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5 Free Assignment Tracking Templates for Google Sheets

Posted on Last updated: November 18, 2023

It’s that time of year again—assignments are piling up and it feels impossible to stay on top of everything. As a student, keeping track of all your assignments, due dates, and grades can be overwhelmingly stressful. That’s why using a Google Sheet as an assignment tracker can be a total game-changer.

With customizable assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets, you can easily create a centralized place to organize all your academic responsibilities. The best part? These templates are completely free. 

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets and provide links to some excellent templates that any student can use to get organized and take control of their workload.

The Benefits of Using Assignment Tracking Templates for Google Sheets

Assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets offer several advantages that can help students stay on top of their work. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Centralized tracking: Rather than having assignments scattered across syllabi, emails, and other documents, an assignment tracking spreadsheet consolidates everything in one place. By leveraging assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets, you can kiss goodbye to hunting for due dates or double-checking requirements.
  • Customizable organization: Students can add or remove columns in the template to fit their needs. Thanks to this, they can effectively track due dates, point values, grades, and other helpful details. They can also color code by class or status for visual organization.
  • Easy access: Google Sheets are accessible from any device with an internet connection. With this, you can easily view, update, or add assignments whether you are on your laptop, phone, or tablet.
  • Shareable with others: For group assignments or projects, assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets make collaboration seamless as you can share the sheet with a study group or entire class to coordinate.
  • Helps prioritization: Sort assignments by due date or point value to always know what needs your attention first. With prioritization added to assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets, you can stay on top of bigger projects and assignments.
  • Reduces stress: There’s no better feeling than looking at your assignment tracker and knowing everything is organized and under control. Saves time spent scrambling, too.

Picking the Perfect Assignment Tracking Templates Google Sheets

When choosing assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets, you’ll want one with specific fields and features that make it easy to stay on top of your work. Here’s what to look for in a homework organizer template:

  • Assignment Details: A column for writing down each assignment’s name, instructions, and notes will help you remember exactly what you need to do.
  • Due Dates: Columns for listing the due dates of assignments, tests, and projects allow you to see what’s coming up and schedule your time wisely.
  • Status Tracker: A place to mark assignments as “Not Started,” “In Progress,” or “Completed” lets you check on what still needs your attention.
  • Subject and Type: Categories or labels for sorting assignments by subject or type (essay, presentation, etc) keep your spreadsheet tidy.
  • Big Picture View: Some templates include a calendar view or semester schedule to help you plan assignments week-by-week or month-by-month.

The right spreadsheet has the fields you need to fully describe your homework and organize it in a way that works for you. With the perfect template, staying on top of assignments is easy

Top Assignment Tracking Templates

Now that you know the benefits and what to look for in an assignment spreadsheet, we have compiled a list of top assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets that will help you seamlessly track your assignments. 

And guess what? You don’t need robust experience with Google Sheets to maximize these templates, as they are easy to use.

Convenient Homework Planner Template

master assignment list

The Convenient Homework Planner Template is one of the most comprehensive and user-friendly assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets. It’s an excellent fit for students seeking an all-in-one solution to organize their work.

This template includes separate tabs for an overview calendar, assignment list, and weekly schedule. The calendar view lets you see all assignments, tests, and projects for the month at a glance. You can quickly identify busy weeks and plan accordingly.

On the assignment list tab, you can enter details like the assignment name, class, due date, and status.

The weekly schedule tab provides a simple agenda-style layout to record daily assignments, activities, and reminders. This helps you allocate time and schedule focused work sessions for tasks.

Key Features

  • Monthly calendar view for big-picture planning
  • Assignment list with details like class, due date, and status
  • Weekly schedule with time slots to map out days
  • Due date alerts to never miss a deadline

With its intuitive layout, useful visual features, and thorough assignment tracking, the Convenient Homework Planner has all you need to master organization and time management as a student. By leveraging this template, you’ll spend less time shuffling papers and focusing more on your academics. 

Ready to explore this assignment tracking template? Click the link below to get started. 

The Homework Hero Template

master assignment list

The Homework Hero is an excellent assignment-tracking template tailored to help students conquer their academic workload. This easy-to-use Google Sheet template has dedicated sections to log critical details for each class.

The Subject Overview area allows you to record the teacher’s name, subject, department, and timeline for each course. This provides helpful context and reminds you of important class details.

The main homework tracking area includes columns for each day of the week. Here, you can enter the specific assignments, readings, and tasks to be completed for every class on a given day. No more guessing what work needs to get done.

At the extreme end of this sheet is a section for additional notes. Use this to jot down reminders about upcoming projects, tests, or other priorities.

Key features

  • Subject Overview section for every class
  • Columns to record daily homework tasks
  • Extra space for notes and reminders
  • An intuitive layout to map out the weekly workload
  • Easy to customize with additional subjects

The Homework Hero assignment tracking template empowers students to feel in control of their assignments. No more frantic scrambling each day to figure out what’s due. With this template, you can approach schoolwork with confidence.

Click the link below to get started with this template. 

The A+ Student Planner Template

master assignment list

The A+ Student Planner is the perfect template for students seeking an organized system to manage assignments across all their courses. This Google Sheet template has useful sections to input key details for flawless homework tracking.

The Weekly Overview calendar makes it easy to see your full workload at a glance from Sunday to Saturday. You can note assignments, projects, tests, and other school events in the daily boxes.

The Class Information section contains columns to list your class, teacher, room number, and times. This ensures you have all the essential details in one place for each course.

The main Assignment Tracking area provides space to log the name, description, due date, and status of each homework task, project, exam, or paper. No more scrambling to remember what needs to get done.

  • Weekly calendar view to map out school events and tasks
  • Class information organizer for easy reference
  • Robust assignment tracking with all critical details
  • An intuitive layout to input assignments across courses
  • Great for visual learners

With a structured format and helpful organization tools, The A+ Student Planner provides next-level assignment tracking to ensure academic success. Staying on top of homework has never been easier.

Ready to get started with this assignment tracking template? Access it for free via this link below. 

The Complete Student Organizer Template

master assignment list

The Complete Student Organizer is an excellent minimalist assignment tracking template for focused homework management.

This straightforward Google Sheets assignment template includes columns for the date, total time needed, assignment details, and status. By paring down to just the essentials, it provides a simple system to stay on top of homework.

To use this template, just fill in the date and time required as you get assigned new homework. In the assignment details column, outline what needs to be done. Finally, mark the status as you work through tasks.

  • Streamlined columns for date, time, assignment, and status
  • Minimalist layout focused only on crucial details
  • Easy input to quickly log assignments
  • Track time estimates required for assignments
  • Update status as you progress through homework

The Complete Student Organizer is the perfect template for students who want a fuss-free way to track their homework. The simplicity of the grid-style layout makes it easy to use without extra complexity. Stay focused and organized with this efficient assignment tracking sheet.

You can get access to this template by visiting the link below. 

Assignment Slayer: The Ultimate Planner Template

master assignment list

Assignment Slayer is the supreme template for tackling schoolwork with military-level organizations. This comprehensive planner is ideal for students taking multiple classes and juggling a heavy workload.

The template includes separate tabs for each academic subject. Within each tab, you can log critical details, including the assignment name, description, status, due date, and associated readings or tasks. With this assignment tracking template, no assignment will fall through the cracks again.

Plus, it has additional columns that allow you to record scores and grades as they are received throughout the semester. This level of detail helps you better understand your standing in each class.

The Ultimate Planner also contains an overview dashboard with calendars for the month, week, and each day. With this, you can visually map out all upcoming assignments, tests, and projects in one view.

  • Individual subject tabs for detailed tracking
  • Robust assignment logging with name, description, status, due date, and more
  • Columns to record scores and grades when received
  • Monthly, weekly, and daily calendar dashboard
  • Visual layout ideal for visual learners

Assignment Slayer equips students with military-level organization. Its comprehensive features give you command over academic responsibilities, resulting in stress-free homework mastery.

Want to explore how this template can make your job easy? Click the link below to access this free assignment tracking template now. 

Why You Should Take Advantage of These Assignment Tracking Templates For Google Sheets

The assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets we reviewed in today’s guide offer significant advantages that can make managing homework easier. Here are some of the top reasons students love using these digital planners:

Get Organized

The templates allow you to sort all your assignments neatly by subject, type, due date, and status. No more fumbling through papers to find the next thing you need to work on. Plus, the level of organization you get with these templates helps reduce stress.

Manage Time Better

Knowing exactly when assignments are due helps with planning out your week. You can see what needs to get done first and schedule time accordingly. No more last-minute assignment crunches.

Access Anywhere

You can view and update your homework template from any device as long as you have an internet connection. The templates are ready to go as soon as you make a copy – no setup is needed. Easy access keeps you on track.

With useful tools for organization, planning, and accessibility, these assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets make managing homework a total breeze. Boost your productivity and reduce academic stress today by using these templates for your assignment. 

Final Thoughts

Today’s guide explored some of the most accessible and useful assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets. These handy templates make it easy for students to stay organized and on top of their workload.

As a busy student, keeping track of your homework, projects, tests, and other responsibilities across all your courses can be daunting. This is where leveraging a spreadsheet template can make a huge difference in simplifying academic organization.

The assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets reviewed today offer intuitive layouts and customizable features to create a centralized homework hub tailored to your needs. 

Key benefits include:

  • Inputting all assignments in one place for easy reference
  • Tracking due dates, status, grades, and other key details
  • Customizable columns, colors, and more to fit your study style
  • Easy access to update assignments from any device
  • Helps prioritize your time and tasks needing attention
  • Reduces stress by helping you feel in control

By taking advantage of these assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets, you can reduce time spent shuffling papers and focus your energy where it matters – knocking out quality academic work. Make your life easier and get a digital organizational system in place. 

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Top 10 Free Task List Templates in Excel & ClickUp to Unlock Efficiency

Praburam Srinivasan

Growth Marketing Manager

February 13, 2024

If you often struggle to stay on top of work tasks, personal responsibilities, and the never-ending to-do lists life keeps throwing at you, don’t worry—you’re not alone. While excelling at work while maintaining a fulfilling personal life is a major puzzle for many professionals, it can be pieced together if you equip yourself with the right tools.

The humble task list is a simple yet remarkably useful tool to boost productivity and regain control of your personal and professional commitments. It provides a clear roadmap of what and when needs to be accomplished, helping you manage time wisely and prioritize tasks effectively. đź“‘

To be practical, a task list needs a well-structured format, but making one from scratch can be yet another responsibility.

Fortunately, there’s a wealth of outstanding blueprints available for free. In this article, we’ll introduce you to 10 of the finest task list templates to revolutionize how you manage your daily responsibilities.

What Is a Task List Template?

What makes a good task list template, 1. clickup daily task list template, 2. clickup calendar to do list template, 3. clickup work to do template, 4. clickup task management template, 5. clickup simple to-dos template, 6. clickup simple task management template, 7. clickup activity list template, 8. excel prioritized to do list template by vertex42, 9. excel task list template by teamgantt, 10. excel daily task tracker template.

Avatar of person using AI

A task list template is a pre-designed framework for efficiently listing, prioritizing, organizing, and tracking tasks or activities. It comes in various forms, from simple to complex, and can be used for professional and personal purposes.

These templates typically include essential components such as task names, descriptions, due dates, and status indicators. Some may offer additional attributes like priority levels , task dependencies, and categories to further improve task management and prioritization.

ClickUp 3.0 List view bundle with Gantt and AI

Task list templates provide a systematic approach to managing your daily schedule , coordinating complex projects, or organizing team assignments. They help you track responsibilities and ensure crucial tasks are completed on time, promoting accountability and transparency.

What makes them even more valuable is their flexibility —they can be tailored to fit your specific requirements, whether you’re managing a client project or throwing a birthday party. ⏳

When it comes to task organization, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, you should ensure that your task list template has the following qualities:

  • Clarity : Task names and descriptions should be concise and unambiguous, ensuring that users can quickly understand what needs to be done
  • Organization : The template provides a logical structure for listing tasks, often in a sequential or prioritized manner
  • Flexibility : Users should be able to customize it to suit their specific personal or professional requirements 
  • Due date management : It allows for setting due dates or deadlines, helping users track time-sensitive responsibilities and prioritize work accordingly
  • Status tracking : Good templates include status indicators or checkboxes that allow users to mark tasks as incomplete, in progress, or completed
  • Reminders and notifications : To help users stay on top of upcoming tasks or overdue items

10 Must-Have Free Task List Templates in 2024

In this curated collection, we’ve handpicked the top 10 task and to-do list templates in Excel and ClickUp .

Each is expertly designed to address specific needs and elevate your task management experience. They’re also easy to use, customizable, and completely free. 🆓 

ClickUp Daily Task Template is perfect for managing daily tasks and keeping track of your entire day

The ClickUp Daily Task List Template is your partner in organizing everyday tasks , from the most routine to critical. It empowers you to take charge of your day by setting goals, assigning deadlines, categorizing tasks, setting up reminders, and prioritizing work.

The best part? It’s highly customizable , allowing you to tailor it to your needs and preferences. 

With this template, you have the power to take your task organization to the next level through Custom Fields. You can organize tasks according to particular categories such as type, location, or any other relevant criteria, which makes it simpler to visualize and arrange your workload.

Easily track and maintain streaks with customizable attributes for effective daily task management. âś…

Use the template’s List view for a detailed display of your to-do items, switch to the Kanban view to easily manage task statuses, or pick the Table view if you prefer a spreadsheet-like format. You can also integrate this template with your existing task management tools , ensuring it harmonizes effortlessly with your daily workflow.

Combine your daily checklist and your daily calendar with the ClickUp Calendar To-Do List Template

If you’re looking to master your work hours, expectations, and goals with precision, the ClickUp Calendar To Do List Template has your back. It’s not just a calendar; it’s a powerful organizational tool offering a holistic view of your weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly duties.

Use it as a clear roadmap to plan and prioritize all your tasks based on your role and responsibilities or as your go-to weekly task list template for multiple projects. 🗓️

What makes this template extra convenient and functional are its custom views. Imagine having an entire week ahead filled with meetings. The Meeting Request view gives you a quick overview of all your upcoming appointments, the associated tasks, and their deadlines. This ensures you’re always well-prepared and firmly in control of your commitments.

Now, picture working in a team where tasks are assigned based on roles. The By Role view helps you sort tasks according to who’s responsible for them. It makes task delegation a breeze and promotes accountability by ensuring everyone knows what they need to do and when.

Lastly, there’s the Schedules view . It’s like a visual map of your day or week, laying out tasks chronologically. This helps you plan your time effectively by allocating slots for tasks, meetings, and even short breaks. It’s all about staying on top of things and making the most of your precious time.

You can also track task progress with Custom Statuses like Open and Complete and categorize tasks using Custom Fields such as Category, Resources, Productivity Level, and Role.

Successfully tackle all upcoming obligations with the ClickUp Work To Do Template

With the ClickUp Work To Do Template , you can effortlessly prioritize tasks by importance, effort, or urgency, ensuring you stay focused on what matters most. Organize projects into lists, complete with their related tasks, subtasks, and associated due dates, so you’re always on top of deadlines. Plus, you can visually track your progress through intuitive Kanban boards or Gantt charts. 

This template offers three distinct views tailored to your needs:

  • Weekly Calendar
  • Monthly Calendar

In the Task List view, you’ll find a comprehensive list of activities organized by their completion timeframes, be it daily, weekly, or monthly. You can track additional details on the right side of the template, such as task status, due dates, and priority. Plus, the Task Type field allows you to specify the department responsible, adding a touch of accountability to your task management. 💼

The Calendar views are where the magic happens. Use the simple drag-and-drop editor to schedule or reschedule tasks , creating a visual roadmap for your work.

Easily manage tasks across the team and use custom views like Board view to delegate work more efficiently

The ClickUp Task Management Template is your ultimate solution for staying organized and efficiently tackling tasks, no matter the project’s goals. This template takes the information you enter and automatically groups it by priority, department, or task status. With pre-built Custom Fields , you’ll have a quick snapshot of task ownership and expected completion dates, ensuring transparency and clarity. 🌞

Your team can use the template’s List view to meticulously organize task details, such as ownership and deadlines, akin to an advanced to-do list . Project tasks are sorted into three main Lists —Action Items, Ideas, and Backlog—allowing you to find the information you need effortlessly. 

Meanwhile, the Board view empowers you to plan and prioritize tasks by arranging sticky notes on a Kanban board. The Box view offers insights into work distribution, aiding intelligent task assignment, while the Calendar view simplifies scheduling with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface.

ClickUp Simple To-Dos Template facilitates task management and increases productivity

Introducing the ClickUp Simple To-Dos Template , where effectiveness meets simplicity. This template offers a straightforward approach to task management without unnecessary complications or distractions. 🎯

Start with the List view as your master task list, where columns display essential details like assignees, due dates, priority tags, and comments. The status column provides a dropdown menu with customizable categories, such as Blocked, Complete, In Progress, and To Do.

Want an overview of all your tasks? Turn to the All Tasks view.

Need to prioritize? The Prioritized Tasks view has you covered.

Make your tasks more informative by including subtasks, checklists, and attachments. Experiment with various views like Board and Gantt, and refine your task display using filters to find the best fit for your workflow.

View only the next action of a task for a cleaner to-do list template in ClickUp

Tired of struggling to remember your daily tasks and appointments? The ClickUp Simple Task Management Template is designed to simplify not only work-related activities but also everyday responsibilities like cleaning, vacuuming, or going to the gym.

The to-do list template includes a basic list format for visualizing personal or professional tasks categorized as To Do or Complete. 

This task management template provides a clear structure for adding your daily tasks , complete with labels for due dates, priorities, and task statuses. It’s your key to structuring your day and staying on top of tasks, no matter their size or significance.

You’ll find a range of views, including List , Board, and Doc , allowing you to approach your tasks in a way that best suits your workflow. Its powerful customization options set this template apart—add fields, prioritize tasks, and easily set up reminders.

Origanize and plan all your activities in one place with the ClickUp Activity List Template

The ClickUp Activity List Template can transform the chaos of your to-dos into a well-organized and efficient system. It’s a versatile template that covers everything from creating to-do lists and checklists to managing project timelines and sprints. With this template, you can organize all your activities in one place, making it easy to prioritize and plan them with precision. 🙌

Use the template’s Custom Fields to: 

  • Specify project name
  • Assign a project manager
  • Track completion progress

What’s even more convenient is that this template structures activities as subtasks , allowing you to provide in-depth details for each one, including dependencies between activities. It’s a comprehensive solution for effective activity management and project planning, simplifying complex tasks and ensuring your projects run smoothly.

Excel Prioritized To Do List Template  by Vertex42

Excel enthusiasts, here’s a handy tool for your task management needs: the Excel Prioritized To Do List Template by Vertex42. This template simplifies the collection, evaluation, and tracking of your day-to-day tasks. It features a printable , hand-fillable design with a dedicated space for your top three priorities. 🖨️

In the first column, list your tasks or projects. Use the subsequent columns to set due dates, update statuses, specify priorities, and add notes. You have the flexibility to prioritize tasks using various methods, like symbols, numbers, or formatting.

Excel Task List Template by TeamGantt

The Excel Task List Template by TeamGantt is your ticket to task management success. This template simplifies scheduling, assignment, and tracking of tasks for various projects, making it a valuable addition to your task list template Excel collection. It offers adaptability, whether you’re handling critical work tasks or personal projects.

The template simplifies task management by allowing you to create a comprehensive to-do list . You can easily add tasks, assign owners, set due dates, and track task status. Its clear status options make progress monitoring a visual breeze, and you can prioritize tasks effortlessly by assigning due dates.

You can track your progress on work assignments, ensuring you never miss a deadline or manage your household projects more efficiently, keeping costs in check and tasks on schedule.

Excel Daily Task Tracker Template

The Excel Daily Task Tracker Template is a versatile tool for efficiently managing multiple tasks. Its user-friendly, visually attractive design incorporates built-in filtering controls , allowing you to sort and filter projects based on their due dates, priority, and status. Whether you prefer a digital or hard copy, this template suits both options.

With complete customization options , you have the freedom to adjust text, images, and other elements to suit your unique requirements. You can tap into a world of creativity with access to a diverse range of photos, graphics, fonts, and dynamic features like animations, transitions, and videos. 🎨

This template offers a straightforward and efficient solution for task tracking, helping you prevent oversights and boosting your productivity.

Task List Templates: Overview

Here’s a brief overview of what you can expect from each template:

Checkmate Your Tasks with the Best Task and To Do List Templates

If tasks were your soldiers, task list templates would be the strategies and tactics you apply to take control of them and lead them to victory. So, don’t just try to manage tasks—command them with the right template! 💂

From simple to-do lists to detailed project tracking tools, these 10 templates combine simplicity, flexibility, and effectiveness to match your specific needs. If you need more ready-made frameworks to streamline all kinds of professional and personal activities, we encourage you to check out  ClickUp’s extensive library of templates and supercharge your productivity.

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Free Task List and Checklist Templates

By Kate Eby | July 19, 2016

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In this article, we’ve gathered the most comprehensive list of downloadable task and checklist templates to keep your personal and professional endeavors on track.

Included on this page, you’ll find a variety of free templates in Word, Excel, and PDF formats, such as a weekly task list template , project task template , event to-do list template , and more. 

Team Task List Template

Use this template to keep your team organized and cut wasted time in status meetings. Create a centralized view of all team member's responsibilities across multiple projects.

We’ve also included pre-built templates from Smartsheet, a work execution platform that empowers you to better manage checklists and deadlines with real-time collaboration and project visibility.

Team Task List Template

‌   Download Excel Template Try Smartsheet Template   ‌

Gantt Chart Task List Template

Get a visual picture of your scheduled tasks with this Gantt chart template. Often used in project management, a Gantt chart shows the duration of each task as a horizontal bar that spans start and end dates. Thus, it’s easy to see the different phases of a project, identify dependencies, and prioritize tasks. A Gantt chart can be useful for managing any task list that spans a set period of time.

Gantt Chart Task List Template

Task Tracker Template

This task tracking template documents the progress of each item on your list, so it’s easy to assess the status of individual tasks or an entire project. There is space to list start and end dates, as well as to mark completed tasks. This template keeps things simple by providing only essential tracking information, but there is also space for notes in case you need to include further details or instructions.

Task Tracker Template

Project Task Template

This template is designed for project management, and it can be used in both a business or personal setting. The template provides sections for project tasks, priority, deadlines, assignees, and deliverables, and it allows you to track project costs and compare estimated to actual hours. This is a detailed template that can easily be edited to match the exact needs of your project.

Project Task Template

Weekly Task List Template

This weekly task list schedule includes columns for assigning a category to each item, along with deadlines and completion status. The default weekly calendar runs Sunday to Saturday, but  you can also choose the starting date for the week. If you need a combined calendar and task list, this template offers an easy solution.

Weekly Task List

Daily Task List Template

You can use this daily task list template to schedule tasks throughout the day while also planning ahead for an entire week. Choose the starting time for each day, as well as the starting date for your weekly calendar view. You can also adjust the time interval of each task, which allows you to break down each hour into incremental tasks, if needed.

Daily Task List

To-Do List with Drop-Down Menus Template

This simple to-do list template includes drop-down menus for indicating priority and status on each item. When a task is marked as complete, the row changes color; this enables you to quickly spot which tasks are still in progress or have yet to be started. This task template could be used for a broad range of applications, from organizing homework assignments to planning an event or tracking work projects.

To Do List with Drop Downs Template

Prioritized Task List Template

This template is a step up from a basic to-do list, as it allows you to rank your tasks with the highest-priority items first. There is also a section for notes where you can elaborate on your tasks or add reminders. This template offers a simple way to stay organized while ensuring that you don’t overlook high-priority tasks.

Prioritized Task List

‌   Download Word Template Try Smartsheet Template   ‌

Yearly Calendar Template (2024)

Use this 12-month calendar for a high-level look at your schedule and upcoming tasks. The template displays a standard January-to-December calendar, so you can view your long-term projects and tasks at a glance.

2024 Yearly Calendar with Notes

‌   Download Excel Template

Basic Task Checklist Template

This task checklist offers a basic outline with checkboxes for each item on your to-do list. It also has sections to note the due date and status of each task to assist with planning. After downloading this template, save a blank version so that you have a master copy ready to print and use any time you need to create a new task checklist.

Basic Task List Checklist Template

‌   Download Word Template

Task Analysis Template

Use this task analysis template to determine the resources and time required to successfully complete a given task. The template includes sections for delineating the steps involved in a task, the resources (human, mechanical, or monetary) required for each step, and the time spent on each item. This provides a detailed analysis of a task, which can be useful for training purposes or for any situation where you need to evaluate a process.

Task Analysis Template

Action Item List Template

Help your team stay organized and on task with this action item list for Word. The template includes a tracking number for each action item, start and due dates, the assigned owner for each task, and a notes section for adding updates or resolving issues. By defining and scheduling tasks as actionable items, you can track individual and team progress — and in the process, create a useful communication tool for all team members.

Action Item List Template

‌   Download Template in Word Try Smartsheet Template   ‌

Password Log Template

This template is designed to help you keep track of the passwords to all of your various accounts. List each account, and then fill in the columns for website URL, email address, username and password, security questions and answers, and any additional notes. Save the form to your computer or print a hard copy — remember, though, to store the information in a safe place and and not to share your passwords with anyone.

Password Log Template

Download Password Log Template:

Excel | Word | PDF

Event To-Do List

This template can help you stay organized when planning an event, such as a dinner party, a baby or bridal shower, a wedding, or a birthday party. Simply list each task and the person responsible, and assign a priority level to the task so you and your team can prioritize the many moving pieces. Additionally, note the due date and date completed — any discrepancy between the two dates will help you more accurately plan the timeline for your next event.

Event To Do List Template

Family To-Do List

This template, available in Word and PDF, is ideal for families who want a central resource to organize family tasks. The template provides separate tables for each family member to list their individual tasks, and then register due dates and notes, along with a column to mark completion. Of course, you can add or delete tables as needed.

Family To Do List Template

Download Family To-Do List:

Household Chores Task List Template

This chore list template allows you to create a weekly schedule for all of your household tasks. Create a list of tasks and assign each item to an individual for any day of the week. With a simple format, this template is easy to use, so you can streamline the planning process and start organizing your home. Additionally, you always have the option of saving the template as a PDF and printing a copy to share with others.

Household Chores Task List Template

Project Punch List Form

In the construction industry, a punch list is a document that you complete toward the end of a project. In it, the contractor or property owner lists any work that has been done incorrectly or does not meet the specifications outlined in the original contract. The construction team then uses this punch list as a reference to complete or repair the work items before the project is officially closed. This punch list form provides a separate table to list each work item that needs repair or attention. Save the PDF form, print it, and fill it out by hand for easy use.

Project Punch List Form Template

Project Closeout Template

Use this checklist to ensure you have completed all necessary tasks in a project. This template is designed with construction projects in mind, but you can edit the categories to reflect the needs of any multidimensional project, whether it pertains to building, real estate, or business — or even as a termination checklist if you are ending an association, an agreement, or a hiring arrangement. Simply list each task, the quantity requested (if applicable), specific requirements, and any notes. This easy-to-use form serves as a final check so you don’t overlook any requirements as you prepare to officially close a project.

Project Closeout Checklist Template

Risk Assessment Matrix

Before you embark on a project, you should perform a risk assessment. While you can’t control or prevent every possible risk, taking the time to assess the possible threats to your project will help you plan for and mitigate some hazards. This matrix allows you to perform a qualitative risk assessment, gauge the probability, and predict how each could affect your project budget, scope, and timeline. The template also provides space for you to list events that could trigger each risk, designate a respondee, and make notes for a response plan.

Risk Assessment Matrix Template

Download Risk Assessment Matrix:

Excel | Word  | PDF | Smartsheet

Customer List

This simple form allows you to list contact details for each customer or client. This list includes columns for the company; the name, title, email, and phone number of your contact; and any comments. You can or remove columns as necessary, and highlight or flag certain customers who you need to follow up with.

Customer Contact List Template

Inventory and Equipment Checklist

Use this template to keep track of inventory or equipment you either need or have newly acquired for a project. List each item number and name, followed by a description, date of purchase, cost, and other notes. Additionally, you can track initial value, loan details, and depreciation amounts for each piece of equipment in your inventory.

Inventory Equipment Checklist Template

New Hire Checklist

This template is designed for human resources to ensure that a new employee (and other internal teams) complete all necessary onboarding tasks. The Excel spreadsheet includes columns for completing new hire paperwork and sending it to the appropriate parties, but you can edit the form to include any tasks that your organization requires of new hires. In addition, there is space to assign tasks to employees, to set due dates, and to list contact information.

New Hire Checklist Template

Grocery List

Use this basic template to make a shopping list; you can fill it out on your computer or print and complete it by hand. In addition to providing an easy-to-read table, the template includes a checkbox column where you can mark off each item as you obtain it, as well as a column for individual items and total cost. This template is created with grocery shopping in mind, but you can edit it for retail, gifts, and other consumer needs.

Grocery List Template

‌Download Grocery List: 

Weekly Staff Meeting Template

Use this template to prepare for a recurring meeting. Note your agenda, attendees, action items, and whether or not the associated tasks have been completed. The template is designed with weekly meetings in mind, but you can edit the dates for a monthly, quarterly, or annual gathering.

Weekly Staff Meeting Template

Business Trip Checklist Template

Preparing for a business trip may include managing staff adjustments at work, making schedule changes with family members or caregivers at home, and taking on extra work to prepare for the trip — plus, packing everything you’ll need on the road. Use this business trip checklist template to help make the process more manageable and reduce the likelihood of forgetting a vital task or travel item. Edit the template to reflect your agenda, and then mark each item off your checklist as it’s completed. For personal use, you can also edit this template with relevant details for solo, family, or group travel.

Business Trip Checklist Template

‌  Download Excel Template Try Smartsheet Template   ‌

Student Planner Template

Students can plan for the week by using this free template to keep track of classes and assignments. The template includes columns for listing the due date and status of each assignment, which helps students stay organized, prioritize their workload, and meet deadlines with less stress.

Student Planner Template

Day Planner Template

This detailed day planner template provides multiple sections for planning various aspects of your day, from shopping needs to meals and appointments. There is also room for a general task list and a section to add items to be accomplished on another day. Customize the template by applying new labels to sections to match your daily routines.

Daily Planner Template

Business Plan Checklist

Use this simple business plan template to organize project tasks. The template is divided into phases so you can list tasks chronologically; it also includes columns for start and end dates and duration. Plus, a simple checkbox allows you to clearly mark which steps have been completed so you know your exact progress.

Business Plan Checklist Template

Group Project Task List

This template is ideal for organizing the basics of a group project or any assignment that involves multiple people. Simply list each task, a description, an assignee, a due date, and any notes in the columns provided, and add more columns if needed. This template does not have project management capabilities, but will give you an overview of every individual task and who is responsible for it. For more full-scale project management templates, visit “ Top Project Management Excel Templates .”

Group Project Task List

Job Task Analysis Template

A job task analysis can be used to determine which actions are critical for a certain job. Identifying tasks in this manner can help determine the scope of a job, appraise employee performance, inform training methods, and improve work processes. On this template, you can list the tasks that are required to complete a job, then rate the importance of each task, along with how frequently the actions are performed. You can also document your source of information for each task.

Job Task Analysis Template

‌  Download Word Template

Brainstorm and Collaboration Worksheet

Use this form to record information from a brainstorm or collaboration session. The template includes space to list ideas, their pros and cons, and the originator. In addition, there is a column for each team member to rank each idea. While this template doesn’t assist with idea generation, it enables you to keep all brainstorm information in one place so you can more easily compare ideas when it’s time to make a decision.

Brainstorming and Collaboration Worksheet Template

Download Brainstorm and Collaboration Worksheet:

Internal Audit Checklist

Use this template to prepare for a financial audit. The simple template includes rows for every required document in a standard audit (general ledger, balance and financial statements, tax reports, etc.) and a checkbox to note if an item has been reviewed and is attached. Add or subtract rows to include every document that your audit requires. To learn more about how best to prepare for a financial audit, read this  article .

Internal Audit Checklist Template

Contact List

This Excel template can be used as a contact list for a variety of personal use cases, including for classes, group memberships, event attendees, or emergency communications. The template includes columns for phone, email, and address, as well as to note the preferred mode of contact. The form is fully customizable, so add or subtract sections as needed.

Contact List Template

Download Contact List:

Increase Accountability with Real-Time Task Management in Smartsheet

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The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time.  Try Smartsheet for free, today.

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Discover why over 90% of Fortune 100 companies trust Smartsheet to get work done.

Homework To Do List

A spreadsheet can be a useful tool for tracking your homework assignments, due dates, and completion status. The homework list template on this page was designed based on my original To Do List Template for Excel. I simplified it a bit for and modified it specifically for tracking homework assignments. You can download the Excel file or the blank printable PDF version if all you need is a blank form to use for your student planner.

Homework To Do List Template

Homework To Do List

License : Private Use (not for distribution or resale)

"No installation, no macros - just a simple spreadsheet" - by Jon Wittwer


Drop-Down Lists for Status and Priority - The Status column lets you choose from "Not Started", "Incomplete", "In Progress", and "Complete." The Priority columns lets you choose between "High", "Medium", or "Low." If you want to edit the items in the drop-down lists, just select the cells you want to edit and go to Data > Data Validation and edit the comma-delimited lists.

Conditional Formatting for Priority and Due Date - I've set up the Priority column to show "High" as a bold red font and "Low" as a blue font. The Due Date uses icon sets to show when the date is past due. If you need or want to edit these rules, go to Home > Conditional Formatting > Manage Rules and select "This Worksheet" from the drop-down to see all the rules for the worksheet.

A Worksheet for Each Class - You can duplicate the main worksheet tab to create a homework list for each of your classes. Just right-click on the worksheet tab and select "Move or Copy" and check the "Create a copy" box. Then you can rename the tabs "ENG 101", "MATH 101" etc.

Completed Assignments - When you select "Complete" from the Status column, the font in that row will change to a gray strikethrough . You can edit the conditional format rule to change that if you want.

Printable Homework List

Printable Homework To Do List

  • Create a Drop Down List in Excel at - Explains how you can create a drop-down list like the one used in the Priority column.

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Assignment Tracker Template For Students (Google Sheets)

Assignment Tracker Template For Students (Google Sheets)

  • 6-minute read
  • 18th May 2023

If you’re a student searching for a way to keep your assignments organized, congratulate yourself for taking the time to set yourself up for success. Tracking your assignments is one of the most important steps you can take to help you stay on top of your schoolwork .

In this Writing Tips blog post, we’ll discuss why keeping an inventory of your assignments is important, go over a few popular ways to do so, and introduce you to our student assignment tracker, which is free for you to use.

Why Tracking Is Important

Keeping your assignments organized is essential for many reasons. First off, tracking your assignments enables you to keep abreast of deadlines. In addition to risking late submission penalties that may result in low grades, meeting deadlines can help develop your work ethic and increase productivity. Staying ahead of your deadlines also helps lower stress levels and promote a healthy study-life balance.

Second, keeping track of your assignments assists with time management by helping prioritize the order you complete your projects.

Third, keeping a list of your completed projects can help you stay motivated by recording your progress and seeing how far you’ve come.

Different Ways to Organize Your Assignments

There are many ways to organize your assignment, each with its pros and cons. Here are a few tried and true methods:

  • Sticky notes

Whether they are online or in real life , sticky notes are one of the most popular ways to bring attention to an important reminder. Sticky notes are a quick, easy, and effective tool to highlight time-sensitive reminders. However, they work best when used temporarily and sparingly and, therefore, are likely better used for the occasional can’t-miss deadline rather than for comprehensive assignment organization.

  • Phone calendar reminders  

The use of cell phone calendar reminders is also a useful approach to alert you to an upcoming deadline. An advantage to this method is that reminders on your mobile device have a good chance of grabbing your attention no matter what activity you’re involved with.

On the downside, depending on how many assignments you’re juggling, too many notifications might be overwhelming and there won’t be as much space to log the details of the assignment (e.g., related textbook pages, length requirements) as you would have in a dedicated assignment tracking system.

  • Planners/apps

There are a multitude of physical planners and organization apps for students to help manage assignments and deadlines. Although some vow that physical planners reign superior and even increase focus and concentration , there is almost always a financial cost involved and the added necessity to carry around a sometimes weighty object (as well as remembering to bring it along with you).

Mobile organization apps come with a variety of features, including notifications sent to your phone, but may also require a financial investment (at least for the premium features) and generally will not provide substantial space to add details about your assignments.

  • Spreadsheets

With spreadsheets, what you lose in bells and whistles, you gain in straightforwardness and customizability – and they’re often free! Spreadsheets are easy to access from your laptop or phone and can provide you with enough space to include whatever information you need to complete your assignments.

There are templates available online for several different spreadsheet programs, or you can use our student assignment tracker for Google Sheets . We’ll show you how to use it in the next section.

How to Use Our Free Writing Tips Student Assignment Tracker

Follow this step-by-step guide to use our student assignment tracker for Google Sheets :

  • Click on this link to the student assignment tracker . After the prompt “Would you like to make a copy of Assignment Tracker Template ?”, click Make a copy .

master assignment list

Screenshot of the “Copy document” screen

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2. The first tab in the spreadsheet will display several premade assignment trackers for individual subjects with the name of the subject in the header (e.g., Subject 1, Subject 2). In each header, fill in the title of the subjects you would like to track assignments for. Copy and paste additional assignment tracker boxes for any other subjects you’d like to track, and color code the labels.

Screenshot of blank assignment template

Screenshot of the blank assignment template

3. Under each subject header, there are columns labeled for each assignment (e.g., Assignment A, Assignment B). Fill in the title of each of your assignments in one of these columns, and add additional columns if need be. Directly under the assignment title is a cell for you to fill in the due date for the assignment. Below the due date, fill in each task that needs to be accomplished to complete the assignment. In the final row of the tracker, you should select whether the status of your assignment is Not Started , In Progress , or Complete . Please see the example of a template that has been filled in (which is also available for viewing in the Example tab of the spreadsheet):

Example of completed assignment tracker

Example of completed assignment tracker

4. Finally, for an overview of all the assignments you have for each subject throughout the semester, fill out the assignment tracker in the Study Schedule tab. In this tracker, list the title of the assignment for each subject under the Assignment column, and then color code the weeks you plan to be working on each one. Add any additional columns or rows that you need. This overview is particularly helpful for time management throughout the semester.

master assignment list

There you have it.

To help you take full advantage of this student assignment tracker let’s recap the steps:

1. Make a copy of the student assignment tracker .

2. Fill in the title of the subjects you would like to track assignments for in each header row in the Assignments tab.

3. Fill in the title of each of your assignments and all the required tasks underneath each assignment. 

4. List the title of the assignment for each subject and color code the week that the assignment is due in the Study Schedule .

Now that your assignments are organized, you can rest easy . Happy studying! And remember, if you need help from a subject-matter expert to proofread your work before submission, we’ll happily proofread it for free .

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Create a Master To Do List with Free Printable Templates

Created On: March 4   |   Updated: March 4   |   Leave a comment

master assignment list

A master to do list is an awesome tool to increase productivity and prioritize tasks to get done. Learn how to create a master task list and download free printable templates to help you get started!

Have you ever had so many tasks you need to accomplish pinging around in your brain that you just…don’t do any of them? 

You’re constantly thinking of the roughly twenty loads of dirty laundry that need to be washed, grocery shopping, meal planning so that you can go grocery shopping, cleaning the toilets (UGH), and that’s just the tip of the domestic chore iceberg. 

Don’t even get me started on the kids and spouse side of things. And if you’re also working outside the home, staying organized may seem like a pipe dream. 

Because let’s face it — the mom life is even harder today than it ever has been. And when you’re constantly thinking of everything you haven’t done yet, it’s much easier to just avoid those tasks altogether and binge-watch your favorite TV series instead.

Unfortunately for both you and that mile-long to do list, ALL of those tasks will still be waiting for you when that last episode is over. 

Luckily, there’s a solution to feeling perpetually stressed, overwhelmed , and paralyzed by the sheer mass of “stuff” you’re required to tackle on a daily basis. 

It’s called a Master To Do List , and you can use it to get organized, prioritize tasks, save time, and (most importantly) keep your sanity. 

free printable master to do list templates

In this post, we’ll take a deep dive into what makes a Master To Do List different from everyday task lists, why you need one, which format is best for you, and more helpful tips. I’ve even included some Free Printable Templates to help you get started!

What is a Master To Do List?  

A master to do list is essentially an ongoing list of tasks you need to accomplish over the course of a week, a month, or even longer. You will always add to your master list and check off things as you complete them. Many people choose to break their chores and tasks into categories and sub-categories, which is something I do as well. 

If your goal is to complete everything on your master to do list by the end of each month, you might create a new one at the beginning of the following one. The beauty of a master task list is that it’s totally customizable to work best for your life. The goal here is a less-stressed, happier YOU. 

*You can also create a monthly to do list for tasks that have to be completed each and every month. Grab some awesome free printable monthly to do lists here!

3 free printable monthly to do lists

As you’ve probably guessed by now, a master to do list is NOT a daily task list . There’s no earthly way you’ll be able to check off all those boxes in 24 hours…unless you’re Hermione Granger in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban . In which case, could I borrow your time turner? 

If you don’t possess magical abilities, you can always add each day of the week as a section of your master task list, which makes perfect sense. This way, you have everything divided up into more achievable “chunks” within your larger framework. 

Why You Need a Master To Do List

Here are just a few benefits of creating a master to do list: 

It Helps to Declutter Your Brain

Remember the endless tasks I mentioned earlier that are just whirling around your brain, bumping into each other and taking up your brain space? Constantly thinking about what you haven’t done yet can be incredibly overwhelming, and it takes your focus away from other areas of your life that need your full attention. 

A famous study by psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik confirmed that “the act of planning activities through to do lists reduces the burden on the brain.”

I think that’s an excellent way to think of this – my brain feels weighed down when I never actually put pen to paper and write down my thoughts. 

A master to do list is essentially a brain dump of all of those distracting items you’ve yet to check off as complete.  Transferring them onto paper helps to declutter your brain, reduce those feelings of overwhelm, and take the first step towards a more organized version of yourself.

If you want to try this activity out yourself, snag my free brain dump template !

Your Productivity Level Goes Up 

One of the major benefits I’ve experienced since creating a master to do list has been increased productivity. When I was just attempting to keep a mental task list each day, I would often start one thing, only to get distracted by three others things. At the end of the day, none of them were totally finished. 

A master to do list helps you prioritize tasks from most to least important so that you’re not constantly task-hopping. That way, you’re more focused and less likely to become distracted. 

Does that mean you suddenly have the ability to ignore a screaming toddler who just threw their spaghetti at the wall? No…that one needs your immediate attention. The list just enables you to refocus once you’ve finished cleaning up the mess. 

It Reduces Stress and Anxiety  

It comes as no surprise that a study by professors Baumeister and Masicampo (Wake Forest University) found that when people took the time to make a to do list, they became less stressed and anxious. Participants who were given a task and allowed time to write down steps towards achieving their goal performed significantly better than those in the study who didn’t write anything down at all. 

I am much less stressed since I started the practice of making a master to do list, and it feels great to check things off as I accomplish them. Although every day isn’t equally productive, I am much more at peace with what I have been able to do by the end.

How to Create a Master To Do List

Making your own master to do list can seem intimidating at first, but if you break down the process into steps, you’ll be on your way to a less anxious, more organized version of YOU. 

Step 1 – Decide on a format for your list

Not all master to do lists have to have the same format (After all, we’re not all the same!). Here are a few suggestions for different ways to structure your to do list:  

Add the list to your daily or weekly planner

If you’re someone who lives by your daily or weekly planner, you can easily create a master to do list by breaking down and prioritizing tasks for each day of the week. 

You’ll also have the satisfaction of physically checking off items each day, which in turn motivates you to keep going. If you’re in the market for an amazing planner for moms, check out the Purpletrail Planner . It’s awesome! 

weekly planner

Try a To Do List App 

There’s an endless number of task list apps for just about every type of person, especially for those who prefer to stay organized using their electronic devices.

Some to do list apps are better than others, and it really comes down to how user-friendly they are and your comfort level with using them.  

Use the ‘Notes’ section on your phone or tablet 

If you prefer creating your master to do list on your phone or tablet but want to avoid downloading yet another app, you can always just use the ‘Notes’ section instead.

Google Keep or Evernote are both excellent options for keeping thoughts and tasks organized, and they don’t cost anything to use. 

Use a digital spreadsheet

Aside from to do list apps, you can also input your tasks and prioritize them in a digital spreadsheet like Google Sheets or Excel. The benefit of Google Sheets is that you can access it anywhere, whereas you can only update your Excel spreadsheet file from one device. 

Use a free printable to do list  

Some of us (Ahem, me!), like to have a specific task list printout so that we can mark and erase to our heart’s content. That’s why I’ve included 5 different free printable to do lists at the end of this post for you to download and customize according to your schedule and priorities.

I know how overwhelming the mom life can be, and I want to help! 

A combination of different formats 

There’s also no hard-and-fast rule that you can’t use a combination of multiple master to do list formats. For example, you may keep your main to do list in your planner at home, but you jot down items in your phone’s Notes app throughout the day.

Then you work those tasks into your master list when you have some downtime each evening. The important thing about this process is finding what works for you and doing it consistently. 

Step 2 – Brain Dump a List of To-Do’s

Now comes the fun part! This is where we take any and every task that’s been floating around your noggin for the past forever and put it down on paper (or a Google Doc, Notes app, whatever floats your organizational boat). 

It’s called a Brain Dump, and while it sounds a little gross, this process is essential to the whole master to do list creation process. A brain dump has two parts: 

1. Recording ALL of your thoughts and ideas – writing them down 

2. And NOT criticizing or judging yourself – there aren’t any bad thoughts or ideas!

Doing a brain dump has many of the same benefits as creating a to do list, but it’s just the first step toward organizing and prioritizing tasks. You can use my free brain dump template to get everything down on paper and then work on breaking everything down into categories and sub-categories.     

printable brain dump worksheets

Step 3 – Decide How You Will Organize Your Master Task List

Next, you’ll need to decide how you’re going to organize the items on your list. That’s why I like to do a brain dump first because it helps me determine how to best lay out my final master to do list. 

Organize Your To Do List by Category 

One way to structure your master to do list is by sorting tasks into different categories. Some examples include: 

  • Family 

You can make your categories as general or as specific as you please – whichever helps you and reduces your stress levels!

It’s also important to remember that your master to do list will reflect whatever season of life you’re currently experiencing. It will never look exactly the same from one year – or even one month – to the next. 

Organize your list by urgency 

Another way to organize your to do list is by urgency. Things that need to get done ASAP go at the top, and other lower-priority tasks go further down. Or you could make columns with high, middle, and low-priority categories. Totally up to you.

This is similar to the Eisenhower Decision Matrix , and one of my free printable master to do list templates at the end of this post is perfect for this!

Just use a simple list of items without categorizing

You may be more of a free spirit when it comes to creating your master to do list and prefer not to categorize your tasks at all. It could be easier for you to simply jot items down as you think of them, and that works too.

There is no one “right” way to complete this process. 

Step 4 – Add To-Do’s From Your Brain Dump To Your Master To Do List

Now it’s time to add everything from your brain dump template to your master to do list.

Get excited! This means you’re on your way to a more carefree version of yourself. So, get out that planner, open that task planning app, or sit down with your free master to do list printable and get to work! 

Step 5 – Adjust Your List as Needed

Once you get going, make sure to adjust your list as you need to. This could include:

  • Crossing items off your list as you complete them
  • Adding new tasks that come up
  • Creating a fresh version of your master to-do list each month by removing completed tasks

Depending on your master to-do list format, this could take a few minutes or a half-hour.

Most to do list apps automatically archive your items once you’ve marked them complete, so all you have to do is add more tasks as you think of them. However, if you’re writing them down or using the template, the process may look a little bit different. 

Free Master To Do List Printable Templates

Want to grab my free printable master to do list templates to help you organize your task list? You can just click on the links below the PDF templates that you want, or download them all to see which one works best for you!

master to to list printable with check boxes

Download Master To Do List with Check Boxes HERE

printable 2 column to do list

Download Half-Sheet Printable To Do List Template HERE

Eisenhower matrix to do list printable

Download Matrix-Style To Do List HERE

modern printable master list

Download Simple Master List Printable Template HERE

printable to do list that says

Download “Stuff To Get Done” List Printable HERE

Tips for Making the Most of Your To-Do List

I want you to get the most out of this epic list-making adventure, so here are a few tips I’ve learned from my personal to-do list journey. 

Start small so you don’t get overwhelmed

Trying to organize what seems like your entire life in one sitting can be very overwhelming for some people. I know it was for me, at first! The great news is that if staring at a mile-long to do list brings on the eye twitch you only get when your mother-in-law is staying with you, there are easy solutions for that. 

I’m afraid you’re on your own with the mother-in-law. 

To avoid feeling overwhelmed, start by completing the easiest items on your master to do list. These can be quick five or ten-minute tasks that you can quickly mark complete. Not only does it help you take that first big step into this new habit, but it also gives your brain a nice big hit of dopamine for accomplishing something. It’s a win-win. 

Don’t be afraid to adjust your strategy

There is no master to do list police waiting to pounce on you for switching up your approach, so don’t be afraid to tweak your strategy as necessary. If you find that your list format isn’t working for you, adjust it until you find something that you can stick with. 

This is a learning process, after all. I mean, most of us don’t have the same haircut or beauty routine we did in high school. But, as we grow, we change. And thank goodness – those were some dark days…

Make sure your list is portable

Although a year-long planner that comes with all the bells and whistles may be nice, it may not be the most practical, especially if you’re constantly on the go. It’s best to make your master to do list as portable as possible so that you can easily access and add to it when you need to. Or at least have a plan for jotting things down while you’re out and about so that you can add to your main to do list when you get home. 

Commit to using your master to-do list consistently until it becomes routine

As with any new habit, you have to commit to using your master to do list consistently until it becomes second nature. You can create 542 to do lists, but if you don’t actually USE them, they’re not really helping you. 

According to the results of one study, researchers found that “on average, it takes more than two months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact.” Of course, the length of time varies by person, but that was the average. 

I recommend committing to the process for at least 30 days so that it becomes part of your normal, everyday routine. The most important thing is that you continue to stick with it even if you slip up every now and again. 

Other Printable Lists You’ll LOVE

If you loved these master to do list templates, then be sure to check out some of my other printable lists that can help you get organized around the house:

Build a Master Grocery List with this Printable Template!

printable grocery list template on a clipboard

Create a Weekly Cleaning Schedule You Can Stick To – Printable Checklist!

printable weekly cleaning schedule templates

I hope you enjoy these printable master task list templates , and I hope they help you to be more productive with your time!

Have you reduced your stress and anxiety by creating and sticking with a master task list? I’d love to hear about your list-making journey! 

Tell me about your experience – and any pro tips you have – in the comments below! 

And don’t forget to PIN this post for later:

5 different free printable to do lists

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Homework planner and task tracker

Become a master of task management by tracking every single task with our online planner – no matter how big or small.

Stay on top of your workload by receiving notifications of upcoming classes, assignments or exams, as well as incomplete tasks, on all your devices.

master assignment list

“Featuring a clean interface, MyStudyLife offers a comprehensive palette of schedules, timetables and personalized notifications that sync across multiple devices.”

” My Study Life is a calendar app designed specifically for students. As well as showing you your weekly timetable– with support for rotations – you can add exams, essay deadlines and reminders, and keep a list of all the tasks you need to complete. It also works on the web, so you can log in and check your schedule from any device.”

“MyStudyLife is a great study planner app that makes it simple for students to add assignments, classes, and tests to a standard weekly schedule.”

“I cannot recommend this platform enough. My Study Life is the perfect online planner to keep track of your classes and assignments. I like to use both the website and the mobile app so I can use it on my phone and computer! I do not go a single day without using this platform–go check it out!!”

“Staying organized is a critical part of being a disciplined student, and the MyStudyLife app is an excellent organizer.”

master assignment list

The ultimate study app

The MyStudyLife student planner helps you keep track of all your classes, tasks, assignments and exams – anywhere, on any device.

Whether you’re in middle school, high school or college MyStudyLife’s online school agenda will organize your school life for you for less stress, more productivity, and ultimately, better grades.  

school planner

Take control of your day with MyStudyLife

master assignment list

Stay on top of your studies. Organize tasks, set reminders, and get better grades, one day at a time.

master assignment list

We get it- student life can be busy. Start each day with the confidence that nothing important will be forgotten, so that you can stay focused and get more done.

master assignment list

Track your class schedule on your phone or computer, online or offline, so that you always know where you’re meant to be.

master assignment list

Shift your focus back to your goals, knowing that MyStudyLife has your back with timely reminders that make success the main event of your day

master assignment list

Say goodbye to last minute stress with MyStudyLife’s homework planner to make procrastination a thing of the past.

master assignment list

Coming soon!

MyStudyLife has lots of exciting changes and features in the works. Stay tuned!

Stay on track on all of your devices.

All your tasks are automatically synced across all your devices, instantly.

school timetable app hourly planner

Trusted by millions of students around the world.

master assignment list

School can be hard. MyStudyLife makes it easier.

Our easy-to-use online study planner app is available on the App Store, the Google Play Store and can be used on desktop. This means that you can use MyStudyLife anywhere and on any device.

Discover more on the MyStudyLife blog

See how MyStudyLife can help organize your life.


Maximize Your Success: Final Exam Calculator & Last-Minute Tips for Better Grades

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Student Academic Resource Center Student Learning and Academic Success

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Time Management

Timing is everything. Many students’ academics are improved simply by creating and following an effective time-management plan.

Our Effective Time Management video will give you an introduction to several time-management systems. Choose the one right for you, or schedule an ACE coaching session to customize a plan suited to you and your life.

Workshop Handouts

  • Three-List Method – (shown in video) Start with long-term goals and break them down into smaller items.
  • 8-Hour Day – (shown in video) Schedule your days by hour, planning on a 40-hour work week.
  • Student Schedule, Excel – or Student Schedule, pdf – (shown in video) Make a weekly schedule, broken down by the hour.
  • Study Hours per Class – Calculate how many hours per week are typical for your classes.
  • Super Scheduler – Plan your semester with this schedule that starts with a monthly view, then narrows down to weekly and daily tasks.
  • Eisenhower Matrix – What should you do first? An Eisenhower Matrix can help you prioritize what is most urgent.

Project Planning

  • Gantt Chart Break down a large project into a visual timeline of smaller tasks.
  • Planning Ahead Worksheet A blank layout to plan 2 weeks of daily tasks.

Semester & Syllabus Planning

  • Semester at a Glance Summer 2021 See and plan your entire semester on one page.
  • Combined Semester Syllabus Create one master assignment list for all your courses.
  • Semester Score Sheet Calculate what grades are possible based on what you have already completed and what is left in each class.
  • Smart Semester Strategy Make a plan for this semester.
  • Syllabus Review Organize all the information from your syllabus on one handy sheet.

Want to talk to a professional about further improving your study skills and developing an action plan for academic success?  Click here  to schedule a one-on-one appointment with an ACE Coach.

  • Setups & Tech
  • iOS & Mac

The 20 Best Notion Assignment Tracker Templates

Getting your ducks in a row for the new school year is essential, and with the right tools, you can make light work of tricky assignments. Notion student templates can be the second brain you need next semester.

Notion’s endless block-based system and accessible interface make it one of the best productivity apps out there. Construct a weekly schedule, organize your reading lists, manage your personal life, track your assignments, and everything in between.

We’ve gathered 20 of the best Notion assignment tracker templates to boost your productivity and help you stay on top of your workload!

Looking for more productivity tips and tools? Subscribe to The Flow — our quick, snappy, value-packed focus and recharge newsletter. Also, don’t miss our several other  Notion template round-ups and guides !

  • First Name First

master assignment list

All-in-One Student OS with Assignment Tracker

Hit the ground running this school year with the all-in-one Student OS, featuring a full Assignment Tracker! This comprehensive Notion dash for students features individual subject databases and a full semester plan, so you can stay on top of classes or deadlines. Create weekly timetables, calculate your grades, track college applications, keep a mood journal, and so much more with the all-in-one Student OS!

Template Available Here

Notion Student OS with Assignment Tracker

Notion Template Student Planner with Assignment Tracker

The Notion Template Student Planner with Assignment Tracker lets you plan days, weeks, and months in advance, with fully customizable themes and icons to match your aesthetic. Create tables, to-do lists, and notes — whatever makes the most sense to your brain for keeping tabs on assignments. Prepare for the future with the future goal template, and use the habit and expense trackers to manage your personal life.

Notion Template Student Planner

Priority Assignment Manager

Download the Priority Assignment Manager to stay laser-focused on your most important assignments. This template includes a no-frills assignment tracking database with properties for due dates, subjects, priority, and more. Tick off tasks once completed, and they’ll automatically move to the “Done” tab.

Priority Assignment Manager for Notion

Notion Student Bundle with Assignments Tracker

The Notion Student Bundle with Assignments Tracker helps you stay organized in all aspects of your student life. Rattle off assignments with ease by keeping all your deadlines, notes, resources, and goals in one place. Databases for reading lists, class timetables, and instructors mean you won’t forget anything important. Use the student finance trackers to stay on top of your expenses, income, budget, and savings.

Notion Student Bundle with Assignments Tracker

Student Notion Dashboard with Exam & Assignment Planner

Another Notion template with all the bells and whistles, the Student Notion Dashboard with Exam & Assignment Planner features assignment, wellness, productivity, finance, and lifestyle trackers. Working on a group project? The Student Notion Dashboard with Exam & Assignment Planner has a specific group project planner for seamless collabs. It’ll also fit your Notion aesthetic, with four gorgeous themes to choose from.

Student Notion Dashboard with Exam & Assignment Planner

Minimal College Assignments Organizer

Bring it back to basics with the Minimal College Assignments Organizer! From your dash, you can access info about your classes, work on your assignments, set reminders, make quick notes, and a whole lot more. The School View gallery on the front page is a great place to store important info about your school to keep everything you need within reach.

Notion College Assignments Organizer

Notion Academic Student Planner

Notion Academic Student Planner is an extensive Notion template for students that’ll help you keep tabs on your academic and personal goals. Stay on top of your coursework with weekly, monthly, and yearly assignment trackers. Whether you’re looking to track your nutrition, sleep schedule, fitness, or finances, the Notion Academic Student Planner is your one-stop shop for staying organized.

Notion Academic Student Planner

Aesthetic Student Planner with Assignment & Homework Tracker

Revolutionize your study sessions with the Aesthetic Student Planner with Assignment & Homework Tracker! Use the assignment database to track due dates, store info and study materials, and record your grades. Get in the flow with the built-in Pomodoro timer widget, and capture those brilliant ideas quickly on the brain dump page. Finance, wellness, and nutrition trackers help you visualize and work toward your personal and academic goals.

Aesthetic Notion Student Planner

Academic Planner with Exam & Assignment Manager

Cramming for your end-of-year exams? The Academic Planner with Exam & Assignment Manager is specifically designed for exams, with handy features like a grade calculator and space for course notes and study materials. Dress for success with the outfit planner and get into daily habits with the routine tracker. The application tracker can help you prepare for life after college with cover letters, portfolios, and resumes all in one database.

Notion Academic Planner with Exam & Assignment Manager

All-in-One Notion College Tracker (ADHD Friendly)

Staying focused on upcoming coursework is hard enough without having to manage your ADHD. ADHD-friendly Notion templates like the All-in-One Notion College Tracker make juggling your school and personal life a little easier. Organize and link all your assignments, courses, textbooks, extracurricular activities, and more to minimize distractions and maximize productivity. Log all your personal responsibilities, from workout plans to daily routines, to avoid getting sidetracked.

Notion College Tracker

Neutral Student Hub & Study Space

Neutral Student Hub & Study Space is an all-encompassing Notion assignment tracker template that’s ideal for anyone who prefers a monochromatic aesthetic. Input your study and personal tasks into your calendars, with hubs for assignments, exams, budgets, recipes, and more. One unique feature of this tracker is the Cornell system template, which lets you incorporate flashcards from Quizlet and Anki.

Notion Neutral Student Hub & Study Space

Anime Student Notion Dashboard

The Anime Student Notion Dashboard adds a splash of kawaii to your college experience. As well as featuring databases for studying and achieving your lifestyle goals, you’ll be greeted by adorable cartoon doodles and aesthetic anime backgrounds that’ll brighten your day. Use the timer to complete Animedoro sessions, jam in your journal with 25 pre-loaded prompts, and much more.

Check out our full round-up of Notion anime templates for more like these!

Anime Student Notion Dashboard

Simple Notion Student Planner Dashboard

Sometimes it’s easy to get distracted by beautiful themes and customization options. The Simple Notion Student Planner Dashboard lays out your courses and assignments in a clear, color-coded fashion for easy navigation. Despite its simplicity, this template has everything you need to succeed, including a notebook, grade calculator, and planner.

Simple Notion Student Planner Dashboard

Notion Homeschool Planner

The Notion Homeschool Planner is the ultimate template for any parent homeschooling their kids. From the dash, you can take attendance, view assignments, track lesson progress, and check overdue alerts. Set up your classes for the next 3 years, and add several children to your dash, each with their own learning hubs.

Notion Homeschool Planner

The Academy Notion Template

Check out The Academy Notion Template if you’re looking for a deep dive dashboard for the upcoming academic year. You’ll find dozens of hubs for everything from homeschooling to student IDs to extracurricular activities to home upkeep. The Academy Notion Template is incredibly versatile and works perfectly for students, teachers, and parents trying to stay ahead this school year.

The Academy Notion Template

Student Planner & Assignment Tracker Page

Get weekly and monthly overviews of your tasks and employ the time-blocking technique with Student Planner & Assignment Tracker Page’s timeline button. View your To-do lists, reminders, meal plans, and course databases directly from your dash.

Notion Student Planner & Assignment Tracker Page

Aesthetic Student Planner with Deadline Tracker

Aesthetic Student Planner with Deadline Tracker’s pastel color scheme makes it pleasing to the eye and offers everything you need to prep for school and beyond. Track individual classes, routines, and assignments. Keep a dream journal, vibe to your favorite playlists, and plan for your future career. The Aesthetic Student Planner with Deadline Tracker is fully customizable and can be used for everything and anything with a few simple edits.

Aesthetic Notion Student Planner with Deadline Tracker

Simple Assignment Tracker Table

Keep it minimal with a simple student assignment tracker. A straightforward database for projects showing the course, due date, and status, this template is ideal if you want to make your to-do list super accessible.

Simple Notion Assignment Tracker Table

Simple Aesthetic Assignment Tracker

Searching for a concise, highly customizable Notion assignment tracker? The Aesthetic Assignment Tracker includes a simple task database with calendar and table views of your assignments. See what you’ve got coming up, view all your tasks in one list, and create new views to see all your assignments by module, status, and more. Switch up the colors, themes, and icons or add widgets to make your Notion study database beautiful!

Simple Aesthetic Assignment Tracker for Notion

Simple Assignment Board Template

Clearly and compactly presented, the Notion Assignment Board has all you need to get a jumpstart on your assignments. View your assignments in list and calendar format, and create new filter views to see assignments by course and status. Filter your assignments by courses and see your WIPs. The external link bank keeps all your vital resources in one handy place.

Simple Notion Assignment Board Template

Which Notion assignment tracker works best for your brain? Let us know in the comments below!

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Templates for college and university assignments

Include customizable templates in your college toolbox. stay focused on your studies and leave the assignment structuring to tried and true layout templates for all kinds of papers, reports, and more..

college tools photo

Keep your college toolbox stocked with easy-to-use templates

Work smarter with higher-ed helpers from our college tools collection. Presentations are on point from start to finish when you start your project using a designer-created template; you'll be sure to catch and keep your professor's attention. Staying on track semester after semester takes work, but that work gets a little easier when you take control of your scheduling, list making, and planning by using trackers and planners that bring you joy. Learning good habits in college will serve you well into your professional life after graduation, so don't reinvent the wheel—use what is known to work!

Scattered Squirrel

Organize Your To-Do List with Master To-Do List Printables

I love lists!  I make no secret of that fact.  I find them oddly soothing and a little comforting.  I think it’s because lists allow us to take all those things that are floating around in our head and put them into som semblance of order.  Or maybe it’s because getting those tasks, ideas, and thoughts out of our head and onto paper frees up thinking space.  Whatever the reason, I think lists are awesome.  It’s also one of the reasons I’m sharing these Master To-Do List printables today.

Take your to-do lists on the go with you with our half-size and personal size master to-do list printables.

During the From Scattered to Sane series I dedicated a whole post to the master to do list and talked about how I use one to help tame my scattered brain.  It’s sounds like such a simple thing – write down everything floating around in your head – and it is a simple thing.  It’s an easy task to tackle, and all you really need is some paper and something to write with.  I like to take my main list and divide the items on it into categories which is where my master to-do list printables come in.  They help make sure I’m not forgetting things, but more importantly, they take that big long list and break it down into manageable tasks.

Master To-Do List Printables

When I made the first master to-do list printables, I only made them full-size.  Because they were part of the From Scattered to Sane series I wanted them to fit with the other printables.  After a number of people started asking if I was going to make them in half-size I decided it was time to jump on in and get that done.  Ready to check them out?

I made a few changes to the layout.  Instead of two lists per page, I opted for just one.  Because of the page size, I opted to keep it like this so maximize the writing space.  Just like their larger counterparts, I kept the title areas blank so you can use these to create lists for anything really.

As with all our printables, to grab a copy for yourself, click the pic of the one or ones you’d like and a download window will open for you.

The master to-do list printable was designed as part of the From Scattered to Sane series. This one is half letter size and comes in the colours Deep Lilac and Cobalt which match the months January, February, July and August in the Understated Rainbow printable Collection.

Personal Size

After working on the ones above I got to thinking about some of the lists I have and how I use them.  Many of my ongoing lists are ones that I like to keep with me when we head out shopping.   Things the boys need.  Things we need.  Errands that need to get done.  Stores I’d like to check out.  The list of lists could go on and on. I use a personal size planner cover

I use a personal size planner cover for my wallet and I know that many people prefer to use personal size planners for most of their planning, so I thought it would be a good idea to offer these as an option for anyone who would like them.

Personal size master to-do list printable in deep lilac and cobalt blue

Whether you’re a list lover like me or are just in need of some list paper for to help keep you organized, these master to-do lists printables should do the trick for you.  Personally, I’m going to print out a few personal size ones to keep in my wallet and a few of the half-size ones to put in my new planner .  I’d love to

I’d love to hear what you think about the to-do list printables.  Drop me a line in the comments below and tell me what you think.

Organize your to-do lists in your planner with these master to-do list printables in both half-size and personal size. They make planning on the go easy-peasy.

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What is GTD that y’all were referring to ??

Hi Talise, GTD refers to Getting Things Done, a book written by David Allen.

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Assignments | monster hunter world wiki.

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Assignments are story Quests in Monster Hunter World (MHW) . Players will need to complete these quest to progress the story, access the game, and increase their Hunter Rank (HR).

MHW Assignments

These are the story quests of the base game. Players do not need the expansion to complete these quests, that go from Low Rank to High Rank.

  All assignments have a 50 minutes time limit and the "Faint 3 times" failure conditions.

Master Rank Assignments


With the kirin quest for base game are you sure there's nothing else cause I can't get past 50 so...

Did y'all know you can "fix the website" yourselves if you know what is wrong with one of the pages since this is a wiki? Lots of people put lots of paidless effort into this, don't be a ****ing Customer when you're not even paying to use the website. Please.

master assignment list

Love how we chase nergigante the complete history of the game, even in iceborne.

can't understand why the game tried to give you a feeling that it kind of ended once zora was send into the sea, when that aint even half of it

master assignment list

You don’t have to because it’s pretty much complete unless I’m wrong but adding the parts where you look for tracks. Again I don’t really see the point but why not

I can defeat a great jagras in 20 sec. also I'm star 7 but I am trying to defeat nergigante

Good job! If possible, add more details to the "Big Burly Bash" quest, because it seems kinda incomplete. Thanks!

You missed Shara ishvalda


Missed hunt a tzi tzi yaku between a ballooning problem and one for history book

Forgot the Beotoadus mission. Don't be incompitent. Fix your website. Add the proper information.

So there are no more quests after the tempered Kirin? What do I do now?

No hunt you can kill or capture where slay is you can only kill it meaning the monster is uncapture able

Aren't slay and hunt the same thing tho

I still think they made a mistake by making Legiana AFTER Radobaan, like we already been to Rotten Vale but then before Legiana quest they keep saying stuffs like they've never been there

Old monster in the new world is pink rathian

Into the Bowels of the Vale is the odogaron mission

Hunt assignment for the odogaron is missing.

Are quest HR ranks accurate here? Been looking for an assigned quest guide/list with the ranks and some pages i've looked at have been slightly different. As far as I can tell they are accurate but i'm only on the sixth story mission so don't know any farther than that. Thanks.

master assignment list

I took the liberty to redo the entire page, now to fill all these quests...

Who picked the format for this page? Its totally asinine to try to split the quests up this way. Whats wrong with just 2 columns of "low rank" and "high rank"?

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đź’˛Keep your finances on track with the new Finance and Budget Tracker Template

Assignments Masterlist

Simple Notion Template for listing ALL assignments, tasks, essays, and submissions which you can categorize and view by class or deadline. Includes Course Number, Class, Deadline, and Status sorted by Priority.

Assignments Masterlist

  • A Master List with different views including Calendar for deadlines and List for each individual class.
  • All Lists are sorted by Priority. Overview List shows the class, status, and priority. Each Class List shows deadline, status, and priority.
  • A premade template for each individual course (Course 1 - 5) when adding a new assignment that automatically fills in the Class & makes it easier to categorize the list.
  • Each class has its own theme color for easy viewing.
  • Task Manager

Subscribe to Our Newsletter

Supercharge your productivity with our Weekly Notion Templates Newsletter.

More Templates

Notion Finance Tracker image

Notion Finance Tracker

Track your expenses and income effortlessly with this Finance Tracker. Keep tabs on where your money is going, so you can make informed decisions about your spending.

Procrastination Station Dashboard Template image

Procrastination Station Dashboard Template

Notion dashboard template with meal planning, weekly planning, wishlist and more.

Gamified To Do List Template image

Gamified To Do List Template

A gamified to-do list template, complete tasks and daily habits to earn coins, trade for rewards, and receive achievements!

Professional Resume Template image

Professional Resume Template

A clean easy to use printable resume template for notion.

Apartment Items Checklist image

Apartment Items Checklist

Streamline your move into a new apartment with this comprehensive and time-saving Apartment Items Checklist Template for Notion

Minimal Aesthetics Dashboard image

Minimal Aesthetics Dashboard

Notion Minimal Aesthetics Personal Dashboard Template

Viewing all master class assignments

master assignment list

  • not pushed indicates that an assignment has not been pushed to any sections
  • partial indicates that an assignment has been pushed to at least one section but not to all sections of a master class
  • full indicates an assignment has been pushed to all sections of a master class

master assignment list

If an assignment has been previously added to a section, the assignment can be pushed to the section a second time with any new changes made to the assignment. This is only available if the assignment has not been modified by the TA and if no students have submitted to the assignment.

If the TA has made any changes to the assignment or students have submitted a paper, the assignment is locked. The messages on the push page next to each assignment will inform the primary master class instructor if an assignment is unmodified or if it has been locked.

If changes must be made to a locked assignment, access the assignment through the section or sections it has been pushed to and make any necessary changes through the sections directly. Changes cannot be made from the master class.

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Academic Assignment Samples and Examples

Are you looking for someone to write your academic assignment for you? This is the right place for you. To showcase the quality of the work that can be expected from ResearchProspect, we have curated a few samples of academic assignments. These examples have been developed by professional writers here. Place your order with us now.

Assignment Sample

Discipline: Sociology

Quality: Approved / Passed

Discipline: Construction

Quality: 1st / 78%

Discipline: Accounting & Finance

Quality: 2:1 / 69%


Discipline: Bio-Medical

Quality: 1st / 76%

Discipline: Statistics

Quality: 1st / 73%

Discipline: Health and Safety

Quality: 2:1 / 68%

Discipline: Business

Quality: 2:1 / 67%

Discipline: Medicine

Quality: 2:1 / 66%

Discipline: Religion Theology

Quality: 2:1 / 64%

Discipline: Project Management

Quality: 2:1 / 63%

Discipline: Website Development

Discipline: Fire and Construction

Discipline: Environmental Management

Discipline: Early Child Education

Quality: 1st / 72%

Analysis of a Business Environment: Coffee and Cake Ltd (CC Ltd)

Business Strategy

Application of Project Management Using the Agile Approach ….

Project Management

Assessment of British Airways Social Media Posts

Critical annotation, global business environment (reflective report assignment), global marketing strategies, incoterms, ex (exw), free (fob, fca), cost (cpt, cip), delivery …., it systems strategy – the case of oxford university, management and organisation in global environment, marketing plan for “b airlines”, prepare a portfolio review and remedial options and actions …., systematic identification, analysis, and assessment of risk …., the exploratory problem-solving play and growth mindset for …..

Childhood Development

The Marketing Plan- UK Sustainable Energy Limited

Law assignment.

Law Case Study

To Analyse User’s Perception towards the Services Provided by Their…

Assignment Samples

Research Methodology

Discipline: Civil Engineering

Discipline: Health & Manangement

Our Assignment Writing Service Features

Subject specialists.

We have writers specialising in their respective fields to ensure rigorous quality control.

We are reliable as we deliver all your work to you and do not use it in any future work.

We ensure that our work is 100% plagiarism free and authentic and all references are cited.

Thoroughly Researched

We perform thorough research to get accurate content for you with proper citations.

Excellent Customer Service

To resolve your issues and queries, we provide 24/7 customer service

Our prices are kept at a level that is affordable for everyone to ensure maximum help.

Loved by over 100,000 students

Thousands of students have used ResearchProspect academic support services to improve their grades. Why are you waiting?


"I am glad I gave my order to ResearchProspect after seeing their academic assignment sample. Really happy with the results. "

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Law Student

"I am grateful to them for doing my academic assignment. Got high grades."

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Economics Student

Frequently Ask Questions?

How can these samples help you.

The assignment writing samples we provide help you by showing you versions of the finished item. It’s like having a picture of the cake you’re aiming to make when following a recipe.

Assignments that you undertake are a key part of your academic life; they are the usual way of assessing your knowledge on the subject you’re studying.

There are various types of assignments: essays, annotated bibliographies, stand-alone literature reviews, reflective writing essays, etc. There will be a specific structure to follow for each of these. Before focusing on the structure, it is best to plan your assignment first. Your school will have its own guidelines and instructions, you should align with those. Start by selecting the essential aspects that need to be included in your assignment.

Based on what you understand from the assignment in question, evaluate the critical points that should be made. If the task is research-based, discuss your aims and objectives, research method, and results. For an argumentative essay, you need to construct arguments relevant to the thesis statement.

Your assignment should be constructed according to the outline’s different sections. This is where you might find our samples so helpful; inspect them to understand how to write your assignment.

Adding headings to sections can enhance the clarity of your assignment. They are like signposts telling the reader what’s coming next.

Where structure is concerned, our samples can be of benefit. The basic structure is of three parts: introduction, discussion, and conclusion. It is, however, advisable to follow the structural guidelines from your tutor.

For example, our master’s sample assignment includes lots of headings and sub-headings. Undergraduate assignments are shorter and present a statistical analysis only.

If you are still unsure about how to approach your assignment, we are here to help, and we really can help you. You can start by just asking us a question with no need to commit. Our writers are able to assist by guiding you through every step of your assignment.

Who will write my assignment?

We have a cherry-picked writing team. They’ve been thoroughly tested and checked out to verify their skills and credentials. You can be sure our writers have proved they can write for you.

What if I have an urgent assignment? Do your delivery days include the weekends?

No problem. Christmas, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve – our only days off. We know you want weekend delivery, so this is what we do.

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  • How It Works


  1. Master Task List Template

    master assignment list

  2. Assignment Checklist Template

    master assignment list

  3. Assignment Trackers

    master assignment list

  4. Master Your Tasks: The Ultimate 2024 Excel To-Do List Guide

    master assignment list

  5. Master Task List

    master assignment list

  6. Assignment Tracker. Here's a simple FREE printable that you can use to

    master assignment list


  1. SW649 Master Assignment

  2. 5th Graders Slave Master Assignment #slavery #shortvideo

  3. MP4 720p TIA Portal Quickstart #11 The Assignment list

  4. How are Assignments and Exams in USA Universities ?

  5. IBO 03 solved assignment 2022-2023

  6. IBO 04 solved assignment 2022-2023


  1. 5 Free Assignment Tracking Templates for Google Sheets

    The assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets reviewed today offer intuitive layouts and customizable features to create a centralized homework hub tailored to your needs. Key benefits include: Inputting all assignments in one place for easy reference. Tracking due dates, status, grades, and other key details.

  2. Top 10 Free Task List Templates to Track Responsibilities

    They're also easy to use, customizable, and completely free. 🆓. 1. ClickUp Daily Task List Template. ClickUp Daily Task Template is perfect for managing daily tasks and keeping track of your entire day. The ClickUp Daily Task List Template is your partner in organizing everyday tasks, from the most routine to critical.

  3. 30+ Free Task and Checklist Templates

    Gantt Chart Task List Template. Get a visual picture of your scheduled tasks with this Gantt chart template. Often used in project management, a Gantt chart shows the duration of each task as a horizontal bar that spans start and end dates. Thus, it's easy to see the different phases of a project, identify dependencies, and prioritize tasks.

  4. Homework To Do List Template

    Homework To Do List. A spreadsheet can be a useful tool for tracking your homework assignments, due dates, and completion status. The homework list template on this page was designed based on my original To Do List Template for Excel. I simplified it a bit for and modified it specifically for tracking homework assignments.

  5. Assignment Tracker Template For Students (Google Sheets)

    1. Make a copy of the student assignment tracker. 2. Fill in the title of the subjects you would like to track assignments for in each header row in the Assignments tab. 3. Fill in the title of each of your assignments and all the required tasks underneath each assignment. 4.

  6. Create a Master To Do List with Free Printable Templates

    1. Recording ALL of your thoughts and ideas - writing them down. 2. And NOT criticizing or judging yourself - there aren't any bad thoughts or ideas! Doing a brain dump has many of the same benefits as creating a to do list, but it's just the first step toward organizing and prioritizing tasks.

  7. How to Prepare for a Successful College Semester

    Add class assignments and due dates to your planner: With your syllabi, add all of your deadlines, exam dates, dates you should begin to study for exams, labs, project deadlines, essay deadlines/plans, extra class meetings, etc. to your planner. Create a master assignment list and tracker: Finally, create a master assignment list for your classes.

  8. MyStudyLife

    Transform your study habits and get better grades with MyStudyLife's game-changing student planner. Organize your schedule, track homework and achieve success . Revolutionize the way you tackle your academic journey with MyStudyLife, the ultimate high school or college schedule planner and online organizer rolled into one. Seamlessly integrate your academic life with this comprehensive tool ...

  9. Time Management

    Combined Semester Syllabus Create one master assignment list for all your courses. Semester Score Sheet Calculate what grades are possible based on what you have already completed and what is left in each class. Smart Semester Strategy Make a plan for this semester. Syllabus Review Organize all the information from your syllabus on one handy sheet.

  10. The 20 Best Notion Assignment Tracker Templates

    The Notion Template Student Planner with Assignment Tracker lets you plan days, weeks, and months in advance, with fully customizable themes and icons to match your aesthetic. Create tables, to-do lists, and notes — whatever makes the most sense to your brain for keeping tabs on assignments. Prepare for the future with the future goal ...

  11. Organizing Assignments in Excel: Beginning of the Semester ...

    In this video, Master Tutor Victoria Ritter shows students how to organize all of their coursework into an easily accessible Excel spreadsheet. This is a gre...

  12. Templates for college and university assignments

    Work smarter with higher-ed helpers from our college tools collection. Presentations are on point from start to finish when you start your project using a designer-created template; you'll be sure to catch and keep your professor's attention. Staying on track semester after semester takes work, but that work gets a little easier when you take control of your scheduling, list making, and ...

  13. PDF Master To- Do List

    Master To- Do List . At the beginning of each week, make a list of each of your courses and record your assignments for each one. After doing the assignment, go back and mark them as done. Class: Class: Class: Class: Class: Additional Info . For more information, visit the Center for Academic Success in B-31 Coates Hall, call (225)578-2872, or ...

  14. Organize Your To-Do List with Master To-Do List Printables

    Whatever the reason, I think lists are awesome. It's also one of the reasons I'm sharing these Master To-Do List printables today. During the From Scattered to Sane series I dedicated a whole post to the master to do list and talked about how I use one to help tame my scattered brain. It's sounds like such a simple thing - write down ...

  15. Use the Mastering assignments calendar

    Assignment list on the left: Provides an edit menu, the due date (or -- if not assigned yet), and gray assignment symbols, like the clock for a timed assignment. Point to a symbol to see its meaning. To see more assignments at a glance, switch to List View. On the assignments calendar: Point to an assignment to show more details, like availability dates and the assignment category.

  16. Slayer Task Weightings for EVERY master! : r/2007scape

    Don't forget, by the time you subtract tasks you can't do, tasks you haven't unlocked and then tasks on your block list, the effective % chance is actually higher than you see here. For accurate results, cross out each task on there you can't be assigned for whatever reason, then use the weighting column to work out your specific %'s.

  17. Assignments

    Master Rank Assignments are story Quests in Monster Hunter World Iceborne (MHW). Master Rank Assignments are only available to players who own the Iceborne Expansion.Players will need to complete these quest to progress the story and increase their Master Rank (MR3). All assignments have a 50 minutes time limit and the "Faint 3 times" failure conditions.

  18. Assignments Masterlist

    Assignments Masterlist. Features: A Master List with different views including Calendar for deadlines and List for each individual class. All Lists are sorted by Priority. Overview List shows the class, status, and priority. Each Class List shows deadline, status, and priority. A premade template for each individual course (Course 1 - 5) when ...

  19. Viewing all master class assignments

    The master class homepage displays all assignments created in the master class. The assign to sections column shows whether an assignment has been pushed to sections and whether it has been pushed to all or only selected sections. The assignment push page can be returned to by clicking the push to sections button next to an assignment at any time.

  20. Academic Assignment Samples and Examples

    The basic structure is of three parts: introduction, discussion, and conclusion. It is, however, advisable to follow the structural guidelines from your tutor. For example, our master's sample assignment includes lots of headings and sub-headings. Undergraduate assignments are shorter and present a statistical analysis only.

  21. Library Master Assignment List

    Contact Us . Essex High School 2 Educational Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-7121 [email protected]. 802-879-5503 (Main Office Fax) 802-215-4114 (Nurse Fax) School Hours: 8:40 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Wednesday Early Release: 8:40 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. Main Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

  22. Slayer Masters

    Sumona is a harder Slayer Master, usually assigning similar monsters as Duradel but fewer of them. She was added on 5 June 2008 as the central figure behind the Smoking Kills quest. Level 90 combat, level 35 Slayer and completion of Smoking Kills are required to receive assignments from her. The quest can be completed at lower combat levels, but Sumona will not assign tasks until her ...

  23. Konar quo Maten

    8623. Konar quo Maten (translated as Konar the Hunter) is a Slayer master who is found in the Kahlith settlement on the summit of Mount Karuulm. Players must have a combat level of at least 75 to be assigned a Slayer task from her. She is the only slayer master who can assign hydras as a slayer task.