
How to Add a Gutenberg Block for a Business Profile in WordPress

Most stores with a physical location have a website to help users find their store, know what they offer, and tell them when they are open. This information is usually contained within a business profile on WordPress.

This profile will typically contain key information about the business including location, phone, email, business hours, and so on. Like most things in WordPress, there is are plugins that can help you create a business profile.

Today, I will demonstrate how to build a business profile with the Five Star Business Profile and Schema plugin.

What Information Should a Business Profile Include?

The information you include in a business profile depends entirely on the business. That said, there are some staples that every business should include. Some of these include:

  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Business Hours

Essentially, these are the pieces of information you would place on a business card. Of course, the internet can offer a lot more. Instead of just an address, you could actually include a Google Map to provide users with directions.

Some businesses may want to include their social media profiles, as they are a valid way to reach out to some businesses.

It is worth pointing out that most businesses will take the time to create a business profile using the Google Business Profile. This is a critical part of building up your local SEO ranking as this is a factor that Google considers.

For this reason, you should make sure the information you add to the plugin perfectly matches what is on your Google Business Profile, as any discrepancies will confuse the search engine and negatively impact your SEO efforts.

How Business Profile Can Help Your Business

Business Profile in WordPress

The Five Star Business Profile and Schema plugin is a very simple plugin. You can fill in the information for your business, and then add a Gutenberg block to a page, post, or widget area to display that information.

The information you can add includes:

  • Business Name
  • Phone Numbers (Business, Cell, WhatsApp, and Fax)
  • Google Maps or a Link to It

For the majority of it, you just need to input your data and add the block. It is rather simple and only takes a few minutes to get working.

Step 1: Install Five Star Business Profile and Schema

Let’s start by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel .

Add New Plugin

Search for Five Star Business Profile and Schema in the available search box.

Note: There are several plugins that from Five Star Plugins. They all excel at displaying for formation for businesses, so be sure to check out their other plugins to see if any fit your business.

Five Star Business Profile and Schema

Scroll down until you find the Five Star Business Profile and Schema plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

Install Five Star Business Profile in WordPress

Step 2: Enter Your Business Information

The first thing you want to do is enter your business information into the plugin. Luckily, this is pretty straightforward and doesn’t need much of an explanation.

To find this area, click on Business Profile and select the Settings option.

Business Profile in WordPress settings

Right at the top, there is a “Video Tutorial” button that will make a YouTube video appear. It is only three minutes long and explains everything. So, if you are more of a video learner, go ahead and click on that to give it a watch.

The settings are broken up into three main sections. The first one is the Search Engine Optimization.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

There are three options to configure. The first is to select your business Schema type so Google can recognize it.

The default option is for an Organization, but you may have a more accurate Schema option to choose. For instance, Local Business may be a better option for some stores that only operate locally.

The other options are for adding an image for your business (an image of your store works well) and entering a link to your online ordering area, if you have one. Otherwise, leave it blank.

The next section is for your Contact Information.

Contact Information

Contact Information

The majority of the options here just need you to fill in a text box with your own information. The only real exception is if you want to display Google Maps. For that, you need to enter your own Google API key .

The other noteworthy thing to highlight here would be your email address. Not that it is hard to add, but a warning that if you add it, you will get a lot of spam . And I mean a lot of spam.

For this reason, if you do add an email address, you should make sure that it is exclusively for this purpose. Using a personal email will render it unusable once it goes live.

Otherwise, the settings page is straightforward. Simply go through each option and enter the necessary information. You can leave any field blank if you do not wish to include it.

The last section is for your Schedule, which as the name implies is where you enter your store hours.


You can use the interface to enter your weekly schedule and hours of operation. In the Exceptions section, you can include major holidays that you may not be open, such as during Christmas.

Or, you can set special hours for those days like closing early on New Year’s Eve.

There are also some options that allow you to change the date format. By default, it uses the American date system (MM/DD/YYYY), but you can change it if needed.

There is technically one more section if you have multiple locations. Simply use the switch to enable this mode and add additional location details for another area. There is no limit on the number of locations you can add.

If you expand later, you can add more locations at any time.

Click on the “Save Changes” button at the bottom when you are done.

Save Changes

After that, you’re ready to display your business profile in WordPress. Take a moment to go over all of the information you have entered. Again, if this information differs from other sources like Google Business Profile, it can hurt your local SEO.

Step 3: Adding Your Business Profile in WordPress

Displaying the Business profile in WordPress is quite easy. Everything is done by adding the Contact Card block to the desired location. It can be placed on a page, post, or in a widget area.

If you do not use the Gutenberg editor, don’t worry. There is an alternative method using a shortcode that you can use in the classic editor. Either way let’s get right into it.

Note: Make sure that if you include a lot of information, you have room in a widget area for it. And if you included an image, make sure it is sized appropriately.

To begin, go to the page, post, or widget area where you want to display the business profile in WordPress.

Add the Contact Card block.

Contact Card

All of the information you entered in the previous step will be added to that post, page, or widget area. On the right-hand side, you will see the block settings. Here, you can use the check box to show or hide specific elements.

Contact Card Settings

You can use this feature to add the exact information to certain areas on your site, like placing your business hours on your home page . Save the changes and you can view what it looks like to ensure it’s what you want.

If you want to make changes to the actual information, you will need to edit the Settings section and not the block itself.

Alternatively, if you do not use Gutenberg, and choose to use the classic editor, you can also place the block using the following shortcode:

Unlike the above method, you do not have the ability to hide information from the profile, so it is less powerful than using the block.

And with that, you know everything you need about adding a business profile to WordPress

Help Users Find Your Store Today

The internet has radically changed how we shop as consumers. Most of the time, shoppers will check out the site of a store they are interested in to see what they offer, where they are located, and other details.

Adding a business profile on your site, and to other platforms like Google, can help you get more customers visiting your store, even if you are only focused locally. In fact, a great website can even get tourists to visit if it is interesting enough.

Treat your business profile like a contact card that search engines can use to boost your SEO.

What information did you include in your business profile? did you find the plugin easy to use?

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How to Add Business Address in WordPress (+ Your Opening Hours)

Shaun Quarton

In today’s short tutorial, we show you how to add business address in WordPress, and your opening hours as well. All through the Business Profile plugin.

Although many WordPress users exist in an online bubble, a good number of us still maintain an offline, brick-and-mortar presence.

If you’re someone who uses WordPress to promote an offline business, you’ll want to make it as easy as possible for people to find your physical location. You should also display other important information, including your telephone number, email address, and opening hours.

After all, if people want to find out where you are, when you’re open, or how to get in touch, they won’t pull out the phone book or open the local newspaper – they will simply hop online.

If visitors don’t find what they are looking for quickly, they will probably end up at one of your competitors instead. An opportunity lost, for you, and one that can really hurt your bottom line.

Fortunately, adding the all-important business details to a site is remarkably easy with WordPress. Sure, you can do it yourself manually, but why bother when the excellent Business Profile plugin is available? Today, we show you the plugin’s main features, plus we demonstrate how to use it.

Here’s how to add business address in WordPress:

First, the plugin to get:

Five Star Business Profile and Schema

Author(s): Five Star Plugins

Current Version: 2.3.8

Last Updated: April 3, 2024

Installing the Business Profile plugin

The Business Profile plugin is available completely free of charge from the official plugin repository. To install it , log into the WordPress dashboard and then navigate to Plugins / Add New , and search for “Business Profile.”

Install Business Profile Plugin

You’re looking for the plugin by Theme of the Crop . When you’ve found it, click Install Now / Activate Plugin .

With the plugin successfully installed, you should see a new Business Profile menu item added to the WordPress sidebar. Go ahead and click it now.

From this screen, you can configure all of the important details about your business – such as your business name, address, email, and opening hours. Thus, you can easily add business address in WordPress.

Schema markup and rich snippets

Now, as well as offering a stylish way to display your business’s contact info, users of the Business Profile plugin will also enjoy an SEO advantage – the plugin automatically attaches markups to each field.

What does this mean, I hear you ask? Well, it’s the markup that powers Google Rich Snippets and also communicates other valuable information to the search engines. Rich snippets help your website stand out in the SERPs, plus they’re proven to boost CTR. As such, they are a nice bonus to enjoy.

There are different types of rich snippets, too – each one is tailored to a specific type of website and displays key info that search engine users might want to know at a glance. For example, people searching for recipes might want to know estimated cooking times. This information would be completely irrelevant to local business searches, though, for which Google would display an address, telephone number, or rating out of five stars.

Configuring the Business Profile plugin

To make sure you add business address in WordPress correctly, the first setting you’ll have to configure is the schema type. This is done by selecting from a drop-down list. Options include organization, corporation, sports team, and 24 local business types – from animal shelters right the way through to travel agencies.

Business Profile Schema Markup

As you work your way down the screen, the next step is the Contact Information section. Start by typing your company’s name and address. If you want to display a map, click the Retrieve map coordinates button beneath – for this to work, your address needs to be inputted in the correct format. To test your coordinates are pointed at the right place, click the view button to be whisked away to Google Maps.

If the map coordinates sync correctly, continue working your way to the bottom of this section, inputting your telephone number and email address. You can also choose to link to a contact page by selecting any of your published pages from a drop-down list.

Business Profile Contact Information

The final section to configure in order to add business address in WordPress is the Schedule section. This is where you get to choose your business hours.

Start by clicking the Add another opening time button. You can configure each day of the week manually, or you can create a single entry for days that share the same opening times.

For example, if your business is open 9-5 from Monday to Friday, this can be configured in just one entry. If, however, you close early on Friday, select only Monday to Thursday. After this, you will need to create a separate entry for Friday’s opening times.

When you’ve selected your day(s), the final step is to specify the opening hours. Click on the set a time slot option, then choose the times from another drop-down list. You can add as many entries as you require by clicking the Add another opening time button if needed.

Business Profile Schedule Hours

And that’s all you need to do to configure the plugin – everything is handled on this one screen. When you’re done, remember to hit Save Changes.

Displaying your address, contact details, and opening hours

Finding out how to add business address in WordPress is one thing, but then you also need to display this info somewhere on your website. The Business Profile plugin gives you two options.

First, a shortcode: [contact-card] . Simply paste this shortcode onto any post, page, or custom post type and you’ll have yourself a fully functional About page, complete with interactive map. The page will look something like this:

Business Profile About Us Page

However, not every visitor will dig around your site looking for an About page. Some people will expect to see this important information at a glance, on every page of your site. This makes your contact info well-suited to a sidebar area, and the Business Profile plugin comes with a dedicated widget.

To add your address and opening hours to a widget, navigate to Appearance / Widgets. Find the Contact Card widget, then drag and drop it into your preferred widget space.

Business Profile Widget Setup

Now it’s time to configure the widget, which is your final step to add business address in WordPress. Because widget areas offer limited space compared to a blank web page, displaying too much information can overload the sidebar. To solve this problem, the plugin lets you pick and choose which information is displayed in your widget.

The widget setup includes a list of checkboxes that let you select the details you want – for example, your name, address, phone number, opening hours, and whether you want to display a map.

Business Profile Widget Configuration

Hit Save before you finish, then you’ll be left with a contact widget that looks like this:

Business Profile Widget

Final thoughts

And that concludes today’s tutorial on how to add business address in WordPress. If you want to add your business’s contact details to your website – including opening hours – then look no further than the Business Profile plugin. Not only is it super-easy to use, but it also adds the schema markup to your pages. This can improve discoverability in the SERPs and even attract more visitors to your website!

Are you using the Business Profile plugin? Share your thoughts and ask any questions in the comments below!

By Shaun Quarton

Themeisle contributor.

Shaun Quarton is a freelance blogger from the UK, with a passion for online entrepreneurship, content marketing, and all things WordPress.

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Table of Contents

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Discover the Best WordPress User Profile Plugins for 2023: 12 Top Choices

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Top 6 Premium WordPress User Profile Plugins

Now, let’s take a look at the best premium WordPress user profile plugins that you can use to make the creation and management of user profiles a smoother experience for you as a website owner. From simple user roles to more advanced features, such as regular content delivery and tailored payment options, there are lots of awesome benefits these plugins offer.

1. WP User Frontend Pro

Picture of WP User Frontend Pro, a versatile user profile plugin for WordPress with a drag & drop profile builder.

  • Drag & drop profile builder;
  • Frontend posting;
  • Subscriptions & content restriction;
  • Unlimited forms;
  • Custom fields & post types.

More Details

2. MemberPress

Photo of MemberPress, a well-optimized WordPress user profile plugin with protected downloads for your subscribers.

  • Flexible content access rules;
  • ReadyLaunch page maker ;
  • PDF invoices for customer transactions;
  • Protected downloads for your subscribers;
  • Extensive REST API to ensure secure user authentication;
  • Add-ons for forums and communities;
  • Zapier integration .

3. SureMembers

Photograph of SureMembers, an efficient user profile plugin for WordPress with a centralized rules system.

  • Login restriction;
  • User role synchronization;
  • Centralized rules system;
  • Content paywalls;
  • Secured digital downloads;
  • Bulk customer profile editing via using groups.

Graphic of UserPro, a feature-rich WordPress user profile plugin with diverse member listing layouts.

  • Attractive and configurable user profiles with badges and achievements;
  • Easy-to-edit login forms with custom fields and social login support;
  • WPML compatibility for a better multilingual experience;
  • Front-end publishing tool with custom post types and categories;
  • Diverse member listing layouts;
  • A variety of add-ons to extend the plugin’s functionality.

More Details Demo

5. ProfilePress

Representation of ProfilePress, a time-saving user profile plugin for WordPress with easy member management.

  • Easy member management with the support of orders & subscriptions;
  • Customizable frontend forms for user registration and login;
  • Powerful email marketing tools;
  • Automatic login and redirection;
  • Reset of logins and passwords;
  • Quick generation of coupons and discount codes for your users.

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6. User Meta Pro

Visual of User Meta Pro, an interactive WordPress user profile plugin with customizable e-mail notifications.

  • Role-based user profiles with extra fields;
  • Custom fields for registration and login forms;
  • Admin approval and e-mail verification for new users;
  • Easy import/export of user lists in CSV file format;
  • Customizable e-mail notifications.

6 Free WordPress Registration Plugins

Aside from paid solutions that simplify user profile management, there are dozens of free ones. In our overview, we’ll mention only 6 of them. Despite the lower quantity, these plugins are top-notch solutions that deliver a wide selection of user-oriented features for your website. From more attractive profiles and automatic user role assignment, there are lots of benefits packed with each of these plugins. Now, let’s look at what they have to offer.

7. WP User Manager (FREE)

Illustration of WP User Manager, a lightweight user profile plugin for WordPress with public user directories.

  • Custom email notifications;
  • Shortcode editor;
  • SEO-friendly user profile URLs;
  • Custom widgets and redirects;
  • Public user directories;
  • Powerful password management.

8. User Profile Builder (FREE)

Portrait of User Profile Builder, an optimized WordPress user profile plugin with a variety of shortcodes for your forms.

  • Advanced profile builder with drag & drop support;
  • Email reminder customization;
  • A variety of shortcodes for your forms;
  • Access restriction to certain content on your website;
  • Customization of minimum and maximum password strength.

9. BuddyPress (FREE)

Rendering of BuddyPress, a responsive WordPress user profile plugin with extensible user groups & micro-communities.

  • Custom profile fields;
  • Editable e-mail notifications;
  • Extensible user groups & micro-communities;
  • Sitewide user directories;
  • Friendship connections between users;
  • Private messaging;
  • Dozens of extensions for additional functionality.

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10. User Registration (FREE)

Figure of User Registration, an efficient user profile plugin for WordPress with lots of default & custom form fields.

  • Drag & drop form builder;
  • A variety of default & custom form fields;
  • Quick form preview;
  • Spam protection ( Google reCaptcha , Honeypot);
  • User roles and capabilities;
  • Gutenberg support .

11. ProfileGrid (FREE)

Picture of ProfileGrid, an extensible user profile plugin for WordPress with public and private user groups.

  • Public and private user groups;
  • Login & password recovery or reset;
  • Community-based content privacy levels;
  • Limit the number of members in groups;
  • Powerful user & group management in WordPress dashboard.

12. Ultimate Member (FREE)

Snapshot of Ultimate Member, a mobile-friendly WordPress user profile plugin with conditional fields for wider form customization.

  • Front-end user profiles and registration;
  • User account pages;
  • Conditional fields with wide form customization;
  • Lots of filters for easier content search;
  • Member directories;
  • Email notifications.

All in One Invite Codes – Invitation Codes Plugin for WordPress (FREE)

View of All in One Invite Codes, a feature-rich invite code WordPress plugin with a variety of premium add-ons.

It is a great marketing solution as you decide how many codes or invites you want to create and which of them can be used for the same user. Additionally, the same user can send their invite codes to others to increase the number of your registered clients. Aside from these benefits, there are others you’d also appreciate:

  • Auto-generation of invite codes;
  • Lots of field types and customizable form templates;
  • Assigning invite codes to email addresses;
  • Premium addons for BuddyPress, WooCommerce , and other services.

How to Create a User Registration Plugin in WordPress

As you can see, many WordPress user profile plugins offer customizable form-building functionality. Besides, they improve the built-in registration and login features with these forms and allow management of the user base & related roles more effectively.

Developing such a plugin means gathering all these benefits in one solution. It is a task that requires an understanding of how WordPress works as well as a good knowledge of its core technologies, such as PHP and JavaScript. However, those who are looking for a simpler and more accessible solution prefer to use ready-made plugins like the ones we mentioned in our article.

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With such a selection of WordPress user profile plugins, you can easily choose the one that fits your website the most and is configurable enough to meet all your user management needs. Whatever you choose, it is necessary to remember what these plugins are commonly used for:

  • User registration and login: This is the basic functionality provided by any plugin designed for user profiles allowing you to improve the process with automatic and customizable email notifications for your users.
  • Establishing informative user profiles: This feature helps to make the profiles of your users look more attractive and informative being especially useful for multiauthor or membership-based websites.
  • Providing content access: Many user profile plugins offer additional content restriction features that help website owners monetize their sites and deliver quality content regularly.
  • Protection from spam & scammers: Lastly, by providing a thought-out registration procedure you give less space for spammers. And with extra protection measures offered by certain plugins, you decrease the probability of your users’ data being stolen, which improves your reputation.

Disclosure: this article may contain affiliate links for third-party products. If you click a link and later make a purchase, we may earn an affiliate commission that doesn’t result in additional charges to you.

What is the WordPress plugin for members profile?

One of the best free WordPress user profile plugins with membership support is the Ultimate Member . It comes with dozens of outstanding advantages to help you create & efficiently manage your membership directory. With its help, you’ll be able to provide top-notch content for your members and even send it to specific user roles using e-mail notifications.

Which will be the best 2 plugins for creating and managing user profiles and user groups with frontend registration?

While there are certainly a lot of user profile plugins available for WordPress, we recommend using ProfileGrid and User Profile Builder . They deliver detailed visual customization of login and registration forms as well as user group management and profile customization.

What are the most used plugins in WordPress?

BuddyPress and Ultimate Member are the two WordPress user profile plugins with the most downloads among the ones mentioned above (100,000+ and 200,000+ respectively). Their functionality isn’t limited to just creating user profiles. They can also help you build fully functional online communities, especially if you are a website developer aiming to integrate new social functionality into your website.

How much does ProfileGrid cost?

ProfileGrid is a free WordPress plugin designed for easy user profile management. However, it has certain paid features, such as premium add-ons that extend the basic functionality of this tool. They allow for better support of WooCommerce and MailChimp services. These extensions include social-oriented components, such as user geolocation, group photos, social login, etc. They can easily make your website a pleasant place to stay for any visitor.

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Yegor Yevsyukov

Content Creator

Yegor is an aspiring copywriter who is enthusiastic about modern web technologies. He likes creating informative and easy-to-read articles about the modern web.

Contribution Topics: WordPress themes

Social Networks: Twitter | LinkedIn

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business profile plugin wordpress free

User Registration Blog

10 Best WordPress Frontend User Profile Plugins for 2023

Do you want to create a stunning user profile for your registered users? With the right WordPress frontend user profile plugin, you can easily achieve that.

A user profile plugin streamlines the process of designing customized account pages, making it a breeze for beginners without deep coding knowledge.

The WordPress plugin market offers many options for adding user profiles to your site. That’s why, we’ve thoroughly researched the best plugins to simplify your search.

So, let’s start if you’re ready to learn more about them!

If you are in a hurry, here are our top recommendations.

User Registration Logo

User Registration

business profile plugin wordpress free

Pre-built Profile Page

Create and Customize User Profiles

Conditional Profile Page

Shortcodes for Adding User Profile

Ultimate Member Logo Icon

Ultimate Member

Front-end User Profile

Add Custom Tabs to Profiles

User Account Page

Edit Profile Permalinks

Profile Builder Logo Icon

User Profile Builder

Customize User Profiles

Enable Profile Avatar Upload

Selected Profile Details Visibility

Email Notifications

Table of Contents

Why Do You Need a WordPress Frontend User Profile Plugin? 

WordPress does offer user profiles by default that the user and admin can edit if required. Then, why use a WordPress frontend user profile plugin at all?

Well, here are a few significant reasons why:

  • Using a plugin, you can style user profiles by editing layouts, fonts, and colors without the need for complex coding.
  • Allows users to create and manage profiles without needing backend/admin access. Provides a more engaging frontend experience.
  • Enables users to showcase their identity with profiles, avatars, bios, social links, etc.
  • Enables easy integration and syncing of user profiles with third-party platforms like Mailchimp, WooCommerce, social networks, forums, etc.
  • You can create advanced groups and communities where users can find and interact with each other through user profiles.

With that said, let’s jump into our list of the best WordPress user profile plugins.

10 Best WordPress Frontend User Profile Plugins

1. user registration.

User Registration stands out as the top-notch WordPress plugin for creating user profiles.

User Registration Plugin

This powerful plugin is designed to help build custom registration and login forms seamlessly, without any coding hassle.

With this plugin, you can also easily create, customize, and style the frontend user profile. User Registration even offers a pre-built user profile page , so you don’t need to build one yourself.

One of the perks of using the User Registration plugin is that it also enables you to modify the profile’s layout, colors, and fonts with Style Customizer .

Additionally, with its Customize My Account extension, you can adjust and handle the sections and user dashboard easily.

Key Features:

  • Allows users to make changes to their profiles
  • Display profile information in sidebars and widget area
  • Use shortcodes to quickly add the frontend user profile to your site
  • Apply conditional profile fields for different user roles
  • Offers spam protection with Google reCAPTCHA and Honeypot

Price: Freemium (Premium Plan Starts from $79/year for a Single Site License)

2. Ultimate Member

Ultimate Member is your best option if you’re looking to build advanced online communities within your WordPress website.

Ultimate Member User Profile Plugin

The plugin allows you to easily create a space where people can join as members. It also provides lists of members so they can find each other on your website.

Moreover, you’ll have the capability to design appealing frontend user profiles for each user.

Further, when you incorporate registration and login features, you’ll possess all the essential components to construct a complete membership website.

  • Role assignment at registration
  • Enables you to edit profile permalinks
  • Allow to add the custom tabs to profiles
  • Control permissions for each user role
  • Enable users to delete their accounts

Price: Freemium (Premium Plan Starts from $249 for Extensions Pass License)

3. User Profile Builder

Next on our list is User Profile Builde r, a one-of-a-kind WordPress frontend user profile plugin.

User Profile Builder

Alongside creating custom registration and login forms , you can customize user profiles for your site’s registered users.

The User Profile Builder includes convenient shortcodes that enable you to effortlessly add login, registration, and password recovery forms in just a minute.

Furthermore, you have the flexibility to generate multiple user listings and customize the visibility of profile details on the frontend.

  • Enables you to add, edit, remove, or clone user roles and capabilities
  • Customize templates for admin or user email notifications
  • Avatar Upload field to let users upload avatars on their profile
  • Admin approval feature to manually approve each registration
  • Lets you create a map of user locations

Price: Freemium (Premium Plan Starts from €99 for a Single Site License)

4. SureMembers

SureMembers stands as a stellar WordPress user profile plugin that transforms user experience.

SureMembers WordPress Plugin

SureMembers excels with its user-friendly approach, allowing easy member detail updates.

It empowers users to edit their profiles, change passwords, and even upload avatars right from the frontend.

Thus, with SureMembers, you’re not just offering profiles; you’re delivering a user-centric journey that keeps members engaged and satisfied.

  • Frontend profile editing on the frontend of the website
  • Redirect users to your product sales page
  • Customizable profile fields
  • Add/Remove groups of users into access groups with bulk user editing
  • Show/hide menu depending on access group

Price : Freemium (Premium Plan Starts from $69 for a Single Site License)

5. WP User Manager

Perfect for building member communities and user profiles, WP User Manager is another option for you to consider.

WP User Manager

It lets you add custom fields to the frontend profiles. Likewise, it enables your users to update their profile with WooCommerce shipping and billing details.

By installing this WordPress frontend user profile plugin on your website, users can create and join various groups within the community.

Furthermore, you can offer content tailored to each member’s preferences and requirements.

  • Supports login and registration through social media accounts
  • Sync users with their Mailchimp account
  • Empower users to edit their avatars
  • Permits users to publish posts on the platform
  • WPML integration for translations to various languages

Price: Freemium (Premium Plan Starts from $149 for a Starter Plan)

6. MemberPress

MemberPress is one of the best WordPress plugins for user profiles, ideal for building advanced membership websites.

MemberPress WordPress Frontend User Profile Plugin

You can completely personalize user accounts and control their access.

There’s also a feature for managing corporate memberships, which is great for organizing many accounts together.

Unlike the majority of the plugins on our list, MemberPress is a premium plugin. So, you’ll have to subscribe to one of its plans to try this plugin. But it’s definitely worth all the incredible features you get!

  • Set up a payment requirement to access certain content
  • Provide a dashboard exclusive to members
  • Connect with email marketing services for efficient marketing campaigns
  • Allow users to download files
  • Supports multiple payment gateways

Price: Costs $179.50 for a Basic Plan

7. WP User Frontend

WP User Frontend is one of the outstanding free WordPress frontend user profile plugins for your website.

WP User Frontend Plugin

As the name suggests, this plugin helps you handle everything user-related from the frontend for the best experience. 

Hence, you get frontend user profiles that you can easily edit using the profile or registration builder. Likewise, you can receive post submissions through the frontend as well.

WP User Frontend lets you create paid memberships and enforce content or menu restrictions. Plus, you can use a subscription model and accept recurring payments.

  • Enables image upload directly from the frontend
  • Includes a private messaging feature
  • Admins can manage users from the frontend
  • Comes with ready-made layouts and templates for forms
  • Understand your users better with user analytics and reports

Price: Freemium (Premium Plan Starts from $49 for a Single Site License)

UserPro is a complete solution when it comes to managing users on a WordPress website.


It incorporates all the necessary features for seamlessly integrating a user login and registration system into your website.

Thus, you get access to the user, admin, form, email notifications, and social connect features with this single plugin.

Furthermore, you have the option to showcase user details through an attractive profile card on the frontend.

Additionally, the plugin includes a member directory, allowing your users to search and find other members via their profile pages.

  • Integrate user accounts with BuddyPress profiles
  • Admins can block or unblock user accounts
  • Award users with badges and achievements
  • Display profile pictures in a popup lightbox
  • Send registration invitations to specific users.

Price: $39 for a Regular License

9. RegistrationMagic

RegistrationMagic is primarily a registration plugin that allows user registration through custom sign-up forms.

RegistrationMagic Plugin For User Profile

However, you can also use it to add beautiful user profile pages for registered users and secure them with measures such as password restriction.

RegistrationMagic enhances your email marketing efforts by effortlessly linking user profiles with Mailchimp.

For this, all you have to do is map the registration fields on your website with a suitable Mailchimp list.

  • Let users register or log in with their social accounts
  • Shortcode to create a custom user profile page
  • Detailed form and field analytics are available
  • Role-based redirection available
  • Set up Two-factor Authentication (2FA)

Price: Freemium (Premium Plan Starts from $89 for a Single Site License)

10. ProfileGrid

Last but not least, ProfileGrid is a fantastic WordPress plugin for custom user profiles.

ProfileGrid WordPress Frontend User Profile Plugin

It helps you quickly build user profiles, groups, and communities for a vibrant online community. 

If you own an online store, you can create custom WooCommerce user profiles for your customers. And you also get custom bbPress user profiles if you want to add a forum to your site.

Besides that, the plugin also provides paid memberships, content restrictions , social activity, and more.

  • Offers several user profile types
  • Enables user profile filters based on groups on the directories page
  • Allows users to engage in private messaging
  • Users can post blogs directly from the frontend
  • Limit memberships for each group

Price: Freemium (Premium Plan Starts from $79 for a Single Site License)

Final Thoughts

Choosing through the plethora of WordPress frontend user profile plugins can be challenging.

That’s why, we’ve curated a collection of premium user profile page plugins to streamline the plugin selection process.

Essentially, these plugins are crafted to produce visually engaging frontend user profiles.

Each one presents distinctive features and pricing options, allowing you to select the one that resonates best with your needs.

However, our top recommendation is User Registration ; one of the best WordPress plugins that simplifies your user registration tasks.

From creating professional custom registration forms to stunning frontend user profiles, this WordPress registration plugin has got it all.

This sums up our article on the best WordPress frontend user profile plugins.

While you’re with us, consider exploring our recommendations for the best security plugins , lead generation plugins , etc., to enhance your website further. 

Our blog and YouTube channel are packed with insightful content, so don’t forget to check them out.

Also, follow us on Twitter and Facebook to stay updated on new articles and announcements.

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User Registration Author

We are a dynamic team of SEO Copywriters working to create compelling WordPress content that resonates with our audience. User Registration Author represents one of our talented authors dedicating their expertise into a solo project.

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13 Best Business Directory Plugins for WordPress in 2024

Clint Fontanella

Published: January 16, 2024

Business directories like Yelp and Angie’s List are incredibly popular websites for consumers looking for specific brands, products, or services. If you’re looking to create your own business directory using WordPress, we recommend installing a WordPress directory plugin.

woman uses a directory plugin represented by a map

With this type of plugin, you can provide users with a list of businesses in their area that includes information about each company so people can quickly determine whether or not it’s a good fit for them. Some even offer filters and refined search options so users can start engaging with businesses in no time.

Grow Your Business With HubSpot's Tools for WordPress Websites

Below, we’ve rounded up the 13 best directory WordPress plugins available this year — let’s dive in.

What are WordPress business directory plugins?

WordPress business directory plugins are plugins that let you create individual listings for businesses or service providers and display those listings in a filterable, searchable interface. You could display listings in a list and/or showcase them on an embedded map.

Most business directory plugins also offer features to let businesses submit listings, organize listings with categories and custom fields, show user reviews, accept payments from businesses, and more.

In a nutshell, they let you use WordPress to create your own version of something like Yelp.

Here are a couple of WordPress business directory plugin examples to give you an idea of what you might be able to create with the plugins on this list…

A restaurant directory built with GeoDirectory:

A WordPress directory plugin example of a restaurant directory

Some additional features for this theme include a built-in ads management tool and an events calendar. There's also a “free maps” feature as well as a checkout and payment processing system.

  • Prepackaged with a ton of useful features and tools
  • Provides several unique filter and categorization options for listings
  • Includes a built-in payment and checkout system
  • Protects against spam with Google reCAPTCHA
  • It's an all-in-one WordPress theme, so it will be difficult to change themes in the future because of theme lock-in
  • Not easily compatible with WooCommerce
  • Technical support only included for six months

11. Ultimate Member

An example of a frontend directory from Ultimate Member

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Capture, organize, and engage web visitors with free forms, live chat, CRM, analytics, and more.

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19 Best WordPress Contact Form Plugins (2024 Update)

When was the last time you took a good look at your “Contact Us” page?

Are you still using the same WordPress contact form plugin you chose years ago?

Despite changing habits and new forms of interaction, the contact form is still a website staple.

Some people don’t want to call and don’t have time to wait for someone to answer live chat.

That’s where a contact form comes in. It’s simple, effective and provides one more method to contact you.

Even though they have been around forever, people still like using contact forms. That’s why we think they are essential on every website and why we still include forms on every contact page in our Starter Templates.

Take a moment to think about how your site has evolved over the years and whether your contact form is still living up to your expectations.

Does it still deliver the features and reliability you need? Does it include ReCaptcha or other anti-spam tools?

If you’re looking for a new contact form plugin, or you want to provide options to visitors, try one of these!

For example, I’ve been using Jetpack’s contact form for years. It was a simple, effective feature of the plugin when I was just starting out.

But as my website has grown, my needs have too.

I need a contact form that does more than accept simple messages.

So today we’re looking at 19 of the best WordPress contact form plugins to suit a wide range of needs.

Why use a WordPress contact form?

No matter what kind of business you run, connecting with your customers always helps. Contact forms make it so much easier for the customers to communicate with you and can be placed anywhere on your website to help encourage that. 

While this is a major advantage of a WordPress contact form , there are many more. Let’s have a look at all the reasons why you need a contact form in your WordPress website.

Contact forms help users reach out to you more easily. A website with a clear and easy to use contact form looks more professional and should encourage users to engage with you, which is usually the intent of the website.

Understand your audience

Since your audience can use a form to ask questions on your website, your contact form becomes an invaluable tool to understand them. You can design your products and marketing strategies based on those questions, which helps deliver what customers are asking for.

If the queries are repetitive, you can create new products, develop new systems or create the information that your customers need. 

Grow your list

Contact forms can easily be integrated with email marketing tools . Those tools can help manage contacts and build your email lists. As long as you use opt-ins and permissions, this list is a ready-made pool of potential customers just waiting for you to contact them.

Reduce spam emails

Spammers and bots are constantly scraping websites for email addresses. Publishing your email address directly on the website can invite a lot of spam.

When you add a contact form in your website with proper security fences like bot verification or captcha, you get to avoid the majority of these spam bots so you can focus more on serving real customers.

Generate and qualify your leads

Contact forms are one of the best ways to generate leads. Through a contact form, the audience who are interested in the product or service that you offer get direct contact in an accessible way. 

But that’s not all. You can also create multi page contact forms that ask for more information from the person making the inquiry.

Many contact forms allow you to add conditional logic to your forms. Meaning, you can customize the upcoming questions for your audience. Such functionality helps you qualify your leads as well as collect them.

Provide faster support

You can easily turn a contact form in your WordPress website into a support ticket form. That way, you can offer a quick way to sort and solve customer queries.. 

Faster support helps build confidence in what you offer and generates trust with your customers. Both of which can eventually lead to increased Lifetime Value (LTV).

What to look for in a WordPress contact form plugin

Before we look at some of the best contact form plugins, it’s important to know what features a quality contact form should have:

  • Drag and drop builder: A way to build forms visually by dragging and dropping different form elements. This removes the need for coding knowledge.
  • Responsive: You’ll need a contact form that adapts to different screen sizes such as mobile, tablets or computers.
  • Conditional logic: A function that lets you show or hide fields, sections and elements based on the selections a user makes.
  • Multi-page form support: This allows users to fill in forms section by section instead of one long form. This speeds up the process and makes it easier for people to use your forms.
  • Entry management: Manage and sort through entries submitted via your contact forms. Having everything in one place, optimizes workflow.
  • Accept payments: Allow users to make purchases or sign up to subscriptions all within your contact form.
  • Spam protection: Prevent unsolicited and unwanted emails.
  • File uploads: Allow users to include attachments with their message.
  • Email marketing integration: Connecting to services like Mailchimp and Aweber lets you provide the option for users to opt-in to receiving future communications.
  • Ease of use: The form that you build should be easy enough for customers to understand. The general UI should be easy to understand.
  • Pricing: A form plugin should not hurt your budget and the pricing should be reasonable enough to justify the features. 
  • Documentation: The WordPress contact form should have a clear and descriptive documentation page to help you get the best out of it.
  • Support: If the documentation doesn’t help, it would help to have support on hand, whether from developers or the community.

When deciding on which plugin to use, think about the following questions:

  • Does the form have the type of fields you need?
  • Is it easy to use?
  • How much does it cost?
  • Is the plugin reliable and well maintained?
  • How many active installs are there?
  • How do WordPress users rate the plugin?

With these questions in mind, let’s jump in and look at the best contact form plugins available.

19 best WordPress contact form plugins

If you are in a hurry, here is a quick summary of the best 18 WordPress contact form plugins.

1. WPForms – Free and Paid

WPForms is a drag and drop form builder with 3+ million active installs. This plugin is full of features that are easy to get to grips with. It’s both a powerful yet user-friendly and quick to setup form builder that is quick to set up.

WPForms is a complete form builder that allows you to create almost any type of forms without typing any code. It is 100% responsive and will make your site look good on desktop, tablet, and mobile. WPForms has built-in smart captcha and honeypot that prevent spam.

The free version of this plugin, the WPForms Lite, offers the essential contact form tools like simple contact form, primary form fields, email notifications, a thank you page for form confirmation, honeypot protection and ReCaptcha fields for spam protection.

To begin with, you’re given 4 pre-built templates which are ideal if you need something quick and simple.

Other features included in the lite version of this contact form plugin include honeypot protection and ReCaptcha fields to help combat spam.

However, to get full functionality from WPForms, it’s best to try out their paid version.

The premium version gives you access to all types of forms, including surveys, user registration, post submissions, order forms, file upload forms, etc.

WPForms Pro includes:

  • This plugin provides a Conditional Logic function that lets you show or hide fields, sections and elements based on the users’ selections.
  • Creates a multi-page form that allows users to fill in forms section by section instead of single long-form.
  • Manage and sort through entries submitted by users through your contact forms.
  • Accepts payment, using your contact form, for purchases or sign up to subscriptions made by users.
  • Prevent unsolicited and unwanted or spam emails.
  • Let users upload their supporting documents as part of the file upload feature of this plugin.
  • You are connecting to Email Marketing Integration services like Mailchimp and Aweber to allow users to opt-in to receiving future communications from you.
  • There are available Form templates as quick-start in creating your contact forms.
  • Sends instant notifications to you once a user subscribes using your contact forms.
  • Create advanced forms like user registration from and more.

The WPForms pro plugin starts at $79 per year for one website and one year of updates.

2. Gravity Forms – Paid

Gravity Forms is a visual WordPress contact form plugin with 20,000+ active installs, that has all the tools you need to build professional forms for your website. With quick and easy form-building options, it’s designed to save time and get you up and running in minutes.

This plugin comes with features like multi-page forms, and limited form entries and allows you to create posts from a form submission using unique Post Fields.

Gravity Forms plugin allows you to change the post type of the generated post without having to type a code.

Gravity Forms plugin supports file uploads and multi-page forms with unlimited entries. It uses conditional logic to show or hide form fields and lets you design your WordPress forms in real-time.

This forms plugin allows users to save their incomplete forms and continue at a later time. It also supports a full ticketing system.

Choose from over 30 fields for your form and move them around with the drag and drop builder. You can limit and schedule your forms to control how and when you capture data.

And with the calculations feature, you can perform advanced calculations on submitted field values.

If user-generated content is a large part of your site, this contact form plugin easily creates posts for you with front end forms.

Gravity Forms include:

  • A Conditional Logic function that lets you show or hide fields, sections and elements based on the users’ selections.
  • Creates multi-page Forms to make it easier for users to fill-up the form.
  • Has an Entry Management system to sort users’ entries in your contact form.
  • Accepts payments for subscriptions and purchases made by users.
  • Includes Spam Protection features to prevent unwanted emails.
  • Allows File Uploads for users to send supporting documents efficiently.
  • Supports Email Marketing Integration with email services like Mailchimp and Aweber to allow users to opt-in to receiving future communications from you.
  • User-friendly and mobile responsive design for mobile users.
  • Allows users to save and continue filling-up your forms which is more convenient to users and build more confidence and trust to your website for giving them leeway to think not pressuring your users to sign-up.
  • Comes with fast Email Autoresponders to make users feel that their concerns are attended to.

Gravity Forms is a premium plugin that starts at $59 per year for one website, core features and basic addons.

3. Jotform WordPress Forms – Free and Paid

Jotform is a powerful form builder with more than 20 million users around the world. It offers everything you need to create professional-looking forms in minutes with no coding. 

Jotform’s WordPress plugin allows you to build engaging custom online forms and embed them easily into your website. 

Jotform has an intuitive drag and drop form builder that is extremely user-friendly and offers powerful form fields. Its features include conditional logic, save and continue option, multi-step forms, electronic signature support, and many more.

Jotform also offers many automation features that save valuable time. You can create a contact form for your business that instantly syncs with new leads and contacts into various CRM databases. 

You can use one of the many free form templates Jotform offers so that you don’t have to build your WordPress form from scratch. Just browse the template directory to find the contact form that fits your needs and customize it to fit your website and workflow.

Jotform includes:  

  • Embed codes that allow you to embed your forms into any webpage without coding.  
  • Conditional logic that allows you to make your forms smarter.
  • Save and continue later option.
  • Mobile responsive design for mobile users which also offers offline data collection.
  • Automated emails and notifications.
  • Integrations with email marketing tools and project management software, CRMs, and cloud storage apps.
  • 10,000 readymade form templates so you don’t have to create your form from scratch.
  • Electronic signature that allows you to collect signatures from any device.
  • Seamless online payment collection directly through your form.

Jotform offers a free plan with all the features included, there is only a limit to the number of documents you can create. There are three different paid plans starting from $34 per month.

4. HubSpot WordPress Plugin – Free

HubSpot’s free WordPress plugin makes it easier to grow your business by helping you attract, engage, and delight all of your contacts and customers. It brings powerful, easy-to-use contact management, email marketing, ads management, live chat & bots, forms, analytics, and much more to WordPress.

HubSpot allows you to connect HubSpot CRM with WordPress so you can easily organise and segment your contacts into lists. This plugin provides you with a lead generation dashboard, lead capture tools, slide-ins, exit-intent forms, a static form builder, a contact database, and lead insights for the first seven days of website activity after lead capture.

Among other features, HubSpot’s WordPress plugin has an array of functions including a robust contact form creation tool. The drag-and-drop form builder is easy to use and the plugin allows for easy access to all of HubSpot’s other marketing tools and CRM, meaning you can easily track contact form submissions and build email lists to keep your users and visitors engaged.

HubSpot WordPress Plugin includes :

  • It’s a Free-forever CRM (unlimited contacts) & Contact Management tool.
  • An efficient Email Marketing tool that is free for up to 2000 emails sent/mo.
  • Comes with Live Chat for more interactive client service & responsive Chatbots to instantly assist your clients’ concerns.
  • Comes with lead capture tools like popups, slide-ins, and exit intent forms, a static form builder, etc.
  • With built-in analytics dashboards to measure your business growth in real-time with.
  • Performs seamless integration with over 400 apps, including Gravity Forms, WooCommerce, Stripe, and more.

HubSpot WordPress is a free plugin.

5.  Ultimate Addons for Elementor  – Paid

The Ultimate Addons for Elementor is a top-notch addon built with passion by Brainstorm Force to enhance the possibilities of Elementor Website Builder. Brainstorm Force is the pioneers of page builder addons and the same team that created the Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder (47K+ users) and the Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder (15K+ users).

Ultimate Addons for Elementor is a growing library of genuinely creative and unique Elementor widgets including User Registration Form widget that open a whole new range of design possibilities for you.

The User Registration Form widget allows you to build custom forms and take control of its appearance. Everything on the form is customizable, including the ability to add more fields.

Advanced form actions enable you to redirect, send an email or even hide the form after a user registers.

And because all forms are 100% mobile responsive they’ll look great across all devices.

To fight spammers and fake registrations, Ultimate Addons uses Honeypot and Google reCAPTCHA .

Your forms are also built using a different registration link than the default WordPress link spammers regularly target.

Full features include:

  • You can build custom registration forms that fit your website.
  • It’s easy to design drag and drop page builder best for beginners and professionals who want to see the look and feel of their website as they create it.
  • You can customize everything from fields to color and styling, giving you freedom on how you want your contact forms to look like.
  • The paid version adds more fields than the default options giving you more flexibility and design ideas for your WordPress website.
  • It provides advanced form actions to redirect, send an email or even hide the form after a user registers.
  • It comes with spam protection features to prevent unwanted emails.
  • It grants you access to a growing library of Elementor widgets that can further improve your website.
  • Page developers can also do white labelling of this plugin to include it to your branding.
  • It comes with WooCommerce widgets perfect for your eCommerce website.
  • It gives you unlimited website usage, good value for money option.
  • It is also translation ready, so you can have multilingual contact forms and attract international visitors to sign-up for your site.
  • You’ll be backed-up with professional support from WordPress experts with extensive training on website development and more.
  • It is included in Astra Pro addon with the Business Toolkit so you can get more of Astra’s best products perfect for your website.

Ultimate Addons for Elementor starts at $49 €45 annually.

6. JetFormBuilder – Free and Paid

Improve your WordPress journey by exploring the efficiency of JetFormBuilder. This practical tool seamlessly integrates into your WordPress editor environment, offering an intuitive interface designed for users of all levels.

Create basic and advanced contact forms effortlessly with its diverse array of 24 dynamic blocks, ensuring a hassle-free experience whether you’re a novice or an experienced user.

JetFormBuilder doesn’t just simplify; it empowers. Utilize features like conditional logic to customize forms based on user input, or jumpstart your contact form creation with pre-designed form patterns for common WordPress form structures.

Experience the efficiency, security, and versatility that JetFormBuilder brings to WordPress contact form creation. Take the leap and see how JetFormBuilder can transform your approach to building dynamic forms. It’s not just a tool; it’s a catalyst for a more streamlined and user-friendly WordPress experience. Try JetFormBuilder today and witness the difference it can make in simplifying your contact form development process.

JetFormBuilder Pro addons elevate form-building capabilities to new heights. Boasting a diverse range of features, these addons ensure a seamless and powerful user experience.

JetFormBuilder Pro include:

  • Hierarchical Select: organize and structure user interactions for a more intuitive experience.
  • Save Form Progress aAuto-save form progress and inputted data to prevent loss during interruptions.
  • Schedule Forms– set form availability time frames with this supplementary plugin.
  • Email marketing integrations with MailPoet, ConverKit, MailerLite, Moosend, etc.
  • PayPal Recurring Payments – enable subscription creation and recurring payments via PayPal.
  • Seamlessly integrate forms with the Stripe payment system.
  • Integrate Gutenberg-built forms with WooCommerce checkout to optimize e-commerce processes by connecting forms with the Woo system.

JetFormBuilder WordPress plugin is Free, while additional Pro addons plans start at $39 per year for a single site.

7. Ninja Forms – Free and Paid

Ninja Forms is more than just a simple WordPress contact form plugin.

Ninja Forms plugin helps you create pro-like beautiful and user-friendly WordPress forms. Not only are the essential, core functions free to use, you’re also able to use it for subscription forms and any other form type you can think of. It has 1+ million active installs and 100% beginner-friendly.

Ninja Forms does not require any coding skills and helps you design beautiful, complex forms using drag and drop fields.

Ninja Forms comes with 40+ add-ons to include conditional logic, multi-part forms, front-end posting, file uploads, layouts, and styles. It allows you to hook-up to services like Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, and AWeber, etc. Clients can also pay directly through your forms using PayPal Express and other payment systems.

The base plugin for Ninja Forms can be downloaded for free from the official WordPress repository and can be installed on as many sites as you like. The premium version of Ninja Forms plugin allows you to connect with Campaign Monitor, Freshbooks, Salesforce, SMS notifications, etc.

Entry management, basic email marketing integration and spam protection are also included for free. And the drag and drop form builder is a delight to use.

The addons for Ninja Forms is where the functionality really shines through. With over 40 extensions for the likes of Slack, Zapier, and Trello, you can stay productive and organized.

More premium features include:

  • Comes with Conditional Logic function that lets you show or hide fields, sections and elements based on the selections a user makes.
  • It Creates a Multi-Page Form that allows users to fill in forms section by section instead of one long-form. This makes the process faster and it’s easier for people to use your forms.
  • It has Payment Acceptance features that let users directly pay for their purchases and subscriptions on you contact forms.
  • Users can easily upload their files as supporting documents or as reference.
  • Provides for Email Marketing Integration to contact your visitors after their transaction with your website.
  • Includes Front-end Posting addon for users to see their post in real-time.
  • It allows multi-column layouts and styles to create a more detailed design for your WordPress website.
  • It includes a User Analytics tool to get better data on where your form traffic is coming from with every submission. You can use 12+ analytics fields, including UTM values, URL referrer, geodata, etc.

The standard version of Ninja Forms is Free, while premium plans start at $99 per year for a single site.

8. Formidable Forms – Free and Paid

Formidable Forms plugin is one of the most advanced WordPress forms plugin. It has 200,000+ active installs with a 4.5 out of 5-star rating. With this plugin, you can easily create contact forms, polls and surveys , lead generation forms, email forms, etc.

The focus of the Formidable Forms plugin is on building solution-focused forms to help you get more done in less time.

Formidable goes beyond simple form creation, allowing you to create complex forms for quizzes, payments, registration and more.

You can use repeater fields to collect several sets of data like work history and events. Dynamic fields automatically populate form fields with saved data and user meta information.

If you’re in need of a GDPR compliant form, Formidable has you covered for this too. Simply turn off IP tracking, the save form submissions feature or insert a checkbox into your form to collect user consent.

There’s a good deal of functionality included in the free version of Formidable Forms. Those features can be enhanced further with the premium version or add-ons.

Further features include:

  • It’s a Drag & Drop Builder that lets you visually build forms by dragging and dropping different form elements.
  • It comes with the Conditional Logic feature that lets you show and hide elements of your contact forms based on users preferences.
  • You can create beautifully designed Multi-Page Forms for a more convenient way of filling-up your contact forms.
  • It allows you to manage and sort user entries from your WordPress site.
  • It comes with the Payment Acceptance feature to instantly receive payments from users through your contact forms.
  • It protects your website from spam and unsolicited emails.
  • It lets users upload files while filling-up your forms.
  • It supports Email Marketing Integration with email services like Mailchimp and Aweber to allow users to opt-in to receiving future communications from you.
  • You can create a Quiz Maker form that allows you to write your quiz form questions, submit an entry as the quiz key, and publish the quiz on a page.
  • You can create Calculator Forms where you can make basic and complex calculations, and even combine text from multiple fields. Your visitors can use the price calculator for easy quotes and price estimates.
  • It comes with a built-in survey and poll feature, so you can quickly create powerful surveys and see beautiful reports.
  • You can place Cascading Dropdowns to your forms to make it easier to fill-up, and you can get the accurate categories for each form field.
  • You can also create schedule forms perfect for events registration and sign up, which requires a specific date or limit to be filled-up.
  • It is perfect not only for desktops users but also for mobile-friendly.

The pricing for Formidable Forms starts at $149 per year for a single site and one year of updates.

9. KaliForms – Free and Paid

KaliForms is an easy to use WordPress contact form plugin that allows you to build forms in a matter of minutes. Contact forms are easy to create using the drag and drop form builder. KaliForms lets you use pre designed templates to instantly create contact forms you need for your website, instead of starting from scratch.

With this plugin, adding forms to your website becomes really easy. You can now easily add any forms to your website, from just simple contact forms to more complex forms like review form, surveys form, feedback forms, etc.

Because KaliForms is built on React, performance issues shouldn’t be a problem. All forms are also 100% mobile responsive.

A combination of Google’s ReCaptcha and spam honeypot system helps protect you from unwanted spam messages. And connecting to third-party services is achieved through API.

This is all included in KaliForms Free plugin.

Additional features unlocked through the pro version includes:

  • The Multi-Page Forms feature of this plugin can be used to easily group fields in separate pages for a better submission process for your users.
  • You don’t need to spend hours designing your contact forms. You can use more than dozens of Pre-Designed Templates to quick-start your contact forms for your website without any coding.
  • This plugin uses the Conditional Logic tool to hide or show parts of your form fields depending on the entries of your clients.
  • You can send email notifications to your subscribers once they sign-up to your contact forms.
  • Users can easily upload their files and photos as attachments using your contact forms.
  • It has a powerful Submissions Handling feature that manages the entries of your clients and protects your website from spam or unsolicited submissions.
  • It allows payment options including PayPal and Wire Transfer.

The premium version of Kali Forms starts at $19 for 1 site.

10. Fluent Forms – Free and Paid

Fluent Forms is full of advanced features and a beginner-friendly layout to get you started, even if you don’t know how to code.

It’s a feature rich contact form plugin that uses drag and drop functionality to build forms. Just select one of the 45+ input fields and it will be added to your form. It takes just minutes to build forms this way.

The free version of Fluent Forms includes 25+ pre-built templates along with conditional logic, custom CSS, spam protection, Mailchimp and FluentCRM integration.

When you upgrade to Fluent Forms Pro, you gain access to tons of exciting features to help you grow your business. You can collect payments, allow file and image uploads, connect with email marketing software and use all the pre-made templates.

Fluent Forms Pro includes:

  • Fluent Conversational Forms offers a Typeform alternative in WordPress.
  • Multi-page forms to break long forms into shorter ones that can positively impact conversion.
  • The file and image upload option allows users to attach documents within a form.
  • Create surveys, polls, and quizzes using essential fields like checkboxes, multiple choices, radio, ratings, and more.
  • A custom submit button can bring a positive impact on your form.
  • Add repeatable fields while filling out a form.
  • Signature addon available to collect signatures on digital documents.
  • With the front-end post creation feature, people can submit blog posts without being registered to your website.
  • Fluent Forms is not just for making contact forms. If you want to activate user registration to your website, you can do that with this form plugin.
  • Payment is a crucial feature for any form builder, and Fluent Forms comes with Stripe and PayPal along with an offline payment method.
  • Fluent Forms has 30+ native integrations that include marketing, SMS notification, productivity, communication, and so on.

The annual price for a single site license costs $59 with one year of update and support. All integrations except Signature Addon come with all package variations.

11. Formstack – Paid

While Formstack isn’t primarily a WordPress contact form plugin, it does have it’s own plugin to allow you to integrate the online form builder with your WordPress website.

Formstack is a flexible online form builder that helps users without coding knowledge to create and design web forms. It allows you to embed forms on your website and social media to capture leads, collect online payments, gather customer feedback, and turn cumbersome business processes into streamlined digital workflows.

This contact form solution aims to shake-up how you collect data, leading to a more streamlined and productive workflow.

You can create professional-looking forms with the drag and drop form builder. For a better mobile experience, choose to display one form question at a time.

A/B testing lets you compare the performance of two forms against each other. While field validation ensures you get the right information the first time.

Even more great features include:

  • This plugin has a Conditional Logic addon that shows or hides some aspects like buttons, fields, or form sections, based on users’ selections.
  • It creates multi-page forms for users to focus on filling-up your forms field one at a time.
  • You can manage and sort entries on your contact forms with its Entry Management addon.
  • It also accepts payments made by users during its purchase or subscription to your website using your contact form.
  • You don’t have to worry about unsolicited emails. This plugin comes with the Spam Protection feature to make sure that only legitimate emails are coming your way.
  • To further understand your clients’ behavior, this plugin comes with an Analytics addon that provides you with relevant information about your visitors’ interests based on their behavior while browsing your website.
  • Suppose you want to reach out for your customers after they visit your website. In that case, this plugin has an Email Marketing Integration feature that lets you send marketing and promotional messages via email to your clients.
  • You can also personalize your email based on the interest of your clients with the Email Logic feature of this plugin.
  • Sometimes, users are in a hurry or undecided yet whether to continue signing-up to your contact forms or not. This plugin allows for Partial Submission of your contact forms, and they can continue filling-up the form later.
  • You can use the UTM Tracking feature of this plugin to monitor the performance of your website.

The pricing for Formstack starts at $19 per month for one user and 5 forms.

12. Contact Form 7 – Free

Any list of WordPress contact form plugins isn’t complete without including Contact Form 7. It is one of the most widely used free contact plugins for unlimited WordPress websites . This plugin provides a basic yet stable and reliable basic contact form.

One of the most widely used contact plugins, it’s free to use on as many WordPress websites as you’d like.

The core features of this plugin are limited to basic functionality. You can easily create simple contact forms and embed them using a shortcode onto any page of your site.

It integrates with Constant Contact by default. And for spam protection, it works well with CAPTCHA and Akismet. But aside from being totally free, the best part of this plugin is its support. It has informative documentation, FAQ, support forum, and a full website.

To get more functionality from Contact Form 7, there is a range of addons that will add features like:

  • It has a Drag & Drop Builder feature for you to quickly set-up your contact forms without making any codes.
  • It comes with the Conditional Logic feature that hides or shows relevant form fields depending on the input of the users to your contact form.
  • It allows users to fill-up your form portion-by-portion with its Multi-Page Forms feature.
  • You can manage and sort the information coming to your contact forms with the Entry Management feature of this plugin.
  • You can also accept payments using your contact forms with the Payment Acceptance feature.
  • It allows you to send marketing materials to your clients via email with the Email Integration feature.
  • It ensures that unsolicited emails won’t come to your website with the better Spam Protection addon.
  • It has a built-in pop-up message functionality with wise triggers for marketing needs.
  • You can also have the useful Cost Calculators to increase your users’ satisfaction with your products and services, and your contact form.

Contact Form 7 is free to download and install. Many of the additional plugins that enhance the core features are also free, while some of the more sophisticated ones have a small fee.

13. Wufoo – Free and Paid

Wufoo forms is a form builder that’s independent of any platform. Yet it allows you to publish forms on any website including WordPress, so it warrants a mention in this list.

Wufoo is an online form builder with lots of pre-designed templates for creating forms like metrics reporting, and payment integrations for processing credit card payments.

This plugin allows you to easily collect data, files, RSVPs, payments and more using your contact forms. The form designer helps you create more than just contact forms. You can build invitations, registration forms and much more. The forms are fully customizable which you can quickly embed on your website, or share out using a direct link. It is trusted by millions of users, and big companies such as Amazon & Disney.

There are over 400 templates to choose from and with the award-winning drag and drop form builder, you can create forms in minutes.

Online stores can collect payments by integrating with one of their popular payment providers . Wufoo also allows you to collect almost all file types through your form. You can even access those files from within your account.

Some of their excellent features include:

  • The Form Rules feature allows you to send notification emails to different people based on a particular field choice.
  • The Google Analytics tracking feature makes your website known by Google Analytics and tracks your site easily. Google Analytics will only track web pages that contain Javascript snippets called Google Analytics tracking code.
  • This plugin allows you to customize your Confirmation Pages.
  • All the data is protected with 256-bit SSL encryption before it reaches the servers.
  • This plugin includes a Password Protection feature.
  • You can use the Field Validation feature of this plugin to prevent erroneous data like misspelt addresses or incorrect phone numbers format.
  • You can use the REST API feature of this plugin to share data between two or more systems easily.
  • You can use the Social Sharing feature to allow users to share your contact forms to the different social media platforms.
  • When sending feedback to your clients, you can customize your reply using the Custom Response feature of this plugin.
  • You can create multiple integrations for the same product with the Multiple Integration feature of this plugin.
  • You can also export the data from your form entries while keeping their connection to the users who submitted it.

Wufoo has a free version with limited usage. Premium pricing starts at $14.08 per month billed annually for 1 form and 10 users

14. Visual Form Builder – Free and Paid

Visual Form Builder is a largely free WordPress contact form plugin that allows you to create and control all kinds of forms for your website in one place. This plugin has an option to purchase addons separately or as part of a subscription plan.

With this plugin, you can customize the confirmation message and get notified for each confirmation done. All the entries in this contact form plugin are GDPR compliant. It includes advanced filtering in the entries and supports shortcodes for any post creation.

Creating your forms and managing them is easy with the drag and drop interface. There are a variety of form fields to customize your form and the email designer lets you fully customize the look of the emails sent.

All form submissions are saved in the database so you can easily manage them. With conditional logic, you can create dynamic forms based on the rules you create.

Visual Form Builder is fully responsive, so it will adjust to any screen size. And the Pro version is fully compliant with GDPR.

  • This plugin comes with Automatic Validation feature that makes it easy to ensure that your visitors enter the correct information into each form field.
  • This plugin allows users to upload files in your contact forms.
  • You can easily migrate data entries from you contact forms with its Data Migration feature.
  • You can make Scheduling forms for events that require limited time to register, or business stores that have limited stocks to offer.
  • It has a GPLv2 License that guarantees end-users the freedom to run, study, share and modify the software.
  • You can include Bulk Add Options to your contact forms to make it easy for your clients to add several selections to your form all at the same time, instead of creating each selection individually.
  • The Scheduling form feature of this plugin is perfect for events, ticketing and other types of website that offers registration, subscriptions, or sales at a given or limited time only.
  • You can use the Entry Limiter add-on to limit the times the same value can be submitted to a field or the total number of times a form can be submitted.
  • You can also use Autoresponder to cater to your customers immediately once they sign-up for your contact forms.
  • This plugin also has a Payment Processing feature perfect for eCommerce websites, ticketing and more.

Premium pricing for Visual Form Builder starts at $29 for 1 site with add-ons purchased separately.

15. Jetpack Forms – Free

Jetpack is a popular plugin that’s widely used across millions of WordPress sites. And while many developers have a love-hate relationship with it, its free WordPress contact form is a solid feature.

Jetpack Forms is a popular feature offered by Jetpack. For Jetpack users, you can easily create a contact form by activating the contact form module. This Form plugin is most suitable for websites who are already using the Jetpack modules. For non-Jetpack users, it is not practical to install such a large plugin just to create a simple contact form.

Multiple contact forms can be made using Jetpack and they can be displayed anywhere on your site.

It takes your WordPress email settings to notify you when a form is submitted. You can also drag, drop and organise form fields in the user-friendly editor.

Spam is filtered using Akismet and you can customise the form response messages users will see after submitting their message.

Jetpack lacks many of the more advanced features of other WordPress contact form plugins, such as conditional logic, file uploads, and payments.

Yet, for simple contact form building, it works wonderfully well with the following Features:

  • Jetpack is a free plugin trusted by many WordPress users for their websites. It is lightweight and does not affect your site speed nor create conflict with other plugins.
  • It has an easy-access, one-click “form insert” button that lets you add a contact form in less than a minute.
  • You can customize your email notifications to send personalized emails to the email address of your choice.
  • You can adjust all form settings, including subject field, form fields, email address, etc., right in your post or page editor.
  • This plugin integrates with Akismet for spam filtering which scans every form submission from your contact form.
  • It’s a very user-friendly plugin perfect for smaller businesses and blogs that only need the simplest form.

The Jetpack plugin allows you to use the contact form feature for free.

16. Contact Form Builder – Free and Paid

Contact Form Builder is a simple contact plugin that comes with a variety of themes and templates pre-built for use where you can rearrange fields, customize the labels, attributes and dimensions. It’s an intuitive tool for creating contact forms. From a design perspective, you can customize the CSS to get your form to look like a seamless part of your WordPress theme.

This plugin creates a well-organized and elegant contact form in just a few clicks. You can also copy the forms to create multiple contact forms for different types of pages and posts.

This contact form builder requires no coding skills, even when creating more complex forms. You can add unlimited fields including date and time to email and password. It also allows for integration with Google Maps.

You can make many forms with this form builder including feedback forms and surveys. With Google Maps integration, it’s easy to display a brick and mortar location. This is useful for businesses with a physical location.

For limiting spam messages, Captcha and ReCaptcha can be implemented easily.

More features include:

  • This plugin allows you to customize the HTML Between Fields of your contact form.
  • It has a beautiful pagination feature that adds a more professional look to your website.
  • It allows you to create section breaks to your contact forms to make it easier for customers to fill-up your forms.
  • You can customize your email messages for admins and users.
  • The Conditional Logic features allow you to hide or show a certain portion of your contact form depending on the entries of your clients.
  • It has a Data Validation feature that ensures accurate information is provided by your clients.
  • It also has a Detailed Field Parameters feature.
  • Users can also upload their files using your contact forms.
  • It integrates with payment services such as Stripe and Paypal.
  • You can send marketing emails to your users via MailChimp Integration.
  • You can also add a Calculator addon to your WordPress site to aid customers to perform calculations during sign-up.

Contact Form Builder pricing starts at $30 for 1 domain and access to 6 months of updates.

17. Form Maker – Free and Paid

Form Maker is a highly customizable, mobile-friendly and responsive plugin for generating different kinds of forms. You can create simple forms as well as multi-part forms for surveys, questionnaires, applications and registrations. It is a drag and drop plugin that is well-equipped, economical and completely responsive to boot. 

This plugin allows you to adjust every aspect of the forms including design, dimensions, colors, themes, fonts, etc. The theme CSS of this plugin is open for editing, and you can make additional changes to the forms’ layout design. It also includes various pre-installed forms that you can use and save for later use.

Complex forms can be designed quickly and there are numerous form fields available in Form Maker plugin best for creating forms such as text input fields for name, password, address, email, contact number, etc. It also includes time and date field, checkbox field, custom select and country select field, Captcha/ ReCaptcha field, Map, etc.

There are a number of ready-made templates to get you started with building your form. And forms can be displayed as scroll boxes, pop-ups and topbars alongside a more traditional form.

With submission management, you can track and export all your entries.

Conditional logic provides advanced control over your forms and file uploads allow users to submit documents via your forms.

With integrations you can unlock these features:

  • This plugin uses Push Notifications to allow the delivery of customized messages from an app to a mobile device or desktop computer without requiring a specific request from the app.
  • It provides for Email Marketing Integration allowing you to send promotional marketing emails to your clients after their transaction with your website.
  • It gives you more space capacity for larger files using the Dropbox and Google Drive Storage.
  • Stripe Payments feature lets you accept international credit cards, debit cards, and mobile wallets for your transactions. It also supports international cards, currency conversion, support for dozens of payment methods, 3D secure authentication, and many more.
  • It includes a Calculator tool that allows your users to do some computations while using your contact forms.
  • And it creates Multi-page forms so that users can fill-up your contact forms portion-by-portion and not get overwhelmed by the very long single-page form fields.

The basic functionality of Form Maker requires no cost at all. But for advanced functionality, prices start at $45 for 1 domain.

18. Happy Forms – Free and Paid

Happy Forms is a great WordPress contact form plugin created by The Theme Foundry team.

It is a newcomer in the form plugin arena but is completely built in the WordPress Customizer. You can also build forms using the native WordPress customizer. 

HappyForms is a super lightweight, drag and drop form builder for creating contact forms, lead generation forms, feedback forms, quote forms, survey forms, etc. HappyForms is optimized to facilitate and improve your conversation with your website visitors. You can start more engaging conversations with you website audience using your contact forms.

HappyForms managed to balance between being simple and having powerful features. HappyForms is less complex compared to other forms plugins available in the market.

One of the standout features is its Gutenberg ready drag and drop form builder.

Working seamlessly with WordPress’s Gutenberg Editor , creating a form is a simple experience. What’s even better is you can preview your forms as you build them. It provides a user-friendly visual form builder that automatically adds the fields you choose just by simply clicking on the fields. You can review confirmation messages, customize form styles, save your form, and insert into your posts, pages, and widget areas.

Forms can be added to almost any part of your website. And to make things easier, multiple forms can be used on the same page.

You can create multi-column layouts with a single click. Regarding user data, it includes GDPR and 508 compliant forms.

Other important features include:

  • The Easy Form Duplication feature allows you to duplicate an existing contribution form, or create a new form based on you existing form design.
  • It creates 100% Mobile Responsive forms for users who are always on mobile devices.
  • It prompts users for Submission Confirmation Messages to ensure and validate that their entries are correct.
  • It adds Multiple Form Parts to the page for a more user-friendly effect.
  • Users can upload files and attachments on your contact forms as supporting documents.
  • It has a strong Password Protection feature to keep your clients’ accounts secure.
  • It comes with a built-in Analytics Dashboard so you can easily track and analyze the behaviour of your clients and create better and targeted marketing strategies in the future.
  • It has a ReCaptcha Integration feature to protect your contact forms from spam entries.
  • It connects to email services like Mailchimp that encourages users to opt-in to receiving future communications from you.
  • It integrates with Stripe payment services for easier payment transactions.

There is a free version of Happy Forms that includes solid functionality.

Features like stripe payments and Mailchimp integration requires upgrading to a paid version. Prices start at $69 for 1 website and 1 year of updates.

19. Paperform

In the crowded market of more than 1,600+ WordPress contact form plugins, Paperform stands out as a powerful alternative offering an experience you won’t find anywhere else. 

Say goodbye to clumsy drag and drop builders, HTML coding, and complicated setup for basic tasks. Paperform’s free-text editor allows you to type anywhere to add questions, text, videos, images, and even GIFs, ensuring that your contact forms reflect your unique brand. 

Best of all, Paperform provides full access to all its tools within the WordPress plugin, without compromising functionality with a ‘lite’ version. 

Build your form as you usually would, then seamlessly integrate it into your WordPress site. If you’re looking for a truly innovative contact form plugin, Paperform is the answer.

Paperform includes:

  • Flexible form builder able to create many types of forms
  • Can handle everything from calculations to bookings
  • Supports eSignatures for document signing
  • Works with payment gateways so you can accept payments
  • Integrates with Slack, Mailchimp and other popular platforms

Paperform has 3 premium plans that start at $20 per month up to $135 per month.

Which Contact Form Plugin Is Best for You?

All of the WordPress contact form plugins I’ve covered above have a range of features to suit many different needs.

When deciding which contact form builder is the right choice for you, it’s important to look at the features that suit what you require.

Here’s a quick rundown to help you out:

Which Is the Best Plugin for a Free Solution?

If you’re looking for a simple, straight-forward contact form that doesn’t cost a thing, Jetpack Forms and Contact Form 7 will do everything you’re looking for, without any extra bells and whistles. These plugins are free and offer a lot of features that can boost your website.

Which Plugin Offers More Form Templates?

For a contact form plugin that covers more complex form options and with additional features like Conditional Logic and File uploads, WPForms, Gravity Forms, Ninja Forms , and Formidable Forms are all great options. HubSpot can be a good option too since it comes with great features for free.

Which Is Easy To Use and Build Forms?

If you don’t want to start from scratch and spend time designing your contact forms and start immediately, WPForms, Wufoo and KaliFormss are your go-to plugin for contact forms that are easy to use and build. With dozens of pre-designed templates and visual drag and drop features, you can create your contact forms in just a few clicks.

Which Is the Best Value for Money Plugin?

If you don’t want to spend your money to build just a simple contact form but want to get some extra, the Ultimate Addons for Elementor plugin gives you access to a growing library of genuinely creative and unique Elementor widgets including User Registration Form widget that opens a whole new range of design possibilities for you.

You can also do white labelling, it comes with WooCommerce widgets, and the best thing is, you can use it for an unlimited number of websites.And if you’re looking for the ideal WordPress Theme pair with your chosen Contact form, check out the Astra theme . It’s packed full of customization options and works well with the majority of these plugins.

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Abhijeet Kaldate Profile Pic

contact form 7 calculated fields is best plugin to is best plugin to both single and difficult calculation

contact form 7 signature is best plugin to provide Multiple signature pads And features. All fields can use this plugin.

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range slider contact form 7 is best plugin to Use prefix and postfix. And easy to use slide number field to make attractive form in contact form 7.

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10 Best User Management Plugins for WordPress In 2024

After creating a WordPress account, users create stylish webpages by using Webpage builders but when the organic or inorganic traffic starts coming to your site, you’ll definitely require a database to manage all the clients and visitors.


WordPress user management plugin is an advanced plugin that helps you to manage your customers on a single page and in this article we will discuss the 10 best WordPress user management plugins in 2024 to watch out for

What is a WordPress User Management plugin?

Imagine you are running a website that is based on selling online courses , E-commerce and you will need to register new users and provide them a registration interface quickly and afterward a login interface . WordPress user management plugin does that all for you, most of the plugin consists of an inbuilt manager and it doesn’t mean that you can control the registered users. As mentioned earlier if you want to sell courses or want to have membership plans for the visitors you can also do the same via these plugins

Let us look at the top 10 user management plugins for WordPress in 2024 that improve security, streamline administrative tasks , and optimize user experience for your WordPress site.

Members is used by more than 1,50,000 websites over the globe this plugin helps you control what you want to show to your users and restrict the same. It goes far beyond registration to assigning roles and providing opportunities to your selected users. You can assign them different roles or multiple roles.

Key Features

  • Without writing a line of code you can restrict the content to be with the users.
  • With the advanced role editor , you can edit the roles of users via an easy interface.
  • Most of the features are absolutely free.
  • With the help of Member Press you can create membership plans for the interested users.
  • It helps to grow your business whether it’s for E-commerce or educational purposes.
  • It takes a few days to understand the UX design but it’s worth it.
No need to pay a single penny, It’s absolutely free.

2. WP Forms

Whether you are from a coding background or a non-coding background you can use this wordpress user management plug-in with ease by just dragging and dropping stuff according to your need.

Key features

  • Trusted by more than 3 million websites all over the world, it helps users create communication forms with ease.
  • The free version comes with various protections such as spam protection, and decent management of registered users.
  • It also helps you to send emails to the users and helps expand your business.
  • The premium version helps you to create responsive registration forms with drag-and-drop features.
  • WP Forms consists of numerous templates and widgets which eases the complexity of choosing the perfect template for login forms.
  • Apart from the other plugins WP forms help you to create various kinds of registration forms and integrating it with email plugins can boost email marketing.
The normal version is free but there are four levels of membership the elite one costs 299 $ per year and the least costly plan which is named “Plus” costs 99 $ per year.

3. Memberpress

Adding another dimension to the user management plugin market, Memberpress is currently the best in the business with a variety of features and ways to use it.It basically helps you to create membership plans that help to excel your business and Memberpress also has an intriguing feature that you can use to sell courses.

  • Within a few clicks after adding the plugin you can add users to your site.
  • If you integrate it with other plugins in the market you can sail into your users’ email boxes, for Example – Woocommerce.
  • Users say that the interface that it provides to launch emails, and edit users is good.
  • The Coachkit feature helps the teachers or the ones who want to sell courses whether for educational or Ethical reasons.
  • The password-protected community forum helps the administrator to dictate the rules and work accordingly with other selected users.
  • The way it helps you to create membership plans with the drag and drop feature along with coupon widgets is easy and legit.
The features and the price don’t seem balanced as the Elite plan which covers all features costs 499.50 $ per year and the most basic plan costs 180 $ per year.

4. Formidable Forms

It is one of the most advanced user management plugins that you will ever see it comes with a lot of features by which you can create payment forms along with the registration forms easily with the drag and drop feature.Moreover, the credibility of this user management plugin for WordPress is good with decent pricing.

  • It provides you with the features of creating online calculators, and job forms.
  • With Formidable Forms, you can edit the roles of users, and provide them new nicknames for ease of reaching out to them.
  • Eventually, With integration into the famous WooCommerce plugin you can create a bridge between the customers via emails.
  • You can integrate various AI chatbots such as Chatgpt to auto-fill forms to make more time.
  • It also comes with a 14-day money-back guarantee feature.
  • Formidable Forms comes with a hefty 150+ templates and widgets to choose from.
The most premium version named Elite membership costs 300 $ per year and the most basic plan costs 40 $ per year.

5. WP User manager

Unlike the other wordpress user managers, this one provides you with some good features to distinguish users and helps the users themselves to distinguish each other by using avatars. These avatars may be predesigned or made by the user themselves.

  • Best for community-driven businesses, provides a directory feature to view users.
  • Apart from the directory feature you can also have a semi-category feature in which you can add users according to your interest.
  • This plugin is totally free and easy to use.
  • It provides access to all kinds of integration to other plugins and Woocommerce is also a good companion with this plugin.
  • It allows front-end and back-end submission by customers.
  • Plus point of this user management plugin is that it helps you to create community forums.
Just like the first user management plugin no need to spend money.

6. Simple History

Undoubtedly monitoring the history of the registered users on your wordpress website and doing some adjustments via those inputs will certainly lead your website to a successful track.Simple History is a user management plugin for WordPress that does these things with ease.

  • It provides an audit log along with history.
  • This plugin helps you to sail through your whole website to view the adjustments required to do.
  • One of the standout features is viewing your history for 1-2 months.
  • This plugin helps you to edit, delete, or do monitoring of logins.
  • The history viewing mode is very easy to use just slide down and you can even view the history of a certain date.
  • Simple History also provides a helping hand in managing the community forums.
Free to use no need to spend a single penny.

7. Bulk Delete

After creating a good website with decent traffic and earnings, there comes a saturation point where the users not a handful but in bulk haven’t accessed the website for a long time.Deleting one by one could be hectic, and this user management plugin for WordPress helps you to deal with such cases.

  • Easy to use and convincing design.
  • It helps you to filter dates and even time in order to do perfect eradication.
  • It deals with the cases of comments, taxonomy, and even certain tags.
  • It also comes with a feature of schedule deletion.
  • It provides more time to you by filtering certain tags and users to delete only the dummy profiles.
  • It helps in SEO by removing inactive users.
The basic version does most of the tasks at no cost but the premium version costs 15 $ per year.

8. Hide Admin bars on User Roles

When creating a great community forum that undoubtedly consists of active users sometimes as an admin you want to hide your or some certain user’s profile and “Hide admin bars on user roles” does that for you.

  • For the guest users you can easily hide your admin profiles.
  • It also comes with a standout feature of blacklisting users based on roles.
  • The comfort of using it is good as it has a streamlined had smooth interface.
  • If you are running a community forum with a lot of guest users it may serve as a good kind of restriction if not showing the admin panel.
  • The credibility with no cost seems good.
  • When you create a new website you can provide a guest account with fewer features and make anyone visit and view the desired restricted content which you have designed.
Absolutely free to use.

9. Adminimize

Editing through the backend from the admin’s end and clearing the clutter in order to provide a clutter-free look to the viewers is a priority for most of the profound businesses.Adminimize provides the authority to the admins to change or remove certain unnecessary panels on a webpage.

  • It provides more screen space.
  • Adminimize provides the authority to edit the wordpress menu by hiding items throughout the panel.
  • Trusted plug-in, as it is used by more than 1,50,000 users over the years.
  • Better view for new customers, it allows them to engage in sites.
  • This plugin is free and easy to use.
  • The good part is that it supports various languages.
Totally free to use and you need not worry about subscription.

Peepso is a great user management plugin that helps you to connect community forums like social media, the user interface is similar to Facebook which arguably helps new users to adapt faster.Peepso could be used for various purposes depending on the user’s profile. It provides support to E-commerce , E-learning, etc.

  • It helps anyone to do social networking.
  • It’s easy to use and most of the features are free.
  • It provides frequent updates in order to enhance user experience.
  • Peepso provides customer support and it provides a 14-day money-back guarantee feature.
  • One of the standout features of this plugin is plenty of widgets and themes to choose from.
  • Ultimately, It helps you create your own social media webpage with options such as groups, email notifications, hashtags, etc.
The pricing depends on the number of sites you use for one site the premium bundle costs 199 $ . It also has a free bundle to use.
Also Read 10 Best WordPress Plugins to Consider in 2024 10 Best WordPress Plugins for Performance Optimization 10 Best WordPress Popup Plugins of 2024

Therefore, these plugins provide various services and benefits whether on a subscription basis or fee basis . By using these plugins Administrators can easily restrict the content to be viewed by guest users or registered users. Admins can even delete inactive users and create a good hold on SEO by organic traffic. Undoubtedly, using these u ser management plugins for WordPress can Excel the business of users of various profiles.

10 Best User Management Plugins for WordPress In 2024 – FAQs

What is a user management plugin for wordpress.

User management plugin for WordPress helps new and experienced creators enhance the visitor’s experience by using many features.

Are all user management plugins free to use?

No, not all user management plugins are free but the free options are also available in the market.

Is there any Money-back guarantee feature available on subscriptions?

Most of the trusted companies provide Money back guarantee features such as Peepso and Formidable Forms.

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12 WordPress Plugins That All Beginner Bloggers Should Install

If you want to set your blog up for success, install these WordPress plugins.

WordPress powers millions of blogs worldwide, and the service—particularly—has some of the best customization options you’ll find on the web. You can choose from numerous themes to make your website look how you want it to, and you can install several plugins to enhance the site’s functionalities.

You can use WordPress plugins to make your website compliant with local regulations, stop spam, and improve your marketing campaigns. You’ll find plugins for numerous other purposes as well, and we’ll reveal a dozen of the best options today.

1. CookieYes

If your blog operates within the EU or EEA, you must comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Part of these regulations requires you to give users consent before you store cookies in their browsers.

CookieYes is a free plugin that allows you to embed a consent banner on your website. Users can alter and adjust their preferences however they want. After installing the plugin, you can sign up for a CookieYes account and set everything up on your blog.

2. Cookiebot

An alternative to CookieYes is Cookiebot, which helps your site remain compliant with the GDPR. You can also use the tool to comply with the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), which has been in effect since January 2023.

You can use your Cookiebot banner in more than 40 languages, and the plugin is free for 50 subpages. If you need something more comprehensive as you grow your blog, you can opt for one of the various paid plans.

3. Yoast SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial if you want others to find your blog on Google, Bing, and so on. Yoast is one of the most effective SEO plugins , and the free version is perfect for beginner bloggers.

The Yoast SEO plugin lets you choose a focus keyword, and you’ll also receive scores for your posts. If you need to fill in some gaps, the tool will give you a list of suggestions—such as adding external links. Moreover, you’ll receive a readability score.

Learning about SEO will take time and experimentation. You can speed up the process with proactive learning, and we’ve got a full guide on how to become an SEO expert .

Website performance is just as important as high-quality content for building an audience, and Jetpack is probably the best WordPress plugin for helping in this respect. Jetpack has round-the-clock security features to keep your site safe from external threats, and you can automatically back up your blog.

Jetpack also makes it easier for you to move your blog to a new host later if you want to. You can get analytics tools, too, along with lots of other niceties. If you’re good at coding, you can use various JavaScript tips to optimize your performance .

5. MonsterInsights

MonsterInsights lets you monitor your web traffic more closely. You can look at your conversion rate, average order value, and which devices users are accessing your blog from.

Other metrics you can measure with MonsterInsights include how long people tend to stay on your blog and your total number of sessions. To use MonsterInsights, you’ll need to sign up for Google Analytics.

6. Akismet Anti-Spam

Spam comments are an unfortunate reality for online blogs, but you can minimize the risk by using anti-spam software. Akismet is one way that you can protect your blog from comments that fall into this category.

Akismet uses machine learning to determine what is spam and what isn’t, and you can integrate the service with Jetpack and other tools for your WordPress site. The basic version operates on a pay-what-you-can model, whereas more premium options have fixed pricing.

7. Creative Mail

All artists, including writers, should start an online newsletter for audience engagement, selling opportunities, and various other benefits. Creative Mail is a WordPress-designed option for creating email newsletters, and the plugin is free to use.

After integrating CreativeMail, you can go to it whenever you want from your main WordPress page. You can sync blog posts and use the feature with WooCommerce, and it also integrates with Jetpack. Creative Mail has numerous stock images that you can use to grow your newsletter as well.

8. Classic Editor

WordPress has moved toward the same block editing solutions that you’ll see on sites like Squarespace and Wix , but you can always revert to the previous editing version with the Classic Editor plugin. The Classic Editor lets you determine who is the default editor for each page or blog, and you’ll also get the old layout.

The Classic Editor plugin will continue to receive support and updates until at least 2024.

9. Elementor

Removing as much friction as possible will help you stay consistent in publishing blog posts, and Elementor does that by making editing much easier. The plugin lets you drag and drop elements like you would on some of the other most popular website builders, and you can use more than 90 widgets.

Elementor has support in over 50 languages, and the tool was designed to ensure that your blog continues to perform at an optimal speed. The service has a selection of paid plans, and you can get WooCommerce integration as well.

10. WooCommerce

Your blog probably won’t immediately make money, but you should think about monetization as soon as possible. Listing products you want to sell is one way to do that, and WooCommerce is an open-source plugin that gives you more control over your blog’s e-commerce aspects.

WooCommerce allows you to customize your product pages and choose your preferred payment methods. You can also sell both one-time purchases and subscriptions.

11. UpdraftPlus

You should take every step possible to stop your website content from getting deleted. But if the worst happens, knowing that you have a backup option helps—and UpdraftPlus lets you blog with more confidence by backing up your posts.

UpdraftPlus allows you to schedule your backups, and you can anonymize personal data with the service. It has free and premium versions.

12. Mailchimp4WordPress (MC4W)

Mailchimp is one of the most popular email marketing platforms, and you can integrate the service with your WordPress site via MC4W. MC4W is an unofficial plugin with more than two million active installations as of May 2023, and you can easily connect your account to your site. On top of that, you can design signup forms that can help you grow your mailing list.

Mailchimp4WordPress integrates with WooCommerce, WPForms, and several other plugins. You can manage the service from your dashboard.

Install These Plugins to Give Your WordPress Blog the Best Chance of Growing

You don’t need a perfect website when you launch your blog, but you should, at the very least, have the most essential plugins to set yourself up for long-term success. It’s also smart to think ahead and set up your monetization systems early on, which can save time later.

These plugins will help you measure website performance, stick with regulatory requirements, stop spam, and much more. So, why not integrate them with your site today?

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Five Star Business Profile and Schema

business profile plugin wordpress free


  • Development


Add schema structured data to any page and/or post type on your site. Also easily create a contact card to add all your business details with the correct structured data. Enhance your site with SEO friendly markup!

The plugin includes a Gutenberg contact card block as well as a contact card shortcode, so you can display your business info, with included structured data, on any page, no matter which page editing system you are using.

Key Features

  • Add LD+JSON structured data to any or every page or post on your site
  • Support for all organization schema types
  • Support for all schema rich results types
  • Customize general/global schema data on the post edit screen
  • Create an SEO-friendly contact card that you can add via Gutenberg block or shortcode
  • Easily include a Google map, opening hours and all your business details
  • Add multiple locations
  • Test any page on your site using Google’s Rich Results Test

Five Business Profile and Schema is very user friendly and comes with a walk-through that runs automatically when you activate the plugin and will help you add your business info, create your contact card and add a schema rule.

Add Structured Data to Any Page

The plugin comes with a database of every organization type schema and every rich results type. With this you can easily create a new schema element and assign a specific structured data type to a page, an individual post, an entire post type, or to your site as a whole.

Each schema and rich results type comes with its corresponding properties/fields, as per When you add a schema element, you can fill in each of these properties with defaults that you want to apply to all posts/pages that have the schema. You can then customize each property directly on the post edit screen, should you need to make a change for a specific page or post.

Whether you’re running your website for a local business, a corporation, a restaurant, a specific project, a sports team, or any other type of organization, with just a few clicks, you can have the correct schema added to your pages, to help enhance your results in search engines!

Business Profile Contact Card

The Five Star Business Profile and Schema plugin is also perfect for adding your contact details to any page on your site. It comes with a handy form to help you fill in your info, which then gets automatically included on your site both as a contact card and as schema structured data, using the new LD+JSON format.

Your contact card can be quickly added anywhere on your site using a block, shortocde or widget, which will display the folling info:

  • Business name
  • Phone number with separate click-to-call phone number
  • Cell phone number with click-to-call functionality
  • Whatsapp number with click-to-call functionality
  • Contact page link or email address
  • Link to Google Map with directions to your establishment
  • Google Map showing your location
  • Opening hours
  • Exceptions for opening hours, to specify days that are closed or have different hours (e.g. holidays)

For all of this information, the correct markup is added LD+JSON format. This helps search engines, like Google, discover your address, phone number and opening hours, so they can display them with your listing on Google.

Choose from a wide array of microdata item types for your business schema, including:

  • Corporation schema
  • Organization schema
  • Local Business schema
  • Restaurant schema

Google Maps Structured Data

The integrated Google Maps features allow you to enhance your location structured data by displaying a business map on your site with full schema support. Your business location, including the business address, will be displayed on a map (with the correct map schema), as well as in text with the correct location microdata.

Multiple Locations

Business Profile supports multiple locations. This powerful feature works great for businesses that have several offices, for delivery services, for restaurants with multiple locations, etc. Business location schema is added to each entry and you can showcase your details using the Gutenberg schema block, via the location shortcode or with the included widget. For help getting started with this, you can visit:

The multiple location structured data for your business also syncs up with the Five Star Restaurant Reservations to automatically offer a dropdown in your reservation form, so people can pick which location they want to book at.

You can choose separate organization schema, corporation schema or local business schema for each new location you create, so each schema shortcode and each page’s contact info is uniquely optimized with SEO and search results in mind.

Premium Schema Features

The premium version of the Five Star Business Profile and Schema plugin comes with several extra features that will help you set up and refine your structured data more quickly and more accurately.

These include a default helper functionality for your schema. This option adds a large list of default values to the plugin and allows you to easily populate each schema property with one of these values. No need to be familiar with all the different schema properties and types. Just choose the default you want from the included list and you’re off and running!

The premium version also includes new integrations that will help you automatically apply specific structured data to certain areas of your site. For example, the WooCommerce Integration option will automatically add full Product schema to your WooCommerce shop, helping to enhance the search results for your products.

There is also a posts integration option, which will automatically add Article rich snippets to the default Posts post type. This way, all your articles and blog posts can have the correct schema, without the need for manually inputting it each time you add a new post.

The premium version also syncs with our Five Star Restaurant Manager mobile app (available for iOS and Android) and lets you update your business and contact card info on the go, from a phone or tablet, and without having to be logged in to your WordPress site.

Key premium features include:

  • Schema default helpers, which let you choose defaults for all schema properties.
  • Post rich snippets, to automatically add full Article markup to posts
  • WooCommerce Integration, to automatically add full Product structured data to your shop.
  • Access to the Five Star Restaurant Manager mobile app, to manage your business and contact card info on the go.

This schema structured data and contact card plugin is one part of our suite of plugins designed to give you the best WordPress business and restaurant experience. Our plugins provide an intuitive and easy-to-use interface that make sure you don’t lose out on business to your competitors. For more info:

Restaurant Reservations plugin that lets your customers reserve a table directly on your site.

Restaurant Menu plugin that lets your customers view your full menu directly on your site.

For help and support, please see:

  • Our documentation and user guide, here:
  • Our FAQ page, here:
  • Our installation guide, here:
  • Our tutorial videos, here:
  • The Business Profile and Schema support forum, here:
  • Our Support Center, here:

This plugin is packed with templates and hooks so you can extend it as needed. Read the developer documentation .


business profile plugin wordpress free

This plugin provides 1 block.

  • Contact Card
  • Upload the ‘business-profile’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  • Go to the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress and click ‘Add New’
  • Search for ‘Business Profile’ and select ‘Install Now’
  • Activate the plugin when prompted

Getting Started

After activating the plugin, a walk-through will run automatically , which will help add your business info, create a contact card and set up some structured data.

You can also follow these steps to configure the plugin.

To create a business profile with schema structured data:

  • Click on ‘Business Profile’ in the WordPress admin sidebar menu. This will bring you to the page where you can create or edit your contact card
  • Choose a schema type and then file in the company contact info.
  • Set up a schedule/opening hours for your location.
  • Click Save Changes and it will automatically save your vcard business info.

Adding your contact card and business profile to a page:

  • Gutenberg: Click the + icon to add a new block to your page, and then search for the block called Contact Card. Just add that to your page and your address and schema will show on that page.
  • Shortcode: Add the [contact-card] schema shortcode to any page and your business location and structured data will be added to that page.

To add a map and schema to your business profile:

  • Go to the settings page and insert your Google Maps API Key.
  • This will insert your location with Google map schema.

Enable multiple locations, each with unique business structured data.

  • Go to the settings page and toggle on the switch for multiple locations.
  • This will create a new menu item in your WordPress admin called Locations.
  • Click on Locations to add new and edit existing locations.
  • Now, each individual address will have its own unique business schema type and custom location structured data.

Customize your location schema and business contact card by making use of the available options, found in the Settings area of the plugin admin.

For a list of specific features, see the Business Profile description page here:

Is there a Gutenberg block to display the contact card?

Yes, just search for the ‘Contact Card’ block and add that to your page.

Is there a shortcode to display the contact card?

Yes, you can use [contact-card] . Our documentation includes all of the shortcode attributes .

It asks me for a Google Maps API Key but I don’t know what it is or how to get it.

Google now requires that you have your own API key to display a map on your website. The documentation includes a walkthrough to help you generate a Google Maps API key .

Google Maps shows my business in the wrong location

Unfortunately, in some cases Google is unable to find the right latitude and longitude to match your address.

In some cases, you may be able to get it to properly locate you by tweaking the address. Sometimes Google just needs a bit of help. Once you’ve got the right coordinates you can go back and restore your original address, and save the form without touching the coordinates again.

If you’re unable to get Google to recognize your location, the best thing to do is to leave the Google Map out when you print your contact card. You will also want to hide the Get Directions link, because Google will guide your customers to the wrong location.

There’s not much I can do about this, unfortunately. Even if you were able to manually set the latitude and longitude, Google would still show bad directions, because it uses the address, not the coordinates, for this feature.

What’s a schema type?

This allows you to let search engines like Google know exactly what kind of business you run.

That way, when someone looks for a real estate agent or a restaurant in your area, they’ll know to include you in their search results.

You may not find a type that’s a perfect match for your business. Choose the option that’s most appropriate for your business, and fall back to a more generic type, such as Local Business, if you need.

More questions

You’ll find more help in the User Guide . Developers interested in templates, filters and theme support can view the Developer Documentation .

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5 stars indeed

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it’s good

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Pretty cool

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great plugin!

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Excellent plugin!

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Best local SEO plugin

Contributors & developers.

“Five Star Business Profile and Schema” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.

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“Five Star Business Profile and Schema” has been translated into 4 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Five Star Business Profile and Schema” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code , check out the SVN repository , or subscribe to the development log by RSS .

2.3.8 (2024-04-03)

  • Added async loading to Google Maps.
  • Tested for compatibility with WP 6.5 and PHP 8.2, and eliminated/fixed deprecated notices associated with this.

2.3.7 (2023-12-18)

  • Added “show book a table link” (from the Five Star Restaurant Reservations plugin) as a parameter to the contact card block.
  • Fix for time picker not using your chosen time format when first adding a new scheduling rule on the location edit screen.
  • Added check to make sure value exists before calling html_entity_decode(), to correct a PHP 8.1 deprecated notice.

2.3.6 (2023-11-07)

  • Fix: Location ordering link field had wrong input type.
  • Tested for WordPress 6.4 compatibility/support.

2.3.5 (2023-08-08)

  • Tested for WordPress 6.3 compatibility/support.

2.3.4 (2023-03-31)

  • Added new contact card layouts (premium).
  • Added contact card styling options (premium).
  • Added the ability (to the premium version) to create custom fields that can be used in your contact card(s). Custom field values can be set both for the main location and for individual locations.
  • Added an ‘Ordering Link’ setting to each location, so that individual locations can have their own ordering/menu link.
  • Added a checkbox to disable the display of main exceptions for individual locations.
  • Updated block to be compatible with WordPress 6.2.
  • Fixed an issue where the walk-through sometimes wouldn’t run on plugin activation.

2.3.3 (2023-01-04)

  • Fixes a potential fatal error on the settings page.

2.3.2 (2023-01-03)

  • Update to correct an issue that could cause an error to display on the settings page.
  • Fixed an issue with day names not correctly displaying in some languages and/or if using the labelling options.

2.3.1 (2022-12-23)

  • Fixed an issue related to the contact labelling option that was causing an error.
  • Fixed an issue in which the admin area wasn’t styled for certain languages.

2.3.0 (2022-12-21)

  • Added new tutorial videos to the settings pages that explain and show what each option does.
  • Added quick links to the admin about page to re-run the walk-through, view tutorial videos and suggest a feature.
  • Fixed issues causing several labelling options to not apply on the front end.
  • Fixed an issue in which the time pickers for the opening hours for secondary locations weren’t making use of the Time Format specified in the Basic settings.
  • Tested with PHP 8.1 and updated deprecated function use.

2.2.5 (2022-08-22)

  • Updating a condition to make sure the new block patterns don’t cause an error on WordPress installations using a version of WordPress older than 5.5.

2.2.4 (2022-08-08)

  • Added an extra option to specify a display number for the Whatsapp field, so you can display a different number in the contact card than the one that is used to send the message.
  • Corrected an issue that was causing invalid schema.
  • Removed the trailing comma from the newly-added instance of register_block_pattern_category, to correct an apparent conflict with proxy fcgi, as reported by one user.

2.2.3 (2022-08-03)

  • Introducing new block patterns, which can be used to integrate contact card info directly into your block-based theme templates.
  • Added fields for cell phone, fax and Whatsapp.
  • Added a new (premium) option that lets you re-order the elements in the contact card.
  • Added in date and time formatting options for the scheduler in the admin.
  • Fixed some issues with the layout/styling of the schema meta box on the post and product (WooCommerce) edit screens.

2.2.2 (2022-05-20)

  • Tested with WordPress 6.0.

2.2.1 (2022-02-18)

  • Update to counter an error with WP-CLI.

2.2.0 (2022-02-16)

  • Changed how premium settings areas are previewed.
  • Removed unused packaging files.

2.1.10 (2022-01-31)

  • Fixed an issue in which, in certain instances, the plugin wouldn’t reactivate after having been deactivated.

2.1.9 (2022-01-19)

  • Updated escaping function for the widget output.

2.1.8 (2022-01-18)

  • Updated sanitizing

2.1.7 (2022-01-14)

  • Added capability check to the walkthrough AJAX actions.

2.1.6 (2022-01-13)

  • Updated nonces in the plugin admin.
  • Updated sanitizing and escaping.
  • Removed external image assets.

2.1.5 (2021-09-30)

  • Updated the settings page library.
  • Updated name of templates folder for consistent prefixing.
  • Added an option so that, if you offer online ordering, you can enter the URL of your order page (can be on the same site or external) and a link to it will display in your contact card.
  • Past exceptions no longer show in the schedule/opening hours, and are now automatically removed when the options are saved.
  • Added “Image URL” field to the list of elements on the schema create/edit screen for the Organization schema type.
  • Moved contact card block into its own category/section.

2.1.4 (2021-07-21)

  • The plugin has been tested up to WordPress version 5.8.

2.1.3 (2021-04-06)

  • Correcting an issue in which certain times were being output always in UTC and not using the timezone set in the WordPress general settings, which could create an offset in the time displayed for exceptions on the front end.
  • Updated the order in which the exceptions are displayed on the front end, so that it is chronological and not using the order from the admin.

2.1.2 (2021-03-08)

  • Update for the conditional enqueueing of assets in the admin.
  • Styling fix for the location create/edit screen when using the classic editor.

2.1.1 (2020-10-16)

  • Updating the time format of exceptions to use the format you specified in your WP settings, like with regular opening hours.
  • Updating the localization of exceptions (i.e. to make the month and day, etc. translatable).
  • Updating the shortcode to also hide the exceptions if you’re making use of the show_opening_hours attribute.
  • Correcting issue causing duplicate structured data in the new JSON-LD formatting.
  • Correcting issue causing times >= 12pm to sometimes show incorrectly in the JSON code.

2.1.0 (2020-10-13)

  • This is a relatively big update with several new features and corrections, etc., so please take caution and test before updating on a live site (or wait a few days before updating in case some minor corrective updates need to be released).
  • Switched the structured data generated by the contact card to the new JSON-LD format.
  • Added an option for a separate “click to call” phone number, applicable both to the main settings and to specific locations.
  • Added a fallback functionality, so that, if you do not fill in a specific field (e.g. phone number) for an individual location, it will use what you set in the main settings.
  • Added an option to turn off the automatic insertion of the contact card on the specified contact page.
  • Added exceptions, so you now have the ability to have specific days that are either closed or have different hours (e.g. holidays), without having to alter your main schedule. Applicable both in the main settings and for specific locations.
  • Added a button to the admin bar with a link to test the current page in Google’s Rich Results Test.
  • Added in a German translation that was submitted to us.
  • Generated a new .pot file.

2.0.9 (2020-09-11)

  • Corrects recent issue causing the feedback notice to not dismiss correctly

2.0.8 (2020-08-12)

  • Fix for the initial walk-through and the chosen contact page not being populated
  • Fix for default values not being applied
  • Correcting/eliminating several PHP notices
  • CSS updates for the admin panel
  • Enhanced upgrade process

2.0.7 (2020-06-04)

  • Updating the admin dashboard area

2.0.6 (2020-04-30)

  • Styling updates for the scheduler on the location edit screen when multiple locations is enabled.

2.0.5 (2020-04-08)

  • Updating a few input fields to correct for possible minor XSS issues

2.0.4 (2020-03-27)

  • Added link/the ability to click to call to phone numbers in the contact card
  • Added all the Organization types from the schema functionality as options in the Schema Type setting for the contact card
  • Added a setup walk-through that runs on initial plugin activation
  • Corrected some styling issues for the metaboxes on the location post type edit screen
  • Updated some settings descriptions
  • Corrected warning that sometimes came up in the Dashboard area of the admin when this and another Five Star plugin were both installed

2.0.3 (2020-02-14)

  • Adds in a few more is_object checks to counter the command line interface installation not calling things in the correct order

2.0.2 (2020-02-04)

  • Adds in an “if exists” check before checking the settings values

2.0.1 (2020-02-03)

  • Moving the multiple locations option back to the Basic settings page (it was accidentally moved to the premium section during the big update)

2.0.0 (2020-01-31)

  • This is a big update with many new features, corrections, revised admin styling, etc., so please take caution and test before updating on a live site (or wait a few days before updating in case some minor corrective updates need to be put out)
  • The Options pages have a brand new and easy-to-use design, to go hand in hand with the many, many new options!
  • Added in a new schemas functionality, to add structured data to any page or post
  • Added in WooCommerce integration for the schema functionality
  • Added in posts integration for the schema functionality
  • Added in default helpers for the schema functionality
  • Added in a walkthrough on installation to help you get going as quickly as possible
  • Added in defaults for several options
  • Added a Dashboard panel to the plugin admin
  • Updated the styling of certain default features to be consistent with new features
  • Other styling and ease-of-use changes
  • Updated the order, layout and descriptions of several options
  • Version: 2.3.8
  • Last updated: 2 months ago
  • Active installations: 10,000+
  • WordPress Version: 5.3 or higher
  • Tested up to: 6.5.3

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  • Tags: address business profile local seo schema seo
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4 top WordPress CRM plug-ins

  • How to Use Wordpress

4 top WordPress CRM plug-ins

John Boitnott

Best WordPress CRM plug-ins

  • Jotform Online Forms
  • HubSpot CRM
  • WP-CRM System

Your customer relationship management (CRM) software plays a key role in helping you run your business. A quality CRM platform can help you engage with customers throughout your relationship with them, and it’s an efficient way to gather and organize essential data.

Whether you’re building your startup or managing a large business with hundreds of thousands of contacts, choosing the right CRM can help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your sales and marketing efforts.

Integrating your CRM with your WordPress website can streamline your work processes and give your marketing team valuable information about customer behavior on your website. Here are some of the best WordPress CRM plug-ins to help you get started.

1. Jotform Online Forms

Jotform Online Forms has many features that allow you to use it as a CRM solution and streamline client lead generation. Jotform offers easy-to-customize form templates for client management that can save you time building the forms you need to run your business.

For example, you can use Jotform’s lead generation templates and contact form templates to collect information about clients. Jotform’s drag-and-drop builder makes it easy to customize templates or even build your own form. You can also add your own logo and background image for custom branding.

Once you’ve created your forms, you can use Jotform Tables to track, manage, and analyze important data. Jotform’s client onboarding template helps you organize new contacts and ensure that each lead receives the appropriate follow-up in your sales funnel. The client database template organizes all of your essential client information so you can build valuable relationships with those clients and drive sales.

Pros: The simple drag-and-drop form builder requires no coding. It offers fully customizable templates for forms, tables, apps, and more. You can also use Jotform Tables to capture and organize form submission data.

Cons: It lacks the ability to track and record website visitor behavior information.

Best features: Jotform offers integrations with more than 100 third-party apps, including CRM tools like HubSpot, Salesforce, Zoho CRM, and more.

Pricing: Jotform offers a generous free Starter plan that includes access to all of the platform’s features. It also has paid plans that have higher limits on the number of forms and submissions you can have: the Bronze plan at $34 per month, the Silver plan at $39 per month, and the Gold plan at $99 per month. Enterprise pricing is also available.

2. HubSpot CRM

User Interface of HubSpot CRM WordPress Plugin

The HubSpot CRM WordPress Plugin is a comprehensive solution that offers forms, live chat, analytics, and email marketing capabilities. Once installed, the HubSpot CRM plug-in automatically syncs with your WordPress website, collecting contact information and segmenting those contacts into lists. The plug-in adds data to each contact record, providing a timeline of a contact’s interactions with your website, such as live chats, page views, and form submissions.

The plug-in also allows you to add chatbots to your website to further capture leads and offer 24-7 customer support. You can send an automated email when a site visitor fills out a form or uses the live chat function, and the CRM automatically logs that interaction. The platform even features a drag-and-drop email builder, complete with more than 20 templates.

Pros : This tool enables easy, automated data collection, automatically segments contacts into lists, and includes features like chatbots and email marketing tools.

Cons: The number of features may be overwhelming if you’re just getting started with a CRM.

Best features: It delivers a drag-and-drop email builder, the ability to add live chat and chatbots to your website, and integrations with more than 1,500 other apps.

Pricing: The plug-in is free, but you’ll need to have a paid HubSpot account to use it.

3. WP-CRM System

User Interface of WP-CRM System

The WP-CRM System plug-in is free to download and use. The plug-in operates within your WordPress dashboard and lets you store an unlimited number of contacts. It offers tools to support your marketing efforts, and you can import and export contact files as needed.

While the free version is light on features, you can purchase premium add-ons to integrate the CRM with Slack, Gravity Forms, Zapier, WooCommerce, and other tools. The CRM works well for task and project management, and you can configure the notifications that team members will receive about tasks.

Pros: The plug-in has a clean, user-friendly interface. It’s suitable for marketing and project management, and it’s free to use.

Cons: You have to purchase premium add-ons to get additional features and functionality.

Best features: It can automatically notify team members when project managers have started new projects and assigned tasks.

Pricing: It’s a free plug-in with limited features. You can purchase premium add-ons to get more features; the fees for add-ons vary.

User Interface of WP ERM

The WP ERM plug-in is a versatile, user-friendly addition to your WordPress website. With HR, CRM, and accounting modules, this plug-in is ideal for a business that’s just getting started with its CRM, but it would also work well for a larger operation that needs more comprehensive capabilities.

Using the CRM, you can create activity logs for customers, so you can quickly review previous interactions your organization has had with them. You can also make notes for customers, segment your database, and assign contacts to specific team members. You can use attributes and keywords to filter the database, and the CRM activity report helps you monitor your company’s performance and growth.

Pros: Multiple modules make this plug-in a comprehensive solution. It gives you the ability to white label your company profile and includes activity logs for your customers with note-taking capabilities.

Cons: Some features like payment gateways and payroll tools are only available with the premium version.

Best features: The platform allows you to schedule meetings with customers and assign tasks to team members.

Pricing: This plug-in is free, but a premium version is available with advanced features on a sliding scale starting at $9.99 per month.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska

Thank you for helping improve the Jotform Blog. 🎉

John Boitnott


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  2. Free WordPress Plugin: Five Star Business Profile and Schema

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  3. Best WordPress Profile Plugin: Ultimate Guide & Reviews 2024

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  4. 6 Best Business Directory Plugins for WordPress [Free + Pro]

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  5. Free WordPress Plugin: Business Profile

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  6. 7+ User Profile WordPress Plugins (Free and Paid)

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  2. What are plugin in WordPress?

  3. How to upload User Profile Image in WP REST API

  4. How and install WordPress and profile builder plugin in WordPress on local server

  5. A powerful and easy to use central location for all your employee information

  6. 5 Best WordPress Membership Plugins


  1. Five Star Business Profile and Schema

    Business Profile Contact Card. The Five Star Business Profile and Schema plugin is also perfect for adding your contact details to any page on your site. It comes with a handy form to help you fill in your info, which then gets automatically included on your site both as a contact card and as schema structured data, using the new LD+JSON format.

  2. 13 Free User Management Plugins for WordPress (2024)

    WP User Manager is a free user registration and profile builder plugin. It has features like custom user registration and customizable user profiles, login forms, password recovery, and more. Plus, you can create custom front-end login forms, let users create custom avatars, display users in a directory, and much more.

  3. 15+ Best Free WordPress Plugins for Business Websites

    The myCred plugin is also listed as one of the best gamification plugins for WordPress. 7. Print-O-Matic. Some business websites need print-friendly pages. For example, if you want customers to be able to print out directions for using your products or services, having a print-ready page is a must.

  4. User Profile Builder

    Profile Builder is the all in one user profile and user registration plugin for WordPress.. Elegant and reliable user registration and user profile plugin for creating front-end user registration, login and edit profile forms with custom fields.. It also lets you restrict content based on user role or logged in status and manage user roles and capabilities using the built in Role Editor.

  5. Business Profile Extra Fields Plugin

    This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation. Download As an open source company, we take your privacy seriously and want to be as transparent as possible.

  6. How to Add a Gutenberg Block for a Business Profile in WordPress

    Step 1: Install Five Star Business Profile and Schema. Let's start by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel. Search for Five Star Business Profile and Schema in the available search box. Note: There are several plugins that from Five Star Plugins.

  7. 10 Best WordPress User Profile Plugins

    Pricing: JetEngine can be installed as a standalone plugin for $43 per year for one site or $88 for unlimited projects. Pros: provides flexibility in building user-editable profiles; advanced content restricting and content visibility features. Cons: comes only as a paid plugin, though the price is accessible.

  8. How to Add Business Address in WordPress (+ Your Opening Hours)

    Installing the Business Profile plugin. The Business Profile plugin is available completely free of charge from the official plugin repository. To install it, log into the WordPress dashboard and then navigate to Plugins / Add New, and search for "Business Profile."

  9. 12 Top WordPress User Profile Plugins in 2023

    12. Ultimate Member (FREE) Another one of the membership-centered WordPress user profile plugins on today's list is the Ultimate Member solution for WordPress. It is a complex and versatile tool for adding beautiful user profiles and creating subscription-based communities with exclusive content.

  10. Five Star Business Profile and Schema Plugin

    Business Profile Contact Card. The Five Star Business Profile and Schema plugin is also perfect for adding your contact details to any page on your site. It comes with a handy form to help you fill in your info, which then gets automatically included on your site both as a contact card and as schema structured data, using the new LD+JSON format.

  11. Plugins Plugins

    Add structured data to any page or post type. Create an SEO friendly contact card with your business info and associated schema.

  12. 10 Best WordPress Frontend User Profile Plugins 2024

    4. SureMembers. SureMembers stands as a stellar WordPress user profile plugin that transforms user experience. SureMembers excels with its user-friendly approach, allowing easy member detail updates. It empowers users to edit their profiles, change passwords, and even upload avatars right from the frontend.

  13. Business Profile

    Add multiple locations. Test any page on your site using Google's Rich Results Test. Five Business Profile and Schema is very user friendly and comes with a walk-through that runs automatically when you activate the plugin and will help you add your business info, create your contact card and add a schema rule.

  14. Post to Google My Business (Google Business Profile)

    Features. Create, edit or delete posts without having to visit your Google My Business dashboard. Automatically publish your latest WordPress posts to GMB using the Auto-post feature. Generates beautiful auto-posts from any content. HTML, shortcodes and clutter from visual editors such as Divi or Visual Composer are automatically stripped.

  15. 13 Best Business Directory Plugins for WordPress in 2024

    Best Directory Plugins for WordPress. 1. Sabai Directory. Price: $29. Sabai Directory is a premium directory plugin for WordPress and one of the best of its kind. With this tool, you can create a community-driven business directory, like Yelp or Yahoo! Local.

  16. How to Migrate Google Business Profile Website to WordPress

    Free Tools. Business Name Generator Get business name ideas for your new website or project.; WordPress Theme Detector Free tool that helps you see which theme a specific WordPress site is using.; Free Keyword Generator Keyword research easy. Get 300+ keyword ideas about your topic from Google. 27+ Free Business Tools See all other free small business tools our team has created.

  17. 6 WordPress User Profile Plugins for Membership Website 2023

    Best WordPress User Profile Plugins. The good news is we came up with the top five user profile plugins for WordPress sites in this article. This will help you pick the right one for your membership site. 1. Youzify - BuddyPress Community & WordPress User Profile Plugin. Ever dreamt of creating a buzzing online community right within your ...

  18. 19 Best WordPress Contact Form Plugins (2024 Update)

    HubSpot WordPress Plugin - Free. HubSpot's free WordPress plugin makes it easier to grow your business by helping you attract, engage, and delight all of your contacts and customers. It brings powerful, easy-to-use contact management, email marketing, ads management, live chat & bots, forms, analytics, and much more to WordPress.

  19. Must-have WordPress Plugins for Beginners to Transform Your Business in

    Looking for spammy comments and deleting them manually might be a pain in the rear, though, and is definitely something you can delegate to a WordPress plugin. Advertisements Akismet Anti-Spam will automatically scan comments on your website and detect spam and hidden, fishy, or misleading URLs.

  20. 10 Best User Management Plugins for WordPress In 2024

    1. Members . Members is used by more than 1,50,000 websites over the globe this plugin helps you control what you want to show to your users and restrict the same. It goes far beyond registration to assigning roles and providing opportunities to your selected users. You can assign them different roles or multiple roles.

  21. 12 WordPress Plugins That All Beginner Bloggers Should Install

    Creative Mail is a WordPress-designed option for creating email newsletters, and the plugin is free to use. After integrating CreativeMail, you can go to it whenever you want from your main WordPress page. You can sync blog posts and use the feature with WooCommerce, and it also integrates with Jetpack.

  22. Five Star Business Profile and Schema

    The plugin includes a Gutenberg contact card block as well as a contact card shortcode, so you can display your business info, with included structured data, on any page, no matter which page editing system you are using. Key Features. Add LD+JSON structured data to any or every page or post on your site; Support for all organization schema types

  23. 4 top WordPress CRM plug-ins

    The HubSpot CRM WordPress Plugin is a comprehensive solution that offers forms, live chat, analytics, and email marketing capabilities. Once installed, the HubSpot CRM plug-in automatically syncs with your WordPress website, collecting contact information and segmenting those contacts into lists.

  24. What is WooCommerce?

    Some hosts have versions of WooCommerce already installed, but developers, experienced merchants, and anyone familiar with installing and managing WordPress can download the WooCommerce plugin to use with any host they want. WooCommerce is free to download and free to use how you see fit.