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Background of The Study – Examples and Writing Guide

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Background of The Study

Background of The Study


Background of the study refers to the context, circumstances, and history that led to the research problem or topic being studied. It provides the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and the significance of the study.

The background of the study usually includes a discussion of the relevant literature, the gap in knowledge or understanding, and the research questions or hypotheses to be addressed. It also highlights the importance of the research topic and its potential contributions to the field. A well-written background of the study sets the stage for the research and helps the reader to appreciate the need for the study and its potential significance.

How to Write Background of The Study

Here are some steps to help you write the background of the study:

Identify the Research Problem

Start by identifying the research problem you are trying to address. This problem should be significant and relevant to your field of study.

Provide Context

Once you have identified the research problem, provide some context. This could include the historical, social, or political context of the problem.

Review Literature

Conduct a thorough review of the existing literature on the topic. This will help you understand what has been studied and what gaps exist in the current research.

Identify Research Gap

Based on your literature review, identify the gap in knowledge or understanding that your research aims to address. This gap will be the focus of your research question or hypothesis.

State Objectives

Clearly state the objectives of your research . These should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Discuss Significance

Explain the significance of your research. This could include its potential impact on theory , practice, policy, or society.

Finally, summarize the key points of the background of the study. This will help the reader understand the research problem, its context, and its significance.

How to Write Background of The Study in Proposal

The background of the study is an essential part of any proposal as it sets the stage for the research project and provides the context and justification for why the research is needed. Here are the steps to write a compelling background of the study in your proposal:

  • Identify the problem: Clearly state the research problem or gap in the current knowledge that you intend to address through your research.
  • Provide context: Provide a brief overview of the research area and highlight its significance in the field.
  • Review literature: Summarize the relevant literature related to the research problem and provide a critical evaluation of the current state of knowledge.
  • Identify gaps : Identify the gaps or limitations in the existing literature and explain how your research will contribute to filling these gaps.
  • Justify the study : Explain why your research is important and what practical or theoretical contributions it can make to the field.
  • Highlight objectives: Clearly state the objectives of the study and how they relate to the research problem.
  • Discuss methodology: Provide an overview of the methodology you will use to collect and analyze data, and explain why it is appropriate for the research problem.
  • Conclude : Summarize the key points of the background of the study and explain how they support your research proposal.

How to Write Background of The Study In Thesis

The background of the study is a critical component of a thesis as it provides context for the research problem, rationale for conducting the study, and the significance of the research. Here are some steps to help you write a strong background of the study:

  • Identify the research problem : Start by identifying the research problem that your thesis is addressing. What is the issue that you are trying to solve or explore? Be specific and concise in your problem statement.
  • Review the literature: Conduct a thorough review of the relevant literature on the topic. This should include scholarly articles, books, and other sources that are directly related to your research question.
  • I dentify gaps in the literature: After reviewing the literature, identify any gaps in the existing research. What questions remain unanswered? What areas have not been explored? This will help you to establish the need for your research.
  • Establish the significance of the research: Clearly state the significance of your research. Why is it important to address this research problem? What are the potential implications of your research? How will it contribute to the field?
  • Provide an overview of the research design: Provide an overview of the research design and methodology that you will be using in your study. This should include a brief explanation of the research approach, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques.
  • State the research objectives and research questions: Clearly state the research objectives and research questions that your study aims to answer. These should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
  • Summarize the chapter: Summarize the chapter by highlighting the key points and linking them back to the research problem, significance of the study, and research questions.

How to Write Background of The Study in Research Paper

Here are the steps to write the background of the study in a research paper:

  • Identify the research problem: Start by identifying the research problem that your study aims to address. This can be a particular issue, a gap in the literature, or a need for further investigation.
  • Conduct a literature review: Conduct a thorough literature review to gather information on the topic, identify existing studies, and understand the current state of research. This will help you identify the gap in the literature that your study aims to fill.
  • Explain the significance of the study: Explain why your study is important and why it is necessary. This can include the potential impact on the field, the importance to society, or the need to address a particular issue.
  • Provide context: Provide context for the research problem by discussing the broader social, economic, or political context that the study is situated in. This can help the reader understand the relevance of the study and its potential implications.
  • State the research questions and objectives: State the research questions and objectives that your study aims to address. This will help the reader understand the scope of the study and its purpose.
  • Summarize the methodology : Briefly summarize the methodology you used to conduct the study, including the data collection and analysis methods. This can help the reader understand how the study was conducted and its reliability.

Examples of Background of The Study

Here are some examples of the background of the study:

Problem : The prevalence of obesity among children in the United States has reached alarming levels, with nearly one in five children classified as obese.

Significance : Obesity in childhood is associated with numerous negative health outcomes, including increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers.

Gap in knowledge : Despite efforts to address the obesity epidemic, rates continue to rise. There is a need for effective interventions that target the unique needs of children and their families.

Problem : The use of antibiotics in agriculture has contributed to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which poses a significant threat to human health.

Significance : Antibiotic-resistant infections are responsible for thousands of deaths each year and are a major public health concern.

Gap in knowledge: While there is a growing body of research on the use of antibiotics in agriculture, there is still much to be learned about the mechanisms of resistance and the most effective strategies for reducing antibiotic use.

Edxample 3:

Problem : Many low-income communities lack access to healthy food options, leading to high rates of food insecurity and diet-related diseases.

Significance : Poor nutrition is a major contributor to chronic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Gap in knowledge : While there have been efforts to address food insecurity, there is a need for more research on the barriers to accessing healthy food in low-income communities and effective strategies for increasing access.

Examples of Background of The Study In Research

Here are some real-life examples of how the background of the study can be written in different fields of study:

Example 1 : “There has been a significant increase in the incidence of diabetes in recent years. This has led to an increased demand for effective diabetes management strategies. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a new diabetes management program in improving patient outcomes.”

Example 2 : “The use of social media has become increasingly prevalent in modern society. Despite its popularity, little is known about the effects of social media use on mental health. This study aims to investigate the relationship between social media use and mental health in young adults.”

Example 3: “Despite significant advancements in cancer treatment, the survival rate for patients with pancreatic cancer remains low. The purpose of this study is to identify potential biomarkers that can be used to improve early detection and treatment of pancreatic cancer.”

Examples of Background of The Study in Proposal

Here are some real-time examples of the background of the study in a proposal:

Example 1 : The prevalence of mental health issues among university students has been increasing over the past decade. This study aims to investigate the causes and impacts of mental health issues on academic performance and wellbeing.

Example 2 : Climate change is a global issue that has significant implications for agriculture in developing countries. This study aims to examine the adaptive capacity of smallholder farmers to climate change and identify effective strategies to enhance their resilience.

Example 3 : The use of social media in political campaigns has become increasingly common in recent years. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of social media campaigns in mobilizing young voters and influencing their voting behavior.

Example 4 : Employee turnover is a major challenge for organizations, especially in the service sector. This study aims to identify the key factors that influence employee turnover in the hospitality industry and explore effective strategies for reducing turnover rates.

Examples of Background of The Study in Thesis

Here are some real-time examples of the background of the study in the thesis:

Example 1 : “Women’s participation in the workforce has increased significantly over the past few decades. However, women continue to be underrepresented in leadership positions, particularly in male-dominated industries such as technology. This study aims to examine the factors that contribute to the underrepresentation of women in leadership roles in the technology industry, with a focus on organizational culture and gender bias.”

Example 2 : “Mental health is a critical component of overall health and well-being. Despite increased awareness of the importance of mental health, there are still significant gaps in access to mental health services, particularly in low-income and rural communities. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a community-based mental health intervention in improving mental health outcomes in underserved populations.”

Example 3: “The use of technology in education has become increasingly widespread, with many schools adopting online learning platforms and digital resources. However, there is limited research on the impact of technology on student learning outcomes and engagement. This study aims to explore the relationship between technology use and academic achievement among middle school students, as well as the factors that mediate this relationship.”

Examples of Background of The Study in Research Paper

Here are some examples of how the background of the study can be written in various fields:

Example 1: The prevalence of obesity has been on the rise globally, with the World Health Organization reporting that approximately 650 million adults were obese in 2016. Obesity is a major risk factor for several chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. In recent years, several interventions have been proposed to address this issue, including lifestyle changes, pharmacotherapy, and bariatric surgery. However, there is a lack of consensus on the most effective intervention for obesity management. This study aims to investigate the efficacy of different interventions for obesity management and identify the most effective one.

Example 2: Antibiotic resistance has become a major public health threat worldwide. Infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria are associated with longer hospital stays, higher healthcare costs, and increased mortality. The inappropriate use of antibiotics is one of the main factors contributing to the development of antibiotic resistance. Despite numerous efforts to promote the rational use of antibiotics, studies have shown that many healthcare providers continue to prescribe antibiotics inappropriately. This study aims to explore the factors influencing healthcare providers’ prescribing behavior and identify strategies to improve antibiotic prescribing practices.

Example 3: Social media has become an integral part of modern communication, with millions of people worldwide using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Social media has several advantages, including facilitating communication, connecting people, and disseminating information. However, social media use has also been associated with several negative outcomes, including cyberbullying, addiction, and mental health problems. This study aims to investigate the impact of social media use on mental health and identify the factors that mediate this relationship.

Purpose of Background of The Study

The primary purpose of the background of the study is to help the reader understand the rationale for the research by presenting the historical, theoretical, and empirical background of the problem.

More specifically, the background of the study aims to:

  • Provide a clear understanding of the research problem and its context.
  • Identify the gap in knowledge that the study intends to fill.
  • Establish the significance of the research problem and its potential contribution to the field.
  • Highlight the key concepts, theories, and research findings related to the problem.
  • Provide a rationale for the research questions or hypotheses and the research design.
  • Identify the limitations and scope of the study.

When to Write Background of The Study

The background of the study should be written early on in the research process, ideally before the research design is finalized and data collection begins. This allows the researcher to clearly articulate the rationale for the study and establish a strong foundation for the research.

The background of the study typically comes after the introduction but before the literature review section. It should provide an overview of the research problem and its context, and also introduce the key concepts, theories, and research findings related to the problem.

Writing the background of the study early on in the research process also helps to identify potential gaps in knowledge and areas for further investigation, which can guide the development of the research questions or hypotheses and the research design. By establishing the significance of the research problem and its potential contribution to the field, the background of the study can also help to justify the research and secure funding or support from stakeholders.

Advantage of Background of The Study

The background of the study has several advantages, including:

  • Provides context: The background of the study provides context for the research problem by highlighting the historical, theoretical, and empirical background of the problem. This allows the reader to understand the research problem in its broader context and appreciate its significance.
  • Identifies gaps in knowledge: By reviewing the existing literature related to the research problem, the background of the study can identify gaps in knowledge that the study intends to fill. This helps to establish the novelty and originality of the research and its potential contribution to the field.
  • Justifies the research : The background of the study helps to justify the research by demonstrating its significance and potential impact. This can be useful in securing funding or support for the research.
  • Guides the research design: The background of the study can guide the development of the research questions or hypotheses and the research design by identifying key concepts, theories, and research findings related to the problem. This ensures that the research is grounded in existing knowledge and is designed to address the research problem effectively.
  • Establishes credibility: By demonstrating the researcher’s knowledge of the field and the research problem, the background of the study can establish the researcher’s credibility and expertise, which can enhance the trustworthiness and validity of the research.

Disadvantages of Background of The Study

Some Disadvantages of Background of The Study are as follows:

  • Time-consuming : Writing a comprehensive background of the study can be time-consuming, especially if the research problem is complex and multifaceted. This can delay the research process and impact the timeline for completing the study.
  • Repetitive: The background of the study can sometimes be repetitive, as it often involves summarizing existing research and theories related to the research problem. This can be tedious for the reader and may make the section less engaging.
  • Limitations of existing research: The background of the study can reveal the limitations of existing research related to the problem. This can create challenges for the researcher in developing research questions or hypotheses that address the gaps in knowledge identified in the background of the study.
  • Bias : The researcher’s biases and perspectives can influence the content and tone of the background of the study. This can impact the reader’s perception of the research problem and may influence the validity of the research.
  • Accessibility: Accessing and reviewing the literature related to the research problem can be challenging, especially if the researcher does not have access to a comprehensive database or if the literature is not available in the researcher’s language. This can limit the depth and scope of the background of the study.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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How to Write an Effective Background of the Study: A Comprehensive Guide


Table of Contents

The background of the study in a research paper offers a clear context, highlighting why the research is essential and the problem it aims to address.

As a researcher, this foundational section is essential for you to chart the course of your study, Moreover, it allows readers to understand the importance and path of your research.

Whether in academic communities or to the general public, a well-articulated background aids in communicating the essence of the research effectively.

While it may seem straightforward, crafting an effective background requires a blend of clarity, precision, and relevance. Therefore, this article aims to be your guide, offering insights into:

  • Understanding the concept of the background of the study.
  • Learning how to craft a compelling background effectively.
  • Identifying and sidestepping common pitfalls in writing the background.
  • Exploring practical examples that bring the theory to life.
  • Enhancing both your writing and reading of academic papers.

Keeping these compelling insights in mind, let's delve deeper into the details of the empirical background of the study, exploring its definition, distinctions, and the art of writing it effectively.

What is the background of the study?

The background of the study is placed at the beginning of a research paper. It provides the context, circumstances, and history that led to the research problem or topic being explored.

It offers readers a snapshot of the existing knowledge on the topic and the reasons that spurred your current research.

When crafting the background of your study, consider the following questions.

  • What's the context of your research?
  • Which previous research will you refer to?
  • Are there any knowledge gaps in the existing relevant literature?
  • How will you justify the need for your current research?
  • Have you concisely presented the research question or problem?

In a typical research paper structure, after presenting the background, the introduction section follows. The introduction delves deeper into the specific objectives of the research and often outlines the structure or main points that the paper will cover.

Together, they create a cohesive starting point, ensuring readers are well-equipped to understand the subsequent sections of the research paper.

While the background of the study and the introduction section of the research manuscript may seem similar and sometimes even overlap, each serves a unique purpose in the research narrative.

Difference between background and introduction

A well-written background of the study and introduction are preliminary sections of a research paper and serve distinct purposes.

Here’s a detailed tabular comparison between the two of them.




Primary purpose

Provides context and logical reasons for the research, explaining why the study is necessary.

Entails the broader scope of the research, hinting at its objectives and significance.

Depth of information

It delves into the existing literature, highlighting gaps or unresolved questions that the research aims to address.

It offers a general overview, touching upon the research topic without going into extensive detail.

Content focus

The focus is on historical context, previous studies, and the evolution of the research topic.

The focus is on the broader research field, potential implications, and a preview of the research structure.

Position in a research paper

Typically comes at the very beginning, setting the stage for the research.

Follows the background, leading readers into the main body of the research.


Analytical, detailing the topic and its significance.

General and anticipatory, preparing readers for the depth and direction of the focus of the study.

What is the relevance of the background of the study?

It is necessary for you to provide your readers with the background of your research. Without this, readers may grapple with questions such as: Why was this specific research topic chosen? What led to this decision? Why is this study relevant? Is it worth their time?

Such uncertainties can deter them from fully engaging with your study, leading to the rejection of your research paper. Additionally, this can diminish its impact in the academic community, and reduce its potential for real-world application or policy influence .

To address these concerns and offer clarity, the background section plays a pivotal role in research papers.

The background of the study in research is important as it:

  • Provides context: It offers readers a clear picture of the existing knowledge, helping them understand where the current research fits in.
  • Highlights relevance: By detailing the reasons for the research, it underscores the study's significance and its potential impact.
  • Guides the narrative: The background shapes the narrative flow of the paper, ensuring a logical progression from what's known to what the research aims to uncover.
  • Enhances engagement: A well-crafted background piques the reader's interest, encouraging them to delve deeper into the research paper.
  • Aids in comprehension: By setting the scenario, it aids readers in better grasping the research objectives, methodologies, and findings.

How to write the background of the study in a research paper?

The journey of presenting a compelling argument begins with the background study. This section holds the power to either captivate or lose the reader's interest.

An effectively written background not only provides context but also sets the tone for the entire research paper. It's the bridge that connects a broad topic to a specific research question, guiding readers through the logic behind the study.

But how does one craft a background of the study that resonates, informs, and engages?

Here, we’ll discuss how to write an impactful background study, ensuring your research stands out and captures the attention it deserves.

Identify the research problem

The first step is to start pinpointing the specific issue or gap you're addressing. This should be a significant and relevant problem in your field.

A well-defined problem is specific, relevant, and significant to your field. It should resonate with both experts and readers.

Here’s more on how to write an effective research problem .

Provide context

Here, you need to provide a broader perspective, illustrating how your research aligns with or contributes to the overarching context or the wider field of study. A comprehensive context is grounded in facts, offers multiple perspectives, and is relatable.

In addition to stating facts, you should weave a story that connects key concepts from the past, present, and potential future research. For instance, consider the following approach.

  • Offer a brief history of the topic, highlighting major milestones or turning points that have shaped the current landscape.
  • Discuss contemporary developments or current trends that provide relevant information to your research problem. This could include technological advancements, policy changes, or shifts in societal attitudes.
  • Highlight the views of different stakeholders. For a topic like sustainable agriculture, this could mean discussing the perspectives of farmers, environmentalists, policymakers, and consumers.
  • If relevant, compare and contrast global trends with local conditions and circumstances. This can offer readers a more holistic understanding of the topic.

Literature review

For this step, you’ll deep dive into the existing literature on the same topic. It's where you explore what scholars, researchers, and experts have already discovered or discussed about your topic.

Conducting a thorough literature review isn't just a recap of past works. To elevate its efficacy, it's essential to analyze the methods, outcomes, and intricacies of prior research work, demonstrating a thorough engagement with the existing body of knowledge.

  • Instead of merely listing past research study, delve into their methodologies, findings, and limitations. Highlight groundbreaking studies and those that had contrasting results.
  • Try to identify patterns. Look for recurring themes or trends in the literature. Are there common conclusions or contentious points?
  • The next step would be to connect the dots. Show how different pieces of research relate to each other. This can help in understanding the evolution of thought on the topic.

By showcasing what's already known, you can better highlight the background of the study in research.

Highlight the research gap

This step involves identifying the unexplored areas or unanswered questions in the existing literature. Your research seeks to address these gaps, providing new insights or answers.

A clear research gap shows you've thoroughly engaged with existing literature and found an area that needs further exploration.

How can you efficiently highlight the research gap?

  • Find the overlooked areas. Point out topics or angles that haven't been adequately addressed.
  • Highlight questions that have emerged due to recent developments or changing circumstances.
  • Identify areas where insights from other fields might be beneficial but haven't been explored yet.

State your objectives

Here, it’s all about laying out your game plan — What do you hope to achieve with your research? You need to mention a clear objective that’s specific, actionable, and directly tied to the research gap.

How to state your objectives?

  • List the primary questions guiding your research.
  • If applicable, state any hypotheses or predictions you aim to test.
  • Specify what you hope to achieve, whether it's new insights, solutions, or methodologies.

Discuss the significance

This step describes your 'why'. Why is your research important? What broader implications does it have?

The significance of “why” should be both theoretical (adding to the existing literature) and practical (having real-world implications).

How do we effectively discuss the significance?

  • Discuss how your research adds to the existing body of knowledge.
  • Highlight how your findings could be applied in real-world scenarios, from policy changes to on-ground practices.
  • Point out how your research could pave the way for further studies or open up new areas of exploration.

Summarize your points

A concise summary acts as a bridge, smoothly transitioning readers from the background to the main body of the paper. This step is a brief recap, ensuring that readers have grasped the foundational concepts.

How to summarize your study?

  • Revisit the key points discussed, from the research problem to its significance.
  • Prepare the reader for the subsequent sections, ensuring they understand the research's direction.

Include examples for better understanding

Research and come up with real-world or hypothetical examples to clarify complex concepts or to illustrate the practical applications of your research. Relevant examples make abstract ideas tangible, aiding comprehension.

How to include an effective example of the background of the study?

  • Use past events or scenarios to explain concepts.
  • Craft potential scenarios to demonstrate the implications of your findings.
  • Use comparisons to simplify complex ideas, making them more relatable.

Crafting a compelling background of the study in research is about striking the right balance between providing essential context, showcasing your comprehensive understanding of the existing literature, and highlighting the unique value of your research .

While writing the background of the study, keep your readers at the forefront of your mind. Every piece of information, every example, and every objective should be geared toward helping them understand and appreciate your research.

How to avoid mistakes in the background of the study in research?

To write a well-crafted background of the study, you should be aware of the following potential research pitfalls .

  • Stay away from ambiguity. Always assume that your reader might not be familiar with intricate details about your topic.
  • Avoid discussing unrelated themes. Stick to what's directly relevant to your research problem.
  • Ensure your background is well-organized. Information should flow logically, making it easy for readers to follow.
  • While it's vital to provide context, avoid overwhelming the reader with excessive details that might not be directly relevant to your research problem.
  • Ensure you've covered the most significant and relevant studies i` n your field. Overlooking key pieces of literature can make your background seem incomplete.
  • Aim for a balanced presentation of facts, and avoid showing overt bias or presenting only one side of an argument.
  • While academic paper often involves specialized terms, ensure they're adequately explained or use simpler alternatives when possible.
  • Every claim or piece of information taken from existing literature should be appropriately cited. Failing to do so can lead to issues of plagiarism.
  • Avoid making the background too lengthy. While thoroughness is appreciated, it should not come at the expense of losing the reader's interest. Maybe prefer to keep it to one-two paragraphs long.
  • Especially in rapidly evolving fields, it's crucial to ensure that your literature review section is up-to-date and includes the latest research.

Example of an effective background of the study

Let's consider a topic: "The Impact of Online Learning on Student Performance." The ideal background of the study section for this topic would be as follows.

In the last decade, the rise of the internet has revolutionized many sectors, including education. Online learning platforms, once a supplementary educational tool, have now become a primary mode of instruction for many institutions worldwide. With the recent global events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a rapid shift from traditional classroom learning to online modes, making it imperative to understand its effects on student performance.

Previous studies have explored various facets of online learning, from its accessibility to its flexibility. However, there is a growing need to assess its direct impact on student outcomes. While some educators advocate for its benefits, citing the convenience and vast resources available, others express concerns about potential drawbacks, such as reduced student engagement and the challenges of self-discipline.

This research aims to delve deeper into this debate, evaluating the true impact of online learning on student performance.

Why is this example considered as an effective background section of a research paper?

This background section example effectively sets the context by highlighting the rise of online learning and its increased relevance due to recent global events. It references prior research on the topic, indicating a foundation built on existing knowledge.

By presenting both the potential advantages and concerns of online learning, it establishes a balanced view, leading to the clear purpose of the study: to evaluate the true impact of online learning on student performance.

As we've explored, writing an effective background of the study in research requires clarity, precision, and a keen understanding of both the broader landscape and the specific details of your topic.

From identifying the research problem, providing context, reviewing existing literature to highlighting research gaps and stating objectives, each step is pivotal in shaping the narrative of your research. And while there are best practices to follow, it's equally crucial to be aware of the pitfalls to avoid.

Remember, writing or refining the background of your study is essential to engage your readers, familiarize them with the research context, and set the ground for the insights your research project will unveil.

Drawing from all the important details, insights and guidance shared, you're now in a strong position to craft a background of the study that not only informs but also engages and resonates with your readers.

Now that you've a clear understanding of what the background of the study aims to achieve, the natural progression is to delve into the next crucial component — write an effective introduction section of a research paper. Read here .

Frequently Asked Questions

The background of the study should include a clear context for the research, references to relevant previous studies, identification of knowledge gaps, justification for the current research, a concise overview of the research problem or question, and an indication of the study's significance or potential impact.

The background of the study is written to provide readers with a clear understanding of the context, significance, and rationale behind the research. It offers a snapshot of existing knowledge on the topic, highlights the relevance of the study, and sets the stage for the research questions and objectives. It ensures that readers can grasp the importance of the research and its place within the broader field of study.

The background of the study is a section in a research paper that provides context, circumstances, and history leading to the research problem or topic being explored. It presents existing knowledge on the topic and outlines the reasons that spurred the current research, helping readers understand the research's foundation and its significance in the broader academic landscape.

The number of paragraphs in the background of the study can vary based on the complexity of the topic and the depth of the context required. Typically, it might range from 3 to 5 paragraphs, but in more detailed or complex research papers, it could be longer. The key is to ensure that all relevant information is presented clearly and concisely, without unnecessary repetition.

relevance of background of the study in research paper

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What is the Background of a Study and How Should it be Written?

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Table of Contents

The background of a study is one of the most important components of a research paper. The quality of the background determines whether the reader will be interested in the rest of the study. Thus, to ensure that the audience is invested in reading the entire research paper, it is important to write an appealing and effective background. So, what constitutes the background of a study, and how must it be written?

What is the background of a study?

The background of a study is the first section of the paper and establishes the context underlying the research. It contains the rationale, the key problem statement, and a brief overview of research questions that are addressed in the rest of the paper. The background forms the crux of the study because it introduces an unaware audience to the research and its importance in a clear and logical manner. At times, the background may even explore whether the study builds on or refutes findings from previous studies. Any relevant information that the readers need to know before delving into the paper should be made available to them in the background.

How is a background different from the introduction?

The introduction of your research paper is presented before the background. Let’s find out what factors differentiate the background from the introduction.

  • The introduction only contains preliminary data about the research topic and does not state the purpose of the study. On the contrary, the background clarifies the importance of the study in detail.
  • The introduction provides an overview of the research topic from a broader perspective, while the background provides a detailed understanding of the topic.
  • The introduction should end with the mention of the research questions, aims, and objectives of the study. In contrast, the background follows no such format and only provides essential context to the study.

How should one write the background of a research paper?

The length and detail presented in the background varies for different research papers, depending on the complexity and novelty of the research topic. At times, a simple background suffices, even if the study is complex. Before writing and adding details in the background, take a note of these additional points:

  • Start with a strong beginning: Begin the background by defining the research topic and then identify the target audience.
  • Cover key components: Explain all theories, concepts, terms, and ideas that may feel unfamiliar to the target audience thoroughly.
  • Take note of important prerequisites: Go through the relevant literature in detail. Take notes while reading and cite the sources.
  • Maintain a balance: Make sure that the background is focused on important details, but also appeals to a broader audience.
  • Include historical data: Current issues largely originate from historical events or findings. If the research borrows information from a historical context, add relevant data in the background.
  • Explain novelty: If the research study or methodology is unique or novel, provide an explanation that helps to understand the research better.
  • Increase engagement: To make the background engaging, build a story around the central theme of the research

Avoid these mistakes while writing the background:

  • Ambiguity: Don’t be ambiguous. While writing, assume that the reader does not understand any intricate detail about your research.
  • Unrelated themes: Steer clear from topics that are not related to the key aspects of your research topic.
  • Poor organization: Do not place information without a structure. Make sure that the background reads in a chronological manner and organize the sub-sections so that it flows well.

Writing the background for a research paper should not be a daunting task. But directions to go about it can always help. At Elsevier Author Services we provide essential insights on how to write a high quality, appealing, and logically structured paper for publication, beginning with a robust background. For further queries, contact our experts now!

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relevance of background of the study in research paper

What is the Background of a Study and How to Write It (Examples Included)

relevance of background of the study in research paper

Have you ever found yourself struggling to write a background of the study for your research paper? You’re not alone. While the background of a study is an essential element of a research manuscript, it’s also one of the most challenging pieces to write. This is because it requires researchers to provide context and justification for their research, highlight the significance of their study, and situate their work within the existing body of knowledge in the field.  

Despite its challenges, the background of a study is crucial for any research paper. A compelling well-written background of the study can not only promote confidence in the overall quality of your research analysis and findings, but it can also determine whether readers will be interested in knowing more about the rest of the research study.  

In this article, we’ll explore the key elements of the background of a study and provide simple guidelines on how to write one effectively. Whether you’re a seasoned researcher or a graduate student working on your first research manuscript, this post will explain how to write a background for your study that is compelling and informative.  

Table of Contents

What is the background of a study ?  

Typically placed in the beginning of your research paper, the background of a study serves to convey the central argument of your study and its significance clearly and logically to an uninformed audience. The background of a study in a research paper helps to establish the research problem or gap in knowledge that the study aims to address, sets the stage for the research question and objectives, and highlights the significance of the research. The background of a study also includes a review of relevant literature, which helps researchers understand where the research study is placed in the current body of knowledge in a specific research discipline. It includes the reason for the study, the thesis statement, and a summary of the concept or problem being examined by the researcher. At times, the background of a study can may even examine whether your research supports or contradicts the results of earlier studies or existing knowledge on the subject.  

relevance of background of the study in research paper

How is the background of a study different from the introduction?  

It is common to find early career researchers getting confused between the background of a study and the introduction in a research paper. Many incorrectly consider these two vital parts of a research paper the same and use these terms interchangeably. The confusion is understandable, however, it’s important to know that the introduction and the background of the study are distinct elements and serve very different purposes.   

  • The basic different between the background of a study and the introduction is kind of information that is shared with the readers . While the introduction provides an overview of the specific research topic and touches upon key parts of the research paper, the background of the study presents a detailed discussion on the existing literature in the field, identifies research gaps, and how the research being done will add to current knowledge.  
  • The introduction aims to capture the reader’s attention and interest and to provide a clear and concise summary of the research project. It typically begins with a general statement of the research problem and then narrows down to the specific research question. It may also include an overview of the research design, methodology, and scope. The background of the study outlines the historical, theoretical, and empirical background that led to the research question to highlight its importance. It typically offers an overview of the research field and may include a review of the literature to highlight gaps, controversies, or limitations in the existing knowledge and to justify the need for further research.  
  • Both these sections appear at the beginning of a research paper. In some cases the introduction may come before the background of the study , although in most instances the latter is integrated into the introduction itself. The length of the introduction and background of a study can differ based on the journal guidelines and the complexity of a specific research study.  

Learn to convey study relevance, integrate literature reviews, and articulate research gaps in the background section. Get your All Access Pack now!    

To put it simply, the background of the study provides context for the study by explaining how your research fills a research gap in existing knowledge in the field and how it will add to it. The introduction section explains how the research fills this gap by stating the research topic, the objectives of the research and the findings – it sets the context for the rest of the paper.   

Where is the background of a study placed in a research paper?  

T he background of a study is typically placed in the introduction section of a research paper and is positioned after the statement of the problem. Researchers should try and present the background of the study in clear logical structure by dividing it into several sections, such as introduction, literature review, and research gap. This will make it easier for the reader to understand the research problem and the motivation for the study.  

So, when should you write the background of your study ? It’s recommended that researchers write this section after they have conducted a thorough literature review and identified the research problem, research question, and objectives. This way, they can effectively situate their study within the existing body of knowledge in the field and provide a clear rationale for their research.  

relevance of background of the study in research paper

Creating an effective background of a study structure  

Given that the purpose of writing the background of your study is to make readers understand the reasons for conducting the research, it is important to create an outline and basic framework to work within. This will make it easier to write the background of the study and will ensure that it is comprehensive and compelling for readers.  

While creating a background of the study structure for research papers, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the essential elements that should be included. Make sure you incorporate the following elements in the background of the study section :   

  • Present a general overview of the research topic, its significance, and main aims; this may be like establishing the “importance of the topic” in the introduction.   
  • Discuss the existing level of research done on the research topic or on related topics in the field to set context for your research. Be concise and mention only the relevant part of studies, ideally in chronological order to reflect the progress being made.  
  • Highlight disputes in the field as well as claims made by scientists, organizations, or key policymakers that need to be investigated. This forms the foundation of your research methodology and solidifies the aims of your study.   
  • Describe if and how the methods and techniques used in the research study are different from those used in previous research on similar topics.   

By including these critical elements in the background of your study , you can provide your readers with a comprehensive understanding of your research and its context.  

What is the background of a study and how to write it

How to write a background of the study in research papers ?  

Now that you know the essential elements to include, it’s time to discuss how to write the background of the study in a concise and interesting way that engages audiences. The best way to do this is to build a clear narrative around the central theme of your research so that readers can grasp the concept and identify the gaps that the study will address. While the length and detail presented in the background of a study could vary depending on the complexity and novelty of the research topic, it is imperative to avoid wordiness. For research that is interdisciplinary, mentioning how the disciplines are connected and highlighting specific aspects to be studied helps readers understand the research better.   

While there are different styles of writing the background of a study , it always helps to have a clear plan in place. Let us look at how to write a background of study for research papers.    

  • Identify the research problem: Begin the background by defining the research topic, and highlighting the main issue or question that the research aims to address. The research problem should be clear, specific, and relevant to the field of study. It should be framed using simple, easy to understand language and must be meaningful to intended audiences.  
  • Craft an impactful statement of the research objectives: While writing the background of the study it is critical to highlight the research objectives and specific goals that the study aims to achieve. The research objectives should be closely related to the research problem and must be aligned with the overall purpose of the study.  
  • Conduct a review of available literature: When writing the background of the research , provide a summary of relevant literature in the field and related research that has been conducted around the topic. Remember to record the search terms used and keep track of articles that you read so that sources can be cited accurately. Ensure that the literature you include is sourced from credible sources.  
  • Address existing controversies and assumptions: It is a good idea to acknowledge and clarify existing claims and controversies regarding the subject of your research. For example, if your research topic involves an issue that has been widely discussed due to ethical or politically considerations, it is best to address them when writing the background of the study .  
  • Present the relevance of the study: It is also important to provide a justification for the research. This is where the researcher explains why the study is important and what contributions it will make to existing knowledge on the subject. Highlighting key concepts and theories and explaining terms and ideas that may feel unfamiliar to readers makes the background of the study content more impactful.  
  • Proofread to eliminate errors in language, structure, and data shared: Once the first draft is done, it is a good idea to read and re-read the draft a few times to weed out possible grammatical errors or inaccuracies in the information provided. In fact, experts suggest that it is helpful to have your supervisor or peers read and edit the background of the study . Their feedback can help ensure that even inadvertent errors are not overlooked.  

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relevance of background of the study in research paper

How to avoid mistakes in writing the background of a study  

While figuring out how to write the background of a study , it is also important to know the most common mistakes authors make so you can steer clear of these in your research paper.   

  • Write the background of a study in a formal academic tone while keeping the language clear and simple. Check for the excessive use of jargon and technical terminology that could confuse your readers.   
  • Avoid including unrelated concepts that could distract from the subject of research. Instead, focus your discussion around the key aspects of your study by highlighting gaps in existing literature and knowledge and the novelty and necessity of your study.   
  • Provide relevant, reliable evidence to support your claims and citing sources correctly; be sure to follow a consistent referencing format and style throughout the paper.   
  • Ensure that the details presented in the background of the study are captured chronologically and organized into sub-sections for easy reading and comprehension.  
  • Check the journal guidelines for the recommended length for this section so that you include all the important details in a concise manner. 

By keeping these tips in mind, you can create a clear, concise, and compelling background of the study for your research paper. Take this example of a background of the study on the impact of social media on mental health.  

Social media has become a ubiquitous aspect of modern life, with people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds using platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to connect with others, share information, and stay updated on news and events. While social media has many potential benefits, including increased social connectivity and access to information, there is growing concern about its impact on mental health.   Research has suggested that social media use is associated with a range of negative mental health outcomes, including increased rates of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. This is thought to be due, in part, to the social comparison processes that occur on social media, whereby users compare their lives to the idealized versions of others that are presented online.   Despite these concerns, there is also evidence to suggest that social media can have positive effects on mental health. For example, social media can provide a sense of social support and community, which can be beneficial for individuals who are socially isolated or marginalized.   Given the potential benefits and risks of social media use for mental health, it is important to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying these effects. This study aims to investigate the relationship between social media use and mental health outcomes, with a particular focus on the role of social comparison processes. By doing so, we hope to shed light on the potential risks and benefits of social media use for mental health, and to provide insights that can inform interventions and policies aimed at promoting healthy social media use.  

To conclude, the background of a study is a crucial component of a research manuscript and must be planned, structured, and presented in a way that attracts reader attention, compels them to read the manuscript, creates an impact on the minds of readers and sets the stage for future discussions. 

A well-written background of the study not only provides researchers with a clear direction on conducting their research, but it also enables readers to understand and appreciate the relevance of the research work being done.   

Researcher Life

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on background of the study

Q: How does the background of the study help the reader understand the research better?

The background of the study plays a crucial role in helping readers understand the research better by providing the necessary context, framing the research problem, and establishing its significance. It helps readers:

  • understand the larger framework, historical development, and existing knowledge related to a research topic
  • identify gaps, limitations, or unresolved issues in the existing literature or knowledge
  • outline potential contributions, practical implications, or theoretical advancements that the research aims to achieve
  • and learn the specific context and limitations of the research project

Q: Does the background of the study need citation?

Yes, the background of the study in a research paper should include citations to support and acknowledge the sources of information and ideas presented. When you provide information or make statements in the background section that are based on previous studies, theories, or established knowledge, it is important to cite the relevant sources. This establishes credibility, enables verification, and demonstrates the depth of literature review you’ve done.

Q: What is the difference between background of the study and problem statement?

The background of the study provides context and establishes the research’s foundation while the problem statement clearly states the problem being addressed and the research questions or objectives.

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Tips for Writing an Effective Background of the Study

David Costello

The Background of the Study is an integral part of any research paper that sets the context and the stage for the research presented in the paper. It's the section that provides a detailed context of the study by explaining the problem under investigation, the gaps in existing research that the study aims to fill, and the relevance of the study to the research field. It often incorporates aspects of the existing literature and gives readers an understanding of why the research is necessary and the theoretical framework that it is grounded in.

The Background of the Study holds a significant position in the process of research. It serves as the scaffold upon which the entire research project is built. It helps the reader understand the problem, its significance, and how your research will contribute to the existing body of knowledge. A well-articulated background can provide a clear roadmap for your study and assist others in understanding the direction and value of your research. Without it, readers may struggle to grasp the purpose and importance of your work.

The aim of this blog post is to guide budding researchers, students, and academicians on how to craft an effective Background of the Study section for their research paper. It is designed to provide practical tips, highlight key components, and elucidate common mistakes to avoid. By the end of this blog post, readers should have a clear understanding of how to construct a compelling background that successfully contextualizes their research, highlights its significance, and sets a clear path for their investigation.

Understanding the background of the study

The Background of the Study in a research context refers to a section of your research paper that discloses the basis and reasons behind the conduction of the study. It sets the broader context for your research by presenting the problem that your study intends to address, giving a brief overview of the subject domain, and highlighting the existing gaps in knowledge. This section also presents the theoretical or conceptual framework and states the research objectives, and often includes the research question or hypothesis . The Background of the Study gives your readers a deeper understanding of the purpose, importance, and direction of your study.

How it fits into the overall structure of a research paper

The Background of the Study typically appears after the introduction and before the literature review in the overall structure of a research paper. It acts as a bridge between the general introduction, where the topic is initially presented, and the more specific aspects of the paper such as the literature review, methodology , results , and discussion. It provides necessary information to help readers understand the relevance and value of the study in a wider context, before zooming in to specific details of your research.

Difference between the background of the study, introduction, and literature review

Now that we understand the role of the Background of the Study within a research paper, let's delve deeper to differentiate it from two other crucial components of the paper - the Introduction and the Literature Review.

  • Background of the Study: This section provides a comprehensive context for the research, including a statement of the problem , the theoretical or conceptual framework, the gap that the study intends to fill, and the overall significance of the research. It guides the reader from a broad understanding of the research context to the specifics of your study.
  • Introduction: This is the first section of the research paper that provides a broad overview of the topic , introduces the research question or hypothesis , and briefly mentions the methodology used in the study. It piques the reader's interest and gives them a reason to continue reading the paper.
  • Literature Review: This section presents an organized summary of the existing research related to your study. It helps identify what we already know and what we do not know about the topic, thereby establishing the necessity for your research. The literature review allows you to demonstrate how your study contributes to and extends the existing body of knowledge.

While these three sections may overlap in some aspects, each serves a unique purpose and plays a critical role in the research paper.

Components of the background of the study

Statement of the problem.

This is the issue or situation that your research is intended to address. It should be a clear, concise declaration that explains the problem in detail, its context, and the negative impacts if it remains unresolved. This statement also explains why there's a need to study the problem, making it crucial for defining the research objectives.

Importance of the study

In this component, you outline the reasons why your research is significant. How does it contribute to the existing body of knowledge? Does it provide insights into a particular issue, offer solutions to a problem, or fill gaps in existing research? Clarifying the importance of your study helps affirm its value to your field and the larger academic community.

Relevant previous research and literature

Present an overview of the major studies and research conducted on the topic. This not only shows that you have a broad understanding of your field, but it also allows you to highlight the knowledge gaps that your study aims to fill. It also helps establish the context of your study within the larger academic dialogue.

Theoretical framework

The theoretical framework is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a research study. It presents the theories, concepts, or ideas which are relevant to the study and explains how these theories apply to your research. It helps to connect your findings to the broader constructs and theories in your field.

Research questions or hypotheses

These are the specific queries your research aims to answer or the predictions you are testing. They should be directly aligned with your problem statement and clearly set out what you hope to discover through your research.

Potential implications of the research

This involves outlining the potential applications of your research findings in your field and possibly beyond. What changes could your research inspire? How might it influence future studies? By explaining this, you underscore the potential impact of your research and its significance in a broader context.

How to write a comprehensive background of the study

Identify and articulate the problem statement.

To successfully identify and articulate your problem statement, consider the following steps:

  • Start by clearly defining the problem your research aims to solve. The problem should be specific and researchable.
  • Provide context for the problem. Where does it arise? Who or what is affected by it?
  • Clearly articulate why the problem is significant. Is it a new issue, or has it been a long-standing problem in your field? How does it impact the broader field or society at large?
  • Express the potential adverse effects if the problem remains unresolved. This can help underscore the urgency or importance of your research.
  • Remember, while your problem statement should be comprehensive, aim for conciseness. You want to communicate the gravity of the issue in a precise and clear manner.

Conduct and summarize relevant literature review

A well-executed literature review is fundamental for situating your study within the broader context of existing research. Here's how you can approach it:

  • Begin by conducting a comprehensive search for existing research that is relevant to your problem statement. Make use of academic databases, scholarly journals, and other credible sources of research.
  • As you read these studies, pay close attention to their key findings, research methodologies, and any gaps in the research that they've identified. These elements will be crucial in the summary of your literature review.
  • Make an effort to analyze, rather than just list, the studies. This means drawing connections between different research findings, contrasting methodologies, and identifying overarching trends or conflicts in the field.
  • When summarizing the literature review, focus on synthesis . Explain how these studies relate to each other and how they collectively relate to your own research. This could mean identifying patterns, themes, or gaps that your research aims to address.

Describe the theoretical framework

The theoretical framework of your research is crucial as it grounds your work in established concepts and provides a lens through which your results can be interpreted. Here's how to effectively describe it:

  • Begin by identifying the theories, ideas, or models upon which your research is based. These may come from your literature review or your understanding of the subject matter.
  • Explain these theories or concepts in simple terms, bearing in mind that your reader may not be familiar with them. Be sure to define any technical terms or jargon that you use.
  • Make connections between these theories and your research. How do they relate to your study? Do they inform your research questions or hypotheses?
  • Show how these theories guide your research methodology and your analysis. For instance, do they suggest certain methods for data collection or specific ways of interpreting your data?
  • Remember, your theoretical framework should act as the "lens" through which your results are viewed, so it needs to be relevant and applicable to your study.

Formulate your research questions or hypotheses

Crafting well-defined research questions or hypotheses is a crucial step in outlining the scope of your research. Here's how you can effectively approach this process:

  • Begin by establishing the specific questions your research aims to answer. If your study is more exploratory in nature, you may formulate research questions. If it is more explanatory or confirmatory, you may state hypotheses.
  • Ensure that your questions or hypotheses are researchable. They should be specific, clear, and measurable with the methods you plan to use.
  • Check that your research questions or hypotheses align with your problem statement and research objectives. They should be a natural extension of the issues outlined in your background of the study.
  • Finally, remember that well-crafted research questions or hypotheses will guide your research design and help structure your entire paper. They act as the anchors around which your research revolves.

Highlight the potential implications and significance of your research

To conclude your Background of the Study, it's essential to highlight the potential implications and significance of your work. Here's how to do it effectively:

  • Start by providing a clear explanation of your research's potential implications. This could relate to the advancement of theoretical knowledge or practical applications in the real world.
  • Discuss the importance of your research within the context of your field. How does it contribute to the existing body of knowledge? Does it challenge current theories or practices?
  • Highlight how your research could influence future studies. Could it open new avenues of inquiry? Does it suggest a need for further research in certain areas?
  • Finally, consider the practical applications of your research. How could your findings be used in policy-making, business strategies, educational practices, or other real-world scenarios?
  • Always keep in mind that demonstrating the broader impact of your research increases its relevance and appeal to a wider audience, extending beyond the immediate academic circle.

Following these guidelines can help you effectively highlight the potential implications and significance of your research, thereby strengthening the impact of your study.

Practical tips for writing the background of the study

Keeping the section concise and focused.

Maintain clarity and brevity in your writing. While you need to provide sufficient detail to set the stage for your research, avoid unnecessary verbosity. Stay focused on the main aspects related to your research problem, its context, and your study's contribution.

Ensuring the background aligns with your research questions or hypotheses

Ensure a clear connection between your background and your research questions or hypotheses. Your problem statement, review of relevant literature, theoretical framework, and the identified gap in research should logically lead to your research questions or hypotheses.

Citing your sources correctly

Always attribute the ideas, theories, and research findings of others appropriately to avoid plagiarism . Correct citation not only upholds academic integrity but also allows your readers to access your sources if they wish to explore them in depth. The citation style may depend on your field of study or the requirements of the journal or institution.

Bridging the gap between existing research and your study

Identify the gap in existing research that your study aims to fill and make it explicit. Show how your research questions or hypotheses emerged from this identified gap. This helps to position your research within the broader academic conversation and highlights the unique contribution of your study.

Avoiding excessive jargon

While technical terms are often unavoidable in academic writing, use them sparingly and make sure to define any necessary jargon for your reader. Your Background of the Study should be understandable to people outside your field as well. This will increase the accessibility and impact of your research.

Common mistakes to avoid while writing the background of the study

Being overly verbose or vague.

While it's important to provide sufficient context, avoid being overly verbose in your descriptions. Also, steer clear of vague or ambiguous phrases. The Background of the Study should be clear, concise, and specific, giving the reader a precise understanding of the study's purpose and context.

Failing to relate the background to the research problem

The entire purpose of the Background of the Study is to set the stage for your research problem. If it doesn't directly relate to your problem statement, research questions, or hypotheses, it may confuse the reader. Always ensure that every element of the background ties back to your study.

Neglecting to mention important related studies

Not mentioning significant related studies is another common mistake. The Background of the Study section should give a summary of the existing literature related to your research. Omitting key pieces of literature can give the impression that you haven't thoroughly researched the topic.

Overusing technical jargon without explanation

While certain technical terms may be necessary, overuse of jargon can make your paper inaccessible to readers outside your immediate field. If you need to use technical terms, make sure you define them clearly. Strive for clarity and simplicity in your writing as much as possible.

Not citing sources or citing them incorrectly

Academic integrity is paramount in research writing. Ensure that every idea, finding, or theory that is not your own is properly attributed to its original source. Neglecting to cite, or citing incorrectly, can lead to accusations of plagiarism and can discredit your research. Always follow the citation style guide relevant to your field.

Writing an effective Background of the Study is a critical step in crafting a compelling research paper. It serves to contextualize your research, highlight its significance, and present the problem your study seeks to address. Remember, your background should provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of research, identify gaps in existing literature, and indicate how your research will fill these gaps. Keep your writing concise, focused, and jargon-free, making sure to correctly cite all sources. Avoiding common mistakes and adhering to the strategies outlined in this post will help you develop a robust and engaging background for your study. As you embark on your research journey, remember that the Background of the Study sets the stage for your entire research project, so investing time and effort into crafting it effectively will undoubtedly pay dividends in the end.

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In a research paper, what is the background of study?

Research papers should include a background of study statement that provides context for the study. Read the article and learn more about it!

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Unless you provide the background information needed for the reader to understand your choice of the subject and why your study is important, they will not be able to grasp the significance of the findings of your research, regardless of how significant and fascinating they are. 

Research papers should include a background of study statement that provides context for the study. A reader’s interest in the rest of the study is determined by the quality of the background. It is therefore imperative to write an engaging and effective background. How should a study’s background be written, and how should it be presented?

What is the background of study in the research paper?

The background of a study outlines how your research began, your interest in the subject, and the development of your study question. In other words, you should provide a broad overview of the research that you performed, followed by a discussion of what motivated you to choose the particular problem that you studied. 

Your topic should be clearly understood by the reader. Whether and to what extent you need to explain your background depends on what you are writing about. 

A research paper’s background section

The background of a research paper acts as the first element readers will notice; so it is important that it is informative and fascinating enough to get them interested in reading further. In the background, the volume and the specifics vary according to the research paper, particularly if the topic is complex or novel. 

Complex studies can sometimes be simplified by a simple background. Reviewing previous literature on the topic of your study is typically part of your research background. After identifying the gaps in existing knowledge, you should explain how your study will fill them.

The difference between the background of the study and the introduction section

There are a number of ways in which your introduction differs from your background. In the introduction, you provide preliminary information about the paper that is likely to be studied by the reader, but in the background section, you explain why the paper is relevant. 

In your study’s background, you discuss the topic in great detail, in contrast to the introduction, which provides an overall view of the topic. You should conclude your introduction with reasons for conducting research, objectives, and research goals, not your background, other than when it is incorporated into the introduction.

Here are the steps to writing a background of study

  • Defining the research topic and identifying the target audience is the best way to start the background.
  • Provide a detailed discussion of all concepts, terminology, keywords, and information that may feel new to the intended audience.
  • Examine the relevant literature in depth to learn more about the essential requirements. 
  • Read carefully and make notes. Cite your sources when you are done.
  • Be sure to strike a balance between emphasizing key points, as well as communicating to a wide audience.
  • History is a significant source of current issues. Add relevant data in the background if your research relies on historical information.
  • Provide an explanation to help people understand the research if it is groundbreaking or novel.
  • Develop a compelling narrative around the research theme to increase engagement. Don’t forget to add the necessary infographics.

Here are some things to avoid in a study’s background

In the case of your research paper, when you established the background in an organized manner, you would have been able to lead the reader seamlessly throughout. Nevertheless, you should be careful as well, here are a few points to keep in mind.

  • Avoid unclear language at all costs. Consider your reader as unaware of any complex details about your research while writing.
  • Avoid writing an excessively long or short background. Write concisely while not forgetting to include everything that is important.  
  • Don’t devote time to topics that don’t relate to the main thrust of the research.
  • Putting information without a structure is a disorganized approach. A chronology should be followed for the background, and subsections should be ordered logically.
  • Be sure to cite every source.

For more information on how to write research articles and papers, please visit our blog . 

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About Aayushi Zaveri

Aayushi Zaveri majored in biotechnology engineering. She is currently pursuing a master's degree in Bioentrepreneurship from Karolinska Institute. She is interested in health and diseases, global health, socioeconomic development, and women's health. As a science enthusiast, she is keen in learning more about the scientific world and wants to play a part in making a difference.

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Mastering the Basics of Writing Background of the Study


Table of contents

  • 1 Purpose of the Research Paper Background
  • 2.1 Starting with Preliminary Research for Broad Context
  • 2.2.1 Chronological
  • 2.2.2 Thematical
  • 2.2.3 Methodological
  • 2.3 Link to Your Research Question
  • 2.4 Avoid Plagiarism and Ensuring Proper Citation
  • 2.5 Using Clear, Academic Language
  • 2.6 Don’t Overload with Excessive Details
  • 2.7 Review Relevant Literature
  • 2.8 Identify Gaps or Contradiction
  • 2.9 Keep Your Target Audience in Mind
  • 2.10 Stay Objective
  • 2.11 Mention Methodologies, Scope, and Limitations
  • 3 Bottom Line
  • 4.1 How long should background information be?
  • 4.2 What is the difference between background of the study and problem statement?
  • 4.3 Why is background research important to the research process?

Writing a research paper can be a juggling act, especially for those with little experience. There are so many elements to consider, and you need to cover all the bases if you want your paper to elevate your academic standings.

The background in research paper is where you lay out the topic, the gaps in the literature that this study seeks to fill, and your study’s general and unique contributions. Thus, developing the research paper background section is crucial to give a general overview of the study.

That’s why we’ve decided to give you some pointers, including:

  • The purpose of the background of the study;
  • Collecting and organizing background information;
  • Linking the background to your present study;
  • Using proper citation and wording, retaining objectivity.

Purpose of the Research Paper Background


When you write a research background of the study, you explain the rationale and foundation for doing the research. It’s quite different from the research paper introduction section or a literature review. Here, you explore the history, nature, and scope of your research problem. Once you determine how previous studies have covered the problem, you can pinpoint the remaining gaps, discuss their importance, and how your study can fill them.

Essentially, it’s the foundation of your entire study. It determines the structure of your paper, highlights a well-defined research problem, and helps the reader determine your research’s unique and general contributions. Besides serving as a clear roadmap, a well-written background of the study must help the reader understand the value and purpose of your research.

How to Write a Background of the Study

Any researcher needs to understand the steps that go into writing an effective background of the study. Since you don’t have clarity in the early stages, you need to collect more information via preliminary research. Then, you should organize your information in a structure that can seamlessly lead up to your research paper in a way that shows the significance of your study.

So, if you’re wondering what is background of the study in research and how to compose it, here are some tips.

Starting with Preliminary Research for Broad Context

Before delving into writing the background of a research paper, you need a comprehensive review of the most important articles and reports on the subject in a literature review to acquire some introductory background information. Basically, you need to collect as much research data as possible.

To start with the background of an article, look for prior studies that address your issue statement in detail. Refer to reputable resources, such as academic databases and publications, and use their bibliography and literature review section to find new sources. This lets you discover new authors treating your research topic.

Finally, keep note of each piece of material you find if you decide to include it in your thesis. It helps you avoid or at least reduce plagiarism in research when you integrate those sources into your work.

Organize the Information


Now it’s time to discuss a vital writing tip: background information categorization. Most researchers use one of the three approaches: chronological, thematic, or methodological.


Here, the study background and contextual information are organized in a chronological structure. As such, the reader can understand how you arrived at your conclusions about the development and the next steps you want to take in your research.

It can also be based on a trend. This method should be used only if you’re sure that the trends build logically upon one another and trace back in time. Overall, you must:

  • Highlight only the most crucial background information in research
  • Only use facts that can be objectively confirmed
  • Find gaps in previous studies
  • Give your opinion

When the background of a research paper is thematic, it is structured around the topics comprising your research problem. Start by identifying the main and secondary themes. Then, create hierarchies based on their importance or how they’re related to each other.

In other words, it requires structuring the basic background information into paragraphs that highlight themes and identify patterns in the research topic.

Separate each paragraph with a topic sentence, and ensure that each sentence effectively synthesizes background information from many sources. You can also use the famous inverted pyramid method to go from a general overview to the specifics. Overall, this method gives an overview of all topics and themes of your research subject.


This approach for writing background of study in research focuses on the methodology in research paper rather than specific topics or the chronological order. It draws attention to the differences and similarities across research methods and offers alternative insights into the subject.

If you cover a topic where there are many relevant models or theories, it is helpful to highlight the most popular ones. In this manner, you can get a basic understanding of the most common perspectives on your subject by categorizing the paper according to the theoretical framework.

Link to Your Research Question

Be specific about the knowledge gap your research study intends to fill and show how this inspired your research questions or theories. This will help place your study in the context of the larger academic discussion while also highlighting its unique contribution.

Avoid talking about irrelevant topics, and focus on what is most important regarding your subject. In other words, every step or theme you discuss should disclose the problems and explain why you deem it important to solve them.

Avoid Plagiarism and Ensuring Proper Citation

Plagiarism is one of the main reasons for writers to seek professional help with research paper writing. To avoid accusations of plagiarism, it is important to properly credit the ideas, models, and conclusions of others. Accurately citing your sources helps maintain academic honesty and gives readers easy access to further basic research papers.

The citation style you use may be determined by the guidelines of the publication or the institution you’re affiliated with. There are plenty of online resources, including guidelines and generators, that help you adhere to the given requirements.

Using Clear, Academic Language


An effective background should clearly highlight the research problem and how you plan to address it. This can only be achieved by using the correct terminology while keeping the text clear and understandable. Thus, use technical phrases with caution and provide essential context and definitions for any unfamiliar term.

Make sure that even readers who aren’t familiar with your field can understand the rationale and hypothesis in study papers. Your study will be more accessible and appealing if you do this.

Don’t Overload with Excessive Details

Keep your writing simple and to the point. Although providing sufficient background information helps simplify your study, you should avoid using too many words. Going too deeply into the evidence that inspired your research problem might just confuse your readers.

In other words, it is not necessary to describe every step or every point of relevant research studies. In the background section, only discuss the important details and results that led you to formulate your research question.

Review Relevant Literature

Only by knowing and understanding what has been said and discovered before you can hope to give your contribution. When reviewing relevant research literature, you should provide a concise summary of previous studies and other works that have laid the groundwork for your own. Ensuring the material you use comes from credible sources in research is key. Also, remember to explore all nuances that could help with your research topic.

Identify Gaps or Contradiction

Normally, research objectives are based on the gaps and contradictions found in analyzing the literature review and previous research. Failing to do so might create a redundant or meaningless paper. That’s why, in the background section, you must clarify the reasoning behind how you unveiled the problems you seek to solve. You should also detail the methods to test and quantify your study hypothesis and how your findings will add to what’s already known.

Note that you’re also likely to leave a research gap or have some contradictions in your study. Don’t forget to recognize and inform your readers about them. It shows professionalism and enhances your credibility.

Keep Your Target Audience in Mind

It’s crucial to tailor the background of the study to your audience. Whether for an assignment or an academic publishing, you must write in a way that makes your message come across. So, if you know that the paper is going to be read by experts in the field, it’s ok to use a more technical and complex vocabulary.

Conversely, if the audience is more general, consider their scholarly background, avoid jargon, provide contextual information and explain concepts in a simple way.

Stay Objective

Retaining objectivity is one of the defining key components for all academic essay writers . However, having a personal interest or predisposition for a certain point of view might make it difficult to avoid bias and retain impartiality. Using a wide range of sources that address various topics, viewpoints, and research methods is crucial for maintaining objectivity both in the background and literature review section.

Mention Methodologies, Scope, and Limitations

Scientific research demands appropriate and proven methodologies. That’s why it’s important to clarify which ones you used, why and how they fit in the context of your research. The explanation should include the methodology for data collection and analysis, models, and the tools used.

The reasoning must be linked with the scope of your research. This must be clearly stated and intertwined with methods and context.

Finally, identify and discuss the shortcomings of your study background. It demonstrates that you’ve given careful thought to the study’s limits and have a firm grasp of the subject at hand. Researchers and reviewers will respect you more if you are upfront about the limits of your research methodology and go into depth about them rather than pretending they don’t exist.

Bottom Line

The first stage in writing a great research paper is to provide an intriguing background for the study. Its purpose is to explain the bigger picture, stress the importance of your study, and lay out the key issues you chose to study. Don’t forget that the background section of research paper writing isn’t a literature review. It discusses the reasons behind your study, points out any gaps in existing works, and explains how you would help fill those gaps.

All this should have taught you how to write a background for a research paper. But don’t forget that knowing the theory is only the first step. Whenever you feel stuck, don’t be shy to ask for guidance and rely on the help of experts.

How long should background information be?

What is the difference between background of the study and problem statement, why is background research important to the research process, readers also enjoyed.

Writing a Literature Review: General Guidelines


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The importance of crafting a good introduction to scholarly research: strategies for creating an effective and impactful opening statement

Mohsen tavakol.

1 Medical Education Centre, School of Medicine, The University of Nottingham, UK

David O'Brien


The introduction section is arguably one of the most critical elements of a written piece of research work, often setting the tone for the remainder of any dissertation or research article. The primary purpose of an introduction is to provide the reader with a clear understanding of the research question, in addition to the scope, rationale, aims and objectives of the study. This ensures the reader can more easily comprehend the context of the research, which will consequently help them better interpret and evaluate the study results. One could liken an introduction to a trailer for a movie, where the plot of the film (the research topic) is introduced by setting the scene (outlining the significance of the topic) and enticing you to watch the full movie (understanding the research and its importance).

Despite this, our experience suggests that students frequently pay insufficient attention to the introduction section of their dissertation or omit elements which we consider essential to address. This editorial aims to help researchers appreciate the importance of a comprehensive dissertation introduction in medical education research and learn how to effectively manage this key section of their work.  Although it focuses purely on the introduction section of a written research submission, readers interested in learning more about the other primary steps of the research process are encouraged to read AMEE Guide No. 90 1 , 2 textbooks on research methods and both consult and seek constructive feedback from colleagues with expertise in research methods and writing for publication.

Here we aim to provide the reader with a simple structure of how best to construct the introduction for a dissertation and recommend that this should typically include the following essential components and principles.

Background to the research topic

The purpose of providing background information in an introduction is to supply the context and other essential information concerning the research topic, and thus allow the reader to understand the significance of the specific research question and where it sits within the broader field of study. This aids the reader to better understand how the research question contributes to the existing body of knowledge and why it is, necessary to investigate this specific aspect further. For example, suppose the study concerns the effectiveness of simulation-based training in medical education. In this case, the broader field of the study may include relevant areas such as medical simulation, medical education research, health care education, standardised patients, simulation-based training, and curriculum development based on simulation training. After providing the reader with an understanding of the context and relevance of the topic of interest, the researcher must then establish a theoretical or conceptual framework. This underpins the study topic in order that the reader can understand how any research questions and objectives are formulated. It is important to distinguish between these two frameworks. A theoretical framework describes the rationale for applying a particular theory to provide support and structure for the topic being studied. In the absence of an applicable theory, a conceptual framework substantiates the significance of a particular problem, context or phenomenon within a specific area of the study by illustrating its relevance and connection to research topic. 3 A conceptual framework highlights the importance of a research topic by showing how it relates to the larger body of knowledge in a particular field. Here is an example to demonstrate the use of a theoretical framework in a research context.

When considering Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), one of the key constructs is self-efficacy, as described by Albert Bandura, 4 and refers to the belief that a person has it within their own ability to accomplish a specific task successfully. This is not related to what a person does, but more how they perceive their ability to use these skills. So, based on this construct of self-efficacy, a researcher may formulate a research hypothesis; that examiners with higher self-efficacy in OSCEs will demonstrate improved performance in subsequent exams compared to those with lower self-efficacy. Now the researcher is in a position to identify the fundamental concepts of the research, i.e., self-efficacy (personal factors), examiner performance (behavioural factors) and examination conditions and examiner scaffolding support (environmental factors). Identifying key concepts helps the researcher find the relationship between these, and develop appropriate research questions, e.g., 1) How does an examiner's self-efficacy in OSCEs affect their ability to assess students in subsequent exams? 2) How does the support provided to examiners and exam conditions influence the link between self-efficacy and examiner performance in OSCEs? 3) Do examiners with high self-efficacy provide fairer scores than those with low self-efficacy in OSCEs? By having a theoretical framework, researchers can establish a foundation for their research and provide a clear picture of the relationship between the key concepts involved in the study. Researchers must also provide any conceptual and operational definitions for key concepts or variables that will be used in the study. Clearly defining key concepts and variables in the background section of a dissertation can also help establish the significance of the research question and its relevance to the broader field of study. As the name implies, a conceptual definition refers to a variable's meaning in a conceptual, abstract, or theoretical sense. Conceptual definitions are often used to describe concepts which cannot be directly measured, such as active learning, rote learning, inter-professional learning, inter-professional education, or constructs such as clinical performance. Conversely, operational definitions define the steps researchers must take in order to collect data to measure a phenomenon or concept. 5 For example, clinical performance can be considered a conceptual construct but may also be defined operationally as the ability of students to pass 12 out of 16 stations of an OSCE. The researcher having already pre-specified specific the criteria for classifying students as pass/fail in order to determine the ability of students to perform clinically. This operational definition provides a clear method for evaluating and measuring student ability, which can then be used to give feedback and guide further learning or to establish clear expectations for students and provide a basis for evaluating and assessing their performance. In general, it can be beneficial for medical education programs to define aspects such as clinical performance operationally in this way in rather than conceptually, especially if there is a need to ensure that students meet a required standard of competence and are prepared for the demands of real-world clinical practice. These definitions can also then be used to establish the methods and criteria by which the variables of the study will subsequently be measured or altered.

Citing the existing literature to support the research aim

A literature review is the process of critically evaluating existing research and utilising it to inform and guide the research proposal under investigation. Taking this approach enables researchers to ensure that their research is not only grounded in, but also contributes meaningfully to, any existing knowledge as a whole. Critically reviewing the literature provides evidence and justification for any research and is essential when formulating a hypothesis, question, or study objectives. In addition, and perhaps most importantly, it helps identify any gaps or inconsistencies in the existing knowledge base. Determining the knowledge gap is critical in justifying the necessity for our research and advancing knowledge. A comprehensive literature review also helps establish the theoretical or conceptual frameworks to ground any subsequent research, providing researchers with guidance and direction on how best to conduct their future studies. Understanding from the literature what has worked previously and what may pose challenges or limitations assists researchers when exploring the best methods and techniques for answering new research questions. To clarify, consider a hypothetical study in which researchers wish to examine the effectiveness of a specific educational intervention in medical students to improve patient safety. Based on the existing literature, let's assume that researchers learned that most studies had only focused on short-term outcomes rather than long-term ones. The long-term effects of any intervention in medical students on patient safety therefore remain uncertain. Researchers may therefore wish to consider conducting longitudinal studies months after interventions have been carried out, rather than simply repeating research based on short-term outcomes, in order to address the current knowledge gap. A review of existing literature may highlight hitherto previously unconsidered logistical difficulties in conducting longitudinal studies in this area that the researcher may need to be aware of.

Stating the significance of the research

More than simply reporting the existing research, one of the key objectives in any literature review is to summarise and synthesise existing research on the intended topic in order to analyse the significance of the research in question. In this process, diverse ideas can be merged to form fresh new perspectives. Any gaps, limitations, or controversies in medical education can be identified, and potential future benefits and implications of the proposed research explained to the reader. Based on any potential impact or perceived importance, the introduction provides an excellent opportunity for the researcher to affirm the significance of the research study and why it should be conducted.

By way of an example, the significance of a study concerning feedback given to examiners for Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) is used to illustrate this point further. The potential significance of this research lies in improving the validity and reliability of OSCE scores in medical education. As a result of reviewing different types of feedback given to examiners, the research may assist in identifying the most effective strategies for improving the quality of OSCEs in medical education. By providing new insights into how feedback can improve the reliability and validity of OSCE results, the research could also contribute to the broader knowledge of assessment in general. This may result in the development of more accurate and robust medical education assessments, which in turn may potentially enhance delivery of healthcare and improve patient outcomes and safety. It may also address the current challenges and gaps in medical education assessment by providing evidence-based approaches for improving OSCE quality.

Formulating Research Questions and Objectives

Researchers formulate research questions and objectives based on the topic they are seeking to address. As noted previously, these will have already been derived as a result of a comprehensive literature review of any existing knowledge and based on a theoretical or conceptual framework. Furthermore, in medical education, the literature review provides researchers with the opportunity to formulate new research questions or research objectives to address any gaps or limitations in the existing literature and add something new to the current body of knowledge. Research questions and objectives should be stated clearly, being both specific, and measurable. These should then guide the subsequent selection of appropriate research methods, data collection and any subsequent analytical process. Clear, focused, and rigorous research questions and objectives will ensure the study is well-designed and make a valuable contribution to the existing body of knowledge.

Qualitative research questions should be open-ended and exploratory rather than focused on a specific hypothesis or proposition. It is common for qualitative studies to focus on understanding how and why certain phenomena occur, rather than simply describing what has occurred. These should be formulated to elicit rich, detailed, and context-specific data that can provide insights into the experiences, perspectives, and meanings of the participants. In contrast, quantitative research questions are more specific and are designed to test a particular hypothesis or relationship. In medical education, it is imperative to emphasise the importance of both qualitative and quantitative research questions when it comes to generating new knowledge. Combining both quantitative and qualitative research methods (mixed methods) can be particularly powerful in providing a more comprehensive understanding of any phenomena under study. Assume again that we are examining the effectiveness of feedback on the performance of medical students and adopt a mixed-methods approach using a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. A quantitative research question may be, what is the impact of feedback on the performance of medical students as measured by OSCE mark? How the experience of receiving feedback on performance contributes to the future professional development of medical students is a more qualitative research question. This combination of quantitative and qualitative research questions will provide an in depth understanding of the effectiveness of feedback on medical student performance. It is important to note that in qualitative research methods particularly, there can be a wide variety of research question types. For example, grounded theory researchers may ask so-called "process questions", such as 'how do students interpret and use the feedback they are given?' Phenomenologists, on the other hand, are concerned with lived experience of research subjects and frequently ask questions looking to understand the "meaning" of any such experience, often aiming to attribute feelings to this experience, for example, ‘how do students feel when they receive feedback?’ Ethnographers look to understand how culture contributes to an experience, and may ask more "descriptive questions" 5 for example, ‘how does the culture within a specific medical school affect students receiving feedback on their performance?’

For ease of reference, the key points we recommended are considered in any dissertation introduction are summarised below:

1.       Set the context for the research

2.       Establish a theoretical or conceptual framework to support your study

3.       Define key variables both conceptually and theoretically

4.       Critically appraise relevant papers during the literature review

5.       Review previous studies to identify and define the knowledge gap by assessing what has already been studied and what areas remain unexplored

6.       Clearly articulate the rationale behind your study, emphasising its importance in the intended field

7.       Clearly define your research objectives, questions, and hypotheses


Whilst crafting a research introduction may seem a challenging and time-consuming task, it is well worth the effort to convey your research clearly and engage potential readers. Providing sufficient background information on the research topic, conducting a comprehensive review of the existing research, determining the knowledge gap, understanding any limitations or controversies in the topic of interest, before then exploring any theoretical or conceptual frameworks to develop the research concepts, research questions and methodology are fundamental steps. Articulating any conceptual and operational definitions of key concepts and clearly defining any key terms, including explanations of how these will be used in the study is also paramount to a good introduction. It is essential to clearly present the rationale behind the research and why this is significant, clarifying what it adds to the existing body of knowledge in medical education and exploring any potential future implications. Lastly, it is vital to ensure that any research questions are clearly stated and are open-ended and exploratory in the case of qualitative studies, or specific and measurable in the case of quantitative studies.

We feel that observing these basic principles and adhering to these few simple steps will hopefully set the stage for a highly successful piece of research and will certainly go some way to achieving a favourable editorial outcome for possible subsequent publication of the work.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

How To Write a Significance Statement for Your Research

A significance statement is an essential part of a research paper. It explains the importance and relevance of the study to the academic community and the world at large. To write a compelling significance statement, identify the research problem, explain why it is significant, provide evidence of its importance, and highlight its potential impact on future research, policy, or practice. A well-crafted significance statement should effectively communicate the value of the research to readers and help them understand why it matters.

Updated on May 4, 2023

a life sciences researcher writing a significance statement for her researcher

A significance statement is a clearly stated, non-technical paragraph that explains why your research matters. It’s central in making the public aware of and gaining support for your research.

Write it in jargon-free language that a reader from any field can understand. Well-crafted, easily readable significance statements can improve your chances for citation and impact and make it easier for readers outside your field to find and understand your work.

Read on for more details on what a significance statement is, how it can enhance the impact of your research, and, of course, how to write one.

What is a significance statement in research?

A significance statement answers the question: How will your research advance scientific knowledge and impact society at large (as well as specific populations)? 

You might also see it called a “Significance of the study” statement. Some professional organizations in the STEM sciences and social sciences now recommended that journals in their disciplines make such statements a standard feature of each published article. Funding agencies also consider “significance” a key criterion for their awards.

Read some examples of significance statements from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) here .

Depending upon the specific journal or funding agency’s requirements, your statement may be around 100 words and answer these questions:

1. What’s the purpose of this research?

2. What are its key findings?

3. Why do they matter?

4. Who benefits from the research results?

Readers will want to know: “What is interesting or important about this research?” Keep asking yourself that question.

Where to place the significance statement in your manuscript

Most journals ask you to place the significance statement before or after the abstract, so check with each journal’s guide. 

This article is focused on the formal significance statement, even though you’ll naturally highlight your project’s significance elsewhere in your manuscript. (In the introduction, you’ll set out your research aims, and in the conclusion, you’ll explain the potential applications of your research and recommend areas for future research. You’re building an overall case for the value of your work.)

Developing the significance statement

The main steps in planning and developing your statement are to assess the gaps to which your study contributes, and then define your work’s implications and impact.

Identify what gaps your study fills and what it contributes

Your literature review was a big part of how you planned your study. To develop your research aims and objectives, you identified gaps or unanswered questions in the preceding research and designed your study to address them.

Go back to that lit review and look at those gaps again. Review your research proposal to refresh your memory. Ask:

  • How have my research findings advanced knowledge or provided notable new insights?
  • How has my research helped to prove (or disprove) a hypothesis or answer a research question?
  • Why are those results important?

Consider your study’s potential impact at two levels: 

  • What contribution does my research make to my field?
  • How does it specifically contribute to knowledge; that is, who will benefit the most from it?

Define the implications and potential impact

As you make notes, keep the reasons in mind for why you are writing this statement. Whom will it impact, and why?

The first audience for your significance statement will be journal reviewers when you submit your article for publishing. Many journals require one for manuscript submissions. Study the author’s guide of your desired journal to see its criteria ( here’s an example ). Peer reviewers who can clearly understand the value of your research will be more likely to recommend publication. 

Second, when you apply for funding, your significance statement will help justify why your research deserves a grant from a funding agency . The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), for example, wants to see that a project will “exert a sustained, powerful influence on the research field(s) involved.” Clear, simple language is always valuable because not all reviewers will be specialists in your field.

Third, this concise statement about your study’s importance can affect how potential readers engage with your work. Science journalists and interested readers can promote and spread your work, enhancing your reputation and influence. Help them understand your work.

You’re now ready to express the importance of your research clearly and concisely. Time to start writing.

How to write a significance statement: Key elements 

When drafting your statement, focus on both the content and writing style.

  • In terms of content, emphasize the importance, timeliness, and relevance of your research results. 
  • Write the statement in plain, clear language rather than scientific or technical jargon. Your audience will include not just your fellow scientists but also non-specialists like journalists, funding reviewers, and members of the public. 

Follow the process we outline below to build a solid, well-crafted, and informative statement. 

Get started

Some suggested opening lines to help you get started might be:

  • The implications of this study are… 
  • Building upon previous contributions, our study moves the field forward because…
  • Our study furthers previous understanding about…

Alternatively, you may start with a statement about the phenomenon you’re studying, leading to the problem statement.

Include these components

Next, draft some sentences that include the following elements. A good example, which we’ll use here, is a significance statement by Rogers et al. (2022) published in the Journal of Climate .

1. Briefly situate your research study in its larger context . Start by introducing the topic, leading to a problem statement. Here’s an example:

‘Heatwaves pose a major threat to human health, ecosystems, and human systems.”

2. State the research problem.

“Simultaneous heatwaves affecting multiple regions can exacerbate such threats. For example, multiple food-producing regions simultaneously undergoing heat-related crop damage could drive global food shortages.”

3. Tell what your study does to address it.

“We assess recent changes in the occurrence of simultaneous large heatwaves.”

4. Provide brief but powerful evidence to support the claims your statement is making , Use quantifiable terms rather than vague ones (e.g., instead of “This phenomenon is happening now more than ever,” see below how Rogers et al. (2022) explained it). This evidence intensifies and illustrates the problem more vividly:

“Such simultaneous heatwaves are 7 times more likely now than 40 years ago. They are also hotter and affect a larger area. Their increasing occurrence is mainly driven by warming baseline temperatures due to global heating, but changes in weather patterns contribute to disproportionate increases over parts of Europe, the eastern United States, and Asia.

5. Relate your study’s impact to the broader context , starting with its general significance to society—then, when possible, move to the particular as you name specific applications of your research findings. (Our example lacks this second level of application.) 

“Better understanding the drivers of weather pattern changes is therefore important for understanding future concurrent heatwave characteristics and their impacts.”

Refine your English

Don’t understate or overstate your findings – just make clear what your study contributes. When you have all the elements in place, review your draft to simplify and polish your language. Even better, get an expert AJE edit . Be sure to use “plain” language rather than academic jargon.

  • Avoid acronyms, scientific jargon, and technical terms 
  • Use active verbs in your sentence structure rather than passive voice (e.g., instead of “It was found that...”, use “We found...”)
  • Make sentence structures short, easy to understand – readable
  • Try to address only one idea in each sentence and keep sentences within 25 words (15 words is even better)
  • Eliminate nonessential words and phrases (“fluff” and wordiness)

Enhance your significance statement’s impact

Always take time to review your draft multiple times. Make sure that you:

  • Keep your language focused
  • Provide evidence to support your claims
  • Relate the significance to the broader research context in your field

After revising your significance statement, request feedback from a reading mentor about how to make it even clearer. If you’re not a native English speaker, seek help from a native-English-speaking colleague or use an editing service like AJE to make sure your work is at a native level.

Understanding the significance of your study

Your readers may have much less interest than you do in the specific details of your research methods and measures. Many readers will scan your article to learn how your findings might apply to them and their own research. 

Different types of significance

Your findings may have different types of significance, relevant to different populations or fields of study for different reasons. You can emphasize your work’s statistical, clinical, or practical significance. Editors or reviewers in the social sciences might also evaluate your work’s social or political significance.

Statistical significance means that the results are unlikely to have occurred randomly. Instead, it implies a true cause-and-effect relationship.

Clinical significance means that your findings are applicable for treating patients and improving quality of life.

Practical significance is when your research outcomes are meaningful to society at large, in the “real world.” Practical significance is usually measured by the study’s  effect size . Similarly, evaluators may attribute social or political significance to research that addresses “real and immediate” social problems.

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Organizing Academic Research Papers: Background Information

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  • Background Information
  • The Research Problem/Question
  • Theoretical Framework
  • Citation Tracking
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  • Primary Sources
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  • Tertiary Sources
  • What Is Scholarly vs. Popular?
  • Qualitative Methods
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Using Non-Textual Elements
  • Limitations of the Study
  • Common Grammar Mistakes
  • Avoiding Plagiarism
  • Footnotes or Endnotes?
  • Further Readings
  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Dealing with Nervousness
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  • Grading Someone Else's Paper
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  • Acknowledgements

Background information identifies and describes the history and nature of a well-defined research problem with reference to the existing literature. Background information in your Introduction should indicate the root of the problem being studied, its scope, and the extent to which previous studies have successfully investigated the problem, noting, in particular, where gaps exist that your study attempts to address.  Introductory background information differs from a literature review in that it places the research problem in proper context rather than thoroughly examining pertinent literature.

Importance of Having Enough Background Information

Background information expands upon the key points stated in your introduction but is not the main focus of the paper. Sufficient background information helps your reader determine if you have a basic understanding of the research problem being investigated and promotes confidence in the overall quality of your analysis and findings.

Background information provides the reader with the essential context needed to understand the research problem . Depending on the topic being studied, forms of contextualization may include:

  • Cultural -- the issue placed within the learned behavior of specific groups of people.
  • Economic -- of or relating to systems of production and management of material wealth and/or business activities.
  • Historical -- the time in which something takes place or was created and how that influences how you interpret it.
  • Philosophical -- clarification of the essential nature of being or of phenomena as it relates to the research problem.
  • Physical/Spatial -- reflects the space around something and how that influences how you see it.
  • Political -- concerns the environment in which something is produced indicating it's public purpose or agenda.
  • Social -- the environment of people that surrounds something's creation or intended audience, reflecting how the people around something use and interpret it.
  • Temporal -- reflects issues or events of, relating to, or limited by time.

Background information can also include summaries of important, relevant research studies . The key is to summarize for the reader what is known about the specific research problem before you conducted your analysis. This is accomplished with a general review of the foundational research literature (with citations) that report findings that inform your study's aims and objectives.

NOTE : Research studies cited as part of the background information of your introduction should not include very specific, lengthy explanations. This should be discussed in greater detail in your literature review section.

Background of the Problem Section: What do you Need to Consider? Anonymous. Harvard University; Hopkins, Will G. How to Write a Research Paper . SPORTSCIENCE, Perspectives/Research Resources. Department of Physiology and School of Physical Education, University of Otago, 1999; Green, L. H. How to Write the Background/Introduction Section. Physics 499 Powerpoint slides. University of Illinois; Woodall, W. Gill. Writing the Background and Significance Section. Senior Research Scientist and Professor of Communication. Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions. University of New Mexico.  

Structure and Writing Style

Providing background information in the Introduction of a research paper serves as a bridge that links the reader to the topic of your study . But precisely how long and in-depth this bridge should be is largely dependent upon how much information you think the reader will need in order to understand the research problem being discussed and to appreciate why the issues you are investigating are important.

From another perspective, the length and detail of background information also depends on the degree to which you need to demonstrate to your professor how much you understand the topic. Keep this in mind because providing succinct background information can be an effective way to show that you have a clear grasp of key issues and concepts underpinning your overall study. Don't try to show off, though!

Given that the structure and writing style of your background information can vary depending upon the complexity of your research and/or the nature of the assignment, here are some questions to consider while writing :

  • Are there concepts, terms, theories, or ideas that may be unfamiliar to the reader and, thus, require additional explanation?
  • Are there historical elements that need to be explored in order to add needed context, to highlight specific people, issues, or events, or to lay a foundation for understanding the emergence of a current issue or event?
  • Is the research study unusual in some way that requires additional explanation, such as, a) your study uses a method never applied before to the research problem you are investigating; b) your study investigates a very esoteric or complex research problem; or, c) your study relies upon analyzing unique texts or documents, such as archival materials or primary documents like diaries or personal letters, that do not represent the established body of source literature on the topic.

Background of the Problem Section: What do you Need to Consider? Anonymous. Harvard University; Hopkins, Will G. How to Write a Research Paper . SPORTSCIENCE, Perspectives/Research Resources. Department of Physiology and School of Physical Education, University of Otago, 1999; Green, L. H. How to Write the Background/Introduction Section. Physics 499 Powerpoint slides. University of Illinois; Woodall, W. Gill. Writing the Background and Significance Section. Senior Research Scientist and Professor of Communication. Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions. University of New Mexico.

Writing Tip

Background Information vs. the Literature Review

Incorporating background information into the Introduction is intended to provide the reader with critical information about the topic being studied, such as highlighting and expanding upon foundational studies conducted in the past, important historical events that inform why and in what ways the research problem exists, or defining key components of your study [concepts, people, places, things]. Although in social sciences research introductory background information can often blend into the literature review portion of the paper, basic background information should not be considered a substitute for a comprehensive review and synthesis of relevant research literature.

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  • Relevance of Your Dissertation Topic | Criteria & Tips

Relevance of Your Dissertation Topic | Criteria & Tips

Published on November 14, 2022 by Sarah Vinz . Revised on May 31, 2023.

A relevant dissertation topic means that your research will contribute something worthwhile to your field in a scientific, social, or practical way.

As you plan out your dissertation process , make sure that you’re writing something that is important and interesting to you personally, as well as appropriate within your field.

If you’re a bit stuck on where to begin, consider framing your questions in terms of their relevance: scientifically to your discipline, socially to the world at large, or practically to an industry or organization.

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Table of contents

Scientific relevance, social and practical relevance, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about relevant topics.

If you are studying hard or social sciences, the scientific relevance of your dissertation is crucial. Your research should fill a gap in existing scientific knowledge, something that hasn’t been extensively studied before.

One way to find a relevant topic is to look at the recommendations for follow-up studies that are made in existing scientific articles and the works they cite. From there, you can pursue quantitative research , statistical analyses , or the relevant methodology for the type of research you choose to undertake.

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Most theses are required to have social relevance, which basically means that they help us to better understand society. These can use ethnographies , interviews , or other types of field work to collect data

However, in some disciplines it may be more important that a dissertation have practical relevance. Research that has practical relevance adds value. For instance, it could make a recommendation for a particular industry or suggest ways to improve certain processes within an organization.

If you want to know more about the research process , methodology , research bias , or statistics , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.


  • Sampling methods
  • Simple random sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Cluster sampling
  • Likert scales
  • Reproducibility


  • Null hypothesis
  • Statistical power
  • Probability distribution
  • Effect size
  • Poisson distribution

Research bias

  • Optimism bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Implicit bias
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Anchoring bias
  • Explicit bias

Formulating a main research question can be a difficult task. Overall, your question should contribute to solving the problem that you have defined in your problem statement .

However, it should also fulfill criteria in three main areas:

  • Researchability
  • Feasibility and specificity
  • Relevance and originality

A dissertation prospectus or proposal describes what or who you plan to research for your dissertation. It delves into why, when, where, and how you will do your research, as well as helps you choose a type of research to pursue. You should also determine whether you plan to pursue qualitative or quantitative methods and what your research design will look like.

It should outline all of the decisions you have taken about your project, from your dissertation topic to your hypotheses and research objectives , ready to be approved by your supervisor or committee.

Note that some departments require a defense component, where you present your prospectus to your committee orally.

A thesis or dissertation outline is one of the most critical first steps in your writing process. It helps you to lay out and organize your ideas and can provide you with a roadmap for deciding what kind of research you’d like to undertake.

Generally, an outline contains information on the different sections included in your thesis or dissertation , such as:

  • Your anticipated title
  • Your abstract
  • Your chapters (sometimes subdivided into further topics like literature review , research methods , avenues for future research, etc.)

All research questions should be:

  • Focused on a single problem or issue
  • Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources
  • Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
  • Specific enough to answer thoroughly
  • Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a paper or thesis
  • Relevant to your field of study and/or society more broadly

Writing Strong Research Questions

You can assess information and arguments critically by asking certain questions about the source. You can use the CRAAP test , focusing on the currency , relevance , authority , accuracy , and purpose of a source of information.

Ask questions such as:

  • Who is the author? Are they an expert?
  • Why did the author publish it? What is their motivation?
  • How do they make their argument? Is it backed up by evidence?

The best way to remember the difference between a research plan and a research proposal is that they have fundamentally different audiences. A research plan helps you, the researcher, organize your thoughts. On the other hand, a dissertation proposal or research proposal aims to convince others (e.g., a supervisor, a funding body, or a dissertation committee) that your research topic is relevant and worthy of being conducted.

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Vinz, S. (2023, May 31). Relevance of Your Dissertation Topic | Criteria & Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved June 10, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/research-process/relevance-dissertation-topic/

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Sarah Vinz

Sarah's academic background includes a Master of Arts in English, a Master of International Affairs degree, and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. She loves the challenge of finding the perfect formulation or wording and derives much satisfaction from helping students take their academic writing up a notch.

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How to Write the Rationale of the Study in Research (Examples)

relevance of background of the study in research paper

What is the Rationale of the Study?

The rationale of the study is the justification for taking on a given study. It explains the reason the study was conducted or should be conducted. This means the study rationale should explain to the reader or examiner why the study is/was necessary. It is also sometimes called the “purpose” or “justification” of a study. While this is not difficult to grasp in itself, you might wonder how the rationale of the study is different from your research question or from the statement of the problem of your study, and how it fits into the rest of your thesis or research paper. 

The rationale of the study links the background of the study to your specific research question and justifies the need for the latter on the basis of the former. In brief, you first provide and discuss existing data on the topic, and then you tell the reader, based on the background evidence you just presented, where you identified gaps or issues and why you think it is important to address those. The problem statement, lastly, is the formulation of the specific research question you choose to investigate, following logically from your rationale, and the approach you are planning to use to do that.

Table of Contents:

How to write a rationale for a research paper , how do you justify the need for a research study.

  • Study Rationale Example: Where Does It Go In Your Paper?

The basis for writing a research rationale is preliminary data or a clear description of an observation. If you are doing basic/theoretical research, then a literature review will help you identify gaps in current knowledge. In applied/practical research, you base your rationale on an existing issue with a certain process (e.g., vaccine proof registration) or practice (e.g., patient treatment) that is well documented and needs to be addressed. By presenting the reader with earlier evidence or observations, you can (and have to) convince them that you are not just repeating what other people have already done or said and that your ideas are not coming out of thin air. 

Once you have explained where you are coming from, you should justify the need for doing additional research–this is essentially the rationale of your study. Finally, when you have convinced the reader of the purpose of your work, you can end your introduction section with the statement of the problem of your research that contains clear aims and objectives and also briefly describes (and justifies) your methodological approach. 

When is the Rationale for Research Written?

The author can present the study rationale both before and after the research is conducted. 

  • Before conducting research : The study rationale is a central component of the research proposal . It represents the plan of your work, constructed before the study is actually executed.
  • Once research has been conducted : After the study is completed, the rationale is presented in a research article or  PhD dissertation  to explain why you focused on this specific research question. When writing the study rationale for this purpose, the author should link the rationale of the research to the aims and outcomes of the study.

What to Include in the Study Rationale

Although every study rationale is different and discusses different specific elements of a study’s method or approach, there are some elements that should be included to write a good rationale. Make sure to touch on the following:

  • A summary of conclusions from your review of the relevant literature
  • What is currently unknown (gaps in knowledge)
  • Inconclusive or contested results  from previous studies on the same or similar topic
  • The necessity to improve or build on previous research, such as to improve methodology or utilize newer techniques and/or technologies

There are different types of limitations that you can use to justify the need for your study. In applied/practical research, the justification for investigating something is always that an existing process/practice has a problem or is not satisfactory. Let’s say, for example, that people in a certain country/city/community commonly complain about hospital care on weekends (not enough staff, not enough attention, no decisions being made), but you looked into it and realized that nobody ever investigated whether these perceived problems are actually based on objective shortages/non-availabilities of care or whether the lower numbers of patients who are treated during weekends are commensurate with the provided services.

In this case, “lack of data” is your justification for digging deeper into the problem. Or, if it is obvious that there is a shortage of staff and provided services on weekends, you could decide to investigate which of the usual procedures are skipped during weekends as a result and what the negative consequences are. 

In basic/theoretical research, lack of knowledge is of course a common and accepted justification for additional research—but make sure that it is not your only motivation. “Nobody has ever done this” is only a convincing reason for a study if you explain to the reader why you think we should know more about this specific phenomenon. If there is earlier research but you think it has limitations, then those can usually be classified into “methodological”, “contextual”, and “conceptual” limitations. To identify such limitations, you can ask specific questions and let those questions guide you when you explain to the reader why your study was necessary:

Methodological limitations

  • Did earlier studies try but failed to measure/identify a specific phenomenon?
  • Was earlier research based on incorrect conceptualizations of variables?
  • Were earlier studies based on questionable operationalizations of key concepts?
  • Did earlier studies use questionable or inappropriate research designs?

Contextual limitations

  • Have recent changes in the studied problem made previous studies irrelevant?
  • Are you studying a new/particular context that previous findings do not apply to?

Conceptual limitations

  • Do previous findings only make sense within a specific framework or ideology?

Study Rationale Examples

Let’s look at an example from one of our earlier articles on the statement of the problem to clarify how your rationale fits into your introduction section. This is a very short introduction for a practical research study on the challenges of online learning. Your introduction might be much longer (especially the context/background section), and this example does not contain any sources (which you will have to provide for all claims you make and all earlier studies you cite)—but please pay attention to how the background presentation , rationale, and problem statement blend into each other in a logical way so that the reader can follow and has no reason to question your motivation or the foundation of your research.

Background presentation

Since the beginning of the Covid pandemic, most educational institutions around the world have transitioned to a fully online study model, at least during peak times of infections and social distancing measures. This transition has not been easy and even two years into the pandemic, problems with online teaching and studying persist (reference needed) . 

While the increasing gap between those with access to technology and equipment and those without access has been determined to be one of the main challenges (reference needed) , others claim that online learning offers more opportunities for many students by breaking down barriers of location and distance (reference needed) .  

Rationale of the study

Since teachers and students cannot wait for circumstances to go back to normal, the measures that schools and universities have implemented during the last two years, their advantages and disadvantages, and the impact of those measures on students’ progress, satisfaction, and well-being need to be understood so that improvements can be made and demographics that have been left behind can receive the support they need as soon as possible.

Statement of the problem

To identify what changes in the learning environment were considered the most challenging and how those changes relate to a variety of student outcome measures, we conducted surveys and interviews among teachers and students at ten institutions of higher education in four different major cities, two in the US (New York and Chicago), one in South Korea (Seoul), and one in the UK (London). Responses were analyzed with a focus on different student demographics and how they might have been affected differently by the current situation.

How long is a study rationale?

In a research article bound for journal publication, your rationale should not be longer than a few sentences (no longer than one brief paragraph). A  dissertation or thesis  usually allows for a longer description; depending on the length and nature of your document, this could be up to a couple of paragraphs in length. A completely novel or unconventional approach might warrant a longer and more detailed justification than an approach that slightly deviates from well-established methods and approaches.

Consider Using Professional Academic Editing Services

Now that you know how to write the rationale of the study for a research proposal or paper, you should make use of our free AI grammar checker , Wordvice AI, or receive professional academic proofreading services from Wordvice, including research paper editing services and manuscript editing services to polish your submitted research documents.

You can also find many more articles, for example on writing the other parts of your research paper , on choosing a title , or on making sure you understand and adhere to the author instructions before you submit to a journal, on the Wordvice academic resources pages.

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Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper

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  • Purpose of Guide
  • Design Flaws to Avoid
  • Independent and Dependent Variables
  • Glossary of Research Terms
  • Reading Research Effectively
  • Narrowing a Topic Idea
  • Broadening a Topic Idea
  • Extending the Timeliness of a Topic Idea
  • Academic Writing Style
  • Applying Critical Thinking
  • Making an Outline
  • Paragraph Development
  • Research Process Video Series
  • Executive Summary
  • The C.A.R.S. Model
  • Background Information
  • The Research Problem/Question
  • Theoretical Framework
  • Citation Tracking
  • Content Alert Services
  • Evaluating Sources
  • Primary Sources
  • Secondary Sources
  • Tiertiary Sources
  • Scholarly vs. Popular Publications
  • Qualitative Methods
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Insiderness
  • Using Non-Textual Elements
  • Limitations of the Study
  • Common Grammar Mistakes
  • Writing Concisely
  • Avoiding Plagiarism
  • Footnotes or Endnotes?
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  • Bibliography

The title summarizes the main idea or ideas of your study. A good title contains the fewest possible words needed to adequately describe the content and/or purpose of your research paper.

Importance of Choosing a Good Title

The title is the part of a paper that is read the most, and it is usually read first . It is, therefore, the most important element that defines the research study. With this in mind, avoid the following when creating a title:

  • If the title is too long, this usually indicates there are too many unnecessary words. Avoid language, such as, "A Study to Investigate the...," or "An Examination of the...." These phrases are obvious and generally superfluous unless they are necessary to covey the scope, intent, or type of a study.
  • On the other hand, a title which is too short often uses words which are too broad and, thus, does not tell the reader what is being studied. For example, a paper with the title, "African Politics" is so non-specific the title could be the title of a book and so ambiguous that it could refer to anything associated with politics in Africa. A good title should provide information about the focus and/or scope of your research study.
  • In academic writing, catchy phrases or non-specific language may be used, but only if it's within the context of the study [e.g., "Fair and Impartial Jury--Catch as Catch Can"]. However, in most cases, you should avoid including words or phrases that do not help the reader understand the purpose of your paper.
  • Academic writing is a serious and deliberate endeavor. Avoid using humorous or clever journalistic styles of phrasing when creating the title to your paper. Journalistic headlines often use emotional adjectives [e.g., incredible, amazing, effortless] to highlight a problem experienced by the reader or use "trigger words" or interrogative words like how, what, when, or why to persuade people to read the article or click on a link. These approaches are viewed as counter-productive in academic writing. A reader does not need clever or humorous titles to catch their attention because the act of reading research is assumed to be deliberate based on a desire to learn and improve understanding of the problem. In addition, a humorous title can merely detract from the seriousness and authority of your research. 
  • Unlike everywhere else in a college-level social sciences research paper [except when using direct quotes in the text], titles do not have to adhere to rigid grammatical or stylistic standards. For example, it could be appropriate to begin a title with a coordinating conjunction [i.e., and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet] if it makes sense to do so and does not detract from the purpose of the study [e.g., "Yet Another Look at Mutual Fund Tournaments"] or beginning the title with an inflected form of a verb such as those ending in -ing [e.g., "Assessing the Political Landscape: Structure, Cognition, and Power in Organizations"].

Appiah, Kingsley Richard et al. “Structural Organisation of Research Article Titles: A Comparative Study of Titles of Business, Gynaecology and Law.” Advances in Language and Literary Studies 10 (2019); Hartley James. “To Attract or to Inform: What are Titles for?” Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 35 (2005): 203-213; Jaakkola, Maarit. “Journalistic Writing and Style.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication . Jon F. Nussbaum, editor. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2018): https://oxfordre.com/communication.

Structure and Writing Style

The following parameters can be used to help you formulate a suitable research paper title:

  • The purpose of the research
  • The scope of the research
  • The narrative tone of the paper [typically defined by the type of the research]
  • The methods used to study the problem

The initial aim of a title is to capture the reader’s attention and to highlight the research problem under investigation.

Create a Working Title Typically, the final title you submit to your professor is created after the research is complete so that the title accurately captures what has been done . The working title should be developed early in the research process because it can help anchor the focus of the study in much the same way the research problem does. Referring back to the working title can help you reorient yourself back to the main purpose of the study if you find yourself drifting off on a tangent while writing. The Final Title Effective titles in research papers have several characteristics that reflect general principles of academic writing.

  • Indicate accurately the subject and scope of the study,
  • Rarely use abbreviations or acronyms unless they are commonly known,
  • Use words that create a positive impression and stimulate reader interest,
  • Use current nomenclature from the field of study,
  • Identify key variables, both dependent and independent,
  • Reveal how the paper will be organized,
  • Suggest a relationship between variables which supports the major hypothesis,
  • Is limited to 5 to 15 substantive words,
  • Does not include redundant phrasing, such as, "A Study of," "An Analysis of" or similar constructions,
  • Takes the form of a question or declarative statement,
  • If you use a quote as part of the title, the source of the quote is cited [usually using an asterisk and footnote],
  • Use correct grammar and capitalization with all first words and last words capitalized, including the first word of a subtitle. All nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs that appear between the first and last words of the title are also capitalized, and
  • Rarely uses an exclamation mark at the end of the title.

The Subtitle Subtitles are frequently used in social sciences research papers because it helps the reader understand the scope of the study in relation to how it was designed to address the research problem. Think about what type of subtitle listed below reflects the overall approach to your study and whether you believe a subtitle is needed to emphasize the investigative parameters of your research.

1.  Explains or provides additional context , e.g., "Linguistic Ethnography and the Study of Welfare Institutions as a Flow of Social Practices: The Case of Residential Child Care Institutions as Paradoxical Institutions." [Palomares, Manuel and David Poveda.  Text & Talk: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language, Discourse and Communication Studies 30 (January 2010): 193-212]

2.  Adds substance to a literary, provocative, or imaginative title or quote , e.g., "Listen to What I Say, Not How I Vote": Congressional Support for the President in Washington and at Home." [Grose, Christian R. and Keesha M. Middlemass. Social Science Quarterly 91 (March 2010): 143-167]

3.  Qualifies the geographic scope of the research , e.g., "The Geopolitics of the Eastern Border of the European Union: The Case of Romania-Moldova-Ukraine." [Marcu, Silvia. Geopolitics 14 (August 2009): 409-432]

4.  Qualifies the temporal scope of the research , e.g., "A Comparison of the Progressive Era and the Depression Years: Societal Influences on Predictions of the Future of the Library, 1895-1940." [Grossman, Hal B. Libraries & the Cultural Record 46 (2011): 102-128]

5.  Focuses on investigating the ideas, theories, or work of a particular individual , e.g., "A Deliberative Conception of Politics: How Francesco Saverio Merlino Related Anarchy and Democracy." [La Torre, Massimo. Sociologia del Diritto 28 (January 2001): 75 - 98]

6.  Identifies the methodology used , e.g. "Student Activism of the 1960s Revisited: A Multivariate Analysis Research Note." [Aron, William S. Social Forces 52 (March 1974): 408-414]

7.  Defines the overarching technique for analyzing the research problem , e.g., "Explaining Territorial Change in Federal Democracies: A Comparative Historical Institutionalist Approach." [ Tillin, Louise. Political Studies 63 (August 2015): 626-641.

With these examples in mind, think about what type of subtitle reflects the overall approach to your study. This will help the reader understand the scope of the study in relation to how it was designed to address the research problem.

Anstey, A. “Writing Style: What's in a Title?” British Journal of Dermatology 170 (May 2014): 1003-1004; Balch, Tucker. How to Compose a Title for Your Research Paper. Augmented Trader blog. School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech University; Bavdekar, Sandeep B. “Formulating the Right Title for a Research Article.” Journal of Association of Physicians of India 64 (February 2016); Choosing the Proper Research Paper Titles. AplusReports.com, 2007-2012; Eva, Kevin W. “Titles, Abstracts, and Authors.” In How to Write a Paper . George M. Hall, editor. 5th edition. (Oxford: John Wiley and Sons, 2013), pp. 33-41; Hartley James. “To Attract or to Inform: What are Titles for?” Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 35 (2005): 203-213; General Format. The Writing Lab and The OWL. Purdue University; Kerkut G.A. “Choosing a Title for a Paper.” Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology 74 (1983): 1; “Tempting Titles.” In Stylish Academic Writing . Helen Sword, editor. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2012), pp. 63-75; Nundy, Samiran, et al. “How to Choose a Title?” In How to Practice Academic Medicine and Publish from Developing Countries? A Practical Guide . Edited by Samiran Nundy, Atul Kakar, and Zulfiqar A. Bhutta. (Springer Singapore, 2022), pp. 185-192.

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How to Write a Research Paper on a Biblical Book

relevance of background of the study in research paper

Writing a paper on the theology of a biblical book is one of the best ways to internalize that book’s message. Not only will it require familiarizing yourself with the entire book, but you’ll also synthesize how the parts relate to the whole as you seek to explain the book’s theology and message.

There are six main steps to researching and writing a paper on the theology of a biblical book:

  • Study the book’s background

Outline the book

Identify and study key verses.

  • Examine its relation to the rest of the Bible
  • Research outside commentary
  • Report on your findings

Study the book’s background

Before beginning to study any book of the Bible, it’s critical that you understand the proper context of the book—it’s genre, when it was written and by whom, and more. Doing so provides us some knowledge of the culture and history the book was written in—and helps ensure correct biblical interpretation. As biblical scholar Craig Keener says, “Context is the way God gave us the Bible.”

Click each topic below to learn more about each.

Is it a letter? Narrative? Poetry? Each genre has its own rules for interpretation—for example, poetry is not to be taken literally, but the narrative is. Knowing a book’s genre helps you to properly approach it.

Who writes a letter or book reveals a lot about the book. Not only does that person’s history inform their words but so does their relationship with the people they are writing to. For example, the fact that Paul mentored Timothy in the faith gives his letters to Timothy a certain tenderness and intimacy.

Likewise, the audience of a book helps us understand it. For example, we learn through biblical archaeology and internal clues from 1 and 2 Corinthians that sexual immorality ran rampant in Corinth and among its Christians. With that background, we can understand more of what Paul says in those letters.

Knowing the date (or approximate date) a book of the Bible was written helps to place it in its correct historical context. For example, the Israelites were exiled from Israel to Babylon in 586 BC. Books of the Bible written shortly before or after this exile illuminate the events and activities that relate to Israel’s exile in a much more profound way.

Similar to date and audience, location completes part of the puzzle of context. It can also help us better appreciate certain details. For example, the Psalms mention the desert often because many of David’s trials happened there. Being able to picture the actual deserts in and around Jerusalem takes us further into the text.

Lastly, most books in the Bible are written for a specific purpose. For example, Luke was written that Theophilus might have more confidence concerning reports he was hearing about Jesus (Luke 1:3–4). When authors don’t state the book’s purpose, we can use the above contextual clues to infer it.

Helpful resources

Basically, every commentary will cover all of these items and more in their introductions, sometimes in great detail. You can also find this sort of information in study Bibles, dictionaries, and monographs (single books) about Bible backgrounds.

Here are just a few to get you started.

relevance of background of the study in research paper

Lexham Bible Dictionary (free)

You can find a fairly thorough overview of every book of the Bible in this dictionary, including the above elements of background.

Explore the Lexham Bible Dictionary .

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Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Gospels

Written by a team of scholars with on-the-ground experience in Israel, the Lexham Geographic Commentary lets you see the land through the eyes of the disciples as Jesus uses the surrounding landscape as the backdrop for his teaching. Each article addresses a particular story, event, or subject across the Gospels. (Acts–Revelation forthcoming.)

Explore the Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Gospels .

IVP Bible Background Commentary Old Testament and New Testament (2 vols.)

Bible Background Commentary (IVP)

This unique commentary provides, in verse-by-verse format, the crucial cultural background you need for responsible Bible study.

Explore the Bible Background Commentary .

See more ways Logos can help you dive deep into the background of a book of the Bible.

Structure is a vehicle for meaning. Outlining a book is an exercise in identifying structure, which reveals a book’s flow of thought.

Generally, the following are clues for identifying structure. It’s best if you do this work yourself before consulting commentaries to see how others have outlined books.

  • Conjunctions  — Particularly in epistles, words like “now,” “so,” “but,” and “therefore” reveal shifts in thought, either subtle or dramatic. For example, Romans 12:1 begins with “Therefore,” and from there Paul gets more “practical,” which leads most scholars to agree that chapter 12 marks a major shift in the letter.
  • Mood  — We’re not talking about emotional moods (although that could be), but verb moods. A shift from indicative (“God is…”) to imperative (“We must…”) indicates a new section, as just described in Romans 12.
  • Characters  — Especially in narrative, you can trace structure along with the focus on characters. For example, you could divide Genesis by the different patriarchs it follows, from Abraham to Isaac to Jacob, and so forth. Or in Acts, the focus shifts from Peter to Paul in chapter 13.
  • Topic or theme  — Often, a book’s movement between subjects is its primary structure. For example, the book of James moves between topics like faith, wisdom, and the tongue. Focus on repeated words to spot important themes and topics.
  • Audience  — Particularly helpful in prophetic literature, you can trace a book’s structure by who is being addressed. For example, many divide Isaiah based on who is receiving judgment–Judah and Israel in chapters 1–39, and then other nations in 40 and beyond.
  • Geography  — Again, more of a structural clue for narrative, sometimes a book is structured by what’s happening where. For example, the Gospels record Jesus’ ministry as it moves from Galilee toward Jerusalem. Or the book of Acts, as the gospel message moves from Jerusalem outward.

Overview of Ecclesiastes

Here is an example of an outline of Ecclesiastes. The Bible Project has many such videos, which will help you learn (among many things) how to spot structure.

Tools for outlining the Bible

Bible outline browser.

This tool brings together all of the Bible outlines across your Logos library and lets you intuitively search through them all. Explore popular ways of breaking up and interpreting the text, and quickly find the outline you think is best.

Explore the Bible Outline Browser


Commentaries are among the best tools to consult for determining outlines. Browse the best commentaries on every book of the Bible to find reputable insights.

Browse the best commentaries

faithlife study bible

Faithlife Study Bible

For a quick check, you can always consult study Bibles. The Faithlife Study Bible is a free digital study Bible that discusses, among other things, the structure of every book of the Bible.

Get the Faithlife Study Bible

relevance of background of the study in research paper

The Outline Bible

In this work, each major outline level uses a literary device—such as alliteration, rhyme, etc.,—to help the point stick in your mind and heart, and the unique formatting for each level helps you easily recognize it on the page. At the head of each outline is a brief summary of the information covered under that outline. References have been provided at almost every level so that the reader can easily and instantly recognize all the verses covered under that point.

Explore the Outline Bible

After you finish outlining a book of the Bible, you probably have an intuitive sense of its key passage(s). A book’s key passages are those that most densely back in its theology or communicate its purpose. For example, Romans 1:16 is widely regarded as the key verse of Romans, since it contains so many themes unpacked in the book.

Here’s are a few things to pay attention to when trying to discern a key passage:

  • Statement of purpose  — When a book states plainly why it was written (e.g, Luke 1:3–4; John 20:31), you know these are key verses.
  • The most important themes  — As with the Romans example above, you can determine a key verse/verses by whether it mentions many of the themes treated in the rest of the book. In this sense, the passage is sort of the “nucleus” of the book. This is how most key passages are determined. (Note: “key passages” are in no way inspired or intended by the author of the book; they are simply helpful for linking the theme(s) of a book to a particular passage.)
  • Unique themes to the Bible  — Another way of identifying a key passage is if it mentions something that makes the book unique from other books of the Bible. For example, 1 John talks about love and truth and darkness and light more than most books, so a key passage might be 1 John 2:7–10.

Tools for discerning key passages

While this task is somewhat subjective, your best bet is to consult the introduction of a commentary on your book. Typically you’ll find information about key passages under headings like Theme, Message, or Theology.

Again, consult the most reputable commentaries for trustworthy insights.

Browse the best commentaries .

The Bible Project

Again, the Bible Project’s overview videos are often helpful here. Many of them will note important passages that seem to package the book.

Explore the Bible Project .

Examine a book’s relationship to the rest of the Bible

This is not a long step, but it is an important one. No book of the Bible is an island—the Bible holds together in a unique way, and every book is important.

So before you land on a theology of your book, ask: “What does this book uniquely contribute to the story and/or theology of the Bible?” For example, Genesis lays a foundation, introducing the covenants that run literally through the entire Bible (and are fulfilled in Jesus). Proverbs, on the other hand, has no narrative movement but is an extended reflection on the moral fabric of the Torah. And then the Epistles of the New Testament take you into the early church as believers learned how to live together in the new covenant.

Questions you might ask on your way to discovery are:

  • Why is this book included here? How is it continuing the story?
  • What other books of the Bible does this book relate to? For example, Lamentations corresponds to the exile of Judah (2 Kings 25; Jer 52).
  • What book has theology like mine? For example, John and 1 John, written by the same apostle, have many similar themes. The same is true of 1 and 2 Thessalonians.
  • What hole would exist in our theology or story without this book?
  • For New Testament books, ask how it relates to the Old. Does it quote or allude to the Old, and in what ways? For Old Testament books, how does it foreshadow the New Testament? Draw lines between the testaments.

Again, commentaries and good study Bibles will tip you off to these connections, but you might also consult a resource about how parts of the Bible relate to each other.

Resources on the cohesion of Scripture

The Story of the Bible

This is the second in a short, helpful series by the Bible Project about the nature of the Bible.

Explore the rest of this Bible Project series.

The Bible Timeline

This is a longer video that covers similar material as the one above. It also has an accompanying blog post.

Read the post accompanying the video.

relevance of background of the study in research paper

The Promise-Plan of God

In this book, Walter Kaiser Jr. works chronologically through the books of both testaments to demonstrate how God’s main promise is seen throughout, how the various sub-themes of each book relate to the promise, and how God’s plan to fulfill the promise progressively unfolds.

Explore The Promise-Plan of God.

Learn more about all 66 books of the Bible.

Read more about the book.

After you’ve outlined the book and searched it for key passages, you are ready to delve more deeply into it. You probably won’t have enough time to do an exegetical study of the entire book, so turn to resources that highlight what’s most important about your book.

These include:

  • Dictionaries  — Bible dictionaries are a great place to start, as the best of them know what is important to discuss about each book, especially areas of debate. You’ll also find helpful bibliographies in dictionaries, which will point you to other resources—like monographs.
  • Commentaries  — Like dictionaries, commentaries provide helpful (and sometimes in-depth) overviews of your book. A critical commentary is especially helpful here, as they are known to interact with the most scholarly material and present the greatest detailed analysis. You might start with a non-critical commentary first, and then move on to a critical one if you don’t find a substantive enough treatment.
  • Monographs  — “Monographs” is a fancy word for a single book, one that’s focused on a particular topic. For example, when preparing a paper on the book of Romans, you’ll probably come across the New Perspective on Paul. There are plenty of monographs (books) on this topic you may refer to for further reading, as time allows.
  • Journal articles  — Even more than monographs, journal articles focus on particular topics, often areas of debate. You can use Atla, a religious studies database, for deeper research on topics within your book.

Pay attention to what these resources say about the  theology  of the book as well as important  debates concerning the book . These are the primary focuses of your paper. Essentially, you want to show your professor (and for your own learning) that you are well versed not only in the book itself but the conversations surrounding the book. Of course, if your professor asks you to answer certain questions or present certain information, focus your research on those matters.

Resources for further study on books of the Bible

Logos bible software.

Logos is a system for digital theological research. There are numerous guides that instantly load the most relevant information from across your library, as well as intuitive manual searching across your whole library. For example, you can search a certain topic (e.g. New Perspective on Paul) by resource type (e.g. Monographs) to quickly narrow your search results.

The Atla Religion Database

The Atla Religion Database is an index of academic journal articles in the area of religion. It is updated monthly and published by the American Theological Library Association. The database indexes articles, essays, and book reviews related to a wide range of scholarly fields related to religion.

Explore Atla

Report on your findings: start writing

Finally, it’s time to report on all your findings. If you’re new to theological writing, read this entire article. If you’re familiar with it and just need a brush-up, consult the top of the page to find the part of the writing process you need help with.

Generally speaking, though, you’ll report on the following:

  • The background of the book
  • The outline of the book
  • A summary of the book’s main message
  • Scholarly debates surrounding the book
  • Your own opinions on those debates
  • How the book applies to modern readers

You’re done!

Congratulations! By the end of the process, you’ll almost be an expert on a biblical book. And not only that, you’ve gained skills for comprehension, synthesizing information, and conducting scholarly research. Now, why not turn and teach what you’ve learned to others?

See how Logos Bible Software can help you study any book of the Bible better.

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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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  • Study Protocol
  • Open access
  • Published: 04 September 2023

Treatment of multiple traumatized adolescents by enhancing regulation skills and reducing trauma related symptoms: rationale, study design, and methods of randomized controlled trial (the Mars-study)

  • Rik Knipschild 1 ,
  • Helen Klip 1 ,
  • Doenja van Leeuwaarden 1 ,
  • Mariken J. R. van Onna 1 ,
  • Ramon J. L. Lindauer 2 , 3 ,
  • Wouter G. Staal 1 , 4 , 5 ,
  • Iva A. E. Bicanic 6 &
  • Ad de Jongh 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11  

BMC Psychiatry volume  23 , Article number:  644 ( 2023 ) Cite this article

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There is ongoing debate regarding the treatment of severe and multiple traumatized children and adolescents with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Many clinicians favor a phase-based treatment approach (i.e., a stabilization phase prior to trauma-focused therapy) over immediate trauma-focused psychological treatment, despite the lack of scientific evidence. Research on the effects of different treatment approaches is needed for children and adolescents with (symptoms of complex) PTSD resulting from repeated sexual and/or physical abuse during childhood.

This paper describes the rationale, study design, and methods of the MARS-study, a two-arm randomized controlled trial (RCT) that aims to compare the results of phase-based treatment with those of immediate trauma-focused treatment and determine whether immediate trauma-focused treatment is not worse than phase-based treatment in reducing PTSD symptoms.

Participants are individuals between 12 and 18 years who meet the diagnostic criteria for PTSD due to repeated sexual abuse, physical abuse, or domestic violence during childhood. Participants will be blindly allocated to either the phase-based or immediate trauma-focused treatment condition. In the phase-based treatment condition, participants receive 12 sessions of the Dutch version of Skill Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation (STAIR-A), followed by 12 sessions of EMDR therapy. In the immediate trauma-focused condition, the participants receive 12 sessions of EMDR therapy. The two groups are compared for several outcome variables before treatment, mid-treatment (only in the phase-based treatment condition), after 12 trauma-focused treatment sessions (post-treatment), and six months post-treatment (follow-up). The main parameter is the presence and severity of PTSD symptoms (Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for Children and Adolescents, CAPS-CA). The secondary outcome variables are the severity of complex PTSD symptoms (Interpersonal Problems as measured by the Experiences in Close Relationship-Revised, ECR-RC; Emotion Regulation as measured by the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, DERS; Self Esteem as measured by the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale, RSES), changes in anxiety and mood symptoms (Revised Anxiety and Depression Scale; RCADS), changes in posttraumatic cognitions (Child Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory, CPTCI), changes in general psychopathology symptoms (Child Behavior Checklist, CBCL), and Quality of Life (Youth Outcome Questionnaire, Y-OQ-30). Furthermore, parental stress (Opvoedingsvragenlijst, OBVL) and patient-therapist relationship (Feedback Informed Treatment, FIT) will be measured, whereas PTSD symptoms will be monitored in each session during both treatment conditions (Children’s Revised Impact of Event Scale, CRIES-13).

Treating (symptoms of complex) PTSD in children and adolescents with a history of repeated sexual and/or physical abuse during childhood is of great importance. However, there is a lack of consensus among trauma experts regarding the optimal treatment approach. The results of the current study may have important implications for selecting effective treatment options for clinicians working with children and adolescents who experience the effects of exposure to multiple interpersonal traumatic events during childhood.

Trial registrations

The study was registered on the “National Trial Register (NTR)” with the number NTR7024. This registry was obtained from the International Clinical Trial Registry Platform (ICTRP) and can be accessed through the ICTRP Search Portal ( https://trialsearch.who.int/ ).

Peer Review reports

A meta-analysis of children and adolescents exposed to traumatic events indicated that 16% developed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) [ 1 ]. Adolescents with PTSD re-experience traumatic events, avoid memories of the trauma, develop negative thoughts and moods, and are hypervigilant about potential threats [ 2 ]. Adolescents who have been exposed to (repeated) sexual abuse, maltreatment, and/or domestic violence are at an even higher risk of developing PTSD symptoms [ 1 ]. Beyond the core symptoms of PTSD, adolescents are prone to developing a range of additional challenges, including poor self-esteem, difficulties in interpersonal relationships, and struggles with emotion regulation. Collectively, these symptoms are commonly referred to as characteristics of the ICD-11 classification Complex PTSD [ 3 , 4 ].

Although unprocessed trauma can significantly impact a child's development, several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of trauma-focused treatments, such as eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT), and Prolonged Exposure [ 5 , 6 ], in treating childhood PTSD. As a result, trauma-focused treatments are generally recommended in national guidelines for children and adolescents [ 7 ] and international guidelines from reputable organizations, such as the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies [ 8 ] and the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence [ 9 ]. However, it is worth noting that most studies underlying these guidelines have primarily focused on children and adolescents who developed PTSD due to a single traumatic event, leaving a knowledge gap regarding the efficacy of trauma-focused therapies for children and adolescents with Complex PTSD and a lack of consensus on the preferred treatment approaches for this population.

A position paper by the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies [ 10 ] highlighted the insufficient evidence available to support a specific treatment for Complex PTSD in children and adolescents. This dearth of evidence has sparked long-standing debate among clinicians and researchers regarding the optimal approach for treating Complex PTSD. Recognizing the potential limitations of existing evidence-based treatments for children and adolescents with Complex PTSD and severe clinical presentations, the ISTSS argues that modifications to trauma-focused treatments may be necessary to address the symptoms of Complex PTSD effectively [ 10 ]. Consequently, various phase-based treatment models have been developed for children and adolescents with Complex PTSD [ 11 , 12 ]. These models generally prioritize the enhancement of emotional and interpersonal regulation skills as well as strengthening self-esteem before embarking on trauma-focused treatment. However, it is important to note that a comprehensive body of compelling evidence supporting the efficacy of phase-based models for the treatment of Complex PTSD is lacking [ 13 ]. Critics of phase-based models state that research on adults with Complex PTSD has shown that the incorporation of regulation skills training prior to trauma-focused therapy unnecessarily prolongs therapy [ 14 , 15 , 16 ]. In addition, studies using trauma-focused treatment in adolescents have demonstrated promising results in the treatment of PTSD and Complex PTSD with a history of (repeated) sexual abuse and maltreatment [ 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ], albeit with inconsistent findings and variations in the adaptation of treatment models.

Hence, the limited number of studies investigating the effectiveness of treatments for young individuals with Complex PTSD underscores the need for further research [ 10 ]. In their position paper published in 2019, the ISTSS deemed treatment recommendations premature because of current knowledge gaps. This indicates a pressing requirement for research exploring the effects of trauma-focused treatment on adolescents with (symptoms of complex) PTSD resulting from (repeated) sexual abuse, maltreatment, and/or domestic violence. To address this research gap, the present study describes an RCT aimed at investigating the differences in treatment effects between two treatment approaches (i.e., phase-based versus immediate trauma-focused) in adolescents with (symptoms of complex) PTSD resulting from a history of repeated sexual and/or physical abuse during childhood.

The primary objective of this study is to compare the results of phase-based treatment with those of immediate trauma-focused (i.e., eye movement desensitization and reprocessing; EMDR) therapy using a two-arm randomized controlled trial design. The first aim is to determine whether immediate trauma-focused treatment is not worse than phase-based treatment in reducing PTSD symptoms. If trauma-focused treatment is found to be equally effective when applied, it could lead to significant reductions in treatment duration. Second, we aim to investigate whether the phase-based therapy approach yields superior outcomes compared to the direct trauma-focused condition in terms of Complex PTSD symptoms, including emotion regulation, interpersonal problems, and self-esteem. Additionally, we will examine comorbid symptoms and dropout rates as secondary outcome measures. The third objective of the current study is to identify potential moderators and predictors of dropout or treatment responses/non-responses under both treatment conditions. We hypothesize that the presence of affect dysregulation and interpersonal problems at the beginning of therapy will be associated with poorer outcomes in the direct trauma-focused condition. Finally, we will examine the relationship between the reduction of posttraumatic stress symptoms in adolescents and a decrease in self-reported parental/caretaker stress. This objective addresses the clinical assumption that managing parental stress should be prioritized before initiating PTSD treatment in adolescents.

Study design

This study entails a single-blind, randomized controlled trial with two arms: a phase-based treatment condition (TRAP followed by EMDR) and a trauma-focused treatment condition (EMDR only). In the TRAP-EMDR condition, participants receive 12 sessions of skills training (TRAP; the Dutch adolescents version of the STAIRS protocol), followed by 12 sessions of EMDR therapy. In the other condition, the participants receive 12 EMDR sessions. The two groups will be compared for several outcome variables before treatment, immediately after 12 sessions (post-treatment), and six months post-treatment (follow-up) (see Fig.  1 ). This study will be coordinated by the Karakter Academic Center for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the Netherlands. The study started in 2018, paused for seven months in 2020 due to COVID-19, and continued in September 2020. This study is ongoing and is expected to be completed by 2024.

figure 1

Flowchart of the MARS-study


Participants are individuals between 12 and 18 years of age, meeting the criteria for PTSD (according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition), and victims of repeated sexual and/or physical abuse and/or domestic violence in childhood. Participants are recruited from different departments of Karakter, a large mental health organization for children and adolescents in the Netherlands. This applies the following inclusion criteria: (1) meeting the criteria for PTSD, assessed with the Clinical-Administered PTSD Scale for Children and Adolescents (CAPS-CA); (2) reporting a history of (repeated) physical and/or sexual abuse and/or domestic violence by a caretaker, family member, or person in authority; (3) the availability of a non-offending adult caregiver for the treatment, as the presence of a caregiver is part of the treatment design; (4) motivation and ability of the participant and the caregiver to attend weekly treatment sessions; (5) safe living circumstances to minimize the risk of retraumatization during the study; and (6) participants and caregivers have sufficient command of the Dutch language to participate in the treatment.

Exclusion criteria are (1) acute suicidal behavior or suicidal ideations requiring immediate hospitalization; (2) severe head trauma indicated by a score < 9 on the Glasgow Coma Scale as known from the participant’s medical history, to avoid brain dysfunction or retrograde amnesia of the traumatic event due to head injury; (3) concurrent psychotherapy during the study; (4) current severe mental disorder in the participant’s main caregiver (as evaluated by the responsible clinician), such as psychosis, severe episode of depression, or severe substance abuse, to assure the ability of the caregiver to participate in the treatment; (5) a sibling of the participant already participating in the study (to avoid the transference of treatment effects if siblings are randomized in different conditions); and (6) intellectual disabilities (IQ < 70).


Once the informed consent form is signed and the baseline questionnaires (T0 and T1) are completed, the randomization procedure begins. Participants are randomly assigned to either a control or an experimental group with a 1:1 allocation according to a computer-generated randomization schedule stratified by sex (male or female) and psychiatric diagnoses and using permuted blocks of random sizes. The block sizes will not be disclosed to ensure concealment. Participants will be randomized using randomization.com, an online randomization tool. Allocation concealment will be ensured because the person who performs randomization has no other role in the study. This person will prepare the randomization lists and seal the envelopes. The randomization code will not be released until the participant is recruited into the trial, which occurs after all baseline measurements have been completed.

To ensure allocation concealment, the steps involved in randomization, outcome measurements, and treatment are separated. Participants who meet the inclusion criteria and provide consent for participation will be randomized. Research assistants responsible for recruitment and outcome measurement will request randomization.

The recruitment of participants began in 2018 at Karakter, with a break in 2020 due to COVID-19. The recruitment is ongoing and is expected to be completed by 2024. All adolescents referred to Karakter sent a brief screening questionnaire called the Child Trauma Screening Questionnaire (CTSQ) [ 21 ]. This self-report questionnaire asks about traumatic life events, such as domestic violence, sexual abuse, or physical abuse. The research team screens the results from the CTSQ. If multiple traumatic life events are reported and the adolescent shows elevated scores on questions related to post-traumatic stress, the involved healthcare provider is contacted. The healthcare provider is informed about the MARS study and asked to consider participation in the study. The inclusion and exclusion criteria are verified by the medical staff involved with the participants. With the agreement of the healthcare provider and parents/legal guardians, the adolescent is invited to participate in a clinical structured interview (CAPS-CA).

After the CAPS-CA interview, the diagnostic results are discussed with the research team and treatment team of the MARS-study. A conclusion is drawn regarding whether the inclusion criteria for PTSD due to multiple interpersonal traumas are met. An advisory consultation will be scheduled with the participants and parents/guardians if the inclusion criteria are met. During this consultation, the participant is informed about their participation in the treatment study, informed consent is reviewed, and an information sheet about the study is provided. After the advisory consultation, the adolescents and parents/guardians have two weeks to decide whether to participate in the study. If the adolescents and their parents/guardians agree to participate, the randomization procedure is initiated, and a treatment provider is assigned within three weeks. The MARS-study requires written informed consent from both parents and adolescents. In addition, general practitioners are informed through postal letters.


Skills training in affective and interpersonal regulation (trap; dutch version of stair-a).

In Phase I of the phase-based treatment, we use an adapted version of the Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation for Adolescents [ 12 ]. The purpose of this treatment is to address problems with affect and interpersonal regulation (as they negatively impact daily life) and to effectively utilize trauma-focused treatment. The program consists of twelve sessions, with different topics (e.g., distress tolerance, different kinds of role-plays, labelling and identifying feelings, enhancing adequate coping strategies, training self-soothing skills, etc.). All TRAP sessions have an identical format and structure: psycho-education about the rationale and goals of interventions, skills acquisition, skills application, and practice.

EMDR therapy

The protocol for EMDR therapy is an evidence-based trauma treatment aimed at resolving symptoms resulting from disturbing or unprocessed life experiences [ 22 ]. Treatment starts with recalling the traumatic memory and selecting the most disturbing part of this memory with associated dysfunctional thoughts and feelings. While concentrating on the traumatic memory, the participant’s working memory is taxed by employing eye movements for approximately 30 s. Repeatedly, the participant is asked to report what comes to mind, which may be cognitive, emotional, somatic, or imagistic experiences. After some sets of eye movements, the participant is asked to report a Subjective Unit of Disturbances (SUD) between 0 and 10, until the disturbance related to the memory reaches an SUD of zero and positive beliefs are rated strong on a VoC (Validity of Cognition, between 1 and 7). A wide array of studies support the working memory account as a mechanism that explains treatment effects. Recalling a traumatic episode depends on limited working memory resources. If a second task, taxing working memory, is executed during the recall of traumatic memory, fewer resources will be available to recall the traumatic episode. By performing both tasks simultaneously, the memory becomes less vivid and emotional and is stored in this new way. Consequently, negative cognitions lose credibility, and positive cognitions become more credible [ 23 ].


The study parameters are listed in Table 1 . In order to collect data to answer the research questions, it will take the adolescent each time (T1, (T2), T3, T4) about 90–120 min to complete the interview and questionnaires. The total estimated burden for parents/legal guardians to complete the questionnaires will be approximately 120 min. Participants allocated to the TRAP + EMDR condition will undergo a mid-treatment assessment (T2) to investigate the effect of TRAP on both the primary and secondary outcomes.

Screening for traumatic experiences

The child trauma screening questionnaire.

The Child Trauma Screening Questionnaire (CTSQ) [ 21 ] is a self-reported measure that contains a 14 items list of traumatic life events and a 10 items list to index post-traumatic stress symptoms of re-experiencing and hyperarousal. Each life event can be answered with yes (scored as 1) or no (scored as 0). Scores > 4 indicate positive screening for trauma symptoms. The CTSQ has been shown to have good convergent validity [ 21 ]. Internal consistency was reported, with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.69.

Primary outcome

The clinician-administered ptsd scale for children and adolescents.

The Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for Children and Adolescents (CAPS-CA) [ 24 ] is a structured clinical interview used to establish the diagnostic status of the DSM-IV and DSM-V criteria for PTSD. The interviewer can rate the frequency and intensity of each symptom on a five-point Likert scale. Furthermore, each symptom can be rated as present or absent, as proposed by Weathers, Ruscio, and Keane [ 25 ] to score a symptom as being present. The CAPS-CA can be reliably administered by different interviewers. The Dutch CAPS-CA showed as good internal consistency, inter-rater reliability, convergent and divergent validity, and concurrent validity as the original English version [ 26 ]. The CAPS-CA will be administered three times (T1, T3, and T4) for adolescents in the EMDR-only group and four times in the TRAP + EMDR group (T1, T2, T3, and T4). Adding the CAPS-CA at T2 in the TRAP + EMDR condition will provide information about the effects and necessity of skills training TRAP as a standalone treatment.

The adolescent dissociative experience scale

The Adolescent Dissociative Experiences Scale (A-DES) [ 27 ] is a self-report scale used to measure the frequency of dissociative experiences among adolescents. The answers to the 30 items are marked on an 11-point scale ranging from 0 (never) to 10 (always). The total A-DES score is the mean of all item scores (range, 0–10). A mean score of 4.0 (Armstrong et al., 1997) is a commonly used cut-off for pathological dissociation. The A-DES has four theoretically derived subscales: amnesia, depersonalization/derealization, absorption, imaginative involvement, and passive influence. The A-DES has good internal consistency and test–retest stability and has proven to be valid across different cultural settings. The A-DES will be administered at T1.


Demographic information of the participants will be collected from medical files and/or intake questionnaires. The gathered information will consist of age, sex, family structure, diagnoses of the child, school functioning, and socioeconomic status (SES) of the family.

Secondary outcomes

The experiences in close relationships scale-revised child version.

The Experiences in Close Relationships Scale-Revised Child version (ECR-RC) [ 28 ] is a self-report questionnaire on parent–child attachment that consists of 12 statements about the adolescents’ mother or father. Using a scale from 1 (not at all) to 7 (very much), six items tap into attachment anxiety (e.g., ‘I worry that my father/mother does not really love me’), and six items tap into attachment avoidance (e.g., ‘I prefer not to tell my father/mother how I feel deep down’). The reliability and validity of the ECR-R–C have been demonstrated in several independent samples. In terms of reliability, the ECR-R–C showed high levels of internal consistency, and in terms of validity, the ECR-R–C subscales correlated with depressive symptoms, emotion regulation strategies, and parenting dimensions [ 29 , 30 ].

Difficulties in emotion regulation scale

Emotion dysregulation will be measured using the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) [ 31 ]. The DERS is a 36-item self-report questionnaire that measures six domains of emotion regulation difficulties: non-acceptance of negative emotions, difficulties in engaging in goal-directed behaviors, difficulties in accessing effective emotion regulation strategies, impulsivity, limited emotional awareness, and limited emotional clarity. The items were rated from 1 (almost never) to 5 (almost always). Higher DERS scores indicate greater emotion regulation difficulties. The DERS is a valid and reliable instrument for assessing emotional dysregulation [ 31 , 32 ].

Rosenberg self-esteem scale

The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) [ 33 ] will be used to assess self-esteem. It is a widely used 10-item Likert-type scale that measures self-esteem. Items are answered on a 4-point scale, from strongly agree to strongly disagree, measuring positive and negative feelings towards the self. The Dutch version of the RSES is a one-dimensional scale with high internal consistency and congruent validity, and a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.89 [ 33 ].

Revised child anxiety and depression scale

The Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS) is a 47-item youth self-report questionnaire [ 34 ] with subscales including separation anxiety disorder (SAD), social phobia (SP), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder (PD), obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), and major depressive disorder (MDD). It also yields a Total Anxiety Scale (sum of the five anxiety subscales) and a Total Internalizing Scale (sum of all six subscales). Items are rated on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from 0 (“never”) to 3 (“always”). Additionally, the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale – Parent Version (RCADS-P) similarly assesses parental reports of youth symptoms of anxiety and depression across the same six subscales.

Child post-traumatic cognitions inventory

The Child Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory (CPTC) [ 35 ] is a self-report questionnaire that measures trauma-related cognition in children and adolescents. The questionnaire consists of 25 items that can be answered on a four-point Likert scale (range from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree). The English version of the CPTCI has been validated for children and adolescents aged 6–18 years. The Dutch CPTCI has good reliability and validity [ 36 ], high internal consistency (Cronbach's 0.86–0.93), and good convergent validity.

Child behavior checklist

The Dutch parent-report version of the Child Behavior Checklist 6–18 years (CBCL) assesses a wide range of children's emotional and behavioral problems, aiming to identify children at a high risk of psychiatric disorders. The CBCL/6–18 comprises 120 items assessing behavioral and emotional problems. These items are answered on a 3-point Likert-type scale (0 = not true, 1 = somewhat or sometimes true, 2 = very true or often true) by parents. The scores display eight problem scales: withdrawn (1), somatic (2), anxious (3), social (4), thought (5), attention (6), rule-breaking (7), aggressive (8), and other problems. The sum of problem scales 1, 2, and 3 forms the scale ‘internalizing behavior’; 7 and 8 form ‘externalizing behavior.’ All subscales comprise the total problem scale. Some items contribute to more than one problem scale. The CBCL assesses a broad array of potential trauma-related symptoms, including those not captured by a PTSD-specific measure. T-scores are computed from raw scores; higher scores on the syndrome scale indicate greater severity of problems. A T-score of 63 (90th percentile) demarcates the clinical range, indicating that the child requires professional assistance. The CBCL/6–18 has well-established psychometric properties in clinical, non-clinical, and cross-cultural populations [ 37 ].

Youth outcome questionnaire

To assess the therapy outcome in terms of changes in symptom level, we will use the Dutch translation of the Youth Outcome Questionnaire [ 38 ]. The Y-OQ-30 has 30 items and can be completed in 10–15 min on a 5-point Likert scale with a range of 0 (never) to 4 (always). The Y-OQ-30 has six subscales: Somatic complaints, Social Isolation, Aggression, Behaviour problems, Hyperactivity, and Depression/ Anxiety. The Y-OQ-30 is a valid and reliable test for assessing changes [ 39 ].

Parental stress questionnaire

The OBVL (“Opvoedingsvragenlijst”) is a 34-item parent report questionnaire that measures experienced parental stress [ 40 ]. The questions are answered on a 4-point scale (1 = does not apply, 2 = applies a little, 3 = applies fairly, and 4 = applies completely). Scores on the subscale of problems in the parent–child relationship range from 6 to 24, where a score of 14 or higher indicates severe problems, for which treatment is indicated. Scores on ‘parenting problems’ range from 7 to 28, with a score of 18 or higher indicating severe problems [ 41 ]. The OBVL demonstrated good reliability and validity.

Other measurements

Children's revised impact of event scale.

The Children's Revised Impact of Event Scale (CRIES-13) [ 42 ] is a brief self-report questionnaire designed to screen for PTSD in children aged 8 years and older. It consists of 13 questions assessing posttraumatic intrusions, avoidance, and arousal. Children rated the frequency with which they had experienced each item during the past week using a four-point Likert scale (0 = not at all, 1 = rarely, 3 = sometimes, 5 = often). Psychometric properties have been previously reported [ 42 ], showing that the CRIES-13 is a valid measure of posttraumatic stress. In this study, the internal consistency of the CRIES-13 was 0.89. In this study, the CRIES-13 will be used to measure posttraumatic stress symptoms between each session during the course of treatment.

Outcome rating scale and session rating scale

To collect client feedback, we will use two brief questionnaires, the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) and Session Rating Scale (SRS), which can be easily administered on a regular basis during treatment [ 43 ]. This allows treatment sessions to be evaluated at any time to ascertain whether individual treatments are ‘on the right track’ to a successful outcome. The ORS is primarily focused on the client’s well-being and is administered at the beginning of the treatment session. The SRS is administered at the end of the session and deals with how the client experienced the treatment session. The outcomes of the questionnaires are reflected in a graph per interview to allow the height of the score and progress to be visualized during the sessions.

Sample size and power

This study implemented a non-inferiority trial. A non-inferiority trial is a type of clinical research study that aims to demonstrate that a (new) treatment is not worse than an existing treatment by a prespecified margin. Because the non-inferiority margin for CAPS-CA-5 scores had not yet been determined at the start of this study, we used the article published by Sloan et al. [ 44 ] to estimate the non-inferiority margin. The primary outcome was the total score on the Clinician-Administrated PTSD Scale for DSM-5 (CAPS-5). Non-inferiority was defined as a score of 10 points. However, the results showed that during follow-up, a non-inferiority margin of five points would have been sufficient to yield the same conclusion. Therefore, based on the article by Sloan et al. [ 44 ] and clinical reasoning, the largest clinically acceptable effect to declare non-inferiority is a change in the CAPS-CA-5 score of five points (d). Based on the study by Sloan and colleagues, the true mean difference (μ B -μ A ) between the treatments is -1.82 (after 12 weeks). In a non-published pilot study of 17 adolescents, we calculated a mean total score on the CAPS-CA-5 of 38.2 with a standard deviation of 10.4 (σ). An equal number of participants will be included in both arms of the trial (r = 1).

For the estimation of the sample size (for 80 percent power and type 1 error of 2,5 percent) the following formula is used [ 45 ].

According to this formula, 36,5 participants per arm are required. As in the previous sample size calculation, we used the baseline variables as covariates. Based on Borm et al. [ 46 ,  47 ] we estimate that the design factor will be equal to 0.75, because we assume a correlation of 0.5 between the two measurements. Hence, we would need 36.5*0.75 = 27.4 participants per group. To compensate for an unknown clustering effect and unknown psychometric properties, and given the need to compensate for an expected dropout rate, we plan to include 40% more participants (76 participants in total), so that 38 participants will be recruited per arm.

Data collection and management

Confidentiality is maintained throughout the current study. The handling of subjects’ personal data is in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (in Dutch: Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming, AVG). To maintain anonymity of all data, participants will only be identifiable by a unique code assigned to the data of their inclusion. The code list will be digitally stored on the secured drive of Karakter, which is password protected and is only accessible to researchers involved in the project. Non-anonymous data (e.g., informed consent documents) will be digitalized and stored in password-secured folders that provide restricted access. All local databases will be secured with password-protected access systems. The online electronic data capture software CASTOR EDC will be used to collect and store the questionnaire data. All paper documents are stored in a locker at Karakter Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Access to this storage is accessible to only a select few researchers.

Statistical analysis

Data will be analyzed using SPSS V.29.0 for Windows (SPSS Incorporated). Pretreatment group differences with respect to age, sex, ethnicity, and type of traumatic event will be assessed using independent-sample t-tests for continuous data and χ 2 tests for categorical data. Before testing, we will check all the data according to the appropriate assumptions.

To answer the primary question, a repeated-measures ANCOVA will be conducted. Baseline scores will be included as covariates, time as a categorical variable, and treatment condition as a fixed effect. The intercept will be treated as a random effect. We will examine the residuals to assess the model assumptions and goodness-of-fit. P-values will be reported to four decimal places, with P-values less than 0.001 reported as p  < 0.001. For all tests, we will use 2-sided P-values with alpha =  < 0.05 level of significance. As this is a non-inferiority trial, both intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses will be performed.

To evaluate the secondary outcomes, a repeated-measures ANCOVA will be conducted for the total score on the ECR-RC, DERS, RSES, RCADS, CPTCI, CBCL, OBVL, and Y-OQ-30. Baseline scores will be included as covariates, time as a categorical variable, and treatment condition as a fixed effect. The intercept will be treated as a random effect. We examine the residual to assess the model assumptions and goodness-of-fit. Delta-scores for pre- to post-treatment (T1 and T3) will be calculated, and an independent sample t-test will be used to compare the TRAP + EMDR and EMDR-only conditions. For the calculation of effect sizes (Cohen’s d ) for within-group effects, we will divide the difference in means between pre- and post-treatment by the standard deviation of the difference in means. P-values will be reported to four decimal places, with P-values less than 0.001 reported as p < 0.001. For all tests, we will use 2-sided P-values with alpha =  < 0.05 level of significance.

To determine PTSD symptom changes on the CRIES-13, we will analyze the data for all time points in a linear mixed model. Time, treatment condition, the interaction term time × treatment condition, and sex will be entered as fixed factors, and age as a covariate in the model. The impact of missing data on outcome measurements will be evaluated using different methods, such as Last Observation Carry Forward (LOCF) and Multiple Imputation (MI).

Adverse events

Adverse events (AE) are defined as any undesirable experience occurring to a subject during the study, whether considered related to undergoing dietary treatment. All adverse events observed by the researchers or reported by the participants will be recorded and processed according to legislation in The Netherlands. A serious adverse event (SAE) is an event that 1) results in death, 2) is life-threatening (at the time of the event), 3) requires hospitalization or prolongation of existing inpatient hospitalization, 4) results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, 5) is a congenital anomaly or birth defect, and 6) may jeopardize the participant or may require an intervention to prevent one of the outcomes listed previously. All SAEs will be communicated to the coordinating investigator (first author), who will be responsible for reporting this information through the web portal ToetsingOnline to the accredited MREC that approved the protocol. Reporting of SAEs that are life-threatening or result in death will be reported no later than seven days after the first knowledge of SAEs in a preliminary report. The final report will be completed no later than eight days after the preliminary report. All AEs will be monitored until they diminish or reach a stable state. Follow-up may require 1) medical procedures, 2) additional tests, or 3) referral to a general physician or medical specialist. SAEs need to be reported until the end of the study in the Netherlands, as defined in the protocol.

The present paper describes the rationale, study design, and methods of the MARS-study: an RCT evaluating the effects of a phase-based treatment model compared to purely trauma-focused therapy in young individuals diagnosed with PTSD and on the possible symptoms of complex PTSD resulting from (repeated) sexual and/or physical abuse during childhood.

This study had several strengths. First, it sought to assess the effectiveness and efficacy of two widely utilized treatment models in a group of patients who are often overlooked in research owing to their complex symptomatology. To the best of our knowledge, an efficacy study of adolescents who have experienced (repeated) sexual and/or physical abuse during childhood is unprecedented. Second, although a phase-based trauma-focused model has recently been studied in adults (15–17), no similar study has been conducted in adolescents. Research on the effectiveness of trauma treatment in adolescents (symptoms of complex) PTSD is limited [ 20 ]. To our knowledge, this is the first randomized controlled trial to investigate and compare the effects of regulation skill training with those of a direct trauma-focused treatment approach in this population. Third, adding a follow-up period allows us to track the long-term effects of both treatments, which can provide valuable information about the sustainability of the treatment effects and whether there are any delayed or long-term benefits (sleeper effects) or side effects. Therefore, we can make more reliable and comprehensive conclusions regarding the effectiveness of and differences between interventions. Additionally, by adding a mid-treatment measurement, it is possible to investigate the effects of TRAP and better assess the added value of this phase-based treatment approach.

Although the proposed study has strengths, it is important to acknowledge several methodological issues that should be taken into consideration. First, the participants included in the study are those who have developed PTSD as a result of surviving (repeated) sexual and/or physical abuse during childhood. While our goal is to include individuals with Complex PTSD, the current study faces challenges due to the lack of reliable and validated instruments specifically designed to assess the complex manifestations of symptoms associated with complex trauma. Consequently, the study relies on trauma history as the primary criterion for inclusion rather than the comprehensive manifestation of complex trauma symptoms. However, as part of the secondary analyses, separate questionnaires are administered to assess domains related to Complex PTSD, including emotion regulation, interpersonal regulation, and negative self-image. Another important consideration pertains to the operationalization of the phase-based model. The concept of a 'phase-based model' can be interpreted differently, depending on various perspectives. In clinical settings, it encompasses more than one treatment protocol that focuses on skill development in regulation. For some clinicians, preparing patients for trauma-focused treatment requires a personalized approach that involves comprehensive psychoeducation, establishing a therapeutic alliance, and engaging with family members and trusted individuals. Training in regulation skills itself demands substantial time and effort from both the patient and therapist. However, it is crucial to note that the effectiveness of this approach has not been extensively studied, raising a limitation in our understanding of its impact and outcomes.

Finally, this study implemented a non-inferiority trial. A non-inferiority trial is a type of clinical research study that aims to demonstrate that a new treatment is not worse than an existing treatment by a prespecified margin. One benefit of this type of trial is that it allows for the evaluation of new treatments that may have advantages over existing treatments, such as fewer side effects or lower costs, even if they are not necessarily more effective. However, non-inferiority trials have limitations. One limitation is that they require a well-defined and clinically meaningful non-inferiority margin, which is challenging to determine. In addition, non-inferiority trials may be less likely to detect small but clinically meaningful differences between treatments, which could limit their ability to provide definitive conclusions regarding the relative effectiveness of different treatments.

Treating adolescents with (symptoms of complex) PTSD stemming from (repeated) sexual and/or physical abuse during childhood is an immensely significant endeavor. However, there is a lack of consensus among trauma experts regarding the most effective approach. The current study is specifically designed to address this gap by evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed protocol. Through this research, we aim to generate additional and novel knowledge regarding trauma treatment. The findings of this study hold potential for important implications, offering valuable insights into the field of trauma treatment for severely traumatized adolescents.

Availability of data and materials

Data sharing is not applicable to this article, as no datasets were generated or analyzed during the current study. The final dataset will be available (anonymized) to other researchers at the end of the study. We will assess whether the aim of using the dataset is in conflict with our planned future publications. Otherwise, the dataset can be shared with other researchers.


Adolescent Dissociative Experience Scale

Adverse Event

Child Behavior Checklist

Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for Children and Adolescents

Committee on Research involving Human Subjects

Children’s Revised Impact of Event Scale

Child Post-Traumatic Cognitions Inventory

Child Trauma Screening Questionnaire

Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fourth Edition)

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition

Experiences in Close Relationships Scale-Revised Child version

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

International Classification of Diseases

International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies

Multiple Imputations

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence

Randomized Controlled Trial


Outcome Rating Scale

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale

Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale

Serious Adverse Event

Socioeconomic Status

Safety Review Board

Session Rating Scale

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Training in affectieve en interpersoonlijke Regulatievaardigheden voor meervoudig getraumatiseerde Adolescenten Protocol

Skill Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation, World Health Organization

Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act

Youth Outcome Questionnaire

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We would like to thank Kristel Bijen, Els Kors, Karien Kroeze, Harmien Koopmans, Liesbeth Wasterval and the Karakter Academy for their contribution to the preparation of the study.

The study is funded by ZonMw (grant number 63632004). The funder had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish results. All views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the funders.

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Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Rik Knipschild, Helen Klip, Doenja van Leeuwaarden, Mariken J. R. van Onna & Wouter G. Staal

Levvel Academic Center for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Ramon J. L. Lindauer

Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Amsterdam UMC, Location AMC, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Department of Psychiatry, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Wouter G. Staal

Leiden Institution for Brain and Cognition, Leiden, The Netherlands

National Psychotrauma Centre for Children and Youth, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Iva A. E. Bicanic

Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), University of Amsterdam and VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Ad de Jongh

Psychotrauma Expertise Centre (PSYTREC), Bilthoven, Netherlands

School of Health Sciences, Salford University, Manchester, UK

Institute of Health and Society, University of Worcester, Worcester, UK

School of Psychology, Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland

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RK, HK, AdJ, IB, and DvL initiated the study design. RK, HK, AdJ, IB, DvL, RL, WS, and MvO helped with the implementation. RK is the main applicant and grant holder. RK, DvL, and MvO are responsible for developing and implementing the treatments. HK provide statistical expertise, RK is conducting the primary statistical analysis. All authors contributed to the refinement of the study protocol and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Rik Knipschild .

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The study is conducted according to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki (version 64th, October 2013) and in accordance with the Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act (WMO) and other guidelines, regulations and acts. The present study is approved by the Medical Research Ethics Committee East Netherlands (MREC Oost-Nederland) (number 2017–3732). The study was registered on the “Nationaal Trial Register (NTR)” with the number NTR7024. This registry was obtained from the International Clinical Trial Registry Platform (ICTRP) and can be accessed on the ICTRP Search Portal ( https://trialsearch.who.int/ ).

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RK: Receives royalties from a published book on TRAP and from training professions in TRAP.

HK: No conflict of interest.

DvL: Receives royalties from a published book on TRAP and from training professions in TRAP.

MvO: No conflict of interest.

RL: No conflict of interest.

WS: No conflict of interest.

IB: No conflict of interest.

AdJ: Receives income from published books on EMDR therapy and from training professions in EMDR.

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Knipschild, R., Klip, H., van Leeuwaarden, D. et al. Treatment of multiple traumatized adolescents by enhancing regulation skills and reducing trauma related symptoms: rationale, study design, and methods of randomized controlled trial (the Mars-study). BMC Psychiatry 23 , 644 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-023-05073-4

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Received : 08 July 2023

Accepted : 02 August 2023

Published : 04 September 2023

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-023-05073-4

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  • Complex PTSD
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  • Phase-based treatment

BMC Psychiatry

ISSN: 1471-244X

relevance of background of the study in research paper

The importance of developing interactive digital modules based on character education with local cultural contents in mathematics lessons in elementary school

  • Purwaningrum, Jayanti Putri
  • Muzid, Syafiul
  • Siswono, Tatag Yuli Eko
  • Kurniadi, Galih

The background of this research is the lack of interesting, non-monotonous, and technology-based learning resources that teachers in elementary schools can use according to the needs of schools and students. This study is observational on the importance of developing an interactive digital module based on character education, containing local culture in mathematics. Observation activities were carried out in 10 elementary schools in Kudus Regency. The research method used is research and development with a modified Borg and Gall model. Observation activities were conducted by giving questionnaires to teachers and students in grade 4 elementary school and interviews with teachers. Observation results show that teachers have never used interactive digital modules. They are also still trying to find learning resources based on character education that includes the local culture of the Kudus Regency. The results of daily assessments on the area and perimeter of squares, rectangles, and triangles obtained a relatively low average score of 61. Based on the results of questionnaires from students, this is because 76% because the area and perimeter materials are challenging to understand, 75% answered that there is a formula in the material so that it seems rote, and 85% answered because of the lack of learning resources. 93% of students want technology-based learning resources to use anytime and anywhere. This can support their understanding of the material being studied. Thus, it can be concluded that 93% of students and 100% of teachers choose to agree if the researcher develops an interactive digital module based on character education containing the local culture of Kudus Regency in the mathematics subject matter of area and perimeter of squares, rectangles, and triangles.


What is innovation?

A light bulb above four open cartons

When you think of innovation, what springs to mind? Maybe it’s a flashy new gadget—but don’t be mistaken. There’s much more to the world of innovation, which extends far beyond new products and things you’ll find on a store shelf.

Get to know and directly engage with senior McKinsey experts on innovation.

Marc de Jong is a senior partner in McKinsey’s Amsterdam office, Laura Furstenthal is a senior partner in the Bay Area office, and Erik Roth is a senior partner in the Stamford office.

If products alone aren’t the full story, what is innovation? In a business context, innovation is the ability to conceive, develop, deliver, and scale new products, services, processes, and business models for customers.

Successful innovation delivers net new growth that is substantial. As McKinsey senior partner Laura Furstenthal  notes in an episode of the Inside the Strategy Room podcast , “However you measure it, innovation has to increase value and drive growth.”

As important as innovation is, getting it right can be challenging. Over 80 percent of executives surveyed  say that innovation is among their top three priorities, yet less than 10 percent report being satisfied with their organizations’ innovation performance. Many established companies are better operators than innovators , producing few new and creative game changers. Most succeed by optimizing existing core businesses.

Why is innovation important in business?

Some companies do succeed at innovation. Our research considered how proficient 183 companies were at innovation, and compared that assessment against a proprietary database of economic profit  (the total profit minus the cost of capital). We found that companies that harness the essentials of innovation see a substantial performance edge that separates them from others—with evidence that mastering innovation can generate economic profit that is 2.4 times higher than that of other players .

Learn more about our Strategy & Corporate Finance  practice.

How can leaders decide what innovations to prioritize?

Successful innovation has historically occurred at the intersection of several elements, which can guide prioritization efforts. The three most important elements are the who, the what, and the how :

  • An unmet customer need (the ‘who’): Who is the customer and what problem do they need to solve? Are macrotrends such as automation driving changes in customer needs?
  • A solution (the ‘what’): Is the solution compelling and can it be executed?
  • A business model that allows for the solution to be monetized (the ‘how’): How will the solution create value? What is the business model?

Successful innovation requires answers to each of these questions.

An example from inventor and businessman Thomas Edison helps illustrate the concept. “In every case, he did not just invent the what, he also invented a how,” says Furstenthal in a conversation on innovation . “In the case of the light bulb, he created the filament and the vacuum tube that allowed it to turn on and off, and he developed the production process that enabled mass production.”

Circular, white maze filled with white semicircles.

Introducing McKinsey Explainers : Direct answers to complex questions

How do organizations become better innovators.

McKinsey conducted research into the attributes and behaviors behind superior innovation performance , which were validated in action at hundreds of companies. This research yielded eight critical elements  for organizations to master:

  • Aspire: Do you regard innovation-led growth as critical, and have you put in place cascaded targets that reflect this?
  • Choose: Do you invest in a coherent, time- and risk-balanced portfolio of initiatives, and do you devote sufficient resources to it?
  • Discover: Are your business, market, and technology R&D efforts actionable and capable of being translated into winning value propositions?
  • Evolve: Do you create new business models that provide defensible, robust, and scalable profit sources?
  • Accelerate: Do you develop and launch innovations quickly and effectively?
  • Scale: Do you launch innovations at the right scale in the relevant markets and segments?
  • Extend: Do you create and capitalize on external networks?
  • Mobilize: Are your people motivated, rewarded, and organized to innovate repeatedly?

Of these eight essentials, two merit particular attention : aspire and choose . Without these two elements, efforts may be too scattershot to make a lasting difference. It’s particularly crucial to ensure that leaders are setting bold aspirations and making tough choices when it comes to resource allocation and portfolio moves. To do so successfully, many leaders will need to shift their mindsets or management approaches.

What are examples of successful innovators?

Real-world examples of successful innovation, related to some of the eight essentials listed , can highlight the benefits of pursuing innovation systematically :

  • Mercedes-Benz Group invested extensively in digitizing its product development system. That allowed the company to shorten its innovation cycles significantly , and its capabilities for personalizing cars have improved, even as assembly efficiency rose by 25 percent.
  • Gavi, a public–private partnership founded to save children’s lives and protect their health by broadening access to immunization, used nonfinancial targets to help drive its innovation efforts —and this helped the organization broaden its aspiration for impact in a way that was bold, specific, measurable, and time bound.
  • Lantmännen, a large Nordic agricultural cooperative, faced flat organic growth. Leadership created a vision and strategic plan  connected to financial targets cascaded down to business units and product groups. Doing so allowed the organization to move from 4 percent annual growth to 13 percent, on the back of successfully launching several new brands.
  • The information services organization RELX Group brought discipline to choosing its innovation portfolio  by running ten to 15 experiments in each customer segment in its pipeline every year. It selects one or two of the most successful ideas from the portfolio to continue.
  • International insurance company Discovery Group mobilized the organization around innovation  by creating incentives for a thousand of the company’s leaders using semiannual divisional scorecards. Innovation isn’t a choice; it’s a requirement and a part of the organization’s culture.

These examples aren’t necessarily what you may think of when you imagine disruptive innovation—which calls to mind moves that shake up an entire industry, and might be more associated with top tech trends  such as the Bio Revolution . Yet these examples show how committing to innovation can make a sizable difference.

How can my organization improve the volume and quality of new ideas?

Steps to help aspiring innovators  get started include the following:

  • Hold collision sessions: Cross-functional groups gather in a structured process to think through the intersection of unmet customer needs, technology trends, and business models, bringing creativity and specificity to the process of idea generation. Then, a venture panel considers these ideas and iterates on them, prioritizing what to do.
  • Challenge orthodoxies: Participants gather and describe beliefs that are common but that prevent the organization from innovating for customers. Examples of these orthodoxies include statements such as “budgets are limited” or “we don’t have the digital capabilities to pull it off.” Once the orthodoxies are laid out, teams brainstorm after being prompted to consider if the opposite of the statement were true.
  • Make analogies to other industries: A team might create a list of companies with unique value propositions. Then, they systematically apply these value propositions to their ideas to see if the analogy can create new sources of value or fresh opportunities.
  • Apply constraints: Rather than searching for blue-sky ideas, tighten the constraints on an idea’s business or operating model and explore potential new solutions. What if you served only one type of customer? What if the only channel you could access was online?

In the words of chemist Linus Pauling, “The way to get to good ideas is to get lots of ideas and throw the bad ones away.”

What is an innovation portfolio?

An innovation portfolio  is a thoughtfully curated bundle of potentially innovative initiatives, with clear aspirations and required resources defined for each. Managing the portfolio this way helps find new opportunities and determine the appropriate number and mix of initiatives, including the following:

  • confirming the total value of the portfolio needed
  • evaluating existing innovation projects based on incremental value delivered, risk, and alignment with strategic priorities
  • getting comfortable saying “no” to stop projects that are dilutive, and resisting the siren song of incremental initiatives that are unlikely to pay for themselves
  • reallocating resources—including competencies and skills—to new initiatives or to current ones that additional support can accelerate or amplify
  • identifying portfolio gaps and defining new initiatives to close them

How to measure innovation?

One way to measure innovation is to look at innovation-driven net new growth, which we call the “green box.”  This phrase refers to how you quantify the growth in revenue or earnings that an innovation needs to provide within a defined timeframe. This concept can help clarify aspirations and influence choices on the innovation journey.

While many imagine that innovation is solely about creativity and generating ideas, at its core, innovation is a matter of resource allocation . To put it another way: it’s one thing to frame innovation as a catalyst for growth, and another to act upon it by refocusing people, assets, and management attention on the organization’s best ideas.

The green box can help to solidify a tangible commitment  by defining the value that a company creates from breakthrough and incremental innovation, on a defined timeline (say, five years), with quantifiable metrics such as net new revenue or earnings growth. Crucially, the green box looks at growth from innovation alone, setting aside other possible sources such as market momentum, M&A, and so forth. And once defined, the growth aspiration can be cascaded into a set of objectives and metrics that the company’s various operating units can incorporate into its individual innovation portfolios.

It’s useful to note that some organizations may find that measures not solely financial in nature are more appropriate or relevant. For instance, metrics such as the number of subscribers or patients—or customer satisfaction—can resonate. What’s critical is selecting a metric that is a proxy for value creation. A large US healthcare payer , for example, looked to spur innovation that would improve patient satisfaction and the quality of care.

Separate from the concept of the green box, two simple metrics  can also offer surprising insight about innovation vis-à-vis the effectiveness of an organization’s R&D spending. Both of these lend themselves to benchmarking, since they can be gauged from the outside in, and they offer insight at the level of a company’s full innovation portfolio. The two R&D conversion metrics are as follows:

  • R&D-to-product conversion: This metric is calculated by looking at the ratio of R&D spending (as a portion of sales) to sales from new products. It can show how well your R&D dollars convert to actual sales of new products—and it might reveal that spending more doesn’t necessarily translate into stronger performance.
  • New-products-to-margin conversion: This metric considers the ratio of gross margin percentage to sales from new products. It can indicate how new-product sales contribute to lifting margins.

While no metric is perfect, these may offer perspective that keeps the focus squarely on returns from innovation and the value it creates—often more meaningful than looking inward at measures of activity, such as the number of patents secured.

How do you create a high-performing innovation team?

Innovation is a team sport. Experience working with strong innovators and start-ups has helped identify ten traits of successful innovation teams . Those fall into four big categories: vision , or the ability to spot opportunities and inspire others to go after them; collaboration , which relates to fostering effective teamwork and change management (for instance, by telling a good innovation story ); learning or absorbing new ideas; and execution , with traits that facilitate snappy decision making even when uncertainty arises.

Being strategic about the composition of an innovation team can help minimize failures and bring discipline to the process.

What innovation advice can help business leaders?

One broad piece of advice centers on creating a culture that accounts for the human side of innovation . When people worry about failure, criticism, or the career impact of a wrong move, it can keep them from embracing innovation. In a recent poll, 85 percent of executives say fear holds back their organization’s innovation efforts often or always—but there are ways to overcome these barriers .

Additionally, the Committed Innovator podcast and related articles share perspectives from leading experts who have helped their organizations tackle inertia and unlock bold strategic moves. If you are looking for words of wisdom, their insights can help spark inspiration to innovate:

  • Naomi Kelman, CEO, Willow . “Creating a safe environment for innovation is really what you need to do to get the greatness out of the people who work with you, which is ultimately what drives growth.”
  • Safi Bahcall, author, Loonshots . “Most of the important breakthroughs failed many times before they succeeded. That is where ‘fail fast’ goes wrong. Most companies are too impatient.”
  • Amy Brooks, chief innovation officer, National Basketball Association . “You can use data or examples to convince people about what is working in the market or what other industries are doing. We like to share best practices within our own leagues and within sports, but we also pay attention to every other industry that sells to consumers.”
  • Tanya Baker, global leader, Goldman Sachs Accelerate . “If someone knowledgeable thinks what you are doing is a bad idea, make sure they have a seat at the table. Put them on your board; make them one of your advisers so you don’t have any blind spots.”
  • Neal Gutterson, former chief technology officer, Corteva . “[A] key skill is being able to hold two divergent thoughts and approaches in your brain and in your team at the same time. The great companies will be ambidextrous innovators, able to disrupt themselves in the future while serving the core [business] today.”
  • Anjali Sud, CEO, Vimeo . “What keeps me up at night is execution and, within that, focus. Because when you are in a market like ours, at a time like now, the opportunity is huge. We are this nimble, fast-growing, fast-moving company, and everywhere I look I see opportunity. But am I providing enough focus for my teams so that we can truly be great at something? You don’t want to miss a big boat, and it’s hard sometimes to say no to valid, exciting ideas that could be transformative.”

For more in-depth exploration of these topics, see McKinsey’s insights on Strategy & Corporate Finance . Learn more about McKinsey’s Growth & Innovation  work—and check out innovation-related job opportunities if you’re interested in working at McKinsey.

Articles referenced include:

  • “ Fear factor: Overcoming human barriers to innovation ,” June 3, 2022, Laura Furstenthal , Alex Morris, and Erik Roth
  • “ Innovation—the launchpad out of crisis ,” September 15, 2021, Laura Furstenthal  and Erik Roth
  • “ The innovation commitment ,” October 24, 2019, Daniel Cohen, Brian Quinn, and Erik Roth
  • “ Fielding high-performing innovation teams ,” January 17, 2019, Matt Banholzer , Fabian Metzeler, and Erik Roth
  • “ Taking the measure of innovation ,” April 20, 2018, Guttorm Aase, Erik Roth , and Sri Swaminathan
  • “ The eight essentials of innovation ,” April 1, 2015, Marc de Jong , Nathan Marston, and Erik Roth

A light bulb above four open cartons

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    The rationale of the study is the justification for taking on a given study. It explains the reason the study was conducted or should be conducted. This means the study rationale should explain to the reader or examiner why the study is/was necessary. It is also sometimes called the "purpose" or "justification" of a study.

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    Background research will help you: Narrow your topic and focus your research question. Find historical information, trends, agreements and disagreements related to the topic, and uncover gaps in your knowledge. Learn the context of a topic - the who, what, when, where, why, and how. Uncover keywords you can use to do more extensive research.

  23. Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper

    The Subtitle Subtitles are frequently used in social sciences research papers because it helps the reader understand the scope of the study in relation to how it was designed to address the research problem. Think about what type of subtitle listed below reflects the overall approach to your study and whether you believe a subtitle is needed to emphasize the investigative parameters of your ...

  24. The Importance of Clinical Trial Transparency and FDA Oversight

    The importance of ensuring that the conduct of clinical trials is publicly acknowledged and that the results are made available to ensure that research participants have contributed to ...

  25. How to Write a Research Paper on a Biblical Book

    Study the book's background. Before beginning to study any book of the Bible, it's critical that you understand the proper context of the book—it's genre, when it was written and by whom, and more. Doing so provides us some knowledge of the culture and history the book was written in—and helps ensure correct biblical interpretation.

  26. Treatment of multiple traumatized adolescents by enhancing regulation

    Background There is ongoing debate regarding the treatment of severe and multiple traumatized children and adolescents with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Many clinicians favor a phase-based treatment approach (i.e., a stabilization phase prior to trauma-focused therapy) over immediate trauma-focused psychological treatment, despite the lack of scientific evidence. Research on the ...

  27. Investing in the new era of value-based care

    To arrive at the $1 trillion enterprise value estimate, consider the following:. Approximately 160 million total lives are in value-based care. According to McKinsey analysis, this represents an aggregated and triangulated view that draws on payer financial statements, publications, and press releases; Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services data for Medicare and Medicaid; state regulatory ...

  28. The importance of developing interactive digital modules based on

    The background of this research is the lack of interesting, non-monotonous, and technology-based learning resources that teachers in elementary schools can use according to the needs of schools and students. This study is observational on the importance of developing an interactive digital module based on character education, containing local culture in mathematics.

  29. What is innovation?

    McKinsey conducted research into the attributes and behaviors behind superior innovation performance, which were validated in action at hundreds of companies. This research yielded eight critical elements for organizations to master: Aspire: Do you regard innovation-led growth as critical, and have you put in place cascaded targets that reflect ...