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Daily Status Report Template

Daily Status reports are an effective tool to disseminate information in your team. Below, find our daily status report template to keep track of employee accomplishments and progress project.

Why Use a Daily Status Report Template?

A Daily Status report is a quick and effective way to make sure everyone in your organization is on the same page.

Using a template for this status report brings a few benefits:

  • Consistency of information – team members expect the same information patterns every day
  • Normalize progress – with consistent daily status reports, you can track progress by compiling information
  • Accountability –  daily check-ins hold team members accountable for the work they have either completed or fallen behind on.
  • Less meetings –  coherent status reports can reduce the need for meetings, which saves you both time and energy at the office.

Daily Status Report Template Examples

Completed tasks + roadblocks.

The first daily status report template example comes from Priority Matrix.

This is an example of a shared status report project, where each team member can contribute what they have worked on, are currently working on, and what’s “blocking” their progress.

  • List the tasks you plan to complete today. This gives your manager and team members the visibility they need to understand that you are  working on the right things.  This also provides critical information to team members regarding the progress of shared tasks. 
  • List the tasks you completed yesterday – when each team member does this, it facilitates the manager’s role. He/she doesn’t need to ask each individual team member what they have completed.


  • Write down any obstacles or roadblocks that you might encounter/have already encountered. When things like this are captured in one central location, it provides a perfect opportunity for a manager or team member to step in and provide assistance.


  • Add comments or questions that may aid in conveying what you are doing to your intended audience

“What’s to Come” Status Report

Other status reports can be automatically generated using project management tools.

This daily status report template updates in real-time, and is programmed to show 3 “groups” of items.

Overdue items, items that are due within the next 24 hours, and items that are coming up within the next 7 days.

Although this is a daily report, by showing upcoming items within the next 7 days, it helps teams and individuals stay better prepared for what’s to come.

Daily Changes Report Template

This report includes specific changes that have been made to tasks within the past 24 hours.

If someone were to miss a day of work, they could scroll through this list to see any changes relevant to them during that time.

While a report like this takes more time to work through, it provides a more thorough overview than other reports in this list.

As a general rule, updates included are:

  • Any NEW tasks that must be completed
  • Comments/file attachments and due dates set on tasks
  • Tasks that have been checked off as finished
  • Tasks that have been deleted

Each update includes WHO updated that task as well, which is great for managers who need to increase team accountability .

Completed Items Only

This is the most simple daily status report template.

The idea here is to include ONLY items that have been completed within the past 24 hours or working day.

These types of reports work great for teams who work independently of one another, but aim for accountability in their organizations.

Here is an example of how this might look – again, the work finished is listed alongside of who completed that work.

Daily Status Report Template Components

Regardless of which Daily Status Report Template you choose to use, all daily status reports should aim to include the SAME information.

This makes it so that your team/management knows what to expect, and can quickly identify if something has gone wrong, or if something may go wrong in the future.

Learn more about status reports in Priority Matrix:

Related posts:.

  • Making a status report with Priority Matrix
  • 7 Tips for Creating Better Project Status Reports
  • Weekly status report template
  • Project Report Tips
  • Management Essentials Series: Team Collaboration
  • Great Project Status Meetings - 5 Expert Tips

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This project was bootstrapped with Create React App .

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

The page will reload when you make changes. You may also see any lint errors in the console.

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode. See the section about running tests for more information.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes. Your app is ready to be deployed!

See the section about deployment for more information.

npm run eject

Note: this is a one-way operation. Once you eject , you can't go back!

If you aren't satisfied with the build tool and configuration choices, you can eject at any time. This command will remove the single build dependency from your project.

Instead, it will copy all the configuration files and the transitive dependencies (webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc) right into your project so you have full control over them. All of the commands except eject will still work, but they will point to the copied scripts so you can tweak them. At this point you're on your own.

You don't have to ever use eject . The curated feature set is suitable for small and middle deployments, and you shouldn't feel obligated to use this feature. However we understand that this tool wouldn't be useful if you couldn't customize it when you are ready for it.

You can learn more in the Create React App documentation .

To learn React, check out the React documentation .

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npm run build fails to minify

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Automated Daily Sales Reports - DSR - TrackOlap

The report can be the word of six letters but its significance plays a vital role in any organization. In general term, you can make a better understanding of the report as a piece of information that takes place in an official document after the meticulous investigation done by the appointed person. Mostly every individual, been a part of any organization, must be familiar to the term of 'Sales Report' since they must have been asked to write a sales report at a certain point of time. A sale reporting has always been a task of causing stress. Manual sales reporting is the most viable technique that is still used by more than 65% of companies. However, evolution of the digital age is completely transforming the sales process in the most significant manner. Now people are more inclined towards automated technique for generating sales report as 'Automated Daily Sales Report' is a savior for every manager and doesn't let their hard work go in vain. You can understand this term as the act of delivering reports incorporating relevant sales information at particular intervals. Moreover, this information can be collected after a triggered event so as users don't need to put extra effort and time to find the statistics by themselves. Automated daily sales report comprises varying types of reports that rely on the requirements of the end-user. With various reporting applications, managers are at ease as they often provide numerous techniques to trigger, schedule and burst sale reports out. Sales productivity Tracking can be improved by the Automated Daily Sales Report; moreover, DSR reminds users to attain certain tasks. It becomes very feasible for the users to dig the relevant information out if they are provided with useful data. And, it is very beneficial for those reports that comprise large datasets. We can build a better understanding of 'Automated Daily sales Reports' with one fine example. Let's assume a scheduled sales report may be transmitted once a week like Saturday at 10:00 AM every week. When a new sales deal closes report might be given to a sales executive and that's how reports can be triggered. Additionally, reports may be burst out that is a form of scheduling used for deployments of the large report where the data can change from user to user. This type of reporting gives analytics administrator a helping hand since the administrator doesn't need to schedule multiple reports with separate data. With the help of bursting, administrators employ a single bursting key to provide users with the right information from the solitary report. Although manual reporting was considered as the most viable technique used by every organization, automated reporting is prevailing around the world. There can't be smoke without fire, and without any benefit, not a single technique can survive in this digital era. Let's discuss the varying advantages of automated daily sales report in detail. Elimination of repetitive administration & reporting flaws: Data entry task is prone to administration and reporting flaws as it is the most critical day-to-day function for companies across various industries. Every administration and reporting function heavily relies on data entry, simply implies that a nominal error can cause huge ramification to a particular company. Therefore, to skip such catastrophe, organizations must consider an automated technique for generating daily sales report as it shields these corporations from reoccurrence of reporting and administration errors. Automated daily sales reports are the most reliable and authentic one that mirrors the current situation in the most effective manner. A big time saver: You can call these automated daily sales reports a big time saver as it gives more leisure time to focus on sales strategies and skips the shuffling. You don't need to put extra efforts to find the errors in every report as it can do it automatically. Managers can find out the real-time actionable answers with such workable reports. With such automated reports managers can make swift decisions without facing any hassle. Huge benefits can be earned by any organization after employing automated daily sales reports as it can tailor the information at each level of business. Enhancement of sales information visibility: Although a sales team always focuses on their individual goals, managers are those workforces who enable the success of the sales team. Sales information visibility instills into the managers to understand their salespeople and customers. In addition to this, sales visibility enables the management to bridge the gap between management and employees. Automated daily sales reports give the managers a clear understanding of the root cause of problems. With the help of such reports managers can easily identify the loopholes in the organizations. Empowering Managers: Automated reports make the managers able to consolidate the metrics of disparate IT management systems and tools so they can take the most explicit cost-saving decisions. Every weekly and monthly real-time automated reporting process allows the managers to move from being reactive to being pro-active. Through this ability, managers can give all answers throughout the whole period instead of giving at the end of it. Managers' swift decision making power helps the entire organization to gain strategic alignment, overall transparency, and efficiency in operations. Boost management decision-making power: Increment in sales information visibility, time-saving efficiency and error-free administrative reporting boost the management's decision-making power. Automated daily sales report gives all the essential information to the management at a regular interval; thus, management is always aware of every whereabouts of its employees. They know what types of flaws and strengths employees, who are working in their organization, have. Such deep understanding about every employee helps the management while taking decisions for the welfare of the manpower. Generally, companies find it so difficult to handle all employees' records due to perpetual challenges while managing a field force. Thus, corporate prefers to use apps for employee management as it is the most convenient way to organize management data. Such apps are very prominent for providing all location science and solutions to all types of organizations, whether it is a corporate, enterprises or educational institutions. Any modern business, that is in dire need to enhance its operations regarding employees, vehicles or facilities, can get the best location science and efficiency solution through such apps. These apps emerge as the best due to their ability to handle the daily challenges of a field-force. Global enterprises can rebuild their business to become the best fit for the digital age with the help of employee management apps such as TrackOlap and many more. These beneficial apps bridge the gap between their offerings and the needs of the client. They have the sole motto to simplify all complex management problems by providing the best solutions with suitable applicability. Therefore, they are proficient enough to handle companies' operations in real-time and help them to attain desirable revenue and profit at optimized cost. It will be intrigued to know how such apps perform their functions in the most feasible manner. Here are some points that describe the work of employee management Software in a detailed manner. * These apps give a suitable platform for the employees so that they can fill all essential details after every meeting or task. * These apps accumulate all the data and pictures, provided by employees and managers, and store it adroitly. * Employee management apps have the ability to capture the location of meeting systematically. * Managers or admin can get the 'daily activity report' at a specified interval as these apps generate such reports proficiently. * Additionally, these apps provide the facility to send important emails at scheduled time to those email ids which are already saved in their systems. Every organization needs to perform the bulk of functions simultaneously. Most of the time, it becomes very hectic to perform such functions without any app. To solve such complex problems, organizations are ready to transform their manual sales reporting system into an automated technique. By providing real-time visibility and streamlining operations across the organization, these employee management apps lend a hand to take your business to the pinnacles of success. These apps are uncomplicated to set up, systemized administer, and user-friendly. They are completely scalable because it grows with you coherently. Additionally, they keep an eagle eye on poor performance with an aim to improve it. In the same way, TrackOlap is equipped with such aforementioned qualities; thus, you must give it a shot to simplify all sales and employee management problems.

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Daily Status Report Template - Excel and Word Template

Daily status report.

Many managers like to get daily status updates from their team members. The update must be brief so that it is easy to update and easy to ready. Typically, a manager wants to spend only a minute or two reading updates from a team member. In this article, I have included an Excel and Word template.

daily status report template Excel, Daily report template excel, Daily report format in excel, Daily Status Report Template

Daily Status Report Template

11 Advantages of Sending The Daily Status Report

  • Your manager or project manager is aware of the task you have worked on or completed daily.
  • Using a status update, you can explain the issues you are facing at work.
  • Using a template allows you to construct your message right.
  • You can include additional notes like your upcoming leave or if you are leaving early.
  • A heads up to the manager about your upcoming tasks may prompt your manager to think about the tasks' priority.
  • Sending daily updates allows you to win others' confidence as you are transparent.
  • As you generally send an email, you will have an audit log of the daily updates you have sent.
  • Managers will know in advance what you plan to work on in the next few days.
  • Sending daily updates gives you a chance to talk about the delayed tasks.
  • You can also highlight dependencies that you have on other tasks in the template.
  • Making everyone aware of the issues, delays and dependencies makes your life easy as you pass on your stress to your managers !!!

Some Tips When Sending The Daily Status Report

  • It is important to send an update daily but also important to make sure it is read.
  • Always use an excel or a word template to send the status so that the information is consistent. Making it consistent will help in finding the information they need.
  • Send an email with the status update at the end of the day. It is easy to write the status when information is fresh in your mind. Delaying the status update may mean you might forget some key information.
  • Mark or highlight the text in bold or red if you want to emphasize some task.
  • Copy the Key Updates section and the in-progress section in your email body so that it is easy for people to read. You can still attach the entire status template to the email.
  • Always talk to people if the news or the status update in the email is bad. Sometimes telling people about the bad news in person has less negative impact than reading bad news in an email. (Recommended templates - Outlook Email Template for Project Managers ).

How To Use The Daily Status Template

  • The excel template has basic name and date fields.
  • Use the Key Updates section in the template to highlight the tasks you are working on.
  • Keep the Key Update section as brief as possible. Many senior managers will read only this section.
  • Also, mention any issues that you are currently facing and, if possible, mark them in RED.
  • The task status has a few sections so that you can explain the current and upcoming tasks.
  • The In Progress section of the daily report template should have the task names you are working on. It is recommended that you include a % complete on your current tasks.
  • The upcoming should contain the tasks you plan to start next.
  • Delayed tasks should the task names and details if any of your tasks are delayed.
  • The other notes section can be used to report upcoming holidays or leave plans,

We highly recommend that you check out our Project Status Report Templates Section for our other status report templates.

Project Status Reports Pack

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Daily Status Report (DSR) , Employee Reporting Module

  • Team Builder
  • Questionnaire builder team wise
  • Batch schedule management for DSR
  • Filing DSR frequency setting (Time slots to fill DSR)
  • Manager/Supervisor reviews and rating
  • DSR entry, review, editing, listing, searching and rating
  • Multiple filter options
  • DSR - Schedule wise or non-schedule wise
  • Questionnaires
  • Schedule Tasks (Batch-Topic)
  • No-Rules DSR

Modules & Features

This ADHD-Focused Task App Has Promise, but It’s Not for Me

An app that helps you focus sounds wonderful, but does this one deliver?

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What are clarify’s main features, how much does clarify cost, what i liked about clarify, what i didn't like about clarify, would i recommend clarify to people with adhd, key takeaways.

  • Clarify is an app designed to help people with ADHD.
  • A monthly subscription costs $99.99 per year.
  • Features include an in-app community, personalized recommendations, and coaching for managing ADHD.

Are you struggling to focus on your daily tasks and goals? Clarify, an app designed specifically for people with ADHD, might be what you're looking for. I tested out the app to see whether it's really worth using.

Clarify has a timer that helps you focus on your tasks without distractions, and you can choose different music types to soundtrack your work. If you find yourself getting distracted when using apps like Spotify, this might be a viable alternative. You also receive test results to determine your strengths and weaknesses, and Clarify aims to help you improve these.

When using Clarify, you can access a community for support and tips on managing your ADHD. It also provides different tips and tricks to help you navigate each day more effectively. When you use this app and make your phone less distracting , you may find that you can focus better for extended periods.

Clarify also provides access to coaches that can help you along your journey.

Download: Clarify for iOS | Android | macOS (Free, in-app purchases available)

Clarify offers monthly, quarterly, and annual subscriptions. Prices range from $22.99 per month to $99.99 per year, depending on which payment method you choose. Here's a breakdown of Clarify's different pricing options:

Before signing up for the Clarify ADHD app, you can get a seven-day free trial.

I'm not sure if I would use Clarify long-term, and I will explain my reasons why later. However, there were several things that I did like about the app. Here's a rundown of what was good about it.

The Introductory Questions

Clarify asks a lot of introductory questions, and the entire process took me around 10 minutes to complete. These questions should help the app give you more specific recommendations; cookie-cutter advice is annoying and unhelpful in equal measure.

When you first sign up for the app, Clarify asks you to determine the type of ADHD you have (I'm very much in the hyperactive category). It also asks you to outline what your biggest struggles are, how easily you normally focus on tasks, and much more.

If you've never done any kind of personal analysis before, answering these questions can help improve your self-awareness. You should also refer to other information online, like these tips for working from home with ADHD .

The Recommendations

Another of Clarify’s cool features is the recommendations it gives as you make progress, especially in the early phases. For example, the app provided a 10-minute morning routine designed to help me focus for the day. While I already have a good grasp of my morning routine, these types of recommendations would be useful to someone who's not as organized.

After you complete your test, you’ll receive recommendations on what you should consider doing to mitigate your weaknesses. For example, I was told to consider mind mapping and "embrace hyperfocus" (which, to me, basically translates to doing more things that I'm passionate about).

The Community Feature

It's hard to ask others for advice if they don't know your specific struggles, which is why I'll always advocate for people to join communities of like-minded people. Clarify has an in-app feature that lets you connect with others using the tool. While I didn't use it to its full potential, I can see how it would benefit other users who need that support.

If you choose not to sign up for the Clarify app, you may want to check out these supportive online communities for people with ADHD . And even if you do purchase a subscription, you may find that they’re a nice addition.

Despite the benefits of the Clarify app, there were a couple of things that bothered me about it and need significant work.

The App Sometimes Felt Patronizing

I'm very aware that this varies from person to person, and others would probably need more positive reinforcement. But as I used Clarify, I couldn't help but feel like the app was sometimes a little patronizing. The regular messages about ADHD being a superpower, etc., felt a little forced and somewhat cringeworthy. If I used this app long-term, they would probably start to annoy me and I'd likely seek an alternative.

While I don't feel like I need these kinds of messages, I do know that they would help others. This is especially true for people who've constantly felt isolated or weird because of their condition. So, instead of completely removing them, I think the app should just tone them down a little.

Another nice feature would be the option to choose the intensity of these messages. That way, everyone would have a better in-app experience.

The App Functionality Needs Significant Work

More than anything else, I feel like Clarify's app needs a lot of work before I would consider using it long-term. It didn't work at all on some occasions and would constantly get stuck on the screen. After reinstalling the app, I tried to log back into my account and had to re-take the entire beginner's test.

I did use Google to sign in, so maybe using an email address would work better. However, since the app costs almost $100 per year, simple bugs like this are disappointing.

The app also took a long time to load, which quickly became frustrating. The interface was confusing to navigate at times. You might want to look at one of these productivity apps for people with ADHD instead .

It depends on where you are on your journey. If you're a total beginner to productivity and don't know how to manage your ADHD, Clarify has some useful features that can help you improve your focus and learn more about yourself. Moreover, while I didn't like the overly positive reinforcements, I can see the value in them for someone else. Similarly, the coaching might also benefit people who struggle with accountability.

However, I wouldn't recommend Clarify to people who already have a good grip on productivity and organizing their time. The app felt like a needless addition to what I already use; I'd prefer to use my Apple Watch for tracking time and an app like Todoist for organizing my tasks.

I do feel like Clarify has the base to build an excellent app, and I certainly see its potential. However, the app functionality needs to significantly improve. I'd recommend trying the seven-day free trial to see if it's something you're interested in, but I have to say I expected more.

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10 Free Daily Report Templates with Formats to Keep You on Track

Praburam Srinivasan

Growth Marketing Manager

February 15, 2024

“What’s the status on [insert project here]?”

The above question could easily spike your cortisol levels if you’re caught unprepared. Knowing the status of each project (translation: understanding what has been completed and what is left to be done) is project management 101 . To keep yourself and your team on task (and, dare we say, the executive team off your back) you need to be able to offer a daily progress report quickly and efficiently. 🙌

Daily reports keep your company updated on what has been completed in the past 24 hours. Using a daily report template ensures you don’t spend your entire day typing up updates from scratch.

Below we dive into what a daily report template is, why it’s valuable, and the 10 best daily templates available now—one of them is sure to be what you need at your company.

Benefits of Using a Formatted Daily Report Template

1. clickup daily report template, 2. clickup daily briefing template, 3. clickup employee daily activity report template, 4. clickup end of day report template , 5. clickup daily production report template, 6. clickup daily sales report template, 7. clickup hourly schedule template , 8. word daily report card template by, 9. excel daily work report template by, 10. word simple daily report template .

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What Is a Daily Report Template?  

A daily report template is a tool that offers daily status updates at 24-hour intervals. It delivers a high-level overview of work completed yesterday, work that needs to be prioritized today, and work that is forecast to be important for tomorrow. 

A daily report template is a form used by project managers to help keep their teams on track with a variety of projects. It breaks down large milestones into bite-sized chunks so your team runs more efficiently and prioritizes the right tasks on a day-to-day basis.

In a sentence: A daily report template ensures your team gets. Stuff. Done. 👊

A daily report template is an invaluable tool in project management because it:

  • Offers a clear overview of the day’s priorities
  • Keeps individuals and entire departments updated on projects
  • Ensures that major deadlines don’t “sneak up” on team members
  • Helps individuals plan their days more efficiently , as they receive a preview of the day’s priorities 24 hours in advance
  • Saves companies time by eliminating the need for check-ins and meetings
  • Spares the bandwidth of a project manager, as they can reuse the same status report template every day versus writing updates from scratch each morning
  • Keeps projects on budget, and helps track how much time and how many internal resources are dedicated to a given project
  • Lets companies better monitor the sales pipeline and helps to close deals faster with the ability to track daily progress

10 Daily Report Templates to Keep You on Track in 2024 

Want to create a daily report template for your team but don’t know where to start? We’ve done the in-depth research for you, collecting 10 gotta-have-’em templates for your daily status report. Simply find the one that best suits your interests, customize it for your team, and start tracking progress. 👀

Give a day-by-day update to all team members with the Daily Report Template by ClickUp

Want to keep the ball rolling day to day? ClickUp’s Daily Report Template is easily filled out and easily absorbed by colleagues across department lines.

With ClickUp’s Daily Report Template, you can easily keep team members informed on today’s accomplished tasks, tomorrow’s priorities, and tasks on the horizon.

Facing roadblocks in a project?

Use the “Blockers” section to list project obstacles and your course of action for getting the project back on track.

The project status report allows space for custom branding (simply add your own logo with one click), and must-have details including who filled out the report, the project name, the department, and the project deadline. At the bottom of the report template, you’ll find white space for additional details and a line for supervisor sign-off.

Capture each project’s daily progress, priorities, and roadblocks with the ClickUp Daily Briefing Template

Struggling to keep meetings on task?

To spend less time in the conference room and more time doing the work, take advantage of ClickUp’s Daily Briefing Template . This easy-to-use template ensures all the team’s progress is moving forward and so everyone is on the same page.

Whether it’s specific tasks, an update on the overall project progress, or a specific sales report, this report template provides a clear overview of daily goals. It also encourages better collaboration across department lines.

Start by assigning each task to a colleague or team, and consider adding stakeholders as watchers to add feedback and track progress. Instruct team members to fill out their daily progress, any roadblocks they encounter, and their current priorities under the “Daily Update” section to keep tabs on completed and upcoming milestones. 

Finally, use the report’s built-in time tracker and calendar features to set deadlines and track how much internal time is dedicated to each task. Once a daily task is completed, colleagues can mark the task as done or assign additional subtasks for the next day’s priorities—all to streamline the entire process and address outstanding tasks.

Give a boost to employee productivity with the ClickUp Employee Daily Activity Report Template

Tracking individual progress and performance is an integral part of any manager’s job. To assign tasks, track accomplishments, and assess employee productivity, leverage ClickUp’s Employee Daily Activity Report Template .

An employee daily activity report documents employee productivity throughout the workday. This template allows your colleagues to document which tasks were performed, how long each task took, whether the task was completed successfully, and if they are facing any roadblocks. 

The template offers a win-win scenario for managers and subordinates alike, as supervisors receive a 360-degree overview of each team member’s progress, while individuals can analyze their own productivity and working habits.

This daily progress report template is essential for keeping projects on track. By monitoring individual performance and adherence to deadlines, project managers can pinpoint any problem areas before the entire project gets derailed. Additionally, by identifying individual gaps in productivity, you increase your chances of keeping virtually any project on schedule.

Get a head start on tomorrow’s priorities with the ClickUp End of Day Report Template

Listen, we get it—at the end of the day, you just want to clock out. But what if you could use those last few minutes each day to prepare for the next, thereby saving yourself countless hours each week?

The ClickUp End of Day Report Template helps you accomplish more with less time, simply by setting daily priorities 24 hours in advance. Use the custom fields feature to build up to 12 different attributes, including comments, a summary of completed tasks, department completing the project, or other must-know information. 

Then build custom statuses to mark each milestone as complete, in progress, or waiting for approval by a superior. Lastly, use the custom views to track various productivity metrics for your team.

This template helps boost productivity on a daily basis, manage remote teams and subcontractors, and identify areas of improvement. Plus, executives can leverage the report to track overall company performance, sales, inventory, and other financial data.

Keep your film production running smoothly with the Daily Production Report Template by ClickUp

Whether you’re producing a full-length documentary or an advertisement, every minute matters. The ClickUp Daily Production Report Template keeps your entire crew on task round-the-clock throughout production (lunch breaks included).

Start by logging production details, including your director, director of photography, producers, and camera operator. Then schedule each production day down to the minute, from crew call, shooting call, and every moment in between. 

Leverage the scenes, script, cast, and extras sections to let every person know when they need to be on set, how many retakes need to be completed, which scenes will be performed, and even what weather conditions to expect. Lastly, this template includes a time card for every person (yes, every person) within your crew.

With this handy production template, you’ll get the credits rolling in no time.

Reach your sales goals with this daily template from ClickUp

Every business, from B2B to B2C, needs a consistent sales pipeline to be successful. To scale your company, sales needs to be a priority 365 days a year, not just at the end of a quarter or the fiscal year.

With the ClickUp Daily Sales Report Template , you can track your pipeline on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Under the “Sales Overview” section, build a graph of your total sales per product. Below that, dive deeper into recent sales by noting the units sold and the price per unit of every product in your catalog.

Finally, help sales associates sell smarter in your “Product Performance” section. For each product, provide an image, SKU number, and item name, then write several bullet points detailing why customers like this particular product. Focus on your target audience, common customer questions, and upsell opportunities to help your team make the most of each opportunity.

Plan out every hour of your day with this handy ClickUp template

Want to know the key to keeping projects on track? Break down every major milestone into nugget-sized tasks, ensuring your team members stay productive every week, every day, and even every hour.

With the ClickUp Hourly Schedule Template , you create a structured-yet-flexible timeline to clearly set objectives and priorities. With the calendar view, you can account for every hour in your day, leaving time for meetings, edits, brainstorming, and completing tasks. You can color code each task, giving you a high-level overview of how you spend your day (and week).

This weekly report helps track team progress, reduces overhead, and allows colleagues to easily pivot their schedules or shift priorities. It allows team members to track their work hours while aiding supervisors in assigning specific daily tasks to ensure every individual has an appropriate amount of bandwidth.

Example of Word Daily Report Card Template by

Are you a teacher who needs to keep students on task? Leverage the Word Daily Report Card Template by to update parents and guardians on students’ productivity throughout the school week.

This free daily report template allows educators to easily fill out each student’s name and current grade at the top of the form. Then simply mark a checkbox for a number of criteria, such as whether the student paid attention in class, followed directions, and completed work on time for each day of the week. At the bottom, there’s added white space for teachers to add written comments about the student’s overall performance.

This report form is available for download via a number of file formats, including Google Docs, Microsoft Word, PDF, and Apple pages.

Daily report templates: Excel Daily Work Report Template by Pages 1 and 2

Do you have a number of employees and contractors you need to keep tabs on? Whether you’re overseeing a construction project, a restaurant, or a marketing agency, you need to understand how each team member blocks their time . Fortunately, the Excel Daily Work Report Template by can help.

With this report format, each team member can document how many hours they worked, which activities were performed (and the time dedicated to each), and how they’re compensated (e.g., hourly or salaried). There are even columns to log whether any authorized overtime, sick leave, or annual leave was used. If any work hours are left unaccounted for, there’s extra space for team members to explain how they used that time.

This report example is available for free download via Excel. At the bottom of each form, the employee’s total hours for each month (including total annual leave, sick leave, or leave without pay) are calculated for you. Once the form is turned in, there’s space for each employee and supervisor to sign their names for approval.

Word Simple Daily Report Template 

Want a super easy way to streamline team productivity? This Microsoft Word Daily Report Template is incredibly easy to use and provides a high-level overview of how your team spends their time.

To fill out the form, simply have each team member type in their name, date, the location where the work was performed, and job number (if applicable). Then, under “Work Details,” each colleague can scribble in a description of the work completed, as well as the start and end time of each task.

While it comes pre-designed, you can easily customize the colors, headings, and paragraph text to make your form more on-brand.

Boost Productivity with ClickUp’s Daily Report Templates

To tackle major milestones, you need to track individual progress by the month, week, and day. Fortunately, ClickUp’s daily report templates can help each employee—and entire departments—stay on task.

The above 10 reports can help boost team productivity, increase sales, reduce overhead, and identify gaps in your project plan on a daily basis . Plus, with ClickUp’s easily customizable tools, you can swap out fields, views, and text to ensure each report meets your specific needs.

To access daily report templates, thousands of integrations, and unlimited tasks, join ClickUp today .

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2 Remarkable QA Daily Status Report Templates | Free Download

By archtc on October 12, 2019 — 3 minutes to read

Writing a Remarkable QA Daily Status Report (+ Free Templates)

In software or any product development, there is a quality assurance phase to assess its readiness and completeness before the actual product or software releases.

QA teams are able to do this by executing test cases or situations that simulate actual usage of the product or software and reporting on the defects found and fixed.

It is necessary for a QA team to create or generate reports that will reflect the integrity and credibility of the tests they make, and most especially, the significance and value of its results. Typically, a test status report is something to do on a daily basis by the QA team to the developers and other stakeholders, during a daily status meeting.

A QA daily status report accounts for the team’s activities for the day that includes both test case and defect information. Aside from the development team, recipients of this report may include business analysis, environment support, or project teams.

This report should contain the information generated on a daily basis in terms of a number of test cases planned and executed, defects encountered and their respective states, and downtimes.

Test execution sheets or link to the test management tool is also attached to the report to support the results presented and to serve as a reference if the recipient of the report needs one.

  • Important Things to Consider for Writing the Report Part 1
  • QA Daily Status Report Free Templates Download Part 2
  • Additional Resources Part 3
  • How to dramatically reduce the time you spend creating reports Part 4

Here are some important things to remember in coming up with a QA daily status report:

  • Show the overall status of the test cases and include simple metrics such as percentages in terms of test cases passed, defect density, and others. . In doing so, the QA team is not just providing figures but is actually giving an overview of the quality of the test on the product.
  • Highlight significant phases of the test execution, as well as critical defects, found if there are any.
  • The visual presentation of the test results will help make the report interesting and easier to understand. If it is applicable, use charts, tables, or graphs to present the test results.
  • It is also beneficial to include the test cases planned for the next day and to state in the daily report of the QA team needs input from other groups.
  • If the QA team is seeing a trend or pattern based on the results of its test execution, it will be helpful to include such observation in the daily report, including a brief explanation of how that trend or pattern impacts the product or what it means in terms of test execution or product development.

Make the report concise and short as much as possible, and ensure that the data is accurate. Use bullet points to make the report easy on the eyes of the reader.

Qa daily status report: free download section.

QA daily status report template

Click Here to Download QA Daily Status Report Template XLS

QA daily status report template 2

Click Here to Download QA Daily Status Report Template 2 XLSX


Templates on ProsperForms:

qa status report form template

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construction daily log form template

Additional Sources

  • How to Write a Strong IT Status Report + Free Template Download
  • How to Write a Quick-To-Read Marketing Status Report + Free Template Download
  • How to Write a Good Implementation Status Report + Free Template Download

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Frequently Asked Questions

Daily Sales Report (DSR)

Published by santhosh kumar.

Daily Sales Report

What is Daily Sales Report?

If something cannot be measured, it cannot be improved, said a quote. Continuous (daily) improvement is better than delayed perfection, said another.

Whether you are a sales manager or a small business entrepreneur, you need to measure and stay on top of sales-stats so that you take quick actions and right decisions to move forward in the direction of your goals

If a dashboard is to a car, daily sales report (DSR) is to a sales function.

DSR is a very frequently used term in sales and a regularly reviewed report. Daily sales report (DSR) equips sales managers and sales representatives to look at daily sales metrics such as the number of deals closed, number of sales conversations made with customers, opportunities created, and a few more business-specific KPIs.

HelloLeads CRM

In a nutshell, DSR or a daily sales report paints a picture of your sales team for a given day.

Usually, daily sales report focuses both on efforts and the outcome. DSR focuses on the effort metrics such as the number of sales calls made for the day, emails been sent and meetings each salesperson scheduled and successfully conducted.  In addition they also focus on number of customers won, deal values achieved and targets met.

Setting up a well-defined DSR structure for your sales team will help you to make informed decisions on how and where to focus your sales efforts and resources.

DSRs help you stay on track and ensures you are focused on goals and efforts.

How DSR helps a sales manager?

A daily sales report enables a sales manager to,

  • Track how much time, each salesperson is spending on different sales activities in a day
  • Learn and understand how much each salesperson’s efforts are translating into real sales
  • Find whether each salesperson is achieving their productivity goals or not
  • Find ways to improve the process or help sales team members in achieving their productivity goals.

Track daily sales activities:

Tracking Daily Sales Activities

Through the daily sales report, you can obtain the metrics on the activities carried out by each salesperson. Based on your business, the sales activities may vary. For example the DSR for a trading business will be much different from a real estate firm or accounting firm.

Below are some of the common sales activities that are usually tracked in a daily sales report (DSR).

  • Number of sales calls made and the total duration on calls
  • Number of emails sent to leads and customers
  • Number of conversations made through social media platforms like WhatsApp or Instagram
  • Number of sales presentations or demos done in a day
  • Number of price proposals or estimates or quotes sent
  • Number of meetings scheduled and successfully conducted
  • Number of customers visited or locations covered in a day

As a sales manager, you can directly influence these activities and drive your sales team to spend more time in the most effective sales activity.

Below are some of the common sales goals that are usually tracked in a daily sales report (DSR).

  • Number of leads captured
  • Number of leads qualified
  • Number of leads moved to next stage
  • Number of leads converted to customers successfully
  • Value of deals won
  • Repeat business from existing customers (cross-sell and up-sell)
  • Making an inactive customer active again

Understand the translation of efforts into sales:

Sales CRM

If you have the data of activities carried out on each day through daily sales report, you can analyze the quality and effectiveness of each activity towards the sales conversions.

As in every business, each of the customer categories needs different methods of selling and sales efforts. For example, not every deal can be closed by a sales call or a sales presentation. Selling to a large business needs a very different approach compared to selling to a small business or a start-up.

Using the data in daily sales reports (DSR), you could assess which sales activity is driving you more sales. A salesperson consistently sending out hundreds of promotional emails to customers and ending up in zero sales indicates that the specific emailing activity needs a review, re-think and an effective alternative method need to be in place immediately.

Understanding the efforts being invested by your sales team will help you to guide them much better. By analysing daily sales reports (DSR), you can also identify which sales team members need what kind of help to push sales further.

Analyse achievement of your sales team:

If you have defined productivity and sales goals for each sales team member, measuring their performance and achievement towards the goal is the ultimate benefit of a daily sales report.

From daily sales reports (DSR), you could visualize the progress of each salesperson and you can decide whether they could meet their target and achieve their goals during the rest of the days in the month.

Analysis of sales team

By analyzing progress made every day, you can forecast sales that each of the sales team member can contribute. Extending this forecast to all your team members will help you to estimate the total sales, determine what opportunities need leadership attention, help and focus.

If something cannot be measured, it cannot be improved, can be re-stated as ‘if you can measure efforts & results through a daily sales report (DSR), you can improve your sales and business’.

Santhosh Kumar

Santhosh Kumar

Santhosh Kumar is a business associate at HelloLeads. His mission is to help start-ups and small businesses to improve productivity and help them to scale up. He loves reading and writing. Send an email to [email protected] to reach him.

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Free Daily Progress Report Templates

By Kate Eby | November 27, 2021

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We’ve compiled free, printable, and fully customizable daily progress report templates for use in business, sales, construction, and academic settings.

Included on this page, you’ll find a student daily progress report template , a construction work daily progress report , a daily sales report , and a simple daily progress report form for end-of-day reporting.

Daily Project Progress Report Template

Daily Project Progress Report

Download Daily Project Progress Report Template Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF

This daily progress report form is suitable for construction projects and can be adapted for any type of project reporting . To use the template, select and download a file format, edit the headings to suit your project, and enter your daily project updates. Include a description of overall progress and list details related to work completed, such as delays or issues that need to be addressed. Create a printable report to share with project stakeholders.

Simple Daily Progress Report Template

Simple Daily Progress Report Template

Download Simple Daily Progress Report Template Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word | Google Docs | Apple Pages

Designed as an employee status report, this template is a simple way to track completed activities, plans for the following day, and ongoing tasks. Employees can fill out the daily report for managers to review and approve. Each ongoing task includes a due date and status for tracking progress. Add or remove sections on this basic template to create a customized daily progress form for your business.

Student Daily Progress Report Template

Student Daily Progress Report Template

Download Student Daily Progress Report Template Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF | Google Docs

Use this template to work toward improving a student’s behavior in school or as an academic progress report to track attendance, incomplete assignments, or missed tests. Set daily goals for a student to achieve, and rate their performance on each item. Tally the points to show overall progress and areas that need work. Create an ongoing record of student performance, including parent and teacher feedback. This report is customizable for a variety of school settings.

For related tools, see our class, homework, and school schedule templates .

Construction Daily Work Progress Report Template

Construction Daily Work Progress Report Template

Download Construction Daily Work Progress Report Template — Microsoft Excel

Create detailed but concise daily work reports for construction projects . At the top of the template, list information such as project name, location, contractor, and weather conditions. Add a description of the work completed, hours spent, and quality assessment. The template provides an itemized list of example work categories and automatically calculates the total number of workers and hours required for each task. Describe the equipment used and materials received on the job site for that date.

Contractor Daily Progress Report Template

Contractor Daily Progress Report

Download Contractor Daily Progress Report Template — Microsoft Excel

This contractor daily report starts with a summary of the day’s progress, including delays and change recommendations. This customizable template itemizes materials and equipment, subcontractors, workers, and hours. It provides space for notes on progress details and work obstructions. Document the names of official visitors and the time of their visits to keep a record of who was on site throughout the day.

End-of-Day Report Template

End of Day Report Template

Download End-of-Day Report Template Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF

Write an end-of-day (EOD) report that highlights daily accomplishments and challenges. Include specific tasks completed and the time spent on each task. Identify key successes and describe any challenges faced. Add an action plan for the following day and any relevant comments for your manager to review.

Daily Sales Report Template

Daily Sales Report Template Updated

Download Daily Sales Report Template — Microsoft Excel

This customizable daily sales report template comes prefilled with example data to show what a completed report will look like. The template includes an inventory list and a sales report. On the inventory list tab, enter the item number, name, description, and price, and these values will appear on the sales report tab. Set the tax rate and choose a quantity sold for each item. The template calculates subtotals and totals with tax for each item. View the grand total, with and without tax, at the top of the report.

Daily Sales Dashboard Report

Daily Sales Dashboard Report

Download Daily Sales Dashboard Report — Microsoft Excel

Keep track of revenue and customer growth on a daily basis. The chart covers 31 days, allowing you to view sales information on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. For each day, enter numerical values for revenue, customers, and average order value, and the template will calculate percentages and fill in the dashboard. This template uses sample content to show how your data will populate the dashboard chart. Use the blank template tab to speed up your data entry process.

Trainee Daily Progress Report Template

Trainee Daily Progress Report Template

Download Trainee Daily Progress Report Template Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF

This template offers a standardized report for evaluating new employees or trainees. Use it over the course of multiday training to track progress or as a final evaluation tool. Include the name and contact information of the supervisor conducting the evaluation. Create a list of items related to tasks, skills, and performance for rating the trainee. Use this template to help determine what areas require further training or supervision.

Daily Progress Tracker Template

Daily Progress Tracker Template

Download Daily Progress Tracker Template Microsoft Excel | Google Sheets | Apple Numbers

Use a list and a visual aid to track daily progress on work tasks, goals , or any type of to-do list . Create a list of prioritized tasks for the day and adjust the status as you work on each item: pending, in process, completed, or rescheduled. View your progress at a glance using the scale at the top of the tracking sheet, which shows the percentage of tasks that have been completed. Add comments or reminders to the notes section to help manage your workflow.

What Is a Daily Progress Report?

A daily progress report is both a communication tool between employees and managers and a method for tracking work completed. A report may focus on an individual’s progress or the status of a project . 

An employee or a manager will include details that depend on the context and purpose of the report. For example, a daily progress report written by a construction contractor may focus on costs and hours spent during a given day along with any new delays or changes. In other work settings, a daily progress report might track an employee’s progress with certain tasks or skill development. In schools, teachers use progress reports to evaluate and improve student behavior and academic achievement.

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How to Manage a Cross-Functional Team

  • David Burkus

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Start by getting clear on how you’ll communicate.

Cross-functional teams — those with people from different departments who have varied expertise — are becoming more common, as is the rise of project-based work arrangements.  Early in your career, you may even find that your first “real” leadership role is managing a newly formed, cross-functional team for a specific and short-term project. There are a few key actions new leaders can take to get their team off to a great start.

  • Establish goals and roles. Each member has different knowledge, skills, abilities, and past experiences. As the team leader, it’s important to establish the scope of the project quickly, deliberate on the tasks required, and facilitate a discussion around who on the team would be best suited for different tasks. Resist the urge to assign tasks to whomever volunteers first, instead think who fits the task best.
  • Set communication norms. Just as your team members will bring different knowledge, skills, and abilities, they’ll also bring their own unique work and communication preferences. Take some time during the initial project kickoff to discuss those work and communication preferences. Failure to establish collaboration norms tells teammates they can work and communicate however they want, making it more likely for messages to get missed.
  • Build safety and candor. To generate ideas and solve problems, we need to lower inhibitions and create a culture where each member can be more honest and less guarded. To encourage this openness, new leaders often call for candor in meetings, but doing so before building psychological safety is a mistake. As a leader, it’s your responsibility to establish that level of safety. You can do this by signaling your own openness to feedback or expressing doubt in your own ideas.
  • Celebrate milestones and small wins. Milestones don’t just track progress; they serve as an early warning signal that a pivot might need to be made. These milestones will also give the team early wins to celebrate and help them feel a sense of accomplishment. Celebrating small wins can boost morale and foster a sense of collective appreciation

A couple years into your career, you’ll find a few different opportunities to step up and practice your leadership skills. Sometimes it will be preparing and running a team meeting. Other times it may be volunteering for a new task the team requires.

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  • David Burkus is an organizational psychologist and best-selling author of five books, including Best Team Ever . For more information, visit his website .

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  3. How to Create a Task Tracker in Excel (Download Free Template) (2022)

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  4. Top 10 Task Dashboard Templates with Samples and Examples

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  5. Excel Task Tracker Template

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  6. Daily Task Tracker Template

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    Completed Tasks + Roadblocks. The first daily status report template example comes from Priority Matrix. This is an example of a shared status report project, where each team member can contribute what they have worked on, are currently working on, and what's "blocking" their progress. Today: List the tasks you plan to complete today.

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    dsr-1/react-task-tracker. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. master. Switch branches/tags. Branches Tags. Could not load branches. Nothing to show {{ refName }} default View all branches. Could not load tags. Nothing to show

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  7. Daily Status Report (DSR) , Employee Reporting Module

    Daily Status Report is a Employee Reporting of Best Institute Software with Team Builder, Questionnaires DSR, Schedule Task DSR, No-Rule DSR, DSR Review Rating Toggle navigation Solutions


    Tracking labor isn't anything new, but most erase it at the end of the day. That data is valuable and can make your operation more efficient. ... You will be up and running in no time with the intuitive dashboard that will have you assigning tasks in minutes. With a cloud based design, your information is always with you, whether it's at work ...


    Step One: The DSR is submitted by a data subject to a process manager and governance within the organization. Step Two: The DSR is managed using a tracking system, which includes recording the request and any actions taken. Step Three: The data subject's identity is verified. Step Four: The DSR's legitimacy is verified.

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    Clarify is an app designed to help people with ADHD. A monthly subscription costs $99.99 per year. Features include an in-app community, personalized recommendations, and coaching for managing ADHD. Are you struggling to focus on your daily tasks and goals? Clarify, an app designed specifically for ...

  11. 10 Free Daily Report Templates with Formats to Keep You on Track

    At the bottom, there's added white space for teachers to add written comments about the student's overall performance. This report form is available for download via a number of file formats, including Google Docs, Microsoft Word, PDF, and Apple pages. Download This Template. 9. Excel Daily Work Report Template by

  12. 2 Remarkable QA Daily Status Report Templates

    Part 2. QA Daily Status Report: Free Download Section. ProsperForms— receive reports from your team members on autopilot. 100+ forms available: reports, logbooks, requests, etc. or build your own. View and manage data on Timeline and Dashboard screens, generate consolidated PDF reports. Get Started.

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  14. Covert Research

    The Gray Zone Warfare mission Covert Research is given to you as a task from Lab Rat that has you track down a canister. However, Handshake gives you a similar task called Reclamation. Both are ...

  15. The DSR Fulfillment Process

    Multiple system owners can be invited onto one secure platform. This platform is called the "DSR Workbench.". The workbench is used to collaborate on creating or approving tasks to fulfill DSR requests. The DSR workbench is secure and has an integrated messaging system for collaborative working to eliminate the risk of data sprawl.

  16. Log In

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  17. How to Write Software Testing Weekly Status Report

    New Tasks: List all next week's new tasks here. You can use Black color for this. Project: Scheduled Task: Date of Release: #3) Defect Status. Active Defects: List all the active defects here with Reporter, Module, Severity, Priority, assigned to, etc. Closed Defects: List all the closed defects with Reporter, Module, Severity, Priority ...

  18. Daily Sales Report (DSR)

    Daily sales report (DSR) equips sales managers and sales representatives to look at daily sales metrics such as the number of deals closed, number of sales conversations made with customers, opportunities created, and a few more business-specific KPIs. In a nutshell, DSR or a daily sales report paints a picture of your sales team for a given day.

  19. Free Daily Sales Report Forms & Templates

    Download Sample Daily Sales Report Template — Microsoft Excel. This sales report template is appropriate for retail stores or other small businesses that need to track daily sales. The template includes one tab with sample data and a second blank tab. To use this template, edit the inventory list with your item names and numbers.

  20. New Neighbours

    The first step in your task is to track down the military complex. It's known as YBL-1, and you can find the precise coordinates at: 142,121; Or, use our interactive map to track all of your ...

  21. Free Daily Progress Report Templates

    Use a list and a visual aid to track daily progress on work tasks, goals, or any type of to-do list. Create a list of prioritized tasks for the day and adjust the status as you work on each item: pending, in process, completed, or rescheduled. View your progress at a glance using the scale at the top of the tracking sheet, which shows the ...

  22. Last Farewell

    In this task, Last Farewell, Gunny learns of one more fallen soldier, Steven Clarke, who fell out in the field while under attack near the gas station. He asks you to find and mark the body with a ...

  23. Todoist

    Organize your work and life, finally. Become focused, organized, and calm with Todoist. The world's #1 task manager and to-do list app. Start for free. 42+ million people and teams trust their sanity and productivity to Todoist. Clear your mind.

  24. Planner Premium plan tasks are now available in My Tasks view within

    We are excited to announce the rollout of Planner Premium plan task syncing with Planner and To Do. With this, users will be able to view their Premium plan tasks seamlessly integrated within the "Assigned to me" view in To Do, Planner web as well as the new Planner app.. The feature is being rolled out in phases and would be available across geographies in coming weeks.

  25. Left Behind

    Here are the exact coordinates: Mithras. 166, 122; Lamang. 202,156; Crimson Shield. 147,162; If you're more visual and would rather not read the in-game map, we have an interactive map with all ...

  26. How to Manage a Cross-Functional Team

    Resist the urge to assign tasks to whomever volunteers first, instead think who fits the task best. Set communication norms. Just as your team members will bring different knowledge, skills, and ...