Smilyan Pavlov

Designer & web strategy consultant in sheffield, uk, smarty – how to assign a variable into a variable in the template.

Recently I needed to assign several variables into one smarty variable inside the template.

Here is the basic rules for the example:

  • You have a text that says “Your registration expires in # days”;
  • You want The text “in # days” to change to “today” if the # days is 0.

Here’s a way you can do this with smarty variables inside the template (whether you should do this in the template is not a discussion for this post).

The key here is that when you want to include a variable as part of the value of another variable you need to use value=” $in_days “ . Notice the  ` before and after the variable name inside the double quotes. You can use this method to include variables inside value statements anywhere in smarty templates and make modifications of those included variables.

One thought on “ Smarty – How to assign a variable into a variable in the template ”

That helped a lot. Thanks!

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  • Upgrading from an older version
  • Config Files
  • Debugging Console
  • Template inheritance
  • Template resources

Getting started


Smarty can be run with PHP 7.2 to PHP 8.3.


Smarty can be installed with Composer .

To get the latest stable version of Smarty use: composer require smarty/smarty

To get the latest, unreleased version, use: composer require smarty/smarty:dev-master

To get the previous stable version of Smarty, Smarty 4, use: composer require smarty/smarty:^4

Here's how you create an instance of Smarty in your PHP scripts: <?php require 'vendor/autoload.php' ; use Smarty\Smarty ; $smarty = new Smarty ();

Now that the library files are in place, it's time to set up the Smarty directories for your application.

Smarty requires four directories which are by default named templates , configs , templates_c and cache relative to the current working directory.

The defaults can be changed as follows:

The compile dir and cache dir need to be writable for the user running the PHP script.

Note This is usually user "nobody" and group "nobody". For OS X users, the default is user "www" and group "www". If you are using Apache, you can look in your httpd.conf file to see what user and group are being used.

You can verify if your system has the correct access rights for these directories with testInstall() :

Basic usage

Now, let's create the index.tpl file that Smarty will display. This needs to be located in the $template_dir .

Note {* Smarty *} is a template comment . It is not required, but it is good practice to start all your template files with this comment. It makes the file easy to recognize regardless of the file extension. For example, text editors could recognize the file and turn on special syntax highlighting.

Now lets edit our php file. We'll create an instance of Smarty, assign() a template variable and display() the index.tpl file.

Note In our example, we are setting absolute paths to all the Smarty directories. If /web/ is within your PHP include_path, then these settings are not necessary. However, it is more efficient and (from experience) less error-prone to set them to absolute paths. This ensures that Smarty is getting files from the directories you intended.

Now, run your PHP file. You should see "Hello Ned, welcome to Smarty!"

You have completed the basic setup for Smarty!

You may have noticed that the example template above renders the $name variable using the escape modifier . This modifier makes string 'safe' to use in the context of an HTML page.

If you are primarily using Smarty for HTML-pages, it is recommended to enable automatic escaping. This way, you don't have to add |escape to every variable you use on a web page. Smarty will handle it automatically for you!

Enable auto-escaping for HTML as follows: $smarty->setEscapeHtml(true);

Extended Setup

This is a continuation of the basic installation , please read that first!

A slightly more flexible way to set up Smarty is to extend the Smarty class and initialize your Smarty environment. So instead of repeatedly setting directory paths, assigning the same vars, etc., we can do that in one place.

Now, we can use My_GuestBook instead of Smarty in our scripts: <?php $smarty = new My_GuestBook (); $smarty -> assign ( 'name' , 'Ned' ); $smarty -> display ( 'index.tpl' );


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    Description. You can explicitly pass name/value pairs, or associative arrays containing the name/value pairs. These are accessed in the template with. To access more complex array assignments see {foreach} and {section} See also assign_by_ref() , get_template_vars() , clear_assign() , append() and {assign} Smarty is a template engine for PHP.

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  7. {if},{elseif},{else}

    {if},{elseif},{else} {if} statements in Smarty have much the same flexibility as PHP if statements, with a few added features for the template engine. Every {if} must be paired with a matching {/if}.{else} and {elseif} are also permitted. All PHP conditionals and functions are recognized, such as ||, or, &&, and, is_array(), etc.. The following is a list of recognized qualifiers, which must be ...

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    Attribute Name Type Required Default Description; var: string: Yes: n/a: The name of the variable being assigned: value: string: Yes: n/a: The value being assigned: scope

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  10. Smarty

    Recently I needed to assign several variables into one smarty variable inside the template. Here is the basic rules for the example: You have a text that says "Your registration expires in # days"; You want The text "in # days" to change to "today" if the # days is 0. Here's a way you can do this with smarty variables inside the ...

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    void assign ( string varname, mixed var) You can explicitly pass name/value pairs, or associative arrays containing the name/value pairs. Example 13-1. assign()

  13. Api assign

    When you assign/register objects to templates, be sure that all properties and methods accessed from the template are for presentation purposes only. It is very easy to inject application logic through objects, and this leads to poor designs that are difficult to manage. See the Best Practices section of the Smarty website.

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    Chapter 7. Built-in Functions. {foreach}, {foreachelse} {foreach} is used to loop over an associative array as well a numerically-indexed array, unlike {section} which is for looping over numerically-indexed arrays only . The syntax for {foreach} is much easier than {section} , but as a tradeoff it can only be used for a single array.

  17. Introduction

    Smarty requires four directories which are by default named templates, configs, templates_c and cache relative to the current working directory. The defaults can be changed as follows: The compile dir and cache dir need to be writable for the user running the PHP script. Note. This is usually user "nobody" and group "nobody". For OS X users ...

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