How to Write a Business Plan: Your Step-by-Step Guide

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So, you’ve got an idea and you want to start a business —great! Before you do anything else, like seek funding or build out a team, you'll need to know how to write a business plan. This plan will serve as the foundation of your company while also giving investors and future employees a clear idea of your purpose.

Below, Lauren Cobello, Founder and CEO of Leverage with Media PR , gives her best advice on how to make a business plan for your company.

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What is a business plan, and when do you need one?

According to Cobello, a business plan is a document that contains the mission of the business and a brief overview of it, as well as the objectives, strategies, and financial plans of the founder. A business plan comes into play very early on in the process of starting a company—more or less before you do anything else.

“You should start a company with a business plan in mind—especially if you plan to get funding for the company,” Cobello says. “You’re going to need it.”

Whether that funding comes from a loan, an investor, or crowdsourcing, a business plan is imperative to secure the capital, says the U.S. Small Business Administration . Anyone who’s considering giving you money is going to want to review your business plan before doing so. That means before you head into any meeting, make sure you have physical copies of your business plan to share.

Different types of business plans

The four main types of business plans are:

Startup Business Plans

Internal business plans, strategic business plans, one-page business plans.

Let's break down each one:

If you're wondering how to write a business plan for a startup, Cobello has advice for you. Startup business plans are the most common type, she says, and they are a critical tool for new business ventures that want funding. A startup is defined as a company that’s in its first stages of operations, founded by an entrepreneur who has a product or service idea.

Most startups begin with very little money, so they need a strong business plan to convince family, friends, banks, and/or venture capitalists to invest in the new company.

Internal business plans “are for internal use only,” says Cobello. This kind of document is not public-facing, only company-facing, and it contains an outline of the company’s business strategy, financial goals and budgets, and performance data.

Internal business plans aren’t used to secure funding, but rather to set goals and get everyone working there tracking towards them.

As the name implies, strategic business plans are geared more towards strategy and they include an assessment of the current business landscape, notes JérÎme CÎté, a Business Advisor at BDC Advisory Services .

Unlike a traditional business plan, Cobello adds, strategic plans include a SWOT analysis (which stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) and an in-depth action plan for the next six to 12 months. Strategic plans are action-based and take into account the state of the company and the industry in which it exists.

Although a typical business plan falls between 15 to 30 pages, some companies opt for the much shorter One-Page Business Plan. A one-page business plan is a simplified version of the larger business plan, and it focuses on the problem your product or service is solving, the solution (your product), and your business model (how you’ll make money).

A one-page plan is hyper-direct and easy to read, making it an effective tool for businesses of all sizes, at any stage.

How to create a business plan in 7 steps

Every business plan is different, and the steps you take to complete yours will depend on what type and format you choose. That said, if you need a place to start and appreciate a roadmap, here’s what Cobello recommends:

1. Conduct your research

Before writing your business plan, you’ll want to do a thorough investigation of what’s out there. Who will be the competitors for your product or service? Who is included in the target market? What industry trends are you capitalizing on, or rebuking? You want to figure out where you sit in the market and what your company’s value propositions are. What makes you different—and better?

2. Define your purpose for the business plan

The purpose of your business plan will determine which kind of plan you choose to create. Are you trying to drum up funding, or get the company employees focused on specific goals? (For the former, you’d want a startup business plan, while an internal plan would satisfy the latter.) Also, consider your audience. An investment firm that sees hundreds of potential business plans a day may prefer to see a one-pager upfront and, if they’re interested, a longer plan later.

3. Write your company description

Every business plan needs a company description—aka a summary of the company’s purpose, what they do/offer, and what makes it unique. Company descriptions should be clear and concise, avoiding the use of jargon, Cobello says. Ideally, descriptions should be a few paragraphs at most.

4. Explain and show how the company will make money

A business plan should be centered around the company’s goals, and it should clearly explain how the company will generate revenue. To do this, Cobello recommends using actual numbers and details, as opposed to just projections.

For instance, if the company is already making money, show how much and at what cost (e.g. what was the net profit). If it hasn’t generated revenue yet, outline the plan for how it will—including what the product/service will cost to produce and how much it will cost the consumer.

5. Outline your marketing strategy

How will you promote the business? Through what channels will you be promoting it? How are you going to reach and appeal to your target market? The more specific and thorough you can be with your plans here, the better, Cobello says.

6. Explain how you’ll spend your funding

What will you do with the money you raise? What are the first steps you plan to take? As a founder, you want to instill confidence in your investors and show them that the instant you receive their money, you’ll be taking smart actions that grow the company.

7. Include supporting documents

Creating a business plan is in some ways akin to building a legal case, but for your business. “You want to tell a story, and to be as thorough as possible, while keeping your plan succinct, clear, interesting, and visually appealing,” Cobello says. “Supporting documents could include financial projects, a competitive analysis of the market you’re entering into, and even any licenses, patents, or permits you’ve secured.”

A business plan is an individualized document—it’s ultimately up to you what information to include and what story you tell. But above all, Cobello says, your business plan should have a clear focus and goal in mind, because everything else will build off this cornerstone.

“Many people don’t realize how important business plans are for the health of their company,” she says. “Set aside time to make this a priority for your business, and make sure to keep it updated as you grow.”

unilink marketing business plan

How to Write a Marketing Plan

By Joe Weller | March 28, 2024

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A  marketing plan is a guide for achieving marketing initiatives on a set timeline. It includes analysis of a company's target audience, competitors, and market sector. Teams can build an organized strategy with that information to reach their goals.  

Inside this article you’ll find a detailed, step-by-step guide to writing a marketing plan, with a free, downloadable  marketing starter kit for beginners .

A  marketing plan includes analysis of the target audience, the competitors, and the market so that teams can determine the best strategy for achieving their goals. The plan’s length and detail depend on the company's size and the scope of the marketing project. A marketing plan is useful for all types of marketing, including digital, social media, new product, small business, B2C, and B2B. Follow the steps below to write a comprehensive marketing plan. 

1. Prepare for Success 

Before you begin writing your marketing plan, set yourself up for success by conducting thorough market research and assembling a team with diverse skills in marketing strategy, content creation, digital marketing, and data analysis. Be sure to consult all your team members as you progress through these steps. It might also be helpful to assign leaders to complete different sections of the plan, depending on their areas of expertise. For example, you might assign the market analysis section to a team member with strong analytical skills and experience in data analysis.  

2. Use a Marketing Plan Template

Download a free  marketing plan template  to ensure consistency and thoroughness in your final marketing plan.

For more template options, see this collection of  free marketing plan templates and examples.

3. Identify Your Target Customers

To identify target customers for your marketing plan, collect information about their location, demographics (such as age, gender, and income), interests, values, and purchasing behaviors. This knowledge enables you to focus your marketing goals and tactics to meet their specific needs and preferences.

A  customer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer that provides valuable insights for strategic decision-making. Use one of these  customer persona templates  to craft a detailed profile of your ideal customer.   

4. Conduct a SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is an important part of any marketing plan, because it helps identify a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in relation to the market environment. To start, divide a page into four quadrants and label each as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Next, brainstorm with your team to fill in each section. Be as honest and specific as possible, considering factors such as market trends, competition, and your own resources and capabilities. This information will allow the team to capitalize on strengths, prepare for challenges, and make sound strategic decisions throughout the marketing plan. 

See this collection of  marketing plan SWOT analysis templates  for additional guidance.   

5. Conduct a Market Analysis 

A  market analysis is an assessment of a market's size, growth, trends, customer segments, and competitor dynamics. Include it in your marketing plan to provide critical insights for strategic decision-making, helping to tailor products to customer needs, differentiate from competitors, and identify new opportunities. 

To conduct a market analysis for your marketing plan, determine each of the following factors:    

  • Market Size: This is the total potential sales that a particular product or service can achieve within a defined market. Determine the market size by estimating the number of potential buyers for a particular service and multiplying that by the estimated number of purchases over a specific timeframe. (Number of Target Customers) x (Number of Purchases in a Given Time) = Market Size Imagine your company sells wireless headphones, and you estimate that the average consumer purchases a new pair every two years. If your market includes 1 million target customers, and assuming each customer buys one pair of headphones every two years, the calculation for annual market size would be as follows: (1 million target customers) x (0.5 purchases per year) = 500,000 pairs of wireless headphones per year   
  • Market Growth Rate:  This measures the change in a market’s size over a specific time period and is typically expressed as a percentage. To determine the market growth rate, use the following formula: [(Current Market Size − Previous Market Size​) Ă· Previous Market Size] × 100% = Growth Rate For example, if the market for wireless headphones was worth $1 billion last year and is worth $1.1 billion this year, the market growth rate would be as follows: [($1.1 Billion – $1 Billion) ÷  $1 Billion] x 100% = 10%  

Market Share:  This is the percentage of total sales in an industry generated by a particular company over a period of time. It provides a benchmark for assessing performance relative to competitors. Use this formula for calculating market share: (Company’s Revenue Ă· Total Industry Revenue) x 100% = Market Share  


Tip:  Keep in mind that the market size, share, and growth rate are all estimates. It’s impossible to be exact. To obtain the most accurate numbers, review the latest industry reports and seek insight from experts.  

  • Market Demand:  This is the amount of a product or service a consumer is willing to purchase and how much they are willing to pay for it. To determine market demand in a market analysis, begin by conducting comprehensive research on consumer behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns related to your product or service. Use tools such as surveys, SEO analytics, and interviews to gather data on potential customer interest and willingness to pay, and analyze competitor pricing and offerings.  
  • Market Trends:  This is the growth or decline direction of a product or service’s price over a specific timeframe. To identify a market trend, monitor industry developments, consumer behavior, and technological advancements over time. Review industry reports and expert analyses to understand broader market movements and future projections. Summarize these observations and include them in your plan to highlight the direction in which the market is heading.        

Market Segments:  The broader market includes specific groups, categorized by shared characteristics. Generally, there are four types of market segments: geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral. In your marketing plan, detail how you'll target each segment by adapting your strategies to their unique characteristics. This targeted approach ensures more effective engagement with each segment.   

  • Competitor Analysis:  A competitor analysis involves examining your competitors’ strengths, weaknesses, market positioning, product offerings, and marketing strategies. Describe how you'll conduct a comprehensive evaluation of key competitors by analyzing their market share, pricing, distribution channels, and promotional tactics. For more guidance, try downloading this competitor analysis template. Use it to identify areas where your rivals succeed and why. Their strengths indicate areas for improvement, while their weaknesses indicate opportunities.  

6. List Your SMART Goals 

Include SMART goals in your marketing plan to ensure that objectives are specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, and time-bound, providing a clear direction for strategic actions and performance evaluation. Start by identifying key performance areas that align with your overall business strategy. Then, for each goal, apply the SMART framework. 

Here are two examples of SMART marketing goals:   

  • By Q4 end, increase search results page (SERP) position from 14th to the top three for keywords pertaining to our brand and lead to more organic traffic. 
  • Increase social media following, reach, and engagement by 25 percent in six months and 50 percent in one year.

Learn more about SMART goals and find a customizable  SMART goals worksheet  in this comprehensive  guide to writing SMART goals . 

7. Create a Marketing Strategy

A  marketing strategy is the plan for achieving your SMART goals.   

Gayle Kalvert

“A marketing plan should include strategic and tactical elements,” says Gayle Kalvert, Founder and CEO at  Creo Collective , a full-service marketing agency. “From a strategic standpoint, it is critical that the marketing plan aligns to the overall goals of the organization. Tactically, what initiatives will the marketing team execute, and why? Tactics with no strategy lead to spotty results and poor-quality leads.”

Use one of these  marketing strategy templates to get started. A successful marketing strategy will include the following elements: 

7a. Customer Buying Cycle

The  customer buying cycle is the path a potential customer follows from first having exposure to a product or service to becoming an advocate for it. Understanding this process allows marketers to effectively target communications and strategies at each stage in their marketing plan. 

Pro Tip: “Consider your persona’s buyer's journey and ensure marketing has a role at each stage of the journey, especially after the close,” says Kalvert. “That is when customers can become advocates, sources of referral, and great subjects for marketing content for future buyers.”

7b. Unique Selling Proposition

A  unique selling proposition (USP) is a specific benefit or advantage that sets your product or service apart from the competitors. By including a USP in a marketing plan, you help ensure that the team communicates why customers should choose your offering over others. 

For example, Google’s USP is its powerful and accurate search algorithm that delivers relevant search results faster and more efficiently than its competitors.

7c. Branding 

Branding is the development of a unique identity, image, and experience for a company. Marketers convey a brand through messaging, tone, logo, colors, and web design. The marketing strategy needs to align with the company’s brand in order to maintain consistency in messaging and experience, which ultimately builds customer trust.

7d. Marketing Mix A marketing mix refers to the set of actions that a company takes to promote its brand or product in the market, typically encapsulated by the four Ps: product, price, place, and promotion. Go through each of these steps when including the marketing mix in your strategy:  

  • Product: Describe the product and the problem it solves for your target customers. What makes your product or service different from the competition? Why is it special? 
  • Price: Explain how much your target customer is willing to pay for the product or service based on its real and perceived value. What do your competitors charge for a similar product? Will you run any seasonal promotions or discounts? 
  • Place:  Describe where your product or service will be available for purchase by your target customers. Will you sell it online, through retail partners, or both? How will you manage logistics and supply chain to ensure your product is accessible to your target market?
  • Promotion:  Detail the strategies you will use to communicate your product’s value to consumers. This includes advertising, public relations, social media marketing, email campaigns, sales promotions, and direct marketing tactics.    

7e. Channels 

Identify the specific mediums and platforms — or  channels — where you’ll share your message to your target audience. These should include distribution channels, communication channels, and engagement channels. 

As you list them, explain how they will be used to effectively reach and engage with your target audience. For example, if you’re marketing a new fitness app, one distribution channel would be a direct download from the App Store to reach fitness enthusiasts directly on their smartphones. An engagement channel could be an in-app community feature for users where they can share progress.

Here is a brief list of popular marketing channels:  

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Social media
  • Website marketing

7f. Tactics Tactics are the specific actions you will take to reach the goals outlined in your strategy. They cover everything from the creation and distribution of marketing materials to the scheduling of campaigns to the platforms used for advertising and engagement.  Detail the specific actions and tools you will use to execute your marketing strategy, along with timelines, responsibilities, and budget allocations for each activity. This includes specifying the exact steps for product promotion, customer engagement, content creation, digital marketing efforts, and any other methods chosen to reach and convert your target audience. “Equally as important as using data is to build in time and resources to be flexible,” says Kalvert. “The marketing landscape is evolving at such a rapid pace. Tactics that worked last year may not work this year. Be open to experimenting with new tactics and adjusting your approach based on feedback and results.”

8. Determine the Budget 

Start by estimating the costs associated with each tactic and channel outlined in your strategy, taking into account factors such as content creation, platform fees, and personnel costs. Next, prioritize spending based on the expected ROI for each tactic. Finally, document the budget in a clear, detailed format within your marketing plan, including an itemized list of costs for each tactic, total expenditure, and a contingency fund.

For more resources and help estimating marketing project costs, take a look at this collection of helpful free  marketing plan budget templates . 

9. Create a Calendar

Create a calendar to schedule and track deliverables. Include time for brainstorming, planning, executing, and analyzing results. List objectives, start dates, end dates, due dates, and responsible parties. Keep the calendar in a central location so that team members can easily access it.

10. List Marketing Tools and Technology

List any marketing tools or technologies your team will use to help achieve their goals. These can include email marketing software, blogging software, social media management software, or any other programs you plan to use.

11. Identify Metrics and KPIs

Identify the metrics for measuring and tracking your marketing goals. Metrics and KPIs eliminate ambiguity so that you can accurately measure progress. Select indicators that directly reflect the success of your marketing objectives, such as conversion rates, website traffic, lead generation, and customer acquisition costs.

12. Write an Executive Summary

Once you’ve completed all the sections in your marketing plan document, return to the first section to write the executive summary. Completing this section last ensures that you have a thorough understanding of all key elements before summarizing them. 

Concisely highlight the main objectives, target market, and key strategies of the plan, providing a snapshot of the market analysis and expected outcomes. Outline the budget, resources required, and the metrics for measuring success. This section serves as a compelling overview, enticing stakeholders to delve into the plan.

For more detailed information on executive summaries, see this guide to  writing an effective executive summary.  You can also download a helpful template from this collection of  free executive summary templates

Marketing Starter Kit for Beginners

Marketing Starter Kit for Beginners

Download Marketing Starter Kit for Beginners

Get everything you need for creating a marketing plan with this free, downloadable marketing plan starter kit. The kit includes an executive summary template, a customer persona worksheet, a SWOT analysis template, a competitor analysis template, a SMART goals worksheet, a marketing strategy template, and a calendar template with a budget tracker, all in one easy-to-download file.

In this kit, you’ll find the following:  

  • An  executive summary template  for Microsoft Word to help you introduce the content of your marketing plan.    
  • A  customer persona worksheet  for Microsoft Word to collect information about your ideal customer.  
  • A  SWOT analysis template for Microsoft Word to guide strategic decision-making based on the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. 
  • A  competitor analysis template  for Microsoft Word to help you compare and evaluate your competitors. 
  • A  SMART goals worksheet  for Microsoft Word to ensure each marketing objective follows SMART guidelines. 
  • A  marketing strategy template  for Microsoft Word to outline the plan for achieving your goals. 
  • A  calendar template with budget tracker  for Excel where you can organize, track, and manage marketing deliverables and their costs. 
  • A  marketing plan template for Microsoft Word  to ensure consistency and thoroughness in your final marketing plan.

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Improve your marketing efforts and deliver best-in-class campaigns.

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Blog Marketing What is a Marketing Plan & How to Create One [with Examples]

What is a Marketing Plan & How to Create One [with Examples]

Written by: Sara McGuire Oct 26, 2023

Marketing Plan Venngage

A marketing plan is a blueprint that outlines your strategies to attract and convert your ideal customers as a part of your customer acquisition strategy . It’s a comprehensive document that details your:

  • Target audience:  Who you’re trying to reach
  • Marketing goals:  What you want to achieve
  • Strategies and tactics:  How you’ll reach your goals
  • Budget:  Resources you’ll allocate
  • Metrics:  How you’ll measure success

In this article, I’ll explain everything you need to know about creating a marketing plan . If you need a little extra help, there are professionally designed marketing plan templates that’ll make the process much easier. So, let’s ditch the confusion and get started!

Click to jump ahead:

What is a marketing plan?

How to write a marketing plan .

  • Marketing plan v.s. business plan
  • Types of marketing plans

9 marketing plan examples to inspire your growth strategy

Marketing plan faqs.

A marketing plan is a report that outlines your marketing strategy for your products or services, which could be applicable for the coming year, quarter or month.  

Watch this quick, 13-minute video for more details on what a marketing plan is and how to make one yourself:

Typically, a marketing plan includes:

  • An overview of your business’s marketing and advertising goals
  • A description of your business’s current marketing position
  • A timeline of when tasks within your strategy will be completed
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs) you will be tracking
  • A description of your business’s target market and customer needs
  • A description of how you will measure the performance of the strategy

For example, this marketing plan template provides a high-level overview of the business and competitors before diving deep into specific goals, KPIs and tactics:

Orange Content Marketing Plan Template

Learning how to write a marketing plan forces you to think through the important steps that lead to an effective marketing strategy . And a well-defined plan will help you stay focused on your high-level marketing goals.

With Venngage’s extensive catalog of marketing plan templates , creating your marketing plan isn’t going to be hard or tedious. In fact, Venngage has plenty of helpful communications and design resources for marketers. If you’re ready to get started, sign up for  Venngage for Marketers   now. It’s free to register and start designing.

Venngage for Marketers Page Header

Whether you’re a team trying to set smarter marketing goals, a consultant trying to set your client in the right direction, or a one-person team hustling it out, Venngage for Marketers helps you get things done.

As mentioned above, the scope of your marketing plan varies depending on its purpose or the type of organization it’s for.

For example, you could look for performance marketing agency to create a marketing plan that provides an overview of a company’s entire marketing strategy or simply focus on a specific channel like SEO, social media marketing, content marketing and more, like in this example:

content marketing plan template

A typical outline of a marketing plan includes:

  • Executive summary
  • Goals and objectives
  • User personas
  • Competitor analysis/SWOT analysis
  • Baseline metrics
  • Marketing strategy
  • Tracking guidelines

Below you will see in details how to write each section as well as some examples of how you can design each section in a marketing plan.

Let’s look at how to create a successful marketing plan (click to jump ahead):

  • Write a simple executive summary
  • Set metric-driven marketing goals
  • Outline your user personas
  • Research all of your competitors
  • Set accurate key baselines & metrics
  • Create an actionable marketing strategy
  • Set tracking or reporting guidelines

1. Write a simple executive summary

Starting your marketing plan off on the right foot is important. You want to pull people into your amazing plan for marketing domination. Not bore them to tears.

Creative Marketing Plan Executive Summary

One of the best ways to get people excited to read your marketing plan is with a well-written executive summary. An executive summary introduces readers to your company goals, marketing triumphs, future plans, and other important contextual facts.

Standard Business Proposal Executive Summary

Basically, you can use the Executive Summary as a primer for the rest of your marketing plan.

Include things like:

  • Simple marketing goals
  • High-level metrics
  • Important company milestones
  • Facts about your brand
  • Employee anecdotes
  • Future goals & plans

Try to keep your executive summary rather brief and to the point. You aren’t writing a novel, so try to keep it under three to four paragraphs.

Take a look at the executive summary in the marketing plan example below:

Content Marketing Proposal Executive Summary

The executive summary is only two paragraphs long — short but effective.

The executive summary tells readers about the company’s growth, and how they are about to overtake one of their competitors. But there’s no mention of specific metrics or figures. That will be highlighted in the next section of the marketing plan.

An effective executive summary should have enough information to pique the reader’s interest, but not bog them down with specifics yet. That’s what the rest of your marketing plan is for!

The executive summary also sets the tone for your marketing plan. Think about what tone will fit your brand ? Friendly and humorous? Professional and reliable? Inspiring and visionary?

2. Set metric-driven marketing goals

After you perfect your executive summary, it’s time to outline your marketing goals.

(If you’ve never set data-driven goals like this before, it would be worth reading this growth strategy guide ).

This is one of the most important parts of the entire marketing plan, so be sure to take your time and be as clear as possible. Moreover, optimizing your marketing funnel is key. Employing effective funnel software can simplify operations and provide valuable customer insights. It facilitates lead tracking, conversion rate analysis, and efficient marketing optimization .

As a rule of thumb, be as specific as possible. The folks over at  VoyMedia  advise that you should set goals that impact website traffic, conversions, and customer success — and to use real numbers.

Avoid outlining vague goals like:

  • Get more Twitter followers
  • Write more articles
  • Create more YouTube videos (like educational or Explainer videos )
  • Increase retention rate
  • Decrease bounce rate

Instead, identify  key performance metrics  (KPI) you want to impact and the percentage you want to increase them by.

Take a look at the goals page in the marketing plan example below:

Creative Marketing Plan Goals

They not only identify a specific metric in each of their goals, but they also set a timeline for when they will be increased.

The same vague goals listed earlier become much clearer when specific numbers and timelines are applied to them:

  • Get 100 new Twitter followers per month
  • Write 5 more articles per week
  • Create 10 YouTube videos each year
  • Increase retention rate by 15% by 2020
  • Decrease bounce rate by 5% by Q1
  • Create an online course  and get 1,000 new leads
  • Focus more on local SEO strategies
  • Conduct a monthly social media report to track progress

You can dive even deeper into your marketing goals if you want (generally, the more specific, the better). Here’s a marketing plan example that shows how to outline your growth goals:

Growth Goals Roadmap Template for a Marketing Plan

3. Outline your user personas

Now, this may not seem like the most important part of your marketing plan, but I think it holds a ton of value.

Outlining your user personas is an important part of a marketing plan that should not be overlooked.

You should be asking not just how you can get the most visitors to your business, but how you can get the right visitors.

Who are your ideal customers? What are their goals? What are their biggest problems? How does your business solve customer problems?

Answering these questions will take lots of research, but it’s essential information to get.

Some ways to conduct user research are:

  • Interviewing your users (either in person or on the phone)
  • Conducting focus groups
  • Researching other businesses in the same industry
  • Surveying your audience

Then, you will need to compile your user data into a user persona  guide.

Take a look at how detailed this user persona template is below:

Persona Marketing Report Template

Taking the time to identify specific demographic traits, habits and goals will make it easier for you to cater your marketing plan to them.

Here’s how you can create a user persona guide:

The first thing you should add is a profile picture or icon for each user persona. It can help to put a face to your personas, so they seem more real.

Marketing Persona

Next, list demographic information like:

  • Identifiers
  • Activities/Hobbies

The user persona example above uses sliding scales to identify personality traits like introversion vs. extroversion and thinking vs. feeling. Identifying what type of personality your target users tend to have an influence on the messaging you use in your marketing content.

Meanwhile, this user persona guide identifies specific challenges the user faces each day:

Content Marketing Proposal Audience Personas

But if you don’t want to go into such precise detail, you can stick to basic information, like in this marketing plan example:

Social Media Plan Proposal Template Ideal Customers

Most businesses will have a few different types of target users. That’s why it’s pertinent to identify and create several different user personas . That way, you can better segment your marketing campaigns and set separate goals, if necessary.

Here’s a marketing plan example with a segmented user persona guide:

Mobile App Market Report

The important thing is for your team or client to have a clear picture of who their target user is and how they can appeal to their specific problems.

Start creating robust user personas using Venngage’s user persona guide .

4. Conduct an extensive competitor analysis

Next, on the marketing plan checklist, we have the competitor research section. This section will help you identify who your competitors are, what they’re doing, and how you could carve yourself a place alongside them in your niche — and ideally, surpass them. It’s something you can learn to do with rank tracking software .

Competitor research is also incredibly important if you are starting a blog .

Typically, your competitor research should include:

  • Who their marketing team is
  • Who their leadership team is
  • What their marketing strategy and strategic marketing plan are (this will probably revolve some reverse-engineering)
  • What their sales strategy is (same deal)
  • Social Media strategy (are they using discounting strategies such as coupon marketing to get conversions)
  • Their market cap/financials
  • Their yearly growth (you will probably need to use a marketing tool like Ahrefs to do this)
  • The number of customers they have & their user personas

Also, take as deep a dive as you can into the strategies they use across their:

  • Blog/Content marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • SEO Marketing
  • Video marketing
  • And any other marketing tactics they use

Research their strengths and weaknesses in all parts of their company, and you will find some great opportunities. Bookmark has a great guide to different marketing strategies for small businesses  if you need some more information there.

You can use this simple SWOT analysis worksheet to quickly work through all parts of their strategy as well:

Competitive SWOT Analysis

Click the template above to create a SWOT chart . Customize the template to your liking — no design know-how needed.

Since you have already done all the research beforehand, adding this information to your marketing plan shouldn’t be that hard.

In this marketing plan example, some high-level research is outlined for 3 competing brands:

Content Marketing Proposal Competitive Research

But you could take a deeper dive into different facets of your competitors’ strategies. This marketing plan example analyses a competitor’s content marketing strategy:


It can also be helpful to divide your competitors into Primary and Secondary groups. For example, Apple’s primary competitor may be Dell for computers, but its secondary competitor could be a company that makes tablets.

Your most dangerous competitors may not even be in the same industry as you. Like the CEO of Netflix said, “Sleep is our competition.”

5. Set accurate key baselines & metrics

It’s pretty hard to plan for the future if you don’t know where your business stands right now.

Before we do anything at Venngage, we find the baselines so we can compare future results to something. We do it so much it’s almost like second nature now!

Setting baselines will allow you to more accurately track your progress. You will also be able to better analyze what worked and what didn’t work, so you can build a stronger strategy. It will definitely help them clearly understand your goals and strategy as well.

Here’s a marketing plan example where the baselines are visualized:

Social Media Marketing Proposal Success Metrics

Another way to include baselines in your plan is with a simple chart, like in the marketing plan example below:


Because data can be intimidating to a lot of people, visualizing your data using charts and infographics will help demystify the information.

6. Create an actionable marketing strategy

After pulling all the contextual information and relevant metrics into your marketing plan, it’s time to break down your marketing strategy.

Once again, it’s easier to communicate your information to your team or clients using visuals .

Mind maps are an effective way to show how a strategy with many moving parts ties together. For example, this mind map shows how the four main components of a marketing strategy interact together:

Marketing Plan Mind Map Template

You can also use a flow chart to map out your strategy by objectives:

Action Plan Mind Map

However you choose to visualize your strategy, your team should know exactly what they need to do. This is not the time to keep your cards close to your chest.

Your strategy section may need to take up a few pages to explain, like in the marketing plan example below:


With all of this information, even someone from the development team will understand what the marketing team is working on.

This minimalistic marketing plan example uses color blocks to make the different parts of the strategy easy to scan:


Breaking your strategy down into tasks will make it easier to tackle.

Another important way to visualize your marketing strategy is to create a project roadmap. A project roadmap visualizes the timeline of your product with individual tasks. Our roadmap maker can help you with this.

For example, this project roadmap shows how tasks on both the marketing and web design side run parallel to each other:

Simple Product Roadmap Plan Template

A simple timeline can also be used in your marketing plan:

Strategy Timeline Infographic

Or a mind map, if you want to include a ton of information in a more organized way:

Business Strategy Mindmap Template

Even a simple “Next, Now, Later” chart can help visualize your strategy:

3 Step Product Roadmap Template

7. Set tracking or reporting guidelines

Close your marketing plan with a brief explanation of how you plan to track or measure your results. This will save you a lot of frustration down the line by standardizing how you track results across your team.

Like the other sections of your marketing plan, you can choose how in-depth you want to go. But there need to be some clear guidelines on how to measure the progress and results of your marketing plan.

At the bare minimum, your results tracking guidelines should specify:

  • What you plan to track
  • How you plan to track results
  • How often you plan to measure

But you can more add tracking guidelines to your marketing plan if you see the need to. You may also want to include a template that your team or client can follow,  for  client reporting ,  ensure that the right metrics are being tracked.

Marketing Checklist

The marketing plan example below dedicates a whole page to tracking criteria:

SEO Marketing Proposal Measuring Results

Use a task tracker to track tasks and marketing results, and a checklist maker to note down tasks, important life events, or tracking your daily life.

Similarly, the marketing plan example below talks about tracking content marketing instead:

Social Media Marketing Proposal

Marketing plan vs. marketing strategy

Although often used interchangeably, the terms “marketing plan” and “marketing strategy” do have some differences.

Simply speaking, a marketing strategy presents what the business will do in order to reach a certain goal. A marketing plan outlines the specific daily, weekly, monthly or yearly activities that the marketing strategy calls for. As a business, you can create a marketing proposal for the marketing strategies defined in your company’s marketing plan. There are various marketing proposal examples that you can look at to help with this.

A company’s extended marketing strategy can be like this:

marketing strategy mind map

Notice how it’s more general and doesn’t include the actual activities required to complete each strategy or the timeframe those marketing activities will take place. That kind of information is included in a marketing plan, like this marketing plan template which talks about the content strategy in detail:

Content Marketing Proposal

Marketing plan v.s business plan

While both marketing plans and business plans are crucial documents for businesses, they serve distinct purposes and have different scopes. Here’s a breakdown of the key differences:

Business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines all aspects of your business, including:

  • Mission and vision
  • Products or services
  • Target market
  • Competition
  • Management team
  • Financial projections
  • Marketing strategy (including a marketing plan)
  • Operations plan

Marketing plan on the other hand, dives deep into the specific strategies and tactics related to your marketing efforts. It expands on the marketing section of a business plan by detailing:

  • Specific marketing goals (e.g., brand awareness, lead generation, sales)
  • Target audience analysis (detailed understanding of their needs and behaviors)
  • Product:  Features, benefits, positioning
  • Price:  Pricing strategy, discounts
  • Place:  Distribution channels (online, offline)
  • Promotion:  Advertising, social media, content marketing, public relations
  • Budget allocation for different marketing activities
  • Metrics and measurement to track progress and success

In short, business plans paint the entire business picture, while marketing plans zoom in on the specific strategies used to reach your target audience and achieve marketing goals.

Types of marketing plans that can transform your business strategy

Let’s take a look at several types of marketing plans you can create, along with specific examples for each.

1. General marketing strategic plan / Annual marketing plan

This is a good example of a marketing plan that covers the overarching annual marketing strategy for a company:

marketing strategy template marketing plan

Another good example would be this Starbucks marketing plan:

Starbucks marketing plan example

This one-page marketing plan example from coffee chain Starbucks has everything at a glance. The bold headers and subheadings make it easier to segment the sections so readers can focus on the area most relevant to them.

What we like about this example is how much it covers. From the ideal buyer persona to actional activities, as well as positioning and metrics, this marketing plan has it all.

Another marketing plan example that caught our eye is this one from Cengage. Although a bit text-heavy and traditional, it explains the various sections well. The clean layout makes this plan easy to read and absorb.

Cengage marketing plan example

The last marketing plan example we would like to feature in this section is this one from Lush cosmetics.

It is a long one but it’s also very detailed. The plan outlines numerous areas, including the company mission, SWOT analysis , brand positioning, packaging, geographical criteria, and much more.

Lush marketing plan

2. Content marketing plan

A content marketing plan highlights different strategies , campaigns or tactics you can use for your content to help your business reach its goals.

This one-page marketing plan example from Contently outlines a content strategy and workflow using simple colors and blocks. The bullet points detail more information but this plan can easily be understood at a glance, which makes it so effective.

contently marketing plan

For a more detailed content marketing plan example, take a look at this template which features an editorial calendar you can share with the whole team:

nonprofit content marketing plan

3. SEO marketing plan

Your SEO marketing plan highlights what you plan to do for your SEO marketing strategy . This could include tactics for website on-page optimization , off-page optimization using AI SEO , and link building using an SEO PowerSuite backlink API for quick backlink profile checks.

This SEO marketing plan example discusses in detail the target audience of the business and the SEO plan laid out in different stages:

SEO marketing plan example

4. Social media marketing plan

Your social media marketing plan presents what you’ll do to reach your marketing goal through social media. This could include tactics specific to each social media channel that you own, recommendations on developing a new channel, specific campaigns you want to run, and so on, like how B2B channels use Linkedin to generate leads with automation tools and expand their customer base; or like making use of Twitter walls that could display live Twitter feeds from Twitter in real-time on digital screens.

For B2C brands, you can target Facebook and Instagram. Gain Instagram likes to build trust for your brand’s profile and post engaging content on both platforms

Edit this social media marketing plan example easily with Venngage’s drag-and-drop editor:

social media marketing plan example

5. Demand generation marketing plan

This could cover your paid marketing strategy (which can include search ads, paid social media ads, traditional advertisements, etc.), email marketing strategy and more. Here’s an example:

promotional marketing plan

1. Free marketing plan template

Here’s a free nonprofit marketing plan example that is ideal for organizations with a comprehensive vision to share. It’s a simple plan that is incredibly effective. Not only does the plan outline the core values of the company, it also shares the ideal buyer persona.

unilink marketing business plan

Note how the branding is consistent throughout this example so there is no doubt which company is presenting this plan. The content plan is an added incentive for anyone viewing the document to go ahead and give the team the green light.

2. Pastel social media marketing campaign template

Two-page marketing plan samples aren’t very common, but this free template proves how effective they are. There’s a dedicated section for business goals as well as for project planning .

Pastel Social Media Marketing Plan Template

The milestones for the marketing campaign are clearly laid out, which is a great way to show how organized this business strategy is.

3. Small business marketing strategy template

This marketing plan template is perfect for small businesses who set out to develop an overarching marketing strategy for the whole year:

Notice how this aligns pretty well with the marketing plan outline we discussed in previous sections.

In terms of specific tactics for the company’s marketing strategy, the template only discusses SEO strategy, but you can certainly expand on that section to discuss any other strategies — such as link building , that you would like to build out a complete marketing plan for.

4. Orange simple marketing proposal template

Marketing plans, like the sample below, are a great way to highlight what your business strategy and the proposal you wan to put forward to win potential customers.

Orange Simple Marketing Proposal Template

5. One-page marketing fact sheet template

This one-page marketing plan example is great for showcasing marketing efforts in a persuasive presentation or to print out for an in-person meeting.

Nonprofit Healthcare Company Fact Sheet Template

Note how the fact sheet breaks down the marketing budget as well as the key metrics for the organization. You can win over clients and partners with a plan like this.

6. Light company business fact sheet template

This one-page sample marketing plan clearly outlines the marketing objectives for the organization. It’s a simple but effective way to share a large amount of information in a short amount of time.

Light Company Business Fact Sheet Template

What really works with this example is that includes a mission statement, key contact information alongside all the key metrics.

7. Marketing media press kit template

This press kit marketing plan template is bright and unmistakable as belonging to the Cloud Nine marketing agency . The way the brand colors are used also helps diversify the layouts for each page, making the plan easier to read.

Marketing Media Press Kit Template

We like the way the marketing department has outlined the important facts about the organization. The bold and large numbers draw the eye and look impressive.

8. Professional marketing proposal template

Start your marketing campaign on a promising note with this marketing plan template. It’s short, sharp and to the point. The table of contents sets out the agenda, and there’s a page for the company overview and mission statement.

Professional Marketing Proposal Template

9. Social media marketing proposal template

A complete marketing plan example, like the one below, not only breaks down the business goals to be achieved but a whole lot more. Note how the terms and conditions and payment schedule are included, which makes this one of the most comprehensive marketing plans on our list.

Checkered Social Media Marketing Proposal Template

What should marketing plans include?

Marketing plans should include:

  • A detailed analysis of the target market and customer segments.
  • Clear and achievable marketing objectives and goals.
  • Strategies and tactics for product promotion and distribution.
  • Budget allocation for various marketing activities.
  • Timelines and milestones for the implementation of marketing strategies.
  • Evaluation metrics and methods for tracking the success of the marketing plan.

What is an executive summary in a marketing plan and what is its main goal?

An executive summary in a marketing plan is a brief overview of the entire document, summarizing the key points, goals, and strategies. Its main goal is to provide readers with a quick understanding of the plan’s purpose and to entice them to read further.

What are the results when a marketing plan is effective?

When a marketing plan is effective, businesses can experience increased brand visibility, higher customer engagement , improved sales and revenue, and strengthened customer loyalty.

What is the first section of a marketing plan?

The first section of a marketing plan is typically the “Executive Summary,” which provides a concise overview of the entire plan, including the business’s goals and the strategies to achieve them.

Now that you have the basics for designing your own marketing plan, it’s time to get started:

More marketing design guides and templates:

  • Marketing Infographics: The Definitive Guide [Includes Infographic Templates]
  • 20+ Business Pitch Deck Templates to Win New Clients and Investors
  • 20+ White Paper Examples [Design Guide + White Paper Templates]
  • The Evolution of Marketing [Timeline Infographic]

Discover popular designs

unilink marketing business plan

Infographic maker

unilink marketing business plan

Brochure maker

unilink marketing business plan

White paper online

unilink marketing business plan

Newsletter creator

unilink marketing business plan

Flyer maker

unilink marketing business plan

Timeline maker

unilink marketing business plan

Letterhead maker

unilink marketing business plan

Mind map maker

unilink marketing business plan

Ebook maker

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 table with reports with different charts and diagrams with people hands on top of some papers

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Diploma of Business (UniLink)

Entry requirements, study structure, fees & scholarships, how to apply.

Study the Diploma of Business (UniLink) to learn practical skills you can apply to a range of business operations. This qualification gives you an alternative pathway into higher education – teaching you broad skills in key areas of commerce, including marketing, economics and accounting.

Develop key skills in problem-solving, networking and communication, while learning to work as part of a team. You’ll also learn about information systems and new technologies, so you can keep up with a tech-driven industry. 

Why UniLink?

Our UniLink diplomas are designed to provide a seamless connection from diploma to bachelor degree. They’re an alternative pathway – with a next-gen difference! You’ll join our thriving Hawthorn campus community and gain access to all the same Swinburne facilities as your degree peers, with additional support – more one-on-one time with your teachers and smaller class sizes.

Transitioning into a degree

UniLink allow students to progress from one qualification to another where the first course is recognised as an entry requirement and/or provides advanced standing to the second. Completion of this course allows you to progress to these degrees and some more.

This information may change and should be used as a guide only. Credit available for advanced standing may vary depending on your chosen major.

100 credit points towards this degree

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of aviation management, bachelor of business, bachelor of business analytics and analysis, bachelor of information and communication technology, bachelor of media and communication, skills you’ll learn.

  • Commercial awareness
  • Time management
  • Digital literacy
  • Problem-solving
  • Ethical conduct
  • Communication

Your career opportunities

After completion of the chosen bachelor degree, graduates may find employment in a wide range industries and associated areas.

  • Commercial law
  • Human resources
  • International business
  • Project management

International student visa

International students in Australia who hold student visas are required to study full-time and on campus. Courses that are taught entirely online are only available to international students studying outside Australia or those in Australia who are not on a student visa. Online courses are not available to international students in Australia who hold a student visa.

Why choose a UniLink diploma?

No time or cost added to your degree

Seamless and guaranteed connection to your degree

Supportive community at a convenient location

Smaller class sizes and one-on-one time with teachers

Successful completion of Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or its equivalent, such as an interstate or international Year 12 qualification. 

Non-Year 12 entry 

Completion or partial completion of an approved tertiary qualification (including certificates, diplomas, advanced diplomas, associate degrees and degrees). Additional performance criteria and prerequisite requirements may also apply. 

Students admitted to the course with prior tertiary studies that satisfy part of the academic requirements of this course may be eligible for academic credit. 

Applicants without a formal qualification but with significant and relevant work experience will be considered if they can demonstrate that they can undertake the course with a reasonable prospect of success.

The University may determine selection criteria and restrictions in respect of courses to apply in addition to these entry requirements.

Successful completion of Australian Year 12, or equivalent overseas qualification.

Course prerequisites

  • VCE Units 3 and 4: a minimum study score of 20 in English OR at least 25 in English as an Additional Language (EAL).

Admission requirements

Meeting the minimum entry requirements for the course does not guarantee an offer of a place. See admission requirements  for general information about the admission process.

English language requirements

Satisfactory completion of one of the following:

  • IELTS overall band of 5.5 (Academic Module) with no individual band below 5.
  • Swinburne’s  English for Academic Purposes  EAP 4 Upper Intermediate level, with overall 65%, and all skills 60% or above
  • or equivalent measures available at  English language requirements .

Need to undertake an English assessment for entry?

A prerequisite for many courses, the Pearson Test of English (PTE Academic) can now be done at our Hawthorn campus.

Finding your fit

At Swinburne, we recognise that not one size fits all. If this course doesn’t meet all your study criteria, check out these alternatives.

Apply for a pathway course

These pathways are recognised as an entry requirement to allow students to progress to a UniLink diploma.

Diploma of Accounting

Diploma of Accounting

Diploma of Business - Fast track

Diploma of Business - Fast track

Diploma of Social Media Marketing

Diploma of Social Media Marketing

Swinburne foundation program.

8 months full-time

How credit points work

To qualify for the award of the Diploma of Business (UniLink), students must successfully complete eight units (100 credit points) comprising:

UniLink allows students to progress from one qualification to another where the first course is recognised as an entry requirement and/or provides advanced standing to the second. Completion of this course allows you to progress to these courses.

100 credit points

Units of study Unit code
Core units

Core unit, 12.5 credit points

Core unit, 12.5 credit points

Core unit, 12.5 credit points

Core unit, 12.5 credit points

Core unit, 12.5 credit points

Core unit, 12.5 credit points

Students select one stream to complete:

Accounting and Finance stream

Units of study Unit code
Elective units

Elective unit, 12.5 credit points

Elective unit, 12.5 credit points

Business, Entrepreneurship and Management stream

Units of study Unit code
Elective units

Elective unit, 12.5 credit points

Elective unit, 12.5 credit points

Commonwealth Supported Fee* ($AUD)

Yearly fee* ($aud), fees are estimates only.

The student tuition fees as published are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. These fees apply to 2024 unit enrolments for HE Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) and Undergraduate Full Fee Paying (FFP) only and may change for units studied in future years. If part-time study is permitted, annual fees will be proportionally lower based on the number of units taken per semester.

The indicative course fees shown apply to international students for the relevant year only. They are based on a standard study load per year. However, please note that fees are assessed according to a student's study load in each semester, and variation to study load will result in an adjustment to tuition fees. International tuition fees are generally inclusive of Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF). All fees are subject to annual review and may be adjusted.

How do I pay my fees?

HECS-HELP is a loan and discount scheme available to you if you are eligible and enrolled in a Commonwealth supported place. A HECS-HELP loan can cover all or part of your contribution amount. You can also choose to pay your fees up front. 

International students need to pay tuition fees up-front by the relevant due date. You can find the due dates on your Statement of Account.

To pay your fees:

  • log in to My Financials
  • check your Australian bank account details are correct 
  • check your Statement of Account to see how much you owe 
  • pay using your preferred payment method.

Eligibility for HECS-HELP

You are eligible for a HECS-HELP loan if you have been offered a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) for an undergraduate degree at Swinburne or a UniLink course, and you:

  • are an Australian citizen and doing at least one unit of your course in Australia; or
  • hold a permanent humanitarian visa and will be living in Australia for the duration of your course; or
  • hold a New Zealand Special Category visa and meet the special eligibility requirements for New Zealand citizens.

Student services and amenities fee

This funding serves to improve the student experience at Swinburne. You may use many or just some of the services and amenities that the fee provides.

The fee shown in the capped amount for 2024.

This amenities fee is included within your annual tuition fee listed above. The fee shown in the capped amount for 2024.

Please refer to the Student Services Amenities Fee page for more information.

SSAF fee* ($AUD)

Future scholarships.

Scholarship applications for 2024 are open. Scholarships at Swinburne are about providing opportunity, promoting equity and recognising excellence and achievement. We want you to reach your potential and achieve your life and career goals. 

Our handy guide will assist you to gather documents for your application.

When you apply for a Swinburne course, we automatically consider you for an international scholarship of up to 20 per cent off your course fees – no separate application required! Just apply for your Swinburne course of choice and when we review your course application, we will also assess you for an international scholarship.

Apply through an agent

Most international students use an education agent to help them through the application process. Swinburne has agents all over the world that can help you with your application to study. Search for a Swinburne representative in your country. If your country is not listed, please contact us.

Apply directly

Ready to take on a new challenge and reach your academic goals? If you already know which course you want to study and understand the entry requirements, what are you waiting for? Apply online! Remember, you cannot apply direct if you have an active VTAC application.

Apply through VTAC

International students currently studying Year 12 in Australia must apply through VTAC. VTAC is the central office that administers the application processes for places in tertiary courses, scholarships and the Special Entry Access Scheme at universities, TAFEs and independent tertiary colleges in Victoria. 

VTAC is the central office that administers the application processes for places in tertiary courses, scholarships and the Special Entry Access Scheme at universities, TAFEs and independent tertiary colleges in Victoria.

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unilink marketing business plan

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How to create a winning marketing plan, with 3 examples from world-class teams

Caeleigh MacNeil contributor headshot

A marketing plan helps leaders clearly visualize marketing strategies across channels, so they can ensure every campaign drives pipeline and revenue. In this article you’ll learn eight steps to create a winning marketing plan that brings business-critical goals to life, with examples from word-class teams.

quotation mark

To be successful as a marketer, you have to deliver the pipeline and the revenue.”

In other words—they need a well-crafted marketing plan.

Level up your marketing plan to drive revenue in 2024

Learn how to create the right marketing plan to hit your revenue targets in 2024. Hear best practices from marketing experts, including how to confidently set and hit business goals, socialize marketing plans, and move faster with clearer resourcing.

level up your marketing plan to drive revenue in 2024

7 steps to build a comprehensive marketing plan

How do you build the right marketing plan to hit your revenue goals? Follow these eight steps for success:

1. Define your plan

First you need to define each specific component of your plan to ensure stakeholders are aligned on goals, deliverables, resources, and more. Ironing out these details early on ensures your plan supports the right business objectives, and that you have sufficient resources and time to get the job done. 

Get started by asking yourself the following questions: 

What resources do I need? 

What is the vision?

What is the value?

What is the goal?

Who is my audience?

What are my channels?

What is the timeline?

For example, imagine you’re creating an annual marketing plan to improve customer adoption and retention in the next fiscal year. Here’s how you could go through the questions above to ensure you’re ready to move forward with your plan: 

I will need support from the content team, web team, and email team to create targeted content for existing customers. One person on each team will need to be dedicated full-time to this initiative. To achieve this, the marketing team will need an additional $100K in budget and one new headcount. 

What is the vision?  

To create a positive experience for existing customers, address new customer needs, and encourage them to upgrade. We’ll do this by serving them how-to content, new feature updates, information about deals and pricing, and troubleshooting guides. 

According to the Sales Benchmark Index (SBI) , CEOs and go-to-market leaders report that more than 60% of their net-new revenue will come from existing customers in 2023. By retaining and building on the customers we have, we can maintain revenue growth over time. 

To decrease the customer churn rate from 30% to 10%, and increase upgrades from 20% to 30% in the next fiscal year. 

All existing customers. 

The main channel will be email. Supporting marketing channels include the website, blog, YouTube, and social media. 

The first half of the next fiscal year. 

One of the most important things to do as you create your marketing strategy is to identify your target audience . As with all marketing, you need to know who you’re marketing to. If you’re having a hard time determining who exactly your target audience is, try the bullseye targeting framework . The bullseye makes it easy for you to determine who your target audience is by industry, geography, company size, psychographics, demographics, and more.

2. Identify key metrics for success 

Now it’s time to define what key marketing metrics you’ll use to measure success. Your key metrics will help you measure and track the performance of your marketing activities. They’ll also help you understand how your efforts tie back to larger business goals. 

Once you establish key metrics, use a goal-setting framework—like objectives and key results (OKRs) or SMART goals —to fully flush out your marketing objectives. This ensures your targets are as specific as possible, with no ambiguity about what should be accomplished by when. 

Example: If a goal of your marketing plan is to increase email subscriptions and you follow the SMART goal framework (ensuring your objective is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound) your goal might look like this: Increase email subscription rate from 10% to 20% in H1 . 

3. Research your competition 

It’s easy to get caught up in your company’s world, but there’s a lot of value in understanding your competitors . Knowing how they market themselves will help you find opportunities to make your company stand out and capture more market share.

Make sure you’re not duplicating your competitors’ efforts. If you discover a competitor has already executed your idea, then it might be time to go back to the drawing board and brainstorm new ways to differentiate yourself.  By looking at your competitors, you might be surprised at the type of inspiration and opportunities you’ll find.

To stay ahead of market trends, conduct a SWOT analysis for your marketing plan. A SWOT analysis helps you improve your plan by identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. 

Example: If your competitor launches a social media campaign identical to what you had planned, go back to the drawing board and see how you can build off their campaign. Ask yourself: How can we differentiate our campaign while still getting our message across? What are the weaknesses of their campaign that we can capitalize on? What angles did they not approach?

4. Integrate your marketing efforts

Here’s where the fun comes in. Let’s dive into the different components that go into building a successful marketing plan. You’ll want to make sure your marketing plan includes multiple supporting activities that all add up into a powerful marketing machine. Some marketing plan components include: 

Lead generation

Social media

Product marketing

Public relations

Analyst relations

Customer marketing

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Conversational marketing

Knowing where your consumer base spends the most time is significant for nailing this step. You need to have a solid understanding of your target audience before integrating your marketing efforts. 

Example: If your target audience is executives that spend a lot of time on LinkedIn, focus your social media strategy around placing branded content on LinkedIn. 

5. Differentiate with creative content

Forty-nine percent of marketers say visual images are hugely important to their content strategy. In other words, a clear brand and creative strategy is an essential component to every marketing plan. As you craft your own creative strategy, here are some tips to keep in mind: 

Speak to your audience: When defining your creative strategy, think about your audience—what you want them to feel, think, and do when they see your marketing. Will your audience find your creative work relevant? If your audience can’t relate to your creative work, they won’t feel connected to the story you’re trying to tell. 

Think outside the box: Find innovative ways to engage your audience, whether through video, animations, or interactive graphics. Know what screens your creative work will live on, whether desktop, mobile, or tablet, and make sure they display beautifully and load quickly across every type of device. 

Tie everything back to CTAs: It’s easy to get caught up in the creative process, so it’s important to never lose sight of your ultimate goal: Get your audience to take action. Always find the best way to display strong Calls to Action (CTAs) in your creative work. We live in a visual world—make sure your creative content counts.

Streamline creative production:   Once you’ve established a strong creative strategy, the next step is to bring your strategy to life in the production stage. It’s vital to set up a strong framework for your creative production process to eliminate any unnecessary back and forth and potential bottlenecks. Consider establishing creative request forms , streamlining feedback and approval processes, and taking advantage of integrations that might make your designers’ lives easier.

Example: If your brand is fun and approachable, make sure that shows in your creative efforts. Create designs and CTAs that spark joy, offer entertainment, and alleviate the pressure in choosing a partner.

6. Operationalize your marketing plan

Turn your plan into action by making goals, deliverables, and timelines clear for every stakeholder—so teams stay accountable for getting work done. The best way to do this is by centralizing all the details of your marketing plan in one platform , so teams can access the information they need and connect campaign work back to company goals.  

With the right work management tool , you can: 

Set goals for every marketing activity, and connect campaign work to overarching marketing and business objectives so teams focus on revenue-driving projects. 

Centralize deliverables for your entire marketing plan in one project or portfolio .

Mark major milestones and visualize your plan as a timeline, Gantt chart, calendar, list, or Kanban board—without doing any extra work. 

Quickly loop in stakeholders with status updates so they’re always up to date on progress. This is extremely important if you have a global team to ensure efforts aren’t being duplicated. 

Use automations to seamlessly hand off work between teams, streamlining processes like content creation and reviews. 

Create dashboards to report on work and make sure projects are properly staffed , so campaigns stay on track. 

With everything housed in one spot, you can easily visualize the status of your entire marketing plan and keep work on track. Building an effective marketing plan is one thing, but how you operationalize it can be your secret to standout marketing.

Example: If your strategy focuses on increasing page views, connect all campaign work to an overarching OKR—like “we will double page views as measured by the amount of organic traffic on our blog.” By making that goal visible to all stakeholders, you help teams prioritize the right work. 

See marketing planning in action

With Asana, marketing teams can connect work, standardize processes, and automate workflows—all in one place.

See marketing planning in action

7. Measure performance

Nearly three in four CMOs use revenue growth to measure success, so it’s no surprise that measuring performance is necessary. You established your key metrics in step two, and now it’s time to track and report on them in step eight.

Periodically measure your marketing efforts to find areas of improvement so you can optimize in real-time. There are always lessons to be learned when looking at data. You can discover trends, detect which marketing initiatives performed well, and course-correct what isn’t performing well. And when your plan is complete, you can apply these learnings to your next initiative for improved results. 

Example: Say you discover that long-form content is consistently bringing in 400% more page views than short-form content. As a result, you’ll want to focus on producing more long-form content in your next marketing plan.

Marketing plan examples from world-class teams

The best brands in the world bring their marketing plans to life every day. If you’re looking for inspiration, check out these examples from successful marketing teams.

Autodesk grows site traffic 30% three years in a row

When the Autodesk team launched Redshift, it was initially a small business blog. The editorial team executed a successful marketing plan to expand it into a premier owned-media site, making it a destination for stories and videos about the future of making. 

The team scaled content production to support seven additional languages. By standardizing their content production workflow and centralizing all content conversations in one place, the editorial team now publishes 2X more content monthly. Read the case study to learn more about how Autodesk runs a well-oiled content machine. Trinny London perfects new customer acquisition 

In consumer industries, social media is crucial for building a community of people who feel an affinity with the brand—and Trinny London is no exception. As such, it was imperative that Trinny London’s ad spend was targeted to the correct audience. Using a work management tool, Trinny London was able to nail the process of creating, testing, and implementing ads on multiple social channels.

With the help of a centralized tool, Trinny London improved its ad spend and drove more likes and subscriptions on its YouTube page. Read the case study to learn more about how Trinny London capitalized on paid advertising and social media. 

Turn your marketing plan into marketing success 

A great marketing plan promotes clarity and accountability across teams—so every stakeholder knows what they’re responsible for, by when. Reading this article is the first step to achieving better team alignment, so you can ensure every marketing campaign contributes to your company’s bottom line. 

Use a free marketing plan template to get started

Once you’ve created your marketing strategy and are ready to operationalize your marketing plan, get started with one of our marketing templates . 

Our marketing templates can help you manage and track every aspect of your marketing plan, from creative requests to approval workflows. Centralize your entire marketing plan in one place, customize the roadmap, assign tasks, and build a timeline or calendar. 

Once you’ve operationalized your entire marketing plan with one of our templates, share it with your stakeholders so everyone can work together in the same tool. Your entire team will feel connected to the marketing plan, know what to prioritize, and see how their work contributes to your project objectives . Choose the best marketing template for your team:

Marketing project plan template

Marketing campaign plan template

Product marketing launch template

Editorial calendar template

Agency collaboration template

Creative requests template

Event planning template

GTM strategy template

Still have questions? We have answers. 

What is a marketing plan.

A marketing plan is a detailed roadmap that outlines the different strategies your team will use to achieve organizational objectives. Rather than focusing solely on the end goal, a marketing plan maps every step you need to reach your destination—whether that’s driving pipeline for sales, nurturing your existing customer base, or something in-between. 

As a marketing leader, you know there’s never a shortage of great campaign and project ideas. A marketing plan gives you a framework to effectively prioritize work that aligns to overarching business goals—and then get that work done. Some elements of marketing plans include:

Current business plan

Mission statement  

Business goals

Target customers  

Competitive analysis 

Current marketing mix

Key performance indicators (KPIs)

Marketing budget  

What is the purpose of a marketing plan?

The purpose of a marketing plan is to grow your company’s consumer base and strengthen your brand, while aligning with your organization’s mission and vision . The plan should analyze the competitive landscape and industry trends, offer actionable insights to help you gain a competitive advantage, and document each step of your strategy—so you can see how your campaigns work together to drive overarching business goals. 

What is the difference between a marketing plan and a marketing strategy? 

A marketing plan contains many marketing strategies across different channels. In that way, marketing strategies contribute to your overall marketing plan, working together to reach your company’s overarching business goals.

For example, imagine you’re about to launch a new software product and the goal of your marketing plan is to drive downloads. Your marketing plan could include marketing strategies like creating top-of-funnel blog content and launching a social media campaign. 

What are different types of marketing plans? 

Depending on what you’re trying to accomplish, what your timeline is, or which facet of marketing you’re driving, you’ll need to create a different type of marketing plan. Some different types of marketing plans include, but aren’t limited to:

General marketing plan: A general marketing plan is typically an annual or quarterly marketing plan that details the overarching marketing strategies for the period. This type of marketing plan outlines marketing goals, the company’s mission, buyer personas, unique selling propositions, and more. A general marketing plan lays the foundation for other, more specific marketing plans that an organization may employ. 

Product launch marketing plan: A product launch marketing plan is a step-by-step plan for marketing a new product or expanding into a new market. It helps you build awareness and interest by targeting the right audience, with the right messaging, in the right timeframe—so potential customers are ready to buy your new offering right away. Nailing your product launch marketing plan can reinforce your overall brand and fast-track sales. For a step-by-step framework to organize all the moving pieces of a launch, check out our product marketing launch template .

Paid marketing plan: This plan includes all the paid strategies in your marketing plan, like pay-per-click, paid social media advertising, native advertising, and display advertising. It’s especially important to do audience research prior to launching your paid marketing plan to ensure you’re maximizing ROI. Consult with content strategists to ensure your ads align with your buyer personas so you know you’re showing ads to the right people. 

Content marketing plan: A content marketing plan outlines the different content strategies and campaigns you’ll use to promote your product or service. When putting together a content marketing plan, start by identifying your audience. Then use market research tools to get the best insights into what topics your target audience is most interested in.

SEO marketing plan: Your SEO marketing plan should work directly alongside your content marketing plan as you chart content that’s designed to rank in search results. While your content marketing plan should include all types of content, your SEO marketing plan will cover the top-of-funnel content that drives new users to your site. Planning search engine-friendly content is only one step in your SEO marketing plan. You’ll also need to include link-building and technical aspects in order to ensure your site and content are as optimized as possible.

Social media marketing plan: This plan will highlight the marketing strategies you plan to accomplish on social media. Like in any general or digital marketing plan , your social media strategy should identify your ideal customer base and determine how they engage on different social media platforms. From there, you can cater your social media content to your target audience.  

Related resources

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Small Business Trends

Business owners believe employees with ai skills will save them time.

unilink marketing business plan

This insight makes sense, since AI has the capabilities to cut down on the time requirements for several important tasks, from drafting communications to creating media to share in marketing campaigns. But since it’s such an emerging technology, many small business owners don’t currently possess the skills to make the most of these tools. So hiring people who understand how to use it can allow businesses to reap these benefits without creating extensive training programs or learning how to use the technology themselves.

AI can be an incredibly powerful and time-saving technology. But it will only help you reach your goals if you use it in targeted and intentional ways. New hires may be able to guide you toward the exact methods, but it’s up to business owners to create plans and oversee these operations to make sure they’re working as intended.


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MBA in Management, Marketing & Finance

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The MBA in Management, Marketing & Finance (MMF) provides the most up-to-date skills and tools in communication, management, and finance. MMF is aiming at developing knowledge and expertises required to operate in managerial and entrepreneurial roles within companies, organizations, and institutions.

The MBA offers a learning path in which functional and sectorial knowledge are integrated according to a strong multidisciplinary approach. In this vein, the MBA aims at providing several tools for pursuing value creation within entrepreneurial and managerial processes, with a specific reference to global administration and accounting, international management control, innovation management, worldwide advanced marketing. The MBA aims finally at creating in the students a strong problem solving mindset, focusing on competitive analysis skills and fostering abilities for analyzing complex scenarios from a multidisciplinary perspective related to the overall business management domain. The MBA Programme teaching methods rely on several tools and methods for practical analysis: scenario analysis, expert communication techniques, business games, practical cases, laboratories.


Propose strategies in the context of domestic and international business for solving problems or taking advantage of opportunities in domestic and worldwide markets.

Specify the organisations, agreements, treaties, regulations that favour or hinder the operation of international business; as well as the way to take advantage of them for the benefit of the organisation's objectives.

Assess the impact of international business in different countries worldwide as an effect of globalisation and world trends, which require agile and efficient strategic management.

Appreciate the human, economic and cultural diversity present in international business that significantly affects decision-making and the challenges that organisations must face in a global market.


Course CFU
# of hours
Advanced Management Practice 5 15
Behavioral economics and complexity management 5 15
Strategic Knowledge Management and Big Data Analysis 5 15
Digital innovation and transformation management 5 15
Decision sciences: fundamentals of decision making processes 3 9
2 6


Design marketing plans and business models through the analysis of information, application of techniques and use of technologies, that favour the success of their implementation in national and international markets.

Select the tools, techniques, and methodologies, that marketing provides, to promote creative, innovative, and entrepreneurial thinking for making managerial decisions within a context of ethical and social responsibility.

Propose innovative communication strategies, with the use of traditional or digital media, toward the generation of value propositions for the organisation and aimed at satisfying the needs of consumers and their psychology.


Course CFU
# of hours
Advanced Marketing Management: Global Worldwide Cases 4 12
Advanced Communication Management: Techniques and Practice 4 12
Consumer Behaviour and Psychology 4 12
Digital and Social Media Marketing: theory and applications 4 12
4 12

Design strategies through an adequate and informed application of the different investment and financing options, considering the current regulations and aimed at generating value in the organisation.

Propose financial models using quantitative and technological tools, which allow predicting business scenarios and carrying out the necessary analysis to support the decision-making process.

Evaluate the main variables that affect the financial situation and structure of an organisation that allow efficient management of financial products and services, with the use of technology and in compliance with ethical standards.


Course CFU
# of hours
Behavioral Finance: cases and applications 4 12
International Corporate and Investment Banking: global examples 4 12
Advanced Corporate Finance 4 12
3 9

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Summer Is Here: Safeguard Your Business Against A Seasonal Slowdown

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Summer is finally here! The days are longer, the weather is warmer, and vacations are on everyone’s mind. However, for many businesses, summer can bring a significant slowdown in operations and sales. Customers are often distracted by their holiday plans, and certain industries may experience a seasonal lull.

But fear not! There are several strategies you can implement to safeguard your business against a summer slowdown and even thrive during the sunny season.

Understand Your Seasonal Trends

Before you can effectively combat a summer slowdown, it’s crucial to understand your business’s seasonal trends. Analyze your sales data from previous summers to identify patterns and predict potential dips in sales. This will help you prepare and plan accordingly. Understanding these trends allows you to set realistic expectations and develop strategies to mitigate the impact.

Offer Seasonal Promotions and Discounts

One of the best ways to keep your business bustling during the summer months is to offer seasonal promotions and discounts. Create special summer-themed deals that entice customers to make purchases. Limited time offers and exclusive discounts can create a sense of urgency and encourage spending. Consider bundling products or services that are particularly relevant during the summer to increase their appeal.

Focus on Marketing and Engagement

You can use the summer months to focus on your marketing strategy and make improvements. Utilize social media platforms to engage with your audience and keep your brand top of mind. Share engaging content that resonates with the summer vibe, such as tips for enjoying the season, summer-related product features, and behind-the-scenes looks at how your business is celebrating the season. Email marketing campaigns can also be highly effective, offering special promotions, updates, and personalized recommendations to your subscribers.

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Today’s nyt ‘strands’ hint, spangram and answers for friday, july 5, a ton of hoka shoes are still up to 40% off for the 4th of july—shop these deals before they’re gone, host summer events or workshops.

Hosting events or workshops can attract customers and generate interest in your business. Depending on your industry, you can organize summer-themed events, such as outdoor gatherings, barbecues, or workshops that teach summer-specific skills or crafts. These events not only bring in customers but also create a sense of community and loyalty around your brand.

Diversify Your Offerings

If your core products or services experience a slowdown during the summer, consider diversifying your offerings to cater to the seasonal demand. For example, if you run a retail store, introduce summer-related merchandise. If you provide services, think about adding seasonal options that are more relevant during the summer months. Diversifying your offerings can help you tap into new revenue streams and keep your business steady.

Leverage Technology

Technology can be your best ally in combating a summer slowdown. Use analytics tools to track customer behavior and preferences, allowing you to tailor your marketing strategies more effectively. Implement online booking systems for appointments or reservations to streamline operations. Consider offering online sales or virtual services to reach a broader audience and accommodate those who might be traveling or vacationing.

Plan for the Future

Use the quieter summer months to plan and prepare for the busier seasons ahead. Review your business strategies, set goals, and brainstorm new ideas. Invest time in training and development for your team to ensure they are well-prepared for the upcoming months. This proactive approach can give you a head start when the pace picks up again.

Stay Flexible and Adapt

Finally, stay flexible and ready to adapt to changing circumstances. The business landscape can be unpredictable and being able to pivot quickly is essential. Monitor industry trends, customer feedback, and market conditions regularly. Being agile allows you to respond swiftly to any challenges or opportunities that arise during the summer.

The bottom line is that while summer can pose challenges for many businesses, it also presents unique opportunities to innovate and engage with customers in new ways. By following these suggestions you can safeguard your business against a summer slowdown and set the stage for continued success.

Remember, summer is a time for fun and relaxation, and with the right strategies, your business can enjoy the season just as much as your customers do.

Melissa Houston, CPA is the author of Cash Confident: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Creating a Profitable Business and the founder of She Means Profit . As a Business Strategist for small business owners, Melissa helps women making mid-career shifts, to launch their dream businesses, and I also guide established business owners to grow their businesses to more profitably.

The opinions expressed in this article are not intended to replace any professional or expert accounting and/or tax advice whatsoever.

Melissa Houston

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  • Grain marketing with low prices
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Farmers have a tough decision trying to market their crops at the appropriate time, at profitable levels, and at the highest price possible. Previous years’ higher prices made it hard for farmers to market their 2023 crops. Now in July, farmers must develop an exit plan for the 2023 crop and determine a marketing plan for the 2024 crop.

Selling the 2023 crop

Current prices available for 2023 corn are $1.59 below the low price in 2022 and the soybean price is $2.39 below the low price in 2022. Costs on the 2023 crop varied from $5.00 to $5.43 for corn and $13.00 to $13.84 for soybeans, thus another reason for the slow sales. Farmers with grain in the bin must determine an exit plan for these unsold bushels.

Seasonally, high corn prices are above average from March through July 1 and soybean prices are above average from March through August. It has been hard for farmers to price the 2023 crop at lower current prices below their breakeven prices. But now with a new crop coming, they must sell the old crop. Target prices can still be used, but default dates to force sales will be an important part of an exit strategy. At some point, a cash sale will be necessary.

Farmers not satisfied with these prices on the cash sales can re-own with a call option, but at the money, calls are expensive, and many options expire worthless, so a farmer needs to set goals on these call options too.

Find the breakeven point for 2024

For the 2024 crop farmers should first determine their breakeven cost estimates for 2024 crops. Costs for 2024 corn range from $4.75 to $5.40 and $13 to $13.85 for soybeans for marketing groups I work with. With these breakeven prices, farmers have had little to no opportunity to sell the 2024 crops, leading to lower sales than normal.

Some farmers are only interested in selling a small portion pre-harvest while others will sell a large percentage of their crop pre-harvest. Revenue insurance plays an important role in pre-harvest marketing with spring 2024 revenue prices of $4.66 for corn and $11.55 for soybeans. These prices can act like a put on the 2024 crop on the farmer’s coverage level, insured bushels.

Farmers can also purchase call options if they are concerned prices will continue higher after they have completed pre-harvest sales. Unfortunately, prices for 2024 crops are hovering at low contract prices.

Farmers should develop a marketing plan and determine if current prices offered for 2024 crops would generate a profit for their farming operation by covering their breakeven prices. If those prices are not available, farmers should use crop insurance for puts until the crop is harvested and consider buying put for unsold grain if they are concerned about lower prices or buy calls on previously sold bushels in case the prices rally.

With all marketing plan tools, farmers need to set reasonable goals, so their options don’t expire worthlessly. Default dates are helpful tools, but if current prices are below the farmer's cost of production, those sales might not happen.

Worthington high and low soybean cash prices by year

Year High Low Difference
2023 15.49 12.72 2.77
2022 16.99 13.22 3.77
2021 16.37 11.57 4.8
2020 12.49 7.84 4.65
2019 8.89 7.4 1.49
2018 9.82 7.26 2.56
2017 9.74 8.41 1.33
2016 10.82 8.03 2.79
2015 10 8.07 1.93
2014 14.82 8.53 6.29
2013 17.74 12.2 5.54
2012 17.65 11.32 6.33

Worthington high and low corn cash prices by year

Year High Low Difference
2023 6.85 4.69 2.16
2022 8.08 5.89 2.19
2021 7.22 4.92 2.3
2020 4.41 2.62 1.79
2019 4.37 3.35 1.02
2018 3.64 2.92 0.72
2017 3.41 2.84 0.57
2016 3.87 2.65 1.22
2015 3.86 3.24 0.62
2014 4.82 2.81 2.01
2013 7.45 4.05 3.4
2012 8.22 5.8 2.42

Current bids for Worthington soybean and corn

Crop Cash price Delivery start 2024 Future change Basis Basis month 2024
Corn $4.30 June 0-6 4 Sep.
Corn $4.04 Oct. 0-2 -33 Dec.
Soybeans $10.83 June 1-6 -61 Aug.
Soybeans $10.31 Oct. 0-2 -76 Nov.

Tables from the 2024 Farm Resource Guide .

Author: Dave Bau, Extension educator

Permission is granted to news media to republish our news articles with credit to University of Minnesota Extension. Images also may be republished; please check for specific photographer credits or limited use restrictions in the photo title.

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Unilink marketing business plan.

**Unilink Marketing Business Plan: Maximizing Growth Through Strategic Marketing**

**Introduction:** In today’s competitive business landscape, a well-defined marketing business plan is essential for companies looking to stand out and drive growth. Unilink, a leading marketing firm, has successfully leveraged its strategic marketing approach to reach new heights in the industry. Let’s delve into the intricate details of Unilink’s marketing business plan and how it has propelled the company towards success.

**Crafting Unilink’s Marketing Strategies for Success**

**Conducting In-Depth Market Research** Before delving into any marketing initiatives, Unilink prioritizes thorough market research to understand industry trends, customer behavior, and competitor strategies. This data-driven approach helps Unilink tailor its marketing efforts to meet the evolving needs of its target audience effectively.

**Unveiling Unilink’s Target Audience and Marketing Objectives** Through meticulous analysis, Unilink identifies its target audience segments and develops tailored marketing strategies to resonate with each group. By setting clear marketing objectives aligned with the company’s overall goals, Unilink ensures that its efforts are focused and impactful.

**Staying Ahead with Comprehensive Competitive Analysis** To remain competitive in the fast-paced marketing industry, Unilink conducts a detailed competitive analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This SWOT analysis enables Unilink to capitalize on its strengths, address weaknesses, seize opportunities, and mitigate potential risks effectively.

**Strategic Marketing Tactics Fueling Unilink’s Success**

**Embracing Branding Strategies** Unilink understands the power of branding in creating a distinct identity in the market. By crafting a strong brand presence that resonates with its target audience, Unilink has successfully fostered brand loyalty and recognition within the industry.

**Harnessing the Potential of Digital Marketing** In today’s digital age, Unilink capitalizes on various digital marketing channels to reach a wider audience, enhance brand visibility, and drive customer engagement. From SEO and SEM to email marketing and online advertising, Unilink’s digital marketing initiatives are strategically aligned with its overall objectives.

**Engaging Audiences through Social Media Campaigns** Social media has become a powerful tool for brands to connect with their audiences on a more personal level. Unilink leverages social media platforms to engage with customers, share valuable content, and cultivate strong relationships that foster brand affinity and customer loyalty.

**Delving Deeper: Unraveling Unilink’s Future Plans for Continued Growth**

As Unilink continues on its growth trajectory, the company remains committed to refining its marketing strategies, embracing emerging trends, and expanding its reach in new markets. By staying agile, adaptive, and customer-focused, Unilink is poised to uphold its position as a trailblazer in the marketing industry.

**Related Questions:**

**How does Unilink measure the effectiveness of its marketing strategies?**

Unilink employs a robust monitoring and evaluation system to track the performance of its marketing initiatives. By analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, conversion rates, engagement metrics, and customer feedback, Unilink gains valuable insights into the impact of its marketing strategies and makes data-driven decisions to optimize its efforts.

**What role does employee training and development play in Unilink’s marketing business plan?**

Unilink recognizes the significance of investing in its employees’ continuous learning and development to enhance marketing capabilities and stay abreast of industry best practices. Regular training sessions, skill-building workshops, and knowledge-sharing opportunities equip Unilink’s team with the skills and expertise to execute innovative marketing strategies effectively.

**How does Unilink maintain consistency across its branding initiatives?**

Consistency is key in branding, and Unilink ensures that its brand messaging, visual identity, and communication strategies are cohesive across all touchpoints. By establishing brand guidelines, conducting regular brand audits, and fostering a unified brand voice, Unilink maintains a strong and consistent brand image that resonates with its target audience.

**Outbound Resource Links:** 1. Unilink Marketing Strategies 2. Unilink Digital Marketing Services 3. Unilink Branding Solutions

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5 Key Facts You Need To Know About UniLink Marketing LLP Company Details

Unilink Marketing LLP company is a Limited Liability Partnership firm incorporated in India and Designated Partners of Unilink Marketing Llp company are Imran Mahetab Patel, Nitesh Bhattacharya, and Suraj Shriniwas Zanwar. It has its headquarters in Mumbai, Maharashtra.

The company is involved in the following activities:

  • Unilink Marketing LLP – Advertising and marketing of products and services of other companies
  • Promoting tourism
  • All other activities incidental to the above

Unilink Marketing LLP appears to have had financial reporting problems in the past.

Though their last year is unclear, 2016 seems like a possibility via documents submitted to MCA by the company registration for one of their addresses.

They also appear to be delinquent on filing Annual Returns related to their registered address at Lullanagar Urban Cooperative Bank Ltd.

1st Floor Premdeep Building, Above Latur Urban CO-OP Bank Ltd, Lullan agar Chowk Pune Pune MH 411040 IN – see attached document!

Table of Contents

The Benefits of Outsourcing Marketing Services to UniLink MARKETING LLP Company Review

Outsourcing Marketing Services to UNILINK MARKETING LLP

Marketing is a major part of any business’ success. To be successful in the modern age, you cannot neglect marketing your services and products to potential customers.

But it can be hard to know everything there is about marketing your business. That’s why many businesses outsource their marketing services to a third-party company called UniLink MARKETING LLP Company.

UniLink MARKETING LLP company will help you with social media marketing , website design, SEO, advertising strategies, etc. It might be worth checking them out for yourself. Here are some benefits of outsourcing your marketing needs to UniLink MARKETING LLP Company.

What is UniLink MARKETING LLP?

UniLink MARKETING LLP company is a company that focuses on digital marketing. They offer marketing services for all types of organizations.

Marketing Benefits of Outsourcing

Outsourcing your marketing services to a third-party Private company like UniLink MARKETING LLP company can provide many benefits for your business.

UniLink MARKETING LLP Company will design an effective marketing strategy for you and make sure that it aligns with your goals and objectives.
Your traditional advertising methods, like TV and print ads, will be incorporated into the marketing strategy.
You won’t need to spend any time trying to figure out what type of ads work best or how to use keywords in search engines.
You’ll have digital marketing experts on hand to help you at all times.
Outsourcing your marketing will take away much of the stress involved in the process.
Outsourcing makes it easier for you to grow your business because there is a team of experts working on it full-time.

UniLink Marketing LLP’s Services

They offer different services depending on the type of organization you are in and its size. You can find out more about the services offered by UniLink Marketing LLP Company details by visiting their website at or contacting them at info

UniLink Marketing LLP’s Website

  • The purpose of a breakthrough is to make the user feel something with a product or service.
  • Innovation is about making a user feel something with a product or service.
  • The very best technologies don’t necessarily lead to business success. The very worst technologies don’t necessarily lead to technological failure.
  • Smart marketing helps us understand our customers better, so we can help them achieve their business objectives.
  • If you love what you do, you are going to be successful in it. If you hate what you do, it’s going to stop being what you love about it.

How to Work with UniLink MARKETING

UniLink Marketing LLP Company is a company that focuses on digital marketing. They offer marketing services for all types of organizations.

How to Work with UniLink MARKETING

UniLink MARKETING LLP COMPANY In the digital world, you will face many challenges and big opportunities with UniLink Marketing LLP. We are here to help you tackle these issues and make your organization more successful.

We at UniLink Marketing LLP Company are committed to creating a sustainable business model that allows us to grow organically over time, with the clear goal of increasing our clients’ profit margin, ensuring we continue to maximize revenue when sales and marketing budgets are spent, and developing a robust revenue stream that allows us to increase our clientele over time.

You can find out more about how we work with our clients by browsing our website at or contacting us by email at [email protected] or by phone at +65 6768 7077.

Unilink Marketing LLP Company is an independent agency dedicated to providing the best digital marketing services in the area of social media management, web design & development, e-commerce solutions, and other related areas of digital marketing for small companies (up to $10 million in annual revenue).

We promise not only quality results but also value for money because we believe that great communication skills are valuable assets in any business endeavor – not just in social media management but anywhere internet marketing is concerned!

The Advantages of Outsourcing Marketing Services to UniLink MARKETING LLP Companies

The marketing world is continuously changing at a fast pace, which can make it difficult for businesses to keep up.

Outsourcing your marketing services will help you stay on top of current status trends in marketing because it will be someone else’s job to stay up-to-date on the newest strategies and techniques.

Outsourcing your marketing needs will allow you to use skilled employees who know what they’re doing. UniLink MARKETING LLP Company invests time and money into training its staff.

So that they are knowledgeable about the latest trends in digital marketing, SEO, content creation, social media, pay-per-click advertising, analytics, etc.

This means that you don’t have to worry about taking time away from other aspects of your business to educate yourself or your employees on the latest innovations in marketing techniques.

Marketing can seem like an overwhelming task when done by yourself or with one member of your team because there are many different facets to it like blogging, designing graphics, creating email campaigns, etc.,

Not to mention the hours it takes for outreach tactics like calls or cold emails, etc. Outsourcing all or part of your marketing needs allows you to focus on other aspects of running your business while still receiving professional quality work from UniLink MARKETING LLP Company.

What Services Does UniLink MARKETING Offer?

What Services Does UniLink MARKETING Offer

  • UniLink Marketing LLP Company is that focuses on digital marketing. They offer marketing services for all types of organizations.
  • UniLink Marketing LLP Company offers many different services including consulting and training, as well as writing white papers, web design and hosting, social media management, and more.
  • UniLink Marketing LLP Company provides a wide variety of services as well as training courses to help people become successful in the digital world.
  • There are many different types of the registrar of companies that utilize their services too which include: small businesses, large companies, start-ups, and others; however, their main focus is small business owners who want to grow their business.

How UniLink MARKETING LLP can it help your business?

As mentioned before, marketing is vital to the success of any business. UniLink MARKETING LLP Company will make sure you are doing everything right when it comes to your marketing efforts. If you’re not confident in your marketing skills, then outsourcing might be a smart choice for your business.

UniLink MARKETING LLP Company offers personalized services that will cater to your company’s needs.

They won’t use a size fits all approach; they will work with you to create a marketing strategy tailored specifically for your company. You can set goals and they will help you reach them.

Additionally, UniLink MARKETING LLP Company offers transparency in their pricing so there are no hidden fees or charges. They have flat-rate prices so you know what you are paying up front.

You don’t have to worry about surprises or unexpected charges that may arise if you do it yourself. If these benefits sound good, then contact UniLink MARKETING LLP Company today!

Why Choose UniLink MARKETING

If you want to know about marketing and how it can help your business, we are here for you. We are a company that has over 20 years of experience in marketing to end-users, businesses, and organizations.

We have been providing high-quality digital marketing services to clients worldwide. We offer a unique approach to marketing: digital marketing is not just about social media,

It is not just about Search engine optimization (SEO) and link building but is also about creating an environment where users are engaged with your business and also feel great about their brand.

We help our clients build strong relationships with their customers through content creation and advertising, as well as by providing them with all the information they need in order to make smart decisions on what they should be doing online.

Our extensive experience in digital marketing allows us to deliver results for more than 1,000 clients all over the world.

Our online presence is powered by a team of highly trained professionals focused on our mission: To provide services that will lead people towards UniLink Marketing LLP Company

FAQ [frequiently Asked Question]

If you want to know about marketing and how it can help your business, we are here for you. We are a company that has over 20 years of experience in marketing to end-users, businesses, and organizations. We have been providing high-quality digital marketing services to clients worldwide. We offer a unique approach to marketing: digital marketing is not just about social media, It is not just about search engine optimization (SEO) and link building but is also about creating an environment where users are engaged with your business and also feel great about their brand.

How UniLink MARKETING LLP can help your business?

As mentioned before, marketing is vital to the success of any business. UniLink MARKETING LLP will make sure you are doing everything right when it comes to your marketing efforts. If you’re not confident in your marketing skills, then outsourcing might be a smart choice for your business. UniLink MARKETING LLP Company offers personalized services that will cater to your company’s needs.

The Advantages of UniLink MARKETING LLP

1. Fast-paced marketplace The marketing world is continuously changing at a fast pace, which can make it difficult for businesses to keep up. Outsourcing your marketing services will help you stay on top of current trends in marketing because it will be someone else’s job to stay up-to-date on the newest strategies and techniques. 2. Skilled professionals Outsourcing your marketing needs will allow you to use skilled employees who know what they’re doing. UniLink MARKETING LLP invests time and money into training its staff. So that they are knowledgeable about the latest trends in digital marketing, SEO, content creation, social media, pay-per-click advertising, analytics, etc. This means that you don’t have to worry about taking time away from other aspects of your business to educate yourself or your employees on the latest innovations in marketing techniques.

UniLink Marketing LLP is a company that focuses on digital marketing. They offer marketing services for all types of organizations. UniLink MARKETING LLP company In the digital world, you will face many challenges and big opportunities with UniLink Marketing LLP. We are here to help you tackle these issues and make your organization more successful.

UniLink Marketing LLP's Services

They offer different services depending on the type of organization you are in and its size. You can find out more about the services offered by UniLink Marketing LLP by visiting their website at Unilink Marketing LLP or contacting them at [email protected]

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When you outsource marketing services to UniLink MARKETING LLP , your business will see an increase in sales and savings from decreased marketing costs.

UniLink MARKETING LLP has several marketing services to help you grow your business. To find out more, contact UniLink MARKETING LLP today!

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On July 14, 2023, India successfully launched the Chandrayaan 3 mission, a lunar exploration mission that aims to soft-land a lander and rover on the Moon's surface. The mission is a follow-up to the Chandrayaan 2 mission, which was India's first attempt to land on the Moon. However, Chandrayaan 2's lander crashed during the final descent phase, so Chandrayaan 3 is seen as a chance for India to redeem itself and achieve its goal of becoming the fourth country to land on the Moon. In addition to the scientific and technological challenges, the Chandrayaan 3 mission also has significant business and financial implications. The project has cost an estimated â‚č600 crore (US$75 million), which has been funded by the Indian government. However, there is also the potential for significant commercial partnerships, as businesses from around the world could provide equipment and services for the mission. The Cost of the Mission The Chandrayaan 3 mission has cost an estimated â‚č600 crore (US$75 million). This includes the cost of the spacecraft, the launch vehicle, and the ground support infrastructure. The cost of the spacecraft is the largest component of the project, at around â‚č400 crore (US$50 million). The launch vehicle, the GSLV Mk III, is a new rocket that was developed specifically for the Chandrayaan 3 mission. The ground support infrastructure includes the launch pad, the tracking stations, and the data analysis centers. The Potential for Commercial Partnerships There is also the potential for significant commercial partnerships in the Chandrayaan 3 mission. Businesses from around the world could provide equipment and services for the mission, such as cameras, sensors, and software. This could generate significant revenue for the Indian space industry, and it could also help to attract foreign investment. The Long-Term Economic Impact The Chandrayaan 3 mission has the potential to generate significant economic benefits for India in the long term. The mission could lead to the development of new technologies and industries, and it could also help to boost the country's tourism sector. In addition, the mission could improve India's international standing and prestige. Conclusion The Chandrayaan 3 mission is a significant event for India, and it has the potential to generate significant economic benefits for the country. The mission will require a significant investment of public funds, but it could also lead to the development of new technologies and industries. The long-term economic impact of the mission is still uncertain, but it has the potential to be significant.

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Terry Southern of LogBranders leads a marketing tactics forum at the 2014 Universal Unilink Business development conference

Guerrilla Marketing

Terry Southern, LogoBranders, led a lively group where Members shared marketing that’s working now. Here’s what Terry is doing in her own business.

Promotional products are an EASY SELL – everyone buys them … which also makes being successful difficult. You can get so wrapped up in all the “easy sales”… those SMALL sales where you work yourself to death, but never reach the volume needed to compensate yourself for the effort. You can go from business to business selling pens and go broke even though you have tons of customers. It’s targeting the right customers that will lead you to a successful career and add a nice profit center to your existing business. And Guerrilla Marketing can help you do just that!

“Guerrilla Marketing” . . . a strategy that focuses on low-cost unconventional marketing tactics that yield maximum results. “Guerrilla Tactics” help you identify qualified prospects that are not “obvious” to your competition. Take a look at how these concepts helped grow my business. When starting LogoBranders, I had almost no industry knowledge, but I knew how to sell having been mentored by people skilled in consultative selling. I studied the industry (Who buys these products; how are they used, etc) and then, doing what I’d been trained to do; I made a marketing plan listing targets . . . prospects with large enough purchasing budgets that could help me grow.

Today, my firm uses exactly the same approach I used initially. We study the industry and the competition. Knowing your competition, how they sell and who they target is also essential in becoming a guerrilla marketer! ASI currently has 23,740 Distributor members. Looking at that number, you may conclude that with so much competition you might as well stay out of the mix. However, taking a closer look, 22,770 of the 23,740 have sales of less than $2.5 million per year; only 970 firms have volume exceeding $2.5 million. Those 970 firms are really the only competition because they are most likely to offer what larger prospects need.

Studies show that smaller competitors are more likely to be product pushers; it’s hard to build loyalty when you are selling products. As soon as the customer finds a lower price they move the business. Larger prospects are generally program and concept driven; requiring consultative selling. By delving into the mindset of the buyer to understand how they make decisions, what issues they need help with, what worked in the past; we become a resource by offering solutions. So we want to use the consultative sales approach but whom should we target?

Let’s not go with the obvious! Statistics show that schools are the number 1 buyer of promotion products. Larger Universities are so visible they are Top Targets for almost all salespeople; many waste considerable time calling on these accounts only to discover that you must be licensed to use their logo on ANYTHING. We chose to apply for an Internal Licensing Agreement with several major Universities . . . not high profile, but very profitable. Many are more open to approving new Internally Licensed Vendors, but most Distributors are not aware the possibility exists. Alumni groups, Admissions, Events – hundreds of buyers on campus use giveaways! These areas are under-served, even in the largest University!

Again, avoiding the obvious prospects that everyone targets, LogoBranders’ largest category is Manufacturing! Many of you are ALREADY calling on Manufacturing, a huge under-served category. You are already in these plants and should be selling them logo’d items. You’ll find buyers at local plants are easy to see. We’ve had great success in Safety – Banners, Giveaways to remind employees of the safety slogan and gifts for “No Lost Time” are especially profitable.

For example, years ago I targeted Paper Mills in Alabama. The Safety Director at International Paper in Selma, Alabama had never had a rep contact him with ideas for gifts! Within 2 weeks, I had an $80,000 order for jackets followed by another $80,000 order for Leatherman tools! IP invited me to lunches and safety meetings to get to know the people and get a feel for the gifts they might enjoy. No worries at that point about a competitor getting into my account.

Guerrilla Marketing . . . going after the targets that others don’t see. These accounts are profitable and a pleasure to work!

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  1. How to Write a Business Plan: Step-by-Step Guide

    A one-page business plan is a simplified version of the larger business plan, and it focuses on the problem your product or service is solving, the solution (your product), and your business model (how you'll make money). A one-page plan is hyper-direct and easy to read, making it an effective tool for businesses of all sizes, at any stage ...

  2. UniLink

    UniLink is an all-in-one platform for small businesses and creators, offering tools for creating personalized mobile websites, selling products, building email marketing campaigns, scheduling and publishing media posts to all social networks (Instagram, Facebook, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, Telegram, Pinterest).

  3. Unilink Marketing Private Limited

    Unilink Marketing Private Limited is a "Mark Above" Direct selling company in India. We are a group company with domain knowledge in pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, herbals with a decade old experience and expertise and spread across/or having presence in 40 countries where currently we are exporting our quality, result oriented products.

  4. Unilink Business Presentation 2022

    Unilink Business Presentation 2022 | Unilink | Profile | Products | Business Plan | Call 9511255144For More Details: đŸ™‹â€ïž Sudhir Shinde ( West Zone Division...

  5. How to Create a Marketing Plan Step by Step With Examples

    A marketing plan includes analysis of the target audience, the competitors, and the market so that teams can determine the best strategy for achieving their goals. The plan's length and detail depend on the company's size and the scope of the marketing project. A marketing plan is useful for all types of marketing, including digital, social media, new product, small business, B2C, and B2B.

  6. What is a Marketing Plan & How to Create One [with Examples]

    Oct 26, 2023. A marketing plan is a blueprint that outlines your strategies to attract and convert your ideal customers as a part of your customer acquisition strategy. It's a comprehensive document that details your: Target audience: Who you're trying to reach. Marketing goals: What you want to achieve.

  7. Diploma of Business (UniLink)

    Overview. Study the Diploma of Business (UniLink) to learn practical skills you can apply to a range of business operations. This qualification gives you an alternative pathway into higher education - teaching you broad skills in key areas of commerce, including marketing, economics and accounting. Develop key skills in problem-solving ...

  8. How to Create a Winning Marketing Plan [With Examples] [2024] ‱ Asana

    You need to have a solid understanding of your target audience before integrating your marketing efforts. Example: If your target audience is executives that spend a lot of time on LinkedIn, focus your social media strategy around placing branded content on LinkedIn. 5. Differentiate with creative content.

  9. Business Owners Believe Employees with AI Skills Will Save Them Time

    This insight makes sense, since AI has the capabilities to cut down on the time requirements for several important tasks, from drafting communications to creating media to share in marketing campaigns. But since it's such an emerging technology, many small business owners don't currently possess the skills to make the most of these tools.

  10. Link Campus University: MBA in Management, Marketing & Finance

    Design marketing plans and business models through the analysis of information, application of techniques and use of technologies, that favour the success of their implementation in national and international markets. ... MARKETING COMMUNICATION PLAN. Course CFU (1CFU=3hours) # of hours; ... Email [email protected] Tel. +39 06 3400 6000 Email ...

  11. Summer Is Here: Safeguard Your Business Against A Seasonal ...

    Plan for the Future Use the quieter summer months to plan and prepare for the busier seasons ahead. Review your business strategies, set goals, and brainstorm new ideas.

  12. Marketing Plan 101

    A well-executed marketing plan will help you: Define your business with SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threat) Define your target audience with buyer personas; Tools you will need to execute on your marketing plan; Measuring and Optimizing your Marketing Efforts; Define your brand with proper visuals and messaging

  13. Grain marketing with low prices

    Now in July, farmers must develop an exit plan for the 2023 crop and determine a marketing plan for the 2024 crop. Selling the 2023 crop Current prices available for 2023 corn are $1.59 below the low price in 2022 and the soybean price is $2.39 below the low price in 2022.

  14. Unilink marketing business plan

    Unilink, a leading marketing firm, has successfully leveraged its strategic marketing approach to reach new heights in the industry. Let's delve into the intricate details of Unilink's marketing business plan and how it has propelled the company towards success. **Crafting Unilink's Marketing Strategies for Success**

  15. 5 Key Facts You Need To Know About UniLink Marketing LLP

    UniLink Marketing LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership firm incorporated in India and Designated Partners of Unilink Marketing Llp are Imran Mahetab Patel, Nitesh Bhattacharya, and Suraj ...

  16. UniLink

    The PRO service plan costs $9 per month. If you want to test it first, there is a free two-week trial period. Taplink is a multi-link service for Instagram and beyond: the business plan even has a receipt, a lead form, an online store, and its own CRM system. Key capabilities:


    Map. Unilink Marketing Llp is a Limited Liability Partnership firm incorporated on 05 December 2017. It is registered at Registrar of Companies, Pune. Its total obligation of contribution is Rs. 1,000,000. Designated Partners of Unilink Marketing Llp are Imran Mahetab Patel, Suraj Shriniwas Zanwar and Nitesh Bhattacharya.

  18. 5 Key Facts You Need To Know About UniLink Marketing LLP

    1) UniLink MARKETING LLP Company will design an effective marketing strategy for you and make sure that it aligns with your goals and objectives. 2) Your traditional advertising methods, like TV and print ads, will be incorporated into the marketing strategy. 3) You won't need to spend any time trying to figure out what type of ads work best or how to use keywords in search engines.

  19. UniLink

    For example, margin or ROI are some good ways to measure our marketing success. Also, it is important to ask visitors to fill out a lead generation form on the site. In this case, CRM will save user data, and it can be analyzed to improve further results. Low-budget offline promotion. Make your employees business ambassadors.

  20. UniLink

    All this data will help to effectively define business tasks and plan the development of an online store. Retention Marketing. Retention marketing is a set of actions aimed at increasing user loyalty. The main retention tools you can start using right now are Email Marketing, CRM, Loyalty Programs, Chatbots, and SMM.

  21. Unilink Marketing Private Limited

    The services cannot be availed by any Users who has been suspended or removed from the UNILINK MARKETING PVT LTD system by UNILINK MARKETING PVT LTD for any reason whatsoever deemed as anti-company activity (Activities which impact brand name, business of the company or activity of promoting competitors product or any criminal proceedings ...

  22. Unilink Marketing Private Limited

    Contact Us. South & South Central Zone -8956403184; North & North Central & Central Zone-9021900571; East & North East Zone -9021900568; West Zone-8007879123/8956403187


    * UNILINK MARKETING agriculture and FMCG à€Șà„à€°à„‹à€Ąà€•à„à€Ÿ à€Ąà€Ÿà€Żà€°à„‡à€•à„à€Ÿ à€žà„‡à€Čà€żà€‚à€— à€źà„‡à€‚ à€Čà„‹à€‚à€š à€čà„‹à€šà„‡ à€œà€Ÿ à€°à€čà€Ÿ à€čà„ˆ* đŸ‘‡à€–à„à€¶à€–à€Źà€°à„€ ...

  24. Unilink business

    Unilink Business Plan Presentation 2023 | Unilink 2.0 Upgradation #unilink #businessplan #businessopportunity #leadership #unilinkbusiness #unilinkbusinessopportunity #unilinkmarketing...

  25. Guerrilla Marketing

    "Guerrilla Marketing" . . . a strategy that focuses on low-cost unconventional marketing tactics that yield maximum results. "Guerrilla Tactics" help you identify qualified prospects that are not "obvious" to your competition. Take a look at how these concepts helped grow my business.

  26. Unilink marketing business plan

    Unilink marketing business plan PDF,Doc ,Images [PDF] [PDF] SPICe MOA - Unilink Marketing Private Limited 13 juil 2021 · Companies Act 2013 under the name and style UNILINK MARKETING PRIVATE design and operation of plant required for the business of the Memorandum of Association s

  27. A Glimpse Into MultiLinks

    Unlike Shopping Tags, with UniLink you don't need a business account or Facebook page to sell your goods or services. Also, you can do that from any country in the world. ... is a messenger marketing platform enabling you to add links and generate a QR code for any page. There is analytics for tracking traffic on the desired resource ...