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Amway Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Amway Business Plan Template

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their Amway companies.

If you’re unfamiliar with creating an Amway business plan, you may think creating one will be a time-consuming and frustrating process. For most entrepreneurs it is, but for you, it won’t be since we’re here to help. We have the experience, resources, and knowledge to help you create a great business plan.

In this article, you will learn some background information on why business planning is important. Then, you will learn how to write a Amway business plan step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

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What is an Amway Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your Amway business as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategies for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.

Why You Need a Business Plan for an Amway Business

If you’re looking to start an Amway business or grow your existing Amway network, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your Amway business to improve your chances of success. Your Amway business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

Sources of Funding for Amway Businesses

With regard to funding, the main sources of funding for an Amway business are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans, and angel investors. When it comes to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to ensure that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for Amway companies.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

How to write a business plan for an amway business.

If you want to start an Amway business or expand your current Amway business, you need a business plan. The guide below details the necessary information for how to write each essential component of your Amway business plan.

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key section of your plan.

The goal of your executive summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the kind of Amway business you are running and the status. For example, are you a startup, do you have an Amway business that you would like to grow, or are you operating Amway businesses in more than one state?

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan.

  • Give a brief overview of the Amway industry.
  • Discuss the type of Amway business you are operating.
  • Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target customers.
  • Provide a snapshot of your marketing strategy. Identify the key members of your team.
  • Offer an overview of your financial plan.

Company Overview

In your company overview, you will detail the type of Amway business you are operating.

For example, you might specialize in one of the following types of Amway businesses:

  • Retail Sales Amway Business: In this type of Amway business, you will concentrate on retail sales to customers within your developing network.
  • Leadership Team Development Business: If you are concentrating on developing leaders within Amway networks, your concentration will be on conferences, events, training materials and other forms of leadership training and communication.
  • High Volume Amway Business: This type of Amway business is focused on high-volume network customers who buy in bulk in order to distribute to Amway business owners who have a lower-level volume of sales.
  • Online Amway Business: Offering select Amway items that are available in an online-only format, this type of Amway Business has online customers and network growth via digital sales exclusively.

In addition to explaining the type of Amway business you will operate, the company overview needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to questions such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include the number of customers served, the amount of revenue during the past six months, opening a second Amway network, etc.
  • Your legal business structure. Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry or market analysis, you need to provide an overview of the Amway industry.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the Amway industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating.

Secondly, market research can improve your marketing strategy, particularly if your analysis identifies market trends.

The third reason is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section of your Amway business plan:

  • How big is the Amway industry (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential target market for your Amway business? You can extrapolate such a figure by assessing the size of the market in the entire country and then applying that figure to your local population.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section of your Amway business plan must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to serve.

The following are examples of customer segments: individuals, families, corporations, medical distributors, and civic organizations.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of Amway business you operate. Clearly, individuals would respond to different marketing promotions than corporations, for example.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regard to demographics, including a discussion of the ages, genders, locations, and income levels of the potential customers you seek to serve.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can recognize and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers.

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Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other Amway businesses.

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from that aren’t directly competing with your product or service. This includes warehouse store chains, grocery stores, mail-order companies, and wholesalers. You need to mention such competition, as well.

For each direct competitor, provide an overview of their business and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as

  • What types of customers do they serve?
  • What type of Amway business are they?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What sets their business apart from others?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regard to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. And, don’t be afraid to ask your competitors’ customers what they like most and least about them.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you provide options for volume discounts or special deliveries?
  • Will you offer products or services that your competition doesn’t?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a Amway business plan, your marketing strategy should include the following:

Product : In the product section, you should reiterate the type of Amway company that you documented in your company overview. Then, detail the specific products or services you will be offering. For example, will you provide Amway products with a 2-day delivery service for senior orders?

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. Essentially in the product and price sub-sections of your plan, you are presenting the products and/or services you offer and their prices.

Place : Place refers to the site of your Amway company. Document where your company is situated and mention how the site will impact your success. For example, is your Amway business located in a business district, a home office, or is it purely online? Discuss how your site might be the ideal location for your customers.

Promotions : The final part of your Amway marketing plan is where you will document how you will drive potential customers to your location(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Advertise in local papers, radio stations and/or magazines
  • Reach out to websites
  • Distribute direct mail pieces to your target audience
  • Engage in email marketing
  • Advertise on social media platforms
  • Improve the SEO (search engine optimization) with target keywords on your website

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your Amway business, including answering calls, taking orders, planning and scheduling Amway deliveries, paying invoices, contacting customers, etc.

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to reach a high-level in the network , or when you hope to reach $X in revenue. It could also be when you expect to expand your Amway business to include additional Amway networks.

Management Team

To demonstrate your Amway business’ potential to succeed, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a company.

Ideally, you and/or your team members have direct experience in managing Amway businesses. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But, also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act as mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in managing an Amway business or successfully running an Amway distributorship.

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statements.

Income Statement

An income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenue and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will you serve 25 online customers per day, and/or offer special Amway volume sales with an online order? And will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets

Balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. While balance sheets can include much information, try to simplify them to the key items you need to know about. For instance, if you spend $50,000 on building out your Amway business, this will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a lender writes you a check for $50,000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement

Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and ensure you never run out of money. What most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t realize is that you can turn a profit, but run out of money and go bankrupt.

When creating your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing a Amway business:

  • Cost of inventory and related packaging
  • Cost of furnishings or accessories
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff
  • Business insurance
  • Other start-up expenses (if you’re a new business) like legal expenses, permits, computer software, office supplies and equipment

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan, along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your office location lease or a list of friends and associates who are already lined up to buy Amway from your business.

Writing a business plan for your Amway business is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the template above, by the time you are done, you will truly be an expert. You will understand the Amway industry, your competition, and your customers. You will develop a marketing strategy and will understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful Amway business.

Amway Business Plan FAQs

What is the easiest way to complete my amway business plan.

Growthink's Ultimate Business Plan Template allows you to quickly and easily write your Amway business plan.

Where Can I Download an Amway Business Plan PDF?

You can download our amway business plan PDF here. This is a business plan template you can use in PDF format.

How Do You Start an Amway Business?

Starting an Amway business is easy with these 14 steps:

  • Choose the Name for Your Amway Business
  • Create Your Amway Business Plan
  • Choose the Legal Structure for Your Amway Business
  • Secure Startup Funding for Your Amway Business (If Needed)
  • Secure a Location for Your Business
  • Register Your Amway Business with the IRS
  • Open a Business Bank Account
  • Get a Business Credit Card
  • Get the Required Business Licenses and Permits
  • Get Business Insurance for Your Amway Business
  • Buy or Lease the Right Amway Business Equipment
  • Develop Your Amway Business Marketing Materials
  • Purchase and Setup the Software Needed to Run Your Amway Business
  • Open for Business

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your Amway business plan?

OR, Let Us Develop Your Plan For You

Since 1999, Growthink has developed business plans for thousands of companies who have gone on to achieve tremendous success.   Click here to learn about Growthink’s business plan writing services .

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Multi Level Marketing (MLM) schemes are a drain on our society. Its participants either build the pyramid taller or get squashed by it.

Amway & Britt World Wide almost got me!

TL;DR: I was in the process of being "selected" by Britt World Wide, a motivational coaching/mentoring sister company of Amway (same ones mentioned in this great post ). After a few weeks of doing assignments, some of which were interesting, some of which were brainwashy, I told them I’m out. The BWW/Amway coach calls me narrow-minded, and I lose a valuable friendship. All for the best, however.

Here's pieces of the presentation: .

(I deleted a previous version of this posted a few minutes ago because I screwed up the title!)

Hi everyone, long time lurker and appreciator, finally found something relevant to post. Note that this is a throwaway account, as I don't want any of this to be able to be tracked back to me. Sorry if this is a bit vague — I can expand more on some points if y’all want. I have notes on all chats and assignments I’ve done, and am willing to provide them if anyone’s interested.

I (will go by Raj ) graduated in May from a university in California. My friend (we'll call her Priya ) and I studied Computer Science & Economics at a university in California. We’ve known each other for ~3 years, and graduated together earlier this year. We're close enough that I'd call her my closest girl friend (I’m male), other than my girlfriend (GF). She works at a big tech company in Seattle, I work at a startup in San Francisco (SF).

The story begins early November. We video chat after ~4 months of little talking (pretty normal for me) and she mentions she has coaches she met through her work friends. The two of us have always been chock full of ideas and wanted to jump at entrepreneurial and professional/life advancement opportunities — her more than me. Her coaches help her with things from managing her personal finances to developing her professional and interpersonal skills, and most importantly, expanding her network . I express my curiosity and disappointment that I hadn’t been able to do the same, and she took note of that — the next day she texts me that her coaches (multiple) are interested in “expanding their network in the Bay Area”, and asked if I’d be willing to chat with them. Hell yeah.

We set up a 30-minute meeting for a Sunday evening at 6:30 via video chat — me, Priya, and one of her coaches who we’ll call LC , are on the call. I ask Priya for her life coaches’ names and companies earlier in the day (around noon) so I can do some research on them, and she replies back “Don’t worry about it, it won’t help you anyway, if it would have I would have told you what to read in order to prepare you. Just come in with an open mind, and it’s really just an introduction”. I find it odd but put it aside.

The call happens. LC is Indian, like me and Priya, except he immigrated to the States in the late 90s whereas Priya and I were born in the States. He is in his mid-30s and lives in Texas. His backstory is that he got his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from a university on the East coast (he specifies which one, I’m won’t say it here), worked in a few companies throughout his 20s and early 30s, and in general was fed up with the rigid schedule of the 9-5 job. He says he met his life coach while working at his job, built his business and sold it for a few million before leaving his job entirely to work full-time on coaching/mentoring younger entrepreneurs looking for their start in the world. I thought it was great he was dedicating his time to help others learn from his mistakes and achieve professional success. The call lasts an hour and a half and covers goal-oriented mindsets, business partnerships, what sets businesses apart from one another, and what is my time frame for success (e.g. how long am I willing to work hard until I get to the point where I can leave my full-time job behind and do my own business entirely).

My assignments after this chat are to write up a summary of the call (bleh) and to answer the questions “With $20M and 6 months to live, what would I do with the money?” and “What are my top 10 goals for the next 10 years?” I write all this up and send it to Priya, who it turn sends it to LC.

The following week is Thanksgiving week. I fly home to SoCal on Tuesday to be with my family. That same morning, Priya texts me asking me to get the book The Go Giver by Bob Burg. I’m kinda bummed that I feel obligated to do work for this over Thanksgiving break, but I find the book pdf online (thanks Reddit) that night and notify Priya. Within 2 minutes she replies asking if I’ll be able to finish the book by Thursday — pretty much giving me 2 days to read the (albeit easy) 140 page book. As I’m working from home on Wednesday and I like my family, I tell her “Probably not, but maybe over the weekend.” She says to share with her 3 to 5 points that I like as I read every day, and that she’s re-reading the book with me. Annoying , I think, but whatever.

The next night I text her a few points from reading the first two chapters, which she forwards to LC. I don’t read on Thursday or Friday. She asks me on Saturday “how’s it going at home?”, which I don’t reply to until Sunday afternoon. At this point, I’m really bummed that my only interactions with Priya are about this “coaching” stuff. After packing my stuff Sunday night to fly back to SF Monday morning, I stay up to finish the book, take notes, and send them to Priya. She forwards them to LC. On Monday night, we arrange another video chat for 8pm Wednesday night, and Priya assigns me an audio to listen to and send her notes.

The audio is a 35-minute talk with Robert Kiyosaki (the Rich Dad, Poor Dad guy) titled “IQ vs. EQ.”.

I actually read Rich Dad, Poor Dad a few months ago to glean insights on personal finance. I find it more motivational and generalized than useful information, but whatever. I did some digging into Kiyosaki after reading it and was disappointed to find that Kiyosaki had declared bankruptcy on several of his businesses, including his life coaching one, and that “Rich Dad” and his friend “Mike” have both never been identified and are suspected to be entirely fictional. It just didn’t seem right that Kiyosaki acts (even to this day) like these people exist but they may (probably do) not. I listen to this talk on 2x speed because I ain’t got time for this, and send Priya the notes.

Wednesday’s call happens at 7pm (preponed an hour, and again with me, Priya, and LC) and lasts another hour and a half, mainly because LC tries for half an hour to convince me that Kiyosaki declaring bankruptcy is not failure. He compares my hesitance to learn from Kiyosaki to a hypothetical scenario in which my nephew doesn’t want to learn to ride a bike from me because I fell off my bike one time. Wanting to move on from this, I agree with LC. The talk centers around the 4 Quadrants (EBSI), another topic raised by Kiyosaki in one of his other books. I actually think this stuff seems legit. We talk through an example that concludes with us agreeing that on an average day, a person spends $30 dollars to live. Over the course of a month, that person spends $1000. The idea of a business is to divert a portion of that money, the “anyway” money, into your own pocket. LC mentions the words “network marketing” and “multi-level marketing” in the context of this “retail estate”. LC asks what I know about MLM, and I say there are several companies out there who have people that sell products to other people, which then sell products to other people, and so on and so forth in a pyramid. He asks me to name a few — I say Herbalife and Amgen ( he corrects me to Amway — this is important ), and other natural oils and supplements and products out there. At this point, in my mind I raise a few red flags, but as we’re talking about hypothetical scenarios I choose to ignore them.

We continue to talk about what are the most important aspects of a business and its leader. After much back and forth, we conclude it’s:

Coaching and mentorship (e.g. LC’s role in this process)

Financial education

Building a business network (e.g. what joining the network of coaches would give me)

Products & services offered — this is important too.

At the end of the call, LC says he’s going to be in the Bay Area over the weekend to give business classes to his network/mentees. LC asks if I can make it to one of these sessions on Sunday afternoon, and that the dress code is business casual (wear a sports coat!). As I already had plans to go out of town with my girlfriend, I say I likely won’t be able to make it. He says to try to make it. I say I’ll try.

My assignment after this talk is to write up a summary of the chat and send him (via Priya) answers to “What are my priorities?” and “What is my decision-making process?”. I do this by the next afternoon, also asking Priya to tell LC I won’t make his Sunday class.

That Sunday, Priya texts me asking for my address. I’m a bit skeptical, but I reply with my address without the apartment number. She says LC wants her to forward me a book. I reply with my apartment number, and she says I should get it in the next few days. She asks me on Thursday if I’ve gotten the book (I haven’t) and that we should check in with LC on Monday. I reply back that I have client meetings set up on Monday and Wednesday nights (which is the truth, clients are South Asian, times just work like that). We still arrange a meeting for Wednesday night at 10pm. I receive the book on Sunday night — the book is The Parable of the Pipeline by Burke Hedges. The book follows the tune of our talks, and I find it very simple. I don’t take notes on this, as I was not explicitly directed to do so.

Wednesday night’s call happens at 9pm (me, LC, and Priya, preponed by an hour again). We talk again about that “retail estate”, and this time we go into the difference between recruitment and selection . Recruitment concerns getting anybody and everybody, without a vetting process and accepting anyone who wants to join. Selection is vetting people over time by administering tests to determine whether whatever standards are met. He exemplifies this by saying players get recruited for College Basketball, but players get selected in the NBA draft. Sure, okay, makes sense.

He then explains his “selection” process for me as a mentee. He mentions he works through a company called BWW — Britt World Wide. The selection process includes me (1) listening to and taking notes on a few podcasts over the next few days, (2) meeting with the Bay Area team (I was confused on how there was already a Bay Area team when Priya had told me at the beginning that her life coaches were trying to expand their network in the Bay Area), and then (3) explaining what I’ve learned and understood in its entirety back to LC and others in a presentation. He says that he likes people who ask questions to learn, not to challenge (this sounds like a red flag again). This is where things get super interesting. The rest of the talk is pretty boring until it gets to his presentation.

Here’s a link to most slides in LC’s presentation: . The mute icon is visible in all slides because I didn’t want LC or Priya to hear the screenshot sound. There’s captions on these slides as well. The presentation ends with a few pictures of LC and his wife with the giant cardboard checks for tens of thousands of dollars, them in different exotic locations, giving talks at (Amway) conferences, and of their check being deposited in the bank — all of this is supposed to be proof of legitimacy. We set up the next meeting for Sunday at 10am.

I act as though everything is golden during all this, but once the call ends I laugh my ass off and tell my GF. At this point, I’m debating between (1) ghosting Priya and LC altogether, but I didn’t want this to reflect especially badly on me and potentially ruin my friendship with Priya, (2) respectfully backing out saying this wasn’t for me, or (3) continuing along because I knew immediately I would want to post my story on this subreddit. I opt for the 3rd choice.

The next morning Priya texts me a link to the podcast — Financial Stability in the 21st Century by Greg Duncan (same talk, different link hosted via BWW). (Also to note here, Duncan is a prominent Amway member ) She also asks me to get the book The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy, and that she “really enjoyed it”. I listen to the podcast that night after work and take notes that I send to Priya. By this time I’m fully turned off from this whole coach/mentor relationship. Duncan talks about how he’d shovel manure for 1 year if it meant being free from a regular job for the rest of his life. I kinda agree with this point, but I’d rather my job be more fun and fulfilling . He also has a few quotes I find alarming: “Robert Kiyosaki is amazing” , and “Most people found what they were looking for when they found Amway” . There are a few solid pieces of advice he has — build your business and assets before you need them, because when you need them it’ll already be too late if you don’t have them.

The next morning Priya texts me again with a link to the next podcast — it’s a “success story” talk by LC and his wife when they achieved Founders Emerald status. I won’t link it here because it’ll reveal their identities. I text Priya that night (Friday night a few days ago) that I would send her notes on the podcast by Saturday noon.

Saturday 10am rolls around and I’m at the point where I think even if I’m going to write about this for Reddit, I don’t want to continue in this process and make myself suffer or fake interest in this. I text Priya asking if we can talk. We phone tag for a bit until the day ends.

Sunday morning (today) is here. The call is at 10am, but I talk with Priya around 8:30 saying I’m out because it’s just not a culture fit, the Duncan podcast was a turn off, and that LC isn’t the type of entrepreneur I aspire to be in the future. She’s fine with it, but I ask her what’s she’s gotten out of this process. She’s talks about (1) the community and friends she’s made through attending the Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday night meetings and positive environment (apparently they chant stuff?), (2) her ability to talk with people more easily — she gives a story about holding a conversation with an Uber driver some time ago and her friend in the Uber with her being amazed that she could have such a natural conversation and whatnot, and (3) that she’s bought several Amway products that she’s used and that have actually helped her — she says several friends and strangers have complimented her appearance and make-up, that it makes her feel amazing, etc. I honestly just hold the phone away from my ear until she’s done talking because I’m just not having it. I say that’s nice and all, but I still just don’t think it’s for me. She says that since we’ve already requested LC’s time for the meeting in an hour, to just go through with the meeting, explain my situation to him, and to keep an open mind. I oblige, because I still think there’s a possibility to salvage my friendship with Priya. She texts me around 20 minutes (around 9am) asking me “Can you go through the 2nd podcast [LC and his wife’s success story] podcast now, for the sake of a better discussion.” I reply back “No, I’ve already made up my mind to not continue, don’t want to spend more of my time on this than I have to”. She replies back (but I don’t see this text until after the talk with LC at 10am) “I’m not sure it’s going to be a productive conversation if you are coming in with a closed mind based on a few things that didn’t connect [she’s referring to the Duncan podcast]. Totally get it if nothing else resonated with any value you received so far. But I’ll see you in a bit.”

10am rolls around and the video chat starts off with some small talk. I tell LC his presentation at the end of the previous chat didn’t sit well with me, especially concerning the Amway products, the PV/BV confusion, and status levels ( see the presentation ). LC says that entrepreneurs face several roadblocks on their path, and that I’ve reached my first obstacle and instantly turned around. He tells me I’m getting hung up on minor details — the Amway products and services. He asks me what type of companies are Nike, Ford, Starbucks, Apple, etc. (we covered this in the very first video chat), and what are their assets. I give him some wrong answers (shoes, retail, cars, experiences, products, etc.) and he says the biggest asset they have are their employees. Sure, okay, maybe I can believe that. He says that no one knows who created Apple’s Siri feature or Microsoft Excel to prove his point that products and features don’t matter as much as leadership, coaching, and mentorship. He says that the employees of Facebook are much smarter and better at building products and features than is Mark Zuckerburg. I can agree with all this, but not in the context we’re in.

The talk continues, and I ask a few questions: (1) to LC, what was your business that made you millions of dollars that allowed you to leave behind your full time job? Did you sell Amway products and services? He responds saying that yeah he sold some products/services, but that his primary business was in building business connections. (2) to Priya, when you buy Amway products and services, do you buy it from Amway or from LC? She responds with that she has her own Amway account and membership ($200+, I find out later) and that she doesn’t need to buy it from LC. (3) to LC, you’re out of your full time job. Is all the work you do now coaching/mentorship, and giving talks for BWW? Or do you have another business non-Amway related? He dodges this question, calls my approach “simple-minded” and that I don’t have an open mind. I let this go.

He continues to say that in any business relationship (and any relationship) I should surround myself by people not like me, people who challenge my beliefs and open my mind. He then says that in my life if I were to face a conflict with my GF or with my family, I wouldn’t just up and leave at the first sign of conflict. I would stay and try to work things out. Sure, I reply, but only if I still believe there’s somewhere we can reconcile or see eye-to-eye. I say I totally agree with him, because I really do and I think diversity is vital for success in any organization. He says that conflict is good in any relationship, but that the Raj he’s seeing today is much different than the Raj he talked with in any of our previous chats. I shrug this off, because I don’t care enough to challenge it. He continues saying that Priya found points she didn’t agree with at all when she was going through the same process but that she voiced her opinions and they talked it out. He says I focus too much on what I don’t agree with instead of what I do (I don’t really understand this because my previous assignment notes were mostly positive). At this point I know with absolute certainty I don’t want to continue with him. Furthermore, Priya’s entire attitude and body language during this chat bothers me — she’s just smiling and smirking whenever she thinks LC “got” me in calling me narrow-minded or whatever.

He then asks whether we have a deal in the following three things: (1) ask myself whether I’m being simple-minded and focused on the now, or whether I have the capability to think for the future and keep an open mind, (2) to listen to any three speakers and see whether or not I agree 100% with what they say and believe (this is because he thinks I focus only on the negative), and (3) to meet with the Bay Area team in person to go through a personality check.

I tell him we don’t have a deal, and that I’m done with this. He says alright. I express my gratitude toward him for taking his time out for the chats, and toward Priya for organizing all this. We all hang up.

I guess throughout all this I’m just disappointed that I lost a friend in Priya, and that I feel as though I lacked the knowledge to really question LC and Priya about their business/partnerships. I'm not concerned for myself or my future, but it kinda just sucks.

I'd like to request Britt World Wide ( ) be added to the Megathread list of known MLMs.

Questions I wish I’d asked / been more persistent about

How do you make money from all this? Do you (LC) get money from Priya buying products?

If products and services are the least important of the four main pillars of business, why even include Amway products in the training process? Why not just focus simply on the coaching/mentorship part of it?

Anyway, thanks for reading this! I’ll answer questions as I can, provide more details if asked, etc. I'll also go through this later and edit font styles for emphasis.


Home » Sample Business Plans » Wholesale & Retail

How to Write an Amway Business Plan [Sample Template]

Are you about starting an Amway company? If YES, here is a detailed sample Amway business plan template & FREE feasibility report. Amway over the years have grown to become one of the world’s biggest direct selling companies by providing any willing entrepreneur with the platform to have a business of their own.

Known as a front – runner in the united states multilevel marketing (MLM) industry, Amway Corporation manufactures and sells its own products as well as brand name products from other companies through a network of three million independent distributors worldwide.

But unlike all other MLM firms, Amway provides a broad selection of items, from cleaning products, cosmetics, vitamins to travel services, discount car purchases, and catalog merchandise. The company’s manufacturing facilities include a 3.5-million-square-foot production plant in Ada, Michigan, as well as plants in California, South Korea, and China.

Meanwhile, Amway products are delivered to distributors in the United States and the Caribbean region through 12 Amway Service Centers.

A Sample Amway Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

Before going further, it’s pertinent you first understand about multi-level marketing. The Multi-level marketing scheme is a model that can be used to sell goods along with the services of the company with the help of promoters and partners of the company. The total earnings which are collected from the entire sale are distributed amongst the key players. So, in the process, the seller is not the only owner of the profit accumulated from the sale.

There is also an involvement of the step where the associates will have to get paid with the help of a proper multi-level system, and there are commissions provided to these associates and promoters as well. Multi-level marketing, popularly termed as Network or Referral Marketing, has always been in the news due to its seemingly contentious scheme of marketing.

Amway Business Owner (ABO) plays a major role in channelizing the business at a different level. ABOs let the Amway products reach the customers. With the Amway Business model, the associates will be able to sell the products of the company directly and also they can make sure that they help in the promotion of the products as well. This will create different levels of people working towards one common goal.

Note that the functioning of the Amway Business Model is based upon the performance of ABOs (Amway Business Owners). So, for evaluating their performance, Amway has a term known as Product Value, i.e. PV and Group Product Value, i.e. GPV. PV is actually the MRP of the product, and commissions of ABOs are decided as per the PV of that product.

Howbeit, in the hierarchy, the top-level ABO will get the product from the company at a discounted price based upon their commission, so he or she can sell that to others by that retail margin. In addition, ABOs get the bonuses as per their performances, plus growth incentives are offered to them, so they stay motivated in making the chain to channelize the multi-level marketing program of the company.

The business model of Amway is not really that difficult to understand. There are certain roles that ABOs will be playing. They can either act as the distributor of the company, or they will be playing the role of the recruits who are recruited by the distributor.

You will also be able to easily recruit the people in order to do the job for you in the best way. So, it seems quite obvious that the Amway Business model is one of the best models from the other models of businesses.

2. Executive Summary

Amway is an American company which deals in health, beauty, and home care commodities. At Amway Chicago, which is literally an Amway product store in the heart of Chicago, we will still offer a complete line of Amway products.

Our product prices will be quite stable since we will be buying direct from Amway Corporation. Another beneficial features of this relationship which is of significant value to us is the willingness of Amway Corporation to allow our store in Chicago to place orders as small as $160. The Amway Model is acutely infiltrated into the market, that is what makes it unlike the others and appears as a sham to many.

This is because the networking needs to keep on increasing for better results – more and more people are to be made to join hands and more and more people are to be talked to. At Amway Chicago, we have made plans and drafted result oriented strategies to be able to attract consumers who will in turn become distributors

Amway Chicago, just like Amway Corporation, will offer an efficient and effective distribution model where the products are purchased direct from the Corporation ensuring the highest quality and low prices. They are then sold direct to the consumer.

MLM businesses are often confused with pyramid schemes which are illegal in the U.S. Pyramid schemes are business forms that offer compensation specifically for the recruitment of new sellers. People are promised economic rewards for the more people they recruit, independent of what these people sell.

Herein lies the crucial distinction that regulatory authorities analyze when determining if a business is a pyramid scheme: the way compensation is rewarded. If it is based on recruitment, it is presumed illegal. At Amway Chicago, we will only compensate distributors for sales, an effective and efficient sales and distribution system.

Amway Chicago is an exciting new business which will leverage individuals’ needs for good and quality products and the ability to make money while sharing this need with friends and colleagues. By carefully using the efficient multi-level marketing business model, we will quickly generate sustainable revenue.

Sales forecasts indicate that sales for year two and three respectively will be $1,200,000 and $2,340,000. Net profit for the same years will reach 6.19 percent and 9.81 percent.

3. Our Products and Services

Amway Corporation is known to manufacture and sell a wide variety of products that are of top-notch quality which helps the company in making good money. At Amway Chicago, we will still offer a complete line of Amway products to the people of Chicago. These products include;

  • Household Cleaners
  • Original multi-purpose cleaning product LOC
  • SA8 laundry detergent
  • Dish Drops dish-washing liquid
  • Health and Beauty
  • Body Series
  • Atmosphere and iCook as well as XL and XS Energy drinks

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our vision at Amway Chicago is to grow an organization that compensates individuals for sales made by other people that they recruit, while also satisfying the need for Amway products all over Chicago.
  • At Amway Chicago, our mission is to build of a environmentally friendly distribution company that uses grassroots and network marketing techniques to sell the product and make a meaningful contribution to the environment. Earthly Clean exists to support its members and to support the environment.

Our Business Structure

In Amway business functioning, Amway Business Owners have the right to sell the products at different levels. The hierarchy is like: Amway – ABO1 –  ABO2 – ABO3 – Customer. ABO gives a fix commission to ABOs, plus income of 1st ABO added when he or she adds the second ABO.

This hierarchy continues, and in some way, the commission gets added in the account of every ABO. We at Amway Chicago, with our salespeople who are a part of the company, will be working down the entire hierarchy. We will be selling all the products from the list and to the distributors that are working in the retail markets. We plan to do this with the help of some great promotional marketing options and schemes.

Our distributors who will be entrusted with all sales methods will also get to recruit some other new dispensers that they want around the entire hierarchy which can be further helped when it comes to the expansion of the network in the best way. We at Amway Chicago also plan to recruit employees to help in the running of our open store.

Leveraging an effective interview process designed to staff our store with highly qualified people for each position, we will also create a path to let them join the network. Background checks will be utilized for designated positions. Recruiting efforts will always center on referrals. These roles include:

Store Operator

Information officer

  • Department managers

Store manager

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

  • Increases management’s effectiveness by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, coaching, counselling, and disciplining managers; communicating values, strategies, and objectives; assigning accountabilities; planning, monitoring, and appraising job results; developing incentives; developing a climate for offering information and opinions; providing educational opportunities.
  • Creating, communicating, and implementing the store’s vision, mission, and overall direction – i.e. leading the development and implementation of the overall store’s strategy.
  • Tasked with fixing prices and signing business deals
  • Tasked with providing direction for the business
  • Tasked with signing checks and documents on behalf of the Amway Chicago

Financial Officer

  • Tasked with preparing financial reports, budgets, and financial statements for the store
  • Provides managements with financial analyses, development budgets, and accounting reports
  • Tasked with financial forecasting and risks analysis.
  • Performs cash management, general ledger accounting, and financial reporting
  • Tasked with developing and managing financial systems and policies
  • Tasked with administering payrolls
  • Ensures compliance with taxation legislation
  • Handles all financial transactions for the store
  • Serves as internal auditor for the store
  • Provide technological guidance within the store.
  • Supervise information system and communications network.
  • Develop and implement a customer service platform to serve the store in every aspect.
  • Design, establish, and maintain a network infrastructure for local and wide area connectivity and remote access.
  • Consult with administration, department managers, and manufacturing representatives to exchange information, present new approaches, and to discuss equipment/system changes.
  • Oversee Internet and computer operations.
  • Assess and anticipate technology projects and recommend appropriate action and resources.
  • Establish and direct the strategic and tactical goals, policies, and procedures for the information technology department.
  • Propose hardware/software solutions to accomplish Amway Chicago’s business objectives.
  • Identify user needs and resolve problems.
  • Maintains receiving, warehousing, and distribution operations by initiating, coordinating, and enforcing program, operational, and personnel policies and procedures.
  • Complies with federal, state, and local warehousing, material handling, and shipping requirements by studying existing and new legislation; enforcing adherence to requirements; advising management on needed actions.
  • Safeguards store operations and contents by establishing and monitoring security procedures and protocols.
  • Controls inventory levels by conducting physical counts; reconciling with data storage system.
  • Maintains physical condition of store by planning and implementing new design layouts; inspecting equipment; issuing work orders for repair and requisitions for replacement.
  • Completes store operational requirements by scheduling and assigning employees; following up on work results.
  • Maintains store staff by recruiting, selecting, orienting, and training employees.
  • Maintains store staff job results by coaching, counselling, and disciplining employees; planning, monitoring, and appraising job results.
  • Provides the client with a personalized customer service experience of the highest level
  • Through interaction with customers on the phone, uses every opportunity to build client’s interest in the Amway Chicago ’s products
  • Takes care of administrative duties assigned by the operator in an effective and timely manner
  • Consistently stays abreast of any new information on Amway Chicago, promotional campaigns etc. to makes sure accurate and helpful information is supplied to customers when they make enquiries
  • Tasked with cleaning the store at all times
  • Makes sure that toiletries and supplies don’t run out of stock
  • Any other duty as assigned by the operator.

6. SWOT Analysis

Just like Amway Corporation, our goal at Amway Chicago is to grow a more efficient marketing machine that does away with the inefficient traditional distribution systems. We’ve gone the length of analyzing our chances in the Chicago market and have properly stated our SWOT analysis. Clearly summarized below is the result of our SWOT Analysis;

  • All our products are of high quality and their demand in our Chicago market has peaked.
  • We will only recruit experienced salespersons to assist in the sales of the products.
  • Build the company on a solid basis of integrity.
  • Recruiting and retaining quality employees
  • Tight margins will allow little wiggle room for error


  • Little barriers to entry allows for immediate business opportunities
  • New and viable market
  • Multi Level Marketing has always been in the news due to its seemingly contentious scheme of marketing.
  • Rising operating costs
  • Building/maintaining sales volume
  • Parent Club legal issues


8. our target market.

The reality of Amway’s networking business model is that besides the retail end customer, the very salespersons recruited or sponsored by the ones higher up in the network also act as end-user retail customers for Amway as they are required to pay an entry fee to join the network.

Aside that, we at Amway Chicago have identified two distinct type of customers for our Chicago store. The first customer is the end user of Amway products. These are people who have needs for health, beauty, and home care commodities. The second customer group will be a good number of people from the first group with an interest in becoming distributors of Amway products.

These two customer segments are very much attractive because they represent people who are most likely to be consumers of all Amway manufactured supplies. The distributors will be individual consumers who have an even stronger conviction and belief in the products as well as have the time to sell the products and find potential people to recruit into the distribution effort.

To be a distributor does not require a huge sacrifice of time, the majority of distributors will have full-time jobs in addition to marketing Amway. This makes the job of distributor all that more attractive, the person is able to adjust their already existing job with another source of income.

  • Our Competitive Advantage

From our due diligence, we at Amway Chicago have been able to properly identify concrete competitive advantages that will help us succeed.

  • Quality Products

Every product sold at/by Amway Chicago are manufactured and supplied by Amway Corporation. This offers us the unique platform to sell very competitive products that meet the needs of the market.

  • Stable Pricing

At Amway Chicago, we will be able to offer great pricing because all our products are sourced directly from Amway Corporation. Although Amway Corporation pays out sale commissions to the various layers of distributors, this grassroots distribution model is still more efficient than the traditional distribution channel, keeping prices competitive.

  • Favorable Business Model

Unlike other businesses in the industry, instead of profits going to a large corporation, all profits are dispersed among the user distributors that assist Amway. This arrangement is quite rare, and attractive for the targeted customer segment.


At Amway Chicago, our marketing strategy will focus on the need to generate visibility for Amway as a company that offers health, beauty and home care commodities. Our primary marketing strategy will be based on grassroots networking. We believe that this strategy is most effective when the person selling the products knows the products and is passionate about what they are selling.

This is specifically why we chose to sell Amway products. We understand that in the MLM industry, networking is the key to increased visibility and distribution. Networking will take place in a number of venues including: the traditional work environment, social organizations, religious organizations, and other gatherings/situations that bring people together.

Distributors are expected to set up a meeting with the prospective person (someone they generally already know and have some sort of relationship with), show them the product catalog and provides them with samples.

Immediately the client must have used the products and impressed by them, another meeting can be scheduled to determine if the person is interested in making a purchase, and/or is interested in an additional source of income selling Amway products.

10. Sales Forecast

At Amway Chicago, we will be tracking both the sales to the individual consumers and the revenue received through commissions from sales from the various distributors. Our sales forecast indicates that initially the bulk of revenue will be from sales to the individual customers.

But as time progresses and more distributors are secured, the amount of revenue from the distributors will increase. We at Amway Chicago have adopted a reasonably conservative sales forecast. We estimate that our total first year sales should reach $1,200,000. Our second year will see sales increase to $2,340,000. The third year, with the addition of such a significant number of outlets, we will see sales increase to $5,192,440.

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

At Amway Chicago, our plan is to gather enough brand awareness to leverage the product line into other regions and gain inquiries from potential investors. To achieve this goal to expand and grow, we plan to do the following;

  • Amway Chicago will spend $1,450 per month on Public relation services for the next year intended to build awareness of editors and product information insertions, reviews, etc.
  • Amway Chicago will also spend $440 per month concentrating on drive time Radio advertising. We plan to experiment with different stations, keeping careful track of results. As with the school fundraising program, we expect the stand and signage to be a substantial portion of our advertising.
  • List our business on local directories
  • Attend relevant international and local health, finance and business expos, seminars, and business fairs et al
  • Leverage on the internet to promote our business
  • Engage direct marketing approach
  • Encourage word of mouth marketing from loyal and satisfied clients

Sources of Income

With the help of the products and services that are provided by Amway Corporation, we at Amway Chicago will be able generate encouraging revenue. Amway Corporation manufactures more than 450 products, and via its MLM model, it sells those products all across the globe, generating a good amount of money.

Amway practices direct selling which is ‘A method of selling goods directly to the consumer by an independent Distributor. A Distributor can then introduce further Distributors and generate income from retail profits supplemented by bonus payments based upon the total sales of the group built by a Distributor”. We at Amway Chicago will generate income through:

  • The retailing of Amway goods to consumers. Retail margins (mark-ups) on the basic wholesale price represent income to the selling distributor.
  • Additional performance and leadership bonuses, paid on the volume of personal business and the business volume we plan to introduce into the business. Various levels of leadership bonuses, dependent upon the overall size and shape of the business, paid on achieving different levels of business performance.

12. Our Pricing Strategy

Amway as a company maintains a stable price for all products. With the Amway Business models, all associates will be able to sell the products of the company directly and also they can make sure that they help in the promotion of the products as well. This will create different levels of people working towards one common goal, and that is to make sure that the company of Amway is able to make a lot of money.

Meanwhile, the functioning of the Amway Business Model is based upon the performance of ABOs (Amway Business Owners). So, for evaluating their performance, Amway has a term known as Product Value, i.e. PV and Group Product Value, i.e. GPV. PV is actually the MRP of the product, and commissions of ABOs are decided as per the PV of that product.

So, in the hierarchy, the top-level ABO will get the product from the company at a discounted price based upon their commission, so he or she can sell that to other by that retail margin. In addition, ABOs get the bonuses as per their performances, plus growth incentives are offered to them, so they stay motivated in making the chain to channelize the multi-level marketing program of the company.

  • Payment Options

All our payment options at Amway Chicago will be inclusive and acceptable because we understand greatly that different people prefer different payment options as it suits them. Here are the payment options that we will make available to our clients;

  • Payment by cash
  • Payment via Point of Sale (POS) Machine
  • Payment via online bank transfer (online payment portal)
  • Payment via Mobile money

We have also chosen banking platforms that will help us achieve our plans with little or no issues. Our bank account numbers will be made available on our website and promotional materials to clients who may want to deposit cash or make online transfer for our products charge.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

To get started with Amway, Individual Business Owners need to pay a $62 registration fee. This is direct profit for the company, but it also comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee for the first 90 days. The fee provides a welcome kit that helps to get new representatives up-to-date with the various product lines that are offered.

Those who are just starting are also recommended to purchase an $83.90 product kit so the items that Amway sells can be sampled and sold with authenticity. The product kit contains $160 worth of full-sized Amway products to try. Meanwhile, we at Amway Chicago have incurred the following expenses for the launching of our store:

  • Storage space: This will be used for the storage of product inventory.
  • Service provider fees: We’ve incurred both accountant and attorney fees in the setting up of the business. The accountant will set up the Linton accounting system and the attorney will develop and register the business formation as well as draft some sale agreements for distributors.
  • Computer system: The computer system will be used for correspondence, accounting purposes as well as to develop marketing and sales information. The system will include a laptop computer, printer, fax/scanner, and a broadband Internet connection. Earthly Clean will use Microsoft Office and Linton Accounting as their preferred software.
  • Assorted types of paper and stationery: Personalized with a logo, return addresses, etc. for catalogs, and brochures.
  • Assorted office furniture and accessories

Generating Funding/Start up Capital for Amway Chicago

Amway Chicago is a Store owned by Martha Flinch and Damson Cone. Both have been with Amway Corporation for over 10 years and understand the visions and values of the company. At Amway Chicago, we hope to raise our startup fund through the following ways;

  • Generate part of the startup capital from personal savings
  • Source for soft loans from friends and family
  • Generate fund from angel investors

Note : The owners of the company are willing to invest $200,000 to start up Amway Chicago.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

The key to a successful business with Amway has to be in the building of the downstream. When working appropriately, the Amway business model is one that can work. The tiered levels of sales representatives in each up line can all help us and our distributors succeed.

The unfortunate fact, however, is that many Amway representatives get involved thinking that they can start their own business for a small price and very little overhead. The reality is that Amway is just like any other business opportunity, but with a small twist – sales reps don’t actually have their own business.

For those in Chicago that are good at sales and love to be social with people, we will offer them a tremendous opportunity for success. The underlying fact is that the Amway Business Model is not a scam. Just that it is not really a pyramid model of business – all it relies on is a granted hierarchy of partakers who purchase, retail and further spread out this sequence to earn more proceed-fractions, which is more of a network than a pyramid.

At Amway Chicago, our sales strategy will emphasize our high quality products and 100% customer satisfaction. We believe that by combining these two benefits, consumers are able to try the available products risk free. This provides them with the opportunity to test them out and determine if they are as good as they claim to be. Once the consumer has recognized the outstanding quality that Amway offers, the option of becoming a distributor becomes more attractive.

If the consumer truly believes in the product, then it becomes that much easier to convince them that there is an excellent opportunity available that allows them to sell a product that they believe in, obtain an additional source of revenue, and make a positive impact on the environment. All of this will be done on a grassroots, one-to-one level.

Also, retailing Amway products enables us provide immediate financial incentive rewards to our distributors. Direct selling involves sales people showing and demonstrating products to obtain orders. The objective involves matching consumer needs with the product.

The better the match, the more lasting the potential for the relationship between the seller and the buyer. The selling process is aided by Amway’s retail strategy to provide high quality, readily purchasable items with a good environmental positioning, offering consumers good value for money.

As with all direct selling activities, the process involves two-way communication and this can be time-consuming. Business success and the resulting financial results are a direct consequence of effort, commitment and personal group motivation.

Personal contact between distributors at one-to-one or group meetings provides the opportunity for individuals to discuss strategies, difficulties, levels of involvement and plans for the future. The income objectives and individual targets may be determined by each distributor based upon what he or she wants to earn.

Checklist /Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check : Completed
  • Business Incorporation: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Application for business license and permit: Completed
  • Purchase of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Conducting feasibility studies: Completed
  • Leasing, renovating and equipping our store: Completed
  • Generating part of the start – up capital from the founder: Completed
  • Applications for Loan from our Bankers: In Progress
  • writing of business plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents: In Progress
  • Design of The Company’s Logo: Completed
  • Printing of Packaging/Promotional Materials: Completed
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Purchase of software applications, furniture, office equipment, electronic appliances and store facelift: In progress
  • Creating Official Website for the Company: In Progress
  • Creating Awareness for the business (Business PR): In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement: In Progress
  • Establishing business relationship with banks, financial lending institutions, vendors and key players in the industry: In Progress

More on Wholesale & Retail

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Britt World Wide: BWW Review, Reading List, Tools, Events & System

Welcome to my article about Britt World Wide .

My goal today is to talk about what it is, how it works, and what you should know about this Amway Motivational Organization . Please know upfront that I am not affiliated with Amway or Britt World Wide in any way, although I did spend about 2.5 years in Amway as an IBO from 2002 to 2004. During that time I was affiliated with the World Wide Dream Builders .

What is Amway?

Amway is the largest network marketing company in the world, doing sales of approximately $8-9 BILLION per year. They trace their roots back to 1959 with the Devos and Van Andel families. They offer more than 400 different products in the health, wellness, weight loss, skin care, and personal care product categories.

While they have their share of fans and critics, there is no doubt that Amway has paved the way for every other company in our great industry. They are the “Godfather” of network marketing and their victory in the 1979 case vs. the FTC is a monumental milestone for the entire network marketing industry. I have tremendous respect for this company. You can read my review of Amway here.

bill britt quote

Who is Bill Britt?

Bill Britt is a legend in the Amway Business. He is the founder of Britt World Wide. If you were fortunate enough to meet him while he was alive, you would never forget him.

He was a man’s man. He was a leader. He was a doer. He told it like it is. He was like a bull dog. People either loved him or hated him. You knew where you stood with Bill Britt at all times.

During his approximate 40+ years in Amway, he built a team of more than 1.5 million distributors. To the best of my knowledge, Bill Britt founded Britt World Wide sometime in the 1980s. Prior to that, he worked with Dexter Yager and his group.

What is Britt World Wide?

Also known as BWW, Britt World Wide is an Amway Motivational Organization. Think of it as a SYSTEM, a standardized way of doing the Amway business.

It provides training, support, motivation, and Business Support Materials to its members. Basically, it is an educational system for distributors, designed to teach them leadership, network marketing, and how to build a successful Amway business.

Britt World Wide Events and Functions

Britt World Wide offers local, weekly, and monthly events. These events are normally ran by Platinum, Ruby, and Emerald leaders in the business.

In addition to the local events, there are four major functions per year that distributors can attend. To the best of my knowledge, this includes Dream Night, Spring Leadership, Family Reunion, and Free Enterprise Day.

Dream Night : At these events, there are normally one or two Diamond couples speaking. It includes a dinner where people can mingle and socialize with other Amway distributors, and then the Diamond couple shares their success story, along with some success tips. I believe these events are normally held in December or January each year, and are done on either a Friday or Saturday evening.

Spring Leadership : This is a big event. There can be anywhere from 5,000 to 20,000 or more people in attendance. It’s typically a 2.5 day event on a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Successful Diamonds speak at the event. There is also some product training, entertainment, guest speakers, a religious service, and tons of recognition.

Family Reunion : The successful Diamonds within Britt World Wide can schedule their own Family Reunion each summer. This is for the distributors on their team. These events can range anywhere from a couple thousand people to 10,000 or more people in attendance. This event is normally held in June or July each year.

Free Enterprise Day : This was my favorite Amway function. FED is normally held in September each year, and there can easily be 8,000 to 20,000 people in attendance. Free Enterprise Day is fun and patriotic. They recognize the military and veterans in the audience. There is plenty of recognition, training, music, and fun times. This is also a 2.5-day event, done on a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. My favorite part of Free Enterprise Day was new Diamond recognition.

britt world wide

Britt World Wide Business Support Materials

Britt World Wide also provides CDs, books, voicemail services, brochures, catalogs, and other business support materials to help train, motivate, and support its members.

This includes:

  • Weekly CDs or MP3 downloads
  • Catalogs and Pamphlets
  • Voicemail service
  • Website service

Britt World Wide Diamonds

Here are some of the more popular Britt World Wide Diamonds.

  • Paul and Leslie Miller
  • Andre and Francoise Blanchard
  • Kanti and Lata Gala
  • Rocky Covington
  • Dave and Lorna Taylor
  • Ray and Caroll Youngblood
  • John and Jennie Belle Crow

Throughout his Amway career, Bill Britt had hundreds, maybe even thousands of Diamonds in his team. I’m not sure who is still active in the business, who retired, or who was terminated. In addition, many of his diamonds went off and started their own Amway Motivational Organization. If you have any updates on this, leave a comment at the end of the post.

Amway largest mlm company

Britt World Wide Reading List

I do not have the complete Britt World Wide Reading List . I’m sure they have added new books in recent years. The titles below are books that were recommended during my time in Amway. I have read all of these books and absolutely loved them.

# 1: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Network marketing is the ultimate people business. You must be likeable and know how to get along with others if you want to build a big team . Basically, you need to master your people skills. This is the greatest book ever written on how to get along with other people, in my opinion. It helped me immensely and I know it can have the same impact with you.

# 2: The Magic of Thinking Big by Dr. David Schwartz

Most people sell themselves short and underestimate themselves. Most people think small and struggle with confidence and worthiness issues. If that describes you, this book will help you. This book teaches people how to become confident, think big, and overcome their fears. It is one of my top three favorite books of all time.

# 3: Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

This is one of the best-selling business books of all time. Robert Kiyosaki teaches the difference between how entrepreneurs and employees think. He teaches people the importance of assets, creating passive income, and why you should own your own business. This book is one of my all-time favorites.

# 4: Bringing Out the Best in People by Alan Loy McGinnis

This book teaches you how to bring out the best in others. Since Amway is a team sport, the information in this book will help you learn how to motivate, inspire, recognize, and help other people grow and succeed. This is an all-time classic.

# 5: The Go-Getter by Peter Kyrne

The Go-Getter will teach you how to become a go-getter. It’s an older book, but still relevant. You can read the book in about an hour. It tells the story of how one man went from nothing to something through sheer determination.

# 6:   Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

The is quite perhaps my # 1 self-help book of all time. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read Think & Grow Rich . If you want to learn how wealthy people and successful people think, this is the book for you. Just about every other self-help book written is based off the principles you will learn in this book.

# 7: Acres of Diamonds by Russell Conwell

Acres of Diamonds is another life-changing book. It will help you discover that you can be successful right where you are at right now. There are plenty of opportunities right under your feet, if you will only recognize them.

# 8: H ow I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling by Frank Bettger

If you want to learn how to sell, this book is the only book you need to read and study. Frank Bettger was one of the most successful insurance salesmen of all time, and in this book, he shares some of his best selling secrets with you. My copy of the book has hundreds of underlined passages.

# 9:   The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino

The Greatest Salesman in the World has the “scrolls” in it. Study this book and these scrolls for a few months and you can program yourself to be VERY successful in selling. Og Mandino is my favorite author of all time.

# 10:   The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

The Five Love Languages helped me in my marriage, in my friendships, and in the business. Learn the different ways that people perceive love and find out how to make others feel loved and appreciated.

There are many other books on the Britt World Wide reading list , but these ones are my favorites.

bill britt amway quote

BWW 9-CORE Steps to Success

Serious distributors in Britt World Wide are taught the 9-CORE Steps. These are the simple steps to success if you want to build a large Amway business.

# 1: Show the Plan 3-5 times per week. The only way to grow your Amway business is to show the plan to new prospects consistently. Your goal should be to show the plan to at least 3-5 new prospects each week. This could be personal prospects or prospects of your team members.

# 2: 100% use of your own products. Be your own best customer. Use all of Amway’s products and don’t shop from competitors. Be a product of the product.

# 3: Maintain 50 PV in customer volume. Every business needs customers. All Amway reps should maintain at least two or three retail customers each month, or do 50 PV in retail sales each month.

# 4: Listen to at least one CD of successful people per day. Study successful people in the business. Listen to a CD each day so you can program your mind for success.

# 5: Read books daily, at least 15 to 30 minutes. For your business to grow, you must grow. Read at least 15 to 30-minutes daily in a book on the reading list.

# 6: Attend All Meetings. Attend every event, no excuses. This keeps you plugged in and part of the team. Events are where people build their belief and make a decision to build the business.

# 7: Build with honesty and integrity. Live by the Golden Rule and always do the right thing. Treat people the way you want to be treated.

# 8: Be teachable and counsel with your upline. Follow the advice of someone who is successful in the business. Sit down with your upline mentor once a month to review your business and see what you can do to improve.

# 9: Use BWW Technology. Leverage the technology offered by Britt World Wide so you can work smart and stay plugged in.

Final Thoughts

I hope you have enjoyed my review of the Britt World Wide system . If you’ve ever participated in Britt World Wide at some point or another in the past, please leave a comment below to share your experience. I look forward to hearing from you.

Disclaimer: Britt World Wide and Amway are registered trademarks owned by their respective companies. I am not affiliated with either of these companies in any way, nor was this a paid review.

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1 thought on “Britt World Wide: BWW Review, Reading List, Tools, Events & System”

9 core steps and list of books bww…..very nice information.

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The # 1 MLM Company for 2024. Join for free. Secure your position in my power leg.

10 Tips For Creating A Winning Business Plan In Powerpoint

Welcome to the world of Amway and the Business Builders of Worldwide Dream Builders (BWW). We are excited to introduce you to our unique business plan that has helped millions of people around the world achieve their financial goals and dreams. With Amway and BWW, you have the opportunity to build your own successful business and create a better future for yourself and your family.

Amway is a global direct selling company that offers a wide range of high-quality products in the health, beauty, and home care categories. The company was founded in 1959 by Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel and has since grown into a multi-billion dollar business with a presence in over 100 countries. Amway's success is built on its strong values of integrity, respect, and excellence, and its commitment to helping people live better lives.

The Amway business plan is based on a simple yet powerful concept – leverage. By leveraging the power of relationships and the support of a strong community, you can achieve greater success and financial freedom. This is where BWW comes in. BWW is an independent organization of Amway distributors who provide training, support, and mentorship to help you build your Amway business.

As an Amway distributor, you have the opportunity to earn income in three main ways – retail margin, performance bonus, and leadership bonus. Retail margin is the difference between the wholesale and retail price of Amway products. As an independent business owner , you have the flexibility to set your own retail prices and earn a profit on each sale. The performance bonus is a monthly commission based on your personal sales volume and the sales volume of your team. And the leadership bonus is a monthly commission based on the performance of your team and their teams.

One of the key advantages of the Amway business plan is its low start-up cost. For a small registration fee, you can become an Amway distributor and start building your business . You also have the freedom to work at your own pace and on your own schedule. Whether you want to earn some extra income on the side or build a full-time business, Amway and BWW provide you with the tools and support to achieve your goals.

In addition to financial benefits, the Amway business plan also offers personal and professional growth opportunities. As an Amway distributor, you will develop important skills such as communication, leadership, and time management. You will also have access to ongoing training and support from BWW, as well as the chance to attend conferences and events where you can learn from successful Amway leaders and network with other distributors.

Joining Amway and BWW is not just about selling products, it's about joining a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about personal and financial growth. With the support of BWW and the proven business plan of Amway, you have the potential to achieve your dreams and create a better future for yourself and your loved ones. So why wait? Start your Amway journey today and see where it can take you!

The Truth About The Amway Global Opportunity

Based On Joecool's Experiences, Opinions and Observations. This blog is not in any way promoted or endorsed by Alticor, Quixtar, Amway, Amway Global, or subsidiaries and/or affiliates.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Is amway and bww a scam, 235 comments:.

A guy asked my husband to meet with him... we met with the guy and he started explaining the "scheme". When I sense it like pyramid scheme, my husband and I just went along... Definitely have not heard of BWW, but knew Amway from a long time ago... Thanks for sharing your experience. This just reconfirm our initial plan of... not joining.

Thanks a lot for the information provided. I did face a similar situation. A guy I met in Wallmart and we shared our Numbers. As defined one day he called to saying a buisness seminar and bla bla. I attended it in Renaissance hotel in Houston and the same Bla bla from the delegates. Utter Crap. I did not find much excitement and when reviewed I better not to get involved in this. Thanks for sharing the experience which helps in lot of people getting into these hurdles.

I just got tricked into joining this 'business venture.' The woman who approached me sold the concept to me so well - I was completely fooled. She said I could earn money and pay off my college debt. I too was invited to a hotel and made to sit in the front row and take notes. She was pretty vague about the 'project,' and made it seem like she was recruiting for a job or something. Looking back to just this past week, the people who recruit are heavily trained to do so and probably bank off of doing so. I too got a cult-like feeling from it all - definitely brainwashing people. It was definitely creepy. I did, unfortunately, make an initial payment, essentially being coerced into doing so. But I am glad I read about your experience. And that I can back out without wasting anymore money.

I think network marketing is a great way to add a little extra. The sale that u can make huge money sure but not realistic. Yet an extra 2-300 dollars a month is very achievable for us all. It's the tax savings that I see as the savings In Canada we are being taxed close to 52% of our gross yet business are only at 18-23%. It's a way to have costs to average person opening and following the plan gives ur a way to change those costs and make them a deduction. It is time we get our righ to prosper. To see the future you must look into the past.

okay i am a masters student and one of my own batchmates tried to lure me into this business! one of her uncles called me and cajoled me to make the inital payment of 350 USD (claiming it was nothing in comparison to the 3million USD i can make). they asked me to attend their meetings but i did not (i was highly uninterested). i never listened to their CDs (they were very boring). so i told my batchmate i wasnted to discontinue! i did not even like their fizzy energy was yuck and so was the chocolate bar! but her uncle called me again and kept requesting me to join saying that i should look at the big picture. but after reading all this i am sure i am going to bid a good bye!! thanku guys

amway bww business plan

Ask for a full refund and if they refuse, file a complaint with the better business bureau and the FTC.

guys! i need help here! i am new to US and have no clue about how the law works here! this guy made me pay 350 USD for joining a fool i did and now when i told him i want to quit he says i will get back only 180 USD! what should i do!

sue his ass! **proud Amway hater**

amway bww business plan

So my friend is ready to join Bww and is very intrigued by the promises and benefits the company has to offer. The guy recruiting had told him tat with 130$ he can take him to D.C to stay in a hotel for about 3 days, mealss and all including and not one cent more. is this a trick? is it a scheme?. please respond if any of you have gone through this experience first hand. thanks so email is [email protected] please email me ur respnd desperate to know how my friend should respond to this guy. whether he should join or not?.

I met a grad student here at Michigan State at Meijer (i'm an undergrad) and we met and talked yesterday. The rest is so eerily similar, she offered to take me to a seminar at 8pm today too and I said yes. But after reading all this, i'm gonna say no and give back the CD she asked me to listen to. Thank you guys!

Thank you for sharing your experience. I ran into a person on a university campus and he/she told me about "E commerce" and was very vague about it. He/she told me, it is a way to make an extra 1000-2000 a month, with only 10-16 hours of work a week. I was skeptical about the entire concept, so i attended a free event at a hotel, and was asked to sit in the front. The meeting took about and hour and a half, and was still vague. There is actually a BIG CONFERENCE next week in Dallas, Texas but i do not think i will be attending. better nip it at the bud. Thanks once again.

What you are saying is exactly what happened to me letter by letter starting with a call at 7 PM on Sunday to a cult like feeling... I have been invited many times before in India and never cared that much but someone I met (a polite Indian couple in a restaurant) in Australia invited me and I went there eventually with my wife in business attire and sat in 2nd row only to hear from my wife mid way through I TOLD YOU SO!!! These people have my number, I'm gonna msg them and tell that I can't continue this. Also, they didn't look rich.

amway bww business plan

BEWARE !! People are psycho , cheap and mentally brain washed who fall into this BS "Amway stuff ". Getting into this, you will loose your money, have no personal growth. And you will loose your family and friends relation. If they would have been so legitimate and real blooming business, they wouldn't be hiding, brain washing and doing this stuff.

Thanks for posting this. More people need to know. Same scenario. Approached by coworker, very vague info given, I am going through a difficult time in relationship & trying to meet new people, & that is the avenue she used to lure me in. I feel like they prey on young poor students & foreigners who don't understand. I'm really surprised I did not see more geriatrics there. I tend to be a very cautious, skeptical person anyway. You know the sayings, if its too good to be true, it probably is. And you have to be in the right place at the right time.

Same thing happened to me just last week. I am a college student and was messaged on by a recent graduate of my school. Same exact deal. First the original message said he had a "business opportunity" and he and his partner were looking for 'young minded individuals". Also stated that I could earn some extra cash on the side. Ignorantly, and with no information on the name of this "company" I agreed and gave my phone number. He then called at approx 7PM on a Sunday night and told me he "didn't have time to give specific details and that we could "meet up and discuss". Two days later, we met on campus. (I was under the impression that he was starting his own online company). He conducted the meeting like a job interview. Asking me questions like where I saw myself in the future and why I came to meet with him. Still not giving specifics or a company name. I actually said "I don't really know what you do or what your company is". Which he replied "I know I'm not giving specific detail, and that's for reasons that will become clear later." Of course I was invited to the "formal" meeting the next week, which was to tale place at a nearby hotel. (I can't believe I bought a sports jacket for this thing... oh well it'll be put to good use.) I showed up at the meeting(last night, Oct. 8th), 20 mins early as he requested, so he could introduce me to some colleagues. Many of the people I met were young individuals and some even graduated from my school very recently. It all seemed very legit. I started talking to another "recruit" who was 2 years out of another college near me. He asked me "What was the first thing you thought when you got the message?". I told him I was spectacle of it being a scam and he said that was also his first thought. He then said that one of his good friends from college was working for this company and he talked with him about it. Soon after, I met with this 'friend' and he was also very professional and seemed legitimate. Then the meeting started. Very quickly, I sensed something was strange. I kept thinking "Ponzi scheme! Ponzi scheme! This is what a pyramid scheme is!" (screaming in my mind). The speaker (who was also the man who first contacted me), addressed the fact that it looked like a pyramid scheme. Saying "go to and look up 'Amway'. Would Forbes publish a scheme?". He also stressed the fact that they were 'partners with Apple'. Stating, "If you're skeptical, do we need to say anything but 'Apple', it speaks for itself". The meeting itself was not very informative and I was still in the dark until I found this website. (Thank God!). So I'm supposed to meet with this guy again tomorrow. I anticipate he won't tell me about any costs or things I have to buy. I'll probably disappoint him but, after being skeptical myself and after reading these testimonials, there's no way I'm signing up with BWW. If anything, I advise people to sign-up directly with Amway and screw paying BWW for useless 'coaching' and time consuming meetings. Basically, this thing should be shut down. It's a matter of time before there's no one left to add to the 'pyramid' and they start promising people money with no money to give. It's a scam and not the way you want to be an 'entrepreneur'. STAY AWAY

Amazing that these IBO's still use deception when recruiting for Amway. I think Forbes actually has an article questioning Amway's opportunity. In any case, the Amway business is not entrepreneurial. It has many rules restricting business owners from succeeding. Can't advertise without permission, can't undercut prices and sell to retail outlets, etc.

I was just looking for a part time job, and this girl in my college asked me to meet her at our school ...she explained and explained I was not convinced and I was not going to join them even before I read this article, but yes this article helped me be sure about my decision. I just hate this kind of shady business. Thank you again

I had a coworker who kept trying to have me go to this meeting. My first thought was "why is he even working then?" I blew off one meeting because my fiance wasn't feeling well. He acted very concerned for her health. Then he called me and asked how my Thanksgiving was? Very nice guy...then I called the hotel where this meeting is supposed to be tonight, cause he invited me again and BAM! BWW. What bugs me the most, is that I told him I have no money to invest, but still kept on...thanks for your blog. It's helpful.

Hi Juan, thanks for visiting and commenting. I'm glad you found this blog helpful. Good luck to you!

If you want something you've never had out of life, you have to do something you've never done in life. Everyday is an opportunity. What you choose to take advantage of is your choice.

Yes, so you join Amway and you can become more in debt than you've ever been.

Time is your biggest investment. Plus, you do know that any money you put in its 100% money back guarantee.. of course you don't know bc you refused to try something different.

Good luck to all of you

Get the full information before making all theses assumptions regarding Amway.Amway is a legal biz and the amway chairman is US chairman of commerce in US. get a life ppe. Whom will u ask advise if you want to be a successful dr?A dr or a loser? U decide it's your future

Yes but you aren't Amway. You are anonymous loser incorporated or whatever else you call your scamway business.

A mango tree starts from a little seeds to be planted in the soil, before it grows and bear fruits you need to water, put some fertilizer, needs sunlight etc and wait until it grow and bear fruits to harvest and enjoy their fruits...... SUCCESS is a choice and FAILURE is also choice.

That's funny because one seed can bear much fruit. In Amway you plant thousands of seeds for little fruit.

I was with my girlfriend at our local Target. I was walking down the isle when a middle eastern man stopped me and asked if we have me before and how I look familiar. I told him I do not know him. He started asking me what I do for a living and I told him I was a college student. He asked how I would feel about making extra money and he didn't give specifics. He asked me what I was studying and he seemed like a very nice guy, I replied computer engineering and he said he was also in the tech industry. He told me he was a programmer at a tech company in Santa Fe Springs, and asked for my number to see if I wanted to work for him. Of course I gave him my number thinking NETWORKING. He gave me a call and asked if I can go to a meeting a DoubleTree Hotel in Commerce Ca, he said to wear business attire. I was thinking sweet, I get the chance to talk to other professionals maybe get an internship. When i showed up there were about 50+ other young adults/college students. It seemed very legit. I arrived 40 minutes prior to the meeting at 8pm, in the back of my head I was like ok this may possibly be a pyramid scheme. I was in line and i was seeing the "recruiters" walk around with the people they invited. They were taking them to check in, I was smart enough not to check in and give out anymore information. When the person that asked me to see if I checked in I simply lied to him and said yes. I sat in the back of the meeting room. But then was moved to the front so i can hear better. To sum it all up THIS IS A SCHEME! I was given a packet and cd to listen to which i never did. I sent a text to the guy telling him i did not want to go down this path and he got upset and said fine give me my cd and packet back. All week long he texted me for the stupid packet and I finally told him to meet me at a location. He tried to convince me to join and I told him I did not want to join a cult and a pyramid scheme. He told me he wanted to keep contact through facebook and i told him i did not have one. I did not want to give out anymore information to this individual. Lucky for me I did not pay anything. BOTTOM LINE ITS A SCHEME DO NOT GO THROUGH WITH THIS!

This group has many members and they have very good professional appearance. Initially they will sing a different story which may be related to Flipkart or Reliance and after that finally 'A*****'. The moment i heard that word...i ran away from the meeting center. They will always force you to seat in front while seminar (New Bakra)...Be aware...

Thank you all for sharing your experiences with Amway / BWW. This only confirms and strengthens my view and suspicion on people who are with Quixtar / Amway and portray a 'wealthy' lifestyle with tangible items like fancy car(s) but underneath all this lies a rotting and disgusting practices to coerce friends, family and relatives into buying overpriced face cream, spray ,etc. and worst of all - invites to attend their 'ceremony' and 'meetings'.!

I am sure the admin won't dare post my comment. I am a medical doctor & a successful Amway biz owner. What this gentleman has posted is enough to know his mental subnormal capacities. Only a moron will fail to understand a genuine biz like Amway & the worlds best education system - BWW. & I suggest all the wise guys building Amway biz seriously that please don't try to sponsor idiots like him who have not even a hint of commonsense. Don't waste your time money energy showing & helping those who don't have a reason to do Amway or anything else. One thing they can do really well is to display their lack of understanding on forums like this. BTW..anything u buy from amway is covered in refund policy & all tools & materials bought from Bww are refundable in 90 fays period. As a vww leader not only I am investing money in tools to help people understand the biz & their own potential before they even think of buying or joining Amway. BWW is a transperant organization issuing tickets n receipts for everything. It has certified accounts & all the leadership who make income thru Bww as a reward of their service to all the IBOs benefitting from their knowledge, do pay all valid taxes n have all white incomes. Anyway .. I am not qualified as an attorney to defend amway- a 12.6 billion USD corp & BWW which has been registered in Guinness book of records for creating financially free ppl all over the world. God bless all as these kind of ppl only make me realise the blessings of wisdom god has given to us to understand this biz.

To the moderator, Warm regards & salute to your idea about making money through blogging. Especially about your blog, you are a saprophyte/parasite who has nothing to do with benefit of people. You are posting only one sided comments as you know the world is full of losers whiners negative skeptics & suspicious idiots whocrave to get approval about their loose mentality forum other shameless creatures total failures in life. Anyway ..its

You thought wrong because the Admin here posted your comment. All comments are welcome, even misguided comments like yours.. Why are you posting outright lies such as Amway sales 12.6 billion and BWW creating the most financially free people. It might be the opposite with BWW creating the most bankrupt people in the world. Good luck peddling your lies.

I got a message from an anonymous person in Facebook telling me about the "E commerce" opportunity and that they work with BestBuy, AT & T , Sears products and help them in increasing their market value and thereby get a share from them. I was at home and wanted to work but since this topic was vague I gave my number to the person.She called me and told the same thing and I pressed on and on about the nature of the job and all she kept saying was attend the meeting and you will know more about this. She did not even give the name of the company and I asked her the name and she said BWW. I just googled it now and here I am on a long list of commentors !!! Worthless... How they find you through FACEBOOK..!!!

Wow, I thought the e-commerce trick went out years ago! And they found you on facebook? Thanks for sharing, that's funny.

This just makes me so mad. My 18year old daughter was approached by a woman and invited to a meeting at a hotel. So I called the hotel to find out the company and sure as crap it was Brit World Wide. I was suspicious when she couldn't give me any info just that the lady was really nice and I thought...sure she was because she's a trained scammer. Preying on young people just setting off to college. SHAMEFUL! she won't be going to this "meeting" tomorrow night. Katie Schmidt from Milwaukee Shame on you! Unfortunate for Katie I'm a good mom and check up on people who approach my Kids.

More than likely you saved your daughter some wasted time and money. Good luck

I have seen Amway business model 5 times in my life, the first few occasions I was not convinced, I used the products back then and knew of friends who used the products and they really work. 2 years ago I was invited to another seminar and after research I joined. Amway like any business takes time, yes they say in 4-12 months you can become a platinum making 2600- 3000 per month and I have seen people who started around like me doing it. No I am not at that level yet and that's because I don't push it, however I do make between 100- 500 at times per month. And yes it is a tax deductible. People what most of you who see the negative is that with any business takes 3-5 years to turn a profit, to own a Mc Donald's it's 1mil you need then you still have to pay Mc Donald's corp different fees yearly, you also have to attend their burger flipping school to learn how to run their business as with any out franchise business that's what it takes. These are not systems taught in college. Ask anyone who has worked in a company in sales or management what they thought when the went back to school to do business management and realize what the teacher teaches does not happen in the real world of business and you pay plenty money for these courses.. Go figure.Amway takes work .

takes work , you do make money, how much depends on how hard you decide to and with any job or business. I have seen franchise business like Mc Donald's go out of business and you invested millions, in amway it's 165 - 65 for your website, license and insurance the difference is for products for you to try or give as samples plus you have a 90 day trial with the tools and 180 days money back guaranty on products. I have used up products within the 180 and sent it back empty and amway did me my money no questions I did not have to pay shipping or restocking fee. . Try doing that with MC Donald's, Walmart or any store in the world as a matter of fact use their products and try sending it back half full, 3/4 empty or empty see what they say after 10 will laugh, cuss or if you in like any store the call security. Like any business their are people who will misguide you - lawyers, doctors insurances, politicians they all mislead or distort the truth, but do you stop using their services, no you don't so stop ill speaking Amway. BWW like any franchise

I have used up products within the 180 and sent it back empty and amway did me my money no questions I did not have to pay shipping or restocking fee. . Try doing that with MC Donald's, Walmart or any store in the world as a matter of fact use their products and try sending it back half full, 3/4 empty or empty see what they say after 10 will laugh, cuss or if you in like any store the call security. Like any business their are people who will misguide you - lawyers, doctors insurances, politicians they all mislead or distort the truth, but do you stop using their services, no you don't so stop ill speaking Amway. BWW like any franchise you get involved you will have to pay to learn from those who have been there done it etc. would you ask Serena Williams to teach you basketball or Michael Jordan or Lebron to teach you lawn tennis no you would not. I have been to the homes of some of the diamonds people who mentor and give their time to help you build your business and they are successful and retired for a number of years, quite a few are under 50 yrs old and were engineers, doctors, insurance sales, army personnel etc. and one thing I admire about them is their family life, they don't drink alcohol, cheat on their spouse, their children are well mannered and their children thought process is way advance than most kids and teenagers their age

People the bottom line is Amway and BWW works the partner stores like Disney, Best buy, Apple etc are all approved and have done their due diligence before partnering with Amway As for being a pyramid or ponied scheme, it seems to me none of you know what a pyramid is are you aware you job, your government, church every organization is in some form of a pyramid can you become the president of this country or any, can you take the place or make more than your CEO the ans is NO. I have seen people who started after their sponsors or recruiters in Amway advance faster than the person who brought them in. You are paid on performance not signing up people case in point I sign up 1000 people at 165 each but none of them do any business sell any products

and I do my 150 or 300 as you claim all I get is 3% of 150 which is 7.50 plus my discounts from amway or 6% on the 300-. All I will say is when next you get invited go listen with an open mind see how the money is made, ask questions.Is Amway for everyone- no it's not its for those who have a dream want something different in life willing to change their buying habits and give up their unproductive time eg watching tv, going to drink with your friends after work. Ask yourself one question are your friends or family members where they are in life, where you want to be. Success is a choice and failure is a choice you decide your future. I hope this clears up the misconceptions people have on Amway and BWW.

Amway is for people who want something different in life? How will that work with an extra $7.50 a month after you spent about $300 to get it? Amway is partners with Best Buy and Disney? Did you know that Amway was also partners with Enron and Worldcom? Yes you are paid on "performance" but most people do nothing and quit. What kind of business can you hope to build out of most people doing nothing and quitting?

Joe - Amway partners with many different corporations from time to time, some they stay with some drop off because traffic is not channelled on the IBO's website. Are you aware Amway owns the Orlando Magics they play in the amway arena, they own a children hospital, the bww corporation donates money to about 5 different charities every year plus the Ibo offer their time with some like Easter seals. That 7.50 I mentioned earlier thats what you make if that is all the work you do. I agree that there are IBO who give the wrong message or idea as with most professions . I did insurance work before and I have seen agents mislead clients and I know of agent who did exactly what the industry is designed to do, protect people financial security and family. I know lawyers and doctors who gave and continue to give wrong advise, but the still have clients. All I can say is that your mentor has your best interest at all times and the individual has to use common sense to know what to buy, you can return your CDs and books

And get back your money, or stop using the teaching tools or go to conferences or open meetings. As for Enron and worldcom I did not know, that was before my time.and maybe the reason they are no longer partners is that Amway founding owners Rich de Vos and Jay Van Andel did not like how they conducted business. Read any book written about rich de vos and you will see the kind of man he is. Which is what all IBOs are to follow, but there are some who wish to do differently. Do you know that the teachings bww teaches are the same things all success people used and followed, we are incouraged to read Napolian Hill, Zig Zigler, robert kiyosaki , john maxwell the bible all the inspirational thinkers . As I said go to one meeting again with an open mind ask the speaker questions after the meeting or meet the diamonds. My last question to you and to everyone - if someone told you marriage was a pain in the arse, or as we know there are more divorces and separations in the world than are marriages would stay single for the rest of you live.

This is for anonymous who talked about her daughter being approached in Milwaukee recently. Do you wish for you children to work for a company that pays little, have they work long hours and on contract whereby they can lay them off. Than to give your children to make it on their own. What if your child went to the meeting liked what she saw, and made it big in this business where by she takes the family on the free trips amway pays for all their diamond IBOs . I don't know the woman who contacted your daughter as I live in NJ and have never met her. But what if that happened what would you say then. I work for a very large company and within the last year have seen from over 250 in my co. Reduced to 75 employees with 50 more to lose their jobs within the next week to 5 mths.

Sorry joe I did not address the part paid on performance, but most people quit. There is a saying you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. BWW can teach people everything they know but it's really up to the individual. I myself at times want to quit, but I say to myself if I opened a conventional business where would I find 50,000 plus, who is going to teach me, can I afford to quit my job to run my business.with amway we are helped to make money within our first week if we want too by something called grand openings our mentors supply their products we bring friends and family and the products are displayed by the mentors, what ever sales generated new IBOs keep the profit or if the buyer goes directly to your site you get the pv and the retail money. The mentors if their products they bring sells they give you the diff btw wholesale n retail .so how can this be a scam?

Funny you mention all these speakers and then mention the Bible. Someone like Kiyosaki is a scammer. He made his fortune from selling IBO's his books and seminars, not from applying what he teaches. The Bible says the love of money is the root of many evils. Yet IBO's are pursuing untold wealth and chasing dreams that will not materialize. There is nothing to suggest that Amway IBO's have a lower divorce rate than any other group of people. In some instances, Amway is the cause of a divorce. Check your return policy on cd's and books. Try returning one that didn't help you after you listened to it. It's good that BWW gives to charity. Too bad they're giving with ill gotten gains at times. I believe it's a scam because the Amway products don't move and then the uplines use Amway as a means to sell cd's and functions. Cd's and functions are where the real money is made. Good luck to you.

Wow, interesting things I'm hearing about BWW/Amway! Anyways, I have similar experiences like you guys. I am university student at UT Austin and one classmate (who seems to want to be friends with me) approached me during GEO 303 (this occurred before spring break) and told me that he and his friends are starting a business (I assumed a start-up company) where I can make money while attending university. I thought, a part-time job does not sound so bad; where can I start? I would love to have some savings. Being interested, he explained that I may or may not get the job opportunity as he has to negotiate with his friends whether or not they can hire more people. After spring break, apparently my classmate says I can be in his (or his friends'?) business and he will discuss his business model after class in Student Activity Center. (BTW, this occurred today) He explained that the business will basically be a combination of e-commerce and social networking. I thought that it would be interesting. He further explained that I can make money by selling products to acquaintances and cut off the middleman (which would be in this case, retail store) and that I could sell products from Apple, Dell, etc in addition to household products. In addition, I can buy from my own store and profit off of it, and I profit from my friends buying products from my business (and be richer, using examples of Mark Zuckerberg to make a point of networking). This all seemed like an interesting business plan. My classmate told me that I can learn how to start the business by attending a meeting at Crowne Plaza Hotel off I-35 and 290, dressed business casual. (This already happened few hours ago) Went to the hotel via bus. My classmate guided me; we also had a fun conversation together, talking about travelling to places and where I imagine myself in the future. He then proceeded to his acquaintance and they explained to me how they are being successful by gaining points and how there's this one guy who was "Platinum" and is now a multi-millionaire. They didn't only explain this to me; they talked about it to each other while I was sort of wandering off.

(...cont) As I went inside for the meeting, my classmate was high-fiving his business(?) mates and I was given handshakes by multiple adults. I was acting respectful, as I had an open mind. I then signed as a guest, and I was given a free XS Energy Drink (which I haven't even tried yet). When I went inside, I was guided to sit in the front row as that's where the guests are. The audience seemed to be regular adults with some uni students. During the presentation, a guy (who, according to other presenters, was Indian yet spoke like he was from London) has explained the business model (although he did not explain exactly how you can initiate the business - like how to start it up, how you sell the product, how you will be provided - he just told the audience to go to a conference in Memphis to meet with successful multi-millionaires and then brought in legions of people to encourage guests to go to Memphis because it was the best decision they have ever made and that you can be 11-12 months ahead in beginning your business). Like how you can cut the middleman and how it is simple, like my classmate has explained to me earlier today. Did explain, but again does not really tell how. Just "you'll grow your business - when you get this points, you'll learn money. You can use that money for vacation, charity, paying off student debt, whatever makes you happy. You don't have to work all the time anymore and you can do the things you like!" Encouraged the class by drawing charts and such and engaging the guests. [This must be a great strategy!... to get people into this scheme] Also encouraged that BWW can train people how to start a business and how Amway is one of the most reputable companies in the world (global presence, sells Nutrilite products along with other health and household products, charities, even holds naming rights to the arena where the Orlando Magic plays, and 2013 being the strongest year - as indicated by the closing video they exhibited). Ended the presentation with "I Gotta Feeling" with the presenters acting ecstatic and boogie-woogie and all that stuff. When I was respectful and acted moderately interested (although I doubted that I can make it to Memphis, especially when notified LESS THAN A WEEK BEFORE), I waved goodbye to my classmate after shaking his hand (and after he offered me CDs, although a specific date wasn't set on when he will give them to me) along with some presenters (that London-esque guy told me that I can even make money in the Philippines, my ancestor country). When I walked to bus stop, as the bus was not coming until 30 minutes later, I googled "BWW" out of curiosity because I want to know the background of the company. At first, their website looked somewhat promising, as one of their biggest customers is/was a political figure who worked in the City of Jacksonville. And then I looked at a few blogs stating that BWW/Amway is a scam and how people are in deeper financial trouble when people bought into it. That was a deal breaker and I decided to have second thoughts (perhaps declining the offer wouldn't hurt me at all - I don't have to go to Memphis to meet up with corporate suits).

(... cont) Going back to my dormitory, I felt some red flags come up to me when in contact with him. As we conversated, I hear him advocating for the privatisation of schools (as that will increase competition and that free-market always works - right), and when I looked at his Facebook page, he "liked" Ayn Rand. Also, if this idea is so great, why haven't most people, if not everybody, tried this method already. How will this be better than when my parents friends tried to sell "Shaklee" products (similar beauty products to what Amway is selling) yet they are not exactly richer then they are. I am grateful that I found this blog; otherwise, I would be in a few years of financial headache (and I'm already on a student loan!) and turmoil. I would love to have experience in a business but I guess not with BWW. I'm just worried that he will call me constantly on my mobile phone or text me when I can meet with him.

I'm glad you found this blog and that it was helpful to you. It was wrong for someone to prospect you as if this opportunity was a job. That says something about what these folks are taught - to be deceptive. If you joined, they would expect you to buy and sell products and likely attend seminars and meetings which would have costed you money ineteas of earning you money. It's very hard for college students to make a run in Amway because many of your friends and young and don't have a lot of money, plus you don't really need a lot of household products. Maybe you can track how your friends do in Amway and let us know. :)

A couple of years ago I was approached by an old classmate from high school about this "business opportunity" He was very, very vague about it and just kept saying "I'll explain more when we meet." So I went and met, I thought "If I am not interested at least I got to hang out with a friend I haven't seen in awhile." As we had graduated from high school and lost touch. My friend started the pitch by saying "Do you think you're reaching your potential and do you want more out of life, where do you see yourself in ten years." I thought I was nice of him to ask but also a little intrusive - as we haven't seen each other in a while and those questions are pretty intimate. Nothing like saying "See any good movies lately? How is your dog." I was just as vague about my answers as he was with his description as to what this whole "business venture" was. His pitch was "Think about how you shop - you mostly shop online or you at least look at things online before you make a purchase. What if I told you there was a company who did just that and cut out the middleman. E-Commerce is where our economy is headed. Marketing is headed in a whole new direction as well and you can get involved." I did not fully understand but I was listening and he invited me to an open meeting in Milwaukee by the airport. I decided to go - I decided if I am not interested its fine but I will be there as a support for my friend because he was just getting started. I went to the meeting and kept thinking to myself this is a pyramid scheme! Then they went through the whole this isn't a pyramid scheme pitch. Then my friend wanted me to meet with the guy that got him involved and I said okay. I went to a starbucks and he pitched it to me and gave me some free samples of what Amway sells and at that meeting is finally where I learned what the company name was. The guy that got my friend involved was saying things like "I was on a full ride to Madison and I was a year from graduating in engineering and I left my full ride and school and I have been doing this ever since." That was a red flag - because a full ride to Madison is something NO ONE GIVES UP! If you're from Wisconsin and you get a full ride you're just simply not going to give that up - especially a year from graduating. The guy that got my friend involved said "Your whole life can change - you can get involved if you just give me $300 - I will get you started with everything right away and get you going." I told him there was no way I would just give him $300 with out researching the company, checking his credentials and talking to my parents. Though I was 20 years old I knew not to do a thing until I talked to my parents. At that meeting my friend and the guy - the name escapes me right now asked if I would go to a meeting in Madison where some people were earning rewards and I said sure. The whole time I was at the meeting in Madison I wanted to leave. It just seemed so far-fetched to me. Seeing 18 years olds with retirement balloons and all of these speeches. It was just so weird to me and a major turn off. Flash forward to talking to my parents..I am glad I talked to my parents they explained to me that Amway had been around for years - the guy made it sound like he started Amway himself during his pitch - that's what impression I was under. And I am so glad my parents told me the truth. I knew then more so then I already knew it was a scam and there was NO WAY I was going to join. Both my friend and the guy were so pushy! Calling me non-stop, texting me non-stop. I had to change my number and the friendship between my friend and I was damaged forever. I tried to be polite and said "No thank

you, I am not interested." But they weren't buying it. I felt a cultish like vibe from all these people. I was so glad I made the choice to not join and that I made it out with my dignity and my money. Flash forward to yesterday March 26th 2014. My boyfriend of 4 years a couple of weeks prior to yesterday said an old friend of ours called him and they haven't talked in awhile and said that there was a guy he wanted him to meet and our old friend thought that they would really "hit it off" and that there was a job opportunity in it for him. RED FLAG IMMEDIETLY. Nothing against our old friend but he is the kind of guy that would totally buy this crap. I didn't say anything I didn't want to be the b**** of a girlfriend to totally dis this and not be supportive but I knew and trusted that once my boyfriend got more information he is smart enough to see it for what it truly is. So last night he comes home from this dinner thing he went on with our old friend. And he gave him the pitch about how this company BWW has totally changed his life. He got a mentor who is showing him the ways of being a professional and making connections and how he is getting into this E-Commerce thing. I listened to everything my sweetheart had to say. He told me about how our friend had him talk to the guy that got him involved and my boyfriend said "He said that I could get more out of life and be happier and make more money by doing this." and he saw my face. I told him that this sounds exactly what was pitched to me a couple of years ago - we were dating when my friend approached me. I asked him what the company was and he said he didn't know but he has a CD and it had the BWW stamp on it. So I googled it and I told him its a form of Amway - I recognized the products that were listed on the BWW website. I told my boyfriend my honest thoughts about it and I am not going to go into too much detail of our exact conversation but at the end of it I said "Do you research tomorrow at work. Google review on BWW and Amway and see what people are saying about and what people have experienced." My boyfriend felt so bad for our friend this morning. My boyfriend saw it for what it really was - a scam and that no one can get rich out of it. He feels so bad that the person who got our friend involved made false promises and sold false dreams and hopes - our friend sold his car to be a part of this to be able to pay the fee to get started and the $300 for the trip to Memphis this weekend - there is a weekend conference this weekend down there. We need to get the word out - these people are disgusting and bottom feeders. Who the H*** do these people think they are. Why do they feel that they have to right to be sneaky and tell young adults who are stressed about college and finding REAL jobs "Leave school, this could be your wildest dreams come true." It is truly disgusting. Brainwashing and lying and cult like behavior - this should all be illegal. I am so serious. If you are thinking or have gotten involved and have doubts TRUST YOUR JUDGEMENT AND YOUR GUT! The opportunity will ALWAYS be there and these slums of people will always welcome you with open arms if you want to become interested. DO NOT FEEL THE NEED TO MAKE KNEE JERK CHOICES ABOUT GETTING INVOLVED. This story is true - and I hope that people will really think long and hard about what they are going to sign up for. All these stories I have read today on this blog are true and what I am writing today is true.

In response to Anonymous above, if your friend(?) keeps calling you, you can block his number if you have an iPhone. (I do not know how this works in Android) Old friend aside, your experiences seem to be creepingly similar, if not almost exactly identical, to the experiences I wrote above. Met in a public place with a classmate to discuss, e-Commerce, "best decision I made in my life", "your life can change", "where do you see yourself in ten years," vague description of BWW during conversation, barely catch mentioning of Amway (if there is any). (Yep, it's a cult - with so many links - and also that trip to Memphis) Crazy part is that in presentation, an old guy pitching this "idea" compared this business to owning a 7-Eleven except it costs $120 to start a business. If Amway/BWW can get information from ordinary people and scam the crap out of you, I have the right to expose a classmate pitching this BWW/Amway stuff into my face. Here. Varun Parameswaran (214) 476-9734 He attended a private school in Irving, Texas, North Hills Rep to be exact (it was ranked as 8th best in Texas - news report here Privileged, eh? Sorry not sorry. I have to expose this scheme.

In response to my very long comment from March 27th and in response to the anonymous writer of my comment... My boyfriend and I ended up going to the meeting last Thursday; a BWW meeting. My boyfriend really wanted to see how these people pitch and to see how people would actually let themselves get wrapped up in the scam. My boyfriend and I are fascinated by it all. We went to the meeting, spent the rest of the night until 4am reading on the BWW and AMWAY and different law suits they've been in and peeling back the layers of scams. Can you blame my boyfriend and I? Were both Business Majors and have entrepreneurial minds and I myself come from an entrepreneurial family where over half of them own their own companies. Like I said I changed my number when dealing with the friend that I had. And my boyfriend was real straight with our other friend and I don’t we have to worry about phone calls – but I don’t know – maybe I am speaking too soon. But back to the "open meeting" it’s a freaky thing to witness, I recommend going to a meeting if you’re ever invited – but make sure you’re strong enough to know it’s a scam – don’t let yourself get wrapped up. But the meeting was so cult like and just laughably ridiculous- more so then just the Amway meetings I went to a couple of years ago. The people who give these meetings first off - look like they need a cheese burger and a nap. They look so bugged out because all they're doing is drinking and eating these energy drinks and health bars that Amway sells. First off the meeting started at 8pm - so late and its 8pm and these people are just POUNDING energy drinks - super weird. Plus they picked up that I wasn't buying whatever they were selling really fast - by the questions I asked, by my answers. And then the guy giving the meeting said does anyone even know a millionaire and I shot up my hand real fast – I know plenty - like I said my family owns many of their own businesses. The guy giving the presentation wanted to nothing to do with me. For the rest of the presentation he put his back towards my side of the room and wouldn’t call on my hand anymore when I let him know how I know the people I know. When my boyfriend introduced himself after the meeting he asking my boyfriend what he did for a leaving, where he went to school and what he was doing in school and then excused himself - didn't want to talk to me at all. Which was fine with me - he clearly doesn't eat carbs and his stinky breath was the evidence. Everyone kept trying us to go to the conference in Memphis – WE DID NOT GO. But our friend wouldn’t stop sending us videos of the trip and saying “wish you were here”, “let this video inspire you.” “This could be you, if you get involved.” ICK – PUKE. If you get deep into researching the reviews and the different blogs on this subject you’ll see for yourself. You don’t want to be involved in something like this. I plan on being very successful – following in my families footsteps but I will be doing it honorably and with hard work. There is nothing wrong with hard work – I make my own dreams come true – not some BS company selling fake dreams.

My suggestion to everyone is do your own research and homework and don't make a decision until you do. Don't make a decision that is so critical and could be life changing from some one you don't know that could have their own agenda wither its a blogger or a stranger in Wal-Mart. Would you drive to a new town and stop on the side of the road and hand some stranger the key to your car get in the passenger seat and have them take you to your destination? I don't think so!! If presented this opportunity pray about it and ask the one (God)who knows all things, including about you, your needs and destination in life. Don't allow yourself to be hijacked or derailed from your purpose or planned destiny in this short life and this goes for both side of this argument. Make sure your dream is yours not someone else and that your life is reflecting your dream not your boss, friends, family etc and that you are getting from life what you deserve and is will to work to accomplish. Reflect on this and make your decision accordingly. God bless!

Guess what. I'm in Singapore, a small country in South East Asia and this thing just happened to me. Everything, from the first meeting to the vagueness of it all and even the same examples were given as people have described here. It's amazing, this thing is international. Beware, people! Gonna reject them myself.

Amway is for dreamers not for job mentality people. ..only 3percent people govern the 97 percent of wealth of world so this opportunity is for 3percent people not for you...and forbes has listed amway at 28th rank means it has something. ..nutrilite is worlds no 1 selling food and dietry supplement. ...amway has 1000plus patents and scientists....amway crowm abasador has global citizenship. .amway business has quality people from usa ptesident to nasa scientists. .noble prize awardees...and your comments reflect me u stil dont knw xact money wea it comes from coz its pure business....mere spending money on books meetings n products will not help nevr evr...first b a good student then b a teacher....just see life style of crown abasadors of amway,its alteady proven to b the best life style of d people cant understand coz there s only 1 thomas edison walt disney...the most successful people are most rejected ones...

Lies. Try being in that 3% without the 97%. Nutriilte is not the #1 food and dietary supplement. Have you ever heard of Nestle? Maybe you'd like to give us a link showing how many scientists they have as well as proving that the president and NASA scientists got sucked into Amway. The most successful people are not the most rejected ones. Another lie

Ok look guys. If you go in they will tell you how to earn money just by sitting at home and bla bla bullshit. The real thing behind it is that they are using a very powerful marketing strategy called peer to peer marketing. They will manipulate you and make you think you can get rich but the honest truth is you are the one being used instead. Process: make you spend Make you invite your friends make your friends spend and the cycle goes on. They will make you think you are earning but reality is they are the ones earning. They will also back it up by making half the "presentation" filled with their own people and act like whoa I'm rich because of this company. Don't be that fool to fall in this.

Thanks, good post!

Amway is one of the world most trusted and very beautiful business i ever saw. last night my friend had a car accident , if i will ask him to write a blog on car, he is going to write a blog like this. he failed to do the business so now complaining. don't follow this blog. make you own experience. awesome business in the planet.

Too bad you're losing money in your awesome business!

A similar thing happened to me today..! They make you feel that your current job is insecure and put false hope in your mind about making huge amounts of money in 12 - 18 months. All bullshit. Please don't fall to such pranks.

Thanks a lot.. Confirmed not to join..!

Being in an e-commerce business requires some work, understanding , knowledge and good work ethic... It's amazing to read all those comments and to notice a common factor in most of the commentators. Lack of knowledge, laziness and narrow mindedness. How would you expect to thrive in anything based on someone's negative experience because he/she is not well documented. You understand the core values of any business by connecting with people who can give you accurate information. Will you ask an engineer how to become a medical doctor????? I have been associating with Amway for the past 4 years and as an MSC in Economics, MBA in Business Admin, I took 3 months to understand the concept of the Multi Level Marketing business in general, then I connected with the Better Business Bureau to fathom more the concept. Nothing is free in this world, either you understand that and work smart or you stay in the Pyramid world by serving a company and a job. That's to say you work from 8 to 5 trading your time for an hourly pay in which you can expect a raise of $0.75 or less if you are lucky. By the way you will never make more than your immediate supervisor or manager. Or you take some initiative. Amway, just like any other MLM business requires work, work ethic and consistency. It has been ranked top producer of Millionaires in the MLM business (Ref. Direct Sales Magazine)The company markets great products that you obtain at a wholesale price based on a system of points, besides inviting people to do the same. Be smart, and educate yourself the right way, will you follow someone who has flunked school, and spends his life doing nothing special and saying God will provide or will you build your life with principles and strive to bring a financial freedom in your life and bless other folks.... I have the privilege to discover and partner with Amway corp and I am thankful because at this time, my business is generating more income than my job as a Lending Manager in a big bank. Educate yourself, be smart and associate with people who can help you grow not people who can barely think straight.....

If you have two masters degrees in business and it took you 3 months to figure out MLM, how do you expect others to ever figure it out? Surely with your masters, you would know that the better business bureau has nothing to do with whether Amway is a decent opportunity or not. And surely you would know that there's no evidence that Amway has produced the most millionaires. Are you sure you're a bank manager?

I joined amway and I made my first level commision and I am sure to go to 9% level. My upline was graciopus enough to by me my material and not make me pay. you really dont have to buy, just attend the meetings. for all those like joecool who say negative stuff about Amway, here is a primer. Amway has great products. Offers you financial freedom, if you are willing to put in your work. The BWW system teaches you how to improve your business. The system is time and tested procedure you should follow and all they teach you is duplicate the successful people. I am sorry for many of you guys which didn't work for you and you shelled money. But you ever re-consider joining back, please do it the right way.

So you're not yet at the 9% level? Even if your upline bought your tools, it won't be long before they expect you to buy your own and buy for your downline. The free ride is temporary. If Amway offers financial freedom, can you name even 5 people who walked away from Amway and collects large residual checks? I doubt it. Come back and post here when you've made some real money. Then we'll have something to talk about.

amway bww business plan

JC, I thought the points you gave were good about the process and similar to the feelings I felt going through them. But, it is one thing to explain your experience and leave it at that. And it is another to actively be a “doubting Thomas” on this forum with other peoples opinions, their own actual experiences, and what they aspire to do to improve their own lives. A lot of people who are decision-torn about whether or not to do this are basing what they do- and their lives-not on facts, proof, or objective info. But on your own personal opinions rooted from your failure to be successful because you didn't do any work. I see no where anyone mentioning how hard they worked and the sweat they put into it before they failed; I see people who paid for books and went to 1 meeting every week and expected a life changing outcome. There is no magic money seminar or book. Amway does not claim they have found that. They also don't claim success for people who are self-limiting, people who tell others that they can't do something, that they are wrong, that they will fail before they even start; that thinking sounds just as brainwashed to me as a room full of really excited/motivated people. I would personally rather be brainwashed to believe in my own success (while being cautious not to just blindly give my money away) and ACT vs. being a doubting Thomas. Good luck to you. Anyone thinking about joining (I am trying to make that decision myself) talk to people who are actually involved. Who is going to have more accurate info? Someone who is actually exposed to what the company does? Or someone who went to a meeting 2 years ago and spends more time posting about it probably than any time that was spent trying to be successful with Amway.

It's not about being a doubting Thomsa. How many hundreds of IBO's have come here talking about Amway and success and eventually fading away into nowhere. Most drop out in months, some take a year or two, but they all fade away and disppeaer, which is why I made that comment.s

I attended an 'e-commerce seminar' yesterday and they said exactly what you said. Like XS energy drink(never heard it before) and some other awesome products. The guy who invited me to that seminar said I only need $360 to register which includes books, products and application fees. Also 100% refundable in 3 months. But I really don't interested in this kind of business model. They asked me to join their group right now. I said give me one day more to think about it. Now I can make my decision.

They're still trying to scam you. You can register for Amway for around $50. The starter kit they are selling you is optional and you don't need all that stuff. Someone will make money from that kit but it won't be you.

I was approached by a guy in a mall in Dallas who casually started a conversation with me then told me about his job, BWW (I had never heard of it before but I thought it was a legit company when listening to him). Seemed nice to me and told me about how his job brought him to Houston and Dallas for some meetings. He then asked me what I was doing to which I said studying Computer Information Technology he then asked me if I would like to know more about his job and for my number and I said yes and gave him my number. Sounded good to me and like someone said, I thought NETWORKING and job opportunity for a Graduating college senior. We planned on meeting the next day (on Sunday) at a Starbucks although he wanted to meet at a restaurant. He showed up with his wife he told me about the previous day. They started by talking about random stuffs and their lives and new car (Hyundai which is not really an expensive car) and all the travel they do thanks to their job (They are both working for BWW so they said). but they were VERY vague about what they are actually doing at BWW. I figured very quickly that they recruiting people for something until they guy started drawing a pyramid like schema which struck me. They even showed me a video of an Indian couple who supposedly got rich thanks to BWW (lol what a joke). After explaining all this to me they told me that for only $165 I could have my own e-commerce platform/website where I will sell exclusive products and make profit of up to $3,000 per month. I was very skeptical as I thought he wanted to meet to discuss about a position in his company not some sketchy and obvious scheme. I stayed polite and listened to what he had to say. They both tried very hard to convince me and get me to come to a presentation in an hotel in two days. On Tuesday in Arlington. I said I will go but I knew from the get go that I will NOT show up nor will I return their calls or texts. Moral of the story, I went home and googled BWW scam and found this blog as I knew people had already created blogs about this as it is obvious it is a scam. I advice anyone who heard or met anybody from BWW not to go ahead and spend time and money into this. IT IS A SCAM! And Oh, I am an international student which means that by federal law, I cannot legally work or make money by any means in the outside of my campus/school. However although the guy knew that (they are both from Vietnam originally so they claimed) he said "no it is totally fine! The guy who invented Instagram was international too but today he is rich. You can do it too by joining this life changing opportunity." That already was a HUGE RED FLAG to me. Thanks for your post and I hope my comment will help those who can easily get fouled by people like this probably fake couple. I am a very cautious and skeptical person so it was easy for me to identify that this is a scam.

Thank you for sharing your story and I am grateful that this blog was able to provide you with useful information!

Just want to know who own orlando magic basketball team and where they play

Thats why you pay check it will be your receipt for IRS

Thanks. Saved me some money.

The Orlando magic is owned by Rich DeVos and they play in an arena.

name of the arena?

Be clear, Amway doesn't own the arena. They pay to be the corporate sponsor.

Thanks for the informative article. Like each of you, i landed here on meeting one guy who started explaining about "vague" ecommerce stuff. When i met him i realised that it should be a fraudulent stuff. The so called mentors/publicisers are so hell bent upon selling the products from amway, BWW, amsure etc., Thankfully chose not to join. Your article really helped me to convince my decision. Thanks.

Thanks for the comment. Glad this blog was helpful to you.

Thanks for finally confirmed my skepticism about going or not to this. As my best friend introduced me to this someone and as I have attended several meetings I still have doubt in mind, I 100% am sure i wont join. Especially since today, since the one introduced me was nowhere to be said as financially good.

I'm glad you were able to find useful information on thie website.

@Joecol, what are you doing now?. Are you become successful after quitting busisness?. Did you read any of successful persons books?. I just wanted to know what you did in biz with BWW help?. Did you realize the values you see in BWW, are they in Corporate career?. Money is secondary, first improve your self image and try do something good your success. With your attitude you want easy money one time. Tell me what did you apply from Magic Of thinking Big ? or Jhon Maxwell books?. your blog is like somebody writing something on bathroom walls. You didn't try anything and you are giving false hopes to who want to try something good in their life?. tell me what did you lose in this biz?. Money..? there is no chance to lose money....if you want to buy products buy else no. and Time?.. what are you doing with spare time?. wasting your time in writing blogs/watching others and spread BWW more than money at least you will become good human being. Even though you are not doing biz now..but don't ask others follow what you did as quitter. And this biz is not for ppl like you, read some good books and apply them in your job life.

The blog is like writing on bathroom walls? LOL, typical canned answer for Amwayers. The business sucks. Most people (probably more than 99%) make nothing or lose money. I've done just fine ever since leaving Amway. I'm successful at what I do and will be able to retire before the age of 60 with a fairly nice income and nest egg. Had I stayed in Amway I would have lost a ton of money and a lot of time that I could never get back. The insidious part is that I was fed a lot of lies by my LOS, WWDB. Since you speak so highly of the opportunity, who's actually retired from Amway because of the residual income? Why do people like Billt Britt work until they die? Who's retired and enjoying the beaches because of Amway? I don't know of a single person.

@Joecool, iam not sure about your LOS ,why did they lied to you?. If they did, iam sure they will not be sucessfull in thiz biz and BWW never recommends convencing others with lies and make them saty in biz. Its your choice to run the biz. Bill Britt never felt like working in this orgnization, every britt leader is happy to serve others. That is what your learn from system, if you are not a serving leader then nobody follows you in this biz. What did you learn from system, forget about Amway ?. If you learnt something , did you apply in life? atleast in your own career. ? I can cleary see here, if you learnt something good from system, then you never tried to speard negative rumors of something which you did'nt do very well. Success does'nt comes easily need to go through many obstacles. If you are an expert in judging all these success principles , then comeup with new system and biz (which you think easy earning) and write blogs to help others in that. But tell me what did you learn from BOOKs, every successful person spend time to read books about other sucessful person. How many books you red, what did you apply them in life?.

@Joecool...I just want to give you a HUGE hug! Thank you so much for this information! I attended a "private" meeting at a friend's home last night and yes...TODAY I am doing my research. Your blog came up IMMEDIATELY! Like other "network marketing" business, ventures, etc., I'm walking away! Bless you, Joecool!

Thank you for the kind comments. I'm glad my blog was able to help you out!

Uhh ... last time I checked, you learn in High School and College/University that a nothing on the internet is believable unless there are credible sources. When professors grade your research papers, they go to the bottom of the paper to see the Source Citations FIRST. Why? Because you cannot simply believe what someone is posting online. If you can't believe that money can be made in this business if time + effort is put into it, from someone who can SHOW you the fruit of it all. Why the hell are you all ready to believe someone who posted a blog, and basing your life decisions on it? How many of you go to Wikipedia to do research and use that as a source in your papers, or to prove a point? Now how many of you have heard it from your professors that you shouldn't use Wikipedia as a source, because it's not 100% credible. I can go to Wikipedia and post an absolutely brilliant article on Amway ... would you believe it? I sure hope not. Joecool has way too much time in his hands. Success is perspective. It isn't the same for everyone. Success to me is this question: "How many people were better off, because you exist?" Joecool. I'm glad you posted your opinion. Great work, it takes balls to take on a company that is partnered with Global Successes such as Apple and Nike. Unlike your dumb, biased ass; let me give you some sources: - A+ rating BBB Accredited Business - Not a Pyramid Scheme - That's a news article written for cbsnews ... still not 100% credible, but still more than Joecool's blog here. So in the end, to everyone who is dumb enough to listen to this idiot "Joecool," answer me this. Apple Inc. and Nike Inc. which has buildings and buildings FULL of lawyers ... agree to affiliate themselves with Amway Inc. and become their Partners. But Joecool says it's a scam ... I wonder who I'm going to believe. The hundreds of lawyers, or a guy who lives in his grandmother's basement to reads/writes blogs all day about how he failed to succeed in a business which isn't for everyone? Come on people ... use your heads just a little bit. Do some PROPER research; don't just read blogs and base your answers on that. There is a reason why your professors don't want you basing your essays off of BLOGS. Thank You.

Yes, do your research. Ask your diamonds for proof that they make the kind of income to support buying jets and mansions. That would be interesting wouldn't it? And the BBB rating has nothing to do with Amway as a business opportunity. Neither does the FTC. Did you know that Amway also partnered with WorldCom and Enron? What about the Dateline segment showing that Amway is a scam and diamonds make their fortune from tools and functions. Don't listen to me. Let your diamonds prove where their income is from. When they refuse, you have your answer right there. It is your business to ask. The are asking you to invest time and money into Amway. You have every right to know what they are making.

amway bww business plan

This business is about duplication. You do what your upline does and you make the money. The money comes from the profit for selling the products and the bonus when you make the targeted points. This business is for hard workers who can sell not for idlers. I have been in the business for 6 months now. I have followed the training and implemented what I have learnt. The first month I earned $91 from my points and $125 profit from my retail sales. The second month I registered two people and trained them. I made $100 from my downlines registration. I sold health and beauty products for over $1000 and got cash from my points made and also profit from the sales that I made. I want to stress the fact that you do not make money by sitting in your house and calling it a scam. You make money by contacting people to buy the products or to register as business owners. I am doing my sixth month. I have a team of 5 and I make around 1200 per month on average. This is because I have motivated my team members to sell too. I am not anonymous because I want to prove to you that the business is genuine and it is working for me. Please contact me at [email protected]. I will help you build this business and you will cease to be skeptical. Do not listen to failures, look at success. By the way, the money is not made overnight, you earn it through genuine sales. Please do not hesitate to email me for any questions. I will give you answers from my experience.

How about if you post evidence that you're actually selling all these products. Court documents reveal that IBOs sell very little product if they sell any products.

OMG...what a blog...There are many people making money out of this biz.Even if you make 500$ extra income also using your spare time, thats great. I can see lack of experience and knowledge in this blog author. Dont follow this quitter, get the right information from who is already successful. There are Millions of poeple of part of BWW, are you following one looser to make decision in your career, use your commonsence guys. This blog guy making you to follow him to be a looser....ask him the better opportunity to make money without Risk and Invetsing time and money. Why he is not maintaining a blog with free posting comments, why do you need approval from him?. Dont follow loosers guys.

Funny, I allow all comments unless they are completely attacks off topic or racist. That's unlike Amway and Amway supporters who don't post negative comments or comments that don't support Amway. I'm still waiting for someone to post evidence that more than 1 or 2% of Amwayers actually make a net profit.

non of these guys talk like rich people. watch how bill gates talk, w. buffer, mark s. all these guys talk different than commentator and main blogger here. if somebody make a decision by reading this blog you deserve to be poor. all i see is - this is how average poor people think and act you got to be above average to not to listen or separate facts from the opinions. these guys not only do amway not really do anything for themselves or others. they angry. give 10 years they will be more angrier people. what a waste..

pigs don't know pigs stink - people

Anonymous @10:25, many people d make a decision after reading my blog. They see the facts and decide not to join. Why would they want to join knowing they are most likely to lose money? Why don't you provide evidence as to why someone should join Amway? The prices are high, the tools they sell to help you don't work and the leaders make you think you are successful while you are losing money. Pig don't know pigs stink. Perfect description of IBOs at an Amway function. They don't realize they are being suckered into surrendering their money to upline.

@ Hello Mr Blogger... what did you loose here. Upline making money, man do you know how this biz works actually?. we are not loosing anything here, instead buying products outside buy it in your own biz. I dont see any issue with products, products are excellent. We used to spend lot of money outside for same products, now we are saving money and getting money back on those purchases.Its our net profit. if you are looking to move forward then you need knowledge to run your biz, else just get the products and save the money. You can apply same principles your learnt from books in your corporate/personal life as well. All successful people nurture their minds by reading books instead putting -ve junk to your brain. I can see big looser in you... you dont have guts to face problems in life. You want easy money by sitting at home and writing these kind of -ve blogs. Man if you are so much judgmental about multi million dollor biz , suggest one good opportunity which we can do in spare time, without Risk, without Investment, with guidance from who is already sucessful (not loosers). ?. Dont tell that write some blogs to misguide the people and get clicks on it. I can see your personal isssues with your Upline, man wakeup. There are millions of IBOs are there, do you think only one looser intellectual (who thinks) gives -ve to millions of people?. Guys wakeup, he/she is not successful with his/her personal reaons and he/she is asking you to follow him....use your brain guys. Get the guidance from persons, who are successful in life.

Yeah, you're losing money. You buy yout "own stuff", but truth is that Amway stuff is more expensive and secondly, you weren't buying "amway" stuff before. So the addes cost plus your time spent and the cost of their "training" nearly assures you are losing money. You are free to prove me wrong. And I'm not asking anyone to floow me, only that you make an informed decision about joining Amway or not.

You got wonderful brain dear admin....what garbage are you eating daily. Amway is the 28th America's largest private company in the world(a/c to 2014 forbes survey). I personally know a person who joined Amway in 2001 and went diamond in 2005. Now he is Executive Diamond, earning almost 2.5 Crore INR(41,0307 USD) a year and he is guiding us to achieve it. The real deal is he got a team in 9 countries and just in our area there are more than 40 people who are earning more than 2000 USD per month. That what helping others not senseless blogging. Money is actually coming from the middle men in the traditional market(whole sellers, retailler etc..,). There are no middle men in direct selling industries you senseless admin. that's where we earn money from. You Can Change your Blog name to Senseless shits of my moron brain or shut it down... YOU ARE ACTUALLY MISLEADING PEOPLE against their dreams and motivating them to be down and miserable in life and encouraging their inabilities of grabbing opportunities that life put in their way.. Just Clean your Head first. I've no time to argue your foolish comments because I'm not a broke blogger. I'm an Entrepreneur and I've got my schedule... first clean your head and get some real facts. You failed in the business because lack of Information from your Upline or the brain you've got. This is Network Marketing not Pyramid..Google it and know difference.

Have guts to approve my comment...! You got wonderful brain dear admin....what garbage are you eating daily. Amway is the 28th America's largest private company in the world(a/c to 2014 forbes survey). I personally know a person who joined Amway in 2001 and went diamond in 2005. Now he is Executive Diamond, earning almost 2.5 Crore INR(41,0307 USD) a year and he is guiding us to achieve it. The real deal is he got a team in 9 countries and just in our area there are more than 40 people who are earning more than 2000 USD per month. That what helping others not senseless blogging. Money is actually coming from the middle men in the traditional market(whole sellers, retailler etc..,). There are no middle men in direct selling industries you senseless admin. that's where we earn money from. You Can Change your Blog name to Senseless shits of my moron brain or shut it down... YOU ARE ACTUALLY MISLEADING PEOPLE against their dreams and motivating them to be down and miserable in life and encouraging their inabilities of grabbing opportunities that life put in their way.. Just Clean your Head first. I've no time to argue your foolish comments because I'm not a broke blogger. I'm an Entrepreneur and I've got my schedule... first clean your head and get some real facts. You failed in the business because lack of Information from your Upline or the brain you've got. This is Network Marketing not Pyramid..Google it and know difference.

Why wouldn't I post your comment? It is the pro Amway people who don't post honest comments. What garbage am I eating? I eat a balanced diet thank you. You know someone who joined Amway and is now a big diamond? Nice. I don't say people can't make money in Amway. Clearly some do. But that diamond has many many downlline losing money, likely including you if you are a part of it. How am I misleading anyone? Point out clearly what I have mislead anyone about? Funny how these Amway folks always come on here saying I lie or mislead but can't identify what it is.

a very bitter quarrel...... I was introduced to a similar meeting the day before vague....then a follow-up meeting yesterday...much clearer..... However, still not sure if I can make as much profit as the presenter does...I think businessmen are born with talents...if you can find a way to sell the products as well as train your downlines to sell their products...this business might make a fortune for you.... Unfortunately, not everyone can do the above two things.... Just wanna to be objective, do some research, and take your time to think it over whether you have the abilities to accomplish what has been mentioned above.

why I cannot post my comments here!!!!!!!!!!

Anon at 11:34 Am, what are you yapping about? Your comment was published. Anon at 11:04, you are right. Amway is much harder that it appears.

BWW has a branch operating in Singapore as well (I am a Singapore citizen). Had a friend who invited me for their 'business workshops' and who offered to help me get into the 'business', 'build a team' and earn money. Based on the sales pitch he did to the other inductees at the workshop (essentially a sit-down session in one of the staff's home where he drew up business models explaining passive income and the like), the products he was marketing to the would-be businessmen (all were students between 16-23 years of age who possessed money that was their parents') and the testimonials that other staff eagerly presented to us, I'd say their target audience and business strategy is pretty well thought-out. Essentially, target youths who are raring to earn some quick cash by having them build networks including friends and family members who are raring to earn some quick cash by having them build networks... Further elaboration unnecessary. It's a functional system (as all organized families undoubtedly are), and I'm sure some people make money (especially the ones who created the system). It just doesn't agree with my taste buds. Anyone else who can stomach this dish, be my guest.

Seems they target young students because they don't know the stigma of Amway. Sad because I've hear stories where these huchsters discourage people from college in favor of Amway. Really a travesty.

hii guys.. i am an amway IBO from last 4 months.. you know what i am a lover of amway haters. thank you soo much for hating amway.. cause if you all people love and get rich doing amway there will be no difference between you and me right.. he he he.. laugh at amway outside.. but i laugh at you inside. he he he.. thank you

What makes you think people are getting rich from Amway (aside from the Amway owners)?

Because the leaders talk like they are getting rich. Many people heard Britt say he owns 20 mcds. On YouTube Britt goes he owns eight homes,3 yachts, 40 something cars,a couple of planes lol. Also Britt says on YouTube video he lives better than any star or athlete and blah blah. Wished people at the meetings would call them out on this. Asking for tax returns and proof on these exaggerations.

You're right. They talk about being rich but has anyone gone to their homes and actually saw this stuff? Britt once said he was approaching a billion. I doubt it but even if he was, it wasn't all from Amway. Ironically, Britt died while still working his Amway business.

There are people who gone to one of Britts luxury home. But I wonder if he has a huge mortgage he's paying monthly. The other stuff like homes,cars,yachts,planes,etc can be rented for show or videos. Doesn't matter what's for show or one day viewing. I'd still demand to see tax returns and bank statements. For the amount of time and $ they want us to invest in this Mlm scheme

Britt may have had a mortgage. Even triple diamond Greg Duncan had several mortgages and had to declare chapter 7 bankruptcy because he could not pay his taxes and mortgages. What's funny id Greg used to call people stupid for making loans because diamond pa cash. My former upline has been in Amway about 20 years and he's a physician and still hasn't bought a house because he was taught to buy in cash. Very sad.

Joe, i do see new diamonds in bww and wwdb the past 2 yrs in north america. You see some people act like its major growth. But the new diamonds doesn't even replace the terminated leaders or diamonds which quit.

I'm sure there are some new diamonds but I don't think there are many of them. The new ones I've seen seem to be foreigners.

Holy crap, I just had the same thing happen to me at my new job. Two people approached me a few days ago and said the same thing. They were looking for young, fresh out-of-college types looking to get into a business venture. I actually met with one of them tonight and I started having this "bad feeling" in my stomach. I decided to do a little research and found this blog. After reading this blog, I knew my suspicions were correct. Thanks for the info. I will not be joining them after all.

Thanks for you comment. I'm glad my blog was of help to you!

I was contacted via Linked In by some random guy I added ( Usually I don't add you unless I know you or you must be an mutual friend) He messaged me saying they were looking for people with various skills and there is an enterprenural opportunity for me. We had a brief phone call we had a one on one meeting before I was invited to a Seminar at a hotel. I was trying to be open minded about everything, but he was vague as hell as to what his business was and how it worked. I felt the maybe I would get more information at the seminar. Just like this blog post, word for word everything is happening to me, minus the spending. I just went to the seminar 12/18 During the seminar i was expecting to get a lot of information and hoped that all my questions would be answered but instead I got more vague information. I was sitting next to this guy who was nice and he asked me what kind of business I wanted to run and I was talking about starting my own company but this ambition I have always kept to myself til now. I asked him and my "mentor" how long they were in this so called business but all i got was " several years" Afterward everyone was talking to each other like they are all best friends and know everything there is to know about each other, they were so happy and cheerful to the point to Stepford Wives weird. After the whole thing, I had this overwhelming feeling that I was being brainwashed to join a cult. The people were nice but I felt like they were zombies. I am telling my "mentor" I not interested.

Thanks for your comment. It's scary how people always say that Amway is different and new but you see the same old stories popping up with the same stuff going on at meetings. It's because the emphasis of many Amway IBOs is to recruit people continuously.

This Alticore/BWW is a big shit. Stupid Indians pull other Indians through LinkedIn, in hotels or public transport and waste the time. I would like to appreciate the author of this article for being so crystal clear and enlightening others. M also an Indian and would like fellow Indians to not fall in this booby trap. To become reach work and stay focused, if anyone wants easy money, go and play a lotto, atleast u would be wasting money only once.

Amway is not a scam however the way some ppl try to make others fool on name of it. Amway is just like any other company which manufactures quality products and do sale these through direct selling method. Nothing is wrong in it. Wrong thing is to sale such concept by overdescription and like that any body can become millaniore by just doing this. I don't agree. I love Amway products just because of its high quality and ecofriendly nature. Actually BWW is a system created by some very early IBOs who have made a large network of same minded ppl. Any body who want to try this must check products which will be sold or consumed by him self and his group. Go through in details and if you are satisfied with the quality than nothing wrong to say about it to others. Never hide any fact. No pressure should be imposed to any body to purchase perticular quantity of products.

Have you take any education from school or not? So you have to educated for this bussiness otherwise you look loke salesman And with BWW we are Bussinessman

Met an Indian guy a month ago and exchanged contact info. He contacted me a week ago and we met up so he could talk to me about Amway and BWW. Said it would be $250 for a 2-3 month training. I was on the fence about this but after reading all these comments I will return the brochures and cds. Thanks for the blog.

Thanks for sharing your experience, I got approached by these guys twice the first time by LinkedIn and it was on the phone and he asked me to go to the event and meet the people there after that meeting I knew this is bullshit stuff because the recruiter wasn't skilled enough to convince me that was four months ago. Today I was also invited by Indian guy I saw in an event he also didn't mention what I am invited to, this recruiter was so good despite I'm very very busy with two jobs on campus and senior year mechanical engineering he said he will only take one hour a week!!! He made me consider it to the point where I Googled my case and found this. So... Guys focus on your career and your school there's nothing as free lunch. Work hard and you will get to where you want.

I was approached in a target by a man who works out at the gym I am employed at. He approached me and told me about how he is an engineer and asked me what my future goals are. He asked if I am open to other opportunities and obviously I am not going to say no. So he told me that he goes to these meetings with other engineers and said that I should come with him to meet other engineers. So I go to this really nice hotel and wait for this guy to meet me in the lobby. When he arrives we walk into conference room where the meeting is being held. As I begin to walk in I hear "Sandstorm by Darude" playing, I spot a projector, some white boards, and a bunch of people dressed in business attire (I was told to dress in business casual so I wouldn't feel out of place). I immediately knew what I had just walked into and wanted to turn around and go back home. But me being a nice guy I decide to humor these folks and sit in the front row. This is the first time I have heard of BWW but not the first time I have heard of Amway. My parents almost got screwed by Amway when they were younger. I have had my run-ins with the LIFE/TEAM pyramid schemes, along with Veema, and MonaVie. So I am very familiar with how these people try to sell you on these "successful" business models. So anyway, after the seminar the person who brought me wanted to introduce me to some people. So instead of getting the heck out of there I decided to be a good sport yet again. So I wasted my own time and still borrowed the guy's CDs because I have a hard time saying "no". BUT I will NOT be partaking in this "business" it's not legitimate whatsoever. I will not say that it doesn't work because it has for some....AND ONLY SOME! Those who got involved early are the ones who make the real money and they sell everyone based off of fake promises. Who doesn't like to be promised that they will make a ton of money with little effort. If it sounds too good to be true then chances are that they it is. I do not wish to start a business where I need to make my living by scamming my friends, family, and other strangers. Then be resented by many. That's not the lifestyle I want. Money is not everything. "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs" 1Timothy 6:10 STAY AWAY FROM Britt Worldwide, Veema, LIFE/TEAM, and MonaVie. There may be others but those are the ones I have come in contact with.

Thank you for your insight. Your comments are spot on.

Holy crap....the exact same thing happened to me. Someone approached me at Verizon and got my number. The guy texts me about the initial meeting and showing up early in business attire. Same series of events (new people front row, Financial freedom, etc.). I was skeptical at the meeting. The presentation made no sense, gave no details and it felt like I was in church. I figured it was some sort of scheme. I'm scheduled for dinner tomorrow night at the guy's house. F that guy. Thanks for the blog. You're doing a great service.

Jason, you're very welcome and thanks for the comments.

Tks a lot for your blog. I'm an international student and I would waste my money for this if you didn't write this blog. Tks again.

You're welcome. I'm glad my blog was able to help you with information!

Hello Friends, I too was invited to a meeting last night in a hotel ballroom- sat front row with my business casual clothes. I listened to a man talk about McDonalds and how happy Bill Gates is and how that can be ME. Onviosuly, he has no idea that mcdonald's a poor example of how you want to run a business- how can your employees working 40h/week still live on the poverty line. How can we compare ourselves to Bill Gates who invented a product and is a real business owner- AND one of the MOST charitable in the world. Poor presentation and lots of cheering for these people who are brainwashing kids into make money for them. I was polite and went through the whole thing and tried to call them out on it. They sense my obvious disgust with them all. Gave me some CD's that they expect I will be listening to. I feel like I lost 2 hours of my life watching a cult session live. I am fascinated by the psychology of these people. SAVE YOURSELVES. You are not a business owner by any means doing this. if you have an idea for a business, it's better to be successful (or fail !!! which is okay. all businesses have hiccups) on your own than scamming your friends. Also, if you sign up you are making THEM money... not yourself. JUST THINK ABOUT IT!!!! Rant over.

Any one against Amway or any Genuine MLM, I feel sad for your thinking. Direct Marketing business is $200B + industry. Amway is only $12B. (B is for Billions, just in case someone still don’t understand it) Most likely you all are working for someone in gr8 So called jobs earning 6 figure but how many of you are actually running the company, there can be only so many bosses or leaders. Simply put you join MLM industry and then does nothing …quit…. then blame everyone else but yourself. The success rate in MLM business is only 1 to 2%. But there are successful people. Just think about it: What is McDonald, Starbucks, subway, or any other big stores, we call them corporates but think about it its one big franchise and chain industry, not every store is successful, not every franchiser is successful. Does that mean they are wrong? Or you stop using their services. Most of us can start these big chains (which you will gladly come and spend your money) because of the $$$$... or support or guidance. Everyone should get a chance to try for their dreams once in a life. Companies like Amway gives us the change to try with very low cost, provide support, at the minimum chance to fulfill our dreams. I started in Amway about a year back, today I am making close to $500 avg. monthly, and I see there is slow but study growth. Even if it takes me another year to reach $1000 it is worth. My company will never give me $1000 raise in a month, and even if they give they will take every bit out of me. Lastly guys we can hate or support each other on these blogs. Have/Give opinions about everything out there, but you cannot put dreamers down, all it takes is one person’s Dream.

The difference is that you are very likely to succeed in Mc Donald's and you are very likely to fail in Amway. The choice is easy.

Wonderful blog Joecool. I had a similar experience. These guys are hunters of innocent people They lure/trap us and ask us to do the same to be successful. I also feel sorry for that guy because he got forced to chose to be innocent rather than learning from it. They minderstand HARD WORK to cheating. The guy I met at a mall was looking like a professional guy They start conversation and analyse our level innocence. Then they invite with a vague plot of business trap This guy was talking about some new venture and looks for some people to be mentored Shared contacts.. They disguise like businessmen (maybe with rented suits and car) Make us attend their session. Introduce to fake enterpreuners. We won't have a clue about BWW and Amway till the mid of session. Finally they force us to be IBO. I lost 120$

Thanks for the comments. Yes, Amway IBOs prey on those who might be needy. They look for that need and try to exploit it. Then they tell them that tools are vital to success and get them to buy it if they can. It's a dirty scheme in my opinion.

GO-Bill I have personally sat with Bill Britt founder of BWW and met many, many, IBO's(Diamonds) that make more than a million plus $ a year some of them have been retired since they were twenty some years old. So how many of you haters that don't know a single thing about the Amway business and have never even met Bill Britt or any of his down line can say that. Besides that the people you are hating on are some of the most Godly and loving people I have ever met. I got into the business in 1991 and was in it until 1993 my biggest bonus check was $1200 and, the reason for that is my own fault not the business or my sponsorship.(up-line)Britt Worldwide-BWW is one of the most Godly and family orientated organizations in the world. In 1973(1970's) the FTC tore the Amway company and it's business practices down to the core(literally) they concluded there investigation with these finding's "IT WAS NOT" a pyramid scheme.I thank God every single day that he lead me to the Amway business and to BWW even though I didn't get rich the first time, I learnt some of the greatest life lesson's I have ever been taught. Eight out of ten business's fail in there first three years leaving people hundred's of thousand's of dollar's in debt so quit whining about the couple hundred dollar's you lost I'll bet nine out of ten time's it was your own fault anyway, even if you don't want to admit it. So before you go bashing an organization and a business you know absolutely nothing about, get your facts straight. Instead of bashing Amway and Bill go get a dream. P.S. I noticed that most of you hater's are degree graduate's who can't even spell or put a proper sentence together and probably lost a hundred thousand or so on a degree. Meanwhile I personally know a single Female who started a Amway business to put herself through university and started making so much money before she finished her degree that she retired before it was finished. So who's loosing know all you hater's.

You know these diamonds but can't name a single one. Easy to make unsubstantiated claims.

Go-Bill and right back at you. I am a respective man with a healthy and descent set of morals and value's. That is why I chose not to list the name's of the IBO's,(and yes I know everyone of them by his or her's name)and have their names plastered all over the internet by completely misinformed people whom it seems have nothing better to do with their lives than bash or hate on them. Second of all when these IBO's young children go online they do not need to see a bunch of hateful blog's and review's by people that don't know their parent's or a single thing about them. Plaster it all over the web. Not that such descent up standing people such as yourself would ever do that. P.S. "Easy to make unsubstantiated claims"...Now "THAT'S" Irony(read your statement and think about what you just said) at it very best....thanks and keep up that great grammar, you'll go far. Oh ya and before I forget have any of you hater's ever been in Amway besides the one's who quit!

You should learn to spell "descent" (decent). You choose not to name the IBOs. That's your right. But it's also my right to call it an unsubstantiated claim that very well might be false. And it wouldn't be the first or last time people made such claims here. I can't even count how many people have come here making big claims and not a single one of them could back up anything. My question would be how would you even know their net income? I'm sure they don't itemize their expenses for you to see. although they might show you their largest "one time bonus". Not sure what you refer to at unsubstantiated claims that I've made. I'm not making any claims of earning residual income or any of that bunk. I would bet you don't even have a net profit from Amway yourself.

Go-Bill First of all, how do you know that I'm making unsubstantiated claim's.I'm not a reporter or new's caster I do not list people's income without there written consent(Oh ya Dam it's illegal).I've asked this question before have you or, any of the people that bash Amway on this site ever been in the business.....? have you ever really gotten to know any of these people including the IBO's that invited you to see a business opportunity ,that have a dream and whom some of which are debt free and able to stay home and raise there children.When we live in a World were generations of children are being raised by Nintendo and McDonald's and with another person's value's while mom and dad are at work and still can't pay the bills. A world were 57-72%(depending on who's stat's you go by) of all marriages today end in divorce within the first three-five year's. The leading cause of divorce today is directly related to finances and yes you might of heard this ideology somewhere before. I personally would take a chance and see for MYSELF(hell I did)if this business worked and give it everything I've got(which I didn't do)to get it started and make it profitable enough to retire. I still know a lot of people in the business. most of them are very good people with great moral,s and value's and that is not so easy to find these day's. So when I see an opportunity like this come along I'm smart enough and have enough(run on sentence)life experience that I'm going to check it out without a biased opinion and give it a try. The(improper start of a sentence) very worst that can happen is I'm out some hoo! Oh ya and by the way you are correct in "ASSUMING" that I'm not making a profit from the business.....I just signed up again as an IBO three day's ago just because it didn't work the first time I know for sure that it does work and I also know that if it worked for so many other people that it "Will Work" and can work for me. P.S. Do you or anyone of the other Amway basher's on this site have Children or extended Family's to raise In this Oh so beautiful world we live in...if you do best wish's with your finance's,your going to need ALL the help you can get. (Hebrews 11:1 "Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not yet seen) God bless ,and the very best wishes to all of you and your all in my prayer's. They have also called Avon and Shacklee cult's too.

You made claims about these diamond's incomes. You did not name the diamonds or provide any evidence of their incomes. All you did was make a claim with nothing to back it up. Did these diamonds actually show you their financials which would include a profit loss sheet that would show their net income after expenses or did you see a copy of someone's check? I could tell you that I earn 6 figures by running this blog and that likewise would be unsubstantiated. Your claim about divroces is also just a claim. Do you have alink to show that 57 to 72% of people get divorced? What's your point? I doubt that the rate is any better for Amway IBOs, especially when nearly all of them make nothing or lose money. And yo can cut the tapespeak. Where in this article am I bashing Amway? The REAL scam is people selling voicemail, books and cds and functions as the ket to success i Amway. These tools are the reaosn why most people who build the business lose money. The tools system is a negative sum game where more money is spent on tools than is actually earned by Amwayers. I did the math on a platinum group and it's VERY possible for the group to spend more on tools than they collectively earn from Amway. If you want to make a point, you'll have to make better arguments and provide some actual evidence. Anecdotal stories are nice but very unconvincing. Keep in mind that I was an IBO at the 4000 PV level at one time.

Thank you for your comments. A Joseph from Australia reached out to me about this. Now I know they are a scam. Here is the person's profile and email just so you can avoid them: Joseph Melis Business Development Manager at BWW( Britt Worldwide) Malaysia Melbourne Area, Australia Pharmaceuticals Thank you for connecting on LinkedIn. It is very nice to have a new friend from the Philippines. At this moment I am also traveling a lot with my wife expanding my business is several countries. It is really good to be able to spend time with your family and expand the business at the same time. At this moment We are expanding our business in the Philippines. You seem to be very ambitious yourself so I was wondering if you are looking for opportunities on top of what you are doing to have a better lifestyle. Looking forward to hear from you. Joseph and Anne Sent from LinkedIn for Android

hey,all Guys you all have negative thought,approach,decision,feelings,emotions,, Study the Biz Module with proper attitude you will get a proper vehicle(amway+briit) to fulfil u r Dreams.Goal,Success about the life, Believe us It is a Success Package for life...............Truly

thanks mate youre doing a good thing with this blog. an old nice man struck up a convo with me on the subway and mentioned almost exactly what u said above. almost to e T its that freaky. i just blocked his number. i think this business, while legally valid, is disgustingly immoral. lies and deceit for personal gain. what has this world come to. plus i think the above comments are right about the fact they prey on vulnerable people. either that poor nice old man or even recent college grads like myself looking for jobs. i saw a documentary on youtube about this (search 'amway dateline') and even a berkeley educated doctor got tricked into joining this scheme. its absolutely abhorrent and unethical. cannot believe how some people can live with themselves after going about doing this.

Thanks for the comments. Seems that the old Amway sayings are alive and well. LOL. Best of luck to you!

Sad all you people just listening to people's opinions and not experiencing anything for yourselves. You need to understand anyone has the potential to become financially free with no guarantee from the business itself but from you.

You're not going to get financially free with the Amway business. Not unless you own the Amway business.

Thank you so much, JoeC for having the integrity and caring to expose what clearly "smells" of being a scam. Everything that you described happened to me--someone I met after a casual encounter, offering the cliche "business opportunity", vague about the details, pushing to go to this meeting at a hotel, etc. I squeezed the name of the company out of him which led me to google BWW and lo and behold found your blog. The instinct I had that this had something to do with network/multi-level marketing--something I have been involved with in the past--even Amway back in the day--and know while it works for those on top, not necessarily for those who join the base of the "pyramid". I read though this entire blog dialogue--so I got those who came in on the defense of BWW/Amway, but for me, this was what I needed to clearly confirm my suspicion that this is a definitive, NO THANKS for me!! God Bless you!

Thank you so much, JoeCool for caring enough about others like myself who experienced the very same experience which clearly "smells" of a scam! I met someone at a random encounter in a supermarket, whereby our conversation led to this proposed "business opportunity". He was extremely vague about details and put a lot of energy around trying to get me to come to this meeting at a hotel "to get all my questions answered". I squeezed out of him the name of the company, finding out it was BWW which is how I found your blog, deciding to listen to this nagging inclination that this was some type of network/multi-level marketing scheme--of which I have had several previous experiences--including Amway--falling prey initially to the financial "dream-catcher" bait. No question that those on top make it, but for the gross majority, it's about filling in the base of the pyramid and it's not about being willing to work hard. So, thanks again for having the "hutzpa" to keep it real, give back and confirming my instinct that this qualifies as a "BS" SCAM!! God Bless......

Anonymous, Thank you for the nice comments. I've run this blog since 2009 and it's provided valuable information to many people. I'm glad you were able to make an informed decision after reading the information. I was in WWDB and was lied to and didn't know it was my "mentors" who were deceiving me. I was told that they want my success and they have my best interest at heart but when you step back and see reality, you see that they really want your money via seiminars and cds's purchases and dont' give a rip if you fail in Amway. I have invited some of those big pins to come forward and display their financials in their own defense and nobody has taken the challenge. The truth hurts for the diamonds but it helps prospects and new IBOs.

Dear BrokeCollegeStudent. It's now 2015 :) Hope you are doing much better. I'm in a network marketing company and its great. However it's not a get rich quick scheme and should never be presented as such. Kind regards Sarika

Fellow networker I guess. What company are you with? Read this article very similar to my experience I meet a guy (he said he is doctor working in hospital and his wife in electronics IT engineer) at walmart. I was looking as step table when this guy started interacting with me out of curosity and said he is looking for same stuff and said he is too from Michigan in past and we shared phone was weird as i felt that if his interaction with me was MANAGED and if he was hunting for me (never happened the way before but i still did not suspected too much) and then as I started receiving his non ending persuasive call/ texts and even if i neglect he will be consistent as if he does not have self esteem... I tried to avoid many manty times but finally him and his wife forced us for dinner...they wanted to choose my home (upfront- looked weird to me , no one ever did this way ...too rude) and then he felt my reluctance they she said their home and yesterday finally we planned to meet at a restra... I told my wife he will market his e commerce idea...which he does not want to reveal much but want to to take extensive lesson. He does NOT know how much I hate Amway......i call them scammists I am smart and I knew already what their plans are...i did not came in this trapeven when I was in high school....guess I could have grown smarter with age and exposure.....we ate dinner and they started vague description of their vague e commerce plan but avoid any further question but insist attending upcoming class (in 1-2 days as thats the only and the last seminar but if you say busy and u can't thn no prob there is another session next week but that the last one and therefore better make for it but if you give another excuse become shameless then they find find another event for you...) so, i came back and googled little bit..... While writing this rough draft a colleague of mine came and i was telling him my experience,,...and he said he had exactly same experience and after that he does not entertain unknown people who meet at shopping centers , infact he had to ask those amway aggressive e commenrce people to leave his premise as he will otherwise call cops...his gut feeling is that he might not even be a doc.

Wow, good comments. Hopefully this blog provided you with some useful information.

These Amway scammers have come up with new names/brands such as BWW and does not reveal that they are indulged in trapping innocent people to sell Amway products...they will get you spend your money and time and spoil your friend circle. How to identify them: 1. They won't reveal much but will say they are working on BIG E-Commerce business and you can earn good money too and very soon. 2. Remember, they won't reveal what they do etc...but, will insist you to join upcoming session so as to make you more informed and get you all your questions answered. 3. They will ask you to attend in business attire (pyscological impact) 4. Later, you invest your hard earned $$$ either you get frustrated and leave everything and get out of shit or you trap new innocent people and fool them...thus business grow. Your money makes top tier Amway suckers rich.

This is exactly how I was approached. Everything these people say and do is very suspicious.I was befriended by an Indian and these people have shamelessly tried to see this "Business" idea to me and my wife (non Indian). I am appalled and embarrassed that these parasites are from my country and prey on innocent victims from their own country. There is a hub of these people in Dallas, TX, particularly in the Irving/Coppell/Las Colinas areas. Watch out for strangers from India who try to strikeup a conversation in shopping malls and grocery stores and Indian stores. Many of these women are not legally allowed to work in this country (H4 visa). The men are on H1 visa which forbids them to have a business on their own (they have to work only for the employer who filed for their H1 visa). One lady whose is on H4 visa also peddles her teenage daughter for this business (this kid tries to rope in teenagers from her high school. Disgusted with these scamsters. I havent joined this, nor did I lose any money. But from the way I was tricked into believing that these were decent friendly folks, makes me feel disgusted about this whole scam. Careful if any of these people approach you ....couples Gopal and Vijaya, Usha and Suhas, Venkat and Deepthi from Dallas Texas. There are many more in this scheme. They claim to work for this wonderful company called BWW/Amway while all them still hold IT jobs. If these people are successful as they claim to be in their business then why have a day job. I dare them to quit their cushiony IT jobs and do this full time. Also I dare them to approach and sell this crappy idea to a white american. They would rather cheat their own country men in their fake suits. Stay away BWW/Amway parasites or should I call blood sucking deceptive leeches. Grow a conscience and stop tricking your countrymen and doing this "business", ie marketing, selling illegally. Remember your legal limits when working in a foreign country. I am gathering evidence to report to FTC about this. Hopefully these creeps will leave people alone and not suck other people off their hard earned money. Greedy leeches.

Thanks for your comment and I hope my blog had useful information for you.

I agree with Joecool. I know all this is a scam because you never see any of BWW/Amway products advertised on TV or in our local stores, not even a commercial on tv. Why????? have the country after 5 pm no matter where they may live, most people are home watching either the news or a favorite tv show but the tv is still on, so why not a commercial about these company products. Learn the skills to market your product with the resources we have instead of trying to scam the public. And if its about the money then stop paying the founders of your lies so much money and put it to good use and get the products commercialized. But from what I just read and from what my girlfriend just told me about her first meeting. I call BS... Ive been drinking energy drinks for a long time now and have never heard of the crap drink you are trying to sell. Let alone the health and beauty products you claim to have. So why not let the truth come out and just admit Mr. Anonamous that you my friend are just kidding the truth. I will start buying and selling your products when I see them on tv. Have a good day...

ha ha. I'm a graduate student and i was approached by set of people for this amway cult. i feel sorry for the weak minds and brains that can be brainwashed just like that. Damn it these guy wasted my time and i felt like thrashing them. I was keep on pressing them to tell the company name. Instead they gave me all vague stuff(first sign where you have to wake up). poor guys i turned out to be a hard guy to crack. guys please be smart and sit and think. No good companies such as google, amazon or Walmart approaches you and ask, hey you wanna make money, do this and get 3000 dollars. its money and no one will share the profit. Please respect the money and don't use it for this bullshit. I can prove any amway super idiots that if you have spent the time improving your survival skill instead of spending time in amway selling, buying, inviting people for dinner you would have earned more money. I pity this guy who was very well dressed and present himself as if he is doing great. Hey Amway idiots go get some life and apply your tricks on poor people not to F***in smart people. For those above you commented that you made good money. Screw you.

I'm in the St. Louis area and I had a similar situation happen to me. All the same things from setting a meeting, giving me a cd to listen to to going to a conference at La Quinta at 8pm! this person even asked me to go to a Chicago conference for $20 flat. I am a senior in college and when someone emails me on LinkedIn about a "business opportunity/ project" I obviously trust it to be that. This is really annoying and sad how they try to reel people into stupid things like this.

i am student on F1 visa at Arlington and recently was invited to this PASE meeting of Amway-BWW. these MBA students never told us what the meeting was about exactly and kept us in the dark and told us that it would be a lifetime experience. the moment the first speaker started I got a hint that this was some kind of a pyramid structure of salesman. we had to buy and sell stuff and also include our friends in it.all this felt weird and wrong as we can't even work off campus but they didnt tell us about this. everybody felt like brain dead followers and talked about "educate change share".HAHAHAHA. Please keep this blog on, as all this should be exposed

Oh my god....i experienced the same shit today word by word admin...i kept asking the guy who contacted me whether it was legal to work outside the campus as I am on F1 visa( i know u cant work the campus )...he gave me two cds and a brochure...I wasted 4 hours of my life..fucking scammers..

Sad, some IBOs will do anything or say anything to sponsor more people into the business.

Here's an article about a recent experience

amway bww business plan

Dear,PROUD AMWAY HATERS Great job guys keep doing it. Keep yelling & scream like this. Are you guys aware of corporate training and education programs of fortune 500 companies. It is just like that. You pay and you learn. Apply that to build Amway or begin your own startup,or choose to be PROUD AMWAY HATER.

I don't hate Amway. But it is a scam and a poor business opportunity.

Oh my gosh!!! A Lady approached me as well and said the same thing! Wow, I AM SO GLAD I FOUND THIS. I was about to waste a few hours tomorrow.

Glad you found useful information!

I met KAVITHA KUMAR at the GREAT MALL and she appeared nice and all at first, but she didn't tell me her "company"'s name. (I'm a 19 year old college student) All she did was waste my time and the day before the "meeting" she told me about her company's name. I googled it and found a LOT of reviews online, and I can also say that it's a scam. BEWARE SHAME ON YOU KAVITHA KUMAR.

This is a huge scame from people that think their gonna be millionaires. Someone invited to the bbs, thinking it was something that was gonna help me start my own small bussiness down the road sometime, but arriving thier I found out it cost 20 bucks to get in. Money i really needed, and did not have on me . So the guy who invited me payed for it, 1 hour into the seminar i realized it was a pyrmaid scheme, and left. The guy texted me the next day saying he wants the 20 bucks for the entrie fee, that he payed for, that he invited me to.

I hope you didn't give him the $20 that he payed on his own!

amway bww business plan

No way amway is best direct selling company nd i am proud to be a amway business owner

You're proud to be a part of a scam?

Is BWW/amway even legal to doing business in the USA? All they do is Pyramid scheme! I don't get it why that is still happening in 2016!!!

I felt so bad that I just wasted $20 and 3 hours for their meeting! I want my money back. This is a scam and a Pyramid scheme!!!!Why is this still happen in 2016?

Amwayers always brag about their money back guarantee. Ask for your $20 back. If they don't refund your money, file a formal complaint with the BBB.

hey guys.... Huge thanks for saving my 3 hours... I was planning to go there tomorrow. now I AM NOT... :)

May be you should go visit a psychologist for mental state you're in.not everyone wants to do business and that to join Amway leaving all our degrees in trash and to retire before you're 30.we hate it when someone bugs to join in Amway continuously and get us idea of saying it SCAM or Bullshit. It's definitely a bullshit. People like you are only proud because you are successful in getting money by luring people into business. Only Indians who are thristy say its great and good and they are successful. Iam a scientist and Aerospace engineer myself and happy with what i had. I don't want to retire in my entire life. Please understand. It you may earn living, but every one doesn't need to join to prove them.

amway bww business plan

I'd like to thank you for your post and everyone else's contributing experiences. when i see these poeple try and defend this business i just think about how everybody had the SAME EXACT scenario. i too was approached. i too was called at 7-8pm on a Sunday night. i too was told i had a good seat in the front row. its funny how the speaker "say-shoe" spoke to pretty much only the people in the front row. i thought that was odd. After the meeting i met with the guy who invited me who then sat down and talked for a minute then brought out a piece of paper to fill out in order to pay my start up cost of less than 200 dollars. the paper was not an official document but more or less a microsoft word printed sheet where it asks personal information including SSN# (for tax purposes, he explained) name address email and card information. i told him i was still trying to take it all in and figure out what all i was going to do. im not going to fall for the high pressure sale he was trying to impose on me. pay soon because this is the booming time of the year and you can get started ASAP. i dont give a flying f*** about what you people are saying in order to defend this giant corporation that uses cult like methods and high pressure sales tactics. its truly disgusting. This guy knows my first and last name as well as where i work and my phone number. Thankfully i havent paid a cent towards anything. I have a booklet with a dvd, cd, information that was gone over in the meeting, and a sheet to begin writing down peoples names and numbers. im supposed to meet up with the guy to give him his stuff back.

great article, but not as great as these years worth of pathetic, uneducated comments riddled with spelling and grammatical errors, and the same tired rhetoric over and over again. i feel bad for anyone successful at amway, bc they would have been way better off wo them. they are all disgusting parasites with petty dreams of being rich business owners who have been scammed by more clever individuals like themselves. please keep sharing all the stupid shit on here that you've believed from ur "trainers," i can't read enough comments about amway arena justifying this soulless abortion of a business. one anonymous moron asked "How many people were better off, because you exist?" and doesn't realize it only applies to joecool and all the people he has helped stay out of this economic quagmire with just a simple blog. here's a big fuck u to amway and anyone peddling their bullshit, especially to college students. u act like it's about hard work, but ur all afraid to work a fucking 9-5, like 40 hours a week is too difficult or demanding. u are not dreamers, u are followers, and the lowest kind

Thanks for the comments guys. I started this blog because I was an IBO, but eventually quit. I started reading some discussions on some online forums and discovered a lot of the scam that I suspected as an IBO, but had forgotten about. Then I realized that the Amway leaders were still scamming people even though people were claiming Amway had changed for the better. So I started blogging to help others by sharing my experiences in Amway and to give my opinion on why Amway is a bad idea as a business. The rest is history!

I joined amway when I was 21, but before I joined. I seen the business plan 4 times. I went on the internet and read about all the negatives. Now, I'mean 27, with a wife and 2 kids and life is great. Throughout the years I've learned to NEVER make your decision based on by what you read on the Internet. What this guy is talking about is completely wrong. Society taught us to go to school and get a good education to find a good job. Because we were raised in that system, if something doesn't includes hourly pay with a 401k retirement plan, then it doesn't work. On the Internet you'll always fine negativity about successful people and companies. You'll even find negavity about mother teresa who devoted her life to help people. Because amway teaches people about not being an employee all their lives but instead be an employer, it doesn't work. Amway works, you buy books and CDs in amway to success just like when you go to college and you buy books to pass the class. Now, if you don't buy no books for that class and you failed. Does that make the school a bad school?. Absolutely not.

Haha, you shouldn't believe what you read on the internet? Probably true but you also should believe everything someone says in Amway just because they call him a diamond and he wears a nice suit too. Since you seem to imply that your life is great due to Amway, why not identify yourself so we can confirm your level in Amway? If not, you're just one of hundreds of drive through talkers claiming to be making it in Amway without a shred of evidence. I bet you're a new IBO taking losses but also believing everything your upline tells you.

Actually buddy this business plan do get presented by white Americans. Amway has all kinds of backgrounds. The fact that you didn't do a research about amway you wouldn't know. If you want the facts about amway you need to go to the BBB and the Chamber of Commerce and get real facts, not going on Google because any fools can create a website and write negativity about any company they dont like. Amway has former high rank Pentagon officials in it, Former major of the US army, former PHD scientist, former doctors, former city manager. I can go on and on.

So what does the BBB say about Amway? Please share it with us. What does the chamber of commerce say about Amway? Please share that with us. Do you know that just as any "fool" can create a website and create negativity, any "fool" can create website and create positive? So who are these high Pentagon officials in Amway and other former big shots? Anyone can drop by and say stuff. By the same token, there are probably drug dealers and criminals in Amway too. What exactly is your point?

Hehe . I had a similar experience in Toronto. Once in an Indian store a guy started this conversation while I was buying some food stuff. I was a student then and he said lot of ppl are working for him. So of course I tried to do "networking". He invited me to an presentation in a hotel in full formals. Lol. I did not pay anything as I told him in advance I wont. 15 minutes in the presentation I realized it has the ingredients of a typical Ponzi scheme. Came back did some research and refused. 2nd time a guy in Wal-Mart introduced himself as the CEO of a company. hehe. invited me to presentation. I said yes ok then refused to come. He kept messaging me I said I don't want to work right now. Third time in a famous mall a girl met me with the same nonsense and fourth time another guy tried to do the same. I know from the presentation many, in fact all, into this "business" are totally brainwashed so they wont listen to you as they are told people will try to discourage you and given examples of how people once opposed the great one's as well. Please note the following: 1. People in this "business" mainly earn through these paid seminar, books ,CD's. 2. Very Very Very few ( much less than 1%) actually earn. 3. Those who do are the one's who make it their full time profession hunting down new people in malls, restaurants etc. So its certainly not "part time" as they say it is. Its sad they target people in need and brainwash them like that. But that's just my opinion anyone who thinks and who says he is earning lots of money through it best of luck .I don't want to argue. Its just not for lesser mortals like me.

Thanks for your comments. I can totally relate to your story!

June 24, 2016 and nothing has changed. Recently met a lady last night at Target who had the same exact approach and said all the same things which they obviously have been saying since 2009. However, whether BWW works or not, I'm a broke enough grad student, so I'll pass. Thank you for your blog! And to the BWW defenders POST RECEIPTS or don't post at all.

You're very welcome. I was an IBO in the 1990's and the Amway defenders kept saying Amway is different and thing are changed but the reality is that nothing much has changed from 1997 to now. The diamonds are still living off the tool scam. Thanks for your comments and I'm glad you got help from this blog!

Some people only want to see a fast result , life and money are not like that , need experince and work like anything else. The oportunity is there ,is legal and moral. This comments were back in 2012. Now in Amway they have partnes stores associated to them. Like Macys,Sears,Aplle store and so on.why ? Because its expanding and growing more bussines than ever. Just inColombia last year 32 new millionars, new youth generation with vision and dicipline,that dont want to spend life working for others people dream. And just because of Amway oportunity. And their guts to make it happen I dont give value of the negative comments, those are only PERSONAL EXCUSES for NOT DOING WHAT IT TAKES.

Growing? Amway sales were down 12% last year. SO what exactly does it take? I always heard that line but nobody says what it takes.

Joe must be very successful in life. the time and effort it takes to look up all these things about Amway is amazing. he must give about 500% in his job if he can do this in what i am assuming to be his free time. I am not praising you at all Joe but you are clearly very passionate about this and that is amazing. Now many people are passionate about Amway and that is also amazing. Even though Joe puts out negative vibes he believes that he is helping people "see the truth" just as people in Amway believe they are helping people. I say the vibes are negative because they are very confrontational towards people who are happy in the business. Being hostile is counter productive to your efforts. I read the comment above of you asking what does it take to succeed, and i will spill the beans... It takes all the ambition you have to achieve your dream. I sound like a brainwashed goon to you but I have a dream that I want to achieve and this is an alternative solution to achieve my dream, I am working full time to achieve my dream as well. my dream is not to make money, selfish people have that kind of dream, my dream isn't even climbing out of the middle class life I have right now. everything I am typing here falls on bitter ears but my hope is to help someone realize that you have to do your own research and not rely on someone's blog and dont join because your friend invited you to join the business or the person who invited you to a meeting. Don't fall for the bull that people give you, there are honest people in the business trying to make it work, they will tell you it took years to get somewhere, they struggled, gave up, lost hope but they made it work. there are people who are successful outside of the business, who started a company on their own- personally i dont know how to do that as I am still learning to work with money so i know i cant do that yet. my point is to take the time and decide, maybe you have a great business idea and this isnt exactly what you want to do. but maybe you see the potential in this business and you make it a success. Don't get pressured into deciding and don't underestimate the amount of work that this business takes. I know that Joe is going to write a bunch questions and comments. but these are just opinions. mine is an opinion and so is Joe's an opinion.

There is this person who sent me a message in LinkedIn and the message goes this way: "Leslie here, we just connected in LinkedIn a while back. Just looking through your profile, seems pretty impressive. Currently, I'm working together with a few professionals like yourself, on a part time e-commerce distribution business and expanding so we're looking for a few more partners to work with and I feel that you may have the qualities that we're looking for. (Although there'll be no promises). This can be done on top of your full time job. Without disrupting it. Let me know if you're open to income diversification! Regards, Leslie D'Cruz" I was really skeptical about the message, and just dismissed it as a spam message, but searched the web for "e-commerce" anyway. Because I was really curious as to what this "business opportunity" was. And so I replied with a polite message telling him thanks for taking the time to look at my profile, and that I would like to know more of this business opportunity he's talking about. He then sent me another message telling me: "Yes, today e-commerce is something that is taking over the world. Anyway Hilllary, I'm actually shortlisting and qualifying a few people. Working together with very successful entrepreneurs who are financially independent, and we are offering a personal mentorship programme. Check out the website: If what you see appeals to you, we may consider partnering with you Hilllary. Best Regards, Leslie D'Cruz" And then, that hit me... I had to check the website out. Finally when all I can see in their website was vague descriptions, and testimonials of people who became very "successful", I finally had the hint that something was amiss. I never heard of BWW nor Amway nor IBO. So I had to do some research again. And finally, I found his blog. Which just confirms that all I there is to it is another scheme or scam.

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  1. PDF Business Reference Guide

    customers and complete the Amway Education Before You Start series. Registering Other IBOs Tip 1. Ask your upline IBO for help. The IBO who registered you likely has a proven system for generating sales and showing the Amway Independent Business Owner Compensation Plan to people who might be interested in starting their own Amway business.

  2. Amway Business Plan Template [Updated 2024]

    Marketing Plan. Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P's: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a Amway business plan, your marketing strategy should include the following: Product: In the product section, you should reiterate the type of Amway company that you documented in your company overview.

  3. Amway & Britt World Wide almost got me! : r/antiMLM

    Multi Level Marketing (MLM) schemes are a drain on our society. Its participants either build the pyramid taller or get squashed by it. Amway & Britt World Wide almost got me! TL;DR: I was in the process of being "selected" by Britt World Wide, a motivational coaching/mentoring sister company of Amway (same ones mentioned in this great post ).

  4. Documents

    This document outlines the benefits of starting a business with Britt World Wide (BWW), an Amway affiliate. Key benefits include earning residual income, gaining time freedom, diversifying income sources, and helping others. It explains BWW's business model of time and manpower compounding to generate high returns with low investment and risk. The document also provides examples of how IBOs ...

  5. Amway Business Plan [Sample Template for 2022]

    By carefully using the efficient multi-level marketing business model, we will quickly generate sustainable revenue. Sales forecasts indicate that sales for year two and three respectively will be $1,200,000 and $2,340,000. Net profit for the same years will reach 6.19 percent and 9.81 percent. 3.

  6. Start Your Own Business by Becoming an Amway IBO

    Amway makes it easy to work on your own terms. We provide you with resources to get started quickly and run your business from anywhere. Use your mobile device to order products, track sales, access free education courses and much more. GET STARTED TODAY.

  7. Business Documents

    Amway™ Business Reference Guide . Your complete how-to guide, including Rules of Conduct, business management tips and how to earn awards and bonuses through the Amway IBO Compensation Plan (Core Plan).. English | Spanish | Chinese | Korean | Russian. Income Disclosure. This document provides a factual and transparent look at earning potential for those who join the Amway business.

  8. BWW Login

    BWW Prime provides media, books, web technology, and events to Independent Business Owners throughout the world to help them be successful. BWW Login The store will not work correctly when cookies are disabled.

  9. PDF Amway Speaker Guidelines Positioning the Amway Opportunity

    Showing the Plan/Business Building When describing the Amway IBO Compensation Plan, the roles of balanced business must be accurately explained: • Retail - selling to customers • Personal Use - Personal use is a way to learn about the products, which may be helpful in marketing the products. Money saved through personal use is not income.

  10. AmwayBusiness Plan

    This document outlines the benefits of starting a business with Britt World Wide (BWW), an Amway affiliate. It discusses 11 reasons for pursuing extra income through BWW, including financial freedom, residual income, and helping others. It then explains BWW's business model of time and manpower compounding through recruiting others.

  11. Britt World Wide Review, Reading List, 9-Core Steps & More

    BWW 9-CORE Steps to Success. Serious distributors in Britt World Wide are taught the 9-CORE Steps. These are the simple steps to success if you want to build a large Amway business. # 1: Show the Plan 3-5 times per week. The only way to grow your Amway business is to show the plan to new prospects consistently.

  12. Bww business plan by Terry Leah

    Is Amway and BWW A Scam. 539.765.721.8.. What business can i start that has a unfulfilled demand low to no risk and will generate over $2000.00 weekly. Why Amway Want to become a MEMBER OF NETWORK ...

  13. Amway Business Plan

    Amway Business Plan. Mar 22, 2012 • Download as PPT, PDF •. 126 likes • 147,859 views. AI-enhanced description. A. Anuradha Sharma. This document outlines the benefits of starting a business with Amway and Britt World Wide, including financial freedom, residual income, time freedom, and helping others. It discusses Amway's business model ...

  14. amway business plan bww

    This is where BWW comes in. BWW is an independent organization of Amway distributors who provide training, support, and mentorship to help you build your Amway business. As an Amway distributor, you have the opportunity to earn income in three main ways - retail margin, performance bonus, and leadership bonus.

  15. PDF Business Reference Guide

    A. THE PLAN Amway IBO Compensation Plan A-1 Annual Business Renewal A-21 Volume Credits and Transfers A-21 Building an International Business A-21 B. MANAGING YOUR BUSINESS Product Information and Ordering B-1 AMWAYPROMISE™ B-1 Returns B-1 Warranty & Service Program B-1 Product Liability Protection B-2

  16. Bww amway business plan by Huey Linda

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  17. The Truth About The Amway Global Opportunity: Is Amway and BWW A Scam?

    Crazy part is that in presentation, an old guy pitching this "idea" compared this business to owning a 7-Eleven except it costs $120 to start a business. If Amway/BWW can get information from ordinary people and scam the crap out of you, I have the right to expose a classmate pitching this BWW/Amway stuff into my face. Here. Varun Parameswaran

  18. amway/BWW

    Amway was ordered to accompany any such statements with the actual averages per distributor, pointing out that more than half of the distributors do not make any money, with the average distributor making less than $100 per month. The order was violated with a 1986 ad campaign, resulting in a $100,000 fine. [66]"

  19. Income Disclosure

    The Amway™ business is based on product sales. As an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO), ... El Plan de compensación del IBO de Amway reconoce a los IBO cuyo volumen personal y de línea descendente alcance determinados niveles mensuales o anuales. Los IBO de nivel Plata han tenido al menos un mes en el año de rendimiento en el que su ...

  20. Amway India Bww Business Plan

    1 (888)814-4206 1 (888)499-5521. Benny. 100% Success rate. Nursing Management Marketing Business and Economics +95. REVIEWS HIRE. The first step in making your write my essay request is filling out a 10-minute order form. Submit the instructions, desired sources, and deadline.

  21. Amway Bww Business Plan

    Amway Bww Business Plan. We select our writers from various domains of academics and constantly focus on enhancing their skills for our writing essay services. All of them have had expertise in this academic world for more than 5 years now and hold significantly higher degrees of education. Once the writers get your topic in hand, only after ...

  22. Amway United States

    Three-step oral care system keeps teeth clean, gums healthy and breath fresh. Healthy-looking hair you deserve is possible with targeted care, treatment and styling solutions. Clean, clear, consistently fresh-tasting water flows from our UV water filtration system.

  23. Amway United States

    Amway United States