of the potential customers you seek to serve.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can recognize and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers.

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Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other coaching businesses.

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from that aren’t directly competing with your product or service. This includes other types of self-development services, therapists, counselors, and online support groups. You need to mention such competition as well.

For each such competitor, provide an overview of their business and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as

  • What types of clients do they serve?
  • What type of coaching business are they?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regards to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. And don’t be afraid to ask your competitors’ customers what they like most and least about them.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you make it easier for clients to acquire your services?
  • Will you offer services that your competition doesn’t?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.  

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a coaching business plan, your marketing strategy should include the following:

Product : In the product section, you should reiterate the type of coaching company that you documented in your company overview. Then, detail the specific products or services you will be offering. For example, will you provide performance coaching, executive coaching, health and wellness coaching, or career coaching services?

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. Essentially in the product and price sub-sections of your plan, you are presenting the services you offer and their prices.

Place : Place refers to the site of your coaching company. Document where your company is situated and mention how the site will impact your success. For example, is your coaching business located in a busy retail district, a business district, a standalone office, or purely online? Discuss how your site might be the ideal location for your customers.

Promotions : The final part of your coaching marketing plan is where you will document how you will drive potential customers to your location(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Advertise in local papers, radio stations and/or magazines
  • Reach out to websites
  • Distribute flyers
  • Engage in email marketing
  • Advertise on social media platforms
  • Improve the SEO (search engine optimization) on your website for targeted keywords

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your coaching business, including answering calls, planning and providing coaching sessions, billing clients and collecting payments, etc.

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to book your Xth session, or when you hope to reach $X in revenue. It could also be when you expect to expand your coaching business to a new city.  

Management Team

To demonstrate your coaching business’ potential to succeed, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a company.

Ideally, you and/or your team members have direct experience in managing coaching businesses. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act as mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in coaching or running a small business.  

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statements.

Income Statement

An income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenue and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will you see 5 clients per day, and/or offer group coaching sessions? And will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets

Balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. While balance sheets can include much information, try to simplify them to the key items you need to know about. For instance, if you spend $50,000 on building out your coaching business, this will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a lender writes you a check for $50,000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement

Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and ensure you never run out of money. What most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t realize is that you can turn a profit but run out of money and go bankrupt.

When creating your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing a coaching business:

  • Cost of utilities, internet service, and office supplies
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff
  • Business insurance
  • Other start-up expenses (if you’re a new business) like legal expenses, permits, computer software, and office furniture

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your office location lease or a list of payment forms you accept.  

Writing a business plan for your coaching business is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the template above, by the time you are done, you will truly be an expert. You will understand the coaching industry, your competition, and your customers. You will develop a marketing strategy and will understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful coaching business.

Coaching Business Plan Template FAQs

What is the easiest way to complete my coaching business plan.

Growthink's Ultimate Business Plan Template allows you to quickly and easily write your coaching business plan.

Where Can I Download a Sample Life Coach Business Plan PDF?

You can download our sample life coach business plan pdf here.

How Do You Start a Coaching Business?

Starting a coaching business is easy with these 14 steps:

  • Choose the Name for Your Coaching Business
  • Create Your Coaching Business Plan
  • Choose the Legal Structure for Your Coaching Business
  • Secure Startup Funding for Your Coaching Business (If Needed)
  • Secure a Location for Your Business
  • Register Your Coaching Business with the IRS
  • Open a Business Bank Account
  • Get a Business Credit Card
  • Get the Required Business Licenses and Permits
  • Get Business Insurance for Your Coaching Business
  • Buy or Lease the Right Coaching Business Equipment
  • Develop Your Coaching Business Marketing Materials
  • Purchase and Setup the Software Needed to Run Your Coaching Business
  • Open for Business

Learn more about how to start your own coaching business .

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your Coaching business plan?

OR, Let Us Develop Your Plan For You

Since 1999, Growthink has developed business plans for thousands of companies who have gone on to achieve tremendous success.   Click here to see how a Growthink business planning consultant can create your business plan for you.

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Business Plan Template For Small Businesses & Entrepreneurs

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Free Masterclass! 4 Simple Steps To Start Your Coaching Business Today

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Creating Your Rock-Solid Coaching Business Plan

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Here's the no-holds-barred truth...

Starting and running a successful business - any kind of business -- isn't easy.

It will probably be one of the hardest things you'll ever do, but it will also be one of the most satisfying things you will ever do.

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The good news is a coaching business that's based on a solid coaching business plan...

A plan that gives you clarity, focus, and direction...

A plan that's based on clear commitment...

Will take a lot of the sting - or obstacles and difficulties - out of the business-building experience.

Step #1 in creating a coaching business plan is about creating that commitment by finding the truth around why  you want to build a successful coaching business in the first place.

This may sound like a simple thing to do but don't be fooled... it's probably the most challenging step of all.

A lot of coaches believe the reason why they do what they do is because they want to serve others and make a difference in people's lives, but if we're really honest with ourselves, that's only half  the story.

If all you want to do with your coaching skills is to serve others, you'd do it for free and you wouldn't build a business around it and charge for your services.

Just to be clear...

This is definitely NOT a campaign to get you to coach for free! Charging for your coaching services and building a coaching business are awesome and it's the right thing to do.

How else would you be able to serve others powerfully if you can't make ends meet or are coaching after hours, leaving little to no time to your own wellbeing?

You have to make your coaching business sustainable if you want to make a living out of your passion. 

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The point of this step is to get you to reflect deeply and dig deeper around your  inner motivation for building a coaching business.

When you get to the REAL root of  why you want to build a business, why it matters to YOU and not just how you can help others, you'll strengthen your motivation and commitment.

You'll find that with strong commitment, you're able to continue along your journey, no matter what happens...

You're able to tap into a level of persistence and consistency that will allow you to overcome all of the challenges, risks and uncertainty that will come up when you start to build your business.

As you think about your commitment in this first step, don't feel like you need to focus on others and that you must be empathetic to what other people want and need all the time.

As master coach and co-founder of Evercoach, Ajit Nawalkha says...

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The following questions will help you connect with the heart of your  personal why... the needs and desires within you that don't have anything to do with anyone else.

Commitment is the step that holds all the other pieces in place in your coaching business plan and that's because no matter how awesome your plan is, it's not going to work if you're not deeply committed and focused on building a successful business.

Question #1

Think of a successful coach you admire. What are some of their awesome personal qualities and traits ? What is their business model? What kind of lifestyle do they have? (if you're not sure, Google to get some answers)

Note: When we admire someone, it's usually because we desire some of what they have. This question will help you identify your deepest desires as a coach.

Question #2

Describe an ideal day in your life as a coach. Start from the moment you wake up until the moment you fall asleep at night. Be as detailed as possible, you can add elements of your lifestyle, where you are, who you are with, be specific about times, etc.

Note: This question will give you hidden clues to what you're looking for in your coaching business and why you want to build your business. Is it a rich, luxurious life with lots of 1 st  class travel and a house by the beach? Is it plenty of time freedom or maybe it's working with well-known politicians and celebrities? Let yourself dream BIG!

Question #3

What are 5 to 10 of benefits you personally experience from your work as a coach? Maybe your work allows you to grow and transform as a human being, maybe it's that you get deep satisfaction knowing that you're making a difference in people's lives, maybe it's both.

Note: This question will focus your mind on some of the benefits you gain being a coach. This will help you discover why you want to make this your life's work.

Question #4

Now that you've completed questions 1 through 3, finish this sentence:

"I want to build a successful coaching business because..."

Note: List as many reasons as you want but try to make sure these reasons are related to you, your passion, your work, your lifestyle, your dreams, and your desires. Don't let yourself focus on other people... you have permission to be selfish!

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Here's one of the biggest conundrums of the 21st century...

The internet has linked us to more people than ever before in the history of humanity and at the same time, it's left us feeling lonelier than we've ever been.

Here's the thing...

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The internet creates an environment where we can reach people around the world and we can share our lives with them, but it does not nurture TRUE connections.

Deep, honest, vulnerable and powerful connections are the foundation of successful coaching.

So, what has this got to do with creating a coaching business plan?

Well, just about everything!

For one thing, people are hungry for connections. They want a coach who creates space for them to be themselves without fear of being judged or rejected.

More and more people want to feel seen, heard and understood in a real way and not just through mindless likes and shares on social media.

A successful coach is someone who has what it takes to build real connections with people both online and offline.

As you continue to build out your coaching business plan, spend time thinking about how you're going to inspire true connections with potential clients.

Are you going to reach out to them online?  Schedule an old-fashioned "coffee date" so you can get to know each other? Will you send them an email and follow up with a phone call?

If you're not sure, do a little research and check out what other coaches -- in your niche or area of expertise -- are doing to create connections in your space so you can kick start a stream of ideas and inspiration.

It's time to make some big picture choices on how and when you want to start creating real connections with potential clients.

This is an important segment in your business plan as it will help you make decisions around being visible and marketing your coaching services.

List all the online and offline methods you can think of to reach out and connect with potential clients. Be specific of what places or platforms you would use to find your ideal audience and approach them.

Note: For instance, if you're a health coach, you could aim to attend at least one a health-related industry conference each month. If you like connecting on social media , what are some of the Facebook groups you could become a part of?

How do you show up best when you're connecting with someone new? Do you love connecting online or do you prefer in-person meetups?

Note: When you've answered this question, check back on your list in Question 1 and circle specific methods that work best for you, based on your answers to this question. For instance if your list in question #1 included "attending live networking events", "running a weekend seminar" and "reaching out via DM on Instagram" and you know you're at your best when you connect in person, then you'd circle the first 2 methods but not the third.

What's ONE thing you can do by the end of today, or if you're reading this before bed, what's the one thing you can do in the morning to connect with at least 3 potential clients?

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You've identified your preferred channels of connection and maybe you've even already taken your first action step to reach out to potential clients.

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This is the segment in the business plan that most coaches absolutely love because they kick a$$ in this area!

We've arrived at the conversation phase of your business plan.

This is where the magic happens.

When you can have a conversation with a potential client, you need to direct your attention to 3 key elements:

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How can you make every, single conversation you have feel insightful, meaningful, and transformational for the potential client?

How can you take your language and conversational skills up to the highest levels?

The best coaches in the world also happen to be world-class listeners and conversationalists, and that's not a coincidence!

Coaches are in the business of creating transformations one conversation at a time.

So, keep in mind that with every conversation you have, you are also in the position to create transformation right there in the moment ..

This isn't about feeling pressured or stressed into changing lives in minutes although it has been known to happen!

It's actually about looking inside yourself and discovering the internal and external cues, triggers and environmental elements that allow you to show up as a master conversationalist, a master listener...

And a master coach.

At Evercoach, we teach coaches the art of practicing deep listening , asking powerful, perceptive questions that create a space for reflection and game-changing "a-ha" moments for clients.

You can learn more about deep listening and asking questions for life-changing conversations in one of our all-time popular courses on Evercoach -  Being an Exponential Coach

Knowing how to have great conversations with clients comes with deep thought, reflection and practice. The following questions will help you create a personal guideline to start meaningful, insightful, transformational conversations that you can include in your business plan.

What's a great opening question you can ask to trigger a deep conversation with a potential client?

Think of some of the game-changing conversations you've had in your own life - either with a coach or even with a friend. What are some of the powerful elements of those conversations, other than insightful, meaningful and transformational?

Note: When you've identified at least 3 elements, think about how you can include them in your next conversation with a potential client.

Identify 3 ways you can learn to take your listening, questioning and conversations skills up to the highest level. 

Note: You can check out our Youtube channel  and  Coaching Guides to get tons of free, high-value content will help you rapidly up-level your coaching skills - even if you're a brand-new coach.

T he 5-Step Coaching Business Plan

C reating  your rock-solid coaching business plan, build your thriving coaching business.

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How To Write a Business Plan for a Life Coaching Business + Free Example

Owner of a life coaching business works on writing their business plan.

John Procopio

6 min. read

Updated February 7, 2024

Free Download:  Sample Coaching Business Plan Template

  • Turn your passion for helping others into a thriving life coaching business.

As a life coach, you have the opportunity to empower others and help them achieve their goals. And with an estimated industry value of over $2 billion, the demand for life coaches has never been higher. 

Yes, the dynamic world of coaching presents an array of opportunities to guide clients through personal and professional growth. But just as you are developing plans for your clients you need to do the same for your business.

Crafting a solid business plan for your coaching practice will help you clarify your vision and objectives, account for certifications and training, and explore how you need to perform financially in order to thrive in an increasingly competitive market. 

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to create a business plan for a life, performance, or executive coaching business. You can even download a free one-page coaching plan template to fill out as you go.

  • What is a life coaching business?

A life coaching business provides professional coaching services to help clients achieve their personal and professional goals. Life coaches work with individuals or groups to provide guidance, support, and accountability. There are many types of life coaching, including:

  • Performance coaching: Enhancing specific skills or talents, such as athletes or musicians.
  • Executive coaching: Developing effective leadership skills for executives and business leaders.
  • Relationship coaching: Improving communication, conflict resolution, and relationship dynamics with partners, family, friends, and colleagues.
  • Career coaching: Advancing careers through skills assessment, resume building, networking, and career planning.
  • Life coaching: Taking a holistic approach to improving various areas of life like health, work-life balance, productivity, and personal fulfillment.
  • Why you should write a business plan for a life or executive coaching business

A solid business plan is crucial for success in your life or executive coaching business. It helps organize your strategies, identify potential obstacles, and invest in certifications and marketing for growth and credibility. By writing a detailed business plan, you can more effectively allocate resources, set achievable goals, and create a roadmap for success.

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  • How to write a life coach business plan

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the key components of a life coaching business plan to help you lay the foundation for a thriving coaching practice. For a walkthrough of how to write the specific sections of a business plan , check out our full guide and supporting articles.

1. Clearly define your offering

To build a successful life coaching business, you must have a precise understanding of your services and how they stand out from the competition. Determine your areas of expertise—whether career, executive, relationship, life, or wellness coaching—and the specific challenges you can help clients navigate. Becoming properly certified and accredited demonstrates your professional competence to clients.

The two top certifying organizations are the International Coach Federation (ICF) and the Coaches Training Institute (CTI). The ICF offers ACC, PCC, and MCC credential levels based on your experience. CTI offers a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach credential. Achieving the right credential for your coaching specialty—such as becoming a Certified Career Coach, Certified Professional Career Coach, or earning a Life Coaching Certification—can maximize your credibility.

With a clear service offering tailored to your target market’s needs and the proper certifications, you will gain the credibility and expertise to help many clients achieve meaningful life changes and reach their full potential. Promote your services boldly by focusing on your areas of specialization, ideal clients, and the specific outcomes you provide.

2. Have specific clients in mind

Speaking of your target market , successful businesses have a clear understanding of their ideal customer and cater to their unique needs.

For example, a life coaching business may target mid-career professionals seeking personal growth or corporate executives looking to enhance their leadership skills. Their needs include developing management skills, thinking strategically, and improving communication. However, you can break this down even further and have market segments such as: 

  • Mid-career professionals looking to change jobs or careers. Their needs include identifying strengths and interests, building a strong resume, developing networking skills, and gaining confidence in interviews.
  • Young adults transitioning from college into the working world. Their needs include determining a career path, gaining skills and experience, finding mentors, and learning professionalism.  
  • Entrepreneurs looking to start a new business. Their needs include business planning, productivity, accountability, motivation, and work-life balance.

3. Create a marketing plan

Developing a strategic marketing plan is vital to building brand awareness and attracting clients to your life coaching business. You’ll need a detailed marketing strategy to maintain a consistent brand identity reflecting your unique coaching style and expertise. 

Strategically choose a few marketing channels, like your website, a targeted social media strategy, and possibly speaking engagements to reach your ideal clients. Run a blog, Substack, or podcast providing actionable advice in your areas of coaching. Submit articles to media outlets your target audience follows and build credibility through these expert placements. 

It’s also important to consider paid media as part of your marketing strategy, such as social media advertising and Google Ads. Monitor your return on ad spend (ROAS) and calculate the lifetime value of a lead to accurately measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. 

With a customized brand and strategic marketing focused on your niche audience’s needs, you will hope to gain visibility, credibility, and quality leads to develop a thriving coaching practice. These are just some of the marketing avenues you may consider exploring.

4. Know your numbers

To build a profitable coaching business you need to understand your financials by monitoring both revenue and expenses closely. Charge what you’re worth based on your experience, certifications, and client outcomes. While gaining momentum, generate extra income through related services. Consider charging for initial consultations to add another revenue stream to your business. 

Here are a few other key things to consider when exploring your numbers:

Track key metrics

Review key metrics monthly, like client retention and profitability. Make adjustments to optimize satisfaction and revenue. Budget for short-term loss but aim for profitability within 6-12 months. Think long-term, progress will take time.

Test your pricing strategy

Explore different pricing models to attract clients with varying budgets. Consider offering packages, retainers, group programs, and online courses, as they provide stability for both you and your clients. 

Keep a close eye on expenses

Assess expenses regularly to minimize waste. Expect costs like marketing, office space (if needed), insurance, and certifications. Budget adequately , reducing expenses will boost profit, and review and refine over time.

  • Download your free life coaching business plan template

Now, you’re reading to start creating your business plan. To get started, download our free one-page business plan example for a life-coaching business . For more inspiration, check out our free library of sample plans and templates for service businesses. You can download any of these documents in Word form and get some structure and industry-specific insight for your own plan.

See why 1.2 million entrepreneurs have written their business plans with LivePlan

Content Author: John Procopio

John is a seasoned digital marketing leader with over 25 years of experience across SaaS, e-commerce, and content industries. He has a proven track record of driving growth through data-informed strategies that span the entire marketing pipeline.

Grow 30% faster with the right business plan. Create your plan with LivePlan.

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What Are The Types of Business Plans?

There are two primary business plan categories: traditional business plans and lean start-up business plans . Traditional business plans are lengthy, detailed, and more common. In this post, we will focus on the traditional business plan.

A lean start-up business plan is a quick summary of all your business ideas and often covers only one page. It is usually presented in the form of illustrations, such as charts, graphs, and tables, for easy perusal. In addition, lean business plans are easier to amend because of their brief nature.

Neither business plan is superior to the other. In deciding which to use, you’ll have to examine your business needs first. Whichever one you choose to go with, what matters is ensuring your business plan is concise, easy to understand, and fact-based. 

What Do You Do Before Writing a Business Plan for Life Coaches?

The answer? RESEARCH.

You would hear from business coaches about the importance of research to assess possible strengths and opportunities as well as weaknesses and threats (SWOT) before embarking on a business venture, and they would be right. 

Life coaching SWOT analysis

Your coaching business may be similar to another. However, it would still require its SWOT analysis to identify what sets your coaching products and services apart from others, create strategies for business growth, and avoid hassles later down the line.

I recommend that the outcome of your research addresses and answers the following questions:

  • What type of coaching practice do I want? Your coaching practice is a business, so you should run it as one. Therefore, setting up a legal structure for your company is essential. It is also crucial to pinpoint the right coaching style for your new business to make planning smoother.
  • What is my niche? Knowing my target niche clarifies the path I’d follow toward business success. It also sets the stage for determining my business and marketing strategy. 
  • What solutions am I offering? The products and services you offer should solve your ideal client's problems. That’s the only surefire way to get new clients and build a solid portfolio.
  • What steps must I follow to grow the business?  Your research must help determine the steps you’d take to expand your life coaching practice.
  • Is my coaching business client-focused? It’s common to have a business plan focusing on the owner and what it plans to accomplish. However, it is better to create a business plan focusing more on the client and the benefits they would be getting. Your clients become return clients who cost less to keep, spend more and market your business better on your behalf.
  • How will I finance my coaching business? If, like many others, you’re starting your business with limited funds, you’d have to clearly state how you intend to finance your business, especially during the early stages until it begins to profit. 

Ok, so we’ve done our research, and we’ve been able to detect what we can excel at, where we thought wrong, and areas we can improve upon based on our initial guesses. We can now decide if we can proceed with the business or return to the drawing board.

If we’re ready to roll, it’s time to write our business plan.

Life Coach Business Plan Template

If you’re just starting, you could make a simple business plan using the template below. Then, as time goes by, you could expand each section to make it more robust. This template outlines every vital aspect of your coaching business. 

  • Mission statement
  • Overview of business
  • Business contact information
  • Target market
  • Coaching niche
  • Unique selling point
  • Short-term and Long-term goals
  •  Strategic objectives
  • Tactical plans
  • Products and services you offer 
  • Product differentiation
  •  Benefits to your clients
  • SWOT analysis
  • Target market valuation
  • Market trends
  • Profile of competitors
  • Competitive advantage      
  • Pricing model
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing platforms
  • Advertising and promotion
  • Sales strategy
  • Distribution channels
  • Organizational charts
  • Training and development
  • Procurement
  • General operations
  • Source of funding
  • Key assumptions
  • Profit and loss accounts
  • Balance sheet
  • Cashflow projections

With this template, you can remain focused on building your business rather than chasing every shiny object you see or hear about, as is the case with entrepreneurs without proper business plans.

Business plan for life coaches: a checklist

Now, let’s take each section at a time.

How To Write a Life Coach Business Plan (Step-By-Step)

1.      Executive Summary

Think of the executive summary as a way of introducing your business to a potential client, lender, or the general public. Therefore, it should include what you do as a business, how you do it, who you do it for, and what value you provide. You should try to keep your executive summary concise at one to two pages maximum. 

It may be easier for you to write the executive summary after completing other sections because you would have highlighted notable points throughout the plan.

2.      Company description

As the section already states, I would describe my coaching business in detail and include the following:

  • My registered business name
  • Address and contact information
  • Legal business structure
  • Executives or directors (if any)
  • My coaching niche 
  • Who my target market is
  • My unique selling point

I would also be sure to point out what sets my coaching business apart from the competition and how my company maximizes its opportunities.

3.      Goals and Objectives

What are your business goals? 

This section will state my short-term and long-term goals and the tactical steps my coaching business will take to reach those goals. For instance, if I plan to make X amount in annual revenue by a specified year, I would provide a realistic, research-based breakdown of how I’d reach that goal.

By providing a breakdown of how I’d accomplish my goals, I’d also be generating trust and confidence in the minds of potential investors or lenders about my business if I intend to seek funding.

4.      Products and Services

In this section, you’ll describe your business's products or services to your target market. These would not be limited to coaching packages, coaching subscriptions, masterclasses, courses, books , etc.

Give a detailed description of each product or service you will offer. Explain how your goods and services are different from or better than your competitors’ offers on the market, and don’t forget to include your pricing model. You would also clearly state the benefits your target market gains by using your products and services.

5.      Market Analysis

Here, you would analyze the coaching industry in which you plan to do business during your research phase before writing the business plan. A comprehensive analysis of the industry would provide valuable information such as:

a.         Results from SWOT analysis

b.         Target market valuation

c.         Market trends

d.         Profile of your competitors

e.         Competitive advantage for your coaching business

f.          Benefits your clients stand to gain

Explain in-depth what prompted your decision to set up your coaching business within that sector and what your competitors are doing. You should also explain how you can improve upon what they aren’t doing well enough to enhance your bottom line but, more importantly, deliver value to your clients.

6.      Marketing and Sales Strategy

Having a fantastic product that creates admirable transformations in clients is one thing. It’s another thing to publicize enough to reach those clients. Your marketing and sales strategy is supposed to convince your clients that your products will provide the solutions they seek.

First, you´ll develop a marketing budget to meet your spending needs. You’d also write a detailed plan for marketing and advertising your products and services to your target market. Which channels would you use?

  • E-mail marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social media marketing
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Print materials
  • Networking,  e.t.c.

Earlier, I mentioned the importance of having repeat clients because they are some of the best and cheapest marketing tools for your business, so it is crucial to know how to sell your coaching services . In this section, you’ll explain your strategy for turning your clients into repeat clients and building customer loyalty. Be sure also to include your sales strategies. For example, which sales distribution channels will you use?

  • Direct sales
  • Sales representatives
  • E-commerce channels

7.      Operations

In this section, I will discuss the day-to-day running of my coaching business. I will explain how I’d operate the business through employees, freelance workers, and business partnerships. I would include an organizational chart to illustrate the internal structure of my coaching business and how employees would contribute to the growth and success of the company.

I’d discuss in detail how I plan to staff my company and what salaries or wages I would pay my staff. I’d then enumerate the freelance workers I may hire, their roles, and their remuneration. I would then discuss my plans for staff and training development.

Finally, I’d give a clear plan for other general operations like procurement of materials and equipment required for the start-up of my coaching business. Such equipment may include video conferencing equipment, software, and personal computers. I would also note essential information about all suppliers and vendors with whom I work.

8.      Financial analysis and projections

As a new coaching business, I don’t expect you to be able to pluck out figures from past performance. However, I hope you would have done your research based on the coaching niche you plan to set up shop in. 

When you’ve done this, you should make financial plans and projections for a five-year periodhttps://costhack.com/business-plan-cost to begin with. Five-year plans give you enough room to meet and exceed SMART goals . You may refresh any goals you don’t meet in your five-year plan, if need be, and insert them into the following timeline until you achieve them.

It is important to note that this is the section every lender and investor is particularly interested in, so you must take extra care to be factual in your illustrations and realistic in your projections. If you’re seeking start-up funding, this is where you state it. Explain how you’ll use the investment and communicate the expected returns.

Don’t blow up figures to entice them because what you’d do is leave a wrong impression because they’d probably see through it. Instead, make your projections align with what your competitors are also achieving, and if you surpass those goals, great.

For an existing coaching business, you’ll want to include: 

  • Financial statements
  • Profit margins

I’ll advise you to speak to an accountant who will guide you better in putting all the required information together.

9.      Appendix

The appendix is where you put in any other necessary information that may not have fit anywhere else in the different sections of the business plan. These may be documents such as: 

1.    Certifications

2.    Your resume 

3.    Resumes of key team members

4.    Licenses

5.    Contracts

6.    Marketing materials e.t.c.

7.    Market research report

With the above guide, you’d have a well-written yet concise report to keep you on track and direct your business toward success.

Knowing what your competition is doing gives you insight into exploiting areas they may be neglecting, thereby giving you a competitive advantage.

You may wonder how long it’ll take to write a business plan. Ideally, it shouldn’t take more than a few months to complete the research and write the business plan. However, if you take longer than a few months may disrupt other vital activities in the start-up process.

Can I Hire Someone To Write My Life Coach Business Plan?

Ok, I get it. Life can get hectic. You’re being pulled from every angle and can’t find the time to write your business plan.

Fortunately, you can hire a professional business plan writer or consulting firm to provide the service. Professional business plan writers cost from $2,000 to upward of $20,000 to write a business plan for a small to medium size business. If hiring a writer instead of a firm, verify all credentials and portfolios to ensure they meet your needs.

If you decide to hire a consulting firm, it’ll cost you more. However, the upside is the breadth of expertise they offer. Other factors that may affect the plan's cost are the length, turn-around time, editing, review, and any additional support service.

I would advise putting together as much information as you can on your own before approaching a professional because you would have a better idea about how the plan is woven together. A professional would then develop a foolproof plan, especially one that captures investments if you’re seeking start-up funding. 

Common Business Plan Mistakes Life Coaches Must Avoid

Although I’ve mentioned some mistakes to avoid, I figured it was best to state them clearly. If you make mistakes while developing a business plan, they could jeopardize your business. Some of these mistakes to avoid are:

Inadequate research: Avoiding research or doing insufficient research before writing your business plan is a dangerous mistake you don’t want to make. If you still go ahead to write the plan, you may not identify all the risks involved. As a result, your coaching business plan may be based on non-factual information and lead to inaccurate projections, which you may never meet.

Overestimating your financial projections: Avoid padding up figures in your business plan to impress lenders and investors. Lenders and investors are experts and analyze financial information for a living, so injecting false estimates into your plan may make you lose those opportunities altogether.

Ignoring the competition: Knowing what your competition is doing gives you insight into exploiting areas they may be neglecting, thereby giving you a competitive advantage.

Not setting a target niche: This is a common mistake. Many new life coaches attempt to get any and every client and end up losing focus. Without setting a target niche, your business will have no direction. 

When your business has no direction, you can’t establish workable goals. In other words, you’d be everywhere and nowhere simultaneously. As a result, your business will not be operating optimally and may remain stagnant after a little while.

Ignoring future trends: Times change and economies evolve. Imagine you started your coaching business pre-internet and remained stuck in paper-based marketing after the arrival of the internet, social media, and email marketing. 

What do you think would happen?

That’s right. Your business won’t be able to keep up and will fold up in no time.

Creating unrealistic goals: This is also a mistake many people make. If you create unrealistic goals, there won’t be measurable targets to track your progress, and soon enough, you’ll stop taking action.

Establishing a rigid plan : A business plan that isn’t flexible enough to accommodate changes can also negatively impact the business. No life coach can predict the future of their business. There’ll be ups and downs. A flexible plan gives room for unforeseen changes without disrupting the long-term goal.

Download your free life coachng business plan template

Ok ready to get started? Download a free business plan template here .

Download a free life coaching business plan template

This is exactly what I needed. I found you through Bing because Google is only showing results for PAID templates that take me through complicated funnels. Thank you for what you have provided!!

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How to Start Your Life Coaching Business Plan & Template

Life Coaching Business

Perhaps like many of us, you’re unsure where to start. Maybe you’re disillusioned by the lack of clear, actionable information available and have shelved your plans – for the moment, at least.

But don’t give in. Help is at hand.

This article introduces many of the answers to the question, “How do I start a life coaching business?”

In doing so, we borrow heavily from a book written by one of our founders at PositivePsychology.com, Seph Fontane Pennock, The 7 Pillars of a Profitable Practice . It is a great read and highly recommended; however, this article offers a powerful starting point regardless, with actionable points, a business plan, and a free template.

This Article Contains

How to start your life coaching business, 3 requirements for setting up your practice, crafting your business model plan: a template, how to market and advertise your coaching business, 10 best names for coaching practices, building and promoting an online coaching business.

  • 10+ Software & Forms to Use in Your Practice

A Take-Home Message

Life coaching can have far-reaching and diverse positive impacts on clients’ lives (Clutterbuck et al., 2016).

Many of us have toyed with the idea of starting a life coaching business, helping people change health-related behavior, improve wellness, boost their careers, and strive for personal goals (Karmali et al., 2020; Mann et al., 2022).

You most likely feel you have something to give: highly transferable skills learned from harsh life lessons and/or expertise in psychology, learning, leadership, self-development, and communication.

Or perhaps you are simply great at making people feel so empowered that they stop being “stuck” and take the bold steps to overcome obstacles holding them back.

Whatever your reason and motivation, we will help you get there, and the best place to begin is right here.

Begin at the beginning!

We start by recognizing our barriers.

What’s stopping us? Most likely, it’s our mindset rather than something physical. The following beliefs are potential obstacles, blocking us before we even start:

  • Fear of failure : We are afraid we will not succeed.
  • Not enough time: “I would give it a try, but I simply don’t have enough time.”
  • Self-doubt: Our lack of confidence sabotages our entrepreneurial journey.

It’s not about ignoring the fear or letting it determine how we act; it’s about accepting it as an inherent part of our journey.

Accept fear as part of your journey.

Next, evaluate your existing time commitments. Prioritize your current tasks, dropping some of the nonessentials, and plan to set aside time to start your life coaching business. This is something you’ve dreamed of doing and aligns with your bigger life goals.

There will always be things to do, but by changing your mindset and prioritizing this dream, you will find the time to make it a reality.

Everyone has 24 hours in a day. What will you accomplish with yours?

Finally, recognize your feelings of self-doubt but don’t let them control you. Reflect on some of your past successes and reach out to those closest to you for their support, encouragement, and practical advice.

We’d like to share a great article with you that can help, as it includes tips for increasing your self-confidence. Have a look at What Is Self-Confidence? (+9 Proven Ways to Increase It) .

To build confidence, you have to practice confidence.

If we don’t start, we will never know

Now that we have faced our barriers and established a healthier relationship with them, it’s time to step outside our comfort zone and start the journey.

Who is our dream client?

We can’t be great at everything, so we need to narrow our focus and reach and find an authentic niche.

For example, perhaps you enjoy helping people in the workplace . So, maybe your dream client has worked for several years but now feels stuck in their career. They need help to reevaluate where they are, where they want to go, and how to change their mindset to move toward a more fulfilling career.

Once we’ve defined our ideal client, we can consider each of Seph’s seven pillars for starting and growing a coaching practice sustainably:

  • Pillar #1 – Promise We need to be able to make a pledge to our dream client. The five Ps will help: People : Who are we helping? Place : Where are we helping them? Problem : What are we helping them solve? Product : What will we use to do this? Price : What will we charge to do it?
  • Pillar #2 – Leads We need to attract more of the right sort of clients (ideally, they will contact us). We must think about how our dream client will find us, perhaps via YouTube, a blog post, a personal website, or social media (think LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, etc.).
  • Pillar #3 – Clients How will we convert leads into clients? It may involve screening out those who are not a good fit for our services (depending on our coaching philosophy ) and following up quickly with compatible ones.
  • Pillar #4 – Traffic Reducing the legwork associated with finding leads is crucial; ultimately, it gives us more time to help others.
  • Pillar #5 – Retention Attracting and converting new leads is vital, yet so is holding on to existing clients. What potential offers can we share with existing clients to maintain (or boost) engagement?
  • Pillar #6 – Products How can we generate more income without spending extra time? It might include offering group coaching sessions or additional training, downloadable PDFs, podcasts, or webinars.
  • Pillar #7 – Team We can’t achieve everything alone. Over time, a successful coaching business may expand and include dedicated staff performing those administrative activities that take our time away from coaching.

Best coaching platform

What is the best platform for a life coaching business?

Traditionally, life coaching was practiced face to face and involved a great deal of manual administration behind the scenes.

Thankfully, new technology and online platforms mean we can perform coaching remotely through video calls and set up meetings, share activities, and exercises, and take notes online (Ribbers & Waringa, 2015; Kanatouri, 2020).

Our very own Quenza has been designed by and for coaches, counselors, and therapists, and that is why we believe it is the best coaching platform out there. It allows life coaches to focus on client needs, goals, and overcoming challenges and is a scalable solution for a growing business.

Do you need a business license?

You do not need specific qualifications to set up as a life coach, but accreditation can boost potential clients’ confidence in your abilities.

However, obtaining a business license is required in some locations to provide life coaching services legally. If you’re unsure whether you need a license, check with your local government agencies or consult a lawyer or accountant familiar with your jurisdiction (Lumia, 2022; Blackbyrn, 2023).

3 Best life coaching certification programs

There are many life coaching courses available. However, the International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the world’s best-known and respected coaching program certifier.

We list three of our favorite life coaching certification programs, but many others exist.

Spend time researching the one that best matches your coaching plans, availability, and budget.

  • Coaching Out of the Box This fast track to ICF certification can help turn your dream of starting a life coaching business into a reality. It includes group and one-to-one coaching and certification and supports individuals as they obtain documented coaching experience.
  • Barefoot Coaching This ICF and university-accredited coach training offers online coaching expertise to develop the coaching skills required as a life coach, HR professional, or business leader.
  • Life Purpose Institute The institute offers the coaching tools and marketing expertise to build a life coaching practice plus the training hours required to get ICF credentials. The number of students in online courses is limited, and students can learn the skills needed to coach individuals, groups, and workshops.

For further training opportunities, see our articles, 19 Best Coaching Training Institutes and Programs and 8 Best ICF Coaching Certification Programs and Courses .

A life coaching business plan doesn’t need to be complicated and must remain current, capturing the key actions and challenges.

Use the Life Coaching Business Model Plan or one of our templates from our How to Write a Life Coaching Business Plan: 5 Templates article to create an initial plan.

In this example, we target people who feel stuck in their career or their life (or both).

Business identity

What is the business called? “Clarity Life Coaching”

Target client

Our target clients are individuals who feel stuck, lost, or uncertain in their personal or professional lives. We focus on mid-career individuals or those experiencing significant life changes, such as divorce or career transitions.

Client pain points

Our clients struggle with a lack of direction, feel overwhelmed, and lack clarity about their goals and values. They may feel stuck in unfulfilling jobs or relationships and experience high stress or anxiety.

Your solution

Clarity Life Coaching provides personalized coaching services to help individuals clarify their values, goals, and priorities. Our coaching process helps clients identify their strengths and areas for improvement, develop a plan to achieve their goals, and overcome obstacles that may stand in their way. We use various coaching techniques , including goal setting, visualization, and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.

Your competition

Several life coaching businesses in the local area provide similar services, but our unique approach and personalized coaching services set us apart from the competition. We focus on a highly customized coaching experience tailored to each client’s needs.

Revenue streams

Our revenue streams include one-on-one coaching sessions, group coaching sessions, and workshops on topics such as goal setting and stress management.

Marketing activities

We use online advertising, social media marketing, and partnerships with local businesses and community organizations. We will also attend local events and conferences to promote our services and network with potential clients.

Existing and future expenses include rent for our coaching space, coaching materials, advertising and marketing costs, and attending events and conferences.

Team and their key roles

The team will consist of one life coach responsible for providing coaching services, managing client relationships, and handling administrative tasks such as scheduling and billing.

Initial thoughts on milestones include:

  • Launching the business and securing our first clients within the first three months
  • Expanding our client base by 25% within the first year
  • Increasing revenue by 35% within the first year
  • Hosting a successful workshop or seminar within the first six months of operation

Help mid-career individuals gain clarity and direction and achieve their personal and professional goals.

Your plan will evolve and should be revisited regularly to grow and manage your life coaching practice.

Marketing your business

For many of us, marketing and advertising can fill us with fear – an unknown and confusing process.

So here are a few valuable pointers drawn from Seph’s The 7 Pillars of a Profitable Practice and Steve Chandler’s book How to Get Clients: New Pathways to Coaching Prosperity .

Your coaching website should be like a funnel

  • When your visitor arrives on your website, they should:
  • Know which problem you can help them solve or which goal you can help them achieve.
  • Find clear evidence of your successful track record.
  • Be confident in your abilities and experience.
  • Be provided with some upfront value (perhaps a free e-book).
  • Do not overcomplicate the website. Consider removing unnecessary content. The goal is for traffic to arrive as visitors and leave as leads (or sales).
  • Make use of a call-to-action, either:
  • Offer a giveaway in exchange for their name and email.
  • Allow them to sign up for their first (complimentary) coaching session.

Productive conversations

Productive conversations and creating relationships lead to new clients.

  • Make sure that you follow up on discussions promptly.
  • After an initial chat, ask the potential client to complete a prequalification survey.
  • Don’t leave them wondering. Tell them when they will receive a follow-up email.
  • Don’t be needy (even if you would like their business).
  • Be aware that the client will remember how you made them feel rather than precisely what you said.
  • Talk less about yourself and your coaching and listen more to their problems.

Online writing

Writing for a personal blog or elsewhere can increase your reach, get you in front of clients, and help others take you seriously. But remember:

  • Aim for quality over quantity – you are targeting the right kind of traffic.
  • Change your mindset from “How do I find more clients?” to “How do my dream clients find me?”
  • Know what people are looking for and create resources on that topic.
  • Earned reach is the organic attention that you receive. Perhaps you got a mention in a podcast or on a news website. Paid reach has a cost, such as Facebook and Instagram ads or using the Google Ads Platform. Consider both.
  • If you post on your website, consider your owned reach. You should appear in the search results, so get to know which keywords people are searching for when they look for help.

In The 7 Pillars of a Profitable Practice , Seph covers in more detail how to rank for keywords and create a content marketing plan that includes platforms with active audiences, such as:

  • The Huffington Post
  • Entrepreneur

Ultimately, your goal is for people with problems to find you so that you can help meet their needs.

Finding the right name for your coaching business is not easy. Too obvious, and it is either likely to be already taken or so bland that it will not be memorable.

One approach involves using AI to create life coaching business names . Use it or your own research to consider and evolve potential names, thinking about:

  • The customers’ first impression
  • The identity and brand of your business
  • The type of customer you wish to attract
  • How memorable the name is (and for the right reasons)
  • Whether the name is already being used

Here are 10 names to start you off:

  • Coaching for Success
  • The Successful Living Academy
  • Evolve Coaching
  • Courage Coaching
  • The Breakthrough Coach
  • The Change Academy
  • Coaching for Vitality
  • Abundant Life Coaching
  • Positive Change Coaching
  • The Courage Academy

Building a life coaching busines

The following articles offer more suggestions regarding how to build and promote an online coaching business.

  • How to Get Clients for Life Coaching [5 Strategies] provides more information and guidance on nailing your business’s value proposition, marketing funnel, and online and offline strategies.
  • How to Start an Online Coaching Business: Step-by-Step Plan is a practical guide for building a successful and profitable business.
  • How to Start a Life Coaching Business From Scratch explores what you will need and your first moves to becoming an online coach.

10+ Software & Forms to Use in Your Practice

There are several online platforms for coaching, many of which are introduced in the article 12 Best Online Coaching Platforms & Tools .

PositivePsychology.com’s dedicated coaching software Quenza is compelling and unique because it:

  • Is extraordinarily user friendly and intuitive
  • Uses the latest SSL encryption to store client results to ensure HIPAA and GDPR compliance
  • Is highly scalable, growing with your business
  • Stores forms as customizable templates
  • Securely delivers exercises and forms to clients
  • Enables form completion on mobile, tablet, or desktop
  • Nudges clients when they need a reminder to do something

In How to Send & Build Counseling Client Intake Forms Digitally , we explore how to create and share online forms using the Quenza platform.

Next, our two articles, Coaching Forms Toolbox: 17 Templates for Your Sessions and How to Create Feedback Forms: 3 Templates + Best Online Tool , explain how forms can be created from scratch, copied, or modified within the tool.

We suggest using the following forms:

  • Pre-coaching questionnaire
  • A self-contract to encourage client accountability
  • Life domain satisfaction questionnaire
  • Strength interview form
  • Session rating scale
  • Coach evaluation form
  • End of therapy evaluation

Many other templates exist, including ones for visualization, mindfulness, goal setting, and benefit finding.

Fear, time constraints, and self-doubt can hold us back from starting a life coaching business. Learning to accept our barriers and shift our focus from ourselves to our clients can dramatically improve our chances of success.

Learning from the experiences of successful business owners like Seph Fontane Pennock can provide valuable insights and help us create a profitable and impactful practice.

You most likely feel like you have something to give to your dream clients. You wish to create an opportunity for positive change in their lives while delivering on a personal vision for a life coaching practice.

Creating a clear and achievable business plan can be simple and will help you find your ideal clients and offer them a path to setting and striving toward their goals.

Having read this article and been inspired to start your life coaching business, why not look at The 7 Pillars of a Profitable Practice and use the many lessons Seph learned along his journey to inform your business plans and give your clients their best chance of success?

  • Blackbyrn, S. (2023, February 17). Does a life coach need a business license? Coach Foundation. Retrieved April 20, 2023, from https://coachfoundation.com/blog/life-coach-business-license/.
  • Clutterbuck, D., David, S. A., & Megginson, D. (Eds.). (2016). Beyond goals: Effective strategies for coaching and mentoring.  Routledge.
  • Lumia. (2022, August 4). Does a life coach need a business license and insurance? Lumia. Retrieved April 20, 2023, from https://www.lumiacoaching.com/blog/does-a-life-coach-need-a-business-license.
  • Kanatouri, S. (2020). The digital coach . Routledge.
  • Karmali, S., Battram, D. S., Burke, S. M., Cramp, A., Mantler, T., Morrow, D., Ng, V., Pearson, E. S., Petrella, R., Tucker, P., & Irwin, J. D. (2020). Clients’ and coaches’ perspectives of a life coaching intervention for parents with overweight/obesity. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring , 18 (2), 115–132.
  • Mann, A., Leigh Fainstad, T., Shah, P., Dieujuste, N., & Jones, C. D. (2022). “It’s nice to know I’m not alone”: The impact of an online life coaching program on wellness in graduate medical education: A qualitative analysis. A cademic Medicine , 97 (11S), S166–S166.
  • Ribbers, A., & Waringa, A. (2015). E-coaching: Theory and practice for a new online approach to coaching . Routledge.

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Comment faire un business plan pour un cabinet de coach de vie ?

business plan cabinet de coach de vie

Rédiger un business plan de cabinet de coach de vie peut être intimidant, en particulier pour ceux qui débutent dans l'entrepreneuriat.

C'est pourquoi nous avons conçu ce guide pratique. Il a pour objectif d'aider les entrepreneurs comme vous à comprendre comment créer un business plan (que l'on appelle plan d'affaires en français) complet avec méthode et confiance.

Nous aborderons les points suivants : pourquoi il est important de rédiger un business plan de cabinet de coach de vie, tant pour planifier une création d'entreprise que pour faciliter le développement et la croissance d'une entreprise déjà en activité, quelles informations vous devez inclure dans votre plan, comment il doit être structuré, et quels sont les outils que vous pouvez utiliser pour réaliser votre business plan de manière efficace.

C'est parti !

Dans ce guide :

Rappel : qu'est-ce qu'un business plan de cabinet de coach de vie ?

Pourquoi écrire un business plan pour un cabinet de coach de vie , quelles informations rassembler avant de commencer la rédaction du business plan de votre cabinet de coach de vie , comment se présente un prévisionnel financier de cabinet de coach de vie , que contient la partie rédigée d'un business plan de cabinet de coach de vie .

  • Quel outil utiliser pour écrire votre business plan de cabinet de coach de vie ?

Un business plan est un document qui comprend  : une partie chiffrée mettant en avant le potentiel de rentabilité et de génération de trésorerie de l'entreprise sur les trois à cinq ans à venir ; et une partie rédigée (et argumentée) détaillant le projet et donnant le contexte nécessaire pour évaluer la cohérence du prévisionnel financier.

Avant d'explorer le contenu du document en détail, regardons brièvement les principales raisons qui devraient vous amener à élaborer un business plan de cabinet de coach de vie.

Pour disposer d'une feuille de route claire pour développer l'activité

Le contexte économique dans lequel évoluent les petites et moyennes entreprises est mouvant. L'économie suit des cycles sur lesquels les années de croissance sont suivies de récessions, et l'environnement commercial est en constante évolution avec l'apparition régulière : de nouvelles technologies, de nouvelles réglementations, de nouveaux concurrents, et de nouveaux comportements d'achats clients...

Dans ce contexte, gérer une entreprise sans avoir une feuille de route claire revient à conduire les yeux bandés : c'est dangereux et vous risquez l'accident.

Mettre en place et actualiser régulièrement le business plan de votre cabinet de coach de vie est donc essentiel afin de maintenir une visibilité sur la trajectoire de l'entreprise, et ainsi réduire les risques en vue de développer une activité pérenne sur le long terme.

Pour rédiger un plan d'affaires efficace, vous devrez faire le point sur votre situation actuelle (si vous êtes déjà en activité) et sur l'orientation que vous souhaitez donner à votre entreprise au cours des trois à cinq prochaines années.

Une fois que vous savez dans quelle direction vous voulez que votre cabinet de coach de vie se développe, vous devrez identifier :

  • quelles sont les ressources (humaines, matérielles et financières) nécessaires pour y parvenir,
  • à quel rythme l'entreprise devra progresser pour y parvenir à temps,
  • et quels sont les risques auxquels vous serez confronté en cours de route.

C'est cet effort de planification et d'anticipation des risques qui est au cœur du business plan.

Pour maintenir de la visibilité sur les flux de trésorerie futurs

En matière d'entrepreneuriat, la trésorerie est reine puisqu'une entreprise peut fonctionner tant qu'elle dispose de suffisamment de trésorerie.

C'est d'ailleurs l'insuffisance de trésorerie, c'est-à-dire l'état de cessation de paiements, qui défini d'un point de vue technique ce qu'on appelle la faillite.

C'est pourquoi il est essentiel de conserver une visibilité sur les flux de trésorerie futurs de votre cabinet de coach de vie.

D'accord, mais comment faire ? C'est très simple : vous devez disposer de prévisions financières actualisées.

La bonne nouvelle, c'est que votre business plan de cabinet de coach de vie contient déjà un prévisionnel financier (nous y reviendrons plus loin dans ce guide). Il vous suffit donc de le maintenir à jour.

Pour ce faire, vous devez régulièrement comparer les performances financières réelles de votre entreprise à celles prévues dans vos prévisions financières, et ajuster ces dernières en fonction de la trajectoire actuelle de votre entreprise.

Le suivi régulier de la santé financière de votre cabinet de coach de vie vous permettra de détecter de potentielles difficultés financières (telle qu'une insuffisance de trésorerie par exemple) suffisamment tôt pour qu'il soit possible de mettre en place des mesures correctives. Il vous permettra également de détecter et d'exploiter des opportunités de croissance potentielles (demande accrue de la part d'un segment de clientèle donné, par exemple).

Pour obtenir un financement

Qu'il s'agisse d'une création ou du développement d'une entreprise existante, la rédaction d'un business plan de cabinet de coach de vie détaillé est essentielle pour obtenir un financement auprès de banques ou d'investisseurs.

C'est logique compte tenu de ce que nous venons de voir : les financiers veulent s'assurer que vous disposez d'une feuille de route claire et d'une visibilité sur vos flux de trésorerie futurs.

Les banques utiliseront les informations contenues dans le plan pour évaluer votre capacité d'emprunt (le montant de la dette que votre entreprise peut supporter) et votre capacité à rembourser le prêt avant de décider d'accorder ou non un crédit à votre entreprise et dans quelles conditions.

De même, les investisseurs examineront attentivement votre plan afin de déterminer si leur investissement peut générer un retour sur investissement intéressant.

Pour ce faire, ils chercheront à vérifier que votre cabinet de coach de vie a un potentiel de croissance, rentabilité, et de génération de trésorerie attractif.

Maintenant que vous comprenez pourquoi il est important de créer un plan d'affaires pour un cabinet de coach de vie, voyons quelles sont les informations nécessaires pour en créer un.

Besoin d'un business plan convaincant ?

The Business Plan Shop permet de créer facilement un prévisionnel financier pour vérifier le potentiel de rentabilité de vos projets et un business plan professionnel pour présenter à vos partenaires financiers.

Logiciel de business plan en ligne de The Business Plan Shop

Afin de pouvoir commencer la rédaction d'un business plan de cabinet de coach de vie, il est nécessaire d'effectuer un certain nombre de recherches et d'analyses pour pouvoir modéliser avec précision vos ventes, investissements et coûts dans votre prévisionnel financier.

Dans cette partie, nous nous penchons sur trois types éléments clés à rassembler avant de pouvoir rédiger votre plan d'affaires.

Réaliser une étude de marché pour un cabinet de coach de vie

Faire une étude de marché avant de rédiger un business plan pour un cabinet de coach de vie est essentiel.

L'étude de marché vous aide à mieux connaître votre clientèle cible, vos concurrents, les stratégies de prix et autres facteurs clés pouvant avoir un impact sur le succès commercial de votre entreprise.

En particulier, elle permet d'identifier des segments de clientèles et habitudes de consommation qui seront utilisés pour affiner le prévisionnel de ventes de votre cabinet de coach de vie.

Vous pourriez potentiellement constater des tendances qui encouragent les clients à rechercher des services de coaching de vie en ligne. Cela pourrait signifier que les clients sont plus à l'aise avec l'utilisation d'Internet pour rechercher des services et des informations. De plus, vous pourriez constater une tendance croissante à rechercher des services de coaching personnalisés, ce qui peut offrir aux cabinets de coaching des possibilités pour créer des programmes et des services adaptés à chaque client.

Les informations récoltées lors de l'étude de marché peuvent ensuite servir à justifier les hypothèses utilisées dans la construction de votre prévisionnel auprès de vos partenaires financiers.

Élaboration du plan commercial pour un cabinet de coach de vie

Afin de pouvoir estimer combien de chiffre d'affaires votre cabinet de coach de vie peut réaliser sur les trois à cinq années à venir, il est indispensable de réfléchir à votre stratégie commerciale.

Votre plan commercial doit être à la hauteur de vos ambitions en matière de croissance et prévoir un budget humain et financier cohérent vis-à-vis de celles-ci.

Votre plan commercial et le budget associé vous seront nécessaire afin d'expliquer votre stratégie au lecteur dans la partie rédigée du business plan de votre cabinet de coach de vie, mais également pour mettre sur pied votre prévisionnel financier (dans la partie chiffrée du plan d'affaires).

Les besoins en personnel et en investissements de cabinet de coach de vie

Qu'il s'agisse d'une création, reprise, ou expansion de cabinet de coach de vie, il est important d'avoir un plan clair concernant les recrutements et investissements (équipement, immobilier, etc.) à prévoir afin d'assurer le succès de l'entreprise.

Les plans de recrutement et d'investissement doivent être cohérents avec le calendrier et le niveau de croissance attendus dans vos prévisions financières et nécessitent un financement approprié.

Par exemple, pour une activité de cabinet de coach de vie, vous pourriez évaluer le besoin de personnel et les investissements nécessaires en équipement. Vous pourriez recruter des collaborateurs pour gérer l'administration et le secrétariat, ainsi que des coachs et des conseillers. Vous pourriez également avoir besoin de fournir du matériel pour vos séances de coaching, comme des chaises, des tables, des vidéoprojecteurs, des ordinateurs portables, des papiers et des crayons, etc. Vous pourriez également investir dans un système informatique pour gérer vos rendez-vous, vos emails, vos comptes et vos contacts.

Afin d'établir des prévisions financières réalistes, vous devrez également tenir compte des autres charges d'exploitation liées à la gestion quotidienne de l'entreprise (assurance, comptabilité, etc.).

Une fois que vous disposerez de toutes les informations nécessaires pour créer le business plan de votre cabinet de coach de vie, il sera temps de commencer à créer vos prévisions financières.

Les prévisions financières de votre business plan de cabinet de coach de vie permettront d'évaluer la croissance, la rentabilité, les besoins de financement, et le potentiel de génération de trésorerie de votre entreprise sur les années à venir.

Cette information sera présentée au travers des quatre tableaux financiers suivants :

  • Le compte de résultat ,
  • Le bilan prévisionnel ,
  • Le tableau des flux de trésorerie prévisionnels ,
  • Et le tableau des emplois-ressources .

Penchons-nous maintenant sur chacun d'entre eux.

Le compte de résultat

Le compte de résultat prévisionnel de cabinet de coach de vie permet de visualiser le chiffre d'affaires, la croissance et les bénéfices attendus sur les prochaines années.

exemple de compte de résultat dans un business plan de cabinet de coach de vie

Pour que l'entreprise soit viable financièrement, le compte de résultat de votre cabinet de coach de vie devra démontrer :

  • Une croissance du chiffre d'affaires supérieure à l'inflation (activité en expansion)
  • Des marges bénéficiaires stables ou, de préférence, en augmentation
  • Un résultat net positif (bénéfice)

Tout dépendra bien sûr du niveau de maturité de votre entreprise : les attentes vis-à-vis d'une création d'activité ne sont pas les mêmes que pour de cabinet de coach de vie déjà en activité depuis plusieurs années.

Le bilan prévisionnel de votre cabinet de coach de vie

Le bilan de votre cabinet de coach de vie donne un aperçu de la santé financière de votre entreprise à un instant T.

Il présente trois composantes principales : les actifs, les dettes et les capitaux propres :

  • Actifs : sont les ressources appartenant à l'entreprise, telles que la trésorerie, les équipements et les créances clients (argent dû par les clients).
  • Dettes : elles regroupent l'ensemble des sommes que l'entreprise doit à ses créanciers, comme les dettes fournisseurs ou les emprunts bancaires par exemple.
  • Fonds propres : comprennent les sommes investies par les associés ou les propriétaires de l'entreprise, ainsi que les bénéfices mis en réserves et non distribués à ce jour.

exemple de bilan prévisionnel dans un business plan de cabinet de coach de vie

L'examen du bilan est important pour les prêteurs, les investisseurs et les autres parties prenantes qui souhaitent évaluer la liquidité et la solvabilité de votre cabinet de coach de vie :

  • La liquidité : mesure si votre entreprise dispose ou non de suffisamment de trésorerie et d'actifs à court terme pour honorer ses dettes dues au cours des 12 prochains mois. Il s'agit d'une mesure à court terme.
  • La solvabilité : évalue la capacité de votre entreprise à rembourser ses dettes à moyen terme.

L'examen du bilan peut également fournir des indications sur les politiques d'investissement et de financement de votre cabinet de coach de vie.

En particulier, vos partenaires financiers peuvent comparer la valeur des capitaux propres à la valeur de la dette financière en cours afin d'évaluer la manière dont l'entreprise est financée, et le niveau de risque financier pris par les actionnaires (la dette financière est plus risquée parce qu'elle doit être remboursée, alors que les capitaux propres ne sont pas remboursables).

Le tableau des flux de trésorerie prévisionnels

Le tableau des flux de trésorerie prévisionnels de votre cabinet de coach de vie permet de visualiser la trésorerie que l'entreprise prévoit de générer ou consommer sur les années à venir.

exemple de prévision de trésorerie dans un business plan de cabinet de coach de vie

Le tableau des flux de trésorerie est divisé en trois parties principales :

  • Le flux de trésorerie d'exploitation permet de visualiser la trésorerie générée ou consommée par les opérations (activité commerciale de l'entreprise).
  • Le flux d'investissement montre les mouvements en trésorerie liés aux investissements (achats ou cessions d'équipements, ou de prise de participation dans des filiales).
  • Le flux de financement permet de visualiser la trésorerie générée ou redistribuée aux investisseurs et aux prêteurs.

L'examen des prévisions de trésorerie vous permet de vous assurer que votre entreprise dispose de suffisamment de liquidité pour fonctionner normalement et vous aide à anticiper d'éventuels besoins de trésorerie.

Une bonne pratique en matière de plan d'affaires consiste à inclure un tableau des flux de trésorerie annuels dans le corps du document et une prévision mensuelle en annexes, afin que les lecteurs puissent voir l'impact de la saisonnalité sur la position et la génération de trésorerie de votre entreprise.

Le plan de financement initial

Le plan de financement initial - également appelé tableau des emplois-ressources - est un outil important lors d'une création de cabinet de coach de vie.

Il indique d'où proviendra l'argent nécessaire à la création de l'entreprise (ressources) et comment cet argent sera utilisé (emplois).

plan de financement initial dans un business plan de cabinet de coach de vie

Ce tableau permet de comprendre : quels sont les coûts liés à la création de le cabinet de coach de vie, comment les risques sont répartis entre les porteurs de projets, les investisseurs et les banques, et quelle sera la trésorerie de départ (qui doit être suffisante pour soutenir les opérations jusqu'à ce que l'entreprise atteigne son seuil de rentabilité).

Maintenant que vous avez une bonne idée de ce à quoi ressemble les prévisions financières d'un business plan de cabinet de coach de vie, intéressons-nous à la partie rédigée du plan.

Besoin d'inspiration pour votre business plan ?

The Business Plan Shop a plus de 50 modèles de business plans rédigés que vous pouvez utiliser comme source d'inspiration.

Modèles de business plan par The Business Plan Shop

Le prévisionnel seul n'a que peu de valeur. En effet, le point clé pour vos partenaires financiers est de savoir si celui-ci est réalisable ou à l'inverse complètement fantaisiste.

Pour cela, vos partenaires ont besoin de comprendre le contexte et les raisonnements qui justifient vos prévisions financières.

C'est tout l'enjeu de la partie rédigée du business plan de cabinet de coach de vie, que l'on appelle aussi la partie argumentée chez The Business Plan Shop.

La partie argumentée d'un business plan pour un cabinet de coach de vie est composée de 7 sections principales :

  • résumé (ou executive summary en anglais)
  • Produits et Services
  • Étude de Marché
  • Plan Financier

Voyons plus en détail le contenu de chaque sous-partie !

1. Le résumé (ou executive summary)

Un business plan de cabinet de coach de vie commence par un résumé du plan et des points forts du projet.

L'objectif est de familiariser le lecteur avec l'entreprise, son offre commerciale et son marché cible, et de lui donner envie d'en savoir plus sur le projet.

Le résumé tient généralement sur une ou deux pages et se décompose en quatre sous-sections. En premier lieu, une présentation rapide de l'entreprise, sa structure juridique, ses dirigeants, son emplacement et son offre commerciale.

Vient ensuite un aperçu du marché cible : tendances, clients cibles, concurrents, etc. Suivi d'un résumé des chiffres clés du prévisionnel : chiffre d'affaires et croissance, EBE et marge, trésorerie, etc.

Enfin, une présentation des objectifs du business plan, obtenir un financement bancaire par exemple, clôture la section.

2. Présentation de la société

La deuxième section de votre business plan de cabinet de coach de vie concerne la structure, l'actionnariat, l'emplacement, et la direction de l'entreprise.

La partie relative à la structure et l'actionnariat présente la forme juridique de l'entreprise, l'identité des associés (ou propriétaires), ainsi que le capital investi et détenu par chacun d'entre eux. Si votre business plan est écrit pour appuyer une recherche de financement, il est important que le lecteur ait une idée claire de l'entité juridique qui recevra les fonds et de qui contrôle l'entreprise.

La partie relative à l'emplacement doit donner un aperçu des locaux dans lesquels l'entreprise exerce ses activités et expliquer pourquoi cette localisation présente un intérêt particulier (zone de chalandise, accessibilité et logistique, ressources à proximité, etc.).

Par exemple, lorsque vous décrivez l'emplacement de votre cabinet de coach de vie, vous pourriez mettre en avant un accès facile, un quartier sûr et une communauté dynamique. Un accès facile peut être offert par des moyens de transport publics, des parkings publics et des lignes de bus et de métro à proximité. Un quartier sûr peut être caractérisé par une surveillance renforcée, une présence policière et des règlements de voisinage stricts. Une communauté dynamique peut être caractérisée par des activités culturelles variées, des établissements commerciaux florissants et des lieux de divertissement à proximité.

Enfin, vous devez présenter l'équipe dirigeante. Expliquez le rôle, le parcours et l'expérience de chaque membre.

Il est également important de souligner les succès passés des membres de l'équipe de direction et la durée de leur collaboration, car cela aidera les prêteurs ou investisseurs potentiels à comprendre pourquoi ils peuvent leur faire confiance.

3. Produits et Services

La section "Produits et Services" du business plan de votre cabinet de coach de vie doit comprendre une description détaillée de votre offre commerciale. 

Par exemple, votre cabinet de coach de vie pourrait fournir des services et des produits qui peuvent aider ses clients à améliorer leur bien-être, à réaliser leurs objectifs et à atteindre leurs rêves. Cela peut inclure des séances individuelles pour le développement personnel et le coaching, des séminaires et des formations pour apprendre à mieux communiquer et à gérer efficacement le stress, des programmes personnalisés pour aider les clients à atteindre leurs objectifs et à voir plus clairement leur chemin vers le succès, et des ateliers pour créer une vision positive de leur avenir. En outre, votre cabinet de coach de vie pourrait offrir des ressources et des conseils supplémentaires pour soutenir les clients dans leurs efforts.

Le lecteur voudra comprendre ce qui rend l'offre de votre cabinet de coach de vie unique par rapport à ce que proposent vos concurrents.

Lors de la rédaction de cette partie, essayez d'être précis quant aux catégories de produits ou de services que vous vendez, aux clients que vous ciblez et aux canaux par lesquels vous les ciblez. 

4. Étude de Marché

Lorsque vous présentez les conclusions de votre étude de marché dans votre plan d'affaires, vous devez détailler les données démographiques et la segmentation des clients, le marché cible, la concurrence, les barrières à l'entrée, et la réglementation applicable.

L'objectif de cette section est d'aider le lecteur à évaluer l'attractivité du marché et de démontrer que vous avez une solide connaissance du secteur.

Commencez par la sous-section "Démographie et segmentation", qui donne une vue d'ensemble du marché de votre cabinet de coach de vie, des principales tendances, et des différents segments de clientèle, ainsi que leurs préférences en termes d'habitudes d'achat et de budget.

La sous-section sur le marché cible doit suivre et mettre l'accent sur les segments de clientèle visés par votre cabinet de coach de vie, et expliquer comment votre offre commerciale répond aux besoins spécifiques de ces clients.

Par exemple, votre marché cible pourrait inclure des personnes jeunes qui veulent atteindre leurs objectifs professionnels et personnels, des personnes plus âgées en quête d'une nouvelle direction dans leur vie et des adultes qui cherchent à gérer leurs problèmes quotidiens et à trouver des solutions à leurs défis potentiels.

Vient ensuite la sous-section consacrée à la concurrence, dans laquelle vous devez présenter vos principaux concurrents et expliquer ce qui vous différencie d'eux.

Enfin, vous devez terminer la partie sur l'étude de marché en donnant un aperçu des principales réglementations applicables à votre cabinet de coach de vie.

5. Stratégie

La présentation de la stratégie de votre cabinet de coach de vie vise à démontrer au lecteur que vous avez un plan d'action crédible pour saisir l'opportunité commerciale identifiée sur votre marché.

Cette section commence généralement par une présentation de l'avantage concurrentiel, c'est-à-dire des points de différentiation, de votre offre par rapport à ce que proposent déjà vos concurrents sur le marché. C'est un aspect clé, notamment si vous êtes en phase de création d'entreprise, car vous devrez démontrer votre capacité à aller prendre des parts de marché aux concurrents.

La partie suivante s'intéresse à la façon dont vous avez prévu de fixer vos prix, là encore en gardant en tête que ceux-ci doivent être compétitifs.

Arrive ensuite la présentation du plan commercial de votre cabinet de coach de vie qui détaille les leviers que vous avez prévus d'activer pour aller séduire de nouveaux clients et les fidéliser sur le long terme.

Après avoir détaillé votre stratégie commerciale, il conviendra de la décliner en objectifs précis. C'est l'objet de la partie consacrée aux étapes de développement.

La dernière sous-section de la partie consacrée à la stratégie s'intéresse aux risques susceptibles de mettre en péril l'exécution de votre business plan de cabinet de coach de vie et d'expliquer quelles mesures vous comptez mettre en place pour les atténuer.

Par exemple, un cabinet de coaching de vie pourrait potentiellement se trouver confronté à des risques liés aux réclamations des clients : un client pourrait être mécontent des services et décider de faire une réclamation. De plus, un cabinet de coaching de vie pourrait aussi être exposé à un risque lié à l'intensification de la concurrence : dans un secteur très concurrentiel, la pression sur les prix est plus forte et une entreprise peut se retrouver à devoir réduire ses tarifs pour rester compétitive.

6. Opérations

La partie suivante concerne la présentation de l'organisation opérationnelle de votre cabinet de coach de vie.

Cette section commence généralement par une présentation du plan de personnel et des effectifs prévus dans le plan d'affaires. L'objectif étant ici de démontrer au lecteur que l'entreprise dispose des ressources humaines nécessaires pour délivrer les objectifs prévus dans le business plan de votre cabinet de coach de vie.

Si vous avez prévu un effort de recrutement important sur la durée du business plan, il peut être utile de détailler ici la façon dont vous avez prévu de pourvoir ces postes (agence de recrutement, Pôle Emploi, etc.).

Passez ensuite en revu les actifs clés de l'entreprise : propriété intellectuelle, équipement clé, etc.

Par exemple, votre cabinet de coach de vie pourrait potentiellement avoir un logo et un slogan qui représentent votre marque et la valeur de votre entreprise. Ces éléments de propriété intellectuelle peuvent vous aider à vous démarquer de vos concurrents et à faire connaître votre entreprise.

Il convient ensuite de finir cette section par une présentation des principaux fournisseurs avec lesquels l'entreprise a prévu de travailler. L'objectif étant ici aussi bien de présenter les principaux termes commerciaux négociés avec eux, que de rassurer sur la qualité des contreparties avec lesquelles vous travaillez.

7. Plan Financier

C'est dans la section du plan financier que nous inclurons les prévisions financières dont nous avons parlé plus haut dans ce guide.

Maintenant que vous avez une idée précise du contenu d'un business plan pour un cabinet de coach de vie, examinons quelques-uns des outils que vous pouvez utiliser pour créer le vôtre facilement.

Quel outil utiliser pour créer un business plan de cabinet de coach de vie ?

Dans cette section, nous allons passer en revue les deux principales options à votre disposition pour créer un business plan pour un cabinet de coach de vie :

  • Utiliser un logiciel de business plan en ligne,
  • Faire appel à un consultant spécialisé.

Utiliser un logiciel de business plan de cabinet de coach de vie en ligne

Utiliser un logiciel de business plan en ligne est la façon la plus efficace et la plus moderne de créer un business plan pour un cabinet de coach de vie.

Utiliser un logiciel spécialisé présente en effet plusieurs avantages :

  • Vous pouvez facilement créer vos prévisions financières en laissant le logiciel s'occuper des calculs financiers pour vous, sans erreurs
  • Le logiciel vous alerte lorsqu'il détecte des incohérences dans vos prévisions financières
  • Vous êtes guidé tout au long du processus de rédaction par des instructions détaillées et des exemples pour chaque partie du plan
  • Vous pouvez accéder à une bibliothèque de plusieurs dizaines d'exemples et de modèles business plan complets pour vous inspirer
  • Vous obtenez un business plan professionnel, mis en forme et prêt à être envoyé à votre banque ou à vos investisseurs
  • Vous pouvez créer des scénarios pour tester les principales hypothèses de vos prévisions
  • Vous pouvez importer vos données comptables pour comparer les performances financières réelles de votre entreprise à vos prévisions financières
  • Vous pouvez facilement mettre à jour vos prévisions au fur et à mesure que le temps passe, afin de maintenir de la visibilité sur votre trésorerie prévisionnelle
  • Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou que vous êtes bloqué, l'équipe support se tient prête à vous aider

Si ce type de solution vous intéresse, sachez que vous pouvez essayer gratuitement le logiciel de The Business Plan Shop en vous inscrivant ici .

Besoin d'un prévisionnel financier qui tienne la route ?

The Business Plan Shop s'occupe des calculs pour vous. Saisissez simplement vos hypothèses et notre outil en ligne recalcule vos états financiers prévisionnels de façon instantanée.

Capture d'écran logiciel de prévisionnel en ligne de The Business Plan Shop

Confier la rédaction de votre business plan de cabinet de coach de vie à un consultant

Externaliser la création de business plan de votre cabinet de coach de vie auprès d'un consultant financier peut également être une option.

Les consultants financiers sont expérimentés en rédaction de plans d'affaires et capables de créer des prévisions financières sans erreurs. En outre, déléguer la rédaction à un consultant peut vous faire gagner du temps en vous permettant de rester concentré sur la gestion de votre entreprise.

Cependant, engager un consultant coûte cher, car vous payez le logiciel utilisé par le consultant, son temps et, bien sûr, sa marge bénéficiaire.

D'après notre expérience et les retours de nos clients qui ont fait appel à ce type de service avant de devenir client chez nous, il faut prévoir, pour un travail sérieux, un budget d'au moins 1 500€ hors taxes pour un business plan complet (et 750€ hors taxes pour un prévisionnel seul).

Ces montants sont des minimums moyens observés sur des petits projets. Et ils ne prennent pas en compte les frais nécessaires si vous devez apporter des modifications après la version initiale (ce qui arrive fréquemment après les premiers échanges avec des banques ou des investisseurs).

Soyez également vigilant sur ce que vous obtenez avant de vous engager :

  • Certains consultants emploient le terme "business plan" pour parler de "prévisionnel financier", attention ce n'est pas la même chose
  • Les bons consultants connaissent très bien votre métier, vous accompagnent, et challengent les hypothèses utilisées pour construire votre prévisionnel financier. D'autres n'ont pas d'expertise métier et s'appuient pour compenser sur des moyennes sectorielles qui n'auront pas grand-chose à voir avec votre activité pour faire votre prévisionnel (à éviter absolument)

Nous vous recommandons également de faire preuve de prudence lorsque vous cherchez à obtenir un investissement en fonds propres. Les investisseurs souhaitent que leur argent soit utilisé pour développer l'entreprise, et pas dépensé en honoraires de conseil. Par conséquent, le montant que vous dépensez en services de rédaction de business plan (et autres frais de conseil tels que des honoraires juridiques) doit être négligeable par rapport au montant de votre levée de fonds.

L'autre inconvénient de ce type de service est que le modèle financier est enregistré dans le logiciel du consultant, ce qui rend sa mise à jour du document difficile.

Pour ces raisons, l'externalisation de la réalisation de votre business plan de cabinet de coach de vie auprès d'un consultant doit être envisagée en pesant les avantages et les inconvénients.

En fin de compte, cette décision peut être la bonne pour certains chefs d'entreprises, tandis que d'autres peuvent trouver plus avantageux de rédiger leur plan d'affaires à l'aide d'un logiciel en ligne.

Et pourquoi ne pas utiliser Word et Excel pour créer un business plan de cabinet de coach de vie ?

Populaire dans les années 2000, utiliser Microsoft Excel et Word (ou leurs équivalents Google, Apple ou open-source) pour faire un business plan pour un cabinet de coach de vie est aujourd'hui une méthode dépassée.

Pourquoi, me direz-vous ?

En premier lieu, élaborer un prévisionnel financier sur Excel (ou tout autre tableur) sans commettre d'erreurs nécessite à la fois des compétences avancées en modélisation financière et une solide compréhension des principes comptables.

Par conséquent, à moins que vous ne déteniez un diplôme en finance ou en comptabilité (comme c'est le cas des membres de l'équipe de The Business Plan Shop), il est peu probable que vos chiffres soient justes. Et, de façon tout aussi importante, que votre lecteur ait confiance en vos données financières.

Ensuite, la deuxième raison réside dans le fait que modéliser sur tableur est une tâche extrêmement longue et sujette à erreur. Avec les progrès technologiques, les logiciels permettent d'accomplir cette tâche bien plus rapidement et avec une précision accrue. L'analyse des écarts entre réel comptable et prévisionnel est par ailleurs simplifiée, tout comme l'actualisation des prévisions.

Qui plus est, avec l'avènement de l'intelligence artificielle, les logiciels sont de plus en plus capables de repérer les erreurs dans vos prévisions et d'analyser les données pour vous aider à prendre des décisions éclairées.

Voilà pour le prévisionnel, mais qu'en est-il de la partie rédigée du plan d'affaires ?

Cette partie est moins sujette à erreur, mais ici aussi les logiciels apportent des gains de productivité considérables :

  • Les outils de traitements de texte n'incluent pas d'instructions et d'exemples pour chaque partie de votre plan d'affaires.
  • Ils n'actualisent pas non-plus vos chiffres automatiquement lorsqu'ils changent dans votre prévisionnel.
  • Ils ne gèrent pas la mise en forme du business plan à votre place.

Au global, bien qu'il soit techniquement possible d'utiliser Word et Excel pour créer un business plan de cabinet de coach de vie, ce n'est de loin pas la meilleure solution ni la plus efficace.

Points clés à retenir

  • Un business plan a deux parties : la partie chiffrée qui met en avant le besoin de financement et la viabilité financière du projet (croissance, rentabilité et génération de trésorerie). Et la partie rédigée qui permet au lecteur d'avoir le contexte nécessaire pour porter un jugement sur la qualité du prévisionnel financier.
  • Il est essentiel de disposer d'un business plan à jour pour maintenir la visibilité sur les flux de trésorerie futurs de votre cabinet de coach de vie.
  • Utiliser un logiciel de business plan est la façon moderne de rédiger et de mettre à jour vos plans d'affaires.

Nous espérons que ce guide vous a aidé à mieux comprendre comment rédiger le business plan de votre cabinet de coach de vie. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter, si vous avez la moindre question.

À voir aussi sur The Business Plan Shop

  • Erreurs à ne pas faire dans un business plan
  • Plan type d'un business plan

Quelqu'un de votre entourage gère ou souhaite créer un cabinet de coach de vie ? Partagez notre guide avec lui ou elle !

Guillaume Le Brouster

Fondateur & CEO at The Business Plan Shop Ltd

Guillaume Le Brouster est un entrepreneur et un financier chevronné.

Guillaume est entrepreneur depuis plus de dix ans et possède une expérience directe en création, gestion et développement d'une entreprise prospère.

Avant d'être dirigeant d'entreprise, Guillaume a travaillé en banque d'affaires et en capital-investissement, où il a passé la plupart de son temps à créer des prévisions financières complexes, à rédiger des plans d'affaires et à analyser des états financiers pour prendre des décisions en matière de financement et d'investissement.

Guillaume est titulaire d'un Master en Finance de l'ESCP Business School et d'une Maîtrise des Sciences en Gestion de l'Université de Paris Dauphine.

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Profi Contributor

Profi Contributor

6 tips for writing your coaching business plan (with templates).

You're getting into the coaching business because you know your stuff. But of course, expertise is only part of the equation. You need the right business structure and plan to back you up, as well.

In other words, you need a business plan for your coaching business. Ideally, that plan includes the structure of your coaching company, an overview of your audience, a plan for your website and coaching content, and an outline of how you'll market and sell your coaching services. These six tips can help you write your business coaching plan.

Why Do I Need a Business Coaching Plan?

As the founder of BPlans, Tim Berry, shares in a survey he did of thousands of business plan pro users , "Simply put, those who finished their business plans were about twice as likely to successfully grow their business, get investment, or land a loan than those who didn’t. You can see the numbers on the chart."

business plan coach de vie

He breaks down the numbers behind the chart as follows:

business plan coach de vie

A business plan for your online coaching business has two purposes: external and internal.

Externally , it's crucial for any stakeholders in your business. For example, if you're looking for investors in your business, they'll need to know you have a specific coaching business model and plan for how you'll grow your business to get their investment back. Anyone you want to serve in a leadership or board oversight role will probably want to know the same thing.

Internally , your business coaching plan is an important benchmark and guide post for all major decisions, from adding staff to building community . Use it to make sure that every strategic and budget decision you make aligns with your broader goal, context, and audience to stay on track and avoid getting sidetracked.

Coaching business plan templates any business can use

Rather than starting your document from scratch, consider using a coaching business plan template. This ensures that all the basic elements are included, and in the right format for your audience.

Some free coaching business plan templates include:

  • Life Coach Business Plan Template from BusinessPlanTemplate.com
  • Health Coaching Business Plan Template from MindBodyOnline.com
  • Health Coaching Business Plan Template from EverythingHealthCoach.com
  • General Coaching Business Plan Template from GrowThink.com
  • General Coaching Business Plan Template from EverCoach.com

You can use a general coaching business plan template, or one specific to your niche. For example, health coaching business plans may need more nuanced information about the industry and working with a health coaching business plan template can ensure that some of this information is already included in the template.

How Do You Structure A Coaching Company? 

Before you start writing your plan, it's crucial to understand the best possible structure to outline in the business plan for your coaching business. This is where you define your niche, and how you plan to serve your clients in the best possible way.

When working within Profi, you can build and operationalize any number of business structures:

  •  Use the Profi Team plan to support teams of 2+ unlimited centralized B2B or B2C coaches in the same department and company, or servicing your client's team or company under the same business model. ‍
  • Use our Corporate plan to curate a marketplace of coaches doing specialized work in a centralized B2B or B2C structure, as our client Innovation Experts has done. Or use our Corporate plan to manage an entire coaching organization, including 2+ coaches and multiple teams of coaches, all managed on a custom, white-labelled domain working across your client's departments, teams, or companies.
  • Use our Network plan for anywhere from two to hundreds of independent coaches, trainers or consultants who buy subscribe to your platform (powered behind the scenes by Profi) and use it independently in their coaching businesses, as our client Ikigai Consulting has done .

The truth is that there is no single best coaching business structure because it all depends on your niche, abilities, and target audience. That said, at least a basic idea of how you want to build that structure can help with every tip mentioned below.

How do you structure a business plan for online coaching?

Business plans for online coaching should be structured differently than any other business coaching plans. However, some of the information included when specifically looking to write your business plan for online coaching might be unique, like focusing your industry analysis exclusively on virtual competitors. 

Tip #1: Start With the Background

The first full section of your business plan should include all the basics an internal or external stakeholder might want to know about you. That includes:

  • A name and a short description of your company
  • Your company's mission, vision, and values
  • Your value proposition—a one-sentence summary of why your clients should want to engage your services
  • A short description of the coaching niche you serve 
  • An outline of the business structure for your company
  • Any other background that stakeholders might find valuable.

No judgment or opinion needed in this section. Keep it straightforward and to the point to make sure any reader walks away with a clear idea of what they can expect from your coaching business.

Tip #2: Include an Industry Analysis

Next, it's time to start looking outward. What's the context in which your coaching business exists? Most business plans for coaching businesses include a comprehensive industry analysis that includes some of the key direct and indirect competitors within your coaching niche.

Direct competitors are other coaching businesses offering the same services as you to the same audience. Indirect competitors are alternatives your potential clients might have to hiring a business coach, like self-service learning solutions or internal training. 

When listing competitors, include their exact value propositions and price. The more detail included here, the more specifically you can set your own coaching services apart when looking to sell yourself.

Tip #3: Outline Your Target Customer

Any business coaching plan needs to include a clear outline of who your business is trying to reach. An in-depth audience profile, using templates like a buyer persona or ideal customer profile , can solve two goals in your business plan at the same time. 

First, it ensures that any stakeholder reading your coaching business plan can get a better understanding of your core focus. Second, it can help you answer a few important questions about how to create content, build your website, and market your coaching business.

Tip #4: Create Your Marketing Plan

Next, it's time to build your marketing and promotional outreach efforts. This section of your coaching business plan should answer the following questions:

  • What should be included in your coaching website? Your website should clearly highlight your expertise to build credibility, include thought leadership content, outline your services, and make it easy to demo your services or sign up for a session.
  • How do you create content for coaching? Define where you'll post content and use examples of good coaching content as inspiration for your own content marketing strategy. Utilize a paraphrasing tool strategically to identify synonyms and refine your unique voice for a powerful content marketing strategy.
  • How do you market your coaching business? Outline the promotional channels you'll use that align with your audience profile, your core messaging, and any branding information you have. 

Together, these three components can help you self yourself as a coach, building on the audience definition and industry analysis to stand out and grow your customer base.

Tip #5: Define Your Operations and Financial Plan

Your operations plan includes a clear outline of the daily operations that will help your business succeed. This is your chance to outline how you'll implement your business model. Include information like daily responsibilities for core staff, how clients can book sessions and what happens once they book, how you'll collect payments, and the coaching software that can help you streamline those operations.

Your financial plan can either be part of your operations or its own section. It should include your income statement, cash-flow statement, and balance sheet . Clearly outline your fixed and variable costs, and what revenue you'll need to cover them and be profitable.

Tip #6: Write the Executive Summary

It might be counterintuitive to end with what, in most business coaching plan templates, will be the first section of the plan. But it pays to leave the executive summary for last, after you've filled in all the details in the other sections.

For the executive summary of the business plan for online coaching, include 1-2 sentences covering the gist of each section. Keep the whole thing to a single page if possible. That way, you can make sure that even if someone only reads the first page of the business plan, they'll still come away with the core of everything they need to know.

Of course, the business plan is only the beginning of a successful coaching business. You'll also need to execute all the strategies outlined within it—the operational piece of it all. That's where Profi comes in.

Profi is a platform that's as simple as it is powerful, helping you streamline all of the operational processes that come with running a successful coaching business. Book a Demo with one of our Product Coaches today to learn how you can successfully execute your business plan by organizing coach bookings with your ideal customers, recording and sharing sessions, managing your team, co-hosting services, courses and programs, and simplifying your billing.

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Coaching Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Coaching Business Plan

You’ve come to the right place to create your Coaching business plan.

We have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their Coaching businesses.

Below is a template to help you create each section of your Coaching business plan.

Executive Summary

Business overview.

Premier Health Coaching Services Is a startup health coaching company located in Seattle, Washington. The company is founded by Tracy Hoffman, a health coach who holds a Master of Science degree in Food Science and Nutrition from the University of Washington. She is a certified health coach in the state of Washington, and has successfully counseled over 300 clients during the past six years as a health coach employed by a corporate medical health plan provider. Her expertise has brought her “celebrity” status. Her blog and podcasts have brought over 20,000 followers as she speaks about nutrition and health matters. Her client base of over 300 clients has already committed to follow her when she makes this professional move to start her own company, Premier Health Coaching Services.

Premier Health Coaching Services will provide a comprehensive array of health-related products and services, including holistic care, skeletal and muscular alignments, sports nutrition, nutrition and diet support, balanced lifestyle counseling and other health services. This will be a broad-based service, meeting the needs of individuals from all walks of life and in all health-conditional lifestyles. Premier Health Coaching Services will be the top-performing health coaching company within the Seattle, Washington regional area.

Product Offering

The following are the services that Premier Health Coaching Services will provide:

  • Individual and group health coaching services
  • Nutritional and physiological body assessments
  • Skeletal and muscular alignments
  • Holistic healing: aromatherapy, acupuncture, massage
  • Physical therapist services
  • Weight assessment and counseling
  • Work-life balance alignments
  • Balanced lifestyle counseling
  • Product sales: nutritional supplements; health-related products

Customer Focus

Premier Health Coaching Services will target everyone in the Seattle, Washington regional area, including Bellingham and other outlying areas. In particular, they will target those individuals who seek assistance with physically therapeutic and lifestyle balance services. They will also target those individuals who are sports professionals and those who are dedicated to a sports lifestyle. Adults of all ages, including seniors, will be targeted as customers and Premier Health Coaching Services will address the needs and serve each individual with the best possible service and support team.

Management Team

Premier Health Coaching Services will be owned and operated by Tracy Hoffman. She has recruited her former associates, John Blackwell and Melissa Rodriquez, to become associates in leading her team.

Tracy Hoffman holds a Master of Science degree in Food Science and Nutrition from the University of Washington. She is a certified health coach in the state of Washington and has successfully counseled over 300 clients during the past six years as a health coach employed by a corporate medical health plan provider. Her expertise has brought her “celebrity” status, and her blog and podcasts have brought over 20,000 followers as she speaks about nutrition and health matters. Her client base of over 300 clients has already committed to follow her when she makes this professional move to start her own company, Premier Health Coaching Services.

John Blackwell is a well-known and much-admired health coach, overseeing 100 clients on a regular basis. He specializes in sports nutrition and already has the commitment from each client to follow him as he makes this professional move to Premier Health Coaching Services.

Melissa Rodriquez is much-beloved by her weight management and nutritional balance clients and is known for her emphasis on holistic solutions to health problems. Her client base of over 100 clients has committed to follow her as she makes this professional move to Premier Health Coaching Services.

Success Factors

Premier Health Coaching Services will be able to achieve success by offering the following competitive advantages:

  • Friendly, knowledgeable, and highly qualified team of professional health coaches, counselors, nutritional experts, and holistic care providers.
  • A comprehensive menu of services available during daytime and evening hours, including health coaching, lifestyle and nutritional coaching, holistic care, physical therapy and natural health and healing products.
  • Premier Health Coaching Services offers modest pricing, setting a price structure that best meets the health insurance plans of all individuals. Comparatively, the service is a lower-cost option than competitors.
  • Products offered, including nutritional supplements and natural health products, are priced lower than retail health food stores.

Financial Highlights

Premier Health Coaching Services is seeking $200,000 in debt financing to launch its Premier Health Coaching Services. The funding will be dedicated toward securing the location space and purchasing office equipment and supplies. Funding will also be dedicated towards three months of overhead costs to include payroll of the staff, rent, and marketing costs for the marketing campaigns. The breakout of the funding is below:

  • Office space build-out: $20,000
  • Office equipment, supplies, and materials: $10,000
  • Three months of overhead expenses (payroll, rent, utilities): $150,000
  • Marketing costs: $10,000
  • Working capital: $10,000

The following graph outlines the pro forma financial projections for Premier Health Coaching Services.

Premier Health Coaching Services Financial Projections

Company Overview

Who is premier health coaching services.

Premier Health Coaching Services is a newly established full-service coaching and health management company in Seattle, Washington. Premier Health Coaching Services will be the most reliable, total health-directed, and effective choice for clients throughout Seattle and the surrounding communities. Premier Health Coaching Services will provide a comprehensive slate of coaching services, natural health treatments, and natural products for all clients to utilize. Their full-service approach includes an extensive list of health and holistic-related services and products.

  Premier Health Coaching Services will be able to manage and service up to 50 clients at any time, with the ability to increase hours of operation to add more clients. The team of professionals are highly qualified, certified, and experienced in coaching, life-balance counseling and nutritional health. Premier Health Coaching Services removes all the headaches and issues of searching for and finding the right fit for the services of various coaches in multiple locations, as all services are now offered under one roof. In addition, Premier Health Coaching Services will be known for delivering the best customer service.

Premier Health Coaching Services History

Since incorporation, Premier Health Coaching Services has achieved the following milestones:

  • Registered Premier Health Coaching Services, Inc. to transact business in the state of Washington.
  • Has over 50 client contracts already in place with Premier Health Coaching Services. Has natural health providers in acupuncture, massage, aromatherapy, and physical therapy under long-term contracts.
  • Began recruiting a staff of assistants and office personnel at Premier Health Coaching Services.

Premier Health Coaching Services

The following will be the services Premier Health Coaching Services will provide:

Industry Analysis

The health coaching and related services industry is currently at $15,653M, and is expected to grow over the next five years to over $23,587M in 2028, with a CAGR of over 7% during the forecast years. This substantial increase will be due to clients who are increasingly aware and in need of better performance in physical activity, nutrition and eating habits, weight management, diabetes prevention, and medication adherence.

These specific areas are all covered under health coaching, group coaching and lifestyle coaching, which are increasingly in step with the continued growth and concern regarding these health-condition specific issues.

The growth will be driven by key players in the industry, such as major health insurance companies, governmental oversight and other agencies, who will adopt effective strategies to combat continuing health conditions. As they do; the industry sector is expected to expand further, presenting numerous opportunities for advancement.

Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market.

Premier Health Coaching Services will target those individuals requiring health coaching, nutritional counseling, holistic care and other natural services in Seattle, Washington. They will target former clients who may choose to contract for services with this new all-inclusive slate of services, those who are personal contacts through years of professional experience, corporations with employee health services under expiring contracts, and individuals who are referred by professionals throughout the region.

The precise demographics for Premier Health Coaching Services are:

Customer Segmentation

Premier Health Coaching Services will primarily target the following customer profiles:

  • Individuals seeking contracted health coaching and life counseling services
  • Insurance companies seeking expanded services for insured clients
  • Corporations seeking health service contracts on behalf of employees
  • Individuals seeking natural health and healing products

Competitive Analysis

Direct and indirect competitors.

Premier Health Coaching Services will face competition from other companies with similar business profiles. A description of each competitor company is below.

Pacific Health & Physical Therapy Group

Pacific Health and Physical Therapy Group provides muscular, skeletal and physical therapy for individuals who are referred to the service by employers under contract with the group. Contracts are yearly, endorsed by the corporate human resources managers. The group provides a variety of services for clients, including a therapy spa, physical therapy services, muscular and skeletal exercise routines, and other kinesiology-related services.

The promise by Pacific Health & Physical Therapy Group is to provide accurate, detailed plans to better the lives of their clients through muscular and physically therapeutic services. The emphasis is on corrective treatments, including exercise. The Pacific Health & Physical Therapy Group provides a 4-Step Treatment Plan that covers diagnosis; analysis of treatment; care routine; extended therapy. This is a plan that is personally designed for each client and care providers follow the plan during each client visit.

Seattle Physical Therapy Associates

Seattle Physical Therapy Associates is composed of ten physical therapists, each with a roster of clients who routinely book a minimum of twenty therapy visits each. This solidifies the basis for revenue for Seattle Physical Therapy Associates and creates an on-going program of increased health properties for clients as visits continue.

Seattle Physical Therapy Associates is focused on providing physical therapy; as such, the pricing for services is higher than other full-service centers. The motto is: Creating the Best Environment for Our Clients’ Best Results. Clients are treated at least twice a week, as physical therapy continues. As the favorite physical therapy group in Seattle, the company can demand higher pricing levels, and those levels are paid by primarily corporate clients, as a result.

Ballard Holistic Health Company

Ballard Holistic Health Company is headquartered in Ballard, located in northwest Seattle. The region is a mixed-population of older university students, young couples with children, and senior residents with longevity in the region. Housing is a mixture of condos converted to apartments, older single home dwellings and multi-use leased homes. The clientele for the Ballard Holistic Health Company is generally seeking holistic treatments as curative or preventative alternatives to western medicine. The company is housed in a former home, large enough to showcase natural health and healing products. Weekly classes directed to nutrition, healthy living styles, and vegan/vegetarian living topics are discussed in group sessions. Merchandise for sale includes books, tapes, vegan foods and protein alternatives, such as plant-based foods. Also offered are a wide array of natural health products and nutritional supplements.

Competitive Advantage

Premier Health Coaching Services will be able to offer the following advantages over their competition:

  • A comprehensive, all-inclusive menu of services available during daytime and evening hours, including health coaching, lifestyle and nutritional coaching, holistic care, physical therapy and natural health and healing products.
  • Products offered, including nutritional supplements and natural health products, are priced lower than direct competitors.

Marketing Plan

Brand & value proposition.

Premier Health Coaching Services will offer the following unique value proposition to its clientele:

  • Highly-qualified team of certified professionals who are able to provide a comprehensive slate of services and products to meet consumer demand for solutions for medical conditions, lifestyle choices, and other physical or mind-body needs.
  • Substantial number of long-term contracted clients, as well as corporate clients who utilize services for employees.
  • Reliable natural health and healing products sold below retail costs at competitive natural product stores.
  • Pricing structure for corporate and individual clients is modest and reasonable.

Promotions Strategy

The promotions strategy for Premier Health Coaching Services is as follows:

Word of Mouth/Referrals

Premier Health Coaching Services has built up an extensive list of contacts over the years by providing exceptional service and skilled expertise for clients. They have communicated to Premier Health Coaching Services that they will continue renewing their contracts because they are highly-satisfied with the services provided at the former place of business. Once advised by the professionals that they were leaving the former company, the clients were eager to sign new contracts to continue coaching services with Premier Health Coaching Services. Former and current clients were also willing to offer referrals and spread the word of the new company starting comprehensive services just ahead.

Professional Associations and Networking

Tracy Hoffman, John Blackwell and Melissa Rodriquez are each well-established within their chosen fields and will spread the word of the new startup within their professional associations. Networking among corporations within the region will also begin, as corporate clients can offer large, long-term contracts for employees who require multiple visits or treatments.

Social Media Marketing

With the high number of followers who track Tracy Hoffman, the use of social media marketing will be pivotal to the startup. Multiple social media marketing campaigns will be launched, identifying the professionals who are starting the company and inviting new followers to engage with each via posts and comments. Former and current clients will also be included in short video reels, offering testimonials regarding the service received by these professionals. A social media marketing manager will be hired for three months to cover the costs of startup campaigns.

Website/SEO Marketing

Premier Health Coaching Services will utilize the services of the social media marketing manager to create website content and images to announce the opening of the company. The website will be well organized, informative, and list all services that Premier Health Coaching Services is able to provide. The website will also list their contact information and link to an easy reservation site for clients to book appointments online. The social media marketing manager will also oversee SEO marketing tactics so that anytime someone types in the Google or Bing search engine “Seattle health coaching” or “natural health or holistic services”, Premier Health Coaching Services will be listed at the top of the search results.

The pricing of Premier Health Coaching Services will be moderate and on par with competitors so customers feel they receive value when purchasing their services.

Operations Plan

The following will be the operations plan for Premier Health Coaching Services. Operation Functions:

  • Tracy Hoffman will be the Owner and President of the company. She will oversee all staff and manage client relations. She has spent several months recruiting the executive staff: members:
  • John Blackwell, a well-known, certified, and much-admired health coach, will be the Vice President, overseeing 100 clients on a regular basis. He specializes in sports nutrition.
  • Melissa Rodriquez, a professional counselor in weight management and nutritional balance, will be the Strategic Manager. Her client base of over 100 clients has committed to follow her as she makes this professional move to Premier Health Coaching Services.
  • Gary Ragan, an accountant with ten years of experience, will become the Staff Accountant, providing all client accounting, tax payments, and monthly financial reporting.


Premier Health Coaching Services will have the following milestones complete in the next six months.

  • 5/1/202X – Finalize contract to lease company staff, client and workroom space
  • 5/15/202X – Finalize personnel and staff employment contracts for the Premier Health Coaching Services
  • 6/1/202X – Finalize contracts for Premier Health Coaching Services corporate clients
  • 6/15/202X – Begin networking at industry events
  • 6/22/202X – Begin moving into the Premier Health Coaching Services building location
  • 7/1/202X – Premier Health Coaching Services opens its office for business

Tracy Hoffman holds a Master of Science degree in Food Science and Nutrition from the University of Washington. She is a certified health coach in the state of Washington, who has successfully counseled over 300 clients during the past six years as a health coach employed by a corporate medical health plan provider. Her expertise has brought her “celebrity” status, as her blog and podcasts have brought over 20,000 followers. She is dedicated to nutrition and health-balance matters. Her client base of over 300 clients has already committed to follow her when she makes this professional move to start her own company, Premier Health Coaching Services.

Financial Plan

Key revenue & costs.

The revenue drivers for Premier Health Coaching Services are the fees they will charge to the clients for their services. Secondary revenue drivers will include the natural health and nutritional supplement products sold at the company location.

The cost drivers will be the overhead costs required in order to properly staff Premier Health Coaching Services. The expenses will be the payroll cost, rent, utilities, office supplies, and marketing materials.

Funding Requirements and Use of Funds

Premier Health Coaching Services is seeking $200,000 in debt financing to launch its health coaching and natural health service company. The funding will be dedicated toward securing the location space and purchasing office equipment and supplies. Funding will also be dedicated toward three months of overhead costs to include payroll of the staff, rent, and marketing costs for the social media marketing and association memberships. The breakout of the funding is below:

Key Assumptions

The following outlines the key assumptions required in order to achieve the revenue and cost numbers in the financials and in order to pay off the startup business loan.

  • Number of Contracted Clients Per Month: 1,200
  • Average Fees per Month: $50,000
  • Office Lease per Year: $100,000

Financial Projections

Income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, coaching business plan faqs, what is a coaching business plan.

A coaching business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your coaching   business. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections.

You can easily complete your Coaching  business plan using our Coaching Business Plan Template here .

What are the Main Types of Coaching Businesses?

There are a number of different kinds of coaching businesses , some examples include: Business coaching, Career coaching, Life coaching, Performance coaching, and Wellness coaching.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Coaching Business Plan?

Coaching businesses are often funded through small business loans. Personal savings, credit card financing and angel investors are also popular forms of funding.

What are the Steps To Start a Coaching Business?

Starting a coaching business can be an exciting endeavor. Having a clear roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your goals and get started faster.

1. Develop A Coaching Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a detailed coaching business plan that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include potential market size and target customers, the services or products you will offer, pricing strategies and a detailed financial forecast.

2. Choose Your Legal Structure - It's important to select an appropriate legal entity for your coaching business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your coaching business is in compliance with local laws.

3. Register Your Coaching   Business - Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your coaching business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws.

4. Identify Financing Options - It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your coaching business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, investor funding, grants, or crowdfunding platforms.

5. Choose a Location - Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations.

6. Hire Employees - There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events.

7. Acquire Necessary Coaching   Equipment & Supplies - In order to start your coaching business, you'll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation.

8. Market & Promote Your Business - Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your coaching business. This includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising.

Learn more about how to start a successful coaching business:

  • How to Start a Coaching Business


Le business plan d'un coach : le guide

activité de coach business plan ppt pdf word

Nos experts ont réalisé un un pack complet pour un coach , modifiable.

De plus en plus de personnes choisissent de devenir coach professionnel.

L’industrie du coaching se normalise et nombreux sont les particuliers et professionnels à solliciter les services d’un coach.

Avant de vous lancer dans cette nouvelle activité de coaching, vous devez commencer par rédiger un bon business plan.

Un tel document vous permettra notamment de déterminer une stratégie rentable pour votre entreprise. De même, il vous sera utile pour présenter votre futur projet à un potentiel partenaire financier.

Quels éléments inclure dans le business plan de son activité de coach ? Comment évaluer le futur chiffre d'affaires de son entreprise ? Comment établir le budget prévisionnel d'un coach ? Où se situe le seuil de rentabilité d'une activité de coaching ? Que doit contenir la partie financière du business plan ?

Ces questions reviennent souvent lorsqu’on démarre un nouveau projet. Nous y répondons dans cet article.

Si vous souhaitez mettre toutes les chances de votre côté et réussir cette démarche, vous pouvez aussi télécharger notre business plan pour un coach .

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L'élaboration du business plan d'un coach

Dois-je réaliser un business plan avant de devenir un coach professionnel .

Oui, la rédaction d'un business plan pour votre activité de coaching vous permettra, entre autres, de : - identifier les ordres de grandeur du marché du coaching - comprendre les nouvelles tendances en matière de coaching - identifier les facteurs de réussite d'un coach professionnel - segmenter votre clientèle cible (et comprendre leurs attentes) - décider d'une bonne proposition de valeur ainsi que d’une offre convaincante - analyser les coachs concurrents et identifier leurs forces et faiblesses - trouver des avantages concurrentiels de poids pour votre activité de coaching - mettre en place un plan de développement sur plusieurs années - développer un plan marketing pour votre activité de coaching - envisager les risques potentiels liés à cette activité - prouver la viabilité de votre activité de coaching à un investisseur

C'est dans cette visée et avec ces objectifs que nous avons élaboré notre business plan pour un coach .

Que doit contenir le business plan d'un coach ?

Un business plan contient de nombreux chiffres, données, études et analyses. Il est primordial de bien structurer tous ces éléments.

Notre business plan conçu pour un coach est composée de 5 parties bien distinctes.

La partie introductive s'intitule "Opportunité du marché" . C'est une partie dans laquelle on va présenter des données sur le marché du coaching, les nouvelles tendances du secteur, ainsi que les principaux critères de réussite d'un coach (une grande qualité d'écoute, un bon esprit d'analyse et de synthèse, une forte capacité d'adaptation, etc.).

La partie suivante, qui est la "Présentation de l'entreprise" , va nous permettre de présenter les contours de l'activité de coaching (le type d'accompagnement proposé, l'éventuelle présence de prestations en ligne ou encore votre grille tarifaire). Cette partie présente également la proposition de valeur de votre activité de coaching. Elle se termine par la présentation du coach.

Vient ensuite la partie "Étude de marché" , qui permettra d'étudier les segments de marché et les coachs concurrents. Cette partie contient également une analyse SWOT, un outil (qu’on retrouve souvent dans les business plans) permettant de synthétiser les forces et faiblesses de votre activité de coaching, tout en synthétisant les opportunités et menaces externes.

La partie que nous appelons "Stratégie" , va, elle, nous permettre d'exposer un plan d'action, avec des étapes bien précises, qui vous permettront d'atteindre votre seuil de rentabilité (nous en parlerons plus bas). On y évoque notamment le plan marketing qui vous permettra d'attirer et de fidéliser des clients de votre activité de coaching.

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Comment établir l'Executive Summary d'un coach ?

Pour le réussir, vous pouvez télécharger notre executive summary pour un coach

À noter que l'Executive Summary d'un coach est un document qui doit rester bref et concis.

Souvent, on confond les termes "Executive Summary" et "business plan". Or, ce sont deux notions complètement différentes.

Néanmoins, il existe bel et bien un lien entre l'Executive Summary et le business plan. L'Executive Summary va venir résumer les points essentiels du business plan. En quelque sorte, ce document constitue une introduction au business plan.

Comment réaliser l'étude de marché d'un coach ?

Pour réussir votre étude de marché, vous pouvez utiliser notre étude de marché pour un coach .

Un point important à noter : le business plan permet de reprendre les conclusions d’une étude de marché. C’est notamment ce que nous avons fait dans notre document.

Ainsi, dans la partie “Étude de Marché” de notre business plan pour un coach , on aura : - les principaux chiffres du marché du coaching - les dernières innovations du secteur en question - les différents segments de marché d'un coach - la matrice SWOT correctement adaptée à l’activité - l’analyse concurrentielle pour du coaching professionnel - des exemples d'avantages concurrentiels d'une activité de coaching

activité de coach plan d

Les points essentiels du business plan d'un coach

Quel est le business model d’un coach .

Le modèle économique d'un coach consiste à offrir un accompagnement à un individu, une équipe ou encore une organisation durant une période donnée.

Un coach professionnel vise à renforcer le potentiel, la motivation et les ressources de chaque individu accompagné. Il va également chercher à renforcer sa capacité à mobiliser les bonnes ressources en fonction de l'objectif.

Généralement, un coach professionnel intervient lorsqu'un individu souhaite accélérer une prise de fonction, améliorer une situation relationnelle, résoudre un problème, devenir plus productif ou franchir une nouvelle étape de sa vie personnelle ou professionnelle.

Dans votre business plan, le modèle économique de votre activité de coaching doit être présenté à travers un Business Model Canvas : c’est l’outil privilégié pour ce genre d’exercice.

Bien entendu, notre business plan spécialement conçu pour un coach contient un Business Model Canvas, complet et entièrement modifiable.

Quels sont les segments de marché de votre activité de coaching ?

Dans le business plan de votre activité de coaching, vous devez identifier précisément le profil des personnes susceptibles de faire appel à vos services.

Des exemples de segments de marché pour un coach sont : les particuliers, les cadres ou encore les managers. Il y en a plein d’autres cependant.

C'est lors de la réalisation de l'étude de marché de votre activité de coaching que vous pourrez identifier votre public cible.

Comment faire l'étude de la concurrence pour un coach ?

Comme nous l'avons fait dans le business plan d'un coach , vous devez évoquer les concurrents avec des parts de marché importantes.

Également, il faudra examiner leurs points forts, en tant que coachs, puis comparer, de façon analytique, votre offre de services de coaching à la leur.

Pour s’imposer sur le marché du coaching, il importe de se démarquer de la concurrence et de présenter des avantages concurrentiels.

Un avantage concurrentiel correspond à tout ce qui peut aider votre activité de coaching à attirer des clients, les fidéliser et gagner des parts de marché.

Comment construire des avantages concurrentiels pour votre activité de coaching ? Pour cela, une méthode consiste à d’abord identifier les faiblesses des coachs concurrents. Il peut s'agir de prix trop élevés, d'un accompagnement peu personnalisé ou encore d'une mauvaise communication.

Ces lacunes génèrent inévitablement de la frustration et du mécontentement chez les clients accompagnés. À vous de proposer une offre de coaching plus intéressante et plus satisfaisante. Par exemple, vous pouvez mettre en place des bilans de compétences travaillés, un coaching 100% en ligne ou encore une tarification transparente. Ce ne sont que quelques idées d'avantages concurrentiels pour votre activité de coaching.

Enfin, listez les opportunités et menaces externes dans la matrice SWOT de votre activité de coaching. Cet outil vous permet d'identifier les atouts et les handicaps de votre futur projet, tout en analysant les menaces et opportunités envisageables.

Cette SWOT est présente dans notre business plan conçu pour un coach . Elle est rédigée et modifiable. Les avantages concurrentiels d'un coach sont également dans le document.

Comment réussir la stratégie marketing de votre activité de coaching ?

Dans le business plan de votre activité de coaching, présentez également un plan d'action précis et détaillé pour les trois prochaines années, afin d’augmenter votre portefeuille de clients tout en fidélisant ceux que vous accompagnez.

Comment allez-vous réussir à augmenter vos marges au fil des mois et des années ? Allez-vous recruter pour développer votre activité ? Comment allez-vous construire une offre de services de coaching adaptée aux besoins de vos clients ? Allez-vous vendre des formations en ligne ?

Voici le genre de mesures à inclure dans votre business plan : - recherche de partenaires et organisation d'événements en commun - lancement d'une nouvelle offre de services de coaching, sur de nouvelles problématiques - expansion vers de nouveaux marchés tels que le coaching 100% en ligne - développement d'une offre de coaching premium - vente de formations en ligne (source de revenus passifs) - recrutement d'assistants pour développer l'aspect marketing et prospection du projet - création d’une chaîne Youtube afin d’avoir un moteur de lead generation actif

Le prévisionnel financier d'un coach

Comment évaluer le revenu de son activité de coaching .

Pour calculer le revenu d'un coach, il faut commencer par identifier le revenu moyen par client.

Cela dépendra des formules d’accompagnement que vous proposez et également de votre business model (abonnements ? forfaits de 10 séances ? etc.).

Ce montant dépendra aussi de la typologie de vos clients (entreprises, particuliers, managers, jeunes adultes, personnes en surpoids, etc.) ainsi que de leur budget.

Ensuite, on cherche à estimer le nombre de clients susceptibles de faire appel à vos services de coaching.

Vous allez probablement mettre un peu de temps avant de remplir votre emploi du temps. Toutefois, au fil des mois, ce nombre devrait augmenter, et votre chiffre d’affaires devrait croître chaque année. C’est en tout cas ce que vous devez faire refléter dans votre prévisionnel financier.

Pour une estimation précise du chiffre d’affaires de votre activité de coaching, vous pouvez utiliser notre modèle financier pour un coach .

Comment réussir l'étude de rentabilité d'une activité de coaching ?

L'étude du seuil de rentabilité de votre activité de coaching.

Le seuil de rentabilité désigne le montant total que votre activité de coaching doit générer pour couvrir la totalité de ses dépenses (ou charges courantes).

Quel chiffre d'affaires faut-il générer pour atteindre le seuil de rentabilité ? Combien de jours vous faudra-t-il pour devenir rentable ? Notre modèle financier pour un coach vous permettra de répondre à ces questions.

Comment augmenter le chiffre d'affaires d'un coach ?

Afin d'augmenter les revenus d'un coach, il faut concevoir une solide stratégie.

La stratégie marketing constitue une démarche d'étude et de réflexion qui permet à votre activité de coaching d’attirer de nouveaux clients et de répondre à la demande existante. Certains de ces éléments sont évoqués dans la partie précédente.

La stratégie marketing complète, elle, se trouve dans notre business plan pour un coach .

Comment optimiser les dépenses d'un coach ?

Pour être rentable, il faut également regarder du côté des dépenses.

Si vous souhaitez améliorer les marges de votre activité de coaching, vous devrez trouver le moyen de réduire le montant des dépenses.

Toutefois, il convient d'apporter une nuance ici. Limiter les investissements initiaux de votre activité de coaching n'est pas nécessairement la meilleure chose à faire.

Par exemple, il est fortement recommandé de s'entourer de professionnels pour les aspects juridiques liés au lancement d'une activité de coaching.

Ce sont surtout les postes de dépenses récurrents qui devront être limités.

Par exemple, les frais annexes (déplacements, assurances et frais bancaires) représentent un budget assez conséquent. Essayez de trouver le moyen de les limiter.

Quant à la constitution d'une équipe, il faudra commencer à embaucher (chargé de la prospection, responsable marketing, assistante administrative) lorsque votre chiffre d’affaires vous le permettra. Ces embauches sont nécessaires au bon développement de votre activité.

En matière de marketing, il est conseillé de ne pas dépasser 15% du chiffre d'affaires de votre activité de coaching, sauf durant les premiers mois d'activité, où il faudra vous faire connaître. Les commissions prélevées par les plateformes vous mettant en contact avec vos clients peuvent être incluses dans ce budget marketing.

Parfois, une étude approfondie des différentes taxes payées mensuellement est également nécessaire afin d’optimiser les finances de son activité de cooaching.

Le prévisionnel financier adapté aux coachs vous indique le budget à allouer à chaque type de dépense.

Quels éléments inclure dans la partie financière du business plan d'un coach ?

Voici les éléments essentiels de la partie financière du business plan de votre activité de coaching : - le chiffre d'affaires prévisionnel - un compte de résultat prévisionnel - un bilan comptable - un budget de trésorerie - des indicateurs de performance (les soldes intermédiaires de gestion) - le détail du BFR - un plan de financement (démarrage et prévisionnel) - les investissements de départ - des graphiques et des ratios financiers

  • le choix d'une sélection entraîne une actualisation complète de la page

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How to Write a Life Coaching Business Plan (+ Template)

Business Plan

Creating a business plan is essential for any business, but it can be beneficial for life coaching businesses who want to improve their strategy or raise funding.

A well-crafted business plan not only outlines the vision for your company, but also documents a step-by-step roadmap of how you will accomplish it. In order to create an effective business plan, you must first understand the components that are essential to its success.

This article provides an overview of the key elements that every life coaching business owner should include in their business plan.

Download the Ultimate Business Plan Template

What is a Life Coaching Business Plan?

A life coaching business plan is a formal written document describing your company’s business strategy and feasibility. It documents the reasons you will be successful, your areas of competitive advantage, and it includes information about your team members. Your business plan is a key document that will convince investors and lenders (if needed) that you are positioned to become a successful venture.

Why Write a Life Coaching Business Plan?

A life coaching business plan is required for banks and investors. The document is a clear and concise guide of your business idea and the steps you will take to make it profitable.

Entrepreneurs can also use this as a roadmap when starting their new company or venture, especially if they are inexperienced in starting a business.

Writing an Effective Life Coaching Business Plan

The following are the key components of a successful life coaching business plan:

Executive Summary

The executive summary of a life coaching business plan is a one to two page overview of your entire business plan. It should summarize the main points, which will be presented in full in the rest of your business plan.

  • Start with a one-line description of your life coaching company
  • Provide a short summary of the key points in each section of your business plan, which includes information about your company’s management team, industry analysis, competitive analysis, and financial forecast among others.

Company Description

This section should include a brief history of your company. Include a short description of how your company started, and provide a timeline of milestones your company has achieved.

You may not have a long company history if you are just starting your life coaching business. Instead, you can include information about your professional experience in this industry and how and why you conceived your new venture. If you have worked for a similar company or been involved in an entrepreneurial venture before starting your life coaching firm, mention this.

You will also include information about your chosen life coaching business model and how, if applicable, it is different from other companies in your industry.

Industry Analysis

The industry or market analysis is an important component of a life coaching business plan. Conduct thorough market research to determine industry trends and document the size of your market. 

Questions to answer include:

  • What part of the life coaching industry are you targeting?
  • How big is the market?
  • What trends are happening in the industry right now (and if applicable, how do these trends support your company’s success)?

You should also include sources for your information, such as published research reports and expert opinions.

Customer Analysis

This section should include a list of your target audience(s) with demographic and psychographic profiles (e.g., age, gender, income level, profession, job titles, interests). You will need to provide a profile of each customer segment separately, including their needs and wants.

For example, a life coaching business’ clients may include:

  • High school students seeking guidance on what to do after graduation
  • Middle-aged professionals wanting a mid-life career change
  • Small business owners needing help to expand their companies

You can include information about how your customers decide to buy from you as well as what keeps them buying from you.

Develop a strategy for targeting those customers who are most likely to buy from you, as well as those that might be influenced to buy your products or life coaching services with the right marketing.

Competitive Analysis

The competitive analysis helps you determine how your product or service will differ from competitors, and what your unique selling proposition (USP) might be that will set you apart in this industry.

For each competitor, list their strengths and weaknesses. Next, determine your areas of competitive advantage; that is, in what ways are you different from and ideally better than your competitors.

Below are sample competitive advantages your life coaching business may have:

  • You offer a more comprehensive life coaching program than your competitors.
  • You have a team of certified life coaches with years of experience in various coaching fields.
  • Your company offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Marketing Plan

This part of the business plan is where you determine and document your marketing plan. . Your plan should be clearly laid out, including the following 4 Ps.

  • Product/Service: Detail your product/service offerings here. Document their features and benefits.
  • Price: Document your pricing strategy here. In addition to stating the prices for your products/services, mention how your pricing compares to your competition.
  • Place: Where will your customers find you? What channels of distribution (e.g., partnerships) will you use to reach them if applicable?
  • Promotion: How will you reach your target customers? For example, you may use social media, write blog posts, create an email marketing campaign, use pay-per-click advertising, launch a direct mail campaign. Or you may promote your life coaching business via word-of-mouth.

Operations Plan

This part of your life coaching business plan should include the following information:

  • How will you deliver your product/service to customers? For example, will you do it in person or over the phone only?
  • What infrastructure, equipment, and resources are needed to operate successfully? How can you meet those requirements within budget constraints?

The operations plan is where you also need to include your company’s business policies. You will want to establish policies related to everything from customer service to pricing, to the overall brand image you are trying to present.

Finally, and most importantly, in your Operations Plan, you will lay out the milestones your company hopes to achieve within the next five years. Create a chart that shows the key milestone(s) you hope to achieve each quarter for the next four quarters, and then each year for the following four years. Examples of milestones for a life coaching business include reaching $X in sales. Other examples include expanding your customer base by X% or adding X new life coaching programs.

Management Team

List your team members here, including their names and titles, as well as their expertise and experience relevant to your specific life coaching industry. Include brief biography sketches for each team member.

Particularly if you are seeking funding, the goal of this section is to convince investors and lenders that your team has the expertise and experience to execute on your plan. If you are missing key team members, document the roles and responsibilities you plan to hire for in the future.

Financial Plan

Here you will include a summary of your complete and detailed financial plan (your full financial projections go in the Appendix). 

This includes the following three financial statements:

Income Statement

Your income statement should include:

  • Revenue: how much revenue you generate.
  • Cost of Goods Sold: These are your direct costs associated with generating revenue. This includes labor costs, as well as the cost of any equipment and supplies used to deliver the product/service offering.
  • Net Income (or loss): Once expenses and revenue are totaled and deducted from each other, this is the net income or loss

Sample Income Statement for a Startup Life Coaching Business

Balance sheet.

Include a balance sheet that shows your assets, liabilities, and equity. Your balance sheet should include:

  • Assets : All of the things you own (including cash).
  • Liabilities : This is what you owe against your company’s assets, such as accounts payable or loans.
  • Equity : The worth of your business after all liabilities and assets are totaled and deducted from each other.

Sample Balance Sheet for a Startup Life Coaching Business

Cash flow statement.

Include a cash flow statement showing how much cash comes in, how much cash goes out and a net cash flow for each year. The cash flow statement should include cash flow from:

  • Investments

Below is a sample of a projected cash flow statement for a startup life coaching business.

Sample Cash Flow Statement for a Startup Life Coaching Business

You will also want to include an appendix section which will include:

  • Your complete financial projections
  • A complete list of your company’s business policies and procedures related to the rest of the business plan (marketing, operations, etc.)
  • Any other documentation which supports what you included in the body of your business plan.

Write a Strong Life Coaching Business Plan

Writing a good business plan gives you the advantage of being fully prepared to launch and/or grow your life coaching company. It not only outlines your business vision but also provides a step-by-step process of how you are going to accomplish it.

A business plan also serves as a valuable tool for communicating your business goals to employees, partners, and investors. By taking the time to write a comprehensive business plan, you will have a much better chance of achieving your desired results.  

Finish Your Business Plan in 1 Day!

Wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your ultimate business plan?

With our Ultimate Business Plan Template you can finish your plan in just 8 hours or less!

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business plan coach de vie

Creating a Simple Coaching Business Plan 101

Creating a Simple Coaching Business Plan 101

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With an estimated market size of almost $20 billion , coaching continues to be one of the fastest growing sectors in the world. With more and more individuals and organizations understanding the true contribution and impact of coaching (boost in self-confidence, revenues, and an elevated workforce morale), the average yearly growth of the coaching industry stands at a healthy 6.7% with thousands of professionals looking at coaching as a lucrative, long term career option. There are approximately 71,000 certified coaches worldwide at this time – and that, we believe, says a lot!

If you have already taken the plunge (or are preparing to take one) and have chosen the very rewarding career of coaching, the next organic step will be to look at scaling your venture. You may have gotten in the profession with the noble thought of helping people maximize their potentials and become successful, but it is also your work and a major (if not primary) source of income for you! Making every effort to expand your client volumes and boost your revenues is absolutely necessary if you want to make your practice a continued success. 

So, venturing into developing your own coaching business can be a natural progression to your career. But just the idea of having your own coaching business is not enough. Once the brainstorming process is over, how do you move forward and put those ideas on paper and convert them into a viable coaching business plan? Read on to find out how you can create a simple but effective coaching business plan and the lasting impact that it can have on your career.

Why should you have a coaching business plan?  

You have done the groundwork, put in those extra working hours, got a fair bit of experience working as a coach and are now ready to move on to the next level (or you may be just starting out as a coach and feeling ambitious & confident enough to take on the responsibility of running your own coaching business). Naturally then scaling your coaching services is what comes to mind. And for that you need a feasible coaching business plan. But why must you have one? Well, the answer covers multiple reasons – why having a solid, well-thought out, strategically sound plan can give you the best chance at making a success of your coaching business. 

A good coaching business plan

  • Provides focus and clarity not just to you but also your other stakeholders regarding the business, its scope, start-up expenses, target clientele, expected competition, potential obstacles, possible income generation, and more.
  • Gives a fair idea of what to expect in the near future based on multiple outcomes that are discussed.
  • Keeps you on track and alert to the realities so that you concentrate on doing the right things and avoid missteps that could prove disastrous in the future. 

Things to know before you start putting down a coaching business plan

Now that you understand the importance of having a coaching business plan, there are some other factors to consider before you start charting out one:

  • Make sure that your coaching business plan is as close to reality as possible. In their newfound excitement of staring their own business, many coaches often lose track of ground realities and overestimate their would-be success and underestimate their challenges. 
  • Ensure that your coaching business plan lets you define your coaching niche – coaching is a vast segment that covers life coaching, executive coaching, leadership coaching, health & wellness coaching, personal coaching, to name a few. Based on your aptitude, knowledge, and experience, choose a niche that will give you the best chance for success as a coach. 
  • Conduct thorough research about the market and emerging opportunities, the industries that have a high demand for coaching and target audience who can actually pay for your services. 
  • Be honest about your financial reality (start-up costs, compare your assets & liabilities, the potential expenses that will be incurred against the potential income that will flow in, gauge if you can start out with your own seed capital or if you need to find external investors, financial goals to be accomplished in the next year as well as 5 years) and then map out your business strategy. 
  • Be prepared to be flexible – a business plan that seems brilliant at the scripting stage may not look as promising once all the pieces of the coaching business plan are in place. If that happens, don’t lose heart and go back to the drawing board, tweak and tinker until you come up with a realistic plan that will stand the test of time and will result in a successful and long-lasting business. Being realistic does not mean that you curb your big ambitions – it just means that you go in with your eyes wide open to both opportunity and challenges.

Creating a coaching business plan  

Creating a coaching business plan takes a lot of research, understanding of the business world, a clear analysis of your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats, and the ability to turn ambitions into reality. It is the foundation on which the tower of your business will stand and flourish. 

1. Start your business vision

Write up a mission statement in clear and precise words that provides a detailed understanding of why you are in the business, the type of your business, your business operations and scope, the potential clientele that you wish to engage, the services and products that you will offer and how they will prove to be value additions to those who sign up, and more. This transparency in conveying your intentions can go a long way in establishing your credibility among existing as well as potential clients. 

2. Zero in on the most workable coaching model 

Getting the coaching model right is important as this is the basis on which you will take all the other business decisions, which will in turn impact your earnings. You need to decide if you want to opt for a one-on-one/personalized coaching (personal can be limiting in terms of reaching just one client against the time and effort expended), group coaching (little less time consuming with expanded client size), corporate coaching (business/executive/leadership coaching – where the organization pays a lumpsum for coaching their group of employees), hybrid coaching (a mix of online & offline) or even partially automated coaching (online questionnaires, exercises, surveys, feedback forms). 

3. Concentrate on your unique offerings 

As the data has shown, coaching is a lucrative profession, so, naturally the field will be overcrowded with hundreds of coaches offering their services. It may take extra effort and some unique offerings for you to stand out against your closest competitors, build your coaching business and also make a success out of it.  Saying you are good coach is not enough, you need to state your specialization for clients to notice you. 

Put down what your strengths are (for instance, conflict resolution, mergers & acquisitions, delegation) and what is the expertise you can provide to your clients that will make a discernible difference to their progress (how you have helped top executives complete successful career transitions that made a healthy difference to their work-life balance, for example). You need to understand your own business in depth, only then you can convince the client about your offerings.  

4. Organize your daily schedule 

Effective time management is one of the pillars of your eventual success. Having an organized schedule will mean that you not only make time for actual coaching but also for the peripherals (social media engagements, communicating with clients, updating your course materials, etc.) that are important for your coaching business. Prioritize your goals and then assign time slots for those activities as per importance. Tasks that need more attention (any client activities take top preference) should have regular markings in your schedule whereas lesser important activities can be scheduled once a week or fortnightly. Using an automated planner is a good choice rather than getting into it manually. 

5 . Invest in a good coaching management software 

Personally, handling clients as well as the demands of running a business is fine when your client size is small. But when you scale up your business and start expanding your clientele, it can get extremely difficult, not to mention exhausting, managing multiple demands manually. 

Investing in a comprehensive, fully automated business coaching management software that offers all the features – such as client & business management, sales & marketing, pricing options, coaching tools, etc. – under a single platform will make running your coaching business easy & efficiently and help deliver quantifiable & visible results for your clients and eventually help grow your business.

6 . Offer attractive coaching packages with multiple price points & duration

Not all clients are the same – their requirements and readiness to pay are different. In order to reach a wide audience, make sure that you offer attractive coaching packages with benefits, multiple pricing options as well as durations (you can list out the offerings and benefits of every coaching package, whether it’s 1-month, 3-month, 6-month or even yearly). Having a landing page where the client can reach you and take a look at all your various services & pricing choices will help your potential client make an informed choice about your coaching services and ascertain whether they are best suited to their requirements. 

7. Stick to a single coaching model that will succeed in the long run

The intent behind starting a business and creating a coaching business plan is that you want to scale up to the next level, with the aim of acquiring more clients and thus, more revenue. For that to happen, you need to zero in on a coaching business model and then stick to it. 

A coaching company model lets you be the owner of a business that employs multiple coaches who actually do the coaching alongside you and you get a percentage of the earnings as your profit. The upside is that you don’t need to spend all your time and energy coaching and can focus on business growth, but the downside is that if the client signed up for your name, they may feel short changed that they are not getting coached by you.  

A personalized coaching model is the most personal form of coaching where you deliver your coaching services to a single client in a session. The model works better for the coachee than the coach. The coachee gets the best out of the coaching process but the coach is unable to scale up their business as their time and effort are tied to one client. But by automating this coaching model (personalized questionnaires, feedback forms, assessment reports, etc.) the coach can scale this coaching model for repeated use for other clients as well. 

A productized coaching model focuses on creating a product that can be sold over and over again. Coaching courses, training modules, and other educational material that cover a host of relevant topics are examples of how coaching can be productized. These can be made available on your own website or published via learning platforms. This is one of the more popular coaching models as the products can be sold at a more affordable rate (as there’s no direct exchange of coach’s time for money) and can bought by as many clients as possible, thus widening your client base and ensuring a stable source of income. 

8. Prepare a goal tracker to monitor short-term goals 

Set small goals to achieve and create a short-term goal tracking sheet to monitor if those goals are being achieved. When you achieve smaller goals, you are automatically getting a step closer to attaining your final objective. The goal tracker helps you stay on the path, boosts your morale, and prevents feeling frustrated & getting pressurized by the larger goal. After all, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step forward!

9. Have a solid sales funnel in place 

This is a coaching business plan that you are preparing, so naturally the intent is to bring in as many clients as possible and generate higher profits. As with any business, a solid sales & marketing strategy is the key to making it a success. 

Having a top-notch sales funnel is important – identifying the target audience, understanding customer requirements, listing all the services & products that you offer the client, presenting a comparative analysis of how your services and products are better than your closest competitors, and actually onboarding clients. 

In addition, utilizing other marketing tools such as webinars, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, blogs, vlogs, email & affiliate marketing, online forums & networks, etc., provide multiple platforms for your prospective clients to not only to become aware of your services but to also connect with you. How effective the sales funnel will be, depends on how much financial capacity you have for spending on advertising your business. 

10 . Create a strong brand for your coaching business 

A strong brand that is identifiable with quality offering is one of the best long-term assets that any business can have. An easily recognizable brand is your gateway to growing your business. While creating your coaching business brand, keep in mind a few factors such as its objective, the values you hope to convey, the assurances you are giving clients in terms of services, professional ethics and transparent business dealings.

Creating a lasting brand is not only about glossy and colour-coordinated websites and logos, it is about conveying your best qualities that enhance your credibility and brand recall to further your business growth. 

Setting up a business, running it smoothy, and making a success out of it is not an easy job, especially in this highly competitive industry. Benjamin Franklin summed it up aptly, ‘if you fail to plan, you plan to fail!’. Then why start a coaching business without a coaching business plan? Having a detailed coaching business plan is the foundation on which you can not only build but also scale up your venture. It gives you the required confidence, focus and clarity to shape a business that can provide for you monetarily and also help you leave a lasting impact as a sought-after coach. 


1. What is a coaching business plan? 

A coaching business plan is a framework that states your business purpose, objectives and the means to achieve those goals. It should include your unique service offering, target audience, coaching model, pricing strategy, sales & marketing approach, and proposals for business growth and expansion. It is important to have a solid coaching business plan in place before starting your business as it helps you understand the true current situation, make plans to move forward based on that reality, stay organized, avoid missteps and concentrate on the eventual business goals. 

2. Do you need certification to write a coaching business plan? 

It is not necessary to have certification to write a coaching business plan. If you have the necessary business background and experience, you can write one yourself or hire the services of an expert business coach to create one for you. 

Also, many coaching institutes offer programs and training on how to prepare a coaching business plan. You can choose to enrol in such a program and get certified on proper guidelines as well as learn the importance of having a sound coaching business plan.

About Simply.Coach

Simply.Coach  is an enterprise-grade coaching software designed to be used by individual coaches and coaching businesses. Trusted by ICF-accredited and EMCC-credentialed coaches worldwide, Simply.Coach is on a mission to elevate the experience and process of coaching with technology-led tools and solutions.  

business plan coach de vie

Pallavi Godbole

business plan coach de vie

An avid reader with love for books on history, sci-fi and popular fiction, Pallavi is a gifted content writer. She is also a keen listener of Indian semi & classical music. Currently, she juggles her duties of being a full-time mom with part-time content writing.

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Business Plan Coach de Vie

business plan coach de vie

  • Business Plan complet de plus de 40 pages
  • Validé par des banquiers et experts comptables
  • Données mises à jour au 25/12
  • Plus de 200 données paramétrables
  • À personnaliser avec vos informations


Que contient le business plan coach de vie.

business plan coach de vie

Un Business Plan complet de plus de 40 pages

Ce modèle de Business Plan complet de plus de 40 pages a été conçu sous la supervision de conseillers bancaires et d'experts-comptables. Il est composé de 7 chapitres qui reprennent les points essentiels et nécessaires pour présenter efficacement votre projet, et que vous pourrez aisément personnaliser afin de rendre votre Business Plan unique. Dans ce modèle de Business Plan, vous retrouverez notamment : - Les chiffres clés du secteur des coachs de vie, et plus généralement du secteur du développement personnel et du coaching - Les données de marché les plus récentes - Les dernières tendances de l'industrie - Les préférences des consommateurs - Les 3 principaux facteurs clés de succès - Une proposition unique de valeur - Les avantages concurrentiels à mettre en oeuvre - La présentation des porteurs de projet - Les principaux segments de votre marché - Une analyse SWOT - Une étude de l'environnement concurrentiel - 4 axes qui vous permettent de vous différencier - Un Business Model Canvas - Un mix marketing pour gagner des clients - Une stratégie d'acquisition marketing détaillé en 5 étapes - Un plan d'action précis sur 3 ans - Une politique de gestion des risques - Une analyse des barrières à l'entrée - Un résumé des points forts de votre projet - Les tableaux financiers à compléter - Un exemple de montage juridique Aucun prérequis n'est nécessaire. À chaque étape, des exemples et des aides sont là pour vous aider à personnaliser votre Business Plan, et vous garantir un rendu professionnel.

Des tableaux et des graphiques financiers professionnels pour votre banque

Dans la rubrique "Montage Financier" de votre Business Plan, vous retrouverez les principaux tableaux et indicateurs financiers nécessaires à une demande de financement : - Hypothèses de chiffre d'affaires - Compte de résultat prévisionnel - Bilan prévisionnel - Budget de trésorerie prévisionnel - Indicateurs de performance - Besoin en fonds de roulement - Plan de financement - Investissements au démarrage A l'aide de la rubrique "Montage Financier" de ce Business Plan, vous pouvez présenter une analyse financière sérieuse à votre banquier ou à vos investisseurs.

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Une centaine d’ icônes additionnelles vous permettant de personnaliser votre Business Plan à l’infini

A la fin de votre Business Plan, vous retrouverez 3 pages d’icônes et photos additionnelles qui vous permettront de personnaliser très facilement votre présentation. Le modèle de Business Plan peut être modifié avec Microsoft Powerpoint, Keynote ou bien encore Google Slides (puis éventuellement exporté au format PDF). Vous pourrez par ailleurs personnaliser votre présentation en y ajoutant votre logo, vos propres photos, le nom de vos principaux concurrents, des données additionnelles concernant votre marché local...etc. Mais vous pouvez aussi simplement vous contenter de modifier le texte. Quoi qu'il en soit, au fil des mises à jour que nous avons faites tous les trimestres, nous avons rendu ce Business Plan plus complet, plus intuitif et plus simple à utiliser. Et nous mettons tout cela à votre disposition sur un plateau d'argent !


  • Un Business Plan esthétique et professionnel
  • Des tableaux financiers à présenter à votre banquier
  • Plus de 100 icônes et photos pour personnaliser votre Business Plan

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  • Un Prévisionnel Financier détaillé
  • Une Étude de Marché sectorielle
  • Un Executive Summary
  • Le guide « Comment se différencier et développer une entreprise prospère »


Coach de Vie

Construisez un Prévisionnel Financier correct même si vous n’avez aucune connaissance en finance et en comptabilité

Notre Pack Complet contient un Prévisionnel Financier complet, un Prévisionnel Financier étant la partie financière du Business Plan. Ce Prévisionnel Financier vient donc compléter la rubrique "Montage Financier" de votre Business Plan. A l'aide de notre Prévisionnel Financier, fini les erreurs de calculs ou les oublis de paramètres. Répondez simplement à toutes les questions pour ne rien oublier et laisser les calculs se faire automatiquement. Nul besoin de compétences en finances, en comptabilité ou en modélisation financière sur Excel : vous rentrez vos hypothèses en modifiant des chiffres dans des cellules. Ensuite, les tableaux financiers se calculent automatiquement. Notre Prévisionnel Financier contient l'ensemble des tableaux nécessaires à une demande de financement : - Hypothèses de chiffre d'affaires - Compte de résultat prévisionnel - Bilan prévisionnel - Budget de trésorerie prévisionnel - Indicateurs de performance - Besoin en fonds de roulement - Plan de financement à 3 ans - Investissements et financements - Salaires et charges sociales - Détail des amortissements - Soldes intermédiaires de gestion - Capacité d'autofinancement - Seuil de rentabilité économique Nous avons même ajouté des graphiques et des ratios financiers de fonctionnement : - Chiffre d'affaires (vue annuelle et mensuelle) - Marge globale (vue annuelle) - Valeur ajoutée (vue annuelle) - Excédent Brut d'Exploitation (vue annuelle) - Résultat net (vue annuelle) - Flux et balance de trésorerie (vue mensuelle) - Ratios de rentabilité - Ratios de solvabilité Modifiez simplement les hypothèses (qui sont déjà pré-remplies) afin d'adapter le prévisionnel à votre projet. Des outils de contrôle vous accompagneront aussi tout au long de votre phase de saisie afin de vous aider à comprendre les termes financiers, vous donner des pistes d'amélioration ou bien encore des exemples pour compléter votre Prévisionnel Financier de manière cohérente. Les plus de notre Prévisionnel Financier : - Permet d'éditer un Prévisionnel Financier complet de 10 pages à imprimer en répondant simplement à des questions - Calculs automatiques - Présentation graphique automatisée de vos résultats financiers - Permet d'élaborer ses ratios clés et tableaux de bord (seuil de rentabilité, proportion de coûts fixes, % d'endettement, CA par activité...etc.) - Mise en page simplifiée permettant une impression du document en un clic, ou un export au format PDF. Ainsi, vous pouvez présenter une analyse financière sérieuse et complète à votre banquier ou à vos investisseurs. Ce Prévisionnel Financier s'adresse donc à : - Tout créateur souhaitant réaliser son prévisionnel sans erreur de calcul, ni erreur comptable - Tout entrepreneur devant présenter des chiffres cohérents à sa banque ou à des investisseurs - Tout entrepreneur ayant besoin de comprendre l'impact de ses décisions quotidiennes (achat, prix de vente, délai de paiement...etc.) sur son activité économique

Accédez instantanément aux avantages concurrentiels essentiels dans votre domaine grâce à notre Étude de Marché sectorielle

Notre Pack complet contient aussi une Étude de Marché sectorielle. Notre Étude de Marché a pour principal objectif de vous aider à réduire les risques d'échec. Notre Étude de Marché vous permet aussi de mieux cerner les forces en présence sur votre marché, et à plus long terme de prendre les mesures adéquates pour vous implanter durablement sur votre marché. Notre Étude de Marché contient donc les éléments suivants : - Des données statistiques utiles pour votre secteur - Les tendances de votre industrie - Une étude de la concurrence - Une liste de 10 avantages concurrentiels pour votre activité - La méthode pour choisir un échantillon représentatif - Un exemple de questionnaire et d'étude qualitatifs - Un exemple de questionnaire et d'étude quantitatifs - Une analyse comportementale des clients et des utilisateurs - Les critères qui déclenchent ou freinent l'acte d'achat - Une segmentation de la demande sur votre marché - Une étude fournisseurs - Une matrice SWOT - Une analyse PESTEL de l'environnement économique, technologique, écologique, social et légal de votre projet - La méthode pour calculer la taille et la valeur de votre marché - La stratégie marketing pour faire grossir votre revenu - Des hypothèses de chiffre d'affaires - Des conseils d'experts pour réussir dans votre domaine Ainsi, notre Étude de Marché vous permettra d'esquisser les grandes lignes de la demande sur votre marché : répartition des acteurs par secteur, clientèle, panier moyen, fréquence d'achat globale et par type de produits, canaux de conversion, type de paiement utilisé, taux de refus...etc. Par ailleurs, notre Étude de Marché contient également des avis et conseils d'experts, une aide précieuse recueillie auprès de personnes expérimentées dans le secteur : - Comment vous lancer ? - Quels sont les textes de loi à connaître absolument ? - Quels sont les coûts moyens au démarrage ? - Quels sont les obstacles les plus fréquents que l'on rencontre dans votre secteur ? - Où risque-t-on de perdre du temps ? - Quelles sont les principales raisons d'échec dans votre secteur ? - Quelles sont les activités qui peuvent sembler utiles au premier abord, mais qui prennent en fait un temps fou, pour des résultats limités ?

business plan coach de vie

Sortez du lot avec un Executive Summary qui présente votre projet sous son meilleur jour

L'Executive Summary est le résumé de votre Business Plan. Bien qu'il s'agisse du premier document qui sera lu par votre banquier ou vos investisseurs, c'est un document qui se rédige en dernier. L’objectif de l’Executive Summary est de susciter l’intérêt du lecteur en un minimum temps. L’Executive Summary est donc un véritable outil de marketing et de vente. Dans votre Pack Complet, vous retrouverez donc un Executive Summary adapté à votre secteur que nous avons pré-rédigé : très court et synthétique, il est à la fois percutant, pédagogique et didactique. À vous de le personnaliser avec vos informations personnelles.

Notre guide « Réussir : Comment se différencier et développer une entreprise prospère »

En bonus avec votre Pack Complet, vous aurez immédiatement accès au guide " Réussir : Comment se différencier et développer une entreprise prospère ", un guide qui vous permettra d’intégrer plusieurs stratégies pour exploser votre chiffre d'affaires, et mettre votre business sur orbite ! Si vous voulez connaître une croissance rapide cette année, ce guide va vous permettre de découvrir les outils indispensables pour réaliser vos rêves d'entrepreneur et atteindre vos objectifs. Dans ce guide vous retrouverez notamment : - Comment adopter un positionnement clair et différenciant - Comment développer des avantages concurrentiels pérennes - Comment fixer et suivre vos objectifs - Comment établir vos règles et processus de management - Comment déléguer efficacement les tâches routinières - Comment rester au courant des tendances et évolutions de votre marché - Comment penser de manière créative - Comment mettre l'accent sur l’expérience client Ce guide est normalement commercialisé pour une valeur de 79.90€ mais celui-ci est inclus gratuitement dans notre Pack Complet !

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  • Une Étude de Marché de votre secteur

business plan coach de vie

Ce modèle de Business Plan est un support qui va permettre à l'ensemble de vos partenaires (banques, investisseurs, associés…) d'apprécier la faisabilité financière, économique et commerciale de votre projet, mais également les convaincre de vous faire confiance. Il s'agit d'un fichier PowerPoint qui contient toutes les données et analyses spécifiques à votre activité. Le Business Plan est par ailleurs un support indispensable pour solliciter des financements : prêts bancaires, investissements, garanties…etc. C’est un véritable outil d’évaluation du projet dans son ensemble. Également, le Business Plan permet d'apprécier la viabilité et la cohérence de votre projet. Enfin, ce Business Plan sera un excellent outil de pilotage pour toute la durée de vie de votre entreprise.

Oui, le Business Plan est 100% modifiable. Il est d'ailleurs compatible avec toutes les versions de Windows, Mac, et même Linux. Il peut être modifié à l'aide de Microsoft Powerpoint (PC), de Keynote (Apple) ou même à l'aide de divers logiciels gratuits, incluant Google Slides (de la suite Google Office), ou bien encore Impress (de la suite Open Office). Vous pouvez aussi choisir de l'exporter au format PDF si vous le souhaitez.

Pas d'inquiétudes ! Le modèle de Business Plan est très simple à prendre en main à l'aide de simples copier/déplacer, afin que tout le monde puisse l'utiliser et l'adapter à ses besoins. Sachez quoi qu'il en soit que lorsque vous achetez ce Business Plan, cela vous donne accès à notre support client prioritaire pendant 3 mois. Donc si vous avez la moindre difficulté, vous aurez la possibilité de solliciter l'équipe support qui se fera un plaisir de vous accompagner et de répondre à toutes vos questions.

Oui, lorsque vous achetez ce Business Plan, un accompagnement de la part de notre équipe support est inclus pendant 3 mois. Donc vous avez 3 mois pour prendre en main votre Business Plan et tous les outils associés, pour tout tester ; et si vous le souhaitez, à tout moment, vous pouvez solliciter le support clients pour relire ou corriger gratuitement votre Business Plan.

Le modèle de Business Plan est disponible immédiatement après l'achat. Vous recevrez un lien pour le télécharger, ainsi qu'une copie par email, à l'adresse courriel que vous nous aurez communiquée. Le paiement sur notre site se fait de manière sécurisée et cryptée par l'intermédiaire de STRIPE. Vos coordonnées bancaires ne nous sont donc jamais transmises. Nous sommes simplement avertis par STRIPE dès que le paiement a été effectué, et la livraison de votre Business Plan est alors immédiate. Aussi, nous vous envoyons une copie de secours de votre Business Plan par email. Pour ce faire nous utilisons les services d'un spécialiste français de la distribution d'emails (SENDINBLUE).

Oui, comme des milliers d'entrepreneurs que nous avons déjà accompagnés avant vous, vous pouvez présenter ce Business Plan à un partenaire financier afin d'obtenir un financement.

  • Etude de marché 113.99€ 79.90€
  • Prévisionnel Financier 79.99€ 49.90€

business plan coach de vie

  • Formation de 0 à 100 K€ 499.90€ 249.90€

Besoin d'un modèle de Business plan pour votre activité de coach de vie ?

Besoin d'un modèle de Business plan pour votre activité de coach de vie ?

Chez Supernova, nous vous proposons de créer votre business plan pas à pas grâce à une application simple, rapide et intuitive. Pour être remarquable, osez vous démarquer !

Coach de vie

Il existe beaucoup de solutions, mais elles ne sont pas toujours adaptées...

  • Modèles à télécharger
  • Outils financiers

Les modèles sont souvent des cadres qu’on essaye d’imposer à tout le monde, alors que chaque projet d’entreprise est unique. Du coup, on se retrouve à compléter des sections dont on a pas toujours besoin et à faire des calculs qui ne nous correspondent pas. Aussi, on passe beaucoup de temps dessus alors qu’on aurait d’autres choses à faire.

On ouvre un document Word et/ou Excel censé nous aider à calculer notre rentabilité, à créer nos états financiers, notre business plan… et on se retrouve avec une usine à gaz inexploitable. On ne sait pas à quoi correspond chaque chiffre, le document ne correspond pas à notre projet et on ne comprend pas comment le présenter.

Viennent alors les outils du monde de la finance, souvent très chargés en fonctionnalités et pas toujours adaptés à la création de business plan. Logiciels souvent incompris et onéreux du fait de leurs multiples activités, ils proposent des fonctions de facturation tout comme de comptabilité, et sont pour nous totalement surdimensionnés.

Modèles à télécharger

C’est pour cela que nous avons crée SUPERNOVA

Un outil simple pour créer son business plan.

Questionnaire personnalisé

Simulateur de rentabilité, scoring de votre projet, modèles et données intelligentes, exports financiers et business plan.

Questionnaire personnalisé

Prêt à décoller ? C'est simple, rapide, intuitif

Vous souhaitez créer votre activité de coach de vie .

Après avoir acquis des compétences solides en relation d’aide et/ou suivi une formation pour être coach de vie, vous décidez de lancer votre activité de coaching, en ligne ou dans votre agence. L’élaboration d’un business plan est la première des étapes à suivre pour déployer sereinement votre projet.

Ce document est destiné à prévoir tous les détails qu’implique une création d’entreprise : choix du statut juridique, recherche d’un local pour l’agence, création d’un site web pour des prestations en ligne, communication et marketing autour de vos services, recrutement de l’équipe, acquisition du matériel de coaching, élaboration des programmes de cours…

Pour convaincre des partenaires et des investisseurs de vous soutenir dans votre aventure entrepreneuriale, vous aurez besoin d’un business plan cohérent. Alors, plutôt que d’opter pour un modèle PDF généraliste téléchargeable sur internet, Supernova vous propose de rédiger un business plan parfaitement adapté à vos besoins de coach de vie.

Que doit contenir un bon business plan pour devenir coach de vie ?

Pour vous aider à concevoir un modèle prévisionnel financier solide pour votre idée de création d’entreprise de coaching, nous vous détaillons ici nos bonnes pratiques pour élaborer un plan de développement qui vous sera vraiment utile.

Parce que vous avez besoin de convaincre vos partenaires, le banquier, les investisseurs et d’avoir une vision claire de vos objectifs, prenez le temps de lire attentivement la méthode inédite Supernova pour la rédaction du business plan de votre entreprise : les prévisions financières avant la partie rédactionnelle.

business plan coach de vie

Parce que votre pitch, l’explication de votre étude de marché, toute cette partie qui concerne votre projet de devenir coach de vie est ce qui vient après l’aspect concret. À savoir :

  • Qu’est-ce que je vends ?   Services d’accompagnement pour du développement personnel ? Des conseils dans la gestion d’émotions, de relations familiales ?
  • A qui ?   Allez-vous chercher des clients uniquement en France ? Ou dans d’autres pays du monde en proposant une offre en ligne ?
  • Combien ?   Quel tarif pour une séance individuelle ? Des réductions selon le nombre de consultations ? Quel prix pour les ateliers collectifs ?
  • En quelles quantités ?   Quelle surface prévoir pour un cabinet ? Combien de clients par mois pour assurer la rentabilité de l’agence ?
  • Combien ça me coûte ?   Loyer de la salle, développement du site internet, déplacement pour les prestations à domicile, services d’un comptable, marketing, formation…

En d’autres termes : testez par les chiffres votre idée de création d’une entreprise de coaching, avant de vouloir la mettre en forme et de la présenter dans votre business plan.

Contrairement à d’autres méthodes, chez Supernova, nous recommandons de commencer votre business plan par les prévisions financières qui vous permettent d’avoir une vision claire et palpable de votre projet de devenir professionnel du coaching. Cette analyse préliminaire vous renseigne immédiatement sur la viabilité de votre entreprise. Vous y parlerez plan de financement, bilan, compte de résultat. C’est cela qui vous apportera toute la matière nécessaire pour pouvoir détailler ensuite votre business plan sur la partie rédactionnelle.

Pour créer la partie délicate des prévisions financières, nous vous recommandons une approche lucide. Distinguez nettement tout ce qui est incertain (le chiffre d’affaires de votre société et tout ce qui le compose) de ce qui est certain (vos dépenses, investissements [acquisition d’une salle de formation, outils de gestion de la clientèle, matériel de coaching…], salaires, coûts unitaires, etc.).

Cela vous permettra de vérifier en un coup d’œil le nombre de ventes ou d’interventions minimum que vous allez devoir effectuer et celui qui vous permettra de commencer à bien vivre de votre activité de coach de vie.

À Supernova, on aime les projets de création d’entreprises qui se montent dans le secteur du coaching (coach de vie, coach sportif…) à Paris et partout en France. Mais on est raisonnable : on vous conseille d’être le plus pessimiste possible, prudent et pragmatique dans la rédaction de votre business plan. Nous croyons en vous et au succès de vos affaires, mais mieux vaut sous-évaluer de 10 % vos prix et surévaluer vos coûts de 20 % pour n’avoir que de bonnes surprises.

Et certains équipements pour votre activité de coach de vie ne sont pas immédiatement nécessaires ou vous allez pouvoir vous les offrir dans une version plus abordable. Ne prévoyez donc pas les meilleurs équipements dès le lancement de votre société, juste ceux dont vous avez besoin pour effectuer un travail de qualité et satisfaire vos premiers clients !

Plus en détail, le business model budgétaire pour votre entreprise de coaching de vie va demander :

  • De lister vos produits (outils et guides de développement personnel) ou services que vous vendez, avec le prix unitaire (en coûts directs) tout en parlant hors taxes (toujours !).
  • De lister vos dépenses liées au lancement de votre activité d’entrepreneur et frais récurrents (les dépenses fixes) comme le loyer de la salle, les frais bancaires, etc. Listez vos investissements, les salaires de l’équipe, les apports faits par les investisseurs (vous, par exemple !), sans oublier les emprunts.

Prenez votre temps, suivez toutes les étapes et assurez-vous de ne rien oublier avant la rédaction de votre business plan ! Vous allez utiliser tout cela pour calculer un seuil de rentabilité sur lequel vous baserez toute votre activité de coach de vie. D’où l’intérêt d’être un entrepreneur pessimiste dans ses coûts/frais et ses gains/ventes. Lorsque l’on est en pleine création d’entreprise dans le domaine de l’accompagnement et du coaching, il ne faut pas se laisser (trop) griser par l’excitation de l’idée.

Seuls les chiffres sont fiables et vous permettront de bâtir une vraie stratégie d’entreprise pour monter votre projet professionnel !

Maintenant que vos prévisions financières sont bien calibrées et dans votre tête, vous allez facilement pouvoir détailler votre business plan. Vous savez déjà combien vous devez générer de chiffre d’affaires pour couvrir vos dépenses et vous verser un salaire d’entrepreneur.

Vous avez besoin de présenter votre projet d’entreprise pour convaincre les futurs investisseurs et partenaires. 

Que cela soit pour créer un business plan pour votre nouveau projet de devenir coach de vie ou pour reprendre une activité similaire existante sur le marché en France, votre modèle va être le suivant :

6 parties détaillant le projet d’entreprise, synthétisant puis entrant dans le détail de l’étude de marché, des opérations et stratégies au cours de la 1ère année, les équipes et toute la partie concrète des chiffres.

Votre plan budgétaire s’insérera au cours des six parties que nous vous détaillons ici :

  • Page de garde avec : Nom de la société pour votre projet d’entreprise. Pitch de présentation du projet d’entreprise.
  • La synthèse qui résume le besoin auquel vous allez répondre avec votre activité, la solution que vous allez apporter dans la vie de votre clientèle, la cible et les chiffres clés (chiffre d’affaires, croissance moyenne, taux de profits, etc.).
  • Le marché qui détaillera toute l’étude du marché (vos clients potentiels, les entreprises concurrentes) et surtout qui explique pourquoi vous et pas un autre professionnel du coaching.
  • Les opérations, à savoir tout ce que vous avez déjà mis en œuvre et comptez faire. Toute votre stratégie d’entreprise, marketing, communication ou administratif et toutes les prévisions financières de la 1ère année.
  • Vous présenterez ensuite l’équipe avec le ou les fondateurs, leur rôle et bien entendu les éventuels collaborateurs avec compétences et missions (chargé de communication, responsable des partenariats, chargé de clientèle…).
  • Enfin les finances où vous dresserez le compte de résultat prévisionnel, le bilan et les indicateurs prévisionnels (croissance, vos besoins en fonds de roulement, etc.) pour déterminer si votre affaire est durable et enfin le plan de trésorerie avec son plan de financement et les mouvements bancaires.

Comme vous le voyez, c’est beaucoup plus simple de remplir son business plan si on en sait plus que « je vais monter un nouveau projet d’entreprise dans le secteur du coaching pour aider chaque client qui fait appel à mes services à reprendre sa vie en main » ! Avec les chiffres bien en tête, vous pourrez plus facilement remplir les éléments clés de votre business plan.

Attention cependant à la tentation du modèle de business plan, encore une fois : votre projet de devenir coach de vie est unique et vous prenez le risque d’avoir des modèles qui oublient des éléments clés de votre secteur d’activité.

Supernova vous propose justement une solution de business plan intelligente qui pré-remplit les tableaux nécessaires à votre projet d’ouvrir une entreprise spécialisée dans le coaching avec des données fiables qui ne concernent QUE votre activité.

  • Business plan pour ateliers et cours de cuisine
  • Business plan pour baby planner / coach parental
  • Business plan pour centre de formation informatique
  • Business plan pour centre de formation professionnelle
  • Business plan pour organisme de formation

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coach de vie auto entreprise

Comment devenir coach de vie auto-entrepreneur ?

Comment s’inscrire pour débuter son activité en tant que coach de vie auto-entrepreneur , la fiche de métier du coach de vie auto-entrepreneur, la formation pour devenir coach de vie auto-entrepreneur, quels sont les tarifs pratiqués par un coach de vie auto-entrepreneur , les débouchés.

Vous en avez sûrement déjà entendu parler ou peut-être avez-vous déjà ressenti le besoin de recourir à un coach de vie pour vous aider à réorganiser votre vie et mener à bien vos objectifs. Coach de vie est non seulement un métier très demandé, mais aussi accessible à tous.

Alors sachez-le, il vous est tout à fait possible de devenir coach de vie auto-entrepreneur.

Pour commencer vos démarches afin de devenir de coach de vie auto-entrepreneur, voici quelques points qui pourront vous être utiles :

  • Ayant une activité libérale, le Centre de Formalités des Entreprises (CFE) dont vous dépendrez en tant que coach de vie auto-entrepreneur est l’URSSAF ;
  • Le plafond de chiffres d’affaires pour les prestations de services et les professions libérales est de 72 600 euros ;
  • Le taux des cotisations sociales pour les professions libérales est de 22% du chiffre d’affaires réalisé et le taux de cotisations fiscales est de 2,2% ;
  • Le code APE du métier de coach de vie est le 8559A.

Avant tout, pour devenir coach de vie, il vous faut avoir une attirance pour le développement personnel. En effet, tout au long de votre carrière vous allez devoir vous auto-former en continu en lisant et en vous inspirant des différentes méthodes proposées par les différents professionnels du métier.

Le plus important est bien sûr d’être qualifié pour le métier que vous souhaitez exercer en tant qu’auto-entrepreneur. Le métier de coach de vie auto-entrepreneur ne nécessite pas obligatoirement de diplôme ou de formation, néanmoins il peut être toujours utile de se former.

Bien entendu, comme avant tout projet, vous commencerez par étudier différents points essentiels à la création d’une entreprise. Avant de pouvoir vivre votre carrière de coach de vie auto-entrepreneur, il vous faudra trouver un concept ou un positionnement pour vos futures prestations. Pour ce faire, il vous faudra réaliser une étude de marché.

Vous devrez réaliser une étude économique. Vous aurez donc besoin de lister vos besoins et de calculer un budget. Vous établirez un business plan à partir de toutes les données que vous pourrez récolter. Il vous permettra de mettre au clair votre projet ainsi que vos objectifs.

S’inscrire sur Pole Auto entrepreneur

Une fois votre projet étudié et avant de pouvoir exercer votre activité de coach de vie, il vous faudra vous enregistrer dans les services dédiés en tant qu’auto-entrepreneur. Choisir le statut de micro-entreprise offre de nombreux avantages qui seront fort intéressants.

Étant acteur libéral, vous devrez déclarer votre activité chez votre CFE (centre de formalité des entreprises) qu’est l’URSSAF en raison de votre statut d’auto-entrepreneur et de votre activité libérale. Vous devrez donc déclarer votre activité en constituant un dossier d’inscription et en remplissant le formulaire P0 CMB micro-entrepreneur sur le site de l’URSSAF.

Il vous suffira de suivre ces différentes étapes :< /p>

  • Créer votre compte.
  • Compléter votre déclaration à l’aide de votre pièce d’identité et de vos informations personnelles.
  • Votre déclaration sera envoyée et traitée par votre CFE.
  • Recevoir vos documents (Siret, notification d’affiliation).

Néanmoins, si la tâche vous semble trop longue ou compliquée, des sites prestataires comme Pole Auto entrepreneurs proposent des démarches simplifiées avec un suivi en temps réel.

Vous pourrez ensuite enfin commencer votre activité et par conséquent respecter les démarches régulières et obligatoires qui vous seront demandées d’accomplir :

  • Émettre vos factures ;
  • Déclarer votre chiffre d’affaires de manière régulière ;
  • Payer vos cotisations sociales.

Obtenir son SIRET

Après avoir envoyé vos informations, et une fois inscrit et déclaré chez votre CFE, celui-ci vous enverra sous un délai de 8 à 15 jours votre numéro SIRET attribué par l’INSEE (Institut de la statistique et des études économiques). Ce numéro SIRET est un code INSEE permettant d’identifier votre établissement. Chaque entreprise a 2 numéros d’identification : SIREN et SIRET. S’ajoute à ces deux numéros le code APE servant à identifier le type d’activité que vous exercez.

Le numéro SIRET (Système d’Identification du Répertoire des Établissements) est un identifiant numérique composé de 14 chiffres. Il se décompose en deux parties. La première est le numéro SIREN (Système d’Identification du Répertoire des Entreprises), il s’agit des 9 premiers chiffres du numéro SIRET. La deuxième partie est le NIC (Numéro Interne de Classement), ce sont les 5 derniers chiffres du numéro SIRET, les 4 premiers étant un nombre attribué à l’établissement et le dernier un chiffre de contrôle permettant de vérifier la validité du numéro SIRET.

Le numéro SIRET servira à identifier géographiquement votre auto-entreprise et à justifier son existence juridiquement. Il sera changé à chaque fois que l’adresse de votre entreprise changera. Pour ce faire, vous devrez le signaler à votre CFE qui vous fournira alors un nouveau numéro SIRET. Il est aussi à noter que le SIRET fait partie des informations obligatoires à indiquer sur les documents émis par votre auto-entreprise. C’est ce numéro SIRET (avec le SIREN) qui vous permettra de communiquer avec les administrations ou les clients (via les factures par exemple) et qui figurera sur la feuille des salariés de votre entreprise.

Trouver ses premiers clients

Comme dans tout métier, vous serez à vos débuts confronté à la recherche de clients. En effet, pour travailler, vous aurez besoin d’une clientèle et, avant que celle-ci ne devienne régulière, vous devrez faire vos preuves et vous vendre.

En tant qu’auto-entrepreneur, vous aurez à porter plusieurs casquettes et, parmi elles, celle de communicant. Le marketing et la communication seront deux tâches qui vous seront tout aussi importantes que votre travail de coach de vie.

Pour ce faire, vous pouvez gérer votre marketing de différentes manières. L’utilisation de flyers , de publicité sur des sites web ou les réseaux sociaux , la création d’un site web ou de comptes sur les différents réseaux sociaux (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube). Vous pourrez y mettre en avant vos méthodes et être en contact direct avec vos potentiels clients. Vous y afficherez une posture de véritable coach de vie auto-entrepreneur. Un vrai travail de community manager !

Enfin, vous pourrez prendre contact avec les différents acteurs du milieu du coaching. Établir un bon réseau vous permettra d’être plus visible et d’avoir des opportunités.

Quelles sont les missions d’un coach de vie auto-entrepreneur ?

Le coach de vie auto-entrepreneur fait un travail de thérapie. Celui-ci consiste à suivre les personnes ayant des problèmes personnels ou professionnels liés à leur vie et leur personne.

Il écoute les personnes qu’il suit, analyse et identifie leurs problèmes ainsi que les potentielles causes de ceux-ci. Il peut également agir dans le sens des objectifs de ses clients. Il les aide à s’améliorer, à travailler sur eux-mêmes, voire à se révéler.

Il peut par exemple intervenir sur les problèmes d’anxiété, de stress, de confiance en soi ou de dépendance. Il travaille sur les fausses croyances des personnes liées à leur vécu et met tout en œuvre pour les transformer et leur permettre de croire en elles et de se valoriser. < /p>

Tout le monde peut être suivi par un coach de vie, des plus jeunes aux plus âgés ; et pour diverses raisons, professionnelles ou personnelles. Le suivi peut durer le temps que le besoin existe.

Lieu d’exercice

Le coach de vie auto-entrepreneur peut choisir sa manière de travailler ; il choisit s’il souhaite exercer chez lui , directement au domicile de ses clients ou dans son propre cabinet.

Avoir un cabinet est tout de même conseillé. Il est clair qu’à vos débuts vous n’aurez pas forcément les moyens de louer des locaux. Toutefois, vous pourrez louer un bureau à la journée afin d’accueillir vos premiers clients dans de bonnes conditions et d’avoir davantage de crédit dans votre rôle de coach.

Investir dans un cabinet est donc un moyen de vous professionnaliser et d’attirer les clients.

Les qualités et les compétences requises

Être coach de vie auto-entrepreneur, c’est avant tout avoir envie de contribuer, de partager, d’aider et de valoriser chaque personnalité. La volonté d’aider l’autre et de croire en son potentiel sont des qualités primordiales du métier de coach de vie auto-entrepreneur.

Devenir coach de vie, c’est transmettre une énergie particulière pour mettre à l’aise, aider les personnes à croire en elles et à se révéler. La communication non verbale joue un rôle prépondérant dans la transmission de cette énergie.

Vous l’aurez donc compris, être coach de vie, c’est un métier humain . Ces qualités humaines vous permettront de mieux repérer les besoins de chacun, mieux analyser leur problématique et, par conséquent, de savoir s’adapter à chaque client.

Attention, comme chaque métier lié à l’humain, le coach de vie ne doit pas se laisser envahir par les émotions de son client. Il doit rester neutre. < /p>

Enfin, le coach de vie auto-entrepreneur se doit de respecter la vie privée de son client .

Aller à la rencontre des coachs de vie serait un excellent premier pas dans votre découverte et votre formation. Consulter soit même un coach de vie en ayant pour objectif votre propre transformation peut vous conduire à découvrir ce métier au plus près, les qualités qui en découlent ainsi que vos propres qualités, et pourquoi pas vous mener à une appétence bien plus forte pour ce métier. Questionner des coachs de vie peut aussi vous aider à démystifier ce métier et vous ouvrir davantage à celui-ci.

Suivre une formation de coach de vie n’est pas obligatoire pour exercer ce métier . Néanmoins, il peut être plus que bénéfique de vous former. En effet, connaître les différents outils du coaching de vie et savoir les mettre en pratique vous permettra d’agir avec méthodologie, d’afficher une maîtrise de votre domaine devant vos futurs clients et bien entendu d’avoir de meilleurs résultats. Sans pratique et uniquement avec de la théorie, vous aurez beaucoup de difficultés devant vos premiers clients, le bouche-à-oreille pouvant être très utile dans votre recherche de clientèle.

Suivre une formation vous aidera à vous professionnaliser et à vous présenter avec une posture de coach affirmé.

Enfin, comme nous l’avons dit précédemment, être coach de vie auto-entrepreneur, c’est avant tout avoir des compétences entrepreneuriales, il est nécessaire de pouvoir trouver des clients et de savoir se vendre. Suivre une formation d'entrepreneuriat peut donc être un vrai plus.

Les tarifs appliqués par un coach de vie auto-entrepreneur varient en fonction de chacun. L’expérience peut jouer un rôle important. Un coach de vie débutant proposera des tarifs plus bas qu’un coach de vie confirmé. Le tarif est généralement situé entre 50€ et 150€ par séance de coaching individuelle.

Les séances peuvent également être groupées, le tarif par personne sera donc moins élevé.

Si votre auto-entreprise fonctionne bien et que le nombre de clients augmente considérablement, vous pourrez embaucher d’autres coachs de vie. Votre chiffre d’affaires pourra ainsi augmenter et vous passerez donc d’un statut de micro-entreprise à un statut d’entreprise individuelle . 

Les questions les plus fréquentes

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Comment devenir sophrologue auto entrepreneur ?

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Comment devenir aromathérapeute auto entrepreneur ?

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Comment devenir podologue auto entrepreneur?

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Comment devenir ergothérapeute auto entrepreneur ?

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Comment devenir ostéopathe auto entrepreneur ?

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Comment devenir hypnothérapeute auto entrepreneur ?

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Comment devenir professeur de danse auto entrepreneur ?

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Comment devenir professeur de musique auto entrepreneur ?

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Comment devenir courtier auto entrepreneur?

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Comment devenir magnétiseur auto entrepreneur ?

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Le guide pour devenir moniteur de ski auto entrepreneur

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Tout savoir pour devenir mentaliste auto entrepreneur

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Tout savoir pour devenir acupuncteur auto entrepreneur

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Les démarches pour devenir réflexologue auto entrepreneur

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Les étapes pour devenir écrivain auto entrepreneur

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Nos conseils pour devenir ambulancier auto entrepreneur

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Devenir psychanalyste auto entrepreneur de A à Z

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Devenir prof de yoga auto entrepreneur, un métier de relaxation

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Les démarches pour devenir medium auto entrepreneur

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Comment devenir joueur de poker pro en auto entrepreneur ?

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Les étapes pour devenir agent de recouvrement en auto entreprise

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Devenir aide soignante en auto entreprise, comment faire?

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Devenir avocat en auto entrepreneur, est-ce possible?

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Devenir infirmier auto entrepreneur, est-ce possible?

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Comment devenir diététicien auto entrepreneur ?

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Comment devenir décoratrice intérieur en auto entrepreneur ?


  1. Devenir coach de vie : les 5 étapes indispensables

    business plan coach de vie

  2. Coaching de vie : 4 conseils pour devenir life coach

    business plan coach de vie

  3. Devenir coach de vie : les 5 étapes indispensables

    business plan coach de vie

  4. Devenir coach de vie : les 5 étapes indispensables

    business plan coach de vie

  5. Faire un Business Plan [Guide 2020]– Plus de 150 modèles de Business

    business plan coach de vie

  6. Devenir coach de vie : 3 choses à savoir absolument

    business plan coach de vie


  1. La meilleure niche pour GAGNER de l'argent 💰

  2. Business Coach en Entrepreneuriat : Les Compétences et les Outils Indispensables à Maîtriser !

  3. Comment se lancer en coaching SANS expérience ?


  5. Ne pas avoir le temps de lancer un business ? 🤔



  1. Business plan Coach : Modèle rédigé gratuit

    Business plan Coach : Modèle rédigé gratuit. Dans cet article, nous allons explorer le business plan de Coach CH, une entreprise spécialisée dans le coaching de vie pour les particuliers et les entreprises. Nous allons examiner les différentes sections du business plan, notamment le résumé opérationnel, l'analyse de marché, la ...

  2. Coach de vie : établir un business plan

    Le business plan est un moyen de se pencher sérieusement sur tous les aspects d'une activité de coaching. Grâce à lui, vous serez mieux en mesure de déterminer vos buts, d'identifier votre marché cible, le client idéal. Vous pouvez mieux évaluer les revenus que vous attendez de votre activité, mais aussi vos besoins financiers.

  3. Comment créer un business plan de coach de vie gratuit en PDF avec Angel

    Un business plan de coach de vie est un document essentiel qui décrit en détail votre vision d'entreprise, vos objectifs et votre stratégie pour votre activité de coaching de vie. Il sert de feuille de route pour votre entreprise, en mettant en lumière les aspects clés tels que votre offre de services de coaching, votre marché cible, vos ...

  4. How To Write A Life Coaching Business Plan: 5 Templates

    Example 1: Lean Life Coaching Business Plan. A lean business plan is ideal for explaining your coaching practice succinctly, or if you're planning a small coaching business. Using this USA Small Business Administration sample as a guide, your lean coaching plan might include the following headings: [2] Business identity. Target client.

  5. Coaching Business Plan: In 7 Easy Steps (+Free Template)

    In Brief : How to Craft your coaching business plan in 7 simple Steps. Step 1: 📝 Executive Summary - Craft a compelling summary that encapsulates your business vision, mission, and core elements like the business name, owner, and location, setting the stage for what follows. Step 2: 🗂️ Business Description - Detail your coaching ...

  6. How To Make A Life Coach Business Plan (With Template)

    This is merely a look at life coach business plan examples to help your own life coaching business be successful. 1. Business Identity and Branding. Your business identity and branding need to appeal to your target market, yes. However, it needs to also stay true to who you are as a coach and an individual.

  7. Coaching Business Plan Template [Updated 2024]

    Marketing Plan. Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P's: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a coaching business plan, your marketing strategy should include the following: Product: In the product section, you should reiterate the type of coaching company that you documented in your company overview.

  8. Coaching Business Plan: The Ultimate Guide To Creating Yours

    Shiny Object Syndrome is a fast-track to failure. A great business plan is the exact opposite. A coaching business plan gives you immunity. It protects you from having to chase one good idea after the next because you already know what your business needs and you'll instantly reduce the uncertainty of how you're going to create revenue.

  9. The Ultimate Guide To Creating A Coaching Business Plan (Part 1)

    Creating Your Rock-Solid. Coaching Business Plan. STEP #1: Commitment. Here's the no-holds-barred truth... Starting and running a successful business - any kind of business -- isn't easy. It will probably be one of the hardest things you'll ever do, but it will also be one of the most satisfying things you will ever do.

  10. How To Write a Business Plan for a Life Coaching Business + Free

    1. Clearly define your offering. To build a successful life coaching business, you must have a precise understanding of your services and how they stand out from the competition. Determine your areas of expertise—whether career, executive, relationship, life, or wellness coaching—and the specific challenges you can help clients navigate.

  11. Free Coaching Business Plan Template

    A coaching business plan template contains a few elements that are essential and should always be included. As a business owner, you can add more if you feel it adds value. The essential elements include an executive summary, company overview, industry analysis, customer analysis, marketing plan, operations plan, management plan, financial plan ...

  12. How To Write a Business Plan for Life Coaches (With Free PDF Template)

    How To Write a Life Coach Business Plan (Step-By-Step) 1. Executive Summary. Think of the executive summary as a way of introducing your business to a potential client, lender, or the general public. Therefore, it should include what you do as a business, how you do it, who you do it for, and what value you provide.

  13. How to Start Your Life Coaching Business Plan & Template

    How to Start Your Life Coaching Business. Life coaching can have far-reaching and diverse positive impacts on clients' lives (Clutterbuck et al., 2016).. Many of us have toyed with the idea of starting a life coaching business, helping people change health-related behavior, improve wellness, boost their careers, and strive for personal goals (Karmali et al., 2020; Mann et al., 2022).

  14. Faire le business plan d'un cabinet de coach de vie

    Faire une étude de marché avant de rédiger un business plan pour un cabinet de coach de vie est essentiel. L'étude de marché vous aide à mieux connaître votre clientèle cible, vos concurrents, les stratégies de prix et autres facteurs clés pouvant avoir un impact sur le succès commercial de votre entreprise.

  15. 6 Tips for Writing Your Coaching Business Plan (With Templates)

    That includes: A name and a short description of your company. Your company's mission, vision, and values. Your value proposition—a one-sentence summary of why your clients should want to engage your services. A short description of the coaching niche you serve. An outline of the business structure for your company.

  16. Coaching Business Plan Template (2024)

    A coaching business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your coaching business. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections. You can easily complete your Coaching business plan using our Coaching Business Plan Template here.

  17. Business Plan Coach de Vie : Les Clés du Succès dès le Départ

    La rédaction du Business Plan est une étape cruciale pour tout projet entrepreneurial, y compris celui de devenir coach de vie.C'est un processus essentiel qui permet de définir clairement les objectifs, les stratégies et les moyens pour atteindre le succès. En élaborant ce plan, vous identifiez les opportunités, les risques et les défis auxquels vous pourriez faire face en tant que ...

  18. Un exemple de business plan pour un coach (35 pages)

    Le business plan d'un coach : le guideNos experts ont réalisé un un pack complet pour un coach, modifiable.De plus en plus de personnes choisissent de devenir coach professionnel. L'industrie du coaching se normalise et nombreux sont les particuliers et professionnels à solliciter les services d'un coach. Avant de vous lancer dans cette nouvelle activité de coaching, vous devez ...

  19. How To Write A Life Coaching Business Plan + Template

    A life coaching business plan is a formal written document describing your company's business strategy and feasibility. It documents the reasons you will be successful, your areas of competitive advantage, and it includes information about your team members. Your business plan is a key document that will convince investors and lenders (if ...

  20. Creating a Simple Coaching Business Plan 101

    Creating a coaching business plan takes a lot of research, understanding of the business world, a clear analysis of your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats, and the ability to turn ambitions into reality. It is the foundation on which the tower of your business will stand and flourish. 1. Start your business vision.

  21. Coach de Vie : Business Plan

    QUE CONTIENT LE BUSINESS PLAN Coach de Vie. Un Business Plan complet de plus de 40 pages. Ce modèle de Business Plan complet de plus de 40 pages a été conçu sous la supervision de conseillers bancaires et d'experts-comptables. Il est composé de 7 chapitres qui reprennent les points essentiels et nécessaires pour présenter efficacement ...

  22. Business plan pour coach de vie

    Supernova est une application qui permet à tous les entrepreneurs de trouver simplement leur modèle économique, même avec zéro connaissance en finance. Faites votre Business plan pour coach de vie avec Supernova ! Modèles pré-établis, données INSEE, rapport complet.

  23. Comment devenir coach de vie auto-entrepreneur

    Les tarifs appliqués par un coach de vie auto-entrepreneur varient en fonction de chacun. L'expérience peut jouer un rôle important. Un coach de vie débutant proposera des tarifs plus bas qu'un coach de vie confirmé. Le tarif est généralement situé entre 50€ et 150€ par séance de coaching individuelle.