homework translation | English-German dictionary

i do my homework in german

homeworker , homeworking , homer , housework

what homework have you got?

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i do my homework in german

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Bringing a homework assignment for you, so open the lab. Ich bringe dir eine Hausaufgabe mit, also schließ das Labor auf.
He's looking for his homework, which he did last week. Er sucht seine Hausaufgabe, die er letzte Woche gemacht hat.
It would be good if by tomorrow my homework were in here. Es wäre halt gut, wenn da morgen meine Hausarbeit drin stünde.
I had just finished my homework when he visited me. Ich hatte gerade meine Hausarbeit beendet, als er mich besuchte.
I'll help you with your homework when we get back. Ich helfe dir bei den Hausaufgaben, wenn wir zurück sind.
This will make it much easier to do your homework properly. Das macht es viel einfacher, deine Hausaufgaben richtig zu machen.

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WordReference English-German Dictionary © 2024:

(school work) ( )Hausaufgaben
 Jimmy gets a lot of homework.
 Jimmy bekommt viele Hausaufgaben auf.
(preparation) ( )Hausaufgaben
 I have done my homework, and am well prepared for the meeting.
 Ich habe meine Hausaufgaben gemacht und bin für die Versammlung gut vorbereitet.
(work done at home)Arbeit mit nach Hause nehmen
 I am so busy at the office, I have started doing homework to catch up.
 Im Büro habe ich so viel zu tun, dass ich angefangen habe, mir Arbeit mit nach Hause zu nehmen, um den Anschluss nicht zu verpassen.

WordReference English- German Dictionary © 2024:

(do after-hours schoolwork)seine Hausaufgaben machen
 The children have to do homework before they can go out to play.
(become informed)sich über [etw] schlau machen
  sich über [etw] informieren
  Informationen über [etw] beschaffen
  • 1. SCHULE Hausaufgabe ( n pl ) f , Schularbeiten pl : do one’s homework seine Hausaufgaben machen (a. fig sich gründlich vorbereiten)
  • 2. WIRTSCH Heimarbeit f

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How to say Homework in German?

What does Hausaufgabe mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Homework” in German? What is the meaning of “Hausaufgabe”?

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i do my homework in german

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Translations for homework in the English » German Dictionary

ˈhome · work n no pl, 1. homework (schoolwork, research) :, 2. homework (paid work) :, examples from the pons dictionary (editorially verified), examples from the internet (not verified by pons editors).

Criteria for admission to the written examination

Students, who do not yet have the admission, can gain the admission via continuous participation in tutorials and continuous treatment of the homework assignments.

For this aim, 40% of the total homework must be treated successfully, amongst this 30% of the homework in each assignment.


Wer noch keine Klausurzulassung besitzt, kann diese durch kontinuierliche Teilnahme an den Übungen und Bearbeitung der Hausaufgaben erlangen.

Insgesamt müssen hierzu mindestens 40 Prozent aller Übungspunkte erreicht werden, dabei von jedem der Übungsblätter mindestens 30 Prozent der Punkte.

And of course I do my homework.

Sometimes it takes nearly 2-3 hours because we have a lot of homework .

5) How do you like Würzburg and what especially do you like in Würzburg?

Und natürlich mache ich Hausaufgaben.

Manchmal dauert es fast 2-3 Stunden weil wir viele Hausaufgaben haben.

5) Wie und was gefällt dir an der Stadt Würzburg?

Big data is a topic that is penetrating the market, and presenting users a solution to help them develop respective use cases has proven to be the right approach.

Vendors have done their homework , and meanwhile, powerful solutions and appliances are available that can be used by businesses of practically all industries to test and include the analysis of large volumes of data into their business processes.

The following "Big Data Leaders 2015" were awarded on the occasion of the „Big Data Leader Ceremony“:

Big Data dringt immer weiter in den Markt vor, und der Ansatz, den Anwendern zuerst eine Lösung vorzustellen, so dass sich die Anwender Nutzungsszenarien entwickeln können, hat sich als richtig erwiesen.

Die Anbieter haben ihre Hausaufgaben gemacht und so stehen jetzt bereits leistungsfähige Lösungen und Appliances bereit, mit denen Unternehmen aus fast allen Branchen die Auswertung und Analyse großer Datenvolumina erproben und in ihre Geschäftsprozesse einfließen lassen können.

Im Rahmen der „Big Data Leader Ceremony“ wurden folgende Unternehmen als „Big Data Leader 2015“ ausgezeichnet:

Before I could say a word they handed me a fresh pack of neon green earplugs and began to maim me with what was for sure some of the heaviest sonic shrapnel ever to erupt from such small hands.

After an hour or so of photographing and listening to them rip through their set, I got a rare chance to sit down and chat with these little tykes about how rap is wack, how homework always comes first, and how Skittles are basically universal.


Bevor ich nur eine Frage stellen konnte, gaben sie mir ein frisches Paar neongrüner Ohropax und fingen an mich mit dem wohl heftigsten sonischen Gewitter, das sich je aus solch kleinen Händen entladen hat, festzunageln.

Nach knapp einer Stunde, in der sie ihr Set durchexorzierten und ich ein paar Fotos schießen konnte, bekam ich die seltene Gelegenheit mich mit den kleinen Lümmeln hinzusetzen und über ein paar grundlegende Dinge zu quatschen, wie über die Bedeutung des Rap, dass Hausaufgaben immer an erster Stelle stehen und dass Skittles einfach großartig sind.

In order to receive permission to take the examination, the students will have to solve homework tasks which they will receive in the tutorials.

They have to achieve 50 % of the total points for the homework 1-4 and 5-8 each.Homework and the practical course have to be passed in the same semester.


Hausaufgaben und Praktika müssen für den Schein im gleichen Semester bestanden werden.

In den Hausaufgaben müssen 50 % der Gesamtpunktzahl jeweils in zwei Blöcken, d.h. in den Hausaufgaben 1-4 und 5-8 gesammelt werden.

Methods of Assessment for Ratings 0-100 :

For successful completion: at least 40 % of achievable points in homework and at least 40 % of achievable points in a final test The grading consists by 10 % in points from the homework and by 90 % in points from the test, if the course is successfully completed


Kriterien zur Vergabe der Notenpunkte 0-100 :

Erfolgreiche Teilnahme an der Übung ( mindestens 40 % der in den Hausaufgaben erreichbaren Punkte ) und einer Klausur nach Ende der Veranstaltungszeit Die Notenpunke bestimmen sich zu 10 % aus den Leistungen in der Übung und zu 90 % aus den Leistungen in der Klausur, wenn Sie in Übung und Klausur die erforderliche Mindestpunktzahl erreicht haben.


Some schools offer supervision of children in so-called Kinderhorten, extracurricular programs that keep children occupied before and / or after regular instruction, often between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Participating children receive a midday meal and may do their homework or play freely in a supervised environment.

Placing a child in a Kinderhort currently costs parents €150 for five hours of daily supervision.

In den Schulen angeschlossenen Kinderhorten können die Kinder innerhalb fester Zeiten vor und nach dem Unterricht betreut werden etwa ab 7.00 Uhr bis 17.00 Uhr.

Dort erhalten die Kinder ein Mittagessen, werden bei den Hausaufgaben beaufsichtigt und haben Zeit zum freien Spiel.

Die von den Eltern zu tragenden Kosten für einen Platz im Hort betragen zur Zeit 150,- € für 5 Stunden täglich.

Most of their eleven languages were not learned in classrooms with grammar books and vocabulary notebooks, but at home, in the shops, in conversations with friends – it is primarily oral language acquisition.

With three hours of German lessons on three days of the week there is hardly any time for homework , preparation and follow-up work anyway: most of the course participants have families and are employed, some in many jobs, others run their own companies.

Take for instance Sicelo Mkhabela, age 35.

Denn die elf Sprachen wurden größtenteils nicht in den Klassenzimmern mit Grammatikbuch und Vokabelheften gelernt, sondern zu Hause, beim Einkaufen, im Gespräch mit Freunden – ein primär oraler Spracherwerb.

Zeit für Hausaufgaben , Vorbereitung und Nacharbeit bleibt bei drei Stunden Deutschunterricht an drei Tagen in der Woche sowieso kaum: Die meisten der Kursteilnehmer haben Familien; sie arbeiten als Angestellte teils in mehreren Jobs oder leiten nebenbei ihre eigene Firma.

So wie Sicelo Mkhabela, 35.

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Ich mache meine Hausaufgaben.

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How to Say Homework in German: Your Ultimate Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to say “homework” in German! Whether you’re a student learning the language or simply curious about German vocabulary, we’ve got you covered. In this guide, we will not only explore formal and informal ways to express “homework” in German but also provide tips, examples, and even touch upon regional variations when necessary. Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

Formal Ways to Say Homework in German:

If you’re speaking in a formal setting or addressing someone older, respected, or in a position of authority, it’s essential to use the appropriate term for “homework.” Here are some formal expressions:

  • Die Hausaufgaben : This is the most common and neutral term for homework in the German language. It is used both in schools and universities.
  • Die Schulaufgaben : This term is more specific and refers to homework in the context of school assignments.
  • Die Aufgaben : While this term can have a broader meaning, it is commonly used to refer to assignments or tasks, including homework.

When using these formal terms, it is important to address your teachers or professors with the appropriate honorifics, such as “Sie” (formal “you”) instead of “du” (informal “you”).

Informal Ways to Say Homework in German:

In less formal situations, or when you’re talking to friends, classmates, or peers, it’s common to use more relaxed expressions for “homework” in German. Here are some informal options:

  • Die Hausi : This term is a shortened, colloquial version of “Hausaufgaben.” It is commonly used among friends or classmates.
  • Die Hausis : This plural form is also a casual alternative.
  • Die Aufgaben : You can also use this term informally, just as in the formal context. It is a flexible phrase and can be used in various situations.

Remember, when using these informal expressions, it’s important to consider the relationship and level of familiarity with the person you’re talking to. Ensure that the context is appropriate for using informal language.

Regional Variations:

While German has many regional dialects and variations, the terms for “homework” generally remain consistent across different regions. However, it’s worth noting that some local variations or dialects might exist. Let’s take a look at some regional variations:

Die Schuihausis (pl.)

This variation is commonly used in Bavaria and parts of Austria, where the local dialect influences the pronunciation and vocabulary.


In the Swabian dialect, spoken in southwestern Germany, “Dr Lär” is a term that is sometimes used informally to refer to homework.

Tips for Using “Homework” in German:

Now that you know the formal, informal, and regional variations for “homework” in German, here are some tips to enhance your usage:

  • Context is key: Always consider the setting and your relationship with the person you’re conversing with before using any specific term for “homework.”
  • Addressing teachers: When talking to teachers or professors, it’s essential to use the appropriate honorifics, such as “Sie.”
  • Pay attention to informal language: Only use informal terms like “Hausi” or “Die Hausis” when you’re in a casual context and with people you’re familiar with.
  • Regional variations: While most regions use the common terms, it’s helpful to know local variations in case you encounter specific dialects.

Let’s look at some examples that illustrate the usage of these different terms:

Formal: Lehrer, können Sie uns bitte die Hausaufgaben aufgeben? (Teacher, could you please assign us the homework?) Informal: Hey, hast du die Hausi für morgen gemacht? (Hey, have you done the homework for tomorrow?) Regional: Servus, mei Lär isch heid schee schwer, oder? (Hi, my homework is pretty difficult today, isn’t it?)

These examples show how to apply the various terms in the appropriate contexts, considering formality and the relationship with the person you’re speaking to.

So, whether you’re studying German, visiting Germany, or simply interested in expanding your language knowledge, this guide has provided you with all the essentials to express “homework” correctly in German.

We hope you found this guide helpful and that it enhances your German language skills. Viel Glück (good luck) with your German studies!

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  • Guide on How to Say Homework in Mandarin
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Johnnie Chase

Cambridge Dictionary

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Translation of homework – English–German dictionary

(Translation of homework from the PASSWORD English–German Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd)

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i do my homework in german

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  1. How To Say I Do My Homework In German

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  3. How To Say I Do My Homework In German

    i do my homework in german

  4. How To Say I Do My Homework In German

    i do my homework in german

  5. How To Say I Do My Homework In German

    i do my homework in german

  6. How do you say ""... and then I'll be done with my homework."" in

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  5. How I Do My Homework:

  6. Немецкий язык. "Работа. Die Arbeit". START DEUTSCH B1


  1. How to say "I do my homework." in German.

    How To Say "I do my homework." In 45 Languages. Hungarian Én megcsinálom a házifeladatom. Korean 나는 숙제를 해. Castilian Spanish Yo hago los deberes. Japanese 私は宿題をします。. French Je fais mes devoirs. Mandarin Chinese 我做作业。. Italian Io faccio i compiti.

  2. i do my homework translation in German

    i do my homework. ich mache meine Hausaufgaben. Let's just say I do my homework. Sagen wir, ich mache meine Hausaufgaben. I do my homework at five o'clock. Ich mache meine Hausaufgaben um fünf Uhr. ich meine Hausaufgaben mache. Mark made a deal with me - if I do my homework, I can stay up to watch the film.

  3. German translation of ' homework'

    German Translation of "HOMEWORK" | The official Collins English-German Dictionary online. Over 100,000 German translations of English words and phrases.

  4. How do you say "I'm doing my homework" in German?

    Question about German. How do you say this in German? I'm doing my homework. See a translation ...

  5. How do you say "I'm doing homework" in German?

    @Viki_632 Ich mache Hausaufgaben.|Ich mache (gerade) Hausaufgaben.

  6. How to say "You do your homework." in German.

    American English I do my homework. How to say "You do your homework." in German and in 45 More languages. Hungarian Te megcsinálod a házifeladatod. Korean 너는 숙제를 해. Castilian Spanish Tú haces los deberes. Japanese あなたは宿題をします。. French Tu fais tes devoirs. Mandarin Chinese 你做你的作业。.

  7. i'm doing my homework

    Many translated example sentences containing "i'm doing my homework" - German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations.

  8. Top 8 Words for I do my homework in German.

    Words for I do my homework in German. Learn the most common words for I do my homework in German. Click on a word for more information and translations.

  9. homework

    library.fes.de. Many translated example sentences containing "homework" - German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations.


    Translation for 'homework' in the free English-German dictionary and many other German translations. bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar. ... I would come here after school and do homework, then get my bike and ride around. more_vert. open_in_new Link to source; warning Request revision; I don't really go to research ...

  11. homework translation in German

    jdm etw aufgeben. he was slaving over his homework. exp. er schlug sich mit seinen Hausaufgaben herum. to do the housework/one's homework. exp. die Hausarbeit/seine Hausaufgaben machen.

  12. homework

    Doing homework (gerund) finish homework German homework Homework diary / planner homework without any mistakes I always do my homework I do my homework when I get it. I think today everyone passed in homework... I try to get my homework done. / I must get my tasks done. I was doing my homework. Since you've done your homework, you can go out ...

  13. How do you say "I do my homework" in German?

    Question about German. How do you say this in German? I do my homework. See a translation Report copyright infringement; Answers Close ...

  14. i have to do my homework

    External sources (not reviewed) I have also done my homework and I do not want to mention. [...] any names, but we will be able to do this in future. europarl.europa.eu. europarl.europa.eu. I ch habe auch meine Hausaufgaben gemacht, ich w ill jetzt. [...] keine Namen nennen, aber in Zukunft kann das durchaus geschehen.

  15. How to say Homework in German?

    Ihr machtet eure Hausaufgaben. You (all) did your homework. Ihr müsst eure Hausaufgaben machen. You must do your homework. Sie müssen ihre Hausaufgaben beenden. They have to finish their homework. Ihr macht jetzt eure Hausaufgaben. You are doing your homework (right now). Ich werde dir mit deinen Hausaufgaben helfen.

  16. homework

    to do one's homework. [ seine] Hausaufgaben machen. to set homework. Hausaufgaben [o. A a. eine Hausübung] aufgeben. to do homework. Heimarbeit machen. to pelt through one's homework. seine Hausarbeiten runterrasseln inf.

  17. How do you say "I am doing my homeworks " in German?

    I do my homework. Ich mache meine Hausaufgaben. |Ich mache meine Hausaufgaben. |Homework is an uncountable noun in English. English (US) French (France) German Italian Japanese Korean Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Portugal) Russian Simplified Chinese (China) Spanish (Mexico) Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) Turkish Vietnamese

  18. How to Say Homework in German: Your Ultimate Guide

    Here are some formal expressions: Die Hausaufgaben: This is the most common and neutral term for homework in the German language. It is used both in schools and universities. Die Schulaufgaben: This term is more specific and refers to homework in the context of school assignments. Die Aufgaben: While this term can have a broader meaning, it is ...

  19. HOMEWORK in German

    HOMEWORK translate: die Hausaufgabe. Learn more in the Cambridge English-German Dictionary.

  20. How to say homework in German

    Here's a list of translations. German Translation. Hausaufgaben. More German words for homework. die Hausaufgaben noun. homework. die Heimarbeit noun.

  21. What is "You do your homework (formal)" in German and how to ...

    American English. You do your homework (formal) German. Sie machen Ihre Hausaufgaben.

  22. Übersetzung: "My homework is due on/by xyz date"? : r/German

    /r/German is a community focused on discussion related to learning the German language. It is also a place to discuss the language at large. New visitors, please read the FAQ: /r/German/wiki/faq