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Detailed Description

Function documentation, ◆  assignfeedback_editpdf_after_file_updated().

Files API hook to remove stale conversion records.

When a file is update, its contenthash will change, but its ID remains the same. The document converter API records source file IDs and destination file IDs. When a file is updated, the document converter API has no way of knowing that the content of the file has changed, so it just serves the previously stored destination file.

In this hook we check if the contenthash has changed, and if it has we delete the existing conversion so that a new one will be created.

◆  assignfeedback_editpdf_pluginfile()

Serves assignment feedback and other files.

◆  xmldb_assignfeedback_editpdf_upgrade()

EditPDF upgrade code.

Variable Documentation

◆  $observers, ◆  $setting.


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PDF assignment feedback plugin

  • 1.1 Installation
  • 1.2 How to use
  • 1.3 Edit Templates
  • 1.4 Known issues
  • 1.6 See also

PDF annotation assignment plugin

The PDF assignment submission and feedback plugins allow a teacher to annotate and return PDF files that have been submitted by students. It is based on the previous UploadPDF assignment type by Davo Smith, updated to work with the Moodle 2.3+ 'assign' module (rather than the Moodle 2.0-2.2 'assignment' module).

Teachers can add and position comments and draw lines, ovals, stamps, rectangles and highlights onto the student's work, from within the browser, before returning the work to the student.

This plugin is available in Moodle 2.3+, Moodle 2.0-2.2 and Moodle 1.9 versions.

This is the Moodle 2.3+ version - you can download the Moodle 1.9 version from here: https://github.com/davosmith/moodle-uploadpdf/zipball/MOODLE_19_STABLE

and the Moodle 2.0-2.2 version here: https://github.com/davosmith/moodle-uploadpdf/zipball/master



Note - the assignsubmission_pdf plugin can, theoretically, be used without the assignfeedback_pdf plugin. On its own, however, it has little advantage over the standard 'file' submission plugin (other than coversheet handling). The assignfeedback_pdf will not do anything on its own (and cannot be installed without the submission plugin).

  • Download and install GhostScript ( http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost ) - or install from standard respositories, if using Linux.
  • Under Windows, do not install to a path with a space in it - that means you should install to something like 'c:\gs' NOT 'c:\Program Files\gs' (note you only need the files 'gswin32c.exe' and the dll file from the 'bin' folder, all other files are unnecessary for this to work).
  • Unzip the submission pdf and feedback pdf plugin files to folders on your local machine
  • Upload the plugin files to <siteroot>/mod/assign/submission/pdf and <siteroot>/mod/assign/feedback/pdf
  • Log in to Moodle as administrator, then click on 'Home'.
  • Visit 'Site admin > Plugins > Assignment plugins > Submission Plugins > PDF Submission'. Adjust the 'Ghostscript path' to where ghostscript is installed (should not need changing on a Linux install).
  • All being well, you should now be able to add submission and feedback type 'pdf' to assignments.
  • Add a new Assignment to a course.
  • PDF submission - set to 'Yes' to allow students to submit PDFs for annotation
  • PDF feedback - set to 'Yes' to allow the submitted PDFs to be annotated (note this ONLY works with PDFs submitted via the 'PDF submission' plugin).
  • Coversheet - this is a PDF that will be automatically added to the start of any files submitted by your students
  • Template - before submission your students can be (optionally) asked to fill in some text fields, the template is used to add these entries to the coversheet (this is ignored, if no coversheet is selected).
  • Edit Templates... - see section below

It is recommended this is used with the 'Require students click submit button' option, as then the processing and combining of the submission PDFs is only done once they click that button. Otherwise, the processing is done every time the student updates their submission.

  • When a student uploads their files and clicks 'Submit' they will be combined them together into a single submission (along with the coversheet).

(Hint: to help students generate PDF files, install a PDF printer, such as PDF Creator - http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdfcreator ).

  • The teacher can then log in, go to the usual marking screen and click on 'Annotate submission', which will bring up the first page of the student's work on screen.
  • Click anywhere on the image of the PDF to add a comment. Use the resize handle in the bottom-right corner of a comment to resize it, click & drag on a comment to move it. Click (without dragging) on a comment to edit it, delete all the text in a comment to remove it.
  • Right-click on a comment to add it to a 'Comment Quicklist'. You can then right-click anywhere on a page to insert comments from this 'Comment Quicklist' (with the same text, width and background as the original). Comments can be deleted from the 'Comment Quicklist' by clicking on the 'X' to the right of the comment.
  • You can add lines to the PDF by holding 'Ctrl' ('Alt' on Apple Macs) whilst you click and drag with the mouse (or alternatively hold 'Ctrl' then click once for the start and once for the end of the line).
  • You can also choose different drawing tools by clicking on the icons or by using the keys c (comments), l (lines), r (rectangles), o (ovals), f (freehand lines), e (erase lines), [ & ] (change comment colour), { & } (change line colour)
  • Navigate between the pages by clicking on the 'Next' and 'Prev' buttons or by pressing 'n' and 'p' on the keyboard.
  • Click on 'Save Draft and Close' (or just navigate to a different page) to save the work in progress.
  • Click on the 'Generate Response' icon to create a new PDF with all your annotations present (that the student will be able to access).
  • You can view the comments you have made on a student's previous submissions by choosing that submission from the 'compare to' list
  • You can quickly find comments you have previously made by clicking on the 'find comment' list.
  • Add any feedback / grades to the usual form and save them.

Edit Templates

  • Click on the 'Edit Templates...' link on the 'Settings' page
  • Choose the name of the Template to edit (or select 'New Template...')
  • You can change the name of the template, delete the template or make it available to everyone on the site (administrators only, for this last option). Only administrators can edit site templates.

Note: you cannot delete templates that are in use (click 'show' to find out where it is currently being used)

  • The list at the bottom allows you to choose an item in the template to edit, or choose 'New Item...' to add a new one.
  • text - a block of text, which will re-flow at 'width' pixels, 'value' will be the prompt the student sees to fill this in
  • shorttext - similar to text, but without word-wrapping useful for 'name' or 'type your initials to state this is all your own work'
  • date - fills in the date that the assignment was submitted, 'value' is the format to record the date
  • To position the items on the template, upload an example PDF coversheet (using the bottom form) then type in the position you want to place the PDF (x position, y position, in pixels).
  • Alternatively, click on the coversheet image to set the position of that template item.
  • When you are finished, save any items you have changed, then close the window. The list of templates on the 'settings' page should have been updated.

Known issues

There is no way to annotate the PDFs without JavaScript.

Backup & restore will not transfer coversheet templates to a different site (it will work fine on a single site). This is a limitation of the assignment backup & restore process.

This makes use of GhostScript and the FPDI and TCPDF libraries for PDF manipulation; Mootools is used to help with the JavaScript and Raphael provides the cross-browser annotation support.

Thanks to the creators of all those libraries, as this wouldn't have been possible without their hard work (and their free software licensing)

  • PDF submission plugin - both plugins must be installed for the annotation to work
  • Source code (Github)
  • Contributed code

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Reset and delete all submissions doesn't delete the assignfeedback_editpdf files

moodle assign feedback edit pdf

  • Resolution: Fixed
  • Fix Version/s: 4.0.6 , 4.1.1
  • Affects Version/s: 3.7.7 , 3.8.4 , 3.9.1 , 3.10.5 , 3.11.1 , 3.11.4 , 4.0.2
  • Component/s: Assignment , Course
  • hqteam_alpha
  • partner-adapta
  • partner-enovation
  • release_notes
  • Fixed Branches: MOODLE_400_STABLE, MOODLE_401_STABLE
  • Pull from Repository: https://github.com/abgreeve/moodle.git
  • Pull 4.1 Branch: MDL-69570 -401
  • Pull 4.1 Diff URL: https://github.com/abgreeve/moodle/compare/0ea3d45e04...MDL-69570-401
  • Pull Main Branch: MDL-69570 -master
  • Pull Main Diff URL: https://github.com/abgreeve/moodle/compare/57c1e97bf1...MDL-69570-master
  • Prerequisite: A Moodle site with a document converter enabled and configured.
  • Add an assignment with default options:
  • Feedback types: Annotate PDF
  • Upload multiple PDF submissions by different students.
  • Log in as a teacher
  • Rotate the pdf
  • Add a written comment
  • Add highlighting, squares, circles, or lines.
  • Go to "More > course reuse"
  • Select "Reset" from the select menu
  • Click the "Select default" button at the bottom
  • Click the "Reset course" button at the bottom
  • Check that you now have orphaned files and table entries with the following query

Upgrade test

  • Update to the most recent version of Moodle and run the upgrade.
  • `php admin/cli/cron.php`
  • Run the above sql code and confirm that there are 0 entries returned

Future resets of data removes all edit pdf feedback data

  • Run the above two sql queries and confirm there are no entries returned (some systemstamps could be returned, not related to this patch).


When resetting a course and deleting all submissions of an assignment with PDF annotation enabled, we've realized that the submissions are deleted but the assignfeedback_editpdf files linked to them aren't. That leaves orphaned files on the MoodleData, and they can make storage troubles in the long term.

I don't know if the approach should be to delete them when deleting the submissions or to create a scheduled task looking for and deleting orphaned assignment feedback files.

Replication steps:

  • Create a course, enrol a student and create an assignment for file submission with PDF annotation enabled
  • As a student, submit a file to the assignment (not a PDF, to force the conversion)
  • As a teacher, go to the "Grade" page of the student's submission (the submission should be converted to PDF when doing it if it wasn't already converted by the scheduled task)
  • Reset the course checking "Delete all submissions" on the assignment section
  • As an admin, make a backup with user data and download it
  • Change the extension from MBZ to ZIP and browse the content. The PDF version of the submission is correctly deleted, but in the files.xml you should find the file again
  • The file itself should be inside the files folder. On this example is this: files/83/8351695938a60ce9b524ea2e53f29e168a26cf16
  • I've seen on the database that on the files table most of these orphaned files have these filearea values : readonlypages, pages and combined.


  • Sort By Name
  • Sort By Date
  • Download All


Issue Links

Bug - A problem which impairs or prevents Moodle from functioning correctly.

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Detailed Description

Function documentation, ◆  assignfeedback_editpdf_pluginfile().

Serves assignment feedback and other files.

◆  xmldb_assignfeedback_editpdf_upgrade()

EditPDF upgrade code.

Variable Documentation

◆  $observers, ◆  $setting, ◆  $tasks.

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  1. Moodle Assignment Feedback

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  2. Accessing Grades and Feedback for a Moodle Assignment

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  3. An Explanation of the Feedback Types Settings in Moodle Assignments

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  4. How do I upload a feedback file in an assignment activity?

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  5. GitHub

    moodle assign feedback edit pdf

  6. How to Add Annotated Feedback in Moodle Assignment

    moodle assign feedback edit pdf


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  1. PDF assignment feedback plugin

    The PDF assignment submission and feedback plugins allow a teacher to annotate and return PDF files that have been submitted by students. It is based on the previous UploadPDF assignment type by Davo Smith, updated to work with the Moodle 2.3+ 'assign' module (rather than the Moodle 2.0-2.2 'assignment' module).

  2. Moodle plugins directory: PDF feedback

    Part of set Assignment: PDF. This allows a teacher to annotate and return PDF files that have been submitted by students. Teachers can add and position comments and draw lines, ovals, stamps, rectangles and highlights onto the student's work, from within the browser. For Moodle 2.6 and above, I advise you use the standard functionality instead.

  3. Provide feedback with direct annotation of pdf files

    Step 2: Students submit. When setting up the assignment, in the Submission types setting, it is possible to restrict the file types that students can submit.Under accepted file types, select pdf file.See our guide on adding an individual assignment for more information.. Step 3: View the submissions table. Once the deadline for students to submit has passed, click on the assignment.

  4. Using Assignment

    To submit a file submission, students complete the following steps: Click the 'Add submission' button to bring up the file upload page. Upload the relevant file into the submission. They are able to 'drag and drop' the file into the submission box. Click 'Save Changes'.

  5. Moodle plugins directory: Annotate PDF advanced

    Copy the 'editpdfplus' directory to your Moodle server into /mod/assign/feedback/ By default, the standard 'Edit PDF' annotation tool will stay active over all your Moodle site. See below for instructions about activating this plugin in select places (courses, course categories), or on your whole Moodle site. Configuration

  6. Moodle plugins directory: PDF submission

    Visit 'Site admin > Plugins > Assignment plugins > Feedback Plugins > PDF Feedback'. Adjust the 'Ghostscript path' to where ghostscript is installed (should not need changing on a Linux install). All being well, you should now be able to add submission and feedback type 'pdf' to assignments. How to use. Add a new Assignment to a course.

  7. Moodle plugins directory: Annotate PDF advanced

    to have different tool palettes depending on the Moodle context (course, course category, site default) to create question / answer interactions with the student; the student to consult and manage annotations; to generate a PDF including annotations and questions / answers; a configuration part: to allow configuration of toolbars for a course

  8. #414 Adding feedback to PDFs in Moodle Assignments

    Have your students submitted PDF documents to your Moodle Assignments? Looking for a quick and easy way to add feedback comments onto your student's scripts?...

  9. Assignment settings

    Go to the course where you want the assignment; turn on the editing, and in the section you want the assignment, click 'Add an activity or resource'. From the Activity chooser, click the Assignment button and click 'Add'. (If you want to edit an existing assignment, click the Edit link to its right and choose the action you wish to take, eg ...

  10. PDF assignment feedback plugin

    PDF annotation assignment plugin. The PDF assignment submission and feedback plugins allow a student to annotate and return PDF files that have been submitted by students. It is based on the previous UploadPDF assignment type by Davo Smith, updated to work with the Moodle 2.3+ 'assign' module (rather than the Moodle 2.0-2.2 'assignment' module).

  11. Moodle plugins directory: Annotate PDF advanced

    Learn about Moodle's products, like Moodle LMS or Moodle Worplace, or find a Moodle Certified Service Provider. MoodleNet Our social network to share and curate open educational resources. Moodle Academy Courses and programs to develop your skills as a Moodle educator, administrator, designer or developer.

  12. Moodle PHP Documentation: assignfeedback_editpdf

    assign_feedback_editpdf library class for editpdf feedback plugin extending feedback plugin base class More... class assignfeedback_editpdf\annotation This class adds and removes annotations from a page of a response. More... class assignfeedback_editpdf\combined_document The combined_document class for the assignfeedback_editpdf plugin.

  13. PDF assignment feedback plugin

    The PDF assignment submission and feedback plugins allow a teacher to annotate and return PDF files that have been submitted by students. It is based on the previous UploadPDF assignment type by Davo Smith, updated to work with the Moodle 2.3+ 'assign' module (rather than the Moodle 2.0-2.2 'assignment' module).

  14. Fork of Moodle/editpdf, with custom options

    Annotate PDF advanced, fork of Moodle's standard 'Annotate PDF' plugin for assignment feedback. This plugin is a fork of assignfeedback_editpdf, and is developed and maintained by RISET/University of Lausanne. Author: Marion Chardon, [email protected]. Compatible with Moodle versions: 3.7-3.9.

  15. Reset and delete all submissions doesn't delete the ...

    Prerequisite: A Moodle site with a document converter enabled and configured. A course; The following must be completed before updating Moodle (running the upgrade). ... Future resets of data removes all edit pdf feedback data. Add an assignment with default options: Feedback types: Annotate PDF; Upload multiple PDF submissions by different ...

  16. Assign submission plugins

    The "save_settings" function is called when the assignment settings page is submitted, either for a new assignment or when editing an existing one. For settings specific to a single instance of the assignment you can use the assign_plugin::set_config function shown here to save key/value pairs against this assignment instance for this plugin.

  17. Moodle APIs: assignfeedback_editpdf

    This file contains the combined document class for the assignfeedback_editpdf plugin. This file contains the comment class for the assignfeedback_editpdf plugin. This file contains the functions for managing a users comments quicklist. A scheduled task. This file contains the ingest manager for the assignfeedback_editpdf plugin.

  18. Moodle plugins directory: Annotate PDF advanced

    Learn about Moodle's products, like Moodle LMS or Moodle Worplace, or find a Moodle Certified Service Provider. MoodleNet Our social network to share and curate open educational resources. Moodle Academy Courses and programs to develop your skills as a Moodle educator, administrator, designer or developer.

  19. PDF assignment feedback plugin

    An PDF assignment submission and feedback plugins allow ampere teacher to annotate press return PDF files that have been submitted by students. It is grounded on to former UploadPDF assignment type by Davo Blacksmith, updated to work with the Moodle 2.3+ 'assign' module (rather other this Moodle 2.0-2.2 'assignment' module).

  20. Moodle plugins directory: PDF feedback

    Those allows an master to annotate and return PDF files that have had submitted by students. Teachers can add and position comments the drawing lines, ovals, stamps, rectangles and emphasises onto who student's work, since within the browser. Used Moodle 2.6 real above, I advise you apply the standard functionality instead.

  21. GitHub: Let's build from here · GitHub

    {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"mod/assign/feedback/editpdf/lang/en":{"items":[{"name":"assignfeedback_editpdf.php","path":"mod/assign/feedback ...

  22. Moodle plugins directory: PDF submission

    Moodle Assign Feedback Edit Pdf. On enabled a teacher to annotate both return PDF files that have been submitted by students. Teachers can add and position reviews or draw lines, ovals, stamps, rectangles and highlights onto the student's work, from within the browsers.