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Move Assignment Operator in C++ 11

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In C++ programming, we have a feature called the move assignment operator, which was introduced in C++11. It helps us handle objects more efficiently, especially when it comes to managing resources like memory. In this article, we will discuss move assignment operators, when they are useful and called, and how to create user-defined move assignment operators.

Move Assignment Operator

The move assignment operator was added in C++ 11 to further strengthen the move semantics in C++. It is like a copy assignment operator but instead of copying the data, this moves the ownership of the given data to the destination object without making any additional copies. The source object is left in a valid but unspecified state.

User-Defined Move Assignment Operator

The programmer can define the move assignment operator using the syntax given below:

As you may have noticed, the move assignment operator function uses a special && reference qualifier. It represents the r-value references (generally literals or temporary values).

Usually, it returns a reference to the object (in this case, *this) so you can chain assignments together.

The move constructor is called by the compiler when the argument is an rvalue reference which can be done by std::move() function. 

Example of Move Assignment Operator

In this program, we will create a dynamic array class and create a user-defined move assignment operator.


The move assignment operator (operator=) is used to transfer resources from one DynamicArray object to another. It releases the current resources of the destination object, takes the resources from the source object, and leaves the source object in a valid but unspecified state.

In the main function:

  • We create two DynamicArray objects, arr1 with 5 elements and arr2 with 10 elements. We print their initial states.
  • We use the move assignment operator to transfer the resources from arr1 to arr2 by calling arr2 = std::move(arr1).
  • After the move, we print the states of both arr1 and arr2. arr1 is now in a valid but unspecified state, and arr2 contains the resources of arr1.
Note: We can also define a move constructor with a move assignment operator and reduce the code redundancy by calling the move assignment operator from the move constructor. To know about move constructor, refer to the article – Move Constructors in C++

Implicit Definition of Move Assignment Operator

The compiler also defines a default move assignment operator implicitly when the following conditions are satisfied:

  • No user-defined copy constructor is present.
  • No user-defined destructor is present.
  • No user-defined move constructor is present.

Need of Move Assignment Operator

In C++, objects can manage resources like memory. When we copy an object, it can be quite slow, especially if the object holds a lot of resources. Traditional copy operations create new copies, which can lead to unnecessary memory usage and slow down your program.

This is where move assignment operators come to the rescue. They let one object take over the resources of another, without making extra copies. This can significantly boost performance in scenarios like resizing arrays or returning objects from functions.

In contrast to the copy assignment operator, the end result of the move assignment operator will be a single copy of the source object.

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Move assignment operator

A move assignment operator of class T is a non-template non-static member function with the name operator = that takes exactly one parameter of type T && , const T && , volatile T && , or const volatile T && . A type with a public move assignment operator is MoveAssignable .

[ edit ] Syntax

[ edit ] explanation.

  • Typical declaration of a move assignment operator
  • Forcing a move assignment operator to be generated by the compiler
  • Avoiding implicit move assignment

The move assignment operator is called whenever it is selected by overload resolution , e.g. when an object appears on the left side of an assignment expression, where the right-hand side is an rvalue of the same or implicitly convertible type.

Move assignment operators typically "steal" the resources held by the argument (e.g. pointers to dynamically-allocated objects, file descriptors, TCP sockets, I/O streams, running threads, etc), rather than make copies of them, and leave the argument in some valid but otherwise indeterminate state. For example, move-assigning from a std:: string or from a std:: vector leaves the right-hand side argument empty.

[ edit ] Implicitly-declared move assignment operator

If no user-defined move assignment operators are provided for a class type ( struct , class , or union ), and all of the following is true:

  • there are no user-declared copy constructors
  • there are no user-declared move constructors
  • there are no user-declared copy assignment operators
  • there are no user-declared destructors
  • the implicitly-declared move assignment operator would not be defined as deleted

then the compiler will declare a move assignment operator as an inline public member of its class with the signature T& T::operator= T(T&&)

A class can have multiple move assignment operators, e.g. both T & T :: operator = ( const T && ) and T & T :: operator = ( T && ) . If some user-defined move assignment operators are present, the user may still force the generation of the implicitly declared move assignment operator with the keyword default .

Because some assignment operator (move or copy) is always declared for any class, the base class assignment operator is always hidden. If a using-declaration is used to bring in the assignment operator from the base class, and its argument type could be the same as the argument type of the implicit assignment operator of the derived class, the using-declaration is also hidden by the implicit declaration.

[ edit ] Deleted implicitly-declared move assignment operator

The implicitly-declared or defaulted move assignment operator for class T is defined as deleted in any of the following is true:

  • T has a non-static data member that is const
  • T has a non-static data member of a reference type.
  • T has a non-static data member that cannot be move-assigned (has deleted, inaccessible, or ambiguous move assignment operator)
  • T has direct or virtual base class that cannot be move-assigned (has deleted, inaccessible, or ambiguous move assignment operator)
  • T has a non-static data member or a direct or virtual base without a move assignment operator that is not trivially copyable.
  • T has a direct or indirect virtual base class

[ edit ] Trivial move assignment operator

The implicitly-declared move assignment operator for class T is trivial if all of the following is true:

  • T has no virtual member functions
  • T has no virtual base classes
  • The move assignment operator selected for every direct base of T is trivial
  • The move assignment operator selected for every non-static class type (or array of class type) memeber of T is trivial

A trivial move assignment operator performs the same action as the trivial copy assignment operator, that is, makes a copy of the object representation as if by std:: memmove . All data types compatible with the C language (POD types) are trivially move-assignable.

[ edit ] Implicitly-defined move assignment operator

If the implicitly-declared move assignment operator is not deleted or trivial, it is defined (that is, a function body is generated and compiled) by the compiler. For union types, the implicitly-defined move assignment operator copies the object representation (as by std:: memmove ). For non-union class types ( class and struct ), the move assignment operator performs full member-wise move assignment of the object's bases and non-static members, in their initialization order, using built-in assignment for the scalars and move assignment operator for class types.

[ edit ] Notes

If both copy and move assignment operators are provided, overload resolution selects the move assignment if the argument is an rvalue (either prvalue such as a nameless temporary or xvalue such as the result of std:: move ), and selects the copy assignment if the argument is lvalue (named object or a function/operator returning lvalue reference). If only the copy assignment is provided, all argument categories select it (as long as it takes its argument by value or as reference to const, since rvalues can bind to const references), which makes copy assignment the fallback for move assignment, when move is unavailable.

The copy-and-swap assignment operator

T & T :: operator = ( T arg ) {     swap ( arg ) ;     return * this ; }

performs an equivalent of move assignment for rvalue arguments at the cost of one additional call to the move constructor of T, which is often acceptable.

[ edit ] Example

Learn C++

22.3 — Move constructors and move assignment

In lesson 22.1 -- Introduction to smart pointers and move semantics , we took a look at std::auto_ptr, discussed the desire for move semantics, and took a look at some of the downsides that occur when functions designed for copy semantics (copy constructors and copy assignment operators) are redefined to implement move semantics.

In this lesson, we’ll take a deeper look at how C++11 resolves these problems via move constructors and move assignment.

Recapping copy constructors and copy assignment

First, let’s take a moment to recap copy semantics.

Copy constructors are used to initialize a class by making a copy of an object of the same class. Copy assignment is used to copy one class object to another existing class object. By default, C++ will provide a copy constructor and copy assignment operator if one is not explicitly provided. These compiler-provided functions do shallow copies, which may cause problems for classes that allocate dynamic memory. So classes that deal with dynamic memory should override these functions to do deep copies.

Returning back to our Auto_ptr smart pointer class example from the first lesson in this chapter, let’s look at a version that implements a copy constructor and copy assignment operator that do deep copies, and a sample program that exercises them:

In this program, we’re using a function named generateResource() to create a smart pointer encapsulated resource, which is then passed back to function main(). Function main() then assigns that to an existing Auto_ptr3 object.

When this program is run, it prints:

(Note: You may only get 4 outputs if your compiler elides the return value from function generateResource())

That’s a lot of resource creation and destruction going on for such a simple program! What’s going on here?

Let’s take a closer look. There are 6 key steps that happen in this program (one for each printed message):

  • Inside generateResource(), local variable res is created and initialized with a dynamically allocated Resource, which causes the first “Resource acquired”.
  • Res is returned back to main() by value. We return by value here because res is a local variable -- it can’t be returned by address or reference because res will be destroyed when generateResource() ends. So res is copy constructed into a temporary object. Since our copy constructor does a deep copy, a new Resource is allocated here, which causes the second “Resource acquired”.
  • Res goes out of scope, destroying the originally created Resource, which causes the first “Resource destroyed”.
  • The temporary object is assigned to mainres by copy assignment. Since our copy assignment also does a deep copy, a new Resource is allocated, causing yet another “Resource acquired”.
  • The assignment expression ends, and the temporary object goes out of expression scope and is destroyed, causing a “Resource destroyed”.
  • At the end of main(), mainres goes out of scope, and our final “Resource destroyed” is displayed.

So, in short, because we call the copy constructor once to copy construct res to a temporary, and copy assignment once to copy the temporary into mainres, we end up allocating and destroying 3 separate objects in total.

Inefficient, but at least it doesn’t crash!

However, with move semantics, we can do better.

Move constructors and move assignment

C++11 defines two new functions in service of move semantics: a move constructor, and a move assignment operator. Whereas the goal of the copy constructor and copy assignment is to make a copy of one object to another, the goal of the move constructor and move assignment is to move ownership of the resources from one object to another (which is typically much less expensive than making a copy).

Defining a move constructor and move assignment work analogously to their copy counterparts. However, whereas the copy flavors of these functions take a const l-value reference parameter (which will bind to just about anything), the move flavors of these functions use non-const rvalue reference parameters (which only bind to rvalues).

Here’s the same Auto_ptr3 class as above, with a move constructor and move assignment operator added. We’ve left in the deep-copying copy constructor and copy assignment operator for comparison purposes.

The move constructor and move assignment operator are simple. Instead of deep copying the source object (a) into the implicit object, we simply move (steal) the source object’s resources. This involves shallow copying the source pointer into the implicit object, then setting the source pointer to null.

When run, this program prints:

That’s much better!

The flow of the program is exactly the same as before. However, instead of calling the copy constructor and copy assignment operators, this program calls the move constructor and move assignment operators. Looking a little more deeply:

  • Res is returned back to main() by value. Res is move constructed into a temporary object, transferring the dynamically created object stored in res to the temporary object. We’ll talk about why this happens below.
  • Res goes out of scope. Because res no longer manages a pointer (it was moved to the temporary), nothing interesting happens here.
  • The temporary object is move assigned to mainres. This transfers the dynamically created object stored in the temporary to mainres.
  • The assignment expression ends, and the temporary object goes out of expression scope and is destroyed. However, because the temporary no longer manages a pointer (it was moved to mainres), nothing interesting happens here either.

So instead of copying our Resource twice (once for the copy constructor and once for the copy assignment), we transfer it twice. This is more efficient, as Resource is only constructed and destroyed once instead of three times.

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Move constructors and move assignment should be marked as noexcept . This tells the compiler that these functions will not throw exceptions.

We introduce noexcept in lesson 27.9 -- Exception specifications and noexcept and discuss why move constructors and move assignment are marked as noexcept in lesson 27.10 -- std::move_if_noexcept .

When are the move constructor and move assignment called?

The move constructor and move assignment are called when those functions have been defined, and the argument for construction or assignment is an rvalue. Most typically, this rvalue will be a literal or temporary value.

The copy constructor and copy assignment are used otherwise (when the argument is an lvalue, or when the argument is an rvalue and the move constructor or move assignment functions aren’t defined).

Implicit move constructor and move assignment operator

The compiler will create an implicit move constructor and move assignment operator if all of the following are true:

  • There are no user-declared copy constructors or copy assignment operators.
  • There are no user-declared move constructors or move assignment operators.
  • There is no user-declared destructor.

The implicit move constructor and implicit move assignment operator both do a memberwise move. That is, each member of the moved-from object is moved to the moved-to object.

The key insight behind move semantics

You now have enough context to understand the key insight behind move semantics.

If we construct an object or do an assignment where the argument is an l-value, the only thing we can reasonably do is copy the l-value. We can’t assume it’s safe to alter the l-value, because it may be used again later in the program. If we have an expression “a = b” (where b is an lvalue), we wouldn’t reasonably expect b to be changed in any way.

However, if we construct an object or do an assignment where the argument is an r-value, then we know that r-value is just a temporary object of some kind. Instead of copying it (which can be expensive), we can simply transfer its resources (which is cheap) to the object we’re constructing or assigning. This is safe to do because the temporary will be destroyed at the end of the expression anyway, so we know it will never be used again!

C++11, through r-value references, gives us the ability to provide different behaviors when the argument is an r-value vs an l-value, enabling us to make smarter and more efficient decisions about how our objects should behave.

Key insight

Move semantics is an optimization opportunity.

Move functions should always leave both objects in a valid state

In the above examples, both the move constructor and move assignment functions set a.m_ptr to nullptr. This may seem extraneous -- after all, if a is a temporary r-value, why bother doing “cleanup” if parameter a is going to be destroyed anyway?

The answer is simple: When a goes out of scope, the destructor for a will be called, and a.m_ptr will be deleted. If at that point, a.m_ptr is still pointing to the same object as m_ptr , then m_ptr will be left as a dangling pointer. When the object containing m_ptr eventually gets used (or destroyed), we’ll get undefined behavior.

When implementing move semantics, it is important to ensure the moved-from object is left in a valid state, so that it will destruct properly (without creating undefined behavior).

Automatic l-values returned by value may be moved instead of copied

In the generateResource() function of the Auto_ptr4 example above, when variable res is returned by value, it is moved instead of copied, even though res is an l-value. The C++ specification has a special rule that says automatic objects returned from a function by value can be moved even if they are l-values. This makes sense, since res was going to be destroyed at the end of the function anyway! We might as well steal its resources instead of making an expensive and unnecessary copy.

Although the compiler can move l-value return values, in some cases it may be able to do even better by simply eliding the copy altogether (which avoids the need to make a copy or do a move at all). In such a case, neither the copy constructor nor move constructor would be called.

Disabling copying

In the Auto_ptr4 class above, we left in the copy constructor and assignment operator for comparison purposes. But in move-enabled classes, it is sometimes desirable to delete the copy constructor and copy assignment functions to ensure copies aren’t made. In the case of our Auto_ptr class, we don’t want to copy our templated object T -- both because it’s expensive, and whatever class T is may not even support copying!

Here’s a version of Auto_ptr that supports move semantics but not copy semantics:

If you were to try to pass an Auto_ptr5 l-value to a function by value, the compiler would complain that the copy constructor required to initialize the function parameter has been deleted. This is good, because we should probably be passing Auto_ptr5 by const l-value reference anyway!

Auto_ptr5 is (finally) a good smart pointer class. And, in fact the standard library contains a class very much like this one (that you should use instead), named std::unique_ptr. We’ll talk more about std::unique_ptr later in this chapter.

Another example

Let’s take a look at another class that uses dynamic memory: a simple dynamic templated array. This class contains a deep-copying copy constructor and copy assignment operator.

Now let’s use this class in a program. To show you how this class performs when we allocate a million integers on the heap, we’re going to leverage the Timer class we developed in lesson 18.4 -- Timing your code . We’ll use the Timer class to time how fast our code runs, and show you the performance difference between copying and moving.

On one of the author’s machines, in release mode, this program executed in 0.00825559 seconds.

Now let’s run the same program again, replacing the copy constructor and copy assignment with a move constructor and move assignment.

On the same machine, this program executed in 0.0056 seconds.

Comparing the runtime of the two programs, (0.00825559 - 0.0056) / 0.00825559 * 100 = 32.1% faster!

Do not implement move semantics using std::swap

Since the goal of move semantics is to move a resource from a source object to a destination object, you might think about implementing the move constructor and move assignment operator using std::swap() . However, this is a bad idea, as std::swap() calls both the move constructor and move assignment on move-capable objects, which would result in an infinite recursion. You can see this happen in the following example:

This prints:

And so on… until the stack overflows.

You can implement the move constructor and move assignment using your own swap function, as long as your swap member function does not call the move constructor or move assignment. Here’s an example of how that can be done:

This works as expected, and prints:

Deleting the move constructor and move assignment

You can delete the move constructor and move assignment using the = delete syntax in the exact same way you can delete the copy constructor and copy assignment.

If you delete the copy constructor, the compiler will not generate an implicit move constructor (making your objects neither copyable nor movable). Therefore, when deleting the copy constructor, it is useful to be explicit about what behavior you want from your move constructors. Either explicitly delete them (making it clear this is the desired behavior), or default them (making the class move-only).

The rule of five says that if the copy constructor, copy assignment, move constructor, move assignment, or destructor are defined or deleted, then each of those functions should be defined or deleted.

While deleting only the move constructor and move assignment may seem like a good idea if you want a copyable but not movable object, this has the unfortunate consequence of making the class not returnable by value in cases where mandatory copy elision does not apply. This happens because a deleted move constructor is still declared, and thus is eligible for overload resolution. And return by value will favor a deleted move constructor over a non-deleted copy constructor. This is illustrated by the following program:


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Move Constructors and Move Assignment Operators (C++)

  • 9 contributors

This topic describes how to write a move constructor and a move assignment operator for a C++ class. A move constructor enables the resources owned by an rvalue object to be moved into an lvalue without copying. For more information about move semantics, see Rvalue Reference Declarator: && .

This topic builds upon the following C++ class, MemoryBlock , which manages a memory buffer.

The following procedures describe how to write a move constructor and a move assignment operator for the example C++ class.

To create a move constructor for a C++ class

Define an empty constructor method that takes an rvalue reference to the class type as its parameter, as demonstrated in the following example:

In the move constructor, assign the class data members from the source object to the object that is being constructed:

Assign the data members of the source object to default values. This prevents the destructor from freeing resources (such as memory) multiple times:

To create a move assignment operator for a C++ class

Define an empty assignment operator that takes an rvalue reference to the class type as its parameter and returns a reference to the class type, as demonstrated in the following example:

In the move assignment operator, add a conditional statement that performs no operation if you try to assign the object to itself.

In the conditional statement, free any resources (such as memory) from the object that is being assigned to.

The following example frees the _data member from the object that is being assigned to:

Follow steps 2 and 3 in the first procedure to transfer the data members from the source object to the object that is being constructed:

Return a reference to the current object, as shown in the following example:

Example: Complete move constructor and assignment operator

The following example shows the complete move constructor and move assignment operator for the MemoryBlock class:

Example Use move semantics to improve performance

The following example shows how move semantics can improve the performance of your applications. The example adds two elements to a vector object and then inserts a new element between the two existing elements. The vector class uses move semantics to perform the insertion operation efficiently by moving the elements of the vector instead of copying them.

This example produces the following output:

Before Visual Studio 2010, this example produced the following output:

The version of this example that uses move semantics is more efficient than the version that does not use move semantics because it performs fewer copy, memory allocation, and memory deallocation operations.

Robust Programming

To prevent resource leaks, always free resources (such as memory, file handles, and sockets) in the move assignment operator.

To prevent the unrecoverable destruction of resources, properly handle self-assignment in the move assignment operator.

If you provide both a move constructor and a move assignment operator for your class, you can eliminate redundant code by writing the move constructor to call the move assignment operator. The following example shows a revised version of the move constructor that calls the move assignment operator:

The std::move function converts the lvalue other to an rvalue.

Rvalue Reference Declarator: && std::move

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Move Semantics: The Basics

Move Semantics

Move semantics was a new addition to C++ that arrived with C++ 11. Newer language standards have continued to expand and improve it. The feature is quite simple, but often misunderstood. I’m often reminded of that when I’m interviewing programmers.

Who will Find this Article Useful?

In this article I will cover all the basics of move semantics. This information will be useful for people that have never used move semantics but for people that are somehow familiar with the topic and use cases but don’t necessary use move semantics very often. The article will also be useful for people that want to dig deeper into the feature. And it will be useful for people that want to refresh their memory.

To benefit from this article to the fullest, you will need a good understanding of how copy constructors and assignment operators work, and you need to have a basic understanding of types and type casting.

1 – The case for Move Semantics

Before we look at the definition of move semantics, let us look at an example that will set up the premise of why move semantics exist.

1.1 – Setting the example

Let us assume that we are going to implement a struct that represents a memory block on the heap. The only thing this struct is responsible for is allocating the memory on construction and deallocating it on destruction. We can imagine that this struct is used by a complex memory allocation system. Let’s say that system is managing many instances of our struct, in other words, it is managing many memory buffers.

Here is the declaration of our struct:

We need to keep the example simple. And variables that could be needed for a robust solution, like used or free bytes and masks of all sorts, are out of the scope of this example.

1.2 – Using the Memory Buffer

Now let us also imagine that there is a free utility function that creates an array of buffers and returns the array. We can assume that this function is used by the complex memory allocation system in order to pre-allocate memory pools of different sizes.

Before C++ 11, no one would write this function in this way. Output parameters as pointer or reference will be used instead. This will make the function more complicated to implement, maintain and use. To explain why this was the case, let us have a look of how the “CreateMemoryPool” function is used. Let us assume that a bunch of pools of various sizes are created by the memory system in an “InitializePools” member function.

We will assume that we are not using any C++ 11 or newer additions to the language. We will also assume that for whatever reason the compiler will decide not to use Copy Elision to omit the copy of the return value of the “CreateMemoryPool(…)” function.

With all of these assumptions in play, calling the “CreateMemoryPool(…)” function will create a temporary return variable that will be used to assign to the member variables via the copy assignment operator of the std::vector. In other words, we are going to do a deep copy. This is very suboptimal way to write such code.

1.3 – The problem: deep copies can be very expensive

The problem with this scenario is that the local pool variable in the “CreateMemoryPool(…)” function, that stored the result of the function, will be copied into the m_PagePool and then destroyed. We are wasting a lot of cycles that way by executing extra instructions. We are also wasting cycles by allocating and deallocating memory (which is quite slow, generally speaking).

Before C++ 11, we would often reach for one of the following to minimize the allocations/deallocations caused by local and temporary variables:

  • Pass a pointer or a reference to the m_PagePool as input to the “CreateMemoryPool(…)” and let the function directly push back into the m_PagePool. In this way “CreateMemoryPool(…)” can return void, and the function is going to work directly on the variable that will store the final result of the function. And in this way we avoid copies. The first drawback is the extra parameter that is passed to the function, adding complexity. For example, doing this creates ambiguity when it comes to responsibility for the input state of that vector. Is it the callers responsibility to ensure that the vector is empty when invoking the function or will the function itself clear the vector? The second is the fact that passing a non-constant pointer or reference of the internal variable m_PagePool makes our code less safe because anyone can write code that does something bad to m_PagePool and the caller of “CreateMemoryPool(…)” loses all guarantees.
  • We can change the result of the function to return a vector of pointers to memory buffers, like so: vector<MemoryBuffer*>. This way we only copy the pointers when the “CreateMemoryPool(…)” function returns and there is no deep copying going on and no extra allocations/deallocations. The drawback to this is now the owner of the m_PagePool needs to worry about manually deallocating the pointers held by the vector, because the vector won’t do it in it own. Of course, we can use a vector of some of smart pointers to automate that part as well, but that also adds complexity.

1.4 – Move semantics solves the possible performance issue with deep copies

What we really want to do is keep the “CreateMemoryPool(…)” function implementation as it is, simple and safe, and move the result of the function directly into the m_PagePool variable without doing a deep copy, as if we are transferring water from one glass directly into another. Furthermore, we are doing even more copying by using the “push_back” function of the vector class and we want the push_back to also behave as if we are transferring water from one glass directly into another. C++ 11 and move semantics allows us to do exactly that. In the following sections, we are going to explore what move semantics are.

2 – Definition of Move Semantics

Move semantics are typically used to “steal” the resources held by another variable of the same type (e.g. pointers to dynamically-allocated objects, file descriptors, TCP sockets, I/O streams, running threads, etc.) and leave the source variable in some valid state, rather than making a deep copy of them.

The two most common use cases for move semantics are :

  • Performance: converting an expensive deep copy operation into a cheap move, like moving the data from a source string into a target string without having to allocate/deallocate.
  • Ownership semantics: Implementing user defined data types for which copying is not allowed but moving is, like the std::unique_ptr.

3 – Lvalues, Rvalues and Xvalues

To understand how move semantics work under the hood, we need to define a few other terms. Let’s start by looking at a pseudo-code that represents an assignment statement:

The left side of the statement is what historically is called Lvalue. And the right side of the statement is what historically is called Rvalue. Of course, because of the general nature of C++ things are often more complicated. Rvalues can appear on the left side, and Lvalues on the right side. Why that is the case is not relevant for this article.

3.1 – Easy way to differentiate between Lvalues and Rvalues

You might think that the fact that Lvalues and Rvalues can appear on either side is very confusing. Fortunately, there is a very simple rule we can use to remove all this confusion. A rule that will allow us to easily classify Lvalues and Rvalues in C++.

If a variable has an identifier that you have chosen yourself, then it is an Lvalue. And if a variable does not have a name that you have deliberately selected, then it is an Rvalue. To demonstrate this rule, let’s look at the following code snippets:

Here is another example:

3.2 – Double ampersands(&&) and the new operators

Prior to C++ 11, Rvalues and Lvalues were indistinguishable. The following example code would trigger the copy constructor and the copy assignment operator of the std::vector.

This is the Copy Constructor and the Copy Assignment Operator that would have been used in both cases:

To solve this problem, C++ 11 introduced Rvalue references, denoted by a double ampersands (&&). With this addition, we can now have two different copy constructors and assignment operators. One for Lvalues and one for Rvalues.

The following code snippet shows the declaration of the copy and the move constructors:

The following code snippet shows the declaration of the copy and the move assignment operators:

We can now revisit the example from above. And we can examine how in the cases where we have an Rvalue on the right hand side, the new move constructor and move assignment operators will be called instead of the copy constructor and copy assignment.

4 – Declaring Move Constructor and Move Assignment Operator

Now we know that C++ 11 introduced Rvalue references, denoted by a double ampersands (&&). And we know that we can declare a move constructor and a move assignment operator using the Rvalue type. Let’s declare them for our MemoryBuffer struct:

5 – Defining Move Constructor and Move Assignment Operator

We now know how to declare the move constructor and move assignment operator. It is now time to define them and actually implement the useful move semantics.

What we are doing in the move constructor and the move assignment is identical, except we also need to take care of self assignment in the move assignment operator. Let’s examine what we are doing in the move constructor:

  • In the initializer list, we are copying the source m_Buffer pointer into our own internal m_Buffer pointer. This is a simple pointer copy and not a deep copy. At this point both the source and the internal m_Buffer pointers point to the same memory address.
  • Then, also in the initializer list, we are copying the variable holding the size of the source buffer into the internal m_SizeInBytes variable.
  • Then, in the move constructor body, we set the source buffer pointer to nullptr. Effectively leaving the source pointer in a valid state, but also at this point completing the process of stealing the resource. After this the internal m_Buffer pointer points to where the source m_Buffer pointer used to point.
  • Finally, we reset the m_SizeInBytes of the source to 0, effectively leaving the source MemoryBuffer in a valid state.

For completeness, here is the the entire MemoryBuffer struct:

6 – Move Semantics in Action

With the new knowledge we acquired about Lvalues and Rvalues, as well as with the implementation of the move constructor and move assignment operator, we can now revisit the example we started with and see move semantics in action.

First, let us make a small change in the “CreateMemoryPool(…)” function.

To take advantage of the new move semantics and variadic templates, in C++ 11 a new version of the vector::push_back was added to the standard library. I recommend that you check the documentation, but in a nutshell, emplace_back will construct the new MemoryBuffer right in the memory location where it will be stored by the vector and in this way reducing the need to deep copy.

And finally, let us look at the “InitializePools” member function. Notice that the code is unchanged, but the compiler will call the move assignment operator and avoid deep copy and the extra allocations/deallocations, that are quite slow.

7 – Automatic vs. Manual Move

Looking at the “MemoryAllocationSystem::Initialize()” function, we can easily conclude that if move semantics were available to the compiler and if the types in question (std::vector and MemorBuffer in this case) supports move semantics, the compiler will detect the opportunity to move instead of copy. The reason for this is that the compiler will be able to see that the local variable created and returned by the “CreateMemoryPool(…)” is in fact an Rvalue.

The compiler is unable to detect every move opportunity. We can create a situation where we, as programmers, might have the intent to move the content of one array into another array (for whatever reasons) but the compiler will not be able to automatically detect our intent to move and will fallback to a deep copy. This of course happens when we have the intention to move an Lvalue into another Lvalue. Here is an example:

By default, the compiler will correctly assume that we ask for a deep copy. And if we really want to move, then we need to help the compiler a bit and turn the right hand Lvalues into Rvalue. To explicitly tell the compiler what our intent is, C++ 11 introduced a helper function: std::move . To utilize this new helper function, we can change our example to the following:

All std::move does is a cast. It casts the “ pool1 ” variable from an Lvalue reference (&) to an Rvalue reference (&&). Doing so tells the compiler which assignment operator it should call, because the variable type changes. And of course this is all based on standard function overloading rules. In its core, the assignment operator is a function, which is overloaded for two different input types (Lvalue reference and Rvalue reference).

8 – Xvalue

The following is a bit of an extra context and not absolutely necessary for this article, but I would rather mention it. The “ pool1 ” variable, in the example above, is technically an Xvalue after the std::move is executed. For all intent and purposes, you can treat it as an Lvalue, but the language implementers need a technical term for it. It means expiring value and it denotes an Lvalue object that can be reused after a move from it was executed. There are exactly three things that can be done to an Xvalue:

  • Copy assign to the Xvalue, turning it into an Lvalue.
  • Move assign to the Xvalue, turning it into an Lvalue.
  • Call the destructor when the Xvalue goes out of scope.

9 – Special Operators’ Rules

We all know that sometimes the compiler will generate constructors and other special operators on its own. The good news is that there are rules for when the compiler will do that. And now with the new move constructor and move assignment operator, these rules have been updated. For completeness, it is worth mentioning the most important rules here.

Rule 1 : Default move operations are generated only if no copy operations or destructor is user defined. This is because C++ assumes that if you need a destructor or you manually implemented copy operations, or both, then you are dealing with some sort of resource that needs special treatment. And because it is a resource, you need to implement the move operations yourself because you, as the expert, know best how this resources should behave.

Rule 2 : Default copy operations are generated only if there is no user defined move operations. The reasons here are are the same as in Rule 1. Note that =default and =delete count as user defined.

Rule 3 : You don’t need to implement move semantics or even copy semantics manually if all of the internal member variables are of types that are movable or copyable. For example, if we were to change the “char* m_Buffer” in our MemoryBuffer class to “unique_ptr<char> m_Buffer”, then we do not need to implement the move semantics ourselves, because the unique_ptr<T> class already supports move semantics.

10 – Parameters Convention

Move semantics is an optimization that is only applicable to some use cases. In general prefer simple and conventional ways of passing information. The following table illustrates an accepted convention for passing parameters and what types you should use. When in doubt, always check it.

Move Semantics and Parameters Convention

11 – Forwarding a Reference

For completeness, I need to cover one last topic. One more function was introduced together with std::move in C++ 11. And it was std::forward.

std::forward is pretty simple as it has only one use case. Its purpose is to preserve the value type, regardless if it is Lvalue or Rvalue, and pass it on. This is also called perfect forwarding. Typically a function accepting an Rvalue will attempt to move it and invalidate it, and when this is not the case, we can use std::forwad to pass on the Rvalue down the call-stack. The following example illustrates the use case.

For completeness, it is worth mentioning that In the code example above the input “T&& inArg” is called Forwarding reference . Forwarding references are a special kind of references that preserve the value category of a function argument. In this case calling “std::forward<T>(inArg)” will preserve the input argument and will forward it as Lvalue it if the input is an Lvalue, or it will forward it as Rvalue if the input is an Rvalue.

12 – Conclusion

In general, the concept of move semantics is quite simple and as programmers we should learn how and when to use it. The concept is built based on two fundamental C++ concepts: types and function/operator overloading. The following is a list of takeaway:

  • Pre-C++ 11, value semantics sometimes lead to unnecessary and possibly expensive deep copy operations.
  • C++ 11 introduces Rvalue references to distinguish from Lvalue references. And it also introduces std::move to cast from Lvalue to Rvalue.
  • From C++ 11 on, temporary variables are treated as Rvalues.
  • Moving POD or structs composed of PODs will not give you any benefits. To get benefits from move semantics you need some kind of resource (e.g. pointers to dynamically-allocated objects, file descriptors, TCP sockets, I/O streams, running threads, etc.).

13 – Source Code

The source code containing the MemoryBuffer example is here (under MoveSemantics ). You do not need a Github account to download it. When you open the repository, click on the Code button and choose Donwload ZIP .

14 – Credit

Special thanks to my colleagues for spending their personal time proofreading, challenge this article and helping me to make it better. It is a pleasure working with every one of you!

  • Anton Andersson : Senior Gameplay Programmer at IO Interactive.
  • Nils Iver Holtar : Lead AI Programmer at IO Interactive.

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C++ Effective Move Semantics


C++ move semantics is extremely helpful for making program efficient by eliminating unnecessary large memory copies. However, in some scenarios, move semantics will not be effective.

In this blog post, I would like to discuss how to make move semantics effective.

Profile Environment

We will run some profiling for our example programs. Docker image gcc:9.4.0 for profiling. The test platform uses Intel Core i9-9900K CPU.

Effective Move Semantics

Move semantics is not helpful if:

  • Copy source is lvalue.
  • Type offers no move support.
  • Move no cheaper than copying.
  • Move unusable (i.e., move ops not noexcept ).

When move semantics is not helpful, copy semantics could be or will be used instead.

Copy Source Is lvalue

The implementation has to use std::move for lvalue to invoke move semantics, including move constructor and move assignment. Otherwise, copy semantics, including copy constructor and copy assignment, is invoked.

It should be noted that the return type of std::move is a rvalue reference which has to match the move constructor and the move assignment input types.

Type Offers No Move Support

When there is no move semantics, including move constructor and move assignment, for a type, move semantics cannot be invoked even if std::move has been used, copy semantics will be invoked instead.

There are many scenarios where there is no move support for certain types. For example, built-in primitive types, such as int , does not have move support, default move constructors and move assignments could be implicitly deleted under some circumstances , the type has been declared with const , etc.

Notice that std::move can be used for any lvalue, even if the lvalue does not have move support.

In the above example, std::move(a) returns rvalue reference of type int&& . Because int has no move support. It will be converted to type const int& to use copy semantics instead.

Move No Cheaper Than Copying

Move is supposed to be faster than copy . However, it turns out that there are scenarios where copy is no slower than move, such as SSO (Small String Optimization) optimized strings.

Let’s profile the copy and move of strings of different lengths.

Probably because GCC does SSO for small std::string , we could see that the move assignment performance for small strings is almost the same as the copy assignment. However, the move assignment performance for small strings is even worse than the performance for long strings.

Move Unusable

Let’s investigate the consequence of not having noexcept for move constructor (and move assignment).

The noexcept_move.cpp implemented CustomString with move constructor with noexcept . We then tried to push_back and emplace_back CustomString instances into a std::vector .

We could see that on average, push_back takes 153 ns per element and emplace_back takes 168 ns per element, for a std::vector consisting of 10000 CustomString elements.

The except_move.cpp implemented CustomString with move constructor without noexcept . Except noexcept , except_move.cpp is identical to noexcept_move.cpp .

This time, on average, push_back takes 187 ns per element and emplace_back takes 211 ns per element, for a std::vector consisting of 10000 CustomString elements.

Both push_back and emplace_back from except_move.cpp are much slower than the ones from noexcept_move.cpp .

Let’s try to see what’s happening here by printing out the constructors being called and reducing the number of test iterations.

Now we only insert two CustomString instances into std::vector in noexcept_move.cpp .

Similarly, we only insert two CustomString instances into std::vector in except_move.cpp .

We could see the difference is that during push_back or emplace_back , the std::vector has to resize to have a larger buffer and all the elements has to be migrated from the old smaller buffer to the new larger buffer. With noexcept for the move constructor, move constructor was called for the migration, whereas with noexcept for the move constructor, copy constructor, instead of move constructor, was called for the migration.

The major reason behind this phenomenon is that C++ STL enforces strong exception safety guarantees for std::vector push_back and emplace_back . During the std::vector data migration from old smaller buffer to new larger buffer, each element in data has to be either copied using copy constructor or moved using move constructor. If move constructor is not declared with noexcept , if an exception is thrown during move, there could be data loss from the source and there will be no way to recover it. Copy constructor will not suffer from data loss from the source even if an exception is thrown during copy. Because C++ STL enforces strong exception safety guarantees for std::vector push_back and emplace_back , when move constructor is not declared with noexcept , copy constructor, instead of move constructor, is used for data migration. Only when move constructor is declared with noexcept , move constructor will be used for data migration.


To make your C++ program have better performance, try to make your move semantics effective, especially by making the move constructor and move assignment noexcept when working with C++ STL containers.

  • When C++ Doesn’t Move


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Like this article support the author with.

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Profile Environment
  • 3.1 Copy Source Is lvalue
  • 3.2 Type Offers No Move Support
  • 3.3 Move No Cheaper Than Copying
  • 3.4 Move Unusable
  • 4 Conclusions
  • 5 References

Move assignment operator

A move assignment operator of class T is a non-template non-static member function with the name operator = that takes exactly one parameter of type T && , const T && , volatile T && , or const volatile T && .


  • Typical declaration of a move assignment operator.
  • Forcing a move assignment operator to be generated by the compiler.
  • Avoiding implicit move assignment.

The move assignment operator is called whenever it is selected by overload resolution , e.g. when an object appears on the left-hand side of an assignment expression, where the right-hand side is an rvalue of the same or implicitly convertible type.

Move assignment operators typically "steal" the resources held by the argument (e.g. pointers to dynamically-allocated objects, file descriptors, TCP sockets, I/O streams, running threads, etc.), rather than make copies of them, and leave the argument in some valid but otherwise indeterminate state. For example, move-assigning from a std::string or from a std::vector may result in the argument being left empty. This is not, however, a guarantee. A move assignment is less, not more restrictively defined than ordinary assignment; where ordinary assignment must leave two copies of data at completion, move assignment is required to leave only one.

Implicitly-declared move assignment operator

If no user-defined move assignment operators are provided for a class type ( struct , class , or union ), and all of the following is true:

  • there are no user-declared copy constructors;
  • there are no user-declared move constructors;
  • there are no user-declared copy assignment operators;
  • there are no user-declared destructors;

then the compiler will declare a move assignment operator as an inline public member of its class with the signature T& T::operator=(T&&) .

A class can have multiple move assignment operators, e.g. both T & T :: operator = ( const T && ) and T & T :: operator = ( T && ) . If some user-defined move assignment operators are present, the user may still force the generation of the implicitly declared move assignment operator with the keyword default .

The implicitly-declared (or defaulted on its first declaration) move assignment operator has an exception specification as described in dynamic exception specification (until C++17) exception specification (since C++17)

Because some assignment operator (move or copy) is always declared for any class, the base class assignment operator is always hidden. If a using-declaration is used to bring in the assignment operator from the base class, and its argument type could be the same as the argument type of the implicit assignment operator of the derived class, the using-declaration is also hidden by the implicit declaration.

Deleted implicitly-declared move assignment operator

The implicitly-declared or defaulted move assignment operator for class T is defined as deleted if any of the following is true:

  • T has a non-static data member that is const ;
  • T has a non-static data member of a reference type;
  • T has a non-static data member that cannot be move-assigned (has deleted, inaccessible, or ambiguous move assignment operator);
  • T has direct or virtual base class that cannot be move-assigned (has deleted, inaccessible, or ambiguous move assignment operator);

Trivial move assignment operator

The move assignment operator for class T is trivial if all of the following is true:

  • It is not user-provided (meaning, it is implicitly-defined or defaulted);
  • T has no virtual member functions;
  • T has no virtual base classes;
  • the move assignment operator selected for every direct base of T is trivial;
  • the move assignment operator selected for every non-static class type (or array of class type) member of T is trivial;

A trivial move assignment operator performs the same action as the trivial copy assignment operator, that is, makes a copy of the object representation as if by std::memmove . All data types compatible with the C language (POD types) are trivially move-assignable.

Implicitly-defined move assignment operator

If the implicitly-declared move assignment operator is neither deleted nor trivial, it is defined (that is, a function body is generated and compiled) by the compiler if odr-used .

For union types, the implicitly-defined move assignment operator copies the object representation (as by std::memmove ).

For non-union class types ( class and struct ), the move assignment operator performs full member-wise move assignment of the object's direct bases and immediate non-static members, in their declaration order, using built-in assignment for the scalars, memberwise move-assignment for arrays, and move assignment operator for class types (called non-virtually).

If both copy and move assignment operators are provided, overload resolution selects the move assignment if the argument is an rvalue (either a prvalue such as a nameless temporary or an xvalue such as the result of std::move ), and selects the copy assignment if the argument is an lvalue (named object or a function/operator returning lvalue reference). If only the copy assignment is provided, all argument categories select it (as long as it takes its argument by value or as reference to const, since rvalues can bind to const references), which makes copy assignment the fallback for move assignment, when move is unavailable.

It is unspecified whether virtual base class subobjects that are accessible through more than one path in the inheritance lattice, are assigned more than once by the implicitly-defined move assignment operator (same applies to copy assignment ).

See assignment operator overloading for additional detail on the expected behavior of a user-defined move-assignment operator.

string move assignment

Guardians trade for pitcher, assign to Triple-A; move Gavin Williams to 60-day IL

CHICAGO — The Guardians landed another pitcher to try and improve their depth.

They traded for right-hander Darren McCaughan, sending cash to the Miami Marlins to complete the deal. They added McCaughan to the 40-man roster and assigned him to Class AAA Columbus.

To make room for McCaughan on the 40-man, right-hander Gavin Williams was moved from the 15-day injured list to the 60-day injured list. Williams has not pitched in a game since early in spring training because of a sore right elbow. Williams recently had a setback with the elbow and had to be shut down after receiving a cortisone shot.

McCaughan, 28, opened the season at Class AAA Jacksonville for the Marlins. He went 1-2 with a 6.14 ERA in five starts. He made his lone big league appearance this year on May 4 against Oakland. After allowing eight runs in 4 2/3 innings, the Marlins designated him for assignment.

Seattle drafted McCaughan in the 12th round in 2017. He appeared briefly for the Mariners in 2021 and 2023. The Marlins acquired him for cash from the Mariners on Feb. 12.

The Guardians have been adding depth pitchers since the start of the regular season because their rotation has been injured and hampered by short starts, while the bullpen has been overworked.

©2024 Advance Local Media LLC. Visit cleveland.com. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.



Assignment operators.

Assignment operators modify the value of the object.

[ edit ] Definitions

Copy assignment replaces the contents of the object a with a copy of the contents of b ( b is not modified). For class types, this is performed in a special member function, described in copy assignment operator .

For non-class types, copy and move assignment are indistinguishable and are referred to as direct assignment .

Compound assignment replace the contents of the object a with the result of a binary operation between the previous value of a and the value of b .

[ edit ] Assignment operator syntax

The assignment expressions have the form

  • ↑ target-expr must have higher precedence than an assignment expression.
  • ↑ new-value cannot be a comma expression, because its precedence is lower.

[ edit ] Built-in simple assignment operator

For the built-in simple assignment, the object referred to by target-expr is modified by replacing its value with the result of new-value . target-expr must be a modifiable lvalue.

The result of a built-in simple assignment is an lvalue of the type of target-expr , referring to target-expr . If target-expr is a bit-field , the result is also a bit-field.

[ edit ] Assignment from an expression

If new-value is an expression, it is implicitly converted to the cv-unqualified type of target-expr . When target-expr is a bit-field that cannot represent the value of the expression, the resulting value of the bit-field is implementation-defined.

If target-expr and new-value identify overlapping objects, the behavior is undefined (unless the overlap is exact and the type is the same).

In overload resolution against user-defined operators , for every type T , the following function signatures participate in overload resolution:

For every enumeration or pointer to member type T , optionally volatile-qualified, the following function signature participates in overload resolution:

For every pair A1 and A2 , where A1 is an arithmetic type (optionally volatile-qualified) and A2 is a promoted arithmetic type, the following function signature participates in overload resolution:

[ edit ] Built-in compound assignment operator

The behavior of every built-in compound-assignment expression target-expr   op   =   new-value is exactly the same as the behavior of the expression target-expr   =   target-expr   op   new-value , except that target-expr is evaluated only once.

The requirements on target-expr and new-value of built-in simple assignment operators also apply. Furthermore:

  • For + = and - = , the type of target-expr must be an arithmetic type or a pointer to a (possibly cv-qualified) completely-defined object type .
  • For all other compound assignment operators, the type of target-expr must be an arithmetic type.

In overload resolution against user-defined operators , for every pair A1 and A2 , where A1 is an arithmetic type (optionally volatile-qualified) and A2 is a promoted arithmetic type, the following function signatures participate in overload resolution:

For every pair I1 and I2 , where I1 is an integral type (optionally volatile-qualified) and I2 is a promoted integral type, the following function signatures participate in overload resolution:

For every optionally cv-qualified object type T , the following function signatures participate in overload resolution:

[ edit ] Example

Possible output:

[ edit ] Defect reports

The following behavior-changing defect reports were applied retroactively to previously published C++ standards.

[ edit ] See also

Operator precedence

Operator overloading

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How New York Mets Convinced Star Outfielder To Change Positions

Matthew postins | may 4, 2024.

Apr 27, 2024; New York City, New York, USA; New York Mets outfielder Brandon Nimmo.

  • New York Mets

Brandon Nimmo moved from center field to left field this season, a move to accommodate the New York Mets acquisition of Harrison Bader in free agency.

Sometimes, position moves can create issues with the veteran player making the move. Nimmo had plenty of leverage, too. He signed an eight-year deal worth $162 million in December of 2022, ensuring that he would be with the Mets through 2030.

The Mets were not unhappy with Nimmo in center field. But he also grew into a power hitter in his past two seasons, with 16 home runs in 2022 and 24 home runs in 2023. That helped direct the Mets in an attempt to move Nimmo to left and find a new center fielder.

Per The Athletic , the Mets avoided issues with Nimmo by communicating with him all offseason about the move, potential candidates in center field and why they were making the move.

Nimmo admitted that, at first, he was surprised by the idea. President of baseball operations David Stearns, who was hired in October, explained the logic and the 31-year-old came around to the idea.

The logic was that Citi Field was a pitcher’s park and that they needed quality defense up the middle of the field. While Bader struggled at the plate in 2023 with the New York Yankees and the Cincinnati Reds, he was a Gold Glove center fielder with St. Louis in 2021.

Nimmo’s attitude was simple.

“I said if it will make us better as a team for making the playoffs, that’s why I’m here,” Nimmo said. “If you feel like that’s what we need, I’ll be all-in on that.”

The move has worked out for both of them. While Nimmo is batting .216 in his first 30 games, he has also driven in 20 runs. Bader is having a resurgent year at the plate, with a .281 average in 26 games.

And, on days when Bader doesn’t play, Nimmo slides back to center field. So, everyone wins — including the Mets.

Matthew Postins


Matthew Postins is an award-winning sports journalist who covers the Texas Rangers, Philadelphia Phillies, Chicago Cubs, New York Mets and Houston Astros for Sports Illustrated/FanNation.

Move assignment operator

A move assignment operator of class T is a non-template non-static member function with the name operator = that takes exactly one parameter of type T && , const T && , volatile T && , or const volatile T && . A type with a public move assignment operator is MoveAssignable .

[ edit ] Syntax

[ edit ] explanation.

  • Typical declaration of a move assignment operator
  • Forcing a move assignment operator to be generated by the compiler
  • Avoiding implicit move assignment

The move assignment operator is called whenever it is selected by overload resolution , e.g. when an object appears on the left side of an assignment expression, where the right-hand side is an rvalue of the same or implicitly convertible type.

Move assignment operators typically "steal" the resources held by the argument (e.g. pointers to dynamically-allocated objects, file descriptors, TCP sockets, I/O streams, running threads, etc), rather than make copies of them, and leave the argument in some valid but otherwise indeterminate state. For example, move-assigning from a std::string or from a std::vector leaves the right-hand side argument empty.

[ edit ] Implicitly-declared move assignment operator

If no user-defined move assignment operators are provided for a class type ( struct , class , or union ), and all of the following is true:

  • there are no user-declared copy constructors
  • there are no user-declared move constructors
  • there are no user-declared copy assignment operators
  • there are no user-declared destructors
  • (until C++14) the implicitly-declared move assignment operator would not be defined as deleted

then the compiler will declare a move assignment operator as an inline public member of its class with the signature T& T::operator=(T&&) .

A class can have multiple move assignment operators, e.g. both T & T :: operator = ( const T && ) and T & T :: operator = ( T && ) . If some user-defined move assignment operators are present, the user may still force the generation of the implicitly declared move assignment operator with the keyword default .

Because some assignment operator (move or copy) is always declared for any class, the base class assignment operator is always hidden. If a using-declaration is used to bring in the assignment operator from the base class, and its argument type could be the same as the argument type of the implicit assignment operator of the derived class, the using-declaration is also hidden by the implicit declaration.

[ edit ] Deleted implicitly-declared move assignment operator

The implicitly-declared or defaulted move assignment operator for class T is defined as deleted in any of the following is true:

  • T has a non-static data member that is const
  • T has a non-static data member of a reference type.
  • T has a non-static data member that cannot be move-assigned (has deleted, inaccessible, or ambiguous move assignment operator)
  • T has direct or virtual base class that cannot be move-assigned (has deleted, inaccessible, or ambiguous move assignment operator)
  • (until C++14) T has a non-static data member or a direct or virtual base without a move assignment operator that is not trivially copyable.
  • (until C++14) T has a direct or indirect virtual base class

(since C++14) A deleted implicitly-declared move assignment operator is ignored by overload resolution

[ edit ] Trivial move assignment operator

The move assignment operator for class T is trivial if all of the following is true:

  • It is not user-provided (meaning, it is implicitly-defined or defaulted), and if it is defaulted, its signature is the same as implicitly-defined
  • T has no virtual member functions
  • T has no virtual base classes
  • The move assignment operator selected for every direct base of T is trivial
  • The move assignment operator selected for every non-static class type (or array of class type) member of T is trivial

A trivial move assignment operator performs the same action as the trivial copy assignment operator, that is, makes a copy of the object representation as if by std::memmove . All data types compatible with the C language (POD types) are trivially move-assignable.

[ edit ] Implicitly-defined move assignment operator

If the implicitly-declared move assignment operator is neither deleted nor trivial, it is defined (that is, a function body is generated and compiled) by the compiler if odr-used .

For union types, the implicitly-defined move assignment operator copies the object representation (as by std::memmove ).

For non-union class types ( class and struct ), the move assignment operator performs full member-wise move assignment of the object's direct bases and immediate non-static members, in their declaration order, using built-in assignment for the scalars, memberwise move-assignment for arrays, and move assignment operator for class types (called non-virtually).

[ edit ] Notes

If both copy and move assignment operators are provided, overload resolution selects the move assignment if the argument is an rvalue (either prvalue such as a nameless temporary or xvalue such as the result of std::move ), and selects the copy assignment if the argument is lvalue (named object or a function/operator returning lvalue reference). If only the copy assignment is provided, all argument categories select it (as long as it takes its argument by value or as reference to const, since rvalues can bind to const references), which makes copy assignment the fallback for move assignment, when move is unavailable.

The copy-and-swap assignment operator

T & T :: operator = ( T arg ) {     swap ( arg ) ;     return * this ; }

performs an equivalent of move assignment for rvalue arguments at the cost of one additional call to the move constructor of T, which is often acceptable.

[ edit ] Example

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Maj Maksym Taran of Ukraine's national guard said that it would ‘take 100 years’ to win the war without western weapons.

Putin on our doorstep: Ukrainians watch as the frontline edges closer

Russian forces are advancing in the country’s eastern regions, but the recent arrival of US arms could help turn the tide

I t was a perfect May evening. Daria Karpinska and her friends sat in the corner of a five-a-side pitch and played cards. Nearby was their school. Swifts had returned to their village of Hrodivka and screeched in a sunny blue sky.

Suddenly, a loud whoosh-whoosh noise interrupted the teenagers’ game of “fool”: the sound of a Grad missile. Seconds later came the boom of artillery. “It’s louder today than yesterday,” said 14-year-old Karpinska matter-of-factly.

Nine miles (15km) away – across a green and blossom-white landscape dotted with slag heaps and wheelhouses – the Russians were advancing. In February, they captured the city of Avdiivka in eastern Ukraine. Last month, they launched a surprise attack and overran the small town of Ocheretyne , a railway hub.

Last week, they gobbled up neighbouring villages . The frontline creeps ever closer to Hrodivka, a once peaceful community of 1,500 people, now on the brink of extinction.

Drone footage shows destruction in Ukrainian village of Ocheretyne – video

The teenagers are preparing to leave. “My family decided last week it was time. We are packing up,” said Liza Shapovalava, 17. Two years ago, she and her parents moved away after Vladimir Putin’s full-scale attack. They returned but are departing again, this time possibly for ever. Their belongings will be sent on ahead. Shapovalava said she wanted to study psychology at university – in Kyiv, maybe.

Her classmate Maksim Chuprin added: “We are not happy. Of course we want the Ukrainian army to prevail. But I’m a realist.”

Like their grownup counterparts, the students consult Deep State , a frontline app that shows Russia’s battlefield gains. Additional evidence is close by: Russian bombs hit Hrodivka’s community hall and blew out windows from their school.

Ivan Anysymov, 21, wondered if the enemy might not advance directly towards Hrodivka because of the hilly terrain, which was easier to defend. Of the Russians, he said: “They think they are superior, that their culture is better. It’s not true. We just want to live our lives.”

Daria Karpinska, 14, in black T-shirt with her classmates in the village of Hrodivka.

The Kremlin says that Ukraine’s eastern provinces are part of “historical” Russia. In 2014, it swallowed up the two main cities in the Donbas region, Donetsk and Luhansk. In 2022, Russian troops occupied most of Luhansk province. One of the Russian president’s key war aims is to reach the administrative borders of the Donetsk oblast .

This objective had seemed impossible. Now, though, a string of Ukrainian garrison cities are suddenly in peril as Russian combat units move forward, supported by planes dropping lethal glide bombs.

Putin’s generals are using classic Soviet military tactics from the second world war. They are trying to encircle Ukrainian troops on multiple fronts.

The capture of Ocheretyne means Moscow has tantalising options. It can push west through Hrodivka to the city of Pokrovsk, a key Ukrainian military base. Or its forces can head north. If Russia manages to capture the city of Chasiv Yar , it can simultaneously advance from the south, chopping off a further large chunk of Ukrainian territory.

For now, Ukraine is hanging on in Chasiv Yar. Months of bombardment have turned its multistorey communist-era blocks of flats into blackened stumps . The Russians have reached the city’s eastern outskirts. Fierce fighting continues.

If Chasiv Yar falls, Moscow can use this elevated position to hit a string of nearby Ukrainian military cities: Kostyantynivka, Kramatorsk and Sloviansk. They are home to tens of thousands of civilians as well as to many servicemen. The future of Ukraine’s Donbas region – as a place for normal life – seems increasingly bleak.

In a forest training camp, Lt Andrii Todorov explained Ukraine’s recent setbacks. He said his “Rubizh” brigade – part of the national guard – used to fire American 120mm high-explosive M933A1 mortars. “They were good, with an excellent fuse,” he recalled. In June 2023, however, the bombs ran out. No more have arrived.

“We kept three of them for a special target,” he said. He added: “My guys didn’t get any more US ammunition. I hope we receive some. We are doing everything possible to hold our positions and keep the line.”

The six-month delay in US military aid – caused by pro-Moscow House Republicans in Washington – cost Ukraine dear. It allowed Russia to regain the strategic initiative after the failure last summer of Kyiv’s counteroffensive.

The first deliveries of new US military assistance have arrived in Ukraine as part of a $61bn package . They include artillery shells and long-range missiles, but it will take several weeks for weapons and equipment to reach the frontline in large quantities.

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Volodymyr Cherniak, a captain in the national guard.

“The Russians are moving pretty slowly. But still they are moving. It’s a problem,” said Volodymyr Cherniak, a captain in the national guard.

He said his soldiers would be able to defend positions successfully if western nations provided Ukraine with adequate ammunition and F-16 planes – plus anti-aircraft systems that could shoot down Russian fighter jets. “Without them we are fighting against their missiles with our infantry. It’s a nonsense,” he said.

The situation was “very difficult”, a security official in Kyiv said last week , but “not catastrophic”.

According to Cherniak, the Russian army adapted after its failure in 2022 to capture Kyiv, stepping up drone production. The Russians now have “two or three times” more first-­person-view drones, which they fly continually, including at night.

That meant supplying frontline positions and rotating troops was harder, he said. The Russians were also willing to sacrifice large numbers of men and armoured vehicles in costly “meat assaults”. He added: “Their tactics are simple, bloody, inhuman and effective.”

In March, after the loss of Avdiivka, Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, announced that 1,200 miles of defensive fortifications were under construction across the country.

In Ocheretyne, however, Russian brigades bypassed these new defences, carving out a mini salient. Cherniak said his soldiers were skilled at laying minefields, but that Ukraine’s military lacked the specialist engineering units used by Russian forces to construct bunkers and trenches quickly after each mile or so advance. “We don’t have enough people to do this,” he said.

Servicemen from the “Rubizh” brigade.

Another national guard officer, Maj Maksym Taran, pointed out that Russia is not fighting on its own. North Korea has supplied ballistic missiles , while China has sent technical parts and Iran kamikaze drones . “Yes, we will win this war. But it depends on the west. On our own, it will take us 100 years,” he said.

Cherniak added that the Kremlin had long-term ambitions – in Europe and beyond. “It is the victors who write history. If Russia takes Ukraine, 20 years from now, this could be China and Russia, and not the US and UK,” he warned. Some observers believe Ukraine’s prospects are brighter than they appear. “I don’t think Donetsk oblast is lost,” said Andriy Zagorodnyuk , Ukraine’s former defence minister. “It depends on when equipment arrives. If we receive this ammunition, we can certainly stop Russia and substantially damage their capability.”

He added that the delivery in April of US long-range Atacms missiles “tremendously changed the situation” and also predicted Crimea – where Ukraine has used maritime drones to target Russia’s Black Sea fleet – would go from “asset to liability”.

Back in Hrodivka, the local school has been shut for two years, with all lessons online. Pupils meet up there anyway, gathering on the football pitch, or sitting in a playground next to a patch of purple lilies.

The students finished their game of cards, and set off in a dusty procession of mopeds and one push bike. They parked up outside the village shop. Artillery continued to boom. “We don’t know what will happen. Maybe our house will survive,” Shapovalava said. “Maybe it won’t. Things here are coming to an end.”

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MLB Trade Rumors

Matt Barnes Elects Free Agency

By Anthony Franco | May 9, 2024 at 10:44am CDT

10:44am: The Nationals announced that Barnes has rejected an outright assignment in favor of free agency.

May 9, 10:17am: Barnes cleared outright waivers and has been assigned outright to the Nationals’ Triple-A affiliate in Rochester, per the team’s transaction log at MLB.com . He has enough service time to reject the assignment in favor of free agency, if he chooses.

May 7: The Nationals announced Tuesday they’ve designated right-hander Matt Barnes for assignment. His spot on the active roster will go to lefty Robert Garcia , who’s been reinstated from the 15-day injured list. The Nats’ 40-man roster is now at 39 players.

Barnes, 33, inked a minor league deal with Washington in the early portion of Spring Training. He made the Opening Day roster after throwing five scoreless innings in camp. The veteran reliever hasn’t carried that success into the regular season. Barnes has allowed 11 runs (10 earned) over 13 1/3 frames while working in low-leverage situations. His 8% swinging strike rate is well below both the league average and his career 12.3% mark.

It’s the second straight season in which Barnes has struggled to miss bats. He managed whiffs on a career-low 7.8% of his offerings en route to a 5.48 ERA in 21 1/3 innings with the Marlins last year. That season was cut short before the All-Star Break by a left hip injury that required surgery. Barnes’ velocity has yet to return to pre-surgery levels. His 91.4 MPH average fastball speed and 81.5 MPH curveball velocity are each down two ticks from where they sat in 2023.

Barnes was averaging around 95-96 MPH on his heater and in the mid-80s with his breaking ball during his best seasons with the Red Sox. That included four seasons of sub-4.00 ERA ball over a five-year stretch from 2017-21. Barnes routinely punched out more than 30% of opposing hitters during that run and held the closer role in Boston in 2021. He earned an All-Star nod that season and secured a two-year, $18.75MM extension that July.

A shoulder injury in 2022 and the aforementioned hip issue have prevented Barnes from recapturing that form in the two-plus years since then. The Nats will technically have five days to trade him, but it’s likelier he’ll be released. Barnes locked in a $2MM base salary when he made the Washington roster. If he goes unclaimed on waivers, the Nationals will be responsible for the bulk of that contract. Another team that subsequently signs him would owe the prorated portion of the $740K minimum for any time he spends on their MLB roster.


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At his peak he was the best closer of all time

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He clowned until he didn’t

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Too bad his peak was only for 3 months.

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Misty—That’s sarcasm, right?

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Depends on the time frame. His peak may have been one game.

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Sue – Why is everyone bagging on him? He was a very good setup guy for many years, whenever you needed a reliever to come in and get a strikeout he was the perfect guy to do it.

Nobody thinks “closer” when Matt Barnes is mentioned.

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Barnes would be like the 2nd best reliever in the Cubs bullpen right now.

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D’Backs should inquire.

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This’ll clear up the confusion in the bullpen between him and Jacob Barnes, who is doing quite well.

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Yes! It’s been infuriating as the scoreboard just lists both of them as Barnes rather than M. Barnes or J. Barnes. It would have been nice to know which right handed Barnes was actually coming in the game. (No I don’t have everyone’s number memorized.)

Maybe MLB should adopt a policy like the Screen Actors Guild. Matt Barnes can be “Barnes”. Jacob has to be Jacob Butterworth.

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You have to go by their jersey number in that case.

There were two different pitchers named Mike Anthony Smith with the Orioles at the same time around 1989 or 1990. One was called Mike Texas Smith and the other Mike Mississippi Smith. Now, that was confusing.

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Oh, Susannah…

I remember those guys, it was interesting they had the same exact name.

I worked in a place with four guys named John once. Everybody from outside thought we were mad at one of them, because when we talked to them, we used both names!

Reds – Four Johns in the same place?

Sounds like a bordello.

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They were in Orioles farm system together but only Texas Smith made it to Orioles the other had previously played with Reds then Pittsburgh thereafter

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Robert Garcia is also mid.

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Ah, but he’s less mid than Barnes, and his left handedness makes him even less mid, so maybe he’s good?

If you consider a 6.48 ERA good, then absolutely.

Hey he sat down the Os big boppers tonight in order. Some say he’s the Californian Aroldis Chapman

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Maybe so, but then he’s a mid-LHP in an otherwise all-RHP bullpen.

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(In Jim Carrey voice) allll righties then!

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So who had Brais lasting longer than all star Barney in mlb?? To bad hope Dodgers sign him and trade us back our savior!!! Could you imagine what AB could do with him!!!!

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Barnes was as solid as they come in the 8th inning, then someone got the idea he could close and it’s been downhill since. Might a chance elsewhere but looks like the end of the road is coming quickly

Rsox – As is always the case, it came down to money. Bloom let Kimbrel walk after 2018, so they made Workman the primary closer until he was traded midway through 2020. Then they figured move Barnes into the role.

It’s kinda weird how he was so dominant in 2021 until he got Covid and chopped off part of his thumb, he’s never been the same since.

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Sometimes guys on a losing team just don’t play with the same type of competitiveness that they do on a contender. He’ll probably sign with a better team and be lights out this season. Happens all the time.

Whatever happens over the remainder of this season, the Nationals were not a losing team during Barnes’ time with them.

Record was 15-16 when he last pitched. Thats called a losing team. Try to keep up.

If you want to be pedantic, then no, you’re wrong. Barnes was designated for assignment on May 7 when the team’s record was 17-17. They went on to win that night to move to 18-17, and fell back to .500 last night before Barnes was outrighted to AAA and refused the assignment.

Nope. Losing team lil bro

Ha. At the end of the season, almost definitely. But not right now grandpa.

Just take this L and move on lil bro

Your mantra?

No you lost this argument. You’re just mad cuz I won and made you look like a fool.

If any of us actually care how we look – posting to a handful of baseball nerds under an anonymous screen name – we best find another hobby.

Furthermore, that record is a mirage since they had just swept a terrible Marlins team. Nats are a losing team.

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Barnes’ struggles seem to be with the mental aspects of baseball – he’s got the physical attributes & talent.

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I know a fairly recent Cy Young winner with a 1.96 ERA in Mexico so far this year who they can sign right now for the league minimum…

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Welcome to the Braves .

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I’d rather have Barnes over Drew “Homer” Smith. I don’t want Drew Smith anywhere near this team. Same goes with Sean Reid Foley, Cole Sulser, and Josh Walker. There are guys out there that are better than this collection of garbage. Don’t understand why the Mets just sit back and do nothing about it. Hopefully they finally come to their senses about Bauer. I said before the season that Houser was not a major league pitcher. Butto shouldn’t be in the majors either. I’m also getting tired of Quintana and his act. Hes essentially a slightly better version of Carlos Carrasco. I don’t want him on this team, hes too old and honestly hes just no good. Bauer is a better option then all of these guys. My rotation would be (once Senga is healthy), Senga, Manaea, Bauer, Severino, and Scott. Thats a solid 1 through 5 that puts their rotation right in the middle of the pack

He is so very close to 10 year service time, so am sure he will latch onto to some team and get to that 10 year mark. IF he struggles he should find a way to get on injured list to get more “service time”

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  20. Move assignment operator

    Notes. If both copy and move assignment operators are provided, overload resolution selects the move assignment if the argument is an rvalue (either prvalue such as a nameless temporary or xvalue such as the result of std::move), and selects the copy assignment if the argument is lvalue (named object or a function/operator returning lvalue reference). If only the copy assignment is provided ...

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    Now, though, a string of Ukrainian garrison cities are suddenly in peril as Russian combat units move forward, supported by planes dropping lethal glide bombs. ...

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    Compiler flags: -std=c++11. OS: Linux Mint 19 (tara) with upstream release Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (bionic) The results i see here, that after move, vector buffer still has the same address, but string buffer doesn't. So it looks to me, that it allocated fresh one, instead of just swapping buffer pointers.

  23. Nationals Designate Matt Barnes For Assignment

    The Nationals announced Tuesday they've designated right-hander Matt Barnes for assignment. His spot on the active roster will go to lefty Robert Garcia , who's been reinstated from the 15-day ...

  24. c++11

    std::stringstream stream2 = std::move(std::stringstream("5678")); return 0; Live demo. And it also compiles the example with std::stringstream::swap. for the time being a common workaround is to put the non movable object (in this case a stringstream) in a unique_ptr, and move that one. I'm not contributing to gcc.