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Type just about anything into the task field and Todoist’s one-of-its-kind natural language recognition will instantly fill your to-do list.

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Microsoft To Do App

A smart phone and tablet displaying a Grocery list and a work to do list

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A truly cross platform task manager.

A user's to do list including sending a report, booking a table, picking up groceries and an upcoming oil change

A smart daily planner

Set yourself up for success with My Day, intelligent and personalized suggestions to update your daily or weekly to do list. With both a Microsoft to do desktop app and mobile app available, it is easy to stay on task all day long.

Manage your to do list online

A truly cross platform task management app. Whether you're at home using the desktop app or are using the mobile app on the go you can access your task list and stay organized.

The Microsoft To Do app displayed on several devices alongside one another

Sharing made easy

Sharing an online to do list can help keep you connected with friends, family and colleagues.

Make managing tasks easier

Break tasks down into simple steps, add due dates, and set reminders for your daily checklist to keep you on track.

A laptop displaying To Do lists for a student

Ready to get more done in Microsoft 365?

See more from microsoft to do.

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Outlook Tasks integration

To Do is integrated with Outlook Tasks, making it easier to manage all your tasks in one place.

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Access from anywhere

Microsoft To Do is available for free, and syncs across iPhone, Android, Windows, and the web.

What is the purpose of a to do list?

The main purpose of a to do list is to provide yourself with a list of your priorities in order to ensure that you don't forget anything and are able to effectively plan out your tasks so that they are all accomplished in the correct time frame. A well maintained to do list will set your mind at ease since you will always have a clear picture of what you need to get done.

Why is a to do list important?

A to do list is important because it keeps your tasks and obligations in order. An organized list makes things more manageable and keeps you mentally focused on the tasks at hand.

When should you make a to do list?

The best time to make a daily to do list is either the night before, or first thing in the morning. The biggest benefit of a well organized to do list is the peace of mind that comes with having a plan in place. Going to bed with a plan for the next day in place can lead to better sleep. Making a list first thing in the morning will give you a plan for a successful day.

How many items should be on a to do list?

It's important to keep your to do list manageable. An impossible task list can increase feelings of stress. It is often recommended to keep to do lists to 3 items maximum. If you need to have more than 3 items, try to include no more than 1 "big" task and fill the list out with some "medium" or "small" tasks that are easy to accomplish.

How do I create a to do list on my phone?

To do list apps such as the Microsoft To Do app are the best ways to create a to do list on your phone. With Microsoft To Do you can easily create and sync your task lists across multiple devices so you have your to do list available whether you are on your desktop, phone, or tablet.

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The Best To-Do List App

A smartphone on a desk that is displaying a to-do list next to a pen, coffee mug, post-it notes and a highlighter.

Mastering your to-do list can seem like a Sisyphean task. But a good to-do list app should help you regain control over your routines and keep chaos at bay.

Our to-do list app picks, Todoist , TickTick , and the Apple-exclusive Things 3 , are a breeze to use, have thoughtful designs, and feature flexible organization schemes, so you can conveniently hop in, address your obligations, and enter new tasks—then get right back to the doing.

Everything we recommend

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The best to-do list app for most people

This app offers nearly every function you could want in a to-do list app ensconced in a clean, intuitive interface. A subscription is required for reminders and other key features, though.

Buying Options

Budget pick.

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The best free to-do list app

This app offers the most comprehensive free service we tested, with lots of features and a great user experience. It’s less refined than our other picks, but many will be perfectly happy with it.

a task list app

A better option for Mac users

With ample features and flawless integration with Apple devices, this app offers the best combo of design and functionality. But it’s only good for solo users who are all-in on the Apple ecosystem.

Todoist is one of the best-known to-do list apps, and for good reason—it’s simply a joy to use, with a treasure trove of helpful functions, such as progress tracking, unlimited reminders, and organizational features that make managing multiple projects a breeze, including color coding and 150 filter views. It’s compatible with Apple, Android, Windows, and Linux, as well as automation programs like Zapier and IFTTT. It gets regular updates and has a strong, clear privacy policy , with daily automatic data backups, data encryption, and no ads.

We relegated Todoist to The competition in a previous version of this guide due to its limited calendar integration offerings and counterintuitive interface, both of which have since been improved. In fact, Todoist’s uncluttered, straightforward design made the app a clear winner this time around in our testing. As with all of the to-do list apps we tried, its calendar features were still lacking in some ways, but it integrates with pretty much any calendar you might use.

You can choose between a free beginner plan and a paid pro plan , but we found the lack of reminders and other crucial features made Todoist’s free plan far too limited compared with other free options. Considering how significantly Todoist Pro improved our day-to-day lives, the subscription is well worth the $5 per month or $48 per year.

TickTick stands out from our other picks because its free plan is much more comprehensive. Like Todoist, TickTick (our former top pick) offers pretty much everything you could need to organize a variety of workflows, including useful functions like a Pomodoro timer. TickTick also has the best natural language support we’ve seen—for example, “Pick up the dry cleaning at 3 p.m.”—which makes creating tasks a breeze. Its seamless calendar integration was also the best we’ve seen. It’s available on all major operating systems and works with a wide range of integrations.

Although this app provides a good-enough user experience, it’s generally a little less streamlined than our other picks and takes a little longer to get the hang of. But as is the case with most apps, you’ll quickly catch on the more you play with it.

Casual users should be able to get along just fine without needing to upgrade to the premium plan . And if you do opt for the paid plan, it’s slightly cheaper than Todoist on a monthly basis, but it offers comparable upgrades—stuff like constant reminders , robust collaboration tools, and expanded calendar integrations.

Things 3 is an impressively powerful to-do list and task management app—but it isn’t available on Windows or Android devices. For individuals who exclusively use Apple devices, it offers plenty of organizational options (including tags, task prioritization, task statuses, and color coding) without being overwhelming.

Compared with our other picks, its natural language input is more limited, and it lacks location-based reminders and many collaborative features. But its thoughtful, clean interface made it just as easy and enjoyable to use—and at times more so—as Todoist.

It also integrates seamlessly with Apple’s proprietary services (like Apple Calendar and Reminders), as well as IFTTT and Zapier, but those integrations are optional. Unlike other Apple-only apps we tried, Things 3 is robust enough to be used on its own, without needing to rely on Apple’s apps for added functionality. With a fair price and strong privacy standards, it’s a great choice for Apple users seeking an affordable, capable alternative to Reminders.

The research

Why you should trust us, who this is for, how we picked and tested, our pick: todoist, budget pick: ticktick, also great: things 3, what to look forward to, the competition.

Staff writer Kaitlin Mahar has been a dedicated to-do list maker for over a decade. She used to keep all her lists and to-dos scattered across her desk on post-its and scrap paper, scrawled in notebooks, and clogging up her phone space in the form of infinite notes app entries. Inevitably, things would fall through the cracks. Since she downloaded her first to-do list app back in 2021, her brain (and desk) have never felt cleaner.

This guide builds on the work of writer Jordan McMahon, who wrote the first version in 2019. He’s been writing about software for publications including Motherboard and Wired since 2017, covering everything from illustration apps to productivity apps that have helped him make sense of his scrambled, ADHD brain. He couldn’t function without a to-do list app to keep him on track.

In researching this guide, we consulted a variety of experts, including C. Vaile Wright, PhD , senior director of healthcare innovation at the American Psychological Association (APA) and contributor to the association’s annual Stress in America study, and Thorin Klosowski, a former Wirecutter editor and now privacy and security activist at Electronic Frontier Foundation . We also reviewed research conducted by Russell Barkley, PhD , an internationally recognized authority on ADHD and ADD.

To-do list apps are for everyone. Having a bunch of tasks awaiting you can be overwhelming, but research (PDF) suggests they’re less likely to fall through the cracks if we make a plan to do them—even if it’s something as simple as jotting it down on a to-do list. Whether you’re prone to forgetting appointments, constantly missing deadlines, or you just need a grocery list to avoid picking up another package of salami every time you go to the store, a to-do list app is an effective way to make sure you never miss the big or small stuff.

But to-do list apps do more than just throw all your tasks onto a screen. They can help to alleviate the stress of wading through all your work and the fear of potentially missing something. Since 2020, the APA has reported that the average monthly stress level among all adults was a 5 out of 10. Wright told us work and money are the two primary stressors for Americans, and in 2022, nearly 40% of adults said they couldn’t bring themselves to do anything when they felt stressed out. These apps won’t singlehandedly lower your stress levels, but they can help you make the most of your task list and be more efficient—which, in turn, can help you feel physically and mentally healthier.

Barkley emphasized the importance of using a paper journal and a time-tracking device to stay on top of tasks in a 2009 lecture (video) , noting that “because anything you agree to do or anything others ask you to do is to be immediately written in that journal, and that journal is welded to your body. That is your working memory.”

But Barkley was speaking just two years after Apple unveiled the first iPhone . Today, the one thing nearly everyone has welded to their bodies is a smartphone, and a multitude of apps serve as journals and time trackers without leaving you saddled with the conundrum of actually remembering to read what you’ve written down. (But if you prefer to go the analog route, we’ve got plenty of planner and notebook recommendations.)

A good to-do list app shouldn’t monopolize time you could be spending getting your work done, and the best is flexible enough to evolve with a changing workflow and allow for simple, information-dense tasks. A bad one makes it difficult to organize and complete tasks and slowly chips away at your ability to get anything done as your pile of unfinished tasks looms over you.

To find the best options, we looked for apps that met our standards in the following areas:

  • Intuitive design and ease of navigation: We only considered apps with interfaces that are visually pleasing and easy to navigate and that can sync up regardless of which device you use to update your to-dos. Based on the advice of C. Vaile Wright, senior director of healthcare innovation at the APA, we required the apps we tested to offer basic features (like tasks, subtasks, and projects or lists) and noted which ones made it easiest to get through our to-dos.
  • Calendar integration: Apps that integrate with your existing calendar, whether by showing the day’s events above your daily tasks or having a separate calendar tab, give a better overview of all the information you need to effectively triage your workload. Some apps also now offer two-way calendar syncing, so your appointments and to-dos show up side-by-side. No app we tested integrates external calendars perfectly, but some do it better than others.
  • Collaboration: A majority of American adults ( about 87% ) live with other adults, so it’s important that these apps offer collaborative capabilities for divvying up chores, tracking progress on shared projects, and keeping tabs on bill payments. When possible, we looked for effective cross-platform integration, so if you live in a household that uses both Apple and Android devices, you can still work together. Real-time syncing and notifications are also important for knowing when another user has added to a list or completed a task.
  • Reminders: Even the best to-do list app can’t bring structure to your life if you never check the dang thing. Reminders surface tasks based on due date or location when you need them so nothing ever slips through the cracks.
  • Price: Whether up-front or subscription-based, paid to-do list apps add features that may be worth the extra expense for some people. Still, all else being equal, a lower price is better, and free is best. We dug into each app’s free and paid plans and gauged if their free tiers provided enough features to get by.
  • User experience: We only tested apps that had mobile and desktop functionality. In addition to general navigability, we looked for customization tools—but not so many that they’d overwhelm users—and accessibility features. Because some forms of visual impairment can make it uncomfortable to look at minuscule fonts, bright colors, or large blocks of white over black text, we noted whether apps offered adjustable font sizes and dark modes. We also considered their privacy and data policies, as well as the apps’ overall quality; red flags included poor user reviews, customer support issues, infrequent updates, and shady pricing tactics.
  • Input method: We preferred apps that let us quickly create lists, tasks, and subtasks without too much fiddling or confusing syntax. Features such as voice input, smart assistant integration, and natural language input and processing helped us seamlessly toss tasks where they needed to go.

To-do list apps mean different things to different users—to some, they’re for project management, while for others, they’re for tracking everything from the contents of the fridge to the kids’ soccer practices. That’s why we began this process by sifting through reader feedback and examining user reviews and expert coverage from other media outlets, including PCMag , CNET , TechRadar , and Apple Insider .

Kaitlin, the author of this guide, also polled 11 to-do list app users on their primary uses for these apps and their most valued features and functions. This left us with over 20 to-do list and project management apps to consider.

Once we had our final list of candidates, we fiddled with the apps’ settings on Apple, Android, and Windows PC devices, organized them to reflect our routines, and tracked how effectively they helped us stay on-task. We first evaluated how well we could get by using an app’s free plan when applicable, then upgraded when necessary to determine if the experience and features were worth the price.

We tested each app on its ability to perform basic functions, calendar integration, reminders, and collaboration capabilities without the assistance of other applications like Zapier or IFTTT. Specifically, we noted how much friction an app added to or removed from each day’s workflow.

A smartphone displaying a to-do list in the app Todoist.

Todoist is the best to-do list app because, despite its minimalist appearance, it’s powerful without being overwhelming. Navigation is a breeze with this app, thanks to this its intuitive interface, and it offers lots of useful tools and tutorials to help new users learn the ropes without sucking up too much of their time. It even has a newly launched AI Assistant for performing tasks. As with every app we tried, this one’s calendar capabilities weren’t perfect, but it integrates with pretty much any calendar you use.

It’s easy to get started. Todoist provides a thoughtful user experience from the moment you make an account. To start, it asks questions about your familiarity with to-do list apps (beginner, intermediate, and expert) and what you’ll use the app for (including personal, business, and education).

Whether you’re on mobile or desktop—or, honestly, even the web app—it’s quick to get the lay of the land, as Todoist seems to anticipate your initial moves and any questions you may have as you navigate. And though it has plenty of templates to help you get started, you don’t have to use them. Unlike other apps we tested, such as Notion, Todoist isn’t dependent on templates to have a positive, successful experience.

It’s reliable, customizable to your needs, and a pleasure to use. Todoist offers reliable automatic syncing across devices, and it works well online and offline, syncing just a bit quicker than TickTick, our budget pick. It’s customizable without being overwhelming, thanks to organizational features like color coding, themes, and other app integrations.

Todoist is also compatible with a variety of project management and organization techniques, such as the Getting Things Done method , the Pomodoro Technique , the Eisenhower Matrix , and the KonMari method . Completing tasks and subtasks is genuinely enjoyable, with a satisfying click, a charming chime, and even a burst of confetti that provides a motivational serotonin boost.

A screenshot from the to-do list app Todoist.

Adding new tasks is simple. The talk-to-text input method makes it easy to switch between typing and dictating. Its natural language input was a very close second to that of TickTick, with just a few more errors. When writing “work out for 60 minutes today at 12:30,” Todoist caught the time of day but not the duration, despite the in-app tutorial indicating that this should work. Similarly, setting reminders using Siri was tricky—you had to say phrases just right, or it got confused.

That said, these minor hiccups didn’t really detract from our experience, as evidenced by the app’s top scores in our UI tests. And the layout is even more focused, thanks to a November 2023 update that included a bottom navigation bar, Quick Add and Quick Find features, and a ring around your profile picture that tracks your progress toward your daily completed tasks goal ( if you’ve set one ). The sidebar is also customizable—you can even hide it if you want, though this may lead to Projects being out of sight and, therefore, out of mind.

A screenshot from the to-do list app Todoist.

The interface is straightforward and intuitive. Todoist’s modern, uncluttered design is as easy on the eyes as it is on the brain. Any wayward tasks are automatically dropped into your inbox. So you can always check (and double-check) there to ensure nothing has fallen through the cracks and move them to your Projects later. Tasks can be itemized within different Projects and can be customized with color coding and 150 filter views.

Sorting Projects and to-dos is as simple as dragging and dropping—which is also helpful if you need to move tasks from one project to another—or moving things around in the settings menu. You can also select a priority of 1 to 4 for each task (with 4 being the least important and 1 being the most) and then sort by priority. This app has more-limited text formatting options than our other picks, but it has other accessibility features, such as multiple color themes, including dark mode, and 18 language options , which is double the amount offered by Things 3 but about half the amount offered by TickTick.

It’s powerful and feature-packed. Todoist’s simple layout belies the depth of its feature list and the sheer amount of stuff you can do with it—not to mention what it can do for you. Pro subscribers can import tasks from their email and add widgets on Apple and Android devices. Notifications always reliably go through and are stored in the app under a little bell icon, as well, so you can always go back and check them later to ensure you didn’t miss anything.

A screenshot from the to-do list app Todoist.

We were particularly delighted by the ability to set personal goals that grow the more you use the app. For example, our goal for the first day was to complete five tasks. Checking them off was very motivating, thanks to pie charts that filled up as we got closer to our goal. The Smart Quick Add feature maximizes the helpfulness of labels, as you can just type “@labelname” to tag a task.

Todoist even has an AI Assistant, which sets it apart from our other picks. And unlike other AI-enabled apps we tested, like Motion , it was more of a supplemental feature than a necessity to get full functionality out of the app.

You can bring a friend (or 24). Todoist’s Beginner plan limits you to five guest users , which isn’t too bad compared with TickTick’s two and Things 3’s zero. But it’s a pittance compared with Todoist Pro, which allows up to 24 guest collaborators on projects. Users can easily share Projects (like grocery lists) with others via email by clicking the sharing option up top.

Assigning tasks and subtasks is equally user-friendly with the embedded drop-down menu, and we liked that you can assign while waiting for collaborators to accept invites for an uninterrupted workflow. You can add, edit, tag other users, and emoji react to comments. However, this could still be a little more streamlined, and we wished the app had the ability to thread responses. Deleting comments was easy, and we appreciated that Todoist asked us to confirm before zapping them out of existence.

The Pro plan is worth it—and fairly priced for what you get. For $5 monthly or $48 annually, Todoist Pro gives you an impressive amount of features. Unlike free users, who can only get notifications via email and set due dates, paying subscribers can add task durations, get access to more themes and custom views, and have a higher file upload capacity. Pro users also get access to unlimited reminders: As soon as you add a task, you can implement reminders, making them recurring, based on your location or based on the morning or afternoon.

Customer service is a cut above the average. Considering you’re paying a fee, we were happy to see the customer service is better than what you get from totally free apps. Todoist has an array of troubleshooting capabilities, including a forum for questions, a help page, and a customer support contact page.

After using the latter to ask a question of its support team, we had to answer a few automatically generated questions to get to the correct contact form, but that was the worst of it. Once we submitted a query, we were immediately issued a ticket, and we received an emailed response within three business days containing straightforward advice and supplemental tutorials.

You can try Pro before you buy it, but it’s not straightforward. Technically, Todoist Pro doesn’t have a free trial—essentially, the Beginner plan could be considered a free trial—but there are some workarounds if you want to try before you buy. If you sign up for an annual subscription and cancel within 30 days of purchase or renewal, you can get a full refund. But this doesn’t apply for monthly subscriptions.

Removing the app from our devices didn’t delete our content, and we appreciated that we could cancel an account without having to jump through any hoops, whether on the mobile or desktop app (though the web app is the easiest experience).

Flaws but not dealbreakers

  • You’ll likely need to use Todoist’s paid plan; the free plan is more restrictive than that of TickTick. However, even on the Pro plan only some features are unlimited— Pro users are capped at 300 projects , with 25 users per project. We also don’t love that free plan users are only permitted manual backups, whereas Pro users’ data gets backed up automatically.
  • Despite being our favorite app overall, Todoist is still lacking in some areas. For instance, it integrates with Apple Calendar, Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, and any other calendar that allows you to subscribe with a URL feed . But you can only set up these integrations using the web app, and it’s still not perfect no matter which app you use. We were disappointed to find that our daily calendar events didn’t populate in the app, as they do in TickTick and Things. We were also frustrated that they didn’t disappear when we checked them off in the app—after contacting support, we learned we had to manually enable this option, which could only be done on the web app.

A smartphone displaying a to-do list in the app TickTick.

If you need help staying on task but don’t want to pay for a to-do list app, TickTick is your best choice. It works across Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and Linux, so you and other users you collaborate with can keep up with your life across all the devices you have now, as well as ones you might get in the future. Not only can you download apps for Apple and Android smartphones, computers, and tablets, but you can even download an Apple Watch app and a web app.

Free users miss out on some features—stuff like more complicated calendar integrations and advanced collaboration tools—but I’ve personally used TickTick for years and never felt like I was limited. Compared with other free to-do list apps we tried, like Microsoft To Do and Google Tasks, it offers a more streamlined experience and a generous amount of features on a wider range of platforms. But should you decide to pay for the Premium plan, it’s still cheaper than Todoist while offering similar features.

A screenshot from the to-do list app TickTick.

You can hit the ground running. TickTick’s overall learning curve was slightly higher than with Todoist, but it’s leagues ahead of other free options. For some, this app may be a better option for managing tasks over projects, as lists can be out of sight, out of mind, and syncing between apps was somewhat delayed. But we appreciated the app’s thoughtful suggestions to help us get started, including a Welcome list with task samples to help new users get the hang of the app and learn more about its capabilities.

We liked TickTick’s ability to grow from a basic list of tasks to a curated set of projects, each with self-contained tasks. You can have as little or as much structure as you’d like thanks to organization features like deadlines, tags, and task prioritization and statuses. Using the Smart Lists feature, you can create custom filters to only show the tasks you absolutely need to see, without having to keep them all in the same place.

This flexibility nudges TickTick ahead of the organization that our also-great pick, Things 3, offers, putting it on par with Todoist. This app also stands out for its built-in habit tracker —through which you can employ reminders that encourage you to do things like water the plants—and Pomodoro timer. Attaching files is very intuitive, as well, with the ability to include photos, documents, and even recordings.

A screenshot from the to-do list app TickTick.

It’s laid out well and pretty to look at. With a charming interface, TickTick’s design is attractive, easy to navigate, and consistent across different platforms. The mobile and desktop apps had somewhat different layouts and functionality, but both made lists feel less like a stack of obligations and more like a neatly laid out garden you can tend to with ease.

For personalization that isn’t too overwhelming, organizational features include color coding, templates, integrations, and even customizable app icons. The default font size can seem pretty small on mobile, but you can adjust it to your preference—plus other accessibility features like dark mode (regular and auto) and 37 languages.

It’s easy to get the lay of the land quickly, but should you run into issues, its help center has short tutorial videos, troubleshooting articles, and forums with answers to general questions. Getting in touch with TickTick’s customer service was painless, with a contact form that’s easy to find. Filling out the form felt more complicated than necessary, but we were issued a ticket immediately after making a support request and a representative contacted us within one business day.

Its natural language input and calendar integration were the best of any app we tried. Telling TickTick, “Turn in draft to editor at 3 on Monday” magically becomes a task with the correct deadline, thereby easing the friction of getting tasks from your brain into the app before they have a chance to slip your mind. As you enter new tasks, you can easily augment them with tags, due dates, and priorities. You can also add new tasks via Siri on iOS, though it wasn’t as seamless as with Things 3. We had to say commands just right or else it would get a bit discombobulated.

TickTick’s Subscribed Calendars view is a useful overview of your daily responsibilities and commitments, blending them together in one place. This is helpful for visualizing your daily schedule, but it may be hard to parse on particularly busy days.

The free plan only offers local calendar integration, meaning it links with whatever calendar you’re using on your device, but this wasn’t an issue for us. Any adjustments you make to items in either TickTick or your calendar show up in both apps, though you may need to close the apps completely and reopen them before seeing reflected changes.

It offers powerful, customizable reminders. TickTick’s reminders can be set to show up at a particular time, date, and frequency before the task’s due date. Even on the free plan, you can set daily, weekly, weekdays, monthly, yearly, and even location-based reminders, which can be snoozed, dismissed, or marked as done depending on your workflow. Recurring reminders let you push repeating tasks out of your brain and trust you’ll get alerts when you need them. And you can pick and choose which notifications you want to get, which can be especially helpful if you don’t want your phone blowing up over every little change.

You’ll find limitations elsewhere, though: You can’t set task durations, or multiple reminders for tasks (or any reminders at all for subtasks). And the constant reminders feature is the most persistent of any we tested, but it’s only available for paying subscribers. That said, we didn’t miss these features in everyday use.

It offers robust collaboration capabilities. As with Todoist, sharing projects with others is simple—you can send lists to a collaborator’s email or download and send as an image or text using the built-in sharing feature. Assigning tasks and subtasks to collaborators can easily be done while still waiting for them to accept your initial invite, and adding comments and emoji reactions and tagging users is equally straightforward, but we couldn’t thread comments, and deletion is permanent. However, with the free version, collaboration is limited to two people. This is fine if you live in a two-person household, but may be insufficient for larger families, people with multiple roommates, or group projects.

If you want to upgrade, the paid version is nearly on par with our top pick (and a little cheaper). For about $4 monthly or $36 annually, TickTick Premium gets you additional lists, tasks, and subtasks, as well as access to custom smart lists and filters, more sharing features, white noises, premium themes and fonts, subtask reminders, activity tracking, and use statistics. You can add more and larger file attachments and expand your productivity with capabilities like setting start and end times for tasks and unlimited use of features like the Eisenhower Matrix . The paid plan also offers supplemental daily, three-day, weekly, and monthly calendar views.

If you want to take TickTick Premium for a test drive, you can—kind of. Though its Payments and Upgrade help page doesn’t explicitly say you can get a free trial, you can apply for a refund within 14 days of purchasing from Apple, Google, or TickTick. (Just be sure you’ve canceled your subscription first to avoid getting charged, or else it’ll auto-renew.) You’ll be reverted back to the restrictions of the free plan after canceling, but it won’t erase any data or content created while you were a Premium subscriber.

A smartphone displaying a to-do list in the app Things 3.

If Todoist and TickTick are the Lexus and Honda of to-do list apps, then Things 3 is the Mercedes—once again, you can’t underestimate the power of German engineering. If you do all of your work on Apple devices and don’t collaborate often with others, this app offers the best user interface and overall experience. In particular, its calendar integration was among the best of all the apps we tested, and its simple yet powerful organization made sifting through each task a breeze.

But this app isn’t without its limitations. Its natural language support is limited and finicky, it doesn’t have any collaborative capabilities to speak of, and the app itself doesn’t allow for recurring or location-based reminders—which can be a dealbreaker if you’re prone to forgetting to take care of things while out and about. It also isn’t available for Windows and Android devices and costs a flat fee per device ($10 for the iPhone and Apple Watch apps, $50 for Macs, and $20 for iPads).

It’s easy to navigate . Creating an account is simple using your preferred email (iCloud, Gmail, etc.) to sign up for Things Cloud , which you can turn on under the Settings menu. An account isn’t required to use Things 3, but be aware that the app will be wiped if you remove it from your device without being backed up to an account.

You can also create accounts using separate emails—such as a work email to use the desktop app on a business MacBook and a personal email for your iPhone—but using Things 3 for both personal use and work can be a pain. You’ll need to be signed in with the same email if you want your tasks and projects to carry over across your different devices.

Once you’re logged in, Things 3 provides straightforward explanations showing what to do and where to go. The mobile and desktop apps work well offline, with effective real-time syncing and no lagging.

The interface is simple, efficient, and good-looking . With no custom filters or search views, Things 3 isn’t as customizable as other apps we tested. But everything is laid out plainly, with enough personalization to help keep things tidy and delightful animations that bring the app to life while making it easy to find your place. You also can fluidly switch between typing and using text-to-speech, and the Quick Entry feature was a nice addition. Other special features, like incorporation with Shortcuts and templates, further expand Things 3’s reach.

A screenshot from the to-do list app Things 3.

Completed items are transferred to your Logbook, a helpful record that’s synced across devices, aside from subtasks, which gray out after you’ve checked them off and remain within the task until it is completed. You can also search for tasks throughout the app using your Inbox, which collects unassigned tasks and thoughts. Perhaps unsurprisingly, our experience using Siri and widgets with Things 3 was also better—nearly seamless, in fact—than with our other picks.

Its layout is incredibly well organized. Things 3’s desktop app has a clean, minimalist interface that is relatively straightforward to navigate. The mobile app, meanwhile, is equally simple—possibly even a little too simple. Because Things 3 has so much to offer, you may experience some hiccups in terms of intuitiveness, but overall, its learning curve was gentle, and it’s by far the easiest to use and most comprehensive of the Apple-exclusive to-do list apps we tested.

A screenshot from the to do list app Things 3.

This app organizes everything into a hierarchy of Areas > Projects > Headings > Tasks. Areas represent different parts of your life, like work, health, travel, and home responsibilities. Under each Area, you can set up Projects for things like long-term projects or all the stuff you promised your friends you’d take care of. Each Task can even have subtasks, in the form of checklists.

This structure allows for clear organization that’s quick to navigate. Creating lists and tasks was straightforward, and while creating subtasks was a little less intuitive, it was still easy enough to figure out. If you’re really detail-oriented, you can create Headings under each project without having to dive into separate pages for each category.

A screenshot from the to-do list app Things 3.

Within these branches, you can add color-coding, themes, and automatic tagging to help organize things even further. It even has neat little progress bubbles next to each project that fill up as you check off more tasks within the project.

It integrates seamlessly with Apple Calendar. This makes it the best all-encompassing hub for everything Apple users need to address on a given day. In the Today and Upcoming tabs, you’ll see all of your scheduled events for the day ahead with enough visual distinctions to be discernible but not cluttered. This is particularly useful for visualizing daily and monthly schedules (though weekly schedules were a bit harder to parse). In fact, it was way more organized than TickTick’s Subscribed Calendars tab—we just wish it had Todoist’s two-way calendar syncing capabilities.

If you don’t use Apple Calendar, no worries—you can link your other calendars, like Google Calendar, to Apple Calendar and all your events will carry over. In fact, we found this integration allowed us to automatically import all our calendar events into Things 3, even while logged into multiple calendar accounts.

It has a steep up-front price, but some may prefer it to a subscription. Unlike many other popular to-do list apps, Things 3 is a one-time purchase that can feel a little pricey, especially since you have to pay a different fee for each device. But once you take the plunge, you will always have access to Things 3. The Mac desktop price—currently $50—works out to about the cost of 10 months of Todoist Pro. And though you need to buy the iOS app separately to keep Things 3 on your phone, it’s a more manageable $10.

You can get a 15-day free trial for the desktop app, which is on the short side but still the best we’ve experienced. It doesn’t require a credit card, instead showing a reminder up top of how many days you have left, and the app simply stops working at the end of the trial if you opt not to pay.

Support is responsive enough. Developer Cultured Code maintains a forum for questions, plus an on-site contact form if you need to speak to a person. The company is located in Germany, and its response times are limited to Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. When we reached out with a question, we were pleasantly surprised to receive an email response within a day. The representative’s thorough response even linked out to a supplemental tutorial article on the Things 3 forum for additional assistance.

We previously included OmniFocus in this guide as a competition option with a robust selection of features and customizability, but held off on retesting it ahead of the impending release of OmniFocus 4. After several delays,  the app was released prior to the publication of this guide in December 2023 , and we look forward to possibly reconsidering and testing it in a future update.

This is not a comprehensive list of all to-do list apps we’ve tested. We have removed those that are discontinued or no longer meet our criteria.

Beehive Innovation’s 2Do is one of the most customizable apps we considered. Unfortunately, it lags behind its competitors with less functionality, a longer learning curve, and fewer regular, significant updates. If you can get past those hurdles, 2Do may be worth it as a more customizable and affordable alternative to Things 3.

GoodTask came in close second to Things 3 for Apple devotees, but it just fell short. If Things 3 is a luxury brand, GoodTask is a Class 1 knockoff—they’re nearly identical, but GoodTask just slightly misses the mark in terms of quality. It’s essentially a beefed-up version of Apple Reminders (which you need to get full functionality). That’s not necessarily a negative, if you just want to supercharge something you’re already familiar with. But it feels more like an add-on than a to-do list app that could be used on its own.

Google Tasks ( Android , iOS ) is a fine, free option if you actively use other Google apps and services, like Google Keep. But compared with our picks, we found its interface too simple, with no desktop app or web app and limited features.

Microsoft To Do isn’t a bad to-do list app—it’s just that Todoist and TickTick are much better. As far as free apps go, it’s leagues ahead of Google Tasks, with more features and a cleaner interface. But it’s just a little less polished than many of its competitors, and certain functions were only available on either the mobile or the desktop app, not both.

A productivity TikTok darling, Motion offers everything you could want on paper, but the actual user experience was a classic case of over-promising and under-delivering. This app’s main appeal is its AI auto-scheduler. It’s great when it works, but most of the time we found it was simply clunky and complicated to use. The subscription is also way too expensive for what you get—yes, it’s cheaper than hiring a personal assistant, but the onboarding process is just as time-consuming.

Notion is a good choice if you want a customizable app that allows you to start from scratch and fully make it your own, but it’s very barebones. The AI assistant ( $8 per month after a free trial) and a trove of downloadable templates can help you spend less time fumbling around in the app, but it’s annoying that they’re more or less required to compensate for the base app’s lack of features and poor navigation.

Jordan McMahon contributed reporting. This article was edited by Ben Keough and Erica Ogg.

Meet your guide

a task list app

Kaitlin Mahar

Kaitlin Mahar is a staff writer for Wirecutter’s Deals team. Her byline has appeared in Delish, Esquire, and Town & Country. When she’s not hunting for deals and fiercely defending the Oxford comma, she’s a proud cat parent, an avid yogi, and a co-producer and co-host of the podcast Crime Culture . Please tell your pets and grandparents she says hi.

Further reading

A person holding a smart phone displaying a to-do list app screen

The Best App for Getting To-Dos Done

by Ganda Suthivarakom

In this week’s newsletter: TickTick is our new favorite to-do list app, but we also love Things 3 for Mac users.

A smartphone screen with the Duo app opened.

The Best Two-Factor Authentication App

by Thorin Klosowski

The best way to secure your online accounts is by using a two-factor authentication app. Duo Mobile is the best one for most people.

A mobile device with a meditation app opened, shown resting on a pillow next to a twin bell alarm clock.

The Best Meditation Apps

by Caira Blackwell

After testing 19 meditation apps, we think Headspace best serves most people seeking a convenient way to practice mindfulness.

A stone arch in a national park, with the rising sun and more stone formations showing through from behind.

I Visited 14 National Parks In One Year. Here Are the Apps I Used to Plan and Pull Off Those Trips.

by Elissa Sanci

To explore national parks across the country successfully, I relied on these trusted apps to plan out every last detail.

Microsoft To Do: Lists, Tasks & Reminders

Microsoft To Do: Lists, Tasks & Reminders

Got something on your mind get microsoft to do. whether you want to increase your productivity, decrease your stress levels, or just free up some mental space, microsoft to do makes it easy to plan your day and manage your life. with microsoft to do, you can: • stay focused with my day, a personalized daily planner with suggested tasks • get your lists anywhere, on any device • share lists and assign tasks with your friends, family, colleagues, and classmates • personalize your lists with bold and colorful backgrounds • set one-time or recurring due dates and reminders • break your tasks into manageable steps • add notes to any task • attach files up to 25 mb to any task • sync your tasks between outlook and to do • group your lists together by topic or project whether it's for work, school, or home, to do helps you organize and simplify your plans. to do is free and available on all your devices. learn more: https://to-do.microsoft.com follow us on twitter: @microsofttodo need support https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/linkid=2189703 by installing microsoft to do, you agree to the microsoft terms of use: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/linkid=842575, 3/17/2016 5:45:06 pm, https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/linkid=842576.

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ZDNET's recommendations are based on many hours of testing, research, and comparison shopping. We gather data from the best available sources, including vendor and retailer listings as well as other relevant and independent reviews sites. And we pore over customer reviews to find out what matters to real people who already own and use the products and services we’re assessing.

When you click through from our site to a retailer and buy a product or service, we may earn affiliate commissions. This helps support our work, but does not affect what we cover or how, and it does not affect the price you pay. Neither ZDNET nor the author are compensated for these independent reviews. Indeed, we follow strict guidelines that ensure our editorial content is never influenced by advertisers.

ZDNET's editorial team writes on behalf of you, our reader. Our goal is to deliver the most accurate information and the most knowledgeable advice possible in order to help you make smarter buying decisions on tech gear and a wide array of products and services. Our editors thoroughly review and fact-check every article to ensure that our content meets the highest standards. If we have made an error or published misleading information, we will correct or clarify the article. If you see inaccuracies in our content, please report the mistake via this form .

The 6 best to-do list apps: Get organized


As a self-professed neat freak at work, this extends to my task management. So, there is nothing I love more than a great to-do app that will help me organize the many projects - both professional and personal -- that I have going on at any one time.

There have been many different to-do lists and apps throughout the years, but each year, it seems like there is a rush of new apps vying for the title of best to-do app. We took our time, carefully analyzing and testing the market's top choices to help you find the best to-do lists and apps to organize your life, however, and whenever you need them.

Best to-do list app overall

Features:  Free or premium plans | Syncs across multiple devices | Tasks, lists, and reminders

Any.do is an award-winning app that works with tasks, lists, and smart reminders to keep you organized in just one app. It uses both single and recurring reminders but more impressively, there is also the option for location-based reminders so you never forget a thing. If you are making your grocery list for the week, Any.do will automatically sort it, sharing it with friends and family and importing all of your favorite online recipes. The smart assistant is an invaluable resource to help with whatever task management you need to handle. 

Any.do syncs across multiple devices, including your smartphone, laptop, desktop, tablet, or smartwatch. You can customize it with beautiful themes when you upgrade to the premium plan. 

Any.do membership plans:


  • No set-up fee
  • Free plan available
  • Easy handoff to devices
  • No sub-tasks
  • Premium can be costly
  • No desktop version

Best for teams

Features: Free or paid plans | Work Graph data model | Over 100 app integrations

Asana is an excellent addition to teams, offering the ability to create tasks and assign them to team members. There is a list feature that makes it easy to see your to-do list for the day with Asana's exclusive Work Graph data model that allows teams to stay on track with projects and meet their deadlines. A mapping feature allows you to plan out each project in detail with an individual timeline that keeps your specific tasks on track and completed on time. You can also use the Automation feature that will instantly manage workflows and minimize the amount of time you spend on tedious details, and there is a built-in Forms option that will automatically sync with your database. Even better, there are over 100 integrations to simplify your life.

This app provides data in real time, so you can immediately see when updates are made, and tasks are reassigned. It is especially helpful if you are working on a deadline-driven project that has many different team members involved. 

Asana membership plans

  • Made for large groups
  • 100+ integrations
  • It may not best be suited for individuals
  • It may be overwhelming to new users
  • Can only assign tasks to single users

Best for motivation

Features: Free or paid plans with in-app purchases | Goal-tracking | Earn points and rewards when you meet your goals

Over four million people use Habitica to manage their to-do lists and tasks. This app manages to combine a working to-do list with actual habit- and goal-tracking through Habits, Dailies, and To Do's disguised as monsters. To earn points, you have to complete your tasks. When you fail to meet your goals, you fall behind in the game. It is designed to help with habit-building and boost productivity by allowing you to create and track daily habits that you want to achieve. You can choose a custom avatar and set up specific habits you want to create. If you fail to make your goals, there is a punishment feature. It also integrates a to-do list feature that helps keep you on track with everything you need to do. 

When you need a break from it all, you can join other Habiticans in a battle to fight off monsters and earn rewards with in-game purchases. 

Habitica membership plans:

  • Advanced tracking abilities
  • A fun way to conquer your to-do list
  • Have to subscribe for premium options
  • In-app purchases required for in-app purchases
  • Basic tracking for to-do lists

Microsoft To Do

Best for microsoft users.

Features: Microsoft paid subscription required | Works with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint | Desktop and mobile versions

If you are a Microsoft user, Microsoft To Do could be the perfect tool to help you manage your to-do list. It seamlessly integrates with your Microsoft subscription, working with critical software and apps like Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. You also have the option to create tasks directly from Outlook, helping you manage your emails that much more smoothly. You can use unique steps to track tasks and assign due dates with custom reminders, so you do not fall behind. The My Day feature helps with daily items, while the weekly view helps you plan for the days ahead.

There is a desktop to-do list app, as well as a mobile version, to help you streamline your tasks and organize your day that much easier. 

Microsoft To Do membership plans:

  • Both home and business plans
  • Smart suggestions
  • Integrates with Microsoft 365
  • Not ideal if you don't use Microsoft
  • Microsoft subscription required
  • Limited features

Remember the Milk

Best design.

Features: Free or paid plans | Set up custom alerts | Integrations with many devices and systems

With Remember the Milk, you can skip the handwritten reminders and instead use a to-do list app that is built for instant reminders. That way, you do not forget important details - like remembering the milk. The Smart Add feature skips the monotony of data entry and allows you to quickly and efficiently add tasks to your to-do list, so you don't fall behind on the day's business. You can set up reminders in case an alert comes at an inconvenient time. Remember the Milk also integrates with multiple devices and systems, including iOS, Android, and BlackBerry. You can also set up custom alerts via text message, email, or even Twitter. 

A free plan offers your basic functionality, but you can upgrade to the paid plan for a monthly fee.

Remember the Milk membership plans:

  • Streamlined and clean interface
  • Simple to use
  • Multiple integrations
  • It can be confusing at first with tons of integrations 
  • Some lags with the mobile app

Best for productivity

Features: Free and paid plans | Different views | Productivity metrics

Trello boasts some pretty impressive user stats, with over one million teams using the platform across the world, including Google, Fender, and Costco Wholesale. Create a Trello board to get started and add projects with unique individual tasks through lists and cards. Each card can have its own conversations, attachments, and task details, plus there is the ability to assign tasks to others. You can choose from several outlooks: Timeline view to manage your projects in a single glance, Calendar to better manage your time, and a table view so you can work between projects with ease. Trello also provides exclusive productivity metrics available on your Dashboard, which displays stats quickly and easily. 

When you are working within a team, Trello is uniquely qualified to help with group-based features that also encourage individual accountability. 

Trello membership plans:

  • Team-based features
  • Multiple outlooks
  • The paid plan required for advanced features
  • Best suited toward teams
  • It can be too detailed for some users

What is the best to-do list app?

Our pick is any.do, but one size doesn't fit all.

The best to-do list app is one that organizes your tasks while also streamlining tasks and improving communication amongst teams. Our list of the best to-do lists and apps is a fantastic place to begin your search.

Which is the right one for you?

It can be overwhelming to determine which to-do app is the right one for you -- especially when you are overloaded with work and simply do not have the time to take on another task. To help you find the best to-do app for you, consider our expert recommendations.

How did we choose these to-do list apps?

To find the best to-do lists and apps, our editorial team of experts considered the following:

  • Price: While some apps are free, others may carry a one-time or regular subscription fee that can eat into your profits. 
  • Functionality: We consider the specific organizational features that each to-do list app offers, like lists, conservations, and attachments.
  • Reminders: Part of an efficient to-do app is one that helps you keep your deadlines while maintaining your timelines for you and offering regular reminders to keep you on task.

Before you choose the best to-do list app for you, be sure to compare multiple options to see which features are best suited to your needs. 

What is a to-do list app?

A to-do list app is one that helps you organize your workflow with specific tasks, checklists, or any other organizational method that can help you complete your projects correctly and on time. 

Why do I need a to-do list app?

A to-do list app helps you monitor each task's detailed workings. In addition to its organizational benefits, it can also help coordinate projects across different teams with abilities like note-taking, comments, and attachments. 

Does Apple have a to-do list app?

Yes. Apple has  Reminders , but it's exclusive to iPhones, iPads, iPod Touches, Apple Watches, Mac computers, and iCloud.com. It's also not as feature-rich as some of the other to-do list apps in this comparison guide.

Are there alternative to-do list apps worth considering?

In looking for the best to-do lists and apps, three were several programs we also considered. These are some of the apps that almost made our list:

Easynote: An affordable alternative

Microsoft 365: cloud-based task management, omnifocus: great for apple users, todoist: an ai-based app, ticktick: excellent time-tracking.

To begin using your to-do list, all you need is the right device. Be sure to check out our top picks for 2023's  best computers , best laptops , and  best gaming PCs to meet all of your needs! 

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Best todo list app of 2024

Organize your schedule

Best overall

Best for features, best for focus, best for apple, best for fun, best for google, best for compatibility, best for ease-of-use, best paid-only, best simple.

  • How we test

We list the best todo list apps, to make it simple and easy to manage and organize your schedule more effectively and efficiently.

Person drawing up plans for his business

1. Best overall 2. Best for features 3. Best for focus 4. Best for Apple 5. Best for fun 6. Best for Google 7. Best for compatibility 8. Best for ease-of-use 9. Best paid-only 10. Best simple 11. Best basic 12. FAQs 13. How we test

There is no shortage of software tools for tackling individual tasks, from cloud office suites to project management tools , and the right solution for you may be something totally different to your colleague, so understanding what makes each app different is important, especially if you’re paying for the service. 

Sometimes it can be difficult to juggle all of the different tasks on your todo list, especially when you are multitasking with the challenges around juggling multiple clients, deadlines, and priorities - all simultaneously. If you have more than one job, or you volunteer elsewhere or are part of a committee, having software that can compartmentalize each of your roles, plus your personal life, is crucial.

Additionally, sometimes other software tools may be great for focusing on a single particular task, but just really are not the best tools for working through a general overview. 

Thankfully, these difficulties can be easily overcome, as there are a number of software packages available that are dedicated toward task management, making it a snap to organize your workload and workflows. 

The result is the improved ability to manage complex tasks, especially for individual projects with multiple needs and requirements, as well as for dealing with multiple projects that each have their own demands. And for teams, there are even software tools available that will allow you to work collaboratively .

Here we'll therefore delve into the best task management apps and software, to help make it easier to both organize as well as manage your business needs. Below we'll list the best todo list apps currently available.

Also take a look at the best small business apps .

The best todo list apps of 2024 in full:

Why you can trust TechRadar We spend hours testing every product or service we review, so you can be sure you’re buying the best. Find out more about how we test.

Todoist website screenshot

Our expert review:

Reasons to buy

Reasons to avoid.

Planning your days or weeks ahead is an advisable thing to do, and the Todoist app can help you with that. It’s plenty easy to sign up, and use the app to set rigid schedules you can follow. There’s a free tier every user can test before deciding to upgrade or not. The paid packages do cost more and may discourage prospective users that only need this for more casual use. 

The Todoist app is unique such that it manages to compress many features into a minimal interface. Ever opened a box with another box inside that contains yet another box? That’s how it feels using the Todoist app. You keep discovering new features as you navigate to various segments of the app. 

The Free tier, yes it is actually free and not just a trial, shows right away how this works for occasional use, but not a demanding, professional use case scenario. That’s because it is limited to only 5 active projects, with 5 collaborators per project, and a 1 week activity history. Also, the file uploads are a small 5 MB only, with somewhat essential features left out such as reminders, themes, automatic backups, and a shared team inbox, which get reserved for the paid tiers. Yes, this Free version does really show that you get what you pay for.

Alternatively, then there is a Pro tier, that is either $5 monthly, or $4 monthly when paid annually. It also increases the upload size to 100 MB, with up to 300 active projects, with a limit of 25 collaborators for each project, all significant steps up from the lower tier, making it a solid choice for SMBs who can get away with software that’s designed primarily to serve personal users, which will inevitably be much cheaper for them.

We consider Todoist one of the best apps you can use to plan your personal and work schedules. The app has a lot of task management features, and its user interface is nothing short of stellar, combining a simple interface that retains ease of use. However, the app’s drawbacks include being relatively expensive and having limited collaboration features compared to competitors.  

Read our full Todoist review .

  • ^ Back to the top

TickTick website screenshot

2. TickTick

If you’re looking for a to-do list app that’s easy to use and has many features, TickTick is an ideal choice. The app helps you to organize your schedule meticulously, with the goal of increasing productivity. It has wide cross platform compatibility for Windows, macOS, and Linux, as well as iOS and Android. There’s even a watchOS app for keeping track of your lists from your wrist, which is easy to do with watch face complications.

We also commend that it can be used on any web browser, with extensions for popular browsers like Chrome and Firefox , and add ons for Outlook and Gmail ; few other apps offer so much accessibility. The main drawback of the platform is its weak customer service.

There’s a free version of TickTick that anyone can sign up for. This version provides access to the basic functionalities, but also adds in neat features like voice input, the ability to turn emails into tasks, options for recurring tasks, and location-based reminders. There is also an emphasis on collaboration, with the ability to share a list, or to assign a task to a specific teammate.

To make the TickTick app enjoyable, there is the option to upgrade to the Premium plan. We previously complained about the subscription which required an annual commitment, and while it wasn’t all that expensive, it might not have suited the needs of some customers. Fortunately, TickTick now offers monthly subscriptions, too, so you can budget a little bit better. For the cost of membership, features are added such as the ability to have start and end dates for projects on the calendar, customizable filters, and the ability to access previous changes on task and project lists.

Customer support, even on the Premium tier is another miss. We could not find a phone number, or support portal to initiate contact. We did find an email, but there were no hours of operation indicated, or an expected turnaround time. There is a help area, with a search bar, but even with the content is thin with the “Getting Started” area composed of just a handful of articles, for example “Create a recurring task in TickTick.” We’ll leave it at that: TickTick’s competition does this better.

Though it has its drawbacks, TickTick is a good app for planning your tasks and schedules. 

Read our full TickTick review .

Microsoft To Do website screenshot

3. Microsoft To Do

If you need a free app to help you with task management, To Do is a great choice. You can access it from the web-based interface or through the desktop or mobile app, including Android, iOS and not surprisingly Windows, making it simple to use on the popular platforms. Keep in mind though that this app doesn’t offer quite as many task management features as you’ll see in various competitors. 

The primary advantage the To Do app has over its rivals is that it’s totally free. You’re not paying a dime to use the app, so take it as the gift that it is from Microsoft . The company makes enough money from licensing software and selling hardware and, therefore, can afford to give a lot of software away for free, which in turn might entice customers to sign up for other subscriptions like the Microsoft 365 suite of office apps. With that in mind, there is no limited free tier and expensive paid plan - everything you get is available on the one single, free, account.

There is plenty to like about the Microsoft To Do app, and it starts with that most users might already have a Microsoft account, and you can use those same credentials to start using this, without even having to setup a new account which is quite convenient. We also like the cross platform approach between the Windows desktop app, and the smartphone app for users that work across both of those platforms, which is common in the business world. Finally, there are useful touches, like the ability to break down a task into individual steps, each of which can add a due date and a reminder to keep a more complex project on track.

If you need a simple task management app you don’t need to pay for then To Do is a perfect choice. But, you won’t enjoy as many features as you’ll get in a full-fledged task management app. It doesn’t have suitable features for the more complex enterprise task management and team collaboration, but we think To Do is plenty good for managing personal schedules. 

Read our full Microsoft To Do review .

OmniFocus website screenshot

4. OmniFocus

A sophisticated task management app, OmniFocus is professionally focused, and part of the larger Omni ecosystem of apps including OmniPlan, which is professional project management. The whole catalog of apps is clearly designed with businesses in mind and packed full of some powerful tools, which can make it a bit daunting for basic users, but an exciting proposition for organization freaks and business users. It has many features that its competitors lack, making it one of the best-in-class to-do list apps. It’s also very easy to use, with a stellar user interface you’ll likely appreciate. 

You can get a significant price discounts if you subscribe annually, rather than monthly for a 16% savings. You can also take advantage of the app’s 14-day free trial period to test it before making your final purchase decision. We also like the option for a traditional one-time payment to simply purchase the software for the macOS 11 or newer, with a choice of two tiers as well. While the lower tier includes standard features like an inbox, and free, encrypted syncing, users gain additional features from the upper tier software version that adds a custom homescreen, a forecast tag, and custom perspectives.

If you want an advanced task management app, then OmniFocus is an ideal choice. The app offers a broad suite of task management features you’ll rarely find elsewhere. 

The main drawback is that it’s limited to the Apple ecosystem, although now it also has a web version as a workaround for non-Apple users. It’ll be great if the app’s developer, Omni Group, released Android and Windows versions, but the company has made it clear that it isn’t doing that for the time being.  

Read our full OmniFocus review .

Habitica website screenshot

5. Habitica

Most task management apps feel pretty bland and boring, but not Habitica. The task management app is unique such that it takes the form of a role-playing game to help keep users motivated, which instantly limits it to a niche area of the market.

This allows the app to differentiate itself by making task management an interactive process. It’s a tool that gives great utility and fun to the user. We are talking about gaining rewards as tasks get completed, which then unlocks things like special armor, and mysterious pets.

Also unlike most task management apps, Habitica is open-source, meaning any developer can contribute to it. This open-source model makes the app very customizable and able to offer more extensive features than other task management tools. It is available for both the iOS and Android platforms, though there’s no desktop version available.

Habitica is the perfect task management app for people who love games. The gamified interface makes managing your tasks fun, with virtual rewards for completing them and penalties for not doing so. But, it’s not suitable for people who aren’t much into games and prefer a more formal structure. We think the app best serves the younger demographic, and it’s likely not a very worthy option for most businesses though there are a select few that are willing to think outside of the box.

Read our full Habitica review.

Google Tasks website screenshot

6. Google Tasks

If you’re in need of a simple task management app, Google Tasks makes a great choice. It’s completely free for any person with a Google account, which represents the majority of active internet users including anyone who’s already using Google Drive, YouTube , or has set up an account with their Android device. The interface is easy to navigate and the platform integrates well with other Google apps. But, we observed some drawbacks, such as having no collaborative features, rendering it best for personal users.

You can use Google Tasks as a standalone app or as an extra feature on some Google services, such as Gmail and Google Calendar . The multiple modes of accessibility make Google Tasks convenient to use. It is available for both Android and the iOS platforms, along with a Chrome browser extension for use on other devices. There isn’t actually a web version, but with Chrome being available to download on virtually every device, the extension is within reach for the vast majority.

If you’re after simplicity, Google Tasks is a suitable task management app. If you’re in need of sophisticated task management features, such as advanced project management, with in app collaboration, then you should focus on other apps. We think Google Tasks is best for personal use.   

Given the company’s commitment to its Workspace online office software, and growing interest in online collaboration tools following the pandemic and rise in remote working, we’re surprised that Google hasn’t adapted sooner and offered a more holistic to-do list app.

Any.do website screenshot

Any.do helps you set and adhere to your schedule devoutly. It has extensive compatibility, with dedicated apps for iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS. The app is also easy to use making it a great choice for managing and organizing your tasks. Because it’s available in a number of languages, if might be a good opportunity for larger businesses with multiple locations to cater to the needs of workers across the globe. It’s also a strong choice for countries that have more than one commonly spoken language.

Using Any.do is pretty straightforward. The platform has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to go back and forth between different features. But, there’s a steep learning curve if you want to use the app’s advanced features. For example, managing multiple integrations with third-party apps on Any.do can be challenging. 

If you want an effective task management app for personal or workplace use, then Any.do is an excellent choice. It’s easy to use, multi-lingual and fosters collaboration. Though, there are some disadvantages to the app, such as its weak customer support. Overall, we like the entry level free tier, and the choice of two paid tiers above that.  

Beyond the to-do list area that Any.do covers, it lends itself well to organizational project management , calendar and scheduling, reminders, and a few other things, so it really does aim to be a central platform for a number of business operations.

Read our full Any.do review .

Remember the Milk website screenshot

8. Remember the Milk

Remember the Milk is an effective to-do list and task management app. It’s easy to use and performs its job very well.

Like most task management apps, Remember the Milk has a free version anyone can sign up for. But, this version has restrictions compared to the app’s premium version, which you have to pay for. The free version is ideal if you desire a simple to-do list app without advanced task management features, such as only getting a text as a reminder, and not in app reminders of the task. The free tier is also suitable for testing the app’s interface before deciding if you’ll upgrade to the premium plan, as there is no free trial. You’ll also have to fork out an annual fee, there’s no smaller monthly payments available, nor a one-off purchase fee.

Navigating through Remember the Milk is very easy with its clean interface. As a new user, the app even provides tutorials to get you familiar with its ins and outs. You can use it through the web interface or download the iOS or Android mobile app.  

Having a task management platform like Remember the Milk can go a long way in improving your productivity. The app has the ideal features to help you organize and manage your schedule. It’s easy to use and priced reasonably considering the features it provides. The primary drawback we observed is its customer support, which we think needs some improvement. 

Read our full Remember the Milk review .

Things 3 website screenshot

9. Things 3

If you want a practical task management app uniquely built for Apple users, Things 3 is a smart choice. The app is well-designed and has appropriate features to help you manage and organize your tasks.

A shortcoming is that the Things 3 app is strictly paid, with no free version. That said, the app requires a one-time purchase, which makes it a paid app, and in a way is one of its main advantages because you won’t have to commit to spending a regular amount forever more. Think about it and realize that most competing to-do list apps require recurring monthly or annual subscriptions that rack up more expenses in the long run, compared to a one-time cost. However, you’ll have to pay a separate fee if you want to download it from the macOS App Store, the iPadOS App Store, or the joint iOS and watchOS App Stores. Even so, paying all three fees will likely be about the same as some other apps over the course of a year.

The Things 3 app is a stellar task management tool for people who use Apple devices. It has a sleek user interface, making it easy and exciting to use. The one-time purchase is beneficial; just pay once and forget about it. But, we think it’d be better if the Things 3 app was available on other platforms outside the Apple ecosystem, such as Android, or at least had a web-based interface. 

Read our full Things 3 review .

Toodledo website screenshot

10. Toodledo

If you want a to-do list that performs its primary function very well, Toodledo is a great choice. But, it lacks the manner of complementary task management features that you’ll find in many competing apps.

You can access Toodledo through the web-based interface or mobile app. The mobile apps are readily available to download on iOS and Android, but there’s no native desktop app, but there are third-party desktop clients that you can use as a workaround.

For unclear reasons, Toodledo has a very outdated user interface in an area of the market that has otherwise managed to adapt pretty quickly with new, minimalist approaches. It retains a classic look that’s not common with most modern apps. That doesn’t make the app bad, but it is something worth pointing out.

After testing Toodledo, we can confidently say that it’s a decent to-do list app. It’s simple to use and affordable relative to the competition. The main drawbacks we observed include its outdated user interface and the limited collaborative features. We did not find pricing info, but while the smartphone app is free, it has in app purchases. It also looks to have been a while since the company last updated the app, which could present security risks and other unwelcome bugs.

Read our full Toodledo review .

WorkFlowy website screenshot

11. WorkFlowy

For people seeking a basic to-do list app, WorkFlowy is a smart choice. The app’s interface is minimal to a fault, which makes it very simple and easy to use.

You can access WorkFlowy through the web-based interface or through the native apps for desktops (Windows, macOS, and Linux) or smartphones (iOS or Android). WorkFlowy is one of the few to-do list apps we’ve reviewed that has a native app for the Linux operating system , which is commendable.

The WorkFlowy app performs its primary function of creating and managing to-do lists excellently. The user interface is very easy to understand and makes the app enjoyable for users. The nested-list feature makes planning your workflow exciting, or at least during our product testing. 

But, we observed some noteworthy drawbacks when testing the app, including being relatively expensive and having no offline access. We also find it frustrating that the pricing is not available on the website, and quite opaque.  

Read our full WorkFlowy review .

Other todo list apps to consider

While our long list has featured no fewer than eleven platforms for to-do list apps, there are still plenty of other options to consider. This is because different software will do things differently, and you need to find the one that does this just oh so right for your team. Below we'll suggest some alternatives to the ones above, to see if they can help you manage your todo lists better:

We've only featured a handful of other platforms for todo list apps, but there are plenty of other options to consider. This is not least because different software will do things differently and you need to find the one that does this right for your team. Below we'll suggest some alternatives to the ones above, to see if they can help you manage your todo lists better:

Slack  is probably the first to add to this list. Built primarily as a collaboration hub for work, Slack works quite well as a general communication platform. A particular advantage is that as a web app it's accessible from any device regardless of operating system, and it's especially geared to use on mobile platforms. This means if organizing your team and improving the process to bringing them together better, can help you get the job done better, then Slack is a definite contender. 

Asana  is another platform that aims to bring all workflows together in a simple and easy manner for getting tasks done. This is helped by the really simple and easy to use GUI which makes it easy to see what needs doing and organize it. As a work management platform it works very well with teams, and allows for the easy scheduling of goals and projects.

Basecamp  aims to go even further than that, providing a range of additional tools such as communications, task schedules, documents & file storage. The aim is to keep everything not just in one place but streamlined as well. By highlighting due dates, upcoming deadlines are easier to find and manage, ensuring that multiple projects are completed on time. 

Samepage  is another good option to consider if you're looking at collaboration to improve efficiency and task management. Centralizing communications in one place, it aims to bring all chat, comments, and coworkers together into manageable teams for whatever projects you need to handle. You can also invite guests into the discussions, as well have walled private areas.

Apple Reminders has come a long way since its inception when it was primarily a place to list things to do. More recently, Apple has added plenty of new features so that its capable of location and time-based reminders, attachments and URLs, flagging and priority marking, subcategories, and even collaboration. Naturally, the drawback is that it’s only available for Apple users, but given that much of the world’s population owns an iPhone or iPad and many businesses prefer to issue Macs, its reach is pretty extensive. Oh, and it’s free and already installed on Apple hardware.

To do list app FAQs

Which to do list app is best for you.

When deciding which to do list apps to download and use, first consider what your actual needs are, as sometimes free platforms may only provide the more basic options. If you have a need for more advanced tools, you may find that a paid platform is worth the cost as gains in team efficiency are made, and this is especially true if you need it for collaboration. Additionally, free and budget software options can sometimes prove limited when it comes to the variety of tools available, while higher-end software can really cater for every need. Therefore, ensure that you have a good idea of which features you think you may require prior to shopping for your to do service.

Should I pay for a to-do list app?

Sometimes, regardless of your chosen provider you’ll find yourself having to pay for the best experience and features. That’s not necessarily the case with to-do list apps, because you can often get a good piece of software for free. Most business models these days have converted to freemium subscriptions, where paid plans supplement a more basic free tier. Their free tiers are usually more limited, to make you want to upgrade, but if you can find an entirely free version or one that only requires a one-time payment, you can reduce long-term costs. 

How do to-do list apps compare to other software?

Carefully consider what you need out of your to-do list app before committing to paying. Sometimes, your smaryphone’s built-in reminders app may just do the trick. In other cases, your business may already be paying for other, similar software that already has to-do list features, such as the best project management software. In which case, you won’t need to buy additional software.

What are the best to-do list apps for collaboration?

The best apps that enable collaboration will let you share your lists with family, friends, and colleagues, allowing you all to view the same list and tick off work simultaneously. This way, you can assign certain tasks to certain people. Make sure that the app you choose has support for a number of different operating systems - a web portal can often be a handy way of broadening an app’s access. Even though you work entirely from Apple hardware, a colleague may prefer to use other devices, so be prepared and plan ahead. 

How we tested the best to do list apps

To test for the best to do list apps we first set up an account with the relevant software platform, whether as a download or as an online service. We then tested the service to see how the software could be used for different purposes and in different situations. The aim was to push each software platform to see how useful its basic tools were and also how easy it was to get working any with any more advanced tools. As ever, value for money played an important role in assessing an app's worthiness.

Read how we test, rate, and review products on TechRadar .  

We've also featured the best small business app.

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a task list app

Best to-do apps for Android 2024

Keep on top of your tasks with the help of your phone.

Google Tasks on an Android phone

2. Google Keep

3. ticktick, microsoft to do.

Tasks.org: to-do list & tasks

Google Tasks

We all have busy lives. When you're trying to remember to hit the gym, grab that present for your coworker, and still make it to the doctor, keeping track of everything is sometimes easier said than done. But the best part about having the best Android phones is that you can take advantage of various to-do apps. From tons of features to a pared-down UI, there is something here for everyone. So these are our picks for the best to-do apps for Android!

What are the best to-do apps for Android?

Why you can trust Android Central Our expert reviewers spend hours testing and comparing products and services so you can choose the best for you. Find out more about how we test .

Without a doubt, and even with its subscription model, Todoist is the best of the best when it comes to finding the best to-do apps for Android. It's available on every platform you can think of and easily can integrate into Google Chrome or Gmail with its Chrome extensions. Plus, you can make the app as robust or simple as you want or turn it into a kanban board if that's your kind of thing.

Google Keep may have started as nothing more than a unique note-taking application, but it has evolved into so much more over the years. Use it for notes or lists, then head back in and search for something specific if it comes back up later. You can even group-specific notes with labels or use location-based reminders so you won't forget to grab the milk.

TickTick is another of the best to-do apps for Android due to the various features that the developers continue to integrate. Using TickTick is as simple or complex as you want it to be, but you also get additional tools like the ability to use it as a habit tracker, or you can throw on the Pomodoro Timer to try and focus for a bit.

Whether you need to create a basic shopping list or plan out a much larger project, Todoist can do it all. The app is available on all of your devices, including Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and there's even a Chrome extension. The developers have also made integration with other services a breeze, so you can use Slack, Alexa, Google Calendar, and more.

Perhaps the most exciting aspect is the "Natural Language Parsing," which means that Todoist will understand what you're typing. There's no need for you to try and word or phrase things in a specific way. So just type "take the trash out tomorrow at 7 p.m.," and the task will do the rest.

Todoist's free plan gives you the ability to have up to 80 different projects, recurring due dates, and integrations. However, if you want access to reminders, comments, project templates, and more, you'll need to upgrade to Todoist Premium. Pricing for Premium starts at either $4 per month or $36 per year, regardless of your device.


Todoist is not just for those on Android. It's for anyone that needs a task manager across multiple platforms. Additional features include natural language parsing, offline mode, and integrations with Slack, Google services, and more

Download from: <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.todoist" data-link-merchant="play.google.com""> Google Play Store

Google Keep

Google Keep works great when you just need to get ideas out of your head and onto paper. You can create various boards, use labels for organizational purposes, and use Google Assistant to dictate what needs to be done. Plus, you can even use Keep as a bookmark saver of sorts, allowing you to share images, links, and more.

Being able to have your notes and tasks all in one place is extremely useful and helpful. As one would expect, you'll be able to set time and place reminders, along with checking off tasks as you knock them out. You can even color-code your tasks and notes to find what you're looking for with a glance.

Perhaps one of the best parts about Keep is the pricing — there is none. Google has made the app completely free, removing the need for another subscription to be added to your bills every month. Just use the app, get your work done, and save those ideas for future projects.

Google Keep

Google Keep

Google Keep is primarily a note-keeping app, but it does have pretty awesome to-do features baked in. It should be no surprise that it's well-designed and easy to use since it is Google's own product. This also means that you may have it installed on your phone already.

Download from: <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.keep" data-link-merchant="play.google.com""> Google Play Store

TickTick interface

In previous years, TickTick was further down the list simply because of certain design choices and the lack of some features. However, the developers have been hard at work turning TickTick into one of the most robust productivity tools at your disposal.

Along with keeping track of your projects and upcoming tasks, TickTick also works as one of the best Habit apps for Android . That's thanks to the built-in habit tracker that can be easily accessed via the bottom toolbar.

Plus, TickTick includes a Pomodoro Timer for those who want to try something new to keep themselves productive while taking a break when you can. The Pomodoro Timer is easily customizable, so you can put your head down, knock out a project, but take some well-deserved breaks in the process.


It can be difficult to find a task manager that is simple but can also be robust. TickTick checks the boxes by making it easy to organize your lists to be as simple or as complex as needed. There is also "Smart Date Parsing," a built-in Pomodoro timer, and habit-tracking capabilities.

Download from: <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ticktick.task" data-link-merchant="play.google.com""> Google Play Store

There are plenty of great to-do apps to choose from

Though they didn't quite make it into our top three, here are some other excellent to-do apps for you to try out.

After the acquisition of Wunderlist, productivity nerds everywhere had high hopes for Microsoft To Do. And for a while, it seemed that the Microsoft team was picking up right where Wunderlist had left off. However, since then, we are still missing some key features such as natural language parsing and fully-fledged calendar syncing.

To Do is still a great app, but it's better utilized by those who rely on other Microsoft products and services. Some great inclusions for To Do are the ability to attach files to your tasks, easily share lists with whoever you need to, along with My Day. My Day is a personalized daily planner with suggested tasks that should be completed, along with the ability to add tasks yourself manually.

Simplistic, yet familiar, task management&nbsp;

Simplistic, yet familiar, task management 

Not everyone needs a productivity app overflowing with tons of features. Sometimes you want something sweet and simple, and that's exactly what Microsoft To-Do delivers. You can easily add new items to your list and create multiple lists for separating today's errands from long-term goals.

Download from: <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.microsoft.todos" data-link-merchant="play.google.com""> Google Play Store

While it's awesome that Todoist has finally added the ability to use Boards for your projects, this is the key reason for an app like Trello. The app allows you to create multiple boards with customizable columns and the ability to take advantage of Power-Ups.

Power-Ups are another key reason to at least give Trello a shot, as these are practically extensions that can truly give you all the power you need. From integrating with services like Microsoft Teams and Slack to adding custom fields, these Power-Ups can prove to be quite invaluable.

Until earlier this year, Trello offered a premium plan for individual members, but that has since been removed. Instead, the company has recognized that many businesses use Trello for organization, hence the new "Business Class" subscription tier. This includes unlimited Power-Ups, along with unlimited Workspace boards and unlimited power-ups. It's disappointing to see this transition, but thankfully, other apps on this list have started using Kanban-style boards for task management.


Instead of making list after list and adding specific tasks only to get frustrated, Trello changes things up. This app works with boards and specific blocks customized to your needs. Trello also offers "Power-Ups" to improve the various cards found in your boards, such as custom field inputs.

Download from: <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.trello" data-link-merchant="play.google.com""> Google Play Store

Any.do interface

Any.do is one of those task management, or to-do apps, that has been around for years and years. The company has continued to push semi-regular updates, including a recent update to (finally) bring Dark Mode. But the enticing facet of Any.do is that you don't have to dive behind a subscription to take full advantage.

The app includes many features that you would expect to use without paying a dime. These include creating recurring tasks, sharing tasks or lists (like your groceries), and attaching files. Any.do may not be as robust as some of the other options here, but that's just fine, and it's still a great option.


Any.do is an app that aims to keep you organized through to-do lists and delivers a beautiful experience while doing just that. You can build multiple lists and customize each one with the tasks you need to complete. Any.do will also link up with your Google Calendar if you sign up using your Google Account, which means everything is in one place.

Download from: <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.anydo" data-link-merchant="play.google.com""> Google Play Store

Tasks.org interface

"Back in the day," you might remember a popular task management application known as Astrid. This was available as a multi-platform to-do app, offering some integration with Google Calendar . However, Astrid was acquired by Yahoo in May 2013 before the service was shut down for good just a couple of months later.

The reason we mention Astrid is that Tasks.org is an open-source to-do app for Android that uses the "source code from Astrid's open-source Android app." Of course, there have been many modifications made over the years, resulting in quite a robust task management app.

Like many of the other options on this list, Tasks.org can be downloaded for free, while offering some in-app purchases.  You can link your Google account and have Tasks.org sync with Google Tasks, but if you want to use synchronization with other platforms, you'll want to spring for the subscription. 

You can follow along with the development over on GitHub , or you can join the r/Tasks subreddit to ask questions and see what's in the pipeline.

Tasks.org: to-do list &amp; tasks

Download from: <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.tasks" data-link-merchant="play.google.com""> Google Play Store

Workflowy For Android Screenshots

When it comes to creating the best to-do list or task management system that works for you, sometimes it's best to start with nothing more than a list. Start with a list of all of your upcoming tasks and projects, and then you slowly, but surely, build the system out from there. That's where Workflowy comes in. The app may be missing some key features found in the other options on this list, but it's intended to be a more simplistic approach to handling your tasks.

You can create different lists and groups, all starting from a single list and building things out there from there. Workflowy offers support for tags and reminders, while also including up to 100MB file uploads before you would need to consider going "Pro." In addition to having an app on every platform, Workflowy tries to make things easy to organize and find thanks to features like Global Search and a recently-introduced Kanban style. This may not be the most conventional app out there, but it's definitely one you should try out.


Workflowy lets you create a system that is extremely complicated or extremely simple. There's a bit of a learning curve, as you won't find an elaborate way to mark off your completed tasks, but the app includes many of the features that you're likely in need of.

Download from: <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.workflowy.android" data-link-merchant="play.google.com""> Google Play Store

Google Tasks widget on an Android phone

We really want to love Google Tasks , but the truth is that Google has left it behind. If you live with a Gmail tab open in Chrome all day, then Tasks is just fine, but if you want to have a dedicated tab for Tasks, then you have to rely on something like TasksBoard or the Full Screen for Tasks Chrome extension.

But even then, the Tasks' integration with the rest of Google's services is what makes it an appealing option. It's not too dissimilar to how Keep works, as you can quickly add tasks from Gmail, or creating a task in Google Calendar automatically adds it to your Tasks list. While Keep is better in just about every other way, that's the point. Tasks is just for those who want to have a list of things that need to be completed, along with some subtasks and a due date. Anything more than that, and you're going to be disappointed in what Tasks actually offers.

Google Tasks

In 2018, Google revamped its task management application with the new Google Tasks. This app integrates with all of your Google services, making it easy to quickly add a task directly from an email. If you're a G Suite customer, Tasks is already available, and you can collaborate without downloading another app.

Download from: <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.tasks" data-link-merchant="play.google.com""> Google Play Store

Feature comparison chart

Obsidian Kanban View Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 Alt

It can be tough to know what app or service can handle everything you need. Therefore, we have compiled a chart for all of the top features for each app and whether these are capable of taking care of what you need or not. Some are available for free, while others require you to sign up for a Premium or Pro account.

Find the system that works for you

Google Docs Checklist Lifestyle Hero

There are plenty of apps out there that can help keep you on track with your to-do list. Not all of them are created equal, though, and this was a collection of the best to-do apps available on Android. Each one has its pros and cons, but there is an app out there for everyone.

You'll need a to-do app to be able to stand up to whatever you need it to, and there's no better option than Todoist. The app works across just about every device available and can be customized to be as simple or complex as you'll need. Plus, you can get a bit done with the free plan before needing to bump up to Todoist Premium.

If you don't care about third-party options and trust what Google is doing with its apps, then you can't miss out on Google Keep. As expected, there's Assistant integration, but there's so much more than that. Keep makes it easy to dump everything out of your head, including tasks, lists, general ideas, and much more. You can then keep those items organized by color or with labels so that you know where to find what you need at a moment's notice.

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Andrew Myrick

Andrew Myrick is a Senior Editor at Android Central. He enjoys everything to do with technology, including tablets, smartphones, and everything in between. Perhaps his favorite past-time is collecting different headphones, even if they all end up in the same drawer.

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a task list app

The 10 best to do list apps for Android

Hero image with the logos of the best to-do list apps for Android

To-do list apps aren't just about getting stuff done. Something deeper is happening. When I create a list of tasks, what I'm really looking for is a feeling of control, accomplishment, and momentum. To-do list apps need to provide that feeling in order to succeed.

Because the act of helping yourself get things done is so personal, there isn't a single Android to-do list app that's right for everyone. But there is a boatload of them to choose from on Google Play.

I investigated dozens of the most popular Android to-do list apps, conducted in-depth testing on 20+ of them, and whittled the list down to the 10 best I could find. Whether you're a power user or a beginner, read on for specific recommendations so you can find the to-do list app for Android that checks the right boxes for you.

The 10 best to-do list apps for Android

TickTick for productivity geeks

Microsoft To Do for the best free option

Any.do for collaboration

Google Keep for unorganized people

WaterDo for gamifying tasks

Memorigi for juggling multiple lists

Tasks for the best value

Singularity for building habits

Remember The Milk for power users

What makes the best Android to-do list app?

How we evaluate and test apps.

Our best apps roundups are written by humans who've spent much of their careers using, testing, and writing about software. Unless explicitly stated, we spend dozens of hours researching and testing apps, using each app as it's intended to be used and evaluating it against the criteria we set for the category. We're never paid for placement in our articles from any app or for links to any site—we value the trust readers put in us to offer authentic evaluations of the categories and apps we review. For more details on our process, read the full rundown of how we select apps to feature on the Zapier blog .

The best to-do list is the one you'll actually use. So any app that's worth your attention needs to pass a basic test first: is it as intuitive as a sticky note? If the app is too complicated, you might find yourself drifting back to writing your tasks on Post-it notes or in .txt files.

I ran dozens of apps through the "sticky note test." Many didn't make the list due to clunky or complex interfaces. Another key criterion was the ability to add tasks quickly and easily. If an app passed those two hurdles, I reviewed the app's full set of features, paying particular attention to features like reminders, due dates, and syncing between devices.

Based on my experience, the best Android to-do list apps have these five things in common:

Intuitive design . Productivity apps tend to try to pack in as many features as possible, which can lead to an overwhelming experience. But the best to-do list apps find the perfect balance: they're aesthetically pleasing, have a minimal learning curve, and keep you coming back with intuitive features.

Easy to quickly add tasks . Including this criterion might feel redundant, but you'd be surprised how many apps overengineer the process of adding tasks. Most leading to-do list apps now have a quick add feature, but some still make you wade through multiple steps to add tasks.

Reminders and due dates . The best Android to-do list apps make it easy to set due dates for your tasks. They also help you set custom reminders (including push notifications) for each task to help you stay on track. 

Robust task management options . While beginners can survive with just reminders and due dates, advanced users need features like recurring tasks, subtasks, lists, tags, and priorities.

Syncing between desktop and mobile . Navigating a small screen isn't always the most productive option, especially if you use your to-do list for work. A web-based version complete with cloud backup is essential for serious use.

The best Android to-do list apps at a glance

Best android to-do list app for everyday use.

Todoist, our pick for the best Android to-do list app for everyday use

Todoist pros: 

Customizable Quick Add task feature

Reschedule overdue tasks in one click

Calendar view gives you a bird's-eye view of tasks

Todoist cons: 

Reminders aren't included in the free version

Most apps on this list are either easy or complex. Todoist, by contrast, is layered: it can be as easy or complex as you need it to be. 

On a spectrum of beginner to advanced, my to-do list needs are firmly in the middle. I found it easy to add tasks in Todoist. I particularly appreciated the Quick Add feature, which has natural language recognition built in. When I wrote "weekly grocery shopping trip," for example, the app automatically created a weekly recurring event. You can also customize Quick Add to include only the task settings you typically need. More advanced features like subtasks, projects, priority levels, and filters are also a breeze to use. 

With nearly two decades of development behind it, Todoist has been refined over time with thoughtful features, like the ability to reschedule all overdue tasks with a single touch. Todoist's productivity tracker helps you stay on track over time, motivating you by visualizing your productivity streaks over time—and even maintaining your streaks while you're on vacation.

To get the most out of the app, integrate Todoist with Zapier . You can automatically create new Todoist tasks from Google Calendar events or from new items added to a Notion database. Discover the top ways to automate Todoist , or get started with one of these pre-made workflows:

Add new Google Calendar events to Todoist as tasks

Google Calendar logo

Create Todoist tasks from new items in Notion databases

Notion logo

Todoist pricing: Free, although reminders aren't available in the free version. Starting at $5/month, Todoist Pro unlocks reminders and additional projects. 

Best Android to-do list app for productivity geeks

TickTick, our pick for the best Android to-do list app for productivity geeks

TickTick pros: 

Productivity features like Eisenhower matrix and Pomodoro timer

Unique "won't do" button, for when the best action is no action

TickTick cons: 

User interface isn't quite as slick as some competitors

Productivity geeks, rejoice: TickTick has you covered. The app's integrated Pomodoro timer helps you manage the time you spend on a task, its white noise features keep you focused, and its Eisenhower matrix automatically sorts your tasks based on how urgent and important they are. Fans of the Getting Things Done methodology will appreciate the "won't do" button, a subtle encouragement to reflect on whether you really have to do the task at all—or whether it might be better to trash it instead.

While TickTick isn't quite as visually polished as Todoist, it has everything you expect from a productivity-focused to-do list app. And the free version is impressively full-featured: reminders, subtasks, and tags are included. You'll need to upgrade if you want a calendar view or most productivity features, though.

Connect TickTick to Zapier to integrate your workflows with other apps. Zapier can help you automatically convert new OneNote notes into TickTick tasks, for example, while Zapier's Google Chrome extension helps you add new tasks to TickTick directly from your web browser. Discover more popular ways to automate TickTick , or get started with one of these pre-made workflows:

Add new OneNote notes to TickTick

OneNote logo

Add a Task to TickTick

Zapier Chrome extension logo

TickTick pricing: Free. TickTick Premium, starting at $2.99/month, unlocks features like Pomodoro timers, white noise, and full calendar view.

Deciding between TickTick and Todoist? Read our showdown: TickTick vs. Todoist .

Best free Android to-do list app

  • Microsoft To Do

Microsoft To Do, our pick for the best totally free Android to-do list app

Microsoft To Do pros: 

Completely free 

Uncluttered design and intuitive features

Microsoft To Do cons:

Some features are limited unless you use other Microsoft products

Most apps do their best to nudge you to upgrade to a premium version. Microsoft To Do takes a different approach: it includes every feature for free in the hopes that the experience pulls you into the Microsoft ecosystem of products (or keeps you there).

Business strategy aside, it's an excellent app, and much more minimalist than I expected from a big corporation. The whole experience just makes sense: My Day takes tasks from all the different lists you have (Home, Work, etc.) and pulls them into a single list. Important pulls all your urgent tasks into one screen. Planned gives you a view of both today and upcoming days.

Microsoft To Do's big innovation is its Suggestions tab, which automatically proposes possible tasks by pulling from your linked Microsoft Outlook calendar and past to-do items. Although I haven't used my Outlook account in nearly a decade, the app managed to pull some old calendar items of mine from 2014 and suggest them as possible future to-do items. Thanks, Microsoft.

You can expand Microsoft To Do's capabilities by using Zapier to connect it with other apps, doing things like automatically converting your emails into tasks in Microsoft To Do. Discover more popular ways to automate Microsoft To Do , or get started with one of these pre-made workflows:

Create tasks in Microsoft To-Do from new Microsoft Outlook emails

Microsoft Outlook logo

Create Microsoft To-Do tasks from new labeled emails in Gmail [Business Gmail Accounts Only]

Gmail logo

Microsoft To Do pricing: Free

Best Android to-do list app for collaboration

Any.do, our pick for the best Android to-do list app for collaboration

Any.do pros: 

Beautifully-designed app

Robust collaboration features for teams

Any.do cons: 

Free version doesn't include recurring tasks or integrations

My "aha moment" with Any.do happened while creating a grocery list. Any.do suggested items for me—bread, eggs, coffee—that I actually needed. Then, it automatically sorted those items into categories (like Eggs & Dairy) to make the shopping experience easier in a grocery store.

Any.do takes this kind of user-first approach with all its features. For example, adding a reminder gives you one-click options for this evening, tomorrow, next week, or someday. I particularly liked Any.do's My Day feature, which is built to help you proactively work on important tasks rather than passively checking off items from a list.

It's also the most beautiful to-do app I've seen. The interface is clean and simple, and it's easy to hop between My Day and other task views that help you visualize your day, week, and longer periods of time. Any.do Teams, an upgraded version of the app, brings this same thoughtful design and UX to collaborative tasks, with features like project boards and customized workflows.

You can connect Zapier with Any.do to expand the possibilities of the app even further. For example, you can add new Trello cards as tasks on Any.do, or you can make your task management hands-free by creating Any.do tasks with voice messages in Google Assistant. Discover more popular ways to automate Any.do , or get started with one of these pre-made workflows:

Add new Trello cards as tasks on Any.do

Trello logo

Create Any.co tasks for new pushed voice messages in Google Assistant

Google Assistant (Legacy) logo

Any.do pricing: Free, although the free version doesn't include recurring tasks. Any.do's Premium plans start at $2.99/month and unlock recurring tasks, integrations, and team collaboration.

Best Android to-do list app for unorganized people

Google keep.

Google Keep, our pick for the best Android to-do list app for unorganized people

Google Keep pros: 

Unmatched flexibility and ease of use

Automatically syncs with Google Calendar

Google Keep cons: 

Has reminders and labels, but no other "to do" functionality

Fairly easy for tasks to get lost

What I love about Google Keep is the no-frills approachability the app has. Something's on your mind? Type it in and add a reminder to come back to it later. See something interesting? Take a photo of it and add it to Keep. Later, when you're on your computer, use the photo as a reminder to do the thing.

Important thing to note here: Google Tasks (not Google Keep) is Google's actual to-do list app. It's gorgeously designed and the learning curve is short. But once it's full of tasks, subtasks, and due dates, the experience starts to feel cluttered. Tasks has advantages—it's tightly integrated with Google Calendar, integrates with Zapier , and includes features like subtasks—but for casual task management, Google Keep is easier to use.

Google Keep is primarily designed as a notes app, but it has reminders, labels, basic collaboration, and a Google Calendar integration. That's enough for simple task management. My own Google Keep is a bit of a mess, but it's also the app I consistently come back to due to its ease of use: I use it for grocery lists, reminders to schedule doctor's appointments, packing checklists, and anything else that's on my mind.

A system like this isn't ideal for important business task management. Things occasionally fall through the cracks. But for personal use? For me, it's a no-brainer.

Google Keep pricing: Free

Best Android to-do list app for gamifying tasks

WaterDo, our pick for the best Android to-do list app for gamifying tasks

WaterDo pros: 

Playful and relaxing to use

Makes completing tasks fun

WaterDo cons:

Gamification aspects can be a little distracting

Not for power users

WaterDo's app onboarding process is hosted by a talking seal. That's the first sign that this is a different kind of task management app. WaterDo's mission is to make to-do lists fun: first, by representing your tasks as bubbles and letting you pop them; and second, by earning points toward an in-app game.

It's all rather whimsical, but these elements don't take away from the core to-do list functionality, which is solid: WaterDo has labels, reminders, repeating tasks, subtasks, and notes. And the app's core "bubble-popping" mechanism is a satisfying way to celebrate completing a task. Further gamification takes place within the Animal Crossing-style islands you unlock by completing tasks. The points you earn can be used to add or upgrade items on the islands. Alternatively, you can use your points to donate to The Water Project, a real-world charity. (WaterDo users have donated over 375,000 liters of water to date).

WaterDo's focus on gamification means it's missing some features that are standard in other task management apps, like multiple to-do lists. Instead, WaterDo has tags that turn your bubbles into different colors. While it's not for power users, WaterDo is a memorable experience that pulls out all the stops to motivate you.

WaterDo pricing: Free. For $0.99/month (or $14.99 for a lifetime license), you can get more productivity features and in-game benefits with WaterDo Premium.

Like WaterDo, Habitica is a gamified to-do list app built to make task management fun. It's designed as a role-playing quest where your character earns points and—by completing tasks, of course—levels up over time. The app is unique and lovingly crafted, but Habitica's gamification elements tended to crowd out the actual task-doing more than I would've liked.

Best Android to-do app for juggling multiple lists

Memorigi, our pick for the best Android to-do app for juggling multiple lists

Memorigi pros:

Easy to organize tasks visually across multiple to-do lists

Tasks from all lists roll into a single Inbox

Memorigi cons: 

Subtasks, attachments, and tags are premium features

Ever wish your smartphone's home screen—instead of sucking you into an Instagram or TikTok vortex—would encourage you to get things done? 

The Memorigi experience feels like an answer to that rhetorical question. Navigating your Memorigi task lists feels like jumping between apps on a smartphone. Memorigi is designed around task lists, starting with its default lists like Family and Chores. I appreciated how easy it was to add a temporary task list (for a specific shopping trip, for example) and then remove it once you're done. 

Once you've populated your various individual task lists, Memorigi's interface combines them to show you exactly what you need to see: tasks due today, the number of pending items, anything that's overdue, and a look at what's coming in the days ahead. As tasks come due, they roll into your Inbox; completed tasks move to a Logbook for easy reference.

Memorigi pricing: Free, though the free version is missing some essential features like tags and subtasks. Memorigi Premium costs $49.99/year and unlocks 3rd party integrations, cloud syncing, and more. 

Best value Android to-do list app

Tasks, our pick for the best value Android to-do list app

Tasks pros: 

Huge variety of task management options

Almost everything is available in the free version

Quick add functionality is as easy as sending a text message

Tasks cons:

Not the prettiest app 

The straightforwardly-named Tasks boasts over five million downloads on Google Play and as many reviews as better-known apps like TickTick. 

It isn't the prettiest app you'll find, but Tasks' free version packs serious value. Unlike most apps, Tasks doesn't nickel-and-dime you with upgrades for core features like task reminders. Everything you need is included, with an impressive 11 options under each task: subtasks, lists, tags, due date, reminder, reminder type, repeat, priority, highlight, notes, attachment. 

Tasks also has the fastest quick add feature I've seen: it's just like sending a text message. It's easy to add tasks in rapid-fire succession (my preferred way of doing it) and then go back to add details. The only thing that bugged me is that Tasks keeps a persistent icon on your phone's notification bar. The idea is that you can quickly add tasks directly from the notification bar, but it crowds the screen and isn't particularly useful. Regardless, it's easy enough to disable. If you're looking for a full-featured free app, Tasks is worth a look. 

Tasks pricing: Free. For cloud backup, access to the web app, and collaboration features, Tasks Premium starts at $1.69/month. You can also get a lifetime subscription for $55.

Best Android to-do list for building habits


Singularity, our pick for the best Android to-do list for building habits

Singularity pros: 

Satisfying habits feature

Easy to create project-based task lists

Singularity cons:

The tasks filter and calendar view are paid upgrades

Singularity is quirky: its app features a cat in a spacesuit, and the company's website hosts a philosophy-heavy manifesto on the benefits of a flexible "chaos management" approach to tasks.

But underneath the unconventional branding, Singularity stands out for its Habits feature. Completing a habit for multiple days in a row creates a satisfying continuity graphic that encourages you to keep the streak going. Statistics track how often you've completed each task, as well as what your most successful habit is.

I found it intuitive to spin up multiple projects with Singularity, add tasks to each project, and then jump between them. It's possible to break longer projects into different sections, and you can easily invite collaborators. Singularity has a robust filtering capability, allowing you to view tasks by status, tags, or projects. I also like that you can easily file tasks away as "someday" rather than assigning a near-term date to them.

Singularity has a few features I haven't seen much: you can add tasks via email or connect the app to Telegram. It also has a voice input feature, but it's a missed opportunity: you can't input your task's due date using your voice, only the description of the task.

Singularity pricing: Free. Singularity Pro, which starts at $2.99/month, introduces unlimited projects, data syncing, and integrations. There's also a lifetime subscription for $89.99. 

Best Android to-do list app for power users

  • Remember The Milk

Remember The Milk, our pick for the best Android to-do list app for power users

Remember The Milk pros: 

The most full-featured to-do app you'll find

Robust search functionality

Remember The Milk cons: 

Tends to display an overwhelming number of tasks at once

The free version is relatively limited

Despite its cute name, Remember The Milk is an app for people who take task management seriously. The app, which first launched in 2004, has millions of users and caters to power users with its advanced search functionality and smart features.

If you're an advanced user, you'll love Remember The Milk's powerful search wizard. You can use detailed parameters like keyword, date, and priority level to filter tasks. You can then create Smart Lists that automatically populate with tasks that meet those criteria. Remember The Milk's quick add feature, called Smart Add, uses a combination of autocomplete and dropdown menus to help you specify your task's properties from a single line.

Aesthetically, Remember The Milk feels like an email inbox for your tasks. (Ironically, it looks more like a business-focused app than Microsoft To Do does.) It's certain to have everything you need, but if you're using the free version, you'll quickly run into limitations: subtasks, tags, and attachments are paid features. 

To integrate Remember The Milk with the rest of your workflow, connect it to Zapier . You can use Zapier to add birthdays from Google Calendar to Remember The Milk, log completed Remember The Milk tasks in a Google Sheet, and more. Here are some examples to get you started.

Add birthdays on Google Calendar to Remember The Milk as tasks

Remember The Milk logo

Add new meetings on Google Calendar to Remember The Milk as tasks

Remember The Milk pricing: Free. For subtasks, tags, and attachments you'll need to upgrade to Pro for $39.99/year.

Other options for Android task management

If none of the apps above look like the right fit, consider giving one of these a try:

I really like both Nozbe and Trello . They each offer advantages if you're looking to take a more project management-based approach to your tasks.

Taskade , a productivity app, uses AI to generate lists of tasks based on high-level projects you suggest, and it works pretty well.

Tasks.org is an open source to-do list. While it doesn't have a web version or sync to the cloud, that's also a benefit from a privacy perspective.

Related reading:

The best calendar apps for Android

The best email apps for Android

The best to-do list apps on any device

This article was originally published in February 2019 by Justin Pot. The most recent update was in August 2023.

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Ryan Kane picture

Ryan Kane is a writer and marketer based in Mérida, Mexico. He writes about SaaS, AI, and marketing while building fun Internet side projects. Learn more: ryankane.co.

  • Task management & to-do lists
  • Personal productivity
  • Google Tasks

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20 Best To-Do List Apps to Stay Organized in 2024

Content Manager

March 25, 2024

A to do list app helps you organize tasks and stay on top of your deadlines. You can use it to manage everything from grocery lists to work-related tasks and more.

In this article, we’ll discuss what makes a great to do list app and review the 20 best to do list apps you can use to boost your productivity. 

By the end of the article, you’ll have a concrete idea of which to do list app suits you best!

What is a To Do List App?

What makes a good to do list app.

  • 1. ClickUp (Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows, macOS, Linux, Web)

2. Todoist (Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows, macOS, Web)

3. remember the milk (android, iphone, ipad, web), 4. google keep (android, iphone, ipad, windows, macos, web), 5. teuxdeux (iphone, ipad, windows, macos, web), 6. things 3 (android, iphone, ipad, windows, macos, linux, web), 7. any.do (android, iphone, ipad, web), 8. ticktick (android, iphone, ipad, windows, macos, web), 9. toodledo (android, iphone, ipad, web), 10. bear (iphone, ipad, macos), 11. microsoft to do (android, iphone, ipad, windows, macos, web), 12. evernote (android, iphone, ipad, windows, macos, web), 13. google tasks (android, iphone, ipad, windows, macos, web), 14. quire (android, iphone, ipad, web), 15. taskade (web, windows, mac, android, ios), 16. habitica (web, windows, mac, android, ios), 17. ntask (web, windows, mac, android, ios), 18. workflowy (web, windows, mac, android, ios), 19. proofhub (web, windows, mac, android, ios), 20. bit.ai (web, windows, mac, android, ios), clickup: the best aesthetic to-do list app for your team.

Avatar of person using AI

A To-Do List App is a digital tool that helps you organize and manage your tasks more efficiently. It allows you to create a list of tasks that you need to complete within a certain timeframe. These apps often come with features like reminders, due dates, task prioritization, and even collaboration tools for team projects.

It’s a challenge to agree on one universal definition of a great to-do list app. When choosing our list, we’ve decided that the best apps must cater to a diverse set of requirements. Great to-do list apps:

  • Offer great flexibility. The best to-do list app needs to be neurodiverse and function well no matter how it’s used. You should be able to set priorities (so you know what are important tasks), add tasks and subtasks, and view your tasks in different ways.
  • Remind you of deadlines. You need an app to remind you to get things done . Whether it’s in-app, push, email, or SMS notifications, a great to-do list should be able to keep your important tasks top of mind.
  • Are easy and intuitive to use. Adding tasks should be simple and straightforward, but also cater to your situation. The best apps should allow you to do this cross platform, in offline mode or through keyboard shortcuts.
  • Offer collaboration features. You should be able to share your lists with others so you can make progress more transparent. It’s also important to have different privacy settings so you can decide what to share.
  • Function cross-platform. Besides Android and iOS, ideal to-do list apps should be accessible on web browsers and other systems such as Linux.

It’s time we check out those to do list apps that make our lives better:

Best 20 To Do List Apps in 2024

1. clickup (android, iphone, ipad , windows, macos, linux, web), best to do list with deadlines.

ClickUp is the ultimate productivity tool, offering a diverse selection of customizable features for managing tasks, projects, Docs, and goals.

With its extensive range of capabilities, ClickUp excels as an ideal to-do list app and digital planner. Its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with an extensive array of productivity solutions further enhance its appeal.

Whether you’re an individual seeking to enhance productivity or a team striving to exceed project management KPIs, ClickUp serves as the premier choice for Mac users in search of a top-tier to-do list app.

ClickUp Key Features

  • To do list templates : Use ClickUp’s pre-made list templates to customize and organize your workflow. From simple project plans, to complex task lists and even a team member onboarding checklist, our templates make it easy to get started quickly.
  • ClickUp Docs : Use ClickUp Docs to create to-do lists that are organized, collaborative, and easily manageable
  • ClickUp Tasks : Plan, organize, and collaborate on any project with powerful task management that can be customized for every need.
  • Lists : Create clear, multi-functional to-do lists to easily manage your ideas and work from anywhere so you never forget anything again.
  • Bi-directional linking : Use ClickUp’s bidirectional linking feature to connect all of your checklists together and easily navigate between them.
  • ClickUp Notepad : Quickly jot down you to-dos, format with rich editing, and transform entries into trackable tasks that you can access from anywhere.
  • ClickUp AI : Use ClickUp’s AI assistant to generate tasks, summarize notes, and create to do lists
  • Available on (Android, iPhone, iPad , Windows, macOS, Linux, Web)


  • You can’t export Dashboards 
  • Check out our product roadmap to know how we’re fixing such minor drawbacks and making ClickUp even more powerful!

ClickUp Pricing

  • Free Forever
  • Unlimited : $7/month per user
  • Business : $12/month per user
  • Enterprise : Contact for pricing
  • ClickUp Brain: Available on all paid plans for $5/Workspace member/month

ClickUp Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.7 (2080+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.7 (2267+ reviews)

Best Task Management App

Manage your tasks and to-do lists with Todoist

Todoist comes with an elegant interface that focuses on the tasks at hand. 

Todoist also features a Google Calendar integration, so your tasks and events can meet up themselves. That’s the hard part with most to do mobile apps.

Moreover, it also works great for everyday tasks like sharing a grocery list or shopping list with your significant other or splitting it up among roommates. This makes it an excellent family to do list app you can rely on.

Todoist Key Features

  • Recurring due dates
  • Productivity visualizations
  • Cannot set statuses for different stages of your task
  • The Calendar view for tasks is limited
  • Cannot collaborate with your team efficiently

Using Todoist now but want to try ClickUp?  

You can easily import your Todoist tasks into ClickUp!

Todoist Pricing

Todoist offers three pricing plans:

  • Up to 80 projects
  • Up to 5 people per project
  • Up to 300 projects
  • Up to 25 people per project
  • Labels & filters
  • 500 projects per user
  • 50 people per project
  • Team billing
  • Priority support

Compare Asana and Todoist with ClickUp !

Todoist Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.6 (from 1264+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.4 (from 623+ reviews)

Best Cute To Do List App

remember the milk to do list app

Remember the Milk is a great task manager that helps you keep track of all your family and personal tasks.

You can set reminders, assign tasks to others and make sure you don’t miss any important deadlines. It’s also easy to customize with your own color themes and labels so you can quickly see what needs to be done at a glance.

Remember The Milk Key Features

  • Filter tasks by priority
  • Recurring tasks
  • Location-based tasks
  • Available on (Android, iPhone, iPad, Web)
  • Can’t add location-based reminders
  • Can’t be used as a powerful task manager for your task list
  • Can’t handle complex team collaboration requirements

Remember The Milk Pricing

Remember The Milk offers two pricing plans:

  • Web app, desktop app, and mobile app
  • Share todo lists with up to two people
  • Add tasks with email, Amazon Alexa, Siri, and Twitter
  • Gmail, Evernote, and Google Calendar integration
  • All “Free” features
  • Share lists with unlimited people
  • Integration with Zapier

Remember The Milk Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.4 (from 42+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.4 (from 19+ reviews)

Bonus: Check out our organization apps guide ! 💜

Best To Do List for Students

Google Keep Example

Google Keep is more than a note-taking app .  It’s also a great way to organize your tasks and keep track of them. With Google Keep, you can create notes, lists, reminders and more.

You can easily organize by labels, colors or pictures and use search functions to quickly find what you need.

Google Keep Key Features

  • Multiple devices
  • Leave voice reminders
  • Set reminders for your notes
  • Available on (Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows, macOS, Web)
  • Can’t handle anything besides the basic notes and task management
  • Can’t share groups of notes together
  • Can’t set statuses for different stages of a task

Google Keep Pricing

Google Keep is free.

Google Keep Ratings

  • G2: 4.5/5 (from 1227+ reviews)

Bonus: Cool apps to make your more productive!

Best for Minimalists

teux deux

TeuxDeux is well-designed, with big, bold fonts but in a clean non-flowery way. 

In the app, tasks are laid out in a weekly view, showing the highest priority tasks you need to do for each day of the week. 

You can also quickly add in recurring tasks, so you no longer have to rewrite the same thing every day or schedule it out every single day. Nice, right?

TeuxDeux Key Features

  • Customizable smart list capability
  • Tasks roll over to the next day
  • Markdown support
  • Regular emails on the daily tasks
  • Available on (iPhone, iPad, Windows, macOS, Web)
  • No free version
  • No mobile apps designed for your Android device
  • Cannot easily collaborate with your team over tasks


TeuxDeux offers only one pricing plan that starts at $3 per month.

TeuxDeux Ratings

  • G2: 4.5/5 (from 21+ reviews)

Best for Apple Users

Things 3 Dashboard

Things 3 helps keep your tasks organized and ensures that you stay on track of due dates. You can also use tags to group tasks together, set up custom reminders and notifications, share projects with others, and even integrate with other apps like Slack. There is an iOS app available for easy access from any device, as well as a web version

Things 3 Key Features

  • Daily checklists
  • Calendar events
  • Upcoming list
  • Available on (Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows, macOS, Linux, Web)
  • No mobile apps designed for your Android devices
  • Can’t collaborate on tasks or lists
  • No free version available

Things 3 Pricing

Things offers three pricing plans:

  • For Mac: $49.99
  • For iPhone and Apple Watch : $9.99
  • For iPad : $19.99

Things 3 Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.9/5 (from 100+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.3/5 (from 15+ reviews)

Check out these Things 3 alternatives !

Best for Daily Planning

Any.do Dashboard

Any.do is a powerful task manager and to-do list app that helps you get things done. With Any.do, you can easily create tasks, set reminders and deadlines, share lists with peers or family members, and collaborate on projects together in real time.

You can also sync across all your devices so everything is always up to date.

Any.do Key Features

  • Digital planner
  • Built-in calendar app
  • One-time, recurring, and location-based reminders
  • Recurring reminders
  • The free version only offers limited features
  • Its interface is complicated and challenging to use
  • No native integrations, so a user must rely on a third party app like Zapier

Any.do Pricing

Any.do offers two pricing plans:

  • Assigned tasks
  • Calendar app
  • Unlimited daily tasks planner
  • Location based reminder (mobile)
  • Advanced recurring reminders
  • Themes and backgrounds

Any.do Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.4/5 (from 110+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.2/5 (from 182+ reviews)

Best for Features on a Budget

TickTick Across Platforms Example

TickTick harnesses the power of traditional task management into an app-first interface.

It has broader capabilities like location based reminder settings, voice input, and real-time data syncing across platforms that help you stay on track.

You can also share lists, which your team can use in a work environment if you need a smaller program that doesn’t have all the bells and whistles.

Compare TickTick Vs Todoist !

TickTick Features

  • Sharing list
  • Voice input
  • Location based reminder
  • Most features are limited to the paid version
  • Cannot integrate with other top task management apps
  • UI isn’t very intuitive, so navigation through the app difficult

TickTick Pricing

TickTick offer two pricing plans:

  • You can create up to 9 lists
  • You can add up to 99 tasks per list
  • You can include up to 19 subtasks per task
  • You can set up to 2 reminders per task
  • You can create up to 299 lists
  • You can add up to 999 tasks per list
  • You can include  up to 199 subtasks per task
  • You can set up to 5 reminders per task

Try out these TickTick alternatives !

Best for Customization

Toodledo Dashboard

If you need your application to fit the way your life works, then Toodledo may be an option for you.

You can make your own workflow or work within their systems. It gives you the flexibility of a task management software in an online todo list.

Toodledo Key Features

  • Smart sorting
  • Advanced features are mostly limited to the premium version
  • The free version lacks basic team collaboration capabilities
  • Doesn’t have many preset templates for simple task list management

Toodledo Pricing

Toodledo offers four pricing plans:

  • Unlimited tasks
  • Simple alarms
  • All app integrations
  • All “Standard” features
  • Full Habits
  • Business (contact for a custom quote)

Toodledo Ratings

  • Capterra: 4/5 (from 27+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.2/5 (from 43+ reviews)

Read more about Toodledo alternatives .

Best for Note-Taking with To-Do Lists

Bear App

Think of Bear as your essential online to do app meets note-taking app. It’s a handy app to make lists, add checklists, add detail to your tasks, and take extensive notes if necessary.

It can also be your perfect family to do list app and your favorite task management app at work.

And if you’re looking for a checklist app that lets you add more than just a due date, then Bear could be suitable for you.

Bear Key Features

  • Rich text editing
  • Support for images and photos
  • Multiple themes
  • Export options like HTML, PDF, DOCX, JPG, etc.
  • Organize with Hashtags
  • Available on (iPhone, iPad, macOS)
  • Only compatible with iOS (iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch) and Mac
  • Free version isn’t very feature-rich
  • Steep learning curve for a first-time user

Bear Pricing

Bear offers two pricing plans:

  • Attachments
  • Sync between all devices
  • Powerful export options

Bear Ratings

  • G2: 4.5/5 (from 37+ reviews)

Check out these Bear alternatives !

Best for Microsoft 365 Integration

Microsoft To Do Dashboard

Microsoft To Do (formerly Wunderlist) integrates with Office 365, giving you access to the ultimate productivity suite. By leveraging the power of Office 365, this integration helps you easily manage tasks and keep track of progress.

You can even create lists and add tasks from other Microsoft software like Outlook, and rank your tasks by due dates and color-coded labels.

Microsoft To Do Key Features

  • Basic task management
  • Outlook integration
  • Lacks advanced task management software capabilities
  • Limited customizability
  • Doesn’t support natural language input to streamline note-taking

Microsoft To Do Pricing

Microsoft To Do is free.

Microsoft To Do Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.5/5 (from 362+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.3/5 (from 23+ reviews)

Best for Note-Taking and Project Management

Evernote Dashboard

Evernote is still one of the most popular options for an online todo list app.

Their hashtagging system has revolutionized notes as a way to organize and their handwriting detection. Their WebClipper is also a popular key feature if you find yourself browsing and saving tasks and notes from the web.

In addition to that, it gives you a complete writing space to create checklists, meeting notes , grocery lists, and sync across devices. This works well if you’re at your work computer but want to refer to something on your phone later.

But will it help you live productively ever after? 💫

Evernote Key Features

  • Supports syncing across devices
  • Share notes with friends, family, or colleagues
  • Supports security features like passcodes to lock the mobile app
  • PDF annotation
  • Search for text inside images
  • Lacks complex to do list management features
  • Low storage space on the free version
  • Difficult to share files with people who don’t use Evernote

Evernote Pricing

Evernote offers three pricing plans:

  • 60MB of new uploads per month
  • Clip web images, web pages, PDF files
  • Access notes offline from the desktop app
  • Sync across 2 devices
  • 10 GB of new uploads per month
  • Access notebooks offline
  • Sync across all devices
  • 20 GB of new upload per month + 2 GB per user
  • Single Sign-on
  • Central user administration
  • Present notes in one click

Evernote Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.4/5 (from 6731+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.4/5 (from 1837+ reviews)

Read more about Evernote alternatives and compare this tool with 4. Google Keep

Best for Google Workspace Users

google tasks

For a little more power centered on tasks rather than notes, Google TasksBoard may be a smoother option instead of Google Keep.

Their user interface is reliable and maintains the same steady, minimalist edge that Google maintains across its products. 

With this Google tool , you can easily create a task, add lists, subtasks, and then set due dates.

Google TasksBoard Key Features

  • Multiple lists
  • Notifications
  • Google task from email
  • Can’t handle complex task management
  • Can’t record the time taken for a particular task
  • Doesn’t have an active, dedicated customer support system

Google TasksBoard Pricing

Google Tasks is free. 

Google TasksBoard Ratings

  • G2: 4.2/5 (from 39+ reviews)

Check out these Google Tasks alternatives !

Best for Complex Project Management

Quire Dashboard

Quire is something of a newbie when it comes to the task management software space. Despite its relative newness, Quire is slowly but surely becoming a favorite for many users.

It’s user-friendly interface and intuitive design make it easy to set up tasks and organize them into projects, while still being powerful enough to handle complex workflows. Plus, with helpful features like reminders and collaboration tools, it helps ensure that every task gets done on time.

Quire Key Features

  • Start and due dates
  • Kanban board
  • Nested task lists
  • Roles and permissions
  • Doesn’t offer a native macOS or Windows desktop app
  • No time tracking capability
  • No built-in chat feature

Quire Pricing

Quire is free and can support up to 80 projects, 35 organizations, and 30 members per organization.

Quire Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.7/5 (from 99+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.6/5 (from 49+ reviews)

Best for Real-Time Collaboration

Taskade can help you get more work done with its AI-powered chat bot, writing assistant, and workflow creation

Taskade is not just your average to-do list app; it’s a powerful productivity platform that offers a comprehensive set of features to help you stay organized, collaborate with others, and accomplish your tasks more efficiently. With its intuitive interface and robust functionality, Taskade is designed to enhance your productivity and streamline your workflow.

Taskade Key Features

  • Real-time collaboration
  • AI generator
  • Countdown timers
  • Flexible task management
  • Visual organization

Taskade Limitations

  • Most useful for teams
  • Doesn’t block websites or apps

Taskade Pricing

  • Free forever: Free version
  • Starter: $4 per month for 3 users
  • Plus: $8 per month for 5 users
  • Pro: $19 per month for 20 users
  • Business: $49 per month for 50 users
  • Ultimate: $99 per month for 100 users
  • Enterprise: Contact for pricing

Taskade Ratings

  • Product Hunt: 5 out of 5 (214 reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.7 out of 5 (43 reviews)

Check out these Taskade alternatives !

Form better work habits with Habitica

Habitica offers a unique approach to tracking tasks and habits by transforming them into a role-playing game. This app enables you to create an avatar that gains skills, armor, and pets as you tick off the tasks from your list and maintain good habits.

Habitica Key Features

  • Customizable avatars that level up as users accomplish tasks
  • In-app rewards and penalties to motivate users to complete their tasks
  • Social features that allow you to collaborate with others making tasks more enjoyable
  • Habit tracking in addition to to-do lists, with rewards for maintaining good habits
  • Integration with other apps like Google Calendar

Habitica Limitations

  • The fantasy theme might not appeal to everyone
  • Lacks advanced productivity features like time tracking or project management tools

Habitica Pricing

Habitca’s general subscription is $5/month and can be purchased in one-, three-, six-, or twelve-month blocks. But they also have a group plan ($9/month and $3/member) with features like team-based task lists and group management control.

Habitica Ratings

  • App Store :  4.1/5 (1,000+ reviews)
  • Google Play  4.2/5 (19,000+ reviews)

ntask time tracking feature

nTask is a task management tool that allows you to create and manage tasks, meetings, projects, and timesheets in one place. This makes it more than a simple to-do list app. It provides a range of views like list view, grid view, and Gantt chart view to cater to different users’ preferences.

nTask Key Features

  • Ability to attach files and comments to tasks
  • Task dependencies feature that allows you to link tasks to show which task is dependent on the completion of another task
  • Alerts and notifications for upcoming tasks and meetings
  • Availability of timesheet management and project risk management
  • Integrations with tools like Slack and Google Calendar

nTask Limitations

  • Some users may find the interface less intuitive than other task management apps
  • Lacks a built-in chat feature, requires a Slack integration for team communication

nTask pricing

  • Basic : Free
  • Premium : $3 per user per month
  • Business : $8 per user per month

nTask customer ratings

  • G2 : 4.4 out of 5 stars (15+ reviews)
  • Capterra : 4.2 out of 5 stars (90+ reviews)

workflowy screenshot

WorkFlowy is a minimalist application for creating lists and taking notes. It offers a hierarchical structure for its lists, allowing users to create detailed, nested lists.

WorkFlowy Key Features

  • Infinite nested lists that allow complex task breakdown
  • Tagging and filtering features to help you sort and find tasks
  • Note-taking capability in addition to list-making
  • Ability to share parts of your lists with others
  • Offline mode that allows you to work without an internet connection

Workflowy Limitations

  • Absence of traditional task management features like deadlines, reminders, or calendar views
  • The UI might be too simple for those looking for a more visually dynamic app.

Workflowy Pricing 

  • Free forever
  • Pro : $4.99 per user

Workflowy Ratings

  • G2:  4.4/5 (22 reviews)
  • Capterra:  4.7/5 (14 reviews)

ProofHub Board View

ProofHub, a project and task management software, is well-suited to make the daily tasks in your to-do list manageable. It enables teams to plan, organize, schedule, track progress and communicate all from one place. ProofHub’s elaborate set of tools can be used by small and large teams from various industries.

ProofHub Key Features

  • Incorporates task and subtask tracking, milestones and Gantt charts to manage projects and teams effectively
  • Task assignment features to assign individuals to specific tasks including setting due dates, creating events, and passing notes
  • Offers Custom Reports for a comprehensive view of tasks- completed, overdue, on hold, or upcoming
  • Provides cloud storage integrations with Google Drive, OneDrive, DropBox, and Box

ProofHub Limitations

  • Needs more flexible user roles and permissions.
  • The interface could be more intuitive and user-friendly.

ProofHub Pricing

ProofHub gives you two variants

  • Essential Version  ($45/month, billed annually): for 40 projects + 15GB of cloud storage space + unlimited number of users
  • Ultimate Control Version  ($89/month, billed annually): for loads of additional features + unlimited number of projects + 100GB of cloud storage + unlimited users 

ProofHub Ratings

  • G2Crowd:  4.4/5 (30+ reviews)
  • Capterra:  4.3/5 (40+ reviews)

a task list app

Bit.ai is a competent document collaboration tool whose smart workspace makes project-related tasks and document organization simpler. You can create to-do lists, research documents, customer-facing material, training material, and more with Bit.

Bit.ai Key Features

  • Real-time collaboration features to work simultaneously with the team
  • Interactive content creation with the capability to embed videos, files, cloud files, and other rich media from 100+ various applications
  • Content Management with content library, folders, and smart search helps you package your work effectively.
  • Comes with branding features to customize and brand your documents

Bit.ai Limitations

  • It doesn’t have in-built calendar integration
  • No offline task management, the tool requires an internet connection

Bit.ai Pricing

  • Pro : $8 per member per month
  • Business : $15 per member per month

Bit.ai Ratings

  • G2 : 4/5 (10+ reviews)
  • Capterra : 5/5 (5+ reviews)

ClickUp isn’t just the best to do list app out there. 

It’s a complete productivity app or platform, a way to keep your whole life in order, both personal and work.

ClickUp’s flexibility implies that you’ll be able to manage your life the way you want to…not like how a specific system wants you to.

Get ClickUp for free and get ready to conquer your to-do list!

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A simple to do list to manage it all

Easily manage your personal tasks, family projects, and team’s work all in one place. trusted by +40m people.

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Join +40,000,000 highly effective individuals, families and teams

Tasks & lists.

Easily manage all your tasks and lists

Organize all your calendar events and tasks in one place

Daily planner

What’s your plan for today?

Review your upcoming events, tasks, and conference calls at a glance.

Set time based, location and recurring reminders

Works Everywhere

Sync across all your devices

WhatsApp 🤝 Any.do

Easily create tasks and get reminders in WhatsApp

Turbocharge with AI

Save precious time and effort with your all-new AI assistant

Break It Down

Get more done by breaking down task into sub-tasks

Visually Organized

Get color tags to visually organize your tasks

Organize Your Family

Create a family board to easily manage your household

Shared Grocery List

A shared list that auto groups your grocery items by aisle

Manage Family Projects

Plan a vacation or a household renovation with a project board

Schedule and Assign Tasks

Set clear responsibilities and deadlines to your loved ones

Chat In Context

Chat on tasks in context to keep things organized

Unlimited Boards

Easily manage any team, project, client or workflow

Assign Tasks

Assign tasks and sub-tasks to promote ownership

Kanban View

Use kanban view to easily manage any workflow

Calendar View

Use calendar view to easily track due dates and deliverables

Track your team’s progress visually with Table view

Get started in seconds with over +100 custom made templates


Any.do works with over +6000 apps to automate your work

Custom Views

Create a bird-eye view for all of your teams’ work


Auto assign tasks, due dates, update status and more

Discuss task details in context and keep things organized

Private Boards

Managing sensitive information? We got you covered

Live Chat Support

Get live chat support from the Any.do support team

Security In Mind

Easily set permissions for your whole team

Instantly import your work from other tools automatically

Any.do excels as a to do list manager, keeping my personal projects organized. Its planner feature is intuitive, making it easy to track daily tasks. Mark T. Graphic Designer
The task list and reminders on Any.do are perfect for my academic and work schedules. The calendar sync feature keeps all my deadlines in one place. Sara K. College Student
I love how Any.do simplifies my task management. The voice command for adding tasks to my to do list is a brilliant feature. Emma L. Freelance Writer
Breaking down large projects into a manageable to do list with Any.do has improved my productivity immensely. Its reminders ensure I never miss a deadline. David P. Blogger
Any.do's planner and to do list features help me balance my personal and professional tasks beautifully, without feeling cluttered. Rachel G. Yoga Instructor
As a Premium user, the location-based reminders and enhanced to-do list capabilities of Any.do are invaluable for running my business. Lucas B. Entrepreneur
Any.do Premium transforms project management with its collaborative task lists and powerful calendar integration, perfect for team coordination. Hannah M. Project Manager
For event planning, Any.do Premium's color tags and advanced reminders keep my project management on track and highly organized. Mia T. Event Planner
The integration of a comprehensive calendar and task list in Any.do Premium has streamlined my scheduling processes significantly. Jason F. Tech Consultant
The focus mode and ability to attach visuals to my task list in Any.do Premium aids in managing my design projects efficiently. Sophie N. Interior Designer
Our family's to-do list and grocery shopping are now perfectly managed through Any.do. It's a fantastic planner for all our family activities. Angela R. Homemaker
Any.do keeps our family's task list and reminders synchronized. It's a great tool for managing all our household and personal activities. Robert K. Father of three
Meal planning and school event tracking are streamlined with Any.do's task list and calendar features, making family coordination much simpler. Elizabeth J. Busy Mom
The recurring task feature in Any.do is great for setting up a routine for family chores and activities, making it an essential family planner. Derek M. Stay-at-Home Dad
Tracking pediatric appointments and vaccinations is effortless with Any.do's calendar and reminder features. It's an essential tool for our new family. Nina S. New Parent
Any.do is pivotal in our project management, integrating smoothly with Slack and other tools for a seamless team workflow. Kevin L. Startup CEO
With Any.do, managing my team’s tasks and projects through its task list and calendar view has become incredibly efficient. The WhatsApp integration is simply amazing Olivia H. Marketing Manager
Any.do brings clarity and simplicity to our software projects. Its integration with our tech tools streamlines our task and project management processes. Ethan S. Software Developer
Our team’s project management and deadline tracking are simplified with Any.do’s timeline and task list features. It’s an essential organizational tool. Amanda W. HR Coordinator
Any.do helps our construction team keep track of tasks effortlessly. Its blend of design and functionality makes it a superior project management tool. Isaac J. Construction manager

Organize anything with anyone, anywhere

Available on:.

  • Apple Watch
  • Getting started
  • Manage your Personal Tasks
  • Manage your Team's Plans
  • Plan your day with My Day
  • Advanced capabilities with Premium Plans

a task list app

Getting started with Planner in Teams

The Planner app in Microsoft Teams brings together all your tasks and plans across the Microsoft 365 ecosystem in a single convenient location. It helps you manage tasks more efficiently for individual plans and team initiatives, as well as larger scale projects that are aligned to goals and key strategic objectives. 

Once you add the Planner app to Teams, you'll find:

My Day : Includes any tasks that are due today, along with any tasks you choose to add to this view.

My Tasks : Includes a dedicated place called Private Tasks for you to quickly create tasks, Flagged Emails, and Tasks that have been assigned to you from Team’s meeting notes, basic plans, premium plans, and Loop components.

My Plans : Includes all of your To Do lists, basic plans, and premium plans.

New Plan : Create new personal or shared plans directly in the app.

You can also use the Planner app to get notifications about Planner tasks.

Add the Planner app

getting started with planner screenshot seven.png

Tip:  To pin the app for easy access, right click on Planner after adding the app and select Pin . To open the Planner app in a separate window, select Open in new window .

Right click on Planner in the left navigation. From here you can pin or open in a new window.

Note:  If you don't see Planner, your organization might not have the app turned on. Check with your administrator to find out more.

Plan your day with My Day 

My Day is a clutter-free focus space that helps you stay on top of tasks that you want to focus on today. Tasks from My Tasks and personal plans that are due today will show up in My Day. You can also create tasks that you feel are important and may need your attention.

getting started with planner screenshot two.png

Your daily dashboard:

Handpicked priorities: Determine and add your main tasks for the day.

Auto-population: Tasks from My Tasks and personal plans that are due today automatically appear on My Day, keeping you on top of important deadlines.

Prioritize and work on these tasks: Once the tasks are on My Day, you can prioritize the tasks in the order you want to accomplish them today.

Start fresh in My Day each day: My Day clears itself every night, so you can start the next day with a blank slate and personalize your day. Any unfinished tasks in My Day that are left over before it clears will be available in the original Plan that they came from.

Track your tasks in My Tasks

getting started with planner screenshot eight.png

Planner offers a purpose-built My Tasks view, designed to centralize all the tasks relevant to you. My Tasks is organized into four distinct views, each serving a unique purpose:

Private tasks :   Private tasks is a place for you to quickly jot down tasks at the speed of thought. This is a place where you can create tasks that do not belong to a plan yet. You can then further organize these tasks inside Plans by selecting More actions, which will help you move these unorganized tasks in definitive plans.

Assigned to me :   Includes all of the tasks that have been assigned to you in Teams meeting notes, basic plans, premium plans, Loop component, and shared lists in To Do.

Flagged emails : All your flagged emails from Outlook appear in the Flagged emails section. You can also navigate to the emails directly from the task by selecting the attachment.

All : The All view provides an aggregation of all your individual tasks from Private tasks, Assigned to me, and Flagged emails. You can then filter and sort to meet your needs. For example, if you want to see all your tasks that are due tomorrow and are urgent, just apply the filter on this view and you will get a curated list of tasks.

See all of your plans with My Plans

getting started with planner screenshot nine.png

The My Plans page in Planner shows all of your plans, no matter where they were created. This includes lists created in To Do, plans created in Planner and Project for the web, Loop plans, plans from Teams meeting notes, and more.

The My Plans page provides five filters to help find the right plan or list:

Recent:  Shows your most recently accessed plans and lists.

Shared:  Shows your shared plans and lists.

Personal:  Shows your personal plans and lists.

Pinned:  Shows all plans and lists you have pinned.

My teams:  Shows all of your plans that are shared with a Team’s channel.

Tip:  Use keywords to quickly find plans and lists by selecting  Filter by keyword .

getting started with planner screenshot four.png

Create new plans

With plans, you can easily manage your team workload, track work towards team goals, organize work into sprints using agile planning, track dependencies on the timeline view, and more.

getting started with planner screenshot five.png

Get notifications about Planner tasks

Task notifications will appear in your Teams activity feed both on your desktop and in the Teams mobile app. You'll get a notification when:

Someone else assigns a task to you.

Someone else assigns an urgent task to you.

Someone else makes a task assigned to you urgent.

Someone else makes a task assigned to you not urgent.

Someone else changes the progress of a task assigned to you.

Someone removes you from a task's assignees.

More information

To learn more about what you can do with plans in Planner, please check out:

Manage your Personal Tasks with Planner in Teams

Manage your Team's Plans with Planner in Teams

Advanced Capabilities with Premium Plans


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This Wunderlist successor is helping me trade three apps for one

F or many of us, our entire lives are organized on our phones. From arranging meetups with friends to planning upcoming work , knowing what’s on your plate is usually just a couple of taps away.

The problem is that it usually involves a plethora of different apps, meaning you have to jump from one to another to get a single task ticked off your list. It’s a real hassle and makes managing your tasks feel like more work than the actual tasks themselves.

In my case, I’ve long used the Apple Calendar app as a makeshift work tracker, where I manually add each day’s work to the calendar as an all-day event. The problem with this approach is there’s no way to tick off completed work. At the same time, I’ve been using an app called Avaza to track project progress using a set of kanban boards, and this lets me move tasks from “to do,” “in progress,” “completed,” and so on.

And as well as all that , I also use an app called GoodTask for reminders. This is an incredible app and does a great job of prompting me about what I need to do, but it doesn't feel like it fully integrates into my work scheduling system.

As you can see, that’s an awfully long-winded way of staying on top of my day. It’s worked so far, but it feels decidedly inefficient. Fortunately, I’ve found an app that might fix that mess once and for all.

A true heir to Wunderlist

The app is called Superlist . Created by the same people who made the once-popular Wunderlist (since acquired and killed by Microsoft ), Superlist is a beautiful all-in-one space for your tasks, reminders, and more. That means there’s no longer a need to keep flipping between multiple apps when one can do the job perfectly well.

I’ve been impressed with some of Superlist’s handy features. It can turn any email from my Gmail inbox into a task in the app – all you need to do is star an email, mark it as important, or give it the Superlist tag. That’s great for staying on top of things without diving into my (admittedly messy) inbox. What’s more, Superlist can also summarize these emails using AI to keep things even more concise and digestible.

Superlist works on iOS, macOS, Android, and on the web, so I can use it on more or less any device. Although it sends tasks to Google Calendar rather than Apple’s Calendar app, I’ve added my Google account to Apple Calendar, which means my tasks still show up if I feel like checking Apple’s app.

I also appreciate how Superlist gives you an awful lot for free. While you can pay for extra integrations (such as with Slack, GitHub, and Figma), more file storage, and an AI list creator, the full version has everything I need. That includes unlimited tasks, notes, and reminders, as well as unlimited private lists. It’s got all the integrations I need (namely Gmail, Google Calendar , and an email forwarding connection) and there’s even a small dose of AI thrown in for free in the form of the aforementioned email summaries.

And it’s not just ideal for work. You can use it to track your progress on a DIY project, ensure you’re staying on top of your daily habits, plan a holiday, or anything else really. It’s full of collaboration tools too, making it just as useful for groups of friends as it is for teams and businesses.

Superlist isn’t perfect, and even though it’s done a great job addressing an irritating problem in my workflow, there are still a few details I wish it did differently. For one thing, it adds tasks to my Google Calendar rather than using its own in-app calendar, and offering the latter would mean there would be no reason for me to switch apps at all – currently, I still need to look up my calendar tasks in a different app.

It would also be good to have Apple Shortcuts support. I don't use loads of shortcuts right now, but I can see a bunch of ways that integrating them into my tasks could potentially take my productivity up a notch.

Despite those minor complaints, I’m enthusiastic about working Superlist more thoroughly into my daily life. It might not be able to take on everything I need – at least not yet – but it’s helping me build a much more streamlined system that doesn’t require me to constantly hop between three different apps. That alone has given it a deserved spot on my homescreen.

Download Superlist on iOS and Android .

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How to print your Reminders app lists on your iPhone to take wherever you go

Turn your digital reminders into tangible lists.

'CyberGuy': Turn your digital reminders into tangible lists

'CyberGuy': Turn your digital reminders into tangible lists

Take your online tasks offline: Kurt Knutsson shows you how to print your Reminders app lists on your iPhone to take wherever you go.

While you can do pretty much everything on your iPhone, it is nice to be able to translate some of the functionality offline. If you want to have a good old-fashioned list instead of squinting at your phone screen, the good news is that you can print out your lists from your Reminders app.


How to print your Reminders app lists on your iPhone to take wherever you go

A woman looking at her physical grocery list (Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson)

Why might you print your Reminders app list?

If you prefer a physical list to carry to the store and check off as you go, or if you want to place the list at home on the refrigerator or on a desk, or even if you want to share your reminders with others, follow the steps below to learn how to print out your lists from the Reminders app on your iPhone.

How to print your Reminders app lists on your iPhone to take wherever you go

Reminders on iPhone (Apple) (Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson)


How to print a Reminders app list from an iPhone

  • Open up the Reminders App on your iPhone
  • Select the list you want to print
  • Tap the icon (a circle with three horizontal dots inside) in the upper right corner of the screen

How to print your Reminders app lists on your iPhone to take wherever you go

Steps to print a Reminders app list from an iPhone (Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson)

  • Tap Printer
  • If it says ‘No Printer Selected’ under Printer, Tap Printer
  • Select the printer you want to use, and it will send you back to the Options screen.
  • After you’ve selected your preferred settings, tap Print in the upper-right corner of the screen.


How to print your Reminders app lists on your iPhone to take wherever you go


Printing your Reminders app lists from your iPhone offers several practical advantages. Whether you prefer the tactile experience of a physical list while shopping, want to keep reminders visible at home (perhaps on the refrigerator or a desk) or need to share your lists with others, the process is straightforward.

By following the steps outlined above, you can easily print out your reminders and enjoy the convenience of having them in hand. So, go ahead, put that printer to good use and keep your tasks organized.

Kurt’s key takeaways

While it is great to have all your reminder lists saved in one place, it is equally great to have the ability to print individual lists when you need to make additional notes, physically take them with you or share them with others.

Do you find the tactile experience of a physical list more effective than a digital one? Why or why not? Let us know by writing us at Cyberguy.com/Contact .

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Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson is an award-winning tech journalist who has a deep love of technology, gear and gadgets that make life better with his contributions for Fox News & FOX Business beginning mornings on "FOX & Friends." Got a tech question? Get Kurt’s free CyberGuy Newsletter, share your voice, a story idea or comment at CyberGuy.com.

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To Do List : Smart Planner 4+

Taskease: simplify your life, kishan italiya, designed for iphone, iphone screenshots, description.

Are you tired of forgetting important tasks or special occasions? Have you ever missed crucial deadlines or overlooked cherished family moments? Fear not! Embrace efficiency and simplicity with our free and effective task tracker and to-do list manager. Introducing To Do List : Smart Planner & Task Manager, a user-friendly and free online tool designed to help you master your time management skills. Say goodbye to the chaos of juggling multiple to-do lists and hello to streamlined efficiency. As a dedicated productivity planner, our app empowers you to effortlessly track your to-do lists, create daily planners, and receive essential task reminders. Stay organized in both your personal and professional life with ease. With our intuitive iOS application, managing your tasks has never been simpler. Seamlessly organize your responsibilities, prioritize your activities, and track your progress effortlessly, all within one elegant interface. Key Features: *Intelligent Task Management: Effortless Productivity intelligently categorizes your tasks, allowing you to focus on what matters most. Whether it's work-related deadlines, personal errands, or long-term projects, our app ensures nothing slips through the cracks. * Simplicity and Elegance: Our interface is both intuitive and visually appealing, allowing you to create multiple to-do lists with just a few taps. Customize your experience with beautiful themes and convenient widgets for quick access to your schedule planner. * Enhanced Organization: Categorize your tasks, prioritize them with highlights and stars, and create sub-task lists for comprehensive organization. Keep your to-do lists tidy and your priorities clear.
 * Customizable Priority System: Tailor your to-do list according to your preferences. Assign priority levels to tasks, enabling you to tackle urgent matters first while maintaining clarity on what needs attention next. * Calendar View: Gain a comprehensive overview of your schedule with our calendar perspective. Easily visualize your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks to stay on top of your commitments.
 * Intuitive Interface: Our sleek and user-friendly interface makes organizing tasks a breeze. Effortlessly add, edit, and delete tasks with just a few taps, ensuring a hassle-free experience every time.
 * Never Miss a Beat: Set daily reminders with alarms to ensure you never overlook important tasks again. With support for recurring reminders, managing your to-do lists has never been more efficient.
 * Progress Tracking: Monitor your productivity with insightful progress tracking. Visualize your accomplishments over time, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate your successes along the way. * Versatile Daily Planners: Whether you need to plan your workday, track your fitness goals, or remember important dates, our app caters to all aspects of your life. From travel plans to study schedules, To-Do List is your go-to companion.

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Task Sync - Task & Project Management App UI Kit preview

Task Sync is an exceptional Task Management App, Project Management App, Teams Management App, Kanban App, To-Do List App, Reminder App, and Notes App – all rolled into one comprehensive solution. Crafted with a premium and high-quality UI Kit, Task Sync brings a unique style and niche to the table. Enjoy the ease of editing and customizing all elements using design components, facilitating a swift design process for your projects. Seamlessly integrated with the design system, Task Sync allows you to make changes such as color, logo, text, and more in the design system, triggering automatic transformations across the entire design screen.

But that's not all – Task Sync goes beyond the basics. It's also a powerful Productivity App equipped with scheduler functionalities. Need to manage your team efficiently? Task Sync doubles as a Teams Management App, fostering collaboration and coordination. The Kanban App feature enhances project workflow, and the Messenger App ensures seamless communication, complete with voice and video call capabilities. Keep your tasks organized with the To-Do List App, set important reminders, jot down notes, and enhance team productivity with the built-in Chatting App and Sharing App.

In essence, Task Sync is not just a UI Kit – it's a comprehensive suite of tools designed to elevate your task, project, and team management experience

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