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Literary Devices Worksheets

Related ela standard: rl 8.3, w.8.1.c.

Literary Devices relates to the any technique that an author uses to communicate their overall message to their audience. When used in concert with a well-developed idea, the proper device can really heighten a body of work and help audience grow a high level of affinity for it. In most cases the use of the device is to put a cherry on top. The thoughts could easily be transferred to the readers through straight simple sentences, but when a device is used appropriately it makes a tremendous difference and helps make the words come alive for readers. A quick way to observe this is by using the example sentence, "Nick's yellow shirt was bright." A few literary elements will help the readers really grasp your point. Here is the same message, but jazzed up with a few literary tweaks, "Nick's loud yellow shirt was like staring at the sun during a solar eclipse in January." We a few changes it went from being a shirt that might annoy you to a shirt that may melt your eyes out of your head. This series of worksheets will help you explore commonly used literary devices as well as help you explore specific devices and techniques in depth.

Literary Devices Worksheets To Print:

In Poetry - This is a great organizer to help you well thought out poems.

Fiction - Find an example of each literary device in the story.

Recognizing Them - You will need a poem to work off of for this worksheet.

Techniques - Fill in the missing information in the table.

Name It - What is being described on each line?

Hyperbole - Write a sentence that contains a hyperbole to describe each picture.

While Reading - As you read the assignment, identify at least four different literary devices. Write the name of each type and provide an example from the text.

Evidence - Show evidence of each type of method that is used.

Practice with Alliteration - Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. The example below contains two cases of alliteration: the "c" sound and the "s" sound.

The Frame Story - A frame story is an aspect of a story that "frames" some other part of the story. For example, a frame story could be one character relating a series of events to another character, or a character reading another character's diary. Frame stories are usually found at the beginning and the end of an overall narrative. It can also appear briefly between chapters.

Satire - A satire makes fun of the vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings of individuals or societies. Satire is characterized by humor. A work of satire can include one or more of the following elements.

Soliloquy - A soliloquy is a literary device in which a character speaks their thoughts aloud. A soliloquy is usually fairly long. Sometimes the character is alone, but they may be with others. If so, they are not speaking to the other people. A soliloquy is occurs when a character is speaking their own thoughts aloud to themselves.

Zoomorphism - Zoomorphism is assigning animal traits to anything that is not an animal. It's the opposite of anthropomorphism and personification. Zoomorphism can be physical, like when a god appears as an animal, or it can be a comparison, like either a physical manifestation, such as a god appearing as an animal, or a comparison, like calling someone a furry bear.

Which Is It? - Write four different sentences to describe the picture below. Use what you have learned to really show off your skills.

Writing with Them - We focus our time on explaining the thoughts behind commonly understood myths.

Specific Literary Device Worksheet Topics:

Allegory - A comfortable way to approach readers with touchy or hot button issues.

Alliteration - This is used to add some real pazaz to your work.

Allusion - This transfers an idea by implying something.

Analogy - When you flash a comparison between things that are not clearly related.

Antonomasia - This technique is used to reveal something about a character.

Apologia - This is when a work is put together to form a defense or excuse for a position that is taken.

Chronology - The order in which events in story occur have as much impact as events themselves.

Conundrum - Students learn how this technique is used literature to make characters more relatable.

Epigram - We look at how this rhetorical device can be used to add a twist to a piece of literature.

Flashback - Authors use this technique to build their character and provide more background detail on them.

Gerund - Not quite a verb or noun, but a common part of speech.

Hamartia - This technique inserts a character defect that can drive the entire plot of a story.

Hyperbole - When you want to exaggerate to the next level.

Idiom - Word and phrases that add flare, but are not meant to be taken literally.

Inferences - Using evidence to make a well intended guess at the truth.

Metaphor - Their primary purpose is to get your readers engaged.

Onomatopoeia - Words that mimic sounds.

Personification - A great way to make something feel more human.

Poetic Devices - We explore different techniques that are used to make poetry more artful.

Rhyming - Hip Hop artists and poets main instrument to their work.

Simile - These are often used to add humor to your work.

Subjunctive Mood - When we want to offer out a suggestion.

What Are the Most Commonly Used Literary Devices by Authors?

In many cases literary devices are used to make a comparison or allow the readers to understand something relative to them. There are some techniques that completely transform a work and there are others that just give your work a nudge. Your goal when using literary devices is not just to make your writing look cooler, but to connect with the people that are intended to read it. Literary Devices can be broken down into two categories which are elements and techniques. Elements usually are long form and last over the course of the entire body of work or a significant portion of it. Techniques are usually reserved to the use of words or phrases. As a result, they are the short form of usage. That said, why don't we take the various common uses of these techniques.

Allegory - This is when an author fits a hidden meaning in their work. In most cases it is to instill or explore a commonly held moral. This can often explore tough concepts or themes and soften the blow by presenting it in an easy-to-read manner. Animal Farm by George Orwell was a famous example where he used common farm animals to explore the Russian Revolution.

Allusion - These are relatively succinct references that are used to describe something. This is helpful because you can pack a great deal of meaning into a short space. This often used to help develop characters in stories for the audience.

Foreshadowing - This is when the author drops a hint that something is about to happen or will occur in the future. This helps build a level of excitement and anticipation for the reader. It is important to note that this technique can also be used to develop twists in a story that readers did not see coming.

Flashback - This is when a writer discusses or explores an event or experience that happened prior to the current moment in time. This is often used to build a character or casts of characters traits and tendencies. This can also be used to help develop stories and settings.

Hyperbole - These are excessive exaggerations that are used to provide a highly level of emphasis on something. This is a crossover, we used it in speech as much as we use it in written situations. You may have called your friend a couple of times last night, but you might convey that message much better by saying "I called you a thousand times last night!"

Onomatopoeia - This is word or phrase level device where a word or phrase is used to mimic a sound. Common examples would be the words: gulp, plop, blurt, bang, and bam. When you use this technique, it can make a work more tangible for your audience.

Simile - This is when you use a fascinating and engaging comparison between two things that readers are familiar with. This helps the reader make an instant connection to what you are discussing. Similes often use the words like or as to complete the comparison. An example would be to transform the sentence, "Hugh has a long neck.", into "Hugh has a neck as long as a giraffe."

Metaphor - These are very similar to similes, but the comparison that is created is direct comparison. There is not much wiggle room here. Not to pick on Hugh's neck, but if we were to convert that example to a metaphor it would be stated as, "Hugh has a neck like a giraffe!"

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Literary devices .

How to use the different literary devices , watch the video.

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A simile compares two different things. We say that something is like or as something else.

➜ E.g. Jim is as quiet as a mouse.

➜ E.g. Jim is quiet like a mouse.

In these examples, the simile compares two different things that are compared due to their common characteristic which is their quietness.

This makes the sentence more interesting and creates an image in the reader’s mind rather than just simply ‘Jim is quiet’.

Remember that a simile is a figure of speech. This means that it shouldn’t be taken literally as the words in the sentence convey a different meaning.

literary devices worksheet


Personification is when we assign human qualities to something that isn’t human. These can be movements, emotions, or senses.

➜ E.g. The tree is dancing in the wind.

We know that trees don’t have the human quality of dancing however, this language technique makes the sentence more interesting and creates an image in the reader’s mind. It sounds more interesting than just saying, “The tree is moving in the wind.”

Remember that personification is a figure of speech; therefore, it shouldn’t be taken literally, as the words in the sentence convey a different meaning.

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Onomatopoeia is a word that sounds like what it describes. It is a language technique used to make it more interesting and helps the reader hear the sound in their minds.

➜ E.g. The water went splash when I jumped into it.

This emphasises the sound that the water makes.

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An idiom is a group of words that have a different meaning from the literal meaning. They are interesting ways to get a point across.

➜ E.g. Break a leg.

This doesn’t literally mean to break a leg, rather it means good luck. It’s important to learn the meanings of different idioms as they are commonly used in everyday English.

Remember that an idiom is a figure of speech. This means that it shouldn’t be taken literally as the words in the sentence convey a different meaning.

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Alliteration is the repetition of the same letter or sound at the beginning of words.

Alliteration is used to make writing interesting for the reader- usually in poems. It also creates rhythm and mood. It is important to note that different repeated sounds will have different effects on the reader.

➜ E.g. The sly snake slithers slowly in the sand.

The repeated S sound in the sentence suggests snake-like qualities such as the movement of the snake and danger.

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Hyperbole is an exaggerated statement . It describes something to be worse or better than it actually is. It’s a way to catch the reader’s attention and to make writing more interesting.

So hyperbole shouldn’t be taken literally as the words in the sentence convey a different meaning.

➜ E.g. I was dying of laughter.

This is an exaggerated statement to emphasise that I was laughing so much.

Remember that hyperbole is a figure of speech. This means that it shouldn’t be taken literally as the words in the sentence convey a different meaning.

literary devices worksheet

An oxymoron is a sentence or phrase with two opposite or contradicting words in a sentence. For example, tall and short – The are two opposite.

Oxymorons are used to interest the reader and cause the reader to pay attention to what they are reading.

➜ E.g. The chair is pretty ugly.

Pretty and ugly are opposites.

Remember that an oxymoron is a figure of speech. This means that it shouldn’t be taken literally as the words in the sentence convey a different meaning.

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A pun is a humorous use of words that convey another meaning.

It is essentially a clever play on words where the words can have more than one meaning, or the words can sound like they mean something else.

Puns are commonly used in everyday spoken English. We can also use puns in writing to make our writing more interesting to the reader and create a humorous effect.

➜ E.g. I like kids, but I don’t think I could eat a whole one.

In this example, the word kid has two meanings – it can refer to a child or a young goat. So this pun adds a humorous effect to the sentence

Remember that a pun is a figure of speech. This means that it shouldn’t be taken literally as the words in the sentence convey a different meaning.

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What is assonance?  Assonance is the repetition of the same vowel sound in a sentence.

This literary device is used to make writing interesting and fun for the reader – usually in poems. It also creates rhythm, sets the mood, and allows the sentences to flow.

The vowels are A E I O U. Each vowel has 2 vowel sounds – short and long vowel sound.

➜ E.g. S a m cl a ps his h a nds a nd st a mps his feet. 🙌

In this example, the vowel short a is repeated.

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Free Printable Literary Devices Worksheets for 7th Grade

Literary Devices: Discover a collection of free printable worksheets for Grade 7 Reading & Writing teachers, focusing on enhancing students' understanding of various literary devices. Dive into the world of literary analysis with Quizizz's comprehensive resources.


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Explore printable Literary Devices worksheets for 7th Grade

Literary Devices worksheets for Grade 7 are an essential tool for teachers to help their students improve their Reading & Writing, Grammar, Language, and Vocabulary skills. These worksheets provide a comprehensive approach to teaching literary devices, focusing on various aspects of language such as figurative language, tone, mood, and theme. By incorporating these worksheets into their lesson plans, teachers can ensure that their students are exposed to a wide range of literary techniques and concepts, helping them to develop a deeper understanding of the texts they read. Additionally, these worksheets can be used to reinforce students' knowledge of grammar rules and language conventions, further enhancing their overall language proficiency. In conclusion, Literary Devices worksheets for Grade 7 are an invaluable resource for teachers looking to enhance their students' language skills and understanding of literature.

Quizizz is an excellent platform for teachers to supplement their use of Literary Devices worksheets for Grade 7, as it offers a variety of interactive quizzes and activities that can be used to assess students' understanding of Reading & Writing, Grammar, Language, and Vocabulary concepts. By incorporating Quizizz into their teaching strategies, educators can create engaging and dynamic learning experiences for their students, allowing them to practice and apply their knowledge of literary devices in a fun and interactive way. Moreover, Quizizz offers a wealth of resources and support for teachers, including customizable quizzes, real-time feedback, and progress tracking, making it an ideal tool for enhancing the effectiveness of Grade 7 Literary Devices worksheets. Overall, Quizizz is a valuable resource for teachers seeking to enrich their students' learning experiences and reinforce their understanding of key language and literary concepts.

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Literary Devices

Literary Devices are important components of writing, and include both Literary Techniques and Literary Elements. You'll find definitions, and helpful examples for many of the common elements of literary tools including figurative language like metaphor , simile , alliteration , hyperbole , oxymoron , onomatopoeia , personification and more. As students learn to recognize and use these creative language tools, their reading comprehension and ability to express themselves creatively through writing will dramatically improve.

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  10. Free Printable Literary Devices Worksheets for 7th Grade

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    Literary Devices are important components of writing, and include both Literary Techniques and Literary Elements. You'll find definitions, and helpful examples for many of the common elements of literary tools including figurative language like metaphor, simile, alliteration, hyperbole, oxymoron, onomatopoeia, personification and more. As students learn to recognize and use these creative ...

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    Figurative Language. language that is not meant to be taken literally, or word for word. Imagery/Sensory Language. the use of language to create mental images and sensory impressions for emotional effect and intensity. Example—. He could hear his world crashing down when he heard the news about her. A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the ...

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  22. Printable 6th Grade Literary Device Worksheets

    TPT. Marketplace for millions of educator-created resources. Browse Printable 6th Grade Literary Device Worksheets. Award winning educational materials designed to help kids succeed. Start for free now!

  23. Literary Devices worksheet for

    ID: 1929345. 10/03/2022. Country code: GB. Country: United Kingdom. School subject: English language (1061957) Main content: Literary Devices Definitions (1726702) Click on the drop-down box and choose the correct literary device to its definitions. Other contents: -.