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    Two goats in a field

    In honor of daylight saving time, we asked our staff and colleagues the most hilarious excuse they ever heard (or told) for being late to work.

    With dozens of responses, we concluded that many of you and your employees are really into rescuing animals. Who needs work when Fido’s in trouble? Another significant amount of you have had to deal with some very devastating wardrobe malfunctions.

    Other excuses were so bizarre that they were difficult to categorize. But we tried. And don’t worry, we withheld names to protect the innocent (and not so innocent).

    Without further ado, the most hilarious excuses for being late to work belong to:

    Ace Ventura with many animals

    The Animal Rescuers

    • I spotted two dogs running alongside the road and stopped to corral them into my car. I then realized I had no plan for what to do with them after they were in. I worked at a veterinary clinic, though, and as luck would have it, it turned out that the dogs were clients.
    • I stopped to rescue a duck that had been hit by a car. Sadly, the poor creature expired on my lap while I was sent to various rescue agencies to get it some help.
    • A stray dog barked outside our house all night. I put him in my car to take him to the no-kill shelter. On the way there, he puked. Then the shelter wouldn’t take him because he was a pit bull. I took him back to my house (which would become his home!) then got the car detailed before going into work.
    • There was a scorpion in the bathroom, next to my bare foot while I was on the throne. I restrained it with a glass and dispatched it once priorities were handled.  I also got a vitamin pill stuck in my throat that day. It stayed stuck for two hours while I drooled into a cup, all while teaching a class from the back of the room to avoid even more embarrassment.
    • I was actually late this morning because I had to check on my new baby goats. I had trouble finding a mother and her daughter, who was born on Sunday.

    squirrel eating peanuts

    Not Animal Rescuers, But Blaming Animals Anyway

    • I had to get a squirrel out of my car.
    • An employee said “fighting deer” kept him up all night and he slept through his alarm.
    • My dog chewed through my charger overnight. My phone died, and my alarm didn’t go off. This actually happened, but my boss didn’t believe me.
    • While in the shower, I suddenly heard a loud crash followed by a blood-curdling “scream” and hiss echoing from the far end of my bathroom. I ripped open the shower curtain, only to see a gaping hole in my ceiling and a fat, orange tabby cat sitting directly below it, just as startled as myself. It was Tom, my upstairs neighbor’s cat, who had apparently been living in the crawl space between our apartments. He had completely torn apart the HVAC system and had been stealing my heat all winter. I took a picture of Tom, the hole, and the heating system, and promptly sent them to my boss.
    • My friend was an hour late to work and, upon arriving, his boss told him he was going to be fired because it was his fourth time being late. He responded with one of the best lines I have ever heard. He said he was late because he hit a nutria with his car. (What’s a nutria you ask? Find out here .) The boss was so taken aback, he bet my friend’s job on it being a real thing. After looking it up and finding that a nutria is, in fact, an animal, he let my friend keep his job. In case you’re wondering, my buddy never did hit a nutria, but the elaborate lie still saved him. The devil is in the details.
    • There was a cow blocking the road.
    • I locked myself and my dog out of my apartment building.

    Not sure if teacher accidentally put on two different shoes this morning or is more hipster than I am

    Wardrobe and Beauty Malfunctions

    • I went to the gym before work and remembered to bring my shampoo, hairdryer and straightener, lunch, and a change of clothes. But I forgot a bra. I was late because I had to go desperation bra shopping.
    • I made it all the way to the parking lot before I realized I had two different shoes on. In my defense, it was stupid early and I was sleep-deprived.
    • An employee was late because his pants were in the dryer.
    • My baby spit-up all over me as we were walking out the door. I had to stop, bathe the baby, and change my clothes.
    • A friend was blow-drying her hair while using a round brush and got the brush completely stuck. She had to go to her hairstylist to cut it out, but she didn’t have a car at the time, so she had to take the bus across town. The brush was stuck in her hair the whole time. I think being late to work was probably the BEST part of her day compared to that.
    • A co-worker admitted she was late because she “got overzealous washing her face and had to change clothes and start over.”

    Car crashed into garage

    Moving (Or Not Moving) Violations

    • There was a metal ladder spread across all four lanes of the road. Three guys had to work together to move it!
    • I was told by an employee that her garage door opener remote was broken, and she could not get her car out of the garage.  I had to educate her on the usefulness of that little string that hangs down.
    • While driving to work, I noticed several police officers chase a naked man into someone’s front yard (in the middle of winter in Fargo, N.D.)! The guy was only wearing knee-high moccasins. Naturally, I stopped and watched while an officer tasered the naked man, who then fell into a snowbank and was taken to the squad car. It was worth every minute of being late that day!
    • The police were arresting someone and their car was blocking my driveway. Ah, the old days in East Austin.
    • I was super organized. I had the kids in the car, lunches made, backpacks ready. We were on a roll, out on time, feeling invincible . . . until I backed the car into the closed garage door.
    • Someone I work with told me they couldn’t come into work one day because there was a fight in her street and the police had blocked it off. It must have been an epic fight because it lasted all day.

    meme: spring forward you must or late you will be

    Other Tall Tales

    • Back when I was single, no kids, no responsibility, and apparently no concept of time, I somehow managed to miss daylight saving time and not notice until I showed up an hour late to work on Monday. My boss wasn’t sure which was worse: the possibility of me lying or my aimless, drifting life.
    • I had a coworker tell me he didn’t show up to work because he thinks his one-night stand knocked him out.
    • I once told a boss that I couldn’t go to work because I was allergic to my Christmas tree and that I was going to have to de-ornament the tree and throw it out. I really was allergic, but now that I’m older the lame excuse makes me cringe.
    • An employee had four grandmothers die in one month.

    Do you have any real-life examples that can top these? Have you heard any that made you laugh so hard, you gave the employee credit for creativity? If so, let us know!

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    The 19 most ridiculous excuses people have used to call in sick

    • 35% of employees reported having called in sick to work when they felt totally fine. Some reasons for taking the day off, however, sound more realistic than others. 
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    "Hi, boss. I can't come into work today. My grandmother poisoned me with ham."

    While that may sound like a completely ridiculous excuse, an  employee actually used it ,  according to a survey released by CareerBuilder.

    The survey , which was conducted online in 2016, found that 35% of employees said they have called in sick when they were feeling well.

    Read more: 'I just don't call out sick anymore at all': New report says Walmart punishes employees for taking sick days

    Here are 19 ridiculous excuses people have actually used to call in sick, according to past surveys from CareerBuilder.

    Employee said the meal he cooked for a department potluck didn’t turn out well.

    funny excuses to miss work

    About 35% of workers surveyed by CareerBuilder said they have called in to work sick when they were actually feeling fine.

    Employee said her cat was stuck inside the dashboard of her car.

    funny excuses to miss work

    When asked why they called in "sick," 28% said they "just didn't feel like going in to work."

    Employee said they were kicked by a llama and suffered a broken leg as a result.

    funny excuses to miss work

    Another 27% of those surveyed said took the day off to attend a doctor's appointment. 

    Employee said his girlfriend threw a pan of hot grits in his face.

    funny excuses to miss work

    Meanwhile, 24% said they just needed a day to relax.

    Employee said their parakeet had the flu and needed to be taken care of.

    funny excuses to miss work

    About 18% said they needed to catch up on sleep. 

    Employee said her roots were showing and she had to keep her hair appointment because she looked like a mess.

    funny excuses to miss work

    And 11% said took the day off to run personal errands.

    Employee said he broke his arm reaching to grab a falling sandwich.

    funny excuses to miss work

    The CareerBuilder survey asked hiring managers and HR professionals to share the most suspicious excuses employees have given for needing to miss a day of work.

    Employee’s pressure cooker had exploded and scared her sister, so she had to stay home.

    funny excuses to miss work

    "In some companies, people don't feel comfortable telling their managers they need personal time off, so they will think of an elaborate excuse to get out of work," said Rosemary Haefner, CareerBuilder's former vice president of human resources.

    Employee said they were stuck under the bed.

    funny excuses to miss work

    "The more flexible the work environment, and the more open and honest the communication is across the company, and the less likely it is employees will feel the need to lie," Haefner added.

    Employee said the universe was telling him to take a day off.

    funny excuses to miss work

    The excuses below aren't necessarily lies — but most are certainly odd and sound suspicious.

    Employee said his wife found out he was cheating, so he had to spend the day retrieving his belongings from the dumpster.

    funny excuses to miss work

    If you do need to take a day off, your best bet is to be honest, but not share too many details with your manager, Haefner told Business Insider.

    Employee claimed his grandmother poisoned him with ham.

    funny excuses to miss work

    "Many employers are more flexible in their definition of a sick day and will allow employees to use them to recharge and take care of personal needs," Haefner said.

    Employee said she poked herself in the eye while combing her hair.

    funny excuses to miss work

    If you choose to fib to get out of going to work, beware: While the majority of employers give their employees the benefit of the doubt, 33% said they have checked to see if an employee was telling the truth.

    Employee said they chugged a bottle of mouthwash thinking it was Powerade and was sick as a result.

    funny excuses to miss work

    About 22% of those surveyed said they have fired an employee once discovering they had lied and given a fake excuse.

    Employee said his wife put all his underwear in the washer.

    funny excuses to miss work

    " It never fails to surprise me what they say employees have revealed to them in order to get out of work, " Haefner said.

    Employee said she was going to the beach because the doctor said she needed more vitamin D.

    funny excuses to miss work

    " The excuses have become increasingly creative over the years," Haefner said.

    Employee ate cat food instead of tuna and was deathly ill.

    funny excuses to miss work

    The CareerBuilder study found that nearly half (47%) of employers do not have a flexible PTO policy, where sick days, vacation days and personal days are all lumped in together. 

    Employee said she wasn’t sick but her llama was.

    funny excuses to miss work

    CareerBuilder says this type of inflexible scheduling "may put an employee in the position of having to fake a cold and take an entire day off when he or she only needed a few hours to take an elderly parent to a doctor's appointment."

    Employee ate too much birthday cake.

    funny excuses to miss work

    Remember: the next time you're tempted to call in sick when you are actually feeling fine, you're better off being honest about why you need a day off.

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    funny excuses to miss work

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    20 Good Excuses to Miss Work on Short Notice

    Last Updated: May 10, 2024 Fact Checked

    This article was co-authored by Elaine Lou Cartas and by wikiHow staff writer, Dan Hickey . Elaine Lou Cartas is an award-winning Business & Executive Career Coach and the CEO of Elaine Lou Coaching, based in Los Angeles, California. With over 10+ years of professional experience, Elaine guides women of color, and allies, who’ve established themselves in leadership and executive roles to create a holistic life so they can lead without sacrificing their well-being. She was awarded #1 Thought Leader by LA Weekly + Top 5 Business Coaches by Apple News for 2023. Her career advice has also been featured in Fobes, Business Insider, Money Magazine, and LinkedIn News. Elaine is also the host of the Color Your Dreams Podcast ( Elaine received her Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Sociology from the University of California, Irvine; and her Master's in Leadership and Management at the University of La Verne. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 744,295 times.

    We all feel the need to skip work some days, but what are good excuses to miss work on short notice? If you don’t think you can get away with your usual excuse again, don’t worry—there are a ton of other believable reasons to call off work last minute or leave work early. We’ve put together a handy list of 20 bulletproof excuses to get out of work that will make your boss sympathetic and get you a much-needed day off. If you’re ready for a mid-week day at home, keep scrolling!

    Things You Should Know

    • Keep it short and sweet by saying you don't feel well. If pressed, say you have a migraine, the flu, food poisoning, or you threw out your back.
    • Tell your boss that you have an emergency appointment. This could be for you, or it could be for a "sick" child, spouse, or pet.
    • To avoid health-related excuses, say that you're locked out of your car or you have a flat tire.

    Email Template and Text Examples to Miss Work

    funny excuses to miss work

    You’re not feeling well.

    You can’t predict illness, so calling in sick is an effective excuse.

    • “I woke up this morning with an awful sore throat and cough. I’d hate to get anyone else sick, so I won’t be coming in today.”
    • “My allergies are horrible today because of the change in weather. I can’t get my symptoms under control, so I need to take a sick day today.”
    • “I’ve got terrible menstrual cramps today and can barely move off the couch. Unfortunately I’m not going to make it into work this afternoon.”

    You’ve got a sick child to take care of.

    Sick kids get sympathy, especially if your boss has met them before.

    • “My son woke up with a fever this morning and I need to take today off to take care of him.”
    • “My twins were throwing up all night and I need to be home to monitor them today.”
    • “I can’t make it in today. Strep throat has been going around my daughter’s school and it looks like she’s caught it.”

    You have a last-minute doctor’s appointment.

    Doctor’s appointments are cliché, but they work when used sparingly.

    • “I’ve been trying to get an appointment for weeks and a slot just opened up for tomorrow, so I’ll need to take the day off.”
    • “I woke up with a high fever and had to make a last-minute appointment to get checked out. I’m sorry for the late notice, but I can’t come in to work today.”
    • “My doctor’s office called and rescheduled my appointment for this afternoon. Unfortunately I’ll have to leave work early today.”

    You’ve got food poisoning.

    Food poisoning is sudden and severe, and people know how awful it is.

    • “I’ve been up all night with food poisoning and there’s no way I can come into work today.”
    • “I think I’ve come down with food poisoning. I can’t keep anything down, so I’m going to have to take today off.”
    • “I went out to eat last night and I think I contracted food poisoning. I’m not going to make it to the office today. Hopefully I’ll be recovered by tomorrow.”

    You’ve got a dental emergency or appointment.

    A chipped tooth is a great excuses to miss work last-minute.

    • “I broke a tooth at breakfast this morning and need to go see a dentist right away.”
    • “There was a cancellation at my dentist’s office and my appointment got rescheduled for today, so I won’t make my shift.”
    • “I slipped on ice while walking to my car and busted a few teeth. I have to go in for emergency dental surgery and can’t come into work today.”

    You’re coping with a migraine.

    Migraines are severe and make it nearly impossible to work efficiently.

    • “I’ve got a horrible migraine today and there’s no way I can make it through my shift later. I’m going to need to take today off.”
    • “I have a migraine today and it hurts to even look at a computer screen. I’m taking a sick day today.”
    • “I can’t come in this evening. I’ve had a horrible migraine all day and it doesn’t seem like it’s getting better anytime soon.”

    You had a minor accident or injury.

    Accidents happen to everybody.

    • “I tripped over my son’s Lego spaceship and rolled my ankle. I’m hobbling pretty poorly and need the day off to recover.”
    • “I twisted my knee on a run last night and it’s swollen and painful today. I need to go to the doctor to get it checked out, so I need the day off.”
    • “I sliced my hand open when I broke a dish this morning. I have to go get stitches and won’t be coming in today.”

    You threw out your back.

    Almost nothing is more universally loathed than a hurt or strained back.

    • “I did something to my back at the gym this morning and can barely move.”
    • “I threw out my back yesterday while I was moving some appliances around for my kitchen renovation.”
    • “I had to help my daughter move into her dorm yesterday and hurt my back lifting some heavy boxes. I’m gonna need to take a day off to recover.”

    You need a mental health day.

    Mental health is personal, so empathetic bosses won’t push back hard.

    • “I’ve been under a lot of stress getting ready for my wedding next week and need a day off to get myself together.”
    • “My anxiety has been through the roof this week. I’m taking a personal day today to take care of myself.”
    • “Without going into too much detail, I’m in a rough spot mentally and need some time off today.”

    You were exposed to Covid.

    In today’s world, Covid is the ultimate excuse to get out of work.

    • “I just found out I was exposed to Covid at a family gathering yesterday. I don’t have symptoms, but will not be coming in until I can get a negative test result.”
    • “I was in close contact with someone who has an active Covid infection last night. I will be staying home to quarantine today.”
    • “I was exposed to Covid recently. My rapid test was negative, but I can’t come in today since I’m waiting on my PCR results.”
    • Double check your company’s Covid policy before using this excuse. You may be required to quarantine for several days or weeks.

    You just donated blood.

    Donating blood

    • “I wasn’t expecting to feel so lightheaded after donating. I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to come in today.”
    • “I fainted after my blood donation this morning and need the day to recover.”
    • “The nurse who took my blood recommended I stay home today since I felt pretty weak afterwards.”

    You have a pet emergency or vet appointment.

    Adorable pets will get you sympathy from your boss or manager.

    • “My cat won’t eat or drink anything and I’m worried about her health. I had to make an emergency vet appointment.”
    • “My dog ate something in the trash and is now very sick. I need to stay home today to watch him.”
    • “My dog went after a raccoon on our morning walk today and got bitten and scratched. I’m worried about infection so I had to make a last-minute vet appointment.”

    You’ve got a family emergency.

    Family emergencies work great since they can be vague or personal.

    • “My father fell this morning and has to go into emergency surgery. I need to be at the hospital with him and can’t make it into work today.”
    • “I got a call from my elderly grandma and she sounded completely incoherent. I’ve got to check in on her and won’t be coming in today.”
    • “I’m experiencing a family emergency today and need to leave town unexpectedly. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but I can’t come in today.”

    You can’t find childcare.

    Childcare is hard to find when your usual daycare or caretaker falls through.

    • “My nanny called in sick at the last minute and I can’t find anyone else to watch my daughter.”
    • “My son is being sent home from school early today and now I have to go pick him up. I’m going to have to leave the office early today.”
    • “My daughter’s daycare class has to quarantine because of a Covid exposure and I couldn’t find a babysitter to watch her today.”

    You’ve got out-of-town visitors.

    Unexpected friends or family are a valid excuse to take time off.

    • “My mom is surprising me with a visit tomorrow and I haven’t seen her since before the pandemic. I’m going to need the day off.”
    • “My brother is flying into town unexpectedly to deal with a personal emergency and I need to be available to pick him up from O’Hare.”
    • “My sister got called into jury duty and I have to watch my nephew all day tomorrow, so I’ll need to take the day off.”

    You’re taking care of a household problem.

    Most people understand that severe home issues can happen any time.

    • “My basement is completely flooded because of that storm last night. I’ve got to stay home today to do damage control and get some repair people in here.”
    • “The stairs on my back porch collapsed and the only time a carpenter could come take a look is during my shift today. Unfortunately I’ll need the day off.”
    • “A pipe burst in my kitchen and I had to call an emergency plumber. I can’t make it into work today.”

    You’re expecting an important delivery.

    In the United States, almost 1.7 million packages are stolen every day.

    • “I’m having a new oven delivered and installed tomorrow, so I’ll need to take the day off.”
    • “I have to be home tomorrow to sign for an important package from a relative. The delivery window is all day, so I can’t come into work.”
    • “My couch delivery is coming sooner than expected and I need to take this afternoon off to be home for it.”

    You’re having car trouble.

    If you need your car to get to work, this is a golden excuse to call off.

    • “I can’t get my car to start. Unfortunately I can’t make it to work until I figure out what’s wrong.”
    • “I got a flat tire on my way to work this morning. I need to take my car in to get a replacement and won’t be coming in today.”
    • “I noticed some smoke coming out from under the hood and took my car to the mechanic. It’ll be in the shop all day, so I’ll need the day off.”

    You’re locked out of your house or car.

    Getting locked out is a universally frustrating experience.

    • “I locked my keys in the car while I was warming it up this morning. I can’t leave until my wife gets home with the spare keys.”
    • “I’m locked out of my apartment and my roommate is out of town until tomorrow. The locksmith won’t come until this afternoon, so I have to miss work today.”
    • “I lost my keys at the gym this morning and can’t get in to change for my shift. I have to wait for my boyfriend to get home and make key copies.”

    You’re observing a religious holiday.

    Religious holidays work as long as you tell your boss a little in advance.

    • “I will be taking tomorrow off in observance of Yom Kippur.”
    • “I can’t come into work on Friday in observance of Diwali.”
    • “Work is restricted on Fridays during Ramadan, so I will be leaving early tomorrow.”

    Community Q&A

    Amanda Cousins

    • Keep your excuse brief since too many details might begin to sound fabricated. Just state your excuse, apologize for the late notice, and mention you’ll give more information once you have it. [21] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
    • Consider whether your excuse makes more sense if it’s spontaneous (like an injury or car trouble) or if it needs advance notice to make sense (like a religious holiday or an important upcoming delivery). Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 2
    • When possible, call your manager instead of texting or emailing. It shows that your excuse is urgent and that you’re taking extra care to alert them as soon as possible. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 1

    funny excuses to miss work

    • Review your company’s policies about missing work before calling in with an excuse. Too many absences might result in probation or disciplinary action (plus you’ll want to save some sick days for actual illnesses and emergencies). Thanks Helpful 18 Not Helpful 2
    • Consistency is key. If you call in sick, avoid posting photos on social media of yourself at a party or on the beach with alcohol. Your employer may see them, leading to truancy dismissal and negative references that can harm future employment. Furthermore, your credibility will be damaged, making it difficult for others to trust you. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 1

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    Career Sidekick

    If you need to miss work, including on short notice, this article will give you the 12  best excuses to do it. Calling out of work doesn’t need to be difficult, but if you give the wrong reason, it could leave your boss doubting you and could even get you fired in some states. So keep reading for 12 believable excuses for missing work, even at the last minute.

    12 Good Excuses to Call Out of Work

    1. you’re sick.

    Saying that you feel ill is one of the best excuses for missing work. A company/boss will not want you in the office if you’re sick and possibly contagious.  Not only that, but since it takes at least a day or two to recover from the typical illness, it’s a surefire way to get out of work for at least one full day (whereas, if you say you have a dentist appointment, your boss is likely to ask, “What time is the appointment, and can you come in after?”) Telling your boss you’re feeling sick is one of the simplest and best ways to miss work on short notice because of the factors above.

    Use these sick-day email templates to request the day off hassle-free.

    Just be aware if you call in sick that some particularly strict/old-fashioned employers may want a doctor’s note as proof of illness when you return.And if you’ve got a terrible boss or company, they may still pressure you to come in. If you have that concern, or you’ve tried this excuse for missing work in the past and had trouble, keep reading for more ideas…

    2. You’re caring for a sick child or family member

    Along with calling in sick, there’s another equally good excuse for taking a day or more off: caring for a sick child or family member. These are both valid reasons to miss a day of work and qualify as an emergency that most employers will understand. Saying you need to care for a sick child is one of the best excuses to use at the last minute, including the same day of your work shift. You can simply call and say, “I’m sorry but my child is feeling ill and there’s nobody else who can care for them on such short notice. I’ll need to take a day to handle this emergency and I’ll return to work tomorrow.” Family emergencies happen and most employers will understand and be sympathetic when you call in sick for a medical reason. If you’re not comfortable using health as your reason for calling out of work, then keep reading for more ideas and excuses…

    Watch: 12 Good Excuses to Call Out of Work

    3. you have a family emergency.

    A family emergency is one of the best reasons to call out of work because you usually won’t face many follow-up questions and won’t have to go into too much detail. The typical boss will quickly accept this excuse to miss work without much questioning or doubt. They may not even ask when you’ll be able to return and instead say, “Just let me know if you’re able to come in tomorrow.” However, one downside of using this excuse to miss work is that you’ll almost certainly be asked if the situation has improved once you return to work. Just don’t forget about what you said when you called in sick, so that you’re not caught off-guard when your boss later asks, “How did the family emergency turn out? Is everything okay now?” Otherwise, this is a good, reliable excuse that you can tell your boss to miss work, even on short notice.

    4. You have food poisoning

    Usually, you don’t want to be too specific when saying you’re sick as an excuse to miss work. You don’t need to fake coughing sounds, be dramatic, or give too many details. However, one extra detail you can provide is to say you think you have food poisoning. This is one of the most legitimate and believable excuses to miss work, especially the day of your shift, since most people understand how serious and unexpected food poisoning can be.  So if you need to miss work on short notice and don’t want to face pressure from your boss to come in, this is a good reason that’s almost guaranteed to get you out of work for one day. However, they’ll likely expect you to come in the next day, or at maximum, two days later. So this isn’t a good excuse to use if you’ll need to be missing work for more than two days, but it’s a good reason to miss work for a day.

    5. You have a migraine

    A migraine is another good excuse for missing a full day of work with only a small chance you’ll be questioned about it, since most managers know how severe migraines can be. And unlike making up another medical issue or saying you have a doctor’s appointment, you won’t have to tell your boss an elaborate story or follow up with lies upon your return to the office. Migraines usually go away eventually, with or without treatment, so you can simply go into work the next day and say, “I’m feeling much better, thank you,” if anyone asks. For the reasons above, a migraine is a good excuse to miss work, especially on short notice. If your boss questions or doubts you at all, just say that you can barely look into the light and that you’re lying down in the dark right now as you make this phone call. If you can barely get up or look at light, employers will know you can’t perform your job. So they’ll likely accept this excuse and simply tell you to return to work as soon as possible.

    6. You need to care for a sick pet

    Pets also make good reasons to miss work, but this isn’t an excuse you should use regularly. Still, if used only once, it can make a good reason for missing work. To use this excuse, simply let your employer know that your pet isn’t feeling well and that you’re going to need to go to an emergency vet appointment or stay with them while you give them medication.

    7. You have a last-minute dentist or doctor’s appointment

    Next on our list of excuses to miss work is the doctor or dentist visit. While these reasons will get you out of work on short notice, they might leave your boss asking why you didn’t tell them sooner, and possibly asking for a doctor’s note or other proof of appointment. This depends on your specific employer. Still, the emergency dental or medical issue does come up, and sometimes you notice something that you’re anxious about and want to get checked as soon as possible. So you should be fine saying:

    “There’s something I want to get looked at urgently and my doctor/dentist had a last-minute cancellation and offered me an appointment today.”

    I’ve had employers in the past where I knew they trusted me completely, and this would be an easy way to get out of work, just like all of the excuses above. However, if you have a less trusting employer and you think they’d ask follow-up questions, then you may be better off using other excuses to call out of work instead of this one.

    8. You’re having car trouble

    If you rely on your car to get to work, you can say that you’re having car trouble and are waiting for someone to come look at it. However, you may face follow-up questions like, “Can you take a bus? We really need you here today.” This is best if there’s no other way for you to get into the workplace, and if you only need to miss work for one day. After a day, your boss may start pressuring you about finding alternative transportation. Of course, if you have an easy-going boss and a job that can be done from home, they may let you work from home the whole week while your car is getting fixed. It all depends on your boss and specific job, so you’ll need to use your best judgement when deciding whether to use this excuse or another when you call out of work.

    9. You have a household problem

    You can also say that there’s a house-related issue that requires you to remain home. For example, you could say that you have a leaky water pipe and you need to stay on-hand until the repair person finishes. Or you could say you’re expecting an important delivery and the delivery company said you need to sign for the package in-person today. These are all good reasons why you can’t go to work without you having to bring up health or other personal excuses. So if you’re more comfortable with this route, it’s another acceptable excuse to get out of working. However, one thing to keep in mind here: Your manager may ask you to explain why you didn’t tell them sooner about this. You could say that you let them know as soon as you found out, but just think about if that’s realistic before using this reason to stay home.

    10. You have Military Obligations

    Serving in the U.S. military is prestigious, even for those in the reserve forces. Employers know that military obligations aren’t simply applicable to active service members and that even those in the reserves, or army veterans, could be called in for duties, such as drilling weekends. This is considered one of the most acceptable reasons to take a day off. In fact, there are even laws in place to deal with this kind of absence.

    So in case you need the day off due to these obligations, consider sending in this message:

    “I’m sorry I will not be able to make it to work today. I am in the military reserves and have been called in to take part in a drill on short notice. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I hope you understand that I cannot refuse.”

    11. You Have a Religious Holiday/Event

    Most organizations list diversity as a priority. So if your employers don’t recognize your particular religious holiday, don’t shy away from bringing it up. Your employers will understand. And if they don’t, they’re probably bound by HR policies to respect and accommodate a person’s religious beliefs.

    When asking for the day off, try wording it like this:

    “Tomorrow is a big day for followers of my religion. To celebrate, there is an event that I’ve just been told I must attend. I know this is very short notice, but I hope you appreciate that my presence is important for my family and me.”

    12. You Have House Maintenance Issues

    While some house maintenance work, such as cleaning behind the wardrobe, can be left for the weekend, unexpected issues, such as a sudden gas leak or a pipe burst, require more immediate attention. No employer would want to risk putting you or your family in danger by demanding you come in.

    An acceptable excuse would sound something like this: 

    “I can’t make it to work today because I’ve been dealing with a mini-calamity at home. A pipe just burst, flooding half my living room. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but I should stay in today and ensure it’s fixed soon.”

    Can You Say You’re Feeling Tired as an Excuse to Miss Work?

    While more and more companies are accepting the idea of a mental health day without a specific reason or emergency, this excuse is best if requested one or two days in advance. General tiredness isn’t one of the best reasons for missing work on the day of your shift, since it’ll leave your boss wondering why you didn’t plan ahead and communicate better. I’ve had horrible jobs myself, and I understand having a feeling of panic in the morning when you’re simply overwhelmed and want to call out. However, I recommend using one of the excuses above if you’re going to call out of work last minute. It’s better to take a sick day than a mental health day if giving short notice. Save the personal day or mental health day for when you’re able to request it at least one or two days in advance.

    Is it a Bad Sign When You Make Excuses to Miss Work?

    Everyone misses work from time to time and it’s not necessarily a bad sign that you need to take an unexpected day off. However, if you fail to inform your employer early enough and cause difficulties such as scheduling issues, then it could leave your boss upset. You shouldn’t feel bad about telling your employer you need a day off with any of the reasons above, but give them as much notice as possible and don’t call out as a common occurrence.

    Can You Get Fired for Calling in Sick?

    In many states, work is considered to be done “at-will,” which means an employer can technically fire you for calling in sick. Each state provides different rights to employees, though. No matter where you live, it’s unlikely that an employer will fire you for taking one sick day or calling out of work occasionally.

    Bad Excuses and Mistakes: What Not to Say When You Call in Sick

    If you read everything above, you now have multiple good excuses to miss work. To wrap up, here are a couple of mistakes to avoid and bad reasons for calling out of work. First, you never want to say anything that suggests you failed to plan ahead or that you didn’t let them know promptly. Don’t give a reason that sounds like it’s something you would have known about days before. Always think to yourself about how the excuse sounds before you call in on short notice. Ask yourself, “Does this sound realistic that I’d only be finding out at the last minute?” If not, pick a different excuse to stay home.

    The other big mistake to avoid is overexplaining. You don’t need to share every detail when you explain why you can’t come into your job for one day. If you say you have a sick child, you don’t need to share every symptom as proof that they’re not feeling well. If you’re going to say that you’re sick, you don’t need to try to cough on the phone or sound miserable. Just be clear and direct, give the general excuse/reason that you’re going to use to miss work, and then stop talking and see how your boss responds. When you call out of work, it’s often better to say less. Chose one of the reasons from the list above to call out, explain it briefly, and then just stop. Even the best excuses can be ruined by talking too much or continuing to “sell” your story after your boss is probably already okay with it. So stop talking and let them respond once you’ve explained the basics.

    Being Hungover

    An employer isn’t going to sympathize with you if you tell them that you have a splitting headache because you had an extra few drinks the night before. Let’s face it: You knew you had work the following day and decided to go out anyway. Maybe, in this case, it’s better just to call in sick or pop a pill and hope for the best.

    Bad Planning

    Poor planning is not a quality any boss wants to see in their employee. Of course, some emergencies are understandable, but reasons like missing the bus or forgetting to set the alarm aren’t likely to go down well, especially when it happens too often.

    Forgot You Had A Shift

    Everyone makes mistakes. But forgetting that you had to go to work or had a shift to attend points, once again, to bad planning. Your best bet, in this case, would be to come up with another excuse or apologize profusely.

    Work Conflicts

    Conflicts with coworkers can be hard to deal with. But your employer will likely have little patience for you missing work over an interpersonal conflict. Talking things through with your employer or coworker might be a better solution.

    Conclusion: Valid Excuses to Miss Work

    We all need to get out of work at the last minute sometimes. If you use one of the excuses above and tell your manager briefly and directly that you’re not going to be able to come into work that day, you’ll give yourself the best chance at getting the day off without any suspicion or consequences. To make the process go smoother, call or email your employer as soon as possible. Don’t wait until the last minute if you can help it. And remember to be ready for any follow-up questions when you return to work and see your manager. A follow-up question or two doesn’t mean that your boss is suspicious; it simply means they care enough to check that your situation is better now.

    Biron Clark

    About the Author

    Read more articles by Biron Clark

    Small Business Tip of the Day

    Funniest excuses for missing work.

    funny excuses to miss work

    If you’ve never heard an outrageous excuse for missing work, you haven’t been a manager for very long. But here are a few from CareerBuilder that just might top the charts :

    • “My sobriety tool wouldn’t allow the car to start”
    • “I forgot I was hired for the job”
    • “My dog is having a nervous breakdown”
    • “My grandmother’s body is being exhumed for a police investigation”
    • “My toe is stuck in the faucet”
    • “I’m too upset after watching The Hunger Games “
    • “I’ve gotten sick from reading too much”
    • “My hair turned orange after I dyed it at home”

    Funny excuses – but serious issues for an employer. CareerBuilder notes that three out of 10 workers call in sick when they’re not actually ill – and three out of 10 employers say they’ve checked up on a staffer to make sure an absence is legitimate, usually by requiring a doctor’s note or calling the employee at home later that day. As your company grows, you’re going to need written policies and procedures, and you’re going to want to document problems with employees and the ways you’ve tried to help them.

    Adapted from Ten Bizarre Excuses for Calling in Sick by Dennis McCafferty at .


    22 Bulletproof Excuses To Get Out Of Work

    Bulletproof excuses to get out of work

    You’ll need a reason — okay, call it a bulletproof excuse to get out of work . Unfortunately, “I don’t want to work today” doesn’t usually go over too well with managers.

    We turned to our list of contributors to learn about their tried-and-true best excuses for missing work. After sifting through many responses, we organized 22 into the categories below.

    Click on the links below to jump to a section that works for you:

    • Bulletproof excuses only (that better be true)
    • Traditional excuses to get out of work
    • Medical reasons
    • The full list with explanations

    Bulletproof Excuses To Get Out Of Work (The Big Ones)

    Here are the seven most bulletproof excuses to get out of work, but they better be true:

    Car accident

    Death of a loved one, family emergency.

    • Just feeling sick (unspecified illness)
    • Child is sick
    • Mom is sick

    Warning: Possible Karmic Retribution For Using Those

    Excuses To Get Out Of Work: The Traditional Ones

    • Bad weather/natural disaster
    • Car trouble
    • Family commitment

    Home repairs

    • Medical appointment
    • Public transit problems

    Tech difficulties

    • Attending work-related seminar/conference/skill-builder

    Medical Excuses To Miss Work

    • Awaiting COVID-19 test results

    Food poisoning

    • Mental health day
    • Tested positive for COVID-19

    Work from home email request

    22 Good Excuses To Miss Work, Explained

    In an ideal world, a manager will accept “I can’t come in to work today” without question (even if it’s on short notice ). The list below goes into more detail about each option we just shared, so get reading if you need to provide an explanation.

    Bad weather and/or natural disasters

    Circumstances beyond your control, such as bad weather, may prevent you from making it to work. These are conditions over which you have no control, such as the occurrence of a storm, flight delay, or earthquake. Don’t bother phoning in if it’s something you might have prepared for in advance. Your employer probably won’t think too highly of you if you do that. — Angelico Trentino of NC CuttingTools

    Accidents are the ultimate excuse for getting out of work on short notice because they are, by definition, unpredictable. An accident doesn’t necessarily have to involve you directly, either. A spouse, child, or dependent who needs your help after an accident is a valid excuse for missing work. — Thomas Lewis of RIP City Reviews

    The death of a loved one, whether they be a family or a friend, is difficult. Taking time off from work and other responsibilities to grieve is understandable. It’s important to give your employer as much advance notice as possible so they can prepare for your absence. Some companies have bereavement policies that allow workers to temporarily step away from their jobs without jeopardizing their employment. — Josh Thill of THRIVE ENGINE

    It can be hilarious, but diarrhea is self-diagnosed, and you don’t always need to get to a hospital. Don’t worry, the HR department won’t ask for any proof — and you can get better at home. — Lauri Kinkar of Messente

    Family commitments

    If you have an important family event or obligation that requires your presence, you can use it as a valid excuse. It’s important to remember that you may need to provide proof of this event, however. — Jimmy Huh of JH SEO

    A family emergency is one of the best excuses for calling out of work because you often won’t have to answer many follow-up questions or go into great detail. This is a reason to miss work that the normal supervisor will accept without much hesitation or question. However, if you use this justification for missing work, be prepared to be questioned if the situation has changed. —Mark Blakey of Autism Parenting Magazine

    Food poisoning, as most people understand it, is characterized by episodes of vomiting and diarrhea in addition to general unpleasantness. Nobody is going to ask you any questions about this, and the vast majority of the time, you won’t even need to visit the doctor for it. Get as much Gatorade as you can. — Tia Campbell of Practice Reasoning Tests

    General car trouble

    This is, in my professional opinion, one of the finest excuses for being late to work. It’s by far the most common and convenient reason individuals use (unless you take other means of transportation, of course). Inform your manager that your vehicle did not start this morning and you are bringing it to the mechanic. Since you lack transportation to work, you may request to remain at home. — Tom Miller of FitnessVolt

    Emergencies at home might occur at any time. Maybe you had a little fire in the morning when you were making breakfast. The boiler may have failed. The gas main broke. A bedbug inspector is coming to your house because you discovered an infestation in your bedroom. All of these situations are genuine emergencies that should be treated as such and merit a day off from work. If your supervisor needs verification, feel free to send over a photo. If not, an email will do (along with a notification, if possible). — Timothy Allen of Corporate Investigation Consulting

    I have an appointment

    Missing a day of work for one appointment is a valid excuse. I know from experience that when you have something else on the go that is outside of your normal routine, it can be tough to concentrate on your everyday tasks. This can greatly impact the level of work you do, as well as your motivation. — Brian Ferritto of 42connect

    I have COVID

    Even if you don’t feel sick, you could still be spreading the COVID virus. Consider CDC, municipal, and workplace rules, as well as your vaccination status, before coming into the office if you or someone close to you has tested positive. When determining your time of work return, you should also consider these suggestions. — Michael Hess of Code Signing Store

    I have a medical appointment

    If the only time you can schedule a medical appointment is during work hours, you should be able to miss part of your work day to attend it. Managers should always be looking out for the health of their workers, and a medical appointment is a good enough reason to miss work. — Anthony Martin of Choice Mutual

    I have a migraine

    Since most supervisors are aware of how painful migraines can be, using migraine as an excuse to skip a full day of work virtually guarantees that no questions will be asked. You won’t have to give your boss a long story or make up more falsehoods when you get back to the workplace, unlike making up another medical problem or saying you have a doctor’s appointment. Simply explain that you are currently lying down in the dark while making this phone call and that you can hardly see into the light if your supervisor ever queries or doubts you. — Cynthia Hamilton of OGLF

    My kid is sick

    As a single parent, relying on school and care outside of school hours to mind your child is essential, particularly when you are employed full-time. At times when grandparents are unable to provide care, taking a day off work to care for a sick child is really the only option. — Mark Jimenez of Sensible Dollar

    My mom is sick

    No matter what you do, you never ignore your mother’s health. So, when an employee comes up with this reason, you’ve got no option but to give them a day off. If your mother is unwell, it’s understandable that she needs help at home and you need to be physically present to help her get the rest she needs. While this is a believable reason, many employees lie and use it as a reason to justify missing work. — Anu Gadway of StarLinkHow

    Being a parent who also has a job may be challenging, but this is particularly true in unusual circumstances, such as during a pandemic. If you do not have access to daycare and your young children are not enrolled in school, your only real option is to take a sick day from work. There is nothing else you can do. When compared to other justifications for calling out, this one needs less evidence and proof. — Tyler Seeger of Retirement Being

    Public transportation problems

    Delays in mass transit could cause you to arrive late or miss work. Since this type of situation is generally out of your control, you can use it as an excuse to be late. — Max Shak of

    If your work device is not working, you cannot work. Explain you have booked an emergency appointment to get it looked at, and say you have to miss work, because you can’t work via your phone. — Ella Ding of Smoothies N Cookies

    Work-related commitments

    Some companies allow absence or early departure if you have an opportunity for professional development. To reassure your employer that your time away from the workplace is constructive, describe the positive effects these experiences will have on job-related skills and output. — Jeff Romero of Octiv Digital

    You’re waiting for COVID results

    Protecting yourself and others has never been more important, especially with the new variant on the rise! So, what better excuse to miss work than mentioning you have symptoms of COVID and are awaiting test results? — Sarah Kay of Sincerely Essie

    You need a mental health day

    Taking a day off to focus on one’s own well-being is essential at times. Maybe you’ve been working too much or spending too much time at home, and you need a break to get some rest, do some chores, or just unwind. It’s entirely acceptable to need a day for oneself. A day off won’t cure your mental health issues, but giving yourself some extra time off will help you recharge so that you can be there for yourself and your job in a better way. — Tia Campbell of Practice Reasoning Tests

    You’re just not feeling good

    You won’t be able to give your best performance or accomplish anything when severely ill. It’s for the best if you take the day off to rest and recover, then come back to work when you’re feeling 100%. If you work in an office, you should think about the other individuals you’d be in contact with, even if you feel like you can still do your job despite your illness. Whether it’s the common cold, the stomach flu, or something more severe like COVID-19, spreading illness at work is never welcome. Do some of your work from home if you have the option. If you feel you can’t face work, let your manager know that you’re sick and when you expect to be back. Contact your primary care physician via phone or electronic message if your employer mandates a doctor’s note. — EDWARD MELLET of WikiJob

    Want to see some more ideas?

    Click here to see excuses to work from home , here for reasons to leave work early , or here for excuses on short notice . You’ll see some overlap, but those lists were created specifically for those categories.

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    35 Believable Excuses to Miss Work on Short Notice

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    Navigating the need for time off work can sometimes feel challenging, but there are plenty of legitimate reasons that may require you to miss work on short notice. In this article, we explore 35 legitimate reasons to miss work, providing examples, explanations, and key points for each.

    Whether you're dealing with a personal health issue, a family emergency, an unexpected event, or even a much-needed personal day, understanding these potential scenarios can help you communicate more effectively with your employer.

    However, honesty is always the best policy when it comes to taking time off work. Remember that lying or falsifying reasons for missing work can lead to severe consequences, including loss of trust, disciplinary action, or even termination. Always be truthful about your reasons for needing time off. Your employer will likely appreciate your honesty, and in most cases, be understanding of your situation.

    This article is set up as a comprehensive list, offering 35 different reasons why you might need to miss work. This structure should make it easy to navigate and find the information that's most relevant to you. We hope this article offers a helpful guide for those unexpected life events that require time away from work.

    Illness is a common reason for missing work on short notice. The specific nature of the illness can range from a mild cold or flu to more serious conditions. Importantly, if you are unwell, it is often better to stay home to rest, recover, and avoid spreading any infectious illness to your coworkers. It's always advisable to seek medical attention and follow their advice regarding rest and returning to work.

    For instance, if you wake up with a fever and body aches, you may have contracted the flu. In this case, it's crucial to prioritize your health and reduce the risk of infecting your coworkers by staying at home. Remember to notify your employer as soon as possible, and if required, provide a doctor's note.

    2. Medical Appointments

    Medical appointments, particularly with specialists, often need to be scheduled during regular business hours. This can make it challenging to avoid missing some work, especially if the medical issue is urgent or ongoing. Regular check-ups and preventative appointments are also important for maintaining your health. Employers usually understand this necessity, but it's important to communicate and plan these absences ahead of time when possible.

    Imagine you have an appointment with a cardiologist for an ongoing heart condition. These types of specialists often have limited availability, and the appointment could be crucial for your health. In such a situation, you should inform your employer about your medical condition and the need for your absence. Consider offering to make up for the lost time or work remotely, if possible.

    3. Family Emergency

    A family emergency can happen unexpectedly and needs immediate attention, making it a legitimate reason for missing work. These emergencies could be due to health issues, accidents, or other urgent matters involving a close family member. During such difficult times, your presence might be required for emotional support or practical assistance.

    For example, if your partner or child has a severe accident at home and needs immediate medical attention, you might need to rush them to the hospital and stay with them. In this situation, it's crucial to notify your employer about the emergency as soon as you can. Employers often offer family emergency leaves for such situations.

    4. Unexpected Childcare Issue

    Childcare can sometimes present unforeseen issues that require immediate attention. Your regular babysitter may fall ill, or your daycare center may unexpectedly close. In such cases, it may be necessary to miss work to take care of your child. Balancing work and family life can be challenging, and most employers will understand these occasional unavoidable circumstances.

    An example could be a situation where you receive a call from your daycare provider saying they have a plumbing emergency and have to close for the day. In this case, you would need to stay home with your child. It would be helpful to inform your employer of the situation as soon as possible. If your work allows, you could also explore the possibility of working from home for the day.

    5. Personal Emergency

    Personal emergencies are unexpected situations in your personal life that require immediate attention. These emergencies can include anything from a flooded basement, a car accident, or a fire in your home. These situations often require immediate attention and can make it impossible to attend work.

    For example, if you wake up to find your basement flooded due to a burst pipe, your immediate attention and action would be required to prevent further damage. This would involve contacting a plumber, potentially a cleanup crew, and possibly your insurance company. In such scenarios, keep open communication with your employer, inform them of the situation, and give them an estimated time of your unavailability. If possible, try to make up for the lost work time later or work remotely if your situation allows.

    6. Mental Health Day

    Mental health is just as important as physical health, and sometimes you may need to take a day off to take care of your psychological wellbeing. Overworking, chronic stress, or personal issues can contribute to deteriorating mental health. Recognizing the need to recharge and taking time off can prevent burnout and more serious mental health issues down the line.

    For instance, you might be feeling overwhelmed and emotionally drained due to a high-stress project. It's entirely appropriate to take a day for yourself to rest, engage in stress-relieving activities, and regain your mental strength. It's essential to communicate your need for a mental health day to your employer honestly, and ideally before you've reached a point of crisis.

    7. Death of a Close One

    The death of a loved one can be a devastating event. Grieving is a personal process that takes time and looks different for everyone. Some people may require more time than others to process their loss and may find it hard to concentrate on work during this time.

    For example, if a close family member passes away, you'll likely need to take time off for the funeral and to grieve. Most employers have policies in place for bereavement leave and will understand your need to take time off. It's important to communicate openly with your employer about your situation and the time you'll need off.

    8. Unexpected Vehicle Issues

    Cars can break down unexpectedly, or there may be disruptions to public transportation. These situations can cause delays or make it impossible for you to get to work. Having your car serviced regularly can minimize the risk of breakdowns, but unexpected issues can still arise.

    Consider a scenario where your car won't start due to a dead battery. While this is a situation that can usually be resolved within the day, it may cause you to miss work or arrive late. Notify your employer as soon as possible about the situation. If you can, try to find an alternate means of transportation to minimize your downtime.

    9. House Problems

    Significant problems in your home, such as plumbing issues, power outages, or a broken heating system, may require you to stay home to resolve them. These issues can arise unexpectedly and often need immediate attention to prevent further damage and disruption.

    For example, if your furnace breaks down in the middle of winter, you will likely need to wait at home for a repair person to fix it. It's essential to inform your employer about the situation and the expected timeline for resolution. If possible and applicable to your work, you may be able to work remotely while waiting for the issue to be resolved.

    10. Jury Duty

    Jury duty is a civic obligation that most people will have to perform at some point. The notice usually comes in advance, but the actual dates can often be unpredictable and fall during work hours. Most employers are understanding about the need for jury duty leave, as it is a legal requirement.

    For instance, if you've received a notice for jury duty that falls on a workday, you're required by law to attend. It's important to notify your employer about your jury duty as soon as you receive the notice. Most places of employment have policies in place to handle these situations, and they can guide you on the next steps.

    11. Attending a Funeral

    Attending a funeral, particularly of a close friend or family member, is a legitimate and common reason to miss work. It provides closure and allows one to pay their final respects. Bereavement leave is often provided by employers to accommodate such circumstances.

    For example, if a close family friend passes away and the funeral is held during your regular working hours, you may need to take time off work. It's crucial to inform your employer of the situation and provide as much notice as possible. In most cases, employers will understand and allow the necessary time off.

    12. Bad Weather

    There are times when severe weather conditions can make commuting unsafe. Heavy snow, hurricanes, extreme heatwaves, or flood warnings can all pose significant threats and hinder transportation.

    For example, suppose there's a severe snowstorm forecasted for your area that's expected to make roads unsafe. In this case, it would be prudent to stay home and avoid the potential dangers of attempting to commute to work. Be sure to inform your employer as soon as possible about your circumstances. Some employers might even have policies in place for such instances or may allow you to work from home.

    Injuries, whether they happen at work or outside of it, can make it impossible for you to perform your job functions or commute to work. They often require immediate medical attention and possibly time for recovery.

    For instance, if you sprain your ankle severely while jogging, you might be unable to travel or stand for extended periods, depending on your job. In such a situation, it's best to focus on your recovery to avoid exacerbating the injury. Always keep your employer informed about your condition and provide them with a reasonable timeline for your return based on medical advice.

    14. Unexpected Travel

    There might be instances where you need to travel unexpectedly due to a family or personal crisis. This could be anything from a sick relative in a different city to an urgent property issue that needs resolving.

    For example, if your parents live in another state and one of them falls critically ill, you may need to travel there to support them. In such scenarios, explain the situation to your employer and provide them with an estimated timeline for your return. Most employers understand the urgency of family crises and grant leaves for the same.

    15. Court Appearances

    Court appearances, whether they are directly related to you or involve a family member, usually can't be rescheduled. These appearances could be for a variety of legal matters and failing to attend can have severe consequences.

    For example, you may be involved in a legal dispute and are required to appear in court on a particular day. Make sure to inform your employer about the requirement as soon as you receive the court notice. Provide them with the date and the expected duration of your absence so they can plan accordingly.

    16. Dental Emergency

    Dental emergencies can be extremely painful and debilitating, often requiring immediate attention. This can include a sudden toothache, broken tooth, lost fillings, or other dental problems. Failing to address these issues promptly can lead to more serious complications.

    For example, if you wake up with unbearable tooth pain, you will likely need to see a dentist immediately. It's essential to keep your employer informed about the situation and provide them with an estimated timeline of when you'll be able to return to work based on your dentist's advice.

    17. Pet Emergencies

    Just like human family members, pets can also have medical emergencies that require immediate attention. Since our pets can't tell us when something is wrong, symptoms may appear suddenly and require urgent veterinary care.

    For instance, if your dog ingests something harmful and needs emergency care, you would likely need to miss work to attend to this situation. Be sure to inform your employer about the situation as soon as possible. If your job allows for it, consider working remotely once your pet is stabilized.

    18. Illness of a Close Family Member

    When a close family member is severely ill, they may need your care and support. This could require taking them to doctor's appointments, providing emotional support, or assisting with their care at home.

    For example, if your child wakes up with a high fever and needs to be taken to the doctor, you will likely need to miss work. Communicate the situation to your employer promptly and keep them updated on when you'll be able to return to work. Many employers offer family sick leave for situations like this.

    19. School Event

    Important school events such as performances, parent-teacher meetings, or sports days often fall during working hours and can require parents to take time off work. Attending these events supports your child's academic and personal growth.

    For instance, if your child is performing in a school play that takes place during your work hours, you would likely want to attend. Inform your employer in advance about the event and request time off. Most employers understand the importance of these occasions and will grant you the necessary time off.

    20. Home Delivery

    Occasionally, you may need to be at home to receive a delivery of a major appliance, furniture, or other large items. These deliveries usually require someone to be at home and can't always be scheduled outside of working hours.

    As an example, if you've ordered a new refrigerator and the company can only deliver it during your work hours, you'll need to be at home to receive it. Be sure to inform your employer as soon as you have the delivery date and request the necessary time off. If your job allows for it, you might be able to work from home for part of the day.

    21. Home Repair or Maintenance

    Occasionally, urgent home repairs or maintenance tasks may require you to be present at home. These could be planned activities like a kitchen renovation or unplanned emergencies such as a leaky roof.

    Consider a situation where a pipe bursts in your home and you urgently need a plumber to fix it. You'd need to be at home to handle the situation, which may result in missing work. Communicate the issue to your employer as soon as possible. In many cases, remote work may be possible while you wait for repairs to be completed.

    22. Moving House

    Moving to a new house can be a time-consuming process. It involves packing, moving large items, and possibly cleaning. Although much of this can be planned for weekends or outside of work hours, the actual moving day might fall on a workday.

    If you're moving to a new house and the movers are scheduled to come on a workday, you'll need to request a day off. Make sure to give your employer plenty of notice so they can plan for your absence. They may even allow you to work remotely part of the day if needed.

    23. Study or Exam

    If you are pursuing further education while working, there may be times when you need to study for an important exam or complete a major project. Balancing work and studies can be challenging, but most employers will support your educational pursuits.

    Suppose you have a major certification exam coming up that requires intensive preparation. In such a case, you might need to take a day off to concentrate on your studies. Inform your employer in advance about the exam and your need for a day off to prepare.

    24. Marriage or Civil Ceremony

    Attending a marriage or civil ceremony, either your own or of a close friend or family member, is a valid reason to miss work. These events often require travel and preparation time, and are generally understood to be important personal commitments.

    For example, if your sibling is getting married in a different city, you'll likely need to take time off work for travel and to attend the wedding. As soon as you know the date, notify your employer and request the necessary time off.

    25. Job Interview

    While it may feel uncomfortable to take time off work for a job interview, it's a legitimate reason to miss work. Interviews often fall within working hours and can't always be scheduled outside of these times. It's best to be discreet about the reason for your absence.

    For instance, if you're called for a job interview that's scheduled during your work hours, you may need to take time off. To keep things discreet, you could request a personal day without disclosing the specific reason. Remember to be respectful of your current employer's time and resources while navigating your job search.

    26. Volunteer Work

    Some people choose to participate in volunteer work or community service that can fall within their work hours. Whether it's a one-time event or a regular commitment, this can be a valid reason to miss work, particularly if your employer encourages community involvement.

    For example, you may be involved in a local charity that's hosting a special event during your work hours. Let your employer know about your involvement as early as possible and request the necessary time off. Some employers even offer paid volunteer days as part of their benefits package.

    27. Religious Observance

    Religious observances and ceremonies are legitimate reasons to miss work. These could include holidays, festivals, or special rituals that are important to your faith.

    For instance, if there's a significant religious holiday that you observe which falls on a workday, you'll need to request a day off. Notify your employer as soon as you're aware of the date, and request the necessary time off. Employers are typically understanding of such circumstances and legally obliged to reasonably accommodate religious practices.

    28. Personal Emergency

    Personal emergencies are unexpected events that require immediate attention. These could include a break-in at your home, a sudden financial issue, or an unexpected legal matter.

    Consider a scenario where you have a sudden legal issue that requires you to meet with your lawyer immediately. You would likely need to take time off work to resolve the matter. Be sure to inform your employer as soon as possible, giving as much detail as you feel comfortable sharing.

    29. Health Appointments

    Health appointments, such as regular check-ups, specialist appointments, or therapy sessions, can sometimes only be scheduled during work hours. Preventative care and management of ongoing health issues are important for your overall well-being.

    For example, if you have a specialist appointment that can only be scheduled during your work hours, you'll need to take time off. Inform your employer about the appointment as soon as it's scheduled, and provide an estimate of when you'll be able to return to work.

    30. Personal Well-being Day

    Sometimes, you may just need a day off for personal well-being. This could be to relax, pursue a hobby, or spend time with family and friends. Personal well-being days can help prevent burnout and improve overall job satisfaction.

    For example, if you've been feeling particularly stressed and overworked, you might need to take a personal day to relax and recharge. Let your employer know that you need a day off for personal reasons. Most employers understand the importance of work-life balance and the need for personal time.

    31. Child's Sick Day

    If you have children, there will inevitably be times when they're sick and unable to attend school or daycare. Often, this will require a parent to stay home with them.

    For example, if your child wakes up with a fever and you can't send them to school, you'll need to take the day off to care for them. Be sure to inform your employer as soon as possible. Many employers have policies in place to support parents in these circumstances.

    32. Attending a Conference

    Many professionals attend conferences, seminars, or other professional development events to stay up-to-date in their field. While some of these may be sponsored by your employer, others may not be, and could require taking time off work.

    For instance, if there's a conference relevant to your field happening during your work hours, you may wish to attend. In this case, discuss the opportunity with your employer as soon as you can. They may even consider it as part of your professional development and support you in attending it.

    33. Unexpected Family Responsibilities

    Unpredictable family responsibilities such as caring for an elderly family member, attending a family reunion, or handling a family dispute may require your immediate attention and presence.

    Suppose your elderly parent falls ill suddenly and needs your help. In such a scenario, you would likely need to take time off to care for them. Be open with your employer about your situation and provide them with an estimate of when you'll be able to return to work.

    34. Attending Important School Event

    Major life events such as graduations, milestone birthdays, or other significant school events are important to attend and can fall during work hours.

    For example, if your child is graduating and the ceremony falls on a weekday during your working hours, you'll want to be there. Notify your employer well in advance and request the necessary time off. Most employers understand the importance of these milestones and will accommodate your request.

    35. Attending to a Crisis at Home

    A crisis at home can include anything from a burglary, fire, or other disasters that require your immediate attention and presence.

    For example, if there's a fire at your home, you will need to attend to the situation immediately. Notify your employer about the crisis as soon as you can and provide them with an estimate of when you'll be able to return to work. Many employers will be understanding and supportive in these situations.

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    The Best Excuses to Get Out of Work

    Elise Hennigan

    Need a day off? Here's a list of the best excuses to get out of work—including believable excuses to miss work, ridiculous reasons to stay home and funny justifications for taking the day off. Hey, sometimes we all need to take a sick day, or take a "sick day" but we don't know exactly what to tell our boss that they will believe or allow. The most popular excuses to miss work are often health-related. People always think to say that they are sick or that their car broke down. While this way to miss work is sometimes believable, you can't always use the same reason. 

    Good excuses for missing work are usually either very specific—like your toilet overflowed and you have to handle it, or are very vague—like you need a "personal" day. Is it a bad idea to lie to your boss about why you are missing work? Probably. Do people do it all of the time? Absolutely. For many readers, the reasons listed here are good excuses for taking the day off. 

    So what do you think? What is a good excuse for getting out of work? Do you lie to your boss or do you just tell him or her why you need the day off? Vote for your favorites and add your own ideas to help rank the best excuses for missing work. 

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    • 12 Excuses for Missing Work

    funny excuses to miss work

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    funny excuses to miss work

    Every once in a while, you might need to take time off from work. However, you might not always have the best reasons for doing it.

    Sometimes you’re looking for another job to escape the mindless grind at your current job, while other times you just can’t face your colleagues that day due to a broken heart or too much champagne the previous night. You can’t necessarily tell these to your boss so an excuse is the only solution.

    But excuses come in all shapes and sizes – you need to know which one to use to ensure you don’t end up hurting your career. In this post, we’ll look at 12 excuses for missing work. We’ll be exploring:

    • Four good and common excuses,
    • four bad and problematic excuses, and
    • four of the outright ugly and funny excuses.

    And finally, we’ll go over the steps to coming up with an excuse and pulling it off – no matter what the reason for slacking is!

    funny excuses to miss work


    Excuses are always, well, excuses but it doesn’t mean they are inherently bad. There are good reasons for skipping work and they aren’t always down to you being mischievous.

    So, what is a good excuse? The common denominators for a good and common excuse are:

    • They have honesty in them . Now, you might not have flu that would keep you from working but you can still be sick. An excuse doesn’t have to be void of truth and as you’ll see below, there are plenty of valid reasons for staying home.
    • They are believable . Even when you are making an outright excuse for not showing up and lying a little more than you might want to, a good excuse is still believable. Your boss is more likely to buy your excuse and accept it at face value if it doesn’t sound like something from a Hollywood blockbuster.

    If you want to use a good excuse for missing your work, these four subject areas would be worth exploring:

    1. Sickness/doctor’s appointment

    Just tell your boss you’re sick. You most often don’t have to start producing doctor’s notices for one-day off work – although check the policy for this if you’re actually not sick! Telling your boss you have an upset stomach or temperature as high as a hot oven will be sufficient and believable. It’s a bit lame but definitely believable reason to stay home.

    2. House emergency

    A broken boiler or a flooded bathroom can also work as an excuse. Things break down all the time and it’s not safe to leave a sparking fridge unattended – your boss will have to understand that. You can easily claim to have a house emergency and expect your boss to be nice about it.

    3. Family emergency

    If you have children, then you can usually get away with telling there’s a family emergency and you have to deal with it. Children getting sick or requiring extra attention can work – even if you don’t actually need to stay at home with them every time.

    You can also excuse yourself from work if your parents or spouse have had a serious health problem. However, you definitely don’t want to start lying too much here or draw in your cousins to the lies – remember to have some honesty and believability for the excuse to be good.

    4. Delivery of a major purchase

    Major deliveries require someone to be home to accept them. Fridges, furniture and the like can’t be left on the side of the door and you can use these occasions as an excuse to not going to work. It’s not always possible to organize the delivery outside of your work hours anyway so it’s a believable excuse – even if you are actually just waiting for a book delivery!


    Then there are the bad excuses. Now, it’s easy to think bad excuses are always just bad lies but that’s not true. Some of the worst reasons for skipping work are the actual truths. But the truth is sometimes ugly and you’d be better off using one of the above excuses then blasting out one of the ‘truths’ from below.

    So, what makes an excuse bad and problematic? The common denominators are:

    • They are lazy . As mentioned above, you might not even be trying to come up with a believable excuse but just blur out an inconvenient truth. You won’t make your excuse stick if you’re not even trying to feel sorry for missing work – there are times when thinking hard for an excuse is better than just lazily coming up with something. For instance, you work as a VPN software engineer in the remote mode. Having a lot of tasks to be completed you might start  watching Netflix with VPN  explaining it with its direct relation to your daily duties.
    • They are hazy . Bad excuses are also a little lacking in terms of the explanation. While you don’t want to come up with a weird storyline to pull off an excuse, you can’t make your reason leave more questions than answers.

    Therefore, you want to avoid these four excuses for missing work, if you want your boss to still like you:

    5. Someone’s death

    It’s one thing to claim your mum’s sick and needs your help, then to say she has died. In fact, there are stories of managers who’ve had an employee lose their mother or another relative twice (Yes: the same relative has died twice ).

    Certainly, if someone in your family has actually died, it’s not an excuse but a valid issue to talk to your boss about and ask for time off. But don’t lie about someone’s death – that’s just horrible and wrong on many levels.

    6. Vehicle problems

    The car breaking down and not starting might have worked as an excuse in the past but right now, the answer from your boss might be “ to get an Uber ”. Taxi-hailing apps and the public transport are so good in almost every corner of the world that vehicle problems are not a good excuse to use.

    7. Partying

    You might have been partying the previous night and now you have a headache. But don’t use it as an excuse to miss going to work. After all, you always know when you have to go to work and as an adult, it’s your responsibility to plan your life accordingly. You might be thinking you’re being honest but you don’t really get a free pass to miss work just because shots were cheap after midnight!

    8. Feeling tired

    Everyone will wake up at times and feel like they are tired. Some mornings going to work just seems the last thing you want to do. But you shouldn’t use tiredness as an excuse because many people will be showing up despite feeling the same.

    If you find yourself constantly tired and thinking about claiming it as a reason to show up, you might want to call in sick and figure out why you’re so unhappy .


    While the above excuses are generally rather bad, you can still get away with them. However, there are excuses real people have used but which define any sense and sensibility. These excuses are not bad in the “you’re just lazy”-kind of way, but they are so unbelievable that your boss probably won’t know how to react.

    These excuses for missing work are usually:

    • Refutable . A claim your boss can simply say isn’t true. Remember that your boss has access to Google and a phone – they can call to check if what you’re saying has actually happened.
    • Outrageous . A claim that’s so crazy your boss might actually get angry you’re even trying it. You’re not trying to get fired, you’re just having a day off.

    However, if you do want to try your luck, here are four excuses for the brave:

    9. Aliens/ghosts

    You might feel like an alien abducted you last night but it’s probably just a bad hangover. You don’t want to start excusing not showing up to work with wild stories about aliens and ghosts. It’ll just ruin your reputation at work.

    10. Crazy court cases/Outrageous accidents

    It’s also not the time to start making up stories about jury duty in a murder trial or a dog eating through your car tires. The crazier the story, the less likely your boss is going to believe it. You most likely won’t get a pass with a story about mixed plane tickets and connecting flights.

    With modern technology, mistakes like these are actually rather rare. If you’ve actually been in a freak accident, it might even be better to say you’ve pumped your car and you need to see the doctor!

    11. Distant relatives/friends having problems

    While it’s OK to take time off to look after your child, spouse or parent, your boss might not enjoy you staying off work for your aunt or the neighbor’s cat. Unless they are really sick, you don’t want to use distant relatives or friends as an excuse. Your best friend’s unsuccessful love life is also not really a valid reason to stay home.

    12. New job

    You might actually be looking for a new job but telling this to your boss as a reason for not coming to work might not be the smartest of ideas. If you are honest about staying home to find a new job, you might have your boss react in an unexpected way.

    Well let’s just say that you might want to find that new job sooner than you think. There’s nothing wrong with having to skip work for your job hunt but you don’t want to admit it to your boss. It might be better to say you’re sick or there’s been a family emergency rather than to admit you might be changing jobs.


    Whatever your actual reason and whatever excuses you decide to use, there are a few ways to make the excuse sound better. With these simple four steps, you can guarantee your boss doesn’t start quizzing you more about the reason and you won’t put your career in jeopardy.

    So, to make your excuse work, you need to:

    • Pick a story and stick with it. You need to decide what your excuse will be and know it by heart. You can’t start doubting or thinking about what to say when you are talking to your boss. It’s a good idea to just go with your chosen story and stand by it. Naturally, it helps not to lie but to pick something close to the truth. You don’t have to reveal it all or stick to nothing but the truth but a hint of it will help.
    • Stay confident and calm when you call your boss. You also need to stay confident when making the call or sending the e-mail (calling is better!). If your boss can sense doubt from your voice, you might end up ruining your chances of a guilt-free day-off. If you’re actually sick, looking for a better job, or just really stressed, you shouldn’t beat yourself about it. You do deserve to have a break occasionally and you can always work harder the next day.
    • Keep it brief and alert the employer as soon as possible. As soon as you know you won’t be showing up to work, let your boss know. It can help them sort out a replacement or divide responsibilities differently at the workplace for that day. Just because you aren’t showing to work doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to limit the disruption. When you’re making the call keep it short. You don’t have to explain the depths of your sickness, for example. If your boss isn’t buying the reason, they’ll ask questions.
    • Be prepared and willing to take the consequences! If you are lying through your teeth with your excuse, you need to be prepared to take the consequences. Your boss might find out or ask for proof of the event. It’s important to think about this before you make the phone call and ponder whether honesty is the best policy or what you’ll say if the truth comes out.


    There are all sorts of reasons for missing work (you might actually use your time off for starting an online business on the side ). We can’t all perform like robots and show up every single day. But telling your boss you need some time at the spa is not always a good idea. Coming up with an excuse can be the only way and there are differences in what makes an excuse good and outright laughable.

    So, if you are thinking about taking time off to search for a new job or just lying in bed, check the above 12 excuses to find the right one for your occasion.

    funny excuses to miss work

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    13 Ridiculous Excuses For Missing Work Show Everybody Can Be Creative

    Harry Bradford

    Former Associate Business Editor, The Huffington Post

    portrait of a man watching tv

    It might not be uncommon for workers to fake a sick day just to skip work, but some apparently feel the need to get a little more creative, according to a recent study.

    In fact, the excuses employees give their bosses for missing work can be so outlandish that 60 percent of managers say they often don't believe the reasons workers give for being absent, according to a survey done in the United Kingdom by British health care provider Benenden Health. Bosses even go so far as to examine workers’ social media accounts to see if they’re telling the truth.

    That may seem a little extreme but so are some of the things workers have said just to play hooky, according to the survey. Sex injuries, pet illnesses and boozy late-night high jinks all count as some of the most bizarre excuses bosses in the survey heard from employees.

    The last one, however, may be more fact than fiction. A separate economic study in the U.K. found worker- absenteeism rose after bars began staying open later , allowing people to drink more and as one worker in Benenden’s survey put it, fall “asleep on someone’s floor.”

    Here are 13 of the most bizarre excuses for missing work :

    I Drank Too Much And Fell Asleep On Someone’s Floor – I Don’t Know Where I Am"

    15 Most Bizarre Excuses For Missing Work

    (Hat tip: Daily Mail )

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    funny excuses to miss work

    Develop Good Habits

    31 Good Excuses to Miss Work on Short Notice (EXAMPLES)

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    The need to take a day off on short notice from work happens to all of us. Life happens, and when it does, we need to take some time to take care of the circumstances that come our way .

    Sometimes we may need to go into work later than scheduled, and other times we may need to call out for the entire day. Either way, taking some time off can prevent unnecessary burnout .  We can only control so much in our lives… and calling out of work when we have to is one of them.

    When you need to take a day off work, especially on short notice, it can cause some anxiety for both you and your employer. In this article, you’ll find good excuses to miss work on short notice and how to deliver those excuses to keep the anxiety levels at bay.

    If you need a day off, it’s time to stop procrastinating and borrow from the excuses below to get it done!

    Table of Contents

    What Constitutes a Good Excuse?

    When using a short-notice excuse, you’ll want to weigh your options. Some excuses may cause your boss to raise an eyebrow, while others may be perfectly acceptable despite the inconvenience.

    The key to asking for time off, while staying in the good graces of your boss and coworkers, lies in knowing which excuses are appropriate at the time . The last thing you want to do is to make a bad impression at work and potentially stifle or end your career.

    While you don't want to be a people pleaser, you do need to be polite while asking for the time off you want and need. Before contacting your boss to ask for a day off, think of their personality and how you can best handle the situation.

    Nervous? You can check out this article to help give you the confidence you need to ask your boss for time off work.

    A good excuse for calling out of work on short notice is something that requires your immediate attention. If the excuse you use is something that can wait, it may be frowned upon not to give your management a head’s up before actually calling out to attend to it.

    Additionally, your goal should be to make sure the excuse is something readily believable . For instance, don’t say your pet is sick if you don’t have a pet.

    31 Examples of Good Excuses

    The following examples should help you when you miss work on short notice. We’ve included some lines as examples that you may use for each excuse.

    Pro tip: It may be helpful to preface each excuse with a sincere phrase, such as:

    “I realize this may be inconvenient…”

    “I apologize for any inconvenience…”

    “I’ve contacted [name of coworker] who is willing to cover my shift while I’m away.”

    Words likes these can go a long way to soften the blow when an employee calls out.

    Excuse #1: Computer issues if you are working remotely.

    Working from home has its own unique challenges, and one of those is when you’re experiencing computer issues. Depending on the difficulty, you may find you need to wait a day or more to have a new computer shipped to your residence.

    Before calling out for computer issues, be sure you have re-booted your computer first, as some glitches may be resolved in this way, and your boss may ask if you’ve taken this or other steps, such as calling the help desk, first. 

    “My computer is not working properly, even after re-booting it.” “My computer is not working properly. I’ve called the help desk and am waiting for a resolution.” “My computer is not working properly, and I’ve been informed that a replacement will arrive tomorrow.”

    Excuse #2: A sick child.

    With children, you never know when one may wake up feeling unwell or when one may be sent home from school sick. When this occurs, you’ll need an excuse to call out of work. 

    “My son is experiencing symptoms of a cold and fever, and I need the day off to care for him.” “My daughter has broken her arm, and I need to care for her.” “I’ve been called to pick up my child from school as he is sick, and will need to care for him for the remainder of the day.”

    good excuses to miss work on short notice examples | good excuses to miss work on short notice for a week | good excuses to miss work on short notice text message

    Excuse #3: An accident on the way to work.

    Sometimes circumstances cannot be avoided. You may need to call out for a day to take care of business and any injuries you may have incurred. 

    “I’ve had an accident on the highway and need to rest for the remainder of the day, per the Emergency Department doctor. I’ll provide a note when I return to work.” “I slipped on the ice on my front steps this morning, and I’m waiting to get checked out by the doctor.” “I accidentally cut my hand while slicing vegetables and need to get stitches.”

    Excuse #4: Hazardous weather.

    We can’t control the weather and some are more comfortable driving in various weather-related conditions than others. Sometimes a company will close whenever there is snow or ice in the forecast, but sometimes not.

    It is at the discretion of the employee to determine whether he feels it is safe to drive. 

    “According to the latest weather report, there are currently blizzard conditions that I’m not comfortable driving in.” “Since the roads are icy this morning, I feel it is too treacherous to drive to work this morning.” “The forecast shows dangerous ice and snow will be on the road before the workday ends today. Therefore, I will be taking a personal day as I don’t feel comfortable risking the drive.”

    Excuse #5: A parent is seriously ill.

    It’s difficult when our parents are unwell, and especially, as their condition deteriorates. As their children, we want to be there for them and often need to be. For help with writing a letter or absence for family matters, check out this article . 

    “My mother is not feeling well. I feel it’s best if I took her to get checked out at the hospital.” “My father is in the hospital and the prognosis is dire. I need to be with him.” “Please accept this as a formal reason for my absence today due to my assistance being needed by my mother as she is ill.”

    Excuse #6: A mental health day.

    Everyone needs a day of self-care to rejuvenate from time to time. Even if you have a career you love, it helps, particularly mentally, to take a mental health day.

    While you may not feel that you deserve a day to yourself, or you may feel guilty for taking the time, remember that to be the best you, and the best employee you can be, you need to take care of yourself. 

    “In an effort to prioritize my mental health, I am requesting to take a mental health day.” “As I’m sure you know, working on XY project has required much overtime. I would like to request a mental health day to help me refresh and be better suited to achieve the same level of effort on my next project as I have on the previous one.” “I’m unable to come to work today due to personal reasons. I hope you’ll understand.”

    Excuse #7: Food poisoning.

    It can make you feel so miserable you cannot imagine feeling good again. If your body is subjected to food poisoning, you definitely will want to call out of work. 

    “I believe I’ve eaten something that is not agreeing with me. I need to stay home and heal today.” “I’m not feeling well today and will need to take the day off to recover.” “I’ve scheduled a doctor’s appointment as I’m not feeling well today and will need time to recuperate.”

    Excuse #8: That time of the month.

    Sometimes the reason for calling out of work is something you may not care to share, as in when you’re miserable because of your menstrual cycle. It can cause a woman to experience abdominal cramps, lower back aches, migraines, and more.

    fake excuses to get out of work | great excuses to miss work on short notice | good excuses to miss work on short notice reddit

    Of course, depending on your relationship with your boss, you may feel comfortable sharing the reason for your calling out. If you need to muster up your courage to use this excuse, we’ve written an article that may help you feel like a warrior. 

    “I’m not feeling well today. I need to take a sick day.” “It’s that time of the month and I’m not handling it well. I need to take a day to feel better.” “Please accept this request to take a sick day as I am unwell.”

    Excuse #9: Recent injury.

    If you’ve recently been hurt or hurt yourself and feel you need some time off, even if you’ve recently returned to work after an absence due to the injury, this may be a good excuse to offer. 

    “I’m having a lot of pain in my foot since the operation and need a day to rest and recover a bit more.” “I slipped and broke my tooth and will need to see the dentist today.” “I need a day off to recover from an injury. I’ll provide a doctor’s note when I return.”

    Excuse #10: A last-minute request to participate in a funeral.

    Sometimes we cannot anticipate when we’ll be called upon to provide support. You may find yourself in a position to help ease a family’s pain by sharing in their grief at a funeral or memorial service. 

    “A close friend recently passed and his family has asked me to participate in his funeral arrangements.” “Due to personal reasons, I’ll be unable to come to work today and am requesting to take a personal day.” “I’ve been asked to give the eulogy at a funeral and will need to take some personal time off.”

    Excuse #11: A contagious illness.

    If you have a disease that you may spread to your coworkers, you'll want to take a sick day, which is the most kind thing you can do to protect them. 

    “I'm experiencing a fever today and feel it would unnecessarily expose my coworkers if I come into work. Therefore, I am requesting to take a sick day.” “Tests have shown I have the flu and will not be into work today; instead, I'll be taking a sick day and will keep you posted on when I can return.” “I'm currently experiencing pink eye and will be out of the office until it clears up in order not to expose anyone.”

    Excuse #12: You've been exposed to a contagious illness.

    This has become an acceptable excuse since COVID-19 came upon the scene. If you've been exposed, you may want to check CDC guidelines and follow any recommended quarantine guidance and take some time off if needed. 

    “I was informed that I've been exposed to COVID-19 and need to be quarantined for x days.” “I've been exposed to x disease. I should be able to return to the office tomorrow per my doctor's advice.” “I've contacted my doctor for testing. I will return to the office once I'm sure I have not acquired the disease I've been exposed to.”

    Excuse #13: A fire at your home.

    This is definitely one of the good excuses to miss work on short notice, although having a fire at your home is definitely not good. Any manager should understand the need to call out for this excuse which can cause you all kinds of headaches and distress .  

    “Unfortunately, I had a fire at my home last night and will need to take the day off.” “There was a fire at my home and I will need the day to find a temporary place to stay while cleaning and repairs are being done.” “My home caught fire and, while I'm thankful no one was injured, I will need some time off to take care of things.”

    Excuse #14: Your car won’t start.

    Oh, the frustration when our cars do not work properly! Sometimes it can be because of the cold or a faulty part. For whatever reason, car problems can leave you without transportation to your job. 

    “My car would not start this morning and I need to take the day off to get it to the shop and repaired.” “This morning my car failed to start. The mechanic has an opening later today and I need to take time off to transport it and wait for repairs.” “I'm currently waiting for a tow truck to arrive as my car would not start this morning, leaving me without transportation to work.”

    Excuse #15: A death in the family.

    Sadly, there may come a time when one of your loved ones passes and you need to call out for work unexpectedly. 

    “We've had a death in our family and I need to take some personal time off.” “Due to the death of my daughter, I will need some personal time off. I'll keep you posted on the arrangements.” “We've had a death in our family and I need to travel to my hometown. Therefore, I'll need to take some time off.”

    excuse to miss work text message | really unusual sick day excuses | family emergency excuses

    Excuse #16: Illness or death of a pet.

    Sadly, we usually outlive our beloved pets. They are often as dear to us as our family members. Experiencing grief, whether for a person or a pet, is difficult and is a good reason for taking time off work. Also, when our pets are sick, it's understandable that we need to care for them. 

    “I need some time off to grieve the passing of my sweet pup which I've had for 12 years.” “I have an appointment this morning to take my pet to the veterinarian and will need some unexpected time off.” “I woke up this morning to my favorite cat being sick. I'm waiting to hear back about getting an appointment at the vet's office.”

    Excuse #17: A package arriving needs your signature.

    This can happen any time of the year but especially during the holidays as we usually send and receive more packages. Some require signatures in order to be delivered and you may need to take some time off to ensure you are home when the package arrives. 

    “I just received a notification that a delivery requiring a signature is due to be delivered to my residence today. I will need some time off to make sure I'm home during that time.” “I need to be home to sign for a package today. I've ensured coverage for my responsibilities and am requesting a personal day off.” “Please accept this request for a personal day off as I am expecting a package that I must sign for.”

    Excuse #18: You need to wait for a repairman.

    There are many reasons you might need a repairman at your home. From time to time, something will break that needs attention. Being able to provide a good excuse in order to stay home during these times, is important. 

    “My refrigerator stopped working this morning and I’ve called a repair service. The window of time includes most of the day so I need to take a personal day in order to be here when the repairman arrives.” “Unfortunately, my heating unit is broken and I need to wait for a HVAC repairman to arrive. Please accept my request to take a personal day off.” “I need to request a personal day off as an electrician is working to get the power restored at my home.”

    Excuse #19: An opening at a doctor’s office.

    Sometimes it’s difficult to get an appointment when we’d like it. We often end up waiting a month or two or more for certain appointments. When we get a call that someone has canceled and asked if we want the appointment, well, I would jump on it, wouldn’t you? Then, the next step is having to call out of work in order to keep the appointment.

    “I finally have an appointment that I’ve tried to secure for a while. I will need some time off to keep it.” “I’d like to take a personal day in order to keep a much-needed appointment.” “I just found out that I have the opportunity to make an appointment for today. I’ll need to take some personal time.”

    Excuse #20: Internet outages if you’re working remotely.

    Experiencing problems with Wi-Fi and wired connections happen from time to time. When they do, it’s impossible to get work done.

    “Our service provider is working on the outage and has not provided an estimated time of completion. Therefore, I will take a personal day since I am unable to complete my work.” “I am requesting a day off as I am unable to work due to an internet outage.” “Please consider this request for a personal day as I have no internet service.”

    Excuse #21: You have a migraine. Ouch!

    Whenever a migraine hits, it’s often hard to function as the pain can be unbearable. Realize that you can share as much or as little as you want when giving an excuse that deals with your health. Often, it depends on the relationship with your boss and how open you wish to be when sharing your health issues. 

    “I’m having a migraine today and will be unable to come into work.” “ I’m feeling ill this morning and will need to take a sick day.” “Please know that I am sick and will be unable to come to work today.”

    Excuse #22.  Dental Emergency

    Breaking a tooth or having a filling fall out can be extremely painful and need immediate dental attention. You won't be able to work with the pain. Most people can understand the pain dental emergencies create.

    “I broke my tooth when I misjudged at the gym and I need to get to the dentist immediately.” “A filling fell out and the nerves in my tooth are exposed so I need to have it fixed.” “My kid fell and knocked out a tooth and I need to take them to the dentist to have it reattached.”

    Excuse #23. Childcare Issues

    When you have children, things can happen that leave you without childcare. You can't leave your child alone and finding replacement care isn't always easy. Using this too often, however, can make your employer wonder if you are ready to work.

    “My babysitter called off at the last minute and I can't get in touch with anyone as a backup” “My child's daycare is closed today because of plumbing issues, so I need to stay home with my child.” “My mother normally takes care of the baby but she had a medical problem that required she go to the doctor.”

    Excuse #24. Public Transportation Issue

    Normally, buses are dependable, but things can happen that make them need to interrupt their service. If you depend on them as your sole transportation, you can't help what happens.”

    “My bus broke down and we are stranded here waiting for the repair people to come and check it out.” “There was an accident in front of our bus and the driver and all passengers are required to stay here and give our statements to the police.” “The weather is creating at least a two-hour delay on some buses and has caused some routes to be canceled for today.”

    Excuse #25. Allergic Reaction

    Allergic reactions can be minor or they can be severe. We know what things we are normally allergic to, but sometimes something comes along that causes a surprise reaction.

    “I started a new medication and it is causing an allergic reaction that I need to contact my doctor about. He may want to see me.” “I woke up this morning with hives all over my body and need to get them checked out to see what caused the allergic reaction.” “My seasonal allergies are particularly bad today and I need to get some medication and rest.”

    Excuse #26. You Witnessed/Were Affected By a Crime

    Some people are more likely to witness a crime than others, depending on the kind of environment they live in. Regardless, when you witness a crime, you are not only traumatized but also obligated to talk with any police on the scene. 

    “I witnessed a robbery at the corner store while waiting for the bus and the police need me to come down to the station to give a statement.” “A neighbor's house was broken into and the neighbor attacked. She came to me for help and I need to stay with her until help arrives and she is taken to safety.” “One of my windows was shot out in a drive-by shooting today and I am too upset to work today. I need to take the day to process what happened.”

    Excuse #27. Friend or Family Member is Suicidal

    Sometimes you are the one person a friend or family member comes to when they are in a crisis. You can't tell them to hang on until you get home from work; you need to be there until they are in a safe place. The system is often slow as it is overwhelmed and this can take time.

    “My friend called and is in a bad place mentally. I need to go as she has attempted suicide before and mentioning it now.” “I've been waiting for a couple of hours now for a crisis representative to come and transport my suicidal friend to the hospital. I can't leave until help comes.” “My friend's roommate called and said he is suicidal and left the apartment. Nobody can find him. I need to go and see if we can locate him and get help.”

    Excuse #28. Power Outage (when working from home)

    Nobody can predict when there will be a power outage. If you are working from home, this is a major problem. It is even worse if it is during the winter.

    “The wind blew a tree down on a power line and the electricity is out on our whole block. They have no clue when it will be on.” “The power is out in this entire area because a transformer blew and the power company is doing its best to get it back on.” “My power went out and this means the furnace is also out. I need to find a place to stay until it is back on.”

    Excuse #29. Child or Pet is Missing

    You can't think of anything else when you don't know your children or pets are safe. If they happen to run away, you need to take the time to concentrate on finding them.

    “My daughter and I had an argument and she left. I haven't been able to find her for several hours and she left her cell phone here.” “My dog slipped past me when I opened the door and I can't find him. I need to look for him because he's never been outside unaccompanied before.” “My cat got out and I can't find him. I need to go out and see if I can locate him and be here should he come home.”

    Excuse #30. School Called and Needs You to Go In

    Kids aren't always model students and you have to go get them from school. At other times, accidents and illnesses occur unexpectedly and you get called. You can't just leave your child there.

    “My son got hurt in gym class and the school nurse wants me to take him to the ER to have his leg checked out.” “My daughter got suspended and I need to go in for a conference and need to bring her home.” “My kid is in the nurse's office complaining of an upset stomach and they have a slight fever. I need to pick them up,”

    Excuse #31. Out-of-town Guests Coming in Unexpectedly

    Situations happen that require a change of plans. Maybe the person picking up relatives can't make it or maybe this is a last-minute situation. In either case, you don't want to leave them stranded at the airport or train station.

    “My son, who is in the military, just surprised me by announcing he is coming in for a three-day leave and I want to pick him up at the airport.” “My sister has a big convention she is attending in town and her ride fell through at the last minute. She called for me to pick her up because I'm the only one she knows in the city.” “My cousin's mother passed and he needs help with picking up relatives at the train station and places for them to stay while in town.”

    Final Thoughts on Good Excuses to Miss Work on Short Notice

    Whichever excuse fits your circumstances, it’s important to note the value of integrity and respect when calling out of work… especially on short notice. If you are in a toxic work environment where your career could be in jeopardy for requesting the day… you want to be sure to stay in the boss’s good graces by saying just the right thing and ensuring your excuse is believable .

    When situations occur that necessitate finding good excuses to miss work on short notice, the examples we’ve shared will help you to successfully make your case and prove your excuse is valid. Good communication in vital for calling out for work… and is just as important as the excuse itself.

    Plus, you may earn additional respect from your boss for making the effort to appropriately communicate when you must miss work without much notice, especially if you’re offered a chance to make it right somehow.

    Also be sure to express gratitude for their understanding. Doing so never falls on deaf ears.  

    Finally, if you want to ask better questions, then watch this short, 20-minute course to learn how to have a great conversation with virtually anyone .

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    funny excuses to miss work

    60 Legit & Absurd Excuses to Avoid Online Meetings 🤣

    • May 1, 2021

    Picture of Dani Jones

    If you’re having one of those days where you feel like a hot mess, then you’re not going to be in the mood for an online meeting. Are you looking for excuses to avoid a video call? Buckle up, because we’ve got oodles of excuses for your misuses! 

    This is our ultimate guide to getting out of meetings in style – and hopefully without getting fired. In our guide, you’ll find beginner-level excuses to laugh at, the very best excuses from Reddit and Twitter, and some of our own tried-and-true gems!

    Or, if you’re looking for a particular style of excuse, then skip to whichever tickles your fancy, including:

    • Humble old faithfuls – typical beginner-level excuses to pull from your pocket. These are rated as ‘easy’, but aren’t particularly daring or interesting.
    • Excuses from the Twitter-verse – the people of Twitter have spoken! As usual, they’re being weird.
    • Legit excuses – slightly higher difficulty level than ‘humble old faithful’ excuses, but possibly more rewarding.
    • Blame it on the kids – for parents only. Or anyone who can convincingly pretend to be a parent.
    • Play it dumb – playing innocent can get you out of a lot of pickles.
    • Total bonkers excuses – these ones are so crazy, they just might work…?!
    • Toilet, toilet, and more toilet-related excuses. – so what? We never claimed we were mature.
    • Women’s edition.  Female-only excuses.
    • Crafty excuses – for the connoisseur of meeting excuses, who wishes to employ a more…high-brow style.
    • Loopholes – for those who want to have their cake and eat it too. You’ll see what we mean…
    • Our own excuses – gems we’ve used among our team. Worth a shot. #fridaymeeting #corporate #meeting #fridayfeeling #9to5 #boss #workingweekends #badconnection ♬ original sound –

    Humble old faithfuls

    Let’s breeze past the typical and the boring – here are your old faithfuls. These have been tested by many, and have been certified as ‘easy’, and are relatively high on the believability scale. However, over-usage can lead to serious complications.

    #1 WiFi problem excuse

    You can’t attend an online meeting unless you’re able to go online. Just be sure to send this excuse via text message or phone call…because otherwise…you’re kind of busted.

    #2 No electricity excuse

    The electricity cut out AND coincidentally, you have no power on ANY of your devices. Such a shame! And such terrible timing…

    #3 The “I’m sick” excuse

    Was it the burrito you ate last night? Who knows! Nobody needs to know. Only a real a-hole is going to quiz you on your symptoms. Although, you may want to prepare a list of symptoms in case you do get quizzed…

    #4 Bathroom-break excuse

    As the famous saying goes, “behind every great meeting-evasion is a toilet excuse”. These excuses might be embarrassing, but they’re failproof. You may go into much detail as you dare.

    #5 “The meeting isn’t working” excuse

    “ For some reason, Zoom is insisting I enter a pin to enter the meeting. Damn you, Zoom. Hop onto Google Meet, you say? Nope. Weird voodoo happening over on G Meet too. “

    #6 Clashing-meetings excuse

    “ I just realized I have another meeting at the exact same time as our meeting. Argh, I’m going to have to prioritize this other one… such a pity. “

    #7 “I didn’t know” excuse 

    “What?? We had a meeting? I didn’t get ANY notification. My calendar doesn’t show a thing…that’s so weird…”

    #8 Time zone differences excuse

    “Wait, we’re now in daylight savings?! I had absolutely no idea.”

    #9 Didn’t get the invite excuse

    “I would have loved to join, but somehow your meeting invitation went to my spam box.”

    #10 Blame it on the family / the pets / the spouse / the boogie

    Get inspired by Michael Jackson. If you want to avoid a meeting, blame it on the boogie. And the best thing about this excuse is that everyone will get the song stuck in their head.

    #11 Jury duty excuse

     Lady Justice is calling. I bet you didn’t think of that one! (This one becomes a little suspicious when you use it every week).

    #12 I’ll just watch the tl;dv excuse

    Tell them you’re just too busy, but you’ll catch up on the tl;dv. If they look confused, tell them they need to start recording Zoom meetings with the free virtual meeting tool . They can send you the important moments or tag you when your input is needed – because let’s face it. You’ve got better stuff to do. Like rewatch all 6 seasons of Breaking Bad. 

    tl;dv works for recording Google Meet calls , too – so there are no excuses not to be using this tool!

    Excuses from the Twitter-verse

    David QC put the call out to Twitter, for the best and most creative excuses to avoid “tedious meetings and unwelcome Zoom drinks” . This attracted some excellent responses…

    Writers of Twitter – can you put your creative talents into thinking of excuses for the rest of us to avoid tedious meetings and unwelcome zoom drinks? Old favourites like “I’m sorry, I’ve got a thing that night” and “I’m not in London then, I’m afraid” no longer cut any ice. — David QC (@DavidMuttering) March 31, 2020

    #13 Politely decline excuse

    The people of Twitter certainly like to finesse their excuses, unlike the people of Reddit, which you will see later in this article.

    This still works. — Letters of Note (@LettersOfNote) March 31, 2020

    #14 Behave like a brat

    This one is not an excuse, but rather a trick. Simply ensure that you never get invited again. The downside, you’ll probably also get fired. This tactic is definitely not for beginners! This excuse is for when you’ve reached rock bottom.

    Flip it. Enthusiastically attend one. Behave outrageously. Offend everyone. Eat all the virtual canapes. You won’t be invited again. — Deborah Samuel (@deborahmsamuel) March 31, 2020

    #14 Become a social outcast

    Feel like ruining the relationship with all of your colleagues, for the sake of skipping a meeting? Then quickly run down to your local antique store, spend a minimum of $1000 on antique war memorabilia. Soon enough, you’ll be on your way to self-isolation!

    Set up the laptop in the room with the, erm, ‘wartime memorabilia’. The invitations will soon dry up. — Mark Gillies (@5goalthriller) March 31, 2020

    #15 Zoom-Room is occupied

    After-hours invitation? No worries! Just say your one-and-only Zoom room is occupied by somebody else in the house.

    Sorry , another Family member has booked the zoom room at that time — Jonathan Black (@jonblackbsb) March 31, 2020

    Okay, so you’ve used up all of the ‘standard excuses’ and you’re in the market for something a little more ‘creative’. Check out these legit excuses.

    #16 Step-by-step excuse action plan!

    For those who aren’t comfortable making an excuse without a 5-step action plan.

    #17 Therapist appointment excuse

    Ain’t nobody going to argue with you about that one!

    funny excuses to miss work

    #18 Scheduling error

    Similar to the ‘clashing meeting’ excuse, but specifically for managers. If you’re in a pickle, simply skip the meeting and blame the intern for making a scheduling error. Done and done! This excuse is brought to you by Tosaylib . You legend!

    #19 Dealing with a client excuse

    Maybe your client called you about an emergency. Perhaps a last-minute client request came in. Whatever it is, the client comes first – and your boss knows this, which means they’ll much rather you attend to the client! This excuse is ALSO brought to you by Tosaylib . You sure know how to get out of meetings, legend.

    Blame it on the k ids

    #20 sick kids excuse.

    It is bound to happen sooner or later! Kids get sick a lot, which means you get to use this excuse a lot. From runny noses to chickenpox, there’s a long list of illnesses you can cite.

    #21 Diaper-overload excuse

    I think nobody would blame you for missing a meeting due to diaper problems. Some things just can’t wait.

    #22 Blame it on the boogie

    If blaming it on the kids is not your thing, you could just blame it on the boogie. Yes, yes, I’ve listed this excuse twice…but that’s because it’s so good. Turn your webcam on, and then just moonwalk out of frame. Everyone will understand.

    Playing dumb

    Some people have a certain knack for playing innocent:

    If you are one of these people, then go ahead and use any of these excuses.

    #23 “I thought today was a bank holiday” excuse

    This one isn’t easy to pull off, but if executed well, it’s foolproof. If it’s Monday, you can also claim you thought it was Sunday – as suggested by Tosaylib (the meeting-evader that just keeps on giving!)

    #24 “I thought you cancelled the meeting” excuse

    Do you have a team member who frequently changes their mind last-minute? Who regularly cancels or postpones meetings? Well, that can be really confusing!! You might not realize a meeting is on. But that’s not your fault.

    #25 “I totally forgot the time” excuse

    I was so busy being a hard worker, and so totally consumed with my tasks, that I forgot the time! Oops. Sorry for focusing so hard 🙁

    Totally bonkers excuses

    These next excuses are higher up on the difficulty scale. Proceed with caution. If you manage to make one of these excuses believable, you’ll likely run the risk of people questioning your sanity. 

    #26 “Somebody is spying on us” excuse

    Difficulty level: master. Pretending you think somebody is spying on you in your own house, is definitely cause for concern. A big enough concern that one might have to leave their Zoom meeting.

    funny excuses to miss work

    #27 Master-level excuse

    This excuse is not recommended for beginners.

    funny excuses to miss work

    #28 “A random man broke into my house last night and he’s asleep on my couch” excuse

    I’d probably want to miss a meeting, too, if there was a random man asleep on my couch. Also, this excuse is so crazy that people are bound to believe it. This excuse is brought to you by Tosaylib . Will the genius never end? Keep in mind that everyone will want an update to this story.

    #29 Smelly excuse

    Apparently, this person from Texas throws poor misunderstood skunks under the bus to get out of meetings. Very clever.

    funny excuses to miss work

    #30 ‘I got my fingers stuck in a bowling ball’ excuse

    Why not? I’ve personally never tried using a laptop while having my hand stuck in a bowling bowl, but I imagine it’s very difficult. Meeting avoided!

    #31 Pretend to have a wardrobe malfunction.

    Let’s say you accidentally *cough cough* knocked over the webcam, revealing your underpants. I think that would earn you a get-out-of-jail-free pass for a day or two!

    Apparently number two, is the number one excuse on Reddit

    #32 discrete toilet excuse.

    In a polite manner, let the meeting attendees know you must use the lavatory. If they need details, they should not hesitate to ask.

    #33 No-apologies toilet excuse

    Assert your dominance. Spare no details.

    #34 Dominant toilet excuse

    funny excuses to miss work

    #35 Vaguely terrifying toilet excuse

    When you want to scare people with a really great excuse without actually explicitly saying the excuse. Now, how does one actually do that?

    funny excuses to miss work

    #36 Demanding toilet excuse

    When your toilet needs are quite needy, and you simply need to pay the toilet a visit every ten minutes.

    #37 Original toilet excuse

    This excuse is for those bored with the standard toilet excuse. Simply add some spice to your ‘excuse game’ and experiment with unconventional wording!

    funny excuses to miss work

    #38-41 Triple-pointer toilet excuse

    Below we have not 1, not 2, but 3 consecutive toilet-related excuses.

    • “ There’s something wrong with my toilet?! It’s making a weird noise and I need to sort this out as soon as possible! “
    • “ Yeah, I have to fix my phone. I just dropped it in the toilet bowl. Any ideas? “
    • “ The plumbers need my help. I’ve got sewage issues. “

    Alright, I think we get the point. If you’re hanging for more proof, or want to satisfy your toilet-humor cravings, then check the Reddit links at the end of the article.

    The creative art of excuses

    #42 flight is delayed excuse.

    Have you seen all of the fake holidays posted on social media these days? How hard can faking a flight/holiday be? There are only 103949023 videos online showing you how to fake your way through something in the social media era. You’re welcome!

    #43 Faking a computer crash excuse

    Yes, anyone can tell their boss that their computer, phone, and tablet all miraculously broke down at once. But only a truly creative, special kind of individual can prove it… or at least, fake it convincingly.

    #44 Fire alarm excuse

    Play a fire alarm sound on your phone. Act surprised, annoyed, or worried. Either way, get out of that meeting easily and instantly!

    For those who want to have your cake and eat it too, these future lawyers have found a way to make that happen!

    # 45 Fake virtual background loophole

    Thanks to this hero for going above and beyond the call of excuse-duty.

    #46 The no-excuse excuse

    funny excuses to miss work

    #47 The honorable confession

    For the times you feel like you have to be an adult *sigh*.

    #48 The secret excuse

    I would love to tell you, but then you’d be in great danger. Honestly, it’s for your own protection!

    #49 If you can’t beat em, join em

    Don’t spend all of your energy trying to ‘get out of meetings’. Instead, why not put that effort towards enjoying them, however you can?

    funny excuses to miss work

    Female only excuses

    Men look away. Attempting to use these excuses could result in too many raised eyebrows.

    #50 I have an appointment with my gynecologist excuse

    #51 ‘i think i might be pregnant’ excuse.

    funny excuses to miss work

    #52 I’m female…excuse?

    Depending on the dumb awkwardness of your male colleagues, simply being a woman might be justifiable enough to skip meetings.

    funny excuses to miss work

    #53 Bad-hair day excuse

    This article from Wales Online. This one explored into the top excuses Brits give. I’m highlighting my personal favorite.

    legit excuses to not attend a meeting. Google meet. Zoom

    Our excuses

    Here at tl;dv, we’ve had heaps of our own own creative reasons thrown around as to why we can’t attend meetings live.

    #54 I’m having breakfast with my mum excuse

    funny excuses to miss work

    #55 Haircut excuse

    funny excuses to miss work

    #56 I slept badly…and need to rest

    @tldview A living nightmare #wfh #workfromhome #colleague #coworkers #corporate #remotework #9to5 #meeting #boss #onlinemeeting #comedy #relatable ♬ الصوت الأصلي – عبدو تشان

    #57 The ‘I’m too distracted right now’ excuse

    Background noise? Hey, that’s not your fault. Unless your boss comes over and tells those noisy construction workers to quieten down, he or she has no right to demand your attendance!

              View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by tl;dv (@tldview)

    #58 The ‘it’s Monday’ excuse

    No further explanation is needed for this one.

    @tldview Monday morning meeting energy #corporate #meeting #mondays #mondaymorning #zoom #coworkers ♬ original sound – tl;dv

    #59 ‘My brain isn’t working’ excuse

    Best to be honest.

    #60 A personal issue came up

    At tl;dv, we value people’s work-life balance. We also practice trust and equip our employees with the tools and the freedom to get their job done. If this means not occasionally attending a meeting live, that is totally fine.

    In fact, I’ll let you in on a little secret…not only is declining to attend every meeting totally fine at tl;dv – we encourage it.

    Why? Because not all meetings need to be attended LIVE or SYNCHONOUSLY. (Psst…check out our guide on async meetings !)

    We record our meetings, timestamp important moment, clip out the best parts, tag colleagues where their input is needed – or just lift the key takeaways directly from the transcript. Overall, less of our time is spent in meetings, and more of our time is spent focusing on the work that matters.

    @tldview How it feels to work a corporate 9-5 #timelapse #meetings #9to5 #corporate #montage #lunchbreak #lordhavemercy #viral ♬ original sound – tl;dv

    We catch up on meeting in our time thanks to the online meetings software that is tl;dv . This was our vision when we set out to create the ultimate meeting productivity tool, and needless to say, it work perfectly for us. 

    The bottom line is: don’t waste your time trying to find crazy excuses to miss meetings. Instead, get your team to record, timestamp and share meetings – so that live meeting attendance becomes obsolete.

    This array of excuses, ranging from the legitimately believable, to the down-right crafty have been created by myself, and also sourced from various corners of the internet, including:

    These Reddit threads

    • What’s the best excuse to use to leave a Zoom meeting?
    • Anyone have any good excuses to step away from zoom meetings?
    • What is a good excuse for missing a class zoom meeting?
    • What are some excuses for being late to online classes/meetings/seminars etc. ?
    • This Reddit genius giving his instructional on virtual backgrounds and online meetings.
    • Students of Reddit, what are some good excuses to not join a Zoom meeting?
    • What is the best excuse for getting out of anything?
    • What is the best excuse to get out of a meeting?
    • Best excuses for getting out of meetings?

    This Twitter thread

    These articles

    • “26 Best Excuses to Get Out of Work (Or Miss Work)” by Algrim
    • “Excuses for when you don’t want to go to a virtual” group project meeting by Ubyssey .
    • “The 50 Most Unbelievable Sickie Excuses People Have Tried to Get Away With” by Coburg Banks.
    • “Bizarre excuses people are using to get out of Zoom meetings” by Wales Online.

    Learn how to do a sales review the right way.

    Subscribe and stay up to date with the latest tips and news on Meetings, Sales, Customer Success, Productivity, and Work Culture.

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    Need to Miss Work on Short Notice? 27 Good Excuses That Bosses Will Understand

    Missing work at the last minute can feel as pressured as negotiating a NATO peace treaty. 

    Whether someone is calling in sick, needing a mental health day, or just “literally can't” on a given day, there are bulletproof excuses to get out of work and ways to massage the message to the managers.

    The words, tone, and channels you use to ask for time off at the last minute are important. 

    In some cases, you've got the power of the law backing you up. 

    What Type of Excuses Do Bosses Generally Find Acceptable?

    1. you just aren't feeling well. , 2. your kids are sick., 3. you are mentally unprepared for a work day. , 4. you see severe weather is in the forecast., 5. you have aches and pains that are too much to bear. , 6.  you have car trouble, new or ongoing, that needs to be handled., 7. you slipped and fell down and need to rest., 8. you have a time-sensitive delivery. , 9. your dental pain has reached an intolerable level. , 10. you have a last-minute guest coming to town., 11. your internet needs troubleshooting., 12. you are experiencing grief. , 13. your spot on a medical waiting list opened up., 14. you need to help a family member. , 15. you have a family member in the hospital., 16. you found a great last-minute travel deal., 17. the power is out or went out. , 18. you were involved in or witnessed a dog attack., 19. you have overwhelming anxiety for no reason., 20. you finally got taylor swift tickets. , 21. you ate something that isn't agreeing with you. , 22. you completely forget to ask and feel terrible about it. , 23. you had a car accident. , 24. your phone died or is on the fritz., 25. the environment around your home is too loud. , 26. you'll feel charitable and inclined to help someone. , 27. you don't have a reason but… be mysterious., 1. “i just don't feel like it.”, 2. “i'm still out of town.” , 3. “since bob missed yesterday, i'm missing today.” , 4. “i am so hungover.”, 5. “hello, backup boss i'm not coming in today.” , 6. “i had a verbal fight with a colleague and don't want to see her.” , 7. “here's an excuse with tons of reasonable doubt.” , 8. “you woke me up, so i'm just going to stay in bed.” , 9. “here's an elaborate story that i'm making up as i go.” , 10. “i'll figure out an excuse later.”, final thoughts.

    The word “excuse” is a slippery slope. Are you justifying a fault or simply being released from a requirement?

    Trying to find the best excuse to miss work can leave an employee with a sense of guilt that makes a day off feel like doomsday.

    There's no magic formula here—the most believable excuses for missing work are the honest, authentic kind. 

    • Health Issues : Companies are more aware than after post-pandemic that forcing or quilting someone to call in sick can lead to more illness in the office. 
    • Legally Protected Issues: State laws vary about the use of mental health days, and your company handbook will detail the time-off allotments. FMLA is protected under federal law but requires paperwork in advance. 
    • Accidents: If you or one of your dependents has been in an accident, your boss likely won't push back. 
    • Burnout: Bosses who know good employees are at their wit's end might be more flexible.

    27 Good Excuses To Miss Work On Short Notice

    It's always wise not to “make up an excuse,” but you can take life events and challenges and parlay them into a day off.

    Bosses have limitations and latitude as to how they can react to an employee's last-minute call to take the day off. 

    COVID taught us that no illness presents the same in each person; bosses don't want to risk it. You should offer to work from home. Don't apologize. 

    “I woke up with a fever and need to rest.”

    “I have a sore throat with white patches. I'm going to the doctor and won't be in today.”

    When a child is ill, you've been exposed. It's time to focus on healing and prevention for both of you.

    woman in bed blowing nose Good Excuses To Miss Work On Short Notice

    “My child has been vomiting all night. I need to stay home with him.”

    “We have a bug going around our house. Out of the utmost caution, I'm staying home.”

    School shootings, gun violence, political feuds, and severe weather wear on all of us. 

    “I'm mentally shaken about the storms that kept us up all night. I am helping with community clean up today.” 

    “My family needs a day to distance themselves from tragic news. We are all unplugging, and I won't be available.” 

    If you're in a watch or advisory area, take action outside of work.

    “The NWS advises this storm could be damaging, and I need to prepare my family today.”

    “The winter storm will make road conditions treacherous, and on the advice of the weather experts, I'm staying off the streets.”  

    The aches in necks and eyes from too much screen time need attention.  

    “I'm going to the chiropractor to get my spine aligned. I need to rest after that. I'll be in tomorrow.” 

    “I have a migraine aura and need to get away from screens and sounds. Please accept this as notice that I won't be in today.” 

    You need reliable transportation to get to and from work, so use a day to deal with auto or bicycle issues. 

    “My car battery died again today. This is inconvenient for everyone. I'm addressing it today and won't be in the office.” 

    “We had a rash of car break-ins at my apartment complex, and I'm having a catalytic converter cage added.” 

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    It just takes a little black ice to turn a step into a slip and fall. 

    “I fell going to my car just now. I need to lay down the rest of the day and ice my ankle.”

    “I saw three people fall today, and I can't risk that with my knee injury. I will be staying home today.” 

    You have no control over delivery drivers in a distribution shortage.

    “I have a major appliance being delivered between 10 am and 2 pm today. It just makes sense to take the day off.”

    “The bug company is coming today to access all corners of my home, and I am required to be home.” 

    Nobody can focus at work with dental pain, and even breathing can introduce new bacteria. 

    woman shoveling snow Good Excuses To Miss Work On Short Notice

    “I have a tooth infection so bad I can hardly see straight. I will be taking a sick day.” 

    “The dentist told me this root canal requires me to be in bed for 12 hours afterward. I won't be available today.” 

    The pandemic took away much-needed family and friends moments. Don't feel guilty. 

    “My 60-year-old aunt can finally leave home, and she just showed up at my door. I'm spending the day with her while I can.”

    “It turns out my best friend from college is in town for 24 hours, and we're going to reconnect after 20 years.” 

    There are only so many “NO INTERNET” alerts we can handle with shoddy service. Take the day to fix it (finally!).

    “My internet is down again this morning, and I know you said it's frustrating when you can't reach me. I'll be unplugged until it is fixed.”

    “I am switching internet companies, and it could be a long wait.” 

    Beyond the leave someone gets when a loved one passes, there are times weeks and months later grief can be overwhelming.

    “It's my mother's birthday, and I didn't realize how the first one without her would hit so hard.”

    “Today, my grief is overwhelming. I know you said if I ever needed anything to let you know. This is me letting you know.” 

    Getting into a doctor's office last minute is like winning the lottery. 

    “A last-minute cancelation opened for the mammogram. I need to be there and not at work.” 

    “The new specialist in town for skin cancer has a sudden opening to take care of some issues I have; I hope you'll understand.” 

    Family first. That is a full answer. 

    “My dad can't use the snowblower anymore at his age. I need to get gas and clear their walkway.” 

    “My diabetic grandma is having blood sugar spikes today and can't be left alone. I'm the only family member in town, so I'll be with her.” 

    Don't wait until it's too late to be there for people in emergency situations. 

    “My uncle was rushed to the hospital last night with a serious heart issue. I need to head to the ER now.”

    “I have a nephew who broke his leg last night, and my sister is freaking out. I have to help them today.” 

    Finesse this one with your boss if there is a way to make it seem work-related or a milestone event. 

    man working on car Good Excuses To Miss Work On Short Notice

    “I just got an alert about a $25 train ticket to Springfield for today's 10 am route. I know we've been looking to expand into that area, so I'm going.” 

    “My boyfriend just surprised me with a trip. I think this might be the big weekend. He feels terrible he didn't clear it with you.”

    A power outage can mean expensive losses if you don't jump on it.

    “The power was out for three hours last night, and I need to check my food since I'm on that strict renal diet.” 

    “Our neighborhood is without power, and with temperatures this hot, I will lose my food supply. I need to take action.” 

    It's a traumatic experience whether a dog attack happens at the dog park or walking around your neighborhood.

    “Buddy got bit this morning on our walk, and I need to get him to the vet now.” 

    “There was a dog attack at the park this morning, and I need to file a witness statement with animal control.” 

    Generalized anxiety disorder is a real thing, and you can't control when the attacks happen. 

    “I'm having an anxiety attack now, and these last a while. I simply can't come in today.” 

    “My heart is racing, and I have pain in my chest. I'm sure it's just anxiety, but I need to get it checked out with my family's heart history.” 

    I'm not sure a human in this country wouldn't realize how big of a deal this is. 

    “I know this might sound lame, but I just had two tickets to the Detroit Taylor Swift concert fall into my lap. I've got to head to the city for the day.” 

    “I won the radio contest this morning for the Taylor Swift concert, and I won't make my swing shift tonight.” 

    Whether it was a binge or a bad slice of sushi, nobody wants to see, hear, or smell it.

    “That lobster roll really made my belly snap. I need to be close to a toilet for the next six hours.” 

    “I promise I'm not hungover, but something in that keg of beer at the professional mixer last night is tearing up my stomach.”

    It happens to all of us in this crazy, hectic life. 

    “This is totally my bad, but I have a hair appointment two hours away and then lunch with my mom. I could've sworn I asked for the day off, but now I see I didn't.” 

    “I'm on my way to the airport when I saw that meeting pop up. I am so sorry I didn't tell you about this trip.”

    Big crash or fender bender, it doesn't matter. Injuries likely manifest hours afterward. 

    “I had a car accident last night in the drive-through, and the more I think about it, the more I want to get seen by urgent care first thing.” 

    “Did you hear about the big accident on I-80? I was in the middle of that, and I won't be in today.” 

    What was once an inconvenience is now the loss of a lifeline. 

    “My iPhone isn't holding a charge, and I can't make my sales calls without it. I need to get this addressed today.” 

    “My Pixel camera got smashed in my purse, and I can't make marketing photos without it.” 

    When we work from home, there's little control we have over the noise around us. 

    “There's pothole construction outside today. They've been drilling since 5 am. They'll be making noise until 4 pm. I'm going to burn a day off.” 

    “I didn't realize the roofers would be this loud, even with my office on the lower floor.”

    So many tragedies tear at our hearts, and it's okay to turn a mental health day into a day of action.

    “I saw those tornadoes in Missouri, and they need blood badly. I'm going to donate blood.

    “You know how you guys joke about my doomsday supply of water? I'm putting it to good use to help wildfire victims get water.” 

    Some issues can be too much to explain to a boss, especially if you don't feel comfortable with the relationship. 

    “I have a personal emergency, and I won't be in today.” 

    “I don't mean to some vague, but there's a serious issue that just popped up, and only I can address it.” 

    10 Worst Excuses to Call Out of Work

    Taking a day off work should come with mutual respect and genuine empathy on both sides. Follow the cardinal rule of “Don't be a jerk.”

    Take a survey of anyone who feels like going to work today, and maybe one or two people (who weren't listening to the question) will raise their hands. This reflects more of your work ethic than your need for time off. 

    You took a trip to Aspen in winter with a flight that landed an hour before your shift starts? That's bad planning and reflects on your organizational skills more than your Black Diamond run skills. 

    When you're keeping score with colleagues, you're showing the wrong kind of competitive edge. You don't know Bob's situation from the day before and should be supportive, not trying to even the score. 

    If you want to rage on a Wednesday night, fine. But have some self-discipline to keep it manageable so you can do your job. Your boss wants an ace, not a potential alcoholic. 

    Don't use your boss's absence to mean you shouldn't have to show up and perform. It shows disrespect to your middle managers and will definitely get back to the bigwigs. 

    This shows you have no conflict resolution skills and tells your colleague who's the real alpha dog of the office. Go in and face it or avoid it; just show up. 

    Don't say someone died, that you tested positive for COVID, or you have an emergency when you don't. Chances are your social media prowess will give you away. If you've made it clear you only have one aunt, and three have now died, that's suspicious. 

    The main thing you have to do in the morning is wake up. If you can't get that together, how are you going to focus on the other things you need to do? 

    Your boss will know all your strengths and weaknesses, so when you drone on about the ghost that could've been a prowler, and you stubbed your toe, but now it's swollen, and you can't walk, but you're going to walk to the pharmacy to get meds… you're boss will call B.S.

    Ghosting work is unprofessional and causes unnecessary panic among your teammates. If you're brave enough to ditch work, at least come up with a lame excuse.

    What If You Lie About Your Excuses to Get Out of Work Last Minute?

    Do you want to be lied to about a possible raise coming? A bonus potential in the works? No. So don't do that to your employer.

    • Company Handbook: The bible of your business will detail what is allowed for sick time or PTO. You'll be held accountable for that. 
    • Trust Erodes: If your boss can't trust you to show up on time, why would they trust you with a promotion? 
    • Employee File: Even if nobody lets on, your employee file is growing with notes of absences, legit or not. 
    • Colleague Conflicts: So you stuck it to your boss, but your colleagues picked up the slack… again. 

    Getting time off work at the last minute starts long before building your reputation as a reliable and trusted worker. The more your boss sees your benefit, the more latitude you'll have when it's time for a day off or you're not feeling well.

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    The Best and Worst Excuses for Getting Out of Work

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    From doctor visits to vacations to self-care days, your employees will inevitably need to take time off occasionally. Whether due to a family matter or a personal obligation, accommodating employees’ time-off requests is part of being an understanding and supportive employer. However, when excuses for missing work go off the rails, you may wonder when and how to draw the line.

    Common excuses for missing work

    As an employer or manager, you’ve likely heard every reason in the book for taking an unplanned personal day. These are some of the most common reasons for workplace absenteeism :

    • Transportation issues: Transportation issues include train delays, traffic jams or a car breakdown like a flat tire. If the delays are severe enough, the day may be over before the issue is resolved.
    • Illness: Whether your employee has a fever or their child is home with a stomach bug, illness is a valid excuse to call out of work.
    • Weather: A bad snowstorm, heavy rain or another weather event may create unsafe conditions for commuting or inhibit your employees’ ability to perform work outdoors.
    • Oversleeping: Alarms can fail to chime for many reasons, and oversleeping may prompt some employees to take the day off instead.

    Editor’s note: Looking for the right time and attendance solution for your business? Fill out the below questionnaire to have our vendor partners contact you about your needs.

    Good excuses for missing work

    Attendance is a crucial employee performance metric. However, even the most steadfast employees may need time off occasionally. The following are some good reasons to miss work:

    • Health maintenance: Going to a doctor’s appointment, undergoing a health screening and suffering a chronic illness flare-up are valid and vital reasons for an employee to miss work.
    • Family obligations: Tending to a family member could involve various tasks that require an employee to miss work. For example, they may need to attend a parent-teacher conference or take an elderly parent to the doctor.
    • Home emergency: If a pipe bursts or the roof begins to leak, your employee must take care of it immediately.
    • Delivery or service window: Sometimes, scheduling a furniture delivery or cable installation during work hours is unavoidable. If this is not a frequent occurrence and you are notified in advance, this is an acceptable reason for your employee to take the day off.
    • Death in the family: It is fully understandable when an employee misses work because of a death in the family. They may need to attend a funeral, fulfill a religious obligation or simply grieve in the immediate aftermath.
    • Paid time off (PTO) usage. If your company offers paid time off, whether in the form of vacation days or family and sick leave, your employees are entitled to use it within the boundaries of your established PTO policy . Some companies offer unlimited PTO. However, employees must still clear time off with their managers.

    Strange, unusual or bad excuses for missing work

    While illness and car trouble are typical excuses for missing work, some are a little off the wall. Here are some unusual excuses employers we interviewed have heard from their employees.

    Going on the lam

    Michael Reznik, co-founder and former CEO of TriFold, said the strangest excuse he ever received from an employee for missing work was because the employee had lost faith in the legal system and needed to go “on the lam.” 

    While the excuse seemed ridiculous on the surface, Reznik said that upon further questioning, the employee revealed he’d previously testified against some men, which resulted in them being sent to prison. The employee learned the men were getting out on early parole and feared retribution. 

    “At first, I wasn’t sure how to handle it,” Reznik admitted. “It seemed a little far-fetched, but at the same time, I do care about my employees’ health and safety. I also had to consider other employees’ safety. If some ‘rough’ guys were going to come to our office looking for him, I really didn’t want him to be here.” 

    In the end, Reznik accepted the excuse and the employee returned to work after a few days. A few months later, the employee gave the same excuse, left and never returned.

    A death in the family ― of the same person several times over

    A death in the family is a perfectly legitimate excuse for missing work. The same family member dying multiple times is a different story. Ola Wlodarczyk, a human resources (HR) specialist at Zety, once had an employee who called in on three different occasions with the excuse that their grandmother had died. 

    “It was obvious the employee was not telling the truth, but we had to be strategic in our response,” Wlodarczyk explained. 

    After the employee returned from their bereavement leave , they were brought into the HR office and confronted with the situation. Wlodarczyk said they were straightforward with the employee, showing them all previous requests and reasons, including the other grandmother-death excuses, for calling out of work. 

    “The employee went completely white,” Wlodarczyk recalled. “Still, we gave the employee a chance to tell us their side of the story. Of course, it’s possible someone misspoke or even categorizes someone as a close family member in this way, so we gave them a chance to tell their side of the story before disciplining them.” 

    Ultimately, the employee admitted that no relatives had recently passed away. In addition, Wlodarczyk said the HR team discovered a litany of other false excuses that the employee had made up for missing work. 

    “It was very eye-opening but a learning experience,” Wlodarczyk said. “If we would have gone in and reprimanded the person off the bat, then we would not have uncovered these other lies. So, in the long run, keeping cool certainly helped us.”

    An unusual injury

    In a situation that seems right out of The Office , Richard Pummell, HR lead for DevelopIntelligence, had an employee call in sick because she burned her feet. Although this didn’t occur on a George Foreman Grill, a la Michael Scott, it was related to cooking. 

    When the employee returned to work the next day, Pummell said many of the theories he had devised about how exactly her accident occurred were dispelled. 

    “Unfortunately, the poor woman truly had been cooking dinner barefoot when a large pot of oil she was using for frying splashed hot oil onto her feet as she was moving it,” Pummell recalled. “It had required a trip to the emergency room and the application of some bandages.” 

    Unfortunately, that was only the first food-related injury to befall this employee. 

    “It wasn’t too long after that she called in sick on another Monday,” Pummell shared. “She’d slipped on a banana peel and had a bad back.” 

    Pathological liar

    Jean Paldan, founder and CEO of Rare Form New Media, hired someone who immediately started giving ridiculous excuses for missing work. On what was supposed to be his first day, the new employee called to say his apartment flooded. The next day, his mother, who he said had dementia, had supposedly wandered off and he had to find her. Over the next four weeks, the employee claimed he couldn’t make it to work because he couldn’t find his medication, had norovirus and had to be with his pregnant girlfriend, even though it was later determined she wasn’t pregnant. 

    “We at first thought that he was just having a bad time of it with the flood and his mother, then catching the norovirus and we were supportive,” Paldan recalled. “However, he started to flounder and forgot which lie he had told and that’s when we realized he was a pathological liar. At that point, we decided to let him go.” 

    Wild but true excuses for missing work

    While some outrageous excuses are made up, others are too ridiculous not to be true.

    Multicause traffic incident

    BJ Enoch, vice president of digital marketing for Career Certified, recalled that on the morning of an important client meeting, one of his team members texted that he couldn’t make it in that morning because he was stuck in traffic after someone hit a deer and their car caught on fire. 

    “I’d never had a reason to doubt this team member before and wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but this was just a bit too much,” Enoch explained. 

    Despite his doubts and wanting more answers, Enoch was in the middle of texting the employee to be safe when he received a follow-up message that included a picture of a car in the middle of the highway, on fire, with a deer on the side of the road. 

    “We chalked it up as uncontrollable and he made the hours up,” Enoch said. 

    A birthday party for a four-legged pal

    Shawn Breyer, owner of Sell My House Fast Atlanta, once had an employee take a day off for their dog’s birthday because they had to get the party ready. 

    “As weird as the idea was, they brought in pictures from the party,” Breyer remembered. “They had invited all of their friends and dogs over to the house and actually threw a party.” 

    Goats gone wild

    A herd of goats traipsing through a house is an excuse most couldn’t even fathom giving. However, that’s one Kyle Birkemeier had to give his employer while working abroad. 

    “I had goats and had to call off work when I came home to find that someone had let them into the house and they pooped on everything,” Birkemeier explained. “My supervisors sure found it hilarious and, eventually, I did as well.” 

    How to handle outrageous excuses for missing work

    If an employee continually gives implausible reasons for being absent, overlooking the situation can lead to more trouble for a business. Instead, take these actionable steps to handle the situation:

    • Address the absenteeism: According to HR consultant Deborah Woolridge, managers must confront employees who continually miss work ― for both valid and outrageous reasons. Meet with them to gain insight into their actions and determine what’s going on. They may have personal issues spilling into their work life or may be dissatisfied and looking for another job. Confronting the situation also lets employees know their absences aren’t going unnoticed.
    • Document incidents: When employees give implausible reasons for missing work, it’s important to document each incident. “Managers should keep track by keeping notes with date and time and explanation,” Woolridge advised. Your goal is to nip this behavior in the bud. “A company might quickly want to nip ongoing excuses in the bud because if not addressed, it taints the workplace culture and creates issues with other employees who see this person as getting away with the excuse,” Woolridge cautioned. 
    • Create a disciplinary policy: Established policies that address absences and tardiness can help employers navigate these situations. Decide on an appropriate disciplinary action policy and note when termination is warranted. When you set standards for your business, employees understand your expectations and the consequences of their actions.
    • Reward good behavior: Motivate employees to practice good attendance habits by offering rewards or discretionary bonuses to those who maintain excellent attendance records. Set milestones, such as striving for a perfect attendance record with no unplanned absences within a specific period. 

    Best practices for tracking and managing employee attendance

    Set your employees up for success by following these best practices for tracking and managing attendance:

    • Categorize excused and unexcused absences: Ensure employees understand the difference between excused absences, such as illness, and unexcused absences, such as a dog birthday party.
    • Offer generous sick leave and PTO: Consider sick leave and PTO policies that genuinely address employees’ needs. Flexible and fair attendance policies can help reduce employee burnout and create a respectful workplace culture.
    • Ask for advance notice: Set a policy that employees must give advance notice (when possible) if they must take time off. For example, if they know a few weeks in advance that they’ll undergo a medical procedure, they should notify their manager ASAP.
    • Track time and attendance: Tracking employee schedules ensures adequate staffing and helps stop employees from abusing company policies. Time and attendance software makes employee attendance tracking easy. However, the best HR software and the best payroll services can also track employee time and manage time off requests.

    The best software for tracking attendance and time off

    We’ve reviewed many of the best time and attendance software solutions and other platforms that simplify attendance tracking. We recommend the following solutions to small businesses: 

    • TimeClock Plus: TimeClock Plus is a highly customizable time and attendance system that offers standout features, including biometric functions that let employees clock in and out effortlessly. Our TimeClockPlus review explains more about this solution’s advanced scheduling options, including auto-scheduling.
    • Rippling: Rippling is an easy-to-use, web-based time and attendance platform with over 500 third-party integrations and multiple automation features to simplify employee management. Read our Rippling review to learn about its intuitive PTO scheduler for time-off management, job and location-based hour tracking and custom alerts for events like meal breaks and overtime.
    • Paychex: Paychex is a great option for businesses with remote work plans . Employees can clock in and out via a web browser, mobile phone or kiosk app with facial verification. Check out our comprehensive Paychex review to learn about the platform’s interactive voice response system and mobile apps for IOS and Android that help employees manage breaks, time-off requests and communication.
    • Gusto: Gusto is an HR platform that helps employers establish vacation and sick leave policies and track time-off accruals and balances. Some plans let employees apply for time off directly within the Gusto app, where managers can easily approve or deny requests. Our Gusto review explains more about how the platform integrates time-off functions with payroll and shared calendars.
    • When I Work: Employers and employees benefit from When I Work’s innovative time clock and attendance system, which provides simple yet comprehensive time and attendance solutions. Read our When I Work review to learn about the platform’s easy schedule management, including shift swapping and overtime management tools.
    • Zenefits: Zenefits is an HR platform that provides valuable time and attendance features, including employee scheduling and time-off tracking. Our Zenefits review details how employers can create and modify shifts, tailor schedules to specific times or roles and receive automated schedule alerts.


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    11 Good Excuses To Miss Work on Short Notice

    • Excuses To Miss Work
    • Excuse Letter For Absent
    • Leave Of Absence Letter
    • Long Term Disability Insurance
    • What Is A Sabbatical At Work?
    • How To Take A Personal Day
    • Sick Leave Email
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    • Excuses To Leave Work Early
    • Doctors Note For Work

    good excuses to miss work on short notice/last minute

    Despite your best efforts, there will be days when you have to miss work with little to no notice. Illnesses, accidents, or family emergencies are always legitimate reasons for missing work at the last minute. Just make sure you contact your boss as soon as you can, and don’t overuse these excuses.

    Needing an excuse to miss work on short notice happens sometimes. While missing work on short notice can be common, there are good and bad reasons for doing it.

    In this article, we’ll cover which excuses for missing work won’t raise any eyebrows, and which are likely to make a bad impression. We’ll also cover how to handle situations when you need to come into work late or leave early, as well as tips for delivering all these messages.

    Key Takeaways

    Good short notice excuses include accidents, health issues, and major and minor emergencies.

    Contact your boss to let them know you won’t be coming in as quickly as you can.

    When possible, try to leave work early or come in late instead of missing the whole day.

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    11 Good excuses for missing work on short notice

    Good excuses for missing work at any time, worst excuses for missing work, good reasons to come in late or leave early, tips for giving an excuse, missing work at the last minute faq, final thoughts.

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    Any excuse is usually fine for missing work, as long as you’ve given your supervisor plenty of time to plan for your absence. But when you need a good excuse to miss work last minute, some reasons just won’t cut it.

    If you find yourself in a last-minute call out of work situation, here are just the excuses to get out of work:

    Accidents. Accidents are the ultimate excuse for getting out of work on short notice because they are, by definition, unpredictable. An accident doesn’t necessarily have to involve you directly, either. A spouse, child, or dependent that needs your help taking care of an accident are all valid excuses for missing work.

    Food poisoning. This is an effective excuse because almost everyone can relate to an experience of food poisoning. It’s embarassing, unpleasant, and not the sort of thing that gareners a lot of follow-up questions.

    Menstrual cramps. Speaking of excuses that don’t generate a lot of follow-up questions, menstrual cramps are a very good reason for missing work on short notice.

    Sick child/spouse/dependent. While everyone thinks about personal illness as their go-to excuse for missing work, an illness in the family is just as good of an excuse. Anyone who’s had to care for a sick child knows that it’s a full-time job.

    Injured back. Back pain can come on pretty suddenly, making this a good last-minute excuse for missing work. Whether it’s something brought on by age or an injury from the gym, people can relate to the debilitating pain of a back injury.

    You need a mental health day. Depending on your boss, your calendar, and your habits, it can be totally fine to take a mental health day on short notice. People generally understand that everyone just needs a day off once in a while.

    Migraine. Migraine headaches can come on suddenly and be debilitating, and they’re a very legitimate reason for calling in sick to work last minute.

    Dental emergency. Chipped teeth and cracked crowns are no joke, and they need to be fixed as quickly as possible. Because of this, it’s perfectly acceptable to miss work for a dental emergency.

    House maintenance issue. Unexpected household issues such as a burst pipe or a gas leak is a good excuse for missing work. Not only do you need to be home to mitigate any damage, but you also often have to be around to let in the repair person.

    Death of a loved one. Finding out a friend or family member has passed away (or is going to soon) is always a good excuse for missing work at the last minute. In fact, many companies have bereavement policies that give you paid days off specifically for these circumstances.

    Unexpected circumstances. Whether you got a flat tire or your child’s school flooded and now you need to stay home to watch them, unexpected circumstances are legitimate reasons for missing work at the last minute.

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    There are a few good reasons for missing work that are always acceptable, whether these things happen as you’re walking out the door or are scheduled ahead of time.

    Below are five good excuses for missing work at any time:

    Personal illness. If you’re too sick to get out of bed and do your job, or if you have an especially contagious illness, call out. A day away from the office isn’t just for your sake, but for your coworkers’ health and safety as well.

    Even if you work remotely, powering through your tasks while sick will slow down your recovery and leave you less effective for a longer period of time.

    Unexpected sickness affects everyone, and good managers will include some wiggle room in the schedule to accommodate this.

    You may need to schedule a doctor ’s appointment to get a note for your employer that “verifies” you were, in fact, sick. Most employers will only require this sort of thing if you’re out for an extended period of time — not just a day or two.

    Keep your employer updated periodically and let them know at the end of the day whether you will be returning or if you need more recovery time at the end of the day.

    Family or home emergency. An emergency is, by its very nature, unexpected and urgent. A family emergency can include your child getting sick, a car accident, an elderly family member’s injury, an unexpected surgery, the death of a loved one, or any other urgent family matter.

    A home emergency could include a burst pipe, a fire, a broken car, or any other home matter that must be tended to immediately or prevents you from going in. In the case of a family emergency or a home emergency, let your employer know as soon as possible that you’ll need to miss work.

    The emergency situations listed above all have varying degrees of seriousness and may require different amounts of time off. For instance, if you are dealing with the death of a loved one, you will need more time off than if you are dealing with a burst water pipe. Whatever you do, don’t make up a fake emergency.

    Unexpected circumstances out of your control. Unexpected circumstances includes anything that prevents you from going to work that you couldn’t have known you would need to plan around. Maybe your flight was delayed, the bus broke down, your babysitter never showed up, or any other random occurrence.

    Situations where you could have planned around this circumstance – such as your car running out of gas on the highway or your alarm malfunctioning – should be used with extreme caution. It’s understandable if this happens once, but it will reflect poorly on your preparedness if it happens multiple times.

    Keep in mind that you may need to work from home in these situations or arrange for some other way of completing your day’s work. Don’t use the “unexpected circumstances” excuse more than a couple of times, as these occurrences are typically quite rare.

    Working hard and earning it. After working hard and earning some time may be the only situation where missing work is a positive situation for you and your employer, and it requires a bit of planning and dedication. If you spend extra time working in your week (by coming in early or staying late), you may be able to arrange a day off for yourself .

    More important than the time commitment is the result of your efforts. Asking for a random day off after completing a big project that’s the result of a lot of hard work is an acceptable part of most work cultures.

    Scheduled appointment. Medical appointments can be difficult to secure and may need to be scheduled during work hours. Professional appointments, such as a meeting with a prospective client, may also need to be scheduled during regular work hours. Both are perfectly legitimate reasons to miss work.

    As soon as you schedule your doctor’s or dentist appointment, let your employer know through the appropriate channels that you will need to either leave early or come in late (you won’t be able to miss an entire day for one appointment, typically) on that day.

    Similarly, let your employer know once you schedule an outing with a client or other work-related matters (just make sure it’s part of your job, of course). Just be sure whatever you say you’re doing, you are actually planning on doing it. Otherwise, you will be quickly called out.

    Bad excuses to miss work can generally considered unprofessional and could even get you fired. Below are some of the worst excuses for missing work to help you avoid using them next time you call out.

    Feeling tired. If you are feeling tired due to a sickness or an emergency situation, you should explain these circumstances to your boss as that’s obviously a bit different. However, if you simply got to bed late or are feeling groggy, that’s not a valid or professional reason for missing work.

    Hungover. Never tell your boss you’re too hungover to go into work, no matter how “cool” they seem. You knew you had work the next day, and you took the gamble. And you lost that gamble, unfortunately, but you still have to go to work. If you’re really incapacitated, call in with a stomach flu , and maybe make some different choices next time.

    Lack of planning. Emergencies and mistakes are understandable, and they happen to everyone. However, if you always find yourself having alarm clock, car, or babysitter emergencies, your employer will see you as an unreliable worker.

    “Don’t feel like it.” It’s not likely that you’ll be bold enough to call in and say you don’t feel like coming into work today, but any reason that ultimately amounts to “I don’t feel like it” is questionable. If you are unhappy with your job, it may be time to consider finding a new one or discussing changing your workload.

    Forgot. Not coming into work (and, naturally, not calling) because you forgot you were scheduled is going to get you fired unless you’re just starting out and has been hired at your very first part-time job . Keep track of your schedule and always call in if you are going to miss work.

    When it comes to coming in late or leaving early, it’s preferable to your employer that you work at least part of your work day rather than none of it, so offering to work a partial day looks better for your professional standing than taking the whole day off.

    Below are some good reasons for coming in late or leaving early:

    Small emergency. If you are in a small-time emergency (e.g., home repair, car troubles), offer to come into work as soon as the issue is resolved. The situation may not be fixed in time for you to go in, but even making the offer makes you seem more dedicated to the job.

    Sickness. If you are a bit ill (but definitely not if you are contagious), offer to come in late or leave early, depending on what you think you can manage. This will likely be received much more warmly by your employer and show that you are willing to push through. Just don’t push yourself too hard or unnecessarily expose your coworkers to your illness.

    Appointments. Some circumstances (i.e., appointments) only necessitate missing a half-day of work, so scheduling an appointment strategically could make it so you can come in late or leave early according to your preference. Just make sure you communicate this with your boss as far in advance as possible.

    Use the following tips to maintain your professional standing and to make it easier on those you work with when calling out:

    Contact your employer as soon as you know you’ll be missing work. The sooner your boss knows you’ll be missing work, the more time they have to plan for your absence . Let them know as soon as possible, and be sure to follow the proper protocol in your workplace for calling off.

    Follow company policy. Whatever absence policy your supervisor prefers, adhere to it. Some bosses like to be called, some are fine with an email, and others will require you to inform multiple people, including HR.

    Most big companies will have an online portal to request days off, as well as a place to formally document the request and its acceptance.

    Don’t lie. It can be tempting, but try to be honest when calling off from work. If you invent an emergency now, you may not have leeway for an actual crisis in the future.

    Give necessary details, but not too much. Don’t be too vague, but don’t be too explicit. Simply saying you have a “personal emergency” is likely to be questioned by your employer, but saying you have explosive diarrhea is definitely not necessary. Accurately explain the situation as far as you feel comfortable.

    In the case of an ongoing event, provide updates as appropriate. For example, if you come down with the flu, check in each day on your status; if there’s a home emergency, call to let your boss know when the professional arrives and you’re on your way.

    Plan for covering your workload. Most importantly, when missing work, you’re going to want to make a plan for how the work you missed will get done. Whether you have a coworker cover your shift or come in early next week, let your boss know you are taking your workload seriously.

    How do I tell work I can’t come in?

    You tell work you can’t come in by contacting your boss as soon as you know you won’t make it. Ideally, this will be at least a few days in advance, but this isn’t always feasible.

    If you wake up too sick to get out of bed, for example, the first thing you should do is call, text, or email your boss (whatever they prefer) to let them know.

    How can I miss work without getting fired?

    You can miss work without getting fired by having a legitimate (and true) excuse and giving as much notice as possible. If you realize you can’t make it to work because you’re sick, have to take care of a family member, or some other unavoidable reason, contact your boss as soon as you can.

    You don’t have to go into detail about what’s going on, but communication is key to staying in your boss’s good graces when you miss work.

    In addition, if you can make every effort to help your team cover your responsibilities by coming in late or fielding phone calls and emails from home, that also goes a long way.

    How do I stop feeling guilty for taking a sick day?

    You can stop feeling guilty for taking a sick day by getting a doctor’s note or reminding yourself that rest is vital to doing your job well. If you’re struggling with strong feelings of guilt over taking a sick day, having a doctor put in writing that you need rest can quickly quell that.

    However, this isn’t always practical, so try reminding yourself that you’re helping your team by staying home and getting better. A day or two without you is far better than weeks without you if you get sicker, or weeks of everyone getting sick because you exposed them all.

    Do you apologize for calling in sick?

    Yes, you should apologize for calling in sick. This doesn’t mean that you should apologize for being sick and taking a day to rest — it means apologizing for any inconvenience your absence may cause.

    While you shouldn’t feel bad for taking a sick day, acknowledging that your boss and coworkers will have to cover for you is a courteous and professional thing to do.

    If you can, ask if there’s anything you can do to help from home and invite your team to contact you with any questions they may have.

    Everyone needs to take an unexpected day off work at some point in their lives. Most supervisors like to get a bit of notice when you’ll be out, but good managers understand that some circumstances don’t allow for advance notice.

    Some no-notice reasons are perfectly acceptable, as long as they’re used sparingly. Other excuses might make you look unprepared and unprofessional.

    FindLaw – Can My Job Force Me To Work While Sick?

    Terry Katz and Associates, P.C. – 8 Acceptable Reasons To Miss Work

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    Chris Kolmar is a co-founder of Zippia and the editor-in-chief of the Zippia career advice blog. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job. His research has been featured on the New York Times, Thrillist, VOX, The Atlantic, and a host of local news. More recently, he's been quoted on USA Today, BusinessInsider, and CNBC.

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    Was always covered in bruises and it used to make me late for work a lot. My boss didn't believe me at first and would say things like you said that last time. Ended up just showering at night to try and make sure I wouldn't have any accidents in the morning! 4. #11. A chicken attacked my mother.

  2. The Funniest REAL Excuses To Get Out of Work

    Tummy troubles. An employee called in sick because he ate cat food instead of tuna and was deathly ill. Still not as bad as the dumbest job applicants of all time. 3 / 61. Nicole Fornabaio/

  3. 10 of the funniest excuses for missing work

    But, in spite of having PTO days, nearly one-fourth of these workers (23%) said they still feel obligated to make up some sort of excuse for taking the day off. Over this past year, workers got ...

  4. 12+ Funny Excuses For Calling in Sick (Worst Real-Life Excuses)

    3."Boss, I Can't Come In, My Cow Is Sick!". Another funny excuse that is often used are pet illnesses. The funniest is when people try to tell you that their odd choice of a pet is sick. For example, imagine getting a call saying, "hey boss, I can't make it to work cause my cow is sick!". Livestock illnesses are often the funniest ...

  5. 28 Hilarious (and Real) Excuses for Being Late for Work

    28 Hilarious (and Real) Excuses for Being Late for Work. Mar 06, 2018 . In honor of daylight saving time, we asked our staff and colleagues the most hilarious excuse they ever heard (or told) for being late to work. ... no kids, no responsibility, and apparently no concept of time, I somehow managed to miss daylight saving time and not notice ...

  6. Funny Excuses People Have Used to Call in Sick

    Here are 19 funny and ridiculous excuses people have used to call in sick. ... excuses employees have given for needing to miss a day of work. ... an elaborate excuse to get out of work," said ...

  7. 20 Believable Excuses to Miss Work on Short Notice

    Fake a minor injury that reasonably interferes with how well you do your job. Some common and believable accidents include falls, sprained ankles, cuts, and knee injuries. If you have to see your boss soon, fake an injury that heals quickly or is non-visible (like a pulled muscle).

  8. The Top 10 Funniest Excuses for Missing Work

    Here are 10 hilarious excuses for missing work…. 10. "A deer bit me.". Some people are outdoorsy. Some people are VERY outdoorsy. I am not sure HOW they got bit by a deer exactly and I am ...

  9. 12 Best Excuses to Miss Work (Last Minute/Short Notice)

    Otherwise, this is a good, reliable excuse that you can tell your boss to miss work, even on short notice. 4. You have food poisoning. Usually, you don't want to be too specific when saying you're sick as an excuse to miss work. You don't need to fake coughing sounds, be dramatic, or give too many details.

  10. Funniest Excuses for Missing Work

    Funny excuses - but serious issues for an employer. CareerBuilder notes that three out of 10 workers call in sick when they're not actually ill - and three out of 10 employers say they've checked up on a staffer to make sure an absence is legitimate, usually by requiring a doctor's note or calling the employee at home later that day.

  11. 22 Bulletproof Excuses To Get Out Of Work

    Here are the seven most bulletproof excuses to get out of work, but they better be true: Car accident. Death of a loved one. Family emergency. Just feeling sick (unspecified illness) Migraine. Child is sick. Mom is sick. Warning: Possible Karmic Retribution For Using Those.

  12. 35 Believable Excuses to Miss Work on Short Notice

    1. Illness. Illness is a common reason for missing work on short notice. The specific nature of the illness can range from a mild cold or flu to more serious conditions. Importantly, if you are unwell, it is often better to stay home to rest, recover, and avoid spreading any infectious illness to your coworkers.

  13. 19 of the Best Excuses to Miss Work

    Here are 19 good excuses to miss work and how to share them with your manager. 1. Personal illness. The most common reason to call into work is sickness. If you're feeling ill, have a fever, or can't keep your breakfast down, everyone will appreciate you staying home.

  14. Best Excuses to Get Out of Work

    The most popular excuses to miss work are often health-related. People always think to say that they are sick or that their car broke down. While this way to miss work is sometimes believable, you can't always use the same reason. Good excuses for missing work are usually either very specific—like your toilet overflowed and you have to handle ...

  15. 12 Excuses for Missing Work

    2. House emergency. A broken boiler or a flooded bathroom can also work as an excuse. Things break down all the time and it's not safe to leave a sparking fridge unattended - your boss will have to understand that. You can easily claim to have a house emergency and expect your boss to be nice about it. 3.

  16. 13 Ridiculous Excuses For Missing Work Show Everybody Can Be ...

    In fact, the excuses employees give their bosses for missing work can be so outlandish that 60 percent of managers say they often don't believe the reasons workers give for being absent, according to a survey done in the United Kingdom by British health care provider Benenden Health. Bosses even go so far as to examine workers' social media accounts to see if they're telling the truth.

  17. 31 Good Excuses to Miss Work on Short Notice (EXAMPLES)

    Excuse #3: An accident on the way to work. Sometimes circumstances cannot be avoided. You may need to call out for a day to take care of business and any injuries you may have incurred. "I've had an accident on the highway and need to rest for the remainder of the day, per the Emergency Department doctor.

  18. 60 Legit & Absurd Excuses to Avoid Online Meetings

    "26 Best Excuses to Get Out of Work (Or Miss Work)" by Algrim "Excuses for when you don't want to go to a virtual" group project meeting by Ubyssey. "The 50 Most Unbelievable Sickie Excuses People Have Tried to Get Away With" by Coburg Banks. "Bizarre excuses people are using to get out of Zoom meetings" by Wales Online.

  19. 27 Good Excuses To Miss Work On Short Notice

    1. You just aren't feeling well. COVID taught us that no illness presents the same in each person; bosses don't want to risk it. You should offer to work from home. Don't apologize. "I woke up with a fever and need to rest.". "I have a sore throat with white patches. I'm going to the doctor and won't be in today.". 2.

  20. The Funniest Excuses Ever Uttered

    Working as an apartment manager, I've heard every excuse for why the rent is late: Husband got laid off. Kids were sick. I lost the money order. Or simply, "I forgot.". But the most creative ...

  21. Best and Worst Excuses to Get Out of Work

    The following are some good reasons to miss work: Health maintenance: Going to a doctor's appointment, undergoing a health screening and suffering a chronic illness flare-up are valid and vital reasons for an employee to miss work. Family obligations: Tending to a family member could involve various tasks that require an employee to miss work.

  22. 14 Acceptable Excuses to Miss Work (Even Last Minute or ...

    Welcome to Fairygodboss! We're the largest online career community helping women achieve their career goals. Gain access to articles, jobs, events, and a supportive network of women and allies. Membership is free, always. Join the community. If you have to miss work, you have to give a reason. Failing to show up for work can put your ...

  23. 11 Good Excuses To Miss Work on Short Notice

    Bad excuses to miss work can generally considered unprofessional and could even get you fired. Below are some of the worst excuses for missing work to help you avoid using them next time you call out. Feeling tired. If you are feeling tired due to a sickness or an emergency situation, you should explain these circumstances to your boss as that ...