Asana Tips: Tasks in multiple projects

Don't duplicate work! Keep the same task in multiple projects, so teammates across different projects and teams can have the same visibility.

Hey   there.   Peter   here   from   the   customer   success   team   to   share   one   of   my   favorite   Asana   tips,   adding   task   to   multiple   different   projects.

This   tip   really   comes   in   handy   when   you   have   various   teammates   who   need   access   to   the   same   work   across   different   projects.

Open   the   task   and   hover   over   the   project   name.   Click   the   plus   button   that   appears,   or   type   tab   p   to   use   the   keyboard   shortcut.

Then   start   typing   the   name   of   the   other   projects   you   wanna   add   it   to.   The   same   task   now   appears   in   both   projects.

If   you   change,   comment   on,   or   complete   the   task   in   either   project,   the   changes   will   be   reflected   across   all   the   project   it's   in.  

Adding   tasks   to   multiple   projects   helps   my   teammates   and   me   keep   work   connected.   Give   it   a   try.

  • Adding a task you're working on to a 1:1 project with your manager.
  • Adding work from a product launch project into your team's sprint project.

You can also use the keyboard shortcut "Tab P" and type the name of the other projects you want to add it to.

Go back to browse more video tutorials . 

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How to assign all tasks to me in asana, understanding the asana platform.

Asana is a platform designed for managing tasks and projects efficiently. It offers multiple features that can enhance productivity and collaboration among team members. By using this platform, you can easily track task progress, set deadlines, assign responsibilities, receive notifications, and communicate with team members.

To optimize the Asana platform’s full potential, it is essential to understand the different components and functionalities available. These include creating projects, tasks, subtasks, assigning tags and sections, setting due dates and priorities. Additionally, mastering shortcuts can make navigation more seamless.

For instance, utilizing the keyboard shortcuts like Tab + M allows you to assign all tasks to yourself in just one click. This efficient feature helps adjust users’ workflow by enabling easy personalization of projects or tasks assigned to them.

Assigning Tasks to Yourself in Asana

Why assigning tasks to yourself is important.

Assigning tasks to oneself in Asana is crucial for productivity. By assigning tasks, one can prioritize and manage their workload effectively . It helps individuals keep track of what needs to be done and when it needs to be completed. Without assigning tasks, important work may be overlooked or forgotten, leading to unnecessary delays and reduced efficiency.

In addition to managing workload, assigning tasks also helps with accountability. When tasks are assigned to oneself, there is a sense of responsibility and ownership over the work . This leads to increased motivation and ensures that deadlines are met.

Furthermore, assigning tasks also allows for better communication among team members. When each member assigns their own tasks in Asana, it becomes easier for others to see what they are working on and the progress being made. This promotes transparency within the team and reduces confusion or duplicity of effort.

According to a research study conducted by Asana, users who assigned themselves tasks completed them 57% faster compared to those who had not. This highlights the importance of assigning tasks in increasing productivity and meeting deadlines effectively.

Assigning all your tasks to yourself in Asana: because no one can let you down like you can .

Assigning All Tasks to Me in Asana is Easy and Efficient

Assigning all tasks to oneself in Asana is an efficient way to streamline workflow. This can be easily accomplished with a few clicks, saving time and reducing confusion within the team. Below are four points that explain how this can be done:

  • First, select the project you want to work on from the left panel.
  • Next, click on the ‘My Tasks’ option located in the top header of the project.
  • Then, select all tasks by clicking on the checkbox next to each task name.
  • Finally, navigate down to ‘Actions’ button located at the top center of your workspace and click on ‘Assign Task.’ By doing so, you will assign all selected tasks to yourself.

It’s important to note that assigning all tasks to oneself in Asana does not mean overlooking teamwork or shouldering more than one’s share of responsibilities. Rather, it is a fantastic method for completing personal assignments efficiently while collaborating effectively with colleagues.

As a pro tip, It’s important to communicate openly with other team members when assigning All Tasks To Me in Asana. Let them know when they can expect those tasks to be completed and if there are any blockers that could delay progress. Doing so can help build trust among your teammates and lead to a more productive working relationship.

Basic Steps to Assign All Tasks to Me in Asana

Creating a new task.

To add a new task in Asana, follow these simple steps:

  • From the project’s main page, click on the ‘+’ button.
  • Select ‘Add Task’ from the dropdown menu that appears.
  • Type in a concise and descriptive task name .
  • Click on ‘Assign to Me’ so that you are assigned as the team member responsible for the task.

When adding a new task, keep in mind that you can also prioritize it by setting due dates or adding details such as descriptions and attachments. This will help the rest of your team members understand the specifics of the task more clearly.

Pro Tip: Set reminders and due dates for each of your tasks to ensure that they are completed on time and stay on track with your project goals.

Taking control of tasks like a boss – how to edit and assign them to yourself in Asana.

Editing an Existing Task and Assigning it to Yourself

When it comes to taking ownership of tasks in Asana, it’s important to know how to edit an existing task and assign it to yourself. Here are simple steps to accomplish this:

  • Open the task you want to assign to yourself.
  • Click on the assignee field.
  • Select your name from the list of team members.
  • Save the changes by clicking on the checkmark icon.
  • Review the other details of the task such as its due date, description and any subtasks and update them as necessary.
  • Ensure that you mark the task as complete once you’ve finished working on it.

It’s worth noting that assigning a task to yourself doesn’t mean you should take on too much work and risk burnout. Make sure you allocate tasks fairly across your team so everyone has a manageable workload.

In addition, ensure that you communicate with your team regularly about project progress and tasks assigned, even if they’re just small updates. This will keep everyone informed and can prevent misunderstandings or mistakes.

I once worked on a project where I assumed someone else was taking care of a particular task, only for us both to realize later that action had been missed entirely! Ever since then, I make sure I’m clear about my own responsibilities and also check in routinely with others on their progress too!

Stop clicking around like a maniac and start assigning tasks to yourself with these Asana keyboard shortcuts.

Using Asana Keyboard Shortcuts to Assign Tasks to Yourself

To ensure smooth task management, it’s vital to know how to assign tasks to yourself in Asana easily. Here’s a concise guide to using Asana keyboard shortcuts for this purpose.

  • Select the Task: Use Tab + N with an assigned task selected, then press ‘Enter’ to locate all the details about the said task.
  • Assign Yourself: Once you’ve selected a task, press ‘ Tab + A ‘ on your keyboard, and you’ll be shown as the task assignee.
  • Move Forward: Pressing ‘ Tab + M ‘ on your keyboard will advance you through tasks!

Furthermore, using Asana Keyboard Shortcuts is far more efficient than doing so manually because it saves time. Each shortcut lets you speed through different components of the software without ever having to move your cursor, which can save time when working.

When assigning tasks to oneself on Asana, there are several suggestions worth considering. To make things easier and more organized for everyone involved in task management:

  • Make sure all of your projects are appropriately categorized beforehand so that they can quickly identify them for future reference.
  • Ensure that every assignment has a due date set before beginning work so that everything stays on track.
  • Create custom fields or tags relevant to specific projects or assignments but keep them limited.

By following these procedures within Asana, you can simplify project management while also ensuring maximum productivity!

Ready to take your Asana domination to the next level? Let’s explore the advanced features that will make assigning all tasks to yourself a piece of cake.

Using Advanced Features to Assign All Tasks to Me in Asana

To use advanced features in Asana and assign all tasks to yourself, explore rules and custom filters. Save time and streamline the process by automatically assigning tasks to yourself using rules. With custom filters, effectively manage tasks assigned to you. Get a deeper look into these two sections to efficiently manage your tasks on Asana.

Using Rules to Automatically Assign Tasks to Yourself

The process of assigning tasks to oneself is made easier with the help of advanced features in Asana. One such feature is using rules to automatically assign tasks to yourself.

Here are six points on how to use this feature:

  • Create a new rule by going to ‘Customize Rules’ in the task pane.
  • Select the criteria that will trigger the rule, such as when a task is added to a specific project or assigned to a specific person.
  • Select ‘ Assign it to me ‘ as the action for the rule.
  • Save the rule and all new tasks meeting the criteria will be automatically assigned to you.
  • Review and adjust rules as needed for different projects or workflows.
  • Remember that these rules only apply when new tasks are added, not for existing tasks.

One unique detail about using this feature is that it saves time and reduces manual effort in assigning tasks, allowing for more efficient project management. However, it’s important to ensure that all team members have access to view and update task details if needed.

Pro Tip: Using rules in Asana can also help with other task automations like setting due dates or adding tags based on specific criteria.

Filtering out the noise and focusing on my assigned tasks – because who needs distractions when you have Asana?

Creating Custom Filters to Manage Assigned Tasks

To effectively manage tasks assigned to oneself in Asana, it is possible to create custom filters. These filters enable users to easily identify and prioritize tasks that need attention.

Here is a three-step guide to creating custom filters in Asana for managing assigned tasks :

  • Navigate to the “My Tasks” section of Asana.
  • Click on the blue “Filters” button located towards the top of the screen.
  • Select “Create New Filter” and use the available dropdown menus to specify criteria such as task status, due date, project, or any other relevant attributes. Save this filter for future use.

By following these steps, one can create a personalized filter that displays only tasks assigned to themselves and meets specific requirements. Furthermore, filters can be edited and refined as needed to accommodate evolving needs.

When sorting through assigned tasks in Asana, it’s important not just to focus on what’s urgent but also consider what’s most critical for the team and end-goals at hand. To achieve this balance, it’s recommended that users categorize their tasks into different priority levels so they can delegate more efficiently based on deadlines or project impact.

By assigning all tasks to oneself in Asana, you’re essentially taking “ teamwork makes the dream work ” and turning it into “ me work makes the dream work “.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I assign all tasks to myself in Asana?

A: Yes, you can easily assign all tasks to yourself in Asana by using the “Assign to Me” feature.

Q: How do I assign all tasks to myself in Asana?

A: To assign all tasks to yourself in Asana, go to your “My Tasks” list, select the three dots in the top right corner, and choose “Assign to Me.”

Q: What if I want to assign all tasks to myself in a specific project?

A: To assign all tasks to yourself in a specific project, go to the project, select the three dots in the top right corner, and choose “Assign to Me.”

Q: Can I assign all tasks to myself for multiple projects at once?

A: No, currently there is no way to assign all tasks to yourself for multiple projects at once in Asana.

Q: What if there are subtasks under the tasks I want to assign to myself?

A: If there are subtasks under the tasks you want to assign to yourself, you will need to individually assign those subtasks to yourself as well.

Q: Are there any limitations to assigning all tasks to yourself in Asana?

A: No, there are no limitations to assigning all tasks to yourself in Asana.

task assign asana

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How To Assign A Task To Multiple Users In Asana

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Asana is a powerful project management tool that allows teams to collaborate, stay organized, and track their tasks and projects efficiently. With its intuitive interface and robust features, Asana has become a popular choice among businesses of all sizes.

One of the key functionalities of Asana is the ability to assign tasks to specific team members. This ensures clear accountability and helps distribute the workload effectively. However, there are situations where a task needs to be assigned to multiple users, either to foster collaboration or to ensure that everyone involved is aware of their responsibilities.

In this article, we will explore how to assign tasks to multiple users in Asana. We will guide you through the step-by-step process and provide some best practices to help you make the most out of this feature.

Whether you are working on a group project, managing a team, or simply need to delegate a task to multiple people, understanding how to assign tasks to multiple users in Asana is essential. By being able to involve multiple team members in a task, you can enhance collaboration, foster teamwork, and increase productivity.

In the following sections, we will delve into the details of how to assign a task to multiple users in Asana, regardless of whether they are part of the same project or different ones. We will also discuss the potential benefits associated with this approach and provide some best practices to ensure effective task management.

Understanding Asana’s Task Assignments

Before we delve into the specifics of assigning tasks to multiple users in Asana, it’s important to have a clear understanding of how task assignments work within the platform.

In Asana, each task is assigned to a specific team member, who becomes responsible for completing it. This ensures accountability and helps track the progress of individual tasks. When a task is assigned to a user, it appears in their task list and they receive notifications and updates related to that task.

Additionally, Asana allows for task dependencies, subtasks, due dates, and priority levels, making it a comprehensive project management tool. However, by default, each task can only be assigned to one user.

While assigning a task to a single user works well in most cases, there are times when a task requires the involvement of multiple team members. This could be due to the need for collaboration, shared responsibilities, or when task completion requires input or approval from multiple stakeholders.

Fortunately, Asana offers the flexibility to assign a single task to multiple users, allowing for greater collaboration and ensuring that everyone involved is aware of their responsibilities.

This feature is particularly beneficial when working on complex projects that require input and contributions from different team members. By assigning a task to multiple users, you can foster effective collaboration and streamline the workflow, ensuring that no one is left out of the loop.

Now that we have a clearer understanding of why and when assigning tasks to multiple users is important, let’s explore the step-by-step process of how to do it in Asana.

Why Assigning Tasks to Multiple Users is Important

Assigning tasks to multiple users in Asana can bring numerous benefits to your team and project management process. Let’s explore why it is important to consider assigning tasks to multiple users:

  • Collaboration: Assigning a task to multiple users promotes collaboration and ensures that team members can work together seamlessly. It allows for different perspectives, ideas, and skill sets to come together, resulting in more innovative and comprehensive solutions.
  • Shared Responsibility: In some cases, a task may require multiple team members to be responsible for different aspects or stages of the task. By assigning the task to multiple users, you can distribute the workload and ensure that each individual knows their specific responsibilities.
  • Enhanced Communication: Assigning a task to multiple users in Asana ensures that all relevant stakeholders are aware of the task and can participate in discussions, comments, and updates related to the task. This improves communication within the team and allows for effective collaboration.
  • Increased Productivity: Involving multiple users in a task can lead to increased productivity and faster task completion. With multiple team members working on different aspects of the task simultaneously, it allows for parallel progress and reduces the overall turnaround time.
  • Improved Accountability: Assigning a task to multiple users ensures that accountability is shared among team members. Each individual knows their role and is responsible for completing their assigned portion of the task, leading to increased accountability and task completion rates.

By assigning tasks to multiple users in Asana, you can tap into the collective skills, knowledge, and expertise of your team, resulting in more efficient and effective project management. It promotes collaboration, shared responsibility, communication, and ultimately leads to better outcomes.

Now that we understand the importance of assigning tasks to multiple users, let’s move on to the step-by-step guide on how to do it in Asana.

Step-by-Step Guide to Assigning a Task to Multiple Users in Asana

Assigning a task to multiple users in Asana is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to successfully assign a task to multiple users:

  • Open Asana and navigate to the project or task where you want to assign the task to multiple users.
  • Click on the task you want to assign to multiple users to open its details.
  • On the right panel, locate the “Assignee” field and click on it. By default, it will show the name of the currently assigned user.
  • In the assignee field, start typing the names of the team members you want to assign the task to. As you type, Asana will provide suggestions based on the names or emails of the users in your workspace.
  • Select the names of the team members you want to assign the task to from the suggestions. You can assign the task to as many users as needed.
  • Once you have selected all the desired users, click outside the assignee field or press Enter to save the changes.
  • The task will now be assigned to the selected users. Each user will receive a notification and see the task in their task list.
  • Asana provides the flexibility to assign different due dates, tags, and subtasks to each user if necessary. You can customize these details based on the specific responsibilities or requirements of each user.
  • Continue with the project or task management process, and the task will be visible and accessible to all assigned users, allowing for collaboration and seamless workflow.

By following these simple steps, you can easily assign a task to multiple users in Asana, empowering your team to collaborate, share responsibilities, and work together towards the successful completion of the task.

Now that you know how to assign a task to multiple users in Asana, let’s explore two different options for assigning tasks to multiple users – in the same project or in different projects.

Option 1: Assigning a Task to Multiple Users in the Same Project

Assigning a task to multiple users within the same project in Asana allows for seamless collaboration and streamlined communication. Follow these steps to assign a task to multiple users in the same project:

  • Open Asana and navigate to the project containing the task you want to assign to multiple users.
  • Click on the task to open its details.
  • On the right panel, locate the “Assignee” field and click on it.
  • In the assignee field, start typing the names of the team members you want to assign the task to.
  • Select the names of the team members from the suggestions. You can assign the task to as many users as necessary.
  • Click outside the assignee field or press Enter to save the changes.
  • The task will now be assigned to all selected users within the same project.
  • All assigned users will receive a notification regarding their new task assignment and will be able to access and work on the task within the project.
  • Collaborate with the assigned users, share updates, and communicate effectively through comments and discussions on the task.

Assigning a task to multiple users within the same project in Asana promotes teamwork, fosters collaboration, and ensures that all team members involved in the project are aware of their responsibilities.

Now let’s explore another option for assigning tasks to multiple users in different projects.

Option 2: Assigning a Task to Multiple Users in Different Projects

There may be cases where you need to assign a task to multiple users who are working on different projects in Asana. Assigning a task to multiple users in different projects ensures that everyone involved is aware of their responsibilities, even across different projects. Follow these steps to assign a task to multiple users in different projects:

  • Open Asana and navigate to the project where the task you want to assign to multiple users is located.
  • In the assignee field, start typing the names of the team members you want to assign the task to. Note: These team members may be working on different projects.
  • Select the names of the team members from the suggestions.
  • The task will now be assigned to the selected users, regardless of the projects they are working on.
  • All assigned users will receive a notification regarding their new task assignment, regardless of the project they are currently in.
  • Users can access and work on the task from their respective projects, ensuring that everyone involved is aware of the task and can contribute to its completion.
  • Collaborate with the assigned users, share updates, and communicate effectively on the task to ensure seamless workflow and coordination.

Assigning a task to multiple users in different projects allows for cross-project collaboration, ensuring that all team members working on various projects can contribute to the task’s completion.

Now that we have explored both options for assigning tasks to multiple users – in the same project and in different projects – let’s move on to some best practices to consider when assigning tasks to multiple users in Asana.

Best Practices for Assigning Tasks to Multiple Users in Asana

Assigning tasks to multiple users in Asana can be a powerful way to enhance collaboration and streamline project management. To ensure effective task assignment and maximize productivity, consider the following best practices:

  • Define clear roles and responsibilities: Before assigning a task to multiple users, clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each team member. This helps avoid confusion and ensures that each individual knows their specific tasks and deliverables.
  • Communicate expectations: Clearly communicate your expectations to all assigned users. Discuss project objectives, deadlines, and any specific requirements or guidelines that need to be followed to successfully complete the task.
  • Set realistic deadlines: When assigning tasks to multiple users, set realistic deadlines that accommodate the workload and availability of each individual. This helps in maintaining a consistent workflow and ensures timely task completion.
  • Encourage collaboration: Foster a collaborative environment by encouraging assigned users to communicate and share updates, ideas, and insights with each other. By collaborating effectively, team members can leverage each other’s expertise and work towards a common goal.
  • Utilize Asana’s features: Take advantage of Asana’s features, such as task dependencies, subtasks, due dates, and priority levels, to effectively manage and organize tasks assigned to multiple users. These features can help streamline work and keep everyone on track.
  • Monitor progress and provide feedback: Regularly monitor the progress of the assigned task and provide constructive feedback to the team members involved. This helps keep the project on track and ensures that any potential issues or obstacles are addressed in a timely manner.
  • Ensure clear communication channels: Establish clear communication channels for assigned users to discuss the task, share updates, and seek clarification when needed. This can be done through in-app comments, regular meetings, or dedicated communication tools.
  • Regularly review and adjust: Regularly review the progress and effectiveness of task assignments to multiple users. If necessary, make adjustments to the assignment or the project plan to ensure optimal workflow and productivity.

By following these best practices, you can optimize the task assignment process and successfully manage tasks assigned to multiple users in Asana. Collaboration and effective teamwork will be fostered, and the potential for successful task completion will be maximized.

Now that we have discussed the best practices, it’s time to wrap up this guide on assigning tasks to multiple users in Asana.

Assigning tasks to multiple users in Asana is a valuable feature that promotes collaboration, shared responsibility, and effective project management. Whether you need to involve multiple team members in the same project or across different projects, Asana provides flexibility and ease of use to accomplish this.

In this article, we explored the importance of assigning tasks to multiple users and provided a step-by-step guide on how to do it in Asana. We discussed two options – assigning tasks to multiple users in the same project and assigning tasks to multiple users in different projects.

We also highlighted some best practices to follow when assigning tasks to multiple users, including defining clear roles and responsibilities, encouraging collaboration, utilizing Asana’s features, and ensuring effective communication channels.

By implementing these best practices and leveraging the power of Asana’s task assignment capabilities, you can enhance collaboration, distribute workloads effectively, and achieve greater project success.

Remember to regularly review and adjust task assignments as necessary. This allows for flexibility and adaptability to changing project needs and ensures that tasks are completed efficiently and on time.

Now that you have a thorough understanding of how to assign tasks to multiple users in Asana, it’s time to put your knowledge into practice. Start utilizing this powerful feature to streamline your project management process and enhance team collaboration.

Get started with Asana and empower your team to work together seamlessly towards achieving your project goals.

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See all the Tasks you’ve created, followed, or assigned

By David Braginsky & S. Alex Smith Mar 14, 2013

task assign asana

When your team first starts using Asana, you usually begin with a single project and a few dozen tasks. At this stage, it’s easy to look at the project to make sure everything’s on track or scan for a task that you want to update.

But over time, as you start to manage more projects and work with more people, it can be really helpful to get a comprehensive view of all the tasks you care about. You might want to see all of the tasks you’ve followed to quickly find a task when you don’t remember its name. If you’re a manager, you might want to follow up on all of the tasks you’ve created or delegated to other people.

Today we’re introducing three new ways to search across your entire workspace to find the tasks that are important to you: Tasks I’m Following, Tasks I Created, or Tasks I’ve Assigned. To get to any of these, just click on the arrow next to the Search box.

When you select one of these views, you’ll see the matching tasks in the center pane. By default, these tasks will be sorted with the most recently-modified task first. You can also sort by the date they were created or the date they’re due, and you can scroll to go as far back in time as you’d like. If you want to take action on multiple tasks, like setting a due date on several tasks at a time, you can multi-select and edit them all at once.

These three new views are enabled by a powerful new search system, and are just the beginning of our work this Episode on Memory Retrieval .

Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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How To Use Asana : 101 For Beginners

Welcome to Asana, a versatile project management platform. Asana provides the tools and interface for smooth task and progress tracking. Let's get into it!

Ever tried organizing a team project with sticky notes and lost half of them?

Effective project management is crucial for any team's success, and Asana stands out as a powerful tool to achieve this. This guide offers a straightforward introduction to using Asana, from its fundamental features to best practices, ensuring you use its full potential for your projects.

Use Cases For Asana

How to use asana, tips to optimize your projects, asana vs other project management tools, frequently asked questions.

Important disclosure: we're proud affiliates of some tools mentioned in this guide. If you click an affiliate link and subsequently make a purchase, we will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you (you pay nothing extra). For more information, read our affiliate disclosure.

Asana is a versatile tool that can accommodate a wide range of project management and team collaboration needs.

Here are some common use cases for Asana:

  • Project Management : Organize, track, and manage different stages of a project, whether it's a marketing campaign, product launch, or event planning.
  • Task Management : Break down big projects into manageable tasks and sub-tasks. Assign them to team members, set due dates, and monitor progress.
  • Team Collaboration : Facilitate communication among team members, ensuring everyone is aligned and informed. Share files, comment on tasks, and use @mentions to draw attention.
  • Content Calendar Creation : Plan, organize, and track content for blogs, social media, or other platforms. Visualize posting schedules and deadlines.
  • Bug Tracking : For software teams, Asana can be used to report, track, and resolve bugs and issues.
  • Recruitment and Onboarding : Manage the hiring process by tracking applicants, interviews, and onboarding tasks for new employees.
  • Event Planning : Coordinate all the moving parts of an event, from logistics to marketing, ensuring nothing is missed.
  • Meeting Agendas : Prepare for meetings by listing out discussion points, assigning pre-meeting tasks, and tracking follow-up actions.
  • Goal Setting & Monitoring : Define team or company objectives, break them down into actionable tasks, and monitor progress over time.


Its visuals and ease of use make it exceptionally simple to use; structuring processes around projects also aids in maximizing productivity. I appreciate the openness across the many initiatives in which I am participating since it allows me to see how my work affects others and vice versa. I also like how we can combine many technologies to provide a single source of status information. It also comes with all of the tools you need for proper project monitoring, including task cards and checklists.

  • Go to Asana's official website and sign up.

task assign asana

  • Set up your project as per steps when signing up for the first time.
  • Add your team members by clicking on the "👤" or "Invite" in the bottom left corner.

task assign asana

  • Click on "Add task" or begin typing below the last task to create a new task.

task assign asana

  • After creating a task, click to enter your assignee, due date, collaborators, priority, and status .

task assign asana

  • Click on the "+" to add a new field.

task assign asana

  • You can customize your new field and click on "Create field" .

task assign asana

  • Click on the arrow beside "Add task" to add either a "Section" or a "Milestone" .

task assign asana

  • Different tabs allow for different views of your tasks and by clicking the "+" you are able to add a new tab .

task assign asana

  • Click on "Overview" to set the Project description, project roles, goals, and milestones .

task assign asana

  • Click on the arrow beside your project title and click on "Import" , to import your data from other sources.

task assign asana

  • Click on the "status block" to change the status of your projects for better tracking.

task assign asana

  • Click on "Reporting" to keep track of all your tasks and projects. Click on "+ Add chart" to add more charts to your Dashboard .

task assign asana

  • Click on "Portfolio" and switch between different views to overlook your projects and to keep track.

task assign asana

  • Click on "Home", and you have a customized view where you can add widgets to keep track of activity in your projects as well as make notes to help you remember or keep track of important things.

task assign asana

Project View

Portfolio view.

The "customize" button in Asana allows users to adjust various aspects of their projects. Here are explanations for some common options you might find under "customize", though the exact options can vary based on the specific view you're in:

  • Fields : Allows users to add, remove, or arrange custom fields for a project. This lets teams track specific details for tasks, like priority levels, cost, or any other custom data points.
  • Rules : Enables users to set up automation within a project. For instance, when a task is marked as complete, it could automatically move to a specific section.
  • Apps & Integrations : Allows users to connect third-party apps or integrations to the project, enhancing its capabilities and ensuring seamless workflows between Asana and other tools the team might be using.
  • Forms : Allows creation or modification of forms associated with the project. Forms can be used to standardize task or request submissions.
  • Templates : Provides options to save the current project as a template or use existing templates. This is useful for projects that have a consistent setup or process.

task assign asana

  • Fields : Adjust which project fields are shown, such as priority or custom metrics.
  • Status : Used to set or update the project's status, helping teams communicate the current progress of a project at a glance.
  • Team : Customize the Portfolio view to display projects based on specific teams, allowing managers or team leads to focus on projects pertinent to their department or group.
  • Overdue Tasks : Highlight or filter projects that have overdue tasks, enabling a quick understanding of projects that might need immediate attention or intervention.
  • Progress : Adjust the view to showcase the progress status of each project, giving a clear visual representation of how far along each project is relative to its goals.
  • Date : Sort or filter projects based on specific dates, such as start date, end date, or important milestones, allowing users to prioritize projects based on time-sensitive factors.
  • Owner : Customize the view to display projects by their owners or project leads, making it easier to communicate or delegate responsibilities when needed.

task assign asana

Asana, Jira, and emerge as three strong contenders, each bringing its own unique features and strengths to the table. While all three cater to diverse project management needs, they are distinct in their approach and offerings.

Let's see which platform shines!

Asana vs Jira vs

While all three platforms are formidable in project management, stands out for its unique blend of visual appeal, versatility, and adaptability, making it a compelling choice for a wide range of businesses.

It's not just about managing tasks but about creating an engaging work experience. is a versatile platform allowing teams and organizations to create any board type specific to their needs!


Flexibility with organization and management of processes in company daily routines. We were able to transfer the management of multiple teams into one place and have excellent view and tracking on all of them. With all the features that offers, we could organize and individualize boards optimal for each team and project.

How much does Asana cost?

Asana offers a free basic version, but pricing for its Premium, Business, and Enterprise plans vary. Check the official Asana website for the most up-to-date pricing.

Is there a mobile app for Asana?

Yes, Asana offers mobile apps for both Android and iOS.

Can I integrate Asana with other tools?

Yes, Asana integrates with many third-party apps and tools like Slack, Google Calendar, and many more.

Can I use Asana for Agile or Scrum?

Yes, while Asana is versatile and not specific to any methodology, it can be customized to suit Agile or Scrum workflows.

Is my data secure with Asana?

Asana emphasizes strong security measures, including data encryption, SSO integration, and more. Always refer to their security policy for detailed information.

Where Can You Add Your Projects Description?

Asana undoubtedly shines with its structured task organization and user-friendly nature, offering teams a straightforward way to manage projects. It provides a concrete foundation for teams to track their projects easily.

However, if you're looking for a tool that not only meets the standard project management criteria but also dazzles with its dynamic visual appeal and adaptability, emerges as the standout choice .

So, while Asana does a commendable job, our vote goes to for its innovative approach to modern work management.

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Can all tasks get assigned to me automatically?

Hi, I’m new to Asana. I am a sole trader and don’t have anyone on my team. Just me. It’s quite tedious to have to assign every task to myself. Is there a way to do this automatically?


@Daffy_UK , One way would be to create all new tasks from within your My Tasks view; just hit return when on an existing task there and it will create a new task already assigned to you. Another way would be to set up a rule in to watch newly-created tasks and assign them to you.

Hope that helps,

Thanks. I had a look at Zapier and it looks great, but I can’t see “assign task to user” or similar as a supported action. If you have any further info on it, would be great if you could share, if not I will do as per your first suggestion and try and remember to create new tasks in the ‘my tasks’ section. Cheers!

@Daffy_UK , I think the Trigger would be New Task in Project (you’d need to specify the project) and the Action would be Update Task in which you’d set the Assignee.

Hi @Daffy_UK ,

I believe Zapier should work for this purpose, as @lpb said.


@Daffy_UK , Whoops…I meant to mention that too–another good option!

@Daffy_UK , this is what I do because a lot of my new tasks come to me by email: I email to [email protected] and include my own address on the ‘To’ line as well. This automatically assigns the task to me when Asana receives and creates it soon after.

This is so frustrating. I’ve been requesting this feature for years. I tried setting up Zapier and couldn’t figure it out after 45 minutes of messing around. Asana needs to add “assign all tasks to me” as a feature.

Definitely, it’s not really that complicated of a request - not sure why it hasn’t been implemented. Very time consuming issue for sole proprietors, and I never create tasks from the my tasks area because I need to reference the other things I’m looking at. Just switched to asana and I like it but I think it needs some feature additions.

@Samantha_Nicole , @Daffy_UK , @helloandyhihi ,

Until/if Asana provides this, another workaround (that doesn’t require a third-party tool) is to type Tab + M to “assign to me” anytime after you start creating the task. It’s awfully fast, though you have to remember to do it.

And another workaround: Tab + Q does a quick add of a task and it actually does assign to you by default. But for a few reasons, I prefer the previous approach.

Larry, I didn’t know about Tab + M. Great advice, thank you.

(But I hope Asana will allow assigning all tasks to myself in the future. It’s super annoying when companies don’t allow users to use their product in any way except exactly how they want you to use it. It’s bad UX / UI.

The FASTEST and most efficient way to do this:

I’ll also throw in the option to use Rules to accomplish this. Most of my tasks are created from a dedicated Board Project where tasks are auto-assigned to me and given a designated initial due date depending on Custom Field selections.

Hi, apologies for only just seeing your reply. I have followed what you said, but I can’t quite work out what you mean. I’m viewing ‘My Tasks’ in list view, and I can see the project column on the far right, but then what do I do?

Any additional info would be fab and much appreciated. Thank you.

Hi Daffy_UK, which method did you go with in the end? Some look like they take a while to set up!

Also, I wonder if Erin_McDonald was answering a different question; of how to view all tasks assigned, rather than how to automatically assign them?

I’d like to add my vote to including ‘automatically assign to self’ as a feature in Asana.

To batch assign a list of tasks already created to one user: Highlight one task, press shift + down/up arrow to select all. Then Tab + M to assign to Me.

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Charlotte Trueman

Asana launches Asana Flow to power intelligent work prioritization

The work management platform has added integrations to workflow builder and template library for better cross-team coordination..

Asana Flow Home

Work management platform Asana today launched Asana Flow , a suite of offerings organizations can use to build, run, and improve their workflows.

Asana Flow includes a redesigned intelligent Home interface to boost productivity, enhancements to Workflow Builder that allow users to build start-to-finish workflows across Asana’s Work Graph data model, an expanded developer toolkit featuring new integrations with Miro, Jotform, and Google Drive, and improved reporting processes.

Workflow Builder, the new Asana Home interface, and Miro and Jotform integrations are live on the platform as of today. The expanded developer toolkit, including App Components and better Google Drive integration, will be available at a later date.

According to Asana’s Anatomy of Work Index , workers on average switch between 10 apps 25 times per day, resulting in disconnected communications, inefficiency and more work about work. The same report found employees believed they could save an average of 5.4 hours a week if processes were improved, and managers said they could save up to 6.3 hours.

Alex Hood, chief product officer at Asana, said the complaint he hears most is that tasks often fall through the cracks because workers are so busy switching back and forth between email and platforms such as Slack and Teams. “That’s what Workflow Builder is — it’s about making sure all those bits and pieces required for something to work happen smoothly and without drama…,” he said.

In addition to improving communication, Asana Flow also aims to improve employees’ sense of purpose, which,   according to McKinsey , 63% of workers want from their employers.

“Asana helps you understand how your work connects up to something greater and that gives you a sense of importance about your work,” said Hood. “By connecting workflows across your teams, you can now understand how urgent bits of your work are as well.”

Wayne Kurtzman, IDC research director for social and collaboration, said Asana is continuing to leverage its Asana Work Graph data structure to deliver new features. “[Asana Flow] makes it more visual and approachable to plan, automate and report about work. Flow supports people wherever they work from, but it also makes planning and measuring work outcomes more friendly, which is a big plus,” he said.

Build and customize end-to-end workflows

Powered by the Asana Work Graph, the changes to Workflow Builder allow users to design and build connected processes, giving teams visibility on who’s doing what, and by when. The addition of Template Library enables the sharing of important workflows and provides access to a wide selection of best practices inspired by innovative companies including AppLovin, ClassPass, Discovery and Stride.

With the introduction of App Components, Asana aims to improve Workflow Builder and Template Library by connecting the tools remote workers use, including new integrations with Miro, Jotform, and Google Drive. Asana also plans to expand App Components with an enhanced developer toolkit that lets developers build and integrate essential applications into Asana workflows.

According to Hood, with the JotForm and Miro integrations, Asana wants to make it easier for applications to show up as part of the Asana experience. “Instead of feeling like you’ve got to alt-tab over to a different application that’s just sharing data, when we say flow, we’re not just talking about workflow, we’re talking about the data flow that supports it as well,” he said.

The re-designed Asana Home now functions as an intelligent dashboard to show how individual tasks connect to important workflows, while prioritizing work that contributes to company objectives. Widgets accessible within the dashboard include:

  • My Priorities: This allows users to quickly spot delays and focus on priority projects with a centralized view of upcoming personal work.
  • People: With this feature, users assign a task, send a message and view shared work with recent, frequent and favorite collaborators in one click.
  • Projects: This feature highlights how work in key projects matches company goals.
  • Private Notepad: With this, users can write notes, link tasks and track quick ideas without leaving Asana.

Finally, Universal Reporting can now be used to measure and optimize workflow performance over time by analyzing how long a task takes to complete and by identifying bottlenecks.

With Universal Reporting focused on results, Kurtzman said, it becomes valuable to the average worker, not just to  managers and executives. And he said the new home page gives users more flexibility as their work changes.

“The ability to customize your workspace is the ability to work easier,” he said.

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Charlotte Trueman

Charlotte Trueman is a staff writer at Computerworld. She joined IDG in 2016 after graduating with a degree in English and American Literature from the University of Kent. Trueman covers collaboration, focusing on videoconferencing, productivity software, future of work and issues around diversity and inclusion in the tech sector.

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task assign asana

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  1. Assigning tasks in Asana

    Best practices when assigning tasks. Task titles need to be actionable. For example, "Create campaign budget" instead of "Campaign budget." Make sure the task has a description of what is needed.; Before assigning the task, finalize its details (such as due date and description) and then assign the task.; Add a due date to keep track of the task. ...

  2. Explore Asana Project Task Features • Asana

    Tasks are available for all Asana plans. However, some plans include more advanced task features. Learn about pricing, or try Asana Advanced for free for 30 days, no credit card required. ... Assigning tasks to a single person makes it clear who's responsible for the work. If multiple people need to contribute to a task, you can create ...

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  4. Task Management Software for Effective Teams • Asana

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  5. Explore Features of Asana My Tasks • Asana

    Organize automatically: Create rules to instantly sort tasks into sections as they're assigned or changed. ... Asana my tasks is a list of all the tasks assigned to you. You can organize it however you want, with custom sections and automations to instantly move tasks to the right place. Whenever someone assigns a new task to you, it appears ...

  6. Asana tips: Four ways to master My Tasks

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  7. Explore Asana Task & Project Management Features • Asana

    Track work from start to finish with Asana's project and task management features, so every team stays in sync and on schedule to hit their goals. ... Individuals can track every task that's assigned to them in one place, so nothing falls through the cracks. Prioritize and organize daily work. Keep everyone in the loop with automatic ...

  8. Asana Tips: Tasks in multiple projects

    The same task now appears in both projects. If you change, comment on, or complete the task in either project, the changes will be reflected across all the project it's in. Adding tasks to multiple projects helps my teammates and me keep work connected. Give it a try. Examples: Adding a task you're working on to a 1:1 project with your manager.

  9. Explore Asana Project & Task Templates Features • Asana

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  10. How to Assign All Tasks to Me in Asana

    To add a new task in Asana, follow these simple steps: From the project's main page, click on the '+' button. Select 'Add Task' from the dropdown menu that appears. Type in a concise and descriptive task name. Click on 'Assign to Me' so that you are assigned as the team member responsible for the task. When adding a new task, keep ...

  11. How To Assign A Task To Multiple Users In Asana

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  12. How to assign copies of a task in Asana

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    To be clear, i don't want to have multiple people assigned to one task. but i want to be able to create 1 task… and it automatically duplicate and assign to multiple people. it is a common occurrence in my team that we have an item set as an activity in the team meeting that we must all do, say "Read Book A". Currently Someone has to create the task "Read Book A" and duplicate it X ...

  14. See All The Tasks You've Created, Followed, Or Assigned

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  15. Create new Task and assign to me automatically

    There are a few ways to do this in Asana. When creating tasks in "My Tasks" it will automatically assign it to you, and you can then just add it to the relevant projects. When adding a Quick task by pressing Tab+Q or the big at the top right and selecting task. It will also be assigned to you by default. If the above does not work for you ...

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    How To Use Asana. Go to Asana's official website and sign up.; Set up your project as per steps when signing up for the first time. Add your team members by clicking on the "👤" or "Invite" in the bottom left corner.; Click on "Add task" or begin typing below the last task to create a new task.; After creating a task, click to enter your assignee, due date, collaborators, priority, and status.

  17. Can all tasks get assigned to me automatically?

    Until/if Asana provides this, another workaround (that doesn't require a third-party tool) is to type Tab + M to "assign to me" anytime after you start creating the task. It's awfully fast, though you have to remember to do it. And another workaround: Tab + Q does a quick add of a task and it actually does assign to you by default.

  18. Asana launches Asana Flow to power intelligent work prioritization

    People: With this feature, users assign a task, send a message and view shared work with recent, frequent and favorite collaborators in one click. Projects: This feature highlights how work in key ...

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