EDUC 623 Principles of Behavior Management

  • Course Description

An examination of the principles of behavior management as applied to children and youth in the classroom setting. Positive approaches for dealing with behavior problems are emphasized. Contemporary research in the area is analyzed and discussed.

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Difficulty with classroom management is the number one reason given by teachers leaving the classroom for other careers. An understanding of behavior management serves as a foundation for classroom success with special education and general education students.

Course Assignment

Textbook readings and lecture presentations.

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Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Candidate Expectations, the candidate will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (4)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the candidate is required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt. Each thread must be at least 300 words, include at least 2 scholarly citations and 1 scriptural reference in current APA format, and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, the candidate is required to reply to 2 classmates’ threads. Each reply must be at least 150 words. (CLO: A, B, C)

Functional Behavior Assessment Assignment

The candidate will complete the FBA Interview and create a Behavior Intervention Plan based on the information provided in a simulated student scenario. (CLO: B, C)

edTPA Task 1 Lesson Plan Assignment or Behavior Resource List Assignment

edTPA Task 1 Lesson Plan Assignment – MAT candidates will use the provided template to create a lesson plan for a 15–20-minute mini-lesson. (CLO: C)

Behavior Resource List Assignment – M.Ed, Ed.S, and Ed.D candidates will create an annotated bibliography containing 20 beneficial resources related to a classroom or behavior management topic. Each annotation must consist of at least 5 sentences. Resources may include websites, texts, scholarly research articles, etc. (CLO: C)

Field Experience Observation Assignment

The candidate will be required to observe 1 student in a classroom setting for 2 hours. During this observation, the candidate will record all of the behaviors displayed by the student and complete an ABC Chart. The candidate will create a comprehensive list of specific behaviors and write a detailed 400–500-word summary of the observation. (CLO: D)

Case Study Assignment

The candidate will complete a case study from the Iris Center (open access resource) that addresses how to clearly define a student’s behavior so it can be consistently identified, observed, and measured. Using the resources provided in the case study (i.e., STAR Sheets) and the assignment template, the candidate will answer each item in full. Case study templates will be evaluated based on the candidate’s ability to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the concepts and information presented in the STAR Sheets, as well as on grammar, spelling, and formatting. (CLO: B)

Behavior Management Philosophy Presentation Assignment

The candidate will share his or her philosophy of individual behavior management and a description of legal procedures that must be followed when working with students with exceptional learning needs. (CLO: A, B, C)

Dispositions Assignment

The candidate will complete this reflective assignment to address the LU School of Education conceptual framework and SCRIP mnemonic. The candidate will answer a series of questions regarding his/her overall performance as it relates to social responsibility, commitment, reflective practice, integrity, and professionalism. (CLO: A)

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EDUC 623 Troy University IRIS Center Defining Behavior Case Study

by ella | Mar 26, 2024 | Writing


The IRIS Center (Open Access) is a national center dedicated to improving education outcomes for all children, especially those with disabilities birth through age twenty-one, through the use of effective evidence-based practices and interventions.

Using the resources provided in the case study (i.e., STAR Sheets) and the corresponding case study template, answer each item in the case study in the unit in full. Case studies will be evaluated based on your ability to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the concepts and information presented in the STAR Sheets, as well as on grammar, spelling, and formatting.

Case Study Unit 1: Defining Behavior

This case study addresses how to clearly define a student’s behavior so it can be consistently identified, observed, and measured or counted.

Access the case study unit here .

Submission Instructions:

1.Access the case study unit via the link above.

a.If you have issues accessing the case study unit through the link above go the IRIS Center Resource Center (see ) and enter the name of the Case Study using the search function.

2.Download the respective Case Study Template.

3.Complete the respective Case Study Template.


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EDLC 623 Case Study

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EDLC 623 Case Study Assignments

  • EDLC 623 Case Study Defining Behavior
  • EDLC 623 Case Study Encouraging Appropriate Behavior

The candidate will complete two case studies from the Iris Center (open access resource) that addresses how to clearly define a student’s behavior so it can be consistently identified, observed, and measured and how to encourage behavior that is appropriate. Using the resources provided in the case studies (i.e., STAR Sheets) and the assignment templates, the candidate will answer each item in full. Case study templates will be evaluated based on the candidate’s ability to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the concepts and information presented in the STAR Sheets, as well as on grammar, spelling, and formatting.

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EDLC 623 Case Study

EDLC 623 Case Study Assignments

EDLC 623 Case Study Defining Behavior

EDLC 623 Case Study Encouraging Appropriate Behavior

The candidate will complete two case studies from the Iris Center (open access resource) that addresses how to clearly define a student’s behavior so it can be consistently identified, observed, and measured and how to encourage behavior that is appropriate. Using the resources provided in the case studies (i.e., STAR Sheets) and the assignment templates, the candidate will answer each item in full. Case study templates will be evaluated based on the candidate’s ability to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the concepts and information presented in the STAR Sheets, as well as on grammar, spelling, and formatting.

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  • EDLC 623 Field Experience Observation
  • EDLC 623 Dispositions
  • EDLC 623 Behavior Management Powerpoint

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EDUC 623 Troy University Educ 623 Functional Behavior Assessment Interview Form

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Troy University


Final: Functional Behavior Assessment/Behavior Intervention Plan Instructions

PART 1: Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)

During the course of your educational journey, you will encounter students who exhibit behavior that impedes the teaching/learning process. After trying unsuccessful strategies, a functional behavior assessment may be necessary. The primary goal of the FBA is to identify the purpose of the inappropriate or impeding behavior. One important data collection tool used in the FBA process is the Functional Assessment Interview (FAI).

For this assignment candidates will gather data from a provided student scenario or through student observations in the field to complete the provided Functional Assessment Interview (FAI) form. If you choose to use a student observation for this assignment instead of the scenario provided, please include a one page description of the student or the observation that you completed in module 3. Candidates MUST use the provided FAI Interview Form for this assignment. Each section of the form must be thoroughly completed using professional terminology and address the student data provided or collected.

If candidates are gathering data from a field observation, the observed student must have diverse learning needs and specific behavior difficulties.

Student Description

If the candidate is using data collected from student observations in the field, a thorough description of the observed student must be provided on the FAI Interview Form. Candidates will include a description of the student’s social interactions, overall academic performance, gender, and other relevant data. If the student has a documented disability, the description of the student should depict a clear understanding of the student’s disability, the criteria/characteristic for having a disability, and how this disability impacts their academic achievement and functional performance in the learning environment. The student description is not required if candidates are using a provided scenario to complete the assignment.

PART 2: Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)

Once difficult behaviors have been identified through the FBA, a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) will be created in an attempt to decrease those behaviors and increase (i.e., reinforce) replacement behaviors. For this part of the assignment candidates will create a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) for the student identified in Part 1 of the assignment. Candidates must use the provided BIP form to complete this portion of the assignment.


The candidate will complete three attachments that support the content of the BIP. The first attachment will be the (a) behavioral contract that will be used to for this student. The document should be completed. The second attachment should be the (b) record keeping document that will be used by anyone identified in the BIP as responsible for the collection of data related to the student’s behavior. This document should not include any behavioral data. The third attachment will be a (c) letter to the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) that briefly explains the plan and describes a system of ongoing communication regarding the student’s behavior.

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Explanation & Answer

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Attached. FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENT (FBA) INTERVIEW FORM Student’s Name: Student’s Date of Birth: Gender: Date of Interview: Interviewer: Respondents: A. DESCRIBE THE BEHAVIORS 1. For EACH of the behaviors of concern, define the topography (how it is performed), frequency (how often it occurs per day, week, or month), duration (how long it lasts when it occurs), and intensity (how damaging or destructive the behaviors are when they occur). Behavior Topography Frequency Duration Intensity a. Avoiding eye When interacting Everyday Throughout the Reduces social contact with classmates day interaction with and people she peers doesn’t know b. Withdrawal Avoids interacting Everyday A few hours per Limits social with family and day interactions friends c. Aggression When things do At least once per Occurs the whole Limits social and crying not go her way, week day interaction with for example, when peers she looses some of her collections d. Difficulty Uses short phrases Everyday Throughout the Limits ability to holding when day communicate her conversation communicating needs and wants to family and friends e. Repetitive Rocks to the front Occurs at least Lasts a minimum Disrupts learning movements or back when once per week of one hour Limits like rocking walking or sitting interpersonal interactions f. g. h. i. j. 2. Which of the behaviors described above are likely to occur together in some way? Do they occur about the same time? In some kind of predictable sequence or “chain”? In response to the same type of situation? Discuss in detail. Aggresison and repetitive movements are likely to occur together in a sequence. For example, Jill starts rocking herself if she is upset. After that, she will start to cry while throwing tantrums. Avoiding eye contact and withdrawal also occur together in a sequence. The inability to look at her classmates makes it difficult for Jill to hold reasonable conversations that can lead to quality relationship formulation B. DEFINE ECOLOGICAL EVENTS (SETTING EVENTS) THAT PREDICT OR SET UP THE PROBLEM BEHAVIORS 1. What medications is the person taking (if any), and how do you believe these may affect his or her behavior? No medications 2. What medical or physical conditions (if any) does the person experience that may affect his or her behavior (e.g., asthma, allergies, rashes, sinus infections, seizures, problems related to menstruation)? Jill does not suffer any medical conditions 3. Describe the sleep patterns of the individual and the extent to which these patterns may affect his or her behavior. Jill sleeps without any problems. Jill does not sleep on time when she is upset. 4. Describe the eating routines and diet of the person and the extent to which these may affect his or her behavior. Jill’s diet includes all natural foods and dietary supplements. Eats sweets and treats only to a small extent. Prefers white rice and dislikes pudding and sauces. 5. a. Briefly list below the person’s typical daily schedule of activities. (Check the boxes by those activities the person enjoys and those activities most associated with problems.) Time Activity Description Enjoys Problems Wakes and sits at the kitchen counter to eat breakfast √ 8:00 Mother drives her to school √ 9:00 Attends classes √ 10:00 Recess √ 11:00 Class √ 12:00 PM Class √ 1:00 Eats lunch √ 2:00 Class √ 3:00 Class √ 6:00 AM 7:00 Leaves school and goes back home √ 8:00 Watches Tv √ 9:00 Goes to Sleep √ 4;00 5:00 6:00 7:00 10:00 b. To what extent are the activities on the daily schedule predictable for the person, with regard to what will be happening, when it will occur, with whom, and for how long? Very predictable c. To what extent does the person have the opportunity during the day to make choices about his or her activities and reinforcing events? (e.g., food, clothing, social companions, leisure activities) To a large extent 6. How many other persons are typically around the individual at home, school, or work (including staff, classmates, and housemates)? Does the person typically seem bothered in situations that are more crowded and noisy? More than five people Jill does not like crowded spaces 7. What is the pattern of staffing support that the person receives in home, s...

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educ 623 case study template

Troy University , Writing

Question Description

The IRIS Center (Open Access) is a national center dedicated to improving education outcomes for all children, especially those with disabilities birth through age twenty-one, through the use of effective evidence-based practices and interventions.

Using the resources provided in each case study (i.e., STAR Sheets) and the case study template, answer each question on the template in full. The case study will be evaluated based on your ability to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the concepts and information presented in the STAR Sheets, as well as on grammar, spelling, and formatting.

Case Study: Classroom Norms and Expectations

This case study covers scenarios and strategies for establishing classroom norms and expectations.

Access the case study unit here .

Submission Instructions:

1.Access the case study unit via the link above.

a.If you have issues accessing the case study unit through the link above go the IRIS Center Resource Center ( ) and enter the name of the Case Study using the search function.

2.Complete the Case Study Template.

3.Submit the completed template in the submission portal for the module 3 observation assignment by Sunday of module 3.

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