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Best 30 Profitable Village Business Ideas in 2024

  • December 21, 2023
  • by Next What Business Research Team

Villages and rural areas offer unique opportunities for entrepreneurship. They are often rich in resources, traditions, and untapped potential. If you have the right business idea, there is a huge opportunity to not only positively impact the economy of villages, but also make serious money. Here in this article, we have explored the most profitable village business ideas that are well-suited for rural areas, along with frequently asked questions (FAQs) to guide aspiring entrepreneurs.

30 Village and Rural Business Ideas

1. agri-tourism.

India’s agrarian terrain provides a wider range of agri-tourism ventures. You need to determine the specific aspects of agriculture you want to showcase. It could be organic farming, traditional crop cultivation, or livestock rearing. Here are some specialized niches within the agro-tourism business:

  • Organic Farm Tours
  • Vineyard Tourism
  • Herb and Medicinal Plant Gardens
  • Floral Farm Experiences
  • Agro-forestry Retreats
  • Tea Plantation Tours
  • Spice Farm Experiences
  • Culinary Farm Stays
  • Host Agricultural Fairs and Festivals
  • Livestock Farm Experiences

You can promote your agro-tourism business through word-of-mouth, regional tourism boards, social media, and other channels to advertise your agri-tourism business.

2. Start an Online Business

Several online businesses can help villagers reach a larger customer base and generate income while promoting local products and services. Some of them are listed below:

  • E-Commerce Store for Local Products: Create an online shop to showcase and sell locally-made handicrafts, agricultural produce, and other unique products from the village.
  • Online Grocery Delivery: Set up an online grocery store that allows villagers to order essential items and have them delivered to their doorstep.
  • Online Tutoring Services: Offer online tutoring in subjects like mathematics, languages, or vocational skills to students in the village and nearby areas.
  • Start a Blog: If you have expertise in a specific area, consider starting a blog and making money online from home.

3. Start a Small Manufacturing Unit

If you have some additional space in your home or backyard in your village, consider starting a home-based manufacturing business . There are plenty of manufacturing businesses you can start in rural areas. Some of them are listed below:

  • Agro-Processing Units
  • Handloom and Textiles
  • Food Processing
  • Herbal and Ayurvedic Products
  • Clay and Pottery
  • Bamboo and Cane Products
  • Soap and Detergent Manufacturing
  • Brick and Tile Making
  • Herbal Cosmetics
  • Biofuel Production

4. Poultry Farming

Start a small-scale poultry farm to supply fresh eggs and meat to local markets and households. It is one of the most lucrative village business ideas at present.

5. Dairy Farming

The demand for milk is growing. You can establish a dairy farm to produce and sell milk, yoghurt, and other dairy products to nearby towns and villages.

6. Handicrafts Business

You can work together with regional craftspeople who are experts in traditional crafts. Try to create a workshop or studio where the goods can be produced and shown. To reach a larger audience, establish an online presence through a website or social media. Also,  take part in regional craft fairs, shows, and events to display your handmade creations.

7. Goat Farming

There is a big demand for Meat and dairy products from goats in India. If you are short in budget, consider beginning with a small herd and scaling up as profit comes in.

8. Rural Retail Store

Open a retail store offering daily essentials, groceries, and household items in areas with limited access to such facilities. If you have a space with a good frontage, consider starting a retail shop. A retail shop is without saying one of the most popular village business ideas across the world.

9. Solar Products Business

There is a considerable shortage of electricity in most villages. Nowadays, solar energy has become a solid alternative to traditional electricity sources. You can open a solar shop and sell solar lamps, panels, and other renewable energy solutions to address rural energy needs.

10. Medicinal Herbs Farming

There is no shortage of land in village areas. You can cultivate medicinal herbs and plants for sale to pharmaceutical companies and herbal medicine practitioners.

11. Livestock Feed Production

You can consider starting a business producing nutritious livestock feed for local farmers and animal rearers.

12. Beekeeping

The profit margin of honey is good. You can tap this market by initiating a beekeeping venture in your village to produce and sell honey and other bee-related products.

13. Mobile Repair Shop

The sales of mobile phones have increased hugely in the last few years. Hence, there is a huge demand for repair services. If you have the necessary experience, consider opening a mobile phone and gadget repair service shop in your village.

14. Food Processing

Rural areas are ideal for starting a food processing venture. You can establish a food processing unit for products such as pickles, jams, dairy products, etc. 15. Handloom and Weaving Business

If you have the requisite knowledge of handloom and weaving art, consider reviving traditional handloom and weaving practices to create unique fabrics and clothing.

16. Rural Health Clinic

The healthcare facilities in most villages and rural areas are still inadequate. You can establish a health clinic providing basic medical services and healthcare products.

17. Bio-Fertilizer Production

There has been significant growth in the bio-fertilizer industry. You can manufacture organic bio-fertilizers to support sustainable farming practices and make a good profit.

18. Rural Education Center

Education is yet another sector that requires improvement in villages. You can launch an education center offering vocational training, literacy programs, and skill development courses.

19. Rural Tourism Guide

Many villages have unexplored and attractive destinations. You can become a tour guide showcasing local attractions, heritage sites, and cultural experiences.

20. Vermicomposting Business

It is observed that, unlike chemical fertilizers, the nutrients in earthworm compost are very easily absorbed by the roots of plants. There is a good demand for vermicompost among farmers. You can Start a vermicomposting unit in your village to recycle organic waste into nutrient-rich compost and make good money selling to farmers.

21. Cottage Industry Products

A village is an ideal place to start a cottage industry. You can manufacture cottage industry products like candles, incense sticks , and handmade soap and make a good profit.

22. Rural Catering Services

The catering industry is growing in villages and rural areas. You can start a catering business and provide services for weddings, festivals, and other social events, showcasing traditional cuisine.

23. Fish Farming

One of the most traditionally profitable village business ideas is fish farming. You can utilize ponds and water bodies for fish farming to meet the local demand for fresh fish.

24. Organic Farming

If you have vacant land, organic farming can be an ideal business to start at present. You can grow organic fruits, vegetables, and crops and ensure that your produce is free of chemicals. You can sell your produce to neighbourhood shops, farmers’ markets, and local eateries.

25. Farm-to-Table Service Restaurant

You can start a farm-to-table restaurant by procuring fresh vegetables and making delicious local cuisine for visitors and tourists.

26. Local Food Truck

There is a good demand for food trucks in rural areas. You can start a food truck serving traditional and regional delicacies to both locals and tourists.

27. Papad Business

The demand for Papad as a snack item remains throughout the year. Hence, you can consider starting a papad-making unit using locally available ingredients.

28. Rural Internet Cafe

More and more people in villages are exploring the online space. However, not everyone has computers at their house. You can set up an Internet cafe that offers digital services and basic computer literacy training.

29. Rural Transportation Services

Most rural areas face challenges in commuting from one place to another. You can offer transport services, such as bike rentals, auto-rickshaws, or small-scale public transport to improve local mobility.

30. Community Radio Station

Launching a community radio station in a village is a powerful way to amplify local voices, share stories, and foster community engagement. To start you will need to Obtain licenses, set up a studio, and involve the community in content creation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of starting a business in rural areas.

Some of the key advantages of starting a business in village and rural areas are as follows:

  • Job creation
  • Economic growth
  • Skill utilization
  •  Sustainable growth

How do I identify the right village business idea for a rural area?

Research local needs, available resources, and the demand for specific products or services. Speak to local communities and analyze the market potential.

What funding options are available for rural entrepreneurs?

Explore government schemes, rural development programs, microfinance institutions, and crowdfunding platforms.

How can I market my village business effectively?

Utilize word-of-mouth marketing, community engagement, and social media. Leverage the local network to reach potential customers.

Can I run an online business in rural areas?

Yes, many online businesses, such as e-commerce stores, content creation, and digital services, can be operated from rural areas.

How important is sustainability in village businesses?

Sustainability is vital as it ensures the preservation of natural resources, supports the local ecosystem, and fosters long-term growth.

Next What Business Research Team

The Editorial Staffs at NextWhatBusiness is a team of Business Consultants with years of experience in small and medium-scale manufacturing and service-based businesses.

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59 Best Small Business Ideas for People in Rural Areas with a Little Hustle

<a class="txt-link" href="https://www.nichepursuits.com/author/dayton-shane/">Shane Dayton</a>

By Shane Dayton

Last updated: March 13, 2024

rural business ideas

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There are plenty of great small business ideas for rural areas that prove there's still plenty of opportunities there.

Rural regions offer challenges but offer a low cost of living, a more relaxed pace of life, and plenty of chances to make money via a side hustle that truly helps out the community.

What's better than making good money as a small business owner? Being able to tangibly help revitalize a small town while doing it! So read on for our best small town business ideas.

Small Business Ideas for Rural Areas!

Here are 59 great business ideas for rural areas. Many that don't even require funding from a business loan to get started!

  • Build affiliate websites – If you think about it, this is perfect for a rural area. You're not competing with limited customers because you're online. The money you bring in from your business is likely from outside the area. Outside money can be a very big deal depending on how rural an area you live in. We recommend the Authority Site System if you want a course to help jumpstart your affiliate website career.
  • Woodworking – Many rural areas have no shortage of wood and trees available. Woodworking is in high demand and can be for huge projects or small intricate plaques. Both methods are a creative way to make really good money as a small town business.
  • Flip sneakers –  Done online. Unlike a small studio apartment in the city, you'll have plenty of space to buy, store, and wait for the perfect price to sell. Check out this course for a step-by-step guide to get started!
  • Remote office space – As forced work at home in 2020 really sped up the move to remote work, why spend $10,000 a month for a small office space in the city when 40 miles away, you can get triple the space for less than half the price? Renovating inexpensive buildings into nice offices with solid Internet will become a big business for any small town that can now benefit as a sleeper community.
  • Do surveys online. You can earn a couple hundred bucks a month without leaving your home completing online surveys.  Try InboxDollars.com and SwagBucks.com to get started.
  • Resell tickets – It's pretty much all done online now. Buy low, sell high, enjoy low rural cost of living! Check out this post on reselling concert tickets to learn how to start!
  • Furniture restoration – Buy old, worn-out furniture cheaply, restore it and touch it up, and then resell it at a higher price! There is a lot of old and hand-me-down furniture available in any small town to turn into a successful business. Check out our article on starting a profitable furniture-flipping business . If you have a truck to offer delivery, like on a platform like FetchTruck , this could be a major money-maker!
  • Hauling/large truck rental – Whether someone needs heavy furniture moved across town, to the local auction house, or are looking to pay someone for scrap removal, just owning a large truck for hauling can open up many doors for you. And it's the same situation here – simply join FetchTruck and start profiting from your truck!
  • Firewood delivery – If you grew up in cities, you might be surprised how many homes in small towns are still heated via wood burning stoves. Firewood delivery is a big business in many rural areas (check out our full guide on how to start a delivery business here).
  • Sell stock photography – Every outdoor, travel, or rural blogger can tell you the difficulty they've had finding the perfect picture for things you would think there would be plenty of photos for. Many sites allow photographers to upload and sell their pictures, like Shutterstock, to help you get your photography business off the ground.
  • Sell stock video – Those walks by the mountains or the woods might be second nature to you, but many bloggers would love video footage of that. Many stock photo sites also sell stock video. There are also sites that specialize in stock video. You can read about them here .
  • Off-the-grid power installation – Many farms, rural homes, and cabins in small towns are looking to install some solar panels or a windmill. If you know (or learn) how proper setup and installation works for off-the-grid energy, that's in high demand even in the most rural of areas.
  • Gravel road snow plowing – Many areas don't get snow service, especially off gravel and dirt roads. When I was young, I remember a phone call to my dad about plowing out some gravel roads (he had a Bobcat because, family sawmill). He had some choice words regarding the -20 wind chill and two feet of snow. A large cash offer later, bucket on the Bobcat, and multiple quilts tied to the side, the forklift was on its way to plow out some gravel roads. At least seasonally, the demand is always there!
  • Rural ride sharing – You might not automatically think of this as a small-town business idea. After all, Uber and Lyft are all about the city life. If you live in a town of 1500 miles from the next nearest rural village, no luck. But if you were known as the person happy to offer ride services, that could be really solid for rural areas known for valuing independent living. And you get to know your neighbors and provide a great service along the way!
  • Small business website creation – Almost everyone knows you need an online presence (check out the best small business websites here ). But many business owners don't know anyone to build a site or what to do from there. Offer the service to Mom and Pop small businesses in small towns, build the sites, and get paid!
  • Cabin or long-term camp construction – Whether an on-property guest cabin, long-term camp on heavily wooded property, or someplace to get even further from it all this is a great niche business for rural areas. Don't forget to YouTube the process for even more potential income!
  • Teach computer skills courses – Many very rural areas and small towns are last in line when it comes to infrastructure to support new technology. Things you take for granted like email, social media , and safe online browsing are actually skills adults in rural areas are eager to learn, that you can turn into your own business.
  • Revitalization support efforts – It's no secret many rural areas in the United States have fallen way behind economically. There are many programs for starting businesses, rebuilding infrastructure, and revitalizing once vibrant communities fallen on hard times. You feel good helping areas to rebuild for the future, and there's a LOT of state, federal, and private grant money in this area for companies who prove to be the real deal.
  • Open a gym – My home town (pop. 2600, Iowa) a few years back had someone build a very simple 24-hour gym in a small cinderblock building. It's small, simple, and sells a lot of memberships to people who want to work out on their schedule.
  • Storage units – Even in many rural small towns, sometimes you have too much stuff. Or you're moving and can't take it all in one go. Storage units are a reliable, relatively passive income business idea for rural areas.
  • Antique stores – You see a lot of these in some rural areas. Great hobby to business, and can work extremely well if you focus on online sales from your physical location.
  • Greenhouse/nursery – Valentine's Day happens everywhere. So do proms, memorial services, and other events. A good greenhouse can do very well no matter what the season.
  • Rural blogger – Micro affiliate sites might be a thing of the past, but many rural bloggers are doing really well. Cover local news and hidden attractions, share the beauty or uniqueness of a local area, and work with local partners while monetizing online. Learn how to start a blog .
  • Create local campsites – What to do if you have a lot of scenic land with nothing on it? Why not create a local campsite (with the help of these campsite name ideas )? Whether setting up cabins, an RV site, or primitive camping, this is a great rural business idea.
  • Bed and Breakfast – A lot of people love heading a few hours from nearby cities into the country for a rural B&B. Whether a traditional Bed and Breakfast or Airbnb, there is a lot of demand out there for rural weekend getaway locations that can lead to a lucrative business. Check out our lists of Airbnb business name ideas and Airbnb slogan ideas .
  • Animal training – Are you great with animals? There's always a demand for this. Don't overlook specialties in rural communities. If you have a knack for training, hunting or tracking dogs, there's a very big target market for that.
  • Menial services – Rake leaves, mow ten acres before a family goes on vacation, shovel sidewalks, talk to local farmers/ranchers about odd jobs that need to get done. There's always a market for menial services.
  • General handyman – Keeping up a house is work and there are plenty of repairs that might be needed that are too small for local contractors (to help you get the ball rolling, check out our list of names for handyman businesses ). Secure some loose gutters for local residents, fix damaged door knobs, replace one sheet of damaged plaster, etc. A general handyman can make some pretty good scratch if the work is good and they're reliable.
  • Junkyard operating (junk hauling) – You can get paid a lot to haul a lot of junk or work with site clean up for major projects, or with enough land, even operate a junkyard. Rusted out cars aren't going to move themselves.
  • Land rental – Sometimes there's lots of acres you aren't using that someone else is happy to rent. Case in point: our Grandma used to have many acres of farmland unfarmed in a conservation project. The local paperwork for it became worse and worse, while funding was cut. Two local brothers whose family she knew approached her about renting the land to farm. They worked out a deal and both sides are very happy.
  • Second-hand store – A good second-hand store is a find no matter where the location. Go specialty with something always needed (like clothing), or go general. Especially in smaller rural villages that don't have specialty stores or a local flea market, a secondhand store can do very well, so this can be a pretty profitable small-town business idea.
  • Specialty restaurant or tavern – Every list of small business ideas for rural areas has a restaurant or bar on it as a business model (and we created a giant list of restaurant name ideas to help). This can work, but these are hard businesses in the best of times. If you can offer a special dish, style of food, or theme, you're more likely to thrive.
  • Food truck – Why not? No rent, you can work out deals with the town or nearby towns to be there for special events, local factories to be there for lunch break, and lower overhead. Food trucks aren't just for the cities.
  • Landscaping/lawnscaping – Who doesn't want a good-looking lawn? Someone with an eye for detail who loves outdoor work could do well with this as a business opportunity.
  • Tutoring services – Whether a student needs some help for a class in school, study for ACT or SAT, or wants to learn a new skill not covered in local schools, you have options. Tutors are always in demand, and tend to get paid pretty well, so it's a great business idea.
  • Car wash – If you own the only car wash in town, you have a pretty good setup (you can learn how to start a car wash business here ). It's the perfect business idea.
  • Cleaning services – No one likes to clean. At some point, everyone's house needs cleaning, and as small-town business ideas go, this is an easy one to start.
  • Maintenance & home upkeep – Independent living is a big deal to much of an aging rural population. Offering services where once or twice a week you come by to help with food prep, grab things from the basement, or do minor repairs and upkeep is a great way to serve and create a helpful side business. Also good for non-handyman types who recently moved to the country.
  • Open an arcade – The one in my small town where I grew up absolutely killed it. The ones making a comeback in cities are doing well. If you're the one place for young people to hang out, for adults to hit that retro feeling, it can be very profitable business. Not to mention the type that attracts people from other nearby rural towns. Check out our list of catchy arcade name ideas for inspiration!
  • Bowling alley – This is a great business for a small town (and you can get started by brainstorming with these bowling alley slogan ideas ). Make sure to serve food and get that liquor license!
  • Massage/chiropractic practice – Getting wellness services outside of a doctor's office can be really hard in remote areas. Someone who is licensed can do very well because the demand is there.
  • Small engine repair – Lawnmowers, weed whackers, washer/dryer, vacuum cleaners, farm equipment. There are many things that have small engines that people don't want to replace. If you can offer actual repairs, you could do well. $100 for a riding lawn mower repair is a steal compared to a new $1,500 model.
  • Pet care – Everyone loves their pets. A little bit of grooming and extra care goes a long way. In your area, this might include a doggy daycare or something similar for cats.
  • Christmas tree farm – This takes a few years to get going. But once you have the pines and have the acres staggered to have trees each year, this is a great way to keep trees on the property and make money on the side. Seasonal, for sure. But if an entire town comes to you for a Christmas tree, that adds up real quick.
  • Local tour guide – What's different or unique about your area? What's the local history? Find out and become a local tour guide!
  • Public notary – The need for a public notary doesn't go away because an area is urban, rural, or somewhere in between. A public notary can charge a solid fee for a very short amount of work (if this sounds interesting, be sure to check out our list of notary business name ideas ).
  • Plumber/HVAC services – Even small towns can often support multiple plumbers. If you don't mind the work, it's a good business that will always be in demand.
  • Electrician – Electricians get trained, and then they get paid. May require a lot of traveling if you're the only one in the area, but you'll be paid quite well.
  • Property sale prepping – Someone getting ready to sell a property may not have time to properly prep it. Mow the lawns, mind the paint, and do a thorough cleaning of the inside. Make the property look its best before listings or showings.
  • Virtual Assistant (VA) – As long as you're in a rural area with solid Internet, working as a VA is an option.
  • Freelance writer – Writing can be done from any location you can jump online. Maybe a rural setting will help with inspiration?
  • Local YouTuber – Interest in videos off the beaten path and non-tourist destinations has never been higher.
  • Rural podcaster – No one knows local issues like someone living and working in the area. Start a rural podcast, talk to local officials or experts to see what's going on
  • Local artist/creative handicrafts – This covers a wide array of creative products. Set up an Etsy shop, hit local flea markets, 4th of July celebrations, farmers market, or other special events.
  • Online flipper – Call it retail arbitrage, call it reselling, call it what you want. Buy low, sell high.
  • Rural infrastructure development – There is a massive market for individuals and companies who can do it. Especially when it comes to developing rural internet.
  • Home watching services – Who is going to watch the house while a family's gone for a two week vacation? Who's going to feed the pets, or bring in the mail? Home watching or home sitting services are handy in rural areas.
  • Local fishing/hunting guide – Know all the good fishing spots? Is your area known for deer, pheasant, or even wild hog hunting? Being a local guide can be a great way to earn serious money doing something you already love.
  • Start a gas station – Even in a small town, a gas station can actually do very well. While traveling extensively, some of my favorite spots off the beaten path were small town gas stations that also served food and had seats for the old timers drinking their daily coffee. Tends to be easier to manage than a grocery store. You'll want a catchy name for your business, so check out our list of 651 gas station name ideas .
  • Build a business around a local rural need – There are many challenges that most small rural communities share. But each area also has unique challenges or needs that aren't being met. Look around, take a look at what demand is not being meant, and build a business around that localized need.

Use Technology to Your Advantage

One of the biggest opportunities for rural businesses to grow and thrive is using technology to bring new life to old business models. An antique store in a very small town at a non-tourist destination can only have so much traffic.

But if you sell antiques on eBay or online (as my parents did very successfully for a few years) out of a physical location, that can work very well.

Many small community businesses that have struggled in recent years could thrive with an online business/physical location combination focus. The biggest problem in many cases is good internet access in very rural locations. But hotspotting off of smartphones has even created a workaround in many areas where this might not have been possible even a few years ago.

There's also many places where a strong movement to shop locally and support local businesses means having an online listing is even more important. Even for sparsely populated rural areas.

Add in the fact that you can do many things in the country easily you can't do in the city, and the YouTube channel/blog possibilities really take off.

Whether opening a seasonal ice cream shop, finding a better way to run an organic poultry farm (check out a list of farm names here ), or creating a deep woods “permacamp” YouTube channel, rural areas offer many opportunities for strong entrepreneurs who are willing to be creative in applying new technology and tools to old styles of business.

Make a blog about business in a rural setting. Add on a YouTube channel. Even moderate success here can add even more to your income.

And in a beautiful peaceful rural community where you can take a dollar a long way (much further than the big city for sure). That's definitely not nothing.

Here's to your on-going success with your small town business ideas!

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Shane has been a full-time writer since 2005. Shane has a degree in English & Creative Writing from Coe College (2002) and an MFA in Creative Writing (Fiction Emphasis) from the University of Alaska Fairbanks (2007).

Shane spent years using his online writing skills to earn a living online and live the life of a digital nomad. After learning about affiliate marketing and SEO he has since created several niche sites to further increase his business income.

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33 village business ideas to startup in small towns & rural areas

GrowthRomeo » Business Ideas » 33 village business ideas to startup in small towns & rural areas

Rural entrepreneurship needs a boost. Villages are full of innovative people — people who have the zeal to improve the village life, people who are aspirational & entrepreneurial, people who are hungry for village startup ideas . But the bright minds in small towns do need a little direction in terms of ‘what village business ideas can be started in India in 2023 ?’

50% of India’s GDP comes from Rural India.

One can start wholesale business ideas in village area , or maybe if someone has the industry knowledge then s/he can explore manufacturing business ideas for rural areas . You also have farming & agriculture related opportunities, retail, village tourism, and other village business 🙂

So, here I’m with an extensive list of profitable small village business ideas and have specifically emphasized on wholesale & manufacturing business ideas for rural areas and small towns in India .

The best business in a village that an individual can run profitably are all listed here.

Let’s take the curtain off from small business ideas in village & rural areas in India that I would be discussing with you in this insight (click on respective link to jump to that particular business idea):

  • Clothing business
  • Cold storage
  • Milk center
  • Start a salon business
  • Enter into computer training business
  • Become a tuition/coaching entrepreneur
  • Paper manufacturing
  • Paneer manufacturing
  • Peanut butter
  • Labor supply services
  • Jute bag manufacturing
  • Flip-flop manufacturing
  • Hyperlocal micro-loan business
  • Agriculture land renting startup
  • Fertilizers wholesale startup
  • Grocery wholesale
  • E-rikshaw transport
  • Farming consultancy services for villages
  • Agricultural loan consultancy

And don’t miss the 20 more village business ideas shared at the end of this village business collection. Also, do drop a comment with your thoughts, or if you have any additional village startup ideas that should be added here.

What type of village business ideas can you expect here?

  • Ideas that can be run as a part-time business in village as majority are in agriculture as well,
  • Wholesale business ideas in village area , and
  • Manufacturing business ideas for rural areas in India that can be started with low investment, or maybe mid-level investment.

Do not start non-sense business ideas in Villages

I’ve seen across many websites, people write random village business ideas & village startup ideas and claim them to be the most profitable small town business ideas in India . I am also disheartened at times to find out that some of the opportunities that are shared as best business ideas in village won’t even succeed in a rural setup in the first place. They are worst then the worst. Reports say. 35% of startups fail because of no market need. So, always do your own research, your own due diligence.

What do I mean?

  • You cannot start a fashion store in a village . It will definitely fail in a typical village in India due to zero demand. Or it won’t make you rich at all. But a fashion textiles manufacturing business in small town would be a great village business. In fact, it is one of the best small business ideas for rural areas in Maharashtra.
  • You might not like it, but let me tell you this straightforward, small village business ideas with highest margin might not be the most profitable. Same goes with village startup ideas .
  • In fact, small village business ideas which are very profitable for someone might not be equally profitable for you.
  • For example, Jio is profitable, but Voda-Idea? We know they are suffering. Though these are not village business, of course. But you got my point.
To be profitable, small business ideas for villages & rural areas need to be executable as well.
  • If you are passionate to pursue village startup ideas, first make sure that they have market demand i.e., product-market fit should be there.
A very innovative product or service no one needs is useless.

Because I understand & advocate these things, so, you won’t find any fantasy village startup ideas in this list of business ideas for villages in India. I’ve tried my best to only include those profitable village business ideas which would work in rural areas or small towns .

A glimpse into the infinite opportunities that exist when it comes to village business ideas !

Indian villages are fertile land of opportunities. In FY22, Indian Village industry products clocked sales worth value INR 1.08 trillion . Let’s say,

  • you startup something in the food processing vertical in your village , or
  • launch education business ideas in the small town near your village , or
  • you pursue poultry farming business right in your village , or
  • setup garments, footwear manufacturing unit in a small town or
  • you launch an online services business from rural areas , or
  • start dairy collection and distribution or a dairy franchise business , or lastly,
  • you get into fisheries sector related village business ideas .

So, carefully assess each of the village business ideas that I’ve shared in this list of unique business ideas for small towns in India .

If your village is already home to some of these village startup businesses or opportunities that I mention, then you can look for opportunities in nearby villages, small towns, or any rural area across India. After all, we have around 600k+ villages in India.

By the way, you can also start home based business ideas from your village , if you are interested.

Who can start these village business ideas ?

Though these village startup ideas are written for the Indian audience, you can start these best village businesses across the globe. Anywhere.

But what if you’re an Indian but don’t want to start these village businesses in India on your own?

What if you hail from USA , UK , or Australia, but you want to be part of the booming village economy in India?

How do you get your share of success in the rising rural India?

Well, you can fuel village businesses and make money as an investor 😉

  • To start these village-based business ideas , village entrepreneurs seek low investment to medium capital investment.
  • Be part of the unique business ideas for the small towns in India by investing in Indian village startup ideas , and earn filthy money doing almost nothing 😉

What if you don’t find any of the village business ideas on this page interesting enough?

This list of village business ideas and opportunities is not the only one that we have on GrowthRomeo.

You can explore some really good startup & small business ideas that passionate entrepreneurs can consider starting in rural areas with good road & internet connectivity in India.

  • small business ideas ,
  • online business ideas ,
  • side business ideas , and
  • eCommerce business ideas

Also, I’ve shared some really good business ideas for women in another insight on GrowthRomeo, which can be pursued from home. Do check them out.

You may fall or fly, but you will never know if you don’t try.

Village business ideas to startup in India in 2023 (low investment, high profit)

Now, let’s explore the list of 33+ small scale business ideas for a small village, rural areas, or small towns in India .

1. Clothing & apparels business ideas in village areas

Clothing & apparels business ideas in villages

Clothing & apparels

This is an already popular business idea in villages . India is 6th largest exporter of apparel & textiles in the world with more than 10% market share.

Clothing related village startup ideas holds huge potential for small towns of India.

  • There are a lot of handloom and powerloom clusters across the country in semi-urban areas.
  • Textile manufacturing village business ideas for rural areas in India attract good subsidy.
  • Small towns with fabrics weaving machines have been a major employer for a lot of village labourers.
  • These clusters make raw fabrics available and accessible to village people too.
  • In the states of West Bengal, Tamilnadu, Andhra, Maharashtra, UP, Haryana, Delhi, Bihar, Sikkim, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh – textile is a major job creator.

What can you do to pursue clothing business ideas in village ?

  • You can start a clothing and apparel related small business ideas in village or a small town near your business.
  • The easiest one is starting a clothing franchise business idea in village for a brand.
  • Clothing stores also qualify as best wholesale business ideas in village area .
  • If that doesn’t suit your taste, you can source raw-materials like fabrics, buttons, etcetera and stitch your own garments, give it your brand tag, and sell it on Amazon, Flipkart, Meesho, eBay, etcetera.
  • This small business idea for villages is great for women who have a great craft for weaving sweaters for their kids.  

If you’re a women, or know a woman who should launch her own business, share with her this list of business ideas for women .

You can also share with them kids-related business ideas if they want to specifically target kids and their parents as customers.

2. Cold storage business ideas in villages and rural areas of India

Cold storage village business ideas

Cold storages are buildings & infrastructure with refrigeration systems to keep food items like crops, meat, fruits etcetera at low temperatures to increase its shelf life. Starting cold storages are one of the best village business ideas . Doesn’t need highly skilled labor, so cost of operation is not that huge.

Fun Fact: There are 8000+ cold storages in India .
  • This business idea for villages in India needs medium capital investment, 1-2 crores.
  • This is a good small business idea for villages in India which engage in agricultural activity.
  • Cold storage as the name goes enables you to store crops and fruits at a temperature of your choice.
  • This is to minimize the risk of getting the crops/produce damaged.
  • Damage is minimum in cold storage and farmers get an extended shelf life for such products to adequately market and sell it at high price.

Does cold storage small business idea for villages has any real demand?

I personally hate it when I get fruits produced in the previous season marketed as fresh. 

You can discover that it’s not fresh either due to loss of aroma or degraded taste.

But farmers earn good money – so it’s acceptable to me.

But it should not turn into greed.

Accountability factor in running food business ideas in village areas

Village startup ideas must be sustainable and responsible.

They must be highly regulated as well because most of these village businesses would be in FMCG & Food space.

Also, doesn’t matter whether you are considering manufacturing business ideas for rural areas or wholesale business ideas in village area , when you’re into food industry, you must have high accountability towards the end consumers.

This one character attribute can give you immense success in food business.

Anyways, let’s continuing the cold storage business idea for villages

  • Cold storage business ideas for villages are good when the production of a crop or fruit in the vicinity (nearby rural areas) exceeds the market demand.
  • People tend to bargain low rates in such situations but they fail to understand that the farmer had already invested the money and they can’t lower the rates any further.
  • In such situations, if farmers store the produce in a cold storage it helps in controlling the market rates. But this too gets abused by certain people who end up hoarding harvests to make the prices go up.

Email me, if you need more details on starting a small scale cold storage business idea in villages .

Check this mega collection of 71 best business ideas to start in India in 2023 .

3. Milk centre – Indian villages could be dairy startup hub

dairy village business ideas

dairy business

This is one of the simplest village business ideas .

While discussing Paneer manufacturing village business idea , I said opening just a Milk centre is not as profitable a business idea in villages as processing the milk to produce paneer and whey protein.

But it is still profitable, right? You can start a small scale milk center in village and supply milk to dairy companies in the nearby areas. Your small dairy business may later become your inspiration for several dairy centric village startup ideas.

Small scale dairy is a low investment, but ‘okay-okay profitable’ business idea for villages !

  • I would consider this in village businesses with low investment and small profits. But it is doable. I don’t recommend limiting yourself to just milk centers but if you could do it at scale – this would be amazing.
  • You can take a franchise of Sudha in your village or its competitor. Provide them the milk so that they can package it and sell in the market with high profits. You do all the labor work and let them have the cream. What? I don’t consult my audience to stay small. And , I am not going to appreciate your decision to stay small and marginally profitable.

When you’re pursuing business ideas in village , eye for the entire 600k+ rural areas of India.

‘Be safe, but dream big’ is what I want you to learn. Of-course, setbacks and vulnerability are sisters of business and entrepreneurship, but they can be taken care of.

Talking of small scale business ideas for villages , another one in small town business ideas which doesn’t require you to have any special talent or skill is starting a grocery wholesale business in a village .

Find more retail business ideas for you to start in 2023 . Or you can venture into bulk sales with these wholesale business ideas .

4. Salon business in villages & small towns of India

Starting a salon business in village areas of India can be a rewarding and fulfilling endeavor.

Salon village business can be a good source of income in rural areas and small towns with a significant population.

As rent in villages of India is pretty negligible, you can start a profitable salon village business by hiring local stylists and hair services experts. It’s definitely one of the best small business ideas for villages .

If you are starting a salon business in Indian villages , consider providing the following services:

  • Blow dry hair services
  • Hair cut & blow dry with curling services
  • Hair extensions & wigs
  • Coloring services like ‘hair basic color tints’
  • Partial or full highlights
  • Hair conditioning treatment
  • Color correction for hair
  • Keratin treatment
  • Bi-ionic hair straightening
  • Nail services like cutting, trimming, painting, nail art
  • Manicure & pedicure services
  • Polish change

In short, there are a lot of things you can offer to your customers to get regular income from a village-based salon business. You can scale your small business to grow village startup ideas This is undoubtedly one of the best village business ideas to start in 2023 in rural India.

5. Computer training business in Villages & small towns of India

Indian villages are modernizing with times.

Earlier, there was a gap between village growth & city growth in India. Which was further pushing villages in poverty. But thanks to village startup ideas focused at improving the agriculture industry in our country, now villages are growing shoulder to shoulder with the metro cities of India.

But still, we need to push the growth rate for Indian villages, and so, one of the best village business ideas you can consider starting in 2023 is a small scale computer training business in village .

If you are starting a computer training business in village areas , consider providing the following training services:

  • Basic computer skills like typing, and handling the hardware
  • Microsoft office 365 training
  • Tally & accounting software uses training
  • Blogging training
  • Web development
  • Mobile development
  • Game development
  • Video, image, and sound editing
  • Social media marketing training
  • Digital marketing training
  • Graphic designing
  • UI/UX training
  • Six sigma training

Computer science is big domain in today’s date.

Everyone wants to learn it.

There is a big unmet demand in the village areas, and that’s why if you’re looking for impactful village startup ideas in the education & training industry – this is your destination.

Computer training business ideas for villages in India is not just a profitable opportunity but highly transformational & impactful. If your hometown is in a rural region which needs digital push, this is my recommended best village business idea to start in 2023 in your rural area .

6. Tuition or coaching related entrepreneurship ideas for rural regions

Rural India has no shortage of talent. All it lacks is an entrepreneurship culture, a little hand-holding, and sincere dreams.

If you’re looking for small business ideas for village , you can start your own tuition center & coaching institute. With this village business in rural India, you can help the kids to dream and build for tomorrow.

Anything that fosters education & entrepreneurship is close to my heart, and so this tuition business idea for village is something you must consider in 2023 if you venture out.

If you are starting a Tuition & Coaching business in village areas , consider catering to the following verticals:

  • STEM coaching
  • Social science coaching
  • Co-curricular coaching
  • Yoga training
  • Bank exam prep
  • Engineering entrance exam prep

Most people plan, and then they give up on social entrepreneurship, esp rural entrepreneurship .

And for this very reason, there are very few village businesses in the small towns of India .

But you can change all this, at least by doing your bit of things that are in your control. I mean, start a tuition & coaching services business idea in villages .

In the process of setting up & growing your tuition & coaching business idea in your village , you may end up inspiring many others too. These inspired individuals then may start village businesses or pursue village startup ideas. Basically, you can spark a chain of change in the village entrepreneurship culture of India by pursuing something as simple as tuition business ideas for villages .

Manufacturing business ideas for rural areas

It is believed that manufacturing industry is the real backbone of any economy. It gives stability to the economy. And makes a region self-dependent. So, let’s explore the best manufacturing business ideas for rural areas !

7. Paper manufacturing unit, a perfect business idea for village in 2023

paper manufacturing village business ideas

paper manufacturing business

Small scale paper manufacturing business ideas for rural areas can be started with low investment of up to 15-20 lakhs.

A paper recycling venture is a profitable small business idea for villages in India .

In fact, it’s one of the village business ideas that can thrive in rural areas surrounded by large forests .

This would mean you can easily source wood pulp, get low-cost labor, and transport paper to nearby markets.

If you are looking for the best business in village to start with low investment and rake high-profit yield, get into paper manufacturing.

What if the paper manufacturing village business doesn’t interest you?

Umm.. then how about pursuing paper-selling wholesale business ideas in the village area . Or maybe get into something more trending these days, uh, like paper-recycling village startup ideas !

Where to start paper manufacturing business ideas for rural areas ?

  • Gujrat, West Bengal, Orissa, and Andhra together produce the majority of paper in India.
  • UP & TN (Uttar Pradesh, Tamilnadu), Haryana, Kerala, Bihar, Assam, too contribute to paper production in India .

And so, my recommendation is that if possible, consider kicking off paper manufacturing village business ideas in rural areas of the aforementioned states in India for maximising profits.

How do you get started with manufacturing business ideas for rural areas in India?

First, you have to decide on what exactly you’re going to manufacture.

Within the paper manufacturing village business, there could be several niches:

  • paper plates with laminated silver sheet,
  • tissue paper,
  • shopping bags,
  • toilet paper,
  • paper boards,
  • soap coated paper,
  • cartoon boxes, or
  • decoration sheets.

The above niches could themselves be unique  manufacturing business ideas for rural areas in India. Once you have decided your paper manufacturing village business niche, you can set up suitable paper manufacturing plants in your village or small town.

BUT what if you’re not in a locality with good forestation and face difficulty sourcing raw materials for your paper manufacturing business idea in village ?

An alternative village business idea is the paper recycling business .

You can source waste papers and get into paper recycling business in a small town near your village. This way you can stay close to your village while fuel-up your village startup dreams as well 😉

You can resell this recycled paper to paper wholesale stores in the nearby cities.

Hah! This got to be twin opportunity i..e, manufacturing business ideas for rural areas with good forest area, and wholesale business ideas in village area for selling recycled paper.

Talking of manufacturing, do check out our list of manufacturing business ideas .

Also, if you’re a foodie, you can check out our collection of food business ideas . Wait, how about we discuss a few food-related small business ideas for rural areas , villages , and small towns ?

8. Paneer manufacturing village business ideas in India in 2023

Paneer manufacturing village business ideas

What do you feel about going after small scale paneer manufacturing business ideas for rural areas ? One of my friends asked me if he can export dairy products from village? I gave him an unbelievable look with my eyebrows raise far beyond my skull and my eye balls popping out with a spring bounce effect.

  • Dairy products export business would be too large a village business to start from rural areas. It needs large infrastrucutre. May suit small towns though. Small towns which has good connectivity to nearby 30-50 villages.
  • Fruit exports could be among good village startup ideas , but dairy… umm… not so sensible.
  • Instead, catering to the local market for their dairy needs is a better village business idea.
  • Pursuing Paneer manufacturing business ideas in villages in India to sell to the nearby markets is pretty easy, and feasible. Okay, not easy but feasible 😛

Paneer manufacturing is all fingers in ghee sort of village business idea

Sorry to break the reading experience, but I’m the sort of writer who goes with the flow. I shall continue discussing the paneer manufacturing business idea in rural areas but before that you need to know of one more related business idea.

In the article, where we spoke of unique business ideas in India, we mentioned the whey protein manufacturing business idea . If you read that article, you would know that a whey powder manufacturing startup could be a very unique business idea for village areas .

But pursuing whey protein powder making village startup ideas aren’t going to be very capital friendly.

It may need a mid-level investment, about 10-20 crores.

Such startups needs proper infrastructure & human resource esp when it involves a consumable products business.

And that costs a fortune.

Whey protein is a by-product of the Paneer manufacturing process.

…Continuing the discussion on ‘why paneer manufacturing village business ideas are a good shot in Indian rural areas ‘

  • Indian villages and small towns are home to 300 Million Cattle, Buffalo, Mithun, and Yak. Crazy!
  • We don’t just have human population but of cattles as well.
  • As a result, we are a leading producer of Milk in the world with 190+ million tonnes production.
  • UAE has been one of the leading importers of dairy products from India.
  • Dairy related exports from India include Meat & Beef as well. Yes!

Why this might be a really good profitable small scale business ideas for villages in India ?

Villages in India already have so many farmers who parallely have a small scale dairy business as well, then what new am I proposing here?

  • Large scale milk factories in India pay farmers at a meagre rate of Rs 30 to Rs 40 and sell the same milk at Rs 48 – Rs 56 per litre.
  • The quality of the packaged Milk is not even close to organically produced raw pure milk. I feel Paneer manufacturing is a good small scale business idea for villages in India. If you do well in this, you can think of dairy based village startup ideas as well.
  • If you dwell from a village where villagers are actively keeping cattle to produce milk then you can source milk from them.
  • And set up a small scale paneer manufacturing village business to process the collected milk.
  • Pack the paneer well, with proper branding, and supply this to nearby towns.

What are the branching opportunities from Paneer manufacturing business in village ?

Paneer wholesale business ideas in village area is not bad either. You can have a branch shop/store in town near to your village which can function as a paneer wholesale outlet.

And if you could get a license from FSSAI for distributing packaged paneer that would be more amazing.

If this is possible, you can shape your paneer manufacturing small village business idea into one of the unicorn village startup ideas .

Then you can supply the fresh produced paneer from your manufacturing plant in the village to top tier 1 and tier 2 cities close to your village area.

Can paneer manufacturing business in village areas really be profitable ?

  • 5–6 Litres of Buffalo or Cow milk will produce 1 KG of paneer.
  • 1KG paneer is sold at Rs 400/KG in India. i.e., raw materials of Rs 150, product of Rs 400.
150% Margin.

Even if half of that margin amount goes into operational costs, you would still be running a highly profitable village business.

This is definitely one of the best manufacturing business ideas for rural areas in India in 2023 . You must consider this if you’re on hunt for village business ideas .

Find some other highly profitable business ideas to start in 2023 .

9. Peanut butter manufacturing, CPG based village startup ideas

Peanut butter manufacturing village business ideas

Peanut butter manufacturing

You can buy one machine and start a small scale peanut butter manufacturing business in village area . Peanut butter is o ne of the products that I don’t like to taste, but I consume a lot. It’s rich in protein. Soyabean is another such product with high protein, which I kinda don’t like but eat a lot.

Why I recommend peanut manufacturing business ideas for rural areas ?

  • Peanut butter manufacturing is one of the best profitable fitness and food related small scale business ideas for villages , rural areas, small towns in India in 2023 .
  • The demand for the fitness products is huge in cities.
  • It’s cheap and better to manufacture in village areas where peanuts are grown.
  • This helps boost village entrepreneurship while keeping low costs.
  • Peanuts are amazing sources of good protein.
  • In fact, peanuts are good sources of fat too, but yeah – both peanuts and soyabean should be consumed in limited amounts. Excess of anything is bad.
  • Peanut butters are highly popular among gym hitting guys and girls too. Packaged peanut butter is among top village startup ideas .
  • And it is one of the butters which doesn’t really need any preservatives, so it’s free from chemicals too.
  • It can be easily stored in glass or plastic jars for a good amount of time.

How to start peanut manufacturing business in rural areas of India? Is your village a production hub for peanuts?

  • With investments of barely 1-2 Lakhs, you can start a peanut butter manufacturing business in your village .
  • This is one of the small village business ideas that is more suited for Gujarat , Maharashtra , and Andhra Pradesh as these states are major producers of peanuts in India .

Reach out to me for the detailed peanut butter manufacturing process and guidance on starting this village business idea. If you launch the business , do send out to me your peanut butter. I’ll definitely try it, just one request – don’t add any flavors or sweetener. I would like to eat it raw.

But how do you source peanuts round the year from your village area? Isn’t peanuts a seasonal product?

Yes, it’s produced during rabi and kharif seasons, but not in the zaid season.

85% of the peanut production is in the June – October season.

But you can find it in ample quantities round the year. Any guesses, how? Next village business idea is the hint.

How to sell peanut butter if there is no demand in the villages or nearby small towns?

2 options are there:

  • You can pursue this as wholesale business ideas in village area. Do not store and retail. If you’re in manufacturing, you better be the supplier to wholesalers and retailers. D2C is also good but in the areas where demand is high.
  • Alternatively, you can sell peanut butters online on eCommerce platform. You can start your own eCommerce website/app as well.

By the way, did you check our collection of eCommerce business ideas ?

We also have a separate list of online business ideas for you to start your own small business.

Village startup Ideas

We’ve discussed a few traditional style village business ideas in this article, which included manufacturing business ideas for rural areas, and wholesale business ideas for village area. We also talked about how some of these small village business ideas can be shaped as if they are village startup ideas. Now, let’s discuss some really good village startup ideas for young budding entrepreneurs in rural areas of India.

10. Labor supply village startup ideas in India

Labor supply business ideas for village & rural areas

Labor supply business

Labor supply app is a perfect village startup idea to start in a village.

Agriculture is a village business that has extra people working on fields than required.

But people do not want to be engaged in agriculture anymore. They want alternatives in cities! And so, labor supply is a promising small business idea for villages .

How about the product-market fit factor for this village business idea?

A research said that 75% of people in agriculture do not want to continue in it, and only one percent 1% of the youth want to join the agri sector.

Now you know why people are gaga over small town business ideas . It’s hope for them for a better and convenient life.

  • Agriculture is a labor intensive industry and demands a huge amount of physical work, right?
  • Youth want to exit agriculture sector. Where do they want to shift?
  • People are shifting to construction business, apparel factories, and retail stores or security services, or transport vehicle drivers.
  • All these sectors have very low employee retention rates while finding good employees is a big headache.
  • Even youth who are looking for jobs in cities want to earn equal or more money by doing less labor work.
  • This is an opportunity that you can bridge – provide labor or talent to those who need them in cities and earn commission from both parties.
  • If you have good reach in multiple villages then this could be one of the really good profitable business ideas in villages for you.
  • Be the go to guy for labor supply. It’s one of the great small town business ideas , with huge potential of becoming one of the unicorn village startup ideas .

11. Jute bag manufacturing business ideas for rural areas

If you’re looking for best business in village areas , then evaluate jute bag manufacturing. It’s highly popular manufacturing business ideas for rural areas in Bihar, Odisha, and West Bengal. All 3 are major producers of jute, and are a hub in India for major jute activities. Produce, clean, spin and weave jute fabrics and bags. Jute bag manufacturing is an eco-friendly alternatives to plastic covers. This small business idea in villages can utilize a lot of support programs that GOI provides to this sector including subsidies, MSP, and tax exemption.

12. Small scale flip flop manufacturing business idea in village

Who doesn’t wear flip-flops. Some call it thongs, some jandals, but the matter here is that it is popular across the world. It’s fashionable. And so, you can start a small scale flip-flop manufacturing business idea in village . Invest in a good soles and strap molding machines, cutting equipments, and sewing machines. This flip-flop manufacturing business idea for rural areas could be a good source of income for many families. You can give the manufactured flip-flops to the wholesale players in your area and that could bring in more sales and healthy demand for your flip-flop products!

13. Hyperlocal micro-loan services business ideas in Indian villages

Loan services business ideas in Villages

Loan services business

This could be one of the high-impact small business ideas for villages and small towns. Actually, this would fall under village startup ideas category.

But that doesn’t matter. What matters is entrepreneurship, jobs, profits, and freedom 😉

  • Micro-loan or micro-lending business ideas in village involves institutions offering loans at a very competitive rate of interest.
  • Such loans mostly cater to the ill-served business community which does not have great financial records.
  • These can also fall under impact village startup ideas  in 2023 .

Is this business idea for villages easily executable?

  • Micro-lending business ideas for villages would be very good as most farmers here need additional support and stimuli.
  • Even the small businesses in the village at times need micro-loan to further grow their business.
  • How do you start micro-loan small business ideas in village area ?
  • Are there any banking-related regulations and licenses that are required for finance-related small-scale business ideas in village area ?
  • How do you recover loans?
  • Are micro-loans the same as peer-to-peer lending?

Find details to all these questions in the dedicated article on starting a micro-loan business in India .

Find more startup business ideas .

14. Agriculture land renting app : scalable village startup ideas

  • Some people in villages look for renting land where they can grow crops & vegetables of their choice and earn money from the yield.
  • They look forward to rent land either to produce crops at scale or because they don’t have their own land.

This opens up an opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs on hunt for village startup ideas .

  • Start an app where land owners can list their property for renting.
  • Yes, just like how people put flats for rent or vehicles for rent.
  • Your app can be the matchmaker for those who are seeking land on rent and those who want to let their land in return for a monthly/quarterly rent.

Isn’t this an exciting business idea for village areas ?

15. Fertilizers wholesale business idea for village area

  • Majority of village population in into farming, and they need fertilizers to improve the yield.
  • You can start a platform to wholesale fertilizers to retailers in the village areas.

This is one of the most profitable wholesale business idea for village area .

  • To market this product you’ll need good investment as villagers are not habitual of using app platforms for agricultural needs.
  • But as no one is tapping into this at scale, so you can have a good shot.

Reach out to me for developing b2b wholesale app platform .

Village startup ideas can be tricky to pull-off. But with right tech and right marketing, anything is possible.

16. Grocery wholesale business idea for village area

A good addition to the list of village startup ideas could be grocery wholesale business.

  • Every chowk area in villages have plenty of retail stores selling grocery products.
  • Often these shops don’t have a good catalog of products.
  • Some even sell low quality products for higher profit margins.
  • Their customers has to bear the pain.
You can fix this problem by supplying grocery products to these nukkad stores and give them more margins by ruling out the middle man distributor commissions out of the scene.

This village based business idea can be scaled to all 600K village in India. Leverage scale to build your business monopoly. This is a high potential small scale village business idea .

Need help with building an app for grocery wholesale to village shops? Contact us.

17. Last mile e-rikshaw transportation business idea for village area

  • In cities we have auto service, Ola, Uber, and Rapido etcetera.
  • But how many village startup ideas do you know for e-rikshw business who is a bartender?
  • We see village buses overloaded with people, Jeeps with people hanging to the doors, and autos with 2-3 extra person hinging their ass on driver seat (of course, in addition to the driver).
  • Irresponsible conduct of current transport service providers is not right.
  • This often results in accidents as well.
  • Kiss away the travel & transportation pains of rural dwellers by starting a e-rikshaw travel startup in village areas and standardize comfortable and safe travel. Initially there will be a lot of resistance against such village business ideas ,  but slowly people will get used to this.

Right now, local service providers are providing very poor customer service. Can’t complain though, as it’s their usual norm.

Change is not gonna be easy but critical for making village startup ideas a success.

If you’re looking for low investment business ideas for village areas in the transportation niche, get out of Jail.

18. Farming consultancy village startup ideas in 2023

A majority of India is into Farming.

But the problem is that these farming professionals don’t have much access to the best practices and resources like weather data, yield data, market price of their produce etcetera.

That’s the problem across India, in all farming focused village economies.

You can solve this with your very own business idea for village i.e., Farming consultancy business.

You can help farmers by bringing together farming scientists, top farming practitioners, and top farming related product brands under one umbrella, and make them accessible by small village-based farming businesses . If you want to run this like village startup ideas , make an app for the consultancy platform. Build features for farmers & experts to connect & talk.

Your farming consultancy village business ideas can help farmers with:

  • Crop selection
  • Irrigation systems
  • Soil management
  • Livestock management
  • Poultry consultancy services
  • Seeds & planting selection
  • Loan applications
  • Subsidy claims

Your farming consultancy services business ideas for villages must identify the challenges farmers are facing in a particular village, and accordingly, match them with experts on the platform who has expertise and knowledge in that particular farming vertical.

This is one of the best farmer-focused village business ideas to start in 2023 .

19. Agricultural loan consultancy village business ideas in 2023

Agricultural loan consultancy business ideas for villages & rural areas

Talking of financial business ideas for villages in India , how can I not talk about agricultural loans small town business ideas ? This could be one of the many village startup ideas in the finTech.

The Government of India has several agricultural schemes in place to support the farmers of the nation.

These are mostly called farmers loans. If you want loan for manufacturing business ideas for rural areas , you need business loans. Farmer loans are specifically for farming purposes.

Would such consultancy business ideas for villages , rural areas, small towns work?

  • Farmers don’t have the technical know how of the financial world.
  • And so, they need consultants to help them crack the best deal with loan issuing agencies.
  • T hat’s exactly what this business idea for villages is about!
  • You can think of starting agricultural loan village startup ideas as consultancy services in India. This way you can help lot of aspiring village entrepreneurs. Let’s say, someone wants to
  • You can find all details about agricultural loans in your locality and make a website about the same in the local language so that everyone can access it.
  • If you work as a loan facilitator, you can earn good income in terms of loan sanction commission.
  • Usually the commissions are in the range 1%-2%.

Looking for more services focused opportunities & village business ideas ? Did you check our list of marketing business ideas ?

Is that all..? Nope… here’s the complete list of business ideas for villages, rural areas, small towns

Those were our top 19 picks for business ideas for villages that you can consider starting in rural areas in India.

There are a few other small scale village business ideas for you. You can pursue these small town business ideas in any state of India. Find below the list of 14 more village business ideas which are suitable for rural areas and that also have potential to get scaled to multiple small towns as well.

More village business ideas to try in India

  • Open a fruits and vegetable shop
  • Start a small scale purified-drinking-water business
  • Set up a stationery shop
  • Open a private primary or secondary school
  • Consider opening a mobile repairing store
  • You may also launch a laptop retailing and repairing store
  • Start food/fruit export/import business
  • Anothe good opportunity for villages is a cattle food product wholesale business
  • Start a brick manufacturing business
  • With low investments start a small scale candle making business
  • You can also start a small scale handmade cotton bus manufacturing business
  • Startup a grocery home delivery business
  • Start a medicine shop
  • Open a flour/atta or oil mill

Govt. initiatives for developing rural India are not enough

We have multiple things aimed at rural development in India including-

  • e-Shram portal,
  • infrastructure development for border areas,
  • Government of India’s commitment of 9800 Crores for livestock sector ,
  • electrification of villages,
  • draft scheme for 25 jobs in every tribal village

I can keep adding to the above list, but can you imagine rural development until a lot of village startup ideas take off a success flight?

All initiatives by governments are good, yet not sufficient to ensure development of Indian villages .

Villages need small scale businesses & startups to thrive, and to match up the lifestyle of metro cities.

We need village startup ideas and rural entrepreneurship .

The need for rural entrepreneurship and business ideas for villages !

chase your dreams start rural business

chase your dreams

To make villages prosper, we need to dilute the employment gap between towns and villages in India.

Entrepreneurship is the only way forward.

Economic activity in Indian villages seems very still, stagnant.

By starting small scale business ideas in villages and remote rural areas or locations of India, you too can stimulate growth at your end.

Recently, we have also observed a spurt in village startup ideas which are innovative and helps improve rural connectivity, education, healthcare, and quality of life.

Pursuing village business ideas, and village startup ideas would also have ripple effect and help assist create more jobs for unemployed youths in the nearby small towns and their rural areas.

Yes, more jobs.

Dilute the employment gap between towns and villages in India

Small business ideas for villages are waste without rural women entrepreneurs

Rural development with entrepreneurship

Rural development

I’m sharing village business ideas for rural Indian women because without women in the workforce there can’t be tangible growth of India

  • We need more women entrepreneurs in villages who can pursue village startup ideas .
  • Every earning women and their profitable village business will not only give more strength & stability to Indian economy, but it will also inspire more women to dream, start their own village business , and be self-dependent. This will also reduce women related crimes in the country
  • If you’re an aspiring women entrepreneur, you can contribute to the development of the rural areas in India by pursuing small scale businesses ideas in villages & small towns. This will also create job opportunities for talent in rural areas.Believe in yourself and take the plunge.
  • Decide on one small village business idea that you are gonna chase, and go mad after it. Sounds sensible
A strong nation dream is incomplete without empowering our women.

Hope you liked the article, support GrowthRomeo on Patreon and help me keep pushing good business ideas for villages & rural areas. I would like to bid adieu from this insight and leave you with 277+ business ideas list  😉

Tada, Nishant .

Which business is most profitable in village?

The most profitable businesses in villages & rural areas:

  • Dairy business
  • Flour & oil mills
  • Cattle food
  • Food exports
  • Agriculture
  • Paper recycling
  • Labour supply services
  • Loan consultancy

Which business is best in village?

The best business in villages & small towns of India:

  • Hand woven garments unit
  • Dairy by-products like protein manufacturing
  • Labor services
  • Retail store
  • Medical store
  • Local transport
  • Last mile logistics
  • skills & training business

Which franchise is best in village?

Top franchise business ideas in villages & small towns and rural areas of India:

  • Dairy franchise
  • Skill training center franchise
  • Wholesale distribution related franchise
  • Medicine distribution outlet franchise
  • Logistics services franchise
  • Micro-loan services franchise
  • School franchise
  • electric vehicles franchise

What business can I start with 50000 in village?

There are several rural-based businesses that you can start with a budget of 50000 in a village:

  • Farming consultancy: If you have experience in farming or agriculture, you could start a farming consultancy business for small-scale farms, fruit or vegetable producers, or a livestock farmer.
  • Retail store: You could start a small retail store business in villages and avail basic daily need products to villagers like groceries, household goods, clothing, electronics, etcetera.
  • Food business: They say, villages are too small to be a fit for starting a food business, such as a bakery, a small restaurant, or a catering service. But the fact is with increasing disposable income of villagers, there is a demand for these types of services in the village. So these could be good village business ideas to consider starting in 2023
  • Handicrafts business in villages: If you have skills in craftsmanship, you could start a village business selling handmade products such as pottery, woodwork, or textiles. But the demand for such products in the villages won’t be that huge.
  • Salon & other services business: If you want to pursue village startup ideas, consider starting a service-based business, such as a salon, a tutoring service, or a home repair service. Scale these to multiple villages to be actually considered a startup.

Nishant Choudhary

Nishant Choudhary

Nishant is a marketing consultant for funded startups and helps them scale with content.

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Nishant Choudhary

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Top 10 Small Business Ideas for Villages and Rural Areas in 2022

Charudath K Nair

Charudath K Nair

A village can be a hub of opportunities for an entrepreneur. There are fewer people and more problems to be solved. If you’re settled in a village or got some money to invest, what better way to provide value than to start your own business? These ideas require relatively less investment and can be a great way to start earning locally. The initiative by the government, Atmanirbhar Bharat has only boosted the startup opportunities in rural areas.

Startups based on local problems and businesses usually do well in villages as they’re trusted by the locals. That being said, here are 10 small business ideas for villages that you can start right now :

1. Kirana/Retail Store 2. Rice/Wheat Mill 3. Organic food supplier 4. Oil Mill 5. Arts and Crafts Store 6. Meat Shop and Poultry 7. Handmade Soaps and Candles 8. Tutoring 9. Internet Cafe 10. E-commerce Store FAQ

1. Kirana/Retail Store

Minimum investment required for kirana store - rs. 5 lakhs – rs. 15 lakhs.

Kirana/Retail Store

Most people in a village have to make a trip to the city just to get essential supplies. This means that a journey has to be made simply to get what is needed for daily life. Even within the village the shops are mostly sparse and spread apart. Starting a Kirana store with essentials can be a well worth investment as people always prefer buying locally.

For getting essentials like dairy, everyday items, and groceries , it’s considered a blessing to have a good reliable retail store in the neighbourhood. Since you live there yourself, people are more likely to trust your business and buy your products.

Keep a standard for quality, inventory and supply chain. This will ensure that you get a steady flow of customers for years. A grocery shop can also be a storefront for many other businesses. Mobile recharge, DTH recharge, household items, etc. can be presented as well. This covid crisis proved that how Kirana stores can be a great investment, as when all the stores were shut retail stores were in great demand .

2. Rice/Wheat Mill

Minimum investment required for rice/wheat mill - rs.10 lakhs.

Villages are almost certain to have rice plantations. Farmers normally depend on rice mills in the city to process their produce and this can get tedious over time. They have to pay for transportation and labour. Would you rather go to the city or prefer to get the job done in your village? Starting a rice mill business isn’t too much of an investment.

With the price for machines reducing, you just need a place to set it up and you’re good. Having a rice mill would enable villages to process their product from the village itself. By starting this business you’ll be doing the farmers a favour as well. A trustable mill to get the grains processed will always be welcomed by the people.

3. Organic Food Store

Minimum investment required for organic food store - rs.10 lakhs.

If you’ve got the time or hobby to take care of plants then starting an organic food business might be the easiest and profitable business to start in your village. Fresh products are always high on value and in demand. Some people unknowingly grow enough organic vegetables in homes to start a small business. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a farm or large-scale produce.

Retail shops in cities nowadays have a separate section for organic produce. This is also one of those businesses that require the least investment. If you have some area to plant and time to look after the crops then it's just a little effort to turn it into a successful business.

4. Oil Mill

Minimum investment required for oil mill - rs.5 lakhs.

Oil is essential to almost any cooking project. The prices are also rising ever so slightly without you knowing it. Some people would prefer to get natural oil with their own supplies. In villages, it's common for farmlands to have a considerable amount of coconut trees . Peanut, sunflower, and palm oils are products that people desire.

Starting an oil mill in a village enables its residence to convert products like coconuts into oils. These would normally be discarded and required oils would be bought. This means people wouldn’t have to travel to the city and they have access to it within the village itself. This does require you to buy the machines necessary but it's sure to be generating revenue soon as you start.

business plans in villages

5. Arts and Crafts Store

Minimum investment required for arts and crafts store - rs.10 lakhs.

This is certainly one of the more interesting and low investment business ideas on the list. If you’re talented in art or know someone that is, starting an arts and crafts store could be a great idea. Tourists often visit villages and are willing to pay to get well-crafted memorabilia locally.

It could be pretty pottery, handmade toys, fans, or even handmade jewellery. Although it requires some talent, to begin with, it's going to run smoothly as long as the place has visitors. Businesses like gift shops , tourist homes, and art stores are usually season-dependent. More people during the holidays will mean more sales. This is something to keep in mind while starting a business of this sort in rural areas.

6. Meat Shop and Poultry

Minimum investment required for meat shop - rs.5 lakhs – rs.10 lakhs.

In a survey, it was found that 98% of people prefer to buy essential products from a local store . This applies to meat shops as well. Being a mandatory part of the diet, people are meant to make this purchase. Nowadays shops like these sell all sorts of dairy products too. This can be a good business for anyone who sets it up in a rural area.

Butchers can be hired and poultry can be purchased from a farm. All it needs is good management and strict standards of quality. Once the sales start bumping up, you also have the choice to supply to nearby hotels and restaurants which can add to your source of income.

7. Handmade Soaps and Candles

Minimum investment required for handmade soaps and candles - rs.1 lakh.

Another relatively easy-to-start small business is selling handmade soaps and candles. The craft requires no acquired skill and can be learned by another with time. People can be hired to work and eventually, your brand of handmade soaps can become a reality.

The same goes for candle-making. Handmade candles that are aromatic and cheap can sell fast. You can distribute your product with your own store or through other retailers within the area. Depending on how you perform, this is a scalable business.

8. Tutoring

Minimum investment required for tutoring - 0.5 - rs.1 lakh.


If you’re qualified to teach or can hire teachers then starting a tutoring service in a small village is a great business idea. Schools in the area mean students who can use help with their studies. Math and Science are popular subjects for tutoring since students find it relatively difficult. With good intentions and a patient mindset, you can help out many children of all ages.

Like all businesses, if your services through an educational institute are good, it doesn’t take long before the place is crowded with students through word of mouth . Every year more students are in need and this means the business can sustain itself as long as you pay your bills.

business plans in villages

9. Internet Cafe

Minimum investment required for internet cafe - rs.10 lakhs – rs.15 lakhs.

Indian Villages are being transformed every day yet some places still lack basic internet connectivity. In a world where everything from booking tickets to paying taxes is done online, internet access is a must. If the village lacks this basic access then starting an internet cafe can be very profitable.

Cheap hourly prices along with photocopy and scanning will satisfy most needs of the people. In a village without this facility, they would have to travel to the city. This business does require some initial investment for the internet and computers but it will likely be a successful one.

10. E-commerce Store

Minimum investment required for e-commerce store - rs.15 lakhs.

E-commerce Store

No matter where you are if you’ve got a product or an idea the internet grants you a way to turn it into a business. The best part about this business route is the vast array of possibilities. It could be anything from a traditional clothing store to something different like earthen pottery. Technology makes it so easy to start up your online store in minutes .

If you’re new to e-commerce some of these platforms have guides to help you learn the ropes. You could have a store that sells a single unique product or multiple products. These products once online can be bought by anyone in the world if you choose. CMS software makes this process a lot easier. If you’ve already got a successful physical store in the village, getting an online storefront can breathe new life into your business and bring in more revenue. Customers will appreciate the convenience and take advantage of this facility faster than you realize.

business plans in villages

Which business is most profitable in a village?

Poultry Farming, Milk centre, Flour Mills, and Drinking-Water Supply are some of the most profitable small business ideas in a village.

What are the most successful small businesses?

Cleaning, Social Media Management, Gardening, and Web Design are some of the most successful small businesses.

What business can I start in the village?

Milk Centre, Kirana Store, Electronics, Mobile and Accessories Store, Fertilizers & Seeds Storage Store, and Clothing Store are some of the businesses you can start in a village.

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32+ Best Small Business Ideas for Village, Rural Areas & Small Towns

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This material will undoubtedly assist you if you are searching for successful strategies for businesses in villages and rural areas. The prevalence of India's population still exists in villages. Villages have an infrastructure that is distinct from that of cities.

True, the business has a unique set of infrastructures and has a variety of requirements. This isn't to say that there aren't any economic opportunities in rural locations. Rural areas also have a plethora of business prospects. Some enterprises, such as agriculture-related firms, are only appropriate for village rural areas.

It would be advantageous for someone who has lived in the village to establish a business there. Setting up a small business in your neighborhood would demand less finance and investment.

It would also be simple to establish a business there because everybody is well-known. If you live in a rural region and want to start your own business, here is the place to be.

“Rural India's Entrepreneurial Culture So far, the Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Program has helped more than 1.86 lakh businesses (SVEP). DAY-NRLM has so far assisted 183 Producer Businesses and 1.22 lakh Producer Groups. Said by Ministry of Rural Development.

Since its independence, India has made significant development as a country, and we are today among the top countries worldwide on various measures.  Companies have thrived, and workers have relocated to cities in quest of greater opportunities.

Despite said that, a large portion of the population still lives in villages in India and works in small-scale industries in villages. This portion contributes considerably to India's GDP and could be considered the engine that drives the Indian economy.

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Why should start Business in the Village

Furthermore, because your goods would be supplied directly from the villages, you would have a high-quality product on your hands, which you can sell at city-level prices and profitably.

  • Easy availability of Organic resources
  • Well known Places and Familiar with the audiences (Customers)
  • Enrovirment friendly place
  • Low Investment, High Profit

Here we will discuss businesses in villages:

we will discuss businesses in villages

1. Organic Vegetable Cultivation

Fruits and vegetabled cultivated in the farm.

Many have begun to use vaccines produced in huge quantities. The use of which causes vegetables and fruits to mature ahead of schedule. As a result, the desire for organic commodities has been boosted.

You could begin organic cultivation and sell your products in the local market, which is in great need. You could do this by finding a suitable seller for your item so that you don't have to battle to sell it.

You can also sell your goods straight to customers on the market. However, because you are new to the market and are unaware of buyers, it is preferable to go via a seller at first. You may not be able to find the right market for your items on your own.

Additionally, doing it all yourself would raise your manufacturing costs due to transportation and warehousing costs. Furthermore, you may not have all you need right now.

2. Poultry Farming

business plans in villages

It is not necessary to have a large amount of land to start a chicken farm. You could simply begin this business on your own or with the support of others. You would have to raise little chickens to a specific age before selling them.

You could establish this business on a contractual basis with a vendor, to start with. You would be given the hens, their food, and everything else; all you would have to do is raise the birds to a certain age or weight as per their requirements.

You would be compensated based on the number of birds or the weight of the chickens. The majority of payments are made based on the weight of the birds. It is not wise to accomplish everything on your own at first.

Because this would cost extra capital and may result in losses due to a lack of exposure, you must not take this risk at the start of your business. It would be preferable if you began on a contractual basis.

3. Fishery Farm

business plans in villages

You could start fisheries businesses in villages in the same way that you could start a poultry farm. You must have some knowledge of the industry because it is not simple. For a fisheries business, you'll need enough acreage (Land).

In this industry, you must be extremely cautious because a single error might result in a significant loss. One diseased or infected fish could devastate the entire pond's fish population. As a result, you must exercise extreme caution in this industry.

You could sell your fish straight in the marketplace if the amount is small, but you could also sell it if the amount is large. You decide to raise the most popular and profitable fish, such as Rohu, Catfish, Hilsa, Manager, and so on.

4. Milk Centre

Milk kept in glass kept on wall.

Cows and buffalos are commonly reared in Indian villages. There are a lot of dairy farms that require a lot of milk. They get the milk from the milking parlors. Villagers' milk is collected at these milk centers.

To get the milk center up and running, you'll need to approach a dairy farm and form a partnership with them. You'll require a dedicated space to store the weighing equipment as well as the machine that measures the purity of milk fat and other items.

You'll require some fundamental qualifications because you'll be keeping track of accounts and performing simple calculations. You could, meanwhile, manage your accounts without mistake using the billing system. To keep the milk from spoiling, you'd have to keep the milk container clean.

Establish good client interactions and pay your bills on time so that everybody comes to your center.

5. Fertilizer Wholesale

A man sprinkling fertilizer on plants.

Agriculture is the primary source of income in the villages. One of the finest possibilities for your organization would be to open a fertilizer wholesale store. For this enterprise, you may need to obtain a license. You'd have to double-check the legality.

Because most people in villages are farmers, and fertilizer is among the most important necessities for agriculture, there are very few chances of losing money in this industry. Seeds could even be kept in your shop.

6. Drinking Water Supply

A man is drinking water from the bottle.

In the settlement, inhabitants mostly used handpumps, ponds, rivers, and other water sources. However, practically everybody now has a hand pump at home, and some people have even begun to purchase drinking water canes.

This is a business that may be started with very little money. You could open your store from the comfort of your own home. If possible, transport the canes in a four-wheeler such as a Tata Mahindra. You could even get by with two-wheelers at first.

If you don't like the idea of home delivery, you can continue your enterprise by having consumers come to your store and take the canes home personally. It would be simple for you to promote your businesses in villages because you both live in the same village.

7. Retail Establishments

business plans in villages

You can certainly open retail stores if you want to. You could open a grocery/Kirana store, a clothes store, a mobile accessory store, a hardware store, and other businesses.

Now is the time to get your retail store up and running with the Inventory and Billing System. Your company's information would be in your hands.Another possibility is to open a tailoring enterprise. These are some usual stores in villages, including a sweet shop, a fruit stall, and so on.

8. Flour Mill

Flour placed in the utensil.

Those in cities buy flour packets immediately, whereas people in the countryside frequently go to flour mills since they cultivate wheat in their fields. If you're going to start a mill, don't just utilize it for wheat. Use it to cook corns, turmeric, chili, and coriander, among other things.

You could also acquire a machine to make flattened rice. Ascertain that you have a stable electrical connection. Individuals in villages normally don't buy all of them from a shop because they have raw materials on hand because cultivate them on the farms. If you supply everything in one spot, it would be highly advantageous for you.

9. Threshing Machine

business plans in villages

If you have sufficient funds, you could purchase a tractor. To begin, you could purchase a threshing machine and a seed drill machine. It isn't something that everybody holds to themselves. It's generally rented.

As this is constantly necessary for agriculture, it would be a very successful company concept. These are needed in each season, both before and after harvest. You could even maintain the machine that is utilized to water the fields if you have these (pumping set, boring). In this manner, you'd have everything you need on hand, and folks wouldn't have to go to others for varied needs.

10. Oil Mills

Oil filled in the bowl.

Leading to a shortage of oil mills, residents are compelled to either travel long distances to have their oil processed or sell their production at a lesser price. You could start the oil mills after you have sufficient money.

People that cultivate mustard, soybeans, groundnuts, and other crops on their farms frequently have the oil extracted in mills for usage. People may not be able to obtain oil in huge quantities because it is solely for their usage. They use the material that is left over after the extraction as livestock fodder.

You would not run out of clients because this is something that every household in the village does. These are some more excellent village businesses to start. You can choose your business based on the quantity of money you have. Before launching a firm, research your rivals and the market.

11. Flower Farming

Flower placed in the bucket.

Floriculture is the term for flower farming. Many states in India, including Karnataka, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Gujrat, Orissa, Haryana, Jharkhand, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu, grow flower gardening for business reasons.

Flowers such as Rose, Tuberose, Gladiolas, Anthurium, Carnations, Marigold, Jasmine, Hibiscus, and others are cultivated in India's fields, poly houses, and greenhouses. The cut flowers are shipped to be dried.

Fresh flowers are in high demand for religious activities in India. These are given in temples and are even utilized in private residences. Although labour is required, flowers could be grown all year, specifically if seeds are readily accessible and greenhouse resources are utilized, ensuring a non-seasonal profit.

Flowers are incredibly essential in India in more ways than one might imagine, therefore it would be a highly successful company. They are utilized for religious festivals, events, marriages, as offerings to God in temples, and so on, and are not only beautiful decorations.

12. Writer who works on a Freelance basis

A man writing something on book with laptop on table.

Rural towns might be wonderful settings for independent freelancers because they frequently have cheaper living expenses. To set up shop, whether writing for local consumers or conducting commerce online. As a result, you could establish your own freelance writing company and save money on a range of costs.

Nowadays, conventional periodicals still have some freelance writing chances, but the real possibility is in content marketing online. Commercial and consumer-oriented websites are hurrying to publish more and more material relating to their industry to capture google rankings and establish a presence in the thoughts of the target clients.

13. Blogger who is Self-employed

A girl is watching images in the phone and the laptop.

Blogging is among the most effective methods to market a company online. The activities that independent bloggers provide bring in thousands of rupees per month. It is one of the top small-town startup concepts for businesses in villages for modern folks.

Or, if you have sufficient Internet connectivity, you could establish your site and generate money through adverts, affiliate links, or sales goods that make benefit from cheap living conditions and facilities.

A blogger could make an income by developing their website and then monetizing it through adverts, online advertising, and online product sales. But this is only the beginning.

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There is much more to do after you start blogging. You will select from the given points:

  • Other people's advertisements
  • Begin your email marketing campaign.
  • Product Reviews to Write
  • Blogging on social media
  • Create a company blog.
  • Blogging about DIY projects and recipes

14. Auto Service Centre

business plans in villages

You could establish a shop in town if you are already an expert in car service. You could draw customers from distant cities, particularly if you serve a village where you are the only shop for miles.

Villages in India might be wonderful sites to set up shop for businessmen who are experienced in-car services, specifically if there are no other fixes nearby.Although distance might be advantageous, it could also be detrimental to the enterprise when shipping components or providing specialized solutions, so bear this in mind when conducting analysis OR attempting to establish your shop near the area where customers and travelers go through.

15. Tutoring- Service

Two teachers teaching in class to some students.

There would be children where there are houses, and there would be tears over mathematics and grammar where there are children. Furthermore, while online tuition facilities are no longer available, tutoring facilities are among the most successful tiny business concepts in rural villages.

Many children are having difficulties with arithmetic and grammar. Establishing your own tutoring business might help you make a lot of money. Employ a tutor who isn't trying to be a jack of all trades. Who is less priced and knowledgeable in a subject?

The majority of small business concepts necessitate collaboration. Tuition facilities are in a similar state. You'll need to form a group. Hiring some professors is a good idea, but only professional tutors should be hired.

It's important to remember that not all kids are motivated to study. Some students may put their patience to the test. While accepting it, you need to make up your mind, but the good thing is that you may do it part-time while doing other work. The following is step-by-step guidance:

  • Make a location for your services.
  • Decide what subjects you'll be able to teach. Tutoring services for different subjects are available.
  • Make a list of the pupils you'll be teaching.
  • Obtain all of the necessary permits.
  • Create a company strategy.
  • Make a pitch for your services.

16. Clothing Manufacturing/Store

business plans in villages

People from tiny towns and villages frequently have to drive long distances to get outfits for special events. Despite the accessibility of internet businesses, individuals still preferred to buy in stores since they can try things on before they buy them.

A clothes store could succeed if you can supply the latest trends and styles, as well as variations. In India, which is the world's second-largest supplier of clothes and textiles, textile manufacturing is also a big business.

India has a significant raw material basis in both natural and synthetic fibers, but the weaving sector confronts hurdles due to low technological levels and small-scale activities.

The government also supports this business, which is characterized by small and medium-sized businesses.

17. Vending Machine for Fruits and Vegetables

business plans in villages

Another basic and frequent enterprise that could be launched in villages is this one. To begin, go straight to the bulk marketplace and purchase veggies and fruits at a cheaper cost, then earn by offering them at a greater cost.

A fruit vending machine may simply generate between 30K and 60K in monthly sales with the correct placement, location, items, and a simple user interface. Although most vending machines endure 12 to 24 years, if they are not operated properly, they may appear older than they need to.

18. Store for Electronics, Mobile Phones, and Accessories

Mobile accessories placed in a store.

You might also build an electronics store in your community and make a lot of money. Mobile phones have become a requirement for about all villagers who would like to contact their relatives.

On aggregate, you should expect a net margin ranging from 50% to 75%, based on the accessories. Per the founder of a retailing consultancy, the profit margin on mobile accessories is far higher than the margin on mobile phones, which is typically 10%.

In India, there are seven steps to starting a mobile accessory business.

  • Examine the market.
  • a place to get funds and make investments.
  • Recognize the legal requirements.
  • Find a supplier.
  • Remember to buy things that sell quickly
  • Create a marketing strategy.

19. Making Jute Bags

business plans in villages

Because jute is a recyclable and environmentally benign fabric, bags manufactured of it have a high consumer need and export potential. You could establish a jute bag business in your hamlet with affordable equipment.

As a result, these are some successful enterprise concepts for rural areas or villages. If you require details on a specific establishment, please use the comment box provided here.

20. Point of Tea

Tea served in two white cups.

In major cities, there are street tea stands that see hundreds of clients daily. Villages do not yet have these gathering places where individuals could have a cup of their favorite beverage.

Beginning a tea enterprise does not necessitate a large sum of money. It's even possible to do it outside. Should choose a good spot, such as a bus stop or a peepal tree where customers congregate.

21. Farming Pearls

White pearls.

Pearl farming is a one-of-a-kind enterprise that could be launched in a tiny pond for as little as a few thousand rupees. You might make lakhs if you have experience in pearl cultivation.

Uncontrollable and unexpected factors, including strong storms, water pollution, sickness, freezing weather or heat, infestations, and so on, can all threaten pearl farms. An oyster must put in a lot of effort, patience, and care to produce a pearl, but the ultimate result is unquestionably worth it.

22. Making Banana Chips

Yellow banana chips placed in the bowl.

Banana chips are in huge desire, and you could begin a business creating and selling them for very minimal money. Because there is such a great demand for banana chips, the profit margins range from 50% to 60%.

In a small-scale firm, you could anticipate a profit of Rs 4 lakhs to Rs 6 lakhs each year. You can even start making banana chips at home because they just take up a little amount of space, to begin with.

23. Making an Egg Tray

Egg tray placed on the table.

This is another innovative start-up concept that only requires a 400-square-foot plot to start an egg tray production firm. Egg trays are created from scrap paper pulp, this expenditure will be little aside from the cost of setting up the facility.

As per standard rates, the wholesale price of eggs in the province ranges from Rs 199 to Rs 200 per dozen. At the retail level, though, it costs roughly Rs205-210 per dozen. Andhra Pradesh is recognized as Asia's egg bowl since it is India's greatest egg producer.

24. Making Ginger Garlic Paste

Ginger and garlic with chillies.

In cities where individuals no anymore like crushing these cooking staples, ginger garlic paste is in great need. The manufacturing procedure is straightforward. A small investment in manufacturing and advertising could make a big difference.

Ginger Garlic Paste Business in 7 Easy Steps

  • Prepare a business strategy. Starting this business necessitates the creation of a business strategy.
  • Organize your finances.
  • Assemble the unit.
  • Purchase machinery.
  • Obtain raw materials.
  • Flowchart of the Production Process
  • Marketing & Distribution of Ginger Garlic Paste

25. Cafe with Internet

Peoples playing game in internet cafe.

An internet café sometimes known as a cyber café is a company that offers internet connectivity and associated services to customers through specialized computers and other devices. It frequently provides food and beverages in addition to its principal services.

Cyber cafés are not only profitable, but they are also a quick-paying form of operation. The payback period for a cyber cafe might range from 9 to 14 months, based on geography and other considerations.

Internet access in communities is not yet commonplace in the country. As a result, you can open a cyber cafe and charge consumers an hourly fee. It only needs a small initial investment and could provide a reliable source of revenue.

26. Bakery Business

Bread with flour and half cloth ciovered on it.

Among the most successful small businesses in villages is a bakery. Owning or renting space might be used to start this enterprise. You must choose goods based on regional needs.

Bakery or baking is, without a question, a lucrative enterprise. Bakery items such as bread, biscuits, and cakes are constantly in need, therefore anyone who begins an enterprise in this field would never go broke. Furthermore, if you give (bake) more things in your bakery, you would make more money.

Investment in a small bakery, for whatever purpose, may be beneficial to a community while also being beneficial to your wallet. Bakeries are growing, and if you could acquire on the first floor of a successful one, you could make a lot of money.

27. Bridal Shop

Indian bride wearing jwellery.

In many Indian cultures and settings, marriage ceremonies are a significant affair. Villagers must drive long distances to towns or cities to purchase wedding-related clothes while excellent goods are often unavailable in local shops.

In rural locations, a bridal store with appropriate bridal gowns and related bridal accessories is a viable operation.

28. Making Candles

Wax placed in small glass on the table.

Popular scented decorative candles are popular. It's also given as a present. Candle-making is a modest business possibility that may be established with little money in rural locations.

Women, in particular, could start this enterprise and sell it to local businesses. By purchasing a manual candle manufacturing machine, you could establish a home-based candle-producing business for a small investment. In India, meanwhile, a modest scale candle production operation would demand an expenditure of 5 Lac to 10 Lac.

29. Coconut-Based Business

Coconut oil placed in the bowl.

The coastal industry relies heavily on coconut farming. Consider starting a coconut-related enterprise if you reside in a location wherein coconuts are plentiful. Using edible oil, which is produced from the kernel of the coconut fruit, would undoubtedly be the greatest Coconut Product Business Plan because it is widely and frequently in use in cooking. This oil is used in confectionery, baked goods, popcorn, and snack meals, among other things.

Tender coconut water has a huge amount of potential as a healthy alternative in India and around the world. For entrepreneurs, this is among the most lucrative coconut-based start-ups.

  • Coconut oil's commercial potential (market opportunity)
  • Petroleum businesses must register and obtain a license.
  • Coconut oil production necessitates a large amount of land (location)
  • Coconut oil is made from this raw ingredient.
  • Production of coconut oil necessitates the use of specific equipment.
  • The process of making coconut oil.

30. Medical Supply Store

A girl standing in the medical store.

Individuals in village areas frequently go to neighboring cities to obtain medications that are not widely available. One of the business concepts for rural areas is to open a medical store that sells all types of diabetic, blood pressure, and insulin medications, as well as paracetamol.

To ensure consistent delivery, you'll need to form a partnership with a local provider. Furthermore, you could place orders with your provider on a just-in-time (JIT premise for medicines that you don't stock due to market forces. This could be among the most profitable small business concepts for Indian small villages.

31. Food Joint( Cafes, Restaurant)

Food Joint( Cafes, Restaurant)

Birthdays, anniversaries, engagement parties, and other events are also hosted and celebrated in rural areas and villages. One of the enterprise concepts in rural areas in such a scenario is to create a fast-food joint or a tiny restaurant with seating space.

The profitability is larger in this sector, and once word of mouth grows, there is no stopping you. In places like this, it's the out-of-the-box company concepts that become profitable throughout time.

32. Make a Space Rental

A space renting

Many governments, as well as private banks, are continually on the search for locations in villages where they might establish their branches or ATMs. Leasing out an extra house, an unused store, or other similar space is one of the greatest small businesses in villages' ideas to generate extra revenue.

The rental would be paid to you for a month until the lease time ends; this would be your other source of income. You could also keep functioning at your current job to supplement your income.

33. Providing inaccessible items in the village

An electric bulbs in the dark place.

Several items are almost impossible to come by in communities. As an outcome, if you begin marketing items, you'll have a firm handle on all of those marketplace economies.

A particular crop and/or grain, computerized and mechanized systems, and so on are examples of these goods. Villages in India are constantly advancing due to technological advancements.

Considering that nearly every Indian village has electricity, providing electrical things including cell phones and computers, for instance, could be a game-changer. In conclusion, all you have to do now is figure out what these goods' distinctive selling points are, and you'll be ready to sell them quickly.

What are the advantages of village-based small-scale industries?

  • Small enterprises in rural locations could assist create jobs and have a beneficial impact on the economy as a whole.
  • Increasing local income and purchasing power through several small companies in rural locations can greatly improve the local level of living.
  • This also assists India's rural and small-town communities in becoming self-sufficient.
  • It enables city migrants to travel to cities in search of work; if opportunities are offered in the local region, they will not have to leave their homes.
  • Rural places make it simpler to establish a small business because there are fewer paperwork, regulatory requirements, and other hurdles to deal with.

In India, the percentage of individuals working in various small enterprises in rural areas.

  • 48.4% are owned by a company.
  • 4.7 % for a partnership
  • 27.6% of the population works for the government or the public sector.
  • 6.2% of the total is made up of private limited companies.
  • NGO / Trust – 3.1 %
  • Others accounted for 9.9% of the total.

Small Business Challenges in Villages and Rural Areas

Challenges in Villages and Rural Areas

1. A monetary issue

The shortage of capital money is a major issue for small firms. As a result, many villages and small-time entrepreneurs decide to either not establish businesses in villages or close down an established one. They frequently are unable to qualify for loans or other forms of financial assistance due to a lack of credit worthiness. Small businesses have a poor credit history.

2. The supply of raw materials

The manufacture of goods necessitates the use of raw materials. The quality of the final product is determined by the raw material utilized. Due to a lack of funds, these small enterprises are unable to purchase high-quality raw materials for manufacture.

3. Leadership talents

To complete many responsibilities, small enterprises in towns and villages depend on small personnel. Usually, a single individual handles the whole enterprise with no assistance. When there is no aid or support, this might have an impact on the effectiveness of the work and the business.

4. Professionals

For most jobs, small enterprises must rely on unskilled or semi-skilled employees. Furthermore, because the incomes are poor, employees are typically uninterested in executing the job correctly. This reduces production, which harms the firm and leads to the closure of small businesses.

20 Profitable Business Ideas for Small Towns, Villages & Rural Areas

Living in a small town, village, or rural area may sound tough at times, but when it comes to starting a small business , a small town or a village can have the same abundance of options as a big city seems to have. There are seemingly endless business ideas for small towns and rural places!

Profitable Small Business Ideas for Small Towns and Villages

Where there is a problem, there is a business opportunity; so if your village or town has so many problems, don’t just run away from them. They are business opportunities for you!

Depending on the local setup, the opportunities may vary, and you may have a unique solution for them. However, some proven small business ideas for small towns and villages can work great if executed well. Here goes the list:

best business in village

1- Mobile Phones/Gadgets Repair:

Most of the population in small towns and villages tend not to buy new devices or gadgets until they have a working device in their hand. Even if there is some problem with the device, they tend to try the repair option instead of buying a new handset. The popularity of mobile phones driven by huge demand can turn a mobile phone repair business into a lucrative one.

Before we proceed to discuss the next ideas, you might as well want to earn passively through survey apps like PrizeRebel, SurveyJunkie , and the like. Inviting your friends to join you in doing this fun will also give you some bucks for your business.

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 ideas for new business in small town

2- Private Tutoring:

Students from small towns and rural areas have to travel a long distance if they need help on a subject. Finding one good option locally will not just save their time, but money also. On the other hand, one has a lot of time in his or her student life, and it can easily be channelized to earn money by offering tuition to junior grade students. If you have a decent amount of knowledge on various subjects and want to earn money, start providing tuitions to your juniors, especially in groups.

3- Guest House/Bed & Breakfast :

Living in a small town or a village can be highly rewarding, especially when it’s a hill station or there are other places of tourist interest nearby. Hotels in and around your area may not exist or should be costly, so set up the house to make it a business machine.

small business ideas for small twons image 2

4- Tailoring/Stitching/Alteration:

Even though there are several categories of tailors you can get into, ladies’ tailors are most popular in almost every small town and big city. This field doesn’t require a huge investment , and if you have interest and expertise in this area, this is a good business.

5- Catering Business:

Catering is required in every function, irrespective of whether it is a business, religious, or personal gathering. Weddings, religious and cultural events happen in almost all small towns, villages, and rural areas, and wherever these events will occur, there will be demand for catering services.

business plans in villages

6- Hair Salon :

You need to have a sense of styling and experience in hair cutting to make a great salon business . Though you can set up a hair salon to target any audience, gents’ salons work more effectively in small towns than ladies’ hair salons. You may also partner up with an existing makeup artist business or a beauty parlor.

Related Reading:  Hair & Beauty Salon Business Plan

7- Budget Clothing Shop:

Clothing is an important item that is required by any human being. Most people opt for budget clothing, and the demand for such readymade garments is quite high in small towns, thereby making it a profitable business. Try opening a small-scale clothing store that provides quality yet affordable items and witnesses your business touching new heights.

small business ideas for small twons image 4

8- Pick & Drop Service:

If you have a drivers’ license and own a car/van, you can turn your vehicle into a running business. People from small towns frequently need to travel to the main city; public transport doesn’t work door to door and can also be time-consuming. Offering a budget/luxury service to such people can work great. You can set shifts to make more money, i.e., early morning, late morning, afternoon, and evening.

9- Grocery Shop:

Every small town needs a grocery shop, even if there is one already available, giving them competition is not a bad idea. However, opening a grocery shop does require a capital investment to take the start. The rest you can take on credit from the retailers.

small business ideas for small twons image 5

10- Frozen Foods Shop:

Frozen foods such as fish, chickens, turkeys, etc., all are generally consumed worldwide. However, people in small towns may not travel long to the main city to buy fresh. Starting a frozen foods shop can be highly profitable in small towns. It’s also not capital intensive and is very easy and simple to manage.

11- Bakery:

Everyone wants to eat fresh bun, cakes, and bread, no matter they live in a big city or a small town. Opening a small-scale bakery in a small town can be lucrative if you know the skill!

small business ideas for small twons image 6

Related Reading:  How to Start a Home-Based Bakery Business

12- Cold/Hot Corner:

It can either be an ice cream shop or a cold drinks corner or both, especially in hot countries. It can also do well in countries with moderate or cold countries if you replace the cold items with hot, i.e., soups, coffee, snacks, etc., according to the weather. You may start something similar to a food cart business serving drinks in busy locations.

13- Home Based Vegetable Garden:

Living in a small town or a village can be a blessing when you breathe that fresh air. However, you can make your land useful even if you own a small piece of it. Produce fresh vegetables and sell them to make fresh money.

small business ideas for small twons image 7

14- Poultry Business

People living in small towns will certainly buy poultry locally; no one wants to travel so many miles to bring eggs or chicken. This business requires some investment on your part. However, you may start small. The demand is quite high, especially if you can connect to various restaurants and food joints in your area.

15- Local Dairy Business:

Living in a small town and owning a few cows is not just exciting and beneficial for your own wellbeing, but you can turn it into a proper business as well.

dairy small business for small towns

16- Niche Blogging:

All you need to do is write about your expertise and publish it online, and people will follow your blog, and money will pour in. Yes, it would be best to have a good internet connection and a computer, but that’s not a big deal. You might also be interested to try these legit and safe apps where you can earn free dollars.

online business ideas for small towns

17- Download Center:

It’s probably the easiest to set up in a small town. However, government regulations may vary from country to country. The Internet on mobile cannot allow so many movies, music, and other stuff to be downloaded, while buying high-speed internet may not be a suitable option for residents of small towns. Bridging this gap for them can bring you great business!

18- Become a Franchisee:

Becoming a franchisee of a chain is one of the best business ideas for small towns. Sometimes, a small town or rural area might not have  enough commercial presence. Sometimes, it’s nice to have a run-of-the-mill fast food chain available into the later hours. Those in small towns are likely to appreciate the low prices that chain restaurants just like Stouffville restaurants or fast food vendors can offer. 

If you want to become a franchisee, there is a process to go through, but it should pay off quickly if the town is excited about your venture. It would take the responsibility of branding and positioning off your shoulders at first. Of course, there might be some competition. As long as you can enter the market with minimal pushback from the town residents, your Dunkin’ Donuts or Subway could hit the ground running!

19- Bridal Shop:

Do you want to know one thing that will always be in-demand? Wedding apparel and paraphernalia. People aren’t going to stop getting married any time soon, and in small towns it’s less likely that spouses-to-be will be holding their wedding too far away. Naturally, then, the brides, grooms, and honorees will need beautiful and spiffy outfits to wear on the big day! 

So, what better idea than a bridal shop? If you want, you can conduct a bit of market research on your target town. Look at the general marital status of the citizens and their median age. You’re looking for a small town with a good proportion of young adults that are not yet married, for obvious reasons. The great thing about bridal shops is that you can have a section for wedding-only attire, but also sell prom dresses and ball gowns for people attending similar occasions.

The market for formal attire will always be there, but make sure you price appropriately for the income level of your peers.

20- Farm-to-Table Restaraunt:

If you want to start a business in a small rural town, the chances are that there will be farms nearby. This is one of the best business ideas for small towns. Who doesn’t love a good farm-to-table restaurant? Usually, the residents of a small town will be very loyal to their local farms and want to support them. So, you’ll need to partner with some of these farms and create a nice, cozy, farm-to-table venture.

The fun part about the restaurant business is that you can create the atmosphere. Include decoration from local artists or furniture-makers, employ those in the area, and it’s no question that your restaurant should become popular with residents quickly. It’s always a good idea to involve the people of a small town in your business as much as you can to avoid pushback and make the people comfortable with your business ventures.

So, we hope that you enjoyed the article, and are maybe now inspired to start a business in a small town! We hope that we provided good business ideas for small towns. If you have any others you’d like to add, or even have started yourself, let us know in the comments below!

Living in a small town or village proudly, breathing fresh air, witnessing the natural beauty, and running your own business; that’s an ideal lifestyle. Get out there!

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49 Small Business Ideas For Rural Areas

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Written by: David Lepeska

David has been writing and learning about business, finance and globalization for a quarter-century, starting with a small New York consulting firm in the 1990s.

Published on July 13, 2022 Updated on May 3, 2024

49 Small Business Ideas For Rural Areas

Rural businesses typically provide value and economic strength to the community and generate income for the owner. If you live in a rural area, then you have the opportunity to do the same, and build some serious success.

Among the vital services you can provide is connectivity by setting up an internet service provider business. Fast and reliable connectivity means greater opportunities for residents to land online job contracts, such as remote writing gigs and tele-health services. 

Check out the below list of great business ideas for rural areas , and start imagining the possibilities.

How to start a farm business

Where to Start : Choose a location with fertile soil and good water availability. Consider crop choices based on local climate and market demands. Keep in Mind : Farming requires knowledge of agricultural practices, licensing/permits and seasonal labor. Building relationships with local farmers for advice and support can be beneficial. Success Tips : Utilize local markets and community-supported agriculture (CSA) to sell your produce. Offering farm tours and classes can attract more customers.

2. Woodworking

How to start a woodworking business

Where to Start : Set up in an area with access to timber. A small workshop will suffice for the beginning. Keep in Mind : Quality tools are an investment—care for them well. Know the types of wood that are most commonly used and their sources. Success Tips : Offer custom pieces and repairs . Attend local craft fairs and markets to showcase your work and build a customer base.

3. Landscaping

How to start a landscaping business

Where to Start : Areas with newer developments or larger properties are ideal. Storage for equipment should be secure and accessible. Keep in Mind : Understand the native plants and design landscapes that are low maintenance and suit the local climate. Success Tips : Offer seasonal services like snow removal or leaf clean-up. Developing a portfolio of your work can attract more clients.

4. Handyman

How to start a handyman business

Where to Start : Central locations allow for easy travel to clients’ homes. A reliable vehicle is essential. Keep in Mind: A broad skill set is invaluable; however, specialize in a few areas to differentiate yourself. Success Tips : Build a reputation for reliability and quality. Referrals will be your most powerful tool for new business.

5. Grocery Store

How to start a grocery store business

Where to Start : The center of the community or where people gather often (for example, mini supermarkets have become popular in underserved rural communities). Adequate parking is a must. Keep in Mind : Stock locally sourced products to reduce costs and appeal to the community’s desire for local goods. Success Tips : Offer a delivery service for those who cannot easily come to the store. Regular promotions and community events can keep customers returning.

6. Solar Farm

How to start a solar farm

Where to Start : Large, open fields that receive a lot of sunlight are ideal. Check local regulations for energy production and sales. Keep in Mind : Initial setup costs are high, but government incentives can help. Maintenance is relatively low once set up. Success Tips : Partner with local businesses or government buildings to sell your energy. Educate the community on the benefits of renewable energy.

How to start a bakery business

Where to Start : A spot near the main street or a busy market. A cozy, welcoming space attracts more foot traffic. Keep in Mind : Offer a variety of goods that cater to local tastes and dietary restrictions. Success Tips : Use locally sourced ingredients to enhance flavor and appeal. Hosting baking classes or tasting events can create a loyal customer base.

8. Cattle Farm

How to Start a Cattle Farm

Where to Start : Ample grazing land and easy access to water. Proximity to meat processing facilities can reduce transportation costs. Keep in Mind : Requires knowledge of animal health and breeding practices. Staying up to date on market prices for beef and dairy is crucial. Success Tips : Consider organic or grass-fed operations, which can command higher prices. Direct selling to consumers or local restaurants can increase profits.

9. Plant Nursery

How to start a plant nursery business

Where to Start : Choose a location with good soil and ample sunlight. Access to water is critical. Keep in Mind : Knowledge of plant care and local plant varieties is essential. Be aware of seasonal planting and sales cycles. Success Tips : Offer landscaping services or workshops on gardening to draw in customers. Sell unique or hard-to-find plants to stand out.

How to Start a Wine Business

Where to Start : Regions with favorable climate and soil for grape growing. Proximity to tourist routes can enhance visibility. Keep in Mind : Winemaking requires significant knowledge and initial investment. Compliance with local alcohol production and sales laws is crucial. Success Tips : Host wine tastings and tours to attract visitors. Develop relationships with local restaurants to feature your wines.

11. Christmas Tree Farm

How to start a christmas tree farm business

Where to Start : Land with suitable climate for growing popular types of Christmas trees. Easy access for customers during the selling season is important. Keep in Mind : Growing Christmas trees can take 7-10 years to reach sellable size. Seasonal labor might be needed. Success Tips : Offer pre-tagging of trees and additional products like wreaths and garlands. Create a festive experience with decorations and hot drinks.

12. Campground

How to start a campground

Where to Start : Scenic areas with natural attractions. Proximity to hiking trails, lakes, or parks is beneficial. Keep in Mind : Zoning laws and permits are critical. Facilities should include basic amenities like restrooms and fire pits. Success Tips : Provide unique camping experiences, such as glamping or themed weekends. Market the campground as a retreat from urban life.

ranch business idea

Where to Start : Areas with expansive land suitable for grazing. Water access is essential for livestock. Keep in Mind : Understanding of animal husbandry and grazing management is crucial. Diversifying income sources can provide financial stability. Success Tips : Offer farm-to-table experiences or agritourism activities like horseback riding or educational tours.

14. Lawn Care

How to start a lawn care business

Where to Start : Areas with a high number of properties with yards. Having a central location helps in minimizing travel time. Keep in Mind : Regular maintenance of equipment is necessary. Understanding the specific lawn care needs of your region is important. Success Tips : Provide seasonal services such as snow removal or leaf raking. Building a regular client base through reliable service is key.

15. Greenhouse Business

How to start a greenhouse business

Where to Start : Locations with good sunlight and protected from extreme weather. Nearby markets or restaurants can be key customers. Keep in Mind : Control systems for temperature and humidity are crucial. Knowledge of plant cycles and pest management is important. Success Tips : Specialize in herbs, flowers, or exotic plants that are in demand. Offering plant subscriptions can provide steady income.

16. Farmers’ Market

How to start a farmers market

Where to Start : Central location in or near the community. A site with easy access for vendors and visitors alike is ideal. Keep in Mind : Requires good organizational skills and promotion to attract both vendors and buyers. Regular scheduling helps in building a loyal customer base. Success Tips : Provide a mix of goods from local farmers, artisans, and food vendors. Hosting special events or themes can increase attendance.

17. Summer Camp

summer camp business idea

Where to Start : A scenic, safe location with outdoor space for activities. Near lakes or forests can improve the experience. Keep in Mind : Safety protocols and staff qualifications are crucial. Ensure activities are age-appropriate and engaging. Success Tips : Offer a variety of programs, such as arts, sports, and science. Partnering with schools can help in promotion and enrollment.

18. Demolition Business

How to start a demolition business

Where to Start : Areas with ongoing redevelopment or rural areas needing clearances for new constructions. Adequate space for equipment storage is necessary. Keep in Mind : Licensing and adherence to safety and environmental regulations are important in this industry. Proper training for staff is essential. Success Tips : Specialize in eco-friendly demolition practices like recycling materials. Building a strong reputation for reliability and safety attracts more contracts.

19. Distillery

How to start a distillery

Where to Start : A location with access to good water sources and where zoning laws permit alcohol production. Tourist areas can boost visibility. Keep in Mind : Requires significant initial investment and patience during product aging. Compliance with federal and state liquor laws is mandatory. Success Tips : Develop unique flavors and offer tours and tastings. Creating a strong brand story can help in marketing your spirits.

20. Mushrooms Farm

How to start a mushroom farm

Where to Start : Indoors in controlled environments like warehouses or specially designed rooms, or outdoors in shaded areas. Consistency in conditions is key. Keep in Mind : You’ll need to understand the specific growing requirements of different mushroom types, including their substrate needs and environmental conditions. Success Tips : Target both local restaurants and individual consumers by offering a variety of mushrooms. Hosting farm visits and workshops can also attract more customers.

21. Microgreen Business

How to start a microgreens business

Where to Start : Small indoor spaces like greenhouses or even at home, using vertical farming methods. Near local markets or restaurants is beneficial. Keep in Mind: Requires consistent care and quick turnaround, as microgreens grow rapidly. Maintaining cleanliness is crucial to avoid mold and pests. Success Tips : Target health-conscious consumers and upscale restaurants. Regular participation in local farmers’ markets can increase visibility.

22. Cemetery

How to start a cemetery business

Where to Start : Tranquil, respectful area that is accessible to the community. Consider landscape maintenance needs. Keep in Mind : Must comply with state and local regulations regarding burials. Sensitivity and respect for grieving families are essential. Success Tips : Offer a variety of memorial options, such as traditional burial plots, cremation gardens, or mausoleums to cater to different preferences.

23. Pharmacy

How to start a pharmacy

Where to Start : Central location within a local community, possibly near other health centres. Visibility and accessibility are key. Keep in Mind : Licensure and regulatory compliance are strict. Knowledge of pharmaceuticals and customer service skills are crucial. Success Tips : Provide personalized care, such as medication management services or health screenings, to build trust and customer loyalty.

24. Apple Orchard

apple orchard business idea

Where to Start : Areas with a suitable climate for apple growing. Proximity to local markets or tourist routes can boost sales. Keep in Mind : Understanding of orchard management and pest control is essential. Seasonal labor might be needed for harvest. Success Tips : Offer pick-your-own experiences and host seasonal events like cider tastings or fall festivals to attract families and tourists.

25. Outfitter Business

How to Start an Outfitting Business

Where to Start : Ideal locations include areas near national parks, hiking trails, or tourist attractions. A storefront that’s easily accessible and visible can attract more customers. Keep in Mind : Stock a variety of gear that suits the local activities, from hiking boots to fishing rods. Knowledgeable staff can enhance customer service. Success Tips : Offer guided tours and classes to increase engagement. Partnering with local adventure groups or tourist boards can boost visibility and credibility.

26. Sawmill Business

Sawmill Business

Where to Start : Areas with access to timber resources. Ensure there is enough space for the mill operations and storage. Keep in Mind : Heavy machinery requires regular maintenance and safety measures. Knowledge of wood types and market demands is important. Success Tips : Offer custom cutting services and sell by-products like sawdust or wood chips for additional revenue. Build relationships with local builders and woodworkers.

27. Pool Cleaning

How to start a pool cleaning business

Where to Start : Areas with a high density of private residences or commercial properties with pools. Having a storefront can help in displaying products and services. Keep in Mind : Knowledge of pool chemistry and maintenance is essential. Seasonality can affect business, so planning for fluctuating demand is important. Success Tips : Offering maintenance packages and emergency repair services can provide steady income. Stay updated with the latest pool technologies and eco-friendly practices to appeal to health-conscious consumers.

28. Floral Business

How to start a florist business

Where to Start : A central location in town or near event venues like churches and banquet halls can increase foot traffic. An appealing storefront is essential. Keep in Mind : Establish relationships with local growers or wholesalers to ensure a fresh supply of flowers. Understanding of floral design and trends is crucial. Success Tips : Provide customization options for events and special occasions. Offering floral arrangement workshops can also attract customers and create additional revenue.

29. Gardening

How to start a gardening business

Where to Start : Operate from home and service local residents. A vehicle for transporting tools and plants is essential. Keep in Mind : Knowledge of local plant species and climate is important, as is understanding clients’ maintenance preferences and abilities. Success Tips : Offering garden design and maintenance services can cater to various needs. Building a portfolio of your work can help attract more clients.

30. Insulation Business

How to Start an Insulation Business

Where to Start : Areas with aging housing stocks or in regions with extreme weather conditions. Having a warehouse for materials and a fleet of vehicles for site visits is ideal. Keep in Mind : Understanding of different insulation materials and their appropriate applications is necessary. Compliance with local building codes and standards is a must. Success Tips : Offering energy efficiency audits can add value to your services. Market the long-term cost savings of proper insulation to potential customers.

31. Gas Station

How to start a gas station

Where to Start : Locations on busy roads, near highways, or at intersections with high traffic volume. Visibility and accessibility are key factors. Keep in Mind : Compliance with environmental and safety regulations is critical. Offering competitive pricing and quality service can help retain customers. Success Tips : Adding a convenience store or additional services like car washes can significantly increase revenue. Loyalty programs might also attract regular customers.

32. BBQ Business

How to Start a Small Barbecue Business

Where to Start : High foot traffic areas or near entertainment districts. A mobile BBQ truck can also tap into various markets like festivals and private events. Keep in Mind : Consistency in food quality and maintaining health standards are vital. Building a unique menu can set you apart from competitors. Success Tips : Hosting BBQ events and participating in local food competitions can increase your visibility. Catering services can also expand your business reach.

33. Fish Farm

How to start a fish farming business

Where to Start : Areas with clean water sources and suitable climate conditions for aquaculture. Proximity to markets can reduce transportation costs. Keep in Mind : Knowledge of aquatic biology and water management is necessary. Monitoring for diseases and proper feeding are crucial for success. Success Tips : Specialize in species with high demand in local or regional markets. Offering tours and selling directly to consumers can increase profits.

34. Waste Management

How to start a waste management business

Where to Start : Industrial areas or outskirts of towns are suitable for operations. Ensure access for large vehicles and compliance with zoning laws. Keep in Mind : Adherence to environmental regulations and efficient logistics planning are essential. Public health and safety considerations are critical. Success Tips : Diversifying services to include recycling and special waste handling can broaden your market. Educating the community on proper waste disposal can build a positive reputation.

35. Repo Business

How to start a repo business

Where to Start : Regions with high financing activity for vehicles, machinery, or equipment. A secure lot for storing repossessed items is necessary. Keep in Mind : Licensing and knowledge of repossession laws in your area are essential. Discretion and professionalism are important to manage sensitive situations. Success Tips : Building good relationships with finance companies and lenders can secure steady contracts. Efficient tracking systems and quick response times are competitive advantages.

36. Pest Control

How to start a pest control business

Where to Start : Residential and commercial areas where demand for pest management is high. A central office with easy access to major routes can enhance service coverage. Keep in Mind : Licensing and knowledge of safe pesticide use are necessary. Understanding local pest issues can improve service effectiveness. Success Tips : Offering preventative maintenance contracts can provide regular income. Educating customers on pest prevention measures can enhance customer relations and retention.

37. Yard Sign

How to start a yard sign business

Where to Start : Operate from home with minimal space needed for storage and design. High residential or commercial areas are ideal markets. Keep in Mind : Creative design and durable materials are key. Local regulations about signage need to be understood and followed. Success Tips : Offer customizable options for various events like birthdays, graduations, and business promotions. Building partnerships with event planners can boost orders.

38. Radio Station

How to start a radio station business

Where to Start : Find a location with minimal signal interference. A studio central to the community it serves can help stay connected with the audience. Keep in Mind : FCC regulations and licensing are crucial. Understanding the local audience’s preferences is important for programming. Success Tips : Engage with the community through local events and on-air promotions. Offering airtime to local businesses for advertising can generate revenue.

39. Tree Trimming

How to Start a Tree Service

Where to Start : Areas with mature trees and regular growth. A base of operations that allows for easy access to various neighborhoods. Keep in Mind : Knowledge of tree biology and safe cutting practices is essential. Proper insurance and safety equipment are critical. Success Tips : Offering annual maintenance contracts can provide steady income. Expand services to include tree health assessments and emergency storm damage response.

40. Non-Medical Home Care

How to start a home health agency business

Where to Start : Communities with an aging population or families needing support with caregiving. Services can be managed from a home office. Keep in Mind : Background checks and proper training for caregivers are vital. Compliance with state regulations regarding home care services must be observed. Success Tips : Providing personalized and compassionate care will help build trust and reputation. Offer a range of services from hourly care to 24/7 support.

41. Snow Removal

How to start a snow plowing business

Where to Start : Regions with heavy snowfall. A depot for equipment like plows and salt spreaders is necessary. Keep in Mind : Timeliness and reliability are critical during snow events. Efficient routes and strong physical conditioning are required. Success Tips : Offering seasonal contracts can ensure steady work. Additional services like salting or sidewalk clearing can add value.

42. Composting

How to start a composting business

Where to Start : Locations near community gardens, farms, or markets where organic waste is abundant. Minimal space is required to start a small-scale operation. Keep in Mind : Knowledge of composting processes and local environmental regulations is important. Community engagement is key. Success Tips : Sell high-quality compost to gardeners and farmers. Educational workshops on composting can build community connections and promote sustainability.

43. Beekeeping

How to start a beekeeping business

Where to Start : Places with access to abundant flora and minimal pesticide exposure. Beekeeping can be started in a backyard. Keep in Mind: Understanding bee behavior and hive management is crucial. Local laws concerning beekeeping should be checked. Success Tips : Products like honey and beeswax have high demand. Offering beekeeping classes or selling beekeeping supplies can diversify income streams.

44. Drive-In Movie Theater

How to Start a Drive-in Movie Theater

Where to Start : Large open spaces near main roads but away from city light pollution. Easy access and good visibility are key. Keep in Mind : Licensing for film showing and a quality AV setup are needed. Adapting to seasonal changes can affect attendance. Success Tips : Improve experience with themed nights or concession stands. Partnering with local businesses for promotions can increase turnout.

45. Electrical Business

How to start an electrical business

Where to Start : A central location that allows for easy access to residential and commercial areas. A well-equipped van is essential. Keep in Mind : Licensing and certifications are mandatory. Staying updated with the latest electrical codes and safety standards is crucial. Success Tips : Offering services such as energy audits, smart home installations, or emergency repairs can cater to diverse needs. Quality workmanship and reliability are critical for reputation.

46. Roofing Business

How to start a roofing company

Where to Start : Areas prone to weather damage or with older housing stock. A warehouse for materials and equipment is necessary. Keep in Mind : Expertise in various roofing materials and installation methods is important. Safety training for all workers is a must. Success Tips : Providing guarantees or maintenance services can distinguish your service. After-storm services and inspections can drive additional business.

47. Bike Rental

How to start a bike rental business

Where to Start : Touristic areas with bike paths or scenic routes. A small kiosk or mobile trailer can serve as the rental point. Keep in Mind : Quality maintenance of the bicycles is essential. Offering different types of bikes for various ages and skill levels can broaden the market. Success Tips : Organize guided bike tours or create map routes highlighting local attractions. Collaborations with hotels or tourist sites can increase rentals.

48. Grocery Delivery

How to start a grocery delivery business

Where to Start : Serve both rural and urban areas where grocery stores are sparse or where residents seek convenience. Operate from a central dispatch location. Keep in Mind : Efficient logistics and reliable delivery personnel are crucial. A user-friendly ordering platform is essential. Success Tips : Partner with local grocers or offer subscription services for regular deliveries. Personalizing shopping services can enhance customer satisfaction.

49. Dog Boarding

How to start a kennel

Where to Start : A location with adequate space for play and rest, preferably with both indoor and outdoor facilities. Easy access for pet owners is important. Keep in Mind : Licenses and compliance with local regulations on animal care are required. Creating a safe and stimulating environment for the dogs is crucial. Success Tips : Offer additional services like grooming or training sessions. Hosting social events for dogs and their owners can build a loyal clientele.

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Top Small Business Ideas for Villages and Rural Areas

India’s rural areas are not only the backbone of the nation’s economy but also hubs of untapped potential. In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on fostering entrepreneurship in villages and rural regions. Small businesses play a crucial role in driving economic growth, generating employment opportunities, and empowering local communities. In this article, we’ll explore various small business ideas tailored for villages and rural areas in India, along with insights into the challenges and advantages of entrepreneurship in these settings.

small business ideas for rural areas

Challenges Faced by Rural Entrepreneurs

Despite the promising prospects, rural entrepreneurs encounter several challenges unique to their environment. Limited access to capital, inadequate infrastructure, and a lack of market information pose significant hurdles. Additionally, logistical challenges, such as transportation and supply chain issues, can impede business operations. Moreover, cultural and social barriers may inhibit entrepreneurial initiatives in certain communities.

Financial Constraints

Access to finance remains a significant barrier for rural entrepreneurs. Traditional financial institutions often perceive rural ventures as risky and may hesitate to provide loans or investment capital. As a result, entrepreneurs struggle to secure the necessary funds to start or expand their businesses.

Infrastructure Limitations

Inadequate infrastructure, including poor road connectivity, unreliable power supply, and limited access to telecommunications, hampers business growth in rural areas. Without proper infrastructure, entrepreneurs face difficulties in procuring raw materials, reaching markets, and delivering products/services to customers.

Market Awareness

Limited access to market information and consumer insights makes it challenging for rural entrepreneurs to identify viable business opportunities and adapt to changing market trends. Lack of market awareness often leads to product/service mismatches, pricing inefficiencies, and marketing ineffectiveness.

Advantages of Starting a Small Business in Villages

Despite the challenges, rural entrepreneurship offers several advantages that make it an attractive prospect for aspiring business owners. Understanding these advantages can help entrepreneurs leverage the unique opportunities presented by rural markets.

Low Competition

Compared to urban areas, rural markets typically have lower levels of competition, allowing entrepreneurs to carve out niche markets and establish themselves as local leaders in their respective industries. With fewer competitors vying for market share, rural businesses have a better chance of achieving sustainable growth.

Strong Community Bonds

Rural communities are characterized by strong social networks and community bonds. Entrepreneurs can leverage these relationships to gain support, build trust, and foster customer loyalty. By actively engaging with the local community, businesses can create a sense of belonging and solidarity, which can be instrumental in their success.

Abundance of Natural Resources

Villages and rural areas are often rich in natural resources, including fertile land, water bodies, and biodiversity. Entrepreneurs can capitalize on these resources to create value-added products, such as organic foods, herbal medicines, and eco-friendly crafts. By harnessing the power of nature, rural businesses can differentiate themselves in the market and appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.

Now let’s explore some promising small business ideas specifically tailored for villages and rural areas in India. From traditional agriculture to emerging renewable energy solutions, there are numerous opportunities waiting to be explored.

#1 Agriculture and Farming

Agriculture remains the backbone of rural India, providing livelihoods to millions of people. Entrepreneurs can explore various opportunities in agriculture, including organic farming, horticulture, floriculture, and livestock rearing. With growing demand for organic and sustainable produce, there is immense potential for value-added agricultural products such as organic fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and poultry.

#2 Handicrafts and Artisanal Products

India is renowned for its rich cultural heritage and traditional craftsmanship. Rural artisans possess unique skills and craftsmanship passed down through generations. Entrepreneurs can collaborate with local artisans to create handmade crafts, textiles, pottery, and indigenous artwork. By promoting these artisanal products through e-commerce platforms and niche markets, entrepreneurs can tap into the growing demand for authentic, handmade goods both domestically and internationally.

#3 Agro-based Industries

Agro-based industries encompass a wide range of businesses involved in processing agricultural raw materials into value-added products. Entrepreneurs can explore opportunities in food processing, agro-processing, and allied industries such as dairy processing, grain milling, oil extraction, and spice processing. By adding value to locally sourced agricultural commodities, entrepreneurs can create employment opportunities and enhance rural incomes while contributing to food security and economic development.

#4 Rural Tourism

Rural tourism offers a unique opportunity to showcase the cultural heritage, natural beauty, and traditional way of life in rural India. Entrepreneurs can develop eco-friendly homestays, farm stays, and experiential tourism initiatives that provide authentic experiences for travelers seeking immersive cultural experiences. By promoting responsible tourism practices and preserving local ecosystems, rural tourism can generate additional income for rural households while promoting sustainable development and cultural preservation.

#5 Healthcare Services

Access to quality healthcare services remains a major challenge in rural India. Entrepreneurs can bridge this gap by establishing healthcare facilities such as clinics, diagnostic centers, and telemedicine services tailored to the needs of rural communities. Mobile healthcare units equipped with basic medical amenities can reach remote villages and provide essential healthcare services to underserved populations. By leveraging technology and innovative healthcare delivery models, entrepreneurs can improve health outcomes and contribute to community well-being.

#6 Renewable Energy Solutions

With increasing emphasis on sustainability and environmental conservation, there is growing demand for renewable energy solutions in rural areas. Entrepreneurs can invest in solar power, wind energy, biogas, and biomass-based energy projects to provide clean and affordable energy access to rural households and businesses. By harnessing renewable energy sources, entrepreneurs can reduce dependence on fossil fuels, mitigate climate change, and promote rural electrification, thereby improving living standards and economic productivity.

#7 Education and Skill Development Initiatives

Education is a catalyst for socio-economic development. Rural entrepreneurs can establish schools, vocational training centers, and digital literacy programs to enhance educational opportunities in their communities. By imparting valuable skills, these initiatives empower individuals to pursue better livelihoods.

#8 E-commerce and Online Marketplaces

The rise of e-commerce has revolutionized the way businesses operate. Rural entrepreneurs can leverage online marketplaces to reach a wider customer base and overcome geographical barriers. From selling local produce to offering delivery services, e-commerce presents numerous opportunities for rural businesses to thrive.

#9 Waste Management Solutions

Effective waste management is essential for environmental sustainability. Rural entrepreneurs can implement initiatives like composting, recycling, and setting up waste-to-energy plants to address waste disposal challenges. These solutions not only mitigate environmental pollution but also create employment opportunities.

#10 Organic Farming Ventures

Small-scale organic farming presents an excellent opportunity for rural entrepreneurs to tap into the growing demand for chemical-free produce. By leveraging traditional farming methods coupled with modern techniques, farmers can cultivate a variety of crops ranging from vegetables to fruits and herbs. Establishing direct-to-consumer channels such as farmer’s markets or subscription-based services can enhance profitability while fostering a connection between producers and consumers.

How to Start a Small Business in a Village

Starting a small business in a village requires careful planning, resource mobilization, and community engagement. Here are some actionable steps for aspiring rural entrepreneurs to kickstart their ventures:

Research and Planning

Conduct thorough market research to identify potential business opportunities, assess market demand, and understand consumer preferences. Develop a comprehensive business plan outlining your business objectives, target market, competitive strategy, and financial projections. Seek guidance from local experts, industry associations, and government agencies to validate your business idea and fine-tune your business strategy.

Access to Resources

Identify and mobilize the resources required to start and sustain your business, including capital, land, equipment, raw materials, and skilled labor. Explore financing options such as bank loans, government subsidies, venture capital, and crowdfunding platforms to secure the necessary funds. Build partnerships with suppliers, distributors, and service providers to ensure a steady supply chain and operational efficiency.

Government Schemes and Support

Take advantage of government schemes, incentives, and support programs designed to promote rural entrepreneurship and small-scale industries. Explore schemes such as the Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana, Startup India, Standup India, and the Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency (MUDRA) for financial assistance, mentorship, and skill development. Engage with local government officials, industry associations, and business incubators to access resources and navigate regulatory compliance.

Community Engagement

Foster positive relationships with the local community by actively engaging with stakeholders, building trust, and addressing community needs. Seek feedback from potential customers, community leaders, and opinion influencers to understand their preferences and expectations. Participate in community events, social gatherings, and cultural festivals to promote your business and strengthen your brand presence. Collaborate with local NGOs, self-help groups, and cooperatives to leverage collective resources and support community development initiatives.


In conclusion, small businesses have the power to transform rural economies, create employment opportunities, and improve living standards in villages and rural areas in India. By identifying innovative business ideas, leveraging local resources, and fostering community partnerships, aspiring entrepreneurs can overcome challenges and build successful ventures that contribute to inclusive growth and sustainable development. With the right support, determination, and entrepreneurial spirit, the possibilities are endless for those willing to embark on the journey of rural entrepreneurship.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Are these small business ideas only suitable for villages in India?

No, while these ideas are tailored for rural settings in India, many of them can be adapted and implemented in rural areas worldwide. The key is to identify local needs, resources, and market opportunities.

2. How can I finance my rural business venture?

Financing options include bank loans, government schemes, venture capital, crowdfunding, and partnerships with investors or NGOs. Explore various avenues and choose the option that best suits your business model and financial needs.

3. Is there government support available for rural entrepreneurs?

Yes, the Indian government offers several schemes and support programs to promote rural entrepreneurship and small-scale industries. These include financial assistance, skill development, mentorship, and regulatory incentives.

4. What are some key challenges faced by rural entrepreneurs?

Rural entrepreneurs often encounter challenges such as limited access to finance, inadequate infrastructure, market constraints, and social barriers. Overcoming these challenges requires resilience, creativity, and community engagement.

5. How can I ensure the sustainability of my rural business?

Sustainability involves balancing economic prosperity, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility. To ensure the sustainability of your rural business, focus on ethical practices, resource efficiency, community engagement, and long-term viability.

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Best Small Business Ideas for Rural Areas, Villages, Small Towns in India

  • 14 December 2023
  • 2023-12-14 00:00:00

business ideas for rural areas

Table of Contents

Starting a business in rural areas holds great potential for positive change and community development. From farming initiatives to essential services, there are diverse opportunities and business ideas for rural areas for success in villages and small towns. 

Whether it's adopting sustainable agricultural practices, introducing technology-driven services, or building local product value chains, these businesses contribute not only to economic growth but also to the overall well-being of the community. 

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List of best small village business ideas in india.

Explore these promising and best business ideas in villages in India. These ventures align with local needs, promoting sustainability and community development.

1. Retail Store

Launch a retail store in your village, offering daily essentials, groceries, and household items.

2. Flour Mill

Set up a flour mill to process local grains, providing fresh and affordable flour to the community. Enhance food security by offering a reliable source of this staple.

3. Clothing Store

Open a clothing store focusing on traditional attire and daily wear. By offering affordable and locally relevant options, you'll contribute to the promotion of local fashion and style. Also Read: 10 Best Small Business Ideas With Low Investment in 2024

4. Poultry Farming

Embark on poultry farming to meet the local demand for eggs and meat. Implement sustainable practices to ensure a steady supply of protein to the community.

5. Fertilisers & Pesticides Store

Establish a store that provides fertilisers and pesticides to local farmers. Support agriculture by offering essential inputs, contributing to the overall productivity of farming activities.

6. Tutor Services

Initiate a tutoring service to support local students with academic assistance and skill development. 

7. Dairy Farming (Milk Production)

Start a dairy farm for milk production, ensuring proper animal care and hygiene. Provide a reliable source of fresh milk, contributing to the community's nutritional needs.

8. Organic Fruits and Vegetables

Cultivate organic fruits and vegetables to meet the increasing demand for healthy produce.

9. Blogging

Launch a blog showcasing your village's culture, traditions, and unique aspects. Generate income through advertising and promotion.

10. Diagnostic Centre

Establish a diagnostic centre offering essential medical tests and services. Provide accessible healthcare facilities to the local population.

11. Small Gym/Fitness Centre

Opening a small gym or fitness centre to promote health and wellness within the rural area is a very good business idea. 

12. Solar Power Services

You can offer solar power services to provide sustainable energy solutions to the village. Contribute to environmental conservation and address energy needs by implementing solar power technology.

13. Handicrafts and Handloom Business

Promote local art and craftsmanship by starting a handicrafts and handloom business. Showcase traditional skills, creating unique. Also Read: Top 10 Service Business Ideas

What are the Benefits of Rural Business Ideas?

This blog features a list of simple and effective village business ideas tailored for rural India, offering opportunities for prosperity and development in the heart of the country.

Starting a business in rural areas can positively change the rural community. These businesses create jobs, support the economy, and bring essential services closer to home. By focusing on the needs of the people, rural businesses play a significant role in improving the quality of life in these areas.

Here are some of the benefits of small-town small business ideas:

1. Less Competition

Rural areas often need more businesses, providing entrepreneurs with a unique opportunity to stand out and meet local demands.

2. More Affordable To Start Up

Setting up a business in a rural setting is generally more cost-effective, allowing entrepreneurs to allocate resources wisely.

3. Access to Cheaper Loans

Financial institutions may offer more favourable terms and lower interest rates to businesses successfully operating in rural communities, making funding more accessible. Also Read: 10 Best Business Ideas In Delhi

4. Boosting the Local Economy

Establishing a business in a small town contributes to its economic development, creating jobs and supporting local livelihoods.

5. Proximity to Resources

Small-town businesses often benefit from proximity to essential materials, reducing transportation costs and enhancing operational efficiency.

How Can a Business Loan Help Small Businesses in Rural Areas?

A loan for business from reputed lending institutions like Hero FinCorp can boost your idea for small businesses in rural areas:

  • Financial Boost: Business Loans can provide much-needed capital to grow ventures in rural areas.
  • Infrastructure Development: Funds from loans help create and enhance essential infrastructure.
  • Job Creation: Growing businesses generate employment opportunities, fostering economic stability.
  • Community Impact: Business Loans positively impact local communities, contributing to overall development.
  • Access to Resources: Entrepreneurs can utilize loan funds to acquire necessary resources, fostering sustainable growth.

How To Apply Business Loan Online for Small Businesses?

Businesses in small towns often require financial assistance in growth phases. This is where you can take advantage of loans for business from Hero FinCorp. 

Here’s how you can apply for a Business Loan with Hero FinCorp:

  • Visit Hero FinCorp website and go to the Business Loan page. 
  • Click ‘Apply Now' to fill out the Business Loan application .
  • Enter the desired Business Loan amount and preferred repayment tenure.
  • Receive a reference number upon submission. Keep it handy for future use.
  • Expect a call from our representative for additional assistance.
  • Get a customized loan offer detailing the sanctioned amount and interest rate.
  • Accept the loan offer to get the amount disbursed directly to your bank account.

Eligible applicants can get up to Rs 40 lakh Business Loan at attractive interest rates and flexible repayment tenures of up to 60 months.

Also Read: 15 Zero Investment Business Ideas In India

Businesses in villages hold immense potential for growth and sustainability. Leveraging the right ideas and financial support, such as Business Loans, can transform rural enterprises. The options are diverse, from retail stores to dairy farming and solar power services. 

By overcoming challenges and embracing opportunities, villages' businesses contribute to local economies and the overall development of rural areas. Explore the numerous possibilities and watch your village business thrive.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which of the village's businesses is profitable?

For profitable ventures in villages, you can consider agriculture-related businesses such as organic or dairy farming.

2. What problems do small businesses face in rural areas?

Small businesses in rural areas face challenges like limited infrastructure and market access, but Business Loans can address these issues.

3. What business can I start with 50,000 in the village?

Starting a small retail store, tutoring service or handicraft business is feasible with a budget of Rs 50,000.

4. Can I use a Business Loan to expand an existing village business?

A Business Loan is an excellent tool for expanding village businesses and covering various expansion needs.

5. What are some suitable village business ideas that can be funded with a Business Loan?

You can opt for business ideas like retail, poultry farming, and solar power services, which can thrive with the support of Business Loans.

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The act of paying out money for any kind of transaction is known as disbursement. From a lending perspective this usual implies the transfer of the loan amount to the borrower. It may cover paying to operate a business, dividend payments, cash outflow etc. So if disbursements are more than revenues, then cash flow of an entity is negative, and may indicate possible insolvency.

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Notice No. 1 of 2

Public Notice: Moratorium Message

Dated: march 31, 2020.

Dear Customers,

Today, the entire world is facing a crisis in the form of Covid-19, and it is during these times that we all need to come together to support each other and to act responsibly.

In light of the recent nationwide lockdown, we at Hero FinCorp are providing a three months moratorium to our loan customers as per eligibility and guidelines issued by RBI. This moratorium facility is only applicable for EMIs due between March 01, 2020 and August 31, 2020. EMIs / over dues prior to March 01, 2020 are not eligible for moratorium.

Please note, if you opt for the moratorium, interest will continue to accrue for the duration of the moratorium period at the currently running interest rate on your loan. This additional interest will be collected from you by extending the original tenor of your loan. We will also share an updated loan repayment schedule which would include all relevant details.

We urge customers to use this option only if absolutely necessary. This facility has been especially designed for those customers whose cash flows have been severely affected and they do not have sufficient savings or other income sources which they could use for paying their EMIs. The downsides of opting for the moratorium include:

  • 1. Higher interest costs
  • 2. Longer loan tenor
  • 3. You pay more overall

If you can, then you must continue to pay EMIs as per your existing Repayment Schedule. This would be a far superior option in the long run as it offers several benefits, it is easier, simpler, and cheaper to do, so choose wisely!

To apply for moratorium, please send us a request from your Registered Email Address, along with your Loan Account Number and Registered Mobile Number. Post which we shall initiate the moratorium for unpaid EMI of March 2020 (if any), and for EMI of April and May 2020.

For moratorium request or any other information, please write to us at:

Retail Finance Customers:

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Best Wishes, Team Hero FinCorp

Notice No. 2 of 2

Public Notice: Update on Hero FinCorp’s operations during COVID-19

Dated: march 26, 2020.

At Hero FinCorp, health and safety of all our employees, customers, and stakeholders is a top priority. In the wake of the Corona virus (COVID-19) outbreak, we are strictly adhering to guidelines from the government and other concerned authorities, in order to contain the spread of the virus and minimize impact on business.

During this challenging time, we have taken several measures to ensure safety of our employees, this includes providing work from home option for all our workforce and keeping a regular check on their and their family’s well-being. We have shut–down our offices and introduced alternate ways of working through Digital modes to ensure safety and business continuity. We are also working with our vendors and partners to ensure compliant and robust BCP plans are operationalized at their end as well.

Given the 21 day nation-wide lockdown announced by the honorable Prime Minister of India on March 24, 2020, we have put in place various initiatives to ensure that there is zero disruption in critical operational processes. Accordingly we are ensuring regular and relevant communication goes out to all our stakeholders and investors on the status of our operations.

While we remain committed to providing high levels of service to our customers, given the circumstances, we urge our customers to co-operate with us by ensuring the following:

  • 1. Choose E-mail channel for any loan servicing related request - This is a channel that has been strengthened to ensure quick resolutions to issues raised. While our call center remains operational, customers might encounter longer wait times, as they are operating at a reduced capacity to accommodate work-from-home policy.
  • 2. Ensure timely payments of EMIs through digital channels – We urge our customers to remain disciplined towards their EMI re-payments. We have made available numerous digital modes of payments on our official website (www.HeroFinCorp.com), and encourage our Retail customers to pay their dues by leveraging the same.

This is an unprecedented situation, and we at Hero FinCorp remain fully focused on overcoming the common crisis that we face. We are confident that with a little faith and discipline we shall soon see this situation through and normal business operations shall resume.

In case of any query regarding your loan, re-payment or loan servicing requests, please do reach out to us on the below mentioned E-Mail IDs:

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Miscellenous, business ideas in rural areas: how to choose right one & advantages.

business ideas villages

India has a lot of potential in rural areas and small towns in terms of business start-ups and cottage industries. The most prominent reason behind that is businesses in rural areas mostly centre on agriculture and other associated sectors on which 90% of the Indian population depend on.

Also, more than 70% of the population inhabits villages and small towns, and an entrepreneur may find ways to fulfil several unmet needs and build up a booming business. So, let’s look at 17 best business ideas for villages.

List of Best Profitable Vilage Business Ideas in India

Here is a list of small business ideas that can work well in a rural setting:

1. Retail Store

Retail outlets that cater to the different needs of the population can be one of the most profitable small business ideas for rural areas  as there is a shortage of well-planned outlets.

How to Start: To start a small retail shop, one has to come up with a thorough business plan. Other retail stores sell similar merchandise. Then, an entrepreneur must carefully choose a location for the shop. Finally, one has to arrange all necessary permits and licences to start the business.

2. Flour Mill

In villages and small towns using packaged flour is not as popular as it is in the cities. So, there is profitability in opening a flour mill that can supply flour and other grains like oats, corn, sorghum, barley, turmeric and other spices. It can be one of the most lucrative business ideas in rural areas.

How to Start: To start a flour mill, first of all, one must do a thorough investigation of the market and the competitors. If the situation is in favour, an entrepreneur needs the required primary investment for space and machines. Finally, after gathering the required licence and permits, one has to hire experienced workers to get started.

3. Clothing Store

There is always a demand for fashionable clothing and variety for daily use or special occasions in rural areas. Many people depend on city stores for such needs. So, a store with the latest fashion ware and variety can be very profitable.

How to Start: To start a clothing store, an entrepreneur can start by finding a niche where they want to work. Then, one should identify the target market and do a competitor analysis. After sorting out one’s legal necessities, location, products and staff requirements, one can start the journey.  The clothing industry is one of the most profitable businesses in India with a CAGR of 3.34%.

4. Poultry/Live-Stock Farming

There is always a huge demand for poultry products in villages and cities. One can start with a small farm and gradually build the capacity and variety.

How to Start: To start poultry farming, first, one must gain some knowledge about the job. One can choose a sector or the kind of animal one is going to farm and set a farm location. Apart from all that, one needs to have a proper business plan and investment jotted down.

5. Fertiliser Pesticide Store

The village scene is not complete without agriculture, and fertilisers are a crucial part of it. So are the pesticides. It is one of the best small business ideas for rural areas to start a fertiliser and pesticide shop.

How to Start: To open a fertiliser and pesticide shop, one must investigate the kind of crops a target market produces. Then one has to meet the licence and permit requirements from the municipality and state government.

6. Tutor Services

People are increasingly getting aware of the importance of education. In rural areas providing proper education can be a fruitful business idea.

How to Start: One must understand the need for quality in this sector. Then, one can start deciding things about the location and infrastructure. A budding entrepreneur must not hesitate to hire the best teaching staff possible for the centre. The quality will speak for itself, and no promotion will be necessary.

7. Dairy Centre

Collecting milk from farms and supplying it to houses can be an effective business plan if one has a shortage of funds to start a business making it one of the most plausible small business ideas for rural areas.

How to Start: To start a dairy centre, one has to learn how a centre is run under the guidance of a mentor. Apart from that, one has to make ties with dairy firms to obtain the role of a supplier.

8. Organic Fruits and Vegetables Centre

The market for organic fruits and vegetables is ever-increasing. One can sell the village produce and build up a profitable business.

How to Start: This business requires knowledge of farming and taking care of the produce. Or, one has to set up contracts with farmers for the harvesting part. This business requires a dedicated storage system where the fruit and vegetables can be refrigerated or stored.

9. Small-Scale Super Shop

The village scenario in India is changing very rapidly. A super shop can provide a magnificent opportunity for the changing customer base and needs.

How to Start: Starting a super shop is difficult but fruitful. One must have a clear business plan jotted out taking any action for the business. Next, one has to gather up all the necessary registrations and licence before investing further in material and human resources.

10. PET Bottles Production

Nowadays, the use of plastic bottles or jars is very common throughout the whole Indian scene. So, PET bottle production can be one of the most effective small business ideas for rural areas.

How to Start: One must start with proper market research and competitor analysis. After that, one can arrange the necessary funds and buy the required set-up and machinery for bottle manufacturing. Finally, to start production, one needs capable workers and raw materials.

11. Iodised Salt Production

Depending on individual circumstances, one can profit from an iodised salt production farm. An entrepreneur can start their own wholesale salt business and make a comparatively large profit.

How to Start: One can start iodised salt production with a small amount of investment. One has to make a business plan to start the process. Then have to meet the license and permit needs of the trade. One should hire experienced professionals to produce the iodised salt and concentrate on marketing the product.

12. Blogging

If one has the skill set or interest in becoming a blogger, they can start and maintain a blog of their own and start earning. Although generating profit out of this business can be slower in the beginning, it is one of the most creative and profitable small business ideas for rural areas.

How to Start: First of all, one has to know the intricacies of writing blogs. To continue being relevant, a writer must follow the changing trends of the present time and link up their niche writing to the trend to stay relevant. Second, one must engage themselves with all marketing strategies to get the profit going.

13. Air Bubble Packaging

Packaging needs for various products are constantly increasing in this developing country. One can take advantage of the situation and provide air bubble wrappers for packaging.

How to Start: First, one must consider the market potential for bubble wrap manufacturing business in the locality or possible connections of supply. Second, one has to know how it is produced and what its components are. Third, one has to meet the licence and permits needed for the trade. Finally, one can hire an expert workforce and start production.

14. Diagnostic Centre

Health awareness is increasing in Indian villages and small towns. People always look for reliable diagnostic centres in their vicinity for regular check-ups or emergency purposes.

How to start: One must meet the licence and registration requirements for a diagnostic centre. Then, one has to build the necessary infrastructure and set up a lab. Finally, one has to hire a crew of qualified pathologists for specific services the centre plans to offer.

15. Incense Sticks Production

In India, incense sticks or agarbattis are used on various occasions throughout the year. It is used everyday in many households today. So, it can be one of the fruitful small business ideas for rural areas.

How to Start: One should start by researching the market and competitors. After that, one should consider finding a suitable place for manufacturing the agarbattis. They can rent or buy a place and place the machine. Apart from having a jotted-down business plan and marketing strategy, one has to hire people to start the business.

16. Small Gym/Fitness Centre

Going to the gym and staying fit is more than a health-related concern now. It has become a culture. One can profit from this massive trend by opening a gym. It's almost like a one-time investment and lifelong-gain business plan.

How to Start: To start this business, one has to do some research on the current fitness trend and the local inclination towards gymnasiums. Finally, one has to rent a place and buy the essential equipment. One has to keep the pricing in check where a competitor analysis can come into play.

17. Paper Bag Business

After the ban on plastic carry bags, the demand for paper bags has increased. This can be one of the most beneficial small business ideas for rural areas.

How to Start: First, one should consider finding a suitable place to put the machinery. Second, one must make a proper business plan and invest in machines and raw materials. Finally, after arranging the permit and licence requirements, one can hire experienced workers to start production.

Now let’s look at how to get the advantages of small business ideas for villages.

How to Choose Small Business Ideas for Rural Areas?

One should consider certain factors before starting a small business in a village or small-town setting. Here is a list of things to consider:

1. Does it serve the locality?

One should always consider this factor before choosing any small business ideas. If an enterprise does not serve the purpose of the locality, it has no chance of seeing any growth in a region.

However, with a particular purpose to help, a business can become more than a profit-making system.

2. Is it going to stay relevant for a long time?

Apart from serving a purpose, one should also consider if a business will stay relevant for a long time. It can guarantee safer and more consistent running.

However, some ideas can be very necessary, effective and profitable and short running.

3. What is the risk-to-reward ratio?

Before investing in a small business idea for rural areas, one has to consider the risk-to-reward ratio for that sector.

In some cases, it is high risk and high returns; in others, it is the opposite. Businessmen have to decide for themselves what will be more appropriate for them and decide.

4. What are one’s personal goals?

One’s business idea should always line up with their personal goals. If a business starts to deviate or create resistance in someone’s personal life or inner ambition, it will be hard to continue.

If business lines up with one's personal goals, it can bring synergy into the work and uplift all living beings related to the process.

What Are the Advantages of Rural Business Ideas?

There are several benefits of starting a small business in a rural area. Let’s look at them one at a time:

1. Ready Access to Raw Material

As villages produce most of the raw materials for businesses, it is easier for a farm to get hold of them. It will help business owners to provide customers with high-quality products at comparatively lower prices.

The proximity to the village produce also helps a business to face lower resistance in manufacturing and helps to maintain a better flow of production.

2. Less Overhead Expense

To run a business, one must continuously invest in various aspects of production. In a village setting these overhead expenses are comparatively lower in a village setting than in urban areas. This factor can play positively for a business.

One can use this opportunity to save money for personal development apart from the business. Or, one can invest it to expand the existing infrastructure or connectivity further.

3. Cheaper Mortgages

In rural areas, mortgages are cheaper compared to urban areas. It is due to the fact that a village lacks the concentration of educational institutes, hospitals and shopping malls and therefore it attracts fewer people.

An entrepreneur can use this advantage and establish a small business in rural areas according to a niche that fits his or her disposition.

4. Low Competition

One can expect low competition in rural areas of India. However, it is comparatively lower than the urban areas.

In villages and small towns, one may have a few competitors, and depending on the niche, it may even be lower.

FAQs About Small Business Ideas for Rural Areas

What problems do small businesses face in rural areas.

Rural businesses face problems like a lack of qualified employees, unavailability of funds, lack of awareness about the digital marketing aspect of businesses etc.

Is it profitable to invest in a business in rural areas?

Yes, it is profitable to invest in a business in rural areas as it will boost the popularity of the business in the town. Moreover, there is not much competition in rural areas among businesses.

Which is the most profitable area of business in rural areas?

If you are planning to start a business in the rural areas, you can consider business related to agro-based products, poultry farming, retail shop, seeds and fertilisers, etc.

Please try one more time!

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Business Ideas For Village

village business ideas

The Indian economy has made significant progress over the years, and we are among the top countries worldwide on various measures. Furthermore, a large portion of the population still lives in rural India and works on small-scale village business ideas. This portion contributes significantly to India's GDP and can be considered the engine that drives the Indian economy.

The Indian village has been a self-sufficient and self-contained economy for generations. Rural rehabilitation and development have been a primary focus of economic planning for the past 40 years, resulting in a fast transformation of the Indian rural economic structure. Many local business ideas are now being considered in order to boost economic growth and employment in villages . Many of these business ideas and concepts have now become a reality since these can be done with little investment and resources. Here are some business ideas for villages that you can establish and grow:

25 Best Village Business Ideas For Rural Areas/Villages

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1. Hyperlocal Micro-Loan Services

business plans in villages

Financial services penetration has expanded dramatically since independence, yet many communities remain without access to formal financing. Local unorganised lenders still prey on people in these places, exploiting them with exorbitant loan rates. Hyperlocal micro-local services are thus one of the best small business ideas for Indian villages.

You can start this  micro-loan business with a team of two people with an investment of over 1 lakh.

2. Farming Equipment And Products

business plans in villages

Farming is one of the main jobs in any village and it requires many kinds of farming equipment and products . You can set up a store and sell seeds, pesticides, fertilisers, heavy machines, animal food, etc. You can easily buy these at reasonable prices from a wholesale market and then sell them with a good profit margin.

Good word-of-mouth promotion will work wonders since almost everyone in a  village  knows each other. You can start this business with an investment as low as 1 lakh and as high as 10 lakhs .

3. Fertilizers & Seeds Storage Store

business plans in villages

The fertiliser store is one of the most frequent businesses that can thrive in rural locations. You can set up your business with just one helper. Farmers are always in need of fertilizers , and if you can supply a modest amount of capital, the government will always grant a subsidy . This business takes very little investment , especially if you know how to prepare compost without chemicals from local materials such as kitchen and animal waste.

4. Small Scale Manufacturing Units

business plans in villages

You can start a small manufacturing business in the village , making items like incense sticks, candles, matchboxes, packaging, mugs and plates, disposable and jute bags, and so on. Small-scale manufacturing units in Indian villages are a profitable business opportunity because you can sell your items in metropolitan markets at higher prices, allowing you to make more money from such rural area business ideas. You can start this business with an investment of under 1 lakh and by hiring some local artisans.

5. Electronics, Mobile And Accessories Store

business plans in villages

Villages , like everywhere, require mobile phones. As a result, having a mobile, electronics, and accessory business in a village is a fantastic business idea. This is a simple business to establish with a small investment of 1-2 lakhs ; all you need is a proper shop in a suitable location and local supplier contacts. You can only keep mobiles, electronic items, and accessories that are used and in demand in the region along with basic services.

6. Solar Energy Business

business plans in villages

Solar energy has become quite popular in recent years, and there is a great deal of demand for it. As many states employ this technology, it will continue to be in great demand in the future. This business delivers great profits. If you have the funds of around 3-4 lakhs to invest in this village business idea, go ahead and start it.

Solar lights can be installed in villages where electricity is unavailable or too expensive.

7. Veterinary Service

business plans in villages

You need to have a recognised degree in veterinary medicine if you wish to practice veterinary. If you do have a background in veterinary medicine , you can operate a veterinary clinic in rural areas where there are few veterinarians. If your service region has less competition, your veterinary clinic will be significantly more profitable.

You can start a clinic by renting a small space in the village and hiring an assistant who has some basic knowledge of medicine. You can start such a clinic with very little investment of Rs. 50,000.

8. Livestock Farming

business plans in villages

Livestock farming refers to the practice of raising goats, hens, and cows, with the expense of doing business including the purchase and feeding of the animals. Village business owners have profited from this form of rural enterprise. You can begin with a small number of animals. As well as the quality and variety of these animals, and gradually expand your business .

You can market and sell the wool and eggs in cities in addition to meeting local demand.

9. Diagnostic Centre/Clinics

business plans in villages

People who live in villages or rural areas, like those who live in cities, are immune to disease and illness. Basic healthcare is supplied by the government through dispensaries, but there is always a need for specialised diagnostic centres that can provide treatment at a lower cost at the local level. Opening a diagnostic centre does not necessitate a large investment and can be done in under 5 lakhs .

The initial investment covers the cost of the centre's rent, medicine, staff salaries, and certification.

10. Flour Mill

business plans in villages

Establishing a flour mill is another option worth considering. The flour milling business might require a lot of work depending on the location. With a suitable business strategy, anyone can start a flour mill. You can also supply products to nearby places at a profit. Remember a good electrical connection is a must. It can be started with an investment of around Rs. 1-1.5 lakhs .

11. Oil Mill

business plans in villages

The best small business ideas for rural areas in India are the ones that have a good demand-supply mismatch with demand outpacing the supply. An oil mill has great demand since in rural areas people have to travel long for refining their oil. With an initial investment of around 2-3 lakhs , you can buy land and can start an oil mill that can be used to extract oil from soybean, mustard, and groundnut.

People use oil for many purposes and the demand for oil makes an oil mill very profitable .

12. Starting An Educational Institution

business plans in villages

Educational institutes are a profitable business in villages, and institutes for skill training can earn a lot of money depending on the level of education they deliver. As a result, turning this into a business might be quite profitable . Banks also lend money to rural communities to build schools and universities, and once they're up and running. You can sit back and enjoy decent returns on your investment for the rest of your life.

13. Water Purifier Business

business plans in villages

Many businesses, government agencies, and educational institutions require purified water canes at their premises. Villages have a variety of water sources that can be partially cleaned and transferred to cities. You may need to purchase or rent four-wheelers in order to transport orders in a timely manner.

 Furthermore, individuals in villages can go into your store to acquire water canes for their consumption, providing you with another cash stream in such small town business ideas in India.

14. Clothing Store

business plans in villages

Clothing is one of those items that everyone will purchase, and its sales skyrocket throughout the holiday season and special occasions. Villagers normally go to adjacent towns to shop, but having a clothing store in their hamlet will save them both time and money. This is one of the best rural small-scale industries. In addition, tailoring services can also be provided in villages. This business can be set up with an investment of around 1-2 lakh .

15. Grocery Store

business plans in villages

People in villages have the same tastes as people in adjacent cities or towns, so if you can save them time by starting a grocery shop with all types of daily used products, they will be delighted to purchase them at low costs. It's considered a blessing to have a decent, reputable store in the neighbourhood for purchasing staples like dairy, household products, and groceries. You can open a grocery store with an initial investment of around 1-1.5 lakhs .

16. Medicine Store

business plans in villages

People in rural areas frequently go to neighbouring cities to get medications that are not widely available. One of the business ideas for rural areas is to open a medical store that sells all types of pharmaceuticals . To ensure consistent supply, you'll need to develop a partnership with a local provider. This could be one of the most profitable small business ideas for Indian villages. 

Investment for a small medicine store can be around 2-3 lakh , a license is also required to run it.

17. Cement Bricks Making

business plans in villages

Cement brick manufacturing could be an excellent small village business idea for you if you have adequate money to invest. You can start a plant in a village where cement is inexpensive and labour is plentiful. It is a very profitable business since a good operating brick-making mill can sell around 30,000-40,000 bricks in a day at a rate of Rs. 1-2 per brick.

An investment of around Rs. 8-10 lakhs are needed since this business requires large land and labour.

18. Clothing & Apparels Business

business plans in villages

Clothing became an essential necessity for every segment of society; hence it will always be regarded as an evergreen business. As a result, owning clothes and apparel business can be extremely profitable due to the huge margins. One can open a clothing and apparel store without concern of losing money if the demand in the area is right. Make sure there aren't a lot of competitors in the area. You can start a clothing and apparel business with an investment of Rs. 2 lakhs.

19. Labour Supply Business

business plans in villages

Its the best business ideas in rural areas for good and skilled labour is always there in the market whether for construction or manufacturing. There are plenty of labour workers in villages who look for daily jobs to work and earn money. You can establish a business of getting big enterprises or industries with labour or workforce by contacting and making a directory of available skilled labour workers.

You can start this business with minimal investment and assistance .

20. Transportation Business

business plans in villages

For people looking to start a rural area business ideas  in a village, this may be another profitable idea. It is not expensive, and you only need a couple of vehicles to get started. You can deliver food, grocery, milk, and other goods, or you can provide cab and bus services to the locals or nearby inhabitants. The initial investment will range from Rs. 3-5 lakhs , depending on the sort of vehicle and number of delivery men/women you will be employing.

21. Milk Centre

business plans in villages

Milk is plentiful small town business ideas in India's villages and rural areas, so what's better than turning it into a profitable business opportunity? Starting a milk centre , where you can source milk from individuals in your village and export it to companies in cities, is one of the best business ideas in village. An investment of Rs. 5-6 lakhs are required for livestock, machinery, and deliveries. In the long run, this small-scale village business can be very profitable .

22. Packaged Drinking Water Franchise

business plans in villages

Clean drinking water should be available to everyone, whether they live in cities or villages. Because of a lack of facilities and water purification facilities, villages are barren of this. Freshwater from groundwater sources or hand pumps can be stored in huge cans and then delivered to villagers ' doorsteps in vehicles. You can charge money per jar, and it might be a one of the best  business ideas in village .

23. Fruits & Vegetables Vending Shop

business plans in villages

Fresh fruits and vegetables have always been in high demand. Every day, consumers require household products which essentially include fresh fruits and vegetables. Starting a fruits and vegetables vending shop is thus incredibly advantageous that too with very little investment of around Rs.50,000. Finding the correct location for a profitable shop is critical.

Running a successful shop requires you to manage inventory, understand your customers' needs, and respond to changes in seasonal preferences.

24. Providing Difficult-To-Find Things In The Village

business plans in villages

Sometimes it becomes hard to find something specific or difficult-to-find things in a village. Thus, if you tap this section of the market and products, you can establish a very profitable business. These products or items include seeds , IT accessories, automated systems, etc. You can make contacts and establish partnerships with retailers selling these items, buy them, and then sell them with a profit margin.

The  investment  for this depends on the type of product being sold.

25. Local Product Business

business plans in villages

Some villages have their unique art and craft or product, such as handicrafts , and selling them is one of the best methods to make money. Terracotta and pottery, silver filigree, horn works, tribal jewellery, brass and bell metalware, stone and wood carvings, golden grass and cane work, and puppets are among the most well-known local products and handicrafts made in villages . You can expect higher demand and significant profits once you've established a brand in the market.

Issues Faced by Small Businesses in Villages and Rural Areas

These are the major issues faced by small businesses in villages and rural areas in India:

The shortage of finances to funnel into operations is one of the most serious issues that small businesses face. This makes it difficult for the company to grow. Small enterprises do not have enough creditworthiness to participate in the capital market, and as a result, they confront financial difficulties. Collateral is required as security by industrial investors or banks.

2. Raw Material

For production, businesses require raw materials. They require some input in order to produce output. Small firms face challenges with raw material quality because it is dependent on it. The lack of a storage facility is also a problem. Small businesses cannot keep up their inventories for long periods of time making the availability of raw materials a problem.

3. Management

The activities of a small business are carried out by a small number of people. In the majority of circumstances, a single individual will be in charge of all operations. The manager is under a great deal of pressure to reach production targets. The management may lack the fundamental managerial skills required to run any business.

4. Skilled Labour

Villagers aren't known for having a diverse range of industries, and this lack of variety limits the economic options open to entry-level labourers. As a consequence, skilled labourers seek well-paying jobs outside of their small-town areas. As a result, many rural business owners are having difficulty finding skilled, experienced, and industrial sound employees.

5. Marketing and Promotion

In terms of marketing and sales, small businesses cannot compete with large-scale operations. They can't afford to spend a lot of money on advertising and product marketing. They must rely on intermediaries, who pay poor prices, and even the response from the intermediaries takes a long time.

What are the advantages of small-scale industries in villages?

  • Small-scale industries are one of India's most reliable sources of livelihood. They hire more labour and workers. Small-scale businesses are established easily in a shorter time, providing jobs to more people.
  • In comparison to large-scale industries, small-scale enterprises require less capital. In the Indian economic context, small-scale industries are more viable. They can be founded and run by small business owners with limited funds.
  • Small-scale industries enable the rural population to learn skills that would otherwise be unavailable in large-scale industries. These enterprises aid in the efficient utilisation of the resources accessible in rural areas.
  • Inequalities in wage distribution and economic power concentration result from large-scale companies. Smaller businesses, on the other hand, divide income and wealth more evenly. Because it is labour demanding, money is paid among a larger number of workers.

You might face many challenges during the course of establishing a village business ideas . However, a village has more potential and advantages than challenges. You need to do proper research regarding the investment, location, skilled labour, and much more. To start a business , you also need to learn and follow the concerning laws that will determine how and what you will need to do to establish and run your business successfully. We have discussed in detail about top 25 business ideas for villages . Now, you can consider one of these ideas, strategize an effective plan, and start a successful business in a village.

frequently asked question

Q1. which business is best for a village.

Some sorts of businesses thrive in villages, depending on the demand. Consider these small-scale business ideas if you have an entrepreneurial spirit but aren't sure where to start.

  • Retail store
  • Small-scale manufacturing units
  • Poultry/live-stock farming
  • Fertilizer/pesticide store
  • Tutor services
  • Milk/dairy centre
  • Organic vegetables/fruits

Q2. Which business is most profitable in a village?

Fresh fruit and vegetable vending shop is a basic and popular business that can be established in a village. You can simply develop contacts and buy the groceries from the nearby wholesale market and sell them at a reasonable price, making money with high-profit margins.

Q3. What business can one do in a village?

The following are some of the top business ideas for a small town or village in India:

  • Livestock Farming
  • Car/Bike Maintenance
  • Clothing manufacturing/store
  • Coaching Centres
  • Water Purifying Business
  • Kirana Store or Grocery Store

Q4. What business can I start with Rs. 50,000 in a village?

These are some profitable businesses you can start in a village with an investment of Rs. 50,000:

  • Retail Store
  • Food Stalls
  • Fruits and Vegetables Vending Shop
  • Grocery Store
  • Handicraft Shop
  • Labour Supply Business

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Ankur Aggarwal

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Hi all, I am Ankur Aggarwal – Digital Marketer, Entrepreneur, Traveller, Blogger, and Foodie. Have been blogging since 2010. In 2016 I scored 99.2 percentile in XAT Exam for MBA, left that to pursue my Online business dreams. The purpose of ankuraggarwal.in is to pass on 100% accurate, genuine and FREE information on Personal Finance, Entrepreneurship, Investing, Career, and Learning Digital Marketing Online. Know more about me here: About Ankur Aggarwal

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37 Profitable Small Business Ideas for Villages (Rural Business)

From Online Businesses to Small Business Ideas, We Have Added All the Best Rural Business Ideas and Startup Plans to Start in 2023.

So if You Are Looking for the Best Small Business Idea in Village or Small Town Then You Are at the Right Place.

Here in This Post, I Find Out Small Scale Business Ideas, Manufacturing Business, Food Business Ideas, and Small Startup Ideas That Will Help to Start a Business in Rural With Low Investment.

Rural Business Ideas

37+ High Profitable Rural Business Ideas & Small Business Ideas for Villages

So With a Perfect Plan, Budget, and Small Space, You Can Work on Different Agri-etch Businesses, Online Businesses, and Other Startup Ideas in the Small Town.

Work From Home Online Business (Blogging, Affiliate, Etc)

Starting a Work From Online Business Has a Great Business Opportunity as the Growing Use of Online Business.

It Opens Many Opportunities for Housewives, Students, and Also for Business Person, Some of the High Earning Online Business Ideas Are Influencers, YouTubers, Blogging, and Freelancers That You Can Start From Home and Get Clients All over the Globe.

Modern Agriculture

There is also a Great Rural Business Opportunity in Agriculture Business, So Starting of Cultivating of Different Crops and Vegetables With the Help of Modern Equipment and Government Subsidies With Bank Loans Holds Great Potential.

Do the Proper Soil Research, and Learning the Capability of Harvesting Different Crops, Vegetables, and Fruits With the New Agri-tech Products Will Help You to Maximize the Revenue From This Traditional Business.

If You Have the Idea of Organic Farming Then You Can Start Organic Farming in Rural Areas by Taking All the Advantages Availability in the Government Support.

You Can Harvest Different Types of Crops, Fruits, and Vegetables Organically and Sale Them in the Market.

Local Tour Guide

Become a Tour Guide is No Investment Business Which You can Start in Your City.

Every States or City Has Many Beautiful Place and Starting of a Travel Guide, Where You can Help Tourist To Explore The Different Beautiful Places and Earn Money.

Small Business Ideas for Small Towns

Organic food delivery service.

There is a Great Demand for Organic Foods Like Vegetables, Crops, and Fruits After People Realizing of Its Benefits,

So Starting an Organic Food Delivery Business in Your City Has a Good Business Idea. It Needs Some Investment and Market Research Where You Can Purchase Organic Vegetables and Fruits From Farmers and Sell Both Online or Telemarketing as Well.

If You Have Any Particular Skills of Teaching Like Mathematics, Computer Science, English, and Other Subjects Then You Can Start a Tutoring Service.

Tutoring is a Full Time or Part Time Career Option from Which You Can Start to Make Extra Income From It, as Student You Can Teach Your Younger Brothers and Sisters, and Also Create Pre-recorded Video Courses and Sell It Online.

Clothing Store

Selling of Clothing Items in Your City is Another Retail Business Ideas Where You Can Sell Different Cloths Products for Men, Women, and Kids.

The right Location, Business Plan and Investment Will Help You to Make This Retail Business Profitable.

Bakery Business

If You Are a Bakery Loved Person Then You Can Start a Small Bakery Business With Low Budget.

There Are Many People Who Like to Consume Bakery Food Like Cookies, Cakes, Buns, Rolls, and Biscuits and You Can Start a Small Business Related to It.

Open an Online Store or Offline Store to Sell Your Food Products. There Are Many Online Food Platforms, Are You Can List Your Bakery Products and Sell It Throughout the Country.

Bee Keeping Business

From Ritual Works to Medical Purposes, Honey is Used for Different Purposes, and Starting a Beekeeping Business is Another Low Cost Farming Business Idea.

It Needs Proper Training to Extract Honey and Process It From the Box and if You Have a Low Investment Then You Can Start a Beekeeping and Honey Processing Business and Sell It in the Market.

Tea/Coffee Shop

Starting a Tea Stall or Cafe is Another Small Scale Business Idea, Where You Can Sell One of the Most Consume Beverages to the People.

You Can Also Start a Part-Time Business of Selling Tea and Coffee by Opening a Stall on Road Side or With Proper Investment by Opening a Cafe.

Fish Farming

In the Rural or Small Towns, There is a Widely Availability of Land to Starting Any Type of Business, So Starting a Fish Farming is Another Lucrative Business Idea Which You Can Also Start as a Part-Time Business.

If You Have Knowledge of Cultivating Different Fish in the Pond and the Idea of Growing It, Then Starting an Aquaculture Business is Another Profitable Rural Business Idea That Require Low Investment, Planning, and Human Power to Start.

Organic Green House Farm

In the Past Few Years Organic Greenhouse Products on Growing Immersively. It is a Process of Farming Where You Have Proper Control Over the Crops.

There Are Many Benefits of Starting an Organic Greenhouse Farm and Some of Them Are Complete Control Over Climate, Irrigation, and Organic Fertilization, That Help to Grow Quality Products on With More Stability.

Poultry Farming (Livestock Farming)

In the Past Few Decades, There is a Good Growth in the Poultry Farming Business as its Growing Consumption of It, and of Its Multi- Use For The Rural Business.

So Starting Poultry Farming in Rural Areas, Small Towns, or Villages is Another Profitable Farming Business That Require Low Capital Investment to Start.

Start a Restaurant

Opening a Small Restaurant in the Rural Market Place is a Good Idea to Start With Low Capital. Providing the Best Quality Food At an Affordable Price Will Attract the Customers, and Starting It in a Crowded Place or Road Side Will Provide the Restaurant More Visibility.

Low Cost Rural Business Opportunities with Good Profit

Car washing.

Automobile Washing is Another Easiest Small Business That You Can Start With a Very Low Investment, in the Growing Automobile Industry. The Demand of Many Small Service Based Businesses Related to It and Washing is One of Them.

So That Starting Small Automobile Washing in Road Side or Crowded Place in Your City to Get More Customers Easily, You Can Also Provide Detailing and Services Also.

Hair Dresser

If You Have the Skills in Hair Cutting, Saving, and Other Then You Can Start a Small Area, It is a Service Based Business That Require Low Investment to Start.

So Choosing a Marketplace and Opening a Barber Shop Will Help You to Attract More Customers to Your Shop.

Pet Care and Training

If You Like to Take Care of Different Pet Animals Like Cats, Dogs, and Others Then You Can Start a Pet Cleaning and Grooming Business.

There Are Many People Looking for Different Types of Pet Cleaning, Training, and Grooming Services and You Can Open a Shop Related to It in Your City.

Computer Repairing Business

Service Based Businesses Are One of the Most Profitable Business Why You Can Sell Your Skills and Make Money From It, Where It Require a Low Capital to Start and Make Your Business.

Computer Repairing Business is Another Service Based Business in Which Demand is Growing Rapidly From City to Metro Town, With Proper Training, You Can Start a Computer Repairing Business and Provide Services in Your City.

Open a Food Truck

Starting of a Food Truck is Another Part Time Small Business Idea That You Can Start With Low Capital.

Do the Market Research and Learn the Demand for Different Fast Food Items and Sell Them in Your Food Truck Will Help You Make Your Business More Profitable.

Ice Cream Shop

With a Low Investment, You Can Start Ice-Cream Shop or Parlor Business and Sell Different Types of Ice Creams in the Crowded Area.

You Can Start It Both Full-time or Part Time Career Option How You Can Sell Ice Creams Both in a Food Truck or Fix Stand as Well.

Bed and Breakfast

Bed and Breakfast is Another Hospitality Rural Business Idea, That Require Low Investment and Property to Start. In the Rural Area, You Can Open a Bread and Breakfast Service From Your Home and Provide House to People Who Need.

Catering Services

Catering Business is Another Beginner Friendly Business Idea That Comes Under Service Based Small Business, From Events to Organized Some There is a Great Demand for Catering Services and if You Have Some Humen Power and Investment Then You Can Start a Catering Service Business.

Best Business in Village Area in 2023

Event planning.

Music Concerts, Parties, Birthdays and Weddings, There is Always a Demand for Event Management Services.

So if You Have Some People and Skills of How to Manage Events, Book Hotels, and Security and Other Related Services Then You Can Start a Small Event Management Business Where You Work for Small Events at the Beginning.

Hardware Store

With a Good Investment, You Can Start a Local Hardware Shop Where You Can Sell Different Daily Use Hardware Products.

You Can Store Different Types of Daily Use Hardware Like Keys, Locks, Nuts, Screws, Washers, Hinges, Latches, Handles, Wire, Chains, Belts, Plumbing Supplies, Electrical Supplies, and Tools and Sell Them by Opening a Hardware Shop.

It Needs an Investment to Start a Hardware Shop and Today Marketplace to Open Your Shop.

Frequently Asked Question on Villages Business Ideas  (F & Q)

Q1. which business is most profitable in rural areas, q2. which type of business is best in rural areas.

Ans-  Livestock Farming and Agri Farming Are the Best Rural Business Idea and Others Are Retail Store, Barber Shop, Rental Agriculture Machinery, and Others.

Q3. What Businesses Thrive in Rural Areas?

Ans-  Agri Mills, Retail Stores, Live-stock Farming, and Dairy Farming Are the Thrive Business in Rural Area.

There Are Many Rural Business Opportunities That are Easy to Start Village With Its Vacant Space, Widely Availability of Raw Materials, and Cheap Labour Will Help You to Start Different Rural Businesses as an Entrepreneur.

Here in This Post We Added Small Scale Village Business Idea, Different Processing and Manufacturing Business in Village, and the Most Profitable Agriculture Business Idea With Modern Technology, So Find the Best Out of Them and Start Working on It.

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business plans in villages

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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Business > Top 10 Profitable Village Small Business Ideas

Top 10 profitable village small business ideas.

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Do you want to start a business in a rural area? You might be thinking that villages do not have a robust infrastructure compared to urban areas. Indeed, a business has unique requirements and needs a solid infrastructure to thrive. However, this should not deter you because there are ample business opportunities in rural areas! In fact, India’s rural and semi-urban Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) market is anticipated to reach US$ 100 billion by 2025 and to expand at a CAGR of 17.41%.

With more than 70% of Indians living in rural areas, you can find success here by implementing numerous small business ideas for rural areas . Moreover, the government’s “Atmanirbhar Bharat” initiative has significantly improved startup opportunities for entrepreneurs in rural areas.

No need to relocate to a big city because creating a small business in a village can give you an equal chance of generating profits and a healthy return on your investment. Additionally, essential services like daily needs are not readily available in rural areas. This automatically places them on the list of potential small businesses in villages with high growth rates.

10 Best Small Business Ideas For Villages And Rural Areas

1. setting up a mill.

Setting up a mill in a village is one of the best small business ideas. In villages, most people grow different grains like wheat, oats, rice, corn (maize), and barley. When farmers are reliant on mills in the city for processing their products, they may find it tedious over time. They are also forced to pay for labor and shipping.

Having a mill within a village will eliminate the need for farmers to go to town for their products; instead, they can come to you. You only need a place to put your machine. Plus, you can opt for equipment leasing or an equipment loan to finance your tools and machinery. Thus, setting up a mill can be a cost-effective business option.

What makes it the best small business idea in a village is that you can sell the finished product to a nearby city and earn profits consistently.

2. Poultry Farming

As more people become aware of the health advantages of eating eggs and chicken, they start looking for local farms rather than ones that import their products.

For rural business owners who want to profit from this circumstance, poultry farming is one of the best-suited small business ideas for rural areas. However, poultry farms require an initial investment, and the results take time. So, it is best if you start small and raise a small number of birds so you can grow your business gradually. A poultry farm offers simultaneous earnings of both meat and eggs.

3. Organic Farming

To improve their health, most people now choose organic products, which shows a rise in the demand for organic goods. This is where organic farming comes in. Organic farming is gaining popularity among people as a viable small business idea for rural areas as it gives good results in the long run as compared to conventional agriculture.

Since organic farming creates less soil and water pollution, the land remains productive for a long time. It is possible to make a lot of money growing organic fruits, vegetables, and flowers on the Indian market because organic products are in high demand.

4. Grocery Store/Kirana

Imagine traveling to a city to buy some of the essential items you need daily because there are no stores nearby. Wouldn’t it be convenient to have a grocery store nearby that carried almost everything, from wheat to soap? You’ll save time, but you’ll also cut down on travel expenses.

A Kirana store is a perfect small business idea in a village area. In India or otherwise, people always prefer to shop locally, so opening a Kirana store that sells necessities could be a wise investment. Grocery stores may host a variety of businesses. You might also sell DTH and phone recharge cards along with household goods.

5. Making Jute Bags

One of the most potent all-natural fibers readily available worldwide is jute. Jute fiber is biodegradable and reusable. So, if you were looking to set up a small business in the village, jute bag manufacturing is a fantastic business to launch.

Making jute bags is a straightforward process. Anyone can undertake this business, even from their own home. In addition, this is a fantastic small business in rural areas for mothers, homemakers, and women in general.

6. Dairy Farming

Why not make milk a lucrative business opportunity since it is widely available in our nation’s rural and farming communities? One of the best small businesses in a village is to start a dairy company where you can import milk from farmers in your town and export it to businesses in cities. This way, not only you but also farmers make some money.

Any financial institution, which provides lower interest rates and more lenient repayment terms, can be used to obtain the initial financing required. This small business in a rural area could be very prosperous in the long run.

7. Candle Making

In addition to serving various religious and decorative purposes, aromatized decorative candles are in high demand. It is possible to start a candle-making business as a side job and on a small scale. Female entrepreneurs lead this segment by regularly presenting new candle-making techniques.

As a small business idea in rural or village areas, candle making can be started with little financial investment. Women can apply this small-scale business idea in villages and start supplying the neighborhood stores.

8. Clothing Store

A clothing store is yet another rural small business idea. The idea that people in rural areas don’t care about wearing designer clothing is untrue. They don’t wear these clothes because there aren’t any clothing stores in the area.

If you open a clothing store with a wide selection that everyone will wear during the holiday season and on special occasions, your business will grow significantly. A second small business idea in villages is tailoring.

9. Fruits and Vegetable Shops

Opening up a fruits and vegetable shop is one of the rural areas’ most straightforward and typical small business ideas for rural areas. You can start by going to the wholesale market and purchasing produce at a discount to sell it for a higher price and make a profit.

10. Fertilizers & Seeds Storage

You need to understand customers’ needs before proceeding with your small-scale business idea. In villages, farmers frequently travel to big towns and cities to buy fertilizers and pesticides. So, if you can create a storage facility to store pesticides and fertilizers, you can go into business and make life easier for the locals.

This small-scale business idea in a village doesn’t need a lot of capital because anyone can start it with just the purchase of seeds and fertilizer from a store.

Setting up your small-scale business in rural or small village areas of India can become prosperous if the conditions are right. It’s time to pursue your dream of starting your own business if that has always been your goal.

No matter what you do, whether you start a side business or quit your 9-to-5 job, there is something for everybody. Your choice of business will be determined by your skill set, your interests, and the resources you have.

If you are looking for a business loan to start your own small business, you can get a business loan from Tata Capital. Tata Capital offers multi-purpose business loans up to 75 lakhs at attractive interest rates. To help you achieve business success, we have relaxed eligibility criteria and flexible repayment options. 

Start your entrepreneurial journey with Tata Capital right away! Visit our website to learn more and apply online.

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10 Most Profitable and Successful Business Ideas for Villages & Small Towns

If you are living in a village or small town and want to start your own business then we have some good ideas for you. These businesses require less investment and in return gives good profit.

Profitable business

There are many business opportunities that people living in rural areas can explore. To start any business in the village , you do not need much investment, strict regulations or detailed paperwork. And the best thing is that these small businesses give you very good income. So, let’s explore some profitable business ideas

What Businesses can be started in Villages?

Check out the 10 most money-making and successful business ideas for villages and small towns;

Milk Centre

To open a milk centre, you will have to contact a dairy farm. Milk centres generally collect milk from the villagers & sell it to dairy farms. They require only few equipment like weighing machines, billing software, etc to start a business. As rearing of buffalos and cows are common in villages, milk centres can bring good profits.

Small Scale Manufacturing Units

Small scale manufacturing businesses consist of various types of products like disposable paper plates, cups, paper bags etc. It must be noted that disposable products are in high demand in the market and investment required to start this business is not much.

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Grocery Store

This is one business option that is widely explored by almost every section of society. Every household need grocery items. Therefore, opening a ‘grocery’ store is one of the simplest businesses in India. All you need is get a shop of rent and reach out for suppliers of the products.

Fruits & Vegetables Vending Shop

This is yet another simple and most common business that can be started in villages. To start this, go directly to the wholesale market and buy vegetables and fruits at lower price and earn profits by selling it at a comparatively higher price.

Electronics, Mobile and Accessories Store

You can also plan to open an electronics store in your village and earn good profits. Almost all villagers want to communicate with their family members, hence mobiles have become a necessity now.

Fertilizers & Seeds Storage Store

Fertilizers & Seeds Storage Store

Farmers living in villages depend on agriculture and for good crop yield they need seeds and fertilizers hence it is a good idea to open Fertilizers & Seeds Storage Store. This business does not require huge investment. All you will have to do is buy some good quality fertilizers and seeds and take a shop on rent to run this business.

Clothing Store

Clothing is an important thing we all need hence if you open a clothing store in your village that provides people with modern and good clothes then it shall become a success. For this you will need to look for garment suppliers who can bring a variety of clothes based on commission. As people in villages do not travel to cities frequently they will buy from the nearest clothing store.

Door-to-door supply of drinking water

Clean drinking water is needed by everyone. Many villages in India are still deprived of this because of lack of infrastructure and water treatment plants. You can store fresh water from tube wells / hand pumps in large cans and then can supply it to villagers at their doorstep. You can charge them per jar or per can. In this business you need very less investment as compared to other businesses.

Integrated Fish-Cum-Duck Polyculture

Placing the ducks together with fish ponds suits the fish polyculture method perfectly. To go ahead with this business idea, you need a water body like a pond etc.

Jute Bag Making

As you may know that jute is a biodegradable eco-friendly fabric hence bags made with jute have a relatively good market demand and export capacity. With a reasonable machinery, you can start a jute bag unit in your village itself.

Hence these were some profitable business ideas that you can start in rural areas or villages. If you need information on any particular business then do write at the comment box given below. 

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Top 11 Successful Business Ideas to Start from Indian Villages & Small Towns

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Top 11 Successful Business Ideas to Start from Indian Villages & Smaller Towns

Similar to the nation’s urban areas, rural areas also have numerous business opportunities to explore. Most of rural India contributes to the agricultural sector which further helps in the growth of the nation’s economy. To start businesses in villages, business owners do not need to worry much about strict regulations, detailed paperwork, high-end infrastructure, advanced equipment, etc.

People in villages either contribute to the agricultural industry or majorly are engaged in businesses related to the retail, services, livestock, trading and manufacturing sectors. Micro, small or medium-sized business owners in villages are not devoid of opportunities, as they have ample businesses to start, grow, expand and flourish. In this section, we shall be further discussing some of the leading small business ideas to start in rural areas.

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1. Poultry Farming Business

Opening a poultry farm business does not require much money or much land. The only task is the rearing of small chickens for some weeks after which they can be sold off in the market or to wholesalers. Poultry farms require initial investment; however, returns are not instant. Therefore, it is recommended to start this business on a contractual basis. Poultry farm gives dual earnings of meat, as well as eggs at the same time.

Read: Poultry Farm Business Plan – How to Start a Poultry Business in India

2. Clothing Store/Boutique

Most of the villages are secluded from larger towns and cities, so if a clothing store opens in a village that provides people with the latest clothing apparel and quality fabric, it shall become a success. Business owners will need to find garment suppliers who can bring a variety of clothes based on commission. As villagers do not have much reach to travel to cities frequently; shall buy from the clothing store itself.

Read: Clothing Business Plan – How to Start Garment Business

3. Diagnostic Centre/Clinic

Like in urban cities, people living in villages or rural areas are also immune to catching diseases or getting ill. Basic healthcare facilities are provided by the Government with the help of dispensaries but still there always are requirements for specialised diagnostic centres that can provide treatment at the local level at lesser fees. Opening a diagnostic centre does not require much investment. The initial investment includes the centre’s rent, medicine cost and salary of staff along with valid certification.

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4. Franchise for Packaged Drinking Water Business 

Irrespective of whether people live in towns or villages, clean drinking water should be available for all. Villages are devoid of this because of a lack of infrastructure or water treatment plants. Freshwater from tube wells or hand pumps can be stored in large cans and further can be transported in vehicles to villagers at their doorstep. This convenience shall be charged per jar and can be a successful business idea.

5. Electronics & Accessories Store

Technology, communication and entertainment should not lag behind in villages, a majority of India’s populace comes from villages only. Even the thought of opening an electronics store in a small village is a huge success. Almost every villager wants to communicate with their families, so mobiles are a necessity now. Therefore, only the saleable mobiles could be kept in stock without making much investment in a good locality.

6. Fertilizers & Seeds Storage Store

Villages consist of farmers and farmers rely on agriculture. To earn their livelihood villagers must ensure that their crops are well irrigated and further sold at good prices. To make things easy for villagers, the business of opening a storage store of fertilizers and seeds can be of much interest. This business does not require much investment, as just the purchase of fertilizers and seeds with a store can make anyone run this business.

7. Fruits & Vegetables Vending Shop

This is the simplest and most common business for anyone and mostly for native villagers living in the same village. People interested can directly go to the wholesale market and purchase fruits and vegetables at lower rates and earn profits by selling them at a comparatively higher price in their village.

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8. Grocery/Kirana Store

This business idea is widely explored by almost every segment of society. Every household in every village requires groceries. So, opening a ‘Kirana’ store is one of the simplest businesses in India. Reach out to suppliers of the products that are required to be sold, get a shop of rent and start this business right away.

9. Livestock Farming Business

Livestock farming means rearing goats, hens, and cows in which the cost of business includes the investment in form of animal purchase and feeding them. This type of rural business has provided profits to business owners.

Read: Agriculture Business Plan – How to Start Agriculture Business

10. Small Scale Manufacturing Unit

Small-scale manufacturing businesses include various types of products, including disposable paper plates, cups, paper bags and many more. Disposable products in today’s market are in high demand and the investment required to open this business is not much. Most of the money is invested in raw materials and related resources. So, people can start businesses and be a part of Small Scale Industries to avail benefits.

11. Milk Dairy Outlet

To start a milking centre, an individual needs to have contact with a dairy farm to do business. Milk centres basically collect milk from the villagers and sell it to dairy farms. Milk centres require little equipment to start a business that including weighing machines, billing software, etc. Weighing machines are required to measure the quantity of milk fat and other related products. As the rearing of cows and buffalos is common in villages, so milk diaries in villages can bring good earnings along with profits.

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Read: Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme (DEDS) Objectives, Subsidy, Tenure

Businesses in rural areas and small villages of India are of great potential, as people just need to be more aware of the options and possibilities required to start a business. To start any type of business, interested applicants can apply for business loans, microloans , small business loans , term loans or working capital loans by comparing and choosing from various loan options available at competitive interest rates under single online web platform.

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30 Best Business Ideas In Villages And Rural Areas In 2022

Are you thinking to start the new business? If yes then this article 3 0 Best Business Ideas In Villages And Rural Areas In 2022 will help you to choose or find the best business idea in Rural areas .

How To Select The Best Bussiness Idea

List of 30 best business ideas to do in villages and rural areas, 1. drinking water bottle manufacturing bussiness in small scale, 2. vegetables shop or grocery shop, 3. mobile canteen or cooking on vehicle, 4. food hotels – best bussiness idea in india, 5. snacks and food manufacturing bussiness, 6. vegetable farming – plant vegetables, 7. open franchise of a big companys, 8. rice mill – small bussiness idea, 9. card printings – marriage and bussiness card printing, 10. medical store bussiness, 11. hardware shop, 12. dj and arrangement bussiness, 13. stationary shop bussiness -best business ideas in villages, 14. provisional stores bussiness in india, 15. paper bag and items manufacturing bussiness in india, 16. soap manufacturing business, 17. gift shops best low investment business, 18. barbershop – all-time profitable business, 19. beauty parlor – best business idea for women, 20. mobile repair shop – high demand business idea, 21. electrical and electronics sale shop, 22. mechanical garage shop – best business ideas in villages, 23. hotels and restaurant – high profitability business for men and women., 24. fruit juice shop – best business ideas in villages, 25. shoe sandal shop -best business ideas in villages, 26. clothing shops – high margin business idea, 27. setup a petrol bunk in your city, 28. start a tile business, 29. fertilizer production business, 30. food delivery business, what after selecting the business, online bussiness idea to earn from home, how to run business successfully with low investment, final words with conclusion on business ideas in villages.

Before selecting the best business idea you need to consider the below points. The below points will help you to select the best idea which suits you.

  • It should solve the problem Of others.
  • The low competition will help to grow easily.
  • Consider the trend and trending business ideas .
  • Select the one which is not in your village.
  • You should have a focus on the business not on earning.
  • Select the one which will work for the long term.

Below are the best business ideas in India that can be run with low investment .

Note; Below mentioned margins, the minimum investment may vary from place to place or with other rules.

The water business is the speed growing business . Well, you need to spend more money to set up a big plant. But you can also set up on a small scale without costly machines. To do this you need to buy water from the RO plant and sell with bottles.

  • High Profit
  • All-time active bussiness
  • Need More Invest To Do Big plant
  • High Competition

If you want to start a business in village you can start a new vegetable retail shop in your city. Yes, vegetable shops have a high margin and one of the best business ideas in villages . You can even distribute them with hotels and earn more money and sales .

  • High Margin
  • Low Investment
  • High profit
  • Suitable for villages due to digital grocery apps

In a crowded place, the best business Idea with profit is the mobile canteen. You can run this business in your city or villages. You can do breakfast, snacks, small hotels, and serve them for the people. I can say that the mobile canteen is the less risky business idea to do.

  • No Rent And Advance
  • Daily earning
  • Specialized in cooking
  • Hard work at the begining

Apart from the fast Hotel, you can also set up a small food hotel in the village areas. You need to provide good tasty food and great service to be successful.

In this bushiness computation doesn’t matters tasty food matters.

  • Evergreen Bussiness
  • Need Specialized cooks
  • starting investment for workers

Snacks and food manufacturing is also one of the business ideas in the village. you can manufacture daily consumption of snacks and food and sell them in the shop. You will get a high margin and profit in this business.

  • Daily moving items
  • Can start with low investment
  • Starting sale problem

If you have a small place in your village you can utilize them and plant vegetables. You can earn a high profit with this business in India . you can directly sell to the customer or you can sell them with the distributors.

You can also sell them with a hotels near by you and earn more profit.

  • Very less investment
  • You should have a required amount of water for plants

opening the franchise is also another best business with no idea . Here marketing and other things will be managed by the partnered company. Profits will be shared by the company and you. you can open the franchise of Nandini , Amul , Courier company, etc.

  • Already branded
  • No need to advertise
  • Loan facility available
  • Profits are shared

Rice mill is also one of the best rural business ideas . You only need customers to be successful. You can buy the small rice milling machine and set up in your village.

You can start this business if you want a new business plan in India you can have a good profit and sales too. here competition is less compared to other businesses.

  • Competition is very less
  • Need a good market place

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You can also build a new medical store in your village or near the hospital. you can also make a tie-up with the hospital. To run the medical store you should hire one worker who done B.Pharma, D.Pharma, M.Pharma studied workers in your shop its diploma in pharmaceuticals 2-year course.

  • high margin
  • High investment

If you don’t have any hardware shop in your village you built it. You will get a high margin on this product also. You can sale hardware items for house building, plumbing items, etc.

  • High margin
  • Good profit

Well, the DJ business is one of the highly profitable businesses especially in village areas this business has a high demand. You can provide service in marriage and any event in your place.

You can also set up a service like an event organizing and tent serving business side by side.

  • one time invest
  • High investment needed to be successful

Stationery shop means you need to keep the shop where daily moving or fast-moving products are stored. These products also have a great margin and it is the best evergreen business to do.

  • Need good place

Provisional stores in a village are one of the evergreen business ideas in villages . You can keep daily usable items like sugar, paste, Colgate, and many items that provide a good margin. you can easily earn high profits by doing this business.

  • good profit
  • High competation

Well, nowadays paper manufacturing business is one of the best business ideas to become rich . As we all know use of plastic covers is banned from government and the best alternative for plastic is papers. you can start this business on a low scale at the beginning and improve it later.

  • Easy marketable
  • Positive market

Bath soap business is one of the best business industry . You and your business will grow definitely from this business . It can also be started with low investment in small scale.

  • high profit
  • Sales are lightly difficult

Gift and other fancy shop businesses are also one of the best business ideas in India. Here the margin is high and profit is also high. the only thing is the shop placement. We can place these shops near the wedding area and shool etc.

  • Good for rural area
  • Need to search the best suitable place.

Barbershop Business is also an essential service business idea you can set up the shop and keep the person who does the work also. As it is an essential service earning will high which means profit also high.

  • Essential service
  • Must have shop
  • Need to invest a high amount at the begining

Beauty parlor is one of the best business ideas for women . If you are a woman and trying to build your business you can go with this. You can earn a high amount in this business.

  • Best business idea for ladies
  • Need to invest large money at the beginning

Nowadays everyone has a smartphone and of course, that may get a problem in day to day usage. You can set up a mobile shop in your village and earn money it is also the best business idea in villages .

  • Evergreen idea
  • Need expertise in repairing product

If you are searching for the high margin business this will make your search complete. On the sale of electronic items, we can easily get a high margin and thus profit. You can start this business in villages .

  • We can get High margin Easily
  • Most profitable bussines
  • Need large investment at the begining

If you know the work of mechanic you can easily earn in lacks for a month its also the best business ideas in villages . To set up this business you should know the work well to impress the customers.

  • And its also an evergreen bussiness
  • Need high investment
  • Need to be expertized worker

Start the hotel in your city serve them good food and become a businessman. Hotel and restaurant business is one of the best high profit business which will work for sure. The only thing is you need to have a well-known cook to produce tasty food.

  • Evergreen business idea
  • High competition
  • Need specialized cook.

In a crowded place like Bazar healthy fruit juice shop will make magic. Especially in the summer seasons. People like to stay healthy and drink healthy. fruit juice is very tasty and also healthy in the same way. Building the fruit juice shop will also make you rich because it is also one of the best business ideas in villages that can be tried.

  • Healthy product
  • Great sale in summer
  • Need crowded place

Shoe Sandal shop is the Best Business Ideas In Villages because there are mainly 2 reasons one is you will get a high margin when compare to other businesses. The second one is this idea will work in village areas where they don’t buy shoe sandals from online shopping mainly they focus on the offline market .

You can utilize this and set up your business. you can also, make a tie-up with the school and give them shoes for students and make more sales and profits.

  • Up to 40% margin and even more also
  • Evergreen in someway
  • Need to provide a high quality
  • Competitions are also high.

If you implement this shop with the latest and large-quality collection of cloths you can easily succeed in this field. Cloth business also provides you a good margin and needs and requirements are also high for this business.

  • Good requirement
  • high demand
  • Need starting investment

You can earn a high amount with business, but you need to do a high investment to set up this business. License and investment costs are high and profits are also high in this business.

  • once you set up you can earn in this field
  • High market need
  • Initial cost is high

Whether it is a village or a city nowadays people spend more money on home decoration. Tiles are the best decoration for home and it’s used in a wide range in the house. You can build the shop and keep a collection of tiles in a wide range and earn money easily.

  • One time investment
  • Less fear of loss
  • Need high investment in the beggining

Farmers purchase fertilizers from the city with a high cost. Now you can build a small manufacturing unit and produce fertilizer. you will get a sale in your village and you can also sell it in nearby villages too.

  • High profitable
  • high requirement and demand
  • Quality should be high
  • Should invest more money

Yes, big brands like Zomato and Swiggy only deliver foods in cities. you can make a food delivery service in your village. You can also start it with the calling system and make it to the website further.

  • Literally no competitions in villages
  • You can start with zero investment too.
  • Marketing is difficult

Business is not easy work you need to work hard and struggle at the beginning. You need to focus on surviving in the market and focus on the quality product or service . You need to register your company before starting the business properly.

Select a good and loyal team in your business if it is necessary. Maintain the XL sheet for your company. and follow the below point too.

  • Keep innovating
  • Focus on quality mainly
  • Give a good service
  • Maintain a good relationship with the customers

Yes, you can also earn money online by doing the work wit the mobile or computer. You need to have internet service and a device to earn money online . Below are some ideas to earn money online.

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Freelancing

Below video has a full guide on how to earn money online.

If you have a low investment still you can start the business. Learn and do bootstrap. Reinvest the profit. And follow the below point to sustain in the business with profit.

  • Reinvest the profit
  • Control on expenditure
  • Reduce the money flow

I hope this article 30 Best Business Ideas In Villages And Rural Areas In 2022 helped you to choose the best business idea in India . I wish you good luck in the carrier and in this field. if you have any doubts and queries comment them below.

1 thought on “30 Best Business Ideas In Villages And Rural Areas In 2022”

business plans in villages

would you please forward me the list of all business ideas that I can do in small towns,villages and rural areas.

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5 Tips to run a small clothing boutique in a small town or village

A clothing boutique is one of the best village business ideas to start. Many villages don’t have a proper clothing boutique. So, opening this business can be extremely profitable in small towns or villages. It is a new business idea that many young people follow. It requires a small amount of investment, and the best part is that you can start a clothing business from your home.

A fashion boutique is made up of small variants like product designs, colour scheme, styles, looks, perfect location, target market, etc. In this article, we will cover all the topics, tips, tricks, and steps to open a boutique business.

Want to know how to start a clothing line ? Read the article for the steps of opening a clothing boutique.

How to open a boutique?

Starting a clothing business is a complex task and requires various steps. The steps are listed as follows:

Businessman Writing Business Plan Growth on a notepad with pen

1. Business plan

A good business plan is required to start your business. You can't start your business without having an initial plan for set-up. A business consists of various components like executive summary, opportunity, execution, company and management plan, financial plan, etc. All these components make a good business plan.

Starting a clothing business might be a small business for the village , but it can be highly successful if you create a good business plan. Don't let the lengthy business plans scare you off. The business requirements are different for different businesses. A fashion boutique requires a location, name, logo, financial plan, staff and recruitment management, capital, investment, and proper execution.

2. Decide on a name and a logo

A fashion boutique is considered the trendiest business idea for a small village. But to attract customers, you need to have a catchy name and a logo that represents your company. Some businesses fail due to their cringy, controversial, and unlikable names. Your name must resonate with the personality, purpose, meaning, and motive of your business. The name will stay with you as long as the company will run, could be forever. So, pick a name that will help you bring more customers in.

A logo is no different. A logo is a symbol that will represent your company at all times. It makes it easier for your customers to connect with you over a logo. A logo must be trendy, catchy, clear, and simple in terms of colour, scheme, and size. A complex logo might get lost in the midst of a competitive environment. So, create a logo that will suit your personality and character.

3. Market Research

The next step is the easiest yet tricky step out of all. Most businesses do well because they know what their customers want and what they expect from their service. The majority of the success of your business depends on market research and efforts. Create some time and spend days, weeks, and months in proper market research.

You can compile a list of names, brands, influencers, and professionals for your business. You can contact them and ask for their advice. You can also look at your competitors' businesses and see why they are successful or why they are not. These steps will help you streamline the working of your business. Systematic market research will not only help you with your customers but also how to retain those customers. Not to mention, it will also increase your revenues.

business plans in villages

4. Find trustworthy suppliers

The next step in starting a clothing boutique in a village is to find trustworthy suppliers that can supply you with the right material, fabric and different types of clothing. You can also visit trade shows in the village to find the right material and fabrics for your clothing boutique. You will find several wholesalers at trade shows that might sell you clothing items at discounted prices as compared to retail stores.

Once you finalise the suppliers, determine the right prices for your clothes, mark-up price and other related costs. Select the prices that will be suitable for everyone. You don't want to set the prices too high or too low.

Tag with 50 off for sale action in shop on the red background

5. Start your business and offer discounts

The last step is to finally start your business. Initially, you will not have many customers. But, you can find various techniques to lure more customers. You can offer deals and discounts for the first 10 or 20 customers. It will help you set up a good customer base and attract new customers at the same time. As your business grows, you can lower the discount rates.

If you are wondering how to start a boutique , you can read the top 5 steps mentioned above. The fashion or clothing business is one of the best small business ideas that you can start in your village or a small town. It doesn't require a huge investment. You can expand your business as it grows. Also, these five steps will help you identify your purpose of the business and how you can turn it into a successful one.

1) How to perform a SWOT analysis for your business? 2) How to Start a Cold Storage Business in India? 3) How to start a book house? 4) 20 Profitable Event & Party Business Ideas

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Q. How can I price the clothes for my boutique?

Ans. You can price your clothes based on the manufacturing cost. You can sum all the manufacturing costs incurred in the making of a clothing piece.  Multiply the manufacturing cost, and it will give you a wholesale price of the product. If you are selling it to the wholesalers, charge double of what you had spent. In the case of retailers, you can simply multiply your manufacturing costs by 2.5 to cover all the taxes.

Q. How much does it cost to start a clothing boutique in India?

Ans. The cost of a clothing boutique is dependent on the size, location, and scale of the business. The average cost ranges between INR 2 lakhs to INR 6 lakhs. It includes business location, rent, electricity bills, water supply, recruitment of employees, advertising costs, etc.  If you want to start a large clothing boutique, the cost could go up to INR 8 lakhs to INR 12 lakhs.

Q. Are clothing boutiques profitable?

Ans. The clothing boutiques are considered profitable as the profit margins are more than two times. It is dependent on the quality, service, and customer relationship of your business. If you have a large number of customers and your service is good, then your business is successful. The profit margin ranges between 20-30% of the entire sales. It increases as your business increases.

Q. What are the tips for writing a great business plan?

Ans. The tips for writing a great business plan for your clothing boutique is as follows:

  • Keep it simple and precise
  • Know your target audience
  • Test the business idea
  • Establish the purpose, goals, and objectives of the business
  • Don’t be overwhelmed and execute properly.

Read the best of business ideas, tips for small businesses, the latest update on technology & more by OkCredit.

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Starting A Tiny House Community: It Takes A Tiny Village

Starting A Tiny House Community

Imagine not worrying about paying rent, growing food on your property, having enough outdoor space for your dog and kids to play, and knowing your neighbors deeply enough to call them friend. If that sounds too good to be true, you’re in the right place!

Tiny house lovers are taking things to the next level by upgrading to entire neighborhoods. Shared social experiences, reduced cost of living, time outside with loved ones, freedom, and authentic connections are just a few reasons why people may want to start a tiny house community of their own.

ryans tiny house

Hi, I’m Ryan

Over the last decade, I’ve uprooted my life in the corporate world and exchanged it for a tiny lifestyle. My tiny house has given me benefits that have changed my life. Tiny communities bring you all the benefits of living in a tiny house, but allow you to experience them in a community with others.

ryan mitchell simple living expert

Why Live In A Tiny House Community?

Why Live In A Tiny House Community

In the isolated social culture of our media age, people long for honest connection. Something I love about tiny house culture is it gets back to communal life that used to be commonplace.

neighbors hanging out together

Today, a lot of our work is individualized and, thus, our lives are too. Tiny house communities are a way to get back to that down to earth, harmonious way of living. They put you in close proximity to your neighbors, allow you to depend on each other for resources, involve outdoor activities, and create spaces to bond.

You Truly Know Your Neighbors In Tiny House Communities

I think people today are craving the kind of camaraderie that tiny house communities foster. It’s one of the main reasons communities fill up so quickly. The culture in a tiny house neighborhood is drastically different from inner-city or suburban life — it’s much more personal.

tiny house community planning meeting

You Have Financial Freedom In Tiny House Communities

Living in a tiny house has reduced my cost of living substantially, which makes it a huge pull for tiny communities. For one, you aren’t responsible for monthly rent or under the control of a landlord if you’re a part owner. Additionally, your utility bill is going to be much lower than if you lived in a traditional home.

It’s also common practice in these communities for people to share on food costs, cook meals for one another, host neighborhood potlucks, or share produce they’ve grown themselves — reducing money spent on food overall. Neighborhoods also regularly host activities collectively, which are open to everyone, so there is less need to spend on entertainment.

no spend challenge

Life Happens Outdoors In A Tiny House Community

Life Happens Outdoors In A Tiny House Community

Tiny House Villages Are Eco-Friendly

Environmental consciousness is a given in tiny house communities. Tiny homes require fewer materials to build and less energy to power, heat, and cool compared to traditional single-family homes.

Additionally, shared resources and meals, the utilization of communal spaces, solar panels, and a tendency to depend on one another for daily needs like carpooling and borrowing supplies reduces the carbon footprint of members in tiny house communities.

zero waste lifestyle

How To Start A Tiny House Community In 8 Steps

How To Start A Tiny House Community

Starting your own tiny house community takes more than just a bunch of friends with a dream. You’ll need donors, the right location, an understanding of building laws, and more to start your village off on the right foot. You’ve got to start somewhere, so let’s dive in!

1 Set Goals For Your Tiny House Community

People start tiny house communities to:

  • House their own extended family
  • Create an intentional living community
  • Rent tiny homes out as Airbnbs
  • Give tiny homeowners long-term parking
  • Build energy-efficient housing alternatives
  • Offer alternate housing in a housing crisis

solar power efficiency

If any of these reasons sound like the intention you have in mind for your tiny house community, think about what that means for the planning and design process. You aren’t going to design or plan for each of these reasons in the same exact ways.

2 Find A Location For Your Tiny House Neighborhood

Choosing the ideal location is important when considering how to start a tiny house community. You want to foster a positive environment. A community forms via the bonding of likeminded people, so you want to grow your village in a city where you naturally connect with the type of people who live there.

Do some in-depth research on different cities and towns, and what life looks like there to scope out the ideal location for your community. Think about the type of people you hope to attract and scope out places where the social culture matches your intent. Again, keep your intent in mind to help inform your research.

3 Read Tiny House Building And Zoning Laws In Your City

You also can’t just plop a tiny house community anywhere — there are rules for where these neighborhoods are actually allowed to be. Reading the fine print of building and zoning laws is vital if you want to set up a community like this.

building codes and zoning for tiny house communities

City building laws are more involved, and many of them aren’t quite up to date when it comes to accommodating tiny homeowners. However, just because you can’t find tiny house-specific laws in your city, doesn’t mean building a tiny house community is prohibited where you are.

I’d suggest consulting an expert like a local build and design company in your area to help you understand the fine print for laws in your city before breaking ground. Or, check out our state builder’s directory to find information on tiny house building laws in each US state.

4 Gather Support To Fund Your Tiny House Village

Unless you’ve been saving awhile already, you’ll need to rely heavily on funds from other people to get a project like this off the ground. This can come from donors, investors, or simply encouraging your community residents to come together to split the cost of the project.

The co-housing movement is growing rapidly as today’s housing prices are steadily increasing. There are several legal structures in place to support the co-housing movement and make it possible to split costs with your peers. Some co-ops will also have a labor system where residents put in their time, labor, and skillsets to benefit the intentional living community and help reduce overall costs.

community support

You’ll also need to budget wisely. You have to know how much you need in order to spell the costs out accurately for community members. This can get dicey, because projects like this span huge price ranges. Again, this goes back to your purpose and planning. You would need to budget a tiny neighborhood for your relatives in an entirely different way than a community you’re building to rent out tiny houses.

The best way to get a ballpark idea of your tiny home community cost is to find someone who has done something similar. Scope out projects that mirror your vision. Then, identify what you’re willing to spend on your project — is the cost of these similar projects comparable? You may need to amend your vision to get the support you’re seeking.

Consider the following costs when planning a tiny house community:

  • Tiny house shells
  • Design services
  • Building services
  • Land use permits
  • Building permits
  • Landscaping
  • Water infrastructure
  • Electrical connects
  • Vehicle management
  • Waste management

tiny house community planning

I’ve worked in the tiny community for over a decade, and too often I see people put all their eggs in one basket only to have their project fall off the map. Without proper planning, people often just decide they can build their dream tiny house village for an unrealistic amount of money, and it’s simply not possible.

Wise planning, however, can actually bring your vision to fruition! Your dreams are attainable if you pair the passion and idealism with practicality from the early planning stages.

how much does a tiny house cost

5 Get Permits Your Tiny Village As A Neighborhood

The next step is to figure out what permits you need to get your tiny house neighborhood legally registered. Consider land permits, building permits, and the subject of registering your community as a neighborhood or RV park through your municipality.

building permits for tiny home neighborhoods

You’ll also need to register the tiny village as a legal rental property, neighborhood, RV park, or whatever designation fits best. This is a process you can complete through local government agencies. Depending on how you’re registering the village, you’ll likely seek out the department of transportation or department of community engagement.

6 Build Your Tiny House Community

Once you’ve jumped through all the proper hoops to get your tiny house community set up, you can start building! Again, there’s a lot to consider when you’re ready to break ground.

Consider your budget and what that means for the building process — are you going to DIY the tiny houses and utility installation yourself? Or are you planning to hire a professional design and build team? Defer to our builder’s directory to find tiny home builders in your state.

Your design dreams are also a huge part of bringing your tiny house community to life. We’ll look at some example community layout ideas later in this post.

tiny house building checklist

7 Find Your Tiny House Community Members

A tiny house community without community members will not stand. To start a tiny house neighborhood, you’ll need residents to live in your village, so get the word out! Posting online or creating a website for your tiny house community is a valuable way to find people who might want to live there.

Common Membership Options

  • Co-op housing
  • Communal housing
  • Renting to tenants
  • Selling land plots and houses
  • Selling land plots for tiny homeowners to park

lots for rent in tiny house community

With co-op housing, each member of the community owns part of the project and decisions are made together like a team or family unit. While the co-op method may sound utopian, it can be hard to execute in the modern world. If the community doesn’t agree on core decisions like how to spend savings or use resources, the whole project can break down quickly. Psychologically, the co-op method is more likely to go smoothly with a smaller group.

Most of my friends who own tiny house communities have gone the renting and leasing routes because it’s easiest for them to manage effectively. It’s also the easiest way to get devoted investors, because investors know tiny home communities with a monthly rent will fill up and are more inclined to commit.

Most tiny house communities create an application process to approve renters and residents. That process can be as general or in depth as you see fit, but having some sort of screening process before accepting members is wise so that the character of the community matches your heart’s intent for the project. Check out Sunset Meadows in Trenton, Texas , for an example of how to set up applications.

8 Move Into Your Tiny House Neighborhood

When your tiny house community is all set up, it’s time to move in and start your new life with your neighbors! Enjoy a communal life in your outdoor hammock, reading in your tiny house loft , and playing outside with neighbors and pets. Lean into the idyllic existence that mirrors how humans were meant to live.

intentional living

Starting A Tiny House Community: Potential Setbacks

Potential Setbacks To Starting A Tiny House Community

If you want to learn how to start a tiny house community, you might face some setbacks along the way. Addressing those obstacles early on helps you get in front of them to make your development process as smooth as possible. Let’s look out how to conquer any challenges you may face building a tiny house village.

Legislative Restrictions On Tiny House Communities

The most common obstacle that could get in the way of the tiny house community you desire is issues with building or zoning laws. Depending on where you live, you’ll undergo a different process to get a community approved.

You may have to present your project to a planning committee to get it approved entirely, or simply follow the building laws already in place and make sure your community does not break any zoning or building laws. If a tiny home is not legal in your jurisdiction, you may want to consider joining an existing community to avoid the headaches, or seek another locale.

desiging your tiny house

Tiny Home Villages Face Disapproval From Those Who Live In The Area

When creating your own tiny house community, you may face backlash from current homeowners in the area who do not understand what tiny homes are. There’s a stigma around RV parks, and pre-existing neighborhoods don’t always want them nearby.

But just because a tiny house community may be coded or zoned as an RV park, that does not mean the concerns residents in surrounding subdivisions have will be present. Regardless, you may face pushback from the community who fears and misunderstands your tiny home village, so just be aware of that.

Setting Up Utilities In A Tiny House Community Takes Work

You may also face challenges setting up utilities on the land you’re using for your tiny community. It can be a hard process, especially for someone without construction experience. But don’t lose heart! I built my own tiny house from start to finish without having any construction experience of my own. It took a while, but I was able to learn from experts as I went.

You’ll need to answer these basic utility questions that apply to the location of your neighborhood to inform what kind of utilities you need.

Basic Utility Questions

  • Is there a water supply nearby you can connect to?
  • Will your tiny houses need water tanks?
  • Are your tiny homes mobile with RV hookups?
  • Are you required to connect to the city septic line?
  • Will you need to install a septic tank?
  • How will you get electricity?

drain field for septic system

Tiny House Community Design Ideas

Tiny House Community Design Ideas

One of the most important elements when it comes to starting your own tiny house community is the design. Check out these tiny house village plans to help you create the neighborhood that works best for you and your residents.

Tiny Home Community Plans For Twelve Families

Tiny Home Community Plans For Twelve Families

This layout is set up to include 12 tiny houses centered around a communal space in the middle. The communal space can be used for lots of different activities like group meals or game nights. Each house has its own driveway connected to the house.

Tiny House Neighborhood Layout For Families

Tiny House Neighborhood Layout For Families

Ideal for multiple families who want to live together in a tiny home village, this layout includes 12 homes which each surrounding their own cul-de-sac. This is helpful if you still want to maintain a sense of privacy while living in your tiny house community. The homes also surround a central community building.

Tiny House Community Design With Parking Lot

Tiny House Community Design With Parking Lot

If you are seeking a tiny house neighborhood that is welcoming to visitors, you may want to include a parking lot in your plans. This tiny house village layout is set up similarly to an apartment complex, with each building next to the other and a parking lot with covered and uncovered parking in the middle of the community.

Tiny House Village Layout With Covered Patios

Tiny House Village Layout With Covered Patios

This tiny home neighborhood has each of the 12 tiny homes fairly spread out, leaving room between them for larger yards. It also includes a covered outdoor space on each side of the street which you and your neighbors could use for community cookouts, bonfires, or picnics.

Tiny House Neighborhood Map With Parking Lot And Swimming Pool

Tiny House Neighborhood Map With Parking Lot And Swimming Pool

If you’re seeking a tiny house community layout that spreads each house out substantially while also having a spacious area for community activity, this might be the layout for you. The community area on the far-right side of the plot has room for a swimming pool and two covered patios to bring the community together and connect with one another.

Tiny House Community Blueprint For 44 Tiny Homes

Tiny House Community Blueprint For 44 Tiny Homes

Not all tiny house villages are meant for just a few residents. Many developers have dreams of creating tiny house neighborhoods that closely mirror subdivisions. This community layout has room for 44 tiny houses as well as a yard and parking spot for each home.

Tiny House Village Design Surrounding A Lake

Tiny House Village Design Surrounding A Lake

A communal, intimate feel is the focus of this layout. All of the tiny houses face each other and are angled around a lake at the village center. This setup also includes a community center which can be used for a vast number of purposes that best serve your tiny community.

Tiny House Neighborhood Plans

Tiny House Neighborhood Plans

This layout is set up the way a traditional neighborhood might be setup, except with parking lots at the end of the street instead of next to each individual home. The tiny houses sit across from one another to foster casual camaraderie amongst the community.

Tiny House Village Map For Eight Families

Tiny House Village Map For Eight Families

If you are seeking a tiny house community that still feels private and separate, consider this layout. The setup allows each resident to have room for their own backyard, front yard, and parking space, just like in a traditional subdivision. The only differentiating factor is the size of the homes.

Tiny House Community Blueprints With Lake

Tiny House Community Blueprints With Lake

This setup also has an interconnected, communal feel. All of the homes face each other in a circle to cater to that feeling. The only difference between this setup and the previous lake layout is the community center is in the middle of the community, while the lake is off to the side.

Tiny House Communities You Can Join Today

Tiny House Communities You Can Join Today

If you aren’t ready to start you own tiny house community, consider joining one that already exists! Find a tiny house community in your state or find a tiny house community near you !

tiny house communities directory

  • Why do you want to build a tiny house community?
  • What steps do you need to take to develop your tiny house community?


'  data-srcset=

Wisconsin is NOT friendly to tiny home communities. Its rather sad, but if I had the money, I’d like to buy land and start one of these communities. People who are neat and quiet and want this type of life.

'  data-srcset=

Nice 👍 Tiny homes 🏡 are perfect to have affordable Maintenance and consistent to do important Maintenance of peaceful in a quiet nice Country area.

'  data-srcset=

I live in Southern California and would love to find a tiny house community in Temecula , Ca 92591! A community for seniors that want less responsible and lives a minimalist lifestyle….less expensive but good quality of life! Can u make that happen here? So many more people have tuned in to this style, . Whom would I have to speak with in order to get this established asap! Please & Thank You!

Please help me find the right Steps in order to find a a tiny house community in Riverside County, Temecula, Ca 92591!

'  data-srcset=

I have decided that tiny living is for me in my next life chapter, But I am also wanting my house to be on a foundation not wheels, Can you please provide me with a list of Tiny House Communities in Florida, to place it on once completed.

'  data-srcset=

Looking to open up my tiny house community very interested and it’s been on my heart for years my name is Richard Martins I please just need some guidance I have a lot of knowledge on building with zoning codes I just moved to a new area and I have the property needed for it I just need some help and to get in touch with people that want to live in the community with myself thank you so much for your time

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This was an awesome read as i want to set up one in Pennsylvania. I would have liked to hear how to go about creating the bylaws for the community as well.

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I’d like to start a tiny home community through my nonprofit, for the homeless. Any ideas about funding or how to get started?

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We own about 100 acres of land in north Florida with a large pond and 5 acre island that is accessible by a land bridge. I’d like to be able to set up a tiny home community with each lot being lakefront. I just don’t know where to start!

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Looking for tiny house parking in the Houston, TX area. Any info is appreciated.

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7/11/23 🤗 I love your work and ideas and the quality of what you publish Ryan. I am a lawyer so naturally I think like one and my primary specialties, among other subjects, have been over the past > 45 years in 3 key areas: Insurance defense /risk management and various involvement in land use planning, developing and “Cluster Housing” where the blueprints and plats and drawings can sure resemble (in much more detail, of course) some of your tiny house community graphics.

(And more of my interests over 50 years: co-housing – I personally lived for a while in a giant “student boarding house operated by the Methodist Church in Gainesville, FL when in college, “intentional housing”- almost like the old “communes” but now much “classier and safer”, and affordable housing. AND I LOVE TINY HOMES, manufactured housing, RV’s, Skoolies, ADU’s etc., etc.)

Why am I writing? Because I have NOT yet read your Tiny House Community article BUT when I do I hope I see sections about insurance for both the community and homeowners—there are all kinds of special programs and ideas for proper and affordable insurances, the involvement of architects, utility planning in partnership with municipalities, land use planning, lighting and other electrical planning, “catastrophe”, “succession planning” for residents and those “governing”, alcohol and drug rules, injury and aging planning”, issues pertaining to kids for a variety of reasons, “conflict resolution planning”, landscaping experts, plans for forging proper relationships with politicians and local governments, the involvement of land-use planning and zoning lawyers and even Lobbyists to get plans approved, ordinances, statutes, codes and ordinances changed, PR and advertising /marketing people if you’re going big, etc.

(With the help of proper professionals, even driveways, street lights, traffic lights and “signage” may need to planned to code and approved.

You may want a day care or businesses operating in homes where licenses may be needed, may want community internet, you will need garbage and fe-cycling services, need “governance”- planning and on-going, need liaisons with “the outside world”, need security, sidewalks. [There may be rules for most of the ideas here and for very good reasons.])

The idea is not so much to “go corporate”, per se, but to convert the world to the idea that smaller can be better and your goals should be to make the rest of the world or community around you know that you are going to be a good neighbor, be safe, secure, non-threatening, “not a cult”, attractive, welcoming, and that they should join you or at officially, “tolerate and think kindly” of your community so that you will make your residents and prospective residents feel the same way.

Thank you for considering all of my ideas here. I’ve had a long time thinking about them and started at 20 being on the U of F President’s —then Stephen C. O’Connell— committee for affordable housing. (And (NO, I am not advertising for a job or on behalf of any law firm or lobbyist. But I do think there should be “tiny house community” law firms that specialize in coordinating all of the above.)

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Roughly how much land does the eight home configuration with parking in on the side take up?


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Hi I live in Philadelphia & I just finished building a 24 foot trailer Tiny House & I love would to build a community of all tiny houses.

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I am interested in building a tiny home community 6-8 homes

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I want to start a tiny home community with homes on permanent foundations and 400-500 square feet. Curious what the estimated cost would be develop acreage to accommodate 20 -30 tiny homes on 10 acres with a common area consisting of a a club house and 2 Pickleball courts

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What program did you use to draw the different style communities with or who should I look for to draw my idea of a village on the parcel that I own? I had a designer who did a preliminary drawing, but then he got busy and I haven’t been able to get him to adjust the changes in the original drawing he did for me.

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Two Madison Village projects moving toward completion

Apr. 25—Work is resuming on two projects in Madison Village that are geared toward people who enjoy being outdoors.

Geauga Highway Co. is the contractor that's upgrading a portion of the Dana's Park playground and constructing a trail and observation deck in a new wetlands park along Hubbard Road.

It's anticipated that Geauga Highway will complete its work on both projects in three to four weeks, said Madison Village Administrator Dwayne Bailey.

The Troy Township-based company began working on both endeavors last fall before stopping because of adverse winter weather.

Crews returned this week to Dana's Park, located behind Village Hall at 33 E. Main St.; and the wetlands park, which is situated adjacent to the Madison Senior Center at 2938 Hubbard Road.

Plans call for Geauga Highway to construct asphalt paths that are part of each project.

At the wetlands park, a paved path, accessible to people with disabilities, will be installed between a parking area and an elevated observation deck. Geauga Highway also will build the deck and finish construction of a trail that extends through the park.

The contractor will create the surface of the trail by compacting and rolling a mixture of limestone screenings and crushed stone.

With the observation deck and trail, the wetlands park is expected to become an ideal place for birding, going for walks and outdoor education.

After work is completed in the wetlands park, a parking area will be created for the site, Bailey said.

"Visitors to the wetlands park won't need to compete with the senior center for parking," he said.

Madison Village has selected CIR Contractors of Geneva Township to build a parking lot for the wetlands park that's environmentally friendly.

"Because it's a sensitive area of wetlands, we're doing (the parking lot) with permeable pavers, so the rainwater can flow right through that, and not affect the wetlands," he said.

The wetlands park is based on village-owned property that formerly was used as a horticultural nursery.

A couple of years ago, the village obtained a $500,000 H2Ohio Grant to restore wetlands and reconstitute a stream on the property.

"The stream had been channelized and kind of went through the area at a direct 90-degree angle," Bailey said. "(A contractor hired by the village) went back in and restored the stream so that it has ripples and curves and stuff like that — a more natural state."

Other funding secured by the village for the wetlands park included a $50,000 grant from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources; and a $75,000 Community Development Block Grant.

Bailey said that "a lion's share" of the CDBG grant funding will be used for the park pathway that meets Americans with Disabilities Act standards.

In addition, the village will receive $50,000 in Lake County Stormwater Department funding to pay for permeable pavers in the site's parking area.

When it comes to the Dana's Park enhancement project, Geauga Highway will construct an ADA-accessible asphalt path "that goes from the parking lot to the basketball court, to the playground and then to the picnic pavilion on the other side of the creek," Bailey said.

After Geauga Highway concludes the paving endeavor, Madison Village will bring in a separate contractor to install new, all-inclusive playground equipment and a specialized play surface that's both softer and safer.

Madison Village's goal with this project "was to modernize the playground and park, making it more user-friendly and improve all-inclusive accessibility," Bailey said.

The village funded the Dana's Park project with $50,000 from its own budget; a $50,000 grant from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources; and a $15,000 Community Development Block Grant.

The park is named after Dana Dominick, a Madison Township man who was killed in a vehicle crash on Route 2 in 1989. Dana's parents, Jim and Betty Dominick of Madison Township, purchased the playground equipment for the park in the early 1990s in honor of their son.

(c)2024 The News-Herald (Willoughby, Ohio) Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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Preston Center redo draws inspiration from Dallas’ West Village

A high-density zoning application is moving ahead..

The redevelopment plan for North Dallas' Preston Center would add high-rise apartments and...

By Anna Butler

1:55 PM on May 3, 2024 CDT — Updated at 4:19 PM on May 3, 2024 CDT

Parking changes, a garden terrace and other tweaks crept into the proposed plans for a highly visible block within Dallas’ 103-acre Preston Center development along Preston Road and Northwest Highway.

Ramrock Real Estate LLC seeks to add office and residential towers on the southern swath of the block, which is bordered by Berkshire Lane, Westchester Drive, Luther Lane and Douglas Avenue. The land also includes the retail building Preston Center Pavilion, with tenants such as Target , CVS and Marshall’s, and its parking garage.

Dallas’ City Plan Commission on Thursday approved the zoning application, which would allow the project to reach as high as 225 feet and includes a mixed-income housing component.

During the meeting, Ramrock’s Robert Dozier said that the plans for the block align with the vision in the Northwest Highway and Preston Road Area Plan, which the Dallas City Council passed in 2017.

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“They were really encouraging all property owners in there to densify their sites. They wanted to see ground-floor retail. They wanted to see multifamily and office as a mixed-use component,” Dozier said. “One of the other visions they wanted people to pattern after and think about was the West Village area of Dallas.”

A University Park resident, William Tovell, was the sole community member to speak in opposition to the project.

“Quite frankly, the area cannot handle the size and scope of this project with the traffic that we already have,” he said, noting that he believes there could be an increased number of accidents.

“We already have a problem on Preston [Road]. We have a problem on Northwest Highway,” Tovell said.

Plans have shifted slightly since the application was first heard by the City Plan Commission in March and after a community meeting hosted by District 13 City Council member Gay Donnell Willis.

The most striking addition includes making the office parking available to retail users after office hours on weekdays and 24 hours per day on weekends and holidays — offering about 1,000 parking spaces to the area. Valet parking would also be an option after 5 p.m.

The application now also requires a 30,000-square-foot landscaped roof terrace.

With design led by HKS Inc., the southern portion of the project would have a 180-unit multifamily tower and a 265,000-square-foot office tower. The application shows 40,000 square feet of retail in addition to green space.

The project must still be approved by Dallas City Council.

This isn’t the only project seeking to bump up density in Preston Center.

The block immediately across Luther Lane from the sitecould one day hold a pair of towers where a Hopdoddy Burger Bar and medical office space, among other storefronts, currently sit. The buildings, developed separately, would each be more than 300 feet tall.

The El Cosmico resort in Marfa is shifting and expanding within the West Texas town.

Anna Butler , Real estate reporter . Anna is a real estate reporter for The Dallas Morning News. She previously served as managing editor and real estate editor of the Dallas Business Journal. She is a graduate of Wake Forest University. A seventh generation Texan, Anna grew up in Austin.

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Sony and Apollo’s Plan for Paramount: Break It Up

CBS and other well-known properties would be sold if Sony and Apollo were able to buy Paramount. But the new owners would keep the movie studio.

An elevated view of studio buildings and a white water tower bearing the Paramount mountain logo.

By Benjamin Mullin and Lauren Hirsch

Shari Redstone helped build Paramount Global into a media empire, but if Sony Pictures Entertainment and the private-equity giant Apollo Global Management succeed in acquiring it, they plan to break it all up, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The plan would include auctioning off CBS, cable channels like MTV and the Paramount Plus streaming service, said the people, who asked not to be identified sharing private details. Paramount Pictures — home to blockbusters like “The Godfather,” “Top Gun” and the “Mission: Impossible” franchise — would be combined with Sony’s business.

Sony and Apollo, which made a nonbinding expression of interest in acquiring Paramount for $26 billion last week, are also likely to keep Paramount’s library of films and TV shows and the rights to well-known characters, including the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and SpongeBob SquarePants. They have not yet outlined this plan to Paramount or its advisers.

A breakup of Paramount would represent a major changing of the guard in the entertainment industry. CBS and Paramount have been controlled by the Redstone family for decades, since the media mogul Sumner Redstone assembled the conglomerate in a series of audacious deals. His daughter, Ms. Redstone, championed a 2019 deal to reunite it, and she remains Paramount’s controlling shareholder.

Sony and Apollo are now engaging with Paramount’s financial advisers on next steps in their proposal, the people said. The two companies have not yet signed formal nondisclosure agreements or begun due diligence reviews, a process that could take weeks.

Though it’s still early, the two bidders have already begun to envision how a deal for Paramount could unfold. The two would likely operate the company as a joint venture controlled by Sony, with a minority stake owned by Apollo, the people said. Sony would look to combine the marketing and distribution functions of the Paramount movie studio with its own operations, and divest the rest of the properties.

Over time, Apollo could sell its stake in the joint venture back to Sony or to another buyer. It’s not yet clear just how large a stake Apollo would hold in the business, though the company plans to invest billions in the deal, one person said.

A breakup of Paramount is not a preferred outcome for Ms. Redstone, who would prefer the company to pass on to another buyer intact, a person familiar with her thinking said. But it wouldn’t necessarily be a dealbreaker if the offer was compelling, the person said.

There are other suitors. Skydance, a media company founded by the tech scion David Ellison, has been in discussions with Paramount for months about a potential deal. Exclusive negotiations between Skydance and Paramount lapsed last week, shortly after Sony and Apollo put in their expression of interest. But Skydance remains interested.

Sony and Paramount have different approaches to the entertainment business, and a deal would probably result in a U-turn for Paramount. Unlike Paramount, which streams its content on Paramount+, Sony licenses its movies and TV shows to companies like Netflix and Disney. Sony would probably not change that approach in a deal with Paramount and would most likely look to combine Paramount+ with a rival service, such as Comcast’s Peacock or Warner Bros. Discovery’s Max.

Sony has long pursued Paramount’s movie studio. Several years ago, Sony executives reached out to Paramount to see if the company would be willing to sell Paramount Pictures or merge it into a joint venture, but Paramount signaled it was interested only in a deal for the whole company. So when Apollo made a bid for all of Paramount this year, Sony decided to team up.

Any deal by Sony would face regulatory hurdles. Regulations restrict foreign owners from holding licenses for U.S. broadcast stations, which could prevent Sony — which is owned by the Japanese-based Sony Group — from owning CBS-affiliated TV stations. But they could divest the stations immediately, or have Apollo apply for the license. They are also considering other options for the stations.

The deal would also most likely require clearance from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, the panel in Washington that scrutinizes acquisitions by foreign owners.

Sony and Apollo believe that when they decide to sell the Paramount assets , there could be many logical buyers, the three sources said. Warner Bros. Discovery, which does not own a broadcast network, could be a suitor for CBS. TV station groups like Nexstar and Tegna could be logical buyers for CBS’s owned and operated TV stations.

The hardest asset to sell would most likely be Paramount’s cable networks, like MTV and Nickelodeon, but those could be sold to a TV programmer looking for greater scale in negotiations with cable companies like Charter and Comcast.

Benjamin Mullin reports on the major companies behind news and entertainment. Contact Ben securely on Signal at +1 530-961-3223 or email at [email protected] . More about Benjamin Mullin

Lauren Hirsch joined The Times from CNBC in 2020, covering deals and the biggest stories on Wall Street. More about Lauren Hirsch

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KM Fabrics announces plans to relocate corporate headquarters

  • May 9, 2024

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KM Fabrics , a fine woven velvets manufacturer based in Greenville, announced May 8 it will relocate its corporate headquarters by late 2025.

The 15-acre property at 105 Wood St. will be home to a one-story, 200,000-square-foot building. KM Fabrics presently occupies a two-story structure at 2 Waco St.

“We love being in Greenville and this is why KM Fabrics is writing its next chapter here,” he said. “We’re investing in sustainable manufacturing to ensure our operations remain within regulatory guidelines. At the same time, we’re increasing our capacity to maintain our high production standards for our core clients in the theater business as well as new opportunities in other markets.”

KM Fabrics also plans to hire additional staff to join its team of over 100 employees.

Map of current KM Fabrics headquarters

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Woke no more

Companies were starting to support political causes. Now they're too scared to speak up.

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Unilever spent years crafting its image as a corporate goody-two-shoes. The owner of Dove, Vaseline, Hellmann's, and a bunch of other brands axed quarterly reporting and earnings guidance in the name of focusing on sustainable long-term growth. Under Paul Polman , its CEO from 2009 to 2019, it said it would take into consideration all its stakeholders, not just shareholders, and set out to halve its environmental footprint — including greenhouse-gas emissions, waste, and water use — while doubling its sales over a decade. Five years and two chief executives later, Unilever is changing its tune . It's not doing a U-turn on environmental, social, and governance efforts, but it says it's being more realistic about what it can achieve and when. And, oh, those shareholders Unilever wasn't so beholden to? It's paying them a little more mind now, too.

Unilever isn't alone in this. Plenty of companies are reining in their rhetoric and in some cases action on issues such as sustainability and diversity. They're being extra cautious about weighing in on the social and political debates of the day, especially in an election year. In some cases they're telling their workers to cool it, too; Google, for example, fired more than two dozen workers for protesting its contract with Israel's government .

"Many executives have made the decision that it's sometimes safer to just be silent versus to take a stance, because they have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders and their bottom line and are very concerned about how this will be perceived," said Naomi Wheeless, a board director for Eventbrite who was formerly a global head of customer success at Square.

Call it the great un-wokening.

Over the past decade, many corporations have at least professed to take a more active role in social issues, under pressure from their customers and, more importantly, employees. Companies pushed back on North Carolina's "bathroom bill" in 2016, and when Donald Trump took the White House, many spoke out against his policies on immigration and the environment. Around that time, the Business Roundtable said it was time to rethink the purpose of a company , and BlackRock's Larry Fink expressed all sorts of thoughts about the importance of companies being responsible social stewards.

In the wake of George Floyd's murder in 2020, corporate America put out endless statements about the horror of what had happened and pledged to undertake diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. An expectation arose that big businesses would take a stand on issues — if Congress wouldn't do something on guns, at least Dick's Sporting Goods would .

"You can almost say that ESG ran unopposed for a few years," said Andrew Jones, a senior researcher at the Conference Board's ESG Center.

It's a bona fide countermovement against both ESG and DEI.

Then came the backlash. Over the past couple of years there's been an uproar, especially among conservatives, about the rise of "woke capitalism." Bud Light came under scrutiny from the right when it partnered with the transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney for a small-scale Instagram campaign last spring. Then Target took heat about its Pride merchandise , with some customers destroying displays in stores over a campaign it has run for years. These high-profile examples spooked companies, which are now afraid to poke the hyped-up right-wing bear. In the market, ESG funds haven't been doing so hot . According to Morningstar, investors pulled $13 billion out of sustainable funds in 2023 amid underperformance and political unease.

"It's a bona fide countermovement against both ESG and DEI," said Philip Mirvis, an organizational psychologist and research fellow at Babson College's Social Innovation Lab. "Certainly for businesses, this is about making money. And in the conventional logic, all of these issues represent risks."

After last year's Bud Light debacle, which was a real blow to its business , executives fear they'll be the next target of some anti-woke outcry. In a 2023 Conference Board survey of more than 100 large US companies, almost half of respondents said they'd gotten some ESG backlash, and nearly two-thirds said they expected the problem to persist or get worse over the next two years. Jones told me the surveys suggest companies are antsy about mentioning DEI too much, too. He said it's not necessarily the case that companies aren't doing any work on sustainability and diversity, but they're definitely changing how they talk about it.

The chilling effect is palpable. Fink won't say "ESG" anymore because, he says, it's been "weaponized." Asset managers are quieting down on ESG as part of a "greenhushing" trend. Some companies that made a big deal about their DEI efforts in 2020 are downsizing those, too . Data provided to me by FactSet, a financial-data company, shows that mentions of ESG and DEI in S&P 500 companies' quarterly earnings calls with analysts have taken a nosedive over the past few years. For the fourth quarter of 2020, 131 companies mentioned ESG, and 34 mentioned DEI or diversity and inclusion. For the fourth quarter of 2023, those numbers dropped to 28 and four.

While the backlash has certainly driven the quieting, in some cases companies are talking less about their social commitments because they got out over their skis on their pledges. Companies such as AIG, Amazon, and ExxonMobil have scaled back some of their climate initiatives.

"We saw a lot of companies make very bold commitments — we're going to be net-zero emissions by whatever date, 2040, 2050," Jones said. "And often those commitments came but there wasn't always the underlying work."

Alison Taylor, an associate professor at New York University's Stern School of Business who wrote the book "Higher Ground: How Business Can Do the Right Thing in a Turbulent World," told me that, in her view, corporate America's about-face isn't as abrupt as it seems. C-suites have become more Republican over the past decade, and in loudly proclaiming to be do-gooders, companies have also drawn attention to their political donations, which often don't align with their rhetoric. Additionally, the issues dominating political and social discussions are much thornier than they were in the recent past — speaking out against white supremacists in Charlottesville is a bit of a gimme, weighing in on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not.

"Now what we've got is the end of Roe v. Wade, and we've got the Middle East, and we've got issues where they're much, much more divisive and difficult," Taylor said.

Taylor, a longtime skeptic of CEO activism, isn't surprised the friendly-corporation-next-door schtick has gone awry, but it has clearly caught some employees unawares. Some corporations have encouraged the creation of employee resource groups, which organize people by social identities and beliefs and in some cases embolden them to push for change. Google workers have previously participated in walkouts and protests and kept their jobs . Many were bewildered to find that this time around, the company was no longer having it. Instead, it's firing those protesting and reminding everyone, "This is a business."

"A company is not a democracy, and so all these leaders wanted to imply it was a democracy when it suited them," Taylor said. "Now it doesn't suit them."

It's unclear whether this trend of companies trying to stick to straight business is a blip or a more permanent reversal. Bud Light and its parent company, Anheuser-Busch, have generally steered clear of anything that might be read as controversial since the Dylan Mulvaney debacle; their main message since then has been "We love America." Target told me it didn't have anything to share on its 2024 Pride plans yet, but it has publicly acknowledged it's likely to make some modifications.

A company is not a democracy, and so all these leaders wanted to imply it was a democracy when it suited them. Now it doesn't suit them.

Many of the people I spoke to for this story described executives as more on edge because of the election this year; come 2025, that may ease. The anti-woke crowd is extra fired up about certain issues right now, but that may not last — attention spans are short, and hot-button issues are constantly changing.

Still, companies' backing down on sustainability and diversity efforts, even temporarily, could prove short-sighted. Sure, you saved yourself a headache now, but in the long run, setting up a business to weather the climate crisis is a good bet. So is hiring diverse workers and appealing to new demographics. Despite the controversy last year, at the heart of Bud Light's campaign was an understandable business decision: It wants to appeal to a younger, more diverse consumer base.

Underlying this all is one central question: Just how "woke" are companies anyway?

Commitments to social responsibility are never far-reaching, said Kenneth Pucker, a former Timberland chief operating officer and current professor of practice at the Fletcher School at Tufts University. "It's always on the margins because the main goal of executives — the real responsibility, the way the structure of the system is organized, the way incentives work, the way the rules govern — is money making."

This may be a great un-wokening, but maybe corporate America was actually never that committed to the idea in the first place.

Emily Stewart is a senior correspondent at Business Insider, writing about business and the economy.

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    Villages often have ample sunlight and wind resources. Investing in solar panels, wind turbines, or biomass energy production can generate electricity for the village and create surplus to sell. 10.

  11. Top Small Business Ideas for Villages and Rural Areas

    Abundance of Natural Resources. Villages and rural areas are often rich in natural resources, including fertile land, water bodies, and biodiversity. Entrepreneurs can capitalize on these resources to create value-added products, such as organic foods, herbal medicines, and eco-friendly crafts. By harnessing the power of nature, rural ...

  12. 13 Best Profitable Business Ideas for Rural Areas & Villages India

    10. Diagnostic Centre. Establish a diagnostic centre offering essential medical tests and services. Provide accessible healthcare facilities to the local population. 11. Small Gym/Fitness Centre. Opening a small gym or fitness centre to promote health and wellness within the rural area is a very good business idea. 12.

  13. 17 Best Profitable Village Business Ideas & It's Advantages

    Small Village Business Ideas: Know More About The Top Small Business Ideas for rural areas in India, Requirements To Start Your Business And Other Important Information. ... Apart from having a jotted-down business plan and marketing strategy, one has to hire people to start the business. 16. Small Gym/Fitness Centre. Going to the gym and ...

  14. 25 Best Village Business Ideas For Rural Areas/Villages

    Villages, like everywhere, require mobile phones.As a result, having a mobile, electronics, and accessory business in a village is a fantastic business idea. This is a simple business to establish with a small investment of 1-2 lakhs; all you need is a proper shop in a suitable location and local supplier contacts. You can only keep mobiles, electronic items, and accessories that are used and ...

  15. 40+ Small Business Ideas for Villages, Rural Areas in India

    5 Small Business Ideas In Tamil Nadu Villages. Now, let's discuss some of the most popular village business ideas in Tamil Nadu villages. 1. Grocery/Kirana Store. One of the best small business ideas in the Tamil Nadu village area is to start your own Grocery/Kirana store. Everyone buys groceries, so having a store with this sort of firepower ...

  16. 37 Profitable Small Business Ideas for Villages (Rural Business)

    37 Profitable Small Business Ideas for Villages (Rural Business) 26/04/2023 by Mr Das. From Online Businesses to Small Business Ideas, We Have Added All the Best Rural Business Ideas and Startup Plans to Start in 2023. So if You Are Looking for the Best Small Business Idea in Village or Small Town Then You Are at the Right Place.

  17. 10 Best Small Business Ideas in Village And Rural Areas

    10 Best Small Business Ideas For Villages And Rural Areas. 1. Setting up a Mill. Setting up a mill in a village is one of the best small business ideas. In villages, most people grow different grains like wheat, oats, rice, corn (maize), and barley. When farmers are reliant on mills in the city for processing their products, they may find it ...

  18. 10 Most Profitable and Successful Business Ideas for Villages & Small Towns

    Check out the 10 most money-making and successful business ideas for villages and small towns; Milk Centre. To open a milk centre, you will have to contact a dairy farm. Milk centres generally collect milk from the villagers & sell it to dairy farms. They require only few equipment like weighing machines, billing software, etc to start a business.

  19. 11 Best Small Business Ideas for Rural Areas, Villages, Small Towns in

    Read: Poultry Farm Business Plan - How to Start a Poultry Business in India. 2. Clothing Store/Boutique. Most of the villages are secluded from larger towns and cities, so if a clothing store opens in a village that provides people with the latest clothing apparel and quality fabric, it shall become a success.

  20. Starting a Business in The Villages, Florida

    To learn more about business plans, read Business Plan Contests. A great resource for business planning assistance is the face-to-face free consulting available from your local SCORE chapter in Florida. Marketing Your New Venture. Whether your goal is to attract The Villages customers or you plan on selling elsewhere, you need a excellent ...

  21. 30 Best Business Ideas In Villages And Rural Areas In 2022

    List of 30 Best Business Ideas To Do In Villages And Rural Areas. 1. Drinking Water Bottle Manufacturing Bussiness In Small Scale. 2. Vegetables Shop Or Grocery Shop. 3. Mobile Canteen Or Cooking on Vehicle. 4. Food Hotels - Best Bussiness Idea In India.

  22. How to start a clothing business in a village? A Complete Guide

    The business requirements are different for different businesses. A fashion boutique requires a location, name, logo, financial plan, staff and recruitment management, capital, investment, and proper execution. 2. Decide on a name and a logo. A fashion boutique is considered the trendiest business idea for a small village.

  23. Starting A Tiny House Community: It Takes A Tiny Village

    Check out these tiny house village plans to help you create the neighborhood that works best for you and your residents. Tiny Home Community Plans For Twelve Families. This layout is set up to include 12 tiny houses centered around a communal space in the middle. The communal space can be used for lots of different activities like group meals ...

  24. CEO Canceled $100M Neom Contract After Saudis Bulldozed Villages

    Energy CEO said he canceled a $100M contract with Neom when he realized the Saudis were bulldozing villages to make space. Tom Porter. May 10, 2024, 4:47 AM PDT. The site of NEOM in Tabuk Province ...

  25. Two Madison Village projects moving toward completion

    The village funded the Dana's Park project with $50,000 from its own budget; a $50,000 grant from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources; and a $15,000 Community Development Block Grant.

  26. Preston Center redo draws inspiration from Dallas' West Village

    During the meeting, Ramrock's Robert Dozier said that the plans for the block align with the vision in the Northwest Highway and Preston Road Area Plan, which the Dallas City Council passed in 2017.

  27. Sony and Apollo's Plan for Paramount: Break It Up

    Alex Welsh for The New York Times. By Benjamin Mullin and Lauren Hirsch. May 8, 2024. Shari Redstone helped build Paramount Global into a media empire, but if Sony Pictures Entertainment and the ...

  28. KM Fabrics announces plans to relocate corporate headquarters

    KM Fabrics, a fine woven velvets manufacturer based in Greenville, announced May 8 it will relocate its corporate headquarters by late 2025. The 15-acre property at 105 Wood St. will be home to a one-story, 200,000-square-foot building. KM Fabrics presently occupies a two-story structure at 2 Waco St. "We love being in Greenville and this is ...

  29. Kessler Building sells to entity with ties to Meiners family

    May 10, 2024. Listen to this article 2 min. A prominent 105-year-old office building in Downtown recently came under new ownership. Expansive, a Chicago-based flexible office company, last month ...

  30. Corporate America Is Going Un-Woke: Reversing DEI, Sustainability Plan

    Emily Stewart. May 9, 2024, 2:57 AM PDT. Unilever spent years crafting its image as a corporate goody-two-shoes. The owner of Dove, Vaseline, Hellmann's, and a bunch of other brands axed quarterly ...