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Graded Assignment Person of the Decade By the early 1990s, Soviet dominati

by Kiengei | Jul 28, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Graded Assignment Person of the Decade By the early 1990s, Soviet domination in Eastern Europe had ended. A number of individuals played a part in the collapse of the Soviet Union. Understanding the role that each played is an important part of understanding the process that changed European politics and geography. Total score: ____ of 50 points (Score for Question 1: ___ of 50 points) Using the information from the reading and from your online research, decide who you think should be named “Person of the Decade.” Then write a letter to the Time magazine nominating committee explaining why they should select your choice for “Person of the Decade.” MUST BE FROM THE 1990s! This assignment is worth 50 points, so it will be important to: Provide background on the person. Give details about the person’s work. Explain the person’s impact on others and describe how the person changed the course of culture and politics. You may complete and submit this assignment in this lesson or on the next Your Choice day. Answer: Type your answer here. *The student chooses an important leader from the 1990s. The letter is supported by many (5or more) facts and details on the background of the person. The letter is supported by many(5 or more) facts and details on what the person did to be nominated. The letter issupported by many (5 or more) facts and details on the leader’s impact on others anddescribe how the person changed the course of culture and politics The letter displayscontrol of grammar, sentence structure, spelling, and punctuation (1 or 2 grammar errors).*

graded assignment person of the decade

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Graded Assignment Person of the Decade

By the early 1990s, Soviet domination in Eastern Europe had ended. A number of individuals played a part in the collapse of the Soviet Union. Understanding the role that each played is an important part of understanding the process that changed European politics and geography.

(50 points)

1. Using the information from the reading and from your online research, decide who you think should be named “Person of the Decade.” Then write a letter to the Time magazine nominating committee explaining why they should select your choice for “Person of the Decade.”

This assignment is worth 50 points, so it will be important to: Provide background on the person. Give details about the person’s work. Explain the person’s impact on others and describe how the person changed the course of culture and politics. You may complete and submit this assignment in this lesson or on the next Your Choice day.

TO: Times Magazine


This memo is to recommend Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev who was born on 2 nd March 1931 as the person of decade during the collapse of the Soviet Union.Gorbachev was the 18 th and the last leader of the Soviet Union, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1985-1991. When Gorbachev took the leadership of the Soviet Union in 1985, he introduced two set of policies in the hope of USSR to become more productive and prosperous .The two sets were; Political openness which eliminated traces of Stalinist repression and promoted freedom to the Soviet citizens. The second was the economic restructuring by allowing individuals to own businesses and the government loosening its grip in the hope of innovation. However this policies did not work but instead led to rationing and shortage of goods which led to people being frustrated in his government. Since the economy of the Soviet having good relations with the rest of the world, Gorbachev withdrew his army troop from Afghanistan and this policy of non-intervention led to collapse of the Eastern European alliances. and the collapse of the Berlin wall in 1889 November. A state of emergency was declared on August 18, 1991 when Gorbachev was put under house arrest because of his inability to lead as the president in healthy ways. Later on December 8, Gorbachev went to Minsk and met leaders of Ukraine and Belarus and signed an agreement that broke them from USSR and the other countries declared their independence from USSR .Since Gorbachev was falling, he resigned inevitably and put an end to the cold war and the arms race that crippled the country’s economy.

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Person of the Decade

By the early 1990s, Soviet domination in Eastern Europe had ended. A number of individuals played a part in the collapse of the Soviet Union. Understanding the role that each played is an important part of understanding the process that changed European politics and geography.

Total score: ____ of 50 points

(Score for Question 1: ___ of 50 points)

  • Using the information from the reading and from your online research, decide who you think should be named “Person of the Decade.” Then write a letter to the Time magazine nominating committee explaining why they should select your choice for “Person of the Decade.”

(You are choosing between Ronald Reagan, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Andrei Sakharov, John Paul II, Lech Walesa, Margaret Thatcher and Mikhail Gorbachev. You can use general knowledge or any reliable research source to find out about the person, you don’t need any specific links)

  • This assignment is worth 50 points, so it will be important to:
  • Provide background on the person.
  • Give details about the person’s work.
  • Explain the person’s impact on others and describe how the person changed the course of culture and politics.
  • You may complete and submit this assignment in this lesson or on the next Your Choice day.

Type your answer here.

(Score for Question 2: ___ of 50 points)

Why did communism in the Soviet Union collapse in the late 1980s?

  • Political factors: What did leaders in the Soviet Union, the United States, and Europe do to further the fall of communism?
  • Military factors: What effect did military policies and actions in the United States and in the Soviet Union have?
  • Economic factors: What effect did the economic situation in the Soviet Union have?
  • Social/cultural factors: What was the attitude of the people of the Soviet bloc countries? What impact did glasnost have? What was the impact of dissidents?


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Are pandemic-era grading reforms holding students back?

( NewsNation ) — The pandemic forced many school districts to approach instruction and grade assessment more leniently to accommodate the new challenges faced by students, but four years later, many educators continue to grapple with grading reforms. 

Remote learning, social distancing and masks in classrooms created unprecedented challenges for schools. Some districts began to deemphasize homework, allowed students multiple chances to redo assignments and eliminated zeros and penalties for late work.

Grade point averages for high school students increased nationally between 2010 and 2022, according to the organization that administers the ACT standardized test .

However, ACT composite scores were at the lowest average of the past decade in 2021. Studies in North Carolina and Washington have found similar results.

Some argue school grading reforms led to “grade inflation,” which is evident in how high school students are performing in college.

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Others say the reforms were a long time coming, and more time should be given before pulling the plug on these measures.

Pandemic pressure and lowered expectations

Meredith Coffey taught high school in the Fairfax County public school district in Northern Virginia during the pandemic. She told NewsNation that she noticed a lack of motivation in her students largely due to the “lower standards” they were given due to COVID-19 accommodations. 

She said one of these reforms was raising the minimum grade to 50%, even for missing and incomplete assignments.

Coffey, who is now a senior research assistant at the conservative-leaning think tank Thomas B. Fordham Institute, coauthored a research paper earlier this year that says lenient grading policies risk lowering expectations and that there is evidence more lenient grading leads to less learning. 

It argues that grading reforms, which were kicked into overdrive by the pandemic, need to be dialed back. 

“Grades are a means of communicating expectations to students, and by lowering standards, not only do you disincentivize doing the work, but you are miscommunicating to parents that their child is at a learning level that they are not,” she said. 

Coffey believes that the laxity given to students during the pandemic has led to grade inflation as well as chronic absenteeism .

Students have returned to in-person learning, but grading practices haven’t returned to their pre-pandemic normal in many places, college counselor Laurie Kopp Weingarten said .

“So right now, we do have high schools, where you can retest until you get an ‘A,’ or if you don’t hand something in, you can you’ll get a 50% instead of a zero,” she said. “So what happens is they get to college, and some of these students are wondering, well, I didn’t get an ‘A’ on my test. Can I retest? Or, yeah, I’m two weeks late handing it in, but the teacher will let me still hand it in late and won’t really deduct.”

Weingarten adds that those students may struggle when they reach college and find out the expectations for quality work are much different.

Was grading fair before the pandemic?

The pandemic helped people realize that traditional grading practices were detrimental to effective teaching and learning and disproportionately made it harder for students with fewer resources, Joe Feldman, a former teacher and CEO of the Crescendo Education Group, told NewsNation. His group does educational consulting on equitable grading.

Feldman argues that while there is no reason why every pandemic pivot should continue, there is also no reason to “just rubber band back to exactly what we were doing before because we’re trying to achieve some normalcy.”

“There’s actually something we’ve learned from the pandemic, how to grade more fairly and more accurately, and we want to preserve those learnings and apply them now,” he said. “We want the grade to be purely a reflection of their understanding of the course content.”

Far too often under the traditional grading system, teachers used nonacademic factors, such as attendance points or participation points, to inflate grades, he said. This has nothing to do with knowledge, Feldman argues.

Some districts have learned from the pandemic and done the opposite by making the grade only represent what students know and not things that are outside of their control or circumstances.  

Under the idea of equitable grading , which was adopted in some form by certain schools during the pandemic, students are given the option of retaking tests, and homework makes up less or none of final grades. 

Including homework performance in the grades penalizes students who make mistakes on their way to learning or who didn’t get as much support before they came into the class, Feldman said. 

He also argues using equitable grading will better prepare students for college and the real world by giving students agency versus testing compliance. 

For example, if you don’t do well on a driver’s test or work assignment, you can try again until you learn, he said. 

Feldman accepts that while initially students may be disincentivized to do the work, over time, both teachers and students will change, and education will shift away from a compliance-based mindset toward students becoming more autonomous. 

For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to NewsNation.

Are pandemic-era grading reforms holding students back?

How to use Google Classroom, Google's free learning platform to create and grade assignments

  • Google Classrooms is a free learning platform created by Google.
  • Anyone with a Google account can make a Google Classroom — not just teachers or students.
  • Google classrooms is used by more than 150 million people worldwide.

Insider Today

Google Classroom is a free learning platform created by Google with the purpose of making it easier to not only create assignments but also simplifying the distribution and grading.

Google Classroom has grown significantly since its humble beginnings in August 2014. More than 70 million G Suite for Education users were on it by August 2017, and its popularity exploded even further when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. By 2021, it had reached more than 150 million students and educators.

Google Classroom lets you share announcements, host virtual lessons, and even create interactive questions for YouTube videos.

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While Google Classroom can be used by anyone, if you are creating a classroom at a school for students you must use Google Workspace for Education .

Here's everything you need to know to get started.

How to make a Google classroom

Despite its power, creating a Google classroom is surprisingly straightforward. It can be completed in just 3 steps.

  • Go to classroom.google.com
  • Click on the add button, which looks like a plus (+) sign, and click Create class .
  • Fill in a name for the class and click Create .

Quick tip: The same screen where you can fill in a class name is also where you can include a section, room number, and class subject.

How to use Google Classroom

Once your Google Classroom is created, you now need to add content to it and invite students.

Adding content to your Classroom

Under the Classwork tab, click Create . In this menu, you have the ability to create an assignment, quiz, question, or add material or topics, which are like section headings.

Google Classroom will then provide two blank fields and prompt you to enter a title and assignment instructions for students. You can create assignments from Google's suite of programs, including Google Docs, Google Slides , and Google Sheets , or you can attach links, documents, or YouTube videos to the assignment.

You can also share photos with students using Google Photos .

After you create the assignment, you can set a due date, assign it to specific students or all students, and even post a rubric.

Inviting students or teachers to your Classroom

Navigate to the People tab and click on the Invite teachers or Invite students tab as applicable. Then enter their email address(es) and click Invite .

Alternatively, you can have students join your class by using the Class code .

  • Navigate to classroom.google.com
  • Click on the add button, which looks like a plus (+) sign, and click Join class .
  • Input the class code you received from your teacher and click on the blue Join button in the top right corner of the window.

Quick tip : Students can also join a Classroom through an invite link. Click on the three vertical dots to the right of the Class code field and click Copy class invite link .

How to unenroll from a Google Classroom

If you wish to leave or otherwise unenroll from a Google Classroom, that is accomplished in a quick two-step process.

  • Click on the three vertical dots beside your class's name.
  • Click Unenroll and then Unenroll in the confirmation window that appears.

How to archive a Google Classroom

As a teacher, you have the ability to archive a Google Classroom when you no longer need it, for example, when the semester is over.

  • Click on the three vertical dots beside your classroom's name.
  • Click Archive and then Archive again in the confirmation window that appears.

Quick tip : Classrooms must be archived first prior to deletion. If you want to permanently delete a classroom, archive it and then go to Archived classes , click the three dots, and click Delete and then Delete again in the confirmation window that appears.

On February 28, Axel Springer, Business Insider's parent company, joined 31 other media groups and filed a $2.3 billion suit against Google in Dutch court, alleging losses suffered due to the company's advertising practices.

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Imagine Your Last Day of Work Ever. Here’s Theirs.

American culture has no set ritual to mark retirement. They created their own.

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Photographs by Victor Llorente

Text by Charley Locke

Victor Llorente sampled work lives around the country over the course of a month for this assignment. While following a firefighter’s final 24-hour shift, he went on calls in a firefighter coat and even slept at the fire station during breaks.

  • May 11, 2024

graded assignment person of the decade

Among life’s major milestones — think graduations, weddings, even annual events like birthdays and anniversaries — the retirement day is notably lacking in cultural convention, shared ritual. (Even the ceremonial gold watch today seems more the stuff of myth than reality.) It mostly tends to fall to co-workers, family, even retirees themselves to conjure, ad hoc, a celebratory send-off. Here’s a look at how a range of new retirees marked the end of their working days.

Fabric-store owner, 82, St. Petersburg, Fla.

Arthur Jay didn’t think he would spend his life running the family business. After growing up around his parents’ first fabric store on Long Island, he left to attend college and then to pursue a career in management at Kmart. But when Jay was 27, his father died unexpectedly, so he had to take over at Jay’s Fabric Center in St. Petersburg. Jay still wonders about what could have been, but over the last 54 years, he found his way to quiet moments of job satisfaction: helping someone pick out colors for a bedspread, planning custom draperies. “For me, every customer that came in was a different opportunity,” he says. “If you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, getting up every day would be a drudgery.”

Jay outside his store.

Taking down an old photo to keep.

Opening a cake to share with staff and customers.

Locking the front door for the last time.

As a small-business owner who is closing his store, Jay is practical about the transition into retirement. Even after helping his last customer, he still had to ship the last orders, sell off the remaining inventory and pay the bills. But he was glad to have a last day of business, when longtime customers came by to thank him and his employees over slices of vanilla cake with vanilla frosting. “I’m sorry, but I like vanilla,” Jay says. “That’s one thing I got to do, because it was my cake.” He ate two pieces.

Juliane Bingener-Casey

Surgeon, 61, rochester, minn..

Before her last day in the operating room, Dr. Juliane Bingener-Casey, a surgeon and professor of surgery at the Mayo Clinic, experienced a series of lasts. “I knew when I did my last stomach case, my last small bowel,” she says. “You want them to go spectacularly well, with a cherry on top.” When she successfully finished her final operation, she was unsentimental, ready to put the scalpel down. “I felt like I was done,” Bingener-Casey says.

Preparing for surgery.

Tossing her final scrubs.

Cleaning out her office.

Celebrating with colleagues at a dinner in her honor.

Over thousands of complicated cases on the operating table, Bingener-Casey learned to separate her feelings and her work. “You have to have very good control of your emotions, meaning you bury them,” she says. She did feel those emotions at her retirement reception, when the microphone was opened up to her colleagues after dinner. “I didn’t know I’d need so many tissues — one of my friends said I hadn’t cried like that in a long time,” Bingener-Casey says. “Hearing out loud that you’re appreciated and that people feel you’ve added value, in otherwise a very matter-of-fact surgical world, it’s just beautiful.”

TV-news traffic anchor, 66, Chicago

Over 35 years of reporting for ABC7 Chicago, Roz Varon has seen her city from some unique vantage points. She has reported from the roof of the 110-story Willis Tower, the dinosaur-fossil storage room at the Field Museum, inside Glinda’s bubble onstage at a production of “Wicked” and atop a bull at the rodeo. “When I would drive into work every morning, I would look at the Willis Tower and think: I stood up there. Who gets to do that?” Varon says. “I would think to myself, Chicago is my city.”

Finishing her makeup at 3:45 a.m.

Old colleagues came back to surprise her.

Cutting a celebratory cake.

Greeting her fans, human and canine.

Varon has been a familiar face for generations of Chicagoans, offering no-nonsense traffic reports ever since the ABC7 morning show debuted in 1989. So when it came time for her to retire, her city showed up. A partial list of the fans who congratulated her on her last day: Girl Scouts from Illinois and Indiana; members of the Chicago Department of Transportation, who gave her a Roz Varon Way street sign; Alan Krashesky, the first morning anchor at ABC7; her former journalism students; fellow breast-cancer survivors; and puppies from the anti-cruelty group she supported. Her co-workers presented her with a proclamation from the City of Chicago, declaring it Roz Varon Day. “It was mind-blowing, one thing after another after another,” Varon says. “It was like there was no other news, just special surprises for me!”

Latin-dance-music D.J., 60, Cincinnati

There has always been a certain feeling of euphoria that comes to Tony Pabón as he looks out at the dance floor from his D.J. table at Salsannati Dance Company. “To play music and have people start to clap or move their body or dance — that’s powerful,” he says. “I have to pinch myself sometimes.” So when his job started to feel more like a chore than a joy, Pabón knew it was time to retire. (He will continue working a day job at a bank.) “Lately, I’m not having the passion,” he says. “I’m doing it because it’s my duty.” Besides, standing for four-hour sets was taking a toll on his knees.

D.J.ing for the final time.

Dancing with his wife.

A toast to ends and beginnings.

But first, there was his last show at Salsannati. Over decades of D.J.ing at restaurants, for parties and on river cruises, Pabón had become a fixture of Cincinnati’s Latin-music scene. Regulars packed the floor for the last night with D.J. Tony; the studio owner made a speech and gave Pabón a bottle of bourbon. “I like to talk a lot, but I found myself without words to say, because it was so overwhelming,” Pabón says. “I was on cloud nine for the whole night of dancing, even though I had the worst knee pain.”

Pabón is selling his D.J. equipment as he focuses on his other interests: leading a marriage group at church with his wife, painting and spending time with his grandchildren. Part of his identity will always be tied to music, which it has been ever since his first disco sets as a teenage D.J. in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico. “At the end of the day, when you’re tired and frustrated, you put on that vinyl and drop that needle,” he says. “The sound comes out of the speakers, and you’re a brand-new person.”

Frances Fotia

Church organist, 83, ellwood city, pa..

When Frances Fotia was in the fifth grade, the nuns heard that she took piano lessons and asked if she would like to learn how to play the organ. She said yes and, soon after, started to play at Mass every day. “I kept doing that practically for the rest of my life,” Fotia says. She played as she raised her four daughters, and as they grew up and she became a grandmother. She played the organ at the funeral Masses for both of her parents; she played at friends’ weddings, and then at the weddings of their children. “I loved playing for the people for their sung prayer,” she says. “That’s basically what it was all about.”

Adjusting the stops to prepare the organ.

Directing the choir.

Celebrating with her family at home.

In recent years, she shifted to weekly services. Easter Mass was her last day both playing the organ and directing the choir, which includes singers she has known since she was a girl. They sang “God’s Right Hand,” one of her favorites — and then surprised her with the song they sing at the end of choir practice, “May God Bless and Keep You.”

Fotia now sits in the pews, not at the organ bench. But she still thinks about the connection she has felt with the organ since she started playing Mass more than 70 years ago. “When I sat down at that console,” she says, “it was like putting on a pair of slippers.”

Sheila Giuntoli

Letter carrier, 58, bakersfield, calif..

As Sheila Giuntoli made her daily journey along her postal route, she delivered to homes where she witnessed children grow up and houses where she made peace with the family dogs. She passed homes where she attended baby showers and birthday parties. She delivered mail to one yard where, six years ago, a customer asked her out; their four-hour first date at Denny’s led to a backyard wedding and a happy marriage. “It really was a blessing to me,” Giuntoli says about working at the post office. But after 30 years and two hip replacements, it was finally time to retire.

On her route for the final time.

Hugging a customer during her final delivery.

With her husband at the office party.

Posing at the big party.

Her last day began with celebration. There was a speech from a post-office official; a Million Mile plaque honoring her 30 years of service driving without an accident; and a potluck with co-workers. Then she set off on her route, where she said goodbye to customers she had known for a decade. “It made me real emotional,” Giuntoli says.

The bigger celebration came that Sunday night, when her children threw her a retirement party. Co-workers past and present danced, took photos in a photo booth and told stories about the old days, before electronic scanners and Amazon packages. Retirement “made me feel like I lost a family member,” says Giuntoli, who plans to keep in touch with people on her old route. “But I know I have to move on and start a new chapter in my life.”

David DuVall

Firefighter, 54, dolton, ill..

For 30 years, David DuVall worked 24 hours on, 48 hours off at the fire station. During those long shifts, his fellow firefighters were his second family: Every third day they would watch the morning news, shop for groceries, play cards, cook chicken Parmesan and grill steak, watch Bears and Blackhawks games — and, of course, fight fires. “It’s the only thing I know,” he says, “so to say I’m gonna be giving it up is a big unknown. Frankly, it’s a little scary.”

Outside the firehouse.

Taking down his nameplate.

Out on a final call.

Celebrating with beers starting at 8 a.m.

After his final shift ended at 7 a.m., DuVall heard one last call over the radio, announcing his retirement. Then he and his wife stepped out of the station together, preceded by a fellow fireman playing the bagpipes. Before them stood a cheering crowd, full of loved ones and firefighters from Dolton and neighboring villages. “I was very humbled by it,” DuVall says.

By 8 a.m., DuVall and his entourage headed to a local bar for drinks, pizza and old stories. After a few hours, the stalwarts headed to another bar near DuVall’s home; he and a few friends closed out the celebrations at a third bar at 12:30 a.m. “It was 16 hours of having a good time,” he says — almost (but not quite) a full firefighter’s shift.

Charley Locke is a writer based in Portland, Ore. She often works on special projects for the magazine, most recently about low-Earth orbit, and generally writes about children and elders.



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    History | Graded Assignment | Person of the Decade Name: Date: Graded Assignment Person of the Decade By the early 1990s, Soviet domination in Eastern Europe had ended. A number of individuals played a part in the collapse of the Soviet Union. Understanding the role that each played is an important part of understanding the process that changed European politics and geography.

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    Name: Sepehr Kiaei Date: Graded Assignment Person of the Decade By the early 1990s, Soviet domination in Eastern Europe had ended. A number of individuals played a part in the collapse of the Soviet Union. Understanding the role that each played is an important part of understanding the process that changed European politics and geography. (50 points) Score

  7. The Sixties . For Teachers . Unit 1

    In this lesson, students becoming consider what they know about the 1960s, one of the most significant eras in current history, and will assess how they learned what they know. DONE 605 Graded Task Strongiteco.com - Stratified Assignment Person for the Decade By the early 1990s Soviet domination in Orient Europe had ended. A | Course Hero

  8. The Sixties . For Teachers . Unit 1

    Using what they've sighted in the video, students can add issues, the names of significant people, places, events, etc. View Homework Help - Box60.com Graded Assignment_ Box60.com from COMPREHENS 2 during Peak Variant High School. Graded Assignment Name of the Decade By the early 1990s, Soviet domination in Eastern. Extension Suggestion:

  9. 6.05 graded assignment aly (docx)

    History | Graded Assignment | Person of the Decade Name: Date: Graded Assignment Person of the Decade By the early 1990s, Soviet domination in Eastern Europe had ended. A number of individuals played a part in the collapse of the Soviet Union. Understanding the role that each played is an important part of understanding the process that changed European politics and geography.

  10. Person of the Decade

    Graded Assignment Person of the Decade By the early 1990s, Soviet domination in Eastern Europe had ended. A number of individuals played a part in the collapse of the Soviet Union. Understanding the role that each played is an important part of understanding the process that changed European politics and geography.

  11. Graded Assignment Person of the Decade By the early 1990s, Soviet

    Graded Assignment Person of the Decade By the early 1990s, Soviet domination in Eastern Europe had ended. A number of individuals played a part in the collapse of the Soviet Union. Understanding the role that each played is an important part of understanding the process that changed European politics and geography.

  12. Why I Miss My Fourth-Grade Teacher: A Decade Of Publishing Woes

    Why I Maid My Fourth-Grade Teacher: A Decade Of Publishing Sorrow. October 29, 2017 March 29, 2016 by Stephanie Wellen Levine ***Please note that certain names and details have been altered to protections confidence. Fourth-grade writer. I often complain about my point in school, but body of it inhered glorious. By inherent superior, school ...

  13. Teaching in 2020 vs. 2010: A Looking Back at the Decade

    As the 2010s draw to a close, teachers are remaining reeling from massive shifts in policy and practice that have affected their everyday work.

  14. 14.04 Graded Assignment Legacies.doc

    History | Graded Assignment | Person of the Decade Name: Date: Graded Assignment Person of the Decade By the early 1990s, Soviet domination in Eastern Europe had ended. A number of individuals played a part in the collapse of the Soviet Union. Understanding the role that each played is an important part of understanding the process that changed European politics and geography.

  15. Graded Assignment Person of the Decade

    Graded Assignment Person of the Decade. By the early 1990s, Soviet domination in Eastern Europe had ended. A number of individuals played a part in the collapse of the Soviet Union. Understanding the role that each played is an important part of understanding the process that changed European politics and geography.

  16. DOC Name:

    Name: Joshua.G Date: MAY.30,2018 Graded Assignment. Person of the Decade. By the early 1990s, Soviet domination in Eastern Europe had ended. A number of individuals played a part in the collapse of the Soviet Union. Understanding the role that each played is an important part of understanding the process that changed European politics and ...

  17. Decades

    Graded Assignment Person of the Decade By the early 1990s, Soviet domination in Eastern Europe had ended. A number of individuals played a part in the collapse of the Soviet Union. Understanding the role that each played is an important part of understanding the process that changed European politics and geography. (50 points) 1.

  18. Frequently Asked Questions

    History Scriptinggames.org Asssignment EArnone - History | Graded Assignment | Person of the Octave Appoint: Emma - Studocu

  19. Graded Assignment

    Graded Assignment Person of the Decade. By the early 1990s, Soviet domination in Eastern Europe had ended. A number of individuals played a part in the collapse of the Soviet Union. Understanding the role that each played is an important part of understanding the process that changed European politics and geography. Total score: ____ of 50 points

  20. Policy 8020

    High school credited courses with N/A codes will be charged into the cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA). The final grade will be the average of the remaining quarters or assessment grade. N/A codes can also be pre-owned as a space for non-traditional courses until the marking period and/or ranking grades are recorded at the ends of the semester.

  21. Graded Assignment Legacies Person of the Decade

    Myka Deans US History Graded Assignment Person of the Decade By the early 1990s, Soviet domination in Eastern Europe had ended. A number of individuals played a part in the collapse of the Soviet Union. Understanding the role that each played is an important part of understanding the process that changed European politics and geography. Total score: ____ of 50 points (Score for Question 1 ...

  22. Are pandemic-era grading reforms holding students back?

    Students have returned to in-person learning, but grading practices haven't returned to their pre-pandemic normal in many places, college counselor Laurie Kopp Weingarten said. "So right now ...

  23. Google Classroom: How to Create Classroom, Share Learning Resources

    It can be completed in just 3 steps. Go to classroom.google.com. Click on the add button, which looks like a plus (+) sign, and click Create class. Click the "+" button. The Create class and Join ...

  24. DONE 605 Graded Assignment Legacies.doc

    Graded Assignment Person of the Decade By the early 1990s, Soviet domination in Eastern Europe had ended. A number of individuals played a part in the collapse of the Soviet Union. Understanding the role that each played is an important part of understanding the process that changed European politics and geography. (50 points)

  25. First grade is critical for reading skills, but some kids are way

    'The Reading Year': First grade is critical for reading expertise, when boys coming from disrupted kindergarten experiences will approach behind After 18 month of untraditional learned, pupils are indicate up at school lacking fine electric, academic and socializing skills

  26. Imagine Your Last Day of Work Ever. Here's Theirs

    Surgeon, 61, Rochester, Minn. Before her last day in the operating room, Dr. Juliane Bingener-Casey, a surgeon and professor of surgery at the Mayo Clinic, experienced a series of lasts. "I knew ...