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The Empirical Research Paper: A Guide

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  • Designing Empirical Research

The Hourglass model

Recommended reading.

  • Introduction
  • Methods or Materials

The Hourglass model for writing an article or thesis, is just one of many different models available. 

An article (and thesis) should have the shape of an hourglass.

You will begin with broad statements that introduce the background of your research topic and it becomes more and more narrow (your research question and hypothesis) until it reaches the Methods and Results sections, which are the most specific section s of your paper. 

In the Discussion, you start off addressing the implications of the results of your study and then you discuss the limitations and finally the broad, generalizability of your study findings. 

Bem, D. J. (2003). Writing the empirical journal article. In Darley, J. M., Zanna, M. P., & Roediger III, H. L. (Eds.), The Complete Academic: A Practical Guide for the Beginning Social Scientist 2nd Edition. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association

Branson, R. D. (2004). Anatomy of a research paper.  Respiratory Care ,  49 (10), 1222-1228.

Kallet, R. (n.d.).  Writing the method section of a medical study . Retrieved February 13th, 2014 from http://www.mrcophth.com/publishorperish/methods.html

Purdue University. (2014).  Writing the experimental report: Methods, results, and discussion . Retrieved on February 12th, 2014 from https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/670/04/ 

Van Way, C. W. (2007). Writing a scientific paper.  Nutrition in Clinical Practice , 22 (6), 636-640.

The introduction section is where you introduce the background and nature of your research question, justify the importance of your research, state your  hypotheses , and how your research will contribute to scientific knowledge .

Begin with some opening statements to help situate the reader. Do not immediately dive into the highly technical terminology or the specifics of your research question. 

Write a  Literature Review in order to frame your question and to summarize the current state of knowledge related to your topic. Preparing and writing the literature review is an ongoing process and it should begin  before  you begin your experiment, and it should continue throughout:

  • In order to design an experiment, you need to see what is already known on your research topic
  • You also must ensure that your research question has not yet been answered ( unique ) 
  • You will learn about techniques which worked/ did not work and you can use them or critically address them in your research
  • As you begin your experiment, other questions will arise which will send you back into the literature 

The Literature Review is an in-depth process , and it is expected that you will read a lot more on your topic than what will be included in the paper. You will want to ensure that only the most relevant research related to your research question is included in your literature review, so an in-depth search in the current literature (across many databases) is necessary. 

You will want to end the Introduction with a brief overview of your study. You should also clearly state your hypotheses at this point as well. 

This section is focused on the particular methods -steps of your research study. This section must be clear, organized, and only include methods that were actually used (not procedures you tried but did not use or failed). The goal is that others can follow the steps to replicate your study . 

Depending on your research and subject, some of the followings sub-headings within the Methods section can be used:

  • Participants (or Subjects in animal research) : Who participated in the study (include drop-out, return rates, and exclusion information), their key demographic information, and how they were selected/recruited and compensated.
  • Materials (or apparatus) : The materials, scales or tests, equipment, stimuli, etc used in the research. If specialized equipment wass used,  include calibration information, preparation for use, and information regarding the tool's reliability and validity. 
  • Procedures : Walk readers through the experiment as if they were the participant/subject. Detail how the study was run, what variables were manipulated and measured, any specific instructions given to participants, and how data was collected. 
  • Data analysis/Data collection : A description of the statistical methods used for data analysis and/or collection. This section should be brief and in more depth during the results section.  
  • Ethical considerations : In this section you can include any ethical considerations including consent, care and treatment of animals and whether or not you received IRB approval for the study and if not, why you didn't seek approval

The Results section should contain both data (not raw) as well as written English. Tables and Figures should be used if it makes the data easier to understand. Do not include unnecessary figures or tables as this will confuse readers. Do not include any statistical tests that you tried (out of curiosity) but are not related to the methodology or results of the study. 

First, present evidence that demonstrates that you accurately and reliably designed the methods section of the study. This can include the reliability and validity of certain tests and scales you used to create conditions. 

Then present the results in-order of the methodology of the study. This will allow reader's to clearly make sense of the results and the statistical analyses begin performed.

The central and basic findings should also be prominent in this section and should be clearly stated . After the primary results have been provided, you can include the results of the preliminary tests that were performed. 

If many different types of   statistical analyses were performed, it may be best to divide he results section into different subsections which will make the information easier to understand. 

It may be necessary and is often recommended to provide a brief and clear summary of each section of the results before moving on to the next set of statistical analyses. This will remind readers of the issue in question and will create a nice transition into the next section of analyses. 

Finally, be sure to include information pertaining to the significance and if possible include effect size information as well. Remember that results can only confirm or reject a hypothesis and that the results in and of themselves do not necessarily "prove" anything. 

Similar to an hourglass, the Discussion section should clearly map onto the Introduction section of your research paper. The discussion section allows you to bring together the results of your study and the interpretation of the results within the context of previous research and literature, which you included in your Introduction. 

Begin the Discussion section by p roviding the results and conclusion of your research study in plain English . Stating that your hypothesis was either confirmed or rejected is not satisfactory, you must elaborate further by reminding readers what it was you were interested in researching and what you have learned. This is the most specific part of the Discussion section.

Then compare your results to the literature that you referenced in your introduction section and to other research that has been conducted. In this section you will also want to address the generalizability  and potential limitations of your study. 

Finally it is often recommended that a section on future research directions be included in your Discussion. Thereby concluding your research paper with a broad statement as to the future of your research topic. 

The abstract should be written after your have completed your research and written your article. 

The abstract is very concise and often does not exceed more than 120 words. It should contain a sentence addressing each section of the the article including:

  • The research question
  • The important information pertaining to the participants (or subjects)
  • Experimental method and key methodology including important tools, tests, and measurements
  • Key relevant findings (including statistical significance)
  • And the results and implications of your study results

All of this must be written as coherently and succinctly as possible . Remove unnecessary words wherever you can and remove information that is not absolutely pertinent to a reader's understanding of your research question or study. To ensure each word is pertinent, you may need to evaluate the importance of each section and remove details in sections such as the methodology and results.

The abstract will require plenty of time to write and will undergo many revisions, so be patient, and never hesitate to ask for help. 

The title should also be written following the completion of your research study and article. The title should be no longer than 10 words in length, engaging, and provide a quick overview of your research article. It is essential that the title be clear and focused on the findings of your study.

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Empirical Research: A Comprehensive Guide for Academics 

empirical research

Empirical research relies on gathering and studying real, observable data. The term ’empirical’ comes from the Greek word ’empeirikos,’ meaning ‘experienced’ or ‘based on experience.’ So, what is empirical research? Instead of using theories or opinions, empirical research depends on real data obtained through direct observation or experimentation. 

Why Empirical Research?

Empirical research plays a key role in checking or improving current theories, providing a systematic way to grow knowledge across different areas. By focusing on objectivity, it makes research findings more trustworthy, which is critical in research fields like medicine, psychology, economics, and public policy. In the end, the strengths of empirical research lie in deepening our awareness of the world and improving our capacity to tackle problems wisely. 1,2  

Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

There are two main types of empirical research methods – qualitative and quantitative. 3,4 Qualitative research delves into intricate phenomena using non-numerical data, such as interviews or observations, to offer in-depth insights into human experiences. In contrast, quantitative research analyzes numerical data to spot patterns and relationships, aiming for objectivity and the ability to apply findings to a wider context. 

Steps for Conducting Empirical Research

When it comes to conducting research, there are some simple steps that researchers can follow. 5,6  

  • Create Research Hypothesis:  Clearly state the specific question you want to answer or the hypothesis you want to explore in your study. 
  • Examine Existing Research:  Read and study existing research on your topic. Understand what’s already known, identify existing gaps in knowledge, and create a framework for your own study based on what you learn. 
  • Plan Your Study:  Decide how you’ll conduct your research—whether through qualitative methods, quantitative methods, or a mix of both. Choose suitable techniques like surveys, experiments, interviews, or observations based on your research question. 
  • Develop Research Instruments:  Create reliable research collection tools, such as surveys or questionnaires, to help you collate data. Ensure these tools are well-designed and effective. 
  • Collect Data:  Systematically gather the information you need for your research according to your study design and protocols using the chosen research methods. 
  • Data Analysis:  Analyze the collected data using suitable statistical or qualitative methods that align with your research question and objectives. 
  • Interpret Results:  Understand and explain the significance of your analysis results in the context of your research question or hypothesis. 
  • Draw Conclusions:  Summarize your findings and draw conclusions based on the evidence. Acknowledge any study limitations and propose areas for future research. 

Advantages of Empirical Research

Empirical research is valuable because it stays objective by relying on observable data, lessening the impact of personal biases. This objectivity boosts the trustworthiness of research findings. Also, using precise quantitative methods helps in accurate measurement and statistical analysis. This precision ensures researchers can draw reliable conclusions from numerical data, strengthening our understanding of the studied phenomena. 4  

Disadvantages of Empirical Research

While empirical research has notable strengths, researchers must also be aware of its limitations when deciding on the right research method for their study.4 One significant drawback of empirical research is the risk of oversimplifying complex phenomena, especially when relying solely on quantitative methods. These methods may struggle to capture the richness and nuances present in certain social, cultural, or psychological contexts. Another challenge is the potential for confounding variables or biases during data collection, impacting result accuracy.  

Tips for Empirical Writing

In empirical research, the writing is usually done in research papers, articles, or reports. The empirical writing follows a set structure, and each section has a specific role. Here are some tips for your empirical writing. 7   

  • Define Your Objectives:  When you write about your research, start by making your goals clear. Explain what you want to find out or prove in a simple and direct way. This helps guide your research and lets others know what you have set out to achieve. 
  • Be Specific in Your Literature Review:  In the part where you talk about what others have studied before you, focus on research that directly relates to your research question. Keep it short and pick studies that help explain why your research is important. This part sets the stage for your work. 
  • Explain Your Methods Clearly : When you talk about how you did your research (Methods), explain it in detail. Be clear about your research plan, who took part, and what you did; this helps others understand and trust your study. Also, be honest about any rules you follow to make sure your study is ethical and reproducible. 
  • Share Your Results Clearly : After doing your empirical research, share what you found in a simple way. Use tables or graphs to make it easier for your audience to understand your research. Also, talk about any numbers you found and clearly state if they are important or not. Ensure that others can see why your research findings matter. 
  • Talk About What Your Findings Mean:  In the part where you discuss your research results, explain what they mean. Discuss why your findings are important and if they connect to what others have found before. Be honest about any problems with your study and suggest ideas for more research in the future. 
  • Wrap It Up Clearly:  Finally, end your empirical research paper by summarizing what you found and why it’s important. Remind everyone why your study matters. Keep your writing clear and fix any mistakes before you share it. Ask someone you trust to read it and give you feedback before you finish. 


  • Empirical Research in the Social Sciences and Education, Penn State University Libraries. Available online at  https://guides.libraries.psu.edu/emp  
  • How to conduct empirical research, Emerald Publishing. Available online at  https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/how-to/research-methods/conduct-empirical-research  
  • Empirical Research: Quantitative & Qualitative, Arrendale Library, Piedmont University. Available online at  https://library.piedmont.edu/empirical-research  
  • Bouchrika, I.  What Is Empirical Research? Definition, Types & Samples  in 2024. Research.com, January 2024. Available online at  https://research.com/research/what-is-empirical-research  
  • Quantitative and Empirical Research vs. Other Types of Research. California State University, April 2023. Available online at  https://libguides.csusb.edu/quantitative  
  • Empirical Research, Definitions, Methods, Types and Examples, Studocu.com website. Available online at  https://www.studocu.com/row/document/uganda-christian-university/it-research-methods/emperical-research-definitions-methods-types-and-examples/55333816  
  • Writing an Empirical Paper in APA Style. Psychology Writing Center, University of Washington. Available online at  https://psych.uw.edu/storage/writing_center/APApaper.pdf  

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Empirical research in the social sciences and education.

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  • Finding Empirical Research in Library Databases
  • Designing Empirical Research
  • Ethics, Cultural Responsiveness, and Anti-Racism in Research
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Introduction: What is Empirical Research?

Empirical research is based on observed and measured phenomena and derives knowledge from actual experience rather than from theory or belief. 

How do you know if a study is empirical? Read the subheadings within the article, book, or report and look for a description of the research "methodology."  Ask yourself: Could I recreate this study and test these results?

Key characteristics to look for:

  • Specific research questions to be answered
  • Definition of the population, behavior, or   phenomena being studied
  • Description of the process used to study this population or phenomena, including selection criteria, controls, and testing instruments (such as surveys)

Another hint: some scholarly journals use a specific layout, called the "IMRaD" format, to communicate empirical research findings. Such articles typically have 4 components:

  • Introduction : sometimes called "literature review" -- what is currently known about the topic -- usually includes a theoretical framework and/or discussion of previous studies
  • Methodology: sometimes called "research design" -- how to recreate the study -- usually describes the population, research process, and analytical tools used in the present study
  • Results : sometimes called "findings" -- what was learned through the study -- usually appears as statistical data or as substantial quotations from research participants
  • Discussion : sometimes called "conclusion" or "implications" -- why the study is important -- usually describes how the research results influence professional practices or future studies

Reading and Evaluating Scholarly Materials

Reading research can be a challenge. However, the tutorials and videos below can help. They explain what scholarly articles look like, how to read them, and how to evaluate them:

  • CRAAP Checklist A frequently-used checklist that helps you examine the currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose of an information source.
  • IF I APPLY A newer model of evaluating sources which encourages you to think about your own biases as a reader, as well as concerns about the item you are reading.
  • Credo Video: How to Read Scholarly Materials (4 min.)
  • Credo Tutorial: How to Read Scholarly Materials
  • Credo Tutorial: Evaluating Information
  • Credo Video: Evaluating Statistics (4 min.)
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The term “empirical” entails gathered data based on experience, observations, or experimentation. In empirical research, knowledge is developed from factual experience as opposed to theoretical assumption and usually involved the use of data sources like datasets or fieldwork, but can also be based on observations within a laboratory setting. Testing hypothesis or answering definite questions is a primary feature of empirical research. Empirical research, in other words, involves the process of employing working hypothesis that are tested through experimentation or observation. Hence, empirical research is a method of uncovering empirical evidence.

Through the process of gathering valid empirical data, scientists from a variety of fields, ranging from the social to the natural sciences, have to carefully design their methods. This helps to ensure quality and accuracy of data collection and treatment. However, any error in empirical data collection process could inevitably render such...

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Bhattacherjee, A. (2012). Social science research: Principles, methods, and practices. Textbooks Collection . Book 3.

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Comte, A., & Bridges, J. H. (Tr.) (1865). A general view of positivism . Trubner and Co. (reissued by Cambridge University Press , 2009).

Dilworth, C. B. (1982). Empirical research in the literature class. English Journal, 71 (3), 95–97.

Article   Google Scholar  

Heisenberg, W. (1971). Positivism, metaphysics and religion. In R. N. Nanshen (Ed.), Werner Heisenberg – Physics and beyond – Encounters and conversations , World Perspectives. 42. Translator: Arnold J. Pomerans. New York: Harper and Row.

Hossain, F. M. A. (2014). A critical analysis of empiricism. Open Journal of Philosophy, 2014 (4), 225–230.

Kant, I. (1783). Prolegomena to any future metaphysic (trans: Bennett, J.). Early Modern Texts. www.earlymoderntexts.com

Koch, S. (1992). Psychology’s Bridgman vs. Bridgman’s Bridgman: An essay in reconstruction. Theory and Psychology, 2 (3), 261–290.

Matin, A. (1968). An outline of philosophy . Dhaka: Mullick Brothers.

Mcleod, S. (2008). Psychology as science. http://www.simplypsychology.org/science-psychology.html

Popper, K. (1963). Conjectures and refutations: The growth of scientific knowledge . London: Routledge.

Simmel, G. (1908). The problem areas of sociology in Kurt H. Wolf: The sociology of Georg Simmel . London: The Free Press.

Weber, M. (1991). The nature of social action. In W. G. Runciman (Ed.), Weber: Selections in translation . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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Njoku, E.T. (2017). Empirical Research. In: Leeming, D. (eds) Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-27771-9_200051-1

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-27771-9_200051-1

Received : 01 April 2017

Accepted : 08 May 2017

Published : 22 May 2017

Publisher Name : Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

Print ISBN : 978-3-642-27771-9

Online ISBN : 978-3-642-27771-9

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When you write papers that require data collection (or are based on data someone else has collected), you are writing an empirical research paper or a lab report. Research papers presenting new data have a common template that includes the following sections:


A good title describes the main topic or finding of your paper and makes it easier for another researcher to find your work.


A good abstract provides a stand-alone summary of your research.


A good introduction provides sufficient background and context to set up the research question your study is trying to answer and the hypotheses being tested.


A good methods section provides a detailed account of the procedures and materials, so readers are able to evaluate, critique, and replicate the study.


A good results section presents a distilled version of your findings clearly and objectively.


A good discussion provides an interpretation of the results within the context established in the introduction.


A good references section informs the reader of all the sources used to produce the paper and study.

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Empirical Research: Definition, Methods, Types and Examples

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Empirical research: Definition

Empirical research: origin, quantitative research methods, qualitative research methods, steps for conducting empirical research, empirical research methodology cycle, advantages of empirical research, disadvantages of empirical research, why is there a need for empirical research.

Empirical research is defined as any research where conclusions of the study is strictly drawn from concretely empirical evidence, and therefore “verifiable” evidence.

This empirical evidence can be gathered using quantitative market research and  qualitative market research  methods.

For example: A research is being conducted to find out if listening to happy music in the workplace while working may promote creativity? An experiment is conducted by using a music website survey on a set of audience who are exposed to happy music and another set who are not listening to music at all, and the subjects are then observed. The results derived from such a research will give empirical evidence if it does promote creativity or not.

LEARN ABOUT: Behavioral Research

You must have heard the quote” I will not believe it unless I see it”. This came from the ancient empiricists, a fundamental understanding that powered the emergence of medieval science during the renaissance period and laid the foundation of modern science, as we know it today. The word itself has its roots in greek. It is derived from the greek word empeirikos which means “experienced”.

In today’s world, the word empirical refers to collection of data using evidence that is collected through observation or experience or by using calibrated scientific instruments. All of the above origins have one thing in common which is dependence of observation and experiments to collect data and test them to come up with conclusions.

LEARN ABOUT: Causal Research

Types and methodologies of empirical research

Empirical research can be conducted and analysed using qualitative or quantitative methods.

  • Quantitative research : Quantitative research methods are used to gather information through numerical data. It is used to quantify opinions, behaviors or other defined variables . These are predetermined and are in a more structured format. Some of the commonly used methods are survey, longitudinal studies, polls, etc
  • Qualitative research:   Qualitative research methods are used to gather non numerical data.  It is used to find meanings, opinions, or the underlying reasons from its subjects. These methods are unstructured or semi structured. The sample size for such a research is usually small and it is a conversational type of method to provide more insight or in-depth information about the problem Some of the most popular forms of methods are focus groups, experiments, interviews, etc.

Data collected from these will need to be analysed. Empirical evidence can also be analysed either quantitatively and qualitatively. Using this, the researcher can answer empirical questions which have to be clearly defined and answerable with the findings he has got. The type of research design used will vary depending on the field in which it is going to be used. Many of them might choose to do a collective research involving quantitative and qualitative method to better answer questions which cannot be studied in a laboratory setting.

LEARN ABOUT: Qualitative Research Questions and Questionnaires

Quantitative research methods aid in analyzing the empirical evidence gathered. By using these a researcher can find out if his hypothesis is supported or not.

  • Survey research: Survey research generally involves a large audience to collect a large amount of data. This is a quantitative method having a predetermined set of closed questions which are pretty easy to answer. Because of the simplicity of such a method, high responses are achieved. It is one of the most commonly used methods for all kinds of research in today’s world.

Previously, surveys were taken face to face only with maybe a recorder. However, with advancement in technology and for ease, new mediums such as emails , or social media have emerged.

For example: Depletion of energy resources is a growing concern and hence there is a need for awareness about renewable energy. According to recent studies, fossil fuels still account for around 80% of energy consumption in the United States. Even though there is a rise in the use of green energy every year, there are certain parameters because of which the general population is still not opting for green energy. In order to understand why, a survey can be conducted to gather opinions of the general population about green energy and the factors that influence their choice of switching to renewable energy. Such a survey can help institutions or governing bodies to promote appropriate awareness and incentive schemes to push the use of greener energy.

Learn more: Renewable Energy Survey Template Descriptive Research vs Correlational Research

  • Experimental research: In experimental research , an experiment is set up and a hypothesis is tested by creating a situation in which one of the variable is manipulated. This is also used to check cause and effect. It is tested to see what happens to the independent variable if the other one is removed or altered. The process for such a method is usually proposing a hypothesis, experimenting on it, analyzing the findings and reporting the findings to understand if it supports the theory or not.

For example: A particular product company is trying to find what is the reason for them to not be able to capture the market. So the organisation makes changes in each one of the processes like manufacturing, marketing, sales and operations. Through the experiment they understand that sales training directly impacts the market coverage for their product. If the person is trained well, then the product will have better coverage.

  • Correlational research: Correlational research is used to find relation between two set of variables . Regression analysis is generally used to predict outcomes of such a method. It can be positive, negative or neutral correlation.

LEARN ABOUT: Level of Analysis

For example: Higher educated individuals will get higher paying jobs. This means higher education enables the individual to high paying job and less education will lead to lower paying jobs.

  • Longitudinal study: Longitudinal study is used to understand the traits or behavior of a subject under observation after repeatedly testing the subject over a period of time. Data collected from such a method can be qualitative or quantitative in nature.

For example: A research to find out benefits of exercise. The target is asked to exercise everyday for a particular period of time and the results show higher endurance, stamina, and muscle growth. This supports the fact that exercise benefits an individual body.

  • Cross sectional: Cross sectional study is an observational type of method, in which a set of audience is observed at a given point in time. In this type, the set of people are chosen in a fashion which depicts similarity in all the variables except the one which is being researched. This type does not enable the researcher to establish a cause and effect relationship as it is not observed for a continuous time period. It is majorly used by healthcare sector or the retail industry.

For example: A medical study to find the prevalence of under-nutrition disorders in kids of a given population. This will involve looking at a wide range of parameters like age, ethnicity, location, incomes  and social backgrounds. If a significant number of kids coming from poor families show under-nutrition disorders, the researcher can further investigate into it. Usually a cross sectional study is followed by a longitudinal study to find out the exact reason.

  • Causal-Comparative research : This method is based on comparison. It is mainly used to find out cause-effect relationship between two variables or even multiple variables.

For example: A researcher measured the productivity of employees in a company which gave breaks to the employees during work and compared that to the employees of the company which did not give breaks at all.

LEARN ABOUT: Action Research

Some research questions need to be analysed qualitatively, as quantitative methods are not applicable there. In many cases, in-depth information is needed or a researcher may need to observe a target audience behavior, hence the results needed are in a descriptive analysis form. Qualitative research results will be descriptive rather than predictive. It enables the researcher to build or support theories for future potential quantitative research. In such a situation qualitative research methods are used to derive a conclusion to support the theory or hypothesis being studied.

LEARN ABOUT: Qualitative Interview

  • Case study: Case study method is used to find more information through carefully analyzing existing cases. It is very often used for business research or to gather empirical evidence for investigation purpose. It is a method to investigate a problem within its real life context through existing cases. The researcher has to carefully analyse making sure the parameter and variables in the existing case are the same as to the case that is being investigated. Using the findings from the case study, conclusions can be drawn regarding the topic that is being studied.

For example: A report mentioning the solution provided by a company to its client. The challenges they faced during initiation and deployment, the findings of the case and solutions they offered for the problems. Such case studies are used by most companies as it forms an empirical evidence for the company to promote in order to get more business.

  • Observational method:   Observational method is a process to observe and gather data from its target. Since it is a qualitative method it is time consuming and very personal. It can be said that observational research method is a part of ethnographic research which is also used to gather empirical evidence. This is usually a qualitative form of research, however in some cases it can be quantitative as well depending on what is being studied.

For example: setting up a research to observe a particular animal in the rain-forests of amazon. Such a research usually take a lot of time as observation has to be done for a set amount of time to study patterns or behavior of the subject. Another example used widely nowadays is to observe people shopping in a mall to figure out buying behavior of consumers.

  • One-on-one interview: Such a method is purely qualitative and one of the most widely used. The reason being it enables a researcher get precise meaningful data if the right questions are asked. It is a conversational method where in-depth data can be gathered depending on where the conversation leads.

For example: A one-on-one interview with the finance minister to gather data on financial policies of the country and its implications on the public.

  • Focus groups: Focus groups are used when a researcher wants to find answers to why, what and how questions. A small group is generally chosen for such a method and it is not necessary to interact with the group in person. A moderator is generally needed in case the group is being addressed in person. This is widely used by product companies to collect data about their brands and the product.

For example: A mobile phone manufacturer wanting to have a feedback on the dimensions of one of their models which is yet to be launched. Such studies help the company meet the demand of the customer and position their model appropriately in the market.

  • Text analysis: Text analysis method is a little new compared to the other types. Such a method is used to analyse social life by going through images or words used by the individual. In today’s world, with social media playing a major part of everyone’s life, such a method enables the research to follow the pattern that relates to his study.

For example: A lot of companies ask for feedback from the customer in detail mentioning how satisfied are they with their customer support team. Such data enables the researcher to take appropriate decisions to make their support team better.

Sometimes a combination of the methods is also needed for some questions that cannot be answered using only one type of method especially when a researcher needs to gain a complete understanding of complex subject matter.

We recently published a blog that talks about examples of qualitative data in education ; why don’t you check it out for more ideas?

Since empirical research is based on observation and capturing experiences, it is important to plan the steps to conduct the experiment and how to analyse it. This will enable the researcher to resolve problems or obstacles which can occur during the experiment.

Step #1: Define the purpose of the research

This is the step where the researcher has to answer questions like what exactly do I want to find out? What is the problem statement? Are there any issues in terms of the availability of knowledge, data, time or resources. Will this research be more beneficial than what it will cost.

Before going ahead, a researcher has to clearly define his purpose for the research and set up a plan to carry out further tasks.

Step #2 : Supporting theories and relevant literature

The researcher needs to find out if there are theories which can be linked to his research problem . He has to figure out if any theory can help him support his findings. All kind of relevant literature will help the researcher to find if there are others who have researched this before, or what are the problems faced during this research. The researcher will also have to set up assumptions and also find out if there is any history regarding his research problem

Step #3: Creation of Hypothesis and measurement

Before beginning the actual research he needs to provide himself a working hypothesis or guess what will be the probable result. Researcher has to set up variables, decide the environment for the research and find out how can he relate between the variables.

Researcher will also need to define the units of measurements, tolerable degree for errors, and find out if the measurement chosen will be acceptable by others.

Step #4: Methodology, research design and data collection

In this step, the researcher has to define a strategy for conducting his research. He has to set up experiments to collect data which will enable him to propose the hypothesis. The researcher will decide whether he will need experimental or non experimental method for conducting the research. The type of research design will vary depending on the field in which the research is being conducted. Last but not the least, the researcher will have to find out parameters that will affect the validity of the research design. Data collection will need to be done by choosing appropriate samples depending on the research question. To carry out the research, he can use one of the many sampling techniques. Once data collection is complete, researcher will have empirical data which needs to be analysed.

LEARN ABOUT: Best Data Collection Tools

Step #5: Data Analysis and result

Data analysis can be done in two ways, qualitatively and quantitatively. Researcher will need to find out what qualitative method or quantitative method will be needed or will he need a combination of both. Depending on the unit of analysis of his data, he will know if his hypothesis is supported or rejected. Analyzing this data is the most important part to support his hypothesis.

Step #6: Conclusion

A report will need to be made with the findings of the research. The researcher can give the theories and literature that support his research. He can make suggestions or recommendations for further research on his topic.

Empirical research methodology cycle

A.D. de Groot, a famous dutch psychologist and a chess expert conducted some of the most notable experiments using chess in the 1940’s. During his study, he came up with a cycle which is consistent and now widely used to conduct empirical research. It consists of 5 phases with each phase being as important as the next one. The empirical cycle captures the process of coming up with hypothesis about how certain subjects work or behave and then testing these hypothesis against empirical data in a systematic and rigorous approach. It can be said that it characterizes the deductive approach to science. Following is the empirical cycle.

  • Observation: At this phase an idea is sparked for proposing a hypothesis. During this phase empirical data is gathered using observation. For example: a particular species of flower bloom in a different color only during a specific season.
  • Induction: Inductive reasoning is then carried out to form a general conclusion from the data gathered through observation. For example: As stated above it is observed that the species of flower blooms in a different color during a specific season. A researcher may ask a question “does the temperature in the season cause the color change in the flower?” He can assume that is the case, however it is a mere conjecture and hence an experiment needs to be set up to support this hypothesis. So he tags a few set of flowers kept at a different temperature and observes if they still change the color?
  • Deduction: This phase helps the researcher to deduce a conclusion out of his experiment. This has to be based on logic and rationality to come up with specific unbiased results.For example: In the experiment, if the tagged flowers in a different temperature environment do not change the color then it can be concluded that temperature plays a role in changing the color of the bloom.
  • Testing: This phase involves the researcher to return to empirical methods to put his hypothesis to the test. The researcher now needs to make sense of his data and hence needs to use statistical analysis plans to determine the temperature and bloom color relationship. If the researcher finds out that most flowers bloom a different color when exposed to the certain temperature and the others do not when the temperature is different, he has found support to his hypothesis. Please note this not proof but just a support to his hypothesis.
  • Evaluation: This phase is generally forgotten by most but is an important one to keep gaining knowledge. During this phase the researcher puts forth the data he has collected, the support argument and his conclusion. The researcher also states the limitations for the experiment and his hypothesis and suggests tips for others to pick it up and continue a more in-depth research for others in the future. LEARN MORE: Population vs Sample

LEARN MORE: Population vs Sample

There is a reason why empirical research is one of the most widely used method. There are a few advantages associated with it. Following are a few of them.

  • It is used to authenticate traditional research through various experiments and observations.
  • This research methodology makes the research being conducted more competent and authentic.
  • It enables a researcher understand the dynamic changes that can happen and change his strategy accordingly.
  • The level of control in such a research is high so the researcher can control multiple variables.
  • It plays a vital role in increasing internal validity .

Even though empirical research makes the research more competent and authentic, it does have a few disadvantages. Following are a few of them.

  • Such a research needs patience as it can be very time consuming. The researcher has to collect data from multiple sources and the parameters involved are quite a few, which will lead to a time consuming research.
  • Most of the time, a researcher will need to conduct research at different locations or in different environments, this can lead to an expensive affair.
  • There are a few rules in which experiments can be performed and hence permissions are needed. Many a times, it is very difficult to get certain permissions to carry out different methods of this research.
  • Collection of data can be a problem sometimes, as it has to be collected from a variety of sources through different methods.

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Empirical research is important in today’s world because most people believe in something only that they can see, hear or experience. It is used to validate multiple hypothesis and increase human knowledge and continue doing it to keep advancing in various fields.

For example: Pharmaceutical companies use empirical research to try out a specific drug on controlled groups or random groups to study the effect and cause. This way, they prove certain theories they had proposed for the specific drug. Such research is very important as sometimes it can lead to finding a cure for a disease that has existed for many years. It is useful in science and many other fields like history, social sciences, business, etc.

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With the advancement in today’s world, empirical research has become critical and a norm in many fields to support their hypothesis and gain more knowledge. The methods mentioned above are very useful for carrying out such research. However, a number of new methods will keep coming up as the nature of new investigative questions keeps getting unique or changing.

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  1. The Empirical Research Paper: A Guide

    The introduction section is where you introduce the background and nature of your research question, justify the importance of your research, state your hypotheses, and how your research will contribute to scientific knowledge.. Begin with some opening statements to help situate the reader. Do not immediately dive into the highly technical terminology or the specifics of your research question.

  2. PDF Empirical Research Papers

    While every discipline has its own conventions and specifications, most empirical research papers range from 3,000 to 10,000 words and use the structure described below. Typical structure of an empirical research paper: Empirical research does not happen in a vacuum. Any given study is likely to build upon, deepen, or challenge existing ...

  3. Empirical Research: A Comprehensive Guide for Academics

    Tips for Empirical Writing. In empirical research, the writing is usually done in research papers, articles, or reports. The empirical writing follows a set structure, and each section has a specific role. Here are some tips for your empirical writing. 7. Define Your Objectives: When you write about your research, start by making your goals clear.

  4. PDF Any empirical paper should roughly follow the format outlined below

    Literature Review. This section should basically consist of two parts (both of which should be brief). The first section should discuss previous research that is directly relevant to your paper (not every single paper written on the topic). The review need not only be topical, but can include research that employs the same methods you are using ...

  5. Empirical Research in the Social Sciences and Education

    Another hint: some scholarly journals use a specific layout, called the "IMRaD" format, to communicate empirical research findings. Such articles typically have 4 components: Introduction : sometimes called "literature review" -- what is currently known about the topic -- usually includes a theoretical framework and/or discussion of previous ...

  6. PDF Writing the Empirical Journal Article

    of an empirical study, but the general writing suggestions apply as well to the theoretical articles, literature reviews, and methodological contributions that also appear in our journals. (Specific guidance for preparing a literature re-view article for Psychological Bulletin can be found in Bem, 1995.) Planning Your Article

  7. Empirical Research

    Strategies for Empirical Research in Writing is a particularly accessible approach to both qualitative and quantitative empirical research methods, helping novices appreciate the value of empirical research in writing while easing their fears about the research process. This comprehensive book covers research methods ranging from traditional ...

  8. Empirical Research

    Mcleod noted that empirical research, as a tool for investigation within the field of psychology, began in the 1800s with behaviorists who assert that psychology is a scientific discipline, which requires scientific principles in investigating human behavior, stressed its use.They further claimed that there are unseen factors that influence human behavior.

  9. PDF Writing the Empirical Social Science Research Paper:

    considerably easier to write an empirical research paper when utilizing the normal structure for empirical social science research papers. Note that here you must be very clear about what you mean when you use the terms empirical research paper and writing as well as what you mean by the term "easier." Each can be defined in many ways. Do

  10. Writing Empirical Research Papers

    This chapter covers the crucial parts of an empirical research paper common across any type of methodological approach. It discusses a closer examination of these differences and then focuses on the types of empirical research paper common in most social science classes. When it is part of an empirical research paper, the literature review ...

  11. Empirical research

    A scientist gathering data for her research. Empirical research is research using empirical evidence.It is also a way of gaining knowledge by means of direct and indirect observation or experience. Empiricism values some research more than other kinds. Empirical evidence (the record of one's direct observations or experiences) can be analyzed quantitatively or qualitatively.

  12. Empirical Research Papers

    AUDIENCE & STYLE. When you write papers that require data collection (or are based on data someone else has collected), you are writing an empirical research paper or a lab report. Research papers presenting new data have a common template that includes the following sections:

  13. PDF Writing an Empirical Paper in APA Style

    Arrange the title page information on its own page. Center this information from the side margins. Place the title a little more than one-third of the way down the page, where the reader's eyes naturally fall. Note: The APA manual says to center the title. This means to center from the sides, not from the top.

  14. Writing a Research Paper Introduction

    The research question is the question you want to answer in an empirical research paper. Present your research question clearly and directly, with a minimum of discussion at this point. ... This correlation has received significant academic attention: Various empirical studies have been conducted into Facebook usage among adolescent girls ...

  15. PDF Introductions for Empirical Research Papers

    Empirical research paper introductions are a type of literature review—and like all literature reviews, they follow ... • Unlike many forms of academic writing, introductions to empirical research papers do not lead with the paper's main ideas, purpose, or thesis. In fact, "the present study" typically isn't mentioned until the final

  16. Research Problems and Hypotheses in Empirical Research

    The paper illustrates the central role played by the study's general aim and its relation to existing knowledge in the research domain. ... empirical, and quantitative research studies in education, psychology, and related disciplines. The philosophical frame of critical realism is supposed, i.e., it is assumed that an external reality exists

  17. University Writing Center: Empirical Research Writing

    University Writing Center. Student Success Center. 738 South Mason Street. Room 1st Floor. Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807. Email Us. 540/568-1759. Fax: 540/568-2926.

  18. PDF B.S. Research Paper Example (Empirical Research Paper)

    B.S. Research Paper Example (Empirical Research Paper) This is an example of a research paper that was written in fulfillment of the B.S. research paper requirement. It uses APA style for all aspects except the cover sheet (this page; the cover sheet is required by the department). It describes research that the author was involved in while ...

  19. Empirical Research: Definition, Methods, Types and Examples

    Steps for conducting empirical research. Since empirical research is based on observation and capturing experiences, it is important to plan the steps to conduct the experiment and how to analyse it. This will enable the researcher to resolve problems or obstacles which can occur during the experiment. Step #1: Define the purpose of the research

  20. What Is Empirical Research? Definition, Types & Samples in 2024

    Empirical research is defined as any study whose conclusions are exclusively derived from concrete, verifiable evidence. The term empirical basically means that it is guided by scientific experimentation and/or evidence. Likewise, a study is empirical when it uses real-world evidence in investigating its assertions.

  21. PDF Discussion and Conclusion Sections for Empirical Research Papers

    In an empirical research paper, the purpose of the Discussion section is to interpret the results and discuss their implications, thereby establishing (and often qualifying) the practical and scholarly significance of the present study. It may be helpful to think of the Discussion section as the inverse of the introduction to an empirical research

  22. Free APA Journal Articles

    Recently published articles from subdisciplines of psychology covered by more than 90 APA Journals™ publications. For additional free resources (such as article summaries, podcasts, and more), please visit the Highlights in Psychological Research page. Browse and read free articles from APA Journals across the field of psychology, selected by ...

  23. Artificial intelligence and empirical consumer research: A topic

    This paper examines the academic use of AI in the context of marketing interfaces for the purpose of understanding consumer behavior, as this is increasingly relevant to consumer researchers. Specifically, we analyze AI techniques that have been prioritized in research about consumption and consumers and offer opportunities for future research ...