Business Proposal

A young woman pretends to be her friend and goes on her blind date in her place, only to discover that the date is her CEO. She must hide her true identity from him while he pursues her and insists they get married.

Genre: drama , romantic comedy

Business Proposal: Episodes 9-10

By daebakgrits.

business proposal 9 episode

Our two favorite couples are on a seesaw this week — as one pair celebrates crossing a romantic milestone, the other hits a speed bump. Relationships are a lot of work and communication, so hopefully our favorite ships can find the appropriate balance.


business proposal 9 episode

I legitimately woke up Monday morning excited that it was Monday. Who am I? What kind of person has Business Proposal turned me into?! But as ready as I was to start my week and watch my fill of my favorite K-drama characters, I don’t think I surpassed Tae-mu’s enthusiasm the morning after his kiss with Hari.

He’s so eager to see her again that he gives her a wake-up call — ahhh, an archaeopteryx with a heart! He’s also outside her house, waiting to have a little pre-work breakfast date. The date is both over the top (he used his connections to access a popular restaurant before opening hours) and understated (he cooked for her), which is a bit like Tae-mu himself. He’s just a simple boy wrapped in rich chaebol packaging.

They sit down to eat, and Tae-mu notices that Hari is wearing two different shoes. Considering a large portion of her morning routine was dedicated to skin care — gotta make sure we see that PPL packaging — it’s understandable that she rushed through dressing herself. Tae-mu finds her mismatched footwear absolutely adorable, and he teases her, which makes Hari blush. (They are so gosh darn cute! I just want to bundle them up and carry them around in my pocket!)

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At work, Sung-hoon updates Tae-mu on the success of Hari and Min-woo’s viral video, which has created a noticeable increase in their sales. And speaking of Hari, how did things with her go last night?

Tae-mu lets Sung-hoon stew in his curiosity for a moment, but Tae-mu is too pleased with himself to stay silent for long. Nonchalantly, he asks Sung-hoon to buy a pair of women’s shoes and oh-so-casually reveals that they are for his girlfriend.

The shoes are delivered to Hari’s office via a courier, who announces they’re from her boyfriend. Her coworkers are instantly curious, but she dismisses the impending gossip with a lie that the expensive heels are from her prankster friend Young-seo.

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Tae-mu, who spent a whole meeting doodling Hari’s name and contemplating canceling his next business trip, can’t resist popping in to see his secret girlfriend before he leaves town. As he holds out his tablet, she spies his doodles and panic-swats the screen. Her coworkers stare aghast as his tablet hits the floor, and she lies, saying she saw a fly. Sung-hoon — who understands the assignment — claims he saw it, too.

While the men are overseas for business, Tae-mu tries to call Hari, but she’s out at a team dinner and can’t find a private place to answer her phone. At the same time, Sung-hoon receives texts from Young-seo — and her cousin.

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See, what had happened was… Sung-hoon went on the blind date with Yoo-uung. He did his best to politely reject her, but she was — quite understandably — smitten at first sight. She’s also undeterred by his proclamation that he has a girlfriend and won’t take no for an answer.

So when Young-seo runs into Yoo-jung at the office and they both begin bragging about their new beaus, they have no idea that it’s the same man! There’s no way this can possibly go wrong… Oh wait! It almost immediately does.

Yoo-jung’s mom JIN CHAE-RIM ( Kim Young-ah ) overhears Yoo-jung bragging about her new man. Assuming she’s talking about Tae-mu, Chae-rim immediately reports the “good news” to Grandpa. His emotions flit through surprise, doubtfulness, and regret — the last emotion clearly stemming from the realization he might have to be in-laws with Chae-rim.

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When Tae-mu returns to South Korea, he immediately seeks out Hari to collect on the dinner he owes her for winning MVP at the company field day. They go to her favorite tteokbokki restaurant, where Hari explains that she would like to keep their relationship secret at work. Tae-mu pouts, and Hari appeases him slightly by introducing him as her boyfriend to the ajumma running the restaurant. Ajumma is so excited that she offers to give them some free soondae, which upsets the nearby high school girls who want the same offer.

Tae-mu is riding high from hearing Hari openly call him her boyfriend, so he offers to pay for everyone’s meals. But after he and Hari move their date to the neighborhood playground, he admits he’s surprised that teenage girls could eat so much. (Oh, Tae-mu, when the food is free, there’s always a way.) Hari admits that she wishes she had the confidence to be more public with their relationship, and Tae-mu rewards her confession with a kiss.

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While Hari and Tae-mu smooch, Yoo-jung shows up at Sung-hoon’s apartment. She’s drunk as a skunk, and like a skunk’s stench, she wants to linger. He can’t get rid of her before Young-seo arrives, so he lies that the person banging around in his apartment is Tae-mu. (No, Sung-hoon! You’re supposed to be the rational one!)

The next day, Yoo-jung is so upset by her recent drunken escapades and subsequent rejection that she asks Young-seo for advice, and Young-seo realizes her cousin’s story sounds similar to her own love story. A sense of camaraderie prompts her to root for her cousin, and — oh, the dramatic irony! — encourage Yoo-jung to pursue her crush.

Feeling confident after her pep-talk with Young-seo, Yoo-jung shows up at GoFood to apologize and publicly declare her affection for Sung-hoon. Grandpa overhears the confession, and he’s not happy. Grandpa waves his cane and chases Tae-mu around the company lobby, not giving one flick that he’s publicly undermining his grandson’s image and authority in front of the employees.

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He’s still fuming as they ride the elevator up to Tae-mu’s office, but his ire is interrupted by more pressing matters: another pending crap-attack. Grandpa gets off on the earliest floor possible, but when he enters the men’s restroom, he finds a woman’s shoe on the floor.

Rewind to a few minutes earlier. Kevin slips up and reveals that he’s secretly dating Eui-ju. He has a bit of a meltdown, and Eui-ju chases him into the men’s restroom. Hari hears Grandpa’s familiar voice in the distance and tries to warn her coworkers, but in a series of comedic mishaps, Hari loses her shoe, misses her window to escape unseen by Grandpa, and hides in one of the stalls.

Tae-mu and Sung-hoon recognize the shoe and try to encourage Grandpa to leave, but Grandpa’s grumbling bowels are making him grumpy. He refuses to be the one to vacate when the still-as-yet-unidentified-female-employee is the one who doesn’t belong.

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Hari finds the courage to exit, but Grandpa recognizes her name on her employee ID. She’s forced to write him a formal apology, explaining (erm, lying) that she accidentally walked into the men’s room while looking at her phone. Her coworkers try to cheer her up — and thank her for covering for them — with dinner.

She’d rather wallow in her shame in private, but Tae-mu appears with a perfectly timed elevator reveal and invites himself along. Tae-mu is oblivious to his subordinates’ awkwardness over dinner, so KIM HYE-JI ( Yoon Sang-jung ) suggests the ultimate ice breaker: alcohol. Hari tries to discourage them from drinking, but Tae-mu admits he likes bomb shots. And that’s everyone’s cue to relax.

While Kevin reveals he’s the Jimin of mixology, Young-seo gives Yoo-jung another passenger seat pep-talk. It doesn’t go well, and a mopey Yoo-jung tags along on Young-seo’s date with Sung-hoon.

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As expected, the shiitake mushrooms hit the fan, and Young-seo finds out that Sung-hung went on the blind date in Tae-mu’s place. She gives him a stern dressing down and storms out of the restaurant, but her parting words — that Sung-hoon is a loyal servant of Tae-mu’s family — have a particularly awful sting.

Back at the restaurant, Hari and Tae-mu have a private moment in a stairwell, where she confesses that she’s upset Grandpa doesn’t like her. She wants the person her boyfriend loves the most to love her, too, and her words make Tae-mu’s heart go pitter-patter. Tae-mu’s still feeling affectionate when they rejoin the group, and he can’t resist holding her hand under the table.

They’re almost caught by a very drunk Hye-ji, and everyone agrees that her uncensored truth bombs indicate it’s time to head home. Tae-mu and Hari hang back while the others head in the other direction, but  — uh oh — they’re caught by Grandpa, who always seems to be at the wrong place at the wrong time! Luckily, Hari’s team circles back because Hye-ji forgot her cell phone, and they confirm that Tae-mu was having dinner with his employees. No romantic date to see here, Grandpa!

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Early the next morning, Hari rushes over to Young-seo’s apartment for some emergency cockroach extermination. They work up an appetite, but on their way to breakfast, they spot Tae-mu and Sung-hoon, who looks awfully cheerful. How dare he look so happy when he should be groveling at Young-seo’s feet!

Young-seo hails a cab, and they follow the boys all the way to an orphanage. Young-seo is spittin’ mad, but she loses all her fighting spirit when she’s introduced to Sung-hoon’s “mother” (cameo by Kim Jung-young ), the nun that runs the orphanage. She and Young-seo enjoy a private conversation, and she knows Sung-hoon well enough to suspect that he messed up and then dragged his feet apologizing. Yeah, that sounds about right.

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The tidbits she reveals about Sung-hoon’s past and personality help Young-seo to realize she still has a lot to learn about her new boyfriend. Perhaps she should be more understanding of how he handled the situation because they’re both still adapting to their relationship. So, when Young-seo and Sung-hoon have a quiet moment together, she not only forgives him, but volunteers more information about herself as a symbolic way of bridging the gap in their knowledge of one another.

While Young-seo and Sung-hoon resolve their conflict, Hari and Tae-mu have their own heart-to-heart, and she reiterates her fear to meet Grandpa. She’s worried he won’t approve of her, especially after her run-ins with him as Hari. Tae-mu says he’s willing to wait until she’s ready.

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After a fun game of basketball that leaves our two couples exhausted, Hari receives a phone call that Ha-min swiped money from the restaurant cash register. As Young-seo and Hari try to contact Ha-min, an exhausted hiker — and her whole group of pals — convince Hari and Friends to open up the restaurant.

Although they all work together harmoniously, Young-seo is still low-key peeved at Tae-mu. Thankfully, when Tae-mu gets the chance, he takes her aside and apologizes, saying he shouldn’t have asked Sung-hoon to go on the blind date when he knew that Sung-hoon had a girlfriend. Slightly more appeased, Young-seo suggests he bribe her to close the deal. Tae-mu offers up an embarrassing video of Sung-hoon and successfully wins over Hari’s bestie.

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Later, as the night is winding down, a sudden soda spillage means Tae-mu needs a change of clothes, so Hari takes him upstairs. Although we are not bestowed a glimpse of chocolate abs, we are treated to some excellent comedic timing and hijinks when Hari’s parents arrive home early, forcing Tae-mu to hide in Hari’s bedroom while she and her family celebrate Young-seo’s new relationship.

They run out of soju, and Hari gets hopeful that the party is winding down — but wait, there’s more! “What about the bottle of liquor Hari received as part of her award from the company?” Dad asks, and he insists on retrieving it from Hari’s room himself. Hari follows him in a panic, but Tae-mu is nowhere to be found…

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Because he hid in her closet! (I see you What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim? reference). Alone in Hari’s room, she and Tae-mu try to find an alternate exit. Hari suggests the window, but alas, that’s where Tae-mu’s similarities to an archaeopteryx end. Without the ability to fly, they mutually agree that he will be just as extinct as his namesake if he tries to jump down.

With a little help from Young-seo and Sung-hoon, they’re able to distract her parents long enough to escape via the front door, but they celebrate too soon. Ha-min catches them holding hands!

Tae-mu introduces himself as the president of GoFood and Hari’s boyfriend, and Ha-min does the calculations, realizes Tae-mu is rich, and calls him brother-in-law. Tae-mu is so happy to be addressed as part of the family that he readily hands over his limitless credit card — hah! — but Hari, of course, takes it away. She and Ha-min come to an understanding: she won’t tell their parents he stole the money if he won’t tell them about her boyfriend.

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At work, gossip about other company couples is rampant, and Hari is repeatedly reminded of why she should keep her workplace relationship — with the boss, no less — a secret. Even the latest episode of Be Strong, Geum-hee features a scene where Geum-hee is rejected by her future in-laws. And with Young-seo’s father looking extremely peeved to find out his daughter is dating a lowly secretary, we can only assume that things aren’t going to go well for at least one of our chaebol-commoner pairings.

As if the aforementioned events weren’t ominous enough, Yoo-ra meets Hari at a wine bar, where Yoo-ra admits she only dated Min-woo so that Hari couldn’t. She’s also surprised that Hari didn’t tell Min-woo that she cheated on him.

Min-woo overhears the tail end of their conversation and chases after Hari instead of staying behind with Yoo-ra. Hari — once again — has to put him in his place and remind him that his girlfriend is in the other direction. With the way he’s behaving, it’s no wonder his Yoo-ra is insecure.

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On the bright side, I guess we should thank Min-woo for providing an excellent foil for Tae-mu. Hari may have a few hang-ups about her relationship, but the new lens through which she sees Min-woo allows her to appreciate Tae-mu’s puppy-like faithfulness. And she’s going to need a strong foundation for whenever they go public and people begin to gossip and question their compatibility.

Hari invites Tae-mu out on a date after work, but it starts to rain. Tae-mu’s eyes widen in panic, but Hari is prepared. She whips out a yellow umbrella, covers his head, and tells him that there’s a specific kind of date she’s always wanted to go on while it was raining. The date she has in mind involves taking the subway and visiting a flower shop before dinner at a restaurant, where Tae-mu is to not talk about work-related topics.

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In the middle of dinner, Tae-mu steps out to take a phone call, and Hari realizes it’s raining again. She moves to sit on the other side of the table so she can block Tae-mu’s view of the downpour. Her actions prompt a series of flashbacks that reveal Hari not only knows about Tae-mu’s phobia of the rain, but has been strategically helping him avoid it all evening.

But Tae-mu noticed her attentiveness and put the pieces together. As they walk home, he admits he was afraid and embarrassed to open up about his weakness. He didn’t want to appear pathetic in front of the woman he likes. She hugs him, and they have a quiet moment together before Tae-mu calls for his driver.

She tells him to head home without her because she’s meeting Young-seo, but as she walks away, the flowers in her hand dry up and disappear. Well, if that isn’t a heaping dose of depressing foreshadowing, then I don’t know what is.

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Hari arrives at a fancy restaurant, and Grandpa is waiting. He doesn’t mince words. He knows she is Geum-hee — props to Grandpa for figuring it out on his own — and he wants her to stop seeing Tae-mu. (No, Grandpa! Haven’t you learned anything from your dramas?!)

At the same time, Tae-mu receives a phone call informing him of Grandpa’s intention to meet with Hari. He races to intercept, but on the way there, he’s too distracted trying to call her and doesn’t see the delivery scooter until it’s too late. He swerves, and his tires squeal. Back at the restaurant, Grandpa gets a phone call from Sung-hoon.

And that’s it. That’s where the director chose to end things this week!? I hate to use the same joke twice, but…

business proposal 9 episode


  • Premiere Watch: Business Proposal, Military Prosecutor Doberman
  • Looking for love and marriage in new promos for SBS’s Business Proposal
  • Kim Se-jung is caught in the act by Ahn Hyo-seop in Business Proposal
  • Ahn Hyo-seop has A Business Proposal for Kim Se-jung in new teaser

Tags: Ahn Hyo-seop , Business Proposal , Kim Min-kyu , Kim Se-jung , Seol In-ah

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March 30, 2022 at 2:11 PM

BP shows up at sometime in the middle of the night Tuesday mornings here, so I don’t generally get to watch it until around lunchtime when the littlest one is napping. But this week she woke up at 4am and made a big fuss before going back to sleep - did I go back to sleep or did I get up and watch Business Proposal? 😂😂🙈

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March 30, 2022 at 2:25 PM

Thanks @daebakgrits for the quickly posted recap. Like a lot of people, I am really enjoying this show. These last two episodes had the gentle send up of BTS, the parody of sentimental scenes such as playing (a very rough) game of basketball at the orphanage, and the classic yellow umbrella! But also I'm enjoying because it is meeting all my terms for a successful rom-com, which I wrote up PRIOR to this show appearing, and now they are all being joked about in this show! (I append these below, although I doubt anyone is interested, but you’ll see just how exactly they correspond.) Really, for me, there are only about 4 Korean shows (that I can remember) that have met my criteria below so far, and assuming the last 2 episodes are equal to the first 10, this would be the 5th. So stop making fun of me, Business Proposal!

My rules for a satisfactory K-rom-com

1. Main Couple—the male lead has to be at least close to being attractive and charismatic as the woman inevitably will be, while making the basis for their relationship one of mutual respect and consideration. 2. The setting or setup for the relationship has to have some interest or, if a fantasy, some internal consistency, allowing at least a hint of other themes besides the splendor of true love. 3. After the initial kiss,which is allowed to be tentative or even a peck, kisses have to appropriately passionate. NO lengthy pressing of closed lips together, which might create swelling and bruises under the nose. 4. The man cannot act like a virgin being defiled when his female partner catches a glimpse of his sculpted abs. 5. If it’s a comedy in the sense of trying to be funny, rather than just the sense of ending happily, it has to have a few scenes or lines that at least make the viewer smile. 6. The secondary couple, if there is one, has to receive the time appropriate to the interest of their relationship, 7. The trauma or conflict causing the late breakup cannot be so trivial that it couldn’t be easily settled with just one sentence of dialogue, nor so severe that even after the reunion, the viewer knows that the relationship is already doomed. 8. NO NOBLE IDIOCY. NO NOBLE IDIOCY. NO NOBLE IDIOCY. 9. The time spent on the joyful reunion must be equal to the time spent on the breakup. 10. The conclusion should hint at the long-term nature of the relationship moving forward—it has to be more than just a lingering kiss.

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Cindy Mahri

March 31, 2022 at 12:04 am.

Oh! These is actually a really good list! Same things I look for in romcoms, just not worded as comprehensively as this. Haha

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March 31, 2022 at 8:16 PM

If there is Noble idiocy, I want it to be played as a comedy. Like the guy is running away abroad and the girl is actually waiting for him in the plane and dragged him out of there by his ear.

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April 19, 2022 at 12:18 AM

This is a good checklist on how to pick a good Rom Com k drama, thanks for making it

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March 30, 2022 at 3:30 PM

What are the other 4 Korean shows? Asking for a friend, lol

March 30, 2022 at 3:42 PM

In not any particular order they are Her Private Life, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo, Its Okay to Not be Okay, and Our Beloved Summer. Note, however, I'm not defending these OR Business Proposal as all time great k-dramas, just romantic comedies that I was able to watch without yelling at the T.V.!

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March 30, 2022 at 11:28 PM

Her Private Life didn't make you yell at the TV over the eleventh-hour childhood connection and amnesia?

March 30, 2022 at 11:54 PM

No, no- I just assume that if someone falls in love as an adult they have met at some time in childhood. After all, we've probably all met in some childhood or another.

Seriously, though, that amnesia thing was really weird-- just thrown in at the end, it had very little impact on anything, and yet the loss of a brother was so much more traumatic than what the male lead went through. What a strange writers glitch.

The key thing though--it had no impact on anything and it passed so quickly, I didn't have time to get upset. I loved the relationship--after the initial "misunderstanding" no stupid breakups. And the artifact/curatorial theme --both for pop star fans and for artists was really thought provoking.

As I said, I'm not arguing that these are flawless works of art, just because they fit my arbitrary rom-com criteria!

March 31, 2022 at 8:47 AM

One thing I forgot to mention last night to keep my reply even just semi-on topic was that Her Private Life has an orphanage scene of the type made slight fun of in Business Proposal. Orphanages as places to go on dates is one pretty unique feature of K-rom coms. In fact, again, to head way off topic, its pretty interesting to me how in British T.V., orphanages are always portrayed as Dickensian disciplinary institutions, but in Korean romances, they are more heartwarming places to enjoy fufilling charitable activities as a couple. I vaguely remember one Korean detective show where the orphanage was a sinister place, and then in the Witch: Subversion there was that X-men type institutionalizing of superpower children. But in rom-coms, if an orphanage is involved, you know things are going to end happily!

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March 31, 2022 at 8:42 pm.

@hacja , wow! I didn't realize that there was an orphanage trope - I noticed orphanage volunteering scenes in "Beauty Inside" and "Romance is a Bonus Book" but didn't really make the connection until "Business Proposal." It's a bit creepy, considering the societal issues behind the existence - let alone normalization - of orphanages.

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The personality shift of Grandpa against Ms. Shin dating his grandson took the comedic sails out of these episodes. Fun loving and goofy elder into a stereotypical class conscious grandfather was not what I expected to happen.

You can only ride the "keeping the relationship secret" comedy plot a short time before it gets stale. The second leads honesty and announcement had much more sincerity and hope than the leads' romance.

I knew that it would be difficult for the show to keep up the zaniness of the first few episodes, but I did not expect it to do a U-Turn in such an abrupt fashion.

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March 30, 2022 at 4:37 pm.

The fact that Taemoo didn't hesitate to introduce Shin Geum Hee, a girl with a made up background of a successful, but he did hesitate to introduce Shin Hari shows that he knows grandfather wouldn't accept it. I'm not surprised.

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March 30, 2022 at 4:46 PM

Pretty sure he was hesitant because then he’d had to explain to Grandpa that it had all been a lie (from Ha-ri, but also from Tae-mu).

I concur with other viewers who say the episode endings are often misleading, so I wouldn’t dismiss this has Grandpa getting a personality change so easily. If anything, I’m sure he’s more concerned with the fact that he has been lied to and made a fool.

Not to mention his personal vendetta against Ha-ri lmao

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April 1, 2022 at 11:05 AM

I am totally invested in this drama and I was so disappointed in writers that they made this u-turn on Grandpa. I hope that the ending is misleading, as you say, and they sort it out really quickly. Although he has a reason to be suspicious and upset about all the lies he was made to believe, it would be more in character for my favourite k-drama Grandpa to pull a prank on Tae-mu and Ha-ri than to turn into class conscious villain.

March 30, 2022 at 6:09 PM

That’s not how I interpreted it; like others have said I think it was more about the lie than class consciousness. I guess we’ll see when next week rolls around.

March 31, 2022 at 12:08 AM

It's annoying since Grandpa has been a great character so far but I do understand where he's coming from. Yes he knows thay Ha-ri is Geum-hee but he doesn't know the specifics. So of course it'll be easier for him to think that Ha-ri is a gold-digger or something. And being his only living family, he's very protective of Tae-mu. So I really hope they'll clear up the misunderstanding asap and have us enjoy seeing Grandpa doting on Ha-ri in the final episodes.

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March 31, 2022 at 5:47 am.

My current theory is that Grandpa took note of her fake name, put it together with his favorite drama, and intended to have a little fun with her as "payback" for all the lying and blocking him from using the bathroom during multiple crap-attacks. But Tae-mu got in an accident before he could pull off his dramatic reveal.

If he is truly mad at her, it's probably because of all the subterfuge, not the class differences. Although, he has to know Tae-mu is part of it, so it seems odd for him to single her out and not include Tae-mu in his scolding. And so, I go back to thinking it was all a ruse.

April 1, 2022 at 11:20 AM

I would give Tae-mu's limitless credit card for this to be a ruse and for Grandpa to have known since the day he invited Geum-hee out to dinner because how did he get her phone number? I don't want him to truly be mad and put Hari through another ​ravioli cooking marathon. Can't he just sulk like Tae-mu did over Sung-hoon's lie "I'm not telling you. You didn't tell me who you were dating."?

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4 Alluvial_Fan

March 30, 2022 at 2:28 pm.

Yes, I too cheered when I woke up on Monday for, seriously, the first time I can ever remember. The show drops here around 10 am so I was able to watch, do some work and squeeze in a "wee-watch" later. That's just the scenes that make me smile/squee etc. Man this show has me by the brain synapses.

March 30, 2022 at 2:35 PM

Loved the episodes till the sudden change in grandpa’s personality on the last few mins of ep 10, and the seeming car crash. It seems to have veered into standard melodrama now. Hopefully, I am wrong and it will get back to the fun show it has been so far in the next ep.

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6 jerrykuvira

March 30, 2022 at 2:42 pm.

The closing picture of this recap is awesome, it's it.

Grandpa, something else had to be cooking in your head. I clearly get why he is angry. The show established quite well that h might be amenable to having someone of Hari's class as an in-law, to a very high degree. So it must have hurt him to be fooled not once, not twice but without count.

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March 30, 2022 at 3:08 PM

I think he is over protective of his grandson considering he might not know all the details that went down between our main couple and just that she is a woman with a fake identity who approached Tae Moo...I adoubt it has anything to do with her class but more with the lies...

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March 30, 2022 at 5:25 PM

I also think this is the more likely scenario. I trust that grandpa was not concerned about the class differences. He was angry that he was lied to.


March 30, 2022 at 10:35 pm.

Yh, it was never about the class difference. Old man was made a fool of. There was no way he would just say Okay after all of it. And Tae-mu sure had many chances to lay things bare but he didn't. Maybe Tae-mu doesn't know this aspect of his Grandpa too well, hence his hesitation in telling him, and it hurt Gramps real bad he got angry.

March 31, 2022 at 9:33 PM

In the ep. 11 preview, Gramps says "hand in your resignation and leave" to an unseen person, and I'm half wondering if it's directed at ... Tae-moo.

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ar_arguably romantic

March 31, 2022 at 6:03 pm.

just like how Tae-mu was angry and vengeful when he found out Geum-hee was really Ha-ri. We should give grandpa half an episode to vent his anger.

March 31, 2022 at 6:11 PM

I mean,we're talking of a man who adores his grandson and wants his wellbeind above all else and most likely gets the info that a woman with a fake identity approch his grandson and that by concidence also works in his company,of course he wouldn't take it well...Tae Moo should have told the truth rather than let it get even bigger and twisted considering he should have predicted Grampa would investigate...

April 1, 2022 at 11:40 AM

Half an episode is too much. Grandpa must know: a) Tae-mu is involved in the mix-up (he cannot think him that silly, not to notice that two of his latest girlfriends are the same); b) Tae-mu seriously likes her. One of my favourite scenes in these episodes is when Grandpa confronts Tae-mu on the beginning of episode 10 about the woman he is seeing. That was played so beautifully, Ahn Hyo-Seop’s face tells it all: how much Tae-mu cares about his mysterious girlfriend, how important she is and how seriously he takes it.

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7 sunnysaturdays

March 30, 2022 at 2:49 pm.

I enjoyed this week's episodes. Special shout-out to: - Hari's mismatched shoes - Secretary cha's embarrassing video - Grandpa's stomach's timing - Last but not least: Yoo young. She really grew on me this week. I think it happened somewhere around "you know I have no chingu". I have no idea why I find that so funny.

March 30, 2022 at 5:34 PM

The car scenes with Yoo Young and Yeong-Soo were the funniest scenes,topped only by Hye-ji's drunken truth bombs! That scene when she suddenly stopped to draw a heart which promptly faded! LOL!

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March 30, 2022 at 9:46 pm.

Comment was deleted

March 30, 2022 at 9:47 PM

I loved the slight rounding out of Yoo-jung's character too! I definitely don't agree with her stalking Sung-hoon to his apartment, but we did get a glimpse of a more human side to her. She just doesn't know how to work for her own achievements and build her own relationships because she has been shielded and spoiled by her power- and wealth-oriented mother.

March 30, 2022 at 10:42 PM

If it was fun whenever Yoo-young - Young-seo competition was on screen, this time it was a mix of fun and sincerity seeing her having a true heart chat with Young-seo in the car. This two weren't meant to be 'rivals' at all.

March 30, 2022 at 11:02 PM

The embarrassing video was beyond anything I hoped for or expected when TM first offered it as a bribe. Bravo, Show - and Kim Min-kyu!

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March 31, 2022 at 2:26 am.

Another cute unexpected scene. Love tae moo for choosing an appropriate bribe.

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March 31, 2022 at 2:17 AM

That "you know I have no chingu" line turned her from an obnoxious child to kind of endearing. That whole car scene with the cousins was gold.

March 31, 2022 at 6:25 PM

I also loved how Young-seo aggressively shoved Tae-mu during the basketball game - I'm sure it's partly to defend Sung-hoon and partly out of revenge for him sending Sung-hoon on the blind date.

8 BedeliaJane

March 30, 2022 at 3:07 pm.

I enjoy reading the weecap - thanks, DaebakGrits!

TM has changed his hairstyle! TM doodling during his meeting reminds me of Shin Segi (Ji Sung) doing the same in Kill Me Heal Me! That's one of the funny, memorable scenes in KMHM! 😄

Did anyone catch what TM doodled?

TM and YS helping out in the restaurant makes them such nice chaebols, kinda rare in dramaland. I like it that YS-SH couple trying to find the right timing to help TM escape. I also like that TM apologized to YS about the blind date and even gave her a video of SH crying/pining for her as the bribe!

LOL, the yellow umbrella conveniently appeared and disappeared timely! TM's so adorable in the eating scene!

March 30, 2022 at 6:58 PM

Taemoo's doodle:

Hari-ssi... Shin Hari-ssi! 🖤🖤 Hari-ya!! 🖤 Hari-ssi!! 🖤🖤 Shin Hari-ssi ❤

March 30, 2022 at 9:38 PM

OMG thank you for translating. The fact that netflix did'nt translate it means it was nothing major but still it is great to know what he is doodling and made him much more endearing.

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March 31, 2022 at 1:55 AM

I love how he slipped in a casual "Hari-ya" in that rows of doodle. So cute.


March 31, 2022 at 8:23 pm.

@Hallie Thank you! (This is weird... I'm sure I had replied you earlier but it went missing... there was a double posting with a different username, which is now missing too.)

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9 Miss_elly

March 30, 2022 at 3:36 pm.

did anyone else catch the Hwang Bo Ra cameo ? i loved that she introduced herself as herself. lol

March 30, 2022 at 4:21 PM

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Hwang Bora is one of those person in the list of "if i see at least one of these people, i know the drama would be great". And having her as a cameo is sneaky sneaky move, ABP

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March 31, 2022 at 6:30 AM

Love her cameo!

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10 NN registered

March 30, 2022 at 3:59 pm.

Almost every episode's ending was not what it turned out to be in the next episode's beginning. Therefore, there is probably more to the conversation between grandpa and Ha-ri than what we are led to believe at the end of Episode 10. Grandpa mentioned something about people misinterpreting Ha-ri's intentions, IF she keeps on seeing Tae-mu. This is not the same as 'Stop seeing Tae-mu!'. Grandpa did not look angry. The wily grandpa surely knows (because he knew Ha-ri's fake name) that Tae-mu used Ha-ri as a fake girlfriend to get out of blind dates. So, he probably said something like 'I know that you pretended to be his girlfriend, but why are you still around, I need a real girlfriend for him'. Then we saw Ha-ri trying to protest that it's not like that and they really like each other.. but then a phone call came in about Tae-mu. Plus, rejecting Ha-ri would be breaking the promise that grandpa gave Tae-mu that he will accept his choice of the mate. I suppose a writer can do anything to a character, twisting and turning her/him as much as the writer wants, but it would definitely be out of character for grandpa to all of sudden reject Ha-ri. I think he secretly likes her.

March 30, 2022 at 4:56 PM

I finally jumped onto this bandwagon this week, and what a crazily fun ride this was! I planned to binge this in one go after it finished airing, but the temptation of numerous fan wall posts is real. And your super fun weecap is also a big enticement for me to join all the fun early.

My favorite thing about BP is how ordinary everyone is despite their extreme quirkiness and very much tropey background, and it made the drama oddly grounded despite the drama-esque plot. I'm also excited to find another romcom that leaned heavily to the com part, and successfully at that too (maybe it helps that this drama has sitcom writers attached to it), but still with a lot of heart as many types of relationships developed between the characters.

Last but not least, BP has made me into Kim Se-jong's fan. Her acting is so much fun to watch. She has a way with the littlest gesture and expression and how she made it completely hers, natural and genuine and fun fun fun.

March 31, 2022 at 6:33 AM

Welcome to the fan club!

I am Tae-moo. I'm falling more and more in love with Ha-ri. The moment he realized that she had been shielding him from seeing the rain was heartbreakingly beautiful. As soon as she had switched seats, I knew it was to block his view of the rain. The way she kept following his movements and kept blabbering on to distract him until he kissed her, she is replacing his unhappy memory with happy ones. I know Tae-moo already wants to, but seriously marry her.

Episode 10 is my favorite episode because I loved watching our four leads in each other's worlds (the girls at Sung-hoon's orphanage and the boys at Ha-ri's family's restaurant and house). Tae-moo was upset at having their date at a tteokbokki restaurant, but I've always wanted them to take their boyfriends there. I also loved the getting-to-know-you phase with the girls telling stories about themselves, especially Young-seo, but also Ha-ri's subway story. ​ Ha-ri's parents are the best treating Young-seo like a daughter. I awwed at Mom calling Sung-hoon "Cha son-in-law." It was sad Tae-moo had to hide, but I'm happy he got to see Ha-ri's room. I want her to go to his house and meet their dolls. At least Ha-min calling him brother-in-law made up for his night. With how fast this show moves, I totally thought her parents would overhear Tae-moo introducing himself as Ha-ri's boyfriend.

I trust Grandpa. This is a fake out, and he's only pretending to break them up like his favorite drama, especially after he told Tae-moo that he will accept the woman his grandson loves. Still, Grandpa's rejection made the stairwell scene even sadder when Ha-ri told Tae-moo that she wanted to be loved by the person he loved the most. Which my reaction was the same as Tae-moo's. *melt* (At the same time, ​this scene was hot when he backed her up, closed the door, and she hit him and put her hands on his waist.)

If Young-seo's father starts anything, Grandpa better put the chairman in his place, "Stop looking down on my grandson." I love how our cousins bonded. Manager Gye making bomb shots was awesome. Their whole company dinner was, even though Tae-moo's reason for going was to comfort Ha-ri. Every team needs a drunk Hye-ji to ​break the ice. Thank you, stylist, for giving Ahn Hyo-seop bangs, and thank you, @DaebakGrits , for giving us this witty weecap!

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April 1, 2022 at 12:39 AM

I enjoy your summary. Made me see it in a new way.

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13 loveblossom🌸

The episodes this week were great! EP 10 was particularly strong. We got lots of humor and cute, heartwarming moments. The hiding from the parents was super funny. Love the teamwork.

It was nice to see the 2 couples hanging out and having fun!! Just like normal couples. It was the first time we got to see all four together. (THEY'RE MAKING ME FEEL SO DANG SINGLE. D;)

The drama got me with Tae Moo's bribe . I thought it was actually going to be money because Young Seo had mentioned her debt some scenes beforehand and she was bold enough to ask for a bribe. So I love that it turned out to be Adorable Sung Hoon showing his feelings and missing her. You know they turned up the dramatic music for Young Seo's dad. I bet he'll come in and be the typical mean chaebol parent.

Hari is just so refreshing and sweet and thoughtful. LOVE HER and how she responded to both Yoora and Min Woo. They need to deal with their relationship on their own instead of taking it out on her.

When she sheltered Tae Moo with her umbrella = SWOON. If he didn't fall for her already, that would've done it. Her considerate actions afterwards were wonderful too. I love that he acknowledged them and admitted his worries, revealing his vulnerability.

The bits of meta is great. I didn't know Kim Se Jung from her idol days, but I still chuckled when she advised Ha Min about idol life not being easy. (Gonna have to look up her performances sometime. ^^)

A+ for the use of the WTF screencap~! They make it so easy. XD


March 30, 2022 at 6:13 pm.

Oh, I forgot that Choi Byung Chan (Ha Min) is also an idol. Hahaha, so that's like a double layer of meta!! 😂

March 30, 2022 at 10:24 PM

Oh yes, I caught this double meta, with Hamin saying he should try to be an idol instead. LoL!


March 31, 2022 at 5:10 am.

Didn't he play the stoic, silent (hot) bodyguard in The King's Affection ?

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March 31, 2022 at 5:24 AM

Yeah, it was him. Personally, I didn't like him in this role. He was just standing....

March 31, 2022 at 6:53 AM

He was arguably the fastest healer from wicked wounds I've ever seen! Just Standing is a good first role for an idol, eh?

March 31, 2022 at 7:11 AM

@jossie4cheryl it wasn't his first role. He acted in Live On. He was better as the cute student than as a charismatic bodyguard. Must say that Kwak Dong-Yeon set the bar high for this kind of role :p

March 31, 2022 at 7:52 AM

@solstices commented in What we’re watching

hooray for him getting more lines in two episodes than the entirety of The King’s Affection!

His character is adorable. Ha-min standing up for his sister against her "jobless bum" boyfriend was so endearing.

March 31, 2022 at 8:12 AM

Also, Ahn Hyo-seop and Seol In-ah were idol trainees who quit to become actors.

March 30, 2022 at 6:18 PM

A few eps ago, i wrote a mini essay on fanwall about how Sunghoon actually is the Chaebol Maknae Grandson of this show, and his drunken video showed how he is indeed the epitome of said title 🤣🤣. I mean, he whined "hyung, do something!" instead of "what should i do" screams how bad hes spoiled by Taemu and Grandpa.

March 31, 2022 at 11:41 AM

"Hyung, do something" because "Hyung, it's your fault my girlfriend is mad at me!" I thought it was hilarious how Tae-moo started recording as if he was waiting for the bribe, and Sung-hoon was whining so loudly in his apartment that I thought Young-seo would hear him through her walls.

March 31, 2022 at 1:15 PM

After all those side eyes, rolled eyes and snickers sunghoon throws at him everytime hes being weird, i believe taemu would be always ready for any sign of revenge opportunity 🤣🤣.

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15 Soyesterday

March 30, 2022 at 6:25 pm.

This drama continues to move at a great pace, but that ending.....

Be Strong Geum-Hi is back and went full makjang with slaps, a heart attack and an arranged Chaebol marriage, its no wonder Grandpa (and now Ha-ri's dad) love this drama

Ha-ri's quiet consideration of her boyfriends fear of the rain was so well done and quite sweet, Tae-Mu is always the one who "gives" so it was nice to see the roles reversed a bit

Young-seo really got to shine this week too, she opened up a bit more and we got a little glimpse into her and Sung-hoons background, our second couple is so adorable.

Also Ha-ri's parents are so wholesome, i love them

The ending was weird and a bit jarring though, tonaly it didn't fit in with the rest of the episode, let's hope its deliberate and will be explained in 11

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March 30, 2022 at 8:01 PM

My cheeks hurt from smiling wide until the very end of Ep 10 which left me on a sour note. Is it intentional that granpa's eyebrows are arched upward at the ends to give a villainous look?

Anyway the Rock-Paper-Scissors and Mandu-Mandu and the four of them spending time together was utterly adorable. Not to mention Yoo Jung's frivolous attitude which was the highlight of episode 10. The actress playing her is doing a commendable job of making her likeable.

Also, Ha Ri trying to distract Tae Moo from the rain was so sweet, that I told myself I too would be protective of my boyfriend when I do get one😂😂😂

March 30, 2022 at 8:30 PM

Hari suggests the window, but alas, that’s where Tae-mu’s similarities to an archaeopteryx end. Without the ability to fly, they mutually agree that he will be just as extinct as his namesake if he tries to jump down.

@daebakgrits Coming back to read your recaps after watching the show is a double joy because you are as hilarious as the drama!!

His reaction when he said " I will die " was gold and AHS looks more handsome in a simple blue shirt and jean than the chaebol look.

March 30, 2022 at 9:44 PM

I laughed like crazy when he said that he will die. AHS is looking really hot in casual wear. These 2 episodes were really a highlight for me.

March 31, 2022 at 5:51 AM

Awww, thank you! And yes! That scene had me dying! I like that, for a moment, they both seemed to be seriously considering it, and then he deadpanned, "I will die." Such great delivery!

March 31, 2022 at 6:34 PM

That "I will die" line was wonderfully delivered. It made me LOL, rewind, and LOL again. Sure AHS is not a strong actor and he doesn't really mesh with the webtoon Tae-mu, but his comedic timing and chemistry with the other leads combined with his good looks are what this drama needed.

March 31, 2022 at 9:48 PM

Off the wall fun fact.. Kim SeJeong did the Mandu Mandu with her fellow trainees at Jellyfish Entertainment (Kim Nayoung and Kang Mina) during the very first episode of Produce 101, just before they did their performance.

March 30, 2022 at 9:27 PM

I'm still not a fan of AHS's acting but he looked pretty hot in black suit.

The archeopterys is back with a little heart \o/

Both couples were cute in those episodes.

The cousins have the same tastes for clothes and boys, it was fun to see them get closer in their own way.

I'm surprised that Hari didn't say to Min-Woo his girlfriend was cheating on him, it's not really nice for him. He deserved to know after all. It wasn't about her feelings for him but him knowing the truth.

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March 30, 2022 at 10:05 PM

The double date was so cute and Ha-Ri being so thoughtful after finding out about Tae-moo's trauma was precious.

I have a feeling that Young-seo's father will be a thorn in our 2nd couple's flesh but I trust our lovely Harabuji to put him back in his place.

I definitely think that Harabuji's disapproval has more to do with being lied to rather than Ha-Ri's background.

The show has done a great job so far by not prolonging misunderstandings so I'm pretty sure this too will be resolved quickly as we only have 2 episodes left 😭😭😭

19 Cinder-Freaking-Elinor

March 30, 2022 at 10:55 pm.

This week's glass slippers even have a big blingy 'C-for-Cinderella' on them! I think HR is wearing them during her date at the end of ep. 11 - glad the bathroom incident hasn't spoiled them for her.

The flowers withering and disappearing following her late-night summons to see Grandpa reminded me of Cinderella's coach, horses, gown, etc. vanishing at the stroke of midnight. Let's see if Grandpa reverts to his fairy godmother role in the final episodes.

March 30, 2022 at 11:43 PM

The series remains a delightful confection and I'm enjoying greatly it, but I've only now caught on to how insubstantial it is. There's not the smallest commentary on the human condition, there's not really any character growth (beyond people deciding to date). I'm comparing this to a Japanese 'fake marriage' rom-com I just finished that was less polished and less 'fun' but happened to touch on some larger issues that this series studiously avoids.

March 31, 2022 at 3:08 AM

Yes, it's true..but that is why I think most (including me) love this show so much, because it did not pretend to be otherwise from the very start. No larger issues, here.. no nostalgia, no commentary on society - just plain and simple trope-fest done tastefully.

March 31, 2022 at 8:54 AM

I think the larger issue that it is commenting on is the genre of rom-com itself. I agree, this makes for a less substantial drama, but it doesn't mean its not about anything. A show with the same plot that was less self-aware about the tropes it was deploying would indeed be nothing but a rehash of old shows, not worth watching.

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21 FiyaShady

March 31, 2022 at 1:20 am.

It has been a while since I read about witty recap. @daebakgrits , you rock! Never had I ever wish Monday come soon (after OBS series ended)... definitely will facing Monday blues soon 🤭.

March 31, 2022 at 5:56 AM

Thank you! It's going to be a long rest of the week. Both excited for the end and dreading saying goodbye to this drama. 😭

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22 Toodlepip

March 31, 2022 at 1:46 am.

I loved these episodes. YS's cousin had me on the floor she was so good. But it was nice to see the cousin's bond too. I loved how they all got insights into each other's worlds, and how comfortable they all were there. Loved the start of Ha Mins love affair with his brother in law, he knows how to work the room! KTMs bribe was perfection. Top of my list was the date in the rain though, it showed SHRs feelings, and KTMs realisation that she knew was so sweet. I'm hoping that SHRs conversation with grandad turns out as some other beanies have mentioned, ie showing him in a positive rather than negative light. He has been a dream so far. In angst that next Monday can't come soon enough but that it means the end of this show too. Thank you @daebakgrits for your wonderful weecap as always!

March 31, 2022 at 1:48 AM

Loved that Stay strong, Geum Hee was back, I hope we get to see how that drama ends in the last two episodes. I would be concerned about Grandpa's change in attitude if it was any other show but with this one I doubt it will be much of a problem. The drama so far didn't drag any conflict or angst too long and it stays true to the com in rom com when dealing with conflict, like with the blind date switcheroo between Tae Moo and Sung Hoon which turned hilarious. Can't believe I'm saying this but I also hope we get more of the crazy cousin, her dramatic and konglish this episodes were so funny.

March 31, 2022 at 3:38 AM

I think this is the best week so far, with Ep 10 the strongest of all. Say what you will about AHS' stoic CEO acting, but his head-over-heels acting is definitely swoon-worthy. I still trust this show so I am sure that the Grandpa scene was a fake-out. I am also looking forward to how the show will put a spin to the usual traffic accident trope.

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March 31, 2022 at 5:33 AM

@daebakgrits your recaps are awesome!! thanks for such a fun and funny recap!! The end had me 😅😅😅 Once again, such an interesting set of episodes. I think what is disappointing to grandpa is not that she is from a different class; it's the lie surrounding Geum-Hui and Ha-Ri. It will be the same disappointment from Ha-Ri's parents. They both should have been more forward with the truth and earlier. I was hoping to have no Truck of Doom trope, but I guess they would make it work. I dnt recall any ToD scene from the webtoon...

April 1, 2022 at 12:15 PM

Ha-ri's parents may be disappointed because she kept telling them what a ​mean person her president was (LOL at her "Oh, my goodness"), but they should remember his kindness at the hospital getting them a VIP suite. Just like how Grandpa will remember how kind Geum-hui was during their meeting.

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26 Sifimoyo

March 31, 2022 at 5:53 am.

I couldn't believe it was Monday again AT LAST! Here in Kenya the subtitled episode comes in at about 7 p.m. Kenya time and boy! am I waiting for it! Sadly there are only two more episodes - then back to ready Monday again.

27 BedeliaJane

March 31, 2022 at 6:38 am.

@DaebakGrits The cousin's name is not Yoo-young... This from your Ep7-8 weecap: Young-seo’s competitive cousin JO YOO-JUNG (Seo Hye-won)

I'm gonna check out this actress's dramas 😊

March 31, 2022 at 7:54 AM

Good catch! We've gone back and fixed it! They have such similar taste that I guess I subconsciously wanted their names to be matching, too!

March 31, 2022 at 2:24 PM

Great, thanks! Yeah, I know what you mean! 😄 Earlier on, I also thought the cousin's name is Young-Joo or something like that! (Young-Joo turns out to be the name of Hari's mom!)

March 31, 2022 at 9:44 PM

She was on Just One Bite - a web series by Playlist that can be found on YouTube (Playlist Global's channel) Also a rom com :) She was one of three female leads

April 1, 2022 at 7:13 AM

Thank you! I've just checked it out! I like it! She's chubby there but adorable!

April 1, 2022 at 9:07 AM

It was more like a cameo, but her ​character in Mad for Each Other was the funniest character in the show.

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28 Blue.moon123456

March 31, 2022 at 1:50 pm.

As always, thank you for the awesome recap and as always this is my favorite episode week yet. I loved how we finally got the double date and everyone learned something new about each other. I especially loved the ending date in episode 10, where taemoo fell for hari even more when he realized how hari was trying to perfect him from his rain phobia without making him realize (even though he did) and the little peck was the chefs kiss as it was made with a lot of emotion and love. And the fact that this happy pill of a drama ends next week brings me so much saddness😭

March 31, 2022 at 5:49 PM

I am loving this rom-com drama. It has been such a long time since I felt the feels from an OTP. It reminds me of the Kdramas of old.

March 31, 2022 at 9:46 PM

Love this recap! 'shiitake mushrooms hit the fan' Gonna be using this one!

Having happy pill shows on the Mon-Tue slot definitely makes the week start on a better note :)

31 Cindy Mahri

March 31, 2022 at 10:48 pm.

Oh. Let me also just say how that cover photo just reminded me of how much I love the fashion/costume choices on this show. This production team is really👌🏼✨!

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32 OldLawyer

March 31, 2022 at 10:49 pm.

We are still loving this show. I think that we are now well positioned story wise for the final two episodes.

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33 bewitched

April 1, 2022 at 11:14 pm.

Ok so I just finished reading the webtoon. And i’m glad the drama didn’t fully follow the webtoon. What I like about the drama so far: 1. There’s specific industry for Tae-moo’s company. And he’s shown to really work in that industry instead of just saying he’s a workaholic president of a company. 2. Ha-ri is shown to be skilled in her job (which caught Tae-moo’s attention even without the blind date) 3. Ha-ri’s coworkers have bigger roles, I actually remember their name and personality compares to the webtoon counterparts. 4. Sung-hoon is more reserved in the drama, both he and Yeong-so are so dramatic in the webtoon. 5. Ha-ri’s family are present much more than in the webtoon where they just serve as mere background aside from the last several chapters. 6. The characters seems younger in the drama. Tae-moo does look much older in the webtoon. If older actor is to play him in the drama, he will look silly with all the antics. 7. Lee Deok-hwa is great, seriously, I love him as a rare nice uber rich grandpa.

So far I like episode 9-10 the best. They’re both fun and thoughtful and really showcase that our leads are just nice young people in love. My favorite scene is the peck Tae-moo gave Ha-ri. And to know that’s unscripted😍😍. Hopefully the team behind the series could do the last 2 episodes justice. They already did right by squeezing 100+ chapter webtoon into 12 episodes. I’ll just be sad when it’s over.

April 4, 2022 at 6:02 AM

I wonder if Grandpa's "Don't date Tae-Mu," was going to be followed with a cheeky "Unless you plan on marrying him and giving me grand babies," but he got the phone call about the accident right in the middle of saying that. Please let that be it.

April 21, 2022 at 12:08 AM

I loved this episode because of the side characters, they were really the highlight of the episode. Shin Hari teammate Kim Hye jin who literally has no filter when drunk and says whatever and does whatever she wants. Especially Young seo cousin who stole the show which her Konglish.

I loved how she was supposed to be a threat to Young seo and Sung-hoon's relationship but just turned out to be so adorable and endearing, she is harmless and I wished she had more scenes the dinner scene when she realises who Sung Hoon is and when she showed up at his office was the highlights of the episode and who can forget her iconic phrase '' You know I have no chingu ''. Really wished both her and Hye jin had more scenes the side characters really made the show great.

August 5, 2022 at 7:23 AM

I mean, factually speaking if she was cheating on him and he overheard her saying so, then it's no wonder he run after the other girl -not sure what his current traitorous gf has to complain-

August 14, 2022 at 5:19 AM

Frankly, Hae-ri should have told him the truth, unless she hated him so much that she actually thought he deserved to be deceived in such a manner.

August 14, 2022 at 5:47 AM

Actually, she justifies it with a bs excuse (would have been too cruel because the guy was too invested, and he was broken up when she left him... hogwash, since he after all had every right to know this, and hiding his head in the sand like an ostrich is no way to live life).

Glad to see that Hae-ri wishes she told Min-woo about the betrayal.

August 14, 2022 at 6:18 AM

I actually found Hae-Ri's words when Min-woo followed her rather despicable: in light of what Min-woo had just heard, he obviously does not owe Yo-ra anything and does not have anything to apologize to her about: he had just heard that she had betrayed and deceived him, so he is under no obligation to spend time with her and worry or ever consider what she thinks. No, this does not explain or justify Yo-ra's behavior, in fact she is utterly shameless to even dare to complain or act possessive or think in any way she is owed anything, when Hae-ri knew and now Min-woo knows of her betrayal.

August 15, 2022 at 9:13 PM

All things considered, I appreciate the fact that in the end Min-woo leaves his girlfriend.

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Business Proposal Episode 9 Preview: Release Date, Time & Where To Watch

Business proposal episode 9.

Based on a popular webtoon, Business Proposal is a K-drama and romantic comedy about a young woman who inadvertently gets involved with the CEO of the company where she works.

Shin Ha-ri (Kim Se-jeong) struggles financially, so she readily accepts when her wealthy best friend Jin Young-seo (Seol In-ah) offers to pay her for a favor. Ha-ri goes on a blind date in Young-seo’s stead to try and scare off her suitor.

But he turns out to be Ha-ri’s boss, Kang Tae-moo (Ahn Hyo-seop). When Tae-moo wants to keep dating the fake Young-seo, Ha-ri has to come up with a way to keep up the facade and keep her job.

If you’re curious about this new K-drama, you’ll likely want to know the release date for the next episode. 

Here is everything you need to know about Business Proposal Episode 9, including its release date, time and where you can watch this.

Where Can I Watch Business Proposal?

Business Proposal episodes will be released on Netflix in the U.S., UK, and other selected regions. For Koreans though, the episodes will air on SBS TV Mondays and Tuesdays at 22:00 (KST).

Business Proposal Episode 9 Release Date

Business Proposal Episode 9 will release on Netflix on Monday 28tht March at approximately 2.30pm (GMT)/10.30PM (MYT) / 9.30am (ET). The subtitle team over at Netflix is incredibly quick, so expect English subs to be available immediately.

Expect episode 9 to be roughly 60 minutes long, which is consistent with the time-frame for the rest of the show.

How Many Episodes Will Business Proposal Have?

Business Proposal will be a 12 episode K-drama series, with 2 episodes releasing each week. After this instalment, we have just 3 episodes ahead of us. Expect some rocky romantic development to build between Ha-ri and Tae-moo, as well as between Young-seo and Seong-hoon.

Is There A Trailer For Business Proposal?

Yes, there is! You can find a trailer for Business Proposal Season 1 below:

What happened in Episode 8?

In Business Proposal Episode 8, Ha-ri tried to pay Tae-moo back for kissing him, then calling it a mistake. When Chairman Kang set up another blind date for his grandson, Ha-ri became jealous. She called him to say she wanted them to be together, and they met for a kiss.

We’ve covered the entire episode with a lengthy recap that touches on all major plot points and discusses the chapter with an accompanying review. You can find that link below.

Read More: Business Proposal – K-Drama Episode 8 Recap & Review

What do you hope to see as the series progresses? What’s been your favorite moment of Business Proposal so far? Let us know in the comments below!

1 thought on “Business Proposal Episode 9 Preview: Release Date, Time & Where To Watch”

I love to watch but naka Inis episode 8 palang ako super na talaga sa ep9 😍😍

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Ahn Hyo Seop & Kim Sejeong Are Officially Dating In “Business Proposal” Episode 9

Despite keeping the relationship hidden from others, the adorable new couple still expresses their affection in the 9th episode of business proposal ..

Discreetly parading their love languages to one another, Kang Tae-mu and Shin Ha-ri go on romantic dates as an official couple. On the other hand, disagreements arise since Cha Sung Hoon has been entangled with Jin Young-seo’s cousin.

ms. sunshine watched  Business Proposal on Netflix Episode Recaps: 1 & 2 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | Finale Week + Review |

Business Proposal Episode 9 Key Moments

“My heart just skipped a beat because you’re so cute.”

Arriving at the restaurant, Tae-mu graciously offers Ha-ri her seat. Considering Tae-mu has some business to attend to, he tells Ha-ri that he wants to have their breakfast together. Telling Ha-ri to wait for him, he acquaints her that he is going to make their meals himself.

Ha-ri accidentally dropped one of her utensils and tried to get it, but Tae-mu immediately retrieved it for her. He then notices that Ha-ri’s shoes are mismatched.

Leaving the restaurant, Ha-ri thinks that they should go separately from there. And, to convey her gratitude for the most lovely morning of her life, Ha-ri gives Tae-mu a kiss on the cheek.

“Anyway, it felt so good when you introduced me as your boyfriend to the owner.”

Responding affirmatively to the question, he uses it to invite Shin Ha-ri to dinner openly. As an alibi for the other employees who heard him, he continues, Ha-ri was recognized as the MVP at their most recent business field day, and thus got the opportunity to enjoy dinner with him.

When the owner inquires as to who she is with, Ha-ri introduces Tae-mu as her boyfriend.

“He’s your grandfather. I want to be loved by the person you love the most too.”

Waiting for Ha-ri to finish using the ladies’ restroom, Tae-mu asks if she is doing okay since she appears to have been drinking a lot. Afterwards, he asks her what typically happens when she drinks more alcohol than she consumes.

Returning back to the others, Tae-mu discreetly holds Ha-ri’s hands beneath the table. However, Ms. Kim drops her phone on the floor and notices they are both holding hands.

Business Proposal Episode 9 Musings

Apart from that, the physical touch as Tae-mu reassures Ha-ri that she need not worry about his grandfather by holding her hand and also their quality time together.

However, given the nature of relationships, we hope that Young-seo’s heart will open and she will listen to Sung Hoon’s explanation.


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Season 1 – Business Proposal

Where to watch, business proposal — season 1.

Watch Business Proposal — Season 1 with a subscription on Netflix.

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Ahn Hyo-seop

Kang Tae-mu

Kim Min-gue

Cha Seong-hun

Jin Yeong-seo

Choi Byung-chan

Shin Ha-min

Kim Kwang-gyu

Shin Jung-hae

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A Business Proposal [Episode 9]

Drama: A Business Proposal

Hangul: 사내 맞선

Also known as: In-House Confrontation, In-House Match, Confrontation in the Company, Meet the Man, Meet the Guy, Sanae Majseon, Sanae Matseon, Sanae Matsun, 사내맞선, The Office Blind Date, Business Proposal

Director: Park Seon-Ho (My Strange Hero, Suspicious Partner)

Writer: Han Sul-Hee (Ugly Miss Young Ae, All My Love), Hong Bo-Hee (Standby, High Kick S3)

Network: SBS

Episodes: 12

Duration: 60 mins.

Air Date: Mondays & Tuesdays @ 22:00 KST

Airing: Feb 28, 2022 - Apr 05, 2022

Streaming Source(s): Netflix

Ahn Hyo-Seop (Lovers of the Red Sky, Dr. Romantic S2) as Kang Tae-Mu

Kim Se-Jeong (The Uncanny Counter, School 2017) as Shin Ha-Ri

Kim Min-Kyu (Snowdrop) as Cha Sung-Hoon

Seol In-Ah (Mr. Queen, School 2017) as Jin Young-Seo

Plot Synopsis: Shin Ha-Ri is a single woman and works for a company. She has a male friend, who she has had a crush on for a long time, but she learns he has a girlfriend. Shin Ha-Ri feels sad and decides to meet her friend Jin Young-Seo, who is a daughter of a chaebol family. Jin Young-Seo then asks Shin Ha-Ri to take her place in a blind date and even offers some money for her time. Shin Ha-Ri accepts her friend's offer. She goes out on the blind date as Jin Young-Seo, while having the intention to get rejected by her date. When she sees her blind date, Shin Ha-Ri is dumbfounded. Her blind date is Kang Tae-Mu. He is the CEO of the company where she works. Kang Tae-Mu is the CEO of a company that his grandfather founded. One day, his grandfather informed him of an upcoming blind date that he set up for him. Kang Tae-Mu is a workaholic and he is annoyed that his grandfather sets up blind dates for him. He decides to marry the next woman whom he meets at a blind date, so he won't be disturbed from his work anymore. That woman is Shin Ha-Ri, but pretending to be Jin Young-Seo. On the following day, Shin Ha-Ri receives a phone call from Kang Tae-Mu. He asks her to marry him. (Source: AsianWiki)

Genre: Comedy, Romance, Drama

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What Time Will ‘Business Proposal’ Episodes 9 and 10 Be on Netflix?

Where to stream:.

  • Business Proposal

It’s a good weekend for some great content.

Donald Glover’s critically acclaimed dramedy Atlanta has finally returned with new episodes (the first two episodes of Season 3 are now on Hulu), Netflix’s popular series Bridgerton is back for a second season, and the 2022 Oscars air Sunday night on ABC (and will be available for next-day streaming on Hulu). But many streamers have one pressing question: When will the next two episodes of the beloved K-drama Business Proposal arrive on Netflix?

The first season of the series consists of 12 episodes, with the first eight currently available to watch on Netflix. What time will Business Proposal Episodes 9 and 10 debut on the streamer? Here’s everything you need to know.


Business Proposal Episode 9 debuts Monday, March 28 on Netflix. Business Proposal Episode 10 premieres Tuesday, March 29 on the streamer.


Business Proposal  follows a different release schedule than most Netflix programs. New shows and films typically debut at 3:00 a.m. ET (12:00 a.m. PT), but new episodes of Business Proposal debut at 10:30 a.m. ET (7:30 a.m. PT). The release times for the next two episodes are as follows:

Business Proposal Episode 9: Monday, March 28 at 10:30 a.m. ET Business Proposal Episode 10: Tuesday, March 29 at 10:30 a.m. ET


Business Proposal Episode 11 Premiere Date: Monday, April 4 at 10:30 a.m. ET Business Proposal Episode 12 Premiere Date: Tuesday, April 5 at 10:30 a.m. ET

Watch Business Proposal on Netflix

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  • Cast & crew
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Business Proposal

Kim Sejeong and Ahn Hyo-seop in Business Proposal (2022)

In disguise as her friend, Ha-ri shows up to a blind date to scare him away. But plans go awry when he turns out to be her CEO - and makes a proposal. In disguise as her friend, Ha-ri shows up to a blind date to scare him away. But plans go awry when he turns out to be her CEO - and makes a proposal. In disguise as her friend, Ha-ri shows up to a blind date to scare him away. But plans go awry when he turns out to be her CEO - and makes a proposal.

  • Ahn Hyo-seop
  • Kim Sejeong
  • Kim Min-kyu
  • 155 User reviews
  • 5 Critic reviews

Episodes 12

Official Trailer

  • Kang Tae-moo

Kim Sejeong

  • Cha Seong-hoon

Seol In-ah

  • Jin Yeong-seo

Lee Deok-hwa

  • Kang Da-goo

Kim Hyun-sook

  • Yeo Eui-joo

Lim Ki-hong

  • Shin Joong-hae

Jung Young-joo

  • Shin Ha-min

Song Won-seok

  • Lee Min-woo

Seo Hye-won

  • Jo Yoo-jeong

Lee Ki-young

  • Chairman Jin

Han Ji-hyo

  • Kang Tae-moo's Mother

Hwang Bo-ra

  • Journalist Hwang Bo-ra

Kim Jeong-yeong

  • Cha Sung Hoon's Mother
  • All cast & crew
  • Production, box office & more at IMDbPro

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Did you know

  • Trivia There are scenes in this drama where Actor Ahn Hyo Seop speaks perfect English that's because he is actually Canadian! His family moved to Toronto, Canada when he was younger. He went by his English name Paul Ahn when he was still residing and studying in Canada. When he was 17, he moved back to South Korea to pursue a career in the entertainment industry.
  • Connections Referenced in BamBam: Melting (2022)
  • Soundtracks Love, Maybe Performed by MeloMance .

User reviews 155

  • manarnasrawi
  • Mar 1, 2022
  • How many seasons does Business Proposal have? Powered by Alexa
  • March 1, 2022 (United States)
  • South Korea
  • Official SBS Site
  • The Office Blind Date
  • Kross Pictures
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro

Technical specs

  • Runtime 1 hour
  • Dolby Digital

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Business Proposal Hindi Dubbed

Business Proposal K-Drama Hindi Dub: Where to Watch Dubbed Episodes?

By Varsha Narayanan

Business Proposal is one of the most talked about rom-com K-dramas amongst fans. The series premiered on February 28, 2022, and continues to remain popular because of its cast and storyline. Viewers who aren’t fluent in Korean and would like to watch the show in Hindi can do so using the Hindi dub audio features on Netflix and the streaming platform, Dailymotion .

Led by Ahn Hyo-Seop and Kim Se-Jeong , Business Proposal documents the love story between an employee and her company’s CEO. The drama also puts a fun twist on the highly experimented workplace genre. The series also features other exciting characters, including the second lead couple, Kim Min-Gue and Sol In-Ah .

Furthermore, keep reading for more details about where viewers might find Business Proposal Hindi-dubbed online and how to access the same. 

Business Proposal K-drama episodes 1-12 Hindi dubbed streaming details

Business Proposal is among some of the most popular SBS K-dramas, featuring Ahn Hyo-Seop and Kim Se-Jeong as leads. The series ran for 12 episodes, all of which are available to stream on Netflix . Viewers who want to watch the drama in Hindi can use the Hindi dubbed features of the streaming platform. They can change the audio to Hindi on a chosen episode by going to the audio and subtitles section. Viewers can choose to keep the subtitles on or off or change the language from the selected options available.

Meanwhile, Dailymotion also offers Hindi dubbed versions of Business Proposal. Viewers will have to type in the K-drama name and add “Hindi dubbed” in the search box to stream the episodes. While Dailymotion doesn’t require a subscription, fans will have to need a Netflix subscription to access the Hindi dub features of the series.

Business Proposal follows the story of Shin Ha-Ri (Kim Se-Jeong), who, in disguise, goes to her best friend’s date to scare the guy. However, he turns out to be her company’s CEO Kang Tae-Moo (Ahn Hyo-Seop). Her plan fails and she keeps running into him, who then puts forth an unusual demand. The drama became extremely popular because of the chemistry between the lead and the second lead couple.

Varsha Narayanan

Varsha is a K-drama writer at ComingSoon. An avid K-drama fan for the past eight years, she has deep dived into rom-coms, thrillers, historical and fantasy dramas! From the old-school iconic Boys over Flowers to the new Hallyu wave-inspired dramas, she knows and has seen it all.

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Home » Endings Explained » TV - Ending Explained

‘My Lady Jane’ Ending Sees Jane and Guildford Frantically Trying To Escape Execution

Lady Jane Grey and Lord Guildford Dudley in My Lady Jane Image for episode 8 recap and season 1 ending explanation


Episode 8 brings a strong finish to an otherwise below-average series.

I expected My Lady Jane to have a frantic ending. The series has embraced the scenario that Lady Jane Grey and Guildford Dudley were too late for their feelings, and it certainly feels that way in Episode 8, at least for a little while.

“God Saves The Queen” plays with this scenario of a hellbent Queen Mary having a bit too much fun. Jane was imprisoned in the Tower of London, and she was offered a horrific deal: denounce Ethianism, claim her husband Guildford tricked her, and she shall be freed. Of course, all Jane cared about was saving her husband, so she was never going to do that. Meanwhile, Guildford was trapped in a secret prison for Ethians, taunted by Lord Seymour with his death all but surely confirmed. Even his brother and father try to save him, but that’s unsuccessful, too.

But when the end of My Lady Jane came, it was not that simple for Queen Mary to execute Jane and Guildford. In this alternative history, Jane has nine lives. 

How Did Jane and Guildford escape execution?

business proposal 9 episode

Lady Jane Grey (played by Emily Bader) in ‘My Lady Jane’ (Credit – Prime Video)

Mary decided to be creative on execution night: Guildford Dudley would be burned to death, and Lady Jane Grey would have her head chopped off. As they are brought before the crowds, Jane is regretful for not telling Guildford that she loves him.

But, as the executioner is about to execute Jane, a bird strikes him down, and then a flock of birds descends onto the crowd. Leading the charge is Suzanne, Jane’s former maid. It looks like King Edward’s plea to the Ethians to save Lady Jane Grey so he can retake the throne has worked, and in return, he will be expected to offer the Ethians freedom. 

Amongst the chaos of the Ethians fighting the Royal Guards, Jane rushes to save Guildford, who is about to be engulfed by flames. However, she’s unable to cut the rope. In a moment of pure love, Jane is ready to accept her fate and die with him by burning to death — it’s at this moment Jane and Guildford finally confess their love for each other. 

However, to help save them both, Guildford turns into his Ethian horse and rides off with Jane mounted on him. What does this mean for the lovebirds? Who knows. It can be assumed at this point that Queen Mary, who is dismayed that her plans to execute them failed, will try to stay in power. However, expect King Edward to be looming.

It’s possible that Guildford and Jane will go into exile and enjoy their blossoming marriage for a while, but something, or someone, will entice them to return to the kingdom. 

Either way, Episode 8 was an exciting end to Season 1, which was under-average from a storytelling and production standpoint. Now what might happen in Season 2 ?

Court Documents

Here are other notable points from Episode 8 of My Lady Jane Season 1:

  • Mary tells Seymour that she does not intend to marry him but has found him a bride.  
  • Lord Dudley and Stan try to save Guildford from the secret prison. His father, Lord Dudley, tells Guildford to forgive himself and not to blame himself for his mother’s death.
  • Jane tries to poison one of the guards with a poisonous moss she found at the side of the tower, but he’s been too kind, so she changes her mind. She also fails to poison Queen Mary when she places the poison on her lips and tries to kiss her.
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Daniel is the co-founder of Ready Steady Cut and has served as Editor-in-Chief since 2017. Since then, Dan has been at the top of his game by ensuring that we only produce and upload content of exceptional quality and that we’re up to date with the latest additions to the streaming and entertainment world.

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Known conspiracy theorist RFK Jr. says he 'won't take sides on 9/11' following recent '60 Minutes' episode

  • Robert F Kennedy Jr. has said he would not "take sides" on 9/11 if elected president.
  • Kennedy said he wished to restore trust with the American people "through honesty and transparency."
  • Kennedy has previously spread a number of other wild conspiracy theories.

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Independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr. said on Friday that he would not "take sides" when it came to the events of the 9/11 terrorist attacks if he won election to the White House in November.

"My take on 9/11: It's hard to tell what is a conspiracy theory and what isn't. But conspiracy theories flourish when the government routinely lies to the public," Kennedy wrote in a post on X.

"As president I won't take sides on 9/11 or any of the other debates. But I can promise… that I will open the files and usher in a new era of transparency," he added.

Kennedy's campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Business Insider, which was sent outside regular working hours.

The September 11 attacks were the deadliest terror attacks ever in the US.

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Nearly 3,000 people were killed and thousands were injured when terrorists hijacked and crashed commercial jets into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania.

Kennedy said in a follow-up post that he had been referencing an excerpt from a recent CBS " 60 Minutes " episode, which he said looked at "possible Saudi involvement in 9/11, sparking all kinds of speculation on X."

The episode focused on a newly released video of a Saudi intelligence officer filming in Washington, DC, in 1999.

In a third post , the long shot presidential candidate wrote, "Speculation about what our government may be covering up is rife outside the mainstream of our political culture."

The way to restore trust in the government, he said, "is through honesty and transparency."

"That is my promise, and that is what will resolve any questions about 9/11, UAPs, and other contentious topics. I am personally agnostic on those issues. My issue is TRANSPARENCY," he added.

My take on 9/11: It's hard to tell what is a conspiracy theory and what isn't. But conspiracy theories flourish when the government routinely lies to the public. As President I won't take sides on 9/11 or any of the other debates. But I can promise is that I will open the files… — Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) July 5, 2024

It's not the first time Kennedy has promoted a conspiracy theory, having previously shared wild ideas ranging from how mass shootings are linked to prescription drugs to how certain chemicals in water impact the sexuality of children.

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