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  • BCA 4th Semester Syllabus (2023)

Computer Graphics and Multimedia Application

Introduction to computer graphics, applications of computer graphics.

  • Interactive Graphical Techniques in Computer Graphics
  • Hard-Copy Devices in Computer Graphics
  • Display Processor in Computer Graphics
  • Raster-Scan Displays
  • Random-Scan Display
  • Line Clipping | Set 2 (Cyrus Beck Algorithm)
  • Mid-Point Line Generation Algorithm
  • Computer Graphics - 3D Translation Transformation
  • Composite Transformation in 2-D graphics
  • Window to Viewport Transformation in Computer Graphics with Implementation
  • Computer Graphics Curve in Computer Graphics
  • Polygon Mesh in Computer Graphics
  • Cubic Bezier Curve Implementation in C
  • Binary Space Partitioning
  • What is Multimedia?
  • CD-ROM Full Form
  • Computer Animation

Operating System

  • What is an Operating System?
  • Batch Processing Operating System
  • Memory Management in Operating System
  • Difference between Demand Paging and Segmentation
  • Page Replacement Algorithms in Operating Systems
  • Allocation of frames in Operating System
  • Process Schedulers in Operating System
  • CPU Scheduling in Operating Systems
  • Introduction of Process Synchronization
  • Introduction of Deadlock in Operating System
  • Functions of Operating System
  • Storage Structure in Operating Systems
  • Swap-Space Management in Operating system
  • File Systems in Operating System
  • Free space management in Operating System

Software Engineering

  • Introduction to Software Engineering - Software Engineering
  • Activities involved in Software Requirement Analysis
  • Software Design Process - Software Engineering
  • Design and Implementation in Operating System
  • Software Maintenance - Software Engineering
  • System configuration management - Software Engineering

Optimization techniques

  • Linear Programming
  • Queuing Models in Operating System
  • Optimal Page Replacement Algorithm
  • Job Sequencing Problem
  • Johnson's Rule in Sequencing Problems

Mathematics 3

  • Complex Numbers
  • Mathematics | Sequence, Series and Summations
  • Fourier Series Formula
  • Differential Equations
  • Second Order Linear Differential Equation
  • BCA 1st Semester Syllabus (2023)
  • BCA 2nd Semester Syllabus (2023)
  • BCA 3rd Semester Syllabus (2023)
  • BCA 5th Semester Syllabus (2023)
  • BCA 6th Semester Subjects and Syllabus (2023)
  • BCA Full Form
  • Bachelor of Computer Applications: Curriculum and Career Opportunity

The term ‘Computer Graphics’ was coined by Verne Hudson and William Fetter from Boeing who were pioneers in the field. Computer graphics is a dynamic and essential field within computing that involves the creation, manipulation, and rendering of visual content using computers.

In today’s digital era, computer graphics technologies have revolutionized how we perceive and interact with visual information, playing a pivotal role in video games, movies, architectural design, medical imaging, and more. There are several tools used for the implementation of Computer Graphics. The basic is the graphics.h header file in Turbo-C, Unity for advanced, and even OpenGL can be used for its Implementation.

This article delves into the fundamental concepts of computer graphics, its diverse applications, and the underlying technologies that drive innovation in this field.

What is Computer Graphics?

Computer Graphics including digital images, animations, and interactive graphics used in various sectors such as entertainment, education, scientific visualization, and virtual reality. Computer Graphics can be used in UI design , rendering, geometric objects, animation, and many more. In most areas, computer graphics is an abbreviation of CG.

Computer Graphics refers to several things

  • The manipulation and the representation of the image or the data in a graphical manner.
  • Various technology is required for the creation and manipulation.
  • Digital synthesis and its manipulation.

Types of Computer Graphics

  • Raster Graphics: In raster, graphics pixels are used for an image to be drawn. It is also known as a bitmap image in which a sequence of images is into smaller pixels. Basically, a bitmap indicates a large number of pixels together.
  • Vector Graphics: In vector graphics , mathematical formulae are used to draw different types of shapes, lines, objects, and so on.

There are many applications of computer graphics discussed below-

  • Computer Graphics are used for the aided design of systems engineering and architectural systems- These are used in electrical automobiles and electro-mechanical, and electronic devices. For example gears and bolts.
  • Computer Art – MS Paint.
  • Presentation Graphics – It is used to summarize financial statistical scientific or economic data. For example- Bar charts systems and line charts.
  • Entertainment- It is used in motion pictures, music videos, and television gaming.
  • Education and training- It is used to understand the operations of complex systems. It is also used for specialized systems such as framing for captains, pilots, and so on.
  • Visualization- To study trends and patterns. For example- Analyzing satellite photos of earth.

Why are Computer Graphics used?

Imagine a car manufacturing company that wants to showcase its vehicle sales over the past decade. Storing and presenting this huge amount of data can be both time-consuming and memory-intensive. Furthermore, it can be difficult for the average person to understand. In such cases, by using graphics can be a more effective solution. By using charts and graphs to visually signify the data, it becomes much easier to understand and analyse the data.

Interactive computer graphics utilize a two-way communication concept between users and computers. The computer receives input signals from the user, and the picture is modified accordingly. When a command is applied, the picture updates promptly.

How To Get Started in Computer Graphics

Step by step process to getting started with computer graphics-

Step-1: Understaind the basics

Learn the fundamental and basics of computer graphics such as rendering, shading, animation, and modeling. Learn basic concepts of mathematics like linear algebra , geometry , and calculus as well as basic principles of physics that support computer graphics.

Step-2: Choose Your Area of Interest

Choose your area of interest like 2D-Graphics, 3D-Graphics, Animation, and special effect (VFX ).

Step-3: Learn Programming

Learn programming language that is used in graphics, such as Python , C++ , and JavaScript . Learn about Graphics Libraries and APIs like OpenGL , Vulkan, DirectX, and frameworks like WebGL that is used in web based graphics.

Step-4: Use Graphics Software

Learn about modeling and animation tools such as Blender , Autodesk Maya , or 3ds Max for 3D modeling and animation. Learn about 2D-Graphics software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and GIMP.

Step-5: Study and Practice

Take online courses and tutorials, many institution offer Computer Graphics course like Coursera, Udemy, and Khan Academy. And read textbooks like “Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice” by John F. Hughes. Now, Starts with simple projects, such as creating basic shapes and gradually move on to more complex scenes and animations.

Step-6:  Create a portfolio of your work

create your own projects and build an online portfolio to display your work, which is helpful for job application.

Step-7: Apply for jobs in computer graphics

If you aim to build a career in computer graphics and grow in this field, gaining experience is important. Search for entry-level positions, freelance, contract work, and internships. When searching for jobs, read the descriptions carefully to understand the responsibilities, required qualifications, and company details. This will help you find roles that align with your career goals and skill set.

Frequently Asked Question On Computer Graphics – FAQs

What are examples of computer graphics.

Examples of computer graphics are photographs, drawings, line art, mathematical graphs, line graphs, charts, diagrams, typography, numbers, symbols, geometric designs, maps, engineering drawings, or other images. Graphics often combine text, illustration, and color.

What are the different types of computer graphics?

There are two type of computer graphics Vector graphics Raster graphics

What are the basic elements of computer graphics?

Basic elements of computer graphics included Line, Shape, Form, Texture, Space, Imagery, Typography, Color.

What are the main application of computer graphics?

main application of computer graphics are in marketing, entertainment, education, healthcare, architecture.

What are the four type of computer graphics?

Four type of computer graphics are Raster graphics Vector graphics 3D-Graphics Animation

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assignment on computer graphics

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to computer graphics, focusing on fundamental concepts and techniques, as well as their cross-cutting relationship to multiple problem domains in interactive graphics (such as rendering, animation, geometry, image processing). Topics include: 2D and 3D drawing, sampling, interpolation, rasterization, image compositing, the GPU graphics pipeline (and parallel rendering), geometric transformations, curves and surfaces, geometric data structures, subdivision, meshing, spatial hierarchies, image processing, compression, time integration, physically-based animation, and inverse kinematics.

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Browse Course Material

Course info, instructors.

  • Prof. Wojciech Matusik
  • Prof. Frédo Durand


  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

As Taught In

  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Graphics and Visualization
  • Programming Languages

Learning Resource Types

Computer graphics, assignments.

This course makes use of Athena, MIT’s UNIX-based computing environment. OCW does not provide access to this environment.

In each assignment’s handout, there is a section called “Getting Started” that explains how to use the executable files. Later sections in each assignment handout tell which files should be modified to complete the assignment.

0 OpenGL Mesh Viewer

(This ZIP file contains: 1 .cpp file, 3 .obj files, 1 .dll file, 3 .vcxproj files and 3 file folders.)
1 Curves and Surfaces

(This ZIP file contains: 5 .cpp files, 5 .o files, 6 .h files and 1 file folder.) (This ZIP file contains: 5 .cpp files, 6 .h files, 1 .dll file, 3 .vcxproj files and 4 file folders.) (This ZIP file contains: 5 .cpp files, 6 .h files and 2 file folders.)
2 Hierarchical Modeling &SSD

(This ZIP file contains: 10 .cpp files, 10 .h files, 1 .dll file, 3 .vcxproj files and 5 file folders.) (This ZIP file contains: 10 .cpp files, 10 .h files, 1 .dll file, 3 .vcxproj files and 5 file folders.)
3 Particles

(This ZIP file contains: 7 .cpp files, 1 .a file, 5 .h files, 1 .hpp file, 3 .vcxproj files and 3 file folders.)
4 Ray Casting

(This ZIP file contains: 5 .cpp files, 3 .obj files, 13 .h files, 3 .hpp files, 3 .vcxproj files and 2 file folders.)
5 Ray Tracing


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CS4620 (5620) Introduction to Computer Graphics

Cs4621 (5621) computer graphics practicum.

Cornell University

Online sections W 3pm, Th 11:30am, Eastern time

Graduate TAs

Joy Zhang Albert Tsao

Camryn Gray Dongqing Wang Jarrett Coleman Lily Lin Palini Ramnarayan Shuyan Huang

See below for the office hours calendar.

The projects are the centerpiece of CS4620. There will be 4 projects during the semester, broken up into weekly assignments. Each project has some less open-ended and more open-ended components. Many projects will result in unique software artifacts that you can show off after the semester. After you finish each project we'll have a demo meeting where you'll explain and demonstrate what you've done to one of the course staff.

This semester's schedule for CS4620 is a little different. We will use several pre-recorded short talks each week to explain new material, give quizzes to help you finish the videos each week, and then discuss questions about the material in weekly recitations, at office hours, and at project group meetings. This format is a work in progress, so some of the details may change as we gain more experience with it.

You can find links to the video lectures in the table below, and the discussion sections happen in Zoom meetings that are set up through the CS4620/5620 Canvas page . As a particular exception for students who are still shopping around, the first week's meetings can be joined from the links in the schedule below (Cornell NetID required).

Readings are from the Fundamentals of Computer Graphics textbook listed below , unless otherwise noted.

Note that the exact timing of topics (and the topics themselves) is highly likely to change, so the schedule below is just a rough indication of what to expect.

Office Hours

There will be no exams in CS4620 or CS4621 this semester.

About CS4620

Questions, help, discussion: The instructors are available to answer questions, advise on projects, or just to discuss interesting topics related to the class at office hours and by appointment as needed. For electronic communication we are using Piazza (handy link at the top of this page).

Late policy: The CS4620 late policy is described in one of the first lectures. Briefly, you have slip days that you can use to turn assignments in late, with some number of total late days and some limit on how many can be used on any one assignment.

Practicum: In the optional practicum course, CS4621/5621, you will get a more in-depth exposure to the course material and complete additional projects that extend the assignments from 4620/5620.

Academic integrity: We assume the work you hand in is your own, and the results you hand in are generated by your program. You are welcome to read whatever you want to learn what you need to do the work, but we do expect you to build your own implementations. If you are ever in doubt, just include a citation in your code or report indicating clearly and specifically where some particular idea or implementation came from, whether it be a classmate, a web site, another piece of software, or anything—this always maintains your honesty, whether the source was used in a good way or not.

The principle is that an assignment is an academic document, like a journal article. When you turn it in, you are claiming that everything in it is your original idea (or is original to you and your partner, if you are handing in as a pair) unless you cite a source for it.

School can be stressful, and your coursework and other factors can put you under a lot of pressure, but that is never a reason for dishonesty. If you feel you can't complete the work on your own, come talk to the professor or the TAs, or your advisor, and we can help you figure out what to do. Think before you hand in!

Clear-cut cases of dishonesty will result in failing the course.

For more information see Cornell's Code of Academic Integrity.

Collaboration: You are welcome (encouraged, even) to discuss projects among yourselves in general terms. But when it comes to implementing the projects, you need to be working just with your project group. In particular, it is always a bad idea for you to see another student's implementation of an assignment you are working on, and certainly never OK to copy parts of one person's or team's writeup, code, or results into another's, even if the general solution was worked out together.

fourth edition
(Available in Cornell library)

Supplemental Books:

assignment on computer graphics

Welcome to the CS 148 Fall 2023 Website!

If you are a student, then please make sure that you are registered on both for access to lecture recordings and the for interacting with the course staff!

This is the introductory prerequisite course in the computer graphics sequence which introduces students to the technical concepts behind creating synthetic computer generated images. The beginning of the course focuses on using Blender to create visual imagery, as well as an understanding of the underlying mathematical concepts including triangles, normals, interpolation, texture mapping, bump mapping, etc. Then we move on to a more fundamental understanding of light and color, as well as how it impacts computer displays and printers. From this we discuss more thoroughly how light interacts with the environment, and we construct engineering models such as the BRDF and discuss various simplifications into more basic lighting and shading models. Finally, we discuss ray tracing technology for creating virtual images, while drawing parallels between ray tracers and real world cameras in order to illustrate various concepts. Anti-aliasing and acceleration structures are also discussed. The final class project consists of building out a ray tracer to create a visually compelling image. Starter codes and code bits will be provided here and there to aid in development, but this class focuses on what you can do with the code as opposed to what the code itself looks like. Therefore grading is weighted towards in person "demos" of the code in action - creativity and the production of impressive visual imagery are highly encouraged.

This is the first course in the computer graphics sequence at Stanford. Topics include: Scanline Rendering; Triangles; Rasterization; Transformations; Shading; Triangle Meshes; Subdivision; Marching Cubes; Textures; Light; Color; Cameras; Displays; Tone Mapping; BRDF; Lighting Equation; Global Illumination; Radiosity; Ray Tracing; Acceleration Structures; Sampling; Antialiasing; Reflection; Transmission; Depth of Field; Motion Blur; Monte Carlo; Bidirectional Ray Tracing; Light Maps.


  • CS 107, MATH 51
  • Must be fluent in Python.
  • We will assume knowledge of the following mathematical topics
  • Vectors, vector operations, and vector spaces
  • Basic linear algebra, such as solving a system of linear equations

Meeting Times

Feb 1
Feb 3
Feb 8
Feb 10
Feb 15
Feb 17
Feb 22
Feb 24
Mar 1
Mar 3
Mar 8
Mar 10
Mar 15
Mar 17
Mar 22
Mar 24
Mar 29
Mar 31
Apr 5
Apr 7
Apr 12
Apr 14
Apr 19
Apr 21
Apr 26
Apr 28
May 3
May 5
May 14 (8:30-11:30am)
--> -->
(Due 2/8)
(Due 2/10)
(Due 2/22)
(Due 3/1)
(Due 3/17)
(Due 3/24)
(Due 4/7)
(Due 4/19)
(Due 4/28)
(Due 5/7)

Thanks to past course contributors: Kayvon Fatahalian, Stelian Coros, Michael Choquette, Se-Joon Chung, Sky Gao, Qiuyi Jia, Nick Sharp, Zach Shearer, Maxwell Slater, Bryce Summers.

The final project showcase is out! View the gallery!


Drawing Triangles

Sampling, Aliasing, Antialiasing


Texture Mapping

Transforms/Texture Mapping

Assignment 1 Released

Rasterization Pipeline

Intro to Geometry, Splines, and Bezier Curves

Splines/Bezier Curves

Geometry Processing

Ray Tracing

Half Edges/Ray-Surface Intersection

Assigment 1 Due

Assignment 2 Released

Ray Tracing Acceleration

Radiometry and Photometry

Ray Tracing/Radiometry

Monte Carlo Integration

Global Illumination & Path Tracing

Probability/Monte Carlo Estimators

Assignment 2 Due

Assignment 3-1 Released

Material Modeling

Cameras & Lenses

Cameras & Lenses cont.

Light Field Cameras

Assignment 3-1 Due

Assignment 3-2 Released

Intro to Animation

Spring Break - No Lecture

Intro to Physical Simulation

Light Fields

Assignment 4 Released

Intro to Character Animation

Final Project Released

Assignment 3-2 Due (Fri 4/2)

Intro to Color Science

Animation/Simulation/Kinematics Worksheet , Code

Intro to Color Science II

Image Sensors

Assignment 4 Due

Digital Image Processing

Midterm Review

Inverse Graphics/Research in Angjoo's Group

Research in Ren's Group

COS 426: Computer Graphics

Spring 2020.

  • Description

Computer graphics is the intersection of computer science, geometry, physics, and art. This course will study topics in this broad and remarkable field, with an emphasis on practical methods and applications. In particular, the course will provide an extensive introduction to image processing, modeling, rendering, and computer animation. The goal of this course is to equip students with the various tools and techniques they need to build large projects with significant graphical components; this includes applications for realizing artistic visions (art and architecture), user interaction (UI/UX development), entertainment products (video games, CGI, animations, and augmented reality), visualizations and academic research (physics, biology, chemistry, engineering, and other disciplines), etc.

Topics include: color theory, sampling, image processing, image compositing, mesh representations, mesh processing, parametric curves and surfaces, implicit surfaces, subdivision surfaces, geometric data structures, geometric transformations, ray casting, lighting and reflectance, global illumination, rasterization, scan conversion, particle systems, animation, computer games, fabrication, etc.

  • Prerequisites

The course is appropriate for students who have taken COS 217 and COS 226 (or equivalent). JavaScript will be the main programming language; however no prior knowledge of the language is required for students who wish to enroll in this course.

  • Lectures and Precepts

Lectures are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00–4:20PM over Zoom.

Precept is held on Wednesday and Thursday from 7:30–8:20PM in Friend Center 008. Students may attend either (or both) during any week, regardless of their registration. In general, precept attendance is highly encouraged.

  • Required Reading

Computer Graphics with OpenGL

There is one required textbook for this course:

Computer Graphics with OpenGL , 4th Ed., Hearn, Baker, and Carithers. Prentice Hall, 2010. ISBN: 978-0136053583.

In the past, most students have found it is possible to pass the course without opening the textbook once, as almost all graded material is provided through lecture and precepts; nevertheless, this textbook will prove extremely useful for especially eager and motivated students who wish to pursue further studies in computer graphics. In addition to covering graphics concepts that could not otherwise squeeze into this course, the textbook contains wonderful C++ and OpenGL implementations that all graphics programmers would be well-suited to know.

Staff contact information is listed below, but students seeking help should keep in mind that it is almost always more appropriate to post their question to Piazza rather than emailing an individual member of the course staff.

Felix Heide

Felix Heide

  • Office Hours

Tuesday after class

Darby Haller

Graduate TA

Darby Haller

Tuesday 1–2pm

Ethan Tseng

Ethan Tseng

Monday 4–5pm

Yuting Yang

Yuting Yang

Monday 3–4pm

Alice Gao

Undergraduate TA

Friday 11am–12pm, Saturday 12–2pm, and Sunday 2–3pm

Daniel Chae

Daniel Chae

Friday 1–3pm, and Saturday 2–3pm

June Ho Park

June Ho Park

Sunday 1–3pm, as well as Precept Problem Sessions

Lucas Salvador

Lucas Salvador

Friday 12–2pm

Phillip Yoon

Phillip Yoon

Friday 2–4pm, and Sunday 9–11pm

Reilly Bova

Reilly Bova

Sunday 2–4pm, as well as Precept Problem Sessions

William Sweeny

William Sweeny

Friday 11am–1pm, and Sunday 3–5pm, as well as Precept Problem Sessions

The precepts for this class follow the “flipped classroom” methodology and serve to assist students with their assignments. During the first 10–15 minutes of precept, instructors briefly review precept materials with the entire class; these precept materials generally consist of “tips and tricks” slides for current assignment. It is highly recommended that students read through an assignment’s precept slides (in their entirety) before starting work on the assignment itself.

Following review, the precept then turns into a problem session , during which instructors are available as LabTAs to answer students’ questions individually and to provide personal assignment troubleshooting.

  • Expectations

COS 426 is a 400-level class. For students concentrating in Computer Science, this course will be marked as a senior departmental on their transcript. Accordingly, students should not only expect to be held to higher standards, but should also expect less hand-holding in general than they may find in 300-level courses and below.

In particular, students should not expect LabTAs to give them the answer to an assignment problem after enough pestering. Course staff are available to help students with their learning, not their grade. Here is a list of what instructors can help with:

Course staff are happy to help explain course concepts or general techniques that students may be confused about.

  • e.g. “Could you please explain image convolution?”

Course staff are happy to clarify assignment specs, provided the clarification is not about an intentional ambiguity.

  • e.g. “Should this filter rotate the image clockwise or counterclockwise?”

Course staff are happy to give the occasional starting hint (but no more) to put students on the right track for a certain problem.

  • e.g. “The runtime of the brush filter should not exceed 4r^2 per center.”

Course staff are happy to answer questions about JavaScript syntax.

  • e.g. “How can I iterate over entries in an Object?”
  • Course staff will give modest debugging assistance only once students have demonstrated that they understand the solution to a problem at a high level (in other words, after students explain what they are trying to do, and that explanation is correct).

Unless a student has a JavaScript syntax question, instructors will not look at any code until the student has demonstrated that they understand the solution to the problem they need help with (see the last bullet point above). Second, unless it’s a syntax issue, instructors will not fix a student’s code for them. They will simply state what region of the code looks wrong. Also, if a student’s explanation is incorrect, instructors will not fix it for them. Course staff will either state what part of it is wrong, and / or ask a question to give the student something to think about.

Undergraduate LabTAs are available to help students during both precepts. LabTAs are also available in the Friend Fishbowl room Friday 11am–4pm, Saturday 12–3pm, and Sunday 1–5pm & 9–11pm.

Graduate course staff are available over Zoom from 3–5pm on Mondays, and 1–2pm on Tuesdays. Professor Heide’s office hours are held Tuesday after class in the Zoom lecture meeting.

  • Course Grades

Grade Chart

Final grades are based on six biweekly programming assignments (60%), one written exam (15%), a final programming project (20%), and course participation (5%). Throughout the semester, there will ample opportunities for extra credit and student participation. In particular, students are highly encouraged both to enter each assignment art contest, as well as to engage regularly with their peers on Piazza .

  • Written Exam

Only one exam is administered during this course. Currently, this exam is scheduled to be taken in-class on the Thursday of midterms week. The exam is closed-book; however, students are permitted to each bring an 8.5x11” double-sided cheat-sheet . The written exam covers all course material up through (and including) Week 5. Students may be tested on any and all graphics concepts touched on through lectures, readings, and assignments during this period. Examples of exams from previous offerings of this course will be posted; however, note that past exams may have covered different material. Students may also find the qualitative exercises available on the course website helpful when preparing for the exam, but they should expect more quantitative questions on the exam itself.

Although the six weeks of course material that follow the exam are not covered on any written test, it is still “tested” through strict no-collaboration questions that are introduced into assignment writeups following Spring Recess. Effectively, these questions will serve as a second “take-home” exam spread throughout the later assignments. This is done in order alleviate the dependency of students’ final grades on their sole written exam grade, while also testing material without overburdening students with tedious and stressful examinations. Note that the grades for no-collaboration questions are incorporated into assignment grades rather than into exam grades.

  • Programming Assignments

There are six biweekly programming assignments. Assignments are not weighted evenly. Assignments will be implemented mostly in JavaScript. Any computer and browser may be used for development, however students should ensure that their programs work on Chrome with the latest release of macOS, as this is the environment in which submissions are tested and graded.

Assignments are submitted via the Princeton CS Dropbox, also known as TigerFile. Students should look for the submission link in the description of each assignment, login with their Princeton netID, and then submit all applicable files by the posted deadline. Students may resubmit and unsubmit files as needed up until the submission deadline. Further alterations will result in the assignment being marked as late.

When submitting an assignment, all code, writeup, input images, output images, overlay images, etc., should be packed into a single folder titled “assignmentN” (where N is the assignment number — eg. , assignment0) and compressed. In the interest of preserving space, it is requested that all images are submitted in .jpg format.

  • Final Project

The final project is a chance for students to build a system incorporating one or more idea that has been learned in class. Projects should be done in groups of two or three (other team sizes are permitted with permission of an instructor). The focus of the project can be anything of the group’s choosing, as long as it somehow involves computer graphics. Many students choose to create games, or art demos, but it really can be anything.

Students are welcome to recycle code infrastructure provided for previous assignments, and they are also permitted to borrow ideas or other code infrastructure from the web or elsewhere. However, teams should be very careful to distinguish which parts they contributed to directly, and which other parts are loaned from elsewhere. Moreover, while it is ok to use common libraries/infrastructure, they should not dwarf students’ own code in terms of their role in the project. In particular, if a hypothetical group were to make a game, they should not build on top of a highly polished and complete game engine like Unity.

  • Late Policy

Assignments are due at 11:55PM on their posted due dates, where submission time is determined by the file date of the file upload. Following a very brief grace period (which students should confirm with an instructor beforehand), one minute late is the same as one day late. Note that if any part of an assignment is submitted late, the entire assignment will be marked late. To submit an assignment late, remove all uploads from the online submission system, since instructors will grade partial submissions as-is (whereas no submissions are marked late). Note that work cannot be accepted after Dean’s Date without a Dean’s recommendation.

Late assignments are marked down 1/4 of the full grade per day or partial day late. This said, students may elect to wave up to three days of late penalties. Additional late penalties will be waived only in the case of unforeseeable circumstances like medical emergencies, as documented by a student’s Dean or Director of Studies. Note that late days cannot be used for the final project as it is due on Dean’s Date

Students who feel they have been incorrectly graded may write a short private Piazza post describing the potential grading mistake. All regrade requests must be posted within two weeks of when the potential grading error was made.

  • Collaboration Policy

Programming is an individual creative process much like composition. Students must reach their own understanding of the problem and discover a path to its solution. During this time, discussions among students in this course about the assignments is not only permitted but encouraged . Moreover, those who find they benefit from bouncing ideas off of their peers are encouraged to work in pairs .

Note that this is somewhat more relaxed than the collaboration policies of COS 126, COS 226, COS 217, etc., in the sense the conceptual components (ideation, brain-storming, understanding, problem-solving) of all assignments are partnered, even though programming components of assignments are still individual. This relaxed policy does not mean pairs are allowed share all their code with one another. Here is an executive summary:

Your PartnerCourse StaffCOS 426 GradsClassmatesThe Internet
Discuss Concepts With:
Acknowledge Collaboration With:
Expose Code/Solutions To:
View Code/Solutions Of:
Copy Code/Solutions From:
Discuss Concepts With:
Acknowledge Collaboration With:
Expose Code/Solutions To:
View Code/Solutions Of:
Copy Code/Solutions From:
  • Individual Solutions

Students must individually compose all of their own solutions. The term solutions refers to any of the products created when completing a programming assignment excluding the writeup file, such as source code (including comments), a personal understanding of all submitted work, and output images. It includes both finished and unfinished products, regardless of correctness or completeness.

  • Students must never share their code with anyone (besides their current partner) who is taking COS 426 now or who might take COS 426 in the future. Note that sharing output artwork with others is not only permitted but encouraged, so long as doing so does not expose solution specifics.
  • Students must never receive or view someone else’s solutions to a programming assignment (or variant of an assignment), besides that of their current partner.
  • Students must never view someone else’s writeup, including that of their current partner.

All the rules above continue to apply after assignments are graded and after the end of the semester.

  • Collaboration with Course Staff

Students are welcome to discuss their solutions with course staff members during the precept problem sessions, in office hours, and via private Piazza posts.

  • Collaboration with Partners

Students may show their partial or complete solution to another student, and they may examine their solutions. However, all submitted code must be fully understood and more specifically typed into the computer by student submitting the assignment. If a student sees and understands another student’s solution (perhaps because they are working as a pair) then they should take a minute to think about it and then type their own version of the solution.

For each assignment, students must specifically state in their writeup file the names of any individuals with whom they collaborated, or from whom they received help, and the nature of the help that they received. This includes help from friends, the internet, classmates, and course staff members, among others.

  • Collaboration with Classmates

Students are encouraged to discuss common concerns with classmates either in private or publicly in the Piazza course forum. These discussions must be kept at a general level, without exposing their solutions.

  • Concerning Electronic Communication

If a student has a question or comment that will be helpful to other students, and they need not reveal any parts of their work to express the question or comment properly, then they should post it to the course’s Piazza page. One of the course’s instructors will reply as soon as possible. Instructors also welcome replies from other students and may “endorse” a student’s response instead of composing an instructor’s response.

If a student has a question or comment that will not be helpful to other students, or if they must reveal parts of their work to express their question or comment adequately, then they should post it privately on Piazza .

Students should not, under any circumstances, share code in digital form!

Please do not publish solutions to programming assignments in a way that could compromise their utility as pedagogical tools. For example, do not make them available on a publicly accessible web page, such as GitHub. At Princeton, this is a violation of the basic Rights, Rules, Responsibilities of members of the University community.

Plagiarism and abetting plagiarism are serious academic infractions. Programming is a creative work and the academic regulations that apply to plagiarizing prose also apply to plagiarizing code. Princeton’s Rights, Rules, Responsibilities defines plagiarism as “the use of any outside source without proper acknowledgment.” It ranges from “verbatim copying” (e.g., cutting-and-pasting code) to “thorough paraphrasing” (e.g., changing variable names or rearranging code).

  • Copying from a Partner

The more lenient collaboration policy for this course is a privilege; it is founded in the trust between students and instructors. If students are caught breaking this trust by violating the collaboration policy, they risk having this policy revoked for the entire class.

  • Outside Sources & Citations

Students are only permitted to copy or adapt that is not theirs if it comes from the course materials (i.e., the course textbook, programming assignment specifications, lecture slides, precept slides, etc.). When students use outside sources, they must cite any code that they copy or adapt (with the exception of code that is included in the assignment starter files).

  • Plagiarism Penalties

We refer alleged academic violations (including plagiarism and abetting plagiarism) to the Committee on Discipline . If found responsible, the typical penalty is an F as a course grade plus whatever penalty that the CoD imposes. (The typical CoD penalty for plagiarism is suspension from the University for one year.) Violators of course policies that are not adjudicated by the CoD will receive penalties based on the severity of the violation, ranging from a warning (for violations that are both unintentional and innocuous) to an F in the course (for violations that are both intentional and serious).

  • Acknowledgements

The COS 426 course staff would like to thank former COS 426 undergraduate and two-time TA Reilly Bova ’20 for creating this beautiful website and revising all the assignment specifications. We would also like to thank William Sweeney ’20 and Reilly Bova together for rewriting the precept slides and compiling supplementary content for the course.


Computer Graphics

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assignment on computer graphics

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assignment on computer graphics


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Here are 7 public repositories matching this topic..., amey-thakur / computer-graphics-and-computer-graphics-lab.

CSC404: Computer Graphics [CG] & CSL402: Computer Graphics Lab [CG Lab] <Semester IV>

  • Updated Mar 13, 2024

aeris170 / SuperQuadricRenderer

Bilkent University Computer Graphics course Assignment 3.

  • Updated Apr 27, 2020

OfficialBishal / DreamyWorld

Computer Graphics Stick-Figure Project using Adobe Animate CC

  • Updated Jan 24, 2020

sonowz / graphics-demo

Self-study & Computer graphics class raytrace assignment demonstration

  • Updated May 29, 2018

oktaviacitra / final-project-computer-graphic


  • Updated Jan 3, 2020

aeglon97 / Computer-Graphics

A software application similar to Paint

  • Updated Sep 19, 2018

kvssandhu / CGM_practicals

IPU : GTBIT : Computer Graphics & Multimedia Programs in C

  • Updated Dec 5, 2019

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  1. Introduction to Computer Graphics

    Computer Graphics including digital images, animations, and interactive graphics used in various sectors such as entertainment, education, scientific visualization, and virtual reality. Computer Graphics can be used in UI design, rendering, geometric objects, animation, and many more. In most areas, computer graphics is an abbreviation of CG.

  2. Computer Graphics

    Download Course. This course provides introduction to computer graphics algorithms, software and hardware. Topics include: ray tracing, the graphics pipeline, transformations, texture mapping, shadows, sampling, global illumination, splines, animation and color. This course offers 6 Engineering Design Points in MIT's EECS program.

  3. 15-462 Computer Graphics I / Assignments

    15-462 Computer Graphics I Assignments. The programming and written assignments are the heart of this course and count for 65% of your total grade. Much of what you learn in this course will be through doing these assignments. The programming assignments require heavy use of the OpenGL libraries. Like any large library, it has its ...

  4. Intro2Graphics: Introduction to Computer Graphics

    Course Description. Introduction to the principles of computer graphics in two and three dimensions. Topics include basic computational geometry and shape representation, transformations and animation, basic digital image processing and filtering, ray tracing, perspective and 3-D viewing, the graphics pipeline, curves and surfaces, and human ...

  5. CS 148: Introduction to Computer Graphics and Imaging

    All of the assignments will be graded in a live-demo format since graphics, like art, is partially about presentation. Even computer graphics professionals often deliver only the final image with the coding behind the image considered disposable. You are required to attend and consult a CA for a (very) short live grading session.

  6. COS 426: Computer Graphics (2022)

    Description. Computer graphics lies at the intersection of computer science, geometry, physics, and art. This course provides an introduction to the field, with an emphasis on practical methods and applications in image processing, modeling, rendering, and computer animation. The goal of this course is to equip students with the tools and ...

  7. PDF Welcome to 6.837 Computer Graphics

    What you will learn in 6.837. Fundamentals of computer graphics algorithms. Will give a pretty good idea of how to implement lots of the things just shown. We will concentrate on 3D, not 2D illustration or image processing. Basics of real-time rendering and graphics hardware. Basic OpenGL.


    This course provides a comprehensive introduction to computer graphics, focusing on fundamental concepts and techniques, as well as their cross-cutting relationship to multiple problem domains in interactive graphics (such as rendering, animation, geometry, image processing). ... Programming Assignments. Jan 28: Assignment 1: Write Your own SVG ...

  9. Assignments

    Assignments. This course makes use of Athena, MIT's UNIX-based computing environment. OCW does not provide access to this environment. In each assignment's handout, there is a section called "Getting Started" that explains how to use the executable files.

  10. CS4620: Introduction to Computer Graphics

    The projects are the centerpiece of CS4620. There will be 4 projects during the semester, broken up into weekly assignments. Each project has some less open-ended and more open-ended components. Many projects will result in unique software artifacts that you can show off after the semester. After you finish each project we'll have a demo ...

  11. CS 148: Introduction to Computer Graphics and Imaging

    CS 148 fulfills the General Education Requirements (GER) as a Ways of Thinking/Ways of Doing (WAYS) course in the Creative Expression (WAY-CE) area. To satisfy this category, students need to enroll under the Letter Grade grading option; the WAY-CE requirement is not met by the Credit/No Credit option. The course grade will be 50% Homework and ...

  12. PDF Computer Graphics

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  13. 15-462 Computer Graphics I / Assignments

    15-462 Computer Graphics IAssignments. 15-462 Computer Graphics I. Assignments. The programming and written assignments are the heart of this course and count for 65% of your total grade. Much of what you learn in this course will be through doing these assignments. The programming assignments require heavy use of the OpenGL libraries.

  14. computer-graphics-project · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    Pull requests. This is a C++ project that uses Windows API and OpenGL to create a graphical user interface (GUI) for drawing and manipulating 2D shapes. The project implements various algorithms for line, circle, ellipse, curve, filling, and clipping operations. The user can interact with the window using mouse only, and can choose the shape ...

  15. Computer Graphics : Spring 2021

    Computer Graphics (CMU 15-462/662) Basic Info. Mon/Wed 10:40am-12:00pm. Remote. Instructor: Nancy Pollard. See the course info page for more info on policies and logistics. Spring 2021 Schedule. Feb 1.

  16. CS171 (Computer Graphics I) course assignments

    This repository contains assignments and final project done during the course CS171.01 (Computer Graphics I) fall 2022, at ShanghaiTech University. For more details, you may refer to the course page. WARNING: You may utilize our implementations for reference or inspiration, but DO NOT violate the academic integrity requirements by copying any ...

  17. CS4406

    When multiple elements are nested within each other, how does the order of event handler execution work, especially when an event triggers on multiple levels? (This concept is related to "event bubbling" in the DOM.) Studying CS4406 Computer Graphics at University of the People? On Studocu you will find 73 assignments, 20 coursework, 10 lecture ...

  18. CS184/284A: Home

    Computer Graphics and Imaging. Date. Lecture. Discussion. Events. The final project showcase is out! View the gallery! Tue Jan 19. Introduction. Thu Jan 21. Drawing Triangles. ... Assignment 2 Due. Assignment 3-1 Released. Thu Mar 4. Material Modeling. Tue Mar 9. Cameras & Lenses. Materials. Exam 1. Thu Mar 11. Cameras & Lenses cont. Tue Mar 16.

  19. COS 426: Computer Graphics (2020)

    Description. Computer graphics is the intersection of computer science, geometry, physics, and art. This course will study topics in this broad and remarkable field, with an emphasis on practical methods and applications. In particular, the course will provide an extensive introduction to image processing, modeling, rendering, and computer ...

  20. Computer Graphics

    Computer graphics is one of the fundamental aspects of any computing system. Its primary role is to render the digital content (0's and 1's) in a human-comprehensible form on the computer screen. ... Average assignment score = 25% of average of best 6 assignments out of the total 8 assignments given in the course.

  21. computer-graphics-assignment · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    To associate your repository with the computer-graphics-assignment topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics." GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.

Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Duration : 8 weeks
Category :
Credit Points : 2
Start Date : 26 Jul 2021
End Date : 17 Sep 2021
Enrollment Ends : 09 Aug 2021
Exam Date : 26 Sep 2021 IST