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This repository contains a basic custom lab environment designed to demonstrate and explore SQL injection vulnerabilities. The lab provides a hands-on learning experience to understand the risks associated with insecure coding practices and the impact of SQL injection attacks on web applications.


Folders and files, repository files navigation, sql injection lab.

SQL Injection

Table of Contents

Introduction, major requirement, project structure, installation, contributing.

SQL injection is a prevalent security vulnerability in web applications. This CLI-based lab mimics actual login functionality, featuring both registration and login processes. Its primary goal is to emphasize the critical importance of using parameterized queries in developer's code. By interacting with this lab, users can gain practical insights into the risks associated with insecure coding practices and the potential impact of SQL injection attacks on web applications.

Make sure you have the latest versions of Python and PostgreSQL installed on your system.

(Optional) It's beneficial to install pgAdmin if it's not already installed, but it's not mandatory. Similar tasks can be performed using the command-line interface (CLI).

The project is organized into two main folders:

secure : This directory contains the secure implementation of the web application, showcasing best practices to prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities.

vulnerable : This directory contains code with known SQL injection vulnerabilities, allowing users to experiment with SQL injection attacks safely.

Each directory contains a config.json file that needs to be configured with PostgreSQL database settings specific to your environment.

To get started, clone this repository to your local machine:

To use the SQL Injection Lab, follow these steps:


(a) cd into the repo and install requirements:

(b) Make sure you have PostgreSQL installed on your local system.


(a) Create a database of your choice using either the command-line interface or a tool like pgAdmin.

(b) Modify the config.json file in the secure and vulnerable folders with your PostgreSQL database settings. You can specify the table name of your choice. Enter the exact name of the database you created.

(c) Once the configurations are set, navigate to either the secure or vulnerable directory based on your needs.

Running the script

Run the script using Python:

For the secure version (under the secure directory):

For the vulnerable version (under the vulnerable directory):

Contributions to this project are welcome! Here's how you can contribute:

Open Issues : If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue.

Submit Pull Requests : If you'd like to contribute code, please feel free to submit a pull request.

Feedback : Have suggestions or ideas on how to improve the lab environment? I'd love to hear from you! Provide your feedback.

Your contributions are valuable and help make this project better for everyone.

MIT License

This project is licensed under the MIT License . You are free to use and distribute it as per the terms of the license.

  • Python 71.5%

Lab 6: Exploits: SQL Injection

Introduction to sql, sql examples, sql injection, input validation and sanitization, additional reading on sql injection, diff and patch: see differences and create source patches, mysql: command line mysql client, frobozzco community credit union, submission instructions.

The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to SQL Injection attacks and give you a first-hand opportunity to see them in source code, exploit them, and patch them. After successfully completing this exercise, you will be able to:

  • Accurately identify and describe SQL Injection attacks
  • Identify SQL Injection vulnerabilities in a preexisting PHP/MySQL application
  • Understand how vulnerabilities can lead to unauthorized access to private data
  • Repair simple examples of these security flaws
  • Author memos describing in detail your findings and code changes

You should be familiar with the Unix command line, POSIX permissions, and basic programming. The exercise will use PHP and SQL, but at introductory levels.

The Structured Query Language

SQL -- or the Structured Query Language -- "is a computer language designed for the retrieval and management of data in relational database management systems, database schema creation and modification, and database object access control management"[ 2 ]. Put simply, it's a database query language. SQL (pronounced "sequel" or S-Q-L) has been around since the 1970s, and was standardized by ANSI in 1986. SQL is ubiquitous -- practically all current relational databases in use today speak some vendor-specific variant of SQL, and most enterprise web applications use a relational database on the back end. Furthermore, scripting languages like Python, Perl, Ruby, and PHP that are often used for web development and all have robust, easy to use SQL modules. In fact, the combination of L inux servers, the A pache http daemon, the M ySQL relational database, and the P HP scripting language are so popular for web development today that it has its own acronym -- LAMP .

Dedicated database servers are valuable because they free programmers from the task of creating customized data storage systems from scratch (which are likely to have bugs and shortcomings). SQL serves as a common language for many database systems, allowing programmers to ignore most details of the specific database system in use (e.g., MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, etc.). Overall, this modularity improves performance and makes maintenance and portability easier.

Additionally, general-purpose database systems like MySQL are a win because the performance critical code is written in a fast language like C or C++, while applications using the database can be created with a slower, user-friendly scripting language. This is especially important when databases contain millions of entries because a database written in a relatively slow scripting language would be prohibitively expensive from a computational and time perspective. SQL servers can run on the same machine that serves the application, or they can be accessed via the network, allowing a web frontend and database backend to operate on separate machines. This flexibility can enable more efficient use of computing resources and can add other other benefits, such as easier backups.

For example, an online retailer might have a database table for all their inventory with the columns product number, name, price , and number in stock . The programmer can craft a database query requesting all products whose name s' second letter is an "x" like so:

sql injection lab assignment

We could also perform a query filtering out the 10 items with the cheapest price :

We could also ask for just the names of items whose price is greater than 100:

SQL results are typically returned to the programming language as a list (array) or similar data structure. The programmer can then work with the list in her favorite language, make further queries, or display the data in some way. In executing queries like this, the SQL database -- not the application -- performs the selection, filtering, and alphabetization. Not having to write new code to do this (and more) saves application developers a tremendous amount of time.

Because small flaws can often be leveraged into much larger exploits, simple programming mistakes and omissions often result in unexpected negative security effects. For example, PHP is every bit as vulnerable to failures of input validation such as filesystem and directory traversal exploits as are Perl and Python because these vulnerabilities are a result of system semantics and the necessity of programs to be capable of performing general purpose tasks like reading files.

Poorly written applications that interface with SQL are no different. A common class of attacks are called SQL injection attacks which -- like directory traversal and buffer overflow vulnerabilities -- are the result of not properly validating input and implicitly granting applications privilege they do not require. In this case, the non-validated input actually contains SQL statements and relies on the application to naively insert the user input into the application's own request.

For example, imagine a fatally flawed web interface for the Social Security Administration where you enter your Social Security number (123006789) and the system displays a summary of your account and personal information. Using MySQL and PHP, the application might include code like this:

If the value for $ssn contained 123006789, the application would construct the following SQL query and execute it:

The result would be your personal data.

Now imagine that instead of entering your Social Security number, you enter % -- the SQL wildcard matching anything. The application foolishly takes your input as valid and blithely plugs it in to the SQL statement:

This would return the personal information of everyone in the table with a Social Security number!

Even worse, if the user entered the following input into the SSN field

'; DROP TABLE personal

... the constructed query would be:

The semicolon ( ; ) character separates individual SQL statements and "DROP TABLE tablename" is how database tables are deleted. Thus -- if not for a restriction in PHP applications -- this could result in the deletion the entire personal table from the database! (XKCD had a funny comic about this very issue .)

As we can see, this is a malicious SQL statement and a dangerously negligent application. Using the LIKE operator is a subtle example of unnecessary privilege . Because everyone has a unique Social Security number, there is no chance that a glob match (enabled by LIKE in SQL) will be required. At the very least, the above code should have used the exact match test = (equals sign) instead of LIKE, which would have returned an error when it was given a wildcard to match. The database also has a permissions problem, because the application accessing the database does not need to be able to use the DROP TABLE command. (Database users have permissions similar to users on a filesystem -- but the permissions still need to be configured properly.)

More fundamentally, this application is fatally flawed due to the total lack of input validation . Since all Social Security numbers are 9 digits, there is no chance that a legitimate user would ever need to enter anything but 9 digits into the SSN field. It is trivial to first check the contents of a variable before using it -- making sure that it contains only numbers or letters, etc. -- this is called input validation . In this way, punctuation, letters, and everything but numbers would cause an error before the SQL statement was even assembled.

However, making sure that the SSN contains just numbers or letters only works if you have purely numerical or alphabetical data. Unfortunately, it's not always possible to use this approach, because many fields require letters, letters and numbers, or even arbitrary characters that have special meaning in SQL like the single quote ( ' ) and semicolon ( ; ) that we used for our DROP TABLES statement. For example, consider a web forum where users' posts are stored in a database. Since posts can contain virtually any input, the database must be able to safely handle arbitrary input. Instead of validating our input, we want a way to sanitize it -- to make it safe.

The classic security approach to this problem is something called "string escaping." If a string contains special characters, we need a way to inform a parser (in this case the SQL server) that the characters should be treated simply as regular characters, not as characters with special meaning in SQL. Traditionally, this is done by putting a backslash (  ) in front of the each special character. For example, in most languages, to include a double quote character ( " ) in a double-quoted string, we can usually use the following syntax:

In essence, the backslash says "don't end the string here -- just treat it as a regular double quote character".

Most languages have functions that will sanitize or "escape" strings being used in MySQL requests. In PHP, the function is mysql_real_escape_string(foo) . It will take the string foo and return an escaped version. For example, if we did the following:

... $ssn_escaped would contain:

Since the special characters are now escaped with the backslash, they'll be treated as regular letters -- not special SQL tokens: Thus, our original query would become:

...and of course, there is no ssn like \'\; DROP TABLE personal . Running this query wouldn't drop the table, it would simply return an error.

Input validation errors happen constantly, not just with SQL. The only response is to write code with the least possible privilege and to perform comprehensive and correct validation (or sanitization) on all input.

For more information, see these articles:

  • SQL on Wikipedia
  • SQL Injection on Wikipedia
  • SQL Injection article by Chris Shiflett
  • OWASP SQL Injection Prevention Cheat Sheet

... for additional information, search online -- numerous resources and SQL tutorials exist.

Software Tools

This section will describe some tools you may need to complete this exercise.

In this exercise, you'll be fixing security vulnerabilities in a few simple programs. However, instead of your whole program, we only want the differences between your new, fixed, program, and the original. A file which contains only the changes between two revisions of a program is called a "patch." Fortunately, creating patch files for single-file source programs is easy.

To see the differences between two files on Unix, you use the diff utility:

Another useful tool is called patch . patch takes properly-formatted diff output, and applies the changes to the original file. diff can generate this output with a few options:

This above options for diff will create a patch with the filenames and all necessary information that the patch program requires. This makes patching as simple as executing:

... and this will create a patched version of the program that you can test.

When submitting a patch file, it is highly recommended that you create the patch and then test it before submitting it to make sure that it works. You will not get any points for code that does not execute or compile in the exercise environment.

If you're having permissions problems, consider switching to root by executing sudo su - or change the permissions of the source directory in question.

When attackers try to create SQL injection attacks, they often know very little about the the database schema. In our case, we have hands-on access to the database, so this should make the job of developing injection attacks easier. This is where the MySQL command-line client comes in.

To use the MySQL command line on the server, run a command like this:

... root is the user and zubaz99 is the password -- and the lack of spaces is important.

This is essentially an SQL "shell" and gives you root access to the entire database. Once you get logged in to the database, you need to select the database to use. Then, you can make selections from the database:

If you scroll up, or limit the query, you'll see that mysql very nicely adds a title to each column -- this is the column name. So you could create a query like this to display all account information for accounts with an id greater than 50:

There are many online SQL tutorials -- including some on SQL Injection, so we won't cover more here.

Assignment Instructions

You are the security administrator for FrobozzCo, a large corporation with a great many secrets. You have just come back from a much-needed four week vacation in West Shanbar, only to find that FrobozzCo has been having some serious security issues! In order to do everything you need, you've prepared a test environment on DETER with the necessary software installed.

  • If you don't have an account, follow the instructions in the introduction to DETER document.
  • Log into DETER.
  • In the "Idle-Swap" field, enter "1". This tells DETER to swap your experiment out if it is idle for more than one hour.
  • In the "Max. Duration" field, enter "6". This tells DETER to swap the experiment out after six hours.
  • Swap in your new lab.
  • After the experiment has finished swapping in, log in to the node via ssh.

Make sure that you save your work as you go. See the instructions in the submission section of this exercise for information about save and restore scripts. Save any changes you make to the sourcecode, your patches, memos, etc. in your home directory.

FrobozzCo has its own internal company credit union, FrobozzCo Community Credit Union (FCCU). FCCU has an Internet-accessible web-based application that allows employees to access their paychecks and pay bills via a money wiring system. There are very few bank employees, and they use a a special administrative interface that runs on a different system that is not network accessible. In true FrobozzCo fashion, the public banking software was written in house by the CTO's nephew (who is a nice kid but not the brightest candle on the cake).

As it turns out, a lot of money has been disappearing from the credit union while you've been gone. It looks like someone has figured out how to force other accounts to wire money... to an anonymous bank account in the Cayman Islands! Worse yet, several employees have had serious identity theft problems of late -- clearly someone has access to personal information and you have a hunch it's all coming from this server. To top it all off, the company itself is showing a deficit of $32,767 and it looks like it was somehow drawn through FCCU.

In a surprising display of foresight, your predecessor installed a network monitor watching the FCCU server. However, you are shocked to find out (from the network monitor and server logs) that nobody has logged into the server directly -- in fact, the only interaction that anyone has had with the server has come through the Internet facing web interface. It looks like insecure software is to blame, again.

You assume that there must be one or more vulnerabilities in the code that interfaces with the SQL database -- in the FCCU software, the directory, or both -- and that somehow a malicious user is able to make the system do something it's not supposed to, like write checks. Worse yet, it seems like the attacker has managed to view private information like social security numbers, birthdates, and so on. You've heard about a class of attacks called "SQL Injection," and it seems likely that this is the kind of exploit being used.

Surprisingly, your boss agrees with you and instructs you to produce a one page memo, a detailed transcript demonstrating the exploit, and a patch for the software. Additionally, he also wants to know how to clean up this mess -- how severe is the compromise? How can we restore the system to a safe state?

  • The sourcecode is located at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/FCCU.php
  • If you have set up ssh tunnelling to port 80 via local port 8118 (a good idea), the memo application can be accessed at http://localhost:8118/cgi-bin/FCCU.php
  • Show how you can log into a single account without knowing any id numbers ahead of time.
  • Show how you can log into every account account (one at a time) without knowing any id numbers ahead of time.
  • Make some account (your choice) wire its total balance to the bank with routing number: 314159265 and account number: 271828182845
  • Explain why you can't create a new account or arbitrarily update account balances (or show that you can).
  • Create an exploit transcript in the file /root/submission/exploit.txt , which should include your SQL injections (in order), short answers and any other information you think I should know.
  • Fix the vulnerability in the FCCU application by adding input validation and either character escaping (sanitization), parameterized queries or prepared statements.
  • Create a patch against the original source.
  • A description of the security flaw in the FCCU application
  • A description of how you fixed the flaw. How does your fix solve the problem?
  • How serious was this breach? Could attackers gain root access through this vulnerability?
  • What should be done with the server in order to secure it?
  • Include any other observations or thoughts you might have.
  • your exploit walkthrough ( exploit.txt )
  • Use the scripts described in the section for creating a submission tarball.

For this exercise, you will submit a tarball containing your patch, memo, and exploit code. Use the script in /root on the server host for creating and restoring those tarballs. and will back up:

  • The FCCU code in /usr/lib/cgi-bin/FCCU.cgi

everything in /root/submission , which should include:

  • exploit.txt will restore those files to their original locations, automatically overwriting whatever is there.

Submit your tarball to your instructor via email before the deadline indicated on the class website.

Burp Scanner

Burp Suite's web vulnerability scanner

Burp Suite's web vulnerability scanner'

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  • Web Security Academy
  • API testing

Lab: Exploiting a mass assignment vulnerability


To solve the lab, find and exploit a mass assignment vulnerability to buy a Lightweight l33t Leather Jacket . You can log in to your own account using the following credentials: wiener:peter .

Required knowledge

To solve this lab, you'll need to know:

  • What mass assignment is.
  • Why mass assignment may result in hidden parameters.
  • How to identify hidden parameters.
  • How to exploit mass assignment vulnerabilities.

These points are covered in our API Testing Academy topic.

Launching labs may take some time, please hold on while we build your environment.

In Burp's browser, log in to the application using the credentials wiener:peter .

Click on the Lightweight "l33t" Leather Jacket product and add it to your basket.

Go to your basket and click Place order . Notice that you don't have enough credit for the purchase.

In Proxy > HTTP history , notice both the GET and POST API requests for /api/checkout .

Notice that the response to the GET request contains the same JSON structure as the POST request. Observe that the JSON structure in the GET response includes a chosen_discount parameter, which is not present in the POST request.

Right-click the POST /api/checkout request and select Send to Repeater .

In Repeater, add the chosen_discount parameter to the request. The JSON should look like the following:

{ "chosen_discount":{ "percentage":0 }, "chosen_products":[ { "product_id":"1", "quantity":1 } ] }

Send the request. Notice that adding the chosen_discount parameter doesn't cause an error.

Change the chosen_discount value to the string "x" , then send the request. Observe that this results in an error message as the parameter value isn't a number. This may indicate that the user input is being processed.

Change the chosen_discount percentage to 100 , then send the request to solve the lab.

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Test APIs for vulnerabilities using Burp Suite

  • SQL Cheat Sheet
  • SQL Interview Questions
  • MySQL Interview Questions
  • PL/SQL Interview Questions
  • Learn SQL and Database
  • SQL Tutorial
  • What is Database?
  • Types of Databases
  • Introduction of DBMS (Database Management System) - Set 1
  • Non-Relational Databases and Their Types
  • What is SQL?
  • SQL Data Types

SQL Operators

  • SQL Commands | DDL, DQL, DML, DCL and TCL Commands

Create Database in SQL

  • SQL Drop Database
  • SQL Query to Rename Database
  • SQL Select database

Tables in SQL

  • SQL Drop Table Statement
  • SQL DELETE Statement
  • SQL Query to Copy, Duplicate or Backup Table
  • What is Temporary Table in SQL?

SQL Queries

  • SQL SELECT Query
  • SQL Query to Insert Multiple Rows
  • SQL INSERT INTO Statement
  • SQL UPDATE Statement
  • SQL Query to Delete Duplicate Rows

SQL Clauses

  • SQL | WHERE Clause
  • SQL | WITH clause
  • SQL HAVING Clause with Examples
  • SQL | LIMIT Clause
  • AND and OR operators in SQL
  • SQL LIKE Operator
  • SQL IN Operator
  • SQL NOT Operator
  • SQL NOT EQUAL Operator
  • SQL IS NULL Operator
  • SQL UNION Operator
  • SQL UNION ALL Operator
  • SQL | Except Clause
  • SQL Between Operator
  • SQL | ALL and ANY
  • SQL | INTERSECT Clause
  • SQL CASE Statement

SQL Aggregate Functions

  • SQL Aggregate functions
  • SQL COUNT(), AVG() and SUM()
  • SQL MIN() and MAX()

SQL Data Constraints

  • SQL NOT NULL Constraint
  • SQL | UNIQUE Constraint
  • Primary key constraint in SQL
  • Foreign Key Constraint in SQL
  • Composite Key in SQL
  • SQL | CHECK Constraint
  • SQL | DEFAULT Constraint

SQL Joining Data

  • SQL Joins (Inner, Left, Right and Full Join)
  • SQL Outer Join
  • SQL Left Join
  • SQL Right Join
  • SQL Self Join
  • SQL | UPDATE with JOIN
  • Recursive Join in SQL

SQL Functions

  • SQL Date and Time Functions
  • SQL | String functions
  • SQL | Numeric Functions
  • SQL - Statistical Functions
  • Working With JSON in SQL
  • Conversion Function in SQL
  • SQL LTRIM() Function
  • SQL UPPER() Function
  • SQL RTRIM() Function
  • SQL Indexes
  • SQL CREATE INDEX Statement
  • SQL DROP INDEX Statement
  • Difference Between Clustered and Non-Clustered Index

SQL Miscellaneous Topics

  • SQL | Wildcard operators
  • SQL | Comments
  • Pivot and Unpivot in SQL

SQL Injection

  • SQL Performance Tuning
  • Stored procedures in SQL
  • SQL | Subquery
  • SQL Auto Increment
  • Window functions in SQL
  • How to Get Current Date and Time in SQL?
  • What is Cursor in SQL ?
  • Dynamic SQL

SQL injection is a technique used to extract user data by injecting web page inputs as statements through SQL commands. Basically, malicious users can use these instructions to manipulate the application’s web server.

  • SQL injection is a code injection technique that can compromise your database.
  • SQL injection is one of the most common web hacking techniques.
  • SQL injection is the injection of malicious code into SQL statements via web page input.

Sql injection

The Exploitation of SQL Injection in Web Applications 

Web servers communicate with database servers anytime they need to retrieve or store user data. SQL statements by the attacker are designed so that they can be executed while the web server is fetching content from the application server. It compromises the security of a web application. 

Example of SQL Injection

Suppose we have an application based on student records. Any student can view only his or her own records by entering a unique and private student ID. 

Suppose we have a field like the one below: 

Student id: The student enters the following in the input field: 12222345 or 1=1 . 

Now, this 1=1 will return all records for which this holds true. So basically, all the student data is compromised. Now the malicious user can also delete the student records in a similar fashion. Consider the following SQL query.

Now the malicious can use the ‘=’ operator in a clever manner to retrieve private and secure user information. So instead of the above-mentioned query the following query when executed retrieves protected data, not intended to be shown to users.

Since 1=1 always holds true, user data is compromised. 

Impact of SQL Injection

The hacker can retrieve all the user data present in the database such as user details, credit card information, and social security numbers, and can also gain access to protected areas like the administrator portal. It is also possible to delete user data from the tables. 

Nowadays, all online shopping applications and bank transactions use back-end database servers. So in case the hacker is able to exploit SQL injection, the entire server is compromised. 

Preventing SQL Injection

  • User Authentication: Validating input from the user by pre-defining length, type of input, of the input field and authenticating the user.
  • Restricting access privileges of users and defining how much amount of data any outsider can access from the database. Basically, users should not be granted permission to access everything in the database.
  • Do not use system administrator accounts. 

For more details, you can refer to How to Protect Against SQL Injection Attacks? article. 

SQL in Web Pages

SQL injection typically occurs when you ask a user for input, such as their username/user ID, instead of their name/ID, and the user gives you an SQL statement that you execute without the knowledge about your database.

SQL Injection Based on Batched SQL Statements 

  • Most databases guide batch SQL  statements.
  • A batch of SQL statements is a collection of two or more square statements separated by using semicolons.

The SQL  declaration underneath will return all rows from the “users” desk after which delete the “Employees ” table.


Look at the following example:

The valid SQL statement would look like this:

Usefull Links

Sql injection – faqs, 1. what is sql injection.

SQL injection is a technique used to extract user data by injecting web page inputs as statements through SQL commands. It allows malicious users to manipulate a web application’s web server by injecting malicious code into SQL statements via web page inputs.

2. How common is SQL injection as a hacking technique?

SQL injection is one of the most common web hacking techniques, posing a significant threat to web applications and databases.

3. How does SQL injection exploit web applications?

Web servers communicate with database servers to retrieve or store user data. Attackers craft SQL statements that can execute while the web server fetches content from the application server, compromising the security of the web application.

4. Can you provide an example of SQL injection?

Certainly. Let’s say there’s an application for student records. An attacker enters “12222345 or 1=1” into a student ID field, which modifies the SQL query to retrieve all student records. This compromises all student data. Similar manipulations can delete records or gain unauthorized access to data.

5. What are the impacts of SQL injection?

The impact can be severe. Attackers can retrieve user data such as details, credit card information, and social security numbers, as well as access protected areas like administrator portals. It’s also possible to delete user data. If successful, the entire server can be compromised.

6. How can SQL injection be prevented?

To prevent SQL injection, you should: Use user authentication to validate input and define input field characteristics. Restrict user access privileges to limit database access. Avoid using system administrator accounts. For more details, refer to the “How to Protect Against SQL Injection Attacks?” article.

7. When does SQL injection typically occur in web applications?

SQL injection typically occurs when a user provides input like a username or user ID, and the application executes it as an SQL statement without proper validation or knowledge of the database structure.

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    Learn how SQL injection attacks work and how to prevent them with interactive lessons and exercises.

  10. Lab: SQL injection vulnerability allowing login bypass

    vulnerability allowing login bypass. APPRENTICE. This lab contains a SQL injection vulnerability in the login function. To solve the lab, perform a SQL injection attack that logs in to the application as the administrator user. ACCESS THE LAB.

  11. SQL Injection

    In this video, we cover Lab #4 in the SQL injection track of the Web Security Academy. This lab contains an SQL injection vulnerability in the product catego...

  12. PDF Assignment-8 SQL Injection

    Assignment-8 SQL Injection ... In this lab, you will understand how to test a web application for SQL injection. You will learn how to execute error-based and UNION-based SQL injection using urp Suite. ... Select on the "SQL Injection" tab. 5. In the "User ID" box, type the query using "union" to combine multiple select statements, ...

  13. SQL Injection

    SQL Injection. SQL Injection | Complete Guide (65:41) Lab #1 SQL injection vulnerability in WHERE clause allowing retrieval of hidden data (29:06) Lab #2 SQL injection vulnerability allowing login bypass (33:17) Lab #3 SQLi UNION attack determining the number of columns returned by the query (33:59) Lab #4 SQL injection UNION attack, finding a ...

  14. CSS 1011 SQL Injection Lab

    Homework assignment jesse armstrong professor denise dragos css 1011 13 february 2017 sql injection lab the (have to admit, was pretty cool) sql injection demo Skip to document University

  15. Lab12 SEED 2.0 SQL Injection Attack Lab Part II

    Covers Task 3&4. There is unclarity in expaining the SQL update statement injection attack.Pay attention to the line numbers of the SQL statements of unsafe_...

  16. SQL Injection-Introduction

    SQL injection is an attack technique that exploits a security vulnerability occurring in the database layer of an application . Hackers use injections to obtain unauthorized access to the underlying data, structure, and DBMS. It is one of the most common web application vulnerabilities.

  17. SQL Injection Lab

    SQL Injection Lab - Login Bypass (4:29) NoSQL Injection Lab (14:14) Challenge Solution (5:00) Mid-course Capstone ... Code Walkthrough (7:38) Mass Assignment Lab (8:18) Challenge Solution (6:22) Excessive Data Exposure Introduction to Excessive Data Exposure (1:41) Excessive Data Exposure Lab (3:22) Challenge Solution (1:49) SSRF - Server-side ...

  18. Lab9-SQL Injection (pdf)

    Computer-science document from Durham College, 6 pages, INFT1201 Hacking and Exploits Lab 9: Web SQL Injection Instructions − This assignment should be completed individually. − This assignment is designed for the purpose of education and training, but not for any illegal activities including hacking. Beware t

  19. Lab: Exploiting a mass assignment vulnerability

    To solve the lab, find and exploit a mass assignment vulnerability to buy a Lightweight l33t Leather Jacket. ... Web LLM attacks API testing NoSQL injection Race conditions GraphQL API vulnerabilities View all ... Cross-site scripting (XSS) SQL injection Cross-site request forgery XML external entity injection Directory traversal Server-side ...

  20. SQL Injections- CS module

    Summary: SQL injection is an attack technique that exploits a security vulnerability occurring in the database layer of an application . Hackers use injections to obtain unauthorized access to the underlying data, structure, and DBMS. It is one of the most common web application vulnerabilities.

  21. PDF SQL Injection Attack Lab

    not carefully constructed, SQL injection vulnerabilities can occur. SQL injection is one of the most common attacks on web applications. In this lab, we have created a web application that is vulnerable to the SQL injection attack. Our web application includes the common mistakes made by many web developers. Students' goal is to find ways to

  22. SQL Injection

    SQL injection is a technique used to extract user data by injecting web page inputs as statements through SQL commands. Basically, malicious users can use these instructions to manipulate the application's web server. SQL injection is a code injection technique that can compromise your database. SQL injection is one of the most common web ...