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AF 36-2013  

Fitness Standards including the Dec 2010 modifications X






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Important AFI's For Every Airman To Know

I’ve decided to waste my time (jk) by listing out direct references to important AFI’s that I believe any airman should be familiar with.

EDIT: I've put in numerous additions from others' comments, and thanks to a few who dropped a lot of great info. If there are more that should be added feel free to let me know! Additionally, these are the baseline AFI's. Some are hundreds of pages. This is just to help save time locating your resources.

Another important piece of knowledge: You know how some sections of AFIs have (T-1), (T-2), etc? That's a waiver tier, and denotes who's allowed to make an exception to that rule. But what do they mean?


T-2 = MAJCOM/CC but can be delegated to first GO in CoC

T-3 = Wing/CC but can be delegated to Squadron/CC

Assignments - AFI 36-2110

PT Regs - AFI 36-2905 - NOW DAFMAN 36-2905

Dress and Appearance - AFI 36-2903 (I think the update has been sitting in finances ticket system)

(Did you know there is mention of when Alcohol in uniform is okay?)

Leave - AFI 36-3003

(Huge thing to take away is that leave ending on a weekend is not chargeable. Don’t waste your days taking those days off unless you are outside of your local area)Additionally mentions a half day of leave is authorized and is non-chargeable if put in LeaveWeb on the day before your leave begins.

EPR’s and OPR’s - AFI 36-2406

Retraining - AFI 36-2626

Tongue and Quill - AFI 33-337

The Tongue and Quill is an Air Force Handbook (AFH), not an AFI. Key difference being AFIs are legally binding orders; AFHs are (on their own) guidelines .

...though don't think this is an excuse to tell your boss "It's not a rule!" Because AFMAN 33-326, Preparing Official Communications , which is binding, says "Use AFH 33-337 for formatting rules on Official Memoranda." - Thanks u/xthorgoldx

For shits and giggles - AFI 91-101 - don’t poke nukes

The Enlisted Force Structure - AFI 36-2618

Air Force Standards - AFI 1-1 (Chapter 2 governs social media)

Employee Training and Development - AFI 36-401

Air Force Training Program - AFI 36-2670 - NOW AFM 36-2100

Air Force Professional Relationships and Conduct (Fraternization, Disrespect to NCO’s, Lawful Orders, etc) - AFI 36-2909

Insubordination - AFI 36-704

Promotions - AFI 36-2502

Health Care - AFI 44-176

Center of Air Force Operations - AFI 11-202

AFM 41-210, para 4.14.6.

Unit Commanders and supervisors have the authority to grant up to 24 hours sick status at their discretion if a member‘s illness/injury does not require MTF intervention.

You can send your subordinates home for sickness without going to Sick Call.

Safety - AFI 91-203

Traffic Safety - AFI 91-207

Aircraft and Equipment Maintenance Management - AFI 21-101

Not an AFI but AFMAN 24-306 - Operating Gov Vehicles

Criminal Investigations Program - AFI 71-101

Joint Travel Instructions - AFI 65-103

Comptroller regulation listed on JTR . It listed specific instructions pertaining to BAH and PCS - DoD 7000.14

Adverse Administrative Actions - AFI 36-2907 - For receiving LOR/A/C and have questions if it meets the standards

Manpower and Organization - AFI 38-101 Manpower (Man-hour Availability Factor, Standard Organizational Structures, Office Symbols, Procedures For Naming and Numbering Units, etc)

ADAPT - AFI 44-121 - Especially Para 3.8. Self-identification referrals

" Commanders will grant limited protection for members who reveal this information with the intention of obtaining treatment"

Protocol - AFI34-1201 - a good one to know. It lists customs and courtesies for the ceremony so its good to brush up on this if you intend to attend a civilian ceremony in uniform.

Air Force Survey Program - AFI 38-501

Additional Resources from u/Rob_035 , Thank you!

Useful Links and Recommendations

• Air Force Resilience ( https://www.resilience.af.mil/ )

• e-Publishing ( https://www.e-publishing.af.mil/ )

• Publication Series (how AFI’s are organized)

• DAFI 33-360 (see attachment 3/table 4.1, the difference between AFI/AFMAN/AFPD etc)

• myPers ( https://mypers.af.mil/app/home )

o Almost all AFIs have a PSD guide…use them!


01 Series – Air Force Culture

o AFI1-1, AF Standards (12 Nov 14)

o AFI1-2, Commander’s Responsibilities (8 May 14)

o AFPD1, AF Culture (16 Oct 19)

21 Series – Maintenance

o AFI21-101, Aircraft & Equipment MX Management (15 Sep 20)

24 Series - Transportation

o AFI24-301, Ground Transportation (22 Oct 19)

31 Series - Security

o AFI31-117, Arming & Use of Force by AF Prsnl. (restricted access)

o AFI31-208, Correctional Custody Pgm. (22 Sep 15)

o AFVA31-231, Advisement of Rights (1 Jul 19)

34 Series - Services

o AFI34-223, Private Orgs (13 Dec 20)

36 Series - Personnel

o AFH36-2618, The Enl’d Force Structure (5 Jul 18)

o AFH36-2643, AF Mentoring Pgm (17 May 19)

o AFI36-2110, Total Force Assignments (28 Jul 20)

o AFI36-2113, The First Sergeant (11 Jun 20)

o AFI36-2406, EPRs and OPRs (20 May 20)

o AFI36-2501, Ofcr Promo & Selective Continuation (4 May 20)

o AFI36-2502, Enl’d Amn Promos/Demotion Pgms (25 Oct 19)

o AFI36-2603, AF Board for Corr. of Mil. Records (AFBCMR) (18 Sep 17)

o AFI36-2606, Reenlist. and Ext. of Enlistment in the USAF (20 Sep 19)

o AFI36-2626, Amn Retraining Pgm (20 Nov 18)

o AFI36-2670, Total Force Development (14 Jul 20)

o AFI36-2710, EO Pgm (9 Sep 20)

o AFI36-2903, Dress & Prsnl Appearance (2 Jul 20)

o AFI36-2905, Fitness Pgm (27 Aug 15)

o AFI36-2906, Prsnl Financial Resp. (30 Jul 18)

o AFI36-2907, Adverse Admin Actions (22 May 20)

o AFI36-2908, Family Care Plans (24 Jan 19)

o AFI36-2909, AF Prof. Relationships & Conduct (14 Nov 19)

o AFI36-2910, Line of Duty (Misconduct) Determination (8 Oct 15)

o AFI36-3002, Casualty Services (20 Jun 17)

o AFI36-3003, Mil. Leave Pgm.(24 Aug 20)

o AFI36-3006, Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) (30 Nov 18)

o AFI36-3009, Amn & Family Readiness Ctr. (A&FRC) (29 May 20)

o AFI36-3012, Mil. Entitlements (23 Aug 19)

o AFI36-3035, Phy. Disability Brd. of Rvw. (28 Dec 18)

o AFI36-3101, Fundraising (9 Oct 18)

o AFI36-3111, AF Aid Society (AFAS) (15 Oct 14)

o AFI36-3202, Cert. of Release or Discharge from AD (DD 214/5) (24 Jun 20)

o AFI36-3203, Service Retirements (30 Aug 17)

o AFI36-3205, Applying for the Palace Chase & Front Pgms. (12 Nov 09)

o AFI36-3206, Admin Disch Proc’s for Comm Ofcrs (18 Jun 20)

o AFI36-3207, Separating Comm. Ofcrs. (1 Jul 20)

o AFI36-3208, Admin Sep of Amn (1 Jul 20)

o AFI36-3212, Phy. Eval. for Retention, Retirement, & Sep. (15 Jul 19)

o AFI36-3802, Force Spt. Readiness Pgms. (9 Jan 19)

o AFI36-7001, Diversity & Inclusion

o AFI36-704, Discipline & Adverse Actions of Civ. Employees (3 Jul 18)

o AFMAN36-2100, Military Utilization and Classification (7 Apr 21)

o AFMAN36-2203, Drill & Ceremonies (19 Jun 18)

o AFMAN36-2604, Svc. Dates & Dates of Rnk. (28 Dec 18)

o AFMAN36-2806, Awds. & Memorialization Pgm. (10 Jun 19)

o AFPM2019-36-02, Mil. Svc. by Transgender Prsns. & Prsns. w/Gender Dysph. (12 Aug 20)

38 Series – Manpower & Organization

o AFI38-101, Manpower & Organization (29 Aug 19)

o AFI38-401, Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) (23 Aug 19)

o AFI38-402, Amn. Powered by Innovation & Suggestions Pgm. (7 Feb 20)

41 Series – Health Services

o AFI41-200, Health Ins. Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA) (10 Apr 20)

o AFMAN41-210, Tricare Ops. & Patient Admin. (10 Sep 10)

44 Series - Medical

o AFI44-121, Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prev. & Treatment (ADAPT) Pgm. (19 Dec 19)

o AFI44-153, Disaster Mental Health Response & Combat & Op. Stress Control (13 Apr 20)

o AFI44-170, Preventative Health Assess. (PHA) (19 Jan 16)

o AFI44-172, Mental Health (23 Apr 20)

o AFI44-176, Access to Care Continuum (22 Apr 20)

o AFI44-178, HIV Pgm. (28 Jun 16)

o AFMAN44-197, Mil. Drug Demand Reduction Pgm. (DDRP) (7 Jul 20)

o AFMAN44-198, AF Civ. DDRP (24 Jan 19)

48 Series – Aerospace Medicine

o AFI48-104, Tobacco Free Living (11 Jul 19)

o AFI48-133, Duty Limiting Conds. (DLC) (7 Aug 20)

51 Series - Law

o AFI51-105, Legal Information Services (18 Sep 18)

o AFI51-1201, Negotiation & Dispute Resolution Pgm. (2 Oct 18)

o AFI51-201, Admin. Of Mil. Justice (8 Apr 20)

o AFI51-202, Nonjudicial Punishment (14 May 20)

o AFI51-304, Legal Assistance, Notary, Prev. Law, & Tax Pgms. (22 Aug 18)

o AFI51-306, Admin. Claims for & Against the AF (17 Jul 20)

o AFI51-508, Political Activities, Free Speech & Freedom of Asmbly. of AF Prsnl (12 Oct 18)

o AFMAN51-507, Enl’d Discharge Brds. & Brds. of Ofcrs. (15 Jul 20)

65 Series – Financial Management

o AFI65-103, Temp. Duty/Special Orders (15 Aug 19)

o AFI65-106, Appropriated Fund Spt. of MWR & Other NAF Instrumentalities (15 Jan 19)

o AFI65-601V1, Budget Guidance & Proc’s. (24 Oct 18)

o AFI65-601V2, Budget Mngmt. f/Ops. (14 Jul 17)

71 Series – Special Investigations

o AFI71-101V1, Criminal Invest. Pgm. (1 Jul 19)

84 Series - History

o AFI84-103. USAF Heritage Pgm. (16 Jun 20)

o AFI84-105, Org’l Lineage, Honors & Heraldry (19 Jul 19)

90 Series – Special Management

o AFI90-301, IG Complaints Resolution (30 Jul 20)

o AFI90-5001, Integrated Resilience (25 Jan 19)

o AFI90-6001, SAPR Pgm. (15 Jul 20)

o AFI90-802, Risk Mngmt. (RM) (1 Apr 19)

o AFPAM90-803, RM Guidelines & Tools (3 Mar 17)

91 Series - Safety

o AFI91-202, The USAF Mishap Prevention Pgm. (12 Mar 20)

o AFI91-204, Safety Invests. & Reports (7 Jul 20)

o AFI91-207, The USAF Traffic Safety Pgm. (26 Jul 19)

o AFMAN91-203, AF Occupational Safety, Fire, and Health Stds (8 Sep 20)

o AF55, Employee Safety and Health Record (20130710)

o AF77, Ltr. of Evaluation (20090212)

o AF133, Oath of Office (Mil Prsnl) (20130903)

o AF174, Record of Individual Counseling (20190520)

o AF348, Line of Duty (LOD) Determination (20150914)

o AF348R, LOD f/Restricted Report of Sexual Assault (20151020)

o AF357, Family Care Certification (20150316)

o AF366, Record of Proceedings of Vacation of Suspended NJP (20190329)

o AF418, Selective Reenlist. Pgm. Consideration (20170801)

o AF422, Notification of AF Mbr’s Qual. Status (restricted access)

o AF469, Duty Limiting Condition (DLC) Report (stocked and issued)

o AF910, EPR (AB thru TSgt) (20151130)

o AF911, EPR (MSgt thru SMSgt) (20150731)

o AF912, EPR (CMSgt) (20150529)

o AF931, ACA (AB thru TSgt) (20170728)

o AF932, ACA (MSgt thru CMSgt) (20170914)

o AF978, Spvsr. Mishap Report (20140409)

o AF988, Leave Request/Auth. (20101110)

o AF1058, UIF Action (20121031)

o AF1137, UIF File Summary (20120410)

o AF1168, Statement of Suspect/Witness/Complainant (19980401)

o AF1185, CC’s Impact Statement for MEB (20180206)

o DD2873, Military Protective Order

o SF76, Registration & Absentee Ballot Request (physical product)

o SF186, Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot for Gen. Elections (physical product)

Please list any others that you think are important and I will edit them onto this post!

Have a great Air Force day!

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  3. PDF By Order of The Department of The Air Force Secretary of The Air ... Approve assignment incentive pay policies and procedures that are designed to retain currently assigned personnel and quickly fill personnel shortfalls in designated difficult-to-fill assignments or locations. When implementing or extending any assignment incentive pay, approve

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    The applicable System of Records Notice(s) F036 AF PC C, Military Personnel Records System is available at: https: ... Total Force Assignments; AFI 36-2131, Administration of Sanctuary in the Air Reserve Components; AFI 36-2616, Technical Training Requirements Programs (Officer and Enlisted); AFI 36-2626, Airman Retraining Program; AFI

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    Attachment 3— IC 99-1 TO AFI 36-2101, CLASSIFYING MILITARY PERSONNEL (OFFICER AND AIRMEN) 72 Attachment 4— IC 2001-1 TO AFI 36-2101, CLASSIFYING MILITARY PERSONNEL (OFFICER AND ENLISTED) 98 ... ciency and equity in assignment and promotion opportunities. Do not proliferate small population specialties that adversely limit the ...

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    af 36-2013: officer training school (ots) and enlisted commissioning programs (ecp) ots ecp : afi 36-2101: classifying military personnel (officer and enlisted) replaced afman36-2108 : x: afi 36-2110: assignments: assignments pcs: x: afi 36-2113: the first sergeant : x: afi 36-2201. updated 2010: air force training program. replaces 6 previous ...

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    incorporates guidance from AFI 36-2110, Total Force Assignments, Chapters 12 and 13 and establishes guidance for the Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Continuation Decision (ACD) program. ... personnel policy and strategic guidance to support the IR, PIM, and FTS programs. 8 DAFMAN36-2114 24 MAY 2021

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  20. Fail:Coat of Arms of Elektrostal (Moscow oblast).svg

    Esileht; Üldine arutelu; Viimased muudatused; Juhuslik lehekülg; Juhend; Annetused; Kontakt

  21. UUDO

    Heliport information about UUDO - Orlovo, MOS, RU. Information on this site may not be accurate or current and is not valid for flight planning or navigation.

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