How to Write a Science Fair Project Report

Lab Reports and Research Essays

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Writing a science fair project report may seem like a challenging task, but it is not as difficult as it first appears. This is a format that you may use to write a science project report. If your project included animals, humans, hazardous materials, or regulated substances, you can attach an appendix that describes any special activities your project required. Also, some reports may benefit from additional sections, such as abstracts and bibliographies. You may find it helpful to fill out the science fair lab report template to prepare your report.

Important: Some science fairs have guidelines put forth by the science fair committee or an instructor. If your science fair has these guidelines, be sure to follow them.

  • Title:  For a science fair, you probably want a catchy, clever title. Otherwise, try to make it an accurate description of the project. For example, I could entitle a project, "Determining Minimum NaCl Concentration That Can Be Tasted in Water." Avoid unnecessary words, while covering the essential purpose of the project. Whatever title you come up with, get it critiqued by friends, family, or teachers.
  • Introduction and Purpose:  Sometimes this section is called "background." Whatever its name, this section introduces the topic of the project, notes any information already available, explains why you are interested in the project, and states the purpose of the project. If you are going to state references in your report, this is where most of the citations are likely to be, with the actual references listed at the end of the entire report in the form of a bibliography or reference section.
  • The Hypothesis or Question:  Explicitly state your hypothesis or question.
  • Materials and Methods:  List the materials you used in your project and describe the procedure that you used to perform the project. If you have a photo or diagram of your project, this is a good place to include it.
  • Data and Results:  Data and results are not the same things. Some reports will require that they be in separate sections, so make sure you understand the difference between the concepts. Data refers to the actual numbers or other information you obtained in your project. Data can be presented in tables or charts, if appropriate. The results section is where the data is manipulated or the hypothesis is tested. Sometimes this analysis will yield tables, graphs, or charts, too. For example, a table listing the minimum concentration of salt that I can taste in water, with each line in the table being a separate test or trial, would be data. If I average the data or perform a statistical test of a null hypothesis , the information would be the results of the project.
  • Conclusion:  The conclusion focuses on the hypothesis or question as it compares to the data and results. What was the answer to the question? Was the hypothesis supported (keep in mind a hypothesis cannot be proved, only disproved)? What did you find out from the experiment? Answer these questions first. Then, depending on your answers, you may wish to explain the ways in which the project might be improved or introduce new questions that have come up as a result of the project. This section is judged not only by what you were able to conclude but also by your recognition of areas where you could not draw valid conclusions based on your data.

Appearances Matter

Neatness counts, spelling counts, grammar counts. Take the time to make the report look nice. Pay attention to margins, avoid fonts that are difficult to read or are too small or too large, use clean paper, and make print the report cleanly on as good a printer or copier as you can.

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Science Fair Wizard

  • Pick a topic
  • Determine a problem
  • Investigate your problem
  • Formulate a hypothesis


  • Design an experiment
  • Test your hypothesis
  • Compile your data
  • Write your research paper
  • Construct your exhibit
  • Prepare your presentation
  • Show Time! Pre-science fair checklist
  • Submit your paperwork


Step 8: Write your research paper

Writing your research paper should be a snap! With every step of the process, you have been collecting information for and writing parts of your research paper. As you are composing your research paper, be sure to save your work frequently and in more than one place!

The research paper should include the following sections in this order:

  • Safety sheet
  • Endorsements
  • Table of contents
  • Acknowledgements
  • Purpose & Hypothesis
  • Review of literature
  • Materials and methods of procedure
  • Conclusions
  • Reference list

Keep these points in mind when reviewing your paper.

  • Paper should include a table of contents, abstract, and references.
  • Title page should be in the correct format with signatures.
  • Header information should be in the top left corner with your last name and the title of the project.
  • Paper should be double-spaced, single-sided, with one inch margins on all sides, and in a standard font such as Times New Roman 10 pt. or 12 pt.
  • All pages should be numbered.

Important: Check out the Science Fair Handbook for detailed instructions regarding the content of the research paper. The handbook also includes examples of the title page, abstract, and references. [ Download Handbook ]

Check out the Science Fair Handbook for detailed instructions regarding the content of the research paper. The handbook also includes examples of the title page, abstract, and references.

Click to go to the Student Science Fair website

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Science Fair Success: Writing a Winning Research Paper

In the modern era of intense academic competition, an often overlooked source of opportunity for high school students is the science fair. For those interested in pursuing higher education or other avenues to success, excelling in science fairs can offer a tremendous advantage. Writing a successful research paper for a science fair project requires skillful planning and organization from both student and teacher; this article will provide guidance on how best to approach writing an effective research paper that demonstrates mastery of content knowledge as well as critical thinking skills. By providing concrete strategies for topic selection, information gathering, data analysis, and summarizing findings into written form, students have greater potential to create compelling research papers that communicate their understanding beyond expectations—and win awards at major competitions!

I. Introduction to Science Fair Success: Writing a Winning Research Paper

Scientific Inquiry and Writing

Formatting Strategies

The second key element required for success when creating a research paper for science fairs is an effective formatting strategy. Components such as selecting appropriate fonts – typically Times New Roman 12 point size – incorporating headers/footers throughout each page (e.g., title page containing author name & date), using block quotes where needed instead of excessive quotation marks around all text segments taken from another source material). Additionally special attention should be paid towards determining what type of bibliography must accompany your document according its guidelines established by school/university administrators: APA format for social sciences whereas MLA works best with humanities documents. Last but not least proper citations citing sources used within main body text including web-based articles properly formatted per journal style rules will help support validity claims made therein allowing readers gain confidence reading content provided by authors submitting this kind research paper for science fair purposes!

II. Developing an Engaging Topic for Your Research Paper

Researching Your Topic The key to developing an engaging topic for your research paper is to start with thorough and relevant research on the subject. This allows you to identify gaps in existing knowledge that you can fill through further investigation or analysis, which will make your paper more valuable as a contribution to its field of study. Research can take many forms; it may involve traditional library-based methods such as looking up texts related to the subject area, online databases such as Google Scholar, interviews or surveys.

Determining Your Focus Once you have conducted some initial research into the issue you are examining and identified potential areas of interest within that topic, then it’s time decide what exactly should be included in your research paper for science fair project. You must consider both practicality – considering factors like length limitations – but also focus on ensuring there is sufficient depth within each section so that readers understand why this particular angle has been chosen over another one. Additionally, by narrowing down a broad subject matter into something more specific will help ensure better quality writing throughout since topics become easier when they are smaller and simpler than larger ones containing too much information at once. Be sure not use overly technical language when discussing complex concepts in order wordsmith them in layman terms if needed; this makes understanding easier regardless of experience level about matters relating to researching for a science fair project

III. Formulating an Effective Thesis Statement and Outline

Constructing the Thesis Statement

  • A research paper for science fair should begin with a clearly-defined thesis statement that informs the reader of what they can expect to learn throughout the essay.
  • The most effective thesis statements are concise and specific, leaving no room for confusion or misinterpretation.
  • It is important to state your argument in one sentence at the beginning of your introduction, so that readers understand right away how you plan to support it in your essay.

Creating an Outline

IV. Structuring the Body of Your Research Paper

When structuring the body of your research paper for science fair, you should use a logical order when presenting evidence and arguments. Start by introducing the main points in an orderly fashion so that readers can easily follow along with your thought process.

For example, begin with background information on what has already been published about the topic or issue that is being studied; then explain any specific methods used to conduct experiments or survey data collection; finally, provide results and interpretations which illustrate how well each experiment worked out. It is important to remember not to overwhelm your audience with too much detail – keep it concise yet informative enough for readers to understand why these findings are significant for their own work related to the same field.

  • Background Information:

Provide a summary of relevant literature from other sources discussing similar topics/issues as yours.

  • Methods Used:

Explain techniques used during experimentation (if applicable) or describe methodology involved in collecting survey data.

  • Results & Interpretations:

Outline outcomes obtained from performing experiments or analyzing gathered survey responses; give explanations regarding validity/significance of such results within context of conducting research paper for science fair project.

V. Crafting the Final Product with Accurate Grammar, Punctuation, and Style

In this final post section of the paper, we will cover crafting the finished product to ensure accuracy in grammar, punctuation and style.

  • Grammar is essential for clarity of thought and ease of reading.
  • Punctuation serves as a guidepost within sentences which aids comprehension.
  • Style governs overall consistency for both formatting and presentation.

Adherence to these three elements ensures that the research paper for science fair project can be understood by its intended audience with minimum effort expended on deciphering information. Correct use of language helps readers focus more easily on absorbing ideas from the text . To accomplish effective grammar usage in your research paper for science fair, it’s necessary to adhere closely to accepted rules about subject-verb agreement; verb tenses; nouns, adjectives & adverbs; conjunctions; prepositions & articles etc., especially when writing complex constructions or dealing with multiple subjects over an extended body of text. Additionally understanding issues such as split infinitives (not usually recommended) versus rephrasing around them will also aid fluidity while maintaining readability at professor’s level throughout your research paper for science fair project.

Regarding proper use of punctuation marks during crafting process – question mark(?), exclamation point (!), dash (-), hyphen (—), parentheses (( ) ), quotation marks (” “) all serve unique functions adding emphasis or redirecting attention when needed during composition. Incorrectly placed commas may cause misinterpretation however a missing comma can sometimes suggest another meaning than originally intended so careful consideration must be given before submission. Finally ensuring adherence to established standards – APA/MLA are two popular formats used frequently in scientific papers – allows evenness between different sections but also offers congruence across citations too making reference easier while reducing potential confusion later down line if errors slip through initial proofreading stage due lack familiarity with guidelines stipulated format being used within context provided by research paper for science fair piece itself. Thus taking time up front selecting most appropriate method or combination thereof simplifies matters exponentially going forward particularly once editing complete leaving only review remaining prior submission .

VI. Securing External Sources and Properly Citing Them in MLA Formatting

When writing a research paper for a science fair, it is essential to secure external sources and properly cite them in MLA formatting. Citing sources correctly avoids plagiarism issues while providing readers with the ability to look up referenced works themselves.

  • Finding Sources:

The first step of securing proper citations is finding legitimate external sources that are relevant and accurate to your project topic. There are multiple ways of doing this, such as online databases or traditional library research. Be sure these resources have been published by an accredited institution or individual researcher with credentials in their field – no matter how interesting something may sound on the internet, be sure not to use unreliable sites like Wikipedia! Once you’ve found some promising material related to your subject for the research paper for science fair, make note of important information regarding each source so you can easily reference it later when creating a bibliography page at the end of your document.

  • Citation Formatting:

After researching material from credible outside sources related to a particular aspect of your research paper for science fair project topic has been collected, it’s time start citing those references properly using Modern Language Association (MLA) formatting guidelines. This includes details like author names & titles of cited work; publication year; publisher name & location; website URL if applicable etc., followed by an appropriate intext citation referencing what part(s) were used from which resource within body paragraphs throughout one’s document. Ensuring that all necessary components have been included whenever citing any source will help avoid potential plagarism issues associated with quoting someone else’s words without giving credit where due – another important reason why learning correct methods when sourcing materials externally during ones approach towards completing theirresearch paper for science fair is invaluable!

VII. Strategies for Presenting your Project at the Science Fair

Engaging Your Audience When presenting your research paper for science fair, it is important to engage your audience by making sure that you are clearly communicating the results of your project. When discussing the findings of a project during a presentation, one should focus on how their work contributes to existing knowledge and engages with current scientific debates in an impactful way. To ensure this, be prepared to back up any claims made within the body of work or project itself with evidence from reliable sources. Additionally, being able to explain why something matters outside of just data points can also help when engaging an audience.

Organizing Your Presentation One strategy for organizing a presentation around one’s research paper for science fair is beginning with background information regarding any relevant topics before moving onto explaining both the methodology and overall process used throughout completing the experiment itself. From there it may be useful:

  • to present all data collected;
  • discussing what implications these observations have;
  • speculating as to whether further study into certain areas would benefit from further exploration.

. The ultimate goal here is that by connecting everything together along different lines either through discussion or visually (through graphs) will create more resonance among those attending than if things were merely presented piecemeal without anything tying them together conceptually . The research paper is a fundamental part of any science fair project, and understanding how to craft one that meets the scientific standards required for success can make all the difference. This article has provided an overview of these essential components and techniques, offering valuable guidance for students looking to win their next competition. With the right approach and dedication, it’s now up to them to put this advice into practice as they prepare their papers – no matter what obstacles may lie ahead!

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Teaching Resources & Guides > How to Teach Science Tips > Writing a Science Report  

Writing a Science Report

With science fair season coming up as well as many end of the year projects, students are often required to write a research paper or a report on their project. Use this guide to help you in the process from finding a topic to revising and editing your final paper.

Brainstorming Topics

Sometimes one of the largest barriers to writing a research paper is trying to figure out what to write about. Many times the topic is supplied by the teacher, or the curriculum tells what the student should research and write about. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes the student is given a very broad concept to write a research paper on, for example, water. Within the category of water, there are many topics and subtopics that would be appropriate. Topics about water can include anything from the three states of water, different water sources, minerals found in water, how water is used by living organisms, the water cycle, or how to find water in the desert. The point is that “water” is a very large topic and would be too broad to be adequately covered in a typical 3-5 page research paper.

When given a broad category to write about, it is important to narrow it down to a topic that is much more manageable. Sometimes research needs to be done in order to find the best topic to write about. (Look for searching tips in “Finding and Gathering Information.”) Listed below are some tips and guidelines for picking a suitable research topic:

  • Pick a topic within the category that you find interesting. It makes it that much easier to research and write about a topic if it interests you.
  • You may find while researching a topic that the details of the topic are very boring to you. If this is the case, and you have the option to do this, change your topic.
  • Pick a topic that you are already familiar with and research further into that area to build on your current knowledge.
  • When researching topics to do your paper on, look at how much information you are finding. If you are finding very little information on your topic or you are finding an overwhelming amount, you may need to rethink your topic.
  • If permissible, always leave yourself open to changing your topic. While researching for topics, you may come across one that you find really interesting and can use just as well as the previous topics you were searching for.
  • Most importantly, does your research topic fit the guidelines set forth by your teacher or curriculum?

Finding and Gathering Information

There are numerous resources out there to help you find information on the topic selected for your research paper. One of the first places to begin research is at your local library. Use the Dewey Decimal System or ask the librarian to help you find books related to your topic. There are also a variety of reference materials, such as encyclopedias, available at the library.

A relatively new reference resource has become available with the power of technology – the Internet. While the Internet allows the user to access a wealth of information that is often more up-to-date than printed materials such as books and encyclopedias, there are certainly drawbacks to using it. It can be hard to tell whether or not a site contains factual information or just someone’s opinion. A site can also be dangerous or inappropriate for students to use.

You may find that certain science concepts and science terminology are not easy to find in regular dictionaries and encyclopedias. A science dictionary or science encyclopedia can help you find more in-depth and relevant information for your science report. If your topic is very technical or specific, reference materials such as medical dictionaries and chemistry encyclopedias may also be good resources to use.

If you are writing a report for your science fair project, not only will you be finding information from published sources, you will also be generating your own data, results, and conclusions. Keep a journal that tracks and records your experiments and results. When writing your report, you can either write out your findings from your experiments or display them using graphs or charts .

*As you are gathering information, keep a working bibliography of where you found your sources. Look under “Citing Sources” for more information. This will save you a lot of time in the long run!

Organizing Information

Most people find it hard to just take all the information they have gathered from their research and write it out in paper form. It is hard to get a starting point and go from the beginning to the end. You probably have several ideas you know you want to put in your paper, but you may be having trouble deciding where these ideas should go. Organizing your information in a way where new thoughts can be added to a subtopic at any time is a great way to organize the information you have about your topic. Here are two of the more popular ways to organize information so it can be used in a research paper:

  • Graphic organizers such as a web or mind map . Mind maps are basically stating the main topic of your paper, then branching off into as many subtopics as possible about the main topic. Enchanted Learning has a list of several different types of mind maps as well as information on how to use them and what topics fit best for each type of mind map and graphic organizer.
  • Sub-Subtopic: Low temperatures and adequate amounts of snow are needed to form glaciers.
  • Sub-Subtopic: Glaciers move large amounts of earth and debris.
  • Sub-Subtopic: Two basic types of glaciers: valley and continental.
  • Subtopic: Icebergs – large masses of ice floating on liquid water

Different Formats For Your Paper

Depending on your topic and your writing preference, the layout of your paper can greatly enhance how well the information on your topic is displayed.

1. Process . This method is used to explain how something is done or how it works by listing the steps of the process. For most science fair projects and science experiments, this is the best format. Reports for science fairs need the entire project written out from start to finish. Your report should include a title page, statement of purpose, hypothesis, materials and procedures, results and conclusions, discussion, and credits and bibliography. If applicable, graphs, tables, or charts should be included with the results portion of your report.

2. Cause and effect . This is another common science experiment research paper format. The basic premise is that because event X happened, event Y happened.

3. Specific to general . This method works best when trying to draw conclusions about how little topics and details are connected to support one main topic or idea.

4. Climatic order . Similar to the “specific to general” category, here details are listed in order from least important to most important.

5. General to specific . Works in a similar fashion as the method for organizing your information. The main topic or subtopic is stated first, followed by supporting details that give more information about the topic.

6. Compare and contrast . This method works best when you wish to show the similarities and/or differences between two or more topics. A block pattern is used when you first write about one topic and all its details and then write about the second topic and all its details. An alternating pattern can be used to describe a detail about the first topic and then compare that to the related detail of the second topic. The block pattern and alternating pattern can also be combined to make a format that better fits your research paper.

Citing Sources

When writing a research paper, you must cite your sources! Otherwise you are plagiarizing (claiming someone else’s ideas as your own) which can cause severe penalties from failing your research paper assignment in primary and secondary grades to failing the entire course (most colleges and universities have this policy). To help you avoid plagiarism, follow these simple steps:

  • Find out what format for citing your paper your teacher or curriculum wishes you to use. One of the most widely used and widely accepted citation formats by scholars and schools is the Modern Language Association (MLA) format. We recommended that you do an Internet search for the most recent format of the citation style you will be using in your paper.
  • Keep a working bibliography when researching your topic. Have a document in your computer files or a page in your notebook where you write down every source that you found and may use in your paper. (You probably will not use every resource you find, but it is much easier to delete unused sources later rather than try to find them four weeks down the road.) To make this process even easier, write the source down in the citation format that will be used in your paper. No matter what citation format you use, you should always write down title, author, publisher, published date, page numbers used, and if applicable, the volume and issue number.
  • When collecting ideas and information from your sources, write the author’s last name at the end of the idea. When revising and formatting your paper, keep the author’s last name attached to the end of the idea, no matter where you move that idea. This way, you won’t have to go back and try to remember where the ideas in your paper came from.
  • There are two ways to use the information in your paper: paraphrasing and quotes. The majority of your paper will be paraphrasing the information you found. Paraphrasing is basically restating the idea being used in your own words.   As a general rule of thumb, no more than two of the original words should be used in sequence when paraphrasing information, and similes should be used for as many of the words as possible in the original passage without changing the meaning of the main point. Sometimes, you may find something stated so well by the original author that it would be best to use the author’s original words in your paper. When using the author’s original words, use quotation marks only around the words being directly quoted and work the quote into the body of your paper so that it makes sense grammatically. Search the Internet for more rules on paraphrasing and quoting information.

Revising and Editing Your Paper

Revising your paper basically means you are fixing grammatical errors or changing the meaning of what you wrote. After you have written the rough draft of your paper, read through it again to make sure the ideas in your paper flow and are cohesive. You may need to add in information, delete extra information, use a thesaurus to find a better word to better express a concept, reword a sentence, or just make sure your ideas are stated in a logical and progressive order.

After revising your paper, go back and edit it, correcting the capitalization, punctuation, and spelling errors – the mechanics of writing. If you are not 100% positive a word is spelled correctly, look it up in a dictionary. Ask a parent or teacher for help on the proper usage of commas, hyphens, capitalization, and numbers. You may also be able to find the answers to these questions by doing an Internet search on writing mechanics or by checking you local library for a book on writing mechanics.

It is also always a good idea to have someone else read your paper. Because this person did not write the paper and is not familiar with the topic, he or she is more likely to catch mistakes or ideas that do not quite make sense. This person can also give you insights or suggestions on how to reword or format your paper to make it flow better or convey your ideas better.

More Information:

  • Quick Science Fair Guide
  • Science Fair Project Ideas

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How to Write a Convincing Science Fair Research Proposal

research paper science fair example

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For students interested in the STEM fields, there are many extracurriculars to choose from. You might join the Math or Science Olympiad team, you could join the Computer Science Club, or you could even volunteer as a naturalist at a local conservation area.

If you are interested in scientific research, you might pursue the opportunity to secure a research assistant position or shadow various scientific researchers. But if you truly want to take the helm and guide your own research, your path may lead you to participating in the science fair.

The science fair is a traditional component of many high school science programs, with participation ranging widely from school to school and science fair to science fair. At some schools, the science fair might be a rite of passage expected of every student. At others, it attracts a handful of dedicated science die-hards.

Regardless, most science fairs feature presentations by students who have completed experiments, demonstrated scientific principles, or undertaken an engineering challenge. Participants are judged by a panel of experts who score each presentation according to a rubric. Traditionally, awards are presented for the top-scoring projects. 

There are many science fairs beyond school-sponsored fairs, too. Regional, state, national, and even international fairs are open to students who qualify through their schools and work their way up through the science fair circuit. Others, like the Regeneron Science Talent Search, are open through an intensive application process.

If you are considering entering a project in the science fair, you will need to think carefully about your subject matter, your experimental design, and the relevance of your work before committing to a project. Many science fairs will even require that you complete a formal research proposal to demonstrate the level of thinking you’ve put into your experiment before beginning it.

In this post, we will outline the purpose of a research proposal for the science fair, the common elements of such a proposal, and how you can go about writing a comprehensive research proposal that is sure to impress.

What is the Purpose of a Research Proposal?

A research proposal has three primary purposes. The first purpose is to explain what you intend to do. This is essentially what you will do in your experiment or project, summarized into a basic overview.

The second function of a research proposal is to explain how you intend to accomplish this. You will give a brief summary of the methods and techniques that you intend to employ, and list the materials that you will need to do so.

The final point of a research proposal is to explain why this project should be done. Here, you will discuss the important or relevance of this study. Basically, in this portion of your proposal you’ll answer the question, “so what?”

Now that you know the aim of a research proposal, you can begin to prepare to write one. -->

Step-By-Step Guide to Creating a Research Proposal

1. narrow down the subject area..

Before you go into your project in any sort of depth, you’ll need a fairly good idea of what your project’s focus will be. In order to narrow this down, you should consider a few different angles.

First, ask yourself what you’re interested in. You will be more likely to feel engaged and passionate about a project that is genuinely interesting to you, so take some time to carefully consider the areas of science that you find the most fascinating. Even if they don’t seem particularly well-suited to a science fair project at first, you never know what you might be able to come up with through some collaboration with mentors or through some background research. Keep a running list of areas of science that sincerely fascinate you.

Next, consider any specialized labs or equipment to which you might have access. Does your best friend’s mother work in a lab with highly specialized tools? Does your school have a state-of-the-art wind tunnel or fully equipped greenhouse? These are all possible resources you can utilize if you want your project to truly stand out. Of course, it’s completely possible to choose a project that shines on its own without any specialized equipment, but if you’re looking for every boost you might get, having access to specialized technology can be a great advantage to make your project truly unique.

Finally, consider if you know a teacher or other professional who might be willing to mentor you. You can also seek out a mentor specifically if you can’t think of anyone obvious. Having a mentor in your field will provide you with invaluable insight into practice and past research in the field.

In the ideal world, you would find a project that maximizes all of your resources, including your interests, access to equipment, and an enthusiastic mentor. Don’t worry if you can’t secure all three, though. Plenty of science fair participants go on to do quite well relying on only their own dogged determination and commitment to their subject matter.

2 . Decide How Your Experiment Will Be Done

If you have a mentor, teacher, or adviser willing to consult with you, schedule a time to sit down with them and discuss what you’d like to do. If you can’t find someone more experienced than you, even discussing your ideas with a trusted classmate, parent, or older sibling is a good idea. Sometimes the outside perspective will help to fine-tune your design or identify areas for improvement.

You should also begin some research at this stage to learn how similar projects have been conducted in the past. Use the results and limitations from these experiments to help guide your own experimental design.

As you do so, keep in mind any limiting factors. Remember to consider what equipment you have at your disposal, the time commitment you’re able to make, and the materials that you’ll need to acquire.

In addition, be sure to check the rules of the specific science fairs you’ll be attending. Some have strict regulations designed to keep you safe, like limiting the ways in which potentially hazardous chemicals can be used. Other rules are designed to keep the environment safe, like placing restrictions on how you dispose of foreign substances or non-native species. There are also ethical rules that govern the use of human participants or vertebrate animals in your studies. Make sure to check which rules govern the fair in which you’re participating and how they might impact your ideas before you put any more thought into your project.

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3. Background Research

Your background research should be fairly comprehensive at this point and will be the single largest component of your research proposal. You should focus on your research on relevant past studies that inform your work either by identifying areas for future research or by identifying limiting factors in their own research. You should also research past experiments that support or attempt to disprove your working theory.

Finally, your research should clearly show why the project is relevant. What is important about it? What does it add to the field? Why should we care? Make sure that you can communicate the scientific value of the project you’re proposing.

4. Write Your Proposal

Once you’ve chosen a project, decided how you’ll undertake it, and done the relevant background research, you are finally able to begin drafting your research proposal. Check with your school or science fair to see if there is a specific format or form that you’re required to adhere to. If not, and you are producing a general research proposal, follow this format:

This should be a one-paragraph description of the project, your hypothesis, and the goals of your experiment. Here, you provide a brief overview of your project for anyone who is skimming your work.

Introduction/Literature Review:

This is the bulk of your proposal. In your literature review, you present what is currently known about your project’s focus and summarize relevant research that has been done in the field. You will discuss previous discoveries in your field, including how they were made and what they lend to your current work.

You will also show what is interesting and ground-breaking about your research idea. In this section you will need to summarize why your project is relevant, what makes it important, and how the field or current base of knowledge could change or be improved due to your project’s results.

As you write your literature review, you’ll need to be sure that you’re using high-quality, accurate sources. It’s best to rely on scholarly journal articles or reference books. Be wary of using the Internet, as many sources are unverified. If you are using online resources, be sure to verify their source. Published, peer-reviewed scholarly articles are best.

It’s also important to include proper citations for every source cited. You’ll need to list all your sources in the appropriate format in your bibliography along with citing them in the text of your proposal when you quote directly or reference specific data. If you aren’t sure how to cite properly, check out the Scientific Style and Format page.


This is the working theory that you are testing and what you expect the results will be, based off what you have learned through your background research.

Materials and Methods:

In this section you’ll provide a precise, in depth description of how you plan to test your hypothesis and what tools or materials you’ll need to do so. Summarize your experimental design, specifically referring to how you will control and replicate the experiment. Also list the equipment and materials that you will need for undertaking your experiment.


Here, you will reiterate how your proposed research will advance knowledge in the scientific field and outline any potential longterm impact that your work could have on theory or practice within the field.


List all sources used in appropriate format. Refer to the Scientific Style and Format page if you aren’t sure how to do so.

What Happens After I Submit a Research Proposal?

After you submit the research proposal, it will be reviewed by your teacher or a science fair administrator or adviser. It will be approved, rejected, or returned for revisions based on its feasibility, value to the scientific field, and adherence to the science fair rules and regulations.

While larger, more selective science fairs will have to select only a limited number of candidates based on the merits of their research proposals, it is fairly uncommon for a science fair research proposal to get completely denied at the school level. Usually, in these cases, your proposal will be returned to you with requests for edits or further clarification. You have most likely consulted with your teacher or adviser throughout the process of developing your proposal, so nothing should come as a complete surprise when you receive feedback.

If your proposal is rejected and you don’t receive constructive feedback, don’t be shy about respectfully requesting some feedback to help you shape a better, more effective proposal in the future.

If your proposal is returned for revisions, you should feel encouraged. While you still have some work to do, this is generally a sign that with a few tweaks, your proposal will be accepted. Meet with a teacher, mentor, or adviser to review the revisions requested and address each thoroughly before returning the proposal for another round of review.

If your proposal is accepted, congratulations! It’s time to get to work. While your proposal itself was probably a time-consuming endeavor, your research will ultimately be easier for having taken the time and care to craft a precise proposal. Your research will be more focused and likely a smoother process due to all your careful planning, and you will be able to use large chunks of your written work in your final scientific report.

Don’t be intimidated if you’re getting ready to write a science fair research proposal. It can be a long process to fine-tune your project and focus your proposed research, but the work that you put in now ultimately makes your job easier in the long run.

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  • How to Choose a Winning Science Fair Project Idea
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How to Write a Discussion for a Science Fair Project

Barbara Mascareno

How to Make a Rough Draft on Science Projects

When writing a discussion in science, organize the section with the analysis of findings, current literature sources and limitations to your study.

Discussion in science is an essential technique to describe your current findings from an experiment. While performing science tests is a fun way to explore science, knowing the organization of a research paper or lab report is crucial. Typically, an introduction, materials and procedures, results, discussion, conclusion and references are the main parts of any science project presentation or paper. The discussion section of a research paper or project relies on your purpose of the study and analysis of your results.

The Discussion Section of a Research Paper

The discussion section of a research paper for a science fair project disseminates your findings in a clear and concise approach. So, you will need to describe the purpose of your study. Also, offer the readers the reasons you were drawn to investigate the topic and perform experiments. As part of your presentation in a science fair project, use the discussion section to inform the audience about your findings.

Many scientists refine the study findings and clear any misconceptions from previous research. Much like a lab report discussion section, the science writer evaluates and critiques the point of views from prior literature material. Regardless of the findings, the discussion in science offers an opportunity for judges and audiences to learn about your projects and future research.

Writing a Discussion Section

When writing a discussion section for a science project, consider the organization and format. In this way, your readers will know how to follow your research. Generally, the discussion section will have about six to seven paragraphs. In each item, describe the findings in the chronological or sequential order.

The first paragraph contains the summary of your purpose of the experiment and your objectives for the research. In the next paragraphs, inform the readers about an in-depth evaluation of the literature on the topic. Then, in the fourth paragraph, discuss any limitations to your research that prevented further study. Finally, consider summarizing your hypothesis, relevant investigations based on reliable evidence and offering insights for future studies in the last paragraphs.

Evaluation of Study Findings

As mentioned before, a discussion in science encompasses the critical evaluation of the findings of an experiment. Impressing judges at a science fair involves a few tips when writing your discussion section. When summarizing literature reviews, avoid mentioning all the references that support your research. Of course, you need the proper citation and the main ideas for your research.

Also, discuss the reasons for your limitations, if there were any to your study. For instance, many experiments have time constraints or sample size limits. Remember to offer your readers a critical overview of your findings from a comprehensive point of view in the discussion section of a research paper.

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  • National Center for Biotechnology: How to write a discussion section?
  • Be careful using first-person writing. While allowed, too many "I" sentences can become confusing or distracting.
  • Do not introduce any new material in the discussion.

Barbara earned a B. S. in Biochemistry and Chemistry from the Univ. of Houston and the Univ. of Central Florida, respectively. Besides working as a chemist for the pharmaceutical and water industry, she pursued her degree in secondary science teaching. Barbara now writes and researches educational content for blogs and higher-ed sites.


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