Adding Properties

The primary and most important way of controlling how an element behaves, is through GObject properties. GObject properties are defined in the _class_init () function. The element optionally implements a _get_property () and a _set_property () function. These functions will be notified if an application changes or requests the value of a property, and can then fill in the value or take action required for that property to change value internally.

You probably also want to keep an instance variable around with the currently configured value of the property that you use in the get and set functions. Note that GObject will not automatically set your instance variable to the default value, you will have to do that in the _init () function of your element.

The above is a very simple example of how properties are used. Graphical applications will use these properties and will display a user-controllable widget with which these properties can be changed. This means that - for the property to be as user-friendly as possible - you should be as exact as possible in the definition of the property. Not only in defining ranges of valid property values (for integers, floats, etc.), but also in using very descriptive (better yet: internationalized) strings in the definition of the property, and if possible using enums and flags instead of integers. The GObject documentation describes these in a very complete way, but below, we'll give a short example of where this is useful. Note that using integers here would probably completely confuse the user, because they make no sense in this context. The example is stolen from videotestsrc.

The results of the search are

set_property gstreamer

GStreamer Daemon - Modifying Element Properties

This wiki describes the basics of how to interact with GStreamer element properties. Specifically, how to read and update them. You'll find that the family of commands used to interact with pipelines are prefixed with element_<action> .

Read Property

In order to read a property from an element use the following command:

For example: ⇒ Gstd Commands:

  • Create a pipeline named p with a fakesink named fs
  • Read the sync property of the fakesink

The answer in raw JSON will be:

where it can be seen that the value of the sync property is set to false .

The element_get command may fail for one of the following:

  • The specified pipeline doesn't exist
  • The specified element doesn't exist in the given pipeline
  • The specified property doesn't exist in the given element
  • The requested property is not readable

Alternatively, a property can be queried using the low level CRUD syntax : ⇒ Gstd Commands:

Set Property

In order to update the value of a property in an element use the following command:

  • Create a pipeline named p with a capsfilter named cf
  • Update the caps property of the caps filter to a given caps description

where it has been acknowledged that the caps have been updated.

The element_set command may fail for one of the following:

  • The requested property is not writable

Alternatively, a property can be set using the low level CRUD syntax : ⇒ Gstd Commands:

List Properties

In order to list the existing properties of an element use the following command:

would list the properties in the fakesink element

Alternatively, the list of properties can be found by using the low level CRUD syntax : ⇒ Gstd Commands:

API Summary

  • GStreamer Daemon

Search My quick notes

Get started with gstreamer - command line.

This is about GStreamer on Linux.

Playing video the simple way

To play a video from command line, we can use gst-launch-1.0 .

gst-launch-1.0 is a tool that builds and runs basic GStreamer pipelines. In its simplest form, a PIPELINE-DESCRIPTION is a list of elements separated by exclamation marks (!). Properties may be appended to elements in the form property=value. Please note that gst-launch-1.0 is primarily a debugging tool. You should not build applications on top of it. For applications, use the gst_parse_launch() function of the GStreamer API as an easy way to construct pipelines from pipeline descriptions.
A pipeline consists of elements and links . Elements can be put into bins of different sorts. Elements , links , and bins can be specified in a pipeline description in any order.

Please read this to understand more about GStreamer pipeline.

Let’s start with the most easy way to play video by using playbin .

Playbin provides a stand-alone everything-in-one abstraction for an audio and/or video player.

Learn more about playbin .

For example, I have a video located at /home/user/Videos/trailer_1080p_h264_mp3.avi (video can be downloaded from :

Try other video sink:

As we know, playbin select elements automatically. Let’s see which elements are really used in the above pipeline. Note: These element selections depend on hardware, driver, graphic environment, …, so they may be different in your system.

One simple and intuitive way to check this is using pipeline graphs .

These are .dot files, readable with free programs like GraphViz , that describe the topology of your pipeline, along with the caps negotiated in each link. To obtain .dot files, simply set the GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR environment variable to point to the folder where you want the files to be placed. gst-launch-1.0 will create a .dot file at each state change, so you can see the evolution of the caps negotiation.

There will be several .dot files created, let’s check one of them. You can convert .dot file to image by command dot from package graphviz .

set_property gstreamer

Custom pipeline

We can play a video easily with playbin , but what if we want to specify each element by our own? Here is another example for playing video:

Break down:

  • filesrc : Read from arbitrary point in a file. Path of video file is set through its property location .
  • avidemux : Demultiplex an avi file into audio and video.
  • h264parse : Parses H.264 streams.
  • avdec_h264 : libav h264 decoder.
  • xvimagesink : A Xv based videosink.

GStreamer Plugin/Element info can be checked by command gst-inspect-1.0 . For example:

filesrc info is not much, you should try checking other elements’ info too.

Element Properties are what you can set from command line. Other things like Pads , Element Signals are often used in code implementation.

The above custom pipeline only play video. In able to process both video and audio at the same time, we will need an element called queue .

See the detail here .

The queue will create a new thread on the source pad to decouple the processing on sink and source pad.

Here is how to use it:

See also: queue2 , multiqueue .

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How to get the current state of a GStreamer pipeline while working with live camera sources

I’m working on a DeepStream project where I use the Python bindings on Jetson devices. I have a working code written in Gst-Python and I’m experimenting with RTSP/HTTP camera sources. Sometimes in both of these camera types, the streams can get dropped and the stream becomes a black-screen.

I’ve tried to listen different types of messages from the GStreamer bus for the pipeline when I disconnect the RTSP cameras but once I unplug the camera’s power, both of the stream and the messages on the terminal stops. Eventually, my aim is re-connecting to the cameras automatically when the stream drops. Here is my simple gstreamer code:

Element Creation:

Property Setting:

I did some testing with gstd with my PC on my end and it seems that first you would need to extend your code to catch the GST_MESSAGE_WARNING messages from the bus. . The rtspsrc should generate a message of type GST_MESSAGE_WARNING when the sender stops streaming for whatever reason

For your reference below are the commands I used to verify the warning message being send when the sender stream is stopped. For my testing I used the rtspsink from RidgeRun to simulate a live camera input, but it should apply the same way with your actual cameras.

#Terminal 1 (sender)

#Terminal 2 (receiver)

Jafet Chaves, Embedded SW Engineer at RidgeRun Contact us: [email protected] Developers wiki: Website:

Thank you for your inputs. I have extended my bus messages not only limited to Warnings but also the other messages in case if they can give some update about the state. However, none of them is providing me after disconnecting the camera. This is how I extended my bus message coverage:

And this is the output when I disconnect the camera. It outputs the <flags GST_MESSAGE_TAG of type Gst.MessageType> message and stream goes live. Once I disconnect it, it waits for some time then prints out the Error received from element rtsp-cam-source: gst-resource-error-quark: Could not read from resource. (9) message. Please see all the messages from the pipeline:


Hi, doruk.sonmez1

Could you please provide the full pipeline description (receiver pipeline) in your Python script? The warning message should be capture based on the snippet of code that you provided but perhaps with the full pipeline description I could find why the message is not travelling through the pipeline bus.

Sure, please find the full snippet below:


Thanks for providing the full snippet. One important thing to note is the timeout you are using during the polling here:

The timeout is given in nanoseconds and 10 microseconds is not too much time to be able to capture the warning messages I believe. Just for testing you could try with GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE to wait forever, later you could try a number in the order of seconds. Also due to this reason one typically implements the bus watch in a separate thread (else you would block other parts of the code while waiting for messages in the bus).

I just tried your recommendation and moved message gathering to a thread as follows using the GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE :

And utilized this function inside the while loop instead of message = bus.timed_pop_filtered(10000, Gst.MessageType.ANY)

This way, I can gather the bus messages without slowing the stream thanks to the threading. However, I still can not get what is needed.

I have also experimented with GStd from RidgeRun and if there is any easy way to do this in GStd, I can completely port my code to it.

Now that you are able to capture messages from the bus, are you able to get the warning messages when the RTSP camera is disconnected? If so, the next step would be to act upon receiving the warning messages in your message parsing logic. Perhaps first for easiness what you could try to do in your code upon receiving the warning message is to destroy the previous receiver pipeline, then create it again and put it in PLAYING state, that way you could implement the reconnection logic that you require.

Now regarding your questions with gstd. It is possible to do what you require with gstd, since it implements ways to interact with pipelines buses. The project offers a command line application (gst-client) that it is basically a client to interact in many ways with pipelines: create, destroy, play, stop, etc. If you decide to use gst-client you will be basically implementing a shell script but depending of your use case this command line application can be limited (it is mostly intended for prototyping). For more complex use cases there is also a C and Python API that can be used to write your own client application or library. Feel free to check the simple and advanced examples section in the following wiki: GstD - GStreamer Daemon

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Is It Better to Rent or Buy?

By Mike Bostock ,  Shan Carter ,  Archie Tse and Francesca Paris May 10, 2024

The choice between buying a home and renting one is among the biggest financial decisions that many adults make. But the costs of buying are more varied and complicated than for renting, making it hard to tell which is a better deal. To help you answer this question, our calculator, which was updated in May 2024 to reflect current tax law, takes the most important costs associated with buying or renting and compares the two options. Note that the “winning choice” is the one that makes more financial sense over the long run, not necessarily what you can afford today — only you know what’s in your bank account.

To view this feature, please use a newer browser like Chrome , Firefox or Internet Explorer 9 or later.

The calculator keeps a running tally of the most common expenses of owning and renting. It also takes into account something known as opportunity cost — for example, the return you could have earned by investing your money. (Instead of spending it on a down payment, for example.) The calculator assumes that the profit you would have made in your investments would be taxed as long-term capital gains and adjusts the bottom line accordingly. The calculator tabulates opportunity costs for all parts of buying and renting. All figures are in current dollars.

Tax law regarding deductions can have a significant effect on the relative benefits of buying. The calculator assumes that the house-related tax provisions in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 will expire after 2025, as written into law. Congress might, however, extend the cuts in their original form, or extend and modify them. You can use the toggle to see how your results may vary if the tax cuts are renewed in full, to get a sense of how big the tax impact might be on your decision.

Initial costs are the costs you incur when you go to the closing for the home you are purchasing. This includes the down payment and other fees.

Recurring costs are expenses you will have to pay monthly or yearly in owning your home. These include mortgage payments; condo fees (or other community living fees); maintenance and renovation costs; property taxes; and homeowner’s insurance. A few items are tax deductible, up to a point: property taxes; the interest part of the mortgage payment; and, in some cases, a portion of the common charges. The resulting tax savings are accounted for in the buying total. If your house-related deductions are similar to or smaller than the standard deduction, you’ll get little or no relative tax savings from buying. If your house-related deductions are large enough to make itemizing worthwhile, we only count as savings the amount above the standard deduction.

Opportunity costs are calculated for the initial purchase costs and for the recurring costs. That will give you an idea of how much you could have made if you had invested your money instead of buying your home.

Net proceeds is the amount of money you receive from the sale of your home minus the closing costs, which includes the broker’s commission and other fees, the remaining principal balance that you pay to your mortgage bank and any tax you have to pay on profit that exceeds your capital gains exclusion. If your total is negative, it means you have done very well: You made enough of a profit that it covered not only the cost of your home, but also all of your recurring expenses.

Initial costs include the rent security deposit and, if applicable, the broker’s fee.

Recurring costs include the monthly rent and the cost of renter’s insurance.

Opportunity costs are calculated each year for both your initial costs and your recurring costs.

Net proceeds include the return of the rental security deposit, which typically occurs at the end of a lease.

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Russia claims capture of villages in northeast Ukraine as more than 1,700 civilians flee

A woman hugs her elderly mother as they evacuate.

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Moscow’s forces captured five villages in a renewed ground assault in Ukraine’s northeast , the Russian Defense Ministry said Saturday, and Associated Press journalists in the city of Vovchansk described multiple buildings destroyed after Russian airstrikes and barrages of grad rockets.

Ukrainian officials didn’t confirm whether Russia had taken the villages, which lie in a contested “gray zone” on the border of Ukraine’s Kharkiv region and Russia.

Ukrainian journalists reported that Russian troops took the villages of Borysivka, Ohirtseve, Pylna and Strilecha. Russia said the village of Pletenivka was also taken.

In an evening statement Saturday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said fighting was ongoing in Strilecha and Pletenivka, as well as Krasne, Morokhovets, Oliinykove, Lukyantsi and Hatyshche.

“Our troops are carrying out counterattacks there for a second day, protecting Ukrainian territory,” he said.

The Institute for the Study of War said Friday that geolocated footage confirms at least one of the villages was seized. The Washington-based think tank described recent Russian gains as “tactically significant.”

The renewed assault on the region has forced more than 1,700 civilians who live near the fighting to flee, according to Ukrainian authorities. It comes after Russia stepped up attacks in March targeting energy infrastructure and villages, which analysts predicted were a concerted effort by Moscow to shape conditions for an offensive.

On Saturday, Russia continued to pummel Vovchansk with airstrikes as police and volunteers raced to evacuate residents. At least 20 people were evacuated to safety in a nearby village. Police said that 900 people had been evacuated the previous day.

FILE - A police officer examines fragments of a guided bomb after the Russian air raid in Kharkiv, Ukraine, Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Russia pounded a town in Ukraine’s northeast with artillery, rockets and guided aerial bombs Friday May 10, 2024 before attempting an infantry breach of local defenses, authorities said, in a tactical switch that Kyiv officials have been expecting for weeks as the war stretches into its third year. (AP Photo/Andrii Marienko, File)

World & Nation

Russia tries to breach Ukraine’s defenses in the Kharkiv region. Feint, or all-out assault?

Ukraine is trying to determine if Russia’s ground attack in Kharkiv is opening a new war front — or meant to divert overstretched Ukrainian troops?

May 10, 2024

AP journalists who accompanied an evacuation team described empty streets with multiple buildings destroyed and others on fire. The road was littered with newly made craters and the city was covered in dust and shrapnel with the smell of gunpowder heavy in the air.

Mushroom clouds of smoke rose across the skyline as Russian jets conducted multiple airstrikes. The journalists witnessed nine airstrikes during the three hours they were there.

“The situation in Vovchansk and the settlements along the border [with Russia] is incredibly difficult. Constant aviation strikes are carried out, multiple rocket missile systems strikes, artillery strikes,” said Tamaz Hambarashvili, the head of the Vovchansk military administration.

“For the second day in a row, we evacuated all the inhabitants of our community who are willing to evacuate,” he said. “I think that they are destroying the city to make people leave, to make sure there are no militaries, nobody.”

Evacuees bade tearful goodbyes to their neighbors.

“You lie down and think — whether they will kill you now, or in an hour, or in three,” said resident Valentyna Hrevnova, 75. “I hope that they [Russians] will not come, but ours [Ukrainians] will be here.”

Vera Rudko, 72, was among those who left.

“We drove through Vovchansk in the city center,” Rudko said. “I can’t look at this without tears. Everything is trembling. We didn’t sleep these two nights at all.”

Russia’s recent push in Kharkiv seeks to exploit ammunition shortages before promised Western supplies can reach the front line , and pin down Ukrainian forces in the northeast and keep them away from heavy battles underway in the Donetsk region where Moscow’s troops are gaining ground, analysts said.

Kharkiv, Ukraine-April 10, 2024-Children practice fencing in the absence of light at the Unifecht sports complex, which has been repeatedly targeted by Russian missiles. (Olga Ivashchenko for the Times)

Pummeled by airstrikes, Ukrainians in Kharkiv live in defiance of Russia

Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, is facing intense Russian airstrikes, but its residents are defiant. “We can stand up, no matter what they do,” one said.

April 26, 2024

Russian military bloggers said the assault could mark the start of a Russian attempt to carve out a “buffer zone” that President Vladimir Putin vowed to create earlier this year to halt frequent Ukrainian attacks on Belgorod and other Russian border regions.

Fears also mount that without adequate supplies, Russia might even be able to cut supply routes and besiege the city of Kharkiv, where 1.1 million people live.

Ukrainian officials have downplayed Russian statements about captured territory, with reinforcements being rushed to the Kharkiv region to hold off Russian forces.

On Telegram, Kharkiv region Gov. Oleg Sinegubov said that heavy fighting continued in the areas around Borysivka, Ohirtseve, Pylna and Oliinykove, but that the situation was under control and there was no threat of a ground assault on the city of Kharkiv .

Artillery, mortar, and aerial bombardments hit more than 30 different towns and villages on Saturday, killing at least three people and injuring five others, Sinegubov said.

Zelensky on Friday called on the country’s Western allies to ensure that promised deliveries of military aid would swiftly reach the front lines.

“It is critical that partners support our warriors and Ukrainian resilience with timely deliveries. Truly timely ones,” he said in a video statement on X. “A package that truly helps is the actual delivery of weapons to Ukraine, rather than just the announcement of a package.”

The attack was launched from two areas in the Kharkiv region early Friday, Ukrainian officials and analysts said. Russian assault groups attempted to break through Ukrainian defensive lines in the city of Vovchansk and in the region north of the village of Lyptsi.

Separately, Ukrainian forces launched a barrage of drones and missiles on Saturday night, Russia’s Ministry of Defense said, with air defense systems downing 21 rockets and 16 drones over Russia’s Belgorod, Kursk and Volgograd regions. One person died in a drone strike in the Belgorod region and another in the Kursk region, local officials said.

Another strike set ablaze an oil depot in Ukraine’s Russian-occupied Luhansk region, killing four people and injuring eight more, Leonid Pasechnik, the region’s Moscow-installed leader, said on the messaging app Telegram on Saturday.

People stand in front of a mural symbolising Ukraine's fight against Russia as they attend a rally aiming to raise awareness on the fate of Ukrainian prisoners of war, in Kyiv, Ukraine, Sunday, April 21, 2024. The U.S. House of Representatives swiftly approved $95 billion in foreign aid for Ukraine, Israel and other U.S. allies in a rare Saturday session as Democrats and Republicans banded together after months of hard-right resistance over renewed American support for repelling Russia's invasion. (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)

In Ukraine, relief over U.S. aid vote — and fear over what an angry Russia will do next

Amid worsening Ukraine war outlook, an infusion of American military aid is seen as crucial in the fight against Russian invaders. Will it be enough?

April 21, 2024

There was also shelling in the Russian-occupied Donetsk region Saturday, where three people died when an explosion hit a restaurant, said Denis Pushilin, the area’s Kremlin-appointed leader. Eight more people were injured, including a child.

In the war’s early days, Russia made a botched attempt to quickly storm Kharkiv but retreated from its outskirts after about a month. In the fall of 2022, seven months later, Ukraine’s army pushed Russian troops out of Kharkiv . The bold counterattack helped persuade Western countries that Ukraine could defeat Russia on the battlefield and merited military support.

Stepanenko and Maloletka write for the Associated Press. AP writer Katie Marie Davies in Manchester, England, contributed to this report.

More to Read

This drone footage obtained by The Associated Press shows the village of Ocheretyne, a target for Russian forces in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine. Ukraine’s military has acknowledged the Russians have gained a “foothold” in Ocheretyne, which had a population of about 3,000 before the war, but say fighting continues. No people could be seen in the footage, and no building in Ocheretyne appeared to have been left untouched by the fighting. (Kherson/Green via AP)

Drone footage shows Ukrainian village battered to ruins as residents flee Russian advance

May 4, 2024

Ukrainian servicemen place the national flag on the coffin of their fallen fellow Vadym Popelniuk, born in 1991, during a religious service in Independence Square in Kyiv, Ukraine, Friday, April 5, 2024. (AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda)

Ukraine says it destroyed Russian warplanes in one of its biggest drone attacks of the war

April 5, 2024

Firefighter's vehicle is seen on fire after Russian drone strikes on residential neighborhood in Kharkiv, Ukraine, on Thursday, April. 4, 2024. (AP Photo/George Ivanchenko)

Drone attack kills 4 people in Ukraine’s second-largest city as Russia builds its war strength

April 4, 2024

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In this photo provided by the Ukrainian Emergency Service, rescuers work at a damaged building after a Russian missile attack in Kyiv region, Ukraine, Wednesday, May 8, 2024. (Ukrainian Emergency Service via AP Photo)

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Work set to take place at former Michigan Maple Block property

The former site of the Michigan Maple Block Co. on Standish Avenue will be the site of a high-density apartment complex with approximately 200 units in six to seven buildings.

PETOSKEY — Progress is being made on a housing development project that will turn the former Michigan Maple Block property into a high-density apartment complex. 

City manager Shane Horn told the Petoskey City Council on Monday that abatement at the site is set to begin this week. 

“We are at the point of mobilizing for abatement and demolition, so we’re excited to see some activity happen on that site,” he said. “Abatement will be beginning this week. You can see a construction trailer on site currently. So you’re going to see a lot of activity in and around that site in the coming weeks. We’re excited to see that milestone.”

More: High-density apartment complex coming to former Maple Block Co. site

More: Maple Block Flats project takes another step forward with county approval

Abatement will address hazardous materials and contamination at 1420 Standish Ave., which was home to Michigan Maple Block Co. for decades. The wood products manufacturer closed in April 2020 due to hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The project has received some funding from the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s Brownfield Program , which is intended to “create economic opportunities by putting contaminated properties back into productive use while protecting human health and the environment.”

The project was awarded a $1 million Brownfield Redevelopment Grant and $1 million Brownfield Redevelopment Loan. According to EGLE, the property is contaminated with metals and petroleum compounds and the ground is unstable, requiring special foundations. The Brownfield funding will help pay for the removal of contaminated soil, a vapor mitigation system and the special foundations. 

Subscribe: Check out our offers and read the local news that matters to you

More: Two housing developments in Petoskey still making progress

The development is also intended to help address critical housing needs in the area. 

Located about a mile from downtown Petoskey, the site had previously been suggested as a potential development site. The plan calls for several residential buildings and a total of 204 units, with half of those going at market rate and the other half falling within AMI (area median income) limitations. 

— Contact Jillian Fellows at [email protected].  

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U of I Spring Commencement set for May 11

May 07, 2024.

MOSCOW, Idaho — More than 2,300 Vandals are eligible to receive at least 2,531 degrees at University of Idaho’s Spring Commencement  ceremonies, with Winter 2023 graduates invited to join the Spring 2024 graduates. Ceremonies begin Saturday, May 11, and continue across the state through Monday, May 20.

The 1,779 eligible students who applied to graduate this spring applied for 253 associate degrees, 1,035 bachelor’s degrees, 356 master’s degrees, 46 doctoral degrees and 108 juris doctorates. Another 114 are receiving academic certificates and 12 are receiving specialist certificates.

“Commencement is the time to celebrate the incredible accomplishments of our students and share in their excitement as they head out into the world,” U of I President Scott Green said. “While our world is a complicated place right now, there is no doubt our newest Vandal alumni are up to the task and ready to lead.”

Hiroshima survivor Keiko Ogura will receive an honorary doctorate at the Moscow ceremonies. With a strong belief in conveying the reality of the atomic bombing to people around the world, she has shared her A-bomb experience with world leaders and people in more than 50 countries and regions, including at U of I in 2022, where she connected with a group of students who completed a project to translate her children’s story.

Jean’ne Shreeve, U of I distinguished professor of chemistry and the university’s longest-serving employee, will receive the President’s Medallion during the Moscow ceremonies. Over her 63 years at U of I, Shreeve rose through the academic ranks and earned numerous honors and appointments. Her work has been cited more than 32,000 times worldwide.

Two commencement ceremonies will be held Saturday, May 11, at the P1FCU Kibbie Dome on the Moscow campus. Here’s the schedule:

  • 9:30 a.m.: Colleges of Art and Architecture; Education, Health and Human Sciences; Law; and Letters, Arts and Social Sciences
  • 2 p.m.: Colleges of Agricultural and Life Sciences; Business and Economics; Engineering; Science; and Natural Resources

All ceremonies across the state will be livestreamed at .

Clear bags are required, and attendees must pass through metal detectors, per the university’s security protocols for large events. No bags will be permitted for graduating students.

No weapons, including knives or firearms, may enter the venue, per university policy. The rule applies to concealed carry permit holders.

U of I is a tobacco-free campus. Alcoholic beverages can only be consumed in approved locations on university property.

More information can be found at .

U of I Boise’s commencement begins at 4 p.m. Mountain time Sunday, May 19, at the Boise Centre, 850 W. Front St. U of I Idaho Falls will host its ceremony at 7 p.m. Mountain time on Monday, May 20, at the Idaho Falls Center’s Bennion Student Union, 1784 Science Center Drive.

Each location will have its own keynote speaker:

  • Moscow: Pulitzer Prize-winning author Anthony Doerr will deliver the commencement address in Moscow. He has written three novels, a memoir and several short story collections. His bestselling book “All the Light We Cannot See” was awarded the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for fiction and the 2015 Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction and remained on the New York Times Bestseller List for over 200 weeks in hardcover. Originally from Ohio, Doerr now calls Boise home.
  • Boise: Otis Livingston ’91, CBS New York’s weekday sports anchor, will give the commencement address in Boise. The multiple Emmy Award winner has reported on professional sports including basketball and horse racing, tennis and the New York City Marathon, and everything in between. He has also served as a sideline reporter for CBS Sports’ NFL football coverage for many seasons.
  • Idaho Falls: Karole Honas ’77, former longtime news anchor, will give the commencement address in Idaho Falls. She spent more than four decades working in television, including 30 at Local News 8. She received a U of I’s Silver and Gold alumni award in 2017 in addition to many other awards honoring her for her commitment to her industry and community.

A breakdown of degrees applied for by U of I centers includes:

  • Moscow: 253 associate, 945 bachelor’s, 53 law, 216 master’s, 43 doctoral (1,510 total degrees)
  • Boise: seven bachelor’s, 55 law, eight master’s, one doctoral, three specialist (74 total degrees)
  • Coeur d’Alene: 11 bachelor’s, two master’s (13 total degrees)
  • Idaho Falls: three bachelor’s, 16 master’s, two doctoral (21 total degrees)

U of I has graduated about 133,674 students with more than 143,323 degrees since its foundation.

Media Contacts

Danae Lenz External Communications Coordinator University of Idaho 208-885-1605 [email protected]

About the University of Idaho

The University of Idaho, home of the Vandals, is Idaho’s land-grant, national research university. From its residential campus in Moscow, U of I serves the state of Idaho through educational centers in Boise, Coeur d’Alene and Idaho Falls, nine research and Extension centers, plus Extension offices in 42 counties. Home to nearly 11,000 students statewide, U of I is a leader in student-centered learning and excels at interdisciplinary research, service to businesses and communities, and in advancing diversity, citizenship and global outreach. U of I competes in the Big Sky and Western Athletic conferences. Learn more at .

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  1. Adding Properties

    Adding Properties. The primary and most important way of controlling how an element behaves, is through GObject properties. GObject properties are defined in the _class_init function. The element optionally implements a _get_property and a _set_property function. These functions will be notified if an application changes or requests the value of a property, and can then fill in the value or ...

  2. How to set the property of sink pad of element in gstreamer?

    You can get the pointer to the pad using GstPad * pad = gst_element_get_static_pad (element, "sink"); Where 'element' is the GstElement you're concerned with. - Gemms. Jun 1, 2023 at 11:58. 1. Most pads don't have properties. width and height are usually negotiated via caps that are set on buffers and pads.

  3. Getting and setting Gstreamer element properties using C++

    Overloading the set_property method with different value types is a good approach for your current implementation. This allows for a more specific and clearer interface for the user. However, if you want to have a more generic approach, you can use a template function instead.

  4. Python GStreamer Tutorial

    The "uri" property should take any possible protocol supported by your GStreamer plugins.One nice feature is that you may switch the sinks out for your own bins as shown below. Playbin always tries to set up the best possible pipeline for your specific environment so if you don't need any special features that are not implemented in playbin, it should in most cases just work "out of the box".

  5. PDF Python GStreamer Tutorial

    The main GStreamer site has Reference Manual, AQ,F Applications Development Manual and Plugin Writer's Guide. This tutorial targets the GStreamer 1.0 API which all v1.x releases should follow. The Noacutv project has a guide to porting Python applications from the prior 0.1 API to 1.0. Final,ly GStreamer provides the GstSDK documentation which ...

  6. GStreamer Daemon

    This wiki describes the basics of how to interact with GStreamer element properties. Specifically, how to read and update them. ... where it can be seen that the value of the sync property is set to false. The element_get command may fail for one of the following: The specified pipeline doesn't exist;

  7. Get started with GStreamer

    Playing video the simple way. To play a video from command line, we can use gst-launch-1.. gst-launch-1. is a tool that builds and runs basic GStreamer pipelines. In its simplest form, a PIPELINE-DESCRIPTION is a list of elements separated by exclamation marks (!). Properties may be appended to elements in the form property=value.

  8. How to get the current state of a GStreamer pipeline while working with

    Hi all, I'm working on a DeepStream project where I use the Python bindings on Jetson devices. I have a working code written in Gst-Python and I'm experimenting with RTSP/HTTP camera sources. Sometimes in both of these camera types, the streams can get dropped and the stream becomes a black-screen. I've tried to listen different types of messages from the GStreamer bus for the pipeline ...

  9. How to use properties on gstreamer

    Properties in GStreamer are normally accessed by using the normal GLib APIs : g_object_set and g_object_get.Doing g_object_set (v1_demux, "emit-stats", TRUE, NULL);, supposing that v1_demux is a GstTSDemux*, will start emitting messages containing the PTS and DTS of the packets that flow into the demuxer.. Element messages in GStreamer are emitted by gst_element_post_message.

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    In this photo released by Russian Embassy in London/Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service, Colonel Maxim Elovik, Russia's military attaché to the United Kingdom and Russian Ambassador to the United Kingdom Andrey Kelin, right, attend a laying wreaths ceremony marking the 79th anniversary of the end of WWII in Europe, at the Soviet war memorial in London, Britain, on Wednesday, May 8, 2024.

  12. Georgia's puppet master turns towards Moscow

    US set to impose 100% tariff on Chinese electric vehicle imports; ... But unlike his imposing property, the richest and most powerful man in Georgia has stayed out of the public eye.

  13. Is It Better to Rent or Buy?

    11. The choice between buying a home and renting one is among the biggest financial decisions that many adults make. But the costs of buying are more varied and complicated than for renting ...

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  15. Sweden joins 'Nato lake' on Moscow's doorstep

    Sweden finally joined Nato on Thursday, meaning the western defence alliance has nearly ringed the entire Baltic Sea, a significant oil trading route for Russia and home to one of its fleets ...

  16. Russia claims capture of villages in northeast Ukraine, civilians flee

    Another strike set ablaze an oil depot in Ukraine's Russian-occupied Luhansk region, killing four people and injuring eight more, Leonid Pasechnik, the region's Moscow-installed leader, said ...

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    Property prices for buying in Moscow are usually listed with a price per square meter in Roubles, and sometimes with a total property price. Recent figures from Numbeo put average prices for buying an apartment in Moscow at around 308,500 Roubles per square meter in the city center and 147,000 Rubbles outside of the city center.

  18. gstreamer : how do I pass structure as a argument to g_object_set()?

    For example If I called g_object_set () function as : settings.left=true; settings.removed=true; g_object_set (G_OBJECT (source), "lettremoved-settings", settings, NULL); Then in copy function, This code setting the default value as false for both left and removed. Please help me where I am going wrong. c++.

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  21. U of I Spring Commencement set for May 11

    MOSCOW, Idaho — More than 2,300 Vandals are eligible to receive at least 2,531 degrees at University of Idaho's Spring Commencement ceremonies, with Winter 2023 graduates invited to join the Spring 2024 graduates. Ceremonies begin Saturday, May 11, and continue across the state through Monday, May 20. The 1,779 eligible students who applied ...

  22. How to change encoding bitrate dynamically while streaming in Gstreamer

    3. Install the git version of the gstreamer ugly plugin.Then g_object_set() function works fine. answered Apr 12, 2011 at 19:45. user700044. 71 5.

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    8. Updated 10:39 PM PDT, May 10, 2024. ISLAMABAD (AP) — Flash floods from seasonal rains in Baghlan province in northern Afghanistan killed at least 50 people on Friday, a Taliban official said. The floods also caused losses to homes and property in several districts, according to Edayatullah Hamdard, the provincial director of Natural ...

  24. How to change the currently playing file in a gstreamer pipeline

    Right now our source is a filesrc element. Our current non-solution is to change the pipeline's state to READY, change the location property, and set the pipeline's state to PLAYING (see the change_song method below). This gives the following error:

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    6:41. President Joe Biden 's administration is poised to unveil a sweeping decision on China tariffs as soon as next week, one that's expected to target key strategic sectors with new levies ...