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Top 10 Work Completion Report Templates with Samples and Examples

Top 10 Work Completion Report Templates with Samples and Examples

Do you remember having a parent-teacher meeting in school?

At the end of every term, students get a report card highlighting progress, strengths, and areas needing improvement. These meetings allowed for an elaborate discussion about academic performance, behavior, and  the child’s development. Parents could ask questions, share concerns, and collaborate with teachers to support their child's education. These meetings fostered a partnership between home and school, ensuring everyone worked together to help the student succeed academically and personally.

Similarly, having a completion report after a project allows the managers and stakeholders to discuss the project's progress , outcomes, and areas for improvement. Through it, project managers and team members can collaborate to evaluate the project's success and plan for future endeavors. The work completion report is a summary highlighting achievements, challenges, and lessons learned. It facilitates communication, accountability, and decision-making, ensuring all parties are aligned and working together to achieve project goals and drive continuous improvement.

Track, Analyze, Succeed

As important as it is to draft a work completion report, some may still find it daunting for these obvious reasons:

  • Projects can be intricate and multifaceted, making it challenging to summarize aspects.
  • Projects generate a huge amount of data and information, requiring careful selection and organization to present relevant insights.
  • Tight deadlines  add to the pressure to complete the report , leaving little room for thorough analysis and reflection.
  • Ensuring the report is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and conveys information  can be demanding, especially for those with limited design skills.

Time is  of the essence in  today’s business world, and drafting a report can be time-consuming, especially if the project is complex or involves many stakeholders.

To resolve this pain point, and more, SlideTeam has curated  top 10 Work Completion Report Templates. These templates are pre-designed, which saves time by providing a ready-made structure and layout for the report. A user-friendly interface makes it easy for users to input their content and customize the report. These templates help maintain consistency in formatting and design elements throughout the report, saving time and effort in manual formatting.

Let’s explore

Template 1: Work Completion Report PowerPoint Template

Work completion report is beneficial as it ensures everything is done successfully. It also ensures the instructor or manager that their work demand has finally ended. This PowerPoint template, a complete deck in 17 slides, showcases work completion reports with status for a construction project, IT project, etc. It also includes slides on project milestones and performance. A few of the slides that you must include in the presentation are included in this blog. Download now!

Work Completion Report


Template 2: Construction Project Report with Status

Businesses must review project progress, identify roadblocks, and deliver on schedule while maintaining the project cost within budget. This PowerPoint Template  showcases a work completion report the project manager can use. It comprises information related to  tasks, the due date, the status of each project, owner details, etc. Additionally, this system offers stakeholders clear visibility into project milestones, allowing them to make well-informed decisions, allocate resources  and  improve client satisfaction and strengthen the company's reputation within the construction industry. Download now!

Construction Project

Template 3: Work Completion Report with Project Details

This PowerPoint Template  displays a work completion report, which the project manager can use to evaluate the success or failure of a project. This report serves as a record-keeping tool and promotes openness and accountability among stakeholders by depicting the project's progress. It helps  analyze project effectiveness, identify areas for improvement, and guide  business decision-making. It also provides information about the project name, objective, manager, start and finish dates, sponsor, total hours taken, etc. Download now!

Project Details

Template 4: Work Completion Report of Web Development Project

This PowerPoint Slide showcases work completion reports, which can be used to assess the success rate of website development. The report provides an overview of project health, milestones achieved, total budget, issues, timeline, etc. It makes post-project analysis possible, allowing businesses to pinpoint areas for enhancement, evaluate project success, and fine-tune  strategies for optimal efficiency and client satisfaction. It also provides information regarding project milestones, deliverables, and resources used, offering stakeholders a picture of the project. Download now!

Web Development Project

Template 5: Work Completion Report of IT Project

This PowerPoint Slide displays the work completion report of the vendor selection and management project. It acts as a reference for future projects, allowing teams to learn from accomplishments and problems experienced during the project lifetime, supporting continuous development and innovation within the organization. Use this template to learn about the overview and summary of the project, its  timeline, and critical risks that plague it. Download today!

IT Project

Template 6: Project Work Completion Report with Key Milestones

This PowerPoint Slide showcases  project work completion report for improving user experience. It also  comprises information related to project details, summary, milestones, budget, and associated risks. This report is a reliable resource for organizations, helping them evaluate project success, make informed choices, and derive insight. It is critical for company success since it allows for continual development and strategic planning. Grab this today!

Key Milestones

Template 7: Key Statistics of Project Work Completion Report

This PowerPoint slide showcases  important statistics on a project work completion report. These data allow stakeholders to measure resource efficiency, follow project milestones, and suggest areas for development. Finally, this essential information improves decision-making processes, promotes accountability, and enables strategic planning for long-term growth and project success.  Budgets, contract value and number of projects are covered.  Download now!

Key Statistics of Project Work Completion Report

Template 8: Construction Work Completion report with Project Deliverables

This  PowerPoint Template showcases company objectives, ensuring construction projects meet predefined standards and deadlines. This assists in aligning project deliverables. It includes scope, safety, budget, and customer satisfaction support information. In addition, it allows companies to evaluate performance, manage resources efficiently, and maintain quality standards. As a result, it  contributes to project success and client satisfaction. Download today!

Construction Work Completion report with Project Deliverables

Template 9: Work Completion Report with Project Outcome and Performance

This  PowerPoint Template  is an essential tool that companies use  to evaluate the success and effectiveness of a project. This report helps companies correctly examine current methods, discover improvement areas, and make future strategic decisions. It may include information about co-financiers, borrower performance, disbursed amount, etc. Download today!

Project Outcome and Performance

Template 10: Icon for Project Work Completion Report Template

This PowerPoint Slide showcases icons for Project Work Completion Report. These icons can be customized and used in the report. Using icons will make the presentation visually appealing and increase retention of the content. It also keeps the audience engaged throughout the presentation. Download now!

Icon for Project Work Completion

Documenting Progress, Defining Success!

Despite  complications involved in project scope, data management, and stringent time constraints, the report is essential for stakeholders to evaluate progress, recognize growth opportunities, and make well-informed choices. In recognizing and tackling these obstacles with open communication, cooperation, and proactive efforts, individuals and teams can streamline the process and extract  utmost value from the report. Using  resources such as SlideTeam's pre-designed templates and breaking the task into feasible stages can effectively alleviate the pressure of crafting these reports.

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How to Write a Project Report In 5 Easy Steps (Template Included)

Written by samantha ferguson.

Last updated on 9th May 2024

The reasons why projects fail are plentiful but it typically comes back to poor planning or a lack of organisation. 

A solid project report can eliminate these issues and ensure you stay on track to complete your goals.

So, let’s take a look at how to write a project report in 5 easy steps…

What is a project report?

A project report is a document that contains helpful information so that teams can ensure their project stays on track, runs successfully, and completes on time. 

There are different types of project reports that are used at different periods throughout a project’s lifespan, but they all contain similar data that covers things like progress, tasks, roadblocks, stakeholders, and financial information. 

Why is a project report important?

Project reports are important for many reasons. A project report gives your project a sense of direction that can help you maintain consistency throughout the project, even as it passes between different people and teams. Your project report will also be a great document to refer back to if things get difficult, so you can stay on track. 

Even in the first instance, before your project kicks off, a project report can help you to manage your budget, workload, and any foreseen risks. It can also give stakeholders insight into the specifics of the project to help manage expectations from the start. 

Types of project report

There are many different types of project reports that will help you manage different aspects of your project. For example, a resource report will help you to understand the resources you’ll need for the project, how much resource you have at your disposal, and will also help you to predict when your resources will need to be replenished. Other examples include:

Now, let’s dive into 3 of the biggest, most important types of project reports.

1. General project report

This is your first project report. It should cover predictions and plans for how you expect the project to go, and give you a clear sense of direction when it comes to things like budget , timelines, and everything else you need to keep track of in order for your project to be considered a success. 

2. Progress report

A progress report – as you may have guessed – comes in the middle and helps you document your progress. It’s important to keep reassessing your project to see if you are where you expect to be and to help you make adjustments along the way. 

3. Project completion report

As you wrap up your project, a project completion report can be a great way to reflect on what went well and what went wrong. This can not only help you wrap up the current project neatly, it can also inform future projects and ensure you don’t make the same mistakes twice.

How to write a project report in only 5 steps

There are many different types of project reports. So, of course, the writing of each one will differ slightly depending on who they are aimed at and what the content of the project report is. 

However, there are still some core steps to follow for each. Let’s take a look at how to write a project report in 5 steps. 

1. Start with the basics

At the very top of your project report should be a simple table that includes all of the core information for the project. Here’s an example: 

Project report table

The table for your project will probably vary slightly to this, but hopefully this gives you an idea of the most important top-level information to include. 

Underneath this table you should have a short summary of the project. This can be just a couple of sentences that sum up the objectives and goals. Think of this kind of like an elevator pitch for the project. 

2. Cover your objectives

Now it’s time to go into more detail. List out each objective for the project, including what you need to do to achieve each one. 

For example, let’s pretend our project is to create a brand video. There are many objectives, such as: 

Each objective will need to be completed in order to go on to the next. And each objective requires different resources and skill sets. All of this should be recorded, in detail, in your project report. 

3. List your obstacles

Next, list any predicted obstacles or risks. This may feel like a waste of time because of course you’re going to be avoiding risks and obstacles as often as you can. However, it’s important to be aware of the potential roadblocks that might appear so that you are prepared to handle them without slowing down. 

Some example obstacles for the brand video project could be: 

Next to each obstacle, jot down a quick plan for how you would solve this issue if it happened. For example, for “weather ruins a shoot” your potential solution could be to “choose a backup location”.

4. Create a project timeline

With any project, it’s important to know how long everything’s going to take. This is the best way to estimate how much time, money, and resource is required. 

A project timeline will help plot a path forward. To create a project timeline all you need to do is break down each objective into tasks and add a deadline for each task. It also helps to add an owner to each task, so you know who the point of contact is for each section of the timeline. 


This can be tricky to manage but becomes so much easier with a project management tool, like . When you create a project on, all of your clients and team members can see everything that goes on with the project in one centralised place. This includes tasks that can be allocated to team members, assigned a date, and a status – so everyone involved in the project can see how it’s progressing: 

assignment completion report

You can also add comments, attachments, priority tags, and more. 

Plus, it’s easy to keep track of several tasks at once by using the calendar view: 

assignment completion report

Other views available are kanban, list, and scheduler. 

5. Cover project communication

Somewhere on your project report you should include a link to your communication guidelines . This will help everyone involved on the project to understand what’s expected of them when it comes to communication, for example what tools to use and how to communicate. 

This can help your project run more smoothly and create a better result for everyone. According to our Communication Statistics 2022 , 94% of people feel that the businesses they deal with could improve when it comes to communication and project management . 

Writing a project report: 7 top tips 

1. be clear.

The perfect project report is clear and concise. Try your best to leave no room for errors or misunderstandings, and write in short definitive sentences. 

Being clear is especially important when it comes to timelines and targets. It can be helpful to plot out your tasks in a visual way, like a kanban view . This will make your project timeline easy to scan and understand.  

2. Be thorough

While it’s important to be clear and concise, it’s equally important to be thorough. Try to include as much relevant information in your project reports as possible.

One of the main functions of project reports, particularly project status reports, is to inform stakeholders on the progress of the project. So the more thorough you can be, the better. 

3. Be appropriate

A project report is an internal document that’s likely going to be shared between many different departments or teams in your business, so it’s important to make sure your language is appropriate. 

Keep the culture of the business in mind when writing your report. Use the same kind of tone and language that you would in other internal communication documents. This is especially important when you consider more than a third (35%) of businesses have lost an employee because of poor internal communication . 

4. Be honest

Your project report is not the place to sugarcoat anything. You should be honest, and brutally so. This means giving accurate and realistic figures, deliverables and deadlines. 

A project report should be a factual account so that everyone has a clear understanding of the data and knows exactly what to expect from the project. 

5. Be quick

It may seem contradictory to tell you to be thorough and quick with your project reports, but this just means don’t overload people with unnecessary information. Be succinct and to-the-point with every aspect of the report, from points of contact to resources and any potential roadblocks. 

The idea is for your project reports to be as easy to digest as possible, especially if you’re supplying busy stakeholders with a steady stream of ongoing status reports. 

6. Be prepared

No project runs perfectly, so it can be helpful to be prepared for bumps in the road. You might want to leave an ‘other’ or ‘notes’ section at the bottom of your report where you can jot down anything that’s changed along the way. 

It can also help to leave room for slight adjustments in your timeline. Just a couple of buffer days here and there can really reduce stress for your teams, and also help ensure your deadlines are more realistic. 

7. Be proud

When you’re carefully documenting things like risks and problems, your project report can become pretty gloomy. So it’s important to even it out by also celebrating your team’s achievements. 

Every project has ups and downs, and by giving as much attention to the ‘ups’ as you do the ‘downs’ you can boost team morale and this can be reflected back on your project. 

Free project report template

As promised, here is your free project report template ! 

Final thoughts

A solid project report can act almost like a map that clearly directs you towards your end goal, helping you to avoid risks along the way and take the best route to success.

In addition to a project report, a project management platform can also help you to maintain your focus and manage your project with ease, thanks to centralised communication and complete visibility of all your work. Click here to get started for free .

Written by <a href="" target="_self">Samantha Ferguson</a>

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The Top 17 Free Project Report Templates For Effective Project Management

By Kate Eby | August 5, 2019 (updated August 7, 2023)

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In this article, you’ll find a comprehensive list of project report templates to support your project management efforts. These pre-built templates are free to download in a variety of formats, including Excel, Word, PowerPoint, PDF, and Google Docs.

Included on this page, you'll find many free, downloadable templates for your next project, including a project status report template , a daily project progress report template , a business project report template , and many more.

Project Status Report Template

Project Status Report Template

Download Project Status Report Template

Word | PowerPoint | Smartsheet

Consistent and thorough status reporting is an essential component of effective project management. Ensure you meet project objectives by utilizing this customizable project status report template. This template provides space to summarize the project and track risks, roadblocks, milestones, accomplishments, and key takeaways. It also includes a visual project timeline to give you easy visibility into major project events.

One-Page Project Status Report Template

One Page Project Status Report Template

Download One-Page Project Status Report Template

Word | PDF | Smartsheet

This template covers all the primary elements of the project status report in a convenient one-page format. The pre-built status report provides an overview of project status by category (i.e., budget, scope, etc.), project timeline, key risks and issues, as well as issue ownership to ensure that you account for and complete all project action items on schedule. Learn how to create an effective project status report in this article .

Project Report Dashboard Template

Project Report Dashboard Template

Download Project Report Dashboard Template - Excel 

Having a clear visual of a project’s high-level metrics and overall performance enables a project manager to identify and home in on problem areas that need further attention. Download this project report dashboard template to track the status of key components of a project, including tasks, costs, and pending action items. This template also helps you support the decisions you make for future project initiatives. Check out this article to find more free Excel dashboard templates for all of your business needs .

Daily Project Progress Report Template

Daily Project Progress Report Template

Download Daily Project Progress Report Template

Excel | Word | PDF

Provide stakeholders with insight into a project’s daily development using this progress report template. This template provides space to outline progression details, work completed, equipment used, workers on site, task locations, delays, incidents, and more. This report allows you to compare activity progress with the project plan to effectively maintain governance.

Performance Project Report Template

Performance Project Report Template

Download Performance Project Report Template

Communicate the performance of key project elements using this customizable project performance report template. Detail key activities, deadlines, work quality, risks, budgeting performance, and more to ensure you carry out major project deliverables on schedule and according to plan.

Project Summary Report Template

Project Summary Report Template

Download Project Summary Report Template

Effective project management requires that you keep lines of communication open (between the team and client) and ensure that the information you present is accurate and up to date. Provide all stakeholders with the current status of key projects, milestones, steering committee escalations, progress, and upcoming events using this pre-built project summary report template.

Weekly Project Status Report Template

assignment completion report

Download Weekly Project Status Report Template

Excel | Word | Smartsheet

This customizable project status report template provides a snapshot of a project’s health on any given week. Track overall project performance and the status of each project component, including budget, resources, scope, milestones, work accomplished, roadblocks, highlights, and more. This template also comes with a pre-built visual timeline to display major project details at a glance.

Monthly Project Status Report Template

Monthly Project Status Report Template

 Download Monthly Project Status Report Template

Excel | Word

This project status report template captures the status of key project elements at a monthly view. Use this downloadable template to track notable project components that are complete, in progress, on hold, or at risk and outline deadlines and details for upcoming work.

Stoplight Project Status Report Template

Stoplight Project Status Report Template

Download Stoplight Project Status Report Template

Stoplight project status reports are an effective way to visualize project items that require immediate attention and additional planning. Use the stoplight key to define the parameters of what constitutes a red, yellow, or green status and ensure that the client and team members are on the same page regarding these conditions. This template will help keep the process streamlined.

Business Project Report Template

Business Project Report Template

Download Business Project Report Template

Word | Google Docs

A business project report is a detailed document that serves as a roadmap for a proposed project or business venture. This business project report template provides a solid basis to expand upon according to your needs. It includes space for a table of contents, an executive summary, key project activities, a marketing analysis, a SWOT analysis, recommendations, appendices, and more.

IT Project Status Report Template

IT Project Status Report Template

Download IT Project Status Report Template

Information technology project management and operations can be complex and involve many moving parts. Between balancing the budget, making adjustments mid-project, and meeting the needs of project stakeholders, this pre-built IT project status report template will help ensure that you track and account for all the key components of your project. This template provides room for project milestones, open and closed issues, change requests, resource evaluation, and the current status of all major project categories. Learn the essential tips for successful IT project management by checking out this article .

Construction Project Report Template

Construction Project Report Template

Download Construction Project Report Template

Excel | Word | PDF | Google Docs

Effective reporting is a key factor in the overall success of a construction project. This pre-built construction project report template includes all major day-to-day project details, like daily progress, materials and equipment used, number of workers and work hours performed on site, progress obstructions, and official visitors. Additionally, the template includes space for the inspector to sign off on the report in order to ensure overall project compliance. For a wide variety of free construction management templates to download, visit this page .

Executive Project Report Template

Executive Project Report Template

Download Executive Project Report Template

An executive project report is a high-level view of the project that highlights progress, without getting into the granular details of the project. Use this customizable executive project report template to communicate the essential elements of the project, including key milestones, accomplishments, risks, issues, financial overview, and project requirements.

Final Project Report Template

assignment completion report

Download Final Project Report Template

The purpose of the final project report is to briefly and clearly summarize the outcomes of a completed project. This final project report template contains a table of contents, as well as space for names and roles of team members, project summary, scope, costs, risks, communication strategies, learning outcomes, top-level project performance details, and more.

Project Report Template for Teams or Departments

Project Report for Teams and Departments Template

Download Project Report Template for Teams or Departments

Teams or departments can use this project report to communicate the status of project activities: That is, they can indicate whether they have completed an activity or whether an activity is still in progress. Use this template to track key tasks, team members involved, deadlines, progress scores, issues needing attention, and other project developments to ensure teams or departments account for and complete assignments on schedule.

Project Report for Stakeholders and Partners

Project Report for Stakeholders and Partners Template

Download Project Report for Stakeholders and Partners

Use this project report is to provide key stakeholders and partners with high-level visibility into a project’s overall performance. Briefly summarize progress, project deliverables, start and end dates, outputs, and other major project details to keep stakeholders up to date on current project happenings.

Project Postmortem Report Template

Project Post Mortem Report Template

Download Project Post-Mortem Report Template

This customizable project postmortem report template should be completed as a workshop comprised of key team members within a week of concluding the project work. This report highlights project details, such as accomplishments, problem areas, lessons learned, and more to facilitate the process of analyzing the performance of all the project’s elements. Once you’ve completed this template, the project sponsor should sign off on it to formally close out the project.

Tips on Writing a Project Report

When writing a project report, stick to the facts and back up your claims with data. Consider using a template to give structure to your report, and tailor the report to your audience. We’ve outlined top report-writing tips below:

  • Know Your Audience: The type and depth of information you communicate in a report will depend on the nature of your audience. For instance, managers and clients may have a better understanding of the concepts and terminology involved in a project than do stakeholders and other personnel. Effective project reporting, therefore, requires using the appropriate tone and phraseology and knowing when to share high-level versus granular project details.  Your audience may also care about different details when viewing a year-end report  versus a project status report .
  • Give Structure to Your Report: Once you’ve identified your audience and which components of the project to communicate, organize the segments of the report so the information makes sense and is helpful to the reader. For example, you should place project identification and background details near the beginning of the report; place summarizing details near the end.
  • Only Provide Facts: The report should remain objective and free from personal bias, regardless of whether the project is failing or performing successfully. If an opinion is needed, it should be labeled clearly and placed in a separate segment of the report. Additionally, the charts, metrics, and other performance data you present in the report should be accurate and up to date so that such information is credible and meaningful to the reader. 
  • Use a Template: Save time building out your report by using a customizable template to get you started. Templates are beneficial for standardizing processes, and you can easily adapt them to fit your needs. Use the free templates provided above for your reporting needs, and then check out this article for more project management templates .
  • Use an Online Reporting Tool: Keeping a project’s development aligned with business goals is the basis of project management, and the success or failure of a project can greatly depend on the tools you use. Employ an online tool that displays data in different ways (e.g., Kanban boards, Gantt views, and dashboards), shows the real-time status of multiple projects, provides various permission levels, and allows you to set up recurring reports (such tools can automatically email these recurring reports at a set frequency to designated stakeholders, which allows project managers to shift their focus to other critical project matters). These online tools provide increased visibility into project processes and status.

Improve Project Reporting with Smartsheet for Project Management

From simple task management and project planning to complex resource and portfolio management, Smartsheet helps you improve collaboration and increase work velocity -- empowering you to get more done. 

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed.

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time. Try Smartsheet for free, today.

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How to Write a Project Report: Step-By-Step Guide [+ 4 Free Templates]

By archtc on December 26, 2017 — 21 minutes to read

  • How to Write a Project Report: Step-By-Step Guide Part 1
  • Project Report Templates: Free Download Part 2
  • Additional Resources Part 3
  • How to Dramatically Reduce Time You Spend Creating Reports Part 4

At some point during the implementation of a project, a project report has to be generated in order to paint a mental image of the whole project. Ultimately, a project report must maximize the insight gained with minimal effort from the reader. Apart from describing its results, it must also explain the implications of those results to the organization and its business operations.

How to Write a Project Status Report:

The most common type of project report, a project status report provides a general state of the project to its stakeholders. It quantifies work performed and completed in measurable terms. It compares this with an established baseline to see if the project is on track or; if adjustments have to be made if the project is behind its schedule. It keeps everyone on the same page and manages each other’s expectations.

Project status reports are accomplished to serve the following purposes;

  • to keep an updated flow of information in relation to the project’s progress
  • to immediately address issues and concerns that may come up at any point of the project’s implementation or duration
  • to document reasons for changes and adjustments made to the original plan for the project
  • to monitor fund utilization and to ensure that the project expenses are still within the budget
  • to serve as a basis for decision-making and addressing problems
  • to keep track of the team’s performance and individual contributions
  • to act as a uniform procedure for communicating project development to the stakeholders.

Status reports are most effective when they follow a standard form with predefined fields that need to be regularly updated. Doing so will save time and provide consistency and predictability of the information the stakeholders will receive about the status of the project.


For a status report to be comprehensive, it must include the following elements:

Summary/overall health of the project, facts on the project progress, target vs. actual accomplishments, action(s) taken, risks and issues, keys to an effective project status report.

  • Submit the report on time . A status report is time sensitive and sending it late defeats the purpose of such a report.
  • Giving complete but inaccurate information is just as bad as giving accurate but incomplete information . Since stakeholders rely on the status report for a heads-up on the project, and its content is used as the basis for decision-making, it is critical that the report provides both complete and accurate information.
  • Do not cover up bad news or adverse reports as these are all part of the transparency of the status report . Keep in mind that being open with the stakeholders, whether the project is sailing smoothly or not, will benefit both the team and the client, since any problems there are will be immediately given attention and solved.
  • Be proud of the team’s accomplishments, after all, this is what the clients and the stakeholders will want to know about .
  • Anticipate questions from the clients or stakeholders and be prepared to answer them .
  • Be familiar with the culture of the organization and respect the information hierarchy they observe . There are instances when the CEO wants to be the first to know about the contents of these reports before cascading it to his downlines. On the other hand, middle managers will want a head start on these reports so they can also anticipate and prepare for any reaction from the top executives.
  • Craft the status report in such a way that there will be no information overload . It should contain necessary information that the stakeholders need to know. Lengthy reports will consume not only the writer’s time but also that of the reader. Too many details also give an impression of micro management.

Risk Registers

All projects, or any activities of business, face risks. It is just a matter of how an organization identifies, assesses, analyzes, and monitors these risks. With a Risk Register, an organization is equipped with a tool to better respond to problems that may arise because of these risks. It helps in the decision-making process and enables the stakeholders to take care of the threats in the best way possible.

A Risk Register, also called an Issue Log, is iterative because it will be updated periodically depending on how often the team identifies a potential risk. It may also be updated if the characteristics of the existing potential risks change as the project progresses. 

The Risk Register document contains information about the following:

Risk Identification

  • Risk Category:  Grouping these risks under different categories is helpful. Doing so will provide a way to make a plan of action that will address most, if not all of the risks falling under the same category, saving time, effort, and resources.
  • Risk Description:  Provide a brief explanation of the identified potential risk. The description can be done in a variety of ways depending on the level of detail. A general description can be difficult to address while giving too much detail about the risk may entail a significant amount of work. Three factors to consider when making a risk description are: the way these risks are going to be managed, who will handle them, and the reporting requirements of the person receiving the risk register.
  • Risk ID:  Assign a unique identification code to each risk identified to track it in the risk register easily. Create a system of coding in such a way that the category to which the said risk belongs is easily identifiable.

Risk Analysis

  • Project Impact: Indicate the potential effect of the assumed risk on different aspects of the project such as budget, timelines, quality, and performance.
  • Likelihood: Referring to the possibility of the risk occurring, the likelihood can be expressed qualitatively—high, medium, low—or quantitatively, if there is enough information available. Whatever criteria are to be used, assign a number—with the highest value corresponding to that which is most likely to occur.

Risk Evaluation

Using the table above, the identified risk can be ranked this way:

  • Risk Trigger: These are the potential risk events that will trigger the implementation of a contingency plan based on the risk management plan. This plan should have been prepared prior to the development of a risk register.

Risk Treatment

  • Prevention Plan: This enumerates the steps or action to be taken to prevent the risks from occurring.
  • Contingency Plan: On the other hand, the contingency plan determines the steps or action to be taken once the risk events have occurred. This program also contains the measures to be taken to reduce the impact of such risks to the project.
  • Risk Owner: The person responsible for managing risk, and the implementation of the prevention and contingency plans, it can be anyone among the stakeholders—members of the team, a project manager, or project sponsors.
  • Residual Risk: Sometimes, a risk cannot be entirely eliminated after treatment. Part of it may linger throughout the duration of the project, but once it has been treated, it can be considered as a low-level risk.

Keys to an Effective Risk Register

  • The first risk register must be created as soon as the project plan and the risk management plan has been approved . This initial risk register must be integrated into the project plan.
  • Active risks during a particular period must also be included in the project status report .
  • Risk management is an iterative process which is why the risk register must also be updated from time to time . Updates can be made when new risks are identified or there have been changes in the risks already in the register.
  • The numerical value assigned to the likelihood and severity levels must remain constant throughout the duration of the whole project .
  • Likewise, any terms used must be defined, and this definition must be utilized consistently .

Project Closure Report

As the end of a project, a Project Closure Report signals its culmination. Its submission officially concludes a project and implies that funds and resources will no longer be needed, and everything will go back to its status prior to the implementation of the project.

This process is critical as it will officially tie up all loose ends and prevent confusion among stakeholders.

This particular type of project report summarizes information on the project results, the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the project delivery process, and the feedback from the stakeholders. Each performance metric includes an assessment and a narration of how the team performed on such metrics.

This performance metric describes how the team utilized the budget in carrying out the project effectively. Under this performance metric, the following aspects are measured:

Component Breakdown

Budget variance, explanations for key variances.

Describe how the team implemented the project within the expected time frame and schedule.

Overall Project Duration

Schedule variance, the explanations for key variances, change management.

This metric refers to the team’s ability to handle and manage changes throughout the project’s implementation effectively. It is measured through the following:

Total Number of Changes

The impact of the changes, the highlight of changes, quality management.

This particular metric refers to the team’s ability to observe and comply with quality standards during the project’s implementation.

Total Number of Defects Identified

The explanation for resolved defects, risk and issue management.

This metric deals with how risks and matters that occurred during project implementation were handled and resolved by the team. Key points to include are the following:

The impact of the Risks and Issues to the Project

Human resource management.

This refers to the team’s ability to carry out the project effectively.

Project Organization Structure

This metric looks at how the stakeholders participated in the project.


Communication management.

Under this metric, communication throughout the duration of the project is assessed.

Communication Management Plan

  • Summarize essential feedback collected . Describe the method by which these comments were gathered and who was solicited for feedback. Also include how they responded to each question and briefly discuss which items received great responses from the participants and which ones got few answers.
  • Take note of common themes or trends of feedback gathered .
  • From the feedback gathered, also take note of any opportunities from this feedback and discuss how these opportunities can be applied to future projects, or in the organization itself .

Lesson Learned

  • Give a brief discussion of what the team learned when carrying out the project . Among these learnings, discuss which ones can be applied to future projects and how it will impact not only those future projects but also the whole organization.

Other Metrics

Other points of interest may not have been captured in the Project Status Report and may be included in the Project Closeout Report. Some of these factors include:

Duration and Effort by Project Phase

Benefits realized, benchmark comparisons, keys to an effective project closure report.

  • The closure report is mostly a summary of all efforts related to the project . It is important to ensure that all highlights of the project have been properly documented so that retrieval of these reports is easier and all efforts will be acknowledged.
  • Emphasize the high points the project delivered, how efficiently it was done, and what has been learned from the process.
  • If there are notable variances during the project implementation, make sure to provide a fact-based explanation on it . In addition, the impact of this difference must also be described.
  • A critical point in a project closure report is establishing the link between the project performance, the lessons learned, and the steps that will be taken by the organization for its continuous improvement . Aside from the project deliverables, another valuable output of a project is the learnings derived from the process and how it will be translated into concrete concepts applicable to the business processes of the organization.

Executive Summary

A little bit different from the types of project reports previously mentioned, an Executive Summary  is a distinct kind of report which uses different language. It is a high-level report which aims to provide a bigger and deeper understanding of the project—how it will benefit the organization and how it will fit into future business strategies. It is written with a busy executive in mind, someone who has a lot of important things to do and may find reading a lengthy piece of prose a waste of precious time. Factual and objective, this particular type of project report must be able to provide a realistic status of the project, as business executives understand that everything may not go according to the plan.

Some may confuse an executive summary with an abstract but, in reality, they are clearly distinct from one another and serve a different purpose.

An abstract is usually written for academic or scientific papers. It is written with a topic sentence which, generally, gives an overview of what the article is about. It is, then, supported by two or three supporting sentences which support the main idea of the topic sentence.

An executive summary, on the other hand, is composed of different sections discussing almost every significant aspect of an undertaking. It consists of sequentially arranged key points supported by conclusions and recommendations. Check our in-depth article on how to write an effective executive summary .

Things to Remember in Writing Project Reports

Here are some of the principles that need to be observed in writing an effective project report;

Write for the reader

The report should have a structure, ensure that the report is evidence-based and is supported by data, make it as objective as possible.

There is a clear distinction between facts and opinions . These should never be used together, especially if the report is dwelling on a failed project. The report becomes subjective if it reflects personal opinions of the writer. Make it objective by eliminating all parts which are not based on facts and real events. If it is really necessary to include a personal view or opinion, make sure to explicitly identify it as such. A separate section of the project report may be devoted to the writer’s personal opinion to keep the rest of the report unbiased.

There are a number of ways project reporting helps an organization, a team, and even the project itself and here are some of them:

It tracks the progress of the project

It helps identify risks, it helps manage project cost, it gives stakeholders an insight on how the project is performing, project report template: free download.

project status report

Click Here to Download Project Status Report XLSX

project update report

Click Here to Download Project Update Report DOC

project updated report 2

Click Here to Download Project Update Report 2 DOCX

general project report

Click Here to Download General Project Report DOCX


Templates on ProsperForms:

project status report form template

Edit and use this template

monthly status report form template

Additional Sources

  • How to Write an Outstanding Weekly Report + Free Template Download
  • Project Status Dashboard and Project Tracking
  • How to Create a Project Meeting Template + Free Download

assignment completion report

The ultimate project completion checklist (with free templates)

September 26, 2023

project completion

The end of a project life cycle often indicates that the project has been completed and the project completion report has been submitted. 

The project completion report is detailed documentation that gives an overview of the project’s progress, accomplishments, milestones, roadblocks, budgets, and the team’s performance during the project. It’s a vital part of project management.

Besides being used to assess the success of a project, the report also serves as an important tool for identifying best practices , and challenges to improve project management processes for the future. 

In this article, I’ll walk you through how to perform your project completion successfully, and provide a guide on how to write a comprehensive project completion report. 

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What is successful project completion?

In project management, delivering what you agreed on in the scope of the project means that you’ve accomplished your project completion successfully.

In project management, successful completion of the project means you have delivered what you agreed on in the scope of the project. On top of that, you have to make sure you’re meeting all acceptance criteria, satisfying the stakeholders, and fulfilling business objectives. 

The completion report offers a great opportunity to analyze the performance of a project, taking stock of what went well and what could be done differently next time.

What is a project completion plan? – Free project completion checklist to guide your every step 

A project lifecycle can’t end unless everyone meets all the project completion criteria. This is why it’s essential for project managers to always have a project completion checklist to keep the team on the same page and guide them through to the final phase of the project. 

Plus, the project completion checklist ensures that your team is doing meaningful tasks in the project completion stage.

Let’s go through the key stages of the project completion checklist one by one.

1. Compare objectives and reality

At the beginning of every project, a project manager sets objectives and goals for the project team members, which they should achieve by the end of the project. When assessing your project completion plan, the first thing you should evaluate is how reality measures up to the objectives that you laid out at the beginning of the project. 

Have you been able to achieve all your objectives? Did you tweak some objectives to accommodate the reality of undertaking the project? Comparing “what you planned to do” with “what you did” will give you a better understanding of how successful your project was.

2. Confirm project completion with stakeholders

Stakeholders and clients are a vital part of every project, and their input is invaluable. Their opinions are so crucial to the project that it can’t be successfully completed unless the stakeholders are satisfied. 

Project stakeholders need to sign off on any project, to mark its completion. So, ensure they are in the loop and aligned on how your project is progressing. Ask for their input or feedback, and follow through accordingly to get their sign-off. 

Filestage makes it easy to collect feedback from stakeholders on any asset that is created during the project. With this review and approval platform, you can share files within seconds with all relevant stakeholders. 

All your reviewers can leave comments directly on the file, discuss feedback with each other, and approve the final version. This allows project managers and creatives to manage the entire process in one place. 

Filestage dashboard overview

3. Confirm if project is within scope 

In the beginning you’ll probably create a detailed project scope and a formal process, which you’ll then use to guide you to the completion of the project. 

Has the project scope statement been met entirely? If not, is that an issue? This period of reflection can be useful for every stakeholder involved in the project. 

Changes to the scope of the project during the project are quite common. However, as a project manager, you must ensure that change requests to the project scope are well documented, communicated with all team members, and implemented. 

This step is also necessary, as it helps project managers prevent scope creep, which often results in the features and specifications of the final product not meeting the project’s expectations.

4. Clear pending contracts and invoices 

It’s important that all of the relevant costs associated with your project are charged to it. This helps tidy up loose ends, ensures that your organization gets its money, and avoids any potential confusion in the future. Plus it prevents you from dealing with late invoices or bills. 

Additionally, stakeholders will want to know if the project is within budget or not. Starting the contract closure process by clearing all pending contractors and invoices before the project is completed will give you a clear overview of expenses. 

This will also highlight where you underused or exceeded the budget. Also, as a project manager, this will make gathering project records easier and help explain where there may be notable differences in the budget management.

5. Write a post-project report 

A post-project report is a document where you specify details of the overall process and present your results. This report can help you to take key lessons from the project and also identify areas that can be improved for the next round. You should make an effort to share the report within your organization for maximum effectiveness. 

Here are all elements that you should include in your post-project report to make it comprehensive: 

  • A project overview with a summary statement
  • A description of the results and outcomes of the project
  • A comparison of the target vs. actual accomplishments
  • Project milestones and timelines, stating the project duration and schedule variance, if any 
  • A list of risks and issues identified and analyzed, while executing the project
  • Details on how many changes were requested, describing those that were approved and implemented and how they impacted the overall project
  • Details on the project cost, showing the total expenditure for the project’s completion, the difference between the projected budget and the final payments
  • A summary of the essential feedback collected and lessons learned during implementation

6. Archive all documentation

Throughout the project, you probably created a lot of files and versions of deliverables. While they might seem useless at the moment, it’s vital that you properly catalog them in case you or your colleagues need them in the future. 

Archiving all your project documentation ensures that the project manager has credible and extensive resources they can always reference or consult in the future. 

For instance, based on the data collected from past projects, a project manager can make predictions to proactively reduce risks in new projects. This will ensure they get the best project results on time and on budget.

How can you reduce the stress of completing a project? 

The closing phase of a project lifecycle isn’t typically any less tedious than any of the earlier stages. 

Here are some steps that a project manager can take to prioritize their work and reduce stress for themselves and their team members, as they approach a project’s completion.

1. Make the review process simple

Your deliverables are almost ready, but last-minute changes may be requested. You can’t afford to inject confusion into the project at this stage, so it’s essential that the official process for your review is incredibly transparent and clear. 

To make sure that this is the case, you’ll want to provide formal notice of updates to the project team and streamline your review and approval process, with a tool like Filestage .

Content approved

2. Take your time

Now that the finish line is in sight, it can be very tempting to rush toward it, with arms outstretched in victory. But now is the time to be methodical and cautious with great quality management practices. 

Slowly work your way through your project completion template and resist the temptation for premature celebration. The project will be wrapped up before you know it!

3. Share feedback

With the project wrapping up, this is the perfect time to share feedback on performance with the rest of your team. This can galvanize and motivate them, making sure that they give this last final push to the project. You can also take this opportunity to excite them for the future and the next big project.

4. Keep your team mentally engaged

Your team knows that the project has almost been completed and they’re ready to breathe a large collective sigh of relief. As the project manager, it’s your job to make sure that every member of your team remains engaged. 

Making the final tweaks and the delivery of materials is a very delicate stage of the project, so you want your team at their best.

5. Enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done

At the end of the project, you should take the time to look back at the project and admire the work that you and your team have accomplished. This can keep you motivated and show you just how far you’ve come which is an important fuel to keep you rocketing through amazing digital projects.

You can even consider sending out a project completion email to your entire team where you’ll congratulate everyone on their efforts and accomplishments and highlight some important aspects of the project.

Free project completion template for reporting

If you need help with writing a project completion report, below are three free templates, designed to keep you organized and save time when creating project reports.

Get Filestage’s free project completion template 

After you’ve completed the project, you’ll want to produce a report for your superiors and the rest of the team. This can help you to assess the positives and negatives that appeared along the way and refine your approach for future projects. 

Here’s a sample completion report template that you can use.

Project completion report template by

Writing a comprehensive project report for a new business and in a way that will be presentable to your stakeholders doesn’t have to be difficult thanks to this template by . 

This template has been designed by business gurus, specifically for project reports for new businesses. It’s fully customizable and can be downloaded and edited in both Microsoft Word and Google Docs.

Project closure report template by Smartsheet 

If you’re drafting your finished project report, then we recommend checking out the free templates for project closeout reports by Smartsheet . 

The templates provide sections for the project summary, roles and responsibilities, deliverables, project costs, schedule, and lessons learned. You can download, edit, and share the templates in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PDF. 

Project completion example 

Writing a report on a completed project is not as difficult as it seems. However, including all steps and details is usually not a walk in the park for project managers. 

Here’s an example of a project completion report, so you have an idea of how to start when drafting your report. 

  • Compare objectives and reality: Does the reality of the final website delivery match the objective?  
  • Get confirmation from stakeholders: Do the stakeholders approve of the completed website? Are there any notes? 
  • Confirm project is within scope: Has the scope of the project been fully met? Were all the resources earmarked for the website creation duly utilized?
  • Clear pending invoices: Have all pending invoices for procurement contracts like web designing and copywriting been cleared? And did all signed contracts end?
  • Post project from and evaluations: This gives details of all the processes that you followed during the project, and all the results your team achieved at different stages of the process. 
  • Archiving all documentation: All documentation related to the project should be stored in an archive, for future reference. 

Important tips while writing a project completion report 

So, how do you go about writing a comprehensive project completion report? 

Here are some tips to get you started. 

Remove ambiguity

Ensure that your report is as clear and concise as possible. Stay honest and factual throughout your report. Tailor your language to suit your target audience, so that there is no ambiguity in your documentation. 

Your project results should be written in such a way that they’re easily understood, leaving no room for guesses, assumptions, or misunderstandings.

Consult with team members and stakeholders

As a project manager, it’s important to work hand in hand with your team members and stakeholders, throughout the project lifecycle. The contract closure process determines how well your team will work together on other projects. 

So, seek out the input of your team members and stakeholders, when you’re performing project closure and writing the final project report. 

It’s critical that the report provides both accurate and complete information, and achieving this could be difficult if the project manager begins closing the contract and writing the report without sending contract closure updates and considering the feedback of other collaborators.

Review all deliverables to make sure nothing is outstanding

Before you begin writing your project completion report, you should review the project goals and objectives that were stated in the project proposal. Did you produce all project deliverables? Are there any outstanding tasks you couldn’t complete within the project timeline? 

Reviewing and sharing project deliverables with stakeholders is critical for the success of a project. Only when all deliverables and assets have been reviewed and approved by stakeholders will your project be completed. 

Follow the process and tips we’ve provided above, to guide your project completion plan. We have also provided a variety of project completion report templates you can use to create your report, including our free template. 

It’s okay if the first draft of the report is not perfect. Remember, the completion report is a summary of all efforts related to the project. You can edit and revise the content as much as you like, until you have a copy that sufficiently describes the life cycle of the completed project.

Muriel Skusa

Muriel Skusa

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  • Business Templates
  • Sample Reports

FREE 11+ Sample Project Completion Reports in MS Word | Google Docs | Pages | Numbers | Excel | PDF

sample project completion report templates

Project completion reports are detailed reports of completed projects of any fields of discipline, be it project management in business, architecture, engineering, and software management. Even non-government organizational projects need to provide project completion reports for the benefit of its donors who fund their projects.You may also see project reports .

Project Completion Report

Sample project report - 7+ examples in pdf, word, 41 sample reports in doc, 12+ sample project report - free sample, example, format ....

Our website’s  sample reports  for project completion help guide users for making their own reports in detailed step-by-step procedures that guide users on the parts of a complete report that will be thoroughly presentable to their readers.

1. Project Completion Report Template

project completion report template1

  • Google Docs

Size: A4, US

2. Project Completion Report Format

project completion report template

  • Apple Pages

3. Free Project Monthly Report Template

free project report template

  • Apple Numbers

Free Download

What is project completion report?

A project completion report is a comprehensive document that summarizes the entire lifecycle of a project, from initiation to conclusion. It serves as a vital tool for stakeholders, offering insights into the project’s objectives, achievements, challenges, and outcomes. The report typically includes:

  • Brief description of the project’s purpose statement and goals.
  • Clear outline of the initial project objectives and a comparison with the achieved outcomes.
  • Presentation of the project’s tangible results and deliverables.
  • Identification and discussion of challenges encountered during the project.
  • Reflection on experiences and lessons gained throughout the project lifecycle.
  • Suggestions for improvements or changes based on the lessons learned.
  • Assessment of the project’s impact on stakeholders and the organization.
  • Evaluation of how well the project met the expectations of involved stakeholders.
  • Overview of the project timeline, resource allocation, and any deviations from the initial plan.
  • Examination of the project’s financial aspects, including budget adherence.
  • Recommendations for any follow-up actions or future projects.

The project completion report plays a crucial role in organizational learning, helping to refine project management practices, enhance future planning, and ensure continuous improvement.

4. Construction Project Completion Report Template

construction project completion report

Size: 856 KB

5. Final Project Completion Report Template

software project completion report sample

Size: 133 KB

6. Project Management Completion Report

project management completion report

Size: 114 KB

7. Project Completion Report Sample

project completion report sample

Size: 770 KB

Project completion reports are formal documents detailing the completed project being undertaken by an organization. Completion reports are necessary to track the results of a project, especially if the project being undertaken has received funding from various sources.You may also see  project closure report templates

Based on our samples, the following format needs to be considered when writing a detailed project completion report:

1. executive summary.

An executive summary is provided at the beginning of a project report. It provides a statement of the problem or project proposal that outlines the background information, analysis, and conclusion. An executive summary is helpful because it’s a summary of the report as a whole and the reader gets familiarized with the whole material even without reading the whole report.You may also see  project proposal reports

2. Introduction

Describes the nature of the project being undertaken, its value, and overall goal and impact not just on clients (for business management) but also for the company and the community (for NGO projects). This introduces the rationale of the project and explains the essential components of the project. The introduction does not have a word limit, but you have to be as concise as possible so your readers will understand.You may also see  project management reports

3. Methodology

The most important part of the project report. This part includes how the date was being gathered and the techniques used for gathering data on the research. The methodology section provides the data that describes relevant statistics and qualitative observation that emphasized the need for the project and its importance. It describes how the project is necessary to address the necessary problem for the company and its clients.You may also see  research project reports

For other examples of project reports, please check more on our website or click on the links for  project status reports  and  project quarterly reports  that users may find helpful in drafting their own reports.

8. Basic Project Completion Report Template

project completion report in excel

Size: 173 KB

9. Small Grant Final Project Completion Report

final project completion report

Size: 458 KB

How do you write a report on a completed project?

Writing a report on a completed project involves several key steps to ensure clarity and effectiveness. Here’s a guide:

  • Include the project title, date, and the names of key contributors.
  • Summarize the project’s purpose, key achievements, and conclusions.
  • Highlight the project’s impact on the organization.
  • Provide background information on the project, its objectives, and significance.
  • Include the project’s scope and stakeholders.
  • Describe the project’s phases and major components.
  • Include the initial plan and any modifications made during execution.
  • Explain the methods and approaches used in the project.
  • Discuss any tools, technologies, or frameworks applied.
  • Detail the actual execution of the project.
  • Highlight milestones, sample timelines, and the allocation of resources.
  • Identify challenges faced during the project.
  • Discuss strategies and solutions employed to overcome obstacles.
  • Provide a detailed account of the outcomes.
  • Include quantitative and qualitative data to measure success.
  • Reflect on lessons learned throughout the project.
  • Discuss what worked well and areas for improvement.
  • Offer suggestions for future projects based on the experience gained.
  • Provide actionable sample recommendations to enhance efficiency.
  • Summarize the overall success of the project.
  • Reiterate key achievements and their alignment with project goals.
  • Include any supplementary materials, charts, graphs, or additional data.
  • Express gratitude to team members, stakeholders, and contributors.
  • Cite any sources or sample references used in the report.

Remember to use clear and concise language, support your points with data, and maintain a logical flow throughout the report. The goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the project’s journey, outcomes, and implications.

10. Project Completion Report Assessment Template

project completion report assessment

Size: 342 KB

11. Instruction Project Completion Report

instruction project completion report

Size: 56 KB

12. Project Completion Report in PDF

project completion report in pdf

Size: 111 KB

For a project completion report to be totally complete, you should also sample list down the resources that were needed for the project to make the reader understand who were in charge of deliverables since the project undertaken took several team members, each with their own responsibilities.

To satisfy donors and clients who funded the projects, especially for non-government organizations, a chart or graph may be helpful to detail how the budget was being used. You also need to detail the timeline of the project to inform readers how long the project took to be completed and also shows your accomplishment if you have completed the project ahead of schedule. Finally, to close your report, the conclusion section should focus on the project’s accomplishment and the positive impact it’s brought both to the company or organization and its clients.You may also see  project status reports

For even more report examples, please check on our  risk assessment reports  that are free to download in both Word Doc and PDF files.

Why project completion report is so important for project management?

A project completion report is crucial for project management  review as it offers insights into achievements, challenges, and lessons learned, facilitating informed decision-making and continuous improvement.

What should be included in a project completion report?

A project completion report should include details about the project’s objectives, achievements, challenges, lessons learned, recommendations, and a executive summary of outcomes for stakeholders’ understanding.

How do you know when a project is completed?

A project is considered completed when all its objectives are achieved, deliverables are produced, stakeholders are satisfied, and the project meets its predefined criteria for success.

What is the completion time of a project?

The completion time of a project is the duration it takes to finish all planned activities and deliver the final outputs, meeting the project’s goals list and objectives.

What is the importance of project completion?

The importance of project completion lies in achieving organizational goals, delivering results, satisfying stakeholders, assessing success, and learning from challenges for continuous improvement in future projects.

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How to Write a Project Report (with Best Practices Templates for Microsoft 365)

Shubhangi Pandey

Key Take Aways

What you’ll learn:

  • How AI can enhance project reports with predictive analysis and actionable insights
  • A 7-step checklist for making sure that your project reports are easily accessible and consumable by stakeholder
  • The importance of using project management software for streamlining project reporting, especially in the age of remote working
  • Why you should use the Microsoft 365 platform for project reporting and some out of the box examples from BrightWork 365

By: Shubhangi Pandey | Published on: Mar 14, 2024 | Categories: BrightWork 365 , Microsoft 365 , Project Reporting | 0 comments

How to Write a Project Report (with Best Practices Templates for Microsoft 365)

In an age where remote work is becoming the new every day and data-driven decision-making is more crucial than ever, project reporting has become more than a managerial obligation. It’s an art and a science that combines traditional project tracking with modern metrics and advanced data visualization.

This guide will walk you through seven essential steps to craft a project report that informs and engages your stakeholders. We’ll explore the role of AI in project management, delve into the importance of remote work metrics, and discuss cutting-edge data visualization tools that can make your reports more insightful.

Whether you’re a seasoned project manager or just getting started with project management basics , these steps will help you write a project report that adds value to your organization’s knowledge base for future projects.

Why are Project Management Tools Vital for Report Writing?

The importance of robust project management tools for effective report writing cannot be overstated. Here’s why:

  • Centralization : Project management tools are a central hub for all your project data, streamlining project management and reporting processes.
  • Efficient Tracking : These tools make it easier to monitor work progress during the monitoring phase of project management , helping you stay on top of tasks and milestones.
  • Risk Identification : Advanced features enable you to spot potential risks early, allowing for proactive management.
  • Stakeholder Communication : Keep all stakeholders in the loop with real-time updates and comprehensive reports.
  • Data Visualization : Utilize features like Power BI to transform raw data into insightful visuals, aiding in better decision-making.
  • Custom Reports : Depending on organizational needs, create specialized reports that offer in-depth analysis and recommendations upon project completion.

The Evolution of AI in Project Management Tools for Report Writing

When crafting an impactful project report, your tools can be a game-changer. And let’s talk about the elephant in the room: Artificial Intelligence. AI is no longer just a buzzword – it’s a reality transforming project management and reporting.

According to a systematic literature review published in MDPI , AI’s role in project management is increasingly significant, offering advanced capabilities like predictive analytics and risk assessment.

The Power of Predictive Analytics

These advanced AI tools centralize your project data and offer predictive analytics, risk assessment, and automated insights that can be invaluable for your report. Like Power BI revolutionized data visualization, AI algorithms can sift through massive amounts of data to highlight trends, predict risks, and recommend actions.

Making AI Accessible for Every Project Manager

Imagine reporting on what has happened and providing stakeholders with insights into what could happen. It’s like giving your project report a crystal ball. And don’t worry – embracing AI doesn’t mean you have to be a tech wizard. Many modern project management tools benefit from built-in AI features. 

A thesis from DiVA portal explores the implementation of AI in project management and its impact on working personnel, indicating that AI is becoming more accessible and user-friendly.

The Future of Data-Driven Decision Making

AI’s capabilities equip stakeholders with data-driven insights for strategic decisions. It’s not just about tracking work and identifying risks anymore – it’s about forecasting them and offering actionable solutions. Welcome to the future of project reporting.

Types of Project Reports and Their Formats

Understanding the types of project reports you need to create is crucial. Whether it’s a project summary report, a project health report, or a project completion report, each serves a unique purpose and audience.

Knowing the format, whether a pie chart, bar chart, or complete chart, can also help present the data effectively. Writing a report is a valuable opportunity to evaluate the project, document lessons learned, and add to your organization’s knowledge base for future projects.

Data Visualization: Modern Tools and Techniques

Data visualization has come a long way from simple pie charts and bar graphs. With the advent of AI, we now have tools that can display and interpret data. Think of AI-powered heat maps that can show project bottlenecks or predictive line graphs that forecast project completion based on current trends.

Techniques for Effective Data Presentation

Modern data visualization techniques like interactive dashboards, real-time data streams, and even augmented reality (AR) representations are making it easier than ever to understand complex project metrics. These aren’t just for show; they offer actionable insights that can significantly impact project outcomes.

Making Data Visualization Accessible

The best part? These advanced visualization tools are becoming increasingly user-friendly. You don’t need to be a data scientist to use them. Most project management software now integrates seamlessly with these tools, making it easier than ever to incorporate advanced data visualization into your regular reporting.

The New Normal of Remote Work

In today’s digital age, remote work is becoming the new normal. As project managers, adapting our reporting techniques to this changing landscape is crucial.

Critical Metrics for Remote Teams

When it comes to remote teams, some metrics become even more critical. Think along the lines of ‘Remote Engagement Rate,’ ‘Digital Communication Effectiveness,’ and ‘Virtual Team Collaboration.’ These KPIs offer a more nuanced understanding of how remote teams are performing.

Tools for Tracking Remote Work Metrics

Fortunately, modern project management tools have features specifically designed to track these remote work metrics. From time-tracking software to virtual “water cooler” moments captured for team morale, these tools make remote work measurable in ways we couldn’t have imagined a few years ago.

Project Timeline and Milestones

A well-defined project timeline and key milestones are essential for any project. They not only help in keeping the project on track but also provide a basis for decision-making. 

Project management software can automate this process, ensuring that reports are always up-to-date. Try the steps outlined below for writing better project reports.

Manage Projects with Microsoft 365, Power Platform, and Teams

Collaborate seamlessly from anywhere, with brightwork 365 and microsoft teams..

assignment completion report

How to Write a Project Report

Writing an effective project report is crucial for evaluating the project’s health, keeping stakeholders informed, and setting the stage for future projects. Here are seven steps to guide you through the process.

1. Decide the Objective

Take some time during the project management initiation phase to think about the purpose of the report. Do you need to describe, explain, recommend, or persuade? Having a clear goal from the outset ensures that you stay focused, making engaging your reader easier.

Understanding the objective is the cornerstone of effective project reporting. Whether crafting a project summary report or a detailed project performance report, aligning your content with the aim will make your report more coherent and actionable.

This is also the stage where you decide the key milestones and metrics to highlight in the report.

2. Understand Your Audience

Understanding your audience is crucial for crafting a report that resonates. Whether you’re writing for stakeholders or team members, the language, data, and visuals should be tailored to their preferences and needs.

  • Language & Tone : Consider the communication style of your audience. Is a formal or informal tone more appropriate? Tailoring your language can build rapport and make your message more impactful.
  • Data & Graphics : Choose the types of data and visual aids that will most effectively convey your message to your specific audience.
  • Personal Preferences : Pay attention to how your audience typically communicates, whether in emails or other documents and try to mirror that style.
  • Report Format : Different stakeholders may require different levels of detail. A project manager may want an in-depth analysis, while a sponsor only needs an executive summary.
  • Audience Personas : Utilize audience personas to guide the tone, style, and content, ensuring your report caters to the diverse needs of all project stakeholders.

3. Report Format and Type

Before you start, check the report format and type. Do you need to submit a written report or deliver a presentation? Do you need to craft a formal, informal, financial, annual, technical, fact-finding, or problem-solving report?

You should also confirm if any project management templates are available within the organization.

Checking these details can save time later on!

Different types of project reports serve other purposes. A project status report provides a snapshot of where the project is, while a project health report dives deeper into metrics. 

Make sure to consider the medium – will this report be a PDF, a slideshow, or an interactive dashboard? The format can significantly impact how the information is received.

4. Gather the Facts and Data

Including engaging facts and data will solidify your argument. Start with your collaborative project site and work out as needed. Remember to cite sources such as articles, case studies, and interviews.

To build a compelling case in your report, start mining your collaborative project site for crucial metrics like project milestones, resource utilization, and project health. Supplement this with additional data from external sources like articles and case studies. 

Utilize data visualization tools like pie charts or bar graphs to make complex information easily digestible. Ensure the data is current to maintain the report’s credibility and remember to cite your sources for added reliability.

5. Structure the Report

How you arrange your report is pivotal in how well your audience can digest the material. A logically organized report improves readability and amplifies its impact in delivering the core message.

Your report should have a natural progression, leading the reader from one point to the next until a decisive conclusion is reached. Generally, a report is segmented into four key components:

  • Opening Overview: This is the first thing your reader will see, and it’s usually crafted after the rest of the report is complete. Make this section compelling, as it often influences whether the reader will delve deeper into the report.
  • Introduction: This section sets the stage by offering background information and outlining the report’s cover. Make sure to specify the report’s scope and any methodologies employed.
  • Body: Here’s where your writing prowess comes into play. This is the meat of the report, filled with background, analyses, discussions, and actionable recommendations. Utilize data and visual aids to bolster your arguments.
  • Final Thoughts: This is where you tie all the report’s elements together in a neat bow. Clearly state the following steps and any actions the reader should consider.

6. Readability

Spend some time making the report accessible and enjoyable to read. If working in Word, the Navigation pane is a great way to help your reader work through the document. Use formatting, visuals, and lists to break up long text sections.

Readability is not just about the text but also about the visual elements like pie charts, bar colors, and even the background color of the report. Use these elements to break the monotony and make the report more engaging. Also, consider adding a table of contents for longer reports to improve navigation.

The first draft of the report is rarely perfect, so you will need to edit and revise the content. If possible, set the document aside for a few days before reviewing it or ask a colleague to review it.

Editing is not just about correcting grammatical errors – it’s also about ensuring that the report aligns with its initial objectives and is tailored to its audience. Use this stage to refine the report’s structure, clarify its key points, and eliminate any unnecessary jargon or technical terms to the reader’s understanding.

Automate and Streamline Project Reporting with Microsoft 365

Project reporting can often be a laborious and time-consuming task. Especially on a project where there are so many moving parts and different people involved, getting a clear picture of what’s going on can be pretty tricky.

That is why we recommend moving to a cloud-based solution for project management and reporting – and you might have guessed it: we recommend Microsoft 365! If you’re considering SharePoint, check out our build vs buy guide.

Why use Microsoft 365 for project reporting?

There are many benefits to using Microsoft 365 as the platform for your project management reporting, including:

  • Centralizing your project management and reporting on Microsoft 365 brings your project information into one place, so you can automate reporting and save time. If you’re still using excel for project management , here’s why you should consider switching.
  • You can access configurable and filterable reports based on the audience by leveraging the available reporting mechanisms in Power Apps, Power BI, and Excel. Everyone can see the information in the way they need.
  • Linked into the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, reports can appear in Power Apps, Power BI, exported to Excel, emailed in Outlook, or seen in MS Teams, so reports are available wherever the audience is working.
  • Having project data maintained in a single platform means that project reports are always up to date. No more chasing up PMs or team members for the latest document version!

5 Ways you can use BrightWork 365 for Project and Portfolio Reporting

BrightWork 365 is a project and portfolio management solution for Microsoft 365 and the Power Platform. Here are five ways you can leverage BrightWork 365 and Microsoft 365 for more efficient project reporting:

1. Capture Project Status Reports in a few minutes

BrightWork project sites have a “Status” tab where the project manager can capture what is happening. This is not a status report but a place for the PM to log the current status.

It is not a snapshot, as it will change regularly, but the info here will become part of the status report once the PM creates one. once the PM chooses to create one.

assignment completion report

The Status Reports tab is where you can capture a snapshot of the project status at a point in time. It will bring in all the info from the “Status” tab, but you have the ability to add comments.

assignment completion report

2. Track the project schedule with Gantt

assignment completion report

3. Get High-Level Visibility into Programs and Portfolios

BrightWork 365 enables a hierarchy for your project management – with Portfolios being the highest level. For example, a portfolio may house all the projects in a company.

assignment completion report

4. Surface Risks and Issues across all projects

One of the most critical elements for senior executives and project stakeholders is being aware of the project risks, especially understanding any issues that arise quickly.

assignment completion report

5. Leverage Visual and Interactive Reports

The type and format of a report often depends on the audience. For example, senior executives often want the high-level details of a project. That’s where BrightWork 365 Power BI Dashboards come in.

assignment completion report

Spend less time on your project reports with BrightWork 365

Streamline your project reporting process with BrightWork 365, a tool to centralize and automate your project data. Whether you prefer real-time dashboards or scheduled email reports, BrightWork 365 adapts to your needs, eliminating the tedious aspects of project reporting. Consider the following:

  • Centralization : BrightWork 365 consolidates all project information into a single platform, making it easier to manage and report.
  • Real-Time Reporting : As data is updated, reports are generated in real-time, ensuring you always have the most current information.
  • Flexible Access : Reports can be accessed through various methods, including logging in to view customizable dashboards or receiving scheduled email summaries.
  • Efficiency : The tool automates the reporting process, freeing time and reducing manual effort.

Conclusion: The Future of Project Reporting

Project reporting has undergone a significant transformation, thanks partly to technological advancements like Microsoft 365 and BrightWork 365 . As we’ve discussed, it’s not just about tracking tasks and milestones anymore. 

Today’s project reports are data-rich, AI-enhanced documents that offer predictive analytics and actionable insights. They also cater to the unique challenges and KPIs relevant to remote teams.

As we look to the future, we can expect even more advancements in project reporting technology. However, the core principles of clear objectives, a deep understanding of your audience, and a well-structured format will remain constant. 

By adhering to the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to adapt to new tools and technologies, ensuring that your project reports remain valuable for decision-making and strategic planning.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in September 2016 and has been updated for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness

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Shubhangi Pandey

Shubhangi Pandey

BrightWork Content Marketer

Shubhangi is a product marketing enthusiast, who enjoys testing and sharing the BrightWork 365 project portfolio management solution capabilities with Microsoft 365 users. You can see her take on the experience of the template-driven BrightWork 365 solution, its unique project management success approach, and other personalized services across the site and social channels. Beyond BrightWork, Shubhangi loves to hunt for the newest Chai Latte-serving café, where she can read and write for hours.

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10 Free Progress Report Templates in Excel, Word, & ClickUp

Praburam Srinivasan

Growth Marketing Manager

February 14, 2024

Every project manager knows: keeping everyone in the loop on the status of your project can sometimes feel like herding cats. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Between monitoring the next steps, checking up on your member’s workloads, and reporting back to stakeholders—there’s a lot of information to keep on hand. And it takes more than a detailed folder system on your hard drive to keep it all together.

The solution begins with a standardized progress report system to easily collect and distribute key project management updates in a timely manner.

…But how do you create this standardized process? With a customizable progress report template, of course. 🙂

Progress report templates provide the proper pre-built structure to save time and minimize errors while preparing your progress reports—as long as you know what features to look for!

It all starts with you.

Your specific project requirements, current processes, and your preferred free project management software will impact which progress report template works best for your team and use case. But no need to take to the web! We’ve got everything you need to find the best progress report template in this very article.

Follow along as we cover all of the ins and outs of project progress reports. Find key definitions, feature breakdowns, and access to 10 of the best progress report templates for your favorite work tools.

What is a Progress Report Template?

What makes a good project progress report template, 1. progress report template by clickup, 2. project status report template by clickup, 3. project tracker template by clickup, 4. campaign progress report template by clickup, 5. production tracking template by clickup, 6. hr progress report template by clickup, 7. start stop continue template by clickup, 8. monthly business status report template by clickup, 9. gantt excel progress report template for excel, 10. microsoft word weekly progress report template.

Avatar of person using AI

A progress report template is a pre-built form, page, or checklist to consistently provide detailed project documentation in a timely manner. These resources can be tailored to fit the specific needs of your project or team processes, and are generally kept by the project managers to share with members and stakeholders on a weekly or monthly basis.

Progress report templates are easily shared, copied, and customized, eliminating the need to start from scratch every week. Instead, simply plug and play the updates into your custom team document and fire it off to your key players.

But not all progress reports can be shared across teams and industries. Your use case, project type, and tech stack will determine which project progress report template is right for you. And the quicker you can spot the key differences and must-have features, the quicker you’ll be on your way to meeting your goals and delivering the progress reports of your supervisor’s dreams. 💜

So if not all teams can use the same progress report templates, how do you know which template is the one for you?

To avoid the time-consuming and frustrating practice of trial and error, look for the following features when using a template while creating progress reports:

  • Customizable and easily edited to tailor the pre-built document to your needs
  • Built-in collaboration features like live editing and URL sharing to ensure all members and stakeholders have access
  • Multiple views to support a list, Kanban board, Gantt chart, timeline, and other highly visual methods for managing progress
  • Actionable tasks to hold members accountable for upcoming items and keep your project moving forward
  • Multiple integrations to bring more context into your progress report from other work tools

ClickUp Docs, Chat, and List view in ClickUp

These five features may be a drop in the bucket compared to what you’re looking for. But the good news is, your template is out there! There are an infinite amount of resources at your fingertips thanks to your favorite search engine, but why waste an hour (or a day) digging through pages of links? Instead, start with the best. 🤓

10 Free Progress Report Templates

We’ve done our homework to bring you the top progress report templates for ClickUp, Excel, and Word. No matter your preferred software, use case, or work style, we’ve got the progress report template you’ve been searching for. ✨

Progress Report Template by ClickUp

The Progress Report Template by ClickUp is the ideal starting point. Think of this template as the benchmark to compare all other progress report templates to—it’s that versatile! Powered by ClickUp’s dynamic built-in document editor, ClickUp Docs , this template has every key feature you need to establish and optimize your progress reporting processes.

This one-pager is broken down into clear sections to establish the who, what, where, and when of the project you’re dealing with. It’s formatted to help you provide a quick overview of the major updates to keep both the project team and external stakeholders informed about where things stand, and what needs to be done next.

Scrolling down the page, you’ll be prompted to share the status of the project, any milestones it has reached to date, and any next steps needed—everything your stakeholders want to know. It also offers the ability to highlight any issues popping up and need-to-know information for anyone reading the project progress report for the first time.

Project Status Report Template by ClickUp

Ready to kick things up a notch? 🔥

The Project Status Report Template by ClickUp is the digital whiteboard template your visual-learning team members have been asking for! Using ClickUp’s collaborative Whiteboards feature, your team can work together to define:

  • The project overview
  • Progress made since your last report
  • Any additional support or resources needed to move forward
  • Key takeaways and report highlights
  • Areas that went well and those that need improvement

It’s essentially a highly-visual and collaborative pulse check that you can consult throughout the project to report on its progress—without having to copy a new document each week.

And since this template is designed for ClickUp Whiteboards, you’ll have the power to complete the diagram alongside your team using collaborative live editing, see who’s viewing your board, embed media and website cards from other software, and convert text directly into actionable tasks. Whiteboards truly are every project manager’s dream tool. 🏆

Project Tracker Template by ClickUp

The thing is—you’re probably not managing just one project at a time. Overseeing multiple projects and even more individual tasks can be a daunting feat of its own. Without the right progress report template, communicating the status of each status and its larger project can be nearly impossible! That’s what makes the Project Tracker Template by ClickUp so valuable.

With this List template, you can easily group tasks by their current stages using custom task statuses like Getting Ready , Production , and Going Live —with the ability to add more statuses if needed! But that’s not all. This template is packed with four Custom Fields for:

  • Project stage
  • Project duration (in days)
  • RAG (to communicate priorities)
  • Date of completion

Plus, you’ll have access to four ready-made workflow views to manage your project progress from every angle, including a highly visual Gantt chart and interactive Kanban board arranged by tasks per assignee.

Meanwhile, anyone taking a look will be able to look at other tasks related to the, plotting out and executing them in a way that makes sense for everyone involved. 

Campaign Progress Report Template by ClickUp

Now let’s dig into the specifics by use case—starting with the Campaign Progress Report Template by ClickUp ! There are a ton of variables to consider when running and managing your advertising campaigns. Unlike software development or employee onboarding, cost and real-time performance metrics play a key role throughout the entire campaign. If one element isn’t sitting well with your audience, it’s time to pivot.

This ClickUp Doc template makes those elements simple to maintain with a formatted document to help you choose which project OKRs to monitor, keep an eye on cost, manage revenue, and more. For example, you can quickly visualize how much of your campaign budget has already been spent to date and how much revenue that investment has brought in. You can also display a chart of clicks and conversions to identify any key trends.

Use this template to monitor your campaign’s ad effectiveness and results, both to share with other stakeholders and to make adjustments as needed for maximum ROI.

Production Tracking Template by ClickUp

Videos are some of the most complex projects most marketing and communications teams take on. They require close collaboration between multiple team members, and sometimes months’ worth of planning, execution, and post-production to publish the final product.

That process gets even more complicated when you’re overseeing the production of multiple videos at a time—that’s when the Production Tracking Template by ClickUp comes in handy.

This hefty template applies five custom task statuses, 11 Custom Fields, and six project views to your Workspace. In the default List view, every video is represented as a task that can be organized by its current status. To manage your production schedule, navigate over to your Calendar view for a visual representation of your posting cadence.

And for overall production progress, use your pre-built Board view to see Custom Fields in action. From your Kanban board, you’ll find key information like client approvals, storyboard links, production types, briefs, and additional resources for more context at a glance. This maintains a streamlined overview, while still providing the details needed to get videos finished on time and on spec for publication.

HR Report Template by ClickUp

One of the most important HR processes is assessing new employees after the first 30, 60, and 90 days of their employment. The HR Report Template by ClickUp helps you do just that. Use the simple ClickUp Doc to enter employee information, then note where your new hires may require additional training or supervision.

The single-page template includes sections for multiple review periods, allowing you to track progress over time. The result is a more streamlined process to ensure new employees in your organization succeed in their onboarding.

Start Stop Continue Template by ClickUp

Every project has important decision points at which you need to determine whether current tasks are worth starting, continuing, or need to be stopped. The Start Stop Continue Template by ClickUp helps you keep track of exactly those decisions.

For each area, you can include virtual sticky notes of tasks that need the action described in that section. Over time, you can move those sticky notes around easily as needed. Finally, helpful color coding ensures that it’s always easy to see what your team needs to focus on or stop doing.

Try these stop start continue templates !

Monthly Business Status Report Template by ClickUp

Let’s take it to the 30,000-foot view. If you’re starting a business or shipping a new product, key stakeholders need to know basic information about how that launch is going. The Monthly Business Status Report Template by ClickUp helps to simplify the process.

This ClickUp Doc template offers an easy overview of needed scope changes , deliverables, and capacity issues. It also allows you to highlight the work completed in a given month, giving members and stakeholders a window into how the business is performing and what needs to happen next.

Progress Report Template for Excel

For all you spreadsheet traditionalists out there, this free progress report template for Excel is for you. 💜 

A cover sheet allows for basic information, including a traffic-light color code system on overall status, scope, budget, and timeline .

From there, you’ll find a more detailed Gantt chart with the individual tasks that led to larger judgment calls. That way, interested stakeholders and team members can stick with the broader overview, or dig into the details as needed.

Progress Report Template for Word

The Progress Report Template for Microsoft Word helps project managers deliver the status, project summary , budget overview, and risks related to your project at any given time. This template keeps it simple, with easily edited sections to help you paint the picture of your project’s health over time. Plus, it offers the ability to customize its theming to align with your brand.

How to Provide Feedback on Progress Reports

Now that you have progress report templates, let’s talk about how to give (and receive) feedback on progress reports. Here are some tips to make the process as smooth and productive as possible:

1. Provide Concrete Evidence

When giving feedback on progress reports, it’s essential to provide concrete evidence to support your comments. For example, instead of saying “this report is not detailed enough,” provide specific examples of information that may be missing or could benefit from more detail. This helps the recipient understand exactly what needs to be addressed and how.

2. Focus on Solutions

When providing feedback, it’s important to focus on solutions rather than just pointing out problems. Offer suggestions on how to improve the progress report or address any issues that may have been raised.

3. Be Timely

It’s crucial to provide feedback in a timely manner. Waiting too long to share your thoughts may result in the same issues being repeated in future progress reports, which can slow down project progress.

4. Encourage Open Communication

Encourage open communication between team members when discussing progress reports. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and allows for any questions or concerns to be addressed promptly.

5. Acknowledge Effort

Be sure to acknowledge the effort that went into creating the progress report, even if there are areas that need improvement. This motivates team members and shows them that their work is valued.

6. Be Specific

When receiving feedback on your own progress reports, ask for specific examples or suggestions for improvement. This helps you better understand how to enhance future reports and ensures that everyone is on the same page.

7. Be Open to Change

Be open to change and willing to adjust your progress reports based on feedback. Being open to change will improve the overall effectiveness of the report and ensures that it accurately reflects project progress.

Track Success with a Free Progress Report Template

You know the old saying about focusing on progress over perfection? Well at ClickUp, we believe in progress toward perfection—and the right progress report template is the first step in achieving that!

Investing your time in a progress report template is a simple addition to your production workflow that keeps everyone up-to-date about where the project stands. Any of the templates above will start you off on the right foot, especially a customizable template from ClickUp.

Access all of the templates listed above and over 1,000 more from ClickUp’s vast Template Library , plus, hundreds of rich project management features , tons of integrations, and more when you sign up for ClickUp today !

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Project Status Reports

This guide to status reports is presented by projectmanager, the project management software trusted by 35,000+ users. make a status report in minutes.

ProjectManager's project status report page

What Is a Project Status Report?

What is the purpose of a project status report, types of project status reports, status report vs. progress report, how to write a project status report, project status report template, project status report example, what should be included in a project status report, what is project reporting software, benefits of project reporting software, must-have features of project reporting software, how to make project status reports in projectmanager, best practices for presenting project status reports, other types of project management reports, try our project reporting software for 30 days.

A project status report is a document that describes the progress of a project within a specific time period and compares it against the project plan. Project managers use status reports to keep stakeholders informed of progress and monitor costs, risks, time and work. Project status reports allow project managers and stakeholders to visualize project data through charts and graphs.

Project status reports are taken repeatedly throughout every phase of the project’s execution as a means to maintain your schedule and keep everyone on the same page. The status report for a project generally includes the following:

  • The work that’s been completed
  • The plan for what will follow
  • The summary of the project budget and schedule
  • A list of action items
  • Any issues and risks, and what’s being done about them

Related: 12 Essential Project Reports

The true value of a project status report lies beyond its use as a communication channel. It also provides a documented history of the project. This gives you historical data, so the next time you’re planning a similar project, you can avoid any missteps or bottlenecks.

Because project status reports cover so many topics, they were historically time-consuming to create. Fortunately, modern project management software like ProjectManager expedites the all-important status reporting process. Try our automated project reports and simplify your project reporting.

ProjectManager's project status reports page

Create a project status report with just a few clicks with ProjectManager— Learn more.

There are several reasons why project managers create status reports. Here are some of the most important.

  • Help the project management team keep track of costs, tasks and timelines
  • Compare the budget and time forecasts with the actual costs and task duration
  • Improve communications across the organization
  • Simplify the communication process
  • Keep stakeholders informed
  • Deliver key messages to the intended target audience
  • Improve organizational support for your projects or your team

If you’re reporting to stakeholders, you don’t want to bog them down with unnecessary details. Keep your status reporting presentation light and to the point.

assignment completion report

Get your free

  • Status Report Template

Use this free Status Report Template for Excel to manage your projects better.

You might create daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly status reports depending on your project management requirements. Here’s a quick overview of when it’s best to use each of them.

Daily Status Report

A daily status report captures what each member of the project team has worked on over the course of that day. It not only highlights what they’re working on currently but addresses any issues that are preventing them from completing their tasks. It includes a summary of today’s work and what was accomplished the day before.

Weekly Status Report

A weekly status report is like the daily status report except it covers a full work week rather than just one day. It includes the name of the project, the date of the status report, a summary outlining what work was done over that time period and the action plan for what to work on for the next week. There will also be a section to list any challenges, risk and mitigation plans to respond to them.

Monthly Status Report

A monthly status report provides a similar update on a project or projects but over a period of a month. It provides leadership with relevant information to better manage the project or projects. As with other frequencies, the team reports on what they’ve accomplished, the month is recapped and the next month’s activities are outlined.

Quarterly Status Report

A quarterly status report is a short and easily digestible snapshot of the project over a period of time, in this case, four months or a quarter of the year. It covers the same territory as the other status reports and is likely to include graphs and other visuals to make all the data easier to grasp.

There are many different types of reports you can generate when managing a project. Some of them are more for the project manager and others for the stakeholders, owners or clients to keep them updated.

We’ve been talking about a status report, but it shouldn’t be confused with a progress report. While a status report has data on the progress over the period of time which is being reported, there’s a wealth of other information beyond the mere progress of the project.

A progress report , on the other hand, details the specific tasks and milestones that have been completed to show that the project is making progress in sync with the project schedule. Like a status report, it’s used to keep managers and stakeholders updated.

Writing a project status report is an essential project management task. Whether you generate one weekly, monthly or quarterly, the steps are essentially the same. Here’s how to write a project status report:

  • Determine the objective
  • Target your audience (Clients, team members, sponsors, etc)
  • Choose the format and type
  • Collect your data
  • Structure the report
  • Make sure it’s clear

Because a project status report follows a basic outline, it can be helpful to use a project status report template. However, a project status report template is only a static document. Using project status reporting software integrates with all your project management tools for greater efficiency.

Free status report template for Excel

ProjectManager’s free status report template for Excel— Download now.

To better understand the process described above, let’s take a look at a project status report example. For this simple example, we’ll create a weekly status report for a home construction project using our free project status report template.

Imagine a construction contractor who is in charge of building wall frames, installing the insulation, electrical wiring, drywall and interior painting of a brand-new house. A status report example, following our free status report template, would begin with basic project planning information, such as the project name, new house, reporting period would be between Jan. 1-7, the report dated Jan. 9, project manager Joe Johnson and project sponsor Jack Dell.

project status report example, general information part

Next is the summary, which highlights the key accomplishments. In this case, it would be the installation of wall frames. The section after zooms into the progress of the project. It starts with smaller action items that are needed to build the wall frames.

These action steps also include the date when they were done and a RAG status . That is a red, amber and green indication of the level of confidence and control over that part of the project. The owner, or team member who did the work is named and any comments not already addressed can be added.

project status report example, showing key accomplishments and action items

Following that is a section on upcoming work. Here you can add the action items related to electrical wiring, such as marking locations for cable boxes, electrical outputs and threading cables through the wall frames. The section following that will list project deliverables , which in this case will be the wall frames, which are the tangible output that’s been completed during the reporting period.

project status report, showing project deliverables part

The next section is on the project’s health. It notes the budget spent over the period and what percentage that is in terms of the overall budget. There’s also an overview of the project schedule , scope and quality control and assurance.

project status report, project health section

The section after that lists the risk management issues. It lists the risk, its severity, response and owner. Maybe there’s a possibility that the materials or equipment required for electric wiring won’t be delivered on time. This risk would likely be high in terms of severity as it’ll impact the project schedule. To mitigate this, another company may be contacted to see if they’ll deliver on time. You’ll also note who on the team is watching over this risk.

You’ll conclude and add any recommendations if needed. This will provide stakeholders with a clear picture of the status of the project.

project status report example, showing risk management overview

How Do You Ask for a Project Status Report?

A project status update is usually distributed on a regular schedule, but sometimes people want to see a status report immediately. You can ask for a project status update via email, but you don’t want to come across as rude. To request a project status report, you should ask in a professional manner and place your request through the proper channels.

A friendly reminder is never a bad idea, as it maintains a connection, especially if you can offer something of value in return. If you’re using project management software , then you can always get an instant status report by checking the project dashboard that tracks various metrics.

The ProjectManager dashboard delivers your project status instantly. Pull from schedules, budgets, resources and more without the possibility of human error. Then, customize your display and filter information to show only what you want to see, such as remaining resources, project health, tasks and costs. A dashboard can be an excellent alternative to the traditional project status report.

ProjectManager's project dashboard is a visual tool to reflect your project status report

Get real-time project dashboards that you can easily share with stakeholders— Learn more.

The different elements of a project status report organize the different parts into a cohesive whole. The objective of a status report, of course, is to keep stakeholders informed and expose areas of the project that need greater organizational support.

To better communicate these things, be sure to touch on all the following when you compose your project status report.

General Project Info

To start with, you’re going to need to just put down the basics. What is the project name? Who is the project manager? What is the number of resources? All this information is essential, if obvious, to track the paperwork. Don’t assume your stakeholder is familiar with all this information. It’s especially useful when you’re doing historical research for future projects. Roll it into your status report template , if you have one.

General Status Info

Again, you’re going to want to stamp the report with data that will distinguish it from the other project management reports . So, here you want to include what date the report was generated, who the author is and so on.

Milestone Review

Milestones are the major phases of your project. They’re a good way to break up the larger project into smaller, more digestible parts. The milestone review lets you note where you are in terms of meeting those milestones (against where you planned to be at this point) in the project’s life cycle.

Project Summary

One of the main purposes of the status report is to compare the project’s progress with the project plan estimates. To do this, include a short summary of the forecasted completion date and costs of the project . This allows project managers to control the project’s execution and measure success. Be sure to include the activities that are facing issues and how those problems might impact the project’s quality, resources, timeline and costs. Explain what you’re planning to do to resolve these issues and what the results will be once you have fixed the problem.

Issues and Risks

Risks are all the internal and external factors that are a threat to your project. They become issues once they affect your project budget , timeline or scope. List the issues that have arisen over the course of the project to date. What are they? How are you resolving them? What impact they’ll have on the overall project? Apply the same questions to the risks that you’re aware of. Have they shown up? If they have, what are you doing to get the project back on track?

Project Metrics

It’s important to back your report up with hard numbers to prove the statements you’re making. You should have established the metrics for status reporting during the project planning phase .

It’s impossible to know if your project is succeeding without measuring its effectiveness. These metrics are a way to show you’re on track and evaluate what, if anything, needs attention.

Project reporting software is used to automatically collect project data, analyze it, and display the results to help project managers make better decisions when managing a project. The software gathers information from different sources within the project and converts them in spreadsheets, graphs and charts.

Depending on the software, reporting data can be filtered to highlight areas of the project that you need to see at that time. Reports can be generated on various aspects of the project’s progress and performance, such as time, cost, workload, etc.

Reports are also used to keep key stakeholders, such as sponsors and clients, updated on how the project is doing, and therefore, should be shareable.

Having a quick and easy to use tool that instantly pulls up important project data, organizes and displays it simply and clearly helps you keep stakeholders updated. With all the information at your fingertips, you can also make better decisions.

Not all reporting software is the same. To get more bang for your buck, make sure that whatever tool you choose has the following features:

  • Converts complicated data into useful reports
  • Filters to show only what information you want
  • Allows you to create reports on specific time periods
  • Share reports and keep stakeholders updated
  • Update instantly for greater accuracy
  • Monitor actual progress against your plan
  • Report on program or portfolio of projects

Project status reports are just one of many reports that are offered by project reporting software, but you’ll also want to make sure the product you choose has the following features as well.

Dashboards icon

Get Instant Status Reports

As important as reporting software is, you also need to regularly check on the progress of your project as it occurs. A dashboard will provide that high-level view, collecting data and displaying it in graphs and charts to show a variety of project metrics.

Dashboards image

See the Most Current Info

Dashboards and reports capture the project at a particular time, and like a snapshot, capture a past point in time. However, if you’re working with an online reporting tool, the data it collects is displayed in real-time—and the decisions you make will be more informed.

Real-Time Data image

Generate Reports on Every Aspect

A status report is a key gauge of how your project is performing, but it’s only one perspective. For the full picture, you need to measure progress and more for many angles. Seek out reporting software that also measures task progress, workload, timesheets and more.

Diverse Reports image

Easy Export With Stakeholders

Creating reports is only the beginning. You need to share them with stakeholders, who need to have a broad strokes picture of where the project currently is. During presentations, you want to be able to easily print out a copy or export a PDF to email them.

Shareable image

Fast and Easy Reports

Making reports shouldn’t be time-consuming. It often means complex equations to figure out progress, variance, workload, etc. The best reporting software automates these functions, so you don’t need a math degree or even a calculator to manage your project.

Automated image

Gain Details for Actionable Insights

Dashboards are great for high-level views of the project, but reports must provide a deeper dive into that data in order for managers to make the critical decisions to steer the project towards a successful end. You want reports that are in depth and cover the entire project.

In Depth image

Project reporting software is a tool to monitor and track project metrics in real time and then collect that data in a report that’s easily shared with project members.

ProjectManager is an award-winning tool that organizes projects and teams by monitoring and reporting on progress and performance. Watch this video to get a better idea of how to create project status and other types of project management reports with ProjectManager.

Project management training video (nu29tru9qg)

Using the reporting feature of ProjectManager allows you to see the status of project milestones and summary tasks if you filter the report to include them. Reports can be previewed before being exported to a PDF, Excel, CSV or printed. Every report can be customized by selecting the data and columns you want to include.

Here are some of the reports you can create once you have the project management software.

Project Status Report

As mentioned above, the project status gives an overview of where your project currently is, and lets you determine if the project is on time and under budget . It shows the tasks that are due on the week it has been generated, and which are overdue.

Here’s a quick rundown of the options when generating a status report in ProjectManager.

Get the key elements of your project condensed in short to capture the high points in your schedule, budget and costs for stakeholders. You can provide project updates at any time for your team, clients and sponsors.

See which tasks are overdue and when their deadline is to never lose track of your progress and stay on schedule. ProjectManager allows you to assign activities to your team members and communicate with them in real time.

Milestones & Summary Tasks

Note which milestones have been completed to better track the project’s progress. View where you are in terms of completing summary tasks or subtasks on your schedule.

Planned vs. Actual

Know your project variance by tracking the actual progress on the status report, which is compared to where you planned to be at that point in your schedule.

Portfolio Status Report

A portfolio is a collection of projects that one manages. They must work together in alignment with the overall strategy of the organization.

See the health of your full portfolio, and if they’re meeting their schedules and budgets. Get lists of your project managers, team and tasks to better determine your portfolio’s overall health.

ProjectManager's portfolio management dashboard, ideal to communicate project status report

Project Plan Report

The project plan is the map that guides your activity when managing a project. This report lets you know whether that plan is being met by your actual progress.

Keep your project on track, within budget and know how far you are from completion. Get an overview of your schedule and a list of all the tasks and when they should be done.

Project Dashboard

Different from the previous reports, which are static documents that are exported as a snapshot of a project, a dashboard can serve as a contemporaneous look into the project.

Get real-time status reports using our project dashboard . Every facet found in a status report is automatically updated across the six metrics of the dashboard for a high view of your project’s performance.

ProjectManager’s dashboard view, which shows six key metrics on a project

Portfolio Dashboard

Much like the project dashboard, the portfolio dashboard serves as a real-time view, except for a collection of projects rather than a single one.

Set up a portfolio dashboard by creating a folder in the overview projects section. Add projects you want to measure and your portfolio dashboard will track their costs, workload and more.

Whether you’re presenting your weekly status report in a meeting, or sending a weekly email update, it’s a good idea to know the best practices when reporting on a project’s progress before jumping into a presentation of your report.


Project status reports are only a single facet of your communication plan . Don’t rely on it fully to communicate everything, but use it to deliver the right data to the right party at the right time.

Know Your Audience

Project status reports are vehicles for communication, but if you’re unsure of the destination, then you’re not going to deliver the goods. Stakeholders such as clients and sponsors want to know the big picture, while team members will be more interested in specifics.


Use the same format, distribution cycle and method. Don’t mix things up. That only disrupts the effectiveness of the communication aspect of the report.

Establish Metrics

When planning for the project, figure out how you’re going to measure its progress, and then stick to this method as you report on the project throughout its life cycle.

You want the report to be effective, so don’t obscure it with unnecessary details. Stay to the point, and just report on what needs reporting.

Your audience doesn’t want opinions or unsubstantiated facts. Do the due diligence, and make sure that you’re giving only what your audience wants.

Like consistency, keeping standards of a process and a template for reporting makes sure your report is clear.

There are project management tools that incorporate these best practices, streamlining the reporting process thanks to dashboards and automated reporting features.

Status reports are just one of the many reports project managers use to keep updated on the progress of their projects. Status is more general, while others focus on specific aspects of the project. Some of the more common status-reporting alternatives follow.

Tasks Report

Every project is made up of tasks, often lots of them. You need a report to keep track of them all.

Get all your project tasks collected in one place. Filter the report to show the status of each task to see if there are any roadblocks or bottlenecks holding up progress. You need to take care of issues before they affect your project’s timeline.

Timesheets Report

Teams log their hours on timesheets to submit to managers for payroll. Timesheets are also another way to track progress on a project by monitoring the hours logged on tasks.

View the timesheet of selected team members and know the hours they worked over a range of time using online project management software.

ProjectManager's timesheets are a perfect complement to project status reports

Availability Report

Keeping track of when your team can work when they have paid time off or there’s a holiday is critical to scheduling and workload management.

Know instantly who has too much work on your team and if they’re available to work. Team members are listed in this report with utilization rates. This data helps you reallocate tasks.

Workload Report

The workload is the number of tasks your team has been assigned. Keeping their workload balanced, so no one has too much on their plate, is how you increase productivity and morale.

See your entire team with the number of tasks they’ve been assigned. Know if someone has too many or too few tasks and balance their workload to get more done and not burn people out.

ProjectManager's workload management report

Variance Report

The variance is the difference between what you planned for the project and where you actually are in its execution. This is how you know if your project’s on track or not.

Set the baseline on the Gantt chart tool when planning and get data on your current schedule. Then, compare it against where you planned to be at this point in the schedule.

ProjectManager is a cloud-based software with one-click reporting that seamlessly integrates with planning, scheduling and tracking features. Get real-time data that can be filtered and shared across eight different project reports. With us, you can use one software for all your project management needs.

Companies such as the Bank of America, and organizations such as NASA and the US Postal Service, have used us to manage big and small projects. Over 10,000 teams worldwide get more control over their work and become more productive using our software.

If you want to simplify the reporting process and are looking for a tool that with online Gantt charts , kanban boards to visualize workflow and a dashboard for a high-level view of project metrics, then try our tool free with this 30-day trial .

Start Your Free Trial

Status Report Resources

  • Project Reporting Software
  • Project Dashboard Software
  • Free Project Report Templates
  • Communications Plan Template
  • Project Dashboard Template
  • 5 Lifesaving Project Reports
  • How to Track and Report on Projects
  • What Are Project Deliverables?

Start your free 30-day trial

Deliver faster, collaborate better, innovate more effectively — without the high prices and months-long implementation and extensive training required by other products.

Free Report Examples

Report Templates, Report Writing Templates

Work Completion Report Example

  • Management Reports
  • Professional Reports

As its name defines the work completion report example, is a report which is written by the instructor or any worker at the end of the project, and task. This report shows and proves that the work has been completed in its allotted time and is ready to send or ready to start. Moreover, this form also helps in remembering that the work which had been going on has finally come to an end and is now ready for use and everything has been completed nothing left behind.

Importance of Work Completion Report

Work completion report example is very helpful as it ensures that everything has been done successfully and it also ensures to the instructor or manager that their demand of work has now finally come to an end. When a company decides to start a project, they get curious, and before its start they start to think when will it finally come to an end. This is because the manager or instructor has made many expectations that they will do that, or present it to everyone, or the project will make their business glow. Or if someone was given assignment and they completed it so the worker will tell his/her boss that the worker assigned to me is done and now it’s ready for you to take advantage from it.

Example of a Work Completion Report

To better understand this report, you need to read example which is as follows. Mr. Chaucer assigned his assistant to make a project that he will be presenting in front of his employees and business workers, and he made a special request to his assistant Johnathon to let him know when he will complete the project. After a few days Mr. Chaucer tried to contact John but he didn’t pick up the call, nor did he send him an email. Now Mr. Chaucer was very worried because he had to present in front of everyone just before Mr. Chaucer entered the room. John came and handed him the assignment and said sorry sir. I actually completed the work days ago, but unfortunately I had to visit a village which had no internet connection; that’s why I couldn’t inform you. Mr. Chaucer scolded him and said at least u could have made a report and sent it to me so I could have an idea about your completion of work. So we see that this report is very important, as it could tell Mr. Chaucer that John had completed the task in allotted time; everything was going under plan. John finalized the results, and work on that assignment is done.

Advantages of a Work Completion Report

Work completion report example will help in many ways. Let us check how this can be helpful. Following are the advantages which you can read;

1- It gives an idea about what is the condition of work, is it ready or not, how much time more required to complete it, and when it can be used if work is in form of assignment.

2- It gives the instructor and manager some source of relaxation that they have completed work, and it also has met with its expectations.

3- Nothing remains behind everything is properly checked. It also gives peace to both the worker and his/her boss, that worker has completed the task and has given the results and worker is also relax that he submit the work in proper time.

4- Before submitting it can also be checked whether all requirements of work are completed or not, its quality, its material, presentation, done on due date and time. Therefore, it would be better to use work completion report as it save you from disappointment in current time gives u idea about work and inform you about everything related to work completion.

Templates for Work Completion Report

Work Completion Report Example

  • Corporate Reports
  • Educational Reports
  • Personal Reports

New Reports

  • Modification Report Template
  • Periodic Monitoring Report Example
  • Consolidation Report Example
  • Biography Report Example
  • Lab Report Example
  • Academic Report Example
  • Weekly Report Example
  • Monthly Report Example

All Formats

Report Templates

How to write an end of assignment report.

In the general workplace , we are assigned to do some tasks and report it by the end of a certain period. These strategy reports measure the effectiveness and efficiency of how the tasks were accomplished. This is where an assignment report comes in. You may also see Sample Report Templates .

assignment completion report

  • 327+ Word Report Templates
  • 327+ Sample Report Templates

Steps on how to write an end of assignment report:

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  • How to Create a Financial Audit Report [10+ Templates to Download]
  • 40+ Monthly Management Report Templates in PDF | Google Docs | Excel | Apple Pages
  • 25+ Non Conformance Report Templates – PDF, Docs, Word, Pages
  • 19+ Event Report Templates – Word, PDF, Docs, Pages
  • 34+ Report Card Templates- Word, Docs, PDF, Pages
  • 23+ Sample Inspection Report Templates- Docs, Word, Pages
  • 36+ Weekly Activity Report Templates – PDF, Docs
  • 10+ Free Audit Findings Report Templates in PDF | MS Word
  • 10+ Audit Exception Report Templates in PDF | MS Word
  • 11+ Audit Committee Report Templates in PDF | MS Word
  • 6+ Logistics Audit Report Templates in PDF | MS Word
  • 11+ Logistic Report Templates in PDF
  • 8+ Logistics Monthly Report Templates in PDF | MS Word
  • 17+ Internship Student Report Templates
  • 64+ Monthly Report Samples

File Formats

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Assignment Completion Report

Use this report to view the completion percentage for assignments, filtered by a date range for selected users or organization units. oct 18, 2022 • knowledge, information.



  • Name of the Report  and specified Date Range.
  • Group By : to show completion percentages by Organization unit, User, or Supervisor.
  • Created : the date the assignment was created.
  • Assigned By : the administrator who made the assignment.
  • Bulk : the assigned bulk number if a bulk assignment, or "none" if non-bulk.
  • Training Assigned : name of Activity or Qualification/Training Program assigned.
  • Type : Activity or Qualification.
  • Due Date  of the assignment.
  • End Date  of the assignment.
  • Number of Users Assigned.
  • Percentage Complete  for the assignment.



  • Created Start Date : Enter the desired report start date.
  • Created End Date : Enter the desired end date for the report.
  • Users : Select one or more user(s), organization unit(s), or group(s).
  • Activities : Select one or more activities, requirement(s), or qualification(s).
  • Group By : Organization unit, user, or supervisor to display the percentages by the unit, user, or supervisor.  Note : this must be set at or below the same organization unit level that was selected for the Users selection. For example, if you select "Users in Teams" for Users, but set Group By to "Region," you will see the following message: "Please select a different "Group By" value of "Team" or lower."   
  •   Show Ended Assignments : Check this to display assignments that have an assignment end date.
  • Show Future Training : Check this to display assignments that are set to begin at a future date.
  • Cover Page : Displays the report parameters that were selected to run the report; presented as the first page of the report.

assignment completion report

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  4. How to Write a Project Report In 5 Easy Steps (Template Included)

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  5. Free Project Report Templates

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  8. FREE 11+ Sample Project Completion Reports in MS Word

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  9. PDF Module 4.3 Completion Report Example 2015

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    The status report for a project generally includes the following: The work that's been completed. The plan for what will follow. The summary of the project budget and schedule. A list of action items. Any issues and risks, and what's being done about them. Related: 12 Essential Project Reports.

  13. Assignment Completion

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    The validator will examine the Project/Program Completion Report (PCR) prepared by the PCR-originating departments. He/she will critically assess the evidence and analysis, quality of background information and findings, lessons and recommendations, and performance ratings presented in the PCR. Validation is designed mainly as a desk exercise

  20. Assignment Completion Report

    Assignment Completion Report - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document provides a completion report for a study reviewing small-scale irrigation projects funded by Ethiopia's Agricultural Growth Program. Key points include: 1) Fifty-one small-scale irrigation subprojects across four regions were reviewed to improve design quality and cost ...

  21. Work Completion Report Example → Free Report Examples

    Example of a Work Completion Report. To better understand this report, you need to read example which is as follows. Mr. Chaucer assigned his assistant to make a project that he will be presenting in front of his employees and business workers, and he made a special request to his assistant Johnathon to let him know when he will complete the ...

  22. How to Write an End of Assignment Report

    1. Begin with an overview. At the start of your report, give your superiors a sneak peek of the task you were asked to carry out. This will serve as an opening to the next parts of your report. You do not have to start the report with a bang. Just kick it off with a few pieces of information and it is good to go.

  23. Assignment Completion Report

    The report displays the following: Name of the Report and specified Date Range. Group By: to show completion percentages by Organization unit, User, or Supervisor. Created: the date the assignment was created. Assigned By: the administrator who made the assignment. Bulk: the assigned bulk number if a bulk assignment, or "none" if non-bulk.