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Respect teaching ideas and worksheets. Teach children respect with these printables. The pillar respect teaching unit for grades 3-7. Help your students become more respectful with these SEL digital learning activities for 2nd - 7th grades. Respect can be taught and nurtured, use these free activities with individuals, small group or the whole classroom. See the teaching ideas and worksheets for the following traits: Caring | Citizenship | Courage | Cooperation | Empathy | Fairness | Gratitude | Honesty | Integrity | Kindness | Optimism | Persistence | Respect | Responsibility | Teamwork | Trustworthiness

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Respect Worksheets

Over the years, the concept of respect has really degraded a great deal. When I was a child, the thought of having respect for someone meant that you had a high level of administration for them almost to the point of being envious of them. Today, respect has lowered to where it comes across as being just a decent human being to others. This collection of respect worksheets helps children identify how to portray a sense of respect to others. Model a behavior is always a great way to encourage children to do the right thing. This is a very difficult concept to share with someone because it is one of those things where you cannot say what it looks like, but you can definitely pinpoint it when you see a complete lack of it. Helping students understand that relationships are important to their lives and the lives of those that they care about.

Respect Worksheets To Print:

In the Classroom - To treat others with respect means to treat them with honor and dignity.

Showing Respect - Study each picture. Are the people in each picture showing respect? Why or why not?

How to Show Respect - Put a check mark next to each behavior that is a way to show respect.

R-E-S-P-E-C-T - Read each scenario. Then write down how you would respond to the scenario, demonstrating the character quality of respect.

What is Respect? - Match each scenario below with an answer that makes sense. Write the letter of the answer on the line beneath the scenario.

What Is It? - How do you define respect? This is one that will stump you. It is easier to demonstrate than it is to explain.

My Three People - List three people that you respect. How do you show each one that you respect them?

Do You Show Respect in School? - How do you show respect for your teacher, custodians, classmates, and bus driver.

Go-rilla Around - Are there certain occasions when it is particularly important to show respect?

How Can You Show Respect For - Work off of the pictures you are given here. There may be multiple interpretations of what is occurring in these images.

Showing Respect - Study the boy in the picture. It is his first day at a new school. Do you think that he is being respectful? Why or why not?

How to Show It - How do the others view your actions? Looking at situations from other people's perspective is a skill that takes a good level of maturity.

Think About It! - Think about the story you have just read. Then answer the questions. Make certain to examine this from the mindset of the people that are involved.

Thought Clouds - What are some ways you can show respect for this that and the other. Write up some dialogue for these clouds, just like a comic strip.

Self Respect - Self-respect means treating yourself with dignity and honor. It is hard to give to others, what you do not have internally.

How to Encourage Student Respect?

A positive and respectful academic environment automatically encourages better education facilities and boosts both the teacher's as well as student's morale towards learning. However, maintaining a positive environment in an academic institute, especially the one with very young students, is very daunting. Children should be taught from the first day to respect and regard their teachers as well as each other. The students must be encouraged at every point to display an attitude of respect and care for everyone. Some of the ideal ways to encourage students in this regard are as follows:

Treat Students Equally and with Respect

Students are always sensitive to disrespect and biased treatment due to several reasons by their teachers. As a teacher, you must treat every child equally. The students who get better grades should not be overtly praised. Rather, the students who are weaker in their studies should also be taken care of. Do not insult the students openly, rather talk to them in private about what you find is wrong in them. Only by displaying an attitude of respect towards the students, you can expect them to respect you back.

Students are Less Likely to Respect a Strict Teacher

Being strict as a teacher for no reason will only make a student respect you in front of you. If you are rude to students without any reason, there is a 100% chance of them disliking you even if they cannot display their emotions openly. Always try to minimize the strictness as much as you can. Rebuking, ignoring, and disrespecting the students will never encourage them to respect you ever.

Appreciate Their Respectful Gestures

Children love appreciation especially when it comes from a teacher in front of the class. If a student shows you even the smallest gesture of respect, try to acknowledge it and thank the student in front of others so that more students follow the act.

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Talking with Trees- Elementary Social Emotional Learning Books and Curriculum Teaching Resources

What is Respect Worksheet

Character Ed / SEL worksheets for Grades 2-4 - printable PDF or fillable fields for remote learning

Respect Worksheet for SEL / Character Education

Understanding Respect

Children match real world situations with respectful and disrespectul actions. Teaches aspects of respect / social skills including being respectful with your tone and volume, respecting yourself, being kind even when you're upset.

Grade Level

Character / sel topics.

  • Respect for self and others
  • Social Awareness, Social Skills
  • Self Management
  • Positive interpersonal relationships

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Respect worksheet for social skills and elementary school character education

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Teachers guide for the What is Respect Worksheet

Download Teachers Guide PDF

The Respect Worksheet can be used standalone, or with the book "What if" :

Stand alone- Explain Repect

To explain more about respect, see the "What is Respect" Definition for kids .

Using the worksheet, students read scenarios and match respectful or disrespectful actions. Students can write in answers or use the fillable fields to type their answers.

Story-based Activity

This activity is based on the book, "What if?" where a wise old tree teaches two children to pause and ask "What if?" before they act or speak. The tree teaches the children that taking a moment to think of outcomes or consequences can help them choose a more respectful way to treat others, and themselves.

See a full lesson plan for the story plus worksheet.

Poster on respect and responsibility - ask yourself what if?

What if I do this... what could happen?

  • If you'll hurt yourself...
  • hurt someone else...
  • or make your momma mad...
  • Change your action

Related Activities

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Showing Respect Worksheet

Worksheet- Showing Respect

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Worksheet- Respect in Friendship

What if Book on Respect

Book- Treating self and others with respect

What if Poster on respect for character ed / SEL for kids

Poster What if?

What if Seed Activity for character ed / SEL for kids

Activity- What if seed

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Image titled Respect activities for kids and illustration of kid saying thank you for a gift

30 Activities to Teach Kids About Respect

Respect Activities for Kids: Activities, games, and ideas to teach kids about respect at home and in the classroom. Interesting ideas for your social-emotional learning lessons, classroom discussion, or family conversations. Be sure to download the fun respect activity available at the end of this post.

What is Respect?

Respect is the ability to value and honor others, even if we don’t share the same views, values, or opinions, and regardless of their individual characteristics.

Respect means accepting others and treating them with dignity.

Respect permeates our acts and shows when we treat people and property with consideration. It also allows us to build trust and relationships.

Respect can also have a connotation of admiration toward something or someone, but our focus in this article will be on respect as a character trait or a value.

Different Types of Respect

We can identify different types of respect depending on the object of our respect. For example:

·     Respect for other human beings

·     Self-respect (appreciating yourself and valuing your own worth)

·     Respect for laws, rules, decisions, institutions

·     Respect for non-human beings (e.g., animals, nature)

How Do We Show Respect to Others?

Respect shows in our acts.

Respect is a lot more than being polite and showing good manners. These are just a few examples of respectful behavior:

We can show respect in our everyday live interactions when we:

  • Give our full attention to the person who talks to us
  • Accept different opinions without judging or trying to change them
  • Have due regard for other people’s feelings
  • Use kind words
  • Show compassion and empathy
  • Tell the truth and show honesty
  • Apologize for acts that may have hurt others
  • Listen to people’s opinions and try to understand them
  • Communicate assertively (we respect ourselves and our opinions while we try to understand others)
  • Deal with our frustration without unloading it on those around us
  • Disagree politely
  • Show gratitude
  • Keep our commitments

Kids learn behaviors from the people around them, their family and friends, and their teachers. One of the best ways to teach respect to children is to act as respectful adults.

No matter what you are doing, show respect to those around you. You will be surprised how much easier teaching respect is when you are a strong role model.

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Teaching Respect to Kids: 30 Fun Respect Activities and Ideas for the Classroom

Let’s explore some activities and ideas to teach kids about respect.

Defining Respect Activities

1. Definition of Respect

The word “respect” can feel overwhelming to kids, so a great way to help your students learn about respect is to go over the definition of respect and have them list out different character traits and behaviors that can go along with that (such as good manners).

2. Respect Show and Tell

Have students bring in an object that represents something they respect or admire and share why they chose it with the class.

3. Talk about the Golden Rule

This reciprocity concept of the Golden Rule is present in major religions and ethical traditions.

The Golden Rule asserts that we should treat others as we would like to be treated.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

This rule is vital to teaching kids the value of respect.

4. Respects Synonyms & Antonyms

Ask your students to divide a paper into two columns. In the first column, they have to come up with words that have a connotation of respect. Examples of respect words can be:

  • Appreciation
  • Consideration
  • Take into account
  • Treating with dignity

You can even include sentences like

  • you have my full attention
  • I disagree, but I respect your opinion.

In the second column, they must write words that denote a lack of respect (or disrespectful behavior). Examples of non-respect words and behaviors can be:

  • Disrespect / Saying disrespectful things (even if said as a joke)
  • Bad manners
  • Rude behavior
  • Name-calling
  • Making fun of someone
  • Not listening
  • Excluding people

Self-Respect Activities for Kids

“Respect yourself, and others will respect you.” Confucius

5. A Letter to Your Future Self

Ask your students to write a letter to their future self explaining all the reasons why they are great kids.

6. My Inner Qualities Activity This activity helps your kid reflect on those important inner qualities that you can’t see from the outside but make them special. Examples of inner qualities could be being kind, thoughtful, optimistic, brave, patient, friendly.

Related: Self-Confidence Workbook for Kids

The Confident Kids Printable Journal with self-esteem activities and worksheets for kids

Other Respect Activities for Kids

7. Respect Journal

Journaling is a great tool to help us reflect on personal experiences.

Ask your kid or student to devote a few minutes to think about the day and situations where they showed respect and consideration or other another day and situations where they should have acted differently.

8. What Would You Do If..?

What would be your student responses to different situations that occur in real life?

Everyday situations are the best way to talk about the importance of respect. They can see how they play an important role in society and how their social skills can influence everyone around them.

Before class, write out different situations that can occur to anyone and have your students journal how to respond with respect. Some situations that you could write are: 

  • Someone bumps into you in the hallway.
  • You lend your pen to your classmate, and they forget to return it.

9. Act it Out

Have your students in small groups and give them different scenarios to act out. Some are authority figures while others are trying out different ways to behave – some respectful, some not. 

Through this exercise, students can see how a child’s behavior can create positive results or negative consequences.

10. The Respect Circle

 Have students stand in a circle and take turns saying something respectful about the person to their left. This game encourages positive communication and fosters a sense of community.

11. Personal Space Activity

This activity will help you teach how to respect personal space .

Draw a circle on a big sheet of paper. The inner circle will be the intimate space (1.5 feet radius), surrounded by  personal space  (4 feet radius), and the area outside is the social space.

Put that paper on the floor. Take turns to role-play conversations where kids speak to each other without trespassing in their personal spaces. (You may also use a string to create the circle or a hula hoop)

Related reading: 21 Personal Space Activities for Kids

12. Respect Relay

Divide students into teams and have them race to complete a series of respectful actions, such as shaking hands, using polite language, and showing gratitude.

13. Respect Bingo

Create bingo cards with respectful behaviors such as saying “please” and “thank you,” listening to others, and using polite language. As students observe these behaviors in their peers, they can mark off the corresponding square on their bingo card.

14. Respect Rocks

Have a jar in your classroom that is primarily for encouraging positive behavior and being respectful. Whenever one of your students is seen doing something positive, add a small rock to the jar. Once the jar is full, have your classroom receive a reward such as popsicles during recess. 

15. Create a Class Mural About Respect

Using a bulletin board, have your students work together to create a beautiful piece of artwork for the entire school to enjoy. This exercise aims to explore the meaning of respect and create a feeling of community by working hard to build a mural together. Once a community is established, then showing respect is much easier in the classroom. 

16. Establish Respect Rules

A group of people is more likely to be respectful to one another once a strong foundation is laid through an understanding of what is and what is not allowed. 

Create a poster (this can be a class activity) where you lay out the respect rules in the classroom or at home. For example:

In this classroom, we use kind words; we look after our class property and others’ property; we help and support each other; we care for each other.

17. Gratitude Message

Have students write a positive note to a classmate, teacher, or family member, expressing gratitude or admiration. This activity fosters a sense of community and encourages positive communication.

18. Thank You Notes

Encourage your children to say “please” and “thank you” regularly and to express gratitude for the people and things in their lives.

For a more in-depth activity, have your students write a letter to express their appreciation or a card to say thank you. 

Related: Gratitude Activities for Kids

19. How to Show Respect Poster

One of my favorite hands-on activities is on a poster board, have your students write down the names of their family members and teachers as well as different things that they could do on a daily basis. This can help them set clear expectations for how to show their appreciation for their family and school community.

20. Respect Scavenger Hunt

Create a scavenger hunt where students must search for objects or complete tasks that promote respectful behavior, such as picking up litter, holding the door open for someone, or complimenting a stranger.

21. Respect Charades

Write down different examples of respectful behaviors on slips of paper and put them in a bowl. Students take turns drawing a slip of paper and acting out the behavior while others guess what it is.

A jar with slips of paper with written examples of respectful behaviors for a respect charade game for kids. Example of a printable with charades situations that can be downloaded at the end of the post.

(This game is so much fun, so make sure you reserve a lot of time for it in your lesson plans! Be sure to download this fun respect group activity at the end of this post.)

22. Voicing Disagreements

One of my favorite respect games to help children understand the topic of respect is to discuss the idea of respecting others while disagreeing with them.

Write down a situation on the board that your students may disagree on. Then, have them journal respectful ways to disagree with the person. Some things that they can write down are:

  • use respectful words to explain why their viewpoint is the right thing
  • show mutual respect

23. Respect Role-Playing

Use scenarios to demonstrate how to show respect in different situations.

For example, acting out how to greet someone politely, listening to someone when they’re talking, or asking for permission before touching someone else’s property.

24. Create a Respectful Pledge

Together with your children, create a pledge to respect others and treat them kindly. Display the pledge somewhere visible as a reminder like on your fridge or your classroom door.

25. Learn to Say I’m Sorry I have a very detailed article with advice on how to teach kids to apologize (it includes activities and worksheets)

26. Assertive Communication Activities

Good communication skills also contribute to self-respect and respect from others.

Assertive communication is empowering, and it boosts our confidence. We are not afraid to defend our opinions and express how we feel.

It is likely to gain the respect of people around us because they see that we defend our rights but we respect others. It balances both our needs and desires with other people’s needs.

Check out these Assertive Communication Games and Activities

Assertive Communication Workbook for Kids_Worksheets Games and Activities

28. Turn-Taking Activities These activities can help kids learn to take turns and not interrupt others

29. Listening Skills Activities

Giving our full attention is a sign of respect. These tips and listening activities will help you teach how to listen with our whole body.

30. Read Books About Respect

One of the simplest ways to begin teaching young children the concept of respect can be done by pointing out disrespectful behavior. Finding a book or tv show where the character is doing unkind things is one of the best ways to do this casually. 

List of Picture Books About Respect (for inspiration):

  • Teach Your Dragon Respect: A Story About Being Respectful (My Dragon Books – Reading age 2 -5) I love the Dragon series books. Having a dragon pet is super cool, but what happens if your dragon is disrespectful?
  • Teach Your Dragon Manners: Train Your Dragon To Be Respectful . (Reading age 2-5) And what happens if your dragon is rude?
  • A Little Respectful SPOT: A Story About Respecting People, Places, and Things (Reading age 5-7) A cute little yellow SPOT shows different ways to be respectful to people, places, and things in everyday scenarios (being polite, respecting personal space and property)
  • Respect – The Best Me That I Can Be (Reading age 3-6) In this book, a boy named Keigan walks us through real-life situations to teach us what respect means.
  • Respect and Take Care of Things (Reading age 2-7) This book is about respecting property and nature. It teaches us to take care of our planet, encourages kids to pick up after themselves, and to ask permission to use things that don’t belong to them.
  • Let’s Talk About Body Boundaries, Consent, and Respect : Teach children about body ownership, respect, feelings, choices, and recognizing bullying behaviors (Reading age 4-7)

Example of respect activity_pin

Other Social-Emotional Learning Resources

  • Fun Social Skills Activities for Kids
  • Leadership Activities
  • Self-Awareness Activities
  • Anger Management Activities for Kids
  • 101 Kindness Activities for Kids

Respect Group Activity for Kids (Free PDF Download)

Examples of cards with positive affirmations for anxiety for kids

Really hoping this good info will help my ODD/ADHD/Autism spectrum son.

Alicia Ortego

First of all, you’re right to say that children deserve respect as well. Some people say that you don’t even need to teach kids anything, you just need to show things with your own example. But I think that reading books about respect and immersing yourself into the world of fun and exciting character would be a perfect quality time spending for you and your kids.

This is exactly what I need as a couselor at an elementary school in teaching my kiddos about respect and responsibility

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Printable Respect Activities

Teaching respect to children is an essential part of their personal and social development. It helps them build positive relationships, empathize with others, and become responsible individuals in their communities. With a wide range of resources available, educators and parents can find creative and engaging ways to teach respect to children. Here are some valuable resources that can be used to supplement lessons and activities on respect:

Respect Worksheet For Kids - The Best Worksheets Image Collection

This worksheet collection provides a variety of activities to help children understand the concept of respect. The colorful and interactive worksheets make learning fun and engaging. They cover a range of topics, including respecting elders, peers, and the environment. These worksheets can be printed and used in the classroom or at home to reinforce the importance of respect.

Respect Activity Pack

Respect Activity Pack Image

This activity pack offers a comprehensive set of resources to teach respect. It includes interactive activities, games, and discussions that encourage children to reflect on the concept of respect and its application in everyday life. The pack also includes printable worksheets and posters that serve as visual reminders of respectful behavior.

Respect Worksheets and Teaching Resources

Respect Worksheets Image

These teaching resources provide a range of worksheets and activities suitable for different age groups. The worksheets cover various aspects of respect, such as manners, empathy, and active listening. They can be used as standalone activities or incorporated into larger lesson plans to enhance students’ understanding of respect.

Ways to Show Respect Worksheet

Ways to Show Respect Worksheet Image

This worksheet focuses on practical ways in which children can demonstrate respect in their daily lives. It encourages them to think about respectful behavior towards family members, friends, and teachers. It serves as a valuable tool for promoting discussions on respect and guiding students to apply respectful actions in their interactions with others.

Respect Activity and Worksheet

Respect Activity and Worksheet Image

This activity and worksheet set provides a hands-on approach to learning about respect. It includes role-playing scenarios, group discussions, and thought-provoking questions that help students explore the importance of respect in various contexts. The activities also encourage self-reflection and personal growth in relation to respectful behavior.

These are just a few examples of the many resources available to teach respect. Each resource provides educators and parents with valuable tools to engage children in thoughtful discussions and practical activities that foster respect as a core value. By using these resources, we can help instill in children the importance of respect, kindness, and empathy, which will guide them towards becoming responsible and compassionate individuals.

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Printable Respect Interactive Worksheet for Elementary Students

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This Printable Respect Worksheet helps to integrate the senses so students can better understand what respect actually means. This printable activity is designed to guide to assist in the understanding of what respect is but also how to show it. Not only will students be able to understand what respect may look like or sound like, but they will also be able to understand what it might feel like when someone respects them!

Ideas for Use;

⭐Individual Lessons

⭐Push-In Lessons

⭐Group Lessons

⭐For students who struggle with boundaries

⭐Students that may struggle with respecting themselves or others

⭐To use with videos and breaking down specific scenarios within the videos

Sometimes students are asked to "respect their peer" and "respect their teachers" however, most students don't actually know what "respect" means. This resource can help!

Interested in more Social Emotional Learning Activities to utilize?

❤️ Social Emotional Classroom Awards For Students-- School Counselors

❤️ Boundaries Activity Flipbook for Teaching Students Expected Behaviors

❤️ Rockstar Setlist Worksheet- SEL for Building Positive Affirmations in Students

❤️ Think It Or Say It Impulse Control Activity

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Respect Worksheets

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If you're assigning this to your students, copy the worksheet to your account and save. When creating an assignment, just select it as a template!


Promoting Self-Respect and Social Skills Using Worksheets

In the journey of social and emotional learning, fostering respect among students becomes a critical aspect of creating a harmonious classroom and a compassionate society. Respect, which involves showing consideration and dignity towards others, is a fundamental skill that educators can impart to children through engaging respect worksheets and thought-provoking lessons.

Respect Worksheets: A Valuable Teaching Resource

We know you are always on the lookout for free worksheets on respect that provide practical examples and meaningful exercises. These respect resources serve as essential tools to help students learn, explain, and define respect in a clear and relatable manner. By using respect worksheets in the classroom, educators can effectively demonstrate the significance of respect and its impact on feelings and emotions.

Teaching Respect: Integrating Social Skills and Examples

A well-designed respect worksheet for middle school can serve as a catalyst for meaningful discussions and skill development. Educators can use these worksheets to prompt students to answer questions and explain their understanding of respect. By discussing real-life examples of respect in action, students learn how showing respect enhances interpersonal relationships and nurtures a culture of empathy and dignity.

Promoting Self-Respect and Social Skills

These worksheets are not just about teaching students to respect others; they also encourage self-reflection and promote self-respect. By engaging in writing exercises and activities, children can explore their feelings and emotions, gaining a deeper understanding of their own self-worth and value. This process forms a solid foundation for building strong skills and fostering respect in all aspects of their lives.

Classroom Ideas: Making Respect Tangible and Relevant

Integrating these worksheets into the classroom provides an array of creative teaching opportunities. Teachers can organize role-playing exercises, group discussions, and collaborative projects to demonstrate the significance of respect in various contexts. These interactive activities not only make the learning experience enjoyable but also allow students to witness firsthand how being respectful positively impacts their relationships with peers, adults in the school environment, and the wider community.

Respect is not just a mere concept but a vital life skill that lays the groundwork for a harmonious society. By utilizing our worksheets for kids, one can effectively teach the value of respect, incorporating real-life examples and engaging activities. As students develop, embrace self-respect, and learn to show respect to others, they become agents of positive change in their classrooms, schools, and communities. Through the collective effort of educators, children, and society as a whole, we can foster a culture of kindness, dignity, and empathy, empowering the next generation to build a brighter and more compassionate world.

Tips for Making a Respect Worksheet

  • Define the Purpose: Start by clearly defining the objectives of the lesson. Determine the specific aspects of you want to focus on, such as respecting others, self-respect, or environmental respect.
  • Select Appropriate Content: Gather relevant content and examples of respect to include in the worksheet. Incorporate real-life scenarios that demonstrate the importance of respect in various situations.
  • Engage with Visuals: Utilize eye-catching visuals and graphics to make the worksheet visually appealing and engaging for students. Visual aids can reinforce the message and facilitate understanding.
  • Include Thoughtful Questions: Integrate thought-provoking questions that prompt students to think critically. Encourage them to reflect on their own experiences and how they have witnessed or practiced respect in their lives.
  • Provide Scenario-Based Exercises: Create scenario-based exercises that present different situations where respect is either demonstrated or lacking. Ask students to identify the actions that show respect and explain their reasoning.
  • Encourage Group Discussions: Include group discussion questions that encourage students to share their thoughts and opinions. Group discussions foster collaboration and broaden perspectives on the topic.
  • Incorporate Social Activities: Design interactive worksheets that require students to work together, practice active listening, and demonstrate empathy towards one another.
  • Include Self-Reflection Exercises: Integrate self-reflection activities where students can assess their own behavior and understanding. This helps them develop a deeper sense of self-awareness.
  • Promote Creative Expression: Allow room for creative expression by incorporating writing or drawing exercises related to this topic. This allows students to express their thoughts and feelings in a personalized manner.
  • Offer Free Worksheets on Respect: If possible, make the respect worksheet freely accessible to students. Providing free worksheets ensures that all students have the opportunity to participate in the respect lesson and benefit from the learning experience.

By following these steps, you can create an effective and engaging worksheet that facilitates meaningful discussions about the importance of respect and its impact on individuals and communities.

How to Make a Respect Worksheet

Choose one of the premade templates.

We have lots of templates to choose from. Take a look at our example for inspiration!

Click on “Copy Template”

Once you do this, you will be directed to the storyboard creator.

Give Your Worksheet a Name!

Be sure to call it something related to the topic so that you can easily find it in the future.

Edit Your Worksheet

This is where you will include directions, specific images, and make any aesthetic changes that you would like. The options are endless!

Click "Save and Exit"

When you are finished, click this button in the lower right hand corner to exit your storyboard.

From here you can print, download as a PDF, attach it to an assignment and use it digitally, and more!

Happy Creating!

Frequently Asked Questions About Respect

What role does respect play in the classroom and school environment.

Respect creates a positive and nurturing classroom. With these lessons, free worksheets, and activities, students learn empathy, effective communication, and collaboration. It fosters understanding, harmonious relationships, active participation, and reduces conflicts. Cultivating a respectful culture empowers students, creating an inclusive and supportive school community where everyone's dignity is honored.

How can teachers incorporate respect lessons into their curriculum?

Educators can effectively incorporate respect lessons into their curriculum by integrating them across various subjects and activities. They can use engaging discussions, role-playing exercises, and a real-life example of respect to emphasize the importance of respect in different contexts. Utilizing social skills free worksheets, respect worksheets and other worksheet activities provides structured learning experiences for students. In addition, encouraging open dialogue and reflective writing on related topics is an excellent strategy. By infusing these lessons throughout the curriculum, educators reinforce this fundamental value and its practical applications, empowering students to embrace respect as an essential life skill both inside and outside the classroom.

What is the connection between respect and social development?

The connection between the two is significant and intertwined. Respect is essential for positive social interactions, as it involves valuing others' perspectives and feelings. By practicing respect, individuals learn key socialization skills like active listening, empathy, and cooperation, enabling effective communication and building meaningful relationships. Respecting others creates a safe and supportive environment, fostering a strong sense of community. Social development, in turn, enhances the ability to demonstrate respect, creating a positive cycle that contributes to healthier relationships and a harmonious society.

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Printable Respect Interactive Worksheet for Elementary Students

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Social Emotional Learning

Not Grade Specific

About This Product

Are you looking for a fun, free, respect activity to use with your students? This printable respect worksheet helps to integrate the senses so students can better understand what respect actually means. This printable activity is designed to guide to assist in the understanding of what respect is but also how to show it. Not only will students be able to understand what respect may look like or sound like, but they will also be able to understand what it might feel like when someone respects them!\\

Students will be given 3 different worksheets where they can depict what respect may look like, feel like, and sound like. You can use these for individual sessions, small groups or whole class push in lessons. Student will come up with different ways we can show respect!

Ideas for Use;

⭐Individual Lessons

⭐Push-In Lessons

⭐Group Lessons

⭐For students who struggle with boundaries

⭐Students that may struggle with respecting themselves or others

⭐To use with videos and breaking down specific scenarios within the videos

Sometimes students are asked to "respect their peer" and "respect their teachers" however, most students don't actually know what "respect" means. This resource can help!

What's Included

3 worksheets-- Full Color

3 Worksheets-- Black and White

Resource Tags

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Free Printable Printable Respect Worksheets

Respect is an essential value that shapes our interactions and relationships with others. It is the foundation of empathy, kindness, and understanding. Teaching children about respect from an early age is crucial in fostering their social and emotional development. There are various ways to instill respect in children, and one effective method is through the use of printable worksheets. These worksheets not only reinforce the concept of respect but also make learning enjoyable for children. In this article, we will explore a collection of free printable respect worksheets for kids.

  • The Importance of Respect

Free Printable Respect Worksheets For Kids

Respect is a fundamental value that teaches children how to treat others with kindness and consideration. By respecting others, children develop strong interpersonal skills and build meaningful relationships. This printable worksheet emphasizes the importance of respect in daily life. It encourages children to reflect on various scenarios and identify respectful behavior.

Why is respect important?

Respect is essential for maintaining healthy relationships and fostering a positive social environment. It allows individuals to feel valued and acknowledged, creating a sense of belonging and trust. Moreover, respecting others’ boundaries and perspectives promotes empathy and understanding.

How can we teach children about respect?

Teaching children about respect involves modeling respectful behavior, setting clear expectations, and providing opportunities for practice. Printable worksheets offer a hands-on approach to learning, enabling children to engage with different scenarios and explore the concept of respect in a fun and interactive way.

  • Respect for Others

Free Printable Respect Worksheets

Respecting others is an integral part of building healthy relationships. This printable worksheet focuses on various aspects of respecting others, such as listening attentively, using polite language, and considering others’ feelings. It presents relatable scenarios that encourage children to think about respectful behavior in different contexts.

Active listening: What does it mean to listen attentively?

Active listening involves giving our full attention to the person speaking, without interrupting or judging. It shows respect for the speaker’s thoughts and feelings and promotes effective communication. To listen attentively, one must maintain eye contact, nod or provide verbal cues to show understanding, and avoid distractions.

Using polite language: Why is it important?

Using polite language is a sign of respect and consideration for others. Polite language includes using “please” and “thank you,” addressing others with respect (e.g., using Mr. or Mrs.), and avoiding rude or offensive words. Politeness fosters positive interactions and creates a harmonious social environment.

  • Respecting Personal Boundaries

13 Respect Worksheets And Activities

Respecting personal boundaries is an essential aspect of respect. This printable worksheet explores the concept of personal space and teaches children how to recognize and respect others’ boundaries. It presents scenarios where children must determine appropriate personal space in different situations, such as at school, on the playground, or at a family gathering.

What is personal space?

Personal space refers to the physical distance individuals prefer to keep between themselves and others. It varies across cultures and individuals, and respecting personal space demonstrates consideration and awareness of others’ comfort levels. Some people may prefer more personal space, while others may be comfortable with closer proximity.

How can we respect personal boundaries?

Respecting personal boundaries involves being aware of and responding appropriately to signals from others. It means not invading someone’s personal space without permission, not touching someone without their consent, and being mindful of others’ comfort levels. Respecting personal boundaries reinforces trust and promotes healthy relationships.

  • Developing Self-Respect

Respect Worksheet (professor feito) - Twinkl

Respect starts with oneself. Developing self-respect is crucial for children to develop a positive self-image and build self-confidence. This printable worksheet focuses on self-respect and encourages children to reflect on their strengths, celebrate their accomplishments, and practice self-care.

What is self-respect?

Self-respect is the recognition and appreciation of one’s own worth and value. It involves acknowledging one’s strengths, accepting imperfections, and treating oneself with kindness and compassion. Self-respect also involves setting boundaries, making healthy choices, and prioritizing personal well-being.

How can children develop self-respect?

Children can develop self-respect through self-reflection, setting and achieving personal goals, and practicing self-care. Encouraging children to identify their strengths and accomplishments fosters a positive self-image. Additionally, teaching children to prioritize their physical, emotional, and mental well-being cultivates a sense of self-respect.

  • Respectful Communication

Effective communication is rooted in respect. This printable worksheet focuses on developing respectful communication skills in children. It introduces different scenarios where children must choose the most respectful way to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and opinions.

What is respectful communication?

Respectful communication involves expressing thoughts, feelings, and opinions in a considerate and non-threatening manner. It requires active listening, using “I” statements, and avoiding blame or judgment. Respectful communication promotes understanding, empathy, and productive conversations.

How can children practice respectful communication?

Children can practice respectful communication by actively listening to others, using polite language, expressing themselves clearly and calmly, and considering others’ perspectives. Role-playing different communication scenarios can help children develop effective and respectful communication skills.

  • Respect and Diversity

Respecting diversity is essential in fostering an inclusive and harmonious society. This printable worksheet explores respect for diversity and teaches children about the importance of embracing different cultures, traditions, and perspectives.

Why is respecting diversity important?

Respecting diversity promotes equality, understanding, and empathy. It challenges stereotypes, decreases prejudice, and fosters a sense of unity within diverse communities. By respecting and appreciating diversity, children learn to value and celebrate differences.

How can children show respect for diversity?

Children can show respect for diversity by learning about different cultures, traditions, and customs. Engaging in activities that explore diversity, such as celebrating multicultural holidays or trying food from various cuisines, helps children develop a broader perspective and appreciation for different backgrounds.

  • Building Empathy through Respect

15 Print Respect Lesson Worksheet

Respect and empathy go hand in hand. This printable worksheet focuses on building empathy through respect. It presents scenarios where children must think about how others might feel in different situations, encouraging them to put themselves in others’ shoes.

What is empathy?

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It involves recognizing and validating others’ emotions, even if their experiences differ from our own. Empathy promotes kindness, compassion, and positive interpersonal connections.

How can respect foster empathy?

Respect plays a vital role in fostering empathy by encouraging individuals to consider and validate others’ perspectives. When individuals show respect for one another, it creates a safe space for open communication and understanding. This, in turn, facilitates the development of empathy.

  • Role Models and Respect

36 Respect Worksheet For Elementary Students - support worksheet

Role models play a significant role in shaping children’s behavior. This printable worksheet explores the influence of role models on respectful behavior. It encourages children to reflect on the qualities they admire in their role models and how they can incorporate these qualities into their own lives.

Who are role models?

Role models are individuals who inspire and motivate by their actions and character. They embody qualities such as honesty, kindness, respect, and empathy. Role models can be family members, teachers, community leaders, or even fictional characters.

How can positive role models promote respect?

Positive role models demonstrate respectful behavior through their actions, words, and interactions with others. By observing and emulating these behaviors, children learn the importance of respect and incorporate it into their own lives. Positive role models also provide guidance and inspire children to make positive choices.

  • Cultivating Respect for Nature

Free Printable Respect Worksheets For Kids - Learning How to Read

Respect extends beyond human relationships. This printable worksheet focuses on cultivating respect for nature and the environment. It encourages children to reflect on their role in protecting the planet and the importance of sustainable practices.

Why is respecting nature important?

Respecting nature is crucial for maintaining a healthy planet for future generations. It involves recognizing the interconnectedness of all living beings and acting responsibly to protect the environment. Respecting nature promotes sustainability and ensures the preservation of diverse ecosystems.

How can children show respect for nature?

Children can show respect for nature by practicing conservation, such as reducing waste, recycling, and conserving energy and water. Engaging in outdoor activities, such as gardening or nature walks, helps children develop a deep appreciation for the natural world and understand their role in preserving it.

  • Resolving Conflict with Respect

13 Respect Worksheets And Activities

Conflict resolution is an essential skill that requires respect and effective communication. This printable worksheet focuses on resolving conflict with respect. It presents scenarios where children must think about respectful ways to resolve conflicts and encourages them to explore strategies such as active listening and compromise.

Why is resolving conflict with respect important?

Resolving conflict with respect promotes healthy relationships and reduces the likelihood of escalation. It allows individuals to address differences and find mutually beneficial solutions. Respecting others’ perspectives during conflict resolution fosters empathy and understanding.

What are some respectful conflict resolution strategies?

Respectful conflict resolution strategies include active listening, using “I” statements to express feelings, finding common ground, and seeking compromise. It is essential to approach conflicts with an open mind, treat others with respect, and work collaboratively to find solutions that meet the needs of all parties involved.

Teaching children about respect is a lifelong journey that begins with understanding and empathy. Printable worksheets offer a valuable tool in this journey by providing interactive and engaging activities that reinforce the importance of respect in various contexts. Whether it is respecting others, personal boundaries, diversity, or the environment, these worksheets help children develop essential social and emotional skills. By incorporating respect into their daily interactions, children grow into compassionate and empathetic individuals who contribute positively to their communities.

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  1. Printable Respect Worksheets

    Respect Worksheets. Home > Teacher Printables > Respect. Respect is having some form of regard for another person's feelings and wishes. As we get older the definition skews a bite towards admiration for another person based on their talents or accomplishments. Respect and what it really means differs a bit for each individual.

  2. Respect Worksheets

    Teach children respect with these printables. The pillar respect teaching unit for grades 3-7. Help your students become more respectful with these SEL digital learning activities for 2nd - 7th grades. Respect can be taught and nurtured, use these free activities with individuals, small group or the whole classroom. See the teaching ideas and ...

  3. Respect Worksheets and Teaching Resources

    Free and Ready for Remote Learning. Our PDF worksheets are free to print or share for non-commercial use. Talking with Trees respect worksheets are available as downloadable PDFs that can be printed, or post them to your Google classroom or other Learning Management System. Built-in fillable fields enable children to type in their answers online.

  4. Respect Worksheets

    Today, respect has lowered to where it comes across as being just a decent human being to others. This collection of respect worksheets helps children identify how to portray a sense of respect to others. Model a behavior is always a great way to encourage children to do the right thing. This is a very difficult concept to share with someone ...


    This unit is divided into the following lessons. The lessons contain choices for activities and are organized into an instructional sequence around a workplace assignment. 1. Respect 2. Self-respect 3. Conversation 4. Work friendships . Lessons Instructional Sequence Activities . 1. Respect things to another person. If you could do it

  6. PDF Lesson and Activity Excerpted From the Tanenbaum Interreligious

    Make copies of the worksheets for the class. "Respecting Each Other" can be a great tool in creating a classroom culture of respect and reducing bullying and negative behavior. Use them throughout the year, adding to them or changing them where necessary. Start out your lessons by reminding students of the agreements.

  7. Showing Respect Worksheet

    Write or type examples of how to show respect. The worksheet can be printed, or posted online (includes fillable fields that students can type in.) Using the examples from the Presentation or Lesson Plan, students write or type examples of how to show respect for people, places things. Swipe sideways to scroll through more options.

  8. What is Respect Worksheet

    The Respect Worksheet can be used standalone, or with the book "What if": Stand alone- Explain Repect. To explain more about respect, see the "What is Respect" Definition for kids. Using the worksheet, students read scenarios and match respectful or disrespectful actions. Students can write in answers or use the fillable fields to type their ...

  9. Ways to Show Respect Worksheet (Teacher-Made)

    A respect worksheet for kids to brainstorm ideas. Give your kids an opportunity to consider various ways of seeing, feeling, or hearing respect with this Ways to Show Respect Worksheet. This worksheet features seven thought bubbles, each titled with a different common physical/social environment for a child to find themselves in, such as "in ...

  10. Respect Worksheet (Teacher-Made)

    Use this resource to help young people think about what respect is and the effect respect has upon people. The activity asks young people to think about the emotions and feelings that they would experience if they were shown respect and how they would feel when they are shown a lack of respect. Useful to use with manners.

  11. Worksheet respect

    12 different Respect worksheets. Comes in two versions - primary and intermediate. Great for generating ideas on kindness, manners, and empathy. Available in PDF, digital on Google Slides, with images included for creating your own activity on a different learning platform. Writing, drawing, cut and paste, and word puzzles included.

  12. Respect Worksheets & Activities

    These printable worksheets are designed to help you teach your students how to show respect. Clear visuals are used to provide specific examples of respect (and disrespect) to your students. This is a perfect social emotional learning classroom activity for back to school, when returning from a long break, or anytime you feel like your ...

  13. Results for respect work sheets

    This PBIS Lesson on Respect is designed for grades 6 through 8. This product includes a specific lesson plan for teachers to follow and printable worksheets to go along with the lesson. This lesson is very "teacher friendly". The lesson includes an Anticipatory Set with video link, Group or Independent Activity with printable, Examples of Respect Declarations, Closure with video link and a ...

  14. 30 Activities to Teach Kids About Respect

    11. Personal Space Activity. This activity will help you teach how to respect personal space. Draw a circle on a big sheet of paper. The inner circle will be the intimate space (1.5 feet radius), surrounded by personal space (4 feet radius), and the area outside is the social space. Put that paper on the floor.

  15. Respect Worksheet Lessons, Worksheets and Activities

    Home » Respect Worksheet. Respect Worksheet. Students learn about respecting others. ... Find the Resources You Need! Search . More Teaching Resources: • Education World - Free lesson plans & printable worksheets! • Free math worksheets, charts and calculators! • K12Reader: FREE printable reading instruction resources! Newsletter Sign Up ...

  16. Printable Respect Activities

    The pack also includes printable worksheets and posters that serve as visual reminders of respectful behavior. Respect Worksheets and Teaching Resources. These teaching resources provide a range of worksheets and activities suitable for different age groups. The worksheets cover various aspects of respect, such as manners, empathy, and active ...

  17. Printable Respect Interactive Worksheet for Elementary Students

    This Printable Respect Worksheet helps to integrate the senses so students can better understand what respect actually means.This printable activity is designed to guide to assist in the understanding of what respect is but also how to show it.Not only will students be able to understand what respect may look like or sound like, but they will also be able to understand what it might feel like ...

  18. Respect Word Search, Respect Keywords, Respect

    Can children locate all of the words relating to respect in this lovely Respect Word Search? Perfect to accompany your lessons on living in the wider world and character values, simply print this and encourage children to find all of the words. This activity is great for aiding word recognition and spellings. Twinkl Twinkl+ Twinkl Puzzled Word ...

  19. Custom Respect Worksheets Templates

    Social development, in turn, enhances the ability to demonstrate respect, creating a positive cycle that contributes to healthier relationships and a harmonious society. Create custom respect worksheets effortlessly for free with StoryboardThat's simple design tool. Foster respect with easy-to-print worksheets!

  20. Printable Respect Interactive Worksheet for Elementary Students

    This printable respect worksheet helps to integrate the senses so students can better understand what respect actually means. This printable activity is designed to guide to assist in the understanding of what respect is but also how to show it. Not only will students be able to understand what respect may look like or sound like, but they will ...

  21. PDF Teen Respect of

    respect for other people in the world and commitment to build a better future for others. Showing social interest and respect is so important that many view it as an indicator of positive mental health and overall wellness. People with little social interest and lack of respect for others tend to be more self-centered and intolerant of others.

  22. Free Printable Printable Respect Worksheets

    Printable worksheets offer a hands-on approach to learning, enabling children to engage with different scenarios and explore the concept of respect in a fun and interactive way. Respect for Others Respecting others is an integral part of building healthy relationships.