Top Excel Templates for Human Resources

In this article, you’ll find the most complete collection of human resource templates to help you with everything from acquiring the best talent to managing training programs and tracking employee schedules..

hr task list excel

New Hire Checklist

Manage new hire documentation, track onboarding progress, and identify any information that is still needed for each new hire. Collect and organize all relevant documentation to ensure you’re appropriately managing and onboarding each new hire effectively.

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hr task list excel

Staffing or Recruiting Plan

Search for, vet, and find the right talent to ensure you’re hiring the best candidates for the job. Make your team aware of all available recruitment resources, ongoing open roles, and yearly hiring goals to ensure budgets and headcounts align with the overall goals of the team or organization.

hr task list excel

Employee Evaluation

Document employee goals, track individual and team progress, and strategize on goals to provide employees with accurate feedback on their performance. Maintain transparency between employee and manager and set business and personal development goals to keep growth momentum going.

hr task list excel

Candidate Screening Tracker

Create a more manageable way to track and document all incoming candidate resumes, cover letters, references, and other important applicant details. Note contact information, interview questions and answers, and comments regarding next steps to keep all hiring managers and interviewers in the loop.

hr task list excel

New Employee Onboarding Template Set

This Smartsheet template set provides a structure to track and manage onboarding, so new employees get up and running quickly.

  • Onboard new employees with templatized personal onboarding hubs
  • Schedule onboarding tasks and empower managers to monitor progress
  • Centralize key onboarding resources and assets in a single location

hr task list excel

Employee Training Plan

Ensure a quick and efficient ramp-up period for all new hires by planning, scheduling, and gaining insight into all associated new hire tasks. Add details around activity status, manager and peer feedback, and resources needed to make the entire process easier and more successful for all involved parties.

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Use Free Smartsheet Template

hr task list excel

Transition Plan

Reduce the amount of information lost when transitioning employees from one role to another with this comprehensive template. Ensure the training process is seamless and that all details of the role are accurately covered to get new employees started off on the right foot. Input tasks, goals, assumptions, and even start and end dates.

hr task list excel

Employee Attendance Tracker

Track employee attendance, document paid time off and vacations, and manage sick days with this employee attendance tracker template. Use this tracker to assess job performance during yearly evaluations and gain insight into each employee’s running attendance history.

hr task list excel

Vacation Schedule

Track employee vacation schedules to ensure you always have proper coverage and your business remains productive. Note total time off, date changes, and details on how to reach employees while they are gone to stay on top of all employee schedules.

hr task list excel

Employee Work Schedule

Keep track of employee schedules on both a daily and weekly basis to ensure you have the right amount of coverage at any given time. With this simple work schedule template, you can list all schedules in one location and provide an at-a-glance view to managers and higher-ups.

hr task list excel

Monthly Work Schedule

Track important dates on a monthly basis, like holidays, scheduled office closures, timesheet due dates, and payroll cut offs to keep everyone informed. Gain insight into the plans for each month to stay informed, plan accordingly, and anticipate what is coming down the line. Set up tabs for each month to create a more comprehensive yearly view.

hr task list excel

Weekly Work Schedule

Keep your employees aware of weekly tasks, meetings, holidays, and more with this weekly work schedule. With this template, you can ensure that work is completed on time and that all tasks are documented to ensure accountability and transparency.

hr task list excel

Hourly Work Schedule

Track and plan for a whole day on an hourly basis to ensure you have the coverage needed with this hourly work schedule template. Give employees insight into when they’re working and whom they’ll be working with, and create a rolling history of previous weeks to refer back to as necessary.

hr task list excel

Employee Timesheet

Create a more standardized, technical way to track employee timesheets on a weekly, biweekly, and monthly basis to easily reference when completing the payroll process. Create one timesheet for each employee to accurately track his or her time and tasks, and calculate all-up totals with prebuilt formulas.

hr task list excel

Payroll Tracker

Streamline the payroll process with this payroll tracker where you can easily add employee details, salaris, overtime hours, exemptions, and other important details for each pay period. Create a running history of payroll throughout the month, quarter, and year so you can refer back to the information as needed.

hr task list excel

Keep both the employee and the employer up to date on current pay rates by tracking overall compensations and deductions on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. Document all payments to ensure each employee is properly compensated for their work, and so tax documents are accurate come year end.

hr task list excel

Better Manage Your People Operations with Smartsheet for Human Resources

Finding the right template to track and manage your human resources efforts can help you get started fast. But, because HR processes are nuanced, and one misstep can result in a poor experience for your team, it’s important to have the right solution in place to stay on top of all the details.

Smartsheet is a work execution platform that enables enterprises and teams to get from idea to impact - fast. Leading HR professionals rely on Smartsheet to help manage everything from simple onboarding tasks to complex change management, recruiting, and benefits and retirement tracking.

Try Smartsheet for Free

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  • HR department
  • Performance review
  • Recruitment
  • Free HR course
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  • Compensation
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  • Remote work
  • Blue Collar
  • Occupational health

hr task list excel

Best Excel templates for HR - Download them for FREE

hr task list excel

Are you looking for resources to improve your department's day-to-day workload? We've chosen the best Excel spreadsheets for human resources: performance appraisals, annual leave, timekeeping, work climate, organogram and payroll. And it's all free!

Usage of Excel spreadsheets in HR

The personnel department manages and stores and large quantity of information, which also increases as the company grows. It’s easy to manage when the company is still small. But once the company has more than 50 staff, and in addition to hiring specialised HR professionals, as studies recommend, it's also important to use the appropriate tools to help you grow and stay efficient. Excel spreadsheets for human resources suddenly become obsolete, especially when you reach this point.

hr software template

The future lies with HR software such as Kenjo that enable teams to grow, to become more productive thanks to task automation, and to make better decisions based on objective data. However, we have an intermediate solution for those departments that still opt for traditional systems: preconfigured Excel templates for human resources. We gathered a selection of the best on the market, some of which are created by Kenjo.

Excel template for performance appraisal

The performance appraisal template is one of the most useful of the free templates for human resources available. It was created by Kenjo and enables you to upload a record for each employee, where you can register all the appraisals you carry out during the year. Can you customise it to suit your needs? Of course, just enter the questions you normally ask at appraisals and classify them using the pre-set categories we've created for you.

Apart from storing information, the Excel template also enables you to generate charts to analyse the performance of each employee or team throughout the year, and even draw comparisons with their colleagues. You can also compare the results of several teams according to the department or manager. Click on the link below to download our performance evaluation template .

template CTA

Excel template for annual leave

How do you track your team’s annual leave? You’ll find it much easier, faster and more secure with this human resources Excel template. Just enter each employee’s information and start to use it .

It was inspired by our absence and annual leave software , so you’ll be able to access each employee’s record and an overall calendar where you can see, at a glance, the entire team’s absences with colour-coded identification. Click on the following link and download our Excel template for holidays and absences .

Annual leave excel template

This will enable you to track annual leave for every employee, the number of absences, and thanks to the calendar, you will be able to better coordinate your staff by visualising those who are available on a daily basis. 

template CTA

Excel template to track your HR KPIs

As legendary Austrian management consultant and educator Peter Drucker said "what is not measured cannot be improved". You cannot analyse the progress of your department without implementing the right KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) . KPIs allow us to obtain information about the actions in an organisation in order to draw conclusions and assess which processes need improving. 

Our Human resources KPI Excel template requires you to only enter the information of your employees and it automatically generates different graphs for you. In this very visual way, you will be able to see the valuable information related to your department.

template CTA

Excel template to calculate salary increases

Setting salaries is one of the most complicated tasks that a Human Resources department has to undertake. At Kenjo, we want to help you in facilitating this task by offering you a thorough template to define your next compensation plan. 

Salary Increase Excel Template-1

With this template you will be able to calculate the salary increases of your employees based on their job performance. You can also analyse the information through comparative graphs and tables.

template CTA

Excel templates for your training plan

Now more than ever, employee training is vital to the development and operation of a company. Technologies are constantly changing and employees need to keep up to date with them and learn new skills. T o do this, it is essential for HR departments to have training plans for the growth and success of their employees. 

Learning and Development plan Excel template

At Kenjo, we have developed a company training plan Excel template . This will allow you to keep track of the training of your employees and the budget allocated to it. Download this template by clicking the following image.

template CTA

Excel template for employee recruitment tracking

Another fundamental tool for a HR department is a recruiting and hiring excel template. When carrying out a recruitment  process it is important to make a plan and have a system that allows you to monitor this process. When the time comes to make a decision, this template will allow you to see all the information of the candidates at a glance so you can compare them and choose the most suitable candidate for the position. 

excel template recruitment tracker-1

In this excel recruitment tracker template you will be able to classify the candidates, indicate the phase of the process they are in and see all the observations you have made about each of them.

template CTA

Timekeeping template

The Working Time Regulations stipulate a maximum 48-hour week for all UK employees. Employees can opt out if they choose, but employers have the responsibility of tracking time and attendance of all staff, mainly to ensure that they are not doing too much overtime. Tracking time and attendance is also extremely important for remote workers, who need to keep track of hours worked, as well as those with flexible working agreements. Employees with children under 17 years old have the right to request flexible working, after the Children and Families Act came into force in June 2014 What system are you using to keep track of time and attendance? Some Excel templates allow you to simply enter clock-in and clock-out times and it will automatically calculate the number of hours, as well as any overtime worked. Download the template here .

Workplace survey template

Work climate includes a range of factors such as motivation and employee satisfaction . Gauging and understanding how the team perceives the company, as well as their own job role, will give you an idea about the atmosphere within the company, enabling you to make improvements that will increase your productivity and the well-being of your workforce. To do this, it's fundamental to ask staff to complete workplace surveys from time to time. You can use a template (download here ) which generates a human resources dashboard with the survey results. 

OrgChart template

Whether your company has a vertical or horizontal structure, having an organigram is important so that reporting lines are clear to everyone. This will give you a handy and clear view of the company structure , the different teams, job roles and departments. It’s a key tool for improving communication and is very useful, for example, while onboarding new staff members.

organigram template

Click here to see a range of different organigram models that you can customise and adapt to your organisation. It’s important to keep it up to date after every promotion, and when someone joins or leaves the company.

Payroll template for Human Resources

Payroll administration is one the most important functions of a HR department. With a platform like Kenjo, you could save up to 40% of the time spent on this type of administrative task. Nevertheless, if you’re still using Excel then it’s always better to use a template. There is no official payroll template but the HMRC offers useful information on the most important aspects a payslip should include. You can create your own or choose an online platform to help you. This template gives you a base to work from and allows you to quickly and easily create payslips for your team.

Excel template for shift planning

Organising rotating shifts ranks among the most time-consuming tasks of HR managers. Lacking the right tools, this task can quickly make for a real mess in the department. We created a shift planning excel template that HR managers can use to effectively and comprehensively manage their employees' shift.


NPS calculator

The NPS, or Net Promoter Score is a method created by Fred Reichheld to measure the satisfaction of employees, clients, etc. They are asked to answer questions such as “How likely are you to recommend this (product, service, company) to a friend or family?” and the person has to give a rating from zero (least likely) to 10 (most likely). In this way, three types of profile are established: Promoters, Passives and Detractors. Hotjar has created an automatic calculator that helps you determine how many Promoters, Detractors you have in your company and discover your NPS.

NPS calculator

9 Box Grid Talent Management Template

The 9-box grid model is a commonly used method to better understand performance and potential in the context of talent management and workforce planning. We provide you with a free template !

9 Box Grid Talent Management Template

Advanced Performance Review Excel Template

Measuring the quality of work carried out in a company is fundamental for good business development. This can be done by assessing each employee from different perspectives to get an overview of the value they create for the company. A performance review template will help you to perform this task quickly, easily and in the same way for everyone. Don’t have one yet? Download our free version!

Excel Template Skills Matrix

A Skill Matrix is a handy team and project management tool that helps you get the most out of your internal talent, and to quickly and easily identify the needs of your workforce. It will help you define standards for recruitment and selection , for performance evaluation or employee behaviour standards.

As an employer, you can quickly identify core competences within the group and exploit the potential for cooperation within the team. Download our skills matrix today.

kenjo skills matrix cta

Word Template Performance Review Questionnaire

Asking employees to do what's known as a self-evaluation is a normal part of the performance review process. In other words, we ask them to analyse and reflect on their performance and their contribution to the company throughout a given period and put it in writing.

To help you and your employees with their next self evaluation, we've created this self evaluation template that you can download for free. With this template, you and your employees will be able to prepare themselves in no time for their next performance review - with the added benefit that all your future self evaluations will be consistent in style and form. If you do have any additional questions that you would like to add to our template, you are of course more than welcome to modify it.

Kenjo Performance Review Questionnaire

Employee Database

Employee Databases are essential tools for businesses to track and store employee information, allowing easy access and data analysis . But for many, the thought of creating and analysing staff databases is understandably intimidating, and figuring out where to begin is a challenge. 

If the idea of setting up a Human Resources database in Excel is intimidating, you are not alone. To save time, Kenjo has designed a user-friendly, free Employee Database Excel Template for anyone to download and start inputting data.

Kenjo Employee Database template

Onboarding Checklist

Employee satisfaction is playing an ever increasing role in when it comes to talent retention. But how do you actually make employees feel good? The first step to employee satisfaction is a structured onboarding process that familiarizes new employees with the company , their job their duties and team. The process starts from the moment the employee is made an offer and ends once the employee is a productive member of the company.

In order to help you create and carry out a perfect onboarding for your company, we've created a free onboarding checklist which will guide you through the most important employee onboarding steps. You are also more than welcome to adjust the onboarding checklist and adapt it to your specific needs.

Kenjo Onboarding Checklist Template CTA

Timesheet Template

Due to a 2019 ruling by the European Court of Justice, companies across Europe are now required to track their employees' time and attendance. While many other countries have already adopted and implemented time and attendance tracking laws - such as in the US - implementation has been a slow process in Europe.

Kenjo’s Timesheet Template was created with simplicity and ease of use in mind and is suitable for any level of users. All you need to use our Timesheet Template is a copy of Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice and you are ready to go.

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Salary Band

Setting up salary bands in a company can be tricky because defining employees' salaries is crucial to keep employees motivated and avoid a talent drain . It also prevents bias and potential inequalities. If you're looking for a salary band template, then Kenjo, the all-in-one HR software solution, can help. Download our template today and save time and money!

Kenjo Excel Salary Band Template CTA

Cost Per Hire Calculator

Calculate all your recruiting and hiring costs with our Cost Per Hire Excel Calculator. Clearly and understandably calculate all recruiting costs with our easily customisable excel calculator. Optimise your recruiting budget with the help of our "Cost-Per-Hire" calculator.


Time Off Request Template

With Kenjo's free time off request template, your employees can easily and effortlessly request time off . Easily customisable the template which has a clear structured format. The template is also suitable for requesting special and unpaid leave

Kenjo Absence Management HR Software

Digitise your HR department with Kenjo

Take the quality and efficiency of your work to the next level and leave Excel templates behind. Digitise your HR department with Kenjo human resources software. You will be able to manage your payroll, recruitment processes, annual leave and absences, workplace surveys, etc. all in one place, and share the information with your team and become more agile in your day-to-day work. We calculate that, on average, you’ll save 40% of the time spent on administrative tasks .

You may also be interested in our article about the 3 best human resources software .

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Task List Templates

The Excel task list templates on this page demonstrate some of the many ways that you can track tasks using a spreadsheet, from simple to do lists to more advanced Gantt charts. These templates demonstrate using icon sets to display priorities, using conditional formatting to display a progress bar, creating a gantt using using a stacked bar chart, and using a check mark to cross out tasks when they've been completed.

Tell me what you think about these templates: Leave a comment on the related blog article " Add Cool Features to Your To Do Lists ."

This Page (contents):

  • Project Task List
  • Simple Task Tracker
  • Task List with Gantt Chart

Task Checklist Template

Printable task list templates, project task list template.

Project Task List Template

License : Private Use (not for distribution or resale)


This spreadsheet demonstrates the use of conditional formatting to highlight the Priority column, to add a progress bar to the % Complete column, and to create a functioning check box via data validation. It also includes columns for entering budget and hours spent on each task.

Update 9/23/2019: Added the Google Sheets version - replaced the icon sets with in-cell checkboxes. Google Sheets does not yet have in-cell data bars (for the % Complete column).

Simple Task Tracker Template

Screenshot of the Task Tracker Template in Excel

This task tracker template demonstrates the use of custom icon sets via conditional formatting to show a priority rating of 1-4 with different color circles. It uses a similar technique for the checkbox in the Done column.

Project Task List with Gantt Chart

Project Task List Template with Gantt Chart

A gantt chart can be created from a task list using a stacked bar chart in Excel. This is a functional template that can be used for real project management tasks, but the primary purpose is to demonstrate how the data table is set up to create the gantt chart.

Screenshot of the Task Checklist in Excel

This task list template demonstrates how to create a checkbox using a data validation drop-down and how to use simple conditional formatting conditions to display HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW priority values. It also uses conditional formatting to change fonts to a gray strike-through when the checkbox is checked.

► How to Insert a Check Mark in Excel (on youtube)!

More Templates For Tracking Tasks

Thumbnail - Action Items Template

  • How to Use Conditional Formatting in Excel at
  • Create a Drop Down List in Excel at

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Related templates.

Thumbnail - Personal Planner Template

Project Management

HR Task List Template

HR Task List Template in Excel, Google Sheets

Download this HR Task List Template Design in Excel, Google Sheets Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable.

Other HR Templates Business Bundled

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Best Excel Templates for HR Managers - Top 10 Templates

Excel templates help HR managers to record, manage and track critical business data without hassles. Here are the best Excel templates for HR managers in 2023!

Arzu Özkan-  Digital Marketing Manager

HR managers have a lot of responsibilities and tasks to manage daily. From tracking employee performance to generating their payslips, HR managers are always busy. So HR managers always look for efficient ways to do their job and save time. 

Excel templates for HR managers can be a great tool because they can help them manage data in an organized way. For example, by using the best Excel templates, HR managers can easily track employee performance, check how many hours they worked and find ways to utilize the resources efficiently. So here are the ten best Excel templates for HR managers to ease their tasks. 

10 Best Excel Templates for HR 

  • Employee Attendance Tracking Spreadsheet Template

Managing the attendance of each employee is one of the most significant responsibilities of an HR manager to ensure an efficient recruitment process . An employee attendance tracker template helps HR managers to keep track of attendance records efficiently.

An employee attendance tracker ensures your company obeys labour rules and regulations. It helps you determine how many hours your employees work and whether they're getting paid. Moreover, you can also ensure accurate payrolls using an efficient employee tracking template. 

An employee attendance tracker template includes the following information:

  • All personal information about employees
  • Attendance status
  • Check-in and check-out timings
  • Total work hours
  • Total break hours
  • Employee Vacation Tracking Spreadsheet Template

Copy Employee Vacation Tracking Spreadsheet Template to Your Retable Dashboard: Employee Vacation Tracking Spreadsheet Template

You can click the Use Data button to copy Employee Vacation Tracking Spreadsheet Template to your Retable Dashboard!

Employee vacation tracking is another tedious job for HR managers. Every employee will be taking vacations at different times of the year. A proper vacation tracker template can help HR managers organize this task. 

Excel templates for human resources will clearly show you when each employee is going on vacation. As a result, you can ensure that only a few employees from a particular department are on vacation simultaneously. The Excel templates for HR managers are straightforward to interpret and access. Moreover, HR templates in Excel allow you to calculate employee attendance, print the data and use it for annual employee performance analysis. 

An employee vacation tracker template includes the following information:

  • Types of leaves
  • Total working days
  • Total leave days
  • Employee Training Tracking Spreadsheet Template

Copy Employee Training Tracking Spreadsheet Template to Your Retable Dashboard: Employee Training Tracking Spreadsheet Template

You can click the Use Data button to copy Employee Training Tracking Spreadsheet Template to your Retable Dashboard!

Employee training tracker is another best Excel template that helps you manage employee training programs. With this Excel template for human resources, you can easily monitor the training budget and track employee training. Moreover, the employee training tracker lets you easily visualize the entire training program in a single window. 

You can also track the training sessions by adjusting filters such as a month, department, status, etc. Another benefit of using this best Excel template is that you can align employees' skills with your company's requirements. So to provide a good training program to your employees, you must have a proper employee training tracker. With this template, you can effortlessly track each employee's progress and check who has completed their training and who is pending! 

An employee training tracker template includes the following information:

  • Training Database
  • Training Schedule
  • Training tracking calendar
  • Training status
  • Employee Performance Review Spreadsheet Template

Copy Employee Performance Review Spreadsheet Template to Your Retable Dashboard: Employee Performance Review Spreadsheet Template

You can click the Use Data button to copy Employee Performance Review Spreadsheet Template to your Retable Dashboard!

Employee performance tracking is an important as well as a tedious process. The success of the entire organization depends on the performance of its employees. So an HR manager must ensure that the performance of each employee is tracked, recorded and reviewed regularly. 

HR managers can get help from employee performance review templates to get a complete picture of performance reviews. This consistent measurement of employee performance helps HR managers determine whether the company goals are being met without delays. Using the best Excel templates, HR managers can quickly check whether the employees are on the right track and determine the areas of improvement as early as possible. 

An employee performance review template includes the following information:

  • Performance criteria
  • Performance scores
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Leadership skills 
  • Employee Information Spreadsheet Template

Copy Employee Information Spreadsheet Template to Your Retable Dashboard: Employee Information Spreadsheet Template

You can click the Use Data button to copy Employee Information Spreadsheet Template to your Retable Dashboard!

Human resources are one of the most significant assets of an organization. So HR managers are responsible for keeping employee databases safely in an easily accessible location. With an employee tracking template, HR managers can easily track, analyze and record employee data. As a result, an Employee database Excel template will have all the information, including employee personal data, contact details and other work-related information. 

Moreover, HR managers can quickly generate lists and employee forms using the Employee database Excel template. Another benefit of using HR templates in Excel is that HR managers can quickly find any information regarding an employee in emergencies. 

An employee information sheet includes the following information:

  • All work-related information of employees
  • Employee attendance and payroll information
  • New Employee Onboarding Checklist Spreadsheet Template

Copy New Employee Onboarding Checklist Spreadsheet Template to Your Retable Dashboard: New Employee Onboarding Checklist Spreadsheet Template

You can click the Use Data button to copy New Employee Onboarding Checklist Spreadsheet Template to your Retable Dashboard!

Employee onboarding is one of the tricky processes where there's a high chance of missing a step. So it's always advisable to use a new employee onboarding worksheet to ensure a smooth onboarding process. Moreover, a smooth onboarding process also boosts employees' confidence, and they feel welcomed to the new company. Eventually, they also get used to the company culture quickly. 

A new employee onboarding checklist features a list of activities to be performed during the onboarding process. So this Excel template for human resources is used for two things; to ensure a smooth and fast onboarding process and to avoid missing necessary steps. 

A new employee onboarding checklist includes the following information:

  • The welcome email checklist
  • Pre-onboarding checklist
  • First-day checklist
  • First-week checklist
  • First-month checklist
  • Employee Exit Checklist Spreadsheet Template

Copy Employee Exit Checklist Spreadsheet Template to Your Retable Dashboard: Employee Exit Checklist Spreadsheet Template

You can click the Use Data button to copy Employee Exit Checklist Spreadsheet Template to your Retable Dashboard!

An employee exit checklist is as essential as an employee onboarding checklist. With good employee exit checklist templates, you can maintain a good relationship with the employees even after they leave your company. You can even expect them to return to your company as a brand ambassador in the market. So an employee exit checklist helps you provide a smooth offboarding process, just like the onboarding process. 

This Excel template for HR managers features all the activities performed during an employee exit process. Moreover, employees exit a company due to different reasons. So an employee exit checklist will have all the details regarding the termination, allowing HR managers to identify the flaws in the company and improve the employee experience. 

An employee exit checklist includes the following information:

  • The task that should done before exit
  • The company assets that the employee have
  • Status for all checklist items
  • Interview Questions Spreadsheet Template

Copy Interview Questions Spreadsheet Template to Your Retable Dashboard: Interview Questions Spreadsheet Template

You can click the Use Data button to copy Interview Questions Spreadsheet Template to your Retable Dashboard!

HR managers should maintain a clear and informative interview process. One thing that HR managers check before accepting an employee is the employee interview scores. It helps them understand the candidate they get the company. They also learn about their soft skills, character, benefits for company and other details about the candidate.

HR managers can use templates to avoid creating a new interview process for every new joiner. Moreover, a good employee interview process spreadsheet template attracts talent and provides a high return rate. 

An Interview Questions Spreadsheet Template includes the following information:

  • Behaviorial questions
  • Professional questions
  • Imaginary questions
  • Brain teasers
  • Analytical questions
  • Applicant Tracking Spreadsheet Template

Copy Applicant Tracking Spreadsheet Template to Your Retable Dashboard: Applicant Tracking Spreadsheet Template

You can click the Use Data button to copy Applicant Tracking Spreadsheet Template to your Retable Dashboard!

Applicant tracking system Excel template helps you to easily track and manage all job applicants for your company's open positions. The Applicant Tracking Spreadsheet Template is a tool designed to help recruiters and hiring managers track and manage job applicants. The template includes fields for applicant name, job applied for, resume, cover letter, interview status, and notes. The template is designed to make the process of tracking and managing job applicants more organized and efficient. It helps to keep track of all the information for each applicant, making it easy to ensure that the hiring process is conducted in a timely manner and that the best candidate is selected.

An Applicant Tracking Spreadsheet Template will include the following information: 

  • Applicant informations
  • Application status
  • Hiring manager information
  • Interview notes
  • Meeting date
  • Employee Headcount Report Spreadsheet Template

Copy Employee Headcount Report Spreadsheet Template to Your Retable Dashboard: Employee Headcount Report Spreadsheet Template

You can click the Use Data button to copy Employee Headcount Report Spreadsheet Template to your Retable Dashboard!

Employee headcount represents the total number of people working at a company at a particular time. However, an employee headcount report is about more than just the number of employees. It's a detailed report with all relevant information that helps you understand your workforce better. 

So an employee headcount report template will help HR managers save time and effort. Moreover, this best Excel template can be customized according to your company's needs. If you wish to maintain an error-free, efficient employee headcount report, use the best Excel templates. 

An employee headcount report will contain the following information.

  • Total number of employees
  • Employee name and contact details
  • Employee position and department
  • Employee joining date
  • Employee leaving date
  • Employee reporting manager

Remember, every coin has two sides! Excel has advantages and disadvantages. For example, Excel doesn't have a calendar, Kanban, or chart view. In addition, valuable features like table backup, project backup and online data sharing are also absent in Excel. So HR managers may require more than excel to handle their job. 

So if you are looking for a better alternative, Retable is your best choice. 

Retable is an online spreadsheet software that offers a range of advanced features, such as calendar view, Kanban view, chart view, activity log history, real-time notifications, drag and drop feature, etc. The tool has many useful templates like HR and recruiting tracking spreadsheet template, project management spreadsheet template, sales and marketing spreadsheet template, etc. Moreover, Retable is the best Excel alternative you can get because of its ease of use and flexibility. Not just HR templates, this software offers many valuable solutions to manage human resources. Therefore, if you're planning to get online spreadsheet software, there's no better option than Retable! 

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Simple & Effective Excel Templates for Human Resource professionals

If you are an HR professional , we have you covered with all the tools you would need to execute your HR processes effectively and efficiently .

There are several areas that HR organizations oversee. Recruiting, Training, Salary management, Attendance management, Benefits, Performance Management, Employee Growth, Retention and more.

You need tools that automate the tasks to save time, establish accuracy in calculations, improve the quality of decisions you take, keeps data secure and makes it easy to share securely.

Microsoft Excel, the Swiss-army knife of all tools, is here to help you.

We at have developed templates in Excel that are pre-built to instantly help you implement in your company, to improve your HR processes immediately .

These tools can help you take smarter business decisions, in addition to saving time and money by automation. 

We understand how to use HR data responsibly to drive operational and strategic decisions and improve employee well-being and satisfaction.

Please find below our templates organized by topic. 


It all starts with hiring of employees to your company. We have the templates to manage the hiring process and improve it. 

We have a  Recruitment Dashboard template  to track hiring of open positions in your company. You can gain valuable insights into your process instantly.

Recruitment Tracker Dashboard

Recruitment Tracker Dashboard Excel Template for Simplified Hiring Process

If you need to track hiring of only one job at a time, you can check out our free recruitment tracker template .

We also have step by step instructions on how you can create your own simple recruitment tracker template.

Once an employee is hired, it is extremely important to onboard the employee effectively to ensure a fast time to productivity. Our HR Onboarding Dashboard aids you in this!

Use our Compliance Training Dashboard to ensure that all employees complete the required training to stay in compliance with local and company regulations.

If you are looking for a simple checklist to track tasks for new employees in your onboarding process, check out our New Employee Checklist template .

New Employee Checklist Excel Template

2024 New Employee Checklist – Free Excel Template

Compliance Training Dashboard Excel Template

Compliance Training Dashboard Excel Template

Skills & training.

After an employee onboards and becomes a part of the working groups, it is time to take a skills inventory and ensure that any skill gaps are continuously identified and addressed.

Use our Skills Dashboard to identify which employees need training on which skills.

HR Skills Dashboard Excel Template

HR Skills Dashboard Excel Template

Use our Learning and Development dashboard to track trainings taken by employees and Return on Investment (ROI) of the trainings.

Identify the positive ROI trainings and trainers. Add more investment into trainings that bring the most benefits to the company.


Tracking attendance and leave or vacation is a very common task at work places. Understanding who will be taking time off will help plan projects without any surprises due to staff shortage.


Our Team Vacation Planner template is designed to help you be a better planner.

Team Vacation Planner Excel Template

Team Vacation Planner Excel Template

A free version with limited functionality is available here .


In some companies, Paid time off is accrued based on tenure (how long the employee has been employed with the company). The accrual rules can get complicated quite quickly. No worries. We got that covered too.

In scenarios, where PTO accrual is based on hours worked by employee. Use our Employee PTO tracker (Hourly) if you need a solution for that. 


In some companies, it is required to report on different types of leave taken by employees. Our free leave tracker template is ideal for those scenarios.

If you would like to further expand by adding leave balance calculations, our Leave Manager template is there for you. You can assign a fixed leave entitlement for employees and the template will calculate the current leave balance for employees for you. 

Our PTO Manager (Salaried) template takes care of all the complex calculations and presents a simple tool to track your employees’ PTO balances. Take a test drive with a free single Employee PTO tracker . 

Paid Time Off Manager Excel Template

Small Business – Paid Time Off (PTO) Manager – Excel Template

One of the most common uses of Excel in the field of HR is to track time worked by employees. We have our Timesheets Manager tool that uses minimal data entry and automatically generates the timesheets while giving a lot of flexibility to customize it to your needs. 

Timesheet Manager Excel Template

Timesheets Manager Excel Template – Timesheets Simplified

To test it out, use our single employee timesheet template.

Employee Timesheet Excel Template

2023 Employee Timesheet – Excel Time card & Work Hours Calculator


When it comes to compensation reporting, we have our popular Salary Structure template which can develop a salary/pay structure for your company.

If you are looking for a employee bonus planning tool, check out our Bonus planner template.

Salary Structure Calculator Excel Template

Salary Structure Calculator Excel Template


One of our most popular templates is the 9-box grid template which you can use to create customized 9-box grids for your company. A simple but very effective talent management tool.

hr task list excel

9 Box Grid Talent Management Excel Template

For more advanced employee performance management, use our Performance Dashboard template .

HR Performance Dashboard Excel Template

HR Performance Dashboard Excel Template

Retention - 3 Automated Dashboards

Our Employee Retention Dashboard is a one-stop solution for all metrics related to employee retention. Just a simple data entry of list of employees in your company can yield amazing insights about employee attrition and help you improve retention.

  • 7 Highly effective Employee Retention Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • 3 visually effective and interactive Dashboards

A new addition to our template library is the Flight Risk template which helps you identify talent that are at risk of leaving the company and take actions.


hr kpi scorecard screenshot

If you are looking for a highly customizable HR KPI dashboard, please check out our HR KPI Scorecard template. It provides scorecard and dashboard views, where you can customize the KPIs your company wants to track.

One of the common asks for HR department is to monitor headcount, diversity and pay equity. We have all that and more covered in HR Admin Dashboard template. 

6 Automated Reports

  • Headcount Report
  • Diversity Report
  • Salary Distribution Report
  • Salary Grade Report
  • Pay Equity Report
  • Trends Report

HR Administration Dashboard Excel Template

HR Administration Dashboard Excel Template

What our valued clients say about our hr excel templates.

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employee task tracker template

  • May 2, 2024
  • hrplantemplates

An employee task tracker template is a structured document, usually created in Excel, designed to help businesses or teams monitor and manage tasks assigned to employees. This template serves as a central tool for tracking the progress of various tasks, assigning responsibilities, setting deadlines, and ensuring that projects or daily operations run smoothly. Here’s a breakdown of what it typically includes:

Task ID : A unique identifier for each task in the tracker, allowing easy reference and organization.

Task Description : A brief description of the task or activity that needs to be completed.

Priority : Indicates the importance or urgency of the task (e.g., High, Medium, Low).

Start Date : The date when the task is scheduled to begin.

Due Date : The deadline for completing the task.

Assigned To : The name or initials of the employee(s) responsible for completing the task.

Status : The current state of the task (e.g., Not Started, In Progress, Completed, On Hold, Deferred).

Progress : A percentage or status update showing how much of the task has been completed.

Comments/Notes : Additional information or comments relevant to the task, such as updates, issues, or instructions.

Category/Department : An optional field to categorize tasks by department or project, useful for larger organizations or multi-team projects.

Related Article: 40+ effective performance review examples for employees (

Advantages of Using an Employee Task Tracker Template:

Organization : Helps to keep all tasks organized in one place, preventing tasks from falling through the cracks.

Clarity : Provides clarity on who is responsible for what and by when, reducing confusion and misunderstandings.

Efficiency : Improves workflow efficiency by allowing employees and managers to prioritize tasks and allocate resources effectively.

Communication : Facilitates communication between team members and managers regarding task status, updates, and any issues or concerns.

Performance Evaluation : Provides a record of tasks completed, helping in performance evaluations, project reviews, or future planning.

Related Article: Part-Time Employee Handbook Template – hrplantemplates

Customization Options:

Additional Columns : Depending on specific needs, additional columns can be added for things like task dependencies, estimated time, actual time spent, etc.

Conditional Formatting : Apply conditional formatting to highlight overdue tasks, high-priority tasks, or tasks nearing their due dates.

Dropdown Lists : Use dropdown lists for the Priority, Status, or Department fields to ensure consistency and accuracy.

Charts or Graphs : Create visual representations of task progress or workload distribution using Excel’s charting tools.

The template can be adapted and customized to suit the unique requirements of any organization, department, or project, helping to improve productivity and efficiency in the workplace.

employee task tracking template

10 Tips to create an employee task tracker template excel:

Here are ten tips to help you create a robust and user-friendly template:

Start with a Clear Objective :

Clearly define the purpose of your task tracker. Are you tracking daily tasks, project milestones, or specific assignments? Understanding the goal will guide the design and layout of your template.

Plan Your Columns Carefully :

Decide which columns you need based on the information you want to track. Common columns include Task Name, Description, Priority, Start Date, Due Date, Assigned To, Status, and Notes.

Use Data Validation :

Implement data validation to ensure consistency and accuracy in your tracker. For example, use dropdown lists for priority levels (High, Medium, Low) or task status (Not Started, In Progress, Completed).

Conditional Formatting :

Apply conditional formatting to highlight important information. For instance, use color-coding to highlight overdue tasks or to visually distinguish between different task priorities.

Include a Task ID :

Assign a unique identifier to each task. This makes it easier to reference and track tasks, especially in larger projects or when communicating about specific tasks.

Dynamic Date Calculations :

Utilize Excel formulas to calculate dynamic dates. For example, use formulas to automatically calculate due dates based on the start date and estimated duration of tasks.

Progress Tracking :

Include a column for tracking task progress. You can use percentages, status updates (e.g., Not Started, In Progress, Completed), or a progress bar to visualize task completion.

Add Filters and Sorting :

Implement filters and sorting options to make it easier to find and organize tasks. This allows users to quickly filter tasks based on criteria such as priority, due date, or assigned employee.

Include a Summary Dashboard :

Create a summary dashboard or overview sheet to provide a snapshot of task status, progress, and overall workload. Use charts or graphs to visualize key metrics.

Test and Iterate :

Test your template with a small group of users to identify any usability issues or areas for improvement. Gather feedback and iterate on the template to make it more effective and user-friendly.

Related Article: Top 5 Employee Performance Report templates (

employee task tracker template

Types of employee task tracker template:

Here are several types that are discussed below:

Daily Task Tracker Template :

  • Tracks daily tasks and activities assigned to employees.
  • Typically includes columns for task description, priority, start and end times, and status.
  • Helps employees manage their daily workload and prioritize tasks effectively.

Project Task Tracker Template :

  • Tracks tasks related to specific projects or initiatives.
  • Includes columns for task name, description, priority, start date, due date, assigned to, status, and progress.
  • Helps project managers monitor project progress, assign tasks, and ensure deadlines are met.

Team Task Tracker Template :

  • Tracks tasks assigned to a team or department.
  • Includes columns for task name, description, priority, start date, due date, assigned to, status, and comments.
  • Enables team leaders to allocate tasks, track progress, and facilitate collaboration among team members.

Weekly/Monthly Task Tracker Template :

  • Tracks tasks on a weekly or monthly basis.
  • Includes columns for task description, priority, start date, due date, assigned to, and status.
  • Helps employees plan their weekly or monthly schedules and track progress over time.

Employee Performance Task Tracker Template :

  • Tracks tasks assigned to individual employees as part of their performance evaluation.
  • Includes columns for task name, description, priority, start date, due date, status, and performance ratings.
  • Helps managers evaluate employee performance based on task completion, timeliness, and quality.

HR Task Tracker Template :

  • Tracks HR-related tasks such as employee onboarding, training, leave requests, etc.
  • Includes columns for task description, priority, start date, due date, assigned to, status, and additional HR-specific fields.
  • Helps HR professionals manage various HR processes and ensure compliance with company policies.

Issue/Incident Task Tracker Template :

  • Tracks tasks related to resolving issues, incidents, or tickets.
  • Includes columns for issue description, priority, status, assigned to, due date, and resolution.
  • Helps support teams manage and prioritize incoming issues, track their resolution progress, and ensure timely responses.

Goal-Oriented Task Tracker Template :

  • Tracks tasks aligned with specific goals or objectives.
  • Includes columns for goal description, related tasks, priority, start date, due date, assigned to, status, and progress.
  • Helps individuals or teams work towards achieving specific goals by breaking them down into actionable tasks.

Training Task Tracker Template :

  • Tracks tasks related to employee training and development.
  • Includes columns for training module, description, priority, start date, due date, assigned to, status, and completion date.
  • Helps training managers or HR professionals manage training programs, track employee progress, and ensure compliance with training requirements.

Custom Task Tracker Template :

  • Tailored to the specific needs and workflows of an organization or project.
  • Includes custom fields, columns, or features based on unique requirements.
  • Provides flexibility to adapt to different use cases and environments.

Related Article: Employee and Company Handbook Templates | Smartsheet


In summary, employee task tracker templates are essential tools for organizations to manage tasks efficiently.

Read More: Free Employee Task List Template and Actionable Guide for 2024 – AIHR

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  • Los Angeles

hr task list excel

How to Create a Task Tracker in Excel: Free Template

hr task list excel

Checking tasks off your to-do list feels pretty awesome, right? If only everything in life gave you that instant sense of accomplishment!

A task list earns its keep by helping you schedule, assign, and track all the work that needs to be done for a project. You can also use it to give stakeholders and team members at-a-glance updates on project progress.

With our free Excel task checklist template, you can keep up with all the to-dos you need to knock out—whether you’re focused on an important work assignment or just want to finish up a few projects around the house. We’ve done all the hard work so you can have all the fun marking things done.

Ready to get started? We’ll show you just how easy it is to take your task list from to-do to ta-da! Here’s what we'll cover:

How to create a task tracker in Excel

How to customize your task list template, how to create an online task tracker in teamgantt.

Let’s start with a simple tutorial on how to keep track of tasks at work using Excel.

1. Download our free Excel task tracker template

At TeamGantt, we know how important it is to ensure projects get done on time and on budget. That's why we created this Excel task list template to make tracking project progress a breeze.

Make this task tracker template your own by adding to-do list items and tasks, assigning task owners, and tracking task status, budgets, and costs.

Download your free Excel task tracker template

2. Add to-do list items and tasks

First, find the T ask Name column on your worksheet, and enter a descriptive name for each task you want to track for a particular day of the week.

3. Indicate the status of each task

This sample to-do list template features four different status options—with icons as easy visual cues—so you can see where each task is at a glance: Not Started , In Progress , Complete , and On Hold .

To assign a status to a task, click on the status dropdown menu in that task’s row, and choose the status that applies to the task you’re working on.

hr task list excel

4. Set task due dates

Set clear expectations for your team by entering the deadline for each task in the Due Date column.

hr task list excel

5. Assign task owners

Start by specifying which team or department will carry out the work using the Task Type column. Then pair each task with its rightful owner by entering the team member’s name into the Assigned to column.

hr task list excel

6. Include task budgets and costs

Use the Hours Budgeted column to let team members know how much time has been budgeted for each task.  

‍Once a task is complete, log the time spent on it in the Actual Hours column.

hr task list excel

Tracking daily and monthly tasks in Excel

We’ve designed this task tracker template to track your weekly to-do list. But you can create additional task lists for monitoring daily and monthly to-dos.

Click Insert > Sheet > Blank Sheet to add a new worksheet. Then give each row and column a header label, and use the formatting tools to design your own daily or monthly task tracker.

hr task list excel

Once you’ve got the basics squared away, feel free to customize your Excel task list template to ensure it fits your project needs. You can add a title, switch up the colors, add or delete new rows and columns, or even dress your to-do list up with your company logo.

Adding titles

We’ve titled this checklist template “Weekly Task List.” As exciting as that moniker may be, we bet you’ll want to give your to-do checklist your own snazzy (and specific) name.

1. To add or edit the title of your project task list template, double-click your cursor into cell A-2.

2. Enter a new title for your task list. Feel free to include the project name and date range in your title so there’s no doubt what this task tracker covers.

hr task list excel

3. Format the header text using the same formatting tools you’d use to format any other text in the worksheet.

Changing colors

Want to apply your own brand colors to your task list? Or make it easy to tell Tom’s tasks from Bill’s? No problem!

1. Click to highlight the cell, row, or column you want to change.

2. Go to Format > Cells , and select the Fill tab.

3. Click on the Background Color dropdown, and choose the new color you want to apply to the cell, row or column you’ve highlighted.

hr task list excel

Adding rows/columns

We’ve outlined a few basic to-do list categories to get you started. But there may be other details you need to track along the way. For example, you might want to add a priority column. Or maybe your Monday has a lot more to-dos than the other days of the week.

1. To insert a new row, click Insert > Rows . A new row will be added above the one you currently have selected, using the same formulas and formatting of the row above.

hr task list excel

2. To insert a new column, go to Insert > Columns . A new column will be added to the left of the one you currently have selected, using the same formulas and formatting of the column to the left.

hr task list excel

Removing rows/columns

We may have included details you simply don’t need to track. That’s okay! Deleting extra info won’t hurt our feelings a bit.

1. To delete an existing row, click on the row you want to remove. Go to Edit > Delete , and choose Entire Row .

hr task list excel

2. To delete an existing column, click on the column you want to remove. Go to Edit > Delete , and choose Entire Column .

hr task list excel

Adding a company logo

Want to give your project task list template some more flair? Add your company logo to the worksheet.

1. Right-click on the TeamGantt logo/header image in row 1, and select Change Picture .

hr task list excel

2. Choose the image file you want to add to the worksheet, and click the Insert button.

Printing the to-do list template

By the time you finish customizing your to-do list template, it’ll be so pretty you just might want to print it out and pin it to the wall—and we don’t blame you.

1. First, let’s set the print area. Simply click and drag your cursor to highlight all the cells you want to print out. Then go to File > Print Area > Set Print Area.

hr task list excel

2. If you want to adjust the scale of the checklist to fit on a single page, click on the Page Layout tab. Then go to Margins > Custom Margins and select the Page tab.

hr task list excel

3. Once you’ve set the print area and adjusted the scale of your checklist, you’re ready to send your task list to the printer. Click File > Print.

hr task list excel

Additional resources

  • Project management template library : Use these simple templates in any industry to plan and manage projects, identify and mitigate risk, and communicate effectively at every project step.
  • ‍ Gantt chart Excel template : Save time organizing your project plan with our premade Excel gantt chart template! Simply plug in your tasks and dates, and you'll have a presentation-quality Excel gantt chart.

Want to take the tedium out of task lists? Give TeamGantt’s online gantt chart software a try , and create a customized task tracker in minutes.

With TeamGantt, it’s easy to collaborate on work and streamline workflows. Here are just a few of the handy features you—and your team—will have at your fingertips:

  • Drag-and-drop simplicity
  • Reusable project plan templates
  • Project dependencies
  • File storage
  • Time tracking
  • Resource management
  • Planned vs. actual timelines

And because TeamGantt is all online, everyone on the team can update tasks in real-time. No more juggling a million different spreadsheets or scrambling to capture last-minute updates before a big meeting!

Sign up for your free account and get started. (No strings attached, we promise!) Once you’re in, here’s a sneak peek at just how easy it is to create and manage task lists in TeamGantt.

Setting up your task list project

Before you can set up tasks, you’ll need to answer a few quick onboarding questions and then create a new project.

hr task list excel

1. Start by entering a descriptive name for your project on the project setup page. We called our example project “Weekly Task List.”

hr task list excel

2. Then, choose a new Start Date , if you want your list to begin on a day other than today.

hr task list excel

3. Next, decide whether you want to start from scratch with a blank project or choose a template from our handy library of pre-built options . To make things super easy for you, we created a Weekly Task List template .

Simply click on the Preview templates icon, expand the Admin & Personal category, and select Weekly Task List to preview the template. If you’d like to use it, select Use Template in the bottom right corner of the window.

hr task list excel

4. If not, feel free to choose a different template option or click anywhere outside of the preview window to return to the Create a new project page.

5. Next, select which days of the week you want to assign and track work for this project. The default is Monday through Friday, but you can choose any configuration of days that make sense for your work schedule.

hr task list excel

6. Finally, select Create new project to save your changes and get to work.

Adding and editing task lists

Now that you have a project, it’s time to set up your task list! We chose the Weekly Task List template for our example, which gives us a labeled task group for each day of the week.

hr task list excel

1. Simply click on each task group field, if you want to rename it.

hr task list excel

2. If you need to add more task groups, click +Group of Tasks , and enter the name of your new task group in the blank field that appears below.

hr task list excel

3. To add a new task, click +Task and enter a name in the blank that appears below. Then, use the drag-and-drop features to adjust the timelines for each task .

hr task list excel

4. To delete a task, hover over it and select the trashcan icon that appears to the right of the task name.

hr task list excel

Assigning team members

To invite other users to your project, select the People tab in the top navigation bar of your project. Then, select Invite People to add new users by name and email address.

hr task list excel

Once a user has been added to your project, designate them to a task by clicking assign in the Assigned column and selecting the checkbox next to their name.

hr task list excel

Here’s an in-depth tutorial on how to invite users and assign them to tasks .

Creating dependencies

Dependencies enable you to control the order of tasks in your project. If one task has to wait for another to get done before it can begin, the dependency will account for that. For example, a designer may not be able to design a landing page until the content’s been written.

1. To add a dependency, click on the gray dot to the right of the first task in the gantt chart.

hr task list excel

2. Then drag the dependency line to connect it to the dependent task below.

hr task list excel

Changing task colors

To change the color of a task, hover over the task, and choose a new color by clicking on the colored square that appears to the right of the task.

hr task list excel

Ready to discover just how easy and fast task tracking can be?

This is just a preview of all the fun you can have with task lists on TeamGantt—but there’s so much more to see!

Sign up for your free TeamGantt account today to learn all about the project management possibilities you could have at your fingertips.

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Download Free HR Templates in Excel

HR requires management of data like payroll, salary slips, salary sheets, employee benefits and workforce management. Now you can use MS Excel to do the complete HR and Payroll management such as employee attendance, employee work schedule, provident fund management, salary sheet and more.

All excel templates are free to download and use. Click the link to visit the page to find the detail description about each template and understand how each template has been prepared.

If you didn't find any HR template here, please use our suggestion form .

Download Salary Sheet Excel Template

Salary Sheet Excel Template

We have created an automated Salary Sheet Template with predefined formula. You can prepare the salary of multiple employees within minutes with the help of this template. This template is available in 4 file formats – Excel, Google Sheets, Open Office Calc, and Apple Numbers. Click on the button to download the desired format.

Download Daily Work Schedule Excel Template

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Daily Work Schedule Template is a planner that helps us to prioritize and schedule our routine tasks daily. It is a document that gives you the most granular details of the tasks and helps you to track every smallest bit of the tasks during the day.

Download Weekly Timesheet Excel Template

Timesheet Template

Weekly Timesheet Excel Template with preset formulas. It automatically calculates the number of hours by deducting the breaks. It also calculates the pay. A Weekly Timesheet is a document that records the working hours of employees on a daily basis for a particular week.

Download Corporate Salary Slip Excel Template

Salary Slip Template

We have created a Salary Slip template with predefined formulas. It automatically calculates the Gross earnings and deductions. You just need to enter a small amount of data and our salary slip is ready in a few minutes. This template can be useful for HR professionals, HR executives, Administrative staff, etc. This template is available in 4 file formats – Excel, Google Sheets, Open Office Calc, and Apple Numbers. Click on the button below to download the desired format.

Download Employee Attendance Sheet Excel Template

Attendance Sheet

We have created a simple and easy Employee Attendance Template with predefined formulas and formating. You can maintain the attendance of 50 employees in this template. You just need to enter some employee details once. Select from the drop-down menu to mark the absence or presence of the employee. This template is available in 4 file formats – Excel, Google Sheets, Open Office Calc, and Apple Numbers.

Download Employee Performance Evaluation Excel Template

Employee Evaluation

We have created an easy to use Employee Performance Evaluation Template with predefined formulas and functions. This template can be helpful to manage the review process easily and efficiently. Moreover, it consists of a predefined score system that will help perform this task easily.

Download Employee Provident Fund Calculator Excel Template

Employee Provident Fund Calculator

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Download Job Candidate Tracker Excel Template

Job Candidate Tracker

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Download Employee Resignation Schedule Excel Template

Employee Resignation Schedule

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TA Reimbursement Template

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Download Employee Contract Renewal Schedule Excel Template

Contract Renewal Schedule

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Download Employee Overtime Calculator Excel Template

Overtime Calculator

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Download Simple Age Calculator Excel Template

Age Calculator

Simple Age Calculator is a ready-to-use excel template that helps you calculate anyone’s age in years, months and days. Usually an age calculator helpful to HR departments for calculating the age of employees. It is for the purpose of employee benefits and retirement benefits. Simple Age Calculator Excel Template We have created an Age calculator in […]

Download Employee Mileage Log Excel Template

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Download Multiple Employees Weekly Timesheet Excel Template

Multiple Employees Weekly Timesheet

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Salary Slip Templates

9 ready-to-use Salary Slip Templates in Excel, Google Sheets, and Open Office Calc to issue a salary slip at the end of the month in just a few minutes. Salary Slip Templates with predefined formulas. You just need to enter the payroll data of your employees and print the salary slip.

Download Salary Sheet With Attendance Register In Single Excel Template

Salary Sheet With Attendance Register

Salary Sheet With Attendance Register is a complete payroll sheet in which you can maintain records of attendance for your employees and also calculate the salaries of 40 employees.

Download Weekly Timesheet With Payslip Excel Template

Weekly Timesheet With Payslip

Manage in and out times of your employees and prepare their payslips at the end of the month without any hassle with our Weekly Timesheet With Payslip Excel Template.

Download Salary Breakup Report Excel Template

Salary Breakup Report

Employee Salary Break Up Report is a ready-to-use Template in Excel, Google Sheet, and OpenOffice Calc that helps you to calculate salary breakup paid under each head. It includes the breakup of salary like how much basic salary, allowances, deductions, etc are paid/deducted during that time.

Download Gratuity Calculator (India) Excel Template

Gratuity Calculator (India)

Gratuity Calculator with predefined formulas helps you calculate the end of service amount also known as Gratuity. All you need to do is to enter your last drawn salary and total years of service and it will automatically calculate your gratuity amount. Let us understand the term first.

Download Taxable Gratuity Calculator Excel Template

Taxable Gratuity Calculator

Taxable Gratuity Calculator Excel Template is a simple and ready-to-use excel template to the amount of gratuity that is taxable under the Indian Income Tax Act. Income tax applicability differs from according to the companies falling/not falling under the Gratuity Act 1972 and also the type of company (Government or non-government). An employee is entitled […]

Download Employee Training Log Excel Template

Employee Training Log

Employee Training Log is an excel template that helps you to record and manage employees under the training for upgrading their skills. Employees in big companies especially corporates get an opportunity to upgrade their skills. Sometimes it is the need of the organization to train their employees to increase productivity or to learn operations of […]

Download Employee Vacation Tracker Excel Template

Employee Vacation Tracker

Employee Vacation Tracker is a ready-to-use excel template to keep a track of on employee strength on a given day and also on a monthly basis for a staff of 50 employees. You will be able to know the total number of days for each type of holiday taken by each employee on daily as […]

Download Salary Arrears Calculator Excel Template

hr task list excel

Salary Arrears Calculator is a ready-to-use template in Excel, Google Sheet, and OpenOffice to calculate month wise salary arrears with salary break-up. Moreover, with the help of this template, you can calculate salary arrears up to 35 years for an employee. Just insert the desired amounts and the template will automatically calculate the arrears for you.

Download Resume/Cover Letter Excel Template

Resume/Cover Letter Excel Template

We have created a Resume/Cover Letter Excel Template which helps you create a professional resume along with a relevant cover letter in just minutes. You can make 2 types of resumes with this template; one for fresher and another with work experience. Enter your credentials in the datasheet and it’s ready to print.

Download Professional Resignation Letter Excel Template

Professional Resignation Letter Excel Template

We have created a Professional Resignation Letter Excel Template with predefined formulas and formating. All you have to do is to insert your details, employer details and notice period along with the reason for leaving the post. That’s it and your Resignation letter is ready to print.

Download Employee Termination Letter Excel Template

Employee Termination Letter

This template consists of 3 different formats of termination letter generally used by the HR professionals. One is a simple termination letter, one is termination due to poor performance and the third is termination due to breach of an employment contract or any company policy.

Download Employee Promotion Letter Excel Template

Employee Promotion Letter

We have created a simple and easy Employee Promotion Letter Excel Template with predefined formulas and formating. Just enter the required credentials and it is ready to print. Thus, this template can be helpful to HR assistants, HR heads as well as HR professionals to create a promotion letter according to their requirement in minutes.

Download Salary Certificate Format Excel Template

Salary Certificate

We have created a simple and easy Salary Certificate Format with predefined formulas and formatting. The salary certificate format is available in Excel, Word, PDF, Google Doc, and Open Office Writer. Just enter the required credentials and it is ready to print. Additionally, this template consists of 2 different formats of Salary Certificates; One is with Only CTC and another with salary break-up.

Download Absconding Letter Excel Template

Absconding Letter

We have created a simple and easy Absconding Letter Excel Template with a ready predefined letter format. Just enter the employee/employer credentials and the absconding details and your notice letter is ready. In addition to that, this template consists of Word, PDF, Google Doc, and Open Office Writer formats of Absconding Letter other than Excel.

Download Employee Disciplinary Memo Excel Template

Employee Disciplinary Memo

We have created a simple and easy Employee Disciplinary Memo Excel Template with a ready predefined letter format. Just enter the employee/employer credentials and the misconduct details and your notice letter is ready to print. Furthermore,  the same letter is available in Word, PDF, Google Doc, and Open Office Writer along with Excel format.

Download Casual Leave Application Excel Template

Casual Leave Application

We have created a simple and easy Casual Leave Application Letter a ready predefined letter format. Enter the employee/employer credentials and select the reason for leave of absence. That’s it. Your leave application letter is ready to print. These letters are also available in Word, PDF, Google Doc, and Open Office Writer.

Download Employee Transfer Letter Excel Template

Employee Transfer Letter

We have created a simple and easy Employee Transfer Letter with a ready predefined letter format. Enter the employee credentials and Transfer details and your transfer letter is ready to print. You can also download the desired Transfer Letter in PDF, DOC, Open Office or Google Doc format.

Download Employee Show Cause Notice Excel Template

Show Cause Notice

We have created a simple and easy Employee Show Cause Notice Excel Template with a ready predefined letter format. Just enter the employee/employer credentials and the misconduct details and your notice letter is ready to print. You can also download the desired Show Cause Notice in PDF, DOC, Open Office or Google Doc format.

Download Promotion Request Letter Excel Template

Promotion Request Letter

To simplify and ease to prepare a promotion application, we have created a Promotion Request Letter Template in multiple file formats and pre-drafted text. Just enter the required credentials and your letter is ready to print. There are three different types of promotion request letters; Promotion Request with another job offer, Promotion Request without another job offer and Promotion Request after a long time.

Download Transfer Request Letter Excel Template

Transfer Request Letter

To simplify and ease the process of preparing a transfer request application, we have created a Transfer Request Letter Template in multiple file formats and with pre-drafted text. Enter the required details and your letter is ready to print.

Download Job Rejection Letter Excel Template

Job Rejection Letter

We have created a simple and easy Job Rejection Letter with a ready predefined letter format. Enter the employee credentials and the reason for rejection and your rejection letter is ready to print. If you are a recruiting agency or have multiple rejections to type, you can also use this template to print multiple rejection letters.

Download Promotion Rejection Letter Excel Template

Promotion Rejection Letter

We have created a simple and easy Promotion Rejection Letter with a pre-drafted letter format. Enter the employee credentials and select the reason for rejecting the promotion and your letter is ready to print. 

Download Transfer Refusal Letter Excel Template

Transfer Refusal Letter

We have created a simple and easy Transfer Refusal Letter with a pre-drafted text. Enter the employer and employee credentials. Select the reason for refusing the transfer and the letter is ready.

Download Transfer Rejection Letter Excel Template

Transfer Rejection Letter

We have created a simple and easy Transfer Rejection Letter with predefined formulas and a pre-drafted letter format. All you need to do is to enter the credentials and select the reason for rejecting the transfer. The template will automatically fetch the details at the appropriate place. 

Download Employee Welcome Letter Excel Template

Employee Welcome Letter

We have created a simple and easy Employee Welcome Letter Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. You just need to enter the employee details along with other relevant details like reporting authority and orientation schedule and your letter is ready. 

Download Employee Thank You Letter Excel Template

Employee Thank You Letter

We have created a simple and easy Employee Thank You Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. You just need to enter a few details like employee details, employer details, and the reason for thanking. That’s it and your letter is ready.

Download Layoff Notice Letter Excel Template

Layoff Notice Letter

We have created a simple and easy Layoff Notice Letter Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. You just need to enter a few details like employee details, employer details, and the reason for the layoff and your letter is ready.

Download Employment Verification Letter Excel Template

Employment Verification Letter

We have created a simple and easy Employment Verification Letter Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. Just enter the employee details along with other relevant details confirming the employment and your letter is ready.

Download Job Offer Letter Excel Template

Job Offer Letter

We have created a simple and easy Job Offer Letter Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. Just enter the employee details along with other relevant details of the employment. That’s it and your letter is ready.

Download Accommodation Request Letter Excel Template

Accommodation Request Letter

We have created a simple and easy Accommodation Request Letter Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. You just need to enter your details, employer details, and accommodation type. That’s it and your letter is ready.

Download Loan Application Letter Excel Template

Loan Application Letter

We have created a simple and easy Loan Application Letter Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. Just enter your details, employer details, and purpose of obtaining a loan along with the referral to the company policy. Your letter is ready to print.

Download Workplace Harassment Complaint Letter Excel Template

Workplace Harassment Complaint Letter

We have created a simple and easy Workplace Harassment Complaint Letter Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. Just enter your details, concerned authority details, and the harassment details and your letter is ready to print.

Download Internship Request Letter Excel Template

Internship Request Letter

We have created a simple and easy Internship Request Letter Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. Just enter your details, employer details along with your credentials and achievements. That’s it and your letter is ready to print.

Download Additional Facility Request Letter Excel Template

Additional Facility Request Letter

We have created a simple and easy Additional Facility Request Letter Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. You just need to enter a few details like your details, sanctioning authority, and the facility along with the benefits. That’s it and your letter is ready.

Download Salary Increment Request Letter Excel Template

Salary Increment Request Letter

We have created a simple and easy Salary Increment Request Letter Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. You just need to enter your details, employer details along with the reasons for asking a hike. That’s it and your letter is ready.

Download Employee Of The Month Certificate Excel Template

Employee Of The Month Certificate

We have created a simple and easy Employee Of The Month Certificate Excel Template with a pre-drafted formated Certificate format. Just enter the employee details along with other relevant details and your letter is ready.


Free Excel Pro Templates

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  • Human Resources

Human Resources Templates

Employee Task List Template

Employee Task List Template

Assign tasks to your employees and monitor progress with a free Employee Task List Template. Easy to customize. Available in spreadsheet or calendar view.

Recruitment Tracker Template

Recruitment Tracker

Improve your recruitment process with a free online Recruitment Tracker. View applications, interview dates, and candidate info in a spreadsheet or calendar view.

Employee Timesheet Template

Employee Timesheet

Track employees’ hours more efficiently. Let employees punch in online. Organize their information in a visually stunning spreadsheet. No coding required.

Employee Schedule Template

Employee Schedule Template

Keep track of employee shifts at your workplace with this free employee schedule template. Easy to view, edit, and share from any device. No coding.

Employee Attendance Tracker Template

Employee Attendance Tracker

Streamline attendance tracking for your employees. Free, easy-to-read spreadsheet you can access and edit on any device. Download, print, and share in seconds.

Vacation and Sick Time Tracking Sheet Template

Vacation and Sick Time Tracking Spreadsheet

Manage employee attendance with a free, customizable spreadsheet. Easy to edit, share, download, and print. Access on any device. No coding. Perfect for HR!

Referral Tracking Sheet Template

Referral Tracking Spreadsheet

Optimize referral process with Referral Tracking Spreadsheet. Accessible and editable through any mobile device. Fully customizable with no coding required.

Employee Onboarding Template

Employee Onboarding Template

Make the hiring process seamless with a free Employee Onboarding Template. Let new employees view tasks, team members, and resources in an online spreadsheet.

Staff Roster Template

Staff Roster Template

Now it is easy to gather information about the employees with this Staff Roster Template. No coding. Fully customizable!

Weekly Schedule Template

Weekly Schedule Template

Keep track of tasks, meetings, and events with this free online Weekly Schedule Template. Easy to customize. View your schedule as a calendar or spreadsheet.

HR Onboarding Template

HR Onboarding

Keep track of new employee information in a professional HR Onboarding spreadsheet. Customize, update, and manage from any device. Sync with 100+ apps.

Employee Training Checklist Template

Employee Training Checklist Template

Keep track of employee training and progress. Free online checklist for employers. Easy to customize, download, and share. Works on all devices. No coding.

COVID-19 Quarantine Tracker Template

COVID-19 Quarantine Tracker

Keep track of quarantine and leave requests with a free COVID-19 Quarantine Tracker. View as a spreadsheet, calendar, or cards. Easy to customize and share.

Payroll Template

Payroll Template

Track hourly rates, tax rates, and deductions with a free online Payroll Template. Track expenses and ensure your employees get paid properly. Easy to customize.

Expense Report Template

Expense Report Template

Track your business expenses online. View as a spreadsheet, calendar, or cards. Easy to customize, embed, share, or download. Sync with 100+ apps.

Expense Reimbursement Sheet Template

Expense Reimbursement Spreadsheet

Keep track of expenses owed in your company with an online Expense Reimbursement Spreadsheet. Easy to customize. Track expense types, payment status, and more.

Employee Referral Tracking Template

Employee Referral Tracking

Track employee referrals online with our free Employee Referral Tracker spreadsheet. Great for HR departments. Manage referrals seamlessly on any device.

Employee Info Sheet Template

Employee Info Sheet

Manage employee information more efficiently with this free table template for your HR department. Easy to customize, download, and share. No coding.

Vacation Tracker Template

Vacation Tracker

Manage employee time off with a free online Vacation Tracker. View in a spreadsheet or calendar. Easy to customize. Organize your HR department’s records!

New Hire Checklist Template

New Hire Checklist Template

Streamline onboarding with this free New Hire Checklist Template. Perfect for HR. Easy to edit, view, share, and print. Works great on any device. No coding.

Executive Onboarding Template

Executive Onboarding

Streamline your onboarding process with a free Executive Onboarding table. Easy to customize, download, and share. Perform evaluations to monitor new executives.

Sales Onboarding Template

Sales Onboarding

Optimize the sales onboarding process for your business. Easy to customize, download, and share. Collaborative online spreadsheet-database hybrid. No coding.

Leave Request Tracker Template

Leave Request Tracker

Quarantine Calendar Template

Quarantine Calendar

Keep track of COVID-19 quarantined employees in a professional online calendar. Easy to customize and share. Can also be viewed as a spreadsheet or as cards.

About Human Resources

Our free Human Resources Templates are spreadsheets designed to help companies and HR departments manage employee information such as contact info, time-off requests, payroll, and more. Simply select a Human Resources Template below that best fits your needs, customize it to perfection, and input employee information. All information is stored securely in your Jotform account, easy to view in a professional spreadsheet, card, or calendar format.

Start by choosing a template below and quickly customizing it to suit your needs. Feel free to add new columns, rows, or change the names of existing ones — you can even include color-coded tags for better organization! With all employee information expertly arranged in your custom Human Resources Template spreadsheet, you will be free of messy paperwork, enjoy a more efficient HR department, and keep your employees happy.

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Excel hacks for hr professionals.

Excel Hacks for HR Professionals

For people involved in hiring in a small company, there are an enormous number of HR tasks that require daily data input and analysis.  We know managing people is not always easy but  it can be easier with the right tools .  Excel has proven time and time again to be a very cost-effective and flexible tool for small businesses for managing HR tasks.

Small businesses use Excel for a variety of HR admin such as managing timesheets, employee absences, managing payroll, or defining contractor relationships. It makes sense for a new business to utilise excel to its maximum potential especially if the business doesn’t have time or budget to research and purchase a recruitment software solution.

With this in mind, we have put together the top Excel hacks for HR professionals to simplify your HR processes and save you hours in admin time. You can download our Excel Hacks for HR professionals Excel Template here , that includes all the examples and formulas referenced in this article.

Excel Hacks for HR Professionals

Top 8 Excel Hacks for HR Professionals

The following is a list of the most important Excel features most-used by HR professionals that will help cut your admin time from hours to minutes. Follow the instructions detailed below for guidance on how to use each one.

List of Top Excel hacks for HR professionals:

#1: Filtering data

#2: sumifs formulas, #3: countifs formulas, #4: today formulas, #5: datedif formulas, #6: data validation, #7: vlookup, #8: pivottables.

hr task list excel

#1. Filtering Data

One of the most common HR tasks is to have the ability to filter down employee details in an employee database. You may wish to filter employees by start date, salary or department depending on your needs.

Sample use cases for filtering:

• Tracking attendance in an employee attendance report

• Tracking employees by department

• New employees onboarding report

• Completion status of performance appraisal

• Filtering employees with a salary of €4,500 or more

hr task list excel

Step 1: Highlight the data and hit Ctrl + T to format as an Excel table.

Step 2: Under {Table Tools} Design > Properties > Table Name , rename the table name as "Emp".

Step 3: Click on the arrow next to "Salary", go to the Number Filter > Greater Than Or Equal To > Enter 4,500 as the criteria and click OK.

Step 4: You will see only the employees that do not match the criteria will be filtered out.

Step 5: To clear filter, simply click anywhere in the Excel Table. Go to Data > Sort & Filter > Clear .

#2. SUMIF Function

While the COUNTIF function (detailed in #3 below) counts if a criteria is satisfied, the SUMIF function adds values if certain criteria is met. A sample use case is detailed below, calculating the total salary expense of each department in a company.

=SUMIF(<range>, <criteria>, <range_to_sum>)

hr task list excel

#3. COUNTIF Function

The COUNTIF function counts if a criteria is satisfied.

=COUNTIF(<range>, <criteria>)

In this examples we have a table of employee data, with the columns — Name, Department, and Salary.

Use Case: New hire count

Step 1: Convert your employee data to an Excel table (See example outlined in "Filtering Data").

Step 2: To count the number of employees in the Finance department, we can use:

Step 3: Copy the formula in cell F2 to the other departments.

hr task list excel

#4. TODAY Function

HR professionals are often required to calculate date ranges with reference to today's date. An example of this in practice could be calculating the age of employee and their length of service in the company.

The TODAY function will adjust itself automatically so that you will always have today's date in formulas.

hr task list excel

#5 DATEDIF Function

The DATEDIF function in Excel gives the number of days, months, or years between two different dates.

=DATEDIF(<start_date>, <end_date>, unit)

We have a few options for unit:

• “y” – number of completed years

• “m” – number of completed months

• “d” – number of days

• “ym” – after ignoring years, the number of completed months

• “yd” – after ignoring years, the number of days

Use Case: Calculating an employee's age or length of service

hr task list excel

=DATEDIF(<start_date>, TODAY(), "y")

#6 Data Validation

The Data Validation feature in Excel is used to create a dropdown list.

hr task list excel

Step 1: Highlight the cell to be the dropdown list, and go to Data > Data Tools > Data Validation.

Step 2: In the Data Validation pop-up, under Allow choose List from the drop down.

Step 3: Under Source , select the range where the user can pick the names from.

#7 VLOOKUP Function

The VLOOKUP function allows us to create formulas that match some text.

For example, it is very common to search through a table to match employee names.

=VLOOKUP(<lookup_value>, <table>, <column_num_in_table>, FALSE)

Use Case: Finding the department a certain employee works in

hr task list excel

The column_num_in_table  is 2 in the example as we want the second column of the table — "Dept".

#8 Pivot Tables

Most basic excel users are not aware of the power of the pivot tables feature. Pivot tables once learned, are a great feature that enable users to extract raw data and organise it in tabular form. For example in the HR context, it is common practice to search through a table to match employee names. A simple use case for HR professionals using pivot tables could be to examine salary expense and employee count for each department. PivotTables are also a go-to for creating quick and easy hiring reports for management.

Step 1: Highlight the table and go to Insert > Tables > PivotTables.

Step 2: Click on Existing Worksheet, and click on the cell where you want to place the report.

Step 3: Do the following in the PivotTable Fields  window:

1. Drag "Dept" to Row Labels

2. Drag "Name" to Values

3. Drag "Salary" to Values

hr task list excel

Now that you are well-equipped with the Excel features for your HR related tasks, you will be able to save hours of your precious time on a daily basis! Remember to download our Excel Hacks for HR professionals Excel Template here , that includes all the real use case examples and formulas listed in this article.

Excel hacks for HR professionals

How a Recruitment Software Can help save you more time

Although Excel is a great entry level solution for companies to manage their hiring, as a company grows it is a significant time drain for HR. Hiring information can easily get lost or misinterpreted when spread over many different tools such as emails or spreadsheets.

Occupop is a beautifully simple recruitment software that helps your HR team focus on the work that matters with its intuitive design, features, and integrations which remove cumbersome learning curves, makes it accessible to everyone at work and saves hours of tedious HR admin work. If you think Occupop could be a good small business recruitment software solution for you, feel free to try it out with a free 14-day trial.

Summary Points

hr task list excel

Occupop Marketing Director Orla helps companies define marketing strategies to ensure they are attracting and retaining the right talent.

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Creating an HR Metrics Dashboard Excel Template: A Comprehensive Guide

by SalaryCube Editorial Team | Published on Feb 20, 2024 | Human Resources

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In the dynamic world of human resources, the ability to monitor, analyze, and act on HR metrics is crucial for strategic decision-making and operational efficiency. An HR metrics dashboard in Excel not only provides a centralized platform for tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) but also empowers HR departments to manage employee data effectively and contribute to business success. This guide delves into the creation of an HR metrics dashboard using Excel, highlighting its benefits, key components, and a step-by-step process for setting up your own dashboard.

Understanding HR Metrics and Dashboards

HR metrics and dashboards are essential tools for any organization aiming to maximize its human resources department’s potential. HR metrics refer to specific measures used to track the efficiency, performance, and impact of HR activities on the overall business. These metrics can range from employee satisfaction scores to turnover rates, providing tangible data to assess the HR department’s contributions.

An HR dashboard , on the other hand, is a visual representation of these metrics, offering a snapshot of the organization’s HR health. It compiles data from various HR processes and presents it in an accessible format, allowing HR managers and executives to make informed decisions quickly. By leveraging key performance indicators (KPIs) , dashboards help identify areas of success and those needing improvement, ensuring that the HR department aligns with the organization’s strategic goals.

The Benefits of an Excel-Based HR Dashboard

HR dashboard

Excel is a powerful tool for creating versatile and accessible HR dashboards. Its widespread availability and familiar interface make it an ideal choice for HR managers looking to streamline their reporting and analysis processes. An Excel HR dashboard can significantly simplify HR tasks, from tracking employee performance and absence rates to managing salary and hours worked.

One of the main advantages of using an Excel-based dashboard is the customization it offers. Unlike proprietary HR software, Excel allows users to tailor their dashboards to meet their specific needs, incorporating unique metrics and data visualization tools. Furthermore, Excel templates can be a starting point, reducing the time and effort required to create a comprehensive HR dashboard from scratch.

Key Components of an HR Metrics Dashboard

At its core, an HR metrics dashboard should include a range of components that reflect the organization’s HR goals and challenges. Key metrics such as employee performance , absence rate , and salary information are essential for tracking the effectiveness of HR processes. Additionally, data visualization tools like charts and graphs play a crucial role in making the data understandable at a glance, enabling HR managers to identify trends and outliers quickly.

Creating the best HR KPI dashboard for your Human Resources department involves selecting the right dashboard template that aligns with your HR department’s needs. It should save time and offer flexibility in terms of what metrics to include and how they are displayed. For instance, an HR KPI dashboard might focus on key performance indicators relevant to your organization, such as recruitment efficiency, training effectiveness, and employee engagement levels.

In summary, an HR metrics dashboard in Excel is a valuable asset for any HR department looking to enhance its strategic role within the organization. By providing a clear overview of key HR metrics, it enables informed decision-making and helps identify areas for improvement. In the following sections, we will explore the step-by-step process of creating your HR dashboard in Excel, best practices for its maintenance and analysis, and the advanced features that can take your dashboard to the next level.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your HR Dashboard in Excel

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Creating an HR metrics dashboard in Excel can seem daunting at first, but by following these steps, you can develop a powerful tool for your HR department. Here’s how to get started:

  • Choose the Right Excel Template : Start by selecting an HR dashboard excel template that suits your needs. Templates can range from simple tracking sheets to complex dashboards with multiple metrics and data visualization options. Websites like and offer a variety of HR templates to get you started.
  • Define Your Key Metrics : Identify the key metrics you want to track on your dashboard. Common HR metrics include employee turnover, training effectiveness, absence rates, and satisfaction scores. Your choice of metrics should align with your HR and business objectives.
  • Input Your Data : Once you’ve chosen your metrics, it’s time to input your data into the Excel spreadsheet. Ensure accuracy and consistency in your data entry to maintain the integrity of your dashboard.
  • Customize Your Dashboard : Use Excel’s data visualization tools to create charts and graphs that represent your data effectively. Customizing your dashboard to highlight the most relevant information will make it easier for users to understand and act on the data.
  • Automate Data Updates : To keep your dashboard current, explore Excel’s features for automating data updates. This might involve linking your dashboard to external HR systems or databases to refresh data automatically.
  • Review and Refine : Finally, review your dashboard regularly and make adjustments as needed. Your HR metrics and goals may evolve over time, and your dashboard should reflect these changes.

Best Practices for HR Dashboard Maintenance and Analysis

Maintaining an HR dashboard requires diligence and a strategic approach to ensure its effectiveness for your employees over time. Here are some best practices to consider:

  • Regularly Update Your Data : Keep your dashboard relevant by updating it with the latest data. This ensures that HR managers and decision-makers have access to the most current information.
  • Ensure Data Accuracy : Accurate data is crucial for effective decision-making. Implement checks and balances to verify data accuracy before it’s added to your dashboard.
  • Analyze Trends Over Time : Use your HR dashboard to identify trends and patterns in your HR metrics. This can help you forecast future challenges and opportunities within your HR department.
  • Solicit Feedback : Engage with dashboard users to gather feedback on its usability and relevance. User insights can help you refine and improve your dashboard over time.

Leveraging Advanced Features and Integrations

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To enhance your HR dashboard’s functionality, consider integrating advanced features and external tools:

  • Interactive Charts : Excel supports the creation of interactive charts that users can manipulate to explore different data views. This feature enhances the user experience by allowing for more personalized data analysis.
  • Integration with Google Sheets : For teams that use Google Workspace, integrating your Excel dashboard with Google Sheets can facilitate easier sharing and collaboration.
  • Use of Macros and VBA : For users comfortable with Excel’s advanced features, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) scripts and macros can automate repetitive tasks and data processing, saving time and reducing errors.
  • Dashboard Customization : Tailor your dashboard to fit the unique needs of your HR department by incorporating custom formulas, conditional formatting, and bespoke reporting features.

By following these steps and best practices, you can create a comprehensive and effective HR metrics dashboard in Excel that serves as a cornerstone for strategic HR management. Not only does it facilitate data-driven decision-making, but it also enhances the visibility of HR’s contributions to organizational success.

This guide has outlined the process of creating, maintaining, and enhancing an HR metrics dashboard in Excel, demonstrating its value as a tool for strategic HR management. Would you like the complete article to be prepared for copying into a WordPress default editor, or is there anything else you’d like to add or adjust?

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10 Employee Onboarding Checklist Templates in Excel & ClickUp

Haillie Parker

February 13, 2024

Hiring your dream team is only half the battle—now you’ve go to retain them!

…And what’s the first step in reducing employee churn and keeping your best people by your side? An effective onboarding process!

Your team, HR department , and personal experience can surely tell you that employee onboarding is no walk in the park. That’s why the top companies and managers lean on customizable onboarding checklist templates to keep everything running smoothly from your new hire’s very first day.

With so many distinct org structures and checklist templates to choose from, integrating the right template into your onboarding process can be tiresome and time-consuming if you don’t know what features to look for. 

But we’re here to help! With a full breakdown of everything you need to know about employee onboarding and the essential features to look for in your next onboarding checklist template. Plus access 10 of the best employee onboarding checklists and templates directly from this article!

Let’s dive in. 🤿

What is an Onboarding Checklist Template?

Essential elements of an effective onboarding template, 1. onboarding checklist template by clickup, 2. employee onboarding template by clickup, 3. employee onboarding doc template by clickup, 4. general employee onboarding template by clickup, 5. new hire onboarding template by clickup, 6. remote onboarding template by clickup, 7. 30-60-90 day plan template by clickup, 8. training rollout plan template by clickup, 9. employee action plan template by clickup, 10. onboarding template for excel.

Avatar of person using AI

The onboarding process can feel a bit like a juggling act managing steps, documents, and people at once—that’s why we suggest starting with and customizing an onboarding template!

Onboarding templates are pre-built, collaborative documents to standardize and expedite the onboarding process for future new hires. 

Your template may come in the form of a checklist, pre-made tasks, training materials, best practices, and more to launch your onboarding program into action. Your template may even include each of these components bundled together! The goal is to help you create an efficient onboarding process or improve upon the one you already have in place. This ensures that each new hire has a consistent and streamlined onboarding experience, and no employee falls through the cracks within their first few weeks.

Even if your org is already working with other HR templates , using one that is specific to onboarding will help you streamline the overall process, realize areas you might’ve missed, and make the experience more engaging all around. 

A tell-tale sign of a high-quality onboarding template is its flexibility. This ensures your template can be easily adapted to your organization, from role to role, and by each new hire that uses it. Your onboarding template should help you quickly achieve some (or all) of the following goals: 

  • Set clear onboarding expectations and objectives for your new hires to understand the process to come
  • Create a standardized process and roadmap for employees to use as a resource and follow at their own pace
  • Foster clear communication between the new employee , their manager, other stakeholders in the organization, and your HR or People Operations teams
  • Encourage employee engagement with members outside of their immediate team. This helps new hires know that you care about their growth, fosters a healthy company culture, and drives new mentorships

You may not need all of these elements in your next onboarding template, but you will need an established HR software or project management solution to achieve any of them!

Within your preferred onboarding software , there are several necessary features to look for no matter what your HR KPIs and onboarding goals are. Including:

  • Custom statuses to quickly communicate where each new hire is with each onboarding task
  • ClickUp Tasks and checklists to document the steps in your onboarding process and mark whether they’ve been completed
  • Automations to help new hires move through the onboarding process as quickly as possible—even asynchronously 
  • Multiple views so new hires and managers can visualize onboarding task lists, schedules, workloads, progress, and more
  • Custom Fields to attach and access key information like documents, hiring dates, salaries, equipment needs, security stages, and more
  • Multiple integrations to bring more context from other work tools into your onboarding template 

10 Onboarding Templates

We’ve covered the onboarding basics and significant elements of any successful onboarding checklist template, now it’s time to put that knowledge to the test!

Consider the needs, roles, and requirements of your organization as you browse 10 of the best onboarding checklist templates for any team.

Onboarding Checklist Template by ClickUp

Starting things off nice and simple, the Onboarding Checklist Template by ClickUp applies a thorough, pre-built task List to your Workspace . Task templates are excellent resources for building reusable day-to-day processes, and with nine Custom Fields, this template will also keep each candidate’s information neatly organized and easily accessible. 

This is a great template for the onboarding team and managers to use for each new hire, where each task can be renamed to track the employee’s progress throughout the onboarding process.

When you open this task template, you’ll immediately see the Getting Started Guide in the task description, along with a breakdown of each Custom Field you’ll find below it and any relevant Help Docs .

From there, the task is broken down further into nine subtasks that cover everything from team introductions through equipment checklists—even a reminder to send the employee a post-onboarding survey!

Bonus: Meet the Team Templates

Employee Onboarding Template by ClickUp

While the previous onboarding checklist template is straightforward and beginner-friendly, the Employee Onboarding Template by ClickUp is where things start to dig deeper. In this detailed Folder, you’ll find:

  • Three custom statuses
  • 25 Custom Fields
  • Seven workflow views

And more to thoroughly immerse your new hire in your company’s best practices, policies, culture, values, and processes. With more advanced features—including automations to create new subtasks as Custom Fields change—managers can streamline communication between teams during the onboarding process.

In your onboarding Folder, you’ll find separate Lists for HR, legal, IT, and security teams, and corresponding tasks for each new hire organized on a Kanban board using Board view in ClickUp . Separate Lists will help the members and managers keep track of the items other departments are accountable for during the onboarding like equipment shipments, desk assignments, payroll, benefits, and much more. 

And with pre-made Custom Fields for the employee’s department, title, start date, email, and onboarding stage, managers, watchers, and assignees can easily access basic but important information at a glance—without having to click into a task or away from your Kanban board. 

Employee Onboarding Doc Template by ClickUp

Taking things further yet again, the Employee Onboarding Doc Template by ClickUp walks you through the process of building a weeks-long onboarding process, virtually from scratch. The major difference between this template and the ones we saw ahead of it? This template is less of a resource for managers and more so for the new hire to follow along themselves.

This template applies an entire Space to your platform with separate Lists for each new hire. In their individual List, they’ll find tasks broken down week by week, guiding them through every action item—from setting up an email signature to developing their quarterly goals. 

Designed to map out your new hire’s first 90 days, this template packs a punch on the features front. With eight custom statuses, Custom Fields, five ClickApps , and three workflow views to ensure employees have everything they need to stay on top of their onboarding workloads.

Not sure where to begin with such a loaded template? Start with the comprehensive Getting Started ClickUp Doc to make your setup process as efficient as possible.

The General Employee Onboarding Template by ClickUp is a scaled-up variation of the onboarding checklist task template we saw earlier. With additional custom statuses, workflow views, Help Docs, and Custom Fields, this template provides a thorough roadmap of the entire onboarding process to guarantee a good first impression.

Especially if you’re managing multiple new hires at a time across different departments, this thorough list will help onboarding managers build out realistic timelines for any number of activities—plus, a pre-built Kanban board to oversee all task progress.  

The New Hire Onboarding Template by ClickUp is the onboarding checklist you wish you had on your own first day. Designed for the employee, this template helps new members hold themselves accountable with customizable tasks throughout their first month. It shows them what needs to be done, how much time they have to complete it, and what will happen next. 

Plus, Custom Fields shows the new hire key information from a high-level view, including which departments own what tasks, deadlines, priorities, progress percentages, and more. 

Remote Onboarding Template by ClickUp

The transition from in-person to remote working can be lengthy and sometimes bumpy—it also requires an onboarding process of its own! Even if you’re coming from a small organization that’s worked together at length, each member must follow the proper steps to make sure they’re working from home effectively and efficiently from the jump.

The Remote Onboarding Template by ClickUp is a great way to ease new and existing team members into using a dynamic productivity tool like ClickUp, master its features, and create new digital processes as quickly as possible. 

This template keeps it simple with a Folder of pre-built tasks to help you learn ClickUp’s top features, along with three custom statuses, Custom Fields, and views to guide members through the key action items in your onboarding process. 

30-60-90 Day Plan Template by ClickUp

Onboarding a new employee requires more time, effort, and action than you might think—and it’s definitely bigger than a single item on your list. It takes frequent attention, planning, and following up to make sure your new hires have both completed the necessary steps and are settling in well.

The beginner-friendly 30-60-90 Day Plan Template by ClickUp was created to remedy this exact issue. With seven unique views including Kanban-like Board view, Chat view, and Calendar view, members and managers can use this List template to oversee progress throughout the onboarding process and schedule check-ins during the first three months to ensure new hires are settling in properly.  

Check out these 30-60-90 day templates !

Training Rollout Plan Template by ClickUp

While payroll, legal, and benefits documentation are key parts of the onboarding process, so is general training! Whether it’s specific to your new hire’s upcoming role or the organization as a whole, training can take a lot of time and arguably, the most attention to detail to ensure it’s done correctly. 

The Training Rollout Plan Template by ClickUp takes a detailed and step-by-step approach to learning everything from the foundational through advanced training. Starting with pre-made orientation tasks and moving toward professional certifications and senior-level learning, this List template can follow a new hire through their entire tenure with a company. 

In this template, you’ll also find Custom Fields to designate the training type, modality, resources, and deadlines for each training task, custom statuses to show progress, and multiple views to manage your training schedules. 

Employee Action Plan Template by ClickUp

A significant piece of proper onboarding includes a genuine interest in your new hire’s future with the company. The Employee Action Plan Template by ClickUp is a simple and effective way to achieve this with a customizable ClickUp Doc to identify areas of improvement and set professional goals for work . 

Onboarding Template for Excel

If you’re an avid Excel user, then this Onboarding Template could be you’re starting point! This spreadsheet-style checklist is downloaded immediately to your browser and breaks down the basics of onboarding into six sections:

  • Pre-offer acceptance
  • Pre-hire preparation
  • New hire introductions (through the first week)
  • New hire orientations (through the first month)
  • Department orientations (through the first 90 days)
  • Ongoing onboarding (through employment)

Within each section, there are more detailed action items with designated columns to note the owner of each task and the completion date. 

Get the Team On-Board With Custom Onboarding Templates

These aren’t just 10 of the best onboarding templates—they’re also completely free to try. 

With hundreds of rich productivity features , over 1,000 integrations , and a vast Template Library , ClickUp is your first stop in creating the ideal onboarding experience for teams and organizations across industries. 

Access the templates linked above along with tons of additional and free resources when you sign up for ClickUp today .  

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25 Must-Have Project Management Excel Templates and Spreadsheets


Still using spreadsheets to manage your projects? Revolutionize your projects with ProjectManager. Plan, track and report with automated tools.

Before you can plan your project, you need the right tools to collect the necessary data to formulate a strategy—and project management Excel templates are a great place to start.

Best Project Management Templates for Excel

Visit our project management templates page and you’ll find Excel and Word templates for creating all the project documents you need to manage your project. But, if you just need free Excel project management templates and spreadsheets, then look no further.

Here are 25 essential project management Excel templates you can download and use right now. Transform your bland Excel spreadsheets into expertly-designed project management templates , and take your project management Excel processes to the next level.

1. Gantt Chart Template

A Gantt chart is a visual tool that helps you see at a glance the scheduling of tasks and their dependencies over the project timeline. That makes it an ideal project planner template.

ProjectManager's Gantt Chart template

While it’s true that a Gantt chart template can be overly complex in Excel spreadsheets, especially when you need of more advanced scheduling features like task dependencies and resource allocation, they remain a vital part of any project manager’s toolkit. That’s why we recommend using online Gantt chart software to help plan tasks and projects collaboratively with your team.

Online Gantt chart tools integrate into project management & planning software, so they update in real time. This allows for easy drag-and-drop changes and can be color-coded to customize as you need. ProjectManager is a project management software that does this and more. Try it for yourself today!

ProjectManager's free Gantt chart template

But to quickly make a Gantt chart from your task lists, download this free Gantt chart Excel template, also known as a project timeline template, for an easy way to create a project schedule. Simply add tasks and deadlines to this Excel spreadsheet and visualize how long your project will take.

2. Project Management Dashboard Template

The project dashboard is what keeps you in the driver’s seat as you travel through the lifecycle of the project. It allows you to monitor the project, tracking the task status, budget and more in one place.

Project Management Dashboard Template featuring tasks, workload, task lengths and costs

From this free project management dashboard for Excel, you create graphs and charts that give you a visual and easily digestible look at your task and workload management, as well as cost. It’s a sure way to stay on top of a project generally and know where you have to drill down into specifics.

You can add more power to your PM dashboards when you use online project management software . That way, when team members are updating task statuses, the dashboards populate with real-time data.

3. Project Status Report Template

The need for a project status report is obvious. If you don’t have good intel on what’s happening in the project, then you’re managing blindly. You have no idea if you’re on track or if resources are being blocked.

Project Status Report Template for Excel

With this free Excel project status report template, you have a tool to greatly improve your project communications, both with stakeholders when you’re delivering a presentation, but also with team members.

It’s up to you to decide on the frequency of the reports. But with a project status report template, a lot of the busy work that can pull you away from a project is already done, giving you greater access to the information you need.

4. Action Plan Template

A project is initiated to complete the realization of a goal. But achieving that objective requires a strategy and the steps to implement that strategy successfully. In short, projects require an action plan .

Free download Action Plan Template

Projects are pragmatic and the action plan is a framework to collect your thoughts about executing the project plan in an effective and efficient way. With our free action plan template, you can fill in the blanks to ensure that you’ve covered all bases and make your project start on the right foot. It’s a great companion template to an overall project plan and project charter.

From prioritizing tasks to assigning and noting the status, timeline and resources, we have you covered. And, again, the action plan can be uploaded seamlessly into ProjectManager , so you can then use all our great features to visualize workflow with kanban boards and monitor progress with our real-time dashboard.

5. Project Tracker & Task List Template

Tracking the project is crucial to ensure that it remains on schedule. That means also keeping tabs on the work at a task level.

Task Tracking Template

This project tracker & task list template can help as a task to-do list, and it includes columns for the planned and actual duration of the project to determine what’s working and what needs more attention.

Once you integrate your project and task tracking template into a project management software system, you can then produce Gantt charts to get a clear visual on the project timeline, as well as get that data delivered to your dashboard to note project progress in real time. And, of course, you can import your Excel and Microsoft Project files seamlessly into ProjectManager. Our software can transform your static Excel files into stunning, dynamic project management tools.

Project dashboard in ProjectManager

6. Project Budget Template

A project can have a great plan, but without the financial backing to pay for it, nothing can happen. That’s why a project budget, as tedious as it might be, is one of the most important phases of getting a project on track to successful completion.

image of project budget template

With this free Excel project budget template, you can literally see when you’re in the red because it’s color-coded. And this document, more than just one that’s crucial to the start of a project, is also a way to track that budget across the lifecycle of the project.

This template has room to cover all your costs, from easy ones to collect — such as labor and materials — to ones that change or carry over from project to project. Budgets are estimates, but with this free template, those numbers will be more accurate.

7. Kanban Board Template

Kanban boards come from the Toyota factory floor, developed by Taiichi Ohno, an industrial engineer and businessman, as a planning system to manage and control work and inventory. Since being introduced as physical boards with columns representing phases in production and tasks that are displayed as cards that move across the board, they’ve evolved into digital tools.

Kanban board template for Excel

When you download our free kanban board template for Excel, you’ll get five columns and multiple cards, all of which are fully customizable so you can make adjustments to reflect the production cycle of your project. We’ve set up the kanban board to have five columns: backlog, to-do, doing, in review and done.

Cards are color-coded to show the priority level, from high (red) to medium (green) and low (blue). On each card is the name and description of the task, who it’s assigned to and what the due date is. Again, you can add as much or as little information to the card as you like. Of course, you can also use a project management template in ProjectManager and get access to dashboards, reports, resource management features and much more.

8. To-Do List Template

A to-do list gets things done. Whether it’s the grocery list you stick on the door of your refrigerator or a task list for a project, being able to collect and prioritize work ensures that you don’t forget anything important and tackle the most important tasks first. Plus, it’s a lot of fun crossing off tasks once you’ve done them.

To-do list template for Excel

This free project management Excel template can list as many tasks as you have, each with a start date, due date and even a column that shows the percentage complete of each task. There’s also a column to note the process, for example, to indicate if the task is done. Finally, a column is set aside for notes to capture anything you need to add.

The to-do list template is a simple tool that can be used to make more complex tasks manageable. It helps motivate you to do the work because it’s no longer overwhelming, but doable. It’s a rudimentary plan, and everyone knows planning is everything.

9. Project Risk Template

Risk is a part of managing a project. The job involves being able to anticipate what risks are likely to occur and then formulating a response to get the project back on track. That’s where this free Excel risk-tracking template comes in.

risk tracking template

First, it allows you to list all the possible risks you believe may happen over the course of the project. Next, you can define how it’ll impact the project. You determine the level of the risk and assign it to an owner so that someone is responsible to keep an eye on it.

Now you have a plan in place to resolve that risk quickly, and a document that can be shared so the risk is never given a chance to blindside a project.

10. Project Timesheet Spreadsheet

Team members need to have a way to track their work through the tasks they are assigned, and a simple timesheet can provide an easy way to keep them on schedule as well as give them the needed information to know where they are in their tasks.

free timesheet template for Excel

The free Excel timesheet can calculate cost per hour and includes vacation and overtime columns, to accurately note the time spent on and off the project. But project timesheets are useful for a number of different purposes, so this is a handy tool.

When you manage timesheets with online project management software , then the rubber hits the road. You’ll be able to filter columns and customize reports, easily sharing them in an email, PDF or Excel and CSV file. Plus your team can submit timesheets based on actual tasks in the system, and you’ll get alerted by email when they do.

11. Work Breakdown Structure Template

A project is made up of deliverables and those deliverables are created by tasks. The work breakdown structure (WBS) is a way to visualize the project deliverables, the tasks, and the subtasks, which are necessary to make them.

Work Breakdown Structure Diagram Template

ProjectManager has a free WBS template that structures the process of breaking down the large project into smaller and smaller tasks, in a hierarchical visual that allows you to see the entire scope of the project work.

This is a key element of project planning, but it’s also critical to estimating project costs and setting up a realistic schedule. Better still, because our WBS free template is an Excel spreadsheet, it can then be uploaded into the ProjectManager software to initiate a project, assign tasks to team members and monitor and track progress once the project is executed.

12. Project Plan Template

A project plan template has everything you need to map out your project once it’s been approved. It has space for you to define your project goals, activities and tasks as well as all the resources you’ll need to execute the work. You can begin to schedule your activities , tasks and the duration of each across a project timeline. There’s even a place to identify task dependencies.

free project plan template for project management

Project plans are tailored around your project and no two are the same. That’s why this project management template has a place to add appendices.  Here is where you can attach a scope, cost and schedule management plan or a work breakdown structure (WBS) as well as your business case, feasibility study and project charter. The more detailed your project plan, the more you position yourself and your team for success when the project is executed.

13. Project Estimate Template

This free project estimate template for Excel will help you forecast a more accurate budget and realistic schedule. Before you can plan a project, you need to identify all the costs that will be associated with it. This free project management spreadsheet allows you to do a more detailed collection of what you’ll need to spend on your labor, materials and project resources.

Project estimate template for Excel

From a job description to estimate details, this project template is a great way not only to figure out your budget but collect the various vendors and contractors you’ll be employing to help you execute the project. Create as many project phases as you require. Each is subtotaled and those subtotals are then tallied automatically for a final sum. Change is impossible to avoid when managing a project, but the more accurate your estimate, the more likely you’ll deliver on time and within budget.

14. RACI Matrix Template

Using a RACI matrix template is an essential tool for organizing projects. Projects can be confusing, and if people aren’t sure of their roles, problems are going to occur. The RACI template for Excel is a free tool to identify and define the various roles and responsibilities of everyone involved with the project.

Project management RACI matrix template for Microsoft Excel

This project management Excel template is broken up by project phase on the left and across the top all the various project positions are listed. Then in the corresponding box beneath the title is filled in with R, A, C or I to explain their relation to that specific point in the project. RACI stands for responsible, accountable, consulted and informed. Defining these roles with this Excel spreadsheet leads to smoother operations.

15. Issue Tracker Template

Issues are when something is happening right now in your project. So, what do you do when this happens? You track those issues and resolve them with the help of this free issue tracker template.

Excel issue tracking template

The first thing, of course, is identifying those issues as they occur. This is the document in which you can collect that information. The issue tracking template serves you by making sure every step of the way, from identifying to resolving the issue, is documented.

Of course, you’ll want to share the issue tracker template, and you can with this free Excel template, but only as a static document. With project management software , that information is easy to collect and share, as well as edit in real time.

16. Resource Plan Template

Resources are anything you need for a project. Our free resource plan template for Excel is the first step to managing your team and resources. You can use it to identify, list and organize all your project resources as well as figure out how much of each you’ll need and what that’ll cost. You can use this project Excel template to integrate with your schedule and budget to track costs as you execute the project.

project resource plan template for Excel - free download

While you’ll want to start your resource plan during the planning phase of your project, it should be a living document that’s regularly updated as things change over the life cycle of the project. Once the project has been completed, you can save the template and use it when you’re planning resources for future projects that are similar. Using this free project management template for Excel keeps everyone informed, which leads to a smoother project.

17. Multiple Project Tracking Template

If you’re managing a program or a portfolio of projects, then you need our free multiple-project tracking template for Excel. When you download this free project management Excel template, you have the tool you need to monitor the progress of many projects at once.

Multiple project tracking template for Excel

This free template provides a high-level overview of your projects, including all relevant information, all in one place. You can track tasks, dependencies, schedules and costs, which allows you to make more informed decisions when allocating resources across all your projects and helps you identify issues quickly.

Whether you’re a program manager, portfolio manager or work for a PMO, our free multiple project tracking template is going to make your job easier. It will serve you throughout the life cycle of all the projects you’re managing for resource management, communicating with stakeholders and more.

18. Production Schedule Template

In order to balance supply and demand when producing any commodity, you have to have a production schedule. It tracks the production of your product over a specific time period. No manufacturer is going to make anything without one. Download our free production schedule template for Excel.

production schedule template for Excel

Use our free production schedule as part of your larger supply chain management to manage resources, help your sales team and get your goods to customers on time without negatively impacting quality. Our template helps you to make more accurate production plans and manage your inventory.

You can manage both your workers and your materials, workstations and processes, as well as track your targets, manage deliveries and more. Our free template is a must-have document when you’re in production planning.

19. Punch List Template

A punch list captures the work that still needs to be done on a construction site. The job isn’t complete until that punch list is completed. The punch list is also a great way to capture tasks that fall outside the contract and track their progress. These are only some reasons why you need to download our free punch list template for Excel.

Punch list template for Excel

Our free punch list template lists all the items on the punch list, including a description and who has been assigned to do that work. There’s also space to add a date for when it was first identified and when it was approved. You can also add the estimated duration for doing the work.

This is a special template, too, in that you can use it as an Excel document or open up the template in ProjectManager. If you use our software, then you’ll have access to kanban boards to visualize workflow, a real-time dashboard for a high-level view of your progress and performance as well as Gantt charts, timesheets, workload charts and much more.

20. Weekly Work Schedule Spreadsheet

If you need help handling your human resources, get our free weekly work schedule spreadsheet for Excel. You can use it to manage your team’s weekly work and the project’s workflow. Note the days your team can work and collect the rate of pay and hours they work on their tasks. This flexible employee work schedule can apply to the regular nine-to-five work week or a more hybrid model.

Weekly work schedule template for Microsoft Excel in a spreadsheet format

Use this project management template for Excel to get info on your team members and their work schedule. You can add their name, tasks assigned to them and the project on which they’re working. There’s space to list all the days they’ll be working. This Excel template is a great place to capture data, but it’s a static document. If you want to update it, you have to do that manually. It can take time and pull you away from managing the project and your team’s work.

21. Change Log Tracking Spreadsheet

Try our free change log template for Excel and create a successful change management process. Change is going to happen in every project, whether due to requests from stakeholders or from external forces, such as weather or supply chain issues. Being prepared for change and how to respond to it is going to make or break your project.

Project Change Log Template for Microsoft Excel

This project management Excel spreadsheet allows you to number changes that you identify in the project to track them easier. There’s a place to capture when the change was first discovered, who owns it and who is tasked with dealing with that change. There’s even space to note its status and set the priority so you know which changes should be dealt with first. Having a change log means you can manage change and not allow change to negatively impact your project.

22. Change Request Form Template

One thing that’s constant in any project is change. Those changes, however, must be managed. That’s where the change request form comes in.

hr task list excel

Our free change request form template gives you the structure to identify, track and resolve those changes when they arise in a project. The free template has space to note what the change is, give a team member ownership to lead the task of resolving it and then get it signed off on.

When used in conjunction with ProjectManager, the change request form is more dynamic. It can act as a collaborative platform in which team members can communicate and attach relevant documents, even hand-offs and sign-offs. Keeping everything under one roof is something you’ll not want to change.

Related: How to Run MS Project on your Mac Step by Step!

23. Gap Analysis Template

If you’re looking to improve your business and stay innovative, then you need this gap analysis template for Excel. It’s one of the tools you can use to get a strategic analysis of where you are now and how to get to where you want to be in the future. This project management spreadsheet will help you devise an action plan to move you from your current state of affairs to wherever you plan to take your organization in the future, whether that’s an increase in market share or getting a product to market quickly.

Project gap analysis template for Microsoft Excel in a spreadsheet format

This free Excel template has everything you need to start meeting your goals, from general information and the current state of your business to the future state you’re aiming to achieve, what the gap percentage is and the actions necessary to close that gap. You can identify who in the organization can lead the initiative and even track the status. You have to start somewhere and a gap analysis is where it all comes together.

24. Stakeholder Analysis Spreadsheet

Stakeholders are invested in the project and project managers have to keep them updated and manage their expectations. That’s where this free stakeholder analysis template for Excel comes in. It helps you identify and manage all the stakeholders in your project. This free template is a cornerstone of any thorough stakeholder management plan.

Free stakeholder analysis template in a spreadsheet format for Excel

The stakeholder analysis template gets you started with a project overview, which is followed by a list of all the stakeholders involved with the project. There’s a dropdown menu to note if that particular stakeholder is of high, medium or low influence. That means, how much power they have to impact the project. That information is crucial to how to manage them. Then you identify each stakeholder in the spreadsheet as they relate to the project. Note the frequency you need to communicate with each stakeholder and more to manage them and keep the project moving forward.

25. Cost Benefit Analysis Spreadsheet

Crunch the numbers to learn if your project is worth pursuing with our free cost-benefit analysis template for Excel. You can see if the project can be delivered within a specific time frame and reasonable cost. This Microsoft Excel template allows you to compare what you expect to spend against the benefits or opportunities the project might provide. From a cost perspective, you can see if the project is viable.

free cost benefit analysis template for project management

Whether a personal or professional project, our free cost-benefit analysis template is a powerful and flexible tool. It can be used over and over again, collecting the project information, quantitative costs (indirect, intangible and opportunity) and quantitative benefits (direct benefits, indirect benefits, intangible benefits and competitive benefits). Adding up the three cost sections and the four benefits sections of the template provides a total cost to compare against total benefits. It’s an essential analysis to undertake before committing to any project.

Using Excel for Project Management

Think of all the things you have to process along the way to a successful project—scheduling, resource planning, defining tasks and milestones, etc. The days of Post-It notes and notebooks filled with scraps of paper are long gone. Thankfully, today project managers can use Microsoft Excel templates for project management.

Microsoft Excel does a lot of things well: mathematics, analysis and organization. But, it’s not intuitive for project management due to its blank spreadsheet format. So, without using pre-built project management spreadsheets or templates, it’s hard to execute project management on Excel.

Go Beyond Excel Project Management Templates & Spreadsheets With ProjectManager

Project management software can take you way further than Excel templates for project management ever could. ProjectManager , an award-winning project management software, is a comprehensive platform that lets you plan, track and report on your projects online. Because it’s an online tool, you get live visibility into your project team and their tasks.

Plan your projects from start to finish with our Gantt chart feature. This feature allows you to map your project tasks in phases and assign them to team members. You can even create dependencies and set milestones. Plus, you can import Excel files and Microsoft Project files into the Gantt chart, bringing your static templates to life. In addition, ProjectManager integrates with over 1,000 third-party apps such as Google Drive, Slack and Microsoft Office 365 so that you can share your project with everybody on your team.

imported template to make a gantt chart

Team members (and managers) can choose to manage their own tasks in either the task list or kanban view. The kanban view is a favorite for visual workers who are involved in many projects. The customizable columns on a kanban board allow a user to easily see their progress, or sort their tasks by project or department. Of course, every view, whether it’s the Gantt, list or board, allows you to collaborate with other team members and get more work done than you ever thought possible. You’ll wonder why you ever used project management Excel processes.

ProjectManager's kanban boards make project management templates come to life

Related Excel Project Management Content

While Excel is not a project management software, it can still be a very helpful for managing various aspects of your projects. That’s why we’ve created dozens of blogs, templates and guides to help you use Excel for project management.

  • Essential Excel Report Templates
  • Free Manufacturing Excel Templates
  • Free Excel Construction Templates
  • Free Word & Excel Templates for Business
  • Excel Spreadsheet Templates for Tracking Tasks, Costs and Time
  • How to Create a Project Timeline in Excel (Free Template Included)
  • How to Make a Gantt Chart In Excel Step-By-Step (Template Included)

Get all the features of these Excel project management templates and more when you use ProjectManager . All of these tools are available in our award-winning project management software to help you plan, track and report on your project in real time. See what it can do for you by taking a free 30-day trial run .

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  1. Top Excel Templates for Human Resources

    hr task list excel

  2. Master Your Tasks: The Ultimate 2024 Excel To-Do List Guide

    hr task list excel

  3. Free Excel Task Tracker Template & To-Do List

    hr task list excel

  4. Daily Task List Template Excel

    hr task list excel

  5. HR Task List Template

    hr task list excel

  6. Top Excel Templates for Human Resources

    hr task list excel


  1. Excel ในงานแผนกบุคคล(1/2)


  3. HR task completed 👍 😍 waiting for next task HR #heart_racer_rc #thar #hr

  4. How to make Task List/To-Do List in MS Excel? "কাজ ভুলে যাবার দিন শেষ!" #techhome

  5. Task List Excel Connect

  6. Excel Task List


  1. Top Excel Templates for Human Resources

    This Smartsheet template set provides a structure to track and manage onboarding, so new employees get up and running quickly. Onboard new employees with templatized personal onboarding hubs. Schedule onboarding tasks and empower managers to monitor progress. Centralize key onboarding resources and assets in a single location.

  2. Best Excel templates for HR

    1. Excel template for performance appraisal 2. Excel template for annual leave 3. Excel template to track your HR KPIs 4. Excel template to calculate salary increases 5. Excel templates for your training plan 6. Excel template for employee recruitment tracking 7. Timekeeping template 8. Workplace survey template 9.

  3. Free Employee Task List Template and Actionable Guide for 2024

    5. Project task list template. A project task list template is an exhaustive list that outlines all tasks required to complete a specific project, often segmented into phases or milestones. Advantages. Allows for a full, end-to-end view of project tasks. Makes it easy to track progress toward key milestones.

  4. 15 Best HR Excel Templates in 2024 [Free Download]

    Top 15 HR Excel Templates. The following is an extensive list of the top HR Excel templates so that the HR team can keep pace with routine tasks without compromising on the quality of the reports. There's no need to worry if you're a small organization or startup on budget constraints. All these are Excel for HR download templates for free ...

  5. The HR Dashboard & HR Report: A Full Guide with Examples & Templates

    An HR dashboard is the most efficient way to monitor, manage, track, and report on data. Using this business intelligence tool enables you to track, analyze and report on HR KPIs (key performance indicators). Before you start to create your HR report, there are a few considerations to be made about the 'how' and 'when'.

  6. Free Task List Templates for Excel

    Download. ⤓ Excel (.xlsx) For: Excel 2010 or later. ⤓ Google Sheets. License: Private Use (not for distribution or resale) Description. This task list template demonstrates how to create a checkbox using a data validation drop-down and how to use simple conditional formatting conditions to display HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW priority values.

  7. HR Task List Template in Excel, Google Sheets

    Part of the HR Templates. Download this HR Task List Template Design in Excel, Google Sheets Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable. Transform HR management with our Task List Template! Tailored for HR innovators, it orchestrates seamless operations, from recruitment to benefits administration. Ensure no task falls through the cracks.

  8. Best Excel Templates for HR Managers to Boost Productivity

    For example, by using the best Excel templates, HR managers can easily track employee performance, check how many hours they worked and find ways to utilize the resources efficiently. So here are the ten best Excel templates for HR managers to ease their tasks. 10 Best Excel Templates for HR Employee Attendance Tracking Spreadsheet Template

  9. Download HR Excel Templates

    HR Skills Dashboard Excel Template. $ 39 Add to cart. Use our Learning and Development dashboard to track trainings taken by employees and Return on Investment (ROI) of the trainings. Identify the positive ROI trainings and trainers. Add more investment into trainings that bring the most benefits to the company.

  10. 10 useful tips to create employee task tracker template excel

    HR PLAN. An employee task tracker template is a structured document, usually created in Excel, designed to help businesses or teams monitor and manage tasks assigned to employees. This template serves as a central tool for tracking the progress of various tasks, assigning responsibilities, setting deadlines, and ensuring that projects or daily ...

  11. Mastering HR Skills with Microsoft Excel: A Comprehensive Guide

    Automating HR Tasks. Excel can streamline various HR processes, reducing manual effort and minimizing errors. Use macros and VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) to automate repetitive tasks such ...

  12. Free Excel Task Tracker Template & To-Do List

    Make this task tracker template your own by adding to-do list items and tasks, assigning task owners, and tracking task status, budgets, and costs. Download your free Excel task tracker template. 2. Add to-do list items and tasks. First, find the T ask Name column on your worksheet, and enter a descriptive name for each task you want to track ...

  13. HR Data Analysis in Excel: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Excel provides HR professionals with a dynamic, relatively easy-to-use analysis tool. This article showcases some lesser-known Excel tools and functions that will help you power up your HR data analysis capabilities. Contents. HR data analysis process. Step 1: Data cleaning. Step 2: Data analysis.

  14. Download Free HR Templates in Excel

    This template can be useful for HR professionals, HR executives, Administrative staff, etc. This template is available in 4 file formats - Excel, Google Sheets, Open Office Calc, and Apple Numbers. Click on the button below to download the desired format. Filed Under: HR Templates.

  15. Human Resources

    About Human Resources. Our free Human Resources Templates are spreadsheets designed to help companies and HR departments manage employee information such as contact info, time-off requests, payroll, and more. Simply select a Human Resources Template below that best fits your needs, customize it to perfection, and input employee information.

  16. Excel Hacks for HR Professionals

    Step 1: Highlight the data and hit Ctrl + T to format as an Excel table. Step 2: Under {Table Tools} Design > Properties > Table Name, rename the table name as "Emp". Step 3: Click on the arrow next to "Salary", go to the Number Filter > Greater Than Or Equal To > Enter 4,500 as the criteria and click OK.

  17. 17 Useful Human Resources Formulas and Functions for Excel

    DATEDIF function. Excel DATEDIF returns the difference between two date values in years, months, or days. The DATEDIF (Date + Dif) function is a "compatibility" function from Lotus 1-2-3 . =DATEDIF (start_date, end_date, unit) Unit Values. "y" years.

  18. Creating an HR Metrics Dashboard Excel Template: A Comprehensive Guide

    Excel is a powerful tool for creating versatile and accessible HR dashboards. Its widespread availability and familiar interface make it an ideal choice for HR managers looking to streamline their reporting and analysis processes. An Excel HR dashboard can significantly simplify HR tasks, from tracking employee performance and absence rates to ...

  19. 10 Employee Onboarding Templates in Excel & ClickUp

    Start with the comprehensive Getting Started ClickUp Doc to make your setup process as efficient as possible. 4. General Employee Onboarding Template by ClickUp. The General Employee Onboarding Template by ClickUp is a scaled-up variation of the onboarding checklist task template we saw earlier.

  20. 25 Must-Have Project Management Excel Templates & Spreadsheets

    Here are 25 essential project management Excel templates you can download and use right now. Transform your bland Excel spreadsheets into expertly-designed project management templates, and take your project management Excel processes to the next level. 1. Gantt Chart Template.