Diving Deep Into Marketing in Construction (My Takeaways)

Precious Oboidhe

Published: March 21, 2024

As the pandemic surged in 2020, people stayed home, and demand for home improvement services went through the roof. Construction companies swooped in and launched targeted marketing campaigns.

team explores marketing for construction companies

One example is Brett Landscaping , which sold almost its stock of higher-priced porcelain paving products.

Fast forward to 2024, people are at work. The economic outlook is grim, and interest rates and inflation are high. These factors have led to one outcome: declining interest in construction and home improvements.

Our yearly business recap shows the construction industry saw decreases in customer acquisition metrics. Inbound leads are down by 3.8%, web conversions by 0.65%, and web traffic by 6.84%.

Despite these challenges, now is the best time to double down on your construction company's marketing efforts. As Warren Buffett famously said, “Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful.”

In this article, I’ll discuss 13 marketing strategies you can use to find and acquire clients for your construction company.

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Construction Services Marketing Strategies

Below are 13 marketing strategies you can use to generate leads and clients for your construction company.

1. Create a helpful website that communicates your value.

A few months ago, I stumbled upon a Reddit post about a business owner who wanted to build a construction website . The person said, “I just want to show some pics of work I’ve done as well as a little contact me section.”

construction reddit

Pictures of work and a “contact me” section alone aren't enough to make a construction website.

From my experience, sites like this don’t deliver the desired results because they don’t communicate your value effectively. Beyond your portfolio and contact info, your website should show your services, testimonials, and case studies.

Take Turner Construction , for instance. The elegantly designed website provides information about the company, services, projects, etc.

marketing plan for a construction business

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2. Build awareness with SEO content.

Author of Sticky Branding Jeremy Miller says, “Only 3% of your prospects are ready to buy now.”

The remaining 97% are not in purchase mode or don’t need your solution yet. Instead of considering them lost opportunities, a better strategy is to build brand awareness with SEO content.

Your goal? Educate your audience. Establish authority. Build trust. Win clients who search for information related to your services.

AFT Construction is one brand that milks its SEO content to build brand awareness. For instance, their article on Kerf door jambs ranks #1 for Kerf door jambs on Google.

marketing plan for a construction business

Other ways to build social proof include displaying positive reviews or testimonials and showing off industry awards and certifications on your website.

Building social proof requires time, patience, and consistent effort. Focus on delivering exceptional service, maintaining positive client relationships, and actively seeking testimonials.

Doing this helps your company attract more clients, stand out from competitors, and establish a strong reputation.

10. Create and promote more video content.

Video marketing has become increasingly popular in recent years. Wyzowl's State of Video Marketing reveals that 91% of businesses use video as a marketing tool — an all-time high and a significant jump from previous years.

This data shows that creating video content, especially in the construction industry where visuals reign supreme, is an excellent way to increase awareness, engage your audience, and attract new clients.

Examples of video content you can create include:

  • Video testimonials of happy clients.
  • Behind the scenes of your staff at work.
  • Stunning and completed construction projects.
  • Time-lapse videos to capture an entire construction project.
  • Video case studies that highlight completed projects, challenges, and solutions.

I love how The Quorum Group uses high-quality videos to promote the company’s projects and employees. Blending innovation and storytelling, their eye-catching videos increase awareness and generate engagement.

For example, the Instagram video below has over 200k likes and 1400 comments.

          View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by The Quorum Group (@quorumgroup)

Besides getting the attention of potential clients, it shows future employees that Quorum Group may be a great place to work.

Video marketing is a powerful tool for promoting your construction company. It helps you establish brand authority and stand out in this cutthroat industry. But creating video content isn’t enough.

Promote them across different online channels. That’s the optimum way to increase brand awareness, reach a wider audience, and attract potential clients.

11. Join relevant associations and groups.

Associations and groups let you connect with like-minded individuals in the construction industry. This can lead to new partnerships, collaborations, and business opportunities.

You also get exclusive access to industry resources, networking events, and workshops that could be valuable to your company.

Displaying your membership certificates also shows your commitment to professional standards and ethics. You can do this on your website, social media platforms, and marketing materials.

marketing plan for a construction business

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How To Create an Effective Construction Marketing Plan

construction marketing plan

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What is a Construction Marketing Plan?

A construction company marketing plan is a written document that outlines the specific actions you’ll take to achieve your marketing goals. This marketing plan should be a part of a larger construction business plan template , which provides a comprehensive framework for all aspects of your business. It contains information about your target audience, positioning, and marketing messages, as well as your overall communications strategy.

A thoughtful marketing plan should be designed to support your overall business strategy and initial marketing objective. It should be updated regularly as your business changes and grows.

Your construction marketing plan should be built around your unique selling proposition (USP), which is the one thing that sets you apart from other constructions in your market. From there, you’ll need to develop targeted campaigns, create compelling offers, and craft a promotions strategy that will reach your ideal customers.

Once you have all of the pieces in place, you’ll need to track your progress and adjust your plan accordingly. The best way to do this is to set measurable goals, establish key performance indicators, and determine how you will track your marketing efforts. You will also need to be sure to include your initial marketing expenses in your construction startup costs of your business plan.

Why You Need a Construction Marketing Plan

There are many reasons why you need a marketing plan when starting your construction business , or growing your existing construction company. First and foremost, a well-crafted marketing plan will help you focus your limited resources on the most effective marketing activities. Without a plan, you’ll likely end up wasting time and money on ineffective marketing tactics.

Second, a construction marketing plan can help you track your progress and see whether or not you’re on track to achieve your goals. This is important because it allows you to make changes to your plan as needed.

Finally, a robust marketing plan can be a valuable tool for communicating your construction’s marketing strategy to your team. By having a written plan, you can ensure that everyone on your team is on the same page and working toward the same objectives.

Marketing Plan Basics

A typical marketing plan includes the following components:

Executive Summary

Target market segments, unique selling proposition (usp), pricing and positioning strategy, marketing materials, promotions strategy, digital marketing plan, conversion, referral, and retention strategy, financial projections, how to write a construction marketing plan.

Use the following construction marketing plan template, guide, and examples to write your own marketing plan.

Although the first section of your construction marketing plan, it should be the final section of your marketing plan that is written.

In two or three pages, summarize all of the information you have presented in the other sections and include a summary version of any graphs or charts you have included.

You should also include your marketing goals, objectives, and success metrics for the first year of operations.

Begin by dividing your potential customers into segments based on their demographics, geography, lifestyle, behavior, or any other factors that are relevant to your construction. Be sure to explain how you determined these target market segments.

For example, you might segment your customers by:

  • Family size and composition
  • Behavioral factors

Once you have identified your market segments, you’ll need to create profiles for each one. These profiles should include information about their needs, wants, and values. They should also include information about their buying habits and preferences.

You can use this information to develop targeted campaigns that will appeal to each segment.

Your USP is the one thing that sets you apart from other construction companies in your market. It’s what makes you unique and it’s what will make customers want to visit your construction over others.

Be sure to clearly define your USP and include it in your plan. You’ll need to use it as a guiding force when developing your marketing strategy and campaigns.

To develop your USP, start by identifying your unique strengths. What makes you different from other construction companies? What do you do better than anyone else? What can you offer that nobody else can?

Once you’ve identified your strengths, focus on translating your competitive advantage into benefits that will appeal to your target audience. How will your competitive advantage make your customers’ lives better? How will they make their jobs easier?

Once you’ve identified your strengths, use them to develop a USP that is clear, concise, compelling, and communicated through your website, marketing materials, and offers.

For example, “The construction company with the fastest completion times in the market.”

Your pricing and positioning strategy will be determined by many factors, including your target market, USP, and the overall goals of your marketing plan.

When setting your prices, be sure to consider your target market’s ability to pay. You want to position yourself in a way that allows you to compete against other nearby construction companies in your market. You want a pricing strategy that will be profitable for your construction and competitive in your market.

Your positioning strategy will determine how you communicate your USP to your target audience. It will also determine the overall tone and approach of your marketing campaigns.

Be sure to clearly define your pricing and positioning strategy in your plan. Include information on how you determined your prices and how you will position yourself in the market.

For example, will you be the low-cost leader or the premium construction business?

Your offers are the incentives that you’ll use to get potential customers to take action. They can be in the form of coupons, discounts, freebies, or anything else that will motivate your target market to visit your construction.

When developing your offers, be sure to keep your target market and USP in mind. Your offers should be relevant to your target market and they should tie into your USP. They should also be appealing enough to get potential customers to take action.

Your offers should be aligned with your overall strategy. They should be developed to appeal to your target market and support your USP.

Be sure to include information on your offers in your plan. Explain how they support your marketing strategy and what you expect them to achieve.

For example, “10% off your first project of $500 or more.”

Your marketing materials are the tools that you’ll use to reach your target market and deliver your message. They can include your website, brochures, flyers, business cards, and anything else that you use to communicate with potential customers.

When developing your marketing materials, be sure to keep your target market and USP in mind. Your materials should be relevant to your target market and they should tie into your USP. They should also be appealing enough to get potential customers to take notice.

Your marketing materials should be aligned with your overall strategy. They should be developed to appeal to your target market and support your USP.

Be sure to include information on your marketing materials in your plan. Explain how they support your marketing strategy and what you expect them to achieve.

You should also include samples of your marketing materials. This will give readers a clear idea of what your materials look like and how they support your overall construction marketing strategy.

Your promotional strategies are how you will promote your products and services to your target market. It should include information about the types of promotions you’ll use, the marketing channels you’ll use to reach your target market, and the timing of your promotions.

As a construction business, you’ll likely use a marketing mix of channels to promote your products and services. You’ll also want to consider the timing of your promotions. For example, you may want to offer discounts during the slow season or run a grand opening promotion when you first open your business.

Your promotional strategy should be aligned with your overall marketing strategy. It should support your USP and be designed to reach your target market.

Be sure to include information on your promotional strategy in your plan. Explain how it supports your overall marketing strategy and what you expect it to achieve.

For example, “We will promote our new construction business with a grand opening celebration. This event will include a ribbon-cutting ceremony, tours of our facility, and refreshments. We will invite the media and local dignitaries to attend.”

Your digital marketing plan outlines how you will use digital channels to reach your target market. It should include information about your website, social media, email marketing, and any other online marketing tactics you’ll use.

Your digital plan should be designed to support your overall marketing strategy. It should be tailored to reach your target market where they are spending their time online.

For example, if you’re targeting homeowners, you’ll want to focus on channels like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. If you’re targeting businesses, you’ll want to focus on channels like LinkedIn and Twitter.

Be sure to include information on your digital marketing and social media strategy in your plan. Explain how it supports your overall marketing strategy and what you expect it to achieve.

For example, “Our plan is designed to reach homeowners who are researching their options for remodeling their homes. We will use a mix of paid and organic tactics to reach our target market. Our goal is to generate leads from our website and social media channels.”

If social media is a large part of your digital marketing strategy, be sure to include detailed information on your social media marketing strategy for each platform you plan to use. Explain how you will use each platform to reach your target market and what you hope to achieve.

Your conversion, referral, and retention strategy outlines how you will turn prospects into customers and keep them coming back for more. It should include information about your sales process, referral program, and customer retention strategy.

As a construction business, you’ll likely use a mix of online and offline channels to generate leads and close sales. You’ll also want to have a solid referral program in place to encourage customers to refer you to their friends and family. Finally, you’ll want to focus on retaining your customers by providing excellent customer service.

Be sure to include information on your conversion, referral, and retention strategy in your construction company’s marketing plan. Explain how it supports your overall strategy and what you expect it to achieve.

For example, “We will generate leads through our website and social media channels. We will follow up with leads via email and phone. Once a lead is qualified, we will set up an appointment for a sales consultation. We expect to close 10% of sales consultations.”

Include information on your customer referral program. Explain how it works and what you hope to achieve.

Your financial projections outline the expected revenue and expenses for your construction business. They should be based on your marketing strategy, target market, and other factors.

Be sure to include financial projections in your marketing plan. Explain how they were developed and what you expect them to achieve.

For example, “We expect to generate $200,000 in revenue in our first year. Our expenses will total $150,000, resulting in a profit of $50,000.”

7 Construction Marketing Strategies

For most construction companies, a mix of marketing tactics will be the most effective way to reach their target market. The following are some common construction marketing initiatives:

  • Social media marketing : Use social media channels to connect with your target market and promote your construction business. There are multiple platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are great for sharing photos, updates, and special offers.
  • Paid advertising : Use paid advertising to reach your target market on various channels, including search engines, social media, and websites.
  • Email marketing : Use email to stay in touch with your customers and promote your construction services. Send newsletters, coupons, and special offers to your email list.
  • Promotions : Run promotions and discounts to attract new customers and keep existing ones coming back.
  • Content marketing : Use blog posts, infographics, and other types of content to educate your target market about your construction company.
  • Referral program : Encourage your customers to refer you to their friends and family with a referral program. Offer discounts or other incentives for each successful referral.
  • Customer testimonials : Share customer testimonials on your website and social media channels to build trust with your target market.
  • Events : Attend or sponsor local events to increase brand awareness in front of potential customers.
  • Offline marketing : Use traditional offline marketing tactics to reach your target market. Place ads in local publications or distribute flyers in high-traffic areas.
  • Public relations : Generate positive press for your construction company with public relations campaigns. You can pitch stories to local media outlets or hold a press event.
  • Word of mouth : Encourage customers to spread the word about your construction company with word-of-mouth marketing. Offer incentives for customers who refer you to their friends and family.

These are just a few examples of construction marketing strategies. A great construction marketing strategy will be one that is tailored to your specific business and target market. 

Sample Marketing Plan for a Construction Company

Example – blueprint construction.

Blueprint Construction is a full-service construction company that specializes in residential and commercial projects. We have been in business for 10 years and have a team of experienced professionals.

We are looking to grow our business by expanding our marketing efforts. Our goal is to increase our customer base and generate more leads through our website and social media channels.

To achieve our goals, we will use a mix of marketing tactics, including paid advertising, content marketing, and email marketing. We will also participate in local events and sponsor community initiatives.

Our target market is homeowners and businesses in the Greater Chicago area. We will focus our marketing efforts on this region.

We expect to generate $200,000 in revenue in our first year. Our expenses will total $150,000, resulting in a profit of $50,000.

The target market segments for Blueprint Construction are as follows:

Homeowners : Homeowners make up the majority of our customer base. We target homeowners who are interested in new construction, remodeling, or additions.

Demographics include:

  • Location : Chicago and surrounding suburbs
  • Income : $50,000-$250,000
  • Age : 25-54
  • Home value : $200,000-$2,000,000

Homebuilders : We also work with homebuilders who need a reliable construction partner. We have experience working on both small and large-scale projects.

  • Build type : Single-family homes, condos, townhomes
  • Project size : Small to medium

Commercial developers : We have experience working on small commercial projects. We are a reliable partner for developers who need construction services.

  • Build type : Small office buildings, retail stores, restaurants

Commercial Property Owners : We have experience working on commercial projects, such as office buildings and retail stores.

  • Build type : Office buildings, retail stores, restaurants

Real Estate Developers : Real estate developers are another important target market for Blueprint Construction. We have experience working on both residential and commercial development projects.

  • Build type : Single-family homes, condos, townhomes, office buildings, retail stores
  • Project size : Small to large

Blueprint Construction is a reliable and trustworthy construction partner for homeowners, homebuilders, commercial developers, and real estate developers in the Chicago area.

The competitors in our market are mostly small, family-owned businesses. We are one of the few companies that offer a full range of construction services, from design to completion.

We have a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing the best possible service to our clients. We employ modern construction technology, and we take pride in our work and stand behind our projects.

We have a proven track record of successfully completing projects on time and on budget. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing the highest quality workmanship and customer service.

“Trusted construction partner for homeowners, homebuilders, commercial developers, and real estate developers in the Chicago area.”

Blueprint Construction is a mid-priced construction company. We offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality or service. Our goal is to be the premier choice for construction services in the Chicago area.

Distribution Strategy

Blueprint Construction is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. We serve customers in the Chicago metropolitan area.

Offers and Incentives

Blueprint Construction offers a free consultation to all potential customers. We also offer a 10% discount on all projects over $100,000.

The marketing materials for Blueprint Construction include the following:

  • Website : Our website is the main source of information about our company and our services. It includes a project gallery, testimonials, and contact information.
  • Brochure : Our brochure provides an overview of our company and our services. It includes photos of our recent projects and testimonials from satisfied customers.
  • Business cards : Our business cards include our company logo and contact information.
  • Sales deck : Our sales deck is a PowerPoint presentation that we use to pitch our services to potential customers. It includes photos of our recent projects, testimonials, and an overview of our company.
  • Media kit : Our media kit is a package of information that we provide to journalists and other members of the media. It includes our company history, press releases, and a list of our recent projects.

Blueprint Construction will use a combination of online and offline marketing tactics to promote our company and our services.

Online marketing tactics:

  • SEO efforts : We will optimize our website for relevant keywords to ensure that our site appears high in search engine results.
  • Pay-per-click advertising : We will run targeted ad campaigns on Google, Bing, and other search engines.
  • Video marketing : We will create promotional videos about our company and our services and post them on our website and on social media.
  • Social media marketing : We will create and maintain active social media profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. We will use these platforms to share news about our company and our projects, engage with potential customers, and build relationships with construction industry influencers.

Offline marketing tactics:

  • Direct mail : We will send promotional materials to homeowners, homebuilders, commercial developers, and real estate developers in the Chicago area.
  • Trade shows and events : We will exhibit at relevant trade shows and events in the Chicago area.
  • Media relations : We will pitch story ideas to journalists and members of the media.

The digital marketing plan for Blueprint Construction includes the following tactics:

  • SEO : We will optimize our website for relevant keywords to ensure that our site appears high in search engine results.
  • Social media marketing : We will create and maintain active social media profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. We will use these platforms to share news about our company and our projects, engage with potential customers, and build relationships with industry influencers.
  • Inbound marketing : We will use content marketing, lead nurturing, and other inbound marketing tactics to attract potential customers to our website and convert them into leads.
  • Analytics : We will track our website traffic, leads, and sales using Google Analytics and other tools. We will use this data to improve our marketing campaigns and measure our return on investment.

The Blueprint Construction Company will focus on conversion, referral, and retention strategy to increase sales.

  • Conversion : The company will offer a 10% discount on all projects over $500 to new customers in order to increase the number of leads that convert into paying customers.
  • Referral : The company will offer a $50 gift card to existing customers for each new customer they refer.
  • Retention : The company will send monthly e-newsletters to past customers with information about new projects, special offers, and company news in order to keep them engaged with the company.

The Blueprint Construction Company projects that we will generate $2 million in sales in our first year of business. Our gross margin is projected to be 30%, and our marketing budget is $10,000 per month.

Construction Business Plan Example PDF

Download our construction business plan pdf here. This is a free construction business plan example to help you get started on your own construction plan.

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  • Sample Business Plans
  • Construction Company Business Plan

Construction Marketing Plan

Executive summary image

In the construction world, where competition is high, marketing your business is essential. It is not only about posting pictures of accomplished projects but also about consistent marketing efforts to attract clients.

Your business needs a well-thought-out construction marketing plan so that you can follow and alter it according to the results.

As a construction business owner, you’re busy with projects. Making a marketing plan might seem tough, but we’re here to help. Our guide will make it easy for you to create a plan that boosts your presence in the industry. Let’s get started!

Key Takeaways

  • The construction company’s marketing plan will help you increase brand awareness by promoting your products and services.
  • Defining the target market will help you personalize marketing efforts and make customized marketing strategies.
  • SWOT & competitor analysis will guide your marketing strategy and help you know your USPs.
  • Establish SMART goals for your business, as they will offer a roadmap for tracking progress and making necessary adjustments to your strategies.
  • Pay attention to traditional marketing measures like print advertising as they attract potential customers from local areas.
  • Do not skip monitoring, as it enables you to track whether you’re meeting your goals or need to alter the strategies.

What is a Construction Marketing Plan?

A construction company marketing plan highlights the strategies that construction companies use to promote their products or services. It enables them to connect with potential clients and win their loyalty.

It also describes the steps you will take over a specific period to expand your construction company. It includes objectives, financial options, and plans for both digital and traditional marketing.

In short, it serves as a guide for what you need to accomplish over the upcoming quarter or year.

So, we have brought this step-by-step guide on how to write a marketing plan for a construction company for you:

Related Construction Company Resources

  • Construction Company Financial Plan
  • Key Stats for the Construction Sector
  • Step by Step Guide to Start Construction Company
  • Start-up Cost For Construction Company

Writing a Construction Marketing Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide

1. identify your target audience.

Start understanding your target audience by gathering some basic information about them, like their age, location, gender, income, and job.

After having the basic knowledge, dig deeper into their lifestyles, values, and interests. Also, find out which area and type of construction (residential or commercial) they prefer.

Knowing your target customers’ behavior and pain points is necessary while planning strategies.

Some of the questions you can ask are:

  • What are they interested in commercial, residential, or industrial construction projects?
  • Are there any architectural styles they prefer?
  • What is the average age, income, and gender of your customers?
  • What is their budget?
  • What size of projects are they looking for?

Knowing this will help you communicate the right message to your target market.

You can even run surveys to learn more about what they like and dislike on various social media platforms. This way you will get your ideal consumers.

For example, your ideal customers can be:

  • Homeowners of suburb areas
  • Medium size businesses looking for their own space
  • Government agencies
  • Large companies planning to expand

Understanding your target audience helps you focus your marketing efforts, resulting in more conversions.

2. Conduct a SWOT and Competitive Analysis

Performing competitor and SWOT analysis is necessary, as it provides a clear understanding of your brand’s strong points.

It will help you know your strengths like quality materials and working before deadlines, weaknesses such as financial constraints or lack of innovation, threats like economic downturn or supply chain disruptions, and opportunities like green building or market expansion, etc.

On the external front, if you know everything about your direct competitors, it is easy to identify your USP and work on strategies accordingly.

Some of the questions to ask while conducting competitor analysis:

  • Who are your primary competitors?
  • What services do they offer?
  • What is their pricing strategy?
  • What is their market share?
  • What technology or innovation do they use?
  • How do they handle safety and compliance?
  • What are their strengths and weaknesses?
  • How do they handle their projects and timelines?

By combining the results of both analyses, you can create a great construction marketing strategy that focuses on your USP.

marketing plan for a construction business

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3. Properly Position Your Construction Business

Brand positioning for a construction company is like deciding what makes your company special in the construction world. It is mostly to know why customers should choose you over other companies.

First, understand who your main customers are, like homeowners or businesses. Then, create a clear and memorable message that tells people why they should pick your company using your USP. Post this message on all the platforms including your website and social media.

Remember to share good reviews and show the quality of your work on all the marketing channels.

Thus, brand positioning in the industry is about knowing how your company stands out from the rest of the competitors.

4. Determine Your Marketing Objectives

Before you start marketing, do not forget to set SMART goals for your business (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound). As it will help you understand what is working and what is not.

Here are some common primary goals for construction companies:

Increasing brand awareness

To increase your brand awareness, you can do content marketing, online advertisements, PRO, etc. Increasing brand awareness ensures your brand reaches a wider audience. You can set an objective of improving awareness by 40% in this quarter and then work on it.

Generate leads

More qualified leads will bring in more conversions for your construction business, thus aim to generate more leads. You can set a goal to increase your leads by 10% this month through targeted marketing, website optimization, content marketing, etc.

Improve conversion rates

To improve the conversion rate, targeted marketing campaigns and constant efforts are necessary. You can set an objective of improving the conversion rate by 5% this month and work on that.

Each of these goals should be time-bound with a deadline; for example, you might set the target for 6-12 months or 1 quarter.

These goals provide a clear roadmap for your construction brand’s success, enabling you to track progress and celebrate every achievement.

5. Develop a Construction Marketing Strategy

In this competitive construction industry, converting potential customers into existing ones needs strategic tactics. So, the next step is to mention your marketing tactics for your construction business.

Invest in Search Engine Optimization

One of the best ways to reach potential clients is to develop a website. But to make your website work, you will need to do Search engine optimization.

In today’s world, 95% of consumers check reviews before making any purchasing decision. Hence, it is one more reason to optimize your website and gain reviews.

Here are some tips to follow:

  • Figure out the words (keywords) that you want your construction company to show up for in search engines
  • Use descriptions for images on your website
  • Keep adding new and useful information regarding construction to your website
  • Check that there are no broken links or error pages on your website
  • Write clickable meta descriptions for each page of your website

Apart from this, do not forget to work on your SEO for local searches like “construction company near me”. For this keep in mind,

  • You have your business listed on Google My Business with accurate information
  • Ask your previous customers to write reviews which might help potential clients make a decision
  • Create content that is specific to your area

By doing all of this, Google will notice your website more, and more people will find your services quickly.

Social Media Marketing & Advertising

One of the mistakes construction companies make is avoiding social media. To stand out, make sure your business is on trendy social media platforms to reach a broader audience.

Only posting is not enough, paid advertising and social media marketing are necessary too.

Social media marketing: It is about posting, engaging with customers, and putting up stories, in short, every unpaid activity comes under marketing.

Social media advertising: It is about paid advertising, targeted advertising, generating leads, influencer marketing, and more about paid activities.

Create Google Local Service Ads

Google Local Service Ads (LSAs) are a fantastic choice for your construction business. These ads focus on local customers looking for services like yours, like “construction company near me.”

Setting up LSAs AKA Pay Per Click involves getting the Google Guaranteed Badge through checks and creating or updating your Google My Business (GMB) profile.

You specify your services, choose your service areas, and set your budget. Craft a compelling ad with visuals and encourage happy customers to leave reviews on your GMB profile.

Manage incoming leads efficiently through Google’s dashboard, and keep an eye on how your ads are doing. Adjust your strategy based on metrics like lead volume and cost per lead.

The advantage of these LSAs is that you only pay per click and get leads according to the clicks, so no extra expenses.

LSAs are a powerful tool to connect with local customers actively looking for construction services, making them a game-changer for your construction marketing plan.

Traditional advertising

Print advertisements, radio commercials, or direct mail are some of the traditional advertising channels.

In the trend for digital advertisements do not forget traditional advertising, because it will help you reach 100% local clients.

It also helps you build trust and credibility with the local public due to your physical presence. Apart from that, participating in local events will help you build a community and gain recognition.

6. Determine Your Marketing Budget

Before making any budget, determine all the marketing tools you are going to use.

Allocate almost $500-$2,000 or more for marketing. This average marketing budget will differ based on factors like location, type of construction services, marketing campaigns, etc.

Think about your initial marketing objective; do you want a buzz for your new business or want to increase sales? Because your goals will be the deciding factor for the budget.

Apart from goals, the type of marketing also affects the budget. For example, email marketing or social media are cheaper than print marketing.

Remember, your marketing budget is like the quality materials you use in your construction projects; it strengthens the foundation of your construction business’s success.

Remember it’s necessary to set a reasonable budget for marketing to avoid overspending or spending without goals.

7. Implement Construction Company Marketing Strategies

Once your marketing plan for your business is ready, it is time for implementation.

Proper implementation is necessary, whether it is digital or traditional marketing, or launching a construction website.

First, break down your plan into smaller tasks, then implement everything according to the marketing calendar only.

Implementing strategies ensures that your marketing efforts don’t stay on paper but reach your target audience. This step also helps you connect with customers, create buzz, and build excitement.

For example, if you’re introducing a new service or finishing a big project, it’s the execution that will tell people about it through social media, ads, and emails.

Additionally, successful implementation lets you measure the success of your overall marketing strategy. Let’s see how monitoring works.

8. Monitor the Success of Your Marketing Plan

Monitoring the success of your marketing plan ensures that everything is turning out just right.

This step is incredibly important because it lets you see if your efforts are paying off and helps you make necessary adjustments.

Firstly, monitoring allows you to track your goals. If your goal was to improve conversion rates by 5%, you could check how close you are to your target. Additionally, it helps you identify what’s working and what’s not.

For example, you can see if your posts are getting more engagement than email marketing or if digital marketing efforts are paying off more so you can adjust your focus accordingly.

Moreover, the construction industry is dynamic, with trends and preferences continuously shifting. So, if you notice any sudden change, measuring the results will help you alter the plan accordingly.

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To sum up, a well-written construction business marketing plan along with a comprehensive business plan is the secret ingredient of a successful business.

You can streamline your planning process without any fuss with the help of business plan software .

Thus, don’t miss out on the opportunity to make your construction company a standout success. Invest time and effort into crafting a solid marketing and business plan today, as your business’s future success depends on it.

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Frequently asked questions, can we adapt our construction marketing plan to changing market conditions.

Remember, your construction company’s marketing plan is a living document. It is flexible, so you can make changes as you see fit. You can review your plan regularly and make alterations when needed.

How frequently should the construction marketing plan be reviewed and updated?

Reviewing and updating your plan can differ from business to business, but keep in mind that it is an ongoing process. Thus, you should review and update your plan for the construction company at least once in 3 months.

What are the common mistakes to avoid in construction marketing?

Here are some common mistakes you should avoid in construction marketing:

  • Neglecting local SEO
  • Ignoring online presence
  • Lack of content marketing
  • Overlooking reviews and testimonials
  • Inconsistent branding
  • Not defining a target audience
  • Missing out on competitor analysis

Can I seek professional assistance to develop and implement my construction marketing plan?

Yes, seeking professional assistance to develop and implement your construction marketing plan can be a wise decision. You can also use business plan software available which can help you with the whole business plan.

How do I determine the budget for my construction marketing plan?

The standard suggests that you should allocate 7-10% of your total revenue to marketing. Anyhow, you can set aside $500-$2,000 or more monthly for your construction business’s marketing.

About the Author

marketing plan for a construction business

Upmetrics Team

Upmetrics is the #1 business planning software that helps entrepreneurs and business owners create investment-ready business plans using AI. We regularly share business planning insights on our blog. Check out the Upmetrics blog for such interesting reads. Read more

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Showing 1 - 10 out of 832 for:

  • Construction Marketing Strategy for Construction Companies: Your 5-Step How-To

Marketing Strategy for Construction Companies: Your 5-Step How-To

Start marketing your construction company online with WebFX! We’ll help you set goals, conduct a SWOT analysis, identify your audience, budget, and select the right marketing tactics.

Man in construction uniform looking at laptop

You’ve made the decision that you’re finally ready to dive into the world of online marketing. But where do you start?

Without a marketing strategy in place, you may struggle to figure out how to market your business effectively online.

But don’t panic! We’re here to guide you and help you develop a marketing strategy. On this page, you’ll find five steps for building a marketing strategy for construction companies.

P.S. If you’re feeling overwhelmed while trying to figure out your marketing strategy for construction companies, give us a call today at 888-601-5359  (or  contact us online ) to speak with a marketing expert about creating a marketing strategy that works for you!

5 steps for building a marketing strategy for construction companies

If you want to know how to promote your construction business, you must start by creating a marketing strategy. Let’s look at five steps for creating a marketing plan for your construction company.

1. Determine your business’s goals

The first step in creating a marketing strategy for construction companies is to determine your business’s goals. You can’t run a successful campaign if you don’t know what your business is trying to achieve.

You can set many goals for your marketing strategy, including:

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Increase traffic
  • Increase leads
  • Increase sales

When you set your goals, you want to ensure they’re  SMART goals . SMART goals are:

  • Specific:  The outcome you desire is evident. A goal like “increase leads” isn’t precise. A specific goal would be “increase leads by 20%.”
  • Measurable:  When goals are measurable, it means you can look at metrics and insights to see if you’ve reached your goal. So, a goal like “increase leads” isn’t easy to measure because there’s no way to know if you’ve reached that goal. With “increase leads by 20%,” you can look at metrics and compare them to prior performance to see if leads increased.
  • Achievable:  Your goals should be realistic for your team. Although you should always aim high, be sure to consider previous months’ metrics to determine if your goal is attainable. For example, if you’ve increased traffic steadily by 10% per month for the past year, setting a goal of increasing traffic by 120% isn’t attainable or realistic.
  • Relevant:  Your goals should be related to what you want to achieve with your business. So, if you set your goal to increase leads by 20%, that goal should relate to what your company wants to achieve overall, like increased revenue year over year.
  • Timely:  Your goals need to have a deadline. If you don’t set a deadline, you won’t know if you’re driving success, and your team won’t feel compelled to work towards that goal. Make sure when you set your timeframe that it’s a realistic amount of time to achieve your goal!

Once you know your goals, you can move on to the next step of building your marketing plan for your construction company.

2. Conduct a SWOT analysis for your business

Once you set your goals, you’ll conduct a SWOT analysis for your business. This part is essential to your marketing plan for construction companies because it enables you to analyze your business model to build the best marketing strategy for your construction company.

SWOT stands for:

  • Strengths:  Strengths are the aspects your construction company does well or things that are unique to your business.
  • Weakness:  Weaknesses are areas where your construction company can improve or where you lack resources to do something.
  • Opportunities:  Opportunities are potential areas where you can expand or grow your construction company.
  • Threats:  Threats are things that can hurt your construction company, like competitors, and drive business away from your company.

So, for example, let’s say that one of your weaknesses is customer service. By identifying this weakness, you can try to improve it through your marketing strategy. You could, for example, utilize  chatbots  and messaging on social media to help improve customer service.

A SWOT analysis is critical to helping you understand your business thoroughly. After performing one, you’ll know where your business succeeds and where you need to put in some extra work. You can use this information to help inform your marketing strategy and develop a plan that best fits your construction company.

3. Determine your target audience

The next step in creating a marketing plan for your construction company is determining your target audience. To have success with your campaign, you must know who you’re trying to reach and who is most likely to take an interest in your construction company.

As a construction company, it’s a little more challenging to establish your target audience because you’re typically targeting other businesses. When you target other companies, you’re trying to appeal to multiple decision-makers, so you must keep that in mind when creating your target personas.

To establish your target audience, you’ll want to create  marketing personas  for the different types of buyers. You can base that information on:

  • Company type
  • Company size
  • Occupation/position in the company

Knowing this information will help ensure you’re reaching the right people so you can drive success with your marketing strategy for your construction company.

4. Set your budget range

The next part of your marketing strategy for construction companies is  determining your budget .

Keep in mind that the average cost of digital marketing services is between  $2500 to $12,000 per month  for small-to-midsized businesses (SMBs).

You must set a marketing budget that’s reasonable for your business, but at the same time, you want to ensure that you’re spending enough to drive results. Your budget will help you determine which marketing tactics fit within your means.

5. Figure out your marketing tactics

Once you know your budget, the last part of your marketing plan for your construction company is figuring out how to market your construction business .

There are numerous  construction marketing tactics  you can use to grow your business online, including:

  • SEO services :  If you want to promote your construction business organically, SEO is the answer. SEO enables you to boost your ranking in search results by integrating relevant keywords,  improving site load time , and more. This strategy will enable you to drive more relevant traffic to your page.

construction company seo

  • Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising : PPC is a fantastic way to advertise your construction company. PPC ads are paid advertisements that appear at the top of the search results above organic listings. When you optimize your bid and  create relevant ad copy , this strategy will enable you to drive more leads that convert.

construction company ppc

  • Social media marketing:   Social media marketing for construction  enables you to build a personal relationship with leads interested in your construction services. You can share content with your audience and get them to engage with your brand. Most social platforms also include a messaging platform to help you connect directly to customers.

social media construction company

  • Social media advertising:  Social media advertising enables you to take your construction company’s social strategy to the next level by placing advertisements in newsfeeds of relevant leads. With precise targeting and enticing ad copy, you’ll reach more prospects looking to hire a construction company.

social media ad construction

  • Email marketing:  Email marketing is another marketing idea for construction companies that enables you to have a personal connection with your audience. With personalized  construction email marketing campaigns , you can send tailored  newsletters , blogs, and more to nurture leads towards conversion.
  • Content marketing :  If you want to promote your construction business, content marketing is the answer. Content marketing enables you to share your knowledge and expertise with your audience by creating  blog posts ,  videos , and more. You’ll provide your audience with valuable information they seek and help establish your business as an authority in construction.
  • Web design: A beautifully designed site sets a positive first impression for your audience. Your construction website should be unique to your business, while helping site visitors to better understand your brand and services. Additionally, having a  responsive web design  will help deliver a website that works great on all devices.

These are just some of the many tactics you can include in your marketing strategy for construction companies. It may take some research, consideration, and experimentation to figure out which strategies work best for your construction company.

If you don’t have the time to dedicate to marketing strategy experimentation, rely on a  marketing agency  like WebFX!

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“We were looking for a forward-thinking but down to earth SEO company to partner with. Not only were we looking to build a long term business relationship but we needed them to understand our needs as a small company. And WebFX met all of that criteria. Our experience has been unparalleled; from the sales team who made the drive to our office to meet us in person to our Internet Marketer who has been an absolute joy to work with. They are completely transparent about their services and they take the time to explain everything which not only sets them apart from every other SEO company we have worked with but we also feel like we’re taking something away from our interactions with the staff at WebFX. We are exited to see where this year will take us knowing that we have such a great support system with their company.”

Home Contractor

Start developing your marketing strategy for construction companies today

A successful construction company starts with a strong marketing strategy, but it can be challenging to find the time to research and implement a marketing strategy for your construction company.

However, that’s where WebFX can help.

As a  full-service digital marketing agency , we can help you develop a marketing strategy for construction companies that enables your business to thrive online.

In the past five years, we’ve driven  over $10 billion in sales and over 24 million leads  for our clients. You can count on us to drive results that help your business thrive.

Ready to start building your digital marketing strategy?  Contact us online or call us today at 888-601-5359 to speak with a strategist.

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Table of Contents

  • 5 Steps for Building a Marketing Strategy for Construction Companies
  • Start Developing Your Marketing Strategy for Construction Companies Today

Additional Reading

  • 10+ Construction Industry Trends to Watch for 2024
  • 12 Simple Social Media Tips for Construction
  • 26+ Construction Marketing Statistics for 2024
  • 3 Commercial Construction Marketing Tips to Expand Your Business
  • 5 Great Tips for Optimizing Your Web Design for Construction (With Examples)
  • Construction Marketing Agency
  • Construction Marketing Services
  • How to Market a Construction Company
  • PPC for Construction Companies
  • SEO for Construction Companies That Want to Succeed

Our Most Popular Services

  • SEO Services
  • PPC Services
  • Web Design Services
  • Social Media Services
  • Digital Marketing Services
  • Our Revenue Marketing Technology

How We Drive Revenue for Businesses

  • Inbound Marketing Services
  • Internet Marketing Agency
  • Internet Marketing Prices for Every Strategy
  • Marketing Operations Services
  • Measure Your Product Catalog’s ROI with Ecommerce PIM
  • Online Press Release Services: Promote & Grow Your Company
  • Performance Marketing Agency
  • Performance Marketing Services
  • Professional Marketing Company

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Solving key challenges for construction companies

Our website isn’t ranking in the search results for construction services.

When businesses need construction services, they take to search engines like Google. Ensure your website appears at the top of the results when your target audience needs your services.

  • Local SEO Services
  • Content Marketing Services

We’re struggling to grow our team

Expanding your team and growing your business go hand-in-hand. If you need help growing your team, our recruitment marketing services have you covered.

Marketing icon with flame.

  • Recruitment Marketing Services

We’re not generating enough leads

Are people visiting your website but not getting in touch with you? Our expert marketing specialists and web designers can optimize all areas of your website so you can attract and convert more of your target audience to use your construction services.

Branch icon of a storefront.

  • Landing Page Design Services
  • Conversion Rate Optimization Services
  • Programmatic Advertising Services

We’re not attracting new customers

Having trouble increasing your online visibility, so you can attract new customers? Our award-winning marketing services get your brand in front of the right businesses in your service area.

  • PPC Management Services
  • Social Media Management Services
  • Geofencing Advertising Services
  • SEO Checker
  • Keyword Research Tool
  • Keyword Density Checker
  • CTR Calculator
  • CPC Calculator
  • Lorem Ipsum Generator
  • Hex to RGB Converter
  • Digital Marketing Strategies
  • How to Do Keyword Research
  • How to Plan a Marketing Budget
  • Marketing Attribution Guide
  • Marketing Automation Guide
  • Social Media Management Guide

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  • Washington, DC
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Construction Company Marketing Plan Template

  • Great for beginners
  • Ready-to-use, fully customizable Subcategory
  • Get started in seconds

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Marketing is a crucial component for any successful construction company. To effectively promote your services, increase brand awareness, and secure new projects, you need a solid marketing plan. That's where ClickUp's Construction Company Marketing Plan Template comes in handy!

With this template, your marketing team can:

  • Outline strategic campaigns and tactics to reach your target audience
  • Track and analyze marketing metrics to measure the success of your efforts
  • Collaborate and align with other departments to ensure a cohesive marketing approach
  • Keep all your marketing assets and resources organized in one place for easy access

Don't let your construction company's marketing efforts fall behind. Get started with ClickUp's Marketing Plan Template and take your business growth to new heights!

Benefits of Construction Company Marketing Plan Template

A construction company marketing plan template can provide numerous benefits for your marketing team and the overall success of your business. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Streamlines your marketing efforts and ensures a cohesive approach to promoting your construction services
  • Helps identify your target audience and develop strategies to reach them effectively
  • Provides a roadmap for your marketing activities, making it easier to set goals and track progress
  • Assists in allocating resources and budget effectively, maximizing your return on investment
  • Enables you to analyze and measure the effectiveness of your marketing initiatives, allowing for continuous improvement and optimization

Main Elements of Construction Company Marketing Plan Template

ClickUp's Construction Company Marketing Plan template is here to help you streamline your marketing efforts and stay on top of your construction projects!

Here are the main elements of this template:

  • Custom Statuses: Easily track the progress of your marketing tasks with statuses like Cancelled, Complete, In Progress, Needs Input, Planned, and To Do.
  • Custom Fields: Utilize 6 custom fields such as Quarter, Task Type, Impact, Progress, Percent Completion, and Effort to capture specific details about your marketing plan and monitor its progress.
  • Custom Views: Access 5 different views to visualize your marketing plan from different perspectives. Use the Key Results view to track important metrics, the Timeline view to see deadlines and milestones, the Getting Started Guide view to get a step-by-step overview, the Objectives view to set and monitor your marketing objectives, and the Progress Board view to get a visual representation of your plan's progress.

With ClickUp's Construction Company Marketing Plan template, you'll have all the tools you need to effectively manage and execute your marketing initiatives in the construction industry.

How to Use Marketing Plan for Construction Company

If you're a construction company looking to create a successful marketing plan, follow these steps to effectively use the Construction Company Marketing Plan Template in ClickUp:

1. Define your target audience

Identify the specific group of people or businesses that you want to target with your marketing efforts. Are you focusing on residential clients, commercial clients, or both? Determine their demographics, needs, and pain points to tailor your marketing messages and strategies accordingly.

Use custom fields in ClickUp to categorize and track different target audience segments.

2. Set clear marketing goals

Establish measurable goals that align with your overall business objectives. Do you want to increase brand awareness, generate more leads, or boost conversions? Setting specific goals will help you stay focused and track your progress effectively.

Utilize Goals in ClickUp to set and track your marketing objectives.

3. Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy

Create a detailed plan outlining the specific marketing tactics and channels you will use to reach your target audience and achieve your goals. Consider using a combination of digital marketing strategies such as search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, social media advertising, and email marketing.

Visualize your marketing strategy using the Board view in ClickUp , where you can create cards for each tactic and move them through different stages of implementation.

4. Implement and track your marketing activities

Put your marketing plan into action by executing the tactics outlined in your strategy. Monitor the performance of each marketing activity to determine what's working and what needs improvement. Track key metrics such as website traffic, lead generation, conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI).

Utilize Dashboards in ClickUp to track and analyze your marketing metrics in real-time, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your marketing efforts.

By following these steps and using the Construction Company Marketing Plan Template in ClickUp, you'll be able to create a comprehensive and effective marketing plan that will help your construction company stand out in a competitive market and drive business growth.

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Get Started with ClickUp’s Construction Company Marketing Plan Template

Construction companies can use this Marketing Plan Template to help their marketing teams stay organized and focused on achieving their goals.

First, hit "Add Template" to sign up for ClickUp and add the template to your Workspace. Make sure you designate which Space or location in your Workspace you'd like this template applied.

Next, invite relevant members or guests to your Workspace to start collaborating.

Now you can take advantage of the full potential of this template to create a comprehensive marketing plan:

  • Use the Key Results View to set specific marketing objectives and track progress towards achieving them
  • The Timeline View will help you create a visual representation of your marketing activities and deadlines
  • Refer to the Getting Started Guide View to understand the template structure and get tips on how to leverage its features effectively
  • Use the Objectives View to outline specific marketing goals and strategies for each objective
  • The Progress Board View will give you an overview of all marketing tasks and their statuses
  • Organize tasks into six different statuses: Cancelled, Complete, In Progress, Needs Input, Planned, To Do, to keep track of progress
  • Update statuses as you complete tasks to keep team members informed of progress
  • Monitor and analyze tasks to ensure maximum productivity and successful marketing campaigns.

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How To Write a Great Construction Marketing Plan To Get More Leads For Your Company + Template


If you’re like most business owners, you know that to succeed, you need to have a solid marketing plan in place. But what many people don’t realize is that the construction industry is unique when it comes to marketing- and there are specific things you need to do to get leads for your company.

As the owner of a construction business, you know that having a good marketing plan is essential to your success. After all, without customers, your business will not survive.

But what goes into a good marketing plan? Below, we will go over some of the key components of a successful marketing plan for a construction business.

Download the Ultimate Marketing Plan Template

Key components of a construction marketing plan.

A great marketing plan has eleven sections as follows:

Executive Summary

Target market segments.

  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Pricing and Positioning Strategy

Distribution strategy, marketing materials, promotions strategy, digital marketing plan, conversion, referral, and retention strategy, financial projections.

We provide more detail for each of these critical components below.

The executive summary is a brief overview of your entire marketing plan. It should include your overview information from each of the other sections, such as your target market, unique selling proposition, key promotions strategies, and financial projections.

When marketing a construction company, it is essential to identify your target market segments. Who are your most likely customers? Consider factors such as age, gender, income, location, and lifestyle when determining your target market segments.

For example, a construction business’ customers may include homeowners, businesses, developers, general contractors, and more.

Once you have identified your target market segments, you can begin to tailor your marketing messages and strategies to appeal to them.

Break down each of these segments by considering their needs, wants, and pain points. For example, the needs of a construction business’ customers may include quality workmanship, on-time completion, and fair pricing.

By understanding your target market segments, you will be better equipped to create marketing messages that resonate with them.

Unique Selling Proposition

Your unique selling proposition (USP) sets your construction company apart from other construction businesses. What do you offer that nobody else does?

For example, your construction company may specialize in green building methods, or you may offer a money-back satisfaction guarantee.

No matter your USP, make sure it is evident in your marketing materials. Your clients/customers should be able to see immediately what makes you different from the other business in their area.

Your pricing and positioning strategy will be determined by your target market segments and your unique selling proposition.

For example, if you are targeting high-end customers, your prices will be higher than if you were targeting budget-conscious customers.

Similarly, if your construction company specializes in luxury homes, your positioning will be different than if you specialized in repairing cracks in concrete sidewalks.

No matter your positioning strategy, your pricing strategy must be competitive. Consider conducting a market analysis to see what other construction businesses with which you compete are charging for similar offerings.

Your distribution strategy is how you will get your products and services into the hands of your target market.

For example, if you are selling construction services, your distribution channels may include online directories, word-of-mouth referrals, and print advertisements.

If you are selling construction products, your distribution channels may include home improvement stores, online retailers, and your website.

No matter what your distribution channels are, ensure you leverage the right channels for your target market segments.

Providing offers through your business is a great way to entice customers to make a purchase. Some offers you could provide include discounts, coupons, free consultations, and free quotes.

Make sure your offers are prominently featured in your marketing materials, such as your website, brochures, and business cards.

Your marketing materials should be based on your unique selling proposition and target market segments. They should be designed to grab attention and generate interest in your business.

Some of the marketing materials you might want to create include product brochures, flyers, and website banners. You will also want to ensure your branding is strong and consistent across all your marketing materials.

Your promotions strategy includes the methods you will use to attract new customers. It should be designed to generate excitement and encourage customers to try your business. 

Construction businesses should consider the following promotional strategies:

  • Sponsoring a local event
  • Offering discounts and coupons
  • Hosting a grand opening event
  • Creating a loyalty program
  • Participating in trade shows
  • Sending direct mailings

Keep in mind that your promotions strategy should be designed to reach your target market segments. Consider using a mix of online and offline promotional tactics.

In today’s digital age, it’s important to have a solid digital marketing plan. This will help you reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your business.

Some of the digital marketing tactics you might want to use include search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing, and email marketing. You will also want to make sure your website is mobile-friendly and easy to navigate.

Another digital marketing strategy is to create a blog. This is a great way to share helpful information with your target market and position yourself as an expert in your industry.

Your conversion, referral, and retention strategy should be designed to keep customers coming back. Consider offering loyalty rewards, discounts for referrals, and other incentives to encourage customers to continue using your business.

You will also want to make sure your customer service is top-notch. Respond quickly to any complaints or concerns, and always go above and beyond to exceed customer expectations.

Last but not least, you will need to create financial projections for your business. This will help you track your progress and ensure you are on track to meet your goals.

The key information to include in these financial projections are your monthly marketing expenditures and expected sales. Be sure to update your projections on a regular basis to reflect any changes in your business.

To create a successful construction marketing plan, you need to consider your target market segments, promotional strategies, and digital marketing tactics. You will also want to make sure your branding is consistent across all of your marketing materials.  

By following these steps, you can develop a quality marketing plan that will help you successfully launch and grow your construction business. Just remember to be creative, think outside the box, and always put your customers first. With a little hard work and dedication, you will be well on your way to success!

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20 Proven Methods to Market a Construction Business

by: Gabriel Perez

Every construction business exists because of 1 thing.

And revenue is the result of a powerful sales process and proven marketing tactics.

So here are 20 battle-tested ways to market a construction business that will lead you to more success for your construction company .

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1. Craft a Direct Message to Your Ideal Client

To start, it’s important to understand who your target audience is and how to craft an overall message that will reach them.

Let’s chop it up into 3 steps:

  • Define your target audience
  • Craft a message for them
  • Make sure they see the message

Define Your Target Audience

What trades do you specialize in? Are you a one-man GC? Are you a drywall company with 10 people in your office? Do you usually work in residential or commercial?

Answer those questions and figure your own organization out first. Next, paint a picture on who your dream client is. How old are they? How big is their company?

Get as specific as possible. Once you have your dream client in mind, you have your target audience. A target audience is a collection of your dream clients .

Craft a Message for Your Target Audience

So now you have your target audience, and the next step is to tap into their desires and speak to them.

What does your dream client want? What do they want to hear? What do they struggle with almost every single day? Once you know the answers to all those questions and ones similar, you have all the fuel you need to craft a message.

“Crafting a message for an audience” is more than just what to write in a promo flyer. It’s your entire brand. It’s what you’re all about.

Let’s illustrate an example so you can better understand.

You’re a GC trying to do big commercial jobs in the city. After speaking with developers in your area you start to realize that the biggest problem they deal with is GCs not having budgetary pricing without final drawings. Armed with this info, you set up some Facebook ads targeting developers and people working in real estate development companies and you give a sales pitch on how much better you could estimate projects.

That’s a message for a specific audience.

Make Sure They Get the Message

Once you create the message you need to make sure your target audience receives it. To make sure of this you first need to see where their attention is. Most contractors briefly check their phone on the job site occasionally, and they’re mostly on email or Facebook. Because of this, if you want to target contractors it makes sense to target them on Facebook and Email.

See what has their attention and make a presence there.

2. Build a Content Creation Team

The business world is evolving very rapidly into a dynamic where the people who succeed are the ones putting the most content out into the world and occupying people’s attention.

As a construction business, it’s essential you create and distribute content to attract attention. In other words, you must create and post a lot of content on the internet so you can get a reputation that encourages people to view you as the go-to contractor.

Unless you’re an experienced content creator, it’d be wise to hire a team or to outsource the task entirely. If you’re going to keep it in-house you’re going to need these 4 roles :

  • Written word person (Editorial Management)
  • Math person (Data Analyst/Strategist)
  • Video person (Video Content)
  • Art person (Designer)

Keep in mind these don’t have to be 4 different people, it can be 1 person satisfying all 4 roles, 2 people with 2 roles each. As long as all 4 roles are satisfied.

If you don’t really understand anything above, then it’s a good sign you should probably hire a marketing agency to help you out. Check out #12 on this article about social media for home builders for help on how to hire one.

3. Post Content on Facebook

Once you have your team, agency, or yourself situated and ready to start producing content, it’s time to go hard on the platforms your potential clients are on.

According to the Pew Research Center, 69% of U.S. adults use Facebook, and many of those are contractors and homeowners who can potentially be people that give you work, so it only makes sense to attack your marketing on this platform.

Make a list of the different types of content you want to post, this will be your guide to having a solid, predictable brand that people can expect, and also not having to think so hard on what to post. This is called a content type planner .

An example content type planner for a construction company could be:

  • Video’s giving advice to other contractors/homeowners
  • Quotes from videos
  • Examples of finished work
  • Videos of projects being worked on

This is entirely personal and up to you, but the above content type planner should give you a head start on thinking of what to post.

4. Post Content on Instagram

Just like with the content type planner above, you’re going to want to make something similar for Instagram, if not the same thing.

Once you have a planner detailing all the different types of content that you’re going to publish, it’s time to execute and put stuff out to the world.

Remember that if you’re having trouble with social media, don’t be afraid to hire a team or to outsource social media management to an agency. It may be pricy, but the brand it will build will be worth it.

5. Post Content on LinkedIn

If you’re a commercial contractor, LinkedIn should be the platform you’re going the hardest at. There’s great organic reach on the platform which means that if you post things consistently there’s a great chance a lot of people are going to see it.

Most people who have never used social media for their business tense up when it’s mentioned, they don’t know how to make their way into the community or how to get started. Our advice is to just start .

Make a list of ideas for posts and just start posting, as you get more experience it will flow more easily to you. If you don’t have the time to attack your content creating, hire people to do it for you. Invest in your brand and reap the benefits for years to come.

6. Hire an Estimating Firm

Most contractors work 60+ hours a week. They just don’t have the time to focus on marketing and branding.

Truthfully, if you want to grow your construction business , you’ll need to be the head of sales at your company and delegate everything else.

One of the biggest thing’s contractors have in the way of freeing up their time is the estimating and bidding process in order to win jobs. They don’t have the time to be in the office and measure takeoffs and price everything. We know this, that’s why we offer an estimating service that completely takes it off your hands so you can focus on what really matters for your business,

Generating revenue.

7. Attract Leads with a Lead Magnet

This can almost instantly blow up a construction business, especially if you work mostly in the residential sector.

A lead magnet is a free offer for something that collects contact information to eventually sell your services.

For example, a painting contractor who mainly works on residential remodeling jobs may offer a special video training “How to Remodel Your Home on a Budget”, that people can see only after they’ve given away their email address.

That’s a very simple and effective way to collect emails.

8. Promote Content through Weekly Email

Once you have a list of emails from your lead magnet, or you have a list from a paid lead generation service, it’s time to elevate your brand.

Get the content you’ve been posting on social media and promote it on your email to get more attention and build more legitimacy for your company.

This can be as simple as attaching the link to your LinkedIn along with a compelling reason why people should check out your page.

The main reason for this is to consistently get in front of your potential client and give real value and establish authority so that when the time comes and they have a project for you, they’ll give you a call.

9. Send Sales Pitches through Email

Whether you just collected a prospect’s email or have a list of emails in your database already, it helps to occasionally offer your help.

Just a simple “Hey John, have any projects you need some help on?” can generate a lot of interest in your company.

Plus, the genuine approach to trying to get projects gives you a solid reputation as a dependable, reliable contractor.

That reputation gives a massive boost to all your marketing and sales efforts.

10. Set Up Email Sequence for Potential Clients

When someone opts-in for your lead magnet, the next step is for them to get a strategic set of emails that all serve the purpose of furthering your relationship with the client so they can know, like, and trust you.

Here’s what that can look like for a home builder appealing to newly married couples :

Email #1 – Give video detailing what to expect in the home buying process.

Email #2 – Detail how to save money when buying a home

Email #3 – Invite to check out your social media page

Email #4 – Sales pitch

That’s just an example, but it’s to introduce a concept that might be foreign to you.

Just in case you need it, here’s some more info on how to make more money as a home builder .

11. Visit Your S12C Once a Month

A Select 12 Cluster (S12C) is a strategy where you create a list of your 12 dream clients and you focus most of your effort into developing relationships with them and working with them on projects.

It’s a strategy that brings a predictable and steady stream of projects to you and your organization.

To market your construction business better, it would definitely pay to invest some time to visit everyone in your S12C list at least once or twice a month.

12. Ask for Referrals

This one is very simple, after you complete a project that you know you did a good job on, don’t shy away from asking if they know a developer or GC who has some projects they’re fixing to work on.

Sometimes the action of simply asking for extra work could lead to amazing opportunities you would’ve missed out on if you’d have never inquired about it.

13. Go All-in on Local SEO

Local SEO is what happens when you look up something location-specific on Google.

local seo example

As you can imagine, being on that list would get you a lot of exposure and bring a lot of legitimacy to your company.

Without getting too technical, the main thing you need to be ranked up there is for Google to approve of your page and consider you a better website than the competition.

The way to make that happen is by getting people to vouch for your website and add links to it on their website. So in other words, the website with more links to it gets ranked higher on Google.

Of course, there are a million other things to it, but that’s all you really need to know because the easiest way you can rank higher for Local SEO is by hiring experts on freelance sites like Fiverr or Upwork. Just a quick search of “local SEO services” will give you a huge list of people itchy to help you for more than affordable prices.

14. Invest in Lead Generation Services

One of the best, if not the best, ways to predictably get leads to your construction business is by investing in services that specialize in exactly that.

Sites like Bluebook and iSqft are known to be able to get any construction company off the ground and introducing them to potential clients in their area.

Here’s more info on the top 5 lead generation sites , in case you’re interested.

15. Call Past Clients on a Specific Schedule

Keep a database of all your past clients you’ve ever worked with and give them a follow up email a couple weeks or months after the project is over, asking how they’re doing and if they have any other projects they’d be interested in collaborating on.

You’d be surprised how many contractors can secure more work just from following up with past clients and showing how much they genuinely care about their company.

Plus, this establishes a relationship in the industry where you can position yourself as the go-to for a contractor in your area, which is a win-win for both parties.

That’s the real prize here.

16. Build an Advertising Team

The goal of marketing a construction business is having a lot of attention on your brand, and then having a powerful brand that inspires people to come to you for work.

Having content on the Internet helps that goal come to life, but it isn’t enough.

Everyone that would be interested in engaging with your content should receive ads that invite them to see your content and eventually hire you for your services.

Similar to content creation, you can either build a team, do it yourself, or hire an advertising agency to handle it for you.

If you wish to build an advertising team , here’s who you’ll need:

  • Online Campaign Manager
  • Creative Director

An online campaign manager is in charge of the paid advertising management, they oversee the social media advertising backend and they also handle the copywriting and video scripts for ads.

The creative director oversees the designing of the advertisements or the videos and decides the overall direction of the company brand.

If you want to go full-scale attack mode and scale your marketing efforts fast, then hire an advertising and content creation team. However, it’s recommended you hire an agency to help you so it’s not as heavy on your schedule and you don’t have as much overhead.

There are pros and cons with either route, but in the end, it’s your call.

17. Run Advertising on Facebook (Residential)

For contracting businesses focused primarily on residential projects, get your advertising team or your hired marketing agency on the phone and plan out an advertising campaign on Facebook. Eventually, they’ll probably conclude that you need a sales funnel.

A funnel is a sequence of ads to encourage a specific outcome.

marketing plan for a construction business

There are many other businesses out there running complex, long funnels but for residential contractors, it’s best to use a simple 2-step sequence of ads:

  • The first ad to offer a lead magnet in exchange for contact info
  • And then the 2nd ad is a follow-up with a sales pitch to everyone interested in your services.

These ads are followed up with quality emails once every week so you’re always in front of potential clients.

18. Run Advertising on LinkedIn (Commercial)

In the commercial sector, you’re going to be marketing to other contractors, developers, and architects. And if there’s any social media platform that can give you a huge chunk of business, it’s LinkedIn.

This is the platform to constantly be networking with other construction professionals and posting valuable content to give yourself more authority and make your company stand out. That’s what we addressed in #5 on this list.

But if you want to get even more exposure, I recommend taking your best content and making it an ad targeting everyone in the construction industry in your area. The goal is to have content on the platform and then take specific posts to promote as an invitation to see the rest of your content.

The “value-in-advance” approach can take multiple forms, but when it comes to LinkedIn it’s all about giving the best advice and having a great reputation around that.

The truth that many smaller contractors don’t really understand is that simply having content on social media can lead to winning many more bids because it makes your company appear to be more professional and legitimate.

19. Create an Authoritative Website

Having a well-designed website is such an underrated aspect of having a business. A website is one of the core pieces of your marketing.

Don’t be afraid to invest in web designers to give you a great website so you can appear more legitimate and professional. A great website and some local SEO (see tip #13) can result in a lot of business.

20. Build an Audience on Social Media

This is very simple but definitely not to be overlooked.

If you follow the methods in this article, you’ll likely be posting some content soon, but without an audience, you’re probably not going to get anywhere.

If you’re on LinkedIn (which you should be), I recommend doing some heavy networking.

Go on LinkedIn and click on the search bar near the top of the screen.

Click on people, then on “All Filters”. You should get this screen if you’re on a computer.

linkedin search result filters

And this one if you’re on your phone.

linkedin mobile search filter

Then, just adjust it to show people in your area, people in the construction industry, and whatever else you prefer.

Next, just go through the long list of profiles and connect with people you’re interested in working with in the future.

IMPORTANT : Be careful you don’t invite too many people so soon; LinkedIn penalizes you if you connect with too many people without warming up your account. 25-30 people a day is a good start .

You can do similar strategies on Instagram and Facebook as well. The goal is to build a positive network of people who will genuinely engage with your content.

This is a modern approach to marketing a construction business, there are many other methods and strategies out there, but these are the most standout, battle-tested methods that can bring any construction business from a 1-man company to needing an entire office floor to accommodate all employees.

I hope you got some great value in this piece! Feel free to comment below your biggest takeaway.

Remember that I AM Builders is here to help you estimate your projects lightning speed so you can spend more time selling the job and less time in the office measuring takeoffs. Check out our services page to see all we can do for you and your business.

Do you want more projects?

Learn how to get leads on autopilot, bid jobs faster, and close more sales.

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6 steps to an effective construction marketing plan, use these six steps to create a simple, efficient and effective construction marketing plan that will help your construction business grow..

Developing a construction marketing plan and strategy is critical to the success of your organization.  The term "marketing" is often misunderstood and used incorrectly.  Marketing is much more than selling or advertising.  Marketing is the strategic plan that you develop for your organization that looks at your construction company's strengths and weaknesses; the areas in which you have a competitive advantage; the market(s) that you will target your sales focus on; the demographics of your chosen market; and the pricing structure that you plan to use.

While advertising is often confused with marketing (as is strictly selling), it is just one piece of a solid marketing plan.  To use a farming analogy, if I may, marketing is akin to analyzing crop prices, field conditions and determining what crop to plant-advertising  and public outreach nurtures the seedlings, and selling harvests the results.  Each component is a part of the larger strategy and depends on the other for success.  As with most issues involving a construction business, planning and preparation are paramount, as well as measuring the results.  We can't take a break from fundamental business practices.

It's important to understand the general steps necessary to create and implement a construction marketing plan for your business.  The size of the marketing budgets will vary, as will the intended target market.  Ultimately the development of a marketing strategy comes down to similar steps that can be used for any size organization.  It doesn't need to be expensive, but it must be thorough and thoughtfully analyzed.  And it must be articulated to your staff and stakeholders. Your marketing plan, just like your financial plan, must be monitored and adjusted as needed, andit must also be adaptable to changing competitive environments.  The construction market looks very, very different today than it did two or three years ago.  Our construction marketing plans must change accordingly in order to capitalize on potential avenues of revenue.

1. Determine Your Objective

What is the goal of your marketing plan?  Is it to increase market share of a particular product or service(such as performing 10 percent of all window replacements in your locality)?  Is it to grow gross revenuewhich means you have to determine what your highest grossing service is and adapt the plan accordingly to sell more of the higher grossing product or service)?  Whether it's market share in a particular industry (healthcare, schools, kitchen and baths) or based more on pure dollars, a solid strategy must first start with a measurable objective that you can quantitatively discuss your results against.  If you have a company with multiple revenue streams, such as a commercial construction group that specializes in healthcare and a residential unit that specializes in historic preservation, you should have a distinct marketing plan for each business line.  They may overlap in places and actually should - but your market for each is very different and should be treated accordingly.

2. Perform a SWOT. Analysis - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

Performing a SWOT. analysis will not only help in developing a marketing strategy and plan, butit is also essential for keeping any eye on the competitive landscape that your company operates in.  The overall steps of an analysis are as follows:

Strengths What does your company do well?  Where do have a competitive advantage?  How strong is the core of your organizations? (People, processes, etc.)

Weaknesses Where do you need improvement as an organization?  Where are you at a competitive disadvantage?  Are you lacking key team members or processes in your core business?

Opportunities Where do you see opportunities in your core business?  What services could you begin to provide as add-ons that are tangential to your core business and appear to be a natural fit?  What competitors are weak in process and staff areas where you are strong?  Can you go after their clients? Brainstorm for opportunities and get the entire staff involved-you  will be amazed at some of the ideas field staff sees in the marketplace that you don't see in the corner office.

Threats What market conditions exist to challenge your current business?  Is your core business in danger of becoming obsolete or replaced with new technologies? If so, are you developing strategies to counteract these changes and offer revised services?  What other potential problems exist(financing, overall economy, changing demographic)?

3. Analyze the Current Market

Creating a marketing objective and performing a SWOT analysis provides you with two important pieces of the puzzle:1. A result you want to achieve, and 2. An analysis of areas that you see as potential avenues for new markets or strengthening current markets.  This point in the process of developing your marketing plan involves melding the two together.

Your team should ask themselves what market(s) (opportunities) align most closely with your objective?  Where does your firm have a competitive advantage?  Does this area of strength align with your strategy?  You may find out at this point that your strengths don't necessarily fit into your initial marketing objective.   Don't be afraid to adjust your objective accordingly.  At all times, compete in the areas in which you see potential for growth, that you are strong in and that your company has a competitive advantage.

This approach doesn't mean you shouldn't begin to work in areas you see as having potential for growth that don't yet have an advantage. Your goal should be to develop an advantage quickly. It is also important to considerthe cost and barriers to entry.  If it will cost you tons of equity and take years to implement for a small payback, this market may not be for you.  However, if the Return on Investment (ROI) is fairly quick and the initial investment can be comfortably absorbed by your company, don't be afraid to challenge new markets.  If you see an advantage to building custom cabinets and over the years you have accumulated an entire cabinet shop worth of equipment, go for it.  If, however, you would have to spend tens of thousands of dollars and weeks of training for a few custom jobs a year, then it probably isn't worth it this go around.  The goal of a construction marketing plan is not to stifle growth but to strategically allocate capital to its most efficient use.

4. Create a Marketing Budget for Your Construction Business

Creating a marketing budget isn't easy.  I have heard of companies using anywhere from 0.5 percent to 4 percent of revenues as a starting point and then adjusting accordingly.  If your plan is for radio and television spots, then it will probably be toward the higher end, but you will reach more people.  If you don't want to commit that many dollars, you will have to be creative and efficient and will probably promote to fewer folks.  You must set a solid dollar figure you are willing to spend and developing the mix within your budget.  It is important to develop and use estimated budgets for your increased sales - if your marketing plan works, do you have enough people to handle additional work?  Do you have a backup plan for hiring just in case?

5. Develop a Strategy and List Tactics  to Market Your  Construction Companys (The Marketing Mix)

Once you have created your marketing objective, performed a SWOT analysis on your organization, developed a core list of opportunities that you feel confident in marketing and created your budget, the object at this stage is then to determine the avenues that you will take to achieve your objective.  Community outreach, writing articles for the local paper, an internet radio show-the  list is nearly endless.

The takeaway in this session is developing a mix of strategies to reach the target market.  Magazine and print advertisements; your website; local radio station ads; local tv station ads; sponsoring a hole at a golf tournament or sponsoring the local high school or college--these are all methods of getting the word out to potential clients.  It is very important to understand your target demographic when creating this mix.

If market research (a composite client created from your current and past clients; Google Analytics; a PR firm, etc.) has helped you determine who your target market is, then allocate your strategy and tactics to most efficiently reach that market.  If your composite client is in his early 50's, think of not only what he does, but also what his children and grandchildren do.  At first, it may seem foolhardy to sponsor a half-pipe at the local skateboard rink, but you never know who sits on the city council or brings their grandchildren there to skate.  Analyze, analyze and re-analyze your target market, and plan to promote to them accordingly.  Your current and past clientele are a wonderful resource for developing your "average" client and creating a mix that will bring you to them as often and as efficiently as possible. And don't be afraid to think outside of the ordinary.  For instance, web videos are excellent low-cost methods of promotion.

6. Monitor the Results

If you planned on gaining 10 percent of the local market for kitchen and bath renovations, youwe have to check it out to see if your efforts are working.  See where you are in relation to last year.  Check statistics with the local permit office to see how many permits are being pulled to get a good sense of the market.  Monitor feedback from clients.  Just like job costs, marketing must be measured as well.

Creating a marketing plan in itself won't magically bring results.  It won't repair a poor record of client service or fix a modest reputation.  Conversely, it won't make a great company better.  But, if created faithfully, it will allow you the opportunity to truly get to know your business and how best it fits into the competitive marketplace.  It a very competitive landscape, and a well--constructed and thoughtful marketing plan will assist your construction business in working to allocate resources most efficiently and earn business in markets where you have a competitive advantage.

Construction Business Owner , 2010 October

Michael Moore is a licensed Michigan builder and a tax consultant with BDO USA, LLP. He may be reached at 404-304-2057.

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21 Ways to Grow Your Construction Business + 5 Tools You Need 

Posted by: Cinthya Soto

Are you running a construction business? Is that construction business ready for growth? 

Implementing effective strategies for growing your construction business can offer numerous advantages, such as higher revenue, expanded service offerings, enhanced reputation, access to bigger projects, and greater expansion opportunities. 

However, growing your construction business, whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned industry expert, demands lots of careful planning. To strategically scale your operations, you must confirm that you have the necessary resources, such as workers and equipment, to manage the increased workload.

Whether you’re just starting or looking to expand your established construction firm, this blog is packed with actionable strategies and essential tools that can propel your business to new heights.  

Is Your Construction Business Ready for Growth? 

Deciding whether your construction business is ready for growth involves careful evaluation of your current operations, market conditions, and internal capabilities. By thoroughly assessing these factors, you can make informed decisions that pave the way for successful growth. 

For example, if you identify areas where your business is lacking, it might be necessary to pause and address these issues before pursuing business expansion. This might involve:

  • Investing in employee training and development to improve productivity and quality of work.
  • Upgrading technology or equipment to increase operational efficiency.
  • Enhancing your marketing strategies to reach new customers and markets.
  • Revamping your business plan to address new opportunities and challenges. 

To determine if your business is ready for this growth, start by evaluating your financial health. Consistent, steady profits suggest that your business model is robust enough to support expansion. 

Also, ensure you have the necessary resources—equipment, finances, and manpower—to manage an increased workload without compromising quality or timelines. Proper training, safety measures, and quality controls are critical to uphold the high standards your clients expect as you grow. 

Lastly, an established customer management program is crucial for handling a broader construction client base and fostering repeat business and referrals. This comprehensive evaluation will guide you in making an informed decision about your construction business’s readiness for growth. 

Construction Advice to Grow Your Construction Business 

So, your construction business is ready for growth. What now? If you’re wondering how to grow your construction business, here are some construction business tips to help you successfully grow your construction business. 

1. Create a Construction Business Plan 

Creating a business plan is essential for anyone looking to start a construction or construction-related business. Before making any significant changes, it’s crucial to develop a clear roadmap that transitions your idea into a thriving business. 

By crafting a strategic plan, you’re encouraged to think proactively about the future of your business and the detailed path to achieve your aspirations.  

A well-crafted business plan outlines the steps from the initial concept to becoming a successful business owner in the construction industry. This document is crucial, as it helps steer your business in the right direction and boosts your chances of success.

A strategic business plan not only focuses on your company’s immediate needs but also sets the stage for mid-to-long-term goals. This planning ensures that your team can expand with purpose and intention. 

Start this process by reflecting on some fundamental questions:

  • What are my company’s core values?
  • What growth do I expect in net profit margins?
  • What key hires are necessary to achieve these goals?

Moreover, a well-crafted business plan not only provides a clear roadmap for your expansion efforts but also enables you to identify potential risks and opportunities. 

This plan should detail your objectives, strategies, and the resources required for expansion. It should also incorporate a comprehensive financial analysis, market research, and competitor analysis.

However, a business plan is not a one-time occurrence; it needs regular updates to remain effective and relevant in a competitive industry. 

Key elements to review and update consistently include short- and long-term goals, critical annual metrics, organizational structure, employee benefits, and company initiatives. This ongoing revision ensures that your business adapts to changes and continues to thrive. 

2. Perform Market Research 

Before expanding or launching a new construction business, it’s crucial to understand the viability of such an endeavor in your local area. 

Conducting thorough market research is the first step toward preparing your business for growth or entry into the market. This involves assessing whether there is enough demand and whether the market can sustain another construction company. 

Begin by evaluating the current landscape:

  • How many construction companies are already operating locally?
  • What services do they offer?
  • What do they charge?
  • What is their reputation? 

Equally important is gaining insight into the potential customer base—understanding their demographics, such as median age and socioeconomic status, as well as their preferences and needs. 

This knowledge is invaluable for tailoring your services to meet market demands and differentiate your business from existing competitors. It allows you to spot gaps in the market that you can fill, offering services that other local companies may not provide. 

With a comprehensive understanding of both the competition and the customer base, you can craft a more effective business plan, positioning your company to compete effectively and successfully when you enter or expand in the market. 

3. Hire a Great Team 

Building a successful construction business heavily relies on assembling a strong, skilled team. Here’s how to approach the hiring process to ensure you find the right fit for your company’s needs and culture.

Identify What You Need

Start by clearly defining the roles that need filling. Understand the skills and experience required for each position. This helps in crafting precise job descriptions that attract suitable candidates. 

Look for Compatibility

While technical skills are crucial, it’s equally important to consider a candidate’s fit with your company culture. Seek individuals who share your company’s values and vision, as they are more likely to contribute positively in the long run.

Utilize Various Recruiting Tools

Don’t limit your search to traditional avenues like job postings on websites. Utilize professional networks, social media, and industry contacts to find potential candidates who may not be actively looking but are the perfect fit for your team.

Conduct Thorough Interviews

Use interviews not just to assess a candidate’s skills and experience, but also to gauge their problem-solving abilities and how they handle work pressure. Behavioral interview questions can help uncover more about their real-world capabilities.

Offer Competitive Compensation

Attract top talent by offering competitive compensation packages that include fair salaries, benefits, and opportunities for professional development. This also shows potential hires that you value their contribution and commitment.

Invest in Training and Development 

Once hired, invest in your employees’ growth through ongoing training and professional development opportunities. This not only enhances their skills but also increases their loyalty and job satisfaction, leading to a more stable and productive workforce. 

4. Build Connections Through Networking 

Networking is a powerful tool for construction businesses looking to build brand awareness, generate leads, and find vendors. One effective way to network is by joining and actively participating in local chapters of trade associations. 

These associations typically host conferences, events, and meetings that provide valuable opportunities to connect with peers in the industry. It’s important to maintain good relationships and use business cards effectively to facilitate ongoing communication and foster a reliable reputation.

Moreover, networking doesn’t stop at formal events; it also happens next door. When working on a project, consider having some of your people-oriented team members introduce themselves to neighboring residents. 

This not only fosters community goodwill but also promotes your services locally, potentially leading to new business right in your working area. Handing out business cards or offers for estimates can make these interactions more effective, turning local residents into potential customers.

5. Provide Excellent Customer Service 

Providing exceptional customer service is crucial for ensuring client satisfaction, fostering repeat business, and generating valuable referrals. In fact, 91% of customers say they’re more likely to make another purchase after a great customer service experience.

Excellent customer service begins with effective communication throughout all phases of a project, allowing you and your client to make decisions as equal partners. By keeping clients well-informed and involved, you not only meet their expectations but also build lasting relationships.

When assembling your team, it’s important to focus not only on finding skilled contractors but also on hiring individuals who excel in customer service. Your clients will remember not just the quality of the work done but also how they were treated during the construction process. 

Employees who demonstrate respect, patience, and understanding, especially when addressing client concerns or issues, are invaluable. This level of support is essential for avoiding common customer service pitfalls and plays a significant role in building customer loyalty. 

Remember, outstanding customer service acts as a powerful form of marketing. By consistently delivering excellent work and ensuring a positive customer experience, you can maintain a loyal client base and attract new customers, thereby enhancing the overall success of your business.

6. Optimize Your Proposal Process 

The construction proposal process is a critical element in securing new projects and growing your business. Efficiently responding to proposals not only demonstrates your professionalism but also increases your chances of winning bids. 

This process is where you showcase your company’s capabilities, understanding of the project requirements, precision in cost and time estimates, and your competitive edge. 

To streamline and enhance your proposal process, consider integrating a Digital Asset Management (DAM) system like OpenAsset . This technology can significantly improve how you manage, retrieve, and use digital content such as photos, project plans, and previous proposals.


 By having quick access to organized assets, you can create more compelling and visually appealing proposals that effectively highlight your past successes and expertise.

Furthermore, a well-structured proposal process allows you to respond more quickly to Request for Proposals (RFPs) , tailoring each proposal to meet the specific needs and preferences of each client. 

This tailored approach not only improves the quality of your submissions but also helps build stronger relationships with potential clients by showing a deep understanding of their project vision and goals.

Incorporating advanced tools like OpenAsset into your proposal workflow not only optimizes efficiency but also enhances the overall quality of your proposals. This can lead to a higher success rate in bid submissions, facilitating business growth and establishing your firm as a top choice in the competitive construction market. 

7. Develop a Marketing Strategy for Your Construction Firm 

Having a construction marketing plan is a crucial component of any business, and as you broaden your sphere of influence, it’s essential to devote as much attention to this area as you do to budgeting or operations. 

Developing a comprehensive regional and local construction marketing strategy can significantly enhance your visibility and attract more clients. 

Here’s what your marketing strategy should include to make your company the first one that comes to mind when potential clients need construction services: 

Create an Effective Construction Website 

Your construction website should showcase your portfolio, highlight customer testimonials, and provide clear contact information to make it easy for potential clients to reach out. By showcasing high-quality photos and detailed descriptions of past work, the website builds trust, demonstrates the company’s expertise, and emphasizes the scope of its capabilities. 

Additionally, a construction website must provide comprehensive contact information. Ensuring that potential clients can easily reach out via multiple channels is essential for facilitating inquiries and fostering business opportunities. 

Moreover, be sure your website is user-friendly, mobile-optimized, and updated regularly with fresh content to improve SEO rankings and engage visitors. Users tend to spend more time on websites with high-ranking pages: around 8% more on the page ranking #1 vs. on the page ranking #10, so optimization is worth the effort. 

Establish Your Brand Identity

Creating your construction brand identity is a comprehensive strategic effort that involves multiple disciplines. 

Each element, from the company’s name, logo, and design to the style and tone of its content, the appearance and design of its products, and its social media presence , should align to reinforce the overall brand message and achieve business objectives. 

Develop a strong brand identity for your construction firm that reflects your company’s values, quality of work, and professionalism. This includes creating a memorable logo, a consistent color scheme, and a professional tone of voice that will be used across all marketing materials and channels. 

If that doesn’t convince you, according to a Lucidpress survey , brand consistency can increase revenue by 10-20% and 32% of survey respondents reported that consistent messaging increased brand revenue by over 20%.  

Leverage Content Marketing 

Content marketing is an effective strategy for generating new leads and project opportunities. According to the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) , 73% of B2B marketers, and 70% of B2C marketers use content marketing as part of their overall marketing strategy. 

Producing high-quality content tailored to your target audience helps you establish yourself as an industry expert and attract more qualified leads. 

Considering that 83% of marketers believe it’s more effective to create higher-quality content less often, you should focus on developing valuable content that addresses the needs and questions of your potential clients. 

This could be through blog posts, videos, infographics, or case studies highlighting your previous projects. Content marketing can help establish your firm as a thought leader in the construction industry. 

Encourage Referrals and Testimonials 

Did you know that 84% of B2B decision-makers start the buying process with a referral? Testimonials are a crucial element to include on your website, landing pages, social media, or any other marketing materials.

Referrals also play a key role in providing the final push your audience needs to decide to purchase your product or service. This enhances your credibility and can significantly influence new clients’ decisions. 

Additionally, research from Influitive and Heinz Marketing reveals that 86% of companies with B2B referral programs experience growth, compared to 75% of those without such programs. Moreover, referred customers tend to have a higher lifetime value, underscoring the significance and preference for B2B referrals in driving business success. 

Therefore, encouraging satisfied clients to refer your services to others and requesting them to leave positive reviews on your website or social media pages isn’t an option— it’s a must. Referral marketing typically achieves higher conversion rates compared to traditional advertising methods. 

This effectiveness stems from customers receiving personalized recommendations from trusted sources, making them more inclined to act on these suggestions and make a purchase. 

Ensure Sales and Marketing Teams Align 

Your construction company’s sales and marketing departments should be aligned. Investing in construction marketing is essential to boost sales in your construction business. 

Businesses with aligned sales and marketing teams are 67% more efficient at closing deals and highly aligned organizations see a 32% year-over-year revenue growth compared to those that aren’t. 

First, understanding the distinction between sales and marketing is crucial for effective business strategies. Sales involve direct interactions with prospects to convert them into customers, while marketing focuses on creating broader awareness and generating leads through various channels. 

Although distinct, both functions are interconnected and crucial for driving revenue and business growth. Aligning your sales and marketing efforts ensures that messaging is consistent and that both teams work towards the same objectives, using their insights to refine strategies and tactics continuously. 

To align sales and marketing effectively, department leaders should guide marketers to adopt a broad perspective on their objectives, emphasizing the importance of attracting visitors with a high potential to become qualified leads. 

Additionally, they need to enable sales teams to concentrate on converting these qualified leads into customers, ensuring a seamless transition and maximizing conversion opportunities. 


8. Invest in Your Business 

To win more business and foster growth, investing time and money into your construction firm is essential. This investment might include updating equipment and technology, providing ongoing training for your team, and implementing active marketing strategies. 

Even if your company is currently profitable, expansion involves additional expenses. You might need capital to acquire another company or to finance new projects, which could include purchasing or renting equipment and buying supplies. 

It’s also crucial to approach bidding intelligently. For example, submitting low bids to secure contracts can backfire, as potential clients might distrust unusually low prices and prefer paying more for assured quality.

Additionally, be sure to regularly reevaluate your pricing strategy to reflect changes in market conditions and input costs. This might involve adjusting costs in certain areas to maintain a balance between client interests and your financial needs. Always ensure there’s a financial cushion to cover unexpected issues that may arise during projects. 

Moreover, remember that construction is a collaborative industry requiring a range of skills from project management to technical expertise. 

Investing in your team is essential—this could mean offering training, recognizing excellent performance, or fostering a supportive work environment. The capability and morale of your team directly influence the success of your business, making their development a wise and necessary investment. 

9. Practice Effective Leadership and Management 

Effective leadership is crucial in the construction industry, where the dynamics of on-site projects and client interactions demand more than just management. 

To truly lead your team, it’s important to stay actively involved, regularly visiting job sites and being accessible to both customers and employees. This hands-on approach not only ensures that projects run smoothly but also builds trust and respect within your team. 

Great leaders understand the difference between leading and micromanaging. Employees are looking for guidance and inspiration, not constant oversight. 

By demonstrating confidence in their abilities, you empower your team members to make decisions and take ownership of their work. This empowerment leads to increased job satisfaction and efficiency.

Moreover, by showing up and participating in the daily work, you set a powerful example and maintain an accurate pulse on the business’s operations. This visibility allows you to address issues promptly, provide necessary resources, and support your team’s professional growth.

Remember, a leader’s role is to inspire and motivate. When you lead effectively, your employees will not only follow you willingly but will also be more likely to exceed expectations, contributing to the overall success of your construction business. 

10. Plan and Prepare for Risks 

Effective risk management is critical in the construction industry, where multiple types of risks can impact operations and profitability. Proactively planning and preparing allows construction firms to mitigate these risks and maintain project timelines and budgets. 

By actively identifying, evaluating, and managing potential risks, your construction company lays a solid foundation for growth. This approach builds trust among stakeholders, showcasing a dedication to dependable and conscientious operations. 

Economic and Market Risks 

Economic fluctuations and market dynamics can significantly affect construction projects. Factors such as changes in material costs, labor shortages, or shifts in regulatory policies can derail budgets and timelines. 

To manage these risks, it is essential to conduct thorough market analysis and economic forecasting. Establishing flexible contracts that can accommodate changes in cost, and securing comprehensive insurance policies can also safeguard against unforeseen economic challenges.

Occupational Safety Risks 

Safety on construction sites is crucial, not only for the welfare of employees but also for project continuity. Occupational risks can lead to injuries, delays, or legal complications. 

To mitigate these risks, firms should enforce strict safety protocols, conduct regular training sessions, and ensure that all safety equipment is up to date and properly used. Continuous monitoring and auditing of safety measures on-site are crucial to maintaining a safe work environment.

Technological and Operational Challenges 

The integration of new technologies brings both opportunities and challenges. Technological advancements can improve efficiency and accuracy in construction projects but can also pose operational risks if not implemented correctly. 

To manage these risks, firms should invest in training employees on new technologies and maintain robust IT support systems to handle technical issues as they arise. 

Additionally, staying informed about technological trends and potential vulnerabilities can help in making strategic decisions about technology adoption and integration. 

11. Avoid Cutting Corners 

Maintaining high standards in your construction projects is crucial for safeguarding your company’s reputation. 

Any decision to cut corners, whether to reduce costs or expedite project completion, can undermine the quality of your work and jeopardize your reputation. Each project you complete reflects directly on your business, so it’s vital to uphold your commitment to quality.

While it may be tempting to pay for cheaper materials to lower immediate costs, this can lead to higher expenses in the long run due to maintenance and repairs. 

For example, choosing stainless steel screws when working in areas prone to wet conditions can prevent future issues like rust or structural failure. Although your customers might not have the expertise to recognize the quality of materials at the start, the durability and appearance of the finished project will speak volumes. 

Investing in high-quality materials and equipment not only enhances the structural integrity of your projects but also ensures that they stand the test of time, further reinforcing your reputation for quality and reliability. 

12. Embrace Change 

Recent economic downturns have shown that businesses that are rigid and slow to adapt to new trends are more likely to fail. To remain competitive, construction companies must be flexible and embrace change. 

According to the AEC Industry Outlook Survey by OpenAsset , in 2022, 42% of AEC professionals predicted winning new business to be a challenge. However, results revealed a willingness among AEC professionals to adopt new technologies and methodologies to remain competitive in this changing market. 

In fact, 74% of survey respondents said they plan to implement new technologies to help overcome key challenges. 

The industry is continually evolving with advancements in building practices, materials, and technologies. Embracing these changes helps a company stay relevant and avoid the pitfalls of not adapting, such as costly overruns and inefficiencies. 

In case you’re still not convinced, 64% of companies utilizing proposal management software saw an increase in their business win rates compared to the previous year, with an average improvement of 59%. 

Developing a robust change management plan is essential. This plan should provide a framework for accepting, processing, and responding to changes effectively, ensuring they don’t disrupt ongoing operations.

Fostering a growth mindset within your team is also vital. Encourage a culture where learning, improvement, and innovation are valued. This mindset will equip your team to stay ahead of market shifts and changing client preferences. 

While some builders might view change orders as a major inconvenience, avoiding them can result in significant long-term financial losses. Instead, focusing on integrating best practices for handling change orders can turn these challenges into opportunities for efficiency and profit enhancement. 

13. Value Employee Feedback 

Listening to your employees and soliciting their feedback is essential throughout their time at your company. Surveys play a critical role in uncovering valuable insights and should be an integral part of your employee listening strategy. 

If employees are hesitant to voice concerns or ideas openly, consider implementing various types of surveys such as real-time Q&A, digital questionnaires, or online platforms. 

Regular employee engagement surveys can help you understand how invested employees are in the company and identify areas for improvement. These surveys should be conducted routinely to monitor progress. 

Pulse surveys, on the other hand, offer a quick snapshot of the current mood within the company and are particularly useful during periods of change. 

As companies evolve, they often experiment with new processes or strategies. It’s crucial to assess not only if these new approaches achieve their intended goals but also how they affect employee morale and engagement.

Additionally, acting on the feedback you receive is as important as collecting it. Employees need to see that their input leads to real changes; otherwise, they may feel neglected and undervalued. 

A recent study found that 41% of employees have left a job because they felt they weren’t listened to. Therefore, it’s important to prioritize reviewing survey results and implementing suggested improvements.

Continuous listening should be a persistent effort, not limited to formal surveys. Train management staff to actively listen and collect feedback as part of their regular duties. Promoting an open-door policy can also encourage employees to share their thoughts and concerns in real time. 

Fostering an environment where feedback is welcomed and valued builds stronger, more cohesive teams and decreases the likelihood of turnover. This proactive approach to employee engagement demonstrates to your staff that their opinions are not only heard but are also integral to the company’s success. 

14. Assessing Your Operations 

Regularly assessing your operations involves a thorough review of all aspects of your operations, from project management and labor efficiency to supply chain logistics and customer service. By identifying areas of inefficiency, you can implement targeted improvements that reduce costs, enhance productivity, and increase profitability.

Evaluating your operations helps pinpoint bottlenecks that may be slowing down projects or increasing costs unnecessarily. For example, discovering that certain materials frequently cause delays can lead to sourcing alternatives or renegotiating supplier contracts to ensure more timely deliveries. 

Similarly, analyzing labor productivity might reveal the need for additional training or a reallocation of resources to maximize efficiency.

This ongoing assessment should also include technology usage. In the construction industry, leveraging the latest technology can significantly improve accuracy, speed, and overall quality of work. 

From advanced project management software to the latest in construction robotics and materials technology, staying updated can give your company a competitive edge. 

Moreover, assessing customer satisfaction as part of your operational review provides insights into how well your business meets client needs and expectations. This feedback is invaluable for refining your service delivery and improving client relations, which are essential for repeat business and referrals.

15. Master Your Niche 

The construction industry offers abundant opportunities for specialization. Whether your expertise lies in window installation, roof repair, or another specific area, emphasizing this specialization is a powerful way to differentiate your business. 

By branding your company as a leader in a particular niche, you position yourself as the go-to expert for clients dealing with specific challenges like a cracked window or a leaking roof.

Finding and focusing on a niche not only differentiates you from competitors but also increases your attractiveness to potential customers. The more targeted your services, the more compelling your offer becomes. 

For example, instead of starting a general painting business, consider specializing in high-end residential projects or eco-friendly painting solutions. Such a focused approach will help you attract specific segments of the market looking for experts rather than generalists. 

In the competitive construction industry, carving out a niche allows you to build a strong brand identity and gain the trust of clients who seek specialized knowledge and experience. This strategic focus is key to long-term success and reputation in the industry. 

16. Stay up to date on the Industry and Market Trends 

Keeping up with AEC industry and trends is crucial for construction companies, particularly new players in the market. 

Understanding these trends enables businesses to identify opportunities and address market gaps, helping them stand out in a competitive landscape. This awareness can also be pivotal in navigating challenges such as procurement disruptions or rising supply costs. 

However, keeping up with the constantly evolving construction market can be challenging. Building a reliable network of industry experts can provide essential support and information, especially during busy periods. 

Staging up to date can also be achieved through various methods such as subscribing to industry publications, joining relevant associations, and participating in trade shows and conferences. 

Additionally, other top practices that provide valuable insights include: 

  • Engaging with online learning platforms 
  • Accessing detailed market research reports 
  • Networking with peers 
  • The following industry thought leaders on social media 
  • Leveraging technology solutions like project management software 

These practices help construction professionals understand current and future market dynamics, adopt new technologies and methodologies, and ultimately make informed business decisions. 

17. Conduct a Net Promoter Score (NPS) Survey  

Conducting a Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey is an effective way for construction companies to understand customer loyalty and overall satisfaction. 

In most industries, Net Promoter Scores explain roughly 20% to 60% of the variation in organic growth rates among competitors. On average, an industry’s Net Promoter leader outgrew its competitors by a factor greater than two times. 

NPS categorizes respondents into Promoters, Passives, and Detractors based on their likelihood to recommend your services. This feedback is invaluable as it not only quantifies customer satisfaction but also pinpoints specific areas needing improvement.

By reaching out to Promoters—those who score your service highly—you can actively encourage them to refer your business to others, leveraging their satisfaction to attract new clients. This group’s positive feedback can also provide testimonials and case studies, showcasing real success stories to prospective customers.

On the other hand, feedback from Passives and Detractors can reveal critical insights into where your business may be falling short. Understanding their concerns helps you address these issues, enhancing service quality and improving overall customer experience. 

This direct approach to handling feedback ensures that your business not only maintains its reputation but also continually adapts to meet customer expectations more effectively. Conducting regular NPS surveys and acting on the insights gained can significantly enhance customer loyalty and business growth.

18. Embrace Sustainability 

In any industry, sustainability is no longer just a buzzword but a strategic approach that drives business growth and enhances market competitiveness. 

The construction industry is no exception. 52% of construction firms use technology to collaborate with supply chain and partners on sustainability and 87% of construction firms report customer retention is a driving force for their sustainability focus. 

Adopting sustainable construction practices allows construction businesses to not only meet the increasing regulatory requirements and client demands for green building but also benefit from reduced waste, lower energy costs, and enhanced resource efficiency. 

Incorporating sustainability into construction involves using eco-friendly materials, implementing energy-efficient technologies, and optimizing construction processes to minimize environmental impact. 

These practices not only help preserve natural resources but also appeal to a growing segment of environmentally conscious clients, opening up new market opportunities.

Moreover, sustainable construction practices can lead to healthier work environments, which improve worker safety and satisfaction, reducing turnover and increasing productivity. 

Financial incentives such as tax benefits, grants, and better financing options are often available for projects that meet certain environmental standards, providing additional economic benefits to businesses.  

19. Leverage Construction Bidding Sites 

Construction bidding websites are invaluable tools for construction firms aiming to expand their reach and secure new projects. These platforms provide a comprehensive, streamlined interface where businesses can access a wide array of project opportunities, from small residential jobs to large commercial developments. 

By participating in these sites, construction companies can not only increase their visibility among potential clients but also enhance their chances of winning bids by targeting opportunities that best match their expertise and resource availability.

Utilizing these bidding sites effectively involves more than just submitting proposals; it requires a strategic approach. 

Companies should focus on crafting detailed, compelling bids that clearly outline their qualifications, past success stories, and their unique value proposition. This helps differentiate them from competitors and increase their chances of selection.

Incorporating these sites into your strategy for business development in construction can significantly contribute to your company’s growth. They not only provide a direct route to new business opportunities but also help in building a reputation for reliability and quality, attracting more clients and projects in the long run.

20. Implement Organizational Strategies  

Maintaining organization within your construction business is crucial for operational efficiency and financial health. One key aspect is rigorous bookkeeping. Accurate financial records ensure you adhere to your budget and receive timely payments for your work, which is essential for maintaining cash flow. 

Additionally, it’s important to monitor the time and resources allocated to each service you provide. This helps prevent overcommitting and ensures that you can deliver high-quality work to every client. 

While attracting more customers is generally positive, it should not come at the expense of the quality and attention you provide to each project.

Furthermore, clearly defining roles and responsibilities within your team is vital. This structure not only creates accountability but also allows you to assess the productivity and effectiveness of each team member. 

Understanding the return on investment for each position helps in making informed decisions about resource allocation and personnel management.

By keeping these organizational principles in mind, you can enhance your business’s functionality and ensure that both your team and your projects run smoothly and efficiently. 

21. Re-Engage Previous Customers 

Last but not least, focus on bringing back previous customers! This is a strategic move that can significantly enhance your construction business’s growth and bolster your marketing efforts. 

Customers who have previously engaged with your services are already familiar with the quality of your work, making them easier and more cost-effective to target compared to acquiring new clients. In fact, repeat customers have a 60–70% chance of buying. 

To re-engage these former clients, start by maintaining regular communication even after project completion. Send updates about new services, improvements, or changes within your company that might interest them. Offering special promotions or loyalty discounts can also incentivize them to consider your services for their next project. 

Additionally, requesting feedback on their previous experience not only shows that you value their opinion but also gives you insights into areas of improvement. Implementing changes based on this feedback can enhance customer satisfaction and increase the likelihood of repeat business.

Using customer testimonials or case studies in your marketing materials can further attract previous clients. Showcasing successful projects and satisfied customers reinforces the quality of your work and your commitment to client satisfaction, reminding former clients of the positive experiences they had with your company. 

Strategically targeting and re-engaging past customers creates a reliable customer base that helps drive repeat business and referrals, ultimately supporting sustained growth and stability in your construction business. 

5 Technology Software to Grow Your Construction Business 

Now that you know how you can grow your construction business, you’re going to need some help along the way. This is where technology comes in. 

Technology plays a pivotal role in transforming and growing construction businesses, making operations more efficient and enhancing the work-life balance for those involved. However, 78% of contractors are still using some mix of software automation and spreadsheets. 

Yet, by integrating technology into your workflows, your construction business can not only grow by improving efficiency and productivity but also make work easier and safer for employees, leading to better job satisfaction and reduced turnover. 

Here are five different technology software needed to help you grow your business: 

1. Construction Estimating Software 

Estimating software is essential for accurately forecasting project costs and timelines. Tools like ProEst or Stack allow you to create detailed, accurate bids by automating the estimation process, minimizing errors, and saving time. 

This software often includes material and labor cost databases that update in real-time, ensuring your estimates are always based on the latest data. 

2. DAM Software 

Digital Asset Management (DAM) software tailored to the AEC industry, like OpenAsset, helps manage and organize digital assets, such as construction images, RFP resumes , and project and proposal documents. By using a platform like OpenAsset , your team can easily access, share, and collaborate on documents in a secure environment, which is crucial for maintaining consistency and efficiency across projects. 


3. Project Management Software 

Comprehensive project management systems like CMap and Procore offer functionalities that cover project scheduling, document management, and communication among all stakeholders. These platforms help keep projects on track and ensure everyone from contractors to clients is aligned, which is critical for timely and within-budget project delivery.

4. Construction POS System 

Implementing a construction-specific POS system or payment processing tool can simplify the financial aspects of your projects. 

Solutions like Square or BuildPay can streamline invoice processing, manage transactions, and improve cash flow management, making it easier to handle the financial complexities of construction projects. 

5. CRM Software 

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems tailored for construction, such as Deltek , Unanet , or aec360 by HSO , enable you to manage client interactions, follow up on leads, and nurture customer relationships effectively. 

These tools can help you track all customer interactions, manage contracts, and keep all client-related information in one place, which is crucial for providing personalized service and enhancing customer satisfaction. 

Grow Your Construction Business With OpenAsset 

Having the right tools can make all the difference in scaling your business effectively, especially in the AEC industry. OpenAsset , a leading Digital Asset Management (DAM) system , is designed to streamline the way construction companies manage and utilize their digital assets. 

By organizing project images and documents in an easily accessible platform, OpenAsset ensures that you can quickly find and use the assets you need to create compelling, polished proposals. 

With OpenAsset, your team can generate more winning proposals by efficiently showcasing your best work and expertise, thus enhancing your credibility and appeal to potential clients. This increased capacity to produce high-quality proposals rapidly can significantly boost your success rate in winning bids. 

Ultimately, OpenAsset helps you manage your digital content while empowering your construction business to grow by securing more projects and expanding your market reach. 

Ready to harness the power of OpenAsset to transform your proposal process and drive your business forward? 

Get OpenAsset DAM Insights

marketing plan for a construction business

How to Create Winning Proposals

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How to Develop a Marketing Strategy for a Construction Business

In the growing construction industry today, marketing has become one of the most essential tools to succeed. Construction companies can do it all right, from material and labor management to construction planning. However, at the end of the day, the business requires a strong selling point for customers to choose it. This is the purpose of a great marketing strategy.

Getting your business out to the right people in the right way is the key to any company’s success. A lot of businesses are already investing in advertising. However, marketing is a lot more than just advertisements. It consists of many small marketing aspects that need to work together in order to be truly useful. The right way to reach the right people is to develop a marketing strategy for your construction business.

A marketing strategy for a construction business is like a blueprint for a building. Can a building be constructed without a blueprint? Most likely not. Similarly, your construction business would not function at its best potential without a solid marketing strategy in place. Wondering how to develop that perfect marketing strategy? We’ve got you covered. Read on to understand the benefits that a marketing plan brings and the best ways to put one together.

Benefits of a Marketing Strategy for a Construction Business

A clear, thorough, and feasible marketing strategy can help your business flourish like never before. Regardless of how your business operates, it can only get better with a marketing strategy in place. Before developing a marketing strategy for your construction business, it is good to understand the positives of having one. After all, every task you undertake needs to have some value to your business.

Here are some of the benefits that your business can enjoy when you have a marketing plan.

  • Utilizing a marketing strategy, you can increase your construction brand’s visibility among your target audience.
  • Build strong credibility for your company in the construction industry, making it a reliable partner of choice.
  • Understand your target audience better and focus on their specific needs.
  • Generate trust, and thereby loyalty, not just among current clients but potential customers too.
  • Position your construction company as an expert authority in the industry.
  • Generate more traffic to your site, creating and therefore converting more leads.
  • Create lasting relationships with your clients by opening communication channels through social networks.
  • Create awareness for your brand. The more people who recognize your construction business, the more interest in partnering with you.
  • Save time and money when your business is following a well-thought-out plan.

These are just to name a few of the advantages. Your business can soar to greater heights with the right plan. Let’s now look at some important stages involved in building the right marketing strategy for your construction business.

Define your purpose

Every construction business operates with the purpose of achieving certain objectives. For a marketing strategy to be effective, its basis should be strong and well-defined. Think about what goals your construction business needs to accomplish using marketing. It could be anything from expanding the business to grow your revenue streams. The marketing strategy for your construction business will be tailored towards the objective you choose.

It’s important to remember that your goal has to be realistic and measurable. Using the ‘SMART’ approach is one of the best ways to ensure this. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

  • Specific – avoid vague objectives like ‘improve sales’, or ‘grow my business’. Delve deep into the initial assessment and identify a clear, specific, goal. For example, what markets you want your business to grow in, or what sales areas you want to focus on.
  • Measurable – add numbers to your goal to measure its progress. If you want to improve sales in a specific market, define the percentage you want to grow. Add dates, amounts, counts, etc. to make it measurable.
  • Attainable – is your business capable of achieving the goal you’ve set? Consider your existing resources, the monetary aspects, and other such factors to understand if your goal is doable.
  • Relevant – keep the objective relevant to the direction you want your business to take.
  • Time-bound – set a deadline, simple as that. Analyze your objectives to figure out how much time it should ideally take to get there. Add some leeway for contingencies, and this will be your deadline. Having a target end-date will keep you focused on the goal and bring a sense of urgency to reach it.

A smart goal is key in getting the marketing strategy for your construction business headed in the right direction.

Evaluate your company’s strengths and weaknesses

How to Evaluate your company’s strengths and weaknesses

Next comes a deep-dive into your construction business itself. To develop a marketing strategy that works, you need to really understand your construction business inside and out. Look at past performance, research your records, get feedback from existing clients, and understand your business thoroughly. Identify what you’re really good at – those are the strengths that help your business grow. What needs to be improved? Identifying weaknesses is really important in order to develop a plan to handle them.

Your marketing strategy should focus on the areas of your business that enable profitable activities. At the same time, weak areas need some of the focus to ensure they don’t adversely affect the high-functioning parts. A good marketing plan improves on already great areas, while simultaneously boosting parts of your business that are lagging behind.

Additionally, another way to identify your strengths and weaknesses is to compare your business with others in the market. Competitors are always a good benchmark to access your position with customers. What are you doing differently to draw customers to your business? Likewise, what is your competitor doing that makes them a better option for customers? These are some of the questions to ask yourself in order to get a better understanding of your company. This, in turn, helps to develop a marketing strategy that works well with your business.

Understand your customer

Understand your customer

All the marketing plans that your business makes are eventually aimed at one thing – your target audience. As such, planning your marketing strategy depends heavily on really understanding your customer type. This may be different in the various market segments your business is catering to.

So, what exactly is a target audience? These are the people who are most likely to partner with your construction business. The ones who want to utilize the service or product that your business is offering. If your construction business caters to different sectors like commercial, residential, industrial, etc., this target audience changes with each one.

Each type of customer looks for different things in a construction company. A homeowner may be looking for a company that provides detailed planning and interactions. Similarly, a commercial developer may be looking to partner with a construction business that can handle heavy workloads. Whatever the requirement, your marketing strategy should identify it and plan to market it accordingly.

Understand the market and the competition

Research and analysis are the pillars of any successful marketing campaign. Market research is the next important step to developing a solid marketing strategy for your construction business. The construction industry, your competitors, the market situation, are factors that have an impact on your marketing plan.

There are 3 ways in which you can gather data on the market and your competitors.

  • Existing data – utilize existing information from sources like the internet, internal records, and connections in the industry.
  • Fieldwork – set up survey systems to gather information from people in the industry itself. There are numerous online tools available to help with this type of research.
  • Hire an agency – you can also outsource your market research to professional agencies. They will provide in-depth market analysis and studies for a price.

Additionally, assess the competition by comparing your business to some of your closest competitors. Compare your pricing plans and service quality. Are your competitors able to provide better quality at lower rates? If so, what are they doing differently? Understanding the kind of marketing strategies that they use also helps in improving your own marketing plan.

Arrive at a sound marketing budget

Financial planning is another crucial element in the marketing strategy for your construction business. If not planned right, marketing budgets can negatively impact your business performance. Spend too little and your business may not reach enough customers; spend too much and it could lead to losses. Arriving at the right amount is not tough, it just needs analysis and understanding of what you want to achieve.

develop marketing budget

There are several factors to consider before arriving at your marketing budget. Answer these questions to get a starting point in your budget planning.

  • What marketing channels do you want to include in your marketing strategy?
  • Do you need to hire an additional workforce to handle marketing activities?
  • Does your existing staff have the capability to manage the marketing plan?
  • Are you looking to utilize free marketing tools or paid channels such as Facebook advertising?
  • How many different market segments do you intend to target?
  • How long are you planning to run each marketing channel you choose?

The answers to these questions will give you an idea of the financial burden to expect. Additionally, the type of construction business you own will also have an impact on the monetary aspect. Small scale construction companies more often than not focus on local or niche market segments. This reduces the marketing budget since there’s no requirement for large-scale advertising. However, construction firms operating in multiple domains and markets will need to have a more comprehensive budget.

Tie it all together

At this point, we have defined your construction company’s purpose, strengths, weaknesses, target audience, markets, competition, and budget. Now comes the ‘strategic’ part of building your marketing strategy! All these are individual components of the marketing strategy for your construction business , which need to be combined cohesively.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when you develop your marketing strategy

  • Focus on growing construction sectors when choosing your markets. More growth means more business.
  • If your construction business offers specialized skills, focus on those niche markets more. There may be fewer competitors in niche sectors, thereby allowing your business to become experts in that area.
  • Highlight innovative designs and techniques that your business uses in your construction work. Make your marketing plan stand out from the competition in every way possible.
  • Build an effective communication channel with both existing and potential clients using your marketing tools. The more you interact with them, the more trust you build. Make your brand real and relatable by maintaining a connection.
  • Keep your profile, website, and social media accounts up-to-date. These aspects form the face of your business and are the first point of contact for potential customers. Add engaging content emphasizing your company’s track record, specializations, niche skills, etc.
  • Document the marketing strategy for your construction business as a well-defined, clear, and trackable source.

Use these tools and tips to develop your marketing strategy into an effective one.

Develop your marketing plan now!

Now that you know how to develop a marketing strategy for your construction business, get started! An effective marketing plan is a key factor in growing or expanding your business. For success in the long run, it’s important not to underestimate the importance of marketing.  Getting the marketing plan right is even more essential.

Although developing a marketing strategy is not easy, it’s important to spend adequate time and resources to get it right. Moreover, your marketing strategy need not be a fixed source. As your business grows and starts enjoying its benefits, additional insights can help tweak it for future use.

Finally, don’t forget to monitor your marketing strategy regularly. Keep doing what works well for your business and learn from the plans that don’t work out. Don’t hesitate to experiment with your marketing plan as it progresses. In today’s fast-paced, evolving construction world, things can change at a moment’s notice. Stay in tune with the latest trends and make changes to your marketing strategy accordingly.

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7 marketing strategies to promote your construction business.

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If you are in the construction business and want to promote your company, you need the best marketing strategies available. Doesn’t matter if you work by yourself or have a team of experts – you’ll face challenges either way.

marketing plan for a construction business

Luckily, many different marketing strategies can help you stay ahead in the game and improve your company’s marketing – white label link building being one of the more popular ones. This type of link building is a process where an SEO service provider builds a link for an SEO agency.

Other than white label link building, you have several highly effective options. We’ve composed a list of the top seven marketing strategies for promoting your construction business. 

7 Marketing Strategies for Promoting your Construction Business

marketing plan for a construction business

1. Include your staff in the marketing campaign

To make a potential client your future employee, you have to gain their trust. However, the competition is fierce in the construction market, and achieving a trustworthy relationship can be challenging. What can you do?

Show the human side of your company by including your staff in the marketing campaign. The clients will be able to see the smiling faces of your employees and start feeling like they know your company to an extent. As a result, they’ll develop more trust in your business.

Adding a human element into each marketing strategy may be a small but crucial step in increasing the trust between you and your potential clients.

2. Make your video content compelling 

The construction industry is visual, after all. Why not make your video content engaging then? Making compelling video content is a great way to let your brand acquire a personality.

A video that highlights all the critical features of your projects, a video focusing on your team and their personalities, or a video showing a particular construction process can boost your marketing strategy and help you gain a bigger audience. 

3. Encourage past customers to come back!

The most important audience is the one that you already have. As much as you find it important to get new customers, keeping the audience you already have is equally important.

After you complete a job for a particular customer, it would be a good idea to follow up with them after a few months and see if they have another project for you or if they need help with something else. That way, you will maintain positive relationships with existing customers.

4. Promote your business on social media

You might be amazed to find out that more than 75% of construction businesses promote their brand and products on social media. Standing out on these platforms is very challenging, but platforms like Instagram and Facebook allow you to target specific groups and specific locations. Start there.

5. Make a transparent website

Your construction company’s website should always be easy-to-navigate, transparent, simple, and attractive. If your website has all of these four traits, your lead will be able to get all the information fast without getting turned off or overwhelmed with unnecessary info.

6. Set up Google ads

Why should you take advantage of ads on Google? It’s pretty simple – they are the types of ads that are made for your business. When you configure them correctly, a link to your website and phone number will appear when someone types “best construction company near me” on Google.

7. Make sure clients can easily find your phone number

Potential leads won’t be able to get in touch with you for remodeling their living room if they have to dig through your website for several minutes to find your phone number. Therefore, make sure that you have your phone number right next to your company’s logo, whether it’s on your homepage, a flyer, a billboard, or a Google ad.

The benefits of creating a blog for your construction business

Though people usually relate blogs to fashion, lifestyle, and food, we’re here to show you that a construction business can also benefit from some content. A construction blog is an ingenious way to get more customers and build trust between your business and clients.

Including a blog on your website can compel potential clients to contact you for a construction business because they found helpful information on your blog posts. Other than strengthening the quality of your website, a construction blog is excellent for improving your business’s SEO .

In addition, a construction blog can lead to a more organic and better flow of traffic in your construction business. Don’t neglect the benefits a construction blog can bring to your company.

The Importance of Partnering with Similar Businesses 

Yet another great marketing strategy for promoting your construction business is partnering with a peer business from the same industry. In the first lines, you’ll get a chance to present your company to a completely new market.

Next, you’ll get a chance for cross-promotion. In co-marketing based on trust and mutual interest, there’s always room to find similarities between your brand and your partner’s brand and expand marketing efforts on both sides.

The three key points to master when partnering with another construction company are:

  • Partnering with a construction business that can help you in some way;
  • Making sure that your partner has a big audience;
  • Ensuring that you build relationships only with companies that have similar brands.

Teamwork between two companies in similar niches and with similar goals can be incredibly productive.


We hope that the seven top marketing strategies we have listed above will help you take the marketing of your construction company to the next level. Besides placing your employees first and creating a compelling website, promoting your company on social media can also help.

Partnering up with a construction company with similar brands, goals, and interests will always lead to an expansion of marketing efforts. Finally, including a blog on your website, even if you consider it unnecessary, will always grasp the attention of your clients. Good luck!

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