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Best Excel templates for HR - Download them for FREE

hr task list excel

Are you looking for resources to improve your department's day-to-day workload? We've chosen the best Excel spreadsheets for human resources: performance appraisals, annual leave, timekeeping, work climate, organogram and payroll. And it's all free!

Usage of Excel spreadsheets in HR

The personnel department manages and stores and large quantity of information, which also increases as the company grows. It’s easy to manage when the company is still small. But once the company has more than 50 staff, and in addition to hiring specialised HR professionals, as studies recommend, it's also important to use the appropriate tools to help you grow and stay efficient. Excel spreadsheets for human resources suddenly become obsolete, especially when you reach this point.

hr software template

The future lies with HR software such as Kenjo that enable teams to grow, to become more productive thanks to task automation, and to make better decisions based on objective data. However, we have an intermediate solution for those departments that still opt for traditional systems: preconfigured Excel templates for human resources. We gathered a selection of the best on the market, some of which are created by Kenjo.

Excel template for performance appraisal

The performance appraisal template is one of the most useful of the free templates for human resources available. It was created by Kenjo and enables you to upload a record for each employee, where you can register all the appraisals you carry out during the year. Can you customise it to suit your needs? Of course, just enter the questions you normally ask at appraisals and classify them using the pre-set categories we've created for you.

Apart from storing information, the Excel template also enables you to generate charts to analyse the performance of each employee or team throughout the year, and even draw comparisons with their colleagues. You can also compare the results of several teams according to the department or manager. Click on the link below to download our performance evaluation template .

template CTA

Excel template for annual leave

How do you track your team’s annual leave? You’ll find it much easier, faster and more secure with this human resources Excel template. Just enter each employee’s information and start to use it .

It was inspired by our absence and annual leave software , so you’ll be able to access each employee’s record and an overall calendar where you can see, at a glance, the entire team’s absences with colour-coded identification. Click on the following link and download our Excel template for holidays and absences .

Annual leave excel template

This will enable you to track annual leave for every employee, the number of absences, and thanks to the calendar, you will be able to better coordinate your staff by visualising those who are available on a daily basis. 

template CTA

Excel template to track your HR KPIs

As legendary Austrian management consultant and educator Peter Drucker said "what is not measured cannot be improved". You cannot analyse the progress of your department without implementing the right KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) . KPIs allow us to obtain information about the actions in an organisation in order to draw conclusions and assess which processes need improving. 

Our Human resources KPI Excel template requires you to only enter the information of your employees and it automatically generates different graphs for you. In this very visual way, you will be able to see the valuable information related to your department.

template CTA

Excel template to calculate salary increases

Setting salaries is one of the most complicated tasks that a Human Resources department has to undertake. At Kenjo, we want to help you in facilitating this task by offering you a thorough template to define your next compensation plan. 

Salary Increase Excel Template-1

With this template you will be able to calculate the salary increases of your employees based on their job performance. You can also analyse the information through comparative graphs and tables.

template CTA

Excel templates for your training plan

Now more than ever, employee training is vital to the development and operation of a company. Technologies are constantly changing and employees need to keep up to date with them and learn new skills. T o do this, it is essential for HR departments to have training plans for the growth and success of their employees. 

Learning and Development plan Excel template

At Kenjo, we have developed a company training plan Excel template . This will allow you to keep track of the training of your employees and the budget allocated to it. Download this template by clicking the following image.

template CTA

Excel template for employee recruitment tracking

Another fundamental tool for a HR department is a recruiting and hiring excel template. When carrying out a recruitment  process it is important to make a plan and have a system that allows you to monitor this process. When the time comes to make a decision, this template will allow you to see all the information of the candidates at a glance so you can compare them and choose the most suitable candidate for the position. 

excel template recruitment tracker-1

In this excel recruitment tracker template you will be able to classify the candidates, indicate the phase of the process they are in and see all the observations you have made about each of them.

template CTA

Timekeeping template

The Working Time Regulations stipulate a maximum 48-hour week for all UK employees. Employees can opt out if they choose, but employers have the responsibility of tracking time and attendance of all staff, mainly to ensure that they are not doing too much overtime. Tracking time and attendance is also extremely important for remote workers, who need to keep track of hours worked, as well as those with flexible working agreements. Employees with children under 17 years old have the right to request flexible working, after the Children and Families Act came into force in June 2014 What system are you using to keep track of time and attendance? Some Excel templates allow you to simply enter clock-in and clock-out times and it will automatically calculate the number of hours, as well as any overtime worked. Download the template here .

Workplace survey template

Work climate includes a range of factors such as motivation and employee satisfaction . Gauging and understanding how the team perceives the company, as well as their own job role, will give you an idea about the atmosphere within the company, enabling you to make improvements that will increase your productivity and the well-being of your workforce. To do this, it's fundamental to ask staff to complete workplace surveys from time to time. You can use a template (download here ) which generates a human resources dashboard with the survey results. 

OrgChart template

Whether your company has a vertical or horizontal structure, having an organigram is important so that reporting lines are clear to everyone. This will give you a handy and clear view of the company structure , the different teams, job roles and departments. It’s a key tool for improving communication and is very useful, for example, while onboarding new staff members.

organigram template

Click here to see a range of different organigram models that you can customise and adapt to your organisation. It’s important to keep it up to date after every promotion, and when someone joins or leaves the company.

Payroll template for Human Resources

Payroll administration is one the most important functions of a HR department. With a platform like Kenjo, you could save up to 40% of the time spent on this type of administrative task. Nevertheless, if you’re still using Excel then it’s always better to use a template. There is no official payroll template but the HMRC offers useful information on the most important aspects a payslip should include. You can create your own or choose an online platform to help you. This template gives you a base to work from and allows you to quickly and easily create payslips for your team.

Excel template for shift planning

Organising rotating shifts ranks among the most time-consuming tasks of HR managers. Lacking the right tools, this task can quickly make for a real mess in the department. We created a shift planning excel template that HR managers can use to effectively and comprehensively manage their employees' shift.


NPS calculator

The NPS, or Net Promoter Score is a method created by Fred Reichheld to measure the satisfaction of employees, clients, etc. They are asked to answer questions such as “How likely are you to recommend this (product, service, company) to a friend or family?” and the person has to give a rating from zero (least likely) to 10 (most likely). In this way, three types of profile are established: Promoters, Passives and Detractors. Hotjar has created an automatic calculator that helps you determine how many Promoters, Detractors you have in your company and discover your NPS.

NPS calculator

9 Box Grid Talent Management Template

The 9-box grid model is a commonly used method to better understand performance and potential in the context of talent management and workforce planning. We provide you with a free template !

9 Box Grid Talent Management Template

Advanced Performance Review Excel Template

Measuring the quality of work carried out in a company is fundamental for good business development. This can be done by assessing each employee from different perspectives to get an overview of the value they create for the company. A performance review template will help you to perform this task quickly, easily and in the same way for everyone. Don’t have one yet? Download our free version!

Excel Template Skills Matrix

A Skill Matrix is a handy team and project management tool that helps you get the most out of your internal talent, and to quickly and easily identify the needs of your workforce. It will help you define standards for recruitment and selection , for performance evaluation or employee behaviour standards.

As an employer, you can quickly identify core competences within the group and exploit the potential for cooperation within the team. Download our skills matrix today.

kenjo skills matrix cta

Word Template Performance Review Questionnaire

Asking employees to do what's known as a self-evaluation is a normal part of the performance review process. In other words, we ask them to analyse and reflect on their performance and their contribution to the company throughout a given period and put it in writing.

To help you and your employees with their next self evaluation, we've created this self evaluation template that you can download for free. With this template, you and your employees will be able to prepare themselves in no time for their next performance review - with the added benefit that all your future self evaluations will be consistent in style and form. If you do have any additional questions that you would like to add to our template, you are of course more than welcome to modify it.

Kenjo Performance Review Questionnaire

Employee Database

Employee Databases are essential tools for businesses to track and store employee information, allowing easy access and data analysis . But for many, the thought of creating and analysing staff databases is understandably intimidating, and figuring out where to begin is a challenge. 

If the idea of setting up a Human Resources database in Excel is intimidating, you are not alone. To save time, Kenjo has designed a user-friendly, free Employee Database Excel Template for anyone to download and start inputting data.

Kenjo Employee Database template

Onboarding Checklist

Employee satisfaction is playing an ever increasing role in when it comes to talent retention. But how do you actually make employees feel good? The first step to employee satisfaction is a structured onboarding process that familiarizes new employees with the company , their job their duties and team. The process starts from the moment the employee is made an offer and ends once the employee is a productive member of the company.

In order to help you create and carry out a perfect onboarding for your company, we've created a free onboarding checklist which will guide you through the most important employee onboarding steps. You are also more than welcome to adjust the onboarding checklist and adapt it to your specific needs.

Kenjo Onboarding Checklist Template CTA

Timesheet Template

Due to a 2019 ruling by the European Court of Justice, companies across Europe are now required to track their employees' time and attendance. While many other countries have already adopted and implemented time and attendance tracking laws - such as in the US - implementation has been a slow process in Europe.

Kenjo’s Timesheet Template was created with simplicity and ease of use in mind and is suitable for any level of users. All you need to use our Timesheet Template is a copy of Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice and you are ready to go.

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Salary Band

Setting up salary bands in a company can be tricky because defining employees' salaries is crucial to keep employees motivated and avoid a talent drain . It also prevents bias and potential inequalities. If you're looking for a salary band template, then Kenjo, the all-in-one HR software solution, can help. Download our template today and save time and money!

Kenjo Excel Salary Band Template CTA

Cost Per Hire Calculator

Calculate all your recruiting and hiring costs with our Cost Per Hire Excel Calculator. Clearly and understandably calculate all recruiting costs with our easily customisable excel calculator. Optimise your recruiting budget with the help of our "Cost-Per-Hire" calculator.


Time Off Request Template

With Kenjo's free time off request template, your employees can easily and effortlessly request time off . Easily customisable the template which has a clear structured format. The template is also suitable for requesting special and unpaid leave

Kenjo Absence Management HR Software

Digitise your HR department with Kenjo

Take the quality and efficiency of your work to the next level and leave Excel templates behind. Digitise your HR department with Kenjo human resources software. You will be able to manage your payroll, recruitment processes, annual leave and absences, workplace surveys, etc. all in one place, and share the information with your team and become more agile in your day-to-day work. We calculate that, on average, you’ll save 40% of the time spent on administrative tasks .

You may also be interested in our article about the 3 best human resources software .

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  • Free Employee Task List Template...

Free Employee Task List Template and Actionable Guide for 2024

A conceptual idea of an employee task list.

What is an employee task list?

  • 28 minutes per day on their phones
  • 20 minutes daydreaming
  • 18 minutes gossiping

hr task list excel

Why should HR recommend employee task lists?

Comparing the advantages of employee task lists for managers and employees.

The advantages of employee task lists for managers

  • Clear objective setting: A well-crafted task list allows managers to set clear, actionable objectives for team members. This aligns individual roles with organizational goals and offers a concrete method for evaluating employee performance.
  • Efficient resource allocation: Task lists are an excellent tool for determining how to best utilize resources, including staff time. Managers can quickly identify bottlenecks, reallocate tasks, and ensure that no employee is either overburdened or underutilized.
  • Accountability: The task list encourages a culture of accountability. When tasks, deadlines, and responsibilities are clearly outlined, there’s no room for ambiguity, making it easier for managers to hold team members accountable for their performance.
  • Performance metrics: Managers have a built-in performance measurement tool that provides insights into employee efficiency and efficacy, streamlining the evaluation process.
  • Dynamic adjustments: One of the best things about using an employee task list template is that the task lists are not static documents; they can be updated to reflect job or project scopes, timelines, or objectives changes. This allows managers to adapt swiftly to internal and external organizational changes.

The advantages of employee task lists for employees

  • Clear expectations: An employee task list eliminates the guesswork. Team members understand what is expected of them, how their contributions align with team objectives, and what timelines they need to meet.
  • Enhanced productivity: Individuals who work with a task list are more likely to prioritize effectively, increasing their productivity levels.
  • Work-life balance: Well-structured task lists can help employees manage their time more efficiently, allowing for a healthier work-life balance. They can plan their work schedules better and avoid unnecessary stress.
  • Career development: When used correctly, task lists can help identify areas where an employee excels or needs improvement. This insight can be crucial for career development plans, mentorship programs, and training initiatives.
  • Increased autonomy: When expectations are clearly laid out, employees feel more empowered to manage their tasks autonomously, which often leads to increased job satisfaction.

HR’s role in designing and implementing employee task lists

How to implement employee task lists in the performance management process.

  • Planning and goal setting: At this stage, HR professionals can collaborate with managers to create comprehensive employee task lists that align with team and organizational objectives. The task list serves as a tactical implementation of strategic goals.
  • Monitoring and tracking: Task lists, particularly those enabled with real-time tracking, can offer invaluable metrics for performance monitoring. This data can also be useful for HR analytics and future resource planning.
  • Evaluation and feedback: The task list can act as a baseline for performance reviews, offering concrete evidence of tasks completed, deadlines met, and areas where improvement is needed.
  • Development and improvement: At this stage, employee task lists can help identify skill gaps or areas where further training is needed, facilitating targeted development efforts.

Getting started: Top tips for HR professionals when creating employee task lists

  • Ensure that the tasks on the list are aligned with broader organizational goals. This alignment is crucial for maintaining the task list’s relevance and effectiveness.
  • Create a standardized method for prioritizing tasks, such as categorizing them as urgent, important, or optional. This method aids both managers and employees in focusing their efforts effectively.
  • Invest in task management software that integrates seamlessly with existing HR and performance management systems. This allows for more effective tracking and analytics.
  • Roll out a comprehensive training program to educate managers and employees on how to use task lists effectively. This can include workshops, webinars, and easy-to-access online resources.
  • Provide the option for customization to accommodate the unique requirements of different departments or job roles.
  • Ensure that the task lists and any monitoring procedures comply with relevant laws and ethical standards, including privacy regulations and data protection policies.
Top tips for getting started with employee task lists Tasks should be SMART, that is, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Adhering to these criteria ensures that each task is actionable and results-oriented. Managers should review task lists with employees regularly. Employees, too, should proactively update their lists to reflect completed tasks and any new assignments. Maintain open lines of communication to discuss challenges or adjustments that may need to be made to the task list. Utilize the task list as a time management tool. Employees can allocate specific blocks of time to different tasks, helping them to manage their workday more efficiently.

Employee task list examples

1. employee task list template.

  • It can be customized to fit each employee’s needs and job roles.
  • Easy to update and adjust as tasks are completed, or new tasks arise.
  • Generally straightforward, requiring minimal training for effective utilization.


  • Geared toward individual work, potentially neglecting team-oriented tasks.
  • It may not offer comprehensive analytics features for performance tracking.
  • It requires consistent attention and manual updating, which can be time-consuming.

A preview of the employee task list template in Excel.

2. Team task list template

  • Facilitates team communication and collaborative efforts.
  • Clearly designates roles and responsibilities within the team.
  • Makes it easier for managers to identify bottlenecks and hold team members accountable.
  • Can become cluttered or complicated with too many tasks or team members.
  • May not give adequate attention to individual tasks or contributions.

A preview of the team task list template in Excel.

3. Gantt chart task list

  • Offers a visual timeline that makes understanding project flow and dependencies easier.
  • Enables advanced tracking and analytics, offering deeper insights into task and project status.
  • Helps in effective resource allocation by visualizing task timelines.
  • May require some time to learn how to read and update effectively.
  • Difficult to make quick adjustments or modifications.

A preview of the Gantt chart task list template in Excel.

4. Daily task list template

  • Encourages concentrated focus on immediate tasks.
  • Facilitates effective time management for busy days.
  • Allows for rapid completion and the psychological benefits of checking off tasks frequently.
  • May neglect long-term goals or projects in favor of immediate tasks.
  • Risks become overwhelming if too many tasks are listed.

A preview of the daily task list template in Excel.

5. Project task list template

  • Allows for a full, end-to-end view of project tasks.
  • Makes it easy to track progress toward key milestones.
  • Helps in aligning the entire team towards project goals.
  • Can be daunting due to its comprehensive nature.
  • Initial setup and ongoing updates can be time-consuming.

A preview of the project task list template in Excel.

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Home » HR Software » Top 15 Free HR Excel Templates [Free Download]

Top 15 Free HR Excel Templates [Free Download]

Khyati Sagar

Khyati Sagar

Senior Writer

HR Excel Templates

Key Takeaways:

  • To manage diverse HR responsibilities effectively, streamline the entire HR process from recruitment to onboarding using HR management Excel templates.
  • Consider using HR software solutions to increase efficiency and document individual activities, making employee management more organized.
  • HR Excel templates simplify tasks, collect employee data, and standardize documentation, ensuring accuracy and brand consistency.

The human resources department enhances each employee’s working environment and productivity. Due to their diverse responsibilities, one way to ensure the workload is manageable is to streamline the HR process from beginning to end.

HR management Excel templates help businesses increase efficiency by documenting individual activities and onboarding new employees.

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Using Excel HR templates , you have countless options for what you can achieve. If you want to improve your employee details and department’s daily workload, the HR Excel templates can significantly help.

Let’s understand more about HR Excel templates. We’ve also churned out the 15 best HR Excel sheet templates for you.

What are HR Excel Templates?

The HR department of an organization uses human resources templates to manage and recruit staff. The free templates are the best headache reliever for the HR division. HR Excel templates can collect employee data, employment verification, work satisfaction, CV submissions, job applications, and time-off requests.

HR Excel templates are a great way to save time and improve accuracy. There's a template for nearly every HR task, from employee records to performance evaluations. To make the most of these free resources, choose templates that closely match your needs and customize them as necessary. Also, consider supplementing Excel templates with cloud-based HR software to automate and streamline processes.

Importance of HR Excel Templates

Excel HR templates will assist your business in upholding the standards for all the documents you’ll employ for specialized functions.

The materials submitted by applicants, workers, and other users collaborating with the company’s HR department will have a brand attached once your company develops HR Excel templates for free.

HR Excel templates can be modified annually or at any period, which helps expedite the process. Hiring managers and team members can easily identify the necessary records at specific time points.

Your HR department can focus on obtaining relevant details about each transaction using human resource metrics for free. Every communication can be made more accessible and simple with a template that employees can use to figure out what they have to do with the HR dashboard. 

Instead of concentrating on the structure and substance of their resume or biography, applicants can focus on the specific demands and criteria of the organization while using HR Excel templates .

The free HR software in Excel is of great importance as it makes some of the following tasks easier:

  • Creation of benefits and compensation document
  • Measure performance
  • Obtain training and development
  • Start with job profiles
  • Set company culture
  • Streamline documents revision
  • Fair understanding of employees’ time off
  • Develop an excellent business staffing plan
  • Establish a salary structure
  • Use profiles to design a hierarchical company structure

Compare Software Specs Side by Side

Top 15 Free HR Excel Templates

The following is an extensive list of the top HR Excel templates so that the HR team can keep pace with routine tasks without compromising on the quality of the reports. There’s no need to worry if you’re a small organization or startup on budget constraints. All these are Excel for HR download templates for free download.

1. Job Description Template

Job hunting has always been difficult, even for skilled candidates, but writing a clear, crisp job description is not a piece of cake either. The HR team should post a clear, concise, and easy-to-understand job description to find the best candidate. To churn out something like this, HR must thoroughly understand the role of posting well-designed job descriptions on popular job portals.

The job description template can be customized and is a reusable model. It defines the responsibilities, obligations, tasks, and skills needed to carry out a role. It often contains a description of daily responsibilities, the tools or equipment utilized, the person to whom the function reports, and the role’s overarching objectives.

With a good job description template, you can ease the process of delivering exemplary job descriptions. This template will also help you include details on the business name, designation, job location, key skills, required qualifications, and more.

Job Description Template

2. Pre-screening Templates

The pre-screening phase is right after you have posted a job description, which attracts a pool of resumes. Selecting the right candidate to move forward can become overwhelming during this period. Before bringing prospects in for an interview, as a recruiter, you may gather their resumes and qualifications using this free pre-screening template on your website.

The next step is to determine which candidate to call for an interview for the interview rounds.

This pre-screening template helps you to solve the biggest dilemma of choosing the correct candidate out of numerous applicants. It provides you with all the processes needed for a near-perfect pre-screening process.

You can even contact applicants who fail the pre-screening quiz by emailing them or posting the form on your social media accounts, such as LinkedIn , Facebook, and Twitter. Utilize your free pre-screening template to efficiently and accurately evaluate prospects before scheduling interviews, saving you time and money.

Pre-screening Templates

3. Employee Background Check Template

You have a good candidate who fits the profile and is ready to hire that professional into your organization. Now, it’s time to confirm all the facts and figures stated in their resume and during the interviews.

Employee background checks will always be an essential part of the hiring process because a bad hire can harm an organization’s reputation in front of the clients if the candidate joins the job with fake documents.

Therefore, HR departments need to know the employees’ track records before onboarding them.

By conducting a proper employee management system background check, you will know what to ask and document while completing the hiring process.

Candidates who go through the company’s hiring procedure are subject to the background check policy for employees. It might also apply to internal applicants for a transfer or promotion.

The free Excel sheet for the HR department will help you understand the documents required and the documentation process.

Employee Background Check Template

4. Recruitment Template

HR management defines recruiting as locating, identifying, short-listing, interviewing, and choosing qualified individuals for particular employment opportunities. 

Developing human capital to achieve the organization’s overarching objectives is crucial. The entire recruitment process often adheres to a budget and schedule, from sourcing applicants to onboarding them. Recruiting software is often used by recruiters to speed up the system.

Organizations must follow a different process to complete their recruitment procedure. Every company has additional requirements based on the job profile.

Organizations have a hiring procedure that must be followed to screen candidates adequately. We must include all steps to guarantee a smooth outcome. The ideal option for hassle-free creation is to use a free template. 

As an HR, you must learn how to advertise jobs and conduct interviews after completing the induction round.

5. Employee Training Plan Template

Many businesses find creating an organized and effective training procedure from scratch challenging. Companies can begin developing scalable and effective training programs by using prebuilt HR Excel templates and checklists as a starting point for the new hires. 

An employee training plan clearly explains what must occur to fulfill the established training needs. Here are some essential components that employee training plan templates must include:

  • Improving employee performance
  • Upskilling employees
  • Filling knowledge gaps
  • Ensuring employee retention
  • Improving succession planning

With the HR excel template, you can plan, schedule, and gain insight into all relevant recruit tasks to ensure a smooth and efficient ramp-up time for all new employees. You can also include information on activity status, management, peer input, and required resources to make the entire process simpler and more fruitful for everyone involved.

Employee Training Plan Template

6. Performance Review Template

Every organization needs to carry out a performance review for conducting appraisals. This process is essential to understand whether the employee s are completing their key performance indicators (KPIs) effectively or not. A performance review is also needed to determine how to improve current results on their way to progress.

The performance review presents a chance to examine goals and objectives. You can use this template to identify areas that need work and promote employee development.

The performance evaluation process is essential to increasing productivity across the board for the business, including HR employees. Even if they are experts in this assessment process, they must take a moment to evaluate their performance and contributions to the HR department’s success .

A performance evaluation template is necessary to streamline the procedure and guarantee accuracy. Using the template, the human resources department can now evaluate their performance using a well-structured template, identify development priorities, and get insightful feedback.

Moreover, there are templates that can track customers’ satisfaction levels using the net promoter score.

Performance Review Template

7. Employee Suggestion Maintenance Template

A strong pillar that translates into a progressive workplace is pleasant employee relations. Sometimes, an employee wants to forward grievances, suggestions, or comments to the HR or senior.

An employee suggestion initiative can motivate staff to provide recommendations for enhancing the company, such as the working environment or product innovation. With this template, you can record all employee problems and solve their issues promptly.

Use this sample employee suggestion template to allow your workforce to directly address concerns harming your company’s productivity with senior management. The employee suggestion maintenance template will reduce the information gap between field employees, general staff, and high-level executives.

However, you need to keep the following in mind:

  • Let your intentions be known
  • Give examples as a guide
  • Require a proposed solution for each idea
  • Request nominations for implementation leaders
  • Don’t accept anonymity
  • Provide your feedback
  • List clear instructions

Employee Suggestion Maintenance Template

8. Employee Termination Template

There are particular necessities that an employee has to fulfill before leaving the current organization to join another company. 

An employee is informed by termination email that they will lose their current job. This email outlines the employee’s involuntary departure causes, the procedures they must take going forward, and any perks or pays they will receive.

Termination letters and emails are essential for business purposes as they keep your company’s reputation positive, demonstrate professionalism, and serve as a record of events for legal purposes.

It’s always complex to write a letter of termination for a worker; you need to be diplomatic and clear. To do it right, you can use the excel termination letter template. The template will guide you through the essential processes for correct and legal employee termination processes.

Employee Termination Template

9. Employee Evaluation Template

Employers use a performance evaluation template to assess employee performance and monitor advancement.

The assessment and review of a worker’s job performance are known as employee evaluation. Most businesses hold performance reviews at predetermined intervals (usually once or twice a year).

You will need to create employee evaluation forms whether you provide and receive employee input by email, paper, or one-on-one conversation. The format and content of the Excel sheet for the HR department may differ significantly depending on your specific circumstances and goals.

Tracking individual and team progress and documenting employee goals is essential to give employees the most accurate performance evaluation. To keep the growth momentum going, maintain open communication between employees and managers and set company and personal development goals .

Employee Evaluation Template

10. Employee Attendance Tracker Template

With the help of this staff attendance tracker template, you can keep track of attendance, record paid time off and vacations, and manage sick days. This tracker evaluates staff performance during yearly reviews and learns more about their running attendance records.

Employee attendance tracking is a tedious and time-consuming endeavor. However, you may increase your productivity by utilizing templates that are configurable and created just for this task. The employee attendance tracker template also helps keep track of the employee’s overtime hours.

The following are the critical components of our free employee attendance tracking system:

  • works with programmable employee lists and attendance types
  • including working days, part-time hours, holidays, vacations, sick days, and absences
  • compact calendar
  • Adaptable leave categories
  • It is simple to visualize the situations of the added personnel

Employee Attendance Tracker Template

11. Employee Timesheet Template

The employee timesheet HR Excel template is the right choice to make the payroll process easier. You can develop a more standardized, technical method for tracking employee timesheets on a weekly, bimonthly, and monthly basis. To automatically calculate and track each employee’s time and tasks and to determine overall totals using prebuilt formulae, you need a timesheet for each person.

The human resources division of a company is in charge of keeping track of HR timesheets. They record the total number of hours a worker has worked over a specific period. This record is used by HR to calculate payroll. 

The timesheet provides all the information, including the start and end timings and the number of early arrivals and late departures. The HR timesheet template is expertly developed for such precision.

 Employee Timesheet Template

12. Employee Engagement Survey Template

Employers need to find out how their employees genuinely feel about their jobs because they are the foundation of every successful firm. You will receive the feedback you need to make modifications to keep employees satisfied from the employee survey on topics like overall engagement and motivation for career advancement.

With the help of the employee engagement survey template, you can ask team members about their enthusiasm and job satisfaction. Are they content with their remuneration? Are they satisfied with the overall security of their employment?

Do they appreciate the office environment and feel that it supports the objectives of their company? To draw in excellent job candidates and learn how to motivate your staff to perform at their highest level, ask these additional questions. You can even alter this survey and include inquiries relevant to your organization.

The template’s built-in form view automatically adds any new feedback to the responses sheet. You can dynamically update charts as new data comes in, allowing you to view real-time insights regarding your employee engagement whenever you want.

Employee Engagement Survey Template

13. Transition Plan Template

Nothing is more harmful to a company than a good employee placed in the incorrect role or vice versa. Because of this, it is in the organization’s best interest to reduce mismatches and manage the move with a thorough personnel transition strategy. Putting a plan in place involves more than just the financial results. It consists in evaluating and overseeing relationships on all fronts.

The transition plan template must include the following parts:

  • Key responsibilities and duties
  • Project status
  • Standalone deadlines
  • Crucial contacts

With the help of this extensive template, you can lessen the amount of information lost while moving individuals from one function to another. To start new employees on the right foot, ensure the training session is fluid and that all specifics of the position are appropriately covered. Enter tasks, objectives, presumptions, start and end dates, etc.

Transition Plan Template

14. Employee Work Schedule

Maintain daily and weekly records of employee schedules to ensure you always have the appropriate level of coverage. With the help of this comprehensive work schedule template, you can compile all plans in one place and give managers and superiors a quick overview.

Though developing an employee schedule may seem challenging, there’s no reason to fret. The procedure of manually making employee schedules is simple. Using an employee schedule template, you can use a preexisting framework to streamline duties, hours, and objectives. The planning sheet you employ must determine what will best meet your demands. 

Every kind of employee schedule template has distinct benefits and drawbacks. Choosing the suitable template depends on the facts you must communicate with management and convey to the workforce.

Selecting a suitable schedule template can save time and reduce uncertainty by letting all know what to expect.

Employee Work Schedule

15. Vacation Schedule Template 

To ensure you always have adequate coverage and your firm remains productive, keep track of employee vacation schedules. Keep track of every employee’s schedule by taking note of the overall amount of time off, date changes, and information on how to contact them while they are away.

This Excel template was created to make evaluating the team members’ coverage easier in a given month. Knowing the daily employee coverage is crucial for team managers and leaders, especially during the festive season. 

Team leads and managers can use this excel template each month to make sure you are aware of your exact coverage and make plans accordingly.

With the right templates, productivity will increase at your workplace. You can also seamlessly streamline all your HR management operations.

Since HR processes are often complicated to process, a small mistake can impact the entire company.  Hence, you must use good templates to keep your operations running effectively. All these excel templates are easy to edit and customizable as per your organization’s requirements.

The five main areas of HR include:

  • Talent management
  • Compensation and employee benefits
  • Training and development
  • Workplace safety

The three pillars of HR are:

  • Strategic planning
  • Workforce development
  • Performance management

People are the most aspect of HR.

The popular free human resources Excel templates are mentioned below -

  • HR Recruitment Excel Template
  • Employee Management Excel Template
  • HR Report Template Excel
  • Employee Attendance Tracker Template

Khyati Sagar

Khyati Sagar is a seasoned HR and payroll expert with over a decade of experience in the field. She has worked with businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large corporations, helping them optimize their HR and payroll processes. As a passionate advocate for technology-driven solutions, she is always on the lookout for the latest advancements in HR and payroll software. When she’s not working, you can find her hiking or playing basketball with her friends and family.

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HR Task List Template

HR Task List Template in Excel, Google Sheets

Download this HR Task List Template Design in Excel, Google Sheets Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable.

Other HR Templates Business Bundled

  • recruitment & staffing
  • onboarding & orientation
  • training & development
  • policy & procedure
  • performance management
  • legal & compliance
  • employee relationship
  • compensation & benefits
  • health & safety guide
  • diversity & inclusion
  • reward and recognition

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Equipment & Resource Allocation Sheet HR Template

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Download Free HR Templates in Excel

HR requires management of data like payroll, salary slips, salary sheets, employee benefits and workforce management. Now you can use MS Excel to do the complete HR and Payroll management such as employee attendance, employee work schedule, provident fund management, salary sheet and more.

All excel templates are free to download and use. Click the link to visit the page to find the detail description about each template and understand how each template has been prepared.

If you didn't find any HR template here, please use our suggestion form .

Download Salary Sheet Excel Template

Salary Sheet Excel Template

We have created an automated Salary Sheet Template with predefined formula. You can prepare the salary of multiple employees within minutes with the help of this template. This template is available in 4 file formats – Excel, Google Sheets, Open Office Calc, and Apple Numbers. Click on the button to download the desired format.

Download Daily Work Schedule Excel Template

hr task list excel

Daily Work Schedule Template is a planner that helps us to prioritize and schedule our routine tasks daily. It is a document that gives you the most granular details of the tasks and helps you to track every smallest bit of the tasks during the day.

Download Weekly Timesheet Excel Template

Timesheet Template

Weekly Timesheet Excel Template with preset formulas. It automatically calculates the number of hours by deducting the breaks. It also calculates the pay. A Weekly Timesheet is a document that records the working hours of employees on a daily basis for a particular week.

Download Corporate Salary Slip Excel Template

Salary Slip Template

We have created a Salary Slip template with predefined formulas. It automatically calculates the Gross earnings and deductions. You just need to enter a small amount of data and our salary slip is ready in a few minutes. This template can be useful for HR professionals, HR executives, Administrative staff, etc. This template is available in 4 file formats – Excel, Google Sheets, Open Office Calc, and Apple Numbers. Click on the button below to download the desired format.

Download Employee Attendance Sheet Excel Template

Attendance Sheet

We have created a simple and easy Employee Attendance Template with predefined formulas and formating. You can maintain the attendance of 50 employees in this template. You just need to enter some employee details once. Select from the drop-down menu to mark the absence or presence of the employee. This template is available in 4 file formats – Excel, Google Sheets, Open Office Calc, and Apple Numbers.

Download Employee Performance Evaluation Excel Template

Employee Evaluation

We have created an easy to use Employee Performance Evaluation Template with predefined formulas and functions. This template can be helpful to manage the review process easily and efficiently. Moreover, it consists of a predefined score system that will help perform this task easily.

Download Employee Provident Fund Calculator Excel Template

Employee Provident Fund Calculator

Employee Provident Fund Calculator is an important document for HR Professionals. They require calculating the retirement benefits for employees retiring in their organization. These calculations are based on EPF and MP (Employee Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1952 in India. For more details, you can visit the website EPFindia.com.

Download Job Candidate Tracker Excel Template

Job Candidate Tracker

Job Candidate Tracker easily stores data of job applicants and further helps to track and scrutinize applicants efficiently. Usually, HR requires workforce management during the recruitment process. They need to micromanage everything from receiving applications until the hiring of employees.

Download Employee Resignation Schedule Excel Template

Employee Resignation Schedule

Thus, the HR department of companies needs to be efficient enough to maintain and inform the corresponding department about joinings and resignations of employees at regular intervals. Employee Regisgnation Schedule is a ready-to-use excel template to maintain the data of resigning employees and the status of their resignation.

Download Employee TA Reimbursement Excel Template

TA Reimbursement Template

Employee TA Reimbursement Template is a ready-to-use template in Excel, Google Sheet, and OpenOffice that helps you to record your travel expenses for reimbursement purposes. This template is useful to employees and companies where the travel expenses are reimbursed on an actual basis.

Download Employee Contract Renewal Schedule Excel Template

Contract Renewal Schedule

We have created an excel template with predefined formulas to easily track employee contracts and to know the expiration or renewal dates of contracts etc.

Download Employee Overtime Calculator Excel Template

Overtime Calculator

Employee Overtime Calculator is a ready-to-use template in Excel, Google Sheets, and OpenOffice Calc that helps you easily calculate overtime. Just enter the In and Out time along with the overtime rate and it will automatically prepare the pay sheet for you.

Download Simple Age Calculator Excel Template

Age Calculator

Simple Age Calculator is a ready-to-use excel template that helps you calculate anyone’s age in years, months and days. Usually an age calculator helpful to HR departments for calculating the age of employees. It is for the purpose of employee benefits and retirement benefits. Simple Age Calculator Excel Template We have created an Age calculator in […]

Download Employee Mileage Log Excel Template

Employee Mileage Log

What is Employee Mileage Log? Employee Mileage Log is the document that records the miles run in personal or company for the business purpose and is submitted along with the Mileage Reimbursement Form. This template can be helpful for reimbursement as well as federal income tax purpose. When an employee travels on his personal or company […]

Download Multiple Employees Weekly Timesheet Excel Template

Multiple Employees Weekly Timesheet

Multiple Employees Weekly Timesheet is an excel template to record in and out times of employees and to calculate the weekly pay for 50 employees.

9 Ready-To-Use Salary Slip Excel Templates

Salary Slip Templates

9 ready-to-use Salary Slip Templates in Excel, Google Sheets, and Open Office Calc to issue a salary slip at the end of the month in just a few minutes. Salary Slip Templates with predefined formulas. You just need to enter the payroll data of your employees and print the salary slip.

Download Salary Sheet With Attendance Register In Single Excel Template

Salary Sheet With Attendance Register

Salary Sheet With Attendance Register is a complete payroll sheet in which you can maintain records of attendance for your employees and also calculate the salaries of 40 employees.

Download Weekly Timesheet With Payslip Excel Template

Weekly Timesheet With Payslip

Manage in and out times of your employees and prepare their payslips at the end of the month without any hassle with our Weekly Timesheet With Payslip Excel Template.

Download Salary Breakup Report Excel Template

Salary Breakup Report

Employee Salary Break Up Report is a ready-to-use Template in Excel, Google Sheet, and OpenOffice Calc that helps you to calculate salary breakup paid under each head. It includes the breakup of salary like how much basic salary, allowances, deductions, etc are paid/deducted during that time.

Download Gratuity Calculator (India) Excel Template

Gratuity Calculator (India)

Gratuity Calculator with predefined formulas helps you calculate the end of service amount also known as Gratuity. All you need to do is to enter your last drawn salary and total years of service and it will automatically calculate your gratuity amount. Let us understand the term first.

Download Taxable Gratuity Calculator Excel Template

Taxable Gratuity Calculator

Taxable Gratuity Calculator Excel Template is a simple and ready-to-use excel template to the amount of gratuity that is taxable under the Indian Income Tax Act. Income tax applicability differs from according to the companies falling/not falling under the Gratuity Act 1972 and also the type of company (Government or non-government). An employee is entitled […]

Download Employee Training Log Excel Template

Employee Training Log

Employee Training Log is an excel template that helps you to record and manage employees under the training for upgrading their skills. Employees in big companies especially corporates get an opportunity to upgrade their skills. Sometimes it is the need of the organization to train their employees to increase productivity or to learn operations of […]

Download Employee Vacation Tracker Excel Template

Employee Vacation Tracker

Employee Vacation Tracker is a ready-to-use excel template to keep a track of on employee strength on a given day and also on a monthly basis for a staff of 50 employees. You will be able to know the total number of days for each type of holiday taken by each employee on daily as […]

Download Salary Arrears Calculator Excel Template

hr task list excel

Salary Arrears Calculator is a ready-to-use template in Excel, Google Sheet, and OpenOffice to calculate month wise salary arrears with salary break-up. Moreover, with the help of this template, you can calculate salary arrears up to 35 years for an employee. Just insert the desired amounts and the template will automatically calculate the arrears for you.

Download Resume/Cover Letter Excel Template

Resume/Cover Letter Excel Template

We have created a Resume/Cover Letter Excel Template which helps you create a professional resume along with a relevant cover letter in just minutes. You can make 2 types of resumes with this template; one for fresher and another with work experience. Enter your credentials in the datasheet and it’s ready to print.

Download Professional Resignation Letter Excel Template

Professional Resignation Letter Excel Template

We have created a Professional Resignation Letter Excel Template with predefined formulas and formating. All you have to do is to insert your details, employer details and notice period along with the reason for leaving the post. That’s it and your Resignation letter is ready to print.

Download Employee Termination Letter Excel Template

Employee Termination Letter

This template consists of 3 different formats of termination letter generally used by the HR professionals. One is a simple termination letter, one is termination due to poor performance and the third is termination due to breach of an employment contract or any company policy.

Download Employee Promotion Letter Excel Template

Employee Promotion Letter

We have created a simple and easy Employee Promotion Letter Excel Template with predefined formulas and formating. Just enter the required credentials and it is ready to print. Thus, this template can be helpful to HR assistants, HR heads as well as HR professionals to create a promotion letter according to their requirement in minutes.

Download Salary Certificate Format Excel Template

Salary Certificate

We have created a simple and easy Salary Certificate Format with predefined formulas and formatting. The salary certificate format is available in Excel, Word, PDF, Google Doc, and Open Office Writer. Just enter the required credentials and it is ready to print. Additionally, this template consists of 2 different formats of Salary Certificates; One is with Only CTC and another with salary break-up.

Download Absconding Letter Excel Template

Absconding Letter

We have created a simple and easy Absconding Letter Excel Template with a ready predefined letter format. Just enter the employee/employer credentials and the absconding details and your notice letter is ready. In addition to that, this template consists of Word, PDF, Google Doc, and Open Office Writer formats of Absconding Letter other than Excel.

Download Employee Disciplinary Memo Excel Template

Employee Disciplinary Memo

We have created a simple and easy Employee Disciplinary Memo Excel Template with a ready predefined letter format. Just enter the employee/employer credentials and the misconduct details and your notice letter is ready to print. Furthermore,  the same letter is available in Word, PDF, Google Doc, and Open Office Writer along with Excel format.

Download Casual Leave Application Excel Template

Casual Leave Application

We have created a simple and easy Casual Leave Application Letter a ready predefined letter format. Enter the employee/employer credentials and select the reason for leave of absence. That’s it. Your leave application letter is ready to print. These letters are also available in Word, PDF, Google Doc, and Open Office Writer.

Download Employee Transfer Letter Excel Template

Employee Transfer Letter

We have created a simple and easy Employee Transfer Letter with a ready predefined letter format. Enter the employee credentials and Transfer details and your transfer letter is ready to print. You can also download the desired Transfer Letter in PDF, DOC, Open Office or Google Doc format.

Download Employee Show Cause Notice Excel Template

Show Cause Notice

We have created a simple and easy Employee Show Cause Notice Excel Template with a ready predefined letter format. Just enter the employee/employer credentials and the misconduct details and your notice letter is ready to print. You can also download the desired Show Cause Notice in PDF, DOC, Open Office or Google Doc format.

Download Promotion Request Letter Excel Template

Promotion Request Letter

To simplify and ease to prepare a promotion application, we have created a Promotion Request Letter Template in multiple file formats and pre-drafted text. Just enter the required credentials and your letter is ready to print. There are three different types of promotion request letters; Promotion Request with another job offer, Promotion Request without another job offer and Promotion Request after a long time.

Download Transfer Request Letter Excel Template

Transfer Request Letter

To simplify and ease the process of preparing a transfer request application, we have created a Transfer Request Letter Template in multiple file formats and with pre-drafted text. Enter the required details and your letter is ready to print.

Download Job Rejection Letter Excel Template

Job Rejection Letter

We have created a simple and easy Job Rejection Letter with a ready predefined letter format. Enter the employee credentials and the reason for rejection and your rejection letter is ready to print. If you are a recruiting agency or have multiple rejections to type, you can also use this template to print multiple rejection letters.

Download Promotion Rejection Letter Excel Template

Promotion Rejection Letter

We have created a simple and easy Promotion Rejection Letter with a pre-drafted letter format. Enter the employee credentials and select the reason for rejecting the promotion and your letter is ready to print. 

Download Transfer Refusal Letter Excel Template

Transfer Refusal Letter

We have created a simple and easy Transfer Refusal Letter with a pre-drafted text. Enter the employer and employee credentials. Select the reason for refusing the transfer and the letter is ready.

Download Transfer Rejection Letter Excel Template

Transfer Rejection Letter

We have created a simple and easy Transfer Rejection Letter with predefined formulas and a pre-drafted letter format. All you need to do is to enter the credentials and select the reason for rejecting the transfer. The template will automatically fetch the details at the appropriate place. 

Download Employee Welcome Letter Excel Template

Employee Welcome Letter

We have created a simple and easy Employee Welcome Letter Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. You just need to enter the employee details along with other relevant details like reporting authority and orientation schedule and your letter is ready. 

Download Employee Thank You Letter Excel Template

Employee Thank You Letter

We have created a simple and easy Employee Thank You Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. You just need to enter a few details like employee details, employer details, and the reason for thanking. That’s it and your letter is ready.

Download Layoff Notice Letter Excel Template

Layoff Notice Letter

We have created a simple and easy Layoff Notice Letter Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. You just need to enter a few details like employee details, employer details, and the reason for the layoff and your letter is ready.

Download Employment Verification Letter Excel Template

Employment Verification Letter

We have created a simple and easy Employment Verification Letter Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. Just enter the employee details along with other relevant details confirming the employment and your letter is ready.

Download Job Offer Letter Excel Template

Job Offer Letter

We have created a simple and easy Job Offer Letter Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. Just enter the employee details along with other relevant details of the employment. That’s it and your letter is ready.

Download Accommodation Request Letter Excel Template

Accommodation Request Letter

We have created a simple and easy Accommodation Request Letter Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. You just need to enter your details, employer details, and accommodation type. That’s it and your letter is ready.

Download Loan Application Letter Excel Template

Loan Application Letter

We have created a simple and easy Loan Application Letter Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. Just enter your details, employer details, and purpose of obtaining a loan along with the referral to the company policy. Your letter is ready to print.

Download Workplace Harassment Complaint Letter Excel Template

Workplace Harassment Complaint Letter

We have created a simple and easy Workplace Harassment Complaint Letter Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. Just enter your details, concerned authority details, and the harassment details and your letter is ready to print.

Download Internship Request Letter Excel Template

Internship Request Letter

We have created a simple and easy Internship Request Letter Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. Just enter your details, employer details along with your credentials and achievements. That’s it and your letter is ready to print.

Download Additional Facility Request Letter Excel Template

Additional Facility Request Letter

We have created a simple and easy Additional Facility Request Letter Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. You just need to enter a few details like your details, sanctioning authority, and the facility along with the benefits. That’s it and your letter is ready.

Download Salary Increment Request Letter Excel Template

Salary Increment Request Letter

We have created a simple and easy Salary Increment Request Letter Excel Template with a pre-drafted letter. You just need to enter your details, employer details along with the reasons for asking a hike. That’s it and your letter is ready.

Download Employee Of The Month Certificate Excel Template

Employee Of The Month Certificate

We have created a simple and easy Employee Of The Month Certificate Excel Template with a pre-drafted formated Certificate format. Just enter the employee details along with other relevant details and your letter is ready.


Free Excel Pro Templates

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Simple & Effective Excel Templates for Human Resource professionals

If you are an HR professional , we have you covered with all the tools you would need to execute your HR processes effectively and efficiently .

There are several areas that HR organizations oversee. Recruiting, Training, Salary management, Attendance management, Benefits, Performance Management, Employee Growth, Retention and more.

You need tools that automate the tasks to save time, establish accuracy in calculations, improve the quality of decisions you take, keeps data secure and makes it easy to share securely.

Microsoft Excel, the Swiss-army knife of all tools, is here to help you.

We at indzara.com have developed templates in Excel that are pre-built to instantly help you implement in your company, to improve your HR processes immediately .

These tools can help you take smarter business decisions, in addition to saving time and money by automation. 

We understand how to use HR data responsibly to drive operational and strategic decisions and improve employee well-being and satisfaction.

Please find below our templates organized by topic. 

hr task list excel


It all starts with hiring of employees to your company. We have the templates to manage the hiring process and improve it. 

We have a  Recruitment Dashboard template  to track hiring of open positions in your company. You can gain valuable insights into your process instantly.

Recruitment Tracker Dashboard

Recruitment Tracker Dashboard Excel Template for Simplified Hiring Process

If you need to track hiring of only one job at a time, you can check out our free recruitment tracker template .

We also have step by step instructions on how you can create your own simple recruitment tracker template.

Once an employee is hired, it is extremely important to onboard the employee effectively to ensure a fast time to productivity. Our HR Onboarding Dashboard aids you in this!

Use our Compliance Training Dashboard to ensure that all employees complete the required training to stay in compliance with local and company regulations.

If you are looking for a simple checklist to track tasks for new employees in your onboarding process, check out our New Employee Checklist template .

New Employee Checklist Excel Template

2024 New Employee Checklist – Free Excel Template

Compliance Training Dashboard Excel Template

Compliance Training Dashboard Excel Template

hr task list excel


After an employee onboards and becomes a part of the working groups, it is time to take a skills inventory and ensure that any skill gaps are continuously identified and addressed.

Use our Skills Dashboard to identify which employees need training on which skills.

HR Skills Dashboard Excel Template

HR Skills Dashboard Excel Template

Use our Learning and Development dashboard to track trainings taken by employees and Return on Investment (ROI) of the trainings.

Identify the positive ROI trainings and trainers. Add more investment into trainings that bring the most benefits to the company.


Tracking attendance and leave or vacation is a very common task at work places. Understanding who will be taking time off will help plan projects without any surprises due to staff shortage.


Our Team Vacation Planner template is designed to help you be a better planner.

Team Vacation Planner Excel Template

Team Vacation Planner Excel Template

A free version with limited functionality is available here .


In some companies, Paid time off is accrued based on tenure (how long the employee has been employed with the company). The accrual rules can get complicated quite quickly. No worries. We got that covered too.

In scenarios, where PTO accrual is based on hours worked by employee. Use our Employee PTO tracker (Hourly) if you need a solution for that. 


In some companies, it is required to report on different types of leave taken by employees. Our free leave tracker template is ideal for those scenarios.

If you would like to further expand by adding leave balance calculations, our Leave Manager template is there for you. You can assign a fixed leave entitlement for employees and the template will calculate the current leave balance for employees for you. 

Our PTO Manager (Salaried) template takes care of all the complex calculations and presents a simple tool to track your employees’ PTO balances. Take a test drive with a free single Employee PTO tracker . 

Paid Time Off Manager Excel Template

Small Business – Paid Time Off (PTO) Manager – Excel Template

One of the most common uses of Excel in the field of HR is to track time worked by employees. We have our Timesheets Manager tool that uses minimal data entry and automatically generates the timesheets while giving a lot of flexibility to customize it to your needs. 

Timesheet Manager Excel Template

Timesheets Manager Excel Template – Timesheets Simplified

To test it out, use our single employee timesheet template.

Employee Timesheet Excel Template

2023 Employee Timesheet – Excel Time card & Work Hours Calculator


When it comes to compensation reporting, we have our popular Salary Structure template which can develop a salary/pay structure for your company.

If you are looking for a employee bonus planning tool, check out our Bonus planner template.

Salary Structure Calculator Excel Template

Salary Structure Calculator Excel Template


One of our most popular templates is the 9-box grid template which you can use to create customized 9-box grids for your company. A simple but very effective talent management tool.

hr task list excel

For more advanced employee performance management, use our Performance Dashboard template .

9 Box Grid Talent Management Excel Template

9 Box Grid Talent Management Excel Template

HR Performance Dashboard Excel Template

HR Performance Dashboard Excel Template

Retention - 3 Automated Dashboards

Our Employee Retention Dashboard is a one-stop solution for all metrics related to employee retention. Just a simple data entry of list of employees in your company can yield amazing insights about employee attrition and help you improve retention.

  • 7 Highly effective Employee Retention Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • 3 visually effective and interactive Dashboards

A new addition to our template library is the Flight Risk template which helps you identify talent that are at risk of leaving the company and take actions.


hr kpi scorecard screenshot

If you are looking for a highly customizable HR KPI dashboard, please check out our HR KPI Scorecard template. It provides scorecard and dashboard views, where you can customize the KPIs your company wants to track.

One of the common asks for HR department is to monitor headcount, diversity and pay equity. We have all that and more covered in HR Admin Dashboard template. 

6 Automated Reports

  • Headcount Report
  • Diversity Report
  • Salary Distribution Report
  • Salary Grade Report
  • Pay Equity Report
  • Trends Report

HR Administration Dashboard Excel Template

HR Administration Dashboard Excel Template

What our valued clients say about our hr excel templates.

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150+ Templates 1.5 Million+ Downloads and Counting!!

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Free Task List and Checklist Templates

By Kate Eby | July 19, 2016

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In this article, we’ve gathered the most comprehensive list of downloadable task and checklist templates to keep your personal and professional endeavors on track.

Included on this page, you’ll find a variety of free templates in Word, Excel, and PDF formats, such as a weekly task list template , project task template , event to-do list template , and more. 

Team Task List Template

Use this template to keep your team organized and cut wasted time in status meetings. Create a centralized view of all team member's responsibilities across multiple projects.

We’ve also included pre-built templates from Smartsheet, a work execution platform that empowers you to better manage checklists and deadlines with real-time collaboration and project visibility.

Team Task List Template

‌  Download Excel Template Try Smartsheet Template   ‌

Gantt Chart Task List Template

Get a visual picture of your scheduled tasks with this Gantt chart template. Often used in project management, a Gantt chart shows the duration of each task as a horizontal bar that spans start and end dates. Thus, it’s easy to see the different phases of a project, identify dependencies, and prioritize tasks. A Gantt chart can be useful for managing any task list that spans a set period of time.

Gantt Chart Task List Template

Task Tracker Template

This task tracking template documents the progress of each item on your list, so it’s easy to assess the status of individual tasks or an entire project. There is space to list start and end dates, as well as to mark completed tasks. This template keeps things simple by providing only essential tracking information, but there is also space for notes in case you need to include further details or instructions.

Task Tracker Template

Project Task Template

This template is designed for project management, and it can be used in both a business or personal setting. The template provides sections for project tasks, priority, deadlines, assignees, and deliverables, and it allows you to track project costs and compare estimated to actual hours. This is a detailed template that can easily be edited to match the exact needs of your project.

Project Task Template

Weekly Task List Template

This weekly task list schedule includes columns for assigning a category to each item, along with deadlines and completion status. The default weekly calendar runs Sunday to Saturday, but  you can also choose the starting date for the week. If you need a combined calendar and task list, this template offers an easy solution.

Weekly Task List

Daily Task List Template

You can use this daily task list template to schedule tasks throughout the day while also planning ahead for an entire week. Choose the starting time for each day, as well as the starting date for your weekly calendar view. You can also adjust the time interval of each task, which allows you to break down each hour into incremental tasks, if needed.

Daily Task List

To-Do List with Drop-Down Menus Template

This simple to-do list template includes drop-down menus for indicating priority and status on each item. When a task is marked as complete, the row changes color; this enables you to quickly spot which tasks are still in progress or have yet to be started. This task template could be used for a broad range of applications, from organizing homework assignments to planning an event or tracking work projects.

To Do List with Drop Downs Template

Prioritized Task List Template

This template is a step up from a basic to-do list, as it allows you to rank your tasks with the highest-priority items first. There is also a section for notes where you can elaborate on your tasks or add reminders. This template offers a simple way to stay organized while ensuring that you don’t overlook high-priority tasks.

Prioritized Task List

‌  Download Word Template Try Smartsheet Template   ‌

Yearly Calendar Template (2024)

Use this 12-month calendar for a high-level look at your schedule and upcoming tasks. The template displays a standard January-to-December calendar, so you can view your long-term projects and tasks at a glance.

2024 Yearly Calendar with Notes

‌  Download Excel Template

Basic Task Checklist Template

This task checklist offers a basic outline with checkboxes for each item on your to-do list. It also has sections to note the due date and status of each task to assist with planning. After downloading this template, save a blank version so that you have a master copy ready to print and use any time you need to create a new task checklist.

Basic Task List Checklist Template

‌  Download Word Template

Task Analysis Template

Use this task analysis template to determine the resources and time required to successfully complete a given task. The template includes sections for delineating the steps involved in a task, the resources (human, mechanical, or monetary) required for each step, and the time spent on each item. This provides a detailed analysis of a task, which can be useful for training purposes or for any situation where you need to evaluate a process.

Task Analysis Template

Action Item List Template

Help your team stay organized and on task with this action item list for Word. The template includes a tracking number for each action item, start and due dates, the assigned owner for each task, and a notes section for adding updates or resolving issues. By defining and scheduling tasks as actionable items, you can track individual and team progress — and in the process, create a useful communication tool for all team members.

Action Item List Template

‌  Download Template in Word Try Smartsheet Template   ‌

Password Log Template

This template is designed to help you keep track of the passwords to all of your various accounts. List each account, and then fill in the columns for website URL, email address, username and password, security questions and answers, and any additional notes. Save the form to your computer or print a hard copy — remember, though, to store the information in a safe place and and not to share your passwords with anyone.

Password Log Template

Download Password Log Template:

Excel  |  Word  |  PDF

Event To-Do List

This template can help you stay organized when planning an event, such as a dinner party, a baby or bridal shower, a wedding, or a birthday party. Simply list each task and the person responsible, and assign a priority level to the task so you and your team can prioritize the many moving pieces. Additionally, note the due date and date completed — any discrepancy between the two dates will help you more accurately plan the timeline for your next event.

Event To Do List Template

Family To-Do List

This template, available in Word and PDF, is ideal for families who want a central resource to organize family tasks. The template provides separate tables for each family member to list their individual tasks, and then register due dates and notes, along with a column to mark completion. Of course, you can add or delete tables as needed.

Family To Do List Template

Download Family To-Do List:

Word  |  PDF

Household Chores Task List Template

This chore list template allows you to create a weekly schedule for all of your household tasks. Create a list of tasks and assign each item to an individual for any day of the week. With a simple format, this template is easy to use, so you can streamline the planning process and start organizing your home. Additionally, you always have the option of saving the template as a PDF and printing a copy to share with others.

Household Chores Task List Template

Project Punch List Form

In the construction industry, a punch list is a document that you complete toward the end of a project. In it, the contractor or property owner lists any work that has been done incorrectly or does not meet the specifications outlined in the original contract. The construction team then uses this punch list as a reference to complete or repair the work items before the project is officially closed. This punch list form provides a separate table to list each work item that needs repair or attention. Save the PDF form, print it, and fill it out by hand for easy use.

Project Punch List Form Template

Project Closeout Template

Use this checklist to ensure you have completed all necessary tasks in a project. This template is designed with construction projects in mind, but you can edit the categories to reflect the needs of any multidimensional project, whether it pertains to building, real estate, or business — or even as a termination checklist if you are ending an association, an agreement, or a hiring arrangement. Simply list each task, the quantity requested (if applicable), specific requirements, and any notes. This easy-to-use form serves as a final check so you don’t overlook any requirements as you prepare to officially close a project.

Project Closeout Checklist Template

Risk Assessment Matrix

Before you embark on a project, you should perform a risk assessment. While you can’t control or prevent every possible risk, taking the time to assess the possible threats to your project will help you plan for and mitigate some hazards. This matrix allows you to perform a qualitative risk assessment, gauge the probability, and predict how each could affect your project budget, scope, and timeline. The template also provides space for you to list events that could trigger each risk, designate a respondee, and make notes for a response plan.

Risk Assessment Matrix Template

Download Risk Assessment Matrix:

Excel  |  Word  |  PDF  | Smartsheet

Customer List

This simple form allows you to list contact details for each customer or client. This list includes columns for the company; the name, title, email, and phone number of your contact; and any comments. You can or remove columns as necessary, and highlight or flag certain customers who you need to follow up with.

Customer Contact List Template

Inventory and Equipment Checklist

Use this template to keep track of inventory or equipment you either need or have newly acquired for a project. List each item number and name, followed by a description, date of purchase, cost, and other notes. Additionally, you can track initial value, loan details, and depreciation amounts for each piece of equipment in your inventory.

Inventory Equipment Checklist Template

New Hire Checklist

This template is designed for human resources to ensure that a new employee (and other internal teams) complete all necessary onboarding tasks. The Excel spreadsheet includes columns for completing new hire paperwork and sending it to the appropriate parties, but you can edit the form to include any tasks that your organization requires of new hires. In addition, there is space to assign tasks to employees, to set due dates, and to list contact information.

New Hire Checklist Template

Grocery List

Use this basic template to make a shopping list; you can fill it out on your computer or print and complete it by hand. In addition to providing an easy-to-read table, the template includes a checkbox column where you can mark off each item as you obtain it, as well as a column for individual items and total cost. This template is created with grocery shopping in mind, but you can edit it for retail, gifts, and other consumer needs.

Grocery List Template

‌Download Grocery List: 

Weekly Staff Meeting Template

Use this template to prepare for a recurring meeting. Note your agenda, attendees, action items, and whether or not the associated tasks have been completed. The template is designed with weekly meetings in mind, but you can edit the dates for a monthly, quarterly, or annual gathering.

Weekly Staff Meeting Template

Business Trip Checklist Template

Preparing for a business trip may include managing staff adjustments at work, making schedule changes with family members or caregivers at home, and taking on extra work to prepare for the trip — plus, packing everything you’ll need on the road. Use this business trip checklist template to help make the process more manageable and reduce the likelihood of forgetting a vital task or travel item. Edit the template to reflect your agenda, and then mark each item off your checklist as it’s completed. For personal use, you can also edit this template with relevant details for solo, family, or group travel.

Business Trip Checklist Template

‌ Download Excel Template Try Smartsheet Template   ‌

Student Planner Template

Students can plan for the week by using this free template to keep track of classes and assignments. The template includes columns for listing the due date and status of each assignment, which helps students stay organized, prioritize their workload, and meet deadlines with less stress.

Student Planner Template

Day Planner Template

This detailed day planner template provides multiple sections for planning various aspects of your day, from shopping needs to meals and appointments. There is also room for a general task list and a section to add items to be accomplished on another day. Customize the template by applying new labels to sections to match your daily routines.

Daily Planner Template

Business Plan Checklist

Use this simple business plan template to organize project tasks. The template is divided into phases so you can list tasks chronologically; it also includes columns for start and end dates and duration. Plus, a simple checkbox allows you to clearly mark which steps have been completed so you know your exact progress.

Business Plan Checklist Template

Group Project Task List

This template is ideal for organizing the basics of a group project or any assignment that involves multiple people. Simply list each task, a description, an assignee, a due date, and any notes in the columns provided, and add more columns if needed. This template does not have project management capabilities, but will give you an overview of every individual task and who is responsible for it. For more full-scale project management templates, visit “ Top Project Management Excel Templates .”

Group Project Task List

Job Task Analysis Template

A job task analysis can be used to determine which actions are critical for a certain job. Identifying tasks in this manner can help determine the scope of a job, appraise employee performance, inform training methods, and improve work processes. On this template, you can list the tasks that are required to complete a job, then rate the importance of each task, along with how frequently the actions are performed. You can also document your source of information for each task.

Job Task Analysis Template

‌ Download Word Template

Brainstorm and Collaboration Worksheet

Use this form to record information from a brainstorm or collaboration session. The template includes space to list ideas, their pros and cons, and the originator. In addition, there is a column for each team member to rank each idea. While this template doesn’t assist with idea generation, it enables you to keep all brainstorm information in one place so you can more easily compare ideas when it’s time to make a decision.

Brainstorming and Collaboration Worksheet Template

Download Brainstorm and Collaboration Worksheet:

Internal Audit Checklist

Use this template to prepare for a financial audit. The simple template includes rows for every required document in a standard audit (general ledger, balance and financial statements, tax reports, etc.) and a checkbox to note if an item has been reviewed and is attached. Add or subtract rows to include every document that your audit requires. To learn more about how best to prepare for a financial audit, read this  article .

Internal Audit Checklist Template

Contact List

This Excel template can be used as a contact list for a variety of personal use cases, including for classes, group memberships, event attendees, or emergency communications. The template includes columns for phone, email, and address, as well as to note the preferred mode of contact. The form is fully customizable, so add or subtract sections as needed.

Contact List Template

Download Contact List:

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10 best productivity tracker Excel templates for HR managers in 2024

Excel templates help HR managers to record, manage and track critical business data without hassles. Here are the best Excel templates for HR managers in 2023!

Arzu Özkan-  Digital Marketing Manager

HR managers have a lot of responsibilities and tasks to manage daily. From tracking employee performance to generating their payslips, HR managers are always busy. So HR managers always look for efficient ways to do their job and save time. 

Excel templates for HR managers can be a great tool because they can help them manage data in an organized way. For example, by using the best Excel templates, HR managers can easily track employee performance, check how many hours they worked and find ways to utilize the resources efficiently. So here are the ten best spreadsheet templates for HR managers to ease their tasks.

Which tool is best for HR spreadsheet templates?

There are various tools on the market that replace Excel spreadsheets. Those tools, such as Retable, are easier to manage, easier to share, and less time consuming to prepare compared to Excel.

That is why HR managers could use:

  • Retable , if you need easier access to ready-to-use templates and a wide variety of them - along with easy-to-use forms,
  • Smartsheet , if you need enterprise-ready solutions - but are also ready to increase your budget,
  • Google Spreadsheets , if you need a free alternative and still want forms, instead of using Excel.

So, let's talk about the most frequently used spreadsheet templates for HR. We will also provide better alternatives - made with Retable .

10 Best Excel templates for HR

Here is the list of all the HR spreadsheet templates in this post:

  • Employee attendance tracking spreadsheet template
  • Employee vacation tracking spreadsheet template
  • Employee training tracking spreadsheet template
  • Employee performance review spreadsheet template
  • Employee information spreadsheet template
  • New employee onboarding checklist spreadsheet template
  • Employee exit checklist spreadsheet template
  • Interview questions spreadsheet template
  • Applicant tracking spreadsheet template
  • Employee headcount report spreadsheet template

1. Employee attendance tracking spreadsheet template

Managing the attendance of each employee is one of the most significant responsibilities of an HR manager to ensure an efficient recruitment process . An employee attendance tracker template helps HR managers to keep track of attendance records efficiently.

An employee attendance tracker ensures your company obeys labour rules and regulations. It helps you determine how many hours your employees work and whether they're getting paid. Moreover, you can also ensure accurate payrolls using an efficient employee tracking template. 

An employee attendance tracker template includes the following information:

  • All personal information about employees
  • Attendance status
  • Check-in and check-out timings
  • Total work hours
  • Total break hours

2. Employee vacation tracking spreadsheet template

Copy Employee Vacation Tracking Spreadsheet Template to Your Retable Dashboard: Employee Vacation Tracking Spreadsheet Template

You can click the Use Data button to copy Employee Vacation Tracking Spreadsheet Template to your Retable Dashboard!

Employee vacation tracking is another tedious job for HR managers. Every employee will be taking vacations at different times of the year. A proper vacation tracker template can help HR managers organize this task. 

Excel templates for human resources will clearly show you when each employee is going on vacation. As a result, you can ensure that only a few employees from a particular department are on vacation simultaneously. The Excel templates for HR managers are straightforward to interpret and access. Moreover, HR templates in Excel allow you to calculate employee attendance, print the data and use it for annual employee performance analysis. 

An employee vacation tracker template includes the following information:

  • Types of leaves
  • Total working days
  • Total leave days

3. Employee training tracking spreadsheet template

Copy Employee Training Tracking Spreadsheet Template to Your Retable Dashboard: Employee Training Tracking Spreadsheet Template

You can click the Use Data button to copy Employee Training Tracking Spreadsheet Template to your Retable Dashboard!

Employee training tracker is another best Excel template that helps you manage employee training programs. With this Excel template for human resources, you can easily monitor the training budget and track employee training. Moreover, the employee training tracker lets you easily visualize the entire training program in a single window. 

You can also track the training sessions by adjusting filters such as a month, department, status, etc. Another benefit of using this best Excel template is that you can align employees' skills with your company's requirements. So to provide a good training program to your employees, you must have a proper employee training tracker. With this template, you can effortlessly track each employee's progress and check who has completed their training and who is pending! 

An employee training tracker template includes the following information:

  • Training Database
  • Training Schedule
  • Training tracking calendar
  • Training status

4. Employee performance review spreadsheet template

Copy Employee Performance Review Spreadsheet Template to Your Retable Dashboard: Employee Performance Review Spreadsheet Template

You can click the Use Data button to copy Employee Performance Review Spreadsheet Template to your Retable Dashboard!

-> This Retable spreadsheet is the best alternative to the employee performance tracker template Excel.

Employee performance tracking is an important as well as a tedious process. The success of the entire organization depends on the performance of its employees. So an HR manager must ensure that the performance of each employee is tracked, recorded and reviewed regularly. 

HR managers can get help from employee performance review templates to get a complete picture of performance reviews. This consistent measurement of employee performance helps HR managers determine whether the company goals are being met without delays. Using the best Excel templates, HR managers can quickly check whether the employees are on the right track and determine the areas of improvement as early as possible. 

An employee performance review template includes the following information:

  • Performance criteria
  • Performance scores
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Leadership skills 

5. Employee information spreadsheet template

Copy Employee Information Spreadsheet Template to Your Retable Dashboard: Employee Information Spreadsheet Template

You can click the Use Data button to copy Employee Information Spreadsheet Template to your Retable Dashboard!

Human resources are one of the most significant assets of an organization. So HR managers are responsible for keeping employee databases safely in an easily accessible location. With an employee tracking template, HR managers can easily track, analyze and record employee data. As a result, an Employee database Excel template will have all the information, including employee personal data, contact details and other work-related information. 

Moreover, HR managers can quickly generate lists and employee forms using the Employee database Excel template. Another benefit of using HR templates in Excel is that HR managers can quickly find any information regarding an employee in emergencies. 

An employee information sheet includes the following information:

  • All work-related information of employees
  • Employee attendance and payroll information

6. New employee onboarding checklist spreadsheet template

Copy New Employee Onboarding Checklist Spreadsheet Template to Your Retable Dashboard: New Employee Onboarding Checklist Spreadsheet Template

You can click the Use Data button to copy New Employee Onboarding Checklist Spreadsheet Template to your Retable Dashboard!

Employee onboarding is one of the tricky processes where there's a high chance of missing a step. So it's always advisable to use a new employee onboarding worksheet to ensure a smooth onboarding process. Moreover, a smooth onboarding process also boosts employees' confidence, and they feel welcomed to the new company. Eventually, they also get used to the company culture quickly. 

A new employee onboarding checklist features a list of activities to be performed during the onboarding process. So this Excel template for human resources is used for two things; to ensure a smooth and fast onboarding process and to avoid missing necessary steps. 

A new employee onboarding checklist includes the following information:

  • The welcome email checklist
  • Pre-onboarding checklist
  • First-day checklist
  • First-week checklist
  • First-month checklist

7. Employee exit checklist spreadsheet template

Copy Employee Exit Checklist Spreadsheet Template to Your Retable Dashboard: Employee Exit Checklist Spreadsheet Template

You can click the Use Data button to copy Employee Exit Checklist Spreadsheet Template to your Retable Dashboard!

An employee exit checklist is as essential as an employee onboarding checklist. With good employee exit checklist templates, you can maintain a good relationship with the employees even after they leave your company. You can even expect them to return to your company as a brand ambassador in the market. So an employee exit checklist helps you provide a smooth offboarding process, just like the onboarding process. 

This Excel template for HR managers features all the activities performed during an employee exit process. Moreover, employees exit a company due to different reasons. So an employee exit checklist will have all the details regarding the termination, allowing HR managers to identify the flaws in the company and improve the employee experience. 

An employee exit checklist includes the following information:

  • The task that should done before exit
  • The company assets that the employee have
  • Status for all checklist items

8. Interview questions spreadsheet template

Copy Interview Questions Spreadsheet Template to Your Retable Dashboard: Interview Questions Spreadsheet Template

You can click the Use Data button to copy Interview Questions Spreadsheet Template to your Retable Dashboard!

HR managers should maintain a clear and informative interview process. One thing that HR managers check before accepting an employee is the employee interview scores. It helps them understand the candidate they get the company. They also learn about their soft skills, character, benefits for company and other details about the candidate.

HR managers can use templates to avoid creating a new interview process for every new joiner. Moreover, a good employee interview process spreadsheet template attracts talent and provides a high return rate. 

An Interview Questions Spreadsheet Template includes the following information:

  • Behaviorial questions
  • Professional questions
  • Imaginary questions
  • Brain teasers
  • Analytical questions

9. Applicant tracking spreadsheet template

Copy Applicant Tracking Spreadsheet Template to Your Retable Dashboard: Applicant Tracking Spreadsheet Template

You can click the Use Data button to copy Applicant Tracking Spreadsheet Template to your Retable Dashboard!

Applicant tracking system Excel template helps you to easily track and manage all job applicants for your company's open positions. The Applicant Tracking Spreadsheet Template is a tool designed to help recruiters and hiring managers track and manage job applicants. The template includes fields for applicant name, job applied for, resume, cover letter, interview status, and notes. The template is designed to make the process of tracking and managing job applicants more organized and efficient. It helps to keep track of all the information for each applicant, making it easy to ensure that the hiring process is conducted in a timely manner and that the best candidate is selected.

An Applicant Tracking Spreadsheet Template will include the following information: 

  • Applicant informations
  • Application status
  • Hiring manager information
  • Interview notes
  • Meeting date

10. Employee headcount report spreadsheet template

Copy Employee Headcount Report Spreadsheet Template to Your Retable Dashboard: Employee Headcount Report Spreadsheet Template

You can click the Use Data button to copy Employee Headcount Report Spreadsheet Template to your Retable Dashboard!

-> This Retable spreadsheet is the ebest alternative to employee relations tracker Excel.

Employee headcount represents the total number of people working at a company at a particular time. However, an employee headcount report is about more than just the number of employees. It's a detailed report with all relevant information that helps you understand your workforce better. 

So an employee headcount report template will help HR managers save time and effort. Moreover, this best Excel template can be customized according to your company's needs. If you wish to maintain an error-free, efficient employee headcount report, use the best Excel templates. 

An employee headcount report will contain the following information.

  • Total number of employees
  • Employee name and contact details
  • Employee position and department
  • Employee joining date
  • Employee leaving date
  • Employee reporting manager

Remember, every coin has two sides! Excel has advantages and disadvantages. For example, Excel doesn't have a calendar, Kanban, or chart view. In addition, valuable features like table backup, project backup and online data sharing are also absent in Excel. So HR managers may require more than excel to handle their job. 

So if you are looking for a better alternative, Retable is your best choice. 

Retable is an online spreadsheet software that offers a range of advanced features, such as calendar view, Kanban view, chart view, activity log history, real-time notifications, drag and drop feature, etc. The tool has many useful templates like HR and recruiting tracking spreadsheet template, project management spreadsheet template, sales and marketing spreadsheet template, etc. Moreover, Retable is the best Excel alternative you can get because of its ease of use and flexibility. Not just HR templates, this software offers many valuable solutions to manage human resources. Therefore, if you're planning to get online spreadsheet software, there's no better option than Retable! 

Frequently asked questions

Let's answer the most frequently asked questions about HR templates Excel:

How do I create a productivity tracker in Excel?

To create an employee productivity tracker excel template, you need to put the employee names in each row and rate their tasks in terms of value on the rows. This is a lengthy process, and instead, you can simply use Retable’s employee productivity tracker template. Retable also offers other HR Excel templates to make the job of HR representatives easier, such as the employee relations tracking spreadsheet template, employee tracker template, or the productivity tracker template.

How to create an employee database in Excel?

If you do not want to use human resources Excel templates and build your own employee database, I would not recommend using Excel. Instead, use a more intuitive tool like Retable that can solve your problem faster and more easily. Retable can be a suitable alternative to create an HR checklist template Excel, an HR employee database Excel template free, and other Excel HR templates. Retable can also be a good substitute for any free HR software in Excel due to the same reasons.

What are the most popular HR Excel templates?

The most popular free human resources Excel templates are:

  • Employee tracker Excel template
  • Employee productivity report template and employee productivity tracking template
  • Employee relations tracker Excel
  • Employee management Excel template
  • HR roadmap template Excel
  • And HR report template Excel

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Retable free no login online spreadsheet


Free Excel Templates For HR Managers

Streamline your HR processes with our free Excel templates! From employee onboarding to performance tracking, our comprehensive collection covers all your HR needs. Easy to customize, these templates save you time and ensure consistency across your workforce. With clear instructions and user-friendly designs, even Excel beginners can hit the ground running. Boost productivity and simplify HR tasks today with our practical, ready-to-use Excel solutions.

hr task list excel

Create a to-do list in Excel

november 15, 2023

A woman with brown hair smiling at the camera, wearing a purple top against a green background.

by Farizat Tabora

To-do lists are helpful for everything from projects at work to chores at home, and using a template saves me a ton of time. Today I’m going to share with you my favorite to-do list template . I rely on it every day to keep my head clear and organized.

You can choose from dozens of free Microsoft to-do list templates on Microsoft Create. I use Excel Web to edit my template, which is completely free!

An image of an Excel to-do list template

Use formatting to easily show priority and due dates

First, I assign a priority level, start date and due date to each task. To make it easier to see which tasks require immediate attention, I like to use conditional formatting to highlight priority.

We'll start by creating the first rule to highlight high priority tasks with red color. To do this in the to-do list template, select the "Priority" column > Conditional formatting > Highlight Cell Rules > Text that contains > type "High", and keep red as the fill color. Select Done to apply the rule.

Next, let's create a rule to highlight normal priority tasks with yellow color. Select the plus sign to create a new rule. Select Specific text , type "Normal" and select yellow as the fill color, then Done .

Lastly, we'll create a rule to highlight low priority tasks with grey color. Again, we can click on the plus sign to create a new rule, select Specific text , type "low" and select grey as the fill color and black as the font color. Select Done to apply the rule.

Now that we've set up conditional formatting, it's easier to identify the priority of each task in the Excel to-do list.

Update your task status to stay on track

As I work on each task in the to-do list template, I update its status using the drop-down menu in the "Status" column. This helps me keep track of what I've accomplished and what still needs to be done. To keep track of my progress, I also update the "% Complete" column as I work through each task. Finally, if I need to add any additional details or notes about a task, I can easily do so in the "Notes" column.

That's it! With this easy-to-use Excel to-do list template, I can keep my tasks organized and stay on top of my work.

Related topics

Task List Templates

The Excel task list templates on this page demonstrate some of the many ways that you can track tasks using a spreadsheet, from simple to do lists to more advanced Gantt charts. These templates demonstrate using icon sets to display priorities, using conditional formatting to display a progress bar, creating a gantt using using a stacked bar chart, and using a check mark to cross out tasks when they've been completed.

Tell me what you think about these templates: Leave a comment on the related blog article " Add Cool Features to Your To Do Lists ."

This Page (contents):

  • Project Task List
  • Simple Task Tracker
  • Task List with Gantt Chart

Task Checklist Template

Printable task list templates, project task list template.

Project Task List Template

License : Private Use (not for distribution or resale)


This spreadsheet demonstrates the use of conditional formatting to highlight the Priority column, to add a progress bar to the % Complete column, and to create a functioning check box via data validation. It also includes columns for entering budget and hours spent on each task.

Update 9/23/2019: Added the Google Sheets version - replaced the icon sets with in-cell checkboxes. Google Sheets does not yet have in-cell data bars (for the % Complete column).

Simple Task Tracker Template

Screenshot of the Task Tracker Template in Excel

This task tracker template demonstrates the use of custom icon sets via conditional formatting to show a priority rating of 1-4 with different color circles. It uses a similar technique for the checkbox in the Done column.

Project Task List with Gantt Chart

Project Task List Template with Gantt Chart

A gantt chart can be created from a task list using a stacked bar chart in Excel. This is a functional template that can be used for real project management tasks, but the primary purpose is to demonstrate how the data table is set up to create the gantt chart.

Screenshot of the Task Checklist in Excel

This task list template demonstrates how to create a checkbox using a data validation drop-down and how to use simple conditional formatting conditions to display HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW priority values. It also uses conditional formatting to change fonts to a gray strike-through when the checkbox is checked.

► How to Insert a Check Mark in Excel (on youtube)!

More Templates For Tracking Tasks

Thumbnail - Action Items Template

  • How to Use Conditional Formatting in Excel at vertex42.com
  • Create a Drop Down List in Excel at vertex42.com

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Related templates.

Thumbnail - Personal Planner Template

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14 Employee Task List Templates to Get More Done in 2022

ManyRequests is a client portal and client requests management software for creative services.

Before we begin, here's a quick fact. According to 68% of professionals who participated in a Cornerstone survey, work overload – or a backlog of tasks – is one of the primary causes of decreased productivity at work.

With over 22.9% of the global workforce working remotely, you need better team workload management systems to keep track of client and employee task lists to avoid a backlog. 

Calling your teams in for update meetings or creating long email chains is so 2019. 

Today, you can use software and tools – such as ManyRequests – to collaborate with your teams in real-time. That comes in handy especially when your employees are working in different time zones and it’s difficult to get timely updates from everyone. 

But even if all your teams are working out of the same office, task lists are still super helpful to have. 

In this article, we’ll share tips to help you manage employee tasks. And also show you some of the best Excel templates for creating employee task lists. 

Let's get started!

Tips to manage employee tasks effectively 

If your work requires a lot of back and forth with clients, employees, and vendors, then you must already know how easy it is to lose track of tasks. 

That’s especially true if you don’t have the projects written down in a unified fashion. 

But you’re here to fix all that with employee task lists. So here are some tips to get you started with effectively managing team tasks : 

  • Make a list of all tasks, team members, projects, and details that you need the employees to know for each task.
  • Divide projects into smaller tasks and make daily or weekly task lists. 
  • Prioritize tasks strategically. 
  • Schedule everything – even if it seems like a small task – and share the file with all team members working on the project. 
  • Assign each task to individual members instead of entire teams and encourage them to update the sheet throughout the day or week.
  • Use flexible scheduling models that can accommodate last-minute changes in projects from clients or employees. 
  • Create realistic deadlines for each task and list them clearly. 
  • Track progress and regularly follow up on tasks that are falling behind. 

Use management software or tools to keep everything organized in one place.

Employee task list templates

Now, let's look at some Excel task list templates to help you manage employee tasks: 

1. Prioritized Task List Templates

to do list template

Download Excel template

This Excel employee task list template offers you multiple columns to add the information that’s most important to you. 

You can add task priority, project names, employee names, due dates, % of completion, and more related information. Then you can arrange the Excel sheet in whichever order you prefer. 

This is an excellent template for listing tasks in order of the highest priority.

Best feature: You can design customized drop-down menus and set priorities accordingly. It also offers a visually appealing progress bar that shows the project completion percentage. 

If your agency deals with prioritization on a daily basis, consider trying out ManyRequests to conveniently create prioritized task lists and share them with your employees or clients instantly:

manyrequests dashboard

You might also like these two prioritized task list templates:

  • Simple to-do list
  • Prioritized to-do list

2. Weekly Task List Templates

weekly tasks template

This Excel template is great because you can get an overview of your employees’ entire week’s schedule while having their day’s task list in focus. You can add a tick mark or a cross sign next to each task to show if it’s completed or not. 

The template comes with three smaller sections at the top which you can customize according to your preferences. 

Here, you can include additional information about the tasks, deadlines, add reminders and quickly write down tasks before scheduling them in the week.

Best feature: Gives you a bird’s eye view of your week’s task list. Plus, the employee task list template makes it easy to check items off your to-do list with one click. 

Alternatively, this weekly task schedule from Excel also works great.

3. Task tracker templates

task tracker template

If you have remote employees or clients, then this employee task list template can be a major relief for you. 

Here, you can track the progress of tasks or projects by having your employees log updates about the tasks that the entire team can view instantly. 

This Excel template can help you track much more than just the progress of tasks by allowing you to add as many categories as you want. So you can also track the time worked, budget utilized, deadlines of projects, add assignees, and additional notes for each task.

Best feature: Its simplicity is its best feature. You can make it as complicated or as simple as you need it to be.  

Check out two more excellent task tracker templates: 

  • Simple Gantt Chart

4. Team Task List Templates

team task list template

Managing group projects can be a lot easier if you use a task list that documents everything. The Excel employee task list example above offers you just that. 

Each member of your team can stay updated with this template. You can add or remove different columns and customize the sheet to fit your needs.  

Best feature: Key details of the project are mentioned above for a quick overview. Plus, project status is conveniently color-coded. 

But if you need to do more, then ManyRequests is a great option to stay on top of client tasks lists more efficiently. 

Here, the dashboard looks like your own app. It has filters to check workload, features for auto-assigning tasks to team members, and tagging requests to individuals or groups. 

Here are some additional team task lists templates: 

  • Group schedule
  • Agile Gantt chart

5. Project Task Templates

project task template

Download excel template

Documenting projects is made simple with this Excel template. You can track updates by categories, project names, and assignees. 

It comes with a built-in calculator that can calculate work hours and duration of the project and compare that to the estimated deadlines for the project. 

Best feature: Flagging columns to bring attention to certain parts of the project.

Here are two more project task templates that are great for employee workload management: 

  • Milestone and task project timeline
  • Project to-do list

Wrapping up

Using templates to manage employee tasks can save you a lot of time, crush deadlines and improve the quality of the work. 

You can download the excel templates we’ve mentioned above to track projects, manage weekly employee schedules, and create prioritized task lists. 

Or you can sign up on ManyRequests where you can create customized sheets of any type by using our customizable templates.

Having a single dashboard to manage clients and employee tasks can save you from going back and forth to get updates.

It’s time to streamline your work and get more done. Check out how ManyRequests can help you do that.

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15 Excel Spreadsheet Templates for Tracking Tasks, Costs and Time


Still using spreadsheets to manage your projects? Revolutionize your project management with ProjectManager. Plan projects, manage resources and track progress with powerful features the whole team can use.

Excel spreadsheet templates are a great tool to track the costs, time and performance of your team. We’ve collected ProjectManager’s 15 best Excel spreadsheet templates for tracking that you can download and use for free.

1. Dashboard Template

A dashboard is how you keep track of your work, including the time spent on tasks, what you’re spending and if you’re making progress as planned. ProjectManager’s free dashboard template for Excel gives you an overview of how you’re doing on your work. This information is vital to know if you’re overspending or running behind on your schedule.

Project Dashboard Template for tracking

ProjectManager’s free dashboard template has several widgets that monitor metrics in your work. For example, there’s a color-coded task graph that shows if your tasks are complete, in progress, not started or overdue. There’s also a workload chart for managing teams and making sure their workload is balanced.

There’s another task graph that measures the duration of the tasks, which is helpful in seeing what’s getting done on time and what’s taking too long. Finally, there’s a cost bar chart to help you stay on budget.

This Excel dashboard template can manage your work, but it’s a static document that must be updated manually. Project tracking software automates that process. ProjectManager is better than Excel spreadsheet templates as it helps to accumulate real-time data, crunch the numbers and display it. Get started with ProjectManager free today.

ProjectManager's real-time project management dashboard

Not all project management software offers the same project dashboards. ProjectManager’s project dashboard comes equipped with the right project management features to help you keep track of time, tasks, costs and more.

2. Task Tracker Template

ProjectManager’s free task tracker for Excel template can organize and keep track of your work. It’s similar to a to-do list, where you just need to add the work and manage it. Having a task list is the first step to controlling your work.

This task tracker spreadsheet captures the details of your work. Add the name of the task and include dependent tasks. You can assign it to yourself or someone on your team.

free task tracking template

Next, set the priority and when you expect to finish. Finally, there’s a column to mark its status, which is essential to track your work. It has everything you need to track your tasks at a basic level with an Excel spreadsheet.

3. Budget Spreadsheet for Cost Tracking

Managing costs in your work is as important as meeting deadlines. ProjectManager’s free budget template for Excel helps you keep to your budget by tracking your financial details on one spreadsheet.

Project budget spreadsheet for tracking

Tasks cost money, and the budget defines the costs of the resources you’ll employ to deliver those tasks to completion. First, the spreadsheet template has a numbered list that corresponds to your work breakdown structure (WBS) . Then, there are labor costs including planned vs. actual hours plus the cost per hour. Materials are broken down by units and cost per unit.

There’s also room for other line items on your budget, which include travel, equipment, fixed and miscellaneous costs. Finally, there are columns to collect the budgeted and actual cost for each line item, then a balance showing if the line item is above or under budget.

Related: How to Track Project Expenses

4. Timeline Template

ProjectManager’s free timeline template in Excel is perfect for scheduling your project from start to finish in Excel. It’s a way to view all your tasks and keep on schedule. You can even add milestones!

Timeline template for tracking

To get started with this free timeline template, you first need to list your tasks and give them a name. Each task must have a start date and an end date, plus the time you think it’ll take to complete.

You add all that data to the left side of the template, which is a normal tracking spreadsheet. Then, on the right, you’ll see the timeline that lays out your tasks as horizontal bars across a timeline. It’s easy to see how long it’ll take to complete each task.

Excel spreadsheet templates are good for beginners, but if you want to take your planning even further, upgrade to online software that lets you build timelines in minutes. ProjectManager has online project timelines that update instantly as the team collaborates on tasks. Track costs, workload, planned vs actual progress and more. Get started for free.

Online project timeline for tracking projects

5. Action Plan Spreadsheet

Managing work means outlining the steps you must complete to achieve your goals. Use ProjectManager’s free action plan spreadsheet for Excel to track tasks and detail the strategy you’ll use to complete your work on time and within budget.

Action plan spreadsheet for task and project tracking

We’ve broken up this action plan template into three sections. The first is the action steps, which note the priority and list tasks, phases and assignments. There’s also space to note the status of your tasks and track their progress.

Section two of this Excel spreadsheet template is a timeline, with start and due dates, including planned hours. Finally, section three focuses on resources; for example, which department is responsible for which task, what materials are needed and what are the resource costs?

6. Status Report Template

Knowing where you are at any particular point in the project life cycle is how you manage time and costs. Our free status report template is a great tool to track your progress and stay on schedule.

Status report template for tracking in Excel

This free status report template is made up of five sections: project information, project status summary, project health, risk management overview and a conclusion that includes recommendations for the future.

A status report is a cornerstone of tracking your work. It’s used in project management and work management alike because it gives managers a picture of their planned vs actual progress. It’s also a powerful tool when presenting to stakeholders.

7. Risk Tracking Spreadsheet

No matter how well-planned your work is, there are unknowns that can impact your progress. Use ProjectManager’s free risk register spreadsheet to help you plan for risks in your work.

Risk tracking spreadsheet for Excel

This free risk register for Excel has columns to ID the risk to make it easier to track. There’s a column to describe the risk and explain how it’ll impact the work you’re doing if it goes from a risk to an actual issue .

For each risk you identify on the template, you can add a risk response, which is the response you’ll take if the risk actualizes. You can also note the risk level. Then, if you’re working in a team, you can assign the risk so that the team member is responsible for identifying and rectifying it.

8. Change Tracking Spreadsheet

Download ProjectManager’s free change tracking spreadsheet for Microsoft Excel to manage change when it impacts your work management. It’ll help you control change so it doesn’t make you spend too much overtime or incur additional costs.

Change log template for tracking changes

A change log Excel spreadsheet is one of the most important Microsoft Excel templates we offer. It’s a spreadsheet template that captures change when it happens. You can number changes for better tracking and note when the change first came up and who discovered or requested it.

You can then prioritize the change, and you or a team member can take ownership to see it through to completion. The Excel spreadsheet tracks the change from discovery to recovery and ensures that no change order is lost in the cracks.

9. Time Tracking Spreadsheet

There’s no better template to track the time you spend on your tasks than with ProjectManager’s free time tracking spreadsheet . This timesheet is great for you or team members to record the amount of time spent on work.

Timesheet template for time tracking

This timesheet Excel spreadsheet template has space for your name or the name of the employee, their department, supervisor and hourly rate. The template collects their hours, such as their start time and end time for their workday. There’s even a place to add overtime and lunch.

Then, the total for the week is added and multiplied by the pay rate to show the total amount the employee is owed. Finally, there’s a line for the employee to sign and the supervisor to look it over and sign it, if accurate.

10. Multiple Project Tracking Template

When you’re managing a portfolio or program, you have to monitor all your projects in one place to make insightful decisions as to how to allocate resources. Using our free multiple-project tracking template for Excel gives you a high-level overview of every project for which you’re responsible.

ProjectManager's multiple project tracking template for Excel

Once you download the free Excel template, you’ll find it’s formatted with three projects, one stacked on top of the other. You can copy and paste to add as many projects as needed. You can also add columns if you need to track something not already on the template.

Each project spreadsheet allows you to list all the project tasks by name and description, as well as if they’re dependent on another task. There’s space to add who’s assigned to each task. Each task has a start and planned end date, and planned cost, with an actual end date and actual cost to help you track the project.

11. Issue Tracking Template

Issues are problems that arise while executing your project. These issues must be quickly identified and resolved to keep the project on schedule and within its budget. With our free issue-tracking template for Excel , you have the tools to monitor the progress of resolving those issues.

ProjectManager's free issue tracking template for Excel

The free template is ideal to capture risks, which become issues if they in fact show up in your project. When they do, you already have them described in the template and what their potential impact is. Next, you can define its priority, from low to critical, which helps you determine which risks need your immediate attention.

There’s also a place to note the date the issue first was discovered and when it was closed, as well as the team member who’s responsible for resolving it. Finally, the free template states the department that’s handling the issue and there’s a column to note its status when tracking the issue.

12. To-Do List Template

Everyone has work to do, and getting that work done efficiently requires task management. At its most basic, that means having a list of your tasks. It’s the first step to getting organized. That’s where our free to-do list for Excel comes in handy.

Free to-do list template in ProjectManager

A to-do list is a simple but highly effective tool. Simply list the tasks you’ve been assigned or you can even use it for household chores. Next, you’ll want to give each task a start and due date. This is the duration or timeframe in which you want the work completed.

Now, you’ll want to track your progress. The free to-do list template shows the percentage complete for each task. It’s a satisfying feeling to see the cell move from 25 percent to 100 percent. Then there’s a column to note the progress. Before you know it, your work is done.

13. Inventory Template

If you’re a manufacturer or have a company with which you carry stock that you need to run your business, then you need our free inventory template for Excel . Use it to prevent production delays by keeping track of what you’re warehousing.

Inventory tracking template for Excel by ProjectManager

Use this free template to record the level of your inventory and track its turnover. First, each line is numbered to make it easier to find the item you want. Then the item is listed and described, with the unit price noted and the quantity you have in stock.

Now you can calculate the inventory price, which is the unit price multiplied by the number in stock. This Excel spreadsheet template does this automatically. There’s a column to note whether you need to reorder, what level to reorder, how long it takes to restock and what that reorder quantity should be.

14. Progress Report Template

Project reports are essential for a number of reasons. One, they help you monitor your progress and performance, and two, they’re a great tool for keeping stakeholders updated. Our free progress report template for Word captures an overview of the activities and tasks that occurred over a specific period.

ProjectManager's progress report template for Excel

The free progress report is broken up into a number of different sections. There’s a summary, which provides a quick overview of what’s to follow, including pertinent data, such as the project scope, schedule, cost and risk for the time period being reported on.

Then there’s a section in this Excel spreadsheet template that goes over the tasks that have been executed over a period of time covered in the report. There’s space to note the status of tasks that aren’t yet completed and a section to list issues, talk about the budget and more. It’s a great way to capture a snapshot of the project in time.

15. Work Schedule Template

Need help managing your human resources or operations planning? Check out our free work schedule template for Excel . This free template lists all your employees and their working hours, including responsibilities, over a day, week or month.

ProjectManager's free monthly work schedule template for Excel

Use the work schedule template to keep your employees productive and help with tracking your resource utilization and scheduling. You can also use it to prioritize tasks and balance your team’s workload, which leads to greater productivity and happier employees.

Our free spreadsheet template has a weekly and monthly work schedule. Both list your employees, their tasks, which project they’re working on and then their hours, either day-by-day or over the course of a month. This will help most organizations and even long-term projects.

Use ProjectManager to Track Time, Costs and Tasks Better Than Excel

Templates and Excel spreadsheets for tracking are great, but as noted, they can only do so much. ProjectManager is online work management software that connects everyone, no matter where they work, what time, department or skill level. It does so in real-time to ensure that everyone is collaborating and working on the most recent data.

Automatically Fill Out Timesheets

Take timesheets, for example. Instead of having your employee fill out the timesheet, ProjectManager’s timesheets autofill their tasks and update the time they’ve spent. This streamlines payroll but also offers a window into tracking the time they spend on their tasks. That way, you know if they’re meeting their quota. Once submitted, timesheets are locked and secure.

ProjectManager's timesheet view

Work the Way That Suits You

Multiple project views allow everyone on the team to work how they want. Managers can plan ahead on Gantt charts that show all their tasks on a timeline. The duration bar that connects each task’s start and end dates automatically shows progress based on how much of it is shaded. Teams can use task lists, kanban boards or calendars if they prefer, all of which are updated and show progress. No tool is more flexible for planning and tracking work.

A screenshot of a gantt chart in ProjectManager

Generate One-Click Reports in Seconds

Tracking time, costs and more is easy with ProjectManager’s one-click reports. Get status reports, reports on tasks, timesheets, expenses and more. These reports take complicated data and turn it into insightful and easy-to-read reports to monitor progress and more. Reports can also be filtered to see only the data you want and then shared to keep stakeholders updated.

ProjectManager's status report filter window

Related Excel Project Management Content

While Excel is not a project management software, it can still be a very helpful for managing various aspects of your projects. That’s why we’ve created dozens of blogs, templates and guides to help you use Excel for project management.

  • Essential Excel Report Templates
  • Free Manufacturing Excel Templates
  • Free Excel Construction Templates
  • Free Word & Excel Templates for Business
  • How to Create a Project Timeline in Excel (Free Template Included)
  • How to Make a Gantt Chart In Excel Step-By-Step (Template Included)
  • 25 Must-Have Project Management Excel Templates and Spreadsheets

ProjectManager is award-winning project management software for teams. Our real-time tool tracks time, costs and more to ensure you’re always on schedule and never spending over your budget. Join the 35,000+ people using our software to track tasks, cost and time. Get started with ProjectManager free today.

Click here to browse ProjectManager's free templates

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Employee Task List Template

Stackby's employee task list template.

In today's dynamic work environments, effective task management is crucial for ensuring productivity and meeting deadlines. Stackby presents an innovative solution with its customizable Employee Task List Template, designed to streamline workflows and enhance team collaboration. This free-to-use template empowers users with a range of features tailored to meet diverse project requirements.

At the core of Stackby's Employee Task List Template are its customizable filters and columns, providing flexibility to adapt to various project structures and preferences. Whether organizing tasks by phase, assigned team member, or due date, users can effortlessly tailor the template to suit their specific needs. This adaptability ensures seamless integration into existing workflows, promoting efficiency and clarity in task management.

One standout feature of Stackby's template is its comprehensive filtering options. Users can easily find, sort, group, and filter tasks based on multiple criteria, enabling quick access to relevant information. This functionality not only simplifies task tracking but also facilitates prioritization, allowing teams to focus on critical activities and optimize resource allocation.

Furthermore, Stackby's Employee Task List Template offers seamless file management capabilities. Users can leverage designated columns to upload files directly within the template, consolidating all relevant details in one accessible location. This integration eliminates the need for disparate storage solutions, fostering centralized communication and collaboration among team members.

Why is Stackby's Employee Task List Template Better?

Certainly, let's delve deeper into the points of difference between Stackby's Employee Task List Template and other similar templates:

1. Customization Flexibility

- Stackby offers unparalleled customization options, allowing users to define and modify columns, filters, and views according to their specific project needs.

- Unlike traditional templates with fixed structures, Stackby empowers users to adapt the template to diverse workflows, ensuring seamless integration into existing processes.

2. Comprehensive Filtering

- Stackby's template provides extensive filtering capabilities, enabling users to refine task lists based on multiple criteria such as phase, assigned team member, priority, and due date.

- Unlike basic filtering options in other templates, Stackby allows users to apply multiple filters simultaneously, facilitating granular control over task organization and prioritization.

3. Integrated File Management

- Stackby simplifies document management by offering built-in file upload functionality within the task list template.

- Unlike templates that rely on external storage solutions or separate document repositories, Stackby enables users to consolidate task-related files directly within the template, enhancing accessibility and organization.

4. Collaborative Workflow

- Stackby fosters seamless collaboration through centralized task management, facilitating real-time communication and coordination among team members.

- Unlike standalone task lists, Stackby's template supports collaborative editing, comments, and notifications, ensuring all team members stay informed and aligned on project progress.

5. User-Friendly Interface

- Stackby prioritizes user experience with an intuitive interface that caters to individuals at all skill levels.

- Unlike complex or cumbersome templates, Stackby's interface is designed for ease of use, minimizing learning curves and maximizing productivity from the get-go.

By emphasizing these points of difference, users can better understand the unique advantages offered by Stackby's Employee Task List Template compared to other alternatives. Whether seeking flexibility, functionality, collaboration, or simplicity, Stackby stands out as a comprehensive solution for effective task management.

It represents a paradigm shift in task management, offering unmatched flexibility, functionality, and usability. Whether for individual projects or team-wide initiatives, this template empowers users to optimize workflow efficiency and achieve superior results. Experience the transformative power of Stackby's template today and revolutionize your approach to task management.

Ready to elevate your task management experience? Unlock the full potential of your team with Stackby's Employee Task List Template. Visit stackby.com to access the template and start maximizing productivity today!

Checkout more related Template : Employee Onboarding Form & Onboarding Template Employee Feedback tracker Template Employee Directory Template Employee Performance Management Employee Feedback Form  

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Keep your team on track to meet important deadlines

When you work in HR, you’re always busy with something. You’ve got new hires to train, resignations to document, and don’t forget the constant compliance updates! There’s always a lot of pressure in this department. Your work is essential for the business. What feels routine for an HR professional could make or break the success of an entire organization.

If the sheer volume of work feels overwhelming, it might be time to update your systems. Fortunately, there are tools to make your life easier. For instance, using checklists can help you manage tasks, delegate work, and make processes more efficient.

Why HR Checklists Matter

If you’ve spent years in HR, you might feel like you already have a checklist in your head. Why waste time writing down what you already know? There are lots of answers to that question, but here’s a big one: checklists are scalable.

Over time – if all goes well – your company will grow. You’ll add more HR staff. You might get a bigger budget and invest in new technology. And through it all, your processes will have to change. A written checklist ensures that every employee can perform the same tasks consistently. This reduces the mental load HR leaders carry. It also gives your whole team more flexibility. If you’re out sick, your employees still have to get paid. Why not document the process so your team can keep things moving while you’re gone?

Checklists also streamline communications with other departments. It can be hard for other people to understand what goes on in HR. Clear documentation helps you clarify deadlines, keeping managers on schedule. It also sets expectations with your colleagues. For example, a hiring manager might want a new hire to start immediately without knowing much about your onboarding process .

Perhaps most importantly, HR checklists help you stay compliant. They’ll remind you when to submit certain forms, how to prepare for audits, and which employment laws you need to check for annual updates. Your checklists can even track when you complete certain steps, in case you need those dates for reference.

Setting Up an HR Department Checklist

As you start to build a checklist, think about the end goal. That should help you decide on a format. For example, how will your team use this checklist? Is it a linear process where one item needs to happen before the next? Or is it a list of things that can happen in any order? Either way, your answer could change the way you organize the document.

Next, brainstorm every single item that should go on the checklist. It’s ok to take your time. If possible, work with your team to do a “brain dump” of related tasks. You can always edit this list later – it’s easier to cut information than to add it.

After this exercise, it’s time to buckle down and create the checklist itself. Use these tips to get started:

  • Break down your checklist into sections. If your team is big enough, you can assign different sections to different people, and then go through a review process together.
  • Split up large projects into smaller component tasks. Be sure to include as much detail as possible. For example, if part of the hiring process is having your new employee read and sign certain forms, make each document an item on the checklist.
  • Note all important dates and deadlines and include time-bound tasks in order.
  • If possible, include details about how long each task should take. For example, it might take up to three days to complete a pre-employment screening . Put time-consuming tasks higher up on the checklist to keep them moving while you work on other things.
  • Add the department, job title, and person responsible for each task when you can. These could be internal contacts, like your company’s CFO, or external contacts, like your workers’ comp insurance

This checklist should be as comprehensive as possible, including every HR task. However, it should also be a living document. Use secure HR software to update it regularly, make it accessible to everyone who needs it, and keep it safe from prying eyes.

What Goes on an HR Checklist

Your checklist should outline key HR processes, including but not limited to:

  • Hiring process (requesting a new hire, writing job descriptions , screening candidates, etc.)
  • Onboarding process
  • Running employee engagement surveys
  • Offboarding and exit interview processes
  • Annual benefits enrollment
  • Timesheet setup
  • Payroll processes
  • Performance reviews
  • Corporate travel approval
  • Travel reimbursement
  • Ongoing employee training
  • Workplace culture activities
  • Annual salary increases or bonuses
  • Conflict resolution procedures
  • PTO and leave management
  • Communicating policy updates (updating the employee handbook, hanging labor law posters)
  • Annual compliance reviews (updating minimum wage requirements, workers’ comp insurance audits, etc.)
  • Safety protocols

This list could be a lot longer depending on your company size, industry, and so on. Make sure you have key HR stakeholders review your final draft before you share it widely.

Sample Checklist Template

When you’re ready to build an HR checklist, download Paycor’s free template. Use our format as a starting point, and customize each field to meet your team’s needs.

You Are Only 1 Step Away


🚀 11 Employee Task List Templates to Boost Productivity in 2024

Human Resources (HR) departments and team managers are constantly seeking innovative strategies to boost productivity and support their workforce effectively.

One such strategy is the integration of employee task list templates into their management toolbox. These templates are not just organizational tools but a catalyst for enhancing team efficiency, online collaboration , and clarity in task delegation.

By employing task list templates, managers can streamline workflows, ensure consistency in task assignments, and foster a more organized and transparent working environment.

A well-implemented employee task list template can significantly reduce the time spent managing daily tasks and increase focus on strategic work planning and employee development.

This is especially crucial in today’s fast-paced business world, where agility and effective communication are essential for success.

hr task list excel

Remember, the right template can transform the way your team operates. As you explore the best employee task list templates in this article, consider how each might align with your team’s unique needs and work culture.

Embrace the change and watch your team’s productivity soar!

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What Is an Employee Task List Template?

An employee task list template is a structured document or digital tool designed to outline and organize employee tasks.

It serves as an action plan roadmap for daily duties, helping team members prioritize their workload and manage their time effectively.

These templates are used during one-on-one employee check-ins and typically include key elements such as task descriptions, deadlines, priorities, and responsible parties. By providing a clear overview of individual and team responsibilities, employee task list templates facilitate better planning, tracking, and execution of tasks, enhancing overall team efficiency and employee productivity .

Benefits of Employee Task List Templates

Utilizing an employee task list template is a strategic approach that benefits any HR department or team. These templates not only streamline task management but also foster a more organized, transparent, and productive work environment . By implementing these tools, managers can significantly enhance team coordination and efficiency.

✅ Enhanced Organization and Clarity

Task list templates provide a clear and detailed overview of all tasks, ensuring every team member knows what is expected.

✅ Improved Time Management

With structured task lists, employees can prioritize their work more effectively, leading to better time management and productivity.

✅ Easier Tracking and Accountability

These templates allow for easy tracking of task progress and completion as part of team meeting agendas , promoting accountability among team members.

✅ Facilitated Team Collaboration

With a centralized task system, team members collaborate more efficiently, understanding their roles in relation to others.

✅ Reduction in Overlooked Tasks

A well-organized task list ensures no important tasks are missed, reducing the likelihood of oversight or duplication of work.

Each of these benefits contributes to a smoother, more effective workflow, making employee task list templates an invaluable asset for any HR department or management team.

Best Employee Task List Templates

 1  task management template.

 ✅ Available on: ClickUp

hr task list excel

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: It’s highly adaptable to various project plans and offers a balance between detailed task management and user-friendly design.

 2  Task & Progress Monitor Template

 ✅ Available on: Smartsheet

hr task list excel

Managers use templates like this one from Smartsheet as a great productivity tool geared toward detailed project management. It offers comprehensive features for tracking tasks, deadlines, and individual contributions that can be looped into meeting minutes .

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: It provides a high level of detail and drop-down customization, making it excellent for teams that handle complex projects with multiple moving parts.

 3  Checklist Template

 ✅ Available on: Miro

hr task list excel

Miro’s Checklist Template is a straightforward tool for creating and managing daily task lists. Simplicity is its strength, offering an uncluttered and clear task view, each with a checkbox. Managers can use this printable checklist as part of an office procedures manual , or conduct real-time collaboration through Google Docs when onboarding new hires.

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: Perfect for quick task tracking and simple projects, there’s also a PDF format that helps offline teams stay focused without overwhelming details.

 4  Team Task List Template

 ✅ Available on: monday.com

hr task list excel

The Team Task List Template on monday.com is designed to enhance team collaboration and efficiency. It allows for easy brainstorming , tracking of tasks, setting priorities, and offers a visual overview of project progress.

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: This template is ideal for its user-friendly interface and customizable features, making it suitable for diverse team sizes and project types.

 5  Weekly To-Do Template

hr task list excel

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: Ideal for short-term planning and weekly task cycles, it helps teams stay on track with weekly SMART goals and priorities.

 6  Project Task List Template

hr task list excel

This template from Smartsheet is tailored for enterprise project management . It offers robust features for task scheduling and delegation, progress tracking, as well as deadline reminders.

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: Its strength lies in its ability to handle complex projects with multiple stakeholders, providing clarity of task status,  accountability, and the ability to integrate into existing Kanban tools .

 7  To-Do List Template

hr task list excel

Miro’s To-Do List Template is a minimalist tool designed for individual task tracking. The weekly task list is simple, visually appealing, and easy to use on all workdays.

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: Best for personal task management and small teams, this worksheet offers a no-frills approach to staying organized.

 8  Project Portfolio Management

hr task list excel

The Project Portfolio Management template on monday.com is crafted for overseeing multiple projects. It provides a high-level view of all ongoing projects, their dependencies, and their status, making it easily transferable to a visual Gantt chart .

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: This is one of the easy-to-use project management templates for managers needing an overview of various projects, helping in decision-making and resource allocation.

 9  Daily Task Management Template

hr task list excel

Smartsheet’s Daily Task Management Template is designed for detailed day-to-day task tracking. It features comprehensive tools for daily planning and progress monitoring.

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: This template is ideal for teams that require meticulous daily task management and close monitoring of task completion.

 10  List Template

hr task list excel

ClickUp’s List Template provides a straightforward list format for task management. It’s versatile, easy to customize, and suitable for various types of projects.

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: Its simplicity and flexibility make it a great choice for teams that prefer a no-nonsense, easily adaptable task management approach.

 11  Daily Checklist

hr task list excel

Miro’s Daily Checklist is all about focusing on the day ahead. It’s designed to help individuals and teams quickly list and track daily tasks, ensuring nothing gets missed in the hustle of daily operations.

🏅 Why this is a good employee task list template: This template is excellent for those who need a straightforward, easy-to-use tool for daily task management, promoting productivity and focus.

Each of these HR templates offers unique features and benefits, catering to different needs and management styles. From detailed project management tools to simple daily checklists, there are strategies for every HR department and team to enhance their productivity and organizational skills.

Tips for Using Employee Task List Templates Effectively

✅ clarify priorities.

Clearly define and highlight the priorities in the task list. Ensure employees understand the importance and urgency of tasks to manage their workload effectively.

✅ Keep it Updated

Regularly update the task list to reflect new information, completed tasks, or changing priorities. This ensures that the list remains a relevant and useful tool for employees.

✅ Set Realistic Deadlines

Assign realistic deadlines to tasks. Consider the complexity and effort required for each task and set deadlines accordingly to maintain a balanced workload.

✅ Break Down Tasks

Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable sub-tasks. This helps in tracking progress more effectively and makes large projects less daunting.

✅ Customize for the Role

Customize the template to fit the specific needs and responsibilities of different roles within the organization. Different roles may require different types of task management.

✅ Incorporate Flexibility

Allow some flexibility in how tasks are completed. Employees often have their own effective ways of completing tasks, so provide guidelines but allow for individual working styles.

✅ Use Clear, Actionable Language

Write tasks in clear, actionable language. Be specific about what needs to be done to avoid ambiguity and ensure that employees understand their responsibilities.

✅ Integrate with Other Tools

If possible, integrate the task list with other project management and productivity tools used in your organization. This can help streamline processes and keep all information centralized.

✅ Encourage Regular Review

Encourage employees to review and reflect on their task list regularly. This helps them stay on track and prioritize their work effectively.

People Also Ask These Questions About Employee Task List Templates

Q: how do i create an effective employee task list template.

  • A: To create an effective employee task list template, start by identifying the key components that reflect your team’s workflow. These include task names, descriptions, deadlines, priorities, and assignees. Utilize a clear, easy-to-read format and categorize tasks based on their urgency and importance. Consider including sections for notes or progress updates. It’s essential to keep the template flexible for adjustments and ensure it’s accessible to all team members. Regularly review and update the template to match evolving project needs and feedback from the team to maintain its effectiveness.

Q: Are there different types of employee task list templates available?

  • A: Yes, there are various types of employee task list templates available, catering to different project needs and management styles. Common types include daily to-do lists, weekly task planners, project-specific task lists, team collaboration templates, and progress-tracking templates. Each type varies in complexity and detail level, from simple checklists to comprehensive project management tools. Some focus on individual productivity, while others are designed to collaborate and track large projects. The template choice depends on the work’s nature, team size, and specific project requirements.

Q: How can I customize an employee task list template for my specific needs?

  • A: Customizing an employee task list template involves tailoring it to fit your specific project needs and team dynamics. Start by selecting a template that closely aligns with your workflow. Then, modify elements like task categories, priority indicators, and deadline formats to suit your project’s complexity. Add or remove sections based on relevance, such as project milestones, team member assignments, or status updates. Utilize your team’s input for further customization, ensuring the template addresses their workflow and communication preferences. Remember, making the template intuitive and user-friendly for everyone involved is key.

Q: Can I use employee task list templates for team projects?

  • A: Yes, employee task list templates are highly beneficial for team projects. They help organize tasks, set clear responsibilities, and track progress. When used in team settings, these templates foster collaboration, ensure everyone knows their tasks and deadlines, and facilitate more accessible communication regarding project updates. Opt for templates that allow sharing and simultaneous editing if your team works remotely or in a hybrid setting. This collaborative approach ensures that all team members are on the same page and can contribute effectively to the project’s success.

Q: Are there mobile apps for managing employee task lists?

  • A: Yes, there are numerous mobile apps designed for managing employee task lists. These apps offer convenience and flexibility, allowing users to access and update their tasks on the go. Many apps sync across devices and integrate with web or desktop versions for seamless task management. Features often include task creation, setting reminders, prioritizing tasks, and collaborating with team members. Popular apps like Asana, Trello, Monday.com , and Todoist cater to different needs, from individual task tracking to comprehensive project management. These mobile solutions are ideal for dynamic work environments and remote teams.

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Tracker in Excel (Task Tracker, Progress Tracker and so on)

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A tracker in Excel can be used for many purposes including project management, inventory management, event planning, data organization, employee tracking, and more. The versatility and flexibility of Excel allows you to create many types of tracker.

Tracker in Excel

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You can download this practice workbook while going through the article.

How to Create a Tracker in Excel

In our example we have information about specific tasks. We have the category , importance , and status of those tasks.

Task Details

  • Put the tasks in range C5:C14 .

Put the Task Names in the Task Tracker

  • Select range D5:D14 >> go to the Data tab >> choose Data Validation from the Data Tools  group.

Data Validation for Category Column in Task Tracker

  • Set the Data Validation dialog box as shown below. Put this formula into the source bar.

Data Validation Dialog Box

  • You will see a drop-down box in all the cells of the Category column.

Drop-down Menu

  • Use the drop-down box and fill up all the cells of the Category column.

Values from Drop-down List

  • Repeat these steps and perform Data Validation for the Importance and Status columns. The source bar in the Data Validation dialog box will have different formulas.

Source formula of Data Validation for Importance Column:

Data Validation for Importance Column in Task Tracker

Source formula of Data Validation for Status Column:

Data Validation for Status Column in Task Tracker

  • Now fill up range E5:F14 with the help of the drop-down boxes and complete the task tracker.

Create Task Tracker

  • You can get information about a particular task. Put the Serial of the task in cell C4 .

Information of an Individual Task

  • Put these formulas based on the VLOOKUP function in range C5:C8 to see the information of the task.

Formula in cell C5:

Formula in cell C6:

Formula in cell C7:

Formula in cell C8:

Insert Formulas to Get the Information of a Task

  • You can also create a task summary. To do this, go to cell C5 and put enter the following formula based on the COUNTIFS function:
  • Use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range C6:C8 .

Formula to Create Task Summary

This formula will only count the number of cells if the value in cell B5 ( Work ) and cell C4 ( Completed ) of the Summary worksheet matches any value in range D5:D14 and range F5:F14 in the Task Tracker worksheet respectively.

  • Go to cell D5 and enter this formula based on the COUNTIFS function :
  • Select cell D5 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range D6:D8 .

Formula Based on COUNTIFS Function to Create Task Summary

  • Go to cell E5 and enter this formula based on the SUM function:
  • Select cell E5 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range E6:E8 .

Formula Based on SUM Function to Create Task Summary

  • Now select range B4:E8 >> go to the Insert tab >> select Column Chart option >> choose an appropriate Column Chart .
  • You will see a Column Chart with the summary for each category of your tasks.

Insert a 2-D Column Chart

How to Create Different Trackers in Excel

1. create a real time tracker in excel.

Design the dataset in the following way.

  • Enter the value of hourly payment in cell C4.
  • Fill up the Employee ID and Name  columns.

Format to Create Real Time Tracker

  • Select range D7:E16 >> go to the Home tab >> select Time format from the Number  group.

Convert Number Format into Time

  • Fill up the Start Time and End Time columns for each employee.

Put Start and End Time

  • Go to cell F7 and put this formula based on the TEXT function .
  • Select cell F7 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range F8:F16 .

Put Formula Based on TEXT Function

  • Go to cell G7 and put this formula based on the combination of HOUR and MINUTE functions.
  • Select cell G7 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range G8:G16 .

Create Real Time Tracker

2. Create Workflow Tracker in Excel

We can use the following format to create a workflow tracker.

Format to Create Workflow Tracker

  • Go to cell E5 and enter this formula.
  • Select cell E5 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range E6:E14 .

Use Formula to Create Workflow Tracker

  • Put the actual number of days spent for each task in range F5:F14 .

Put Values to Create Workflow Tracker

  • Select range G5:G14 >> go to the Home tab >> change the number format into Percentage .

Convert Number Format into Percentage

  • Go to cell G5 and enter this formula.
  • Select cell G5 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range G6:G14 .

Calculate Progress in the Workflow Tracker

  • Go to cell H5 and enter the following formula based on the IF function:
  • Select cell H5 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range H6:H14 .

Create Workflow Tracker

3. Create a Progress Tracker in Excel

3.1. Use Conditional Formatting

  • Follow Method 2 step-by-step to create a progress tracker.

Create a Progress Tracker

  • Select range G5:G14 >> go to the Home tab >> Conditional Formatting >> New Rule .

Conditional Formatting of the Progress Tracker

  • Set the New Formatting Rule dialog box as shown below.

Set up New Formatting Rule Dialog Box

  • You will see the progress tracker with data bars in each cell of range G5:G14 .

Create Progress Tracker with Conditional Formatting

3.2. Use Bar Chart

We will use the same progress tracker as shown in the previous method .

Create a Progress Tracker in Excel

  • Now select range B4:B14 , press the Ctrl button, and select range G4:G14 .
  • Go to the Insert tab >> select Bar Chart option >> choose an appropriate Clustered Bar Chart .

Select a Bar Chart to Show Progress

  • You will see the bar chart of the progress tracker in your worksheet. You can give it a suitable title.

Progress Tracker with a Bar Chart

3.3. Apply Check Boxes and Circle Chart

We will use the following format to create a progress tracker with check boxes and a circle chart .

Format of the Progress Tracker

  • Select cell D5 >> go to the Developer tab >> click on Insert >> choose Check Box (Form Control) .

Insert Check Box from Form Controls

  • Create a check box in cell D5 .
  • Select cell D5 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill to create checkboxes in range D6:D14 .

Insert Check Boxes into Cells

  • Right-click on the check box in cell D5 >> select Format Control .

Format Control of the Check Box

  • Set the Format Control dialog box as shown below.
  • Insert $E$5 in the Cell Link bar and click OK .

Link the Check Box to Another Cell

  • Now do the same for the rest of the check boxes in range D6:D14 and enter the corresponding cell of column E in the Cell Link bar of Format Control dialog box.
  • Tick the check boxes of the completed tasks and you will see TRUE (if checked) or FALSE (if unchecked) in the corresponding cells of the Task Completion column.

Progress Tracker with Check Boxes

  • Now select range G5:H5 and change the number format into Percentage .

Convert Number Format of Cells into Percentage

  • Go to cell G5 and enter the following formula which combines COUNTIF and COUNT functions:

Calculate Task Progress

Formula Breakdown

COUNTIF(E5:E14,TRUE) : This portion of the formula counts the number of cells in range E5:E14 if any cell value matches the text TRUE . Result : 6

COUNT(B5:B14) : This portion counts the total number of cells in range B5:B14 . Result : 10

COUNTIF(E5:E14,TRUE)/COUNT(B5:B14) : This formula returns the percentage of cells that include the text TRUE in range B5:B14 . Result: 60.00%

  • Go to cell H5 and enter this formula into the cell.

Calculate Remaining Task

  • Select range G4:H5 >> go to the Insert tab >> select the Doughnut chart .

Select Doughnut Chart

  • You will see a circle chart in your worksheet. Give the chart an appropriate title.

Progress Tracker with a Circle Chart

Templates of Tracker in Excel

1. inventory tracker in excel.

You can also create an inventory tracker in Excel. An inventory tracker can be used to monitor and manage in example a company’s inventory. You can use the inventory tracker below:

Inventory Tracker in Excel

2. Project Progress Tracker in Excel

A project progress tracker is a very handy tool in our day-to-day life. You may need a progress tracker to monitor different activities of your employees who are working on a project and to keep track of their progress. This type of tracker enables companies to have more control and a higher efficiency in managing their employees.

Project Progress Tracker in Excel

3. Fully Functional To Do List

Excel comes with powerful features and functions to create a fully functional to do list. The list below is very flexible, easy to customize, and you can use it to keep track of your day-to-day activities.

Fully Functional To Do List

Things to Remember

  • Select the source for Data Validation  carefully.
  • Select the desired range of cells before setting the Conditional Formatting dialog box.
  • Keep your tracker updated.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the best practices for organizing data in an Excel tracker?

You should use consistent headings and group interconnected information together. It is better to use separate sheets or tabs for different sections or categories. You should keep an organized data structure that is easy to understand and navigate.

2. How do I set up data validation to ensure accurate data entry in my tracker?

To set up data validation in Excel follow these steps:

  • Select the cells where you want to apply validation.
  • Go to the Data  tab.
  • Click on Data Validation , and specify the validation criteria such as whole numbers, decimal numbers, dates, or values from a specific list. You can also set custom validation rules to meet your specific requirements.

3. How can I protect my tracker from accidental modifications or unauthorized access?

To protect your tracker,

  • Go to the Review  tab.
  • Click on Protect Sheet or Protect Workbook and set a password to prevent unauthorized modifications.

You can also restrict editing permissions and specify who can make changes to the workbook.

Tracker in Excel: Knowledge Hub

  • Create a Tracker in Excel
  • To-Do List in Excel
  • Excel Weight Los Tracker

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Md. Abu Sina Ibne Albaruni

Md. Abu Sina Ibne Albaruni holds a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He is a dedicated employee of the ExcelDemy project. He has written quite a large number of articles for ExcelDemy. Besides, he has expertise in VBA. He efficiently automates Excel issues using VBA macros and actively engages in the ExcelDemy forum, offering valuable solutions for user interface challenges. His areas of interest in work and study span MATLAB, Machine Learning,... Read Full Bio

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Excel hacks for hr professionals.

Excel Hacks for HR Professionals

For people involved in hiring in a small company, there are an enormous number of HR tasks that require daily data input and analysis.  We know managing people is not always easy but  it can be easier with the right tools .  Excel has proven time and time again to be a very cost-effective and flexible tool for small businesses for managing HR tasks.

Small businesses use Excel for a variety of HR admin such as managing timesheets, employee absences, managing payroll, or defining contractor relationships. It makes sense for a new business to utilise excel to its maximum potential especially if the business doesn’t have time or budget to research and purchase a recruitment software solution.

With this in mind, we have put together the top Excel hacks for HR professionals to simplify your HR processes and save you hours in admin time. You can download our Excel Hacks for HR professionals Excel Template here , that includes all the examples and formulas referenced in this article.

Excel Hacks for HR Professionals

Top 8 Excel Hacks for HR Professionals

The following is a list of the most important Excel features most-used by HR professionals that will help cut your admin time from hours to minutes. Follow the instructions detailed below for guidance on how to use each one.

List of Top Excel hacks for HR professionals:

#1: Filtering data

#2: sumifs formulas, #3: countifs formulas, #4: today formulas, #5: datedif formulas, #6: data validation, #7: vlookup, #8: pivottables.

hr task list excel

#1. Filtering Data

One of the most common HR tasks is to have the ability to filter down employee details in an employee database. You may wish to filter employees by start date, salary or department depending on your needs.

Sample use cases for filtering:

• Tracking attendance in an employee attendance report

• Tracking employees by department

• New employees onboarding report

• Completion status of performance appraisal

• Filtering employees with a salary of €4,500 or more

hr task list excel

Step 1: Highlight the data and hit Ctrl + T to format as an Excel table.

Step 2: Under {Table Tools} Design > Properties > Table Name , rename the table name as "Emp".

Step 3: Click on the arrow next to "Salary", go to the Number Filter > Greater Than Or Equal To > Enter 4,500 as the criteria and click OK.

Step 4: You will see only the employees that do not match the criteria will be filtered out.

Step 5: To clear filter, simply click anywhere in the Excel Table. Go to Data > Sort & Filter > Clear .

#2. SUMIF Function

While the COUNTIF function (detailed in #3 below) counts if a criteria is satisfied, the SUMIF function adds values if certain criteria is met. A sample use case is detailed below, calculating the total salary expense of each department in a company.

=SUMIF(<range>, <criteria>, <range_to_sum>)

hr task list excel

#3. COUNTIF Function

The COUNTIF function counts if a criteria is satisfied.

=COUNTIF(<range>, <criteria>)

In this examples we have a table of employee data, with the columns — Name, Department, and Salary.

Use Case: New hire count

Step 1: Convert your employee data to an Excel table (See example outlined in "Filtering Data").

Step 2: To count the number of employees in the Finance department, we can use:

Step 3: Copy the formula in cell F2 to the other departments.

hr task list excel

#4. TODAY Function

HR professionals are often required to calculate date ranges with reference to today's date. An example of this in practice could be calculating the age of employee and their length of service in the company.

The TODAY function will adjust itself automatically so that you will always have today's date in formulas.

hr task list excel

#5 DATEDIF Function

The DATEDIF function in Excel gives the number of days, months, or years between two different dates.

=DATEDIF(<start_date>, <end_date>, unit)

We have a few options for unit:

• “y” – number of completed years

• “m” – number of completed months

• “d” – number of days

• “ym” – after ignoring years, the number of completed months

• “yd” – after ignoring years, the number of days

Use Case: Calculating an employee's age or length of service

hr task list excel

=DATEDIF(<start_date>, TODAY(), "y")

#6 Data Validation

The Data Validation feature in Excel is used to create a dropdown list.

hr task list excel

Step 1: Highlight the cell to be the dropdown list, and go to Data > Data Tools > Data Validation.

Step 2: In the Data Validation pop-up, under Allow choose List from the drop down.

Step 3: Under Source , select the range where the user can pick the names from.

#7 VLOOKUP Function

The VLOOKUP function allows us to create formulas that match some text.

For example, it is very common to search through a table to match employee names.

=VLOOKUP(<lookup_value>, <table>, <column_num_in_table>, FALSE)

Use Case: Finding the department a certain employee works in

hr task list excel

The column_num_in_table  is 2 in the example as we want the second column of the table — "Dept".

#8 Pivot Tables

Most basic excel users are not aware of the power of the pivot tables feature. Pivot tables once learned, are a great feature that enable users to extract raw data and organise it in tabular form. For example in the HR context, it is common practice to search through a table to match employee names. A simple use case for HR professionals using pivot tables could be to examine salary expense and employee count for each department. PivotTables are also a go-to for creating quick and easy hiring reports for management.

Step 1: Highlight the table and go to Insert > Tables > PivotTables.

Step 2: Click on Existing Worksheet, and click on the cell where you want to place the report.

Step 3: Do the following in the PivotTable Fields  window:

1. Drag "Dept" to Row Labels

2. Drag "Name" to Values

3. Drag "Salary" to Values

hr task list excel

Now that you are well-equipped with the Excel features for your HR related tasks, you will be able to save hours of your precious time on a daily basis! Remember to download our Excel Hacks for HR professionals Excel Template here , that includes all the real use case examples and formulas listed in this article.

Excel hacks for HR professionals

How a Recruitment Software Can help save you more time

Although Excel is a great entry level solution for companies to manage their hiring, as a company grows it is a significant time drain for HR. Hiring information can easily get lost or misinterpreted when spread over many different tools such as emails or spreadsheets.

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HR Checklists

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The following checklists are available for SHRM members to use within their organizations to audit HR practices, assist with legal compliance and to analyze certain HR functions to help position the employer for success.

Checklist: Individual FMLA Leave Request

Checklist: FMLA Compliance

Health Insurance

Checklist: Domestic Partner Benefits Administration  

Checklist: COBRA Administration  

Checklist: Health Insurance Dependent Audit

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Checklist: LGBTQ+ Anti-Bias and Title VII Compliance

Checklist: EEO-1 Reporting  

Checklist: Affirmative Action  

Emergency Preparedness

Checklist: Emergency Preparedness for Human Resources (HR)   

Checklist: Emergency Telecommuting Preparation

Employee Relations 

Checklist: ADA Reasonable Accommodation  

Checklist: Employee Recognition/Awards  

Checklist: Performance Review Meeting  

Checklist: Return to the Office


Checklist: Employee Misconduct Investigation  

Checklist: Employee Accident Investigation  

Checklist: Retaliation Prevention

Mergers and Acquisitions

Checklist: Acquisition HR Due Diligence   


Checklist: Employment Recordkeeping Audit  

Checklist: Personnel File Audit

Checklist: I-9 Audit   

Checklist: Timekeeping Practices

Talent Acquisition/Staffing

Checklist: Recruiting Quality Hires  

Checklist: Career Fair Recruiting  

Checklist: New Hire Orientation   

Checklist: Developing Onboarding/New Hire

Checklist: New Hire Preparation

Checklist: New Hire Paperwork  

Checklist: Hiring Process

Checklist: Job Offers      

Checklist: Ending Remote I-9 Document Verification Flexibility  

Pre-Employment Testing and Background Checks

Checklist: Pre-Employment Testing  

Checklist: Job Analysis/Job Description Physical Activities  

Checklist: Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) Compliance  

Checklist: Selecting a Reliable Background Checking Company  

Independent Contractors

Checklist: Utilizing Independent Contractors


Checklist: Employee Termination

Checklist: Reduction in Force (RIF) Strategy and Selection  

Checklist: Death of an Employee

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10 top employee task list templates in Excel free download

Employee task lists templates are important in every organization as this help ensure that every employee is aware of their responsibilities. It also allows managers to monitor the progress of tasks and check if they are completed on time.

There are many different ways to create an employee task list, but using Excel is often the best option as it offers a wide range of features and capabilities. There are many different Employee Task List templates available, but the following are some of the most popular options:

1. Simple Project Task List

A Simple Project Task List is a great way to keep track of tasks that need to be completed for a specific project. This template allows you to assign tasks to specific team members and set due dates.

Try this template in WPS and save in Word doc:

2. Project Task List for Business

This Excel template can be customized to fit your specific needs and is ideal for small to medium-sized projects. You can use this template to track project tasks, assigned team members, due dates, and status.

3. Daily Kitchen Purchase Order

The template is also flexible enough to accommodate menu or kitchen layout changes.

4. Shopping List with Calculator

The Shopping List with Calculator template can help make this process easier. Simply enter the items you need and their prices, and the calculator will tell you the total cost.

5. Fresh Green Task Checklist

This is a basic to-do list with items that need to be checked off as they are completed. The template includes columns for Status, Priority, Due Date, and Owner.

6. Yellow Daily Task List

Yellow Daily Task List is a great way to keep track of all of your employees' tasks. This template allows you to assign tasks to specific employees and track the progress of each task.

7. Group Project Task List

Group project task list templates help you to plan, track, and manage tasks for large projects with team members. Group project task lists provide a way to delegate and assign tasks, set deadlines, and track the progress of the project as a whole.

8. Simple Task Tracker

This template is more comprehensive and includes more information such as the start and end dates, assigned employees, status, and progress.

9. List of Company Shipments

This template will help the team to keep track of all of the company's shipments, as well as provide a checklist of items that need to be completed to ensure that each shipment is delivered on time.

10. Fresh Blue Task Sheets

This template is highly customizable, making it easy to adapt to any business need. Fresh Blue also offers a variety of other features, including the ability to track progress and set deadlines.

There you have it! The 10 Top Employee Task List templates in Excel that you can use to manage your finances. If you're looking for a more comprehensive solution, however, you may want to consider downloading WPS Office . With WPS Office, you'll get access to premium features like budgeting and invoicing, as well as a wide range of other tools that can help you streamline your accounting process. Thanks for reading!

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hr task list excel

Set requirements for task completion in a task list

With task publishing in Microsoft Teams, operations managers and other business leaders can centrally define tasks and distribute them to the teams across your organization who must perform the work. You create a list on the Publishing page of the Planner app, add tasks to it, and then publish the list to the teams (locations) that you choose. Completion requirements can be added to tasks as part of task publishing. Completion requirements allow you to enforce certain actions as prerequisites for task completion, so a task can’t be marked complete unless those actions are completed first. This increases clarity and first-time completion success for frontline managers and workers. It also helps prevent tasks from being incorrectly marked complete before all the necessary steps are completed. Three types of completion requirements are available in task publishing: checklist requirement, form requirement, and approval requirement.

You can apply one or more completion requirements to a task whenever you add or edit tasks in a publishable task list. When that task is published, task recipients must complete all completion requirements on the task before they can mark it complete. Task recipients can complete the completion requirements using the Planner app in Teams on desktop, web, or mobile. This capability helps provide peace of mind to both the employee and business leaders that the right steps were completed before the task was marked complete

In this article 

Set a checklist requirement, add a form requirement, add an approval requirement, other planner clients.

When you set a checklist requirement, task recipients must complete all items on the checklist before they can mark the task complete.

In the task list, select the task title to open the task.

Under Che cklist , add your items. You can add up to 20 items.

Screenshot of a task with a checklist requirement, showing the Required toggle.

Note:  The Required toggle is hidden if the task doesn’t have any checklist items.

Recipient team experience 

When a user on the recipient team—typically a frontline worker or manager—opens the task, they’ll see the checklist items, with an indication that the checklist items are required. They can't mark the task complete until all checklist items are marked complete. When all requirements are met, any frontline employee can mark the task complete. 

You can add up to two forms to a task for task recipients to fill out before they can mark a task complete.  You can create a new form or use any form previously created through task publishing. This feature is powered by Microsoft Forms and allows you to collect information from your teams without having to individually contact each location.

Under Requirements , choose Required form .

Under Select a group , choose a group. Members of this group will be able to view the form responses. Be sure to choose a group that includes the people you want to share the form responses with.

Screenshot showing options to add a form requirement to a task.

If you're creating a new form

Under Text to display on task , enter a name for the form, and then select Create and add to task .

Screenshot showing a new form added to a task.

Include a question that identifies the location of the team, such as retail store number, so you can match the response with the location.

Make sure the form settings allow respondents to edit their responses.

If you're using an existing form

Under Choose an existing form to add , search for and select the form you want to add.

Under Text to display on task , enter a name for the form, and then select Add to task .

View form responses

After you publish the task list, you’ll want to view the form responses from task recipients.

Open the form, and go to the Responses tab. From here, you can:

See summary information about your form and responses.

Select  View results to see response details of each respondent.

Select  More Details  under each question to see the name of each respondent and their response.

Select  Open in Excel to view responses in an Excel workbook. The workbook provides a snapshot of the current response data.

Tip:  When viewing responses in Excel, sort by date completed or modified (or by the identifier and then date completed or modified) to review the most recent responses from each location. In some cases, a location might submit more than one response.

To learn more, see Check and share your form results .

Form responses with uploaded files

If your form includes one or more file upload questions , you can view the uploaded images one by one from the Responses tab, as described earlier. If you want, you can also access the folder where the files are uploaded. Uploaded files are stored under the SharePoint files of the publishing team.

The SharePoint folders are created when the first file is uploaded as part of a form response submission. When the first file upload submission is received, the document library for the team will contain an Apps folder. Within that, a Microsoft Forms folder contains a folder with the name of your form. Within this folder is a folder for each question in the form that has uploaded files. For example, if you added a form named “Store opening survey” that includes three file upload questions, the uploaded files are in the following folders for the group in SharePoint:

Documents\Apps\Microsoft Forms\Store opening survey\Question 

Documents\Apps\Microsoft Forms\Store opening survey\Question 1

Documents\Apps\Microsoft Forms\Store opening survey\Question 2

Screenshot showing the Tiles option to view uploaded form files.

(Optional) Help recipient teams see their uploaded images

There may be cases where one member of the team completed the survey and a manager or another colleague on that team wants to review what was submitted by their teammate. 

For this reason, we provide an experience for someone on the team to see the form responses that were submitted for their location. This works without any additional setup for questions that don’t require a file upload. For questions that require a file upload, the submitted files are uploaded to a folder in the publishing team, which members of the recipient teams don’t typically have access to. If a user views the form responses submitted by their team and they don’t have access to the uploaded file, they’ll see a link to the file, which takes them to a SharePoint site that allows them to ask for permissions.

You can also share the folder of uploaded files with all users in your organization. If you're comfortable sharing the folder with everyone in your organization, you can proactively complete this step and users will also see any images uploaded by their team members as part of the form response submission.

To share the SharePoint folder that contains the uploaded files:

Go to the Documents\Apps\Microsoft Forms folder in the publishing team files.

Tip:  Remember that this folder won't appear until a form with a file upload question has a response submitted. 

Locate and select the Share button for the folder. If you want, select the pencil icon to change the permissions from Can edit to Can view .

Screenshot showing sharing the Microsoft Forms folder to the Everyone except external users group.

Select that group, and then select  Send .

After you complete these steps, the folder and all its subfolders are shared with that group, which should include the members of the recipient teams. Because all subsequent forms will also upload files under the Microsoft Forms folder, completing this step one time should work for all past and future forms used as completion requirements by that publishing team. To learn more about how to share a SharePoint folder, see Share SharePoint files or folders.

Recipient team experience

When a user on the recipient team—typically a frontline worker or manager—opens the task, they’ll see that submission of the form is required. They can open the form and complete the questions without leaving the task. Keep in mind that taking a photo to upload as part of form submission requires device permissions to access the camera. After the form is submitted, the task reflects that the form requirement is met. Any member of that team who views the task can also view the responses submitted by their team. When all requirements are met, any frontline employee can mark the task complete.

When you add an approval requirement to a task, task recipients must request and receive approval from a manager before they can mark it complete.  

Note:  You can only add an approval requirement to tasks in standard task lists . Approval requirements aren't allowed on tasks in lists that everyone must complete . Learn more about task lists in task publishing .

This feature is powered by the Approvals app and enables frontline managers to verify that work is done to standard, which helps to increase attention to detail and accountability, especially for important tasks.

In the task list, select the task title to open the task, and then under Requirements , choose Required approval .

Screenshot of approval requirement added to a task.

When a user on the recipient team—typically a frontline worker or manager—opens the task, they’ll see that they must request and receive approval for the work on the task before they can mark it complete.

That frontline employee can choose a member of the team to request approval from. Typically, this is their manager. However, the employee can choose a different member of the team, which may be helpful if their manager is on vacation. The task reflects which user made the request and who they requested approval from, so the team has visibility into their request. The designated approver receives a notification from the Approvals app, and they can grant approval when viewing the task itself or from the Approvals app.

A frontline employee who views the task can see the current state of the approval request. They can't mark the task complete until the approval request reflects that it was approved. If needed, a frontline employee can cancel a request and make a new request. When the approval request associated with the task shows as Approved, that requirement is met. When all requirements are met, any frontline employee can mark the task complete.

Tasks with completion requirements are designed to be used in the Planner app within Teams. They're not currently supported in other Planner experiences, such as the Planner app for iOS or Android. If a user is using an app outside of Teams to interact with the task, the completion requirement is still enforced. However, if someone tries to complete a task that has an unmet completion requirement, they won't be able to mark the task complete. Instead, they receive an error message.  If all completion requirements are met, a user can successfully mark the task complete from a different Planner client outside of Teams. 

Publish task lists to define and track work in your organization

Use recurring task lists


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  • Using Common Features for HCM

Define Elements, Balances, and Formulas

The Define Elements, Balances, and Formulas task list contains the tasks required for creating payroll elements for compensation, absences, time and labor, and HR management.

You can also use this task list if you're recording earnings, deductions, and other payroll data for reporting, compensation and benefits calculations, or transferring data to a third-party payroll provider.

Required Tasks

Your business requirements and product usage decide which required tasks you need to complete. The required tasks include:

  • Payroll Definitions, which is usually required to support elements
  • Consolidation Groups, which is required for creating payroll definitions

If you use predefined Payroll Interface extracts to transfer data to a third-party payroll provider, you might need to create element subclassifications, balances, organization payment methods, and object groups. See the Global Payroll Interface documentation for more information.

Before You Begin

Before you start the Define Elements, Balances, and Formulas task list, complete the tasks these offerings contain.

Task Use To Why It's Important
Manage Legal Entities Create payroll statutory units. Ensures that hiring employees automatically creates payroll relationship records.
Manage Legal Entity HCM Information Associate a legislative data group with each payroll statutory unit. Ensures that hiring employees automatically creates payroll relationship records.
Manage Features by Country or Territory Select Payroll Interface as the extension for any countries or territories where you extract HR data to send to a third-party payroll provider. Ensures that you use the appropriate element templates to create earnings.

Configure Legislations for Human Resources

Use this task to create and edit legislative data for a country or territory that doesn't have a predefined country extension. It guides you through configuring some payroll objects and values required for creating elements, including:

  • Tax year start date
  • Period of service on rehire rules
  • Default currency
  • Element classifications
  • Component groups
  • Payment types

Use elements to communicate payment and distribution information to payroll applications from the source applications listed in the following table.

Source Application Element Purpose
Time and Labor Time card details such as salary, overtime hours, and shift unit payments.
Absence Management Absence details such as number of hours, days absent, or accrual absence balance details.
  • Payroll Definitions

The payroll definition supplies the payroll period frequency and dates, which some applications use for payroll calculations. A payroll is assigned to the assignment record of an employee, it indicates the payroll frequency for the assignment such as weekly. This table shows which applications require payroll definitions.

Application Payroll Definition Required? Usage Conditions
Global Payroll Interface Yes, optional Required if you run the Calculate Gross Earnings process
Compensation Yes, optional Required if you capture salary with a frequency of payroll period
Benefits Optional Required to use the payroll period frequency to calculate communicated rates or values passed to payroll.
Time and Labor Optional N/A
Absence Management Optional N/A

Consolidation Groups

You must have at least one consolidation group for each legislative data group where you create elements. Payroll definitions require a consolidation group.

Other Payroll-Related Setup Tasks

Your implementation might require other tasks from My Client Groups.

Task Requirements
Organization Payment Methods To record personal payment methods for your employees, you need to create organization payment methods and associate them with your payroll definitions. Organization payment methods define the combination of payment type and currency to use for payments to employees or external parties.
Element Classifications Primary element classifications are predefined. If you run the Calculate Gross Earnings process (provided with Global Payroll Interface), you might create subclassifications to feed user-defined balances.
Fast Formulas The Elements task provides predefined payroll formulas for payroll interface users. You can also write formulas for several uses, including:
Balance Definitions If you're using Global Payroll Interface, creating earnings elements creates balances automatically. You can edit these generated balance definitions.

If you're using the Calculate Gross Earnings process, you might want to create other balances for extracts or reporting.

Object Groups You can create object groups to specify subsets of elements or payroll relationships to include in a report or process, such as the Calculate Gross Earnings process.

Related Topics

  • Overview of Using Formulas
  • How Payroll Elements Hold Information for Multiple Features
  • Payroll Balance Definitions


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    Note all important dates and deadlines and include time-bound tasks in order. If possible, include details about how long each task should take. For example, it might take up to three days to complete a pre-employment screening. Put time-consuming tasks higher up on the checklist to keep them moving while you work on other things.

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    1 Task Management Template. Available on: ClickUp. ClickUp's Task Management Template is versatile and feature-rich, ideal for group projects needing a comprehensive dashboard for task tracking and office management. It allows for detailed new task categorization and progress tracking and is transferable to Microsoft Suites or Google Sheets.

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    Free Dwonload. 6. Yellow Daily Task List. Yellow Daily Task List is a great way to keep track of all of your employees' tasks. This template allows you to assign tasks to specific employees and track the progress of each task. Try this template in WPS and save in Word doc: Free Dwonload. 7. Group Project Task List.

  24. Publish task lists to define and track work in your organization

    Camille, the operations manager in a retail org, has a new workplace health policy that all employees must acknowledge. Camille publishes a task list with a task for reviewing and signing off on the new policy. Every employee at each selected location sees a task created for and assigned to them. Each employee must complete their own task.

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