me2 firewalker missions worth it

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Mass Effect 2 - Firewalker DLC Review

GameBanshee has spied a review of the Firewalker DLC released yesterday for Mass Effect 2 .  It's worth noting Firewalker is free but Thankless Grind still didn't find it worth their time, awarding a score of 2/5 :

All of the missions are all varying degrees of really short. The mission that involves zooming quickly between nodes is over in all of three minutes by design. Spending time exploring in the other missions will only lead you to find a few extra minerals that you still don't need. There is no new voice acting from anyone apart from the Hammerhead's computer which is itself fine but not particularly noteworthy. The final mission leads to an oddly anti-climactic finale involving a giant ball-bearing, and an upgrade to my combat abilities that I can't use anywhere because there is absolutely no-one left to shoot in the entire game. Finally, while they've made a new landing animation for landing with the Hammerhead, they've somehow managed to break the frame-rate on it. Ultimately none of the concepts introduced with the Hammerhead are well developed enough to make them challenging. The combat is broken, and not hard even if you purposefully get close enough to the enemies to make them fight back. You'll also probably do all the boosting and jumping sequences on your first attempt. I feel like they need to release another set of missions for the Hammerhead that are actually somewhat challenging in order to justify it's existence. Maybe they will, but I'd personally prefer they just stick to making packs which stick to the game's core strengths though.

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Mass Effect 2: Firewalker – Review

Pc xbox 360, review by douglasfett.

Reviewed: 04/04/2011

Twisted science experiments gone wild!

  • Rating:   9
  • Product Release: Mass Effect 2: Overlord (US, 06/15/2010)

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Mass Effect 2 Mission Order: optimal DLC, dossier, loyalty quest sequence

Just like its predecessor, Mass Effect 2 has an open-ended story that lets you tackle its various objectives in a relatively open-ended manner - and that means some people are inevitably going to be struck wondering what the best mission order for ME2 might look like. 

Just like our suggestions on the ME1 mission order , any list you’ll find from us or anyone else online is merely a suggestion - but there are definitely certain missions that work better than others in certain places within ME2’s story. On top of that, there’s also more DLC missions in this game than its predecessor, and slotting those into the story is
 quite difficult, honestly.

On this page, we proffer our suggestion for the optimum sequence of story missions and events in Mass Effect 2. Simple!


Mass Effect 2 Mission Order: optimal order for recruitment, loyalty & DLC missions

The basic structure of Mass Effect 2 is pretty simple. It starts you off with a string of prologue missions where it’ll ferry you from event to event, including two story mission planets that have combat encounters and even an early mini boss battle of sorts. After that, you’ll get your ship - and this is where the game opens up.

From here on out, ME2 is broken into segments. You get your ship and a smattering of story ‘recruitment’ missions to build your team. After recruiting all the available team members, you will automatically go to the story planet of Horizon for a mandatory story interlude. After that, you’ll get more missions. After finishing five of those, you’ll have another mandatory story mission. From there, you can complete whatever you like to the end.

No missions are mandatory, but towards the end of the game taking on too many side missions & optional assignments after a time-sensitive story event can have a negative impact on the end of the game. This guide avoids that, but check out our Mass Effect 2 Suicide Mission & endings guide for more detailed information on how to avoid that. 

Below is our suggested mission order. While we've built in a few breaks where we suggest you tackle side missions and scan planets for resources, we also recommend you do this as often as you like throughout the game to break things up. The only exception is once you get the Reaper IFF - before doing that, you should complete absolutely everything you need to.

Remember that the mission order presented on this page is just a suggestion; deviate from it as much as you like.

Act 1 Mission Order: Cerberus and Building a Team

  • Prologue: Awakening & Freedom’s Progress: as mentioned above, for the first few hours of the game, things will play out in a linear fashion. Just complete all the missions until you get your ship.
  • Return to the Citadel: while you have pressing matters to deal with on Omega, first direct the Normandy back to the Citadel. Here you can meet with Anderson, announce your return, potentially get your Spectre status back, shop at stores including for some Normandy side quest items, complete a few other side quests.
  • Dossier: The Master Thief:  while on the Citadel, you should also immediately recruit Kasumi, if you've got access to her DLC.
  • Omega intro & side activities: once you've visited the Citadel, head to your originally suggested destination, Omega. Here you'll need to speak to Aria to learn more about the next few story missions, shop at stores, and generally get to know the area.
  • Dossier: The Veteran:  as soon as you land on Omega, you can and should also immediately recruit Zaeed, 
  • Dossier: The Professor: after speaking to Aria, you'll have all the info you need to undertake two different recruitment missions on Omega. Recruit the Professor first. 
  • Early DLC Adventures Firewalker & Crash Site: leave Omega and head out into space. There’s a few things you should do out here:
  • Normandy Crash Site: this is a short and simple DLC quest that was originally a pre-order bonus. It’s got decent rewards, and some nice ME1 fanservice.
  • Project Firewalker: this DLC will take you to several places and give you access to a vehicle that otherwise isn't used in the core ME2 story. It's worth getting this quest out of the way here, and early, as it has good rewards.
  • Kasumi's Loyalty Mission - Stealing Memory: this is Kasumi's loyalty mission, and we're making it the first of these missions we do primarily because it has some great rewards and resources, including the best SMG Mass Effect 2 has to offer. If your choice of character class relies on the SMG, do this mission now. Otherwise, you can bump it back to after recruiting Archangel. 
  • Dossier: Archangel: also on Omega, you can complete a mission to recruit the mysterious crusading mercenary Archangel. You can actually do this before or after the next step, but since you're already at Omega, it's easy to do it right after the previous recruitment mission.
  • Planet Scanning & Material Gathering break: a big part of ME2 is scanning planets and gathering materials. The amount of materials you have can impact ME3, as can the upgrades you've purchased for your ship. With Mordin in the science bay, you'll have your first unlocks available - so take some time to scan some planets and gather some resources. You're free to tackle any side missions you discover if you want, or you can save them for later.
  • Dossier: The Convict: your team currently lacks a dedicated Biotic - so to fill that mage-shaped hole in your ME2 squad, go recruit Jack next.
  • Dossier: The Warlord: next, go and grab Grunt, Mass Effect 2's Krogan squad member. After completing the mission, he doesn't automatically join your party - go and get him on the lower floors of the Normandy if you want to have him join the crew properly.
  • Horizon [automatic]: after all of the current batch of recruitment missions is complete, you'll be forced to tackle a mission on Horizon.

Act 2 Mission Order: Old Friends & Loyalties

  • Dossier: Tali: she's been off your team for too long - is it really the Normandy without her aboard? Go get Tali. If Kal’Reegar survives, it’ll make Tali’s later loyalty mission easier.
  • Visiting Illium: for a nice change of scenery, head to Illium, the next hub planet and home to another recruit. Catch up with Liara, but do not take her up on the offer to help her with the Shadow Broker after completing her short side quest. We'll save that for later. There's other side quests you can do on Illium also, plus new shops and so on.
  • OPTIONAL // Lair of the Shadow Broker (Give Liara Intel):  we don't really like this mission in this position, but you've got two choices - do it here to get significant rewards for the rest of the game, or save it for the post-game where it fits best for story. The choice is yours. If you do it here, Liara becomes an easy source of free upgrades and resources, with new ones added every time you complete a main story quest.
  • Dossier: The Assassin: complete this mission to recruit Thane. There’s a cool ME1 callback here if you did a certain side quest.
  • Dossier: The Justicar: a straightforward quest with no major consequences down the line. It gets you Samara.
  • Scanning, Materials & Upgrades break: while you can do side quests whenever you like, this is another ideal period to take a load off and do any side content, scanning planets, and purchasing any upgrades you can afford. Major story events are coming, so it’s good to be prepared.
  • Visiting Tuchanka: you heard a lot about the Krogan homeworld of Tuchanka in the first Mass Effect, but now you can experience it. There’s all the normal hub world distractions here, plus a chance to reunite with a friend if they survived ME1. 
  • Mordin’s Loyalty Mission - Old Blood: while on Tuchanka, undertake Mordin’s loyalty quest. This is a quest whose repercussions will echo loudly in ME3 , so consider your choices carefully.
  • Grunt’s Loyalty Mission - Rite of Passage: While you’re on Tuchanka, also undertake Grunt’s loyalty mission. Be sure to bring another squadmate with a high damage output on this one, like Zaeed. You only have to survive the battle for 5 minutes, but if you successfully kill the beast you’ll get an even better reward. 
  • Collector Vessel [automatic]: like Horizon, this is a generally story-advancing mission that’ll trigger automatically after you’ve logged five missions post-Horizon. You’ll also be able to pick a weapon specialization here. 

Act 3 Mission Order: Loyalties Secured 

  • Jacob’s Loyalty Mission - The Gift of Greatness: this is a straightforward mission.
  • Miranda’s Loyalty Mission - The Prodigal: another straightforward mission, with choices that will be minorly referenced in ME3.
  • Garrus’ Loyalty Mission - Eye for an Eye: help Garrus get his revenge.
  • Thane’s Loyalty Mission - Sins of the Father: you must stay close to your target and get the information you ended at the end. 
  • Samara’s Loyalty Mission - The Ardat-Yakshi: you must successfully lure Morinth and not lose her in order to obtain loyalty.
  • To get the best ending of this mission, both Kal’Reegar and Veetor must have survived the earlier Tali missions & be present.
  • Jack’s Loyalty Mission - Subject Zero: after completing this simple mission, Jack and Miranda will have a fight. You must resolve it with a Paragon or Renegade dialogue option to keep both of them loyal; taking a side revokes one character’s loyalty.
  • Zaeed’s Loyalty Mission - The Price of Revenge: at the end of the mission, you must make a choice between Zaeed’s wishes and innocent lives. Renegade Shepard can easily side with Zaeed and get his loyalty; Paragon Shepard must pass a difficult check to talk him down and keep him loyal.
  • Project Overlord: this DLC is a multi-mission series and brings back the vehicle from the Firewalker DLC. It also has minor repercussions in ME3, depending on the coices you make.
  • The Point of No Return: at this point, you should have one story mission on your plate - the Reaper IFF. Once you tackle this mission, it’s a rollercoaster ride to the end - so make sure you have all character loyalties, Normandy upgrades, have completed side missions, and done everything you want to do on hub planets. Treat starting the Reaper IFF Mission as ME2's point of no return .

ME2 Ending & Postgame

  • IMPORTANT NOTE:  after acquiring the Reaper IFF, you can only trigger two specific missions without incurring negative consequences - Legion's Loyalty Mission and Tali's Loyalty Mission. If you take on ANY OTHER MISSION, some of Normandy's crew will die during the Suicide Mission. Do not travel to any other location other than those two missions, not even to scan planets . 
  • Tali’s Loyalty Mission - Treason: as well as being a mission you can fail, the outcome has major repercussions in ME3. If you didn't do this mission earlier, you can now do it here and take Legion along for the ride, resulting in some very unique dialogue. To get the best ending of this mission, both Kal’Reegar and Veetor must have survived the earlier Tali missions & be present.
  • Legion’s Loyalty Mission - A House Divided: complete this loyalty mission. At the end, Tali and Legion will end up in conflict. As with Jack and Miranda, use the Paragon or Renegade dialogue option to end the argument without losing either’s loyalty.
  • The Suicide Mission: after some story events that begin the next time you access the Galaxy Map, you’ll finally undertake the ME2 finale. Head through the Omega 4 Relay - and brush up on how to get the best ending with our ME2 Suicide Mission walkthrough . After the game is over, load up your completed game to tackle two DLC missions best experienced post-game.
  • Lair of the Shadow Broker / Give Liara Intel: go back to Illium and finally talk to Liara about starting this mission. While this DLC mission will be on your galaxy map from early on and you'll have to actively avoid starting it on your earlier visit to Illium, it works best as a coda to ME2 in our opinion. It’s arguably the best mission in the game; enjoy it! 
  • Arrival: this DLC was the last released for ME2, and basically is a little mini prologue to Mass Effect 3. It actually becomes available any time after Horizon, but it totally fits best into the story if you do it here, at the very end of ME2. After it’s complete, save - and move on to ME3 - which we also have an ME3 mission order guide for, too!

Gaming & Culture

Mako the best of it: mass effect 2 firewalker dlc review.

me2 firewalker missions worth it

Players of the first Mass Effect will remember the Mako. It was the deeply flawed wheeled personnel vehicle from ME1 . People hated that thing and it’s easy to see why. The Mako jumped like a three-legged dog trying to snatch a biscuit it didn’t really want. Lining up targets with the transport’s guns was scream-inducing, since anytime you were on a slope, your shots would go wildly astray. Being forced to remain immobile while repairing the Mako and the haphazard nature of getting in an out of it during a firefight were among the other things that incurred the wrath of Mass Effect players everywhere. I grew to love the Mako, though. It enabled what felt to me was an essential part of the Mass Effect experience, which was making contact on the ground through planetfall.

So it was with some ambivalence that I received the news that the Mako wouldn’t be in Mass Effect 2 . No more roaming the treacherous terrain of hostile planets? No more blowing Geth to smithereens with my Mako canon? And most importantly, no more bizarrely old-school jumping-to-dodge mechanic? I liked doing those things; I just didn’t like how clunky it sometimes felt. Thankfully, Bioware’s fixed much of that–and for free no less–with the new Firewalker  DLC pack for Mass Effect 2 .

The Firewalker pack’s all about the M-44 Hammerhead vehicle, designed to fly close to the surfaces of certain planets in Mass Effect 2 ’s star systems. The Hammerhead is pretty much a hover-tank and controls a bit like a roller-coaster sometimes. But, overall, it does feel more precise and responsive than the Mako ever did. It also feels sturdier and more offensively powerful. You get five new planets to explore in Firewalker missions and they’re variously hazardous in terms of weather or seismic activity.

Two missions are relatively simple exploration assignments, with a lot of platforming  and minor on-foot sequences. There is combat in two other Firewalker missions, too, which has you wielding the hover-tank artillery gun against enemy squads. It’s not a total mismatch and you’ll get blown to bits if you’re not careful. The remaining mission is a timed race from node to node before your engine freezes. Not having any useful damage indication in combat situations is a bit of a drag. Your transport blows up almost immediately after the alarms go off or the on-board virtual intelligence bleats out, “Warning! Hull damage sustained.”

Still, the most impressive thing about the Firewalker DLC pack isn’t the Hammerhead, though it improves the vehicular combat greatly from where the Mako left off. It’s the way the insertion of the pack highlights the story architecture in Mass Effect 2 .  You can see where Bioware’s leaving themselves an “in” and an “out” no matter where a player might be in the story. I hadn’t finished the main game yet but it fit seamlessly into the story I was already making with my Commander Shepard. There’s more ME2 DLC coming and it’ll expand players’ sense of an already huge universe. Whether we’ll get more Hammerhead missions is up in the air. But, the content that debuts in the Firewalker pack makes for a promising start for integrating ground vehicles back into Mass Effect games.

Mass Effect 2: Optimal Mission Order

In BioWare's Mass Effect 2, Shepard has the freedom to tackle most missions in any order. What is the best order to follow?

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Prologue: joining cerberus, act 1: putting together your team, act 2 – part 1: finishing recruitment, act 2 – part 2: gaining loyalty, act 3: endgame.

For the most part, Mass Effect 2 is a linear RPG. However, the game does give you some freedom when it comes to mission order. Each act of the adventure has an abundance of quests to take on, and it doesn't matter which you do first or which you save for later.

Mass Effect 2: All Upgrade Locations

Yet, playing each mission in a specific order can improve a playthrough in various ways. For instance, if you complete quests in the optimal sequence, you lower the risk of losing characters by the end of the game. Plus, your narrative experience can be enhanced simply by doing certain missions at certain times. So, here is the order in which you should complete all of the main content.

Updated January 26, 2024 By Ben Jessey: You can play most of the Mass Effect 2 missions in any order you want. However, there is an optimal order that improves the narrative experience and keeps characters alive. We laid out that optimal order in this guide. And now, we've returned to the piece to make sure it's still accurate and easy to read.

During Mass Effect 2's prologue, you have no control over which missions you play . The sequence of events includes an attack on the Normandy, Shepard joining Cerberus, and a visit to Freedom's Progress.

The lack of freedom in the opening stages makes sense as the game slowly introduces you to its mechanics and sets up the story.

Mission Order:

Things start to open up once the prologue ends as the Illusive Man gives you multiple recruitment missions to do at your leisure . You also have a few other quests to keep you busy.

Optimal Mission Order:

After the Horizon quest, the Illusive Man points you toward three more people you should recruit. Plus, this is when loyalty missions start appearing, so make sure you're regularly talking to your teammates.

For the first part of this act, you can only do five quests before triggering the next Collector assignment.

You have plenty of freedom in the wake of the Collector Ship investigation as the game doesn't force you to start the next mission. In fact, you want to avoid initiating the Reaper IFF quest for quite some time .

Instead, the second part of Act 2 is about getting almost all of the loyalty missions done . And these quests are crucial because they help you keep everyone alive during the Suicide Mission .

Mass Effect 2: Should You Save The City Or The Spaceport?

Act 3 serves as the endgame , and it doesn't allow much time for side content. So, make sure that you've done everything before starting these quests .

Mass Effect 2 LE: How To Keep All Squadmates Alive In The Suicide Mission

Screen Rant

What mass effect dlc can be skipped in legendary edition.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition has nearly all the single-player DLC ever released for the trilogy, but a few of the packs can easily be skipped.

The Mass Effect   games are fairly long on their own, but there's a wealth of DLC that can increase that playtime even more. Mass Effect Legendary Editio n loops in nearly all the DLC ever released for the original trilogy, which some players may have missed the first time around.

While a lot of  Mass Effect Legendary Edition's DLC is simple weapon and armor additions, there's a good amount of story added as well, with some horribly hard choices to make in the process. A lot of these side missions add extra context to the main story, and some can even add extra resources to the suicide mission of Mass Effect 2 , or the War Assets of Mass Effect 3 .

Related:  Mass Effect's Kaiden or Ashely Choice: All Pros & Cons Explained

For players making their way through Legendary Edition for the first time, all of the DLC is integrated into each Mass Effect game. With that in mind, there are a few experiences that simply aren't necessary for anyone looking to get through the main game faster. Below are the DLC packs that are easiest to skip in Mass Effect Legendary Edition .

Mass Effect DLC: Bring Down the Sky

Bring Down the Sky is the only DLC pack featured in the original Mass Effect , due to BioWare having trouble getting the original code for the Pinnacle Station pack. Thematically, Bring Down the Sky is one of the best pieces of content in the original game, but it doesn't actually add anything to the main narrative. The DLC is a side story that sees Shepard and company trying to stop a group of Batarian terrorists from dropping an asteroid on a human colony.

When the game originally released, Bring Down the Sky was the first introduction of the Batarians, but since Legendary Edition collects all three games it's not like players need to wait long to meet Batarians. It's an interesting experience that also grants some good end-game equipment, but Bring Down the Sky can ultimately be skipped in the interest of time.

Mass Effect 2 DLC: Firewalker Pack

The Firewalker Pack is a completely unnecessary DLC pack in Mass Effect 2 , and it honestly doesn't even add much to the overall experience. Firewalker has players taking control of a hover tank in a series of vehicle missions. There is a story about Cerberus researchers whose project went wrong, but it's basic at best, and the rewards for completing Firewalker missions in  Mass Effect 2 are simply more credits and minerals. This one can be skipped on almost every playthrough.

Mass Effect 2 DLC: Project Overlord

Project Overlord is in a bit of a strange place, as the DLC doesn't add much to the overarching narrative but it does feature a fantastic and emotional self-contained story. In Overlord, Shepard travels to a Cerberus research facility that's been taken over a sentient AI program.

Related:  Mass Effect: Every Known Spectre in the Series

There's some good variety to the missions in Overlord , which makes the roughly two-hour runtime go by pretty quickly. Still, when talking about  Mass Effect DLC that can be "skipped," ultimately Overlord isn't absolutely necessary to the overall experience.

Mass Effect 3 DLC: Omega

Mass Effect 3: Omeg a is the only piece of DLC in the third game that can really be skipped. The pack has Shepard helping Aria T'Loak take back the space station from Cerberus forces. Omega features some unique enemies and interesting gameplay differences from the main game, but the narrative is a bit of a misfire. The pack can potentially add to player's War Assets, but it simply doesn't feel necessary to the overall  Mass Effect experience.

Mass Effect 2 DLC That Should Be Played

Pretty much every other DLC pack in Mass Effect 2 is important to the story of the series. Zaeed's The Price of Revenge and Kasumi's Stolen Memory are the character's loyalty missions, which are necessary for anyone that wants to keep everyone alive in the Suicide Mission. Lair of the Shadow Broker shows Liara T'Soni's rise into the position and is easily one of the best pieces of Mass Effect content period. Finally, Arrival helps set the stage for the start of Mass Effect 3 and should be played after the end of the main story in Mass Effect 2 .

Mass Effect 3 DLC That Should Be Played

The other two DLC packs for Mass Effect 3 add some seriously incredible content that no fan should miss. Leviathan adds some fascinating lore about the Reapers, as well as high-intensity combat scenarios. Anyone that wants to really understand the lore of Mass Effect needs to play Leviathan . On the other side of the spectrum is Citadel , which functions as a farewell to the characters of the franchise. For anyone that's played through the whole trilogy, Citadel is an unforgettable way to spend a little more time with these beloved  Mass Effect characters.

Next:  Mass Effect 3's Best Side-Missions

Mass Effect Wiki

Firewalker Pack

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Firewalker Pack desktop wallpaper. This uses an earlier in game model of the Hammerhead.

The Firewalker Pack is a DLC pack for Mass Effect 2 . It was announced on February 25, 2010 and released on March 23, 2010. [1]

Content [ ]

  • The M-44 Hammerhead , a hover tank used for planetary exploration on hostile worlds.
  • Project Firewalker: Rosalie Lost
  • Project Firewalker: Geth Incursion
  • Galaxy Map: Firewalker: Artifact Collection
  • Galaxy Map: Firewalker: Recover Research Data
  • Galaxy Map: Firewalker: Prothean Ruin

In all of the assignments, the screen to choose squadmates is presented, however aside from incidental comments, the choice of squadmates does not impact any of the missions. All combat and resource gathering occurs within the Hammerhead.

  • The Dranek system located in the Krogan DMZ cluster.
  • The Chomos located in The Phoenix Massing cluster.
  • The Verr system located in the Hawking Eta cluster.
  • The Yakawa system located in the Caleston Rift cluster.
  • The Hoplos system located in the Hades Nexus cluster.
  • The Elysta system in the Ismar Frontier cluster (if Zaeed - The Price of Revenge wasn't downloaded).
  • A Prothean relic
  • A Fuel Depot is added to the Widow system.

Pricing [ ]

The Firewalker Pack requires download and/or purchase of the Cerberus Network . Alternatively, it is part of Mass Effect Legendary Edition .

References [ ]

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  • Mass Effect
  • 3 Romance (Mass Effect: Andromeda)

Project Firewalker: Prothean Site

While searching through the data from Karumto, Cerberus discovered Dr. Cayce's last known location: the moon Kopis. It's believed that Dr. Cayce had discovered a Prothean site on the planet and set out to excavate it.

Take the Mass Relay and go to Hades Nexus, then make a trip to Hoplos System and look for a planet named Makhaira; your destination is its moon, Kopis. The mission begins with the squad in the Hammerhead. The Hammerhead's onboard VI explains that the kinetic barrier protecting the dig site is too powerful for conventional weapons to penetrate. The barrier must be brought down by destroying the generators that power it. Just follow the power lines to find them. Watch out because Rocket Drones will pop up all over the place in this mission. Just avoid damage and if need be then retreat and recover before charging back in. Also don’t run into the barrier or a Rocket Drone, it causes damage. Note: You don't actually have to destroy (or even shoot at) any of the Rocket Drones. Just staying on the move and shooting the generators is pretty simple to accomplish. There are 4 eezo deposits to find outside the base for a total of 1020 eezo. A single deposit may be found at ground floor. Opposite the ground floor generator, across the map is a deposit, on a cliff. If you then follow this path round, through the tunnel containing a generator, a third deposit may be found by jumping across a gap to a cliff at the same height. The final node may be found near the highest generator just next to it behind a protective rock formation.

Once the last generator is destroyed, the barrier falls, the enemies stop coming, and it allows the squad to leave the Hammerhead and move inside the ruins on foot.

Inside the first room you see the bodies of a number of Blue Suns mercs, a box containing 225 eezo and a datapad on a bloody table. Continuing deeper into the site you will reach a journal. A dead merc nearby is willing to part with 3750 credits and another eezo container, 255. Continue until you reach a terminal for a biotic damage upgrade, and another journal. Hack the computer console to get access to the relic. It is similar to the one encountered on Eletania. Near the entrance is a dead body with the last datapad. Examine the relic and it will glow green then shrink to a more manageable size.The relic can be found on the coffee table in Shepard’s cabin aboard the Normandy SR-2.

Up Next: Kasumi: Stolen Memory

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Mass Effect 2: Firewalker

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Summary (Downloadable Content) Gain access to 5 new missions featuring the Hammerhead. The Hammerhead is a heavy assault vehicle that hovers over the battlefield at up to 120 kilometers per hour and features a guided missile system ensuring accuracy even during aggressive maneuvering.

me2 firewalker missions worth it

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  4. Firewalker Missions!

    me2 firewalker missions worth it

  5. MASS EFFECT 2 DLC Firewalker mission 2 720p HD PLAYTHROUGH

    me2 firewalker missions worth it


    me2 firewalker missions worth it


  1. Firewalker, "flip for it"

  2. Mass Effect 2 Legendary Edition This Evidence Had Better Be Worth It

  3. Are L4 FW Missions worth it? + Thoughts on Battlefields

  4. Firewalker Movie Review #moviereview #shorts

  5. [Livestream] ME2

  6. Missions Revival day2


  1. Are any of the "firewalker" missions in ME2 actually important ...

    You get one cabin toy at the end of the firewalker missions. If you play ME3 with the EGM mod, you can pick it up again. That said, I do recommend leaving it for the post-game anyways. The final squadmate in the game has a lot of conversations that most people never hear because of the timer after you recruit him. MalevolentAngel311.

  2. Project Firewalker

    The Firewalker Pack is a DLC pack for Mass Effect 2 that adds several new missions revolving around a new ground-based vehicle called the M-44 Hammerhead. It is included by default in Mass Effect ...

  3. Mass Effect 2: Everything You'll Find In The Firewalker Pack

    Easily the largest addition to Mass Effect 2's gameplay, much of the Firewalker DLC is spent in the M-44 Hammerhead, a rapid three-man hover-tank equipped with a nose-mounted heavy cannon. With its three jets assisting in hovering, it boasts a high speed and incredible handling in comparison to other vehicles used by the Systems Alliance, including the ability to "jump" using its hover jets.

  4. Is it me, or is the Firewalker missions in ME2 a slog to get through?

    Firewalker isn't as bad as Arrival. The missions take like 10 minutes so they are all pretty quick, in and out. Hardly any combat, Just a few fights with the Hammerhead. Just keep your distance and wait 5 seconds to repair if you need to. No big deal. I usually do Firewalker early (pre-Kasumi loyalty mission) for some extra XP early.

  5. Mass Effect 2

    GameBanshee has spied a review of the Firewalker DLC released yesterday for Mass Effect 2.It's worth noting Firewalker is free but Thankless Grind still didn't find it worth their time, awarding a score of 2/5:. All of the missions are all varying degrees of really short. The mission that involves zooming quickly between nodes is over in all of three minutes by design.

  6. Mass Effect 2: Firewalker Review for PC:

    One of the DLC packs for Mass Effect 2 that was released halfway into the game's infancy, Overlord is a long spanning mission set that is available to the player just as soon as Shepard and company finish their first assignment at Freedom's Progress. Is it worth 560 MS points? You bet.

  7. Mass Effect 2 Mission Order: optimal DLC, dossier, loyalty quest

    Just like its predecessor, Mass Effect 2 has an open-ended story that lets you tackle its various objectives in a relatively open-ended manner - and that means some people are inevitably going to ...

  8. Mako the Best of It: Mass Effect 2 Firewalker DLC review

    The Firewalker pack's all about the M-44 Hammerhead vehicle, designed to fly close to the surfaces of certain planets in Mass Effect 2 's star systems. The Hammerhead is pretty much a hover-tank and controls a bit like a roller-coaster sometimes. But, overall, it does feel more precise and responsive than the Mako ever did.


    subscribe 🔔like 👍share â†Șthank you 😊-----project firewalker is a dlc pack...

  10. Project Firewalker: Rosalie Lost

    By KBABZ , IGN-GameGuides , Jason Burton , +5.1k more. updated Sep 26, 2021. This page of IGN's Mass Effect 2 wiki guide is all about the Rosalie Lost Side Quest, the first Mission in the Project ...

  11. ME2 side missions worth playing? : r/masseffect

    I'd highly advice doing all of the loyalty missions, not just because it affects the outcome of Mass Effect 2, but also because it affects various outcomes in Mass Effect 3 as well. I skipped all N7 quests but its worth to do it at least once. That quest about finding another Prothean beacon is great.

  12. Project Firewalker: Volcano Station

    Head through the lava bottom tunnel and into the base proper. Head left and inside is a datapad and a wall safe with 250 credits. Head out and across the hall to what is left of the station's ...

  13. whats the worst mission in me2, and why is it firewalker?

    On the last playtrough i just rushed passed them stright to the missions areas. Felt so nice. I don't think Firewalker deserves all the hate it gets, mostly because I can ignore in its entirety and it doesn't affect the endgame. For me, the worst mission is The Price of Revenge.

  14. Best Mission Order In Mass Effect 2

    During Mass Effect 2's prologue, you have no control over which missions you play. The sequence of events includes an attack on the Normandy, Shepard joining Cerberus, and a visit to Freedom's Progress. The lack of freedom in the opening stages makes sense as the game slowly introduces you to its mechanics and sets up the story. Mission Order:

  15. Project Firewalker: Geth Incursion

    Project Firewalker: Geth Incursion. Data reveals that Dr. Cayce was interested in the anomalous weather patterns on the planet Lattesh. He had scattered probes on the planet's surface in the hope ...

  16. Mass Effect Legendary Edition: What DLC Can Be Skipped

    The Firewalker Pack is a completely unnecessary DLC pack in Mass Effect 2, and it honestly doesn't even add much to the overall experience.Firewalker has players taking control of a hover tank in a series of vehicle missions. There is a story about Cerberus researchers whose project went wrong, but it's basic at best, and the rewards for completing Firewalker missions in Mass Effect 2 are ...

  17. Firewalker Pack

    The Firewalker Pack is a DLC pack for Mass Effect 2. It was announced on February 25, 2010 and released on March 23, 2010. One vehicle: The M-44 Hammerhead, a hover tank used for planetary exploration on hostile worlds. Five assignments: Project Firewalker: Rosalie Lost Project Firewalker: Geth Incursion Project Firewalker: Survey Sites Located Galaxy Map: Firewalker: Artifact Collection ...

  18. [ME2] Okay Seriously?!?

    Firewalker is among the weakest DLCs for ME2. The best is surely Lair of the Shadowbroker, but I would recommend to see them all anyway. Huh. I thought firewalker was terrible. All the other DLC is great (Arrival doesn't get a lot of love, but Kenson is a pretty cool character and there are some sick fights in there).

  19. Project Firewalker: Prothean Site

    Project Firewalker: Prothean Site. While this Side Quest is the last in the Project Firewalker line, it does not lock out any others if you've yet to complete them. While searching through the ...

  20. Mass Effect 2: Firewalker

    (Downloadable Content) Gain access to 5 new missions featuring the Hammerhead. The Hammerhead is a heavy assault vehicle that hovers over the battlefield at up to 120 kilometers per hour and features a guided missile system ensuring accuracy even during aggressive maneuvering. ... Mass Effect 2: Firewalker View All Platforms Released On: Mar 23 ...

  21. ME2 guide: Best mission order for story purposes and what ...

    Firewalker missions: Anyone ... The only missions worth bringing someone in particular on are Wrex and Garrus on their specific missions, Kaidan in the biotic terrorist one, Wrex and Garrus for the first half of Noveria, and Wrex and Liara for the 2nd half. ... My first run through trilogy and currently on me2. Just unlocked the loyalty ...